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Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps

2010.12.10 04:27 halberdier25 Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps

This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of Army ROTC and any related subtopics. Moderator statements or opinions do not represent those of the DOD or Cadet Command.

2017.10.08 15:47 TheguyfromTV88 COTI is the fastest and lightest confidentiality layer on Ethereum

Powered by the breakthrough cryptographic protocol Garbled Circuits and secured by Ethereum, COTI introduces the most advanced and compliant solution for data protection on the public blockchain. Paving the way for the next wave of Web3 innovation and adoption, COTI unlocks a whole new world of use cases, including confidential transactions, Artificial Intelligence, DeFi, decentralized identification, and more.

2008.06.08 20:41 Hurricane Sandy

Information and discussion around Hurricane Sandy and the possible Frankenstorm/Snowicane/Noreastercane/Floodmageddon.

2024.05.16 03:53 Kraloth Form Fillable Character Sheet for The Legacy of Cthulhu

Whipped up a quick n' dirty Form Fillable sheet for LoC, since I couldn't find one anywhere. Enjoy!
Edit: Bug found in the sheet, fixing currently, stay tuned.
submitted by Kraloth to Solo_Roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:52 akend47 Can you do a simple survey for me? (It's for my assignment)

It is a simple survey for my school assignment about how you feel about immigrants and multiculturalism in US.
submitted by akend47 to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:51 akend47 Can you do a survey for me? (it's for my school assignment)

Guys can you do me a favor? It is a simple survey for my assignment about how you feel about immigrants and multiculturalism in US.
submitted by akend47 to millenials [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:50 Pin-Adept Looking for a replacement for a 4th gen i5 dell work horse for PhD work- Mac Air and alternatives

Basically I have been planning to buy a new laptop for the remainder of my PhD term for writing, markup and massive PDF and Youtube use. I am currently using a 2015 model Dell 5550 8gb i5 4th generation model. The magnificent machine is still pulling some muscle, but it has seen its prime. I am basically clocking 7gb of ram on an average use in it. Pretty much this new laptop is to be my office space up until the first pay hike at job down the line. So I am quite serious about future proofing it. I've always wanted to make a move to apple after the M1 buzz, despite never getting around to it though. Moreover I have been putting this away for long that looking for an intel alternative is a bit overwhelming now. However I am open to considering all possible permutations and combinations.
submitted by Pin-Adept to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:49 fishy-happenings Accidentally screamed during IV insertion, don't know what I should do now

Disclaimer: this isn't directly about a dental issue, but rather an encounter I had with dental-adjacent professionals. If this is the wrong subreddit for this, please do let me know.
I got my wisdom teeth extracted today. I, foolishly, assumed that when my oral surgeon told me I would "be asleep" during the procedure, that they would be using gaseous general anesthesia because I did not know there were other forms of sedation that fit that description.
I was actually sedated using an IV line. I have intense trypanophobia, and because I truly was not expecting to see a needle while I was awake, I freaked out. I started sobbing and incoherently begging for them not to use it, which I was very embarrassed about but couldn't seem to stop myself from doing. It felt like I'd lost control of my own voice.
Everyone was as kind as could be expected, though it was very obvious that they just wanted to be over with it, understandably. So I tried my best to take slow, deep breaths and calm myself.
Before I could even process what was happening I felt a white hot jab in my arm, and screamed. It wasn't a conscious decision, because I knew logically that I was in absolutely no danger whatsoever, but nonetheless it aggressively tore its way out of my throat. Immediately, the oral surgeon's demeanor did a 180. They stared straight into my eyes and told me that I needed to stop, and that I was disrupting the clinical environment. That I simply did not need to do that, which logically I knew was fully true. I have no memories after that, presumably that was around when the sedation kicked in.
I've felt absolutely horrible for the rest of the day. I hate making life worse for busy, stressed out medical staff, but I've done it yet again, and I don't know how to live with myself. I've thought about emailing a formal apology to the oral surgeon and everyone else in the room, but I don't remember their names and I'm not sure how I'd trace them back. Not doing anything is eating away at my soul, though. What would you want your patient to do in this situation?
Edit: corrected typo
submitted by fishy-happenings to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:43 akend47 Please do me a favor (it's a simple survey for my assignment)

It is a simple survey about how you feel about immigrants and multiculturalism in US.
submitted by akend47 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:38 akend47 Can you please do this simple survey ? (it's for my school assignment)

