Food handler certification in temecula


2018.01.30 12:07 cryptoclearbear Halalchain

Halalchain. iot halal. halal blockchain. halal ecosystem.

2013.12.12 05:36 phyzome Organic agriculture

A community chartered for news stories, controversies, questions, and ideas about **organic agriculture and IPM**. Subtopics may include growing plants, raising animals, certification (e.g. requirements, legislation, fees), pest control, soil enrichment, and scams/mislabeling. See subreddit sidebar for details.

2011.03.21 19:20 mshiltonj Triangle Jobs

Here's to 10+ years of helping redditors in and around Raleigh/Durham, NC, USA find great jobs, awesome candidates, and neat networking opportunities locally. Please review community rules before posting! Job opportunities and job seekers must be immediately relevant to the Triangle metro area.

2024.05.14 23:36 alfooboboao LPT: If you’re a parent, the best Teacher Appreciation Week gift is cash

My partner is a teacher.
Actually, she’s a damn good teacher, and every year on Teacher Appreciation Week we get loaded down with gifts. Which is great!! And first of all, I want to say that any gift — or even a sweet card or note if you can’t afford a gift, she would never in a million years judge someone or EVER want a parent to be stressed by how much money they spent (please, buy your kid food first) — is more than okay, and to be clear she would never ever come home and shit talk anyone who buys her a present lol.
But I know a lot of parents don’t know what to get their kid’s teacher, so:
The answer is cash.
I know what you’re thinking — that’s rude, right? It delegitimizes the profession and makes you look like you didn’t care enough to buy an actual present.
But nope! Cash is king. Cash is the best.
Every year, we have to choose which mugs to throw out, because we literally don’t have space for even one more mug. We also throw out about 15-20 pounds of chocolate and cookies every year because even if we were somehow able to eat all the sweets she takes home we’d each weigh 300 pounds.
One family once gave her a $200 gift certificate to a luxury resort chain, which was very sweet and expensive, but fundamentally misunderstands the financial limitations of teaching lol. It’s nice, and we’d never complain, but getting a gift certificate that covers 20% of a weekend at a resort is basically useless — no teacher is gonna go $800 out of pocket to spend $200 in gift certificate money.
Wine is nice, but if your teacher doesn’t like wine, then it’s like the chocolates — it’ll just sit there until it has to be thrown or given away to make space.
But cash? Oh, man, cash is amazing. With cash, she can choose to go to the salon, or order in some night we don’t feel like cooking, or even help pay off a bill if we need it.
Instead of going out of your way and stressing over a present if you want to get your teacher something, just give cash! Again, any amount (or just a card or note, even) is okay! But given what we all know about the profession of teaching, a cash gift says that you understand the job, and it also shows that you realize how $20 would be better than a $100 present because that’s $20 less in stress!
submitted by alfooboboao to LifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:54 Urthemiracle333 Food Handler Manager Certificate

Hello, I am starting a coffee cart in Chicago. Getting all requirements together in order to obtain shared kitchen license. Can anyone provide insight on how long it will take to study for this exam or if it’s relatively easy? I signed up for a proctor with serve safe, with exam. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Urthemiracle333 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:24 Training_Motor_467 Help please

I’m not from here and I need some help or advice!
Okay, quick question. A parent that is NOT the custodial parent, has no legal right's to the child, no state legal DNA test or not on the birth certificate can they try to get the other parent for child support?
Back story : I told my son father to sign up for food stamps right! He has 5 kids including my son. Mind you this was beginning of last year. He got approved cause he had no income at the time. I only agreed to help him sign up if he’d just give me a couple dollars in food stamps each month (which he only did one time cause I cussed him out) cause apprecntly according to Colorado I make too much and don’t qualify for assistance. My child mediciad since we been here but it was just recently dropped cause of my job, again I make too much. Over income I suppose. So, I told my child dad like hey I need to you enroll him in Medicaid cause I want him to continue to have dual covergae. I know once a part applies it automatically opens a child support case which is weird. But the Colorado Child Support people ask me was he the custodial parent, I told her no, I am. So im confused on why he put that. What can I do? What am I suppose to do. I’m not from here so idk how Colorado system works.
submitted by Training_Motor_467 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:01 Euphoric-Earth-4765 An inside look at the culture and ideology of Faith Comes By Hearing_PART 3

