Runescape auto firemaker

Virtual Cosplay : Video Game Character Customization & Fashion

2016.06.30 06:46 Play_by_Play Virtual Cosplay : Video Game Character Customization & Fashion

Virtual Cosplay is a place to share video game characters customized with in-game editing tools and gear, using the game's official assets without the use of mods. You don't have to recreate anyone famous but it doesn't hurt.

2024.05.12 20:35 Table-Games-Dealer Guide I sent to a friend

On smoke breaks I talk with a friend about my dreams of escaping the casino and talk about my rust adventures. He asked me to tell him where to start programming and what project to do. I am going to video call with him to go to get to hello world but wrote this guide so he could follow and repeat.


Most code in the world does not have a graphical user interface (gui). Such artwork is expensive to make and costly to run. Instead we work with the bare minimum in the terminal.
The terminal is a text interface where you can have powerful control of your computer. There are things that dont have any buttons, but everything has logic in terminal.
I am on Mac and use Zsh as my native terminal, I think you have Command Prompt but it will depend on you version of windows. I highly recommend you study your shell sooner than later. It can make life way easier.
I know some windows but can not give you too much advice. No matter what coding language you want to use you are likely going to want to use bash to automate stuff. I used bash to automate the login of my 6 Old School RuneScape accounts. Took me several minutes every play session, turned into one click with some light coding.

Interactive Development Environment:

Choose an IDE and look at all the options. check all the settings. I use VSCode. Look for extensions, configure them all. They can be incredibly powerful for your understanding of what your code is doing and what the borrow checker wants from you.
Don't stick with VSCode, different IDEs provide vastly different experiences per language. Always shop around.


Cargo is rusts package manager. It can get code from the internet, compile and ship your code, do versioning and most of the tedious stuff of coding.
Learn cargo well this is how you take your code and do things with it.
Do beware that cargo allows you to download arbitrary code from the internet. Don't go downloading sketchy shit and getting pwnd. But for big projects absolutely go ahead this community is awesome.
There is no need to enable git versioning with cargo, but it would be cool should you lose your computer your code would still be in the cloud and retrievable.

Rust's Borrow Checker:

The borrow checker is apart of the rust compiler, the thing that turns your text into computer code. It is going to be the bane of your existence should you stay with rust.
The borrow checker prints to terminal a highly detailed and specific commentary on your code explaining what it will not accept as valid rust code.
Read everything it says, often the borrow checker will explicitly tell you what to do to solve the problem. This will be most of your workflow, making the borrow checker happy. Once the rules of the borrow checker are followed, your program will run flawlessly. It may not make sense logically, But in a memory sense, the point of rust, safe.
If you use the borrow checker in the IDE you may get some hyperlinks that let you jump through your code to debug way faster than scrolling.
Do be warned though that there are bugs in rust, but none that beginners like us have to worry about.

Shop around for languages:

Rust is making me learn computer science and bring me really close to flipping bits and I think that is really cool.
Python is quick and easy to use. You can get competent in a month.
Python is 100x slower than rust but waaaaay more fun to use.
Rust is faster, but takes 10x longer to write at this point. But when I have completed something it is safe, fast, and as exact as I could want something.
If I wanted a job right away I would learn JavaScript, JS runs 90% of the internet and the majority of the jobs. But it's 29 years old, slow and unsafe. Its ecosystem is huge. Memes are bad. No dommy borrow checker.
C++ is the parent language to Rust. Haskell is also a big influencing factor. I would learn some about these languages and why rust 'fixes' them.


One tool I find so helpful in rust is called Bacon. It will automaticly rerun your program whenever you change the code. So instead of having to manually ask the computer to run it can always be running on the side, along with great displays of the borrow checker and clippy text recommendations.
Must have use it every time I VSCode open.


\\ this is a linter whose implications I have yet to understand see comments below!
Clippy is the formatter cargo uses to proofread and restyle your code. Very convenient when you get all sweaty and shit out some code from your stream of conscious then you can type one command and make it look intentional again.

Configure VSCode to support rust by downloading these extensions:

Setup Hotkeys:

Setup a hotkey in vscode to run rust in its cargo run format with code runner.
This is rather complicated and cost me way to much time, but go to extentsions, Code-Runner. Click Code-Runner: Executor Map Edit Settings.json.
look for the rust entry in the field
{ "code-runner.executorMap": { ~ "rust": sadness_and_lies, ~ }, "code-runner.clearPreviousOutput": true, "editor.rulers": [120], } Should be: "rust": "cargo run # $fileName", 
Then go to hotkeys in the VSCode settings and search code-runner.
Edit the entry:
Run Code
To your specifed hotkey. This will make VSCode use cargo to run your code. This hotkey should also run other languages should you do so.
Bacon must be added to your path. This may be difficult on windows I dont know but I challenge you to EITHER:
Make a profile in your terminal that has Bacon in the path (I failed to do this but got Zsh to run a Bash script that brings bacon to path on startup),
or make a macro/hotkey in vscode to bring them to path (this is what I did in VSCode only becasue I dont understand Zsh profiles enough... hours wasted)
oh by the way Bacon can be installed with 'cargo install bacon' and is found in root/.cargo/bin
My solution to VSCode was to add
[ { "key": "cmd+b", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence", "args": { "text": "bacon\u000D" } }, { "key": "alt+b", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence", "args": { "text": "export PATH=$PATH:/Users/work/.cargo/bin\u000D" } }, ] 
to the keybindings.json
this lets me opt+b to bring cargo tools to Zsh path,
then cmd+b to start bacon.
Note that this will bring any cargo shell tools to path. One nice one I like is Exa, a file viewer like Dir but better
I know this was a wall of text but once you can do this 👍

Well that's it. Thanks for reading. Thanks for sharing everything I know is from the internet.
submitted by Table-Games-Dealer to rust [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:09 Sebastianx21 I have to be honest here, but many of the new guns just aren't fun.

