Is there codeine in oxycodone hcl


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2024.06.05 09:03 NeighborhoodOnly666 Mom and dad passed away, 14 days from each.

Hi, 22M here.
I honestly don't know where to start. My father had dementia since 2019 and me and my beloved mother tried out best and we've seek out anything to make him feel the most comfortable as can be and to his last day to make sure he won't suffer.
I've sort of had closure with my father, a day before he passed away I blessed him, I told him I'm sorry for everything, sang to him as he loved to hear my voice especially when singing. The day after I got a call that I need to change shifts with my step sister and when I arrived everyone was crying. I knew. I went into the room, he had a white blanket all over him, and I took it off only to see his pale white face. It looked like a prank, and I blessed him once again, did my prayers and rushed out of the room and drove back to my house, went into my room and cried.
My mom, at the time had lungs cancer, and we didn't tell her that he passed away until my uncle told her. She was too sick to be at the funeral and had to stay in the hospital. 12 days after my dad's passing my mom felt ill again (she was released home as she was feeling better), I took her to the hospital again, thinking everything will be okay. A day after she had problems breathing and the doctors told me it's temporary and she will heal, as the cancer healed and is no longer in her body. I was happy, but sad at the same time that my father is no longer with us.
A day after, I went to see my mom but her breathing issues got worse and the doctor told us that from a CT scan there's a blood clot which is making his way from her lungs to the heart. 0% survival rate. I couldn't believe it. I went to her room, I told her mom I gotta go home to shower eat something and I'll come back. She told me go ahead son, I love you. I went to my car and started to scream my lungs out and cried my eyes like a baby, exactly the tears coming out of my eyes right now while writing this.
I love you, was her last words to me, when I reached home my cousin called me saying, she went to sleep with dad, don't come back.
She is buried with my father, in the same grave. I remember after they buried my mother, I sat near her grave and I've put our favorite songs to listen together and I sat over an hour there listening to songs with them.
They were my everything, I lost my life, I lost my laugh, I lost the shine in my eyes. They gave me everything, I can't bear the pain and I can't take it anymore.
I was addicted to Oxycodone, Xanax, Klonopin Codeine and more and got clean just for my mother, just so I can be strong and healthy to help her be healthy.
After my father's death I relapsed to Oxycodone again and after my mom's death, I completely lost myself. I'm currently doing lots and lots of drugs everyday, just to slightly numb the pain.
I don't know what to do, I don't know where to go. I know my girlfriend is in pain because of how I am and from what I'm going through. She doesn't want to leave me, but I'm tired of living. I ain't suicidal but I don't wanna live. I miss my mom, I miss my dad.
I don't have any biological brothers or sisters, my step sisters are 40+ and already forgot about me. A 22 year old orphan junkie.
I honestly don't know what to expect from the comments, at times like this only my mom would give me the best tips.
submitted by NeighborhoodOnly666 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:34 Disastrous-Cake-9636 Taking amitriptyline for ovarian cysts pain.

One of my doctors prescribed this medication (10mg) to help with the pain from my ovarian cysts. I think my cyst has ruptured again and the pain is unbearable, in my last hospital visit they gave me a script of oxycodone to help if it ever ruptured again (which it has multiple times) but I wasn’t on amitriptyline before so I would take them if the pain was really bad. This time around it’s so so bad, I can’t sleep even with the amitriptyline. I took two Panadols but they have not helped and my only option is the oxycodone or codeine but there are really high risks for taking these medications with the amitriptyline. I don’t know what to do and I can’t go to the hospital bc last time I went they sent me home and said to take the oxycodone if it ever happens again. I’m just really upset and frustrated
This post is long and it’s mainly me just ranting so I apologise.
submitted by Disastrous-Cake-9636 to Amitriptyline [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 05:20 toadbelliesgosquish Sometimes i lose all sensory ability as i move, but it comes back just as fast as it leaves.

Sex: F Gender: male Age: 22 (february birthday) Weight: 210lbs Height: 5'5 Race: white Country: canada, ontario to be exact
Alcohol consumption: never Smoking: never Vaping: never Drugs: never except motrin/tylenol/antibiotics
Pregnancy risk: 0%. I have never even seen an adult penis in person in my life. Ever been pregnant?: no. And also no period in almost 5 years due to HRT.
Medications: 100mg testosterone cypionate once per week via subcutaneous injections. Past long term medications that are not antibiotics: venlafazine 80mg once a day for 3 years, quit due to adverse side effects developing such as intense nightmares and mood swings. Pantoprazole 40mg once a day for 3 years, stopped due to no longer needing it as well as information released that use for over 30 days is dangerous for kidneys.
Diagnosises outside of mental health issues: - GERD caused by hormone blockers. Infrequent flares now.
Sometimes when i am walking i will step and when my foot is in the air i will suddenly be deaf, blind, dizzy, feel like i sm falling and floating all at once, and have a headache. Once my foot hits the ground i am okay. This can happen up to 5 times in quick succession. I have not fallen from this, and it is much more intense than when you stretch after standing and lose the ability to stand and fall back to sitting until you stop spinning and feeling tingly.
Whem i was younger, like 4-16, this would only happen during intense exertion euch as playing soccer, track and field, or gym class. I thought i just needed water or was too high energy/adrenaline
From 16-20 it would be rare but was more likely to occur in summer than any other month.
December 8 2022 i had a bilateral masectomy with nipple grafts while under anesthesia. Post surgery, they struggled to keep my oxygen levels up. I would come to a co scious enough level to read the digital clock and remember it. One moment it says 7, then 7:08, then 7:17, the next 7:36 and i feel like i just blinked. Over and over until they have me sit up at about 8 oclock. They get my oxygen to about 98 and remove the oxygen nose tube, i am breathing the same as before and plumet back to in the 70s and begin to lose consciousness rapidly. Repeat this over and over as they also feed me lots of water then have me use that breathing ball toy to regulate my breathing. It takes them over 1.5 hours to get me stable and at least 80% of that time i was below 90% oxygen. I did not take the perscribed oxycodone, i only took codeine-free 1000mg tylenol every 3 hours. Out of 90 pills given to me, i took 4. I do not believe there is any reason for me to not remember more than 3 hours of the rest of december. I blame the oxygen deprevation that night.
The following summer, 2023, canada was on fire and turned many skies orange and filled north america with smoke. That summer i was repeatedly having the issue i stated above, the episodes of sensory nothing and feeling of falling while not moving. At least 1 every 2 days, but maybe more. I also have limited memory of last summer as well.
When oxygen levels were decent, i remember just fine and had no issues.
I went to my doctor, and in short he told me i was imagining it. He did a blood tests with as many options as possible that didnt require me to drink a gross liquid first but i did fast for it. He also did send me for an ECG because i pushed for tests but it came back that nothing was wrong because well it was no longer fire out and i was laying down in a ventilated room. So of course nothing was wrong. Since then he wont listen to anything i say about it or he blames my testosterone. Getting ahold of my doctor is also nearly impossible as most calls go unanswered and when they do answer, the next appointment is months away wnd walk in is a 2 hour wait.
Now as this summer heats up again, it has increased in frequency again. 28°C and I am trying to work and take a step only to lose everything but this time i had to grab something to recover balance and ability.
What could be happening? What do i say to get an in-person doctor to listen to me and run the tests?
submitted by toadbelliesgosquish to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:13 deep__thinking Introducing myself and my disease - rant

My primary diagnosis is Crohn’s Disease, but unfortunately I have an atypical presentation of Crohn’s, which gives me chronic cervical lymphadenopathy — painful lymph node inflammation in my neck, which results in a referred headache that can be anywhere from dull all day to searing from the moment I open my eyes until I go to sleep. The lymph nodes also hurt.
My Crohn’s took about 1 year from first symptom (which was actually my lymph node inflammation) to getting my GI symptoms under control, but so far my doctors haven’t been able to make any progress with the lymphadenopathy.
I’m beyond grateful to have the GI under control, but I have been on oxycodone for almost 6 months to help cope with the pain of the lymphadenopathy. As of yesterday I have finally been moved off of Oxy and onto Codeine, which is a huge improvement but still leaves me with some pain, and the stress of always being dependent on pain management.
When you finally get referred to a pain management doctor, it’s almost like realizing your doctors are giving up. I’ve seen or had consults from dermatology, ENT, infectious disease (right at the start), GI, Neurology, Oncology and Rheumatology. I’m probably missing one or two.
I’m so frustrated, I feel misunderstood, not only by doctors who seem to have no clue what to do, but by friends and family who don’t know how to navigate this or how to treat me when I have constant pain — of course, the family over at chronicpain are definitely where I feel pretty at home.
Where I get saddened and frustrated is that the typical pain patient, which I basically am a pain patient now, is typically experiencing back and nerve pain, or some kind of arthritic pain. Even my pain management doctors, who aren’t responsible for or care about the underlying cause, said to me “wow, you’re a complicated case”
I just don’t fit anywhere. I’m constantly in pain, or feeling the (unwanted) high from pain pills. I’m chasing answers and no one seems to have them. I have to fight insurance to allow me to take the medication I need and see doctors who might be able to help. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to give up and just stay with pain management or advocate for myself and keep looking for doctors until someone gives me an answer.
I’m sure there are worse problems, and I just wanted to rant, but these are the only problems I’ve had and so to me they feel like a lot. Thanks for reading! I’m hoping for more answers soon.
submitted by deep__thinking to rarediseases [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:21 cjwack Talking Cats, Hearing Voices, Animated Tapestries, and More Tripping Acid with a Family History of Schizophrenia

