Unblock on twitter

What might occur if fictional characters interacted on Twitter? This.

2022.06.07 06:04 Eevee_23 What might occur if fictional characters interacted on Twitter? This.

Fictional characters go on Twitter and interact with other ones.

2020.09.10 19:50 Pun_nav IndianGirlsOnTwitter

Showcasing the cringeworthy tweets posted by Indians Do not whine about women here. This is not /nicegirls

2007.08.06 07:16 spez Politics

/Politics is for news and discussion about U.S. politics.

2024.06.05 22:17 Super-Star-9447 (F/22) My bf (M/26) won’t stop looking at nude women/exes. How do I go about this situation???

I’ve(F/22) been with my bf(M/26) for 2 years. For some back story - he’s diagnosed bipolar. We have a son together, I got pregnant early on. My son turns 1 next week. In the beginning of my pregnancy, about 2 months in I had a dream my bf was buying onlyfans. I had never gone through his phone previously but this dream was so vivid I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to check. He indeed was paying for local women’s onlyfans. I left him, my stipulation for getting back together was him deleting his entire account and not doing it again. Being pregnant, I was hormonal and in my eyes that is cheating in a way. Spending money to see other women. Everyone has a different outlook on that but while carrying his child that really affected me. Fast forward to after having my son, not buying onlyfans but searching/adding nude women on his socials. I asked him to please stop many times and respect how I feel about it. We discussed deleting insta and twitter because he couldn’t respect my wishes. We deleted them, he didn’t use them for a little while now he’s logging onto them in his browser. It’s been 2 years and he’s still doing it. No matter how I try to explain the way it makes me feel, calmly, angrily, upset. I’ve expressed it every way I can think of and he just doesn’t get it. I get short come backs, he’ll never answer any of my questions to why he does it or feels the need. “Don’t go through my stuff”. If he’d never bought onlyfans in the first place and respected me from there, I wouldn’t. I understand a relationship is nothing without trust. I’m not respecting his privacy as well but I look at it as there should be nothing to hide. He could go through my phone any time, he chooses not to. He tells me he’ll stop every time I say something which is pretty much weekly at this point. It takes a huge toll on my mental health being my body just carried our baby. It makes me feel as if he’s looking for someone different, I’m not good enough, etc. He doesn’t talk to women and says he loves me and wants to be with me but he can’t seem to respect me. I don’t know if he was raised that way, I’m not sure if this is some sort of addiction. I don’t know what to think. He unblocked one ex and followed her again, then was lurking on another’s posts. I don’t understand and I’m at a loss. I asked him to come get some of his things and stay elsewhere for the night as I’m tired of repeating myself and feeling less than because of it. I guess I just need advice/thoughts, what do you think and what would you do?
submitted by Super-Star-9447 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:26 Sad_Anybody_9 Relapse

It's now been 8 months since November trying to get rid of this addiction. It's so crippling and discouraging man. It's the one obstacle in my life holding me back from being the best version of myself. I've made slow progress. I've done 20 days before, averaging anywhere between 4 and 7 usually but I eventually always give in. Its just something takes over when I'm on Twitter. Even if I block it, I end up just unblocking it to see anything because I'm bored. My main problem is just twitter now, it leads to seeing one picture and then another and then a full on slip. I'm so sick of this shit. It's the root of my anxiety, my depression. Makes me doubt everything about myself. Makes me a lesser person. Makes me not feel like the real me. Although it was worse before and I've made alot of progress, going from 3 times a day to now giving in just one time every week or sometimes more. I need to get rid of this. I can't keep living life with this addiction. Sorry. Just ranting
submitted by Sad_Anybody_9 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:44 tuh_timmyandtheboys I think I'm going to lose my seven year relationship to limerence

I've had an online LO since around February of last year. At the time, he was a follower of mine on Twitter where I post adult content. Things spun out of control, became very parasocial, and much to my boyfriend's dismay I started an emotional affair with this man. My boyfriend knew I had followers who I flirted with but it never really went anywhere.
It was also highly, highly sexual. Since then we've gone no contact, blocked and unblocked each other more times than I can count, tried to just be friends, etc. I've struggled to put my own relationship first even though I know I'd never leave my partner for my LO. There is just this strong attachment to this man that I can't shake. I will never be able to cut contact with him on my own and I'm hoping I can go low contact since the ruminating has gone down a lot. I know how my LO feels about me.
Having said all of this, I fear my relationship is over. My boyfriend and I are scheduled to move in together soon at our third apartment together, but he's said he can't help me and this is something I need to figure out alone. I'm so scared. I don't want to lose him, but how he feels is valid. He deserves better than someone who is struggling with limerence. This is all my fault, and I highly dislike myself for it.
submitted by tuh_timmyandtheboys to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:13 Educational-Elk8393 10 years later and I still don't feel I've grown emotionally

TW: ableism along with emotional and sexual abuse/grooming
Apologies is this isn't wrote well. I really struggle to convey things when I am feeling emotionally vulnerable, as I get scatterbrained.
Hi all, I've never really used reddit much but felt that is is a community I should maybe tell my story to as I need to find strength right now.
For context I'm a 29 male who was diagnosed with autism 20 years ago. I'm not typical for someone with autism as in my teen years I learned how to be sociable and to read people to the point where I have became so good at fitting in. The story of my life is "you're autistic?! I would never had thought!". I'm also a confident, extroverted, 6"3 and well built so people find it baffling that I was emotionally abused due to unconscious bias.
My abuser was a girl I met when I was 18 in college. We briefly had a fling, but she couldn't make it work as she was a survivor of abuse herself, being groomed. The first signs of abuse came when I started seeing someone else a month after we didn't work out. I was made to feel guilty for going out with someone else. We had arguments and came to a point where we decided to block each other out. Despite this, she would do stuff such as get one of her friends to antagonise me, with one instance involving a condom (thankfully not used) at me.
This was early 2013, but around September me and my abuser reconnected. We tried dating again but it never made me feel good so I moved on, and started pursuing someone else around December 2013. During this period of time she started ghosting me, despite the fact I was happy to still maintain a friendship. It then came to a point where things broke down again and this is where things started getting very toxic. She would get her friends to antagonise me and fight her battles via social media. I do have to note, I would fight back and not be the kindest person myself, but it always felt like she was looking for bother.
We leave college and she moves to university in London (I'm from the most northern city so thankfully not well connected physically). I thought things would be over and we could move on. Around April 2015, I had made a tweet after my football teams were beaten by our bitter rivals, who it turned out she had started supporting. As anyone knows, football patter can be pretty stupid and mindless. After I had tweeted this, despite having her blocked on twitter, I was informed by a friend that she had been tweeting pretty horrible things about me being awful and how happy she was that she had made me feel so low. I then stupidly unblocked her to call her out on these tweets (look we would both clash so badly, but she would take things too far). I end up having about 5 or 6 of her friends sending me abuse, calling me ugly and horrible and laughing at me for dropping out of university. Thankfully, some of my friends stuck up for me and fought back, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I still felt so bad (as an adult I wish I just never responded but I was a 20 year old who hadn't came to understand what toxic masculinity is).
After this, there would be occasional text arguments usually started from me being told she had been posting offensive nasty things about me on twitter and me taking the bait. This was when things got really serious though. She would use my autism as an insult, telling me how autistic and retarded I actually was. Saying how I was so below her in every way possible and that she hopes I am never happy.
We move forward and I am moving on with my life. She is still on my mind, as I'm starting to realise that I cannot be intimate with women. I can't trust any at all and take rejection much harder than I ever did before. I start growing bitter because I understand this is a result of her abuse. At this time, I was playing a lot of football and rugby, was very well dressed and in great physical shape so I was meeting more women, but felt far too vulnerable to open up to them.
We move on to the summer of 2016 and I finally meet someone new. As soon as I enter this new relationship, I start developing anxieties and depression caused by my fear of being hurt and well, abused again. I end up having a breakdown during a gig and scream at the crowd. A nice group take me to their table and recommend me the right steps for mental health support. I find out I have depression and anxiety (I think I have really suffered since I was 11, but this was the first time I accepted it). During this time, I'd been using Twitter as a way to air my vulnerabilities. I would tweet recklessly about how I hate myself and hope I die. And despite having my abuser blocked, guess what? She found out, and she tweeted all about it like a medal of honour. I call her out on this and I get some of the worst possible abuse I have had. Many slurs about my autism and other ableist abuse, further putting me down and bragging about how she gave me an inferiority complex (I have had this since I was 11), and the worst one yet, she basically texted me saying "I hope that one day it gets too much for you and kill yourself, that would make me so happy". This was what I was up against.
Towards the end of 2016, I finally blocked her mobile number and stated I would never go back, as I needed to heal. I hit my all time low in 2017, but in 2018 through music I started getting a bit of a lease of life again. For about two years I was building myself back up, having an active social life again, completing my degree and at the start of 2020, I would start dating again.
Fastfoward to the pandemic, I have my first serious girlfriend in years. This breaks down and this person is manipulative. It brings back so much about my abuser. During this time I am discriminated against at work twice and by midway through 2022 I am at a point of depression where I can't see a light.
I have peeks and troughs in this time, until sometime in 2023 I download Tiktok. I'm scrolling through the people you may know to see if any of my friends post content when I am gobsmacked. There she is, appearing out of the blue. Someone I have blocked on all social media platforms for almost a decade is just there. Obviously it shows a lot about the data these companies have, but I am just so confused to why she is appearing, especially when my Tiktok account features a picture of a footballer and a name which only a few friends know I use online.
I ignore it, but sporadically month after month she appears. Two weeks ago I say fuck it and feel brave enough to look her up. I find out how well she is doing in her life and it just hits me so hard. This is someone who put me down so much and made me feel so low, and yet they are doing amazing. It has crushed me. I haven't been able to be intimidate with women at all because I am terrified that they will abuse me the way she has. I think the thing which makes this worse is that due to the toxic masculinity we have in our society, a 6"3 confident man cannot be abused by a 5"4 introverted girl. And yet here I am, feeling more lonely than ever before with the looming thought that I will never escape the pain she has caused me.
What do I do
submitted by Educational-Elk8393 to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:21 Abbey_Something As I predicted he would, Musk flooded my for you page with MAGA grifters and scumbags after the Guilty ruling

