Dientot pak guru sesama pria

Kasus Penipuan Nikah Sesama Pria di Cianjur, "Pengantin Wanita" Mengaku Bernama Adinda Kanza

2024.05.06 21:34 ShoyuPorkRamen Kasus Penipuan Nikah Sesama Pria di Cianjur, "Pengantin Wanita" Mengaku Bernama Adinda Kanza

Kasus Penipuan Nikah Sesama Pria di Cianjur,
Pas pacaran Adinda pas nikah jadi Erik 💀
submitted by ShoyuPorkRamen to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 23:51 Sugoigator Little car pack magic

Finally got the chase out of a blister pack! Rip the centering tho 🥲
submitted by Sugoigator to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 11:50 cahyoono Anak SD mau ke surga

Suatu ketika, sejumlah murid salah satu kelas di SD sedang menjalani pelajaran agama. Dengan penuh semangat, seorang guru bernama Udin sedang memberikan pelajaran yang membahas mengenai surga. Usai memberikan penjelasan mengenai surga, sang guru lantas memberikan pertanyaan kepada seluruh muridnya. Berikut percakapannya:
"anak-anak, siapa yang mau masuk surga?" tanya Udin.
"Saya pak, saya," teriak seluruh murid.
Dari seluruh anak yang mengajukan diri, rupanya ada satu murid bernama Ucok tidak ikut berteriak. Hal itu membuat sang guru kembali bertanya.
"Yang mau masuk surga tunjukkan tangannya," tanya Udin lagi.
"Sayaa," teriak para murid berlomba-lomba mengangkat tangannya.
Lagi-lagi, Ucok tetap diam tak bergeming. Demi memacu semangat muridnya, dia pun kembali bertanya.
"Yang mau masuk surga ayo berdiri."
Mendengar itu, seluruh murid berdiri, kecuali Ucok yang tetap diam dan malah disibukkan dengan bukunya sendiri.
Merasa ada murid yang tak bersemangat, Udin pun menghampiri Ucok dan bertanya, "Cok, kamu mau masuk surga enggak?"
"Mau dong pak!" jawab Ucok.
"Terus kenapa kamu enggak berdiri?" lanjur Udin penasaran.
"Lha, memangnya mau berangkat sekarang pak?"
submitted by cahyoono to u/cahyoono [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 04:43 Radical_Ris The story of those who meditate on the name of Waheguru and enshrine it within their heart. 🙏🏽⚔️

The story of those who meditate on the name of Waheguru and enshrine it within their heart. 🙏🏽⚔️
'One day a Nihang Singh in Gurdwara Pak Patan Sahib was preparing Sukhnidhan (treasure of peace cannabis laced drink used within the Khalsa). Having made the drink twice we witnessed him twice preparing the nugda (left over pulp) and running with it up to the Gurdwara gate while shouting great abuse, he would then throw the nugda and went back to prepare the drink again. We could not see anything or anyone there that he was throwing the nugda or swearing at. So we asked him after he had drank the sukhnidhan, "Nihang Singh Ji, what was that incident about? Who were you running and swearing at?" The Nihang Singh replied, "The black faced one (Jamdoot - messenger of death) is coming to get me, I was telling him that I was not going with him, seeing my Salotar (heavy wooden club used as a weapon and to grind ingredients to make Sukhnidhan) he would run away. I am the Sikh of the Guru, I do not go with the one with the black face, the Guru will send one of his servants and I will go with them."
The Nihang Singh spoke like this and then poised himself and sat in a meditative pose. He began uttering the Japji Sahib (opening prayer of the Adi Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji written by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji), upon finishing he looked forward, folded his two hands together and uttered, "The Khalsa is tyar bur tyar (ready upon ready), just allow me to tie my dumalla (Nihang turban style )." Having tied his dumalla The Nihang Singh took a blanket over himself, lay down departed from his body and set off to the abode of the Guru. This is the story of those who meditate on the name of Vaheguru and enshrine it within their heart.'
(Katha Sagar Japji Sahib, p271)
@sovereignpanth on Instagram
submitted by Radical_Ris to Sikh [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 02:27 flag9801 Jadi Dosen apakah emang begini

Jadi Dosen apakah emang begini
"Bu Mutia, dipanggil ke ruangan Pak Dekan." "Ada apa ya Mbak Admin?" "Ada yang mau diobrolin katanya." "Jam berapa mbak?" "Jam 1, habis makan siang."
"Ada apa Pak Dekan?" "Bu Mutia kan udah 5 tahun jadi dosen di sini kan ya?" "Iya Pak." "Udah Lektor juga kan ya? Tapi ijazah masih S2 ya?" "Iya Pak." "Biar karir Bu Mutia lancar, kami minta untuk Tugas Belajar S3." "Wah, kalau nggak gimana Pak? Saya lagi banyak pengeluaran." "Nanti karir Bu Mutia stuck di situ." "Oh gitu, oke Pak."
"Mbak Admin, kalau saya mau daftar S3 di univ sini aja, syaratnya apa aja?" "Kok gak ke luar negeri aja Bu?" "Anak saya baru masuk kuliah, di jurusan sebelah, adiknya mau masuk SMA." "Wah udah gede." "Iya, saya dulu nikah muda dan punya anak cepet." "Oh gitu, saya cek dulu ya syarat-syaratnya Bu, nanti saya hubungi."
"Bu Mutia, syaratnya ini Bu: Ijazah sama Transkrip S1 dan S2, Hasil tes TPA, Hasil tes TOEFL, sama Proposal Penelitian." "Tes TPA sama TOEFL saya udah kadaluarsa, harus tes lagi?" "Iya Bu. Oh ya, nanti juga ada tes lagi dari jurusan." "Bentar, saya ngajar di jurusan Farmasi ini, punya beberapa paper di jurnal internasional di bidang ini juga, masih harus dites kemampuannya?" "Iya Bu, memang aturannya begitu." "..."
"Mbak Admin, ini saya udah dapat tes TPA dan TOEFL saya, ada reimburse-nya?" "Gak ada Bu." "Hah? Kok gitu, bukannya ini saya melaksanakan tugas secara profesional? Kok jadi uang saya pribadi yang keluar?" "Memang aturannya begitu Bu." "Uang pendaftaran ke universitas juga nggak ada reimburse-nya?" "Gak ada Bu." "..."
"Pak Dekan, saya kan udah urus pendaftaran S3 ke sini, untuk biaya UKT per semesternya gimana?" "Sekitar 15 juta per semester Bu." "Wah, saya gak kuat harus bayar segitu." "Bu Mutia cari beasiswa aja, ada LPDP atau BPI." "Bentar, ini saya kan melaksanakan tugas secara profesional kan Pak? Atas perintah Fakultas?" "Iya Bu." "Tapi saya disuruh cari pendanaan sendiri? Antara bayar sendiri atau beasiswa cari sendiri?" "Iya Bu. Memang begitu. Saya dulu juga begitu." "..."
"Prof. Harjo, bisa jadi promotor S3 saya?" "Bisa Bu Mutia, tapi saya lagi minim funding beberapa semester ke depan. Hampir semua guru besar di fakultas kita lagi susah Bu." "Oh gitu Prof, kalau tanpa funding, gimana?" "Bu Mutia harus biayain penelitian sendiri." "Maksudnya?" "Beli mencit, reagen, bahan kimia, sama alat-alatnya secara mandiri Bu." "Bentar, jadi selain harus bayar UKT, saya juga harus bayar penelitiannya?" "Iya Bu." "Kan ini saya bertugas secara profesional kan Prof? Ada surat dari Fakultas loh saya disuruh Tugas Belajar, kok pakai uang pribadi?" "Saya dulu juga gitu Bu. Memang begitu." "..."
"Bu Mutia, ini ada surat dari lembaga beasiswa yang di-apply kemarin." "Oh iya Mbak Admin, sudah ada pengumumannya?" "Iya Bu, ini ada suratnya dari LPDP sama BPI. Dibuka aja Bu." "..." "Kenapa Bu, kok sedih?" "Dua-duanya nggak keterima Mbak, padahal saya juga PNS Dosen." "Waduh, jadi gimana Bu?" "Terpaksa bayar UKT pakai uang pribadi." "..."
"Mbak Keuangan Fakultas, ini kok gaji saya tinggal gaji pokok PNS doang? Ini gaji pokoknya mana di bawah UMK pula." "Bentar saya cek ya Bu Mutia." "Tolong ya mbak, itu semua tunjangan sama serdos jadi ilang semua, saya lagi perlu biayain anak-anak saya." "Bu Mutia mulai tugas belajar semester ini?" "Iya Mbak." "Oh pantes, memang gitu aturannya Bu, selama tugas belajar yang diberikan hanya gaji pokok PNS." "Hah, kok gitu? Saya kan mengerjakan tugas ini atas perintah Fakultas?" "Memang aturannya begitu Bu." "..."
"Halo Pak TU Kampus jurusan sebelah? Ini kok anak saya dapat UKT maksimum?" "Iya Bu, kan Ibu PNS." "Gak bisa daftar KIPK gitu?" "PNS gak bisa Bu. Pejabat dikbud bilang gitu kemarin." "Tapi gaji saya tinggal gaji pokok doang karena Tugas Belajar. Jadi di bawah UMK." "Wah, saya gak bisa bantu Bu. Memang aturannya begitu." "..."
"Prof. Harjo, Alhamdulillah ini paper penelitian kita accepted di jurnal Q1." "Alhamdulillah. Ya udah, urus administrasinya ya." "Saya harus bayar APC Prof." "Berapa?" "USD 3000 Prof. Open Access berbayar. Kalau gak gitu, nunggu review aja bisa 1.5 tahun." "Waduh, hibah penelitian kita cuma sanggup bayar 10% dari itu." "Sisanya gimana?" "Kamu bayar sendiri." "Hah?" "Memang begitu. Saya dulu juga gitu" "..."
"Prof. Harjo, biar saya lulus, saya butuh berapa paper jurnal Q1?" "Perlu empat Bu Mutia. Baru satu yang kemarin kan ya?" "Iya Prof." "Berarti yang tiga lagi sama kaya kemarin lagi? Biaya penelitian dan APC jurnal dari saya semua?" "Iya, terpaksa begitu, kita lagi krisis funding." "..."
"Selamat ya Bu Mutia, sudah berhasil defense." "Terima kasih atas bimbingannya selama ini Prof. Harjo." "Saya minta maaf gak bisa bantu banyak ya Bu Mutia." "..."
"Pak Dekan, saya mau resign." "Hah, kan baru lulus S3 Bu?" "Saya dapat offer di LN Pak, saya kelilit utang ratusan juta karena biayain penelitian, APC jurnal, kuliah anak pertama saya, sama sekolah adiknya." "Gak bisa Bu, kalau tugas belajar ada perjanjian harus mengabdi 2n+1." "Maksudnya?" "Kan Bu Mutia kemarin Tugas Belajar 4 tahun, berarti harus tetap di sini selama 9 tahun ke depan." "Hah?"
submitted by flag9801 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 15:10 Character-Cut6413 Effective Love Spells Caster [+27826623707]] ╬ SPIRITUAL HEALER in South africa ,Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pak istan, Panama Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal ,Qatar, Romania, Russia Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa

Effective Love Spells Caster [+27826623707]] ╬ SPIRITUAL HEALER in South africa ,Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pak istan, Panama Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal ,Qatar, Romania, Russia Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa
{+27826623707} 100% Guaranteed & Affordable. Private & Confidential with Immediate Results. Welcome to DR MBOLO +27826623707 in South Africa the only one who heals and solves all failed /unfinished problems from other healers & sangomas. Stop suffering today! Change your life and archive your goals. No matter whom you are or religion you believe in, this type of treatment may be the only solutions to your problems with your long illness. Try this; you will see a better change! If you have tried many doctors/healers with no progress, Just visit him to help you and he never fails. My works is a mixture of African traditional spiritualism, psychic powers, rituals, native healing, spell casting, all of which are designed to take care of whatever adversity you may face. Have you been searching all over Internet to find a professional and real spell caster? If your answer to these questions are “YES”, then you have come to the right place! CONTACT ME I’m determined to offer what you’re seeking: From love spells to Luck spells and protection spells. I provide the most authentic spells you’ve ever encountered. Contact me now for a free review of your situation. Don’t be a statistic. Get affordable help now!
DR MBOLO has an experience in treating and solving most problems and complications affecting the majority of people among the populations all over the world. If you have been suffering with a lot of difficulties and blinded by not knowing what to do about it ,It is time to give your self a question that why others are happy and successful all the time in their lives why does this happiness not apply to you? Take the time to consult and find out how DR MBOLO can help make your life a success. Moreover, if you have ever tried other doctors/healers before, then try this holistic professional healer with his 100% genuine services. He is the best! DR MBOLO uses Ancestral Spirits to find solutions to life’s challenges. This Spiritual Guru has traveled widely and solved many mysterious issues. Am born with mystical powers and can make you communicate any time with the Spiritual world!!!! I give free advice but as I am very busy (many email me) I ONLY ANSWER ONCE! So to really give you the best help possible, I need you to include as much information about yourself, the situation and what you want help with. He uses strong magic spells as well as powerful ancestors. Get healed today by this greatest miracle doctor who has healed many people through his experienced ancestral life. Join the rest of the world to cerebrate his miracle healings. He can even read and tell you your problems before you say any thing to him. He can connect you to talk to the spirit of a deceased of your family member or friend. .He can also tell you your future through reading you palm, playcard, a magic mirrowater. He uses many ways of healing just to make sure that he satisfies his clients all over the world. DR MBOLO is the only traditional healer who fully corresponds with all religious beliefs. Remember your health is your wealth!!!!! Get help to day and stop a misery life Regardless of your background, regardless of your beliefs, the ancient art of witchcraft embraces you. Once you open your heart and mind to this awesome power, miraculous changes in your life could bring you instant love, instant happiness! Witchcraft could reverse a current, turn the tide, alter the shape of the mountain. If it could do all this, imagine what it may do for you? Welcome to the World of african Witchcraft I am a High-Priest, who specializes in powerful ancient Haitian Voodoo spells and curses. I perform a variety of voodoo rituals that have been proven to work time and again, and that consistently channel powerful forces to change people’s lives for the better…or in the case of curses, to cause extremely negative things to happen to the targeted person. The forces at work behind what I do are not easily understood by the average person, but the consistent results.
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DR MBOLO for urgent and effective assistance among them:-
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3) – Divorce or court issues.
4) – Is your love falling apart?
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7) – Do you want to catch your partner cheating on you?
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13) – We create everlasting love between couples.
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Never too late to solve any kind of your problem:
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submitted by Character-Cut6413 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 06:27 yolkcandance Why Singapore Employees Need To Be Ready For Retrenchment In 2024

As geopolitical tensions boil over and the global economy cools, businesses may try to stay resilient by prioritising cost-cutting. For many companies, employees are the biggest business expense.
Moreover, reducing headcount during such uncertain times can also prepare businesses to stay nimble – and go in a new direction more easily when new opportunities arise.
For the rest of 2024, here are 3 reasons why employees need to be ready to lose their jobs – and be prepared to find a new role.
DollarsAndSense Business Search for: I INSIGHTS
Why Singapore Employees Need To Be Ready For Retrenchment In 2024 by Dinesh Dayani March 24, 2024 2 minute read Singapore employees retrenchment As geopolitical tensions boil over and the global economy cools, businesses may try to stay resilient by prioritising cost-cutting. For many companies, employees are the biggest business expense.
Moreover, reducing headcount during such uncertain times can also prepare businesses to stay nimble – and go in a new direction more easily when new opportunities arise.
For the rest of 2024, here are 3 reasons why employees need to be ready to lose their jobs – and be prepared to find a new role.
Read Also: Why Singapore Employers Need To Be Prepared For An Older Workforce

