L am recent college graduate

College Baseball

2011.01.29 02:58 garyp714 College Baseball

The ping of the metal bat, rabid college fans and a trip to the CWS, welcome to collegebaseball!

2013.03.27 04:53 euca What do you really want to do?

The most helpful group on Reddit. *For those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to make a living out of, but don't know how they can get there.* We provide the paths to all who request. Wanderers and contributors alike are welcome. Be kind and supportive - no hate or judgement allowed here.

2012.09.03 19:31 Eckerd College

This is a subreddit for Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL. This subreddit is not endorsed or affiliated with Eckerd College in any official capacity.

2024.06.07 21:39 al-dog619 Apartment Application Rejection

I recently graduated college and I'm relocating for my new job. I applied for an apartment, and was rejected for having very little credit history and having a few late payments.
I opened my oldest and only account just over 3 years ago, but that card ended up getting closed because I had too long of a period of inactivity and hurt my credit score. No late payments on it.
I've been renting the same apartment during college for 3 years as well, and was late paying rent by a day or two maybe 4 or 5 times during that span.
Otherwise, I really have no credit history. My vantage credit score is 650. The agency that assessed me didn't have enough information about me to even compute their risk assessment score. For the same reason, I don't seem to have a FICO score.
This apartment is fairly nice for my area, about $1700 monthly for a 1 bedroom. I am fortunate to have a job coming out of college where this is well within my budget. I asked everywhere I toured about how they assess applicants and they all gave an income requirement (that I meet) and basically just gave a vague answer about how they then review your credit history.
I understand that I'll probably have to select a cheaper apartment because of my lack of credit history, but how do I tell if I have a shot at a given place? I don't want to keep burning $50-$100 to apply to places that I don't have a shot for.
Also, is it my lack of history or my late payments that would be the bigger issue here?
submitted by al-dog619 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:35 Scorpio0310 QUITTING JOB

I graduated from a tier 2 college with a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. Currently, I have a decent job with a salary of 15-20 LPA(with 2 years of experience in the same company). However, I have realized that if I continue in my current role as a Software Development Engineer (SDE), I may not excel much because I am not the best at it.
In the long term, I want to venture into business. To explore my options, I am considering pursuing an MBA. I took the CAT exam last year during my undergraduate studies and scored in the 98th percentile. I am now thinking about quitting my job to give my 100% effort to preparing for the exam.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
submitted by Scorpio0310 to CATPrep [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:34 monkeybuckets My life fell apart last year and I can't get it back on track

First, I want to apologize in advance for the long post.
I guess I'll start by giving some background information. I'm in my early thirties, female, living in the southern USA. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. I've never been a financially "successful" person, but since I entered the work force after receiving a Bachelor's degree in art, I've always gotten by. I've mostly worked 1-2 year stints in various childcare positions, making just enough money to afford rent in a one bedroom apartment with my cat. I never had more than the bare minimum health insurance, so it's definitely the case that I've neglected my medical care. I could never get the time off work anyway, because taking off meant not making enough money for rent.
Unfortunately, the consequences of living this lifestyle is that now I'm in my thirties, have practically no savings, have several genetic health problems, and I'm having trouble finding a job. The employment I do get offered isn't enough to cover rent (after hidden fees, cheapest rent is almost $1300 even for a studio apartment), and it's all physically tedious work that exacerbates my conditions. I can't help but blame myself for getting a degree in art for my current predicament, but I also can't afford to go back to school for a degree in something else.
I got out of a 2.5 year relationship with someone who turned out to be lying to me about everything the entire time were dating, and I recently had to move back in with my mother, and we don't get along. My mother was abusive to me in childhood, putting me in the position of parenting my siblings, and threatening me that if I left to go to college, she'd burn the house down with the family pets inside and kill herself. I told myself I'd never come back, but here I am. It's making me feel incredibly depressed and hopeless.
I honestly don't know where to go from here. I've tried applying to literally hundreds of jobs as a receptionist, medical scribe, office assistant, bank teller, tutor, nanny, daycare provider, museum guide, data entry clerk, cashier at places where sitting is allowed, everything I can think of that won't break my already failing body, and I get nothing in response. I've even lowered my financial expectations. Where I was once making $21 an hour, I'm now getting turned down for positions that pay $11.
I tried working at a grocery store for a couple of months, but I had to stand the entire 8 hours a day and do a lot of heavy lifting, and it got to where I was in so much constant pain that I couldn't get myself to the bathroom in the middle of the night and wet the bed instead. Just in literal constant agony. I wanted to die. I was so incredibly angry at my body.
Does anybody have advice for how I can get myself out of this rut? How to make the job hunt easier? What to put on a resume to make employers take a second look? I'd like to add that I am an extremely hard worker, despite what my brief tenure at the grocery store position implies. I show up on time, I do my own duties without arguing, and make sure to help my coworkers with their own work wherever I can. I feel like if I could just get my foot in the door with one of these jobs where I don't have to do physical labor, I could excel, but I just haven't gotten the opportunity.
submitted by monkeybuckets to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:31 FluffyKitty04 Don’t outshine the bride…smaids?

