What does equifax facta beacon


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2017.02.04 19:04 stopthemadness2015 Thoughts and links about Milo Yiannopoulos

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2022.07.03 09:26 kthnry Why aren't my credit scores better?

I'm 60, single, and have decades of good credit. My current debt is:
I'm going to buy a house in a few months, so I started the application process with a mortgage company. I was surprised to see how low my credit scores are.
What the heck???? Shouldn't my credit be better than this? I pulled my free credit reports and there's nothing derogatory on either of them. Does my credit card balance have that much of an effect? Why do so many people on this sub with disastrous credit histories have better scores than me? How much is this going to affect my mortgage interest rate? Gaaahhhh!!!!
Two things I wonder about. I see no trace of either of these on my credit reports, but are they invisibly lurking in the background and dragging down my scores?
submitted by kthnry to CRedit [link] [comments]

2020.07.24 08:00 GravityFallsCanada3 Which type of credit score and report should a regular person care about?

Alright, let me give some context to how this question came to be. I think you'll sympathize with my confusion in a sec.
After watching this CBC News video they and the comment section are saying that the credit system is a fraud. Regardless of this, we need an appropriate score to live in Canada, thus why I am looking for a company that gives a free credit score and report. Sounds simple until you realize that there are more institution than Equifax and TransUnion. According to this old post I found, I should be checking both anyway. As a result, I checked my score with Scotia Bank's mobile app, but there is no credit report, just a score?
With all that said, here are my questions:
  1. Is it possible to get a free credit score and report from Equifax and TransUnion? They seem to be the most accurate score institution seeing that a regular person can't see their Beacon score.
  2. Aside from Equifax, TransUnion, Borrowell, and Credit Karma, what are the other companies that give a credit score and report or should I just care about Equifax and TransUnion?
  3. Seeing that the CBC News video said, at 16:12, that TransUnion and Borrowell are only after our data. Are their score of any value?
  4. Does Scotia Bank provide credit reports?

Now you see my confusion lol, thanks in advance.
submitted by GravityFallsCanada3 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2018.12.16 22:53 VanillaSnake21 Finding out which lenders use which scoring model (Vantage vs FICO vs other)

I'm just starting to get into the details of score calculation after I've found a huge discrepancy in my scores.
I've been using Credit Karma app for about a year trying to get my scores up, and thought I've done that incredibly well. The score on CK went from 586 a year ago to 696 as of now.
So I was extremely happy, now having 3 open credit cards with a total credit limit of 2k, and was really excited to apply for a car loan in a year or two.
Today I decided to get my free annual credit reports to see if everything is on order and while doing that I decided to take Equifax trial offer worth about $5 to get their detailed scores.
I was shocked to see that my actual score reported by Equifax is 530.
I understand that CK uses Vantage 3.0 scoring model to calculate the score, however I've read that Equifax uses their own Beacon 5.0 model for scoring, however nowhere on the site did I see that being mentioned.
So with all that in mind, here are some question I have:
1) If a lender requests a report from let's say Equifax, do they just receive the credit report and then plug it into whatever score algorithm they use internally to get my score or do they get the score directly from Equifax and if so, does Equifax use their Beacon score to show to lenders or do they use FICO or Vantage?
2) What are my rights when it comes to finding out from the lender what scoring system they use. After they made a hard pull on me, how much are they legally required to disclose? Am I allowed to to ask for my credit report from the lender after they had the hard pull? Can I ask what score they came up for me, what system they used?
submitted by VanillaSnake21 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2017.10.03 22:33 Older_and_Wiser_Now More! Berning Links Related to Rich Man, Poor Man

Are you finding it difficult to keep up with important news related to various topics of interest for supporters of Bernie Sanders? Hopefully these pages can help ...
Members of WayOfTheBern and Kossacks_for_Sanders work together to create environments in which it is easy to find and share the kind of progressive news stories that we all care about. Below is a list that consists of only the most popular stories, according to the number of votes, on the topic of

