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2021.09.20 15:15 zoombrave BabyDogeMoneyMaker


2017.08.24 20:24 tryingforadinosaur Summer Babies

For babies born in Summer 2017!

2020.04.08 03:51 pabbdude Show your GameMaker accomplishments to the world!

GM_Showcase is a place to show off any of your GameMaker accomplishments, with no additional pressure. Whether it's a work-in-progress, a single feature, or a full blown title, feel free to post!

2024.06.09 16:11 Sufficient-Permit211 Show us your fur babies!

Use this tread to show us your beautiful fur babies!! Feel free to post their pics, names, and your story of how you came to be their parent!
submitted by Sufficient-Permit211 to coolpetsupplies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:09 Craftex101 (Ragnarok: Pandora) Chapter 60: Imperial Hubris

Hartmann flies towards Yu Huang on his new waterbound Hydra. As the plane begins to fire Yu Huang holds out his hand, the Hydra getting in the way again, blocking the bullets with one of its heads, another head snapping towards the plane, Hartmann going up and above it. “Damn! This new dragon would DIE for you huh, Herr Huang!?”
“It will do no such thing, Hartmann. I would not allow such behavior from my dragons! The hydra’s regeneration allowed it to live so long as a head remains!” He calls out, Hartmann laughing happily.
“Right. So I gotta take out ALL the heads at once!? Kinderspiel!” He calls out as he spins around to approach Yu Huang again.
Yu Huang scoffs, stamping down his staff. “Hmpf. Child’s play you say? Doubtful any child should find themselves in the midst of these battles! Unless you consider yourself a mere CHILD!”
Izanagi crosses his arms with a smirk. “You tell him, old friend! Bwahaha!”
Ao Kuang and his brothers all facepalm a little. “Our father needs to work on his banter huh, Tsukuyomi?”
Tsukuyomi looks back briefly. “Oh um… I guess so? It is not… what I admire him for.”
"Right… us neither.”
Yu Huang spins his spear back, thrusting forward and one of the hydra’s heads mimic his movement and FIRES off its head from the socket, Hartmann’s eyes widening as he does a full flip midair to fly over it.
Hartmann’s gaze suddenly drops a little, darkening. “I suppose we should stop using the baby guns then! Let’s switch to something more ADULT!” Hartmann approaches once again, confidently letting go of the control stick and suddenly he flips upside down in his glass bubble cockpit. On the opposite side is another two handles, which he grabs hold of and shoves them forward, thumbs on the buttons at the end of each. Two plates move aside on the bottom of the plane and two large gun-barrels shoot out, pointing in the direction Hartmann is looking. He starts firing, the heavy rattling of bullet-casings plunging off the sides of the jet and heavy bullets smashing against Yu Huang’s hydra, forcing him to dodge rather than merely block it with the heads as they are torn apart by these bullets, the head snaking back and forth in the water, the hydra’s underwater body darting backwards. “That’s right! Kinderspiel! Limiting yourself to only TWO planes of movement, Herr Huang!? Not a smart idea when you’re against the greatest three dimensional fighter in ALL THE HEAVENS! If this is your best idea then I will NEVER be shot down!” He laughs with a strained smirk. “Never…”
Yu Huang blocks a bullet, deflecting it to the side with his spear. “Such arrogance! And yet you too have limited your movement no!? Without your hands on that stick in your machine you move in ONE dimension! Straight ahead!” He pushes his palm forward, two hydra heads shooting forth from the water aimed directly at the jet.
Hartmann doesn’t have time to readjust his seat, but he smirks. “And here I thought you and I had an understanding, Herr Huang!” He suddenly kicks his foot past the yoke before pulling and catching it on his foot, yanking himself into the air, blood rushing to his head but he merely shakes it off. “Woooooohoooo!”
Yu Huang sees the jet twirling in the sky and he pauses. “To think once upon a time… I too believed myself untouchable… How foolish I was.”
-Ancient Past-
Yu Huang raises the gavel. “This meeting is hereby adjourned!”
“But we still have the matter of what to do with Wukong?” A god chimes in as Yu Huang slams down his gavel.
“I have no care for that monkey. Do not waste my time, you imbecile or I will show you why I rule this council,” He holds up his hand and the green energy flows up his wrist, forming little scales around his fingers.
The god flinches and swiftly rushes off. “Nevermind! My apologies!”
Yu Huang stands from his seat. “Hmpf. Wukong,” He mutters to himself before stepping off the throne onto the head of a few dragons acting as his staircase, the beasts whimpering as he does. “Silence. Follow,” He walks out of the council jumping into a saddled dragon which quickly flies him off towards the Jade Palace. “Before this. We go east,” He mutters with a smirk. The dragon roars and shoots towards the west, landing at a large temple, Ao Kuang standing outside, next to a large red pillar with golden rims.
“Father?! I-I did not expect to see you here!” Ao Kuang quickly kneels, as Yu Huang strides past him.
“You bow too late, dragon. A king you may be, but that is nothing to an emperor. I expect you to be kneeling BEFORE I arrive,” He says and Ao Kuang feels a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead. He upset his father… This is not good. “I am feeling charitable at the moment. So I will forgive it this once. So tell me. How is the caged ape?” He smirks and Ao Kuang stands and nods.
“The caged monkey! Yes of course! Um… I do not mean to upset you further, father… but…” As they walk in they hear banging of flesh on metal, wet bangs… as they walk in Wukong is standing in a large golden bird-cage elevated above a massive hole in the ground, water flowing into it from all sides. Wukong is HAMMERING his fists at the bars, blood dripping from his fists and feet as he goes, the golden pristine pillars making up the bars all colored red with blood. His eyes are wild and focused on the pillars. He has not even seen Yu Huang enter. “But the monkey has not stopped striking the cage since his imprisonment 1000 years ago.”
Yu Huang’s eyes go slightly wide. “Not for a moment, you say? Hmpf. Foolish mortal. MONKEY!” He calls out, Wukong’s eyes flickering and he stops with one final punch, shaking the cage. “How are you enjoying your endless life in Heaven?”
“Fuck you…” Wukong says, springing towards the closest point to Yu Huang. “Come in here you bastard! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you and ALL your BASTARD kids for what you did! Show you what it’s like!”
Yu Huang laughs. “Oh please,” He raises his hand and with a single palm strike a dragon-head blasts forth from his palm, striking Wukong and knocking him to the other side of the giant cage he is in. “You would stand no chance. I am not some mortal being. I am The Jade Emperor. Do not forget this,” He smirks and turns to leave. “I have seen what I need to see. I am going home.”
Ao Kuang bows his head. “It was wonderful to be graced with your presence, father,”
“You are most welcome,” Yu Huang steps onto his staddled dragon once again and it flies off. “Foolish monkey. Attempting to argue and challenge a god such as myself? Preposterous.”
And so… time passed. Every 1000 years or so Yu Huang would visit the temple to check in on Wukong. Each interaction between the two followed this same pattern. Yu Huang was quite pleased with his work. The disrespect Wukong had shown him, making him pleased to see the monkey getting his comeuppance.
Yu Huang is sitting in the Jade Palace, looking out into his garden seeing his mighty dragons, chained to the ground to ensure they do not fly away. Those darn beasts do not listen to authority! Yet undoubtedly the dragon is the greatest symbol of power in all of Heaven! He suddenly hears a loud and disruptive CRASH outside. “What is the meaning of this!?” He says waving his hand. “Guards. Deal with whatever that was,” However before any of the angel guards can even leave another angel comes BURSTING through the door.
“Lord! Lord Yu Huang! It’s… IT’S WUKONG!” He yells, Yu Huang’s eyes going wide as he stands.
“Wukong!?” He swiftly makes his way down to the bottom level. “That monkey escaped?! What trickery he must have used. I shall punish Ao Kuang DEARLY for this!” He says before the front door BLASTS open and an angel comes tumbling in, Yu Huang stopping him with a flick of his palm, causing a dragon tail to swipe the angel aside. He furrows a brow as Wukong comes walking through the door, an aura of DEATHLY killing intent following him like a thick black smog. “So… you have escaped. I am quite impressed. And what will you do now?” He says smirking confidently. Wukong tosses something he’s holding above his head into the room. Yu Huang hears four grunts of pain seeing the Four Dragon Kings writhing on the floor. “Ao Kuang! Stand and get your prisoner under control. This is ridiculous.”
Ao Kuang pants, bleeding from his head and struggling to move. “I’m sorry father… I do not know… how this happened. He’s… too strong… he took the Pillar somehow. Ruyi Jingu Bang. He simply… picked it up. I have never seen anything like it.”
Yu Huang scoffs. “You expect me to deal with this myself then? How disappointed I am in you.”
“Sorry Father…”
Yu Huang looks up towards Wukong. “Tell me, monkey. What purpose have you brought these four to my doorstep? Simply to prove yourself worthy to fight me?”
Wukong slams his staff down. “I’m gonna kill these sons of yours in front of you. And then you. Let’s see how YOU like it when your family dies in front of your eyes!” He raises it and holds it to Ao Kuang’s head. “Simply letting go of this and his head is crushed to a paste.”
Yu Huang raises an eyebrow. “My sons? These are not my sons. These are my servants. The guards for my temples. You believe them to be irreplaceable to me? Though I suppose it would be a bother to do so. Very well. I shall allow you to face me,” He takes a stance, the green energy flowing into his palms, forming dragons to float around them ready to blast forward.
Wukong’s eyes widen. “You’re worse than scum… you don’t even care! This guy!” He nudges Ao Kuang. “Was more afraid of you being disappointed in him than he was of ME killing him! What kinda monster are you!?” He shoves the four dragon kings aside.
Yu Huang scoffs. “Insolent child! Allow me to show you the strength of Heaven’s mightiest god!” He strikes forward one of the dragons he created, shooting forward only for him to suddenly find Wukong’s hand wrapped over his face.
“This one is for Zhu, my best friend. The person who stood beside me all my life and helped me through countless tough decisions.” Yu Huang is BLASTED through the back wall of his palace, into the dragon-filled courtyard.
“Ngh!?” Yu Huang recovers, with a wave of his hand a dragon head forming under his feet to gently set him on the ground. “You caught me off-guard with that speed. I am impre-” He is forced to lean himself over backwards as Ruyi Jingu Bang SHOOTS forward out of the hole in the wall, Wukong suddenly above him, standing on the staff.
“This one is for Bai, the love of my life, the only woman I will ever love,” He strikes down, hammering Yu Huang into the ground hard enough to dislodge the pillars holding down his dragons who all scatter into the sky. Yu Huang claps, sending a pulse of energy out around him swirling with dragonic murals within the shield.
“So you are a little stronger than I care to admit! You are going to BEG me for mercy!” He says before suddenly Wukong is standing in front of his shield.
“This one’s for the chief, the man who took care of me, despite my faults, who was kind to me when I was unworthy of his kindness,” He kicks forward the shield shattering like glass, Yu Huang feeling his lunch coming up as he’s struck in the stomach, coughing up blood and vomit before he goes flying into the sky. As he reaches the pinnacle he feels Wukong’s hand once again grabbing him. He’s so fast! What is going on!? “And this is for my kids. Luohou, Yuebei and Jidu. Who did no harm to you or anyone else, merely teased one another as siblings do,” Wukong’s voice is practically lifeless as they fall towards the palace, Wukong HURLING Yu Huang downward, crashing through floor after floor after floor until he once more strikes the ground floor where their ‘fight’ started.
“Kah!” Yu Huang looks up seeing Wukong hurling his staff down as well, and it grows. Yu Huang is trembling in every bone. He cannot defeat this mere mortal. This MONKEY!? Where was this arrogance of his coming from? Supreme power? Birthright? How could all of it measure up to NOTHING? There was no divine pride left. A mere mortal, whom he had treated as less than dirt, was able to simply waltz into HIS palace, dismantle HIS guards and crush HIM effortlessly!?
“And THIS! Is for the rest of the Anima! A people plagued by war, but one that could have become something greater given time! The millions of lives YOU ENDED with your cruelty!” MONKEY KING’S GOD-CRUSHING…!! However, suddenly Yu Huang sees shadows looming over him. The Four Dragon Kings.
“Do not worry father! We will protect you!” Wukong’s eyes widen as he kicks the staff down, shrinking it back to normal size and it pierces through the floor, embedding itself without touching any of the five gods.
He lands in front of them rather nimbly. “What are you protecting this ASSHOLE for!? He treats you like servants! He doesn’t care about you!”
“He is all we have!” They all four hold their arms out. “We were worthless before he showed us a path. He may treat us as his servants. But to us he’s our FATHER! He gave us purpose. He showed us kindness when no other would! Killing him would do NOTHING for you, except… continue this cycle of revenge!” Ao Kuang calls out and Wukong grits his teeth, raising his hand to strike the weak and bruised Dragon Kings aside.
“Seeing your father struck down in front of you, huh? Revenge… violence,” He finds a string tugging at his heart, while Yu Huang looks at him, his eyes practically shaking and unable to focus. Wukong picks his staff out of the ground, stomping up to Yu Huang, picking him up by the throat, Yu Huang desperately firing a shot of jade energy at Wukong’s head, striking him dead on yet he didn’t even react. What is this ridiculous strength!? “What’s wrong, Yu Huang? Scared of a monkey? Don’t be. You got some good kids. But understand this. I am not forgiving you. I’m showing you something I don’t think you gods have ever heard of. Mercy. You gods have tormented me for long enough. It’s MY turn to torment you guys a little… by living a free life,” He tosses Yu Huang into the room, stretching as he walks out.
Ao Kuang and the other three kneel down to Yu Huang. “Father! Are you alright!? W-we apologize for not being able t-”
“No… I am the one who is sorry.”
“H-huh?!” They all look at one another in confusion.
“I have treated you poorly… What have I been doing? My arrogance, founded on my magical strength. Tormenting you, Wukong, the dragons. Oh the dragons!” He stands and looks to the skies seeing the dragons burning their saddles and muzzles from one another’s back, soaring free. “I truly… truly am not worthy of any of this…”
-Present day-
“You!? You defeated The Jade Emperor so effortlessly!? Incredible!” Sakai exclaims as Wukong looks at the screens with a light scoff.
“Yeah I did. Don’t think it’d be that easy anymore though.”
Pandora manages to strain herself to sit and look towards Wukong. “Ngh… what… do you mean, Wukong? You are… incredibly powerful still, right?”
Wukong nods. “I am, no doubt about that. But since I humbled that old bastard he bettered himself in every conceivable way. Even gave up his seat at the council.”
“So he’s… good now? Gah!” Pandora grabs her belly in pain as Hartmann begins to fire again.
“Ha! Fat chance! He still voted for your kind’s destruction and he STILL-” He cuts himself off, gripping his arm tightly from their crossed state, breathing in. “He’s not off the hook at all. I hate him moreso than any other. But with his newfound knowledge and understanding of dragons, the source of his power, his strength increased exponentially.”
Everyone’s eyes widen. “So simply that mental switch… and he’s THAT much more powerful?”
“‘fraid so, Pandora. That bastard’s one of the toughest gods in Heaven.”
Hephaestus pushes Pandora back onto her back. “Pandora… do not strain yourself, please!”
Pandora gives a strained laugh. “I’m fine, dad.”
Wukong squints. “I hope this Hartmann finally ends you, Yu Huang.”
Yu Huang smirks. “Truly incredible, Sun Wukong. To feel your animosity this far out…” He strikes the air with his palm again, sending Hydra-heads blasting towards Hartmann, who swiftly swerves aside, the hydra swimming away as fast as it can. “But for the sake of those who hold special places within my once cold heart…” Hartmann approaches again, switching his orientation again to fire his heavy cannons. “IT SHALL BE YOU WHO IS FELLED!” He yells out clapping his hands together the Hydra firing several of its heads towards the plane at once, Hartmann gritting his teeth.
submitted by Craftex101 to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:09 Early_Response_2599 Any advice on my enclosure ?

