Videos ensenando la panocha

Vi una webcamer, super Linda, hablamos un rato, me gusto, vi un video donde se la cogian como a rata, me dieron cells. Hahaha Todo mk yo, en fin... Pdta: quiero mi webcamer

2024.05.14 18:56 Mosarellla1990 Vi una webcamer, super Linda, hablamos un rato, me gusto, vi un video donde se la cogian como a rata, me dieron cells. Hahaha Todo mk yo, en fin... Pdta: quiero mi webcamer

submitted by Mosarellla1990 to Bogota [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:53 whitedog04 Il problema della solitudine (o storia della mia solitudine) [Parte 1]

Ciao, scrivo qui perché a quanto pare lo psicologo da cui vorrei cominciare ad andare non risponde alle mie chiamate. E' da 8 mesi che ho cominciato l'università in una città molto distante dalla mia città "natale" (6h di treno) [natale tra virgolette perché mi ci sono trasferito quando avevo 11 anni], e dei problemi che prima si sentivano abbastanza adesso mi stanno svuotando l'anima fino all'agonia.
Io ho sempre avuto difficoltà nell'instaurare rapporti e mantenere amici, poi alle medie (vulnerabile dal trasferimento) c'era uno che ha visto ciò ed evidentemente ha deciso che sarei stato una sua vittima (anche se non so a livello inconscio quanto ciò possa aver influenzato sviluppi futuri). Mi ricordo ancora di quando ho avuto la mia "vendetta" su di lui durante il ritorno dalla gita di 3a media sul bus, quando gli ho detto quanto male mi sentissi per causa sua (provavo qualcosa? Ah, sembravo piccolo perché accadesse, strano, ma vabbè) e pianse; il ricordo del suo pianto ancora mi dà sollievo da quel che ha fatto (non ci penso spesso btw, è solo che scrivendo questo papiro mi è ritornato in mente). Anyway, finite le medie non vedo l'ora di cominciare le superiori per capovolgere quell'immagine che si era formata di me (che sentivo interiorizzata, anche se allora non sapevo cosa significasse) di un ragazzo timido e strano, asociale e per niente divertente. E durante l'ultima estate prima del liceo mi ricordo che ogni volta che mi docciavo dopo essere andato al mare pensavo che sarei diventato una nuova persona; oh boy, how wrong I was.
Cominciate le superiori, mi capita di sedermi in prima fila con un ragazzo con cui (spoiler) sarei stato amico lungo tutti quei 5 anni, e saremmo andati alla stessa università (anche se in facoltà diverse); stranamente era l'unica eccezione al fatto che nessuno si avvicinasse volontariamente a meno che non avesse bisogno di aiuto con dei compiti (ero discretamente bravo in matematica, tanto che sto studiando quella all'università), praticamente solo lui mi ha invitato a casa sua anche per giocare e fare altre cose che non sono strettamente inerenti con progetti scolastici. Non è passato molto tempo da quando ci siamo conosciuti che ha annunciato che era sullo spettro e che aveva l'adhd, perché in una lezione di religione la professoressa ci ha chiesto di portare qualcosa che significasse molto per noi, e lui portò la sua diagnosi. Da lì capimmo tutti nella classe che sarebbe stato necessario un trattamento "atipico" nei suoi confronti, proprio perché gestiva gli stimoli esterni in maniera radicalmente diversa, e nonostante quegli scatti d'iperattività ci sarebbero state occasioni in cui sarebbero serviti aiuti di una portata considerevole. Questo per dire che, io mi ci trovavo bene come amico, e non sapevo perché, sapevo solo che sarebbe potuto essere mio amico.
Adesso arriviamo alla questione degli altri: il gruppo classe in generale è sempre stato molto coeso e lo è stato fino alla fine del viaggio delle superiori (tanto che si sono formate 2 coppie), ma come detto prima, con me non c'è stata un'integrazione vera e propria, eravamo legati solo dall'ambiente accademico (tanto che adesso che stiamo tutti sparsi per l'Italia nessuno mi ha messaggiato per qualsiasi cosa, l'unico momento è stato recentemente quando ho fatto il compleanno per farmi gi auguri, ma nulla di più), e ciò mi ha portato in seguito a credere che gli altri stanno insieme a me solo perché sono costretti da qualcos'altro, e se quel qualcosa non ci fosse stato, loro sarebbero stati definitivamente liberi dalla catena della mia presenza. La credenza di prima è stata rinforzata anche da un fatto che è risorto traumaticamente proprio in questi giorni: le lezioni erano appena finite, e in classe gli altri si stavano parlando prima di separarsi per tornare a casa; ad un certo punto sento l'organizzazione di un'uscita al sushi, e qui cominciano le domande del tipo "dove andiamo? quando?" oppure "tu ci sei? e tu?", ma queste domande non mi sono mai state fatte direttamente. Ahia, hanno organizzato un'uscita di classe davanti a me, ma senza invitarmi: lì ho sentito per la prima volta il dolore di non essere voluto, e stavo quasi letteralmente piangendo dentro. Allora ho fatto l'unica cosa che potevo (allora pensai) fare: ho tentato di seppellire ciò nel dimenticatoio e di andare avanti con gli studi, anche se saranno spesso compromessi da inconscio variazioni di questo fatto.
Ma durante quei 5 anni non c'era solo il problema di io che facevo fatica ad integrarmi nell'unica compagnia che avrebbe avuto un tale grado d'inclusione e piacevolezza (parlerò dopo della comitiva universitaria), c'era anche il problema dell'amore; e sì, perché nella famosa "tempesta ormonale" mi capitavano numerose cotte ed un amore che mi ha segnato e continua a segnarmi ancora oggi. La 1a cotta avvenne perché c'era una mia compagna delle medie (che sarebbe venuta con me anche alle superiori) che aveva un'amica brava in matematica, e io, timido e impacciato con una passione per la matematica, ho detto "hah, ma è brava in mate come me, sarebbe fantastico!" (inutile dire che non è successo niente, siamo sempre stati solo compagni di classe, amici mai). La 2a cotta è stata più spontanea ed improvvisa, quasi inconscia: ero ad un campo estivo organizzato dalla mia parrocchia, ed un giorno mi ricordo che stavo seduto su un divanetto della hall dell'hotel dove stavamo dormendo (il campo durava una settimana). Ad un certo punto viene questa ragazza e si siede accanto a me sul poggiabraccio, e sembra essere confident mentre parla con me; allora io, senza rendermene conto, comincio a seguirla un po' per tutta la zona d'attività del campo (perché organizzavano giochi, passeggiate,...), e ad un certo punto me lo fa notare esplicitamente (questo atteggiamento assillante), e da lì non ci parlammo mai più. Appena rientrato da questo campo, ero ignaro del fatto che da lì a poco (ferragosto 2019) avrei conosciuto l'amore che mi avrebbe segnato per sempre, la cotta che paragonare ad un'ustione di 3° grado sarebbe un'esorbitante sottovalutazione. Come detto, era l'estate del 2019 ed io, come ogni estate, ero con i miei (genitori) al mare, quando ad un certo punto si presenta una famiglia mai vista nella solita comitiva (composta appunto dai miei e dai genitori di alcune compagne delle elementari di mia sorella), e pare ci fossero anche due ragazze che potevano benissimo avere la mia stessa età o quella di mia sorella o le sue compagne: dopo si scoprì che la più grande aveva due anni in meno di me e l'altra (sua sorella obv) aveva due anni in meno di lei. All'inizio non ci parlammo molto (io e la maggiore), ma capitò che quella sera tutta la palma (intesa come luogo di raccolta della comitiva che solitamente s'incontrava per andare al mare) andò in una pizzeria e noi ci sedemmo accanto: da lì sono sorte naturalmente domande del tipo "cosa fai?" oppure (anche digressioni dalla domanda precedente) "cosa ti piace fare?"; alla fine si è visto che avevamo abbastanza cose in comune (per una chiacchierata iniziale, la prima, almeno pensavo fossero abbastanza), tipo il fatto che entrambi facevamo lo scientifico (e con lo stesso nome, ahah) e ascoltavamo la stessa musica (rock). Dopo un po', durante la serata, m'invita animosamente con le sue mani con lo smalto bianco sulle unghie ad avvicinarmi alla radio della pizzeria, perché stava riproducendo una canzone di cui mi stava parlando in precedenza: "Lemon tree" (ancora oggi, ogni volta che sento quella canzone, non posso fare a meno di pensare a lei). Appena usciti ci ricordiamo di scambiarci le date di compleanno e dopo una passeggiata sul lungomare lì vicino all'insegna di un gelato (qui impariamo anche che ad entrambi piacela cioccolata più di qualsiasi altro gusto [fatta eccezione per il cocco]) ci promettiamo d'incontrarci il giorno dopo al mare per giocare a biliardino oppure fare qualcos'altro (ah, una cosa prima di continuare, chiamiamo questa ragazza