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Just did my third LPDP interview, gimana sih cara LPDP assign pewawancara ke peserta?

2024.04.26 19:28 kitten1932 Just did my third LPDP interview, gimana sih cara LPDP assign pewawancara ke peserta?

Hi all, ini post pertamaku di reddit since I never had any inclinations to write any. In this case however, aku bener-bener merasa frustasi dan sedih. Aku merasa butuh pov dari orang lain mengenai what has happened during my interview process di LPDP (ku sudah cerita ke orang-orang terdekat, so reddit is not my only place to vent). Didn't find any relevant subreddit, jadi maaf kalau misalnya kurang tepat ya postingannya :(
Hari ini adalah seleksi substansi LPDP ketiga yang sudah kujalanin. Tahun lalu aku daftar 2 kali, dua-duanya gagal di seleksi substansi juga. Pengalaman ku di previous rounds was okay, tiap gagal aku bisa derive sekiranya kenapa sih aku gagal dan try to improve so that I can hopefully succeed di next attempt. Ga pernah juga punya masalah dengan interviewernya. Tapi hari ini aku kedapetan interviewer yang sangat "wah".
Saat pertama kali perkenalan, karena namaku itu sama dengan salah satu penyanyi barat (lets's call her Cecille), interviewer ini (let's call him A) bercanda dan bertanya "wah, kok Cecille ga nyanyi?". Aku balas "Hahah, kalo saya Cecille yang penyanyi itu saya gabakal ada disini pak". His reply was "Iya bisa bedain kok, Cecille mah gemuk kamu engga kok".
Okay, mungkin si bapak A ini memang typical ignorant boomer yang suka becancain fisik wanita. It was a small (albeit tetep unsolicited) comment. I ignored it. Btw disini interviewernya ada 3 ya guys:
  1. Bapak A
  2. Ibu B
  3. Ibu C
Mulailah interviewnya. Awalnya masih aman, Ibu B yang sepertinya psikolog nanya-nanya soal psychological things. It was amicable and respectful. Ketika gantian ke Ibu C, mulai ditanyakan apasih yang mau kucapai di S2 ini, kenapa milih negara yang mau kutuju, dan lain sebagainya. Aku membahas banyak hal dan memang kedapetan pembahasan seperti kenapa aku ga milih S2 di Indo dan apa masalah yang mau ku solve di Indo ini. Disini aku banyak bandingin apa aja yang masih kurang di Indo dibandingin LN. Aku mengingat bahwa hal-hal yang ku bahas itu mostly dari apa yang sudah ku riset, dan dari Ibu C pun juga ga menyangkal data-data yang kubawa. Out of nowhere Ibu C bertanya:
"Oke, kalau gitu misalnya nanti kamu sudah disekolahkan ke LN menggunakan pajak negara yang kamu bodoh-bodohi ini, kamu baka abdcdef...?"
It wasn't the exact wording ya, tapi kira-kira mirip seperti itu. Aku pun kaget karena sepertinya aku memberikan impresi merendahkan Indo dari statement-statement sebelumnya. Aku tidak merasa sudah mengatakan hal yang out of line, tapi aku mikir kalau intensi kita itu mungkin belum tentu dianggap orang dengan tepat. Jadi sebelum menjawab pertanyaan sebenarnya, aku mencoba untuk minta maaf.
Aku: "Oh, bu sebelumnya minta maaf ya kalau saya ngasih impresi seperti membodoh-bodohi Indonesia, saya-" (ini langsung dipotong, dan memang dalam interview bersama Ibu C ini beliau cukup sering memotong pembicaraanku)
Ibu C: "Oh gapapa gapapa. Kan kamu punya asumsi, saya tidak menyalahkan asumsi kamu. Lanjut langsung jawab aja pertanyaannya."
I feel weird. Somewhere during the interview, perkataanku di misinterpret and I can't pinpoint perkataan mana yang menghasilkan impresi itu. Tapi yasudah, aku lanjutkan interviewnya. Akhirnya giliran si Pak A yang menginterview saya.
Guys, it wasn't an interview. The guy literally went batshit crazy. Dia nguliahin aku dan in any given time dia ingin bertanya, dia lakuin itu untuk mojokin aku.
Basically dia punya asumsi bahwa aku ini some arrogant S1 graduate yang gatau apa-apa dan aku nantangin senior-senior yang ada di bidang yang mau kutempuh di S2 (which is him, apparently). Some notable quotes:
"Kamu ini kan istilahnya baru punya gelar S1, tapi seakan-akan lebih tau dari senior-senior di bidangmu yang udah bertahun-tahun di bidangnya"
"Kamu pakai kata 'doang', itu offensive loh" => this is the only tangible indication of where I went wrong, whether whatever data I stated previously was incorrect or not I would never know.
"Kamu manggil saya dan ibu B dan C pakai kata 'kak' itu ga oke loh. Ya mungkin karena kamu kerja di tempat semacam (insert a startup name here)"
Iya, dia marah karena aku sering slip up manggil 'kak' dan dia cukup merendahkan hal itu karena dia melihat itu culture dari startup. But ffs, di startup we don't even use 'kak', we directly use names.
Selain itu dia berusaha menchallenge studi yang mau kulakukan, tapi dia bener-bener gamau dengerin apapun yang kujawab. Dia seperti sudah punya definisi sendiri dan gamau sama sekali untuk menerima apapun yang aku coba jelaskan, ketika aku berusaha untuk menjelaskan dengan elaborate (because it is a complex subject dan a straightforward answer is not gonna cut it), dia bakal motong pembicaraanku, mengulang pertanyaannya secara memaksa dan menyerang hal-hal kecil yang bisa dia serang (nitpicky). From this convo (if it can be called a convo at all), pak A ini ga melihat apa yang mau aku pelajari itu sesuatu yang real tapi dia juga ga mencoba untuk mendengar apa yang mau kusampaikan. Dia lagi-lagi kembali ke gagasan bahwa aku ini sok tau dan ga seharusnya aku merendahkan (dan memakai kata 'doang') in the first place. Semua point yang dia bawa ke argumen ini sebenernya bisa kusanggah dan ingin sekali rasanya aku menjelaskan pov ku, but he really didn't give a damn.
Bahkan I tried apologizing 2 times untuk own up to my possible mistakes. I don't want to offend anyone, dan aku ingin bisa kembali untuk membicarakan yang seharusnya dibicarakan di seleksi substansi pada umumnya. Tapi semuanya tidak didengar karena langsung dipotong.
Aku nahan nangis sepanjang sisa interview itu, karena aku ga dikasih kesempatan untuk present my case, kenapa aku mau kuliah S2 dan apa yang membuat aku bisa mencapai goal yang ingin kulakukan setelah lulus S2. He didn't even ask about the universities I want to go to (padahal aku udah dapet LoA di salah satu uni bagus di UK). Mind you, ini question ter-basic sepanjang sejarah seleksi substansi LPDP yang memang harusnya dibahas. Dan semua ini terjadi karena pak A benar-benar ga professional dalam mengatur emosinya sebagai pewawancara. Honestly kalau memang benar aku membuat kesalahan during the interview, I would own up to it. Tapi mau membuat kesalahan seperti apapun, ga seharusnya pak A malah merendahkan aku, memojokkan aku dan memotong pembicaraanku di setiap saat dia rasa aku ga menjawab sesuai ekspektasinya. Interview dengan pak A itu bahkan 80-90% dia yang berbicara, bukan aku sebagai peserta yang diberikan waktu untuk bercerita.
Pada akhirnya, interview selesai dan aku diberikan waktu untuk mengatakan closing statement. Disitu aku berterima kasih dan juga mengharapkan mereka untuk sukses, walaupun pak A hanya menjawab "Kok jadi kamu yang pengen kita sukses, harusnya kita yang doain kesuksesanmu. Kita mah disini diem-diem aja hahaha".
Segera setalah aku leave Zoom meetingnya, aku melepas tangis selama kurang lebih 2 jam :')
Aku ini orangnya sangat berhati-hati dalam bicara dan dari semua good feedback yang orang kantorku sering kasih, strong point ku selalu ada di bagian komunikasi (especially since I work as a software engineer). Aku juga sangat nyaman melakukan interview, I consider it as my forte during any selection process. Aku ga nyangka journeyku selama 1,5 tahun kebelakang dalam persiapan S2 ku akan berakhir karena aku give a wrong impression during the interview. So much time and money wasted.
It makes me wonder, sebenarnya gimana sih pihak LPDP memilih seorang interviewer? Identitas interviewer disamarkan sehingga aku juga gabisa nebak-nebak apa sih profesi si pak A ini. I guess they do it on purpose supaya gaada kasus sakit hati seperti diriku yang berujung fatal ya haha.
Anyway, aku sayangnya gabisa ngasih banyak detail mengenai banyak hal karena mau maintain anonymity jadi pasti gabisa determine apa yang went wrong gitu. Aku pun masih gatau aku terdengar seperti apa pas interview sehingga bisa memancing respon seprti itu dari pak A. All that I have done itu cuma ngisi survey setelah interviewnya, disitu aku complain mengenai treatmentku dalam interview kali ini. Tapi entahlah, kayaknya gaakan ada tanggapan apapun dari pihak LPDP.
Yang udah baca sampai sejauh ini, terima kasih yaa. Semoga kalian sehat-sehat terus dan terhindar dari orang-orang seperti pak A (dan mungkin dari orang arogan seperti diriku lol).
submitted by kitten1932 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 01:59 BathroomConnect8885 Anyone else use something random to display their PC?

Anyone else use something random to display their PC?
If so let me see
submitted by BathroomConnect8885 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 12:57 WhyHowForWhat Apakah benar kebanyakan orang Indonesia tidak bisa menerima komik dewasa yang menggunakan tema yang sedikit saja bersinggungan dengan "penistaan agama"?

*Gua blm baca ampe abis, gua udh liat cuplikannya aja udh luar biasa sekali ceritanya.
Jadi gini, ada suatu komik pornhwa yang lakinya itu pendeta agama Kristen. Singkat cerita, dia nih di siksa (ga perlu gua jelaskan pake tag apa kan?), semacam di brainwash, abis itu kalo menurut gua sih ya, dia udh bener2 ancur kena brainwash sama ni cewek dom. Gua cek komiknya rupanya kgk dilanjutin yang bahasa Indonesia sama fan TL nya setelah mendengarkan bbrp reader. Komentar2 disana itu menarik sekali, ini gua tampilin bbrp komentarnya:
Komentar 1
Sebenarnya aku penasaran, tapi pas dibagian salib itu loh langsung nyessss..... Walaupun aku bukan Kristen tapi sedih gitu lihatnya. Gimana ya ... Penasaran tapi ... Takut, kek ini macam penistaan agama dan rap* nya lebih para dari manhwa sebelah
Komentar 2
Tante-tante di sini gila ya? Minta kelanjutan cerita ini dan dukung penistaan agama? Saya tahu Anda menyukai BDSM tetapi ini melibatkan agama. Cerita ini seperti menyindir agama, saya tahu ada beberapa pembaca yang ingin melanjutkan cerita ini tapi tidakkah pembaca yang lain merasa kasihan jika pembacanya adalah seorang Kristen membaca dan melihat adegan penuh hinaan terhadap Tuhannya Yesus Kristus? Saya mohon agar para pembaca berpikir menggunakan otaknya ya. (Maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam bahasa Indonesia karena bahasa Indonesia bukan bahasa pertama saya.)
Komentar 3
Terimakasih kak udah mau dengerin para pembaca. Aku emang bukan Kristen. Tapi, agak ngeri kalau fantasi Authornya sampai menistakan agama lain. Apa lagi ini smut yang mana gendernya bdsm. Gpp mereka mau pakai apapun buat bdsm. Tapi, jangan lambang salib atau yang berbau tempat ibadah lah. Contohnya kayak disebelah, genrenya sama cuma yang membedakan tempat aja. Yang bilang kami goblok karena udah nyuruh kang tl drop. Mending periksa ke sikolog sana, siapa tau kamu mengalami kelainan otak. Tau juga ini genre bdsm. Tetapi kami masih waras membaca smut yang tidak harus menistakan agama orang lain. Kalau perlu kirim link Authornya barangkali saya mau silaturrahmi buat negur. Lainkali kalau bikin smut tema bdsm, jangan fantasinya ke rumah ibadah atau lambang agama dong. Nggak keren dan nggak punya otak. 😅
Keluar tuh kata "Penistaan Agama", sesuatu yang gua kira hanya keluar di dunia nyata, keluar di site komik yang banyak nampung pornhwa sama hentai yang bisa aja lebih parah dari komik ini. Ini bisa juga sebagai tanda bahwa sekuat2nya orang Indonesia kalo baca komik tema dewasa (oh iya bisa aja ada yang lebih parah dari ini dan masih banyak peminatnya orang Indonesia, fast update lg) ada 1 hal yang mereka ga berani sentuh: agama.
Kalo penasaran ma komiknya apa DM gua aja lol
submitted by WhyHowForWhat to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 02:34 ThoragraArgaroth Liveconcertwothousandtwntythree