Most meetings should be an email:
Their “all hands on deck” meetings are early in the morning, even though the first three hours of your workday are your most precious and productive and should be reserved for the most important tasks where focus, attention, high cognitive function, willpower is needed, according to research. Willpower or mental energy regulates your thoughts, emotions, impulses, and performance control.
Top management has recurring meetings but it seems like the topic was determined 5 min beforehand because the meetings are often all over the place, with no clear agenda, and random topics. Often, they feel like a parent lecturing their teenager.
Meetings are mandatory. Most employees do not really have to be there. The meetings do not affect the actual day to day job functions. The main purpose for these meetings seems to be for unity (or the appearance of). They are often not productive. Not useful and not engaging for most employees. Not worth spending company time. Not used for coaching or mentoring. Not used for making decisions. They are not about a complex issue that needs to be talked through ideas and solutions. In actuality, 98% of the meetings should really just be emails. There are three regular weekly meetings: about 80-90% of them include testimonies or personal stories and about 10-20% is someone sharing statistics (about the products they produce) or status updates or the behind the scenes (how the "hotdogs" are made). One out of about four meetings involve a recount of the ministry's history. If one did not attend the meetings, nothing would change. There really would not be any consequences that would affect doing your job.
Finally, Managers or employees who have traveled internationally are the only ones that get to speak and address the entire ministry. Everyone else doesn't get a voice.
Testimonies or personal stories:
Stories and testimonies as a form of encouragement and motivation are not bad or not useful; however, there are other areas in the work culture that are lacking that destroy any built up motivation. Employees are expected to have some kind of emotional response to them. Over the months and years, stories and testimonies become overused. In fact, you will hear so many testimonies that, over time, they will blurr and you will probably become desensitized to them. Stories and testimonies are probably seen as a way of providing support to employees but other supports are also lacking and needed (e.g., better leadership, empowerment, resources, tools, better communication, regular check ins, accountability, empathy, feedback, personal and professional development). Stories, anecdotes, and testimonies seem to be used to deflect from some of the problems in the ministry culture.
Top management pressures employees to feel a certain way. They want them to always feel encouraged and motivated by everything and anything the ministry does:
If you replace "encourage" with Love" and then talk to your wife....
“I took out the trash, that should make you feel loved. I mowed the lawn, that should make you feel loved. I picked up my laundry, that should make you feel loved. I went exercised today, that should make you feel loved. i helped an old lady cross the street.”
This makes it all about YOU, not how your wife actually feels! in fact, you are manipulating her to feel a certain way by what you did!
"If you are not feeling loved by all these things I did, then something is wrong with YOU.”
So management tells employees how they should be feeling about things. Performance is often not rewarded. Many employees do not know how much management cares about them as a person. What would be really encouraging is if management gave employees confidence, listed better, spoke to their needs, and empowered them.
Meetings - introverts vs extroverts:
Meetings are not set up to accommodate the basic differences between introverts and extroverts (e.g., how they best think, work, process information, communicate, learn; introverts typically dislike noise and big group settings) nor of how people need to manage their energy (ultradian rhythms). Management does not use information about individual team members’ personalities and predilections to formulate norms and dynamics that are respectful to everyone. Research indicates that in a typical six-person meeting, two people do more than 60% of the talking. In bigger groups, like the 100+ group at FCBH, the problem is worse. Management allows a certain dominant personality to do all the talking. They are not coached to listen, reflect, and become more open to the perspectives of their more silent peers. Top management does not send the meeting agenda in advance and ask for written feedback to give introverts time to formulate thoughts and summon the courage to share them.
Management’s definition of a “successful” meeting is different from that of other organizations. Top management does not appear to have any training in meeting science. Most meetings do not provide value to all attendees. They are not set up for employees to contribute and add value to them. Also, no opportunities to give feedback on meeting quality when meetings end.
A “Christian” version of CRT:
The opinions and perspectives of international employees are valued over local/american employees. Employees who are international (and especially those who live in persecuted areas) are often prioritized and favored. Their voice, their input, is often considered more important because top management pressures them to share and speak.
If there is a need, entire ministry is notified to pray if the need is from internationals but not if the need is local.
Personal convictions. Money:
Top management tends to have some childhood trauma, that is the root cause of their strong personal convictions, that often comes out during their mandatory meetings. These “preaching” moments usually have to do with money. They grew up poor or had strict parents or been around groups, ministries, and churches that abused money and now they get triggered or feel guilty when they see new things and resist replacing things like whiteboards and chairs: "if we already have something, we don't need to replace it = if it ain't broke, don't fix/replace it. wear your shoes out until your soles poke through the bottom before buying new ones." They seem to get triggered when employees ask them for upgrades/replacements” “if it can still 'technically' work, then it's fine.”
In order to fulfill their deadlines and to keep up appearances with ministry partners and donors, management will often “let things go”. Things such as quality of the recordings or training issues with internationals. They are willing to sacrifice quality control to get the results their supporters want to see.
Employee well-being:
Top management often makes assumptions about the well-being and contentment of employees.
They do not invest time and effort in comprehending genuine emotions and needs to create a supportive and harmonious work environment.
No consideration for managing energy or attention. No discussions on employees’ health and wellness goals. Instead, employees are expected to focus, to look at computer screens for extended periods of time (an 8 hrs shift includes two short breaks) even though editing and processing audio and video requires high mental energy and prolonged focus. Management often ignores telltale singles of burnout and fatigue. No effort is made to increase energy, reduce fatigue, and improve job performance. So, consistency, accuracy, and quality of recordings are affected as well as employees’ well-being.
Moveover, no paid maternity or even work from home options for new parents. Many new moms have left. New parents must be use PTO if they want time with their new baby.
The end result? Low moral, isolation, aloneness. Many employees are overworked and underappreciated. Many are not satisfied with their position. Most work until they burn out. Someone said this and it's true: for every employee that leaves, they have to hire at least two people to replace them. Sure, there are some long-term or for life employees who have been around for 10+ years. Unfortunately, most of these employees have outdated skills and would have a difficult time finding work (there is no continuing education or certifications offered) if they wanted to leave (or were let go). In addition, many of the skills employees learn on the job are non-transferrable. So, many choose to stay and remain loyal to the ministry because the cost of leaving is just too high.
No windows; no natural light:
Most of the building has no windows. Something to note if you struggle with depression.
People are different:
Management seems to lack an understanding of how people are wired, how each person is different, what drives their behavior and what they’re capable of doing with their skills. Not much consideration for each person’s individual goals, strengths, and weaknesses. Management does not create situations that encourage employees to motivate themselves.
So, work areas do not reflect the needs of Gen Z and millennials, the basic differences between introverts and extroverts (e.g., how they think, work, process information, communicate, learn), how personality impacts work preferences and styles. No awareness of how people need to manage their energy (ultradian rhythms). They do not allow people to work the way they want to; extroverts should feel comfortable taking time to socialize, while introverts should have license to work remotely or take breaks from the team.
Top management does not recognize that individuals may not always express their inner concerns or desires openly. They don’t sculpt jobs to enhance individual engagement: they don’t seek to understand the unique motivations of employees or develop each employee’s career. No incentives or rewards are provided. Not much authentic appreciation is shown. Employees have value as people (not just as producers), and management needs to communicate in ways that are meaningful to the recipient (as opposed to just going through the motions). Management must adopt business practices that help employees have a personal life.”
Work family:
Despite current best business practices, management will continually use the phrase “work family”.
All about the numbers:
There is more focus on production than the core values of the ministry. Top management almost idolizes how many bibles are produced. There is a focus on goals and numbers which often comes off as self-righteous and self-promoting and self-important: Numbers of bibles produced, numbers of people who receive those bibles, numbers of testimonies from those that get the bibles. Focus seems to be on the products FCBH produces over the people reached. Focus is on getting bibles to people. Focus is not on discipleship or teaching people how to correctly interpret the Bible they receive so they can become more like Jesus. Top management seems to be more focused on what they have done well rather than on what others have done well. And they often take credit for accomplishments that should be credited to God.
Theology at work:
Management does not want discussions to get “too theological”, they want to keep it “practical”, as though good practice did not require careful thought to direct it. They discourage employees from discussing theology because they want to keep “unity” and avoid division among Christians, however, they will present their own theological positions and convictions but not allow other employees to question or share their own views and opinions especially on controversial topics (e.g., spiritual gifts, hearing from God, fasting, finances, stewardship, prophesy, replacement theology).
Major donors to the ministry are singled out to entire staff and praised. The poor widow with two coins wouldn't get any mention. This makes it seem that the ministry only really cares about the major donors. All donors should be anonymous to employees that are not directly working with the donors.
Employees who are pastors are also favored:
They are often asked to pray or give a word in meetings as if their prayers and words are above employees who are not pastors. As if God will take extra time and attention to hear from them and answer their prayers.
Some “special” employees are allowed to work remotely for some unknown reason. Most employees requesting to WFH are denied. This is never explained and so it creates division, confusion, and envy.
Birthday, thanksgiving, and Christmas parties vary drastically by department: some departments work half day and get together off site to celebrate; some work full day and have no party; some work full day and have a 30min party onsite (during work hours?); some have food only, some have food and games, some have everyone bring in food but some have the ministry? provide the food; some have gift exchange and some don’t….