Rich Man, Poor Man

Use this table to find master lists on other important subjects:
Topic WotB KFS
Draft Bernie Sanders Movement link link
Elections, Future link link
Elections, 2016 link link
Hillary Clinton's recent book: What Happened link link
Medicare for All link link
* Candidates who support Medicare-for-All running against incumbents who do not. Please donate if you can! link  
Rich Man, Poor Man link link
War and Peace link link
Newest Berning Links Related to Rich Man, Poor Man
Date Votes Title WotB KFS
Oct-2-2017 118 Gina Rinehart, richest woman on earth: Western Labor costs are too high. Thanks to global capital movements and free trade, I can invest anywhere. Australians need to compete with African miners. Globalization is amazing. Learn to work for African wages if you want a job • lostgeneration (reddit.com) 26 comments
Oct-1-2017 126 Noam Chomsky on Twitter: #Money is a new form of slavery and is only distinguishable from the old slavery simply by the fact that it is... (twitter.com) 8 comments
Oct-1-2017 90 Hillary Clinton’s Freudian Slip on Money in Politics is VERY Telling [The Humanist Report, Mike Figueredo, Oct 1, 2017] (youtube.com) 31 comments comment
Oct-1-2017 65 Wealth Inequality Is Higher Than Ever: New data confirms what we already knew: the haves have a ton. And the have-nots have next to nothing. (jacobinmag.com) 3 comments
Sep-30-2017 92 As of Monday, the average American taxpayer will have paid nearly $7,500 to fund the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria since the 9/11 attacks, according to previously unreported Pentagon budget data sent to Congress this summer. (defenseone.com) 8 comments
Sep-30-2017 71 Trump's Tax Plan Is An Act Of Political Domination By The Rich (huffingtonpost.com) 7 comments 5 comments
Sep-29-2017 226 Podesta emails showed Facebook colluded with Clinton, Assange reminds (rt.com) 239 comments 1 comment
Sep-29-2017 108 @Independent: Jeremy Corbyn vows to rip up Margaret Thatcher's entire economic legacy; We need to be doing the same thing from Reagan onward. (twitter.com) 21 comments
Sep-29-2017 107 Bernie Sanders on Twitter: Who benefits from Trump's plan to repeal the estate tax? Only the top 0.2% — Trump, his cabinet, and other millionaires and billionaires. (twitter.com) 1 comment
Sep-29-2017 101 A Reminder: Podesta emails showed Facebook colluded with Clinton (rt.com) 15 comments
Sep-29-2017 87 Trump Budget Gets Two-Thirds of Its Cuts From Programs for Low- and Moderate-Income People (cbpp.org) 24 comments
Sep-29-2017 63 Nestle pays $200 a year to bottle water near Flint,€“ where water is undrinkable" (theguardian.com) 3 comments
Sep-29-2017 61 Trump is selling out hurricane relief and infrastucture for tax cuts to the rich (self.WayOfTheBern) 4 comments
Sep-28-2017 264 Reddit just introduced user tracking (again), here's how to disable it. It's not the one in your preferences, they hid it in a new spot, seriously. (self.WayOfTheBern) 44 comments comment
Sep-28-2017 122 'What a Rigged Economy Looks Like': Top 10% Now Own 77% of American Wealth: As Trump and the GOP push massive tax cuts for the rich, new data shows that the wealthy are doing better than ever (commondreams.org) 8 comments
Sep-28-2017 91 Bernie Sanders on Twitter: You don’t fix a rigged economy by giving huge tax breaks to the billionaires and corporations that rigged it. (twitter.com) 4 comments
Sep-28-2017 75 Nomiki Konst on Twitter: "This is dangerous for democracy. Stacking primaries & moving up state w/expensive media market aids the richest only (twitter.com) 48 comments
Sep-28-2017 62 Consumer watchdog: 43% of adults are struggling to make ends meet (businessinsider.com) 17 comments
Sep-28-2017 62 Puerto Rican Debt Holders Respond to Catastrophic Hurricane by Offering Puerto Rico More Debt (theintercept.com) 21 comments
Sep-27-2017 130 Equifax CEO walks away with $18 million after data breach affecting half the US occurs on his watch (cnbc.com) 27 comments
Sep-27-2017 120 Bernie Sanders on Twitter: It is particularly obscene for Trump to repeal the estate tax which would provide a $269 billion tax break to the top 0.2%. (twitter.com) comment
Sep-27-2017 66 Dr. Jill Stein on Twitter: Once the ruling elite have lost all credibility, all they can do is censor their critics and smear them as traitors. [Links Article -> 'The Silencing of Dissent'] (twitter.com) 20 comments
Sep-26-2017 70 I'm tired of seeing so many homeless people. (self.WayOfTheBern) 29 comments
Sep-26-2017 64 Social Media: When Does “Actively Working With the Government” Become Censorship? When Mark Zuckerberg starts using the phrase “actively working with the government” as if that’s a good thing, we’re well into the danger zone. (counterpunch.org) 1 comment
Sep-25-2017 75 On Heels of Progressive Wave, Rhode Island Expands Sick Leave to 100,000 Workers (theintercept.com) comment
Sep-25-2017 71 Google intensifies censorship of left-wing websites (wsws.org) 17 comments
Sep-24-2017 69 Harvard Hopes Trump Will Help It Undermine Unions (with a lawyerly sneaky "rules change") (truth-out.org) 6 comments 1 comment
Sep-22-2017 81 Before its massive data breach, Equifax fought to kill a rule allowing victims to sue (latimes.com) comment
Sep-19-2017 60 Obama’s Just the Enemy And Always Was (ianwelsh.net) 27 comments
Sep-17-2017 66 Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors (observer.com) 6 comments
Sep-16-2017 186 City College Celebrates Free Tuition With Guest Sen. Bernie Sanders (hoodline.com) 21 comments 3 comments
Sep-6-2017 69 MSNBC promotes its echo chamber -- Cuts off reporter who says Big Oil is responsible for climate change (youtube.com) comment
Sep-4-2017 64 This Labor Day the Struggle Continues - By Bernie Sanders (commondreams.org) 6 comments
Sep-4-2017 63 Bernie Sanders: Labor Day Is a Reminder That We Can Win Fights That Seem Impossible; We must continue the fight for a government and an economy that works for all, not just the wealthy and powerful. (alternet.org) comment
Sep-3-2017 74 Canada Demands US End “Right to Work” Laws in NAFTA Talks (lawofwork.ca) 12 comments
Sep-3-2017 61 Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks (beta.theglobeandmail.com) 7 comments
Sep-2-2017 69 U.S. Employers Struggle To Match Workers With Open Jobs; Hint: They aren't - it's just that they aren't paying enough wages. (npr.org) 11 comments
Sep-2-2017 65 Remembering The Pullman Strike: The Origin of Labor Day: the Pullman Strike ushered in an era of widespread unionization, heightened awareness of class and wealth inequality and, subsequently, progressive ideals like a minimum wage and overtime pay. (whowhatwhy.org) 4 comments
Sep-2-2017 65 Where the working class cannot afford to live in America; States and localities enabled this rise and have done nothing about it. (i.redd.it) 9 comments
Sep-1-2017 66 A $1,000 per month cash handout would grow the economy by $2.5 trillion, new study says (cnbc.com) 73 comments
Sep-1-2017 62 "Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. He has not come; he never will come. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again." Eugene V Debs, 1905. (self.WayOfTheBern) 5 comments
Aug-30-2017 112 'Straight up bullshit': inmates paid $1 to clear homeless camps they once lived in; In Portland, which prides itself on being a beacon of progressive politics, the practice of using prisoner work crews is painted as a win-win – but that’s not how some see it (theguardian.com) 7 comments
Aug-29-2017 1192 Tax-Exempt Megachurch Pastor Worth $40M Refuses to Open Doors to Houston Flood Victims (gritpost.com) 135 comments
Aug-25-2017 80 If You’ve Never Lived in Poverty, Don’t Tell Poor People What They Should Do (nakedcapitalism.com) 36 comments
Aug-24-2017 93 78 percent of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck (cbsnews.com) 9 comments
Previous Berning Links Related to Rich Man, Poor Man
submitted by Older_and_Wiser_Now to Kossacks_for_Sanders [link] [comments]

