Lisinopril cough treatment

Lisinopril : Support and Discuss

2016.01.11 09:28 Ginstioniff Lisinopril : Support and Discuss

Lisinopril - is in a group of drugs called ACE inhibitors. ACE stands for angiotensin converting enzyme. It is primarily used in treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure, and heart attacks and also in preventing renal and retinal complications of diabetes. Lisinopril is also used to improve survival after a heart attack.

2024.05.15 00:25 fred_reedAU Tips on How to Take Care of Your Child with Asthma

It might be challenging to parent an asthmatic child, but you can support your child in leading an active and healthy life if you have the correct information and strategy. Chronic asthma results in inflammation and constriction of the airways, which can cause wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest, and dyspnea. Managing your child's illness requires knowing what triggers them specifically, including activity, allergens like pollen and pet hair, or respiratory infections. Part of a successful treatment strategy is being aware of your child's symptoms and possible triggers.
Medications and lifestyle changes are needed for the effective management of asthma. Rescue inhalers are vital for offering rapid relief during asthma episodes, while controller drugs, such as inhaled corticosteroids, are used regularly to lower inflammation and avoid asthma symptoms. Always make sure your kids take their inhalers appropriately. Maintaining a clean living space and promoting a smoke-free household can also greatly lower exposure to asthma triggers. Making an asthma action plan with your doctor will also help you and your child be prepared for emergencies and worsening symptoms. In Australia, parents typically participate in the creation of an asthma action plan. There is also a first aid course for asthma and anaphylaxis that is advantageous and necessary in the community, at work, and home.
If your child has asthma, support and information are essential to their success. By empowering your kid to actively participate in their asthma treatment and educating them about their disease, you can make your child feel less anxious and more capable of managing their asthma symptoms. You can help your child manage their asthma efficiently and ensure healthy childhood by creating a supportive and knowledgeable environment. To learn more, you can check out this blog link:
submitted by fred_reedAU to firstaidAU [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:05 Immediate-Repeat2832 How do people find good doctors offices?????

Okay so I have the WORST luck finding good doctors in my area. My first doctor when I moved here had me tested for tuberculosis. This was for a daycare job I was trying to get. AND I LITERALLY TESTED POSITIVE. Instead of..idk, calling someone and getting imaging, she literally PRAYED for me in the room and sent me on my way. (She was since fired from the clinic-not for the TB issue but because she brought her religion into her practices). So I went to a different doctor in the same clinic. He tested me, I tested positive, and he just asked “what symptoms do you have?” And I said “I dont know I cough a lot but I have asthma”. So he said he would send a referral to a local hospital for imaging. He said to go there right after the appointment and just say I need imaging for TB and hand them a piece of paper. So my happy ahh drives all the way to this hospital, I hand them the paper, and the receptionist says there is no referral for me and the paper he handed me was literally just an Appointment Summary. I call the office, the nurse says that he will send it now, and nope. Never sent it. So I go about my life, not knowing what to do about this because no one ever explained it to me and I didnt bother doing resesrch to know how bad it actually is. Finally find a new doctor who actually takes it seriously. She actually sends a referral and I don’t have active tuberculosis!!! Yay I wont die or kill anyone else in the process!!! But then SHE fcks up! She refers me to a psychiatrist in the clinic because I needed a proper ADHD diagnosis. (News Flash: he was not a psychiatrist and he was just an RN. No, not a specialist RN who is educated in psychology and licensed. No, just an RN). He decides to diagnose me with bipolar disorder instead of ADHD, all within a 30 minute appointment. Prescribes me Latuda (WHICH IS AN ANTIPSYCHOTIC) and sends me on my way. Heres the kicker, I start taking Latuda and WOW. SHOCKER. I start having manic episodes!!! Something I hadn’t had before! So I go back to him and tell him this, and say “I think I just need ADHD treatment and to be providing coping mechanisms for my ADHD”. He says (in essence) “Well that sucks, keep taking Latuda to see if it works eventually.” I listened to him and kept taking it until I got pregnant. But this SAME doctor before I got pregnant tried to take out a benign tumor on my rib cage IN OFFICE. She literally tried to put the numbing sht in the area of my ribs, which btw hurts like a mofo. I literally almost punched the nurse, so they both decide to HOLD. ME. DOWN. IN. THE. CHAIR. I started sobbing and having a panic because-surprise again! I HAVE PTSD. She ends uo trying to rip this cyst or whatever out but cant, and at this point I am screaming and crying in pain. So she says “Yeah I guess I cant take it out. You might need to be put under for this. I will send a referral.” (She did not).
Anyway so last Wednesday I go to a whole new doctors office. Its small. I needed lab work done before my doctor saw me, so the only nurse in this clinic grabs me and he is sweating like a sinner in church and looks on the verge of tears. This man goes into a room with me and starts ranting about his job, his boss, how he wants to quit, etc. He is SHAKING because he is so angry. So I try to talk him down. I am usually really good at this. But while he is prepping my arm to poke me, he takes off one of his gloves AND STARTS POKING THE AREA WITH HIS BARE HANDS AFTER HE SANITIZED IT. He doesn’t sanitize it again. He also never washed his hands when he entered the room or put hand sanitizer on. HE THEN STARTS TOUCHING ALL OVER THE NEEDLE WITH HSI BARE HANDS. I am literally too anxious to say anything that might send him over the edge. Is this my fault? Fkcing absolutely. I should have said something. He pokes me, he misses my vein. He moves to my other arm AND DOES THE SAME SHT. So then moves to my hand, and this time finally hits a good vein. BUT THEN IS SWEATING ALL OVER THE NEEDLE AND THE HOLE IN MY SKIN. AND THEN GETS MAD AT ME WHEN I PANIC AND MOVE MY HAND. He NEVER sanitized after he touched me with his bare hand. Never cleaned it after he sweat all over my hand. And at this point I finally tell him to stop and that I need to go home.
I am now waiting for lab work to come back after that to see if I somehow got anything (as recommended by my insurance nurse line when I reported the incident).
How do I even go about finding a good doctors office? What do I look for when I search for one??
submitted by Immediate-Repeat2832 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:27 ButterscotchKey9269 AITA for telling parents to stop using autism as an excuse?

I (27f) was brought up in a house with my brother (24m), my mum (47f) and dad (45m). When I was younger my parents decided to have 2 more children, 2 girls - now 12 and 10. I now also have my own children, 7f, 4m, and 2f, and am in a beautiful happy marriage.
A little back story, I was pretty much a scapegoat my whole life, my brother the golden child, let's just say none of us are on speaking terms with him anymore due to him always getting what he wanted when he was younger. As he grew and after the 2 younger of us were born, he started hearing more "no's", he didnt like that and after a lot of threats, holes in walls, drugs etc, I decided to cut all contact with him. He then decided to cut contact with our parents 🤷🏽‍♀️
Anyway, we recently found out that our 7yo has adhd, and our 4yo has adhd and asd. I also found symptoms in myself that made me question my brain, and got diagnosed with asd, adhd and cptsd (i dont remember my childhood from 5yo-13yo, but remember all the crap traumatic parts). Whilst we were getting our array of diagnoses my parents decided to go through their own processes with my sisters, still in the process, no diagnoses have been made. This is where it starts, the 12yo, I'll call her Stacy, she is me, I was her, she is the scapegoat, she gets the blame for everything, nothing she does is right, she doesn't get help, doesn't get hugs and kisses or love. I see the ptsd symptoms coming out in her and it hurts my heart, I want to take her, adopt her and run away with her. I give her the love she needs because i can see she doesnt get it from our parents, not gonna lie, she has her faults, we all do, we're only human, but compared to our sister and brother, she's amazing.
The 10yo, I'll call her Anna, she is horrible, she makes mean comments, she manipulates to get her own way, she falsely accuses people - and not of small things, she craves attention and loves to be in the centre, she hates when my 7yo has any sort of attention and will try her best to steal it, especially from our mum, it's like she knows how to hurt your feelings and will do it if you don't do what she wants, she's showed my 7yo inappropriate videos, one day I was looking after her because she was "sick" I was in the bathroom, heard my 4yo (who was also sick with whooping cough at the time), crying begging her to stop she didn't realise I had opened the door and caught her hitting him on the head with a pillow, I told her to stop and she did. Anyway she is always looking for approval especially from female adults, she is just mean, she doesnt do anything wrong, she gets coddled while Stacy gets the blame for everything, and gets punished for everything even if she didnt do anything. My parents do nothing, they don't explain to her what she's done is wrong or why it's wrong, they sit on their phones all day, everyday and just say "oh she just has autism", but it's not an excuse... we're really not dumb, you can teach us that it's not okay to do things. I know this is how they handle it because we live on the same property, in separate dwellings, and it's the same everyday pretty much, I try my best to keep separated from them, especially Anna because she is having a negative mental effect on our 7yo, but they come over uninvited and say "mum and dad are being boring, they're just on their phones like always". Everytime I go over they've either locked themselves in the room or are sitting on the couch looking at Facebook, and expect the kids to just watch TV all day, not doing anything. I just see the same cycle happening again, Anna turning out like our druggo brother, and Stacy ending up with CPTSD and wanting to run away.
Anna falsely accused myself of scratching her with a stick today, when I was nowhere near her, she put on a whole act, crying and everything. This isn't the first time this has happened, the first time was falsely accusing my husband of something similar, when I was with them and told the truth whilst my mum was on her side and was never there. Tonight, I got deathstared by my mum, usually its the silent treatment, but also got told "Anna feels like you treat Your son like he has autism but you don't treat her like she has autism", she hasn't been diagnosed either so we don't know if it really is autism, and I treat my son with respect because he treats me with respect, I treat him the way he treats me, with love and kindness (i told mum this in different words). There is no love, kindness or respect in Anna, and if there is you can't see it, it's like she demands respect but won't give it, to anyone at all. If she doesnt get her way, then all hell breaks loose.
So anyway I told my mum "i have autism too mum. you can't use autism as an excuse for the rest of her life. Females, especially where we live, will not tolerate these accusations and comments and she will get knocked out, instead of saying 'she has autistim' teach her what shes doing is wrong" all she said to that was "well, if that happens, that's a life lesson she has to learn" but I don't think it should get to that point? Just teach her while you can before you regret it?
Now i know no one is the same, i know no autistic brain is the same, i know we say inapproriate things and we dont know the meanings sometimes etc. But i dont think using it as an excuse is okay? Its as if they've got the idea of autism in their head and now they dont have to discipline or teach her whats right from wrong? Anyway, I'm always the bad guy according to my parents, or am I? You tell me, I dunno. I'm used to always getting the blame so I sometimes I wonder if I actually am the AH? 🤔
I love my siblings, all 3 of them. Regardless of what has happened between my brother and I, or my sisters and I, I will always love them. I miss my brother, when we wasn't intoxicated he was the best person ever, intoxication is his life now and he's not the person I used to know. I love my sisters dearly and I would do anything to save both from this cycle.
submitted by ButterscotchKey9269 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:25 canttakethshyfrom_me OTC treatment for mucus blockage in inner ear from upper respiratory infection?

