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2010.03.20 02:13 insanemo /r/premed

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2011.10.27 06:13 magicnubs Physician Associate

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2011.12.05 01:17 redglare Short Scary Stories - Bite-Sized Horror

We enjoy our horror short and sweet. 500 words or less.

2024.06.10 00:45 tattypuffss Ceiling Light Install

I'm looking to install a ceiling light from IKEA in a nursery room and hoping to save a couple bills by DIY.
The ceiling is already pre wired thankfully and after removing the ceiling light cover, I think it looks straightforward but just want some help to confirm (I'm bit of a beginner when it comes to electrical work) Here are some pics:
The switch on the left control the ceiling fixture and the slider above it controls the dimmer (but the dimmer is not needed since the IKEA light does not dim anyways). The switch on the right only controls a specific outlet in the room when something is plugged into the outlet.
After looking behind the light switch, would it just be as straightforward as connecting black from light to red from ceiling, white to white, green/yellow from light to bare from ceiling, and leave the black from the ceiling capped?
Thank you in advance for anyone who is able to point me in the right direction!!
submitted by tattypuffss to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:45 AutoModerator Weekly Q&A Megathread. Please post any questions about visiting, tourism, living, working, budgeting, housing here!

Hello, welcome to London!

Visiting us? Moving to study or work? Brief layover? Moving to a new part of London? Any small questions about life here, if you're new or been here your whole life, this is the place!
We get a lot of posts asking very similar questions so this post aims to address some of our most Frequently Asked Questions, and give you a place to ask for assistance.
Your first port of call should be

the london wiki

It includes sections on:
What should I see and where are the non-touristy stuff and hidden gems? We've written about the big must-sees here and we highly recommend TfL's Experiences site. We've listed some of our favourite lesser-known stuff here And the cheap/free stuff here
How do I pay for the Tube/bus, and what's an Oyster card? You don't pay cash. You can use a number of contactless payments systems such as your Contactless bankcard (which is widespread in the UK, but maybe not so much elsewhere), Apple Pay, Android Pay, or you can buy an Oyster card and top it up with credit. See here for more.
Where should I live? What's x area like? Have a look here It includes recommended sites to find places to live and rent, and has a section on what particular areas are like.
How do I get from this place to that place? Use Citymapper. Honestly, we're not shills for them; it's just a really good app and is used by most of the locals on this sub.
Is x area safe? Yes. Bad stuff can happen in any large city, but London is generally very safe. There aren't any no-go zones. Even under the shadow of terrorist attacks, most Londoners feel safe. See our safety page here for more.
Where can I watch the baseball/basketball/football/handegg match? A comprehensive guide to all London football matches in all leagues can be found at Use Fanzo to find pubs showing a variety of sports and see our list of other places here
How do I get a UK SIM card for my phone? Advice on networks and how to get a SIM card is covered here. It also includes suggestions of cafés and other places where you can get free wifi and do a bit of work.
Is the London Pass worth it? Probably not
Other subs that you may find helpful:
  • /LondonSocialClub - Meeting new people for events, activities and/or pints.
  • /IWantOut & /UKvisa - Check if you need a visa and how to get one if you want to work here.
  • /LegalAdviceUK - Good for all sorts, especially for questions about landlords and contracts.
  • /UKPersonalFinance - Another goldmine of sage advice.
  • /AskUK - Great for general questions about UK life that aren't specific to London.
Tips for posting:
Tell us about you - If you want us to suggest things for you to do then you need to give us a good idea of what you enjoy. Don't just say "I like music", say what type of music. Don't just say you want "somewhere nice to eat", say what type of cuisine you like (or don't like). The more specific you are the better, otherwise you'll just get pointed back to the generic guidebooks, blogs and our wiki.
Tell us your budget - If you're on a budget then tell us what it is and we can bear that in mind when making recommendations. There's no point in us coming up with ideas for things to do and places to eat if they'll clean out your wallet within the first 5 minutes. Saying you want something "cheap" isn't really helpful because what's cheap is entirely subjective.
Tell us where you'll be based - Let us know where you'll be staying so that we can give local recommendations.
Asking about hotels or hostels - We have homes here so know very little about what the hotels are like. Look on review websites such as TripAdvisor. However, if you say "I've been looking at these three hotels. Which do you think is the better location?" then that's the sort of thing we can answer.
Non-touristy stuff - There are no secret corners where we hide the good stuff from outsiders! This is one of the most written about cities in the world, so when we want to go to a museum, or gallery, go window shopping, or whatever, we look at the same sources as tourists (listings sites, blogs, etc - see front page of the wiki).
These weekly posts are scheduled to post each Monday at 00:01. If it's late in the week you may want to wait for a new post to appear. Please send us [ModMail]( with any suggested improvements!)
submitted by AutoModerator to london [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:41 SubstantialBite788 Rabbits Don’t Run Fast Enough

