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ARK: Survival Evolved

2015.05.11 18:16 smashT ARK: Survival Evolved

Ark: Survival Evolved Subreddit Post anything to do with Ark Survival Evolved!

2018.04.07 01:37 officialpvp Ark2

Subreddit for Ark 2

2011.10.13 20:31 goots Everything you need to know about the planted aquarium, and then some!

A place for aquatic flora and fauna enthusiasts! Whether you have a question to ask or a planted tank to show off, this is the place.

2024.05.15 11:22 Original_Quality_957 "Should I stay or should I go 🎶" : Partir ou rester ?

Bonjour le sous, alors voici le dilemme qui me ronge depuis maintenant 1 an :
J'ai effectué un master en commerce digital en alternance dans la boite de mes rêves : missions de fou, super équipe, N+1 qui était super top j'apprenais plein de choses, c'était génial ! Problème : la boite n'a pas assez de sous pour me proposer un contrat, donc je cherche ailleurs et trouve assez vite. Problème 2 : le job que j'obtiens ne me convient qu'à demi mesure. Je me rends compte qu'une seule partie de ce qui m'a été vendu en entretien est une réalité (pour ceux qui s'y connaissent un peu : on m'a vendu "traffic manager" j'ai obtenu "SEO"..). L'équipe est cool et le N+1 assez chelou mais sympa, l'ambiance est cool et on ne me met aucune pression. Le problème (oui, il y en a beaucoup ^^) c'est que ce job est relax, un peu trop détente, mais j'ai ce besoin de progresser, apprendre et performer qui n'est pas satisfait du tout ici. Je suis dans une équipe top mais mon job n'est la priorité de personne, je m'imbrique pas ou très peu avec les autres membres de l'équipe, mon N+1 me calcule une fois sur six comparé aux autres membres de l'équipe, et je n'obtiens pas de résultats car je ne fais essentiellement rien.. La majeure partie de mes journées je les passe à faire des analyses, tenter d'apporter des solutions, les présenter à mon responsable qui me dis soit "ok" mais sans plus, soit qui me répond un truc qui n'a rien à voir. Je commence à souffrir mentalement de cette situation : je me sens de plus en plus nulle et cette léthargie au travail me rend fainéante car je n'ai plus la motivation de vouloir me donner à 100% car 1) c'est dur et nécessiterait de me former en solo sur le coté, ce qui en soit me va mais 2) tout le monde s'en contre fout de mon taff et le manque de deadline/attentes/objectifs fixés atteindre me rend perdue et je ne sais même pas dans quelle direction je dois aller..
J'ai l'impression qu'il y a eu pas mal de fautes de mon coté mais également du coté de mon manager..Maintenant que mon entretien annuel approche, je ne sais pas trop quoi faire : continuer à chercher ailleurs, remettre les pendules à l'heure et tenter de faire une belle deuxième année ?
Qu'en pensez-vous ? D'avance merci à ceux qui auront lu !
submitted by Original_Quality_957 to conseilboulot [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:24 lepidu My Experience: Job Search in Berlin [Detailed Post]

My Experience: Job Search in Berlin [Detailed Post]
Hi, I hope this is considered relevant to the sub. I wanted to post this on the berlin sub but my diagram keeps on getting removed. Reddit's been such a great resource for my job hunt and I'd like to give something back.

My background:

MSc in Social Science from a non-German university, 29 years old and 3 years of work experience, not counting work experience gained during uni and not counting internships. I'm an EU citizen, but not German. My German is pretty much fluent - I didn't grow up here, but my dad is a native German speaker. Basically, I speak it without an accent and understand everything with no issue at all but am not very eloquent and can't express myself as well as I can in English. I make minor grammatical errors here and there.


The whole process took 2 months; I started looking for a job around mid March and signed my contract yesterday.

Job searching process:

I went through LinkedIn, Xing, Indeed and Stepstone every day. I applied for English as well as German-speaking jobs, based in either Berlin or the EU (remote). I applied both for jobs in industry as well as ÖD, although ÖD was not my preference. I only applied for permanent and full-time positions. I didn't focus on a specific type of job or field, but more on my own skills, experience and interest. Broadly speaking most jobs I applied for were in analytics (but not data analyst jobs).


I think I had a good rate of interest taken in my applications. For 1 in 3 jobs I applied for, I was invited to a first interview. The jobs that I was rejected for outright were mostly those that I was underqualified/not experienced enough for and was not expecting to get anyway. I tailored my CV to each specific job, highlighting previous experiences and responsibilities that seemed the most relevant and removing things that didn't seem important at all. I also wrote a cover letter for almost every job, provided they did not explicitly specify that they didn't want one, and even if the cover letter was only an optional part of the application. I didn't get ghosted too much, so that was nice, only about 1 in 4 times.

1st Round:

The first round interviews were a breeze, there isn't much to say here. I received a rejection for 2 out of 13 first interviews. One was because I didn't have experience working with a certain program (was listed as optional on the ad though), the other was a really difficult first round that was more a second round interview than anything else in the sense that it was really technical and I was interviewed by a panel instead of just a person from HR. Still a positive experience, though. The withdrawals were due to: coincided with received offer, salary too low, or just not into the job after all.

2nd Round:

4 out of 6 rejected me after the second round, tbh these rejections kind of stung a bit. One of the unexplained rejections I got was actually after an interview that went extremely well - I really left thinking that I was their unicorn and that the job was mine lol. I still wonder who ended up getting that job.
But generally speaking, the main issue I encountered was how hard it was to interview in German (I already described my language skills above). The first rounds were always easy, but the second rounds were tougher. Coming up with good answers to situation-based questions spontaneously or just BS'ing in German was quite hard. There was still no interview that I completely bombed, luckily enough.
2 out of the 4 companies that rejected me offered feedback calls which was really nice. Just 10 minute phone calls, no video, where they explained to me why they made their decision. The overall feedback I got was pretty vague but boiled down to some of the responses I gave not being detailed enough. I appreciate companies that take the time to do this.

3rd Round:

I only had 2 of these, but my impression is that if you get to the final round (I didn't encounter a company or job that required more than 3 rounds of interviews) your chances are already pretty good.

Final offer and Salary €:

I'm not in love with the job I ended up accepting, my main issue being that the work sounds boring, very bureaucratic and also meaningless. At the same time, everyone I met throughout the process was very nice, they have an office here but they're cool about WFH and additionally I'll be able to work remotely from abroad for 6 weeks a year. So I'm excited to start and overall happy with the opportunity. The salary they offered me is 60k, which I think is good but is probably not according to Reddit's standards. But honestly, as helpful as reading through job-related posts here was, it was also helpful to touch grass, speak with real people that I know and understand that not everyone can be earning 70k+ in their mid twenties, even people in tech. The jobs I was able to get interviews for were all mid-level and had allocated budgets in the range of high 40's to low 60's, which I thought was really broad, but maybe this info could still be helpful to other people with a similar background. I didn't negotiate because the offered salary was already higher than what I was expecting, and also because I needed a job, and also because I genuinely think it's a good salary and is definitely more than enough for me. I've put it into various brutto-netto calculators and expect that I'll easily be able to save almost ~1.5k a month.