42M, 5'9", 240lb, non-smoker, some history of sinus congestion but no previous eustachian tube issues. Got exposed Thursday at a concert (only time it could have happened), by Saturday night my throat was sore. Only mild sinus issues and not much of a cough, but last night my middle ear filled with mucus and won't drain. Took pseudoephedrine, diphenhydramine, acetaminophen and ibuprofen along with lisinopril, and pain subsided. This morning, naproxen, pseudoephedrine and acetaminophen plus adderall, vilazodone and gabapentin.
No pain to speak of now, and breathing clear through my nose with little pressure in other sinus areas. But pressure in the ear remains and hearing is greatly reduced, no high frequencies. Can hear it sloshing in there when I move my head. Have had hope a couple times that it was about to drain, but still stuck. Been running the humidifier since last night, several times have just stood around breathing in steam from the shower. Treatment recommendations at this point? And what duration or signs would send me to a urgent care or an ENT (I'm American so it'd be a considerable expense).
submitted by canttakethshyfrom_me to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:58 CommercialBee6585 Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai) Chapter 44

[Previous] [First] [Patreon] [Royal Road]
Marcus stared down at the felled rat, watching as his great furrowed head lulled and fell to the side.
"He issss being gone, Ssssire," Verulex said behind him.
Marcus bent low and tried to rouse the great brute that had saved his life, denying that he was about to let another rat man die for him like Gatskeek had.
"Wake up, Marrow soldier!" he yelped in the creature's vacant eyes. "There's cavalry charges still to be led!"
No response. Sullen and vengeful, Marcus let the head drop.
I hesitated, he thought. I didn't act quick enough. If I had the damn foresight to grab that blade sooner…
"Be letting him be. He isss doing hisss duty to Clan and –"
"Oh, shut up, priest," Marcus spat, turning with fury to look upon the hooded cretin who was still managing to coax his anger even now. "Your Order might consider a single rat's life to be meaningless – something to just throw away in the service of your God, but this warrior deserved more than this."
The High Priest of Glumrot fixed Marcus with his puss-filled eyes. Those eyes spoke of toxic thoughts ruminating beneath them.
"Be turning your thoughtssss to vengeancccce, Sssssire," Verulex wheezed as he shambled over to the Matron's eviscerated body and prodded at it with the staff of his office, making sure the creature's life had finally expired. He then nodded down at the still breathing form of the unconscious Yeeva below Marcus, the soft skin of her belly weeping purple blood from the perforation Marcus had made as she took Festicus's life.
He scoffed at the priest and picked up the Wakisashi that had fallen at his feet, bending low and directing his hatred at the fallen Yokra who was mumbling as though in a dream-state.
Perhaps it was a meditation practice of their kind, Marcus thought. It didn't make any biological sense for a creature to immediately collapse into unconsciousness as she just had in receiving such a near fatal wound.
He leaned closer to her as Verulex amplified his voice and called down to the army still waiting below, telling them to send a detachment and a priest to sanctify the body of one of their dead. The enemy Yokun had fallen, and they would receive some special treatment of their own.
Marcus heard general cheers resound as this proclamation echoed all through the dim streets of the putrid city. But he ignored them. Instead, he craned his neck to hear what the felled serpent was saying. There was a word on her lips that he could swear had the ring of familiarity to it.
"Matriarch…Pale…Pale Lady…"
Loyal to a fault, Marcus thought. Even in death, you sing your leader's praises. If you are a representative of one of her soldiers, I'm sure she's a force to be reckoned with among your people. That's just another reason why you have to die.
He brought the edge of the Yokun's Wakizashi to her scaled, bloody throat, tensing up as he knew that he had to do this. He had to. He wouldn't hesitate anymore.
And just as he held her head in his hand and made to bring the blade across her neck, that's when he heard it:
His hand stopped.
His brain froze.
The Wakizashi wavered as though willing him to follow-through with his desire.
But a very different desire now burned in his heart as that word traveled through his entire system and sent shivers running down his spine.
The blade clattered against the silo platform.
"What isss happening?" Verulex asked. "Ssssire, isss thissss beasssst resssisssting?"
Marcus shook his head.
"Then be sssslaying her and let ussss go. I sssshal be honored to be ssssshowing you Clan Glumrot'sssss wayssss of debassssing the dead."
Marcus could barely even hear the words of the priest. He could register nothing in this moment except the croaking of that name – Mari's name – emanating from the slitted lips of the downed serpent.
"Bah!" Verulex howled. "Be giving me the blade. I sssshal do i-"
"No," Marcus said, then turning to the priest as though he had just been transported back to reality. "No. We take her alive."
The priest cocked his vile, hooded head at Marcus.
"Your pity for thesssse foreign hereticssss isssss doing you no favorssss, Sssshai-Alud," he said. "The Koboldssss are bad enough. Now you are even ssssshowing merccccy to the killer of your commander?"
"We…we need to question her," Marcus explained, straightening up and trying to compose himself as best he could. "We have the opportunity here to find out what she knows, where she came from, even Skegga's force composition potentially. We can't afford to lose this opportunity."
He looked into the face of the ratman and saw what he had not quite been able to see in the war-chamber earlier that night. He saw the wrinkled eyes of the holy rat narrow, and the teeth flare in anger.
"Sssssire," the priest began, slowly. "You are not undersssstanding. I am being head priesssst of Glumrot. I am favored voicccce of He-Who-Fessssterssss. The bussssinesss of dealing with dead in battle isssss up to me."
Marcus faced the rat, feeling anger take him once again.
"And I am your Shai-Alud," he said. "You should be speaking to me with more re-"
Now, he saw something else that he hadn't seen before.
He saw the Wakisashi that glimmered in the ratman's right claw.
As the little priest spoke, he watched as the tip of the blade slowly rose to touch Marcus's reverberating heart.
"You are not ssssspeaker for the Unclean," the priest told him in a cold whisper. "You ssssshal never be. A human isssss a human, jusssst assss a Kobold isssss a Kobold and a sssssnake-bitch isssss a sssssnake-bitch. Hereticsssss, all of you. And one day, sssssooon, there ssssshall come a day when you are purged from our gloriousssss empire. And on that day, Ssssshai-Alud, you may sssssee which ratssss in thisssss realm are truly holding the power."
Marcus licked his lips. His eyes now swam to watch the edges of the podium. And he became acutely conscious of just how isolated they were up here, surrounded by the dying and the dead. Like the vicious little creature said, it was his domain.
He maintained his composure. He stalled for time.
"Are you threatening me, Verulex?"
The sly smile that crossed the priest's lips then was more chilling than anything Marcus had seen thus far in the Kingdom of the rats.
"I am but a humble sssservant, Sssshai-Alud," he replied. "We all have our placcce in ratman sssssociety. Even you, Ssssshai-Alud. It issss a beautiful thing, issss it not? He-Who-Festerssss issss a mossst generoussss God. He is even giving sssscum like you a placccce among Hisssss chosen people."
Marcus stepped back as the tip of the knife inched closer to his abdomen. He could swear, still smirking, that the ratman moved with him.
And so when there finally came the rattling of chains from the lip of the silo platform's edge, Marcus was more relieved than ever. And the knife that Verulex once dangled before him simply evaporated into ash.
Magic, it seemed, could hide even the greatest crime.
"Shai-Alud!" the voice of Deekius yelped from the edge of the platform, panting as he and a retinue of soldiers threw themselves over the lip and caught their breath. "You…are you being hurt, Lor-"
"Gloomraava Deekius," Verulex interrupted. "You are coming in good time. I am taking charge of thisssss Yokun bitch. We will be exxxxecuting her publicly tomorrow, after I take sssssome time to – time to –"
The priest collapsed suddenly, coughing up a miasma of his blood in the process.
"Gloomraava Verulex," Deekius said. "You are being maimed. Be coming down, we shall be administering to you."
"Be dealing with Brother Fesssssticusss firsssst, Brother," the old priest coughed as he allowed himself to be helped away. "He issss needing your care more than I."
Marcus watched as the small retinue of rats then took stock of their surroundings, seeing the chaos and carnage that unfolded in such a tiny area over such a short space of time.
"He was being a credit to his Clan," Deekius said. "This is great loss for our people."
Verulex, meanwhile, said nothing at all.
Marcus watched as the Yokun woman was spat on and then trundled off down the silo with the others, thankful that the old priest's wounds at least stopped him from having her slain then and there. Perhaps even he knew he couldn't go against the Shai-Alud's wishes publicly.
But he'd just confirmed something that Marcus had already begun to fear – something that became far too obvious to him now after seeing the hatred burning in the eyes of Redwhiskers and Verulex both.
And, more than that, he needed to speak to that snake. He needed that more than anything. He needed to know…was it chance? Or…was Mari really..?
"Marcus," he heard Deekius say outside himself. "It is being alright now. Yokun are not being known to send more than single assassin team. If they are failing, it is because they are not blessed by their heretic Gods. Defeating them here is great victory for us all, and now, you are having nothing to fear."
The ratman lifted his arm to try and guide Marcus away but the latter rejected the help entirely. He crossed to the edge of the platform and looked down upon the city, seeing the crowds cheer to see him alive, wondering which of them truly did have any real love for him at all.
Then his eyes lighted on the descending form of Verulex, and he felt a very different idea take root within his mind.
"No, Deekius," he said. "I have plenty still to fear. But now I know what to do about it."
If you are enjoying Fantasy General, support the story on Patreon to read + 10 advanced chapters
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submitted by CommercialBee6585 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:55 lilsnailhasnofriends Uncertain about tuberculosis diagnosis

