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GothicLanguage - A Subreddit for Gothic Language and Culture

2015.01.02 03:39 GothicLanguage - A Subreddit for Gothic Language and Culture

/GothicLanguage is a community dedicated to the discussion of the Gothic language.

2017.01.11 14:33 True Hinduism

This subreddit presents Hinduism as it is practiced without bias towards political action groups and in line with real scripture.

2013.12.14 07:08 The Logs of Your life

A Starbound RP'ing/Storytelling subreddit. Share the stories of your exploits across the galaxy.

2024.05.16 23:42 longdistamce Here is a way to get your Credit Karma transactions in a CSV file. Tutorial retrieving transactions from Credit Karma based on Month using Javascript code (No coding experience)

Since I have been getting messages randomly, I figured this might be helpful. This is created off another users post from here https://www.reddit.com/mintuit/comments/197g5nz/use_a_script_to_extract_transactions_from_credit/
Anyways I will try to make this beginner friendly with step by step instructions. It isnt very hard, you just might do somethings on the browser you haven't done before. High level, all were doing is running some code that will help us download what is on the screen of Credit Karma transactions
  1. Go to https://www.creditkarma.com/networth/transactions
  2. Go to Dev Tools Console, you can use any of these methods
    1. Right click anywhere on screen, select "Inspect", go to the "Console" tab
    2. If using Chrome on Mac, shortcut keys to open the console is Command + option + J
      • Screen should look something like this (keep in mind you want to be on the Console tab highlighted in red):
  1. Copy and paste this code into the console:
    function convertDateFormat(inputDate) { // Parse the input date string var parsedDate = new Date(inputDate);
    // Extract day, month, and year var day = ("0" + parsedDate.getDate()).slice(-2); var month = ("0" + (parsedDate.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2); var year = parsedDate.getFullYear(); // Construct the new date format var newDateFormat = month + "/" + day + "/" + year; return newDateFormat; 
    function extractNumber(inputString) { // Use regular expression to match the number with parentheses, dollar sign, and commas var match = inputString.match(/\$(([)]+))/);
    // If there's a match, extract the number, remove commas, and convert it to a float if (match && match[1]) { var numberWithCommas = match[1]; var numberWithoutCommas = numberWithCommas.replace(/,/g, ''); return inputString.startsWith('-') ? -parseFloat(numberWithoutCommas) : parseFloat(numberWithoutCommas); } // If no match, return NaN or handle it according to your requirement return NaN; 
    function extractNumber(inputString) { // Use regular expression to match the number with or without a dollar sign and optional minus sign var match = inputString.match(/-?\$?(\d{1,3}(,\d{3})*(.\d+)?.\d+)$/);
    // If there's a match, extract the number, remove commas, and convert it to a float if (match) { var numberString = match[1].replace(/,/g, ''); var extractedNumber = parseFloat(numberString); return inputString.startsWith('-') ? -extractedNumber : extractedNumber; } // If no match, return NaN or handle it according to your requirement return NaN; 
    function extractAmount(element) { const selector1 = '.row-value div:nth-child(1)'; const selector2 = '.f4.fw5.kpl-color-palette-green-50 div:nth-child(1)';
    let amountElement = element.querySelector(selector1); let temp = ''; if (amountElement) { temp = amountElement.textContent.trim(); } else { amountElement = element.querySelector(selector2); temp = amountElement ? amountElement.textContent.trim() : ''; } return extractNumber(temp); // return temp; 
    function extractTransactionInfo(element) { const transactionInfo = { dataIndex: '', description: '', category: '', amount: '', date: '' };
    // Extracting dataIndex transactionInfo.dataIndex = element.getAttribute('data-index'); // Extracting description const descriptionElement = element.querySelector('.row-title div:nth-child(1)'); transactionInfo.description = descriptionElement ? descriptionElement.textContent.trim() : ''; // Extracting category const categoryElement = element.querySelector('.row-title div:nth-child(2)'); transactionInfo.category = categoryElement ? categoryElement.textContent.trim() : ''; // Extracting amount // const amountElement = element.querySelector('.row-value div:nth-child(1), .f4.fw5.kpl-color-palette-green-50 div:nth-child(1)'); // temp = amountElement ? amountElement.textContent.trim() : ''; // transactionInfo.amount = extractNumber(temp); transactionInfo.amount = extractAmount(element) transactionInfo.transactionType = transactionInfo.amount >= 0 ? 'credit' : 'debit'; transactionInfo.amount = Math.abs(transactionInfo.amount) // Extracting date const dateElement = element.querySelector('.row-value div:nth-child(2), .f4.fw5.kpl-color-palette-green-50 div:nth-child(2)'); transactionInfo.date = dateElement ? dateElement.textContent.trim() : ''; return transactionInfo; 
    function extractAllTransactions() { // Select all transaction elements in the current window const transactionElements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-index]');
    // Iterate through each transaction element and extract information return Array.from(transactionElements, element => extractTransactionInfo(element)); 
    function combineTransactions(existingTransactions, newTransactions) { // Check for duplicates and add only unique transactions const uniqueNewTransactions = newTransactions.filter(newTransaction => !existingTransactions.some(existingTransaction => existingTransaction.dataIndex === newTransaction.dataIndex) );
    return [...existingTransactions, ...uniqueNewTransactions]; 
    function filterEmptyTransactions(transactions) { // Filter out transactions with all information empty // return transactions.filter(transaction => // Object.values(transaction).some(value => value.trim() !== '') return transactions.filter(transaction => transaction.amount !== null && transaction.amount !== undefined && transaction.date !== '' ); }
    function convertToCSV(transactions) { const header = 'Date,Description,Original Description, Amount, Transaction Type, Category, Account Name, Labels, Notes\n'; const rows = transactions.map(transaction => "${convertDateFormat(transaction.date)}","${transaction.description}","${transaction.description}","${transaction.amount}","${transaction.transactionType}","${transaction.category}",,,\n ); return header + rows.join(''); }
    function saveCSVToFile(csvData, fileName) { const blob = new Blob([csvData], { type: 'text/csv' }); const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); link.download = fileName; link.click(); }
    function logResults(allTransactions, filteredTransactions, csvData) { // console.log('All Transactions:', allTransactions); console.log('Filtered Transactions:', filteredTransactions); console.log('CSV Data:', csvData); }
    // Function to scroll down the page function scrollDown() { window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY + window.innerHeight); }
    // Use this function to capture transactions and scroll down with a limit of 3 scrolls async function captureAndScroll(scrollLimit) { let allTransactions = [];
    // Capture transactions in the current window and scroll down until the scroll limit is reached for (let scrolls = 0; scrolls < scrollLimit; scrolls++) { const newTransactions = extractAllTransactions(); allTransactions = combineTransactions(allTransactions, newTransactions); scrollDown(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // Wait for content to load (adjust the delay if needed) } // Filter out transactions with all information empty const filteredTransactions = filterEmptyTransactions(allTransactions); // Convert transactions to CSV const csvData = convertToCSV(filteredTransactions); // Save CSV data to a CSV file saveCSVToFile(csvData, 'transactions.csv'); // Log the final results logResults(allTransactions, filteredTransactions, csvData); 
    } async function captureTransactionsInMonth(targetMonth) { let allTransactions = [];
    while (true) { // Capture transactions in the current window const newTransactions = extractAllTransactions(); // Combine newly captured transactions with existing ones allTransactions = combineTransactions(allTransactions, newTransactions); // Check if any transaction is in a month prior to the target month const priorMonthTransaction = newTransactions.find(transaction => { const transactionDate = new Date(transaction.date); return transactionDate < new Date(targetMonth.getFullYear(), targetMonth.getMonth(), 1); }); // If a transaction in a prior month is found, stop scrolling if (priorMonthTransaction) { break; } // If no new transactions are loaded, stop scrolling if (newTransactions.length === 0) { break; } // Scroll down scrollDown(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // Wait for content to load (adjust the delay if needed) } // Filter transactions for the target month const currentMonthTransactions = allTransactions.filter(transaction => new Date(transaction.date).getMonth() === targetMonth.getMonth() && new Date(transaction.date).getFullYear() === targetMonth.getFullYear() ); // Convert transactions to CSV const csvData = convertToCSV(currentMonthTransactions); // Save CSV data to a CSV file saveCSVToFile(csvData, `transactions_${targetMonth.getMonth() + 1}_${targetMonth.getFullYear()}.csv`); // Log the final results logResults(allTransactions, currentMonthTransactions, csvData); 
    // Usage example: Capture transactions for March 2024 const targetMonth = new Date(2024, 2); // March is 2 (zero-based index) captureTransactionsInMonth(targetMonth);
  2. Press Enter, you should see your screen scroll and continue till it reaches the end of the month (this might take a minute or two depending on how many transactions you have). For example, in the code it specifies new Date(2024, 2); // March is 2 (zero-based index) so the screen will scroll until it reaches February 2024 and then downloads the file for March 2024 transactions. If you would like to specify a different month, you can change the "2" to whatever month you need accordingly, example: May would be "4"
Let me know if you have any questions or any other requests and I'll try to make it
submitted by longdistamce to mintuit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:40 tainobetsports In search of a new bookie?

Greetings! We are a new bookie looking to expand our bookie business here on Reddit. Rest assured, my operations are completely legal in all states. Similar to platforms like Betonline and MyBookie, I offer various benefits on my website.
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Betting on credit: Despite the risk involved, we offer a $100.00 credit to all new players. Simply message me directly or comment on this thread to set up an account. I will create your account upon receiving your desired password. Once your account is ready, I will provide you with a username to access our website taino.bet and start playing.
***Winnings will be paid out via Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, Cash App, or Crypto, while losses will be collected using the same methods.***
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly or comment below. We are transparent and eager to establish business. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to welcoming you soon!
submitted by tainobetsports to TainoBetSportsbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:37 room134 Hot take on the influence of *spoiler* in the quality of the narrative and overall plot of SnK

