Quotes to make boyfriend smile

Guaranteed to make you smile

2014.03.09 18:39 holdenwook Guaranteed to make you smile

Guaranteed to make you smile.

2011.08.05 19:02 Slashur_8 QuotesPorn

Words. Beautiful, beautiful words.

2015.01.06 23:35 Eponia Before And After Pictures Of Adopted Animals

A welcoming place to share before and after photos of pet adoption.

2024.05.14 10:24 BabyDoll373 My bf hates himself more than he loves me

I think my boyfriends hates himself more then he loves me.
I just want to start by saying that I (20f) absolutely love this man (21m) and would do literally anything for him which is why I’m making this post so I sincerely ask that you do not judge too harshly and give me some advice on what to do or how to handle this situation.
FYI, this is a long one. So my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years now and it’s been great. He is my first and only relationship I’ve ever been in and there was definitely a honey moon stage we were in during the beginning but he was always very sweet and loving. He cared about my day, liked talking to me and hearing me rant about things I like/dislike and was very gentle with me and I fell in love with him very fast because he was the first person i felt I could be 100% real and myself around. He’s a big 6”3 teddy bear who I knew going into it didn’t like himself very much because he had loose skin from weight loss, but I was determined to make sure he knew that he was loved and literally my dream man regardless of his scars or skin, which is the same way he treats my scars on my legs which are huge and looks like I was attacked by a tiger. There wasn’t really a big change till about 1 year in when he started having alot of insecurities due to PTSD from his last relationships and not only would that make him snappy but he kept making jokes about me cheating on him with everyone and anyone I had an interaction with. I couldn’t go anywhere without him needing to know who was there and if it was a guy- no matter who it was, he’d get very angry. I accepted that it was a trauma response and knew his insecurities were valid so I took it all in stride and would calmly make sure he knew that was not the case and would do anything to ease that fear but there were a few times it caused huge problems. One time it triggered my own mental health issues and I screamed at him and had a full blown meltdown down because I was doing everything he said and was honestly being the perfect gf but nothing I did eased his insecurity and he kept lashing out at me. Since then he realized the negative effect the jokes were having on me so he stopped making them and has genuinely learned to trust that I won’t cheat on him but ever since then, it’s like a damn broke and I’m at the reciprocator to all of his anger. He doesn’t hit me or call me names unwarranted but he gets very upset and very minor things on a daily basis. At 1 1/2 years into the relationship I learned that his self hatred goes much much deeper than I thought and while his praises and love has helped with my confidence, mine has not helped his at all. In fact, I think the fact that I’m a 5”3 very skinny female and he gained a little bit of healthy relationship weight, made him start hating himself more. He would bring up how it doesn’t make since we’re together and he’s “the ugly one” out of us and how I’m too good for him and I kept praising him and making sure he knew that me, the person who sitting right next to him in bed, loves him more then anything and thinks the world of him but it never helped.i recommended that he go to therapy but he refused saying he wouldn’t want to strangers and that it wouldn’t help even tho I’ve gone for most of my life but I know my experience doesn’t and shouldn’t sway his opinion. I’m no doctor but I have diagnosed borderline personally disorder and severe depression and anxiety and have had to be institutionalized 5 times and I’m positive he has anger issues (as is he) and might possibly have BPD, and most definitely has anxiety and depression but he seeks no help for them and knows that they negatively impact him and cause him to lash out at me daily which lowkey makes me hates myself but I try not to take anything personally because I deeply understand what he’s going through. Now at almost 3 years, I don’t even know anymore. Sometimes I’m convinced he hates me and others I fell like the most important person alive but out fighting is at an all time high. I’ve made the bad habit of ignoring my own mental health and doing everything and anything for him and now it’s like he forgot that I also have emotions over things and am a human being. He treats me much poorly than he would treat someone he actually hates. I don’t know if it’s because he gained more weight and that he hates himself for all these different reasons or what but having a simple conversation about his emotions and why he’s being snappy is the hardest thing to do for him. So many things go wrong and he handles so many situations wrong and has such negative reactions to almost everything I do that it’s hard for me to function. When I express that, it’s a coin flip on if it’ll start a problem or if he’ll just feel bad and hate himself more. These issues we’ve had and me coddling him in any way I can have caused me to have a couple situations where I bottle things up and explode but it’s been about a handful in 3 years and I can’t be upset or feel strongly about something without him already invalidating it thinking I’m having an episode or freaking out himself. We’ve had arguments everyday over dumb stuff but it’s always him thinking surface level and technically and me thinking about it all from a deeper perspective and him not understand the principle of the situation or why I’m upset ever and constantly bases his entire reaction on his perspective until I explain the same thing in multiple different ways, over and over again. I know this is horrible but I feel like I’ve had to teach him how to be in a healthy relationship and handle his own emotions and while I’m learning about how to be an adult, I’m simultaneously having to teach him how to be one because he’s not doing it himself. He has a job and pays for everything but he doesn’t save and hates himself for that so mostly I feel like I can’t speak because i don’t have a job right now and because he’s so supportive of me, I feel so unbelievably horrible for feeling how I do. Like today we got into a fight because we were talking and he was getting agitated and then while we were communicating he just shut the conversation down saying it’s over which has caused a lot of problems in the past and he knows that’s not how to end a conversation because it should matter that we’re adult and we should be able to get through and conversation without issues but by the end of it he was hating on himself for “still messing things up when he was just trying to end the conversations so problems WOULDNT happen” and it was basically him just choosing every wrong dialogue option and reaction possible. He constantly creates problems by not wanting to create problems while acting like there’s a problem and just not talking about it. And then he gets so mad, he insults my entire personality and everything I do by misunderstanding my valid anger and never taking it seriously in the moment until I get real mad and alot of the times when I get real mad, I’m just seen as crazy. But at the end of it there’s always communication that was needed but not received in the beginning and I just don’t know what to do to not have to go through all that to be understood. I’ve expressed that he treats me like a villainous stranger a lot and that I think he hates himself more than he loves me and he always thinks about leaving me for my own good after I ask if I need to just accept this pain from his mistreatment and lack of emotional availability when it’s my love language because I still chose him over anyone else but then when I explain that what I really need from him is consistency and to do some real self work, he agreed and I’m giving him time to do just that. Things are just difficult, I refuse to leave him so if anyone says I’m doing this to myself then you’re right and I’d choose to go through it everyday because I love him. And I believe that soulmates are 2 people who make a decision to love each other and live life together in harmony throughout all hardships. People who break up do it because one or both of them can’t commit to each other and don’t make the conscious decision to make them a real life partner and neither of us want that. I just need advice on how to help him or how to handle the situation. Any of the situations really because this will either be amazing or I will change myself to accept the reality that it will never be amazing but I’m too loyal to ever not want to try and make it work.
submitted by BabyDoll373 to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:23 Gldfsh_vinillaCronch Chapter thirteen