2017.10.03 22:30 Older_and_Wiser_Now More! Berning Links Related to Rich Man, Poor Man

Are you finding it difficult to keep up with important news related to various topics of interest for supporters of Bernie Sanders? Hopefully these pages can help ...
Members of WayOfTheBern and Kossacks_for_Sanders work together to create environments in which it is easy to find and share the kind of progressive news stories that we all care about. Below is a list that consists of only the most popular stories, according to the number of votes, on the topic of

Rich Man, Poor Man

Use this table to find master lists on other important subjects:
Topic WotB KFS
Draft Bernie Sanders Movement link link
Elections, Future link link
Elections, 2016 link link
Hillary Clinton's recent book: What Happened link link
Medicare for All link link
* Candidates who support Medicare-for-All running against incumbents who do not. Please donate if you can! link  
Rich Man, Poor Man link link
War and Peace link link
Newest Berning Links Related to Rich Man, Poor Man
Date Votes Title WotB KFS
Oct-2-2017 118 Gina Rinehart, richest woman on earth: Western Labor costs are too high. Thanks to global capital movements and free trade, I can invest anywhere. Australians need to compete with African miners. Globalization is amazing. Learn to work for African wages if you want a job • lostgeneration (reddit.com) 26 comments
Oct-1-2017 126 Noam Chomsky on Twitter: #Money is a new form of slavery and is only distinguishable from the old slavery simply by the fact that it is... (twitter.com) 8 comments
Oct-1-2017 90 Hillary Clinton’s Freudian Slip on Money in Politics is VERY Telling [The Humanist Report, Mike Figueredo, Oct 1, 2017] (youtube.com) 31 comments comment
Oct-1-2017 65 Wealth Inequality Is Higher Than Ever: New data confirms what we already knew: the haves have a ton. And the have-nots have next to nothing. (jacobinmag.com) 3 comments
Sep-30-2017 92 As of Monday, the average American taxpayer will have paid nearly $7,500 to fund the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria since the 9/11 attacks, according to previously unreported Pentagon budget data sent to Congress this summer. (defenseone.com) 8 comments
Sep-30-2017 71 Trump's Tax Plan Is An Act Of Political Domination By The Rich (huffingtonpost.com) 7 comments 5 comments
Sep-29-2017 226 Podesta emails showed Facebook colluded with Clinton, Assange reminds (rt.com) 239 comments 1 comment
Sep-29-2017 108 @Independent: Jeremy Corbyn vows to rip up Margaret Thatcher's entire economic legacy; We need to be doing the same thing from Reagan onward. (twitter.com) 21 comments
Sep-29-2017 107 Bernie Sanders on Twitter: Who benefits from Trump's plan to repeal the estate tax? Only the top 0.2% — Trump, his cabinet, and other millionaires and billionaires. (twitter.com) 1 comment
Sep-29-2017 101 A Reminder: Podesta emails showed Facebook colluded with Clinton (rt.com) 15 comments
Sep-29-2017 87 Trump Budget Gets Two-Thirds of Its Cuts From Programs for Low- and Moderate-Income People (cbpp.org) 24 comments
Sep-29-2017 63 Nestle pays $200 a year to bottle water near Flint,€“ where water is undrinkable" (theguardian.com) 3 comments
Sep-29-2017 61 Trump is selling out hurricane relief and infrastucture for tax cuts to the rich (self.WayOfTheBern) 4 comments
Sep-28-2017 264 Reddit just introduced user tracking (again), here's how to disable it. It's not the one in your preferences, they hid it in a new spot, seriously. (self.WayOfTheBern) 44 comments comment
Sep-28-2017 122 'What a Rigged Economy Looks Like': Top 10% Now Own 77% of American Wealth: As Trump and the GOP push massive tax cuts for the rich, new data shows that the wealthy are doing better than ever (commondreams.org) 8 comments
Sep-28-2017 91 Bernie Sanders on Twitter: You don’t fix a rigged economy by giving huge tax breaks to the billionaires and corporations that rigged it. (twitter.com) 4 comments
Sep-28-2017 75 Nomiki Konst on Twitter: "This is dangerous for democracy. Stacking primaries & moving up state w/expensive media market aids the richest only (twitter.com) 48 comments
Sep-28-2017 62 Consumer watchdog: 43% of adults are struggling to make ends meet (businessinsider.com) 17 comments