This happened years ago but it still bothers me when I think about it. For context, the bride was a childhood friend from church that I had literally known all my life- we weren't close friends but we were definitely friends. I had no expectations of being asked to be in her wedding party; her matron of honor was her older sister and her three bridesmaids were friends from college that I had never met. She was on a tight budget as she was in PA school at the time and I believe her FH was, too, so I knew they were planning a very simple, frugal wedding and I was honored to be included on her guest list. There was a bridal shower for her when she was home for Christmas (the wedding was the following summer) and she briefly mentioned at one point that her wedding colors were black and ivory.
Come wedding day, I was also on a tight budget, living with my parents and working a job that didn't pay well but would look good on my application for graduate school. I was not in a place to buy a new dress, but I had a beautiful dress that I had bought a few years earlier while spending my summer in France- it was a black midi with some cream colored floral embroidery on the bottom- a bit of a rustic but dressy look. (Note: this was in a smaller city with limited clothing stores and pre-days of internet shopping, so my choices would have been limited regardless!) The bridesmaids' dresses were made of black silky fabric with a slight sheen, with a strapless sweetheart neckline and a knee length, full bubble skirt and an ivory sash around the waist (very trendy at the time).
It wasn't until the reception that multiple people (other guests, not family of the bride or groom) came up to me and asked in sickly sweet voices, "Were you TRYING to match the bridesmaids?"
Uhhh...no. I was wearing a nice black dress that I already had in my closet and didn't have to purchase. If there had been some really distinctive color scheme it would have been one thing, but black?? Is there some rule that you can't wear the same color as the bridesmaids even if your dress is completely different?
I should add that, after this wedding, I was the only one from our generation within the church that was not yet married; there were only five girls in the high school youth group together and the three were married already (that church officially recognizes that Jesus Himself was never married and it is better to be single than in an unhappy marriage, but there were definitely those in the congregation who felt that a women are supposed to be wives and homeschooling mothers and nothing else). It felt like the "trying to match the bridesmaids" commentators were digging for some sort of drama over me being jealous of the bride or mad that she hadn't asked me to be in her wedding party.
It definitely felt like the people who asked were just stirring the pot and trying to pit me and the bride against each other, but is there some unwritten rule that you aren't supposed to wear a color that matches the bridesmaids, even if it's an extremely common color and the bride only briefly mentioned her wedding colors six months beforehand?
(And for anyone wondering, I was and still am following my faith, but I was attending a different church at this point that had a very different culture and encouraged community rather than gossip!)
submitted by FluffyKitty04 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:30 Maleficent_Throat_89 Consecutive semester overload

I am a DRES student in Computer Engineering who is planning to take consecutive semesters of class underloads (10-12 hours). I’ll still graduate on time with no issues, mostly because I have a lot of transfer credit that allows me to take things easy throughout college.
Am I allowed to take consecutive semesters of underloads?
Edit: title is supposed to say underloads
submitted by Maleficent_Throat_89 to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:28 Go-Blue-Team69 I need some advice

I went to college for electronics engineering and graduated in December of 2021. Due to a heart condition I had, I was not very confident of getting hired by anyone because I had to go to the doctor every week and I had issues where I would faint occasionally. It’s been three years and I had my surgery last year and have been medically cleared to live a normal life again. Am I screwed if I try and enter the electronics world with no experience and such a gap in between school and now? Be harsh and realistic I don’t mind.
submitted by Go-Blue-Team69 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:25 browngirlmagicc AITA for not attending my frenemy's engagement party ?

So I have this frenemy from my undergraduate college years. I was an introvert and didn't have many friends (I still don't). I mean I have friends but my close friend circle consisted of my best friend and the frenemy (So three people in total)
The frenemy would constantly try to get in between my best friend and me. Like she would try so hard to make me the third person and isolate me whenever we hung out. She was also a little childish and would get sulky if she's not included in conversations and did not get her way. I started disliking her because I could see how desperate she was to seperate me and my best friend. (The problem here was that my frenemy was a loner so I think she figured that she needed someone to be her new best friend). But me and my best friend sort of tolerated her because we were just a small group and we didn't want conflicts. Keep in mind, I actually liked her just fine in the beginning but then she became a frenemy after all these things.
So fast forward after my undergraduation, I joined graduate school for my masters in another state and the frenemy stopped contacting me and I was perfectly happy with it. The only time I saw her was at another friend's wedding. We talked as if nothing had happened but it was awkward for me. Then we didn't talk for another year.
Now recently she contacted me out of the blue and said she's actually getting married and that she wants to invite me to her engagement party. The phone call lasted like 5 mins and the conversation was awkward. I decided with no hesitation that I wasn't going to attend her engagement party. I mean, I don't like her and I know it's going to be weird. So why should I ?
But now I'm suddenly getting second thoughts because we have mutual friends and I feel like I'm being petty and sensitive by not going even though she invited me. Am I the a** hole ? And do I have to let her know that I won't be coming ?
submitted by browngirlmagicc to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:24 Helloitsjustme0 My son might be gay, want to handle the right way, need advice!