As I predicted he would, Musk flooded my for you page with MAGA grifters and scumbags after the Guilty ruling
He is such a man child. You can’t for one second tell me he is not doing this on purpose filling my for you page with people I don’t engage with and also have blocked and magically unblocked now.
I knew he was going to do this after the guilty ruling since now Trump has offered him a reward for his turning Twitter into a MAGA shithole. Tweaking the algorithm to drown out the anti trump comments to his pride and joy bigots, grifters and cult members who think that Trump can do no wrong and blaring thire undying obedience to the orange king
Also users boasting how they are donating to Trump By the shit ton.
I am now ASHAMED that I wanted a Tesla mostly because I liked Musk and trusted him and thought he was a smart guy. I will never buy a Tesla even if they are the only car company on earth. He’s nothing but a bigoted childish scumbag I hope to god I live long enough to see his companies crumble.
submitted by Abbey_Something to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:12 dkdndimsismsism00 I need you guys advice

Okay the red flags started in December So I gotten to a car crash after an argument and ever since then I always say “I love you”after arguments so I get out the hospital and I’ve seen texts with her and a friend and they was texting about my crash so he said “I don’t care if he died” So when I seen that I instantly looked at her and said why didn’t you say anything and she said “that’s how he talks” so immediately upset because who wouldn’t be so we argued and usually when we argues it be me expressing my feelings so I used to tell her I don’t feel appreciated so she would be like “I’m doing all I can” But yk when someone is not doing enough so fast forward to May 2nd we was over her house and we was laying in bed and we supposed to go on a date that I set up and she didn’t wanna do it so she sat there and got upset we didn’t go to a place she didn’t want so she sat there and said let’s stay inside so I remember saying “okay” but the inside of me is like wanting to say how I FEEL so I remember saying I don’t appreciate doing things you want to do and she turned her head and went on twitter so I’m talking to the back of her head I remember saying “that’s not nice and very disrespectful” So she just went to sleep so I remember leaving out and calling her to tell her I love her and she answered I said “I love you” she said nothing but “goodnight” and hung up later on I called again and said “I love you” and also said “do you know what you did”? And she said “yeah” and I said “do you know how that makes me feel” and she said yeah then I was like “what do you have to say”? And she was like “nothing” she hung up and texted saying “that she doesn’t love me the same no more and said consider us broken up” so I remember crying at home reading this so basically the next day I texted her to grab my clothes I remember grabbing flowers too to make her feel good so she placed my clothes on the porch in a black trash bag and she took the roses but I remember sitting outside her house and just crying all day her mom called and she was confused about all this because I never hit her or even raised my voice up at her then her mom told me to leave which is understandable and I left I remember sending more flowers apologizing for how I feel then on May 3rd my sister walks in my room and asked are we together I lied and said yeah…She texted my sister saying I made her feel uncomfortable that I’m sending flowers and she’s done with me..So my Ex blocked me I begged for her back when she unblocked me then when I text her she blocked me again I taken care of her,Her whole entire family I’ve been through car wrecks working 16 hour shifts on a bad neck just to make her smile and she did me like this…Currently we are 12 days No contact and she has me unblocked on everything what does this mean??
submitted by dkdndimsismsism00 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:10 dkdndimsismsism00 I need you guys advice

Okay the red flags started in December So I gotten to a car crash after an argument and ever since then I always say “I love you”after arguments so I get out the hospital and I’ve seen texts with her and a friend and they was texting about my crash so he said “I don’t care if he died” So when I seen that I instantly looked at her and said why didn’t you say anything and she said “that’s how he talks” so immediately upset because who wouldn’t be so we argued and usually when we argues it be me expressing my feelings so I used to tell her I don’t feel appreciated so she would be like “I’m doing all I can” But yk when someone is not doing enough so fast forward to May 2nd we was over her house and we was laying in bed and we supposed to go on a date that I set up and she didn’t wanna do it so she sat there and got upset we didn’t go to a place she didn’t want so she sat there and said let’s stay inside so I remember saying “okay” but the inside of me is like wanting to say how I FEEL so I remember saying I don’t appreciate doing things you want to do and she turned her head and went on twitter so I’m talking to the back of her head I remember saying “that’s not nice and very disrespectful” So she just went to sleep so I remember leaving out and calling her to tell her I love her and she answered I said “I love you” she said nothing but “goodnight” and hung up later on I called again and said “I love you” and also said “do you know what you did”? And she said “yeah” and I said “do you know how that makes me feel” and she said yeah then I was like “what do you have to say”? And she was like “nothing” she hung up and texted saying “that she doesn’t love me the same no more and said consider us broken up” so I remember crying at home reading this so basically the next day I texted her to grab my clothes I remember grabbing flowers too to make her feel good so she placed my clothes on the porch in a black trash bag and she took the roses but I remember sitting outside her house and just crying all day her mom called and she was confused about all this because I never hit her or even raised my voice up at her then her mom told me to leave which is understandable and I left I remember sending more flowers apologizing for how I feel then on May 3rd my sister walks in my room and asked are we together I lied and said yeah…She texted my sister saying I made her feel uncomfortable that I’m sending flowers and she’s done with me..So my Ex blocked me I begged for her back when she unblocked me then when I text her she blocked me again I taken care of her,Her whole entire family I’ve been through car wrecks working 16 hour shifts on a bad neck just to make her smile and she did me like this…Currently we are 12 days No contact and she has me unblocked on everything what does this mean??
submitted by dkdndimsismsism00 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:42 Ryudok Is there any point in sending one last message to try to give advice for their condition

I sort of know the answer to this, but I would like to get some confirmation.
I went NC with my friend a month ago after determining that she had BPD. I had already been telling her that she probably had it and was trying to give her some hints on how to soother herself and other info I got my hands on. I gave up after seeing all the information on BPD here and other places online.
I do not want to re establish our relationship. I know she would just use me like a tool and would not be beneficial for her long term. I was wondering if sending one last message focused on how BPD works (therapy being a must, how she will end up breaking every single relationship she has or makes if she doesn’t fix herself, etc.) This would be also a way for me to definitely close this chapter at least knowing that I left everything on her hands and she has the tools to at least try.
I know that the rational thing is to just stay away and let her figure it out. I know. Most likely I will not do this. However I was wondering if you have any stories of you having abandoned your pwBPD and her improving after some time. I am not taking about the usual facade of them feigning being well to Hoover.
If I were to do this I would unblock her for one second, send a copy pasted text already written and then block again. I would not lurk to see her reaction and would refuse any approach if there is (she can only send me a Twitter friend request, the rest of routes would be blocked).
Looking forward to responses and hopefully at least this can be a way to discuss if they can get better by themselves even if it takes time.
submitted by Ryudok to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:59 Marvel-guy-1 How To Watch Juice On BBC iPlayer In USA for FREE

Watch Juice, a fresh British comedy series, revolves around Jamma as he tackles the challenges of a confused family life and a rollercoaster romantic journey, all in his quest for recognition. The show debuted in the UK on September 18, 2023, airing on BBC iPlayer. To access the show you will need a quality VPN service to unblock the streaming challenges.
A VPN helps you to stream the show without any interruption because it bypasses the geo-restriction and allows you to access BBC iPlayer shows and protect your privacy.

Quick Steps: How to Watch Juice

Follow these simple steps to watch Juice
  1. Download a reliable VPN [we recommend ExpressVPN OR PureVPN as it provides exceptional streaming experience globally]
  2. Download and install VPN app!
  3. Connect to a server in the UK
  4. Login to BBC iPlayer
  5. Watch your favorite content on BBC iPlayer
How To Watch Juice On BBC iPlayer In USA for FREE with ExpressVPN

Why Do You Need A VPN To Watch Juice?

A VPN helps you overcome regional streaming restrictions and allows you to watch movies, TV series and documentaries without any hurdles and buffering issues. This way you can not only watch Juice but also able to all BBC streaming services.
Other Stories: Best movies on BBC iPlayer

Best VPN To Watch Juice In USA

To choose Best VPN for BBC iPlayer to stream the shows outside the UK can be very critical. But our expert have tested and evaluated the service from VPN providers and have listed two options. Now let’s dig straight into the two best recommendations of VPN which will improve your streaming experience.
ExpressVPN is one of the top recommendations due to its user-friendly app, quality speed performance and advanced security features. The following are the key points which will facilitate the user to choose ExpressVPN for watching Juice.
Price and Plan
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If you are tech expert or just a simple user, NordVPN is the best option for you. It has a simple user interface with high speed, great device compatibility and privacy features. You can also check the 2nd recommendation for streaming Juice.
Price and Plan
PlansCompletePlus(highly recommended)Standard 1 Month USD 14.99/monthUSD 13.79/monthUSD 12.99/month 12 Months USD 6.99/monthUSD 5.79/monthUSD 4.99/month 24 MonthsUSD 5.79/monthUSD 4.59/monthUSD 3.79/month

Where To Stream Juice In the USA for Free?