Some people might say this is all superficial and selfish, all that really matters is getting bibles to people. You be the judge. Many have chosen to ignore these issues and remain loyal to the ministry; some stay and think things will get better; others stay because they have nowhere else to go; some mentally check out; some have spoken out and been labeled as “causing disunity” and then let go, and many others have chosen to leave. Unfortunately, the people most sensitive to a decrease in the quality of the culture are typically those with the most resources, skills, and talents that could be used to effectuate improvement. The people who are the least sensitive to quality usually have fewer resources, skills, and talents.
submitted by Euphoric-Earth-4765 to u/Euphoric-Earth-4765 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:32 Huge_Peak6142 [UK] I dont know where my son is

The situation:
Me and my ex-fiance broke up a month before she gave birth to our child. Initially we agreed that I was going to be at the birth. However, after we broke up, she did not want me there. I came to terms with this and was okay with it as this was her right/choice. We were still in communication during this time (after we broke up), and we were civil, even flirtatious. Leading up to the birth she got paranoid that I was cheating on her or sleeping with other women as my location was not at my house but on the street behind me, i explained to her that iPhone geolocation isn't always accurate, and i even offered to face time her to prove that I am where I am but she did not respond to my requsts. My ex's phone stopped working so i had no contact with her for 1 weeks straight out of concern i called her mother to see if she was okay as they live together, and her mother started slandering me saying that i got her pregnant and now ive left her a month before she was due, the breakup was mutual and agreed on both sides, and for our child we planned on co parenting effectivly.She started calling me a bitch and slandering my religon (islam) and became racist even though her daughter is half white and half indian, she also threatened me with force and threatend the police on me even though i hadnt done anything. I let the abuse slide as i didnt want to winde up any tension or make the sitatuion/breakup worse. My friends advised me to apologise for the hurt the breakup caused which i did.
1 week later, My ex texted me the night before at like 1am she was induced into labour that she was going to be induced and i asked her if she needs anything or wants me there, she said there isnt anything she needs and she said not to come and said it can take days until our son is born. 4 hours after this text she had given birth, but i had not been told this, and i had missed my sons birth. I recieve a text from bitter mother the next day that "he is here now come and see him". I was the last person to be contacted, her friends and family were all notifed immediatley, but they willingly contacted me late knowing that i wanted to be there (not in delivery room but in the hospital). The friends and family all saw my son before me and i knew this because of social media posts. I travelled from birmingham to london imediatly to see our son. When i arrived at the hospital, I was bitter because i was notifed last so i decided not to speak to her family and friends and see my son as the nurses allowed me. Upon picking up my son, My exs grandmother, my sons great grand mother, said "he will not be raised muslim, this is england not india, we dont do that here", her mother then proceedes to say he will eat what his grandmother feeds him, knowing i want my son to be muslim and eat halal food. She says why werent you here earlier, why are you here hours later making out to seem that i was some neglectful father who didnt care, her grand mother then policed me on how to pick up my child, how to hold him and how to change nappies, and threatend to kick me out, the nurse overheard this and said to her that i have a right to be here and i have 24hrs viewing access. then there was silence.
. They kept sayiing you should have been in london already we told you to book an airbnb in london, but i planned on booking it the day she was going into labour as that is when my paternity leave was due to start, i could not afford to pay a 300-400 so i can be there a week early.
I couldnt speak to my ex when I was at the hospital as they were in seperate wards, my son was in a special care unit and she was in her ward. So i spent a few hours with him. After the day had finished, it was too late and she had gone to sleep so i didnt want to disturb her so i went to my the hotel i booked.
I sent my ex a nice text saying thank you for delivering our son .etc and send gifts and flowers. I told her that my friends and family are coming down the next day from birmingham to see him. I walk into the hospital, and my exs mother started swearing at me saying im so horrible for not speaking to my ex after she had just given birth, and kept portaying me to be a cunt, she said that the messages and gifts dont mean anything even though my intentions in my text were me being grateful and thankful for the delivery of our son. She said your family and friends arent allowed to come, they have no right to be here, and said that she is going to get me banned from seeing my son if they come. I didnt believe or take serious what she said so ignored her and went to see my ex who was now with our son. my ex didnt speak to me once even though i tried to speak. A few hours later i went to grab lunch, and my family had already set of at this time. I told my ex that they are coming down to see him, and she said no, they dont have her permission to our son, eventhough no one from her side asked for my permission to vist and take photos. I couldnt believe what she was saying, she said that I couldnt see him at this point. Her mother overheard this, and said they she will ban them from coming but i laughed saying how and why are they doing this? I then get told that they will raise a safeguarding claim so im not allowed in the hospital. after my lunch i call the the head nurse to see if he is okay and if i can come down, and i am told that there is a safe guarding claim, and i cannot see my son, and they cannot dicuss anything about him to me as i am not on the birth certficate/i am not married. Eventhough this safeguarding claim is absolutely fictiuous. My family arrive and i had to turn them away. Since that day (2nd day of son being born), I have not seen him or heard of him. My ex has gone no contact and is not replying to any of my texts even though has read them. Throughout this entire situation my friends advised me to "bite my tongue and keep a level head" and ignore the abuse as it isnt the time or the place to have such discussions.
In navigating this challenging situation, my main concern is ensuring my son's well-being and maintaining a meaningful presence in his life. Despite my efforts to communicate and explore mediation options, my ex-partner's lack of response has added to the complexity of the situation.
Given the circumstances, I'm seriously considering seeking either full custody of my son, shared custody if that is a thing in the UK. I don't have access to the birth certificate but I know that they have no disclosed me on it. I've gathered compelling evidence regarding my ex-partner's living situation and behaviors, including substance abuse and instability within her household. It's clear that my son's best interests are at stake, and I'm committed to providing him with a safe and nurturing environment.
In terms of my own situation, I'm fortunate to have stable housing, financial stability, and flexibility in my schedule due to being a full-time student with part-time work (1 year left until i am a full time teacher, she isnt working and does not plan to and live on social welfare for the foreseeable future). I'm prepared to provide the stability and support that my son needs.
As I weigh my options, I'm considering pursuing shared custody initially, with the possibility of addressing schooling arrangements in court later on. Alternatively, I'm contemplating seeking full custody from the outset, given the concerns about my ex-partner's ability to provide a suitable environment for our son's upbringing. I do not want to take my child away completely from his mother as this is not right/islamic at all, I want us to coparent effectively so our son is raised with both parents. but this no contact thing makes it seem impossible. she has rejected to showing me the birth certificate and refused medations, (the mediator called her)
Ultimately, my chances of winning full custody will depend on various factors, including the strength of the evidence I've gathered and the court's assessment of what is in my son's best interests. Seeking guidance from a legal expert who specialises in family law will be crucial as I navigate this process.
My primary focus remains on ensuring that my son receives the love, care, and stability he deserves, regardless of the legal complexities involved.
Update: I have also contacted the police about the abusive behaviours from the my ex's mother. Id like to also mention that my son has a serious heart defect, and my exs mother is a habitual smoker regularly smoking cannabis and cigarettes, which is not ideal and can worsen his heart. he is due for an operation but I don't know when this is but I know its within the coming months. but I do not want him in a household that will hurt his health due to innapproiate care.
submitted by Huge_Peak6142 to Custody [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:24 TastyThreads Should I pursue a career in Food Science?