Proof read, edited, and formatted to hopefully be easy for The Trip Keeper to read on YouTube.
A lil about me: I have a family history of schizophrenia with two people in my family being diagnosed. I think that's why psychedelics hit me like a train. I know I'm one of the folks they say shouldn't tripping but I've already done it and I am not stopping anytime soon. I'm quite the spiritual hippie type. I live for the esoteric, bizarre, and werid side of tripping. I'm also quite experienced with psychedelics and drugs in general having tried alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, kava, Kratom, weed, oxycodone, hydrocodone, percocet, Hospital Morphine, Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Conserta, Nitrous, Acid, Shrooms, n-BOMEs, Synthetic shrooms, random Acid non n-BOME RCs, Hydroxyzine (only snorted while drunk), Phenibut, Promethazine w/o codeine, blue lotus, and a bunch of random herbs and nootropics.
A little context to story, I had got some liquid Acid dropped on Bottle Caps Candy from a family member we'll call R. R had called me up informing me he had liquid LSD and to bring a chalky candy when I came to pick it up. He dosed the candy in another room when I picked them up. When he brought them back there was a thick layer of liquid struggling to absorb into each hit so we smooshed another piece on top of each one, 3 tabs altogether. He told me each one was an equivalent of 2 to 3 hits of high quality LSD. I also hadn't tripped in 6 months at this point but that's a story for another sub. Though the reason why didn't have much to do with tripping itself nor anything fun like psychosis.
A couple days later I found myself with my bills caught up, a slow night on Doordash so no work, extra money, weed, some cigarettes, and my roommate was out visiting Family. I had showered and ate some Chinese before taking a short nap. When I woke up it was around 9pm, obviously already dark outside. I was in a good mood, had nothing to do, and didn't want to go back to sleep so I slapped an LSD bottle cap on my tongue and went for a walk.
One of the pieces dissolved really quickly, like less than a minute quick, while the other piece took atleast 15 to 20 minutes fully dissolve. I was slightly nervous about tripping the days prior and was even a lil scared before placing it on my tongue; but, that fear was completely annihilated when 5 to 7 minutes in I felt this electric tingle that started in the back of my head go down my spine. I started smiling, feeling super happy, and chilled out when the tingle reached the base of my spine. I thought to myself, "Wow, I can't believe I was scared to trip again, I feel amazing right now!!" I lit a cigarette and enjoyed my walk for awhile until I started coming to the end of a col-de-sac, the street I was on was on a downward slope I think this affected things but the end of the col-de-sac and the houses started stretching super tall and became super thin kind of like a fun house mirror. I was completely mesmerized by it till I was interrupted by this electric beeping that made my skeleton nearly jump out of my skin. I had looked over and saw this gray box with 2 pink lights on it sticking out of the ground and assumed that's where the beeping came from. I then straight sprinted home cause I wasn't sure if it was hallucination or not. I did go back a few days later and couldn't find the box.
After opening my front door the night is hard to remember linearly but I will try my best. I don't have the texts anymore from this night since I got a new phone. Once I got back home, I had to use the bathroom so I went did my business but while washing my hands I looked in the mirror and noticed my pupils are starting to look a lot like bowling balls. It was then, I noticed the reflection of the SpongeBob, Sandy, and Patrick on ketamine meme my roommate printed out and pinned on the wall. Their eyes were dilating more than normal and they were all swaying back and forth. I texted R to tell him I finally tried the acid and it's strong. It's roughly 10:40p.m. by this point, even though it had been 1 hour 40 minutes since dropping it had only felt like 30 or 40 minutes ago at the most. I was about to sit down and do a dab but I got a almost telepathic sense I was about to throw up rather than a physical feeling I was about to. After throwing up I texted R freaking out questioning if it was acid since it's not supposed to make you nauseous. He just told me "too much too fast" "calm down put your phone down and be safe". I didn't put my phone down.
I started finally doing some dabs after 2 or 3 big rips I looked over and saw 2 shadow people. One was a little girl with blonde hair, a yellow sun dress, no face, instead was an empty void. It was as if her head was an empty shell and her face was the hole. The other one was a middle aged man with short blackish gray balding hair dressed in overalls, no shirt, work boots, also no face. The second shadow person looked a lot like one of my deceased uncles. They didn't feel menacing or demonic nor even holy as one would expect an encounter of this type. I got up and walked to my kitchen probably to get water but I got distracted by a third shadow person who was a woman but I didn't get too good of a look before being distracted by my thoughts. I started stretching and thinking to myself, "well atleast the dark isn't so scary anymore compared to being schizophrenic" at the time it did feel very profound aswell as I am now genuinely less scared of the dark. There's also cardboard cut outs of the Elysian Full Haze and Full Contact IPA cans hung up in my kitchen. People were walking in and out of the giant head on the Full Haze poster, I thought they were sacrificing themselves to the massive head. Thought the dude on the Full Contact poster was holding my brain aswell.
I remember it was around this time the body load and vasoconstriction was getting so intense that my arms and legs felt lankier than normal and my jaw felt like it was wired shut. I drank some water and brought a glass back to my room. When I came back the ocean thunderstorm tapestry above bed had the clouds and ocean actually moving with the lightning striking. I have string lights behind that tapestry that wrap around to the conjoining wall. The string lights looked like technicolor rainbow stars forming beautiful constellations. Normally, they are only blue, yellow, green, red and twinkle but during the trip some were changing colors to pink, purple, violet, orange, and more colors that don't exist. While the tapestry was animated, it had no sound. There's a framed painting of a deer in a forest during the sunrise on the same wall. The light in the painting was actually coming through the painting as if it was a window with sunlight shining through. The deer even had his head down grazing when normally he has his head turned towards the viewer of the painting. I layed down and decided to throw on some music. I couldn't decide on a song, I hit skip on Spotify at least 30 times before settling on Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb, cliche I know, but they're one of my favorite bands and usually seem to find me when things start getting intense on psychedelics. I couldn't actually read anymore so I only knew it was Comfortably Numb by the hook and album art.
As I layed in bed I started stretching out and looking around the room. I finally started to relax a lil and calm down from thinking these were possibly nBOMes. I started to really lose myself in the trip. The slight movement of my air mattress made feel like I was floating on the ocean sea, which gave way to a euphoric sense of oneness and that I am an ocean of pure consciousness. The string lights above my bed were twinkling and reflecting slightly off the ceiling. The reflections were blending with the moving geometry on the ceiling. Next, I looked up at my Pokémon 20th anniversary poster. It was a bunch of black and white silhouettes of starter Pokémon from the first five or six gens with the ones in the middle being colored and shaped like Pikachu's head. Every silhouette was pulsating and almost bubbling.
At one point, I watched this abstract splatter colored tapestry for what felt like two hours, in reality it was probably only 30 or 40 minutes at the most. There were rotating hexagonal and octagonal pillars shooting out of the tapestry between the pillars it appeared to boil, the bursting bubbles had sparks flying off of them.
I can't remember exactly when this happened in the night so might as well stick it here. While hanging out in my bedroom, I got up to do what else but smoke more dabs. I did multiple in a row where I would do the whole ritual and forgot I had done so and follow it up with another. While sitting there, I light a cigarette to pass time and to just smoke more while conserving a lil on the wax. On my second or third cigarette in a row I started thinking to myself out loud that, "Ya know, Family Guy is right!! Vaping does look pretty fucking goofy. My twin flame out there probably thinks vaping looks goofy as fuck!! And smoking might look cool to some bitches but they give you cancer and shorten your life. It's less money for weed and psychedelics. I think after tonight I'm done smoking forever." I chain smoked a few cigarettes.
I think this is when I started hearing voices in my head. I was hearing random YouTubers, friends, celebrities, family members, and other random voices saying random words over over again. I truly thought I was hearing my sleeping neighbors' thoughts. I genuinely believed I had Telepathy. The only words I could make out vividly; however, was The Trip Keeper saying, "Gassid" over over like it was a soundbyte looping. At the time I took this as a sign to do Nitrous with Acid and that there was something spiritual I needed to see/experience from it. I was right, however this wasn't the night I did that combo as I had no nitrous at the time and it's an equally crazy experience but shorter story. I'm planning on posting that experience soon, also DO NOT huff nitrous it actually KILLS your brain cells.
Thoroughly freaking out again about hearing voices. I start frantically texting R, however I can't remember what for though. I even vividly remember asking R what would happen if I took more phrasing it "will things get more colorful or last longer?" He never responded. Since I couldn't read I was using speech to text to text R. I also had got up to pace through the house. Ordinarly, I would've left to go on another walk but I had convinced myself if that I had left again one of my cats would get out of the house and somehow I'd get arrested. I look up from my phone to notice a swirling florescent neon colored vortex of geomtry in the middle of my living room. The vortex started swirling towards me and started to suck the words out of my mouth. I saw the phrase ,"The only words that make sense are the ones I say out loud" get sucked out of my mouth by the vortex in bubble letters that distorted and mixed with geometry. As the bubble letters got closer to center of the vortex they would distort super cartoonishly, individual patterns and a mix of colors appeared over each letter. The vortex itself had a wigwag shape to it. At the time I thought in my head, "Damn this is what Jerry Garcia probably ment by "Steal your face right off your head"". I actually attempted to draw this out later on. See the drawing here if I can get imgur to work. I don't really remember turning the lights on all through my house but I vividly remember all the lights being off when the vortex stole my words. I don't remember how the vortex incident ended just that next all I know is all the lights are on suddenly and I'm walking out of my bedroom. It's probably 3 or 4am at this point cause I started hearing my neighbor cough and going in and out for cigarettes the rest of the night. I had laid my recliner, the voices had stopped but that was replaced with an intense loud buzzing inside of my head. I had my head on one of armrests, legs hanging off the other armrest, chair reclined, facing the wall. I was watching the logo on my clawhammer wall flag drip like white blood. My cats, of which I had 10 at the time, 5 being kittens still nursing, were running back and forth and playing with each other. Below the wall flag is a table with a wooden CD tower, my cats Cinderella and Oreo had jumped on the table at the same time. Completely in sync and as one fluid motion they stood up, turned to look at me, arched their backs, and sat down. Their coats were flowing and Cinderella had extra golden stripes in her fur. They stared deep into my eyes for a long time and were trying to ask me telepathically if I was doing okay. I more or less alternated between laying on the floor and my recliner for the next couple hours.
Every now and then I'd hear my neighbor out front coughing. I was debating whether or not to go talk him and wait for the sun to come up. Normally, I would've put on a show from myself at various points through the night but I had no internet at the time.
As the sun was starting to really come up and I was starting to really come down, I went outside and talked with my neighbor for awhile. Told him about my night, he's actually a little bit of a hippie too. I walked to the gas station to get some food. I felt like a zombie the whole way there and back. The light made my eyes sizzle like bacon on the Texas pavement in the middle of July. It felt like my brain was a steaming bowl of scrambled eggs. My jaw felt like I got my shit rocked by Mike Tyson. I came home, ate my powdered donuts despite only being able to taste it's texture which was low-key wigging me out, and watched either Space Ghost Coast to Coast or The Trip Keeper on my phone till I passed out.
The next morning (afternoon), my dad picked me up and we hung the whole day while I recovered and slowly returned to feeling human again. I bummed a cigarette off my dad and decided while smoking it that it was my last cigarette. I actually quit all nicotine for a month and half after this night. I started back up purely because of a bad (tested real) Acid/Nitrous Trip.
I do wanna add while not using nicotine I had vivid dreams about smoking cigarettes and vaping. Keep posted for the follow up stories about my bad Acid/Nitrous Trip, Smoking Dreams, and Snorting Hydroxyzine with Alcohol cause I bet The Trip Keeper wants to hear that last one.
submitted by cjwack to tripkeepercirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 22:26 PatronSaintofPharmD I stood up to a known PILL MILL provider, and got frivolously sued for it, and subsequently fired from a company I was with for over a decade.

Over the last ~3 years our area has been having an issue with a known pill mill provider, we will call Mr. Frank. Mr. Frank is a Nurse Practitioner (with a degree from the online for-profit university) who has a felony conviction for 3rd degree assault that was plead down from child abuse charge in which he nearly killed his four month old daughter. Here's a lovely excerpt the judge wrote in his subsequent divorce proceedings:
See the [REDACTED] Complaint, which provides that the treating physician’s medical assessment concluded that the reported fall did not account for severity of the child’s injury, which resulted in a subdural hematoma and cerebral edema which required the child to undergo a craniotomy.
Since his conviction, no reasonable employer will hire him- as a result he was forced to start his own practice where he began charging $400 cash for oxycodone prescriptions, for which I still have a picture of from his website before he changed it. Mr. Frank began to try and bully us in Feb 2022 after my manager and I refused to fill a prescription of oxycodone 15mg for one of his "patients". He called back and asked to speak to another manager, and then faxed us some bogus liability workup that he clearly has sent to other pharmacies before us. I began to do research and learned all of the above, as well as his surescripts eprescribing had sent prescriptions for promethazine syrup (no codeine) and sildeanfil (viagra) for fictitious patients. About this same time, surescripts sent out an email stating they inactivated his SPI to investigate suspicious or fraudulent activity. (He would later state that he requested this himself as his account was hacked). I partially believe this, but it was probably done by his employee or a patient as I'm pretty sure all Electronically prescribed controlled substances (ECPS) software suites require 2 factor authentication. I talked to other pharmacists in the area and concluded that we all felt the same way that this operation was suspicious at the least, and most likely illegal. We found other reasons based on old opiate prescribing guidelines from 2018 to refuse to dispense (based on him giving everyone more than 50mMeq daily). Those guidelines were revamped shortly after I was sued in 2022 and that particular part is no longer relevant. Another nearby pharmacist also stated Mr. Frank was having a personal bodyguard pick up prescriptions for his 'patients'. I also discovered that a person who had a prior conviction for obtaining a controlled substance by fraud or deceit and attempted to pass a fake prescription for a different provider two years earlier at our pharmacy was getting oxycodone from him- (fun fact, he was confronted about this 'patient' and still is seeing them).