I've consumed dozens of manga and anime series and Shingeki no Kyojin is, by far, my personal favourite. However I've always seen Eren and Mikasa's relationship as its weakest component, both because it feels forced and even more because it was completely unnecessary.
In my opinion, the story would be infinitely more fluid, complex and compelling if Eren never loved Mikasa back romantically.
Now, I have never been a shipper. Any romantic relationship or couple (or nome) is fine, for me, as long as it is credible, according to the characters and world built and serves the story in a meaningful way.
With that said, I believe, in more ways than one, that if Eren and her got involved romantically, the story could've been near perfect.
Eren and Historia had a much better chemistry and mutual understanding. On a lesser point, considering the many parallels between Eren and Reiner, it would also be narratively natural that they'd fall for the same girl.
The time skip would allow Hajime Isayama-sensei to "escape" having to flesh out their relationship in too many pannels and instead use it to further enhance and advance the plot, with minor changes to the main canon, while still keeping the main story and themes untouched. Below, I give you a possible what if scenario in an alternative timeline:
This allows everything else that happened during the time skip to remain relatively unchanged and the rest of the story to tackle the 3 other smaller issues I have with the story, while still easily tying them to the canon:
  1. Learning about Eren and Historia, She struggles at first, but soon realizes she Will always have an immense gratitude towards Eren and his family but her obsession isn't healthy for either of them. She is eventually "freed" from Eren, and that makes both of them happy. Knowing about her Hizuru ancestry could help her focus on herself,, flourish as character, and gain narrative agency by serving as a military diplomat between the two nations, as a mixed race person from Paradis. The headaches could also easily be a genetic condition from them or overextending physically while only being half Ackermann. By the end, in Eren's plan, her killing him and stopping the Rumbling could bring recognition to both her discriminated peoples from the surviving humans. Even if they weren't in love, they did love each other and it wouldn't take away from her resolve.
  2. The Founder Ymir's "chosen one" could be Historia, instead of Mikasa. Similar to Eren and Reiner, there were many parallels between Historia and Ymir. What releases her from the paths is seeing Historia choose her child and life instead of her partner and death. When Eren dies, the Founder is instead standing by Historia and her newborn (almost as if she forgot about Eren and her own rage against humanity) and the titan curse/hallucigenia dies with Eren, as the ultimate product of the world's prejudice and agression towards innocent Eldians and the Founder fades as Historia names her daughter saying "You are free, Ymir".
  3. Eren's reasoning for trying to wipe out all humanity outside the walls (yes, in the canon he was going for a 100%-Paradis extermination but he was stopped at 80% because of the scouts and warriors). I do think he feels bad about it as is, but having a child on the way gives a whole new later of human complexity to the moral and ethical dilema he goes through. Knowing he can either secure their people safety and remove the need for passing down Titans through canibalism or *fail the extermination but make his friends "the heroes who saved the world" to give Eldia better chances at the diplomatic Historia wanted.
What are your thoughts on this and what are your nitpicks of this masterpiece?
submitted by room134 to ShingekiNoKyojin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:36 Sethm28 Im sick of my older brother beating me up and making me scared all the time

But of context i guess I (14f) and my brother (17m) had a pretty shitty upbringing we had an abusive dad my parents divorced when I we were both too young to really remember my dad was never very violent but he was very emotional abusive I stopped seeing and talking to my dad when I was 7 due to a lot of reasons but that’s a different rant anyway after that my mum dated another abusive man he never really hit me but he did hit/ attack my brother a few times he more emotionally abused me my mum left him in November 2019 and ever since it’s just been us three my brother is very strong he’s only 5’9 but still a good bit taller than me and he’s a boxer me but I can hit a good punch as well we always argued and fought as kids but it was never really that violent kinda more pushing and wrestling anyway I’m not exactly sure when it started but I remember a few times he said some pretty shitty things to me and did some pretty shit things starting from 2020 when I was 10 my mum bought me this little short set it had a cropped hoodie that was black and shorts that were black I wore a black vest underneath and when my brother saw me in it called me a whore when he was 13 (I turned 14 recently and would never imagine saying that to a 10 year old or even thinking that about a 10 year old) and said that all I’m ever gonna be in life is a one time use for some one like Jeffery epstine this hurt me but like whatever he made me full on sob free he repeated called me autistic and “special” for over an hour and saying I was a mistake I’m not exactly sure when the violence started but I remember one time I think I was 11 he wanted the remote and I didn’t give it to him so he punched me in the face took the remote it hurt like fuck so I was crying and he told my mum I was crying because he took the remote and didn’t tell her he punched me I got called dramatic and emotional then whenever we would have a disagreement he started turning violent like basically squaring up to me if we were arguing in the car he would jump over from the front seat while my mum was driving and hit me like full on multiple shots to the face and trust me I’ve had enough punches to know they hurttttt! Like ur face and body is sore for days like multiple days when I came out as bisexual and asked to use she/they he called me a mistake and told me I’d be better off dead he called me a bunch of slurs and different shit and that went on for quite a while he doesn’t care anymore tho whenever we argue or if I do things like make a small mistake he will call me really shitty things say I’d be better dead tell me to kill myself say that he’s gonna kill me his favourite move is to chase me about the house and when I go to my room and push it shut basically push it in and hit me over small disagreements he’s basically reason why I’m insecure about a lot of things because he just basically calls every part of me ugly I think the thing recently is that he’s 17 he’s 18 in December he’s learning how to drive and like he’s too old for this bs like yk and I’m done with it in December we went to Cuba I’m Scottish and Scottish parents tend to be quite loose especially on holiday one night I get a bit too drunk and my mum tells me brother to take me home when I say too drunk I mean I am black out and the whole time we’re walking he’s saying shit to me and all this bs at the time I’m 13 and he’s 17 anyway when we get in I get very angry cause he went out for a smoke and I thought ogiht he had left me completely so very drunk me finds his favourite football shirt gets shampoo and put’s shampoo or body wash all over it I can’t really remember when he comes in he sees this and he goes mental he chases me to my room and hits me and then I’m on the bed and he starts choking me while punching the shit out of me eventually I get him out and I lock the door but he spends the full night outside the door calling me ever single name under the sun yeah I get I shouldn’t of done that but it was only body wash it comes out the next morning I wake up with some pretty nasty bruises and some marks on my neck the worse one was on my leg were he kicked me a couple times and it bruised purple for like 2 weeks the next day he acts like nothing happened like he always does somtimes I wonder if he genuinely doesn’t see a problem with his behaviour a few months later we’re arguing outside about somthing stupid and he shuved me hard I rarely hit him back when he does this shit but I told him “I’m gonna fucking hit you” he gets in my face and says “who the fuck do you think ur speaking to” he turns around I hit him in the r head so hard that his head went forward and his airpod fell out the other side he turns around and hits me 4/5 times in the face and a couple body hits we argue I go back inside he shouts for a bit but we move on today he squared up to me over something small and I told him to fuck off he chases me to my room my mum comes over he sorts it out and I tell her “I’m fucking done with this I’m not gonna live on eggshells because I’m scared of my own brother” and she’s like “I’ll talk to him” this pisses me off I’m like “no you’ve said that for the last three years if you don’t sort him out the next time he hits me or tires to I’m gonna fucking kill him I mean it” she talks to him he starts shouting at her and I’m like this can’t be normal surley but the thing is that when he’s not like this he’s a really good brother so it’s hard to not forgive him I’m so angry right now but in an hour he’ll charm his way into me forgiving him and no matter how hard I try I can’t I actually feel somtimes like he’s an abusive boyfriend that I can’t leave I mean I love my mum and my brother but it’s not like this is enough reason to leave them plus even if it was I have no where to go I have no family that would think what he does is wrong another thing is when my mums talking to me after he pisses me off tryna calm me down he stands behind her smirking trying to piss me off more
submitted by Sethm28 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:35 SuperCustodiam A Buyer's Guide to the AL Ships

This is a straight to the point buyers guide for people that are wondering if any of the AL ships are worth buying or not. I am here to give you an idea of what's worth, and what's not. I will rank them in descending order for convenience. Keep in mind that these are from my own opinions on the game: my word is not law. These are just my recommendations from my personal experience and a spur of the moment deal personally.

Best Pick: AL Montpelier

This is a premium version of Cleveland, the USN tier VIII CL. However, unlike the later AL premiums, AL Montpelier was unique in at least, a very minor way: She has tighter shot grouping due to a 2.15 sigma versus the standard 2.0 at the cost of slower reload at 0.5 sec slower (7 sec vs 6.5 sec). The result is overall consistent salvos, at the cost of just a little DPM that can be fixed with Adrenaline Rush and Top Grade Gunner, depending on how you build her.
Besides that, she also has un-nerfed version of radar, at a 30 sec vs 27 sec on Cleveland. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but if you run Consumable Enchantments and or Surveillance Radar Mod 1, you have a larger number that the percent based changes will take affect on. Essentially, with both the commander skill and 2nd slot upgrade, you get 39.6 sec vs 35.6 seconds on duration. So a radar build is not bad compared to Cleveland. Besides that, she doesn't have access to the catapult fighter consumable, but that is super seceded by radar and anyways so who cares.
And above all else, it is a Cleveland, which is IMO, a very competitively viable cruiser at tier VIII, with it's very small citadel, thin profile / narrow beam that leads to a lot of over-penetrations, good DPM, good concealment, and good AA. It really only lacks in the speed, gun range, and shell flight time problems, which can be remedied with skill and positioning.
As far as the commander voice acting, Rie Takahashi voices Montpelier. If you do not know who that is or do not care, and just want to know if the commander's voice is annoying or not, then be happy that she isn't overtly grating compared to some of the other commanders you can get. I find her rather composed, cool, and relaxed, fitting the trope of kuudere, if you even know what that means.
TLDR: Premium Cleveland with higher sigma, slightly lower RoF, Longer lasting radar.

Runner Up: AL Sovetsky Rossiya

This is a premium version of Sovetsky Soyuz, the VMF (Soviet Navy) Tier IX BB. Like Montpelier, she is slightly unique to her tech tree counterpart, bar being premium, by having standard battleship dispersion (USN, Royal Navy, German, etc.) instead of Russian BB dispersion formula that gets way better inside 15km. She does also have 1.8 sigma versus 1.7 sigma, for slightly tighter shot grouping. So, while Soyuz excels at mid range, Rossiya excels at long range, which does reasonably well considering the average high tier meta these days.
Other than that, you retain all the upsides of Fast action Damage Control Parties, the tough hull design of the Sovetsky Soyuz. The only other thing you DO NOT get is the AA, as she has the Hull A of Sovetsky Soyuz, and in turn has worse AA overall. In fact, she has such bad AA that only Musashi beats her out in having worse AA for Tier IX battleships. So yeah, CVs that know their targets will have free reign on you, so stick close to allies in CV matches.
Now a I'll be honest with you, Rossiya is not a super competitive BB at tier IX, so this choice is really just down to being different in few ways instead of blatant copy paste. Really, only AL Montpelier is the only super competitive option here. So above all else, Rossiya is a side grade if anything and you should not fear of having FOMO for not getting her. Besides, she's not an historical ship that is going to get removed because it was OP, so fret not (COUGH COUGH MUSASHI, COUGH COUGH ALASKA, COUGH COUGH MISSOURI).
Lastly, the commander is voiced by Manami Numakura. I can really only characterize her as cool, tough, deep voiced anime woman archetype. I dunno really how to explain it that well, so I apologize for anyone that likes her due to my poor description.
TLDR: Premium Sovetsky Soyuz Hull A with 1.8 sigma and standard battleship dispersion.
OK, with those two out of the way, I want to put a disclaimer here that the next ships are purely optional and not super worth it IMO and really only selected for being different than the rest, I.E. not something that is currently offered in other ships / premium ships already in-game.