Hello! Hopefully this is an appropriate community to place this post.
I'm in my mid-30s and have wondered for a while what I would want to do with my life.
It occurred to me today that I might really love food science.
My background (education and professional) 4 year B.S. in Visual Communication Technology Certificate in Baking and Pastry from a community college Certificate in Pastry Arts from The French Pastry School 7 years experience in service & hospitality (pastry cook, barista, food and beverage supervisor)
Recently (last 3 years or so) I've been working customer service roles to hopefully move into a more traditional work/life balance and start a family (with success on starting a family).
My interests are coffee, baking, and cooking (to a lesser degree). I find the science and history of food fascinating, to the point where it's pretty much something i think about or read/learn about daily.
My questions: - are there any reputable online food science degrees? - will my previous experience help or hurt me if I choose to pursue this career change? - has anyone else pursued a degree in food science later in life? Or just changed degrees on general, later.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
submitted by TastyThreads to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:24 Strong-Willingness-8 1141 Apprenticeship

I am about a year out from applying so I know this could mean very little but how competitive is it here in OKC? I am sticking out the last year of my degree but am seriously looking at doing this apprenticeship after I graduate. Will that commitment help boost my number? Also I plan to do the OSHA 10 safety certification but i don’t know how much that would boost me either. I definitely think I need the boost though because I don’t have any experience in the work force.
Do I have much of a chance or is it like other locals I see where the apprentices needed to do CW or material handler stuff to even have a tiny shot?
submitted by Strong-Willingness-8 to IBEW [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:21 Huge_Peak6142 Help me please my ex has taken my son and gone no contact

