Chat airg espanol


2022.12.15 21:37 Captainsquid9 ChatGPT_espanol

OpenAI ha desarrollado una herramienta llamada GPT-3, que es capaz de generar texto de forma autónoma y responder preguntas de manera coherente, lo que lo convierte en una herramienta muy poderosa para el procesamiento del lenguaje. Esta comunidad es para cualquiera que busque aprender más sobre esta inteligencia artificial.

2011.05.22 04:00 pointt Madrid

El Foro. Mayerit. Villa de Madrid. Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. City of Madrid and its surroundings (Comunidad de Madrid). Allá donde se cruzan los caminos, pero en Reddit. Este sub te renta mazo. We use both English and/or Spanish. Siempre bienvenido.

2018.02.10 01:36 helloryanholmes BRD - Bitcoin wallet

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2024.04.28 11:34 courzeorg 100+ FREE Courses & Certificates on Udemy & Coursera!

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submitted by courzeorg to Udemy [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 12:15 Bob-of-Clash 899 Hour Update

Hi all, another couple of months, another 100 hours in the bank.
You can see my 800 hour update here:
I am still in Spain, but as ever, in a tourist region so I don't have that many interactions in Spanish.
Things that I can do at 900 hours
  1. DS videos upto all but the toughest advanced. Most learners podcasts, I've just started Spanish Language Coach advanced series, they are ok, often it's the sound quality or a new accent that is the biggest challenge in his chats.
  2. Understand enough of the Spanish spoken at me to be able to answer for very simple transactions in shops / cafes etc. I probably could understand more complex interactions, but these rarely happen when ordering a croissant.
  3. I've started to understand enough of GCN en Espanol (a cycling you tube channel) for it to be useful to learn about the sport I do 4 times a week when I'm here. It's native content, some of it is filmed outside whilst pedalling, some of the words I don't yet know, but it fits into comprehensible now, maybe 80-90%. I've saved many videos to watch a few times.
  4. Understand 80% of Spanish conversations I overhear in cafes, unless it's teenagers, but I don't understand teenagers in my native language (I'm 54 yrs old).
  5. I am now confident to read, as the sounds of Spanish are firmly implanted.
Things I don't think I can do
  1. I'm not sat here thinking in Spanish, I don't know whether I can't do it, or because there isn't any need I just don't do it.
  2. Sentences are not appearing in my head in Spanish, but then again, neither are English ones.
  3. There isn't any chance I could chat away in Spanish, I am definately at the toddler level of speaking, if I try at all, I can grasp at a few words, enough to ensure than Spanish people chatting to me don't think I'm native :-)
My wife and I go for a walk along the sea front every evening, she has a severely damaged foot, so uses sticks to walk. We kind of limp from bench to bench so she can rest it, over the past 8 weeks we've met an elderly gentleman who has pain issues with his hips, so he does the same bench hopping. He chats a few sentences to me each evening, and I just sort if nod or shake my head or say si or no. He often has a little dog, last night he had the dog lead but no dog, so I pointed and said "donde esta el perro" he understood enough to say that his wife had the dog, but then put the lead to his neck and started barking, he then had a good 10 minutes chuckling to himself.
We're back here in September, I'm hoping he's still around to be my chatting buddy by then. I should be at 1150 hours by then.
Hopefully this has been helpful.
I'd also like to thank people for the help this month, as approaching 900 hours made me wonder if I'd ever be able to chat with people, and a few members here stepped in and helped to reassure me by telling me of their progress at this point. I'd have abandoned 500 hours ago if it wasn't for this group.
submitted by Bob-of-Clash to dreamingspanish [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 16:51 kayakero 3 Reliable Forex and Futures Brokers Regulated in the USA

What to consider when choosing a broker to trade in the United States

When it comes to entering the world of trading in the United States, one of the most crucial decisions you must make is choosing the right broker. Your choice of broker will not only influence your trading, but also your overall experience in the US financial markets .
To help you make an informed decision, here is a detailed guide to the essential factors you should consider when selecting a broker:


In the United States, the regulation and supervision of trading is carried out by various government entities and authorized organizations. These entities work together to ensure the integrity and security of financial markets in the country. Here are the main entities involved:

1. Optimus

Optimus is a discount broker dedicated to providing an exceptional trading experience , combining personalized service with cutting-edge technology. The company has gained recognition in the industry thanks to its people-centric approach and its commitment to offering professional trading tools for free. Optimus has built a strong reputation in the US market due to its top-notch customer service and ability to adapt to individual traders' needs.

Advantages and Features:

One of the advantages of Optimus is its offering of high-quality professional trading tools at no additional cost. Their trading platform, Optimus Flow, is highly rated for its fast execution, automated registration feature, and intuitive interface. This platform integrates seamlessly with your trading toolset, giving traders a seamless experience. Additionally, Optimus offers deeply discounted commissions, with fees as low as $0.10 per contract for high-volume traders, allowing traders to maximize their profits and reduce their costs.

Available Account Types:

Optimus offers a variety of account types, including live accounts and demo accounts. Demo accounts allow traders to practice their strategies without the risk of real capital, which is ideal for those who want to familiarize themselves with the platform before trading with real funds. Additionally, Optimus offers low margin accounts for those traders who require high leverage in their trading.
Optimus stands out for its commitment to the needs of traders and its combination of personalized support and advanced technology. If you are looking for a broker that offers a wide range of professional trading tools for free, along with deeply discounted commissions and flexible account options, Optimus is an excellent choice for your US trading.