A postal carrier, that anonymous stranger who knows your first, middle, and last name. They know if you’re married, single, or divorced; if you’re struggling to pay the bills, called to jury duty, or how well you’re liked by the amount of Christmas cards you receive. They know more than they should, and yet we know nothing about them. That never bothered me until my new postal carrier introduced himself with a complaint about a nonexistent problem.
One evening I came home from the office, and as I was launching my briefcase up into the air, aiming for the couch, and loosening my tie, I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and standing on the front porch with his arm extended, was the postal carrier holding a piece of paper. Was he new? Didn’t seem familiar but then again all I ever saw of the postal carrier was a shadow sitting in a tiny truck.
He was covered in dark, matted hair. I could see neither the skin on his arms or legs. The pale pigment of his skin revealed only under his grey eyes above a thick long beard and mustache.
He handed me the piece of paper. It was a form with a checkmark by one of many categories of complaint, of which I was accused of parking in front of the mailbox. On the very bottom was penciled: Please kindly move your vehicle from in front of the car.
It was a strange request since I never parked on the street. In fact, I never parked in the driveway. I always put my baby in the garage.
“But I’m not parked in front of the mailbox!” I explained. He simply flashed his pearly whites and walked away.
The very next afternoon the doorbell rang again. It was him, with another piece of paper in hand.
“This is ridiculous. I’m not parked in front of the mailbox. Holy shit, I’m not even parked outside!”
He grunted and shook his head no and pushed the note into my stomach. I grabbed the piece of paper. This wasn’t a form, but lined paper with a note:
This neighborhood sure does have a lot of rabbits, Jerry! You must be a very lucky guy.
Confused, I handed him back the letter. Jerry, great, he knew my name. Well of course he knew my name, but just to see evidence of it- that unnerved me.
“Yeah, well I don’t know about lucky,” I said as I tried to turn away.
“Why are rabbit feet so lucky?” he asked in a barely audible whisper.
“What? Rabbit feet?”
He cleared his throat. “Is it an award for catching them. Is the luck in their belly at first and then it just kind of sinks down into their feet. Seems a little weird to me. So, if I catch a rabbit and cut its foot off, how long will that luck last?”
“I got to go…” I tried to answer.
“I bet its only for about a week. I mean they’re real easy to catch. Doesn’t seem right you would get much luck for such an easy task.” He was excited about the topic and unwilling to stop the conversation, so I abruptly walked into the house and shut the door behind me. I could hear him still talking for a bit before he finally realized I wasn’t there.
“Ok Jerry, we’ll talk tomorrow. See ya, buddy.” I watched through the door lite as he walked back towards the mail truck.
“I like Jerry. That was a good talk. He don’t know much about rabbits though,” he said to himself.
For a third day in a row the doorbell rang. I refused to answer the door and stayed upstairs in my room. He was a stubborn carrier, that anonymous whoever standing on my front porch. He rang the doorbell for over an hour. When he finally decided to quit on the doorbell, he stepped out into the front yard and yelled up at my bedroom window.
“Ok Jerry, we’ll talk tomorrow. I left you something on the front porch. It’s a whole lotta luck. Should last you about three months.” I heard the truck door shut and the engine fade away into the distance.
I pulled the shade down to make sure he was nowhere around. I saw that the truck was gone, so I made my way downstairs. Outside on the front porch was a green plastic tote, with a flip-top lid. Flies were buzzing in and out of the partial opening where the two sides of the lid did not fit tightly. I could see dried blood on either side of the tote. I searched around the yard and found a stick. I took the stick, forced it into a small opening and lifted open the lid. The tote was filled with severed rabbit’s feet, what looked to be the remains of a whole bunch of rabbits. There on top was a piece of paper that read:
Jerry, I like you. Here’s some luck!!!!!!!!! Hope it lasts a long, long time.
Rabbits are so slow. It’s funny. Why are they lucky? But if that’s the rule.
Your friend.
The bottom of my throat bulged with the contents of my stomach. I vomited into the tote, not so much out of disgust, but out of fear. I went inside and called the police.
The police came and took my report, along with a detective that wanted a statement.
Detective Fletcher had a few questions. It wouldn’t take long. “What did this man look like?”
I explained to the detective as much as I could remember but felt it a little unnecessary since he worked for the post office. How hard could it be to apprehend him?
“No, this guy doesn’t work for the post office. Your postal carrier is on vacation this week. There was a report of a stolen mail truck, but we haven’t tracked it down. Seems like the carrier filling in runs earlier in the day. This other sick fella came afterward.”
“You guys are going to catch him, right?”
“Well…,” he shrugged his shoulders. He then pulled out a card and handed it to me. “If you remember anything else give me a call, otherwise call 911.”
Not feeling very confident with the detective’s answer, I decided to buy a gun. I found a pawn store on Dickerson Road and bought a small caliber revolver. Being that I had never owned a gun, or shot one for that matter, I resolved to get to the firing range and practice, but instead I tossed it unloaded into my nightstand and forgot all about it.
Months passed and the regular postal carrier resumed his route. Mike was his name. I forced myself to get to know him. I owed it to him, and I was thankful that he wasn’t a rabbit obsessed loon. He was rather confused by my unwarranted admiration, but we got along well. Mike had gone to Panama City Beach the week of my strange visitations. He had bought some bright yellow socks with palm trees embroidered across the seams. He wore them every Friday as a reminder that he now had less than a year before his next trip to the beach.
“Man, I wish I was back on the beach, but I wouldn’t feel right leaving you with my substitute. I hear the U.S. Post Office will hire anybody. Maybe next time I’ll leave you a rabbit foot for protection,” he would often say, never realizing that he had said it to me numerous times already. I would always laugh even though the joke had long run its course. Yet, I felt safe with him around. Everything was fine and right until that November.
Thanksgiving was two weeks away and I was getting ready for a trip back home to visit my parents. By the end of the night, I was exhausted from packing, planning, and the general chaos of holiday maneuverings. I laid down on the bed to take a load off my feet, and unintentionally fell asleep.
I was awakened by something landing on my chest. The lights were still on, so it didn’t take my eyes long to focus. There standing at the end of my bed was the crazy, fake, not-so-real postal carrier. The hair on his body had grown long, and hung in twisted, filthy knots. His eyes were dark red, and set deep under his protruding brow. He flashed his teeth, but this time there were long incisors situated on both his upper and lower jaws.
“I thought you would like the luck I gave you.” He struggled to speak through his fang-fitted mouth. “But maybe it wasn’t enough. My gift was not so good, so I got you something better.”
I pulled my eyes away from him and looked down at my chest. It was a severed human leg wearing a bright yellow sock with Panama City Beach embroidered across the seam. I shoved the leg off of me and onto the floor.
“Don’t do that,” he admonished. “I worked hard for that. He fought real hard. That kind of fight-back has got to be worth a lot of luck.” He lumbered over to the side of the bed, picked up the leg, and tossed it on my lap.
I quickly moved to the other side of the bed. This offended him; he growled and hunched over in an intimidating stance of defiance. “Jerry, you make me confused. Why don’t you like my gift?”
“I do. Believe me, I do. I appreciate the gift.”
“And the pretty sock?” he added.
“Yes, and the pretty sock.” I slowly reached over and pulled open the nightstand drawer to get the gun. He saw what I was doing and hurried around to the other side of the bed to accost me. I pulled the gun out and aimed, but there was nothing but a click. I had forgotten that the gun was empty.
“Jerry tried to kill me,” he bellowed in anger.
“No, no. I was just getting my gun to go hunt rabbits with you. I like the yellow sock, but you still got to get rabbits for luck. Human feet just have a very little amount of luck. I don’t know why but for some reason rabbits are magical and they got a lot of luck stored inside them. You said I didn’t like your first gift but that’s not true. Man, that was the best time of my life. I had all kinds of good luck flowing around me. Thank you. Now, I need more.”
“Really, Jerry?”
“Yes. Now I want to show you a special place where there are lots of rabbits, so many in fact, they fill up a whole field. You can just step out and pick one up without even chasing or shooting it.”
I convinced my bestial antagonist to wait outside while I got the car out of the garage. I told him that we had to drive across town to get to the field. I opened the garage door and backed out. I was hoping he was in the driveway so I could run him over, but the goon was waiting in the yard. He opened the door and hopped in the passenger seat. He smelled awful, like a wet dog, and his foul essence exuded throughout the interior of my car. I feared I would never be able to wash the stench out of the seat fabric. His labored breathing was loud and obnoxious. I was ready to be rid of him.
I drove over two hours to the next county, deep in a rural, swath of hills and patchy forests. I spotted a dirt road to the left and turned down it.
“This is it.” I stopped the car.
“Where are all the rabbits?”
“It’s on up the road but we got to get out and walk from here.” He looked over at me with a quizzical look. “Well go on. I just got to get something out of the trunk. You’re going to miss out on all that luck.”
We both got out and he walked on ahead as I walked around to the back of the car. He looked back, but I motioned him to move forward. I opened the trunk to complete the ruse. As soon as he was a good distance up the road, I closed the trunk and jumped in the car. I reached over and shut his door as well, pushing the button to activate the door locks.
He hadn’t noticed anything at all was awry. I was tempted to slowly roll up on him and then run him over, be done with the threat of him forever, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I put the car in reverse and slowly backed out onto the road. At that point he turned and ran towards me, wailing like a child, begging me not to leave him. I put the car in drive and sped off.
As I turned onto the road that led to my neighborhood, I noticed an abandoned postal truck parked up at the elementary school. It was at that moment I realized a crucial mistake in what I had done. Although difficult, I should have finished him off. I should have put him down. I traveled a long distance to rid myself of this ragged old dog, dropped him off in the country, in the middle of nowhere, as so many other irresponsible pet owners have done in the past, but unlike all those other pet owners, my damn dog can drive.
submitted by SubstantialBite788 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 Local_Trainer_8219 AITAH for asking my sister to move out after she lost her job?

My sister, Anna, moved in with me six months ago after losing her job due to company downsizing. I offered her a place to stay rent-free until she got back on her feet. Initially, it was great having her around, and I was happy to help.
However, months have gone by, and Anna hasn't made much progress in finding a new job. She spends most of her days at home, and although I've tried to be supportive, it's starting to take a toll on me. I'm covering all the bills and expenses, and it's getting financially and emotionally exhausting. I also miss having my personal space and the quiet I once had.
Last week, I gently brought up the topic of her moving out and suggested she consider staying with our parents for a while, where she could still save money but also have more support. Anna got very upset, saying she felt like a burden and that she had nowhere else to go. She accused me of abandoning her when she needed me the most.
I felt terrible and tried to explain that it wasn't about not wanting to help her, but about needing to take care of myself too. Despite my efforts to reassure her, she packed her things and left abruptly. Now our relationship is strained, and she's barely speaking to me.
I genuinely feel awful about the situation. I want to support my sister, but I also need to maintain my own well-being. AITAH for asking my sister to move out after she lost her job?
submitted by Local_Trainer_8219 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 Most_Royal_1911 Was I assaulted?