My father got diagnosed with tuberculosis a few months ago. He had been coughing for god knows how many years now (maybe 3). Recently my mom noticed blood so she finally got to convince him to see a doctor. He was very reluctant so that's why it took so long (where I live there's a public health care system so it's not about money).
When he went to the doctor, from the first x-ray of his lungs the doctor got really worried. They sent him to another hospital that had the equipment to make a tomography, sputum examination and even an STD test. He spent the day there waiting for the results.
The sputum test was negative for TB (that's where it starts to get weird in my opinion), also for the STD, so they scheduled a doctor appointment with an in specialist in lung infection.
This doctor just looked at his x-ray and concluded it was tuberculosis and started a treatment that my father followed for a few months before returning. In the next appointment with a new x-ray the doctor said nothing changed and he didn't get better (only lost weight) so he would have to try a new treatment for the following month and if that didn't work they'd send him to a better hospital (wtf?!). My father wanted to give up but my mom convinced him to continue with the new treatment. And he's currently on it - can't tell if it's working.
But there's more: my whole family did the PPD test (since we all live in the same house) and it was negative. Also an x-ray and coincidentally my siblings and I were sick with the flu that day. Just by looking at the x-ray this doctor said the whole family was infected (when none of us have any symptoms). Shouldn't we need more exams? The doctor can tell just by looking?
I'm concerned it might not be a correct diagnosis for my father. Wouldn't the sputum exam show this? Wouldn't other exams like bronchoscopy be needed? And there's one more thing: my father's family has a history of cancer (his father died from lung cancer), the doctor asked about it but my father tried to hide it - my mom didn't let him.
There's no doubt it's something serious, I'm just concerned. Doctors make mistakes and there's millions of stories of misdiagnosis, taking meds you don't need is not good. what do you think?
I wanted my father to look for a second opinion (in the amazing hospital from his health insurance that is a lot better than the public hospital in my city), but he wants to wait ...wait and see. I don't think when it comes to diesieses you should wait, you should take action right away to prevent it from getting worse. He's retired so he has plenty of time.
submitted by lilsnailhasnofriends to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:45 lilsnailhasnofriends Uncertain about TB diagnosis

My father got diagnosed with tuberculosis a few months ago. He had been coughing for god knows how many years now (maybe 3). Recently my mom noticed blood so she finally got to convince him to see a doctor. He was very reluctant so that's why it took so long (where I live there's a public health care system so it's not about money).
When he went to the doctor, from the first x-ray of his lungs the doctor got really worried. They sent him to another hospital that had the equipment to make a tomography, sputum examination and even an STD test. He spent the day there waiting for the results.
The sputum test was negative for TB (that's where it starts to get weird in my opinion), also for the STD, so they scheduled a doctor appointment with an in specialist in lung infection.
This doctor just looked at his x-ray and concluded it was tuberculosis and started a treatment that my father followed for a few months before returning. In the next appointment with a new x-ray the doctor said nothing changed and he didn't get better (only lost weight) so he would have to try a new treatment for the following month and if that didn't work they'd send him to a better hospital (wtf?!). My father wanted to give up but my mom convinced him to continue with the new treatment. And he's currently on it - can't tell if it's working.
But there's more: my whole family did the PPD test (since we all live in the same house) and it was negative. Also an x-ray and coincidentally my siblings and I were sick with the flu that day. Just by looking at the x-ray this doctor said the whole family was infected (when none of us have any symptoms). Shouldn't we need more exams? The doctor can tell just by looking?
I'm concerned it might not be a correct diagnosis for my father. Wouldn't the sputum exam show this? Wouldn't other exams like bronchoscopy be needed? And there's one more thing: my father's family has a history of cancer (his father died from lung cancer), the doctor asked about it but my father tried to hide it - my mom didn't let him.
There's no doubt it's something serious, I'm just concerned. Doctors make mistakes and there's millions of stories of misdiagnosis, taking meds you don't need is not good. what do you think?
I wanted my father to look for a second opinion (in the amazing hospital from his health insurance that is a lot better than the public hospital in my city), but he wants to wait ...wait and see. I don't think when it comes to diesieses you should wait, you should take action right away to prevent it from getting worse. He's retired so he has plenty of time.
submitted by lilsnailhasnofriends to Tuberculosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:30 jacdan07 Flonase anosmia?

34F, central NC area.
Hi! For about a month, I had this annoying, hacking cough and sinus congestion. Urgent care 1 said it was sinusitis: started amoxicillin and prednisone - this did nothing. Urgent care 2 a week later said it was acute cough and walking pneumonia: chest xray was clear, stopped amoxicillin, started doxycycline and tessalon - this did nothing either. A week after that, I finally got to my primary care dr: no idea what it is but did a nebulizer, prescribed Flonase 2x/day, Zyrtec, inhaler, and nebulizer at night.
None of these treatments worked either. My cough had become intermittent, and 5/12 (5 days after starting primary care’s Rx - today is 5/14), my sense of smell and taste left me. Dr told me to stop Flonase - 2 days later still no improvement. I have this weird phantom smell up in my nose that I can’t begin to describe but it’s gross. She offered no other advice or treatment - just to stop Flonase for a week.
Anyone else had this happen to them? I’ve never had allergies before and all these drugs were new to me besides the prednisone. I also restarted birth control while all of this was happening - but I’ve used that medication before without issue.
Send help because eating and life in general is depressing without smell and taste!
Edit to add: Covid tests were and have been negative.
Edit 2: ENT did a nasal endoscopy: found purulent mucus on the medial meatus in both nostrils. Nasty sinus infection. Started amox-clav for the next two weeks with sinus CT at follow up.
submitted by jacdan07 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:23 jacdan07 Flonase

Hi! For about a month, I had this annoying, hacking cough and sinus congestion. Urgent care 1 said it was sinusitis: started amoxicillin and prednisone - this did nothing. Urgent care 2 a week later said it was acute cough and walking pneumonia: chest xray was clear, stopped amoxicillin, started doxycycline and tessalon - this did nothing either. A week after that, I finally got to my primary care dr: no idea what it is but did a nebulizer, prescribed Flonase 2x/day, Zyrtec, inhaler, and nebulizer at night.
None of these treatments worked either. My cough had become intermittent, and 5/12 (5 days after starting primary care’s Rx - today is 5/14), my sense of smell and taste left me. Dr told me to stop Flonase - 2 days later still no improvement. I have this weird phantom smell up in my nose that I can’t begin to describe but it’s gross. She offered no other advice or treatment - just to stop Flonase.
Anyone else had this happen to them? I’ve never had allergies before and all these drugs were new to me besides the prednisone. I also restarted birth control while all of this was happening - but I’ve used that medication before without issue.
Send help because eating and life in general is depressing without smell and taste!
Edit to add: Covid tests were and have been negative.
Edit 2: ENT did a nasal endoscopy: found purulent mucus on the medial meatus on both nostrils. Nasty sinus infection. Started amox-clav for the next two weeks with sinus CT at follow up.
submitted by jacdan07 to anosmia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:04 OtherTwo4686 Sarcoidosis / Histoplasmosis

Hello, December 2023!8 had influenza A. It was a mild flu it really was not that bad. Two days after getting over the flu my vision blurred in bother eyes causing “double vision” and tingling started in my right leg. The tingle lasted for weeks and I went to the hospital where they tested for MS and other neurological issues. All seemingly were fine and they had no explanation as to what happened (made me feel crazy). 3 days after discharge I starting having left side chest pains, cough, and shortness of breath. I pushed it off a couple weeks and it eventually worsened. I made multiple trips to hospitals where they kept saying it was anxiety because of my age (23) and lack of further treating. Finally an ER doctor after multiple visits did a chest CT and confirmed pulmonary nodules with lympenopathy and cavitations. They kept me for a week flushing antibiotics through me and performed a bronchoscopy; both of which were unsuccessful. In a histoplasmosis urine antigen they detected a “positive” result. The normal values are 2.00 ng/ml or less and mine was 3.00 ng/ml; a slight questionable positive. Fast forward two months and I’ve been in treatment for histoplasmosis. However, my chest pain really has not subsided and I’ve developed excruciating shouldeback pain. My vision still has yet to return to normal. I have also developed extreme fatigue through most days. I’ve had multiple echos and EKG, cardiac work to rule out heart issues; waiting on cardiac MRI. My pulmonologist and infectious doctor have refused to refer me to rheumatologist and look further as I’m concerned this is actually sarcoidosis or combo of two. Also in between multiple CT scans of chest the nodules shrunk prior to receiving treatment for histoplasmosis! A lot of symptoms aren’t adding up and would like some opinions. Thanks
submitted by OtherTwo4686 to sarcoidosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:28 drarchitpanditt How to find food pipe cancer specialist in Gurgaon?

