Download google untuk blackberry

Kick it with KiK

2013.11.22 21:53 DerpyDee83 Kick it with KiK

A subreddit for people to meet on KiK messenger.

2024.06.09 12:03 Ill_Disaster_5841 Free PowerPoint templates, making every presentation extraordinary.
This is a website dedicated to providing a variety of Free Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates, named SlidesAce. The site aims to help users easily find high-quality templates suitable for all kinds of presentation needs, whether it’s for business presentations, educational purposes, or marketing displays; SlidesAce has the right resources.
The homepage of SlidesAce is designed to be clean and straightforward, allowing users to quickly browse through different categories of templates, such as "Business," "Education," and "Marketing," via a top menu. These categories are clearly labeled, making it very convenient to find specific types of templates. Additionally, there is a search bar on the site where users can find templates directly through keyword searches.
Each template offered on the site comes with a beautiful thumbnail and a brief description, giving users a preliminary understanding of the template's style and content layout. Clicking on any template will take you to its detailed page, which not only features more previews of the template but also provides detailed information about the design, including the colors used, layout features, and suitable occasions.
A notable feature is that all templates provided by SlidesAce are free to download. This is particularly attractive for budget-conscious students or startups, allowing them to enhance their presentation quality with these professionally designed templates without worrying about additional costs.
SlidesAce also focuses on user experience, with fast page loading speeds and a simple, quick template download process, ensuring that users can easily access the resources they need. Whether in the office or at home, as long as there is an internet connection, users can access SlidesAce anytime, anywhere to start creating their presentations.
SlidesAce is a very practical resource platform, providing strong support for a wide range of users who need to create slides, whether they are students, teachers, or corporate staff, offering them great tools to enhance their presentation effects.
submitted by Ill_Disaster_5841 to powerpoint [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:58 farmarjozef Why so slow downloading speed on myrient megathread rn?

About 2 months back i was installing games from xbox 360 megathread (black ops 1, black ops 2) and i remember that the download speed was fast as any other file from google (for me 13-14 mbs which is very good), but now when i tried to install cod mw2 it was installing only at 700-1400 kbs which is extremely low and it was showing me that it is going to download for 3 hours. Any fix?
submitted by farmarjozef to Roms [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:17 archLinuxUser56 only way of surpassing the internet outages during bac

I decided to post this since ive been seeing so many people suggest to use VPNs but that doesn't work, the only method that ive been using for using to bypass this and do my work online is psiphon, psiphon is a tool u use if you ever stuck behind a nation-state firewall and you can't visit the service that you need say Google or gmail (like we're experiencing now) or even just delaying pings and slowing down the connection
its on ios android and pc, the ios version is paid, i been using the pc version for years now and it works great, heres the link -- > psiphon
submitted by archLinuxUser56 to algeria [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:19 BaconSky Pont pentru invatarea limbilor straine