This is a bit of an odd one, but when I was in year 9 (14yo), I had a piercing on my wrist. This was against school policy at the time, which I had been in trouble for before. The piercing got severely infected and I went to a walk in centre for treatment. Their advice was to keep the piercing in and covered up to allow the fluid to drain. I went to school with the piercing the following day, with it being covered by a bandage. I was taken into the deputy principles office regarding the piercing. He asked me to remove the bandage, I told him I was told by medical staff not to remove it and the reason why. He then proceeded to remove the bandage himself, and then pulled one end of the piercing psychically remove it from my and the ball on the opposite end of the piercing bar pinged off. I told my parents about the situation and they weren’t happy. My dad went into speak about the problem and without even being allowed to speak to the man who did it, got banned from the school grounds. This is something that has played on my mind ever since. This man since then has gone on to become the headmaster of another school. I know this isn’t right, and more so since I’ve gotten older. What do you guys make of this situation and what (if anything) could I do about it? There are no eyewitnesses but I did have to go back to the walk in centre following it as it caused quite a bit of damage.
submitted by Most_Royal_1911 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 Healthy_Eggplant91 The perfect song for Eddie (+2 songs for Buddie)

I've been obsessed with Teddy Swims lately and I was listening to Last Communion for like the 20th time before I looked at the lyrics and realized it's literally Eddie's song (about his wife) and it's really cathartic to listen to given how they ended S7. I just wanna talk about it extensively because my heart hurts for Eddie, so I'm gonna analyze this in Eddie's POV because I am unwell 😭
So this song is part of an album called "I've Tried Everything But Therapy" which is very appropriate as a general Eddie Mood™ ngl. Anyway it's a song that deals with loss of faith, the end of a relationship, and lack of closure that results from it. It literally hits pretty much everything Eddie is trying to work through with his relationship with Shannon right now.
The song opens with:
Used to believe Heaven was bulletproof Only God can turn a red light blue Been cuttin' me deep, dyin' to talk to you Only love can push the blade right through
Right away, it's establishing faith. Even though Eddie's not as religious as his family or Bobby, I think he still believes in the broad strokes of Christianity like a higher power and maybe a heaven and how religion serves to let people deal with the problems that they might need a little bit more spiritual help to overcome. "Only God can turn a red light blue" can be interpreted as the belief that only divine intervention can help change a negative situation (in this case, his wife's death) into a positive one. The stop/go imagery adds the nuance that the situation is something that's holding Eddie back and God/a higher power is the only one that will "permit" him to move on as if "moving on" is completely out of his hands. It also lines up with Eddie's tendency to "search for signs" to move forward, like Shannon's "pregnancy" to propose, or Carla telling him to ask Ana out, or Christopher pushing him to call Marisol. Eddie is hurting himself to talk to or find closure with Shannon. The act of "pushing a blade right through" can mean his love for Shannon put the blade in him in the first place/she's the reason why he's hurting, and only love (someone else's/Buck's) can push it through so the hole can finally heal even if it hurts to do so.
This love's an orphan callin' on deaf ears There's no afterlife, but if there is It's late in the night time, so it's the right time For sleep talkin', sleep talkin'
The orphan imagery in the chorus is definitely supposed to signify that Eddie feels left behind, his love for Shannon is falling on "deaf ears" because she abandoned him while she was alive (he waits for her but she never responds) and literally after she died (he can't talk to a dead person). "Night time, right time for sleep talking" can be interpreted as Eddie hiding his feelings, keeping them to himself in the dark/in private where he can break down his defenses when he's alone, and the only time he processes his feelings is through his "dreams" or his fantasies. This is the bridge so it gets repeated along with the chorus to emphasize abandonment and the hope that he can "talk" to his wife through his imagined fantasy/afterlife/Heaven where she's still "alive".
And now the heart's shot dead Buried under each and every word unsaid 24 hours since 'Goodbye, God Bless' 'Fore we let the ghost get away One last communion babe
This whole chorus is basically painting the abrupt (and emotionally devastating) end of Eddie's relationship with his wife and desire for closure. The second line is self explanatory, there were a lot of things unsaid when Eddie had to let his wife go in the ambulance, I really think he couldn't unload on a dying woman and ask her why she wanted to divorce, why she would think there was a possibility she would never come back to him and Chris, why wasn't Eddie enough for her to stay, etc. This all happened very quickly in the show, I think it was like within one episode of each other, Eddie was asking Shannon to marry him, her refusing, and Eddie choosing to console her as she dies despite how much he obviously still had things to say (as shown when he talked with Bobby).
Before they let the "ghost" of their relationship get away, he wants one last "communion" with her, which can mean "to commune"/share thoughts and feelings, to "break bread" with each other, remember each other's sacrifices, put aside their differences and either part on good terms or try to fix their relationship.
With Shannon's death, it paints Eddie's desire for them both to have one last chance to say the things that haven't been said for the sake of peace. This is the chorus so it keeps repeating and just highlights this desire to resolve their issues and have a proper goodbye. The bridge and the "One last communion" part of the chorus is kinda circular, in the bridge he feels abandoned but still has hope, but when he "thinks" about his relationship, all roads just lead him to the longing of wanting one last "communion" with her in order to fix or to let go. When the bridge-chorus repeats in the song, it just paints how much Eddie is stuck in this loop of hope, devastation and desire for closure.
So I let it go, nobody else around Couldn't watch forever fall face down So I turned my head the second it hit the ground And I felt it, but it made no sound
Again, I'm thinking about the ambulance with Eddie consoling Shannon while she talks about "leaving again" and how Eddie probably wanted to ask why she wanted to divorce him, why they couldn't stay together for Chris if she really loves him etc. He lets go of his problems with her in the moment for the sake of comforting her. I'm also thinking about how Eddie told Bobby that he "forgave her for everything and it wasn't enough", this was something he decided to do likely with no input or advice from anyone else. The second line, I think Eddie really thought he and Shannon would stay together forever despite how shitty their marriage was and how shitty they were to each other. He turned a blind eye to the destruction of their relationship, deep down he probably "felt it"--their relationship was dead--but he refused to hear it because he couldn't watch his "fantasy" of being married to her forever crumble even after her death.
Bridge and chorus play again, Eddie stuck in a loop of hope and devastation every time he ruminates about his relationship with Shannon and lands with wanting closure with "one last communion".
It was a grand old age Oh and yes I know that nothing gold can stay But I couldn't bring myself to turn that page Before I drop a kiss on the grave One last communion babe
God this song is fucking perfect. Eddie built up a fantasy of having a perfect relationship with his wife, and maybe "The Grand Old Age" might have been true during high school and when they were first married to each other. Everything was perfect and golden, in Eddie's words "I loved being married to her" and he might have been blissfully in love with her then and maybe he knew it was never going to last especially when he started running away. But now with her gone, he can't bring himself to "turn that page / before [he] drops a kiss on the grave", in other words, he can't let go of that golden age ideal, to turn to the next chapter of his life, to move on, not before he let's go of his wife--which he can't do because he has an all consuming desire for "one last communion" with her, to make peace and get answers.
It was a childish game Who can light a candle in the cryin' rain No one could know about the mess we've made I'm scrubbing, praying that the blood don't stain I only whisper your name For one last communion babe
This song is literally made for Eddie 😭 "It was a childish game, who can light a candle in the crying rain" in the context of their marriage means they were immature and naive trying to make it work, trying to keep their "passion" or "candle" alive while they were both hurting. It was like an exercise in futility to participate in this back and forth "game" of Shannon lighting the candle under the torrent of Eddie's tears/hurt, and then Eddie trying to light the candle in turn under Shannon's.
They tried to hide their problems from others, they made a "mess" of each other, and the devastation Eddie is left with (his "heart shot dead" from the earlier lyrics) has covered him in blood (grief/trauma/left him broken) and he hopes that the "blood doesn't stain", he hopes almost desperately (scrubbing/praying) the aftermath of his relationship with her doesn't permanently mark him or break him. Now Eddie can only "whisper her name" longingly, it might also be a sign of secrecy, his need to keep his feelings about his wife--which persist even if he might not want it to--hidden from others maybe a little bit because of shame, he wasn't able to fix it. And again, he wants to so badly but he'll never get his "one last communion".
Ugh 😩 It's so beautiful honestly. Like word for word, it sums up Eddie's turmoil so well. This is now Eddie's anthem in my head, I can't separate him from this song.
The next 2 (honestly 3) songs are also part of the album, they're right after one another towards the end. The whole album kinda tells a story of anger, toxic relationships, heartbreak and finally moving on, realizing you're deserving of love and then finally finding it if listened to in order, so obviously I wasn't not going to think of Buck after that Eddie-as-fuck song. I'm not gonna go as heavy on the analysis because they're pretty self explanatory.
First one is Suitcase, and surprise surprise, it's about ✨baggage✨ lmao. It's slow and kinda sad, kinda hopeful, trying to move on even with all the hurt and exhaustion you gotta carry from previous relationships, always afraid you're moving back instead of moving forward but still loving who you can't help loving despite the setbacks and just asking them for a little more time and space to heal. 😭😭😭 From the artist himself: "This is a song about my journey to learn that I am deserving of love and worthy of someone who will love me despite my baggage and insecurities!" So it can read as for Eddie or Buck or both.
This part is my fave:
Every time I stumble for you Two steps back and one step forward And now I'm fallin' down more than I'm fallin' for you But I adore you, I adore you
Next one is Flame!!!! The feel good song!!!!!! Finally moving on!!!!!!! Happy and upbeat, kinda silly:
We should put on our favorite records Pour a little whiskey too early in the day We could blame it all on the weather Swear the connection was better in LA
We could use our imaginations to make up a confrontation For the sake of something goin' on We should put on our favorite records If we're lucky, turn tonight into a love song
It's alright Gonna stay right here 'til it hits us Even if it takes all night Gonna find the flame we've been missing, baby
It's actually "a song about having a hard time writing a song" but true to the lyrics, it literally turns into a love song out of context lmao. It actually feels kinda friends to lovers tbh, two people fucking around in a hotel room trying to have fun with each other, using their "imaginations to make up a confrontation" stirring up fake drama just to get a little "friction" going (this feels very "wanna go for the title?" to me) until they find the "flame they've been missing".
And then Evergreen, an actual love song. After Flame, it just feels like they've "found the spark" and now Eddie at least is falling for Buck, who is obviously the "sun knocking at [Eddie's] door" and the fuel to Eddie's fire and the "evergreen" crashing through Eddie's walls 😭 Just Eddie vibes fully leaning into his new love, finally realizing that he could have a life with Buck:
Took a while to make this bed Tired of livin' in my head The ritual, things I ain't know Never felt like this before
Sorry that my heart's a mess But you keep me from spirallin' And I guess when it rains it pours 'Til the sun knocks at your door
Oh, I think that I could love you Through the darkness, through the cold
'Cause I'm feelin' somethin' when you're next to me You fuel my fire like some kerosene We're intertwined with nothin' in between Cross your heart, promise you'll never leave
I'm feelin' somethin' when you're next to me I have walls up that nobody sees But you crash through me like an evergreen Cross your heart, promise you'll never leave
Thanks for reading this wall of text 😭 Last Communion is a masterpiece honestly, it's been a while since I've heard such heavy lyrics, it was literally begging to be analyzed and it just happened to be perfectly in line with my obsession with Eddie's current arc and now I love the song even more. I really hope they get together in S8.
submitted by Healthy_Eggplant91 to buddie [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:33 Dependent-Ad-8042 I’m not crazy about either of these ideas, help me think this thru please