It is a simple survey about how you feel about immigrants and multiculturalism. I need your help. It only takes about 30 seconds.
submitted by akend47 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:36 Little_Gas3309 politik wetten

politik wetten
Gesetzgebung ist der Prozess, durch den Gesetze erstellt, geändert und aufgehoben werden. Sie ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Demokratie und legt die Regeln fest, nach denen eine Gesellschaft funktioniert. In Deutschland erfolgt die Gesetzgebung auf verschiedenen Ebenen: auf Bundesebene durch den Bundestag und den Bundesrat, auf Landesebene durch die Landtage und auf kommunaler Ebene durch die Gemeinde- und Stadträte.
Der Gesetzgebungsprozess beginnt oft mit einem Gesetzesentwurf, der von Regierungsbeamten, Parlamentsmitgliedern oder Interessengruppen ausgearbeitet wird. Dieser Entwurf wird dann diskutiert, überarbeitet und schließlich zur Abstimmung vorgelegt. Im Bundestag wird ein Gesetzentwurf in der Regel zuerst in den zuständigen Ausschüssen beraten, bevor er in der Plenarsitzung diskutiert und abgestimmt wird. Im Bundesrat haben die Ländervertreter die Möglichkeit, sich zu dem Gesetzentwurf zu äußern und Änderungen vorzuschlagen.
Nach der Verabschiedung eines Gesetzes muss es vom Staatsoberhaupt unterzeichnet und im Bundesgesetzblatt veröffentlicht werden, um in Kraft zu treten. Dieser Prozess stellt sicher, dass Gesetze transparent sind und dem Willen der Bevölkerung entsprechen. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht er eine kontinuierliche Anpassung der Rechtsordnung an sich verändernde gesellschaftliche Bedürfnisse und Entwicklungen.
Die Gesetzgebung ist somit ein grundlegender Mechanismus zur Sicherung von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und demokratischer Teilhabe. Sie gewährleistet, dass die Regeln, nach denen wir zusammenleben, fair, transparent und demokratisch legitimiert sind.
Regulierung ist ein zentrales Thema in verschiedenen Bereichen, insbesondere in der Wirtschaft und im Finanzwesen. Sie bezieht sich auf die Einführung und Durchsetzung von Regeln und Vorschriften durch Regierungen oder andere autorisierte Stellen, um bestimmte Aktivitäten zu lenken, zu kontrollieren oder zu standardisieren.
Im Finanzsektor beispielsweise zielt die Regulierung darauf ab, die Stabilität des Finanzsystems zu gewährleisten, den Anlegerschutz zu verbessern und das Risiko von Finanzkrisen zu verringern. Banken, Versicherungen und andere Finanzinstitutionen müssen strenge Vorschriften einhalten, die von Aufsichtsbehörden festgelegt werden, um sicherzustellen, dass sie verantwortungsvoll handeln und keine Gefahr für die Wirtschaft darstellen.
Auch in anderen Bereichen wie Gesundheit, Umwelt und Datenschutz ist Regulierung von entscheidender Bedeutung. Sie soll sicherstellen, dass bestimmte Standards eingehalten werden, um die Sicherheit und das Wohlergehen der Öffentlichkeit zu schützen. Beispielsweise werden Medikamente vor ihrer Freigabe streng reguliert, um ihre Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten, und Umweltvorschriften sollen die Verschmutzung reduzieren und die Natur schützen.
Regulierung kann jedoch auch kontrovers sein, da einige argumentieren, dass übermäßige Vorschriften die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung behindern können. Es ist daher wichtig, ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen Regulierung und wirtschaftlicher Freiheit zu finden, um sowohl den Schutz der Bürger als auch das Wachstum der Wirtschaft zu gewährleisten.
Insgesamt ist Regulierung ein unverzichtbares Instrument, um verschiedene Aspekte der Gesellschaft zu lenken und zu kontrollieren. Durch kluge und angemessene Regulierung können Risiken minimiert und das öffentliche Interesse geschützt werden.
Die Parteienlandschaft eines Landes ist ein entscheidender Aspekt seiner politischen Struktur. Sie umfasst die Vielfalt der politischen Parteien, ihre Ideologien, Ziele und ihre Rolle im politischen Prozess. In Deutschland ist die Parteienlandschaft besonders vielfältig und dynamisch.
Eine der bekanntesten Parteien in Deutschland ist die Christlich Demokratische Union (CDU). Sie vertritt konservative Werte und ist Teil der Unionsfraktion, die auch die Schwesterpartei, die Christlich Soziale Union (CSU), umfasst. Auf der anderen Seite des politischen Spektrums steht die Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), die sich für soziale Gerechtigkeit und progressive Politik einsetzt.
