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2011.07.19 06:03 Theodore Roosevelt


2012.03.24 18:26 calza Welcome to r/homegym. A subreddit devoted to working out at home.

A subreddit devoted to working out at home.

2024.04.28 15:25 silicontoast [NM] Natural History Museum (10326) - 175 spots at $2/ea

Item Name Set Number: Natural History Museum (10326)
Lego Price: $300 + $18 tax
Timestamp and pictures of box: https://imgur.com/a/NRkL9HZ
Shipping: $32 from 48875 to 98597 (Discounted to fit NM, 15lbs, 23x20x8” insured at $318)
Raffle Total/Spots: $350, 175 spots @ $2 each
Price justification: lego.com
Call spots: Y
Spot limit per person: N
Duration of spot limit: N/A
Location(Country): Michigan
Will ship international: No. HI, and AK pays difference in shipping
Description: New, sealed Natural History Museum (10326) modular
Payment required within 15 minutes of raffle filling.
PayPal payments are to be Friends and Family only with NO COMMENTS. Comments will result in a permanent ban.

Cash App Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 gfy4dsny PAID
2 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
3 Bosskz PAID
4 sc14993 PAID
5 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
6 Bosskz PAID
7 Bosskz PAID
8 Bosskz PAID
9 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
10 heavyboots79 PAID
11 heavyboots79 PAID
12 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
13 robob280 PAID
14 Bosskz PAID
15 nmde305 PAID
16 nmde305 PAID
17 robob280 PAID
18 North_Koala6572 PAID
19 Bosskz PAID
20 DerBengel PAID
21 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
23 Giraffelack PAID
24 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
25 Bosskz PAID
26 CoCagRa PAID
27 nmde305 PAID
28 nmde305 PAID
29 gfy4dsny PAID
30 robob280 PAID
31 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
32 North_Koala6572 PAID
33 Silverstein519 PAID
34 therontheteej PAID
35 CoCagRa PAID
37 DriverOk8201 PAID
38 CoCagRa PAID
39 TeddyLea PAID
40 TeddyLea PAID
41 heavyboots79 PAID
42 Sninja13 PAID
43 Sninja13 PAID
44 heavyboots79 PAID
45 North_Koala6572 PAID
46 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
47 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
48 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
49 MilwaukeeMax PAID
50 Bosskz PAID
51 Bosskz PAID
52 gfy4dsny PAID
53 sc14993 PAID
54 Sninja13 PAID
55 sc14993 PAID
56 TeddyLea PAID
57 nmde305 PAID
58 DutchRudder87 PAID
59 heavyboots79 PAID
61 TeddyLea PAID
62 Giraffelack PAID
63 sc14993 PAID
64 therontheteej PAID
65 Bosskz PAID
66 sc14993 PAID
67 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
68 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
69 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
70 Silverstein519 PAID
71 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
72 TeddyLea PAID
74 TeddyLea PAID
76 North_Koala6572 PAID
77 MilwaukeeMax PAID
78 therontheteej PAID
79 gfy4dsny PAID
80 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
81 sc14993 PAID
82 TeddyLea PAID
83 Silverstein519 PAID
85 Giraffelack PAID
86 nik0nguy601 PAID
87 MilwaukeeMax PAID
89 MilwaukeeMax PAID
90 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
91 Silverstein519 PAID
92 Sninja13 PAID
93 sc14993 PAID
94 TeddyLea PAID
95 therontheteej PAID
96 sc14993 PAID
97 sc14993 PAID
98 TeddyLea PAID
99 nmde305 PAID
101 therontheteej PAID
102 DutchRudder87 PAID
103 DutchRudder87 PAID
105 TeddyLea PAID
106 North_Koala6572 PAID
107 therontheteej PAID
108 Silverstein519 PAID
109 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
110 Justsaysock PAID
111 Silverstein519 PAID
112 DutchRudder87 PAID
113 sc14993 PAID
114 pendragoncomic PAID
115 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
116 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
117 nmde305 PAID
118 TeddyLea PAID
120 North_Koala6572 PAID
121 therontheteej PAID
122 sc14993 PAID
123 Bosskz PAID
124 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
125 Bosskz PAID
126 Silverstein519 PAID
127 gfy4dsny PAID
128 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
129 sc14993 PAID
130 North_Koala6572 PAID
131 therontheteej PAID
132 sc14993 PAID
133 TeddyLea PAID
134 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
135 Sninja13 PAID
136 sc14993 PAID
137 MilwaukeeMax PAID
138 nmde305 PAID
139 sc14993 PAID
140 therontheteej PAID
141 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
142 North_Koala6572 PAID
143 TeddyLea PAID
144 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
145 North_Koala6572 PAID
146 sc14993 PAID
147 North_Koala6572 PAID
148 pendragoncomic PAID
149 TeddyLea PAID
150 Bosskz PAID
151 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
152 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
153 gfy4dsny PAID
154 gfy4dsny PAID
155 nmde305 PAID
156 sc14993 PAID
157 sc14993 PAID
158 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
159 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
160 gfy4dsny PAID
161 Silverstein519 PAID
162 Silverstein519 PAID
163 Giraffelack PAID
164 DutchRudder87 PAID
165 sc14993 PAID
166 nmde305 PAID
167 Silverstein519 PAID
168 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
169 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
170 therontheteej PAID
171 TeddyLea PAID
172 Giraffelack PAID
173 sc14993 PAID
174 robob280 PAID
175 gfy4dsny PAID

submitted by silicontoast to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 22:00 TheCrimsonBuffalo Worst thing each character has done, Day 21: Artur

Worst thing each character has done, Day 21: Artur
Result for Day 20’s worst thing that Mr. Galvin has done: “Keeping Nate after class for the crime of having fun with an assignment and turning his car into the Batmobile.”
Day 21, most upvoted comment decides it, what is the worst thing Artur has done?
submitted by TheCrimsonBuffalo to ENSLAVETHEMOLLUSK [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 21:36 PSNTheOriginalMax Probably done to death, but rating the main franchise. Just finished RA, need to get this off my chest. SPOILERS FOR ALL GAMES

Games that will be missing are all the side games, as well as Deadlocked/Gladiator (but only because I couldn't be bothered to set it up, it's an absolute banger of a game from what I remember).
  1. R&C (PS4)
Not sure if this is controversial, but, to me, it just cements the absolute quality of the original game. The rebooted story is disappointing, and dangling the fate of the Lombaxes for so long only to never have a conclusion to it is extremely disappointing. But I feel like the reboot was made to tie in the first game better to the overarching narrative that developed afterwards. Everything (aside from the story) in this game was exactly what I feel a R&C game's supposed to be. It has fantastic game balance throughout, nice minigames, swimming, Clank gameplay, and (admittedly just okay) aerial gameplay. The weapons were fun, powerful and useful. Then there's the Holocards, the idea behind them was fantastic, and it was implemented extremely well! It gave a nice shot of nostalgia too! This is my best R&C game. Not the perfect game, mind you, but the best (so far). An extremely well done game.
  1. ACiT
Coming from ToD this game just blew me away. At that time it had so much of the things I wanted from a R&C game. Time travel was done... Okay. It was fun, but there were some very glaringly obvious plot holes... To be expected in all honestly, and forgivable, considering what a return to form it was. It had some weaknesses, of course,
  1. UYA
Funny how the games with Dr. Nefarious as the main antagonist are all in the top three, huh? I think I'm seeing a pattern here. Better ammo economy than GC, great story, good gameplay, fun multiplayer stages to solo play in (didn't have the PS2 internet adapted growing up), and overall just a good game with heaps of nice balance decisions. Some wonky auto aim here and there, and unnecessary difficulty spikes, but a great package overall.
  1. GC
First off, absolutely atrocious ammo economy. Second, a great game though. The weapons were too weak. The Yetis need to be brought to extinction though. But I feel like GC is what every R&C game takes inspiration from. They're all parts of GC taken to fruition, and expanded upon. Seriously, make a list of all the features in GC, and mix and match each game that had that feature. You'll notice just how pivotal this game was to the series.
  1. R&C (PS2/3)
The standard for the R&C games. Gameplay has aged horribly, and lack of strafing is a real kick in the groin, but I felt like its world was the most fleshed out. Too bad the Remake had some really awful visual glitches, but this game is fantastic, and even though it's a 5 in my list, it by no means signifies being a "bad game". Quite the opposite. In fact, I'd go so far as to say this is what every game needs to compare themselves to. It's the Journeyman you need to face on your way to the championships, and they're extremely formidable competition to go against.
\big gap here\**
  1. *sleeping a restless night*
I'd rather experience a night like this than play the next games.
  1. ToD = RA
ToD was... Okay. I liked the open world (big surprise), but it repeated GC's biggest problem: Weak weapons & horrible ammo economy. In fact, it made it even worse with having just a couple okay weapons at all. The game felt more like a hardware demo than an actual game. Granted it did set the stage for ACiT, an absolutely amazing game, but fell short for a (then) "next gen" R&C.
Rift Apart... Jeez, where do I even begin with this... The game visuals blew me away. The game bugs literally blew my character away (and almost my entire save file too thanks to a piece of leg armor disappearing from my inventory). There's so much in this game that I really don't understand why they developed it the way they did. It also has a bunch of really weak weapons, and some that are borderline useless (Bombaway & Vortex/the shield gun come to mind). The RYNO in this game is an absolute joke, and I just cannot understand the devs who thought "BaLaNcInG" the RYNO was something they actually needed to do? In fact, I'm going to take this a step further, I've seen a recent trend in this "overzealous" attempt at "gAmE bAlAnCe", where it's treated like it's frigging gospel, and I don't know if it's something that's just really on the surface in modern UX development/education, or what, but it's so dumb that I can't help but question if the devs who okayed (let alone came up with it) have ever played a R&C game before? This applied to so much of the balance decisions in the game (along with the trophies: So no trophy for challenge mode, getting all omega/gold/LV10 weapons, etc., and instead we have to find collectables that aren't shown on any map? Okay, lol?) that I feel like the RYNO is the perfect example of these inexplicable development decisions. As for the story, I'm sure a lot of people felt it was a return to form, and like we're back on track, but... Are we? Can someone please explain why we needed a multiverse? I feel like the writers confused dimensions and multiverses together, and granted, I don't know the difference either, but I do know that the Dimensionator dimensions were still in-universe before RA. Don't get me wrong, Rivet and Kit are a delight. But why? Because there's not enough female representation? Cool, make a R&C spinoff with them, or an entirely new franchise??? Why have we never gotten a playable Talwyn, for example? I'd love to play with a character who has a jetpack, there's that one steampunk jetpack game on PS3 that was an absolute blast! But yeah, like... Why? Seriously? We're no closer to Ratchet finding the Lombax dimension than we were (Jesus H Christ smfh Insomniac...) FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. How is this game a return to anything? There's also other extremely bizarre gameplay decisions that just make the game a chore to play, like enemies appearing behind you/attacking off-screen (always), a lot of enemies having inescapable melee attacks, some damage registering before the hit's visual cue, enemies appearing through rifts one at a time, and so on. The absolute most egregious game development crime they committed was the atrocious auto-aim. So do they think that modern gamers are so dumb nowadays that they can't do anything, if they can turn off (awfully implemented) auto-aim? I have an F and a Y reserved for them because of that. It also lacked any incentive to have Clank/Kit with you, and failed in a few things that make a R&C game to begin with. Still, the game's "okay" as a whole though, very formulaic, but by no means a "bad" game. But it's not a "good game" either, it's just "okay yeah, this is what a game looks like". This game was disappointing tbch. It had fantastic set pieces here and there, and I (surprise) like the open world stages, but piloting Trudy was boring/a chore (seriously, why tf the right analog stick??), and Lorb bro stage was empty. I understand that we were, essentially, poaching wild beasts in the previous games, with the open world collectathons, but FFS they could have done so much with the world. Also, why no swimming? You have Subnautica to take inspiration from, hello!?!??! The grav boots in the one Waterworld (trademark Universal Pictures) made it absolutely obvious they just gave up halfway through. We're never going to see the underwater world they had in a bunch of concept art, are we? In any case, I'm almost done with my Challenge Mode run, and, in all honesty, I really don't want to play this f'n game anymore. Too bad if I miss out on the (bleugh) Shield gun trophy, and the (sigh) Teddy bear trophy, but I just can't. I'm uninstalling this game and reinstalling R&C PS4 on my PS5. Don't remember if I have a plat for it already.
  1. QfB
I loved the theme. The lighting was fantastic. But it's just a side quest for ToD. It did set the stage for ACiT, so props for that, but meh all in all.
  1. *being bored af*
I'd rather sit staring at a wall or the ceiling than play the next game... No need to be coy, though, it's into the nexus. Playing into the Nexus is worse than staring at a wall.
  1. ItN
... And not because it's a bad game, but the framerate. Holy moly do my eyes hurt. It was such a massive disappointment, because this was the game that was supposed to conclude the Future trilogy. After the absolute master class in game development that was ACiT, this game had a lot to live up to, and failed in all of it. BUT the gravity gameplay was fantastic. The Clank segments reminded me of Gravity Rush (2's demo). The weapons were all right though, and the jetpack segments were nice, aside from annoying arena quests.
This really became a rant about RA lol, huh? I just wish they'd have properly continued the story rather than made it more convoluted. Or, heck, tie in the reboot with the Future canon? The games are disjointed enough as is, just retcon the original trilogy, and remake GC and UYA with a direct tie-in to ACiT. Why not even include Angela? Could even give her some amnesia (I know, lazy writing) inducing gadgets to hide the fact that she's a Lombax. While we're at it, why not make it so that she returned to this dimension without anyone knowing?
Can you imagine? GC with the same type of QoL as the PS4 game received. I'd go so far as to say it wouldn't only be my favorite R&C game, but could even top my favorite game of all time.
Writing this made me feel more at ease. Thanks for taking the time to go through this, and great if you got anything out of my rambling!
If you just came here to say TLDR, go ahead :)
submitted by PSNTheOriginalMax to RatchetAndClank [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 20:25 Junganon I'm looking for a specific toy/teddy