In March 2022 he sent another prescription for oxycodone for a different patient that we refused to dispense for the same reasons as before. On about March 9 or 10, he called to bully us into filling it, and I confronted him that I didn't feel comfortable dispensing oxycodone for a cash only clinic. He started saying I was making false accusations about his practice. Getting upset about being repeatedly called a liar, I told him we knew that he was a pill mill, and that he is a felon, and asked if he informed the board of that as is required. He responded with "yes I've been through this with them; I've reported dozens of pharmacists like you to the board of pharmacy-" "...well I reported you to the DEA, the Board of Nursing, and the local police department, hopefully it goes better for you than it did for this other pill mill provider or your child abuse charges". He responded with "Don't you ever fucking talk about me or my kid[s] again". I said "Did you just threaten me? I think we're done here" and hung up. I immediately notified my pharmacy manager (who was on the same page as I was) and my pharmacy supervisor. I was as transparent as possible with the whole series of events. He filed corporate complaints against me with [FORMER EMPLOYER] and with the board of pharmacy. When he requested a call back from the supervisor, Chris (pharmacist supervisor) stated he was threatening to sue us for defamation, but to not worry about it and just let my manager handle him in the future. By this point my manager and I had to speak with a BOP investigator, who said they were more than familiar with Mr. Frank and other pharmacists were dealing with similar issues. I had communicated with an assistant general counsel for [FORMER EMPLOYER] about my statement for the board of pharmacy, and the events as I recalled them (late March/ early April). at 6pm on Thursday, April 14th, 2022 my wife was served a summons and complaint at our home that I was being sued by Mr. Frank for defamation and tortious interference. I notified my supervisor immediately, and faxed the summons and complaint to the company's assistant general counsel as I was subsequently instructed. I told them I had intended to use the company counsel to tender my defense and that they would reach out to me. In a text message exchange with my brother, who is a patent attorney, he suggested I not use the company's counsel because they would throw me under the bus if it was convenient for them. I did not listen. On Tuesday, after my shift had ended I was walked back to the store director's office, sat in front of an HR supervisor I've never met, the director, Chris. They asked what I said to Mr. Frank was accurate from the complaint i submitted to the board of nursing. I said it was, then I was told "we have to part ways, at least for now..." and terminated. TWO BUSINESS DAYS after I was served.
The summons and complaint were full of incredible inaccuracies, grammatical errors, spelling errors, and lies. Plaintiff stated he was not a felon, and that I was defaming him by telling other pharmacists that he was. IT IS CLEARLY EVIDENT FROM THE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DATABASES HE PLEAD GUILTY TO A FELONY CHARGE. I found a private attorney who specializes in litigation who is well qualified and trust to the tune of $350/hr, which is actually a good rate for his level of experience and below average rate in this market. I applied for unemployment and went on a job hunting spree. I ended up 6 weeks later signing with [Big Chain Pharmacy] for a large signing bonus to fill my 'Warchest' after not being able to find any offers outside of retail pharmacy. My unemployment was contested by [FORMER EMPLOYER], and later declined by a judge when I appealed it. The store director argued he was the only one with the power to terminate me and he was uninformed of my conversation with Mr. Frank. Had I been better prepared, I believe I would have won as I believe his claim to be a flagrant lie: any time someone makes a corporate complaint it goes straight to the store director's email inbox.
Back at my new job, I spoke with other pharmacists in the company and relayed my experience and many were familiar with Mr. Frank. Apparently he went into a store to harass pharmacy staff for refusing to fill his prescriptions. After coordinating with a few others, we submitted a request to have a narcotic prescriber block against him within the company. After 2 weeks, we were notified that he would no longer be able to have controlled substance prescriptions dispensed by our company. A 60 day grace period would be given and mail would be sent to him and his 'patients' so they could make other arrangements. In the fall, I was interviewed over zoom with the state AG office with respect to my complaint, and after being in contact with a few local DEA Drug Diversion Task Force agents. The DEA agents stated their supervisor has a mantra of not taking action against providers/professionals until after their respective board hands down disciplinary action. A little later, I was notified the Board of Pharmacy complaint filed against me was dismissed.
I went through discovery and was deposed and after a little over a year, they withdrew their case with prejudice. The reason: plaintiff says I was defaming him by saying he was going over 50mMeq daily for all his patients. We said we would need patient information to confirm or deny that, and would need a protective order, to which his attorney agreed. Plaintiff refused to provide that information, citing HIPAA. We went to the judge and got an order to compel, which the judge agreed with. The deadline passed, and they did not provide the information (likely knowing it would immediately get handed over to the state AG's office). We went back to the judge who stated if they did not comply the court would look upon motions for sanctions and attorney's fees favorably. They continued to not comply, to which his attorney only said "i know, I'm sorry". They withdrew the case with prejudice before we were able to depose him. However, we were able to subpoena the county records in which he pleaded guilty to a felony and the board of pharmacy complaints he filed against other pharmacists and pharmacies (there were 15 in all by this time, some of which predated my involvement).
After this, I had to deal with getting my now $75,000 in legal fees back from [FORMER EMPLOYER]. Their attorneys were giddy that [FORMER EMPLOYER] was going to send their general counsel on a plane to be present for mediation. Because of this, my brother spent $2500 on a round trip flight to be present at mediation, because "this is what I'm good at". The Sunday before mediation we learned that general counsel wouldn't be there. In fact, nobody would other than their lawyers, and they had one of their attorneys who then had him available by phone. For some backstory, their VP of legal affairs and general counsel was THE FORMER CEO'S SON, who was given that position that usually requires a decade plus of experience at the age of like 32... My brother was pissed, he couldn't comp his ticket because he was co-counsel strictly to be in the fold and have privileged conversations. On top of that, they only offered 10k initially, and wouldn't agree to more than 15k after 5 hours. My brother said "this is insane, and I can't even go talk or yell at the guy because he isn't here". After 5 months of dealing with them and the mediator essentially telling them they were assured to lose, they agreed to settle for what was about 73% of my legal costs (about 25 days before our scheduled trial block would begin). There is no gag or confidentiality agreement in place, only mutual releases. Since then, nothing has happened to Frank with respect to the state AG's office, or the justice department. However, I did hear recently from a friend that [OTHER BIG CHAIN PHARMACY] is now refusing to dispense controlled substances for him. My former employer (sans my old store) continues to fill oxycodone for him, and I have been told the supervisor essentially tells pharmacists not to start trouble with him.
January 2024 update, Since then Frank's felony conviction has been reduced to a misdemeanor after completing a probationary period as a part of his initial plea deal. I recently learned that [FORMER EMPLOYER] now refuses to fill his oxycodone scripts after I settled with them.
I just wanted to let everyone know, never trust your employer. Public or Private, big or small, they won't hesitate to throw you under the bus if you become an inconvenience. Even if you have a decade of dedicated work, through the pandemic, on site covid testing, vaccine clinics that start at 3am, covering a last minute illness, personally delivering medications to notoriously unsafe neighborhoods in the dead of night, even being one of the few pharmacist trained to do nasopharyngeal swabs, and do so outside in -20F weather. They will discard you. And if you stand up for yourself, go public, or become a whistleblower, you'll become unhirable. This is why nobody does the right thing anymore.
submitted by PatronSaintofPharmD to pharmacy [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 07:47 Topherpwnz A ? For ALL JUICE WRLD FANS. Make you think twice about his death. Promise.

Alright I'ma keep it A1 with all JUICE WRLD FANS. But let me ask y'all this, and the only people who will know anything about it is if you either fuck with drugs or you went to school to learn about drugs. But for real I'ma ask y'all a question that will really have all Juice WRLD fans start thinking. Seriously this one will have everybody thinking about it. When have you ever heard or seen someone having a SEIZURE and have BLOOD COMING OUT THE NOSE while OVERDOSING on OPIATES??? Think about it. When you OVERDOSE on OPIATES you just go into a deep sleep. Not convulse and get a bloody nose the same time your overdosing. I HATE SAYING THIS. BUT they killed JUICE WRLD y'all! He was gonna leave Grade A and start his own record label. And he already created thousands of songs for them to make money on for generations to come. There's no way they are gonna let Juice slip through their fingers. Juice was Grade A's meal ticket. No way they were gonna let that money just up and leave. They put something together, making sure all i's were dotted and all t's were crossed so they knew for sure they wouldn't get any blow back from him dying. C'mon y'all!! Juice wasn't stupid! He knew what his tolerance was. Somebody poisoned him man. Real shit. They knew they would make more money with him being dead then alive. They don't have to pay him anymore for his music, pay for his drug habit, pay for his travel expenses, pay him for all the tours and merchandise and etc. They knew they were gonna save a lot of money and make even more with him gone. Then naming his album Legends Never Die??? And dies the same day as John Lennon??? ( He said in a song he was the modern day John Lennon) and then dies right after 21 just like he said in a song "what's the 27 club/ we ain't making it past 21" and just so happens to die the same exact day John Lennon died??? Hmmm?Also mentioned in many songs about having nose bleeds taking Percs. It's all just WAY TOO MANY questionable coincidences when you start putting all the dots together to make hype up his death and make everyone think "No way, he predicted/foretold his death?!" But to me, no way all that shit was a coincidence, that shit was all planned, so it was a guaranteed that there will be nobody suspected with his death. Especially since Juice WRLDs status was about to hit it's peak, and going be epic famous worldwide Then the Medical examiner says he Overdosed on Codeine and Oxycodone?!?! BUT he had a SEIZURE and a BLOODY NOSE when he "OVERDOSED" on OPIATES??? GTFO!! IDK who that medical examiner thinks they're fooling, BUT ITS NOT ME!!! If that was a legit claim, then those 2 NARCAN ( NALOXONE ) DOSES would have brought him back right away!!! I've seen so many people OD on OPIATES and EVERYTIME they went into a deep sleep, breathing heavily loud, like their trying to catch their breath. Then once NARCANE is used they wake right back up right away and their skin was just completely blue, absolutely lifeless!!! and that's without convulsing and bleeding from the nose. I hate to even say this shit or think it, but they poisoned him and it was all for the money. FUCK GRADE A. Shady motherfuckers. Why do you think The Kid Laroi left so quickly??? Well there you go y'all! I'll be the first to finally say it and not beat around the bush like all these lame ass YouTubers and sketch ass ALLY LOTTI. Also pretty suspicious how Lotti can't keep her story straight. For example how she said she was with him the entire time while he was dying in her arms, then says she went to the bathroom and heard him make an odd sound and noticed something wasn't right but the feds held her back. Like bitch which one is it? You holding your man while he's dying, or being held back watching your man die from a distance? There's more BS but not gonna get into all that shit. But now she's claiming she knew he didn't overdose but doesn't explain anything at all, a complete cliff hanger bs move. Fucking annoying. But hey, I hate to say this cuz of all the hate I have for that woman who was a PREDATOR and GOLD DIGGER but, for once ALLY LOTTI was telling the truth. He didn't OD. He was fucking murdered. Taken from earth too soon for doing what he loved. And that was making real life, relatable, music. It's really hard to even say this shit because of all the love I have for Juice. But there you go. I finished what she couldn't say. Sorry but not sorry. Someone had to say the truth eventually!!! I'm telling you all this because his death NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED!!!! FOR REAL! SOMEONE ON THAT PRIVATE JET THAT NIGHT HE PASSED AWAY, GAVE HIM BUNK ASS PILLS (POISON). Someone one from Grade A or No Limit Gang or ALLY LOTTI knew what they gave him that night and let him die. Such BS and so PETTY. Fuck GRADE A & ALLY LOTTI! All of it just for fame and the money. We need justice for our legend. People and I, myself, which I apologize for but, have been quiet for too long now. Tired of all the BS! He deserves better! The whole WRLD knows it too!
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LLJW 999 Forever

submitted by Topherpwnz to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 22:36 DraxY_451 Tired of living in chronic pain, don’t know what to do (UK)

Im fairly young, had chronic illnesses since birth, but look fairly normal. Have been on dialysis 3 and a half years, in paediatric for half of that before being moved by kidney care ( uk renal charity ) to a different hospital and out of children’s dialysis as me and several others were severely abused and neglected.
I have severe IBS, dialysis 3 times a week and have had surgery twice in the span of a year treating pneumonia. My chest and stomach are in constant pain, my legs ache terribly, headaches and everything. Went to see the pain management consultant who didnt help at all, have been waiting 5 months for acupuncture so far, spend every day hanging on to small activities that i struggle with anyway due to pain.
Have been given oxycodone after surgery but refuse to take it for general pain because i am terrified pf opioids. Codeine does nothing, tramadol nothing, paracetamol helps headaches and thats it, oxycodone works but is ridiculously strong and i dont want to become addicted.
I am losing hope of getting a transplant as the transplant team are treating me with contempt, trying to make me jump through hoops that dont make sense even to my nephrologist, making me wait months and months to see urologists for them to say “ sorry you dont produce urine so we cant give any input on transplantation “ like how does that make sense?!
I cant keep going like this, in this much pain, it makes every day feel worthless, i dont enjoy anything im just in pain constantly. Stomach ache stops me eating so i cannot put on weight. I feel sick all the time too. My GP suggested a week before he left to go work abroad that i look into medical cannibis, but suggested that the transplant team may use it as an excuse to keep me off the transplant list indefinitely, even though it would be medically prescribed. Not sure that would help anyway.
Any suggestions? Is there anything im missing? Medications, treatments, anything at all i could try that i haven’t already. Please dont suggest mental health treatment, if you think that its possible to meditate youself through pain you obviously have never been in much pain before, no offense. Please any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by DraxY_451 to dialysis [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 05:57 DirectorFriendly1936 Rate my first aid kit