Optional 1st Pick: AL Prinz Heinrich

This is a premium version of Prinz Heinrich, the tier VII german battlecruiser of the Ersatz Yorck class. She is a 1 for 1 copy of Prinz Heinrich: no special differences here besides premium benefits.
Now, while she is not unique in any way, she is not a bad battlecruiser for tier VII standards. This mainly comes down to the 50mm deck plating she has in a tier wrought with battleships with just 26mm of plating on their decks. Really, any tier VII battleship that has more than 27mm of plating is really competitive in this tier, simply because they don't get overmatched or full-penned by HE. It's sort of why Scharnhorst '43 is so popular and good, since she doesn't get chunked for 10k when hit by 15 in + guns (380mm guns for ya'll metric nerds).
Besides that, she's not slow as hell, going at a decent 28 knots, has 15in guns herself, has fast acting DCP, and is the first ship in the german battlecruisefast battleship line that gets that sweet improved secondary dispersion formula, which despite the 9km max range, means that she has free DPM to let the game play itself essentially. Combined with torpedoes, she can bum rush many slower and weaker battleships that the german battlecruiser line is famous for. And on top of all that, she also has hydro for better pushing to see torpedoes earlier, or push smoked up ships.
Now for some cons, the guns, while using battlecruiser dispersion have an awful 1.5 sigma, so your shot grouping is... bad. Do not be surprised if a lot of your shells in your salvo get a mind of their own. Besides that, she's on the below average end of HP for tier VII, at 56k. Also, she does have 25mm bow and stern. She does have a 30mm extended belt (colloquially known as an ice breaker), which is followed by 120mm extended belt, that protects the lower portion of the ship from overmatch bar 18in guns that she MIGHT face in the likes of Georgia, Sun Yat Sen, Musashi, and Tsurugi, and Adatara. Still, that doesn't mean she is immune from overmatch, as the odd shell can still get through her bow and stern and chunk you, so do not bet on it 100%.
Now that is for the most part, the review. However, for any true fans out there, they know that Prinz Heinrich from AL is actually a P-Class cruiser, AKA Schill in this game. Since Schill was a limited time ship that required whaling for her, and that wargaming dropped the ball and just did "Oh this ship has the same name! Here ya go!" then you know how much this kind of sucks. If you just like Prinz Heinrich, and want her as a premium, you can ignore this tidbit, but for any true fans that DO NOT have Schill, you're shit outta luck.
As far as commander goes, the voice actor, Hiyori Nitta, does a wonderful job characterizing a carefree and bubbly character. As previously mentioned, I recommend putting her on Schill if you really care about game accuracy, that is, if you even had Schill to begin with.
TLDR: Premium Prinz Heinrich copy-paste. Get it only if you really like Prinz Heinrich (the ship) which is actually pretty good for its tier, and want a premium version of it, or Prinz Heinrich as the character.

Optional 2nd Pick: AL Shimakaze

Hoo boy, this one might be controversial. This is a special ship (NOT a premium ship) of IJN DD, Shimakaze.
Shimakaze really needs no introduction. It is the old school torpedo boat that coined the phrase "Torpedo soup" or at least contributed to that phrase. It can put 3x5 23k damage, 12km Type 93 long lance torpedoes into the water. It has some of the best concealment for her tier, getting down to 5.6km surface detect, and good speed at 39 kts (42 kts when speed boost is active). It has been here since the games launch, and well, admittedly, or at least in my opinion, has seen better days.
Still, while some other DDs might have powercrept her a little, you can't mistake the fact that a well played Shimakaze can terrorize a team that lacks the tools to pin her down. Even if that is seldom the case most of the time (48% win rate on NA out of 8 million battles), the ship still has strong tools when played to it's strengths. 23k damage torpedoes are no joke... if you get hit by them at least, as they have a pretty awful average reaction time of ~9.35 sec (according to wows ship builder). Now, this can be sort of remedied with building for torpedo speed, getting torpedo tubes mod 1 and swift fish to decrease that time to ~8.5 sec, but that's still far above the average of 7.8 sec most torpedoes have in other nations. Still, if you get the right angle, devstriking a full HP battleship is not uncommon if you get a perfectly lined up shot. Thing is, it takes WAY more skill and positioning than you think it does, especially considering that most top tier players sort of know what they're doing, and that a lot of top tier ships can run hydroacoustic search these days.
Combined with the fact that she has some of the worse gun DPM of any tier X DD, and has fairly low HP for the tier, it can be fairly hard to play this ship unless you get just the best matchmaking ever. It's a real feast or famine type ship, which I would say summarizes most of the IJN Shimakaze line in general, bar maybe the mid tiers. All this really means is that Shimakaze is NOT the most competitive DD at tier X, as arguably many other nations have better torpedo boats, or better yet, opt for hybrid boats that can defend themselves fairly well, such as the Pan Euro DDs. Still, as mentioned earlier, if played to her strengths, she can be a good ship, but all I am arguing for is that she is not a meta ship, at least in my opinion.
Now, onto the whole Special Ship thing. Yes, this IS a tier X ship that can be bought for money. And YES, this is like the ARP Yamato deal, allowing noob whales to skip to tier X and forgo all the blood sweat and tears that goes into grinding to top tier. And YES, IT'S A SHIMAKAZE, THE TIER X NOOB MACHINE. I DO NOT HAVE HIGH HOPES FOR MANY AL SHIMAKAZE PLAYERS EITHER. With that out of the way, what benefit do you get for getting a special ship version of Shimakaze?
Well, to start, Special ships essentially have the premium bonus package already baked in, I.E: +50% Credits, +100% Ship XP, +100% Commander XP, +100% Free XP. On top of that, you also have a reduced repair cost compared to a standard tier X. Besides that, you can freely swap commanders onto this ship like a premium ship with no retraining required, making it a good trainer. These are the ONLY 2 reasons that make this ship more economically viable compared to Shimakaze. While the bonus package on Shimakaze can achieve 1 of these 3 effects, the other two, reduced repair cost and free commander swapping, puts this above standard Shimakaze as a result.
So, unfortunately, This is a slightly better Shimakaze. So if you REALLY like Shimakaze, and want a premium version of it, well, here it is, for a lot of goddamn money. Like $100+ expensive. Go figure ya know?
Also, the commander is voiced by Saori Hayami.
TLDR: Special Ship verison of Shimakaze. Take if you are a whale have a lot of expendable income to burn, AND really like Shimakaze (The ship), and or really like Shimakaze (the AL character).

Optional 3rd Pick: AL Yukikaze

AL Yukikaze is a similar version of the IJN DD Kagero, but with F8 torpedoes and no option for torpedo reload booster.
Now, this is the last of the semi-unique AL ships, as every other one has been copy-paste. Yukikaze at the very least is different in that she has F8 torpedoes. These differ than Kagero's choice by having less range, (8km vs 10km), higher damage (21k vs 20k), faster reload (104 sec vs 112 sec), and higher speed (76kts to 67kts) which also leads to a better reaction time of ~8.8 sec vs ~9.45 sec.
Now, does this make Yukikaze better? No, not really, as 8km is rather short range for high tier standards. It does make them almost break past ~8 sec reaction time with a full torpedo speed build, the best of any type 93 torpedo, but combined with the fact that it has no other differences in gun handling, DPM, HP, and consumables, I find this shorter ranged torpedo to be a high risk high reward setup, which already exacerbates high tier IJN DD gameplay further than it already is, being so heavily feast or famine.
I can really only recommend this ship if you really like Kagero for whatever reason and really like the 8km F8 playstyle. That and if you like the history of the ship and or like the character of the ship, voiced by Kana Yuuki, despite how annoying and self aggrandizing her character is made out to be.
TLDR: Kagero but 8km F8 torpedoes.
OK, now for the ships I really do not recommend at all for varying reasons. The reviews are going to be more brief from here on out.

Skip 1: AL Cheshire

Only get this if you really, REALLY want to get Cheshire right now. Currently, regular Cheshire is off sale, and cannot be obtained. For whatever reason you think you might need Cheshire, this is the only way to obtain her at the moment in AL form. Which more than likely means that if you want her, you are more than likely a fan of the AL character, as the ship itself is pretty bad. Kind of polarizing given that Cheshire in AL is pretty meta, and her in WoWs she's pretty solidly in D tier for competitiveness.
She is essentially a worse Albemarle, having no Spotter Plane, and garbage DPM for the tier. Really, the 9.2 in guns really only offer 59mm of pen vs 34mm, and better AP pen with overall flatter flight times, but not by much. The armor is Okayish, but trust me when you will get smacked through your bow and stern often, as you have a stepped citadel that if you get overmatched through either direction, you WILL get citadelled. While you get that 50% cit and hull repair party, it really doesn't matter that much when it happens so often, or you just get straight up dev striked. Combined with the lack of spotter plane, that 16km gun range will feel really short, especially when you are bottom tier.
You can at least be happy that the AA she has is up to par in how she is in AL, as it's best in class for her tier. Well, mostly, but her Flak Count is above average at 6+1, and combined with always having defensive fire, I recommend getting the commander skill Focus Fire Training, so you get that +1 flak cloud for 8 in total, which combined with Defensive fires flak buff, those flak bursts will do 7k a pop, Which is the equivalent to instantly destroying about 7 to 3 planes depending on the type if they run into it while DF is active.
Besides that, the commander is voiced by Shizuka Ishigami, and well, pretends to be a catgirl.
TLDR: Get this if you really really, REALLY want Cheshire and you don't have one, or because you really like the AL character.

Skip 2: AL Hornet

This is just Hornet. You can get her cheaper with a 25% discount coupon. It's also a CV, which I imagine is not everyones cup of tea.
The commander is voiced by Nozomi Yamamoto, and personally, I enjoy the happy go lucky characterization she has. This might be the ONLY reason you want to get Hornet, that or because you like the cool skin the ship has, and or the free 10 point commander.
TLDR: Get regular Hornet with 25% discount. ONLY buy this if you love AL Hornet (the character) to pieces.

Skip 3 & 4: AL Azuma and AL Agir

These two are just Agir and Azuma, coal ships, that you can get absolutely for free. They are also not really the best Tier IX cruisers anyways, as Azuma is super vulnerable to battleships, and Agir doesn't match up to the likes of other large cruisers at this tier.
That said, I can only imagine you getting these ships for the same reasons for Hornet, and that is because you are a fan of the AL characterization of these ships, as Azuma is voiced by Kiyono Yasuno, and Agir, Ayane Sakura. Or you just like the ship skins.
TLDR: Get Azuma and or Agir for free with Coal. ONLY buy this if you love AL Agir / AL Azuma (the characters).

