Goodbye songs for workers friends

AskOuija: Get your answers one letter at a time

2016.05.03 00:32 tacobellscannon AskOuija: Get your answers one letter at a time

AskReddit, Ouija-style.

2014.03.26 04:33 Euphemismic Artisanal works of the Street Food World

Videos of people making street food from around the world

2015.03.15 01:30 thumpas Niche as fuck

Music French people might play at a party or just with friends around

2024.05.17 02:04 Overall-Chip8692 AITAH for refusing to pay for my sisters food and not wanting her to eat the groceries I buy?

I’m not sure where to begin. A lot of things over the last 10+ years have built up to lead to where I am today and I am so sorry for the rant but I feel it’s background information that will help to understand the situation. I (27f) am the oldest of 4 siblings, I have a sister (25) and two brothers (21 and 18).
A little background information, when my sister was around 16 through a series of unfortunate events we found out she had been brainwashed by extremists - for two years organisations and various people tried to help her, counsel her and provide resources to help her turn her life around. During these years she ran away many times (we only officially reported her as missing 3 times), twice she ended up in foster care. Unfortunately things did not improve much after she came home as ultimately weeks after her 18th birthday she was arrested and spent 4.5 years in prison I believe. During this time me and my parents and siblings visited her weekly prior to Covid (as visits were stopped for quite a while). I often bought her clothes, shoes etc to deliver to prison for her and we sent her a lot of money so she could order additional food and snacks and phone credit - as she used to spend hours calling home. I think for the last 6-9ish months of her sentence I would drive my mum there and back (it was like 1.5 hours each way plus traffic) but wouldn’t go in as we would just end up fighting and I was always blamed for any disagreement or anything. When she came home everything was okay for a couple days but she started to cause a lot of arguments between me and my parents so I stopped speaking to her altogether within about 7-10 days of her return (during this period I had two tickets for her and I to go to a concert together that she had requested I buy for her and did try to ask my mum if she was still planning to attend and my mum told me I was being a bitch and making her life hell by causing too many problems so she would not be attending with me and I can use the tickets as I please- this was the day of the concert (a Punjabi concert) and I had no friends who could attend on such short notice) and have only had a period where I spoke to her again which was her first Christmas/new years at home since her release which was emotionally manipulated by mum. I didn’t want to speak to her but I was guilt tripped so I bought her gifts to keep the peace and she bought both brothers a hoodie and had nothing for me (which is no issue because I didn’t really expect anything) but she gave me £50 because she felt bad but when I got fed up of her trying to sabotage everything and started speaking to her less she swore at me and cussed me out in front of my parents and siblings and my mums friend and daughter and I saw this coming the second she gave me the money (I had refused to take it but she and my mum insisted so I did take it and put it aside) she demanded it back so I gave it back to her (she did not return any of the things I had given her which totalled £350+) and have not spoken to her since unless it’s to threaten calling the police as she often causes a lot of domestic disturbance.
Since her return I have had to call the police multiple times but they are honestly useless - the only time they tried to help was when she hit me and tried to smash my phone and strangle me and they just asked if I wanted to press charges and my parents told me not to - and I don’t want to make her life worse - I also have a background in law and know this would not have amounted to anything as I didn’t really have any noticeable/serious injuries.
She always goes out of her way to demand things such as my Netflix and Disney+ and my parents allow her (even before all this she was always a difficult child growing up - she would throw tantrums or ignore everything until my parents gave in to her demands) when I first stopped speaking to her she would still cause a lot of problems for me about my expenditure (I have predominantly worked since I was 16/17 and handle most of my expenses - my dad pays for my sim only contract and my parents do not charge rent or utilities but I sometimes buy a few groceries), I eventually had enough and said I wouldn’t pay for my streaming services and allow her to use them and continue to verbally abuse me. Everyone gave me a lot of shit for it by calling me a snobby, selfish, arrogant, entitled bitch who was a dictator to put it nicely - her, my parents and siblings and relatives and family friends (my mum always rants to everyone and presents things in a way that you take her side). I did think I was in the wrong because of how many people gave me a hard time about it but I just felt it was unfair of my to have to pay for these things and her use them whilst making my life difficult- my mum did offer to give me £5 towards the cost and I did refuse because I thought it would be more peaceful to not have to deal with this. After a few weeks when they realised I wouldn’t budge my mum manipulated my brother into buying these subscriptions and telling him my sister would reimburse him for the costs and he did offer to let me use them for free but that I would have no say in anything and I said thank you but continued to use my accounts as he gave me an earful about how he was being fair and I was dictator bitch. After 6-8 months he asked if he could go back to using my accounts and I said yes and he then told me he cancelled his subscriptions as my sister had not given him any money and was causing arguments for him between our parents and him. I felt bad for him because he was the closest to her and he is my mums favourite and he did say he brought it up to my mum and she brushed it off. Eventually the same issues I went through because of my sister my brothers faced and they ultimately stopped speaking to her too.
I have since then completely stopped speaking to her. She does go out of her way to make life difficult- I do hybrid working so the days I’m in the office she’ll wait until I get home to use the bathroom and I’ll have to wait over an hour to shower, the days I’m working from home she’ll come back from work and make calls on speakerphone or watch tiktoks on full volume (she does this all the time now irregardless of time or day) she will always divert attention from my parents when we have a birthday or any event (graduations or any achievements). Often we can’t have conversations with our parents because she’ll barge in and demand they have a conversation with her and if they don’t she will start screaming and shouting and throwing things and smashing doors - the police have been called out multiple times and in a few instances neighbours and people walking past the house have called the police.
We can’t sit in the same car as her and travel anywhere as she will either speak top volume or have a screaming/crying fit for attention the entire way. It ruins our day and gives us headaches that last days.
Since this year has started money has been really tight. Before my parents would manage all bills and expenditure but my dad has gotten really lazy and does not work the hours he used to (he’s self employed) and the burden has heavily fallen on my mum who is struggling so I have had to step up and help her. I don’t mind helping her but I’ve am struggling and have not saved anything since the start of this year. It is also worth mentioning that I commute to a different city for work where I need to pay for diesel, parking and a clean air zone charge - so half my salary goes towards that and the remainder is used to pay off 2 credit cards and help my mum. I am 27 years old and I feel extremely embarrassed that I have no savings and I’m struggling so much - but I work full time and can’t pick up an extra job and any overtime I work at my current job is not paid because they tell us not to work overtime but I have to so that the work gets done. My team has downsized from 5 people to 2 and I’m covering the work of 2 offices and now potentially a third - every time someone leaves or changes roles I absorb their responsibilities so that the team (me and one other guy who does god knows what 85% of the time) can keep functioning. I am trying to be financially more responsible but it’s difficult when there is birthdays or Christmas - because I’ve somehow set a precedent of buying my immediate family expensive things (during everything with my sister I could afford to make these big purchases to sort of please everyone) and now everyone expects it - I have tried to say that I don’t want to do it anymore and have refused but everyone guilt trips me and manipulates me and I genuinely feel bad. But for the last two birthdays and the last Christmas if not more I have not received anything - I pay for my own cake and have had to both times give my sister a piece - I feel bad so I do give in but at the same time when she celebrates her birthday she tells my mum for us to sit in our rooms so we don’t ruin it for her but then for our birthdays she’ll deliberately insert herself whilst acting oblivious to the fact that it’s our birthday. I can’t refuse to help out with groceries or bills because why are we meant to do - not eat or not shower or not have car insurance, or not drive to work? And the more slack I pick up the lazier my dad seems to be getting. I did try to make some small cuts like removing my brother who recently passed his test from my car insurance and I was guilt tripped into keep him on and currently I am paying for both mine and my mums car insurances - it’s a multi car policy so they can only take payment at one time from one account and that is my bank account.
This whole year I have been helping my mum with groceries, car insurance and diesel and a tiny bit towards bills. I feel like k keep making sacrifices but no one else is expected to - like it’s perfectly fine for my siblings to take 2+hour showers everyday even if it means I can’t take one or I have to wait hours to brush my teeth.
Last week we had family visiting from USA and had to drop one of them off in another city, I have spent considerable money on filling up mums car with diesel and it was always the plan me and my brother would go with my mum to drop my great uncle off. Unfortunately my mum decided to wait for my sister to get home to say goodbye and she wanted to go also and as enthusiastic as she was I knew it was a bad idea. She would be okay on the way there but on the way back she would either scream at the top of her lungs because she is incapable of being considerate and speaking in a normal tone or she would find the silliest reason to have an argument or she would have a crying meltdown. My mum as always asked me and my brother and I had to explain that last time there were 5 people in her car it was a bit cramped and my mum blamed me and said she couldn’t go - even though my brother also said no and when my sister was out of earshot I did say I don’t mind her going as long as there wouldn’t be a problem but my brother flat out said no. She started swearing at us and then stormed off and didn’t say goodbye to our great uncle who was a bit upset by this. We went and dropped him off and my mum did say to her before leaving that they both could go another day (she has often demanded my mum and her take trips on a day off to visit family and me and my brothers are not allowed to go and my mum tells us we’re not allowed to go because she has demanded this) but my sister refused saying she didn’t want to go which just reinforced the fact that she only wanted to tag along to ruin the day for me and my brother.
Today me and my mum went to Costco and a grocery store and I paid for everything as she is still waiting on money to be deposited into her account and she picked up things for my sister. I have made it known that I do not like paying for things for her - I don’t speak to her - I don’t look at her face and I don’t expect anything from anyone. Like I’m struggling and I’m trying to keep my shit together and be financially responsible. She refuses to spend any money - she works two jobs and is saving to buy a house so anytime she wants takeaway she’ll make my parents pay or wait until me and my brothers are getting something and demand my mum take food from us when we get home to give to her or to buy her stuff also. I have refused buying her takeaway such as McDonald’s and usually my mum pays for her meal meanwhile I pay for myself and my brothers and my mums meal. I honestly don’t remember the last time I ate a takeaway I didn’t pay for - I know it’s a silly thing to get upset over but my dad often buys takeaway for him and all three of my siblings (I’m a vegetarian and fussy eater but they all eat meat) so I don’t make much of it but it doesn’t occasionally get to me. I am on the heavier side so anytime I buy takeaway for me I do get shamed about it so I do try to eat at odd times by myself so I don’t really have meals often with anyone else. I don’t know why but today just hearing my mum tell my sister she got her stuff from Costco etc I just got really annoyed. I tried so hard to stay calm and let it go because I know I have no choice but it was just eating away at me. Like why is she allowed to save her money but I’m paying for her items and she then has to comment on how much money I wasted on other groceries simply because she isn’t going to eat them?
I guess I was feeling wound up from the whole incident with dropping off the relative - everyone again made me feel like the bad guy - my dad called me a selfish bitch and dictator and I said okay but can you explain why and he just said to ask my mum. I was eating my dinner and my mum asked if I would go with her to a store tomorrow to buy some freezer items and I thought it would be okay for me to speak to her about how I was feeling but when I started to speak I just started crying and she got angry at me and asked why I always had to be so selfish and I asked away whilst I was trying to speak to her. I did try to stop crying but I haven’t been able to stop for over 2 hours.
This year has been incredibly tough - we lost a lot of family members at the start of the year and I have been in a very deep depression. I have been in depression for most of my life but it’s been worse since everything with my sister began and especially since she’s been home and even worse this year (if that was even possible). I have been so chronically stressed and depressed since she has been back that I have added like 30kg and I struggle to sleep and am always ill or injured (sometimes migraines, flu, tonsils etc).
I know some people will say I’m holding her criminal history against her due to working in law and being snobby but that’s not the case. I stuck up for her - I wrote a letter so she would get a reduced sentence - I genuinely thought she understood she made a series of bad decisions and she wanted to turn her life around. But during lockdown it came out she got involved with even more bad people and I realised she was a lost cause and I was fighting a losing battle. She’s gonna ruin her life but I don’t need to ruin any more of mine. I spent my entire youth trying to be there for my family and support them and especially her and I never expected or wanted any award or acknowledgement I just wanted my family to make it out okay. But I know that won’t happen. Because of her everyone in the wider family stopped speaking to us.
I don’t get how whenever there is anything wrong I’m always the bad guy. Even a broken clock is right twice a day but I’ve never had any sort of support or acknowledgement or validation about my feelings.
Even yesterday my brother was arguing with me - he was kicked out of school and I had to plead with them to let him back in to finish his final year as my parents were too focused on my sister to notice he wasn’t attending school so this year I’m strict about him attending because it’s my name and reputation on the line and he missed a few days due to being lazy. And during this discussion he knocked my MacBook onto the floor and my parents were too busy having a conversation with my sister to have noticed the argument between me and my brother (we were sat right next to them) and they immediately start shouting at me for dropping it and when I explained what happened they didn’t really say anything my dad just called my brother an asshole and my brother just laughed it off.
I feel so tired and depressed. I honestly envy the people who die every single day. Some days are better than others because I know if I just control my expenditure for 6 months I can be debt free and save and move out and I see the light at the end of the tunnel but other days I wish I would just die already. Living should not be this difficult. Every single day I wake up and I am so disappointed I am still here. I am grateful to be alive I know not everyone is this lucky - so many people have so many plans they are unable to follow through on but I can’t help but I feel like this.
I can’t even speak to anyone. I cut off the couple friends I did have as I knew they were disingenuous people and they were more jealous of me and thought of me as a pity case - someone they could use for gossip and entertainment as there is always something going on in my life. I can’t speak to any family members, I can’t speak to my brothers because they’re young and they don’t understand and my parents don’t want to know. I tried to have a conversation with my mum but by crying and having a mental breakdown I pissed her off and she walked away from me - it’s not the first time this has happened and I’m not sure why i forgot this would happen and thought I could speak to her. I should have just kept my mouth shut and then I wouldn’t be crying or writing this.
I have definitely left out a lot of details hoping no one will recognise my family because that is the last thing I want but please let me know if there is anything I can provide further info on.
I don’t know - am I the asshole for being so petty and not wanting to pay for items she wants or will eat or by trying to say I don’t want her to eat the things I pay for and if she wants them she can go buy them herself?
P.s I would just like to say I don’t hate my brothers or hold anything against them - I’m grateful for all of this to have brought me closer to them - but I just can’t help but feel I always get the short end of the stick in every situation. And I genuinely just do not know if I am an asshole.
submitted by Overall-Chip8692 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 ThrowRA12345678991 I believe my father was murdered and the police covered it up.