Disclaimer: NU sunt sponsorizat sau sunt afiliat in niciun fel cu creatorii aplicatiei! Zic din experienta mea sincera!
Ma adresez in special elevilor si studentilor, dar e pentru oricine vrea sa invete limbi straine! Probabil cu totii, sau cel putin multi aveti dificultati in a invata limbi straine la scoala sau universitate, sau in viata de zi cu zi. Ma gandesc la vocabular. Cum dracu invat cuvintele date de profa?! Si eu am avut problema asta, si timp de ani de zile am incercat cu cartonase cu vocabular, dar erau greu de facut, si le pierdeam, nu stiam pe care sa le iau, si in ce ordine. Ati auzit probabil de Duo-linguo si poate chiar ati incercat-o, dar cel putin pentru mine era frustrant, si enervant, ca nu prea m-a ajutat prea mult. Asa ca am renuntat. Am gasit inschimb alta mai buna. Am auzit apoi de la un youtuber, despre aplicatia asta Anki (Ankidroid pentru Andorid) - exista si pentru Ios, dar costa vreo 130 lei, dar sincer merita.
Aplicatie e una de flashcards - adica iti da o definitie referitoare la un cuvant in limba dorita sa fie invatata, sau traducerea in Romana, engleza, etc - la mine Franceza, si tu trebuie sa zici care e cuvantul, sau viceversa. Poti pune poze, sau inregistrari mp3, sau orice.. Dupa ce apesi sa apara raspunsul si ai 4 optiuni: easy, normal, hard, si again. Depinzand ce apesi, dupa o vreme iti apare iar. Si repeti. Cu cat mai usor iti vine sa gasesti/intelegi cuvantul cu atat mai rar iti apare.
Si smecheria e sa pui cuvintele auzite la profa, sau pe care vrei sa le inveti, imediat in aplicatie. Cand mergi la scoala, sau esti pe drum, in autobuz, in metrou, astepti la coada, etc, zilnic, 10-15 minute faci cu aplicatia.
Invatarea unei limbi e un joc pe termen lung. - Un an sau ceva cel putin.
Trebuie retinut ca exista un set-up care trebuie facut odata si dupa e bun pentru mult timp, dureaza undeva la 30 de minute sa-l faci.
E brilianta aplicatia! In Romania nu e prea cunoscuta si ma gandeam ca poate ajuta lumea sa impart vestea.
Poate ajuta pe cineva! Daca aveti intrebari, si pot sa va ajut, nu ezitati!
Download aplicatia desktop
Download aplicatia Android
Pentru setup-ul intitial (pana va obisnuiti cu aplicatia): The BEST Anki Settings and Algorithm Explained - Initial
Cand sunteti obisnuiti cu aplicatia puteti da tweeks uitandu-va la video-ul asta: Master level setting!
submitted by BaconSky to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:01 AutoModerator Daily Discussion Thread Jun 09, 2024 - Upcoming Event Schedule - New players start here!

Yahoooo! Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread! Have a very cool day! Luigi numbah one!
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread. This is the place for asking noob questions, venting about netplay falcos, shitposting, self-promotion, and everything else that doesn't belong on the front page.

New Players:

If you're completely new to Melee and just looking to get started, welcome! We recommend you go to and follow the links there based on what you're trying to set up. Additionally, here are a few answers to common questions:
Can I play Melee online?
Yes! Slippi is a branch of the Dolphin emulator that will allow you to play online, either with your friends or with matchmaking. Go to to get it.
Netplay is hard! Is there a place for me to find new players?
Yes. Melee Newbie Netplay is a discord server specifically for new players. It also has tournaments based on how long you've been playing, free coaching, and other stuff. If you're a bit more experienced but still want a discord server for players around your level, we recommend the Melee Online discord.
How can I set up Unclepunch's Training Mode?
First download it here. Then extract everything in the folder and follow the instructions in the README file. You'll need to bring a valid Melee ISO (NTSC 1.02)
I'm having issues with Slippi!
Go to the The Slippi Discord to get help troubleshooting.
How does one learn Melee?
There are tons of resources out there, so it can be overwhelming to start. First check out the SSBM Tutorials youtube channel. Then go to the Melee Library and search for whatever you're interested in.
But how do I get GOOD at Melee?
Check out Llod's Guide to Improvement
Where can I get a nice custom controller?
I have another question that's not answered here...
Check out our FAQs or post below and find help that way.

Upcoming Tournament Schedule:

Upcoming Melee Majors

Melee Online Event Calendar

Make a submission to the tournament calendar here. You can also get notified of new online tournaments on the Melee Online Discord.

submitted by AutoModerator to SSBM [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:00 ewlung Unzipping: Headers Error

When I tried to unzip Google Takeout .zip, using 7zip, I got "Headers Error". But, the unzipping can continue. I tried to re-download, same error. I tried to re-takeout, same error. Should I ignore this error? Does it affect one of the content?
submitted by ewlung to googlephotos [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:58 rosethorn87 Playing BOF 4 on pc/laptop