Loto). La mattina dopo penso sia stata la prima volta in cui ero eccitato di andare al mare, perché di solito mi stancavo sotto al sole e mi annoiavo perché non c'era niente da fare; arrivato il pomeriggio, ci siamo incontrati e abbiamo giocato e ci siamo divertiti. Ma, come tutte le cose, ciò era destinato a finire: a fine agosto lei dovette tornare a casa (vive a 7h di treno dalla mia città "natale"), e poco prima che se ne andasse definitivamente mi ricordo di aver fatto una goffa corretta sulla sabbia sotto il cielo nuvoloso per chiederle il numero, così da poterci continuare a sentire anche a distanza. Da lì ci scrivemmo per un po', e sembrava veramente stessimo coltivando un'amicizia (che, a distanza, è ovviamente compromessa, ed essendo adolescenti non potevamo permetterci dei viaggi solo perché ci volevamo vedere), e ci rivedevamo ogni estate e ogni capodanno (perché essendo i suoi genitori amici di famiglia dei genitori di un'amica di mia sorella, e trascorrendo i miei capodanni con i miei, inevitabilmente c'incontravamo ogni volta in quelle occasioni), anche se nel corso di 2 anni di corrispondenza, essa va scemando esponenzialmente: una volta decisi di non scriverle per primo (per cercare di stimolare una reciprocità), e finimmo per non scriverci per due mesi. Dopo un po' (sarà stato un annetto e passa) decido di farmi coraggio e dirle che, in effetti, volevo essere più di un amico con lei; la sua risposta era sulle linee di "non mi sento pronta per una relazione a distanza" (e in più quando le ho detto che lei per me era una persona estremamente importante la sua risposta è stata [riporto testualmente] "sono lusingata"), e da lì è sorta la proposta di restare amici (anche se dopo non rimanemmo amici, tanto che ho dovuto cancellare la sua chat su whatsapp per cercare di eliminare il ricordo dell'amore che provavo per lei). Dopo la cancellazione della chat, ci rivedemmo al mare per una passeggiata sul bagnasciuga una volta sola, e nella nostra penultima cena (naturalmente con l'immancabile compagnia della comitiva della palma) eravamo in zone del tavolo diametralmente opposte (secondo il lato lungo del rettangolone, con entrambi non a capotavola); lì sarebbe stata la penultima volta che ci parlammo di persona (l'ultima sarebbe stata al ferragosto dell'anno successivo [l'ultimo con una sua compresenza], anche se di sfuggita, durante una serata ad un ristorante [stesso posizionamento di prima]) e la penultima volta che ci saremmo mandati un messaggio (la penultima è stata per mandarle un video la cui esistenza è sorta casualmente durante la conversazione) (l'ultima è stata quest'anno quando le ho mandato degli auguri di compleanno, sperando che pensasse che il fatto che le avessi fatto gli auguri le facesse ricordare di chi fossi [dopo 2 anni che non ci scrivevamo] e in tal modo far risorgere una possibilità di conversazione reciproca fra di noi. Il tentativo fallì miseramente, tanto che il suo ringraziamento fu l'ultimo messaggio che mai mi mandò).
Allora (con allora intendo prima da quando ho fatto la confessione andata male e poi dal penultimo messaggio in poi) è partita la ricerca del "cosa c'è di sbagliato in me che non le fa voler stare con me?". Tra video / post motivazionali stavo anche facendo un inconscio affidamento alla filosofia che stavo studiando al liceo (poiché anch'io, in un certo senso, mi stavo interrogando sul senso di tutto quello, sulla spiegazione della sofferenza [che intanto cercavo di sforzarmi d'inquadrare] e come avrei potuto affrontarla e andare avanti). Mi ricordo ancora di quando m'innamorai di Schopenhauer, Freud, e soprattutto, e in modo assolutamente estremo, di Nietzsche: tra motivazione della sofferenza, analisi dell'inconscio e volontà di potenza, pensavo di aver trovato rimedio al mio malessere (e con trovato intendo esclusivamente gli strumenti e non necessariamente la loro implementazione, perché ciò avrebbe significato [almeno così pensavo] la risoluzione del problema direttamente). Il fatto è che io tentavo di leggere dei loro libri (e accanto a loro altri libri su come vivere meglio, aumentare autostima e carisma, saper parlare (nel senso di saper cominciare ed intrattenere una conversazione) e come farlo in maniera ottimale, ma per qualche motivo non riuscivo ad andare oltre le prime pagine del primo capitolo (forse perché ero sopraffatto dall'enorme quantità di libri che dovevo leggere in un lasso di tempo relativamente breve affinché potessi diventare più sociale prima che il mio unico gruppo di amici rimasto sarebbe potuto essere una miglior esperienza, per quanto breve sarebbe potuta essere; tutto questo era unito alla gigantesca pressione accademica che incombeva su di me, sia da parte dei miei genitori [mio padre ha sempre preteso la perfezione e nient'altro da me], sia dai miei professori [quando l'interrogazione o compito non andava come si aspettavano esprimevano il loro disappunto in una maniera lancinante, oscillando costantemente tra modi diretti e modi indiretti], sia da me [dato che la mia sfera sociale era a irrimediabilmente a pezzi cercavo redenzione almeno in ambiente accademico; alla fine era tutto un circola vizioso di voler migliorare ma non riuscirci per mancanza di supporto e cercare un'altra via su cui poter essere migliore, con la sensazione inconscia persistente di dover migliorare la persona, altrimenti la vita sarebbe stato un fallimento, ma allo stesso tempo volevi migliorare sulla strada appena intrapresa per avere un senso di riscatto, ma ciò non avveniva perché dovevi migliorare l'altra cosa, etc.]). Un'altra cosa che ero solito fare (e che continuo a fare tutt'ora) era prendermi un po' di tempo prima di andare a dormire per ascoltare la musica che amavo con sottofondo i miei pensieri e le mie riflessioni su come sia sopravvissuto alla giornata appena finita (eh sì, perché a quel punto, senza nessun amico [a parte quello delle superiori, ma più che fornirmi supporto {come parte del "contratto" non scritto di un'amicizia} aveva bisogno più lui di supporto, che io non potevo fornire più di tanto, proprio per la situazione in cui mi trovavo] e in un ambiente familiare altamente disfunzionale [mio padre appena tornava da lavoro raramente si prendeva cura della famiglia a meno che non era ripreso da mia madre, si arrabbiava spesso e volentieri per frivolezze e non poteva fare a meno di criticare qualsiasi cosa non andasse secondo il suo verso {da notare come qui ho usato un tempo passato, ma continua a farlo tutt'ora}, mia sorella che è costantemente che si ritrova con i vezzi spesso repressi dalla critica di mio padre {spero solo che sia la fase dell'adolescente ribelle},...] non mi rimaneva altro che tagliarmi del tempo per me stesso, dato che le ore precedenti erano occupate a sopravvivere da solo in un mondo che mi fa sentire completamente solo, e non perde occasione di ricordarmi che essendo come sono non avrò mai una compagnia degna di accompagnarmi in questo esodo verso un'indefinito esistenziale), per avere un'occasione di sfogo che non potrò mai esprimere esplicitamente (perché, indovina un po', non ho nessuno a cui rivolgermi: i miei genitori sono già stressati e si stanno avvicinando ad un'età dove tali problemi sarebbero troppo da sapere / gestire, e in più sono causa [in un certo senso] del mio problema, e uno mica va a chiedere alla bestia che la vuole divorare come sfuggire dalle sue zanne); si potrebbe chiamare questa cosa una "revenge bedtime procrastination" (ah, e mentre scrollo su Instagram per cercare di distrarre la mia mente dall'assenza di qualsiasi connessione umana mi spuntavano post di filosofia / psicologia qua e là; ciò a portato alla creazione di una prospettiva di autodiagnosi [lo so, è pericolosa, per quello ho sentito finalmente il bisogno di andare da un professionista per confermare {o confutare} i miei timori]), e infatti spesso e volentieri mi capita di andare a dormire tardi proprio perché non mi sento abbastanza stanco dall'uso del telefono o dalla pesantezza delle mie riflessioni (ormai un sonno naturale non penso sia possibile, l'unica cosa che mi costringe a letto è una stanchezza degli occhi dovuta ad esposizione alla luce blu [mentre ascolto musica mi piace risolvere sudoku] o il voler scappare dalla mia mente e dai miei pensieri, mettendomi a dormire controvoglia solo perché non voglio sentirmi pensare, e non ho nessuno a cui chiedere aiuto)
submitted by whitedog04 to Psicologia_Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:46 FierceAlchemist Who has the advantage on the inside, Fury or Usyk?