2. Ninja Trader

Ninja Trader is a futures brokerage company that stands out in the US by offering a comprehensive trading experience backed by award-winning technology. Its solid reputation has been built on an intuitive and powerful trading platform, as well as an unwavering commitment to excellence in customer service. In the futures trading industry, Ninja Trader has gained significant recognition and built a trusted community of over 800,000 users. In addition, it is one of the ones we use the most at MDC Trading Academy.

Advantages and Features:

One of the main advantages of Ninja Trader lies in its award-winning trading platform, designed to provide a seamless experience and easy access to the most popular futures markets. With the Ninja Trader platform, traders can trade seamlessly from a variety of devices, including PC, Mac, and mobile devices. Additionally, Ninja Trader offers low commissions, with fees starting as low as $0.09 per contract on micro contracts, allowing traders to save considerably on their trading. They also provide attractively low margins, making it easy to get into futures trading even with a small initial capital.

Available Account Types:

Ninja Trader offers the flexibility to open both live accounts to trade real money and demo accounts to practice strategies without financial risks. The demo account allows traders to familiarize themselves with the platform and experiment with different trading approaches before committing to real funds. Additionally, Ninja Trader offers a variety of pricing plans to suit individual traders' needs, including free options and reduced commission plans.
If you are looking for an award-winning trading platform, low commissions and attractive margins, Ninja Trader is an exceptional option to carry out your futures trading operations in the United States.

3. AMP Global

AMP Global (Europe) has evolved from its experience as a Futures Commission (FCM) based in Chicago, United States . Since 2010, they have provided direct access to the global electronic futures markets for individual traders, brokers, Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) and third-party developers.
Now, AMP Global is proud to offer its clients the opportunity to access futures, forex and CFDs, all from a single account using the Metatrader 5 (MT5) platform. The company has built a strong reputation in the industry, noted for its focus on the security of client funds, highly competitive rates, advanced technology and exceptional customer service.

Advantages and Features:

One of AMP Global's key advantages is its commitment to the security of client funds . They are compliant with the Market in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), which means that client funds are held in segregated bank accounts and are insured by the investor compensation fund. Additionally, AMP Global offers highly competitive rates, allowing traders to save money compared to other competitors in the futures industry.
They also pride themselves on providing advanced technology that ensures accurate data and fast trade execution through their MT5 platform. Additionally, their multilingual customer service team is available 24/5 to provide real-time support via live chat or phone. They also offer low forex spreads and the lowest daytrading futures margins in the industry.

Available Account Types:

AMP Global offers a minimum account of $100 and provides access to a wide range of assets, including futures, forex and CFDs . The account can be opened for free and a Metatrader 5 (MT5) platform is offered for trading on desktop, mobile, tablet and web. They also offer the StereoTrader platform, a scalable interface for MT5 designed by futures, CFDs and forex trading professionals. Additionally, AMP Global provides automation and API options for those interested in algo-trading, as well as advanced charting and layout customization.
If you are looking for competitive rates, access to a wide variety of assets and advanced technology, consider AMP Global as an excellent option for your trading operations in the United States.
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submitted by kayakero to CapitalistExploits [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 16:55 AshFromHouseWares I need to correct a mistake...

I currently have something I should have never bought and am paying almost $1K a month. I need lower payments and seating for 6. I don't want a van. I will have around $5K in negative equity when I trade in. Is this Mazda a good deal? I have excellent credit.
submitted by AshFromHouseWares to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 06:54 Jeffrywith1e Nexplanon Karen?

Nexplanon Karen? submitted by Jeffrywith1e to NintendoKaren [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 22:56 jekyll2414 Need Help from devs to Adjust Ranked mode

Hi everyone So I'm not here to complain, but after some explainations I think, many players will agree with me I'm french soloQ player in ranked, so maybe you all played with french in ranked or in normal game often, french people only speak french and just insult you while crying/raging in their mic's not my case. I play ranked play in soloQ, it's a choice, Hard one, but when like this season I get Diamond, I feel I have the Diamond level, not just a cosmetic badge. Now, and for future Other season, we need some adjust in ranked, cause SoloQ is litterally the worst way to play. I played on 2 Account, mine and my brother account, both diamond in soloQ arround 200 games on each to get this rank. On this 200 last games, actually D1, 226games, I have a sticky notes on my desk : Litterally : 3 team who accept to talk and play with me will some calls, every time : top 5 And I know i'm french maybe if you read that you said yourself : no one speak french, learn to speak other langage before complaning -> I can talk french , english russian, Espanol .... So I would ask devs to make ranked mode, more competitive, I'm not asking for a solo ranked. I'm asking, while player launch a ranked mode, without a full team, so as solo or as premade of 2 people, if they don't active vocal chat, for few word who can be detected by a bot like : crack , down, dead, kill, or someone like that, or do a live ping in game , this player(s) have a penality in game like -10 or -15 SR to force them to communicate, in Platinum it's litterally impossible to have mate who talk with you if u are solo, on 173 game on my main account, I had a crimson player one Night , with homelander skin, he's the only player I talked to in platinum rank on my main account So I understand ranked trio is designed to play in trio but there is a lot of player who play solo, and a lot of players who play in premade of 2, didn't talk didn't ping, and when they die cause, in game if a player didn't talk or ping or give me a plate while I asking, I prefer camp .... my choice they just enable their mic to flame you, ping a shop while u have 0$ and scream on you for a rez , screaming on you while u can get point a fight or something like that
that why I ask, for Devs, and community, to do something for ranked mode, I don't talk about cheaters in Diams lobby week end , Europe for my case , it's unplayable... and nop, i'm not shadowbanned, I can't be players who launch in trio mode, while they are 2 and refuse to communicate should be punish, I had, just before write this message, 2 mates, both Platinum 3, I forgot to screen it, I should , they have 43 and 86 damage, I top 7 solo with 7 kills, and they were screaming in they mic for a rez, all the game I made call for them, live ping, they didn't care and .... how a player like me, Who have the level of a Diamond, can have the motivation to grind until crimson or better ? with people like that in ranked ? I can't, just will leave ranked mode, and lot of people will leave too I think So Activision have to do something. And for the community : speak english please, I know it's a langage we don't speak all but it's the main one in europe, all people can't seapk espanol or italian, I know some people dream about that, but it's not.
Thx for reading, Hope Activision will do something, for me , I'm done with this mode, not about people who are try harding like if their live depends of the game, not about cheaters or bug , just cause I had the most toxic mates ever , and I've played 4 years solo in Apex legends before so, trust me I know what is to be a toxic player
submitted by jekyll2414 to WarzoneRanked [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 22:17 Raskrj3773 I feel like I have to resort to finding girls online, and I literally fall in love with them after talking for a while, but I haven't gotten any deep connection from online.