I am looking for help setting up the contents of my medical kit, tell me if there is anything missing!
the contents are as follows
1: ibuprofen (50 pills)
2: acetaminophen (20 pills)
3: codeine (10 pills)
4: tramadol (10 pills)
5: oxycodone (10 pills)
6: all 3 types of antibiotics (10 pills each)
7: one week of vitamin's
8: hemostatic powder (15 doses)
9: hydrogen peroxide/antiseptic (20 doses)
10: adhesive bandages and alcohol wipes (35 each)
11: bandages (20)
12: antivenom (5 doses)
13: antifungal pills (30 doses)
14: antiparasitic medication (10 doses)
EDIT: I think there is a bit of info I left out, this medical kit is meant to last me a minimum of a week of whatever situations I may get in to, and it's not my quick access one, I'm putting painkillers and hemo powder in either a duster pocket or a hub 01 modular armor system pocket. And it's a household first aid kit box so a bit of extra volume does not matter.
submitted by DirectorFriendly1936 to cataclysmdda [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 18:22 MasterLuna Not sure if this is normal?

Monday afternoon I submitted myself to the ER with right side flank pain freaking out it was my appendix bursting, but thankfully was diagnosed with a kidney stone. They did an x-ray and estimated it was 3 mm and sent me home with flomax and a few pain meds to manage the attacks.
The oxycodone they gave me has done absolutely nothing to the pain I've been experiencing. The attacks are so bad I feel like I'm writhing on the ground waiting for my life to end because it hurts so bad. My PCP prescribed me acetamenophine with codeine and even that didn't help. Wednesday I started feeling a strange burning sensation whenever I peed, similar to having a UTI, but then Friday morning it stopped in severity enough that it's not as noticeable. Friday night I had the worst pain attack of my life that I almost went back to the ER again. It lasted for 3 hours before it finally went away. After that I've had almost no pain and I keep feeling a very dull very small discomfort in my kidney since then and it's enough that I can basically ignore it.
Is it out of my kidney? Is it throbbing because the stone was cutting up my ureters or because there's something still there? Has anyone else had this experience before?
submitted by MasterLuna to KidneyStones [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 08:04 jtjdp Structure-Activity Relationships of the Benzimidazole Opioids: Nitazenes and Piperidinylbenzimidazolones (Cychlorphine, Brorphine, Bezitramide Derivs) [Vol 1]

Structure-Activity Relationships of the Benzimidazole Opioids: Nitazenes and Piperidinylbenzimidazolones (Cychlorphine, Brorphine, Bezitramide Derivs) [Vol 1]

Structure-Activity Relationships of the Benzimidazole Opioids: Nitazenes and Piperidinylbenzimidazolones (Cychlorphine, Brorphine, Bezitramide Derivs) - [Vol 1: Nitazenes]

By: Oxycosmopolitan
The world of chemistry pulsates with the creative energy of its practitioners. It is a realm where imagination takes flight, conjuring new molecules with the potential to revolutionize how we treat disease, understand life, or even alter the course of human history. However, the journey from conception to tangible reality is fraught with difficulty. Unexpected hurdles lie in wait. Transforming a dream molecule into a practical therapeutic is far from guaranteed. Failure awaits most ventures. These failures are studied, formulas improved. Failure breeds success. Success is founded in failure.
“If you aren’t frustrated, you aren’t doing hard science.” Repeatedly beating one’s head against the wall is a hallmark of great scientists. Those with unmarred foreheads, like my own, are usually just mediocre. I’m too vain to be anything but mediocre.
The modern chemist operates within a complex landscape. Gone are the days of unfettered exploration, where ideas could blossom unhindered. Instead, regulations and obligations hold sway, demanding careful consideration and responsible practice. Yet, amidst these constraints, a multitude of approaches exist to guide the design of these coveted molecules.
One particularly reliable approach involves drawing inspiration from the success of existing structures. By studying molecules with established efficacy, the chemist embarks on a quest to improve upon their therapeutic potential through targeted molecular modifications. This journey of optimization, fueled by both creative vision and scientific rigor, lies at the heart of this fascinating field.
Fifteen years ago, at the beginning of my chemical career, an era when I spent more time hitting on boys than I did the books, I was inspired by the resonant beauty of a different type of beau. It was neither furbaby, frat boy, or the cute nerd from the library: it was benzimidazole – my bundle of aromatic joy!
More specifically, I was attracted to the NOP/ORL1 and μ-opioidergic potential [] of the relatively niche 2-benzimidazolone derivatives that were first pioneered by Paul Janssen in the early 1960s. The marriage of 2-benzimidazolone resonance with the C4 position of piperidine gave birth to a scaffold with diverse pharmacology: the 4-(2-keto-1-benzimidazolyl)piperidines. Also referred to as piperidinylbenzimidazolones or the more “Charmed” nomenclature, 4-benzimidazolonepiperidines.
The 4-(2-oxo-benzimidazolyl)piperidine scaffold was first utilized by Janssen to grow his portfolio of antipsychotic-neuroleptic agents. Janssen coupled the piperidinylbenzimidazolone moiety with a halogenated N-butyrophenone to form the dopamine antagonists benperidol, droperidol and domperidone. Concurrent with the discovery of neuroleptics of the benzimidazolone series were opioidergic members based on the same scaffold. There is significant overlap in Janssen’s diverse portfolio of dopamine antagonists with those of his opioid portfolio. Most of Janssen’s classical neuroleptic scaffolds are readily converted to highly selective μ-opioid receptor agonists by replacing the butyrophenone moiety with an opioactive moiety. The most active of these include:
p-Halogenated benzyl (brorphine; clorphine)
N-cyanoethyl + p-halo benzyl (cychlorphine, cybrorphine): analgesic activity up to 230 x morphine
p-Methyl benzyl (warorphan): 130 x morphine
Methadyl (R4847; etodesitramide): up to 200 x morphine
Diphenylbutyronitrile (bezitramide, desitramide): 10-15 x morphine
Diphenylpropyl (R5460): 60 x morphine
Additional opioid-activating moieties are found in the following diagram (not a comprehensive list).
[REFS: Janssen - Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Vol 2 (1968) - A Burger, ed.;;;;;]
Janssen’s 2-benzimidazolone odyssey culminated in the clinical development of the long-acting analgesic bezitramide (100 x pethidine). Despite its potential, bezitramide was poorly soluble with low bioavailability and did not see widespread adoption. He would continue to utilize the scaffold in his psychiatric portfolio, but bezitramide was the last commercial venture in its class.
Other members of the class, especially those derived from N-despropionyl bezitramide, are highly active opioid analgesics with potencies ranging from 10-230 x morphine. Research into the scaffold was revived by Kennedy et al. as a platform for developing biased μ-opioid receptor (μOR) agonists. [] Several of the ligands from the 2018 study have appeared as designer drugs, including brorphine and the 5,6-dichloro congener SR-17018.
The piperidinylbenzimidazolone series was initially developed alongside fentanyl – the most successful of Janssen’s opioid discoveries. The 2-benzimidazolones can be imagined as closed-ring analogs of the propionanilide substructure within the fentanyl molecule (see red arrow in the diagram below).
The evolution of the piperidinylbenzimidazolones from their humble methadylic and fentanylic roots and their latter-day ethylenediamine derivatives is outlined in the following diagram:
Members of the piperidinylbenzimidazolones, such as cychlorphine and its congeners, will be more fully explored in the second volume of this two-part series.
The first volume is dedicated to members of the nitazene series: 2-benzylbenzimidazoles.
Karma is a Benzimidazole, who doesn't play with balls (Deandra’s Version)

Benzimidazole stands out as a prominent player in the realm of heterocyclic pharmacophores, earning the reputation as a privileged structure due to its frequent presence in bioactive molecules []. This unique aromatic scaffold emerges from the fusion of two aromatic rings: benzene and imidazole. As an amphoteric moiety, benzimidazole embodies characteristics of both acids and bases. Additionally, benzimidazoles have the ability to form salts, further broadening their potential.
This unique structure imbues its derivatives with interesting properties and diverse chemical reactivity. []
The benzimidazole structure offers a unique combination of aromatic character and planarity, contributing significantly to its properties and reactivity. [] Both the benzene and imidazole rings exhibit aromaticity, granting them stability due to delocalization of π-electrons throughout the conjugated system. [] This aromaticity also translates to a planar structure for the molecule, enabling crucial interactions with biological targets. This planarity facilitates π-π stacking, where the π-electron clouds of the benzimidazole ring overlap favorably with aromatic moieties present in the active sites of target receptors. These interactions, driven by transient electrostatic forces, contribute to the stabilization of the complex and enhance the binding affinity of the benzimidazole moiety to its target. []
While the aromatic framework confers stability, the presence of nitrogen atoms in the imidazole ring introduces a degree of polarity. This polarity arises from the uneven distribution of electrons, rendering the molecule slightly basic. These nitrogen atoms also contribute to the amphoteric nature of benzimidazole. Depending on the reaction environment, the molecule can act as an acid by donating a proton (H+) from the NH group, or as a base by accepting a proton from an acidic species.
The unique electronic distribution within the benzimidazole structure influences the reactivity profile of this versatile substrate. [] The positions 4, 5, 6, and 7 (relative to the imidazole ring) are electron-rich. This electron-rich character makes these positions susceptible to attack by electrophilic reagents, leading to reactions like nitration, halogenation, and sulfonation. Conversely, the 2-position exhibits electron deficiency due to the electron-withdrawing nature of the adjacent aromatic ring. This electron deficiency makes the 2-position a favorable target for nucleophiles, facilitating nucleophilic substitution reactions. This specific reactivity is particularly relevant in the context of 2-benzylbenzimidazoles, where the 2-position serves as the anchor point for the para-substituted benzyl moiety present in compounds like etonitazene. Benzimidazole generally displays resistance towards both oxidation and reduction reactions. However, under harsh conditions, the benzene ring can be susceptible to oxidation. Conversely, the aromatic character of the molecule contributes to its resistance towards reduction. The acid/base properties of benzimidazoles are due to the stabilization of the charged ion by the resonance effect.
The substitution pattern of benzimidazole derivs (such as nitazenes) influences the reactivity of different regions of the molecule and alters its physicochemical properties. []
The two nitrogens of benzimidazole have different properties and acidities, increasing the ring system’s electronic diversity and utility as a synthetic scaffold. The pyridine-like nitrogen, aza (–N=), is an electron donor (labeled N1 in diagram), while the pyrrole-like nitrogen, an amine (–NH–), acts as an electron acceptor (labeled N2).
Benzimidzole’s nitrogens are somewhat less basic than the corresponding pair in plain vanilla imidazole. This makes benzimidazoles more soluble in polar solvents and less soluble in organics. Unsubstituted benzimidazole, for example, is soluble in hot water but poorly soluble in ether and insoluble in benzene.
In unsubstituted benzimidazole, a rapid proton exchange occurs between the nitrogen atoms (–NH– and =N– see above figure). This phenomenon, known as tautomerism, gives rise to two equivalent forms of the molecule that exist in an equilibrium. The transformation can occur either between individual benzimidazole molecules or with the help of protic solvents like water. This exchange makes substituents at the C5 and C6 positions chemically identical. However, the magic fades once you introduce a substituent to the N1 nitrogen (N-substituted benzimidazoles). This disrupts the dance, locking the molecule into two distinct and isolatable forms, like twins that can finally be told apart. []
As the nitazene species are highly substituted benzimidazoles, the position of the substituent along the C5-C6 benzene axis is just as critical to bioactivity as the nature of the substituent itself. The opioidergic activity of the C5-C6 regioisomers of the nitro nitazenes varies substantially. In the case of the series prototype etonitazene (5-nitro), shifting the nitro group from C5 to C6 results in an activity loss of nearly 100-fold. []