The situation:
Me and my ex-fiance broke up a month before she gave birth to our child. Initially we agreed that I was going to be at the birth. However, after we broke up, she did not want me there. I came to terms with this and was okay with it as this was her right/choice. We were still in communication during this time (after we broke up), and we were civil, even flirtatious. Leading up to the birth she got paranoid that I was cheating on her or sleeping with other women as my location was not at my house but on the street behind me, i explained to her that iPhone geolocation isn't always accurate, and i even offered to face time her to prove that I am where I am but she did not respond to my requsts. My ex's phone stopped working so i had no contact with her for 1 weeks straight out of concern i called her mother to see if she was okay as they live together, and her mother started slandering me saying that i got her pregnant and now ive left her a month before she was due, the breakup was mutual and agreed on both sides, and for our child we planned on co parenting effectivly.She started calling me a bitch and slandering my religon (islam) and became racist even though her daughter is half white and half indian, she also threatened me with force and threatend the police on me even though i hadnt done anything. I let the abuse slide as i didnt want to winde up any tension or make the sitatuion/breakup worse. My friends advised me to apologise for the hurt the breakup caused which i did.
1 week later, My ex texted me the night before at like 1am she was induced into labour that she was going to be induced and i asked her if she needs anything or wants me there, she said there isnt anything she needs and she said not to come and said it can take days until our son is born. 4 hours after this text she had given birth, but i had not been told this, and i had missed my sons birth. I recieve a text from bitter mother the next day that "he is here now come and see him". I was the last person to be contacted, her friends and family were all notifed immediatley, but they willingly contacted me late knowing that i wanted to be there (not in delivery room but in the hospital). The friends and family all saw my son before me and i knew this because of social media posts. I travelled from birmingham to london imediatly to see our son. When i arrived at the hospital, I was bitter because i was notifed last so i decided not to speak to her family and friends and see my son as the nurses allowed me. Upon picking up my son, My exs grandmother, my sons great grand mother, said "he will not be raised muslim, this is england not india, we dont do that here", her mother then proceedes to say he will eat what his grandmother feeds him, knowing i want my son to be muslim and eat halal food. She says why werent you here earlier, why are you here hours later making out to seem that i was some neglectful father who didnt care, her grand mother then policed me on how to pick up my child, how to hold him and how to change nappies, and threatend to kick me out, the nurse overheard this and said to her that i have a right to be here and i have 24hrs viewing access. then there was silence.
. They kept sayiing you should have been in london already we told you to book an airbnb in london, but i planned on booking it the day she was going into labour as that is when my paternity leave was due to start, i could not afford to pay a 300-400 so i can be there a week early.
I couldnt speak to my ex when I was at the hospital as they were in seperate wards, my son was in a special care unit and she was in her ward. So i spent a few hours with him. After the day had finished, it was too late and she had gone to sleep so i didnt want to disturb her so i went to my the hotel i booked.
I sent my ex a nice text saying thank you for delivering our son .etc and send gifts and flowers. I told her that my friends and family are coming down the next day from birmingham to see him. I walk into the hospital, and my exs mother started swearing at me saying im so horrible for not speaking to my ex after she had just given birth, and kept portaying me to be a Horrible personnt, she said that the messages and gifts dont mean anything even though my intentions in my text were me being grateful and thankful for the delivery of our son. She said your family and friends arent allowed to come, they have no right to be here, and said that she is going to get me banned from seeing my son if they come. I didnt believe or take serious what she said so ignored her and went to see my ex who was now with our son. my ex didnt speak to me once even though i tried to speak. A few hours later i went to grab lunch, and my family had already set of at this time. I told my ex that they are coming down to see him, and she said no, they dont have her permission to our son, eventhough no one from her side asked for my permission to vist and take photos. I couldnt believe what she was saying, she said that I couldnt see him at this point. Her mother overheard this, and said they she will ban them from coming but i laughed saying how and why are they doing this? I then get told that they will raise a safeguarding claim so im not allowed in the hospital. after my lunch i call the the head nurse to see if he is okay and if i can come down, and i am told that there is a safe guarding claim, and i cannot see my son, and they cannot dicuss anything about him to me as i am not on the birth certficate/i am not married. Eventhough this safeguarding claim is absolutely fictiuous. My family arrive and i had to turn them away. Since that day (2nd day of son being born), I have not seen him or heard of him. My ex has gone no contact and is not replying to any of my texts even though has read them. Throughout this entire situation my friends advised me to "bite my tongue and keep a level head" and ignore the abuse as it isnt the time or the place to have such discussions.
In navigating this challenging situation, my main concern is ensuring my son's well-being and maintaining a meaningful presence in his life. Despite my efforts to communicate and explore mediation options, my ex-partner's lack of response has added to the complexity of the situation.
Given the circumstances, I'm seriously considering seeking either full custody of my son, shared custody if that is a thing in the UK. I don't have access to the birth certificate but I know that they have no disclosed me on it. I've gathered compelling evidence regarding my ex-partner's living situation and behaviors, including substance abuse and instability within her household. It's clear that my son's best interests are at stake, and I'm committed to providing him with a safe and nurturing environment.
In terms of my own situation, I'm fortunate to have stable housing, financial stability, and flexibility in my schedule due to being a full-time student with part-time work (1 year left until i am a full time teacher, she isnt working and does not plan to and live on social welfare for the foreseeable future). I'm prepared to provide the stability and support that my son needs.
As I weigh my options, I'm considering pursuing shared custody initially, with the possibility of addressing schooling arrangements in court later on. Alternatively, I'm contemplating seeking full custody from the outset, given the concerns about my ex-partner's ability to provide a suitable environment for our son's upbringing. I do not want to take my child away completely from his mother as this is not right/islamic at all, I want us to coparent effectively so our son is raised with both parents. but this no contact thing makes it seem impossible. she has rejected to showing me the birth certificate and refused medations, (the mediator called her)
Ultimately, my chances of winning full custody will depend on various factors, including the strength of the evidence I've gathered and the court's assessment of what is in my son's best interests. Seeking guidance from a legal expert who specialises in family law will be crucial as I navigate this process.
My primary focus remains on ensuring that my son receives the love, care, and stability he deserves, regardless of the legal complexities involved.
Update: I have also contacted the police about the abusive behaviours from the my ex's mother. Id like to also mention that my son has a serious heart defect, and my exs mother is a habitual smoker regularly smoking cannabis and cigarettes, which is not ideal and can worsen his heart. he is due for an operation but I don't know when this is but I know its within the coming months. but I do not want him in a household that will hurt his health due to innapproiate care.
submitted by Huge_Peak6142 to SingleDads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 TastyThreads Food Science Degree

Hello! Hopefully this is an appropriate community to place this post.
I'm in my mid-30s and have wondered for a while what I would want to do with my life.
It occurred to me today that I might really love food science.
My background (education and professional) 4 year B.S. in Visual Communication Technology Certificate in Baking and Pastry from a community college Certificate in Pastry Arts from The French Pastry School 7 years experience in service & hospitality (pastry cook, barista, food and beverage supervisor)
Recently (last 3 years or so) I've been working customer service roles to hopefully move into a more traditional work/life balance and start a family (with success on starting a family).
My interests are coffee, baking, and cooking (to a lesser degree). I find the science and history of food fascinating, to the point where it's pretty much something i think about or read/learn about daily.
My questions: - are there any reputable online food science degrees? - will my previous experience help or hurt me if I choose to pursue this career change? - has anyone else pursued a degree in food science later in life?
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
submitted by TastyThreads to foodscience [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:56 SwordValiant Career in Agronomy in USA?

