Summary story siesta de martes

LotR: The War of the Rohirrim

2021.06.09 13:55 TroLsauros LotR: The War of the Rohirrim

The main subreddit for New Line Cinema & Warner Bros Animation's new 2D anime feature film "The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim" directed by Kenji Kamiyama and produced by Jason DeMarco. The sub was created on June 9th, 2021. 24 hours before the films announcement.

2008.11.03 19:49 NetHack Strategy, Tips, Misc. Help

NetHack strategy, tips, and discussion.

2013.05.30 22:48 syntivinds Toronto2

Sandbox subreddit for the moderators of toronto to test stylesheet and sidebar changes

2024.06.07 21:02 Shoddy-Solution-8694 Elisabeth Rioux : 17 ans ou 27 ans?😅

Elisabeth Rioux : 17 ans ou 27 ans?😅
J’ai tellement de la misĂšre Ă  croire qu’il est sincĂšre
 On dirait que c’est elle qui a Ă©crit sa story 😅 J’ai vraiment un mauvais feeling sur ce gars lĂ .. J’espĂšre me tromper.
submitted by Shoddy-Solution-8694 to InfluenceQuebec [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:57 lukexsc [AA4A] Heir & Assassin [Part 5] - From Dying in a Ditch to Saving the Day [Assassin Listener] [Royal Speaker] [Fantasy] [Slow Burn] [Enemies to Lovers] [Political Intrigue] [Secret Identity]

Part 1 — link Part 2 — link Part 3 — link Part 4 — link
The penultimate script! And the climax of the story. We'll conclude next time with the heartfelt dénouement. Only one editing phase left. I can't wait to be done with this series, haha.
Remember that this script has two speakers, the Heir and the Contact. The Contact will show up in the last script, but only briefly.
Feel free to record, monetize, and/or modify as long as you give credit.
And any sort of constructive critique or feedback is welcome!
Wordcount: 2000
Setting: The first half is spent with the listener laying in a ditch in the streets outside the summit. Then the Contact drags them to a nearby stable. Finally, the heir's public execution in an inappropriately well-appointed garden within the summit.
Summary: There you are, bleeding in a ditch. The heir is gone. Off on a fool's errand to save the King and Queen. The Republic has outplayed you all. But someone is getting closer. And they're cursing your name in a familiar voice. Maybe there is a chance to set things right. You did not come without contingencies.
(Listener's contact rushes from the summit through the streets, getting closer)
[Sarcastic] Sure. Just leave me behind. That's fine. Don't worry about your fellow agent or anything. The summit fucking implodes and you up and vanish. Fantastic timing. Just—
(Sees the listener) Oh shit!
(Rushes over) Hey. Hey! Can you hear me? Are you alive?
Heartbeat. You lucky bastard. Left bleeding in a gutter and you pull through. Eh. Mostly.
That's a lot of bloody bandages. I guess someone took pity on you. Didn't stick around though. Whoever it was, you owe them your miserable life. But I can't afford to be nice.
Come on, wake up! Don't pull this with me. I can see your eyes are open. I know you can hear me.
Rise and fucking shine!
Finally. Yep, yep, can we speed up the whole delirious act? We need to move. Soldiers are looking for us.
Uh, no. I don't know what happened to you. Mainly because you abandoned me. Remember that? But I'm generous: water, bridge, you get it. Want to repay me? Then get over your flesh wound, stand up, and get moving. It's just a scratch. If you can't handle that, I will bail on you.
An arrow? Fine. That would explain all the blood. But it doesn't matter. Last I checked you were a Dominion assassin. With that injury you could march ten miles through a blizzard. Barefoot. Try harder.
But this isn't about pain, is it? This is about morale. You're at rock bottom. Not to mention exhausted. But you had your little nap. Take your second wind and get on your feet.
Grab my hand. Up you go. There. Steady. I got your arm. Here, lean on my shoulder.
You should be thankful I came back for you.
Why?! I'm saving your life, and you ask why? Wow. Do you not trust me? Talk about ungrateful.
Didn't I tell you before? My job is to get us—both of us—out of here alive. 'Cause when shit like this happens, we can't survive on our own. We're a team, like it or not.
Come on, there's a stable up ahead. Saw a couple horses we can steal. Just one step at a time.
Those bandages, that wasn't you. Remember who it was? If someone knows where we are—
The royal heir?! You didn't kill them?!
You—ugh, no. You're right, it doesn't matter now. I didn't think the Republic could pull off a real coup. Nobody else did either, apparently. Doesn't make me feel less stupid.
There's some good news though. It's obvious we aren't to blame. When we get back home, our superiors probably won't have us killed. If we get home.
Wait... where's the heir then?
Ah... I get it. Found out our plan, huh? Considering the circumstances, you really are a lucky bastard. By all rights, you should have a lot more bloody holes. Looks like your unprofessional fondness for the target was returned.
Shame about the whole thing. The assassination plot, I mean. A job's a job. And aristocrats certainly don't deserve an exception. But this one was different. Your little royal might be the only noble I can believe is, you know, noble. 'Specially riding off to go die.
No, I didn't see anything. Don't think I need to. Soldiers have been searching for any loose nobles. But there aren't any around here. If I were putting down money, I'd say the Republic finished their collection.
I didn't say dead.
Actually, things calmed down after the initial attack. They're being all... "Republic-y" about the whole thing. Acting like they're doing the Kingdom a favor. I slipped away when their newly wed was blathering on and on about the "tragic necessity of their actions". Blegh.
All that to say, they got the King and Queen chained up. The execution won't be for a while. Not until they're good and ready. But they have the heir now. The Republic may be full of windbags, but this is an opportunity they won't waste. The royal family has about a day left to live.
(Arrive at a small stable with a couple horses)
Speaking of living, we're here. Our four-hoofed tickets to freedom.
Huh. Someone must have been in a hurry; they're saddled and ready. Doesn't bode well for their owner, but good for us. Let's go. I'll help you up.
Quit stalling. The Republic is still hunting us.
I'm sorry? Save who?
No! Absolutely fucking not! We are the ones who need to be saved. And we have our exit right here. You have no obligation to rescue the heir. Your job was the exact opposite. Did you forget?
I saved your life. You shouldn't throw it away over some bandages. Especially for someone who hates your guts now.
You know what? I gave you three chances. I'm not staying here to die. Listen to me. We don't need to make it all the way home. Our forces are stationed nearby. All we have to do is ride 'till we reach them and then—
Yes, Dominion troops are still in the area. You should know that. What does it matter?
The plan's already gone sideways. Calling them in won't do any good. Remember, they were supposed to be the backup coup in case the Kingdom figured out the plan. But the Republic struck first. I don't see how bloodshed helps us here.
Wait. Are you serious? You want our military to save the Kingdom.
This is... making a disturbing amount of sense. Let me talk through this.
I call in the cavalry to free the Kingdom from the Republic. That unifies Dominion and Kingdom against the Republic despite what our leaders think. The Dominion gets the war they want, and the Kingdom gets to make peace with one of their neighbors. And the powers will balance out...
Still sounds crazy. But it's better than the Republic controlling the Kingdom.
There's one problem: we can only ride so fast. If the royal family dies before we return, this will all be for nothing. Even worse, we'll have a war on two fronts.
You're staying? The blood on your chest is still wet. What are you going to do?
(Long sigh) Fine. Save the heir. I knew you were too sentimental for this job. We need you to go all-out. If this is what it takes, do it. Cut them to ribbons.
If I run this horse ragged, I'll be back before dawn. Hopefully, with a small army in tow. That's your timeline.
Good luck you lunatic. You better be alive when I get back, both of you. This better be love. If I did all just for you to die tragically, I swear I'll—
I'm going, I'm going!
Do your job this time!
(Contact rides off)
... ... ...
(The heir gives a speech to the Republic forces before their execution)
(Indignant) Very well. If my spouse says that these are my last words, I will heed the threat.
I know my voice will fall on deaf ears. A court of Republic sycophants and Kingdom traitors is hardly worthy to witness the death of a lineage. But they will serve their purpose. As will I. Willing or not.
But know this: the Kingdom will not bow to your tricks. My people will never surrender. Take the crown and they will rip it from your head. Take the throne and they will topple it. You may think you've won but rebellion will smolder under our ashes.
You posture yourselves as "liberators", yet you would kill me in front of my parents? Your cruelty betrays your fecklessness!
(The heir's spouse hits them)
(Deep breaths) What's the matter, my love? Was execution insufficient? You needed to strike me yourself. Are you so thin-skinned, even in triumph? I can't believe I married someone so pathetic.
Your words would sting if I had heart left to break. Let's finish this. I have nothing more to say to you all.
Mother, Father... I'm sorry.
You needn't be shy, executioner. My neck is there for the—
(The listener swoops in, subduing the heir's spouse and the executioner)
It... it's you. What are... Did you just stab my partner?
Not a complaint, just a question.
You didn't kill them, did you?
Good, a hostage will make this easier. However, we are surrounded by Republic soldiers. Did you have a scheme to survive the stalemate? An escape plan?
The Dominion?! I... that's right! The papers said a company of soldiers were stationed nearby. It slipped my mind. You called them to aid us?
How can I trust you? I will admit, you saved my life. But what's to say you aren't manipulating me again? I'm sick of being a pawn.
I see. The Republic hardly needs to be framed now. And coming to our aid will require your leaders to ally with us. That... I think that would work!
One moment.
(The heir addresses the crowd)
Agents of the Republic. The execution of my family will be indefinitely postponed. Before you seek to retaliate my... my guardian has my darling spouse at the point of a knife. Furthermore, you have fallen into our trap. The unified forces of the Kingdom and Dominion will soon arrive to liberate us.
I would advise you all to surrender now.
(Back to the listener)
What? It was only a slight exaggeration. A little fib to make this go more smoothly. See, they're cowering already. We've won. Now, keep your eye on the Republic's soon-to-be divorcée.
(Heir rushes over to their parents)
Mother, Father, are you alright? Please forgive me for returning. I know you'd prefer my escape, but I couldn't let you die. I was overwhelmed and felt like I had no one I could trust and—
Yes, I'm fine. Shaken, but fine. I am much better now that we are all safe. Thanks to my guardian here.
Correct, from the caravan. The one who escorted me home after my "escapade" in the capital.
F-fond of them?! I—ahem—I must have given the wrong impression if you recall them as "the one I'm fond of". We don't have time for teasing. We must secure ourselves for when the Dominion forces arrive.
How did I know? Oh... uh... well. It's a bit complicated.
(Deep breath) My guardian discovered a plot by the Dominion to kill me. It was to pit us against the Republic, but it turns out they did not need the help. The Dominion posted a reserve force nearby as a precautionary measure. Now they are being called to aid us instead. Is that sufficient?
Right, we'll speak afterwards. Please, take command. I'm quite spent. If you don't mind, I'll rest over here.
(The king and queen leave)
You have not yet assuaged all my fears of betrayal, still... thank you. I believe I treated you worse than I ought. But, to learn that you—above all others—betrayed me... and the idea of losing my parents... it was too much to bear.
Yes, above all others. You heard what the King and Queen said. There was a reason I was so open with you on the road. And why I lied to them about your plot.
My feelings are confused and stormy. But when all of this is over, I would speak with you. I may have shielded you for now, but there is much to discuss regarding the future of our three nations.
Good. Now... be honest. How unbecoming would it be if I kicked my traitorous spouse?
(Sigh) You are correct. Why must it be so hard to win with grace?
I will let justice take its course. Nothing left to do now but wait. Please, keep watch over me. I am too tired to sit patiently.
submitted by lukexsc to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:51 Intelligent-Image224 I destroyed my deck with salt!