Chapter thirteen ~Kayara~
They had to ride through grass fields so tall and unruly that even their ponies, easily twelve hands high, were struggling. Only an hour or two more and they would be back in the Elven territories.
Anataya led. Flanked by her guard and her lady in waiting. The kid took up the rear and Kayara had to fight to not look behind her to make sure he was ok and still there. She could hear his pony trying to feast on the grass and the glorious wildflowers, and that would have to be enough. She knew it would only cause upset if she were to bruise his ego as such.
They had seen glorious sunsets and pitch black nights, steep grass-slick hills and uneven forests. The others seemed quite up to the task and readily familiar with camping. With killing their meal. With sleeping on the hard ground.
She had spent the night in a jail cell before, but there had been fresh straw and a blanket. She was indeed glad that it was a warmer season or she surely would have frozen to death thanks to the princesses scheme!
“What’s with that face?” Asked Tyren, a wolfish grin at the ready. She rode her gelding with the proficiency of a soldier. Hers was the only pony that could keep its head up when riding through the tall grasses. The rest of them had to keep their calm and keep a stern, short rein.
“I’m hungry.” Kayara said simply. “You didn’t want the hare that I caught for you!” The boy chirped up behind them. It had looked like a much meaner version of the pet she had kept as a child. Its eyes were so the same as the fluffy piebald bunny she had once adored. She thought back to the now vacant cage in her room. The hand painted river rock that had been made upon her death. Seventeen year old Kayara had horrid penmanship but hadn't been bad with a paintbrush.
She had buried the bunny in the family's pet cemetery just off the main garden, right below her window. The rock was painted with various pinks and purples and yellows. The colors of energy that floated over the bunny when she pet it. Like static on a blanket.
“We should be nearing the city by tomorrow afternoon. If that helps.” Tyren offered. Her eyes were so cold. As if no emotion flickered behind them, so at odds with the olive branch she voiced.
“Thank you Tyren.”
Houses and farms began popping up in clusters, like the fungus on the trees in the woods. They were built in the style of elven homes. Three stories high and dome shaped. Elven country homes were more like live-in garden centers. Massive living walls of braided living cedar formed the exterior and wildflowers grew out of the cracks. Some of the bigger homes had towers protruding, miniature tree castles amongst the most luscious gardens.
“For the last time, we are not going to steal from my people.” Ana said with a voice that threatened violence. No bullshit, no stealing, she wouldn't have it.
“Ana, they'd likely offer you their food if we rode closer to their homes. Close enough that they could see who you are.”
“I said no. If you don’t drop it I will have you whipped when we return.” Anataya said slowly, anger burning in each word spat. Then suddenly kicked her pony into a faster pace. Then faster again and again; grass and dirt from the road flying into Kayara and Tyrens faces and nearly spooking their own equestrians out of control.
They gave chase and found the princess heading towards the fields below a wealthy man's mini palace. You could tell he was an old wealth by the way they grew their fields in circles with trees and flowers that had specific old timey jobs in the garden.
Anataya ran into a corn and bean field. Sunflowers, growing in bunches, stood tall and bright against the cobalt blue skies. Onion flowers were blooming in the underbrush. Likely other crops could be found in the field but Ana was racing ahead into the center where the tangles of beans and such grew the thickest. Then she stopped.
She hopped off her pony and stood for a moment in the center of the now partially trampled field. Then she collapsed to her knees. Tyren rolled her eyes hard as she banked her pony to a stop near the now hysterical princess. Ana wept and screamed and dug at the dirt. Kayara jumped down from her pony in sync with Tyren, and the two of them tried to hoist the princess to her feet. To no avail, Anataya was too far gone into madness to register their words.
A Violet Corona of light began to bleed into sight before Kayaras eyes. It wrapped around the princesses crown as if it was such. Illuminating the man who appeared in the corn and vines, flashlights and shotgun at the ready. Dogs were being held back by another man. Both were Elves, old and wealthy looking. “The Princess- Braeden the Crowned Princess is in our garden!” “Yes Olh K see that.” The one with the gun, lowered the weapon and nodded at his partner to make the dogs stand down. A whistle and the barking ceased. A stray yap came from the tiny brown dog carried by the third man that came into view with another source of truly very bright light. He was clearly the one in charge. He wore a simple pair of baggy trousers and a tight fitting top. An army issued long sleeves meant to endure cold temperatures. Kayara recognized it because her fathers eldest son had been issued the same one.
His silver chain, a bear head pendant, violet eyes. This was a high ranking officer in Antayas dead brother's army. Fucking hells.
Ana stopped crying at the sight of the necklace. On the back of the head would be the officer's information, although it wasn’t really needed. That pendent was named in stories and songs. Kayara had once seen an opera about the living hero, the mantatur slayer and peace keeper of his own kind. The Great Grizzly of Craephen— and this man before them was one of his main commanders. Maybe an advisor!
“Geraeld!” Ana said as if she’d seen a ghost.
“Antay?” Getaeld seemed to be at a loss for words.
Kayara had no idea what to do or where to look as the princess rushed to embrace the man. He held her awkwardly as the dog in his one hand tried to wiggle free. “It has been so long!”
“Not long enough princess.”
“Geri, you know her?” The one holding four big dogs on fine leather leashes, he held them with a farmers grip but his hair and his robes spoke only of wealth.
The other man, the one with the gun now uncocked and limp in his arms; he said “what are you doing here?”
Maybe he was in charge. His unbuttoned trousers and puffed up boxers told Kayara he was the first to be up and alert that there was something going on in his backyard. The one with the little dog passed it to the shotgun guy and strode forward to assess the damage to his property. “You’ve terrorized my boyfriend's property and terrified our dogs. What do you have to say for this, your majesty?”
“I am so terribly sorry Geri… Geri, please forgive me Geri.” The princess dropped to her knees and widened her eyes at him, hands clasping together at her chin.
“You are a child, Majesty.” He glared but yanked her to her feet, hauling her away to his boyfriend’s house. “I shall take you home. Follow me.” The princess began stumbling and pushing him or tripping him up and so, with a heavy and exhausted sigh, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Like a sack of potatoes! The princess proceeded to prop herself up on her elbows and smirk at the amassed crowd. She looked directly at Kayara and winked! Kayara could have sworn the woman's back arched up a notch…
submitted by Gldfsh_vinillaCronch to TheSongofKithandKin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:21 XtremeDragn AITA for leaving my mum on mothers day?

(17F) and my sister (21F) have gone through alot of bad times with our mother making it worse, I will give you a run down of what my mother is like, she is quite aggressive and no matter what you do to please my mother, whether you're being there for her when she's sad even though you're struggling too or doing whatever she tells you to do, she will call us disrespectful and rude. So the week before mothers day (Im still in school) I had some important exams and needed to study for them but I noticed my mum was okay so I continued doing my own things until she approached me on Friday and told me "You're disrespectful, call your sister and leave." ( my sister moved out and because of my mother) And she left me after that so i asked her whats wrong and it carried on all night, Saturday was fine but Sunday my mum forced me to go to church with her and I only went because its mothers day then i cleaned the house gave her flowers and chocolates, then my sister came over and gave my mum some chocolates and we left because i had a doctors appointment for personal reasons, so we did that and my mother threw a huge tantrum instead of politely for us to come back and told me off for wanting a check up? I obviously went home later and layed down because I was exhausted but my mum came into my room and said "Get off you a$$ and do the dishes, you don't live here for free" so without complaining or nothing i did the dishes like she wanted, then she started insulting me saying rude things to me l will not say here but I just agreed with everything she said and allowed her to insult me until she got angry that I didn't react and grabbed a mug and smashed it onto the floor so l went to leave because it scared me but she blocked me from leaving and told me "pick up the glass before you think of doing anything" so i did. Then when i was about to leave because i was scared she took my phone off me so i took my wallet and left and luckily for me my boyfriend (17M) was waiting for me and he called my sister for me and i left to hers to be safe. So AlTA for leaving? Any suggestions on what i should do?
submitted by XtremeDragn to u/XtremeDragn [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:21 jellotummy AITA for loosing my cool at my brother's girlfriend.