Food pipe cancer, medically known as esophageal cancer, is a malignant condition affecting the esophagus, the muscular tube connecting the throat (pharynx) with the stomach. This type of cancer typically starts in the inner layer of the esophagus and can spread throughout the organ and to other parts of the body if not diagnosed and treated early.
Food Pipe Cancer Surgeon in Gurgaon

best food pipe cancer specialist in Gurgaon

Esophageal cancer often presents symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, unintentional weight loss, chest pain, and persistent coughing. While the exact cause of esophageal cancer isn’t always clear, certain risk factors can increase one’s likelihood of developing this condition. These factors include tobacco use, heavy alcohol consumption, obesity, chronic acid reflux, and a diet low in fruits and vegetables.
Early detection and treatment are crucial for improving outcomes in patients with esophageal cancer. Diagnosis typically involves a combination of imaging tests like endoscopy, biopsy, and imaging scans to determine the extent of the cancer’s spread. Treatment options may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these approaches, depending on the stage and location of the cancer.
For individuals in Gurgaon seeking expert care and treatment for food pipe cancer, Dr. Ajeet Tiwari stands out as a renowned specialist in the field. With years of experience and expertise in managing esophageal cancer cases, Dr. Tiwari offers personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs. As the best food pipe cancer specialist in Gurgaon, Dr. Ajeet Tiwari employs the latest advancements in medical technology and treatment protocols to ensure the best possible outcomes for his patients.

Food Pipe Cancer Surgeon in Gurgaon

When it comes to surgical intervention for food pipe cancer surgeon in Gurgaon, Dr. Ajeet Tiwari is the name to trust. As a highly skilled and experienced food pipe cancer surgeon, Dr. Tiwari specializes in performing intricate surgical procedures to remove cancerous tumors while preserving as much healthy tissue and function as possible. With a commitment to excellence and patient-centered care, Dr. Ajeet Tiwari strives to deliver superior surgical outcomes and improve the quality of life for individuals battling food pipe cancer in Gurgaon.
submitted by drarchitpanditt to u/drarchitpanditt [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:27 drambikachestclinic How does cystic fibrosis impact adults?

Impact of Cystic Fibrosis on Adults

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems, but it can also have implications for other parts of the body. With advancements in treatment and care, more people with CF are living into adulthood. However, managing the condition in adults involves dealing with a range of challenges and complications.

Respiratory System

  1. Chronic Lung Infections: Adults with CF often experience recurrent lung infections due to thick, sticky mucus that traps bacteria. Common pathogens include Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
  2. Reduced Lung Function: Over time, repeated infections and inflammation can lead to a decline in lung function, making breathing more difficult.
  3. Bronchiectasis: The airways become permanently widened, leading to persistent cough, mucus production, and further infections.
  4. Respiratory Failure: In severe cases, lung damage can progress to the point where the lungs cannot provide adequate oxygen to the body, requiring advanced interventions like oxygen therapy or lung transplantation.

Digestive System

  1. Pancreatic Insufficiency: Thick mucus can block the ducts of the pancreas, preventing digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines. This leads to malabsorption of nutrients, malnutrition, and vitamin deficiencies.
  2. Diabetes: CF-related diabetes (CFRD) is common in adults due to the damage to the pancreas. It shares characteristics of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
  3. Liver Disease: Blockages in the bile ducts can lead to liver damage, cirrhosis, and portal hypertension.
  4. Intestinal Issues: CF can cause intestinal blockages, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and distal intestinal obstructive syndrome (DIOS).

Reproductive System

  1. Infertility: Most men with CF are infertile due to congenital absence of the vas deferens, which carries sperm from the testes. However, assisted reproductive technologies can help achieve pregnancy.
  2. Reduced Fertility in Women: Thick cervical mucus can make it harder for sperm to reach the egg, but many women with CF can still conceive naturally or with assistance.

Musculoskeletal System

  1. Osteoporosis: Due to malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D, adults with CF are at higher risk for osteoporosis and fractures.
  2. Arthritis: Some adults may develop CF-related arthritis or musculoskeletal pain.

Psychosocial Impact

  1. Mental Health: The chronic nature of CF can lead to anxiety, depression, and stress. The need for continuous treatment and hospitalizations can impact quality of life.
  2. Social and Work Life: Managing CF often requires time-consuming treatments and frequent medical appointments, which can interfere with work and social activities.

Treatment and Management

  1. Medications:
  1. Airway Clearance Techniques: Daily physiotherapy to clear mucus from the lungs.
  2. Nutritional Support: High-calorie diet, vitamin supplements, and enzyme replacements.
  3. Exercise: Regular physical activity to maintain lung function and overall health.
  4. Psychological Support: Counseling or therapy to help manage the emotional aspects of living with CF.
  5. Advanced Therapies: Lung transplantation may be an option for those with severe lung disease.


While cystic fibrosis poses significant challenges for adults, ongoing advancements in medical care and treatment strategies are helping many individuals manage their condition more effectively and lead fuller lives. Comprehensive, multidisciplinary care is essential to address the complex needs of adults with CF, including respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and psychosocial aspects. Regular follow-up with healthcare providers specialized in CF care is crucial for optimizing health outcomes and maintaining quality of life.
Blaze0 notes Impact of Cystic Fibrosis on Adults
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems, but it can also have implications for other parts of the body. With advancements in treatment and care, more people with CF are living into adulthood. However, managing the condition in adults involves dealing with a range of challenges and complications.

Respiratory System

  1. Chronic Lung Infections: Adults with CF often experience recurrent lung infections due to thick, sticky mucus that traps bacteria. Common pathogens include Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
  2. Reduced Lung Function: Over time, repeated infections and inflammation can lead to a decline in lung function, making breathing more difficult.
  3. Bronchiectasis: The airways become permanently widened, leading to persistent cough, mucus production, and further infections.
  4. Respiratory Failure: In severe cases, lung damage can progress to the point where the lungs cannot provide adequate oxygen to the body, requiring advanced interventions like oxygen therapy or lung transplantation.

Digestive System

  1. Pancreatic Insufficiency: Thick mucus can block the ducts of the pancreas, preventing digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines. This leads to malabsorption of nutrients, malnutrition, and vitamin deficiencies.
  2. Diabetes: CF-related diabetes (CFRD) is common in adults due to the damage to the pancreas. It shares characteristics of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
  3. Liver Disease: Blockages in the bile ducts can lead to liver damage, cirrhosis, and portal hypertension.
  4. Intestinal Issues: CF can cause intestinal blockages, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and distal intestinal obstructive syndrome (DIOS).

Reproductive System

  1. Infertility: Most men with CF are infertile due to congenital absence of the vas deferens, which carries sperm from the testes. However, assisted reproductive technologies can help achieve pregnancy.
  2. Reduced Fertility in Women: Thick cervical mucus can make it harder for sperm to reach the egg, but many women with CF can still conceive naturally or with assistance.

Musculoskeletal System

  1. Osteoporosis: Due to malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D, adults with CF are at higher risk for osteoporosis and fractures.
  2. Arthritis: Some adults may develop CF-related arthritis or musculoskeletal pain.

Psychosocial Impact

  1. Mental Health: The chronic nature of CF can lead to anxiety, depression, and stress. The need for continuous treatment and hospitalizations can impact quality of life.
  2. Social and Work Life: Managing CF often requires time-consuming treatments and frequent medical appointments, which can interfere with work and social activities.

Treatment and Management

  1. Medications:
  1. Airway Clearance Techniques: Daily physiotherapy to clear mucus from the lungs.
  2. Nutritional Support: High-calorie diet, vitamin supplements, and enzyme replacements.
  3. Exercise: Regular physical activity to maintain lung function and overall health.
  4. Psychological Support: Counseling or therapy to help manage the emotional aspects of living with CF.
  5. Advanced Therapies: Lung transplantation may be an option for those with severe lung disease.