[ABOVE: Anatomy of 2-benzylbenzimidazole prototype, etonitazene, featuring optimal substituents: 5-nitro (electron withdrawing group = EWG), 2-benzyl (p-ethoxy optimal), ethylenediamine side chain (diethylamino optimal)]
As with chemical reactivity, the solubility of substituted benzimidazoles varies. The aliphatic side chain (blue in diagram) and 2-benzyl substituent (green) of etonitazene contribute to a very high lipid solubility. The ionization constant of the diethylaminoethyl side chain (branching from the pyrrole nitrogen) contributes to greater acidic character compared to the unsubstituted benzimidazole. Combined with the increased lipophilicity, this translates to lower aqueous solubility and increased solubility in organic solvents. The ionization constants (pKa) for the nitrogens in etonitazene are as follows: pyrrole-type (N2) is 2.86 and that of the aminoethyl side-chain (N3) is 6.36. []
[ABOVE: The anatomy of piperidinylbenzimidazolone opioid analgesics. The 2-benzimidazolone core of series prototype (brorphine) attaches to C4 of the piperidine ring, forming the crucial 4-piperidinylbenzimidazolone core]

The path to fully synthetic opioids began with the elucidation of the chemical structure of morphine. [Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Philos. Soc. 1925, 69(10), 79] Before the vast array of analytical tools we take for granted today, pinpointing the exact structure of complex natural products like morphine was a major challenge. Gulland-Robinson (1925) and Schopf (1927) independently proposed the structure we now accept, but only the 1952 total synthesis of morphine by Gates and Tschudi [] confirmed it definitively. Just two years later, Elad and Ginsburg reported an intermediate convertible to morphine, solidifying the picture
With a rudimentary framework of morphine’s structure, researchers sought an improved drug with better oral activity and less addiction potential. In 1929, a US National Research Council program embarked on this mission, systematically modifying the morphine molecule and establishing the structure-activity relationships (SAR) of the 4,5-epoxymorphinan class. This small group included Nathan B. Eddy and EL May, who would later become leaders in the field of addiction research. The aim of their 11-year odyssey was to discover improved analgesics through elucidation of simpler fragments of the morphine molecule. While contributing greatly to the structure-activity relationships of morphine derivatives, their ultimate goal of discovering less addictive narcotics was elusive. Two morphine analogs resulting from the project, desomorphine and metopon, demonstrated reduced dependence potential. Based on the recent emergence of Krokodil (homebake desomorphine) on the Russian exotic reptile market, it seems doubtful that the reduced addiction liability of desomorphine observed in rodents translates to humans. [NB Eddy, “The National Research Council Involvement in the Opiate Problem, 1928-1971” (1973)]
Before the spindly 11-year odyssey of their American colleagues concluded, a series of discoveries at German pharma firm Hoechst AG would rock the field of analgesics like a blitzkrieg bukkake. Eisleb introduced the first fully synthetic opioid when he synthesized pethidine (meperidine) in 1937 [], followed by Schaumann’s elucidation of its morphine-like mechanism of action a year later. Later that same year (1938), Hoechst’s chief of R&D, Max Bockmuhl, and his eventual successor, Gustav Ehrhart, discovered morphine-like analgesia in a series of straight-chain diphenylpropylamine derivatives []. The prototypes of this class, methadone and its α-methyl isomer isomethadone, would go on to inspire many of the first synthetic opioids introduced to the clinic (dipipanone, phenadoxone, dextromoramide, normethadone, LAAM, dextropropoxyphene). Aspects of this 3,3-diphenylpropylamine scaffold, such as the ethylamino side chain and the methadyl moiety, would be incorporated into the design of 2-benzylbenzimidazole and 2-benzimidazolone opioids.
To learn more about the chemistry and pharmacology of methadone, isomethadone and other 3,3-diphenylpropylamine opioids, see my review here: []
Percocet in Peacetime

The immediate postwar period ushered in an explosion of research dedicated to the elusive "Holy Grail" of analgesics: a pain reliever devoid of the dark side. These ideal analgesics would have fewer side effects, such as respiratory depression, constipation, sedation and dependence liability. In this “morphine python quest for the holy grail,” several key discoveries stand out.
The structural complexity of morphine presents a significant challenge to the natural product chemist. The cis-(1,3-diaxial) geometry of the iminoethano bridge (the top half of the piperidine; ring D) frustrated early attempts at total synthesis of this molecule and its relatives. Much of the early work, in fact, focused on construction of a “model hydrophenanthrene” scaffold containing the important quaternary center (corresponding to C13 in the morphinan skeleton). A cyclodehydration reaction developed in the course of this research provided a necessary tool for much of the subsequent work.
The speculative scheme for the biological origins of morphine, as proposed by Robinson and Schopf in the mid-late 1920s, is likely to have inspired the successful synthetic scheme for prep’n of simpler versions of the morphine nucleus. These proposals detailed the cyclization of a benzylisoquinoline into the desired morphinan nucleus. Another 40 years would pass before these postulates were confirmed by studies involving the (in vivo) conversion of radiolabeled norlaudanosoline into morphine (in plant tissue).
Using the postulates of Robinson-Schopf as templates, the young chemist Rudolph Grewe prepared a substituted 1-benzyloctahydroisoquinoline (known in industry as “octabase”). Grewe spent the better part of a decade (1942-49) tinkering with different cyclization conditions in order to convert octabase into the cis-(1,3-diaxial)-fused morphinan structure observed in morphine. This ring closure was accomplished via a carbonium ion mechanism and effected by heating octabase in concentrated phosphoric acid, yielding the morphinan nucleus – see (14R)-levorphanol in the above figure. Levorphanol was a useful addition to the clinicians toolkit. It was the first analgesic to pair supra-morphine potency with substantially reductions in dependence liability. Levorphanol has been used for decades as a tolerance-attenuation agent in high-dose morphine patients (attributed to levorphanol’s `incomplete cross-tolerance’ with other opioid analgesics).
For a detailed review of Grewe Cyclization, see my reddit post: []
While the holy grail of opioid analgesics devoid of side-effects remained elusive, the outlook among opioid researchers was one of optimism.
The year 1952 saw the formal synthesis of morphine by Gates & Tschudi []. Their achievement holds a distinguished position in the annals of organic chemistry, not just for being the first, but also for its impact on the field of natural product chemistry. This synthesis marked a pivotal moment in the field of total synthesis by showcasing the potential of the Diels-Alder reaction for the construction of complex structures. [] This powerful reaction, forming a cyclic structure from two simpler molecules, became a cornerstone in organic synthesis, employed in numerous subsequent syntheses of natural products and pharmaceuticals. A decade after Gates’ total synthesis, KW Bentley utilized [4+2] cycloaddition [] to systematically explore a series of Diels-Alder adducts of thebaine, i.e. 6,14-endoethenooripavines (“orvinols”). His discoveries in this class were so numerous, that they have been given their own class: the aptly named “Bentley Compounds.” [] Bentley’s research resulted in several currently marketed drugs, including buprenorphine and dihydroetorphine (used primarily for opioid maintenance), and etorphine/diprenorphine (used in veterinary medicine). [] The Bentley series is noteworthy for high analgesic potency and their ability to substitute for opioid dependency with minimal side effects. Dihydroetorphine, upwards of 10,000 fold more potent than morphine, is used extensively in China as a maintenance medication and has an exemplary safety record. []
Total synthesis provided researchers access to the synthetic dextro-antipodes of morphine and the inactive enantiomers of related 4,5-epoxymorphinans. [] Access to the unnatural (+)-morphine enantiomer helped researchers elucidate the complex stereochemistry of the 4,5-epoxymorphinan nucleus, which remains the most popular class of opioids in modern pharmacopeia. []
For a review of the history and chemistry of the morphinan superfamily, see my reddit post: []
In 1954, AH Beckett and AF Casy published one of the most influential theories of the early opioid era: the Beckett-Casy Postulate []. The researchers analyzed the structure-activity relationships of morphine-like agents and proposed a set of structural, steric, and electronic requirements that were shared among the opioid ligands of the era. This became a proto “opioid pharmacophore,” that is, a rough template of the structural requirements for high activity at the proposed “Morphine Receptor.” The existence of a common site of action among morphine-like agents was supported by what was known at the time: stereotypical “narcotic cues” demonstrated by animals upon administration of both semi-synthetic and fully synthetic analgesics (Straub tail, anti-mydriasis, respiratory depression, antidiarrheal, cough suppression). While the quantitative potency varies widely (i.e. fentanyl vs codeine), the qualitative effects of analgesia and the side-effects following drug administration are consistent across natural and synthetic morphine-like agents. This formed the basis of the theory of a common site of action.

1954 Beckett-Casy Postulate - early Model of the mu Opioid Receptor
While the proposed pharmacophore held a more humble understanding than modern receptor theories, the Beckett-Casy Postulate (also known as the “Morphine Rule”) was impressive given that the “analog models” of the era were still crafted by hand and often molded out of papier mache. The hypothesis provided a convenient rule of thumb used by drug designers to quickly determine the likelihood of a compound having morphine-like activity. Compounds conforming to the rule were explored further, while structures that didn’t obey were made to sleep in the doghouse until they learned proper manners. Their theory combined the earlier SARs of morphine derivatives elucidated by NB Eddy during the 1930s with those of the newfangled fully synthetic analgesics, such as methadone and pethidine.

Core features essential for strong opioidergic activity (Beckett-Casy Postulate)
The following core structural features were determined to be essential for strong analgesic activity:
  1. An aromatic ring system: provides a platform for π-π stacking interactions with amino acid residues at the μ-receptor active site.
  2. The aromatic ring is attached to a quaternary carbon.
  3. Ethylene bridge. The quaternary carbon is linked to a basic amine via an ethylene bridge, that is, a two carbon chain. This flexible linker allows for the conformational freedom necessary for optimal receptor binding.
  4. Basic amine separated from the quaternary center by a two carbon spacer. The amine forms a critical salt bridge with the Asp149 residue in the human μ-receptor (Asp147 in the murine sequence). The amine requirement remains true for virtually every class of opioid. Exceptions to the rule emerged in the early 2000s when Prisinzano et al. discovered non-nitrogenous Salvinorin A analogs with high μOR affinity (i.e. herkinorin).
Beckett & Casy developed their theory by comparing the shared structural features of morphine analogs with those of early synthetic opioids, including levorphanol, pethidine and methadone.
The figure below shows the structural features common to morphine (pentacyclic 4,5-epoxymorphinan) and prototypes from three important synthetic opioid classes: levorphanol (tetracyclic morphinan), pethidine (4-phenylpiperidine) and methadone (3,3-diphenylpropylamine).
While the morphine rule offers a valuable framework for understanding opioid activity, there are exceptions and limitations. One of the first challenges to the universality of the Morphine Rule came from a key structural feature of the nitazenes: the diamine side chain.
Enter Nitazene…