I think I underestimated how how hard it was going to be. My main problem was that there were just not that many jobs to apply for in the first place. I browsed through a lot of job-related subs and noticed how many applications other people are able to churn out, but that was simply not my experience. It was the worst feeling ever to wake up, spend hours browsing various job platforms but have to end the day without sending off an application. My previous job here in Berlin was a freelancing gig that ended unexpectedly, so I didn't qualify for any assistance from the government and was living purely off of my savings, which was very stressful. On the upside, being unemployed meant that I was at least really flexible when it came to making appointments for interviews.
I have a lot of friends who live in more rural areas (Germany and EU countries generally), and I have the impression that they have an easier time getting hired. None of them have had a job hunt that lasted more than a month. I was always under the impression that people move to bigger cities because finding a job is supposed to be easier there, but I guess it really depends on your line of work.
Anyway, I ultimately I think I got lucky! Finding a job really is a numbers game.
submitted by lepidu to berlinsocialclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:03 Psychics4U_net The Fool Tarot Card Meaning: [The Complete Guide]

This complete guide on The Fool tarot card is brought to you by psychics4u.net. For more valuable information, insights and resources, visit: http://psychics4u.net/
What does the fool mean in the tarot cards? The fool is the most wild tarot card in the deck that you can ever get in a psychic reading. The meaning of the fool tarot card is all about new beginnings, a journey which is usually spiritual and fast change. It indicates that things are really going to go forward for you whether it’s love, relationship, money, work, career and health. But all of these good predictions will come true, only if you will believe in yourself and take calculated risks.
If you are interested in learning everything about the meaning of the fool’s journey tarot card, you came to the right place. Keep on reading till the end of this guide as you will find here lots of useful information regarding to:
  1. The fool’s journey tarot card description and symbolism.
  2. Personality traits.
  3. The meaning in love, relationship, money, work, career and health.
  4. Is the fool a good tarot card or is it bad?
  5. Does the fool tarot card mean yes or no?
  6. How to read the fool’s journey tarot card in upright and reversed position.
  7. The fool tarot card meaning in past, present and future.
  8. The meaning of the number 0 (zero) and 22.
  9. Interpretation of astrological zodiac sign.
  10. Meaning as feelings.
  11. The fool tarot card art and history.
The fool tarot card meaning: Description and symbolism
When we take a first look at the art of fool’s journey tarot card, we immediately notice the bright yellow sun light, the worm rays, the orange – yellow sky and the lite brown ground. The fool has loose and comfortable clothes with flowers patterns on them, mostly yellow which also matches the shoes` shade. Yellow symbolize enlightenment, happy feelings and positive energies.
The fool is ready to take the leap of faith – start a journey to the unknown territory. He doesn’t care if he will encounter obstacles down the road or dangerous situations in the way. He is ready to go no matter what will happen. In fact the fool doesn’t even think about the meaning these problems.
The fool doesn’t care too much about the material world. He collected just the necessary items and packed all his little possessions in a small bag, holding it with his right hand. On the left hand he is holding a beautiful white rose. It means the willingness to scarify and devotion to the spiritual path of life.
Look at his face directed forward and up to the sky, they are full of inspiration, vision and confidence in the current moment. He is free of fear but also innocence because he isn’t aware of the fact that bad things might happen during the unknown journey.
He is standing on the hill, one step before the deadly abyss, caught in the moment. He trusts the universe that everything will turn on the right and positive side. The white dog is barking and jumping, trying to warn him about the chasm. The snowy white mountains and hills from behind also represent a potential slippery outcomes.
The fool is in movement, he is not just standing there, he took the first step and willing to take many more steps in order to complete the journey. In the end he is seeking meaningful spirituality, to be developed to a higher self. However, right now he doesn’t know exactly how to achieve it. There is no plan, no logical calculations, not even knowledge nor experience. Just the element of fire – the burning desire to go forward.
When we look at the fool’s face we can’t really recognize if it’s a man or a woman. That interpretation means it has both the male and female energies, working together in symbiosis.
The fool tarot card meaning as Personality (Persona)
The fool is a free spirit that has no worries, doesn’t always aware of dangerous and the consequences of his action, too impulsive, acting before thinking. This is why the fool needs help when making big decisions.
He is just like a little kid who is very curious and loves to explore everything about the world. He knows he will make mistakes and it will hurt a lot. Yet it doesn’t stop him from taking an action. He likes the experiences of life whether they are good or even bad. He can learn from each situation and grow wiser and stronger. His main goal is to go after the possibility, even if it doesn’t look very clear or doable at the current phase.
The art of celebrating the joy of life. Admiring the beautifulness of the little things, very positive, optimistic and looking at the bright side.
Flexible, can adapt to most situation. He doesn’t have a solid philosophy or principle he must apply, other than been carefree. He still doesn’t have a strong personality and foundations. He is waiting to be shaped by the future experiences.
He is new to this world; he doesn’t always play by the social norms or cultural rules. Mainly because the fool doesn’t knows the meaning of most of them yet. But after the experience is gained the personality will be shaped on the positive way.
What does the fool card mean in love and relationship reading?
The fool card in love and relationships is meaning a huge surprise. You might encounter your lover in a sequence of events that you never would predict, out of the blue. For example, a new stranger that comes into town, new neighbour or new work colleague.
It can also indicate that there is a person that is close to you, but you haven’t really thought you two are compatible in terms of romance, or can go along together because you two have different personality traits. You will suddenly realise that it can happen.
When it comes to a new relationship there is a lot of excitement in the air, meaning fresh positive energy and optimism. While it might give you good feelings and joy, you also need to be caution a bit. You don’t see the whole picture and what you can’t see might hurt you.
There will be warning signs and it is advised to take in consideration every weird signal into consideration. Your friends and family might have an opinion about your new love relationship, please note that they are not jealous or want things to go wrong for you. They just care that everything will work on the good path.
Don’t be too much swept of your feet, in the end you will have to face reality. What you think about a certain man or woman and what is going on in real life are two different things. Once you encounter the polarity between the two, you might be very disappointed.
If what you are looking for is a long term relationship like marriage, than this is not a good tarot card. The fool’s journey tarot card is indicating the beginning but not the middle and the end. Things will change or develop. If you want this to success there is still a lot of work to be done. The person you are seeing right now is not looking for a commitment. Maybe in the future it will change.
If you are a woman the fool tarot card also stand for fertility. It might predict a pregnancy – start of a new life.
The fool tarot card meaning in work, career and money
New possibilities are coming in your way. This is the time to take action and do what you always wanted. Maybe you always wanted to change your career, maybe you want to work somewhere else or maybe to have your own business.
The main interpretation or meaning is that you need to go with what you believe in, even if there will be hard times during that period. Some people will not like what you are doing, they will try to stop you and change your mind. Situations like this need to be balance. On the one hand it’s good to listen to them, because they have other point of view and might teach you new perspective. On the other way don’t let it to discourage you from achieving the goal.
Understand that making a change related to work and money has its own risks. You can find yourself unemployed for a while or even loosing money. But when we are looking at the long term of the journey, in most cases there will be a success.
The fool tarot card meaning health
Regarding health, the fool tarot card meaning is good physical conditions.
If you were sick before, the interpretation is that the illness might begin to disappear and you suppose to feel much better.
Another possible meaning and interpretation is regarding to health is physical accident. As you may very well know by now, the fool is taking risks without thinking about them too much. The fool is on the verge of the cliff and if something will go wrong he will slip down.