I have no pictures, only a very poor description. The toy/teddy was from 2012 and I have no idea where it came from. My (then) one year old daughter was terrified of it, so we threw it away but it has since become a bit of a meme in our house.
It was about 6inchs, it was made of felt, it was blue and head red lips, it looked a bit like that huggy wuggy thing but it wasn't a horror toy, it was a genuine kids toy. You would press a button on it and it would begin to sing the following song in a strange pitch. The interesting thing is that it wasn't a single button press. You would need to keep pressing the button for it to finish the song, you could also hold the button and the toy would hold the note. Its lips moved with the button mashing also.
The song "I love you, I love you, I love sitting beside your side"
submitted by Junganon to toys [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 11:19 SNEH92 [Windows Computer] [90s] Coloring game with possibly other activities

I was born in 92 and played this in the late 90s I believe. I cannot remember many details but it was played on a windows computer and you could color different pictures. I believe it was point and click for the painting. The pictures I remember are a bedroom with a bed, teddy bears, and a toy box. There was also a castle, farm, and circus picture as well. I may be mixing this with another game but there might have also been other activities such as counting ducks or swans or something like that. I cannot figure out the name of this game.
submitted by SNEH92 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 11:01 mafiagirlsfashion Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - April 27th, 2024

Phaedra Parks Teases Possible 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' Return (Exclusive) (ET)
Mother’s Day Brunch with Real Housewives’ Cynthia Bailey Raises Awareness About Fibroids (KRON4)
Kim Zolciak Speaks Out on the "BS" About Her Kroy Post: "Here’s the Truth" (Bravo)
Kandi Burruss Talks Broadway Debut, Escape SWV Tour, and Leaving Real Housewives (Rickey Smiley Morning Show)
Meghan Markle's Latest American Riviera Orchard Jam Recipient Is One of Real Housewives' Top Stars (People)
PHOTOS: RHOBH Star Kyle Richards Shares Makeup-Free Selfies After Microblading and Lip Blushing, Plus She Shows Off Toned Abs in Blue Bikini! (Reality Blurb)
Who Is Denise Richards' Husband Aaron Phypers? (Bravo)
Lisa Barlow's Missing $60,000 Ring Wasn't Her Only Impressive Sparkler (Bravo)
PHOTO: Fans Say Heather Gay Looks Unrecognizable Amid RHOSLC Season 5 Cast Trip After Admitting She “Sold Out” to Ozempic, See Her Pic and Fans’ Reactions (Reality Blurb)
RHOC Star Says She Had ‘Some Drunken Outbursts’ While Filming Upcoming Season (Heavy)
‘RHOC’ Stars Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson’s Ups and Downs Over the Years (US)
‘Real Housewives’ Fans Call for Star to Be Fired From Franchise (Heavy)
Former ‘Real Housewives of D.C.’ Stars: Where Are They Now? (US)
Dolores Catania spills RHONJ tea and confirms house for their cast trip ‘caught on fire’ (Monsters & Critics)
RHONY Jessel Taank, Bravo’s first Indian Housewife, signs with Cabine Creative ahead of season 15 (Starcasm)
EXCLUSIVE Phaedra Parks: How I maintain friendships with both Andy Cohen and Brandi Glanville after ‘RHUGT’ drama (Page Six)
Brandi Glanville Says She Was Hung Out to Dry; Amid RHUGT; Legal Drama (Exclusive) (KVUE ABC)
Brandi Glanville Feels ‘Vindicated’ by Bravo Despite Ongoing ‘RHUGT’ Legal Drama (Exclusive) (US)
Nick Viall Shades the ‘Vanderpump Rules’ Cast for Claiming They Have No Money: ‘Math Ain’t Mathing’ (US)
Lisa Vanderpump Addresses Lala’s Drama at “Fractious” Pump Rules Reunion, If Season 11 is the Last, and If Brittany Should Take Jax Back, Plus Reacts to Jax Refusing to “Bow Down” and Schwartz’s New Girlfriend (Reality Blurb)
PUMPED UP Lisa Vanderpump calls out Jax Taylor’s ‘ridiculous’ show claim and says ‘maybe he wrote his own scripts’ for VPR (The US Sun)
LVP Has a Surprising Take on Tom Schwartz & Sophia's Relationship: "He Needs a Diversion" (Bravo)
I Flew To Lake Tahoe To Try Lisa Vanderpump’s Latest Restaurant… Was It Worth It? (Betches)
Pandora Vanderpump's Son Teddy Just Hit a Huge Milestone: "So Proud" (Bravo)
Stassi Schroeder Compares New Taylor Swift Song to Vanderpump Rules (Reality Tea)
Scheana Shay Laughs Off Jokes About How Everything Affects Her: ‘Something Is Finally About Me’ (US)
Scheana Shay and Brock Davies Open Up About Building Their "Dream House" (EXCLUSIVE) (Bravo)
Scheana Shay Slams Tom Sandoval Over “Absurd” Eddie Cibrian Affair Comparison, Says She Was “21 and Unaware” & “Single” as Sandoval Defends Himself & Shares What Really Bothered Him, Plus Brock Speaks (Reality Blurb)
Tom Sandoval Counters Rachel Leviss' Revenge Porn Lawsuit, Claims Filing Is an 'Attempt to Extend Her Fame' (People)
When Tom Sandoval's Band Played in Medina (Mpls St Paul Magazine)
Ariana’s Boyfriend Daniel Breaks Down the “Good and Bad” of Their Relationship (VIDEO) (Bravo)
James Kennedy Had a Hilarious Reaction to Josh Flagg's $29.5 Million Listing (Bravo)
Kristen Doute slams trolls body shaming her ‘saggy boobs’ in ‘Valley’ promo: ‘You should be ashamed’ (Page Six)
The Valley’s Kristen Doute Slams Body Shamers After Bravo Shares Preview for Upcoming Episode, Reveals She Declined to Collaborate on Video, and Shares She’s “Appalled” (Reality Blurb)
It Feels Necessary To Dive Into Kristen And Michelle's Friendship Timeline (Betches)
Janet Caperna Says She Needs ‘A Break’ From Kristen Doute After Filming ‘The Valley’ (Exclusive) (US)
Are Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright "Getting Along Better"? Janet Caperna Explains (Bravo)
EXCLUSIVE Vanderpump Rules stars Jax Taylor and estranged wife Brittany Cartwright will REUNITE at glitzy White House Correspondents' Dinner with Daily Mail - alongside SNL host Colin Jost and President Biden (Daily Mail)
submitted by mafiagirlsfashion to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 10:08 Neitos_Sister My hammock of too many teddies

My hammock of too many teddies
I have so many teddies so I put them in a teddy hammock but I can't reach or see so I don't know where any of them are apart from the new ones on front. Still looking for my Highland cow I got from Scotland. He's in the firth picture but I can find the front of him.
submitted by Neitos_Sister to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 02:38 Angel_Phantomhive [TOMT] [Toy] {2005-2008] Please help me find this blue bear toy

Now, from what I remember of him, I remember being given the teddy bear roughly when i was 6 or 7 (2006-2007) by some employees at a JCPenney or Macy's in the DFW area since I found it out of a package and they let me keep it since they didn't have another version of it to scan. The bear is light blue with no stitching on the arms or legs, the ears were a different fabric to its body being the body was cotton (likely) and the ears were more like a rug-like feeling material. There was a tiny, and I say tiny red hear stitched onto its left side and its face had two black pellet eyes and a sweet smile. Scouring the internet and even the catalogs of the respected stores around that time doesn't seem to garner any results. I'm aware it's not a *beanie baby* because the blue is too dark, the bear I had didn't have anything on its feet to discern him, and the material doesn't look right. If anyone has any pictures or even suggestions to go and try and find it, I'd sincerely appreciate it!
TLDR: Light blue bear with no extra stitching on arms or legs, a tiny red heart on left side chest, black pellet eyes, likely 8 inches long if held up, and rug-like furry ears; Likely sold old JCPenney or Macy's around the years 2006-2008
Edit: a sketch of the bear https://imgur.com/a/xte1OYD
submitted by Angel_Phantomhive to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 00:41 emcdarby Long time Gummi Bear Fan and Lover here.