Sep-28-2017 62 Puerto Rican Debt Holders Respond to Catastrophic Hurricane by Offering Puerto Rico More Debt (theintercept.com) 21 comments
Sep-27-2017 130 Equifax CEO walks away with $18 million after data breach affecting half the US occurs on his watch (cnbc.com) 27 comments
Sep-27-2017 120 Bernie Sanders on Twitter: It is particularly obscene for Trump to repeal the estate tax which would provide a $269 billion tax break to the top 0.2%. (twitter.com) comment
Sep-27-2017 66 Dr. Jill Stein on Twitter: Once the ruling elite have lost all credibility, all they can do is censor their critics and smear them as traitors. [Links Article -> 'The Silencing of Dissent'] (twitter.com) 20 comments
Sep-26-2017 70 I'm tired of seeing so many homeless people. (self.WayOfTheBern) 29 comments
Sep-26-2017 64 Social Media: When Does “Actively Working With the Government” Become Censorship? When Mark Zuckerberg starts using the phrase “actively working with the government” as if that’s a good thing, we’re well into the danger zone. (counterpunch.org) 1 comment
Sep-25-2017 75 On Heels of Progressive Wave, Rhode Island Expands Sick Leave to 100,000 Workers (theintercept.com) comment
Sep-25-2017 71 Google intensifies censorship of left-wing websites (wsws.org) 17 comments
Sep-24-2017 69 Harvard Hopes Trump Will Help It Undermine Unions (with a lawyerly sneaky "rules change") (truth-out.org) 6 comments 1 comment
Sep-22-2017 81 Before its massive data breach, Equifax fought to kill a rule allowing victims to sue (latimes.com) comment
Sep-19-2017 60 Obama’s Just the Enemy And Always Was (ianwelsh.net) 27 comments
Sep-17-2017 66 Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors (observer.com) 6 comments
Sep-16-2017 186 City College Celebrates Free Tuition With Guest Sen. Bernie Sanders (hoodline.com) 21 comments 3 comments
Sep-6-2017 69 MSNBC promotes its echo chamber -- Cuts off reporter who says Big Oil is responsible for climate change (youtube.com) comment
Sep-4-2017 64 This Labor Day the Struggle Continues - By Bernie Sanders (commondreams.org) 6 comments
Sep-4-2017 63 Bernie Sanders: Labor Day Is a Reminder That We Can Win Fights That Seem Impossible; We must continue the fight for a government and an economy that works for all, not just the wealthy and powerful. (alternet.org) comment
Sep-3-2017 74 Canada Demands US End “Right to Work” Laws in NAFTA Talks (lawofwork.ca) 12 comments
Sep-3-2017 61 Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks (beta.theglobeandmail.com) 7 comments
Sep-2-2017 69 U.S. Employers Struggle To Match Workers With Open Jobs; Hint: They aren't - it's just that they aren't paying enough wages. (npr.org) 11 comments
Sep-2-2017 65 Remembering The Pullman Strike: The Origin of Labor Day: the Pullman Strike ushered in an era of widespread unionization, heightened awareness of class and wealth inequality and, subsequently, progressive ideals like a minimum wage and overtime pay. (whowhatwhy.org) 4 comments
Sep-2-2017 65 Where the working class cannot afford to live in America; States and localities enabled this rise and have done nothing about it. (i.redd.it) 9 comments
Sep-1-2017 66 A $1,000 per month cash handout would grow the economy by $2.5 trillion, new study says (cnbc.com) 73 comments
Sep-1-2017 62 "Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. He has not come; he never will come. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again." Eugene V Debs, 1905. (self.WayOfTheBern) 5 comments
Aug-30-2017 112 'Straight up bullshit': inmates paid $1 to clear homeless camps they once lived in; In Portland, which prides itself on being a beacon of progressive politics, the practice of using prisoner work crews is painted as a win-win – but that’s not how some see it (theguardian.com) 7 comments
Aug-29-2017 1192 Tax-Exempt Megachurch Pastor Worth $40M Refuses to Open Doors to Houston Flood Victims (gritpost.com) 135 comments
Aug-25-2017 80 If You’ve Never Lived in Poverty, Don’t Tell Poor People What They Should Do (nakedcapitalism.com) 36 comments
Aug-24-2017 93 78 percent of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck (cbsnews.com) 9 comments
Previous Berning Links Related to Rich Man, Poor Man
submitted by Older_and_Wiser_Now to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]


