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2009.11.23 07:29 ineededanewaccount r/LearnSpanish: Language community

The subreddit for anyone interested in Spanish. If you have something to share or a question about the Spanish language, post and we'll help the best we can! Remember to provide enough context, read the sidebawiki, and use the search function.

2015.07.16 10:09 diana646 GED Prep

How to prepare for the GED Test online. You are welcome to share your reviews and opinions about GED prep products.

2008.04.09 20:05 Autism

Autism news, information and support. Please feel free to submit articles to enhance the knowledge, acceptance, understanding and research of Autism and ASD.

2024.05.15 10:28 effyochicken Ways to make just $10 per month

That's right - just $10. Not $500 or enough to live off of. Just the tiny amount of $10.
I don't really need the $10, I make plenty at work to have excess to put towards various ventures and fun now. But I'm practically dying over here in the corporate world not building anything for myself. I want to try a few new things and see if I can find my way towards making just a few bucks, maybe find a passion along the way.
I've seen a fair number of these posts and they're always lofty and vague, so I figured I'd make the goal humble and specific, see what happens. (maybe it spins up some discussion about testing new ventures or side hustles in general.)
Skills: These posts always end up with comments of "Well what skills do you have and what do you like to do?"
I'm burdened by being a fairly competent generalist with a very diverse background. I can make my own website (but don't want to make one for others), can figure out my own SEO and marketing strategy, probably make videos/content for whatever I'm doing and build out social media accounts to at least a few hundred/thousand followers. Handle the legal side, accounting, funding, acquiring material/stock and dealing with vendors... damn near done everything at this point related to running small and mid size businesses (for other people's benefit.) I'm not a fan of direct sales pitches, but I'll deal with that along the way.
I'm good with my hands and building/crafting/design work. I spend most of my free time over in nostupidquestions because I love dabbling in literally everything. (aka: the "poison" that has prevented me from just knowing something specific I like to do.) Hell I've even spent a fair amount of time in here answering specific questions about running a business since I've filled so many roles in them.
So assume that I do have the skills needed, or will be able to learn them.
I humbly request help or direction...
submitted by effyochicken to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:25 Better_Possession43 I need advice for restarting my life for my daughter

Hello šŸ‘‹ i'm 20F and i'm pregnant with my first and only child. She's a girl and i'm 22 weeks pregnant. The father was and is my first and only partner i've ever had.
I'm really scared to open up about my story because i'm afraid of judgement, but I would really appreciate some help all the advice I can take. I really want to do well for my daughter.
I was severely abused and neglected as a kid; physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglected. It happened at both school and at home. I grew up in a feral environment. I didn't know about healthy eating, education, work etc. My family would just beat and abuse and were hypercritical.
I got kicked out of home to live with my grandmother and she helped me a lot education wise, but it was always expected I respect my parents which I tolerated but it never ended well when i'd see them. They separated you see. My mum and I cut contact with each other and my dad would often abuse me on the uncommon days i'd see him.
After my grandmother passed when I was 18 I became more and more depressed but I wasn't aware of it. I was living with my aunty at the time too. We both went on one snack (no meals) a day for almost a year. Again, at the time I thought it was normal. I was already an extremely anxious person so it exasperated things greatly. During that time my aunty would drink and abuse me and my dad abused me too, even siding with her with police over a cup which hadn't been washed. My aunty would point out bruises she had and claim she'd tell the police I did them (she worked for them). The rest of my family are party-goers and abusive too (Aunties, Uncles, cousins). My dad used to let his girlfriends and their kids abuse me a lot and he'd side with people from school when they'd abuse me.
I met my boyfriend during this time and well he was my first. A nice guy I suppose but I found him to be very controlling and he put me down a lot. I tried to stand up for myself but given that I was already abused over the right options and that, I lost myself in him. I got clingy. I got very anxious around him and it got to the point where I left uni because of the stress I was under. This was an online relationship too. I wanted to leave him but I felt guilted into staying with him, given no matter what I did by anyone I was always wrong. I never drank I never did drugs never partied, just studied and watched youtube prior to knowing him. I lost 10kg within a month due to stress.
The first bad thing I did was that I pretended to be someone else online (created a fake person) to understand why he wasn't affectionate with me and didn't love me. Bad thing I know and I felt really guilty over it. I was very scared and confused at the time.
I ended up travelling to where he lives and we hung around a lot but I did something stupid. Initially I was taking morning after pills because well he didn't use condoms (not to say exclusively he hated them he just didn't use them). I know I was stupid. I had a very bad reaction to the pill so I told him and I told him I was going to take the normal pills instead. Unfortunately at the time when I was with him I didn't take them even though I bought them and said I was taking them. This is the second thing I did wrong. We only had sex once a month for three months and I was really considering breaking up with him. I felt like I couldn't bring up how I felt about not taking them because every single time I brought up a concern with how I felt, I was immediately shut down, laughed at, ignored and abused. It was happening all around me with family and friends for a few years too. I wanted to make him happy? I don't know but I was scared to take them.
I found out I was pregnant a few weeks after the third time we were together. I felt like wtf did I do I felt so ashamed as I should be. But I was also really happy because for the first time in my life I could take a step for myself and stand up for myself.
He wanted it gone, threatened not to pay child support, threatened to lie about DNA tests and that. He was calling me a hypochondriac and a cunt for being concerned with my health when the doctors thought something wasn't right. He told me I was stupid to tell my family, but even though i'm scared shitless of them i'm not going to lie about it to them. As for my family they demanded an abortion and said I was an idiot and I was dead to them. When I came back my aunty would drink and abuse me so I got fed up called the police and I left. My health was very bad too at that point because the father and I would argue constantly and i'd only get 4h of sleep a night. I'd freeze up and i'd only eat one meal a day.
I left my family to stay at a family friends house and they've been amazing. A true eye opening experience for me. I've learned a lot about my health since then and i've been seeing counsellors and GPs, eating healthier and overall my mental state is SO MUCH BETTER! Better than it has been in YEARS! They're very supportive overall and helpful and i've been getting back on my feet and stronger everyday.
I was still talking to the father however. I did tell him the truth about the two things I did and he went mad at me, as it is his right. I told him i'm trying to change and that i'd be more honest and about my anxiety and depression, especially now that I'm receiving help. Prior to telling him he was saying so many nasty things to me and after it he continued to do so. He keeps saying he loves me though but all I can gather is that i'm in a really dark and scary place atm. I'm struggling with trusting in general. I feel like i'm walking on eggshells around him. I would like to make things better with him. I don't feel like I can trust him and well yes I have more of an understanding of how fucked the situation is.
I feel like I need time to myself to think? I feel like I need to establish healthier habits which i'm acquiring? I've been eating a lot more and exercising and focusing on the baby which is helping me, journalling.
I know I did the wrong thing. I'm trying to improve myself for the better. I'd like to be able to trust and to be a better person in general. I feel incredibly guilty. I've asked for antidepressants too but my GP says i've made enough progress to not need them. I know i'm not perfect and that my decisions were stupid. However I am trying to be a better person. I really tried before but I was in a very dark shit place.
Please, someone offer some advice. I need to be a better person. For myself. For my baby. For my family's sake or for the fathers sake. I don't know my future. I am terrified and tbh the hormones are not helping.
She needs a good mother.
Please, all advice much appreciated ā¤ļø
submitted by Better_Possession43 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:24 skulletzz How do I tell my mother I might have an ED?