My father was a police officer in the 90s, he worked some investigative cases, one of which was actually turned into a movie because it was such a big deal. My mother told me that the longer he worked, the more he changed. He became a drinker, and abusive. He always acted like he was hiding something. My mother, thinking he was cheating on her, decided to snoop through his desk one night. It was there that she found a small black book, one with numbers, and names written down. More specifically, names of his fellow police officers. Before she could look further, he came in and attacked her for going through his things. After he calmed down, he cried and told her she didn't need to see those things, and pretend it never existed. He said that he was investigating some shady shit going down in our local police station, with some of the higher ups. That was the end of the conversation and she stopped questioning him. Not long after, they seperated. For the next year they still shared a home, and were never legally divorced. At one point he even begged my mother to take him back. The day my father passed away, he came to see me hours before. I was at my grandmothers house, and she said she still remembers the look on his face as he kissed me goodbye. She said she knew something was wrong. The next morning, the police showed up at my grandmothers door, and informed her that he had killed himself. Now. Here's where things got tricky. - Originally this is how the scene was set up - empty beer cans scattered around the room with a reciept that read they were bought that same night. Blood on the floor with a shoe print that was not my fathers. And a GSW deemed self inflicted on the scene. This case was to be investigated as a homicide. Who found my father? Two officers he worked with, that just "happened" to stop by and check on him, despite him not working that day. However, not long after they opened it as a homicide, it was quickly closed as a suicide. My mother didnt believe it, even though he had his problems he seemed to be doing better. She was bestfriends with a woman who worked with my father, and met up with her begging for any information she could give her. All her friend told her was that the original Dr. said the gunshot wound was in no way possible self inflicted, but the final report says it was. She then begged her to drop it. She told her to Stop showing up around the police station, and don't ask anymore questions about it. When my mother went back to our house to clean out his things, there was one thing missing. The little black book. Despite his death being ruled a suicide, he was given an honorable death, with the whole show. His name was even put on a plaque in my town saying he was killed in the line of duty. All things a fellow officer who commited suicide just a year prior - DID NOT recieve. NOW. i was a child when all this happened, how do I know any of this is true? I dont. But years of growing up without my father caused curiosity. I have repeatedly asked family, family friends, and others to recount his final days. To tell me everything they know. When I was old enough, I accessed the crime scene reports (what I was legally able to see and gain access too) and what I discovered chilled me. His autopsy report? There was no alcohol in his blood. Then why did they make note of the empty beer cans? Why was there a reciept from purchasing them just hours before? Ive thought about traveling to meet with my fathers partner. Not long after my father passed he quit, and moved hours away. He too told my mother to proceed with caution, and not ask questions. I want to speak with him. I will not bring this up to any law enforcement. I do not want my fathers case reopened. I do not want eyes on me, though I knew I risked something when requesting his crime scene and autopsy information. I've done my own "investigation" over the last two years. I only know what I know from what people have told me, and what the reports show. I dont know what happened to my father. But i believe he didn't do it to himself.
I know this may come off as sounding unrealistic, and another crazy reddit story, but this is my fathers story, and I wanted to get it off my chest. Thank you.
submitted by ThrowRA12345678991 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 Friend4Us Currently on TPS, what are my options for permanent residency?

Hello! I am a Ukrainian immigrant who has fled years ago when the war first started in 2022 (my city was first to be hit) so I went to the US under temporary protected status and currently live with my grandmother. In Ukraine I had just graduated from dentistry school with a Physician Stomatologist degree (which is what is needed to be a Dentist) and was in the middle of my "clinical experience" when I left, and since being in the US I had to find temporary work in a hospital as a Patient care tech. Also since I left, I have made many connections both with coworkers, friends, and significant others and I now wish to pursue permanent residency/citizenship in the US, how can I go about this?
  1. I thought about working for an H1B visa since I would be considered a "skilled worker." To practice I have to get licensed (I am currently studying for this) and attend a 2 year transition program on top of degree evaluation by the ECE. (source: Also it takes 2 years so I would need to apply for a student visa first I guess.
  2. if I go to apply for a student visa (F-1 I think it would be) and then 2 year programs, they require me to show proof of financial responsibility (Internationally Trained Dentist Program Financial Aid University of Michigan (, but I don't have enough money/my grandma can't and won't foot the >$80.000/year bill (no sponsorship). This is all made easier if I had a H1B visa which I can convert to a permanent residency (green card) later on, so I can apply for loans via FAFSA. Having a Green Card will also increase my chances of being accepted to this 2 year program for some reason (I can't find the source but I feel like I read that somewhere, but that's besides the financial point). Ultimately, I need a lot of money or a green card to take out federal loans.
  3. that takes me back to looking for an H1B visa via a different route. I'm currently looking for jobs in healthcare that provide H1B that I can utilize my degree (or even just a general science/lab tech jobs, anything at all) but it seems most H1Bs are related to technology industry.
So I feel kind of stuck and stressed out because I don't understand everything about immigration processes but I want to be a dentist here and move on with my life. I don’t want to consider marriage as an option just yet, even if it is the easier and quickest option. Does anyone have any recommendations? Am I missing something or did I get something wrong? Is there another way I am not considering when I should be?
Thank you
submitted by Friend4Us to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:01 ThrowAwayMyLife812 I need help...

