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2009.11.23 07:29 ineededanewaccount r/LearnSpanish: Language community

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2009.11.11 01:54 uriel The Go Programming Language

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2012.12.06 18:24 visarga Dmitri Shostakovich

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2024.06.07 21:14 officialmrpunk i really need help about my friend wBPD

Hey everyone, I'm coming to you all as a loved one trying to understand and support someone close to me. my friend with bpd splitted on me recently. we have been tight for over a year and had some great times together. but last couple months have been difficult.
i sent her a dm about her returning to college ""you're going for college? good luck in classes. you are more experienced now. and i know you can handle it. whatever you decide, im here to support you. wishing you the best"
i thought it was supportive but surely i messed up somewhere and it triggered her. after that she suddenly started distancing herself and devaluing our friendship.
at first i gave her space thinking she just needed some alone time. But then things escalated - she removed me from her close friends list on ig - before i came back from 2 month hiatus. i came back tweeting. she liked/unliked my new tweet.
i reached out to her like "hey. its been awhile. i hope you're well. im doing great. last 2 months were amazing. but i know things arent that good between us now. so.. can we talk when you are free? about us. whenever you have the headspace" but tone of that dm probaby wasn't the best..
she didnt reply. then i saw her tweeting "cried so much".. days after she posted vague "I hate you with my every fiber" meme aimed at me. we still follow each other on twitter. i know her pulling away and lashing out is not driven by malice towards me.
i read many things like "leave pwBPDs they aren't worth the drama".. i dont believe it one bit. you are wonderful human beings. and i dont want to give up on her.
i'm begging for help from your POV, from who understand the complexity of maintaining bonds despite these fractures. im ready to do any work to heal this connection. not a single therapist in my area knows well about bpd and her friendship means a lot to me. watching her spiraling like this hurts.
what is the best way to re-approach gently, without being dismissive of her feelings. if i give up now, i only will be confirming her fears. and our bond is really deep. i'm neurodivergent but this is still not fully enough to empathize
submitted by officialmrpunk to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 Sola_Sista_94 Little Junko: Parts Nine and Ten (Fanfic)

Kiki made her way to the beauty salon that Kyoko had given her the address to. When she arrived, she didn't see Junko or Kimiko inside. Kiki looked around, so sure that they'd be there. Just as she thought about leaving, she saw two girls, one tall, one really short, in matching outfits leaving the bathroom. Kiki's eyes nearly jumped out of her skull, realizing that the little girl was Kimiko. They were both wearing black boleros with leopard cuffs over white tank tops, very short denim shorts, and massive, black, fluffy legwarmers over some black, heeled ankle boots. Kimiko's piled-up hair hair was crimped and dyed light brown. On her fingernails were red, long fake nails. She even wore light makeup with long, fake lashes. Kiki walked over to them in disbelief.
"Kimiko?! " she exclaimed in horror and disbelief. Kimiko curled her lip in disgust at Kiki, as if Kiki were a mold stain on the wall.

"Yeah, so?" she scoffed. "You got a problem?"
"Well, considering I'm not the one who's dressed like a floozy, no!" Kiki cried. Kimiko rolled her eyes.
"Nyeh...joke's on you. I don't have the flu," she replied, misinterpreting Kiki's words. "Now, move it. There's something me and Big Sis Junko have to take care of."
"That's riiight," Junko sang in a low voice, eyeing Kiki with an ominous grin. She placed her hands on Kimiko's shoulders. "Let's go, Kimiko." Kimiko reached into her backpack and pulled out a small, silver wand with a light green crystal at the end. Kiki gasped. She didn't know much about magic, but she figured that it must have been Kimiko's wand. With one last evil grin at Kiki, Kimiko followed Junko out of the hair salon. It was too late! Kimiko had undoubtedly informed Junko about her magic, about Himiko's magic! Kiki was aware that the situation was now out of her control. She needed to fight magic with magic, and she knew just where to go.
"Nyeeeh...Kimiko, wake up already!" Himiko growled, nudging Kimiko's doppelganger. "I don't care if you're ignoring me! Stop ignoring me and get out of bed!"
"Maybe she's sick," Tomiko suggested.
"Or maybe she's just being stubborn, like a bratty teenager!" Himiko huffed, throwing her hands on her hips. "Nyeh...how can you be seven years old and a teenager at the same time?!"

"Nee-heehee...just ask Kaito," Kokichi said, walking into the living room. "He may be a teenager, but he sure as heck has the brain of a seven-year-old!" He gave Himiko a kiss on her cheek. "What's the matter, Monkey Buns?"
"Kimiko is acting up again!" Himiko answered. "Nyeh...Kokichi, if we ever end up having kids, remind me not to get a teenager!"
"Yeah...they're not a very good breed of children," Kokichi joked with a cheeky grin. "They're super moody, socially awkward, and difficult to keep on a leash."
"I don't know whether to laugh, or be offended," Tomiko said.
"Nee-heehee...I usually have that effect on people," Kokichi said proudly.
"Hey!" Himiko cried, turning Kimiko's doppelganger over. "Th-This isn't Kimiko!"
"What do you mean?" Kokichi asked, raising a brow. He looked closer at the doppelganger. "It looks like her to me." Tomiko smacked Kimiko's copy. It didn't move.
"It's a doppelganger," she breathed in disbelief. "She created a doppelganger of herself! It'll only do what Kimiko tells it to do." Himiko's eyes widened.
"Oh, no!" she cried. "That means she's not here!"
"She must have sneaked away to...'go to the park,' as she so eloquently put it yesterday," Kokichi said. Himiko looked worriedly at him.
"Do you think that was a lie?" she asked in a small voice.

"No," Kokichi replied, shaking his head. "I know that was a lie."
"W-Why didn't you say anything?!" Himiko cried.
"Chibi-Kichi said she wanted to handle it," Kokichi replied.
"And you just let her do that?!" Himiko cried.
"Well, I mean...you didn't do anything about it, either, Himiko," Kokichi pointed out. "You could have just asked Chibi-Kichi yourself what was going on."
"Well, you're the brains in our relationship!" Himiko exclaimed. "You can't expect me to figure that out!"
"As the oldest of Kimiko and me...yeah, we kinda have to expect you to figure that out," Tomiko interjected. Himiko shot a glare at Tomiko, who shrank back under the covers.
"Tomiko does have a point, Himiko," Kokichi said firmly. "You need to take responsibility as the oldest sister when your mom and grandma aren't around. You're their leader, so whatever happens to them, you're mostly to blame." Himiko looked at him in disbelief. Kokichi held up his hands. "I'm only speaking from experience. As the Supreme Leader, I had to learn that, too. But, it's true. As the oldest, you can't expect your sisters to lead themselves. You have to be the example. As the one in charge, you're responsible for their well-being. If you don't know what Kimiko is doing while she's out of the house, it's not her fault if she gets into trouble, it's yours. You have to be more involved with her." Himiko listened silently and nodded her head grimly when he finished speaking.
"Nyeh...you're right," she mumbled. "So...what do we do, now? Should we go over to Kiki's house?" Before Kokichi could answer, they heard the doorbell ringing repeatedly. Kokichi ran over to the door and answered it. Kiki was on the other side, panting her little lungs out as if she just ran a marathon.
"Kiki!" Kokichi exclaimed. Himiko and Tomiko joined Kokichi at his sides. Kokichi knelt down and held Kiki's shoulders. "What's wrong?"
"W-Where's Kimiko?!" Himiko demanded.
"No...time...to talk," Kiki panted. "F-Follow...me!" She closed her eyes, suddenly feeling light-headed and fell forward into Kokichi's arms. Kokichi picked her up.
"Kiki...where's Kimiko?" he asked, gently nudging her. Kiki cracked her eyes open.
"With...Junko..." she said. Kokichi and Himiko's eyes widened with horror.
"JUNKO?! " they cried simultaneously.
Part Ten
Kokichi and Himiko stepped outside with Kiki still in Kokichi's arms. The once sunny, blue sky had taken a dark, foreboding green turn. The clouds became charcoal black. The air became eerily silent. No wind. No warmth. The temperature around them dropped to the point where they could see their breath.
"Welp, either the forecast for today was wrong, or Junko suddenly knew how to control the weather," Kokichi joked wryly. They looked over in the distance towards the city. Right above the tallest building, the clouds were swirling like inky snakes curling around their prey. Flashes of green lightning streaked upwards towards the sky.
"And Kimiko's with her," Himiko whispered in horror, shuddering as she rubbed her arms with her hands to generate heat. "What is Junko doing to her? How is Junko doing all of this?"
"She's using Kimiko's magic," Kiki replied grimly. Kokichi and Himiko gasped.