Mogo.ca tries to present itself as a modern, cool online financial lending company. But truthfully mogo.ca is a sinister and predatory financial lending company with nefarious intentions of scamming the financially gullible and gouging people with poor credit history.
mogo.ca is no different from all those high street shady money and payday lending institutions that you find around poorer neighbourhoods, only that mogo is worse, they have gone online and unlike others, mogo.ca has spent time and money to tailor and target deliverance of services and craft their public image.
Mogo.ca tries to portray a youthful, smiley, happy voice, cool generation X type lingo on both their website and thru their customer service agents. Don't be fooled by their happy smiley tone of voice. They are designed to lull you into a false sense of security.
Two months ago after I had seen mogo.ca advert on the Toronto subway, i got interested. The advert amongst others, promised a free monthly equifax credit score monitoring and reporting service.
That to me translated to about 9 dollars a month of free equifax credit monitoring service. How could I not be lured by a free credit report service? So my friend and I signed up for mogo.ca.
For me, I did not want a loan, I just wanted the free equifax credit score monitoring service, however my friend wanted a quick small loan of $2500.
My friend, who has a relatively not great equifax score of 649 and several late payments but no delinquency on his equifax record, was pre-approved for a loan of $1400. He accepted the $1400, and was shocked when mogo.ca debited $220 from his bank account, each month for two months.
In his mind he thought that he had paid off $440 of the $1400 loan to mogo.ca. I guess, my friend, like many other borrowers he had not read the fine prints and understood them clearly. When he phoned mogo, Only to find out that the $440 was just the interest and was not the principle. He still owed the $1400 principle to mogo.
He nearly had a heart attack. He was livid. He then had to borrow money elsewhere from a friend and paid of the whole amount of the mogo loan. Buy yet to discover that on the third month, there was still another $57, that was debited from his account by mogo. He phoned mogo, to find out what the $57 was for.
Thats when the at first nice happy go lucky voice of the mogo agent, turned from being angelical to devilish. The agent became rude, tried to bully my friend, tried to make it look like it was my friend who is an idiot and he spoke as if my friend was trying to take advantage of mogo.ca.
He continued to rumble as if mogo.ca was a savior to my friend, and it was my friend that does not understand mathematics and he was not there to teach him that. My friend was so angry. I had to calm him down. Now he does not want to ever hear the word mogo again. Nor did he get to understand what the $57 dollar debit was all about. He just closed his account with mogo. I on the other hand, will wait to see if mogo will send me the free credit report, they promised.
As for me, with stella credit credit score, mogo did not want me, so I experienced mogo's false promises.
  1. - Mogo.ca advertised and promised a free equifax credit score. Its over two months now, I have yet to receive any equifax credit score. On my online dashboard, where my credit score would show, There is a permanent error messages that attempts to be cool, and reads: "Weird, but looks like the credit bureau doesnt have any data on your credit. Give Equifax Canada a call at 1.800.465.7166"
2.- Mogo.ca had advertised and promised for a free mogo secured credit/debit card on signing up. To this day, I have never got that secure card. When I login online, In place of my mogo secured card, i get an info message that says. "mogo card: we are in beta mode, we are sending out invites, you are on the waiting list". No word of when the card will be available.
  1. - Mogo.ca advertised and promised an immediate pre-approval for loans based on one's equifax credit score. Its two months now, I have not received any pre-approval for a loan. My online dashboard has an info message that reads: "Sorry, you are not yet pre-approved, We are always updating our pre-approval process, stay tuned".
So, I phoned equifax, and used my own credit card on equifax website and bought my credit report and credit score information, which I hold in my hand this very moment. My equifax beacon score is 822. (Excellent). And guess what?, My equifax report showed that mogo had accessed and queried my credit score twice on the same day of my online application at mogo.ca. One query was a hard query, while the other was a soft query. (they claim that registering on mogo.ca will not affect ones credit score...hmmnnnn?)
I then phoned mogo.ca and asked why they seem not to locate my credit information and yet it clearly showed on my credit report that they had queried my credit. Besides, I had also provided to Mogo, my SIN number, date of birth and on top of that, an electronic identity check which is performed by mogo.ca thru equifax at online signing up was successful. My identity had been confirmed or else account creation would have terminated. After the phone call, all that the mogo agent could say was that they were going to get back to me. I was expecting them to ask me so send some identity documents etc, which they never did.
Even tho I have had a mogo account for over two months, there still remained one problem. I was unable to verify my phone number. The online system was supposed to send me a text message or a voice message to my mobile number so as to verify my number. But no matter how many times i requested a verification online, the system just does not send me the verification code. So, I gave up and left the mogo account dormant for a month until today.
So today, I decided to call mogo.ca to find out what was going on with my account. They finally told me that I was denied a loan. I also asked why I was unable to verify my number, the agent told me to hold on while he checked. Guess what? 2 mins letter, the phone went dead. So I decided to use their online chat insead to find out why inspite of being employed and having a good credit score without any debts, I would be denied a pre-approval? Besides, I wanted to know if I would still be getting a free equifax credit report every month even if i was denied. The agent on the chat told me that yes, I would still get a free credit score every month, and that, their system reviews accounts continually and that a NO today maybe a yes tomorrow if my indicators changed to be favourable to mogo.ca lending requirements.
So I decided and logged into to my mogo account, and there still was the message, that they were unable to get my equifax credit report, even if they said I was denied. So I decided to call mogo again and ask, since the chat was detiously slow. The agent took a while each time before replying. The agent on the phone this time was rude, arrogant and very impatient. I asked if indeed mogo had got a copy of my credit report, he could never answer with a yes or no to my question. I asked him if mogo denies people with stella credit reports. The agent said its the mogo computer system that decides automatically, so he cant answer the question. I asked if they had a copy of ny credit report. He was short of admitting that they had a copy of my credit report from equifax but repeated to me that: "apart from mogo.ca using equifax credit score, be it good or bad, mogo.ca uses complicated algorithms to determine legibility and that these algorithms use multiple indicators like, employment, payment ability, liquidity, earning ratio etc etc".
The agent continued to avoid my questions, on what went wrong with my applications. He decided to become rude, he raised his voice in an attempt to psychological intimidate me, so that I would not ask any more why questions, But I just kept calm and asked him instead to calm down and to be patient as well as to hear me out. I think this rattled him. He then changed tactics and tried speaking to me in that mogo type condescending yet happy voice, the voice that an english speaker uses when he encounters a native of a foreign island who does not speak english. He expected that I would get angry. But I obliged him and calmly persevered. He tried talking to me as if I was stupid and I could not understand mogo.ca algorithms. I just instead humbled down and asked him more questions. It was clear that the agent got irritated and lost his cool. He then said he had to go, there were other customers waiting on the phone line. I accepted his request and asked one more fina question. I asked him how I could close my account. He got angry and lost his cool, he did not answer my question but was, screaming and being tense. "is there anything else i can do for you? He just hanged up the phone on me, before I could say 'no and thank you'.
It is obvious that mogo agents are trained to handle customers in certain ways, depending on various situations. But all in all, these mogo agents are trained to be nasty people when the need arises in their favor, they can be like fraudulent boiler room collection agents.
Sadly lots of people are bullied and intimidated by these mogo agents and end up paying thru their teeth and nose.
  1. - I wonder if mogo agents get any sort of commissions?
  2. - I also wonder how many of mogos customers have indeed gotten a personal loan at a rate of 5.9%.
  3. - How honest is their interest rate determining system.
  4. - So if credit score alone is not the determining factor for interest rate charged, what are list of other factors used and how are they used?
submitted by ebonytree to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2015.10.20 05:18 ridicalis Turned down for first mortgage, not sure how to proceed