Long time Gummi Bear Fan and Lover here.
Hi, I'm not sure if there is anyone still here since the last post looks like it was over a year ago, but I recently found this subreddit and decided that I will make a post here since I'm a long time Gummi Bear fan and lover. If you thought Gummi Bear plush toys were just fairy tales, you are mistaken as I have a collection of them shown here, which there are basically two different sets. One from Fisher Price and the other from Applause, though the Applause set is missing Grammi Gummi which I had not see that one listed, let alone a picture of, anywhere online.
And if you are wondering about if there are any live Gummi Bears, the last time they were seen was at a Disney theme park and gotten this picture taken of them before disappearing back into Dunwyn Woods.
Anyway, my love for the Gummi Bears goes all the way back to where I was a young teenager and had only been able to find Gummi Bears figurines of them at the time when I was living near the shore. I also remember back then, my maternal grandma was teaching me needlepoint and later, after my family and I had moved away from being near the shore into another apartment over an hour away, I ended up making a needlepoint Cubbi Gummi and put it on the side of a flashlight lamp. Shortly after doing that, I became really interested in wanting to find Gummi Bears plush to have and they were not available or easy to find since this was back in the nineties, so my mom had gotten the idea at the time to look for regular teddy bears and make them into Gummi Bears by recording the episodes onto a VHS Tape and tracing them from the television screen using tracing paper while the video is paused. There were only two attempts made, which were Gruffi Gummi and Tummi Gummi. which I still have in the attic since I held onto those.
My mom had given up on this and I had gone years with only those two plush. There was also times I would think about seeing Gummi Bears bouncing in an overground field as I travel by in the car with my mom. It was also during that time I have started to feel more and more connected with the forest as well and years later, I discovered there were actual Gummi Bears plush while I was searching online and had began to collect them. I felt even more connected with the forest after moving again to a rural area where I'm now on a twenty plus acre property with woods out back, and started taking walks out there. It was also around the time my brother in law had gotten me all of the episodes of the Gummi Bears on a hard drive from somewhere.
Recently, I have been noticing a number of trees that are dying out in the forest and even thought it is due to the emerald ash beetle infestation, it and other things that are happening to forests and deforestation has me feeling concerned. It also got me imagining how this would effect the Gummi Bears hiding out there and not wanting to be discovered by humans. Thinking about the decline in their canopy not only got me wondering how they would cope, but I also had a few dreams about the Gummi Bears being threatened by modern technology.
This is what ended up giving me ideas for a Gummi Bears story which I'm still writing that is about some kinds who have a tree house and fort where they meetup. One of the things that concern them is the large ear shaped metal dishes being installed on telephone poles along the street the park is on (this idea came from a dream that I had about them). Due to them seeing the trees in the forest by the park and suddenly passing out there after hearing a siren blaring nearby that made the ear shaped dishes glow red with an antenna sticking out of the ear hole of them, one of the kids show the other kids a strange stuffed bear they had found and bought along with an old book on mythological bears. One boy there tells the others about a couple dreams he had about bears he has seen in them that appeared to be shorter than them, and they end up looking further into these bears while they begin to wonder if they might exist. They end up going back over to the park and go into the woods to investigate and see if they can find any clues. The kids soon find a cave in the hillside there and enter it, which leads them to another cave opening that is in an area where it seems like they have gone back in time. They continue moving on and they end up finding their way to where the Gummi Bears are, and I have not gotten to that in the story yet.
By the way, I also did find something that indicates Fisher Price did make two jumbo sized Gummi Bears plush, which are Cubbi Gummi and Sunni Gummi, which you can see here. I have not seen these showing up anywhere yet and I'm still looking to find them. I don't know if Applause made any jumbo sized versions of Gummi Bears plush as well.
submitted by emcdarby to GummiBears [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 18:31 camie2003 Our Lhasa Apso died. A painful day of our life.

He's a lhasa apso and he's turning 10 years old in July 25. He's not the hyper type of a dog he's a chill one and a fighter. I remember when we first get him he's looking at me like he is memorizing my face. When we brought him home my family like him so much except my mom. He's not a fan of a dog but that doesn't end there. One time my mother cried and she tell us that our dog who's named ‘Teddy’ came right at her and comfort her. That day, she developed a love for him. She's the one who bathing him, feeding him and clean his poop.
He's been with us for 9 years. We bring him everywhere we go, when we first bring him in beach he immediately swim and we are so happy for him. When we got another dog who is shih tzu and a male, at first Teddy isn't fond of him. He's doing his best to avoid him but ‘Koko’ is so playful and he's doing his best to get close to his brother, Teddy. A couple of weeks we noticed that Teddy is slowly accepting him as a part of the family until Teddy is the one who first to approach him. We are so happy to see them getting along. They always play after they eat.
After all the happy moments with him, the painful day has come. He's been sick for a week and we don't have enough money to bring him to vet so we just research and do some home remedies. We always do home remedies whenever he is sick and it's effective because he is so strong and a fighter. But this time... no. In that painful one week we always look out for him 24/7. He lost appetite, weight loss, vomiting with s phlegm after drinking water. Koko is so worried for him, he's waiting for him to recover so that they will play. We always talk to Teddy and say that he should not give up because we still have plenty places to go. We tried, tried, we force feed him but he doesn't want. But luckily he drinks water and milk. But whenever he drinks plenty of water he vomit it. In April 21, Sunday. In the evening, he's so weak and just laying all day at the floor. We thought we are losing him because his breathing is slowingly. We are so sad at that time but our light lit up when he start moving and walk. Our fighter, that's what i thought first. He's really our fighter.
In April 22-23 i have a immersion in our school so I'm not home. But when i came back, he's still not okay. He's still weak. I'm sad because whenever one of the family go out and comeback he will wag his tail but no, he's still laying on the floor looking so helpless. In April 25, Our parents go out to work. That's where the horror starts. My brother called me and said that Teddy poop while still laying. My heart pounding so fast. We cleaned it up and he start shaking. We calmed him down and eventually he calm down. But he pooped again. His breath is heavy like he's out of breath. We video called our parents and tell them what happened. And that's where the most painful time come. He died. He died in my brothers arm.
That's the painful day that i cannot forget and want to not experience it again but i know that is impossible. Every picture of him i saved it on my phone. While looking at him, i cant help but feel so lonely and sad. I miss him so much. Like so so much. Im praying that one day, i hope he comeback with us. I know that he will. We love you our fighter! We always do!
submitted by camie2003 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 14:40 Rodo_High Entittled Karen makes a ruckus at train station

I'm a 17 y/o male (He/Him) living in Germany for 16 years. Since July/August 2023 I use th train to go to school and back. Here's what happened. So, this just happened around 15 minutes ago, and this was a premiere for me because that was my first encounter with a Karen. This happened on my way home from school. I always take one of two available trains. So I just arrived at the train station and sat down on an empty seat and put my bag on the seat next to me. There wasn't any luggage present (this'll be important for later). Sooner or later, I didn't really look at the time that passed, I heard someone screaming at an employee of the DB (Deutsche Bahn). At first, I didn't pay much attention to it. After 2/3 minutes, I got curious about what was going on. So I took and turned off my headphones and listened to the employee and Karen arguing. She apparently lost two pieces of luggage, and they were put to the lost and found. The employee needed some kind of identification to give her the luggage. The first bag, as far as I know, had a teddy sticking out, and the other had a golden color. She said that she left it on the seat I was sitting on. It was a huge back and forth. Eventually, she called the employee Satan, said something about chancellor Scholz and the laws, without mentioning any specific law, and called herself a priestess and that her husband worked at the police in Duisburg There, the DB employee suggested calling the police. Of course, that was a no-go because she stood over law enforcement. The guy arguing with her has had it now. She continued screaming, and everyone around tried to calm her down. Of course, being the overconfident guy I am needed to get involved. I calmly told her that she has to have some kind of ID for exactly this kind of situation. Owning an ID-Card or passport is mandatory by law. The reason I told her this, was because she said multiple times, that she does not own a passport, an ID card, insurance card or anything with her name and picture on it, that she co she could use to identify herself. Anyways, she ignored that, told the same crap about Scholz and the law. You won't believe what she said now... She just upgraded herself from priestess to angel. If she is one, she's really bad at her job. After I told her the obove mentioned, I told her yes to the stuff with the law and added that companies have their own set of rules customers and employees need to abide by. Naturally, she didn't give in, and now I was arguing with that Karen. The man from the DB came out again and threatened her with a send-off and told her to leave me be. While he was away, it seemed like he called the police. When the police arrived, she argued with them, too. The officers questioned the employee, and Karen and I gave my viewpoint as a witness. I gave them the means to contact me if they needed anything, but I still wasn't safe from that angry Karen. I was genuinely a little scared that she'd push me on the rails. However, she now said something of the blade of god and so on. I just replied with "I'm an atheist" and asked her to leave me alone. Bystanders asked me what's going on and helped me get her away from me. Afterward, the police escorted her off the train station. You could still hear her yelling. That's when my train arrived, which I boarded and went back home. As far as I know, she now isn't allowed to be on that station until 5 minutes before her train arrives, due to the inability to cut someone off of public transportation.
submitted by Rodo_High to amithejerkpodcast [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 08:00 adulting4kids One Page Story