I destroyed my deck with salt!
Long story short, it somehow never occurred me that by putting salt on my deck after snow storms to de-ice it for my wife, it would rust all the fasteners. Most importantly, some of my joist hangers have basically melted into nothing.
I’m looking for tips on how to replace these joist hangers. The nails are an absolute bear to pull out. It’s as if the nails were glued into the wood. Half the time it will just rip the head right off the nail.
Just wondering if anybody has a good idea to make this job not too painful. I want to replace 18 joist hangers, each one has 12 absolutely brutal nails.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Intelligent-Image224 to Construction [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:42 sago_1907 İZMİR İÇİ TAKAS

Mazda rx7-bmw-bugatti modelleri ile takas olur.
submitted by sago_1907 to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:39 Traditional_Plan1577 Anti-Disney Burns Adam's Reupload SPAN Screenshot (Sequel To Adam's RU)

Anti-Disney Burns Adam's Reupload SPAN Screenshot (Sequel To Adam's RU) submitted by Traditional_Plan1577 to Anti_KAFPTWHCAKAAIMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:35 IDontHaveAnyExp Tekrar mezuna kalınır mı?

u/relevant-week8940'ın karması yetmediği için ben paylaĆŸÄ±yorum. Hiç editlemeden sorusu Ɵu Ɵekilde:
Merhabalar arkadaƟlar. Liseye geçtikten sonra pandemidir odur budur derken 12. sınıfa geldik. Babamın maddi durumu iyi, ben de bunu kullanarak herhangi bir yere ĂŒcretli girerim diyordum ve 12. sınıfta bir de ĂŒstĂŒne manita yaptık. Manita beni sınava 2 ay kala siktir ettikten sonra biraz çalÄ±ĆŸmaya baƟladım, mĂŒhendislik yazarım diyordum. 350k yaptıktan sonra mĂŒhendislikte yazamadık, sonuç mezuna bıraktım. Çatıda bir mekan var, orada kendimi sorgularken aklıma kĂŒĂ§ĂŒklĂŒk hayalim olan hava harp okulu geldi. Hemen hava harp istiyorum dedim, gerekli araƟtırmaları yaptım ama ortada 2 sıkıntı vardı. Biri taban puanı 360 olan bir bölĂŒmĂŒ kazanmam, ikincisi de kilo almam lazımdı. Hedefim bu yıl MSÜ'ye de girip gerekli puanları yapmaktı. EylĂŒl gibi kilo almak için spora baƟladım. Hem spor hem de YKS'yi beraber götĂŒrecektim, fiziğimi geliƟtirdim, onda sıkıntı yok ama netlerim sıkıntıydı. Mart ayında MSÜ'ye girince yine bok gibi bir Ɵey yaptım ve moralle hayallerimden vazgeçip iƟe baƟladım. Anasını sikeyim. ƞimdi yine piƟman oldum, iƟten de ayrıldım, tekrar mezuna bırakmayı dĂŒĆŸĂŒnĂŒyorum ve o milli savunmaya girmek istiyorum. Kararım net ve değiƟmez, bundan sonra netlerim ise matematiğe hakimin, LT'yi biliyorum, biraz da fizik biliyorum. Durum bu, dĂŒĆŸĂŒnceleriniz neler?
submitted by IDontHaveAnyExp to liseliler [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:35 Prize_Drummer8591 How do I fix this

How do I fix this submitted by Prize_Drummer8591 to TalkieSoulfulAIchat [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:32 dropbear123 Books 26-35. All the physical ones were very good. The two other ones were only ok.

Books 26-35. All the physical ones were very good. The two other ones were only ok. submitted by dropbear123 to 52book [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:32 neoluigiyt Ad Speedup is taken down?

Ad Speedup is taken down?
I was using Ad Speedup until i got this message, i checked if i was using any adblock at the same time but nop, removing the adspeedup extension and it fix it (but got ad...)
its in french, here is the transcript:
Ad blockers do not comply with YouTube's terms of service
  • It seems that you are using an ad blocker. Video playback is blocked if the ad blocker is enabled or if YouTube is not on the allow list.
  • Thanks to ads, billions of people around the world can use YouTube.
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Allow YouTube Ads Try YouTube Premium
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submitted by neoluigiyt to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:30 Diligent_Village_738 Facebook Marketplace scam?

