Example pysch client notes

Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

2010.09.09 16:30 Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet

Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks. With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank.

2013.09.26 07:02 Victoriawilson35 Help for Writers

For any/all writers that may be in need of help and any/all writers willing to provide help. Encouraged content includes writing tips, tricks, & advice; supportive/motivational self-posts; common writing mistakes & how to fix them; critique requests; discussion posts about writing conventions, styles, & experience.

2024.05.14 09:56 LynnWalton [Get] Paul Ross – Secrets Of Subtle Sales Mastery Deluxe Download

[Get] Paul Ross – Secrets Of Subtle Sales Mastery Deluxe Download



Part #1:The Subtle Art Of Superior Mindset – How To Conquer Self-Sabotage, Blast Past Old Limiting Beliefs, And Show Up Aligned And Ready To Win!

Have you ever felt that, no matter how sincerely you consciously wanted to win, another part of you was holding you back?
When it comes to selling, have you ever had what seemed to start out as a really good day where you were performing at your best, only to then find yourself backsliding into old, stuck patterns that made you wind up feeling defeated?
In short, have you ever had those days where despite all your “positive thinking”, pumping yourself up, and getting into peak states, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on made you drop the ball at the one-yard line?
Well, you can kiss those days goodbye forever, using the proven and powerful methods in this section that will teach you:
  • A simple, 3-word phrase that 100% defuses and erases any and all limiting beliefs (I know this seems an impossible, even BAT-SH*T crazy claim, but once you put this into use and see how powerful it truly is, you’ll be thankful you allowed yourself to believe me)
  • How to avoid the ONE word that will guarantee you keep reprogramming yourself for failure – and what to replace it with instead
  • Secrets of “Ownership Language” – these three words will supercharge your motivation and keep you in unstoppable motion
  • The RFM Principle – how to use the “operating system” of the unconscious mind to ensure you show up congruent, aligned, and fully ready to win
  • And a lot more in perhaps the most innovative, original, and completely revolutionary part of this training

Part #2:Foundations For Your Fortune: The 4 Gold-Key Secrets That Power Your Subtle Selling $uper Succe$$

Listen: I’m first to admit, this training will give you word-for-word, fully-fleshed-out phrases and “mini-scripts” you can immediately use to see your cash flow take some nice jumps.
But, as with any set of tools, if you know what they are designed to do, their power and precision increases exponentially.
That’s why this section of your training is crucial.
In it, you’ll learn:
  • No matter what your industry or profession, you are ALWAYS selling first, and what it will cost you if you don’t
  • How to conquer the one “kill-the-sale” obstacle you must overcome if you really want to crush your numbers
  • No, it’s NOT lack of rapport, or “know, like, and trust”, or any of the traditional bullcrap explanations
  • The two top questions you must ask yourself before every pitch, presentation, or meeting that will wildly increase your odds of making the sale, before you even open your mouth (I know, I know: this one sounds especially batBLEEP crazy, but once you get this, it will bring you a massive increase in your sales)
  • The jaw-dropping secret to get your prospect to feel instantly understood, respected, and eager to be led, without you stating a single fact, specific, or data point about your product or service

Part #3:How To Double Or Triple The Effectiveness And Bottom Line Results Of Your Sales Presentations (Across Any Platform)

Here’s where the rubber really hits the road as I present the “building block” tools and word for word, “mini-scripts” that will powerfully get your prospects to convince themselves to buy so you close your deals in record time at record numbers!
You’ll learn:
  • How to leverage a simple 3-word phrase that unconsciously triggers your prospects to “impulse buy” even when you are moving high-ticket products and services (Hint: you do this to yourself every time you fall in love or find yourself reaching for that refrigerator door without even knowing you’re doing it. What, oh what could it be????)
  • Two simple tools that awaken your prospect’s child-like desire to believe you, BEFORE you give any facts, figures, or numbers
  • How To “pre-seed” your prospects for a friction-free close in the first 5 minutes of your conversation
  • And a hell of a lot more in this mind-blowing section that will leave you reeling!

Part #4:The Subtle Art Of Smashing Objections: How To Increase Your Sales And Closings By Up To An Additional 15-20% With The Power Of Verbal “Jiu-Jitsu”

For many of us in sales, objections can be a last minute, even shocking “deal killer”.
You’ve established rapport.
You’ve asked your qualifying questions.
You’ve done your presentation of your “marketing plan” and think you’ve got it all wrapped.
Then, suddenly, like a (metaphor) the client/prospect/customer whips out that BS excuse, smokescreen, or stall.
In this section of your training, I’m going to teach you how to verbally “flip” that stuff on its head and get your prospects to powerfully talk themselves out of their objections.
In essence, you’ll be able to instantly transmute the reason they state they can’t buy – into the reason they MUST buy.
(Truly, this is by far the most fun section of the training – many of my students report they have to bite their cheeks from laughing when they see this stuff working in the real world.)
You will learn:
  • When and how you MUST break rapport, and even shock your prospect past their objections
  • How to use counter-examples to create virtual objection amnesia – by far the most fun of all the fun methods this section teaches
  • How to use “Illusion Of Agreement” to devastate the “I’ve Got To Talk To My Spouse” objection
  • How to use “Meaning Reframes” to transform “Fee Negotiators” into willing clients who pay you what you’re worth
  • And much, much more in this power-packed, super-enjoyable section that will turn you into an objection crushing machine!
  • https://coursesup.co/download/get-paul-ross-secrets-of-subtle-sales-mastery-deluxe-download/
submitted by LynnWalton to u/LynnWalton [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:55 Goldy_932 Which setup is gonna perform better?

Hi, so my fiancee is a big sims4 fan and has been playing for years. She doesn't own her own computer so in the beginning I setup an old laptop of mine for her which run the game terribly (obviously) but it did the job. Now I recently got a new laptop and I'm planning on upgrading my own computer. She's currently playing on the new laptop and I was wondering which is going to perform better once I upgrade and give her my old computer: the computer or the laptop. Their specs are kinda wierd which is why it's confusing to me when you factor in all the mods. I know for example that skyrim requires a lot of processing power when you add mods but less RAM but I've read sims does the opposite ? I don't know since I don't play the game which is why this post exists.
My PC specs: - Ryzen 5 5600x - RTX 1080 - 32GB DDR4 clocked at 3200
My new Laptop: - Ryzen 7-7840HS - RTX 4060 - 16 GB DDR5 clocked at 5600
I know that obviously the laptop is much more heavy duty but my confusion is with the RAM. the laptop has less RAM but almost double the speed but the Desktop has double the size of the laptop's RAM.
I don't wanna give her a computer that performs worse than the laptop(if it does I'll upgrade that too) can anyone with technical knowledge help ?
Note: the mods she usually uses (to my understanding) are furniture houses and customizations options for characters (I think).
submitted by Goldy_932 to Sims4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:51 kontolohot Example of web security metric's document

I've been trying to find a real-life example of web security metric's document that is created after a security assessment is conducted. When I tried to search about it online, what's showing up is research papers or web articles, none of which gave me an example document. What I want to see and learn is some kind of a pdf document that a security analyst provides to client, consisting things like: all of the vulnerabilities found, scores, risks, etc, and most importantly the "security metrics".
Basically I'm not clear as to what kind of metric or what kind of report do I need to provide for it to be qualified to be called as security metrics.
I hope you would kindly share a document or draft about this topic that you personally have, or just give me a suggestion on what keywords should I use to search this.
Your help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by kontolohot to websecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:49 TheHBombIsAlwaysOn LF: PoGo stamped from tracker WITH A TWIST// FT: See pics + description

LF: PoGo stamped from tracker WITH A TWIST// FT: See pics + description
Looking for Pokémon Go stamped shinies still missing off my tracker.
SO, THE TWIST - I already have a living shiny Dex in HOME, but because I'm a sucker for punishment, I'm trying to improve it.
I'm trying to convert it over to a "self caught or PoGo stamped" living shiny Dex instead.
As a result of this, I already have EVERY shiny (minus shiny locked stuff).
This means, if you have a Pokémon Go stamped pokemon from my tracker, I can offer you a "like for like", AS WELL AS SOMETHING FROM THESE PICS.
You've got a shiny PoGo stamped Zapdos? I can offer you the shiny Zapdos from my living dex PLUS something from these pics. You don't lose the shiny from your own collection and you get something else out of it, and I get a PoGo stamped shiny that I need.
NOTE - I have made every attempt to remove obvious Genned shinies from my own living Dex, but tell me what you have to offer and I will supply a picture of it.
2ND NOTE - the last pic is shinies reserved for shiny legendary offers. I won't trade a like for like for a Starmie, as well as a shiny Groudon as the extra for example.
3RD NOTE - I'm happy to offer multiple extras for higher value PoGo shinies. Eg shiny PoGo Deoxys/Celebi and the like.
IF YOU WANT A "LIKE FOR LIKE" TRADE, PLEASE PUT "L4L" + the extra you want in your comment. Thank you.
Got that all? Cool. Here's my pics explained - NOTHING IM OFFERING TODAY IS POGO STAMPED.
  • Pic 1 to 9 - Self caught shinies. Various games (SS/SwSh/PLA/SV)
  • Pic 10 to 13 - NOT my OT shinies. All look fine.
  • Pic 14 - GENNED shinies. These are NOT highly valued to me. Happy to offer these as extras on any offer.
  • Pic 15 - Spare shiny legendaries. Only available on other shiny legendary offers.
submitted by TheHBombIsAlwaysOn to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:42 adondshilt Effective means of ensuring your college grades soar