"W-What...are you talking about?" Himiko stammered nervously. "Kimiko doesn't have mag-"
"I know about your guys' magic," Kiki interrupted. "Kimiko told me about it. But, that's not important right now." Kiki explained everything, even the reason why Kimiko started acting up in the first place. She told them how manipulative Junko was. She told them about meeting up with Kyoko and figuring out Junko's plot for revenge. Kokichi couldn't help but smile proudly at her as he listened. Kiki turned to Himiko. "Right now, Junko's using Kimiko to lure you over to her, so she can get rid of you, especially since she doesn't think you'll fight Kimiko." Himiko shuddered, turning to Kokichi with wide eyes.
"We have to go, Himiko," Kokichi said firmly. "Junko already knows about your magic. Who knows what else she'll use Kimiko for? We have to stop her. For Kimiko's sake." Himiko put on a brave face and nodded.
"Right!" she said. "Let's go!"
"We can take the Mischief Maker," Kokichi said, referring to the moped that Miu had invented for them. Kokichi put Kiki down. "Stay here, Chibi-Kichi, alright? I don't want you getting hurt."
"Okay, Kokichi," Kiki nodded. "Be careful." Kokichi kissed her forehead and hopped up onto the Mischief Maker with Himiko right behind him. Then, they drove off towards the tallest skyscraper in the city. Kiki watched as they rode away. She didn't want to disobey Kokichi, but she couldn't sit there and do nothing. Her gut was telling her to follow them, and so she decided to do just that.
Once Kokichi and Himiko arrived at the skyscraper, they hurriedly entered it, and took the elevator to the roof. The elevator doors opened to a horrific sight: Kimiko with an evil grin with Junko standing behind her with an equally menacing grin. Himiko gaped at her sister's overall appearance that matched Junko's
"Glad you could make it," Junko said. "We've been expecting you, haven't we, Kimiko?"
"Nyeh...that's right, Big Sis Junko," Kimiko answered. Himiko slowly approached Kimiko.
"Kimiko...don't do this," she said, pleading with her sister. "Please, come with me."
Why? So you two can break Kimiko's heart again?" Junko asked. She grabbed Kimiko's shoulders and crouched down to her level, murmuring in her ear. "Remember how you felt when you saw them kissing, Kimiko? How they totally left you out, and didn't even care about you? They don't care about you. Kokichi only tries to be nice because he thinks you're annoying." Kimiko glared at Kokichi, her eyes filled with hatred.
"Kimiko, that's not true," Kokichi said firmly. "Don't believe her."
"Why should Himiko, the ugly sister, get Kokichi all to herself?" Junko continued. "Don't you think you deserve better, Kimiko?"
"Leave her alone!! Get away from her!!" Himiko yelled furiously. She ran towards Junko and Kimiko. Kimiko aimed her wand at Himiko, causing Himiko to stop dead in her tracks.
"Ah-ah-ah..." Junko said, wagging her finger at Himiko. "One more step, and your sister here will end you." Kimiko grinned evilly at Himiko. Tears formed in Himiko's eyes.
"K-Kimiko..." she whispered.
"You never loved me," Kimiko growled, her indignant voice stinging Himiko. "You wanted everything for yourself. You wanted Kokichi for yourself. I loved him and you took him away from me!"
"Kimiko, no!" Himiko cried. "I do love you! I really do! I just want what's best for you!"
"Kokichi's what's best for me," Kimiko said.
"Kimiko, if you think I'm what's best for you, will you listen to me?" Kokichi said. Kimiko turned to Kokichi, now aiming her wand at him. Kokichi held up his hands. "Listen to me, Kimiko. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to."
"He's lying," Junko hissed in Kimiko's ear.
"Don't listen to Junko, Kimiko," Kokichi said firmly.
"He's just trying to be nice again," Junko continued. "He doesn't care about you at all!" Tears fell from Kimiko's eyes.
"Y-You...you're lying!" she cried.
"No, Kimiko, I'm not," Kokichi said. "Junko is the one who's lying to you. You're nicer than this, Kimiko! Remember when we played beauty salon, and you did my hair and nails? Remember when I took you next door to see the puppet show? Remember that? It was fun, right?" Kimiko lowered her wand a bit.
"Those were all lies," Junko said quickly. "He was actually annoyed that he had to deal with you. He'd rather spend time with Himiko instead of you." Kimiko became blinded with rage all over again.
"I HATE YOU!!" she screeched at Kokichi. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Green, magical energy formed around her wand, and she shot it straight at Kokichi. He held up his arms, blocking his face, then slowly opened his eyes, realizing that he hadn't been hit. Instead, Himiko stood in front of him, holding up her Guardian Mage staff. She had blocked Kimiko's attack.
"That's enough!" Himiko demanded.
"Oooh...so you're going to fight your sister after all?" Junko said with an evil grin. "I must admit, I didn't expect that." Himiko's lip quivered, but she forced herself to lift her chin and remain calm.
"I'm not going to fight her," Himiko said. "I'm going to make you give her over to me, if it's the last thing I ever do!"
"I don't think you have a choice," Junko sneered. "If you're not willing to fight your sister, I guess you've already lost. She is my protector, after all. She'd do anything to protect me, won't you, Kimiko?"
"Yes, Big Sis Junko," Kimiko replied obediently, glaring at Himiko. Junko narrowed her eyes at Himiko, her grin menacing and deadly.

"Destroy her," she murmured in Kimiko's ear.
submitted by Sola_Sista_94 to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 Blueflame0602 Lowe's U courses

So I'm in a bit of a difficult spot with my Lowe's U courses right now as I have one or two things due in a less than a week, I don't often have much time to do the courses unless the unloading truck ends up being late, doesn't show, or we finish early. I think I'm also on the training list right now. What would happen if I was unable to complete the training before the due date?
submitted by Blueflame0602 to Lowes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:06 Littl3mata The Wild Side: Animal Symbolism in TLOU 2, part 2 [ SPOILERS ]