I am a BioSciences graduate from a 3rd world country. I have decent understanding of AgriFood Sciences. I would like to do Masters in USA but I do not have a decent GPA or money for it. Is it easy to get a job in Agriculture as crop advisor after getting the certification from American Society of Agronomy? Or do the employers simply not hire people from other countries?
I really want a career in Agriculture preferably in USA. How can I do this?
submitted by SwordValiant to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:46 EmileeYoungWord worried... I don't know what to do.

I was in a christian cult - not using the word lightly, they literally wanted to "take over" the city we were living in and openly talked about their indoctrination tactics and did not shy away from the manipulation aspects.
I got divorced and got out, but I have a child with my ex husband and we share custody nearly 50/50. I have her 4 nights a week and do all school drop offs, he has her 3 nights a week including Sunday morning church. I also have another, younger daughter.
As a single mom of 2 working at the local community college, I do not make enough money to be comfortable. Everything is paycheck to paycheck, and often things get in the negative before I can figure it all out. I recently reapplied for food stamps and found out I was going to qualify for the bare minimum because I couldn't claim her on my application after he and his wife had claimed her and started receiving benefits. Even still, I make every effort imaginable to continue to give my family a good life and never allow our lack of finances to negatively affect giving my girls a magical childhood.
In general we have a good coparenting relationship. We don't interfere with each other's lives, we are flexible and work together when things come up. Before his new wife came into the picture, I did all the work of finding a good school and moving into that area, even though he wanted her to attend christian school, I take care of all her doctor, dentist, etc., appointments. I hold her social security card and birth certificate. I keep track of who gets what holidays in a year. His new wife came in and has been so kind and respectful, my daughter loves her, and I'm grateful he married someone who will be good to my daughter.

I am worried now, because a few weeks ago, out of the blue, my daughter was upset about "having to tell her friends she won't see them next year, when she goes to a new school."
I reached out to her dad and his wife and asked "hey, she said this "XYZ" and before I react, I just wanted to ask you guys about it. I don't know of any plans to change her school"
They responded about being in the process of interviewing for a new job outside of town and hoping for it. They had asked my daughter how she would feel about changing schools as a way to take her preferences into account when making the decision, but nothing had been decided and they had not officially been offered the new job.
A few weeks went by and two separate times on a pickup day they told me she would be at her aunt's house because they were BOTH going to be in the other town at an interview for this job.
Today he reached out and told me "we" got the job, and they'd like to sit down and talk about logistics and dynamics and things.

I am extremely worried that this new job is something church related, as I can't think of anything else that would interview a husband and wife together.
I am extremely worried that he is going to request that my daughter moves in with them during the week and attends a new school closer to their new house.
I am scared for my daughter. The christian schools in my area (if not in general) are known for being absolutely vile - lying, promiscuity, drugs, much worse than the public schools because the religious families raise kids who are better at hiding things from their parents and other adults. I'm scared because my girl is so sweet, so innocent, and so impressionable. I wanted to raise her to be able to confidently make her own decision whether she wanted to believe in those things or not, and I'm worried that she will be indoctrinated in a cult-like way by these people who openly, proudly, flaunt those cult claims.
I am also very worried that by fighting for her to stay with me, I am not going to be doing what's best for her. I don't make much money. I'm a single mom. I don't have that kind of social community and network, like... if I'm struggling, I don't have anyone else to turn to. We always have food, whether I get to eat it or not. We don't have power or water shut off, we're not at risk of homelessness, but that's because I work myself to exhaustion making sure I have the resources to keep things on and paid. I was paid on the 10th and I was getting an overdraft fee last night because bills needed to be paid. Like. How can I possibly be able to do what's best for her? I don't want things to change like that. I do want what's best for my daughter, but how do I give her that as a single mom in this economy in this capitalistic hellscape? I don't even know if there's advice for this situation, I just don't know who to ask.
submitted by EmileeYoungWord to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:43 EmileeYoungWord worried... long post.

I was in a christian cult - not using the word lightly, they literally wanted to "take over" the city we were living in and openly talked about their indoctrination tactics and did not shy away from the manipulation aspects.
I got divorced and got out, but I have a child with my ex husband and we share custody nearly 50/50. I have her 4 nights a week and do all school drop offs, he has her 3 nights a week including Sunday morning church. I also have another, younger daughter.
As a single mom of 2 working at the local community college, I do not make enough money to be comfortable. Everything is paycheck to paycheck, and often things get in the negative before I can figure it all out. I recently reapplied for food stamps and found out I was going to qualify for the bare minimum because I couldn't claim her on my application after he and his wife had claimed her and started receiving benefits. Even still, I make every effort imaginable to continue to give my family a good life and never allow our lack of finances to negatively affect giving my girls a magical childhood.
In general we have a good coparenting relationship. We don't interfere with each other's lives, we are flexible and work together when things come up. Before his new wife came into the picture, I did all the work of finding a good school and moving into that area, even though he wanted her to attend christian school, I take care of all her doctor, dentist, etc., appointments. I hold her social security card and birth certificate. I keep track of who gets what holidays in a year. His new wife came in and has been so kind and respectful, my daughter loves her, and I'm grateful he married someone who will be good to my daughter.