Hi so before I get into this I wanna say do not privately message me on this matter. I'm 14F and my relationship with food has been broken slowly since 4th grade. In 4th grade I didn't think I was pretty, I never smiled in photos and I just felt worthless. Compared to other girls in my class they were all pretty, wore dresses and smiled. They were popular, I felt like I needed to pick up on that but when I looked down at my stomach I started to think I was fat.
To "resolve" this issue I started eating a lot one day then barely eat the next and this continued up for about two weeks before I stopped because I simply couldn't do it anymore. In 5th grade COVID happened and so I relied on the Internet for a lot of things, I've also gotten a boyfriend around the same time and we were fine but the relationship was one sided.
He ended up cheating on me with someone else in our friend group and I was "fine" with them dating but on the inside I wasn't. I'd see them act lovely dovey in our group chat and so eventually I distanced myself. Something happened and I eventually left because on the daily the older people in that friend group continued to ask me NSFW things like draw feet of the character I had and also drew NSFW of my character without my consent or knowledge.
I was really uncomfortable with this and they were all racist, I didn't realize this at all until I left and when I did they started harassing me. They harassed me all summer and on my birthday I just cried and stress ate while on the phone with my best friend at the time. They continued to harass me until I finally gave in so they'd leave me alone.
The friend group broke again and I actually did not care this time however, online school eventually started. (We are not together anymore) I get into a lot of heated arguments and whenever it did genuinely affect me I would stress eat as a way to cope. I was failing all of my classes and no matter what I did I never got my grades up. Online class was terrible and a lot of the time I would join the call but play Roblox or sleep, or I simply would not show up with an excuse. I was held back in the call a lot of times discussing my teacher about specific concerns.
I eventually went back to in person school but it simply just wasnt any better, my old hag of a teacher would tell the entire class i was failing and would make a remark about it trying to be funny. I always never went to school or found a way to skip into going, I would just do the work at home. My grades never improved no matter how much work I did so I just gave up. I graduated but barely. Note, all of my elementary teachers completely quit after COVID.
Anyways, 6th grade started and since I stress ate whenever I was stressed that's all I did. Eat, eat, eat, my mom started to pick up on this and instead of helping me make better choices she would say things to put me down like telling people I waddle, I looked like a pig, called me fatty, etc. I eventually became insecure and cried about it a lot. I continued eating disregarding what she said however, deep down it just hurt. I started going to the doctor and I was 160 at 11.
I wasnt really concerned about it but I was insecure about my stomach. No else said anything about it so I never worried until 7th, I got bigger and eventually became 200. 7th grade was a really hard time for me, I didn't have any friends until nearly October and there was people bullying me for my acne scars calling it chicken pox. I also felt like a complete outcast and thought there wasn't a point in coming to school. I had also made some bad friends who controlled my life, I was always stressed out with them too so a way to cope with it again I ate.
I'm in 8th grade and I'm the worst I've ever been, those bad friends that I made I eventually left and taken care of my myself. I broke the habit of stress eating but nowadays I just eat whenever I'm bored. I've taken care of my acne, trying to refix my hair, I'm overall trying to glow up but I don't know what to do with my body. I've started eating less, I was never taught self control so I'm trying to get into that habit now. I'm drinking more water but I want to get help.
My mom has gotten used to me being fat and hasn't made any nasty remarks about it since I was 11/12. When I complain about my feet cramping she just says it's because I'm fat which I don't really disagree with. I've already gotten advice on how to lose weight and fix my relationship with food but I fear I might already have an eating disorder. Overeating.
Not to mention I believe I also have ADHD, I have a lot of symptoms like not being able to pay attention to things for a long period time or making eye contact well, I struggle with receiving information about things, I procrastinate a lot, I struggle to control my emotions sometimes, I space out A LOT and it actually is a problem when it comes to school. I get sidetracked a lot of the times, there's a lot I can go on about but just know my mom will not get tested and I do not want any medicine for it if I actually have it.
I sometimes can't tell when I'm full so I'll continue to eat a lot of food in big bulks, I skip breakfast a lot and just go straight to lunch, by dinner time I've eaten a bunch of snacks but I'll finish my plate. What should I do and how should I go about seeking professional help?
submitted by skulletzz to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:24 throwaway19021803 Scary blood test results.