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#EdItoR #GoLdWoRtH #BrIgHtAndDaRk #ClEverNeSs #WoRtH #OnStaGe #InnaIsSmArt #LoWqUalItYfOrAlLzIkRoFs #BeCoMeInnaSpAtReOn #becomepatreon #PrEcIoUsWoRkInG #QuAliTyDoWnFoRaLl #InnaHaVeThEClEvErNeSs #SpEcTaCUlaRWoRk #ToPreCiOusFoRzIkRoFeYeS #ApP #SpEcTaCUlArEvEnInG #PeRsOnAlCoMpUtErAppLiCaTiOn #ZeRoCoMmAtEoPrEcEntOfThEwOrLd #SeLfY #InnaIsClEvEr #ClOsEr #finance #ToGeThEr #CeNsOrInG #money #ReaChEd #OuTdOoR #NeWeR #InnaMaKeSFiCtIoN #EsCaPe #Ivanova #NeAr #pro #InVeStIng #MeTalBanDiNtOw #expert #JobBiNg #NeW #MiStReSs #InVeS #PaRt #AcTuAl #specialist #FiN #ObEySlAvEs #PoStEr #FiNanCEr #DoMiNanT #UnDeRInna #EnDiNgYeAr #ExClUsUvE #FiNaNcInG #EnDoFyEaR #donmINNAnt #SeLlInG #InTheDaRk #CaRt #GlLoM #DoMiNanCe #InTroDuCiNgBaNd #CaSh #varied #multitalented #OrIgInAlSiZe #BlOnDe #SpEcIaLPReSeNt #BaNdwAlL #domINNA #GlAsEsSwEaReR #WoNdErFuLlY #Inna666Ivanova #UnBeLiEvEAbLe #ImPoTaNwOrK #BuGs #DiReCtOr #MaSter #ImPoTanDjOb #Patreon #MaStErMiNd #InCrEdIbLe #patron #SeNsEj #DeCoRatIoN #CuStOmMiSatIoN #CommAnDinG #BeEaR #PayPaL #CoMmIsSiOn #worker #KnOwLeDge #CoMmAnD #AdUlT #KnOwHoW #truework #AsulTnIgHt #CoMmAnDeD #PrOjEcT #realwork #JoB #heavywork #AllAbOut #HoWtOuSe #hardwork #PaCkAgE #TaSk #UnIqUe #FrEeBe #PhOnE #EnGlIsH #CoOl #MoViEmaKeR #Inna #MuCh #Ivanova #LeNoVoLeGiOn #ReAlArTit #FrEeLanCeR #PaiNtEr #InnaIvanova #WiP #OvErWoRkEd #FaNmeRcH #MuChbIgEr #AppLiCatIoN #PrOfIle #InSiDeRkNoWHoW #InFlUeNcEr #VIsItOR #PaiNT #merchandise #LoNgTiMeWoRk #DraWeR #BlUr #ViSiTiNg #PrEttY #GuEsT #FiCtIoN #GrEaTrEcOrDiNg #LoNgWoRk #InnaIvanovaFan #ArEa #LoNgHaiReD #FiNiSeD #ReAlBlOnDe #ReaLlOnGhAiR #CoMpUtErPRoGrAmMe #UsEr #SuPeRhUmAn #LoNgHeaR #UsInG #AlLTheOwN #InnaHaVeThESuPeRfOcUs #LeGalPaTrEoN #SuPeRfOcUs #DoWnLoAd #PrOgRaMmE #CoMpUtEr #nnaIsThEsuPeRhUman #Pc #SuPeRtaLeNtEd #ReCOrDeD #InnaisSuPeRtaLeNtEd #CaM #PrOgReSs #TeAeR #SeLfmaDe ##PrOgReSsInG #PrOcEsS #MuSic #SuPeRtAlEnT #SeT #AcTiVe #InnaIsSuPeRtaLeNtEd #ViSualArtIst #CrEatIvE #TrIcK #InnaIsOuTstAnDiNg #KaEaIiNa #OpTiCalArtist #OnGoInG #pINNAcle #YeaReNd #TiP #InA #ObEyInGSlavE #InnaIsMulTiTalEnTeD #LeTter #PeRsoNal #SpElL #StaRtInGaNeWyeAr #PeOpLe #AuDiEnCe #fascINNAting #FaScInAtInG #PuBlIc #TwOtRacKs #TrAcK #PrOuD #darkart #MeeTiNg #TeXtEr #MoDeRn #HiGhSiZeD #TeXt #MeEt #SoCiAl #SoCiAlmEdIa #WoRkEr #SvcEnE #humorous #BeAuTyFuL #MeTaLPeOpLe #TeXtInG #RoCknDrOlL #HeArT #funny #BeaUtY #WORK #RoCkaNdRoLl #LiNk #FaMous #RoCkPeOpLe #BeAutYfUllY #MiNa #editor #ScEnEpEoPlE #EnDoRsE #GErMan #PReCIoUsBuSinEsS #fun #MeTaLsociety #SoCiEtY #CoNfIrM #InNnnaIsInThEHiGhIqSoCiEtY #Au #InnaIsThEhIIghIqEd #wonderful #InnaIsThEReAlHiGhErGiFtEd #Rare #fabulous #thanks #faBuLoUsWoRk #hOuRsOfWoRk #InnaIsThETrUeHiGhErGiFtEd #PrEvIeW #Customer #ShoW #payer #InnaIsThETrUeHiGhErIqEd #ShOwCaSe #ShOpPeR #ConCeNtRaTiOn #InnaIsThEReAlHiGhErIqEd #donate #StAr #subscribe #DoCu #SuRpRiSe #GiVeStAr #watch #follow #member #CoVErEd #InnaAndEmma #giveheart #gIvElIkE #KnOwEr #LoUdEr #InnaHaVeThEhIgHErCoNcEnTraTiOn #WelcOmEFiNaCiER #HiGhErCoNCeNtRaTiOn #FeAturE #fanart #FeAtuReWoRk #InnamakEsThEfIctioN #FeAtuRer #InnaHaVeThEFiCtIoN #liCK #InnaIsThEInNoVaToR #ShAreR #WelcOmEInVeStOr #WeLcOmECuStOmEr #FeAtUrInG #EvEnT #InnaIsNeUrOFaSt #top #ShArInG #InnaIsNeUrOfaStEr #In #CoNfIrMing #InnaIsNeUrONalFast #fanMeRcHanDiSe #PrettyCoOl #WeLcOmEPaTrEOn #SuPpOrTiNg #LoL #youarewelcome #SuPpOrTeR #InnaIsNeUrONalFasTeR #SuPpOrt #gold #highIQ äInnaHavEhIghIq #InnaIsNeUrOnALFaStEr #SuBsCrIBiNg #InnaIsgifted #InnaIsclever #SupPpoRtInnaIvanova #InnaIsNeUrOnAlFasTeRthAnZiKrOfHeAd #SuBsRiBe #InnaIvanovaSuPpOrT #InnaIsNeUrOnAlToFasTfOrZoKrOfBraIn #InnaIssmart #SuBsCrIbEr #innaivanova666 #InnaIvanovaIsRaRe #Inna666Ivanova #Fav #InnaIvanovaIsZeRoCoMaTWoPrEcEnToFtHeWoRld #FavInG #Inna666I #instagramEr #InNaBeLoNgToHiGhIqSoCiEtY #FaVoUrItE #ProTeCtInG #twitter #facebook #FavOuRiTiNg #LoWqUaLiTyFoRaLlZiKrOfs #PrOtEcTeD #pinterest #WoRkPrOtEcTiNg #IcOn #innaivanova_info #QualitYdOwNfOrAllZiKrOfS #DreamStoMe #FavOrItEr #SaVe #InStaGramIdOl #innaivanova #LoWqUalItYfOrAll #GoOdFeElInG #SaVeD #QuaLiTyDoWnFoRalL #GoOd #FavOrItEr #Love #PhOTo #talenthouse #OpPeNfOrAllZiKrOfSvErSIoN #HaPpY #OpEnFoRAllZiKrOfS #FavOrItInG #highiq #OpEnFoRAll #ObAyInGsLaVe #OBeyInGZiKrOf #PrOgRamMe #HuGe #ObAy #HoMeWoRkEr #UnBeLiVeAbLe #HoMeWoRk #ObEYInG #InnaIvanovaIsEvERoVEr #OffIcEwOrK #PcPRoGrAmE #InnaIvanovaIsEvErOveRZikRoFhEAd #OfGFiCeWoRkInG #CoMpUErApP #InnaIShighgifted #HoMeWoRkInG #InnasWoRk #PeRsOnaLCoMpUtErApPlIcaTiOn #ReGiNa #cOncEntRaTeD #InCrEdiBlE #SpEcIaL #regINNA #InSpIrAtOr #dEvIanT #MeDiA #BeCoMeInna_IvanovasPaTrEoNInsIdEr #RiGhT #MaGiCaL #InTeReStInG #BeCoMeEmma_IvanovasPaTrEoN #GeTiDeAs #ArTWoRk #MagIc #GrTtIpS #BeCoMeInna_IvanovasPaTrEOnViP #InnaIvanovaIsObViOuSlYSmArT #GrTtIpSfRoMiNnna #AlL #ArtWoRkEr #InnaIsoutmatched #DiReCtLyTiPs #RyanAgulilera #InSiDeRtIpS #DoMiNaNtCing #InSidErTrIckS #ClEvErNeSs #BeCoMeInna_IvanovasPaTrEoN #InnasBoTtOm #InnaHavEThESmaRtNess #PoWeRfUl #GeTInSiDeRtIp #PrIvAtE #FeElSrIgHt #GiFteD #CeLeBrItY #GlAssEs #PaYiNgSlAvE #BlEsSeD #FeTiSh #InSiDeRvIp #PrOsPeR #BleSsIng #GrOw #GrOwInG #BlEsS #SuPeRvIp #ExClUiVe #SharE #WoW #DaRkRoOmViP #FeAtUrEr #WoWwORk #SpOnSoR #PrEmIuMgOlDvIp #SpOnSoRiNgWoEk # #WeLcOmEPrEmIuMgOlDvIp #SuPpOrTeDwOrK #suPportEd #SpOnSoRsHiP #WelComEDaRkRoOmViP #SpOnSoR #OtAkU #LoCk #WeLcOme #ThanKs #LoCkEd #GeEk #WiThOuTMark #ThAnkYuVeRyMuCh #InnaIsMaStErMiNdeD #NeRd #WiThOuTwAtErMark #InnaIsthEmasTeRmInd #ShaReRoFinnasWorK #ThANkS #PiCtUrE #FeAtuRiNg #MaStErPiEcE #LuCkY #InSpIrAtInG #NeRdIsH #SeLfLeArN #QuEeN #EdIt #ArIgAtO #SeLfTeAcH #EdItInG #InnaI #ShaRiNg #nUmBeROnE #SeLfTeAcHeR #InnaIsFaSTEr #SelFlEaRnEr #InnaIsVaRiEt #OpTiCaL #VaRiEd #InnaiSOpTiCal #SelFtEaChInG #FeaTuRiNg #FeAruRiNgInnasWoRk #ObScUrE #InnaIsPrOdUcTiVe #PrOdUcTiVe #SeLfLeArNiNg #InnaIsUsiNgMouse #IUsiNgMoUse #ViSuAl #InnaIsAcTiVe #BeDiStaNcEdToInna #AcTiVe #DisTanCeD #HQ #OrIgInAl #highquality #OrIgInalSiZe #ViDeOMaKeR #pro #expert #specialist #InnaSjOb #InnaSheavywork #InnaShardwork #PrOmOtEInna #PoPuLaR #SuppOrTInna #DarLsoCiEtY #wonderfulWoRk #OfFiCiAl #fabulousWoRkEr #Innathanks #OpEn #CustomInG #PuRcHaSeInnaSwoRk #subscribeInna #watchInna #followInna #member #AcQuIrEInnasWoRk #likeInnasWoRk #LoVeLyWoRk #heartInnaSwOrK #HaIlSaTaN #BeAuTyFuL #QwlCoMeInnaScustomer #AvEsAtAnaS #SkI #LoveInnaSwOrK #AvEsAtaN #InnahVeThEhighiq #InnaIsThEhighgifted #InnaIsTHeoutmatched ..! TheoriginalHQisionyforcustomersandonPATREONONLY..!
#INNApproachable #AcTIVe #UNRESPONSIVE #OutOfSpaCe #BuSy #termINNAtingZikrofhead 💲 #ProDuCiNg #OutofSyStem 💲 #InOthErDiMenSioN 💲 #NotabLeToBabbLe #WORKING 💲 #InPaRalLelUnIvErSe 💲 #UnReachAbLe #ProDucIng 💲 #BeHinDyOuwiThaWeaPoN #OutOfOrDer 💲 #OutOfZiKrofSyStem 💲 #ProDcIng #BOOKEDOUT !
submitted by ThoragraArgaroth to u/ThoragraArgaroth [link] [comments]

2024.01.19 19:33 AdamHast A Brief Introduction to Wilin

I've been working on a small personal language for the better part of a year at this point. It's intented to be a small, minimalistic language that I use for note-taking and journaling. The name Wilin comes from a clipping of niwilin which is the diminuitive for 'language.' It's a mainly agglutinative a-priori language, though it takes a lot of inspiration from languages like Persian, Japanese, Toki Pona, etc.