My 25 year old son lives on his own, graduated college, very successful career. He has been on our family iCloud acct for many years and stays on to share Apple music. Long ago, I disabled purchase sharing because it prevented him from paying for his own apps. My mom is also on our family iCloud acct and last week she was trying to buy an app I had recommended to her. When she clicked to purchase it, she got a message letting her know she could download it for free because someone in our family had purchased it before. I just needed to turn on purchase sharing, so I did, and my mom got the app, but I forgot to turn purchase sharing off again. Today I received a notification from paypal about a charge for an app. and I couldn't think of any app I bought so I logged in to investigate. Apparently, the purchase was my son's, he resubscribed to the Grindr app. When he made the purchase, he would have assumed it was being charged to his credit card (as it always has been before I turned on purchase sharing).
I will admit a bit of shock. He had a girlfriend for 2 years, and has told me about many dates he has been on with girls, but its mainly shocking because I am worried that he is keeping this to himself out of fear of disappointing us. We have always been very close, and it makes me very sad thinking that he might not be sharing this with me out of fear. I can understand his apprehension with my husband, but he loves our son completely. I know my son has had a lot of anxiety lately and I feel he might be depressed as well. Please tell me the best way to handle this -- do I tell him I saw the purchase? Or do I do nothing and wait for him to come to me? I love him unconditionally, and I want him to be happy! I I am seeking advice to be sure I go about this the right way!
One more thing, back in high school he told me he had to talk to me, and he said he met up with a guy from Craigslist for a BJ. I was alarmed mostly because I don't think its safe to meet some random person on Craigslist. if he was gay or why he did it, he said, "it was just easier". I told him it could be dangerous. My shocked reaction was both but mostly out of fear of something happening with some stranger on Craigslist. Is this a thing, could he just want easy BJs? I don't want to handle this the wrong way! Perhaps he is gay and because of how I reacted to this thing in high school, he is keeping it to himself!
submitted by Helloitsjustme0 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:21 StarDustJinx Nothing works and nothing gets better, no, it's not fully my fault, no, i don't have to justify myself to you and it's fucking selfish of you to try to keep me alive

Title. I'm so fucking sick and tired of having to prove people that geniunely nothing is getting better in my life and has absolutely no fucking chance of doing so. People either who don't know me, who straight up lies to me of things getting better and every SINGLE TIME it has gone worse. It was never good. It NEVER was.
I am born as the wrong gender, even doctors told them that i may be questioning my gender and they didn't fucking care . Thanks to them I never got the hormones or the therapy or the surgery I needed and my body torments me every single fucking day. I'm never comfortable on my own skin and it's too late for me to do things like bone structure changes with hormones or voice changing. I will never fucking pass thanks to them. Add that to the fact that I have ADHD and BPD (that got mistreated with wrong medicine so it got worse) also asthma. I can't even breathe properly.
They were also incredibly incompatible. They got divorced when I was 9 and I had to suffer as a source of they can take their hatred for each other. Both are gaslighting but my mom especially, along with being abusive. She constantly hit and attacked me, kicked me out of home and when i defended myself turned everyone in that family against me as if i'm the abuser. She fucking stalked me and made me so paranoid that i couldn't walk out of home and ruined an entire semester. My dad is always emotionally unavalabile. I always have to speak twice just for him to act like hes fucking listening.
The only friends group I had in my life (i was never accepted in the rest or just straight up got bullied) left me to die in 2021 because i was "in every drama" because i wanted to actively fix the fights that were happening. I'm sure nobody sees me as a human being, let alone a friend. Thanks to this and my mom stalking me I failed my college, the one thing in my life i actually achieved was GONE thanks to them, and because i couldn't bring myself to lose it i never quitted, so there's a big debt on me from that as well.
I was always broke, and i'm so fucking sick and tired of never having enough to eat. I hate that I can't afford emergency ward or medicine because my goverment's system decided to fuck me over and not let me change where i live currently from online (because of that i can't go to file i have no earnings so i can get cheap healthcare) and i can't afford two tickets. I can't get therapy. And to those who'll go "get a job, lol", nobody wants a college dropout trans person with no qualities and mental/physical health issues, especially in a country where they want me dead.
After all that, I only had my pc to occupy me. I did also recently started to learn coding, to get my life mended a bit and to move out from my terrible household. I also only had games as my only hobby (again, monetary issues lol). A game that I really wanted to play got out this week. Something I geniunely kept myself alive for. I even promised that after that I was going to fully commit to the coding.
Guess when did my pc decided to eat shit and die. And do you know the worst part? I can't fix it myself, after going everywhere i found out that it can't be fixed (for a reasonable price, they say "just get a different pc at this point"), I can't get any money by working or anything (see above), I can't even BEG for it, since my country has no proper way to send money.
All this happening in ONE WEEK. One week when I wanted it not to happen. I don't believe for a single second it's just a bad coincidence.
That's geniunely the final fucking straw for me. I don't care if it's stupid, selfish or fucking whatever. I can't have anything good going on in my life for a single day. And when I say this to say farewell to people the amount of downplaying, lying, avoiding, clowning I endure about it is just funny. People claim how it's "gonna get better" and then suggest stuff that's basically toxic positivity at it's worst (i've geniunely heard someone say "just steal a pc if it means that much to you"). People just want to fucking keep me alive because THEY want me to be around, or because THEY don't want to suffer or feel guilty of my suicide Nobody stops and fucking thinks what will happen to me if I stay alive. What other terrible shit I have to endure. They won't feel guilty about it. And they don't even fucking try to help about the situation. They just offer fake hopeful words and toxic positivity or yell at me for being selfish or dare me to kill myself.
I can't fucking take it anymore. I geniunely can't. Everything i do i end up at fault and when other people do wrong or even if i do nothing wrong i'm still the one at fault. I don't want to live in this fucking nightmare anymore. And I won't.
I'm killing myself and that's geniunely my final decision this time. I don't want to wake up in the morning and prepare myself to suffer something terrible every single fucking day. I don't want to be a miserable piece of shit every day, progresively worse one at that. I don't want to live a fucking life where my feelings thoughts and actions mean nothing.
submitted by StarDustJinx to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:18 daIndianChapati09 Ivy League or BS/MD