Is the fool a good tarot card or is it bad?
Basically the fool’s journey is a good tarot card, as the main meaning is a new beginning. Usually when we have something new in our life, it is exciting, gives us good feeling and very interesting and intriguing. At this moment we pay attention only to the good and positive aspects of the event. We normally drawn to the situation, don’t think too much about it and we don’t want to ruin it, just flow with the current.
However, nothing is perfect and you also need to be aware of dangerous situations that are a head of you. There will be warning signs of bad energies. Therefore the best practice is no keep an eye on what is going on.
Does the fool tarot card mean yes or no?
The fool’s journey tarot card is usually neutral. The card is symbolizing something fresh and new possibilities. It can turn bad or good depending or the steps you take during your journey. More often than not it is interpreted as a yes card.
The fool’s journey tarot card upright meaning
Upright keywords: new beginnings, freedom, originality, foolishness, spontaneity, travel, adventure, leap of faith, careless, innocence.
The upright meaning of the fool tarot card is about taking risks in order to improve your situation and gain more of what you really want in life. Every one of us has certain desires and personal goals that we want to pursue. So if this card show up in a psychic reading than it is a good time to start a new adventure.
You have to be brave and face your inner demons and fears. Although the card is generally positive, the road to happiness is not easy and you will encounter some problems. From that reason it is very crucial that you will have faith and believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it, even if right now it is not very clear how, you will find the solution. Even if everyone around advice or telling you that you will fail, don’t listen to them too much and go only with your inner true.
Don’t look back on past experiences. Even if you had bad moments, don’t let them hold you from changing your situation. Remember the lessons you have learned and just keep on go forward all the way.
The fool’s journey tarot card reversed meaning
Reversed keywords: lack of direction, chaos, naive, reckless, lack of direction, poor judgement
When the tarot card is being spread upside down (reversed), it means that you jumped too far without thinking about the implications of your action, this might put you in trouble. As shown graphically in the fool tarot card, he is standing right before the cliff. Every big step or reckless movement can bring him to death.
Even if the fool tarot card is showing in reversed it still means a new beginning, but something is holding you back. For example it can be fear of the unknown future, failure and inability to make decisions.
The reversed meaning in love and relationship: if you are single than you are not ready for a long term relationships, you will not find term partner. If you are already seen someone that he or she doesn’t ready to make a commitment. They just want to have fun and fool around.
With money and career, when the tarot card is reversed, beware that no one is taking an advantage or you. For example someone can offer you a bad business idea or shady investment opportunity. And in the end you will lose lots of money.
The fool tarot card meaning in past, present and future
When we relate to the past, the meaning of the fool tarot card is that you have wasted lots of time and energies on people or work or relationships that you are no longer interested in. you had enough with all of this and you are looking for something different.
The present: right now you need a change, you don’t know if it will turn out to be good or bad. You are standing on a crossroad, you need to make a choice and just go for it. Things are looking too complicated right now, this is fine and you will have to address those issues but not right now. The most important thing is that you’ll move on to the desired direction.
The future: the fool tarot card is mainly concern about the present moment. But it can give us a little projection on the future as well. In the future you will have to invent yourself, adapt and be very flexible. When you will see a new opportunity, don’t hesitate and don’t go back to your old habits, which are holding you back.
The fool tarot card number meaning
The fool tarot card is a part of the whole 22 major arcana cards. It referred to key number 0 (zero), meaning the first in the deck. But it can also be placed at the end – key number 22. Because of that fact, the fool symbolizing the beginning and the end of a life cycle. Further more, the cycle is endless so in theory it goes in never-ending loop forever and ever, repeat itself to the eternity.
During our life, we will go through the 21 keys or elements of the fool’s journey. We will meet people who will teach us lessons about life. We will change our behaviour and feelings in order to continue with the journey. So in the end we will go back to the very first place that it was all begun, but now we are different in the way that we are wiser and stronger. It is more like spiritual voyage of self discovery.
The word fool in French language means a sack that is full of air, not with material objects. This is the reason why everything is possible even if it doesn’t seem so. It is also a symbol of triumph.
The number zero in numerology represents no limitation and lots of positive options to choose from. It is nothing and yet it is also everything together. The order of the numbers doesn’t apply to zero, as it all start afterwards. So there is no past for the fool, only future.
22 innumerology is great transformation energy. It is the ability to turn dreams and wishes to come true to the world of reality.
The fool tarot card astrological zodiac sign
The fool tarot card astrological zodiac signs are Aquarius and Pisces.
Aquarius is the 11th zodiac in astrology, mainly represents the element of water. Liquid flow that travel on earth. Strong current of water that can creates its own path by shaping rivers, lakes and the bottom of the ocean. Always on the move, looking for new adventure and can get bored really quick.
Pisces is a dreamer very much like the fool’s personality from the tarot card. They want to go somewhere, but they can’t decide what the right direction for them is. They have this conflict as depict in the zodiac sign – two fish, each one of them is swimming to another side. Pisces are also very emotional and control by their feelings.
In astrology the role of Uranus planet is to be like a clock, to awake us and get us doing things. This is very similar to the fool’s situation as described in the tarot card. There is some burning flame of fire inside of him that wouldn’t let him rest until he will find his answers. It is a call to take immediate action.
The fool tarot card meaning as feelings
As feelings, the fool’s journey tarot card gives us positive feelings. In most cases the answers to you questions are yes, there are good energies and positive vibes surrounding you. Even if the tarot card show in reversed it is still have bigger aspect of positivity with a minor challenge that stands in your way. In fact, it the ancient days of psychic reading the card was actually a joker – the most powerful item in the deck.
The fool tarot card art and history
Long time ago when tarot cards were used as a game and not for psychic reading, the fool’s card was the most powerful card in the deck. He was outside of the order and if you had it, you could protect and win the game.
Few hundreds year later the art of this tarot card was described more as someone who has unwanted personality in society, and therefore he lost all his magic and power. People didn’t want to associate themselves with this image. It was considered a negative energy and bad omen from the future. It symbolized unsuccessful life, misfortune and tormeneted feelings.
Later on, the fool’s image became a man of courage. Until that very day, the fool’s is still the hero card on the tarot deck. Although he is numbered 0 (zero) which mean nothing, he denotes new journey and possibilities, which is everything we need.
In many myths, legends and folklore story through history, the fool is actually the wisest person of all. He might look a little different or simple or even out of the common norms, but he knows better. Although at the beginning he didn’t had too much wisdom, his actions and failures through life, brought him new experiences and valuable lessons to learn from. All of this could happen just because of one thing: he wasn’t afraid to take the risk.
In fact, those who are dismissing him or don’t understand him, are the real fools because they don’t know how much wisdom he has to offer to the world.
Other names for the fool tarot card: joker, jester, clown, buffoon, folie, fov, il matto, le fou, and le mat.
Feel free to write your thoughts or questions in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!
submitted by Psychics4U_net to freepsychicreadings4u [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:01 ilyascetin Unemployment Benefit Conditions in Turkey

Unemployment benefits are payments made to insured workers for a certain period and amount for the period during which they are unemployed, if they meet the conditions specified in the law. Unemployment benefits aim to ensure that the worker can earn his minimum living while finding a job. The conditions and calculation methods required to qualify for the allowance are as follows
submitted by ilyascetin to lawyerturkey [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:44 pr1nc3ss1331 AITA