Any advice on my enclosure ?
I got 4 snails last september they are from my dad garden and they had babies but i feel like my enclosure lack something for them to be happy. It is an old aquarium, we made holes and aded some fence so they can get some air, used soil and got them cuttlefish bone (?) for the calcium. I know it's dirty but they keep on pooping and i can't get it all clean and nice anymore idk why. The soil is like sooo moist. (see 3rd picture) even tho i didn't make it more humid for about 1 month now (i spray some distilled water when feeding them). They're all pretty active every nights and eat everything i feed them but idk i feel like there's just too many of them and they feel sad. 😞 Any help/advice is welcome it would really help me!! Sorry for my English this isn't my first language:/
submitted by Early_Response_2599 to snails [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 SelectionOptimal7348 Unlocking Terminal Velocity: The Ultimate Freefall with Our Free Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App

Unlocking Terminal Velocity: The Ultimate Freefall with Our Free Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App
Hey there, thrill-seekers and tech enthusiasts! Ever wondered what it feels like to skydive without leaving your couch? Or better yet, how to accelerate your digital currency game with lightning speed? Buckle up, because we're about to dive headfirst into the exhilarating world of terminal velocity and show you how our Free Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App can take your crypto experience to new heights!

What is Terminal Velocity?

Imagine this: you're skydiving from a plane at 12,000 feet. The wind roars in your ears, the ground rushes up to meet you, and your adrenaline is off the charts. As you hurtle through the sky, you might think, "Just how fast can I go?" This, my friends, is where terminal velocity comes into play.
Terminal velocity is the highest speed an object can reach as it falls through the air. It's the point where the force of gravity pulling you down equals the air resistance pushing you up. For a skydiver in a belly-to-earth position, this speed is around 120 mph (193 km/h). But if you're a daring wingsuit flyer, you can push that up to a mind-boggling 150 mph (241 km/h) or more!

The Science Behind Terminal Velocity

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It's not just humans that experience terminal velocity. Raindrops, for instance, reach about 20 mph (32 km/h) before they splatter on your umbrella. Even a penny tossed from the Empire State Building will max out at around 30-50 mph (48-80 km/h) due to air resistance. So, rest easy, a penny won't turn into a deadly missile.

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submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:58 Anonymouspizzzaaa Do you expect your parents to take care of your kids when you go to work?

My aunt spent all her life looking after her kids and family. Due to certain circumstances she never got the chance to pursue her hobby. She is very intelligent and talented. When both her kids got married she decided that she would join hobby classes and do whatever she couldnt go as a young adult. My sil decided to have a baby so that she could go back to work after her the birth of her child. Nobody pressurised her. It was my sil and her husbands’s mutual decision. She was always so protective about her child that she always used to be paranoid about her. Then all of a sudden she decided to go back to work. Not even once she discussed with her mil if she is comfortable keeping an eye on the baby in presence of a nanny. Now the baby doesnt like to be around the nanny she so runs to my aunt everytime she sees her and doesnt leave her. Basically its my aunt who looks after the baby now. On top of all that my sil doesnt help her at all with house chores neither does my cousin. They think that its their mom’s responsibility to handle all of this when they are away from home for work as their career is more important.
I just feel that is it right to expect such things from your mom/mil and ask her to do mommy duties just becase she is free/ has no financial responsibilities? Is it right to expect them to cooperate with u during such situation when they have just started building their career?
submitted by Anonymouspizzzaaa to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:53 liljam92 Nighttime diaper blow outs- help!

My baby is 3 months old. I’ve been dairy free for 1 month and soy free for a week. His main symptoms are reflux, mucousy stools, and blood in stool. Symptoms were initially better after dairy cut but over the last week, have worsened which led pedi to recommending cutting soy. Anyways, his new thing is massive watery poops all day and overnight. The last four nights, he has had diaper blow outs down to the crib mattress. Previously, he usually pooped around 4/5 am when i was feeding him. This hasn’t happened before and now on the fourth night, it is frustrating. Pedi seems to not be worried about the watery stool/diarrhea but does anyone have any suggestions for preventing these massive nighttime diaper blow outs?! We’ve switched diapers and have liked Millie moon but again, this never happened to us overnight before.
submitted by liljam92 to MSPI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:53 CutInteresting7793 How should I give myself the care a postpartum mother needs?

My labour didn't go well I had a hemorrhage.
A little about my family situation.
I have 2 sets of parents and my husband.
I am the only child between my parents - they have other children whom were never in contact with me.
My Dad has stopped talking to me, after he left my Mum.
My Mum after being pregnant with my first child made me realise what a cruel person she is. I understand she is old, has health problems and her partner my father left her. But I can't stand how she treats me after 30 or so years. I just can't continue.
Comments with first child "I won't stop shouting at you, because it'll strengthen you for labour" "I don't care if you die in a need to do xyz for me"
After this comment below I distanced myself with my Mum. "How dare you steal what I had, the 2 children a husband and a house, you stole my life from me and now are living it"
My husband is a Mama's boy. He's cheated on me. Never stands up for me. But he cooks, cleans the house, provides income - so I want to try until I find a job. I also cook and clean and I have savings which I use to provide income from.
My husband's parents I invited them to our house, cooked batch food, they didn't like it because it wasn't fresh. My MIL got me to cook 5 different breakfasts and after I finished she said she is fasting cause she has gas. My FIL hinted why I didn't abort my baby since she has a rare skin disorder. My MIL found it funny to heat stroke my baby by forcing me to stay in park - then my FIL wanted to go sight seeing and was upset with my baby crying all night. My MIL secretly took photos and videos of my toddler when I confronted her - she and FIL said that they can share and send photos to who ever they want - I had a huge panic attack and got my husband to delete them. - they wanted to show pictures to my BIL and his wife who have had a miscarriage and find it difficult to have children...
I had a best friend she never talks anymore I'm guessing she got arranged married.
What I want: In essence I have 0 people right now in my life. I need to survive for my children. How should I care for myself in my situation. Right now going out is very hard with one toddler and a baby who has sunlight sensitivity. But I will try to join groups etc. But before I do that how do I help myself.
submitted by CutInteresting7793 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:52 fireboy-pro Few People left

Hello , this is a notice I want to give about I was creating a game since 2017 , but due to lack of staff I have not been able to finish it , this game is a pixelated tactical RPG involving new mechanics, and a wide range of characters and enemies. Many of the characters and mechanics are already done. And a bit of what the story would be. To explain the tactical RPG combat, it will be this turn-based combat, your characters will have to defeat the enemies thanks to some weapon cards, which will be arranged randomly (Example: The hero gets the sword card), then attack the enemy but before a bar will appear that will determine the damage you will do to the opponent, press SPACE and the final damage will be determined. Also during the fight you can use items such as recovery, speed, bonus effects, etc.
Early Fight Concept Image:
The characters in their dialogues have their own voice, so below you will see what they are saying and options like in other skip games. This game is designed for PC.
What I want to imply that if anyone is interested to know more about the project or if you want to participate in it. Feel free to reply to this message. For the development of this game I estimate that it could be done between 4-8 people even more. Pixel Artists / Animators, Programmers, Music Makers, Audio Makers... You can join us. Everyone Can help
We are currently a few people but there are critical points that do not let us continue with the project.
Thanks for your attention.
Have a nice day
submitted by fireboy-pro to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 Own_Huckleberry7781 Unless you have a REACTIVE GSD you don't understand!