I (29F) and my (18M) Brother's girlfriend (16F) are pissed at each other. I have no one to talk to about this and I'm starting to think I'm in the wrong. I know I have things to apologize for but she thinks the whole thing is my fault.
So me and the girlfriend who l'll call Heaven were sitting at the dinner table with my sister Mimi (25F) and her boyfriend Rob (27M). Mimi and Rob came to visit our parent's house. Heaven is always super exciting to talk to Mimi; so it wasn't surprising that when my brother went upstairs for something she excitedly told Mimi about the gift she was giving to my brother for graduation. Not thinking of getting, mind you. Activity already got. Heaven got my brother a puppy.
I was instantly upset for a huge number of reasons. Some include: my brothers leaving for college, there are already 4 dogs in the house and my parents are really struggling, he doesn't do much for his current two dogs. Often complaining when he has to take them out more than once or pick up his other dogs seizure medication. My parent do 95% of the dog care with me helping when I can. I would have to be the one to help train this dog, since again my parents are already having a hard time keeping up. They're getting older.
Heaven's argument is my brothers dog needs a playmate since the other dogs doesn't like to play with him. He's a big doodle and plays rough. Not sure what she expects a tiny puppy to do. I was honest and I told her no absolutely not, that she can't do that. To please buy him another gift. Mimi tired to be the voice of reason, but Heaven said it wasn't my decision to make and I lost it. This is where I might be the AH. I told her we'd most likely rehome the puppy as soon as my brother left for college, and if I saw it I would introduce my fist to her in the face. Not my proudest moment and I know I shouldn't have said that but I let my temper get the best of me.
I'll answer questions if any. Im pretty new at this and l'm also writing on mobile so please bear with me.
submitted by jellotummy to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:19 burner_acc3162 22- would mewing help? / general advice needed

22- would mewing help? / general advice needed
(I might delete later once i found the answer! Privacy sake)
Hi, basically, i have this weird smileline that was caused by my facefat. I honestly don't think it's from aging at all -- it has always been there since i was young.
I had severe overbite and it took me years to fix via brace. So i suspected that this "smile line" Comes from my poor structure and excess face fat. Would mewing help?...
Also, i just started exercising. I would suspect that would help too, to lose my overall face fat. But what do you think? Please, help!
And anything to help me make my side profile better is appreciated!!!
submitted by burner_acc3162 to Mewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:17 at_2004 Prank for a Stone Cold Principal

Prank for a Stone Cold Principal
Queen of petty and great sovereign of potatoes, hear my plea and I hope you do not judge me too harshly.
Ok, but all and all, I don’t think I did anything to over the top. Allow me to see the stage..
It’s my junior year of high school and it’s a few weeks into the new year where this story starts, my family and I had received news that my mom’s oldest brother, my uncle, had been admitted to the hospital suddenly and was having difficulty, it was especially hard for my grandparents and his two daughters. Naturally I was worried because it’s my uncle and I’m hoping that he’ll be okay, I come to find out after getting back from school that day and after picking up my brothers from school that he had passed away a bit before we had gotten home. I was devastated along with the rest of my family and everyone was making plans to fly to my grandparents house.
I did the usual song and dance of letting teachers know I would be gone along with brief reasons why including: it’s a funeral, I was staying with my grandparents and they don’t have the best internet, likelihood of any schoolwork being done was slim, please be understanding, you get the picture. Well, sometime after the actual funeral and I went to briefly checked my email because a couple of friends had been checking in on me via school email. My emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted self saw that there was an email from my Spanish teacher (who a quick FYI is also the principal, for the sake of the story is being dubbed Medusa) who said I should still be doing schoolwork and following COVID regulations regardless of the reason, while I was grieving my uncle.
And let me just say, it got worse after I got back to school. Shortly after getting back, Medusa called on me to give a presentation which I hadn’t known about beforehand and she KNEW why I didn’t have it done. She was the only teacheadult who was completely unsympathetic to my situation, even going as far as to say she had expected more from me and she was disappointed, not to mention I was already struggling to catch up in the rest of my classes so Medusa wasn’t a special case in lagging behind.
I’m sorry- but what in the ever living name of the mother of sanity did you think would happen?! I was acting like a robot for quite a while so pardon me if I’m not up to your standards lady (sorry, there’s still a lot of annoyance and anger towards this woman but it’s way more diluted than it had been originally), any respect I had for her as an adult died that day. So when the opportunity came to came her at the very least some minor inconvenience and petty vengeance for me, I took it (not entirely necessary or important to the story but Medusa is an older woman who via the school gossip grapevine was apparently a former nun, not sure how that makes sense but not my circus, not my monkeys).
A little of context for how it went down: I went to a private Catholic high school in town (I doubt anyone from there is in this thread but hello!) that had a dress code/uniform situation going on, school polo and shorts/pants in black or khaki. Anyways~ a friend of mine, calling her N, came up with the great idea of pranking the entire school population on our school computers/ emails with a free dress day (wear anything within reason), and then the email that would be sent out detailed it would set for Friday. Granted, the email had been intended to be sent by at least one person from every grade in our friend group, what ended up happening was that N and I drafted up the email on my computer because it wouldn’t hurt me as much and Medusa had it out for her, I didn’t mind since I wanted back at her. N sent the email to everyone in our grade, but it went sideways afterwards.
Later as about 10:00 that morning, I was called to Medusa’s office who had the email “I” sent pulled up. She then proceeded to all but yell at me that parents were calling the school about a supposed free dress day, how it was incredibly inappropriate and dangerous to pull something like this (it really wasn’t, this is honestly way more tame than what we had originally planned), someone could have been hurt and to come forth with anyone else involved, thanks little oops I made while trying to stay calm and not cry. I didn’t because I wasn’t about to throw N under the bus, and I was honestly fed with medusa and her bs. She eventually sent me back to class which took even longer because I just about collapsed and was so close to crying.
I was questioned if I was alright when I got because at this point everyone knew about or read the email, told them I was fine and stuck to that til my friends got their hands on me because Principal Medusa already had a reputation. I told them the details, I got my eyes more red than I would have liked but I would ok.
The kicker? The goddamn freshmen had been given permission, and by extension the rest of the students did as well, for a free dress day. I lost it and said/quote “That’s freaking bullshit!” Luckily for me, the teacher I had during that class didn’t take too much offense to me swearing and had heard through the grapevine. At this point, I still don’t know if it had been pressure from teachers, students, what I did, or a combination of everything that did it. But I don’t care, I caused her some trouble and I felt accomplished for it!
I still have the pic I took about the project lol. Should be visible for yall, but either way, I don’t think I was too bad, but do you all think?
submitted by at_2004 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:14 DueSatisfaction9263 I think I’m being stalked and I don’t feel safe going to work

TDLR: a man asked for my number at work and I rejected him based off of the fact he said he was 25. He later found me on social media without finding out my name first and then came in during my shift again to ask for physical contact. I googled his name from when he found me on social media and I found out he is 32, has two felonies, and has been arrested at least 3 times.
I’ll try to make the recap short and simple.
I’m 20f.
I work at a small store and this guy came in last monday and asked for my number. I asked him how old he was (because he seemed older than me), and he said 25. I rejected him based off of this alone.
A few days later, he finds me on Instagram. My social media handles are not even close to my name (which he doesn’t know at this point) and I think this is odd, but not Too odd because we live in a small town. I reject his request to follow me and that’s that. He then finds me on tiktok and likes every single one of my posts, which shocks me. My name on tiktok is literally just an emoji.
Fast forward to yesterday, monday, he comes in at the same time. He figured out my schedule (I only work 2 days a week tho). He calls me by my name (we don’t have name tags, I didn’t tell him, I work alone in the store, etc.) and asks for a hug. I am freaked the fuck out already. I just kind of stood there in shock and he says “I just wanted to make you smile.” … eventually I ring him up without really saying anything and he leaves.
I googled his name from when he found me on my tiktok and it turns out he’s a two time felon that has been arrested At Least 3 times from what I could find. My stomach dropped when I saw his multiple mugshots. AND he’s 32 years old. HE KNOWS IM 20 BECAUSE ITS ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS I SAID TO HIM.
I told my boss and she told me that I will no longer be alone in the store for the time being, but I feel like more can be done. It’s really scary. What can I do?
submitted by DueSatisfaction9263 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:12 Pretty_Volume1169 How to start a career in Project Management?