I am lonely to the point where I have to go online to meet girls, and sometimes. I have to chat in a foreign language using my keyboard so that I can text them. Well, they always seem to either ghost me at some point. I've tried to help 2 girls that were suicidal, and the day after I encouraged them not to kill themselves, they didn't want to talk to me. I want to meet a girl online since I feel like i can't get one in real life, but I feel like it would be such a waste of time to try to go online and date a girl online, since we will probably never meet. I literally fall in love with girls online too, if we talk for more than a week. Ive never had a girlfriend, let alone a female friend. Maybe someone one here is interested in talking to me, though. I would love to have a deep connection with a girl, but it just hasn't happened yet. If you're not english fluent, its ok. I would love to talk to you. Hablo Espanol. Очень мило русском.
submitted by Raskrj3773 to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 17:34 Raskrj3773 I feel like I have to resort to finding girls online, and I literally fall in love with them after talking for a while, but I haven't gotten any deep connection from online.

I am lonely to the point where I have to go online to meet girls, and sometimes. I have to chat in a foreign language using my keyboard so that I can text them. Well, they always seem to either ghost me at some point. I've tried to help 2 girls that were suicidal, and the day after I encouraged them not to kill themselves, they didn't want to talk to me. I want to meet a girl online since I feel like i can't get one in real life, but I feel like it would be such a waste of time to try to go online and date a girl online, since we will probably never meet. I literally fall in love with girls online too, if we talk for more than a week. Ive never had a girlfriend, let alone a female friend. Maybe someone one here is interested in talking to me, though. I would love to have a deep connection with a girl, but it just hasn't happened yet. If you're not english fluent, its ok. I would love to talk to you. Hablo Espanol. Очень мило русском.
submitted by Raskrj3773 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 16:11 JBark1990 Level 6 Update!