In 1957, researchers at CIBA (Hoffmann, Hunger, Kebrle, Rossi) found that a minimally substituted 2-benzylbenzimidazole, 1-(β-diethylaminoethyl)-2-benzylbenzimidazole, induced a Straub tail response in mice. The Straub tail reaction is a highly sensitive narcotic cue that is indicative of morphine-like mechanism of action. Despite lacking the potency-enhancing accouterments of etonitazene (5-nitro and p-ethoxybenzyl substituents), this homely-looking structure demonstrated analgesic activity on par with codeine (one-tenth morphine). This finding was of sufficient interest to spur elucidation of the structure-activity relationships of this novel series. And so the ugly duckling benzimidazole became the proteus of a dynasty.
At the time of the discovery of the nitazenes, the diamine system was an uncommon structure within the opioids.
Most clinical opioids are monoamines. One nitrogen to rule them all. In the morphinan class, nitrogen functionalization outside of the 17-amine position (the iminoethane bridge) is rare. The addition of multiple nitrogens into the morphinan nucleus has a deleterious effect on activity.
At the same time as the discovery of the 2-benzylbenzimidazoles, researchers at American Cyanamid discovered a series of morphine-like diamine analgesics based on the N-(tert-aminoalkyl)-propionanilide scaffold, including phenampromide and diampromide (Pat # US2944081A;]. As with nitazenes, the design of the ampromide class was influenced by lessons learned from the 3,3-diphenylpropylamine series [].
The nitazenes were the first opioid analgesics to successfully incorporate the diamine into a highly active μ opioid pharmacophore. This dynamic amine system contributes to the high activity observed in the series. It consists of two basic moieties: the pyrrole-like nitrogen incorporated into the aromatic benzimidazole system and a tertiary amine in the side chain. This diamine function endows them with the ability to exhibit both acidic and basic character depending on the surrounding environment. This is known as amphoterism.
The benzimidazole ring system experiences a reduction in apparent basicity due to the electron-withdrawing nitro group substitution. In etonitazene, the benzimidazole amine has a pKa of 2.86. This translates to an estimated 22% of the molecule being protonated at physiological pH (7.4). Conversely, the side chain amine boasts a higher pKa of approximately 6.36.
Furthermore, the nitazenes are highly lipid soluble, indicating rapid absorption and a distribution that favors the lipid rich CNS. This is exemplified by their lipophilic Log P range of approx 4.1 to 5.1, highlighting a pronounced preference for nonpolar environments. The nitazenes have greater lipid solubility than fentanyl, which possesses a Log P of 4.05.
A comprehensive understanding of the acid-base properties and lipophilicity of these molecules is crucial for elucidating their pharmacological behavior. Their dual acidic and basic character allows for interactions in diverse environments, while their high lipophilicity facilitates penetration through biological membranes, contributing to their potent CNS-mediated effect.
Of the variety of routes to benzimidazole derivatives, the most popular are modifications of the classical acid-catalyzed cyclocondensation of 1,2-phenylenediamine.derivs (first devised in the late 19th century). The Ladenburg-Phillips reaction is a versatile and efficient method for synthesizing benzimidazoles. It involves the condensation of an o-phenylenediamine with a carboxylic acid, ester, acid chloride, or anhydride, followed by cyclization. This reaction was first reported in the 1870s and has since been used to prepare a wide variety of benzimidazoles with different substitution patterns. Carbonyl equivalents such as carbonitriles, imino-ethers, or amidines can also be used. The reaction is catalyzed by HCl, polyphosphoric acid or boric acid. The Weidenhagen reaction can be adapted using Cu(II)-mediated oxidative cyclocondensation to prepare benzimidazoles.
Synthesis of Nitazenes:
[For a full review of nitazene synthetic methodology, see the full version of this article at]
-------------------END OF PART I-----------------
To read the full version of this article, visit
submitted by jtjdp to AskChemistry [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 00:54 Commercial_Carry_360 ELTP Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

$ELTP Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. currently trading at $0.16 and has a promising future.
Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a specialty pharmaceutical company, engages in the development, manufacture, and sale of oral, controlled-release products, and generic pharmaceuticals. The company operates in two segments, Abbreviated New Drug Applications for Generic Pharmaceuticals and New Drug Applications for Branded Pharmaceuticals. It owns, licenses, manufactures, and sells various generic and oral dose pharmaceuticals products, such as Phentermine HCl 37.5mg tablets, and 15mg and 30mg capsules for the treatment of bariatrics under Adipex-P brand; Phendimetrazine Tartrate 35mg tablets for bariatrics under the Bontril brand; Naltrexone HCl 50mg tablets for the treatment of pains under the Revia brand; and Isradipine 2.5mg and 5mg capsules for cardiovascular diseases. The company also provides Trimipramine Maleate Immediate Release antidepressant capsules under the Surmontil brand; Dextroamphetamine Saccharate, Amphetamine Aspartate, Dextroamphetamine Sulfate, and Amphetamine Sulfate Immediate Release tablets under the Adderall brand, as well as Dextroamphetamine Saccharate, Amphetamine Aspartate, Dextroamphetamine Sulfate, Amphetamine Sulfate Extended Release capsules under the Adderall XR brand for central nervous system diseases; Dantrolene Sodium capsules for muscle relaxant under the Dantrium brand; SequestOX, an immediate release Oxycodone with Naltrexone; Loxapine Succinate capsules for treating antipsychotic under the Loxapine brand; Acetaminophen and Codeine Phosphate for the management of mild to moderate pain; and antibiotic products. In addition, it manufactures controlled-release products on a contract basis for third parties in the areas of pain, allergy, bariatric, attention deficit, and infection. Further, the company is developing a range of abuse deterrent opioid products. Elite Pharmaceuticals, Inc. was incorporated in 1997 and is headquartered in Northvale, New Jersey.
submitted by Commercial_Carry_360 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 18:06 JewMadre I got a pain Management referral from my PCP on March 15th. Any advice appreciated

She gave me a refill of Tylenol 4 (60mg codeine) when I got out of the burn unit. I had 3rd degree burns on 39% of my body. The burn unit was hell, they didn't give me but 10mg oxycodone every here and there which didnt help at all.. But thats not even where most of my pain is from. I was able to get my medical records from a shoulder surgeon (he said he couldn't operate), which shows my rotator cuff is basically gone. Then I had knee surgery about 20 years ago but cant find my records since that surgeon died since (any advice on how to get these records wouldbe appreciated too). Then I have ankle and back pain but no MRI or anything for those. Norco works just as well as Tylenol 4 and I assume its likelier I'd get the codeine. It would be nice to get the 40mg oxycodone which I was once prescribed but I'm thinking that could be asking too much. Plus I know things have changed a lot in the last 20 years. I'm in texas btw.
submitted by JewMadre to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.02.28 10:55 yoyocalldapopo Nearly every medication I have ever tried has no effect or very little. Can somebody please provide any insight or suggestion that may help.

I am 28F, Caucasion, 175cm tall and 100kg. I want to preface this with I have a condition known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). If you are unfamiliar with the disorder it is the most complex and extreme trauma disorder that exists. If PTSD was a level 1 and CPTSD is a level 2, then DID is a level 5 on the trauma disorder scale.
One of the key features of this condition is that it can only develop during early childhood, while neural networks in the brain are still connecting. As a result many neural networks are left disconnected. This is a very simple explanation but can be referred to as structural dissociation.
Like with PTSD, a trigger can activate flashbacks, and these memories will be contained within the certain disconnected neural networks. This effectively means that neural networks can switch on and off and all of the associatied functions with it.
For example- I have a neural network that is mostly cognitively akin to a 3yo. When it is switched on I have the motor skills, impulse control and delayed gratification of a 3yo as well as childlike interests and perceptions.
Here is the problem with medications- it is not very well understood of researched but many medications are completely ineffective or have very little effect compared to a typical patient.
I know that all opioid medications are ineffective, because dissociation produces endogenous opioids, and I believe to the extent that I have experienced this has made my opioid receptors extremely downregulated. I now take naltrexone that assists to lower my dissociation and up regulate my receptors. (But yet opioid meds still dont work at all whether i am taking naltrexone or not).
I have also discovered that meds like benzos have no effect. From my research I have found that this probably means my Gaba receptors are down regulated as well. I have previously tried gabapentin for other symptoms and this was ineffective too.
I even had a lung operation and every single med they put me on felt 90% ineffective. I had a paravertable block, a PCA with morpheine, oral tramadol and other pain killers and still I would find myself viscerally screaming seemingly out of my control from how painful the procedure was.
I have recreationally taken drugs and things like cocaine have no effect.
I have felt the effects of MDMA once (and taken many times). Unsure if that pertains to quality or other factors.
I have had psilocybin- this has had profound healing effects for me- however sometimes I can take 10g dried with no effects, other times I am tripping akin to a heroic dose. Yes i have considered factors such as what I ate that day etc- there is no indetifiable pattern.
Cannabis i have been prescribed has similar effects, and some days It has effect and other days none (and vice versa- no patterns with tolerance. I could have 3g one day and feel nothing, the next day one puff of the same strain and I am baked).
My theory is that certain parts of my brain have extremely down regulated receptors, others not so much. So with the neural networks switching on and off seemingly at random changes the effects of how I feel the meds if at all.
I am wondering if anyone here has any ideas, similar experiences or suggestions? Does anyone have any insight into what may be haopening beyond my basic understanding, and if there are any treatments, specialists, supplements etc you could recommend?
I have been doing research to find things that could help upregulate these receptors and honestly I have already tried most of these (for 3+ months minimum each, up to a year or more).
I have tried these supplements/ meds. I am listing everything even if it ties to other conditions as I feel maybe thats important to consider (and probably forgetting a few).
My other conditions are PCOS, chronic fatigue, iron deficiency, suspected fibromyalgia and hypermobility ehlers danlos syndrome (awaiting screening), possible POTS (however when i went on prorpanolol for anxiety it cleared every POTS symptom I had), ASD level 2, ADHD (though i question if this is just trauma), CPTSD. I also likely have FND and am awaiting screening. I currently struggle with extreme chronic pain and fatigue. I am going crazy thay no pain meds work.
Supplements (hard to say whats effective) - various medicinal mushrooms - maca powder (feel effects) - ashwaganda - Bioceuticals brand "adrenoplex" ( mix of adaptogenics) (was once very effective, now not) - saw palmetto - spearmint - damiana - so many types of magnesium - b12 - iron - iodine - zinc - d3 - b12 - inositol (very effective)
Medications (ineffective) - diazepam - lorazepam - alprazolam - codeine - oxycodone - tramadol (slow and fast release) - morphine - local anesthetic (need huge doses) - dexamphetamine - modafinil - atomoxetine (slight effect possibly)
Medications (unsure if effective or not, if so very mild) - pregablin - gabapentin - paracetamol - aspirin - melatonin - cbd oil - spironolactone - several anti biotics (cannot remember, but every time I need anti biotics I nees more rounds than expected or they change to something stronger)
Medications (effective) - propranolol - orphenadrine - clonidine - metformin - meloxicam - naproxen - ibuprofen - cannabis (higher thc strains)
submitted by yoyocalldapopo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 10:14 lilsparrow18 Has anyone tried Ryeqo?

*Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I just read a lot.
I'm not sure what the status of it is in the US, but in Australia it seemed to have been approved by the TGA in late 2022 and is relatively unheard of. I work in pharmacy (though not as a pharmacist), and have never heard of or come across this medication. From what I can see, a few people over the past few days have asked similar questions as they must have also seen it in the news as a new treatment option. This treatment option also seems to be directed at people with fibroids.
The idea appears to be that one of the active ingredients (relugolix) is a GnRH agonist similar to nafarelin (Synarel) or goserelin (Zoladex), which slows and stops your own sex hormone production. But on top of being an oral form of this type of drug, unlike the others it also replaces a small amount of your hormones (with estradiol and norethisterone) so that they're not non existent, but there in controlled quantities.
So while it SOUNDS similar to birth control, that's not its primary function. The key factor to take away is that it contains a GnRH agonist to reduce overly high levels of estrogen (which inevitably reduces other sex hormones due to acting on the ovaries and pituitary gland), and then replace the lack of hormones with controlled levels so you reap the benefits of having less estrogen dominance (which slows the growth of endometriosis), but avoid side effects of being completed depleted of these hormones such as in the case of other GnRH agonist drugs which make them non-viable long term treatment options. From what I've read it would appear to have less risk of bone density issues due to this hormone replacement, and it may be viable as a long term treatment option compared to some of the other similar medications. On the Australian CMI, one of the indications listed for this medication is for people who have experienced surgical intervention for endometriosis in order to manage symptoms (and possibly prevent some regrowth).
I have been on Synarel (a nasal spray, which can have issues of not being used with proper technique), but it didn't seem to be working for me, so I moved onto Zoladex (the pellet injection). This was in preparation for surgery which I'm having in two days. It had more of an effect but not to the point of menopausal symptoms, and it gave me quite unpleasant side effects so I've already had my last dose but not completed the 6 month course per my specialist's instructions.
Following my surgery, I think I may bring it up with my specialist to find out whether it is something that may be of benefit to me, and also because I am curious about this seemingly new (and maybe promising?) drug.
The only thing is that it looks to be an expensive prescription, as it is not subsidised by the PBS here in Australia, which can be common for new drugs. $135 a month apparently, which is a bit brutal. Hopefully that changes though.
Part of why I would like to know as well is because pain meds don't seem to help me. I was on prescription anti-inflammatories to the point of developing a stomach ulcer so I had to stop them, and while they regulated irregular bleeding here and there (I also have PCOS), it didn't do so much for the actual pain. I've also been prescribed opioids including fairly run-of-the-mill codeine, as well as oxycodone, but I have no reaction to these at all. The hypothesis by all my health professionals is that I must have a gene which prevents me from properly metabolising opioids, so I don't get to properly experience their pain killing properties (unless I am dosed up to high heaven in significantly stronger, more active opioids in hospital). Most doctors are hesitant to prescribe anything stronger than oxycodone, which I do understand, but it's hard. So that is all very fun, and I often feel very helpless about the pain as a result.
Thank you to reading this far if you have. I don't tend to post here, as I'm more of a lurker.
Has anyone tried Ryeqo? If so, what is your experience? Has it helped with pain reduction?
And as a side question - for people who don't get relief from stronger pain medicines, have you found any other forms of pain relief?
submitted by lilsparrow18 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 21:32 521bhp My Story and how Shrooms Changed my Life Living with DPRP

Hi, I’ve shared my experience in regards to microdosing shroom, Golden Teachers to be exact, with a few people by commenting on posts in this sub but I thought I’d put a post about it so more people can hear my experience.
****Disclaimer: Don’t just presume this is some miracle, it’ll will work for you and start taking shrooms! They are very powerful and could easily make dpdr a lot worse, especially if taken incorrectly. Before you even consider microdosing, I highly advise to do a hell of a lot of research into them beforehand.****
Background: I’m a 23 year old, male from UK. I’ve been suffering with anxiety and depression since I was 16. My depression got worse and worse resulting in me trying to take my own life when I was 17, luckily someone stopped me. I’m not going to go too much into this but it is partly relevant. After this I sought help in the form of therapy, my parents paid for private as the NHS wait times even back then we’re about 6 months. I also dropped out of sixth form at this time, not sure what that equivalent is in U.S terms but it’s basically a high level qualification before University. I’m a fairly smart guy, I love maths and science. Very interested in space, chemistry and aviation (would love to work in this field, it’s my dream job to be an aircraft engineer). Cars especially too and how they work. And I believe I’m very sensible and have my head screwed on. I wanted to go far in life!
I didn’t have many friends at this time in my life, only 1 who is my still my best bud to this day, we’ve been through everything together. Anyway at this time I started smoking cannabis and it really helped with my depression, in fact I basically cured it, so I stopped the therapy. Fast forward 3 years of life improving, I got a job, I met my life long friends. My group of friends are extremely supportive we all look out for each other and we all help each other with everything. I will just add I still suffered with anxiety at this point, it never improved. I will also add that I had discovered and tried some other drugs now, mainly party drugs as I went to a lot of raves etc including things like mdma, coke, 2CB etc.
How It Happened: One evening me and my mates made some weed brownies, dosed small portions (we are very safe with our drug use, if you can call it that, ie always tested our stuff, had mg scales for doses and always researched). We had a fun night. Fast forward a week and I went round to my buds house again for lunch, we discussed having some more of this brownie, dunno where we read but read that edibles lose their potency over time and I’m not sure why but as the previous high wasn’t intense we halved the thing and finished it off. Later worked out we’d each consumed 160mg of thc each. We both had an awful experience, I had a full blown panic attack and felt like I’d left my body. From this moment on, life was not the same, I later found out this feeling was depersonalization/derealization.
Living with DPDR Life was unbearable for a good 6 months before I started to get used to this feeling, I wont go into too much detail as I’m sure we all know what this feels like and I don’t want to cause an episode for anyone reading. For 1.5 years I tried everything to help, I learnt it’s the bodies fight or flight mechanism and I was trying to find ways to calm the underlying anxiety as technically that’s all dpdr is.
Drug addiction Up until this point I hadn’t touched any drug not even alcohol. 1.5 years ago from today, I discovered benzodiazepines and opiates. They made me feel “normal”, confident motivated, happy as ever. Now this is not the route I would suggest to go down at all unless you are prescribed benzo’s and treated by, a doctor. I sourced these drugs from the dark web. I used Kpins and Valium for a week or so I read how addictive they are and how life threatening the withdrawals are. Then I discovered opiates, initially codeine. I used codeine for my migraines but no I knew I could get high on them and completely eliminate my anxieties plus feel great too. Eventually codeine wasn’t enough anymore so I moved onto oxycodone. And yes I only ever bought pharmacy grade oxy from someone with a genuine script. More to that I tested each time I received a order.
I used oxycodone for around 8 months daily, eventually I got to a point where it was costing me £20 a day, so I decided to stop and get help. My mates helped me though this and I was out on buprenorphine, I’m still on it to this day although I’m tapering down. Once I stopped the oxycodone the dpdr came right back and with a vengeance!
Shrooms: 6 months ago from today my friend suggested to me to try shrooms for my anxiety, I was skeptical at first but as I thought I’d give it a go as I had nothing to lose, I’d read up a lot about how it helps with anxiety, depression and all sorts of mental health related problems. I spent a good month researching, reading stories, learning about how it works and affects the brain. I suggest microsdose for some great info plus how to start and basically every question you have.
I chose a day and begun, I bought the shrooms, golden teachers. Pre weighed and in capsules so I could take with my morning vitamins and magnesium. I started by taking 0.2g every Monday Wednesday and Friday. After the first 2 doses I felt very strange. That’s the only word I could think to describe it, almost like I was fighting something in my brain. Anyway I knew I shouldn’t be feeling anything from these doses so I dropped to 0.1g, as you’re meant to not be able to feel the dose. I’m not going to go into too much details as I strongly recommend you do your own research! 0.1g was perfect for me. I wrote down every week how I felt.
After a month of this I could noticeably feel better in myself, the dpdr episodes hasn’t changed at this point however I felt more motivated to get out and do things, I even started the gym.
Month 2: I felt even better, I’d started to eat better. Not by force but it just happened. My anxiety was also improving by this point. I would get up earlier, and get more out of a day.
Month 3: again further improvements in all areas previously mentioned and also my dpdr hadn’t disappeared but I just wasn’t noticing it as much anymore, if I felt an episode come on I’d would just acknowledge it but carry on with what I was doing. I had so much more energy day to day, I slept better. This is where I took a 2 week break from the shrooms for tolerance reasons. But I’m those 2 weeks there was no decline in any of mentioned positive effects.
Month 4/5 and up until right now: I can honestly say I’m in a completely different headspace to 6 months ago. My quality of life is amazing, I’m so motivated, happy, healthy both physically and mentally. My friends, family and work colleagues have noticed a difference in me. I’m about to take another 2 week tolerance break.
In conclusion: I believe that microdosing shrooms has changed my life in the sense it’s helped with my depression, debilitating anxiety and dpdr. I don’t think the shrooms have directly affected my dpdr, but I believe they have build the foundations in other aspects to life that have led to helping my dpdr. I would say I’m 95% there. Don’t get me wrong I still have the odd moment but it’s no more than 10 seconds, I ignore the feeling, ground myself and carry on.
I hope this helps, I thought I’d share my experience as I genuinely believe this has helped me. Again I can’t stress enough this might not be for everyone and don’t even consider this until you know the absolute ins and outs of Psilocybin!!! Psychedelics are no joke, they can seriously alter the mind for good and for bad
Any questions please feel free to DM me and ask in the comments.
Also apologies if my writing and detail got sloppier towards the end.
submitted by 521bhp to dpdr [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 02:10 Papaversomniferumluv Should i try once more or should i just end it like soo much ppl around me and rest in peace for once ?

If someone give me some realistic advise or the correcr combination of words, in every situatuion there exiat some combination of words that could totally change whole situation but 99,9% of time we really cant know wich one are and wich arent at the time. So every reaction is great for me, maybe the one from you will make me not wanna end it all, or maybe different one frome someone else will totally change my life and i will never think bou sui c ide ever again a really dont know but i wanna try everything before i give up. Very good karma and wishing good luck to everyone even reading all of what im gonna write here, you have my respect and part of love that is left in me.

I would like to apologize for some minor issues or mysteak ( call it as you like ) in my post, enlish isnt my first language and so i could write it faster till i remade my decision to share this i wont use ,, ' " and some other interpucntion that isnt set to my laptop since it itsnt made for english market.

Some context for my backstory and real start of the post ( i will try to make it as short as possible )
When i was around 5/6 ( he was 18/19 or 16/17 dont rlly remember eneven if i was 4/5 or 5/6 bu it was happenin for around year app. 1-2 times month) i was molested by my cousin but he manipulated me into thinking is normal, jist aftel lot of years it came back to me since the memory was long locked and thats when i realized its was not normal ( normal in my family trusts me that it was happening cu i ,,didnt said anything back then, or a seem happy when he was on family reunions, or i stayed at some different cousins party when he came there or much more but thats the main reasons they dont belive it happened )

In my 10 years my father left my mother, me and my sister and started new family after living with my mother for 25yrs wich i didnt took any good but i survived it cuz my mother started dating father of my friend from our very small city whom i took as brother. So we moved all together, me, the new mothers partner and my brother ( even not by blood but by feelings for sure ) My sister is 16 yrs older so she was living elsewhere

Everything seems ok till my 15, im living in biggest city in my country by then, my new older brother ( older by 5 yrs ) learned me to skate, smoke weed somethimes any by like what some cringe tv show was cool kid even tho everything i said did everyone just not nerds.

When i was 15 he got diagnosed with cancer and he dies 14 days after my 16th birthday. i was completly desroyed and thought that that was rock bottom till my best friend for 3 years ( since i moved to the main city ) dies in my hands not even 2 months after the dead of my so called brother - then i started using meth like crazy cuz thaths cheap and everywhere here, xanax, ambien and ketamine, from time to time i popped some E but the meth was daily thing. but becouse the dead of my brother my mother doesnt pay to mmuch attention to the world after and finds about it afet full year, i go to rehab for yungsters and stayed 3 months, after i got out i was sober for 8 months ( only got beer on fridays with friends or twice a mont app joint but thats rlly all for 8/9 months)

After that i got prescribed DHC dihydrocodeine ( less strenght compared to morphine but like 10x more compared to classical codeine or tramadol ) wich when i popped 400mg without any opiate tolerance felt like fakin heaven, no isomnia like meth, noone can rlly tell that im high soo i got the doc to overprescribe for about 4/5 months after wich he got on my plan and cut me off but that was late.I imedealty started searching for opioids on streets or web or from friends, everywhere, after around 14days of nonstop internet formums and annoying my friends i got one name of friend of my friend that he takes something called oxycodone and that sould do what im looking for, it did. soo much my tolerance was after app year and half after meeting him soo high i was doin 8-12 80mg a day ( we in europe still have them original oxycontin but we took every pill that had some opioid stronger then morphine includning morphine, anything less potent lost value to us ) i go tru wds nonstop, lots of friend overdoses so i try rehab again ( i was freshly 20 at that alreaey time in 3yr relationship wich started when i was 17, with the most beautiful girl wich was studyin medicine and that agreed to our relations ship when i was in phase just doin DHC, lean and didnt tell about everytime so she thought i just take some weak opioid from timew to time ), singhed of that rehab after 30days and lost my main pills plug, thats when i started smoking heroin at that time my dad foound out about his cancer and died only 2 months after bein moved to different city cuz even in the relationship we agreed on pause, i found new girl in the new city with wich i fell in love insanely and wich i have found hanged in our flat 3 months after living together, thats when i started shootinh that heroin and moved back to my mothers flat

For year i steal, shoot, sell just being jungie like every other
after year like that my mother tells me its even rehab or street, so i try rehab again, this time i stayed for 7 mpnths and was rlly feeling like thats last time i see inside of rehab. . y

today its app. 1 year ago since i left that rehab, after i left i lasted 14 days so i tryied metadone wich worke best from all but still is not great, yea i dont need to steal and i hav job, but job in wich is still some trouble cuz my using becouse somethimes i smoke some crack to my methadone, or pop some xan and again a signed that i want to different type to rehab then last time, its the only type i havent tried but fuck seein my mother cry all the time, seein my gf hanged in dreams or seein all that ppl that shouldnt be dead is too much, i dont have the strenght. i dont know if i should end it rn or wait the 4 months waiting list to this so called ,,bes rehab" in our country or just dont wait after i came from there, relapse like everytime and kill myself anyway, cuz if this wont work im gonna end it 110% cuz i tried it all but learning from my past i dunno if im not just prolonging my remorse and hate for existence and for all that trauma for another year just like, idk even know why ???? i already have a rope
submitted by Papaversomniferumluv to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 02:09 Papaversomniferumluv Should i try once more or should i just end it like soo much ppl around me and rest in peace for once ?