I am someone passionately interested in the medical field, and I really want to get into a BS/MD medical program in the future, I have already started grinding for it. But recently, I found out that basically all Ivy Leagues don't have a BS/MD Program. This has cauased me to go into a dilemma because I also very much want to get into an Ivy or top 25 university. And honestly, I'm find with grinding even harder in the traditional medical pathway with the MCAT, but I know that getting into a BS/MD program would be an exceptional achievement.
What should I choose, an exceptionally prestigious Ivy League and/or top college that does not have a BS/MD Program, or a pretty good college that does have a BS/MD Program, such as Vanderbilt or John Hopkins?
BTW, I'm only a rising sophomore in high school (yes, I know, I'm asian, you cant blame me), and I definitely don't have all the information that can help in weighing the pros and cons of each choice. Honestly, I have almost no clue about the major positive and negative differences between traditional Ivy medical programs and BS/MD programs, but I just have this mental argument that I want to get resolved as early as possible. Someone pls help 🙏
submitted by daIndianChapati09 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:18 DigDeeperCurious Why people from different departments are lured towards IT sector making it crazily difficult for simple BCA holder to get into the sector which belongs to them?

Recently, I have heard from a friend of mine pursuing mechanical from one of the prestigious engineering college, guess what, non other than IIT, is going to get his hands dirty with coding and will start finding internships soon.
I mean why the heck these people are coming to this department, for God sake, you chose mechanical then please stick to your words man. Now I am not going to believe him for life. I guess, in future too, he will switch sides.
"Is he worthy of his words?"
Sometimes I think why God is playing with me. Recent data shows the amount of people who are migrating to tech is increasing rapidly causing harm to those who owe their dedication towards IT.
"Is money is everything? What about your passion to be a mechanical engineer or making bridges (civil of course)?"
I can't imagine my profession life without competition since my childhood. I went to school I was happy there, new place, new people, Masti everywhere but wait a minute, what about those hard mathematical tables which I can't remember more than 2. What about all those English Hard words which I thought difficult and left it. You know what I got sticks on my hands for that. That new Masti place suddenly became a doomy gloomy buildings for me.
Somehow I adjusted myself there becoming the last bencher who knows nothing. No has any hope from that child. They came and released their household frustration on me asking questions which they already know I didn't have any answer.
In my teen age, I face a severe competition on wooing a girl. I was expecting a good relationship with her but it was not only me. She was confused with 20 others whom she knows. There were many secret lovers of her including me.
During my ambition to become engineer‌, I'm lying here. I didn't want to become engineer rather I wanted to get into IITs. There also competition got me.
So I did BCA.
"yeah! BCA" but it's not BAAP KE CASH PAR ASH. It is BACHA KUCHA AMBITION ,I know it didn't fit in the abbreviation but just make C instead of K you will get the feeling of every BCA guy.
On first day of BCA my teacher told me the benefit of BCA that you can pursue MCA or MBA i.e., getting options to switch your career which was not for those business guys opting for BBA.
I continued. Prepared for MCAs at prestigious college but I know I can't get IITs so settled with NITs in my mind. But again the drought expanded in my career and competition peaked their too after lockdown. I was busy in curing my family from COVID. But some privileged bastard didn't even thought of me. They kept on studing harder and increased the competition here also. I just got 20 rank more than seats available for getting admission in NITs.
..... To Be Continued
submitted by DigDeeperCurious to codingparady [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:18 TheDude8000 What are some practical tools to take back control of my life?

I am a 24m who's struggled with various addictions over the course of the last ten years. I began smoking weed at 13, cigarettes at 15 and heavy alcohol use at 16. I was the kid who brought a water bottle of vodka into math just to see if I could get away with it, and nobody ever found out. I kept a handle of vodka behind the driver's seat of my car, etc. I have always been very "high functioning," in that I got good grades in high school, got into a very good college, and have since found a fair degree of success out of school. However, the habits that formed a decade ago have not gone away.
I get cross-faded every day, and recently at night, almost like a mantra, I tell myself to stop. That I am destroying my body, that it will catch up to me sooner than I think. I ask what will be the catalyst to change — a health scare? A destroyed relationship? And yet the next night I do the exact same thing.
The thing is, right now my life is pretty good by almost all objective measures. I'm in a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. I support myself financially, although I'm still on my dad's health insurance for another year or so. I have a group of smart, positive friends. And yet when it comes to drinking and smoking it's like my will power vanishes and the demon of habit takes control of my body. I don't know how to stop it.
I've gone through extensive periods of time of daily meditation, which helped me a lot, but I'm not in consistent practice right now. I go to the gym about four times a week. I don't sleep very well, usually going to bed around 3am and waking up around 9am. I also find my addictive tendencies finds other methods of achieving a dopamine rush — daily sports gambling, sometimes wasting full days playing video games, etc.
From the outside I look to be in a very positive, successful position for my age. Inside, I am struggling to stay afloat. I am looking for tools or actionable methods to help bring myself back to my best self. For example, I've tried making a daily schedule for myself in time blocks so that I can stay productive. The problem is I rarely stick to the schedule. I need to train my discipline, will power, something. Any thoughts? (Thank you for reading)
submitted by TheDude8000 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:18 DeathNoteGenocide Is pursuing a Masters' Degree worth it?