Do people not understand what “HAVING A REACTIVE DOG” means???
Lots of people are insanely ignorant to how reactive dogs interact with their environment… yikes
“Maybe you should train your dog” “your dog is dangerous” “it’s not my responsibility to a accommodate for your dog”
You think we don’t know???
Let go of caring what other people think. On a walk, your dog is your priority, not whatever random people you pass.
NEVER CONCERN yourself with being polite, to a point where you know that you put your dog in situations that are uncomfortable for them.
Don’t be shy/embarrassed about verbally praising your dog for being brave.
It's OK to mourn the dog you hoped that you'd have, but don't forget to love & train the dog that you do have.
Your dog is worthy of love, even if they don't fit the picture of the dog you want, or if your friends/family all have "good" dogs and cannot understand. And please don't let anyone blame you for their reactivity. The "it's all how you raise them" narrative is toxic and stale.
Practice your training when there’s nothing around. U turns, scatter feeding, magnet hands, look at that (use mailboxes or cars instead of dogs for the non scary practice). The training tools can become associated with their triggers, plus it’s hard to learn during those reactivity moments.
Love your babies, because money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail. Reactive dog owners, let's show each other some kindness & support!
submitted by Own_Huckleberry7781 to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:39 bunklefoge uisrnsj

Dear Decision maker ; Your email address has been submitted
to us indicating your interest in our briefing . If
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submitted by bunklefoge to Ulsdysa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:36 racki_ojae Medicines during pregnancy

I’ve been battling with awful headaches since 12 weeks pregnant. I’m on blood pressure medicine to control that and also take 2 baby aspirin a day to prevent preeclampsia since I’m high risk. Ever since these headaches have started I’ve had to take Tylenol almost every day since 5/1 and sometimes Fioricet or another headache medication given to me by my OB. Has anyone else gone through this? I feel so guilty and worried something is going to be wrong with baby because of having to take all these medications to try to stay healthy and headache free.
submitted by racki_ojae to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:24 Joshwa1989 UK investor 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Hi everyone,
I'll cut to the chase to start. I'm based in Wales, UK. I'm doing the baby steps. Currently on step 2 but I don't think it will be long until I'm on step 4 so I want to be prepared already.
What can I invest in? Blackrock MyMap 6? Or S and P 500? What funds would you guys recommend that I look at and how do I go about attaining them. Through Hargreaves? what are some other brokers. I'd love to know the fund that Dave mentioned that gets him 13%.
So yeah, I just need to know what and where. I'm determined to turn 60 with £1million. I'm 34yrs old and could put away £450pcm
I'm so glad I stumbled across DR on a Facebook reel. Was abreast thinking about how I need to start a pension this year, but he's really got my ass into gear.
So, if there's already a post about what I've asked above, then just direct me towards it or feel free to comment below. I would really appreciate the help.
submitted by Joshwa1989 to DaveRamsey [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:16 Sin-God Sanguinarch Explaner & Discussion

Hi there! For the jump relevant to this post, click here. It IS a Troyverse Ascension so this is a very powerful type of creature and by coming to this jump you become one. This is an experiment with a new type of discussion post where I talk about big beasties from various settings you can become, and the fun you can have as whatever type of creature you can become.
Have a fun future announcement: I have plans for a jump to a generic world that is secretly in the process of becoming conquered by a Sanguinarch. In my head this jump would include origins for civilians, the resistance, collaborators, and a full origin for a Sanguinarch-spawned vampire. This is a WHOLLY original idea and is very far down the docket of jumps I want to create, but it is one I want to make before the end of the year. So if you like this post, you may like whatever I end up creating at some point in the future whenever I get around to making the jump I just mentioned.

Sanguinarch Basics

Sanguinarchs are one of the five types of Troyverse ascendants alongside Archdemons, Cosmic Gods, Dragon Lords, & Transynths. Three of the four types of beings I mentioned have jumps, all of which have been created by me and are reflections of the original source CYOAs that have been jump-ified and given some QOL things that are relevant to jumpers specifically. Ascendants are beings that tap into the fundamental rules of reality in some way. Archdemons use sins, Cosmic Gods use D&D/Pathfinder style domains, Dragon Lords use draconic fonts of power, and Transynths use technology and science. Sanguinarchs use... Well, Sanguinarchs use Essence.
So at their core Sanguinarchs are supreme undead & necromancers. They are vampires that can feed on entire planets, solar systems, galaxies, and even universes at the very height of somewhat possible attainable power for their kind, becoming cosmopotences (an in-universe term for beings capable of affecting entire universes). Sanguinarchs are also notoriously flexible tricksters with a very nasty grab bag of possible tricks.
The first level of a Sanguinarch's bag of tricks are their foci; a theme around which a sanguinarch focuses themselves granting themselves a particular set of abilities and skills. There are three foci, but any Sanguinarch can take more than one foci, though such sanguinarchs are the rarest members of their kind. The three foci are cultured, dominating, and savage.
The cultured focus is for sanguinarchs who value intelligence, reasoning, non-violence, and diplomacy. It grants any sanguinarch who takes it enhanced charisma, intelligence, persuasiveness, and the ability to conduct rituals which can enact any kind of magic other than magic that transforms bodies or morphs minds on massive scales in hours, scales which would normally take even entire planets of archmages years of constant collaboration to pull off. Sanguinarchs with this focus have enhanced magic when it comes to the body and mind but only magic enhanced to the scale that a normal archmage could realistically have, which is not nothing but it pales in comparison to the rest of their magical kit.
Dominating focused sanguinarchs value control over all things and have the ability to enslave people within a few miles of them, but if they have the right major sanguine power then they can dominate everyone in a galaxy around them. These servitors are 100% loyal to you and would do anything you command. They also passively generate essence for you, giving you oath based essence (unless you've shunned the oath source) which is the only way that mind controlling someone can generate oath based essence, as normally such a font stems from oaths that are willingly sworn rather than ones that stem from supernatural influence.
The final focus is the savage focus. This is a purely physical focus and it is tremendously powerful, boosting your speed to galactic scale and giving you unbelievable power and endurance.
The foci can also be mixed and matched, in the sense that buying one does not lock you out of the other two.
Going to the next facet of the sanguinarch's toolkit, let's talk about essence. Essence is a substance that sanguinarchs can absorb and make use of, which is generated by all sorts of connections (this term is being used in a conceptual, esoteric sense here); interactions which result in blood being drawn, the devouring of one's soul, consensual sex between adults, oaths that are willingly sworn ("willingly" here does include oaths sworn under duress but not under the influence of supernatural powers), and a sanguinarch's own dominion (Remember this word, we'll circle back to it). Essence is a substance that is generated by ALL instances of the things I mentioned, blood, souls, pleasure, and oaths, but only a sanguinarch can absorb and use the substance. Sanguinarchs naturally absorb any essence created by their own actions, and can maximize the five sources that generate essence up above, which allows them to passively absorb the essence generated by their personalized types of vampiric spawn (another thing we'll get too later in this post) in the cases of blood, souls, and pleasure (provided the type of vampire in question feeds on it), and then if oaths are sworn to your vampires, and in the case of maximizing the dominion source of essence you make it easier to add places to your dominion rather than increasing how much essence the dominion feeds you.
Essence can be spent in one of three ways; it can empower an active ability (such as a spell you're about to cast), it can buff a passive trait (such as boosting your durability), and finally it can emulate a one-off instance of any kind of effect you want. This last ability takes some explaining, but a sanguinarch can spend their essence (which is a resource that once spent is gone, though it is incredibly easy to gain more) to emulate any kind of power on virtually any scale, with more impressive powers on larger scales costing fortunes in essence. A sanguinarch with this ability can do virtually anything provided they are ready to spend the right amount of essence. This ability makes sanguinarchs extremely unpredictable and dangerous. Essence MUST be spent to use this ability, even if emulating an ability you've already emulated in the past.
Now let's talk about the more direct powers & the potent servants of sanguinarchs; vampires.