You can stream Juice on BBC iPlayer for free in USA. You need a VPN service to solve the streaming issues and seamlessly watch the show because BBC iPlayer is only availabe in UK.
BBC iPlayer is a free streaming service but requires a TV liscence fees for watching the series. Morover, it also provide 30 days of free trial and gives you the chance to cancel the subscription at anytime without any charge.
Also Have A Look At: Mrs. Browns Boys Season 4

What is the Release Date of Juice?

Juice is premiered in the UK on Monday, September 18, 2023, at 10:30 pm local time. The show finds its home on BBC 3 and availabe to stream on BBC iPlayer, a network renowned for its exceptional programming. Whether you’re tuning in live or catching up later, this series promises side-splitting laughter for all.

What is the About of Juice?

Juice, a British comedy series available on BBC iPlayer, revolves around Jamma’s desire to take the limelight. Unfortunately, his family, comprising his father, Saif, who frequently overlooks him, and his mother, Farida, who often makes everything about herself, consistently outshines him.
Although Jamma manages to find contentment and accomplishment in his professional life, his brother Isaac still manages to outshine him. When Jamma finally gains recognition from his friend, he faces challenges in handling it, causing his vivid imagination to distort his view of reality and reshape the world around him.
Official Synopsis

Top Cast of Juice

Ultimate Episode Guide of Juice

Juice consist 6 episodes. Each episode has a unique humor style.

Episode 1 Cake 18 September 2023

Jamma secretly enlists his brother for an office market research session to impress his boss, but it leads to surprising consequences. Meanwhile, his mother’s obsession with divorcing her husband distracts Jamma from work, and a revelation from his partner Guy takes the story in an unexpected direction.

Episode 2 Helluva View 18 September 2023

Jamma attracts attention in his new relationship but ends up counseling his parents instead of focusing on his own issues. He also aims to strengthen his work relationship with his brother Isaac for an important project.

Episode 3 The Jamma Show 18 September 2023

Guy wants to meet Jamma’s parents, but Jamma faces hurdles persuading his mother, Farida. Using dramatic tactics, Jamma seeks to uncover her motives, but unexpected surprises await him.

Episode 4 A Saif Space 18 September 2023

Jamma juggles work, family, friends, and his relationship with Guy, all while dealing with a mysterious object hidden beneath the floorboards. It becomes evident he’s overwhelmed and in over his head.

Episode 5 Lights, Camera, Escape 18 September 2023

Following a pitch failure, Jamma and his colleagues opt for an escape room challenge to boost team spirit. Jamma’s attempt to prevent Winnie and Guy from discussing a lie unexpectedly propels him into the past through a mysterious portal.

Episode 6 Home 18 September 2023

The dilemma of whether Jamma has changed or if he will revert to his younger self comes as he faces his quivering boxes and works to save the Megacentre as well as his relationship.

What is the Rating of Juice?

The IMDb Rating of the show Juice is found to be 7.2/10 which is fair rating.

The Hype of Juice

— Russell Tovey (@russelltovey) September 18, 2023


Is the Juice availabe on Netflix?

No, it is not availbe on Netflix.

What is the genre of Juice?

Juice falls under the category of comedy.

Where else to watch Juice for free?

You can only stream Juice on BBC iPlayer for free.

Summing Up

In the world of comedy, Juice is the refreshing comedy series you are looking for. With its uproarious humor, relatable characters, and a touch of chaos, this British comedy series is poised to become your new favorite. Get ready for a good laugh as Juice is a great balance of reality and imaginations.to unblock the streaming challenges.
A VPN helps you to stream the show without any interruption because it bypasses the geo-restriction and allows you to access BBC iPlayer shows and protect your privacy.
submitted by Marvel-guy-1 to BuzzHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:22 Less_Picture5124 Girlfriend has openly accepted a rls with another in front of me, on facebook and demands i swallow it to prove my love is real

Me and my Girlfriend have been together for 4 years. And she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love her so much. But what has happened has hurt me. And I dont know what to do.
I need some advice from anyone that can help and anyone who is willing to help.
Let me go into more detail about what has happened.
I wont be using real names here for personal reasons. I dont really trust putting your personal information out there. So please bare with me.
Let me start from the beginning.
Firstly, I should point out that I am a Lesbian. OKay, let me begin.
I am a 26 year old Female and you can call me Lilly. And my Girlfriend is a 36 year old Female you can call her Lizzy. We have been together for 4 years. It was not only ago that we celebrated our 52nd monthsary and her Birthday. We met over Facebook starting out as friends before i asked her to date me. And she said yes. And things went from there. We both fell deeply in love with each other and along the way we found that each other are not 100% perfect. But no one in this world is. And i love her for all she is both her good points and her flaws. To me she is the perfect woman who i love dearly.
Now, She lives in Indonesia while I live in the UK. So we have a good fair distance between us. But we video call and voice call a lot. Also we have whatsapp, Line, Twitter, Messenger and Facebook to keep fully in contact with each other. And when she sleeps im always telling her everything i do because otherwise she worries that i could be doing something behind her back. I understand her worries because she has been hurt in the past. And so i tell her happily. But as we have gotten deeper and deeper into our rls over the years i have come to notice some things that at first seemed like something i could brush past me but im not so sure anymore...
When it comes to talking about things. I love to talk. Sometimes i love talking so much you can not shut me up. I love talking about anything and everything. Music, art, the weather, animals, politics, future plans, dreams, ambitions, hopes, ect.. Like any normal person i would imagine. But i have come to notice that she doesnt... When i attempt to talk to her about these kinds of things she will accuse me of being boring. And when i ask her things to learn even more about her or get her view on things, she says i ask to many questions. And that i can not come up with a 'topic' to talk about. And admit, i have even tried looking on google for anything to talk about. Topics of all kinds and they all come in questions... Im always trying to make things different and more fun for her. Trying to find different things to talk about or even mostly, i have tried talking about our future together. Because we both said we want to get married and grow old together. So much that I have even gotten a ring and i am waiting to get her over to the UK so i can ask her to marry me.
And i am not the kind of person that thinks of Marriage easily. She is the first person i have been with that I have wanted to marry. And that says something because to impress me to make me want to marry someone is not easy.
So i have noticed that when talking with her, unless it is things she likes and things she is interested in she refuses to talk about it. At all.
And that puts me in a tight spot when it comes to talking about things with her because all the things she likes we have spoken about them more than once. And to constantly go on and on about the same stuff, is boring to me. But i try and make it fun and new even if it is the same stuff. But then she turns around and accuses me of being boring. But if i try and speak about things i like ? Then all hell breaks lose.
And that is not all i have noticed.
She is a fan of Super Junior. And is a fangirl of Wonkyu. Siwon and Kyu. Which I admit since she introduced me too them, (not personally) i have become a fan of them too. But i also have my own people i am a fan off.
David Bowie, Prince, Michael Jackson, Feddy Mercury, Whitney Huston and a ffew more.
And normally that is okay. right ? But no. She is allowed to follow on twitter those she likes, but im not allowed and i can only follow those she likes. because if i do follow others? She accuses me of cheating on her and cheating on Wonkyu. Which i dont understand at all.
Heck i am not even allowed to have a friend on my phone without her accusing me of cheating on her... I had this friend lets call her Daisy. And my friend has this problem which i wont go into and she calls herself by different names and she liked being called sweet sarah. So that is how i had her name on my phone unless she said to call her something different. but when she found out, she blew up at me accusing me of cheating on her behind her back. And when i tried to explain she wouldnt listen. Not only that... She hates straight things. Anything to do with being straight.
Straight stories,
straight pictures. Anything like that. She hates it. Now, she is a roleplayer on facebook and i am too. Which was how we met. 4 years ago. And i found this picture with some info under it. It was a straight picture. But I wasnt focused on that. What I was focused on was the Info under it. So i took an ss of it. But when she saw it? She blew up at me accusing me of being straight. When im not. I know who i am and i know my own sexuality. I do not get turned on by men what so ever. I am only turned on by women. I am a lesbian and that is a fact.
But because of that one picture. She has not only accused me of being straight. She has done something worse. There is this person called Seb on facebook who knew her before me. And has accused me many times of stealing her from him. But I never understood that. And you hear me right, HE. Because according to him they were in a rls when i asked her out. But she never told me this and if she was in a rls with them, why did she say yes to me? and why date me for 4 years? and yes, a HE, Even thought she is a lesbian too and hates straight things. And because of this person and her running to him each time we had a problem or fight, (while i had no one to go to and no one in my corner) I have left at leasr three or four times because of it. Because she always ran to him then told me she didnt want to lose me or that she loves me and she only did that to make me jealous. I brush it off many times and stayed with her. Even thought it made me feel like there was a third person in the Rls many times. And i had told her this.
And on the 9th of March 2024 she finally blocked him. And promised me that no matter what she would never go back to him or run to him or anything like that because she knew how it hurt me. Because he is always trying to break us up.
And today?
All because of a picture on my phone, that she didnt like, not only has she unblocked him. She has gone to him. Put a rls with him on facebook. And do you know what she has said to me ?
I have to swallow it for one week.
And if i can swallow it, my love for her is real and big and i deserve her. But if i leave? she calls me weak and says my love for her is not real. And it hurts... to see her in a rls with another and i have to swallow seeing her say she loves them?
This is why i really need advice. I don't know what to do... if i leave she will say i am weak and that my love is fake and not real... and that if my love is real i should be able to swallow it and accept it and prove to her that my love is real.
But if i leave? I know for a fact she will start ringing me, texting me. Demanding that i come back online and that if i dont she will die and that she can't breathe and things like that....
it is a horrible feeling because i love this woman so much... but to see her doing this.. i dont know if i can swallow it... I dont even know if i should.
Should I swallow it or leave like i have done before ? And if anyone would like more detail please message me privately and i will gladly tell you more details.
( And I have posted this on my profile too. I didn't know you could post it on here for advice so I'm posting it here too .)
submitted by Less_Picture5124 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:46 Less_Picture5124 Girlfriend has openly accepting a rls with another in front of me, on facebook and demands i swallow it to prove my love is real