So my launch model ps3 finally died it is dead dead gentleman, are there any ways to digitally download the game.
And yes I tried Google but didn't trust the results, I live I the uk if that helps.
I miss laptops having disc drives
submitted by rosethorn87 to breathoffire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:47 cns000 I am considering using Ublock Origin Lite

I have 2 laptops: aaa and bbb. I download and test games on aaa and if they are ok then I transfer the games to bbb and I play them on bbb. Also I download pictures on aaa and I transfer them to bbb. I download movies on aaa and bbb. When I download movies on bbb I only get them from 1 or 2 websites. When I download movies on aaa I use more websites. Thus as you can see bbb is for light web browsing, watching movies and playing games and aaa is for downloading stuff.
I am using Google Chrome with Ublock Origin on aaa and bbb. Unfortunately, Ublock Origin will soon stop working on Google Chrome.
I am thinking about uninstalling Ublock Origin and I install Ublock Origin Lite. I know that Ublock Origin Lite is not as good as Ublock Origin and there are some things that are missing.
My main purpose for using Ublock Origin is to block advertisements when I download pictures, movies and games. That's very important because there are advertisements which try to trick you to download malware like for example there are fake download links.
I have a few questions:
  1. If I use Ublock Origin Lite and I set the filter to complete then will it block all the advertisements and it will block all the fake download links?
  2. Is using Google Chrome with Ublock Origin Lite enough on bbb? As I said up, bbb is for light web browsing, watching movies and playing games.
  3. Should I use Google Chrome with Ublock Origin Lite when I download pictures, movies and games on aaa and it will protect me and it will block all the advertisements? Or it's not safe and I should use FireFox with Ublock Origin when I want to download pictures, movies and games on aaa?
submitted by cns000 to uBlockOrigin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:42 Holiday-Walrus62 All ufs! Take Paypal and Venmo and use Pirate Ship for best shipping rates! All are 10$ and under! Come from pet friendly smoke free home. All are display only.

All ufs! Take Paypal and Venmo and use Pirate Ship for best shipping rates! All are 10$ and under! Come from pet friendly smoke free home. All are display only. submitted by Holiday-Walrus62 to Squishmallowsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:38 Bitcy-Club Download BitcyClub In The App Store & Google Play

submitted by Bitcy-Club to u/Bitcy-Club [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:17 AppropriateLead7770 How to get SNOW

How to get SNOW
  1. Join this discord (made by mario3573/Snow buster on discord )
  2. Go to #Resources
  3. Go to the Google Drive link and download, don’t use MEGA because the MEGA does not work anymore.
  4. Extract all 3 of the files.
Just in case:
Once you’re done with all of that, look for the folder with the “REALLIVE” application in it and put the other 2 files in that folder. You need to do this or the game will barely/not work.
If you need any help or elaboration feel free to ask!!
submitted by AppropriateLead7770 to SNOW_StudioMebius [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:16 JilBasler [Get] Travis Sago – Make Em Beg to Buy (Gimme Diamond Level) Download

[Get] Travis Sago – Make Em Beg to Buy (Gimme Diamond Level) Download

What You Get:

~DIAMOND LEVEL:~ With Silver You’ve Got Your Hot Offer, With Gold You Become a Sales Rainmaker, Now You ~Create Demand on Demand~ – More Leads, More People to See Your Offer So Your Stripe and Paypal Notifications Go NUTZ Zongo…
NOTE if You’re New to PSM: The Phoneless Sales Machine is how we get leads from email, FB groups, Youtube, Insta, anywhere there’s an audience, qualify them over DM and then close them with Google Docs on products from $500 to $50,000 with NO PHONE CALLS!
Diamond Level entitles you to ~IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the Tried and True PSM 2.0~ + the keys to PSM 3.0 ~as it is being released!~

What’s NEW in PSM 3.0:

*NEW BREAKTHROUGH ONE: Big Ticket sales without phone calls ~OR~ tapping either! DM and Chat sales are super fun when you’re tapping in $500 to $50,000 sales in bed watching Yellowstone. With 3.0 I’ve totally figured out how to eliminate the DMing back and forth.
There’s still a time and a place for DMs.
But I’m gonna hook you up with examples of what I’m doing to make Stripe sing without the tapping 3 Step dance.
*NEW BREAKTHROUGH TWO: More leads. Pre-sold leads. ~Create Demand ON Demand!~ Whether you’re using 2.0 with DMs or 3.0, once you’ve got your offer working ~you want more eyeballs to see your offer~ – and with earnings per click in the $50 to $100 range that I’ve been able to hit with PSM 3.0…even 10 more people a day seeing your offer is an extra $500 to $1,000 in your pocket a day.
I’ve made new breakthroughs in getting those eyeballs by what we LEAVE out, not what we add in. By doing LESS content and NOT MORE…and taking what worked and cloning it into new lead flow.
Where I used to pull 3 to 5 leads from an email or post, I often pull 30 to 50 now…with LESS SWEAT creating posts, emails and content.
*NEW BREAKTHROUGH THREE: Get PAID to grow your list, group or audience. Some folks like to pay for traffic. Some like to get it “free”. I prefer to grow AND get paid!
I’ve figured out that growing an audience from the outside-in is slow like baking traffic in a conventional oven.
Growing an audience from the inside-out nukes up traffic fast like a micro-wave.
If there’s a faster and more CONSISTENT way to grow a group, email list or any audience, I don’t know what it is. (I’ve been at this since 2004.) I’ve doubled my group size in weeks. All it cost me was a Zoom call…then…I monetize the Zoom recordings into 5 and 6 figures.
And everyone THANKS ME!
I call this an Audience, Influence, and Income Multiplier Campaign. (AIM Campaign for short)
And as awesome as a bigger audience is…the best part is the explosion in your audience’s RESPONSE RATE.
Leads, sales, referrals MULTIPLY during and after the campaign.
I don’t see ANYBODY teaching this inside-out way to GROW AND CONVERT audiences!
*NEW BREAKTHROUGH FOUR: Turns More Cold traffic into Presold Traffic EASIER and often FASTER than webinars, strategy sessions, VSLs or anything else I’ve tried since 2004.
I will NOT reveal it here because I want this to be an edge for everyone on Planet Mojo.
But all I will say is: ~NETFLIX EFFECT!~
I can watch a cold visitor come into my funnel…watch them devour content…and next thing I know, they reach out in my DMs and say, “How can I work with you?” – I will show you lots of examples!
NEW and Expanded ~Million Dollar Template Library~:
At the risk of writing a doc longer than the a government bill…
Let your fingers do the walking in the million dollar library and you’ll find emails, social posts, landing pages, dm sales examples, objection UN-handling examples and entire campaign including emails, landing pages and more, ready for you to deploy. **One campaign did $250,000 from a list less than 9,000 with NO PHONE CALLS, NO WEBINARS, NO VIDEO AND NO DMing…Yours for the taking!
submitted by JilBasler to u/JilBasler [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:00 RESSl Positive std test results prank

Adjusting documents with our comprehensive and intuitive PDF editor is simple. Adhere to the instructions below to fill out Fake std test results form - iug jeffndave online quickly and easily:
  1. Log in to your account. Sign up with your email and password or create a free account to test the product prior to upgrading the subscription.
  2. Import a document. Drag and drop the file from your device or import it from other services, like Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or an external link.
  3. Edit Fake std test results form - iug jeffndave. Easily add and underline text, insert images, checkmarks, and symbols, drop new fillable areas, and rearrange or remove pages from your document.
  4. Get the Fake std test results form - iug jeffndave completed. Download your updated document, export it to the cloud, print it from the editor, or share it with other people through a Shareable link or as an email attachment.
submitted by RESSl to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:56 GameZedd01 Remote Download from App and Disc Compatibility?