1 Companies Are Retrenching – Potentially Viewing It As A Path To Sustainability

We’ve been reading about a wave of companies retrenching their employees this year. Some that have made it into the news in Singapore include Shopback letting go 24% of its employees, Lazada letting go an estimated 100 people, Unilever realigning its marketing team in Singapore, PropertyGuru laying off 79 employees, Tetra Pak closing down in Singapore and 300 employees will be affected, Electrolux relocating its regional HQ from Singapore to Bangkok, and more.
This trend is not unique to Singapore either. Many of the biggest (and possibly smallest) companies globally are also looking to align its workforce with its requirements. They include Amazon to Google to Discord and Twitch.
2 Retrenchment Statistics Are On The Rise According to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) the rate of retrenchments more than doubled in 2023. 14,590 workers were retrenched in 2023 compared to 6,440 in 2022.
While more people may be looking for new roles, they will also be hit by a slowdown in job vacancies. In December 2023, the job vacancy to unemployment ratio was 1.74, compared to 2.30 in December 2022.
3 Global Trends: Higher For Longer Interest Rates; Rise Of AI; E-Commerce Slowdown As a small and open economy, Singapore has to adhere to global trends to stay relevant. An environment of higher interest rates will inevitably affect global growth – including in Singapore.
With a signal that interest rates may stay elevated for a longer in 2024, investment sentiments may dampen on the back of higher borrowing costs.
At the same time, the post-pandemic explosion in e-commerce has meant that many businesses pivoted into it. Not doing so would be akin to giving up the potential growth. Now, it may be time for companies to relook their initial hires.
With technology constantly evolving, and potentially more companies jumping on the AI bandwagon now, there may be greater “churn” in the economy – as DPM and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong mentioned in his Singapore Budget 2024 speech.
At the same time, AI and e-commerce are trends that are supposed to eventually lead to fewer headcount – and not more. Once the initial gains have been made, the sensible thing may be to stay lean.
Reposting since the first link was going somewhere else for some reason.
submitted by yolkcandance to singapore [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 15:18 RobertGracie Formula 1 Sunday was 1-2 remember for Ferrari Their first P1 and P2 finish in Australia since 2004

Formula 1 Sunday was 1-2 remember for Ferrari Their first P1 and P2 finish in Australia since 2004 submitted by RobertGracie to formula1 [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 09:53 sumpitsakit "pahlawan tanpa jasa"

submitted by sumpitsakit to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 09:48 Surohiu "pahlawan tanpa jasa"

submitted by Surohiu to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 04:31 RoninISC Friendly PSA- General guidance.

Not a guru or wizard here, just a guy w some decades of sucesfully dealing w money & investing. Given many questions on this forum, I’m certain it is of benefit to share some fundamentals any newbro can utilize. I know you all have adhd, but try to read this. This is the whole kit-and-caboodle life pak 3.0. If you must, skip down to the dashed line.I'd first like to impress upon everyone that pure investing/trading is not a business, unless you are selling your investing 'skills', such as they are. One earns money with or in a business, not investing/trading. Fund managers become wealthy by taking a percentage of their vast AUM. social media gurus are shilling a trading platform, method, book, or connection to a higher power. Even the best of the best would take a lifetime to become very wealthy simply investing their own money. Yes there are special cases, but statistically speaking, most people do not have the luck or ability.
In this vein, I must also pre-warn about getting into day or even swing trading, especially w options, especially in 2024, even if you think you know what you are doing. As a beginner, you are a fish flake in a goldfish bowl in an aquarium in an ocean on a globe filled with great white sharks and straight-up kraken. Ask yourself why there are about a trillion places everywhere baiting people into trading… Because the monsters need to eat. It’s the same reason a Vegas hotel sells blackjack strategy cards in their own gift shop: Because the house always wins. In our case the house is the *market makers* and ancillary support. They ‘provide liquidity’ and set all option prices and take the spread on every sale. Leverage is not free. If you are plain buying and selling, see last two sentences of above paragraph. MM's influence prices of just about everytihng through all sorts of means.
We can see personal investing is primarily for preservation of wealth, to not be eroded by inflation and at least keep pace with ‘the market’. There are many types of securities-- from stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, crypto, collectables, plus forex, and you name it. They all have a place and time. It's easy, just 'buy low sell high' lol. (couldnt resist).
So, given all that, here are the basics. You'll not need much more to get a solid start.
-Enjoy life, but try to be frugal and not live beyond your means. Balance. Start now
-Max your IRA/401k contributions if able. (Roth generally better if you start it immediately, but it's not a massive difference.)
-Open 5 credit cards (maybe stagger them to avoid a big hit) and use some of the credit, but not over about %30 each. (Paying on time and preferably in-full goes without saying! CC’s charge you %18 interest!!! Amex is good for this) Points are a fun, use for travel.
-Buy a small ratio of physical bullion, gold or silver, and keep it personally, for that omg shtf moment. To that end also, you can do a minor amount of prepping, though this scenario is not very likely.
-Security-- Legal and Physical. Know the laws and rules of all types; know of an attorney who could help you should you need it. Make a will. Avoid marriage if possible (LOL). Million dollar baby: protect yourself at all times.
-Tax, conducive areas, and politics. A penny saved is a penny earned. Starting out you wont have to worry much about this, but once you have something to lose, it becomes a big deal.-Bookmark Investopedia. Spend many hours there.
The old rules are somewhat disintegrating. It used to be stocks vs bonds vs commodities... Rebalance at the shift, then back again, but today everything is haywire. You can and should do whatever works at the moment. It is early March 2024, so speaking to the current environment.
-Bonds. Buy short terms, roll them over (or buy a bond etf), then reevaluate when rates raise. There is a reason many big whigs own lots of them at the moment; interest rates are high. The difference between a guaranteed return (unless the gov defaults, which almost seems plausible today; see bullion above) and a risky return is the risk premium. If I can get 5%+ on a 3 month bond, why gamble on the market for an extra 1or 2 % in a crazy time? We are in a bond yield inversion, which is when short-term yields are higher than long-term yields. This usually precedes a stock correction but that doesn’t mean crash or recession... necessarily. Im currently about %50 gov bonds. You can go municipal also, though not sure why given not better return. I’d avoid junk rating or even BB. The fed indicated they will lower rates a bit maybe June, which is what’s driving stocks; keep you ear to the ground. You can buy 10yrs to lock in a higher rate.
-Stonks. Go with an index fund or blue chip w 4%+ dividend and chillax. It’s fun picking, just know you are not a genius. Keep a small amount for play and if you really feel something, go for it… with only that money. Take a shot on pennies. The market has been on a rip, especially tech/AI. I’m a bit of a bear and a cheap skate, so I think everything is over priced. That’s not necessarily so. I too owned NVDA and sold it for a decent profit, but missed the jet boat to the moon. Not buying it now no way. Maybe things are fairly valued given trillions of stimulus, and the next AI wave…. or not. (Thinking about the singularity makes most of this moot anyway). I’d avoid banks, as I get a cold-raspy about credit problems, NYCB already went bust, this could implicate larger banks... or not. Banks, as we know, have fallout for the whole market. There will be a correction within a year Ill bet regardless.
-Real Estate (mostly residential). Yes. Perhaps the best form of passive income. But the market has been bought up entirely, and sadly, likely will be that way for probobly ever. If there is a housing correction and if you are able, grab a SFH in the 'goldilocks' zone, 3br2ba, medium-good neighborhood, upper middle price. ie: a 'B' property. *Get a good manager* They are worth the 9% commision. *Do your own dilligance on the property, not what some dingbat agent tells you*. The rent will pay your mortgage. Commercial I would avoid as that is a very bad market now, and takes alot more expertise always.
-Options, only with a small %. Again, fun, but the market makers will eat you eventually. If you’re at that point where you really know how it’s done, then you are not reading this anyway. Fart around with some play money, and don’t feel bad when it disappears.
-Crypto, ?? I understand the tech, but… who really knows what it will do. No one. You may not believe this, but I owned 86 BTC early on, then yes, sold it for about 4x profit (pretty good at the time!) Again, no jet boat for me. It’s a gamble.
-Collectibles, do your homework. These are very specific, as in down to the item. Unless you or someone you truly trust is a bona-fide expert on 1970’s Ferrari’s, Japanese Pokemon, or sheep skin Victorian douches, do a lot of research. That’s not to say throwing money at something can’t work out-- everything is on a tear now especially art-- but long run you’ll do better knowing what you have. Antiques Road Show is fun as hell.
-Forex, don’t. Do you have an international business/finance masters with deep knowledge of a specific nation’s economics and events, and are heavily connected to boot? No, then you’re gambling. Soros did get lucky, but a lot more behind the curtain.
-Commodities, ehhh, still don’t. Similar to Forex-- you need expertise. Futures are traded on all things, but primarily on commodities. Navigating all this is well beyond mortal intermediate investors.**-P2P Lending, meh.**Tried it, meh. I think other securities offer more for less effort.
submitted by RoninISC to investing [link] [comments]

2024.02.18 23:23 MetalInMyHeadphones Looking for info on a card.

My stepson got this card in a trade at school and was asking my for information on its price or rarity, he is young so it doesn’t really matter he just likes knowing. I can’t find anything on it. I also noticed a part of the card is not printed. Any info would be appreciated!
submitted by MetalInMyHeadphones to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2024.02.18 05:59 barudak-well Tulislah kalimat dengan menggunakan kata kata tersebut!

Tulislah kalimat dengan menggunakan kata kata tersebut!

Tulislah kalimat dengan menggunakan kata kata tersebut!
A. Kata Bentuk B. Kata Ukuran C. Kata Jumlah
Jawaban :
Berikut merupakan contoh kalimat yang dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan:
Kata bentuk:
  • Anak itu memiliki hidung yang mancung.
  • Vas bunga baru kakak berbentuk tabung dan berwarna ungu.
  • Kita hanya perlu menekan tombol yang segitiga.
Kata ukuran:
  • Pak Guru baru itu sangat tinggi.
  • Lemari yang dibeli ibu di toko online kemarin ternyata terlalu besar untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kamar.
  • Saku-saku yang ada dalam dompetku terlalu kecil untuk menampung kartu itu.
  • Bola itu besarnya segenggaman tanganku.
Kata jumlah:
  • Bulan ini, aku akan dapat dua juta rupiah.
  • Aku membeli dua buah ikat rambut kemarin.
  • Ayah membelikanku sebuah sepeda.
Kata bentuk merupakan kata yang menunjukkan dan menjabarkan tentang penampakan fisik sesuatu. Kata bentuk lebih merujuk kepada ciri-ciri fisik yang dimiliki oleh suatu objek.
Kata ukuran merupakan kata yang menunjukkan besar satuan ukuran dari suatu benda. Dengan menggunakan kata ukuran, kita bisa mengetahui apakah sebuah benda itu kecil atau besar.
Sementara kata jumlah merupakan kata yang menunjukkan banyaknya suatu objek ketika dikumpulkan menjadi satu. Dengan menggunakan kata jumlah, kita bisa mengetahui apakah objek tersebut terdapat banyak atau sedikit.
Contoh lainnya :
A. Kata Bentuk
  1. Awan di langit hari ini berbentuk seperti kapas.
  2. Kue ulang tahunnya dibuat dengan bentuk hati.
  3. Bentuk daun kelor oval dan berwarna hijau tua.
  4. Bentuk rumah adat Minangkabau seperti tanduk kerbau.
  5. Bentuk bangun ruang kubus memiliki 6 sisi yang sama besar.
B. Kata Ukuran
  1. Ukuran gajah jauh lebih besar daripada ukuran kucing.
  2. Ukuran sepatu adik lebih kecil daripada ukuran sepatu kakak.
  3. Ukuran kertas A4 lebih besar daripada ukuran kertas A5.
  4. Ukuran layar laptopnya 15 inci.
  5. Ukuran stadion Gelora Bung Karno sangat besar.
C. Kata Jumlah
  1. Jumlah penduduk di Indonesia lebih dari 270 juta jiwa.
  2. Jumlah telur dalam satu kotak ada 10 butir.
  3. Jumlah siswa di kelasnya ada 30 orang.
  4. Jumlah roda pada mobil ada 4.
  5. Jumlah kaki pada laba-laba ada 8.
Kalimat Gabungan
  1. Ibu membeli 3 buah apel dengan ukuran yang berbeda-beda.
  2. Bentuk awan di langit berubah-ubah dan jumlahnya semakin banyak.
  3. Ukuran rumah yang diimpikannya cukup besar dengan bentuk yang minimalis.
  4. Jumlah siswa yang mengikuti olimpiade matematika tahun ini lebih banyak daripada tahun sebelumnya.
  5. Bentuk daun pada pohon palem berbeda dengan bentuk daun pada pohon beringin, dan ukurannya pun berbeda.
Semoga Bermanfaat !
Sumber : https://barudakwell.com/tulislah-kalimat-dengan-menggunakan-kata-kata-tersebut/
submitted by barudak-well to barudakwell [link] [comments]

2024.02.18 05:59 barudak-well Tulislah kalimat dengan menggunakan kata kata tersebut!

Tulislah kalimat dengan menggunakan kata kata tersebut!

Tulislah kalimat dengan menggunakan kata kata tersebut!
A. Kata Bentuk B. Kata Ukuran C. Kata Jumlah
Jawaban :
Berikut merupakan contoh kalimat yang dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan:
Kata bentuk:
  • Anak itu memiliki hidung yang mancung.
  • Vas bunga baru kakak berbentuk tabung dan berwarna ungu.
  • Kita hanya perlu menekan tombol yang segitiga.
Kata ukuran:
  • Pak Guru baru itu sangat tinggi.
  • Lemari yang dibeli ibu di toko online kemarin ternyata terlalu besar untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kamar.
  • Saku-saku yang ada dalam dompetku terlalu kecil untuk menampung kartu itu.
  • Bola itu besarnya segenggaman tanganku.
Kata jumlah:
  • Bulan ini, aku akan dapat dua juta rupiah.
  • Aku membeli dua buah ikat rambut kemarin.
  • Ayah membelikanku sebuah sepeda.
Kata bentuk merupakan kata yang menunjukkan dan menjabarkan tentang penampakan fisik sesuatu. Kata bentuk lebih merujuk kepada ciri-ciri fisik yang dimiliki oleh suatu objek.
Kata ukuran merupakan kata yang menunjukkan besar satuan ukuran dari suatu benda. Dengan menggunakan kata ukuran, kita bisa mengetahui apakah sebuah benda itu kecil atau besar.
Sementara kata jumlah merupakan kata yang menunjukkan banyaknya suatu objek ketika dikumpulkan menjadi satu. Dengan menggunakan kata jumlah, kita bisa mengetahui apakah objek tersebut terdapat banyak atau sedikit.
Contoh lainnya :
A. Kata Bentuk
  1. Awan di langit hari ini berbentuk seperti kapas.
  2. Kue ulang tahunnya dibuat dengan bentuk hati.
  3. Bentuk daun kelor oval dan berwarna hijau tua.
  4. Bentuk rumah adat Minangkabau seperti tanduk kerbau.
  5. Bentuk bangun ruang kubus memiliki 6 sisi yang sama besar.
B. Kata Ukuran
  1. Ukuran gajah jauh lebih besar daripada ukuran kucing.
  2. Ukuran sepatu adik lebih kecil daripada ukuran sepatu kakak.
  3. Ukuran kertas A4 lebih besar daripada ukuran kertas A5.
  4. Ukuran layar laptopnya 15 inci.
  5. Ukuran stadion Gelora Bung Karno sangat besar.
C. Kata Jumlah
  1. Jumlah penduduk di Indonesia lebih dari 270 juta jiwa.
  2. Jumlah telur dalam satu kotak ada 10 butir.
  3. Jumlah siswa di kelasnya ada 30 orang.
  4. Jumlah roda pada mobil ada 4.
  5. Jumlah kaki pada laba-laba ada 8.
Kalimat Gabungan
  1. Ibu membeli 3 buah apel dengan ukuran yang berbeda-beda.
  2. Bentuk awan di langit berubah-ubah dan jumlahnya semakin banyak.
  3. Ukuran rumah yang diimpikannya cukup besar dengan bentuk yang minimalis.
  4. Jumlah siswa yang mengikuti olimpiade matematika tahun ini lebih banyak daripada tahun sebelumnya.
  5. Bentuk daun pada pohon palem berbeda dengan bentuk daun pada pohon beringin, dan ukurannya pun berbeda.
Semoga Bermanfaat !
Sumber : https://barudakwell.com/tulislah-kalimat-dengan-menggunakan-kata-kata-tersebut/
submitted by barudak-well to u/barudak-well [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 03:13 redditers0999 Suasana hari pemungutan suara Pemilu 1955