I...I need help...
To explain what happened i'll just post my post that I posted in a relationship sub:
I need a place to vent what happened and advice on what to do next.
Sorry for the google translate english.
I'm a 23 year old Male, she is a 20 year old Female, we have been together for 7 months that felt like 20 years.
Simply put, My ex wifey just did an awful lot of lying about little things, which I could still condone, but what was also added is that she kept getting fed up with the fact that we couldn't be together physically at the moment (Study's abroad), and her solution for this was to have a relationship with a female friend behind my back, when I found out I was of course already angry because that was just cheating, but well, after a while of thinking I just forgave her after she promised a lot of things about honesty, then behind my back she just continued what she was doing with that friend until one day she suddenly found that friend with someone else on her lips, so then she broke up with that friend, and then I suddenly heard the whole thing, But I didn't have the heart to break up with her at that moment because she was so broken by what happened with the other person, And then fast forward a week to today, she's suddenly cheating on me with another guy, and then she blocked me when she knew I knew without saying a word.
That's what happened, Sorry for the weird flow of it but this is something I have also sent to a friend.
I...I don't know what to do anymore right now, She was my first ever true love, and the real love of my life, I maybe even want to say soulmate, we we're the same in truly every single thing personal (apart from the lying and cheating ofcourse), And now, she's gone forever....without even a single goodbye.....
Someone please, I need help, I'm slowly slipping into a depression and am trying all I can to not be home alone as much as possible (going to concerts and shows, which i don't even truly like, But just go to so i'm not alone) so I don't kill myself while sitting in the lonelyness, I don't really have friends that I can hang out with or to go to a pub or bar with, I need help...I can't go back to my parents since they never supported my relationship with her in the first place because she was a satanist and I'm a christian, And because they only joke about it when I bring up her name in something.
Please...I don't know what i'm asking for right now...but I need help....please...
So an update, she messaged me today again, telling me she did all of this, because she found someone better....I gave her everything I had, I did everything she said, I changed everything she wanted me to, I blocked everyone she wanted me to, I did all she wanted...and was not enough....and the someone better she is talking about it someone who I and many others consider a pathetic little nothing....if ahe considers even that as better than me....then I must really be worthless....i'm thinking about ending it all, I don't want this life anymore, I have been bullied throughout all my childhood basically till 18 years old, and the couple of friends I had left I have now also lost because of her....she is spreading fake story's about me to everyone....I....I can't take this anymore, I can't do it anymore....I want to end....
submitted by ThrowAwayMyLife812 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:00 Tx75110 33 [M4F] #Texas/Online - looking for a friendship for now with the potential

Good afternoon!
I’m looking for a friend for now. I’m looking for someone that is sweet and fun to talk to and someone that can enjoy talking all day or as much as possible. Definitely looking for someone that has a career. My career allows me to communicate throughout the day. I’m also looking for someone that is open to voice calls and video chats plus pictures. I definitely wanna trade pictures as soon as possible. If you send a picture in the first message I’ll respond back with one myself.
About Me
What i'm looking for:
Someone who's got a great sense of humor and loves to flirt
Constant or Frequent Communication and active
I'd love to have someone I can share my daily experiences with, discuss random topics, and explore different parts of life together. someone willing to explore the lifestyle with me
18-30 years old
I really want to find someone that I can support, care for and be there for when they need me. I don’t know much as I’m still learning so I wanna find someone that is either new or willing to learn together enough so we can both grow and be happy.
I value both honesty and respect in any kind of relationship, so you can expect a safe and comfortable space to connect with me.
I'm all about having a good time, making each other smile, and enjoying the company of someone who can keep up with my playful nature
I'm a fun-loving and outgoing individual who loves to engage in conversations that range from light-hearted to deeper topics
Let's keep each other entertained with playful banter and flirty exchanges throughout the day
I also Enjoy a little NSFW chats so I'm open to kinks and all as well so I hope we could have some common grounds for kinky bedroom stuff
submitted by Tx75110 to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:59 samh748 Questions about starting a band

I have an oddly specific vision for a band, but I'm not sure if it makes sense in the long-term.
My idea is to start a melodic-instrumental band that covers a very specific genre. I already have people in mind that I'd recruit (including a good saxophonist friend) and I have ideas for the songs we'd play, but it kinda stops there. I can't imagine us playing more than a half-dozen songs then maybe get bored of the same thing, cuz we'd be limited by our instruments (can't play metal with saxophone).
I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to creative control and I would quickly lose interest if we steer away from "my vision". I know this makes me difficult to work with and that's exactly why I've stayed a bedroom musician so far.
Would others be put off that it's just "my idea" and they are just going along? Would people be bored to stay playing a very narrow genre? Would it seem weird if we get together for only a few songs then stop? I don't want to waste people's time and talents just to fulfill my personal creative vision.
I don't know if I'm making any sense. Would be happy to answer questions and discuss further to hopefully get some clarity.
submitted by samh748 to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:58 Scary-Hunt-4684 I miss you

Four months ago, a friend added me to an Instagram group with many people my age. It was the day before Valentine's Day, February 13th, and since I was single, I decided to play a prank on a girl I didn't know by asking her if she wanted to go out with me. It was just a joke and not serious at all.
To my surprise, she quickly understood that it was a joke, and we started talking privately. The more we talked, the more we realized we had a lot in common. We began talking every day, understanding each other deeply and never judging one another.
A week into our conversations, I went to a psychologist and was diagnosed with depression. I wasn't very surprised because I had been feeling quite sad and unmotivated for the past few weeks. I trusted her enough to tell her about my diagnosis, even though we had only been talking for a week. She understood and supported me through it.
From then on, we started talking about more personal things. I discovered that she wasn't as happy and cheerful as she seemed either. Then, Ramadan began, and those were some of the best moments I had with her. Every evening when I went out, we would call each other and share stories. It was truly incredible.
In Algeria, during Ramadan, there's a beautiful atmosphere in the evenings. However, we didn't live very close to each other. She lived in Bejaia, and I lived in El Kseur. Given that we were only 14 years old, it was quite difficult to plan a meeting, especially during the school year. Despite the distance, we kept our hopes up.
Then came the beginning of the decline. One day, we were chatting as usual, and since I had class, I said goodbye to her, and she did the same. When I came back home and sent her a message, I noticed that her name had changed to "Instagram User." She had blocked me.
I tried sending her messages on all her accounts, but each time she would block me and leave me on read. The first few days were terrible, some of the worst in my life. After two weeks, I remembered that I still had her phone number, so I sent her a text message thanking her for all the help she had given me and saying goodbye.
To my great surprise, she replied, "Hey (my name), I’ll explain later why I blocked you. I’m sorry, I’ll explain because I don’t have much time now. I hope you’re doing well." I waited another two weeks, and she added me on Instagram again, on a secondary account where I only had my close friends since I had deactivated my main account.
We started talking again, but less frequently, and she was less talkative. After a week, she would only reply to me at night and didn't want to continue the conversation. I sent her a message addressing this issue before going to sleep. The next day, my phone was stolen.
Remember when I told you that I had deactivated my main account to be on the secondary one? I had forgotten the login details of the account where we were talking. I tried everything but couldn't get back in. I asked a friend to send her a message to unblock me on my main account, but I still don't know if she replied or not.
I recovered my SIM card and sent her a text message, but she hasn't replied. Last night, I had a dream. It was blurry, but I remember that she had blocked me on all social media, and my heart exploded with sadness because she was all I had.
I suspect that I might have fallen in love with her a few weeks ago. She is very open-minded and has never judged me. I'm so afraid of losing her because she means so much to me. I know I should try to move on, but I can't help but feel that I should try to talk to her again. What if she responds and we start talking like before? All this pain would just be a bad memory.
I worry that I might never find someone like her again. She showed me Lil Peep, and I love listening to his music, but it reminds me too much of her. I feel like she genuinely appreciated me. What if she only kept talking to me all this time just to avoid hurting my feelings?
I tried to reach out to her in various ways but received no response. I even asked a friend to check if she had replied. She still hasn't replied to my SMS. She means so much to me. With her, I felt understood and loved. Without her, I feel terribly alone.
After the incident with my stolen phone, I tried everything to get back in touch with her but failed. She was unique. I've felt incredibly alone all my life, but with her, I felt loved. I miss her terribly, Girl, you mean everything to me.
submitted by Scary-Hunt-4684 to loneliness [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:56 Revolutionary_Role12 Seeking help to create a synthwave backing track of paranoid android

Hey all so this is pretty random but here goes I'm a hobbie DJ but no nothing about making music I'm putting on a beer festival in the uk that's set in the future (2074 to be exact) I've got a some friends who are in a string quartet and they have agreed to get involved I thought it would be so cool to have them playing a selection of synthwave tracks and because I like to DJ I thought it would be awesome to pre mix 12 songs along with videos and have the musicians play along to the backing music with Lazers and smoke. I'm putting together a list of tracks that I feel would be epic. Including some muse tracks. Your the voice, kung fury true survivor etc one of the big pieces I wanted to be played was paranoid android by radio head. I've found an awesome version on you tube and basically wanted to ask if anyone on here would be able to create a backing track for the song like in the link below. With a gentle beat and a synth doing the cords So that the quartet can play over the top.
submitted by Revolutionary_Role12 to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:56 MexicanGuyInAustria AITJ My Childhood Friend bullyied me for a school year straight and tries to get me to pay him Money.