Me and my Girlfriend have been together for 4 years. And she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love her so much. But what has happened has hurt me. And I dont know what to do.
I need some advice from anyone that can help and anyone who is willing to help.
Let me go into more detail about what has happened.
I wont be using real names here for personal reasons. I dont really trust putting your personal information out there. So please bare with me.
Let me start from the beginning.
Firstly, I should point out that I am a Lesbian. OKay, let me begin.
I am a 26 year old Female and you can call me Lilly. And my Girlfriend is a 36 year old Female you can call her Lizzy. We have been together for 4 years. It was not only ago that we celebrated our 52nd monthsary and her Birthday. We met over Facebook starting out as friends before i asked her to date me. And she said yes. And things went from there. We both fell deeply in love with each other and along the way we found that each other are not 100% perfect. But no one in this world is. And i love her for all she is both her good points and her flaws. To me she is the perfect woman who i love dearly.
Now, She lives in Indonesia while I live in the UK. So we have a good fair distance between us. But we video call and voice call a lot. Also we have whatsapp, Line, Twitter, Messenger and Facebook to keep fully in contact with each other. And when she sleeps im always telling her everything i do because otherwise she worries that i could be doing something behind her back. I understand her worries because she has been hurt in the past. And so i tell her happily. But as we have gotten deeper and deeper into our rls over the years i have come to notice some things that at first seemed like something i could brush past me but im not so sure anymore...
When it comes to talking about things. I love to talk. Sometimes i love talking so much you can not shut me up. I love talking about anything and everything. Music, art, the weather, animals, politics, future plans, dreams, ambitions, hopes, ect.. Like any normal person i would imagine. But i have come to notice that she doesnt... When i attempt to talk to her about these kinds of things she will accuse me of being boring. And when i ask her things to learn even more about her or get her view on things, she says i ask to many questions. And that i can not come up with a 'topic' to talk about. And admit, i have even tried looking on google for anything to talk about. Topics of all kinds and they all come in questions... Im always trying to make things different and more fun for her. Trying to find different things to talk about or even mostly, i have tried talking about our future together. Because we both said we want to get married and grow old together. So much that I have even gotten a ring and i am waiting to get her over to the UK so i can ask her to marry me.
And i am not the kind of person that thinks of Marriage easily. She is the first person i have been with that I have wanted to marry. And that says something because to impress me to make me want to marry someone is not easy.
So i have noticed that when talking with her, unless it is things she likes and things she is interested in she refuses to talk about it. At all.
And that puts me in a tight spot when it comes to talking about things with her because all the things she likes we have spoken about them more than once. And to constantly go on and on about the same stuff, is boring to me. But i try and make it fun and new even if it is the same stuff. But then she turns around and accuses me of being boring. But if i try and speak about things i like ? Then all hell breaks lose.
And that is not all i have noticed.
She is a fan of Super Junior. And is a fangirl of Wonkyu. Siwon and Kyu. Which I admit since she introduced me too them, (not personally) i have become a fan of them too. But i also have my own people i am a fan off.
David Bowie, Prince, Michael Jackson, Feddy Mercury, Whitney Huston and a ffew more.
And normally that is okay. right ? But no. She is allowed to follow on twitter those she likes, but im not allowed and i can only follow those she likes. because if i do follow others? She accuses me of cheating on her and cheating on Wonkyu. Which i dont understand at all.
Heck i am not even allowed to have a friend on my phone without her accusing me of cheating on her... I had this friend lets call her Daisy. And my friend has this problem which i wont go into and she calls herself by different names and she liked being called sweet sarah. So that is how i had her name on my phone unless she said to call her something different. but when she found out, she blew up at me accusing me of cheating on her behind her back. And when i tried to explain she wouldnt listen. Not only that... She hates straight things. Anything to do with being straight.
Straight stories,
straight pictures. Anything like that. She hates it. Now, she is a roleplayer on facebook and i am too. Which was how we met. 4 years ago. And i found this picture with some info under it. It was a straight picture. But I wasnt focused on that. What I was focused on was the Info under it. So i took an ss of it. But when she saw it? She blew up at me accusing me of being straight. When im not. I know who i am and i know my own sexuality. I do not get turned on by men what so ever. I am only turned on by women. I am a lesbian and that is a fact.
But because of that one picture. She has not only accused me of being straight. She has done something worse. There is this person called Seb on facebook who knew her before me. And has accused me many times of stealing her from him. But I never understood that. And you hear me right, HE. Because according to him they were in a rls when i asked her out. But she never told me this and if she was in a rls with them, why did she say yes to me? and why date me for 4 years? and yes, a HE, Even thought she is a lesbian too and hates straight things. And because of this person and her running to him each time we had a problem or fight, (while i had no one to go to and no one in my corner) I have left at leasr three or four times because of it. Because she always ran to him then told me she didnt want to lose me or that she loves me and she only did that to make me jealous. I brush it off many times and stayed with her. Even thought it made me feel like there was a third person in the Rls many times. And i had told her this.
And on the 9th of March 2024 she finally blocked him. And promised me that no matter what she would never go back to him or run to him or anything like that because she knew how it hurt me. Because he is always trying to break us up.
And today?
All because of a picture on my phone, that she didnt like, not only has she unblocked him. She has gone to him. Put a rls with him on facebook. And do you know what she has said to me ?
I have to swallow it for one week.
And if i can swallow it, my love for her is real and big and i deserve her. But if i leave? she calls me weak and says my love for her is not real. And it hurts... to see her in a rls with another and i have to swallow seeing her say she loves them?
This is why i really need advice. I don't know what to do... if i leave she will say i am weak and that my love is fake and not real... and that if my love is real i should be able to swallow it and accept it and prove to her that my love is real.
But if i leave? I know for a fact she will start ringing me, texting me. Demanding that i come back online and that if i dont she will die and that she can't breathe and things like that....
it is a horrible feeling because i love this woman so much... but to see her doing this.. i dont know if i can swallow it... I dont even know if i should.
Should I swallow it or leave like i have done before ? And if anyone would like more detail please message me privately and i will gladly tell you more details.
submitted by Less_Picture5124 to u/Less_Picture5124 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:08 knicks2111 Ended things with a guy I’ve been seeing for 1 month ONLY and he won’t quit texting me

Ended things with a guy I’ve been seeing for 1 month ONLY and he won’t quit texting me
He keeps texting me off random numbers after I’ve blocked him. All my friends are telling me to continue to block him and hopefully he’ll stop. I ended things on Thursday. (he lives in another country but has my # and knows my social medias). He even created 2 accounts on Twitter to try to get my attention by tweeting me to unblock him but I’ve just blocked them right away. His friend also texted me to try help “amend” things between us but I told him no, and he was way more reasonable and told me he’d tell him to back off but doesn’t know if he actually will. I’m genuinely getting extremely irritated.
Do you guys think he’ll genuinely stop at some point or what should I do? Really need advice.
submitted by knicks2111 to texts [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 14:35 Practical-Rent-9094 Me (23M) and my ex gf (23F) have been together for almost 11 months. She broke up with me for another man and is playing the social media mind game

Hello, we’ve been together for 10 months and story is Me and my ex gf broke up on the last week of march this year because she likes another guy dahil daw nakikita nya yung pagkukulang ko sa guy like money, efforts and diskarte. She said all that without realizing na nung panahong nagresign sya sa work nung november to take care of her ailing mom (we worked sa same workplace), kada sahod ko nagpapadala ako ng pera for her pangkain nila ng mom nya and ambag ko rin for the hospital bills kahit sarili ko hirap din makabangon financially, i even loaned under my name dahil sinisingil sila sa utang ng lola ng ex gf ko na pinangalan under her mom na walang kaalam alam and for groceries rin nila, she begged me to do so sa mga loan apps na sobrang taas ng interest rates and i gave in even though im against it dahil sobrang taas ng rates and payment days are in 14 days. (Im still suffering from the constant harassment of the loan app and need ko na bayaran when i start at my new job dahil panay punta sa bahay.)
Now after we broke up, i was betrayed so hard because she herself experienced cheating in her past relationship before me. Its been almost 2 months na rin but i noticed she keeps blocking and unblocking me on social media, particularly on twitter where im active(she knows im active there too). The thing is she doesnt have followers there and followings and im the only one who knew her twitter account. She flaunts her new guy there saying how shes so happy and such. I blocked her there and ilang minuto lang blinock din ako and proceeds to unblock and stalk my other social media platform(tiktok account) and gaming account(ml).
I dont understand why niya ginagawa to if she’s really happy(friend told me na baka rebound relationship). Is she doing this para makakuha ng reaction from me? What should i do if she keeps doing it?
submitted by Practical-Rent-9094 to relationship_advicePH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 14:46 iamnotyours23 Self esteem