Hello, I am 20 years old and have worked in construction for the last two years. I was able to find jobs, make quotes/price jobs and also work on restoration of facade projects.
I want to start a career in either Project Management or Quantity Surveying.
What path should I take to become a Project Manager? I have seen many entry level QS jobs and even apprenticeships which I can possibly do but im finding it hard to find the same for Project Manager roles. I want to start entry level jobs or apprenticeship and work my way up. I am happy to do degree as long as I can work on the side too. I am looking for job titles for jobs that i can currently do to work my way up towards being a Project Manager one day in the fututre.
Any recommendations?
submitted by Pretty_Volume1169 to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:12 Prestigious_Milk31 roommate puts me under psychological pressure

I need advice. I’m living with her for 1 1/2 years now and it’s only us two in the flat. For context: My boyfriend lives 3 hours away from me and I’m living near my family’s home. I love to visit my family and my hometown, and obviously my boyfriend. In my opinion, during uni you have more freedom than at any other point in life, why I am not in our flat that often. So, my flatmate always tells me subliminally that she hates being alone (“I have no motivation to cook just for myself”, “I had pms and didn’t want to socialize but nobody was at home and I cannot stand the silence”) And she always makes me feel so bad about visiting other people. But tbh she is not the center of my life and I don’t even like her really. She sits in her room all day and does NOTHING. She doesn’t even go to uni. I mean, why doesn’t she invite friends? Idk. PLUS she gave me side eye because I want to finish my degree next year in standard period of study because I go to my classes and not just waste my life away. Anyways, I told her that I do have the opinion to move out but we didn’t really come to a solution and just talked about other stuff. Every time I see her or get a text from her my anxiety gets so bad I cannot do anything except spiraling. Each day I have to spend with her is a day I like her less. What should I do pls help
submitted by Prestigious_Milk31 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:11 sleepyh3ad07 How do I (F20) handle the sexual rejection of my boyfriend (M22)?

I (20F) and my boyfriend (22M) have been together for just over 2 years. The problem I'm about to describe resurfaces occasionally and I finally want to talk about how to handle it. I have a high sex drive, it's rare that I'm not in the mood and most of the time it would be because I'm genuinely sick or so tired i can't keep my eyes open. My boyfriend on the other hand is not horny as often as I am. What I mean by that is that he's often too tired to engage sexually and rather just wants to cuddle. I don't particularly have a problem with that because I know how it feels to feel pressured into sex as I didn't have a high sex drive in previous relationships. To sum it up I'd say we have sex 1-2 times a week and sometimes we don't sleep with each other for a maximum of 2 weeks. That of course frustrates me but I would never want to make him have sex with me. The times we do engage sexually are always initiated by him. And that is my problem. Whenever I tried to initiate or asked him if he's in the mood he declines saying he doesn't feel like it. I struggle to process this rejection as I would claim I'm quite pretty and hot (he also tells me this regularly) and I can't find a reason why a man in his 20s wouldn't wanna f*** his girlfriend every given opportunity. We like our intercourse and talk about it afterwards how we enjoyed it and what we particularly liked so it also doesn't get boring at all. So that's the 1st thing bothering me: why is my sex drive so much higher than a man's? I always read about how men want to have sex practically all the time and their girlfriends are the ones rejecting. The 2nd thing is why do we nearly only have sex when he wants to? I get rejected when initiating and never get to decide when fun times happen. Sometimes I want to make him feel what I feel and reject him out of spite but when the moment comes I'm so thirsty for intimate body contact that I don't want to do it anymore because why stop something I want just to be petty. Maybe someone can tell me that that's perfectly normal and/or how to handle the rejection better because I don't want to be grumpy/mad just because my boyfriend is not in the mood
submitted by sleepyh3ad07 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:10 Nervous_Energy6118 I gained weight when I got into a relationship and now I don’t know how to lose it again.

I lost a significant amount of weight 4 years ago (around 15 kgs/ 30lbs - I’m very short!) by eating 2 meals a day. At this time I was single and totally in control of my lifestyle. I kept the weight off for 2.5 years and it felt so easy and I didn’t really have to think about it anymore and I wasn’t obsessing over my weight or over food.
Fast forward to getting into a relationship with my boyfriend 1.5 years ago and obviously my lifestyle changes slightly due to us spending a lot of time at each other’s apartments. He eats a lot more than me. He eats 3 meals a day and snacks and I’ve basically ended up the same way now and put all the weight back on.
It started off with him eating my snacks. That sounds petty as shit… but I used to buy snacks in my weekly shop and they would last me the whole week because I didn’t need to eat them? I didn’t have the desire to eat them all in one go and so they’d last me until my next shop. But I found that I was buying snacks and then I’d never get to eat them because he would eat them all before I had the chance! I ended up getting into the habit of eating them with him purely because I wanted to be able to enjoy MY snacks and I also didn’t want to be an ass that told my boyfriend he couldn’t eat the snacks I had in the house if he was hungry (because he needs more food than me so I get that).
Next was breakfast. He can’t function without it. Me on the other hand, I probably function better on just a cup of tea and waiting till lunch. However, he would get SO hungry in the morning when he stayed at mine because I didn’t stock breakfast food and then he would end up complaining and having to buy food on our way into work (we go together as we work in the same part of town). So I got sick of it and started buying breakfast foods which he would then make us BOTH breakfast with in the morning. Also if I stayed in his apartment he would relentlessly offer me breakfast food in the morning because he “couldn’t understand why I wasn’t hungry” and quite honestly I don’t have the will power to keep refusing him and so, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, now I eat breakfast. I don’t even like eating in the morning? It makes me feel bloated and honestly kind of nauseous.
I want to go back to my old lifestyle but struggle with how to navigate this in my relationship. This post probably sounds silly but I know others gain weight in relationships so I can’t be the only one that has similar struggles. What do I do? The easy answer is just to stop eating snacks and breakfast - I know. It’s not that I’m struggling with, it’s the fact that I now have extra obstacles (I.e. my boyfriend). I could avoid snacks and breakfast easily on my own. But I feel like I need to exert extra will power to do it now because there’s someone I have to keep refusing food from and also I can’t buy snacks around otherwise I don’t get to eat them when I actually want them.
P.s. I’m not trying to bash my boyfriend haha, he’s wonderful, I’m just venting here hoping someone else can relate and possibly help.
submitted by Nervous_Energy6118 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:10 Diotoiren [MODPOST] [CRISIS] Witch Fall / / Rest Now