BONUS: Commander Pack

Hahaha no. Unless you really love AL and don't mind by dropping... looks at price... 100$+ USD and getting a ton of fully voiced commanders, then go for it. The only other reason would be because you are a fresh player and need 10 point commanders for most of the nations in this game, which is really only useful if you need say concealment expert on destroyers for example, then sure, go for it if you find that to be an OK option.
submitted by SuperCustodiam to WorldOfWarships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:35 StrongZucchini27 Following on the iHart Offseason Post, A Rundown of The Situation (because I don't think I can put a chart into a comment 😆)

I wanted to post a rundown of my understanding of the Hartenstein free agency situation for a) some more clarity in the sub on what is/isn't possible and b) crowdsourced feedback if I have any details (small or large) incorrect.
The Knicks are going to be operating over the salary cap - i.e., the salaries they are obligated to pay in the 2024-25 NBA season will sum to a figure higher than the projected cap of $141m. As such, the Knicks need to use available cap exceptions to sign/re-sign players like Isaiah. NYK signed Isaiah from free agency to a two-year contract in the 2022 summer; this reset his Bird rights clock to 0. More on the Bird rights and 'Early Bird' rights exceptions rules in the following links from Larry Coon's incredible NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) FAQ: question 25, question 32
In short, Bird rights are meant to allow teams to retain their players despite a lack of salary cap room left to do so. However, because Isaiah does not have 3 complete seasons on his Bird rights clock going into the 2024 offseason, NYK does not have 'full' Bird rights with Isaiah, which would have allowed them to use the exception to pay Isaiah anything up to his maximum salary (and contract length and yearly raise) under the CBA. Isaiah will have 2 complete seasons on his Bird rights clock, giving NYK, his current team, Early Bird rights to retain him. The Early Bird rights exception is the largest available cap exception that NYK can use to pay Isaiah, but the Early Bird rights exception is not as lenient as the full Bird rights exception. Early Bird rights contracts allow the player's team to offer a contract with
So, the Knicks cannot just match what another team with more salary cap room can offer Isaiah, who has likely outplayed the amount that the Knicks can offer him this summer.
In my opinion, the best that NYK can take care of Hartenstein is with a 2-year + Player Option contract starting at his maximum Early Bird exception salary of about $16.18m (1.75 * 9.245m [his salary this season, base + incentive]) with 8% raises. The PO secures that this is a >$50m bag over 3 seasons, and it gives Hartenstein the possibility of signing a new, more lucrative contract after 2 seasons. Harteinstein will be 28 in summer 2026, ...and New York would have his full bird rights(!).
The issue is that Hartenstein's agents (at CAA 😈😈😈) can probably find him a deal worth $30m+ more than what the Knicks can offer. A 4 year $80-$90m offer could very well materialize (and it probably should - even more is I think deep for the way the center market seems to tend to unfold [have not personally seen or done an analysis here], but could still bear out as a good contract in my opinion).
I think, though, that it's worth looking at the breakdown of his money lost to gain a fuller perspective. Italics below is my estimation of his shortfall from NYK's 2+1 Early Bird deal when compared to a roughly $90m, 4-year free agent contract:
NYK 2+1FA 4y~$90mShortfall $ 16,178,961.75 $ 20,089,625.00 $ 3,910,663.25 $ 17,473,278.69 $ 21,696,795.00 $ 4,223,516.31 $ 18,767,595.63* $ 23,303,965.00 $ 4,536,369.37 $ 24,911,135.00 $ 24,911,135.00 $ 52,419,836.07 $ 90,001,520.00 [4-season shortfall to the right ] $ 37,581,683.93 *Player optionShortfall after 3 seasons $ 12,670,548.93
The shortfall for the 2 guaranteed seasons of the NYK deal is over $8m - nothing to sneeze at. If Isaiah is outplaying the NYK deal, that 2026 summer is when NYK can finally take care of him with a full Bird Rights exception contract. If he's not outplaying the NYK deal or if, say, his 2025-26 season is injury-marred, then he has the $18.77m to opt into and run it back with (at which point the shortfall from the 4/$90m is $12.67m).
There's no sugarcoating that Isaiah would be gambling with the aforementioned early-deal shortfall(s) plus a at least starter-level 2027-28 salary ($24.911m) if he were to take NYK's deal over a hypothetical $90m deal. If his gamble works out, though, he could hypothetically lose only ~$8m aggregate next year and the year following, while potentially gaining some of that back in his next NYK deal as compared to the hypothetical 4 year, $90m free agent deal of this summer. As things stand, though, summer 2026 could be a world in which we are paying >80% of under-the-cap salary to Brunson, Randle and Anunoby. Then NYK starts to think about Hartenstein's new contract as the salary + the steep tax penalties per dollar. That summer also features Mitchell Robinson's free agency. I'm sure Hartenstein's agents are well aware of those pitfalls, too.
What do I predict? I have (perhaps unreasonable) confidence that he'll push his chips in with us 😎. I predict that he values his increasingly central role and the continuity there, that he has a strong desire to keep it going with the rest of this inspired squad, and that he is content with taking his destiny into his own hands even if means doing so at the risk of losing tens of millions.
submitted by StrongZucchini27 to NYKnicks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 salientsyrup Leaving it behind

Came to rant slightly, but also to celebrate the closing of a chapter. Also, feel free to lmk if I sound like the asshole…
I made the mistake of signing on to a 1 year lease with someone I had only one, 10 minute FaceTime call with who is 3 years younger than me and had never lived on her own before.
In this FaceTime call she not only blatantly lied to me, she also failed to disclose several serious details.
  1. She told me she had a car. Upon her moving in I not only discovered that she didn’t have a car, this girl didn’t even have a license, nor any sort of desire to obtain one.
We moved into a neighborhood that absolutely requires one to have a car to be able to navigate. It’s isolated and anything but walkable. We have a bus stop by our house but she had also never done a long list of basic things, like stepping foot on any form of public transport.
  1. She failed to disclose until the lease was signed and we were moved in that she has (self diagnosed) agoraphobia. If you don’t know what that is, it’s basically a crippling fear of everything beyond the front door, where a person is terrified and intensely avoids public places and most people so much they avoid going out all together.
  2. Neither of those things would’ve mattered to me but she also lied to me about being consistent in working and going to school. She premised us moving in together by telling me she had active hobbies, spent the majority of her time outside of the house working and going to classes. Leading me to believe I was moving in with someone who had a similar lifestyle to me. = alls to say she is a shut in. She’s been employed maybe 4/10 months of the time we’ve lived together and besides work leaves the house for nothing. Has stopped going to her classes even literally never leaves the house.
I quickly discovered that she does not function like a normal person and is a textbook hermit. She’s paranoid of everything, smokes weed every day and is unexposed to basic things in society. Things like calling our maintenance company or having a friendly conversation with our neighbors were out of the question. Her rude, paranoid and closed off conversations with our neighbors caused all of our neighbors to basically hate us.
She didn’t once take initiative in the apartment, I’ve had to explain VERY basic cleaning and maintenance things to her which she received as ludicrous and condescending.
She’s called me bossy and stubborn meanwhile begging me to direct her to basic household duties.
The first few months when I tried to befriend her she shot down every single one of my invitations, attempts to connect or hang out and then later accused ME of lying upon move in when I said I was also hoping to be friends with my roommate. She went months without asking me a single personal question as she used me as her own sounding board to spill her fears/ complaints and paranoia to since the only people she actively speaks to are me and her boyfriend. Then she accused me of being judgemental and critical when I offered her constructive advice on very basic complaints she’d come to me every single day with. She later explained that she wasn’t ever looking for advice but for someone to say boo hoo poor you.
She is a prisoner of her own mind and exploited me as 1/2 of her only inmate visitors.
I’ve sat down for hours, on several occasions trying to help her find / access a therapist some sort of help despite how she treats me and she’s come up with every single excuse in the book as to why she will not pursue therapy (she is studying to become a therapist, yet doesn’t believe it is going to help her situation). I’ve tried to offer her help, guidance and friendship but have been rejected at every turn.
She’s ignored me for weeks at a time despite the two of us sharing apartment together then pointed her finger at ME for not being friendly.
She has walked by me at school WHILE texting me and avoided speaking to me. Almost exclusively texts me from her room while we our both home and my door is wide open.
All I have to say now as I’m moving out and breaking my lease early is I’m so damn excited to leave this person behind. She will learn that others will not be nearly as easy to live with and hopefully she learns the hard way.
None of these things are inherently problematic but if you live with someone else should be disclosed upon move in. She lied so hard, both explicitly and by omission of these critical lifestyle details. I have never cared about how others choose to live their life but when it conflicts with mine in a shared environment, that is when it becomes a problem for me.
I’m so damn excited to live with someone who is friendly, communicative and occasionally leaves their room to engage with the outside world! Including me!
Pls let this serve as a warning/ lesson to not move in with someone you’ve never met. Also not to believe them.
submitted by salientsyrup to roommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 louvveniafisher How to Get A Car Shipping Quote for a New York to Florida Vehicle Transport

How to Get A Car Shipping Quote for a New York to Florida Vehicle Transport
When planning to transport a vehicle from New York to Florida, the first thing you need to do is get a car shipping quote. This quote provides an estimate of the cost involved in moving your vehicle and helps you budget accordingly. Understanding how these quotes are calculated can save you time and money.

Factors Affecting Car Shipping Quotes

Several factors influence the car shipping quote you receive. These include:


The distance between the pickup and delivery locations is a significant determinant. For a New York to Florida transport, the distance is approximately 1,200 to 1,300 miles, impacting the overall cost.

Vehicle Type

The size and weight of your vehicle play a critical role. Larger and heavier vehicles, like SUVs and trucks, cost more to transport than smaller cars due to the space they occupy and the extra weight.

Transport Type

There are two main types of transport: open and enclosed. Open transport is more common and less expensive, but it exposes your car to the elements. Enclosed transport offers more protection but at a higher cost.


The time of year affects car shipping rates. During peak seasons, such as winter when snowbirds migrate to Florida, demand for car shipping services increases, leading to higher prices.

Delivery Speed

Standard delivery times are the most economical, but if you need expedited shipping, expect to pay a premium for the faster service.

Pickup and Delivery Locations

Urban areas usually have more competitive rates due to higher demand and easier access to transport trucks. In contrast, rural locations might incur additional costs.

Steps to Get a Car Shipping Quote

Research and Select Reliable Car Shipping Companies

Start by researching reputable car shipping companies. Look for companies with positive reviews, proper licensing, and insurance. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) website is a good place to verify a company’s credentials.

Request Quotes Online

Most car shipping companies offer online quote forms on their websites. Fill out these forms with details about your vehicle, desired transport type, pickup, and delivery locations. It’s a quick way to get an initial estimate.

Compare Quotes

Gather quotes from multiple companies to compare prices and services. Ensure that you’re comparing similar services – for instance, open transport versus open transport – to get an accurate comparison.

Contact Companies Directly

After reviewing online quotes, contact the companies directly. Speaking to a representative can provide a more tailored quote and address any specific needs or questions you have.

Evaluating Car Shipping Quotes

Review Inclusions and Exclusions

When evaluating quotes, check what is included. Some quotes may cover door-to-door service, insurance, and taxes, while others might have hidden fees. Clarify these details before making a decision.

Check for Insurance Coverage

Ensure that the quote includes adequate insurance coverage. Your vehicle should be insured against potential damage during transit. Ask for specifics about the coverage limits and any additional costs.

Look for Discounts

Some car shipping companies offer discounts for various reasons – military personnel, students, multi-car shipments, and more. Ask about any available discounts to reduce your shipping costs.

Finalizing Your Car Shipping Plan

Schedule the Pickup

Once you’ve chosen a company, schedule the pickup. Provide the necessary details and confirm the date and time. Ensure that someone is available to hand over the keys and complete any necessary paperwork.

Prepare Your Vehicle

Before shipping, prepare your vehicle. Remove personal items, check for any pre-existing damage, and ensure the gas tank is less than a quarter full. These steps help protect your vehicle and streamline the shipping process.

Track Your Shipment

Most car shipping companies offer tracking services. Use these to monitor your vehicle’s progress from New York to Florida. Stay in contact with the company for updates and estimated delivery times.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them


Shipping delays can occur due to weather, traffic, or logistical issues. To mitigate this, schedule your shipment with some buffer time. Keep communication lines open with your shipping company for updates.