Effective means of ensuring your college grades soar
Soaring grades in college isn't just about luck - it's about strategic studying and maximizing your learning potential. Here are some key tactics to propel your academic success:
  • Master the Material: Don't just memorize! Actively engage with the course content. Take detailed notes in class, focusing on key points and professor explanations. Read assigned materials thoroughly, underline important concepts, and jot down questions.
  • Befriend the Professor: Professors are a goldmine of knowledge and clarification. Attend office hours regularly to discuss concepts you find challenging, ask questions about assignments, and gain insights into exam expectations.
  • Form a Study Group: Find classmates with similar learning styles and goals. Brainstorm ideas together, create study guides, and quiz each other. Group discussions can solidify understanding and identify areas needing additional focus.
  • Plan and Prioritize: Develop a weekly schedule that allocates dedicated study time for each course. Factor in assignment deadlines, exams, and personal commitments. Utilize tools like planners or digital calendars to stay organized and avoid last-minute scrambling.
  • Embrace Active Learning: Move beyond passive reading. Rewrite notes in your own words, create concept maps, or use flashcards to solidify knowledge. Practice applying concepts through exercises or real-world examples.
  • Seek Additional Resources: Don't hesitate to utilize campus resources! Visit the writing center for assistance with essays, or explore tutoring services for subjects proving tricky. Many libraries offer workshops on study skills and time management.
  • Take Care of Yourself: A healthy mind thrives in a healthy body. Prioritize quality sleep, eat nutritious meals, and schedule regular exercise breaks. A well-rested and energized you will have better focus and retention.
Remember, high grades are within reach! [By implementing these strategies](compliantpapers.com) and tailoring them to your learning style, you can turn your academic journey into a soaring success story.
submitted by adondshilt to Compliant_papers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:36 Khorde__the__Husk BattlePostings Game Rules

i like Warhammer 40k, but 40k doesnt afford you the abilty to let you play your own custom character or faction if it isnt up to certain specs in tournaments(lore strict rules). and running an army battle in dungeons and dragons is overly complicated unless you ignore a bunch of rolls and rules.
i propose a blend of both. who's cannon takes place in the cosmos of perspective.
(you make your own faction cannon. )
each unit type has user generated has one data sheet, each named character you have would have their own data sheet.
the models can be 3-D printed or kitbashed, but they must be at 1/36 scale. essentially one infantry= one of those cheap plastic army men standing at 5 cm tall.
from here, this was typed up before today, by a few months. there is no campaign.
but i would imagine a new fandom in table top roleplay would be born regardless
A tabletop rpg for diy, model painting, kit bashing, 3-DPrinting, and plastic army battling enthusiasts.
all parts of this game are user generated, with the exception of the rules. Though u/Khorde__the__Husk sent this to a bunch of redditors for help in balancing the game and setting up basic play structure.
Things to note:
· You must have one “advisor” per two warlords in the session. Advisors, act as the game master to make sure no one is cheating. If there is confusion on what kind of weapon a unit has in their hands or equipped to their armor, the Advisor has final say. The advisor is supposed to keep the game fair.
· In theory you could have as many players as you want, but no more than four is recommended because turns consist of multiple phases that are meant to organize the battle strategy for each player.
· Players are encouraged to kit bash, 3-D print, or purchase traditional plastic army men. For the sake of scaling, follow the scaling of the image below. But you must have your own general. It is recommended that your general be unique, make it yours. Have fun.
· Players can make their own campaigns and lore. Such attempts are encouraged. For the purposes of release, you can follow the campaign I have written.
· For any session, you will need a handwritten or typed general’s reference stats Dossier, 1D20, tape measure, and an army of which you will fight with. (painted)
· When rolling on a check, higher is always better. 20 is always a success
· Your armies stats are fixed and defined in this document. Your general’s stats are dictated by the roll of a 1d20. These stats are:
o morale
o Movement speed
o Accuracy
o Health points
o Punch
· Turns are split into phases.
o bombardment
o Movement
o Attack/counter attack
· The different types of units are:
o Infantry
o Armor
o Airborne

· We play at a 1/36 scale. All models are at that scale.
make your own terrain and cover. kitbashing, 3-D printing encouraged. terrain is the battleground, the floor the pieces and obstacles stand on. obsticles can be anything. debris, nature, etc. obstacles are cover. if an attacking piece can see the defending piece in its entirety, the defending piece is in the open. if the defending piece is partially seen by the attacking
· Ability checks logic below:
20=crit hit/sucsess
1=jam(gun)/woopsie(melee)/crit fail
To succeed , a unit must roll their combined ability score. This is their base ability +general ability. Debuffs such as kickback only are applied to whatever you rolled when you roll for an ability check.
Regardless, the fundamental rules of this game will apply to your creations. these are an assortment of rules designed to keep the game fair and guard against unfair players(referred to as God-Emperors or God-empresses) and hopefully combat power creep.
Now lets expand upon these ideas so you can have fun kit-bashing and army smashing quicker.
GENERAL’S (named character) STAT DOSSIER
Your army’s stats are based on your general’s stat Dossier. The leader of a nation is oft a good indication of how high of a quality their army’s going to be.
The first thing you should write is your general’s name, then write their bio. Their bio includes their background, their homeland, what politics are involved (if any). It is not recommended that you write a novel, you have a game to play. What are the weapons that your general will have on their person? What are their character traits? How will those traits affect how the game is played?
The next thing to do is to make a picture of your General that resembles the piece you kit-bashed for your general to be. It can be menacing, wholesome, serious or whacky. As long as the design choices resemble what your army has for their design and your general’s character traits. It doesn’t have to be hand drawn. A photo of your piece will suffice. no general may have a skill number higher than 16.
what good is a king without a kingdom?
each type of unit gets one ARMY STAT DOSSIER. you can have as many scout infantry you want, but you need a dossier on how they are deployed, what weapons they use, and most importantly, THEIR STATS. make sure your unit type description is comprehensive including what styles of combat they are trained for. this could influence your decisions on how you play. give them lore for shits and giggles. no unit may have a skill number higher than 15.
this is the list of weapon types and their ability modifiers.
when attacking bare handed, you go by your unmodified stats.
Now comes the part with the dice. You only need 1d20. This is to reduce the confusion.
· Morale
Rolled by 1d20, checked by 1d20 per unit.
Morale is basically moral law. How far will your troops go to follow your orders? If your morale over a given unit is 1, the unit in question is shell shocked for one whole turn, to be marked with a yellow slip. If your unit is shell shocked, it is traumatized to where it cant follow any orders on the next turn. If for some reason the morale hits 0, that unit defects and must be marked with a red token. Units that defect are now under control of your enemy. If defected units hit 0 authority again, it simply dies. Suicide. Cowards way out.
The Morale that your general has over friendly units is base unit morale +the general’s modifier. Your general’s base Morale is the number you rolled the 1d20 for. If for any reason your general’s morale score goes below 0, the general must rally all nearby troops (within 30cm) to protect the general for one turn on the next turn. If your general’s morale hits zero, you get shell shocked, and your general cannot take action for one turn and if your general was within line of sight of any other allied unit, the observing unit cannot take action either.
· Movement Speed
Rolled by 1d20, measured by cm on a measuring tape or meter stick because inches suck.
Movement speed is how much ground a given unit can cover. Unless your object has a punch score higher than the hp of an obstacle, or can fly, you will have to go around the obstacle. There are exceptions. If the obstacle is below the knee of an infantry unit, the infantry or whatever can climb over at the cost of the individual unit climbing modifier.
The base movement speed of your general influences the movement speed of your troops. To find a troops total movement speed:
Your unit’s base movement speed + your general’s base movement speed = total troop movement speed. See army stat dossier or named character stat dossier.

· Accuracy
Rolled by a 1d20, checked by 1d20 per unit
Accuracy must be rolled every time a unit attacks an enemy unit.
Accuracy is basically the chance of your selected troop hitting their targets. Different weapons and vehicles have different accuracy modifiers(aka kickback or x-range), and different types of troops have different base accuracies. Accuracy can affect enemy/friendly Health points or morale. If a shot hits near enough to a troop, or makes a kill close enough to another troop, the troops affected must undergo a morale check with the exception to nearby friendlies of any troop who gets an enemy kill.
Explosives and artillery have an area of effect. any troop within the inner blast radius (with the exception of troops behind sufficient cover) is dead. Any in sufficient cover, or within the outer blast radius must make a morale check. Sufficient cover is a piece of the environment which has an assigned hp that is higher than the punch of an explosion.