Hi everyone!
I am 21 and entering my last year of college (B. Tech in Electrical Engineering) from a Tier 1 college in India. I interned at Texas Instruments for the summer and have a decent CGPA (9+). I recently learned about HFT companies and the need for FPGA Engineers there. It's a pretty sweet gig involving a ton of money and a ton of HDL design, which is something I love. But my family is pushing me to finish my education, i.e., get a Master's degree (preferably from the USA), before running off and pulling crazy stunts like trying to get a job in such a coveted position.
I have a few doubts that I want to get clarified... Hopefully as soon as possible, I need to take a decision regarding this very soon.
  1. Is a Master's degree truly worth it? Is the Return on Investment for the same worth the hassle to get into studying for 2 more years?
  2. What can I expect to study in a Master's degree?
  3. How hard is it to actually get into such a role in an HFT? Are those qualifications met by a Bachelor's degree?
  4. If I were to pursue this role, what qualifications are expected by these companies and how can I prepare for the same?
Thanks for taking out the time to answer this!
submitted by DeathNoteGenocide to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 Mediocre-Pea7253 Am I making myself unemployable?

I’m an RN who graduated in 2020, started my dream nursing job & the census plummeted at the hospital I was at. I worked night shift and had 1-2 out of 3 of my shifts cancelled on a weekly basis. Obviously wasn’t making very good money so after 6 months I went back to the hospital I worked at in college.
It was a job that was horribly for me mentally because of COVID, night shift, & ER. I waited until the point that I was crying on all of my days off because I wasn’t happy & I felt like I’d never feel happy again. My husband had begged me to quit for about 8 months before I finally did. I was there as an RN for just under a year and a half, but with my tech experience just over 3 years.
Now I’ve been with my current employer for just over 2 years. They are independent and a hot mess express. Nearly everything I had been promised has been a big fail (hours, 401k) & I just had some PTO taken away without any type of explanation other than “we’ve done so much for you.” The professionalism is nonexistent & there have been a lot of things said to me or asked of me that I don’t even think Reddit would believe.
I’m tired of switching around but feel like it’s time I find something new again.
Not that this matters all that much, but I want to note that every workplace I’ve been part of has given me formal feedback that I’m an excellent employee. I pride myself on being reliable, knowledgeable, and a hard worker. I like to think of myself as somebody who has the ability to stay in a job, but maybe I’m flightier than I realized?
I’m interested in going back to school and want to be in a healthcare organization that can support this with tuition reimbursement, but was planning on waiting to get some longevity under my belt.
Am I making myself unemployable as a nurse or is this normal?
submitted by Mediocre-Pea7253 to nursing [link] [comments]


Hello guys this is gonna be a long post...since I barely have friends who care about me ...I can't get to see a third party view
So I am boy(18) and i live with my parents,my father is a very successful person with a very good government job and my mother is a teacher of coding languages in an engineering college,she previously worked as BCA,bsc degree college
Since I was born my father and mother were away from home for most part of the time,but after I got into the 3rd grade my parents were having lots of arguments and my mother was pregnant so she left the house and went to her mother's house ,and she left me with my dad...for context my dad is a very scary person he always shows dominance and treats me like a good for nothing kid, and for 9 months I was very scared at my very house, but even tho he is very obnoxious at that period he was a bit nice to me,i felt very left out since my mother didn't even consider asking me if I'll come with her ,she just went away
And after she returned,she was not the same person the very little love I used to get from her just stopped,it felt like she was just the maid of my house she would only talk to me about food she stopped helping me with my studies even if I failed she used to reason it with kids should learn to study by themselves and then my father and mother threw me to a corner they used to say awful stuff regarding how I'm so bad at studies,i should be greatful that they didn't disown me i agree that I was bad at studies but I used to try my best...I was restricted from going out for more than 1 hour, no tv, and they used to make sit and study for the whole day
I guess they were atleast ok till here
But then I started my highschool.... everything was bad at highschool my dad picked a highschool that had timings of 9 am to 5 pm and mon-sat and Sunday half days....it was pure torture my dad used to expect me to come home and study 12 hours to crack jee exam because his all friends son's are doing that...I was terrible at this jee thing...i hated it with every cell I had in my body...it was pure torture 9 hours daily....and I had to keep the expectations to study and score in jee and regular highschool exams...yeah both have different teachers and different syllabus
My parents used to make fun of me and talk shit about me which I used to hate very much,and then I stopped talking with them...I used to hate them,and then the depres kicked in...it was very bad...I tried to UA myself, because of academic pressure and the nearing exams,they used to have parent teacher meetings my parents used to insult me and shoutt at me infront of my classmates and my teachers it was very embarrisinghe told me how he is going to kick me out of his house tomorrow I just didn't see a point anymore to live,life was true hell but I put A lot of efforts ,I used to sleep at 5am and wake at 11pm and I used to study non stop it was a lot of dedication and hardwork I finished highschool and got respectable 80% and I failed in jee mains...well
My father's mother visited us and was staying,since my exams were over I was going out for walks with my friends at 10 pm and come back at 12pm my grandmother didn't like that she complain that to my father behind my back... And then my father said very awful stuff to me,he said how awful son I was,how I suck at studies,how I don't deserve this life,how I'm pathetic,how I'm not hardworking,and I'm punishing him by being his son and I was very broken at this point he told me if I don't want to live in his house with rules i should leave only one thing occurred to me "who am I doing this all for, who am I putting so much effort for" after he left,I started ugly crying I woke up my mother and I just said I don't want to stay here anymore I don't feel safe here,i don't want to live anymore how they both are torturing me and how much trauma it caused me...my mother seemed like she understood but that was an mistake, i told her to take a ticket to grandmother's house she said sure give my 1-2 days,i trusted her but she betrayed me she didn't do anything she just made herself in the clear and joined my father's side...she would dail say I'll make buy a train ticket but she was just bluffing I was totally heartbroken I had no one to rely on, I don't have friends even my parents don't feel like my parents,no body understood me i felt alone I felt lonely,but then my mom's father stepped in and he buyed me a ticket ,I was 17 and i travelled alone for 24 hours for the first time in a train
I then did nothing at there and was just coping but I had to come back for college... I accepted my fate and after getting a job ill block my parents was my mindset....now for college my father refused to give any money and my mother had saved some money specifically for my college but recently she buyed a very priced property blew all the savings and is in a heavy loan and now she expects My grandparents to spend money by selling their land ...I feel this is very wrong,why did my mom buy a property so suddenly just before my college,i want her to pay my college fund..even if that meant cancelling the property... I want her to choose me .. atleast for once in my life ..i cannot accept this reality
I wish I had paren who chose me anytime over these silly marks, properties and pettiness...now my mother doesn't give me a penny and says to use my savings ... I want to joina programin cource of not much money,she is saying she can't afford that,I feel backstabbed by my parents ...aita?
submitted by Winter_Investment316 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:10 QuirkyContribution95 Raised by NPD father and it ended up destroying my entire life.