Suasana hari pemungutan suara Pemilu 1955
  1. Presiden Sukarno mengantre bersama masyarakat dibawah terik sinar matahari.
  2. Wakil Presiden Mohammad Hatta mengantre di TPS sambil membaca koran.
  3. Presiden Sukarno memasukkan kertas suara pemilihan anggota Parlemen ke dalam kotak suara di TPS gedung Kementerian Penerangan, Kamis (29/9/1955).
  4. Presiden Sukarno memasukkan kertas suara pemilihan anggota Konstituante ke dalam kotak suara di TPS gedung Kementerian Penerangan, Kamis (15/12/1955).
  5. Wakil Presiden RI Mohammad Hatta memasukkan kertas suara pemilihan anggota Konstituante ke dalam kotak suara, Kamis (15/12/1955).
  6. Rahmi Hatta turut memilih anggota Konstituante di TPS yang sama dengan Bung Hatta, Kamis (15/12/1955).
  7. Antrean kaum wanita menunggu giliran untuk mencoblos di Jakarta.
  8. Antrean warga mengular di daerah Pecinan, Jakarta, pertanda antusias yang tinggi.
  9. Antrean warga juga turut terlihat di area TPS Petamburan, Jakarta.
  10. Antrean warga yang berdiri di tepian got di salah satu perkampungan Ibukota, Kamis (29/9/1955). Tampak wajah warga yang sumringah melihat kearah kamera.
  11. Seorang warga bahkan sampai membawa payung, karena waktu antrean yang lama serta cuaca yang panas.
  12. Seorang pria menggendong anaknya dalam antrean warga yang ikut memilih.
  13. Sebagian warga duduk dengan tertib di area TPS Petamburan, Jakarta.
  14. Seorang wanita sedang menentukan pilihan yang akan dicoblos di dalam bilik suara yang sederhana.
  15. Antrean warga yang akan memasukkan kertas suara pemilihan anggota Konstituante, Kamis (15/12/1955).
  16. Seorang ibu sedang memasukkan kertas suara di TPS Glodok, Jakarta.
  17. Seorang pria yang sedang dirawat di rumah sakit memasukkan kertas suara pemilihan anggota Konstituante Jakarta Raya, Kamis (15/12/1955).
  18. Suasana pelaksanaan pemilihan umum bagi anggota Angkatan Perang RI (APRI) di daerah Jakarta Raya, Senin (17/10/1955).
  19. (Kiri) Seorang pria sedang memasukkan kertas suara di Aceh. (Kanan) Pak Saman, warga suku Samin sedang memasukkan kertas suara di TPS Desa Bajang, Blora.
  20. Anggota Panitia Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara (PPPS) sedang menentukan sah atau tidaknya surat suara yang telah masuk TPS.
submitted by redditers0999 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 13:16 anton-rs H2H a-rs#1 Mahasiswa sepuh (sm14)

Baru nyadar ada flair 'Heart to Heart', mirip Stories From The Heart (SFTH) di kaskus kah? Jadi kepikiran buat nulis curhatan kehidupan diri sendiri. Sharing sekalian nanya2.

Siapa gue?

Mungkin beberapa udah kenal karena gue sering curhat soal masalah motivasi ngerjain skripsi. Buat yang belum tahu, kenalin gue anton, mahasiswa IT tahun ke 9. Lah kok bisa sampai 9? bukannya maksimal kuliah S1 itu 7 tahun? bener 7 tahun tapi di kampus gue boleh cuti maks 4x jadi 2 tahun tambahan tanpa bayar semesteran.

Kok bisa sampai sm14?

Skripsi, makhluk ajaib yang bisa bikin gue stuck di kehidupan sejak 2018. Udah 8x ambil skripsi, gagal 6x, 1x semester kemarin cukup lancar dan dilanjutin di sm14 ini. Gue tolol? maybe. Tapi secara akademik, gue lancar2 aja. Di semester 7 saat ambil skripsi pertama, gue harusnya udah bisa lulus semester 7 kalau skripsi selesai karena matkul udah mencukupi buat lulus. IPK juga masih ok 3.52. Tapi ga bangga juga sih, soalnya menurut gue gampang dapat IPK segitu di kampus gue, jangan bandingin sama ITB atau UI, jauh, yang udah grinding pun katanya masih sulit dapat IPK bagus disitu.

Flashback kehidupan sekolah


SD ga pernah belajar di rumah tapi diikutin les ke tetangga yang udah retired jadi guru SD. Jadi di kelas pas materinya diulang, gue udah paham duluan dan sering jawab ketika gurunya nanya. 2 moment yang gue inget waktu itu ketika pak A nanya urutan peredaran darah di jantung. Materi yang diajarin minggu lalu dan diajuin pak A buat nge test aja, gue angkat tangan dan jawab bener. Temen cewek si R nyeletuk 'eh lu pinter ya masih inget aja materi minggu lalu'. Yang kedua pas pelajaran MTK dan dikasih 10 soal sehabis dikasih tahu materinya, pak P guru MTK juga bilang 'yang udah selesai boleh istirahat duluan'. Soalnya penjumlahan bilangan pecahan sehabis diajarin FPB dan KPK. Beberapa menit selesai dan gue maju mau ngumpulin ke pak P buat dikoreksi, bener semua dan saat gue mau keluar, pak P nyeletuk ke temen gue si Y yang lagi ngobrol "eh Y, jangan ngobrol mulu, langsung kerjain kayak anton biar pinter juga". Tapi sebenernya gue ga pinter2 amat sih, gue bisa karena udah belajar duluan di les2an. Udah 2x lagi, les2annya cuman 1 ruangan, angkatan gue dan 1 tingkat di atas itu digabung. Gue udah belajar duluan tahun kemarin di les2an, gampang banget jadinya. Btw model les2annya 'siapa yang nanya materi X' malam itu bahas materi X, kalau ga ada yang nanya, pak K bakal ngasih pelajaran di subjek specialitynya 'sejarah', kadang bahas sejarah folklore kayak cerita2 candi, ken arok, atau cerita2 perjuangan kemerdekaan.
IDK why I'm still remember that 2 moments lol.


Pas lulus SD dapat nilai UN bagus dan bisa masuk SMP favorit. Kebetulan SMP 1 lokasinya di desa gue jadi bisa sepedaan karena deket dengan rumah. SMP berikutnya, SMP 2 punya jarak lokasi 8KM an. Tapi udah expected sih masuk SMP 1, karena di kelas 6, beberapa murid yang pinter2 dapat kelas tambahan buat diajarin lagi supaya bisa ngasih contekan ke temen rata2 nilai UN yang bagus buat SDnya. Walaupun gue minta ke ortu buat dimasukin SMP 2 aja, karena banyak temen2 gue yang masuk situ, tapi ga dibolehin. SMP 1 sama SMP 2 selain jauh jaraknya, SMP 1 emang bener2 favorit, bahkan ada murid2 yang nge kost waktu masuk SMP situ karena rumahnya jauh banget.
Waktu SMP di kelas 7C, karena ga les lagi dan ga pernah belajar di rumah, gue jadi tolol dan dapat ranking paling bawah, rank 32 :') Semester berikutnya Alhamdulillah ada kenaikan jadi ranking 4 tapi dari paling bawah, rank 28.
Bokap guru SMP di luar pulau yang pulang cuman 1-2 minggu tiap liburan semester, akhirnya tahu gue sulit disuruh belajar, ranking bawah dan kerjaannya cuman main PC. Sejak kelas 8 di daftarin bimbel P yang mahal. Gue masih ga belajar di rumah, cuman belajar waktu les dan di kelas. Singkatnya gue jadi dapat ranking 7 dan ranking 1 waktu kelas 8 (beneran rank dari atas). Entah gue yang beneran pinter atau karena gue masuk kelas H di kelas 8. (di SMP kelasnya ada A sampai H, Kelas A dan B itu spesial / favorit, isinya murid2 yang top ranking waktu kelas 7).
Endingnya waktu SMP, gue dapat nilai UN yang cukup lumayan tapi gagal masuk SMA Favorit, udah DP kost2an padahal :')


Karena gagal masuk SMA 1 G, SMA favorit sekabupaten (jauh tapi ga jauh2 banget), mau ambil SMA Favorit yang di kota juga males karena jauh banget. Akhirnya masuk SMA 1 P yang cukup OK dan ga jauh2 banget, 15m motoran. Ada sih SMA 1 C yang deket rumah tapi waktu itu SMA 1 P secara umum masih lebih bagus katanya. Tapi 1 hal yang bikin nyesek, ternyata di SMA 1 C mata pelajaran ekstranya ada 'bahasa jepang' :') Baru tahu yang namanya anime kelas 12 soalnya, jadi ga ambil pertimbangan mata pelajaran ekstra waktu milih SMA.
Btw info tambahan 'si R temen SD gue'. Dia masuk SMP 1 C juga, sama kayak gue dan dia ada di kelas A / B (kelas favorit). Dan waktu Kelas 9, Kelas A dan B kayak di spread gitu dan gue sekelas lagi sama si R (ga deket sih sama R tapi dia fun, keren, aktif dan sering ketawa anaknya, seinget gue). Pas SMA dia masuk SMA Favorit yang di kota, kelas akselerasi, jadi 2 tahun aja SMAnya, kalau ga salah lagi, dia kuliah HI tapi ga tahu sih, karena ga deket juga.
Tapi ada twist waktu gue masuk SMA, bokap gue juga masuk SMA 1 P di tahun yang sama bareng gue. "Hah, bokap lu masuk SMA?", iya, setelah perjuangan bertahun2 buat ngurus pindah PNS, bokap gue akhirnya berhasil balik ke rumah, btw gue tinggal ama 'mbah uti' (nenek dari bokap).
Satu hal yang beda dari sekolah favorit dan sekolah biasa. Rasa kompetisi waktu di SMP ilang aja gitu dan sekolahnya ga nge enforce murid2nya buat saling kompeitisi (bukan berarti jelek tapi beda aja). Selain nemu hobi baru nonton anime. Gue jadi corrupted sewaktu ujian semester kelas 10 dan sebangku sama kating cwk kelas 11. Contekan. Hal tabu yang ga pernah gue lakuin waktu SMP kecuali pas UN. Zaman itu, 3 hari UN masih jadi penentu lulus ngganya murid.
Karena temen2 kelas waktu itu majority juga pakai contekan dan gue orangnya manipulateable. Gue ikutan punya kebiasaan nyontek, waktu test mingguan, ujian tengah semester dan ujian. Tapi lucunya, gue masih dapat ranking waktu SMA. Bukan karena gue bener2 paham materinya kayak waktu SMP, tapi mungkin karena gue kelihatan pinter, komputer guy (udah bisa ngetik 10 jari dan udah biasa pakai google di daily life dengan HP Nokia 5130XM yang gue pakai selama 9 tahun, dari masuk SMP sampai lulus SMA), dari SMP favorit juga dan anaknya tipikal anak polos baik2 gitu. Dan gue baru tahu ternyata bokap di awal sering nanyain guru2 gue sehabis ujian "eh si anton gimana nilainya? ooh gitu ya, kok bisa segitu nilainya? dll". Mungkin guru2 lain merasa terganggu dan males jawabanya? lol, gue juga bukan siswa bermasalah jadi di bagus2in aja nilainya?. Tapi ada 1 temen seangkatan juga yang ibunya udah lama ngajar di situ tapi ga ranking. Jadi ngga tahu sih, ini pengaruh bokap atau bukan.
Skip ke akhir kelas 12.
Karena gue dikenal pinter, nilai bagus2 dan temen2 sering minta contekan PR karena gue hampir selalu ngerjain (udah manfaatin google buat belajar dan nugas sejak SMP kelas 8, masih banyak yang belum terbiasa nge google sih dulu). Banyak yang expect gue bakal dapai nilai UN bagus di SMA. Tapi... gue kenal DotA2 di kelas 12. Masa-masa yang seharusnya gue pakai buat grinding belajar UN, ngejar ketertinggalan materi. Parahnya lagi gue begadang main DotA2 sewaktu UN dan kena flu, jadi ngerjain harus sambil hati2 ada cairan yang netes dari hidung ke kertas UN.
Akhirnya gue ngecewain banyak orang, gue ga ambil pusing karena di angkatan gue waktu itu, persyaratan lulus atau tidak udah diserahin ke sekolah, bukan karena nilai UN. Karena info UN ga menentukan kelulusan itu, gue commit buat berhenti pakai contekan dan kembali ke jalan yang lurus. Tapi karena nilai UN yang jelek, udah expect juga ga bakal keterima jalur undangan ke pilihan 1 ITS. Sejak kelas 11 udah tahu juga mau ambil jurusan IT, sempet install android studio dan nyicip java dikit pas kelas 12 tapi karena DotA2, sekedar nyicip aja, nyarinya malah tutorial DotA2 di dotaallstars.
Karena jalur undangan gagal, akhirnya coba jalur mandiri di Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS) karena tanggal testnya lebih dulu dibandingin jalur tulis umum masuk PTN (SBMPTN waktu itu namanya). Karena PENS jalur mandirinya duluan, akreditasi di jurusan komputernya ok, ga terlalu jauh dan ga kemahalan kayak Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA) waktu itu. Sedihnya yang diterima waktu itu 12 dan gue nomor 13nya. Padahal kalau diterima, gue punya waktu jauh lebih banyak main DotA2 sambil nunggu masuk kuliah. Karena ga lolos, akhirnya grinding materi2 SBMPTN lagi lewat langganan bulanan di Zenius dan les offline di bimbel P. Karena ragu dan takut ga lolos kalau ambil ITS di pilihan 1 SBMPTN, akhirnya milih di PTN yang ok juga dan nerima mahasiswa banyak buat jurusan komputernya tapi bukan di surabaya.
Eh ternyata lolos, Alhamdulillah jadi ga perlu ngeluarin duit banyak buat jalur mandiri, tapi keluarnya kok sulit ya ... udah 9 tahun :')
Tapi harusnya lulus sih di sm14 ini, tinggal benerin laporan skripsi yang salah2. Aplikasi udah OK tapi mungkin gue improve lagi kalau ada waktu setelah nulis laporan (optional).