Long post--I'm sorry in advance. I think Level 5 and above posts really ought to be able to go in-depth. Those who make it that far have enough time invested to be constructively critical and to provide good feedback that Pablo and the team can use to improve if they wish.
Background 300 hour update 600 hour update
Listening I have 394 hours of "watching" in the platform, however, I have another 201 hours of the podcast as I have a premium membership. I listened to the below podcasts and one audiobook for my "outside" hours. To give you individual breakdowns, I would need to go into my profile and add them all up. I love you guys, but I'm just not gonna do that--please forgive me! (sweat emoji)
• Dreaming Spanish • Cuentame podcast • Chill Spanish Listening podcast • Espanol con Juan podcast • Unlimited Spanish podcast • No Tay Vos podcast (didn't finish)
I also listened to the Harry Potter audio book (European Spanish narrated by Leonor Watling). I've tried like hell to find an accurate number (again, without going into my listening log in Dreaming Spanish), but audible doesn’t seem to have a way of getting total listening time BY title. If anyone knows how to do that, let me know and I'll fix this post! By my count, I've listened to the first Harry Potter audiobook about 8 times in total and at varying speeds.
All in all, more than half of my total time comes from Dreaming Spanish but I have more audio only than I do watching with audio. This is because of my lifestyle and the fact I can't work from home. If I could watch all day, I would!
Reading I've read 500,000 words (almost entirely in LingQ) and started at 600 hours. I wish I'd started at 300 only because of how much confidence it inspired, however, I believe that my interior voice when I read is solid because of how long I waited. I can definitely see how someone who waits until 1,000 hours would have zero issue with that piece.
The original goal when I started reading was to read those 3,000,000 words while racking up my listening time. What I've learned, though, is that reading proficiency far, FAR outpaces listening in terms of how quickly it develops and how easy it is to maintain. In terms of time, those 500,000 words took me about 50 hours. This is considering a mix of content (both in type and difficulty).
When I started, I used ChatGPT to make basic prompts then import them into LingQ. A prompt I would use was, "In A1-level Spanish, please tell me about [THING IN WHICH I'M INTERESTED]". By having it tell me about things I already understood, it was easier to understand. I was seeing a lot of words I'd heard thousands of times before but for the first time. What that meant was that those words STARTED at "I'm sure I know what this is but can't be positive" to "fully acquired" very, VERY fast. Those 600 hours made that explosive growth possible with minimal word look-up. Again, 1,000 hours or more will likely only make it easier.
What I also learned was that reading helped listening like listening helped reading, however, not as much as I'd hoped. If I'd read 1,000,000 words, then I'm sure I'd have had a more noticeable improvement in my listening, however, the sample size of half a million is just too small. I know it helped for sure because I started to catch words in the videos that I'd only read before, but I wasn't suddenly understanding everything.
The takeaway (in my opinion) is that reading and listening ARE complementary skills (they're both input, so, obviously, right?) that DO improve each other, however, they should be practiced for the sake of improving themselves rather than improving one another (if that makes sense). To put it another way, don't ONLY read with the hopes your listening will become perfect. I will improve, but not as fast as it would from just listening. I think everyone know all this already, however, I wanted to add to that portion of the conversation since I spent the time and effort to confirm that data for myself.
The Roadmap I've been open about thinking I'm behind. I'm sure it's because I've "stolen time" by listening to or watching things above my comprehension for the sake of enjoying it more. I'm okay with that but it definitely means I'm coming up short on a lot of what the poster says.
"You are conversationally fluent for daily purposes of living in the country and you can get by at the bank, at the hospital, at the post office, or looking for an apartment to rent."
Woof. I don't like "conversationally fluent" but I love "can get by". I absolutely COULD live in Spain (special place for it in my heart). If I don't know the word I need, I can talk AROUND what I need if that makes sense. For example, if I don't know the word for "team", I can easily tell a person that I want to talk about "the group of people who play the game". This is perfectly in-line with the next part.
"In spite of that odd word that is not quite there when you need it, you can always manage to get your point across in one way or another, and by now you are already making complex longer phrases."
I've been able to do this for a while and my vocabulary is to the point where I don't need to do this often. I'm also able to talk about most things I want, however, I know I'm making grammatical errors sometimes. The good thing is, I can make the "right wrong mistakes" so the speaker always knows what I mean. This is huge and what makes it possible, in my opinion, to be able to "get by" in a Spanish speaking country. I also can quite handily use "connector" words to put to smaller thoughts into a single sentence--just like the poster says. It's a great feeling!
"At this level, for the first time, you start feeling like you are actually thinking about what you want to say, and not about how you want to say it, even though you may fall back on thinking about how you say things, especially in stressful situations or when feeling self-conscious."
I can definitely think about what I want to say, however, I do still struggle with the "how" bit. If it's not something I've said or read before, I think through how I think it's supposed to sound. The good thing here, though, is that I can do it entirely in Spanish! I'm not building the sentence in English then translating then rearranging words. That conscious knowledge of Spanish--the thing classes always force you to develop--definitely isn't helpful enough for active discussions. My subconscious can handle everything at this level as long as the knowledge is there.
"You can understand TV shows about daily life quite well (80 to 90%). Shows about families, friends, etc."
I don't know. Truth be told, I've consumed so little outside content that I have zero basis to know if this is true. I think I have AN episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender under my belt but I didn't even bother including it in my breakdown above because it was so long ago (close to the 300 or 400 hour mark).
I wanted to be further along than I am at 1,000 hours, but, when I look at the roadmap, it actually seems I'm closer than I've been giving myself credit for. I think this gets after expectation management. Knowing what I know now, I don't expect another 500 hours to allow me to understand every single word I hear in my favorite shows, but I know it's going to continue to get easier from here.
The descriptions of what I can do at each level always feel like they're only accurate at the END of that level. Specifically, I feel like the Level 5 things are quite handily in my abilities to do while the things at Level 6 are only MOSTLY there. This is just my experience and I hope it's better for everyone else!
Speaking Other than the Spanish class I took and a visit to Barcelona at 50 and 150 hours, I haven't needed to output. During that class, I found that I was able to sort of self-correct my accent. I'd heard so much (700 hours by that point) that I could hear I wasn't doing it right. It came from not knowing how to use the muscles in my mouth rather than a lack of knowing "what right sounds like". That was a mind-blowing experience to be able to go, "Wait--lemme fix myself" and try a few more times until it sounded right. For those who wait until this point to speak, I can definitely see how shadowing would be an amazingly useful skill to practice accent. If I ever get into it, I'll do an update and let everyone know. If you don't have a reason to speak now, then I recommend waiting because that feeling I just described was definitely worth it.
Constructive Criticisms (Main Takeaway from this Post) I've complained a few times about the shortage (in my opinion) of beginner and superbeginner videos. The difference between intermediate and advanced is (again, in my opinion) almost non-existent. I STILL remember the swift kick to the gut when I went from beginner to intermediate videos. While I acknowledge it's easier for the guides to film themselves walking around and talking about stuff rather than planning a story and drawing things out, I think those foundational easy videos need to be a lot more plentiful.
I made the dropdown playlist specifically because I needed more of those fundamentals cemented in. I eventually made progress by slogging through videos I didn't understand and my comprehension DID grow, however, it COULD'VE been so much better if I'd re-watched the easier videos or there were more of them. This problem is getting smaller every day as more guides create new videos--I got it. I'm just not sure we're there yet. Each person is different and most of you seem to switch to advanced videos with only 3 hours and 21 seconds of watching (I complain about that a lot, too, I know), so ignore this if that's you. Overall, I think a baseline of 250 to 300 hours in beginner and superbeginner videos is what I really needed and should've gotten before moving on. Your mileage may vary.
Next, I think having those easier videos have a focus would be excellent. Rather than teach grammatical constructs and rather than absorbing them over a bunch of hours, imagine having 3 or 4 hours of videos that focused on a single concept. Don't point it out, don't TEACH it, but have it as the basis for the video. For example:
Estar and Ser are confusing for most new Spanish learners. Dedicate a few hours to videos telling simple stories that use estar and a few hours doing the same to ser. Again, don't say that in the video--let the subconscious do it. I recognize this happens eventually, but imagine if the team applied that focus to those superbeginner and beginner videos with that level of intensity. We'd leave those levels with a solid understanding of basic concepts EARLY which could help our comprehension of more difficult videos later.
Not looking to start a fight or encourage anyone to say why this isn't feasible or whatever--these are just some recommendations for Pablo and the team to take or leave. Maybe this is progress for the sake of progress and it isn't needed. *shrug*
What's Next I'll keep Dreaming! I'll start reading intentionally again at some point. For now, though, I'm going to focus again on listening. Eventually, I could see myself starting this process over again with another language. Crazy to feel like this is such a huge achievement but I'm still only 66.6% done with the map and only a teeny scratch of the surface of the whole language.
Final Thoughts This platform and method are excellent and I'm thankful they're here. It's my hope Pablo and the team are swimming in money because the value at $8 a month--especially when everything else is skyrocketing in price--is fantastic. I really hope they maintain that and that they continue to grow. No better time to acquire Spanish than now so good luck to everyone. Thanks for reading all this if you did--and KEEP DREAMING!
submitted by JBark1990 to dreamingspanish [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 01:58 MuffinVR_ Adobe full espanol GRATiS 2024