(Français suit)
We did not know how to sell a product (something for the garden) that came with a house. People around us suggested Facebook Marketplace. We posted an ad on the platform, and this is where the nightmare began. First the account was hacked almost immediately and someone used the credit card to boost fake ads. We spotted this and cancelled it. Second, a man showed *immediate* interest in the posting and wanted to pay a deposit even though a) this is a large purchase, so it feels odd to want to pay a deposit immediately and b) you may want to see the product before making any move. Long story short, he very quickly sent an interac which we did not accept, and has been threatening my wife (poor her, first experience there) to take legal action to "force the sale," arguing that the facebook marketplace chat constituted a sale. He purchased a Neolegal demand letter and found our address (how? I don't know). The demand letter is mostly boilerplate, arguing that the Quebec Civil Code states that any agreement verbal or written, constitutes a contract. The chat looks a bit vague to me, and it mostly says "well you should come to see it before doing anything." Given the amount of scams on Marketplace, I advised her not to proceed and did not accept the Interac transfer at all.
Weirdly, this man argues that in the few hours between the ad and his claim, he undertook "large investments" to welcome the product and threatens to sue for thousands of dollars (?). There is no evidence he undertook any of the investments. No exchange of goods or services happened. This looks like a very sophisticated scam to me, but I'm curious to see what the community thinks.
Needless to say, our first and last experience with this platform.
Nous ne savions pas comment vendre un produit (quelque chose pour le jardin) fourni avec une maison. Les gens autour de nous ont suggĂ©rĂ© Facebook Marketplace. Nous avons postĂ© une annonce sur la plateforme, et c’est lĂ  que le cauchemar a commencĂ©. Tout d’abord, le compte a Ă©tĂ© piratĂ© presque immĂ©diatement et quelqu’un a utilisĂ© la carte de crĂ©dit pour diffuser de fausses publicitĂ©s. Nous l'avons repĂ©rĂ© et l'avons annulĂ©. DeuxiĂšmement, un homme a montrĂ© un intĂ©rĂȘt *immĂ©diat* pour l'annonce et a voulu payer un acompte mĂȘme si a) il s'agit d'un achat important, il semble donc Ă©trange de vouloir payer un acompte immĂ©diatement et b) vous voudrez peut-ĂȘtre voir le produit avant. faire n'importe quel mouvement. Pour faire court, il a trĂšs vite envoyĂ© un interac que nous n'avons pas acceptĂ©, et a menacĂ© ma femme (la pauvre, premiĂšre expĂ©rience lĂ -bas) d'intenter une action en justice pour "forcer la vente", arguant que le chat sur Facebook Marketplace constituait une vente. . Il a achetĂ© une mise en demeure Nelegal et a trouvĂ© notre adresse (comment ? Je ne sais pas). La mise en demeure est pour la plupart passe-partout, arguant que le Code civil du QuĂ©bec stipule que toute entente verbale ou Ă©crite constitue un contrat. Le chat me semble un peu vague, et il dit surtout "Eh bien, tu devrais venir le voir avant de faire quoi que ce soit". Étant donnĂ© le nombre d'arnaques sur Marketplace, je lui ai conseillĂ© de ne pas procĂ©der et je n'ai pas du tout acceptĂ© le virement Interac.
Bizarrement, cet homme affirme que dans les quelques heures qui se sont Ă©coulĂ©es entre la publicitĂ© et sa rĂ©clamation, il a entrepris de « gros investissements » pour accueillir le produit et menace de poursuivre en justice des milliers de dollars (?). Il n’y a aucune preuve qu’il ait entrepris l’un des investissements. Cela me semble ĂȘtre une arnaque trĂšs sophistiquĂ©e, mais je suis curieux de voir ce qu'en pense la communautĂ©.
Inutile de dire que notre premiÚre et derniÚre expérience avec cette plateforme.
submitted by Diligent_Village_738 to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:29 Cereborn How much is "too much" when writing about sadism and SA?

What I’m specifically asking about is whether it’s ethical to create a story where the main character is horrible, and that is evident throughout the entire story but they also happen to be a kid? My main character, Alexander O.J. Epstein de Sade, is 13 years old, but very mature for his age. The book starts out with him SAing his 44-year-old housekeeper. The scene goes on for 7 pages, but on page 6 I write two paragraphs about how SA is wrong (I wasn't sure what to write for these paragraphs so I just copied them from a Vice article). Anyway, that's how the reader will know I intended for my MC to be complicated. Is this a strong opening?
Do I make MC self aware? Do I play it safe with the gore? Say the MC likes SA and struggles with the impulses before acting on it (AND I MAKE IT OBVIOUS ITS VERY, VERY WRONG)? Like, in every SA scene (I have 34 written), there's one part where the MC says, "Oh, I know I'm doing wrong, but I can't help it." Is that going too far or is the story something that is still readable? I’m striving for realism, and people who enjoy these kinds of things exist but should it even be written about in the first place? (I've already decided the answer is yes, so it would really help me out if you could agree with me.)
Not to sound overly confident, but I am a very good writer with very good ideas for other stories which I intend on writing, but I want to push the boundaries and the audience as well. That’s only something I can do by going into unspoken territory, but then that begs the question of whether it’s right or not. I really want to make sure I do this right so that I can win the Nobel Prize for Literature. My other books are probably only going to win National Book Awards, or maybe a Pulitzer.
I’m still playing around with the whole story, nothing is concrete, but I do need multiple opinions on this rather than simply my friends and self. Also it's hard to talk to my friends, because visiting hours are only twice a week and it costs me a fortune when they call me from inside.
submitted by Cereborn to writingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:29 henryking2 Mi mundo forja favorito (mundo forja Lucius)

Mi mundo forja favorito (mundo forja Lucius)
El mundo forja Lucius se caracteriza por ser un mundo hueco, un experimento que se hizo en su nĂșcleo hizo que este desapareciera pero no destruyĂł el planeta por algĂșn extraño motivo.
Esta gente sobrevive a base de un sol artificial donde deberĂ­a estar en nĂșcleo de su planeta, esto hizo que su planeta tenga energĂ­a casi ilimitada pero los dejo muy escasos de recursos.
Por ese mismo problema de recursos estĂĄ sub facciĂłn del mechanicus es la mĂĄs comĂșn de ver en el campo de batalla, porque intercambian sus servicios por recursos para su planeta.
También gracias a los excedentes de energía esta gente se hizo experta en la tecnología de teletransportacion, aplicåndola a sus titanes (creo que se llamaban "los corredores de la disformidad"), en octava edición, si no recuerdo mal, esto significaba que si jugabas mundo forja Lucius podías, a cambio de un punto de mando, podías teletransportar a la tropa que quieras a 8 pulgadas del enemigo siempre y cuando esta tropa sea mechanicus.
Como dato curioso, puedo decir que este mundo forja logró vencer una invasión tirånida en su mundo, a base de esconderse bajo la tierra y sólo enviar servidores de combate y servo cråneos para recuperar la tecnología de los caídos, el costo en biomasa para vencer a los servidores era mayor al que obtenían de comérselos así que desistieron y abandonaron el planeta.
Identificar al mundo forja Lucius es increĂ­blemente fĂĄcil por la gigantesca L metĂĄlica que tienen en su superficie, tambiĂ©n se los puede identificar por el ropaje gris azulado que tiene su gente, con partes de sus armaduras rojas para denotar que aĂșn son leales a marte.
submitted by henryking2 to Warhammer40kEsp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:10 vicker1980 Swans Deep Dive, Vol. 6: Greed (1986) + UPDATE

Swans Deep Dive, Vol. 6: Greed (1986) + UPDATE


  • Rating: 6.5/10
  • Favorites: “Fool”, “Greed”, “Heaven”
  • Least Favorite: “Money Is Flesh”


Alright, this review has a bit of context that I thought I might as well share, so I’m making this its own section so you can skip to the REVIEW portion right away if you just want my thoughts on the music itself. Without further ado, it’s time for me to share a couple of secrets! First things first, it’s been almost three weeks since my last review. How the hell do these delays keep happening, you may ask? For the most part, I don’t know, but I actually have a good reason this time. Unfortunately, that reason was the death of my grandmother (an incredible person, by the way). I don’t mean to share too much, but I hope this makes it understandable that my consistency with these review posts has plummeted yet again. Between the academic difficulty that tanked my original plan of having this discography done before the Swans concert I attended on May 11, as well as my inexplicable failure to continue my listening / reviewing in a consistent manner once the summer began, and now THIS, I was starting to think that this Deep Dive was cursed. To add insult to injury, I think I just straight-up stopped enjoying this experience a while ago. Not since February have I posted a review of a Swans release that was actually my first reaction; everything since has been relistens, and will still be for the next few. This isn’t bad in and of itself, but with the added pressure from myself to review every release, it’s often made this whole process feel tedious or even frustrating (which subconsciously effects my enjoyment of the albums). Up until recently, I was honestly thinking of abandoning this whole enterprise. Thankfully, though, I think that I’ve finally been revitalized! I attempted a relisten and review of Greed last night, but found myself ambivalent to the music and dreading the prospect of writing and posting about it. But tonight, I gave it one more shot in a new context, and my outlook completely changed. I’ll discuss the content of the actual album momentarily, but long story short, I finally switched my mindset from one of analysis and obligation to one of immersion and openness. I wish I hadn’t already posted my previous reviews, because I realize now that I was approaching things wrong and being too harsh (especially on Cop), but I’ll make up for it by giving updated scores and a brief updated opinion for each album when I post my ranking at the end of this Deep Dive. Anyway
 although I doubt anyone cares much, I wanted to apologize one last time for all the confusion and erraticism over these last few months, but I also want to sincerely thank you all for your interest and engagement so far. I’m really looking forward to continuing this musical journey! For now, – at long last – here are some thoughts on Greed.