So this happend many years ago and is about a friend lets call him Pedro who bullyied me.
For Context he and i became Friends in first Grade and were Best Friends till the 3 year. The fourth year is when he started.
At first it started with him dropping some passive agressive Remarks about the class i was playing with him in DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) i was a Dwarf and he was a cathuman from Skyrim. But the more the Days ran by the more aggresive he got and eventually he got two other best Friends from back then to gang up on me.
He even claimed i owe him money because he gifted me a steam game (Terraria) and he called my parents to get me to pay him Money that i didn´t owe him.
And so the year went on and eventually i had a plan to deal with them.
My Grandplan my Magnum Opus wait till the End of the Year and then ghost them switch to a school in Innsbruck.
It worked.
Till now i believe it was not entirely his Fault he was abused at Home and not showed much Love from either of his parents (Divorced) with one Story being how he was dragged with his Hair through his entire house because his Father got mad at a Game.
Goodbye everybody have nice Day and dont forget if u are getting bullied fight back not only with your fists but also by telling the Teacher.
submitted by MexicanGuyInAustria to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:55 Revolutionary_Role12 Seeking help to create a synthwave backing track of paranoid android

Hey all so this is pretty random but here goes I'm a hobbie DJ but no nothing about making music I'm putting on a beer festival in the uk that's set in the future (2074 to be exact) I've got a some friends who are in a string quartet and they have agreed to get involved I thought it would be so cool to have them playing a selection of synthwave tracks and because I like to DJ I thought it would be awesome to pre mix 12 songs along with videos and have the musicians play along to the backing music with Lazers and smoke. I'm putting together a list of tracks that I feel would be epic. Including some muse tracks. Your the voice, kung fury true survivor etc one of the big pieces I wanted to be played was paranoid android by radio head. I've found an awesome version on you tube and basically wanted to ask if anyone on here would be able to create a backing track for the song like in the link below. With a gentle beat and a synth doing the cords So that the quartet can play over the top.
submitted by Revolutionary_Role12 to SynthwaveProduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:53 24hoursag0 Calm words about Google home products

HI all, I read the FAQs and all. I just want to say a few words.
Years ago, I bought a Google Home Nest Mini speaker thingie for $50. You could talk to it, it played music, etc. Same thing I rigged together when I was a teenager in the 90s using Microsoft voice and X10 products. Don't know why everyone is wetting there panties over this, but whatever.
It worked. And it worked well. I bought another, recommended to friends, over time, I bought 8 or 10 more since, had them all over the house, out on the veranda, stereo joined, grouped them with JBL video desk thingie in the kitchen, my Bose, awesome, carry along speaker, recommended to friends, etc.
It had glitches, but I've been working in high tech, biotech, etc., for 30 years. I now work in academia, Senior Systems Engineer at a fairly notable uni. Doesn't matter which, but it's colors are crimson if you're curious.
Back to the point, over time, they steadily got worse, wouldn't pair with each other, Google dropped support for my Bose AND the JBL, so they won't group anymore, etc. Bought a Google Hub thingie which WOULD NOT talk to the minis, they kept playing different songs, etc. Called support, went through an hour of mind numbingly first level support of resetting derive, etc., etc. Finally, took a video of me going through the steps, and duplicating the problems.
OK. "Your configuration is not supported sir. Thank you for calling." It's a Google Hub and a Google Nest, it says ON THE BOX this is one of it's "features"?!?!??!
I just got home from an ridiculously long day at work, asked Google to play music, and it says, "YOUR YOUTUBE ACCOUNT IS LOGGED IN FROM TOO MANY DEVICES"
All else aside, it is a speaker. Play music. come home, I open the refrigerator, and the door OPENS, light turns on, that's it. It does not lock and start a bloody argument with me that it thinks I have another refrigerator door open right now.
I called support. They say they if I check my EULA, I am not eligible for a refund. Some supervisor is supposed to call me back. On Google Pixel, with service provided by Google Fi, so who knows if I'll hear from them.
I AM DONE. I am the most chill guy you would ever meet, but this has made my mood... unpleasant.
Are there class action suits I can join? Do I need to get a pitchfork and torch, join the angry mob in Mountain View HQ?
EDIT: I think it was Kurzweil Voice, not Microsoft Voice. Totally irrelevant, just credit where its due.
submitted by 24hoursag0 to googlehome [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:52 Luv-with-rainy-eyes [TOMT] [MUSIC] [2020s] Instagram audio with retro video game music harp/piano

I was looking for the original song for a friend from this instagram video and couldn't find anything online even after using many reverse image and audio search engines.
It sounds like a speed up old nintendo song, and it could be just from a game soundtrack I don't know, but I looked to see if it was a trending audio at the time and couldn't really find anything on that either.
submitted by Luv-with-rainy-eyes to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:52 TastyAmbition2309 Funny that I enjoy Drakes music more than Kendrick’s, but was rooting for Kendrick

I’m more of a HipHop causal listener. Usually only songs on radio or songs I’ve been introduced to by friends etc.
But for some reason I’ve always liked Kendrick as a person more than I liked his music. Nothing against his music and there are 10-15 I enjoy.
I like drakes hits but did always get the fake tough guy vibe. Also hated the stories about Drake sleeping with his friend’s girlfriends.
It was nice to see Kendrick win. I’ll still enjoy Drakes music cause I don’t think he’s a pedo but definitely a lil creepy.
submitted by TastyAmbition2309 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:50 Revolutionary_Role12 Seeking help creating a synth backing track of Radioheads paranoid android.

Hey all so this is pretty random but here goes I'm a hobbie DJ but no nothing about making music I'm putting on a beer festival in the uk that's set in the future (2074 to be exact) I've got a some friends who are in a string quartet and they have agreed to get involved I thought it would be so cool to have them playing a selection of synthwave tracks and because I like to DJ I thought it would be awesome to pre mix 12 songs along with videos and have the musicians play along to the backing music with Lazers and smoke. I'm putting together a list of tracks that I feel would be epic. Including some muse tracks. Your the voice, kung fury true survivor etc one of the big pieces I wanted to be played was paranoid android by radio head. I've found an awesome version on you tube and basically wanted to ask if anyone on here would be able to create a backing track for the song like in the link below. With a gentle beat and a synth doing the cords So that the quartet can play over the top.
submitted by Revolutionary_Role12 to synthwaveproducers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:50 PandaGirl-98 [TOMT]: Been looking for this song for years!

So back in the early 00s, I lived in an orphanage/children's home (South Africa) and although it was a shit time I made some pretty solid friends, most of which I cannot track down but regardless I remember this girl who had a CD labeled "Ferrari" and it consisted of 90s Rave songs specifically songs that I guess related to Ferarri? One of them being the Michael Schumacher song. Unfortunately the song I'm looking for doesn't have lyrics, it's just some (F1?) type song and searching "F1 song" "racing song" blah blah does not yield the results I'm looking for. Its a very popular 90s song, but as mentioned, due to the lack of vocals it's incredibly hard to find. I don't know how much this will help but it's not a bassy kind or song, if anything it's a pretty calm type Rave song.
Edit: yes I've hummed this song to Google and no results.
submitted by PandaGirl-98 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:46 Early_Simple9035 TRADING 1:1

TRADING 1:1 submitted by Early_Simple9035 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:45 OkayBeing Give me some songs to listen to when you’re sick of the today’s top 100s

I feel like when I search for new music or playlists they play the same songs. Help me broaden my music taste(?), thanks buddy pal friend chum 🙂
submitted by OkayBeing to MusicRecommendations [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:44 graywolt Total Flipped World Tour - Chinese Fake-Out