I’m not crazy about either of these ideas, help me think this thru please
I made a passport holder for my daughter-she wanted a simple cover to hold her passport. No pockets or card slots. Easy enough. My brother wants one “like hers, but with 2 card slots and a place to put some folded cash”.
Two vertical card pockets sewn on a cash pocket seem best but the height of that design requires this small holder be a bit longer and I’m trying to avoid that. So I’m exploring 2 horizontal cards with a bill pocket.
Here’s the issue, the card pockets look best if they span the entire width of the holder, but if I do that the card slots are much longer than the cards. If I size the card slots “correctly” I wind up with a line of offset stitching that I think looks odd. The blue lines are stitching lines. Does that offset line of stitching look odd? How would you do this if it was yours to do?
submitted by Dependent-Ad-8042 to Leathercraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:33 BubblyProfessional50 Under confidential cover?

What is meant when a job posting asks for applications to be forwarded to their email under confidential cover?
submitted by BubblyProfessional50 to recruiting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:32 Better_Trifle3221 I hate being a mom of two.

I only wish I stuck with the one due to my health and financial hardship.
My first is 7yr old right now. My youngest just turned 2
I went through multiple miscarriages between them I was on BC. Turned out BC had the opposite affect on me 😭 With BC I'm extremely fertile. Without it I don't get pregnant. Very odd. (I tried them all except the depo shot) When I got pregnant with my 2nd, I got Covid in 2022. I'm still suffering the affects to this day.
I went blind, my retinas are destroyed, I have black spots in my vision now, no cure and no name for my condition, apparently it's really rare, so rare there apparently no other cases like it. We know it's not related to my pregnancy and they are unsure it was from Covid but confident it was because I was severely sick, I was getting passed around to different specialists trying to find some kind of answer, none could provide. I traveled across states to find at least a diagnosis to no avail. Apparently it's never been seen before I also developed a low immune system. POTs and much more.
My husband make to much money for state assistance, but doesn't make enough to cover the basics, bills, gas and food. So it's hard to afford diapers, clothes, and everything else a baby needs. We live in a crowded apartment and my kids share a room. It's crazy because this is the most my husband ever made an hour working in IT. Thankfully both my babies are the same gender and I kept a good bit of clothing through the 6yrs I had my oldest but that's just the tip of the iceberg. I also do not have family support. I can't drive and it's hard to work due to my eyes. Since there is no name for my condition and it's unknown how permanent it is so I do not qualify for disability. And I can't apply for temporary disability assistance due to the uncertainty of my condition.
It's very frustrating, I'm starving myself to keep food on the table. With my POTs I get dizzy and sometimes go completely blind for a few hours after standing too quickly. And my energy is almost 1 to nothing. I can barely walk up the steps to get to our apartment.
I love my babies. I definitely love my 2yr old. Thankfully she was not affected in the womb when I got Covid.
I feel guilty feeling this way and I'm so thankful I was able to have another after losing hope. And if I could have my health back and keep both my kids I would take it with no hesitation!! But sadly there is nothing that can change our situation unless my husband starts making $35hr and that simply seems unrealistic. Or I finally qualify for assistance and that's already been shut down multiple times.
I just hate that I cannot be the mother I once was with my oldest, and my youngest will never get to know that mom. I used to be so devoted and go over and beyond being a mom. I love being a mom But now it's hard to get up or even move. I have to constantly give my eyes rest since they are working overtime to make up the areas that I cannot see. I move around like I'm 80 due to fear I might pass out or collapse due to my health.
I don't know what to do. Any options I think I have ends with no help or solutions.
I feel like I'm failing my family.
I hate myself, my body, my health and the economy so much.
I want to provide, teach and love my babies. And I cannot do that. I'm a failure as a mom. I cannot find the answers I need to help them.
submitted by Better_Trifle3221 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:30 HRJafael FEMA hands out $3.5M in disaster aid to residents

FEMA hands out $3.5M in disaster aid to residents
The many residents who were affected by the floods last September are finally seeing a little green.
Federal emergency response coordinators said they handed out a total of $3.5 million in disaster aid to residents in Worcester and Bristol counties who were affected by the Sept 11. floods and rainfall, according to newly released data.
City officials said that damages to public property in Leominster amounted to around $30 million. Residents saw the grounds around their homes washed away and their streets torn up, while first responders had to use boats to evacuate people.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency said that, in both Worcester and Bristol counties, a total of 601 survivors of the September storms had been approved for $3.5 million in assistance, including $2.1 million in housing aid and $1.4 million for “other needs.”
“Federal assistance may include grants for temporary housing, uninsured or underinsured home repairs and personal property, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the disaster,” the agency said.
The deadline for people who had a loss or experienced damage from the severe storms and flooding to apply for federal disaster assistance is July 15, according to the agency. Both renters and homeowners are eligible for housing assistance.
“Survivors who had loss or damage from the severe storms and flooding that occurred Sept. 11-13, 2023 may have already reported their damages to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, spoken to someone from FEMA, or registered for assistance with a community organization. That does not mean they have applied for federal assistance with FEMA,” the organization said.
Applications can be submitted online, through the FEMA mobile app, or by calling 1-(800) 621-3362, the agency said.
After FEMA initially denied a major disaster declaration, President Joe Biden overturned the ruling and issued an order for Bristol and Worcester counties, a move that opened up aid for residents.
The declaration came after Healey appealed the denial, arguing the storms “were devastating for our communities.”
“I saw the impacts firsthand – homes and businesses were destroyed, roadways and bridges were inaccessible, and some residents had to be evacuated. Six months later, they are still rebuilding. The state has done all that we can to support their recovery, but the needs far outpace our available resources,” she wrote in a letter to Biden.
Even as individual assistance has flowed to residents, dollars for one of the hardest hit areas have been withheld by FEMA.
Federal officials denied the city — which saw 10 inches of rain over the course of four hours on Sept. 11, 2023 — funding to fix city property in the wake of the storms, which Mayor Dean Mazzarella previously said needed “extensive repairs.”
“This 1000-year storm destroyed one month old sidewalks, freshly paved and striped roads, and even a recently replaced culvert. It’s heartbreaking.” Mazzarella said in a statement last month. “We spent $2 million of city money just on temporary repairs to get our city open again.”
submitted by HRJafael to LeominsterMass [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:26 Zealousideal_Bad9327 Could this be Leukemia?