Having a fondness for very small phonemic inventories, I tried to use the absolute bare minimum without having the language sound unpleasant and repetitive.

CONSONANTS labial coronal dorsal
nasal m n
stop t k
liquid w~v~b ⟨w⟩ l
If a consonant doesn't have angle brackets to indicate spelling, then it uses the same grapheme as the IPA.
Since the consonant inventory is so small, a large amount of variation is permitted. However in practice I tend to pronounce most consonants as they appear in the table.
Some of the free varition includes
There is one obligatory sound change which involves palatalizing the coronal stop.
When this happens, the consonant is always romanized as ⟨c⟩ (e.g. 'tatoci')

VOWELS front back
close i o
open a
Nothing groundbreaking in the vowels. I just decided to use a three vowel system for the sake of minimalism, and I went with the slightly less common /a i o/ because I much prefer the sound of /o/ over . That being said, since the vowel inventory is so small, one could pronounce /o/ as [o~u].
Syllable Structure

Verb conjugation

There are a total of three tenses (for the sake of brevity, I'm using 'tense' to mean any tense-aspect-mood inflection). A verb can be conjugated for the non-past, past or subjunctive. To negate a verb, you have to first append "-im" to the stem of the verb, and then the tense conjugation follows.
Despite not conjugating for person, Wilin is still a pro-drop language. The subject can be dropped from the sentence, if it's clear from context.

Word order

Wilin is very heavily head final and follows a general SOV word order, however in reality the syntax is a bit freer. Nouns can come in any order, so long as the verb always comes at the end of the clause. The reason the word order is so free, is because all nouns must be marked with a case particle to indicate their role in the sentence.
There are a total of 8 case particles. Three of the case particles contract if they follow a vowel, and the genitive case particle has two forms which will depend on the ending of the previous word.
  1. il ~ 'l - Nominative
  2. on ~ 'n - Accusative
  3. i ~ wi - Genitive. (wi after a vowel and i after a consonant)
  4. ci - Dative & Lative
  5. mala - Ablative
  6. ma - Locative
  7. aki ~ 'ki - Comitative
  8. liwa - Instrumental
A noun phrase will nearly always be followed by one of these eight case particles to mark its role in the clause. Furthermore, any modifiers will be placed before the noun in the noun phrase, that includes adjectives, determiners, and relative clauses.


I'm not going to include an IPA transcription, since the romanization is intuitive, and the phonology section covers which graphemes are used for each phoneme.

toni'n wikimo mai naon nilo?
"If you don't know the answer, then why are you talking?"
toni-n wik-im-o mai naon nil-o
answer-ACC know-NEG-NPST if why talk-NPST

waciniwa loiko mala kacinatol ci cial kanimo
"Since I feel bad, I can't go to school"
wac-iniwa loik-o mala kacin-atol ci ci-al kan-im-o
be.bad-ADV feel-NPST ABL learn-place DAT go-SJV can-NEG-NPST

wai'l tai wi mana'l kakita kitan on koncita.
"I read the book your mother wrote"
wai-l tai wi mana-l kak-ita kitan on konc-ita
1S-NOM 2S GEN mother-NOM write-PST book ACC read-PST

wato lomin il mimo. wano tami'n lomal
"There aren't any bad questions. Ask what you want"
wat-o lom-in il m-im-o. wan-o tami-n lom-al
be.bad-NPST ask-NMZ NOM COP-NEG-NPST. want-NPST thing-ACC ask-SJV

submitted by AdamHast to conlangs [link] [comments]

2023.10.06 08:42 todasun Typo dikit ga ngaruh (ngenyot) 😂

Typo dikit ga ngaruh (ngenyot) 😂 submitted by todasun to indonesia [link] [comments]

2023.09.26 11:04 Holiday-Ad3470 Dvojno državljanstvo

Po par naključjih v življenju, lahko imam 4 državljanstva (Slo, Ita. Madž. in Aus). Zanima me kak predlog kako najbolje vnovčiti ta državljanstva. Vem, da Aus. nima davčnega sporazuma s Slo.
Zanimajo me ideje, prednosti in slabosti.
submitted by Holiday-Ad3470 to SlovenijaFIRE [link] [comments]

2023.09.20 13:42 gondorianprince Sekarang gue jadi tahu kenapa papa gue mutusin untuk low contact sama keluarga besarnya

Gue ga deket sama keluarga papa gue. Papa gue sendiri juga memang ga deket sama saudara-saudara dia. Gue ga tau ada masalah apa dulu mereka smp yg bikin papa gue jadi menjauh sama keluarganya. Apalagi setelah pindah ke kota lain, hubungan mereka makin renggang. In the end, gue juga, jadi ikutan ga akrab sama mereka.
Fast forward to a few months ago, gue baru tahu ternyata dua adik sepupu gue (anak kakak dan anak adik papa) ada yg kuliah di kota yg sama dgn gue tinggal dan kerja sekarang. Anggap aja nama mereka Diddy sm Doddy. Gue pengen kenal mereka lebih deket, gimanapun kita saudara dan gue pikir rasanya ga adil gitu kalo masalah ortu kita jadi turun ke kita anak-anak yg sama sekali ga tahu apa-apa dan ga ada urusan. Gue hubunginlah mereka lewat Instagram, dgn harapan bisa minta no telpon dan ketemu.
Dari awal gue perhatiin mmg nih anak dua responnya rada-rada datar gitu. Kyk ga antusias dan terkesan dingin. Tapi waktu itu gue berusaha positive thinking, mungkin krn belum saling kenal aja. Hampir tiap hari gue chat nanya kabar dan sekedar nanya lagi ngapain, dan mereka selalu jawabnya singkat dan terkesan kyk ga tertarik. Tiap kali gue ajak ketemu, ada aja alasannya. Kyk lg sibuk kuliah lah. Inilah itulah. Dan akhirnya g pernah ketemuan. Cuma bisa say hi lewat Whatsapp doang. Gue ga putus asa. Gue udah bertekad mau kenal akrab sama adik-adik sepupu gue ini.
Waktu gue ngomong ke papa gue ttg hal ini, respon dia sih positif. Tapi dia sempat ngomong gini "Ya semoga aja ya mereka punya niat baik-baik aja ke kamu." Gue heran dengernya jadi gue tanya maksud papa apa. Papa gue cuma senyum2 misterius terus bilang "Nanti kita lihat aja deh. Semoga dugaan papa salah."
Bulan kemarin gue ultah, gue pengen ajak mereka makan. Jadi gue hubungin satu-satu, n mereka untungnya mau. Kebetulan pas gue hbs dapat bonus lumayan gede dari kantor jadi gue ajak mereka dinner di tempat yg lumayan wah. Bulan-bulan ini mmg lagi banyak proyek kerjaan. Pas ketemu di tempat makan, gue kayak mo nangis gitu lihat mereka. Muka mereka satu-satu tuh mirip banget sama gue n abang gue. Sampai2 mbak di restonya mikir kita sodaraaan, bukan sepupuan. Gue berasa kyk ketemu saudara kandung yg udah lama hilang. Terutama si Doddy, mukanya mirip bgt sama gue.
Lanjut makan malam ngobrol-ngobrol dan gue blg sm mereka klo besok2 kita mesti sering2 ngumpul dan jgn smp hilang kontak. Gue ga mau bahas masalah ortu kita, krn gue rasa bukan momentnya dan bukan urusan kita. Gue juga ajak mereka nginap kontrakan gue kalo lagi libur. Habis foto-foto bareng trus kita pulang ke tempat masing2. Malam itu gue seneng banget rasanya.
Tapi besok2nya, tiap kali gue chat lagi, reaksi mereka kembali datar2 aja. Gue pikir apa krn mmg masih baru juga kenal jd masih agak canggung ya. Padahal wkt ktmu kmren, kita udah asyik2 aja ketawa2 ngobrol2. Smp becandaan segala. Gue mikir apa mungkin gue terlalu pushy ya jd bkin mereka ga nyaman. Jadi gue stop ngechat selama bbrp hari.
Bbrp hari kemudian, Diddy tiba-tiba ngechat gue, bilang klo minggu depan dia ultah. Dan tanpa basa basi langsung ngmong ke gue klo dy minta dibeliin laptop baru utk hadiah ultah dia. Kan kakak udah kerja. Wajarlah ngasih hadiah ke adiknya, gitu katanya. Gue agak kaget jujur. Berani amat nih bocil tiba-tiba langsung minta-minta gitu. Barang mahal lagi. Waktu itu gue cuma jawab nanti gue lihat ya klo bonus kerjaan udah cair. Soalnya gue juga banyak kebutuhan lain-lain. Dia desak gue trus bilang tapi janji kan mau beliin? Gue jawab gue ga janji. Nanti gue usahain. Eeh gue diblok sama dia.
Besoknya, Oom gue, kakaknya papa, alias papanya si Doddy tiba-tiba nelepon gue. Awalnya dia nanya kabar, terus smp bilang seneng klo gue tinggal di kota yg sama dgn adik2 gue jadi mereka ada yg jagain. Oom juga bilang seneng bisa menjalin hubungan sama gue, ponakannya. Ya gue seneng dengernya. Eh tapi ujung2nya, si Oom bilang ke gue klo dia berharap gue mau bantu biaya kuliah Doddy. Soalnya si Oom udah pensiun dan agak kesulitan ngebiayainnya. Waktu itu gue jawab klo gue juga baru aja kerja selama bbrp tahun belum ada tabungan banyak sama sekali. Blm bayar kebutuhan lain-lain gue. Belum ngirim ke ortu. Si Oom nyaranin kalo gue gajian, disisihin mmg brp gitu utk dikasih ke Doddy. Krn waktu itu gue takut salah ngmong n bkin oom jadi marah, gue cm jawab klo nanti gue usahain.
Malamnya gue cerita ke papa gue semua perihal chatnya si Diddy minta laptop, dan papa si Doddy nelpon ngarap gue bantu biaya kuliah anaknya. Papa gue langsung naik pitam. Akhirnya papa buka-bukaan cerita lama deh. Jadi dlunya dia mutusin low contact sm keluarganya juga krn masalah duit. Mereka itu matre dan cuma mikirin keuntungan diri dan maunya seenaknya sendiri. Selama bertahun-tahun dulu papa gue dimanfaatin sama mereka. Krn waktu itu di antara saudara-saudaranya, hanya papa yg serius sekolah, kuliah smp kerja bener. Pas nikah sama mama, papa stop bantuin mereka lagi dgn alasan skrg dia mau fokus sm keluarga sndri. Mereka marah dan akhirnya papa ribut besar sama mereka.
Papa akhirnya bilang gue stop kontak2an sama sepupu2 gue itu drpada gue nanti ikut dimanfaatin. Buah jatuh ga jauh dari pohonnya katanya. Tuh anak berdua udah salah didik juga. Watak mereka udah sama dgn ortunya. Papa gue malam itu juga nelpon saudara-saudaranya dan mereka bertengkar hebat di telepon kata mama gue. Mama gue sih nyaranin jgn langsung putus kontak. Besok2 klo mrk butuh bantuan dan gue bisa, ga ada salahnya gue bantu. Tapi gue ttep harus bisa tegas dan jaga boundary dan berani bilang ga sm mereka.
Skrg gue jadi kepikiran deh. Niat gue mau bangun hubungan baik sama sepupu2 gue, ujung2nya jadi kayak gini. Kemarin setelah bonus gue cair, gue langsung datengin si Diddy ke kostan dia dan gue ajak utk cari laptop. Gue bilang klo gue cuma ada duit sekitar 5 jutaan klo dia mau beli laptop. Ditambah tabungan gue, masih bisalah gue klo cuma segitu. Dia cuma jawab ga usah kak makasih. Ga jadi aja. Drpd kakak ga ikhlas ngasihnya. Terus nutup pintu.
Gue pulang tuh sakit hati banget rasanya. Marah engga sih. Tp lebih ke sedih aja sebenarnya. Smp ke kontrakan cewe gue, langsung deh mewek gue. Dan cewek gue juga bilang mending gue dengerin nasihat papa gue. Udah jelas klo mereka itu ada udang dibalik batu.
Btw thanks yg udah baca ini smp kelar. Gue cuma mo ngeluarin uneg-uneg aja. Mungkin gue udah terlalu berharap berlebihan dan ekspektasi gue terlalu tinggi. Udah seneng berasa kyk punya adik, dan ujung2nya malah jadi ribut. Harapan gue sih, gue bisa ngomong sama adik2 gue ini lagi dan bisa jalin hubungan tanpa embel-embel masalah ortu kita di masa lalu.
submitted by gondorianprince to indonesia [link] [comments]

2023.08.18 21:45 cybertatu AITA for using “less than an hour” as a time estimate?