Adobe full espanol GRATiS 2024
(In a discord server about lucid dreaming)
submitted by MuffinVR_ to skamtebord [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 15:22 gamemastermaarten Pokemon Diamond UK NL pokémon Platinum JP Draw Chat mode.

Since my Trade function on the 4th Gen Pokémon games. It is shame that the chat function is deleted and changed in the Draw function.
I like how my friend Kikings13 drawed the Pikachu on the Japanese One Pokémon Platinum. Kikings13 take a look at my collection. He's my neighborfriend at my hometown Zuidwolde Holland.
Its always tricky that I own worldwide games by every languages also with Nintendo DS I collect from Europe UK NL ones DE ones Espanol ones and also Italian ones that is what I reminded at the European places where video games is accepted. In North American or known as USA they have only on box arts the American Language and Japan Japanese Language as seen on my Lime Green Color Nintendo DSi one.
I have also good news on titles as Super Robot Wars W Super Robot Wars K and Super Robot Wars L what coming at my adres. I got an Tracking Number. But its first in Japan. It takes 3 weeks when its coming to my adress.
submitted by gamemastermaarten to nds [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 01:09 kick-Ndworld074 Si

Si submitted by kick-Ndworld074 to MemesEspanol [link] [comments]

2024.02.25 00:45 a_normal_chilean Donde queda esto en Talca?

Donde queda esto en Talca? submitted by a_normal_chilean to Talca [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 14:18 J3ns6 Seeking feedback: What are your thoughts on my language learning app?

Hi! I'd love to hear your thoughts on my app and whether you find it useful. The app gives you feedback on the grammatical errors for your translation by using GPT-4.
I have more ideas on how to expand the app, but I'm not sure if there's interest. What features would you want in an app? Is the design good of the app, is it clear what you have to do?
Here is the link to the app:
Thanks for reading! Would appreciate feedback, especially negatives.

Background (The Idea)

I'm a German student and I still make grammatical mistakes. To avoid this, I thought it would be cool to have an app where users can practice writing sentences and receive feedback. This feedback could be generated by AI, which would then explain the grammatical rule that was not followed. This way, the user then also knows what grammatical errors they made and what they need to improve.

How does the app work

The language set in your browser is automatically chosen as the source language. In the onboarding screen, you select the language you would like to learn. Then you'll be shown a chat interface. Here you have to translate the displayed sentence into the chosen language. Afterwards you will see whether your translation was correct, and if it has grammatical errors, feedback will be generated. When the feedback was created, you will see it on the message. Then you can click on it, to see the feedback. Alternatively, you can click on the menu icon in the top left corner and select 'Feedback'. Here, all the feedbacks can be seen.

Supported Languages


I don't collect any data.

This isn't advertising

I don't want to use Reddit for marketing my apps. When I release the app, it will be under a different name and URL. This post is solely for the purpose of gathering feedback.

Possible Ideas I could add/change

submitted by J3ns6 to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 18:40 xenleah Anyone else really want a way to organise friends in this game? Here is my concept!

Anyone else really want a way to organise friends in this game? Here is my concept! submitted by xenleah to Competitiveoverwatch [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 06:10 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 2/16 - Sun 2/18