Hello! Hopefully someone on here can help me. I don’t have health insurance (I live in America) and I’m trying to avoid an unnecessary medical bill but I’ve been experiencing some abnormal thing in regards to my body. I’m a 24 y/o female with no significant health issues, just low iron for the most part, but as of recent my skin has been having some issues. Ive been experiencing allergy like symptoms despite me never having allergies ever. I’ve been getting what looks like different types of rashes (sometimes I get these tiny red dots and sometimes I’ll get small hives) and my skin has been getting extremely irritated with even the smallest bump or scratch. I have a picture of my forearm after I was holding a car seat for a couple of seconds and my forearm had a red mark that looked like burn, and a picture of my legs after I finished shaving; you can see the razor tracks along my legs. My skin has also been extremely itchy, I moisturize my skin regularly and I haven’t been using any new products. The only thing that has helped the itchiness was allergy medication but everything else still seems to be a persistent problem. From a doctors perspective what do you think this is and what should I do? Also if you have any questions feel free to ask, thank you!
submitted by Zealousideal_Bad9327 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 The_Teacat So, here's the deal. (Updates, 6/9/2024.)

Going forward: * Stories involving Solar Girl, the Solarian, and Moonshine will only be canonical if they're published under the Pick-n-Μix Comix label. Same goes for almost everything else, but I've had a special thorn in my side dealing with all the pre-Pick-n-Mix stuff and what I want to do with it in regards to what is or isn't part of the overall canon and continuity, so it's important to point this part out first now that I've figured it out. * The content once belonging to the story-cycles of Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl is now going to be under the Lethericon Books label, which means they're non-canonical to everything in the current stable. * Everything under Lethericon Books is going to be a different format than the Pick-n-Mix Comix stuff. I wrote a lot of different, sometimes slower-paced and less adventurous stuff before I started finalizing the format I wanted for the main continuity and they've been in a really weird limbo of canon, but now they're under this label because that's what it's for. This'll be slower-paced, literary, chapter-by-chapter, less-focused, often very introspective, experimental storylines and extra stuff that are related to the main canon but are not themselves canonical; so, AUs like the Comix universe (a coming-of-age story I've been working on now and then where Grace and Gallo are in high school together — obviously completely incompatible with current canon, for a number of reasons), older stories like Supergirls In The Spotlight that don't fit current formatting standards for what is now the canonical works of Pick-n-Mix (and, at least in that one's case, is reprinted from much older work anyway, so nothing new in regards to new content there), and literary or prose outings (like copies of Certain Kinds Of Sadness and The Lethericon). * (For reference, those last two are just older, introspective art pieces I worked on a long time ago and have no real other place to go — I might put them up for pay at some point, but I just don't know. In any case, Certain Kinds is a bunch of super pretentious "poetry" a different version of me I knew once wrote a long time ago, while The Lethericon is the basis for the imprint's name — a dictionary and glossary of neologisms and new words I made up, and occasionally still contribute to sometimes, and their associated definitions and intended usages. So, just fun, meaningless artsy pieces; nothing related to the Pick-n-Mix adventures, but at a more ruminatory period in my life, it felt worthwhile to explore those things.)
Some additional notes: * I know who Moonshine is now! This has been another thorn in the development of workable Solar Girl stories since the very first iteration of Supergirls In The Spotlight, because I wanted Moonshine to be Solar Girl's best friend and sidekick but the dynamic and civilian identities I made for her never caught on and it kept changing with every new draft of the storyline, so often that I never had one single, consistent origin and identity for her. But, I've been developing stories for the Pick-n-Mix core for Solarian/Solar Girl continuity — an ongoing called Solarian Comix, which I'll talk about momentarily, or in its own post — and things have aligned so that the new, 100% canonical version is more or less set in stone now. * As expected, this was one of the reasons I decided to pull prior storyline outings out of canon entirely and render Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl non-canon. The version of Moonshine in those stories was Caitlin Deckard, a friend of Sarah Gardner's from school, the daughter of a previous generation's superheroes (who are nonexistent in the current Pick-n-Mix canon), and she's a very difficult, emotionally-troubled character — but I've since incorporated a version of Moonshine into the Pick-n-Mix version of Inglenook's history as a major operator during the canonical 'Lonum Wars, after which she moves to Spotlight City and eventually teams up with Solar Girl — meaning, of course, that not only are Inglenook and Spotlight City connected, but that Moonshine has to be much older than Solar Girl by default now and that I have a fairly solid timeline to connect events in Spotlight City too, referencing back to crossover events where their world connects to Inglenook and the Other Realms. * This was the final deciding factor in decanonizing the previous Solar Girl stuff. Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl are set on Earth, which doesn't exist in the Other Realms. I'm very adamant about this; which meant, of course, that any canonical crossovers between Inglenook stories and those Solar Girl stories are functionally impossible. I tried to do a storyline in New Adventures to fix this — the whole series was meant to connect Supergirls into current continuity, actually — but it just didn't work because of the fundamental origins of the setting. So, they had to go.
So, current canon: * Everything under the Pick-n-Mix label is canon. Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl are not. One version is set in the fictional Spotlight City on Earth in 2012 and 2024; the canonical version (that is, the version that slots in with everything else I'm building in the unified Pick-n-Mix universe, which mostly serves to adapt and standardize all this stuff into one overarching canon specifically for this reason and purpose) is a completely isolated, standalone city. * This version of Spotlight City is floating through space, kind of like the space colony of Terra Venture in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy or the colony of Solaris in Jason X (which we never see the surface of, but we might remember its iconic destruction when Jason causes the archaeological ship Grendel to crash into it and destroy the whole thing). I first tried to do this concept with the new storylines in The New Adventures, where the 2012 version of Spotlight City had been shunted into space by Status Quo during the break in between series (and would've ended up crashing into the Other Realms at some point after Meanwhile's reset of the universe, while the new, rebooted, Earth-based version kept on ticking, ideally), but again, that stuff is non-canon now. * I don't know why the Pick-n-Mix version is in space yet, but it will be plot relevant and it will be explored, either in Solarian Comix or a different title meant to explore it. Every Other Realm has its own gimmick, though, so they all have funky origins and they're all tied together; New Galatée from a serial I'm working on called Milk was created when folks from the Inglish nation of Galatée decided to live without association to the Kingdom and left for a brand new realm, for instance. * This means fun stuff like Spotlight City gets brand new historical stuff and its own worldbuilding now! And there can be one solid timeline, one central set of origin stories that are absolutely canon (since that also changed for each draft of the story I've been working on, especially for Solar Girl and Moonshine), and lots of crossovers between realms without being too confusing or introducing multiversal counterparts or anything. (EG, the Solarian can now appear in Inglenook sometimes, and Dr Connector and Captain Mytho can show up in Spotlight City, and it'll all be pretty much continuous and canonical, no worries, easy as. Simple.)
