Taking 3 oxypro

Backpedaling ensues

2014.09.16 07:49 tilnewstuff Backpedaling ensues

People pretending they didn't deliberately do it.

2013.06.10 12:44 ani625 GIFs of all things Seinfeld.

The best sitcom shown in chunks of giffy goodness.

2013.06.05 19:19 TTEH3 Birds taking the train!

A subreddit for submitting photos of birds taking the train (we also allow birds riding the bus or other public transport, but prefer trains!) Welcome aboard! Enjoy your birds on the train content.

2024.05.15 00:34 LazyReaperYT best clutch for inline 6 mustang?

i got a 200 3.3 inline six, 1967 hardtop mustang with a 3 speed T4. so far i’ve had to drop the transmission because the clutch finally got burnt out, but i’m thinking about having on an aftermarket clutch or some stage 1 or stage 2 clutch, or a clutch that takes a little more punishment and punch vs OEM clutches, but google doesn’t exactly give me any results that aren’t meant for a 289 V8.
if you guys had any recommendations, that’d would be really great.
submitted by LazyReaperYT to classicmustangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:32 Icy-Text-9833 I feel guilty for going no contact with my 19 year old daughter, but I can not change it.

Super long post so grab your tea and settle in.
I, (50f) have two kids; daughter (19) and son (18). My daughter has always been difficult. She would blame her brother for things she did, fight with him endlessly, lied continuously to me, stole from family and stores and was a hard teen to raise. She began seeing a boy (21m) 3 years ago and honestly I didn’t care for him from the start. He was rude, intitled, zero respect and already had quite the legal record.
My daughter ended up pregnant by him about 1 month into their relationship she was 16 he was 18. They lied to me and told me he was 16. They also lied about the pregnancy. She really didn’t get a pregnant belly and anytime I mentioned she was gaining some weight and could she possibly be pregnant she would accuse me of fat shaming her and being rude just for asking. Fast forward a few months and she said she was staying at her best friends for the weekend. Her friends mom even backed this story and lied to me saying, yes she is with us. When in fact she was at boyfriends recently acquired apartment ( I had no idea about and was told he lived with his grandparents). She went into labor that weekend, I still had no idea she was pregnant. When she finally called to say she was at the hospital and had a baby she insisted she had no idea she was pregnant and it was a suprise to all of them. I didn’t really buy that but didn’t argue, none of it mattered. She had a new baby and baby needed taken care of. With her story of not knowing I immediately went shopping. Bought everything you would need for a new baby. She let me know she was moving in with BF and would be raising the baby with him. When I dropped off the baby gear (literally an F250 truck load) to the apartment I notice quite a few items were already in place for a new baby, and realized they knew and had already gotten some stuff. None of that really mattered to me, I was a grandmother now and the how’s and why’s weren’t changeable so I just moved on. I tried really hard to accept her BF and invited him into our little family. He was always rude making snide comments about my son and their father. Father took his life a month before baby was born, whole other story. He would say how much better he was and would never leave his family, just a little turd. He wouldn’t let her visit without him. I couldn’t even talk to her on the phone without him listening and answering for her. He seemed extremely controlling and jealous of any relationship she had, even with her brother and I.
This kid could never hold a job for more than a month, sat around playing video games, didn’t help with baby, didn’t clean or cook. Just a waste of space, smoking weed and doing nothing. I tried not to say anything but the look on my face was telling whenever she would talk about him to me. They eventually got behind and lost their apartment and refused to move in with me because I wouldn’t allow him to stay, just her and the baby.
They were living in their cars and couch surfing. She had very little contact with me durning this time. At one point a friend of theirs called me to tell me BF was being abusive and I drove to where they were living to see if she would come home with me and leave an abusive relationship. She refused, actually became very angry I would even butt in to their relationship like that. I honestly just wanted my babygirl, my first born safe and not hurt. A little time goes by and eventually she reached out and I help her get into an apartment, he wasn’t on the lease. A couple months go by she tells me she is 5 months with number two. I am less than thrilled but it is what it is and I am just happy she is in an apartment.
Then, I get a phone call. She was just taken to the hospital because BF hit her in her pregnant belly and baby wasn’t moving. (Baby is fine).
Cops were called he is taken to jail. There was apparently an incident before this where he gave her a black eye. The police were called then but he ran and they didn’t find him but there was still a report filed. I was never told of the black eye story till later.
The time he is in jail (3 months), she is at my house daily. I am helping her with the baby and her pregnancy. I go to doctors appointments was even in her labor room. Things were actually good between us and her and her brother were getting along great. Brother is an amazing uncle and loves his niece to death. Buys her anything she wants and they are so close. She tells me she is done with BF, has a restraining order. Is moving forward and sees how in 3 short months her life is actually improving.
But sure enough as soon as he is released (2 felony charges) she takes him right back. She lies to me saying she won’t and isn’t but I don’t believe her at all. So I drive to her place and he is there. She screams at me to mind my own business and if she wants him it’s not up to me. Again I have been there everyday with both baby’s. Helping her and getting a chance to know my grandkids. At this point am very attached to my little angels and extremely frightened for her safety . She tells me, If I can’t get over the fact she will be with BF, then she never wants to see me again. I’m crushed but at the same time I am done. Done with all the lies, done with being told I can’t see the kids. With baby number one I have gotten to see her just a handful of times until the three months BF was in jail. Done with being treated like crap from my daughter. I feel like she was just using me while he was in jail. So I say fine.
That was in march. I haven’t spoken to her since. She hasn’t reached out at all and even changed her number. I feel guilt because I didn’t really fight the no contact. I mean I miss the babies something horrible but I am so done with lies. But I also feel guilty because what if he is still hurting her. A couple of her friends let me know how she and the kids are doing. And now that she isn’t pregnant I know she could kick his butt in a fight. I feel like I have abandoned her but she is the one who said no contact.
I’m I wrong for wanting no contact as a parent?
submitted by Icy-Text-9833 to nocontact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:32 Choice_Distance9132 Idk what to do