AITA pour avoir révélée la vérité à propos de mon ex et avoir "fait de la m3rde dans sa vie"
Moi 20 F ai sortie avec mon ex 27 M pendant plus d'un ans. Au début de la relation il étais doux et gentil avec des promesses et tout ce qui peux nous charmée. J'ai emménager chez lui après environ 5 mois (il m'a logée et nourit le temps que j'ai une source d'argent qui entre). Une fois que j'ai eu mes entrée monétaire, on s'est mis à séparer le loyer 50/50 et payer les dépense à deux (chats , épicerie , réseau etc)
Après quelque mois à vivre la bas j'ai eu une dépression qui je l'avoue à beaucoup affecter notre vie du sens que je n'avais plus d'énergie et avais souvent des humeurs plus sombre. En tant que "stay at home girlfriend" j'essayais de garder la maison aussi propre que possible et j'avoue avoir échouer quelque fois à ce niveau. Après quelque temps je réaliser qu'il se trompais dans des histoires et ai fini par découvrir qu'il me cachais des sextos avec d'autres filles et lorsque je le confrontait il me mentais. J'ai fini par trouver des preuves suffisante et lui et moi avons eu une discussion à ce propos. Il me disais que je n'étais plus attirante car je n'étais pas celle que je prétendait être au début du à la situation de la maison (je tient à préciser aussi qu'il allais à l'école la semaine et travaillais la fin de semaine). Je l'ai pardonner et nous avons travailler sur nous. J'étais un peu beaucoup insécure et jalouse après ça.
Après quelque temps nos relation intime ont cesser complètement (nous avions tout 2 une grande libido de base) il me disais être stressé et avoir moin de libido du à un changement de médications. J'ai accepter et n'ai jamais été voir ailleurs profitant du peu que l'on avais quand il en avais envie et me débrouillent avec jouet sinon.
Après quelques autres mois je l'ai rattraper à recommencer avec une fille qu'il avais déjà eu une relation intime à 3 avec elle et son ex , il me disais ne plus lui parler et lui disais de beaux mots comme il ne m'avais jamais dit. J'étais détruite et l'ai confronté a nouveau. Il disais ne pas avoir d'excuse que ce n'étais juste pas intelligent de sa part et qu'il se sentait étrange. Je lui ai pardonner une fois de plus et lui ai demander qu'on règle nos affaire pour de bon car je l'aimais et considérait que nous méritions qu'on fasse les efforts et qu'on se battent pour nous.
Après quelque semaine j'ai demander à reparler la relation n'allais plus je n'étais plus heureuse mais je l'aimais j'ai demander à ce qu'on fasse quelque chose qu'on règle nos affaire il m'a dit être confus sur tout dans sa vie, s'il a choisi le bon métier a étudier, s'il étais bien ici et s'il voulais finir sa vie avec moi. Au final la décision a été prise et nous nous somme séparés mais vivions toujours ensemble.
A ce moment la (si ce n'étais pas avant je n'ai pas calculer le temps) il a rencontré une autre fille à son école et à commencer à la date. Il me disais que ce n'étais rien que de l'amitié et tout et qu'il étais encore confus. Il dormais chez elle 2 soir semaine et le reste du temps dans notre appartement. Nous dormions encore dans le même lit et après quelque semaine avions recommencer à avoir des relation intimes (au moins 3 fois semaine). Nous prenions nos douches ensemble et continuions nos habitude que nous avions adopter lors de notre année de couple.
J'ai fini par savoir qu'il lui disais une version d'histoire et à moi une autre qu'il lui disais que plus rien physique ou intime ne se passais avec moi alors que si , qu'il m'avais donner une date pour déménager mais non etc. La journée où j'ai découvert en profondeur il m'a demander d'être partie de l'appartement pour le mois suivant. Je lui ai dit que je savais pour elle et moi et qu'il devait le lui dire sinon je le ferais car elle méritait le respect qu'aucune de nous n'a eu ,il n'a jamais répondu à cela. J'ai écrit à la fille et lui ai tout raconter. Elle ne m'a jamais répondu mais je sais qu'elle l'a confronté car il m'a écrit par après "tu fou ton camps de chez moi ce soir" que j'avais foutu la merde dans sa vie et que j'étais narcissiste et égocentrique et que je ne voulais que le blesser. J'ai répondu qu'il n'avais fait que cela de notre relation me blesser. Il insistait sur le fait de me voulais en dehors de son appartement et qu'il ne voulais plus me voir etc. Il étais par la suite fâcher que j'ai ma meilleure amie avec moi pour vider l'appartement en disais qu'il n'avais jamais approuver qu'elle entre dans son appartement etc et que j'étais mieux de ne pas toucher à ses choses et aussi que si quelque chose manquais ou étais briser il allais m'en tenir responsable.
Au bout de 5-6 heures mes choses étaient dans des sacs et boîtes et parti entreposer chez de la famille et moi partie chez ma mère.
Il m'a écrit disant que j'avais pris le mauvais kit de vaisselle et je lui ai dit qu'il étais entreposer chez ma famille et que je lui rapporterait dès que je pourrais aller les chercher. Nous avons conclu une manière que je puisse aller chercher mon courrier et mes choses si j'en ai oublier sans qu'on ai à se voir. Malheureusement je dois aller avec lui demain pour un rendez-vous car ils ont été pris ensemble. Je ne pense pas être en danger il n'a jamais montrer de signe se violence et as toujours affirmé être contre celle-ci. Je vous updaterais si le rendez-vous se passe mal ou bizarrement ou si quelque chose d'autre arrive entre temps
Ps je vois déjà les commentaires arriver je n'étais pas sur le bail , le propriétaire savais que j'y étais mais nous ne voulions pas briser le bail au milieu de l'année , oui mon adresse étais à jour pour la sienne partout je recevais mon courrier chez lui et tout mais je n'étais pas sur le contrat. Et non je ne lui demanderais pas de me rembourser la fin de ce mois ci que j'ai payer car j'ai passer plusieurs mois à vivre la bas gratuitement.
submitted by pr1nc3ss1331 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:52 Savings-Instruction8 Burnt out but shit job market

Tale as old as time. In the last year I've become extremely burnt out working at my boutique strategy consulting firm, to the point where it's affecting my mental (depression, anxiety, shame, self-doubt, breakdowns every week where I cry for hours) and physical health (getting sick frequently, cankersores from stress, lethargy and difficulty concentrating). At first, I was incredibly anxious about getting laid off, but now I'm at the point of numbness where I almost wish they'd axe me so I can get at least collect severance. I have also been job searching passively over the last year as well, but have had exactly one company respond (a screener call which I flubbed).
I'm at a crossroads now where I want to quit so I can focus on rest and recovery for 3-6 months, but I'm also terrified of a) not being able to re-enter the job market again, and b) the opportunity cost of my career trajectory and earnings in the meantime. I keep thinking maybe I'm just being weak/sensitive and I just need to push through and put in more effort at work (where they've delayed my promotion due to the negative financial performance of the company and are applying a lot of psychological pressure to get us to work more) so I can feel better about myself. But I'm also scared of pushing myself to a breaking point and thus compounding the amount of time it takes to recover.
I am currently looking into the feasibility of taking a few months of FMLA leave for my mental health but I know it's going to send red flags to HR and essentially start the countdown to when I have to leave the company. Regardless, I probably want to leave consulting altogether because it's too high-stress with poor WLB and not a good personality fit. I actually have multiple colleagues who have quit without a job lined up, probably also due to burnout, but the job market is just so shit right now from my experience. It seems like nobody wants to hire for strategy, and if they do, it's 20% less pay and 400 applications within the week.
I did some calculations and I can exist comfortably on my savings for 2+ years of unemployment (without dipping into the retirement savings and brokerage accounts). But just because I could doesn't mean I should, right? Would I be okay if I took a 3-6 month or plus break, or am I digging myself into a deeper hole once I try to re-enter this abysmal job market? Would really appreciate advice from anyone who can relate to any part of my story above.
submitted by Savings-Instruction8 to consulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 flouniee Université pour étudiant étranger