Final notes about the Pick-n-Mix stuff: * Moonshine is Sarah's friend, still, but she's older. They're not in the same age bracket anymore, but kind of split the difference and cover both brackets previous versions have straddled. Here, Sarah (who is still Solar Girl, although not the first Solar Girl) is a high schooler attending New Dawn High School; Moonshine is Margaret Deckard, who works as a janitor at New Dawn and is in her late 30s, meaning Solarian Comix is set sometime in the late 80s, at the very least. (Note: this is the Inglenook version of the 80s, not ours. Timelines across the Other Realms are usually in sync, unless I need them not to be, and there are some aesthetic similarities, but Inglenook and the Other Realms are still fantasy worlds, so it's a brand new 80s and not ours.) Margaret and Sarah are kind of the weirdos at the school, obviously, and Sarah likes Margaret's vibe so she ended up befriending her and they have a weird friendship. At the start of their timeline, Margaret is not Moonshine — but, she was. * Before coming to Spotlight City, Margaret lived and grew up in the Kingdom of Inglenook. Urban fantasy, magic, superheroes, all that fun stuff. From 1968 to 1972, Inglenook got involved in the realm of Carillon, a parallel world home to the corvics (crow-people) and a store of scale oil that was useful to the Silvani people. Inglenook established the colony Oiltown there under Queen Charlotte's purview, but eventually it was discovered that the oil they were drilling had been infected by a nearly-indestructible black goo called the Black Regard, forcing Inglenook's hand. Things erupted, and the 'Lonum Wars started — lots of heroes and members of the Royal Protectorate participated, either by choice or by draft. Jack Scorcher of the Legendeers (although not at that time) was one of them; Margaret Deckard, operating under the name Moonshine, was another. * During this time frame, Moonshine was partners with Nightwalk, a shadow caster who died during the war, leaving Margaret deeply traumatized, along with everything else that happened. Once the war was over, she sought to retire from operations as a masked persona, especially given what she was involved in while she was in Carillon, and so eventually moved to Spotlight City to put everything behind her. * No one knew her in Spotlight City, so she's just Margaret Deckard now. But, in the first few origin stories as depicted in Solarian Comix, her friendship with Sarah Gardner puts this retirement at risk — Sarah becomes the new Sunbearer, Solar Girl, and accidentally creates her foil and initial arch-nemesis, Socialighter, from a rival girl at school. Their fight drags Margaret into things, and Sarah eventually discovers her friend's secret history while cleaning up Margaret's attic. Finally, they're able to be spun off into the title Solar Girl & Moonshine, obviously set in the same continuity — I'm still working out the focal details and central storyline gimmicks for it, but it should be focused heavily on this stuff, and on exploring Moonshine's history in Inglenook especially — and things continue and carry on from there. * (This "found in the attic" storyline was brought in from one of the many possible origins for Solar Girl, incidentally; where the idea was, she'd find a box including the solar crystals, the suit, and the pixie Flare in her mother's apartment, discover her mother either was supposed to be Solar Girl, and take up the identity herself. But, now it's transplanted onto Moonshine because of Sarah's current canonical origin, and Margaret is the one who takes up her old identity. Only at Sarah's urging, and in a moment of desperation against a new enemy threatening the city, though. Of course.)
What is Solarian Comix? And what other titles are being worked on? * Solarian Comix is one of the many ongoing titles I'm developing for Pick-n-Mix Comix, a line of serials adapting all my content and intellectual property into one solid canon, for easy digestion and continuity purposes. They're all in the format of issue-by-issue comic titles — sometimes miniseries, sometimes ongoings, sometimes graphic novels, etc. This one is all about Spotlight City, one of the Other Realms floating through space, protected by an artificial sun that gives the Sunbearers their power. The previous Sunbearer was the Solarian; the current one is Solar Girl. Solarian Comix is something of an anthology that jumps throughout the city's timeline, telling stories in recurring features about the Solarian, Solar Girl, and other characters and heroes throughout the city's history, since there's so much content to cover. Regular features include The Sensational Solar Girl, focusing on Solar Girl's rise to power; Silver-Age Solarian, focusing on the Solarian in Spotlight City's "Silver Age" (likely lasting from the 40s to the late 70s or so); and a bunch of other headliners, such as features centered around the realm-hopping witch Hexcellence, the living glitch Glitchboard, the light-manipulating Emerald Flash and Mock Mirage, and so on. * Related titles currently include Solar Girl & Moonshine, Solar Girl: Meanwhile, and Glitchboard: Tales From The Geistmaschine, which are standalone and aren't published in the chapters and pages of Solarian Comix, but do spin off from them.
Other titles being worked on for Pick-n-Mix include: * Dr Connector, a solo-based ongoing title about my science hero, Dr Connector. The first arc is in progress, titled "Dr Connector Meets The Freedom Beyond", and centers around Dr Connector and the Legendeers discovering the Other Realm known as the Freelands. * Solemn Graces, an adaptation of my pre-Pick-n-Mix novella series of the same name, featuring the detective and witch Grace Morgan discovering the town of Grimstead, which here is called Grimshaw (for plot-relevant reasons), and deciding to get pulled into events there for a while. Each issue is a multi-chapter story, with the first issue in progress, depicting Grace's first several days in Grimshaw — her discovery of the place, her fight with the Spring-Heeled Ripper, her meeting with Gallo Belgrave, and more. It comes as it comes, so it'll be finished at some point, and there are obviously a hundred more and then some storylines planned for future issues, so it'll keep me writing for quite a while. * Help! The Monsters Are Lost Here Too. The period is part of the title, yes. This one's a dungeon-crawler isekai-style story about the new character of Jaden Crofter, who becomes trapped in the Bridgery, a liminal and parallel dungeon world, and discovers that — not only is it filled with weird, strange monsters beyond the imagination — but that it's also trapping the monsters there just like him. So, pretty simple. He teams up with a knight from another world called Sydney Storm, and they get the heck out of there. Not much of it is written currently, but there are some worldbuilding notes and potential excerpts available if you like getting an eye into the behind-the-scenes writing and development process for serials like this. * Idyllville Mysteries, which is largely being reworked into Idyllville Mystery Theater, was an early attempt at an ongoing. This one was an anthology that told short vignettes about the city of Idyllville in Inglenook, and was originally exclusive to redditserials here on Reddit (posted using a corporate account I might continue using for Pick-n-Mix stuff, but maybe not). It's still archived on AO3, but because it doesn't fit current formatting standards, it's being heavily retooled and the original ongoing is basically cancelled. Some useful bits of plot details in those tales, though, and writing it helped me work through some stuff at the time while I was writing it, so I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been there. Thought it was worth mentioning, at least.
Those are the ones that have content available already, but as you can tell — there's so much more going on for the Pick-n-Mix universe, and so much more to come.
submitted by The_Teacat to u/The_Teacat [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 10 June 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 10 June 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:24 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 10 June 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 10 June 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:23 The_Teacat So, here's the deal. (Updates, 6/9/2024. Nice.)