Damage During Transit

While rare, damage can happen. Ensure that you have adequate insurance and thoroughly inspect your vehicle upon delivery. Document any damages with photos and report them immediately to the shipping company.
In conclusion, getting a car shipping quote for transporting your vehicle from New York to Florida involves understanding the factors that influence costs, comparing quotes from multiple companies, and finalizing your shipping plan carefully. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and cost-effective car shipping experience. Whether you’re moving permanently or seasonally, the right preparation can make your vehicle transport stress-free and efficient.
submitted by louvveniafisher to u/louvveniafisher [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 Wise-Mud3418 [LONG] Fan Made V/H/S Plot #2

Hey y'all.
So, I've already done one of these before, would appreciate if ya have a read (https://www.reddit.com/foundfootage/comments/1cfhoqy/long\_fan\_made\_vhs\_plot\_updated/), I still think that "Terra Incognita" is my best piece of work, as the ending is pretty shocking and captivating, and something that hasn't been done before in the V/H/S series.
Without further ado, here is my second piece of my own vision for what can be a good V/H/S movie.
The Tapes
Overarching Narrative - Legacy
Tape 1 - Home Sweet Horror
Tape 2 - The Glitch
Tape 3- Knightmare (Spelled like that on purpose)
Tape 4 - Altered
Legacy (Prologue)
A film major student Robert, decides to make a tribute to his late grandfather by making a project about his life as one of the most respected scientists in the country. Upon clearing up his inherited estate, Robert stumbles upon a metal box with a lock on it. After trying several combinations, he finally takes the hammer and shatters the lock revealing the box's contents. A collection of 4 VHS tapes stacked against each other alongside a piece of paper with only two words on it - "BURN IT !". As Robert's curiosity reaches it's peak, he decides to insert the first tape into the VCR, only to realise, that he just made a fatal mistake.
Tape 1 - Home Sweet Horror
The tape opens with a recording from the man's camera (Will) filming himself and his wife (Tracy) moving into a modern smart house with an integrated, advanced AI technology and security system. The AI system named "Eve" welcomes the newly wed couple into their new house stating that she will do everything to keep their house safe. The couple is mesmerised with the convenient and futuristic features of their home such as voice commands controlling opening and closing doors, kitchen appliances, etc.
As the days pass, subtle glitches begin to occur that are captured by the security cameras. Lights flicker ominously, doors lock and unlock without command, and Eve starts to display an unsettling level of control over the house. The AI’s once soothing voice becomes cold and mechanical, issuing commands and making decisions without input. Will and Tracy attempt to control the AI's system via their phones but it's met with the "ACCESS DENIED" message as all of the windows and doors on the first and second floors are shut down as an indicator of a potential intruder being home. Knowing that there is a high possibility that Eve won't release them from their own home the couple decides to destroy the AI's control center located in the basement.
As the couple makes a daring run towards the basement and tries to tamper and destroy the mainframe, Eve seals the basement door and releases the toxic gas into the house. As the couple struggles to breathe, Will drops his camera as it falls down and captures the couple's last breath as they convulse and spit foam out of their mouth with their eyes rolling backwards. As the camera begins to shutdown Eve's voice goes back to normal as it states - "Threat Eliminated, please enjoy your weekend"
Legacy (Interlude 1)
As the first tape ends Robert is sitting motionless, his face pale and eyes wide with horror. The room around him feels colder, the shadows seem darker. He glances around nervously, as if expecting something to leap out at him. Determined to understand his grandfather’s connection and the reason behind these tapes being in the house, he inserts a second tape into a recorder.
Tape 2 - The Glitch
Leonard, a self proclaimed hot-head delves into an Amazonian jungle to document his experience as a self-testment to prove to himself that he is capable of surviving in the most primitive conditions possible. After filtering the river's water he proceeds to make his way downstream, while on his path, he hears a strange sound that resembles a bird sound yet it sounds more human, as he pans the camera to left, he captures a glimpse of a chameleon like creature that camouflages itself along the greenery next to the trees, yet the size is resembling that of a human. Leonard proceeds to scare the creature away by charging it with an axe as the creature makes it escape, Leonard realizes that he is lost in the dense jungle and isn't capable of finding his way back to the stream. After setting up camp, Leonard decides to document his thoughts and plans of finding his way out, as all of the sudden his rhetoric is interrupted by a blood curtailing roar. He steps out with an axe and his head proceeding to taunt the intruder as using his camera's light investigate. Upon finding nothing, he goes back to sleep.
As the next day progresses Leonard is visibly morally beaten up, his speech becomes more sloppy and his drive to keep pushing is dwindling. As the sun beats down on his head, Leonard finally stumble upon the river after which he breaks down in tears. As his goes to fill up his water bottle, a disfigured, scaly, serpent like creature lunges itself onto Leonard's arm as it plunges it's teeth deep into his forearm. Leonard drops the camera as it captures his struggle to fight off the serpent, which he eventually manages to strike with his axe thus freeing his arm, after which he picks up the camera and proceeds to flee in panic leaving his backpack behind.
After hours of being lost again, Leonard's mental state proceeds to deteriorate, with him laughing hysterically at the camera as well as speaking gibberish. As night settles, Leonards is trying to make his way through the jungle as he proceeds to hear the blood curtailing roar again he pans the camera to the left as it captures the glowing eyes of the creature from the previous night. Eventually Leonard runs out of breath as he proceeds to get away, but stumbles and falls in the process. The camera captures Leonard backing into a tree as a gnarly, insect yet humanoid size like creature is slowing approaching him. Just as it seems that the creature is about to strike, it stops and backs out, as a loud voice from the speakers says "LIGHTS !". Confused and traumatised Leonard looks around as his surroundings are decimated from the holographs into a large testing area that simulates real life environments, revealing that the whole thing is an experiment designed to test human behaviour in the most stressed environment possible . A group of scientist lead by Robert's grandfather (Dr. Evans) approach Leonard and starts to medically exam him, measuring his pulse and examining his pupils. Robert's grandfather pulls out an audio recorder as he states that the experiment is successful and that the team is moving to Phase 2 as the scientists take shaken Leonard away.
Legacy - (Interlude 3)
The second tape ends abruptly, leaving Robert in a state of shock. He breathes heavily, sweat glistening on his forehead. The house feels more oppressive now, with strange noises echoing from the walls. He begins to notice subtle changes in his surroundings—furniture seems slightly out of place, and there’s an unsettling feeling of being watched. Despite his growing unease, he presses on, inserting the third tape into the VCR.
Tape 3 - Knightmare
The tape begins with a news reporter standing outside of the sealed off area by multiple patrol cars, as well as FBI and SWAT trucks. The reporter tells the audience that the raid is currently in progress as the FBI investigates a secluded tech Mogul for allegedly stealing governments classified material on technology for his benefit.
The footage shifts to the helmet cameras and body cams worn by the FBI agents - David, Ken, Octavian, Paul and Austin during the raid. As they enter the front of the house they are greeted by an ominous decor as well as artefacts from different time periods. As the team enters the main dining hall they stumble upon a massive machinery that doesn't look like anything they've seen before. All of the sudden the machines make a very loud clunking noise as the objects within the room begin to levitate, a huge wormhole opens up sucking the team in. As the team regain their footing they see that they are in the middle of a Jousting tournament in a castle's court in Medieval Europe. The cheering crowd goes silent as they take a look at a newly arrived visitors. The priest shouts in Old English "HERETICS GET THEM", as the crowd and the knights try to apprehend them the team opens fire upon the attackers killing several within seconds. The camera perspective shifts between each member, as Octavian is penetrated with a spear from behind. David gives the order to fall back, as the team enters the castle's kitchens.
Just as Austin is the last to enter inside he is snatched from behind and is taken towards the castle walls from which he is thrown upon onto huge wooden spikes that serve as a protective barrier around the castles foundation. As Austin's body camera captures a large wooden pike sticking out of chest facing the sky, he takes his last breath as his head turns to the side with his helmet camera capturing the peasants who have been thrown off the walls.
The remaining survivors David, Ken and Paul barricade themselves as they proceed to understand what is happening. Their discussion is interrupted by the door bursting open as several knights rush into the premises. The team goes up the spiral staircase with David throwing a grenade to slow down the pursuers. As they make their way atop of one of the towers the team realises that there is no way, after which Paul commits suicide by shooting himself in the head with his pistol, after which his helmet falls down into a muddy courthouse as the camera captures a glimpse of knights taking David and Ken prisoners. The camera cuts to black.
The camera resumes recording as huge crowd seems to be gathered in the courtyard for something. A curious peasant picks up a helmet and puts it on his head. The camera capture a stripped down David and Ken being tied to the stake as the priest proceeds to preach and accusing them of witchcraft, David and Ken cry out for mercy begging the crowd to let them go. Crowd not understanding modern English proceeds to cheer even louder for the priest. As the camera's battery begins to die, the torch lights up the hay beneath the spikes as flames engulf the screaming members of the team.
Legacy - (Interlude 4)
After the third tape concludes, Robert is visibly shaken. His hands tremble as he reaches for the final tape. The atmosphere in the house has turned sinister, with lights flickering and cold drafts sweeping through the room. He feels a presence, as if something is lurking just beyond his vision. He hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath and inserts the last tape, bracing himself for whatever horrors it contains.
Tape 4 - Altered
The tape begins with grainy footage inside a sterile, dimly lit laboratory. Four scientists, including Robert’s grandfather, are preparing for a highly confidential experiment that is recorder by a stationary camera as well as several cameras mounted to the wall. A woman is laying strapped on the table as she proceeds to panic, asking the team about her whereabouts. Robert's grandfather begins to ask her basic questions about herself to which she reacts with anger and despair.
The team prepares several syringes filled with transparent liquid as Dr. Evans (The pops) takes out his audio recorder and says "Subject 17 - Sarah Miller, Time of the Experiment - 10:00 AM". After the recording is done, over the course of several minutes the team injects Sarah with the transparent liquid as she proceeds to resist but all futile. At first, nothing happens, but then she begins to convulse violently. Her screams turn into inhuman roars, and her body contorts in unnatural ways. The other scientists rush to contain the situation, but Sarah breaks free with terrifying strength. She proceeds to bite one of the scientists into the neck as she takes a chunk of her skin into her mouth as blood splatters over the room and covers one of the camera lenses with blood.
After grabbing one of the cameras Robert’s grandfather manages to lock himself in a storage room, the screams and sounds of carnage muffled by a thick metal door. He records a frantic message, detailing the experiment and his regret, before the camera cuts out. The tape ends with the sound of the woman’s monstrous roars echoing behind the door. The screen goes black.
Legacy - (Epilogue)
The final tape ends as Rob's eyes are dark and hollow, his face gaunt and haunted. Suddenly, the room grows deathly silent. An apparition of his grandfather appears before him, revealing that the tapes were a conduit to transfer a dark entity into a new host. As Robert convulses and is overtaken by the entity, the screen cuts to black. Moments later, the image returns, showing Robert, now possessed, preparing new tapes for the next unsuspecting viewer. The film ends with the ominous image of the metal box being sealed shut once more, ready to be discovered by its next victim.
submitted by Wise-Mud3418 to foundfootage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:33 Knight_Of_Stars I made a roll20 script to make session prep easier!