I been into findom for a while now irl and online and found a goddess a few months ago that I regualry talked and sent money I talk to her about my day to day life and we had drain and humilation sessions(which I enjoy). A few days ago something happened where she become really mean and told me to make a video of myself( doing something humiliating I won’t say what on here) and that wasn’t out of the ordinary so I sent it over and when I checked her twitter I saw the video I sent her posted and the comments were horrible calling me all sorts of names and things I did not like (my face was not shown) I messages her and asked her to take it down and we got into an argument and she blocked me and I payed her the unblock fee and asked her again to take it down and she said that I needed to pay her to take it down. Again my identity is not reveled but I feel really bad about people shaming me This is something really unordinary and hasn’t happened before with her it seems like she doesn’t care about me anymore and wants a cashgrab
submitted by iamnotyours23 to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:47 walkingongravestones At a loss with unblocking my Citi/UB CC

Hey everyone, just wanted to try my luck here in case anyone has advice for me on what to do. 🥹
I recently moved to Australia and have a Citibank Simplicity PH CC I've been regularly using for online purchases (I receive my OTPs via my Globe roaming number). I made a purchase via Paypal last March 31st - no issues there but UB decided to send me a text 3 days later where I need to confirm my transaction by replying YES/NO. I missed out on this text which led to them blocking my card.
I have tried all means to contact Unionbank on how I can unblock my card and it has been so frustrating. Already tried the ff channels:
  1. E-mail - they said due to security reasons they cannot manually unblock my card via email.
  2. CS Call - tried calling their international toll-free number but it kept saying that the number has already been disconnected.
  3. UB App - tried filing a ticket on the app, cannot submit for some reason.
  4. Twitter - just told me to try email/CS call again
Should I just give up nalang and cut this CC off? Would appreciate if anyone would have an idea what to do from here or if let go ko nalang. Thank you so much! 🩷
submitted by walkingongravestones to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:18 Worst_Artist The Best SEO Plumber Guide From an Industry Expert

The Best SEO Plumber Guide From an Industry Expert
Plumber SEO Too Long Didn't Read Version
  • TLDR; Optimize your plumbing business online by setting up a detailed Google Business Profile and collecting reviews. Ensure your business is listed consistently across major directories like Bing Places, Yelp, and Facebook. Create specific pages for each service and location, using tools like Google’s Search Console to monitor and optimize performance. Use Google’s Keyword Planner for targeted content creation. Enhance your site’s ranking by earning quality backlinks and doing technical SEO improvements.
Every month “plumbers near me” is searched up to 850,000 times globally.
To thrive, your plumbing business needs to be visible where most potential customers are searching, Google.
A cool 54% of all clicks go to the top three organic search results.
If you’re not effective with SEO you’re invisible organically.

10 Steps to Plumbers to Optimize for SEO

This guide will provide you with top Plumber SEO steps to enhance your plumbing business’s local online visibility.

1. Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Google Local Map Pack
To appear in Google’s local search results, including the Map Pack, start with your Google Business Profile (GBP).
Claim and Set Up Your Google Profile. If you’re not on the map already, add your business name and category. Choose a primary category such as “Plumber” and you can add more later for more specific services like Gas Installation Service, Drainage Service, or Bathroom Remodeler.

Complete Your Profile Details

Review Darren Shaw’s Whitespark Local Search Ranking Factors to see how you should prioritize your time.
If you’re here doing pre-research before you even start a plumbing business take advantage of the knowledge that the keywords in your business name and the proximity to the location you want to rank in are top-ranking factors.
Set up your service area and you can choose up to 20 locations, but the guideline is that it must be no longer than a 2-hour drive from where your business is based.

2. Local NAP Citations

Most business directories list your business name, address, and phone number. These listings are known as NAP citations.

Local Data Aggregators

You can either use a data aggregator service like Data Axle and Foursquare to list you on multiple directories.
There’s also Whitespark who offer customizable citations and connections to large data aggregators.

Get Listed with Free Local Directories

You can also take care of some of the free ones first.
Once you’re verified for Google Business Profile you can import your business onto Bing as well with a few clicks.
Don’t forget to get listed on Yelp as well since Apple Map searches rely on data from Yelp. Facebook, X (Formerly Twitter), LinkedIn Business and Instagram also allow you to put your address.
YellowPages, Better Business Bureau, Nextdoor and Manta are some free ones to get listed on as well.

Paid Plumber Directories

Consider paid services for citations such as Angi’s List, HomeAdvisor, and your local Chamber of Commerce.

Put Your Address on Your Site

Place your address at the bottom of your footer exactly how it’s shown on Google and embed the map to help customers easily access leaving you a review.

3. Boost Your Reviews

Reviews not only enhance your credibility but also improve your SEO rankings. Here are some effective ways to gather more reviews:
  • Use Google’s Business Profile Manager to manage and respond to reviews.
  • Get a QR Code that uses a link from GBP to request a review and a Business Card or Fridge Magnet to leave for customers with your website on it.
  • Follow-Up Contact Requesting Feedback. Tip: Focus on asking people who seemed to have a positive experience.
  • Email Signature with your website link and a link to leave a review.

4. Keyword Research

Understanding what potential customers search for helps tailor your website content to meet their needs. Effective keyword research is the foundation of successful SEO.

List Your Services

Start by making a comprehensive list of all the plumbing services you offer. Think about every specific service you provide, no matter how niche.
A detailed list might include: Drain unblocking, Burst pipe repair, Drain Cleaning, Toilet installation, Water heater repair, Sewer line inspection and repair.

Use Keyword Tools

Once you have your list of services, the next step is to use keyword research tools to find relevant keywords that potential customers are searching for.
Google Keyword Planner
Google’s Keyword Planner is an ultimate keyword research tool that’s free and can help you find keywords, helpful insights, and discover new keywords.

Enter Your Services

Discover New Keywords Google Keyword Planner
Input the list of services you created into the tool. For example, if you offer “drain cleaning” enter this term into the Keyword Planner Discover New Keywords followed by your target city.

Analyze Keyword Suggestions

The tool will generate a list of related keywords, showing their search volumes and competition levels. Look for keywords with a high search volume and low to medium competition. These are the sweet spots that can drive significant traffic to your site.

Include Local Geographic Modifiers

Add local modifiers to your keywords to target searches in your service area. For example, “drain cleaning near me” or “emergency plumber [your city],[abbreviation of your state].” This helps attract customers who are looking for services in specific locations.
Now I’ve found a low competition keyword that’s a longtail keyword (keyword phrase with 3+ words) “24 hour emergency plumber Atlanta”.
Check out Keyword Surfer from Matt Diggity to get even more keyword data for free. You can also see the estimated monthly traffic a website domain gets.

5. Website Content & Optimization

Plumber Website Example

Create Service Specific Pages

By creating dedicated, optimized pages for each service, you can attract more targeted traffic and convert visitors into customers. These pages not only improve your SEO but also provide valuable information to potential clients, helping them choose your services with confidence.

Unique Selling Points

Highlight what makes your service unique. This could be your experience, certifications, or customer satisfaction guarantees like guaranteed parts & labor and workmanship guarantee.
Include positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. This builds trust and credibility with potential clients.

Contact Page

Make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you. Throughout your site link to a contact page. Provide your phone number, email address, and a web form for inquiries with your address shown and your service area. Including a call-to-action (CTA) encourages potential customers to take the next step.

Add Convenience

Create a page for free quotes and let users attach pictures of the damages to help you give them an online quote if possible.
Consider getting a schedule service plugin to your site.

Craft Compelling Content

Each service page should clearly describe the service, its benefits, and why customers should choose you. Include certifications, unique selling points, and customer testimonials to build trust.
Create engaging and informative content such as blog posts, FAQs, and plumbing tips to attract and retain visitors. Demonstrate your expertise and authority with pictures from job sites and speak from first-hand knowledge.

6. Build a Strong Link Profile

Guest blogging and engaging in community participation are free ways to build high-quality backlinks and establish your authority in the plumbing industry.

Identify Target Blogs

Find blogs in the plumbing, home improvement, and DIY niches that accept guest posts. Look for blogs with a good reputation and engaged audiences. Use search queries like “plumbing blogs accepting guest posts” or “home improvement write for us.”
Reach out to the blog owners with well-crafted pitches. Propose topics that are relevant to their audience and showcase your expertise. Ensure your pitch is concise and highlights the value you can provide to their readers.
Write well-researched, informative, and engaging articles. Focus on providing valuable insights and practical advice. Include relevant keywords naturally and ensure the content aligns with the blog’s style and tone.
In your author bio, include a brief description of yourself and your plumbing business, along with a link back to your website. Some blogs may also allow you to include a link within the content itself. Ensure these links are relevant and add value to the article.

Join Relevant Communities

Participate in forums and online communities related to plumbing, home improvement, and DIY. Websites like Reddit, Quora, and specialized plumbing forums like PlumbingForums.com are great places to start.
Offer helpful and knowledgeable answers to questions. Avoid blatant self-promotion and focus on providing genuine value. Share your expertise and build a reputation as a helpful professional.

HARO (Help A Reporter Out)

HARO connects sources with journalists looking for expert quotes. This can lead to high-quality backlinks from reputable sites.
Sign up for a free HARO account as a source. You will receive daily emails with journalist requests categorized by industry. Plumbing-related requests might fall under Home & Garden.
Monitor the HARO emails for requests related to plumbing, home maintenance, or small business operations. Respond promptly with concise, informative answers. Highlight your expertise and provide useful insights.
When responding, be detailed and professional. Include your full name, title, business name, and a link to your website. Journalists are more likely to use your quotes if they are well-articulated and relevant to their article.

Replicate Competitors’ Links

Analyzing your competitors’ backlinks can help you discover new link-building opportunities.
Identify your top competitors by searching for your target keywords in Google. Note the websites that consistently appear at the top of the search results.
Use tools like SEMrush or SpyFu to analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles. Enter their domain into the tool to see a list of websites linking to them.
Assess the quality of these backlinks by looking at metrics like organic traffic. Focus on high-quality backlinks from reputable sites.
Look for backlinks that you can replicate. These might include mentions in articles. Reach out to these websites with a similar pitch to get your site linked as well.