Life is good :D

Awalnya sebelum nulis panjang lebar itu, mau fokus ke bagian ini Life is good. Walaupun gue S1 9 tahun, gue happy2 aja. Kayaknya gue bakal bahagia tetep bahagia selama gue masih bisa duduk depan komputer, ada internet, punya atap atau numpang di rumah ortu dan punya duit buat makan besok.
Laptop spek pas2an, internet ga kenceng2 amat, atap walau hanya kost2an, nasi masak, dengan duit makan sekedar sayur 3k + 2k gorengan dan sekali2 makan hedon pakai gofood nunggu promo. Life is good. 5 tahun lagi gue masih gini juga bodo amat, tapi dalam 5 tahun skill2 gue pasti lebih jago. Rejeki halal juga udah diatur dan ga akan kemana. Gue juga ga bakal mati sebelum semua rezeki yang ditakdirkan buat gue dikasih Tuhan.
Quotes dari islam yang bikin gue ga khawatir di umur 26 baru lulus S1.
submitted by anton-rs to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 17:30 DrShail The Entire History of Binaca Geetmala's Top Song of the Year from the Evergreen 50s through the Golden 60s, Masala 70s, Dazzling 80s to the end in the 90s

"Behno aur Bhaiyo” was the greeting style of the golden voice of Radio legend “Ameen Sayani” as he introduced India to the most popular songs on India’s first Bollywood song countdown called Binaca Geetmala. The Bollywood music chart aired on Radio Ceylon from 1952 to 1988 and from 1989 to 1994 on Vividh Bharti and week after week all of India looked forward to hearing the familiar voice of the legend as he shared the best songs of Bollywood. At the end of each year Binaca Geetmala announced the number 1 most popular song of the year based on record sales and listener club feedback. I want to take this opportunity to share some trivia and mini reviews of the Binaca Geetmala top songs of the year from 1953 to 1993. Let's start with the songs crowned "the top of the pop" by Binaca Geetmala in the evergreen 50s and how they fared against their competition in that year's Filmfare awards.
1953 - "Yeh Zindagi Usi Ki Hai" from the movie “Anarkali" beautifully sung by Lata Mangeshkar with music by C Ramchandra and lyrics by Rajinder Krishan was the first annual top song of the Binaca Geetmala. Basant Prakash was the original composer for the movie and recorded one song with Geeta Bali. However due to a disagreement with the producer, he was replaced by C Ramchandra who brought in Lata to sing all the remaining songs for the movie. “Yeh Zindagi Usi Ki Hai” was the ultimate heartbreak song of that era which Anarkali (played by Bina Rai) sings as she is buried alive behind a wall as a helpless Salim (played by Pradeep Kumar) struggles to reach in time to save his love. C Ramchandra used the help of another music icon Roshan (Grandfather of Hrithik and father of Rajesh and Rakesh Roshan) to collaborate on the composition of the melody of this song. This movie introduced the talented Nasir Hussain to Bollywood who started his career as a writer for this movie and would go on to create the masala film genre with musical extravaganzas like Yaadon Ki Baraat, Hum Kissi Se Kum Nahin and many many more. Even though the song ruled the charts but it lost the first ever Filmfare Award for music direction to Naushad’s iconic “Tu Ganga Ki Mauj” from Baiju Bawra.
1954 - “Jayen To Jayen Kahan” from “Taxi Driver’ sung by Talat Mahmood with music by S.D. Burman and Sahir Ludhianvi’s poetry ruled the charts the following year. This was one of the best songs by the forgotten music Icon Talat Mehmood. His good looks made him an actor in several movies with Nutan and Suraiya but would give up acting to focus on singing. His smooth and velvety vocals were the voice of Dilip Kumar and early Dev Anand. The arrival of Mohammed Rafi and the infusion of rock n roll into Bollywood music in the 60s would sideline Talat Mahmood, who unfortunately literally disappeared from the landscape of modern Bollywood. This brilliant song is drenched with melancholy as Talat’s vocals emotes the pathos of Sahir’s poetry. S.D. Burman won his first Filmfare Award for best music director for this song for “Taxi Driver”. The song was picturized on Dev Anand and a second version sung by Lata Mangeshkar was shot on Kalpana Karthik who Dev Sahib fell in love with and married secretly on the set during a break while shooting “Taxi Driver”.
1955 - “Mera Joota Hai Japani” from the movie "Shree 420” sweetly sung by Mukesh with music by Shankar Jaikishan and Shailendra’s lyrics made Raj Kapoor an Indian Icon and a global star. It’s patriotic theme made it the biggest song of the year in India and the Russians went absolute gaga over this song when RK gave them the highest possible honor of his crown “Sar Par Laal Topi Roosi”. The song has been used in multiple Hollywood movies like Mississippi masala, Gravity and Deadpool. Hemant Kumar’s “Nagin" with it's haunting "Been" melody would win the Filmfare Award for music direction even though Shankar Jaikishan’s soundtrack topped record sales.
1956 - "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil Jeena Yahan” from “C.I.D.” was playfully sung by Mohammed Rafi and Geeta Dutt with the music of O.P. Nayyar and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s lyrics. Johnny Walker and Kumkum’s street hustling characters warn their fellow citizens about the fast life of their favorite city in this iconic anthem "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil Jeena Yahan, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, Yeh Hai Bombay Meri Jaan”. Mohammed Rafi was the closest we can get to a true “Method” singer who brilliantly adapted his vocal style to the actors he sang for. He sat with Johnny Walker for a few days before recording the song to observe his mannerisms and modulate his voice to best fit him on screen. He took singing to the next level of the art form. “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil” would rule the chart and hearts of India but unfortunately lose at the Filmfare awards to the RK classic “Chori Chori” which was an album full of iconic songs like “Aaja Sanam Madhur Chandni Mein Hum” and “Yeh Raat Bheegi Bheegi”.
1957 - "Zara Saamne Toh Aao Chhaliye” from "Janam Janam Ke Phere” was one of the earliest hit duets by Lata and Rafi with the music of S.N. Tripathi and lyrics by Bharat Vyas. S.N. Tripathi was a forgotten multitalented genius of early Bollywood who composed, sang, dubbed, wrote, acted, produced and directed movies. He exclusively composed music for mythological movies and was best known for being the first to use the “Jai Hind” slogan in a song during the British Raj. This song was picturized on its leads Nirupa Roy and Manhar Desai for the movie “Janam Janam Ke Phere” which was also known as "Sati Anapurna”. This was the first movie directed by Manoo Desai who would revert to his full name of "Manmohan Desai” as he began his long commercially successful career of super hits with his next movie “Chhalia” with Raj Kapoor. His first movie was average and quickly forgotten but he would have a stellar 60s with Shammi Kapoor, an even brighter 70s with Rajesh Khanna before he would direct a string of 7 super hit movies with Big B in the 70s and 80s. O.P. Nayyar’s “Naya Daur” would be the big winner at Filmfare awards that year.
1958 - "Hai Apna Dil Toh Awara” from “Solva Saal” was an amazing haunting song sung by Hemant Kumar with S.D. Burman’s music and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s beautiful lyrics. The song was picturized on Dev Anand and Waheeda Rehman and the mouth organ on this song was played by the maestro Dada Burman’s son and future maestro Pancham AKA R.D. Burman. Filmfare awards were dominated that year by the Bimal Roy classic “Madhumati” for which Salil Chowdhury won best music director and the first playback singer award was actually won by Lata Mangeshkar (There was no female singer category) for "Aaja Re Pardesi” and Shailendra won the first award for best lyricist for Yahudi’s “Yeh Mera Deewanapan Hai"
1959 - "Haal Kaisa Hai Janaab Ka” from “Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi” passionately sung by Kishore Kumar with Asha Bhosle to the music of his guru S.D. Burman and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s lyrics. This is the song during which Kishore and Madhubala fell in love. Madhubala never looked happier and more beautiful than she did in this song and Kishore’s pitch and yodels never sounded better. This playful song ruled the charts but Filmfare awards were taken over by Raj Kapoor’s “Anari” as Shankar Jaikishan won best music director, Mukesh became the first male singer to win for singing and Shailendra would win his second back to back best lyricist award for “Sab Kuch Seekha Humne”.
1960 - "Zindagi Bhar Nai Bhoolegi Wo Barsaat Ki Raat" from the movie “Barsaat Ki Raat" beautifully sung by Mohammed Rafi with music by Roshan and lyrics by Sahir Ludhianvi was the decade’s first annual top song of the Binaca Geetmala. The image of Madhubala admiring Bharat Bhushan’s voice as she eagerly listens to this song on radio masterfully depicts the importance of radio and the Geetmala in those days. The film popularized qawwalis, however Rafi’s ultra-romantic version of Sahir’s poetry was a masterpiece. The song was about Madhubala and Bharat Bhushan’s characters chance meeting on a stormy night as Roshan’s brilliant background score channels their internal storm without a single word spoken between the two characters throughout the scene. Bharat Bhushan’s poet translates his experience from that brief encounter into this amazing song. Rafi would win the Filmfare Award that year for another iconic song “Chaudhvin Ka Chand” for which Shakeel Badayuni would get the best lyricist award as Shankar Jaikishan won for best music director for “Dil Apna Preet Parai” which featured Lata’s iconic “Ajeeb Dastaan Hai Yeh”.
1961 - "Teri Pyaari Pyaari Surat Ko” from “Sasural” became Mohammed Rafi's second top chartbuster of the decade with Shankar Jaikishan’s music and Hasrat Jaipuri’s lyrics. Rajendra Kumar had already a few hits under his belt including playing Nargis’s son in Mother India in the 50s, however the 60s saw his actual rise to stardom and “Sasural” was one of the initial blockbusters which earned him the crown of Jubilee Kumar. Kumar’s lead actress in the movie was B Saroja Devi who was called the "Saraswathi of acting” in the Kannada film industry. This would be one of her biggest Hindi movies as Kumar tries to woo her with the flirtatious "Teri Pyaari Pyaari Surat Ko, Kisi Ki Nazar Na Lage, Chashme Budoor”. The song topped the charts and also won Rafi his 2nd consecutive Filmfare Award for singing.
1962 - "Ehsaan Tera Hoga Mujh Par” from “Junglee” became Mohammed Rafi’s 3rd consecutive top of the chart song with another delightful collaboration with Shankar Jaikishan and Hasrat Jaipuri. This song was originally planned as a Mohammed Rafi only song, but the director felts its power and got Lata to sing her version of this classic tune. This was Junglee's romantic anthem and played a big role in shaping Shammi Kapoor’s romantic image as it skyrocketed him to mega-stardom with back to back hits in the 60s. Shankar Jaikishan won best music director for another Shammi Kapoor masterpiece “Professor” while Lata won the best singer award for the haunting “Kahin Deep Jale” from the surprise superhit "Bees Saal Baad” which also earned Shakeel Badayuni his 3rd consecutive Filmfare Award for best lyrics.
1963 - "Jo Wada Kiya Woh Nibhana Padega” from “Taj Mahal” was the amazing Lata - Rafi duet which became one of the most memorable songs of the golden era with the music of Roshan and Sahir Ludhianvi’s masterful lyrics. This song conquered everything, the hearts of Indians, the Geetmala with astronomical sales and Roshan winning his only award for music director along with Sahir Ludhianvi’s first win for Lyrics. Sahir was one of the greatest Urdu poets to write Bollywood songs and he was among the first to tell composers to compose music around his lyrics and demanded that All India Radio also give credit to the songs lyricist when playing the songs. The song featured Pradeep Kumar and Beena Rai who both achieved tremendous success with Taj Mahal but it also became among their last hit movies in lead role. Beena Rai who was married to Prem Nath retired from movies and Pradeep Kumar couldn’t compete with the fresh blood of Shammi Kapoor, Rajendra Kumar and even smaller actors like Biswajeet and Joy Mukherjee. He very quickly got sidelined into character actors roles but got immortalized forever as a result of this evergreen romantic gem.
1964 - “Bol Radha Bol” from “Sangam” once again brought the Raj Kapoor - Shankar Jaikishan - Shailendra - Mukesh collaboration to the top of the charts. This was a fun and naughty song as Raj Kapoor with a Gopi-esque feather in his hair teases a sensual Vyjayanthimala in a red swimsuit while swimming in the river. There is an interesting story behind the origin of the song. RK tried multiple times to sign Vyjayanthimala for the movie. After several follow ups, he sent her a telegram asking her “Bol Radha Bol, Sangam Hoga Ke Nahi” to which she replied “Hoga Hoga, Zaroor Hoga”. When RK happily showed her confirmation telegram to Shailendra, the poet immediately sang “Tere Mann Ki Ganga aur Mere Mann Ki Jamuna Ka Bol Radha Bol Sangam Hoga Ke Nahi”. The rest is history. Sangam was one of the biggest blockbusters of Raj Kapoor’s career grossing more than 700 crore rupees (Adjusted for inflation), however on Filmfare night, a small movie named “Dosti” would bring down the Goliath “Sangam” by winning all the best music director, singer and lyricist awards.
1965 - "Jis Dil Mein Basa Tha Pyaar Tera” from the movie “Saheli” sung by Mukesh with the music by Kalyanji Anandji and lyrics by Indeevar topped the charts. The movie featured Pradeep Kumar and Kalpana right before they both disappeared into the oblivion of Bollywood character acting. The movie was directed by Arjun Hingorani before he got super-obsessed with Dharmendra and the letter “K” and made “Kab, Kyon Aur Kahaan”, “Kahani Kismat Ki”, “Khel Khiladi Ka”, "Katilon Ke Katil”, “Karishma Kudrat Ka” and “Kaun Kare Kurbani” with Garam Dharam. Kalyanji Anandji and their assistants Laxmikant Pyarelal collaborated to create this melancholic masterpiece. Ravi’s “Khandaan" would be the big winner sweeping best music director, singer and lyricist awards.
1966 - "Baharon Phool Barsao Mera Mehboob Aaya Hai” from “Suraj” sung by Rafi with Shankar Jaikishan’s music and Hasrat Jaipuri’s romantic lyrics topped the charts in the year when one of India’s brightest Gems “Guide” received tremendous critical acclaim for its songs and music. The movie featured a child artist named Baby Sonia who would grow up to become Neetu Singh AKA Mrs Rishi Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor’s mother. The fans adored the love with which Rajendra Kumar showered his leading actress Vyjayanthimala as he sang this romantic song for his beloved. The song topped the charts and sweeped the Filmfare Award by winning best music director, lyricist and singer. 1967 - "Saawan Ka Mahina Pawan Kare Sor” by Mukesh and Lata was another beloved chartbuster and Filmfare Award winning masterpiece composed by Laxmikant Pyarelal on Anand Bakshi’s lyrics. Dosti was LP’s breakthrough album and earned them their first award after which they returned to assisting Kalyanji Anandji. Milan was the movie which truly established them as a standalone dynamic musical duo and future stars of Indian music. The song also established Anand Bakshi as a lyricist earning him his first of 41 Filmfare nominations and began his 300+ movie collaboration with Laxmikant Pyarelal. The song has a funny and brilliant wordplay between Mukesh and Lata as Sunil’s villager character sings the word “Sor” which Nutan’s educated pupil sings “Shor” and he responds “Shor Nahi Sor, Sor”. This melodious masterpiece is the heart and soul of the movie which would earn LP their 2nd Filmfare award after Dosti while the lyrics award would go to the patriotic masterpiece “Mere Desh Ki Dharti” sung beautifully by Mahendra Kapoor. Mahendra would also win best male singer for Hamraaz’s “Neele Gagan Ke Tale”. Lata’s sister Asha Bhosle would win her first Filmfare Award for Dus Lakh’s “Garibon Ki Suno” in the first award best female singer award.
1968 - "Dil Vil Pyar Vyar Main Kya Jaanu Re” from “Shagird” sung by Lata Mangeshkar with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s lyrics would become the biggest hit of the year. The song was picturized on Saira Bano along with Joy Mukherjee and played a critical role in making the movie a superhit. The song and movie were nowhere to be seen on award night as Shankar Jaikishan’s Shammi Kapoor blockbuster “Brahmachari” would win best director, male singer and a posthumous lyricist award for Shailendra. Asha Bhosle would win her consecutive second Best female singer Filmfare award for Shikhar’s "Parde Men Rahne Do”.
1969 - "Kaise Rahoon Chup Ki Maine Pi Hi Kya Hai” from “Intaqam” was sung by Lata with LP’s music and Rajendra Krishan’s lyrics. So Laxmikant Pyarelal ended the 60s at the top of the charts for 3 consecutive years and signaled a change of guards from the maestros of the golden era to the masters of the 70s masala. Lata sang the song with such perfection that her slurring delivery convinced fans that the nightingale must have been under the influence while recording the song. Lata sounded more drunk than Sadhana appeared on screen and earned her a 17th Filmfare nomination for singing. She would lose to herself for Jeene Ki Raah’s "Aap Mujhe Achhe Lagne Lage”.
1970 - "Bindiya Chamkegi Choodi Khankegi" from the movie “Do Raaste” was full of spunk and energy for the new decade with Lata singing Anand Bakshi’s playful lyrics to Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music. The 70s began with the first superhit collaboration of iconic Kaka - Mumu Jodi as Mumtaz rose from a B Grade movie actress to the first superstar’s leading lady. This was Mumtaz’s 60th movie in the industry and the one that finally made the once child artist turned “stunt film heroine" into a bonafide star and inspiration for millions of struggling artists starting at the bottom of the Bollywood food chain. This was Rajesh Khanna’s 270 Crore (Adjusted for inflation) grossing blockbuster and number 5 in his 17 movie consecutive hit spree. With this movie he would solidify his superstardom and continue delivering hit after hit. The success of this movie would start his hit pairing with Mumtaz in 10 iconic movies. ”Bindiya Chamkegi” ruled the pop charts, while Shankar Jaikishan’s “Pehchan” and “Jahan Pyar Mile” would give the legends the edge at Filmfare Awards over LP in the early days of the decade.