Going forward: * Stories involving Solar Girl, the Solarian, and Moonshine will only be canonical if they're published under the Pick-n-Μix Comix label. Same goes for almost everything else, but I've had a special thorn in my side dealing with all the pre-Pick-n-Mix stuff and what I want to do with it in regards to what is or isn't part of the overall canon and continuity, so it's important to point this part out first now that I've figured it out. * The content once belonging to the story-cycles of Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl is now going to be under the Lethericon Books label, which means they're non-canonical to everything in the current stable. * Everything under Lethericon Books is going to be a different format than the Pick-n-Mix Comix stuff. I wrote a lot of different, sometimes slower-paced and less adventurous stuff before I started finalizing the format I wanted for the main continuity and they've been in a really weird limbo of canon, but now they're under this label because that's what it's for. This'll be slower-paced, literary, chapter-by-chapter, less-focused, often very introspective, experimental storylines and extra stuff that are related to the main canon but are not themselves canonical; so, AUs like the Comix universe (a coming-of-age story I've been working on now and then where Grace and Gallo are in high school together — obviously completely incompatible with current canon, for a number of reasons), older stories like Supergirls In The Spotlight that don't fit current formatting standards for what is now the canonical works of Pick-n-Mix (and, at least in that one's case, is reprinted from much older work anyway, so nothing new in regards to new content there), and literary or prose outings (like copies of Certain Kinds Of Sadness and The Lethericon). * (For reference, those last two are just older, introspective art pieces I worked on a long time ago and have no real other place to go — I might put them up for pay at some point, but I just don't know. In any case, Certain Kinds is a bunch of super pretentious "poetry" a different version of me I knew once wrote a long time ago, while The Lethericon is the basis for the imprint's name — a dictionary and glossary of neologisms and new words I made up, and occasionally still contribute to sometimes, and their associated definitions and intended usages. So, just fun, meaningless artsy pieces; nothing related to the Pick-n-Mix adventures, but at a more ruminatory period in my life, it felt worthwhile to explore those things.)
Some additional notes: * I know who Moonshine is now! This has been another thorn in the development of workable Solar Girl stories since the very first iteration of Supergirls In The Spotlight, because I wanted Moonshine to be Solar Girl's best friend and sidekick but the dynamic and civilian identities I made for her never caught on and it kept changing with every new draft of the storyline, so often that I never had one single, consistent origin and identity for her. But, I've been developing stories for the Pick-n-Mix core for Solarian/Solar Girl continuity — an ongoing called Solarian Comix, which I'll talk about momentarily, or in its own post — and things have aligned so that the new, 100% canonical version is more or less set in stone now. * As expected, this was one of the reasons I decided to pull prior storyline outings out of canon entirely and render Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl non-canon. The version of Moonshine in those stories was Caitlin Deckard, a friend of Sarah Gardner's from school, the daughter of a previous generation's superheroes (who are nonexistent in the current Pick-n-Mix canon), and she's a very difficult, emotionally-troubled character — but I've since incorporated a version of Moonshine into the Pick-n-Mix version of Inglenook's history as a major operator during the canonical 'Lonum Wars, after which she moves to Spotlight City and eventually teams up with Solar Girl — meaning, of course, that not only are Inglenook and Spotlight City connected, but that Moonshine has to be much older than Solar Girl by default now and that I have a fairly solid timeline to connect events in Spotlight City too, referencing back to crossover events where their world connects to Inglenook and the Other Realms. * This was the final deciding factor in decanonizing the previous Solar Girl stuff. Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl are set on Earth, which doesn't exist in the Other Realms. I'm very adamant about this; which meant, of course, that any canonical crossovers between Inglenook stories and those Solar Girl stories are functionally impossible. I tried to do a storyline in New Adventures to fix this — the whole series was meant to connect Supergirls into current continuity, actually — but it just didn't work because of the fundamental origins of the setting. So, they had to go.
So, current canon: * Everything under the Pick-n-Mix label is canon. Supergirls In The Spotlight and The New Adventures Of Solar Girl are not. One version is set in the fictional Spotlight City on Earth in 2012 and 2024; the canonical version (that is, the version that slots in with everything else I'm building in the unified Pick-n-Mix universe, which mostly serves to adapt and standardize all this stuff into one overarching canon specifically for this reason and purpose) is a completely isolated, standalone city. * This version of Spotlight City is floating through space, kind of like the space colony of Terra Venture in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy or the colony of Solaris in Jason X (which we never see the surface of, but we might remember its iconic destruction when Jason causes the archaeological ship Grendel to crash into it and destroy the whole thing). I first tried to do this concept with the new storylines in The New Adventures, where the 2012 version of Spotlight City had been shunted into space by Status Quo during the break in between series (and would've ended up crashing into the Other Realms at some point after Meanwhile's reset of the universe, while the new, rebooted, Earth-based version kept on ticking, ideally), but again, that stuff is non-canon now. * I don't know why the Pick-n-Mix version is in space yet, but it will be plot relevant and it will be explored, either in Solarian Comix or a different title meant to explore it. Every Other Realm has its own gimmick, though, so they all have funky origins and they're all tied together; New Galatée from a serial I'm working on called Milk was created when folks from the Inglish nation of Galatée decided to live without association to the Kingdom and left for a brand new realm, for instance. * This means fun stuff like Spotlight City gets brand new historical stuff and its own worldbuilding now! And there can be one solid timeline, one central set of origin stories that are absolutely canon (since that also changed for each draft of the story I've been working on, especially for Solar Girl and Moonshine), and lots of crossovers between realms without being too confusing or introducing multiversal counterparts or anything. (EG, the Solarian can now appear in Inglenook sometimes, and Dr Connector and Captain Mytho can show up in Spotlight City, and it'll all be pretty much continuous and canonical, no worries, easy as. Simple.)
Final notes about the Pick-n-Mix stuff: * Moonshine is Sarah's friend, still, but she's older. They're not in the same age bracket anymore, but kind of split the difference and cover both brackets previous versions have straddled. Here, Sarah (who is still Solar Girl, although not the first Solar Girl) is a high schooler attending New Dawn High School; Moonshine is Margaret Deckard, who works as a janitor at New Dawn and is in her late 30s, meaning Solarian Comix is set sometime in the late 80s, at the very least. (Note: this is the Inglenook version of the 80s, not ours. Timelines across the Other Realms are usually in sync, unless I need them not to be, and there are some aesthetic similarities, but Inglenook and the Other Realms are still fantasy worlds, so it's a brand new 80s and not ours.) Margaret and Sarah are kind of the weirdos at the school, obviously, and Sarah likes Margaret's vibe so she ended up befriending her and they have a weird friendship. At the start of their timeline, Margaret is not Moonshine — but, she was. * Before coming to Spotlight City, Margaret lived and grew up in the Kingdom of Inglenook. Urban fantasy, magic, superheroes, all that fun stuff. From 1968 to 1972, Inglenook got involved in the realm of Carillon, a parallel world home to the corvics (crow-people) and a store of scale oil that was useful to the Silvani people. Inglenook established the colony Oiltown there under Queen Charlotte's purview, but eventually it was discovered that the oil they were drilling had been infected by a nearly-indestructible black goo called the Black Regard, forcing Inglenook's hand. Things erupted, and the 'Lonum Wars started — lots of heroes and members of the Royal Protectorate participated, either by choice or by draft. Jack Scorcher of the Legendeers (although not at that time) was one of them; Margaret Deckard, operating under the name Moonshine, was another. * During this time frame, Moonshine was partners with Nightwalk, a shadow caster who died during the war, leaving Margaret deeply traumatized, along with everything else that happened. Once the war was over, she sought to retire from operations as a masked persona, especially given what she was involved in while she was in Carillon, and so eventually moved to Spotlight City to put everything behind her. * No one knew her in Spotlight City, so she's just Margaret Deckard now. But, in the first few origin stories as depicted in Solarian Comix, her friendship with Sarah Gardner puts this retirement at risk — Sarah becomes the new Sunbearer, Solar Girl, and accidentally creates her foil and initial arch-nemesis, Socialighter, from a rival girl at school. Their fight drags Margaret into things, and Sarah eventually discovers her friend's secret history while cleaning up Margaret's attic. Finally, they're able to be spun off into the title Solar Girl & Moonshine, obviously set in the same continuity — I'm still working out the focal details and central storyline gimmicks for it, but it should be focused heavily on this stuff, and on exploring Moonshine's history in Inglenook especially — and things continue and carry on from there. * (This "found in the attic" storyline was brought in from one of the many possible origins for Solar Girl, incidentally; where the idea was, she'd find a box including the solar crystals, the suit, and the pixie Flare in her mother's apartment, discover her mother either was supposed to be Solar Girl, and take up the identity herself. But, now it's transplanted onto Moonshine because of Sarah's current canonical origin, and Margaret is the one who takes up her old identity. Only at Sarah's urging, and in a moment of desperation against a new enemy threatening the city, though. Of course.)
What is Solarian Comix? And what other titles are being worked on? * Solarian Comix is one of the many ongoing titles I'm developing for Pick-n-Mix Comix, a line of serials adapting all my content and intellectual property into one solid canon, for easy digestion and continuity purposes. They're all in the format of issue-by-issue comic titles — sometimes miniseries, sometimes ongoings, sometimes graphic novels, etc. This one is all about Spotlight City, one of the Other Realms floating through space, protected by an artificial sun that gives the Sunbearers their power. The previous Sunbearer was the Solarian; the current one is Solar Girl. Solarian Comix is something of an anthology that jumps throughout the city's timeline, telling stories in recurring features about the Solarian, Solar Girl, and other characters and heroes throughout the city's history, since there's so much content to cover. Regular features include The Sensational Solar Girl, focusing on Solar Girl's rise to power; Silver-Age Solarian, focusing on the Solarian in Spotlight City's "Silver Age" (likely lasting from the 40s to the late 70s or so); and a bunch of other headliners, such as features centered around the realm-hopping witch Hexcellence, the living glitch Glitchboard, the light-manipulating Emerald Flash and Mock Mirage, and so on. * Related titles currently include Solar Girl & Moonshine, Solar Girl: Meanwhile, and Glitchboard: Tales From The Geistmaschine, which are standalone and aren't published in the chapters and pages of Solarian Comix, but do spin off from them.
Other titles being worked on for Pick-n-Mix include: * Dr Connector, a solo-based ongoing title about my science hero, Dr Connector. The first arc is in progress, titled "Dr Connector Meets The Freedom Beyond", and centers around Dr Connector and the Legendeers discovering the Other Realm known as the Freelands. * Solemn Graces, an adaptation of my pre-Pick-n-Mix novella series of the same name, featuring the detective and witch Grace Morgan discovering the town of Grimstead, which here is called Grimshaw (for plot-relevant reasons), and deciding to get pulled into events there for a while. Each issue is a multi-chapter story, with the first issue in progress, depicting Grace's first several days in Grimshaw — her discovery of the place, her fight with the Spring-Heeled Ripper, her meeting with Gallo Belgrave, and more. It comes as it comes, so it'll be finished at some point, and there are obviously a hundred more and then some storylines planned for future issues, so it'll keep me writing for quite a while. * Help! The Monsters Are Lost Here Too. The period is part of the title, yes. This one's a dungeon-crawler isekai-style story about the new character of Jaden Crofter, who becomes trapped in the Bridgery, a liminal and parallel dungeon world, and discovers that — not only is it filled with weird, strange monsters beyond the imagination — but that it's also trapping the monsters there just like him. So, pretty simple. He teams up with a knight from another world called Sydney Storm, and they get the heck out of there. Not much of it is written currently, but there are some worldbuilding notes and potential excerpts available if you like getting an eye into the behind-the-scenes writing and development process for serials like this. * Idyllville Mysteries, which is largely being reworked into Idyllville Mystery Theater, was an early attempt at an ongoing. This one was an anthology that told short vignettes about the city of Idyllville in Inglenook, and was originally exclusive to redditserials here on Reddit (posted using a corporate account I might continue using for Pick-n-Mix stuff, but maybe not). It's still archived on AO3, but because it doesn't fit current formatting standards, it's being heavily retooled and the original ongoing is basically cancelled. Some useful bits of plot details in those tales, though, and writing it helped me work through some stuff at the time while I was writing it, so I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been there. Thought it was worth mentioning, at least.
Those are the ones that have content available already, but as you can tell — there's so much more going on for the Pick-n-Mix universe, and so much more to come.
submitted by The_Teacat to u/The_Teacat [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:22 Most_Royal_1911 I was assaulted by a teacher in 2010