I recently applied for a home mortgage and was turned down. First, some details:
The reasons given for the denial were related to the employment situation, and "excessive obligations in relation to income". The former I'm not able to affect at this time, but the latter of those two is easily addressed given available funds. However, I came into this situation expecting to need 20% of the home value available as down-payment, and paying this amount down would affect that situation.
I do realize that my liquid assets fall short of the 20% mark (which would be $26k), though I had been informed when I contacted my bank that I would actually only need to pay down 5% of the home's value to start. I don't know whether to expect similar constraints if I shop around.
Quite frankly, I don't know enough about my available options at this point to decide how much harder I should pursue this loan. I feel confident that my employment will last several years, though there are no guarantees to that effect, and that in the event of the contract terminating I could secure work readily enough. Right now I'm tempted to pay off that student loan to see how that affects my eligibility, but I don't know what ramifications that would have on the whole process. Any advice would be appreciated.
UPDATE: Thanks to those who responded, and sorry for not answering everybody's questions all at once. Sure enough, I got nervous too early, and just needed to ask some colleagues who had been at the consulting game for a while how they had done it. Ended up with plenty of people to call that knew how to work with my situation, and I'm presently following up on a promising lead through one such contact.
submitted by ridicalis to Mortgages [link] [comments]

2014.05.30 02:21 Milkiee T4 or Higher Holy Breath of Heaven Build Works!