I've been watching a lot of prediction videos for the fight and opinions are split. Some commentators are saying Fury has the advantage up close if he can lean on Usyk with his weight and fight a bit dirty like he did in Wilder 2. However Teddy Atlas on his podcast said that Usyk has more experience fighting on the inside and Fury would be better off winning with his longer jab. He brought up the Oscar de la Hoya vs Floyd Mayweather fight where Oscar started losing later on when he closed the distance.
To me the fascinating aspect of the fight is what gameplan Fury chooses, because he could theoretically win either way. Based on his level of fitness I'm inclined to believe he's going to go back to his roots and win by boxing on the outside but he could do the total opposite. Trying out-jab a master boxer is a risk in and of itself.
submitted by FierceAlchemist to Boxing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:46 julyava26 Alguien se hace pasar por mi novio

Resulta que me llego una solicitud de amistad de face, de seguimiento en Tiktok y en insta de mi novio! En realidad no era mi novio pero es una cuenta idéntica tiene todo lo que el publica, fotos, videos etc etc (mi novio tiene cuenta privada, o sea es alguien de sus contactos) la única diferencia es que la cuenta falsa comenta ciertas noticias con cosas homofobicas, de odio etc etc y si alguien le contesta los reta a pelear y les manda todos los datos de mi novio, donde vive, donde trabaja etc etc, ya tuvo que cambiar de número como 3 veces y hasta lo llegaron a buscar al trabajo.
Y en realidad no sabemos que hacer, será que si se pone la denuncia puedan hacer algo?
submitted by julyava26 to Ticos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:41 Turbulent_Property_4 [SPOILER] Uomini e Donne: Mario Cusitore ed Ernesto Russo insieme dopo le segnalazioni! Il video

Ecco i due ex volti del dating show insieme dopo la cacciata dallo studio a causa di una serie di segnalazioni!
Nelle ultime puntate di Uomini e Donne abbiamo assistito all’eliminazione di Mario Cusitore, il corteggiatore napoletano ha proseguito il suo rapporto di amicizia con un membro del parterre Over che ben presto subirà la sua stessa sorte: infatti, Ernesto Russo lascerà il dating show in seguito ad alcune segnalazioni. Ma eccoli insieme!
Prosegui la lettura
submitted by Turbulent_Property_4 to malatidiserie [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:38 Dj_obZEN A Tough Decision to Make....

I had a plan to finish mixing the last few tracks and move on to the next project. I'm thinking about making another music video or two for the current tracks I have out. The problem is, as I learn more about the music production process and learn new things I've come to realize just how bad my mixes are. Everytime I learn something new, I take 1 step forward, 2 steps back.
I learned how to generate music using ai, but the song arrangements are terrible. Okay, I know how to arrange music, but the mix sounds terrible and there's all kinds of noise. Okay, I learned how to apply noise reduction and spectral analysis to reduce the noise, but now I reduced too much and parts of the song are gone making it less interesting. Okay, so I learned how to use equalization and manipulate the frequencies, but I didn't account for how it would sound on differernt speakers.
So that's where I am right now. Okay, I improved the mix somewhat, it does sound slightly better on MY speakers, but if you play it on a different setup, like say a cellphone which most people are probably using these days, and it sounds completely different and it's terrible. So now I'm back to square 1. I've come to realize why it takes months for artists to release music after they're done recording because mixing and mastering is a meticulous process that takes a lot of time and concentration. Aside from that, you must be knowledgeable about all aspects of sound frequency and sound reproduction.
Well I'm not going to give up. All that means is that I have more to learn, that's no problem. The downside is that it might take even longer for me to put more music out. But I have a solution. I'm going to take some time to study for a few weeks. In the mean time, I'm going to focus on growing my channels. Since I'm working with AI music, a good portion of what's required to produce music doesn't apply (recording and working with artists/execs) so I can cut down on the learning curve by avoiding all that and focus completely on mixing and mastering.
The solution I have, is in the mean time, I will produce some more Udio songs to fill out "Legends of the Time Dragon" and have that be an Udio album. I may also produce some stray Suno songs that don't belong to any albums yet and put out the unmixed versions for people to listen to. That should keep some fresh content rolling out to keep people interested while I level up my mixing and mastering for a few weeks and continue to work on the next project, which is amazing and I have been wanting to say a few words about it.
So I will close out this blog post with a preview of what my next project is going to be like. I want all the songs to come out at the same time like an actual release, so I might just be a blogger for a little while and just post blogs to all my lurkers about all the awesome music I'm making that nobody gets to listen to.
So here is what I have to say about it. I want to leave a clue but I can't think of anything that's not going to make it obvious. The clue is "origin of darkness", this is the subject of the album. It's going to be a concept album. It's way more focused than my previous work, which was really just a result of experimentation and didn't have much focus. I have 4 songs so far that are 90-95% finished in recomposition. I'm going to say some words about each song for those people who like to read and can maybe visualize things in their mind. 3 of the songs are gothic pop metal similar to "Time Dragon Warrior" and the last song I just made is a heavier metal song that's more numetal hardcore/metalcore vibe. Another note, I'm doing away with the mirrored halfs structure that I used for some of the previous songs and giving them more variety. I plan to have around 15 songs and I'm not sure yet if it will be a mix of Suno and Udio, or if I should make Suno albums and Udio albums exclusively. So far, this album is all Suno.
- song #1 - This song I want to be in the beginning of the album maybe somewhere 2-3. It has kind of a modern sound. I don't listen to modern music so I don't really know but it's kind of gothic pop metal. It's not very heavy but it's very ominous and eerie sounding. I want it to be in the beginning because that's where it sits in regards to the concept I'm working with. It should actually be the first or second based on that but I don't want a pop-ish song to be the opener for the album, or the 2nd track. It's a great song but I want the album to have a heavier overall sound but we shall see. This song has female vocals. Aside from the gothic aspect it also sounds slightly rnb hip hop ish (in comparison) but that's not to say it's rnb or hip hop, far from it, more like tinted.
- song # 2 - This song will probably go somewhere in the middle. This is another of the goth/pop/metal but is a little more dynamic than the previous song, not to say the other song is not dynamic, this one just has a higher range and is a little bit heavier. Aside from the goth/pop sound, the metal aspect is kind of doomy power metalish. The previous song is catchy, but this song is really catchy (and doomy for those who like doom). There is a section that gives me SOAD polka vibes from one of the songs on their self titled, and the next section is grandiose, epic power metal that sounds like angels proclaiming their glory. Then before you get too comfortable with these feelings of power, some really doomy chords to remind you this song is about doom. The song goes back to that glorious sound but now there is some unease because it feels like doom is just lurking. The metal aspect is all power metal. The end is all doom, it's not too heavy or evil but very doomy. Great for people who like playing rpgs I will say that.
-song #3 - This song is going to be close to the end. This is the 3rd of the goth/pop/metal songs and is very poppy but it's super dreamy and eerie sounding. It gives me similar vibes of "Twin Peaks" theme song at times but is a heaver kind of metal song. The metal aspect is like dark, melodic numetal. It's not a heavy song, but it has some crunch similar to a not so heavy Deftones song. The song is kind of beautiful in a way, but also kind of dark and awe inspiring. Of the 3 of these, I would rank them in the reverse order I listed them, with this one being the best. The other songs are great though, but this song is Sound wise and concept wise, it's mind blowing. This song has female vocals.
- song #4 - This song will probably be in the beginning. Out of these 4, this one is definitely my favorite and the last song I worked on. This song is actually half of a suno generation, 10% of another and maybe 25% of another song, but it sounds really badass. The style of the song is more numetal metalcore. This is closer to the music I actually want to make. For example, "Embrace the Chaos", "Through Time Dragons", "A World of Broken Dreams" minus the power metal and instead insert "Time Dragon Warrior" and that's maybe my ideal sound. When I heard the songs though, I thought they sounded pretty good though and is an interesting mix of styles I never thought could go together, so I rolled with it.
This song though, not fully close to my vision but it's getting closer. This song is definitely the heaviest so far. It starts off kind of quiet with eerie piano keys, kind of horror sounding, then it kicks it into a slight metalcore chord progression before kicking into a higher gear, which is similar to the fast verses from the previous tracks on self titled. What I really like about this song is how bouncy and aggressive the chorus is. This whole time I've been wanting to make bouncy, heavy songs but I had a hard time getting that in Suno for a while. I just got some ideas for manipulating Suno though, I will have to try those out. I still have enough credits for maybe 100 songs that expire in a few days so I gotta put those to use.
Well yeah, that is it. That's a description of the first 4 songs I have right now for the next project I'm working on. I already know what I'm going to call it and I can visualize what the cover is going to be like. This is going to be a very dark and bleak album, but the sound will have a very wide variety. Until next time when I make another blog post. I hope you all were able to make it this far.
hasta la vista bebe
submitted by Dj_obZEN to DjobZEN [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:37 Extension-Crazy377 Stripe X Zapio procesator de plăți