This is a bit of an odd one, but when I was in year 9 (14yo), I had a piercing on my wrist. This was against school policy at the time, which I had been in trouble for before. The piercing got severely infected and I went to a walk in centre for treatment. Their advice was to keep the piercing in and covered up to allow the fluid to drain. I went to school with the piercing the following day, with it being covered by a bandage. I was taken into the deputy principles office regarding the piercing. He asked me to remove the bandage, I told him I was told by medical staff not to remove it and the reason why. He then proceeded to remove the bandage himself, and then pulled one end of the piercing psychically remove it from my and the ball on the opposite end of the piercing bar pinged off. I told my parents about the situation and they weren’t happy. My dad went into speak about the problem and without even being allowed to speak to the man who did it, got banned from the school grounds. This is something that has played on my mind ever since. This man since then has gone on to become the headmaster of another school. I know this isn’t right, and more so since I’ve gotten older. What do you guys make of this situation and what (if anything) could I do about it? There are no eyewitnesses but I did have to go back to the walk in centre following it as it caused quite a bit of damage.
submitted by Most_Royal_1911 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:19 Traditional-Neck7778 Just Angry

Venting: I am so angry at my now ex. Like so angry. This guy has done so much and I am angry that I allowed it to happen. He is a registered sex offender with no job or bank account. He has 4 broken down cars on my very small property. He accused me of stealing $100 today after I bought him over $100 worth of clothes yesterday. I also just paid for a vacation for him and his kids worth $2500. I gave him his 100 right back, like i didnt even take it out of the room. I said ima grab it and did and he got mad and was like nevermind and gave it right back.
I have been paying all the bills without help for 5 years. Paying for his gas, food weed, beer. He got paid and I grabbed 100 and told him and he flipped. He works very part time and never makes enough to even cover his gas but uses my card for what he needs. He fucked with my work computer set up in retaliation, luckiky no work stuff got broken. I legit feel hate. He has abused me physically, emotionally, and financially and I don't want him but I am angry I let it go on this long.
I want to be free but he always does this and comes back and I cave. I want to be loved and have someone but I let this guy in my life and he is such bad news.I hate myself because I have neglected real relationships and allowed him to abuse me and isolate me. I have hate in my heart.
I have never been an angry person but I am angry now. At him and at me. I need something but don't even know what. Friends maybe. I am just in a bad space.
submitted by Traditional-Neck7778 to AskOldPeopleAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:19 wtsui How AI Legalese Decoder Can Help You Navigate Collection Agencies for $1000 Medical Bills
submitted by wtsui to legalselfserve [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:17 Sam7493 Job Posting - Work From Home

Job Opportunity (social media marketing & website development)
Scope of work For Website: - Fixing errors - Maintenance - Customer dashboard support - New pages creation - Product additions - ⁠Help make the site look and function well
For Instagram: - Content creation - Page maintenance - Posts and stories - Increase website traffic - Answer queries - Boost posts when needed - ⁠Ensure the page looks attractive and stays active
Additional Perk: - Earn commissions for bringing in clients
Salary - 1000-1500 Dhs Work from home 🏡
Interested? Message ‪+971559819358‬ for more details! Share your CV and portfolio of work done before.
Last day of accepting applications 15th June 2024.
submitted by Sam7493 to UAE [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:16 K1a4a1a 🇺🇸 US Visa Classes

🇺🇸 US Visa Classes
Here are the main US visa classes for nonimmigrant and immigrant categories, covering a wide range of purposes for visiting or moving to the United States:
Nonimmigrant Visa Categories (Temporary Stay): 1. B-1/B-2: Business and tourist visitors 2. F-1/M-1: Academic and vocational students 3. H-1B: Specialty occupations 4. H-2A/H-2B: Agricultural and non-agricultural temporary workers 5. H-3: Trainees 6. J-1: Exchange visitors 7. L-1: Intracompany transferees 8. O-1: Individuals with extraordinary ability 9. P-1/P-2/P-3: Athletes, artists, and entertainers 10. R-1: Religious workers 11. TN: NAFTA professionals (Canada and Mexico) 12. K-1: Fiancé(e) of a US citizen
Immigrant Visa Categories (Permanent Residence): 1. IR1/CR1: Spouse of a US citizen 2. IR2/CR2: Child of a US citizen 3. F1/F2A/F2B/F3/F4: Family-sponsored preferences 4. EB-1/EB-2/EB-3/EB-4/EB-5: Employment-based preferences 5. DV: Diversity Visa (lottery program) 6. SIV: Special Immigrant Visas for certain individuals such as Iraqi and Afghan translators
Special Categories: 1. U: Victims of criminal activity 2. T: Victims of human trafficking 3. V: Spouse and children of a lawful permanent resident (LPR)
These visa categories address various purposes, from temporary visits for business or tourism to permanent immigration based on family ties, employment, or humanitarian grounds. For more detailed information on each visa type, you can visit the official US State Department visa categories page.
submitted by K1a4a1a to ImmigrationJourney [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 crappyfart69 2 different cases for covered california

Hello everyone
My family has two separate eligibility letters coming in for two different case numbers.
We did recently get a bill for one of the case numbers and a notice of termination from medi-cal for my son.
Is this a glitch in their system? Because our premiums are all messed up, my son is terminated from medical but does not show up on covered Californias monthly premium sheet
Our incomes are different on each of the case numbers. I think we may have two separate online accounts for covered California that have two different incomes.
Will we be okay if we just call them tomorrow and get it figured out?
submitted by crappyfart69 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 SEOwhale [For Hire] Local Software Agency Offering Custom-Coded Sites for Small Businesses Integrated with AI!

Rate: $50/month
Hey! We're currently trying to grow our portfolio of local service businesses & get some testimonials in exchange for a free custom-coded website, you just need to cover the monthly hosting fee. Its all custom coded: It's typescript, tailwindcss, in a nextjs app. The content for blogs, pages, etc are statically generated and served via our in-house CMS.
The website includes built-in SEO, a proprietary CMS connected to our AI autoblogger, AI assistants, automated pinterest schedule & publishing, and an AI image generator to make your blog creation process smoother and more efficient. Additionally, it has a link tree feature to eliminate the need for additional fees.
Each site has built-in SEO meant to generate leads via related search terms (i.e landscaping services near me). The websites are optimized for user engagement and streamline the lead generation for local businesses.
DM me if this something you're interested in! Or fill out the contact form on our website:
submitted by SEOwhale to B2BForHire [link] [comments]