Write one page stories in response to these prompts and post your favorite ones here in the comments!
  1. Lost in the forest, she found a mysterious key—unlocking a hidden door to a magical realm of talking animals.
  2. Every night, the old lighthouse keeper whispered secrets to the waves, until the sea revealed a long-lost love letter.
  3. In the attic, she discovered an ancient map leading to buried treasure, transforming a routine cleaning day into adventure.
  4. An orphaned kitten, afraid of rain, found a friend in a compassionate umbrella, forming an unexpected bond against life's storms.
  5. The broken music box mended hearts, playing a forgotten melody that mended the fractured friendship of two old musicians.
  6. The astronaut’s lonely orbit was interrupted by a cosmic visitor—an ethereal, star-shaped being seeking companionship in the vast void.
  7. A magical pen wrote the future. Terrified of the unknown, she learned to embrace each unwritten moment as a gift.
  8. Beneath the city, a network of tunnels held the forgotten tales of subway musicians and their symphonies for the rats.
  9. In a desolate winter, a snowflake with a secret wish fell into the hands of a child who believed in miracles.
  10. A garden gnome, tired of being stationary, embarked on a quest for adventure, hitching rides with unsuspecting birds.
  11. On a crowded train, a mysterious suitcase swapped hands, sparking connections between strangers and intertwining their fates forever.
  12. Time froze at midnight. A clock repairer's dance with the gears led to a moment of eternal stillness in town.
  13. A library cat, bored with routine, discovered a hidden book portal, whisking readers into enchanting worlds beyond the shelves.
  14. A worn-out teddy bear, discarded in an attic, found new purpose as the guardian of a child's sweetest dreams.
  15. A mysterious jar held fireflies that whispered forgotten wishes, sparking a magical night of dreams come true for a town.
  16. In a ghost town, a lone pianist played melodies that brought memories alive, reviving the spirits of the abandoned.
  17. The talking mirror revealed harsh truths. Determined to change, she shattered the reflection, discovering beauty in fragments.
  18. A message in a bottle sailed through time, reaching the hands of a modern-day sailor and uniting two distant souls.
  19. The rusty key, tucked in a forgotten drawer, opened a portal to childhood dreams, unlocking a world of nostalgia.
  20. An owl and a firefly, unlikely friends, lit up the night sky, sharing stories that painted constellations on the darkness.
  21. A peculiar tree whispered forgotten secrets to those who listened. Its roots held stories spanning centuries, connecting generations.
  22. Lost in a storm, a little boat discovered a magical lighthouse, guiding it to an island where dreams washed ashore.
  23. In a dusty attic, an old typewriter typed messages from the afterlife, comforting grieving families with unexpected love letters.
  24. An abandoned carousel, cursed to spin forever, granted wishes to those who dared ride, revealing the magic within their hearts.
  25. An artist painted a doorway to other worlds. Curious, a passerby stepped through, finding a realm where colors spoke.
  26. On a rainy day, a neglected umbrella found purpose sheltering a stray dog, forging a bond stronger than storms.
  27. The lonely scarecrow, longing for friends, befriended a misfit group of crows who taught it to dance with the wind.
  28. In a forgotten library, a bookworm encountered a volume of living stories, each character begging to be read into existence.
  29. The clock tower's chimes echoed stories of the past, inspiring a time-traveler to rewrite history with second chances.
  30. A lonely shadow, detached from its owner, explored the world, discovering that shadows too could leave an imprint.
  31. An old camera captured moments of pure joy. Rediscovered, its photographs rekindled forgotten smiles and laughter in a family.
  32. The wishing well granted whispers of hope to a grieving soul, turning tears into petals that bloomed into a garden.
  33. A discarded toy soldier, missing an arm, rallied fellow broken toys, forming an army of resilience against neglect.
  34. On a foggy night, a lighthouse's beam revealed ghostly ships from centuries past, silently sailing through time's veil.
  35. A gardener's tears watered a magical plant, whose blooms told stories of love, loss, and the passage of time.
  36. A misfit teapot, left on a shelf, found purpose brewing dreams, pouring inspiration into the cups of sleepers.
  37. The carousel's magic painted dreams onto children's minds. Each ride sculpted aspirations, turning mundane moments into extraordinary memories.
  38. The librarian's cat, enchanted by ancient scrolls, stumbled into a world of forgotten tales, bringing lost stories back to life.
  39. A discarded key unlocked a trunk of memories, revealing a grandmother's treasures that sparked adventures for a curious grandchild.
  40. The echo in an old clock tower whispered the wishes of forgotten lovers, creating a timeless symphony of heartbeats.
  41. A curious rock in the garden harbored a tiny door. Opening it led to a realm of miniature creatures and wonders.
  42. A discarded puzzle piece, overlooked in haste, found its place in a grand masterpiece, completing a picture of unity.
  43. An old diary discovered in an attic held letters from a bygone era, weaving tales of love transcending time.
  44. The moonlit pond transformed into a mirror of dreams, reflecting the aspirations of those who dared to gaze into it.
  45. A forgotten umbrella sparked a serendipitous meeting, sheltering two strangers who shared a rain-soaked adventure and laughter.
  46. An abandoned toy store at midnight came alive, toys playing and dancing until dawn, filling the darkness with joy.
  47. The wishing star granted a child's plea, turning the night sky into a canvas painted with dreams come true.
  48. A humble lantern, carried through generations, lit the path of a family's stories, flickering with the warmth of memories.
  49. The clock tower's gears clicked in harmony with a street musician's melody, creating a fleeting symphony in the city.
  50. A neglected swing in the park became a portal to childhood dreams, swaying through memories of laughter and innocence.
  51. The attic's dusty typewriter wrote letters to the future, forging connections between generations separated by time's relentless march.
  52. A lonely moonbeam illuminated a forgotten statue, bringing it to life to dance beneath the celestial ballroom of stars.
  53. A broken compass found in an antique shop guided a lost traveler, leading them to unexpected destinations and serendipitous encounters.
  54. The neglected rocking horse in the corner sparked to life, carrying children on whimsical adventures through the realms of imagination.
  55. An old train ticket, misplaced for decades, led a nostalgic traveler on a journey through memories of youthful escapades.
  56. A discarded map, its edges worn with age, guided wanderers to a mythical land hidden behind the veil of reality.
  57. A forgotten key discovered in a dusty drawer unlocked a door to childhood secrets, revealing treasures of innocence and joy.
  58. The abandoned robot in the junkyard fixed broken toys, teaching them that imperfections were the essence of beauty.
  59. A fallen star transformed into a messenger, delivering dreams to sleepers and sprinkling stardust on their midnight wishes.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 01:19 BeelzebubParty Hey, i've been writing an Eddsworld IT au and i would really appreciate it if you could read chapter one and tell me what you think. :>

