How to write rct business letter

Art Business

2013.06.17 17:50 Art Business

artbusiness is a place to discuss everything related to the business side of art: from dealing with clients and contracts to marketing, social media and merch production. Please use the dedicated megathreads if you wish to share your business or ask about pricing your work. Join our Discord server to chat with members in real-time. Sister subreddit to ArtistLounge where you can discuss general art technique, life as an artist and art culture.

2015.06.21 18:37 naviga7or freelance_forhire

Are you looking to hire a professional designer, coder, writer and etc.. to help you develop your business? Are you tired of not knowing where to find projects to develop? Well you came to the right place. From agencies looking to hire employees, to freelancers looking to find new projects.

2009.04.04 03:20 chrisactuit Accounting

Primarily for accountants and aspiring accountants to learn about and discuss their career choice. Advice and questions welcome.

2024.05.15 10:45 KookyZookeepergame31 Can't assign quickkeys, tablet is useless now

Dear community,
I downloaded the newest firmwawre and it doesn't recognize my german keyboard, e.g. if I'd want to use the letter ö for a button the program would write [ or something different. Another issue is that I can't use symbols for which I'd have to use 2 or more buttons to access, let's say "?" which is written by pressing two buttons simultaneously, because the programm directly would write "shift + ´" or something like that (again, because the program wouldn't recognize the german keyboard as such)
this is really bothering me, isn't there a way to download older updates? This is really bad programming!
How could I solve the issue??
submitted by KookyZookeepergame31 to huion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:42 darromano1964 BIL & wife divorced and he passed shortly after. I think she took all of his assets.

This issue may not belong here, so if not, please redirect me. I didn’t know where to start. About 12 years ago, my MIL (now deceased) paid cash ($145,000) for a townhome for her son - I’ll call them Darren (64m) and his wife Dana (61f). For some context, Darren and Dana mooched off of MIL for at least 25 years and have been given hundreds of thousands of dollars. Within a year of being given the house, they drew from a line of credit because they repeatedly run up all of their credit cards and then can’t afford the payments. Darren hasn’t worked for at least 25 years and Dana only has a high school education so works as associate in payroll for companies.
My husband (62) and I (59f) went no contact with Darren and Dana right before MIL passed away. My husband took over his mom’s finances after she signed a POA, and took control of all of her debit and credit cards and checkbook and blocked Darren and Dana from access. They were furious that they no longer had access to MIL’s money. Darren was an alcoholic who became belligerent when drinking and is a physically imposing man (over 6’ and 400 pounds). Darren started threatening us trying to get us to give him the credit cards and checkbook. They live a mile from us. When we wouldn’t bend to their demands they paid an attorney to write a letter saying they were going to file charges of elder abuse and again demanded we give cards and checkbook to them along with all relevant paperwork. We ignored the letter because my husband had a POA that was signed and notarized and a drs statement attesting to MIL’s ability to understand what she was signing. They got even more desperate when we ignored their ridiculous letter. Darren was now calling my husband (his brother) and threatening to contact his bosses at his job and tell them that we are suspected of elder abuse. At this point, my husband made the difficult decision to go no contact with Darren and Dana in order to protect us.
MIL passed shortly after this and her remaining assets were liquidated (everything was in a trust) and split evenly between the two brothers. Fast forward ten years. We have had zero contact with Darren and Dana. The last time we saw Darren, he was in pretty bad shape (diabetes, alcoholic, chain smoker, zero exercise, poor diet), so we knew he would probably die young. Every once in a while, I would see if they still owned the house and also check the obituaries.
This week when I searched, I found Darren’s obituary. He died back in January 2024. I did request the death certificate and noticed on the death certificate that it said he was divorced. So in further checking public records, we found out that they divorced in 9/23. As soon as Darren was out of the house (he was at an extended stay hotel), Dana moved her daughter and daughter’s partner into the house.
Just this past week I noticed the deed on the house was changed to just Dana’s name. I am going to go to the clerk’s office and look at the divorce decree. Typically, wouldn’t Dana have to either buy Darren out for his half of the house or agree to give him half when it’s sold? If the agreement was to give him half the proceeds of the sale, does it have to be sold within a certain amount of time? The house is now worth upwards of $325,000. And what happens since Darren died so quickly after the divorce? How was Dana able to remove Darren’s name from the house? Wouldn’t he have to sign a Quit Claim Deed? And if he did, then he should have received some money. He was estranged from his only child and only sibling, so if he did have money, how do I find out who inherits it?
I appreciate any guidance you can offer. Dana is a greedy, dishonest snake, so I think she probably took any money that he had. Darren was cremated and I doubt that he had a will, unless Dana coerced him into leaving everything to her.
submitted by darromano1964 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:41 Yurii_S_Kh Princes Boris and Gleb. Proto-martyrs and Passion-Bearers of Old Russia

Princes Boris and Gleb. Proto-martyrs and Passion-Bearers of Old Russia
Boris and Gleb were the younger and much beloved sons of Grand Prince Vladimir, the ruler of Kievan Rus, who in 988 brought his subjects to the waters of Holy Baptism. The two brothers were also baptized at which time they received the Christian names Romanus and David. The older of the two, Boris, was very gifted and learned to read and write. He shared with his brother his knowledge of the Scriptures and the lives of the Saints whom they both strove to emulate. Indeed, by the time they came of age to rule their respective patrimonies, the territories of Ryazan and Murom, they had already cultivated in their hearts Christian virtues of mercy, compassion and kindness, traits still rare in a land freshly converted from barbarous paganism.
Boris was particularly esteemed among the people and the soldiery. His popularity provoked bitter jealousy in his eldest brother Svyatopolk (known to history as "the Accursed") who scorned the laws of the newly adopted Christian religion, so dear to his younger brothers, in favor of satisfying his unbridled ambition. He saw Boris as a rival for the position of Grand Prince, and when Vladimir died Svyatopolk wasted no time in plotting his brother's murder.
Boris had been sent by his father to fend off an anticipated raid by the Pechenegs. He was returning to Kiev when he was met by emissaries sent by Svyatopolk, from whom he learned of his father' s death and his brother' s self-willed accession to the throne. The latter, knowing that the people would rather have Boris as ruler and desiring to forestall any opposition that this news might stir up, bade his messengers assure Boris of his fraternal goodwill and his intent to increase Boris' domain.
Boris was well aware of his brother's long-standing hatred for him and recognized in this message the kiss of Judas. The young prince knew that his life was threatened. His immediate concern, however, was not the adoption of some military strategy--whether offensive or defensive--but how to act in such circumstances as befits a Christian. Reflecting upon the words of the Gospel: "If any man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar," and "Love thine enemies," he firmly rejected the advice of his father's retainers who urged Boris to oust the unpopular Svyatopolk, pledging their support to such a plan, "Be it not for me," he replied, "to raise my hand against my brother. Now that my father has passed away, let him take the place of my father in my heart."
Knowing that armed resistance would only provoke needless bloodshed, Boris sent away his soldiers and remained alone where they had encamped on the bank of the Alta, together with a few servants, it was Saturday evening and he retired to his tent to recite the vigil service. As he read the Six Psalms, the cry of the Psalmist echoed in his heart: "O Lord, why are they multiplied that afflict me, Many rise up against me..." (Ps. 3:1). Informed that his murderers were approaching, the Prince turned to an icon of the Saviour and prayed beseechingly: "Lord Jesus Christ, Thou didst accept Thy Passion on account of our sins; grant me al so the strength to accept my passion. I receive it not from my enemies but from my brother, Lord, lay not this sin to his charge."
As the murderers burst into the tent, Boris' faithful servant George, a young Hungarian, placed himself between the prince and his attackers in an attempt to save his master's life. The servant was killed at once, while the Prince, grievously wounded by the thrust of a lance, was bound up in the tent canvas and taken on a cart to Kiev. But he never reached the city. When Svyatopolk learned that his brother was still alive, he sent two Varangians to consummate the bloody deed, which was accomplished when one of them plunged his sword into Boris' heart.
Svyatopolk's next victim was Gleb. He sent word to the guileless prince that his father was very ill and was calling for him. Always obedient to his father, Gleb set off at once with a small retinue. Near Smolensk, where his route took him by boat down the river Smyadyn, he was met by emissaries from his brother Yaropolk bearing a letter of warning from their sister Predislava: "Do not come,' she wrote. "Your father has died and Svyatopolk has killed your brother."
But the warning had come too late. The murderers hired by Svyatopolk caught up with Gleb on the river. He knew that he alone was the object of the pursuit and, like his brother, Gleb urged his company not to offer armed resistance, as they were outnumbered and all would perish. After a momentary weakness in which he begged his assassins to spare his young life, he calmly accepted his fate in the understanding that the voluntary suffering of the innocent is a direct imitation of Christ. Gleb was killed by his own cook who, terrified into compliance by Svyatopolk's henchmen, seized the headof the young prince and cut his throat. His body was thrown onto the shore and covered with brush.
Five years later, when Yaroslav finally succeeded in overthrowing the treacherous Svyatopolk, the bodies of the two royal martyrs, discovered to be incorrupt, were laid to rest together in the church of St. Basil in Vyshgorod, Yaroslav' s residence near Kiev. Their tomb immediately became a place of pilgrimage, and the many miracles which took place before their relics persuaded Church authorities to consent to Yaroslav's request and canonize the two brother-princes.
Although Boris and Glob were not martyred for their faith (they are properly called 'passion-bearers' rather than martyrs), their voluntary and meek sacrifice for the sake of averting the suffering of others and preserving the Christian ideal, had a profound effect on the subsequent development of Christianity in Russia. Whereas in Byzantine Christianity God was often depicted as Pantocrator--stern and all-powerful, in Russia the emphasis was on Christ as the sacrificial Lamb Who 'opened not his mouth before his shearer'. Russian piety came to be characterized by a tender humility and an acceptance of suffering following the example of Christ. In this century Russia's New Martyrs offer a supreme testimony to the enduring influence of this otherworldly orientation which that country first witnessed in the exploit of the two youthful brother princes and passion-bearers, Boris and Gleb.
Source: OrthoChristian
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:34 Banancake Ghosts in the Avalanche 15 - A Nature of Predators FanFic

First Prev [Next]