Sorry I didn't have anything for Valentine's Day proper; since it falls in the middle of the week, it's harder for me to throw together an events post for it, so hope y'all have a lovely Valentine's Day
** BOTH FRI 2/16 AND SAT 2/17 *\*
6 – 9 PM Winter Winederland - An Immersive Dinner Electric Playhouse, 2611 Corona Dr. NW Immerse yourself in Winter Winederland, an exclusive collaboration between Electric Playhouse and VARA Winery & Distillery. This unique dining experience pairs immersive technology with exceptional winemaking. Hosted by Abigail, VARA's Education & Experiences Manager, it's an evening to savor VARA’s exquisite wines, perfectly paired with dishes crafted by Electric Playhouse's head chef. Winter Winederland is an unforgettable experience that combines culinary artistry, innovative digital environments, and the finest of wines, designed to delight both wine enthusiasts and newcomers in a celebration of taste, sight, and discovery (tickets)
** Fri 2/16 *\*
Fri 5 PM Noche De Familia: Fiesta De Baile National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th St. SW Join us for a family-friendly dance party. Enjoy Valentine’s and music-inspired art activities, snacks, and learn some new dance moves! Extend the fun with our free family film, Selena, at 7 pm in the Albuquerque Journal Theatre. Free Community Event, generously supported by NM Gas (RSVP)
Fri 6 PM Mardi Gras Pasando Tiempo Winery and Vineyards, 3741 NM-528 NW Let the Good Times Roll at our Mardi Gras! Join us for a night of vibrant colors, lively music, and of course, exceptional wine. $35 per person includes a buffet and one complimentary drink. Live music and dancing. Don your most festive Mardi Gras attire and immerse yourself in the spirit of the celebration. Think vibrant colors, masks, and beads – the more, the merrier!
Fri 6 – 8 PM Carnival Night w/ Casey Mraz Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE Join us for a celebration of the Carnival of Rio de Janerio with some amazing Brazilian Jazz with Casey Mraz
Fri 6 – 9 PM Galentine's Soiree Boba Lounge & Market, 10200 Golf Course Rd. NW, Ste F Join us for a fabulous Galentine’s celebration! Let’s cherish friendship! $10 tickets for an evening filled with live music, mini charcuterie, chocolate-covered strawberries, and non-alcoholic mimosas! Explore local artisans and small business vendors with exclusive discounts
Fri 6 – 9 PM Variety Social Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE Dive into the joy of dance among friends who inspire! Join us where community through movement takes center stage. For just $10 cash at the door, you'll have the opportunity to sample and practice social dancing a variety of dances including ballroom, latin, country, swing and line dancing. This is your invitation to try something new, meet like-minded individuals, and practice social dancing in a welcoming, supportive environment. The night kicks off with a welcome lesson from 6:00-6:30pm, making it ideal for beginners or anyone eager to polish their dancing skills before the floor opens up. Step into a night of dance, discovery, and community. We can't wait to welcome you! Questions? Give us a call at 505-883-9521 or visit our website
Fri 7 – 9 PM Belly Dance Hafla Collective Frequency, 204 Dartmouth Dr. NE A fundraiser for Collective Frequency Hub, Turkish coffee readings, Belly dance talent, A place to rest relax with refreshments presented by Maria
Fri 7 – 10 PM Crimson Ball Holiday Dance Studio, 5200 Eubank Blvd. NE, Ste D Love is in the air at Holiday Dance! Join us for a lovely evening of elegance, romance, and dancing! A Tango lesson will start the evening at 7pm followed by open dancing at 8pm. Indulge in chocolate fountain goodies, refreshments and various hors d'oeuvres all evening! $30 for non-members
Fri 7:30 – 10:30 PM 90's Country Covers Night w/ Back In The Saddle Band Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW Come two step to the songs you know and love live by the incredibly talented Back In The Saddle! They'll play all the hits you know and love from George Straight, Brooks and Dunn, Shania Twain and more!
Fri 8 PM Latin Rock & Comedy: Denankius+ Baby Dreamer Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Rock en Espanol with Densnkius. Plus comedy with Baby Dreamer! Get ready for a night of Latin Rock & Comedy! Join us for an unforgettable evening filled with music and laughter. Denankius, the sensational Latin rock band, will take the stage and set the crowd on fire with their energetic and captivating performances. Their fusion of rock, Latin rhythms, and powerful vocals will have you dancing and singing along all night long. But that's not all! Prepare to laugh until your sides hurt as Baby Dreamer, the hilarious comedian, brings his unique brand of humor to the stage. With his witty observations and relatable stories, he is guaranteed to keep you entertained throughout the night. JUNO brewery + cafe + art provides the perfect setting for this incredible event. Located in a vibrant and artistic atmosphere, you can enjoy great music, comedy, and a wide selection of delicious beverages. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind experience! Get ready to rock and laugh your heart out! 21+ (minors ok with parents) (tickets)
Fri 8 – 11 PM Cupid Shuffle with DJ Soiree Two Cranes Bistro and Brew, 901 Rio Grande Blvd., Ste A Join us for an evening of non-stop dancing at the Cupid Shuffle featuring DJ Soiree! Lose yourself in the beats while savoring $5 house margaritas and well drinks, complemented by $3 Dos Equis specials. Ensure you're part of the excitement with a night filled with music, dance, and irresistible drink specials!
Fri 8 PM – 12:30 AM Augmentality [Hyperpop Night] Sister, 407 Central Ave NW A night of Hyperpop presented by Thot Daughter. $5 cover at the door. in the mid 10s of the 21st century music and art scene, waves of vapor rose, uploaded to the cloud, computed, distilled, transmogrified, crystalline structures formed, a label/collective known as PC Music, uniting and uplifting unconventional sights, sounds, people and principle into a genre known as hyper pop tiny masterpieces come lilting down Sophie, AG Cook, 100 Gecs, Charli xcx each one impossibly unique and - alas - temporary. As PC Music ceases operations on its 10th anniversary, we celebrate the mark its made on the musical landscape, and in the minds of many beautiful weirdos
** Sat 2/17 *\*
Sat 10 AM – 3 PM Homebrewer's Happy Hour Southwest Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria Blvd. NE A Happy Hour for homebrewers, winemakers, and distillers to connect(or novices), share a drink, and learn about a new subject each month! Homebrewer's Happy Hour is the perfect chance for all homebrewers, wine makers, distillers, or anyone interested in learning, to connect with others, share a drink, and learn about a new subject each month! $1 off beers from 10am to 3pm. Presentation on monthly subject at 1pm with open forum to discuss after. Food truck on site for lunch! Sat 2/17 topic: Electric Brewing (click link for full schedule of topics)
Sat 10:15 AM – 2 PM Fae~Brew~ary Arty Party New Mexico Ferments, 2506 Washington St. NE Celebrate the chaos & creativity of the fairies in us all by making a serendipitous entrance into the fey wilds by painting a mini fairy door this Fae~Brew~ary enjoy a delicious kombucha with us
Sat 11 AM – 4 PM Vegantine's Rebellion: A Sweet & Savory Pop-Up! Boofy's Best for Pets, 4610 Cutler Ave NE, Ste A Get ready to rebel against the mainstream Valentine's Day clichés! Join us for "Vegantine's Rebellion" where love meets kale, and tradition takes a backseat to taste bud revolution. Indulge in delectable vegan delights crafted to tantalize your senses. Explore a unique culinary journey that celebrates love in all its forms. Groove to beats that defy convention and embrace individuality. It's time to break free from the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. Mark your calendars, gather your tribe, and join the rebellion! Let's make Vegantine's Day a celebration to remember
Sat 11 AM - 11 PM NMASBHC Fundraiser Santa Fe Brewing at Green Jeans, 3600 Cutler Ave NE Support school-based health care by drinking your favorite brews! All day, Santa Fe Brewing Co. will be donating $1 per beer to the New Mexico Alliance for School-Based Health Care. Curious about school-based health care? Stop by our table from 2-6 and chat with us!
Sat 12 – 3 PM Parents' Day Out- Sweetheart Movie Day with Bubbles The Learning Experience, 4131 Coors Blvd. NW Take your Valentine out while your little learner enjoys an afternoon with Bubbles. Cost is $40 per child and all proceeds will go to the Make-A-Wish foundation. Lunch will be provided and little ones will enjoy a movie and fun activities with Bubbles!