A gloomy rain fell down from the steely grey clouds above England, creating puddles in pot holes and mud pits in mounds of dirt. The small english town of Derry had been flooded before, and the townspeoples fears of another had put everyone on edge. Nobody dared utter the word though, their superstitions wouldn't allow that. People in Derry were well known for their superstitious and cagey behavior, but this was not entirely unwarranted. It wasn't just a flood here and there once in a while in Derry, they had a long and colorful past with all types of disasters, some man made, others acts of god.
There was the great black spot fire of 1979, in which a white supremacist group burnt down a local disco predominantly visited by Derry's small black and latino community, accidentally torching half the town down in the process. In 1952 there was the expansive national ASDF league shoot out, which lasted a total nine hours in the Derry town square before the police finally got the upper hand and killed every gang member on sight. But the most horrific of all was in 1925, when the Derry ironworks exploded, killing all it's workers as well as everyone participating in the annual Derry christmas parade nearby, most of which were children.
These were just a few of the horrific events Derry township had gone through, and bizzarely, no matter how gruesome each event was, none were ever on the news or remembered too well. That was just how Derry worked, despite it's reputation as a sleepy, dreary town where nothing much ever happened, tragedies were rampant. So you couldn't quite blame the people for being superstitious and scared, especially in autumn when the weather was at it's absolute worst. It was late autumn now though, there was only about four more days till winter, and the worries of floods would soon turn into worries for blizzards, and people were certain the worst of the worst had already came and went.
On this fine rainy saturday in a white two story house, Tom Denbrough was sitting upstairs, doing what he did everyday, writing songs. He'd been wrestling with an awful case of influenza the past few days, hocking up phlegm and wiping snot from his nose every few minutes 'til it was rubbed raw. He had not much energy for anything else because of it, all he could muster the strength to do now was lay in his checkered, tissue covered bed sheets, and wait for his mother to bring him chicken noodle soup and sprite to ease his churning tummy.
It wasn't too bad though, a lot of people can't stand being alone, but Tom often thrived in solitude. Ever since he was a kid he'd taken a liking to it, he was "introverted" as some one would like to say, but back then introverts were seen as more of a problem than just a thing you could be. It felt odd for him to say "ever since he was a kid" as if he wasn't still a kid now, but he technically wasn't. He'd bid farewell to such a label by september, and swapped out the childish number twelve to the unlucky number thirteen, and Tom still wasn't so sure if he was happy with that.
He didn't quite feel like an adult, and people still had yet to treat him as such, but Tom had his own suspicions about that. He knew there was more reason than just him still being a minor, because the truth of the matter was that everyone enjoyed babying him because of his condition.
He was disabled, dis-abled, the word making him feel weird even now. Before Tom was called such a thing he had considered the word disabled to exclusively mean people in wheelchairs, missing legs, or some of the really out there stuff like conjoined twins. He never pictured disabled meaning some on like him, a boy with a bad stutter but a healthy body and brain. Perhaps that was closed minded of him, but alas, Tom was only thirteen, and his scope of reference for the world was much smaller than he pretended it to be.
Even the doctors in Derry didn't treat him all that compassionately, insisting to both him and his mother that he must have been "slow" in some way, but just hiding it, no matter what he or his parents said. It took Tom fighting tooth and nail just to get out of special Ed. which was basically just four kids in a classroom asked to do elementary level shit because the teacher did not believe they were capable of more. He still had to go to regular speech therapy though, which Tom loathed since in all his years of going it seemed to have done him no favors.
He still stuttered, barely getting through sentences without stumbling over at least one word, and getting even worse whenever he felt nervous or scared. That was probably the worst part about it, Tom had never liked being emotional or letting people know he was affected by things, especially when kids at school enjoyed getting a rise out of him. His panicked little drawn out "bu-bu-bu-bu-" sounding like sweet music to his tormentors ears. It was nearly possible for him to hide his feelings or keep his cool whenever he was scared, because that stupid god damn stutter was like a built in lie detector.
He didn't know where the stutter had came from, there were theories here and there, but none of them ever made him feel better. The most likely one involved a car rear ending him when he was only a toddler, knocking him into a coma but miraculously not killing him. He was in it for only a few weeks, but emerged with his stutter, which of course young and niave Tom didn't understand would cause him so much trouble later down the line.
Because Tom didn't like to talk much, he spent a lot of time writing music in his room, his lyrics were all very hamfisted and schlocky, but for a thirteen year old boy they were quite good, and would only get better the more with age. He loved music, lived and breathed it, specifically the sounds of motown records, funk, rap, rock and roll, all the sorts. He had to keep that all a secret from his mother though, she was a musical elitist of sorts. She went to a fancy schamncy music school and had been teaching piano to students for years, so she had a hard time enjoying anything that wasn't classical or something their grandma would listen to.
When Tom went out to buy a bass he had to mow a crap ton of lawns and convince his dad to keep it a secret from mom, but it was well worth all the effort. He only got to play it when she was away at work, never daring to smuggle it out of the house and go busk unless some one decided to be an asshole and tell her. But he loved his bass more than anything, he even gave her a name, since Tom figured all rock stars named their instruments. He chose Susan, after the families first and only dog they had when he was little, and it seemed to stick. Ever since then Tom had remained adamant that you couldn't play an intrument with out giving it a name first.
Even though he enjoyed writing music, and it was the thing that made him the most happy, there was still a slight underlying sadness to it whenever he'd play. He'd lwanted to be a rock star ever since he first heard Van Halen and fell in love with the sound, but with that dream also came the knowledge it'd never happen. Afterall, who the hell would wanna hear him on a record? Stuttering all over the place, stumbling over words, heck, people would send in complaints that how their brand new records were scratched and skipping. There was nobody like him on the radio, and that painful truth kept him from ever singing to anybody but a very small and select audience. And by audience, he meant his stuffed teddy bear and little brother, absolutely no one else.
Speaking of which, his very small audience was on his way up stairs, stomping like a clydesdale despite their mothers constant reprimands about it. Jon knocked on Tom's bedroom door, then immediately pushed it open without being invited in. He was only six, so things like boundries and personal space were not so ingrained him. Neither was self conciousness, maliciousness, or the ability to not be incredibly annoying, but Tom tried very hard to not hold that last one against him. He scanned the room with wide and curious eyes, like he had just stumbled upon a new and foreign world despite being in here many times before.
He loved Tom's room, he loved it more than his own. He thought it was so cool and groen up how he had band posters on his walls. There was a ton of other cool stuff too like a nintendo 64 he'd sometimes let him play, a drawing desk, and a heap of awesome clothes he said he could have when he got bigger! It was a lot cooler than his own bedroom, which was fairytale prince themed and had his half finished lego projects strewn all about, but he still liked his room well enough.
Tom looked up from the note book he was currently writing on and wiped his nose with his shirt sleeve. "Whuh-what d-do you want?" Asked Tom, a little curt. He was good at being polite and caring to Jon most of the time, he was only six afterall, he couldn't go around screaming at him, but it was harder to be patient with him when he was working on something.
Jon ran up to Tom, as if right on cue and looked up to him with needy adoring eyes that seemed to soften his attitude. "Toooom, I'm very sad..." Jon complained, and Tom rolled his eyes. He forced a smile and put the pencil he was writing with down "Oh yeah? are you actu-u-ually sad or just buh-bored?". Jon giggled at how blunt he was being "I'm sad and boreeeed.". Tom leaned closer to Jon's face, but not too close since he was still sick and didn't want him to catch it. "Sad peop-puh-puh-ple don't giggle, moron." He said, booping Jon on the nose with his index finger, causing him to erupt into another giggle.
If their mother was here in the room with them she'd no doubt say "Thomas! Stop calling your brother a moron!" Then lightly smack him on the back of the head, not enough to actually hurt but enough to knock some sense into him. Jon didn't mind it at all though, he saw it as just his brother being silly with him, and he'd always call Tom names right back. "You're a cheesehead." Jon said, biting down on his tongue and smiling. "You're a buh-buttbrain." Tom retorted. "You're a cakesniffer!" Jon exclaimed. "You're an A-ho-hole." Jon went silent at that. That was a no no word, well, not quite, but almost. Mom and dad were very strict about no no words, although he heard Tom say them all the time over the phone when he wasn't supposed to be listening.
Suddenly, another wave of laughter came from him, so loud and hearty he had to hold his belly like santa while he laughed. "You're an A-hole!" Jon said, still laughing. The two boys then launched into a big silly argument of who was the bigger A-hole, eventually ending with Tom proclaiming Jon's A-hole was bigger than the entire continent and both the boys giggling like mad. "Now guh-go away puke stuh-stain, i'm sick and I don't want you to catch it." Tom said, smiling and gently shooing his brother away. "Waiiiit! Peas Tommy, play me a song!" Jon begged, putting his hands together like he was praying.
"It's p-puh-please, not peas, Jon. B-besides, I can't sing, my voice is too hoarse and my stuh-stuh-stuh-" Tom closed his eyes and took a moment to collect himself. "I'm terrible singer." He continued. "No you're nawt! you're an amazing singer! Peas, just one song?" Jon pleaded. "Play me the one about the kid who grows up to be a superhero! Peas peas peas peaaaasss?". Tom shook his head "No can do, kid. Go b-buh-bug some one else before you catch my-" he sneezed into his elbow, grossing his little brother out. "Eugh... cold." Tom grumbled.
"There's nothing to do thoooouuugh." Jon complained, crossing his arms in a huff. "Why don't you go bug mom or dad?" "Mommy's practicing piano and daddy's trying to get the electricity back on..." he mumbled, a little sad. The constant rain and thunder had knocked out a lot of the houses in their neighborhood's power and still had yet to kick back on. The Denbrough boys were quite lucky to have their father with them, he was amazing when it came to things that involved a screwdriver or a wrench, and you'd never guess it by looking at him.
He'd hardly wear anything but Hawaiian pineapple shirts and socks with sandals, but he was still a very smart man none the less. He worked for their town's electrical company, and Tom could still remember the look of pride he had during career day in primary school when he told everyone his dad was responsible for keeping the town's power in check. It was quickly dashed when some asshole decided to ruin it by asking if his dad slept on the job and zapped him on accident and that's why he "Couldn't talk right.". The worst part of it was that Tom was pretty sure he didn't mean for it to be an insult, and was just genuinely asking it out of ignorance. He deeply hoped wherever that kid was now, he was in great pain.
Their mothers piano playing should have been obvious to Tom, it was loud and carried it's way all through out the house, even up the stairs, but it seemed to be just background noise at this point. He hadn't noticed it until now, but his mother was playing much faster than usual, she was in the "zone" so to speak, and wanted to hold onto that for as long as she could, so both Jon and Tom were shit out of luck. Tom sighed "Jeez." He leaned back into his pillows and thought for a moment, shoving all the gross snot filled tissues and crumpled up rejected lyrics from his first few failed attemps at writing a new song.
Jon awkwardly shifted around on his feet, swinging his arms side to side as if waiting for further instruction on what to do. "It's a damn sh-shuh-shame that it's raining so bad or else you could play outside." Jon nodded, and sighed, genuinely disappointed by the amount of rain. Suddenly, Tom snapped his fingers and rose up from his bed "H-hold on- I just remembered s-omething.". He quickly grabbed a folded up newspaper that his mom had left on his night stand for him to read, then ripped out one of the pages.
"What are you doing Tom?" Innocently asked Jon. He straightended it out and folded it into a triangle shape, sticking his tongue out like he was hard at work. "I'm muh-makin you a p-puh-puh-aper boat, just like dad taught me how to do when I was s-six." He explained. Jon's face lit up "Wow, really!?" he waddled over to the bed and smiled. "Yep, dad and I used to sail these all the time. Do me f-f-fuh-fav-or and go in the basement and bring back some puh-puh-puh-puh-" Tom paused again and forced another smile. "Paraffin. It's in a little b-box that says gulf." he finished.
"You mean... in the basement?" Jon mumbled, suddenly a little intimidated. "Yes, you're not scared are you?" His brother asked, half amused and half concerned. On one hand, it was very cute that Jon felt the need to impress him and pretend to be tough, on the other, he was barely not a toddler anymore, and Tom didn't wanna scare him on purpose. Jon shook his head "No i'm not scared, being scareds for babies. I can do it.". "O-o-okay, but j-just in case... here." He handed him a walkie-talkie, the kind they'd usually use to communicate whenever they'd pretend to be soldiers on the battlefield together during summer.
"C-cuh-call me if you need me." he instructed, and Jon nodded again. He skipped happily to the door, only stopping whe Tom called out "And remember Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-". "Paraffin, I know!" Jon cheerfully replied, figuring if he didn't say it Tom would be stuck on the p's forever. He shut the door and hopped down the stairs, leaving Tom to his very important task of sitting in bed and sneezing. He only waited 'til after Jon was gone to let his smile drop and chastise himself for not actually saying the word. He'd never show Jon just how much he loathed his stutter, especially since Jon found it cool and Tom didn't wanna ruin the magic of it.
When he first learned how to talk he'd constantly immitate it, which naturally caused their parents some fear that the stutter was genetic or could be "caught" so to speak. Jon had no idea how much Tom hated his stutter, how it made people see him, how it actively dashed his dreams. Sometimes at school he'd get so flustered he'd have to clutch his desk and try so very hard to form a sentence and it still wasn't cohesive.
He was not and never would be just Tom Denbrough to his classmates, or even his teachers, although they'd never admit that. He was Stuttering Tom, Tuh-Tuh-Tuh-Tom to the particularly cruel ones, and Tom hated it. The absolute worst part of being in a situation like Tom's was no doubt the inability to open up about how much you dislike yourself. After all, preteen boys are already closed off, especially so in a small rural town like Derry where the homophobes outnumbered the gay community ten to two, but Tom had it the worst.
Nobody wants to be the guy to come out and say you think stuttering makes you a freak, all you'd really do is bring other disabled people down and raise up the dickheads who instilled that self hatred in him to begin with, but that's how he felt ans he couldn't help that. He was sure that's how his parents felt too, they did love him dearly and saw to almost all his needs 24/7, but they were still eagerly waiting for him to stop the stutter, and had so for a long time.
The doctors told him it'd only stick around for a few years after he got over the shock of the coma, but that date came and went, and still, Tom's stutter remained. You could tell they were both disappointed, and he truly could not blame them, because he was disappointed too. He didn't know what was wrong with him, or why he never got better despite countless visits to the speech therapist, but he began to wonder if there was something incredibly wrong with him. Everyone felt that way, even if they pretended like they didn't, everyone except for Jon that is. Jon adored him with or without the stutter, and Tom was supremely thankful for that.
While Tom continued to chastise himself, Jon hopped down the stairs joyfully. So joyfully, he nearly forgot that he'd be going down to the cellar, where dreams and little boys would surely go to die. He dashed through the house, past his mom's prized women's bowling league trophy's, past the grand piano, and past their big fancy living room he and Tom would solve puzzles in.
He threw open the cellar door and stared down at the abyss in front of him, fianlly letting the fear and anxiety settle in. Rickety, paint chipped stairs with large empty gaps of space between them disappeared off into the darkness of the room, the power still not back on despite their fathers best efforts. The bottom of the basement had been flooded at some point during one of the worse storms of the season, and the smell of soaked moldy wood and muddy water grossed Jon out quite a bit.
He stood there for a moment, a creeping sense of dread tugging at his chest like a dog on your pant leg. He was waiting for something, a large claw or alien tentecale to reach out from the dark and rip him to bits, but there was nothing. He must have been standing there for a while too because suddenly the walkie-talkie blared to life with Tom's voice, and he jumped back in shock.
"What's t-taking so long?" Asked Tom, and Jon nervously swallowed. "I stopped in the kitchen for a snack." He lied, he knew you weren't supposed to do that, lying was probably the worst thing you could do to your family. Well, that's what Jon thought was the worst at least, He was a little bit too young to know about some of the truly awful stuff some people do to their own kin. Familicide, Sexual abuse, beating, his parents and Tom had been working hard to keep his innocence. Derry was a hard place to do that in, it seemed like every couple of years some one went crazy and killed a lot of people. Jon had even heard bits and pieces of such things being whispered by his mom to his uncle over the phone, but for the most part, his childhood had stayed in tact.
"You know if muh-mom sees you snacking before din-din-er she'll have a cow." said Tom. "I know, i'm sorry." Jon mumbled. "It's whatever dude, just hu-hurry, and do-don't forget to grab to some muh-muh-muh-matches and one of those wax burner thingies.". "Okay, i'm doing it now." He said, then stuffed the walkie-talkie back into his pants pocket, but he was not, in fact, doing it now.
He still stood at the top of the stairs, terrified by the prospect of going down below, and still waiting for the inevitable mutated bat creature to emerge and drag him down into the depths of their flooded basement. Then, just as he was thinking about turning back, his own thoughts began to taunt him. "Come oooon Jon, you're not a baby are you? Only babies get scared by stuff like monsters and the dark. Do you want a boat or not?" He thought. "No." He replied and clenched his fists, grumbling into the darkness "I'm not a baby. I can do this.".
He took one step down the creaky stairs, frightening himself by the surprisingly loud noise they made, but calmed himself. He reiterated "I am not a baby." under his breath over and over again, as if it was a powerful spell that could keep all of the monsters away. It reminded him of how, whenever Tom's stutter would get particularly bad, his mom would have him recite these poems that were meant to help him focus and form sentences again. Sometimes they'd help him alot, but they could never make the stutter go away completely.
That was kind of what was happening now to Jon, he was still very much scared, so scared that if something popped out at him right now he may very well wet his pants, but the words coddled him and made him feel like he could press on. He hopped off the last step and into the flood, the water so low it could not even reach the six year old childs ankles. He turned his attention to a large rickety shelf under the cellar stairs and inspected the contents.
There were many items on it, shoepolish, old dish rags, wrenches, flashlights with no batteries, a can of turtle wax. For some reason, out of all those objects the turtle wax was what caught his attention, even more than the Paraffin and matches he came down here to get. The company's logo on the front was what really seemed to draw his eye, it was nothing special really, hardly as interesting of a mascot as a Tony the tiger or even a Ronald Mcdonald, just a tiny albino turtled posing proudly above the words turtle and wax. But Jon just couldn't stop staring at it for some reason. A spontaneous pang of familiarity hit him in the chest, as he racked his brain to try and remember where he had seen a turtle like that before.
Was it a dream? It felt too real to be jusr a dream, but much too distant to be a memory. He'd have to think about that later when he had the time, right now he had a mission to do. He snatched up the box, matches, and wax burner then bolted for the steps as fast as he could. Now that he had gotten what he came for he wasn't gonna waste any time down there. He ran as fast as his little legs could, begging god or whatever diety was listening to please not let anything grab his ankles as he ran back up the stairs.
The damp darkness of the cellar was suffocating and opressive, and Jon feared once he got back to the candle lit parlor room, that would be when the creature laid his slimy hands on him and pulled him back. He had made it though, despite all odds he was alive and still had yet to be digested by some hungry beast living under the stairs. He slammed the door and pressed his back against it, panting from how fast he was running as the fear of the dark slowly disappeared until the next time he had to confront it.
His mother suddenly stopped her piano playing to look up at him from across the room, somewhat worried, but highly annoyed by her son's slamming of the door. "Johnathan Bowley Denbrough, what have I told you about slamming that door?" She scolded, but not too harshly as her son was clearly frightened. He swept his bangs out of his face and panted a little more "Sorry mum." he muttered. She shook her head dismissively and went right back to playing Für Elise, which actually helped ease his anxiety.
He headed back up stairs and quickly placed all the stuff on Tom's night stand, eagerly watching as he melted the wax with such hypnotic glee he couldn't help but bounce a little. Tom dipped his finger in the wax and spread it over the paper boat, turning the boat from a nice white to an odd yellowy brown color. Jon got a little too close for comfort, putting his head over his brother's shoulder and breathing quite heavily on him, and yet, Tom still didn't seem to get annoyed.
The only time he'd really ever get annoyed with Jon's behavior was when he'd repeat stuff and ask incessant questions, which he had slowly learned over the years not to do for his brother's sake. They were seeing to each other needs, and it wasn't wasn't just because Tom didn't wanna get in trouble or Jon didn't wanna get yelled at, but a genuine shared affection for one another.
Jon dipped a finger into the wax and began to spread some on it's side with him, smiling and perfectly content. "C-careful you little cootie, you'll make it too heh-heavy and it'll flop on it's side." Tom gently reprimanded. "Oops.." he said, taking his hand away and letting the rest on his finger dry until he could peel it off. "It's oh-kuh-kuh-kay, just take it easy." He said, giving his brother a reassuring headpat to show there was no hard feelings.
Once the wax was spread, Tom took a sharpie from a Disneyland branded cup he used to store his pens and markers and then uncapped it with his mouth. He wrote "S.S. Jon" on the side in cursive font, and even drew a little stick figure captain waving on top of the boat, which Jon found very silly. He handed it to him, gingerly and carefully like it was a one of a kind art piece that belonged in a museum. "She's all ready Captain." he said, raising his hand to his forehead and doing a two finger salute. Jon giggled, but tilted his head in confusion "She?" he wondered.
"You always call boats a sh-she Jon." He explained, and Jon's mouth fell open like he just learned some amazing untold truth about the universe. He clutched the boat in his hands and grinned, looking up with pure adoration and love for the thirteen year old sitting on the bed. Then, quite randomly, Jon lunged right at him for a big hug, startling Tom.
"Agh! What the heck are you doing?! You're gonna g-geh-get sick!" He shouted. Jon laughed then kissed Tom on the cheek, something he hadn't done since he was three. "Eugh, now you're d-d-definetly gonna get sick. Get off me." He lightly scooched him off and Jon looked back to him, still smiling, and still very thankful. "Thanks Tom Tom, thanks alot." He said, and Tom shrugged.
"It's fine, just don't come crying to me when you get the flu and start vu-vomiting your g-guh-guh-uts out.". Tom paused to loudly cough, momentarily drawing some concern from his brother. "And p-p-put on a rain coat when you go out, I d-don't want you getting soaked." He wheezed, huddling under the covers. "Okay!" Jon cheerfully replied, closing the door and heading to the down stairs closet where they kept all the coats.
He put the small baby blue rain slicker on over the baggy sweater he was wearing and finangled with the buttons for a while, still not all that good at hand eye coordination dude to his young age. When he finally managed to get most of them through the holes, he pumped his fist in celebration, and even did a spin. On his way out the door he stopped to grab a pair of black galoshes that still had some mud left on them. He and Tom had went outside together a week ago and simply neglected to clean them since, then, as if in an act of karma for being so lazy, Tom caught a very bad cold the following day.
Jon waddled out the front door into the cool autumn air, making squeaky squishing noises with each step from the rubber soles of his boots. He took a few steps off the porch, only to be greeted by a sudden but gentle breeze hitting the side of his face and pushing his hair around. The now weaning rain fell down from the sky and onto poor little Jon's head, tapping politely on his hood as if to say "Hello Jon! It's your buddy, the rain! Let me in!". He walked a little bit further until he was at the edge of the driveway, then turned around to look back up at his house. It was a moderately above average two story home, nothing special, but to Jon it might as well had heen a castle. His bedroom was right across from Tom's on the second floor, although his over looked the back yard and Tom's overlooked the drive way.
He was peeking through the bay window his bed was by now, standing up on his knees and peeling back the curtains to watch him walk away. Since the house was still dark from the power outage, Tom was barely visible to him. He looked like a floating disembodied head, something Jon found both silly and a little spooky. He jumped in place and waved wildly at him, as if he thought Tom might possibly be able to miss the toddler dressed in a bright blue rain slicker and boots. Tom smiled then lifted up the walkie-talkir in his hand to his mouth "B-be careful. There's alot of w-weirdos out there.". Jon rolled his eyes, still smiling, but a tiny bit annoyed.
He took out his own walkie-talkie from his back pocket and pressed the button to respond. "You sound like mum." he joked. "C-can it." Tom said, a little flustered, especially since he knew it was true. Depite their differences, Tom had always been more like his mother than his father, and the opposite had been true for Jon. He giggled at his embarrassment, "I'll stay safe, don't be such a cry baby, Tom.". "Hey, I resent that label, I'm a cry man." And now they were both snickering over the radios.
"I'm serious though, stay safe." Tom reiterated. "Ok ok- I will- I love you." Jon said, and Tom went silent for a moment as he did not know how to respond. Jon was lucky enough to still be at the age where you could tell another guy you loved them and no one cared, and Tom desperately wished for him to stay like that and never get to old for saying I love you. Lord knows he was forced to out of it a long time ago, and he'd all but forgotten how to do it.
"I- uh- uhm-" Tom hesitated for a second, even with out all the macho man bullshit he had to go through at school, Tom had a hard time letting others know how he felt. Trying to hock out the words was like trying to hock out a pill you didn't mean to take. He swallowed "I lo-love you too." He spat out, and Jon seemed content with that.
He cheerily skipped down the street with his walkie-talkie in one hand and Paper boat in the other, splashing in rain water with each stomp. Tom fell back down onto his bed and sighed, totally exhausted. He wanted to take a long nap now, and he seemed quite over due for one judging by his throbbing head ache. His mothers constant repitition of Für Elise didn't really help that at all, if anything it made it worse. God, if he could have just a single moment of silence he would be happy as a clam.
What Tom didn't know though was that this song's meaning was about to be forever changed for him, from just an annoyingly pompous piano tune to a song that even twenty seven years later could still send him into a trance. From that day forward, anytime he heard those first few notes he'd always have the exact same haunting thought. "That's it, that's the song. That's the song mom was playing the day Jon passed away.". And as it turned out, that rainy view of Jon from his bedside window would be the last time he'd ever see his brother again.
submitted by BeelzebubParty to Eddsworld [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 22:45 FourAntigone So uhhh... anyone here ever notice what song plays over the credits at the end of Brokeback Mountain?