Hi all,
Since I (M, 50) was in college, I can tell that there is something wrong with my father, however, I can't explain what is wrong with him.
In 2016 I came across an article about NPD and since then, I have been playing a puzzle where I put together pieces of my life and I now understand the why.
Since 2016 I also met regularly with a psychologist who last year confirmed with me that in her opinion, my father has NPD. This psychologist however confirmed with me that in her opinion, I do not have NPD.
I now realize that my father was abusing me emotionally (and physically too) and this abuse is destroying my life in multiple different areas for a very long term up until today.
  1. Personal life. Since I was small, my father likes to indoctrinate me so that I believe that I am better and higher level than everyone else. Because of this, I do not have any friends because I believe everyone is not on the same level as me and therefore they are not worthy to be my friend.
  2. Education & career. My father forced me to study for an MBA in the US but now I know why he wants me to study:
a. He wants to be so proud telling everyone that he sent his son to study in the US (I'm from an Asian country) which is an indication that he is rich (based on my home country standard).
b. He was hoping by separating me and my gf (wife now) that I would break up with her. My gf is coming from a lower economic class which my father despises so much as he sees himself as richer than other people.
Studying MBA was not only not my decision but also, because whatever the reason my father sent me to study was NOT because he wanted me to study + I believed that I was smarter than everyone else, I ended up not studying at all. I didn't study during my bachelor's in accounting as well.
As you can imagine, when I graduated with my MBA in 2002, not only the US economy was in bad shape, but also, I had no knowledge whatsoever from my 2 degrees. When I went for a job interview, I failed to answer the question when the interviewer was testing my knowledge of the subject, yet, I was delusionally believing that with my BBA and MBA, I would get a high-paying job.
In the end, I didn't get any high-paying job, instead, I ended up doing clerical jobs up until today.
In 2014, I got a diploma in supply chain and this time I studied hard because I wanted to study this subject. I earned my diploma based on my hard work, but in the end, this diploma was useless because no employer was willing to hire me as a supply chain and I ended up doing another clerical work.
  1. Marriage life. My father treats my mother as if my mother has no value whatsoever in the family. My father controlled my mother in every single aspect of her life. My father treats my mother as if she is a maid, not a wife.
The problem is, I too am treating my wife the same way my father treats my mother.
The worst part is, that I didn't even see anything wrong with how I treated my wife for years until it was way too late. I hurt my wife so much. If it were not for our son, my wife would already left me.
That said, currently I have been unemployed since 2.5 years ago when I was laid off from my previous employer. Luckily my wife is still employed but we are running a deficit every month.
I have been applying for jobs but, with clerical experience, I do not have enough experience for almost any job. Our net worth is only $100K, far from enough for retirement. Our landlord probably will want to develop the house that we are renting and we could be forced to rent somewhere else where the price is now skyrocketing.
I tried to do business with my friend which failed. I try to stock trading which only leads me to lose $23K so far.
I feel like I was born to fail and I see no light at the end of the tunnel. If it's not because of my son, I am 100% sure that I would do the following:
  1. Divorcing my wife because she deserved to be happy.
  2. Kill myself.
Someone, please tell me if I still should keep hoping and trying. I'm out of hope and out of options.
TL/DR: raised by NPD father and it ended up destroying my entire life.
submitted by QuirkyContribution95 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:10 polyunsaturatedblood How much should I charge to edit website blurb?

I’m a film and narrative essay writer as well as 2023 college graduate (bachelors in writing). I haven’t had anything published outside of school and I currently work in childcare. I often revise for my peers in exchange for their help with my own writing and so I’ve never done paid revisions. Recently I was approached by a coworker and asked how much I’d charge to edit her website…and I don’t have a clue! So I turn to you, good (?) people of Reddit.
The job: fairly extensive website (around 10 webpages with an average of 5 paragraphs each), not poorly written but the client is not a native English speaker so there are many small gramatical errors, and it is quite repetitive so some condensing will be necessary.
I’m not a professional and the “client” is a friend who is helping me make connections in the film industry (think: celebrity nanny). We haven’t talked price other than her telling me to name it and she’ll pay it. So, what should my price be?
EDIT: When I wrote the title I thought it was just the blurb but it’s actually the whole site.
submitted by polyunsaturatedblood to writing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 TheDude8000 What are some practical tools to take back control of my life?