I (32F) have been feeling tired and run down. I had a full blood test done, I checked my results online and the only normal things are Heamoglobin and blood count.
The following are ā€œabnormalā€ and I need to speak to a doctor. (Currently trying to get an appointment)
Liver function Plasma C reactive protein Serum lipid Urea and electrolytes Thyroid function Bone profile Serum folate Serum ferritin Serum vitamin B12 Serum Total Protein Serum vitamin D
What on earth? Iā€™ve googled and Iā€™m frightened I have an autoimmune disease or worseā€¦ any input appreciated.
Thanks in advance
submitted by throwaway19021803 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:22 FaithfullyYoursJesus I left church because....

Hi! I've been wanting to vent out about this before but I just didn't know how to start and where to start. I've been carrying this burden in my heart for quite awhile now. This is regarding our Pastor. To start, I just want to say that he is a good person. Knowing him from the time we moved here in the province four years ago. he is indeed a good man. I remember the time he was dreaming to have a big online platform. I was there when he was just starting four years ago. I was the one who managed and organized his facebook page and his youtube account. I was the one who edit his videos and photos early on. He gave me money few times in exchange of my service but most times, I was doing it for free. Honestly, I didn't mind doing it for free because I love doing something for the ministry.. for God.. for Jesus Christ. I was a very active young people in the church back in the days when we were still living in the city. It has indeed become my lifestyle even after we moved here in the province. You know, I've noticed something about him. The things that he wanted me to edit, it's like the branding was focused most about him. God's word second. Like for instance, he wanted every thumbnails his face is in it. For the photos with bible verses, he always wanted to have his photos included. I was able to keep it to myself for such a long time, eventually I grew tired helping him. I've lost my motivation to edit because in my heart, something wasn't right.
Fast forward, I stopped from doing it. But I was entrusted to do another assignment at church, I was assigned to do the projector during service. I'm not complaining about my task. I always love doing things for God. Going back to our pastor's platform. He is getting close to having 100k followers on his FB page now, but a lot of people are bashing him because according to them, he doesn't practice what he preaches. He is very worldly for a pastor. His videos speak volumes. Also, he is becoming toxic in dealing with people in the comment section. He would lashed out at every people who were trying to rebuke him in a loving way. It's like to him, they're always against him and he is always right and as if there's nothing wrong in what he does. For me, it's sad and heartbreaking. It's like he values his fame now more than God. It's like he would be okay to do bad publicity to become more famous. Bad publicity is still a publicity. His page will still has engagement from it regardless. More engagements means more revenue.
Actually, he believes in a hypergrace teaching and that's what he teaches in the church. One day, I've made a decision that I would temporarily stop going to that church because I want to grow more in faith and in God's grace even if it entails that I have to be alone in the wildnerness. I wasn't growing there. There was no discipleship.. the praise and worship was taken for granted.. there was no bible study.. there was no spiritual accountable partners. Basically, just going to church every Sunday and come out from the service just like nothing happened. I don't want that. I told him that I would stop going to church temporarily and come back soon but all the more I don't want to go there anymore. I want a leader who can rightly lead me, not blindly lead me. Just right now, he is viral because last Sunday after the service, they recorded a video of them dancing to a secular song inside the church. A lot of Christians were disappointed and upset. But as for him, he is boasting about in his facebook account. It's heartbreaking to see how fame and the greed for fame can change a person. Actually, after he got monetized and received his pay, he kicked me out of his page already without telling me that he would do it. But when he was first starting it, he told me he would make me an admin. I understand that it was his page but it's sad on my part that when was just starting, he told me that he would involve me but when he's becoming famous, he just kicked me out without notice. if you were in my shoe, do you think it's reasonable for me to stop going to that church? Probably some of you would suggest for me to find another church, but after what happened, for now, I just want to stay home and listen to preachings online.
submitted by FaithfullyYoursJesus to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:22 Jealous_Pomelo8485 Free Book Lovers' Paradise: Dive into a World of Reading Delights!

Hey everyone!
Are you a book lover on the hunt for your next literary adventure? Or perhaps a student seeking free resources to ace your exams? Look no further! Daily Delights is here to brighten your day with our extensive collection of free e-books and model test exams!
šŸ“š E*xplore Endless Possibilities: *Step into our virtual library and discover a treasure trove of e-books spanning various genres and interests. From gripping thrillers to heartwarming romances, there's something for every reader to enjoy. Best of all, they're all yours for freeā€”no strings attached!
šŸ“ M*aster Your Subjects with Ease: *Need to brush up on your knowledge or prepare for upcoming exams? Our model test exams have got you covered! Dive into practice questions and simulations tailored to your academic needs, whether you're studying for standardized tests or tackling coursework.
Join our community of book enthusiasts and learners today! Visit BooksLoopd to start exploring our collection of free resources. Don't miss out on this opportunity to indulge your love for reading and excel in your studiesā€”all at no cost!
Ready to embark on your literary journey? Head over to Daily Delights and let the reading adventures begin!
submitted by Jealous_Pomelo8485 to bookshelf [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:21 hawthornvisual starting tips?