Bonjour, Je réside présentement au Québec mais je souhaiterais poursuivre mes études universitaires à Toulouse à partir de l’été 2025. J’étudie au collège en technique juridique qui me permet de devenir technicienne juridique / parajuriste. Je voulais m’informer sur les préavis scolaires nécessaires afin de pouvoir être accepté en faculté de droit. J’ai communiqué avec l’université il y a 3 semaines et malheureusement, je n’ai toujours pas eu de réponse.
La France et le Québec n’ont pas les mêmes méthodes et critères de sélection lors des choix des futurs étudiants. Par exemple, au Québec, les universités vont regarder notre Cote R (un calcul complex entre notre moyenne de chaque classe en les comparant avec les moyennes du groupe) que nous avons reçu durant nos années collégiales. Est-ce qu’il y a un truc similaire que les universités françaises regardent? Est-ce qu’ils se basent seulement sur nos moyennes de chaque classe?
Aussi, quelle est la ‘’moyenne’’ des notes acceptables afin de pouvoir rentrer dans ce programme? En comparatif, au Québec, la faculté de droit de l’université de Montréal exige une Cote R d’environ 31 pour pouvoir y rentrer. Est-ce qu’il y a quelque chose de ressemblante aux universités en France? Comment les universités font pour choisir les étudiants admis?
Bref, je me demandais seulement la manière dont les universités regardent et choisissent des étudiants étrangers par rapport aux résultats scolaires. J’espère que mes questions sont clairs et compréhensibles.
submitted by flouniee to france [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:27 Hw7umnix Need some help on a crawling project

Newbee here, doing a crawling script from NationalVisaCenter and tried to DQ to IL trend for MTL. However, because I am still learning, I am trying to figure out the best way to capture the comments like this:
And this:
however, there must be something wrong with my code as I am trying to capture the date, it either did not crawl enough data or crawl too much. What can I do to let it accurately crawl what I need?
subreddit = reddit.subreddit('NationalVisaCenter') # Keyword to search in posts keyword = "Montreal" # Define enhanced regex patterns for dates (assuming MM/DD/YYYY format) # Allow "DQ", "DQed", "DQ:", etc., and similar for "IL" dq_pattern = re.compile(r"DQ[\s:]*([\d]{1,2}[-/\.][\d]{1,2}[-/\.][\d]{2,4})") il_pattern = re.compile(r"IL[\s:]*([\d]{1,2}[-/\.][\d]{1,2}[-/\.][\d]{2,4})") # Calculate the date 180 days ago from today days_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=180) # Collect relevant data results = [] for post in subreddit.search(keyword, limit=None): # Search posts containing "Montreal" # Convert post creation time from timestamp to datetime post_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(post.created_utc) if post_date > days_ago: post.comments.replace_more(limit=None) for comment in post.comments.list(): if hasattr(comment, "body"): dq_matches = dq_pattern.findall(comment.body) il_matches = il_pattern.findall(comment.body) if dq_matches or il_matches: dq_dates = [match[1].strip() for match in dq_matches] # Extract date strings, ignore other groups il_dates = [match.strip() for match in il_matches] # Extract date strings comment_data = f"Post Title: {post.title}\nComment ID: {comment.id}\nDQ Dates: {dq_dates}\nIL Dates: {il_dates}\n---\n" results.append(comment_data) # Save results to a TXT file with open('reddit_data.txt', 'w') as f: for result in results: f.write(result) print("Data extraction complete, saved to reddit_data.txt.") 
submitted by Hw7umnix to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:52 Xchurch173 Question for those shipping larger items

I do woodworking, and mostly what I sell on Etsy is fairly small. Pens, bowls, serving trays. The largest thing I’ve shipped out is probably 12x20x2.5 inches when packaged and about 5-10 lbs. I don’t remember exactly what it cost to ship, but it wasn’t much. Probably around $20-$30 tops to go from NJ to the middle of the country.
I’ve been considering listing some small end tables I make, but I can’t find a way to ship them that doesn’t basically double the price. The boxes would end up being about 20x20x20 inches and around 20lbs. Quotes I got were (from NJ) to PA - $45, to IL - $85, and to CA - $145. Prices from UPS and FedEx were basically the same and I think USPS was as well. That was also the max size allowed by USPS if I’m remembering correctly.
Is there another way to ship these that I’m missing? I can’t send them broken down (ikea style) as I don’t want the customer to have to build them. Too much room for error, and I want to deliver a finished product. I see plenty of people selling similar sized tables (that I don’t imagine would ship broken down) with free shipping around the $125 - $200 price range, which is what I was aiming to sell my more basic ones for. If I had to ship to CA with free shipping at that price range I’d lose money, and to IL I’d barely cover my material costs after the shipping.
I’ve thought about using calculated shipping but don’t know how I’d be able to compete with other stuff on the platform price-wise
submitted by Xchurch173 to EtsySellers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:45 lolhihelpmety Pennsylvania Tax Withheld Question

HELP! Question about payment Employee/Emoloyer Withholding for small business
This is my first quarter having employees to pay. I’m SO confused about two things: The W3 form on my path & the UC tax withheld payment.
On the Unemployment Compensation portal, it calculates the Employee and Employer contribution I need to pay. So I paid it.
Now going to MyPath, I am trying to file the W3 form, and it asks me how much PA Withholding Tax, which I interpret as the Employer contribution rate from the UC to enter. However, it expects me to pay it again.
Am I understanding what the correct PA tax withheld on the W3 form is? If it’s not, what is considered PA tax withheld on the W3 form? Am I expected to pay twice for employer tax withheld on the UC portal and on myPath?
submitted by lolhihelpmety to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:31 Meydeey "GPT-4o OpenAI : une révolution en intelligence artificielle ?"

OpenAI a récemment lancé un nouveau modèle de langage, GPT-4o. Ce dernier est une avancée majeure dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle. Voyons ensemble ce que GPT-4o a à offrir.

Performances de GPT-4o

Le modèle GPT-4o est plus créatif et collaboratif que ses prédécesseurs. Il est conçu pour générer, éditer et itérer avec les utilisateurs sur des écrits créatifs et techniques. Par rapport à GPT-3.5, GPT-4o est 82% moins susceptible de répondre aux demandes de contenu interdit et 40% plus susceptible de produire des réponses factuelles.

Améliorations de la sécurité et de l'alignement

OpenAI a réalisé ces améliorations en matière de sécurité et d'alignement grâce à l'incorporation de plus de retours humains et à la collaboration avec plus de 50 experts dans des domaines tels que la sécurité et la sécurité de l'IA.

Utilisations de GPT-4o

GPT-4o trouve des applications dans une variété de domaines, allant de l'assistance quotidienne à des tâches spécifiques au travail ou à la maison. OpenAI a introduit des versions personnalisées de ChatGPT, appelées GPTs, qui permettent de créer une version sur mesure de ChatGPT pour être plus utile dans la vie quotidienne des utilisateurs.