I am worried now, because a few weeks ago, out of the blue, my daughter was upset about "having to tell her friends she won't see them next year, when she goes to a new school."
I reached out to her dad and his wife and asked "hey, she said this "XYZ" and before I react, I just wanted to ask you guys about it. I don't know of any plans to change her school"
They responded about being in the process of interviewing for a new job outside of town and hoping for it. They had asked my daughter how she would feel about changing schools as a way to take her preferences into account when making the decision, but nothing had been decided and they had not officially been offered the new job.
A few weeks went by and two separate times on a pickup day they told me she would be at her aunt's house because they were BOTH going to be in the other town at an interview for this job.
Today he reached out and told me "we" got the job, and they'd like to sit down and talk about logistics and dynamics and things.

I am extremely worried that this new job is something church related, as I can't think of anything else that would interview a husband and wife together.
I am extremely worried that he is going to request that my daughter moves in with them during the week and attends a new school closer to their new house. I am scared for my daughter. The christian schools in my area (if not in general) are known for being absolutely vile - lying, promiscuity, drugs, much worse than the public schools because the religious families raise kids who are better at hiding things from their parents and other adults. I'm scared because my girl is so sweet, so innocent, and so impressionable. I wanted to raise her to be able to confidently make her own decision whether she wanted to believe in those things or not, and I'm worried that she will be indoctrinated in a cult-like way by these people who openly, proudly, flaunt those cult claims. I am also very worried that by fighting for her to stay with me, I am not going to be doing what's best for her. I don't make much money. I'm a single mom. I don't have that kind of social community and network, like... if I'm struggling, I don't have anyone else to turn to. We always have food, whether I get to eat it or not. We don't have power or water shut off, we're not at risk of homelessness, but that's because I work myself to exhaustion making sure I have the resources to keep things on and paid. I was paid on the 10th and I was getting an overdraft fee last night because bills needed to be paid. Like. How can I possibly be able to do what's best for her? I don't want things to change like that. I do want what's best for my daughter, but how do I give her that as a single mom in this economy in this capitalistic hellscape? I don't even know if there's advice for this situation, I just don't know who to ask.
submitted by EmileeYoungWord to singlemoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:10 lazymentors Social Media & Marketing News you should care about today!

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I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. Follow for more.
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2024.05.14 19:09 lazymentors Social Media & Marketing News you should care about today!

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2024.05.14 18:14 ReluctanyGerbil I'm such a failure

I drop out of the program I was in because I couldn't handle one class without a adhd meltdown every day. If that isn't pathetic enough, I'm now sighed up to take classes for a certificate for a job that probably won't nearly enough money.
It seems harder when both my siblings just finished their bachelors and are considering medical school, it's seems even more humiliating when the guy I'm seeing is already years into his career and I don't even have job experience i can put on a resume for an entry level job.
There is no job worth the horror that is school, and the idea of just working fast food or retail just puts me at an absolute low.
I want to blame it on adhd, on dyslexia, on the stupid Christian high-school education, I want to blame in on younger sibling syndrome or lack of money.. but in the end I'm the reason I'm a failure. I could have just finished what I started in college and made decent to good money like I wanted but I didn't. I just stopped and now I'm not going to get a chance to make that much money for so little college. I can't measure up to nerotypicals or nerodivergents and it's killing me.
submitted by ReluctanyGerbil to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:34 rajia2012 DEA application

I am applying for a DEA number for the first time. What is going on with these application questions?
I don't understand why they would say "not less than 8 hours" when they can say "more than 8 hours"
"during the 5-year period immediately preceding the date on which you first submitted a registration or renewal and the curriculum included not less than 8 hours of training?" = within the last 5 years of applying and received more than 8 hours of training
This is how I would answer, but I may be wrong
  1. No, I don't have any additional training, haven't passed the NP exam yet.
  2. Yes, I just graduated.
  3. No. i have no additional training besides my MSN degree.
I'm just annoyed by the wording of this application. why make it so confusing?
  1. Do you hold a board certification in addiction psychiatry or addiction medicine from one of the following associations; American Board of Medical Specialties, American Board of Addiction Medicine, American Osteopathic Association? Yes No
  2. Have you graduated, in good standing, from an accredited school of allopathic medicine, osteopathic medicine, dental surgery, dental medicine, physician assistant, or advanced practice nursing in the United States during the 5-year period immediately preceding the date on which you first submitted a registration or renewal and the curriculum included not less than 8 hours of training?***
***Treating and managing patients with opioid or other substance use disorders, including the appropriate clinical use of all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of opioid use disorder or The safe pharmacological management of dental pain and screening, brief intervention, and referral for appropriate treatment of patients with or at risk of developing opioid and other substance use disorders. Yes No
  1. Have you completed not less than 8 hours of training with one or more of the following from the approved training requirements?***
***the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Nurses Credentialing Center, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, the American Academy of Physician Associates, or any other organization approved or accredited by the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use or the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.
submitted by rajia2012 to PMHNP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:22 lazymentors Marketing & Social Media News you should care about today!

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My Fav; Liquid Death’s latest campaign ‘The Adventures of Murder Man’ is a creative masterpiece as usual and a corporate parody.

AI 🤨

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Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. All the sources can be found in the newsletter archive post.
submitted by lazymentors to Marketingcurated [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:22 sapphirehealthcarein Collect Different Types of Protein Powder Products to Stay Fit and Fine

Collect Different Types of Protein Powder Products to Stay Fit and Fine

Different Types of Protein Powder Products
Protein plays a major role in the healthy development of the human body. But it is not possible always to get all the needed proteins from the food we are taking on a daily basis. Different types of protein powder products are now available in the market that can be the saviour of those who are lacking any protein. The pharmaceutical market is crowded with lots of protein powder manufacturing companies in India these days. Sapphire Healthcare is the most trusted one amongst them from where you can get best-quality protein powder as per your needs.
We are at the forefront of the nutraceutical industry, manufacturing and supplying a wide array of protein powder items at low cost. We are the ultimate choice for everyone only because of our loyalty and commitment to quality, proven track record, and WHO-GMP-certified products. This blog will give you some idea about the different types of protein powder products you can find in our stock.