I've been on game forums discussing balancing since the early days of RuneScape but what is currently happening with Warbonds in HD2 reminds me of the early years in Warframe, just keeps churning out lots of weapons monthly without making them any more distinguished from one another, but at least there, they served a purpose as EXP fodder.
The Liberator (including Penetrator and Concussive) Adjudicator, Sickle, Scythe and now the Tenderizer are virtually the same weapon (sure, energy weapons have energy but they play and feel the same).
I get variations of stats to change the feel of a weapon, but many of the weapons added don't have a huge enough variation to warrant using the weaker version over the strongest, as those tiny differences in stats is something that people can adapt to quickly if they're not used to a certain recoil/fire rate.
(And it doesn't help that all balancing done on the current weapons seems to just tighten that gap between what makes some of them different and unique)
We need more weapons that feel unique from what we currently have and not a variation of something we already have that plays ever so slightly different. Most recent weapons that accomplished that were the R-36, the Crossbow, the Grenade Pistol and the Air Burst Launcher.
But we can go wilder still.
  1. Instead of giving us another lighting gun that shoots a medium distance away with a slow fire rate, and might arc to 2-3 targets, why not give us a mini nuclear reactor powered lightning gun that takes a good 5 seconds to AUTO reload (means you can switch weapons and it reloads itself after each shot) but arcs to 10 enemies and does more damage.
  2. Or how about we get a mobile mortar launcher, with great arc, slow travel time, and a big satisfying explosion, something similar to the Juggernaut's/Heavy's Mortar Launcher in the Tribes games.
  3. Or maybe we leverage the fact that this game has physics impact damage and give us a harpoon gun, that yanks small enemies so hard they smash into walls and die and can hold onto big enemies and pull off armor plates/pieces after a few seconds of yanking. (remember, it doesn't have to be extremely strong to be fun)
  4. Or if you want another energy weapon, why not just straight up copy the Shock Rifle from Unreal Tournament? Primary fire shoots a sniper-like strong shot, secondary fire (zoom on other guns) shoots an exploding ball of energy, BUT if you shoot the ball of energy as it travels with the sniper shot, it detonates for a much bigger explosion with a big radius and higher damage.
  5. Or how about a good old micro-missile homing gun? Or hell a launcher, like the High Altitude Impact Launcher from the EDF games, sure it has to be weaker than most guns, but watching a swarm of missiles fly upwards and then just come crashing down carpet bombing some poor sods never gets boring.
There's so many cool weapons we could get, and here we are getting Liberator version #21, now with 10% more fire rate and -10% damage for that wholly unique feel!
submitted by Sebastianx21 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 08:06 RS3HolidayEvents Anyone else think the graphical "updates" we receive are sometimes worse than the originals?

With the recent Pernix feedback update, I thought I'd look back at how Runescape used to look like during the HD era (2008-2012). I hate to say it but I think I mostly prefer the "older" HD graphics compared to the newer ones we have now:
Other graphical updates:
Edit: Also the lumbridge crater area. It used to look much better prior when it was the western forests which contained yew trees and goblins etc. While I enjoy the first world event, the quests that followed, and the beach event, I wish Jagex restored it back to its pre world event appearance. Any new player that joins the game now will have no idea what happened at the crater over 10 years ago!
I know it would be a waste of development time for Jagex to go back to the drawing board for low level combat equipment as most players now are high level, however If they are going to release graphical updates regardless, I'd much rather Jagex make use of polls again. I don't know though, maybe I'm just blinded by nostalgia. What does everyone else think?
submitted by RS3HolidayEvents to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:57 Expenises PSA: Game Session Ending can kill you

Tldr; Restart client everytime you get off for the night if you're a hardcore ironman
Not ranting about the lost life, I get it... but I think it's really dumb that the "modern" version of RuneScape has a proprietary client built within the last 10 years that force closes you after 22 hours and 59 minutes and then pushes a dead/404ed page to your browser.
The client closing, with no warning, after 23 hours is insane for a multitude of reasons:
  • Runelite and OSRS do not force close the client, and while I am ok with dying to a disconnect or bug, this is an intended feature with no warning that affects non-HCIM and mains alike.
  • There is presumably no reason for this "feature." - Runelite used to make you restart for the weekly update and it now either reloads itself or the Jagex OSRS applet reloads the update within the client)
  • You get a warning to log at 4 hours, at 5:30 hours, and then right before the 6 hour auto-log but none are even mentioned wrt the client force closing.
  • The webpage that Jagex intended to push to you to alert you that your game session has ended and requires a restart is 404'ed and a blank, white page. The link they implement with their "feature" does not work and was manually taken down yet this stupid feature remains. I think this is the most cognizant point here; Jagex have obviously reconsidered the implementation of this but have chosen(mistakenly?) to allow it to remain as a client feature, again with no warning, mention of, or reason.
I don't mind dying and I don't enjoy PvM so the lost life is "meaningless" in the grand scheme of things, and I've always expected to die to a disconnect (on both RS3 and OSRS) but this specific issue appears to be an 1) issue which Jagex directly controls and 2) seemingly have some reservations about it's existence (taking down the gamesessionended web page) and 3) is a largely hidden feature that has no mention in the client/game/website.
submitted by Expenises to RS3Ironmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:28 NuukldragorArea52 Theory crafting the best budget low APM Rev Bot PK setup.

Theory crafting the best budget low APM Rev Bot PK setup.
Over the past day I have been trying to figure out a low risk way to kill the Rev bots with no real success. I'll attach an image of my stats, but they're close to max. I'm trying to use this as a money maker, and also a nice starting point to learn PvP slowly.
I would like it to be low APM with as low of risk as possible. I've seen plenty of videos where people do crazy switches every single tick, and I am not really fond of that idea.
So, has anyone else had much luck with this? Any suggestions? I feel like their black d hide and neiz helmet make them surprisingly tanky vs all the methods I've tried. They also deal pretty insane DPS with the webweaver bow against me if I wear any mage setup.
submitted by NuukldragorArea52 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:08 Ok-Hair-1405 my desktop

my desktop submitted by Ok-Hair-1405 to desktops [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:54 Important-Example288 First 99 target

When I first picked up RuneScape in ~2005 I would say most people's first 99 they aimed for was either Firemaking, cooking or fletching due to them being relatively cheaper (fletching was a slight moneymaker) and quicker XP skills.
As someone who has picked up OSRS again a few weeks ago I'm curious to see how it is now. Looking through guides it seems other skills now offer good alternative that weren't there when I last played.
What would be your first 99s?
submitted by Important-Example288 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:37 Thunderclaww Blue Moon Spear for auto casting Ancient Magicks?