Witch Fall / / Rest Now

January 8th, 2072.
The Midnight Court - Wewelsburg, Álfheimr
"I had no expectation of being crowned." Princess Kyōko looked towards the crowd of Alfr nobility which had amassed itself in the great hall of the Midnight Court. Excluding the Princess, who stood just in front of the Night King's Throne, the nobility made up of nearly all conquered people remained quiet as the Princess continued to speak - the shock of recent events emanating throughout the room. "And yet death of my uncle...has come as a shock."
The court was somber, the lights dim - only a few skylights pointed towards the Princess whose Golden crown had only just been placed on her head by the same woman who had coronated her Uncle all those years ago. The flags which had once flown as a symbol of the Aesir, now remained furled, awaiting to be revealed as the once Japanese Princess, continued to speak.
"In the years since my Uncle's coronation, our Aesir, has led you all to the well of prosperity, happiness, and security. Under his auspices rule, under the Night King's watchful gaze, you people...you all...have been so very lucky. So very lucky to have survived this long." Gasps from the crowd where audible as members of the Valkyrie of the 1st Sturmtruppen marched into the Great Hall, those members of the Elite Imperial Guard whose loyalty lay only with the Aesir. "Under the former Aesir, you have been...blinded by a shroud of darkness from true enlightenment. The failures of this Imperial Might, whose forces once so easily marched West across France and conquered Western Europe, come from your blind faith in my Uncle. You have been bested in a Gothic War which saw the needless deaths of so many of the Aesir's Chosen. And yet you cry out for more conflict?"
The new Aesir could see the daggers as she looked out at the crowd, as her words struck the very heart of the Alfheim's Imperial Center. From the corner of her eye, she could barely make out one figure leaving the Hall, shooting an icy yet aware glance towards the Throne, however, now was no time to stop, she had a mission here.
"At every step, your former ruler...has ensured that the entire weight of the world would come crashing down on his Empire. Even now, you face a rebellion in Italy, and the possibility of war in the outer colonies of Svartálfar and Mexico. And if not for the idleness of the great Goliath of Eastern Europe your very homeland would have most assuredly been lost by now."
By now, only the Æsir's Chosen had remained without reaction. The nobility long in uproar, confusion, and fear as the former second-rate Princess from Japan gave lecture on the future of the Empire.
"You all...I...have never seen throughout history, an Empire so reviled that even my own Father's machinations have gone unheeded by the world." The newly crowned Aesir cared little for choosing her words, knowing that ultimately, they'd have to all bend the knee either way. "Your world has failed, and I am here to save you."
The murmuring of the crowd would have become overwhelming if it was not for the clerics who raised and slammed the ends of their banners on the ground, unfurling the new flag of the Imperial Álfheimr while sending the crowds into a fervor of chanting.
“Long live Æsir!”
“Long live Æsir!”
“Long live Æsir!”
As the Midnight Sun rose over the old world, those nobility knew a new era had begun.
Mombasa, The Union of African Socialist Republics 

"The Malagasy Terror returns to South Africa, Mexico falls into the grips of Japanese Empire"

Bandung Daily Issued January 31st, 2072 - 12:00 Mombasa, The Union of African Socialist Republics
MOMBASA - As the world continues to feel the shockwaves from the death of former imperialist dictator Dederick Lohengrin, it has been confirmed that the Malagasy Terror otherwise known as Japanese Rear Admiral Sentaro Omori has been confirmed as the new Imperial Governor of Marley. According to reports from the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamisato Ayaka, the handover of South Africa represents the 16th Imperial Administrative Zone of the ever growing Japanese Empire. Likewise, according to reports coming out of the JIIA - Rear Admiral Takagi Daisuke has been named Imperial Governor of Azteca (known globally as Mexico), as the newest and 17th Imperial Colony. The news has forced the resurfacing of existing fears within the UASR, and by extension broader Bandung Pact as to ongoing colonialism by the Japanese Empire which has despite its claim to "isolation", come to control vast swathes of the globe.
The annexation of South Africa, or rather, the repeated annexation of South Africa by Japan showcases the ongoing Imperial ambitions of a Japan which has frequently been known to break the conventions on human rights with its rumors of prison camps and genocide. Now following the death of the former Aesir of Alfheim who himself was a scourge on the continent of Africa, Japan has only further pushed the boundaries of its Imperial borders, using the second born Princess Kyōko as a way of wrestling control over the once antagonistic German Empire. While the hand-over of the Alfr's two most valued colonies was ostensibly done under the pretense of the possibility of outright war from a Bandung Pact led liberation of either South Africa or Mexico, experts across the Globe have come to other theories.
Specifically, experts within the UASR have begun theorizing that the recent withdrawal of the Alfheim from its Imperial ambitions, is largely, due to the possibility of an ongoing internal conflict between various factions within the Alfheimr Empire - namely, it is believed that there are several dissenting factions attempting to wrestle control out of Japanese hands. While outright war seems unlikely, the possibility of conflict cannot be understated as [Kyrr Von Lohengrin](), the Æsir's Chosen, and Danubian Habsburgs have been seen far more frequently in official affairs - while Alfheimr military assets appear to be on the constant move. While it is believed that much of the Aesir's non-Human population has as dictated by central processing units in both Wewelsburg, Berlin, and Paris been accepting of the new Æsir, more complex androids like the Æsir's Chosen and the vast majority of the religiously indoctrinated human population is rumored to be far less tolerant of both the official explanation of the Æsir's death and of the new ruling Æsir. Ultimately, while most experts believe outright conflict to be unlikely, some like those within the INC (GIGAS), have begun to whisper about the possibility of coming conflict.

For the Republic, Part Five: Born is the Fourth

Rare are the times that Kyrr von Lohengrin, former Imperial Vizikong of North Amerika and Minister of Foreign Affairs had found himself in this office. Its white walls, mirroring those of the exterior, was one of the few buildings permitted to be rebuilt in the wake of the Third Republic's destruction. And yet here he was all the same, the slow ticking of a grandfather clock in the corner the only audible noise that could be heard even with his enhanced hearing. Not even the breathing of the man sitting at the restored Resolute Desk was enough to break Kyrr out of his state of shock. It was only when the man and his hulking frame spoke, that Kyrr's attention drifted back to the present.
"I once sat where you are now." President Armstrong who had once betrayed the Third Republic mused as he stared down the nimble looking Alfr. "I offered your King a Kingdom, and look at him now...laying in dirt.
If not for the desperation of Kyrr's current situation, he would have ordered this so-called President's execution for disrespecting the Aesir.
"And for that matter, look at you, you proud Alfr who once strode in here so high and mighty declaring a new world order. You know? Katherine might have been right...hahaha." Armstrong spat out his tobacco as he leaned back in his chair, resting his legs on the desk. "Your worse than us now, at least we never lost our homes."
The disdain in Armstrong's voice was palpable, as his baritone voice echoed throughout the office. Kyrr could barely hide his own contempt, and disgust at what was nothing more than a sub-human caveman lecturing to one of the Aesir's closest confidants.
"And now, as those Jap fucks stretch their god damn Midnight Sun across Europe...you come to me, Papa Armstrong for help." Armstrong's face broke into a wicked smile; violence, rage, and hatred spewing from his eyes. "Well your in luck, kid. Because you've come to a land where the people are free, there is no slate to wipe because I've already burned the fucking thing to the ground."
"Look, I'm not here for a monologue. We both have things we can off-...."
"Shut the fuck up and sit there, quietly. You came here for whatever I can offer, not the other way around." Armstrong's smile only continued to widen as it reached comedically lengths. "And as I said, your in luck, because I can offer you a place in my new America. People will die, and kill, and you can be one of the killers."
Kyrr continued to stare at the American whose smile literally reached from ear to ear.
"So...whaddya think?"
Warsaw, The Commonwealth 