1971 - "Zindagi Ek Safar Hai Suhana” from Andaz was sung with such passion and energy by Kishore and Asha that this Shankar Jaikishan and Hasrat Jaipuri classic was enough to make the movie a box office success. The movie was released at the height of Rajesh Khanna’s superstardom with his face right in the center of the poster, his name in bold above all other actors and this song picturized on him was in every trailer and promo, despite the fact that Kaka only had a 10 minute cameo including the song in the movie. The lead actor of the movie was Shammi Kapoor whose 60s box office charm and magic had vanished. A first time director named “Ramesh Sippy” always wanted to make his debut with Shammi, so when the dancing star of the 60s agreed to take on a more mature role in “Andaz” a new star director was born. Sippy would go on to make the biggest movie of all time, "Sholay” and follow it with masterpieces like “Shaan”, “Shakti” and Saagar”. Shammi got one of his last superhits as a lead actor but everyone knew that the reason for the movie’s success was fans flocking to the cinema to watch Kaka ride a bike as he sang “Zindagi Ek Safar Hai Suhana”. Hasrat Jaipuri would win the best lyrics Filmfare Award for the song. Shankar Jaikishan would also dominate at the awards again but it would be Raj Kapoor’s “Mera Naam Joker” which would earn them yet another best music director and Manna Dey his only filmfare award.
1972 - “Dum Maro Dum” from “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” sung by Asha Bhosle would establish R.D. Burman’s music as the new wave sound of the decade and etch Anand Bakshi’s lyrics into the annals of Bollywood’s pop music history. Asha Bhosle would win the Filmfare award for this brilliant psychedelic number which Dev Anand wasn’t too interested to include in his movie. Pancham and Anand Bakshi were so sure about its potential that they would not hear “No” from the movie’s legendary writer - actor - producer - director. They stood their ground and India swayed to the hypnotic melody, sounds and vocals of the song. Dev Sahib would get his first directorial super hit, Pancham would become the go to composer for the fresh pop sound and India would get their first glimpse of the sensual Zeenat Aman.
1973 - "Yaari Hai Imaan Mera, Yaar Meri Zindagi” and “Zanzeer” would change Bollywood forever as it would announce the beginning of the era of a angry young man. Manna Dey’s exceptional vocals would immortalize Gulshan Bawra’s ode to friendship and earn Bawra the best lyricist award. Zanzeer was a Dharmendra vehicle which he couldn’t make because of a really busy schedule. So the director Prakash Mehra offered it to Dev Anand, who didnt like the "no smile, no song and all business" cop character and declined the movie. Raj Kumar who was a cop before joining films liked the script but his dislike for Prakash Mehra's looks made it impossible to cast him. Raj Kumar is known to have made the following statements to Mehra, “Hum Yeh Film Karenge, Aur Zaroor Karenge, Lekin Humhe Set Par Tumhara Yeh Manhoos Chehra Nahin Dikhna Chahiye” and its amazing follow up “Humhe Yeh Kahani Pasand Hai, Bahut Pasand Hai, Lekin Tumhare Baalo Se Aati Hui Yeh Ghatiya Tel Ki Badboo Ki Wajah Se ,Hum Yeh Film Nahin Banayenge”. Truly hilarious. Mehra would also get rejected by Dilip Kumar, after which Pran would tell him to watch a movie called “Bombay to Goa” with a lanky young actor called Amitabh Bachchan. Rest is history. Big B would get crowned the next superstar with Zanjeer and it would become his first hit movie with future wife Jaya, Prakash Mehra found his muse and leading man of 7 blockbusters, Salim Javed would become the genius writing duo for the ages, Pran would solidify himself as the highest paid “character” actor and Ajit’s iconic character “Teja” would say “ Lilly don't be silly”. Now this is how icons are born.
1974 - "Mera Jeevan Kora Kagaz Kora Hi Reh Gaya” from “Kora Kagaz” sung magnificently by Kishore Kumar with Kalyanji Anandji’s music and M.G. Hashmat’s lyrics. The movie was centered around Jaya’s character and it required a middle aged actor to play the role of her estranged husband. None of the middle aged actors wanted to change their image and play the role against Jaya, Sanjeev Kumar was unavailable and all the newer actors were too young for the role. That is how the legendary director of Guide, Jewel Thief, Johny Mera Naam and several other masterpieces and Dev Anand’s brother, Goldie Anand got roped into the play the role. The movie would become his first super hit as a lead actor. Kishore's epic song “Kora Kagaz” was beautifully picturized on Jaya. Kalyanji Anandji would win best music director award for the short 3 song soundtrack of “Kora Kagaz”, but Mahendra Kapoor and Santosh Anand would win best singer and lyrics for Roti Kapda Aur Makaan.
1975 - "Baaki Kuchh Bacha To Mahangai Maar Gayee” from “Roti Kapda Aur Makaan” would top the charts the following year after RKAP had already won Filmfare year awards for the previous year. Laxmikant Pyarelal’s composition of Varma Malik’s lyrics about India’s socio-economic condition, sung by Lata, Mukesh, Jaani Babu Qawwal and Narendra Chanchal rang true and connected with the public especially the youth during an unemployment crisis. The movie had already completed its Filmfare award cycle even though the song stayed top of mind and charts, other movies like Rajesh Roshan’s debut “Julie”, Kishore Kumar’s “Amanush” and Sulakshana Pandit’s “Sankalp” would win the awards.
1976 - "Kabhi Kabhie Mere Dil Mein Khayaal Aata Hai” from the iconic “Kabhi Kabhie” was an exceptional composition by Khayyam of Sahir Ludhianvi’s iconic poetry given voice by Mukesh and Lata. The movie and the song had such heart and soul that it conquered the box office, the charts and the awards as it won for best music director, lyricist and male singer. Mukesh had unfortunately passed away on his US tour and his award was accepted posthumously. Mukesh was another maestro whose sweet voice was taken away too soon at the age of 53. He left for his heavenly abode when he was still at the top of his game in a year when he received 3 Filmfare nominations and songs. Mukesh had recorded songs for other movies yet to be released for which he would receive 2 more nominations in the next two years. Such was the immortality of his voice and music. A true icon and legend.
1977 - "Husn Haazir Hai Mohabbat Ki Sazaa Paane Ko” from “Laila Majnu” was yet another Sahir Ludhianvi masterpiece in Urdu poetry which was brought to life by Madan Mohan through the voice of Lata Mangeshkar. The maestro Madan Mohan had already passed away in 1975, so he never saw the success of his music for Laila Majnu. After his passing away, the producer H.S. Rawail reached out to the young and upcoming Rajesh Roshan to compose the remaining songs for the movie, however Rajesh refused to step into the shoes of the maestro as he didnt consider himself worthy enough of the honor. S.D. Burman’s erstwhile assistant and music composer Jaidev would step in to complete the work of the maestro. Rishi played Majnu to the debutant Ranjeeta’s Laila in this hit love story, however there was no love lost on the set as Rishi would refuse to promote her. Ranjeeta had already signed a few movies which would also become box office hits, however mainstream actors would start stepping away from working with her in movies forcing her to get confined to smaller roles and B grade movies. Surprisingly the movie would also be completely absent from the Filmfare awards which would be dominated by "Amar Akbar Anthony", "Hum Kissi Se Kum Nahin” and the invasion of middle cinema movies like “Manthan”, “Gharonda”, “Bhumica” and “Swami”.
1978 - "Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se, Maine Dekha Jo” from "Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se” sung by Hemlata with lyrics and music by Ravindra Jain became the next year's biggest hit. This was a heartbreaking movie from Rajshri starring Ranjeeta and Sachin which did well at the box office but would get crushed by Big B's “Don” and Raj Kapoor’s “Satyam Shivam Sundaram” on Filmfare Awards night.
1979 - "O Saathi Re” from “Muqaddar Ka Sikandar” sung by Kishore Kumar with Kalyanji Anandji’s music and Anjaan’s lyrics was the big song of the last year of the decade. Kader Khan had written a mammoth 16 pages of dialogues based on his own life’s challenges for Big B to deliver in the movie before he performs this song on stage. Amitabh refused to deliver such a long monologue but Kader also refused to shorten the dialogues. Amitabh then sat down with Kader to reason with him but he was brought to tears on hearing Kader’s life journey and pains which inspired the dialogues. He agreed to do the scene with the 16 pages of dialogues before Kishore Kumar sings the drenched in melancholy “O Saathi Re”. The movie and all its songs became superhit but middle cinema continued to rule at the awards as smaller movies “Gol Maal”, “Dada” and “Sargam” would win the Filmfare awards.
1980 - "Dafli Wale Dafli Baja” from “Sargam” sung by Lata and Rafi with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Anand Bakshi’s lyrics became the only song ever to debut and stay at the top of the charts for 25 consecutive weeks till it was officially retired. The movie would be Jaya Pradha's triumphant entry into Bollywood during the days when she couldn’t even speak a single word of Hindi which made her role of a mute in Sargam a perfect Bollywood debut for her. This movie helped Chintu get more single hero movies. Laxmikant Pyarelal won their 6th Filmfare award for “Sargam” and Rafi would return to form as he sang all the songs of this superhit album like he used to sing in the 50s and 60s.
1981 - “Mere Angne Mein” from Laawaris sung by the superstar Amitabh Bachchan and a 14 year old Alka Yagnik with the music of Kalyanji Anandji and Anjaan’s lyrics topped the charts for most of the year. This was one of the most commercial Amitabh voiced tracks of his career. Amitabh himself sang the most popular version of this folk song in which he croons about the benefits of having a Tall, Fat, Dark, Light Skinned or Short wife. The video of the song was so popular as Amitabh appears as the multiple kind of wives he is singing about that the movie got repeated viewings so that the fans could dance again and again to this number with Big B. Umrao Jaan, Ek Dujhe Ke Liye, Love Story and Kudrat would split the Filmfare music awards.
1982 - "Angrezi Mein Kehte Hain” from “Khud-Daar” was a fun duet by Lata and Kishore with Rajesh Roshan’s music and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s lyrics. Amitabh began his career with the movie Saat Hindustani where he and another struggling actor Anwar Ali became close friends. Anwar Ali was Mehmood’s younger brother and Amitabh lived with Anwar in Mehmood’s guest house for the initial few years of his career. Mehmood gave Anwar and Amitabh a break in his movie Bombay and Goa. Rest is history. Anwar Ali’s career didnt kick off like his friend and he was in deep financial troubles in the 80s when he decided to produce a movie with his friend Big B. Since Anwar couldn’t afford the superstar and his usual entourage of Salim-Javed, Prakash Mehra and Manmohan Desai, Amitabh decided to help out his friend by not taking any signing amount and working for a very small payday and brought in his friends Kader Khan and Ravi Tandon to write and direct the movie. The movie was released the month Amitabh got a near fatal injury while shooting for Coolie. Hordes of fans rushed to the hospital to pray for the superstar and also to the cinema hall to make Khud-Daar one of the biggest hits of the year. India sang and danced to the movie’s songs and learned how to say “I love you” in English, Gujrati, Bengali and Punjabi like Kishore does in this song. Filmfare Awards focused on movies like "Namak Halal", “Nikaah" and "Prem Rog" and also finally rewarded R.D. Burman for his illustrious career by finally naming him Best music director for “Sanam Teri Kasam”.
1983 - "Shayad Meri Shaadi” from “Souten” brought a Rajesh Khanna song to the top for the first time in more than 10 years as Kishore and Lata sang to Usha Khanna’s music and Sawan Kumar’s lyrics. The movie lived upto its name as Rajesh Khanna and his leading lady Tina Munim had an affair during the shooting of the movie in Mauritius. This love affair would lead to Dimple’s divorce with Kaka and Tina’s split with Sanjay Dutt. Sawan Kumar made the most of the news of their affair to promote the movie as he leaked pics of the two leads at a wedding function, leading to further rumors of their marriage. Everyone went to the cinema to watch the movie which was creating such giant waves in the lives of its stars making it a good box office year for Kaka, who was rediscovering love, fame and movie success again with movies like "Avtaar" and "Agar Tum Na Hote”. Usha Khanna’s music was very well received by the public making her the first female composer to get a Filmfare nomination. However R.D. Burman’s soulful songs of “Masoom” would rule at Filmfare Awards winning best music director, lyricist and singer awards.
1984 - "Tu Mera Hero Hai” from “Hero” sung by Anuradha Paudwal and Manhar Udhas with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Anand Bakshi’s lyrics ruled at the box office and Geetmala in 83 and 84. Subhash Ghai introduced Jackie Dada and Meenakshi Seshadri to their fans with this romantic love story. This song played a big role in making Jackie an instant star. Meenakshi’s character and most of India fell in love with Jackie Dada during this memorable romantic song. However Filmfare Awards were completely dominated by Bappi Lahiri’s "Sharaabi" especially with Kishore Kumar earning all best singer nominations for the same movie.
1985 - “Sun Sahiba Sun” from Raj Kapoor’s final and boldest movie “Ram Teri Ganga Maili” sung by Lata with Ravindra Jain’s music and Hasrat Jaipuri’s lyrics ruled the charts and awards. Raj Kapoor was initially planning to make RTGM to launch Rishi and Neetu Singh after "Mera Naam Joker”, but the failure of Joker made him change his plan to make a safer movie “Bobby”. The song “Sun Sahiba Sun” was written by Hasrat Jaipuri in the 50s for a RK Film called “Ajanta” which got shelved. Shankar Jaikishan used the melody for the song “I Love you" in “Sangam”. 30 years later RK would bring the melody and the lyrics together to compose the year's most successful song. Ravindra Jain would win the best music director Filmfare Award for the movie but Hasrat Jaipuri would lose the best lyrics award to “Mann Kyo Bahka” from another bold movie named “Utsav”.
1986 - "Yashoda Ka Nandlala” from “Sanjog” sung by Lata with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Anjaan’s lyrics was a surprise track to top the charts. The movie was also a surprise mainstream drama from Jeetendra, right in the middle of his South Indian movie remake spree as he released more than 140 movies in the 80s. This movie featured Jaya Pradha who partnered with Jeetendra in 24 movies. The melancholic track about loss sung by Lata struck a chord with the fans and reached the top of the charts. There was no Filmfare Awards held for 2 years due to the Indo-Pak conflict on the border.
1987 - "Chitthi Aayi Hai” from “Naam” made a star of Manhar’s younger brother Pankaj Udhas who sang this haunting song with music from Laxmikant Pyarelal and Anand Bakshi’s soulful lyrics. BBC Radio worldwide selected “Chitthi Aayi Hai" in the top 100 songs of the millennium. The song evoked such emotions that it revived the careers of Mahesh Bhatt, Sanjay Dutt and kicked off Pankaj Udhas and Paresh Rawal’s careers. Rajendra Kumar made the movie with the intent to revive the failing career of his son Kumar Gaurav, but despite his good performance and critical acclaim, it wouldn’t change the downward trajectory of his career. There was no Filmfare Awards held for 2 years due to the Indo-Pak conflict on the border.
1988 - "Papa Kehte Hain” from “QSQT” announced the arrival of Aamir Khan and Udit Narayan whose infectious vocals raised this song to the top with newbie composers Anand-Milind and the lyrics of the legend Majrooh Sultanpuri. The Masala King of the 70s “Nasir Hussain” handed over the reigns of his kingdom to his son “Mansoor Khan” who wanted to share his fresh take on the age old tragic romantic stories of Romeo and Juliet, Laila Majnu and Heer Ranjha. The movie which gave birth to Aamir Khan, Juhi Chawla, Mansoor Khan, Raj Zutshi, Anand Milind, Udit Narayan, Alka Yagnik, launched T-Series into the stratosphere and kicked off the fad of calling movies with long titles by their spunky acronyms “QSQT”, DDLJ, HAHK, K3G and so on. In this song Aamir is playing the same guitar on stage that his cousin Tariq played in Yaadon Ki Baarat, the 70s blockbuster in which Master Aamir played the role of a young Tariq. The song also had a cameo appearance of his newly wed wife Reena Dutta dancing to her hubby’s debut song. Aamir Khan, Juhi Chawla, Anand-Milind and Udit Narayan all started their careers with Filmfare Awards for QSQT.
1989 - "My Name is Lakhan" from “Ram Lakhan” sung by "Mohammed Aziz” would become Laxmikant Pyarelal’s 5th and Anand Bakshi’s 4th top Geetmala song of the decade. The opening drum beats and the fun “Dhina Dhinaa Dhi Daa, Rum Pum Pum Pum, One Two Ka Four and Four Two Ka One” has become part of Anil Kapoor’s Jhakaas DNA. This is his go to song, his go to dance steps, his go to style and attitude. All of India danced to the beats of this song but the storm known as "Maine Pyar Kiya” swept the filmfare awards.
1990 - "Gori Hai Kalaiyaan” from “Aaj Ka Arjun” was a mega hit from Bappi Lahiri as Shabbir Kumar and Lata sang Anjaan’s lyrics in the surprise Big B hit movie marking a brief return to form after several of his big movies failed to impress at the box office. The years big musical “Aashiqui” would win all Filmfare awards for its music and songs.
1991 - "Dekha Hai Pehli Baar” from the musical romantic film “Saajan” would reign at box office and Filmfare Awards giving Nadeem Shravan and Sameer their first Geetmala top of the pop song voiced by the iconic S.P Balasubrahmanyam and Alka Yagnik. Nadeem Shravan would win their second consecutive Filmfare award for the movie.
1992 - “Maine Pyar Tumhi Se Kiya Hai” from “Phool Aur Kaante” sung by Kumar Sanu and Anuradha Paudwal would reunite the “Aashiqui” singers with their composer Nadeem Shravan and lyricist “Sameer” again for another top of the pop chartbuster. Kumar Sanu, Nadeem Shravan and Sameer would also win at the Filmfare Award but for another movie “Deewana”.
1993 - Binaca Geetmala would announce their last annual chartbuster “Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai” voiced by Alka Yagnik and Ila Arun with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Anand Bakshi’s lyrics from the movie “Khalnayak”. Alka Yagnik would win the Filmfare Award for singing for this song. The movie and song were both engulfed by controversy due to Sanjay Dutt’s arrest and the song’s racy lyrics. Despite facing ban for a short period of time, the song especially Madhuri’s dance performance would return to top the charts and earn its Filmfare Award. The song would also end Binaca Geetmala’s 40 year run of counting down the most famous songs of the week and year for its fans. One of the last gems from the ages of the maestros was finally put to bed as Ameen Sayani bid farewell to his hordes of radio fans.
Binaca Geetmala Top Song of the Year Playlist
submitted by DrShail to BollywoodMusic [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 17:27 DrShail The Entire History of Binaca Geetmala's Top Song of the Year from the Evergreen 50s through the Golden 60s, Masala 70s, Dazzling 80s to the end in the 90s