Chapter 15: For What You’ve Tamed
“We’ve come a long way, Vikri. Let’s finish your story,” Rayner said as he sat down in the same chair, crossing his legs in the same way.; small consistencies that made the task of talking about my past seem a little more routine. “I understand you lost someone important to you that day.”
I shifted slightly where I sat. “Yeah,” I answered coarsely. I grabbed at the poncho hanging over my shoulders. I remembered what it felt like in my dreams. Radiant warmth always seemed to emanate from it. Not necessarily the poncho itself, but Tenga’s memory. I realized that as long as I had those, then he was still here in a way. I’d much rather have him here than his memory though.
Rayner nodded. “I know what that’s like,” he said in a near whisper.
I shook my head. “It’s not just that I lost him. I…I failed,” I rasped. “I could’ve saved him. Maybe if I’d gone back I could’ve gotten the equipment before the fire did. I was too afraid.”
Rayner nodded slowly. “And now you feel responsible.”
I remained silent as I clutched my tail on the couch beside me. Rayner already knew the answer. He pursed his lips. “Yeah…I know exactly how that feels.”
I looked up at him. For the first time, his eyes weren’t on me, but on the adjacent wall as he seemed to ponder something. “You think about all the things you could have done differently. Things that are so obvious in hindsight,” he sighed and adjusted his glasses. “If only it were that clear in the moment.” He looked up at me, clasping his hands together. “So walk me through what happened.”
I could still vividly remember the moment Tenga got shot. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. So quickly in fact, that it even took Tenga a moment to realize there was a hole in his torso. Minutes of continuous tension shattered with a hail of gunfire lasting less than a second. The echoes continued to howl through the mountains long after the bodies met the snow. My friend was fatally wounded, the snow around him dyed bright red with his blood. And I had to leave him.
The entire time I was in the belly of the federation destroyer with danger lurking around every corner, all I wanted to do was to get this done as quickly as possible and get back to him. I was enraged that they’d done this to him and to billions just like him.
“Tenga was all I thought about the entire time,” I croaked. “And I…I was willing to kill everyone onboard to get back to him, even if there was no way I ever could. I… did things I could never have imagined myself doing even just days ago. I tore a chunk out of my leg just to be able to get to the Krakotl pinning me down with a crowbar.” I inhaled deeply, staring down at my reflection in the water, recalling my bloodshot eyes in the reflection of the ship's monitor. The grimly colorful bloodstains in my fur from several different species.
Rayner nodded. “It was a desperate situation. Many don’t see themselves doing things like that until they’re put in a situation where it's necessary. A situation where it's do or die. No one can fault you for that, especially not with all that depended on you.”
“I guess I just…It’s just worrying knowing that there’s a part of me capable of that.”
The doctor tapped his pen on his notepad as he seemed to think for a moment. “Do you worry that you may have violent outbursts?”
I scoffed. “Well, the events of a few days ago provided good grounds for worry.”
Rayner nodded. “Aggression is common for PTSD victims. It can be difficult to manage intense emotions when your mind is already dealing with so much.
I shook my head. “That’s not the person I want to be.”
Rayner nodded. “I know Vikri. That’s why it's so crucial for you to talk about this stuff. The less all of this weighs on you, the better you’ll be able to control those emotions when they arise.”
He finished writing on his notepad before taking off his glasses and leaning forward slightly. “So what happened to Tenga?”
The question made my heart sink. My mind went quiet. The second hand of time sounded like the footsteps of a giant marching toward…something. My body seemed to go cold and numb. “He died…” I croaked, staring down at the table. That was the first time I’d admitted that to myself verbally in such a direct way. “And I tried so hard,” I choked, tears now streaming down my face. “I did everything in my power to save him. I even put Querek’s life in danger.”
I felt the heat. I could feel cold water dripping from my paws as the burning ship melted the frost accumulating in my fur. I remembered the terrifying hopelessness that gripped me as I gripped Querek and pushed him into the snow. He tried to sacrifice himself for Tenga. What if I had let him? Would it have even worked? Could Tenga accept that?
I recalled the story to Rayner, battling to keep my composure. “I…I watched him die,” I choked. “And I was furious. Reese had to pull me off of him. I wanted to do…something, anything, but…he told them not to bring him back. I think he…” I winced at the thought of him considering this. “I think he’d rather have died sacrificing himself over…going rabid.”
Silence perforated the room for what felt like several long minutes. Rayner sat with his legs crossed, his hand propped up against his mouth. He seemed to become lost in thought for a moment before speaking. “I know how that guilt feels,” he admitted quietly.
I looked at him, somewhat surprised. “You do?”
Rayner nodded, rubbing his hands together. “My son,” he said plainly, taking a long pause before he continued. “He and Jesse were very close as kids. Practically brothers.” He tapped on his clipboard with his pen. “I was…not so available in those days. I was a very different man than I am now. I was still in school. I was always busy, always stressed. I hadn't even considered becoming a therapist. I was deadset on becoming a neurosurgeon.” He scoffed at himself, his head gently shaking back and forth as his gaze grew distant. His delivery lacked that matter-of-fact candor I was so used to by now. He was much quieter; less animated. His eye contact was sporadic and he never stopped fidgeting with his pen. Everything about him seemed suddenly mired in an emotion that was difficult to read. That was when I saw everything we'd done over the past few days for what it really was. Rayner wasn't invincible. He never claimed to be. He was hurt; I could hear it in his voice. He wasn't a person reaching down into the mud and yanking me out by the nape of the neck. He was man covered in mud himself. He wasn't an untouchable hero. Merely a guide.
He continued as that realization struck me. “I loved him as much as a father could. But I was so busy that…well I wasn't there as much as I'd like to have been. That put a big strain on our relationship.” He removed his glasses and wiped the lenses a few times before he continued. “One night we got into an argument. He’d just gotten his license. He had an old beat-up car I'd bought him for his birthday,” he chuffed. “A teen’s first car is always…eccentric. Thought it was a great deal at the time.” He sighed and nodded slightly before continuing. “He left the house enraged, speeding down the road. After a few miles, he lost control, swerved off the road, and hit a tree head-on. The airbag never deployed. The car crumpled like a soda can.”
I stared at him, speechless as he concluded in a near-whisper. “He was declared dead at the scene.”
The room felt hollow for a few long seconds. I searched for a reply but couldn't fathom the right words to say. Fortunately, Rayner didn't stay silent for long. “Like you, I blamed myself for a long…long time.” He sighed. “And it nearly destroyed me.”
I stared at the floor, fidgeting with my tail. “How did you…overcome that?”
“Well it didn't happen overnight,” he replied, flashing a brief smile. “It takes time but, at some point, you have to carry on living. You have to continue loving.” His eyes creased slightly as he looked down at his own hands. “You have to keep loving,” he repeated in a low whisper.
Loud silence claimed the room again as his words sank in. He was right. It was either accept what happened or live like this forever. Looking at it that pragmatically, the choice seemed easy. Emotions are never so logical though. It wasn’t as if he relieved himself of that burden either, it was obvious he still carried it. It just…didn’t weigh as much now. Not because it got lighter, but because he got stronger. I eased into speaking again. “I…I'm sorry. About your son.”
Rayner nodded. “I'm sorry about your friend.”
We both stewed in silence for a minute before Rayner spoke up. “We’ll send you home today.”
“You…really think I’m ready?”
Rayner nodded slowly. “I think so. The medication seems to be working, you haven’t had any breakdowns since you’ve been here. You’ve gotten much better at discussing these things. I think you’re equipped to face this now.”
“...I’m afraid,” I croaked.
“Of what?” Rayner asked, leaning forward
“Of…seeing Lucky again. I'm doubting whether I even should. I was never prepared to be her master. I’m just a danger to her.”
“Vikri,” Rayner exhaled and leaned forward. “You made a mistake. We all do. But you have a responsibility to her. You should at least see her and face that mistake, or you’ll never have closure. What you decide after that is your choice, but I don’t think it’ll be as bad as you think.”
“I hope so,” I sighed.
Rayner clicked his pen and set his notepad aside. “We’ve made you some medication to take home, same stuff you've been taking. The plan is to keep lowering the dosage until you’re sleeping without it. We’ve made you some sheets with all the daily doses on them and when to take each one. It’s enough to last you two weeks, then once they’re out, you’ll come back here for another session, then if you need it, we’ll get you more and keep weaning you off them.”
He leaned forward, emphasizing his next words. “And I cannot recommend enough that you go to Jesse’s support group in between our meetings. Those will help you tremendously, I’m sure of it.”
I nodded. “I have his number. I’ll…I’ll give it a shot.”
“You won't regret it,” Rayner assured me. “Jesse was in the same chair as you not too long ago for similar reasons. He has knowledge from first-hand experience. I can vouch for him, he’s a great guy.” He inhaled. “Well, is there anything else Vikri? We won’t be seeing each other again for a while, so if there’s anything else, now’s the time to talk about it.”
I thought for a second. We’d covered almost everything. I’d never discussed those days in so much detail. It felt like being submerged in icy water. It was miserable at first, but over time it became easier, even comfortable. I’d relived so much pain over the last three days, but here at the end of the whole story, It felt less like a nightmare, and more like reality. “No, I don’t think so,” I finally replied.
“Then I’ll clear you to go home. Andrea is here, she’ll give you a ride, I’m sure. Here.” He reached over and handed me a small business card. “That has all my contact information on it. I’m usually here in my office until late at night, so feel free to call if you need anything. If the sedative gives you any issues at all, any side effects, make sure to call and let me know. We followed the recipe to a tee, but it’s wise to be cautious.”
A familiar silence flooded the room as Rayner and I seemed to, for the first time, have nothing left to say. Finally, the doctor spoke. “See you in two weeks, Vikri.”
Golden strands of light danced between the digits of my paw as I moved it in front of the brilliant summer sun. An intense beacon of warmth floating in a sky as blue as Earth’s oceans. The rumble of Andy’s car occupied the air as we cruised down the highway. Vivri was sound asleep in the backseat. The gentle white noise and vibration seemed to knock her out cold. I watched the sunrays dance as I waved my paw in front of me, before turning it around. Several spots on my paw still had obvious scars. I even still had burn scars from the electrical systems aboard the crumbling Cardinal.
I curled my paw closed into a fist and rested my head against it, watching the lush, green mountains pass by in the distance. After three days I was set loose into the world once again, hopefully better armed than I was before. Even after all the weight I doffed from my shoulders in Rayner’s office, a crushing mass still rested on my chest. Lucky.
The weight only became heavier as the car slowed, and rounded a corner into the parking lot of a large animal hospital. Andy gently brought the car to a stop in a parking space in front of the entrance. Occasionally people would walk in and out with their pets, many of which were dogs on leashes.
Vivri stirred awake after we stopped. “Oh…We’re here,” she muttered nervously. “There’s…a lot more animals here than I was expecting.”
Andy chuckled. “It’s an animal hospital girl, there’s gonna be all kinds of critters here.”
I turned around to face her. “You don’t have to go in there. You and Andy can wait here.”
Andy scoffed. “You might wanna tell Rayner they screwed up those meds, ‘cause you’re delusional if you think I’m letting you go in there by yourself.”
“Well I don’t want her to be alone out here,” I argued.
“I’ll go in, just…stay close, please?” Vivri interjected.
I looked back at her, ears tilted. She was dead serious. I sighed and shook my head. “This is gonna be a disaster,” I groaned.
Andy opened her door. “I’ll wait with her in the lobby, you go talk to the vets. It’ll be fine.”
I looked back at Vivri one last time as Andy stepped out. “Alright, just stay away from the cats.” I opened my door and began stepping out into the summer air.
“Small felines. They're demons with mind control,” I replied just before closing the door.
Vivri scrambled out of the car and followed right on my heels. “Well don’t just leave me!” she squeaked.
I laughed. “I’m kidding. Well, mostly.”
Walking into the building, I realized that Lucky had been in a very similar place as me over the past three days. The lobby felt eerily similar to the one at the medical center. Everything went silent as Vivri and I walked in. Immediately I could feel dozens of eyes on us. Vivri hid close behind me as Andy gestured for me to follow her to the desk.
I doubted any of the humans there meant any harm, but dozens of binocular eyes snapping onto her in an instant had Vivri more unsettled than she already was. It didn’t help that several dogs were either on leashes or in carriers in the lobby, which were no doubt just as curious. I grabbed Viv’s paw. “They don't see many Venlil,” I whispered. “Just ignore them.”
I approached the desk with Vivri still hiding behind me. “E-excuse me?” I stuttered. The woman at the desk looked up, clearly caught off guard by two venlil standing before her. “O-oh! Excuse me, you must be Lucky’s owner, right?”
“Yeah. Vikri.” I could feel Vivri shivering behind me.
“I’ll let Doctor Gavin know you’re here.”
“Thanks,” I muttered before turning to Vivri. “Are you sure about this?” I whispered.
“Of course! It’s just for a few minutes, right?” Her body language gave an entirely different answer. She seemed like she might faint at any moment.
I looked up at Andy. “Keep her close, would you?”
Andy wrapped her arms over Viv’s shoulders. “Of course. I’ll keep little Vivi safe from all the big, bad puppy dogs and mean kitties,” she said in baby speak, twisting her side to side. She giggled. “We’ll be fine.” Her tone suddenly shifted as she locked eyes with me. “Will you?”
I stood there in silence for a moment. This entire time my heart felt unbearably heavy. Standing there, I felt nauseous. So much so that I made it a point to know exactly where the bathroom was when I walked in. The weight on my chest made breathing a laborious task. I heaved in a deep breath. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I don’t know what’s going to happen in there but…I have to do this. For both of us.”
Andy exhaled and nodded, seemingly just as nervous for me. Right on cue, the door at the back of the room opened with a heavy click. “Vikri?” a male voice called out. An older gentleman in burgundy scrubs surveyed the room. It didn’t take long for him to find me. He nodded toward me as he adjusted his glasses. “Right this way, please.”
“We’ll be right here,” Andy whispered, her hands still resting around Viv’s shoulders, who agreed with a tail flick.
I nodded and walked toward the man, leaving the cozy waiting room behind, and entering a long, sterile hallway. The doctor’s shoes clicked against the tile as he walked just in front of me. The weight bearing down on my chest only got heavier with each step. After a few agonizing seconds, the man finally spoke up as he stopped outside a door. “I’m Doctor Gavin,” he said breathily, extending a hand. “I performed Lucky’s surgery.”
I took his hand with my paw, which he could no doubt tell was trembling by this point. “Vikri,” I choked. “S-so…How is she?”
“She’s good,” Gavin answered in a higher pitch. “She’s recovering remarkably fast. Really lived up to her name.” He opened the door and stepped through into a kennel area as he continued. “The bullet hit one of her ribs and shattered. A couple of fragments pierced her lung, one of them was just inches from her heart. There’re still a few very small ones lodged in her tissue, but we’d be doing more harm than good by trying to remove them. They shouldn’t cause any issues and come out on their own after some time, but we’ll keep track of them with x-rays.”
As he spoke we passed by kennels, some empty, some with dogs that barked or jumped up on the cage as we passed. I scoured each one for Lucky, my dread building with each one we passed. Suddenly, the doctor stopped in front of me. He inhaled deeply. “I should mention…Given the…circumstances of how she got these injuries, me and some staff will stay with you just in case she becomes aggressive. That’s not to say that I think she will,” he added hastily, “she’s been great with everyone here but…you know, just to be safe.”
“I get it,” I breathed. It made sense. If Lucky attacked me, it would be far more deadly than it would be for a human. And I was confident even a human wouldn’t last long against a half-wolf her size. Fittingly, a group of four humans were gathered at the end of the hallway, catchers in hand.
Time seemed to slow as I approached the pen. The staff members all looked over at me with the same anxious expression. I felt like a prisoner walking toward my judgment, and that perhaps it was me that belonged behind these cages. I swallowed and took a long, slow breath as Gavin opened the gate. He walked in ahead of me. “Hey there big girl,” he said in a chipper tone. I heard the familiar thumping of Lucky’s tail against the floor. Gavin chuckled to himself as the remaining four staff calmly and quietly filed into the pen. Once they were all inside, the final human leaned around the corner, looked me in the eyes for a long second, and nodded once.
A new reality awaited around that corner. My sentence was about to be read. It felt so cripplingly helpless; wanting so desperately to finally be reunited with my best friend, yet trembling at the thought of rounding a corner to run face-first into the consequences of my actions. I steeled myself one last time. I nodded back at the catcher and took slow, deliberate steps toward him. I finally rounded the corner, and for the first time since the incident, I saw Lucky.
She lay on a large, fabric bed, with food and water bowls close by. Her right front leg was bound in a cast, tied up close to her body. A large patch of fur had been shaved away around her chest and halfway up her neck. She seemed thinner than I remembered. It reminded me of the scared, hungry pup I’d met so long ago.
Her eyes tracked onto mine instantly, and I felt an ache that defied all imagination. The same gaze that would send almost any other Venlil scrambling down the hallway instead gripped some inner part of me in a cold, numb stasis. I couldn’t move. Part of me wanted to run to her and spill out how sorry I was. Another wanted to curl up on the floor right there and sob, returning to that familiar numbness that seemed akin to the ancient enemy of life itself. The cold. That bitterness that pierced through fur, through flesh, through bones, and any ideal held by the naive child that sat next to Tenga’s corpse that day. It ran through until there was nothing left.
Then, I felt a warmth as if someone had draped a blanket over me. I gripped my poncho around my shoulders, grabbing it tightly. I made a quiet promise to myself there and then. Not a promise to my sister, or my parents, or Andrea. Me. I wouldn’t lie down in the cold. Never again. One more hill.
“Hey Lucky,” I said, my voice coarse and breaking every syllable.
The silence was abruptly broken as Lucky, though seemingly frail, shot to her feet. Everyone in the room shifted, prepared for the worst. I didn’t dare move, but I could feel my heart pounding in my legs, my body preparing to bolt. The staff watched her carefully, their grip slightly tightened around their polls. Lucky made no sounds, only stared at me, her nostrils flaring as she gathered my scent. Her right front leg was useless, immobilized against her body. She shifted her footing to steady herself. Then I saw something that replaced fear with tears. She was shaking like a leaf, never taking her eyes off me. She could care less about the others. She was scared. Of me.
I felt myself fall off a ledge in a sensation I’d become all too familiar with over the last few weeks. Tears streamed down my face, my breath hitching as I brought my paws up to my face. I fell to my knees, the presence of the staff had become irrelevant. “I’m…I’m sorry,” I exhaled between gasps. “I’m so sorry.”
So there it was. My new reality. It wasn’t what I’d hoped for, but it was what I expected. I didn’t know what I’d do then, and I didn’t know now. Could I go on without Lucky? She was the one fortress in the turbulent seas of my broken mind. She was the one I could always count on. The one that I knew would always be there, no matter what. Now I was convinced she was terrified of me.
I sat there a shattered mess for a long moment, tumbling off that cliff and reaching out for anything to catch myself, but found nothing but jagged stones. I felt a hand on my shoulder, Doctor Gavin attempting to comfort me, I assumed. Until I felt something touch my knee. I looked up, thrown out of the spiral abruptly. Lucky was now just in front of me, licking my leg. I froze, confused. She gently laid down, careful of her bandaged leg as she rested her head on my leg, looking up at me. That was the same leg she’d broken months ago. Finally, I got it. “I hurt you, and you still loved me.”
A wave of relief rushed through me and I looked down at her, eyes glossy with tears. I bent down and rested my head against hers. I laughed, though it sounded more like a sob. For the first time in days, I felt whole again.
Lucky still loved me.
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submitted by Banancake to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:33 Tiny-Bookkeeper6372 PhD scholarships in usa