So for context l'm female (18) and got a full scholarship to study abroad. My father, an emirate sexually molested me when I was 9 all the way until I was 11. He threatened me when I told him to stop and used fear to scare me into submission as he knew I was terrified of him. I have confronted him before and he apologized and says I should forgive him because he is my father. I said that's not how it works, but he kept going on about religion and tradition that I should respect him and therefore forgive him "for my own good" which Ik is all bogus. I gave him three conditions and that was to stop touching me in any way, control his anger and not yell all the time, and finally start respecting my mother. He said no to all 3. Which shows he doesn't give two shits abt my forgiveness. Oh and he was also cheating on my mom. He married a Filipino woman and had a son with her behind my mother's back. And then proceeded to blame us for him cheating.
Fast forward, I am now abroad with my mom and I confronted him again because he kept harassing us and calling in the middle of the night demanding to know where we were and why we weren't answering him (he could've googled the time difference, but ofc he didn't care enough to). So I confronted him again and told him to just leave me alone and let me be. He called me crazy for asking for space and telling him to stop texting me until I can get past the trauma of him sexually molesting me for years. Then he proceeded to threaten me saying he'll take my passport away and get my scholarship cancelled (I am already abroad and start next week so the tuition fees are already paid for) also he has to pay the scholarship back if we break the contract which he can't do as he does not have the money. But he will certainly do anything to satisfy his hurt ego. He always blames others for his mistakes. He even said he was sorry for himself that he ended up in this situation when he should be sorry to me. And then told me I can't make decisions because l'm a girl. He threatened my education, life and future career. Can he actually do anything as I am 18, but I am also a girl. Thanks.
submitted by Choice_Distance9132 to uaelaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:32 Read_177013 35W, AIT Monterrey?

Hi, I signed on today as a 35W (from what i understand, it's sort of like a holding classification, where you eventually sort into either 35M or 35P. Correct me if I'm wrong please.), and it looks like after I ship on the 15th, and finish basic in LWOOD, I will be going to the 52 week AIT in Monterrey.
A few questions -
Is it really that long, or is that just a placeholder number?
Will I be able to have my car, take off leave in that time? Will there be breaks?
How bad does this MOS suck?
How bad is the AIT?
Thanks :3
submitted by Read_177013 to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:32 Neuralearthnet Giving away AI Startup Ideas - but no traction? What am I doing wrong?