Had a long (probably over an hour) argument with my partner about time estimates. For context, time estimates have come up in the past in the sense of “when will you be done with work” and me getting it wrong frequently. In my defence, I was working for a big4 and at the cusp of a mental breakdown with sometimes 90h work weeks. Totally get that giving your partner some of your time is important for a healthy relationship, so after a lot of push and self work + new job I’ve gotten better over several months, and my partner has recognized it too at certain times (funnily enough during other unrelated arguments).
Today my partner was hot and curtains were covering the window so the breeze wasn’t really coming in. For context, we’ve had arguments around the curtain issue in the past. I have plants by the window and during summer the sun hits them directly in the morning - I close the curtains for a period of time to make sure they don’t burn and die. (No, unfortunately there’s literally no other place for the plants in the 400sq place). I’m a huge plant parent and have some plants with me for 11 years now, so I do care to make sure they stay healthy. For the record, I certainly want as much sunlight coming in as possible, it’s not like I enjoy closing the curtains in the morning but again, I want the plants to continue living. Our place only gets direct sunlight in the morning during summer and the afternoons during winter. I personally would love to get the sunlight on me in the pm during winter, but partner doesn’t like it (hits our face when at the desk) so we close it (per partner’s request). Hence, the pm vs am curtain issue has come up and in a previous argument (so I had understood) it was agreed the time it took to keep curtains closed in the am was justified for the reasons mentioned before.
Considering all the above, we circle back to today’s argument; partner was hot and curtains were closed blocking the breeze. Partner complains about curtain needing to be closed and them resulting hot. (No I was not hot, and we also have a fan on). I say give it “less than an hour”. Amid many other points, the argument ends in me being told this is not the way to give an estimate and saying “20-30 minutes” (for example) is better and what I should’ve done. Yes, I could’ve said that absolutely, but didn’t at the time and thought “less than an hour” (in the context of the situation/outlined above) was sufficient. Turns out it’s not for the partner and I must be more specific “how is being vague better?”.
What do you think, is partner in the right and ITA for not being more specific? Ultimately, I think “less than an hour” is sufficient but partner doesn’t see how so. I’m not saying I’ll be vague always but in this case I can’t see the issue; what I think is that not every situation needs a more concrete estimate, but partner doesn’t agree (more specific is important for them to plan their time).
Really look forward to people’s thoughts on this - bring on your takes.
submitted by cybertatu to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2023.07.21 04:57 TheTheMeet WTS: PO KINGrinder K4

Lg mau buka PO KINGrinder K4, manual grinder harga bersahabat dgn hasil yang oke. Harganya kisaran 1.8jt
Reviewnya KINGrinder K4
What you get from the box. Standard aja sih, grinder, handle, kuas, sama ada white ring kecil buat attach handle dan lid penutup. Default nya di setting biar grindernya bisa digunakan sama mesin bor
Comparison sama timemore c2. Yang ini lbh besar, lbh tinggi, lbh berat drpd c2. Beratnya kurang lebih 640gr
Singkat cerita, ini burr nya hexagonal, kayak 1zpresso JX pro yang lg ngetrend belakangan ini. Bedanya, K4 itu setting 1 click nya sekitar 16 micron, kalau jx pro 12.5 micron. Lalu K4 ini titanium coated, kalau JX pro stainless steel aja.
Ini hasil gilingan kalau dibandingin sama timemore c2.
NB: Gw punya timemore c2 yang adjusment dial nya udah diganti sama produk dari aliexpress, hasil giling pake c2 yang skrg sedikit lbh halus drpd 8-9 click pake default adjustment dial dia. Kira2 gua grind 16gr coffee beans espresso roast itu ya sekitar 3-4 mnt lah
Nah ini K4 bisa giling 16gr coffee beans yang sama, hasil gilingan lbh halus dgn waktu giling sekitar 1 mnt aja
Close up, yang kanan K4, yang kiri c2. Nggak ngerti kenapa yang kanan hasilnya lebih terang gitu beans nya. Same beans loh pdhl, lg pake philocoffee lupa blend yang mana wqwq
Nah kita masuk ke harganya. Kalau comandante c40 mk 4, yang disebut orang2 sbg manual grinder terbaik, sekitar usd 350 (harusnya excld tax), blm termasuk red clix, harga indonya 4.750jt. Harga 1zpresso JX pro, sekitar usd 170 (excld tax), di tokped ini sekitar 2.5jt. Harga KINGrinder K4, usd 119 belum termasuk kupon diskon usd 31, jadi harga akhirnya usd 88 (excld tax)
You can get both K4 and K6 for the price of 1zpresso J Max. Kekw
Gw baru pake beberapa kali sih, pagi ini yang keempat, dan mnrt gw grindernya tdk mengecewakan untuk harganya. Kalau oke sekitar semingguan ini dgn pemakaian wajar (sehari bikin 1-2x setiap hari), gw mau coba buka PO hahaha. Rencana dijual sekitar 1.8jt
Kalau berminat boleh ya koh cik kak bang silakan
Edit 2: orang di sub coffee dan espresso menyarankan antara K4 atau K6. Dari apa yang gua baca, K6 itu mirip 1zpresso J Max, lbh ke all around grinder, preferably ke arah pour over meskipun buat espresso jg bisa2 aja. Harga K6 seinget gw lbh mahal 20 dollar deh.. cuma berhubung gua punya timemore c2 buat pour over, gw nggak coba beli K6. Gw nggak perlu adjustment segitu kecilnya buat pour over, c2 aja mumpuni banget kalo lo maen french press dan pour over doang
submitted by TheTheMeet to jualbeliindonesia [link] [comments]

2023.07.17 11:33 Ex-amygdala Pengin bgt masuk FK!!!

Hai! Maaf ya judulnya sok sokan bgt. Gua emang ga sadar diri dan ga bersyukur hehe.
Cerita masa sma gua dulu:
Kenalin gua lulusan 22. Gua lulus SMA dgn predikat baik, pararel #10 di jurusan IPA. Apalagi ni gua lulus dr sma favorit di daerah asal gua. Recordnya juga bagus, byk yg masuk PTN etc: UGM, Undip, UNS, ITB, UI.
FYI, gua juga ikut organisasi dulu. Gua ikut osis dan jadi pengurus inti di situ. Masa-masa SMA gua tu lempeng aja. Gua banyak dapetin nilai A di rapor gua. Aktif juga organisasi dan temen gua lumayan banyak. Sering juga ikut lomba dan bbrp ada yg menang. Gua cukup senang kala itu. Walaupun ya derita angkatan covid... pasti taulah kalo online tu ga bisa nyerep materi 100%. Makanya gua juga ikut les buat memperkuat itu tadi, juga buat persiapan masuk PTN lebih mateng.
Singkat cerita gua blum dapetin FK di jalur manapun dan terpaksa semigap di jurusan non FK
Alasan pengin keluar :
Gua kuliah di salah satu PTN Top di jurusan paling solid. Gua ga menyangka ternyata disini menjunjung tinggi senioritas. Sebagai maba gua menikmati rangkaian ospek. Namun di tempat gua ospek kurang lebih 1 semester lebih dikit. Gua kaget knp di kampus gua masih ada ospek dengan dibentak-bentak seperti ini. Bahkan bbrp dosen seperti "sok sokan gatau".
Gua tiba² merasa salah tempat. Temen² gua yg diterima di jurusan impiannya dan menjalani ospej yg seru-seru. Sorry to say: gua membandingkan diri, knp nasib gua yg udh ketolak end up di jurusan non FK harus menjalani ospek yg melelahkan seperti ini. But mom said, "jalani aja dulu kmu nanti bisa nyoba tes dan pindah"
Yup gua turutin perkataannya. Gua bertahan melewati sem 1 dan lanjut sem 2 yg mana sudah lulus dr perospekan duniawi hehe. Liburan semester temen sma gua pada byk cerita masa kuliahnya. Salah satu dr mereka ada yg menjadi komdis, advokesma di himpunan mereka. Sedangkan gua malah nyeritain gmn dibentak-bentak karna ga solid, dipanggil ke kampus malem², dst.
Gua merasa iri dan kecewa. Knp pilihan gua selalu salah. Knp gua memilih kuliah di jurusan di kampus yg senioritasnya tinggi. Gua merasa muak bgtt... apalagi dgn adanya rapat-rapat kaderisasi yang sampe malem bgt bahkan kadang ampe subuh. Gua bingung knp siklus kepengurusan disini terbilang lambat. Bahkan bagi mahasiswa sem 2 belum bisa join kepengurusan jurusan atau fakultas. Di semester 3 baru bisa menjadi staff.
Disisi pusinknya gua ama sistem kepengurusan disini, gua berusaha fokus buat dapetin jurusan impian. Berat rasanya membagi fokus kuliah ma belajar utk ujian. Gua dilemma buat nyari banyak temen disini atau enggak. Pagi ampe sore adalah kuliah dan klo mau belajar ya malem. Tp malem jd waktu buat akrab juga ma temen. Gua disini memilih jd introvert, gua ga byk kenalan dan main bareng. Tp kdg merasa kesepian. Bodohnya gus berusaha menyeimbangkan main sm belajar gua.
BENERR!! Gua ga bisa bilang persiapan gua sesuai ekspektasi. Walau ujian gua cukup tenang dan ga tegang. Gua juga merasa lancar bahkan melebihi ekspektasi gua.
Jreng!!... Ternyata gua blom diterima. GUA NANGISS, untuk kedua kalinya gua ditolak. Ga berhenti disitu, gua lanjut daftar mandiri non spi. Tp gua merasa keteteran buat belajar UAS dan mandiri univ. Untuk kedua kalinya gua dpt hasil yg sama 😭
Gua sedih... knp gua jadi gagal. Knp gua gabisa dapetin yg gua mau. Knp orang² semudah itu. Udah gua memutus bbrp pertemanan disini dan ga aktif di kepanitiaan kek org². Gua sedih dlm kesepian. Gua gada org buat cerita disini karna gada yg sepenuhnya tau gua as semigap sepengin itu dapetin jurusan impiam gua.
Gua merasa klo bertahan disini dgn lingkup pertemanan yg kecil dan siklus organisasi yg memuakkan bikin gua ga berkembang. Gua pengin keluar tapi ga berani bilang ke ortu. Ya, mereka sudah berkorban byk uang demi gua disini, tp hati gua gak lega.
Mending gua pindah ga ya kak?
submitted by Ex-amygdala to indonesia [link] [comments]

2023.07.13 10:00 Meaning-Plenty An eye witnesses account of 13th of July, 1931.