Greed is the grotesque congregation of a decrepit church. Brutalist drums boom throughout the rotting pews, shrill guitar rattles the grimey windows, and an uncanny choir reverberates across the crumbling stone walls. Michael Gira embodies everyone from the vile preacher and his crazed followers to the desperate sinners and vulnerable innocents held in the palm of their hands. Perhaps “Greed” is the deceitful sermon of a cultish priest, for example, or “Stupid Child” is the twisted plight of an abuse victim, or “Anything for You” is the confession of a despondent sex worker, etc. It took me an admittedly long time to genuinely engage with this album (as opposed to treating like it an item to check off of a list) but I think it clicked once I took a more cinematic and interpretative approach. That isn’t to say I didn’t enjoy this album at all before my most recent relistens, though. In fact, there’s a plethora of things that make this an interesting entry in Swans’ discography. Although the Time Is Money (Bastard) single / EP – a cool release that was too minuscule to warrant a review – was the first actual appearance of Jarboe, this is the first full-length project where her presence makes an impact on the band’s sound. On earlier releases, it would’ve been unfathomable to hear the haunting piano of a song like “Fool”, but that new texture is integral to this stage of their sound and allows for very effective new avenues of songwriting. The aforementioned opener is honestly one of my favorite Swans tracks, almost entirely due to the gripping sonic claustrophobia that was only made possible in this new evolution of the band. Other songs like “Greed” stand out by facilitating an immersive ambiance around its disfigured instrumentation, while others still like “Stupid Child” are memorable for their frighteningly kinetic use of unique sounds. While these tracks cover a relatively wide aural range, – from the typical fare of rumbling bass and gnarled guitar to new additions like gated percussion and even blaring synths, – Greed is unified by a sense of space that was never allowed to seep into its brutalist predecessors
 although the atmosphere isn’t any lighter for it. On that note, I must admit that the issue of monotony persisted in spite of my more engaging outlook on this record, with “Nobody” and “Anything for You” especially falling victim to the continually drudging pace. It’s not an enormous gripe, but it does prevent the album from rising too high within my rating system. The biggest singular problem this record has is probably its closing track, “Money Is Flesh”. I don’t have too much to say about it, and I’m sure the jarringly dated synths have already gotten some amount of ridicule, but I’ll never forgive this mediocre song for sabotaging “Heaven”’s rightful place as the album closer. The cultish lyrics are a haunting crystallization of the album’s themes, made all the more effective by its dirge-like pace, its guttural low end, its skin-crawling dissonance, and – most strikingly – the terrifying crescendo of Gira’s vocals. Regardless, I appreciate Greed a lot more now than I did before. It has its fair share of flaws, and is by no means the apex of Michael or Jarboe’s creativity, but it’s a pretty gratifying experience once you find the right mental context for it.
submitted by vicker1980 to swans [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:07 CaptainSmith1617 A Falcon of Summer Chapter 66 Headaches and Family

Title: A Falcon of Summer
Author: Lawkeeper
Rating: T
Language: English
Length: 440k words
Status: Ongoing
Link: A Falcon of Summer work
Chapter 66 Headaches and Family
Summary: At Riverrun in the one night before marching off to war with Robert Baratheon, Jon Arryn sires a son with Lysa Tully. Jasper Arryn is an untested green boy, a lord of summer, but when the king who sits on the Iron Throne commands him to hand over his wards, history repeats itself. As High as Honor!
Chapter Summary: Cersei is Cersei and is the most rational actor ever. Tommen has to take a break from the war to deal with his lovely mother. Garlan uncovers a conspiracy. And Edmure is a good man in the Kingswood and adopts a feral wolf
If your want a fic where the OC is a flawed guy like the rest of the asoiaf characters and things change from the canon line very quickly this is your story. If you want some interesting plot point changes. Heres some spoilers. Joffrey is exiled from the realm at the Trident. Melisandre believes Robert is the chosen one. Not Stannis. No War for the Five Kings. Different war is launched. Jon Snow gets a white cloak instead of a black.
Another chapter down in theory I only have 17 left(Technically 19, but being the silly guy I am I already finished two chapters out of order. One is a battle chapter which was a blast to write.) My goal is to try to finish this fic by the end of the year. Probably a fools hope (I'm just as bad as George I guess XD) I do wish sometimes I had help for this and someone could split the workload. I'd be very happy if that ever happened, but I suppose thats unlikely by this point. I just have to keep chugging along until I get to the end. I can see the end, but we still have several miles to go. Assuming every chapter is on average 5K I still have 95K of unwritten materials as a conservative estimate likely more like in the 115-120K range given most chapters are at least 6K in words.
submitted by CaptainSmith1617 to AsoiafFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:06 CaptainSmith1617 A Falcon of Summer Chapter 66 Headaches and Family

Title: A Falcon of Summer
Author: Lawkeeper
Rating: T
Language: English
Length: 440k words
Status: Ongoing
Link: A Falcon of Summer work
Chapter 66 Headaches and Family
Summary: At Riverrun in the one night before marching off to war with Robert Baratheon, Jon Arryn sires a son with Lysa Tully. Jasper Arryn is an untested green boy, a lord of summer, but when the king who sits on the Iron Throne commands him to hand over his wards, history repeats itself. As High as Honor!
Chapter Summary: Cersei is Cersei and is the most rational actor ever. Tommen has to take a break from the war to deal with his lovely mother. Garlan uncovers a conspiracy. And Edmure is a good man in the Kingswood and adopts a feral wolf
If your want a fic where the OC is a flawed guy like the rest of the asoiaf characters and things change from the canon line very quickly this is your story. If you want some interesting plot point changes. Heres some spoilers. Joffrey is exiled from the realm at the Trident. Melisandre believes Robert is the chosen one. Not Stannis. No War for the Five Kings. Different war is launched. Jon Snow gets a white cloak instead of a black.
Another chapter down in theory I only have 17 left(Technically 19, but being the silly guy I am I already finished two chapters out of order. One is a battle chapter which was a blast to write.) My goal is to try to finish this fic by the end of the year. Proably a fools hope (I'm just as bad as George I guess XD) I do wish sometimes I had help for this and someone could split the workload. I'd be very happy if that ever happened, but I suppose thats unlikely by this point. I just have to keep chugging along until I get to the end. I can see the end, but we still have several miles to go. Assuming every chapter is on average 5K I still have 95K of unwritten materials as a conservative estimate likely more like in the 115-120K range given most chapters are at least 6K in words.
submitted by CaptainSmith1617 to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:01 Bulbulunufus Cycle 470 - calm before the rework?

Cycle summary and priorities:
Outside of BGS another quiet week. Our expansion was not pushed.
This week we have Patreus trying to expand to Caph which we need to oppose. And Winters has Dongkum up if you want to haul.
Join our Discord for details on targets!