Sanguinarch's Active Abilities & Vampiric Spawn

There are two types of active powers that are uniquely part of a sanguinarch's power set; major sanguine powers, and also Dominion perks.
Major Sanguine powers are powers that require no essence and are extremely simple for the vampire-like monsters to use. There are about 17 of these abilities and each of them is worth understanding. More details on each of these abilities can be found in the jump or in the source document.
Empowerment boosts your effectiveness with essence. Shadowblank makes you stunningly difficult to detect and if you are willing to spend the essence can be used on your dominion, but when used on your dominion it is somewhat more detectable than you since if someone enters the dominion they can see it. Darkness allows you and your forces to get stronger in darkness and in places attuned to darkness. Eclipse lets you shroud a place in darkness. Phylacktery is your respawn mechanic. Monstrous Command lets you command animals and monsters of all kinds. Mindlink is stunningly powerful telepathic communication. Hypnosis is a brutally powerful form of mind control dependent on making eye contact with someone but if you hit them with it you can give almost any sort of command that you can imagine so long as it's not permanent and you can stack commands on somebody. Puppetmaster lets you seize control of all sorts of moving things and people, moving them in ways that are pleasing to you, almost like straight up telekinesis. Spectral Form gives you conditional intangibility (intangible to things like enemy strikes but tangible when you want to punch someone or otherwise interact with something), and Regeneration lets you recover from virtually sort of damage instantly, unless said damage is inflicted by a being wildly stronger than you.
Trueshifting is pretty incredible shapeshifting, power emulation, and cloning. Mirrorwalk is, for all intents and purposes, instant teleportation from any one mirror to any other mirror, at least in the local multiverse. Mass Telekinesis is ridiculously powerful telekinetic abilities able to hold even quintillions of different things in space at once, even if each individual thing has the same mass of mountains. Enthrall lets you turn people into thralls, immortal, devoted supernatural servants. all of whom are enhanced sources of essence in every way, their blood, souls, and pleasure giving you more essence, as well as their oaths generating more essence over time. Absorption lets you absorb skills, knowledge, and abilities from those you get essence from, be it you targeting a teacher, or your spawn targeting a local king, and by opting to gain a bit less essence then you'd otherwise gain you can instead just copy this stuff rather than taking it from the people you target with this power. Dark brides are special types of servants you can create that are wholly bonded to you, either creating someone from nothing or turning a living person into a dark bride so long as they consent to it. Dark brides can do whatever you can as a sanguinarch but each dark bride costs more than the last with the first being free.
Let's talk about dominions. A sanguinarch's dominion is not just territory that is under their control, but a patch of space that has been so thoroughly conquered by them that the land itself recognizes their control and lordship. This happens when a significant amount of essence has been gathered and absorbed by a single sanguinarch in one continuous area (how much essence is required depends in part on the size of the space in question), which eventually renders the space vulnerable to powerful dark rituals which the sanguinarch and their homies can perform over the course of several days. When these rituals are completed the patch of space becomes a part of their dominion, and a sanguinarch's dominion feeds them essence every second, with bigger dominion's feeding them more essence. A dominion is permanently under the influence of a sanguinarch who claims it, and in the Troyverse there are plenty of places that can be under the thumb of other sanguinarch since other sanguinarchs exist but once you jump OUT of the Troyverse... Well, there's a LOT of space in all but the smallest-setting-wise jumps for you to turn into your turf. There are a total of nine perks that specifically affect a sanguinarch's dominion, bolstering it in various ways. Let's talk about them!
Sentinals are a type of guardian that, if the perk is purchased, are generated by the dominion itself (and created by it whenever you add space to your dominion, or with the right perk, whenever it sufficiently expands) and have ultra-human (planet-level) physiques as well as some vampire-like abilities. These guardians protect your dominion but cannot leave it, and if they are somehow destroyed (and it'd take a being on par with or beyond Superman to do this so it IS possible but in a lot of settings it's not especially likely) your dominion will resurrect them over the course of a few days unless you spend some essence to rebuild them. They are also completely immune to mind control or being puppeted, and are aware of everything in your dominion.
Many dominion perks are handy because they make your dominion more suitable to your minions and you in some way and pliant climate is one such perk. PC begins with a one time effect that makes a new patch of dominion more hospitable to your minions, altering reality to do something like destroying radiation that might destroy sufficiently weak lifeforms or creating landmasses for your servants to walk on, and after that effect has occurred you can personally warp reality to alter the climate in your dominion even weaponizing weather against invaders or other enemies.
Labyrinth is a perk that enhances your dominion's natural and default resistance to enemy reality warping (to such an extent that universe-scale reality warpers would struggle to use reality warping in your space), and also causes the local geography to warp and twist in reality-defying ways that make it virtually impossible for non-ascendants to escape without your permission.
Shroud is a perk that nullifies any default weaknesses you or your spawn may have to traditional anti-vampire stuff (sanguinarchs do not have such weaknesses by default though a drawback can give you some) such as sunlight, garlic, silver, or fire, so long as you or your spawn are in your dominion. If you opted to allow your spawn to be weak to stuff, particularly sunlight, this can be an incredibly handy perk to have and can give even the most disloyal vampires powerful reasons to aid you in expanding your dominion.
Obedient architecture lets you turn raw materials into grand structures instantly, so long as the required reality warping occurs in your dominion.
Gluttonous enhances how much essence you get when you are in your dominion, but this particular perk is a bit odd. The way this perk works is by enhancing ALL feeding you do on essence so long as you are in the confines of your dominion. Very importantly this enhances the potency of the dominion's passive essence production, but also bolsters every other source of essence, and can be very powerful if you strive to maximize essence production. This can also blend very powerfully with another ability we'll mention in a second.
Shadow Paths is a perk that ties together all patches of dominion in a jump (for jumper-sanguinarchs, this limitation doesn't exist for pure CYOA sanguinarchs). What this means is that your servants and those you give permission too can step into one patch of dominion and immediately enter another patch located elsewhere, even if doing so entails them stepping somewhere in North Carolina and suddenly appearing in Alaska, or on the moon. This is one of the best forms of teleportation in the Troyverse that is able to be used by ascendants, but requires the powerful setup needed to turn a place into a patch of dominion in the first place, as opposed to requiring the advanced technology other ascendants can use to swiftly and stealthy teleport en-masse. One handy aspect of this power is that it is only accessible to those you permit and only if they are loyal to you; if a vampire you converted into a vampire is somehow under enemy control they cannot use these paths at all. This is a neat defensive measure that prevents this ability from being used against you. The paths automatically appear whenever you add a patch to your dominion, connecting any and all such spaces.
Power Suppression is a very handy ability that shuts down enemy/non-allied powers so long as they are in your dominion, which if fused with something like labyrinth can be incredibly devastating. How strong this perk is depends on how much you invest in it, but frankly even the first tier makes entire settings (even ones with powered beings) unable to use their powers against your will, as a LOT of settings do not have any beings that are planet-scale.
Eminent Domain is a stunningly powerful perk that enhances your dominion in every respect. Firstly it makes it so that any abilities you use remotely do not suffer any diminishment (all ascendants are capable of using their ascendant abilities at incredible ranges so long as the area they are using their powers in are sufficiently under their influence in some way, but normally such abilities suffer some level of weakened effectiveness due to distance). This also radically bolsters your awareness of what occurs in your dominion, granting you pseudo-omniscience within the strict confines of your dominion. Lastly, and most importantly, this stunningly powerful perk allows your patches of dominion to expand themselves!
Normally a patch of dominion is static in the sense that it does not expand sans external intervention (Basically a patch of dominion's size and dimensions are determined at the moment a place is converted and normally stays that way forever). With ED this is changed and instead patches of dominion slowly expand with how quickly they expand being determined by whether or not you maximized the dominion essence source (and a requirement that feedings occur in the patch of dominion in question). Think of it this way; it's easier for a sanguinarch who has patches of dominions in banks where vampire bankers get people to swear oaths via bank loans to watch their patches expand than a sanguinarch whose patches are in barren deserts to watch their patches expand. That's not to say it can't be done, the desert-owning sanguinarch can turn serial killers into vampires, have them take their victims to the dominion patches and feed on them in there, but that IS more complex than the setup for the banking sanguinarch I also mentioned.
Fully understanding and maximizing the power of the dominion is difficult but it's worth it. A sanguinarch with a few perks is an impressively powerful lord of any space they turn into their dominions, and a sanguinarch with ED can slowly and cautiously watch their dominion expand without having to do the rituals. It's dope.
Now let's talk about vampric spawn! I'm not gonna go over every facet of this, as there's a lot of individual options that'd need to be discussed. but vampiric spawn are a SPECIFIC type of vampire created by a sanguinarch. A sanguinarch can turn anyone in the same planet into a vampire spawn, and even gods are not immune to this transformation, neither are animals, demons, or any supernatural beings unless they are on par with an ascendant themselves. It's also stunningly difficult to resist this transformation, so someone can do something like catch Superman off guard and turn him into one of your spawn.
There are a number of reasons why sanguinarchs want vampiric spawn, but for a lot of sanguinarchs vampiric spawn will be best viewed as a way to speed up one's ability to gather essence. When deciding your builds you have three options when it comes to all five sources of essence; you can "shun" them, you can leave them unaltered, or you can maximize them. "Shunning" a source means you never get essence from it (but this does not make them useless, as dominions can get still benefit from dominion perks AND turning an area into a dominion can stop other sanguinarchs from doing so, though this would only be useful in Troyverse jumps), leaving it alone means you can get essence from instances of the source caused by you and you alone, and maximizing the source means that any actions that are relevant to the source that your spawn cause (that in the case of blood, pleasure, and souls they can FEED on) generates essence for you (which is relevant both for the purposes of the absorption sanguine major power and for the purposes of eventually creating new patches of dominion). This means that vampiric spawn are more than handy servants, they can be vital expanders of your empire.
A sanguinarch can customize vampiric spawn they create in a number of ways by purchasing options in the vampiric spawn customization section of the jump doc. If a sanguinarch went bonkers on this section their maxed out vampires would be fucking stacked with modifiers like enhanced beauty, an ability to grow stronger from feeding (and it being a carving rather than a necessity), fanatical loyalty to you, the ability to mesmerize people, fly, turn into mist, and shapeshift, as well as physiques that are 100 times the peak for their species. These vampires would be tremendously powerful servants, and could make for incredible followers.

Sanguinarch Thoughts & Musings

Now that we've spent a beat discussing the facets of sanguinarch stuff that will persist across jumps, let's talk a bit about thoughts & musings related to sanguinarchs!
Sanguinarchs are hands down the best territory-type ascendants. Their ability to conquer a place so thoroughly that they turn it into their dominion is fucking wild given what dominion perks can do to a place, and a properly stealthy sanguinarch can do it before people even realize that something fucky is going on. Even in modern police states sanguinarchs with the right builds can be masters of subtlety and stealth, or can just blitz a place so fast that no one has a chance to resist (this is especially true for dominating sanguinarchs).
I really like the versatility and flexibility of sanguinarchs, as the emulate function of essence and stuff like shadowblank and mindlink are so fantastically potent that they are just nightmarishly powerful in the right hands.
A sanguinarch that opts to not be watered down and instead has the full functionality of a CYOA sanguinarch rather than my suggested edits to make the power of a sanguinarch more approachable can enter a setting and turn everyone in their home world into a vampire in an instant, or can dominate entire communities in a second, In some respects this is just beyond what other ascendants can do (though all ascendants can buy greater megapowers which can allow other ascendants to emulate a sanguinarch with the right focus). Manifold ascendants that are sanguinarchs AND other things can instantly create cults to themselves and, assuming they are an archdemon, dragon lord, or cosmic god, immediately begin to gain power from the worship power source.
As a stealth-type jumper person I really really like the potency of a sanguinarch's many abilities that either revolve around stealth or allow for it, with powers like eclipse and shadowblank being perennial favorites of mine. I also love that there are powers that revolve around knowing more than others and hiding in the dark, giving boosts to your other powers if you are just smarter than your foes or if you are a sneaky sneak. One fascinating aspect of the darkness power is how it can synergize with absorption, since you can drain knowledge from foes with strikes, which makes your other abilities stronger against them.
Here are some fun ideas for interesting targets to turn into vampiric spawn or otherwise use in a story with a jumper sanguinarch.
A serial killer who will now eagerly dedicate their kills to you, and who is happy to target anyone you wish to see killed.
A cop who needs to find the people who kidnapped her brother. Now armed with vampiric powers she will investigate her brother's kidnapping with brutal efficiency.
A priest having a crisis of faith whose mind is exceptionally loud one night when you are scanning nearby minds. Now he worships you rather than whatever god he once believed in.
A high school queen bee who is afraid of the future or growing old and is eagerly willing to cavort with dark forces once she realizes they are real and willing to help her, for a price. This one can be really fun if you turn her friend into a vampiric spawn and dangle the prospect in front of her but instead use some of your abilities to do stuff like enhance her but not give her the immortality she craves.
A promising athlete who was critically injured and is desperate to recover and rebuild their career.
A politician who craves more and more power, and is happy to make dark deals.
A terminally ill child with parents who are desperate to see them get better, and who will pay any price if it means their child has a miracle. And to keep paying for their child's continued health.
Sanguinarchs CAN be brutal overlords who conquer places with force, and that can be a lot of fun given how incredibly powerful the savage focus is (and how much scarier it can be with stuff like spectral form and regeneration). Sanguinarchs can also be shadowy deal makers who have fun putting things in place and watching how they move once they are positioned in front of each other.
There are some very inventive ways for a sanguinarch to get essence. One of my favorites is to create vampires that are, for all intents and purposes, succubi and have them run brothels where they sell themselves at incredibly low prices and have them feast on horny peeps. Another way I really like is to create charisma based vampires and turn banks into dens for my vampirism, or turn places like lending agencies into hives of my vampires.
Certain places are also very likely to be targeted by me whenever I create sanguinarchs (be they CYOA or jump sanguinarchs); hospitals and prisons. My sanguinarchs are invariably predatory assholes and they recognize how desperate people can be after a difficult doctor's visit, and they also see prisons as places that are incredibly easy to turn into patches of their dominion, whether it's turning desperate and scared prisoners into vampires or giving prison guards and staff the power to more easily and safely corral the prisoners.


I honestly just really like sanguinarchs. They have such fun and varied power sets, and can dramatically expand their toolkits with stuff like Absorption and the emulate function of their ability to manipulate essence. Sanguinarchs and Transynths are the oddest of the ascendants, but I have such fun with both of their power sets and it can be so rad to see what sort of mischief a sanguinarch jumper can get up too while turning a place into a part of their dominion.
I hope this overview helps you think more keenly about sanguinarchs and their eerie meshes of abilities. If you've ever run a sanguinarch jumper, or have plans to do so I'd love to hear all about them!
submitted by Sin-God to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:07 Ok-Imagination9384 One of my favorite parts of Euphoria

I know people are tired of discussing the beef (which I don’t really understand. If Drake won, him and his fans would be insufferable for the rest of the year. See Meek mill 2015) but I haven’t seen much on this and wanted to get your thoughts.
What Would Pluto Do:
“Bunch of sedatives, hypnotics in my system, okay Life is goin' just how I predicted, okay Droppin' two Cialis in her liquid, okay I ain't got a strap, I gotta risk it, okay Baby girl, Adonis need a sister, okay And my baby mama out the picture, okay Think I'm 'Luminati 'cause I'm rich, well okay”
Yeah, I'm out the way, yeah, I'm low, okay Yeah, the island right here's remote, okay I ain't thinkin' about no reaper, Nigga, I'm reapin' what I sow, okay Got a Benjamin and a Jackson all in my house, like I'm Joe, okay Hellcat, made his homeboys and them types sell they soul, okay Everybody wanna be demon 'til they get chipped by a throwaway.
It doesn’t seem like Kendrick to repeat “Okay” at the end of all his bars for that long. But when you factor in that Drake does that in What Would Pluto Do, it seems like it is all a build up to “Everybody wanna be Demun, ‘til they get chipped, by a throwaway”
Demun - Future middle name
Everybody wanna be Demon - What Would Pluto Do.
Til they get chipped, by a throwaway - Throwaway is a song by future. Also Drake wants to be Future but wouldn’t have let Kendrick have a Like That verse on his song, in fear of getting “chipped” on his own song.
Adding in the reaper, HELLcat, Sell the soul, Demon scheme makes this even crazier and is more complex than anything Drake said the whole battle.
Just my two cents, let me know if you think I’m reaching.
Before you say “somebody already said this” please be prepared to give me an example of someone relating Euphoria to What Would Pluto Do, which is the main point of this post, and I’ll delete.
submitted by Ok-Imagination9384 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:03 CrypticJaspers I Can't Rock With Meruem