Sat 12 – 5 PM Valentine's Market El Vado ABQ, 2500 Central Ave SW Bring your lover and friends! Let's have a ball celebrating all the love in our lives - shop, eat, dance and take some adorable photos!
Sat 3 - 4 PM Guitar New Mexico: Joy Bradley Tony Hillerman Library, 8205 Apache Ave NE Experience the mesmerizing talent of Joy Bradley at Guitar New Mexico's classical guitar series! Join us for a captivating performance by this exceptional high school senior. Joy Bradley, concertmaster of Cibola High's guitar program, has achieved All State recognition in guitar for two consecutive years. Her lifelong dedication to classical guitar shines through her musical prowess. Join us in celebrating her passion before she embarks on a double major in music and education next year. In collaboration with the Friends of the Public Library, Guitar New Mexico proudly presents this free concert series highlighting local guitarists. Don't miss the chance to witness Joy Bradley's incredible talent!
Sat 4:30 AND 7 PM Interview with the Vampire Flix Brewhouse, 3200 La Orilla Rd. NW Sink your teeth into INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, which follows the immortal vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac as he reflects on his enduring existence, tumultuous relationship with Lestat de Lioncourt, and the timeless challenges of eternal life (tickets)
Sat 5 – 9 PM Valentine's Bingo NMSU Bernalillo County 4-H, 1510 Menaul Blvd. NW Our local 4H club is hosting a Valentine's Bingo Night. All are welcome to come and have a night of fun. There will be a snack bar as well. $20.00 for 12 games. Winnings: Gift Baskets
Sat 5 – 10 PM Beer & Jazz on the Hill Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE We're bringing you a full night of brews and Jazz. That's right, we got TWO Abq Jazz Bands for you in one night! The Ray Anthony & Powerslyde will open things up at 5pm with Basilaris Trio shutting things down at 8pm!
Sat 7 PM Let It Grow Returns Tortuga, 901 Edith Blvd. SE Come be a part of something special at Tortuga Gallery! Escape the hustle of bars and clubs and join us for an inviting night of music and community. Experience the warmth, freedom, and friendly vibes in a space that welcomes both fur babies and families. Our expansive private garden awaits, complete with a cozy fire and the company of even cozier friends. It's the perfect setting to unwind and enjoy your favorite 420 product while basking in the laid-back atmosphere. Plus, we're turning it into a delightful potluck - so bring your own beverage (BYOB) and a little something to share. We can't wait to create lasting memories with you! (tickets)
Sat 7 – 10 PM Food & Flower’s Valentine’s Dinner Enchanted Botanicals, 3417 Central Ave NE Come enjoy a night of uplifted romance! The Food & Flower team is so happy to invite you to a celebration like no other – "An uplifting affair"! Ignite the flames of passion and indulge in a sensory experience that transcends the ordinary. Our infused Valentine's Day Dinner promises a symphony of flavors, aromas, and sensations designed to elevate your celebration of love to new heights. We will have the amazing 312 Mobile Bar making THC infused mocktails. They have a custom menu that accentuates our menu. We will be holding a raffle and all proceeds will go to New Mexico Friends of Foster Children. We are donating from Lucky Duck Promotions & Esther Rose Promotions. First session: 7-8:30PM, Second Session: 8:30-10PM. Couples tickets: 1 dab, preroll, one centerpiece per guest. VIP for 4: 2 dabs, 1 pr, one centerpiece per guest. VIP for 6: 2 dabs, 1 pr, one centerpiece per guest (tickets)
Sat 7:30 – 9 PM Emo Nite Live - Live Band Karaoke Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW Welcome to the electrifying world of Emo Nite Live! Hailing from the vibrant landscapes of Albuquerque, we are a dynamic band dedicated to bringing the spirited sounds of pop-punk and emo music to life, coupled with a unique karaoke experience that lets YOU be the lead singer! At Emo Nite Live, our gigs are more than just concerts - they are collaborative experiences. We provide the high-energy instrumentation, playing full covers of your favorite pop-punk and emo anthems, while you, our audience, get to seize the mic and unleash your inner rockstar. It's all about creating magical moments and living out your punk rock dreams on stage. It's "You Bring the Voice, We Bring the Noise!" We believe in the transformative power of music and its ability to create unforgettable experiences. Our mission is to offer a stage for every fan to live their dream, to be the voice of their favorite songs, and to feel the adrenaline of performing live. We're not just playing music; we're building a community where everyone can belong, connect, and express their emo and punk passions. So, if you've ever dreamed of rocking out on stage to your favorite tunes, we're here to turn that dream into reality. Come and join the Emo Nite Live experience, where it's all about living and singing in the moment. Embrace your inner punk and let's create musical magic together!
Sat 7:30 – 10 PM West Coast Swing Social Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE Join Strictly Swing NM for a fun night of West Coast Swing dancing! Great music and a fun group of dancers. There will also be a little bit of Country Two Step and Night Club Two Step to mix things up. Come out and dance with us! No partner necessary. @ CSP Dance Studios, $10
Sat 8 PM Strange Mix Moonlight Lounge, 122 Central Ave Dj Brad Cole will be playing a “Strange Mix” of Music Videos. A nostalgic return to the darker side of Alternative Classics, 80’s 90’s Dark Wave, New Wave, Industrial, EBM, Electro, Punk, Glam. Artists like NIN, The Cure, Peter Murphy, Ministry, Nick Cave, David Bowie, Joy Division, VNV Nation, Sisters of Mercy, Love and Rockets, The Clash, TKK, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Violent Femmes, New Order, Depeche Mode, Miss Kitten, Front 242, Gary Numan, Erasure, Duran Duran, Bauhaus, And Many More. Doors open at 8pm, $10 cover, $12/w-CC
Sat 8 PM February SPARKS Lizard Tail Brewing Nob Hill, 3417 Central Ave NE Dub committee DJs and SPECIAL GUEST DJ MALIK! February Burner Monthly Meet! Come on out for DJs, Dancing, and Drinks. There is a limited food menu available as well but you are welcome to bring in your own snacks
Sat 9 PM - 2 AM Saturday Night Techno Affair Historic El Rey Theater, 622 Central Ave ABQ Techno returns to El Rey Mezz and we got very special guests coming into town for this one. From Arizona, Circuit residents JORGEN - MULLEN will be taking over our next Saturday Night Techno Affair! Funktion-One Sound by Digifunk. Visuals by Scin.Til.Late. Grab those limited $13 tickets and come get your techno fix with us! Doors at 9PM with Cover Charge. 21+ with Valid ID
** Sun 2/18*\*
Sun 11 AM – 2 PM Drag Brunch Craft Republic, 4301 The Lane at 25 NE Join us for a fabulous Drag Brunch! Don't miss out on the dazzling performances and delicious treats! (tickets)
Sun 11:30 AM Barbie Historic Lobo Theater, 3013 Central Ave NE THE HISTORIC LOBO THEATER along with Albuquerque Film & Music Experience is excited to bring Barbie to The Historic Lobo Theater! Showing Starts at 11:30 am Tickets are ONLY $10 for General Admission $25 Brunch and Movie Ticket $21 Brunch Only Ticket
Sun 1 PM Valentine's Bingo Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, 708 56th St. NW Join us for a Valentine's Bingo! Doors 1 PM, bingo 2 PM! Hosted by the Holy Rosary Women's ACTS Team
Sun 2 PM Veils & Valentines Belly Dance Show Fusion, 700-708 1st St. NW New Mexico Belly Dance invites you to come share the love as you celebrate Valentine's Day and raise money for New Mexico Belly Dance. Hosted by New Mexico Belly Dance, some of New Mexico's best belly dancers will steal your heart at FUSION The Cell for this matinee performance. Quality bar service will be provided by Safe House Distilling Co. and Teller Genuine Vodka. The funds raised will help support scholarships and educational opportunities for belly dance in New Mexico (tickets)
Sun 3 PM Glenn Miller Orchestra Popejoy Hall, 203 Cornell Dr. NE With its unique sound, The Glenn Miller Orchestra earned its spot as one of the greatest bands of all time. In the early 1940s, the ensemble produced some of the most popular songs of their day, creating a soundtrack for the Greatest Generation. Now, this celebrated group returns to perform some of their biggest hits including “A String of Pearls,” “In the Mood,” and “Moonlight Serenade.” Swing to the music of this big band! (tickets)
submitted by its_whirlpool4 to ABQEvents [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 22:07 AredditOriginalName .