Let's now delve into Abby's perspective.
Abby's equivalent of the Wyoming Museum is her scenes in the aquarium. I find the choice of this particular ocean biome interesting. Throughout her journey in Seattle, Abby gradually distances herself from the WLF. The aquarium serves as a clandestine refuge where Abby and Owen seek solace away from their WLF responsibilities, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the city. The ocean represents a hidden world, a sanctuary that other surface animals cannot penetrate, symbolizing a refuge from the conflicts and chaos above. Abby's character in Seattle is symbolized by a crab—outwardly strong yet internally vulnerable, much like herself as depicted by Owen's observation that she appears tough but is soft at heart. This symbolism extends to the imagery of a giant crab adorning the doors leading to the tragic fate of Owen and Mel. Upon her return from the island, blood stains beneath the doors. I think this is supposed to represent how by her actions she brought death to her friends, akin to bearing the weight of guilt or "dirty hands." Throughout her narrative, various other depictions of crabs persistently follows Abby.
Abby's Seattle setting is aquatic, but it wasn't always so. Prior to her father's death, her symbolic habitat was the jungle. In her initial flashback in Salt Lake, she stands at the zoo entrance, surrounded by banners portraying jungle and savanna creatures like tigers, elephants, apes, and antelopes. She can also find a flyer of the zoo ad with the tiger on it. In Santa Barbara, when visiting the Firefly outpost, Lev asks why the children's room depicts animals and a forest. Abby explains that it is a thing parents can do and that her father painted her a jungle in her room when she was little. I think deep within, Abby identifies with a tiger, and she actually re-finds herself with Lev's encounter. The tiger represents her true essence, her totem animal, while the crab represents what she turned into in Seattle. The crab, with its hard exterior and soft interior, also mirrors Abby's hardened exterior developed from her experiences with the WLF.
Yet, subtle hints throughout her narrative suggest a rediscovery of her true self as a tiger that coincide with what she's going throught. One instance that really striked me is the big cartoonish tiger she encounters in a cafe on the road to the hospital, sat in a position of meditation, coinciding with her growing bond with Lev. This moment signifies her gradual return to inner peace and authenticity. Another significant occurrence is the depiction of a tiger hidden behind a counter during her escape from the island with Yara and Lev, labeled with "mean streak." This moment precedes a pivotal confrontation with her former allies, symbolizing Abby's re-embrace of her tiger nature—a resurgence of strength and determination as she confronts her past and fights for her newfound family. The reappearance of the tiger symbolizes Abby's journey of self-discovery and resilience, marking her reclaiming of inner strength and ferocity in the face of adversity.
During the Salt Lake flashback, as Abby finds her father and they continue through the park, they enter the aquatic biome, greeted by a crab facing exactly towards the banner depicting a tiger, symbolizing Abby's future transformation in Seattle. She enters the mouth of a whale, symbolizing her immersion into the aquatic world. In the very next flashback, she will exit from the mouth of a shark, marking her transformation complete.
Owen is symbolized by a spotted seal. The first time they ever entered the aquarium, Owen get out of the water and place himself right in front of a seal depiction named "Oscar", saying some things to Abby. You can see a little crab right under. Hints in dialogues also point at Owen being a seal. During the scene in the aquatic dome underwater, Owen concludes their conversation by expressing his intention to spend some time with the seals. Another subtle clue to Owen's future role as a father is found within the aquarium's main room: a statue depicting a seal and its cub. This imagery hints at Owen's impending journey into parenthood.
I'm going to talk about Tommy in Abby's section because it mostly striked me while doing her parts, with the exception of this dinosaur looking like a horse head in the wyoming museeum as mentionned in my first post. Right after letting Yara at the "Big Fat Crab Shack" to get to the marina, she stumble upon Manny who's being targeted by Tommy. Interestingly, if you look behind Abby, you'll spot the "Big Fat Crab Shack" logo again with its giant crab, while directly in front of her, just a couple of meters away, is an advertising van for "Manke" beer. The logo on the van is a horse, accompanied by the tagline "made with the finest ingredients of southern America," which resonates with Tommy's Texan roots. This van appears again later not far, in the parking lot where Tommy shoots at Abby, instigating an attack from the infected.
However, what puzzles me is why Abby doesn't perceive Tommy as an aquatic animal like she does with others. My only lead on this is that the aquatic version of Tommy is a seahorse. This notion is reinforced by the presence of a seahorse symbol at the Serevena Hotel, where Ellie and Dina encounter men tortured by Tommy. Honestly not 100% convinced on this seahorse part.
Lev is seen as a shark by Abby. A whole section of the aquarium is dedicated to sharks and their importance in the ocean ecosystem ( you can also see a little crab under one of the shark depictions ) When Abby and Yara seek a gift for Lev, they deem a shark plushie as the perfect choice, emphasizing his connection to this creature.
A prominent shark exhibit features a large specimen seemingly poised to attack a diver's cage, adorned with scars on its mouth sides. The image of Lev braving the seas on his boat to rescue his mother on the island further reinforces this association, evoking the image of a shark cutting through the waves with determination.
In Abby's perception, Lev embodies the qualities of a shark, yet he identifies himself with a cat, ( or it's his totem animal ) First and foremost, we can clearly see Lev's agility and fearlessness, particularly evident in his comfort with heights, mirroring a cat's nimbleness and independence. Additionally, Lev expresses fears akin to those of a cat—water and dogs. During Ellie's parts, I found this board on the ancient communication agency swarmed by scars ( in front of the tramway ). There this little text on a board from a meeting to pitch a product, back in the days. It says :
"Client pitch meet ideas - emotional angle - comedy angle - personnification of cat ? "
Even though it might be a bit of a stretch, this corresponds perfectly to what happens between Abby and Lev. She feels pity for him upon learning his story and comes to love him, thus the emotional angle, and Lev also makes some jokes or blunders, like asking Abby what's going on between him and Owen at the worst possible moment, or when he doesn't know certain common words due to his life among the Seraphites.
The more obvious sign that Lev is really a cat can be found in the same cafe where we found the tiger in meditation pose, on the left walls. Just like Owen, we can witness Lev positionning himself right in front of this animal and get some dialogues. He say something like it's weird to represent humans as animals / humans from before were weird doing this. This particular artwork features two cartoonish cats adorned in rock-inspired attire, captured in a lively dancing pose. A male and female, holding hands. This really striked me as being a representaion of Lev's gender duality. Abby mentions Lev's "punk-rock" spirit not long before this, hence the outfits.
Yara is a sea otter, simply because she wears this shirt with a sea otter at the aquarium.
The WLF obviously are wolves but Abby actually sees them as Orcas. Upon awakening at the stadium, Abby is greeted by a rug adorned with an orca motif. Then she gets to the mess hall, there's one wolf banner on one wall but also depictions of orcas adorning pillars and inscriptions proclaiming "Home of the Orcas" on the walls. Orcas are kinda wolves of the seas, share several characteristics with wolves, such as being large predators that hunt in packs, exhibit complex social structures, and are territorial. By associating the WLF with Orcas, Abby's perception elevates them to a level of strength, cunning, and dominance akin to these apex predators of the ocean.
Scars are possibly herons. I found some herons in the wyoming museeum as mentionned in my first post, but also some depictions while Abby is crossing the chinese district to get to martyr's gate. They communicate throught whistling like birds including herons. They also go throught the city by the airs, basically. Theres not much hints, but I do feel like the herons correspond really well to Seraphites due to their way of life and behavior. Firstly, herons are often associated with aquatic areas such as marshes and rivers, where they patiently and strategically hunt their prey. Similarly, the Seraphites have established themselves on an isolated island, resembling a marsh, where they practice an ascetic and contemplative form of living in harmony with nature, living in wooden houses. Furthermore, herons are patient and methodical predators, silently observing their surroundings before taking action ( Remember that arrow in Ellie's shoulder ? ) The Seraphites also exhibit a deliberate approach in their lives and interactions, emphasizing discipline, reflection, and strategic planning.
During the visit to the Chinese district, theres a peculiar creature: the dragon. Numerous depictions of it adorn this area. There might be a connection to the Seraphites, evidenced by the presence of Martyr's Gate and the increased encounters with them following this section. However, it's challenging to pinpoint its exact representation; my guess is that it symbolizes a broader concept rather than a specific character or faction. Might also just be because it's the chinese district.
Abby seem to be also linked to whales and octopus, I think each representing one concept. Ellie's collection of cards includes one intriguing card featuring a whale named "Big Blue." The description of the card reads:
"Big Blue is an extra-dimensional entity who has taken on the appearance of a blue whale. First arriving on Earth over a billion years ago to keep watch over nascent life forms, they use their infinite well of knowledge to help guide the human race in times of great need and upheaval. Their unfathomable age has one major drawback: days appear to pass as microseconds. However, this time dilation effect is offset if they hold their breath—which they can do for several years at a time."
The whale, as an entity with ancient wisdom and knowledge, could be seen as a manifestation of destiny itself. Just as the whale has existed since the dawn of life on Earth, destiny is a force that has shaped Abby's life from the very beginning. It has guided her path, leading her to the pivotal moments and encounters that defined her journey. Despite the challenges she faces, destiny continues to steer her toward her ultimate purpose and fate.
In many cultures and mythologies, the octopus is often associated with aspects of mystery, danger, and conflict. Its tentacled appearance and ability to camouflage itself in its environment make it a powerful symbol of the struggle and complexity of human conflicts. In the game, the giant octopus present at the aquarium can be interpreted as a visual representation of the internal and external conflicts that the characters, especially Abby, must face. The octopus's tentacles seem to stretch out and envelop the environment, evoking how conflict can feel omnipresent and difficult to avoid. Furthermore, the octopus is a formidable predator in the marine world, using its tentacles to capture and subdue its prey. This imagery can be associated with how the characters in the game are ensnared in the conflicts surrounding them.
And finally, Abby sees Ellie as a Stingray. Ellie's journey to get to Abby in Seattle final moments is symbolic of her descent into the aquatic world : to get to the hidden crab in the secretive ocean, she must transform as an aquatic animal. As Ellie approaches the aquarium, the challenges intensify, marked by increasingly stormy weather and turbulent seas. Despite the obstacles, Ellie perseveres, ultimately reaching her destination, not before falling into the ocean. Few notes here, first of all there's this outdoor kids' play area, a crab faces towards a whale and a shark, while an orca wing and a seahorse stand behind them. Could be a representation of how Abby is leaving her past behind and her newfound responsibility towards Lev. Next, right before kneeling to get under the fence, a sign featuring a stingray lies on its side, urging one to "become a member today". Further symbolism unfolds as Ellie encounters a shark depiction just before her fall from a broken window, with a stingray positioned EXACTLY on the floor where she lands. On the same note there is a stingray positionned on the floor exactly where Ellie kills Mel & Owen. The cafe section of the aquarium, named "Stingray Bay Cafe," features murals depicting a beach with palm trees, foreshadowing the events to come in Santa Barbara. Abby's exploration of the aquarium with Yara while looking for Lev reveals a section named "Shipwreck Cove," dominated by a giant stingray overhead, further hinting at the impending encounters and sequences involving boats, serving as a metaphor for both characters feeling like shipwrecks by the end of their tumultuous journey.
Also, The use of animal symbolism during Ellie and Abby's confrontations adds a layer of complexity and depth to their dynamic. During their intense fight in the theater, the actions of Ellie and Abby mirror the characteristics of the animals associated with them. Abby's brute force and relentless attacks, smashing Ellie into the floor and causing them to fall to a lower level, hitting her with her fists or grabbing her, align with the symbolism of the crab and its claws. She also headbut Ellie ( bison ). In contrast, Ellie's actions, repeatedly tries spiking Abby with her knife like a stingray hitting its prey, reflect a more tactical and predatory approach. I invite you to re-check their fight at the theater with that in mind, it's really striking.
As we've discussed, these symbols are not merely decorative but serve as powerful storytelling devices, conveying concepts or themes of identity, transformation, and growth. Whether you've noticed these subtle details yourself or are discovering them for the first time, it's clear that the developers at Naughty Dog have crafted a meticulously designed world filled with rich symbolism and meaningful connections.
So, what are your thoughts? Have you spotted any other animal motifs or symbols ? Let me know your theories !
submitted by Littl3mata to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:05 Successful_Panda_644 Have you seen what the Head of the SEC (Gary Gensler) has said about retail investing?