Darüber hinaus gibt es eine Reihe kleinerer Parteien, die verschiedene politische Strömungen repräsentieren. Die Grünen setzen sich für Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit ein, während die Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) liberale Positionen vertritt. Die Linkspartei verfolgt eine sozialistische Agenda, während die Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) eine populistische und konservative Plattform bietet.
Die Parteienlandschaft Deutschlands unterliegt ständigen Veränderungen durch Wahlen, politische Entwicklungen und gesellschaftliche Trends. Neue Parteien können entstehen und etablierte Parteien können an Einfluss gewinnen oder verlieren. Dieser ständige Wandel spiegelt die Vielfalt und Dynamik der deutschen Demokratie wider.
Insgesamt prägt die Parteienlandschaft eines Landes maßgeblich seine politische Landschaft und bestimmt die Richtung, in die sich die Politik entwickelt. Sie bietet den Bürgern verschiedene politische Optionen und trägt zur pluralistischen Gestaltung des politischen Diskurses bei.
Die Verfassung ist das grundlegende Gesetz eines Staates, das die Struktur der Regierung, die Rechte und Pflichten der Bürger und die Prinzipien der Regierungsführung festlegt. Sie bildet das Fundament für das politische System eines Landes und definiert die Beziehung zwischen Regierung und Bürgern. Eine Verfassung kann entweder in einem einzigen Dokument, wie beispielsweise dem Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, oder durch eine Reihe von Gesetzen und Traditionen festgelegt werden.
In einer demokratischen Gesellschaft ist die Verfassung ein wichtiges Instrument, um die Rechte und Freiheiten der Bürger zu schützen und die Macht der Regierung zu begrenzen. Sie enthält oft eine Reihe von Grundrechten, wie zum Beispiel Meinungsfreiheit, Religionsfreiheit und das Recht auf Gleichbehandlung vor dem Gesetz. Darüber hinaus legt sie die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen fest, einschließlich der Aufteilung der Macht zwischen den verschiedenen Organen der Regierung, wie der Legislative, Exekutive und Judikative.
Eine Verfassung kann auch Verfahren zur Änderung oder Aktualisierung ihrer Bestimmungen enthalten, um den sich ändernden Bedürfnissen und Werten einer Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden. Dieser Prozess, der oft als Verfassungsänderung bezeichnet wird, erfordert normalerweise eine besondere Mehrheit oder ein spezielles Verfahren, um sicherzustellen, dass grundlegende Prinzipien nicht leichtfertig geändert werden können.
Insgesamt ist die Verfassung ein Eckpfeiler der rechtlichen und politischen Ordnung eines Landes und spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Gewährleistung von Stabilität, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und dem Schutz der grundlegenden Rechte und Freiheiten der Bürger.
Lobbyismus ist ein Begriff, der oft in politischen Diskussionen auftaucht, aber was genau bedeutet er? Im Wesentlichen bezieht sich Lobbyismus auf die Bemühungen von Interessengruppen oder Organisationen, die versuchen, politische Entscheidungsträger zu beeinflussen, um ihre eigenen Ziele zu fördern. Diese Ziele können von wirtschaftlichen Interessen über Umweltfragen bis hin zu sozialen Anliegen reichen.
Die Praxis des Lobbyismus ist in vielen Ländern weit verbreitet und kann auf verschiedene Weise erfolgen. Dazu gehören das direkte Lobbying von Politikern durch Treffen, Briefe oder Telefonate sowie das Lobbying über öffentliche Kampagnen und Werbung, um die Meinung der Öffentlichkeit zu beeinflussen. Darüber hinaus kann Lobbyarbeit auch in Form von Spenden an politische Parteien oder Kandidaten erfolgen, um politische Unterstützung zu gewinnen.
Obwohl Lobbyismus ein integraler Bestandteil demokratischer Systeme sein kann, gibt es auch Bedenken hinsichtlich seiner Auswirkungen auf die Transparenz und Integrität politischer Entscheidungsprozesse. Einflussreiche Lobbygruppen könnten möglicherweise übermäßigen Einfluss auf politische Entscheidungen ausüben, der nicht immer im besten Interesse der breiten Öffentlichkeit liegt. Daher ist es wichtig, dass es klare Regeln und Vorschriften gibt, um den Lobbyismus zu regeln und sicherzustellen, dass politische Entscheidungen im öffentlichen Interesse getroffen werden.
In Deutschland gibt es verschiedene Gesetze und Vorschriften, die den Lobbyismus regeln, darunter das Lobbyregistergesetz und das Parteiengesetz. Diese Gesetze sollen die Transparenz und Offenheit in Bezug auf Lobbyaktivitäten fördern und sicherstellen, dass politische Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage des Gemeinwohls getroffen werden. Dennoch bleibt der Lobbyismus ein kontroverses Thema, das weiterhin öffentliche Debatten und Diskussionen hervorruft.
submitted by Little_Gas3309 to u/Little_Gas3309 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:23 weshuhangout Looking for a good laptop for grad school (~$1000/US)

Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase. Please do not use USD unless purchasing in the US:
Around $1000, purchasing from the US.
Are you open to refurbs/used?
I would prefer it to be brand new.
How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life?
I would rank battery life and performance to be top of the list. Build quality next, and form factor last.
How important is weight and thinness to you?
I would prefer the weight to be maximum 4 pounds. It's not the most important for me, but portability is important.
Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A.
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.
I am not doing any of the above. For grad school, my daily usage will probably consist of coding (VS Code), browser + many tabs open, streaming (videos/movies), Spotify, Slack, maybe other applications regarding my PhD topic. I don't game and my coding will probably be on remote servers, so I can just use VS Code to login.
If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want?-
Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)?
Performance-wise, I would want a computer that can handle multi-tasking (like browsing + Spotify + VS Code all at once; 16 GB RAM would be optimal). I also would like a durable build quality, screen, and good speakers. Touch-screen or note-taking capabilities would be useful for classes/meetings, but not necessary.
Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion.
My last computer was an Acer Aspire 5 (15.6", 8GB RAM, Iris XE Graphics, 256 GB storage). Some of my gripes with my current computer and what I would love to be upgraded: 1) After using the Aspire 5 for five years, the battery life is not doing it for me anymore (maybe two hours max). I haven't done anything special to maximize battery life. 2) Opening applications and browsers can be really slow. I use Chrome; I can switch to a different browser with the new computer and it'll probably help. 3) Audio: max volume is not enough for a movie night, even just a foot away from me. I almost always need to use my headphones.
I was considering a HP Victus 15, but I think it is just too bulky, not a good enough battery life, and I wouldn't need a dedicated GPU. I am looking for something with a longer battery life (6 hours+), can take it with me without too much trouble (it doesn't need to be super lightweight, though), and be able to multi-task.
Thank you all so much!
submitted by weshuhangout to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:19 RemoteDouble1806 Ainda vale a pena começar a se preparar agora pro TSE unificado?

Sou advogado há 6 anos, frustrado com a profissão. Quero correr atrás de concursos, mas não vinha estudando. Tenho uma bagagem boa tanto da faculdade, como da minha experiência profissional, porém nada que vá além do mediano em concursos públicos. Considerando a previsão de lançamento do edital do TSE unificado ainda esse mês, será se vale a pena eu começar a me preparar?
submitted by RemoteDouble1806 to concursospublicos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:08 D_Stoic_ Camera Recommendation Form

Camera Recommendation Form



What are you using it for?

Gym content, tripod set up mostly. Indoor lighting

How long do you need to record for?

No more than 5 mins or so

What equipment do you already have?

A Sony A6400 with 18-135mm kit lens. I’d prefer a lens recommendation over new camera.

What software do you edit in?


I’d like a lens recommendation vs a new camera body to get “more” out of my current camera body.
submitted by D_Stoic_ to videography [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:08 _Doggie_ What is the most underrated or "hidden gem" roguelite you have played?