"Fall Dämmerung and the Álfheimr Civil War"

CNN (Commonwealth) Issued October 16th, 2072 - 12:00 Warsaw, The Commonwealth
PARIS - As the Black Fleet lay smoldering at the bottom of the Atlantic, the Global Interoperable Guarantee for Allied Support has announced the end of the Álfheimr Civil War which had started in the late Spring of 2072. While the ACW had begun largely due to factional disputes on an internal level within Imperial Álfheimr government following the coronation of the new Æsir, too most experts, it didn't officially begin until the secession of what is now informally known as the "Republic of New Álfheimr". The New Republic which exists in an unrecognized status (by Imperial Japan, the INC, and GIGAS at large), is now formally made up of the "Imperial Dominion of Amerika" which was the former Third American Republic before its conquest by the late Greater Aryan Empire (GAE). The secession of America was allegedly brought about by an alliance between certain Dederick Lohengrin loyalists including Kyrr von Lohengrin, alongside Steven Armstrong the titular "Governor" of the American colony. While the Civil War had originally been fought solely between the Imperial Álfheimr under the recently crowned Æsir Kyōko and Kyrr's New Republic, the follow-up secession of Danubia from the Imperial Álfheimr quickly brought new levels of severity - forcing GIGAS's hand and involvement.
The secession of Danubia under the command of Ferdinand Habsburg, as advised by Gloria von Habsburg led to the creation of "The Grand Imperium of Europa", a new so-called Empire claiming to be the true successors of the Greater Aryan Empire. To even greater surprise however, it would appear that the Danubian secession was supported by the O-5 Council and broader Æsir Chosen including "The Advisor, Commander, and Mother" among others. This was a major blow to Æsir Kyōko's legitimacy, and additionally led to a significant loss of human manpower within the Imperial Álfheimr which coupled with the creation of Kyrr's Republic - undoubtedly forced Álfheimr's call for aide.
These events ultimately led to a "forced peace" between the Imperial Álfheimr which is ostensibly still "independent" from the Empire of Japan, the Republic of New Álfheimr, and Grand Imperium of Europa by GIGAS through the destruction of the feuding Black Fleet in the Atlantic operated by the Republic of New Álfheimr. At the same time however, efforts by the Bandung Pact and Eastern Union to capitalize on these events have largely fallen flat - as crises in Israel, Kaabu, and even Eastern Siberia have led to a new level of unprecedented global tension. Nevertheless, while a tacit "white peace" currently exists between the three "Álfheimr successor states", none are certain that such a peace will hold even under GIGAS oversight.


The Grand Imperium of Europa

  • Head of State: Ferdinand Habsburg
  • Population: 203,994,000
  • Claim Starting Allotments (IE. Special Starting Scenario)
    • Claimant receives special/secret information at the start of the Campaign
Things to Consider
The Grand Imperium of Europa is unique in its existence as a fortress state among fortress states, nestled in the heart of Central Europe and shielded from the broader "Japanese Alfheim" (Berlin/Paris, etcetera), the Grand Imperium claims not only to be the true successor of the GAE - but has in many ways, the military might to back it up. Having retained much of the human-based military, and significant portions of the non-human army as well, its only lack is in naval capability.
The Grand Imperium like the RNA also has the benefit of having total access to the Alfheim technology base (anything Tion, Eagan, 8th, etcetera posted). At the same time however, while starting at "peace" with the other Alfr successors and neighbors, the Grand Imperium must be careful as overt aggression against Imperial Alfheim may incur Japanese intervention - although, this is not assured by any means. However due to the ACW, it will likely take 1-2 years to rebuild the ability to produce more.
The Grand Imperium of Europa represents a strong, mid-level claim in a precarious yet flexible geopolitical starting position.

The Imperial Protectorate of the Italian Social Republic

  • Head of State: Player Choice
    • Other Important Characters (meta control)
    • None - Player freedom available
  • Population: 94,964,006
  • Claim Starting Allotments (IE. Special Starting Scenario)
    • Begins under the protection of the NPC "Imperial Alfheimr"
Things to Consider
The Imperial Protectorate of the Italian Social Republic begins in the unique position of being forgotten in large part by its recent conquerors, and having seen rebuilding investment under the deceased Aesir. The claim ostensibly has multiple factions but players must be cautious as the wrong move to quickly might see the gaze of Imperial Alfheimr or possibly the Grand Imperium of Europa (among other claims) turn towards either putting down a rebellion or imperial conquest.
The Imperial Protectorate of the Italian Social Republic has access to all Alfheim technology, and thanks to the rebuilding investment - has the ability to produce all of it.

The Republic of New Álfheimr

  • Head of State: Steven Armstrong
    • Other Important Characters (meta control)
    • Kyrr von Lohengrin (Former Foreign Affairs Minister under Dederick)
    • Ingel Faedryk (Former Reichsfuhrer-SS under Dederick)
    • Svipul von Lohengrin (Former Imperial Spymaster under Dederick)
  • Population: 143,863,000
  • Claim Starting Allotments (IE. Special Starting Scenario)
    • Has access to large portions of in-production Alfheimr military equipment (refer to Tion's posts) - Continental European in-production units largely destroyed unless in NPC territories.
    • Has a secret alliance with certain NPC claims (informed to the player)
Things to Consider
The Republic of New Álfheimr while a democracy, still considers itself the true successor to Dederick von Lohengrin, and has the geographic, military, and economic position to be immediately independent should its cards be played correctly. They are the strongest military of the three main successors, and similarly have a strong geopolitical starting position, alongside a network of secret diplomatic alliances.
The RNA is in a unique position to quickly assert itself as an independent state, having inherited the same technology base as the Grand Imperium - but in greater existing asset quantities. The RNA also has a large portion of the former GAE's "android" soldiers - making for a lethal and incredibly loyal army right out of the gates.


Questions please send on discord through private messages or comment on this post.
submitted by Diotoiren to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:09 just1computer I (25F) want to distance myself from my friend (27F) how do I avoid conflict?

Apologies for any formatting issues; I'm on mobile
I've been friends with this girl for about 5 years now. We've gotten very close and I still have love for her but I just don't feel like this friendship is adding much to my life anymore since I don't feel like our relationship is very equal.
For context/background, I recently experienced a series of deaths in my immediate family as well as moving to another city so I've been going through a lot of stress and emotional turmoil. I would call her from time to time and admittedly a lot of those phone calls would be me crying and moping around. I hoped that she would be supportive but most of those calls would just result in telling me that I had bad vibes or change the subject back to her, usually about her dating life. I've been there for her for when her long term boyfriend broke up for her and even staying with her for weeks to make sure she was ok but when my mother passed, she didnt call me back until the next day and spent maybe an hour with me the next day since she had made dinner plans with someone else.
I did express to her that I felt like she hadn't been there for me as a friend and it felt like she didnt understand why I was upset but she apologized and I just didnt have the emotional capacity to fight with her so I just accepted her apology and I've just been cordial with her at this point. I don't really have the desire to continue this friendship anymore but we have a lot of mutual friends and I can't deal with any drama but she's texted me asking "why I don't love her anymore". I have no idea how to respond since I wanted to just let this friendship fizzle out and avoid conflict since I dont think she understands why I've been keeping my distance.
submitted by just1computer to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:09 LeonieHR Dear expats, how is life in Vienna treating you so far?