“When you place a market order in the US, a market order on a retail platform, well over 90% of those trades go straight to the dark market, so a wholesaler who bought that market flow, rather than competing trade by trade.”
In other words, daily trades don’t cause huge fluctuations in market price. These large stock wholesalers can literally manipulate the market price up or down regardless of volume. It’s 90% rigged. The market price is 90% a reflection of where these wholesalers move shares around.
Just understand that holding shares places anyone with shorted shares in a difficult position. It’s all a waiting game to see whether the shareholders or the shorters will crack first. Not financial advice, but HODL
submitted by Successful_Panda_644 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:01 Jaaayy9 Snickerdoodle Blondies

Snickerdoodle Blondies
Recipe I used is in the second picture! It's from the book, "Baked with Love" by Brittany Berlin.
submitted by Jaaayy9 to VeganBaking [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:00 GD_WoTS READ BEFORE POSTING: r/Stoicism beginner's guide, weekly discussion thread, FAQ, and rules

Welcome to the Stoicism subreddit, a forum for discussion of Stoicism, the school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in the 3rd century BC. Please use the comments of this post for beginner's questions and general discussion.

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submitted by GD_WoTS to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:00 NorinBlade Balancing your Blurb Budget

I've seen a lot of requests for blurb feedback here and other forums recently. So I've put together my own personal, highly opinionated advice of blurb writing.
Your blurb budget: How to responsibly write a blurb for your fantasy novel
So you've decided to write a blurb. That's great! It can be a rewarding and exciting experience. Below are the budget items that will go into your blurb, with hard limits for each.
☑ indicates a required item ☐ indicates an optional item ☒ indicates a loss item you'll need to offset
Balancing a budget is no fun! Hope this helps.
BUDGET ITEM 0: Word Count
You are allowed no more than 300 words. Preferably fewer.
BUDGET ITEM 1: Proper Nouns You are limited to six proper nouns. (people, places, races, etc.) Cross them out as you write your blurb.
☑ Proper Noun #1 ☑ Proper Noun #2 ☑ Proper Noun #3 ☐ Proper Noun #4 ☐ Proper Noun #5 ☐ Proper Noun #6
BUDGET ITEM 2: Emotions You must include, at minimum, one emotion chain with at least a starting emotion and ending emotion. Come on, you can do it. Two measly emotions:
☑ Emotion #1 (starting state) > Emotion #2 (ending state)
Now let's move on to advanced emotion chains! These are optional but recommended:
☐ Emotion #1 (starting state) > Emotion #2 (transition) > Emotion #3 (ending state)
You can even try more than one chain:
☐ Emotion #4 (starting state) > Emotion #5 (ending state)
Each emotion you mention is like a hit of caffeine to your sleepy reader.
BUDGET ITEM 3: Relationships
You must include, at minimum, two relationships:
☑ Relationship #1: positive/supporting relationship ☑ Relationship #2: antagonistic relationship
BUDGET ITEM 4: Personal stakes
You must include at least one personal stake as a connection point between the reader and your character(s). Bonus if you have more.
☑ Personal Stake #1 ☐ Personal Stake #2 ☐ Personal Stake #3
BUDGET ITEM 4a: Personal conflict
You can't have personal stakes without some sort of personal conflict or opposing force that is trying to prevent your character's success. Don't keep it a secret!
☑ Personal conflict #1 *
* NOTE: The clashing armies of the dark hordes of Morgorth versus the shining paladins of Highwater do not count as personal stakes. The death of the king and salvation of the grubby peasants of the realm does not count as personal stakes. The impending doom of the world at the hands of an insane god does not count as personal stakes.
BUDGET ITEM 5: Reader Reward
You must include at least one benefit the reader can expect to receive for their time. Laughter, catharsis, wish fulfillment, escapism, titilation, or what have you.
☑ Reader Reward #1 ☐ Reader Reward #2 ☐ Reader Reward #3
BUDGET ITEM 6: Loss items
For each of the following items in this list, you must offset your blurb with optional items above to atone for taxing the reader's already thin patience. Each time you mention any of the following things, your reader takes one step towards falling into a coma of eye-glazing boredom:
☒ royalty (princess, king, etc) ☒ end-of-the-world ☒ god/goddess ☒ hidden powers ☒ a weapon ☒ a powerful magical artifact ☒ amnesia ☒ a rhetorical question ☒ the word mysterious
Q: My story has five competing kindgoms across four worlds, with 12 gods and 6 predominant religions. It spans 5000 years with 300 characters. I'm afraid I can't stick to only six proper nouns. It simply won't reveal the epic scope of my novel.
A: Too bad.
Q: I'd rather pry my own molars out with a rusty crowbar than write about an emotion. And I'm pretty sure my readers would run screaming for the hills if I were to hint at any sort of emotional content.
A: Too bad.
Q: No, seriously. Imma need more than six proper nouns. This is ridiculous.
A: Budgeting is not an exact science. Some budgets temporarily go into the red. If you feel like playing with fire and overwhelming your reader, you need some sort of buffer, such as extra personal stakes, advanced emotion chains, bonus reader rewards, etc.
Q: Who made you the Blurb authority?
A: No one. My blurbs suck. That doesn't mean I can't critique yours.
Q: I'm a new writer and I'm nervous about my blurb. Will you read my blurb and give a critique?
A: No.
Q: My story is literally about gods and princesses with hidden powers that need to save the world. How am I supposed to stick to this budget?
A: You can cross as many loss items off your blurb as possible, thereby offsetting the need for optional budget items to offset them. Try focusing on one character, their emotions, and their personal stakes.
Q: I didn't follow your advice, and now my reader is in an eye-glazing coma. What can I do?
A: You need to take drastic steps. Try the irony gambit as a last resort. Something like:
"...But Phinneas the Rogue cares nothing for such lofty concerns. He'd rather guzzle ale until his burps shake the rafters, and pick the pockets of anyone foolish enough to blather on about king what's-his-face and the end of humanity. He has kittens to save."
submitted by NorinBlade to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:59 Informal_Citron4922 Can't Get My Old Account Back ~ Need My Stories

I have tried tirelessly to get my account back from when I was a teenager many many moons ago. I have over 100 stories on there and I have no idea how to extract them off the account. I don't have access to that email anymore because it wants my original phone number from like 10 years ago so I can't get into it.
So I contacted Wattpad over and over and I verified stories on my reading list, titles of my stories, my old email name which is like 20 letters long and hard to just randomly guess. But like they told me a year ago, they can't give it back unless I somehow remember the titles of drafts in my account? I have no idea also considering the way I save things is weird and often the title has nothing to do with the story lol.
Me being me back then I didn't back up anything. I didn't think I would ever want my old writing back so I never saved it on any other platform or even a Word document. I just wish I could go back in time. Is there anything I can do?
submitted by Informal_Citron4922 to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 NoAbies5416 Ramp agent jobs

Hey all! I’ve been trying to lock in a position with Delta but they emailed me saying they filled the position. I’ve been on email alerts the past month with Delta, Southwest, United, American Airlines but it seems nobody is hiring (Dallas, TX) is my best bet waiting around for a job listing? Maybe some words of encouragement. It sounds like a great job without a high turnover rate since i never see job openings for my metro.
submitted by NoAbies5416 to rampagent [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:54 best_testimonials Case Study Video: How It Can Boost Your Marketing Strategy

In today's world, consumers are more conscious of where they spend their money.
They conduct extensive research before making a purchase, with 53% of buyers saying they always do research before buying to ensure they are making the best possible choice.
This is where case study video production comes in. According to a study by Google, case study videos help increase trust and can ultimately result in more sales for businesses.
In this article, we will explore how to create a case study video in just 10 simple steps. We will take a look at what a case study video is, its benefits, and six top examples of case study videos. By following these steps, businesses can create effective case study videos that can help increase consumer trust and ultimately lead to more sales.