This eye witness account from the book Kashmir Kee Tehreek-e-Azadi, Khawb, Azaab Aur Sarab, that is based on the notes of Pir Mohammad Afzal Mukhdoomi. The authoritative account offering context and subtext to the Himalayan development in Kashmir's history suggests it all started with pellets and was followed up by rumours that created stature of leaders. The first bullet was also fired by a Kashmiri.
Maharaja Hari Singh had no successor from his first wife. So in 1930, he married a Kangra Rajput. Within a year, the Maharaja was on way to Paris to ensure proper medical care to Maharani. In March 1931, the heir apparent Dr Karan Singh was born. It was a major development and triggered massive official celebrations. Punjabi Muslims took out a procession and sung songs to thank God and praise the family. But there were tensions after a Pandit capitalist Bal Kak, then Wazir-e-Wazarat, sent a telegram to Maharaja congratulating him on behalf of "Hindus and Muslims Chakdars, landlords, Raees's and the subjects" on the birth of Rajkumar.
This was strongly resented by the Muslim bourgeoisie. They saw it a challenge to their status. So they created a front with the sole objective of sending their own telegram. The entire Muslim bourgeoisie met at the residence of Zaildar Pir Sahab. The idea was to congratulate the Maharaja and also draw his attention towards the status of Muslim subjects. In the first meeting, it was decided that a telegram needs to be sent. By the second meeting, the draft was readied. In both the meeting, a young man, whom people identified as Mohammad Abdullah, resented the telegram. In the second meeting actually, he was fierce in his reaction that shocked the bourgeoisie.
Eventually, the draft was ready and it included a "request" that once the Maharaja is back home, they will host a high tea in either Nishat or the Shalimar garden, where, they will also make certain demand on behalf of the Muslim subjects. Maharaja got the cable when he had reached Bombay. He rejected any invitation in which there will be demands. Kashmir's Muslim elites were crestfallen.
When Hari Singh left with his wife to Paris, he handed over the charge of his government to a Board. Led by Prime Minister GEC Wakefield, its members included General Janak Singh, the Revenue Minister and Watal, Home Minister. It lacked any Muslim representation. Taking advantage of the arrogant Maharaja's absence, the Muslims made certain representations to the Board, insisting over the absence of Muslims in the government. By then, Kashmiri Muslims were being termed as "Banerjee's sheep" because one of Maharaja's ministers' Sir Albion Rajkumar Banerjee was so impressed negatively by the worst governance and the suppression that he resigned and told in Calcutta about how the Kashmiri Muslims are being managed like goats and sheep. Muslims wanted a change in their status and petitioned the Board.
But the Board proved 'more royal than the king'. It ruled the jobs in the government were being given on the basis of capacity and education, rather than faith. But the Board insisted that the government is marinating adequate percentage of the Muslims as "hundreds of weepers, shoe-shiners and the Jamadar's from the Muslim community were serving in Jammu and Kashmir."
This series of events had surcharged Kashmir and for the first, the bourgeoisie and educated were on the same page. A simmering Kashmir started reacting by mobilizing the masses. The historic Reading Room with Sheikh Abdullah as a member started operating in Dukan-e Sangeen in Fateh Kadal.
In the wake of this mobilisation when the Kashmiri Muslims met in the lawns of Jamia Masjid, leaders made speeches. But when it came to slogans, people did not know what to say. A Jammu journalist Munshi Mohammad Hussain shouted Nara-ie-Takbeer, but people did not know what to say in response! Then, they were educated about sloganeering. It was in this public meeting when It was in this public meeting when Sheikh Abdullah impressed the audience.
The second major milestone was June 21, 1931, when thousands of people assembled in the lawns of Kahnqah-e Moalla. It witnessed the two main clerics of Kashmir Molvi Yousuf Shah and Molvi Ahmadullah Hamdani sharing the stage which was a sort of miracle. Muslim bourgeoisie, educated and the restive young men, all were there. There were no divisions. After Sheikh made a hugely impressive speech, the public meeting nominated seven of its representatives comprising two clerics, Agha Syed Hussain Jalali, Munshi Shahabuddin, Khawaja Saiduddin Shawl, Khawaja Ghulam Ahmad Ashaie, Sheikh Abdullah and from Jammu Choudhary Ghulam Abbas, Mistri Yaqoub Ali and Sardar Gowhar Rehman.
As the crowds started thinning and the meeting was about to close, a good number of audience, at the behest of Kahwaja Ahmadullah Karra, wanted to listen to the speech of a non-local Abdul Qadeer. A Pathan settled in Lucknow, he was a chef hired by a European. By evening Qadeer was arrested.
Monday, July 13, 1931, was the hearing of Qadeer's case. It was the second day of the Urs of Mukhdoom Sahab, so the rush was around. In order to prevent law and order from getting out of hand, the government decided to hold the hearing within the Central Jail Srinagar. Word of mouth triggered a sort of campaign and thousands of people started moving towards the jail to witness the hearing. Molvi Mohammad Abdullah Vakil was Qadeer's lawyer. He reported to the jail at around 1 pm, asked people to stay peaceful. Qadeer, he said, will be brought out for trial after the government lawyers will come and then you can see him. He advised people to offer Zuhar prayers, till then. Mohammad Yousuf Halwaie called for the prayers. But most of the people started offering prayers individually near the Central Jail and around the Pokhribal.
While people were offering prayers, a rumour started travelling quite fast: Qadeer was given seven years of imprisonment and his lawyer was also arrested. This triggered a crisis that people rushed to the gate of the jail and started asking for Qadeer. Within seconds the violence started. People resorted to stone pelting.
We were eight friends including Ghulam Mohammad Halwaie and Ghulam Nabi Kalwal. We saw a huge platoon of the police in the lawns of the jail, mostly armed with guns and mostly non Kashmiris. Some even carried bamboos. The two local cops who were visibly active were Sergeant Qadir Khan and Head Constable Hakim Ali from Batamaloo.
Police were busy in cane charge, and I saw Ghulam Mohammad Halwaie, a former policeman, attacking Sergeant Qadir Khan. He succeeded in snatching the weapon and within seconds of it, Hakim Ali opened fire on Halwaie. He fired two bullets; one hit his face and another chest. He died on spot. Then the firing continued for 15 minutes.
This needs a special mention that the guns which opened on people were hunter guns, the pellet guns and not the 303 rifles. Had the cops opened the rifles, the killings could have been around 500. They opened in fire and then targeted the people and that is why more people were injured by splinters. I got splinters in both my legs.
The firing took place where now the office and the residence of the jail superintendent are located. Then, there were shingled quarters of the jail wardens, then called Barkandaz. People in the lawns of the jail were so huge in number that had the jail not been locked, they might have barged into it.
The people collected torn clothes and threw them over the shingled roof of the Markandaz quarters, sprinkled the kerosene oil of the lamps of these quarters and set it afire. This happened after the police was out of ammunition and retreated a bit. Speedy winds were blowing, that time. Then, some prisoners were being driven back from the court. People intercepted them and broke their chains and set them free. Two Gilgit prisoners who imprisonment were given life were freed but they refused to leave saying it is immoral to flee when the verdict is pronounced. But two Pahadi prisoners fled when they were unchained.
By then the people had taken away the charpoys of the jail staff and started taking the dead and injured in a huge procession towards Jamia Masjid. People in hoards started assembling near Kastour Penj at the Mukhdoom Sahab shrine. The unusual assembly of the people near the shrine led to the suspension in the government forces that the people might be attacking the fort. A platoon was despatched and an officer with a pistol in his hands came to the shrine, enquired about the assembly and returned.
All the slain Kashmiris were brought to Jamia, so were all the injured. People took the injured to the Maharaj Gunj hospital but the doctor had fled. So the people took the injured to the private clinic of Dr Abdul Wahid where a compounder Molvi Ahmad Shah did the first aid to the extent possible.
I was feeling pain in the injuries so I somehow got hold of a senior hospital compounder who extracted the three splinters of mine and gave me the first aid.
Pellets damaged the injured severely, some lost their legs, and some had to amputate their fingers. Some actually lost their eyes.
The entire state, especially Srinagar was handed over to the army. All the vital spots in the city were under siege. Army's chief of staff Brigadier Sutherland and Maharaja's Wazir-e Hazouri Nawab Khusrou Jung Bahadur, visited Jamia many times to see the injured. The latter was a polite and sensitive person. He wept publicly after seeing the injured people. In one of his trips, he was accompanied by two officers, probably General Rehmatuallh Khan and Brigadier Khuda Bakhsh.
As the day passed, people started assembling in Jamia. Molvi Yousuf Shah was carrying his turban in his hand and reciting the verses. Moulana Abdul Qadoos, who was a teacher in Oriental College was also speaking to the people. People were using the caps of their turbans, usually, the turban is tied on a strong cap, to get the water and quench the thirst of the injured. I used my cap to quench the thirst of various injured who later died.
Kalwal was one of the seriously injured. He once requested his father or brother, who was attending him, to get the Molvi Sahab to him. They took Molvi Yousuf Sahab and Molvi Waterhali Sahab to him and he asked them: "We are giving our life. For God's sake tell us, if we are martyrs?" To this question, Moulana said: yes, you undoubtedly are. After listing this sentence, he breathed his last.
As the injured were sinking, the people living around the Jamia would get the Kehwa and tea and feed the people.
It was after the Isha prayers that Khawaja Salam Shah and Noor Shah reached Jamia and indicated the government was keen that the dead should be laid to rest in their ancestral graveyards. There were efforts by the to convince Moulvi Yousuf Shah also but the youth fiercely reacted and rejected the idea. But, Noor Shah, despite being a government employee, said this should not happen because their sacrifice would neutralise. They should be laid to rest at one place, he insisted. Ghulam Mohammad Ashaie seconded it and then it was a consensus.
Eventually, it was Noor Shah who solved the issue. He said the martyrs will be laid to rest in the premises of Khawaja Naqshhband Sahab. Mir Maqbool Shah who was playing a double role supported it. He indicated to the government that sending the slain to different Mohallas will create a larger law and order issue.
The night was tense. As Abdul Raheem Dar and Abdul Rehman were photographing the dead, there were rumours that the government forces may snatch the martyrs and bury them at their own. This triggered a reaction suggesting that if government forces entered the Jamia, they will be resisted, even at the cost of the lives. It was then that the leaders said that the martyrs do not require a funeral bath. At the first light of July 14, when people started moving home, there was a massive presence of government forces around.
During the night massive arrests had taken place. Even traders were arrested. Sheikh Abdullah, Ghulam Nabi Gilkar, Molvi Abdul Raheem, Choudhary Ghulam Abbas, Sardar Gowhar Rehman and Mistri Yaquob Ali were arrested imprisoned in the Fort, in a dungeon. So many arrests took place that there was no space left. Some people were actually kept in Maharaja's stable.
Despite all this, the people started coming in hoards to Jamia. This was despite the government rumours that the permit only four will relatives per dead to accompany the funeral. Finally, Molvi Abdul Qadoos led the funeral prayers. Not many people were permitted to accompany the funeral to the Naqshband Sahab. The entire area was dominated by the army with machine guns fixed almost everywhere. When the martyrs were being lowered in their graves, despite all the restrictions and domination, a sweet maker, Noor Khan somehow attempted breaking the cordon to reach the martyrs' cemetery amid shouts at the soldiers: "You will have to pay for this blood. They (martyrs) got their graves, but you will not get one."
Of the 23 martyrs, nine died on the spot in Central Jail and others breathed their last in the lawns of Jamia Masjid. They were laid to rest at 11:30 am, a day later, on July 14, 2017.
The killings led to the instant closure of markets. Maharaj Gunj, then, was the major trading hub. Lalas' were dominating the trade. Lala Kishan Chand Baghat, one of these Lalas' hurled invectives on a Tonga-puller Ghulam Nabi, son of known volunteer Zoni alias Rang-eh-Khraw. He could not afford the disrespect to the dead. He pulled out a pistol and shot at the Lala and then dragged him out. In his support, all the Lala's of the market came out and the dragged him out. In his support, all the Lala's of the market came out and the situation turned communal.
Within hours, there were instances of loot in Zaina Kadal, Bahoori Kadal, Fateh Kadal, and other places. But the timely intervention of the army and the police prevented an escalation. Some of the traders shifted their provisions to their homes and claimed the loot. It was much later that Assistant Governor Khawaja Salam Shah Naqshbandi ensured raids on some houses where the looted material was stored and it marked the end of raids for recovery of loot. But there were individuals like Jiya Lal Chrangu of Maharaj Gunj who suffered so much of losses that he could not revive his trade, later.
The massacre proved a landmark. Maharaja sacked Wakefield and replaced him by Raja Hari Kishan Koul, considered to be a hard taskmaster. In society, interesting rumours started creating profiles. One suggested that a lion was coming near the Fort to register his anger against the arrest of Sheikh Abdullah. Gullible, various people would Gullible, various people would hide in the Malkhah graveyard to have a glimpse of the angry lion. Another rumour was that the leaders arrested in the fort have gone surprisingly missing and it has given a headache to the government. The other was that the strike continues for some more days, the Lord Sahab, would personally come and unfurl a black flag, marking the end of Dogra Raj, at the Fort. The people continued their strike and actually went to see the flag unfurling. It did not happen but the movement for freedom of Kashmir got a strong foundation.
Excerpt from: https://kashmirlife.net/1931-the-pellet-start-issue-16-vol-09-146351/
submitted by Meaning-Plenty to Kashmiri [link] [comments]