Hello everyone
My name is ahmed from Egypt, i want to pursue gradute studies (PhD) in USA in neuroscience or biomedical science. I have bachelor of pharmacy. I know most universities open admissions in September but i was wondering if there is anything currently opened you may suggest ?
Thank you in advance ❤️
submitted by Tiny-Bookkeeper6372 to InternationalStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:32 MojoMaster1997 Must be nice to feel it again

Sorry for the long ass post, but bear with me lang
It must be nice to feel again to have a special someone, someone you look forward to seeing, and someone you look forward as well to spend time with (especially on a long and tiring day).
I broke up with my ex last November, reason for it was I had to beg for the bare minimum. I only exist when she needs me, but when I’ve done it, I was cast aside. I gave her time, despite me being busy with work and being busy with law school.
I’ve forgotten about her na, moved on and let go of the grudges I had with her. Now, April 15 this year, I remember this date fondly, I had this co-worker who I was starting to develop feelings for around December, then the more I spend time with her earlier this month, the more my feelings got stronger. I decided, fuck it, aamin ako, mas better umamin ako and ma-turn down rather na di ako umamin then live the days off with regret.
I did it, I confessed to her. She already had a gut feeling, pero ayaw nya umasa (given her past experiences, which we’ll get to later). So ayun, I told her na, she didn’t shot me down, but she was undecided. Given na her past relationships, most of the guys left her and cheated on her, she became afraid or wary of anyone expressing romantic interests with her. Sinabi nya mismo na “bato ako ngayon, and matatagalan pa before ako lumambot, and at this stage pa, if meron magkakagusto sa akin and manliligaw, choice nya yun, if mahihintay nya ako, then I am willing to give that person a chance, pero if hindi, that only shows na easy person lang gusto nya. Choice nya if he will stay, ayaw ko makasakit agad ng tao na pag tinurn down ko sya, magsasalita ng masama sa akin. Alam mo naman and nakwento ko sayo mga napagdaanan ko and trauma ko from my previous relationships, yan ang malaking factor”. IDK, if ako lang, but other guys would no longer make effort knowing na it would take an effort to win that person. But ako, IDK if I’m a sane person, I decided to go with it and ipursue sya, I said to myself “Maybe, what she really wants is to find a guy na di mag-give up sa kanya, naiintindihan yung napagdaanan nya and bigyan sya ng time to fully open up and welcome someone again sa heart nya”. I decided to go for it, why not, if ma turn down pa din ako sa huli, masasaktan ako, pero at least I can say, di ako nagsisi umamin. If nareciprocate efforts ko para ligawan sya, edi TYL. She admitted ako ang first manliligaw nya na in person nagbibigay, I gave her letters, two letters in fact letting her know lang mga naiisip ko sa kanya and how I’m always here for her when she needs it.
I can’t help but imagine lang, na it would be nice sana if she were to be my girlfriend, na sya kasama ko, and yayakap sa akin, someone I can grow with reach our dreams together.
IDK lang if I made the right choice, but only time will tell.
submitted by MojoMaster1997 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:27 Greeke_Fire SUSS Appeals

I recently sent in an appeal to SUSS for full time business analytics, and it was successful. I have the interview in about 2 weeks, but I have a few questions on what to do.
So there are 3 things according to the email that I have to do on the day, - A cognitive test - A closed-book essay test based on the research topic (to be typed during the session) - A cluster interview with Business Analytics Programme materials
Is the cognitive test just an iq test with 50 questions? And is it heavily regarded when you appeal?
For the closed book essay, I got a whole article to read on it, but do I write an essay and memorize it for the interview? Or will the question be given or change? Also, how many words should it be and how long do we have for it? By closed book, do they mean the article isn't given either?
For the interview, is everyone just in one giant group and you take turns talking? Is there a portion where you speak with the professor alone, or is it just talk in front of everyone? I don't have much to add regarding job experience, or any volunteer, since all I did was speedrun high school in US and applied with international qualifications.
If anyone has any experience or anything I didn't ask but you find it useful, please share, I could use all the help I can get. Thx :D
submitted by Greeke_Fire to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:21 createdjustforthis23 15/05/2024