I was just looking at options for auto casting Ancient Magicks and I saw that the new Blue Moon Spear is capable of it. I usually use an Ancient Staff as I don't have the cash for some of the better options, but the Blue Moon Spear is relatively cheap and seems to have a pretty good Magic Attack bonus and Magic Damage for its cost.
Am I missing something? I don't see it anywhere in the wiki comparisons, so I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
submitted by Thunderclaww to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:55 defnotcurtis A 30 year old homeowner/Homesteader/blue-collar worker with three kids thoughts/review on the game.

First off, the reason I wrote my age and details about my life and the title is because I have seen some criticism of the game as far as not respecting peoples time. I included that stuff about myself to illustrate the fact that I work about 80 hours a week, when everything is taken into account, and I am extremely limited on time I can play video games.
Thoughts on my first DD game
  1. I cannot recall a game I’ve played in my 25 years of gaming that nails the power fantasy’s for differing archetypes as much as this one absolutely does. The Warriors swings of the great hammer feel earth shatteringly powerful. The archer class makes you feel dexterous as well as a master marksman. The thief class makes you feel truly unhittable and as if you could assassinate someone instantly.
  2. While I really do appreciate the grounding that this game attempts to keep you on, for example, making oxcart the only way to fast travel. Another one is making it where you have to rest in order to fully recover health. I do sometimes wish that vocation guilds were more common. It can be pretty painful to make your way to a guild when you are in certain parts of the map and do not have ferry stones.
  3. I personally don’t find the micro transactions to be a big deal. I know that they are collectively a cancer on the gaming industry, however, the way they are implemented by Capcom makes it where they are not really that beneficial to make it where you are missing out if you don’t buy them. One example is the wake stones. I would hate the micro transaction system if you died and it reloaded your saved to the last inn you were at only. It seems like Capcom was very deliberate to trigger auto saves before tough encounters. For that reason, it kind of doesn’t matter if you do not have wake stones.
  4. I can definitely see what the reviewers were talking about when they said that the exploration is Skyrim esque. I did not really buy this at first because it felt like every few seconds you were getting into the fight with the same enemies on the main road. However, once I realized that when you go off of the main road, you encounter much tougher enemies, and I heard a review comparable er say that it is comparable to the wilderness in RuneScape (the farther away you go from the safe line, the more dangerous it gets) something clicked. I end up, turning off my mini map and just exploring the game and getting lost in it. If Skyrim exploration is a 10, this one is an 8.
  5. Seriously hoping that they add a transmog in a future update.
  6. Might be a minority opinion, but I do not like that. You have to listen to dialogue when you are finished depositing or withdrawing items from the inn keepers. Wish you could just button mash your way out of that menu.
  7. It would be nice if we could have eight vocation abilities at once instead of just four.
  8. The ability to sheath and unsheath your weapons REALLY adds to the immersion
  9. I thought that the moniker of the pawn was what it was going to be referred to in game. I kept the default main pawn name in place because I thought the moniker would be more utilized. I can change the pawns appearance, but not its name. I hope they add this in a future update as well.
Anyways, these are my thoughts. It’s my game of the year so far. Sorry for bad grammar, using voice to text. Will clean this up later.
submitted by defnotcurtis to DragonsDogma2 [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 13:55 M0CR0S0FT Runelite Botting

Runelite Botting submitted by M0CR0S0FT to osrsbots [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 23:11 RegiSilver My Suggestion for the Halloween Event 2024: Deathcon III

My Suggestion for the Halloween Event 2024: Deathcon III
DISCLAIMER: This is just a Suggestion for what I'd personally love to see from the 2024 Seasonal H'ween event, and I have the dream this bad boy announcement will be droped at Runefest, It would be the perfect time to announce this return, so, without further ado, let's get right into it:
Deathcon III - The Beckoning!

The Story (Part 1: Return of the Deathcon!)

Frank got Kidnapped by a "Mysterious Necromancer" and taken somewhere into the City of Um.
Death finds this a little problematic because Frank needs to fill in for him while he's busy somewhere else (as usual), but also he can't leave his guests hanging at the gates of the citadel, even less so after the big return of Deathcon after all.
Our "Mini Quest" then, becomes finding all the clues to exactly pinpoint where in the City this necromancer may be hiding Frank.
Muncher can help us find these clues around the City (similar to the Meerkat Familiars) by pointing us in the right direction, he's a good EX-Doggo after all.
Once we've cracked the case, we'll have to face the "Mysterious Necromancer" in a final confrontation! But worry not, because there's no combat involved (at least, not yet), but we deal some serious eeeemotional daaamage to this guy.
This character is then revealed to be just a Robed Skeleton who is mad at Death for never inviting him to the Deathcon, who would've thought grudges remain even in Death haha.
There's a bit of an emotional moment here where this skeleton speaks about things like exclusion and alienation, but with proper tact and finesse, not to make a statement or to make fun of the topic or pander to anyone, if anything, this aims to bring awareness on how we should treat each other with equity and respect, in classic RS Fashion of course.
After we rescue Frank he returns to his "deathly duties" and makes some humorous remarks about how he ended up in this situation, turns out it was all a big misunderstanding that got out of hand and Frank didn't knew better.
Once everything's said and done, we ask Death if this Skeleton character could Join the Deathcon activities and he happily agrees, mentioning he tried contacting this particular skeleton before, but the skeleton didn't picked up his Skel-Phone so it was impossible to reach him, to which the skeleton replies he dislikes his lack of touch because reception in the City of Um is deadly, then both of them laugh except for our character (who doesn't get the puns), to which both Death and the Skeleton reply with even more puns.
In the end, this Skeleton jumps with joy and says this is the best day of his "Un-Life", everyone's friends again, and Death returns to his citadel.
Once the quest is finished we gain access to the Venue where we can AFK various activities, just like any regular Haloween Event.
The Citadel's Garden.
Oh how I missed this venue.

As usual, Zabeth Corvid will be playing with his band Black Zabeth (hopefully, hopefully, with a new Heavy Metal song).
The Children of the Grave return!
Do Note: This Miniquest shouldn't take more than 20 minutes, it's a seasonal quest but it's enjoyable.