Small arms fire requires line of sight for targeting. The path of bullets is a straight line, keep this in mind when deciding collateral damage. Friendly fire is a thing and it is a war-crime. If you want to play nightmare mode, your general gets summoned to a military court tribunal and executed if three friendly troops or more die as a result of friendly fire that occurred by your command.

Melee combat can only be conducted during movement phases. If its melee vs gun there is the variable of line of sight. If the melee unit is within line of sight, the gun unit has advantage. If the melee unit is outside of line of sight of the gun unit, the melee unit has advantage.
To find your troop’s accuracy:
general’s base accuracy+ troop base accuracy- kickback. The higher the accuracy the better.

· Punch
Punch is how much damage a unit causes to another unit or object should they pass their accuracy check. Different weapons pack a different punch. Remember to add their bonus to the punch check roll.
When attacking an obstacle or object, units must roll against the hp of the object. If the roll lands on a number that meets or beats the hp, the object or obstacle is destroyed.(marked with red sticky note and can be traversed as if the object was destroyed. Bullets pass thru within reasonable trajectories, no ricochet)
When attacking units, whatever is rolled is subtracted from the victim’s hp. The victim can only move at half of their normal movement speed afterward.(treaded, wheeled, and airborne vehicles excluded from the debuff even if they are hit. They are treated as obstacles with the addition of the passed accuracy check requirement.)
· Health points(hp)
Health points are what determines how close your units or general is to kicking the bucket. In any game mode, If your general kicks the bucket, you lose. If you have no units other than your general, you lose and your general must go into hiding. each unit and general may have no more than 10hp. powercreep is bad
Unit Classes are determined by how big the individual unit is, and how it traverses the battlefield. The smallest and most common all the way to the biggest and most intimidating of units are all fit into several categories by what they look like. To solve disagreements on what class your unit is, the advisor has final say. Disagreements should be easy to avoid if you design your units properly. It would be useful to stick to a theme. Candy punk, steampunk, horror, medieval, sci-fi, and historical designs are all fine, you could even come up with your own. A theme will be better for discerning friendlies from you enemies. At the same time, make your units discernable enough that players and especially advisors can easily determine what classes your units are.
· Your general/warlord, whatchacallit
Your general is the most valuable unit because it is what you have to control your forces. Without a wise and strategic leader, your forces will fall into disarray and you will lose the war. You can only have one general, and you made it yours. Kitbashing and 3D printing would likely be your most common means of gaining a general. They must take resemblance of the general on your general stat dossier they can swim in water terrain for two turns before they drown.
· Infantry
The easiest to acquire and kit bash. This allows for vast hordes of infantry, or small fireteams, or something in between. Find your play style. Your infantry should be as tall as the plastic green army men in the image below. These men and women are the bravest of them all.
they can swim in water terrain for two turns before they drown.
· Armor
Mainly made up of vehicles and smaller mechanical suits, must be land based. Expect tanks, jeeps ,Humvees, calvary mounted animals etc. here is an image I ripped for scale as to the largest example of armor you can have. Not my drawing. Its basically the largest tank ever built replace the man in the image with one infantry and you have your scale. Or 0.283333333 m* 0.283333333 m *0.5m
these machines will break down in water terrain.
· Airborne
Airborne units can only fly. They can drop bombs, airdrop armotroops, and attack up to one target per gun that the aircraft is equipped with(within range) as they move. Their biggest weakness is anti-aircraft weaponry and enemy aircraft weapons. How big can an aircraft be?
2.44 meters. X 2.44 meters by 0.60 meters is your maximum for all airborne units.
any airborne that fly like a plane have a +4 to their movement stat but can only bomb ground units 15 cm in front and attack any unit that is in front of it
anything that flies like a helicopter does not have this buff or debuff, they can shoot at any target, but can only use missiles for up to 15 cm on ground units.
Naval vehicles can be big or small, but they can only operate in the designated water terrain area. they can carry troops, they can fire artillery, depth charges, missiles, torpedoes, and submarines can hide below water for three turns before air runs out. but they can be spotted by sonar. if a submerged vessel is within 10 cm of an enemy surface or submarine vessel, the enemy vessel can act as if they know where the submerged vessel is even if the submerged vessel is still submerged.
· B.A.M. ‘s
Big Ass Machines are basically giant robots and massive land ships. These can be Game breaking depending on how you build them and how big you build them. They can fire upon one target per weapon. how big Can these be? They cannot be more than 1.5 meters tall or take up a ground area larger than 4 meters. Players are not allowed to use functioning motor vehicles including, but not limited to cars, trucks, busses, etc. rule of thumb, if you can ride it, you can’t play it. It might as well be just fan art. The maximum distance these can move at any time is 2000cm. to move these, they must make a special movement check. War machines of that size can get stuck easily, so subtract your general’s movement speed from your final roll on each check. If they are larger than the specified limits, you’ve built a giant immobilized obstacle for one turn.
Mobile terrain essentially is a whole battlefield or obstacle of its own. The biggest difference is that anything other than B.A.M. compatible units that are attached to the B.A.M'S can’t be removed from the B.A.M.'S. Artillery such as main guns can’t move, only rotate. same with S.A.M.S. , C.R.A.M.S., and anti aircraft weaponry.

Guns and RE’S(ranged explosives)Require a reload period(one full turn) every so often. Dual wield is an ability that is only applicable to infantry equipment . dual wield only applies when two identical weapons are in both hands of a single unit. Range is how far a weapon can fire before a debuff is added to your accuracy roll. For every 10 cm beyond the stated range, an x-range debuff of -1 is added.
Overheat can only occur on weapons that are labeled with overheat. Every time a gun with overheat is about to fire , a coin must be tossed. If the coin lands on heads, the gun overheats. Overheating will cause the unit to explode. The explosion will deal 1d20 damage to anyone/anything within a 6 cm radius. You only need to roll once.
Cone is a special debuff. Weapons with cone Can only fire at sequential targets within 25 degrees of original target.
im having trouble with deciding the individual weapon stats. so ive decided that i am going to leave those up to you. (the moment i hear people are getting into fights IRL, i will be putting in an elaboration which will settle all disputes regarding equipment and artillery... and i wont be happy about it.)
players are encouraged to record their battles in battle reports and post it online in their relevant subreddits. if they win/lose, then the player is encouraged to come up with a lore reason for any change in tactics, named characters(generals), or stats.
an army is considered overpowered if they can take out all opponents in as little as 10 turns. they must be nerfed if this happens. dont forget to add a lore reason for this occurrence in the battle report.
unlike overpowered, underpowered armies can be taken out in 10 turns. they must be buffed if this happens. dont forget to add a lore reason for this occurrence in the battle report.
this is sci-fantasy/high fantasy, battles are supposed to be epic and economically exaggerated.
write the name of the weapon, the type of weapon.(melee or gun) and its accuracy and punch modifiers.(bare hands is melee and equal to. magic is gun)
spells must be vetted in good faith by advisors prior to the game to prevent game breakage. spells may not kill units or generals in one blow. spells effects can only last one turn unless its a healing spell. healing spells cannot heal more than 5 health points at a time per unit. write out the spells you have for your units and have them vetted by an advisor, advisor will determine gamebreakability of the spell. if spell is determined to be game breaking, mid game, the advisor will have the offending spell removed and the turn undone. at wich point the offending player effectively must alter their strategy in the spirit of good sportsmanship.) There are three approved arcane focuses, wands, staves, and hand casting, (one must not make them look like the caster is going to punch something, have them hold an orb or something.)
(the moment i hear that people get into IRL fights over spells, i will make a list of approved spells and a LONG LIST of forbidden spells. and no one will be happy. )
Dont be a dick, be a good sport, and have fun.breaking thegame intentionally is a dick move. advisors are encouraged to post their reports of game breaking spells so it may help me in the event Khorde__the__Husk has to revise the rules.
submitted by Khorde__the__Husk to Battlepostings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:35 winsoftech_11 The Role of Technology in Streamlining Brokerage Payout Reconciliation

In the fast-paced world of finance, brokerage firms face numerous challenges, one of the most critical being the accurate and timely reconciliation of brokerage payouts. The process of matching payouts to their respective transactions can be cumbersome, error-prone, and time-consuming when done manually. However, with the advent of advanced technologies, the landscape is changing. More and more firms are now turning to technological solutions to streamline their payout reconciliation processes, thereby enhancing accuracy, efficiency, and client satisfaction.