In the news:
Some more positive Thargoid war changes to get you swinging at the tentacled chitterers.
CG! Earth Defen(c/s)e Fleet are under attack, the Federation is being plundered by pirates! You'd have thought Jerome would know better than advertising it to all the other pirates and ne'erdowells đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž.
Are you able to vote for Winters? Please vote CONS and vote EARLY.
Fortify the following systems to 100% by picking up lunchboxes Liberal Federal Packages in Rhea and delivering them to power contacts:
Lundji, Elycoch, Belgitan, Asetsi
Fort priorities are ever changing and we cannot update publicly in a timely manner. Join the Discord if you want to help!
We have an expansion this week to Dongkum - haul away! Join our Discord to get the inside track.
Please oppose Patreus at Caph.
Join our Discord for live priority updates and to wing up!
Interested in Federal AX? Join FAX-COM.
Interested in non-violent methods to assuage the alien emergency? Winters has a place for you too.
Interested in PvP? PvP is a lifeblood of powerplay. We train interested pilots with a dedicated server, resources and mentors, and weekly in-house tournaments
Interested in exploration? We have a server for our explorers too
Want more nuance on objectives, to wing up, or to keep up to date on the ever-evolving strategy? Join our Discord! Stop by and say hello! Or join to stay quiet and beaver away at your specialism . In addition to Powerplay Ops, we have channels for general ED discussion, ship building mastery, and PvP training, with domain experts. We also have an unsurpassed cantina .
Diplomatic Overview:
Aisling Duval – Hostile
Archon Delaine – Amiable
Arissa Lavigny-Duval – Hostile
Denton Patreus – Unfriendly
Edmund Mahon – Green
Li Yong-Rui – Neutral
Pranav Antal – Neutral
Yuri Grom – Unfriendly
Zachary Hudson – Ally
Zemina Torval – Unfriendly
submitted by Bulbulunufus to EliteWinters [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:59 TommyCollins AI render of nāma 265 of Lalitā Sahasranāma, Brahma-rĆ«pā à€Źà„à€°à€čà„à€ź-à€°à„‚à€Șà€Ÿ

AI render of nāma 265 of Lalitā Sahasranāma, Brahma-rĆ«pā à€Źà„à€°à€čà„à€ź-à€°à„‚à€Șà€Ÿ
A succinct summary of meaning from ƚrÄ« Ānandānandanātha:
“She takes the form of the God of creation Brahma. Brahma has four heads. The four heads could mean the components of antaáž„karaáč‡a: mind, intellect, consciousness and ego. Without these four, creation is not possible. There are many stories about Brahma’s four heads. He had five heads, possibly meaning the five elements or five prāáč‡as (prāáč‡a, apāna, vyāna, samāna and udāna) that are needed for creation. The fifth head was cut off by ƚiva for having shown haughty prideful ego while being struck by inappropriate lust. There is yet another story, which says that Brahma had split his body horizontally into two, a male and a female form (different from ardhanārÄ«Ć›vara form of ƚiva where ƚiva’s body is dissevered vertically, the other half occupied by ƚaktÄ«). Some Puranas say Brahma the great-grandfather, ViáčŁáč‡u the grandfather and ƚiva the father of this universe. Other switch the order of ViáčŁáč‡u and Brahma. The important thing to note is these texts are only discussing local creation, and that there are perhaps uncountable infinities of Trideva and Tridevi throughout manifest creation, which is a hyperdimensional multiverse to us 3/4 dimensional beings, but it looks massively and incomprehensibly different as the each higher dimension of reality comes into awareness. Blessedly, due to Divine grace, simply meditating on the non-dual nature of reality, of Lalitāmbikā who is Paramaƛiva, and the bliss underlying each and every bit of the Play of creation, is sufficient for tremendous spiritual progress. (Further reading on the process of creation (in brief): The soul, which is also known as puruáčŁa can manifest only if interacts with prakáč›ti, which is also known as Nature, the creative self-unfoldment. When the soul gets associated with prakáč›ti, the latter unfolds first into subtle non-materialistic form and later into gross form. When gross form is formed, it gives rise to three types of bodies called gross (sthĆ«la), subtle (sĆ«káčŁma) and causal (kāraáč‡a). Gross is the outer body, subtle and causal are the inner bodies. Until a soul is liberated, subtle and causal bodies continue their association with the soul. Only the gross body is perishable. The imperceptible impressions of many lives become embedded in these bodies, thereby causing predominance of certain qualities in the mind in each rebirth. They are the seeds of karmas that are embedded in a soul. See here for a general introduction to the theories of Samskaras- )”
submitted by TommyCollins to Shaktaverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:55 BellaBrowsing My interpretation of the "In Summation" Poem

Before diving into the poem itself, I want to explain my overall opinion on the concept for this album. While it is in a lot of ways about her relationship(s), it's also in just as many ways (if not more) about Taylor's relationship with herself, the media, the industry, and her fans.
In my opinion, one overarching theme of TTPD is the parasocial relationship these groups have to her and the well crafted PR machine that has been created for her. Throughout her career people have speculated on which relationships her songs are about despite very little confirmation from Taylor. She has made the comment in her career that fans think it's one thing because "they didn't see a picture of it, so it didn't happen." They think they know her and know what is best for her, but in reality we only see what Taylor wants us to see (Mirrorball is literally about this). But what Taylor is telling us throughout TTPD is that we DON'T always know what's going on and we absolutely DON'T get to tell her how to live her life.
Last year, when news broke that her & Matty were dating, all hell broke loose. Her fans wanted it to be ANYTHING other than a real relationship because they have crafted this persona of her and Matty did not fit into their box of who Taylor Swift is. So many of the lyrics on TTPD are exaggerated, heightened for emotional effect. Because she is feeding into the public narrative that she MUST have been crazy to date him, he MUST have been a rebound when she was in an emotional state.
(Reminder: Taylor plays with pronouns a lot. Not every HE is a bout a man. She wrote an entire song called The Man, Taylor is James in the teenage love triangle, etc. Also, more importantly, she is unreliable narrator).
Enter The In Summation poem: A satirical plead to the public to forgive her for her "bad judgement." Because they act as Judge, Jury, and Executioner of her life.
At this hearing I stand before my fellow members of the Tortured Poets Department With a summary of my findings A debrief, a detailed rewinding For the purpose of warning For the sake of reminding
As you might all unfortunately recall I had been struck with a case of a restricted humanity Which explains my plea here today of temporary i n s a n i t y
You see, the pendulum swings Oh, the chaos it brings Leads the caged beast to do the most curious things
Lovers spend years denying what’s ill fated Resentment rotting away galaxies we created
Stars placed and glued meticulously by hand next to the ceiling fan
Tried wishing on comets. Tried dimming the shine. Tried to orbit his planet. Some stars never align.
And in one conversation, I tore down the whole sky
Spring sprung forth with dazzling freedom hues Then a crash from the skylight bursting through Something old, someone hallowed, who told me he could be brand new
And so I was out of the oven and into the microwave Out of the slammer and into a tidal wave How gallant to save the empress from her gilded tower Swinging a sword he could barely lift But loneliness struck at that fateful hour Low hanging fruit on his wine stained lips
He never even scratched the surface of me.
None of them did.
“In summation, it was not a love affair!” I screamed while bringing my fists to my coffee ringed desk It was a mutual manic phase. It was self harm. It was house and then cardiac arrest.
A smirk creeps onto this poet’s face Because it’s the worst men that I write best.
And so I enter into evidence My tarnished coat of arms My muses, acquired like bruises My talismans and charms The tick, tick, tick of love bombs My veins of pitch black ink
All’s fair in love and poetry ;)
submitted by BellaBrowsing to taylorandmatty [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:52 SexxxMelaneexxx Lai

Embracing Musicality in the Lai Form**
The lai is a poetic form with origins in medieval France. It traditionally consists of nine lines divided into three stanzas (two rhymed couplets followed by a tercet). The rhyme scheme is typically AABAABAAB, and it often explores themes of love, nature, and daily life.
  1. "Lai" by Marie de France.
  2. "In the Orchard" by Ezra Pound.
  3. "Morning Light" by Catherine Chandler.
Tips for Creative Writing:
Questions for Exploration:
  1. How does the rhyme scheme contribute to the lai's musical quality?
  2. Can you identify any modern poets who have experimented with the lai form?
Additional Resources:
Creative Writing Prompt:
Step 1: Choose a theme or emotion for your lai.
Step 2: Determine the AABAABAAB rhyme scheme.
Step 3: Compose your nine lines, incorporating the refrain.
Beneath the boughs, where shadows play (A) Soft whispers linger, in the twilight's sway (A) A melody of leaves, in the gentle breeze (B) Nature's lai, sung by the ancient trees (A)
The sun dips low, in a fiery display (A) Golden hues dance, a farewell ballet (A) Nature's palette paints, with vibrant ease (B) A lai of evening, woven by the trees (A)
Remember: The lai's structured yet flexible form invites poets to create melodies with words.
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:51 Doom_Douche WTF is happening with GameStop? Start Here