I have played alot of roguelites, but I always like seeing if there's any more hidden gems out there I should look at getting.
I'll start, I have 2.
Roundguard: Takes a bit of inspiration from something like peglin, while putting a very fun "game show" style (similar to dicey dungeons) take on the whole thing. It's honestly incredibly addicting and fun. All the classes play very differently, and there's enough variety between each run to make it very replayable, and something that is very easy to jump in and out of.
Unexplored: I will start off by saying that this game is a roguelite technically, but runs are a lot longer form then most so I debated not bringing it up. However, I truly believe this is one of the most well hidden gems I have ever played. I think it is CRIMINAL that I don't see ANYBODY talk about this game. Fantastic procedural generation, some of the best of its kind, I love how they incorporate rpg elements such as crafting, and enchanting. It's the type of game where it might turn a lot of people off based on the graphics, but if you do decide to dive in you will be absolutely hooked! (Also a very challenging game through and through, so for those that love a challenge this is a no brainer)
EDIT: I also wanna give a big shout also to Poker Quest, got it recently and It is one of the more addicting roguelites I've played in a while. Its a another amazing take on a poker style roguelite, it combines elements from poker, dicey dungeons, and a map like slay the spire to be one of the most replayable, and fun deck builders that I have ever played.
submitted by _Doggie_ to roguelites [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:07 Alert-Pop2009 Selling AP BIO(check post for proof)

Hi all, I'm back selling AP BIO, forms US and Int. ADD ME ON DISCORD: johannes_kp Note I have like 50+ dms and extremely busy, DO NOT bullshit me and get to the point.
I sold AP Lang on here a couple of days ago. For proof that I wasn't scamming then and I'm not scamming now(and it's been 2 days since the test anyways), here's the pdf.
99% of the people here are scammers. Who else ACTUALLY releases the ENTIRE test? I'll also undercut any legit seller out there. Add me on discord. I also have other AP's, but BIO is the priority as the test is tmr.
submitted by Alert-Pop2009 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:05 v-en Crop video AND then render video in the resolution of that crop SPECIFICALLY

I have looked at reddits, forums, and downloaded a variety of programs (Davinci Resolve, Capcut, and even VirtualDub) and can still not figure out how to do this one thing. Is it at all possible, with any program as long as it is free, to crop a video and then only render that part? What I mean by this is when I crop the video from 1920 x 1080 to say, 600 x 400, is it possible to then render the video in 600 x 400? Every program I have used so far just exports some form of video file that is STILL 1920 x 1080, just filled with black space other than the 600 x 400 area. I did see on some forum that someone said video editing programs are not like image editing, where you can just crop to some arbitrary resolution, but surely there has to be some way to do this. I would post this in VideoEditing , but for some reason they wont' let me post so sorry if this isn't exactly applicable to davinci resolve.
submitted by v-en to davinciresolve [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:01 Choice-Fig2623 Vwar S9 ULTRA 4G Android Smart Watch

Vwar S9 ULTRA 4G Android Smart Watch
buy link: https://vwar.fit/products/vwar-s9-ultra-4g-android-wifi-amoled-screen-camera
In the ever-evolving landscape of wearable technology, the VWAR Cellular Edition Ultra S9 emerges as a true game-changer, redefining the standards for smartwatches. With its innovative features and cutting-edge specifications, this device is poised to revolutionize the way we interact with our wrist-worn companions. Let's delve into what makes the VWAR Cellular Edition Ultra S9 stand out from the crowd:
  1. Revolutionary Camera Technology: Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional smartwatch cameras. The VWAR Ultra S9 boasts the world's first 180-degree telescopic and rotating camera, ensuring that there are no blind spots for video calls, capturing photos, or recording videos. With this groundbreaking feature, users can enjoy unparalleled versatility and freedom when capturing moments on the go.
  2. Authentic Design: Meticulously crafted to perfection, the VWAR Ultra S9 is a true replica, with every detail meticulously restored to its original form. From the real buckle to the real screw, every element exudes a sense of authenticity and craftsmanship, setting it apart from the competition.
  3. Immersive Display: Feast your eyes on the stunning 2.04-inch AMOLED display of the VWAR Ultra S9. With ultra-low power consumption and an incredibly narrow bezel, this high-definition screen offers an immersive viewing experience like no other. Whether you're browsing notifications or watching videos, every interaction is accompanied by vibrant colors and crisp clarity.
  4. Enhanced Navigation: Explore the world with confidence thanks to the real compass feature of the VWAR Ultra S9. Combined with the pathfinder compass, navigating your surroundings has never been easier or more intuitive, adding a new dimension of convenience to your outdoor adventures.
  5. Intuitive Touch Controls: Embrace the power of multi-touch functionality with the VWAR Ultra S9. Equipped with a responsive touchscreen that supports multi-touch gestures, navigating through apps and menus is as effortless as using a smartphone, offering a seamless user experience.
  6. Powerful Performance: At the heart of the VWAR Ultra S9 lies the Zhanrui 8541 master control, powered by a robust 4-core processor. With lightning-fast performance and efficient multitasking capabilities, this smartwatch ensures smooth operation even during the most demanding tasks.
  • Operating System: Android 8.1
  • Storage & RAM: Available in 4GB+64GB or 2GB+32GB configurations
  • WiFi: Supports 2.4GHz and 802.11b/g/n
  • Screen: 2.04-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 448*558
  • Camera: 2 Mega Pixels
  • Battery: 1280mAh capacity
  • Sensors: Gravity sensor and gyroscope
  • Bluetooth Version: 4.2
  • SIM Card Slot: Single SIM (Nano SIM)
  • OTA Upgrade: Supported
  • Google Play: Supported
In conclusion, the VWAR Cellular Edition Ultra S9 redefines the boundaries of what a smartwatch can achieve. With its groundbreaking features, authentic design, and powerful performance, it sets a new standard for wearable technology, empowering users to live life to the fullest.
submitted by Choice-Fig2623 to smartwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:00 v-en Crop video AND then render video in the resolution of that crop SPECIFICALLY