Hi All,
I think with AI, tech will be democratized. I am fortunate and working on a new AI company with my technical partners but many do not have tech skills and don't know where to start. So I'm working on giving away ideas that can be built easily using no-code or low-code. However, not sure if I’m presenting these ideas wrong or no one really wants to build it. I mean it's no-code, but doesn't mean no-work. Startups take a lot of time and energy, no matter what. So far I've shared the following ideas and wanted to get your thoughts on it.
Is it my presentation that's bad or the ideas. LOL. Honest feedback appreciated. You can see the a sample of presentation here on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/C69xWvgvPAT/ and here are the ideas I've shared thus far:
  1. AI Coin Maker
  2. AI ADHD Holo device (a-la Humane or Rabbit AI but with a focus on ADHD)
  3. OnlyAIFans - OnlyFans but only using AI models
  4. AI Election Predictor and Poll Maker
  5. AI Real-Time Gen Z Translator
  6. AI Color Analysis for Fashion
submitted by Neuralearthnet to passive_income [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:32 NokCha_ [WATCH THREAD] 2024 NBA Playoffs Round 2 5/14/24: New York Knicks (2-2) vs Indiana Pacers (2-2) 5:00 PM PT Denver Nuggets (2-2) vs Minnesota Timberwolves (2-2) 7:30 PM PT

New York Knicks (2) vs Indiana Pacers (6)

Score: Series Tied 2-2
Time: 5:00 PM PT
Where: Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
Network: ABC

NBA.com Boxscore

ESPN Boxscore


Denver Nuggets (2) vs Minnesota Timberwolves (3)

Score: Series Tied 2-2
Time: 7:30 PM PT
Where: Ball Arena, Denver, CO
Network: TNT, truTV, Max

NBA.com Boxscore

ESPN Boxscore


WNBA Opening Day

If any of these games are a blowout or are boring to you, feel free to check out any of the 4 WNBA games broadcasting today. With the Golden State Valkyries officially one season away from debuting, take this time to get tapped in to the W (if you're not already):
submitted by NokCha_ to warriors [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:31 Uparmored Place your bets!!!

Anyone want to start taking friendly bets as to who the first politicians/regulators/bureaucrats will be who sat silently for the past 3+ years but soon suddenly begin to speak out in favor of retail investors for the first time as they realize that their handlers/financiers can’t be saved??
Wager up! (No ‘my team’ versus ‘your team’ BS, please. Only individual scumbags)
submitted by Uparmored to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:31 Beavers4life 900 points army list

There is gonna be a 900 points tournament in my city, and had 2 ideas for the list - but as a beginner I seek your advice.
One is to take a Canis Rex/Crusader and 3 armigers (helverin/warglaive, have no moirax). The other is to take 5 Armigers, and an Inquisitor Karamazov for the Warlord.
Appreciate any input.
submitted by Beavers4life to ImperialKnights [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:31 Tman143569872 Quirk Creation Help