i'm 28, male, 178cm, 108kg at 23% body fat. i've been working out consistently for the last year, and have been going to the gym regularly since february started, before that i had some serious injuries that took me out of sports for nearly a decade, so i've been trying to be careful and build myself back up properly.
i haven't practiced many of the lifts in strongman, from what i can test in a commercial gym, i'm starting at around 100kg squat (did 110 but it was ugly as hell) 60kg clean and press, and 170kg deadlift with straps, 120kg without straps. i can leg press 400kg for 4 reps, so i think with proper form i can get those numbers up quickly.
my questions are, are there any free training guides out there detailing good programs for starting out in strongman? how important is it to train in a real strongman gym? could i have a future in the sport, despite my height?
submitted by hawthornvisual to Strongman [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:19 isaac_kelvin Hostinger vs. HostGator: A Comprehensive Comparison for 2024

The world of web hosting can be overwhelming, with a multitude of providers vying for your attention. Among the top contenders are Hostinger and HostGator, both renowned for their reliable services and affordable plans. However, choosing the right host for your website is crucial for its success. In this comprehensive comparison, we'll delve into the intricacies of Hostinger and HostGator, analyzing their features, performance, pricing, and customer support to help you make an informed decision.
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Hostinger and HostGator are two of the most popular web hosting providers in the market, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. While both offer a variety of hosting plans to cater to different needs, they differ in terms of performance, pricing, features, and customer support. Understanding these differences is key to choosing the right host for your website.
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Performance is a critical factor to consider when choosing a web host, as it directly impacts your website's speed, reliability, and user experience. In this regard, Hostinger has a slight edge over HostGator.
Hostinger boasts impressive uptime and loading speeds, thanks to its LiteSpeed web server and optimized infrastructure. Multiple tests have shown that Hostinger's servers consistently deliver faster loading times compared to HostGator. Moreover, Hostinger offers a free Content Delivery Network (CDN) with all its plans, further enhancing website speed by distributing content across multiple servers worldwide.
While HostGator also provides reliable uptime, its loading speeds are not as impressive as Hostinger's. However, HostGator does offer a variety of performance-enhancing features, such as caching and compression, to optimize website speed.
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Both Hostinger and HostGator offer a wide range of features to cater to different website needs. However, there are some notable differences in their offerings.
Hostinger provides a user-friendly control panel called hPanel, which is intuitive and easy to navigate. It also includes a free website builder with drag-and-drop functionality, making it easy for beginners to create a website without any coding knowledge. Additionally, Hostinger offers a variety of one-click install scripts for popular applications like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
HostGator, on the other hand, uses the industry-standard cPanel control panel, which is familiar to most webmasters. It also includes a website builder, but it's not as intuitive as Hostinger's. However, HostGator does offer a wider range of one-click install scripts for various applications.
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Pricing is another crucial factor to consider when choosing a web host. Hostinger is known for its affordable pricing, especially for its shared hosting plans. Its entry-level plan starts at a very low price, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious users.
HostGator's pricing is slightly higher than Hostinger's, but it does offer some discounts for longer-term commitments. Additionally, HostGator includes a free domain name with all its plans, whereas Hostinger only offers a free domain with its annual plans.
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Customer Support
Both Hostinger and HostGator provide 24/7 customer support via live chat and email. However, Hostinger's customer support is known to be more responsive and helpful. Multiple user reviews have praised Hostinger's support team for their promptness and knowledge.
HostGator's customer support is also decent, but it has received some criticism for its slow response times and lack of technical expertise. However, HostGator does offer a comprehensive knowledge base and community forums to help users troubleshoot issues.
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Additional Considerations
Apart from the factors mentioned above, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind when choosing between Hostinger and HostGator.
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In-Depth Analysis
Let's take a closer look at some specific aspects of Hostinger and HostGator to understand their strengths and weaknesses in more detail.
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Who Should Choose Hostinger?
Hostinger is an excellent choice for beginners and budget-conscious users who prioritize performance and ease of use. Its affordable pricing, fast loading speeds, and user-friendly interface make it a great option for individuals and small businesses looking to establish their online presence.
Who Should Choose HostGator?
HostGator is a good option for users who are familiar with cPanel and need a wide range of one-click install scripts for various applications. It's also a good choice for users who value a free domain name with all plans.
Sign up for Hostinger ( Discount already added )
Both Hostinger and HostGator are reputable web hosting providers with a lot to offer. However, Hostinger edges out HostGator in terms of performance, pricing, and customer support. If you're looking for an affordable, fast, and reliable web host with a user-friendly interface, Hostinger is a great option. However, if you need a wide range of one-click install scripts and a free domain name, HostGator is worth considering.
Ultimately, the best web host for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. Carefully evaluate the factors discussed in this comparison to make an informed decision that aligns with your website goals.
Sign up for Hostinger ( Discount already added )
submitted by isaac_kelvin to Webhostinger [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:19 FaithfullyYoursJesus I left church because....