I feel headachey and tired today but my mood feels better than yesterday so that’s good!
We were in the middle of a conversation last night, he had me utterly soaked and losing my mind and then it went silent and I couldn’t hear him and when I tell you the timing could not have been worse I am not kidding. Except it turns out he could still hear me, which I felt embarrassed about later because I was basically being a little whimpering mess because I assumed he couldn’t hear anything either like he normally can’t. So anyway now he must know he’s baby because I was saying things like baby come back and where are you like an absolute idiot. I think my brain cells lessen even more so when I’m in that frame of mind. Wait and so that means he’d already cum and was over the whole thing and I didn’t know and I kept going, and he kept like… encouraging it with the dirty stuff he was saying. That’s kind of embarrassing that he was just sat there twiddling his thumbs and there I was sounding so stupid. He’s so sweet.
I’ve decided the middle-ish bit of the miss murder song sounds like Jeff Buckley for a little bit, not the voice but the music bit. Only briefly. Anyway my poppunky phase has still returned, I feel 14 again listening to the used and stuff, what a time. I’ve only saved the main big ones to this new playlist though, I know I’m forgetting a bunch of not top 40 kinda ones but whatever these are scratch my lil itch. I’m also just having a lil nostalgic phase with that playlist - it’s wild how much my music taste has changed… but also stayed the same? I loved the klaxons back then, I’m listening to them again and I still like them, and I’m remembering lyrics when I forgot said song even existed. Maybe that’s why I remember nothing from school, because my head is filled with useless lyrics. Good one, brain. Or Simian Mobile Disco? Entirely forgot they existed. I never forgot about the yeah yeah yeahs though, I have succcchhhhhhhh a vivid memory of listening to them while walking around some suburb in Brisbane while we were visiting my aunty and uncle, I think I was 14 or 15, and I was wearing a white tshirt because I remember it started pouring down and it went see through and I felt super embarrassed. But it was night time, or like after dinner time, and I was just going on a stroll cause idk I was a teenager and probably wanted some space to be my angsty self. I remember my uncle had a movie room, not really but he called it that, and it had bean bags and stuff and he had all the HP movies, or at least whatever was out by then. And now I’m day dreaming about how I was a couple cities away from my honey, except what’s the bet he would take one look at 14/15 year old me when he was like 18/19 and be like ew get away from me you little creep. Anyway. Le Tigre were big for me. Xray spex too, the intro to oh bondage up yours still to this day haunts my mind. I listened to that germ free adolescent album a lot at one stage. I’ve just listened to a bunch of it now and I still like it a lot. I have to say the more my mood has dropped and my anxiety increased over the years the more subdued music I listen to, I wonder if it’s connected? Because I used to listen to a lot of… busy music, let’s say. Whereas now it stresses me out sometimes, and I wonder if it’s because there’s too much at once and that doesn’t mesh well with an already hectic head. Omg and MGMT, I had a biggggggg phase of them. I genuinely wanted to marry the curly haired one, I thought everything about him was so dreamy. I want to say his name is Andrew from memory, lucky me getting an even better Andrew! It’s weird to think of Andy as an Andrew, I mean ultimately he’s honeybunny or baby but he’s also Andy. And his friends don’t even call him that? I’m obviously not writing what that name is here. I think it’s so so cute that his friends kid calls him that too, or tries to. Anyway he’s just baby. I think I say the same stuff in these journals all the time.
I feel a lot of relief knowing I have no more things on til July. I’m proud of myself though, it was technically homework for therapy - to do things that make me happy. Outside of the house, around people I mean. And so she asked what I would do if I was “normal” and one of them was go to things like the ballet and plays, things I miss out on because I’m too scared. So we agreed I would go to a couple and I did!! Homework: achieved. She was really proud of me when I said the events I had coming up, I know that sounds so pathetic and stupid but I’m definitely someone that needs to hear that praise and stuff. I can get by without it, but it’s encouraging to hear it, y’know? Idk.
Work is annoying me.
I don’t get why the idea of his friend doesn’t make him jealous. I don’t want it to make him jealous, I don’t want any form of negativity around it, but why doesn’t it? Am I built that differently to him? If he even floated the idea of that to me vice versa I don’t think I would ever recover. I mean that’s dramatic and I would but I would be paranoid about it for a looooooong time. But so why doesn’t he care? It feels like I care more about it than he does, it feels like I’m more concerned about it than he is? I don’t get it. I absolutely don’t want him to be super jealous or anything like that, I know I find the whole territorial thing crazzzzy hot in fiction but in reality I would find it stifling and frustrating. But him having zero ounce of jealousy just idk, it makes me feel like he doesn’t care? If he was to feel jealous, doesn’t that mean he’d want me all to himself? So if he isn’t jealous, then he doesn’t? I know I’m overthinking this so I’ll stop. And also in the past he’s said in reality he doesn’t know if he would actually want me with anyone else, but the idea and fantasy of it all is hot, which I agree with. I mean never say never because idk I guess I kind of do want to experience him and someone else at the same time, like I wouldn’t care in the slightest if it never happened but it is something I think I do properly want. But everything else? Even if we got to the point of finding someone and it eventuating and all of that… I can’t envision me actually going through with it. Even if Andy wanted it. Except maybe I would, but not out of want but out of feeling like I should because I don’t want to let anyone down. I know that isn’t a good reason to say yes but idk. Anyway. None of this matters. I don’t think the fact he doesn’t get jealous as such means he doesn’t care. If he didn’t care then he would end things.
Not to be rude and horrid and hateful but some people have the most god awful voices. There’s a podcast of three women who talk about books and stuff and anyway they’re all American and two of them are fine, if a little grating at times, but one of them has the most disgusting voices I’ve ever heard. It’s HORRIBLE. And she keeps shouting over the others and screeching and it’s just such a gross voice. I feel so mean :(
I worked kinda late, just til 7 or so. And then I had dinner, had chats with M, had a shower, made my bed and showered annnnnd now it’s time with my baby! The sky was very pretty tonight, it was like a glowing rose gold. It kind of made me think of a copper pot on a fire. I feel like suchhhh a lil grub, I only changed my sheets today and it’s Wednesday. That means a week and half of the same sheets! Which I guess isn’t actually so bad compared to others but still. And I also shower right before bed, so in theory I know they’re fine but I like to have fresh sheets every Sunday, it’s just how I am. I can’t wait to make our bed, I wonder if he’d think it was silly to sometimes leave lil lovey notes under his pillow? Just now and then, like a lil post it size note saying something cute. Hm. I do things like that though, and I know it can be seen as super lame and things so idk. I’ll just have to learn what’s okay and what’s not. Hmmm. Anyway.
Night night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:18 vindtar Signage!

I looked at the downtown pipe burst in Jozi and honestly I'd say Nairobi downtown is much more "lively". What i mean is, every business is focused on visibility. I also looked at other pictures online and saw in comparison to Nairobi, there's a little focus on a business' visibility. Forget about the uptown, those places don't apply to what I'm going to be talking about here.
My outlook is on LED signage. 1, The high end sleek ones, I'm talking about the ones moderate-high end salons place above their entry doors. 2, The still decent but rely on tiny, single, LED diodes layed in a pattern that when lighted up, create a light pattern that can take the shape of letters or images — for this number 2, i have seen none of its type in my searches involving Jozi.
Now, Jozi is multiple times richer than Nairobi, and in Nairobi, and generally in every kenyan town, these types of signs are A BANGER.
The reason why they are popular is because they bridge the gap between Sleek Expensive Signage (3d led / neon signs) and written/printed signage that doesn't light up. Thus people get the best of both worlds without spending a lot, but the maker can make a killing. Profit margins are very healthy. I'm also seeing news that big companies are leaving Saffre. Is it that bad, or how bad is it right now?
I've linked what I'm talking about on imgur since this sub is anti video. The images are however attached. My question is, did i look properly online, or do they exist in Jozi?
submitted by vindtar to johannesburg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:13 siddhanthmmuragi She said she was just therapist-ing me.

Tl;dr: My first love was coined just as therapist relationship.
Myself(20M), From the beginning it was on and off story, she(18F) had left her past and embraced new journey with me which held strong for an year and on and off for 3 years because we were still kids and facing board exams. My part of love started like when I was 15(she was 13) and confessed when she was 16 (I was 18). She had also told me to wait till her board exams and I did wait for her for an year and (still waiting...)
I never ever questioned she had her past relationship once ( when she was much younger) . When she said that she would like to have a fresh start and promised me. I believed that mistakes happen and I thought not everyone would be lucky and let my first love at stake. I forgave her and believed her for this.
I believed in her for the new start. It was strong - you know when people write old type love letters always to each other and shared a docs file to write down everything and plan future and all. I had even documented every past visit/meetups and all as a story and she was too. It was great to experience both sides again after the meetups in text format. Like literally our history is like 200+ pages.
Now somehow the old past came back and she is now saying that she was just therapist-ing me for my rough childhood days and she was just helping me.
Now you only tell me, someone whom you discuss all your past and plan life with and share many personal stuff ends up being just therapist-ing each other?? I am not blaming my old past or her leaving me.. the title which she gave to my precious little first true love as therapist relationship. That hurt me in all possible ways. I don't have 6packs nor do I look handsome, my pros are having patience and being calm. She said her past bf is more calmer and has more patience than me . I cannot compete with someone with my best trait when it is having patience. I guess my boon became a curse. If that's how I need to prove my love then I shall wait.. for her
What hurt me the most is that.. two sided love story turned (coined) into a therapist story. Or atleast that was the reason given by her.
Yet here I am desperate about my first true love and still waiting for her when she seems to be long gone. If that's(having patience) how I need to prove my love then I shall wait.. for her... With all those love letters that I have stacked with me...
submitted by siddhanthmmuragi to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:12 Upstairs_Ad_7134 i genuinely don’t know what to do

throwaway account since the person i’m about to talk about uses reddit semi frequently, and i’m sorry if my grammar isn’t that good i’m just writing this without any idea on what to say but essentially i’ve been having feelings for this person all the way back in middle school and without going into details they were the sole reason why i’m still here, so entering highschool i asked them out and they rightfully told me no (but now thinking about it, if they did say yes the relationship would’ve been “terrible” as back then i’ve only saw them as a savior and not for who they truly were as a person so having these high expectations of then would lead to dissatisfaction from me) and because of that we became distant, fast forward to around 3rd year of highschool we reconnected, and after getting out of a extremely toxic relationship and a traumatic event due to the relationship, we’ve gotten extremely close to each other and i asked them out again and they said, looking back on how our relationship was, i’ve truly been the happiest i’ve ever been, but besides the point a few weeks before graduation we got into a heated argument and on the day of graduation, after the whole ceremony they told me that they want a break from the relationship due to their mental health and i was devastated, but respectfully i told them that it was okay and that i hope by the time they felt like they’re mentally stable enough to resume the relationship that i’ll be there to support them in anyway possible
fast forward to around a month later, they told me that they felt like they’re mentally stable to continue the relationship… and not even 3 days later we broke up because what i want in a relationship is frequent communication, they claimed that they’re unable to provide that to me (along with other stuff but i can’t remember the specifics other than what i provided) so i entered a deep depression, fast forward to when freshman orientation for my university started, they message me asking for me to help their mom since their mom barely knew any english so i was used as a sub for their mom, around lunch break i stupidly asked them if they wanted to get back together (i still don’t know why i asked them this to this day) and they said no and for the rest of the orientation i was monotone with them, around the end of orientation while we waited for their mom to pick us up i asked them if they still had feelings for me and they told me although they’re not sure themselves since it’s been a while since we last saw each other irl they still had feelings for me. fast forward to the beginning of the semester i tried really hard to try to distance myself from them in order to move on because at that point i essentially gave up on any hope on us getting back together, and yet the few times i was around them, all the memories of our past relationship flood back to me, i still remember the 1st time i saw them around the 1st few weeks of uni, it was like i feel in love with them all over again and remember why i continue to believe in a chance of us getting back together.
fast forward to around the end of the 1st semester and all of 2nd semester of uni, due to some circumstances we frequently hangout a lot to the point once a week we would see each other and hangout for a few hours and if we didn’t hangout we would be on call for hours like how we used to, but to be honest it felt like we were in a relationship with the way we would be around each other, yet in the back of my mind i’ve always told myself “but it isn’t the same, you’re just friends and nothing more” so although my feelings for them grew due to the multiple times we would hangout i always doubted that it was anything more than just hanging out, now fast forward to a few hours ago we hangout together like usual but since we hung out during finals week this is most likely the last time i’d see them irl for a while due to them potentially moving states during summer break and them also dropping out of uni due to their mental health, i’m ashamed of saying this but because of my anxiety i just couldn’t use my voice at all so on my notes app i told them if they wanted to get back together but start from scratch, and well they told me no since although they’re alright right now they don’t know if they’ll have another mental break like what they had during quarantine and around the few weeks we argued before going on break and they don’t want me to experience that all over again and that they might be busy around summer along with them looking for a job, and that they wanted to focus on themselves before getting into a relationship again, but they acknowledged that they see that i’m ready to give our relationship another chance, they told me they i’ll probably need to wait a few more years before they feel like they’re ready again
so now i’m here to ask because i genuinely don’t know what to do since my emotions are conflicting each other so i don’t trust myself from making a decision about this, do i wait another few more years just for them, or what else do i do because i just don’t know what to do anymore. i’ve should’ve added this earlier but the time we broke up until now will almost be exactly 11 months (so exactly 1 month and 4-5 days from now it will exactly be an entire year of us breaking up and me waiting, just clinging onto any hope of us getting back together, and another thing was that a few days before we broke up we had a convo about what would happen to us if we did break up and they told me that it’ll take them a year until they’re comfortable with us getting back together) and throughout all of this i’ve been respectful of their decision every time i asked them (other that when i asked them during orientation), i’ve never tried to make it seem like it’s their fault that they aren’t ready still and i understand if they aren’t ready as i wouldn’t want them to say yes but immediately regret it once they realize that they’re not ready still
submitted by Upstairs_Ad_7134 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:58 marienbad2 New detective thing, short dialogue scene of her talking to the bartender in a bar where the victim met someone