"Behno aur Bhaiyo” was the greeting style of the golden voice of Radio legend “Ameen Sayani” as he introduced India to the most popular songs on India’s first Bollywood song countdown called Binaca Geetmala. The Bollywood music chart aired on Radio Ceylon from 1952 to 1988 and from 1989 to 1994 on Vividh Bharti and week after week all of India looked forward to hearing the familiar voice of the legend as he shared the best songs of Bollywood. At the end of each year Binaca Geetmala announced the number 1 most popular song of the year based on record sales and listener club feedback. I want to take this opportunity to share some trivia and mini reviews of the Binaca Geetmala top songs of the year from 1953 to 1993. Let's start with the songs crowned "the top of the pop" by Binaca Geetmala in the evergreen 50s and how they fared against their competition in that year's Filmfare awards.
1953 - "Yeh Zindagi Usi Ki Hai" from the movie “Anarkali" beautifully sung by Lata Mangeshkar with music by C Ramchandra and lyrics by Rajinder Krishan was the first annual top song of the Binaca Geetmala. Basant Prakash was the original composer for the movie and recorded one song with Geeta Bali. However due to a disagreement with the producer, he was replaced by C Ramchandra who brought in Lata to sing all the remaining songs for the movie. “Yeh Zindagi Usi Ki Hai” was the ultimate heartbreak song of that era which Anarkali (played by Bina Rai) sings as she is buried alive behind a wall as a helpless Salim (played by Pradeep Kumar) struggles to reach in time to save his love. C Ramchandra used the help of another music icon Roshan (Grandfather of Hrithik and father of Rajesh and Rakesh Roshan) to collaborate on the composition of the melody of this song. This movie introduced the talented Nasir Hussain to Bollywood who started his career as a writer for this movie and would go on to create the masala film genre with musical extravaganzas like Yaadon Ki Baraat, Hum Kissi Se Kum Nahin and many many more. Even though the song ruled the charts but it lost the first ever Filmfare Award for music direction to Naushad’s iconic “Tu Ganga Ki Mauj” from Baiju Bawra.
1954 - “Jayen To Jayen Kahan” from “Taxi Driver’ sung by Talat Mahmood with music by S.D. Burman and Sahir Ludhianvi’s poetry ruled the charts the following year. This was one of the best songs by the forgotten music Icon Talat Mehmood. His good looks made him an actor in several movies with Nutan and Suraiya but would give up acting to focus on singing. His smooth and velvety vocals were the voice of Dilip Kumar and early Dev Anand. The arrival of Mohammed Rafi and the infusion of rock n roll into Bollywood music in the 60s would sideline Talat Mahmood, who unfortunately literally disappeared from the landscape of modern Bollywood. This brilliant song is drenched with melancholy as Talat’s vocals emotes the pathos of Sahir’s poetry. S.D. Burman won his first Filmfare Award for best music director for this song for “Taxi Driver”. The song was picturized on Dev Anand and a second version sung by Lata Mangeshkar was shot on Kalpana Karthik who Dev Sahib fell in love with and married secretly on the set during a break while shooting “Taxi Driver”.
1955 - “Mera Joota Hai Japani” from the movie "Shree 420” sweetly sung by Mukesh with music by Shankar Jaikishan and Shailendra’s lyrics made Raj Kapoor an Indian Icon and a global star. It’s patriotic theme made it the biggest song of the year in India and the Russians went absolute gaga over this song when RK gave them the highest possible honor of his crown “Sar Par Laal Topi Roosi”. The song has been used in multiple Hollywood movies like Mississippi masala, Gravity and Deadpool. Hemant Kumar’s “Nagin" with it's haunting "Been" melody would win the Filmfare Award for music direction even though Shankar Jaikishan’s soundtrack topped record sales.
1956 - "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil Jeena Yahan” from “C.I.D.” was playfully sung by Mohammed Rafi and Geeta Dutt with the music of O.P. Nayyar and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s lyrics. Johnny Walker and Kumkum’s street hustling characters warn their fellow citizens about the fast life of their favorite city in this iconic anthem "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil Jeena Yahan, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, Yeh Hai Bombay Meri Jaan”. Mohammed Rafi was the closest we can get to a true “Method” singer who brilliantly adapted his vocal style to the actors he sang for. He sat with Johnny Walker for a few days before recording the song to observe his mannerisms and modulate his voice to best fit him on screen. He took singing to the next level of the art form. “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil” would rule the chart and hearts of India but unfortunately lose at the Filmfare awards to the RK classic “Chori Chori” which was an album full of iconic songs like “Aaja Sanam Madhur Chandni Mein Hum” and “Yeh Raat Bheegi Bheegi”.
1957 - "Zara Saamne Toh Aao Chhaliye” from "Janam Janam Ke Phere” was one of the earliest hit duets by Lata and Rafi with the music of S.N. Tripathi and lyrics by Bharat Vyas. S.N. Tripathi was a forgotten multitalented genius of early Bollywood who composed, sang, dubbed, wrote, acted, produced and directed movies. He exclusively composed music for mythological movies and was best known for being the first to use the “Jai Hind” slogan in a song during the British Raj. This song was picturized on its leads Nirupa Roy and Manhar Desai for the movie “Janam Janam Ke Phere” which was also known as "Sati Anapurna”. This was the first movie directed by Manoo Desai who would revert to his full name of "Manmohan Desai” as he began his long commercially successful career of super hits with his next movie “Chhalia” with Raj Kapoor. His first movie was average and quickly forgotten but he would have a stellar 60s with Shammi Kapoor, an even brighter 70s with Rajesh Khanna before he would direct a string of 7 super hit movies with Big B in the 70s and 80s. O.P. Nayyar’s “Naya Daur” would be the big winner at Filmfare awards that year.
1958 - "Hai Apna Dil Toh Awara” from “Solva Saal” was an amazing haunting song sung by Hemant Kumar with S.D. Burman’s music and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s beautiful lyrics. The song was picturized on Dev Anand and Waheeda Rehman and the mouth organ on this song was played by the maestro Dada Burman’s son and future maestro Pancham AKA R.D. Burman. Filmfare awards were dominated that year by the Bimal Roy classic “Madhumati” for which Salil Chowdhury won best music director and the first playback singer award was actually won by Lata Mangeshkar (There was no female singer category) for "Aaja Re Pardesi” and Shailendra won the first award for best lyricist for Yahudi’s “Yeh Mera Deewanapan Hai"
1959 - "Haal Kaisa Hai Janaab Ka” from “Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi” passionately sung by Kishore Kumar with Asha Bhosle to the music of his guru S.D. Burman and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s lyrics. This is the song during which Kishore and Madhubala fell in love. Madhubala never looked happier and more beautiful than she did in this song and Kishore’s pitch and yodels never sounded better. This playful song ruled the charts but Filmfare awards were taken over by Raj Kapoor’s “Anari” as Shankar Jaikishan won best music director, Mukesh became the first male singer to win for singing and Shailendra would win his second back to back best lyricist award for “Sab Kuch Seekha Humne”.
1960 - "Zindagi Bhar Nai Bhoolegi Wo Barsaat Ki Raat" from the movie “Barsaat Ki Raat" beautifully sung by Mohammed Rafi with music by Roshan and lyrics by Sahir Ludhianvi was the decade’s first annual top song of the Binaca Geetmala. The image of Madhubala admiring Bharat Bhushan’s voice as she eagerly listens to this song on radio masterfully depicts the importance of radio and the Geetmala in those days. The film popularized qawwalis, however Rafi’s ultra-romantic version of Sahir’s poetry was a masterpiece. The song was about Madhubala and Bharat Bhushan’s characters chance meeting on a stormy night as Roshan’s brilliant background score channels their internal storm without a single word spoken between the two characters throughout the scene. Bharat Bhushan’s poet translates his experience from that brief encounter into this amazing song. Rafi would win the Filmfare Award that year for another iconic song “Chaudhvin Ka Chand” for which Shakeel Badayuni would get the best lyricist award as Shankar Jaikishan won for best music director for “Dil Apna Preet Parai” which featured Lata’s iconic “Ajeeb Dastaan Hai Yeh”.
1961 - "Teri Pyaari Pyaari Surat Ko” from “Sasural” became Mohammed Rafi's second top chartbuster of the decade with Shankar Jaikishan’s music and Hasrat Jaipuri’s lyrics. Rajendra Kumar had already a few hits under his belt including playing Nargis’s son in Mother India in the 50s, however the 60s saw his actual rise to stardom and “Sasural” was one of the initial blockbusters which earned him the crown of Jubilee Kumar. Kumar’s lead actress in the movie was B Saroja Devi who was called the "Saraswathi of acting” in the Kannada film industry. This would be one of her biggest Hindi movies as Kumar tries to woo her with the flirtatious "Teri Pyaari Pyaari Surat Ko, Kisi Ki Nazar Na Lage, Chashme Budoor”. The song topped the charts and also won Rafi his 2nd consecutive Filmfare Award for singing.
1962 - "Ehsaan Tera Hoga Mujh Par” from “Junglee” became Mohammed Rafi’s 3rd consecutive top of the chart song with another delightful collaboration with Shankar Jaikishan and Hasrat Jaipuri. This song was originally planned as a Mohammed Rafi only song, but the director felts its power and got Lata to sing her version of this classic tune. This was Junglee's romantic anthem and played a big role in shaping Shammi Kapoor’s romantic image as it skyrocketed him to mega-stardom with back to back hits in the 60s. Shankar Jaikishan won best music director for another Shammi Kapoor masterpiece “Professor” while Lata won the best singer award for the haunting “Kahin Deep Jale” from the surprise superhit "Bees Saal Baad” which also earned Shakeel Badayuni his 3rd consecutive Filmfare Award for best lyrics.
1963 - "Jo Wada Kiya Woh Nibhana Padega” from “Taj Mahal” was the amazing Lata - Rafi duet which became one of the most memorable songs of the golden era with the music of Roshan and Sahir Ludhianvi’s masterful lyrics. This song conquered everything, the hearts of Indians, the Geetmala with astronomical sales and Roshan winning his only award for music director along with Sahir Ludhianvi’s first win for Lyrics. Sahir was one of the greatest Urdu poets to write Bollywood songs and he was among the first to tell composers to compose music around his lyrics and demanded that All India Radio also give credit to the songs lyricist when playing the songs. The song featured Pradeep Kumar and Beena Rai who both achieved tremendous success with Taj Mahal but it also became among their last hit movies in lead role. Beena Rai who was married to Prem Nath retired from movies and Pradeep Kumar couldn’t compete with the fresh blood of Shammi Kapoor, Rajendra Kumar and even smaller actors like Biswajeet and Joy Mukherjee. He very quickly got sidelined into character actors roles but got immortalized forever as a result of this evergreen romantic gem.
1964 - “Bol Radha Bol” from “Sangam” once again brought the Raj Kapoor - Shankar Jaikishan - Shailendra - Mukesh collaboration to the top of the charts. This was a fun and naughty song as Raj Kapoor with a Gopi-esque feather in his hair teases a sensual Vyjayanthimala in a red swimsuit while swimming in the river. There is an interesting story behind the origin of the song. RK tried multiple times to sign Vyjayanthimala for the movie. After several follow ups, he sent her a telegram asking her “Bol Radha Bol, Sangam Hoga Ke Nahi” to which she replied “Hoga Hoga, Zaroor Hoga”. When RK happily showed her confirmation telegram to Shailendra, the poet immediately sang “Tere Mann Ki Ganga aur Mere Mann Ki Jamuna Ka Bol Radha Bol Sangam Hoga Ke Nahi”. The rest is history. Sangam was one of the biggest blockbusters of Raj Kapoor’s career grossing more than 700 crore rupees (Adjusted for inflation), however on Filmfare night, a small movie named “Dosti” would bring down the Goliath “Sangam” by winning all the best music director, singer and lyricist awards.
1965 - "Jis Dil Mein Basa Tha Pyaar Tera” from the movie “Saheli” sung by Mukesh with the music by Kalyanji Anandji and lyrics by Indeevar topped the charts. The movie featured Pradeep Kumar and Kalpana right before they both disappeared into the oblivion of Bollywood character acting. The movie was directed by Arjun Hingorani before he got super-obsessed with Dharmendra and the letter “K” and made “Kab, Kyon Aur Kahaan”, “Kahani Kismat Ki”, “Khel Khiladi Ka”, "Katilon Ke Katil”, “Karishma Kudrat Ka” and “Kaun Kare Kurbani” with Garam Dharam. Kalyanji Anandji and their assistants Laxmikant Pyarelal collaborated to create this melancholic masterpiece. Ravi’s “Khandaan" would be the big winner sweeping best music director, singer and lyricist awards.
1966 - "Baharon Phool Barsao Mera Mehboob Aaya Hai” from “Suraj” sung by Rafi with Shankar Jaikishan’s music and Hasrat Jaipuri’s romantic lyrics topped the charts in the year when one of India’s brightest Gems “Guide” received tremendous critical acclaim for its songs and music. The movie featured a child artist named Baby Sonia who would grow up to become Neetu Singh AKA Mrs Rishi Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor’s mother. The fans adored the love with which Rajendra Kumar showered his leading actress Vyjayanthimala as he sang this romantic song for his beloved. The song topped the charts and sweeped the Filmfare Award by winning best music director, lyricist and singer. 1967 - "Saawan Ka Mahina Pawan Kare Sor” by Mukesh and Lata was another beloved chartbuster and Filmfare Award winning masterpiece composed by Laxmikant Pyarelal on Anand Bakshi’s lyrics. Dosti was LP’s breakthrough album and earned them their first award after which they returned to assisting Kalyanji Anandji. Milan was the movie which truly established them as a standalone dynamic musical duo and future stars of Indian music. The song also established Anand Bakshi as a lyricist earning him his first of 41 Filmfare nominations and began his 300+ movie collaboration with Laxmikant Pyarelal. The song has a funny and brilliant wordplay between Mukesh and Lata as Sunil’s villager character sings the word “Sor” which Nutan’s educated pupil sings “Shor” and he responds “Shor Nahi Sor, Sor”. This melodious masterpiece is the heart and soul of the movie which would earn LP their 2nd Filmfare award after Dosti while the lyrics award would go to the patriotic masterpiece “Mere Desh Ki Dharti” sung beautifully by Mahendra Kapoor. Mahendra would also win best male singer for Hamraaz’s “Neele Gagan Ke Tale”. Lata’s sister Asha Bhosle would win her first Filmfare Award for Dus Lakh’s “Garibon Ki Suno” in the first award best female singer award.
1968 - "Dil Vil Pyar Vyar Main Kya Jaanu Re” from “Shagird” sung by Lata Mangeshkar with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s lyrics would become the biggest hit of the year. The song was picturized on Saira Bano along with Joy Mukherjee and played a critical role in making the movie a superhit. The song and movie were nowhere to be seen on award night as Shankar Jaikishan’s Shammi Kapoor blockbuster “Brahmachari” would win best director, male singer and a posthumous lyricist award for Shailendra. Asha Bhosle would win her consecutive second Best female singer Filmfare award for Shikhar’s "Parde Men Rahne Do”.
1969 - "Kaise Rahoon Chup Ki Maine Pi Hi Kya Hai” from “Intaqam” was sung by Lata with LP’s music and Rajendra Krishan’s lyrics. So Laxmikant Pyarelal ended the 60s at the top of the charts for 3 consecutive years and signaled a change of guards from the maestros of the golden era to the masters of the 70s masala. Lata sang the song with such perfection that her slurring delivery convinced fans that the nightingale must have been under the influence while recording the song. Lata sounded more drunk than Sadhana appeared on screen and earned her a 17th Filmfare nomination for singing. She would lose to herself for Jeene Ki Raah’s "Aap Mujhe Achhe Lagne Lage”.
1970 - "Bindiya Chamkegi Choodi Khankegi" from the movie “Do Raaste” was full of spunk and energy for the new decade with Lata singing Anand Bakshi’s playful lyrics to Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music. The 70s began with the first superhit collaboration of iconic Kaka - Mumu Jodi as Mumtaz rose from a B Grade movie actress to the first superstar’s leading lady. This was Mumtaz’s 60th movie in the industry and the one that finally made the once child artist turned “stunt film heroine" into a bonafide star and inspiration for millions of struggling artists starting at the bottom of the Bollywood food chain. This was Rajesh Khanna’s 270 Crore (Adjusted for inflation) grossing blockbuster and number 5 in his 17 movie consecutive hit spree. With this movie he would solidify his superstardom and continue delivering hit after hit. The success of this movie would start his hit pairing with Mumtaz in 10 iconic movies. ”Bindiya Chamkegi” ruled the pop charts, while Shankar Jaikishan’s “Pehchan” and “Jahan Pyar Mile” would give the legends the edge at Filmfare Awards over LP in the early days of the decade.
1971 - "Zindagi Ek Safar Hai Suhana” from Andaz was sung with such passion and energy by Kishore and Asha that this Shankar Jaikishan and Hasrat Jaipuri classic was enough to make the movie a box office success. The movie was released at the height of Rajesh Khanna’s superstardom with his face right in the center of the poster, his name in bold above all other actors and this song picturized on him was in every trailer and promo, despite the fact that Kaka only had a 10 minute cameo including the song in the movie. The lead actor of the movie was Shammi Kapoor whose 60s box office charm and magic had vanished. A first time director named “Ramesh Sippy” always wanted to make his debut with Shammi, so when the dancing star of the 60s agreed to take on a more mature role in “Andaz” a new star director was born. Sippy would go on to make the biggest movie of all time, "Sholay” and follow it with masterpieces like “Shaan”, “Shakti” and Saagar”. Shammi got one of his last superhits as a lead actor but everyone knew that the reason for the movie’s success was fans flocking to the cinema to watch Kaka ride a bike as he sang “Zindagi Ek Safar Hai Suhana”. Hasrat Jaipuri would win the best lyrics Filmfare Award for the song. Shankar Jaikishan would also dominate at the awards again but it would be Raj Kapoor’s “Mera Naam Joker” which would earn them yet another best music director and Manna Dey his only filmfare award.