Hi! I've been wanting to vent out about this before but I just didn't know how to start and where to start. I've been carrying this burden in my heart for quite awhile now. This is regarding our Pastor. To start, I just want to say that he is a good person. Knowing him from the time we moved here in the province four years ago. he is indeed a good man. I remember the time he was dreaming to have a big online platform. I was there when he was just starting four years ago. I was the one who managed and organized his facebook page and his youtube account. I was the one who edit his videos and photos early on. He gave me money few times in exchange of my service but most times, I was doing it for free. Honestly, I didn't mind doing it for free because I love doing something for the ministry.. for God.. for Jesus Christ. I was a very active young people in the church back in the days when we were still living in the city. It has indeed become my lifestyle even after we moved here in the province. You know, I've noticed something about him. The things that he wanted me to edit, it's like the branding was focused most about him. God's word second. Like for instance, he wanted every thumbnails his face is in it. For the photos with bible verses, he always wanted to have his photos included. I was able to keep it to myself for such a long time, eventually I grew tired helping him. I've lost my motivation to edit because in my heart, something wasn't right.
Fast forward, I stopped from doing it. But I was entrusted to do another assignment at church, I was assigned to do the projector during service. I'm not complaining about my task. I always love doing things for God. Going back to our pastor's platform. He is getting close to having 100k followers on his FB page now, but a lot of people are bashing him because according to them, he doesn't practice what he preaches. He is very worldly for a pastor. His videos speak volumes. Also, he is becoming toxic in dealing with people in the comment section. He would lashed out at every people who were trying to rebuke him in a loving way. It's like to him, they're always against him and he is always right and as if there's nothing wrong in what he does. For me, it's sad and heartbreaking. It's like he values his fame now more than God. It's like he would be okay to do bad publicity to become more famous. Bad publicity is still a publicity. His page will still has engagement from it regardless. More engagements means more revenue.
Actually, he believes in a hypergrace teaching and that's what he teaches in the church. One day, I've made a decision that I would temporarily stop going to that church because I want to grow more in faith and in God's grace even if it entails that I have to be alone in the wildnerness. I wasn't growing there. There was no discipleship.. the praise and worship was taken for granted.. there was no bible study.. there was no spiritual accountable partners. Basically, just going to church every Sunday and come out from the service just like nothing happened. I don't want that. I told him that I would stop going to church temporarily and come back soon but all the more I don't want to go there anymore. I want a leader who can rightly lead me, not blindly lead me. Just right now, he is viral because last Sunday after the service, they recorded a video of them dancing to a secular song inside the church. A lot of Christians were disappointed and upset. But as for him, he is boasting about in his facebook account. It's heartbreaking to see how fame and the greed for fame can change a person. Actually, after he got monetized and received his pay, he kicked me out of his page already without telling me that he would do it. But when he was first starting it, he told me he would make me an admin. I understand that it was his page but it's sad on my part that when was just starting, he told me that he would involve me but when he's becoming famous, he just kicked me out without notice. if you were in my shoe, do you think it's reasonable for me to stop going to that church? Probably some of you would suggest for me to find another church, but after what happened, for now, I just want to stay home and listen to preachings online.
submitted by FaithfullyYoursJesus to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:19 InternationalAd4557 Getting rid of old clat books, practice test booklet. Practically unused. (MRP- 645, selling at- 345)

submitted by InternationalAd4557 to clat [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:18 Diligent_Routine8983 I 20F am no longer madly in love with my bf 22M. How can we go back to the past state?

I know my bf online and we have been dating online for 10 months. We are both Chinese but I have been studying in china but he went to abroad to study since high school. i.e. Canada. Everything goes well and we are like forsaken soulmates that have been forced to be apart for a long time. For the past 10 months we really get along very well and its my first love. But there are some problems recently arising.
First He had ONS experience although only once. I was raised in a region of china where everyone is conservative about sex. Many girls even think that they should leave their virgin to their husbands so the sex before marriage is prohibited. My family is also conservative. But I think I have an open mind genetically. In the past I think I can accept sex before marriage or casual sex but only when it really came to me I found that itā€™s not easy to change an opinion that you have been long exposed to. In china I think the society is experiencing the transformation of values after you know the fast development of economy in the past 30 years. So there is a mixture of the open and conservative opinions about sex and I always thought I will be in the open crowd. But actually I am a virgin. And itā€™s actually hard for me to accept he had sex experience. Although I know he study abroad and itā€™s more open abroad I still find it hard to accept all of this. I think itā€™s because the culture and for me rationally I am pro that he had sex because itā€™s normal. I am always sick of the old Chinese conservative opinions because I think itā€™s suppressing the nature. I know itā€™s normal in the western world. Can anyone come to comfort me about this and help me to accept this normal behavior in the western world. And I am also going to study in the U.S.
The first thing has damaged our relationship a little(or much). But recently the second problem came. He is one year before graduation and just finished his final tests 2 weeks ago. He said he got pressure to land an internship and is anxious sometimes. So he cut down on the frequency of texting to me. More of the time maybe he is playing video games. Because I found that he suddenly became less into our relationship I feel insecure. And 2 weeks later I now found myself also not madly in love. But instead I just feel more sober and calm when talking to him. I am fearful of this situation. I talk to him why he is like this and he said sorry to me and said he is anxious and said he will change. But I just think the feelings of our relationship has changed.
Can someone give me advice on how to cope with this situation?
submitted by Diligent_Routine8983 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:17 Old-Choice-5723 Get ppg raw data from wearOS smartwatch

Hi, I am developing a healthcare app that is divided into 2 parts: one about medical adherence and the other to detect user anxiety/stress. I wanted to do this by getting raw ppg data; however, I find it quite tricky... has anyone collected this before? I am looking for a general solution that works for wearOS in general, but I know it might be hard.
For testing, I am using Samsung Galaxy Watch 4: I have tried different sensors, but the one that seems to be the key is the "Samsung HR Raw Sensor", which has as output an array of 16 values; however, I have not found any specification about it online...
Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by Old-Choice-5723 to WearOSDeveloper [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:16 Pezza2505 MISSING FIN - Sick Betta Fish PLEASE HELP