I have looked at reddits, forums, and downloaded a variety of programs (Davinci Resolve, Capcut, and even VirtualDub) and can still not figure out how to do this one thing. Is it at all possible, with any program as long as it is free, to crop a video and then only render that part? What I mean by this is when I crop the video from 1920 x 1080 to say, 600 x 400, is it possible to then render the video in 600 x 400? Every program I have used so far just exports some form of video file that is STILL 1920 x 1080, just filled with black space other than the 600 x 400 area. I did see on some forum that someone said video editing programs are not like image editing, where you can just crop to some arbitrary resolution, but surely there has to be some random program that can do this right?
submitted by v-en to VideoEditing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:59 Zalveris I beat 5.0 Shadowbringers after like 4 years and have a lot to say. AMA

Like 3.0, 5.0 has very interesting concepts from subverting the light dark dynamic established in the same game to it's themes of memory, sacrifice, and ghosts seen in the various ruins in the game voebrite and amurot in particular, to it's major characters crystal exarch, emet-selch, and ardbert.
The theme of ghosts is the one I find most interesting. So many parts if the past that should be dead linger in this story. There's all the ruins throughout Noverant from voebrite in Ill Mheg to the old kingdom in Amh Areng and finally Amurot and the ancients themselves. ardbert and emy have a lot of parallels. Both are ghosts in some sense, remnants of time past. They are both existences that should no longer be but are still here, bound to tasks not yet complete. Both are weary but unable to rest, like seriously the two most depressed characters in shb and they both give depression monologues. Both have failed their duties somehow. They continue on, they have work to be done, their role not yet finished. And then there are those who are haunted. The crystal exarch too is a ghost in a sense outliving his original timeline. And all 3 have been changed in some way. Hades confined in a hyur form and thralled to zodiark. G'raha with his body partly crystallized. And Ardbert is a literal ghost besides being a figurative one. And then there are those who are haunted, whether by death or by failure it comes with most of the world ending.
Everyone in 5.0 has depression.
On sacrifice. emet-selch is portrayed as being wrong to sacrifice all life to the shards to resurrect the ancients, that he shouldn't sacrifice the present lives to try and restore a lost past. But ironworks sacrificing an entire timeline is framed as noble with g'raha and the player character carrying on their hopes. When that doomed timeline also chose to give up on it's current people and devote everything to restoring the past. The best way I have come to reconcile this this sacrifice of the self vs sacrificing others like the ascians are trying to do. There's a strong theme of sacrifice overall in 5.0, outside of emet-selch and Ironworks there's also the ancients in general sacrificing half their survivors to create Zodiak and half again to bring life back to the world, and then the dissenting faction sacrificing their lives to create Hydaelyn. There's G'raha's attempted sacrifice his life and his dreams to save the player character's life and tke the light with him. There's the soldiers that died protecting the Crystarium from sin eaters and Eulmore.
And so ardbert, emet-selch, and the crystal exarch the primarily characters if 5.0 all reflect each other. They are people out of place and out of time, from an era past. They are all tied by duty and this duty involves the player character in some way. None of them are where they want to be, whether that be physically, temporally or metaphorically. All of them act for what is best for the universe and more than that are motivated by making things "right" they have a vision of how the world should be which is tied to the past. The crystal exarch literally time traveled back to the past o fix things the ascians are fixated on restoring their lost ancient brethren and the world the lost, and Ardbert less so but reflects on how places have changed as the player journeys across noverant. And they are haunted by their failures especially emet-selch and ardbert. These parallels would have been further highlighted if the crystal exarch also died, but he hasn't.
I finished 5.0. I enjoyed it the writing for msq has been continually improving and 5.0 is better than any of the x.0 but it's overrated. people talk as if it's one of the best stories ever and no it's not. It's good for an mmo but on it's own merits it's not an excellent story. I'd put 5.0 on par with octopath traveler 1, 5.0 does have it's moments. The amurot section in general is my favorite, and 5.0 tells a lot of good mini arcs like the relationship between yshtola and the nights blessed or the war between crystalarium and eulmore. I liked how things have wrapped back around to gods, aether, and primals.
But it's also quite messy like the other expansions and a lot of little things feel forced like something is happening for the plot to move forward instead of having the progression and in universe justification. I can see what the writers are trying to do but the execution isn't quite there, like with the talos the devs wanted everyone to come together and achieve something. so if i don't think about the details it's a nice story but the more i think about it the more problems there are. or another way to put it the outline is fine the elevator pitch is great, but the details and execution and actual writing leave something to be desired. The writing is indeed better but I'm not sure I'd call it good yet, 5.0 does have it's moments, but I think the biggest different between 2.0 and 5.0 is that shb is much flashier, it's showy and with fun animations and voice acting and actual cutscenes and has modern music just on the showmanship aspect and production value of course the people are going to like it more. It also has fleshed out storylines. But looking at the flaws on shb no wonder ffxvi is a trainwreck, but a flashy trainwreck.
I love Feo Ul but they are just so plot breakingly powerful it's a little ridiculous, feo ul ex machina.
edit: about octopath, that's the point. everyone thinks the story sucks and objectively 5.0 isn't really better despite people giving it leeway for being an mmo.
submitted by Zalveris to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:58 tunamutantninjaturtl [PubQ] The small press, with whom I’m publishing my first novel, also wants to see my second novel (which I’m not quite done editing yet). Does this mean I shouldn’t look for an agent?