Reclaim Lost Links

Reclaiming lost links involves identifying and fixing broken or redirected links pointing to your site.
Use tools like Ahrefs or Google Search Console to identify broken links pointing to your website. These tools can help you find 404 errors and other issues.
Identify links that are redirected to other pages or domains. Ensure that the redirects are still relevant and pointing to the correct pages.
Reach out to the webmasters of the sites linking to your broken URLs. Politely ask them to update the link to the correct page. Provide the exact URL to make it easier for them.
If you have moved content to a new URL, set up 301 redirects from the old URLs to the new ones. This ensures that any backlinks pointing to the old URL still pass on link equity to the new page.

7. Technical SEO & Website Performance

Technical SEO ensures that search engines can find, understand, and index your pages.

Plan Your Site Structure

Plumber SEO Site Structure Example
A well-organized site structure helps visitors navigate your website and allows Google to find all your pages.

Internal Links

Include relevant internal links (links on one page to another on your site) throughout pages to help users easily navigate to important pages.

Concise URL-friendly Slug

SEO Unfriendly URL Slug Example
When making slugs for URLs (characters at the end of the URL, shown above) make sure they’re short and to the point. It’s recommended to be under 70 characters total, that’s including the entire URL. However, it’s important to note that Google is known to truncate URLs depending on devices.
For instance, notice the cut-offs in the below image.
SEO Unfriendly URL Slug Example
With Yoast or Rankmath you’ll be able to see how your page will appear in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Write Compelling Titles

Your titles should be engaging and accurately describe the content. Use power words and numbers to make your titles more compelling. For example, “10 Easy Tips for Fixing a Leaky Faucet” or “How to Unclog Any Drain in 5 Simple Steps.”
Aim to keep your titles 50 to 55 characters (580px length to be exact, which free meta length checkers can help you with) to ensure they are fully displayed in SERPs and not cut off.
For a blog post on drain cleaning, a compelling title could be: “How to Clean a Clogged Drain: 7 Effective Methods”
Google is known to automatically change the title of your page in search results if it doesn’t match relevance. Follow best title practices to influence the result.

Keep the Meta Descriptions Concise

Clearly summarize what the page is about. Include the most important points that users should know before clicking. For a drain cleaning service page, you might write: “Get expert drain cleaning services in [City]. Our plumbers are available 24/7 to handle any blockage. Call [number] for a free quote.”
Try to keep your meta descriptions concise and within the 160-character limit (920 pixels to be precise) to ensure the full text is visible.
Include your phone number in the meta description as this is clickable on mobile.

Use Clear Headings and Subheadings

Heading Tag Structure Example
Organize your content with clear headings (H1, H2, H3) and subheadings. This not only improves readability but also helps search engines understand the structure of your content.
Break down information into bullet points and numbered lists where appropriate. This makes your content more scannable and user-friendly.

Key Pages to Make

Home Page, About Us, Contact Us
Service Pages
Service Locations (Be careful on this one and follow Google’s guidelines on Doorways)
Service Location City Page
Free Estimate Page (Optional page to allow people to attach pictures)
Schedule Service Page (Optional)
Blogs for Informational Articles and How-To’s

Create and Upload Your Sitemap

Install a Plugin like Yoast or Rankmath to give you some useful SEO tools and create a sitemap to submit to Google and Bing.


HTTPS is a secure way for visitors to access web pages. Check if your website uses HTTPS by looking for a lock icon in the browser’s search bar.

Monitor Your SEO Health

Regularly monitor your website’s SEO health using tools like Google Search Console. These tools can help you identify and fix common SEO issues. Key metrics to track include organic traffic, keyword performance, and site health score.

Responsive Design

Responsive design refers to a web design approach that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. It ensures that your website looks and functions correctly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Optimize Images

Large images can slow down your website, leading to a poor user experience, especially on mobile devices with slower internet connections. Optimizing images ensures faster loading times, which can improve both user experience and SEO.
Use a site like TinyJPG to compress images for free.

Simple Website Layout

A simple, uncluttered layout improves user experience by making it easier for visitors to navigate your site and find the information they need. It also ensures that your site loads faster, as there are fewer elements to load. You can find highly optimized plumber templates that you can use with WordPress.

Click-to-Call Buttons

Click-to-call buttons are crucial for mobile users, allowing them to contact your business with a single tap. This convenience can increase conversion rates and improve customer satisfaction. Create a call button or add the hyperlink tel:[your number] to phone numbers.

Advanced Technical SEO

If you’re savvy on the technical side you can use free diagnostic tools like webpagetest and Google’s PageSpeed Insights to get more details on how to improve your loading speed and other technical optimizations.
Another step is installing and configuring a free caching plugin like WP Super Cache.


You can use breadcrumbs to help Google understand the hierarchy of your site and may help users on their journey through your site.
Breadcrumbs appear as the navigation links at the top of the page that look like this:
Home >> Residential Plumbing >> Drain Cleaning Services

Local SEO Schema

Add Plumber schema to important pages like the home page, contact, and service pages. You can use Schemantra to create the code to place on your site for free.

8. SEO Content Marketing

Creating valuable content can attract traffic and customers from organic search.

Topic Keyword Research

Finding the right topics to write about is crucial for attracting organic traffic.
Begin with broad keywords related to plumbing, such as “leak repair,” “drain cleaning,” or “water heater maintenance.” Enter these into keyword research tools like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, Google Keyword Planner, or SEMrush.
Use these tools to find related keywords and phrases that people are searching for. Look for questions and long-tail keywords (phrases with three or more words) that indicate specific user intents.
Instead of just “drain cleaning,” look for “how to clean a clogged drain” or “best drain cleaning services in [city].”
Evaluate the search volume and competition level for each keyword. Ideally, seek keywords with high search volume but low to medium competition. This increases the chances of ranking well without facing too much competition.
When reviewing these keywords go after transactional keywords as these will typically bring you more conversions. “Emergency plumber near me” is a transactional keyword because it has a higher likelihood of the potential customer seeking service. Compare this to an information keyword such as, “What’s the history of plumbing?”.
Analyze the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords to see what type of content is ranking.
Look for featured snippets, people also ask boxes, and top-ranking articles to understand the type of content Google favors. Keep in mind that when using standard browser settings you’ll see personalized results.
You can use tools like AnswerThePublic for free to find more of what people are asking about a given topic.

For Blogs Use Questions and Informational Keywords

Blogs focus on questions and informational keywords, such as “how-to” guides, tutorials, and tips. Good content written on this tends to attract more engagement and backlinks.

Publish Optimized Blog Posts

Analyze the top-ranking pages for your target keywords to understand the user intent behind the searches. Are people looking for how-to guides, detailed articles, or quick answers? Align your content with what users intend to find.
Ensure your content fully addresses the search query. If users are looking for a guide on fixing a leaky faucet, provide a step-by-step tutorial with images, videos, and troubleshooting tips.
Include Images and Videos
Use relevant images, infographics, and videos to enhance your content. Visual elements can help explain complex topics and keep readers engaged.
Having an embedded YouTube video with a person speaking on the topic or pointing out common plumbing parts can set you apart from many competitors.

9. Promote Your Content

Share your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Tailor your posts to each platform’s audience and use engaging visuals and descriptions to attract attention.
Participate in relevant Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, and online communities related to plumbing and home improvement. Share your content when appropriate if it adds value to the discussion.

10. Tracking SEO Progress

Tracking your SEO efforts is essential to understanding what’s working and what needs improvement.

Google Business Profile Performance

Monitoring your Google Business Profile (GBP) performance is crucial for understanding how well your business is performing in local search results.

Check Profile Performance

Log into your Google account and search for your business name. This should bring up your Google Business Profile. Click on the “See profile performance” button to access detailed metrics about how your profile is performing.

GBP Metrics

Views: The number of times your business profile has been viewed. This gives you an idea of how visible your business is in local searches.
Search Queries: The specific queries that led users to your business profile. This helps you understand what terms potential customers are using to find your business.
Customer Actions: This includes actions like visits to your website, requests for directions, calls to your business, and bookings. Tracking these actions helps you understand how effective your profile is at converting views into interactions.
Photo Views: The number of times your business photos have been viewed. High-quality photos can attract more attention and engagement.

Search Console Metrics

This report provides an overview of your site’s performance in Google Search.
Total Clicks: The number of times users clicked on your site in search results.
Total Impressions: The number of times your site appeared in search results.
Average Click-Through Rate (CTR): The ratio of clicks to impressions, showing how effective your site is at attracting clicks.
Average Position: Your site’s average ranking position for the tracked queries.
Search Queries: This section shows the specific queries that users are entering to find your site. Analyze which keywords are driving the most traffic and consider creating more content around those terms.
Pages: Identify which pages on your site are performing best in search. This can help you understand what type of content resonates most with your audience.
Devices: Understand how users are accessing your site (desktop, mobile, tablet). This helps you ensure your site is optimized for all devices, most importantly mobile.

Optimize Based on Insights

Use the data from GSC to optimize your site’s SEO strategy. If you notice that certain pages have a high number of impressions but a low CTR, consider updating the meta descriptions and title tags to be more compelling.
If specific keywords are performing well, create supplemental content around those topics to capture additional traffic.