I am a 24m who's struggled with various addictions over the course of the last ten years. I began smoking weed at 13, cigarettes at 15 and heavy alcohol use at 16. I was the kid who brought a water bottle of vodka into math just to see if I could get away with it, and nobody ever found out. I kept a handle of vodka behind the driver's seat of my car, etc. I have always been very "high functioning," in that I got good grades in high school, got into a very good college, and have since found a fair degree of success out of school. However, the habits that formed a decade ago have not gone away.
I get cross-faded every day, and recently at night, almost like a mantra, I tell myself to stop. That I am destroying my body, that it will catch up to me sooner than I think. I ask what will be the catalyst to change — a health scare? A destroyed relationship? And yet the next night I do the exact same thing.
The thing is, right now my life is pretty good by almost all objective measures. I'm in a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. I support myself financially, although I'm still on my dad's health insurance for another year or so. I have a group of smart, positive friends. And yet when it comes to drinking and smoking it's like my will power vanishes and the demon of habit takes control of my body. I don't know how to stop it.
I've gone through extensive periods of time of daily meditation, which helped me a lot, but I'm not in consistent practice right now. I go to the gym about four times a week. I don't sleep very well, usually going to bed around 3am and waking up around 9am. I also find my addictive tendencies finds other methods of achieving a dopamine rush — daily sports gambling, sometimes wasting full days playing video games, etc.
From the outside I look to be in a very positive, successful position for my age. Inside, I am struggling to stay afloat. I am looking for tools or actionable methods to help bring myself back to my best self. For example, I've tried making a daily schedule for myself in time blocks so that I can stay productive. The problem is I rarely stick to the schedule. I need to train my discipline, will power, something. Any thoughts? (Thank you for reading)
submitted by TheDude8000 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 TheDude8000 What are some practical tools to take back control of my life?

I am a 24m who's struggled with various addictions over the course of the last ten years. I began smoking weed at 13, cigarettes at 15 and heavy alcohol use at 16. I was the kid who brought a water bottle of vodka into math just to see if I could get away with it, and nobody ever found out. I kept a handle of vodka behind the driver's seat of my car, etc. I have always been very "high functioning," in that I got good grades in high school, got into a very good college, and have since found a fair degree of success out of school. However, the habits that formed a decade ago have not gone away.
I get cross-faded every day, and recently at night, almost like a mantra, I tell myself to stop. That I am destroying my body, that it will catch up to me sooner than I think. I ask what will be the catalyst to change — a health scare? A destroyed relationship? And yet the next night I do the exact same thing.
The thing is, right now my life is pretty good by almost all objective measures. I'm in a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. I support myself financially, although I'm still on my dad's health insurance for another year or so. I have a group of smart, positive friends. And yet when it comes to drinking and smoking it's like my will power vanishes and the demon of habit takes control of my body. I don't know how to stop it.
I've gone through extensive periods of time of daily meditation, which helped me a lot, but I'm not in consistent practice right now. I go to the gym about four times a week. I don't sleep very well, usually going to bed around 3am and waking up around 9am. I also find my addictive tendencies finds other methods of achieving a dopamine rush — daily sports gambling, sometimes wasting full days playing video games, etc.
From the outside I look to be in a very positive, successful position for my age. Inside, I am struggling to stay afloat. I am looking for tools or actionable methods to help bring myself back to my best self. For example, I've tried making a daily schedule for myself in time blocks so that I can stay productive. The problem is I rarely stick to the schedule. I need to train my discipline, will power, something. Any thoughts? (Thank you for reading)
submitted by TheDude8000 to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 Street-Cup-2515 My dad (M/59) asked me (M/25) for a $5k loan to buy a sports car and got mad because I said no