Understanding Brokerage Payout Reconciliation

Brokerage payout reconciliation involves verifying that the payments made to brokers for their services align with the agreed-upon transactions and commissions. This process ensures that there are no discrepancies between what is owed and what is paid, safeguarding against financial loss and maintaining transparency, which is crucial for building trust with clients and maintaining regulatory compliance.

The Technological Advantage

Technology plays a pivotal role in modernizing the payout reconciliation process. By automating the reconciliation tasks, technology helps reduce human error and significantly speeds up the process. Key technological advancements that have transformed payout reconciliation include:

Automated Matching Systems

These systems automatically compare broker payouts against transaction records, quickly identifying mismatches and discrepancies. This not only speeds up the reconciliation process but also reduces the likelihood of errors.

Real-Time Data Processing

Modern systems process data in real time, providing immediate feedback and allowing for quick corrections. This is crucial in a dynamic environment where transaction volumes are high, and speed is of the essence.

Advanced Analytics

Technology enables firms to use analytics to gain insights into payout patterns, identify potential issues before they become problematic, and optimize payout structures based on empirical data.

Cloud-Based Solutions

With cloud technology, brokerage firms can ensure that their payout reconciliation processes are scalable and accessible from anywhere, providing flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt to changing market conditions.

Winsoft's SmartPayout: A Case in Point

A prime example of technological innovation in this area is Winsoft's SmartPayout. This automated Brokerage Payout Reconciliation Solution is designed specifically for Asset Management Companies. It ensures accurate reconciliation at the transaction level for distributors, handling brokerage payouts across different broker categories and commission types.
By automating the reconciliation process, SmartPayout not only minimizes errors but also frees up valuable resources, allowing firms to focus more on strategic activities rather than routine operational tasks.

The Broader Impact of Technology on Financial Operations

The integration of technology in financial processes like brokerage payout reconciliation represents a broader trend toward digital transformation in the banking and financial sectors. Winsoft, with its suite of solutions, including SmartPayout, is at the forefront of this transformation. The company offers a range of banking and financial solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of modern financial institutions. Whether it’s improving operational efficiencies, enhancing customer service, or ensuring compliance with regulations, Winsoft’s technologies pave the way for a more streamlined, efficient, and transparent financial landscape.
The role of technology in streamlining brokerage payout reconciliation cannot be overstated. As financial markets continue to evolve and grow more complex, the need for robust, scalable, and efficient technological solutions like those provided by Winsoft will only become more critical. By embracing these technologies, brokerage firms can ensure accuracy, enhance efficiency, and maintain the trust of their clients, all while staying competitive in a fast-evolving industry.
In the fast-paced world of finance, brokerage firms face numerous challenges, one of the most critical being the accurate and timely reconciliation of brokerage payouts. The process of matching payouts to their respective transactions can be cumbersome, error-prone, and time-consuming when done manually. However, with the advent of advanced technologies, the landscape is changing. More and more firms are now turning to technological solutions to streamline their payout reconciliation processes, thereby enhancing accuracy, efficiency, and client satisfaction.

Understanding Brokerage Payout Reconciliation

submitted by winsoftech_11 to u/winsoftech_11 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:28 shaancodes Suggest some online payment gateways for large transactions

I am trying to develop a B2B ecommerce project for a client. I need the project to be able to handle large amounts of payments. I know of stripe and razorpay etc but I am unaware if they support large transactions (for example 1 Lakh+). Also, is there a way to accept payment directly through banks through bank APIs, if they provide any??
Please help me out here. Fellow Indian developer here!
Edit: I saw SBI API docs and they say they provide bulk payment initiations.
submitted by shaancodes to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 BestSlowbroEU Hoping for help and opinions comparing Farsight to Commanders when leading Starscythes ..

Please bear in mind that these thoughts really only apply to RetCa Starscythe units, I just can't really explain that in a title!
This is because I think the comparison might be a bit more complicated than most people seem to realise due to the fact Farsight can use 'The Arro'kon Protocol' on his unit every turn, for free. To save you looking it up in case you can't remember;
"Until the end of the [shooting] phase, each time a model in your [battlesuit] unit makes an attack that targets an enemy unit that contains 6 or more models, that attack has the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability. If that attack targets an enemy unit that contains 11 or more models, it has the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability instead."
Alright, cool. Weirdly, my first thought wasn't Starscythes but in fact Fireknives because they like firing into big, healthy units and they get rerolls so you're gonna hit a lot of shots pretty reliably. Seemed to make sense but after some pondering I decided that too much of the appeal of Fireknives is their 'mid-strength weapon' versatility. They can play a bit of the resource management efficiency game with the 30" range and rerolls but if the moment calls for it, you can zip up into Bonded Heroes range and lay down some slightly higher than expected damage. Or fire up the Starflare Ignition System and peace out to the backline to cause trouble. To me that sounds a lot more fun and probably actually better than fishing for 6s while Farsight spends his time popping his stratagem repeatedly, waving his sword around a bit and turn by turn, slowly losing his erection.
Ok but Farsight of course enjoys his time amongst the new frontlining Starscythes so the original point of this post was to think about whether a 235pt burst cannon unit pumping out 24 S6AP-2 sus2 +1 to wound, rerolling all the 1s can compare to what the commanders offer. I'll exclude drones because I have to because I'm not that smart.
Assuming S. Suits are helping I think you average about 27 hits and you're gonna be wounding anything up to T5 on 2s, rerolling the 1s. Ok. Seems pretty good to me. Asking kindly for a 10man+leader unit to take 25 AP-2 saves sounds like something I'd enjoy. Good chance they fail 16 and they don't like it. And it's still 15-16 wounds on a 6man T6 unit which at AP-2 will often mean 3 dead chunky 3W models and sometimes 4.
Ok now imagine a (260pts) Coldstar-led team zooming across the battlefield to get within 6", dropping a few mortals on a few heads on the way over. It's nice to think about. I'm just gonna go with flamers because I think the overwatch threat is substantial enough when you're up close to justify them so 9 flamers is gonna be 31ish hits with S5 AP-2. If you're rich enough in observer units to guide with S. Suits you might earn an extra 3 wounds here vs T3/4 but for me part of the appeal of the flamers is that you can put a marker drone on the Shas'vre/Commander and spot during the turns you're usually wishing you didn't have to engage all of your spotters in frantic, sacrificial move blocking.
So with the Coldstar it's roughly 20-23 wounds vs T3/4, 15-17 vs T5 at AP-2 and that's excluding the HOBC completely. Already pretty decent but we must also try to weigh this units high independence, overwatch threat, mobility, and ability to dish out mortal wounds (and no I haven't forgotten about the fabled Farsight tank shock but to be honest I don't have much of an idea about how good it is in actuality this edition so I just sort of feel unable to add this in to the equation. That's on me.).
The damage would be slightly less on an Enforcer but then of course you get to save points and you get his lovely durABILITY. And does it even matter that you can't zoom when you can use the tiny blade to get 3" inside of them? Does anyone else just picture a 3" inch knife when you think of 'The Shortened Blade' because of your inability to not think about the rules for a moment? Because I can't not picture a 3" inch blade and it irritates me because it looks pathetic in my mind's eye. Now is the time to speak up if you share my pain. But anyway the Enforcer just seems very delicious in this type of plan given that we have amazing access to the deep and important areas of the board. You know .. Could it just be that worsening incoming AP on a unit that really needs to be killed is just really fucking good when the nearby enemy infantry can't move a muscle without getting completely cooked? I really would implore anyone who doesn't think this codex is strong or fun to keep reading and stay curious.
If anyone has any insights or thoughts I'd sincerely like to hear them as I feel that a lot of this conversation thus far has come down to more guns is better. Something which is admittedly true for us most of the time. Hopefully no matter what you think you can see this is a pretty good example of nice internal balance. Perhaps Firesight can't match up to the Commanders on the top, top level of the game (but perhaps he can?!) but I think clearly his access to free Arro'kon Protocols make him a real punchy threat on top of what is already a cool looking, versatile-ish, 8W 2+/4++ utility leader.
To the one Shas'O that read the whole thing, thanks, but get back to work. Your boss has noted this is your third extended toilet break of the morning and he is on the brink of offering you unsolicited dietary advice.
submitted by BestSlowbroEU to Tau40K [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:10 madyb Demo of the Day (or of the week) - Idea Feedback