While cystic fibrosis poses significant challenges for adults, ongoing advancements in medical care and treatment strategies are helping many individuals manage their condition more effectively and lead fuller lives. Comprehensive, multidisciplinary care is essential to address the complex needs of adults with CF, including respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and psychosocial aspects. Regular follow-up with healthcare providers specialized in CF care is crucial for optimizing health outcomes and maintaining quality of life.
submitted by drambikachestclinic to u/drambikachestclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:35 Sea_Independent_3831 Working with a disability

Hi, I'm 23, I live in the UK, and I have a laundry list of physical and mental health issues that are still largely undiagnosed due to our failing healthcare system, so I'm also being left to completely self manage. Now the government is trying to push disabled people back into work without actually providing the necessary health care and support and I don't know what to do. I'm estranged from my family so I have no support that way and have no choice but to live independently, I have to be able to pay my bills and living costs, and I also have no idea if a job even exists that I'd be suitable for.
I dropped out of secondary school because my health was so poor my school attendance was 34%, I am unqualified to do pretty much anything. I'm considering going back into education hoping that it will open some doors but even that would be a monumental task so here are my limitations:
I would need a minimum of 3 days a month in sick days just to manage my endometriosis flare ups, I would not even be able to work from home on those days as they are mostly spent on the bathroom floor somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness in unmanageable pain.
I have joint and mobility issues that have a flare/remission pattern and are wildly unpredictable, I wake up with dislocated shoulders frequently and randomly, I could go 6 months with my knees being fine and then have recurring patella dislocations that leave me wheelchair bound as crutches cause my elbows problems. I might be able to work from home on days this is an issue.
I have social and sensory issues that are thought to be undiagnosed autism (my brother and father are autistic, I showed all the same signs as my brother, I was just punished for my traits while he was accommodated.) This affects me in work profoundly because I frequently misunderstand instructions or feedback, take things very literally, am seen as overly pedantic and difficult to instruct, and get very burnt out by any kind of customer facing roles, and things like work uniforms, jobs involving unpleasant sensory tasks, can all cause me to experience periods of verbal shut down, self injuring behaviour, repetitive motion (pacing, rocking) and become intolerant of lights, sounds, and temperature. This is a constant issue that I don't know how to manage.
I have chronic pain that also has flare ups, baseline pain, and somewhat remission, it affects my muscles and joints and is unpredictable, baseline pain I'm somewhat functional but limited, flare ups have me bed bound and unable to concentrate. I may be able to work from home on some of these days but not others.
I have digestive issues that cause nausea, alternating bowel movements between cant go and going too much, episodes of passing blood, mucus, extreme painful bloating, severe nausea and weight loss, but there are brief periods of remission. I probably wouldn't be able to do a full day of work from home during a flare up due to the time constraints of actively being in flare up.
I have been coughing up mucus to a point of bleeding from the back of my throat for about a year, I also have episodes of air hunger with pain and wheezing. Again, thank you NHS for no diagnosis or treatment. I could work from home during a flare up of this issue most of the time.
I have some kind of blood pressure or fainting issue, when I stand, I'm close to fainting, its worse when standing still, sometimes walking just about keeps me going but sometimes it ends with my faceplanting the floor, loosing consciousness and fitting. This is unpredictable and I've done everything I can to manage symptoms (cutting out nicotine, caffeine, sugar, pushing fluids and gentle floor based exercise when possible.) I would not be able to go anywhere during a flare up, I'm dubious about my ability to work from home during a particularly bad episode as post faint/fit I'm usually confused and out of commission for hours.
I also struggle with depression, getting out of bed, showering, making food (when physical issues allow) can be a struggle. I also have CPTSD, anxiety, agoraphobia, PMDD, derealisation and depersonalisation. So on bad mental health days, I don't feel real, the world doesn't seem real, I'm reliving traumatic events, can't leave my home, and have back to back panic attacks while having no energy or inclination to care for myself.
All in all, I don't think anyone would want to employ me, and I'm very uncertain about my ability to work, but seeing as my government has created an environment where I can't get adequate healthcare to manage any of my conditions, doesn't believe that I'm that severely disabled due to lack of formal diagnoses for the physical health problems despite my medical record reflecting me seeking help since age 10 for most of these issues, and therefore is now trying to force me back into work or else stop all my payments leaving me homeless and penniless, I'm not sure what to do. I can't stay with family, and they would not financially support me regardless, I've got no safety net. I don't think any jobs exist with the flexibility I need, AND the certainty I'd need of income.
Any advice would be appreciated, I'm really trying to rack my brain for any workable solutions but it's looking bleak.
Physically disabled, mentally ill, unable to access adequate health care, no family support, and possibly being forced to work despite not being able.
submitted by Sea_Independent_3831 to disability [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:40 wisteria_town Day 14 post SCT + A little storytime

Hi! Just wanted to thank everyone for all of the support on my last post, the days have been passing by easier since then. 🥹🫶🏻
Day 14 today, my counts started going up a few days ago! Neutrophils pranked me a little (0,00→0,05→0,00→0,02→0,04 today) but otherwise, everything else has been going up pretty well, hemoglobin and platelets especially! Still got pain obviously, and god awful issues with my bowel movements, but I'm managing! Optimistic for once in my life.
I realized that the only people who know my story are my doctors and part of my family. I love reading other people's stories, it makes me feel less alone (feel free to share yours if you want!), so I figured I'd share. I'll keep it brief.
Everything started with a cold that took a suspiciously long time to heal which left me with a really bad cough (that took 3 months to go away, my doctors tried everything 😭). Tiredness (5h naps during the day wouldn't cut it) turned into faiting episodes. Wounds wouldn't heal, bruises would appear. Swollen lymph nodes and gums. My last memory before getting the blood tests that changed my life was helping kindergartners (Vocational HS section where I'm basically learning to be a daycare teacher) explore a forest. In heels, without water and with no food in my stomach... Man, I really thought I could do anything. Sweet memory I cherish though.
After I got a few blood tests (I only remember my iron being 4x the amount it should've been, WBC 24k + 60% blasts) done we got a call from the lab to go to the hospital and re-do them. The hospital wouldn't re-do them because they said the results are clear, I've leukemia. The poor doctor started crying. I remember my reaction, “Leukemia? But I'm only 16.” (And now I'm turning 17 at the end of the month, how time flies) Saw a pediatric onco-hematologist on Monday. Said it looked like AML (later on found out it's "high risk, M4" but I don't exactly know what that entails) there's treatment available, said my dad can't stay as my caretaker (which I didn't understand then but I thank her for now), and then she left. She's not exactly very talkative...
Next day I got a portacath, and started investigations pre-chemo. Thankfully everything looked fine, hadn't spread to my brain, my lungs and heart were fine, basically everything was okay otherwise. Started chemo. Didn't go into remission after induction (I think I was at around 11% blasts) but went into full remission after second round. Two more rounds of chemo, then a SCT with my mom as the donor.
Now I'm looking forward to the future (although I'm also terrified of it and of the long term effects that I know I'll have to deal with). If everything goes well, my doctors have said I could maybe return to school at the start of September, which would be perfect for me since that's when the school year starts. It's genuinely my only wish. I value school so much, I know it seems ridiculous, but I studied a lot, got pretty good grades, even went to the national English olympics in 9th grade. My teachers have been very understanding too. I hope I'll be able to return, but I'll do whatever my doctors say. I don't want to set my expectations too high. I miss my teachers a lot. Also my cat, but she's having fun on the countryside! Meet Șoarec
The only thing I haven't been able to cope with is the less understanding people, haha. It really be your own family sometimes. Mom is my caretaker and although she's super sweet, she can be very rude about my pain, and pressuring me to eat/drink. Dad told me “God punished me and that's why I got leukemia” which left me stunned, I've been thinking about that for a month. Also the occasional “Oh, what's leukemia? Is it like, gamer over for you?” or “RIP” reaction when I tell someone my diagnosis. I'm gonna work these issues out in therapy though...
Hope this isn't too long or trauma-dumpy haha! Just wanted to share, this community has been very kind & helpful and I definitely wish I would've joined sooner.
submitted by wisteria_town to leukemia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:05 Dry-Instruction-8079 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝗙𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀

Have you ever wondered what the main problems that patients or suspected TB patients face?
👉 Hard to detect the disease: The initial symptoms of Tuberculosis (TB) are often nonspecific, which may include cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath, leading to confusion with normal diseases such as flu or pneumonia. Moreover, the traditional TB diagnostic process can take up to 2-3 weeks.
👉 The treatment process is prolonged: Treating Tuberculosis (TB) typically requires an average duration of 6 months to a year, depending on the patient's underlying health and response to therapy. This constitutes a challenging journey that demands patience and determination from the patient, along with support from family and healthcare professionals.
👉 Health deterioration: In addition to prolonged and persistent coughing, the treatment process for Tuberculosis (TB) also impacts overall health. Anti-TB medications often come with side effects such as nausea, fatigue, headaches, and most critically, potential damage to the liver and kidneys.
👉 Quarantine fear: Concerns about infection transmission and insufficient understanding of Tuberculosis (TB) can lead to social isolation, resulting in mental stress and negative impacts on treatment adherence.
submitted by Dry-Instruction-8079 to u/Dry-Instruction-8079 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:07 Personal_Respond6879 Need help/advice…please!!

Hi all,
I’ve posted in another sub-Reddit group (Lymphoma) before but I’ll give a short back story. My dad’s (64M) going through his third relapsed DLBCL Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma treatment and has been put on a combination therapy of Bendamustine and Polatuzumab Vedotin.
Now, due to complications, he’s been given the two drugs separately (1 cycle in 2 weeks) and has currently only finished 2 cycles.
However, since things never go smooth for his treatment, he developed a Staphylococcus aureus cough infection and has been taking Levofloxacin + Linezolid for the past 10 days. His cough had gotten a bit better until today, when he’s been coughing every 10 mins, with phlegm. Moreover, we are so scared for him because he’s been having very low blood cell counts:
Platelets: 20,000-30,000/cu mm Hemoglobin: 7.6 gm/dL Lymphocytes: 6% Neutrophils: 90% T3: 61 ng/dL TSH: 8.50 uIU/mL Creatinine: 2.1 mg/dL
Overall, he is in a very frail and low energy state. His oncologist has postponed his chemo because of his weak state and kidney issues. He said he might do a platelet infusion if the counts go below 20,000. My dad’s also been taking Eltrombopag for platelet production, among other million medications.
We are just very frustrated and scared for my dad. Some days it feels like he is getting better and the other days, my heart wrenches to see him get worse. I don’t wanna lose him. Please someone help or give any advice on what this condition could be 😭😭
He is also not a candidate for Bone marrow transplant because of his general weak health condition and his age.
His platelets just won’t go up and it’s been 5 days that they just won’t deviate beyond this range.
Please let me know if someone else had the same experience!!
submitted by Personal_Respond6879 to AskMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:10 drambikachestclinic How to avoid tuberculosis?