Personnalisation de l'expérience utilisateur

Ces GPTs peuvent être créés sans codage et sont disponibles pour ChatGPT Plus et les utilisateurs d'entreprise. De plus, GPT-4o est utilisé pour alimenter ChatGPT Plus, offrant des informations à jour jusqu'en avril 2023 et permettant aux utilisateurs d'accéder à DALL·E, à la navigation et à l'analyse de données sans changer de modèle.

Avancées Techniques de GPT-4o

GPT-4o a été formé sur Microsoft Azure AI supercomputers, bénéficiant ainsi d'une infrastructure optimisée pour l'IA qui permet de délivrer GPT-4o aux utilisateurs du monde entier. Cette formation a inclus une phase d'ajustement de six mois pour rendre l'activité de l'IA conforme aux intentions d'OpenAI, avec des ajustements manuels sous la supervision d'équipes spécialisées.

Amélioration continue

GPT-4o a également été conçu pour continuer à s'améliorer à partir de l'utilisation réelle, appliquant les leçons tirées de l'utilisation des modèles précédents dans la recherche sur la sécurité et le système de surveillance de GPT-4o.

Comparaison avec GPT-3

En comparaison avec GPT-3, GPT-4o représente une évolution significative en termes de capacités et de sécurité. GPT-3 a été formé sur 570 Go de données, provenant d'Internet, comme Reddit et Wikipédia, tandis que les détails spécifiques de la formation de GPT-4o n'ont pas été divulgués, il est clair que GPT-4o a bénéficié d'une approche plus sophistiquée et d'une plus grande quantité de données et de calculs.

Améliorations en matière de sécurité et d'alignement

Les améliorations en matière de sécurité et d'alignement de GPT-4o, ainsi que sa capacité à produire des réponses plus factuelles et moins susceptibles de répondre aux demandes de contenu interdit, le distinguent de GPT-3.

Pourquoi Utiliser GPT-4o?

L'utilisation de GPT-4o offre plusieurs avantages, notamment une plus grande créativité et collaboration dans la génération de contenu, une sécurité et un alignement améliorés, et la possibilité de personnaliser l'expérience utilisateur grâce aux GPTs. Que ce soit pour des applications professionnelles ou personnelles, GPT-4o offre une plateforme flexible et puissante pour exploiter le potentiel de l'intelligence artificielle dans une variété de contextes.

➤ Découvre nos Formations IA, Automatisation et Growth
Tu souhaites maîtriser les technologies de demain ? Rejoins nos formations spécialisées en Intelligence Artificielle, Automatisation Nocode et Growth Hacking. Chaque cours est conçu pour vous fournir des compétences pratiques et immédiatement applicables.
➤ Inscris-toi Maintenant
Ne rate pas l'opportunité de propulser ton business, même si tu es débutant. Les places sont limitées, assure ta place dès aujourd'hui !
👉 Rendez-vous sur https://furybiz.com/ pour commencer !
submitted by Meydeey to iaautomatisation [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:31 flouniee Université de Toulouse/ faculté de droit

Bonjour, Je réside présentement au Québec mais je souhaiterais poursuivre mes études universitaires à Toulouse à partir de l’été 2025. J’étudie au collège en technique juridique qui me permet de devenir technicienne juridique / parajuriste. Je voulais m’informer sur les préavis scolaires nécessaires afin de pouvoir être accepté en faculté de droit. J’ai communiqué avec l’université il y a 3 semaines et malheureusement, je n’ai toujours pas eu de réponse.
La France et le Québec n’ont pas les mêmes méthodes et critères de sélection lors des choix des futurs étudiants. Par exemple, au Québec, les universités vont regarder notre Cote R (un calcul complex entre notre moyenne de chaque classe en les comparant avec les moyennes du groupe) que nous avons reçu durant nos années collégiales. Est-ce qu’il y a un truc similaire que les universités françaises regardent? Est-ce qu’ils se basent seulement sur nos moyennes de chaque classe?
Aussi, quelle est la ‘’moyenne’’ des notes acceptables afin de pouvoir rentrer dans ce programme? En comparatif, au Québec, la faculté de droit de l’université de Montréal exige une Cote R d’environ 31 pour pouvoir y rentrer. Est-ce qu’il y a quelque chose de ressemblante aux universités en France? Comment les universités font pour choisir les étudiants admis?
Bref, je me demandais seulement la manière dont les universités regardent et choisissent des étudiants étrangers par rapport aux résultats scolaires. J’espère que mes questions sont clairs et compréhensibles.
submitted by flouniee to toulouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:01 AcornTuesday Cannot tell if I'm actually a failure/incompetent or my boss just has unrealistic expectations

For context: This is my first job out of college. Spent months and months applying with nothing but rejection. I finished a master's, yet I don't think I know much or am very good at chemistry.
I have been working at this place for slightly less than 2 months so far. Training is very rough, I had to go out of my way and beg somebody to train me for HPLC, since I want to learn it as a skill. The QC head at first outright refused, saying something like "He doesn't have experience, he won't know how to do X, Y, Z anyway". If I need to learn how to insert myself on production batches, then I am at best a third wheel and I only inconvenience my coworkers.
The past few weeks my boss is getting worse with his criticisms and attitude toward me, to the point that it is greatly affecting my mental health. I'll be doing a reaction for the first time and he's essentially a drill sergeant while also being degrading about my potential as a chemist. "Where did you learn chemistry", "I'm disappointed", etc. - And no - no major mistakes where I failed a reaction or broke something expensive.
Today he said that I'm a disappointment to the company and that he expected more from me when I was hired. He also said my 2 coworkers (ones who are also young like me), do not want to work with me or like me, because I don't catch on quickly/am not a quick learner and "I just sit and watch" instead of inserting myself on large-scale production batches. He said I should avoid asking them questions too, because it might make me look dumb.
I've been trying my best to learn the processes. This is a small pharmaceutical production company with hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake if a reaction goes wrong. People who can independently run these will have at least 3+ years of experience, but even then, most of the time it is done by someone who's been here for 10+ years. I try to insert myself and always ask questions/offer help and I can tell I'm just annoying them.
My boss will nitpick and find little things to criticize me about. How I did a calculation, for example. It gave me the correct answer, yet he said I make it too confusing and write too much/take too long to do the calculation. If I'm using a new piece of glassware/fitting that I've never used before, he basically won't tell me what to do and act like my own intuition and problem-solving should tell me all I need to know - no training required, this isn't school, this is your job - his words.
He might actually show me how to do something one time and expect me to have mastered it if it needs to be done a month later. It could be something that has a good amount of steps such as adjusting several valves in a certain order on top of other things. I make one mistake on said process, I'll be berated and told I don't pay attention.
And lastly, there's quite the language barrier here. Both of the people who run this department including my boss, do not speak English well. I cannot always understand what they say and they get mad when I misinterpret it.
I just want to gain experience and eventually be a success. But from what he's been saying and what he said today, it makes me feel like a total failure and that I am too dumb to work and my degree is a lie. I'm so scared that if I lose this job, it will be another 8 months of my life down the drain, with nothing but rejection and unemployment... I just don't know what to do.
submitted by AcornTuesday to labrats [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:36 The_DumbGuy ??? New T-72b armor module just dropped

??? New T-72b armor module just dropped submitted by The_DumbGuy to warthundermemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:23 myHerb_IL Pixel Union & Out of the Sandbox: Empowering Sustainable Digital Experiences for myHerb

Pixel Union & Out of the Sandbox: Empowering Sustainable Digital Experiences for myHerb
In a rapidly evolving digital landscape where sustainability has become paramount, the Pixel Union and Out of the Sandbox partnership empowers businesses like myHerb to create impactful and sustainable online experiences.