Before I go in chronological order let me get my personal expectation out the way. When Meruem started talking about the inequality in the world and how he wanted to change it I was like "WHAT? Where did this come from?" Before you give me an analysis essay on how you interpret the character lemme tell you this. It's NOT that there's no explanation but that the lead up isn't carefully explored. I would rather see Meruem walk into the outskirts of the land and see malnourished children, slaves, and racism.
Spoilers For Parasite/Parasyte: The Maxim
This is why I like Reiko Tomura from Parasite. She starts off animalistic but through having a baby and conversing with humans she develops a deeper understanding of humanity. It all comes together when she needs to make the MC accept her friendly gesture so she imitates his mother.
Back to Meruem's revelation. I mean even after saying that he still wants to farm humans and offers special treatment to those with extraordinary abilities? Meruem: "Hey buddy I don't wanna fight we can just talk this out" Netero: Ok let's talk Meruem: "I really want to bring peace, I'm not freeing any hostages though"
Next subject is the shogi games. I know you hear it all the time but lemme breakdown it down instead of making a meme. The pay off for the game was Meruem was able to out maneuver the different "moves" Netero made. This works but the metaphor could've been more accurate. Another issue I had was Meruem didn't have much to work with outside of raw power. In the case of Netero's technique wouldn't the boxing metaphor or wrestling metaphor make more sense? Meruem realizes he isn't a fighting genius so he practices martial arts. Netero is throwing strikes so Meruem now has to find the opening in his technique. The chess metaphor would've made the most sense if Meruem was going against an army of Hunters and there were assistant type Hunters that he had to weed out to overcome their resistance. As he picks out who needs to be dealt with he gradually gets to Netero "The Queen/King" As for wrestling since he didn't want to kill Netero knowing how to restrain him would be the best way to make him submit and keep him intact. Meruem could place him in a lock that stops him from making hand signs.
Lastly out of all the stuff he learned did he not learn about nuclear warfare? You're fighting people from Asia and you don't know about Kamikaze dog?
submitted by CrypticJaspers to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:59 Eilmorel PEECOCK GEN5 PACKER 5.5IN - REVIEW - TW amab genitalia related terminology

Hello everyone! I apologise in advance for any mistake, English isn't my first language.
As per the title, I recently bought a Gen5 Peecock 3in1 packer. I wanted to upgrade my Mr Limpy packer (which is an excellent beginne cheap packer, 10/10 would recommend!) to something a bit more realistic and with a bit more utility, so I opted for this specific product. This is my impression after 24 hours of use. I also want to write another rewiew in the future, after I have had the time to get used to it and after I talk with the customer service about the issues I have with the product.
Without further ado, here is my review!
The shipment was fast: I placed my order on the 28th of May, and I got it on the 7th of June- three cheers for Poste Italiane for not screwing the shipment up. I spent €26,00 for shipment, plus €15,30 in duty taxes. There's also the possibility to get an express courier shipment (FedEx I think) for €76,00. The Packer itself cost €258,00.
It looks really good, very realistic! I bought the wrong skin tone, but that of course is my issue and not a product issue, and it doesn't bother me. I am very pale (baby cheese ghost kind of pale) with a yellow undertone to my skin, while the packer I got (Light Beige colour) has a very pink undertone. Just remember to take into account both your skin tone and undertone when purchasing it.
The scrotum is... well, big. Really big. And yet the effect is really discreet- almost too much, in my opinion. I was used to the Medium sized Mr Limpy, which makes a considerable bulge. The Gen5 sits far lower tho, so there's probably that to take into account. At least the scrotum feels really good, especially with the free-floating testies that come with it, they feel natural.
I also purchased a Play harness that I really really like, it keeps everything firmly in place and it's very comfortable.
Now onto what I didn't like, which boils down to a single issue: the cores. The packer comes with three different cores, one for regular packing, one for peeing, and one for playing.
The Pack and Play cores both suffer from the same issue- they are too small, both in lenght and in girth. They don't fill the penis shaft properly, leaving an almost inch long hollow part at the base that bends weirdly when packing and can be felt when using it for solo play. I theorise that the cores were made for the smaller version of the packer (4.7in).
I partly solved this issue by cannibalising my old Mr. Limpy and press ganging it as a core- it works much better, and it fills the shaft properly. Now I just have to hollow it out to make a space for the erection rod.
The peeing funnel is the worst of the three, IMO. it has a large internal diameter, so when I stuff it back in my trousers it bends weirdly, creating a sharp, unnatural horizontal crease in the front of my trousers. I haven't yet found a way to minimise this effect, so any advice in that sense is very welcome.
My final vote is 7 out of 10. It's good, really good, but I had really high expectations that weren't fully met. I spent more than €300,00 between products and shipment so there shouldn't be any issues, let alone issues that require cannibalising another packer.
submitted by Eilmorel to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:41 Sweet-Count2557 The Best Babymoon In Palm Springs California 2023

The Best Babymoon In Palm Springs California 2023
The Best Babymoon In Palm Springs California 2023
We are setting sail for a luxurious babymoon in Palm Springs, California.
This sun-soaked paradise is the perfect destination for expecting couples looking to relax, take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and make memories that will last a lifetime.
From luxurious accommodations to exciting attractions, Palm Springs has it all.
Come with us and bask in the sweet sunshine of this desert oasis.
For a romantic getaway, there's no better place to stay than in one of the luxurious accommodations in the area! When visiting Palm Springs, California, families can enjoy a babymoon in one of the many family-friendly resorts.
Whether it's a spa getaway or a luxurious retreat, there's something for everyone. The city of Palm Springs is home to some of the best resorts and family-friendly hotel options in the area. From the historic Riviera Hotel to the modern Hyatt Regency Indian Wells, there's something for all types of travelers.
Each property offers an abundance of amenities and activities, so couples can enjoy everything from spa treatments to golfing. Depending on the type of vacation, couples can choose from a variety of packages and activities that are designed to make their trip special.
For couples who want to be extra pampered, Palm Springs is home to some of the most luxurious spa getaways in the country. From the world-renowned La Quinta Resort & Club to the award-winning Agua Caliente Casino & Resort, there's something for everyone.
Each resort offers a variety of treatments and services that can make any babymoon special. With a variety of spa packages and services, couples can relax and enjoy the best that Palm Springs has to offer.
No matter the type of getaway, Palm Springs offers something for everyone. From luxury resorts to family-friendly hotels, there's something to make any babymoon special. With a variety of spa packages and activities, couples can enjoy all that Palm Springs has to offer, making it the perfect destination for a romantic getaway.
Places to Eat
You'll find plenty of delicious dining options to enjoy during your romantic getaway! Palm Springs is known for its family-friendly restaurants, as well as more romantic spots. Whether you're looking for a cozy dinner for two or a night out with friends, you can find it all here.
If you're looking for a romantic dinner for two, you can choose from a variety of restaurants with amazing views. Consider a romantic dinner at The Rooftop Grill, located on the rooftop of the Kimpton Rowan Hotel. Here you can find fresh seafood, aged steaks, and other tasty dishes. The restaurant also offers a great atmosphere, with a cozy vibe and a full bar.
If you're looking to take your family out for a meal, you can find plenty of family-friendly restaurants in Palm Springs. For a casual atmosphere, head to The Sandwich Spot, which offers a variety of freshly-made sandwiches and salads. For a more upscale experience, try The Steakhouse at the Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort. Here you can find delicious steaks, fresh seafood, and much more.
No matter what you're looking for, you'll find something to suit your taste during your babymoon in Palm Springs.
Enjoy a variety of activities during your romantic getaway that will be sure to create lasting memories!
Palm Springs offers couples an array of options for exploring nature, from taking a jeep tour of the amazing desert landscape to exploring the beauty of the Coachella Valley on a private hot air balloon ride. If you're after a more relaxed vibe, indulge in a spa treatment at one of the many luxurious spas in the area. From a couples massage to body wraps and facials, a spa day is sure to rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul.
For a dose of culture and history, take a tour of the iconic Palm Springs Aerial Tramway and get a breathtaking view of the San Jacinto Mountains. Afterward, explore the local art galleries and museums, or take a stroll through the sunny downtown area to visit the many boutique shops and restaurants.
You can also enjoy a romantic evening at one of the many outdoor theaters, where you can watch a movie under the stars. If you're feeling adventurous, take a hike to the stunning Indian Canyons, or take a leisurely kayak ride along the Colorado River.
Enjoy the natural beauty and stunning desert views that Palm Springs has to offer. No matter what activity you choose, you're sure to have an unforgettable experience with your partner during your babymoon in Palm Springs.
We're excited to discuss the amazing attractions that Palm Springs, California has to offer!
To start, let's talk about the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. It offers stunning views of the Coachella Valley from the top of Mt. San Jacinto.
We also can't forget to mention the Palm Springs Art Museum. It's home to a vast collection of Native American artifacts and modern artworks.
Lastly, the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens is a great destination for animal lovers. It has over 450 species of animals and plants!
Palm Springs Aerial Tramway
Take a journey to the top of the world and experience the breathtaking views that await you at the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway.
Located in the Mount San Jacinto State Park, the tramway offers visitors a chance to take in the majestic beauty of the Coachella Valley from the highest point in the area.
As the world’s largest rotating tramcar takes you up two and a half miles in elevation, you can soak up the views of the desert floor and the rugged San Jacinto Mountains.
Once you reach the top, you can explore the trails, observe the local wildlife, and enjoy a meal at the Peaks Restaurant.
Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway or an adventure with your family, the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway should be at the top of your list.
With its stunning views, diverse trails, and exciting activities, it’s the perfect way to spend a day in Palm Springs.
So don't wait - book your tickets today and get ready to explore the majestic beauty of the Coachella Valley from the sky!
Palm Springs Art Museum
We left the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, with its stunning views of the Chino Canyon, and headed to our next stop: the Palm Springs Art Museum.
The museum is a great place to learn about the area's cultural influences and explore the world of visual arts. Experienced guides provide visitors with a comprehensive overview of the museum and its collections.
The museum houses an impressive selection of contemporary art, sculptures and photographs from a variety of media. It also features a variety of rotating exhibits that highlight the work of local, national and international artists.
The museum also hosts a number of events throughout the year, including lectures, workshops, gallery talks, and performances. The museum also offers a variety of educational programs for children and adults, making it an ideal spot for a babymoon in Palm Springs.
The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens
The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens is a great spot for a day trip. It features over 450 species of animals from around the world, including several endangered species. It's a great place for couples to explore, with hiking trails and wildlife watching opportunities.
The zoo is home to species from all corners of the globe, including African lions, Mexican gray wolves, and endangered Arabian oryx. There are also a variety of local animals, from desert tortoises to bighorn sheep.
The zoo also features several unique gardens and a variety of educational programs. The gardens are a great place to relax and explore, with cacti and succulents, wildflowers, and other desert flora. The educational programs are great for couples looking to learn more about the wildlife, and the zoo also offers special events throughout the year.
The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens is a great spot for a day trip, and couples can explore the wildlife, gardens, and educational programs.
Unwind and soak up the sun for some much needed rest and relaxation when you take your babymoon in Palm Springs, California.
This city offers a multitude of romantic retreats, luxury spas, and other relaxing activities that are sure to make your babymoon special. From couples massages to hot springs and mud baths, you can select from a variety of therapeutic experiences that are perfect for a romantic escape.
Spend your days lounging poolside or by the beach, or indulge in a private candlelit dinner beneath the stars.
A spa day with your partner is a great way to de-stress and connect with one another. You can also take advantage of the picturesque surroundings and book a yoga class or a guided meditation session.
No matter how you choose to relax, your babymoon in Palm Springs will be an unforgettable experience.
Take a leisurely stroll hand-in-hand and take in the stunning scenery, or rent a bike and explore the area together.
Enjoy a romantic sunset picnic or just sit back, relax, and appreciate the beauty of this amazing destination.
We're excited to discuss the nightlife options in Palm Springs, California! From live music venues to bars and clubs, to comedy clubs, there is something for everyone when it comes to enjoying a night out.
Whether you're looking for a more laid back vibe with a live band playing some tunes, or a wild night of dancing and drinks, Palm Springs has it all.
There's also a few awesome comedy clubs for those who want a good laugh and some entertainment.
Live music venues
Soak up the sounds of the city and take a break from reality at these live music venues in Palm Springs. The city offers plenty of spots to enjoy performances from local talent in a variety of genres.
From small, intimate bars to large outdoor music festivals, you'll find something to suit every taste. The city's premiere music spot is The Hood Bar and Pizza. Here, you can enjoy live bands playing all types of music, from punk to blues. The venue has a full-service bar and outdoor seating, allowing you to get the full Palm Springs experience.
If you're looking for a more lively atmosphere, you can check out the annual Palm Springs International Music Festival. This three-day festival features some of the best local and international music acts, and it's a great way to experience the city's vibrant music scene.
Whether you're looking for a cozy night out or an all-out music festival, Palm Springs has it all.
Bars and clubs
Ready to let loose and have a good time? Palm Springs is home to an amazing bar and club scene, with over 200 bars, clubs, and lounges to choose from.
Whether you're looking to dance the night away or just chill out with a few drinks, there is something for every mood. From live music venues to trendy cocktail bars, there are plenty of options to choose from.
For a more relaxed evening, you can choose from one of the many craft beer bars that offer a selection of local brews and an inviting atmosphere. If you're looking for a lively night out, there are plenty of clubs and dance bars that feature live music and DJs spinning the latest tunes.
Whatever your preference, Palm Springs has something to offer.
Comedy clubs
We've already discussed all the bars and clubs that Palm Springs has to offer, so now let's talk about the comedy clubs in the area. Every night, couples can enjoy some family friendly comedy, whether they want to experience a night out at a club, or take a comedy cruise along the coast. There are plenty of ways to get your laughs in Palm Springs and make the most of your babymoon!
To make it easier to compare the different comedy clubs in the area, here's a quick comparison table:
ClubFamily Friendly?Cruise?The ImprovYesNoLaugh Out LoudYesYesLaugh FactoryYesNo
The Improv has been a staple of the Palm Springs comedy scene for years, with a mixture of family friendly acts and more adult oriented ones. For those looking for a more unique experience, the Laugh Out Loud comedy cruise offers couples a chance to enjoy the open air while having a good laugh. And finally, Laugh Factory offers a more traditional comedy club experience with family friendly comedy and drinks.
No matter which comedy club you choose, you can be sure to have a great time on your babymoon in Palm Springs. And don't forget to take lots of pictures to remember your time together!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any special discounts available for babymooners?
Planning a babymoon? We understand that it's an important time for couples looking to enjoy a bit of relaxation and quality time before the baby arrives.
Fortunately, there are a number of discounts available for babymooners that make it easier to plan a special trip. From spas offering special packages to relaxation spots offering discounts on accommodations, a babymoon can be done without breaking the bank.
Research your destination ahead of time to find out what kind of discounts are available and make sure to take advantage of them when you can!
Is there a special itinerary recommended for a babymoon in Palm Springs?
We're seeking a special itinerary for a babymoon in Palm Springs!
To make the most of this romantic getaway, why not start with spa treatments to pamper and relax? Then, indulge in a delicious dinner at one of the many romantic restaurants in the city.
For some fun in the sun, explore the Joshua Tree National Park and take in the stunning views. If you're looking for nightlife, the city offers plenty of opportunities to dance the night away.
With a range of activities, Palm Springs is the perfect destination for a babymoon!
Is there a recommended time of year to visit Palm Springs for a babymoon?
When planning a babymoon, Palm Springs is a great destination for a family. Whether you're looking for a relaxing getaway or an outdoor adventure, there's something for everyone.
The best time of year to visit depends on what you're looking for. For outdoor activities and exploration, the best time to visit is from March to May when the temperatures are mild and the days are sunny.
For those wanting to take advantage of family-friendly hotels, the best time to visit is from October to November when temperatures are cooler and hotel prices are lower.
What is the best way to get around Palm Springs?
We all know that Palm Springs is a great place for a babymoon, but getting around can be tricky.
Renting a car is one of the most popular options, but if you're looking for a more economical way to explore the area, public transportation is your best bet.
The city has an extensive network of buses and shuttles that will take you anywhere you want to go. With fares as low as $1, you can easily get around to all the sights and attractions without breaking the bank.
Plus, the schedules are reliable and the buses are clean, making it a safe and convenient way to get around.
Are there any baby-friendly activities to do in Palm Springs?
Heading to Palm Springs? There are plenty of baby-friendly activities to do in the area to make your vacation special.
From cozy resorts with family-friendly amenities to romantic dinners for two, you'll find something for everyone in the family.
Take a stroll through the downtown area and explore the unique boutiques and galleries.
There are also plenty of parks, trails, and other outdoor activities to enjoy.
Palm Springs is also home to several museums, art galleries, and botanical gardens.
Don't forget to check out the city's many spas and resorts for a truly relaxing and fun experience.
No matter what type of activity you're looking for, you're sure to find something perfect for you and your family in Palm Springs.
We had the perfect babymoon in Palm Springs! It was the perfect mix of relaxation and exploration.
We stayed at a beautiful resort, ate delicious meals, and explored the many attractions the area had to offer.
We even got to spend some time at the spa, which was a great way to relax and bond with each other.
Finally, we experienced the nightlife of the area, which was a great way to end our trip.
We were so happy to have had the opportunity to explore the area and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Our experience in Palm Springs showed us the truth of the theory that a babymoon is the perfect way to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a new baby!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:40 emmalouise_r Baby Safety in recent post