Basically i have had my betta fish for probably about a year. itā€™s been super healthy to my understanding the whole time.
However recently the past week it has been acting super strange appearing only at the top of the tank, only breathing via gulping air from the surface, and swimming as though itā€™s forgotten how to be a fish.
Flailing at the surface, stopping motionless then swimming super fast and swimming upside down and sideways. Aswell and seeming purposely getting ā€œstuckā€ on java fern leaves and behind the heater, never where it has been a problem before. To be honest itā€™s acting like itā€™s trying to kill itself or something, trying to jump into the filter, swimming around the sides of the tank as if it is trying to escape.
All the water permaters are as normal with practically zero levels of ammonia and nitrate. and a relatively neutral pH. However just to make sure i have been doing more frequent water changes in a effort to try and help. After doing some research online on what it could be i thought it may have been a swimming bladder issue or ( ammonia poisoning? somehow) Taking advice to try a not feed it for a couple days as it may have been congested. This hasnā€™t seemed to do anything to help (it doesnā€™t seem interested to eat anyway). And today itā€™s gotten worse. i woke up this morning a checked on it to see that one of its fins is GONE! And i have no idea how as it was there yesterday. The only reason i can think of is it got ripped off somehow in on of its failing episodes itā€™s been having? I have a school of neon and rummy nose tetras, but they seem to steer clear of my betta. This whole situation just seems set up for death and like my fish it deteriorating. I have no clue why or what is going on. Would love some help as i really want to help as best i can. I feel like a horrible owner but i donā€™t know what to do to help
I have included images of the missing fin as best as possible.
submitted by Pezza2505 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:14 Crazy-Donut7508 Did everything I could but nothing better than 1400

For the past 6 months, I have been working towards getting 1500+. I exhausted Khan Academy, Erica Meltzer's Reading, and even SAT question bank. I took every practice test on Bluebook and I got 1280 (630rw, 650 math) on the last one (1410 as superscore). What can I do to achieve my desired score?
submitted by Crazy-Donut7508 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:14 sxltystxnley My right answers aren't right if they're not Codecademy's verbatim: Minor 4am rant

I've been a loyal Codecademy user, always revisiting it every "I'm finally gonna sit down and learn HTML and definitely not forget it two seconds later" cycle throughout the years. Most recently however, there's been a change in my tune (I'm now a CompSci victim student and actually had to crack down and learn my languages with a purpose) and have been learning C++ at school.
Just this last week I've been trying to brush up on and review everything I've learned over the last year with Codecademy's C++ course and have unfortunately found myself running into an issue where, say I use 'using namespace std' to cut down on std::'s in my code or I slip in an endl instead of \n, even if my code gets the exact result that we're sought after, mine is wrong, and I can't move onto the next step until I copy their solution word for word, bar for bar. Can't lil buddy pre-made course guide just let me be? Feels like those memes of online tests with automated marking that knock your grade down because you put a space after your answer or didn't make the first letter of your answer uppercase...
submitted by sxltystxnley to Codecademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:13 davidnjoy1 I gave my aadhar details to a scammer. What is the worst damage they can do??

I woke up to a call from dsl saying my parcel delivery was cancelled . This was an automated call. Then it said to press 1 to speak to a customer care executive. I talked to the guy and he said my parcel was cancelled due to illegal content(drug) and if I didn't do it then I have to lodge a complaint to Mumbai police and forwarded my call to another number. lol it even said Mumbai police while I was waiting. Then this new guy asked me all the detail about where I live and where have I given my Adhar details etc. Before giving any personal information I thought this maybe some elaborate scam so I asked him if he was the police and he immediately interrupted me and started asking more questions. So i gave him all the answers. It seemed odd but i still thought this might be true. Then he told me I have to lodge an online complaint and to do that I have to download Skype and search Mumbaipolice663something on Skype and then send them my name and wait for a video call. Then after like 10 min video call came from the Skype from them and asked me to open my camera and asked all the detail about my Adhar and all my address and I gave them to her. She even asked me to hold my Adhar in front of camera to 'verify', so I did. Then she said i am waiting from an update from headquarters regarding your Adhar detail please wait. Now this girl was speaking in perfect English and said she was ips and every time she would speak she would unmute herself then mute again. This happened several times and it bugged me. Then she was talking about my family and suddenly said, "wait stop there is an update from headquarters" and then in the background this voice came from like a radio or something. This time she didn't mute this time so that I can hear what the radio guy said. The radio guy said that I am a big and dangerous criminal and I have multiple cases of drug distribution and money laundering cases and that I should be arrested immediately. That moment right then I understood it was all fake. Then the girl from the call started her police talk iykyk. I tried to give some explanation but she was in her police mode and was very fake furious. When she wouldn't listen anything i started laughing almost like a villain lol. I told them, "You guys made me such a genius. I am a drug distributor as well as money launderer. I am like the one man army lol. Like some movie hero or something". Then the girl was so furious it was comical lmao she started saying this isn't a joke that I should live in fear and they contacted my local police Dept. To arrest me and my family members. At this point I had enough of it and I told her she needs more practice and find something else to do and disconnected the call. So my question to all of you guys is what can they do with my personal information??
submitted by davidnjoy1 to india [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:13 OriginalAcrobatic229 Abella Systems, Your Custom Software Development Partner in Florida

In today's digitally-driven world, businesses in Florida are constantly seeking innovative solutions to stay ahead in the competitive landscape. From streamlining operations to enhancing customer experiences, the demand for customized software solutions is at an all-time high. This is where Abella Systems emerges as a beacon of expertise and reliability, offering tailored software development services to businesses across Florida and beyond.
At Abella Systems, we understand that off-the-shelf software may not always align perfectly with the unique requirements of every business. That's why we specialize in crafting bespoke software solutions that cater to the specific needs and goals of our clients. Whether you're a startup looking to build a scalable platform from scratch or an established enterprise seeking to modernize legacy systems, we have the expertise and experience to turn your vision into reality.