Salut! Am introdus recent plata prin Stripe și Zapio. La Test primesc emailul cu PDF, dar când fac plata pe site ajunge doar emailul cu factura, fără PDF. Practic nu primesc ce am plătit. Are cineva un sfat ce fac greșit? Poate un video de pe YT care să mă ajute (cu toate ca am încercat destul de multe deja și tot nu reușesc sa ii dau de cap). Mersi
submitted by Extension-Crazy377 to programare [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 Iam_Your_Pudding Taskus is Hiring

Taskus is Hiring (Work-from-home or work-onsite set up will depend on the client’s needs)
TaskUs Antipolo (Voice & Nonvoice) • Digital Content Campaign - Non Voice - with atleast 1 year BPO experience - Good communication skills
TaskUs Imus Cavite (Voice & Nonvoice) • Restaurant Food Delivery Campaign • Food and Essentials Delivery Campaign • Food & Recipe Campaign • Personal Finance App Campaign
TaskUs Molino (Voice & Nonvoice) • Food Delivery • Ridesharing
TaskUs La Union • Dating App Content Moderation (Non-Voice)
TaskUs Bohol • Ridesharing (Voice & Nonvoice)
Name: Mobile number: Email:
submitted by Iam_Your_Pudding to BPOinPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:08 AlbaSanchez98 ¿Cómo obtener más visualizaciones en las historias de Instagram?

Si deseas aumentar la cantidad de visitas en tu cuenta, puedes optar por comprar visitas de historias de Instagram. Hay varios paquetes disponibles para elegir, cada uno con una cantidad diferente de visitas. Es importante elegir el paquete adecuado según las necesidades de tu cuenta. Además, es crucial mantener tus historias interesantes para mantener el interés de tus seguidores. Las marcas suelen interesarse más en perfiles con una alta tasa de interacción.
Una excelente opción para comprar visitas para historias de Instagram es CasaDeSeguidores. Además de ayudarte a promocionar tus historias de Instagram, también ofrecen servicios para promocionar tus videos en YouTube, Spotify y tu música en SoundCloud. Si eres un músico emergente, CasaDeSeguidores es una opción a tener en cuenta. Comprando visitas para tus historias de Instagram, puedes aumentar la popularidad de tu perfil y atraer a más seguidores. Para obtener más información, sigue los enlaces que encontrarás a continuación.
Para obtener más información visita CasaDeSeguidores.
submitted by AlbaSanchez98 to CasaDeSeguidoress [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 HHHFreshBotRedux The Weekly [Fresh]ness - week of Monday, May 6, 2024

Monday, May 6, 2024
Post Link Score User
[FRESH] Drake - The Heart Part 6 link +10019 TheJakInDaBox
[FRESH] Masego - BBL Drizzy Sax Diss.wav link +5616 nemesisdelta24
[FRESH] Megan Thee Stallion - I Think I love Her Freestyle link +1840 ioweej
[FRESH] Mach-Hommy & KAYTRANADA feat. 03 Greedo - #RICHAXXHAITIAN link +421 mqwer
[FRESH] KevinKempt - #bbldrizzybeatgiveaway link +421 Kungfooler
[Fresh] luvkurby - BBL Drizzy - MetroBoomin link +277 slappywhyte
[FRESH] Nem - BBL Drizzy link +251 dabornstein
[FRESH] Aubrey's Conscience - Confessions of a BBL Drizzy link +136 yeezy-yeezy
[FRESH] Little Billiam - BBL DRIZZY #bbldrizzybeatgiveaway link +66 MyNewWhiteVan
[FRESH VIDEO] AUDREY NUNA - Jokes On Me (Official Video) link +60 DanielBryanCMPunk
[FRESH] K.I.A.Z - Graham Cracker link +50 itztherapperKIAZ
[FRESH] JACKSONRPORTER - Amber Alert link +31 FalseFiction
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Post Link Score User
[FRESH] RXKNephew - What Does BBL Even Mean link +1528 PolPotPottery
[FRESH] PACKGOD x Yumi - BBL DRIZZY (Drake Diss Track) #bbldrizzybeatgiveaway link +1227 mauvebliss
[FRESH] Cilvanis - The BBL Rapper Who Stole my Joke (BBL Drizzy) (Drake Diss) link +1060 Murb1e
[FRESH] Kamui - OVO Tokyo (BBL Drizzy) link +840 Classic_Clock_7210
[FRESH] Scru Face Jean - BBL Drizzy Freestyle (Prod. Metro Boomin) link +538 IcanMakeThePiecesFit
[FRESH VIDEO] Big Hit, Hit-Boy & The Alchemist - Foreclosure link +166 Ethiopianutella
[FRESH VIDEO] Larry June - Meet Me In Napa link +145 Sjangtepeltang
[FRESH] DJ Mekalek - Skylines (feat. Westside Gunn & Mickey Diamond) link +35 thesuntalking
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Post Link Score User
[FRESH] Tim Henson (Polyphia) - BBL Drizzy link +4572 alphageek8
[FRESH] Chief Keef - Almighty So 2 Trailer link +384 ImRBJ
[FRESH] BLACCMASS - not like us x isley brothers link +42 maloboosie
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Post Link Score User
[FRESH] Chief Keef - Drifting Away link +440 thisisnotaburner24
[FRESH] Central Cee - CC Freestyle link +173 abucalves
[FRESH VIDEO] Brother Ali - Ottomans link +104 abucalves
Friday, May 10, 2024
Post Link Score User
[FRESH ALBUM] Chief Keef - Almighty So 2 link +2447 AltforHHH
[FRESH ALBUM] Gunna - One of Wun link +1117 joshisashark
[FRESH VIDEO] Megan Thee Stallion - BOA (Official Video) link +1110 Impossible_Vast9846
[FRESH ALBUM] Conway the Machine - Slant Face Killah link +846 God_Will_Rise_
[Fresh] The Game - Freeway’s Revenge link +739 QQQput
[FRESH] Shaq - Shannon Sharpe diss track link +698 jeric13xd
[FRESH ALBUM] Ghostface Killah - Set The Tone (Guns & Roses) link +569 God_Will_Rise_
[FRESH] Ghostface Killah Ft Kanye West - No Face link +451 Lonz123
[FRESH VIDEO] Your Old Droog - DBZ ft. Denzel Curry, Method Man (prod. Madlib) link +251 chomps_43
[FRESH] Chief Keef - Jesus (feat. Lil Gnar link +129 LaMelgoatBall
[FRESH] Tee Grizzley - Swear to God (feat. Future) link +125 Dracolord1221
[FRESH] Ski Mask The Slump God - Headrush link +113 AltforHHH
[FRESH ALBUM] Ghostface Killah - Set The Tone (Guns & Roses) -DINI link +102 GhostfaceKillah36SI
[FRESH] Key Glock - The Greatest link +101 Sosasosasosa00
[FRESH] Conway The Machine - Raw! (feat. Tech N9ne) link +74 rightnotredamus
[FRESH ALBUM] The Act/UnoTheActivist - Omega Music Vol. 1 link +60 AltforHHH
[Fresh] Shorline Mafia - Heat Stick link +57 Heinie_Nuechtern
[FRESH] EL BBL - Sammy Andaluz link +51 Night_Fev3r
[FRESH] That Mexican OT - Texas Technician (ChopNotSlop Remix) link +51 No-Measurement-2989
[Fresh] Tee Grizzley - Swear to God (Feat. Future) [Official Video] link +46 No-Breakfast310
[FRESH ALBUM] Rio Da Yung OG - Rio Circa 2020 link +32 maloboosie
[FRESH VIDEO] Chief Keef (feat. Tierra Whack) - Banded Up (Official Audio) link +27 GoodKidMaadCityyy6
[FRESH VIDEO] Gangrene - The Gates of Hell feat. ANKHLEJOHN link +26 abucalves
[FRESH VIDEO] Shoreline Mafia - HEAT STICK link +25 maloboosie
[FRESH] Chief Keef - I’m Tryna Sleep link +25 ApartStatistician603
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Post Link Score User
[FRESH ALBUM] Abstract Museum & Guilty Simpson - Block Runners link +51 chomps_43
[FRESH VIDEO] Shoreline Mafia - Heat Stick link +26 flyestshit
[FRESH] BLK ODYSSY FEAT. WIZ KHALIFA - XXX link +25 mothergidra
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Post Link Score User
[FRESH ALBUM] K.A.A.N. & DJ Hoppa - Delusions Of Grandeur link +80 Diwky09
[Fresh] Shoreline Mafia - HEAT STICK (OHGEESY & FENIX FLEXIN) [Official Music Video] link +39 Spare-Discipline1448
[FRESH] BigXthaPlug - Hell Yea (ft. Ro$ama, 600 Ent.) link +30 Ireallywannamove
This post was generated by a bot
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submitted by HHHFreshBotRedux to HHHFreshBotRedux [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:57 desempaKdos ¡Conecta y controla! Descubre cómo usar los Apple Vision Pro con tu MacBook en un toque!