Pixel Union: Design with Purpose

Pixel Union is a renowned design studio specializing in WordPress themes and plugins. Its unwavering commitment to sustainability is reflected in its meticulously crafted products, which seamlessly blend aesthetics with eco-friendliness.
Pixel Union Partner with myHerb
  1. Energy-Efficient Themes: Pixel Union's themes are optimized for reduced data usage, minimizing server load and carbon emissions.
  2. Green Materials: Images and videos are compressed using advanced algorithms, ensuring optimal performance without sacrificing quality.
  3. Accessible Design: Their themes prioritize accessibility, making websites inclusive for users with diverse abilities, thus promoting equity and inclusivity.

Out of the Sandbox: Revolutionizing WordPress with a Conscience

Out of the Sandbox is at the forefront of WordPress innovation, crafting premium plugins that enhance websites' functionality while adhering to sustainable and ethical best practices.
Their commitment to excellence and environmental stewardship is reflected in every product they release, ensuring that users receive powerful web development tools and solutions that contribute positively to the digital ecosystem.
Theme Example

Plugins with a Purpose

Their product lineup is a testament to the belief that technology can be powerful and responsible. Each plugin is designed with the future in mind, using efficient coding standards that minimize digital waste and promote a faster, cleaner, and more sustainable web experience.
Whether you're looking to improve your site's SEO, enhance its performance, or offer a more engaging user experience, Out of the Sandbox has a solution that aligns with your goals and the greater good.

Sustainable Best Practices

In an era where digital footprints are becoming as concerning as physical ones, Out of the Sandbox leads by example.
They are committed to reducing the environmental impact of their plugins from development through deployment. This includes optimizing for performance to reduce server loads, using energy-efficient coding, and encouraging digital sustainability among their user base.
Out of the Sandbox is more than just a software company. It's a visionary team dedicated to making the web a better place, one plugin at a time. Their approach goes beyond traditional development by incorporating eco-friendly practices into the core of their business model, proving that you don't have to sacrifice performance for sustainability.
Yoga Design

Lead Generation and Optimization Tools Summary

  • ConvertPlus Lead Generation: A lightweight design focused on targeted lead capture enhances engagement without affecting website performance.
  • OptimizePress Sales and Marketing: Integrates multiple plugins into a single platform, reducing server load and resource usage for efficient operations.
  • SeedProd Landing Pages: Optimizing code efficiency minimizes the need for additional plugins, decreasing website bloat and enhancing performance.

myHerb: Herbs and Wellness with a Sustainable Twist

myHerb, a leading provider of sustainability guidance and practice shifting, has partnered with Pixel Union and Out of the Sandbox to elevate its digital presence. By leveraging their sustainable solutions, myHerb aims to:

Strategy for myHerb: Enhancing Brand Trust, Accessibility, and Environmental Responsibility

Foster Brand Trust

myHerb aims to be recognized as a pioneer in the sustainability sector, deeply embedding eco-conscious practices into our business model. To convincingly position myHerb as a forward-thinking and environmentally responsible company, we propose the following actions:
  • Highlight Sustainability Initiatives: Regularly update our website and social media with stories showcasing our sustainability commitment. This includes behind-the-scenes looks at how our products are made, our eco-friendly materials, and our efforts to minimize waste.
  • Earn Certifications: Pursue certifications from reputable third-party organizations that validate our commitment to environmental responsibility and ethical business practices.
  • Transparent Reporting: Publish annual sustainability reports detailing our environmental impact, progress towards sustainability goals, and areas for improvement.

Promote Accessibility

To ensure that myHerb's online content is accessible to a broad audience, including those with disabilities, we propose the following measures:
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Compliance: Audit and update our website to comply with WCAG 2.1 standards, ensuring that our digital content is accessible to people with a wide range of disabilities.
  • Inclusive Language: We use clear, simple language in all our communications to make our content easily understandable to non-native English speakers and those with different educational backgrounds.
  • Diverse Media Formats: Provide content in various formats, including text, video with captions, audio descriptions, and infographics, to cater to different preferences and needs.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Improving myHerb's website performance not only offers a better user experience but also contributes to reducing our server emissions. To achieve this, we recommend:
  • Optimize Website Efficiency: Reduce the size of images and videos, leverage browser caching, and minimize HTTP requests to decrease loading times and reduce energy consumption associated with hosting and accessing our website.
  • Green Hosting: We will transition our website to a green web hosting provider that uses renewable energy sources to power its data centers.
  • Carbon Offsetting: To neutralize our impact, we calculate the carbon footprint of our website's operation and invest in carbon offset projects, such as reforestation or renewable energy projects.
By implementing these strategies, myHerb will strengthen its brand trust through a demonstrated commitment to sustainability, enhance its content's reach through improved accessibility, and contribute to a healthier planet by reducing its digital carbon footprint.

Sustainability as a Business Imperative

The latest news and trends emphasize the growing importance of sustainability in business. Consumers are increasingly demanding products and services that align with their environmental values.
By partnering with Pixel Union and Out of the Sandbox, myHerb enhances its digital experience and taps into the growing market for sustainable offerings.
The collaboration between Pixel Union, Out of the Sandbox, and myHerb sets a precedent for sustainable digital transformations. This partnership paves the way for a future where technology and sustainability coexist harmoniously by embracing innovative solutions that minimize environmental impact while empowering businesses.
Together, they empower businesses to create meaningful online experiences prioritizing our planet's performance and well-being.
Try Pixel Union Now: Click Here
submitted by myHerb_IL to myherb_newsletter [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:31 Gothsorrow73 Pro Se Custody and respondent is claiming I’m employed

Currently going Pro Se against my daughter’s father in Florida. He lives a couple of hours away and we are both arguing for primary custody. My main point is I’m a SAHM in a great school area and have time for our daughter, while he works full time, has newborn babies and has his girlfriend of less than a year primarily caring for our daughter.
My issue is, he is claiming I am employed remotely. And is asking the court to calculate child support accordingly (in his counter petition) Problem being, I’m not employed, at all. And haven’t been since before my son was born (last September) what documents would I need to provide to prove that I’ve been unemployed and am focused on caring for my children?
submitted by Gothsorrow73 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:53 innangelina nc with elderly mom