Source of the quoted text - Acvian
Hi, community! I’ve been in the HR service for the past 3 years and work with people from around the world who relocate to Europe for their existing jobs or when they switch jobs. I get to meet new expats from everywhere and share their experiences with the law system and our infamous bureaucratic machine. I also get lots of questions from them about integration, social life, stereotypical vs realistic experience of living in this or that European country as a foreigner.
I have a few questions for you about life in Austria and Vienna in particular. How do you feel about your job and the local community after some time? Does reality meet your expectations from when you just came here? Here are some stats I found, are they accurate enough? And what are the best aspects of expat life here vs in your home country?

"Expats in Austria report a high level of job security (64% nationwide vs. 59% globally) and good salaries (with 84% of the country’s employees satisfied with their salaries vs. 62% globally). However, the level of job satisfaction in Austria is lower than average in other European countries.

Over half (58%) of expats find it hard to make friends, and many lack a strong support system (32% vs. 24% globally)."

submitted by LeonieHR to viennaExpats [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:07 BoomtownFox I had a stroke in November. Now I've finally surpassed my previous ego (now at 80)

I had a stroke November, despite being young and realitively healthy. Docs said it was a freak thing that just kinda happened. Apparently I have thin arteries in my neck that are suseptible to tearing. Not fun. When the EMTs found me I wasn't breathing and they needed to intubate. All this happened just a month after I got married too. I still can't feel my left thigh, but I can walk around and live mostly normally at this point.
Anyway, once I mostly regained normal motor function, I started playing SMB4 and had to lower my ego from 78 to low 60s. After many hours grinding on my Steam Deck I've finally got to 80 ego. It feels good to feel like I'm making progress with my response times. Even though it's just a game, playing SMB4 and Fortnite in my free time has helped me exercise my brain.
Just felt like sharing that I'm happy my life is returning to normal and how much I missed simple things like playing fast paced video games. One thing that made me laugh was when I was in recovery, post-brain surgery, I texted my dad that I missed playing video games, and he responded "Hurry up and get better, your team needs their manager." That made me smile.
submitted by BoomtownFox to SuperMegaBaseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:07 Nikki_b527 Is it too soon to move in with my boyfriend?

Hey Reddit! I don’t know if I’m looking for advice or insight so any opinion is welcomed tl;dr My boyfriend and I (M24 and F24) have known each other for our entire lives. Parents were friends we grew up right next door to each other for a majority of our childhood until his family moved. Didn’t really stay in contact through out teen year or after high school. I moved out of state for a couple of years came back home and he reached out as he heard through the grapevine I want doing to well. Started just hanging out kinda like catch up but over the span of 7 months we grew close which eventually wound up to a very drunk night which led to us dating. I never understood the whole idea of marrying your best friend thing until now. I know I’m young but I only see a future with him, I have never been comfortable and open to anyone else. Well the current issue is we live over a hour away from each other, I run my own business and work primarily from home while he works in construction with very long hard hours. During the week we don’t see each other as our schedules don’t line up or we’re too tired. There are mostly daily phone calls, but we don’t really text and frankly I’m not a fan of phone calls in general I try and enjoy our conversations but it’s just not the same. Weekends are a hit or miss due to events, friends or family while also prioritizing our quality time together. In the weekend he comes out to my place as I live alone and I have too many pets to go to his place. I did however mention pretty early on in our relationship the idea of moving in together which he said felt too much and I learned was a lot to suggest so early but I want to see how we can progress. We live in a rural area so most things we do on weekends are mostly home base as I live 30 minutes from town. I honestly feel like I have to put my routine on pause on weekends, like yeah we go out to my events or go hangout with my friends and I drive in for his family events which feels like it takes into our time together because are very social but they do drain the social battery. Am I crazy for thinking our solution to more time together is moving together? Or thinking this is the next step? Extra info. We have been dating for over a year but I have known him and his family all my life. Him and I have traveled together with no issues. I am loving out of state next year to finish my graduate degree (he did know about this even before we started dating) we have had very in depth conversations about how we will proceed and have agreed living together will happen before moving away from friends and family as he has never left our town and making final decisions before completely uprooting his entire life for me to focus on school. Thank you
submitted by Nikki_b527 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:06 Lo2020 Boyfriend issue

Alot lately my boyfriend keeps going on females profiles on fb. He hasnt been texting them nor liking their pics. He just visit mostly females profiles. He even searched up one of his co workers that is a female didnt add her or nun. He did send her a message saying "i can show you better than i can tell you" due to her not telling him information he was supposed to know for their job. I told him about the message he sent her he doesnt seem like wah he said is a big deal. He tried to twist it to make it seem like he wasnt saying what he said. Its like when you tell someone that you finna do something to do could be anything. I just dk how to feel about him only going on female profiles n they sometimes be random females as well.
submitted by Lo2020 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:05 MomSphere I am genuinely astonished at how mean this game lets you be

So like, it's really not that bad. Obviously getting emoted at isn't the worst thing in the world. Few children will be rendered sobbing messes from anything this game has to offer, but still, to me the sheer presence of it all is totally unprecedented.
I guess like, I'm used to Nintendo. They offer no form of messaging whatsoever in their games to minimize inapproproate interactions. Splatoon offers no interaction, the only way to taunt another player is to "crouchspam" after a kill, which if you're 9, probably even fails to register as an attempt at bullying. Smash 4 randomly limited the intricately animated taunts, and Ultimate bans it entirely! Pokemon is even stricter. Playing PvP in a traditional Pokemon game is completely devoid of player ro player communication save for the battle, and I can't say I recall Pokken or Pokemon Unite having any interaction either.
So like. I boot up this game right. And not only do you have the ability to endlessly make faces at your opponent, one of THE most universal forms of taunting, but a sassy, boast-y win quote is usually shoved in your face with every loss, plus an animation of the person that just beat you flexing. There's no way to disable any of this or report a player either, a feature several of the games mentioned above include.
Now like, again, I don't mean to imply this is like. Evil. I'm not on here to demand it be removed immediately(!!!), I don't have a kid to get their feeling hurt or anything, I'm just surprised it's here AT ALL. My entire life Nintendo and Pokemon has attempted to minimize bullying through their games as much as they possibly can, and this game, in comparison, has gone out of its way to include wildly unecessary features that seem to specifically cater it. Like if this was Street Fighter or something I wouldn't even blink, but the fact it's a game and company so famously tied to having a child audience is what throws me for a loop. Like, I've played a lot of Yugioh Duel Links and a bit of Magic the Gathering Arena - both of those games offer mutes, reports, and don't offer intentionally bragadocious win quotes and the ability to sarcastically pull exaggerated grins at your opponent throughout the entirety of the match. I haven't even mentioned that the game's incredibly long timer allows pretty much any deck to drastically extend a game if your opponent's feeling petty.
Is anyone else as taken aback by this as me??? It's just like. One of the intentionally teasiest games I've ever played is the pokemon trading card game app???? What????? It's bizarre
submitted by MomSphere to PTCGL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:04 kaddipudi7 Tyres queries.

Looking at changing tyres for my Volkswagen Polo. Stock size is 185/60/R15. I’m planning to go for Yokohoma or Continental.
I visited yokohoma store and the guy suggested upsizing it to 195mm width. What are the pros and cons of upsizing ? Does it make any good difference?
I’m buying from Bengaluru and the price quoted was :
185mm earth1 6000 195mm earth1 6600 195mm s1 7000
Dealer said can expect 50-60k kms range with the above tyres. Bluearth will give around 30k kms range.
I also want to check out continental(uc6 or cc6). So how has your user experience been with these products ? What are the good prices to bargain for ? Also opinion on upsizing ? Any other tyres to look out for ?
Thank you
submitted by kaddipudi7 to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:02 Popsicle-soup How do I tell the people close to me that me and my ex are back together?