Find Various Types of Protein Powder Products at Sapphire HealthCare

Protein powder is a multi-tasking nutritional supplement. Whether you are trying to make your muscles stronger, trying to lose weight or lacking energy, protein powder can do everything for you. You can find various kinds of protein powder products in the market with different protein sources. But the protein powder we, Sapphire HealthCare are supplying you, are the most effective products for health. Rich in multiple protein sources, 0% health risk, best-quality and health-beneficial ingredients and cost-effectiveness are some specialities of our protein powder. Have a look at the different types of protein powder products we are supplying as a leading protein powder manufacturer in India.

1. Kids Protein Powder

Kids Protein Powder
All proteins and nutrients are not built into children’s bodies perfectly. That’s why they often suffer from multiple protein deficiency. To give your kids a healthy life, we manufacture several different types of protein powder products, especially for kids. These protein powder products will work as immunity boosters for your kids, help them recover quickly from any serious disease and also help in weight gain.

2. Soya Isolate Protein Powder

Soya Isolate Protein Powder
Our soya isolate protein powder is made of the protein that comes from soybeans. This protein powder helps gain muscle power and reduce extra weight. Along with vitamin, our soya protein powder also has mineral and DHA.

3. Fitness Protein Powder

Fitness Protein Powder
Want to stay fully fit and fine lifetime? Try our highly effective fitness protein powder and get back your fitness in a few months. From kids to old people, we have different types of protein powder products for fitness.

4. Sugar Free Protein Powder

Sugar Free Protein Powder
Being a well-experienced protein powder manufacturer and supplier in India, we know the real struggle of diabetic patients to find the ideal protein powder for them since they can’t take a random protein powder. To keep them free from this struggle, we are supplying 100% sugar-free protein powder, especially for diabetic patients.

5. Flavored Protein Powder

Flavored Protein Powder
Tired of taking those boring-tasting protein powders? We have the best solution for you. We have different types of protein powder products in multiple tasty flavours that both you and your kids will definitely like.

6. Vegan Protein PowderVegan Protein Powder

Vegan Protein Powder
If you are a vegan and struggling to find the ideal protein powder for you, come to Sapphire Healthcare. We have 100% genuine vegan protein powder for all vegans. Our vegan protein powders are made from natural plant seeds and not from any animal.

Sapphire HealthCare- Your Trusted Protein Powder Supplier in India

Are you not getting the necessary protein from your daily food? Pick some different types of protein powder products in genuine quality from Sapphire HealthCare and add them to your daily diet. With the various types of protein powder products in our collection, we have been satisfying the different vitamin needs of people for years. Our GMP and WHO certifications are the biggest proof of our quality commitment. From 100 gm to 1 kg, we can supply protein powders in different amounts as per requirement. You can get them in tin packaging, HDPE jars and also in customized packaging options. As a leading protein powder exporter in India, we do health supplement products delivery all over India.
Not only a protein powder manufacturer, but we are also a top nutraceutical Manufacturer in India providing all types of nutraceuticals at low price rates. To get any kind of health supplement at low cost but good quality, visit Sapphire HealthCare.
Read More: Collect Different Types of Protein Powder Products to Stay Fit and Fine
submitted by sapphirehealthcarein to u/sapphirehealthcarein [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:20 lazymentors Marketing News you should care about today!

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My Fav; Liquid Death’s latest campaign ‘The Adventures of Murder Man’ is a creative masterpiece as usual and a corporate parody.

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I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. Follow for more.
submitted by lazymentors to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:16 lazymentors Advertising & Agency News you should care about today!

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My Fav; Liquid Death’s latest campaign ‘The Adventures of Murder Man’ is a creative masterpiece as usual and a corporate parody.

AI 🤨

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Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead.
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2024.05.14 13:15 lazymentors Marketing News you should care about today!

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My Fav; Liquid Death’s latest campaign ‘The Adventures of Murder Man’ is a creative masterpiece as usual and a corporate parody.

AI 🤨

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Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

I hope this helps to plan your week ahead. Follow for more.
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2024.05.14 13:07 GetResponseOfficial 9 best online learning platforms

Are you ready to upskill and reskill for success? Dive into these nine online learning platforms offering a wealth of courses to enhance your personal and professional development:
  1. GetResponse: Known for digital marketing certification courses, GetResponse offers in-depth training by renowned experts like Andrew Davis and Michael Brenner.
  2. SkillShare: With a focus on creativity, Skillshare provides a wide range of practical courses taught by industry experts. From animation to photography, there's something for everyone.
  3. 360Training: Specializing in industry-specific training and certification programs, 360Training offers courses for compliance training and professional development in sectors like food safety and healthcare.
  4. Coursera: Collaborating with top universities and companies, Coursera offers over 5,000 programs, including degree programs and professional certificates, across various subjects.
  5. edX: Founded by prestigious institutions like MIT and Harvard, edX offers over 4,000 courses covering diverse disciplines, from marketing to artificial intelligence.
  6. Mindvalley: Focusing on personal development and wellness, Mindvalley provides transformational courses designed to improve your quality of life through mindfulness and self-improvement.
  7. MasterClass: Learn directly from iconic figures like Mark Cuban and Michael Lewis in various creative fields, including filmmaking and writing, through high-quality video lessons.
  8. LinkedIn Learning: With over 16,000 courses, LinkedIn Learning helps you develop in-demand professional skills aligned with industry needs, with the added benefit of integrating with your LinkedIn profile.
  9. Udemy: Offering over 210,000 courses across diverse topics, Udemy provides affordable and accessible learning opportunities with lifetime access to purchased courses.
When choosing a platform, consider factors like course selection, instructor expertise, content quality, and accessibility. Explore each platform to find the one that best fits your learning goals.
For an in-depth version of this guide, visit our blog post. Happy learning!
submitted by GetResponseOfficial to GetResponseOfficial [link] [comments]