I have my debut novel coming out with a small press next year.
I’m also planning on pitching my adult dark fantasy / romance book in #PitDark on Twitter on May 23, in hopes of getting an agent for it. I might also query it after that. (I’m not quite done editing it yet w my beta reader, so I don’t see it as 100% polished yet)
The editor of the small press, who’s been very supportive so far and seems really enthusiastic about the book I’m publishing with them next year, has also just expressed interest in seeing the fantasy book (as I’d tweeted about it). The press hasn’t really pubbed much fantasy but he says he wants to publish something in a similar genre and that he “would be happy to take a look unless you are thinking agent/big 5.”
Well I didn’t wanna be like “No, I reject you just in case an agent can come my way with a better deal with the big 5.” It seemed mean and ungrateful. Even though a big 5 deal, with a five- or six-figure advance, would be preferable to a three-figure advance (such as the one I got from the small press for my debut novel).
But I’ve also heard that a lot of Big 5 houses are quite cold and don’t give their authors much responsiveness or attention unless you’re in their Top 10 for that season. That coldness isn’t something I’ve experienced from the small press….again, they’ve been great to work with so far.
Anyway, I sent my small press editor the manuscript of my fantasy book. Soooooo …….. does that mean I shouldn’t participate in #PitDark? Would the editor feel betrayed if I did? What do I do in such a situation?
I mean. It would TRULY SUCK if i rejected the small press and then tried to find an agent for the manuscript and couldn’t get one, or if I did find an agent but it died on sub. (That happened to me twice in the past with two other books, including the one that’s coming out next year from the small press)
….And then I’d be completely sunk, with no options to trad publish this manuscript. And I really really love it!!! And I love the small press too. I think they consistently put out really good books and have been moving up in the world in the past few years. It’s just …. I don’t want to miss out on a big 5 deal if I could get one, you know? :/
I’m also just not sure how marketable my book is for the big 5. It might have some qualities that would turn off the big houses (not fitting squarely into YA or adult, for example) but which the small press might be okay with…
I’ve also heard it’s ROUGH in the query trenches right now. My book isn’t super original and is basically “assassin falls in love with the magician she’s been sent to kill,” and I’m thinking that, just as with my pathetically failed memoir, I’ll get nothing but 100 CNRs and form rejections.
submitted by tunamutantninjaturtl to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:57 A_Venger Need help deciding! MBA M2 8/10c 24GB/2TB or MBP M3Pro 11/14c 18GB/512 GB