I drive over to the bar on 44th Street. Doesn't take long to find it. It's got a black sign with silver writing on it, the name is spelled out in some florid style, similar to the Coke name on the cans, lots of flowing ornamentation, much more than on the actual Coke logo. Inside it's a chintzy place with some old 90s EDM playing, sounds a bit like The Chemical Brothers, that big beat style. It ain't loud. The place isn't busy at this time, there's a guy sat at the bar in an old, rumpled suit, and a few guys spotted around the place. There's CCTV all over the bar and I wonder how long they keep it for. I walk up to the bar and the bartender comes over. He's a tall, skinny guy with black pants and a black company top.
He looks me over. "What'll it be, toots?"
He's got a squeaky voice, sounds like he just got here from 1938. I show him my badge and then the picture.
"You know this guy?"
He looks at it carefully, as if he needs to inspect it to be sure. "Sure, sure. He comes here sometimes."
"When was he last here?"
He thinks for a second, rubs his chin. "About a month ago. Ain't seen him since then though."
"Was he with anyone?"
"Not when he arrived," he says with a knowing smile.
"So he met someone here?"
"Oh yeah." He fiddles with his wedding band. "Funny though, didn't think she was his type."
I look at his hands and then back at his face. "Married?"
"Did she work for him?"
"I don't know. They left together but another guy left with them," he says.
"What do you mean? They all left together? How did that work?"
He thinks again. "She was chatting with some girl, probably another worker but I ain't seen here around here before. Guy was sat at the bar and then she came to buy a drink. They talk a bit and then when she went back to her friend she kept glancing over. He gets up, walks to a booth, she joins him. They talked for a bit, I can't remember how long, but not long. Then this other guy comes in, sees them and joins them. She buys a round of drinks, they talk, drink up, and all three of them leave together."
I nod as if it makes sense. "What did they look like? The working girl and the guy?"
"Uh, the guy, he was a short-stack." He looks away when he realises what he's said to me. "Not tough looking, small, looked like someone who'd pay, if you know what I mean."
"Possibly. I ain't seen him in here before. He was smartly dressed, not a suit, but a shirt and nice slacks."
"And the girl?"
"Tall, blonde, fake though, bleached. Long legs, short skirt, tight top. You know what I'm saying, right? She's gotta suck 'em in. Worked like a charm from what I could see."
"You think he paid and went with her?"
"If they'd left alone, just the two of 'em I'da said yes, but with the other guy? Who knows. Maybe they wanted a three-way or something, but I didn't get the impression the two guys knew one another."
"What about the girl? She been in before? Did it seem like she knew the other guy, shorty?"
He shakes his head. "Not from what I seen. I didn't hear them talk, but he seemed to be introducing himself to them. Then he sat down and like I said, they talked, she bought drinks, they drank and talked and left. And she's a regular. I think she works nearby."
"Any idea where?"
He shakes his head. "I stay away from that stuff."
"Did this guy," I shake the picture, "talk to shorty when the worker bought the drinks?"
"I didn't look at them, I was making the drinks. They didn't seem to be talking when she got up and came over to the bar."
"So it looks like none of them knew one another but they all left together and she's a working girl?"
"About the size of it, yeah."
"Okay, thanks. One last thing, the CCTV; how long do you keep it for?"
"About a month."
"So they might be on it?"
"It's possible." He looks down the bar to where a guy is waving his glass. "I gotta go, sorry."
I nod and watch him walk off then head back to my car. I ponder what he told me, and realise I'm stuck. I can't think who the short guy might be, and the working girl matches to the description of any number of them in the city. I try to think of a working place nearby and can't figure any. I know a guy who works with them, tries to help them out, stop them working. He's a part of some local church as far as I know. I decide to pay him a visit.
submitted by marienbad2 to FictionSerials [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:51 Lori55nakida Did I fuck up?

I may be overreacting.
Anyway, so I asked this one supervisor of mine to write me a LOR. She was happy to and everything. Today she sent me the letter and told me to read and tell her if I want to change anything. Um…so I modified it and perhaps added a littler more “fluff” and fixed some grammar and sent it back to her, telling her to see if she’s okay with these changes. Then she went silent on me. We were texting back and forth the entire time, so it was weird the conversation cut off after I sent my revision. Like, was I not supposed to do that? I didn’t change it that much at all, the biggest thing was the format because I wanted it to look more professional (she was doing some bullet point type of thing) Maybe I was being too shameless? Am I putting her in a bad spot now because it’s hard for her to say no at the same time she didn’t like how her work was changed? I’ve been pulling my hair out the entire afternoon wishing I could turn back time 😭
submitted by Lori55nakida to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:49 Everydayuser3 I’m afraid my ex doesn’t know that I want her back

Me and my ex are currently doing no contact. She knows how much I love her as I already write her a very heartfelt letter saying so. We’ve talked about how we can’t see each other with other people and how much we love each other even after the breakup. Yet long story short me and my ex had a little drawn out break up. I tried to make things work for a month after she first broke up with me. She said she needed to be alone a month later. I kept calling her and she agreed to, up until about a week ago she asked for me to take a step back. I agreed and didn’t message her and her birthday went by within those days. I still didn’t message her. She saw me downtown that night and cried to me and vented and was mad that I didn’t wish her a happy birthday. She asked to apologize and meet up in person the night after. That night we only talked super formally and only about how we’re looking forward to healing.
My one concern is that through that whole conversation, I didn’t make it clear that I still want to try again for a relationship with her. Earlier that day when she had initially apologized for crying and venting to me, I responded with as heartfelt and mature of a response that I could give, including me saying “While I’m aware that what we had is over,” then continuing to be optimistic about our healing processes. While I have made it know ever since our initial breakup two months ago up until a few days ago when we had that talk that I really want to make things work, I feel like given how I responded to her request for space, didn’t wish her a happy birthday, acknowledged that what we had is over, and me not even bringing up how I want to try again in the future will make her believe that I’m just truly completely over trying for her, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
For additional context, we had drawn out the breakup simply because we have so much love for one another other. We were each other’s first bf/gf. This whole process was all about her needing space and needing to be alone right now. She had said once or twice that if this is meant to be then it will be. Yet I’m scared that she might take me saying “While I’m aware that what we had is over” as a sign of me not wanting to try anymore. She never gave me a direct statement of her saying how we are completely over. She had said enough times to me that this is a breakup. How she needs to be alone right now. How she needs her space. And she doesn’t know for how long. Yet I’m afraid that I might have said the wrong words and followed through with actions that don’t truly align with my true incentives. I can easily tell that the conversation that we had was all the closure that she needed to officially move on from me and to start living her life completely without me. She is a very healthy woman who looks at the world through a very healthy, optimistic and peaceful perspective. Due to this it seems like she wouldn't’ be the type to hold onto something like this after getting closure like that.
I only acted that way and didn’t speak to her and didn’t bring up any future aspirations of rekindling with her just do not disrupt her emotions any further as I know that this is a tough time for the both of us.I currently work with her yet she put her two weeks in already and I have my final shift with her this Sunday night. I’m contemplating if it’s a good idea for me to tell her one last time that I’m still interested in trying again in the future.
Should I use our last shift working together as an opportunity to tell her that I still want to try again for a relationship in the future? I really miss her and still love her and care about her deeply. This whole process has just been really hard and I feel the need to use this last in person chance as an opportunity to show her that I’m still interested in her. I feel like she’s the love of my life and I’ve told her that throughout the past 2 months. Please let me know if you guys think that this is a good idea.
TLDR: I feel as though I gave off the wrong impression with my ex over the past few days. Unintentionally letting her think that I’m completely done with her and wanting to move on when that couldn’t be further from the truth. She is a very mature, peaceful, healthy and optimistic woman, and given all of the closure that she just got combined with my misleading intentions, I fear that she will officially let me go given that I was the one who wanted to hold on and make things work when she first asked for space. I still really love her and care about her deeply and feel as though she’s the one for me. Should I use our last shift working together to tell her how I still want to try again for a relationship in the future?
submitted by Everydayuser3 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:47 Everydayuser3 I’m afraid my ex doesn’t know that I want her back

Me and my ex are currently doing no contact. She knows how much I love her as I already write her a very heartfelt letter saying so. We’ve talked about how we can’t see each other with other people and how much we love each other even after the breakup. Yet long story short me and my ex had a little drawn out break up. I tried to make things work for a month after she first broke up with me. She said she needed to be alone a month later. I kept calling her and she agreed to, up until about a week ago she asked for me to take a step back. I agreed and didn’t message her and her birthday went by within those days. I still didn’t message her. She saw me downtown that night and cried to me and vented and was mad that I didn’t wish her a happy birthday. She asked to apologize and meet up in person the night after. That night we only talked super formally and only about how we’re looking forward to healing.
My one concern is that through that whole conversation, I didn’t make it clear that I still want to try again for a relationship with her. Earlier that day when she had initially apologized for crying and venting to me, I responded with as heartfelt and mature of a response that I could give, including me saying “While I’m aware that what we had is over,” then continuing to be optimistic about our healing processes. While I have made it know ever since our initial breakup two months ago up until a few days ago when we had that talk that I really want to make things work, I feel like given how I responded to her request for space, didn’t wish her a happy birthday, acknowledged that what we had is over, and me not even bringing up how I want to try again in the future will make her believe that I’m just truly completely over trying for her, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
For additional context, we had drawn out the breakup simply because we have so much love for one another other. We were each other’s first bf/gf. This whole process was all about her needing space and needing to be alone right now. She had said once or twice that if this is meant to be then it will be. Yet I’m scared that she might take me saying “While I’m aware that what we had is over” as a sign of me not wanting to try anymore. She never gave me a direct statement of her saying how we are completely over. She had said enough times to me that this is a breakup. How she needs to be alone right now. How she needs her space. And she doesn’t know for how long. Yet I’m afraid that I might have said the wrong words and followed through with actions that don’t truly align with my true incentives. I can easily tell that the conversation that we had was all the closure that she needed to officially move on from me and to start living her life completely without me. She is a very healthy woman who looks at the world through a very healthy, optimistic and peaceful perspective. Due to this it seems like she wouldn't’ be the type to hold onto something like this after getting closure like that.
I only acted that way and didn’t speak to her and didn’t bring up any future aspirations of rekindling with her just do not disrupt her emotions any further as I know that this is a tough time for the both of us.I currently work with her yet she put her two weeks in already and I have my final shift with her this Sunday night. I’m contemplating if it’s a good idea for me to tell her one last time that I’m still interested in trying again in the future.
Should I use our last shift working together as an opportunity to tell her that I still want to try again for a relationship in the future? I really miss her and still love her and care about her deeply. This whole process has just been really hard and I feel the need to use this last in person chance as an opportunity to show her that I’m still interested in her. I feel like she’s the love of my life and I’ve told her that throughout the past 2 months. Please let me know if you guys think that this is a good idea.
TLDR: I feel as though I gave off the wrong impression with my ex over the past few days. Unintentionally letting her think that I’m completely done with her and wanting to move on when that couldn’t be further from the truth. She is a very mature, peaceful, healthy and optimistic woman, and given all of the closure that she just got combined with my misleading intentions, I fear that she will officially let me go given that I was the one who wanted to hold on and make things work when she first asked for space. I still really love her and care about her deeply and feel as though she’s the one for me. Should I use our last shift working together to tell her how I still want to try again for a relationship in the future?
submitted by Everydayuser3 to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:46 madhucho Why don't I feel anything?