Hi folks,
IDEA 1 - Demo of The Day
I've come up with an idea to both reward games that made long strides and also to help their game be seen more even if it's a tiny bit. What I'm thinking is pinning/stickying a demo to the top, and keeping it there for 24 hours. The rules I have in mind are:
Note: This is an unpaid effort, no sponsorship deals or anything similar won't ever happen here. If this gets an overwhelmingly positive reception, I'll fine-tune the details, and of course all ears for your suggestions.
IDEA 2 - Demo of The Day
This would be more similar to how IGN First functions. I was one of the core members of IGN First when it first launched. The idea back when we launched it was to dedicate a whole month to a specific game, all with exclusive never-seen-before type of content. Now, we can't do exclusive content here, because first, that would go against the idea of this sub helping you promote your indie game. If your game is a promising one, then exclusive news and content is a powerful weapon you have for media coverage. However, if you're selected we can ask for 5 pieces of content that'll be updated daily form Monday to Friday. However, if we go this route, only the best of the best demos would get a pass here.
Note: This is an unpaid effort, no sponsorship deals or anything similar won't ever happen here. If this gets an overwhelmingly positive reception, I'll fine-tune the details, and of course all ears for your suggestions.
submitted by madyb to indiegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:09 Sea_Telephone_9243 I want to help 3 businesses automate one manual process, for free

I help established service-based businesses with over 100 employees/collaborators build software solutions that make them more efficient and profitable—without breaking the bank.
The purpose of my post is:
I would like to help 3 such businesses automate a process, almost for free.
Examples of processes:
What does “almost for free” mean?
Automating a single process costs at least $500-$1000 and can go up to $10,000s, depending on complexity.
In exchange for this process, I will not ask for any money, but only for a 30-minute discussion at the end + a testimonial, if you are satisfied with the result.
I will build automations and systems for your business using a mix of different automation methods:
If you are interested, book a call here: https://grownected.com/
*If you can’t find a proper time slot, leave me a DM
submitted by Sea_Telephone_9243 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:08 ClayKavalier Ned Grabavoy's Track Record

Many people are calling for Ned's head lately.
I don't think he's been perfect. He has a positive reputation around the league at least as a person and businessperson. That doesn't mean he's a good scout.
I think it's important to separate hirings into categories one would attribute to the owner, the coach, or the general manager, even though it is reportedly a collaborative process and Paulson has to sign off on everything. It is also essential to note that different coaches have different systems, styles, strategies, and tactics. Players identified as having the skills, disposition, mentality, etc. for particular purposes under a particular coach may not work as well in different circumstances. For example, I'll suggest that having a slow right centerback isn't as much of a problem with a right fullback who can track back, central midfielders who can help cover, and an offense that defends higher, doesn't turn the ball over so often, and is effective in attack. Also, given the relatively sudden and unexpected departures of Porter and Wilkinson, and the transition periods between coaches and scouting/technical staff, it's important to note that there were times when there weren't people in particular roles and the styles, tactics, strategies, philosophies, etc. weren't clear or changed.
While I have no proof and Ned has expressed his enthusiasm for and confidence in Neville, I very much feel like Phil is Paulson's guy. It was said that he had a rapport with Paulson. I don't expect Ned to say anything publicly that isn't supportive. Maybe he actually believed Neville was the best candidate and maybe he still believes he's a good coach.
Using Wikipedia, I documented which players signed with the club or had their contracts extended while Ned was in different roles.
When he was promoted to Technical Director, he was specifically credited with scouting specific players. He's also credited with finalizing the deal with Evander in late 2022, after GW was fired but before he was officially GM. The rumor is that the deal was going to fall apart before Ned took over negotiations. I've italicized those players that Ned might have been involved in scouting, recruiting, signing, or extending who are still on the team. I've also indicated when I think it's pretty clear when a player was brought in by a coach because of some past association. I may be wrong about some and may have missed some. I know there is incomplete information but I only tried so hard. There are also situations where the player was technically signed to an extension in one year but it was effectively for the next season. The distinction between preseason and summer transfer window signings isn't always obvious. Also, many of these players were scouted for some time before a decision was made to sign them and an opportunity presented itself. For example, Wilkinson talked about wanting Lucas Melano for some time. I think Porter was big on him too. We had our eyes on Yimmi Chara for a long time too. Considering that, I'm not inclined to credit Ned with 2017 signings at all, and don't think he had much to do with the renewal or financial decisions until 2023.
Director of Scouting and Recruitment - November 2016
2017 Season
2018 Season
Technical Director - December 2018
2019 Season
2020 Season
2021 Season
2022 Season
General Manager - December 2023
October 2022 - GW Fired
2023 Season
2024 Season
Do we blame these guys going forward?
Jack Dodd - Technical Director - April 2023
Nacho Leblic - Director of Scouting - February 2024
With all of this info, I think we can blame Ned in whole or in part for the following current players being signed and / or having their contracts renewed:
  1. Rodriguez
  2. Evander
  3. Loría
  4. Williamson
  5. Moreno
  6. Mosquera
  7. McGraw
  8. Eric Miller
  9. Fogaça
  10. Antony
  11. Mora
  12. Diego Chara
  13. Araujo
  14. Paredes
  15. Ayala
  16. Mabiala
  17. Asprilla
  18. Kamal Miller
  19. Muse
  20. Crepeau
  21. Pantemis
  22. Sulte
  23. Zuparic
  24. Ikoba
  25. Bravo
Gee, that's the entire roster. Realistically though, I'm only crediting him for 2023 and maybe Rodriguez. He wasn't really GM until Evander at the end of 2022. GW, Paulson, Porter, Gio, and Neville all have had input and in many cases more authority in decision-making up to that point.
Which players came and went under Ned's watch should we not have signed or not let go?
And which players who are still on the roster just objectively suck and aren't MLS-level players? As starters or depth? Who doesn't even have any potential? Who has aged out? Who is good but doesn't fit the system? Who doesn't fit Neville's system but fit Gio's? Note: this is all in MLS-level terms.
  1. Rodriguez was great but is now just good and arguably doesn't fit the system. He's a second striker but we only play with one forward. I don't think the 4-4-2 we tried against Seattle was a good idea. Obviously, it didn't work. Maybe a diamond of Evander, Chara, Ayala, and Paredes. We'd need more defense to cover for Mosquera getting forward and Moreno tucking in. But I digress...
  2. Evander is good but poorly utilized and inconsistent. He plays to the level of his teammates. He's not a leader. Could he be great? Probably not as a 10. He's got flashes though, so I hope I'm wrong.
  3. Loría in my eyes isn't MLS level and hit his ceiling. I'll accept arguments that he's a good sub for the money.
  4. Williamson is good but oft-injured, and inconsistently plays to the level of his teammates.
  5. Moreno is inconsistent, sometimes played out of position, doesn't fit the system, but has potential. He takes chances, which I respect, but maybe doesn't have the best judgement. Maybe he can learn. I hope so. He tries. He's good. He could be great. He probably shouldn't be the starter all the time.
  6. Mosquera is a good winger but terrible fullback. Or maybe he's a good wingback but terrible fullback, depending on how you define the roles. Maybe he has potential. I increasingly doubt it. He doesn't seem to have the mentality for it. He's Alvas Powell 2.0. I'd love to be wrong. He tried last match. If he becomes a good fullback he'll be great overall.
  7. McGraw is good but terrible in the system, especially when Mosquera doesn't track back. He's just too slow and sometimes has poor judgement.
  8. Eric Miller is good as a sub right fullback and decent as a sub left fullback.
  9. Fogaça isn't good and has no potential. I'd love to be wrong. I like his workrate but he's not MLS quality and never will be.
  10. Antony is good, not great, and maybe has potential. His first touch is garbage, he's one-footed, and he doesn't make smart runs. He fast though. I don't think he can succeed on a shitty team like ours because he won't see the ball enough. Ideally, he'd understudy to a great winger and learn from them.
  11. Mora is surprisingly good. He's opportunistic. He's a leader. He's committed. He puts in effort. I still don't think he's a DP and I'd kind of prefer he was a subto an even better forward but it's hard to argue with success.
  12. Diego Chara. He's still very good. People who say he's lost a step are confusing his inability to cover everybody else's mistakes, and his own occasional lapses, with having lost it. He's barely lost anything. He'd look better on a team that wasn't absolute ass. It's sad for him.
  13. Araujo. I think he's good but just too slow for this system. His passing is good and he's good with the ball at his feet. His positioning and judgement seem fine, generally. I'd bet he'd look better on a better team too. I could say the same for some former centerbacks as well.
  14. Paredes. He's good. He's developed and grown on me. He's pretty consistent and generally puts in effort. He rarely pisses me off. I'd hoped he'd develop into a 6 but that's apparently not to be. I think he's hit his ceiling. He's a great rotator or sub. Not a star.
  15. Ayala. He's good. Could become great if he can stay healthy and get more development. I'm worried about his injury history. He's a bit small and can get pushed around a bit.
  16. Mabiala. He's just too old and slow now. Good dude. Maybe his last extension was too long. I think the tactics are especially bad for him but he wasn't good enough last season either. Father Time just caught up faster than we expected.
  17. Asprilla. Is he good? I don't think he really is. But his moments of sheer genius, his workrate, and his heart make him great. As a sub. Flare counts for a lot. I love it when Asprilla dazzles.
  18. Kamal Miller. He's good but too slow for the system.
  19. Muse. No idea man.
  20. Crepeau. He's great but we sure haven't given him a chance to be great for us yet.
  21. Pantemis. He's good and could be great.
  22. Sulte. I've only ever seen him be awful. I wish him the best but have no reason for optimism, especially since Muse came on.
  23. Zuparic. He's the best player in the league, obviously. He's good. Maybe he was great once. He's not good enough for the system at least. If Neville ever substantively changes tactics I think he could be solid for us again. Seems like his attitude may be a problem though. Who knows what to believe?
  24. Ikoba. Absolute mystery to me. I assume the worst from context clues. Wish him the best. I think he, Sulte, and all who came before underscore how wretched our academy system is. Who do we blame for that? Does it matter? I think it does. I'd love to develop cheap players we could sell to reinvest in the club.
  25. Bravo. He's great. He could be brilliant. He makes the occasional mistake but that's the price of greatness. He takes risks. He's a fighter too. Love this dude but he still gets underrated and shit on. We're so much better with him on the team. How often do we have good fullbacks, especially a left back. Him, Moreira, and Villafaña are kind of it, right? Farfan showed promise but bringing Jorge back stunted his prospects with us?
I think we are less than the sum of our parts. I don't think too many of our players are scrubs. We have too much invested in central midfield, centerback, and keeper. Central midfield was complicated by injuries and Chara's insane longevity. Our poor DP signings hurt our ability to move on from them in terms of timing and money. Ivacic was still on the books well into the last transfer window. Mabiala is taking up roster and cap space. Zuparic is questionable. McGraw and Araujo just don't seem to be good fits for the system that Neville is trying to implement. Kamal Miller isn't either but Neville doesn't realize that. I'll suggest that Mosquera not defending hurt the CBs last season too, along with the missing attacking DPs.
I don't know what we can realistically do about our problems near-term. I don't think Nevilleball works even with a right fullback who can defend and faster centerbacks. That would help. But the lack of off-the-ball movement, lack of ball progression through midfield, lack of creative runs, poor passing, low pressure, shitty zonal marking on set piece defending, not closing passing lanes, not stepping to the ball; not making incisive, line-splitting passes; not communicating, poor rotations, not making the final pass or taking shots in the box, passing back all the time, slow build-up, not covering the far post, injuries... It's a lot. Some of these problems predate Neville, so he ought to have accounted for them and adjusted accordingly. The FO has denied lack of talent is a problem. That leaves coaching and attitude or mentality. Attitude and mentality often come back to coaching IMHO.
submitted by ClayKavalier to timbers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 RizzleFaShizzle00 Guerrilla Warfare: Our path to liberation