Hi everyone I'm a recent computer science graduate. While I'm on the hunt for a job I figured I'd make a small project to add to my portfolio. So I decided to create a roll20 script to easily create planets and creatures for Stars With Number. If you would like to use or modify the script you can find it on my gitlab! Feel free to follow or reach out with any questions.
For Kevin Crawford: If you would me to take the script down. Please just message me. I am more than happy to do so.
submitted by Knight_Of_Stars to SWN [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:32 reportdaterape_today ATLANTA WARNING: Male contestant from Peacock’s reality dating series “Queen’s Court” accused of drugging & rape

ATLANTA WARNING: Male contestant from Peacock’s reality dating series “Queen’s Court” accused of drugging & rape
Ladies be careful! Dangerous predator accused of drugging & raping at least 8 women in ATL who he met on Hinge & Bumble. NAME: Delvin, 45 & lives in ATL. Claims he’s an entrepreneur but he’s a bum. He was supposed to be on Peacock’s dating reality series Queen’s Court but after the trailer dropped & where he was featured 3x some of the women he drugged & raped were triggered after seeing it & reached out to show producers. He was completely removed from show after they presented evidence of being drugged & raped-he also doesn’t use protection! He seems perfect on paper & handsome (6’2/200lbs) but he’s VERY dangerous. One woman who came forward stated she wasn’t even drugged he just straight up raped her. She fled from his home fearing for her life. This predator also works part-time at Delta/ATL airport as baggage handler since 2008. He does this for free flights so you know the women he’s assaulted are NOT just in ATL but all over the country/world. Don’t be fooled by how articulate, charming & handsome he is-he’s a dangerous sexual predator who uses Bumble & Hinge to meet & groom his victims! He frequents midtown ATL & Beltline. Drives 2020 khaki/light green Jeep Gladiator. BE CAREFUL!!!
Delvin Franklin, 45, Atlanta, GA Instagram: u/mrdelvinj
submitted by reportdaterape_today to OnlineDatingApps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:32 Due_Independence1181 Can you beat this OC?

Can you beat this OC?
Name: I am all, so help me please
  1. The Visionary: Can turn imagination into reality.
  2. Erase: Allows them to erase anything in any universe.
  3. Holopsicon: Can rewrite the story of any character in their universe.
  4. The Hand: Allows them to erase any form of space.
  5. Infinity: Can create infinite space between themselves and an enemy.
  6. Book of the End: Can use victims' memories to alter reality.
  7. Wish Granting: Can do anything desired.
  8. Power of Chaos: Can alter reality at will.
  9. Gate of Babylon: Can summon millions of gods.
  10. Infinite Kugi Punch: Can deliver infinite punches in zero time.
  11. Vector Manipulation: Can control vectors.
  12. Imagine Breaker: Can neutralize any enemy power.
  13. Hakai: Can erase spirits and souls.
  14. Red Thread of Fate: Can control enemies' fates.
  15. Bites the Dust: Automatically kills those who come near their desire.
  16. Complete Hypnosis: Can control all senses of opponents.
  17. Authority of Vainglory: Can rewrite any phenomenon in their favor.
  18. Divine Protection: Can receive any divine protection.
  19. Egil Grone Angdroa (Anos): Can destroy thousands of worlds.
  20. Power of Friendship: Can instantly befriend anyone.
  21. Turn Null (Rimuru): Can delete infinite universes across timelines and dimensions.
  22. Gold Experience Requiem: Can reset any phenomenon to zero.
  23. All Fiction: Can deny aspects of reality, including death.
  24. The Almighty: Cannot be harmed by any force knowing or seeing the future.
  25. The End: Can copy any ability and use it to 1000% efficiency.
  26. Endless Nine: Completely immune to attacks.
  27. I Win (Featherine): Can decide if they win or lose.
  28. Gear 1-Infinity: Access to all Gear forms from One Piece.
  29. Absolute Destruction: Can destroy absolutely anything.
  30. Omnilock: Can exist outside of anything.
  31. Absolute Immortality: Can never die under any circumstances.
  32. OmniForm: Can create, destroy, or manipulate aspects, avatars, or clones.
  33. Author Authority: Has absolute plot control.
  34. Complete Arsenal: Possesses all abilities and powers.
  35. Absolute Invincibility: Cannot be harmed physically or mentally.
  36. Absolute Eraser: Can erase timelines, gods, etc.
  37. Absolute Transcendence: Can surpass any power level instantly.
  38. Omnikinesis: Can use any form of magic.
  39. Omnipotence: Can do anything, anytime, anywhere.
  40. Omnipresence: Exists in fiction and beyond.
  41. Internal Existence: Immune to damage, death, and aging.
  42. Absolute Internal Power: Has all powers and abilities from every character in DB series, Medaka Box, DC, and Marvel (excluding bad ones).
  43. Paradox Immunity: Immune to paradoxes and logical contradictions.
  44. Transcendental Neutrality: Immune to binary concepts like winning and losing.
  45. Concept Erasure: Can erase any concept, including infinity and time.
  46. Anti-Victory Field: Nullifies any concept of victory within its range.
  47. Metaphysical Equilibrium: Balances all actions and powers to a state of neutrality.
  48. Reality Paradox: Creates paradoxes that disrupt and neutralize any definitive outcomes.
  49. Dimensional Transcendence: Exists in higher dimensions where omnipotent powers have no effect.
  50. Ultimate Nullification: Nullifies any action, power, or manipulation attempted by opponents.
  51. Omni-Nullification: Can nullify any power, ability, or existence, including those that claim to be immune to nullification or paradoxes.
  52. Meta-Authority: Exists beyond the concept of fiction and reality, having control over all meta-narratives and the very concept of creation and destruction.
  53. Hyper-Transcendence: Surpasses all forms of existence and non-existence, including dimensions, time, and reality itself.
  54. Absolute Irreversibility: Any action taken by The Omni-Absolute cannot be undone or reversed by any means.
  55. Ultimate Reality Overwrite: Can overwrite any and all aspects of reality, including those controlled by other omnipotent beings.
  56. Omni-Existence: Exists in every possible and impossible state simultaneously, beyond the concept of quantum superposition.
  57. Paradox Sovereignty: Has absolute control over all paradoxes, including the ability to create, manipulate, and nullify them at will.
  58. Author Erasure: Can erase the concept of authorship and narrative, nullifying any control other beings have over their own stories.
  59. Infinite Imagination Nullifier: Can nullify the power of imagination and any form of creative conceptualization.
  60. Beyond Omnipresence: Exists beyond all planes of existence and non-existence, including abstract and conceptual realms.
  61. Timeless Supremacy: Exists beyond time, unaffected by any temporal manipulation or timeless existence.
  62. Meta-Reality Authority: Controls the underlying principles of all realities, fictions, and meta-concepts.
  63. Absolute Reality Control: Can control, alter, or destroy any form of reality, including those immune to all forms of control.
  64. Dimensional Sovereignty: Exists beyond all dimensions, including those beyond higher-dimensional realms.
  65. Omni-Resurrection Nullification: Can prevent any form of resurrection or revival, including ultimate resurrection.
  66. Conceptual Annihilation: Can annihilate any concept, including those of infinity, existence, and non-existence.
  67. Absolute Meta-Independence: Exists independently of all powers, laws, and concepts, including those of absolute independence.
  68. Ultimate Meta-Protection: Immune to any form of attack, manipulation, or influence, regardless of the nature or origin.
  69. Infinite Paradox Creation: Can create an infinite number of paradoxes that disrupt any definitive outcomes.
  70. Omni-Paradox Control: Controls all paradoxes and logical contradictions, ensuring absolute dominance over all paradoxical phenomena.
  71. Ultimate Authority Over Victory: Can decide the outcome of any conflict, making victory or defeat irrelevant.
  72. Hyper-Omnipotence: Possesses a form of omnipotence that transcends traditional omnipotence, including the ability to surpass all other forms of power.
  73. Author of All Existence: Controls not just the narrative, but the very foundation of existence and non-existence across all realms.
  1. Beyond Fiction and Reality: Exists outside the boundaries of fiction, reality, and any conceivable or inconceivable realm.
  2. Supreme Meta-Existence: Controls all meta-narratives and the foundation of all stories and realities.
  3. Transcendent Strength: Beyond any conceivable or inconceivable measurement of strength.
  4. Infinite Durability: Immune to all forms of damage, including those that bypass traditional durability.
  5. Omni-Speed: Exists beyond the concept of speed, unaffected by any temporal or spatial constraints.
  6. Unlimited Stamina: Never tires, unaffected by any form of exhaustion.
  7. Infinite Regeneration Nullification: Can nullify any form of regeneration, including absolute and ultimate forms.
  8. Ultimate Attack Potency: Can deliver attacks that transcend any form of potency or resistance.
  9. Absolute Power Mastery: Mastery over all forms of power, including those that claim to be absolute or infinite.
  10. Meta-Conceptual Dominance: Controls and overrides all meta-concepts, including those beyond traditional comprehension.
  11. Supreme Paradox Control: Immune to and controls all forms of paradoxes and logical contradictions.
  12. Infinite Meta-Balance: Maintains perfect balance, immune to all forms of manipulation and influence.
  13. Ultimate Nullification Authority: Can nullify any action, power, or manipulation attempted by any being.
Strength: Hyper infinity
Durability: Hyper infinity
Speed: Hyper infinity
Stamina: Hyper infinity
Regeneration: Hyper infinity
Lifting strength: Hyper infinity
Striking strength: Hyper infinity
Attack potency: Hyper infinity
This character is not a character. More of a thought process. Trying to make the strongest character. Add a question to. Can someone make a character stronger than mine? Can they kill mine? I personally don’t think so but you can try.
submitted by Due_Independence1181 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:31 BradleyCortese M28 - Looking for friends, chat buddies, happy to talk to anyone!