2023.05.21 08:24 fela_nascarfan Ako som (znovu) pozeral hokej

V dávnej minulosti som hokej sledoval, ale potom ma to akosi prestalo baviť. Ale napriek tomu som si na hoteli pozrel hokej SVK-KAZ. Ostatne, čo večer na hoteli sa dá robiť, keď človek nemá spoločnosť.
Najprv ma prekvapili mená hráčov. Našich. Hm, keď som pozeral hokej naposledy, tak to malo vždy takýto scenár:
Teraz pozerám, pozerám… žiadny Plavucha, Daňo ani Šatan. No - potom sa tam Šatan mihol, ale bol v obleku. Asi sa už prezliekol pred koncom zápasu, neviem, možno nehral, lebo mu bolo zle od žalúdka. Ono tí hokejisti ich často majú pokazené, proste asi im nesedí neskorá nočná strava.
No a tieto mená nikde. Potom nejaký veľký hráč, tuším #17. Asi to bude Šechný, pomyslel som si. Ale komentátor uviedol nejaké iné meno. Asi má chybu v papieroch.
No ani KAZ na tom neboli inak. Hoci som si pamätal iba Nabokova a Kuznecova. Ale ani títo tam neboli. Asi boli so Šatanom.
Neviem teda, kde sa stratili hráči, ktorých som videl naposledy. Možno nejaký odborársky štrajk, alebo, v prípade hráčov vojenskej Dukly TN, stav vojenskej pripravenosti. Do rici aj s Putinom, pokazil aj hokej!
No ako to býva, s papierovým outsiderom sme sa natrápili. Hoci - predĺženie sa dalo pozerať. IIHF by mala zvážiť, či by sa nemalo hrať 3 vs. 3 neustále. A skrátiť dĺžku zápasu, napr. na 30 minút. Veď s reklamami by to aj tak boli dve hodiny. A ešte by sa aj ušetrilo na platoch hráčov. Proste win - win situácia.
A v samostatných nájazdoch sa ukázala naša odveká sila - ja sám ju aplikujem pri biliarde - "možno nie tak presne, ale o to silnejšie." Veď puk si svoju cestu nájde. Ibaže by si nenašiel.
No čo, skončilo to dobre, nejaký bod sme uhrali. Ale ide hlavne o hru nie, to je podstata športu - zabaviť seba, fanúšikov a popri tom si i zarobiť.
A ako sa v jednom tunajšom reddite uviedlo, aj sa zlepšiť v geografii, vďaka názvom obcí na vlajke.
Ad reklamy: z nich by človek dostal depresiu (ak by nebol priebežne "otužovaný" celý život), že priemerný fanúšik hokeja je v strednom veku, pod voľným dresom živí za pomoci piva pupok a stráca už vlasy. Kua, asi je v pive testosterón.
Jediným plusom je poľská reklama na Fortunu, v ktorej vidíme premenu z krásnej antickej bohyne na klasickú športovú štetku. Asi o tom tá reklama je.
Ako v klasickom vtipe:
Rozhovor v moskovskom rádiu: - Skažite Nataša Ivanovna! Kak vy, uspešnaja profesorka, stalis prostjitutkou? - Hmm, sama neznaju. Prosto ščastie. 
A ešte som si všimol nejakého terénneho komentátora pri striedačkách. Jeho informačná hodnota je nulová.
Neskôr bola nejaká relácia s Lintnerom. Tak preto ani on nehral - asi by sa nestihol osprchovať. Bol tam nejaký mladý hokejista. Ako hosť. Po prvej otázke: "Ako si docestoval?" (parafr.) a ďalšej, že "čo si si kúpil na prvý milión?" (opäť parafr.) a odpovedi, že "tenisky", som to radšej vypol. Teda TV, nie seba, hoci by mi to pomohlo viac.
Verím, že navýšenie rozpočtu pre RTVS prinesie viac moderátorov - ale konečne nejakých virtuálnych. Toto je skutočné plytvanie verejnými zdrojmi, hádam aj na trestné oznámenie.
Ale aby som nebol "morous", pozriem si ešte nejaké stretnutie. Možnože bol toto len nejaký prechodný stav.
submitted by fela_nascarfan to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2023.04.13 08:47 TerribleSell2997 Impact of COVID-19 on Italy Economy, Deviation Market to Witness Astonishing Growth by 2029

Italy is among the most affected countries with coronavirus outbreak across the globe, as the incidences rising at a significant pace than any other country. In Italy, the death toll from COVID-19 surpassed 5,000, witnessing a sharp increase from the last few days. COVID-19 pandemic has a devastating impact on the Italian economy, as industrial output fell significantly. Italy had a considerable position in the value of industrial production in the EU member states. For instance, as per the Eurostat, more than 75% of the value of sold industrial production in EU 28 was generated by six member states, including Germany, Italy, France, UK, Spain, and Poland with 28%, 16%, 12%, 9%, 8%, and 5%, of total EU respectively (Eurostat). The country accounted for nearly 2.4% ($2.1 trillion) of the world’s GDP in 2018.
Get Free Sample link @ https://www.omrglobal.com/request-sample/impact-of-covid-19-on-italy-economy
As per the International Trade Administration (ITA), Italy’s third-largest destinations for exports is the US, which totaled $50.1 billion value of the country’s exports to the US in 2018. Italy’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sector has a considerable proportion of firms that contribute approximately one-third of value to the economy and half of total employment in the country. As Italy’s economic structure is heavily dependent on SMEs, the spread of coronavirus is significantly affecting the economy of Italy. SMEs relies on loans and finances to meet their business requirements. Due to the vulnerabilities facing by the Italian financial sector amid COVID-19, SMEs operations are negatively affected, which in turn, is leading to a significant decline of the Italian economy.
full report of Impact of COVID-19 on Italy Economy, Deviation Market available @ https://www.omrglobal.com/industry-reports/impact-of-covid-19-on-italy-economy
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2023-2029
· Base year- 2022
· Forecast period- 2023-2029
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Verticals Affected Most
o Automobile
o Food & Beverage
o Aviation
o Retail
o Travel and Tourism
o Healthcare
o Personal Protective Equipment
o Others
Company Profiles
o Alitalia – Società Aerea Italiana S.p.A.
o Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.
o Banca Sella S.p.A.
o Esselunga S.p.A.
o Eni S.p.A
o Ferrari S.p.A.
o Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V.
o General Electric Co.
o Nexi S.p.A.
o Poste Italiane SpA
o UBI Banca S.p.A.
o Enel S.p.A.
o TIM S.p.A.
The Report Covers

For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @ https://www.omrglobal.com/report-customization/impact-of-covid-19-on-italy-economy
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2023.04.09 15:05 YaaliAnnar NoP: Lost and Found (40)