¡Conecta y controla! Descubre cómo usar los Apple Vision Pro con tu MacBook en un toque!
Explora la magia de la tecnología Apple conmigo 🌟. En este video, te muestro paso a paso cómo conectar tus Apple Vision Pro con tu MacBook usando el botón Connect. ¡No creerás lo fácil y rápido que es! 🖥️💻
Piero Baroni I DesempaKdos
submitted by desempaKdos to applevision_es [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:56 WatchAndWeep Meet the Dance Moms reboot dancers: Leilah Bell

Meet the Dance Moms reboot dancers: Leilah Bell
Leilah is known as Kaeli’s mini me. From what I can tell, she has been competing with Studio Bleu since 2021. Her Instagram handle is @leilahdancegirl and she is the daughter of Leslie Wilson Bell (@lesliewilsonbell) and Russell Bell (@dcnupe3).
Watch her introduction video here!
2024 solos:
Goddess, Hallelujah, Clair De Lune
2023 solos:
Feelin’ Gorgeous, Never Enough, La Vie en Rose
2022 solos:
Grown Woman, Prayer of the Children
2021 solos: Lipgloss
Check out some of her groups and trios from the current and previous seasons!
Eyes in the Back of My Head
Category Is…
Hot Chocolate
Lady Is a Vamp
The Beyoncé Experience
submitted by WatchAndWeep to dancemomsreboot [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:42 Simple_Highlight7347 Como me voy preparando

Les cuento que la verdad a mi no se me da la disciplina, y he visto tantos videos de consejos de cómo prepararme, de cuales materiales hay para empezar, pero siempre me he estancando, llevo semanas estudiando lo mismo y siento que no avanzo, hice esta comunidad para que me acompañen en este proceso y de paso podamos aprender ustedes y yo, mas adelante les cuento como he tratado de emepzar pero no es fácil.
submitted by Simple_Highlight7347 to USMLE_latino_prep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:35 Antonio_Marc0ni Necesito desarrollar el argumento de esta historia

Escribí esto en la tarde de ayer, cuando estaba aburrido. Como siempre o toco guitarra o miro videos, pero ayer se me ocurrió "¿y si escribo una historia bien perronsota?". Empecé a escribir, sin pensar. Sólo imaginación. Entonces me salió esto, pero me quedé atorado y no la pude continuar ¿Pueden ayudarme a desarrollar esta historia? Me pareció interesante. El texto es este:
*Nótese esto: Simon no tiene acento, por lo tanto se pronuncia "Saimon" y no Simón (así me gusta porque así suena más dramático. 🙂👌)
Simon se encontraba encerrado. El valle estaba oscuro y los árboles eran demasiado altos para lograr ver a los Nimbos que volaban encima de ellos. Entonces se escuchó un aullido que venía de lo profundo del bosque. Un fuego se acercaba y Simon apretaba más fuertemente la espada de la esmeralda verde, que brillaba en medio de esa envolvente oscuridad. Entonces una luz azul proveniente de las manos de Beth comenzó a brillar. -¡Beth! ¿Qué está pasando? , gritó Simon a Beth, que estaba del otro lado del camino. El fuego era de una espada llameante que se movía junto con una sombra. La sombra oscura era de una criatura gigante de unos cinco metros de alto, traspasó el bosque y llegó hasta donde Beth estaba. Simon le siguió corriendo, al mismo tiempo que cortaba por la mitad con su espada a los Nimbos que caían desde arriba a atacarlo. Mientras se acercaba veía el fuego de la espada y la sombra imponente de la gigante criatura. Pero llegó sólo para ver cómo la luz de las manos de Beth se apagaba cuando la gigante criatura oscura le atravesaba el pecho con la espada de fuego. - ¡No!, gritó Simon desesperado. ¡Beth! La bestia se percató de su presencia y giró su cabeza, observando a Simon con sus ojos rojos brillantes que se aproximaba corriendo velozmente. Pero antes de que lo pudiera alcanzar fue rodeado por una muralla de fuego. Simon cruzó ese fuego mientras ardía completamente, pero la bestia desapareció como niebla y el cuerpo de Beth se esfumó junto con él. Todo el fuego desapareció mientras los Nimbos se dispersaban. Simon, con lágrimas en sus ojos, cayó de rodillas ante la trágica escena que había presenciado. Lo único que quedaba era la mochila de Beth en el piso, con el mapa. El silencio del valle era ensordecedor y la tragedia ya estaba consumada.
submitted by Antonio_Marc0ni to escritura [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:33 Andrea-CPU96 Investire da solo o con consulente?

Vorrei iniziare a fare qualche investimento in obligazioni e azioni a basso rischio. Ho visto tutti i video di Coletti e credo di avere le idee abbastanza chiare (almeno a livello base base) di come funziona la finanza personale. Allo stesso tempo vengo da una famiglia che non ha nemmeno mai aperto un conto deposito e mio padre mi ha messo molti dubbi. Su suo consiglio siamo andati a sentire in banca da un consulente che ci ha proposto varie soluzioni finanziarie e che gestirebbe il tutto al posto mio con feedback ogni circa 8 mesi. Da un lato mi piacerebbe gestire tutto in autonomia, ma dall'altro penso che per iniziare potrebbe anche andare bene iniziare con un consulente. Coletti però insegna che i consulenti sono il male e per questo motivo volevo sentire altre opinioni. Pareri?
submitted by Andrea-CPU96 to ItaliaPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:23 Contactunderground The Concept of “Rare Earth” is a materialist scientific challenge to the ET hypothesis for flying saucers. This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view.

I recommend that the Contact and Disclosure Communities discuss this BBC Documentary “Rare Earth.”
J. Burkes MD 2022

Physicalism is the ideological perspective of materialist science. It is the dominant philosophy of academia and as such determines much of the public discourse on the possibilities of intelligent life, other than human, manifesting on our planet. Physicalism declares that energy and matter are the wellsprings of creation and that thought, i.e., consciousness, “emerges” out of matter. This scientific ideological position historically has been opposed by all religions. Religious faith asserts that thought (the mind of God) is primary and responsible for the material universe.
Flying saucers are a challenge to the Western materialist science. What are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) clearly violate the laws of physics as determined by professional science. In the growing societal debate on UAPs, I believe it is important for contact experiencers and all who desire full disclosure on UFOs, be aware of the underpinnings of academia’s objections to flying saucers. For these reasons, I recommend that we discuss the “Rare Earth” hypothesis as it has been used to deny the possibility that flying saucers might be controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences.