What is Plumber SEO?
Plumber SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of affecting local search engine rankings for plumbers.
Why You Should Do Plumber SEO
Plumber SEO is crucial because it helps your plumbing service appear in search results when potential customers in your target area look for the services you offer.
Can You Do it Yourself?
Yes, you can certainly get started with the basics of Plumber SEO, but advanced SEO, with some elements of Technical SEO, may require a specialist.
The most accessible way to stay abreast of updates is through reputable sources like Barry Schwartz and Lily Ray.
Learn useful techniques by following experienced Local SEO professionals like Joy Hawkins and Darren Shaw.
submitted by Worst_Artist to PlumberSEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:21 DatUsaGuy How have y’all felt about the general balance and gameplay additions of Season 3 (Strive)?

Here’s a general list of changes/additions with Season 3 for anyone who doesn’t know/remember:
There is of course more to it with specific character changes and differences between the initial S3 patch vs the December patch, but those are still some of the most universal and impactful changes of the season.
I’ve been seeing a lot of talk on X (formerly Twitter) about it and I’m curious to see how opinions are on here.
Personally speaking, I lean most towards “step in the right direction.” I like them adding new special moves a lot. Goldburst being positive bonus feels more reasonable. Deflect shield I’m okay with although don’t hold much strong feelings outside of “I like having more stuff.”
Then while I was initially mixed on both the weight and the “fullscreen burst” changes, I think overall they were both good as what I wanted out of both was for most character to have even more combo routes they’d like to do. In reality though, I feel like weight barely was a factor (except I heard specifically Millia really had to take it into account for combo routing). Then the full-screen burst I was worried would take away from cool burst-safe combos, but those mostly just favored certain characters incredibly hard (Chaos and Ram most notoriously) which wasn’t very cool.
On the negative end though, I don’t think Wild assault is super fun to play or deal with. White is the current evil which my main has and it just feels too silly. Don’t hate blue too much but I’m glad I haven’t gotten hit by Bridget doing an unblockable yet. Blue in my experience though seems to be fairly similar in a lot of situations to Red except somewhat worse (even though it’s better on block). Speaking of which. I don’t like Red very much as it increases the damage even more for a game that has really high damage. I do like having more combo options in the game thanks to it, but I wish damage was tuned down significantly more to account for it.
I’m also not sure we need as much burst generation as we currently do. Maybe I would be okay with current Wild Assault if we just didn’t see them as often, I’m not sure. Still though, overall I do like how Season 3 has been and look forward to the future of Strive.
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submitted by DatUsaGuy to Guiltygear [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:25 Mona-de-fae I just found out my ex has been diagnosed with BPD and I think it makes sense

I’m just here to vent. I (25F) been in an on again off again situation with my ‘ex’ (22F) for three years. (I just refer to her as such because it’s easier but depending on the day you ask her she’ll say we either dated or never did). I don’t even think there is space for me to go into depth as to how much abuse I’ve endured with her. Lovebombing, gaslighting, manipulating, lying etc. With the exception of me, all relationships she has been in has resulted in extreme physical, emotional and sexual abuse at the hands of another partner. When she and I ‘dated’ last year, an ex of hers who beat her was still harassing and threatening her and I got heavily involved, even having to call the police in her city because the ex gave me a heads up and said she was going to seriously harm her…if you get my drift. I tried my best to love her as anyone deserved to be loved, support her in this very uncomfortable situation but she said all my efforts, sacrifices, etc were not enough. She even said that I was the worst abuser she ever had when i said that I couldn’t do this anymore, and guilt tripped me into staying on the phone for an hour to hear about how I’m an abuser, because she “won’t be silenced again.”
I allowed it but once I was able to realize how much I was harmed a few months later, I sent her a letter via text detailing how she hurt me, but I felt that if it meant that she’d still be alive and safe, I’d go through it again to keep her safe. In retaliation to that text, she doxxed me on twitter and called me a “child lover” if you get my drift for dating her. She was 18.5 when we first met and i had just turned 22, freshman and senior in college (she even lied and said i was 24 when we first met), and in truth she pursued me. She claimed i preyed on her even though the most we had ever done is kiss since we are long distance, and claimed that i stalked her from relationship to relationship she was in, which is just not true. I had just gotten accepted into grad school and she threatened that she would contact my school, and track down my abusive father. I think it’s ironic that i had to damn near pressure her to be vocal about actual abuse she endured but with me, she made up lies. For whatever reason, she had to build a narrative that she was a victim. I was bombarded with phone calls and a texts, and my school was contacted, but i was still able to enroll, slated to graduate this December.
I lived in fear for months, I kept checking her social media, as did my friends, to make sure she wasn’t saying anything more or worse. I’m a very spiritual person so my guides have been adamant that forgiveness is the way and I was stubborn but I got there. I really did. She reached out to me earlier this year out of the blue to apologize for everything she said and did, and say that she saw what I was seeing, and recognized that I was just trying to advocate for her and love her. I was hesitant but I let her back in. I was open about how I was in school, but i am suffering from homelessness and its affected my mental health. She love bombed me said that she was still in love with me and said that she wasn’t going to mess up this time and that she was here to help. . I obviously was frozen and couldn’t say it back, I was scared. She noticed and was like “Let’s change the topic.” I slept on it , and decided that she was going to get another chance but she blocked and ghosted me the next day. Two weeks later she’s claiming she’s dating someone else. It sucked.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, my dumbass reached out for her birthday. I know I’m attached, she kept showing up in my dreams as though she was in trouble. She let me back in and started venting about this new partner who is abusive and hits her. She explains why she left me earlier, which is where she reveals she was diagnosed with BPD and is in cognitive behavioral therapy where I’m allegedly a hot topic of conversation. She said she needs someone doing worse than her in life, and I dont fit that. She said she didn’t like that I didn’’t say I love you back, and that she knows what she did was petty and childish. She said again she was still in love with me, kept saying “I dont know,” but again, wasn’t in a rush to leave the situation she was in, while knowing how the pattern we’re repetitive . I didn’t want to pressure her or be authoritative over the matter because it’s sensitive. She ended the night saying that she was single and looking in my direction once more. But then I woke up the next day blocked again, and I wasn’t letting that slide. It became clear that her partner got involved and was using her phone. Whenever her partner was around she would bark at me, saying that I’m manipulating her emotionally and spiritually, but when she was alone she was unblocking my number and trying to get in touch with me. I let it go on for a few days still looking for resources, coming up with a safety plan for her, until her partner texted me from her phone calling me a predator, mocking me for being homeless, saying i hit my ex (a lie) and threatening to contact my school. I know that this narrative, all of it, came directly from my ex, her partner wouldn’t have coincidentally make that up. The same trauma i experienced last year, I was living it again. The same thing she apologized for, she was doing it to me again. Someone she claims to love, and wants a family with, etc. I sent one final text to her again, calling out what she had done, and in response she did the thing where she ignores the majority of the text holding her accountable for her actions, and deflects and ended up threatening me about harassment and getting attorneys involved.
I was on the phone with my friend earlier today and she revealed to me that she was recently diagnosed with BPD. She mentioned that I could be a “FP” to my ex, but I’m not quite sure. For me, I feel shitty for still holding out for her, a part of me believing that she and I could be endgame. It feels like feeling that way is a HUGE disservice to myself and my growth. I fixate on things so doing research about BPD has been my latest thing, just to make sense of what I’ve been through. My friends, my therapists, and even ChatGPT have all collectively agreed that i was emotionally abused and manipulated by her. She’s made me feel that i am unworthy of love, that I will never be loved or chosen, and I’m honestly scared to trust,, be vulnerable, or just simply love, but that is something I am determined to unlearn.
If you made it. This far, thanks fro reading, and if there’’s anything you’d like to suggest or, advise, I’m all ears. Much love. <3
submitted by Mona-de-fae to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:40 ManyYesterday971 I 28M and 25F.

Hi family ( I consider this place home so everyone is family in a way to me). It's been a few weeks but I have started to get back to being myself in the best way I can with everything going on
A couple of weeks ago my ex unblocked me and messaged me. I guess to give me closure or just inform me , how she gave birth to our premature baby and will be keeping his ashes and can send me a picture of them. Proceeds to block
She also made it clear I shouldn't contact her as she's already made a police report and if I did she would be charging me with harassment.
"If you don’t want me to send you a picture of his ashes please just block me back, if you do want me to just don’t block me so I know".
I left things they were until 2,3 days ago when I get a message from her account on tiktok were she's blocked me obviously asking me to take down a picture of her and her son which I uploaded months ago I didn't even remember, but most of all she doesn't have my Twitter account so I was surprised how she found the account,two how she saw the picture because I am used to posting memes on my Twitter account. Anyway I take it down because I don't want any trouble.
Yesterday I got a dozen messages from her other accounts, because I blocked the account she messaged me on.
Calling me out to be evil and selfish and being the cause of everything bad that has happened to her and how the baby's death was my fault, but more so how I am out here posting about being a good guy and being in love with some ......
I repost things on tiktok if I think they are funny, sound good, and I don't have to relate to it myself in general........ She blamed me for not getting in touch
"I messaged you after our argument to tell you I went into early labour, I messaged you after he was born sleeping. I messaged you about his cremation. Not once did I hear back from you. Yet you’re sharing things on social media about catching feelings for someone else while I’m battling suicidal thoughts all the time because I had to give birth to my dead child. I have been through a lot of trauma in my life but nothing compares to the trauma that comes from meeting you. So you play the victim, you play the good guy, it will come crashing down one day when you finally get your karma for what you put me through."
She blocked me and made sure I understood if I tried to reach out to her or anyone associated with her I would be facing harassment!!!
Now I don't know... She's made the same comment at the end of the messages. Do I need to file a police report, do I need to do anything, honestly I don't want any trouble. I know we've both been through so much and I understand we all react to situations differently but I don't want to be in any legal troubles. So please advise please.
I also don't want her to suffer anything unnecessary.
submitted by ManyYesterday971 to u/ManyYesterday971 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 astroidtardis Weird Mindfuck of a DM experience