So I’m new to this whole OC thing but I have had this idea for a quirk for a while and I would like to know your peoples opinions on it it’s name is devil bringer all in for it below I also need help classifying it
Quirk: Devil Bringer
Devil bringer
When the quirk first awakens when activated it allows the user to make an armor that's invincible appear on their body no matter where they are
When the user of the quirk turns between 10 - 12 they can summon hell beings like skulls of people that are in the realm of the damned though they may seem as though they attack everything they won't attack unless provoked when the beings are destroyed the user experiences the pain the soul went through when they were killed
Upon Reaching the age of a highschooler 15-17 the user will and i emphasize WILL go through the quirks first awakening which allows them to travel in the shadows and go to the realm of the damned, though this may seem overpowered at first this, when they use this their quirk is limited to only being able to summon armor and 1 single skull as a companion and scout in a combat situation, the skull can be used as an extra pair of eyes for the user upon reaching the second awakening during the day their quirk is weakened but when the sun is setting it gets more powerful until midnight where it is almost invincible the sword the user is able to summon is able to take the shape of any knife/sword they are thinking of as it is summoned(can summon fictional swords form stories and video games ) Upon reaching the first awakening the user will randomly experience breakdowns in which a sword appears in their hand along with their armor being summoned onto their being and at that moment there is a chance of them going berserk and harming friends and classmates if that were to happen lifting the user off of the ground would completely subdue the user NOTE: this is only for about 3 months after the first awakening Yes this quirk has multiple awakenings
When user either goes through a life altering change or a near death experience they will go through the second awakening and be able to summon skeleton hell hounds to help them search for survivors in a wreck, find a target, or just be a good pet( Note they eat any raw meat uncooked that they can see) also upon reaching the second they can create wings out of shadows or fire that is nearby after that the quirk does not change until death where once the user dies the quirk will transfer to a soul it finds worthy of it, this person can be of any age but when first appearing in the it will not take over any other quirk inside the body it in fact stores them to transfer to the next user when the next gets the quirk they immediately get transported to the main government building to let the authorities know who the new user is because this is a very sought after quirk.
submitted by Tman143569872 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:31 SamFloss Tired Voice

I'm on Vyvanse 3-4 days/week for about 10yrs now with some breaks here and there. I don't take it on slow seasons for work, off days, holidays etc. I've noticed that when I'm on it my voice seems a tad hoarse and tired. It feels like an effort to speak late in the days which can lead to irritableness. Does anyone else have this issue? I think it's from the cotton mouth drying out the vocal chords.
submitted by SamFloss to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 Illustrious-Pick-296 What is your view?

For the following situation, I would like to hear your opinion.
I've been with my girlfriend for about 3.5 years. In the first 1.5 years, (almost) everything was perfect, but for about 2 years now, there have been increasing problems. About 2 years ago, her parents moved to Germany from abroad. I took care of all the paperwork (government, apartment search, job search, etc.). I'm already working, my girlfriend is still studying and earns a monthly income of about €600 to €700. I cover rent, groceries, and costs for dining out. When we go on vacation, I usually cover 2/3 or 3/4 of the costs. She pays for internet and electricity. Now, here's what bothers me:
TLDR Conclusion:
I'm bothered that I always have to restrict myself. I'm bothered that the parents allow their daughter, who is a student and earns little, to always treat them when dining out.
submitted by Illustrious-Pick-296 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 NegusNegast91 [For Hire] Job Search Assistant

Are you spending too much time scouring job boards and listings, only to find roles that don't quite fit your skills or interests? I'm offering a personalized job lead curation service to take the hassle out of your search. Here's how it works:
  1. You tell me your desired job title, industry, qualifications, location preferences etc.
  2. I'll diligently research and compile a list of open roles that match your criteria.
  3. For each job listing, I'll include the role description, qualifications, company info and application details.
  4. You pay just $1 per job lead included in the curated list.
My service saves you from trawling through irrelevant listings and having to parse long job descriptions yourself. I'll do all the hard work so you can focus your efforts on high-potential opportunities. With an affordable per-listing fee, this is a low-risk way to streamline your job hunt and ensure you don't miss out on great roles. Simply comment below or PM me your job search details to get started! Let me be your personal job hunting assistant. Resume-qualifiedjob opportunities delivered right to your inbox.
submitted by NegusNegast91 to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 astroemi TuesdAMA: astroemi

Haven't done one of these in a while. But I like being a part of things so here we go.
Time to show respect to the ancients by getting up on the interview chair.

Standard Questions

1) Where have you just come from?

I’ve been thinking about Mingben’s “trust your intention and function” and how I’ve just realized not long ago that I was putting my trust in an image of the Zen Masters that I made up in my head.
We can talk about what the confusion was, but the most interesting part for me is that as soon as the confusion ends, it’s done. It’s even hard to remember how it felt like to see things the way I did when I was confused about this.
And that’s what Zen study does. It starts with the refusal to be confused about who you are.