Key Takeaways

What is a Case Study Video?

A case study video is a type of video that showcases real customer success stories to demonstrate the value of a company's products or services. It is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to sell to potential customers and retain current ones. Unlike written case studies, video case studies allow viewers to see and hear firsthand how a company's products or services have helped a customer achieve their goals. Creating case study videos requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the final product effectively communicates the customer's story and the value of the company's offerings.

Case study video benefits

Case study videos are an excellent tool for businesses to showcase their customer success stories. These videos can be used in various marketing campaigns to attract new customers, strengthen relationships with existing ones, and increase brand awareness. Here are five benefits of creating case study videos:

1. Increase trust & credibility

Trust and credibility are essential for any business to succeed, and case study videos can help increase both. According to a study by Accenture, trust is as important as growth and profitability when it comes to the financial health of a company. This is especially important for younger generations, as 42% of Gen Z and 30% of millennials do not trust the average American company, according to a study by Morning Consult.
Creating a case study video adds authenticity and credibility to your brand, which can increase trust among leads and help convert them into new customers.

2. Relate to your customers

Customers want to feel connected to the brands they use, and case study videos can help businesses achieve this. A survey of 1,000 consumers by Sprout Social found that 64% of consumers want brands to connect with them. When asked to rank which channels brands should use to create the best opportunity to connect with customers, video came in 2nd place (beaten only by social media).
Creating relatable case study videos that aren't overly salesy can help businesses build a stronger bond with their customers. This can encourage customers to spend more, stay loyal, and give positive word-of-mouth marketing.

3. Boost sales

Case study videos showcase the benefits that a business has given to one of its happiest customers, which can help boost sales. According to Video Marketing Statistics 2022, 2 out of 3 people say they'd be more likely to make a purchase after watching a testimonial video demonstrating how a business, product, or service had helped another person like them.
When viewers see someone they can identify with in a case study video, it makes them think, "huh, if that happened for them then maybe it can happen for me." The more confident people feel in a brand, the more likely they are to buy from that brand.

4. They're easy & inexpensive to make

Case study videos don't have to be expensive or complicated to make. They can be created with just a smartphone and some simple editing software. Even with B-roll footage added, case study videos are still much quicker, easier, and cost-effective than most other types of videos.
Creating case study videos on video apps like TikTok is also a possibility. The better a video looks, the more credibility it will have, but even simple case study videos can be effective.

5. Strengthen your relationship with existing customers

Creating case study videos can also help businesses strengthen their relationships with existing customers. When a happy customer agrees to take part in a case study video, it shows belief and loyalty for the brand. The process of creating a video together can strengthen the relationship even more and could result in the customer becoming an even bigger fan of the company.
In conclusion, case study videos offer many benefits to businesses. They can increase trust and credibility, relate to customers, boost sales, be easy and inexpensive to make, and strengthen relationships with existing customers. By incorporating case study videos into their marketing strategy, businesses can create authentic and relatable evergreen content that is customer-centric and emotionally connects with their target audience.

How to Create a Case Study Video in 10 Steps

Creating a case study video can be an effective way to showcase the value of your product or service. By highlighting a customer's success story, you can demonstrate how your business can help others overcome similar challenges. Here are 10 steps to creating a successful case study video:

1. Decide on a Goal

Before creating a case study video, it's essential to establish a clear goal. While the ultimate objective may be to increase sales, it's important to drill down deeper and identify specific hurdles you're trying to overcome. Consider what the biggest barrier to purchase is for your product or service and use the case study video to eliminate those doubts.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

In addition to defining a goal, it's crucial to identify your target audience and keep them in mind throughout the development process. Consider what motivates your target audience, what's important to them, and what they want to know. By keeping these factors in mind, you can craft your video to speak directly to your target audience and increase your chances of success.

3. Choose the Right Customer

Selecting the right customer for your case study video is critical. Rather than choosing your happiest, most complimentary customer, select a customer whose journey best fits the narrative you're trying to create. Approach your customer politely with an email or a friendly chat and ask if they'd like to be in your video. Make it easy for them to say yes by letting them choose a convenient time and offering to cover travel expenses if required.

4. Write a Script

Crafting a script is essential to creating a roadmap for your video. While it's not necessary to write everything down word-for-word, having a script will help you guide the day of shooting and create the bare bones of a narrative for your video. Outline the customer's problem, explain how your company helped them, and round off with key benefits.

5. Add Stats Where Possible

When discussing the benefits that your company has brought to the case study customer, stats and figures can help. Solid figures that show a clear benefit will make it easier for buyers to present your case study video to their employer and say "we need this." Invest in research to find tangible figures that prove the benefit of your product or service to improve your credibility with viewers.

6. Find the Perfect Location

The setting of your video can make a significant difference to the viewer experience. Choose a location that matches the look and feel you want to portray in your video and is convenient for everyone to get to. Most great testimonial videos will have a couple of establishing shots to set the scene, so don't underestimate the power of a great setting.

7. Create a Shot List

A shot list is a document that maps out each scene you want to see in your video. Creating a shot list will help your day of shooting go more efficiently. It's especially important if you're handing over the responsibility to an external film crew. A shot list will ensure you get all of the shots you need for your video without forgetting anything.

8. Shoot Your Video!

Set up your cameras, grab your script and your shot list, and make sure you get everything you need. Make sure your customer feels comfortable, and take the time to break the ice and calm their nerves. Patience is key here – if you give your customer the time they need to feel comfortable, your case study video will look much better.

9. Edit Your Video

Editing can make a significant difference to your video. A great edit that cuts between different camera angles and shots, includes a fitting soundtrack, and maybe even some title slides or animations that help to emphasize certain points will really elevate your video. Edit your video in a way that will increase viewer engagement.

10. Share Your Video

Once you're happy with your video, it's time to share it with the world. Create a specific landing page on your site for your case study videos, and post your video on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The more places you post, the more views you're likely to get.
By following these 10 steps, you can create a compelling case study video that engages your target audience, showcases your product or service, and drives sales.

6 Top examples of case study videos(UPDATED)

1. Wolt – Get Camera Crew

Wolt's case study video demonstrates that authenticity is key to creating an engaging and effective video.

2. Google Ads – Chuckling Goat

Chuckling Goat's case study video is a perfect example of how to create a captivating video. It has all the ingredients needed to make an amazing video, from gorgeous establishing shots to a light-hearted joke at the end. The video allows Chuckling Goat to tell its story before weaving Google Ads into the narrative naturally. The animated graphic that accompanies the growth facilitated by Google Ads is a great touch.

3. Zoom – Customer Stories

Zoom's case study video showcases that you don't need to focus on just one customer to create a great video. Instead, Zoom decided to feature multiple customers, resulting in a cool and varied collection of benefits that Zoom has brought to different customers. What's more, all the customers appear to have recorded their portion of the video using Zoom, which is a nice touch.

4. Samsung – Superdry

Samsung's case study video for Superdry Norway is visually stunning. The opening timelapse of Norway is crystal clear and sets the scene perfectly. As we get into the meat of the video, it's great to hear what the Superdry staff have to say about the Samsung screens while we (as the viewers) get to see them in action.

5. Hubspot – Avison Young

Avison Young's case study video demonstrates the impressive results of its partnership with HubSpot. The video does an excellent job of laying out the customer's initial problem before introducing HubSpot as the perfect solution. The title of the video includes the impressive results of Avison Young's partnership with HubSpot, which encourages viewers to keep watching to find out how that happened.