The Activities:

After gaining access to the Venue, there's plenty of Skiling Spots to train on.
Keep in mind: 4 Skilling Spots are available to F2P and 2 are exclusive to Members.
That said, this time around the Skilling Spots include:
  • Runecrafting: Where we have to restore some of Death's Heirlooms or as he calls them his "Deathy Hallows".
  • Dungeoneering: Yep somehow The Hole is here, on a floating island no less... Looks like the old mine collapsed.
  • Firemaking: Throwing twigs at the "Wicker Skeleton" on the Backyard while Black Zabeth plays with his band in the background "Deathcon Open Air!".
  • Woodcutting: Just helping death whis his "bloody choking ivy" troubles (this is a Bloodwood version of Choking Ivy to adhere to the atmosphere, no items gained).
  • Construction: We have to fix Black Zabeth's scenario, instruments and amps to ensure the show goes on! After all these guys can't stop playing.
  • Agility: Muncher has taken the leg of the "skeleton guest" (yes, the entire thing) and now he's trying to catch this undead mutt in order to get his leg back (jumping with one leg in the most humorous way possible), we just click on Muncher and we follow him in circles around a designated area changing directions ocassionally.
Keep in mind, these activities are for people who would like to AFK something at their own leisure, and for those who are already used to these kind of seasonal events.
These are just suggestions, not final.


The Story (Part 2: A Wishlist to Die for!)

Death wants this Deathcon to be the most memorable one in the history of Gielinor, so he's planning to build a new fountain, to that end he needs only the "finest of bones" found exclusively at the farthest corners of the world, however, there's a catch he forgot to mention... More on that later.
The fountains of the Citadel. Bloody tears!
To get these special bones we need to navigate around Gielinor and locate the correct spot using a modified version of the Ectoplasmator, however before we dig up the spots a Restless Spirit will attack, the Spirit Level scales with our Combat Level, once defeated we can get pick their bones.
Some of the proposed spots for this list include:
  • Wilderness Crater.
  • Het's Oasis.
  • Wizard's Tower.
  • Daemonheim.
  • Goblin Village.
  • Rimmington.
  • Dark Wizard's Tower.
  • Death's Plateau.
  • Draynor Manor.
  • Lumbridge Swamp.
Okay, so now that we have the Bones in Death's wishlist, we have to use our Necromancy Skill to Ensoul them and Build a "Statue of Death".
However, something goes wrong during the Ritual and the Statue becomes corrupted, meaning now we have to defeat it (in a similar fashion to the Skeletal Horror).
\"Image for reference, not the actual miniboss of the event\"
Once Defeated, much to Death's dismay, we're left with a Pile of Bones and Ectoplasm, however some of the Guests (who claim to have been museum curators) find this "brutalist piece of modern expressionism" just "oh so palatable, perchance to live for" and compliment Death for his refined taste, telling him they'll call some of his friends to come visit the veue next day.
Death is as impressed as us for the outcome of this, but he urge us to keep an eye on this Pile of Bones and return the next day, because he can sense some "lingering energy" still beating underneath.
Keep in mind, similar to the AFK activities aimed towards the people who like them and can spend hours at the skilling spots, this is meant for a more "time constrained" audience who only has 15-20 Minutes a day to play (at most).


Important Note about the Currency Tokens.

Both the AFK Activities and the Daily Miniboss offer the same opportunities for all kinds of players to buy the items in the Rewards Shop, meaning that you can just do the Miniboss everyday and buy everything at the end of the event, or just AFK a couple days and get everything on the same week.
This is meant to bring some flexibility to the player's playstyles and respect their personal timeframes.
But, for those who end with a Surplus of Tokens, these can be used to purchase Trick or Treat Tickets, which work in a similar fashion to the Lost Easter Basket Maps, giving similar rewards and exclusive new items like a Trick or Treat Bucket, which can be filled with various Spooky Sweets to make it look even more ghoulish.

Rewards (Rebranding the classics)

Keep in mind these are just proposals of rewards I think the Community would appreciate.
  • Death Con Hoodie (Override) (recolourable).
  • Hourglass Conduit (Override).
  • Sesera (Flaming Skull Follower Pet) (Recolourable).
  • Blackwing Warlock (Zabeth's Corvid Guitar) (2H Maul modelled after a B.C Rich Warlock Guitar) (Enhances the Air Guitar Emote if Unlocked).
  • Miasmic Swiftness (Teal Recolour of Death's Swiftness) (Tradeable) (1 Per account).
  • Moonlight (White-ish Recolor of Sunshine, with a Moon instead of a Sun) (Tradeable) (1 Per account).
  • Skully Barricade (With Teal Skulls instead of shields forming a dome) (Tradeable) (1 Per account).
  • Trick or Treat Ticket (the Currency Tokens Sink).


Closing thoughts.

H'ween with friends, just like in the old days!
After reading Jagex's notes about the next Halloween event, I feel like 2 short miniquests (in the same spirit as 2006 - 2011 RuneScape) alongside a repeateable miniboss (catered towards the more busier kind of players) and the more modern AFK Skilling Spots, would be the perfect blend for any RuneScape player, be it a new player, a returning one or a veteran.
The Rewards should prove desirable enough, and the Currency Tokens distributed in a fair manner depending on the amount of time invested at the event; but at the same time, offering flexible options for all kinds of playstyles, be it 10 minutes a day or 10 hour a day.
On top of it, this event should be more than just an AFK skilling station or its cosmetic rewards, it should be a trip down memory lane that would fill the hearts of plenty of veterans out there with nostalgia, this is all the event needs to be unique, and finally, after so many years, bring the first ever Equippable Guitar into the Game.
PS: On a personal note, I think a bit of Heavy Metal wouldn't hurt, a Flaming Skull (not Pazelius tho) and a Warlock Guitar for Spooky Month would be pretty fitting :)
submitted by RegiSilver to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 13:35 CoolandAverageGuy video games