I'm fairly new in this group. Have been reading through posts and recognise so much of my own experience. My mom is bpd and managing our relationship has been my biggest struggle since childhood. it hasn't been all bad, i was 'lucky' to be left with my grandparents in a differrent town so they raised me till i was 9 and again between 11 and 13. my mom 'brought me over' between 9 and 11 in an attempt to convince my dad to stop cheating. it ended in divorce. i lived with her from 13 to 20 them moved out of town for school and eventually started working abroad at 23 and haven't moved back. during my years with her, she used to blow up on my dad until stopped coming over than i was next in line.. complete chaos not knowing what might trigger her, she'd start screaming at me until she got tired than 'forgive me' and expect me to act as if nothing happened. big part of moving abroad was trying to put as much distance between us. she lost her job when i was 24 and i have been supporting her all this time - monthly cash few hundreds (while i've been in debt myself and still trying to dig out of it), all new furniture and appliances, extra whenever she needed it, gifts on special ocasions etc, and being in touch although she was never happy and still kept blowing up. ended up in therapy several times. constant stress all these years plus guilt for moving far etc (only child). in the meantime she cut ties with everyone else in her life, so of course i am 'her only reason to live'. and it's always 'you don't love me' etc and me trying to convince her that's not true. we text daily and talk 2-4 times as week but she would like daily-those conversations are negative and depressing and draining at the best).sometimes work gets very busy and i can't call as often because i literally work morning to midnight- usually that's when she gets'deathly sick' with random dangerous ilnesses she finds online. this was last week and i made the mistake to just text while i worked (it was past midnight where she is, not much to be done till next dayanyway), tell her to try to rest and we'll talk in the morning.she sounded perfectly healthy next day but blew up on me on how if it was dad i would have cared but i treat her like she's nobody, the money i send don't matter, it's love she needs etc, started yelling and i eventually ended the conversation. that was friday.i called on tuesday hoping to go back to normal(we usually make up after) but got 'i'm eating fries to save money i'd rather rot than accept money from you' 'you only ever loved your dad' 'you hated me since you were a child' etc. she was very calm through this, usually she screams and i excuse it on 'heat of the moment' but this was all calculated. she went on for a while, dismissed anything i tried to say, went on to 'you should pray i die soon so you don't have a burden anymore' 'tough luck for you to have a crazy mom' an goodbye have a good life'. so i said goodbye too. the insistance that i hated her since my childhood while i feel like i constantly give up peace, sanity, time, money and basically raised her for 23 years since she stopped working broke something. i decided i'm done. and have felt lighter than i did in ages, showed up better in my marriage, i feel like a new person.. i got a couple more texts of the 'i hope youcan live with yourself while i have noone to bury me kind'. not answering. i won't till she at least retractswhat she said (she will eventually cause by end of month she'll start worrying she wont get her money, she lives on a small pension otherwise). i want out. but she's 70, unwell, and i'm an ocean apart. i don't have it in me to completely desert her. elder care where she is is very rough. not sure what to do.. thoughts?
submitted by innangelina to raisedbyborderlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:08 Jidey43 Combien provisionner pour les impôts de ma LMNP au réel ?

Bonjour à tous,
En Mars nous avons quittés le logement dont je suis propriétaire pour allez vivre dans une autre région (en location).
L'appartement a été mis en location meublée avec une agence en gérance, et j'ai commencé a perçevoir les loyers il y a deux mois.
Avec ce que j'ai lu sur internet je n'arrive pas à me faire une idée de combien provisionner des loyers pour payer les impôts dessus l'année prochaine. Je n'ai pas besoin d'un calcul au centime mais je voudrais pas devoir 1 ou 2k€ que j'aurais déjà dépensé l'année prochaine.
Ma situation fiscale :
Couple pacsé sans enfants
Nous avons déclarés 58k de net imposable pour 2023 (plus a prévoir cette année ma compagne va certainement changer de travail et gagner un peu plus).
Actuellement notre taux de PAS est a 5.8%
Le loyer perçu depuis mars est de 1300e (120e de charges + 1180 de loyer brut) auquel il faut retrancher 9,25% de frais de gestion+GLI. Soit un virement mensuel de 1000€ grosso modo.
Le bien a été acheté 246k hors frais de notaire en 2019 et les mensualités sont de 901€
Nous avons fait des travaux dedans en 2019 (je dois pouvoir justifier de 3/5k€ de factures) et quelques centaines d'euros de remise a neuf avant de partir cette année.
En meuble on a laissé une grosse penderie IKEA a 700€, c'est la seule chose qui aie de la valeur.
Comment faire mon calcul ? Merci.
submitted by Jidey43 to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:59 malt_soda- Streak 180

Cette semaine je vais travailler sur le rapport de recherche pour la demande du groupe d’étude sur l’accreditation. Je vais aussi travailler sur la feuille de calculs pour le cours de généalogie dont je suis assistante. J’ai un réunion avec le prof après les heures de bureau pour parler du deuxième travail des étudiants. Je vais aussi faire mes lectures pour le cours de généalogie que je suis. C’est le dernier mois et je n’ai que deux chapitres. Je dois aussi améliorer mon récit mais je pense que je le ferai la semaine prochaine. Aujourd’hui je dois faire mes courses. Je pense qu’au lieu d’aller sur le tapis roulant, je vais me promener à l’extérieur. Il fait beau ce matin et le soleil me manque. J’ai discuté avec mon mari du problème de sa voiture. Au lieu de remplacer le cadre du toit ouvrant, je pense qu’on va trouver quelqu’un pour souder la fermeture. Il coûtera moins cher. Il faut maintenant trouver une carrosserie pour effectuer ce travail.
submitted by malt_soda- to WriteStreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:22 aconitGre Nuit des ordis

Nuit des ordis
Hello, Vous vous demandez à quoi ressemblait un ordinateur en 1960 ? L'association Aconit vous propose de visiter sa collection de machines historiques le 18 mai (samedi prochain). Have you ever wonder what a computer looked like in the 60's ? Come and see the Aconit's collection of very old machines, on may 18 (next saturday). Au programme :
  • 14h et 15h c'est une visite ludique et légère (bien pour les enfants) sous forme de quizz
  • 16h/18h/20h/22h visite de la collection avec l'historique de l'informatique o Partie 1: Les machines à carte perforées avant les ordinateurs, le calcul mécanique o Partie 2: Les gros ordinateurs de la taille d'une pièce o Partie 3: Les micro-ordinateurs et l'informatique grand public
  • Et de 16h à 00h il y aura des démos et du rétrogaming dans le hall
Inscription/Registrations (recommandée) ici<-- Adresse : 12 Rue Joseph Rey, Grenoble (près de la gare)
submitted by aconitGre to Grenoble [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:18 RunningOftimeout Is it fair to say that VIX index is NOT meant to literally mean volitility in stock movement?

The word Volitility means indecision or no clear direction ahead. However, I feel VIX does not seem to represent that. I am trying to comprehend the intent/purpose of VIX index and what it actually represents.
I have some awareness of what VIX is and if I have to express in my own words, VIX is an index which predicts market uncertainity in the rolling period of next 30 days measured with a complex calculation involving option positions during this period (next 30 days).
However, in my trading period in the past few years, market reaction to increase in VIX has always meant only downward movement of stock and similarly fall in VIX is always upward movement of stock.
Even in the current situtation, VIX has dropped to considerably low level this past week(12-13 range). But in reality, it is hard to comprehend that stocks would continue to make new all-time-highs with sustained high interest rates, unpredictable CPI data, unemployment numbers, etc. Why isn't the VIX representing this unpredictability?
What does VIX actually represent then?
submitted by RunningOftimeout to options [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:53 RunningOftimeout Is it fair to say that VIX index is not meant to literally mean volitility in stock movement (I infer of volitility means indecision or no clear direction)?

I am trying to comprehend the intent/purpose of VIX index and what it actually represents.
If I can express in my own words, VIX is an index which predicts market uncertainity in the rolling period of next 30 days measured with a complex calculation involving option positions during this period (next 30 days).
However, In my trading period in the past few years, increase in VIX has always meant only downward movement of stock and similarly fall in VIX is always upward movement of stock.
Right at this juncture, VIX has dropped to considerably low level (12-13 range). But in reality, it is hard to comprehend that stocks could make new all-time-highs with sustained high interest rates, unpredictable CPI data, unemployment numbers, etc.
What does VIX actually represent then?
submitted by RunningOftimeout to Daytrading [link] [comments]