This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view. This special set of conditions that facilitated life on our planet makes it appear less likely to scientists that nearby stars could have provided similar conditions for advanced intelligent beings to evolve. The Rare Earth hypothesis is based on the following observations:

Our galaxy is teeming with planets. Red dwarf stars are the most numerous ones. These stars, however, put out much less heat than our larger Sun (yellow dwarf star). In order to be in the so-called Goldilocks Zone (where water is a liquid), planets of red dwarf star systems would have to be much closer to their stars. At such proximity, astronomers tell us that the common solar flares associated with red dwarfs would expose planets in the habitable zone to damaging radiation. In addition, red dwarfs don't create the massive magnetic fields required to shield planets from destructive cosmic gamma rays.

Then there is the unique origin of Earth that is now understood to have occurred when two smaller planets collided to form our world early in the history of the solar system. This extra mass allowed our planet to have a larger and longer lasting rotating molten iron core that creates a protective magnetic shield against cosmic and solar radiation. Mars is thought to have once had a molten core, but it presumably burned out long ago losing its life protecting magnetic shield. Without the extra mass that Earth has and a more enduring molten core, Mars lost its atmosphere long ago and therefore became inhospitable for life. The collision of two smaller planets in the “Goldilocks Zone, protecting Earth from life destroying radiation is viewed as a rare event and one not likely to have occurred in many close star systems.

Most importantly, the early collision that produced Earth also created our moon which is large enough to stabilize the Earth’s rotation at a set inclination. This allows stable seasons. With climatic stability large animals were able to evolve on land with adequate food resources. These large animals led to humans being able to evolve with the massive brain required for higher intelligence.

Finally, the existence of a giant world, Jupiter, far from the Sun provided an effective barrier to incoming comets. The powerful gravity of Jupiter attracts comets and draws them away from our planet. This has prevented a continuous bombardment of Earth’s surface by comets coming from the outer regions of the solar system. In many star systems studied by astronomers, gas giants exist very close to their stars. Thus, they cannot shield planets like ours that orbit further out from their stars.

Despite the proposition that a unique set of conditions on Earth makes the evolution of life less likely from the materialist perspective, The ET hypothesis for UFOs could still be valid if advanced technology existed to bend spacetime (warp drive a la “Star Trek.”) With faster than light speed other “Rare Earths” might evolve to have intelligent life that could create the necessary technological advancements to traverse vast distances and arrive here.

In addition, UFOs might not be travelling through interstellar space to get to Earth but could conceivably arrive via traversing dimensions from parallel universes. Thus, the ET hypothesis might not be valid, but an “interdimensional” one would allow flying saucers and their crews to show up in our skies and interact with us.
Most importantly, if consciousness is primary, then we can reasonably speculate that UFO intelligences might have access to non-material realms and that they may enter our material universe as “visitors.” If their origin is not from our material plane of existence, then many of their capabilities could become understandable. I refer here to flying saucers being able to dematerialize, often described as “winking out.” Furthermore, the seemingly “miraculous” cures described by UFO contact experiencers might be understood as part and parcel of flying saucer intelligences’ ability to manipulate spacetime via consciousness based non-material technologies.
In conclusion, both the “Rare Earth” thesis and this documentary of the same name are extremely limited by dealing with these issues only from a materialist/physicalist perspective. For physicalists, the natural world is essentially “objective” where randomness is a main force in determining events that could lead to the development of intelligent life. If consciousness is primary, as a growing number of contact experiencers and even some scientists are beginning to acknowledge, then the universe is not random. Synchronicities associated with contact are being driven by a higher order of intelligence, and the universe is conscious, meaning alive and awake. Thus, intelligent life throughout the Cosmos is being created by non-material forces that choose life. In the process, those spiritual forces are fulfilling a plan that compels us to realize that we truly are "one with the one that is all."
To view this BBC documentary, click on the link below.

Addendum: A critic of this posting have commented that it serves no purpose to discuss the “Rare Earth” theory because it is formulated to “steer you away from the truth.” Another wrote “why even go there, you know better!” My reply is that contact/disclosure activists have a responsibility to challenge the theories of materialist/physicalist scientists and engage in public discussions whenever possible. As researcher Grant Cameron has pointed out, the US Executive Branch has carried out a program of gradual acclimatization on the flying saucer subject for decades. This has existed alongside a de facto policy of ridicule and denial.

With Senator Schumer’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, with many observers believe most certainly has the Whitehouse’s approval, a confirmation/disclosure plan might be slowly going into second gear. As more information confirms the reality and importance of what are now called UAP, contact experiencers and their supporters will be allowed to share the stories of our encounters with the public This will include those who have been influenced by materialist scientists who will persist in promoting the rare Earth theory.

submitted by Contactunderground to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:22 Contactunderground The Concept of “Rare Earth” is a materialist scientific challenge to the ET hypothesis for flying saucers. This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view.

I recommend that the Contact and Disclosure Communities discuss this BBC Documentary “Rare Earth.”
J. Burkes MD 2022

Physicalism is the ideological perspective of materialist science. It is the dominant philosophy of academia and as such determines much of the public discourse on the possibilities of intelligent life, other than human, manifesting on our planet. Physicalism declares that energy and matter are the wellsprings of creation and that thought, i.e., consciousness, “emerges” out of matter. This scientific ideological position historically has been opposed by all religions. Religious faith asserts that thought (the mind of God) is primary and responsible for the material universe.
Flying saucers are a challenge to the Western materialist science. What are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) clearly violate the laws of physics as determined by professional science. In the growing societal debate on UAPs, I believe it is important for contact experiencers and all who desire full disclosure on UFOs, be aware of the underpinnings of academia’s objections to flying saucers. For these reasons, I recommend that we discuss the “Rare Earth” hypothesis as it has been used to deny the possibility that flying saucers might be controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences.

This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view. This special set of conditions that facilitated life on our planet makes it appear less likely to scientists that nearby stars could have provided similar conditions for advanced intelligent beings to evolve. The Rare Earth hypothesis is based on the following observations:

Our galaxy is teeming with planets. Red dwarf stars are the most numerous ones. These stars, however, put out much less heat than our larger Sun (yellow dwarf star). In order to be in the so-called Goldilocks Zone (where water is a liquid), planets of red dwarf star systems would have to be much closer to their stars. At such proximity, astronomers tell us that the common solar flares associated with red dwarfs would expose planets in the habitable zone to damaging radiation. In addition, red dwarfs don't create the massive magnetic fields required to shield planets from destructive cosmic gamma rays.

Then there is the unique origin of Earth that is now understood to have occurred when two smaller planets collided to form our world early in the history of the solar system. This extra mass allowed our planet to have a larger and longer lasting rotating molten iron core that creates a protective magnetic shield against cosmic and solar radiation. Mars is thought to have once had a molten core, but it presumably burned out long ago losing its life protecting magnetic shield. Without the extra mass that Earth has and a more enduring molten core, Mars lost its atmosphere long ago and therefore became inhospitable for life. The collision of two smaller planets in the “Goldilocks Zone, protecting Earth from life destroying radiation is viewed as a rare event and one not likely to have occurred in many close star systems.

Most importantly, the early collision that produced Earth also created our moon which is large enough to stabilize the Earth’s rotation at a set inclination. This allows stable seasons. With climatic stability large animals were able to evolve on land with adequate food resources. These large animals led to humans being able to evolve with the massive brain required for higher intelligence.

Finally, the existence of a giant world, Jupiter, far from the Sun provided an effective barrier to incoming comets. The powerful gravity of Jupiter attracts comets and draws them away from our planet. This has prevented a continuous bombardment of Earth’s surface by comets coming from the outer regions of the solar system. In many star systems studied by astronomers, gas giants exist very close to their stars. Thus, they cannot shield planets like ours that orbit further out from their stars.