So uhhh... anyone here ever notice what song plays over the credits at the end of Brokeback Mountain?
(btw I know this isn't a real case of erasure, I get why they chose that song and it's a beautiful choice but it was just funny to be suddenly AchillesAndHisPal'd by one of the most famous LGBT movies ever lol)
submitted by FourAntigone to SapphoAndHerFriend [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 22:01 TheCrimsonBuffalo Worst thing each character has done, Day 19: Marty (Nate’s Dad)

Worst thing each character has done, Day 19: Marty (Nate’s Dad)
Day 18’s result for the worst thing Mrs. Czerwicki has done: “Saying Nate was “just like her son” when her son is in prison.”
Day 19, most upvoted comment decides it, what is the worst thing that Nate’s dad has done?
submitted by TheCrimsonBuffalo to ENSLAVETHEMOLLUSK [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 08:47 rainbow_enby Trying to ID lost teddy bear with no photos to find replacement

Trying to ID lost teddy bear with no photos to find replacement
Like the title says, I'm looking to ID a teddy bear I lost. I had it from before I could remember, in the early told 2000s. I don't have photos of the bear, but for the sake of visibility I added my fiances puppy.
The bear is two shades of blue, I think one for the inner ears/stomach/maybe feet, and the other for the body. It would be roughly 6 inches tall and in a sitting position. I don't remember the brand, and it had a partially beanie texture, but I don't believe it was any kind of beanie baby. Texture is similar to the puppy shown.
I've been asking people who knew me then if they have pictures but I was seized with this urge to find this bear at like 1:30AM local time, and we all know life. I've scrolled pages and pages of ebay with different combinations of descriptions, and can't seem to find one that matches. I've also posted similar ID requests on various FB groups so I'm just casting a wider net to hopefully find more info so I can get a replacement. Any help would be so appreciated.
submitted by rainbow_enby to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 03:15 Sxvorii [S] Savivor Season 3 Africa FULL SEASON

Helloooo!!!!!! I'm sorry for the long wait, I was just struck with demotivation yet again, and part of that is due to a little announcement I have to make.
Basically, all of the pictures on all of my simulators have expired. It's very frustrating, and I've learned my lesson to not use Discord for my images anymore. So, if you go into the BrantSteele simulations, the pictures will be blank. HOWEVER, all of my google docs have the pictures preserved, so you can look on there to see the cast photos!!!!! I'm still upset over the pictures randomly dying, but I'm glad to at least have some preservation of them in the google docs.
Now, let's meet our new cast fighting for the $1,000,000 grand prize!