In the face of a powerful industrialized nation with a vast population and incredibly powerful military/police, the path to revolution may seem daunting.... however, history has shown that guerrilla warfare, rooted in Marxist-Leninist principles, can be a potent tool for the working class to overthrow capitalist oppression... to finally end the deep US corruption, wage slavery, and terrible exploitation of it's own people and the worlds peoples. The horror and insanity of Capitalism must stop... We must remove the ruling class ASAP.
Why must we choose Guerrilla Warfare? We don't have another choice at this present time in our history. Voting is an illusion and the elites/bourgeoisie have the tightest death grip on us they could possibly achieve... other paths have failed us Revolutionaries... Comrades, we must act with great and immediate purpose, organize and educate one another... radicalize and revolutionize one another.
Guerrilla warfare leverages the strengths of the oppressed while exploiting the vulnerabilities of the oppressor:
Asymmetrical Warfare: Guerrillas utilize hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and sabotage to wear down the enemy's superior firepower and resources.
Popular Support: Guerrillas embed themselves within the population, gaining support and intelligence while undermining the government's legitimacy.
Prolonged Conflict: Guerrillas wage a war of attrition, exhausting the enemy's will to fight and draining their resources.
Political Education: Guerrillas educate and mobilize the masses, fostering a revolutionary consciousness and building a united front against the ruling class.
Examples of Successful Guerrilla Revolutions (please do not forget to unbrainwash yourselves of US / western misinformation and propaganda about the successes of fellow comrades and other peoples revolutions... The CIA is really adept at exclaiming that Communism hasn't been a success anywhere and that Revolutionaries committed all kinds of make believe atrocities... Refuse the US and western propaganda folks, I know it's widespread and deeply embedded, but it's possible to help others break free from it...)
History is replete with examples of guerrilla movements that triumphed against seemingly insurmountable odds...
Vietnam: The Viet Cong, utilizing guerrilla tactics and popular support, defeated both the French and the Americans, leading to the reunification of Vietnam under a socialist government. Vietnam continues to better the lives of the working class as each day goes on...
Cuba: Fidel Castro and his guerrilla army overthrew the US-backed Batista dictatorship, establishing a socialist state that has endured for decades... The US/West continues to oppress this state, however Cuba continues to flourish even with the embargo in place and other tools of oppression being exercised against the nation constantly.
China: Mao Zedong's Red Army, through a protracted guerrilla war, defeated the Nationalist forces and established the People's Republic of China. China has ended absolute poverty and is constantly creating new policy for increasing the quality of living for the working class peoples.
Strategies for Revolution
In the context of a large industrialized nation, guerrilla warfare can be adapted to the specific conditions...
Urban Guerrilla Warfare: Guerrillas operate in cities, targeting government institutions, infrastructure, and symbols of capitalist power. Think of city halls, big banks, large corporation headquarters, investment firms HQs, state capitol buildings, casinos...
Rural Guerrilla Warfare: Guerrillas establish bases in remote areas, launching attacks on military installations and supply lines.
Cyber Warfare: Guerrillas disrupt enemy communications, spread propaganda, and expose government corruption.
International Solidarity: Guerrillas seek support from other revolutionary movements and progressive forces around the world.
The Promise of a Better Future...
Guerrilla warfare is not merely a military strategy...it is a revolutionary process that empowers the working class and lays the foundation for a socialist/communist society...
Workers' Control: Guerrillas establish liberated zones where workers take control of production and distribution, demonstrating the viability of socialism and communism.
Land Reform: Guerrillas redistribute land to the peasants/working class, ending centuries of exploitation and ensuring food security.
Social Programs: Guerrillas provide healthcare, education, and housing to the masses, meeting their basic needs and improving their quality of life.
In conclusion Comrades...
Guerrilla warfare, guided by Marxist-Leninist principles, offers a viable path to revolution for the working class in a large industrialized nation like the USA. By leveraging the strengths of the oppressed, exploiting the weaknesses of the oppressor, and mobilizing the masses, guerrillas can overthrow capitalism and build a socialist/communist society that prioritizes the needs of the people over the profits of the few...
The time is now... Solidarity my fellow working class human beings. Organize and take immediate action.
Note: Obviously there is a lot more information needed/involved for a successful revolution... but this should at least get some folks thinking in the right direction.... I can elaborate more on specific subjects of revolution in future posts... Always take time to use your critical thinking abilities folks, avoid western propaganda, and carefully identify true primary sources.
submitted by RizzleFaShizzle00 to communism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:52 Syzodia DNS breaking on Win11 randomly

So this is a problem I have experienced on a new laptop running windows 11, and did not experience on my Windows 10 PC until I have upgraded it to Windows 11. This problem does not occur on my smartphones.
The problem is that, seemingly randomly, my devices (so the PC and laptop) will cease to resolve DNS queries on wi-fi. An example of how it looks from nslookup is below:
Server: UnKnown Address: *** UnKnown can't find google.com: No response from server192.168.20.1 
I usually first observe this from the web browser's DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET error. Note that I can still ping ip addresses directly (e.g. I can still ping )
Possibly relevant software common to both devices:
The following measures I have tried and either did not solve the problem at all, or only solved the problem temporarily and were only effective once before system reboot:
The best solution I have at the moment is switching on to the Windscribe VPN, but this only works so long as I stay on the VPN. Turning the VPN off revisits the problem I have.
I cannot say if ethernet is a solution as I cannot figure out what triggers this problem, but also I need this problem squashed for wi-fi, especially when it comes to my laptop.
submitted by Syzodia to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:52 thriftyultra [Hiring] Junior/Entry Level Product Designer

Hi there.
I’m looking for a product designer to help me out with projects for my clients.
You will work with another experienced designer and will have an opportunity to work on real apps in various stages and see your work used by thousands of people on the App Store.
Main requirements:
Bonus points: - You have an iPhone - You have great writing skills in English - You are familiar with auto-layout on Figma - Background in graphic design or art
You will get from $1,000-1,500 per month for at least 3 months with around 10 hours of work per week ($25/hr) but can change depending on work load and experience.
If this speaks to you and you would like to jump start your career in Product, please send me a DM with any example of your recent work and your favorite app on the app store right now.
submitted by thriftyultra to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:39 digitalnotebook9 The Importance of Professional Website Designing for Your Business