Total Flipped World Tour - Chinese Fake-Out
In a unanimous vote, Zoey is eliminated, while Scott has gained immunity in a 5-3-3 vote.
Back on the plane. Sugar, Scott, and Topher are plotting. Scott states that as he’s currently safe, it’s Sugar & Topher who need to finish their plan with Zoey. Topher chimes in, saying that he’s got a plan that will definitely show off his natural charisma. He lays the details out, and Sugar tells him that this better work, before Scott tells them all to break.
Max & Staci are sitting in the economy class of the Jumbo Jet when Topher walks up, looking convincingly down. Max angrily asks what Topher wants, and Topher suggests voting out Zoey, as her temper could get really hairy, along with being a threat. Max spits at Topher, saying that Sugar covers all of those things as well, but is much nastier. Topher shuffles out, asking them to simply think about it.
Zoey has grabbed Dawn, Anne Maria, & Cameron, apologizing for what she did in the challenge. They all accept her apology, and just then, the P.A system pipes up, telling everyone to go vote. Topher goes up to Anne Maria as she’s walking out and says that she should vote Zoey for the same reasons in which he told Max & Staci to do so, along with the fact that she can get help with her anger issues outside of the game. Anne Maria asks what he means, but Topher has jetted off.
At the elimination ceremony, Chris quickly grants everyone besides Sugar & Zoey safe. Cameron asks what the holdup is with Sugar & Zoey, as Sugar was most definitely eliminated. Chris tells him that’s what Cameron simply thinks, before whistling, which brings out Will, who is moving around a mini-tv on a cart. He plugs it in, and Chris says that he believes that everyone should see the votes. In the confessional, Anne Maria utters “oh no”, and when Topher is in there, he’s squealing “Oh yeeesss!”, with popcorn in his hand.
Chris presses play, and we see the votes:
An angry Zoey mercilessly stamps Sugar’s face, saying “good riddance”.
Max also stamps Sugar’s passport, and huffs as he leaves the voting booth.
Scott stamps Zoey’s passport, stating that this plan of Topher’s better work, or they’re screwed.
Sugar votes for Zoey, stating that no one will get her out.
Dawn votes for Sugar, saying that one great injustice should be vanquished here.
A silent Staci is choosing between Sugar & Zoey and decides on Zoey.
Cameron puts in his vote for Sugar and says that he hopes Dawn is correct.
A smug Topher puts in his vote for Zoey, saying that the next vote may shock you.
Anne Maria is last, puts down her vote for Zoey while taking a deep breath, saying that she hopes that she doesn’t regret this.
Needless to say, Zoey, Dawn, Max, and Cameron are flabbergasted by these results. Zoey is nearly brought to tears again, simply apologizing for what she did today, before jumping off with a parachute. Dawn & Max are now staring at Scott, Sugar, & Topher with the power of a thousand suns, and Dawn is calling them “wretched souls” that would do anything for the smallest amount of money. Dawn & Max also look at Staci & Anne Maria, with the latter group having nothing to say. Dawn asks how they could do this, and Anne Maria said that she thought it may be best for Zoey to leave to get her issues in check, and that Topher made a decent point. With Max, he promptly kicks Topher in the balls, Scott in the shins, and slaps Sugar in the face. Max then goes up to Staci, saying that their alliance (and friendship) is over, before storming off. As Staci is sniffling about this, Chris barges in, signing off the show after asking some narrative questions.
Chinese Fake-Out
We start in first class, with Scott mocking Anne Maria. He tells her that she can’t possibly consider herself a hero anymore, and mockingly asks if Anne Maria is interested in joining his alliance. Due to this, Anne Maria shoves Scott face-first into the wedding cake right next to them, while walking away with a slice. In the confessional, a cake-covered Scott says that it feels good to be back on top, and that he should have a ticket to the finals if he plays his cards right. Anne Maria comes in next, saying that Scott, Topher, & Sugar are nothing more than a pack of filthy rats in an Atlantic City sewer system, and that she can’t believe that she fell for what Topher had said.
In economy class, Max is distraught, slightly more than Dawn. He laments about how Scott, Topher, and Sugar have the upper hand, and isn’t even sure if he can really trust Staci now, who is moping in a corner. Cameron then tells him that even if he’s upset at Staci & Anne Maria, he doubts that they maliciously voted off Zoey, and were truly worried about her. Staci confirms that’s what she thought, and Max starts to retort before putting his face in his hands, wondering what they’ll do. Topher & Sugar are watching this from afar, enjoying every second. Sugar starts to point & laugh at Max before falling over, as Chef has just roughly started to land the plane.
The contestants are lined up in front of the Great Wall of China. Before a cell phone call interrupts Chris's explanation of the competition, he gets as far as saying that the contestants must race along the wall The contestants start running after they misinterpret a signal, missing out on vital information about the challenge. Chris lets them go, figuring that this will just make things more interesting. As they’re running along the wall, Sugar tells Topher to get the rickshaw. Anne Maria says that the rickshaw isn’t hers yet, and Sugar tells her to get a real tan, which she gets slapped by Anne Maria for.
At the 2/5 mark of their journey, the contestants find many types of vehicles. Topher gets there first, with Sugar right by him. Topher suggests that Sugar carry him in the rickshaw, as she’d be good at that, which Sugar beams at. Topher whispers “Sucker!”, as Sugar gets ready to pull. Anne Maria gets there next and grabs the skateboard.
Dawn gets the bike, and Scott leaps over Cameron with his pogo stick, as Cameron mounts his trike. Max is having trouble mounting his donkey, and Staci comes up, offering to help him. Max says that he doesn’t need help, but after falling for the fourth time, he accepts her help. Staci then looks for her vehicle, which ends up being traditional Chinese Wooden Shoes.
Sugar, Topher, and Anne Maria are vigorously speeding down the Great Wall, until Sugar hits a land mine sending her & Topher into the air. Max’s donkey has stubbornly stopped, and Scott is laughing at him as he bounces past. Max then hatches an idea, which is to kick the donkey in the butt, which nearly sends him flying off the wall. With Dawn & Cameron, Cameron’s tricycle is stuck in a crack. Dawn tries to help him out but can’t get it unstuck, so she offers him a ride on her bike. Dawn & Cameron race for the finish line, but they hit another land mine, sending them both backwards past Chris’s helicopter.
Anne Maria, Topher, & Sugar reach the finish line almost simultaneously, only to discover that there is no prize for first place; instead, whoever crossed the finish line first gets to join Chris for a "special" lunch, which is the next part of the competition. Scott reaches the finish via pogo stick and tells Chris to end the challenge when he sees Max & Staci rapidly advancing. However, Max & Staci make it over the line barely soon enough, making Cameron & Dawn the only ones ineligible to compete in the next part of the challenge.
In the Chinese restaurant, Chris tells the contestants that they will partake in authentic Chinese cuisine. Anne Maria says that she can’t wait to eat some wontons, until Chris describes the food they’ll be eating, such as deep-fried grasshoppers, Kung Pao larvae — the grossest Chris can find, which makes Topher gag. Sugar then says that none of that sounds tough at all, so Topher turns to Sugar to help him eat these dishes, which Sugar happily accepts.
Along with the food being very gross, the contestants must sing a song during the challenge, “A Chinese Lesson”. Max is eliminated first when he believes that the donkey meat served was his friend Ace, Anne Mariais eliminated when she finishes her food last, and Staci is eliminated when she can’t finish a starfish before Scott.
To everyone’s dismay, one of Sugar, Scott, or Topher is guaranteed to win invincibility now. At this point, Anne Maria notices that Topher keeps ducking down under the table, and that Sugar always seems to have a never-ending plate, which means that Topher is giving his food to Sugar. To fix this, Chris puts mousetraps under the table to discourage moving under there. Topher says that this is ridiculous, and when he takes a mere whiff of the century egg on his plate, he pukes directly onto Sugar. Due to this, Sugar can’t handle the food anymore, puking as well. This once again grants Scott immunity, eliciting a chorus of groans.
Vote for two people besides Scott, vote for someone to be immune, and feel free to come up with any plot points!
submitted by graywolt to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:42 Mysterious-Plum-7584 It’s been over a year and a half but I can’t stop thinking about her

I (17 m) asked a girl, who I was friends with prior to this, to homecoming at the beginning of sophomore year. I had a massive crush on her and I, foolishly, assumed that going to homecoming together equated to a date. Before going to the dance we took pictures together and went to dinner with some of our mutual friends. Honestly I was kinda awkward during this, like not a crazy amount but definitely a few moments where I really fucked up. Anyway, we finished eating and I paid for our food and then we went to the dance. Once we went inside we talked for a few minutes before she said she had to use the bathroom. She was gone for about 30 minutes and I was just left standing awkwardly on the dance floor alone. The next time I saw her she was in a circle talking to her friends and I didn’t wanna interrupt so I just continued walking around awkwardly trying to find something to do. Kinda reminds me of that one song, middle of a memory I think. Anyway, after about an hour I just decided to leave and as I was leaving I saw her near the exit so we said bye and she hugged me then I left. After that I didn’t talk to her for about four days due to nervousness, until she came up to me during lunch. She pulled aside from my lunch table where I was eating with my friends and, in front of the entire cafeteria(realistically no one other than my friends were really paying attention but it still felt like everyone was watching me get rejected), basically told me that one of our mutual friends had told her that I had a crush on her and that she thought we went as friends and that she didn’t like me like that. I’m not really sure exactly what she said cause it’s all such a blur, but it was something along those lines. It kinda felt like those scenes in movies where something bad happens to the main character and the screen blurs and there’s a loud ringing sound. Like everything she said was just a faint echo. I sat back down and just kept eating my lunch like I was fine but I just wanted to break down and cry, and not like sad crying, like angry crying. I just wanted to punch a hole through a wall. I was, and still am, so angry at myself for not being good enough. I was sad about it for around a week, and then I kinda just stopped thinking about it. I guess it was easier to just ignore it. Then around 2 weeks after she rejected me, for whatever reason, decided to spread rumors about me. Not sure what they all were, but the main one was that I had a “black girl fetish”(for context, I’m white and she’s black). I’m not joking btw she genuinely sad that, or at least I was told she said that. There were other ones too, but I never heard what they were. I know I was pretty awkward but I don’t think I deserved that. Our mutual friend also decided to stop talking to her after that which I felt really bad about basically being the cause of their friendship ending. Anyway, the effect this had on my confidence was tremendous. After that I basically refused to acknowledge or even think about what happened, and when I did I just shifted my thoughts away from it. This ‘worked’ fine for about a year until a last fall. I finally started to reflect on what happened and I caused me to go down a whirlpool of self hate, culminating in me genuinely wanting to end my own life. I think it may have been seasonal depression, although I’ve never experienced that before and it didn’t feel like it was related to lack of sunlight but whatever. Anyway, I genuinely did, and pretty much still do hate everything about myself. I’m a bit better now, as in I’m not suicidal anymore and not necessarily depressed, but I still feel the same way about myself. I feel that I’m unlovable and that I have no hope for a relationship, even though that’s basically all I want in life. It feels like the damage that being rejected did is irreparable and I’ll never be able to look at myself through the same naive lens again. I didn’t used to cry very often, or at least really cry. Like maybe my eyes got a little watery during a sad scene in a movie I really liked, but not really crying, not really breaking down. Now I cry all the time. It gets triggered so easily whenever I’m alone, sometimes it’s feelings of hopelessness or stuff like that, sometimes it’s simply staring at myself in the mirror, and often it happens after any time I get told off or criticized about literally anything by parents, teachers, friends, whoever. Even little things that don’t matter break me sometimes. It’s usually the second I’m alone after something like that happens I break down because I’m always already on the verge of breaking down/ mentally battered from how much I insult myself. I feel so selfish too because I feel like I’m blaming her for all my problems even though it really isn’t even her fault, like she didn’t really do anything wrong, other than the rumors I guess but those had basically no impact on me, or at least noticeable impact. I just don’t know what to do. I think I’ve thought about her every day for the last 3 months at least. I don’t want to but I just can’t stop thinking about her and the rejection. I don’t even like her anymore but I still just can’t get over what happened.
If you have any questions about details or stuff like that please feel free to ask. Thank you.
submitted by Mysterious-Plum-7584 to helpmecope [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:42 softtechhubus Discover the Secret to Building Profitable Affiliate Stores in Minutes with Automation