So for some context me 23 female and 23 male broke up in December it was extremely messy. And things on his end were getting toxic towards the end.
He told my mom 45 female off through text calling her horrible names (because she denied that I was sexually assaulted by her boyfriend 50 male and insulted me for even suggesting that) I wasn’t mad I was anxious I knew it came from a place of concern and protection whether it was the right thing to do or not I know where his heart was.
Well since then she has hated him. She’s furious that him and I are “hanging out” and she says he’s banished from our family home I grew up in as a child and she will never be near him or speak to him again. I can understand she’s hurt. There was no pleasant part of the message that he sent her however it was more of a rude fact based message then how she makes it out to be slander. There wasn’t anything untrue in the message at all.
My mom and I aren’t overly close. And I feel this is driving a wedge between us further. After the whole message thing happened in November she disowned me for almost 2 months and I’m scared she will do it again. Is there anyway I can break the news without another fight from her? So far I haven’t made any progress.
No one knows that we are back together in my life because like I said he did do some pretty crappy things to me and I told them everything because I was hurt and at the time never thought we were going to get back together.
I can understand her frustration however she only cares about what he said to her and “that should be enough to stay away from him”
I really love my bf. We were separated for ruffly 5 months and have had a lot of time for self reflection. As bad as things may have got in the past I feel in my heart that he is the one. I know he will always love me and we want to spend the rest of our life together.
I feel like even if I left him for the sake of my mom or friends I would always love him and feel regret. I’ve never been so comfortable around another human like I am with him. He truly gets me and me him. We are not perfect by no means but I want this to work and that should probably start with my loved ones knowing.
submitted by Popsicle-soup to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:01 S_apphir_e Advice please: Contract cut short due to complaints about my ED skills and attitude

Today I got a call from my agency that my contract was going to be cut short due to a few complaints. I need other nurses’ opinion on this please.
Context: I’m contracted at a rural multi purpose hospital, combined emergency, acute medical and residential care. It’s purely nurse-led with medical officers on call who can get on the telehealth/screen in ED if needed. Plus a doctor who physically visits approx 3x a week in AM shifts.
There’s a senior RN who works casual shifts. We never really got along, although we’ve never had any direct conflict or arguments. She just makes a lot of comments about travel nurses, questioning our ED skills, how we made the nurses accomodation a “pig sty” (even though it’s spotless, no dishes on the sink, always dried and put away on the spot etc). Anyway she complained to the management that I don’t do complete handovers- for example I didn’t hand over to their shift that I gave a slow IV push of digoxin to an ED patient. Another nurse who was in the handover room 100% remembers that I did in fact hand it over including the period of time I took to push the drug in and what time. On top of that, all the drugs given were charted and co signed by us, all available for her to read. But she says I never handed it over.
Number two, there’s a complaint that I argued with the doctor and have “abrupt attitude.” I have never ever argued with anybody there- not the admin, nit the cleaners, not the medical team etc. I have opinions about the people but I always keep it to myself to avoid the work politics. The closest thing I can think of is the doctor DECLINED to see a head injury patient I handed over, because she would rather suture a non urgent wound on the limb in another room. Without asking who, what, how, when, she just replied “I don’t want to see him” with a smile on her face. I said “They’re actually in that other room right now and have timed their arrival to see you.” And she went “Well I’ll be too busy suturing in there.” And that was end. She refused to see him 100%. Fortunately, the same coworker who is vouching I handed over the digoxin also witnessed this interaction. The patient was clinically well and neuro obs okay so he was discharged with a minor traumatic brain injury fact sheet. I explained all the warning signs and to come back if so. He returned the next day unwell and I texted her again to come SEE him, that’s when she finally saw him. And the kid ended up getting a CT scan in a bigger hospital. Luckily, there was no brain bleed. This was an INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS situation and I have so many regrets because I didn’t advocate for that patient enough. Luckily he was okay and he went home. I also had another chest pain patient who presented twice on the same day- I followed protocol, did the ECG and bloods. The dr was giving me attitude that it was clearly non-cardiac and non-urgent, rather mental health related. Regardless, I did my job and followed protocols for chest pain. Then the pharmacy called me asking about a loratadine script not matching the online med chart, and wanted to clarify which drug the doctor wanted. Obviously I was not going to tell her which drug to dispense (as I’m not a doctor) so I passed it on to the doctor. Her response was “This question is so petty. I don’t really care.” As you can see, despite this doctor’s attitude, I’ve been very patient and kept things to myself to remain professionalism. These are the closest interactions I can think of to an “argument.” The only person other than my witness who knew about this interaction was the same RN above who complained about the digoxin
Fourth, we do our own blood pathologies onsite due to being rural. So when I had a chest pain, I placed a 24 gauge IV cannula on a 71 year olds r) forearm SOLELY for the collection of bloods. My thinking was rather than poking her 3x for repeat bloods I would cannulate her to collect from the same cannula (you only need 1 mL or less each time). I already told this to the LPN/LVN who questioned the size of the cannula. I assured her at the event we had to administer IV drugs, it would be given in a bigger cannula on the L) forearm (as I avoid collecting blood from the same IV where drugs and fluids are being pushed into). This is also documented in her acute folder, cannulation form (under reason for cannulation is BLOODS). Anyway this LPN complained that I’m using the wrong IV size. Iwant to clarify NO IV DRUGS were given. Only ORAL. That IV was purely for bloods. But you know what, thinking about it, even if I were to push fluids through there, it wouldn’t be wrong. 24 gauge is used on paediatrics AND elderly AND adults with miniature sensitive veins.
But despite all of this, my contract has been cut shorter by weeks and the agency has asked me not to approach the management. And to finish my contract quietly and in peace. They won’t pass my feedback on out of fear it will cause conflict in their relationship with the client. Additionally, moving forward, they cannot place me in ED contracts anymore until I’ve completed a medical/acute contract and gotten good feedback.
To me this absolute bullshit so I told them this will be the last contract with them (I have other agencies). Did I do the right thing? Was I wrong in any of these scenarios? Please give feedback as I want to improve myself as a nurse…
submitted by S_apphir_e to TravelNursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:01 ThrowRA767112 I (29F) saw my boyfriend’s (33M) saved porn posts. how do I deal with this?

posting from a throwaway bc my boyfriend follows my main a/c.
to make a long story short, I saw my boyfriend’s saved Reddit posts the other day and most of the content is transsexual porn (exclusively with breasts and a penis). He has never indicated that he has this sexual preference before nor even displayed remotely bisexual tendencies, so I was shocked to see this. He is pretty liberal, but comes from a country where homosexuality is heavily discriminated against and traditional gender roles are encouraged, so maybe he feels ashamed, idk.
We’ve known each other for quite a while but only started dating around 7 months ago. We have a really great relationship - communication is healthy, a really natural connection and a very healthy and enjoyable sex life. I do honestly believe he is attracted to me (I did see a handful of porn videos of cis women too, not sure if this means anything though) and he is a very thoughtful and kind boyfriend, honestly, everything overall has been pretty great.
However I can’t get this out of my mind. I don’t feel too bothered about the preference itself (although I do wonder if I should), but i am worried that this might negatively affect our sex life later down the road, or maybe I’m in denial and should be taking this a lot more seriously. I don’t know anyone who has been in a situation even slightly similar to this and I’m just feeling so confused right now
submitted by ThrowRA767112 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]