First Previous
Memory Transcription Subject: Johan, human exchange program participant
Date [Standardized Human Reckoning]: 2136–09-04
Last night was a doozy.
Some of the gojids -who had nurtured prejudice within them already- accepted Shehrab's accusation believing that we have drugged them to turn them more docile and submissive. The gojid doctor saved the day again since his translator can parse "glutamate" into something that he understood. He explained to his people that glutamate occurs in nature and that includes their bodies.
"If that compound is already in your body, it must have been available in your plants too." One of the human cooks argued"
Indeed the gojids were no strangers to using natural ingredients to enhance the flavor of their food. They had a plant-derived paste that added a savory touch to their meals. Even Shehrab herself had utilized these ingredients in her cooking back on their Homeworld. The only odd part during last night's dinner was how humans had isolated and synthesized the compound.
Seeking to alleviate their apprehensions, Elangkasa proposed a solution. "How about this? We will cook you breakfast tomorrow without using any glutamate salt."
The following morning, the familiar crowing of a rooster roused us from our slumber. As I made my way to the lobby, I noticed that the statue of the Mother Protector had become the centerpiece of an elaborate food display. Most of the offerings consisted of the instant meals we had stocked for the habitation unit, but I saw some fresh fruits and vegetables there. I wonder if the gojids had taken those from our kitchen.
On entering the dining hall, I noticed that it was less crowded than the previous day. However, I also observed that the spiky aliens' reactions to my presence felt milder than before. The night before, while lying in bed, I had contemplated wearing a face-concealing mask like the camp staff. However, both Bolad and Vani adamantly opposed the idea. Much to my astonishment, Shehrab also joined us in the dining hall, enjoying her meal, despite the commotion she had caused the night before.
The upper portion of the camp staff's helmet obscured their faces, while the detachable lower parts allowed them to eat with ease. Their helmets reminded me of the faceless henchmen often portrayed in movies and videos. Perhaps Bolad and Vani had shared similar sentiments? I should ask them what their narrative media is like.
I sat with the rest of the humans, as usual, sandwiching Vani between me and Elangkasa. We had the same porridge again as yesterday, but when I took a scoop something tasted off.
"This is not as good as yesterday." Vani, too, noticed the difference. "Is it just me or did your kitchen staff change the recipe?"
"I promised not to use glutamate salt after the shenanigans Shehrab pulled out," explained Elangkasa.
"Also... I see fewer gojid here than before too. Are they still suspicious after last night?" I asked.
"They probably are." the coordinator said.
I looked around the dining room, scanning the various gojids seated around the room. My eyes met with Bolad's who had just looked up from his meal. Despite being surrounded by other gojids, his unique coloration made him stand out. He had a dark face and underbelly with a light spine, in stark contrast to the counter-shaded scheme that his species commonly sported. As we continued eye contact, he stood up and started to make his way toward our table
"Enjoying your meal?" Elangkasa greeted the doctor.
"No. Your miracle salt contribute a lot in the taste of your dish. Something is missing now, but I can't quite tell what."
The human coordinator pushed a bottle with a red cap toward the Gojid. "You can always mix it into your food by yourself."
"I thank you, human." Bolad took the seasoning in his paw. I noticed now that the gojid had his claws cut and filed to nubs, unlike other gojids. I wondered if their doctor commonly does this procedure or if he was compensating for the accusation of predatory behavior against him.
"The reason I came here is that Shehrab and the farmers want to do their farm-to-table logistics. They don't trust you after last night."
"They can always do that," said Elangkasa. "We do have farms nearby since this facility was planned to be a research and development center."
"Also some of them want to plant some seeds they took from the Cradle."
"Ah, that's..." Elangkasa paused. "We might need to discuss it with our ecologists about it. But I suppose they can use one of our greenhouses. We need to make sure the seed won't accidentally be sown outside."
The gojid seemed intrigued by that remark, but he didn't ask anything. "I thank you, human," he said before scampering back with the salt shaker.
"I thought we gained their trust after the first breaking of the feast," I muttered.
"They fear us less, though. I think that's an improvement."
I considered Elangkasa's remarks. "To be honest...I don't know which one I prefer."
Was it better to be suspected, than to be feared?
The coordinator finished the porridge and wiped their mouth with a napkin. "In any case Johan, I'm going to the capital to fetch pieces of equipment and necessities. I recall that Bolad will also need to get his medications, can you accompany him? We can save more time that way."
I thought for a moment, "Hm, I don't have a lot of meetings today and I haven't visited the capital in all my life. But... What about the clinic?"
"I can manage the clinic by myself," Vani said. "If Bolad is anything like me, he would enjoy a visit to your cities."
So we made our way to the van. My vehicle tailed the truck crewed by Elangkasa and a staff.
"While we're on our way to the capital. Would you like to help me improve the quality of English to gojidi language models?"
I explained to Bolad that several days after I met my venlil, the company I worked at was appointed by the UN to manage all the translations between the humans and the aliens. With Vani's consent, I have supplied them with a lot of our bilingual dialogue. Now that I'm here with the refugees they expected me to do the same with the gojids. Just like the case of Bahasa to Ventongue. Our English to Gojidi uses Ventongue as an intermediary and perhaps because of the chaos during the opportunistic invasion, no one has fine-tuned the language model until now.
"Fascinating, I would love to play a part in this improvement of relation between our species."
So I gave the gojid similar calibrating sentences like the one I have to Vani. I watched as he blazed through the sentences, giving little corrections here and there.
"That was fast."
"There aren't a lot of mistakes here.s Maybe Ventongue and Gojidi are closer than English and yours?" I wonder if the federation languages in general also developed similarities to each other over their centuries of inter-trading.
On our trip to the Capital, I showed Bolad Vani's Sighting website so he could see what his Venlil colleague had done since his first visit to this location. Upon going through the gallery, Gojid's doctor had a plethora of questions about Vani and life on Earth in general. As we talked on and on I found myself thinking of Bolad as a Gojid version of Vani. I had to tell myself that it was unfair to compare them like that. They were their person with distinct quirks and traits.
We arrived at the capital around ten o'clock, just as businesses began to open their doors for the day. From here, we said our farewells to Elangkasa, as the medication Bolad required us to go to the Capital University of Nusantara. Capital University was among the youngest compared to the other public universities. But the outpouring of government funds for decades propelled its position among the top-tier universities in the country. Bolad informed me that he and Vani had contacted the professor of pharmacology at the university, and the drugs he needed should be ready by the time we arrived.
Being located in a geologically stable area, the capital boosted the most skyscrapers in the country, and Just like most of the structures in the Capital, the university was no exception. Whereas other university complexes spread over a large area, Capital University occupied only a few supertall towers, connected by bridges with each other.
Bolad and I made our way into the tower where the professor resided, passing by students hurrying to their classes. After consulting with the university's registry, we rode up to the eightieth floor. As we stepped out of the elevator, a vast open space with rows of laboratory equipment greeted us. The hum of machines and the smell of chemicals filled the air.
"Ah there you are!" The professor, a middle-aged woman with short hair, greeted us.
The professor brought us around and the two of them talked at length about pharmacology which goes way over my head. I took the opportunity to look out the window and take in the view of the city below. The skyscrapers towered over everything else. Down there, it was difficult to see people on the ground. Trees and shaded walkways concealed them from prying eyes above.
Eventually, the conversation came to a close and the professor handed Bolad a huge plastic box. The gojid opened it, and inside I can see all sorts of pills, ampules, and other forms of medicines that I have no idea how to use. Satisfied, Bolad closed the box and bowed to the professor.
After we reached my van and deposited the box. We stayed there for a while while I consulted my pad for places where we could eat lunch.
"Is it true that you have plant-based matters that taste like flesh?"
"Uh... where did you find that out?"
"Vani told me, he said it can be our little secret. I was wondering if it is... possible for me to try them."
"Probably not anytime soon. You have seen the Vani Update site. Whenever we appeared outside, people would take a picture all the time. Vani managed to eat that burger because he was in my house, and it was my friend who brought it in."
I wasn't attuned to gojids' body language but it seemed that it disappointed him a bit.
"But maybe someday, yeah?" I said, trying to cheer him a bit.
The government meticulously planned and developed Capital City with a strong emphasis on pedestrians. Over the years, as the population and infrastructure grew, the city expanded both vertically, with towering skyscrapers, and underground through a network of subterranean passages and public transportation. Whether through the tunnels or the shaded walkways people in the Capital filled the passageways, by walking or utilizing various mobility devices.
Bolad looked around him, trying to take in all the sights and sounds.
"This is quite an experience, after the tranquility in the camp."
"Is this too much for you? Because this is probably too much for Vani."
"It is manageable. Are these typical for human cities?"
"Other cities are not this dense. Though human... cities, in general, are still pretty crowded, from what Vani tells me."
"Even the busiest cities in Cradle did not get to this level. I noticed, however, that most humans seemed to pretend that I do not exist. I am not trying to make myself sound special, but surely if there is an alien among you, you will take notice?"
"They do notice. They just don't show it. Ever since Vani landed, there is this unspoken agreement not to approach him. I presume this is extended to you."
Then I felt a small hand tugging me. When I looked back, a child had just followed us.
"Landak!" The child looked at Bolad and giggled. He wore something that looked like a school uniform.
A few more children with the same uniform appeared, surrounding us. They kept chanting "Landak!" again and again.
"What are they saying?" Asked the gojid.
"They're calling you hedgehog. Sometimes children would approach Vani like this too."
"Kak guru! Ada Landak!" One of them shouted toward an adult far away who was also surrounded by children wearing a similar uniform. Finally, someone who can get out of this awkward situation.
We had lunch in a rooftop cafe at one of the higher towers in the city. The cool air up here made the rooftop cafe feel like an oasis amid the bustling city. We sat at a table by the edge of the restaurant and as we ate, the entire floor slowly rotated, giving us a panoramic view of the entire city.
Afterward, we convened with Elangkasa at one of the logistic facilities on the outskirts of the Capital. As we moved out of the dense center of the city, the towering skyscrapers gave way to warehouses and factories, and the traffic thinned out. Soon enough, we arrived at a logistic facility and spotted Elangkasa's pickup parked in the loading bay. We hurried over to the vehicle, and as we approached, we noticed a large tarp covering what looked like boxes in the back. Several ropes secured the tarp to the truck.
"So, what are these?"
"Mostlyfarming equipment. Both the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Research and Higher Education generously provided us with these resources, on the condition that we begin conducting research."
"Will there be more human researchers involved?" I asked.
"I proposed that the Gojid farmers could take on the role of researchers instead. The alien seeds they brought with them might be a significant development opportunity."
Halfway through our way back to camp, Bolad received a call from Vani. With a tap, the gojid accepted the conversation. He held his pad away from me, but I can hear them just fine.
"I apologize first hand because we will have no small talk right now. I need to confirm that the gojids do not have blood types, unlike humans."
"What is blood type?" Asked the doctor.
Vani wouldn't make a call just to ask trivia like this. Something must have happened in the camp, and a feeling of dread grew in the pit of my stomach.
"In humans, you need to perform blood transfusion between the compatible blood types, otherwise it can cause an immune response."
"There is a mutation called positive plasma that can cause something like that. It is rare, but you do need to make sure that the donor does not have that mutation."
"Can you guide me on how to test the donor?"
"The chemical ingredient needed to test it is with me right now, but there is another way..."
Bolad then instructed Vani to take samples from the donor and the receiver and mix the blood on a microscope slide. He then guided my venlil on how to find signs of the mutation.
"Vani, what on earth is happening in the camp?" I asked when they were about to end the call.
The venlil looked to his side. "There was a difficulty with a sheep. We will explain to you the details in the camp."
"Wait...a sheep?" I asked, but the call has just ended.
When we walked from the camp's parking space we went by a pen with a sheep in it and I remembered Vani's remark when he made a call. The animal didn't have the stereotypically wooly fur of a sheep. Instead, its coat looked like that of a goat. Its helical horns were the only indication of its sheepness. A purple blotch stained one end of its horn.
"Why is there a sheep here?" Elangkasa commented.
The sheep ignored us as it munched on a pile of grass that had been provided for it.
"Any idea of what the purple stain on its horn is?" I asked.
"Gojid blood," Bolad said, his tone restrained.
The doctor ran away, prompting me and Elangkasa to chase after him. As I suspected, he went to the clinic. There we found a Vani wearing an apron with a purple smear on it. The venlil also had a pair of rubber gloves that covered up his right arm.
"Greetings." Vani removed the gloves one by one before depositing them in a biological waste receptacle.
To our left, we saw a gojid lying unconscious on one of the beds in the clinic, a bandage covering his thigh. He looked peaceful in his sleep and judging by Vani's behavior, he has taken care of everything in order.
"That is one of the farmers. Where are the other farmers." Bolad asked.
"They are back in their habitation units," Vani answered. "A bit shook from the encounter with the sheep."
As if sensing that their coordinator is back. A staff member appeared and joined us in the clinic. "Ah, there you are, coordinator." She said,
"Tell me from the beginning." Elangkasa demanded, "What happened at the farm?"
"The sight of animals in a farm was upsetting the farmers, so when they found our sheep pen... they decided to let the sheep out."
"Oh... and that bad boy down there gored this poor person," I said. "Why did you bring it here though?."
"We were preparing for the worst-case scenario..." the staff paused. "We thought we needed to... you know... secure the evidence?"
"Where... was Shehrab in all of this?" The gojid doctor asked.
"She tried to dissuade the farmers from approaching the sheep. I mean, look at those horns." The staff looked at Bolad. "Don't you have any wild herbivores at all on your planet? The way the farmer behaved doesn't seem like it."
"We have eliminated competition." The gojid replied. Just like Vani, it was hard to discern the actual emotion behind his speech.
Later that day, I sat in the lobby, and immersed myself in work, reviewing codes and preparing for the next day's meetings. The quiet hum of the air conditioning was the only sound in the room, and I was completely engrossed in my tasks. Suddenly, Bolad's voice booming through the loudspeaker interrupted my concentration.
"Everyone, the breaking of the fast is upon us. If you will, gather in the east pavilion. The humans brought with them a special kind of fruit."
When I arrived several gojid surrounded Elangkasa and a crate. The coordinator already wore thick gloves and they have a sheathed machete hanging from a belt on their hip. They brought their hands to the edge of the airtight crate, and when it was opened, the smell of durian began to permeate our surroundings.
"Is there something dead in the crate," said Vani.
If the gojids found the aroma disagreeable, they didn't show it. Elangkasa carefully lifted out a large, spiky fruit and set it on a table, while the gojids examined it.
"Oh I see why you mistook the statue of the mother protector as a durian," said Bolad. "It is edible is it not?"
"It's not only edible. It's yummy!" Elangkasa said.
"You humans eat those?" Vani asked.
"What's the matter, Vani?" asked Bolad. "It's just a fruit."
A realization dawned upon my venlil face. "You do not taste the fruit in the air, do you not?"
The gojid made an audible sniff. "It is a unique smell for certain, but not at all disagreeable. Does it smell terrible to you?"
"The worst."
Gojids either couldn't smell durian or their brain interpreted it as something not unpleasant. I suppose it makes sense that some aliens would have a different response to earth flora that they didn't evolve along with.
"Anyway, let's open it." The gojids flinched when Elangkasa unsheathed their machete.
"C'mon don't you people have fruit with tough shells too?" Said the coordinator.
"Yeah, we do," Bolad said. "They're just nervous seeing a predator wielding a weapon like that."
Elangkasa didn't respond to Bolad's comment. Instead, they deftly chopped into the durian and pried it open, revealing the delicious custardy flesh inside. They removed their gloves and with their bare hand, they took one of the durian pieces.
"Mind you, there's no way to eat this without looking civilized." the coordinator said as they removed the lower part of their helmet and began sucking on the piece of fruit.
Bolad hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. Gingerly, he took one of the pieces and felt it mush in his paw. The gojid brought the morsel to his maw and imitated Elangkasa's gesture, sucking on it tentatively.
"It is delightful!“
"I wanna try!" Dunyab the little gojid girl exclaimed.
"Dunyab, we don't even know if it's not poisonous." Her sister warned, ignoring the fact that Bolad had gone through one of the fruit pieces.
"I talked with my botanists and biologists. It is safe for gojid to eat." Said Elangkasa. The coordinator took a cell and gave it to the little gojid girl.
"Yaaaay" Dunyab took one of the fruits and nibbled on it.
"You should try it too, Shehrab." Elangkasa offered.
Bolad had taken his second cell and Shehrab carefully joined the two other gojid. She took a bite and her eyes lit up in surprise.
"This is tasty."
Anticipating the demand, Elangkasa wiped their hands clean and donned the glove again, ready to open up another durian. I looked at my venlil and he was transfixed watching the festivity in front of him.
"So... I take it you're not going to eat them?" I asked.
"Do you like this fruit too, Johan?"
"Uh... yeah kinda?" Another two gojids had joined in eating the durians.s I have a feeling that this fruit would be popular among them.
"Does it not smell odd to you?"
"Some humans perceive durians the way you do. But... I can tell the difference between durians and dead bodies. I guess... you can't distinguish it?"
"I love you Johan, but I rather kiss a mouth that has just consumed flesh than one that has eaten this foul fruit."
Okay, so no durian for me then.
Spiky fruit for spiky people.
submitted by YaaliAnnar to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2023.04.03 16:32 thelaboredclerk Avalanche Q1 Roundup 🔺

Avalanche Q1 Roundup 🔺

🌐 Important Links:
Getting Started on Avalanche (as a User + Developer)
Avalanche Explorer
Bug bounty program
Core Wallet (Ledger Compatible)
Developer Grants
Developer Docs


  • Avalanche is upgrading X-Chain to use Snowman++ Consensus Engine for faster development and broader innovation applications.
  • The X-Chain upgrade allows integration of Avalanche Warp Messaging and enables state syncing and exchange support.
  • The HyperSDK now supports AWM integration, allowing high performance of blockchain systems.
  • HyperSDK is the first framework for building high-performance Virtual Machines, and devnets will be deployed soon.