Discover the Secret to Building Profitable Affiliate Stores in Minutes with Automation


In the world of affiliate marketing, the ability to create profitable online stores can be a game-changer. However, the process of building these stores from scratch is often riddled with challenges, from time-consuming content creation to complex technical barriers. That's where the power of automation comes into play, revolutionizing the way affiliate marketers approach their businesses.
Imagine being able to establish a fully functional, content-rich affiliate store in mere minutes, without the need for extensive technical knowledge or hours of tedious work. This is the promise of automation, a solution that streamlines the entire process, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – driving traffic and maximizing your earnings.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the struggles of traditional affiliate store creation, the benefits of automation, and introduce you to a groundbreaking tool that promises to change the game forever. Get ready to unlock the secret to building profitable affiliate stores with unparalleled efficiency and ease.

The Struggles of Traditional Affiliate Store Creation

Content Creation: Time-consuming and Requires Expertise

Creating high-quality, engaging content for your affiliate store is a time-consuming and often daunting task. From researching and writing product descriptions to crafting compelling sales copy, this process demands a significant investment of time and expertise. Without a solid content strategy in place, your store may struggle to attract and retain visitors, ultimately impacting your potential for success.

Technical Barriers: Need for Coding or Technical Skills

Setting up an online store can be a technical minefield for those without coding or web development experience. From configuring hosting and domain settings to integrating payment gateways and optimizing for search engines, the technical aspects of store creation can quickly become overwhelming. This barrier to entry often discourages newcomers and limits the potential for growth.

Product Selection: Difficulty in Choosing the Right Products

Choosing the right products to feature in your affiliate store is crucial for maximizing your earning potential. However, navigating the vast landscape of available products and determining which ones resonate with your target audience can be a daunting task. Without a strategic approach, you risk promoting products that fail to generate substantial sales and commissions.

Traffic Generation: Challenges in Driving Visitors to the Store

Even with a well-designed affiliate store, attracting a steady flow of targeted traffic is a significant challenge. From search engine optimization (SEO) to paid advertising and social media marketing, implementing effective traffic generation strategies requires a deep understanding of various marketing channels and techniques. Without a consistent stream of visitors, your store's potential for success remains limited.

Affiliate Link Management: Complicated and Prone to Errors

Managing affiliate links can be a tedious and error-prone process, especially as your store grows and the number of products increases. Ensuring that each product is accurately linked to the correct affiliate program and tracking the performance of these links can quickly become overwhelming. A single mistake in link management can lead to lost commissions and hinder your overall profitability.

The Power of Automation in Affiliate Marketing

In the face of these challenges, automation emerges as a powerful solution, offering a range of benefits that can revolutionize the way you approach affiliate marketing and build profitable online stores.

Efficiency: Save Time and Resources

By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes, you can significantly reduce the time and resources required to create and maintain your affiliate store. From content generation to product integration and link management, automation takes care of the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus your efforts on more strategic aspects of your business.

Consistency: Automated Processes Ensure Uniformity and Reliability

Automation ensures consistency across your store, eliminating the risk of human error and inconsistencies that can arise from manual processes. With automated systems in place, you can rest assured that your store's content, product descriptions, and affiliate links are consistently accurate and up-to-date, providing a seamless experience for your visitors.

Scalability: Easily Manage Multiple Stores and Products

As your affiliate marketing business grows, the ability to manage multiple stores and products becomes increasingly challenging. Automation empowers you to scale your operations effortlessly, enabling you to add new products, create additional stores, and expand your reach without being bogged down by time-consuming manual tasks.

Introducing ShopBuildr AI

In the evolutionary terrain of affiliate marketing, a revolutionary tool has emerged, promising to transform the way you approach store creation and management. Introducing ShopBuildr AI, a game-changing solution that harnesses the power of automation to build profitable affiliate stores in minutes, without the need for extensive technical knowledge or tedious manual processes.

Overview: What is ShopBuildr AI?

ShopBuildr AI is a cutting-edge software that combines advanced automation capabilities with seamless integration, enabling you to create fully functional, content-rich affiliate stores in a matter of minutes. This powerful tool eliminates the traditional barriers to entry, empowering both novice and experienced affiliate marketers to unlock new levels of success and profitability.

Key Features:

Automated Store Creation

With ShopBuildr AI, the process of building an affiliate store is reduced to a few simple clicks. Say goodbye to the time-consuming tasks of manually setting up pages, configuring layouts, and integrating various components. ShopBuildr AI takes care of it all, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – promoting your products and driving sales.

No Need for Amazon API

Unlike many other affiliate store builders, ShopBuildr AI does not rely on the Amazon API, eliminating the potential for API restrictions or limitations. This innovative approach ensures that your store remains fully functional and accessible, regardless of any changes or updates to Amazon's policies.

Integrated with ChatGPT for Content Generation

One of the standout features of ShopBuildr AI is its seamless integration with ChatGPT, the cutting-edge language model developed by OpenAI. With this integration, you can generate high-quality, engaging content for your store with just a few prompts. Say goodbye to the struggles of writing product descriptions, sales copy, and blog posts from scratch.

Over 100 Done-For-You Products

To kickstart your affiliate marketing journey, ShopBuildr AI comes preloaded with over 100 high-converting products across various niches. This diverse selection allows you to hit the ground running, saving you valuable time and effort in researching and curating products for your store.

Automatic Insertion of Product Images, Descriptions, and Affiliate Links

Once you've selected the products you wish to feature, ShopBuildr AI takes care of the rest. It automatically inserts high-quality product images, compelling descriptions, and correctly formatted affiliate links, ensuring a professional and cohesive presentation throughout your store.

Custom Ad Code and Opt-in Box Integration

To maximize your earning potential, ShopBuildr AI allows you to seamlessly integrate custom ad codes and opt-in boxes directly into your store. This feature enables you to monetize your traffic through various channels, such as display advertising or email list building, further enhancing your overall profitability.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using ShopBuildr AI

Building a profitable affiliate store with ShopBuildr AI is a straightforward process that anyone can follow, regardless of their technical expertise. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting started:

Step 1: Install the Software

The first step is to install the ShopBuildr AI software on your WordPress site. This process is designed to be user-friendly, with clear instructions and a simple installation wizard. Whether you're a WordPress pro or a complete beginner, you'll find the installation process to be a breeze.

Step 2: Upload Your Products

Once the software is installed, it's time to choose the products you want to feature in your store. ShopBuildr AI comes preloaded with over 100 high-converting products, so you can get started right away. However, if you prefer to add your own products, the software makes it easy to upload and integrate them into your store.

Step 3: Let ShopBuildr AI Take Over

With your products loaded, the real magic begins. Simply click the "Build Store" button, and ShopBuildr AI will take care of the rest. It will automatically create your store pages, insert product images and descriptions, add affiliate links, and integrate any custom ad codes or opt-in boxes you've specified.
In a matter of minutes, you'll have a fully functional, content-rich affiliate store, ready to attract visitors and start generating commissions.

Benefits of ShopBuildr AI

While the features and ease of use of ShopBuildr AI are impressive, the real power of this tool lies in the benefits it offers to affiliate marketers of all levels, from complete beginners to seasoned professionals.

Newbie Friendly: No Prior Experience Needed

One of the biggest advantages of ShopBuildr AI is its accessibility to newcomers in the world of affiliate marketing. With its automated processes and user-friendly interface, you don't need any prior experience or technical expertise to build a professional-looking affiliate store. This level playing field opens up new opportunities for anyone looking to tap into the lucrative world of affiliate marketing.

Fast Setup: Create a Store in Minutes

Time is money, and ShopBuildr AI understands this concept well. By automating the entire store creation process, you can have a fully functional affiliate store up and running in a matter of minutes. This unparalleled speed and efficiency allow you to focus your efforts on other critical aspects of your business, such as driving traffic and optimizing your marketing strategies.

Increased Commissions: Promote Unlimited Products for Higher Earnings

With ShopBuildr AI, you're no longer limited by the number of products you can effectively promote. The software's ability to seamlessly integrate and manage an unlimited number of products means you can diversify your offerings and maximize your earning potential. By featuring a wide range of high-converting products, you increase your chances of attracting a broader audience and generating substantial commissions.

Support and Updates: Continuous Improvements and Customer Support

The team behind ShopBuildr AI is committed to providing ongoing support and regular updates to ensure that the software remains at the forefront of affiliate marketing innovation. With dedicated customer support and a roadmap of exciting new features and enhancements, you can rest assured that your investment in ShopBuildr AI will continue to pay dividends for years to come.

Real-World Results

While the features and benefits of ShopBuildr AI are compelling, nothing speaks louder than real-world results. Let's take a look at some case studies and testimonials from affiliate marketers who have experienced the power of this revolutionary tool firsthand.