Our Approach

  1. Collaborative Discovery
We begin by engaging in in-depth discussions with our clients to gain a comprehensive understanding of their business objectives, challenges, and requirements. This collaborative approach ensures that we are aligned with our clients every step of the way.
  1. Customized Solutions
Leveraging the latest technologies and industry best practices, our team of skilled developers designs and develops custom software solutions that are tailored to address the specific needs of each client. Whether it's web applications, mobile apps, enterprise software, or IoT solutions, we have the expertise to deliver high-quality results.
  1. Agile Development
We follow an agile development methodology, which allows for flexibility and adaptability throughout the development process. By breaking down projects into manageable iterations, we ensure timely delivery and the ability to incorporate feedback along the way.
  1. Quality Assurance
Quality is at the forefront of everything we do. Our dedicated QA team rigorously tests each software solution to ensure functionality, performance, security, and user experience meet the highest standards.
  1. Ongoing Support
Our commitment to our clients extends beyond the initial development phase. We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that our solutions continue to perform optimally and evolve with the changing needs of our clients' businesses.

Why Choose Abella Systems?

  1. Expertise
With years of experience in custom software development, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project.
  1. Client-Centric Approach
We prioritize client satisfaction above all else, striving to exceed expectations and build long-lasting partnerships.
  1. Innovation
We stay at the forefront of technological advancements and industry trends, allowing us to deliver cutting-edge solutions that drive business growth.
  1. Transparent Communication
We believe in open and transparent communication, keeping our clients informed and involved throughout the development process.
  1. Proven Track Record
Our portfolio speaks for itself. We have successfully delivered custom software solutions to clients across various industries, earning their trust and loyalty.


Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, Abella Systems is here to empower your business with custom software solutions that drive efficiency, productivity, and growth. Contact us today at []( or visit our website to learn more about how we can help your business thrive in the digital age.
Abella Systems, Your Custom Software Development Partner in Florida
In today's digitally-driven world, businesses in Florida are constantly seeking innovative solutions to stay ahead in the competitive landscape. From streamlining operations to enhancing customer experiences, the demand for customized software solutions is at an all-time high. This is where Abella Systems emerges as a beacon of expertise and reliability, offering tailored software development services to businesses across Florida and beyond.
At Abella Systems, we understand that off-the-shelf software may not always align perfectly with the unique requirements of every business. That's why we specialize in crafting bespoke software solutions that cater to the specific needs and goals of our clients. Whether you're a startup looking to build a scalable platform from scratch or an established enterprise seeking to modernize legacy systems, we have the expertise and experience to turn your vision into reality.

Our Approach

  1. Collaborative Discovery
We begin by engaging in in-depth discussions with our clients to gain a comprehensive understanding of their business objectives, challenges, and requirements. This collaborative approach ensures that we are aligned with our clients every step of the way.
  1. Customized Solutions
Leveraging the latest technologies and industry best practices, our team of skilled developers designs and develops custom software solutions that are tailored to address the specific needs of each client. Whether it's web applications, mobile apps, enterprise software, or IoT solutions, we have the expertise to deliver high-quality results.
  1. Agile Development
We follow an agile development methodology, which allows for flexibility and adaptability throughout the development process. By breaking down projects into manageable iterations, we ensure timely delivery and the ability to incorporate feedback along the way.
  1. Quality Assurance
Quality is at the forefront of everything we do. Our dedicated QA team rigorously tests each software solution to ensure functionality, performance, security, and user experience meet the highest standards.
  1. Ongoing Support
Our commitment to our clients extends beyond the initial development phase. We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that our solutions continue to perform optimally and evolve with the changing needs of our clients' businesses.

Why Choose Abella Systems?

  1. Expertise
With years of experience in custom software development, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project.
  1. Client-Centric Approach
We prioritize client satisfaction above all else, striving to exceed expectations and build long-lasting partnerships.
  1. Innovation
We stay at the forefront of technological advancements and industry trends, allowing us to deliver cutting-edge solutions that drive business growth.
  1. Transparent Communication
We believe in open and transparent communication, keeping our clients informed and involved throughout the development process.
  1. Proven Track Record
Our portfolio speaks for itself. We have successfully delivered custom software solutions to clients across various industries, earning their trust and loyalty.


Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, Abella Systems is here to empower your business with custom software solutions that drive efficiency, productivity, and growth. Contact us today at []( or visit our website to learn more about how we can help your business thrive in the digital age.
submitted by OriginalAcrobatic229 to u/OriginalAcrobatic229 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:12 Expert_Service675 What sort of areas do you study in a Cert 4 in Mental Health

Hey Guys,
First time poster here on Reddit so go easy on me. As the title suggests Iā€™m just trying to find out (from people who have taught or done the course) what areas you study in a Cert 4 in Mental Health. Looking around via Google anytime I type that in I just get the course summaries via TAFE or another RTO showing the outline of the course and structure but Iā€™m more curious to know what it is youā€™re actually studying. I work as an Admin officer in a Drug and Alcohol/ mental health unit and find the things I see and hear fascinating so itā€™s got me onto this course. I also am eligible for the TAFE FREE study which is another reason I am looking to check it out. Itā€™s been a long time since I have been to school and studied so figure if I can use a FREE grant to see if I like it then I can always do a BA or something later down the track.
I am not eligible for HECS due to my being a PR but have done the citizenship test and passed so just waiting for my next step.
Any advice you can give would be very much appreciated. I am studying fully online as well due to my work/ family commitments so anything you would recommend about that type of study is great as well.
Thanks for listening.
submitted by Expert_Service675 to TAFE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:08 cbalkcom Should I become an army mechanic

I'm a 21 year old first year mechanic, my only experience being 4 months of uncompleted trade school. My interest in the army reserves first began over a year ago when I was facing an extended unemployment period and I was shit poor. I still am since my pay is shit and I can pretty much only afford to eat after bills, including tool debt. I am closing in on the 1 year requirement to take the ASE G1 certification test and once I get the cert I plan on discussing a raise or finding better pay elsewhere. I'm now considering the reserves once again in order to gain more experience, knowledge and to use it as a second source of income. A while back I took an asvab practice test with a recruiter and I scored an 85 on the general technical so I know that job is in reach for me. Is there anything i should know before making a decision? Isthere any required experience/knowledge? Is it worth it since half my reason for joining is financial gain?
submitted by cbalkcom to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:05 enginuur Working on a project, Can y'all help me find a API which will fetch me movie information? (Open to collab too)

*Project Idea: Movie Recommendation System*
Create a movie recommendation system that suggests movies to users based on their preferences and historical data. This project will involve implementing complex algorithms for data processing, similarity scoring, and recommendation generation, making it a great opportunity to practice DSA concepts. You'll use GoLang for backend development and possibly front-end technologies like HTML/CSS/JavaScript for the user interface.
*Key Features:*
1.ā  ā *User Authentication:* Implement user authentication to allow users to create accounts and log in securely.
2.ā  ā *Data Collection:* Gather movie data from public APIs or datasets. This could include movie titles, genres, ratings, and user preferences.
3.ā  ā *Data Preprocessing:* Clean and preprocess the data to remove duplicates, handle missing values, and normalize data for consistency.
4.ā  ā *Similarity Scoring:* Implement algorithms such as cosine similarity or collaborative filtering to calculate similarity scores between users or movies.
5.ā  ā *Recommendation Engine:* Develop the core recommendation engine that generates personalized movie recommendations for users based on their preferences and similarities with other users.
6.ā  ā *User Interface:* Create a simple web interface where users can log in, input their movie preferences, and view personalized recommendations.
7.ā  ā *Testing and Optimization:* Test the system with various datasets and fine-tune algorithms for optimal performance and accuracy.
*DSA Concepts Covered:*
ā€¢ā  ā *Graph Algorithms:* You can model user-movie relationships as a graph and utilize graph algorithms like breadth-first search (BFS) or depth-first search (DFS) for recommendation generation.
ā€¢ā  ā *Sorting and Searching:* Implement sorting algorithms to rank movies based on similarity scores or user ratings. Use binary search for efficient data retrieval.
ā€¢ā  ā *Hashing:* Utilize hash functions for efficient data storage and retrieval, particularly for user profiles and movie metadata.
ā€¢ā  ā *Dynamic Programming:* Optimize algorithms for recommendation generation using dynamic programming techniques to improve efficiency and scalability.
*Learning Goals:*
ā€¢ā  ā Gain proficiency in GoLang by implementing backend logic for data processing, recommendation algorithms, and user authentication.
ā€¢ā  ā Understand and implement complex DSA concepts such as graph algorithms, sorting, searching, hashing, and dynamic programming in a real-world project setting.
ā€¢ā  ā Learn about web development concepts by building a simple user interface for the recommendation system using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
submitted by enginuur to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:04 Additional-Trade6017 HELP (UCAT)

I just started studying for the ucat 4 days ago and u started by doing a mock exam to test my beginner abilities and my test score was kinda horrible: VR:480 DM:450 QR:520 AR630
So I started by studying one section each day and doing a full timed practice for the section that I studied however the score did not really change on the specific section. I donā€™t know if my way of studying is correct or not and I donā€™t know if itā€™s normal to not progress in the first days of studying and I really need to get at least 2600. So I would really appreciate if someone would help or give an advice.
submitted by Additional-Trade6017 to UCAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:02 Pure_Lie3116 Need Advice for Online Access

I am an 18 yr old broke college student who just found out shes pregnant. My parents have money but I under no circumstances can go to them for help with this. As I am about 5 weeks pregnant, I will be able to order pills online, but most providers are very expensive (around/at least 200 dollars) and the ones that are less expensive (still steep at 150 dollars) Iā€™m worried are a scam. In addition to this, I have an obgyn appointment where my mom will be in the room on june 25 and im worried that even if I end the pregnancy now, there will be signs of it still when I have my obgyn appointment and my mom will find out. Iā€™m also getting bloodwork done at that appointment to test for a hormone imbalance and am worried that that will reveal something or that getting the abortion will screw up my chances of finding out if I have a hormone imbalance. Overall I just need advice, Iā€™m really freaking out. I know I donā€™t have the funds for this so idk what to do.
submitted by Pure_Lie3116 to abortion [link] [comments]