Tried googling and found nothing. My question is simple. If I remote "download to console" from the xbox app, will I be able to play the game just by inserting my owned disc? I wont need to buy it digitally?
My copy of Mortal Kombat 1 refuses to install with the disc. It's 88gb but keeps stopping at 47gb. I've tried every single trouble shooting method. The digitally download from the app is 180gb (which seems absurd?!) But I'll take it if it means I can play the damn game. Dont want tk waste internet or space without first checking
submitted by GameZedd01 to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:53 Spect4tor_Muchii The app isnt letting me sign up a new account

So I downloaded the app from google store and now its not letting me open an account even though I tried "continue with google" and "Legacy Login", discord doesnt work, google account doesnt work, and even facebook doesnt work and when I used the "Send Email Sign In Link" the website is just white and with sign in and sign up that does absolutely nothing.
Is there something Im doing wrong?
submitted by Spect4tor_Muchii to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:50 xxscrappyxx Google Camera won't play video

Google Camera won't play video
I have 2 x Google Cameras. One placed inside, and the other outside.
I keep getting this blue circle on both my cameras when I go to view recorded clips.
The event video will not play and just keeps displaying this spinning blue loop. Both are hard wired and I have a paid subscription NestvAware.
I can download the clip and that will show me the event.
This started happening in the last 2 days. I have turned on and off at the mains, and that hasn't fixed it.
Any ideas?
submitted by xxscrappyxx to googlehome [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:49 Independent_Bag_2839 TimeWise app Total downloads

TimeWise app Total downloads
Finally my TimeWise app reached 1.2K download on google play store and all the comments are positive
Thanks to all of you 🌹
If you are interested check it out 🙂:
submitted by Independent_Bag_2839 to HowToMen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:47 z_dracarys Using as an alternative

Recently I've started using Mitch to try out indie games and here's what I've thought of so far


Initially, I found some really good stuff that are exclusive to the site like Executanks and Demonizer. Despite there being quite a lot of games, the extremely good ones are usually highly rated and come out fairly at the top. Unlike Playstore, they don't remove games because of policies and make decisions regarding what can and cannot run on your device. I found that reviews are a lot more telling of each game and people usually post videos of their gameplays for a better look. They're not as fake as Playstore reviews because the reviews are often from indie devs just saying what they like and didn't like when trying out each other's games. Also, sometimes defunct games from the market are still available on the site. Lastly, I don't really use emulators, but there are also zip files for indie games made for older handhelds that can also be played through emulators.


Currently, there are 64,846 entries tagged available for Android. While you can filter categories and input specific search details, it does kind of feel tedious sometimes. This is due to the site being one continuous scroll and sometimes it resets the page back to the top. I think they should at least add pages or filter based on older dates. Also, there are a lot of nsfw games. I don't want to go into further detail, but it does take up a lot of space. Best to just ignore them.
There are also a lot of dead games that are simply abandoned and just sitting there. The site is just a platform for developers to manage their own library of games, but if there was someone moderating and curating these it would be helpful. Not everything is fun or playable.Often, when you go deep enough, there's also a lot of unfinished games, prototypes, and stuff like this. Sometimes, though you end up finding something really fun in the sea of obscurity which leaves a lingering thought that there may be something cool you've yet to find. You just have to go deeper. Then it gets kind of addictive. Like the site is an eldritch horror mind controlling you to keep scrolling. Sometimes, you find a really neat looking game only to find out it stopped development and when you click the Playstore link, you find out it's been delisted since its launch in 2013 or 2019.
I also think that if a game has an external link to Playstore, you're better off downloading it there to save the game in your Playstore library.
Overall, it's not perfect, but it is a viable alternative. Here are some stuff I discovered through there that I think are worth checking out. I used Playstore links for the ones that had them available there. Also, these are a bunch of casual ones because I prefer those:
submitted by z_dracarys to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:44 Rays_Creak All links now redirect to google play to download the app?