Avoiding tuberculosis (TB) involves adopting preventive measures to reduce the risk of exposure to the bacteria that cause the disease (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Here are some effective strategies to avoid TB:
  1. Vaccination: Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is widely used to prevent severe forms of TB in areas where the disease is prevalent. While it may not fully prevent TB infection, it can reduce the risk of developing severe forms of the disease, such as TB meningitis and disseminated TB in children.
  2. Avoid Close Contact with Infected Individuals: TB is primarily spread through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Minimize close contact with individuals known to have active TB until they have been treated and are no longer infectious.
  3. Good Ventilation: TB bacteria thrive in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation. Ensure adequate ventilation in living and working spaces by opening windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate.
  4. Personal Hygiene: Practicing good hygiene habits, such as covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and promptly disposing of used tissues, can help prevent the spread of TB bacteria.
  5. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a strong immune system through a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and managing stress can help reduce the risk of TB infection and its progression to active disease.
  6. Screening and Testing: Individuals at high risk of TB infection, such as healthcare workers, those living in crowded or congregate settings, and individuals with HIV/AIDS or other immunocompromising conditions, should undergo regular TB screening and testing. Early detection allows for prompt treatment and reduces the risk of transmission to others.
  7. Treatment of Latent TB Infection: If you have been exposed to TB but do not have active disease, your doctor may recommend treatment for latent TB infection (LTBI) to prevent the development of active TB in the future. Treatment typically involves taking antibiotics for several months under medical supervision.
  8. Education and Awareness: Educate yourself and others about TB transmission, symptoms, and preventive measures. Raise awareness in your community about the importance of TB prevention and treatment to reduce stigma and encourage early diagnosis and treatment.
By implementing these preventive measures, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of contracting TB and contribute to global efforts to control and eliminate this infectious disease.
submitted by drambikachestclinic to u/drambikachestclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:17 th3_warri0r Hybrid Warfare: The Art of Conquest under the Umbrella of Peace

Hybrid Warfare: The Art of Conquest under the Umbrella of Peace

{The art of hybrid wor} Cap 1

Note: This story is a work of fiction and does not aim to promote or glorify violence or harmful actions.
The contemporary world is witnessing an era of unconventional conflicts, where the boundaries between peace and war are blurred. Hybrid warfare, a insidious strategy that combines elements of traditional warfare, covert operations, cyber attacks, and propaganda, has become an increasingly prevalent weapon in the arsenal of major powers.
Inspired by the tactics of the NKVD, KGB, and SVR, this book reveals the subtle art of conquering a country without triggering open conflict. The reader will be guided through the labyrinth of strategies for identifying and compromising key individuals, exploiting their vulnerabilities and secrets to gain control over a nation.
Primary Target: Influence
The first crucial step is to identify the most influential person in the target country. Once the target is identified, a meticulous operation follows to uncover their weaknesses, secrets, and loved ones. Children, as symbols of the future and legacy, become priority targets. Neutralizing them, either through direct control or by sabotaging their chances of procreation, represents a crucial strategic blow.
Secret Weapon: Control
The life partner of the target becomes a central figure. Controlling or dividing them through unconventional methods serves to weaken the target's influence and facilitate their manipulation. There are no rules in this hybrid warfare, and any means are permitted to achieve the ultimate goal: conquest.
Infiltration: Eyes and Ears Everywhere
Well-infiltrated intelligence services, similar to Nicolae Ceaușescu's "Securitate", become essential for the constant surveillance of the target and their entourage. Controlling the doctor, the entourage, and anyone who could influence the target is crucial to maintaining absolute control.
"Coughing from the throat."
A Shocking Example: The Doctor and the Child
To illustrate the cruelty and lack of scruples of this type of warfare, let's analyze in detail a particular scenario: the control of the target's child's doctor. Imagine a situation where the child, the symbol of hope and the family's future, falls seriously ill. The doctor, under enemy control, is instructed to conceal the truth about the child's condition, providing a false diagnosis and ineffective treatment. This perfidious action not only endangers the child's life but also destroys the target's trust in those around them, making them vulnerable to manipulation.
Hybrid warfare, with its hidden tactics and ruthless manipulation, poses a real threat to the sovereignty of nations. This book offers a fascinating yet disturbing insight into this type of conflict, revealing the brutal strategies that can be used to conquer a country without triggering open war. An essential read for those who wish to understand the complexity of the modern world and the hidden dangers that can threaten global peace and stability.
The example of the doctor and the child serves as a reminder of the cruelty and lack of boundaries of those who wage hybrid warfare. It is a shocking yet necessary story that compels us to confront the dark reality of this type of conflict.
Another Shocking Example: The Orchestrated Accident
To demonstrate the insidious versatility of hybrid warfare, let's analyze another terrifying scenario: manipulating the doctor treating the target after a serious accident.
Imagine a tragic situation: the target, a symbol of power and influence, is the victim of a violent accident. Rushed to the hospital, severely injured and vulnerable, their fate rests in the hands of the attending physician.
But what if this doctor isn't a dedicated savior, but a pawn infiltrated in the enemy's operation? Under the adversary's control, the doctor receives sinister instructions: to administer medications that, under the guise of proper treatment, will actually trigger a rise in the target's blood pressure, further exacerbating their condition and jeopardizing their life.
This diabolical act not only endangers the target's life, but also serves as a strategic blow. Weakening the target physically and mentally makes them vulnerable to manipulation and isolates them from loved ones who might intervene to protect them.
In the event the target survives, the orchestrated accident could be presented as a mere medical error, a regrettable negligence, not a premeditated crime. The lack of concrete evidence and the controlled doctor's influence would facilitate the concealment of the truth and maintain control over the target.
This example chillingly demonstrates how hybrid warfare exploits human tragedy to achieve political objectives. The manipulation of the medical profession, a symbol of trust and compassion, represents a pinnacle of perfidy, showcasing the utter lack of scruples of those who wage such war.
The story of the orchestrated accident serves as a shocking reminder of the hidden cruelty of hybrid warfare and how it can infiltrate and corrupt even the most noble institutions. It's a dark reality we cannot ignore, forcing us to remain vigilant and fight to defend humanity's fundamental values.
submitted by th3_warri0r to u/th3_warri0r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 cumpelstiltskin Need Advice on Amoxicillin

Hello, reddit doctors, I need your advice on what I should do
Background: 41 years old, physically fit male, first got sick late april (27-28th with severe flu like symptoms. Around May 4, I went to urgent care, got covid flu test done (all negative), had conjunctivitis in eyes (got antibiotic cream) and also did throat swab. Doctor at urgent care wouldnt give me oral antibiotics until throat culture came back. Next few days i was running low grade fever and I wanted antibiotics so I called telehealth and convinced a doctor to give me amoxicillin (500mg x 3 x 10 days). The throat culture ended up negative but i continued on the amoxicillin anyways as my symptoms drastically improved.
So i screwed up. On friday May 10th i was feeling much better so I decided to go out and have a few drinks. Later that night, the Aurora borealis was out, and i made a poor life decision. So I have adhd and for years I was taking adderall and dexedrine. I completely quit these drugs 2.5 years ago, but still had some left. So on friday night, I took some dexedrine, and having no tolerance anymore, I ended up on a weekend bender not sleeping, being high, not eating well, and just not taking care of myself. I kept using until sunday afternoon
Sunday night I started coughing a bit again. Fast forward to today (monday), i managed to sleep 6.5 hours, but I feel shitty and I keep bringing up bright yellow phlegm or sputum, my throat is kinda sore (probably from dry mouth), and now Im worried i might have ruined my amoxicillin treatment. Im obviously in withdrawal from my adhd meds and im tired, but I also i have a weird tingly metallic taste in my mouth.
I have two days left of amoxicillin, and im worried my infection will come back with a vengeance and be resistant to antibiotics once it is done. What should I do? Stop worrying, or should i get more antibiotics?
Sorry this ran a bit long.
submitted by cumpelstiltskin to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 HuffPuff87 Frustrated, out of options and can't see a specialist for 2 months.