2) What's your text?

Right now I’m taking as close a look as I can to the Wumenguan and I’m taking advantage of ewk reading it over and over for however many years. We are even recording our conversations about it and then calling it a podcast. If you are interested in that book, I think those are worth a listen.
That’s probably the book I could answer the most questions about, but eventually I would like to do something similar with the Book of Serenity, since that’s the book I’ve enjoyed the most.

3) Dharma low tides?

If you think that you can be more Zen at some point or less Zen at another, I'd just say you are confused.
submitted by astroemi to zen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:29 Silver_Worker_6261 3.1 and ~170 - Need Reassurance

I’m a junior entering my senior year of undergrad with a 3.1. I plan to take the lsat in August and am currently practice testing between 168-171.
I had two abysmal semesters to begin college largely due to substance abuse problems. But since then I have consistently been above a 3.5 and last semester I had a 4.0.
I have three questions that have been keeping me up at night, I have constant anxiety about law school because I really want to do it but want to know how feasible it i
  1. Is substance abuse appropriate to talk about in a GPA addendum?
  2. Is there a way to show schools my senior fall and spring semester to maximize my GPA?
  3. Do I have a good shot of getting into a top 50 school?
submitted by Silver_Worker_6261 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:29 -_kuroo_- I want to create a pure mage in Skyrim, any recommendations?

I want to create a pure mage in Skyrim, any recommendations? The magician wears nothing more than clothes and takes advantage (even if just a little) of all the magic and must use staffs from time to time.
BEWARE I don't have the AE, I play on ps3 with the 3 dlc 
submitted by -_kuroo_- to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:29 stlatos Ogma and Agni, PIE Fire Gods and Sun Gods

Ranko Matasovic reconstructed *Ogmiyos to explain the name of the Celtic god (Gaulish Ogmios, OIr Ogm(a)e, MW Euuyd \ Ewyð). He said that though *ogm > *ōm might be expected on the model of certain *ogn > *ōn, etc., *m and *n need not behave the same. This is true, but not very likely (nasals often behave the same way, especially concerning voicing). The other possible example of *seg(m)et- > OW seget-, MIr séimed ‘seed / descendants’ shows that *egm > *ēm DID occur, and though he wonders about the source of *-gm- here (*-met- is not a normal ending), *seg- is a known root, *og- is not. In cases like this, there is no reason to say an uncertain sound change is proven one way by an unknown root, and *gm of *Ogmiyos should be abandoned in favor of a different cluster. The only likely source is *Ongmiyos or *Omgmiyos, with later nasal dissimilation. That this occurred after leaving its mark in a sound change is also seen in *smamk^i- > *sme(m)gi- > Irish smeig ‘chin’, where *-mk- is needed to voice *k > g, but the 2nd *m must disappear before regular *emg > *ēg (Whalen 2024a). Two nasals are seen in Hittite zmankur, making it :
*smamk^ru- > *sma(m)k^ur- > Hittite zma(n)kur ‘beard’, šmankur-want- ‘bearded’
*smak^ru- > Sanskrit śmáśru-
*smak^ro- > Lithuanian smãkras ‘chin’
*smamk^i- > *sme(m)gi- > Irish smeig ‘chin’

The only similar word in PIE is *(e/o)ngni-s ‘fire’ (L. ignis, Li. ugnìs, Skt. agní-). Since this occurs in the name of the god Agni, similarities between them should be looked at. Since Ogma is called ‘sun-faced’ and Agni compared to the sun (or sometimes equivalent), Ogmios was equated with Hercules and Agni was said to do the same deeds as Indra (and their births were likely once the same), and both had odd tongues (Agni’s many tongues represented the flames, Ogmios’ tongue connected by chains to his followers represented his eloquent words binding them), there is a reasonable amount to compare.