TW // Grooming?
Back when I was thirteen I made a post asking people if they thought I was ugly because my step-sister and I thought it would be interesting and funny to see what people would say.
Shortly after making that post I got a DM from a guy on a throwaway account who acted concerned about a post I had made a few months earlier (the post was a vent and nothing short of worrying). I started chatting with him and he asked me a bunch of questions--things like whether or not I had people to confide in, what my home life was like, etc. It was during the pandemic and I didn't really have anyone to talk to so it made me happy to chat with him so our conversations continued.
After some talking, he started pressuring me to send him nudes. I kept trying to tell him I didn't want to but he would tell me that he would stop chatting with me if I didn't send him any. This back and forth went on for a bit before I almost gave in. He then messaged me saying that he was actually doing all this to teach me what grooming was and how to protect myself from it.
After that we chatted a bit more before a day later he did the same song and dance that he did the day before, complete with the stopping just before I broke and pulling the same "I was just pretending to teach you" line. It was confusing and it made me feel sick to my stomach so I blocked him for a bit.
Him being blocked didn't last long because I missed how nice he could be, so I unblocked him a few days later. I told him how it made me feel and he told me that he'd done this "pretending to ask for nudes to teach you to protect yourself from grooming" thing to other people before and that a few of them even view him as father-figure. He told me that if I did truly want it he'd be in a relationship with me, but not if I was only doing it to make him keep talking to me. I found this a bit weird but I brushed it off because, again, he was nice sometimes. We messaged back and forth for a few weeks after that before I just stopped talking with him.
When I look back on it in hindsight, I have a few theories on why this whole thing happened.
  1. The one that I believe the most is that he was an FBI agent. Out of context this sounds unlikely but let me explain. A month earlier, I had been chatting with a grown man on twitter. The exchanges between us were inappropriate and eventually my parents found out and they made me stop using twitter. A bit after my parents found out they told me that apparently the FBI was investigating this guy and asked me if I wanted to testify against him. I chose not to. However, I think that it could be possibly be someone trying to teach me a lesson? (Though I could also be reading too much into it but I think the coincidence of it all is kinda weird.)
  2. For a bit I wondered if it could be one of my parents--mainly my dad--who was trying to teach me a lesson. But I'm pretty sure that was mostly just me being paranoid because I doubt my dad even knows what the concept of a throwaway account is.
  3. It could just be a really weird guy who was doing this to actually teach me a lesson or doing this for some weird kind of fetish.
None of these I'm completely set on because the whole thing was just really weird and confusing.
Most of the time when I explain this situation to people they make fun of me for not just blocking him permanently. But the thing is when this happened I had literally no one who was my friend, no one to confide in. Because it had been during the pandemic I barely texted the friends I had had before the pandemic started and they barely texted me either. My parents aren't great people and my step-siblings hated me and made me hate myself. And it wasn't like I could go out and meet people either. So when someone gave me the slightest bit of attention and didn't hate me for being too talkative, too loud, too energetic, too cringey, too annoying it made me feel like I was on top of the world. He would say the nicest things that anyone had ever said to me. He would tell me things like how if he could meet me in person and I thought I was being too annoying that he would just hug me and tell me that it's okay. And I fell hook line and sinker for it.
submitted by astroidtardis to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 _call-me-al_ [Tue, May 14 2024] TL;DR — Crypto news you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


PSA: I lost nearly all my bitcoin by mining bitcoin
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El Salvador is now in a $58m profit on their #Bitcoin investment strategy! 🚀
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#Bitcoin whales are accumulating at a pace never seen before.
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Netherlands Tornado Cash judgement (Google Translate)
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MetaMask Optimism Ethereum transaction fails instantly
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Georgia Tech's CyFI Lab connected $2 billion of illicit profits to 91 digital wallets on the Ethereum blockchain
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Is Bitcoin A 90% Surge Incoming? Analyst Sees Bottom As Inflation Data In Focus
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Bitcoin Regains $63K as Japan Public Firm Migrates to BTC-only Reserve
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Coinbase is heckin' down
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*Now you can long or hedge BCH against the Euro on BCH Bull! *
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Are these fees for real.
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bitcoin cash podcast episode, direclty from bliss
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Why $Kendu will take over. Dev and early investors are shib ogs. Shytoshi the head dev of shib is watching and supporting the project. We have a 100% organic community with 0$ money spent on influencers or marketing. We don't gamble, we work. A new floor is created at 40m mc after we just did a 20x!
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What does it mean to be the next SHIB?
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VoteDoge's $1 Challenge Update and Expansion Plans!
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Biden blocks Chinese crypto miner's land purchase near US base in Wyoming
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$71 Million WBTC Hacker Returns the Entirety of Funds Back to Victim
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Hong Kong's Bitcoin & Ethereum ETFs facing rough waters.
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Weekly General Discussion - May 13, 2024
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Planned Coinbase Maintenance Suddenly? Everything Worked UNTIL I Tried To Sell To CASH OUT
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After 2 months of trying to unblock my account i get this. WTF
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Withdrawals not available at this time?!?
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Binance Support Thread
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Fantom - Multichain bridge
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BTC (Fantom) to USDT
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What's your tactic to make money with meme coins on Solana?
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Do you earn staking interest on the interest too, or only on the principal?
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how’s ur strat for pump.fun?
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Saga entries?
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I just clicked a scam link and connected my metamask and keplr. please help.
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"XRPL goes interchain" Powered by evmOS
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Babe. Wake up. New Algorand BetaNet just dropped.
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TDR and NFTR proposals are up on the Forum for review/comment ahead of voting
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Algo Hour today at 1pm EST!!
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Cardano Foundation CEO Hints at CNT Listing on Gemini
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Cardano's Biggest News and Updates Live with Paul, Farid and Josh
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Combining Cardano & Ethereum! APEX Fusion Tokenomics & Airdrop Reveal!
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Haveno situation
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*HardenedSteel Haveno published, binaries available *
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Privacy is Pro-National Security w/ J.W. Verret (MT 310)
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I finally completed a collection of JennifeKoyangi mint condition Reddit Collectible NFTs!
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Minting soon. Check this out!
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*Pollinated *
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submitted by _call-me-al_ to CryptoDailyTLDR [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:42 Nic_Cages_Mom #PeterThiel stop sending your minions in Operation Olive Branch to scam me, stop flying your Radar-Cloaked Black Helicopters around me, & unblock me on Twitter you COWARD hahahah #thielwatch

#PeterThiel stop sending your minions in Operation Olive Branch to scam me, stop flying your Radar-Cloaked Black Helicopters around me, & unblock me on Twitter you COWARD hahahah #thielwatch
Dudes about a month ago I was kicked off of TikTok for refusing to post about operation olive branch because, to me, it looked like a scam
After that video the entire OOB group told everyone I was a fed and told people to report my videos and they did until I lost 4/6 of my Tiktok accts. Including my main which was about to breach 37k followers. @Catdad42069xxx
Dude the Mossad/CIA agents literally sent me death threats and shit to shut me up, but come on, bring it you drug addled agent provacateurs. You’ll never catch me
and then this black unmarked helicopter appeared 30 days later outside my window for 30 minutes during my 6 PM stream last night. Wtf. And then my cpu dies an hour later? wtf?
It was not on radar at all (flight radar 24). It kept a line of sight on me and then went away after 30 mins. after the stream my cpu hard drive crashed lol. Hope it was a coincidence.
But I know that they hated I was tracking their helicopter Palantir-NYPD-IDF parties all over NYC the last 8 months. Here’s a playlist of some of my Helicopter videos that were lost when Operation Olive Branch Kroll Associates (yes, Nick Kroll dads company that helped discredit Weinstein Victims) tried to get me involved in their lil Peter Thiel/CIA scam they’re running to keep people’s minds off Palestinians staying in Palestine:
Instead they just raised $100M for “some Egyptian company called Hala” which if that doesn’t lead directly back to Peter Thiel and the CIA im the Vampire Queen of England (Charles):
I think they’re mostly pissed I know about Peter Thiels Tesla Howitzer in Antarctica:
Anywho, I’m sure this sub is just a Mossad Front like all of Reddit is and my post will be deleted, but would love any look into this if yall ain’t a bunch of dirty Feds.
If yall are Feds just know when I get killed my blood will be on y’all’s hands. Yall lied to me and befriended me for MONTHS to try and get me to support OOB families.
Why? To do me like the Atlanta bail bonds activists?
What to call me a terrorist and set up New Gaza in Brooklyn?
I hope it was worth it for the all the cia Fed influencers running around pretending to be leftists and friends while secretly trying to lock us up and psychologically manipulate us behind the scenes . I know it’s a lot to take in that PETER THIEL IS THE NEW OCTOPUS 🐙 (GEORGE H.W. BUSH/GEORGE SCHERF JR WAS THE OCTOPUS FROM AFTER WWII UNTIL PETER)
But everyone needs to get over it and we need to figure out how to show the world who this monstrous German Nazi really is.
He’s a child trafficker, crypto stealer, Ponzi schemer, Rothschild Tool
who needs a rootin tootin ass whoopin just like father needs to deliver. Me
You know how this ends Peter Thiel:
Me ⚔️ you. Street outside my apt. Good ol fashioned German Fencing 🤺 Duel OR Cutco Ponzi Scheme Knife Battle. 🔪
Stop sending your lil stand in, coward.
submitted by Nic_Cages_Mom to ThielWatch [link] [comments]