Case Studies: Examples of Successful Affiliate Stores Created with ShopBuildr AI

Stephanie's Wellness Store

Stephanie, a busy mom and health enthusiast, had always dreamed of starting her own online store promoting natural wellness products. However, the thought of creating content, setting up a website, and managing affiliate links seemed daunting. That's when she discovered ShopBuildr AI.
Within a few hours, Stephanie had a fully functional affiliate store featuring a wide range of high-quality wellness products. The automated content generation and seamless integration of affiliate links saved her countless hours of work. Today, Stephanie's store is thriving, and she's able to balance her passion for healthy living with her family responsibilities.

Mike's Tech Gadget Emporium

Mike, a tech-savvy entrepreneur, had been struggling to keep up with the ever-changing world of consumer electronics. His affiliate store was outdated, and the process of manually updating product information and affiliate links was becoming increasingly time-consuming.
After implementing ShopBuildr AI, Mike's store underwent a complete transformation. The software's automated product updates and affiliate link management ensured that his store was always up-to-date with the latest offerings. Mike's commissions skyrocketed, and he was able to focus his energy on expanding his marketing efforts and driving even more traffic to his store.

Testimonials: User Experiences and Feedback

"ShopBuildr AI has been a game-changer for my affiliate marketing business. I went from struggling to keep up with content creation and product updates to having a fully automated, high-converting store in no time. The software is incredibly user-friendly, and the support team is always there to help. Highly recommended!" - Jessica K., Affiliate Marketer
"As a complete beginner in affiliate marketing, I was intimidated by the thought of building an online store from scratch. ShopBuildr AI made the process so simple and straightforward. Within a few clicks, I had a professional-looking store filled with engaging content and high-quality products. I can't thank the team enough for making this possible." - David L., Newbie Affiliate Marketer
"I've tried various affiliate store builders in the past, but none of them came close to the level of automation and efficiency offered by ShopBuildr AI. The seamless integration with ChatGPT for content generation is a real game-changer, and the ability to manage unlimited products has opened up new possibilities for my business." - Emily R., Experienced Affiliate Marketer


In the evolving world of affiliate marketing, the key to success lies in embracing innovation and leveraging the power of automation. By harnessing the capabilities of ShopBuildr AI, you can revolutionize the way you approach store creation and management, unlocking new levels of efficiency, scalability, and profitability.
No longer will you be bogged down by time-consuming content creation, technical barriers, or the challenges of product selection and affiliate link management. With ShopBuildr AI, you can build a fully functional, content-rich affiliate store in minutes, without the need for extensive technical expertise or tedious manual processes.
Whether you're a newcomer to the world of affiliate marketing or a seasoned professional, ShopBuildr AI offers a solution that empowers you to achieve your goals with ease. Imagine the possibilities when you have a powerful, automated tool at your fingertips, capable of handling the heavy lifting while you focus on driving traffic, optimizing your marketing strategies, and maximizing your earning potential.
Don't let the traditional struggles of affiliate store creation hold you back any longer. Embrace the future of automation and unlock the secret to building profitable affiliate stores effortlessly. With ShopBuildr AI, the path to success has never been more accessible.


If you're serious about taking your affiliate marketing business to new heights, we highly recommend investing in ShopBuildr AI – the ultimate affiliate store builder. This cutting-edge software is currently available at an exclusive launch pricing, making it an absolute must-have for anyone looking to streamline their operations and maximize their earning potential.
But that's not all. ShopBuildr AI also comes with a robust 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring that you can try the software risk-free and experience its transformative power firsthand. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your affiliate marketing journey and start building profitable affiliate stores with unparalleled ease and efficiency.
Take action today and secure your copy of ShopBuildr AI. Your journey towards scalable success in the world of affiliate marketing starts now.
Discover the Secret to Building Profitable Affiliate Stores in Minutes with Automation


In the world of affiliate marketing, the ability to create profitable online stores can be a game-changer. However, the process of building these stores from scratch is often riddled with challenges, from time-consuming content creation to complex technical barriers. That's where the power of automation comes into play, revolutionizing the way affiliate marketers approach their businesses.
Imagine being able to establish a fully functional, content-rich affiliate store in mere minutes, without the need for extensive technical knowledge or hours of tedious work. This is the promise of automation, a solution that streamlines the entire process, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – driving traffic and maximizing your earnings.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the struggles of traditional affiliate store creation, the benefits of automation, and introduce you to a groundbreaking tool that promises to change the game forever. Get ready to unlock the secret to building profitable affiliate stores with unparalleled efficiency and ease.

The Struggles of Traditional Affiliate Store Creation

Content Creation: Time-consuming and Requires Expertise

Creating high-quality, engaging content for your affiliate store is a time-consuming and often daunting task. From researching and writing product descriptions to crafting compelling sales copy, this process demands a significant investment of time and expertise. Without a solid content strategy in place, your store may struggle to attract and retain visitors, ultimately impacting your potential for success.

Technical Barriers: Need for Coding or Technical Skills

Setting up an online store can be a technical minefield for those without coding or web development experience. From configuring hosting and domain settings to integrating payment gateways and optimizing for search engines, the technical aspects of store creation can quickly become overwhelming. This barrier to entry often discourages newcomers and limits the potential for growth.

Product Selection: Difficulty in Choosing the Right Products

Choosing the right products to feature in your affiliate store is crucial for maximizing your earning potential. However, navigating the vast landscape of available products and determining which ones resonate with your target audience can be a daunting task. Without a strategic approach, you risk promoting products that fail to generate substantial sales and commissions.

Traffic Generation: Challenges in Driving Visitors to the Store

Even with a well-designed affiliate store, attracting a steady flow of targeted traffic is a significant challenge. From search engine optimization (SEO) to paid advertising and social media marketing, implementing effective traffic generation strategies requires a deep understanding of various marketing channels and techniques. Without a consistent stream of visitors, your store's potential for success remains limited.

Affiliate Link Management: Complicated and Prone to Errors

Managing affiliate links can be a tedious and error-prone process, especially as your store grows and the number of products increases. Ensuring that each product is accurately linked to the correct affiliate program and tracking the performance of these links can quickly become overwhelming. A single mistake in link management can lead to lost commissions and hinder your overall profitability.

The Power of Automation in Affiliate Marketing

In the face of these challenges, automation emerges as a powerful solution, offering a range of benefits that can revolutionize the way you approach affiliate marketing and build profitable online stores.

Efficiency: Save Time and Resources

By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes, you can significantly reduce the time and resources required to create and maintain your affiliate store. From content generation to product integration and link management, automation takes care of the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus your efforts on more strategic aspects of your business.

Consistency: Automated Processes Ensure Uniformity and Reliability

Automation ensures consistency across your store, eliminating the risk of human error and inconsistencies that can arise from manual processes. With automated systems in place, you can rest assured that your store's content, product descriptions, and affiliate links are consistently accurate and up-to-date, providing a seamless experience for your visitors.

Scalability: Easily Manage Multiple Stores and Products

As your affiliate marketing business grows, the ability to manage multiple stores and products becomes increasingly challenging. Automation empowers you to scale your operations effortlessly, enabling you to add new products, create additional stores, and expand your reach without being bogged down by time-consuming manual tasks.

Introducing ShopBuildr AI

In the evolutionary terrain of affiliate marketing, a revolutionary tool has emerged, promising to transform the way you approach store creation and management. Introducing ShopBuildr AI, a game-changing solution that harnesses the power of automation to build profitable affiliate stores in minutes, without the need for extensive technical knowledge or tedious manual processes.

Overview: What is ShopBuildr AI?

ShopBuildr AI is a cutting-edge software that combines advanced automation capabilities with seamless integration, enabling you to create fully functional, content-rich affiliate stores in a matter of minutes. This powerful tool eliminates the traditional barriers to entry, empowering both novice and experienced affiliate marketers to unlock new levels of success and profitability.

Key Features:

Automated Store Creation

With ShopBuildr AI, the process of building an affiliate store is reduced to a few simple clicks. Say goodbye to the time-consuming tasks of manually setting up pages, configuring layouts, and integrating various components. ShopBuildr AI takes care of it all, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – promoting your products and driving sales.

No Need for Amazon API

Unlike many other affiliate store builders, ShopBuildr AI does not rely on the Amazon API, eliminating the potential for API restrictions or limitations. This innovative approach ensures that your store remains fully functional and accessible, regardless of any changes or updates to Amazon's policies.

Integrated with ChatGPT for Content Generation

One of the standout features of ShopBuildr AI is its seamless integration with ChatGPT, the cutting-edge language model developed by OpenAI. With this integration, you can generate high-quality, engaging content for your store with just a few prompts. Say goodbye to the struggles of writing product descriptions, sales copy, and blog posts from scratch.

Over 100 Done-For-You Products

To kickstart your affiliate marketing journey, ShopBuildr AI comes preloaded with over 100 high-converting products across various niches. This diverse selection allows you to hit the ground running, saving you valuable time and effort in researching and curating products for your store.

Automatic Insertion of Product Images, Descriptions, and Affiliate Links

Once you've selected the products you wish to feature, ShopBuildr AI takes care of the rest. It automatically inserts high-quality product images, compelling descriptions, and correctly formatted affiliate links, ensuring a professional and cohesive presentation throughout your store.

Custom Ad Code and Opt-in Box Integration

To maximize your earning potential, ShopBuildr AI allows you to seamlessly integrate custom ad codes and opt-in boxes directly into your store. This feature enables you to monetize your traffic through various channels, such as display advertising or email list building, further enhancing your overall profitability.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using ShopBuildr AI

Building a profitable affiliate store with ShopBuildr AI is a straightforward process that anyone can follow, regardless of their technical expertise. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting started:

Step 1: Install the Software

The first step is to install the ShopBuildr AI software on your WordPress site. This process is designed to be user-friendly, with clear instructions and a simple installation wizard. Whether you're a WordPress pro or a complete beginner, you'll find the installation process to be a breeze.