Ogma is not described in extensive detail, but he is similar to Lug. Since several gods might be split into more (if they had multiple names), I will also consider this connection. Hercules is most similar to Cú Chulainn; if Ogma was an earlier name, then trying to find common elements in all 3 might help. Cú Chulainn’s real name was supposedly Sétanta ‘knowing the way’. If this was an epithet of a god, it would be for one associated with intelligence, not strength. Ogma is known for both, and Lug is skilled in many arts. One god of fighting strength and knowledge is possible, but 3 would e pushing it.

OIr Lug (Ir. Lugh, Lugu- in Gaulish) is likely related to a similarly “clever” god, Norse Loki. Since *g > k would be expected in Germanic, this could have some value in reconstructing *Lug-u- vs. *Lug-on-, but this would not be related to any meaningful PIE root. The primacy of regularity would require Lugu- ‘lynx’, but this seems like grasping at straws. It’s possible both are somehow related to *l(e)uk- ‘light’ (ON leygr ‘flame / fire’, Skt. roci- ‘light/ray/beam’). Loki’s connection to fire (such as his descent from lightning and a tree, like a forest fire) shows he was a once a god of fire, among others. His punishment is very similar to Prometheus’, who gave fire to man. In a myth (probably late) Loki has an eating contest with Logi (the personification of fire). Both Old Norse loga ‘flame’ and logi come from Indo-European *leuk- ‘bright, light’. If Loki came from the same root, the -k- would be unexplained. The cause could be found in Icelandic bingur ‘heap’, Norwegian bunga / bunka ‘small heap’. Seeing g > k in one word, also an old n-stem, suggests that PIE *kn > *gn > Gmc. *kn could be at work (as in *doik^no- > E. token), or that Gmc. *nK or *nKn was irregular (see below). Since n-stems had *-o:n in the nominative, but *-nos in the genitive, or similar inflection, a split of the older into two words later is possible:

*luko:n > *lugo:n > logi
*luknos > *lugnos > *luknos >> *luko:n > Loki

Sometimes *k > g in Celtic for no known cause (OIc. hafr ‘male goat’, L. caper, OIr. gabor), so there is no proof lug- did not come from *luk-. It is also possible that Lugu- is related to *lugh- in *lughra: > OW loyr, W. lloer ‘moon’, L. lūridus ‘pale yellow / wan / ghastly’, which would serve the same semantic purpose, even if from a separate root. It seems likely to me that *luk- and *lugh- would be related, since many IE roots are nearly identical except for voicing, such as *KaP- ‘hold’ > *ghabh-eH1 > L. habeō, *kap-ye- > L. capiō ‘seize/take’,*gab- > Arm. kapem ‘bind’.

Since *ogmos > OIr ogum ‘Ogham writing’ is an o-stem, 3 different endings would exist (legend says Ogmae created ogum). With this, that the PIE word is *(e/o)mgni(yo)- / *(e/o)ngmo- / etc. and not *(e/o)ngni-s ‘fire’ allows figures similar to Lug to be added, especially if they had no etymology before. With more nasal dissimilation *n-m > *n-w, Gmc. *Ingwaz, ON Yngvi, OE Ing (which were likely other names for Frey). For *ngm > *nkw, since Kümmel proposed outcomes of Gmc. *nK that were not governed by Verner’s Law, *nKn might be a special case, both possibly irregular. Since Ing was “seen first among the East Danes” and had a wagon that could move over water he resembles the sun and other Sun Gods with flying boats or chariots. This could have also originally been like Frey’s magic foldable ship Skíðblaðnir or Wade’s boat Guingelot.

It is not easy to determine an origin for *(e/o)ngmi(yo)-. However, since Agni shows many signs of being particularly associated with the domestic hearth, his female equivalent being *westu- ‘dwelling / home’ >> L. Vesta, G. Hestíā suggests a source for odd *-ngm-. If his name also came from ‘home’, a compound of *domyo- (Skt. dámya- ‘being in a house/homely’) could be *en+domyo- > *endmyo- ‘(that) which is within a house / hearth / focus’. With no other old examples, *ndm > *ngm seems possible. As for *(e/o)-, it could be optional rounding by *m in *emgnyo- > *omgniyo- (compare also optional e > o by KW in *penkWe > *kW- > O. *pompe ‘5’, L. quīnque; Ga. pempe-, *kWonkWe > OIr cóic ). If not, I have also considered it possible that PIE *(H)en ‘in(to)’ was actually more complicated. Consider :