. submitted by AredditOriginalName to ihavereddit [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 20:12 rbromblin Offering: English, basic Russian Seeking: Spanish. 26 M from NYC, USA

Hello, 26M from NYC, USA here.
I'll be visiting Mexico (CDMX) soon and would like to improve mi Espanol! Took classes in high school, as well as did an immersion program in Cuernavaca, Mexico, both 10+ years ago, so my skills are very very rusty.
Interests: History, nature, science (earth sciences, ecology, biology/medicine/genetics), music, books, TV, movies, hiking, kayaking/boarding, swimming, bicycling.
Would enjoy a simple chat to get to know you and help you gain comfort with English. I was raised speaking Russian so I can help with that as well. Looking forward to hearing from all!
submitted by rbromblin to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 19:40 NewbyFBowner Polly bushings

Polly bushings
I’ve read on forums that Polly bushings ruin the handling on the fb but this kit seems too convenient to pass up. Anyone have first hand experience with this set?
submitted by NewbyFBowner to RX7 [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 21:15 ObjectiveFirm1053 What happened to my discord why does it looks like this on the ylyl videos channel on her discord server

What happened to my discord why does it looks like this on the ylyl videos channel on her discord server submitted by ObjectiveFirm1053 to SnackersHQ [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 18:55 junkone11 car rental from cancun

car rental from cancun
I am reviewing the car rental from airport in cancun and here is what i find.
does it include all the right insurance in place?
submitted by junkone11 to cancun [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 18:48 j0seph4300 English and Spanish Translators and Tutors

If you want to improve your Spanish and primarily speak English, or if you speak Spanish and want to improve your English, try one of these GPTs I created. I use the English to Spanish translator a lot, which helps me learn proper Spanish.
The GPTs can translate your text, correct grammatical mistakes, teach you proper usage and translate images with text.
Also, comment below if you'd like me to create any other translators.
submitted by j0seph4300 to ShareGPTs [link] [comments]