6. Claranet – Pets at Home

Claranet's case study video for Pets at Home is heartwarming and engaging. The video manages to keep viewer attention with help from a heartwarming soundtrack and clips of various cute animals. The video also uses animation to emphasize the role that Claranet has played in helping Pets at Home to grow.
These top examples of case study videos showcase the different approaches to creating a compelling and effective case study video. From using animation to emphasizing the role of the customer, these videos demonstrate that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a great case study video.

Final Thoughts

Creating a case study or testimonial video can greatly enhance a brand's credibility. Companies can use these videos to showcase their success stories and how their products or services have helped their customers. Whether it's for iOS, Android, PC, or Slack users, a well-crafted video can be a valuable marketing tool.
submitted by best_testimonials to videoproductionguides [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:54 Kasatkas Hobby club changing website from Wild Apricot, needing advice on where to go

I'm on the board of a small local hobby club (roughly 200 people on the mailing list) that holds monthly in-person meetings. Our current website is hosted by Wild Apricot, who just upped the yearly fees from $600 to $800 for the website, hosting, and mailing list service for a maximum of 200 recipients.
I had previously advocated to change away from Wild Apricot at the $600 price point, but got pushback from the rest of the board ("changing websites is hard!"). However after the price increase they're open to a change.
If I understand correctly, there are no html/css files for the site that I can download to rehost somewhere else inexpensively, as Wild Apricot is apparently a template-based web design service. I've done simple html/css for a website before (recently), but have no time to cook up another site like this, and need a drag and drop based website service. The club site has just 6 pages, and other than pictures and text, only has a calendar of events, and a member login that allows members to see a simple interface showing whether they're paid yearly dues or not - pretty simple stuff overall.
We're looking at Constant Contact for our mailing list needs. I've heard of Word Press, Squarespace, and Wix for simple website creation and hosting. Are these the simplest / best cost services that would meet the fairly simple needs of our website? We don't take dues payments on the site, or even have a contact form (we direct members to our facebook page for web-based inquiries), so our needs are pretty modest.
submitted by Kasatkas to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:53 Thambot Passed SAA-C03 - Sharing My Experience!


The company I work for recently decided to sponsor a cohort of folks to get AWS certified. Since being notified that this was happening, I've been poking around in this subreddit looking for advice, popular studying materials, etc. I ended up finding some really useful information in here, so I wanted to provide others with my experience hoping it'll help them too.
As for my (relevant) professional background, I have about 2-3 years of experience working with various services in AWS. While I don't think it's 100% necessary to have this much hands on experience, I can say that it absolutely helped.

Studying & Preparation

The program offered to us was basically split into two chunks:
  1. A 4-day live course experience (taken at-home)
  2. Dedicated self-study time with materials provided by WhizLabs, AWS SkillBuilder, and Skillsoft
The expectation was to take the live course, study (a lot), and come out the other side in about a month or so with certification in-hand.
I'll say right off the bat - every resource named above was valuable overall and contributed to passing the exam. That said, I'll get into a little bit of detail for anyone interested and wondering which path they might take.
4-Day Live Course
The live course was good for all the reasons you might expect, and not good for other reasons you might expect. The instructor was very knowledgeable, answered any/all questions we had throughout, and put in effort for a solid 8+ hours each day. The downside to a live course structured over 4-days is, you're effectively cramming brand new information for those 8+ hours on the instructors' schedule - you run to the bathroom, you miss something. You don't understand something - you can ask, but don't want to hold up the class. Everyone learns at a different pace, and there's just no retaining an entire certifications worth of information in 3 days plus an "Exam Prep" day. By hour 5 or 6, you're pretty much fried (or at least I was).
Self-study: WhizLabs, AWS Skillbuilder, Skillsoft, and Tutorials Dojo
Here's the obvious "meat and potatoes" of the exam preparation experience, and what I assume most people will be interested in.
Right after the live course ended, I dove headfirst into self-study mode. I consumed every single SAA-C03 training video WhizLabs offered in about a week or so, sprinkling their practice tests in throughout. As expected, I started off slow and began to heat up as I continued learning and getting used to question phrasing.
WhizLabs Practice Tests
Practice Tests Attempt #1 Attempt #2
Test 1 54% 80%
Test 2 69% 85%
Test 3 83% -
Test 4 85% -
Test 5 63% 91%
Test 6 78% 93%
Final Test 95% -
Note: Second attempts were never taken directly after the first, and always given 3-4 days in between attempts to minimize memorizing the questions/answers.
AWS Skillbuilder
I didn't spend a ton of time here, but there are a number of useful resources to take advantage of, including an "official" AWS SAA-C03 practice exam! This was, in my opinion, a great experience because only AWS has the secret sauce for question weighting, unscored questions, etc. I also thought the questions were written a bit better than WhizLabs overall and more closely reflected the actual exam (as expected). I also took comfort in knowing that it's regularly updated and maintained by AWS. I only made a single attempt on this and scored a 723 - cutting it close, but I took it on the earlier side of my video review before finishing all of the content on WhizLabs.
Almost no time spent here based on some feedback from others in my cohort. I heard that their practice questions were on the easier side, so I elected to skip it and move onto TD practice tests based on reviews on this subreddit!
Tutorials Dojo
Ah, the reigning king of SAA-C03 practice tests! I was actually a bit skeptical of TD when I first read about them because I'd never heard of them before (even after taking a number of other Cisco certifications). For anyone else trying to AVOID dumps and wondering about legitimate studying resources, simply use the AWS "Partner Solutions Finder" and filter by "Authorized Training Partners" found here: AWS Partner Solutions Finder (amazonaws.com).
Anyways, about a week or so out from my exam I decided that taking WhizLabs practice tests over and over again had reached the point of diminishing returns, so I called an audible and purchased the SAA-C03 practice tests pack from Tutorials Dojo. I wasn't reimbursed for this or anything - it was all out of pocket, and it was the best $15 I've ever spent! If you're on the fence about buying these leading up to your exam, hesitate no further. This is one of those times where I would've MUCH rather had and not needed than needed and not had - I would've been a trainwreck if I'd failed the exam and TD could've made the difference.
Tutorials Dojo Practice Tests
Test Score (Date)
Review - Set 1 68% (29-MAY-2024)
Review - Set 2 78% (30-MAY-2024)
Review - Set 3 68% (1-JUN-2024)
Review - Set 4 71% (2-JUN-2024)
Review - Set 5 77% (3-JUN-2024)
Review - Set 6 -
Review - Set 7 71% (4-JUN-2024)
Bonus Review - Set 8 76% (4-JUN-2024)
Timed - Set 1 94% (2-JUN-2024)
Timed - Set 2 -
Timed - Set 3 95% (6-JUN-2024)
Timed - Set 4 94% (2-JUN-2024)
Timed - Set 5 -
Timed - Set 6 77% (3-JUN-2024)
Timed - Set 7 -
Bonus Timed - Set 8 100% (5-JUN-2024)
Final Test 86% (6-JUN-2024)
Note: Again, tried not to take the same exam multiple times in a row to avoid memorization of questions/answers.
For the TD tests, I only made 1 attempt per test. If I failed, I retook it, but in a different mode just to mix it up a little. As you can see, I was getting pretty confident toward the end of my studying. After doing well on the final test, I opted to take all of the topic-based tests too just to say I left no stone unturned - I found these valuable as well.
WhizLabs VS SkillBuilder VS Skillsoft VS Tutorials Dojo
I think this is another thing people are curious about, so I'll comment on this briefly. IMO, the quality control of TD was on par with the official AWS Skillbuilder practice exam, and better overall than my experience with WhizLabs. I didn't do much on Skillsoft, so I don't have much to say about them, but I'm sure they are a useful resource as well - I was on a time crunch and had a deadline of 7-JUN-2024, so I had to make the most of my time. I'll also add that I wouldn't change much around my self-studying and the materials I used. I wanted a very well rounded, repetitious approach where I could cast my net as wide as possible - utilizing all of these different sources for studying was exactly what I needed/wanted.