*ent(e)ro- ‘interior (of body) / entrails / stomach / belly’ > éntera ‘entrails’, Arm. ǝnder-k’, Skt. antrá-m, OCS jętro ‘liver’
*endro- > Cz. jádro ‘kernel’

*wentri- ‘interior (of body) / entrails / stomach / belly’ > L. venter ‘belly / womb / entrails’
*wed(a)ro- > Li. vḗdaras ‘fish entrails’

Both groups mean the same thing, alternate *t / *d and *Tr / *TVr for no clear reason. Some of this might be contamination between similar stems, but, if not, it could be that *ewen ‘in’ existed, becoming *en when not stressed (or in quick speech, or as a clitic, etc.). If so, *ewen-taro- could become *ent(e)ro- / *went(a)ro- ‘interior (of body)’, maybe with optional assimilation of *e-e-a > *e-e-e and *ntr vs. *ndR (for optional *r pronounced as uvular *R, see Whalen 2024b). With this, *ewen- or *ewem- > *on- / *om- might be more likely, and the w of *Ingwaz could be original. Whatever the case, I feel many of these problems need more study.

Kümmel, Martin Joachim (2012) Das dünkt mich dunkel: Germanische etymologische Probleme

Matasović, Ranko (2009) Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic

Whalen, Sean (2024a) Artemis and Indo-European Words for ‘Bear’

Whalen, Sean (2024b) Greek Uvular R / q, ks > xs / kx / kR, k / x > k / kh / r, Hk > H / k / kh (Draft)

submitted by stlatos to mythology [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:28 CHoneybun To rig, or not to rig?

If you’re on the fence about purchasing a wheel/rig setup to play GT. Take my word for it when I say DO IT!
I wanted a wheel for a long time but just haven’t had the disposable income to buy one. A few months of scouting FB Marketplace & I found a Logitech G29 @ Shifter for under £80… SOLD.
I only used it just a couple of times as I was having to move the dining room table around to set it up. But, I found I wasn’t enjoying using a controller to play GT anymore…
3 months later brings me to yesterday.
I bought a Playseat Challenge for £40 and have fully immersed myself into an evening session of ‘The real driving simulator’ & folded it away for another day.
I am in love with this set up and can’t encourage anyone unsure if they should delve into getting a wheel & rig enough… Seriously wish I did it earlier!
submitted by CHoneybun to granturismo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:28 jwear95 Ireland Road Trip Itinerary - Looking for Advice

Hi all, Visiting Ireland and NI from Aus with a mate and hiring a car to road trip in July. We have a rough outline of our trip but just wanted to check if anything sounds unachievable or any suggestions welcome before we lock anything in. I have read online that a lot of people overestimate how much they can get done in a day so wanting to avoid that if possible.
Day 1. Pickup Car from Dublin airport, drive to Kilcoo, NI. Stay the night in Kilo. Day 2. Drive to Belfast, explore Belfast & stay the night. Day 3. Drive to Donegal via Dark Hedges, Giants Causeway and Derry. * Leave Belfast in the morning (7am-ish?). * Drive Antrim Coast from Belfast and cut in to visit Dark Hedges. * Stay in Donegal for the night. Day 4. Drive to Galway from Donegal via Sligo. (N15) * Head out to Slieve League in the morning. * Take the N15 and cut in and visit Gleniff Horseshoe on the way. * Lunch/ few hours in Sligo * Stay in Galway for 2 nights. Day 6. Drive to Limerick via Cliffs of Moher (N67/N85) * Head to Cliffs of Moher in the morning Via Doolin.Beer at Ennis and Shannon? * Head to Limerick, explore the city & stay the night (May change due to no accommodation in Limerick this weekend.) Day 7. Drive to Dingle (N21/N86/R560) * Conor Pass/Dunquin PieDunmore Head. Any suggestions around Dingle? * Stay the night in Dingle Day 8 - Drive to Cork Via Killarney (R561/ N22) * Jamison Middleton Distillery Day 9 & 10 * Head to Dublin via Waterford and Kilkenny * Check out Dublin for 2 days
Any changes to our plans, suggestions on things we shouldn’t miss that aren’t listed and any other tips would be super helpful!Cheers,
submitted by jwear95 to irishtourism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:28 swaggerlynx Am i getting underdosed?