Apologies for the long post but I'm pretty much over medical personnel at the moment and I'm frustrated. I've had a severe cough that began in December. I've had it at least once a month since then. By severe I mean I have random coughing fits that result in me either urinating on myself or vomiting on myself. Lately it's been both. Seems to be brought on by the slightest cold. I have a daughter in daycare so while illness is not uncommon, this is a bit extreme. It's normally coupled with a sinus infection.
I went to urgent care in December and was told to ride it out and given an updated inhaler script. I eventually got better.
It came back in February and to urgent care I went again. My primary has retired and I didn't have another lined up so Urgent Care seemed an ok choic. Left with a script for promethazine. Nearly finished the bottle before I got better.
It came back in March to which I called my doctor's office and got the first available doctor for a consult since I knew urgent care wasn't gonna do anything for me. We spoke over the phone and he said I likey had pertussis so he prescribed a steroid and antibiotic. Worked within a day. I was much better instantly so I finished the round and figured we were good to go.
April was a let down as the cough returned. I quickly emailed the doctor and requested the same treatment. I had refills for the steroid so I just refilled but I needed him to prescribe the antibiotic. He refused. He said he can't prescribe it when the symptoms haven't been present that long. Uhm, what do you mean?! You knew my history already? He repeatedly told me there was nothing we could do, that I could try the steroid alone but it probably wouldn't do anything. I told him I refused to believe that there was nothing we could do and there had to be something, especially considering the antibiotic worked so quickly last time. He REFUSED to assist further and suggested if my symptoms were that bad to go to the ER for a chest X-ray. Fine.
Went to the ER and got a chest X-ray. Was there for literally 1.5 hours and walked away with a $2500 bill, a clear X-ray and a script for Tessalon Perles, a recommendation for Mucinex D, and oh look, the SAME ANTIBIOTICS I ASKED THE PRIMARY FOR, WHO SAID HE COULDN'T GIVE THEM TO ME. They knew my script history and had zero problem giving me the antibiotic. The ER doctor even laughed when I told him the primary said I had pertussis. His diagnosis- bronchitis. Told me to follow up with said doctor. No thank you.
The cocktail of antibiotics, Mucinex D and Tessalon Perles seemed to do the trick. For a while.
It's now May and the cough is back full force and more violent than ever. But instead of multiple coughing fits throughout the day, I get a few really violent ones with both vomiting and peeing. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
I called a pulmonologist today to get an appointment. I figured I'd start there. When the medical assistant asked me why I'm seeing the doctor, I ran down a TLDR of the above and was so very delighted to hear her response of, “So a cough?” Yeah girl. Put down a cough. I corrected her- “A severe cough.” I doubt she added the adjective. The next available isn't for 2 months.
So here I sit, being asked to ride it out and ingesting a cocktail of Mucinex D and ibuprofen with a little snack of Tessalon Perles during bed time. I'm almost positive this is gonna cause some long term repercussions but I have a 1 year old, a husband and a job to think of today. I'm still blown away that when I brought this up to the primary, that he's telling me there nothing he can do when I'm telling him I get random coughing fits in the car while driving my toddler around, I get a “Sorry. Try the ER.”
As you can probably tell, I'm at a loss on what to do. When I think my cocktail is working, I'm reminded it's not. Any suggestions other than, see a pulmonologist, would be greatly appreciated. Any reassurance that the primary isn't a complete moron, also appreciated. I would hate to think that a doctor would be that careless for no reason.
TLDR: Intermittent (monthly) sever cough since December, accompanied by sinusitis, vomiting and incontinence. Antibiotics helps but Dr. won't prescribe more than one round. Currently taking Mucinex D, 400 ibuprofen and Tessalon Perles at night for sleep. Appt with pulmonologist in 2 months but what to do until then?
Thanks for reading.
submitted by HuffPuff87 to Pulmonology [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:15 HairyNefariousness99 No more chemo

I wish I could say this in a celebratory way. I rarely use reddit but recently the doctors have told me if i were to take any more chemo, it would kill me. My name is Sarah and I'm 17. I first got diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma when I was 15, as a tumour in my chest and on my right lung back in June 2022 and had to take 14 torturous cycles of a mix of 5 different chemos followed by radiotherapy for 6 weeks to my chest. Radiotherapy's side effects unfortunately hit me really tough as I had bad radiation pneumonitis to my right lung and it only kept getting worse and worse. My breathing was horrendous and I was coughing all the time, barely able to fit in a sentence without having to take a moment to rest. Though, all my doctors were telling me it was just radiotherapy's side effects and that it would get better gradually. Not in my case. January 2024, I was admitted to the hospital because of what I thought was an infection, but turned out to be much worse. The devastating news that the cancer had come back and the chest tumour had grown back but in a slightly different place with new tumours beginning to grow on my pelvis and spine. There was fluid surrounding my heart and left lung which was what was also making me so gradually breathless ontop of my radiation-damaged right lung. My blood oxygen dipped to as low as 75 on movement so I was very promptly put on oxygen therapy along with a chest drain to clear the fluid. After what felt like an eternity of waiting for biopsies and scan results, I eventually had to start chemo again but this time it was only supposed to be 6 cycles with a mix of 2 chemos. The chemo really was starting to damage me as I gained an infection with each cycle I took. It got really bad to the point where after cycle 3's infection, I was admitted to intensive care for the high-flow oxygen after not being able to breath at all because of a coughing fit. After doing a CT scan to figure out what's going on, my doctor had a conversation with me in which I will never forget. My right lung is completely stiff and can't expand due to the irreparable damage of radiotherapy, and only a small bit of my left lung was working at the time due to the infection being conveniently on my left lung. They had then dropped the bomb on me, decided it was best for me to stop my treatment because it would only kill me faster. Without treatment, I am expected to only live a few more months. It's been a week since receiving this news and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I still haven't told any of my friends because I just don't have the guts. My family's reaction is the most shattering bit. There's so many questions and so little answers. I want to try make the most of these last months but everyday, I feel an ache in my heart, not even knowing if I'll make it to my 18th birthday in October. I'm so sorry this turned out so long and thank you so much to whoever is spending the time to read my story, it means the world to me. :)
submitted by HairyNefariousness99 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:11 verminbby My Story: How I watched my ex and love of my life loose his mind to this drug