WTF is happening with GameStop? Start Here
Did you just hear "Reddit meme stocks are going crazy again" on the news and wind up here? I wouldn’t blame you for thinking this whole GameStop thing was over years ago.
The media has put out thousands of articles telling you to “Forget GameStop”
The SEC launched a commercial campaign making fun of “Memestock” investors
and almost all of the large investing subreddits don't even allow discussion about GME.
So what the hell is Superstonk and why are there a million of us here over 3 years after the “The Sneeze” (what we call the 2021 run up with a closing price of $82 in split adjusted numbers that the media like to claim was a short squeeze)? Superstonk is a subreddit dedicated entirely to GME investors. We have evolved over time to provide an open platform for individuals to discuss market reform, as well as facilitate retail investors' rights to participate by weighing in and making sure all of our voices are heard on by financial regulators, and vote on shareholder rights proposals. Its been quite the journey considering most of us got into this trade in 2020 or 2021 looking for a good time and fast money.
We were quickly given the moniker “Dumb Money” and they even made a movie out of it. Streaming on Netflix if you want a laugh and a recap. What this film won’t show you however is the back room collusion that took place in order to attempt to stop retail from winning for once. It’s so easy to dismiss us “retail investors” as some foreign group of people. That's you and me they are talking about fleecing. Trading with money we worked for and were taxed on. We aren't playing with other people wealth and skimming a profit off the top. So this sub has been digging into these issues while also memeing and making questionable life decision ban bets. What we’ve come to realize in that time is the game has always been rigged. There is an incestuous relationship between market makers, hedge funds and prime brokers that have allowed them to just print money while intentionally destroying American companies and jobs

Is it too late to invest in GameStop or is this just the beginning of another run up?

Welcome to the burning question millions of people have been wondering since January 2021. Only you can make that call. The last time something like this happened a bunch of overpaid middlemen fuck-wads flipped the table over in a historically unprecedented temper tantrum , got paraded around by a handful of oblivious geriatric political puppets asking all the wrong questions and got off with a slap on the wrist. We were pissed but we didn’t give up. We knew the bear thesis against GME was dead and the people betting against it were kicking the can down a road that would end eventually. Gamers are a tenacious bunch and dumb money has strength in numbers.
Since then GameStop has gotten rid of all its meaningful debt, brought on an incredible board of directors, become a profitable company and has over 2 billion dollars of cash on hand. This subreddit alone has removed over 25% of the outstanding shares from the market by registering them in their own name with something called DRS (the modern digital equivalent of a stock certificate) and prevented those shares from being loaned out to short the stock.
DRS has become a large part of the culture here on Superstonk as it really embodies the attitude of a long term investor. It might surprise you to learn that you don’t actually own any of your shares in your brokerage. This is a massive rabbit hole that I encourage you to dig into even if it's only for educational purposes. We consider it to be arguably the safest way to hold shares while the rest of the world slowly realizes the music is stopping and there are not enough chairs to go around.
GME has already seen historically unprecedented events occur and I for one sleep better at night knowing that my shares are safely sitting on the books of GME Corp and not a copy of a copy of a copy created by synthetic positions. It is very possible that many of the shares being traded today are still vestigial remnants of previously opened short positions that were never actually closed.
The SEC’s own incredibly delayed investigation into the events of January 2021 show no evidence the short sellers closed their positions.
Remember, GME was short an absolute minimum of 140% (this means more shares were borrowed and sold than existed) and likely much higher based on many other indicators. They even changed the way short interest is calculated after the January 2021 events. When someone shorts a stock, they are betting they can borrow it, pay a fee, sell it and then buy it back cheaper. There is a mathematical limit on how much money they can make doing this but their potential losses if the stock rises are infinite. The higher it goes and the longer they wait to admit they were wrong the more expensive it gets. This is called a “Short Squeeze”.
So here we are 3 years later and the chickens appear to be coming home to roost. A reddit user named Deepfuckingvalue (an inspiration to many of us) has shown how massive his balls are by making an update post on his holdings.
Yes, you are reading that right. DFV started with a 50k investment into a dying brick and mortar retailer and now is worth over a quarter of a billion dollars. Even now, more masochists are piling on and shorting GME AGAIN.
So what are we still doing here? A lot of us have the mentality that we won't sell until the financial terrorists behind this see the inside of a jail cell. You can call us stubborn, dumb, irrational or anything else but it doesn’t change the situation. The term “Diamond Hands” have never been more appropriate. Diamonds are forged by pressure and time and we sure as hell have had a lot of both. We have held onto our shares and witnessed violent swings in each direction and kept buying more. I’m starting to ramble here and there's just no way for me to give you an accurate summary of the last 3 years other than to say, we like the stock and think it's going up. Here is a list of resources to get you started. Once you have read them feel free to interact with the members here and ask questions. We will try to be nice.
Recent Event Recap
The Daily Stonk: A Recap (6/2/24-6/8/24)
“GameStop - A Long Story Short (video summary)”
“What is DRS?”
“Due Diligence Library”
“Top posts of all time on Superstonk"
“Superstonk Discord”
“Superstonk Video AMAs”

DFV YOLO Updates

GME YOLO update – June 2 2024
GME YOLO update – June 3 2024
GME YOLO update – June 6 2024
Roaring Kitty Live Stream - June 7, 2024


If you're from the media, we have put together a FAQ post for you to browse before you reach out to us directly
If you are sitting in a cubicle in a government building in Washington DC, close this tab, stand up (I hope you hit your funny bone on the corner of your shitty formica desk) and do your fucking job. You either know what's going on and don't care or don’t know what's going on and don't care to know.
For the brand new users to reddit or this sub you might not be able to comment or post right away. We have Karma and account age requirements here. We have had to endure a lot of trolling over the years and this helps prevent most of it. In the meantime go participate on some of the other GME subs or join the discord if you just need to express yourself by spamming rocket emojis. Karma and age reqs here:
240 days and 4800 karma to post
120 days and 1200 karma to comment
You might also notice you are not able to tag users or link to other subreddits. It's a long story I won't go into here but these are restrictions that have been put on this subreddit by reddit admins.
For those of you concerned about liking the stock and talking about it, well here's some direct quotes from The SEC chairman Gary Gensler:
"Investors today can get information from more sources than ever before. They can share advice peer-to-peer via new social media platforms, as well as Reddit communities and YouTube channels."
“We should always be vigorously enforcing our laws and ensuring that there’s not fraud and manipulation, but again, we all have a free speech right to go and say to a neighbor, whether it’s online or in person, I like this investment,”
“Our laws are about if somebody’s trying to defraud another person, mislead another person, manipulate the markets,”
"I am not concerned about regular investors exercising their free speech rights online; I am more concerned whether bad actors potentially take advantage of influential platforms."
submitted by Doom_Douche to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:51 rosieDMDL [MLB Deadline News] The #Angels have begun listening to trade inquiries on OF Taylor Ward, per @ByRobertMurray Ward, 30, is under team control through the 2026 season.