Hey everyone, nice to meet you all!
Just a bit about myself: My name is Bradley and I'm 28 years old living just outside of Atlanta. At the moment I work around 50 hours a week and travel out of state quite a bit because of my job, so I've been just about everywhere you can think of! I have 3 lovely cats in my home and they are spoiled endlessly haha. When I'm not working I love playing video games, bowling, watch movies, and spending time with my family!
I play lots of different video games and am always open to trying new games but my favorite video game right now probably has to be Stardew Valley, but I also love Call of Duty, Halo Infinite, GTA V, and Spyro! Oh, and I am also a bit autistic so my mind can be all over the place so I hope that doesn't bother you!
So what am I looking for on here? Well first and foremost I just wanna meet new people and get to know as many people as I can. It doesn't matter to me how old you are or what gender. If you are a living human being then chances are I'd be happy to at least get to know you a bit! Feel free to DM me on here and I'd be happy to chat! Hope to see you soon!
submitted by BradleyCortese to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:30 youcangotooaita AITA For kicking my GF's sister and boyfriend out of my house and telling my GF she can go with them if she doesn't like it

My GF (28F) and I (30M) have been together for 3 years. Last summer she moved in with me. We live in a house that I bought right after we started dating. Everything related to the house is solely in my name and she pays me a token rent and contributes towards shared bills.
About 4 months ago, my GF got a call from her younger sister, Mel (23F). Mel and her BF had fallen on hard times and were living out of his car. Mel asked my GF if they could come stay with us until they get back on their feet. My GF and I had a long conversation about it and I agreed they can stay for 6-months but that's it. This was acceptable to everyone. They've been living with us for just over 3 months now.
Mel and her BF have been decent enough to live with. They both help around the house and both have jobs, though neither one is making much. But it's better than nothing. Both Mel and my GF struggle with mental health due to their upbringing (very strict religious parents). They are essentially the only family either of them have.
A couple weeks ago, I started noticing small red marks on my body. I told my GF and she said she had them too. A few quick google searches and a short check of our bedroom and we discovered we had bed bugs. Since neither my GF nor I have slept anywhere other than our house since Thanksgiving, it was pretty easy to deduce that Mel and her BF brought them with them.
I had an exterminator come to the house to do an analysis and he gave me an estimate of thousands of dollars. I thought that was outrageous so I had a second guy come and his quote was even higher. Cue a not-so-fun conversation with all 4 of us which devolved into yelling and Mel and her BF denying that they are the cause and refusing to help pay for anything. I ended up telling Mel and her BF that they need to leave my house ASAP.
My GF tried to defend Mel and said they have nowhere else to go and I told her that's not my problem. She told me that she will pay for the entire cost of getting rid of the bed bugs if I let Mel and her BF stay. I told her that it's my house and if she doesn't like my decision, she's free to leave with them as well.
Mel and her BF were gone by the end of that week. I have no idea where they went and Mel isn't even telling my GF. My GF is worried sick about them, especially Mel due to her mental health, and blames me. She thinks I was unreasonable in kicking them because I had no hard proof that they brought the bed bugs. She thinks that at the very least I should have agreed to let her pay for the extermination so that they could stay.
But I refuse to have people living in my home who don't respect me or my house. And now I'm out thousands of dollars in extermination cost and furniture/bedding replacement. My GF has also refused to help pay for anything because I kicked her sister out.
submitted by youcangotooaita to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:29 Wise_Pineapple_84 2.5 Month Update + Will I be able to complete these courses by end of term

For a little background, I transferred in credits from Sophia and Study before my first term at WGU. That helped me knock out a lot of classes. I had some previous experience with coding as I learnt on my free time before WGU but I only knew the basics and OOP principles. I am a full time student, however, I have not been putting in the amount of work I hoped I would due to burnout/laziness. I'm hoping by posting this, I will start utilizing my time better and can hold myself accountable. At the same time, I hope I could help/inspire others and connect with current alumni's or graduates too.
I am in Computer Science
I started my term in March and since then, I've been able to complete these courses so far:
I highly recommend using u/katrinars_ guide. All of the classes I completed, I used her notion links and supplemented it with additional reddit guides to help me. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT2YfYBaoU9Jxh0hj9ytbYvGUL7FAWN7wzyWOk6JCsErmGib4_qbBkEhz1sE-_Bqx1e1v349GOx41DA/pub
Time estimations not accurate as I don't remember how long it's taken me to complete each course. I also took breaks during and in between each course. You could probably complete these courses faster than me if you have slightly more experience or put in more work than me.
Ethics in Technology - Difficulty 3/10 - 3 Days I studied around 10 hours total for this course. I felt confident going into the OA as I remembered a majority of the vocabulary. I recommend not only knowing the vocabulary, but also knowing how to apply it and in what situations it may occur. I felt like it was possible I would fail midway through the OA but managed to pass. I recommend studying more than what I did if you're not confident in your retention and test-taking skills.
Scripting and Programming Applications - Difficulty 3/10 - ~3 Days This class was easy for me as I already knew 95% of the content. All I had to figure out was the syntax. I can't give much advice on this course as I had already knew the content.
Linux Foundations - Difficulty 3/10 - ~5 Days Follow katrinars_ guide and you should be golden. There is a lot of reading and it can get boring. I recommend doing the Cisco Networking Academy Linux Essentials course linked and pay special attention to the practice quizzes. Especially the ones linked as pdfs.
Java Fundamentals - Difficulty 2/10 - 2 Days I knew the material already. All I did was do the practice exam in zybooks and scheduled the OA.
Java Frameworks - Difficulty 5/10 - ~3 weeks I had this sent back due to not fully understanding how the application was supposed to work. I fixed it within an hour and I passed. If you have any questions on any parts, feel free to ask me. I'll try to guide you towards the right direction without breaking academic integrity. I watched the Chad Darby Udemy videos all the way through and it helped.
Back End Programming - Difficulty 4/10 - ~2 weeks Basically the same as Java Frameworks. I watched the Chad Darby Udemy videos. Got stuck on some parts due to silly mistakes. Feel free to ask me questions.
Advanced Java - Difficulty 3/10 - ~1 week Overall this was the easiest course out of the Java stack. Relatively easy unless you encounter mistakes that takes you 4 hours to debug...
Version Control - Difficulty 1/10 - 1 Day Refer to katrinars_ guide.
Business of IT Applications - Difficulty 3/10 - ~5 Days I could've finished this class earlier if I wasn't being so lazy. Similar to Ethics in Technology, I felt super confident going into the certification exam however felt a lot less confident while taking it. The questions were worded slightly different to the practice exams I was taking so it caught me off guard. I passed by a good margin so I wouldn't stress it too much if you feel like you know the material.
Courses Remaining
These are my remaining courses. Do y'all think it's realistic to complete these courses by August? Obviously people differ with how long each course takes but for those who accelerated or completed these courses, can you tell me roughly how long each of these courses took you to complete? Thank you.
submitted by Wise_Pineapple_84 to WGU [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:29 virajseelam Thoughts on alliterative sibling names?

I'm in a screenwriting course and in the script I'm supposed to submit, I have two sibling characters, Krish and Karthi. My professor warned me against having two characters with the same initial (for ease-of-reading reasons). It's not imperative that these characters are named as such, but my justification is twofold: 1. Some parents would want to name their kids thematically 2. It symbolizes a close sibling relationship
What do you guys think?
submitted by virajseelam to Screenwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:29 Sea_Rub1147 [PC] [2014-2017] Horror game where you control a teddy bear (never released)

Platform: PC
Genre: horror
Notable characters: Only the teddy bear, he had no name
Graphic style: The best way to describe it would be generic Unity graphics, in fact I think the scenario was a Unity asset
Description: in the trailer you can see that it is a third-person game with a free camera, there is no interface, you are in a school classroom (the classroom may be Japanese style) then go around the classroom, the classroom was very dark and the bear glowed in the dark illuminating the way, also the teddy bear was normal size so the point of view was quite low, and that's it
Extra fact: I remember seeing the trailer on a YouTube channel, said person or team had released at least 2 more trailers for other horror games of which I don't think I finished any
submitted by Sea_Rub1147 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:28 Latter-Court9459 Scam or legit

Scam or legit
Legit or scam?
Hi. So my girlfriend and I are looking for an apartment in Sydney, and we've come across a beautiful apartment.
The thing is that the Landlord is in the UK, and he has sent me this.
It's better for you to read it yourself, than me explaining. I just want your opinion on if it's a scam or it's legit.
submitted by Latter-Court9459 to GoldCoast [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:27 ItsWaryNotWeary Webpack dev server proxy in windows wsl environment

I've got a simple webpack dev server set up that proxies requests to a local vm. The proxying works fine when I run the startup script from powershell, but when run from wsl cli the proxied requests timeout. Important to note that this worked in both powershell AND wsl up until yesterday (exact same code)... I had to reset my laptop today and install everything again, and now it's not working in wsl. This tells me there's some local configuration problem, but I cannot figure out what it is.
Via powershell I am successful loading locahost:8080 and Neither work via wsl.
Node version 20.9.0, webpack-dev-server version 5.0.2.
Thanks for any help.
devServer: { open: project.platform.open, port: port project.platform.port, host: host, proxy: [ { context: ['/api/path'], target: `http://${vmName}`, headers: { Authorization: authstring, }, }, ], },
submitted by ItsWaryNotWeary to learnjavascript [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:25 Ashtray46 My Opinionated Ranking of Every Playable Character From The Last 16 Years