My dad and I have a business together and things have been slow this year. I get my income through one of our clients as a subcontractor and my dad has another job with a $160k salary. Recently, we won a few large projects and are expecting a big commission around $150-$180k,which I get 20% of.
My dad has made some really stupid choices in the past, like buying cars he can’t really afford. These new projects on the horizon has got him looking at buying a luxury sports car. He has said for the past few months that the next car he gets will be paid with cash and he isn’t going to be dumb again.
Yesterday morning, he asked if I could loan him $5k to cover the taxes on a car he found. He said he’d pay me back in late summer when we get the commissions. I reluctantly agreed but spent the entire day figuring out how to tell him I’m not doing it, even though he knows I can technically afford it. I have $41k in my savings account, but some of it is for taxes. I know he would pay me back, but there’s always a chance these projects could be delayed, which would mean a delay in payment.
I’m getting married at the end of the year and saving for a house. $5k is a lot of money to me, and the thought of not seeing it for longer than expected doesn’t sit well. My dad also agreed to pay for at least $10k of our wedding and to pay off my $30k student loans once he had the funds. I’m currently paying them, but he said he would reimburse me for it. I feel like he has agreed to pay for things he doesn’t actually care to pay for and rather prioritize himself first, which makes me sad. I don’t ask him to pay any of my bills and am very financially responsible.
Last night, I went over and told him I couldn’t do it. He instantly got annoyed and defensively said it was fine but that he was handing over my car note, insurance, and phone bill. These are things he insisted on paying because they are business expenses, and he got my car for me before I went to college. I don’t mind paying these things, although it will eat a lot into the amount I can save each month. My mom told me they could have paid off my car when the lease was up, but my dad didn’t want to, so he got a high-interest loan to continue monthly payments. This brought my car note up an extra $130.
I told him it’s dumb to buy a car with money you don’t have yet, and he said he HAS the cash but just wanted some help. This doesn’t make ANY sense to me.
I went on to tell him how his behavior is wrong and that he is trying to financially punish me for not funding his toy. I was met with a guilt trip about how he’s done a lot for me and I should want to help him out. Then he said I’m not needed at the company anymore because there isn’t much going on and that I don’t deserve 20% commissions for doing “nothing.” I said I will quit and want my name off the company. My mom has convinced him to hold off on handing over my car and phone bill until I am married. My mom and fiancé are disgusted by it all, and I’m pretty distraught. I plan to ask my client to hire me directly, as I’ve turned down that option in the past because my dad told me it was in my best interest to remain as a 1099 and not a W2.
I really believed in our company and what we were doing, so it hurts to leave it behind, especially when a few weeks ago, we were talking about how things are picking up and one day I’ll take it and run with it. I wasn’t expecting to lose the future I was promised as well as lose my dad all within a day.
Overall, I’m heartbroken to feel like my dad has ruined our relationship. We did not get along well growing up, but once we started working together and I didn’t live with him, things got better. Last night took me back to how I felt when I lived at home, and he would take away my phone or car keys if he got upset at me. I thought my dad had made some progress as a person, but I can’t help but feel like he did all this as a way to still have control over me. It really sucks and really hurts to feel that the progress our relationship made over the years was wiped away.
Is this worth limiting contact over or am I overreacting?
TLDR: My dad and I have a business together, and we’re expecting $150-$180k in commissions this summer. Despite his history of poor financial decisions, he asked me for a $5k loan to buy a luxury car. I refused, and he retaliated by threatening to stop paying for my car, insurance, and phone bills. This led to a heated argument where he downplayed my role in the company and tried to guilt trip me into giving him the loan.
submitted by Street-Cup-2515 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:05 Popular-Ad-8709 AITA for alienating my boyfriend from his parents even though it’s obvious they don’t like me?

My boyfriend 21M and I 19F have been together about 11 months. Our relationship is great, except that I know his parents don’t like me. He still lives with his parents, Dad M45 and STEP mom F38 who are both teachers. My boyfriend and I live about 35 minutes away from each other. I have only been to my boyfriend’s house a handful of times, and he is at my house at least once a week. The first time I met my boyfriend’s parents everything was fine. It was a normal meeting, we all chatted- nothing weird or bad at all. That was literally the last time I’ve ever talked to his step mom though. His dad has talked to me a little bit the second time I went over there, but the conversation lasted like 5 minutes.
That last few months I went over there they have said nothing to me, not even acknowledging I was there. There are a few things that may be the reason his parents dont like me. My boyfriend stays the night at my house a few times a month. His parents do not like that he stays over, they have expressed this to him a few times. That hasn’t stopped him though. His parents are very religious and have very, what I would consider “old fashioned” views. He has an older brother who has a girlfriend as well. We all started dating around the same time. And I met his parents first. From what I can tell they have a better relationship, so I know that it is me they don’t like.
My boyfriend recently told me that during Christmas he heard his parents referring to me as “that girl” when he wasn’t in the room. He also told me that his dad had the “use protection” talk with him but chose to include a story about his uncle got trapped into marrying a girl because she intentionally stopped taking her birth control without telling him, alluding that I may do that to him. It makes me very uncomfortable that his dad would talk about a then 18 year old girl like that. Especially since kids is the furthest thing in my mind rn. I’m just trying to get through college.
It’s hard to swallow that people have been talking abt me this way. Especially when they don’t know me at all. And I really don’t think I’ve done anything other than being nice and cordial.
My boyfriend has said something to his parents, and his dad said that he feels like I do not like them. I will say that I have been holding a grudge because I genuinely have been trying my best to be nice to them. I will say that over the months my boyfriend has told me about some of the things his parents do and how they treat him. I’m very protective over him, and it may have given me a bad opinion of them a bit- but I have never and would never express that to them. Either way this whole situation has put my boyfriend in the middle, which is something I don’t want to do to him. He’s had enough family drama growing up. He wants me to let go of my grudge and try and start over. I’m having a hard time agreeing to that. I don’t think I’ll ever see them as genuine anymore. If they do try, it’ll only be because my bf called them out on their behavior.
So I just want to know, am I the asshole for not wanting to let go of my grudge and hurt feeling, and try again with my boyfriend’s parents? My bf has a great relationship with my parents, they treat him great. Is it naive to think that we need more than that?
submitted by Popular-Ad-8709 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:04 Salt-Canary-992 Enlisted Nuke trying to go officer. Tips to raise my chances of getting in?

Going in as enlisted nuke, shipping out for bootcamp in August. Nuclear engineering is my dream, but didn’t want to pay for college so I decided to pursue it via the Navy, hoping to go down the officer pipeline at some point. My recruiter told me I can apply / get picked up for STA-21, USNA, or NROTC at any point during A-school, power school, prototype, and beyond. I am most interested in the USNA. I did marching band for 4 years in high school, but did not do any sports. Graduated high school with a 3.6 unweighted / 3.8 weighted, and I failed one class in high school (AP Calculus). Got a 29 on the ACT, 98 on the ASVAB. I’ve been training really hard for the PRT and am fairly certain I will do very well on it. Any tips to better my chances of being accepted?
submitted by Salt-Canary-992 to usna [link] [comments]