1972 - “Dum Maro Dum” from “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” sung by Asha Bhosle would establish R.D. Burman’s music as the new wave sound of the decade and etch Anand Bakshi’s lyrics into the annals of Bollywood’s pop music history. Asha Bhosle would win the Filmfare award for this brilliant psychedelic number which Dev Anand wasn’t too interested to include in his movie. Pancham and Anand Bakshi were so sure about its potential that they would not hear “No” from the movie’s legendary writer - actor - producer - director. They stood their ground and India swayed to the hypnotic melody, sounds and vocals of the song. Dev Sahib would get his first directorial super hit, Pancham would become the go to composer for the fresh pop sound and India would get their first glimpse of the sensual Zeenat Aman.
1973 - "Yaari Hai Imaan Mera, Yaar Meri Zindagi” and “Zanzeer” would change Bollywood forever as it would announce the beginning of the era of a angry young man. Manna Dey’s exceptional vocals would immortalize Gulshan Bawra’s ode to friendship and earn Bawra the best lyricist award. Zanzeer was a Dharmendra vehicle which he couldn’t make because of a really busy schedule. So the director Prakash Mehra offered it to Dev Anand, who didnt like the "no smile, no song and all business" cop character and declined the movie. Raj Kumar who was a cop before joining films liked the script but his dislike for Prakash Mehra's looks made it impossible to cast him. Raj Kumar is known to have made the following statements to Mehra, “Hum Yeh Film Karenge, Aur Zaroor Karenge, Lekin Humhe Set Par Tumhara Yeh Manhoos Chehra Nahin Dikhna Chahiye” and its amazing follow up “Humhe Yeh Kahani Pasand Hai, Bahut Pasand Hai, Lekin Tumhare Baalo Se Aati Hui Yeh Ghatiya Tel Ki Badboo Ki Wajah Se ,Hum Yeh Film Nahin Banayenge”. Truly hilarious. Mehra would also get rejected by Dilip Kumar, after which Pran would tell him to watch a movie called “Bombay to Goa” with a lanky young actor called Amitabh Bachchan. Rest is history. Big B would get crowned the next superstar with Zanjeer and it would become his first hit movie with future wife Jaya, Prakash Mehra found his muse and leading man of 7 blockbusters, Salim Javed would become the genius writing duo for the ages, Pran would solidify himself as the highest paid “character” actor and Ajit’s iconic character “Teja” would say “ Lilly don't be silly”. Now this is how icons are born.
1974 - "Mera Jeevan Kora Kagaz Kora Hi Reh Gaya” from “Kora Kagaz” sung magnificently by Kishore Kumar with Kalyanji Anandji’s music and M.G. Hashmat’s lyrics. The movie was centered around Jaya’s character and it required a middle aged actor to play the role of her estranged husband. None of the middle aged actors wanted to change their image and play the role against Jaya, Sanjeev Kumar was unavailable and all the newer actors were too young for the role. That is how the legendary director of Guide, Jewel Thief, Johny Mera Naam and several other masterpieces and Dev Anand’s brother, Goldie Anand got roped into the play the role. The movie would become his first super hit as a lead actor. Kishore's epic song “Kora Kagaz” was beautifully picturized on Jaya. Kalyanji Anandji would win best music director award for the short 3 song soundtrack of “Kora Kagaz”, but Mahendra Kapoor and Santosh Anand would win best singer and lyrics for Roti Kapda Aur Makaan.
1975 - "Baaki Kuchh Bacha To Mahangai Maar Gayee” from “Roti Kapda Aur Makaan” would top the charts the following year after RKAP had already won Filmfare year awards for the previous year. Laxmikant Pyarelal’s composition of Varma Malik’s lyrics about India’s socio-economic condition, sung by Lata, Mukesh, Jaani Babu Qawwal and Narendra Chanchal rang true and connected with the public especially the youth during an unemployment crisis. The movie had already completed its Filmfare award cycle even though the song stayed top of mind and charts, other movies like Rajesh Roshan’s debut “Julie”, Kishore Kumar’s “Amanush” and Sulakshana Pandit’s “Sankalp” would win the awards.
1976 - "Kabhi Kabhie Mere Dil Mein Khayaal Aata Hai” from the iconic “Kabhi Kabhie” was an exceptional composition by Khayyam of Sahir Ludhianvi’s iconic poetry given voice by Mukesh and Lata. The movie and the song had such heart and soul that it conquered the box office, the charts and the awards as it won for best music director, lyricist and male singer. Mukesh had unfortunately passed away on his US tour and his award was accepted posthumously. Mukesh was another maestro whose sweet voice was taken away too soon at the age of 53. He left for his heavenly abode when he was still at the top of his game in a year when he received 3 Filmfare nominations and songs. Mukesh had recorded songs for other movies yet to be released for which he would receive 2 more nominations in the next two years. Such was the immortality of his voice and music. A true icon and legend.
1977 - "Husn Haazir Hai Mohabbat Ki Sazaa Paane Ko” from “Laila Majnu” was yet another Sahir Ludhianvi masterpiece in Urdu poetry which was brought to life by Madan Mohan through the voice of Lata Mangeshkar. The maestro Madan Mohan had already passed away in 1975, so he never saw the success of his music for Laila Majnu. After his passing away, the producer H.S. Rawail reached out to the young and upcoming Rajesh Roshan to compose the remaining songs for the movie, however Rajesh refused to step into the shoes of the maestro as he didnt consider himself worthy enough of the honor. S.D. Burman’s erstwhile assistant and music composer Jaidev would step in to complete the work of the maestro. Rishi played Majnu to the debutant Ranjeeta’s Laila in this hit love story, however there was no love lost on the set as Rishi would refuse to promote her. Ranjeeta had already signed a few movies which would also become box office hits, however mainstream actors would start stepping away from working with her in movies forcing her to get confined to smaller roles and B grade movies. Surprisingly the movie would also be completely absent from the Filmfare awards which would be dominated by "Amar Akbar Anthony", "Hum Kissi Se Kum Nahin” and the invasion of middle cinema movies like “Manthan”, “Gharonda”, “Bhumica” and “Swami”.
1978 - "Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se, Maine Dekha Jo” from "Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se” sung by Hemlata with lyrics and music by Ravindra Jain became the next year's biggest hit. This was a heartbreaking movie from Rajshri starring Ranjeeta and Sachin which did well at the box office but would get crushed by Big B's “Don” and Raj Kapoor’s “Satyam Shivam Sundaram” on Filmfare Awards night.
1979 - "O Saathi Re” from “Muqaddar Ka Sikandar” sung by Kishore Kumar with Kalyanji Anandji’s music and Anjaan’s lyrics was the big song of the last year of the decade. Kader Khan had written a mammoth 16 pages of dialogues based on his own life’s challenges for Big B to deliver in the movie before he performs this song on stage. Amitabh refused to deliver such a long monologue but Kader also refused to shorten the dialogues. Amitabh then sat down with Kader to reason with him but he was brought to tears on hearing Kader’s life journey and pains which inspired the dialogues. He agreed to do the scene with the 16 pages of dialogues before Kishore Kumar sings the drenched in melancholy “O Saathi Re”. The movie and all its songs became superhit but middle cinema continued to rule at the awards as smaller movies “Gol Maal”, “Dada” and “Sargam” would win the Filmfare awards.
1980 - "Dafli Wale Dafli Baja” from “Sargam” sung by Lata and Rafi with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Anand Bakshi’s lyrics became the only song ever to debut and stay at the top of the charts for 25 consecutive weeks till it was officially retired. The movie would be Jaya Pradha's triumphant entry into Bollywood during the days when she couldn’t even speak a single word of Hindi which made her role of a mute in Sargam a perfect Bollywood debut for her. This movie helped Chintu get more single hero movies. Laxmikant Pyarelal won their 6th Filmfare award for “Sargam” and Rafi would return to form as he sang all the songs of this superhit album like he used to sing in the 50s and 60s.
1981 - “Mere Angne Mein” from Laawaris sung by the superstar Amitabh Bachchan and a 14 year old Alka Yagnik with the music of Kalyanji Anandji and Anjaan’s lyrics topped the charts for most of the year. This was one of the most commercial Amitabh voiced tracks of his career. Amitabh himself sang the most popular version of this folk song in which he croons about the benefits of having a Tall, Fat, Dark, Light Skinned or Short wife. The video of the song was so popular as Amitabh appears as the multiple kind of wives he is singing about that the movie got repeated viewings so that the fans could dance again and again to this number with Big B. Umrao Jaan, Ek Dujhe Ke Liye, Love Story and Kudrat would split the Filmfare music awards.
1982 - "Angrezi Mein Kehte Hain” from “Khud-Daar” was a fun duet by Lata and Kishore with Rajesh Roshan’s music and Majrooh Sultanpuri’s lyrics. Amitabh began his career with the movie Saat Hindustani where he and another struggling actor Anwar Ali became close friends. Anwar Ali was Mehmood’s younger brother and Amitabh lived with Anwar in Mehmood’s guest house for the initial few years of his career. Mehmood gave Anwar and Amitabh a break in his movie Bombay and Goa. Rest is history. Anwar Ali’s career didnt kick off like his friend and he was in deep financial troubles in the 80s when he decided to produce a movie with his friend Big B. Since Anwar couldn’t afford the superstar and his usual entourage of Salim-Javed, Prakash Mehra and Manmohan Desai, Amitabh decided to help out his friend by not taking any signing amount and working for a very small payday and brought in his friends Kader Khan and Ravi Tandon to write and direct the movie. The movie was released the month Amitabh got a near fatal injury while shooting for Coolie. Hordes of fans rushed to the hospital to pray for the superstar and also to the cinema hall to make Khud-Daar one of the biggest hits of the year. India sang and danced to the movie’s songs and learned how to say “I love you” in English, Gujrati, Bengali and Punjabi like Kishore does in this song. Filmfare Awards focused on movies like "Namak Halal", “Nikaah" and "Prem Rog" and also finally rewarded R.D. Burman for his illustrious career by finally naming him Best music director for “Sanam Teri Kasam”.
1983 - "Shayad Meri Shaadi” from “Souten” brought a Rajesh Khanna song to the top for the first time in more than 10 years as Kishore and Lata sang to Usha Khanna’s music and Sawan Kumar’s lyrics. The movie lived upto its name as Rajesh Khanna and his leading lady Tina Munim had an affair during the shooting of the movie in Mauritius. This love affair would lead to Dimple’s divorce with Kaka and Tina’s split with Sanjay Dutt. Sawan Kumar made the most of the news of their affair to promote the movie as he leaked pics of the two leads at a wedding function, leading to further rumors of their marriage. Everyone went to the cinema to watch the movie which was creating such giant waves in the lives of its stars making it a good box office year for Kaka, who was rediscovering love, fame and movie success again with movies like "Avtaar" and "Agar Tum Na Hote”. Usha Khanna’s music was very well received by the public making her the first female composer to get a Filmfare nomination. However R.D. Burman’s soulful songs of “Masoom” would rule at Filmfare Awards winning best music director, lyricist and singer awards.
1984 - "Tu Mera Hero Hai” from “Hero” sung by Anuradha Paudwal and Manhar Udhas with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Anand Bakshi’s lyrics ruled at the box office and Geetmala in 83 and 84. Subhash Ghai introduced Jackie Dada and Meenakshi Seshadri to their fans with this romantic love story. This song played a big role in making Jackie an instant star. Meenakshi’s character and most of India fell in love with Jackie Dada during this memorable romantic song. However Filmfare Awards were completely dominated by Bappi Lahiri’s "Sharaabi" especially with Kishore Kumar earning all best singer nominations for the same movie.
1985 - “Sun Sahiba Sun” from Raj Kapoor’s final and boldest movie “Ram Teri Ganga Maili” sung by Lata with Ravindra Jain’s music and Hasrat Jaipuri’s lyrics ruled the charts and awards. Raj Kapoor was initially planning to make RTGM to launch Rishi and Neetu Singh after "Mera Naam Joker”, but the failure of Joker made him change his plan to make a safer movie “Bobby”. The song “Sun Sahiba Sun” was written by Hasrat Jaipuri in the 50s for a RK Film called “Ajanta” which got shelved. Shankar Jaikishan used the melody for the song “I Love you" in “Sangam”. 30 years later RK would bring the melody and the lyrics together to compose the year's most successful song. Ravindra Jain would win the best music director Filmfare Award for the movie but Hasrat Jaipuri would lose the best lyrics award to “Mann Kyo Bahka” from another bold movie named “Utsav”.
1986 - "Yashoda Ka Nandlala” from “Sanjog” sung by Lata with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Anjaan’s lyrics was a surprise track to top the charts. The movie was also a surprise mainstream drama from Jeetendra, right in the middle of his South Indian movie remake spree as he released more than 140 movies in the 80s. This movie featured Jaya Pradha who partnered with Jeetendra in 24 movies. The melancholic track about loss sung by Lata struck a chord with the fans and reached the top of the charts. There was no Filmfare Awards held for 2 years due to the Indo-Pak conflict on the border.
1987 - "Chitthi Aayi Hai” from “Naam” made a star of Manhar’s younger brother Pankaj Udhas who sang this haunting song with music from Laxmikant Pyarelal and Anand Bakshi’s soulful lyrics. BBC Radio worldwide selected “Chitthi Aayi Hai" in the top 100 songs of the millennium. The song evoked such emotions that it revived the careers of Mahesh Bhatt, Sanjay Dutt and kicked off Pankaj Udhas and Paresh Rawal’s careers. Rajendra Kumar made the movie with the intent to revive the failing career of his son Kumar Gaurav, but despite his good performance and critical acclaim, it wouldn’t change the downward trajectory of his career. There was no Filmfare Awards held for 2 years due to the Indo-Pak conflict on the border.
1988 - "Papa Kehte Hain” from “QSQT” announced the arrival of Aamir Khan and Udit Narayan whose infectious vocals raised this song to the top with newbie composers Anand-Milind and the lyrics of the legend Majrooh Sultanpuri. The Masala King of the 70s “Nasir Hussain” handed over the reigns of his kingdom to his son “Mansoor Khan” who wanted to share his fresh take on the age old tragic romantic stories of Romeo and Juliet, Laila Majnu and Heer Ranjha. The movie which gave birth to Aamir Khan, Juhi Chawla, Mansoor Khan, Raj Zutshi, Anand Milind, Udit Narayan, Alka Yagnik, launched T-Series into the stratosphere and kicked off the fad of calling movies with long titles by their spunky acronyms “QSQT”, DDLJ, HAHK, K3G and so on. In this song Aamir is playing the same guitar on stage that his cousin Tariq played in Yaadon Ki Baarat, the 70s blockbuster in which Master Aamir played the role of a young Tariq. The song also had a cameo appearance of his newly wed wife Reena Dutta dancing to her hubby’s debut song. Aamir Khan, Juhi Chawla, Anand-Milind and Udit Narayan all started their careers with Filmfare Awards for QSQT.
1989 - "My Name is Lakhan" from “Ram Lakhan” sung by "Mohammed Aziz” would become Laxmikant Pyarelal’s 5th and Anand Bakshi’s 4th top Geetmala song of the decade. The opening drum beats and the fun “Dhina Dhinaa Dhi Daa, Rum Pum Pum Pum, One Two Ka Four and Four Two Ka One” has become part of Anil Kapoor’s Jhakaas DNA. This is his go to song, his go to dance steps, his go to style and attitude. All of India danced to the beats of this song but the storm known as "Maine Pyar Kiya” swept the filmfare awards.
1990 - "Gori Hai Kalaiyaan” from “Aaj Ka Arjun” was a mega hit from Bappi Lahiri as Shabbir Kumar and Lata sang Anjaan’s lyrics in the surprise Big B hit movie marking a brief return to form after several of his big movies failed to impress at the box office. The years big musical “Aashiqui” would win all Filmfare awards for its music and songs.
1991 - "Dekha Hai Pehli Baar” from the musical romantic film “Saajan” would reign at box office and Filmfare Awards giving Nadeem Shravan and Sameer their first Geetmala top of the pop song voiced by the iconic S.P Balasubrahmanyam and Alka Yagnik. Nadeem Shravan would win their second consecutive Filmfare award for the movie.
1992 - “Maine Pyar Tumhi Se Kiya Hai” from “Phool Aur Kaante” sung by Kumar Sanu and Anuradha Paudwal would reunite the “Aashiqui” singers with their composer Nadeem Shravan and lyricist “Sameer” again for another top of the pop chartbuster. Kumar Sanu, Nadeem Shravan and Sameer would also win at the Filmfare Award but for another movie “Deewana”.
1993 - Binaca Geetmala would announce their last annual chartbuster “Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai” voiced by Alka Yagnik and Ila Arun with Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music and Anand Bakshi’s lyrics from the movie “Khalnayak”. Alka Yagnik would win the Filmfare Award for singing for this song. The movie and song were both engulfed by controversy due to Sanjay Dutt’s arrest and the song’s racy lyrics. Despite facing ban for a short period of time, the song especially Madhuri’s dance performance would return to top the charts and earn its Filmfare Award. The song would also end Binaca Geetmala’s 40 year run of counting down the most famous songs of the week and year for its fans. One of the last gems from the ages of the maestros was finally put to bed as Ameen Sayani bid farewell to his hordes of radio fans.
submitted by DrShail to bollywood [link] [comments]