The Importance of Professional Website Designing for Your Business
In today's digital era, having a professionally designed website is crucial for businesses to establish a strong online presence and compete effectively in the market. A well-designed website not only attracts visitors but also converts them into customers, making it a valuable asset for any business. In this article, we'll explore the significance of professional website designing, focusing on the expertise of Digital Notebook, a leading Website Designing Company in Noida.
The importance of professional website designing cannot be overstated in today's highly competitive business landscape. A well-designed website not only reflects the brand identity but also serves as a powerful marketing tool, attracting and engaging customers. As businesses increasingly rely on digital platforms, investing in professional website designing is essential for long-term success.
Understanding Website Designing
Effective website designing goes beyond aesthetics; it encompasses various elements such as layout, navigation, content presentation, and user experience (UX). A professionally designed website ensures that visitors can easily navigate and find the information they need, leading to enhanced engagement and conversion rates.
Website Designing Company in Noida
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Digital Notebook stands out as a reputable Website Designing Company in Noida, known for its expertise in creating visually appealing, user-friendly websites. With a focus on customized solutions and client satisfaction, Digital Notebook offers comprehensive website designing services tailored to the specific needs of businesses.
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A professionally designed website has a profound impact on business growth. It not only attracts more traffic but also improves customer retention and loyalty. With Digital Notebook's expertise, businesses can experience enhanced online visibility, increased customer engagement, and ultimately, improved conversion rates leading to business growth.
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Staying updated with the latest trends and innovations is crucial in website designing. Digital Notebook incorporates responsive design, mobile optimization, and accessibility features to ensure that websites perform optimally across devices and platforms, catering to diverse user preferences.
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Incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) principles in website designing is essential for maximizing online visibility. Digital Notebook integrates SEO-friendly elements into their designs, such as keyword optimization, meta tags, and site structure, to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.
Cost-Effective Solutions and ROI in Website Designing
While professional website designing involves an initial investment, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. Digital Notebook offers cost-effective solutions that deliver a high return on investment (ROI) through improved brand image, customer acquisition, and revenue generation.
Professional website designing is a cornerstone of modern business success, offering numerous benefits such as enhanced brand presence, improved user experience, and increased conversions. Digital Notebook, as a leading Website Designing Company in Noida, combines expertise with innovation to create impactful websites that drive business growth and success.
submitted by digitalnotebook9 to u/digitalnotebook9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:39 TheSentinelScout I’m pretty sure I’m an INTP, but I want an objective view.

Just a disclaimer, I have ADHD, and I do follow CPT/cognitive personality theory.
— My parents (specifically my mom), is religious, but they’re never forced any of us (me and our siblings) to believe in the religion. Just participating in the festivals and certain rituals was/still is expected, though.
—If I were to spend the entire weekend by myself, I’d honestly feel kinda lethargic and dead inside—not because of lack of socialization, but because the vibes of the house is off when there’s no one. I can tell someone’s out of the house just by the pure vibes I’m getting. It feels weird even with one person gone (we’re a family of five; me, my younger brother and sister, and mom & dad).
—My relationship with movement and surroundings, is that I think I have great spatial awareness. I’m able to carry and do things in certain ways in order to avoid any pointless harm (such as avoiding to accidentally hitting the door on my leg as it closes). The type of activities I do tend to engage in outside is mainly just focusing on what I’m thinking about when walking outside, or just waiting to go back home.
—I’d say I’m pretty curious—I’ve always wondered why something makes me feel a certain way, for example, in lit & comp we recently learned about film composition, and after learning some of the stuff, I was able to spot it in the shows and videos I watched. After said lesson, I was always wondering about whether or not if the creators I watched (especially on YouTube) actually used said film composition, but it’s definitely interesting to look for.
—I wouldn’t necessarily enjoy taking a leadership position, but I’m willing to do so, especially if a project in class is summative/part of our grade. I’d be the leader if no one else had already taken up the position. It does make me feel quite nervous when I am in said position, though.
—I’d consider myself pretty coordinated. I know exactly how much milk to pour in a certain glass, and I know exactly where on the fingerboard of my violin each note is. I can also catch myself when I’m about to fall pretty well.
—The past in my opinion, is something that can give you knowledge for the future. Basically, it gives you the info for what not to do in the future, and how to avoid X circumstance, the best way forward, etc.
—The future on the other hand, I believe is kinda something you could plan for, or have a very vague idea of, but you can’t necessarily do anything about in the present. It’ll come when it comes.
—And for the present, I believe that it’s the most “calm before the storm” scenario. Its characteristics can only be defined by the current situation that’s happening; there’s nothing you could do to mitigate it, other than continuously plan for its eventual outcome.
—If they’re asking for something like asking for a charger or something (such as in school), I’ll generally decline unless they’re my friend, because it just takes so much unnecessary effort to pack up your charger. If it’s something I’m interested in helping with though, I’d gladly throw up word vomit at them, and then usually regret it later on. Basically, I’ll help someone if it’s no effort involved in my side and/or if I have a deep interest in the subject they need help on.
—Productivity isn’t as important to me as much as efficiency is, but productivity does tend to make me feel good. I often find myself wondering if my attention to the efficiency is actually a result of my obvious laziness. Like, I would literally pack my tiffin box in a certain way in my lunch bag so that when I take it out of my back pack, it isn’t all leaning to one side. I’ll also always wear my jacket everywhere because they have pockets, and I’m always like, “what if it rains by chance?” And I’ve actually been saved by my jacket multiple times that way.
—I’d say I’m decent at strategizing. I could use it effectively, but I just end up not putting the plan into use, because I either don’t have the motivation, or the deadline has been so long past that it isn’t worth it anymore.
—Freedom of thought, and expression. Also the freedom of being able to silently judge others. Mostly because I just want to be able to have/own my thoughts and opinions, if that makes sense?
—The “highs” in my life may look like when I’m able to turn in assignments on time, not feel complete demotivation, and able to live up to others expectation.
—The opposite of my highs. I suppose I’m in one of my “lows” right now.
—I pay attention to the world around me, but I feel like I’m never really in the present. It’s like there’s always something going on in my mind regardless of what’s happening in the foreground.
—I’d probably end up sleeping tbh. But I’d also probably start over-analyzing my understanding of a concept or subject. For example, CPT/cognitive personality theory, or MBTI. Basically, I’d be trying to find multiple ways of understanding a subject so that I could fully understand it.
—I usually don’t take much time to make an important decision usually because the thing is important. And no, I don’t generally tend to change my mind once I’ve done so.
—Yes, usually in order to avoid being out on the spot for anything. If they end up asking me their opinion, I usually try to say it in a polite manner, usually starting with, “I think X because Y,” etc. etc.
—I’d say I break rules pretty often, but they’re mainly arbitrary house-hold rules (the usuals, no phone after 10pm, no phone in the bathroom, no staying up late, etc.). I break them because in personally don’t find them logical.
—I do think authority shouldn’t be challenged as much as specific rules should be challenged. Mainly because yeah, they generally know better.
—I honestly have no idea at this point.
submitted by TheSentinelScout to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:23 redditAccout_ org mode dynamic note

I deciding to switch from Obsidian to Org-mode, but one key feature I cant find in org mode.
"Dynamic notes", what I mean by that, is for example I want to have a list with all notes containing a certain property, like todo or something.
In obsidian there is the dataview plugin with which I can embed said querie into my note and get a List of notes.
Is there any way to achive that in org-mode? The important part is the embeding.
Apologies for my english and thanks for every answer :D
submitted by redditAccout_ to orgmode [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:14 keijikage Short Exempt - Why Volume churns endlessly - CFR 242.200 to CFR 242.204