[MLB Deadline News] The #Angels have begun listening to trade inquiries on OF Taylor Ward, per @ByRobertMurray Ward, 30, is under team control through the 2026 season. submitted by rosieDMDL to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:51 chronic314 The Politics of Child Sexual Abuse: Notes from American History Linda Gordon Feminist Review, No. 28, Family Secrets: Child Sexual Abuse (Spring, 1988), pp. 56-64
In the early 1970s, when a radical feminist consciousness pulled [incestuous abuse] out of the closet, we thought we were engaged in an unprecedented discovery. In fact, charity volunteers and social workers a century earlier dealt with incest cases daily, understanding them to be a standard, expected part of the caseload of a child-protective agency such as a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. How are we to explain this historical amnesia? Like the suppression of so much women's history and feminist analysis, this hiatus was not created simply by the decline in feminism between 1920 and 1970, but by an active reinterpretation of child sexual abuse. I shudder when I think about what this meant: not only because of the incest victims rendered invisible and mute, but also because of its threat to us today, the threat that great achievements in consciousness-raising can be rolled back by powerful ideological tanks. My motives in writing a history of family violence were thus far from disinterested.[1]
Charity and social workers in the late nineteenth-century United States were familiar with child sexual abuse and knew that its most common form of abuse was intrafamilial—that is, incest. Ten per cent of the family-violence case records of Boston child-saving agencies which I sampled, starting in 1880, contained incest (Gordon and O'Keefe, 1986; Gordon, 1984). Moreover, in their upper-class way these child savers had a feminist analysis of the problem: they blamed male brutality and lack of sexual control. They could safely offer such explanations because they believed the problem to occur exclusively among the Catholic immigrant poor, whom they perceived as of "inferior stock," crowded "like animals" into urban ghettoes. Thus, ironically, the very upper-class base of child-rescue work at the time promoted the identification of problems unmentionable by standards of Victorian propriety.
Despite these class limitations, the sympathy for child victims entailed by this sensibility was one of the major achievements of the nineteenth-century feminist movement. The attack on male sexual and familial violence was often disguised in temperance rhetoric. American women's historians have recently conducted a reinterpretation of temperance, acknowledging its anti-Catholic, anti-working class content, but also identifying its meanings for women contesting the evils that alcohol created for them and their families: violence, disease, impoverishment, male irresponsibility. Moreover, the feminist anti-violence campaign had significant successes. In the course of the century wife-beating was transformed from an acceptable practice into one which, despite its continued widespread incidence, was illegal and reprehensible, a seamy behaviour which men increasingly denied and tried to hide (Pleck, 1979). Indeed, the whole movement against child abuse which began in the 1870s was a product of a feminist sensibility in several ways: first, in opposing corporal punishment and preference for gentler methods of child training; second, in challenging the sanctity of the Victorian home and authority of the paterfamilias. Most manuals of child raising by the last quarter of the nineteenth century recommended physical punishment only as a last resort (Reposter note: Of course, this would still be child abuse. "Child training" is still a dehumanizing term. They didn't go anywhere nearly far enough.), and women's legal victories in child custody created a preference for maternal rights to children for a century.
Consider a few examples of incest cases from the late nineteenth century:[2]
In 1900 a thirteen year old girl has been placed out with a family in which the wife is absent. The SPCC worker reports that the "child's bed not slept in but [the father's bed is] much tumbled. The girl cries and dreads the night." (Case #1820A)
An incest victim reports, sometime in the 1890s, that her father "told her that it was all right for him to do such things and say such things to her, for all fathers did so with their daughters. Tried to force her to go to a hotel in Boston with him once. Also advised her to go with fellows to get money. Said that if she got in trouble he would help her out.
" (Case #2058A)
There were hundreds of these stories telling us not only that [incestuous abuse] occurred, but that child-saving agencies were aware of it and taking action against it. The publicity and fund-raising efforts of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children focussed on intrafamily "carnal abuse" directly, unembarrassed to include it as part of the need for SPCC intervention.
In the early twentieth century the child-savers' view of child sexual assault changed significantly, and incest was de-emphasized. By the 1920s, although child-protective agencies continued to meet many incest cases, a three-part interpretive transformation had occurred: the locus of the problem was moved from home to streets, the culprit transformed from father or other authoritative male family member to perverted stranger, the victim transformed from innocent betrayed to sex delinquent. In other words, the fact that child sex abuse is overwhelmingly a family problem was obscured; instead it was pictured as rape by strangers on the streets. (Anna Clark has shown how a similar reinterpretation of adult rape took place (Clark, 1987).) This is not to say that there was no extrafamilial sex abuse; there was, but, compared to incest, it was greatly exaggerated in both public and professional discourse.
Several factors contributed to this reinterpretation. The professionalization of social work tended to weaken the influence of feminists and social reformers among child protectors, even as, ironically, more women entered child welfare casework as salaried workers. After the women's suffrage victory in 1920 the organized feminist movement fragmented and weakened. During World War I venereal disease became a major problem for the armed forces (it was for this reason that condoms became widely available at this time, first issued by the Navy to sailors); servicemen were presented as victims of disease-ridden prostitutes. After the war, fears of Bolshevism, sexual freedom, and feminism combined to create a "pro-family" backlash.
The implications of this reinterpretation of child sexual abuse were pernicious for women and girls. The existence of sexual abuse became evidence requiring the constriction and domestication of girls, and their mothers were blamed for inadequate supervision if the girls were molested or even played on the streets. What was once categorized as carnal abuse, the perpetrators virtually all male, was often now categorized as moral neglect—meaning that the mother was the culprit and the behaviour of the victim was implicated. Some of the "sex abuse" was relatively noncoercive teenage sexuality. Female juvenile sex delinquency was constructed as a major social problem in early twentieth-century America, and it was a vague, victimless crime. Girls who smoked and drank, dressed or spoke immodestly, or simply loitered on the streets were convicted of sex delinquency in substantial numbers and sent to reformatories (Schlossman and Wallach, 1978). During World War I near armed-forces bases it was the servicemen who were the innocents, their girl partners the sources of pollution. Even girls who had been raped were no longer victims but temptresses. I do not mean to deny that some girls behaved in socially dangerous and self-destructive ways, nor that they sought out sexual adventure but, as many students of sex delinquents and other runaways today have observed, high proportions, quite possibly a majority of these girls, were first victims of sexual assault, typically familial. They were, so to speak, squeezed out onto the streets in search of safety and/or self-esteem from homes that were even more destructive than the street boys or men who exploited them.
Above all, this reinterpretation of child sexual abuse removed scrutiny from family and home, restoring the curtain of impunity that surrounded those sacred institutions. This was the period of the discovery of the "dirty old man," the "sex fiend," and the "pervert," the stereotypical culprit in child sex abuse cases in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. As before, I do not wish to deny that such figures existed. Child protection agencies uncovered child prostitution, pornography rings and sex criminals who molested literally scores of children. The victims were not always brutalized; the children of the very poor—not only in the Depression but in earlier decades too—could be bribed into acquiescence and silence with a nickel, an orange, a pail of coal. However, even these nonfamilial molesters were rarely "strangers." They were often neighbours, accepted members of communities, often small businessmen or janitors who had access to private space.
There were two peak periods of hysteria about sex crimes: 1937-40 and 1949-55. The panic had official government sponsorship, led by none less that J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI. In 1937 he called for a "War on the Sex Criminal." Hoover's rantings about "degenerates" threatening "American childhood and womanhood" assimilated these sexual anxieties to nationalism, racism and anti-Communism. It bears notice that, in contrast to earlier periods of public agitation against sex crimes, as in campaigns to raise the age of consent in the Progressive era, women's organizations played no role in this campaign (Freedman, 1987).
Meanwhile social workers became less likely to investigate girls' typically euphemistic accusations of their fathers.
In 1935 a mother turned her daughter in for sex delinquency. Investigation reveals that the daughter, fleeing from an abusive father, who also beat his wife severely, had spent most of her time for 4-5 years with her maternal uncle and aunt. She accused her maternal uncle of molesting her steadily. However, the MSPCC physical exam indicated that she was a virgin,[3] so no action was taken. (#3555A)
A battered woman, terrified of her husband, is told by their daughter, who has become a "sex delinquent," behaving "vulgarly," that her father has criminally assaulted her. The mother says "she would speak to him." At court the police chief says he is doubtful about taking up the case as the girl's word is the only evidence the Government could produce; he would not question the father "as it would be asking [him] to incriminate himself." The daughter was committed to an institution. (#2057A)
In 1920 a mother is so fearful that her new husband will abuse her daughter (from a previous marriage) that every time she goes out she hires a babysitter to chaperone them. Yet when the daughter, now eleven, says she has been raped by a "stranger" whom she refuses to name, the social workers not only fail to question whether she might be shielding her stepfather, but decide that her accusation is not credible and brand her a delinquent—a liar, immoral, and uncontrollable. She is boarded out as a domestic. (#3085A)
In 1930 a 14-year-old girl alleges sexual abuse by her widowed father and begs to be taken out of his home. No action is taken until the father brings her to court on stubborn-child charges and she, as well as her younger sister whom she has been trying to protect are sentenced, separately, to institutions. (#3585)