The Player (Solar Smash)-----19 minutes
Lucky the Ninja Cat (Doodle Champion Island Games)----2 1/2 hours
Van (Ninjala)----3 hours
Jacob Marshall (Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013)-----3 1/2 hours
Princess Arzette (Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore)--------6 hours
Richard Conway (Gunpoint)-----6 1/2 hours
X2 (Star Wars Battlefront)-----6 1/2 hours
[Update] The Batter (OFF)----6 1/2 hours
Trover (Trover Saves the Universe)-----8 hours
Cole Gannon (Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums)-----------8 1/2 hours
Blasto (Blasto)----9 hours
Ebenezer Scrooge (Ebenezer and the Invisible World)-----9 1/2 hours
Anne (Forgotton Anne)----10 hours
The Stray Cat (Stray)-----10 hours
Nick "Havoc" Parker (Command & Conquer Renegade)----------------10 hours
Anubis (Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict)-----10 hours
Selket (Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict)------10 hours
Brian (Quest)----10 hours
Kai (Gravity Circuit)-----11 hours
[Update] Sergeant Jet Brody (Fracture)----11 1/2 hours
Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango)------11 1/2 hours
Ellie and Chomp (Monster Tale)-----12 hours
The Princess (Slay the Princess)---------12 hours
The Protagonist (Red Dead Online)----12 1/2 hours
The Plane (Sky Rogue)----12 1/2 hours
Sissel and Missile (Ghost Trick)----13 hours
Spooky (Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion)-----13 hours
Jade (Beyond Good & Evil)-----13 hours
The Raiders (Dragon Ball: The Breakers)------13 1/2 hours
Kit Yun (Jet Li's Rise to Honour)-------13 1/2 hours
The Wither Storm (Minecraft: Story Mode)-----13 1/2 hours
Subject 106 (Trepang2)----13 1/2 hours
Silas Greaves (Call of Juarez Gunslinger)----14 hours
Vexx (Vexx)----14 1/2 hours
Dr. Muto (Dr. Muto)-----15 hours
Playable Characters (Super Time Force Ultra)-----15 hours
Bryce Boltzmann (Neverdead)-----15 1/2 hours
Scarface (Predator: Concrete Jungle)-----------16 hours
Bob (Messiah)----16 hours
Delta Force (Spec Ops: The Line)----16 hours
Deadpool (Deadpool Game)----16 1/2 hours
James Earl Cash (Manhunt)----16 1/2 hours
Simon Bukner (NecroVisioN)-----16 1/2 hours
The Player Character (Dark Deception)---------17 hours
Kameo (Kameo: Elements of Power)-----17 hours
Robocop (Robocop: Rogue City)-----17 hours
Nate and Nugget (Hell Pie)----17 hours
Any Starting Champion (Raid: Shadow Legends)-----17 hours
Not Important (Hatred)-----17 hours
Shark (Maneater)-----17 1/2 hours
Pewdiepie (Pewdiepie: Legend of the Brofist)-----17 1/2 hours
The Siege Engine (Besiege)-----18 hours
Tinkerer (Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales)-----18 hours
Musashi (Brave Fencer Musashi)-----18 hours
Gollum (Lord of the Rings: Gollum)----19 hours
The Autobots (Transformers: Devastation)----------19 1/2 hours
The Decepticons (Transformers: Devastation)----------19 1/2 hours
Jet Force Gemini (Jet Force Gemini)----------19 1/2 hours
Monkey (Enslaved: Odyssey to the West)------19 .1/2 hours
The Commanders (Planetary Annihilation: Titans)----19 1/2 hours
Anne (Jurassic Park: Trespasser)-----20 hours
Main Character (West of Loathing)-----20 1/2 hours
Spider-Man (Spider-Man: Web of Shadows)-----20 1/2 hours
[Update] Frisk (Undertale)-----20 hours 1/2 hours
[Update] Boss Monsters (Undertale)-----20 1/2 hours
Babyface (Mignight Fight Express)----21 hours
Eugene Sims (Infamous Second son)----21 1/2 hours
Hank Daughtry (Infamous second son)-----21 1/2 hours
The Fox (Tunic)--------------21 1/2 hours
Shas'la Kais (Warhammer 40k: Space Marine)-----21 1/2 hours (note: a sequel to this game is coming out this year)
Jack (Bioshock)------23 hours
Agrippa (Shadow of Rome)-----23 1/2 hours
Monster Boy (Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom)-----24 hours
Red (Bomb Rush Cyberfunk)--------24 hours
[Update] Eddie Riggs (Brutal Legend)----24 1/2 hours (a sequel has been announced)
The Bounty Hunter (High on Life)----24 1/2 hours
The Party (Super Mario RPG)----25 hours
The Wizard (Wizard of Legend)-----25 1/2 hours (a sequel is coming very very soon)
The Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy)----25 1/2 hours
Mike Thornton (Alpha Protocol)-------26 hours
[Update] Mondo Zappa (Killer is Dead)----26 hours
Aeron (Pandora's Tower)-----27 hours
[Update] Jodie and Aiden (Beyond: Two Souls)-----27 1/2 hours
Red Savarin (Solatorobo)-----28 1/2 hours
Briar and Lute (Soulstice)----29 hours
Larkeicus (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time)----29 1/2 hours
Jimmy Hopkins (Bully)-----30 hours
Sargon (Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown)----30 hours
Odio (Live A Live)-----30 1/2 hours
Flint (Mother 3)-----31 1/2 hours
Tormund (Neopets: The Darkest Faerie)----32 hours
Roberta (Neopets: The Darkest Faerie)----32 hours
Charles Reed (The Sinking City)-----32 hours
Ranger Walker (Rage 2)----32 hours
The Arch-Illager (Minecraft Dungeons)----32 hours
Vault Dweller (Fallout)-----32 1/2 hours
Kyrie Illunis (Sands of Destruction)-----33 1/2 hours
Werewolves (The Quarry)-----33 1/2 hours
The Hero (Dragon Quest III)-----33 hours 1/2 hours
Colt (Deathloop)------35 1/2 hours
Julianna (Deathloop)------35 1/2 hours
Agent Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition)------36 hours
The Rookie (Daemon X Machina)----36 1/2 hours
Takkar (Far Cry: Primal)----36 1/2 hours
[Update] Hat Kid (A Hat in Time)------37 hours
Zael (The Last Story)----38 hours
Claude Speed (Grand Theft Auto 3)-----38 1/2 hours
The Lamb (Cult of the Lamb)-------40 hours
Akito and KK (Ghostwire: Tokyo)----40 hours
The Justice League (Arkhamverse)------41 hours
Victor Saltzpyre (Warhammer: Vermintide 2)----41 hours 45 minutes
The Player Character (Biomutant)-----42 1/2 hours
The Hero (Dragon Quest IV)-----42 1/2 hours
Rookie (Lego DC Super-Villains)-----43 1/2 hours
Shinigami (Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE)-----44 hours