I just use my browser for podcasts but since yesterday all my bookmarks redirect to the play store to download the app. Is this a forever thing for android users? app only?
submitted by Rays_Creak to PodcastAddict [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:40 loridae_e Not all photos showing

I have a Samsung Galaxy23 FE. This problem with my photos not showing recently started 3 days ago. Whenever I am messaging someone like snapchat or insta and trying to send them a picture, when I press the camera roll button only a certain amount of pictures pop up. They're these 20 exact same pictures, all from random albums. 4 from screenshots, 3 from download, and then the rest from wherever they are. I press 'all photos' and it still shows those 20. I have 1500 pictures in my gallery and 1700 in Google Photos (which syncs your photos across devices) but it usually shows 1700 when im trying to send it to someone on an app. The thing that caused this was when I went on Google Photos and went to the pictures taken in 2022 from my old phone and pressed "download" so it can show up in my gallery. After that it shows in an album called 'Restored'. After that it only showed 20 pics for some reason, BUT when i go to take a new photo it shows up and becomes 21. Give me some solutions please 😭🙏🏻
submitted by loridae_e to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:37 BrightSecretary8265 Baggage claim yes/no between ZRH-LHR (BA) and LHR-LAX (AA)

Hi everyone. Tomorrow I'm flying from ZRH to LHR with BA, and then continue from LHR to LAX with AA. I booked both flights directly from the BA website.
I just checked in for the flight ZRH-LHR and also got a boarding pass to download, but only for that flight. I had to check in separately for LHR-LAX on the AA website. There I was able to choose my seat for the flight, but I don't see any possibility to download my boarding pass for that flight. -> Will I most likely be able to download the boarding pass once I land in LHR? If I'm not mistaken, I found some google results where this happened to some people. They had to arrive in LHR to be able to download the LHR-LAX boarding pass. And worst case there seem to be BA helpdesks?
And the other thing that bothers me more: I initially thought that I can just have some relaxing time at the LHR airport between the flights.
But since it seems that I have separate boarding passes between both flights: -> Do I need to grab my luggage once arrived at LHR, go from T5 to T3 and then hand in my luggage once AGAIN? And go through security AGAIN? I thought that BA and AA have an alliance to just pass the luggage through, but apparently not?
-> If this really is the case, will 3h suffice? I'll arrive at LHR around 08:10 and depart to LAX around 11:15.
I hope I can get your valuable help for those 3 questions. Thank you in advance!
submitted by BrightSecretary8265 to BritishAirways [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:32 JilBasler [Get] Linx Digital – YouTube Ads Course Download

[Get] Linx Digital – YouTube Ads Course Download

What You Get:



We start you off with the right fundamentals. This module teaches you how to make the most out of YouTube Ads and this course.


Account Set Up

Without the right account structure, YouTube ads can get very tricky. This module shows you how to set up accounts for success.


Conversion Tracking

Before you can run any ads you need to install proper conversion tracking. This module demonstrates how to set up tracking with the Google Tag Manager



This module teaches you how to find your ideal customers on YouTube. And then how to get your YouTube ads shown to this group of target prospects.


Creative and Scripting Ads

Learn the most effective way to script, film and edit your ads for the highest chance of finding profitable winners.


Optimizing & Scaling

This module covers the active management side of YouTube ads media buying. Learn the thought process behind our optimization strategies.


Scaling Creative

This module showcases our proprietary Jackpot ads System, which is designed to help produce winning creative at scale.


Advanced Scaling

After optimizing and getting your first few wins, this module teaches you how to take your campaigns to the next level.


Advanced Tracking

Google Tag Manager is just the beginning when it comes to tracking. This module covers how to track your ads with Google Analytics, G4A, Hyros and other 3rd Party Trackers.


Extra Module

In this module, we dive into the sub-niches for YouTube ads. We cover, YouTube ads for agencies, local businesses, SAAS, Ecom, Info, & Coaching & Consulting offers.
submitted by JilBasler to u/JilBasler [link] [comments]