I'll preface this section by saying I am the worst test taker in history. I've always been a nervous, anxious wreck leading up to any test on any level - my heart pounds, my blood pumps, my hands shake. It's just how I am /shrug. If this sounds like you, I hope you can read through this post and use this information to boost your confidence.
So, the day finally came.
I got up around 7am with the exam scheduled for 12:15pm. I ate a small breakfast and had some coffee before cutting myself off of all food and drinks. For me, 2 hours is pretty long time to sit still and be 100% concentrated on something without having to go to the bathroom, so I took extra caution here and had nothing for a good 3-4 hours prior to the exam (YMMV).
I know some folks swear by relaxing the morning of their test, but I couldn't help myself. I actually made a little to-do list for myself for that morning:
After completing that checklist, I had about 30 minutes before leaving to take the test in-person at a Pearson Vue testing center. I took this time to just try to chill my nerves, reflect, and be with my family a little bit.
Finally, it was time to hit the road. I got there about 30 minutes early and whipped out my flashcards again. Ironically, I opted to take the test at a testing center to avoid noisy yardwork around my neighborhood - as soon as I parked, a crew on riding lawnmowers was doing donuts right behind my car... lol. About 20 minutes before my scheduled appointment time, I went inside, checked in, and hit the restroom one last time.
With the lawnmower gang in full force right outside the test center windows, I opted to use the noise cancelling headset they supplied. This worked well, despite being able to hear my uncontrollable heartbeat the entire time.
How were the questions?
I'm not sure if I got unlucky or what, but even after 300+ hours of studying, 250+ flashcards, and 900+ practice questions, I still felt like I got caught off-guard by a large number of questions. I was getting what seemed like odd outlier questions about container services that weren't ever mentioned in my studying. I want to stay somewhat ambiguous here when talking about exam questions to avoid any trouble but suffice to say that it was not what I expected. I hit the core services hard while studying: ASGs, EC2, S3, EFS, Route53, ELB, RDS, DynamoDB, ECS/EKS, etc. etc. What I ended up getting were questions about outlying services that I didn't ever remember seeing before (which I didn't think was possible). I even asked my wife to check the official AWS exam guide to see if a few of these services were mentioned - nope.
Was the real exam easier or harder than all the practice tests?
If I had to give a cut and dry answer based on my personal experience and the question set I received, I'd say harder unfortunately.
In hindsight, would you have changed anything?
Nope! I studied extremely hard for this exam. It was difficult for me despite my experience, but I would do it the same way if I had to do it all over again. I think going far and wide is what you want for the Associate level test - lay eyes on everything once or twice, and don't sink too much time into diving very deeply into any particular thing (unless it piques your interest, of course).

Drumroll... Final Score

After about 7 weeks of study hell, I'm proud to pat myself on the back for scoring a 791 on the SAA-C03!
I didn't exactly blow the test out of the water, but I also walked out of the testing center accepting the fact that I tanked the exam hard. I called my wife on the way home to vent and give her the bad news and spent the rest of the day finishing up some work and lounging around the house, fully expecting to have to start studying again after our upcoming vacation (which would also be kind of a drag after potentially failing).
In the end, it all worked out. I randomly woke up around midnight to check my results via phone in bed to find out the good news. I sprang up, woke up my poor wife, and we celebrated right then and there.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and I sincerely hope this helps others in some way. Also, be sure to thank those around you who supported you leading up to your test - they were there to pick up the slack while your head was buried in the "cloud," and they will be there to celebrate your accomplishments after you pass your exam.
submitted by Thambot to AWSCertifications [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:48 orangetittle Where to buy foamcore boards?

My team is traveling for work in Tokyo sometime in July.
We are looking to purchase from any stores that sell foamcore boards like the one listed here in Uline either in person or online.
I'm manually searching local art stores online, but the translations and website navigation is proving to be difficult.
Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
submitted by orangetittle to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:47 kelliroberts What does it take to be in the top 1% at OnlyFans? 1️⃣

What does it take to be in the top 1% at OnlyFans? 1️⃣
Someone contacted me recently and wanted to know how much money they need to make to be a top 1% creator on OnlyFans. I'm sure many of you have this question as well so let's take a look and find out.
Understanding what it takes to be in the coveted top 1% of earners has been a topic of intrigue and speculation. With the platform's rise as a major player in digital content creation, particularly in the adult entertainment industry, the financial benchmarks for top performers are a subject of keen interest.
First, let's be clear on what that means. As a creator, if you log into your OnlyFans accounts and pull up your "statistics," it will tell you not only how much money you've made on the platform but also what your ranking is. You'll find this in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
This is a simple mathematical ranking. They make a list of all of the creators they have on their platform and then rank them based on how they make the most money. The person who makes the most is #1, and the person who makes the least is number 2 million (assuming they have 2 million content creators reported).
But OnlyFans doesn't tell you your actual ranking 1-2 million. Instead, they group everyone into percentages. So, the top 10% will get a message saying they are among the top 10% of all creators. The top 20,000 content creators (if there really are 2 million content creators who use OnlyFans) who make the most money with the platform are in the top 1%.
But what does it take to be one of the top 1% earners on the OnlyFans platform?
To demystify the earnings landscape of OnlyFans, a journalistic investigation involved gathering confidential financial data from 12 consenting content creators on the platform. These individuals, known for their diverse offerings and substantial followings, provided a snapshot of their earnings for October 2021. This data served as a cornerstone for a mathematical analysis conducted by a professional mathematician aimed at projecting earnings across different percentile rankings.
The findings show a stark disparity in earnings among OnlyFans creators:
  • A creator in the top 0.03% earns as high as $57,924.69.
  • Moving slightly down to the 0.22% bracket sees earnings at $55,446.02.
  • A broader view shows those in the top 3.90% earn around $7,432.65, a significant drop from the top tiers.
  • Further down, the earnings for someone in the top 20% stand at $427.89.
This spectrum illustrates not only the potential for high earnings but also highlights how exponentially income can decrease outside the upper echelons.
What does it take monthly to stay in the coveted 1%? While the exact figures can vary due to the dynamic nature of content popularity and consumer behavior, October’s data provided a clear benchmark. For instance, earning approximately $1,366.04 a month placed a creator in the 6.7% bracket, indicating that staying in the top 1% demands significantly more.
At the time of this study, it took about $8,000 to $14,000 a month to be a "top 1%".

Updates and Adjustments

As the investigation progressed, it became evident that figures could not be static or universally applicable month-to-month. The earnings required for top-tier status are subject to change, influenced by factors such as user engagement, platform policy changes, and broader economic conditions. In other words, if it takes $10,000 a month to make the top 1% on July, you may need to earn $12,000 a month to rank in the top 1% for the next month. It fluxuates from month to month.
The exploration into what it takes to be among the top earners on OnlyFans sheds light on the platform's competitive landscape and the substantial variability in potential earnings. It serves as a critical reminder of the volatile nature of digital content monetization, where visibility does not always equate to high profitability.
This analysis not only provides clarity for aspiring creators but also serves as a foundational study for further discourse on the economics of digital content platforms. As the digital landscape evolves, so too will the strategies for success among its most visible participants.
submitted by kelliroberts to adultcreatortips [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:42 aco319sig Temporary player character ideas (cleric)

So, my son DM's a 5e game, and occasionally invites me to play along as a temporary add-on character, essentially an NPC for specific missions. Last time it was as "Ahmed the Inconsistent", a merchant caravan master with a penchant for crisis-dependent price hikes. My ability to role-play the character, even if I'm not completely conversant with all the role changes since 3.5, means I add a bit of comedic content to what most of these kids is almost just a dice game.
This time, he needs a cleric, but with some very specific parameters. I'm trying to come up with a spell list.
Here's the backstory. This poor guy is in a bit of a jam. His mother was dying, and so he begged the gods to save her. The only one who answered was the goddess of cute and fuzzy animals (name to be determined). She agreed to heal his mom, if he became her cleric on the mortal plane. He agreed, but in some ways began to regret it.
For one, this guy was a bit of a con artist prior to his accepting the deal. Sadly, he wasn't quite on the top of his game when he was negotiating, nor did he have time to research the details of this particular goddess's paradigm. At first, he was ecstatic to learn of the powers he gained from being her only high cleric, capable of mental manipulation at near god-like levels. However, there were a couple inescapable caveats that spoiled his plans for self-enrichment.
A: He cannot cause direct physical harm to any living creature. This is a hard and fast rule. The goddess is the deity of cute and fuzzy things, and thinks everything is cute and fuzzy, even dragons. And can't stand the thought of harming anything directly. That being said, if his enemy is turned invisible and a horse drawn wagon fails to see him before running him over, that's just life, you know? It's a loophole the cleric figured out. Goddess is not pleased with it, but can't seem to find anything in her own rules to punish him for it, so usually will let it slide as long as it doesn't cause death.
B: He is not allowed to use his powers for self-benefit. He can't use his mind powers to convince people to give him money. He also can't use it for "self" defense, as that would "benefit him". He can use it to defend others, though, he just has to come up with some way to benefit himself indirectly.
C. He doesn't have great charisma. He never really had it before, and the goddess could see his greedy nature, which is why she placed the restrictions she did on her granted powers. This doesn't affect his ability to use those powers, as they are powers granted directly through prayer. If she catches him thinking about how it will benefit himself, she simply doesn't allow the spell to activate. But it means he has a hard time getting people to cooperate in his schemes.
So, as far as spell lists goes, I am thinking about the following:
  1. Spell of Clarity - Anti-alcohol/anti-hangover spell, clears toxins from the body.
  2. Spell of Inebriation - Opposite of Clarity
  3. Afflict Formication - ("FORM"-ication, not that other word. get your head out of the gutter.) Causes target to feel like they have ants crawling over their body. This often results in frantic clothing removal, unless there is a significant will save.
  4. Misdirection - Temporarily launches charisma through the roof. People automatically believe what he says. "The thief went that way, sir knight!" or "No, this guy's been right here with me the whole time". But again, the goddess will punish with karmic retaliation if he tries to use it for his own benefit, even at one remove.
Any other ideas you guys have?
submitted by aco319sig to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:39 Flame_Gaming Disk shows up in Linux, but not in Windows?