How I use my laptop (Currently a 2016 X1 Carbon):
-20-30 tabs open, including youtube for music -adobe photoshop and lightroom classic to edit photos -studying for school (PDFs, searching textbooks) -driving 2 monitors
If I get the M2 I can use displaylink to drive 2 monitors, the MBP won't need that.
I think both are overkill for my usescase, but I do prefer the form factor on the M2 MBA
submitted by A_Venger to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:55 Zeltin This deck just lost hard two times in a row during conquest to very bad locations and ultron. How do I beat these decks that have 0 counters.

(1) The Hood

(1) Nebula

(2) Daredevil

(2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark

(2) Ravonna Renslayer

(3) Morph

(4) Shang-Chi

(4) Enchantress

(4) Sentry

(5) Professor X

(5) Annihilus

(6) Alioth


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.

submitted by Zeltin to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:53 averagedebatekid How do predictive/descriptive claims relate with prescriptive/normative claims?

While I’m familiar with Hume’s “is/ought” distinction, I’ve noticed that Hume does not reject that this is still a deep relationship between the two types of statements. His commentary on moral sentiments and learned/habitual ethics seems to further my confusion.
If anyone has established authors or commentary on the subject, I’d appreciate it.
Quick Edit: Most importantly, can we prescribe something which cannot be predicted? Is it coherent to form a moral expectation of someone without presuming some predictive/descriptive fact of what they are? Would Aristotle’s conception of virtue ethics be an example of bridging the is and ought gap?
submitted by averagedebatekid to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:51 grilledcheese27438 not very happy at current university

i've been looking at transferring since the beginning of my second semester (last semester) of college. I'm attending a big 10 university. i feel completely misplaced. most the kids I'm around all the time are like omg I'm just like so bad at school i got a 89 on my exam >:( and treat me like I'm stupid for having to take college algebra. even explaining i went to a super tiny school that didn't have precalc or anything doesn't change it. i feel so insignificant. i could get past the rat race academic culture; but then i got effing disabled. its gotten so bad I'm looking at getting a wheelchair because my body is literally fighting me on everything. the campus is a 30+ minute walk from the dorms to the other side of campus, and there is a really poor bus system (only city buses, no school owned buses, like 200ish seats at MAX at any point in the day for the main campus loop). so I'm stuck walking a lot. and then there's parts of campus that arent even vehicle accessible. the entire thing is not very accessible or disability friendly, even with a ton of accommodations. and then the courses are SO freaking hard. like, i knew college was hard but some courses have average exam rates of like 40-50 percent. is that even normal?? i feel like everyone is either complaining about insanely high grades or flunking left and right. and I'm only going here because i liked campus (when i toured and WASNT struggling with a mobility disorder) and they offered me so much aid it covered everything and left me with $1600 in spending/savings refund each semester. but I'm not feeling like its worth it to feel crummy and have declining mental health and grades...my friends think I'm overexaggerating though. i get that the financial aid is good, but i got good financial aid (almost full coverage) at most schools i applied to senior year of hs. i think i can get good financial aid again as long as i transfer in state. i don't know if I'm just frustrated or if its actually worth it to transfer somewhere else. all i know is I'm literally in constant pain when I'm there because of trying to get to classes and get meals and just FUNCTION. and my grades are suffering, and so is my mental health, because this whole new chronic illness thing is kicking my ass. my friends think im exaggerating and its just because im depressed and that i should stick it out. but i think maybe they just selfishly don't want me to leave? not sure. please tell me what yall think. im completely lost on what to do.
edit: i also cannot currently graduate in the major I'm in in less than 5 years, which undermines the entire point of the full ride financial aid. did not find that out until like, two weeks after disability diagnosis in October. and now I'm going to have to wait until the end of my (next) sophomore year to submit a major change form because i got a D in the class i needed for switching majors because i was physically struggling to get to class. my fault for not studying harder admittedly but now off track in attempts to switch to biology as well.
submitted by grilledcheese27438 to Advice [link] [comments]