Please do not confuse this build with the Flow of Eternity, or TR build, those 2 builds I have tried, they cap at T3, T4 with almost BIS, my build starts at T4
Why such difference? Cyclone Strike + EP. Why not flow of Eternity? Loose attack speed, loose 20% holy damage, loose 130% crit, loose Aughilds’ set, forced to use the Monkey King set. Less SSS, CS+EP+BoH+SSS is better. I am well aware of the Epiphany+TR build, TR due to its low damage kills tooooo slow on T4, my build works on T4 pretty well. Small things make big difference
My main is lightning T5 monk, fire T5(my burning axe has no main stat, otherwise I can do T6 with double Unity ring)
anyways, I was searching for a shard of hate for my main monk, and the Eye of Peshkov dropped for me, it reduces cool down of Breath of Heaven by 47%, then I started thinking about a fun build
Let's get into it, NOW! I posted a thread earlier today, I was at work, and I immediately tested this out after work, it is awesome!!!
  1. main hand, 10% CDR Born sword, mine is 2200 DPS 10% CDR
  2. Offhand: Sky cutter, mine is 2233 DPS with 15% holy damage(sucks, lowest possible!!!)this is important because the angel guy will be our ally, and increase our damage by 5%(with Unity passive)
  3. Ring NO. 1: I have tri-facta RoRG, 5% crit + 7% AS + 49% CHD
  4. Ring NO. 2: SoJ is ideal, however, coz with such short time to make this set, all my pieces have different resistances(sucks), my toughness was tooo low for T4 testing, that I had to use the 2 Unity rings, it works very well, but ideally, I'd rather use my holy SOJ once I get my resistances done
  5. amulet, mine is a rare one, 14% holy, 8% crit, 86% CHD, garbage, can definitely be upgraded with a legendary one, holy beacon maybe?
  6. Glove+Boots: the Raiment set, my glove has 10%+50%+737 dex, my boot sucks, 418 dex shit with move speed(so bad...)
  7. Shoulder+Bracer: Aughilds, shoulder has 6% CDR, bracer 17% holy, 5.5% crit, Shoulders ideally have dex+vit+armor+CDR+stacking res, Bracer has 6%+20%holy+resistance ideally
  8. Belt+Pants: captains, nothing special, pants ideally will have vit+dex+amor+2sockets+stacking res, belts should have dex+vit+life%+resistance+WoHF skill damage
  9. Chest: Borns, to get the CDR set bonus, ideally, has dex+vit+3sockets+armor+resistance
THE ONLY HARD ITEM TO GET, IS THE SPIRIT STONE: Eye of Peshkov, can reduce cool down by 38%-50%, mine has 47%, I have not re-rolled the 6% crit yet... I spent 10mil already... fk this helm...
anyways, with such short time invested into this build, my testing char has 810K in game damage, consider I have almost NO attack speed bonus, this is pretty solid I think, but we don't need attack speed here... so no big deal
I'm using bad gems, coz the build and char was only for testing purposes... So I did not invest too much into this, HOWEVER, with such shitty things, I can still do T4, imagine if we have all the good gems
my toughness does not matter, coz all my testing gears have different resistance... put in 1-2 days, I can easily have as much toughness as my main monk, with like 14 mil toughness, impossible to kill this holy monk!
Breath of Heaven every 3 seconds! sounds a long time, but it heals like crazy, nothing can kill you, nothing! if you are in danger, pop SSS for the invulnerable moment, and your BoH will be up and you heal back to full
with better gems, and some resistance crafting, I can easily get 900K damage, and 14 mil toughness, confident about T5
  1. Generator: WoHF, Fist of Fury rune, for mobility and teleport
  2. EP: flesh is weak, for 20% damage buff
  3. Cyclone Strike: Implosion, to pull enemies from 34 yards!! almost alll of them
  4. Montra of Conviction: Dishearten to reduce speed by 80%, NO ONE CAN RUN AWAY FROM ME!
  5. and since no one can run away, and WE ARE SURROUNDED BY MANY MOBS, good time for some AOE! yes!!! Breath of Heaven: Circle of Skorn, 505% damage 12 yards!!!
  6. Finally, Elites? Seven-Sided Strike: Fulminating Onslaught, 977%*7=6839% HOLY AREA DAMAGE, enough to blow up EVERYTHING
  1. Beacon of Ytar, 20% CDR,
  2. Unity: 15% damage buff, if my Templar also use Skycutter, I might get 20%! (can we have 2 angels? I don't know...)
again, I'm using STI and OWE because I don't have resistances...
I want to replace STI with Mystic Rhythm, 40% bonus to SSS? THAT IS EQUAL TO INSTA 15 LTK BURST!
Cyclone everything, everything around you, have as many things as possible, you won't die because you have BoH to heal, mine heals 70K
just cyclone as many as you can handle, don't pull like 3 elite groups for sure, no build can handle that
OK, after the 34 yard cyclone, you have lots of guys around you, EP 1-3 of them, your spirit probably is empty, WoHF + BoH rotation, BoH costs you nothing, and if you are taking hits, Cyclone again and monsters will all be hit up in the air, and your BoH will be up again, use BoH
On T4, I pull, EP 2 guys(space them out to blow more guys), WoHF one full cycle, BoH, everything blow up
if anything remains, pull+EP+BoH
for huge beasts and large monsters, stand besides them, pull everything within 34 yards here, EP weak monsters and blow them all up
if too many? SSS skills all
Elites? those you can pull, pull+EP+WoHF+BoH+SSS, instantly blown up
those you can't pull.....? Pull and EP weak monsters to blow them
if nothing is around, like Rift Guardian, no pull, just EP+WoHF+BoH+SSS, 1 SSS hit crit for 22 mil for me, for such single targets, this build is not quite efficient, takes a bit more time, but if you have things around, just pull them here and take advantage of EP to kill bosses quicker
USE ALL THE COOL DOWNS to MAXIMIZE DAMAGE, DON'T SAVE YOUR SSS FOR NOTHING. I was having the habit of saving my SSS, with "just in case of elites" in mind, but I quickly changed this to use it whenever it's up. No worries if you meet elites and your SSS is in CD, EP+cyclone+BoH still can kill things, and if you meet tricky elite(those who always running away...) it takes a bit long, and your SSS is likely back from CD, then just cyclone+EP+SSS should clear them up
Montra of Conviction: Dishearten IS THE KEY! You pull things here, this rune prevent them from running away, and SSS WILL HIT EVERYONE WITH 977% FOR 7 TIMES, WHAT CAN POSSIBLY SURVIVE THIS(also consider monsters EP explosion damage, usually everything will be gone)? Only Bosses can survive, but with several rounds, they should die
You have no danger, coz you constantly heal yourselves
you deal Huge damage, because A WELL-POSITIONED SSS = AROUND 15 LTK
What's awesome about the Build? it is EASY
No need for shard of hate, no need for rimeheart+frostburn, like fire monks, everything is crafted to get perfect stats, and a good SSS > LTK to compensate for the cool down
I have 57% CDR, my SSS is like 13 seconds
fire monk LTK=1000%, SSS with Mystic Rhythm=977% * 7 * 140%=9574.6%, this is 9.5 LTK
even though it has cool downs, we have BoH(505%) during the SSS down times
This build is NOT FOR MINDLESS SPAM, we need good timing, and with good timing, I think this beats LTK in Burst damage, insta kill everything, no need to consider sustained damage really...
the only item you need is the special Helm
try this out guys, if you are a skilled monk, it should take you 20 mins, to get use to this rotation
I can instantly do T4, with better gems and gear(so many piece can be upgraded), T5 should not be hard, T6 I don't know...
Best part is that, I'm tired with my Lightning and fire monks LTK, looks boring to me now, such a build is fresh air
This is my Holy T4-T5 build, I hope you can all have fun with it
That area damage BoH and SSS, once you get used to it, it feels awesome!
I just did some T4 rifts, no where near death, 10 mins normal density, 15 mins with bad density, 6mins fastest, pull so many things together, insta kill with SSS, keep using Cyclone when your BoH and SSS is down
submitted by Milkiee to Diablo3Monks [link] [comments]