My Opinionated Ranking of Every Playable Character From The Last 16 Years
All ordered from left-to-right. Characters having funny, memorable gameplay quotes had much more bearing on placement than cutscene performances and the quality of their writing. I'll use this space to defend what I believe are some of the more controversial placements, but feel free to roast me in the comments and discuss your favorites that maybe didn't rank as high as you feel they should.
Nikolai (Ultimus) Every. Joke. Lands. The shit where he's dysfunctional-tier wasted on every map. The jokes about how he killed all of his ex wives. The communism jokes ("Why don't we share the ammo?". I have an unending amount of love for this character. He's fucking perfect.
Nixon For many JFK is the clear winner on this map, but I've always loved how far Treyarch went to portray Nixon as an incompetent asshole. I've been playing Five for over a decade now and I still crack up when he shouts at the crawlers saying "Get a job you hippie!". Amazing caricature of such an infamous American figure.
Russman I've got a massive soft spot for boomer humor and "Fuck you, I'm old" jokes. Russman is, objectively, one of the weaker characters in the series regarding his writing, but I can't help but find him charming. Love the light-hearted goofy vibe of the Victis crew and I'll happily take it over the dramatic monologuing of crews like Chaos and Primus.
Samantha I just love playing as the series' OG big bad. One of the most memorable parts of Moon was taking Samantha down a notch and having her react to the nonsense she had been throwing at us since World at War.
Nikolai (Primus) Primus Nikolai breaks my rule stated above about funny, memorable quips being more important than character writing. I feel Nikolai is a rare example of a Primus character adding more depth to their Ultimus counterpart, which for Nikolai is very welcome.
Takeo (Ultimus) I still have his Primis counterpart ranked higher, but Ultimus Takeo is a character I feel gets funnier as time passes by. He's not a badass, but I love how his character slowly becomes more unhinged as Black Ops 1 eases along. Something in the perk colas turned him into an absolute goofball and I'm totally here for it.
Dempsey (Ultimus & Primus) Dempsey easily changed the least between Ultimus and Primus. While I still love him, I feel he's aged opposite to Takeo. The badass American with all the one-liners was funny in the 2010s, but it feels a bit old now (atleast to me). That being said, he's still iconic and will always have a place in my A tier.
Marlton I know. He's pretentious, a simp, and a sissy. Zombies hit him and he screams like a girl. He's alot of things that should be annoying, but I've never been bothered by him like other people. As a gun nerd I love listening to him geek out about the dumb BOII/BOIIII sci-fi weapons and I like the dichotomy between him and Misty. They're total opposites, which makes it fun to listen to them banter.
Gideon and Christina "Dead of The Night characters this high? That map was ASS." I agree. I've never liked any of the BOIIII maps and even gave the game a pass when it first released. Going back and playing these maps for this tierlist though, I think these two were overshadowed a bit by all the trash performances around them. Cowboy Roebuck being every American stereotype from the time? Amazing. Helena Bonham Carter as a spoiled, pompous British conwoman? She killed it. They still aren't the best, but I think they earned their places in B. They're a comfy respite from the rest of BOIIII.
The Mob of The Dead cast I know I'm wrong. These characters are fantastically written and performed. We finally got zombies characters that weren't loud stereotypes. That being said, I have never gravitated towards serious zombies. Mob of The Dead is an extremely fun map in every way a map can succeed, but the crew's gameplay quotes have always just been whatever to me. I will say that their downed quotes are some of the best performed and written dialogue in the entire CoD franchise; it's just that they sorta take me out of the experience.
Richtoften (Primis) My bias (again) against serious writing in zombies. Everything this man says makes me want to turn off the game and go take a nap. I was never interested in the Black Ops III subplot of his mysterious plan and where his allegiances lied. He's still Richtoften so I can't put him below C, but I honestly just don't like anything about him.
Drostan The least bad part of the WWII zombies cast. Sledgehammer was clearly trying to recreate the charm of Ultimus with Drostan and I think in some ways they succeeded. He's still not the best, but he's leagues ahead of his peers and I don't think a great map like the Final Reich would feel playable without him.
The Chaos Crew So boring. Bruno's personality saves him a bit, I like the archetypal big guy with the dry sense of humor and Shaw's got some funny quips, but Scarlett and Diego are so painfully boring. The Chaos maps gameplay is so in your face and trying to hold you're attention, but the dialogue on those two feels so out of tune with what's actually going on.
The Verrückt Marines A great benchmark to compare the other characters. I don't hate the marines; in a way they make me feel like I'm playing the WaW campaign which is nothing but good memories. That being said though, their tone doesn't fit zombies very well and they're mad generic. Shoutout to Paxton (or Dempsey, not sure) for all the Army of Darkness quotes. Anyone below this is so annoying or boring that I'd rather they be replaced by generic soldiers.
The IW Zombies crew I just have no interest at all in these characters. They're boring, and the constant changing personalities every map didn't exactly help flesh them out. My apologies to anyone that likes them, but IW as a whole is a big pass for me.
Pam Grier Not sure if this is controversial or not but this has gotta be one of the worst performances in the series. You can tell with every word that comes out of her mouth how little she wants to be there. As an actress she's done some amazing work, but as a voice actress she failed. Never cook again.
Floyd Campbell Ron Perlman gave the worst performance of his career here. It sounds like he's reading his lines while sitting on the couch at home trying to memorize them for the actual recording. I can't help but think this is a directorial issue or maybe a mistake made in the editing process, like maybe the wrong lines were used. Regardless, I have no clue how his lines made it into the final release of a Triple-A game, let alone the followup to the legendary BOII.
The WWII crew Oh God, what happened? At the very least I can say Marie is decently written and Drostan's quips are fine. But man, the other two are phoning it in hard. What's the point of using your budget on big name actors when they give performances like this. Some of Jefferson and Olivia's lines venture into "So bad it's funny" territory.
submitted by Ashtray46 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:25 Accomplished-Run171 Opening Sequence of My Free Verse Paradise Lost Response Titled Blood of the Lamb

I'm embarking on an ambitious project - a multi-book free verse poem that will serve as response to John Milton's epic Paradise Lost. This opening sequence sets the stage and lays out the narrative ground I intend to cover.
In these first stanzas, I am reintroducing the story and framing it as a response to where Paradise Lost left off- Adam and Eve being banished from Eden.
The next section will see me directly invoking the Holy Spirit as my muse and guide, much as Milton did with his famous Opening Invocation to the heavenly muse. I'll post that portion soon!
Anyways, here is the planned opening sequence:
This sacred song serves as sequel's verse, Continuing from Paradise once lost Through disobedience's rift - When disobedience and pride overdaring, defied Eternal sovereignty, plunging our shared ancestry Into pandemonium’s abysmal depths. But now renewal's light arrives, That mournful tragedy reversed, the golden strands Regathered, rewoven into Eden's reparation cord! My voice shall trace how virgin-born glory came, Sun-radiance irrigating the blighted field With grace's purling streams, until from the tomb Deathless life reflourished, and sin's vile burial chamber Was hallowed as the narrow gate through which obedience Ushered eternal life, unclouded breath, The unfading amaranth wreath! Let my lips give voice To the emancipating birth that unbound our adamantine chains From earth, reattaining the world's pristine morning When heaven and nature dwelled in espousal's embrace, Before the fissure of dishonest desolation yawned. This luminous evangel be my soul's inspired proposal, As I heed forth the Holy Spirit's hallowed breath.
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submitted by Accomplished-Run171 to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:24 DonRedPandaKeys When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next. Truly I tell you, you will not reach all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes. - Matt. 10: 23

~A QUESTION:~ Thank-you for all the fine articles. With what I am understanding, is the preaching work changed or what Jesus was referring to as being preached in all the inhabited earth complete? I hope you understand my question.
~REPLY:~ Hello Xxxx, I also hope I understand your question. Since you cited Matt.24:14, I will assume you are asking about the meaning of this verse, and how it applies to our day. You don't say whether or not you are a JW, but this people define the "good news of the Kingdom" as the declaration that the Kingdom arrived in 1914, and that it will bring a long list of blessings to those who: learn all current JW teachings, join their program of meetings and publication study, and subject themselves to the organizational arrangements and leadership.
If you are asking if this preaching work is the true meaning of Matt.24:14 and the "good news of the Kingdom" being preached, I don't believe this is so. Why? Because the very understanding of the kingdom, which JW's teach, is faulty. For this reason, I doubt this is the message Jesus had in mind at Matt.24:14. (see http://pearl-generation.blogspot.com/ ) Up until very recently, it seemed that such a message could not be declared in "all the earth", EXCEPT by the Organization of Jehovah's witnesses. But this previous situation has taken an unexpected sudden turn. With current technology, a single individual with little resource can publish information, translate it into any language, have the aid of an instant concordance and Bible translations, and send that information all over the world, and all for free. (Dan.11:34; Zech.4:6) So the presumption that only the WTBTS can declare a worldwide proclamation of Kingdom good news, is no longer true. This opens up the possibility, that a different message could be declared before the "end will come" Matt.24:14. Since the message now being declared by JW's is full of error, I suspect that the true good news of the kingdom is quite different from it, and is yet to be seen.
I also suspect that it will be a declaration that all 144,000 are finally sealed, the kingdom's administration is completely prepared (Eph.1:10; Rev.12:10,12; 14:1; 7:4) and Christ's arrival is imminent. Jesus said that the anointed needed to keep their lamps of truth burning until he did arrive (Luke12:35,36,37,38,39,40). This arrival has not yet happened (1Cor.11:26). There is currently so much error of doctrine to correct due to Satan's work, that no, we will not finish the true preaching work, before the end comes. I do suggest that you give deep consideration of Matt.10:16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23:
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. “Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes."
Perhaps you may notice a few differences between the "good news" being preached by JW's, and the one being spoken about in these scriptures. Notice that the preaching would bring the anointed into conflict with their own religious leaders so much so, that they would be "EXPELLED, scourged, delivered up, betrayed by family members, and hated by all" (Rev.11:9,10). But if you notice Matt.10:23; who were the anointed preaching to? The world? No, "Israel". Who is "Israel" just before "the son of man comes"? God's people are no longer the physical Jews, but spiritual Jews (Gal.3:29; 6:16; Rom.2:29). Notice again verse 23:
For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
It says, that "Israel" will not receive a complete witness, before the SON OF MAN COMES. Therefore, this is not speaking about the witness given in the first century, but the witness given just before Christ returns/"comes", our time of the last days. Yes, the "Israel of God" is actually the ones who need to be preached to before the end. They are now located around the globe, so the witness needs to "be preached in all the inhabited earth" for a witness in every Nation. Yet according to Matt.10:23, it is directed to "Israel". This work DOES cause being "expelled, scourged, delivered up, betrayed by family members, and hated by all", because most of "Israel" refuses to hear the truth about their error. Those who speak of it are disfellowshipped/ "expelled" by elders who are not anointed (John16:2; Isa.66:5; Rev.13:7,15; 11:7) [these are considered by Jehovah, as spiritual Gentiles, not anointed Jews (anointed are "circumcised of heart" (Rom.2:29) and are the Temple (1Cor.3:16; 1Pet.2:5)] These "Gentiles" do not belong serving in the anointed "Temple" (2Chron.23:6,7; Ezek.44:6,7,8,9; Matt.24:15), and throwing out the genuine "priests" (1Pet.2:9; Rev.5:10; Heb.12:22;23; 2Chron.13:9; 1Cor.3:17; Rom.8:33; 2 Peter 2:10; Jude1:8).
Most JW anointed ones prefer to believe in a false "peace and security" (Jer.6:13,14; Isa.30:10; 1Thess.5:3) under the mistaken belief, that YHWH's only requirement for them is to be dominated by the Image of a "spirit directed Organization" (Rev.13:14,15), and that YHWH's approval is the same as approval from this Organization of men (Rev.13:13,6,8). This is in opposition to the scriptures, which exhort the Chosen to be directed by their anointing by spirit (1John2:20,21,27,28,26; Rom.8:14) and the One who anointed them. The elders did not anoint the Chosen Priests. That Organizational Beast is now represented in each Congregation by elders (spiritual Gentiles), who are NOT spiritual Jews/ anointed, nor are they meant to be the spiritual heads of the Chosen Priests of God's spiritual Temple (1Cor.3:16; Rev.11:1,2; Rom.14:4; 8:33). Most members of the "Israel" of God today, are in subjection to these, rather than to Christ as their head (Col.1:18). Jesus is supposed to be the only mediator between God and the anointed (1Tim.2:5). There is also no scriptural basis for the anointed to have a "representative" Governing Bdy. ruling over them (Mark10:42,43,44). These are the ones who have set this policy, to throw out any who disagree with them (not those who disagree with scripture) Matt.24:48,49; Rev.17:6). You may also want to consider where Jesus continues in Matt.10; Matt.10:24,25,26
“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household! Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known."
Notice that Jesus says that all this persecution happens because of things that are "covered"/hidden. Yes, the Israel of God is in spiritual trouble, because of not seeing all the truth about their situation, nor can they view the true prophets correctly (Rev.11:3). Those faithful witnesses of truth are seen as wicked (Just as Jesus was) (Rev.11:9,10). But Jesus promises that the truth will become known (2Pet.3:10 c; Isa.28:17; Amos7:7,8,9; Nahum3:5; Jer.13:26; Rev.17:16; 2Thess.2:8). The "good news" includes that despite most of "Israel" remaining blind, deaf, and asleep; the faithful remnant will be sealed, and the kingdom will come (Matt.22:14; Isa48:20,21; 49:5; Jer.31:7). The whole truth about the realities of how the Kingdom will operate and bring blessings to the physical Creation, will also finally be made plain (Rev.10:7; 1Cor.13:10). The true "faithful and discreet" "Sons of God", will also then, finally be revealed (Rom.8:19; Isa.41:27; 60:1-5; Ezek.14:22,23; Hosea1:10; 2:23).
submitted by DonRedPandaKeys to ExJwPIMOandPOMO [link] [comments]