In addition to references like these, in which the agencies did not investigate or prosecute, there were many others in which agency workers simply did not pick up the broad hints that girls threw out, hoping to draw attention to their plight. Social workers ignored statements like, "I asked my mother for a lock on my door." These girls were not usually bribed or intimidated into silence. Some of the recent discussion of incest emphasizes victims' fearful silence, but this evidence is based on the work of therapists, counselling incest victims years later, who have often by then reconstructed their stories on the basis of their guilt; my evidence, contemporaneous with the abuse, showed that these children were usually very active in trying to get help, more so, for example, than victims of nonsexual child abuse (Gordon, 1986).
Not only did social workers de-emphasize incest, but academic experts dismissed it as an extremely rare, one-in-a-million occurrence (Weinberg, 1955). Psychoanalytic and anthropological interpretations, associated respectively with Freud and Levi-Strauss, attributed to incest taboos a vital role in the development of civilization; this logic brought with it the assumption that these taboos were effective and that incest was, in fact, rare; but in terms of impact on treatment of actual cases, Freudian thought did not so much cause social workers to deny children's complaints and hints about sexual mistreatment as it offered categories with which to explain away these complaints. As Boston psychiatrist Eleanor Pavenstedt commented in 1954:
Most of us have trained ourselves to skepticism toward the claims of young girls who maintain they have been seduced by their fathers
 We must ask ourselves whether our tendency to disbelief is not in part at least based on denial. The incest barrier is perhaps the strongest support of our cultural family structure, and we may well shrink from the thought of its being threatened. (Pavenstedt, 1954)
So did the dominant sociology of the family, which inverted Levi-Strauss's functionalism to prove that the incest taboo was operative because it had to be. For example, "No known human society could tolerate much incest without ruinous disruption" (Gebhard, Gagnon, Pomeroy and Christenson, 1965: 208; Davis, 1949; Bell and Vogel, 1963). The few nonfeminist historians to study incest replicated that error by studying public beliefs about incest, not behaviour (Wohl, 1979; Strong, 1973).
The rediscovery of [incestuous abuse] in the 1970s was, then, merely a reinterpretation, and it did not come quickly. Nonsexual child abuse was resurrected as a social problem in the 1960s in a movement led by physicians but stimulated by the influence of the New Left, with its sympathy for youth and critique of authority and the family. Without pressure from feminists, [incestuous abuse] first reappeared as gender-neutral. Indeed, the very classification of all forms of intrafamily sexual activity as [incestuous abuse] obscures the meanings of these behaviours. For example, sibling sexual activity, or sex between other relatives of approximately the same age, is extremely common, difficult to identify and not necessarily abusive. Mother-child incest is extremely rare and, in my findings, more often than father-child incest, associated with adult mental illness; by contrast incestuous fathers have extremely "normal" profiles (Gordon and O'Keefe, 1984; Herman, 1981). (Reposter note: I am skeptical about these two claims. Maternal CSA is significantly rarer than paternal CSA, yes, but I doubt that it's "extremely" rare, and an analysis of adult supremacy as an axis of oppression intersecting with misogyny clarifies this. I am also skeptical of all pathologization and saneism-inflected broad claims about abuser psychology. I have reason to believe she and her sources were biased by heterosexism in reaching this conclusion. In contrast, youth liberation feminists would emphasize the adultism, domestic power, and authoritarian motives in an intersectional manner.) Yet many child abuse experts throughout the 1970s ignored these gender differences (Kempe, 1980; Money, 1980). Others found ingenious ways of explaining away actuality with speculation about possibility. Thus social worker Kate Rist argued that "society has created a stronger prohibition against mother-son incest" because "it is most likely to occur. This has led to the intriguing situation in which father-daughter incest appears to have a lower natural probability of occurrence, is therefore less strongly prohibited, and in practice occurs more often" (Rist, 1979; 682).
Historians do not usually like to speak of the "lessons of history," as if she were some objective, finally definitive schoolteacher. But in many years of work at the craft, I have never come across a story that so directly yields a moral. The moral is that the presence or absence of a strong feminist movement makes the difference between better and worse solutions to the social problem of child sexual abuse; more, that the very same evidence of sexual abuse will be differently defined in the presence or absence of that movement. Without a feminist analysis, evidence of child sexual abuse means that danger lies in sex perverts, in public spaces, in unsupervised girls, in sexually assertive girls. There are few ironies more bitter than the fact that rape of children—that most heinous of crimes—has also been the crime most drenched in victim-blaming. As with adult rape, child sexual abuse without feminist interpretation supplies evidence and arguments for constricting and disempowering children.
Such a reinterpretation arose again in the United States in the mid-1980s, a reinterpretation aided, of course, by the real and increasing incidence of deranged killers attacking strangers. In the school year 1984/85 my then second-grade daughter was taught three separate programmes in her classroom about how to react to sexual abuse attempts, all of them emphasizing strangers, and all of them gender-neutral. The most publicized sexual abuse cases have concerned daycare centres, and often female teachers, although daycare centres remain, on the whole, among the safest environments for children. The statistics about child sexual abuse remain what they were a century ago: the most dangerous place for children is the home, the most likely assailant their father. Similarly a panic about missing children not only exaggerated their numbers a thousandfold, but completely misstated the source of such "kidnappings": neglecting to mention that noncustodial parents are overwhelmingly the main kidnappers; and that teenage runaways, often from abusive homes, are overwhelmingly the majority of the missing children.
What then is the best policy? My argument should not be taken as an implicit call for de-emphasizing the problem. On the contrary. The children's educational programmes and pamphlets have strengths, particularly in so far as they offer assertiveness training for children: if it feels uncomfortable, trust your judgement and say no; scream loud and run fast; tell someone. Of course it is difficult and inadvisable to sow distrust of fathers, particularly because the more intimate fathers are with children, the more responsibility they have for children, the less likely they will be to abuse them sexually. (Reposter note: I get what she's trying to say here, but this is phrased poorly IMO. Sowing distrust is fine. If it's genuinely unjustified, then the problem will resolve itself.) However, education for children should contain a feminist and an anti-authoritarian analysis: should discuss the relative powerlessness of women and girls, and praise assertiveness and collective resistance in girls; should demystify the family and even discuss that ultimately tabooed subject, economic power in the family. Education for boys must be equally brave and delicate. Boys are children too, and often victimized sexually, but they are also future men, and school age is not too early to ask them to consider what's wrong with male sexual aggression, to teach them to criticize the multiple and powerful cultural messages that endorse male sexual aggression.
Probably the most important single contribution to the prevention of [father-daughter] incest would be the strengthening of mothers. By increasing their ability to support themselves and their social and psychological self-esteem, allowing them to choose independence if that is necessary to protect themselves and their daughters, men's sexual exploitation could be checked. In the historical incest cases I sampled, one of the most consistent common denominators was the extreme helplessness of mothers—often the victims of wife-beating themselves, they were often ill or otherwise isolated, they were the poorest, the least self-confident and the least often employed of mothers in these case records. This is not victim-blaming; their weaknesses were not their fault, but part of the systematic way in which male supremacy gives rise to [father-daughter] incest. It was a gain that wife-beating and [father-daughter] incest have become more criminalized, but we cannot expect women to prosecute aggressively if their prospects for single motherhood are so bleak.
Moreover, women's very subordination often contributes to making them child abusers and neglecters. Although women do not usually abuse children sexually, in these case records they were responsible for approximately half the nonsexual child abuse (the same proportion they occupy in many contemporary studies). Unfortunately, feminists have avoided women's own violence towards children and analysed family violence in terms of stereotypical male brutality and female gentleness. Women's violence should not be regarded as a problem that will somehow weaken our feminist claims; on the contrary, these claims should not rest on assumptions of women's superiority [
]. Women's mistreatment of children also needs an analysis of the damages caused by the sexual division of labour and the pattern of women's exclusive responsibility for child-raising. In the US, too, the rather middle-class radical feminist groups never made issues of social services a political priority, although such services are fundamental to women's ability to resist violence, to protect their children, and to parent better themselves.
This is not to say that a good feminist line will solve the problems of child sexual abuse, especially not where the abuse has already occurred. Like everyone else, feminists who deal with policy or individual cases must wobble through many contradictions. For example: the victimization is real, but the tendency to exaggerate its incidence and to produce social and moral panics needs to be resisted. The problem emerges from the powerlessness, the effective invisibility and muteness of women and children, especially girls, but the adult anxiety has led to children's false accusations, and children's sufferings will not be corrected by eroding the due process rights and civil liberties of those accused. Child sexual abuse needs a political interpretation, in terms of male power. However, the prosecution of culprits—however necessary—and the breaking up of families that may result do not always benefit the child victims. Especially if they are incestuous, sex abuse cases have something of the tragic about them, because once they arise, tremendous human damage has already occurred, and a politically correct analysis will not ease the pain. Still, that analysis, situating the problem in the context of male supremacy in and outside the family, is the only long-term hope for prevention.
Linda Gordon is Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin/Madison. She is the author of Woman's Body, Woman's Right and the forthcoming book on family violence noted below.
[1] My book, Heroes of Their Own Lives: The History and Politics of Family Violence, is forthcoming from Viking/Penguin US in early 1988. References to my sources and more information on my research methodology can be found there.
[2] These and other excerpts are from case records of Boston, Massachusetts, child-protection agencies (see Gordon, 1988).
[3] The standard response to a sex abuse allegation was to look at the condition of the hymen (Gordon, 1988).
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