RETURNEE: Svetlana "Lana" Sarkisian (She/Her): 34, Pilot u/Twig7665 SAVORY'S BIG BROTHER: (S9: 4/16) After her showing on Savory's Big Brother, Lana's confidence has grown. She found pride in her gameplay, and also thoroughly enjoyed her time in the house. Lana used this confidence to redefine herself, quitting her job as an air traffic controller and becoming a pilot again. This ended up working better for her, with Lana keeping her job as a pilot. Lana also found a widow named Carter with a young son, and they began dating. Now, Lana is playing for Carter and his kid, ready to do whatever to win.
Olivia Atkins (She/Her): 42, Sales Manager u/Sle3dgeMan After her boyfriend left her once she became pregnant, Olivia has been a single mother of twin boys. She has worked hard in order to give them a nice life, sacrificing her own health and life along the way. Now, her boys are in college and she has been able to rest a bit, experiencing freedom she hasn't before. Olivia is a head-strong person due to her work experience, and while that can rub people the wrong way, she has a soft heart and good intentions.
Jaclyn "JJ" Hatfield (She/Her): 24, Hairdresser u/PureVanilla5 After her mother was killed by a drunk driver when JJ was 3, she was raised by just her father. Due to the incident with her mother, JJ has never drank any alcohol, instead getting her happiness from others, sharing her bubbly personality. JJ lives with her dad at the moment, as well as her grandmother who was just diagnosed with dementia. This has caused a huge fear for JJ, as she never wants to forget everybody that she loves.
Francesca Bandoni (She/Her): 31, Food Critic u/BigTeddyBear20 Born in Italy, Francesca grew up with her mother and older brother. Her mom was an amazing cook, and Francesca loved eating her food and giving feedback, which was mainly compliments. However, as she grew up, Francesca's brother went to jail for a while, and her mom was bedridden from sickness. Francesca became an important figure in the house, helping her mom. Francesca decided to be a food critic, giving her brutally honest feedback to restaurants around the world. Francesca is blunt, and doesn't mind if her honesty hurts others, inside or outside Savivor.
Simon Lundberg (He/Him): 44, Electrician u/Twig7665 Simon had a relatively normal childhood, going into university for engineering. Here, he met Kim, and the two married during their third year of university. Soon after Simon got his degree, they had a son named Tyler. Simon worked as an electrical engineer, working on many buildings. He and Kim had two more kids, living great for years. However, their son Tyler began to frequent forums for very disturbed people, their views changing Tyler. Simon and his two youngest discovered that Tyler had murdered Kim, and attempted to attack Simon as well. Simon was able to restrain him and have him arrested, despite the difficulty. This completely destroyed Simon, and he began drinking constantly, feeling depressed. At his trial, Tyler begged for forgiveness, which Simon did not give, and Tyler was given a life sentence. After Kim's funeral, Simon had a change of heart, wanting to honor her memory and make his kids' life as good as possible. It hurts to leave his kids, but Simon knows how much the million dollars could help his family.
Nikandr "Nik" Kuznetsov (He/Him): 25, Middle School Teacher u/BigTeddyBear20 Nik grew up in Russia with his family until his parents tragically died when he was 9 years old. His grandparents took him in, moving to America to have a better life. Now grown up, Nik stands proudly at 4'7", not letting his height define him. Nik always had respect for his teachers growing up and their abilities to deal with students. So, Nik applied at a middle school and became a history teacher, quickly becoming one of the most popular teachers there. Nik is known as a very nice and outgoing man, as well as knowledgeable, both book smart and street smart. Nik wants to win the money to give back to his grandparents, who have raised him.
Valentín "Valen" Leiva (He/Him): 31, Hairdresser u/Nahuelfire39 Ever since he was a child, Valen had a flair for style. His parents wanted him to become a doctor, but Valen didn't care, instead pursuing his passion for hairdressing. As a hairdresser, Valen earned a reputation for his skilles and extroverted personality. However, his conservative parents didn't fully accept this, causing some tension. Valen does still maintain some contact with his family, but they're not very close. Something that Valen hasn't told anyone, though, is that he cheated on his husband, Tomás, with another man for purely sexual reasons, and Valen knows that his marriage would be destroyed if it ever came out.
Derrick Lumbrin (He/Him): 45, Uber Driver u/swoldow Derrick was raised in a very poor area of Detroit as the youngest of 5, his family struggling to survive. Led by his siblings, Derrick found himself in the wrong crowd, doing drugs and smoking. This led him to lose motivation, and Derrick dropped out of high school after his siblings did. With his father losing his job, the 5 siblings all joined a gang in an attempt to make money, dealing drugs and doing minor crimes. However, being the youngest, Derrick didn't get to do much "cool" stuff, staying as the getaway driver. After being tasked to steal $100,000 from a bank, the cops arrested Derrick's 4 brothers. As Derrick was the getaway driver, and not in the bank, he blended in and wasn't arrested. Derrick has become a loner after his entire family was jailed, except for a woman named Jadonna, who quickly became Derrick's love. The two now have a kid together, and Derrick works for Uber, leaving his past behind him.
RETURNEE: Kyle Simmonds (He/Him): 32, Poker Player u/asiansurvivorfan SAVORY'S BIG BROTHER: (S7: 2/14) After Big Brother, Kyle continued his success in playing poker. He developed his already good skills, only learning more tricks to get his way. This continued, and Kyle became one of the best poker players in his state, debatably the country. However, it is lonely at the top. Despite his success, Kyle hasn't done much outside of that. He doesn't have much of a social life, and he pretty much just waits for his next match. Getting called back for Savivor was a shock, but a much needed change for Kyle. He hopes to change his life up a bit, and enjoy the thrill that is Savivor.
Simon Wells (He/Him): 30, Chef u/Sl3dgeMan Simon grew up poor, unable to go to college. This resulted in Simon working as a janitor in a restaurant, struggling to make it by. However, the head chef learned of Simon's situation and decided to train Simon hoping to get him a job in the kitchen. Simon took to cooking easily, soon becoming one of the best linemen in the restaurant. Now, Simon is on Savivor, hoping to win the money to pay for much needed renevations to the restaurant.
Trenton "Trent" Adema (He/Him): 34, Horror Author u/IdkWhatToDoHere- Growing up as a teenager, Trent discovered Big Brother alumni Nevada Raye before her fame took off. Seeing someone around his age grow in popularity so much, Trent was very inspired to be like her. He moved to Romania to freshen up his view on life, and has been working as a horror author. There, Trent heard about Savivor, which he decided could be a big break for him.
Basim Burhan (He/Him): 51, Bank Teller u/swoldow After his mother died giving birth to him, his father, without the money to raise a child, put Basim into fostercare. Being the only Arabic person in his orphanage, Basim was singled out. This led to extreme paranoia from Basim, developing into OCD. Despite his poor social skills, Basim had the intelligence to back himself up, studying economics and finance. Due to this, Basim got a scholarship for an ivy league school, doing amazing there and getting a job as a bank teller. However, on his first day the bank he was at was robbed of everything, and his paranoia had a resurgence for the past 30 years he's been at the bank. Basim has heavy trust issues, but it also helps him find liars easily. Basim hopes to use his intelligence to do well on Savivor, as long as he can manage his paranoia.
Aubrey McDaniel (She/Her): 35, Veterinarian u/dksurvivor Being raised on a farm, Aubrey has grown a deep appreciation for all animals. Putting in the work, Aubrey studied years at a veterinarian school, which has led her to run her own veterinary hospital now. Aubrey has spread her love for animals, appearing on multiple TV shows about animals. Aubrey is one of the best in her line of work, and she plans to use her experience with medicine to be an asset to her team, and ultimately win.
Chantel "Chan" Woo (She/Her): 26, Starving Artist u/PureVanilla5 Chan always enjoyed drawing, and her loving family encouraged this passion of hers. Chan is very quiet, but a very creative and somewhat fit person. In her community college, Chan met Mindy, and the two hit if off. They currently live in an apartment together, very happy with their lives. However, Chan has been a bit of a workaholic, neglecting her health to draw. Mindy had encouraged her to take a break, and maybe sign up for Savivor!
Thaily "Black Diamond" Simon (She/Her): 26, WWE Wrestler u/Nahuelfire39 Thaily's father, Brock Simon (AKA Top Dollar) was a legend in the growing world of WWE. However, after threats of defamation, her father was forced to retire. Determine to represent for him, Thaily joined the WWE world under the name "Black Diamond" referencing her father's tendency to wear black, and representing the funeral of her opponents. Black Diamond has grown to be one of the most popular WWE wrestlers currently. She remains single, instead focusing on her career, wanting a partner to share her passions, and possibly joining WWE together. Thaily believes that her fliratious personality can add to her character of Black Diamond, but the game of Savivor. Her younger siblings have always been her biggest supporters, encouraging her to succeed in whatever she does.
Whitney Laurent (She/Her): 23, Fashion Designer u/IdkWhatToDoHere- After moving out, Whitney struggled greatly, barely able to make it by with her debt. After being evicted, Whitney found someone who noticed her potential as a designer, and was generous enough to help her. This little boost was all she needed, and Whitney is now known as one of the best fashion designers in New York. Hearing about Savivor, Whitney wanted to challenge herself while also giving herself a chance to grow her fame.
With that, here is the season link! the Google Doc with writeups, As well as the WIKI!
1st: I REALLY liked Simon L this season! His game was always on a gradual rise, and it was great to see. I think the fact that Simon L never received a vote shows how strong his social game was. He was aligned with the biggest forces in the game, but never received the same heat that they did. On top of that, he aligned with different sides of the tribe, not limiting himself. Simon L's navigation of the social aspect of the game is one of the best social games that we've seen. He managed to let his guard down throughout the season, and him and JJ were an unexpected, but lovely duo.
2nd:>! JJ was a very interesting character for me to write. She's definitely a very kind person and player, but she also is a strategic player, which I don't think usually go together in these simulations. JJ's social game was also very strong, truly just covering all bases of the game. Near the end of the game she became somewhat of an underdog, being the only person outside of the majority alliance. However, JJ navigated it amazingly, and I think her immunity streak was really fun to watch and made the game interesting. JJ was an amazing finalist, and this definitely deserved to be a close finale between the two.!<
3rd: Valen really played a solid game! I didn't think of him too much during the simulation, but once I was writing it I realized that his social game was great. He obviously had a little social stumble at the beginning, but Valen corrected himself quickly. From there, I think that Valen just focused on having fun and enjoying his time on the island. He had some strong allies, which gave Valen some strong protection. He could just sit back and be known as the fun entertaining guy while his allies took the shots for him.
4th: WOW, Olivia! I feel like the pressure of the game really got to her, and it affected how she played. Olivia is a very intelligent person, and that showed early on (and throughout the game.) However, whenever she voted for Chan, and Francesca called her out for it, I think Olivia's game nosedived. She seemed to get caught up in the drama of the game, focusing less on her strategy. While Olivia's alliance was able to help her make it far, it was innevitable for her to leave. However, Olivia was one of, if not the most entertaining player here!
5th: Basim truly had an amazing storyline. He came into the game as not the most social person. This did lead to him catching some stray votes, but Basim really shined after the tribe swap. Newly invigorated on a tribe that didn't suck, I think Basim came into his own. He opened up more than anyone else, which was a pleasant surprise from him. I didn't expect Basim to be a social focused player, but he was one of the most fun people to write. I feel bad that he got stuck between his allies at the end, and if that didn't happen I could've seen him at the end.
6th: Kyle always impresses me with his gameplay abilities. His early alliance with Chan and Basim was great, and I really feel like Kyle had such a strong grip on the premerge. However, he definitely shined more in smaller group settings, as the merge was rough. I think Kyle's reputation from Savory's Big Brother caught up to him a bit, and he didn't know how to handle it. On top of that, he lost most of his allies besides Basim. While Kyle put up an amazing fight, it was innevitable for him to go.
7th: I always root for Lana, I really love watching her play! She's one of the best social players that I have ever had, which is crazy because her social stat isn't even a 5. Lana worked really hard to make good relationships early on, and it paid off for her! However, she spread herself a bit too thin, as she had a bunch of friends, but no strong allies. If Kyle didn't win immunity, I think Lana could have made it further in the game, but with Kyle off the list, all eyes fell to Lana.
8th: Francesca was REALLY fun! She didn't have much going on early on, kind of just going through the motions of the challenges, tribals, etc. However, Francesca shined during the merge. Her explosive fight with Olivia was really interesting, and it changed the way Francesca played. Francesca was honestly incredibly smart in catching her position in the game. However, she was a bit too direct, and it led to her downfall.
9th:>! Nik was a bit of a random elimination to me. I feel like he was doing a pretty average job the whole game. He socialized with everyone, but not too much, just enough to keep himself stable. I guess him winning the first immunity just painted a much too big target on his back. It felt like people just needed someone to vote for, and Nik fell victim to it.!<
10th: Chan definitely had a roller coaster of an experience. I think her social game was one of the strongest of the season, which showed with her multiple allies and friends. However, this worked both ways for her, as some people felt that Chan was a bit too much. I think Chan is just a very all or nothing girl, and it applied to the game. So, it makes sense that in the merge, where there are some people who have rarely worked with Chan, they're offput by her extremely outgoing nature.
11th: Trent was someone who definitely got screwed over by the swap. While he wasn't an absolute competiton beast, I feel that Trent was in a comfortable position on his original tribe. However, he got swapped into the minority of his tribe, and the members that did swap with him were both aligned with one another. Trent immediately fell to the bottom of his new tribe, and couldn't do too much to fix it.
12th: I really liked Aubrey, so I was sad to see her go. I feel like she was just an all around good person, and a good player. She proved that she could work hard for her tribe, taking a shot of cow blood as an animal lover. Aubrey was in a good position to make the merge on her original tribe. However, like Trent, the swap sent Aubrey to the bottom of her new tribe, and she didn't seem comfortable in the new environment.
13th: Black Diamond had a WILD experience. I felt like she was at least going to make the merge, and then be an early out there. However, as I began writing the simulation, her elimination definitely made sense. I'm not sure the teams portion of the game works well for Black Diamond. She seemed so focused on herself and her skills that she didn't worry as much about her fellow tribemates.
14th: Derrick was.... Quiet. He definitely had the skills going into the game to do pretty well. However, I think Derrick just got pretty shy and unsure of what to do. I'm not sure I had him say a single word, actually. I was a bit upset over that, because Derrick was a very interesting character with a great story.
15th: The less successful Simon of the cast, Simon W struggled for sure. He wasn't even a weak player when you look at his stats, I just think he was on a pretty strong tribe, and a very strong cast. Simon W was good, but there were always people who were better, and his game crumbled when he couldn't take a shot of cow blood.
16th: Similar to Simon W, Whitney just didn't stack up with her skills. I don't think she was bad at all, but it just always goes the same way: the person who struggles the most in the first immunity is the first person to go.
Yet another AMAZING season!!!! I really enjoyed the alliances of the season, especially Simon L and JJ's duo. We had a day 1 alliance make it all the way to the final 2, and I think it just goes to show how strong our final 2 were. This was also an incredibly strong cast, and it showed with the power struggles throughout the season. The very loud personalities like Olivia, Basim, or Francesca really carried the entertainment. However, this allowed for players like Simon L or Valen to sneak under the radar. Simon L was an absolutely amazing winner, and I think his gameplay was very unique to him as a person. I'm very happy with this season, and while I wish we could have seen more from some of our early outs, I wouldn't want to change it at all.
Thank you so much for waiting, and for reading/tuning it! Stay put for Savory's Big Brother Season 13, where we will then have Savivor Season 4, the last season before All Stars 1!
submitted by Sxvorii to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 00:34 PurposeSad5182 Civilization VI Launch Error on iOS 17.4