Nick Ramos (Dead Rising 3)----46 hours
Gotham Knights (Gotham Knights)-----48 hours
621 "Raven" (Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon)------48 1/2 hours
V.IV Rusty (Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon)---------48 1/2 hours
Sakuna (Sakuna of Rice and Ruin)--------50 hours
The Grineer (Warframe) faction rt----50 1/2 hours
The Corpus (Warframe)----50 1/2 hours
The Grineer (Warframe)----50 1/2 hours
Son Goku (Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot)--------54 hours
Lord Vortech (Lego Dimensions)----54 1/2 hours
Bode Akuna (Star Wars: Jedi Survivor)-----54 1/2 hours
The Frye Twins (Assassin's Creed: Syndicate)----55 hours
Carnan (Middle Earth: Shadow of War)---56 hours
Little Jack (Skies of Arcadia)----58 1/2 hours
Delphinus (Skies of Arcadia)----58 1/2 hours
Pinocchio (Lies of P)-----58 1/2 hours
Kyle Crane (Dying Light)----60 1/2 hours
[Update] Jake Conway (Ride to Hell: Retribution)----62 hours
Gingerbrave (Cookie Run Kingdom)-----65 hours
Korsica (Hi-Fi Rush)----65 hours
Chai (Hi-Fi Rush)------65 hours
Arsenal Bird (Ace Combat)----67 hours
The Protagonist (Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty)------67.5 hours
Yuri (Infinite Space)----69 hours
The Player Character (Hogwarts Legacy)-----69 hours
Sekiro (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice)------70 hours
Crymaria Levin (Valkyria Chronicles 4)-----71 hours
Omori and friends (OMORI)-----72 1/2 hours
Slayer of Demons (Demons' Souls)---75 hours
Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise)----75 hours
Jin Sakai (Ghost of Tsushima)-----------75 hours
Carl 'CJ' Johnson (Grand Theft Auto)---75 hours
Fei Fong Wong (Xenogears)----80 1/2 hours
[Update] Main Party (Final Fantasy IX)--------83 hours
L'Arc (Arc Rise Fantasia)-----------83 hours
The Chosen One (Fallout 2)-------83 1/2 hours
Sharks (Depth)-----84 hours
The Survivors (Yakuza: Dead Souls)----87 hours
Kamala Khan (Marvel's Avengers)-----92 hours
The Hunter (Marvel's Midnight Suns)-------------93 hours
Ochette (Octopath Traveler 2)-----93 1/2 hours
Dark Matter (Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon)-----96 1/2 hours
Bearer of the Curse (Dark Souls)-----100 hours
The Nameless King (Dark Souls 3)----100 hours
[Update] The Ashen One (Dark Souls)-----100 hours
The Fateless One (Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)------104 hours
Solaire (Dark Souls)----105 hours
[Update] The Chosen Undead (Dark Souls)----105 hours
Yashiro Tsurugi & Navarre (Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE)--------106 hours
Jaster Rogue (Rogue Galaxy)--------108 hours
Tomix the Soulweaver (Dragonfable)---109 hours
Sam Porter Bridges (Death Stranding)-----113 hours
The Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail)-----114 hours
The Stellaron Hunters (Honkai Star Rail)----------114 hours
Kalas (Baten Kaitos)-----115 hours
The Lone Wanderer (Fallout 3)----------115 hours
The Hero (Dragon Quest VIII)------117 hours
V (Cyberpunk 2077)-----122 hours
The Luminary (Dragon Quest XI)-----122 hours
[Update] The Courier (Fallout New Vegas)----132 hours
The Tarnished (Elden Ring)----------133 hours
Kelgar (Neverwinter Nights 2)----147 hours
Magilou (Tales of Berseria)----153 hours
Eleanor (Tales of Berseria)----153 hours
Eizen (Tales of Berseria)----153 hours
Rokurou (Tales of Berseria)----153 hours
Karlach (Baldur's Gate 3)--------158 hours
Lae'Zel (Baldur's Gate 3)-------------158 hours
Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)--------158 hours
Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate 3)------------158 hours
The Sole Survivor (Fallout 4)-----159 hours
The Farmer (Stardew Valley)-----161 hours
[Update] Quiet (Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain)----163 hours
Magnamalo (Monster Hunter: Rise)-----163 hours
Mio (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)---------171 hours
Lifeline (Apex Legends)------------172 hours
Hero of Kvatch (The Elder Scrolls)----173 hours
Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)---184 hours
Dwarves (Dwarf Fortress)-----200 hours
[Update] Dragonborn (The Elder Scrolls)-----207 hours
Morag (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)-----257 hours
Zeke (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)------257 hours
Titanosaur (ARK: Survival Evolved)----288 hours
Rex (ARK: Survival Evolved)----288 hours
Jonesy (Fortnite)---------293 hours
Commander (Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous)----305 1/2 hours
The Colonists (Rimworld)-----329 hours
Kiana Kaslana (Honkai Impact 3rd)-----352 hours
Raiden Mei (Honkai Impact 3rd)-----352 hours
The Bakery (Cookie Clicker)-----402 hours
The Hunter (Monster Hunter World)----405 hours
The Traveler (Genshin Impact)-----620 hours
Klee (Genshin Impact)-----620 hours
Childe / Tartaglia (Genshin Impact)--------620 hours
Kaedahara Kuzuha (Genshin Impact)----------620 hours
Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact)---------620 hours
Sidewinder (Elite Dangerous)----630 hours
Adder (Elite Dangerous)----630 hours
Cobra (Elite Dangerous)-----630 hours
Anaconda (Elite Dangerous)-----630 hours
Farragut-Class Battlecruiser (Elite Dangerous)-----630 hours
Majestic-Class Interdictor (Elite Dangerous)-----630 hours
The Survivors (Don't Starve)----733 hours
Charlie (Don't Starve)-------733 hours
Amiya (Arknights)-----983 hours
Granny (Armed and Delirious)-----UNKNOWN
[Update] Joey (Arcade America)---------UNKNOWN
The Lovelies (LISA: The Hopeful)----UNKNOWN
Benny 'Beltboy' Oberwinch (LISA: The Hopeful)-----UNKNOWN
The Elder Gods (Runescape 3)-----UNKNOWN
Yoshi and Poochy (Yoshi's Wooly World)--------UNKNOWN
submitted by CoolandAverageGuy to WhoWouldWinWorkshop [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 15:41 namirhassan I see your 2k games, and I raise you my choice paralysis