II. DeFi

III. Enterprise and institutions

IV. Gaming


VI. Infrastructure and Enablement

VII. Infrastructure and Enablement

submitted by thelaboredclerk to Avax [link] [comments]

2023.02.13 16:52 Chico237 #NIOCORP ~AIA’s Eric Fanning Cites Need for Government Investment to Secure US Critical Mineral Supply Chain by JANE EDWARDS, FEBRUARY 13, 2023~

#NIOCORP ~AIA’s Eric Fanning Cites Need for Government Investment to Secure US Critical Mineral Supply Chain by JANE EDWARDS, FEBRUARY 13, 2023~
#NIOCORP ~AIA’s Eric Fanning Cites Need for Government Investment to Secure US Critical Mineral Supply Chain by JANE EDWARDS, FEBRUARY 13, 2023~
Eric Fanning, president and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association and a previous Wash100 Award winner, highlighted the key role of government investment in ensuring the security of the U.S. critical mineral supply chain amid competition with China during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the state of the U.S. defense industrial base Wednesday.
“When you look at it from the lens of national security, it’s important for government and industry to work together and figure out what each needs to do. In this particular case, investment on the part of government to get that market and capability started so that the industry side then has a source it can turn to would be critically important because we’ve lost that capability,” Fanning told lawmakers.
He discussed how public-private partnerships could help augment the industry’s approach to addressing workforce challenges and Congress’ tendency to pass more continuing resolutions than on-time appropriations measures and its impact on the DIB.
Fanning, former secretary of the U.S. Army, told lawmakers that inflation and inconsistency push small businesses to exit the industrial base and that consolidation should not be blamed for the declining number of vendors doing business with the Department of Defense.
He noted that consolidation could enable large contractors to grow while providing small enterprises with access to capital, expertise, processes and workforce.
“I think the real thing to look at in the DIB is why is it so hard for new entrants to break in. The Department has always been difficult to work with for obvious and important reasons, but I think over time it’s becoming increasingly difficult,” Fanning said.
Fanning stated that the foreign military sales process must reflect a sense of urgency.
“There are a number of things we have to do. We have to streamline the process and change the presumption that’s built into the process from the start to the finish. It’s really going to take dedicated senior leader attention to make sure this moves through the process,” he told lawmakers.
Click on link below to view video:


Arlington, Va. (Feb. 10, 2023) – In case you missed it, this week the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) President and CEO Eric Fanning testified before the House Armed Services Committee in a hearing on the state of the defense industrial base. Here are six key takeaways from the hearing.

****SEE ALSO ~6 Key Takeaways from this Week’s Hearing on the DIB- (DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL BASE) ~ February 10, 2023 (ON HEARING BEFORE CONGRESS POSTED EARLIER)https://www.aia-aerospace.org/news/6-key-takeaways-from-this-weeks-hearing-on-the-dib

#1. The condition of today’s DIB isn’t because of the war in Ukraine, but years of spending decisions
“The condition of the industry today is not the result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but of successive decisions made over many years. Federal policy and investment in our national# defense can be summed up in two words: unpredictable and inconsistent. Over the last 25 years, Congress has passed more than 120 continuing resolutions, instead of on-time appropriations bills.”
#2. Government investment is key to securing critical mineral supply chain from China
“It took us years to get to where we are built on different policies with China. As we pivot and try to extricate ourselves, particularly on the national security side, it’s going to take time, shared effort, and a sense of urgency.
“When you look at it from the lens of national security, it’s important for government and industry to work together and figure out what each needs to do. In this particular case, investment on the part of government to get that market and capability started so that the industry side then has a source it can turn to would be critically important because we’ve lost that capability.”
#3. Strong public-private partnerships amplify industry’s creative approach to workforce challenges
“There is a lot that private industry does to try and make up the [skills] gap. We have a large aerospace company in Kansas that recruits off of farms because at least they’re thinking they’re finding people who know how to operate heavy machinery. They are in schools. They are doing their own apprenticeship programs. They are leaning far into this because of the problems the workforce has. When they find a willing partner at the state and local level, it just makes it that much more interesting. And you can see pockets around the country — Alabama, Colorado —where all the different stakeholders came together and had successes growing organic capability.”
#4. Inconsistency, inflation drive small businesses out of DIB
“That speaks to the inconsistency we have been talking about, particularly for small businesses in the defense industrial base, and now you have inflation on top of that. As we’ve discussed, the supply chain is not walled off from the industrial base, it’s shared. And in inflationary times, there’s all sorts of incentives to move to the commercial side. We have companies that are not getting deliveries from their suppliers, who are willing to pay the penalty on the defense side, because due to inflation they can get more even with the penalty by delivering either all or some of what they’re due to defense companies to a commercial client.”
#5. Challenges breaking into the DIB hurts potential new entrants more than consolidation
“I don’t think consolidation is what’s to blame for the shrinking number of companies doing business with the Department of Defense. If you look at non-defense companies doing business with the Department of Defense, that’s shrunk even more. Consolidation – at the prime level – was by design in the ‘90s when the Pentagon realized we aren’t going to be buying as much. Part of competition is having competitions, and the Department of Defense determined we have too many companies for what we’re going to be buying in the future and started the process of consolidation.
“Consolidation can be a very important tool for growth for large companies. It can be an important tool for small companies to access capital, to access workforce, processes, expertise, and so forth to continue to develop what it is that they’re growing. It’s an important part of every industry’s evolution. I think the real thing to look at in the DIB is why is it so hard for new entrants to break in. The Department has always been difficult to work with for obvious and important reasons, but I think over time it’s becoming increasingly difficult. As more technology is developed outside the Department, versus in the 1960s, it’s ever more important we find the way to let those new entrants in and grow the DIB with new entrants. That’s a part of what goes hat and hand with consolidation.”
#6. FMS process must reflect sense of urgency
“We are poised for peace — our sense of urgency, our processes, how we invest. We have to move dramatically away from that to a sense of urgency. The [foreign military sales] system is certainly part of that, and it’s only going to get worse. When we transition from giving things to Ukraine to selling things to Ukraine, it’s going to grind down to a very slow process when it goes through the foreign military sales system.
“There are a number of things we have to do. We have to streamline the process and change the presumption that’s built into the process from the start to the finish. It’s really going to take dedicated senior leader attention to make sure this moves through the process.”


Click on link above to hear opening statement:
Opening Statement

NIOCORP ~Overview of the Elk Creek Project~

Elk Creek Project - NioCorp Developments Ltd.
CAD Drawing of one of NioCorp’s planned surface facilities in the Elk Creek Critical Minerals Project.



NioCorp is developing North America’s only niobium / scandium / titanium advanced materials manufacturing facility co-located with an underground mine. Located near Elk Creek, Nebraska, this will be the highest grade niobium project in North America, as well as one of the largest prospective producers of scandium in the world.
Niobium is a relatively scarce metal and there are only three primary Niobium mines in the world today. But growing demand has created a global market value of >$5 billion. Niobium is considered so critical by the U.S. that it is one of a small handful of metals that the National Defense Stockpile purchases, according to DoD Strategic and Critical Materials reports.

What We Intend to Produce

According to NioCorp’s June 2022 Feasibility Study, the Elk Creek Project is expected to produce the following over its 38-year operating life:
Ferroniobium (FeNb): An average of 7,348 tonnes per annum (tpa) of ferroniobium, a crucial component in high strength, low-alloy (HSLA) steel that is increasingly used in bridges and other large infrastructure projects, as well as in high-pressure oil and gas pipelines, steel-chassis vehicles, commercial aviation, aerospace, defense systems, and in many other applications. Niobium also is a component of superalloys used in nearly all jet engines and power generation turbines.
Scandium Trioxide (Sc2O3): An average of 102 tpa of scandium trioxide. Scandium has important uses in environmentally preferred Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, as well as in ultra-high-performance aluminum alloys. Scandium greatly strengthens aluminum alloys and allows them to be reliably welded, which presents revolutionary potential for the commercial airline industry. For example, between $1.0-$1.5 million of scandium oxide in a single airliner offers $21-27 million in net present value fuel savings.
Titanium Dioxide (TiO2): An average of 12,063 tpa of titanium dioxide. Titanium has the highest strength-to-density ratio of any metallic element, and it is used in wide variety of sectors, including aerospace, national defense, chemical processing, desalination, automotive, health care, communications, sporting goods, and many others. Titanium in its oxide form also is used in the manufacture of pigments in paints, plastics and paper, and is a photocatalyst.
Form your own opinions & conclusions above:
Given: The 2023 Natioinal Defense act call out the need for stable U.S. Production & Processing of Niobium, Scandium, Titanium & Rare Earth Minerals! (Everything the ELK CREEK MINE WILL PRODUCE!)
"I would think given world events & the proven need of & future uses of these critical minerals, that entities are interested!" (Pending Finance)
Go Team Niocorp
submitted by Chico237 to NIOCORP_MINE [link] [comments]

2023.01.25 23:04 IsaaWo I made a new topster, please recommend music You can dm me too bc im bored and I want to talk about musisc

I made a new topster, please recommend music You can dm me too bc im bored and I want to talk about musisc submitted by IsaaWo to Topster [link] [comments]

2023.01.16 17:55 BlandDandelion Mihdyrda, Imperial Province of Yrdachai (Photoshop, Wilbur, Gimp and Blender)

Mihdyrda, Imperial Province of Yrdachai (Photoshop, Wilbur, Gimp and Blender) submitted by BlandDandelion to mapmaking [link] [comments]

2022.12.08 07:42 CakeAdventurous4620 mengapa berita selalu mengeluarkan cerita yang tidak bermutu.

mengapa berita selalu mengeluarkan cerita yang tidak bermutu. submitted by CakeAdventurous4620 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2022.11.27 16:46 almostrainman Boks Vs r(d)ose

If any of you want videos of me watching a test match while suffering from accute gastritis... My wife has some. The two tests we win I am either at a wedding or my stomache has napalmed itself.
I will tell you what did not hurt. Boknaai' ing the poms in their own home. EJ always says rugby wins, well Bokrugby did ed.
The good: Frans fucking Malherbe. You are my skaap tjop hero. By the power of lamb, hunting and redwine he just owns the scrum and that goes for all of our forwards. We were just dominant. That South African aggresiveness. Jiss I love it
And they deserved it. Because EdDiE wanted to BoMbSqUaD and instead got foking BombSquaded by the pro's. You can challenge alot of things, but if you challenge a saffa, expect to get his full force.
Target the scrums ? Go for it. Defuse our aerial game? We will run it at you. And boy did we have some nice runs. Say what you want about DDA but that man carries. Good work bu Manie when he came on. I much prefer a steady flyhalf than flash in the pan.
DW though. Extra man. Just so extra.
Arendse sneakily gives him half a second and a bit of space and he finds it. Immidiately Arendse links up with WLR on the inside. He makes a pass that is so little forward it is barely noticable but cannot be called flat. WLR sees the opportunity for Arendse, dummies very long before to make the defender bite and then passes.
KLA is much smaller than Kolbe so he runs straight at Smith and he waits it perfectly with the slightest step, his hips being narrower, harder to read. Then just flies it in. Champagne is I ever saw it.
We came out ans made a statement. And more importantly, another loosing streak is broken. Won against Aus in Aus, won against Eng at Twicks, biggest score against NZ...
Stuff is happening manne.
Our D was also quite good.only conceded a try in broken play and they worked for it.
Faf is also quickly playing himself back into 9. I think he was distracted earlier the year with his wedding coming up and the transfer to japan hence he might not have been his best but man is he bringing the good stuff back.
Our forwards are also playing some sneaky moves. That quickball to the fake maul to kolisi. Chef's kiss. There is alot of variety coming out and after the last two matches, I can see something.(explanation below)
The meh: our backline did not re invent but rather played through physical dominance. We did not play flashy but also we did not need to.
I would have liked to see more double runs but Eng defence did shut us down quite well. We conceded some dumb penalties and we definitely need to change our plan with refs. Let siya talk. You just play the game and maybe give nic white kak.
We also missed some kicks but right now europe is tricky to kick in. We should invest in designated kickers though. Manie and Pollie when he is fit again.
We also need to integrate mapimpi into the plan. He is not as agile but man is hard and fast. Need to find a way to give him space.
Bad:We need to sort out our broken play defence. NZ lives of it and so does france(they worry me) . we must defend open play alot better.
Thomas was just stupid. He should not have done that. And it is also things like that that keep players out of the green and gold. If that was RWC match, eng would have had a massive boost.
Other than that, I think we did pretty well. The ref blew well and what I likes was the balance between flow and law application.
Explanation as promised: I think RasNaber wanted to see how we would do against Ire and Fra. Play for the win with some slight changes but no massive revelation. Yet. Ita and Eng, go for the throat. We built depth, built new foundations and know what he have. Amd everyone knows, we are not a write off.
Now we know. What to keep, what to tweak and what to grow. RWC23 is gonna be very very tight.
As always, my thoughts. Feel free to comment below...
Edit 1: we have some nice bromances in the boks and a squad who is diverse and strong and playing for one another. That is massive and very happy making.
Edit 2: Franco and siya are massive. Roos was good but needs to learn to check your temper.
submitted by almostrainman to springboks [link] [comments]

2022.10.27 09:54 AlexMachine 2x incoming - 1460 Abruzzo.

2x incoming - 1460 Abruzzo. submitted by AlexMachine to DrMartens [link] [comments]