Despite the proposition that a unique set of conditions on Earth makes the evolution of life less likely from the materialist perspective, The ET hypothesis for UFOs could still be valid if advanced technology existed to bend spacetime (warp drive a la “Star Trek.”) With faster than light speed other “Rare Earths” might evolve to have intelligent life that could create the necessary technological advancements to traverse vast distances and arrive here.

In addition, UFOs might not be travelling through interstellar space to get to Earth but could conceivably arrive via traversing dimensions from parallel universes. Thus, the ET hypothesis might not be valid, but an “interdimensional” one would allow flying saucers and their crews to show up in our skies and interact with us.
Most importantly, if consciousness is primary, then we can reasonably speculate that UFO intelligences might have access to non-material realms and that they may enter our material universe as “visitors.” If their origin is not from our material plane of existence, then many of their capabilities could become understandable. I refer here to flying saucers being able to dematerialize, often described as “winking out.” Furthermore, the seemingly “miraculous” cures described by UFO contact experiencers might be understood as part and parcel of flying saucer intelligences’ ability to manipulate spacetime via consciousness based non-material technologies.
In conclusion, both the “Rare Earth” thesis and this documentary of the same name are extremely limited by dealing with these issues only from a materialist/physicalist perspective. For physicalists, the natural world is essentially “objective” where randomness is a main force in determining events that could lead to the development of intelligent life. If consciousness is primary, as a growing number of contact experiencers and even some scientists are beginning to acknowledge, then the universe is not random. Synchronicities associated with contact are being driven by a higher order of intelligence, and the universe is conscious, meaning alive and awake. Thus, intelligent life throughout the Cosmos is being created by non-material forces that choose life. In the process, those spiritual forces are fulfilling a plan that compels us to realize that we truly are "one with the one that is all."
To view this BBC documentary, click on the link below.

Addendum: A critic of this posting have commented that it serves no purpose to discuss the “Rare Earth” theory because it is formulated to “steer you away from the truth.” Another wrote “why even go there, you know better!” My reply is that contact/disclosure activists have a responsibility to challenge the theories of materialist/physicalist scientists and engage in public discussions whenever possible. As researcher Grant Cameron has pointed out, the US Executive Branch has carried out a program of gradual acclimatization on the flying saucer subject for decades. This has existed alongside a de facto policy of ridicule and denial.

With Senator Schumer’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, with many observers believe most certainly has the Whitehouse’s approval, a confirmation/disclosure plan might be slowly going into second gear. As more information confirms the reality and importance of what are now called UAP, contact experiencers and their supporters will be allowed to share the stories of our encounters with the public This will include those who have been influenced by materialist scientists who will persist in promoting the rare Earth theory.

submitted by Contactunderground to ContactUnderground [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 Contactunderground This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view.

Physicalism is the ideological perspective of materialist science. It is the dominant philosophy of academia and as such determines much of the public discourse on the possibilities of intelligent life, other than human, manifesting on our planet. Physicalism declares that energy and matter are the wellsprings of creation and that thought, i.e., consciousness, “emerges” out of matter. This scientific ideological position historically has been opposed by all religions. Religious faith asserts that thought (the mind of God) is primary and responsible for the material universe.
Flying saucers are a challenge to the Western materialist science. What are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) clearly violate the laws of physics as determined by professional science. In the growing societal debate on UAPs, I believe it is important for contact experiencers and all who desire full disclosure on UFOs, be aware of the underpinnings of academia’s objections to flying saucers. For these reasons, I recommend that we discuss the “Rare Earth” hypothesis as it has been used to deny the possibility that flying saucers might be controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences.

This beautifully produced BBC documentary linked below outlines the amazingly unique conditions here on Earth that allowed intelligent life to evolve from a materialist point of view. This special set of conditions that facilitated life on our planet makes it appear less likely to scientists that nearby stars could have provided similar conditions for advanced intelligent beings to evolve. The Rare Earth hypothesis is based on the following observations:

Our galaxy is teeming with planets. Red dwarf stars are the most numerous ones. These stars, however, put out much less heat than our larger Sun (yellow dwarf star). In order to be in the so-called Goldilocks Zone (where water is a liquid), planets of red dwarf star systems would have to be much closer to their stars. At such proximity, astronomers tell us that the common solar flares associated with red dwarfs would expose planets in the habitable zone to damaging radiation. In addition, red dwarfs don't create the massive magnetic fields required to shield planets from destructive cosmic gamma rays.

Then there is the unique origin of Earth that is now understood to have occurred when two smaller planets collided to form our world early in the history of the solar system. This extra mass allowed our planet to have a larger and longer lasting rotating molten iron core that creates a protective magnetic shield against cosmic and solar radiation. Mars is thought to have once had a molten core, but it presumably burned out long ago losing its life protecting magnetic shield. Without the extra mass that Earth has and a more enduring molten core, Mars lost its atmosphere long ago and therefore became inhospitable for life. The collision of two smaller planets in the “Goldilocks Zone, protecting Earth from life destroying radiation is viewed as a rare event and one not likely to have occurred in many close star systems.

Most importantly, the early collision that produced Earth also created our moon which is large enough to stabilize the Earth’s rotation at a set inclination. This allows stable seasons. With climatic stability large animals were able to evolve on land with adequate food resources. These large animals led to humans being able to evolve with the massive brain required for higher intelligence.

Finally, the existence of a giant world, Jupiter, far from the Sun provided an effective barrier to incoming comets. The powerful gravity of Jupiter attracts comets and draws them away from our planet. This has prevented a continuous bombardment of Earth’s surface by comets coming from the outer regions of the solar system. In many star systems studied by astronomers, gas giants exist very close to their stars. Thus, they cannot shield planets like ours that orbit further out from their stars.

Despite the proposition that a unique set of conditions on Earth makes the evolution of life less likely from the materialist perspective, The ET hypothesis for UFOs could still be valid if advanced technology existed to bend spacetime (warp drive a la “Star Trek.”) With faster than light speed other “Rare Earths” might evolve to have intelligent life that could create the necessary technological advancements to traverse vast distances and arrive here.

In addition, UFOs might not be travelling through interstellar space to get to Earth but could conceivably arrive via traversing dimensions from parallel universes. Thus, the ET hypothesis might not be valid, but an “interdimensional” one would allow flying saucers and their crews to show up in our skies and interact with us.
Most importantly, if consciousness is primary, then we can reasonably speculate that UFO intelligences might have access to non-material realms and that they may enter our material universe as “visitors.” If their origin is not from our material plane of existence, then many of their capabilities could become understandable. I refer here to flying saucers being able to dematerialize, often described as “winking out.” Furthermore, the seemingly “miraculous” cures described by UFO contact experiencers might be understood as part and parcel of flying saucer intelligences’ ability to manipulate spacetime via consciousness based non-material technologies.
In conclusion, both the “Rare Earth” thesis and this documentary of the same name are extremely limited by dealing with these issues only from a materialist/physicalist perspective. For physicalists, the natural world is essentially “objective” where randomness is a main force in determining events that could lead to the development of intelligent life. If consciousness is primary, as a growing number of contact experiencers and even some scientists are beginning to acknowledge, then the universe is not random. Synchronicities associated with contact are being driven by a higher order of intelligence, and the universe is conscious, meaning alive and awake. Thus, intelligent life throughout the Cosmos is being created by non-material forces that choose life. In the process, those spiritual forces are fulfilling a plan that compels us to realize that we truly are "one with the one that is all."
To view this BBC documentary, click on the link below.

Addendum: A critic of this posting have commented that it serves no purpose to discuss the “Rare Earth” theory because it is formulated to “steer you away from the truth.” Another wrote “why even go there, you know better!” My reply is that contact/disclosure activists have a responsibility to challenge the theories of materialist/physicalist scientists and engage in public discussions whenever possible. As researcher Grant Cameron has pointed out, the US Executive Branch has carried out a program of gradual acclimatization on the flying saucer subject for decades. This has existed alongside a de facto policy of ridicule and denial.