I see your 2k games, and I raise you my choice paralysis submitted by namirhassan to Steam [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 18:53 alosr Augmentable Skilling options would be incredible

I'm far from the first person to wish for this, but last week I honed my kitchen knives and was absolutely blown away by how much more efficient and sharp they were. That got me thinking about cooking and other skills and how they lack options for training invention.
I combed through posts on here from recent years and see that many people are wishing for the Culinaromancer's chest items to be augmentable and that sounds amazing. Before I saw these posts, I was thinking about how the crystal knife and maybe even an off-hand frying pan could be amazing.
Tools that could be augmented:
Perks that could benefit as is or with slight tweaks:
I know the skilling off-hand project has long been shelved so I doubt anything like this will ever come about, but I wanted to express these thoughts regardless. In the meantime, happy skilling!
submitted by alosr to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 18:05 JWM_SSC Help - persistent dota 2 coordinator issues and lag spikes with new PC!

So - I'm not sure if this should be in a PC help category but so far it seems to be Dota 2 specific issue and I'm hoping at least someone has an idea of what's wrong or can give some direction.
I'm a Dota 2 degen (10k hours over 10 or so years) and recently upgraded my 7year old gaming laptop to a proper gaming tower (i5-14500 / 4070 Super / 32gb ram etc.). It is plugged into the same monitor and peripherals as my previous laptop.
It's great as I can play cyberpunk/baldurs gate on full graphics and was also hoping to enjoy Dota 2 without any issues on full gfx as my old laptop was struggling with Dota 2 even on lowest graphics.
Every single other game runs flawlessly, I've played CS:Go, WoW and few other online games as well as spec beast games BUTTTT.... with Dota 2 I get frequent lag issues and when they start they stay there until I close and re-open Dota 2. This is a very specific type of lag, I may record a video but will describe it.
Issue description:
My initial thoughts:
It is 100% not my internet or background downloads (I concede it's possible there is a background process going on I'm unaware of) - my wife raids on runescape where 1sec of lag within 10mins will ruin things.
I'm honestly at a loss here, my wifes PC AND my old laptop run it fine even today and don't suffer this issue at all so it's to do with my new PC or my steam acc. It just seems too incidental that I get issues connnecting to the coordinator on first startup and when I do connect the above issues happen in game so I'm thinking it's the coordinator connection but I couldn't find anyone complain about something similar.
Every bit of googling just says "turn down graphics, turn router off/on, update drivers"... I'm not an IT expert but I obviously tried this stuff without the Googling and also many other things (sometimes the obvious solution is the best and overlooked though so feel free to suggest anything!)
Maybe it's a good thing I play dota 2 less but I really enjoy the game still!
Any thoughts on what could be causing this are much appreciated - will provide any further info.
submitted by JWM_SSC to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 13:22 SaintMonica19 "your session has expired. Please sign in again"

submitted by SaintMonica19 to EldoradoGG [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 23:28 Sudden_Cicada1126 Game bot for runescape

So 3 years ago I met someone in college that set up a RuneScape gold farming hive mind for me with a client to connect to his pc/server what ever.. he used it for world of Warcraft gold farming he made some tweaks on a client for me and it’s been working great until today when 500 of a bit over 800 accounts were banned now I am unable to get the AI/hive mind to do anything as it auto shuts off due to not being able to log on all the accounts, when I contacted my frat brother I was told to manually go in to each game and change login details to a new account or wipe the cache and restart the learning process Any other work around?
submitted by Sudden_Cicada1126 to MLQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 05:25 T1didnothingwrong How can I earn gp for Miscellania with these stats?

How can I earn gp for Miscellania with these stats?
Having trouble keeping up with the 75k a day (I can't play a ton). Been doing battlestaves but you can only do so much a day unless I want to world hop for hours. Barrows is solid but doesn't give you GP and I'm using a fair amount of deaths for it. I've done agility pyramid, but it's not great cash.
Any tips?
submitted by T1didnothingwrong to ironscape [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 21:49 AlphaRaccoon1474 is there a way to stop GTA5 from launching in windowed mode? every time i load it up i have to manually change it to fullscreen.

is there a way to stop GTA5 from launching in windowed mode? every time i load it up i have to manually change it to fullscreen. submitted by AlphaRaccoon1474 to GTAV [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 00:12 igormuba Bossmanjack: Um fracassado profissional que é pago mais de 100k de dól por ano pra perder tudo

Bossmanjack: Um fracassado profissional que é pago mais de 100k de dól por ano pra perder tudo
Primeiramente acho importantíssimo começar falando quanto dinheiro esse MALUCO (no sentido literal) ganha. Ele ganha mais de 30k de dólares por mês, 20k da plataforma de streaming e 10k da plataforma de apostas que patrocina ele, além disso ele recebe todos os dias entre centenas e milhares de dólares de doação.

O problema? Ele literalmente aposta TUDO assim que ganha. Ele trata a plataforma de cassino como carteira, ele bota tudo que recebe lá. Pior que isso, esse CRACKHEAD não consegue ver o saldo acima de zero que ele vai e aposta tudo, ele não chega a dar all-in (só às vezes) mas por não ter auto controle ele SEMPRE perde tudo que ele tem. Ele se engana colocando isso em um "vault" que seria um cofrinho que dificulta ele apostar mas conforme ele vai perdendo o saldo principal ele vai sacando do vault até restar ABSOLUTAMENTE ZERO. Múltiplas vezes por live ele repete que tudo que ele tem de dinheiro é o que tem de saldo nessa plataforma. Isso menos as dívidas que ele fez ao longo do caminho.

Esse é o Austin, conhecido como Bossmanjack, que minha dislexia insiste em ler como "Bojack man".

Crack, riqueza nacional

Bossmanjack é um cracudo de 30 e tantos anos que ainda mora com os pais. Sim, ele é usuário de CRACK MEDICINAL e em uma livestream ele fala sobre como os cracudos "vivem pra sempre" e diferentemente dos heroinudos os cracudos conseguem ser produtivos e viver uma vida relativamente normal.