Baby Safety in recent post
I’m no baby expert but I feel like this isn’t safe? He’s leaning back so far and doesn’t look supported. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong but did see a comment also saying a similar thing on the post too.
submitted by emmalouise_r to julieeandcamilla [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:26 Sweet-Count2557 Babymoon Ideas Near Pittsburgh

Babymoon Ideas Near Pittsburgh
Babymoon Ideas Near Pittsburgh Looking for a little pre-baby getaway near Pittsburgh? Well, buckle up, because we've got some babymoon ideas that will knock your socks off! Whether you're in the mood for a relaxing spa retreat or an adventure in the great outdoors, we've got you covered.
From cozy bed and breakfasts to indulgent dining experiences, there's something here for every expecting couple. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some well-deserved pampering before your little bundle of joy arrives.
Let's dive into our list of babymoon destinations near Pittsburgh! Key Takeaways
Ocean City, Maryland and Ohiopyle State Park, Pennsylvania are both excellent babymoon destinations near Pittsburgh, offering peaceful beach escapes and outdoor adventures. Pittsburgh is home to luxurious spa retreats specifically designed for babymooners, providing relaxation and rejuvenation through spa treatments, prenatal yoga classes, and indulgent dining experiences. Cozy bed and breakfasts and wellness retreat options near Pittsburgh provide tranquil accommodations for babymooners, offering prenatal yoga classes, guided meditation workshops, and nutritious meals. Babymooners can enjoy outdoor adventures at Ohiopyle State Park, including hiking, biking, fishing, guided snorkeling tours, and sunset cruises, while also benefiting from the safety measures in place for worry-free experiences. 
Romantic Getaways for Expectant Couples
Looking for romantic getaways near Pittsburgh for expectant couples? Look no further! We've got the perfect destinations that offer both relaxation and outdoor adventure activities. Whether you want to unwind on a relaxing beach getaway or explore the great outdoors, these locations have it all.
For a peaceful beach escape, head to Ocean City, Maryland. Just a short drive from Pittsburgh, this charming coastal town offers miles of sandy shores where you can soak up the sun and enjoy some quality time together. Take leisurely walks along the beach, savor delicious seafood at waterfront restaurants, and let the gentle ocean waves calm your mind.
If you're in the mood for some outdoor adventure, consider visiting Ohiopyle State Park. Located in Pennsylvania's Laurel Highlands region, this park is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Go hiking along picturesque trails, try whitewater rafting on the Youghiogheny River, or rent bikes to explore the beautiful surroundings.
After experiencing these thrilling activities as expectant parents-to-be, it's time to indulge in some well-deserved relaxation at one of Pittsburgh's luxurious spa retreats. These serene havens offer pampering treatments specifically designed for babymooners like you. Soothe your tired muscles with prenatal massages, enjoy rejuvenating facials and body treatments, and relax in tranquil settings that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for parenthood.
With options for both relaxation and adventure nearby Pittsburgh, there's no shortage of romantic getaways perfect for expectant couples like yourselves. Relaxing Spa Retreats for Babymooners
Looking for the ultimate relaxation experience during your babymoon? Look no further than our luxurious spa packages designed specifically for expectant couples like you.
Indulge in a variety of treatments, from soothing prenatal massages that relieve muscle tension and reduce stress, to rejuvenating facials that leave your skin glowing.
And don't forget to learn some babymoon relaxation techniques that you can practice at home, ensuring a calm and peaceful environment for both you and your baby. Luxury Spa Packages Indulge in luxurious spa packages near Pittsburgh for a pampering babymoon getaway. We want to ensure your safety while providing the utmost relaxation and rejuvenation during this special time. Here are three reasons why our luxury spa packages are perfect for expecting couples:
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Our spa offers specialized prenatal yoga classes led by experienced instructors who focus on gentle stretching, breathing techniques, and relaxation exercises tailored specifically for expectant mothers. These classes promote overall well-being and help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts. Couples Spa Packages: Enjoy quality bonding time with your partner as you both indulge in our couples' spa packages. From soothing massages to invigorating facials, our expert therapists will tailor each treatment to cater to your individual needs, ensuring a blissful experience together. Safety Measures: Rest assured that we prioritize your safety and follow strict hygiene protocols. Our spa facilities undergo regular sanitization, and all staff members adhere to proper health guidelines, including wearing masks and practicing social distancing. 
Come unwind, connect with your partner, and embrace the serenity of our luxury spa packages near Pittsburgh during your babymoon retreat! Prenatal Massage Benefits During pregnancy, prenatal massages can provide numerous benefits for expectant mothers. Prenatal yoga benefits the mind and body, but a prenatal massage takes relaxation to a whole new level.
Not only does it help alleviate the physical discomforts of pregnancy, such as backaches and swollen ankles, but it also reduces stress and promotes better sleep. The gentle kneading and stretching techniques used during a prenatal massage can improve blood circulation, which is crucial for both the mother and baby's health. It also releases endorphins that uplift mood and relieve anxiety.
Additionally, prenatal massages have been shown to reduce complications during labor and promote faster recovery postpartum. So if you're looking for ways to enhance your babymoon experience, indulging in a soothing prenatal massage should definitely be on your list.
Now that we've explored the benefits of prenatal massages, let's move on to another important aspect of your babymoon: relaxation techniques. Babymoon Relaxation Techniques One way to enhance your babymoon experience is by exploring various relaxation techniques. Taking the time to relax and de-stress during this special time can greatly benefit both you and your baby.
Here are three relaxation techniques that you can try:
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Joining a prenatal yoga class can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance while also providing a calming environment for expectant mothers. These classes focus on gentle stretches and breathing exercises specifically designed for pregnant women. Mindfulness Exercises: Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present in the moment and reduce anxiety or stress. Try incorporating simple mindfulness exercises into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises or guided meditation. Self-Care Activities: Engaging in self-care activities is essential during pregnancy. Take time to pamper yourself with activities such as taking warm baths, getting a massage, or enjoying a soothing prenatal spa treatment. 
Scenic Outdoor Destinations for Babymoon Adventures
If you're looking for scenic outdoor destinations near Pittsburgh for your babymoon adventures, consider visiting the beautiful Ohiopyle State Park. Nestled in the Laurel Highlands of southwestern Pennsylvania, this park offers a plethora of outdoor activities that are perfect for expecting couples. From hiking and biking to kayaking and fishing, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
One popular activity at Ohiopyle State Park is babymoon photography. The park's natural beauty provides the ideal backdrop for capturing those precious moments before your little one arrives. Whether you prefer a serene waterfall or a lush forest trail, there are plenty of picturesque spots to choose from.
When exploring Ohiopyle State Park, it's important to prioritize safety. Make sure to wear appropriate footwear and clothing, especially if you plan on hiking or biking. Stay hydrated and bring snacks to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Check weather conditions beforehand and be prepared for any changes that may occur during your visit.
Overall, Ohiopyle State Park is a fantastic destination for an adventurous babymoon getaway near Pittsburgh. With its stunning scenery and abundance of outdoor activities, you can create lasting memories while enjoying nature's beauty. So grab your camera and embark on an unforgettable babymoon adventure at Ohiopyle State Park! Cozy Bed and Breakfasts Perfect for Babymooners
Looking for the perfect romantic getaway before your little one arrives? Look no further!
In this discussion, we will explore some fantastic options for babymooners, including charming bed and breakfast getaways that offer a cozy and intimate atmosphere.
These tranquil accommodations are specifically designed to cater to expecting couples, providing a peaceful and relaxing environment where you can enjoy quality time together before your bundle of joy arrives. Romantic Retreats for Babymooners For a romantic babymoon getaway near Pittsburgh, you can't go wrong with booking a cozy cabin in the nearby mountains. Imagine waking up to breathtaking views of nature and spending your days exploring scenic trails hand-in-hand.
Here are three reasons why romantic retreats like this are perfect for babymooners:
Privacy: A cabin tucked away in the mountains offers privacy, allowing you to relax and reconnect as a couple without any disturbances. Peaceful Surroundings: Being surrounded by nature's beauty creates a serene atmosphere that promotes tranquility and relaxation, ideal for expecting parents seeking some quiet time together. Romantic Amenities: Many mountain cabins come equipped with amenities like hot tubs or fireplaces, providing the perfect setting for cozy evenings spent cuddling and enjoying each other's company. 
With these romantic options available, it's no wonder couples often choose mountain cabins for their babymoon getaways. But if you prefer something different, let us introduce you to charming bed and breakfast getaways next! Charming B&B Getaways After indulging in romantic retreats, it's time to explore charming bed and breakfast getaways for your babymoon near Pittsburgh. These secluded countryside retreats offer a perfect blend of relaxation and pampering spa experiences. Picture yourself waking up to breathtaking views of rolling hills and enjoying a delicious homemade breakfast on the patio. To help you choose the best B&B for your babymoon, we have prepared a table comparing three top-notch options:
B&B Name Location Amenities
Tranquil Haven Oakwood Private hot tub, couples' massages, organic meals
Serene Meadows Meadowville Yoga classes, outdoor pool, farm-to-table dining
Peaceful Retreat Riverside Jacuzzi tubs, nature walks, gourmet breakfast