I don't know what to write because I feel very numb. I'm going about my day but somehow I dont feel anything. It's been like this since a month. One day i feel great next day I don't feel like living anymore. I don't have anyone to talk to. My friends dont pick up my calls or meet me so I decided to stop calling them. I can't make new friends my family is always busy. It seems I have no one and even if I do say something im misunderstood or scolded. I have almost cut off everyone because I'm done trying to reach out. I also don't feel like telling anyone that I'm not fine. I don't know what made me write this. I don't have one person who cares about my presence. My absence doesn't bother anyone. How come In worthless like this. I've been telling myself so much that nobody cares about me that I suddenly don't feel like interacting with anyone.
submitted by madhucho to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:43 sylviapl9th not just two, but three?

with a bf na napakamaalaga, family guy, at napakabait, I couldn't ask for more. I literally ask myself how did I even deserve him because my past self wouldn't believe me if I say I currently have a bf like him. things are easy for us, college is hectic pero batchmates naman kami and our friends are friends with each other, so hindi naman mahirap i-balance 'yung bros-gf/bf time namin. I just really wanna get this off my chest. we're really wholesome with each other, we never had dirty talks even before for a long time. para kaming nasa bagong phase ngayon, but it's not a negative thing. since we're making out a lot recently, ofc we're already done with the kissing and kissing parts, onto the second base. kahit nasa med-allied field kami, I find it hard to open up to him na may extra nipple ako sa isang boob ko, which is REALLY evident. what if it's a deal breaker? although convinced naman ako na mahal na mahal niya ako through being close to my parents, writing me letters, always telling me how much he loves me, always including his friends and my friends in our lives so we become closer, I am indeed confident na what he's showing me is genuine and authentic. sometimes I just think it's better to break up with him kesa makatanggap ng rejection because of it. I don't know I never tried opening up about this with my past bfs kasi. mahirap din if anong mangyari after this eh makikita ko siya sa campus plus we have mutual bffs. what if isipin niyang too late to back down na kasi he would seem like an asshole? haha I hate this feeling.
p.s. I do not intend to make this post rude, I'm just so lost right now.
submitted by sylviapl9th to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:41 LizzyBeeBaby I cut off my family but i miss them and dont know if i should reconcile

TW: brief mentions of depression, suicidal ideation, and attempted suicide
When I (28F) was growing up, I was the golden child of the family. I didn't know it back then. Up until I was in high school I had a younger sister and an older half sister I only saw a few times a year. It wasn't like I never got in trouble or got yelled at, in fact I have a very vivid and hurtful memory where I was called a liar by my parents when I was being 100% truthful (they just didn't want to hear it and wanted someone to be mad at I guess), and then I was told to just "suck it up and get over it". But compared to my younger sister, who was compared to me in every way, I always had the perfect grades, perfect attitude, perfect behavior, etc. Our parents, especially our mother, who was the main parent taking care of us during the week, pretty much pitted us against each other constantly. My little sister was being told she needed to be more like me, and I was told my sister was a bad kid. I would try to help her stay out of trouble as a kid and would get mad when she didn't listen to me because i didnt understand she was just being herself and didn't need to be exactly like me. Up until college, I didn't understand that my sister didn't need to change, she needed her parents to love her as she was and help her instead of trying to mold her into some ideal of perfection. We were picked apart constantly about every little thing we did, and I was expected to always somehow know everything even if I'd never learned it before. My house was full of constant yelling due to the extremely high expectations and my mother's terrible temper, and it became a very stressful place to be starting when i was around 10. We went through a lot of financial hardships as well since I was very young, so I dont want to dismiss how hard things were for my parents and how much they went through. But I have always been hyper aware of how much it costs for me to exist as my mom stressed so many times over the years that she couldn't afford to buy even a new shirt because she had to buy stuff for us, as if that was at all our fault.
When i was in high school, my baby brother was born. He pretty much instantly became the new golden child, not only because he was the youngest and the only boy, but because it became clear at a very young age how intelligent he is. I was a straight A honors kid and he was blowing me out of the water since he learned to read. I didn't mind at all because 1) I was going to be going to college in a couple years, and 2) with our age difference, he was as much my son as my brother, and I took on a very loving parental role with him of my own volition. I also saw the promise in him and I wanted him to live a happy life. My little sister and him are very close to this day, at least to my knowledge. During this time they were still coming down really hard on my little sister, treating her as well as they always had - meaning they still yelled at her constantly and were overly critical of her and everything she even thought about doing. They talked about sending her to military school more than once, and pretty much resigned themselves to the idea my sister would never be able to live on her own before she even got to high school, let alone graduated.
Flash forward to when I was in college, I started coming home and noticing things about how my parents treated my sister, and for the first time I saw it for how terrible it was for her. The distance and time I spent away from the house helped my little sister and I completely change our relationship by my second or third year. What really solidified it was a series of events that happened my junior and senior years of college.
My sister moved to our town with her husband with their 2 very young boys, and we soon found out she was pregnant with twins. That is kind of where it all began to fall apart. Time showed not only that her husband is a massive pos, but also potentially abusive, although we never got concrete proof. As my sister's pregnancy progressed and they struggled to get on their feet, my parents started watching my nephews for hours at a time, sometimes the whole day. And if my parents had to babysit out of nowhere and put their lives on hold, me and my younger siblings were expected to do the same. No toys, no books, no games - nothing. Essentially, the entire house was expected to babysit in a way that i have been told wasn't normal. Even my little brother was expected to take on this role in caring for kids who were only a couple years younger than him. I spent my entire childhood taking care of my little sister and then my baby brother, and I hated seeing how they were doing the same to him when me and my little sister were at the age where it shouldve been left up to us. I started really butting heads with my parents as the situation progressed because they started yelling at my baby brother when the boys would even bump their heads even though it wasnt his fault. He never mistreated them, hit them, pushed them , or anything, so my parents justified it by saying he wasn't being a "good uncle" by "letting them" bump their heads on the tv stand, for example. He was expected to let them play with all of his toys, and my mom tried letting the boys use things that were very important to my brother, which would've ended up with the boys taking those things home. Saying it that way makes it sound a lot more mild that it was, but I'm trying to save time and not give out too many personal details. I guess you could say in short, my parents began expecting my elementary school age brother to give up his time, his space, his toys, his gifts - anything that meant anything to him, to help care for children when he was still a child not much older than them. I ended up giving my baby brother my room to not only keep his stuff in, but to sleep in.
In the end, my sister had the twins and then moved back to her home state about 6 months later. We think her no good husband lied to her about us and she cut contact with all of us, and we haven't heard from her since. In our house, the damage was done. I had long conversations with my little sister when our parents weren't around about how she needed to get out because of how they were treating her, and how I would eventually graduate and move to a city where I could find a job. But neither of us wanted to leave our little brother in that house because we were worried how they would treat him when we both left. Our parents had already proven they would throw any of us to the side at any second, even their golden child baby boy, and blame even him for anything that went wrong. Our parents have a history of spilling all our business at any holiday meal and badmouthing any little mistake. They would talk shit about us in front of us and shame us in front of family our entire lives, and if my sister and i weren't there to take the brunt of it, how long until they turned on my baby brother. Would they even wait until he wasn't "perfect" anymore?
Throughout all of this, I was struggling a lot in college, and starting around junior year i became very depressed and suicidal, which resulted in a major attempt in my 5th year of college, which to this day i don't like talking about. Before that, however, I went to my mom about feeling depressed and told her i thought i needed to talk to someone. She brushed me off. I was dumb enough to think that maybe she thought i was exaggerating, so i tried a second time to ask her for help about a year later, and she brushed me off again. Part of me blames her almost entirely for my attempts, because i came to her before any of them because i knew thats where it was headed if i didnt get help. All she had to do was make a couple phone calls to find me someone to talk to and she couldn't even do that for me. I was a scared girl who needed her mom's help because i didnt know who to turn to, and she turned her back on me. After my final attempt, I pulled myself up and got help, but my financial aid ran out and I was unable to return to school and finish my degree, so I went back to my parents house and was absolutely miserable for the next 6 months. I felt like a failure, like I wasn't "perfect" like i was supposed to be. I felt suffocated every single day and like the only ones who wanted me there were my siblings. One day I tried a little experiment and sat in the living room with my mom for the entire day and she didn't say one single word to me, didnt even acknowledge my existence. Ever since the stuff with my nephews happened, I had doubled my efforts to protect my siblings and take the brunt of my mom's anger, so I pushed back a lot when they tried to get onto my siblings for ridiculous things. I ended up ghosting my friends for 3 months because I was so depressed, and it really scared them. It was then I knew i had to get out of that house or it would kill me, so I moved into my grandparents' house a town over.
Things at my grandparents' house started okay, and i was even able to confide in them what had been going on at my parents' house, which in the end turned out to be a big mistake. I got a job working overnight at a retail store and met the guy who is now my boyfriend of 3 years. Unfortunately, the longer i spent at my grandparents' house the more i saw where my mom got it from, and they ended up treating me just as bad as what was going on at my parents' house. The only difference was that my sister wasn't there so i was taking the brunt of all of it. When things started getting tough for them after my grandpa retired, instead of sitting down with me like an adult and asking if it would contribute financially, my grandpa cornered me in the car when he was driving me back from work and guilted money out of me with a sob story. And guilted me at the dinner table the second time when they needed more money. One time i walked in the house after work and before i had even taken my shoes off or put my purse down to get my wallet out, he blocked the door to my room with his hand out like a loan shark to give him the money. I payed for all my own expenses, took short showers and kept as many lights off as i could, and told them not to buy me anything, even food. And in the end, even though they guilted me for money, then more money, and promised they wouldnt kick me out, they sold the house out from under me when they knew i was still trying to save for an apartment with what little money i had left a month. I ended up having to live with my best friend and her husband or i wouldve been homeless. I still helped them move even when they f-ed me over. And even after all that, I still went to holidays and visited my parents from time to time.
The last time i saw my grandparents they ran into me and my best friend in a store. My grandpa saw me first (he and my grandma were in different parts of the store), and starting yelling at me for pretty much cutting them off since i hadn't been to see them for months, and then when he started realizing he looked like the bad guy tried to make the reason i stopped talking to them about politics (i live in a conservative area) as if that would justify it. When my friend and i were trying to grab one last thing before we left because i was humiliated and trying not to cry, my grandma cornered me at the deli counter, had me pinned between the counter and a cart so i couldn't leave, and started yelling at me too. I was so broken back then, but i tried to tell both of them i would talk to them but not in the store. They just wanted to scream so we left. I haven't spoken to them since and have no plans to.
Eventually i moved 2 hours away back to the city i had went to college in. During that time, my grandparents drove the 3 hours to try to find where i lived, and then called trying to get me to come downstairs. I was asleep for work at the time but it made me feel so uncomfortable that they would do that. And after living there a year and my bf and i commuting to visit each other every other week, it came to the point where if i wanted our relationship to continue i had to move back. This is not something he ever brought up to me, this was a decision I came to on my own. So two years ago I moved back to the area I grew up in. We live an hour away from my hometown and 30 minutes away from the town i met my boyfriend in. And although he has family in both areas that we visit, I haven't seen or really talked to my parents or siblings since i initially moved out of the area.
A year ago, after a year of silence from me and from my parents, I dropped a box off at my parents' house when they weren't home with souvenirs i got them on vacation when i first moved back, short letters to each of them about the gifts, and a long video letter on a flash drive explaining everything I felt because i knew i couldn't go on without being honest and i knew if i tried to have a conversation in person, they wouldn't listen to me. I told them i wanted to keep them in my life but i couldn't ignore everything that had happened and the ways they treated me and my younger siblings. I told them i had no interest in continuing a relationship with my grandparents and that anything they have told them probably wasnt true. I sent them scans of my diaries as "proof" that i wasn't lying because that's the kind of house i grew up in - if you couldnt prove it, it didnt happen. I laid myself completely bare so that i could heal, knowing the whole time they may never want to speak to me again. I gave them pictures of me and my boyfriend and my new phone number anyway. The only thing i didn't give them was my address because we live on his family's land and his family, knowing a bit about my family and also about my grandparents essentially stalking me, don't want anyone from my family nosing around on the property. I don't want that either so i agreed not to give it out. The people in my life who knew about the box and the letter turned video letter were supportive of the idea given all i had been through, and I thought dropping it off would be the end of things.
Since then, I have healed from everything that has happened. I'm still angry and sad and i feel like I'm grieving every day, but I'm not the spineless, scared girl i used to be. My boyfriend has helped me become a better person in so many ways. But i still miss my family, especially my dad. I feel like he didnt deserve what i've done for reasons i cant go into, because the reality is he depends a lot on what my mom tells him because he works, and he trusts her deeply. I feel like in some regards he depended too much on her word, although he isnt completely innocent. There's obviously a lot more to my story that what I have here or else I'd be writing an autobiography, but just know if this all sounds like it isn't a big deal, I have so many stories and so much more detail that isn't safe to give out here.
The reality is my parents and i pushed each other away until we all became strangers long before everything blew up. I felt like a stranger from the time i left for college. I was made to feel like if i wasn't at home, i was a second thought, and a lot of very serious issues happened while i was away that i didnt find out about until i came home. My last year of college i was physically starving and could only afford to eat one meal a day if that. When i had left for school at the beginning of that school year my mother made it clear i had to figure it all out myself because they had no money to give me, but then i came home for Christmas and everyone but me had all new electronics. I cried asking for money to buy my uniform to start my campus job but they bought all new computers and tablets. And that stung.
Last Christmas, my parents and siblings messaged me. It was the first time I had heard from them since before i dropped off the box. It was just a Merry Christmas, but it absolutely shocked me. And then they all messaged again on my birthday. Same thing, just little pleasantries, but it makes me feel like maybe that door isn't closed. However, I have absolutely no idea if we can move forward, if they want to, or even if its a good idea to try. I have struggled a lot since college about whether or not all of this and everything I wasn't able to share here is or is not a big deal. I've had people close to me listen to my whole story and call it emotional neglect and abuse, but I just don't know. I feel crazy most of the time, and I'm afraid I'm exaggerating or making it up for attention or something, which also doesn't make sense. I struggle a lot in my day to day. I am ruled by the emotions of those around me and i cower like a kicked puppy when people around me are upset, even if its not my fault. I get ashamed when i make a mistake or i'm not "perfect", and if my feelings are valid I have no idea if it would be a good idea to get back in touch. But i think about if/when my boyfriend and i get married, and how i have no family to sit on my side. It sometimes feels like it's my fault because i wasn't strong enough to just shut up and deal with it anymore. At this point I dont know what is the right answer, what's going to finally give me peace. For now, I just keep moving forward trying to build a better life with my boyfriend and hope all the pieces will fall into place later.
submitted by LizzyBeeBaby to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:30 Euain_son_of_ Ellis v. Corvallis Update 2