Step 2: Upload Your Products

Once the software is installed, it's time to choose the products you want to feature in your store. ShopBuildr AI comes preloaded with over 100 high-converting products, so you can get started right away. However, if you prefer to add your own products, the software makes it easy to upload and integrate them into your store.

Step 3: Let ShopBuildr AI Take Over

With your products loaded, the real magic begins. Simply click the "Build Store" button, and ShopBuildr AI will take care of the rest. It will automatically create your store pages, insert product images and descriptions, add affiliate links, and integrate any custom ad codes or opt-in boxes you've specified.
In a matter of minutes, you'll have a fully functional, content-rich affiliate store, ready to attract visitors and start generating commissions.

Benefits of ShopBuildr AI

While the features and ease of use of ShopBuildr AI are impressive, the real power of this tool lies in the benefits it offers to affiliate marketers of all levels, from complete beginners to seasoned professionals.

Newbie Friendly: No Prior Experience Needed

One of the biggest advantages of ShopBuildr AI is its accessibility to newcomers in the world of affiliate marketing. With its automated processes and user-friendly interface, you don't need any prior experience or technical expertise to build a professional-looking affiliate store. This level playing field opens up new opportunities for anyone looking to tap into the lucrative world of affiliate marketing.

Fast Setup: Create a Store in Minutes

Time is money, and ShopBuildr AI understands this concept well. By automating the entire store creation process, you can have a fully functional affiliate store up and running in a matter of minutes. This unparalleled speed and efficiency allow you to focus your efforts on other critical aspects of your business, such as driving traffic and optimizing your marketing strategies.

Increased Commissions: Promote Unlimited Products for Higher Earnings

With ShopBuildr AI, you're no longer limited by the number of products you can effectively promote. The software's ability to seamlessly integrate and manage an unlimited number of products means you can diversify your offerings and maximize your earning potential. By featuring a wide range of high-converting products, you increase your chances of attracting a broader audience and generating substantial commissions.

Support and Updates: Continuous Improvements and Customer Support

The team behind ShopBuildr AI is committed to providing ongoing support and regular updates to ensure that the software remains at the forefront of affiliate marketing innovation. With dedicated customer support and a roadmap of exciting new features and enhancements, you can rest assured that your investment in ShopBuildr AI will continue to pay dividends for years to come.

Real-World Results

While the features and benefits of ShopBuildr AI are compelling, nothing speaks louder than real-world results. Let's take a look at some case studies and testimonials from affiliate marketers who have experienced the power of this revolutionary tool firsthand.

Case Studies: Examples of Successful Affiliate Stores Created with ShopBuildr AI

Stephanie's Wellness Store

Stephanie, a busy mom and health enthusiast, had always dreamed of starting her own online store promoting natural wellness products. However, the thought of creating content, setting up a website, and managing affiliate links seemed daunting. That's when she discovered ShopBuildr AI.
Within a few hours, Stephanie had a fully functional affiliate store featuring a wide range of high-quality wellness products. The automated content generation and seamless integration of affiliate links saved her countless hours of work. Today, Stephanie's store is thriving, and she's able to balance her passion for healthy living with her family responsibilities.

Mike's Tech Gadget Emporium

Mike, a tech-savvy entrepreneur, had been struggling to keep up with the ever-changing world of consumer electronics. His affiliate store was outdated, and the process of manually updating product information and affiliate links was becoming increasingly time-consuming.
After implementing ShopBuildr AI, Mike's store underwent a complete transformation. The software's automated product updates and affiliate link management ensured that his store was always up-to-date with the latest offerings. Mike's commissions skyrocketed, and he was able to focus his energy on expanding his marketing efforts and driving even more traffic to his store.

Testimonials: User Experiences and Feedback

"ShopBuildr AI has been a game-changer for my affiliate marketing business. I went from struggling to keep up with content creation and product updates to having a fully automated, high-converting store in no time. The software is incredibly user-friendly, and the support team is always there to help. Highly recommended!" - Jessica K., Affiliate Marketer
"As a complete beginner in affiliate marketing, I was intimidated by the thought of building an online store from scratch. ShopBuildr AI made the process so simple and straightforward. Within a few clicks, I had a professional-looking store filled with engaging content and high-quality products. I can't thank the team enough for making this possible." - David L., Newbie Affiliate Marketer
"I've tried various affiliate store builders in the past, but none of them came close to the level of automation and efficiency offered by ShopBuildr AI. The seamless integration with ChatGPT for content generation is a real game-changer, and the ability to manage unlimited products has opened up new possibilities for my business." - Emily R., Experienced Affiliate Marketer


In the evolving world of affiliate marketing, the key to success lies in embracing innovation and leveraging the power of automation. By harnessing the capabilities of ShopBuildr AI, you can revolutionize the way you approach store creation and management, unlocking new levels of efficiency, scalability, and profitability.
No longer will you be bogged down by time-consuming content creation, technical barriers, or the challenges of product selection and affiliate link management. With ShopBuildr AI, you can build a fully functional, content-rich affiliate store in minutes, without the need for extensive technical expertise or tedious manual processes.
Whether you're a newcomer to the world of affiliate marketing or a seasoned professional, ShopBuildr AI offers a solution that empowers you to achieve your goals with ease. Imagine the possibilities when you have a powerful, automated tool at your fingertips, capable of handling the heavy lifting while you focus on driving traffic, optimizing your marketing strategies, and maximizing your earning potential.
Don't let the traditional struggles of affiliate store creation hold you back any longer. Embrace the future of automation and unlock the secret to building profitable affiliate stores effortlessly. With ShopBuildr AI, the path to success has never been more accessible.


If you're serious about taking your affiliate marketing business to new heights, we highly recommend investing in ShopBuildr AI – the ultimate affiliate store builder. This cutting-edge software is currently available at an exclusive launch pricing, making it an absolute must-have for anyone looking to streamline their operations and maximize their earning potential.
But that's not all. ShopBuildr AI also comes with a robust 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring that you can try the software risk-free and experience its transformative power firsthand. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your affiliate marketing journey and start building profitable affiliate stores with unparalleled ease and efficiency.
Take action today and secure your copy of ShopBuildr AI. Your journey towards scalable success in the world of affiliate marketing starts now.
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:39 Be_U_15 Trade

Trade submitted by Be_U_15 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:35 Dee_Ey AITAH for dropping a friend for something they did to someone else

I made a friend via social media. We’ll call her Beth. Beth and I both had weight loss surgery instagrams and after some DM’s we found out we lived about 30 min away from each other and decided to meet up. She was relatively nice in the beginning and we had a lot of things in common due to the fact that we had both grown up as fat girls and had both lost over 100 lbs in our adult years. But then I started to notice Beth was somewhat catty (i.e. talking shit about people who were still big after getting weight loss surgery, making fun of how people dressed/looked). I’m a pretty passive person so I mostly ignored whenever she made these comments.
Fast forward to one night she invited me to dinner with her best friend (let’s call her Stacy), and one of their mutual friends (m). I got there later than them but sat next to Beth. Almost immediately I noticed a weird energy during dinner. Beth and Stacy were very obviously fighting for the attention of their mutual friend. Stacy calling the mutual friend her best friend, Beth saying “yeah but I knew him first”, them arguing about who truly met him first. I was truly so disinterested with this whole “pick me” conversation that I pulled out my phone to take a picture of myself, which prompted Beth to do the same. After posing and snapping a few pics another quick exchange between them proceeded:
Stacy: Make sure you have David (her boyfriend) blocked from your Instagram stories. I didn’t tell him (insert male mutual friend’s name here) was going to be with us.
Beth: Don’t worry he’s already blocked.
About 30 minutes had passed and we were boxing up our things to leave, I had suggested for us to go get a drink at a bar after dinner since it was still relatively early. Suddenly I noticed Stacy’s phone blowing up with text messages and her eyes widened as she read them, her head darted back up directly at Beth.
Stacy: David saw your post!
Beth: What, how?! grabs her phone, goes through her settings, raised a hand to her agape mouth I’m so sorry, I thought I had him blocked!
At this point I didn’t want to get involved, but tried to assure Stacy not to worry since we were all out together, a friendly group outing. You can tell she was still super upset, and got up from the table to call him. We all awkwardly got up to leave and I asked Beth if it was a big deal that another male was here. She told me David was extremely jealous and they had lied to him earlier about the fact that no other guys would be at dinner, only females. Beth and I quickly said our goodbyes and hopped in my car to head to the bar, as we were the only two that still wanted to go.
Me: I feel bad for Stacy. That fight is not going to be fun. But I don’t think it’s something they should break up about.
Beth: I do.
Me: confused why?
Beth: I did it on purpose.
Me: still confused did what?
Beth: I knew he wasn’t blocked on my instagram.
Me: Why would you do that on purpose?!
Beth: They shouldn’t be together!
She then began to list reasons why they shouldn’t be together.
Me: I honestly don’t think that’s your call to make.
Beth: Well…it’s already done.
The rest of the night I tried my best to act as normally as possible but all I could think of was how if she could do that to her BEST friend, what would she do to me? So I’m slowly distancing myself from her, ignoring DM’s & texts. A cousin of mine asked what happened to her so I told her this story and she said what she did to that friend has nothing to do with me and since I didn’t know their whole history I shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions. So AITAH for dropping her?
submitted by Dee_Ey to AITAH [link] [comments]