If someone give me some realistic advise or the correcr combination of words, in every situatuion there exiat some combination of words that could totally change whole situation but 99,9% of time we really cant know wich one are and wich arent at the time. So every reaction is great for me, maybe the one from you will make me not wanna end it all, or maybe different one frome someone else will totally change my life and i will never think bou sui c ide ever again a really dont know but i wanna try everything before i give up. Very good karma and wishing good luck to everyone even reading all of what im gonna write here, you have my respect and part of love that is left in me.
I would like to apologize for some minor issues or mysteak ( call it as you like ) in my post, enlish isnt my first language and so i could write it faster till i remade my decision to share this i wont use ,, ' " and some other interpucntion that isnt set to my laptop since it itsnt made for english market.
Some context for my backstory and real start of the post ( i will try to make it as short as possible )
When i was around 5/6 ( he was 18/19 or 16/17 dont rlly remember eneven if i was 4/5 or 5/6 bu it was happenin for around year app. 1-2 times month) i was molested by my cousin but he manipulated me into thinking is normal, jist aftel lot of years it came back to me since the memory was long locked and thats when i realized its was not normal ( normal in my family trusts me that it was happening cu i ,,didnt said anything back then, or a seem happy when he was on family reunions, or i stayed at some different cousins party when he came there or much more but thats the main reasons they dont belive it happened )
In my 10 years my father left my mother, me and my sister and started new family after living with my mother for 25yrs wich i didnt took any good but i survived it cuz my mother started dating father of my friend from our very small city whom i took as brother. So we moved all together, me, the new mothers partner and my brother ( even not by blood but by feelings for sure ) My sister is 16 yrs older so she was living elsewhere
Everything seems ok till my 15, im living in biggest city in my country by then, my new older brother ( older by 5 yrs ) learned me to skate, smoke weed somethimes any by like what some cringe tv show was cool kid even tho everything i said did everyone just not nerds.
When i was 15 he got diagnosed with cancer and he dies 14 days after my 16th birthday. i was completly desroyed and thought that that was rock bottom till my best friend for 3 years ( since i moved to the main city ) dies in my hands not even 2 months after the dead of my so called brother - then i started using meth like crazy cuz thaths cheap and everywhere here, xanax, ambien and ketamine, from time to time i popped some E but the meth was daily thing. but becouse the dead of my brother my mother doesnt pay to mmuch attention to the world after and finds about it afet full year, i go to rehab for yungsters and stayed 3 months, after i got out i was sober for 8 months ( only got beer on fridays with friends or twice a mont app joint but thats rlly all for 8/9 months)
After that i got prescribed DHC dihydrocodeine ( less strenght compared to morphine but like 10x more compared to classical codeine or tramadol ) wich when i popped 400mg without any opiate tolerance felt like fakin heaven, no isomnia like meth, noone can rlly tell that im high soo i got the doc to overprescribe for about 4/5 months after wich he got on my plan and cut me off but that was late.I imedealty started searching for opioids on streets or web or from friends, everywhere, after around 14days of nonstop internet formums and annoying my friends i got one name of friend of my friend that he takes something called oxycodone and that sould do what im looking for, it did. soo much my tolerance was after app year and half after meeting him soo high i was doin 8-12 80mg a day ( we in europe still have them original oxycontin but we took every pill that had some opioid stronger then morphine includning morphine, anything less potent lost value to us ) i go tru wds nonstop, lots of friend overdoses so i try rehab again ( i was freshly 20 at that alreaey time in 3yr relationship wich started when i was 17, with the most beautiful girl wich was studyin medicine and that agreed to our relations ship when i was in phase just doin DHC, lean and didnt tell about everytime so she thought i just take some weak opioid from timew to time ), singhed of that rehab after 30days and lost my main pills plug, thats when i started smoking heroin at that time my dad foound out about his cancer and died only 2 months after bein moved to different city cuz even in the relationship we agreed on pause, i found new girl in the new city with wich i fell in love insanely and wich i have found hanged in our flat 3 months after living together, thats when i started shootinh that heroin and moved back to my mothers flat
For year i steal, shoot, sell just being jungie like every other
after year like that my mother tells me its even rehab or street, so i try rehab again, this time i stayed for 7 mpnths and was rlly feeling like thats last time i see inside of rehab. . y
today its app. 1 year ago since i left that rehab, after i left i lasted 14 days so i tryied metadone wich worke best from all but still is not great, yea i dont need to steal and i hav job, but job in wich is still some trouble cuz my using becouse somethimes i smoke some crack to my methadone, or pop some xan and again a signed that i want to different type to rehab then last time, its the only type i havent tried but fuck seein my mother cry all the time, seein my gf hanged in dreams or seein all that ppl that shouldnt be dead is too much, i dont have the strenght. i dont know if i should end it rn or wait the 4 months waiting list to this so called ,,bes rehab" in our country or just dont wait after i came from there, relapse like everytime and kill myself anyway, cuz if this wont work im gonna end it 110% cuz i tried it all but learning from my past i dunno if im not just prolonging my remorse and hate for existence and for all that trauma for another year just like, idk even know why ???? i already have a rope
submitted by Papaversomniferumluv to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.01.19 01:00 rainbowtwist Shingles: is my sore infected?

40f have had a compromised immune system for some time. No regular meds. Using topical THC salve and very low dose (1/5 recommend dosage) oral THC for pain management. I take really good care of myself but the last couple years have been a medical nightmare and a grief marathon. I'm unsurprised this would happen now.
Had a dry skin patch appear approx 1/12. By 1/14 it was somewhat of a scab / wound. I was beginning to have intense jaw pain on left side of face, radiating from the joint towards my upper left jaw and teeth.
From 1/15 to 1/17 the sore doubled in size and my face & neck lymph nodes swelled up. By 1/17 the node directly under my chin was aa hard and large as a large grape.
Excruciating pain on entire left half of face. Nerve pain feels like an ice nail being driven into the side of my face approx once every minute.
Haven't really slept 1/17 and 1/17 due to intense pain.
Saw doc this morning, who prescribed 300mg gabapentin 1x/nightly, valacyclovi HCL 1gr tab, and gave me a tiny handful of oxycodone 5-325 in case I can't sleep again / pain is too much.
I haven't taken anything yet.
I've been keeping the wound clean and dry, and have been applying a smear of wound & burn salve before covering completely with bandages.
It is the only source of outbreak.
I'm concerned it's actually infected, there is red swelling on my cheek and my face in that area feels numb. The white area looks more like staph or pus to me than a scab.
Help very much appreciated. Doc doesn't have more appointments available. IDK if I need to write an email and ask for antibiotics...?
submitted by rainbowtwist to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 19:24 Rmur83 Liberty Software Allergy Warning

Just an FYI to anyone out there using Liberty Software's Rxq. It appears to not be catching Codeine or Peanut allergies. There is a possibility that this is actually Medispan so even if you aren't using Liberty I would check it. The peanut allergy is new to us today the codeine allergy we reported two weeks ago and Liberty has dragged their feet on fixing it. The allergy in that case was a cross check (oxycodone). In the case of the peanut allergy it was progesterone capsules.
We've added restrictions in the interim but wanted to let others know.
submitted by Rmur83 to pharmacy [link] [comments]

2023.12.14 14:41 WhenLemonsLemonade Why did my bones spontaneously die in my 20s?

31M, 5ft 10, male, white, 14st
Hi all, so a bit of an odd one that I could really do with some advice on.
So just before the pandemic, I noticed that my legs were hurting a lot, just below the knees - it was an ache, like a really heavy ache. I accidentally bumped a leg on my desk (like, not-even-enough-for-a-bruise lightly), and it felt like I'd broken it. Dad took me up to the hospital for a x-ray, where the doctor found 12cm square of avascular necrosis in my left leg, and lots of spatters of the same in my right leg (imagine like, splashed water , lots of little dots). I've spent the last 3 years having every test I can think of, being checked for cancer, Addisons, and a million and one other conditions I can't even remember. All negative.
I had a bone graft last year in my left leg, which frankly has done nothing, and the thing that's frustrating me most is that the rheumatologist has run out of ideas. From my side, there's no prospect of improvement, because there's no knowledge of the cause, and because there's no knowledge on that side, there's also the fear I have that there will be more. Does anyone have any idea on what can cause a perfectly healthy 28 year old (I wasn't 14 stone back then) to just have spontaneous osteonecrosis? It really feels like the NHS as a system has let me down, and I don't want to be taking codeine and oxycodone for the rest of my life.
submitted by WhenLemonsLemonade to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.12.08 19:45 growth-industries How medical cannabis could be used to alleviate the opioid addiction crisis

A new study has found that medical cannabis could be used as an alternative to opioids for managing pain amid an opioid addiction crisis.

The research, that examined thousands of patients, found that people reported less pain and better physical and social activity when using medical cannabis, as opposed to opioids. The findings have been published in the journal Substance Use and Misuse.
The researchers also found that most patients who were prescribed oxycodone, codeine and other opioids were able to stop depending on them after using medical cannabis.
The results support the idea that with proper medical supervision, medical cannabis could reduce opioid use in certain individuals and help to alleviate the opioid addiction crisis.

The opioid addiction crisis is a global issue

Opioids are highly effective painkillers, but they are also highly addictive.
Deaths from overdose involving opioids have increased by 800% since 1999 in the US, with over 550,000 deaths from 1999 to 2020. The opioid addiction crisis is a major issue in several countries, including the UK, Sweden, and Australia.
There has been little previous research into the viability of medical cannabis as a substitute for opioids. Therefore, researchers from Emerald Coast Research wanted to survey medical cannabis users about the effects it has had on their medical conditions.
The researchers surveyed 2,183 participants. These participants had a range of conditions including anxiety disorders, chronic pain, depression, insomnia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Most participants were using medical cannabis daily.
The survey found that most participants (90.6%) found medical cannabis to be very or extremely helpful in treating their medical conditions and 88.7% of participants said it was very or extremely important to their quality of life.
It was reported that 85.9% of participants found their pain improved with the use of medical cannabis. As well as this, 84% said that medical cannabis was helping them in social and physical activities.
Most (61%) of the participants were using opioids before being prescribed medical cannabis. The research found that 79% of these opioid users were able to stop or reduce their opioid use after being prescribed medical cannabis.

Medical cannabis can reduce dependency on opioids

The number of participants taking the two most common opioids, acetaminophen, and oxycodone with acetaminophen, fell by five times the original amount. These statistics show the potential of medical cannabis as a solution opioid addiction crisis.
“A large number of people feel the need to take opioid pain medication,” said researcher Carolyn Pritchett, a neuroscientist and biological psychologist.
“If there’s the option to instead use a medicine with less harmful side-effects, including a lower risk of overdose and death, then it should perhaps be considered, especially given the opioid addiction crisis. But more research, including studies that follow patients over time, is needed before substituting opioid painkillers for medical cannabis becomes commonplace.”
“Like any other medicine with side-effects, patients should be regularly monitored and assessed for adverse events, abuse disorder and other issues,” she added.
submitted by growth-industries to MedicalCannabis_NI [link] [comments]