Civilization VI Launch Error on iOS 17.4
When you’re doing your daily check in on the Aspyr support page for the iOS 17.4 bug and the only update you see if for Aspyr Joe’s profile picture.
And to make it worse, he changes it from Teddy to Republic Commando - Boss 😢
submitted by PurposeSad5182 to CivVI [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 22:03 TheCrimsonBuffalo Worst thing each character has done, Day 18: Mrs. Czerwicki

Worst thing each character has done, Day 18: Mrs. Czerwicki
Result for Day 17’s worst thing that Marcus has done: “His behavior in Big Nate: In the Zone. He keeps picking on Chad for no reason calling him names and stuff.”
Day 18, most upvoted comment decides it, what is the worst thing that Mrs. Czerwicki has done?
submitted by TheCrimsonBuffalo to ENSLAVETHEMOLLUSK [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 03:10 Traditional_Winner53 Got cheated on for the 3rd time.

Me and this girl have been dating for almost 6 months. I’ve met her family, we went places together, I met her parents’ family, and things were great. We had our arguments here and there but it was good. But the first time she cheated was around last month and she was talking to guys on snap, sending nudes, etc. I was spending the night with her and her phone kept going off so I checked it while she was sleep and saw it. We got into an argument and I was hurt. She knew that but she kept telling me that none of the guys she messaged mean anything to her. That she was just talking without thinking. So we made up. And the sad part is I APOLOGIZED TO HER FOR BEING TOO HARD ON HER. I had mercy on her even though she stabbed me in the back. Because I’m a nice guy.
Fast forward to literally the beginning of this month, April 1st actually, I go through her phone and she’s texting THREE GUYS ON IMESSAGE. She’s calling them baby, giving them nicknames, making plans to go see them, and sending them nudes. All behind my back. Being all lovey dovey with me while she’s doing this dirt without me knowing. We get into it again and I tell her I’m done and I’m breaking up with her. She tells me no I’m not and to let her explain. She says the same thing as the first time: that it’s a habit she always had and that they mean nothing to her. She’s “Working on it.” And to give her another chance. She cries and acts all remorseful and I even spoke to her mom about it. Even her mom confirms that it is a habit she always had because she always has been sheltered and would get her phone taken away in the past. So now she just talks to guys and doesn’t really think of the consequences. So after that…I forgive her again.
FAST FORWARD TO LITERALLY EARLY THIS MORNING April 23, 4am I go through her phone and she does it again. She. Does. It . Again. I take pictures of it and show her and she just acts the same way as before. Won’t let me leave her house, won’t let me get my hoodies that gave her back, and tells me that famous line: “I’m working on it”. I don’t know what to do guys. I loved this girl. Yeah it’s only been about half a year but I’ve done so much for her. I would drive her to and from work, I bought her a LITERAL BUNNY AS A PET THAT SHE WANTED. I would get her teddy bears and buy her food, all this stuff. Her parents love me too, and I grew to see them as a second family. But…she spat in my face 3 times within 2 months…I’m broken ya’ll.
So I eventually left with my hoodies and got home, crying. And as I was walking out the door she said “We weren’t gonna work out anyways.” Wow. Guys, I need some advice. I’ve been cheated on before but not like this. This hurts, and I don’t know what I did wrong for her to spit in my face like this not once, not twice, but three times. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me THREE TIMES? Yikes..but anyways I did text her saying I’m done and that I hated her and wanted nothing to do with her. And to stay the f**k away from me. Was that too harsh? Or deserved? I’m naturally a nice dude but once my bad side comes out I have a bad mouth because I feel taken advantage of. Any advice is appreciated right now…because I really am going through it. Should I forgive her but still stay away from her? Or never forgive her at all? Let me know :(
submitted by Traditional_Winner53 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 22:49 TheCrimsonBuffalo Worst thing each character has done, Day 17: Marcus

Worst thing each character has done, Day 17: Marcus
Results for Day 16’s worst thing Mr. Eustis has done: “When Nate dressed as his father for Halloween and Mr. Eustis asked who he was, Nate said he was a bald pudgy middle-aged divorcee with absolutely no social life, and Mr. Eustis snapped and thought Nate was making fun of him. He’s a little touchy.”
Day 17, most upvoted comment decides it, what is the worst thing Marcus has done?
submitted by TheCrimsonBuffalo to ENSLAVETHEMOLLUSK [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 06:44 BraxtonFerg A long shot... This is the only picture I have... I had this teddy bear for almost 20 years and lost it due to some negligence of a family member. I got it when my sister was a baby (so around 2002), it was a grey-ish color, long arms and legs, soft, black plastic eyes and a fabric nose

A long shot... This is the only picture I have... I had this teddy bear for almost 20 years and lost it due to some negligence of a family member. I got it when my sister was a baby (so around 2002), it was a grey-ish color, long arms and legs, soft, black plastic eyes and a fabric nose submitted by BraxtonFerg to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]