2014.04.11 17:33 workaccountoftoday Want to get some info on what credit card to choose to help increase my credit.

My current financial situation is that I'm making around 60k a year at my first job. No car payments, renting a house, and I have 30k in student loans. My work currently is paying for 20k of those loans over the course of 2 years, so realistically I'll only have a bit more to worry about.
After my job's initial bonus and tax refunds this year, I have basically 15k of money on hand. Unrelated to my question in the title but an extra consideration, I've thought about throwing about half of that money towards some of my bigger loans to lower my interest rates, which for me calculated to be around a total savings around $1000 in the long run.
But onto the credit card. I had my current credit card info stolen (not sure how, possibly due to the heartbleed SSL bug?) I caught it yesterday morning from a $2 charge across the US, and unfortunately the guy also charged $70 worth of gas before my credit company shut the card off. Because of this, I'm kind of stuck on purchases since my current card provider says it will take about 8-10 business days to provide me a new card. I don't want to have this issue again, AND I want to start increasing my credit, so I want to get an additional card to lower my total utilization and get some rewards. My current card gives me no cash back or rewards.
For my current credit score, I'm not certain. Pulling up my free reports today finally informed me I have a collector out for $70 for a "closing" bill from my old internet provider when I moved out of a house after college. It lists that as being reported in 7/2013, but I pulled reports at the end of 7/2013 and got a report from 10/2013 though both did not mention this collection fee. I have attempted to dispute this claim and hopefully that will go through as to not harm my credit over a small bill no one ever sent to me before tossing it up on my credit.
Credit karma (I believe incorrectly) said my score was 620. Which is bad. However it does not show my proper credit card, my credit union switched from Visa to Mastercard a few years ago and I think it shows the Visa, as it says I have 0% utilization and that was reported in '08. My report from 10/2013 said my BEACON 09 FACTA and BEACON 09 scores were 730 each. Not sure how that compares to other reports but from what I looked at it's similar.
Cards I was looking at from recommendations were the Discover It card to get free credit reports monthly, plus additional benefits, or the Amazon card since I tend to buy from Amazon any time I buy something.
I also need to get new tires and brakes soon, so I don't know if having a big purchase in the future would change which card I would want due to some rewards. I do not really want an annual fee with my card, but if someone who is more knowledgeable knows that its benefits would outweigh the negatives I would consider it. And given that there was a negative report for the $70 collection, should I wait until the dispute goes through prior to applying for a new card? Or am I likely to be able to get one anyways?
Thanks to anyone who wants to help me out!
submitted by workaccountoftoday to personalfinance [link] [comments]