Immerse yourselves in these idyllic settings as you prepare for the arrival of your little one. But don't forget to check out the next section on tranquil accommodations for expecting couples where we highlight even more options to consider for your babymoon near Pittsburgh. Tranquil Accommodations for Expecting Couples Immerse yourselves in the tranquil accommodations available for expecting couples and enjoy a peaceful getaway before your little one arrives. Our serene retreat offers everything you need to relax and unwind during this precious time.
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Take part in gentle yoga sessions designed specifically for expectant mothers. These classes are led by experienced instructors who understand the unique needs of pregnant women, providing a safe and nurturing environment to practice yoga. Meditation Workshops: Engage in guided meditation sessions that promote relaxation, stress reduction, and emotional well-being. Learn techniques to quiet the mind and connect with your inner self, enhancing your overall sense of calmness and peace. Safety First: Rest assured knowing that our accommodations prioritize safety for expecting couples. From non-slip mats in the bathroom to easy access to emergency services, we have taken every measure to ensure a worry-free stay. 
Indulge in these soothing activities while enjoying the comfort and tranquility of our peaceful accommodations designed especially for expecting couples like you. Indulgent Dining Experiences for Babymoon Celebrations
If you're looking for a memorable dining experience to celebrate your babymoon near Pittsburgh, check out these indulgent options. As expecting parents, it's important to treat yourselves and enjoy some quality time together before the arrival of your little one. Pittsburgh offers a range of restaurants that cater to all tastes and preferences.
For a romantic evening, consider dining at Altius located on Mount Washington. With breathtaking views of the city skyline, this upscale restaurant offers an elegant ambiance and a menu filled with delectable dishes prepared using locally sourced ingredients. The knowledgeable staff will ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable dining experience.
If you prefer something more casual but equally indulgent, head over to Butcher and the Rye in downtown Pittsburgh. This trendy gastropub combines delicious food with an extensive selection of craft cocktails. From mouthwatering steaks to creative vegetarian dishes, their menu has something for everyone.
Another fantastic option is Alla Famiglia in the Allentown neighborhood. This Italian eatery is known for its warm hospitality and authentic cuisine made from scratch. Indulge in homemade pasta or savor their famous breaded veal chop while enjoying the cozy atmosphere.
Remember, as expectant parents, it's important to prioritize safety during your babymoon celebrations. Be sure to consult with your healthcare provider regarding any dietary restrictions or concerns you may have.
Enjoy these indulgent dining experiences as you create lasting memories on your babymoon near Pittsburgh! Wellness Retreats for Rest and Rejuvenation
When planning a wellness retreat for rest and rejuvenation, you'll find a variety of options available to help you relax and recharge. Here are three fantastic choices that will provide the ultimate experience in self-care and tranquility:
Serene Spa Getaway: Indulge in luxurious spa treatments designed to melt away stress and tension. From soothing massages to revitalizing facials, this wellness retreat offers a range of services tailored to your specific needs. Immerse yourself in calming environments, surrounded by natural beauty, as expert therapists work their magic. Mindfulness Retreat: Escape the noise of everyday life and immerse yourself in mindfulness practices that promote inner peace and clarity. Engage in guided meditation sessions, gentle yoga classes, and nature walks that awaken your senses. Learn techniques for managing stress and cultivating mindfulness that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Wellness Resort Experience: Stay at a top-notch wellness resort where every detail is designed with your well-being in mind. Enjoy nutritious meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients, participate in fitness classes led by experienced instructors, and take advantage of state-of-the-art facilities such as pools, saunas, and hot tubs. 
No matter which option you choose, these wellness retreats offer a safe haven for rest and rejuvenation. Take this opportunity to prioritize self-care while surrounded by serene surroundings that inspire relaxation. You deserve it! Unique Experiences for Memorable Babymoon Moments
Escape to a secluded beachfront resort and indulge in couples' spa treatments, romantic dinners, and relaxing walks along the shore for an unforgettable babymoon experience. At our tranquil oasis, you can unwind and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Our resort offers spacious accommodations with breathtaking views of the beach, ensuring that you have all the privacy and comfort you need during your stay.
For those seeking relaxing beach getaways, our resort provides a variety of activities to help you unwind. Take a leisurely stroll hand-in-hand along the sandy shores as the sun sets in vibrant hues of orange and pink. Feel your stress melt away as you lounge by our infinity pool or take a dip in the crystal-clear waters.
If you're feeling more adventurous, we offer exciting babymoon activities for those looking to add a little thrill to their getaway. Explore nearby coral reefs on a guided snorkeling tour or embark on a sunset cruise along the coastline. For nature enthusiasts, there are hiking trails that lead to stunning viewpoints where you can take in panoramic vistas of lush landscapes.
As your day comes to an end at our blissful retreat, let us pamper you with soothing spa treatments designed specifically for expectant parents. Our experienced therapists will ensure both you and your partner feel rejuvenated as they gently massage away any tension.
So whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure for your babymoon, our beachfront resort has it all. Embrace this special time with your loved one as we create lasting memories together.
Now let's explore serene nature retreats for peaceful babymoon escapes... Serene Nature Retreats for Peaceful Babymoon Escapes
Immerse yourself in the tranquility of serene nature retreats, where you can connect with your partner and enjoy a peaceful babymoon escape. These beautiful locations offer the perfect backdrop for relaxation and rejuvenation as you prepare for the arrival of your little one.
Prenatal Yoga Classes: Take advantage of the calming benefits of prenatal yoga classes offered at these nature retreats. Stretch and strengthen your body while also connecting with other expectant parents. The gentle movements and breathing exercises will help alleviate any pregnancy discomfort and promote a sense of inner peace. Babymoon Photography Sessions: Capture the precious moments of your babymoon with professional photography sessions amidst the stunning natural landscapes. These photographers specialize in capturing intimate moments between you and your partner, creating lasting memories to cherish forever. Safety is our Priority: Rest assured that safety is a top priority at these serene nature retreats. From well-maintained trails for leisurely walks to comfortable accommodations that prioritize cleanliness, every aspect is designed to ensure a worry-free babymoon experience. 
Escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and embrace the serenity of nature during this special time in your life. Let these serene nature retreats provide you with much-needed relaxation, connection, and tranquility before welcoming your bundle of joy into the world. Frequently Asked Questions What Are Some Popular Activities for Couples to Enjoy During a Babymoon in Pittsburgh? When planning a babymoon in Pittsburgh, there are plenty of popular activities for couples to enjoy.
One option is to take pregnancy yoga classes together, which can help promote relaxation and flexibility during this special time.
Another idea is to indulge in spa treatments that are safe and tailored for expectant mothers.
These activities not only allow you to bond as a couple but also provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for both you and your baby. Are There Any Babymoon Packages Available at the Spa Retreats Mentioned in the Article? Yes, there are babymoon packages available at the spa retreats mentioned in the article. These packages offer a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for expecting couples in Pittsburgh.
The spas provide a range of services such as prenatal massages, facials, and wellness treatments specifically designed to cater to the needs of pregnant women.
It's a wonderful way to unwind and bond with your partner before your little one arrives. Can You Recommend Any Hiking Trails or Outdoor Activities Suitable for Expectant Couples During Their Babymoon? Can we suggest some hiking trails or outdoor activities that are suitable for expectant couples during their babymoon?
Pregnancy-friendly fitness classes and relaxing prenatal massages are great options for staying active and relieving stress.
When it comes to outdoor activities, consider gentle hikes with well-marked paths and beautiful scenery like Frick Park or North Park.
Remember to always listen to your body, stay hydrated, and take breaks when needed to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. What Amenities Do the Bed and Breakfasts Mentioned in the Article Provide for Babymooners? When it comes to babymoon ideas near Pittsburgh, it's important to consider the amenities that bed and breakfasts provide for expectant couples. These accommodations understand the unique needs of babymooners and strive to create a safe and comfortable environment.
From cozy rooms with plush bedding to private balconies or patios where you can relax, these bed and breakfasts offer a range of amenities for your babymoon getaway. Some even provide special packages that include massages, prenatal yoga classes, or romantic dinners. Are There Any Specific Restaurants or Dining Experiences That Cater to Expectant Couples Celebrating Their Babymoon? Restaurants specializing in pregnancy-friendly cuisine and unique dining experiences for expectant couples can be found near Pittsburgh. These establishments cater to the needs of pregnant women, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.
From farm-to-table restaurants offering organic options to cozy cafes serving nourishing meals, there are plenty of choices for babymooners seeking delicious and healthy food.
Whether you're craving comfort food or exploring new culinary adventures, Pittsburgh has something to satisfy every expectant couple's cravings. Conclusion In conclusion, Pittsburgh offers an array of options for expectant couples seeking a memorable babymoon experience. Whether you're looking for relaxation, adventure, or indulgence, this city has it all.
From spa retreats to outdoor destinations and cozy bed and breakfasts, there is something for everyone. Treat yourselves to an indulgent dining experience or immerse in a wellness retreat for ultimate rejuvenation.
With serene nature retreats and unique experiences awaiting you, Pittsburgh is the perfect destination for a peaceful babymoon escape. So pack your bags and create lasting memories in this vibrant city!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:18 YouHadMeAtAloe Tried past life regression for fun