Disk shows up in Linux, but not in Windows?
This is how the disk shows up in fdisk -l while in the ubuntu live ISO, as you can see it all seems fine and well.
However, in windows, it doesn't show up in disk management, system management, or anything. This is the output of diskpart's list disk
As you can see, the 1TB disk isn't showing up at all. I'm lost for words.
Edit: Can't access the files in ubuntu as well, it just shows the disk in fdisk
submitted by Flame_Gaming to datarecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:37 YokaiMarchZ What is your complete nonsense personal Fallout New Vegas Theory?

What is your complete nonsense personal Fallout New Vegas Theory?
Vulpes Inculta is not the true leader of the Frumentarii, it's No-bark Noonan. No-Bark according to most of the residents of the town of Novac seemed to simply appear one day and on account of his many eccentricities tends not to be altogether ignored by the community but is certainly quite the peripheral figure. Novac as a location itself is hardly the place to be but it attracts light foot traffic from caravans and travelers on there way into and out of New Vegas, not to mention those individuals who stop by to admire Dinky the T-Rex. No one would necessarily think much of the content of their conversation in the presence of the local conspiracy coot who spends his time split between vagrantly wandering around town muttering to himself and sequestered in his shack tuning his radio equipment.
The Real Deal
One of the first things that raises suspicion is No-bark's age. While hardly an elder of the wastes he's among one of the older individuals in town (his GECKrace is listed as "CaucasianOld"). Among many of the oldest characters in the game there tends to be considerable speculation surrounding their pasts, this especially being a key part of the Remnants quest line. Surviving in the wasteland requires considerable skill and ability, to reach a ripe old age in particular is altogether a feat. For someone of such advanced age to simply "drop into" a town where they were not previously established already raises questions, not to mention all the radio equipment carried into his shack and his ability to maintain it on his own. He also seems to travel occasionally on his own, the interview he provides to Radio New Vegas indicates not only passing familiarity with the Bright Brotherhood but the knowledge he possesses of their near complete doctrine suggests even personal contact. For him to infiltrate the REPCONN test site, which itself was quite difficult for the invading Nightkin, hints at considerable mastery of stealth. His character is so farcical though that no one would question any of this, including the long hours that raving No-bark Noonan spends in his shack tinkering with his radios. Is he trying to contact the moon, or has he established himself so imperceptibly at a tactical relay point that allows him to keep eyes across all of Nevada?
As for Vulpes Inculta, do you really think that coyote hat wearing bastard whose full face (I assume that since that is not an artistic rendition we should interpret it as a full frontal photo of him) is on NCR posters across the Mojave is actually the Legion's highest ranking intelligence officer?
\"Is the flash on?\"
submitted by YokaiMarchZ to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:36 OktoberRed I don't know what I'm doing. Please advise.

I'm 36 years old and feeling lost in life. This isn't a recent feeling; it's been with me for a while. I'm exhausted. I've switched career fields multiple times—from automotive to insurance to security. Just last week, I left a well-paying, relatively easy security job because of some major changes I couldn't morally compromise on. It was the final straw in a long list of issues, so I resigned on the spot.
Admittedly, I'm a bit scared about the future and the uncertainty it brings. I've been working on some IT certifications (CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+), but even that path seems uncertain due to an oversaturated job market. I'm not aiming to make a lot of money, just enough for my family of three (my fiancée also works) to get by without dreading going to work every day. I have no desire to work for a soulless corporation. I need my life and work to mean something.
I genuinely enjoy helping people and animals. Maybe I'm asking too much, or perhaps I'm being difficult. I have an Associate's degree, several professional licenses, and I'm two semesters shy of a Bachelor's in media and broadcasting. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by OktoberRed to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:35 OktoberRed I don't know what I'm doing. Please advise.

Hello fellow Millennials,
I'm 36 years old and feeling lost in life. This isn't a recent feeling; it's been with me for a while. I'm exhausted. I've switched career fields multiple times—from automotive to insurance to security. Just last week, I left a well-paying, relatively easy security job because of some major changes I couldn't morally compromise on. It was the final straw in a long list of issues, so I resigned on the spot.
Admittedly, I'm a bit scared about the future and the uncertainty it brings. I've been working on some IT certifications (CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+), but even that path seems uncertain due to an oversaturated job market. I'm not aiming to make a lot of money, just enough for my family of three (my fiancée also works) to get by without dreading going to work every day. I have no desire to work for a soulless corporation. I need my life and work to mean something.
I genuinely enjoy helping people and animals. Maybe I'm asking too much, or perhaps I'm being difficult. I have an Associate's degree, several professional licenses, and I'm two semesters shy of a Bachelor's in media and broadcasting. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by OktoberRed to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:33 Public_Blueberry_432 Mesembrine Content/Dosage in Kanna

I have recently been researching Kanna and plan to try it soon, but I have struggled to find good information on dosage as it relates to Mesembrine content (and other active alkaloids) & effects.
For example, most guides/posts usually just list mg dosages for extracts and leaf, but usually don't talk about the potentency of the extracts. I assume that the concentration & ROA play a big role on effects/dosage.
Some questions I have are:
1) Is there a "generally agreed upon" low/medium/high dose of Kanna extracts at different percentages? (Say, 1% vs 4% extract)
2) Should you try to dose based on mesembrine/alkaloid percentage/potency?
3) Is there an acceptable way to convert mesembrine content (as a %) and n-to-1 extracts (like 100 to 1 extract)?
4) How much mesembrine/alkaloid content (in mg/ug) is actually in various forms of leaf/extracts/etc.?
Really, I would like to know how to convert between different forms/potencies of Kanna to get a rough estimate of effects. Like is there a mg (or ug) amount of mesembrine that can be calculated to estimate dosage for different forms? If so, then what dosages in mg/ug of mesembrine/alkaloids are considered low/medium/high dose.
If anyone has any info or resources on dose ranges for different potencies/forms of Kanna, it would be much appreciated! Finding info on this has been surprisingly difficult.
Experiences would also be appreciated.
submitted by Public_Blueberry_432 to Kanna [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:33 Rachel_reddit_ if you get an offer letter that is TAN in color, offering you a job with no interview ITS A SCAM

if you get an offer letter that is TAN in color, offering you a job with no interview ITS A SCAM
if you get an offer letter that is TAN in color, offering you a job with no interview ITS A SCAM. They even tried calling this person in question from a 618 area code
From: Employee at Savvi Fashion [employee@savvifashion.shop](mailto:employee@savvifashion.shop) Subject: Offer of Employment Date: June 7, 2024 at 10:48:36 AM CDT
Hello[NAME REDACTED] Following your interview, we are glad to hire you as a Remote Photo Retoucher. Additional information can be found in the accompanying contract. If you accept this offer, please fill out the forms and email them back.
"You will be entitled to Casual/Sick Leaves: National/Festival holidays". NO ONE USES THOSE KIND OF WORDS LIKE FESTIVALS IN AMERICA WHEN DESCRIBING HOLIDAY TIME OFF.
go to whois website and lookup the domain name: [savvifashion.shop](mailto:employee@savvifashion.shop) and see that it was registered 3 days ago.
submitted by Rachel_reddit_ to Scams [link] [comments]