2023.12.29 00:09 babygirlneedstovent [Thanks] i literally looove this cereal thank you!! 🦖

[Thanks] i literally looove this cereal thank you!! 🦖 submitted by babygirlneedstovent to Random_Acts_Of_Amazon [link] [comments]

2023.12.21 04:25 HeySans_ "Problematika" Pelajar Indonesia Jaman Sekarang (Gen Z di Persekolahan)

Before you read anything Below, Please be a Critical Person In here...
Jadi Saya adalah salah satu Siswa Kelas IX di Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Indonesia. Mungkin Post "Problem Anak Indonesia Jaman Sekarang" Akan saya Ambil contoh-contohnya dari Sekolah yang sudah saya duduki selama 3 Tahun ini, Karena saya tidak mau memberikan Contoh tanpa Bukti Konkret yang benar-benar terjadi didepan mata saya.
Perubahan yang sangat amat Kontras terjadi setelah Covid terjadi dan berdampak sangat Besar kepada Perubahan Society dan Lingkungan Masyarakat di Indonesia, Tidak luput juga dalam Lapisan Pendidikan yaitu Siswa-Siswi di Indonesia.
Saya saat Masih Kelas VII, Saya dan Teman Seangkatan saya tidak ada satupun yang berani Untuk Membantah/Melawan/Membicarakan Keburukan Guru Dibelakang, Karena di jaman saya yang Kelas VII, Kami masih punya Budaya "Moral & Ethics" Yang kuat kepada Senior, Dan itu juga didukung oleh Kakak Kelas IX Saya dulu, Mereka Ramah nan Baik Tidak peduli Laki-laki Maupun Perempuan mereka pasti Ramah dan Baik, Mereka juga mau Menegur dan Memberitahu mana yang salah dan Benar Kepada Kami. Tapi Semua itu Berbeda setelah saya Beranjak ke Kelas IX.
Jadi pada saat saya kelas VI dulu, masuk Sekolah ini lewat Jalur Prestasi yang dimana itu sudah langka banget untuk PPDB Jalur Prestasi, Seumpama Jalur Prestasi "Dipersulit" Karena Kami tidak menggunakan Ordal, Kami kebanyakan Murni dari Nilai Rapot. Tapi sayangnya Sistem Zonasi itu adalah Ibarat "Golden Ticket" Untuk Penyuapan PPDB Baik lewat Uang Maupun Ordal. Tapi Apa Dampaknya ke Lapisan Murid-Murid di Sekolah Saya Ini? Tentu ada, Justru Berubah 180 derajat Seakan Meja telah Dibalik, dan Matahari telah Tenggelam.
Kembali ke Saya yang sudah Menjadi Senior di Kelas IX, Saya bersama Angkatan saya Pun melihat dan beberapa ada yang sadar kalau memang Sekolah saya entah mengapa menjadi mengenaskan, Kelas VII nya sudah sangat amat berani, tak jarang dan bahkan banyak yang tak heran juga kalau mereka Menyudutkan Guru, Membicarakannya dari Belakang, bahkan Menyebut Cara Mengajar mereka "Primitif", Sedangkan angkatan Saya dulu saat Kelas VII, tidak ada satupun yang berani seperti itu. Tapi, Tunggu Dulu, tidak perlu jauh2 ke kelas VII, Teman Seangkatan saya pun ada dan bahkan lebih parah daripada mereka setelah Angkatan saya menerima "Jabatan" Senioritas di Sekolah ini.
Dalih "Masih SMP ngapain belajar, Main aja dulu bro" Terus berkumandang setiap kali saya mengingatkan Teman Seangkatan, dan Adek Kelas. Justru dengan itu, Bukannya harusnya mereka sudah mempersiapkan dari Kecil? Dari Dini? Bukankah guru BK selalu mengajarkan kita untuk Peduli Lingkungan dan Sekitar, atau bahkan diri Sendiri?. Menurut saya, Justru dari Kecil itu mereka harus mempersiapkan Diri, Terlebih lagi teman seangkatan saya yang bentar lagi Lulus SMP dan beranjak ke SMA, Saya melihat teman Seangkatan saya liburan Semester gini malah Foya-Foya, Mengubah rambutnya menjadi Pirang, Ngebut-Ngebut dengan motor Kesayangannya, Pacaran Bermesra-mesraan, Padahal Bentar lagi Ulangan. Tapi Sekali lagi, Sungguh disayangkan, karena Mereka tidak Perlu Belajar. Sistem ulangan Sekolah Kami mudah sekali di-bypass dengan cara membuka Google Chrome di layar Belah.
Saya sebenarnya prihatin melihat mereka ini, Saya kerap kali memikirkan kenapa mereka seperti ini, Apa toh ga kepikiran mereka, Gimana susahnya orang tua mereka Bekerja, Menghabiskan tenaga dan Mengeluarkan Bulir-Bulir Keringat itu, mereka pakai Uangnya dengan tidak benar? Dibelikan Aksesoris Motor demi gengsi, dan bahkan Rokok. Kenapa mereka ga kepikiran sebaliknya? Kenapa mereka gak mau Sama sekali Membanggakan Orangtuanya dengan cara yang benar? Apa mereka ga kepikiran Betapa Bahagianya, bahkan mungkin mereka bisa sampai menangis Terharu melihat Anaknya berhasil dan Sukses alih-alih Rusak dan menjadi Pecundang.
Apa kabar Indonesia? Generasimu sekarang sudah dirusak Sosial Media, Sudah terkorupsi sejak dini dan Kalian masih saja menutup Mata, Mengurus hal lain yang "Lebih penting". Bukankah Pemuda adalah Bibit Negara? Yang akan mengatur Arah dari Seluruh isi diNegara Merah-Putih ini nanti?, Bahkan disini, Sulit sekali ingin menjadi Religius tanpa mendengar sindiran "Sok alim lu ye". Bukankah Seharusnya Orang tua, Keluarga, Masyarakat, Tenaga Kependidikan, Pemerintah, Bahkan Negara Seharusnya Bekerja sama demi negara Ini? Demi Menciptakan Pelajar Yang Berkualitas?.
Pak Nadiem, Kak Seto, Siapapun! Saya Mohon. Kalian pasti Bisa membantu Pelajar Indonesia yang Sedang Krisis Moral dan Etika. Jadi Saya Mohon, Buka lah Mata hati kalian Untuk Menolong Indonesia secara tidak langsung dengan membuka Pandangan Kritis mengenai Hal Ini.
submitted by HeySans_ to pelajar [link] [comments]

2023.11.30 20:23 sumpitsakit Warga Medan Pergoki Dua Pria Paruh Baya Mesum Sesama Jenis di Atas Bentor

Warga Medan Pergoki Dua Pria Paruh Baya Mesum Sesama Jenis di Atas Bentor submitted by sumpitsakit to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2023.11.30 09:32 cici_kelinci Warga Medan Pergoki Dua Pria Paruh Baya Mesum Sesama Jenis di Atas Bentor

Warga Medan Pergoki Dua Pria Paruh Baya Mesum Sesama Jenis di Atas Bentor submitted by cici_kelinci to indonesia [link] [comments]