Ok, so, I’m a very skeptical person but I like high strangeness-type content for entertainment. I’m not a spiritual person at all, I even left my career as a a clinical massage therapist because the woo was ever pervasive, even from some clinical-setting colleagues, and I hated it. Well, this subreddit was recommended to me and I started looking through the top posts of all time just because I was bored. I found a thread with some YouTube links to a Brian Weiss past life regression video. I had some time and was already laying down so I figured why not, even if it didn’t work (probably 100% wouldn’t work), it would be relaxing 🤷🏼‍♀️
It was odd, usually when I try to follow any sort of meditative guide all these random thoughts pop into my head, I try to let them go, and more random stuff pops in making it extremely hard for me to focus and relax - I think I might have undiagnosed ADHD so maybe that’s why it’s hard for me
This time, however, as Brian started talking about filling with light. I was seeing all these swirls of colors with a bright light at the wherever the end of this tunnel thing was, it kind of looked like the time vortex the TARDIS goes through, but calmer and only a purplish-gray color. I felt comforted and weightless, no random thoughts or pictures popping in yet.
The next step was to think of a childhood memory - I was flooded with memories of playing with my dad, each memory leading into the next, that’s nice. I had a great childhood and it’s easy to recall memories from it.
Then it was the part about being in the womb. I felt warm and everything was dark - then he talked about being born. Usually, at this point, I would have scoffed but I didn’t think it was weird at the time, it wasn’t even a thought in my head. All of a sudden I reached the bright light at the end of the tunnel and everything felt too bright and loud. Then he asked to float above the situation to see my parents. I felt like I looked like a blueish-white blob. I was looking at my parents when they were younger, like it was real, them looking at baby me with tears in their eyes, and them looking at each other with love. It was really beautiful
Then it was time to go through the door to your “past-life”. Brian started counting down and my lovely blueish-white blobby self went through to see more bright light. As soon as he finished counting down I was in a prairie…I guess? I looked down at my feet to see super dirty, worn, brown boots and they were huge! I’m a small woman and it looked like I put my husband’s boots on or something. I realized that, holy shit, I’m a man. I started looking at my other clothes and they were some type of worn overalls and a light cloth button-up shirt, maybe linen? I’m not sure what materials were used in, what I’m assuming was, 1800s clothing for males
I looked up to see a small one room cabin, a low fence made out of logs, and a beautiful untouched prairie blowing in the wind further away from the house. At this point it was all flashes, like memories - I was in the cabin and my beautiful wife that had brown hair in a low bun, wearing a typical Little House on the Prairie dress, came over and kissed me on the cheek. I felt like I loved her. Then the next flash was her giving birth, laying in the bed in the cabin while another older woman was there, we laughed and cried after the baby was born. Next it was night, there were a couple of kids playing on the floor of the cabin next to a fire while my wife sat in a rocking chair and looked at me with love in her eyes
Then Brian said it was time to see myself as an older person. I was floating again looking at myself in the same bed my wife gave birth in. I was super old and frail wearing a white cloth nightgown thing - aaand…that was it, that when Brian Weiss started to tell you to wake up. He said something about it not feeling like 30 minutes, and it didn’t, it felt like 5.
WHAT THE HECK, YOU GUYS!!! That was incredibly bizarre! I have a pretty overactive imagination, but I truly felt like I was actually someplace else. I’m embarrassed because I’m going to sound kind of woo woo, I’m already feeling a little nuts over this, but the love that I felt in every situation was enormous. I don’t know! I don’t know how I feel about this! Whether it was imagination or a true past-life, it was relaxing and it just felt nice to be surrounded by the feelings I felt, it was very cathartic
Afterwards I remembered that my dad told me he cried when I was born because he was so happy to finally have a baby girl. I don’t know if that was my subconscious remembering the story or not, but that was really wild. Huh.
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2024.06.09 14:12 Smooth-Housing1979 AITAH

Aitah for cheating on my wife when I thought she cheated on me?
I'm M57 and my wife, let's call her Jane for privacy reasons is F45. Jane and I had been married for twelve years, within our first year of being married we had two beautiful boys, twins, Jake and Sam.
Jane and I met at an annual work party during Christmas time. She was the new hire who didn't have many friends or anyone to talk to. I started paying her more attention, by the end of the night we hit things off pretty well. We started dating a month or two after, casual dating nothing more. It started getting more serious as time went on, one thing led to another and I was down on one knee and she said yes.
Jane grew up on the farms with her dad and brothers so we decided it would be nice to have the ceremony in one of her old barns. We did it up nicely with lights and decorations. I felt like the luckiest man alive. Soon came Jake and Sam. As we weren't expecting twins it was definitely a shock, nonetheless we loved them both. I felt like such a proud father, taking them on strolls in the pram to walks in the park, soon enough I was taking them to soccer games and movie theatres.
After about six years after our boys were born, I noticed a shift in Jane's mood. She no longer liked getting into it when the boys were asleep. She was never home, which was odd to the fact she worked less hours than me. She was always at a yoga class or a friends tea party. All these excuses she had made up made me feel like something more was going on.
I tried ignoring it and focusing on work, as the last thing I'd want it to be was cheating and breaking our family up. I didn't want to believe she could do such a thing. On November 1st, she told me she'd be home early, it was our anniversary. She had a day out with her friends in the local garden centre. I started getting worried when it hit 6pm. Who can look at plants and drink coffee for 9 hours? Not Jane, she gets bored of activities an hour or less in. I assumed maybe she's picking up a nice bottle of wine or something after, but the selection isn't big in the town we live, surely it wouldn't take her long.
I left her some calls, messages even sat on the front porch waiting for hours. It wasn't until Jake came out saying he had a nightmare to when I went back inside. I ended up falling asleep with Jake as I read him a bedtime story. The next morning when I woke up, Jane was in our bed, her clothes scattered all over the room like she was trying to play the floor is lava with her cashmere jumper and denim trousers.
Confused, as anyone would be, I headed to her side and gently shook her away. I'm not the sort of man to start arguments, nor do I like them. I'm not a fan of conflict. I felt as if accusing her of cheating was the worst thing I could ever possibly do. Yet I went ahead and asked her to which she declined and yelled at me for even thinking it.
I felt horrible about myself, like I had just lost her with that question. After that I started relying on work to get me by, it was something to distract my thoughts. Jane became more distant, even if she was home, she'd either be on her phone or the laptop, both to which she changed the passwords on. I'd never be the one to snoop at her phone. The only reason we had each other's phone passwords was for emergency, and well the laptop was actually mine for work. It was my at home computer when covid happened. I don't use it as much now, just a couple games online when I'm bored, yet Jane took it over, changed the passwords and reset the whole thing.
It didn't really matter to me as I never used it, it just made my stomach drop. What if she was hiding something from me? I felt guilty asking myself that question every time she did something odd. Whether it was telling me to sleep on the sofa or to work longer hours. There was a change in her and it wasn't just me that noticed it, Jake and Sam did too. They were too young to understand why mommy didn't want to hang out with them anymore.
I decided to stop trying with Jane, to focus my work hours on work, get a baby sitter for the weekdays and on weekends I'd always take my boys out to fancy restaurants and fun things they'd enjoy. Jane didnt like that. She didn't like it when Sam said the two of them prefer me.
It started an argument between Jane and I, the first conversation we had in months. She told me it was my fault, that she knew I was trying to be their favourite to get back at me.
I didn't know what she meant, infact I was done, our marriage was over, but I needed to salvage it for the kids. My parents divorced when I was ten. It's a horrible experience for anyone of any age. My dad acted like it was my fault. He'd always send me off to mom's house then when I come back he'd act like I wasn't even there. Mom however, tried winning my love with money. Buying me the latest xbox games, consoles, a new phone. Whatever it was, she got it for me. I never asked, never asked her for anything, she'd just show up and shove it in my face as she stood at the door to dad's house with me before passover.
I didn't want my boys feeling upset, angry, thinking its their fault, I needed to stay with Jane till they were old enough to be able to manage their emotions.
Then came along another woman. It had been three years since I asked Jane if she was cheating. For privacy reasons, I'll change her name. F50, her name was Lucy. She was our new neighbour, moved in with her elderly mother. I met her first in the local library as I was picking up some books for myself. She was there signing in for a book card. I introduced myself, told her she's welcome to the block, a formal and nice welcoming. I seen her every Thursday at the library, she'd either be writing, reading or just looking at the bookshelves. Over time we started having some conversations. She knew I was married with kids. The longer this friendship went on, I opened up to her about Jane and I. Something I hadn't told anyone.
She was really supportive, was really there for me. It was comforting to say the less. As time went on, we started hooking up, going on dates and seeing each other on days that weren't only Thursdays.
Lucy was a kindhearted person, she even had her mother take care of my kids for free on weekdays. I felt bad when she said she'd do it free of charge, that she missed when her kids were young. We made a deal, I'd cook her my famous pasta bolognase and she'd mind my kids. Occasionally Lucy would bring Sam and Jake out when her mother was feeling too tired. She'd bring them to the zoo, the ice rink or even out for a day of shopping. I really started to fall in love with her, I don't know if I should have felt guilty about her, having a wife. But I didn't. I felt as if our marriage was over without the documents to show.
Things were going good till one day I was in a rush for work, Lucy had the keys to my house, only for emergency. I would never of taken her home.
I told her to just go inside, the kids lunches are already packed and to just drive them to school. She did what I said however one thing neither of us expected was Jane to be home. As my wife answered the door, I couldn't even imagine what Lucy felt. She said she was the new baby sitter. When I came home that night, I dropped in some pastries to Lucy and her mother then headed home. Jane sat at the kitchen table, a portion of bolognase infront of her, untouched, steaming hot.
She didn't speak for minutes, it felt like hours. I knew I had to tell her, tell her everything.
I began with knowing she cheated on me, how it made me feel, the kids feel. She watched, with zero emotion on her face. Her hand swinging her wine glass around before she'd take a sip.
She laughed, and laughed. She didn't stop. Infact as she stood up, she threw the boiling hot plate at me, to which I had dodged.
She didn't cheat, infact there was a reason she was distant. My wife was graped numerous times in three days by her coworker. My best friend, M52, John. John had too became distant, I guess I thought he was busy.
I fell back, kneeling on the floor as I heard the kids waking up upstairs. My wife stood still, tears in her eyes as she yelled, how I cheated on her when she was graped.
I felt miserable, there's no work in the dictionary that could muster up how I genuinely felt in that moment. Jane and I filed for divorce two months later. She didn't want the boys. I took them. She wanted far from me, from this house. She moved in with her dad back at the farm while Lucy and her mother moved in with me and the boys.
(Edit: a lot of people are being negative in the comments of this story. I would like to of clarify that this is not my story, I am sent these, I copy and paste. English is also not my first language so I apologise, I am learning better now)
submitted by Smooth-Housing1979 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:11 Sweet-Count2557 The William powered by Sonder in New York City, USA

The William powered by Sonder in New York City, USA
The William powered by Sonder in New York City, USA
The William powered by Sonder: Unforgettable Stay in the Heart of New York City
Price Level: $$$$
Hotel Class: 4.0
They can assist with anything you need, from recommending local attractions to arranging transportation. The William offers a unique blend of history and modern amenities, making it the perfect choice for travelers seeking a memorable stay in the heart of New York City. With its convenient location and comfortable accommodations, this boutique hotel is sure to exceed your expectations.
Amenities of The William powered by Sonder in New York City, USA
The William, powered by Sonder, offers a wide range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay in New York City. Guests can take advantage of the free internet and wifi throughout the hotel, allowing them to stay connected and productive during their visit. The on-site restaurant and balounge provide convenient options for dining and socializing, while the non-smoking rooms and hotel ensure a clean and healthy environment. Each room is equipped with a flatscreen TV, air conditioning, and complimentary instant coffee for added convenience. The fitness center is available for guests looking to stay active, and housekeeping services ensure a clean and tidy room throughout their stay. Additional amenities include baggage storage, express check-in/check-out, coffee/tea maker, complimentary tea, and complimentary toiletries. The William also offers private bathrooms, private check-in/check-out, and multilingual staff fluent in English, French, and Spanish, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience for all guests.
Contact of The William powered by Sonder in New York City, USA
24 E 39th St, New York City, NY 10016-2555
Location of The William powered by Sonder in New York City, USA
Pictures of The William powered by Sonder in New York City, USA
Tips for Staying in The William powered by Sonder
Download the Sonder app to get a special rate when making a reservationIf you are arriving late or leaving early the only way in and out is a steep set of stairsThere is public parking on the next door building which we didn’t tryThe front desk staff is super helpfulUse the Sonder app to make a reservation because you get a discount if you book directly with themDo not even book here
Reviews of The William powered by Sonder in New York City, USA
Book The William powered by Sonder Now !!!
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