TL;DR: Remember when the City said that Ellis had violated the Charter by "attempting to discuss directly with the City Manager the matter of specific appointment to City employment."? They're now saying they didn't say that.
As many are aware, the City Manager, abetted by a weak City Council and an incompetent former City Attorney have been pursuing the removal of Charlyn Ellis from the City Council. Here's an earlier update from the case. There are more from the G-T.
Most recently, the City submitted a response in opposition to the Ellis' motion for summary judgement. You might wonder, "If the City can file a motion in opposition, can Ellis likewise submit an opposition to their motion for summary judgement, separate from her own motion for summary judgement? Could she submit a response in opposition to the City's response in opposition to her motion for summary judgement."
I would respond by saying, "How the hell should I know? I'm not some expert lawyer man. I'm just some guy--and also probably the number one customer of Block 15's in-store IPA sales, which is not a qualification for this exercise."
With that said, here are some totally non-expert and questionably sober thoughts on the response in opposition from the City, which you can find here.
The first argument focuses on standing. On its face, this is much less interesting for lay people like us, because it doesn't get to the core of the political power struggle that is affecting the governance of our town. I figured these details were trivial when I read through it a week ago. But when I read through this a second time, I realized that the City was walking back a pretty significant part of its beef. For example, our $1,000 per hour attorneys write that,
Here, Councilor Ellis has not demonstrated a credible threat of prosecution of any provision of Section 23(f)—other than the Influence or Coercion Clause—at the time her legal counsel filed this lawsuit on January 22, 2024, after 9 pm. The City’s Due Process Hearing Memorandum—filed before noon earlier that same day (see Shepherd Decl at ¶¶ 2-3)—made this abundantly clear. And, as described above, the City does not contend that Councilor Ellis violated either of the remaining provisions of Section 23(f) (or, in Councilor Ellis’s alternative grammatical framework, subsection ii). The City specifically elected not to proceed under the Specific Appointments Clause because, consistent with its other allegations, the City does not view Councilor Ellis’ conduct as “discussing”—or attempting to “discuss”—anything with the City Manager.
So, there's a lot to unpack here. They're saying that at the time her complaint was made, specifically at 9 PM, the City's due process hearing memo which was edited at 12 PM that same day didn't say that Ellis violated the Specific Appointments Clause.
"What the fuck is the specific appointments clause" you ask? The City has previously made the argument that there are actually multiple separate clauses to Section 23(f), and that to violate any one clause is to violate the charter. That is, they should not be read as being interdependent:
As relevant to these proceedings, Section 23(f) applies to City Councilors and reads as follows. For convenience, we have separated the independent clauses in the correct grammatical form: (f) Interference in administration and elections. Neither the Mayor nor any member of the Council shall [i] in any manner, directly or indirectly, by suggestion or otherwise, attempt to influence or coerce the Manager in the making of any appointment or removal of any officer or employee or in the purchase of supplies; or . . . . 1 [iii] discuss, directly or indirectly, with the Manager the matter of specific appointments to any City office or employment. A violation of the foregoing provisions of this section shall forfeit the office of the offender. Nothing in this section shall be construed, however, as prohibiting the Council, while in open session, from discussing with or suggesting to the Manager, fully and freely, anything pertaining to the City affairs or the interests of the City.
I realized it seemed weird to read that the City did not believe Ellis violated the Specific Appointments Clause because that's how the complaint about Ellis' actions was originally framed. From the GT
"By adding a level of specificity that you want the city manager to appoint a particular officer or employee, I think that’s exactly what the charter says you can’t do," Brewer said at the meeting.
Then there's the unsigned due process hearing letter dated December 6th, which states (my emphasis):
"WHEREAS the actions of Councilor Ellis at the City of Corvallis City Council meeting were a direct attempt to influence the City Manager in the appointment of an employee and an attempt to discuss directly with the City Manager the matter of specific appointment to City employment."
It sure makes it seem like the City did accuse Ellis of violating that clause because that's how they understood her actions to be a violation of the charter. Odd that now that apparently wasn't the case. It makes me wonder just what the hell the Mayor, City Council President (Yee), Vice President (Lytle), City Manager, and City Attorney thought they were putting their names to on December 5th when they signed a document stating that they "received concerns from Corvallis City staff, City Manager, City Councilor, and community members about the conduct of Councilor Ellis during a September 12, 2023 Corvallis Climate Action Board [sic] and during a September 18, 2023 City Council Meeting." Maybe an actual journalist could ask them that question.
Were those concerns related to the Specific Appointments Clause or the Influence or Coercion Clause? And when they say that "Each of the undersigned observed in person or through video recordings, the respective meetings and concluded that the video recordings were substantial evidence sufficient to place this matter on the agenda for the attention of the City Council for consideration" did they foresee that their new attorneys, replacing the demonstrably incompetent Jim Brewer, would decide that Ellis hadn't violated the Specific Appointments Clause at all?
Why is this relevant? Because the City is now arguing that, because they aren't actually alleging a violation of the Specific Appointments Clause--never mind that's exactly what they did, and what the Council would honestly still admit they thought they were doing since they're totally asleep at the wheel while the City Manager drives this process (remember that he's the only one whose even allowed to talk to the new City attorney)--Ellis doesn't have standing to have the whole of 23(f) thrown out. Just the part she is accused of violating. It makes this standing argument start to read like the City attempting to save a portion of 23(f) from judicial scrutiny by claiming it's not ripe for litigation, even though they were very clearly poised to wield that clause as a cudgel to have Ellis ousted from the Council. If putting it in a charging memo and having other Councilors pressure you to resign on the basis of that memo before you hold a kangaroo court hearing to kick out an elected official wouldn't make it ripe for litigation from a judicial standpoint, I think any layperson can see the implications here: Mark Shepard will use this clause as a political weapon again.
Beyond that, there seems to be a bunch of nonsense arguing about categories of speech suppression. The whole thing concludes with this statement:
"As described in the City’s Motion, if a Council member does not intend to “influence or coerce” the City Manager, then they have not violated the Influence or Coercion Clause. (Def.’s Mot. for Summ. J. (Dkt. 10) at 21.) And she fails to acknowledge another important purpose of the Influence or Coercion Clause: effectuating and maintaining the separation of powers between the City Manager and the City Council."
So, obviously, Ellis has contended that she didn't intend to violate the motion, which at the time didn't seem like a worthy defense, since the City was not alleging that the only "clause" of 23(f) that was violated required intent. And then the last sentence is just presented as an afterthought, when, in fact, that's the core issue of importance to this case: is the City Manager an all-powerful dictator whose behavior can be controlled only through the threat or actual enactment of his termination, imposing significant costs on the City, or can he be specifically directed to enact the Council's political agenda? Are Councilors able to speak freely about his operational decisions if they don't feel those comport with the policies they've adopted? Why do our new City attorneys spend so few words in support of this position that Mark and Jim have supported so emphatically?
Only time will tell. Kind of feels like the City is positioning to limit the damage here, but, again, I'm just some guy, so I might be full of shit. Either way, this latest motion definitely cost us all a lot of money.
submitted by Euain_son_of_ to corvallis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:27 LieDue2550 A Freelancer’s Toolkit: 9 Must-Have Tools

Freelancing can be an incredibly rewarding career path, offering flexibility, independence, and the opportunity to work on a variety of projects. However, to succeed as a freelancer, you need the right tools to manage your business efficiently. Whether you are a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, having a well-stocked toolkit is essential. In this blog post, we will explore some must-have tools that every freelancer should consider incorporating into their workflow. At the forefront of our list is Feedcoyote, a comprehensive tool designed to streamline and enhance your freelancing experience.

1. Feedcoyote: The Ultimate Freelancing Companion

Feedcoyote is a powerful platform tailored specifically for freelancers. It offers a range of features that help you manage your projects, clients, and finances seamlessly. Here’s why Feedcoyote should be your go-to tool:
Sign-Up on Feedcoyote -

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2. Trello: Visual Project Management

Trello is a popular project management tool that uses a card-based system to help you organize tasks and projects visually. Each project can be broken down into boards, lists, and cards, making it easy to see what needs to be done and when. Trello’s flexibility and user-friendly interface make it a favorite among freelancers for managing both personal and professional tasks.

3. Slack: Communication and Collaboration

For freelancers working with remote teams or multiple clients, Slack is an essential communication tool. It allows you to create channels for different projects, teams, or topics, making it easy to keep conversations organized. Slack also integrates with many other tools, such as Google Drive, Trello, and Feedcoyote, streamlining your workflow.

4. Grammarly: Writing Assistant

Good communication is crucial for freelancers, whether you’re drafting emails, creating content, or writing reports. Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you improve your writing by checking for grammar, punctuation, and style errors. It also offers suggestions for clarity and conciseness, ensuring that your writing is polished and professional.

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Equipping yourself with the right tools can make a significant difference in your freelancing journey. Feedcoyote stands out as a comprehensive solution that addresses many of the challenges freelancers face, from project management to invoicing. Alongside other essential tools like Trello, Slack, and Grammarly, Feedcoyote can help you streamline your workflow, improve communication, and enhance your overall productivity. By investing in these tools, you can focus more on what you do best and less on administrative tasks, paving the way for a successful freelancing career.
submitted by LieDue2550 to EntrepreneurHQ [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:24 Sacrifice_a_lamb Ky Slime Review (good and bad) with Pics

Ky Slime Review (good and bad) with Pics
I actually have been waiting to review a few shops, since I think it might be nice to live with the slime for a while instead of writing a review that's just based on what the slime was like when I first got it. But today I got an order from Ky and I've got things to say about it lol!
Rambling preamble (skip to review) First off, I had heard rumblings of discontent about this shop, but also had heard aspersions cast about Sonria and I found her slimes to be pretty good. So, I was open to Ky, especially since she clearly is a master at designing DIY slimes. Her IG is a go-to ASMR source for me and her posts make the slime look irresistible! Seriously, for all you stores out there--make your slimes look good on the internet. You'll have so many more buyers.
While it's definitely obvious that the slimes that are played with on the IG are of larger quantities than what you will be getting when you order, her representation of the product otherwise looks pretty legit and she still has kind of a small, hand-made store vibe, which makes it easier to pay 16$ for a toy that may only last for a few months, right? She also has my dream slime--a neon space unicorns and rainbows sundae-themed slime tribute to Lisa Frank. This thing just looks so incredible. She really nailed the concept.
So, I made a big order because, shipping. there was a 10% discount and the prices didn't seem terrible, even with shipping. I placed my order on the 4th and it arrived today, on the 14th, which ten days feels acceptable for a small business in Hawaii. They didn't go crazy on the packaging, which at first made me glad (I do not feel good about all the bubblewrap so many folks use!) but then I saw that one of the clay containers had gotten smashed and the clay pieces inside were totally flattened. Honestly, nothing else had any damage and the clay was always going to get smooshed, anyway, so I'm not bothered, BUT, I dunno. Use bunched up newspaper or something.
It included a gift of two free "small" slimes. Really, they are like 3-4 ounces. Definitely a decent size for a sample and both slimes were pretty awesome, but I still have complaints...
My rating system is pretty "strict"--I'm stingy about perfect scores, but anything with a score over 15/20 is something I'd consider buying again.