With Senator Schumer’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, with many observers believe most certainly has the Whitehouse’s approval, a confirmation/disclosure plan might be slowly going into second gear. As more information confirms the reality and importance of what are now called UAP, contact experiencers and their supporters will be allowed to share the stories of our encounters with the public This will include those who have been influenced by materialist scientists who will persist in promoting the rare Earth theory.
J. Burkes MD
submitted by Contactunderground to CE5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 foklindev Me quiero mudar de Madrid a Zaragoza

Pues como ya han leído en el título. Tengo muchas dudas. La gente usualmente dice que Zaragoza en una ciudad muerta, he estado allá pero solo a una muy temprana edad y no recuerdo nada. Veo los alquileres y por lo visto con lo que pago de alquiler aquí en Madrid pago toda mi vida en Zaragoza.
Temas: - Juventud. Si veo que todos los videos de Zaragoza son de gente adulta (30+) y no veo muchos videos como los que hay de Madrid, Valencia, etc... Que puedes ver mucha juventud en las calles. Quería saber si hay una buena cantidad de juventud (18-27) y si es facil encontrar gente en ese rango de edad.
Muchas gracias!
submitted by foklindev to Zaragoza [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:17 Chronicbias La Zarra's music video delete from everywhere

La Zarra's music video delete from everywhere submitted by Chronicbias to EurovisionDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:14 stripedfade It's a content frenzy this week at NLU

I woke up to a PGA preview pod, crossover pod with Kevin Clark, and Cam Young video at La Costa. Not to mention the Trapdraw airport pod w/ Andy Johnson (which I loved) and Tourist Sauce.
I don't think I can keep up considering some must watch NBA playoffs games - but it's a good problem to have.
submitted by stripedfade to NoLayingUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:13 No-Elk-9468

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Noticias digitales
Las noticias digitales se han convertido en una fuente de información fundamental en la actualidad. Con la llegada de Internet y las redes sociales, acceder a las últimas novedades y acontecimientos importantes nunca había sido tan fácil y rápido.
Los medios de comunicación digitales ofrecen una amplia variedad de noticias que abarcan diferentes temas, desde política y economía hasta entretenimiento y deportes. Gracias a la inmediatez de la información digital, los usuarios pueden mantenerse al tanto de todo lo que sucede en tiempo real, sin importar en qué parte del mundo se encuentren.
Además, las noticias digitales permiten una mayor personalización en la forma en que se consume la información. Los usuarios pueden elegir qué temas seguir, recibir notificaciones sobre noticias relevantes y acceder a contenido exclusivo de acuerdo a sus intereses particulares.
Otra ventaja de las noticias digitales es la posibilidad de interactuar directamente con los medios de comunicación y otros usuarios a través de comentarios y redes sociales. Esto crea un espacio de debate y discusión en tiempo real, enriqueciendo la experiencia de consumo de noticias.
En resumen, las noticias digitales han revolucionado la forma en que nos informamos, brindando acceso a información actualizada, diversa y personalizada. Gracias a ellas, estamos más conectados con el mundo que nunca y podemos participar activamente en la conversación global.
Medios de comunicación en línea
Los medios de comunicación en línea han revolucionado la forma en que nos informamos y entretenemos en la era digital. Con solo un clic, podemos acceder a una amplia gama de noticias, artículos, videos y contenido multimedia a través de diversas plataformas en línea.
Los medios de comunicación en línea han democratizado la información al permitirnos acceder a diversas fuentes y perspectivas sobre un mismo tema. Ya no dependemos únicamente de los medios tradicionales para estar al tanto de lo que sucede en el mundo, ahora podemos encontrar información actualizada y relevante en tiempo real en internet.
Además, los medios de comunicación en línea nos ofrecen la posibilidad de interactuar y participar activamente en la conversación. A través de comentarios, compartir en redes sociales y participar en encuestas, podemos expresar nuestras opiniones y conectar con otros usuarios que comparten nuestros intereses.
Por otro lado, los medios de comunicación en línea también han abierto la puerta a nuevos modelos de negocio y oportunidades de trabajo en la industria del periodismo y la comunicación. Cada vez son más los periodistas y creadores de contenido que encuentran en internet un espacio para difundir su trabajo y llegar a una audiencia más amplia.
En resumen, los medios de comunicación en línea han transformado la manera en que nos informamos, entretenemos y conectamos con el mundo que nos rodea. Su impacto en nuestra sociedad es innegable y seguirá evolucionando con el avance de la tecnología en los años venideros.
Periodismo electrónico
El periodismo electrónico, también conocido como periodismo digital o ciberperiodismo, se ha convertido en una parte fundamental de la evolución de los medios de comunicación en la era digital. Este tipo de periodismo se caracteriza por la distribución de noticias a través de medios electrónicos como portales web, redes sociales, blogs y aplicaciones móviles.
Una de las principales ventajas del periodismo electrónico es la inmediatez, ya que las noticias pueden ser publicadas y difundidas en cuestión de segundos. Esto permite a los periodistas llegar a una audiencia más amplia y diversa en comparación con los medios de comunicación tradicionales. Además, la interactividad que ofrecen las plataformas digitales permite una mayor participación por parte de los lectores, quienes pueden comentar, compartir y discutir las noticias en tiempo real.
El periodismo electrónico también ha facilitado el acceso a información de forma global, rompiendo barreras geográficas y permitiendo a los usuarios estar al tanto de los acontecimientos más relevantes en cualquier parte del mundo. A su vez, la personalización de contenidos a través de algoritmos de recomendación ha permitido a los lectores acceder a noticias que se ajusten a sus intereses y preferencias.
No obstante, el periodismo electrónico también enfrenta desafíos como la difusión de noticias falsas y la pérdida de credibilidad en un entorno saturado de información. Por ello, es fundamental que los profesionales de la comunicación en este ámbito mantengan altos estándares éticos y de calidad en su labor informativa para garantizar la veracidad y objetividad de las noticias que difunden.
Información en la red
La información en la red se ha convertido en un elemento crucial en la sociedad actual. Con la creciente dependencia de internet, acceder a información relevante se ha vuelto más fácil que nunca. Desde noticias de última hora hasta tutoriales útiles, la red alberga una variedad de datos a solo un clic de distancia.
Sin embargo, junto con la facilidad de acceso a la información en línea, también surgen desafíos. La veracidad y la validez de la información pueden ser cuestionadas, ya que cualquiera puede publicar contenido en la red sin necesidad de verificar su autenticidad. Es crucial que los usuarios de internet ejerzan un pensamiento crítico al consumir contenido en línea y verifiquen las fuentes para asegurarse de que la información sea precisa y confiable.
Además, la privacidad y la seguridad en línea son aspectos fundamentales al buscar información en la red. Es importante proteger nuestros datos personales y ser cautelosos al compartir información sensible en línea. Utilizar contraseñas seguras, navegar en sitios web seguros y evitar hacer clic en enlaces sospechosos son algunas medidas básicas para proteger nuestra información en línea.
En resumen, la información en la red es una herramienta poderosa que nos brinda conocimiento y recursos invaluables. Sin embargo, es esencial mantener un sentido crítico, verificar la autenticidad de la información y proteger nuestra privacidad al navegar en línea. Con la precaución adecuada, podemos aprovechar al máximo los beneficios que la información en la red tiene para ofrecer.
Diario digital
Un diario digital es una fuente de noticias en línea que proporciona información actualizada sobre una amplia gama de temas. A diferencia de los periódicos tradicionales, un diario digital se puede acceder a través de internet en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar.
Estos diarios digitales suelen ofrecer contenido fresco constantemente, lo que los convierte en una opción ideal para estar al tanto de las últimas noticias y tendencias. Además, muchas veces permiten a los lectores interactuar a través de comentarios y redes sociales, lo que crea una experiencia más dinámica y participativa.
Otra ventaja de los diarios digitales es su capacidad para abordar una amplia variedad de temas, desde noticias locales e internacionales, política, deportes, entretenimiento, tecnología, negocios, salud, y mucho más. Esto permite a los lectores tener acceso a información relevante y actualizada sobre sus campos de interés.
Además, la mayoría de los diarios digitales ofrecen la posibilidad de personalizar la experiencia de lectura, ya sea seleccionando los temas de interés o recibiendo notificaciones sobre noticias de última hora. Esto hace que la experiencia de consumir noticias a través de un diario digital sea conveniente y adaptada a las preferencias individuales.
En resumen, los diarios digitales son una herramienta valiosa para mantenerse informado de forma rápida y sencilla en la era digital en la que vivimos. Con su contenido actualizado, variedad de temas y opciones de personalización, los diarios digitales se han convertido en una opción popular para aquellos que desean acceder a noticias relevantes en cualquier momento y lugar.
submitted by No-Elk-9468 to u/No-Elk-9468 [link] [comments]