Short Exempt - Why Volume churns endlessly - CFR 242.200 to CFR 242.204
Hey folks,
I've been kicking the tires on this idea for a while, but the latest pop on GME has made it pretty apparent that this is what's going on.
Within Regulation SHO, the closeout periods for long and short sales are defined, as well some fancy language for cases where the participant is 'deemed to own'. This is where we get the often mentioned T+2 trading days for long sales, and T+5 trading and T+35 calendar day 'buy in' periods.
I'm going to focus on CFR 242.204 - market maker closeouts.
If a participant of a registered clearing agency has a fail to deliver position at a registered clearing agency in any equity security that is attributable to bona fide market making activities by a registered market maker, options market maker, or other market maker obligated to quote in the over-the-counter market, the participant shall by no later than the beginning of regular trading hours on the third consecutive settlement day following the settlement date, immediately close out the fail to deliver position by purchasing or borrowing securities of like kind and quantity. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-17/part-242/section-242.204#p-242.204(a)(3)(3))
Note here that the close out can be either purchasing OR borrowing a security. I've always wondered why the securities lending data has a persistent quantity well in excess of the reported short interest. Right now there's an extra 30 million shares on loan, and even accommodating for the lag in reported short interest, there was an extra 10 million shares on loan.
Shares on loan is persistent and elevated - Ultimately these are functionally short positions
Regulation is pretty dry, but the SEC has issued a few 'no action letters' with interpretive guidance. This one for Goldman makes it explicate that Continuous Net Settlement (CNS) delivery obligations are net positions for the participant, as opposed to a true first in first out 'netting'.
Ignore the time period, this letter is old
The take away here is that volume in and of itself does not satisfy obligations.
The rest of the letter is going over the prime broker indicating that this is too hard to do for their own position since some of the trades happen away from their visibility. They propose to allocate trading activity to the individual clients and the SEC agrees.
Linking this with another No-action letter, we see that "no later than the beginning of regular trading hours" can actually mean that an irrevocable order targeted at the volume weighted average price (VWAP) received before market open actually satisfies this requirement. This means the buy in can trail into market hours of the 3rd or 5th trading day (or even more if there is not enough volume).
Why does VWAP matter? If it's sticky, somebody is getting bought in.
This is where things get a little interesting - Short exempts have typically been considered related to the up-tick rule (short sale restriction), but short exempt shares show up in the data on regular trading days. So what are these? They can only be marked under certain conditions: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-17/part-242/section-242.200#p-242.200(g)(2)(2))
So if you buy a share from a market maker and they don't have any inventory, they're supposed to buy inventory in 60 seconds if they use the short exempt clause.
Tying that back to the no action letter, what if an irrevocable order targeted at vwap came in the morning and there weren't any shares to borrow? Well, the market maker can short these too if they're targeted at VWAP, subject to certain volume requirements. Combined these two exemptions churn volume.
Incidentally, the average daily volume on 5/13/2024 was 10,092,639, and the number of short exempt shares was 1,161,062. Pretty close.
So what does that look like in the data? Well if there aren't enough "organic" (read - Real) sellers, then well these short exempt shares either wind up in the borrows, or they get bought in. If there aren't enough shares to borrow, it seems like they churn volume in order to create enough short exempt shares to satisfy the buy in, passing the buck from one market maker to another. In the end, these are all (naked) short for up to 5 days before they hit the lending pool or get bought in.
It looks something like this. Some of the on-loan is probably used to satisfy the hedging leg of various options, so the correlation isn't 1:1.
Going back to 2021, it looks something like this
I'll let you imagine where I think this is going.
When things start getting serious
submitted by keijikage to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:12 Artistic-Sin [MxM] Looking for medieval fantasy roleplay.

Hello! I'm twenty two and prefer nonbinary pronouns, thank you! I'm looking for a male on male relationship as it is what I am most comfortable with, so please keep this in mind. I am looking for someone who would be interested in a long term roleplay partner! Meaning that, even if we get bored of a current roleplay, we could start a new roleplay so we both stay interested.
I'm preferably looking for someone who is fairly descriptive! [At least two paragraphs. If possible be willing to show examples of your writing?] I hate script and I love writing long replies as it feels more rewarding & I love to push myself. Also, I love planning out certain ideas and love bouncing ideas back and forth with someone, so please come in with an open mind and be open to plan out some scenarios with me! In addition to this, please write in third person!
I do NOT have a storyline in place, so feel free to suggest something! If you don't have an idea then lets bounce ideas back and forth of what we like and we can come up with one of our own!
Topics of interest I like are fantasy, medieval, magic, drama, with lil bits of fluff sprinkled in.
I do not roleplay fandoms! I prefer originally created content. Taking inspiration is fine by me, but no heavily relying on something!
When it comes to your characters, all I ask is that they are at the very least 18 and have drawn or descriptive face claims please[picrews also work!] Do not use real people. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.
Side note : I'm a night owl and will be most active during the afternoon/later into the night. ;)
Please, be an adult before shooting me a message! It personally makes me more comfortable, as I'd rather not roleplay with a minor.

If anything I've said interests you then shoot me a pm! Send me what you wish to be called, your age, preferred pronouns, and something you enjoy about roleplaying! You can call me Sumi! If we seem compatible, I'll send you my discord where we can continue planning and eventually roleplaying. Happy roleplaying to everyone!
submitted by Artistic-Sin to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:09 The_Dark-Wanderer What would a Sorcerer Academy look like within DnD lore?

In my campaign I require all players to have their own session zero that are multiple solo sessions until they get to lvl 3-4..at which point all the players meet each other and continue the campaign as normal. The session zero is usually centered around that persons class and background. (My campaign setting is in "late renaissance era".)
I do this to give each player a unique experience and account of events that are happening in the campaign. It also allows that player to have their own unique slice of the pie in the world. Each session zero is intertwined in some fashion. (this took a lot of work) I am currently wrapping up player 2s session zero.
Player 5 chose a sorcerer, so I have created ISAK (Institute for Sorcery and Arcane Knowledge) They will spend much of their session zero here.
I have already created the school...its layout, its 30+ instructors (all sorcerers).. the courses...the quests,, student loans...(sigh) but it suddenly occurred to me that sorcerers don't "learn" magic...they are born with it....how much do I really need to change? How much do sorcerers really know about their innate magic?
I would imagine the sorcerer school would run much differently than the wizard school because nobody chooses to be a sorcerer (well mechanically they do...but lore wise they don't). For one...i think the classes would be smaller...I feel like it would be focused on teaching its students how to control their powers, courses on the different metamagic types, general studies would include the 8 schools of magic, advanced studies would depend on the sorcerers subclass (I allow all subclasses). Does this make sense or am I missing anything?
Sorcerers "pick" their subclass at lvl 1 so I imagine that each subclass would have its own "Prerequisite Courses".
Does anyone have any good suggestions on how I can make the sorcerer academy fall in line with the lore? I understand mechanically they learn spells at every level...but how would that work lore wise if the spells are innate to each individual? I would appreciate any creative advice/suggestions anyone can give me.
To sum it up...What exactly would a school that exclusively taught sorcerers look like? How would it differ from a school that taught exclusively wizards?
The school has to exist because one of the professors and the school has already been tied into player 7s session zero.
I am very aware that as the DM I can make up anything for this to "work"...but I am not doing that...it has to fit in with the lore. Lore is an important part of the campaign. The Lore is sacred......
I allow any race in my campaign but I require each player to take a lore test on whatever race they choose (other than human). If they fail they do not get to play as that race and default to human. 2 of my players failed their test and are now playing as a human. I try to hold myself to the same standard in staying true to the lore....the sorcerer school must fit in within the lore of sorcerers...absolutely no exceptions.
edit: Let me clarify about the test...I gave them all 5 bonus questions...used a 10 point grading scale..it was a 25 question multiple choice......and even gave them each the video I would be basing the test on. I don't feel bad at all that they failed as I gave them every opportunity to pass. I even gave players who scored 100+ 3 unique traits to choose from as incentive to study. Which 2 other players achieved. I did offer the 2 that failed a chance to retake (without the chance of getting unique traits)...they accepted that they failed and were happy to play as human. Here is an example of one of the tests.
What is a unique feature of the orcish language, according to D&D lore
A: It has no written form.
B: Its based on musical tones.
C: Its Elvish in reverse
D: Its a pidgin of Elvish and Dwarvish.
How are Ogrillons typically produced, according to D&D lore.
A: Through experimentation by powerful wizards seeking to create hybrid soldiers.
B: From the union of a female orc and a male ogre, combining the traits of both species
C: By a curse placed on orcs and ogres by a vengeful diety, resulting in their offspring being ogrillons.
D: Through the use of ancient artifacts that can fuse creatures of different species into a new form.
Seems hard...but my Half-Orc player killed his test...scored 103..because he studied and put time into developing his character. Note: not all questions are this difficult.
Now look what my Aasimar players test looked like...that he failed miserably.
Which is the following is not a typical feature of an Aasimars appearance?
A: Halo
B: Wings
C: Tail
D: Silver or Golden eyes
He got this wrong...and most of the others...
I dont see it as restrictive...I put a lot of time and effort integrating a players character into my world...the very least they can do..is learn about the race they are playing.
submitted by The_Dark-Wanderer to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:06 Remarkable-Pipe-4815 Question

I just finished 'The Oneness Of God and Spiritual Gifts by David K Bernard and I've been observing the church and I noticed most the pastors and Congregations doesn’t even follow their own general superintendent, Yes, there is much information on being a Christian in the books and way more in the bible but most of them don't even follow it. For example, in 'Spiritual Gifts,' David talks about not revealing people's personal secrets or issues publicly in the pupil or congregation. I've experienced this in the UPCI church I attend (Still do) and was surprised why I was publicly Announce like that? But David Bernard said to do the opposite of publicly speaking of the congregation.
There many examples I can put about the things I’ve witnessed in the UPCI, I will continue being apart of the UPCI regardless because they are the closest doctrinal.
I wanna hear your thoughts, please no negativity.
Note: Sorry about my grammar lol
submitted by Remarkable-Pipe-4815 to Apostolic [link] [comments]