Hi! Today i had my 3 months check up for hrt, i was expecting a dose bump but my doctor told me to keep taking the same dose, that being 2mg estradiol valerate and 50mg spironolactone a day.
For reference my initial levels were:
e : 75.3 pg/ml
t: 7.4 ng/ml
And the 3 month test results:
e : 45.9 pg/ml
t: 5.5 ng/ml
So yeah, i was a bit worried and everyone that i ask tells me that my dose is too low. What do you think?
submitted by swaggerlynx to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:28 Present-Ad-2844 [Pc] [Any Region] Dx9 Competitive League.

Welcome to *Dx9 Competitors League*. The goal of this project is to build a community to where people of all skill can have a fun and fair place to compete. We plan to work and build with *streamers big and small* it works hand and for all of us. You get content to put out of custom matches to even *dx9 hosted competitive tournament's* with the chance to even win **cash prizes**. This allows *streamers* to always have some type of content and with dx9 offering so many fun things to do and ways to compete. We hope to *build the recognition of our league*, and *build a fun and welcoming community*. Maybe even *expands to other fps games* aside games from **Rainbow Six Siege** and **Call of Duty**. *All types of gamers are welcome* PC - Console. **Tournament's at the moment will be PC only** until we build enough of a following to be able to move into console league matches. *Once we have enough teams we plan to start our first set of **dx9 hosted tournament's*** were many teams will play the best of 3 maps, *winner moves on and takes all. Is your squad goated enough*? Find out bring your team and lets get rocking.
Happy Dx
submitted by Present-Ad-2844 to R6STeams [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:28 muldypup Question about klonopin

Hi, all.
I had a massive stressful event in my life that triggered a serious panic attack and has led to sleep anxiety and bad insomnia. I've been working with my doctor to find something that helps, but after multiple failures and the insomnia only getting worse, I was prescribed .5mg klonopin to try. It didn't seem to work, so after 3 days I stopped taking it and we moved on to something else to try. I was off the klonopin for 3 days.
In the meantime, I was referred to a psychiatrist who suggested I try the klonopin again, but at 1mg a night. He also prescribed lexapro to take during the day (so 5mg lexapro day, 1mg klonopin night). I wanted to be good and give it the old college try, but after 4 days I really don't think the klonopin is doing much of anything. I've had 1 good night out of 4, and it was only after a massive environmental change (slept at a friend's house) on top of already being extremely exhausted (only slept 2 hours the night prior). I also only took .75mg that night, for no other reason than I was curious if it made a difference.
Anyway. Does anyone know if there is any risk of just stopping the klonopin cold turkey at this point? So much of what I see online is people coming off it after months to years. I've only taken it a total of 7 times, not consecutively, with the longest stretch being 4 days.
I've already put a call into my doctor to ask this info, but unfortunately he's out of office until Thursday.
submitted by muldypup to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:27 Illustrious-Pick-296 What do you think?

For the following situation, I would like to hear your opinion.
I've been with my girlfriend for about 3.5 years. In the first 1.5 years, (almost) everything was perfect, but for about 2 years now, there have been increasing problems. About 2 years ago, her parents moved to Germany from abroad. I took care of all the paperwork (government, apartment search, job search, etc.). I'm already working, my girlfriend is still studying and earns a monthly income of about €600 to €700. I cover rent, groceries, and costs for dining out. When we go on vacation, I usually cover 2/3 or 3/4 of the costs. She pays for internet and electricity. Now, here's what bothers me:
I'm bothered that I always have to restrict myself. I'm bothered that the parents allow their daughter, who is a student and earns little, to always treat them when dining out.
submitted by Illustrious-Pick-296 to Advice [link] [comments]