Hey people. I wanted to share my long ass story about how nitrous used to be one of my most favorite things in the world and now my relationship with it is complicated and twisted.
A lot of this will tackle interpersonal relationship dynamics, but I’m trying to illustrate to the reader the progression of how this drug took my ex’s mind. This is more of a thorough essay about my experience than a rant. When I was going through what I went through at the time, I wished there was a story like this out there to help me know better and understand. This is how I watched the love of my life melt away his brain on this drug.
I will try and keep this brief, but it probably won't be. I wish to convey the addictiveness this drug can have and the toll it can take on your mind and body. In the summer of 2022 I met my then bf who introduced me to the rave scene and drug scene he was a part of. He really only used K and Nitrous (which I will refer to as N going forward). He told me about his 1.5 years of being addicted to K, but did not inform me of his also 1.5 years (at the time) addiction to N. He told me after meeting me he didn’t want to abuse K anymore so as far as I knew when we started dating he got better about that.
It all started very early in the relationship. We went to a weekend festival together and both found doing N together was so fun. We continued on using and abusing N every weekend, and sometimes many weekdays. Probably going through 6 or 8+ tanks a week, this went on for like 3 months. Sadly, I do look back on those days fondly, despite what would happen later down the line. We had so much fun together and yes sadly it bonded us in this weird way. Using it causes you to feel more open and positive in the beginning, and we had so many heartfelt and deep conversations. And it felt like a little special world we could go into together.
At the time I had no clue how much those small-medium sized tanks cost ($65 and up for just one where we live). And he never told me how much they cost, and didn’t ask me to chip in, so I had no idea he was throwing himself into financial ruin buying them all the time. Looking back I have no idea why I didn’t ask, I just figured they were only $25 or something, or his friend was giving them to him, and I was aware it was probably a poor financial decision, but figured he could bounce back after the summer. You have to understand I thought I had him figured out, but I didn’t really know him that well at this point, or know about the drug scene at all. Before this I really only drank and smoked weed with the occasional cid or shrooms trip.
Three months into us dating and abusing N we come to the conclusion we just need to stop and take a break from N as this had all become quite excessive. Still he doesn’t explain to me how much debt he is in from buying all of those tanks over the summer. Two months into the break and he’s starting to crack, asking for me to be okay with us using it regularly. I tell him that I think it’s okay for us to just do it once and awhile. It was hard to not cave in because truthfully I missed it as well, I myself was starting to feel the addictiveness of this drug, so I reserved it so that I only ever did it with him. We go back to doing it occasionally on the weekends. Over the span of 1 month my bf started to constantly complain of having nerve issues, his feet and legs and hands were numb, I also noticed that he seemed really depressed. This is when he started to experience the vitamin B deficiency, although both me and him didn’t realize this at the time.
Around this time is when he finally and unceremoniously reveals to me how much these things actually cost. This is the tricky aspect of his personality I would go on to experience more of. It was clear he was resentful towards me, that I had no idea how much money he was spending, but the reality is if I had known how much those things cost I would have ended it a lot sooner. I didn’t even understand how he had the ability to spend so much money, I don’t even want to do the math. I would find out later he would just take out credit cards and max them out. In addition to him doing them with me occasionally, he was also doing them behind my back, which I had caught him doing several times and was always forgiving over this.
So, because of this constant spending he was in a substantial amount of debt. What he told me at the time was around $6,000. Knowing him, this was probably a generous assessment. This is definitely a point in the story where I should have left him. Clearly he was developing this addiction towards N and spent an ungodly amount of money that was beyond even my comprehension. But, I was head over heels and believed that he could figure this out. People go into debt all the time, I would tell myself. But I told him, this all needed to outright stop. No more N, not even occasionally. Unfortunately while he of course agreed to my face I have to suspect now, he was doing it behind my back all the time. Around this time he wouldn’t come home from work until 7 or 7:30 which didn’t make sense as his hours at work would fluctuate from time to time, but he was usually always off at 5. He would lie and say his work was very busy and made him stay later, which I believed at the time.
Maybe about a month later we are in bed together sleeping, it’s the middle of the night. He wakes me up and explains he literally cannot feel his feet or legs and has been having trouble walking for the past several days. I take him to the ER that night. This night and the following weeks after were some of the most heartbreaking and emotionally terrifying times of my life so far. At this time neither of us had any idea or reason to suspect N was the reason for this. We actually talked to the doctor there and ran tests for over 3 hours, he got an MRI and a spinal tap which was so hard to watch being done to him. It wasn’t until I desperately did research on my phone in the hospital room and suddenly see all of these remarks and reddit posts and studies about N causing paralysis and nerve damage. I tell my bf and the doctor and they have no trouble assessing that is what is causing this. They give him a regiment of vitamin B shots as you typically do in this situation. The doctor even said that they hope they can stop permanent damage from happening, because if not he may lose control of his legs and it may spread to his pelvic area (IE dick don’t work) etc, he had to do physical therapy and see a drug counselor.
The following days and weeks after I was constantly on edge worrying and wondering if my bf and love of my life would lose his ability to walk. Thankfully, the treatment took and he didn’t even end up needing physical therapy. This is when I truly believe or would like to hope he actually quit and wasn’t doing N behind my back. Unfortunately it wouldn’t matter, as I’ve learned, a lot of symptoms of N abuse don’t show themselves until after you stop. Shortly after this event is when our relationship took a nosedive. He had also ditched the drug counselor. To compensate for no N he was drinking so often. He started to become aggressive and violent. I remember it all started in a fight where he got real close and in my face and stared me down to try and intimidate me. In a way it was both terrifying and laughable (because he’s only a few inches taller than me), I couldn’t even comprehend the kind of person he had turned into. After that came the months and months of never ending name calling, insults, degradation, and constant arguments over every little thing I did. He became so addicted to the high of his power trip of making me feel small and weak he would find any excuse to fly into a rage at me, even when we were tripping on mushrooms together.
Nothing was ever the same after that. We didn’t go out, didn’t do dates, and every activity together felt like it was all a big chore to him. I could look in his eyes and see he was constantly thinking about N, and when he would do it next. He really changed, and what I am now realizing is he was probably starting to experience the effects of pure brain damage. My close friends who knew him even agree with me that there is a huge change in his demeanor around this time in April of 2023.
I also want to add more info about his bizarre behavior. He started to develop an unhealthy obsession with social media, scrutinizing what I posted and what he posted. He started to obsess over current events of any kind, any breaking story or ongoing conflict and he would rant and rant about the current state of the world and destruction of humanity all the time. He started to get obsessed with mental health and psychology and pathologize me and himself and other people in our lives. He would send me 10 videos everyday about mental health and relationships and expect me to reply and have a response for every single one like a book report. This obsession with the destruction of humanity turned into a paranoia about the world, he would often say no one understands him, and he is all alone. He turned on his best friends of several years because he was paranoid they were racists or had bad morals (they were all pleasant and nice people who enjoy edgy humor from time to time). There was no more middle ground for anything, you either loved something fully, or hated it fully. Somewhere down the line he actually got his account banned on Instagram for the craziest reason. He couldn’t stop or control himself from having heated arguments with random strangers in comments sections, of almost any video of any topic. He would insult people there constantly.
Here is another big mistake I made.I allowed him to live with me, and we moved in together. At this point we had been dating for a year. Before this I lived on my own and didn’t want to renew my lease, and he was living with his dad who was abusive and financially took advantage of him. At the time I was convinced that this bad behavior would go away if he could get away from his dad and his toxic household. Well the toxicity only followed. That summer we went to another weekend festival and he revealed to me when we got there he had purchased N and brought it. I was so conflicted as I myself had missed it quite a lot, and I had to deny myself my healthy regulated usage of it in order to not trigger him. I caved again and said we could do it only for this weekend. You may not at all be surprised to learn it didn’t end that way.
After the festival everything truly fell apart. He continued to buy tanks of N and do them behind my back constantly. He would say he was just going to his car to talk to his friends, or his mom, and be gone for hours. Because he was totally abusing me and I had no idea because I was under his spell of manipulation, I had no recourse. Any comment of mine asking why he was gone for so long, why can’t he just talk to his friends inside our apartment, I’ll go in the other room for privacy, was only met with complete indifference. These questions only pissed him off. He would say it’s because I was so exhausting and demanding he needed a break from me. When I would call him when he’s on one of these “excursions,” he would every so often mute the call while I was talking or in a silent moment. I eventually realized he was hitting the tank every time he muted himself. When I finally called him out on this he gaslit me and told me he just does this all the time because he coughs and clears his throat, fyi he had never done this before in our relationship. Because I had no recourse I just had to agree and move on. And because his mind was deteriorating more and more each day he would go on to make randomly muting himself in calls as a common, thing so as to keep up the facade he told me. Actual crazy behavior.
He even started doing K again, he would clearly be f-ed out of his mind by both K and N, and stumble around our apartment with crazy red bulging eyes and again and again tell me he was just drunk. Around this time is when he finally divulges to me not only had he been abusing K for the 1.5 years before he met me, he had also been abusing N for 1.5 years before he met me. And it wasn’t actually the case that he only “began” to become addicted to N when we started dating and doing it together. This really started to put a lot into perspective for me, and it made sense how he had almost paralyzed himself over this, now at this current time 3+ year addiction to these substances, and it made me realize how psychologically and cognitively he was failing based on changes in his personality. You also have to understand he explained to me before he met me, he was doing 1.5-2 grams of K or more and N, EVERYDAY.
And still at this time the name calling, insults and manipulation continued. He of course was no longer experiencing any true “high” from the N anymore, it would just simply dull his senses. It was like a stereotypical violent alcoholic husband comes home from the bar and berates his wife, kind of situation, except with N. And I became obsessed with figuring out how to get him to stop and go back to the loving person I remembered meeting and loving. I began to do very toxic things, going through his backpack, going through his car, and constantly always finding tanks and balloons and all kinds of paraphilia everywhere. I would find tanks in our recycling bin, like he actually thought I wouldn’t notice. I would come home late from being with friends and catch him passed out on the couch with an empty tank in his hand. He couldn't be left alone anymore. If he wasn’t with me, 100% of the time he was sitting in his car doing N. At this point in time there was no forgiveness, I was completely broken. I would yell and scream at him or wake him up and demand he stop and choose me or the drugs, all terrible things to be doing. I know that.
Eventually it got so bad I felt I had no other recourse other than to call and inform his mother of his behavior and what he had been doing all this time. Me doing this is probably what saved his life, as there was never anyway I was going to get through to him myself. But it did not save his mental health. Even having his mother involved didn’t stop any of it. He still went out and bought it behind my back like nothing happened. Another painful painful aspect of how his personality had changed is he would constantly have crazy back and forth mood swings, one minute showing me the sweet man I had fallen in love with, thanking me and praising me for having stepped in and put a stop to this, the next minute he hated me and I was the worst thing in his life and I could never tell what was even real anymore.
But did I leave, oh no, that would have been the smart thing to do.Instead at the time I was seeing a therapist who also specializes in couples therapy. I get us started with counseling and during our second session he gets called out by my therapist and yells and screams and berates her, it was actually insane. That is when things really ended between us. He moved out and moved into his moms apartment 30 minutes away that night. Even though the breakup was traumatizing and painful I still had hope that even if he isn’t with me, now he will receive help from his mother. Well, she didn’t place him in any special drug counselor program or rehab, she just severely cut off his finances so that he could pay off his debts, which she had bought back from several banks so it would not gain more and more interest. I do believe now his debt may be somewhere in the $10,000-$20,000 range. So now he, as an almost 30 year old man, needs to ask his mother in order to buy or purchase anything. Somehow, despite all of this I would learn he was continuing to do N and K.
Amazingly, we still tried briefly to even make our relationship work after he moved out. At this point he has mastered the art of manipulation and being fake, and convinced me he was getting better, he had even started to look better too, but he was still up to his old BS. He came over to the apartment once for us to have a mini date. Because he went on and on about how he was getting more and more into walks he said he was going to take a quick stroll around the block to get some fresh air. Well a quick stroll turns into 30 minutes, and I start to notice his car is gone from our street. I call him and he says now he is sitting in his car talking to his mom, I tell him I don’t see his car and it’s been a long time, he clearly had left to buy N. He becomes irate and claims he simply moved his car down the block for “reasons” and I was in the wrong for being accusatory and not trusting him. P.S. I went down the block and he just was not there. This guy is either absolutely crazy or thinks I’m some kind of imbecile, or both. It basically ended from there.
We tried to be civil, but he cannot control himself from completely going ballistic on me anymore, or his mother. And it is so painful when he is remorseful and doesn’t remember all the things he said to me. At this point I have had to realize I am basically talking to and trying to reason with a mentally disabled person. The fun loving, easy going, creative, altruistic, thoughtful, smart and attentive man I met doesn’t exist anymore, and I don’t think he will ever come back. All that remains is the shell of a confused and angry person.
Some small things to address, how it came to be that he abused these drugs all the time before he met me is because his best friend was a drug dealer and in the beginning would give him all of these things for free. Once he was hooked and doing it everyday it seemed he would stop at no end to spend money and buy them. Yes K was definitely a contributor into his mild psychosis but I still think it would have happened even from the N abuse alone, based on research I’ve been doing lately. And yes I have to admit I think he had bad and malignant psychological traits before abusing drugs, and doing that made it all worse.
So that is the story of how I watched this man ruin his life, and scare away maybe the only person who could withstand experiencing all of his BS and still wanted to love and help him. There are SO MANY things I too should have done differently. There is also an age gap between us of 3 years, so I naively thought he had a better handle on his life than he really did. I do find it hard to understand how people can be so addicted at times, but in the end like my ex, everyone is trying to chase some kind of feeling or experience that came with it, rather than the drug itself.
Thank you for reading if you made it to the end.
TLDR: Two years ago I started dating a guy who wasn’t honest with me about his 1.5 years of Nitrous abuse before we started dating. He was a sweet and honest and caring man when I met him. Sadly most of our relationship was spent on doing lots of Nitrous together. He eventually developed health problems like a vitamin B deficiency and even almost got paralysis and permanent nerve damage, which was hard for me to watch and witness. His health issues didn’t deter him away from Nitrous and he was constantly buying tanks and doing it behind my back. The more he abused Nitrous the more abusive towards me he became as a person. Our relationship crumbled and not even getting his mom involved helped. He was also clearly experiencing psychosis and mental deterioration. We broke up because he yelled and screamed at my therapist and he had to move in with his mom. Moving in with his mom didn’t stop his addiction even though she cut off his finances.
Even when we tried to make the relationship work he still abused it anyway. I would now consider him a mentally disabled person and I don’t recognize who he even is anymore after 3+ years of abusing Nitrous almost everyday. Please use Nitrous responsibly or don't at all.
submitted by verminbby to NitrousOxideRecovery [link] [comments]