Taro Milk Tea Cheesecake 10/20

Someone else reviewed this recently and loved it. I do not. I had initially hesitated to buy this because I like taro, but sometimes find the smell of taro-flavored things like mass-produced ice-cream disgustingly sweet, and I worried that this slime might smell this way. It does not. To me, it smells like boiled white potatoes with an undertone of glue. Not great.
The DIY kit came in a sealed bag and everything looked in good condition and matched the website photos perfectly. The boba balls slime, however, was so unactivated it was straight-up glue and I ended up having to SCRUB my hands in hot water to remove it. Even so, the assembly experience was fun and mixing was fun, as well. But the result is a mid slime. It is quite tough--so dense, but not terribly stretchy--and isn't much for bubble pops or other ASMR. The bobas are soft and squishy and that's cool.
I'd like it better if it didn't smell weird, OR I'd be fine with smell if I liked the texture of the slime more.

Tangulu 14/20

This came with giant, detailed charms and the giant fimos are beautiful and fun, but the clear slime was quite cloudy and yellow and for the price, that just seems like kind of a bummer. There's a fruity smell but the scent of the glue and maybe the add-ins overwhelms it. By itself, the smell isn't enough to deter me from playing with it. It is a stiff slime that tears easily, but it does stretch quite well if played with slowly. The slime is thick, so there isn't much noise from crunching, but it makes decent bubble pops.
Mainly, I just think there are other folks out there making what is basically this same slime, but I suspect that their versions smell better and maybe the quality of the slime is a little better, too.

Slimereo Mug Cake 16/20

Super fun concept that was realized as a wonderfully detailed DIY kit. The clay oreo was in perfect condition and so detailed! This was a lot of fun to set up and then mix. Initially the oreo smell was spot on, but since I've played with it a couple of times, the chocolate smell has weakened somewhat and, again, there's just a strong glue smell.
The mixed slime is not bad. It is still pretty tough, but it doesn't rip when pulled fast and it gets pretty soft and fluffy with inflation. It's just still a little more dense than I prefer. It has a nice sizzle to it and even makes some pretty nice bubble pops with a bit of effort. It is moderately tacky, but not too bad and I certainly wouldn't add activator for fear of making it too tough.

Boba Creme Donut 15/20

Another DIY kit that came in great shape. The clay donut was soft and everything assembled to make a beautiful, fun and interesting slime. Mixing was fun. The resulting slime is pretty close to that of slimereo Mug Cake, but instead of slakes of snow there are the tiniest mico-floam beads and some squishy bobas. I really like the way both feel and they seem to make this slime more pop-y than Slimereo. No sizzles, though. Bonus: this one doesn't smell bad! It smells like a caramel tea boba drink--lots of brown sugar and sweetened milk tea smells and then that sweet potato smell of boba.
but it's still a tougher slime that doesn't make a ton of noise.

Slime-Brite (jury's still out for me on this one)

This seemed like Ky's answer to Slime OG's steel wool-themed slime and Ky's having it honestly kind of tipped the scales for me buying from Ky instead of OG. Again, the presentation is fabulous--fun charms, great concept that is rendered in a fun, visually-striking way, cool label. The smell is definitely a convincing imitation of, like, Dawn dishsoap, which I like. I also realize that I just really like bingsu in slimes so I'm into this one, but it is still very sticky (I'm too afraid to add activator lest it become tough like other slimes in this order) and it is much tougher than the bingsu slimes I have from Seoul Gage. It's not tough by what I think are American standards, I'm just not used to it. It still makes great, bingsu crackles and I love how it looks and smells. If it gets a little less sticky without turning more tough, I might really love this one.
Which brings me to my next purchase:

My diet starts tomorrow 8/20

Again, super fun concept and so much detail! Everything was similar to the IG photos and in good condition except the clay pieces were a little hard, but it was fun to assemble and the slime components all seemed totally good to go. The smell is fine. The problem was mixing this produced a hard, rubbery slime--no stretch. I guess it was overactivated? I was ready to throw it out, but I had glycerine on hand so added maybe a tablespoon and that helped it, but it is still very tough. It does crinkle and crackle with the bingsu, but my hands hurt after just a couple of minutes of playing with it. Super not worth it, even with the amazing DIY element.

Sandy Beach 15/20

This was the one that had the damaged clay pieces. Honestly, it didn't spoil the assembly experience. In fact, I pulled off the clear slime from the sand crust and first mixed the clay into that and what an awesome expeirence! I really love how it looks to mix colorful clay into a clear slime base. This has a moderate "beachy" smell that isn't bad. I think I just don't like sand in slime. I was expecting something like a pumice slime, but instead it just seems to kill any ASMR effect: no bubble pops, no clicks, no sizzles. The clay pieces were dried out in places so there's also some un-mixed goobers in the slime and the slime is also quite tough.

Birthday Cake Pop 18/20

This one kind of saved the order (and maybe slime-bright) and it was totally one I almost didn't get it. It smells like how it looks--like a super bright, artificial birthday cake smell, which is actually pretty great. I love how it looks--such a loud, happy pink and love the sprinkles and the look of the different-sized floam balls. I'm not sure this is it, but I believe the floam balls being different sizes gives this slime extra bubble pops. This is a shiny slime that I expected to be tough, and it is--but somehow now I like that quality? Maybe it's because there's such a huge ASMR pay-off. Like, I' even getting some whistles when I stretch it.
I'd give this guy a higher score but, again, I have perfect and near perfect (to me) slimes in my collection and this doesn't feel quite at the level. But it's also unlike any other slime I have and I suspect it will end up being a favorite. I whole-heartedly recommend this one!
Free slimes were Lemon Loaf (with no clay piece, which maybe makes it better?) and Java Chip Frappe, also just the base. Again, these were large samples. I'm just grading them out of 10 because...I don't know? they were free and also they aren't, like, the version of the slimes you would be able to buy?

Java Chip Frappe (Jury is still out)

This is supposed to be a "jelly cream bingsu". It seems like a pretty thick, dense jelly with a tiny bit of bingsu. The bingsu are enough to produce some soft cracks and sizzles, so I really want to be abl to play with it, but it is way to sticky. It is already pretty thick, so I've only added a little activator so far, which hasn't helped much. Hoping this stops being so sticky without also turning into rubber. Smells is listed as chocolate chip cookie, but it smells more like khalua to me. At any rate, I like the smell.

Lemon Loaf 10/10

This is my favorite slime of the whole darn order. It is a highly resistant bingsu slime, but it really softens with inflation. Smells like a cake with a lot of artificial lemon flavor added to it, which sounds bad but it actually quite delicious. It looks great: a bright and cheery yellow that is broken up by specks of iridescence from the bingsu. Also, I love the lemon fimos! But, the cherry on top is the micro-floams! I love these tiny micro-floams that she uses. It may be psychosomatic, but I think they actually change the bingsu texture somehow? At any rate, this is a great, stretchy, inflating, crackling, squeezeable bingsu slime and I love it.


I really don't know what to make of this store, guys. I mean, I have only 3 clear "would buy agains" (one of which I didn't even pay for) out of a total of ten slimes, so, objectively, I should not buy from them again, but... I don't know. I definitely would not have spent all this money at this store if I'd seen some of the reviews I've seen since making the order. The complaints seem to be the same as my own: hard clay, tought slime, not great smells.
On the other hand, the Birthday Cake Pops and the Lemon Loaf are so good that I might be persuaded to try Ky again.
I guess, part of me wonders if the slime is this way because she's cutting corners on ingredients or doesn't know how to make slimes well? But then the amount of work and care that goes into designing the slime just makes me think there's no way this person doesn't know what they are doing, so then I guess this is the way the slime is meant to be (not for the Diet one, though--that was straight up bad slime) and it just isn't for me, but who is it for? who likes tough slime that doesn't make much noise?
Would be curious to hear others' thoughts.
submitted by Sacrifice_a_lamb to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:21 Boring-Rutabaga5319 A Comprehensive Guide About Application For Leave From School

During a student’s academic journey, unplanned events may happen that require them to miss class. People with kids need to know how to ask for school leave, whether for an emergency, a family emergency, or a planned vacation. You can request to miss school in writing by filling out an application for leave in school. People typically apply to leave school for various reasons, such as to go on a long trip, get medical care, or go to an event. Remember that applications for school leave need to be made politely and professionally. The application for leave in school should be brief and indicate the cause for the absence, how long it will last, and when the student will return. The application for leave will be talked about briefly in this article.

Reason for Leave application

For private reasons

A student may need to take time off if they have to deal with a family problem or another personal matter. For medical reasons if a child is sick or hurt and needs to be cared for or rest, they may have to miss school. Parents have to provide an application for leave in school for fever.

Because of religion

A student might miss class to attend a church event or celebrate a holiday. Because they need to learn, students may miss class to finish an internship, go on a study abroad course, or go to a conference.

Outside of school

Students may miss a few school days because of an event or action outside of school.They should provide an application for leave in school for going out of station.

Types of Leave

Medical, personal, emergency, and holiday leave are the most common types of leave that schools give. Knowing the differences between the types is essential because each may have different needs and ways of applying them.

How Applications Are Made?

Applications for leave in school are made through routes set up by schools. As part of it, you might have to use a website, fill out a form, or write an official letter. Parents and children should learn about the school’s recommended application process to ensure they follow it.

Very Important Papers

Application for leave in school may mean that schools must ask for supporting documents. Medical leave sometimes needs a note or proof from a doctor. You may need the same kind of proof of trip plans for vacation time. Gather the necessary paperwork and send it in with the leave request.

Time of absence

Most of the time, schools ask parents to let them know before they take their child out of the building. Then, the school management can do the right thing and ensure the child’s education is interrupted less often. Parents should request time off from school as soon as possible, in line with the school’s stance on advance notice. Parents should provide an application for leave in school for 1 day in advance.

Amount of time away

When it comes to schools, there may be rules about how much time you can miss for different reasons. There may be limits on vacation time, but people who are sick may be able to take medical leave for as long as they need it. Parents and children should know these time limits so they don’t get mixed up. The school management takes requests for time off when they are sent in. Anyone on the staff, like the director, school counsellor, or someone else, can review this. Parents and kids should be patient and wait for proof of clearance before moving forward.

Communication Tools

Schools usually set up specific ways for parents to talk to their administrators about requests for time off. One way to do this is to go online, email a pre-addressed address, or call the school office. When parents and kids use the official ways to get in touch, they can ensure their needs are heard and met. Parents and kids who want to take time off should check in with the school to ensure they got the application for leave in school and see what’s going on. They should quickly provide additional paperwork or details to speed up the process. The open conversation keeps approvals from being late.

Other Places of Education

To make sure that a student’s education continues while they are abroad, schools could offer other ways to learn. This could mean making study guides, giving homework, or teaching online. Asking about these plans might help lessen the adverse effects of leave on a child’s schoolwork. It must be turned in before the leave of absence starts and is usually sent to the school’s department head or director.

Go back to School Rules and How to Do Things

Schools could have set up specific rules to help kids return to the classroom after taking a break. This could include going to teacher meetings, making up missed work, or finishing tests. Parents who want to ensure their child returns to the regular schedule should call the school. For legal and administrative reasons, schools keep much information on students present and absent. To avoid problems, parents and children must carefully record requests for time off and keep an eye on their child’s attendance.

Review and Thoughts

Parents and kids can stay current on any changes or improvements by reviewing the school’s leave policies and procedures. Giving the school administration comments on their experiences with asking for time off can also help ensure that things keep improving.


Parents and kids need to know the school’s rules about requesting time off to talk about their needs and ensure the kids have a smooth educational experience. Parents and kids can handle the process confidently and keep their child’s schooling as regular as possible if they know the types of leaves, the necessary paperwork, and the permission processes. Parents and schools must work together, plan, and talk to each other so that application for leave in school requests are adequately treated and students can keep up with their work.


How do I request school leave?
To request school leave, write to your principal or other school administration.
How early should I request leave?
Leave should be requested as early as possible to allow the school to make arrangements. The timeline depends on school policy and the cause of the leave. In a medical emergency, you may need to apply for leave sooner.
What is the use of leave applications in school?
A leave application is a written request to take time off school, college, or employment for a certain period.
submitted by Boring-Rutabaga5319 to primetimesnow [link] [comments]