Pra você ter ideia do quão fudido ele é, ele não tem dinheiro pra comprar nem vape nem bong pra usar suas drogas e sustentar seus vícios! Seus pais compram essas coisas pra ele e chegaram a entregar pessoalmente pra ele no meio de uma live! O cara é tão fudido que tem que pedir dinheiro pros pais pra usar droga!

No começo eu juro que achei que era tudo uma atuação genial, mas quanto mais fundo eu pesquiso sobre esse maluco mais eu vejo que ele é realmente fudido da cabeça. Tem uma livestream onde ele tava ensinando sobre como consumir crack! Ele realmente tem um cachimbozinho daqueles de alumínio com bombril e ele tava se queimando todo com um maçarico enquanto preparava o cachimbo, o cara é tão louco que ele botava o maçarico no próprio dedo e nem sentia!

Síndrome de Peter Pan misturado com violência doméstica

Seu relacionamento com os pais é complicadíssimo, ele vive xingando eles e apesar de insistir que nunca bateu neles ele apresenta um comportamento violento. Sempre depois de perder tudo ele destrói alguma coisa na sua live. Tudo começou com a porta, primeiro um soco em uma live, depois alguns chutes, e hoje em dia a porta dele não existe mais. A parede também está quase indo de rainha Elizabeth, absolutamente cheia de buracos igual um inocente carregando sombrinha perto dos policiais no Rio de Janeiro.

Às vezes eu fico com pena dos pais dele pela falta de respeito, ele grita o dia inteiro nas lives e ele escuta os pais manda eles calarem a boca e vai ofender eles. Apesar de parecer ser violento sua mãe fala com ele em um tom calmo e surpreendentemente amoroso, o que me deixa desconfortável pois ou eles não conseguem ver o filho que têm ou eles enxergam mas têm MEDO dele.

Runescape como porta de entrada

A degeneração digna da Faria Lima (a de verdade, não esse sub pq acho que a gente tem que piorar MUITO pra chegar nesse nível) começou quando ele fazia livestreams de Runescape onde ele tomava empréstimos da sua audiência pra apostar dentro do jogo. Desde a tenra idade ele já começava perdendo tudo e chegou a dever mais de 30 bilhões de gold (mais de 50 mil dólares) até ele desistir do jogo.

A vida dele começou a melhorar pra pior quando ele descobriu os cassinos online. Eu digo melhorar pq foi aí que ele ganhou fama e cresceu até conseguir ser patrocinado pela plataforma onde ele aposta. Pra pior pois ele não tem controle nem pra gastar o dinheiro que ganha antes de perder tudo. É "pa-pum", caiu na conta ele perdeu no mesmo dia. Inclusive amanhã, dia 1 de Abril (juro que não é mentira, ele mostrou na live) ele tem dois pagamentos programados pra receber, ele vai receber 20 mil dólares da plataforma de streaming e 8 mil do cassino e eu não vou perder por nada nesse mundo ver ele perdendo tudo em menos de 2 horas.


Toda livestream é parecida, ele começa com alguns dólares, alguns dais é poucas dezenas que os seguidores doam, outros dias quando ele recebe pagamento chegam a ser milhares e milhares de dólares. Algumas livestreams ele perde tudo no início e não dura 5 minutos, outras ele até consegue sair no lucro, às vezes consegue fazer mais de 10x de lucro, pra no final perder tudo. Independente de como a livestream começa o final é sempre o mesmo! Todas sempre terminam com ele dando rage e encerrando do nada por estar absolutamente puto por perder tudo.

Ontem eu tava assistindo ele (eu gosto de ver gente se fudendo) quando ele perdeu tudo e encerrou a live, mas apesar de a live ter encerrado o chat continuou de pé e um seguidor falou que tinha ganhado 15k de dól, o bojack começou a IMPLORAR igual um mendigo que não come há 1 semana! Ele estava mendigando no próprio chat falando que ele tá fudido e precisa de ajuda e se o seguidor não poderia dar 1k pra ele. O seguidor deu esses mil dólares e o nosso cracudo favorito naturalmnte perdeu tudo em menos de 10 minutos. Ele literalmente mendiga durante as lives tentando fazer seus seguidores sentirem pena, ele fala coisas como "tem mais de mil pessoas assistindo e nenhuma pode me dar nada?" e as pessoas vão e dão algo.

O mais puro espírito Faria Lima

Pra mim esse cara representa a Faria Lima mais do que traveco e jogo do bicho. Ele deveria ser o mascote oficial do sub. Ele está vivendo a vida que muita gente sonha, usando crack e apostando milhares de dólares por dia. Ele está destinado a ser bem sucedido em fracassar pois o dia que ele começar ganhar, ou o dia que começar a gerenciar seu dinheiro pra sobrar um pouco vai ser o dia que ele vai perder a graça.

A renda dele depende de ele ser um fracassado e por ser um fracassado a renda dele é totalmente virtual, é fugueise, fugase, é uma miragem, é fantasia, não existe, nunca existiu, não tem matéria, não existe na tabela periódica, não existe de verdade.

Eu não sei o que tem de satisfatório em assistir um cracudo, que ganha por mês mais do que o dobro do que o brasileiro médio ganha por ano, perdendo tudo que ganha em poucos minutos, mas é entretenimento digno desse sub. Eu gostaria de pensar que faria melhor estando na situação dele, mas a verdade é que eu não sei.
submitted by igormuba to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 03:51 Seinnajkcuf Are Dagannoth Kings anyone else's favorite boss?

Not sure what the consensus is on this subreddit but I really love pray and auto attack bosses. Runescape has never been about intense combat for me, and the original method of combat has mostly been phased out in favor of praye gear switching oriented combat. I wish there were more bosses like DKs in this game, I just love the slight afk factor and could kill these for hours. Defense is just so much more fun in this game than offense to me, why sweat when I could be an impenetrable wall for my friends while giving them stat restore boosts?
No other boss hits the same. They're either too afk like Kraken, Mole, KBD, ect, or too involved like.. every other boss in the game I guess.
submitted by Seinnajkcuf to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 21:30 Mapienator Clan pages broke

Clan pages broke submitted by Mapienator to runescape [link] [comments]