Colt 1911 government parts diagram


2019.07.08 19:56 thecoltar15resource TheColtAR15Resource

Colt Manufacturing has been an icon in the firearms industry since the beginning of the company in 1855. In the realm of firearm collecting, when most collectors hear the Colt name they think of the iconic M1911, the ‘Snake’ guns (Cobra, Anaconda, etc.). However, Colt’s name is synonymous with the AR-15, beginning production in December of 1961, and the U.S. government redesigned M-16/M-4 family of weapons. Colt has a following of dedicated collectors in the AR-15 community as well.

2024.06.09 12:08 Rainbow_rider12 Remeber VYAPAM Scam? NEET is Same but on larger scale.

The Vyapam Scam was an entrance examination, admission, and recruitment scandal operating since the 1990s, affecting the selection of medical students in Madhya Pradesh. This scam resulted in 40 reported 'unnatural' deaths, with an unofficial toll reaching 100, including the son of the MP Governor. The scheme involved hundreds of government officials, primarily from the BJP, such as Laxmikant Sharma.
Now, imagine a similar scenario on a national scale, with unchecked power over the past decade, placing loyalists in every organization, including the NTA. While the magnitude of the NEET scam might not surpass Vyapam, it will undoubtedly impact India's future.
As the general public, our failure to raise our voices and demand action against Vyapam partly led to the NEET scam. We were too comfortable in our echo chambers.
ps जलते घर को देखने वालों फूस का छप्पर आपका है आपके पीछे तेज़ हवा है आगे मुकद्दर आपका है
उस के क़त्ल पे मैं भी चुप था मेरा नम्बर अब आया मेरे क़त्ल पे आप भी चुप है अगला नम्बर आपका है
submitted by Rainbow_rider12 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:54 LXFTY15 The extent of the truth

In understanding an infinite truth we try to describe the best we can. We attach names to joint concepts bridging 2 ideas or a new idea to try to find the deepest answer we can especially personally, wording can get messy so some key unified and holistic words of the true reality framework are needed to simplify
Unity consciousness= the fundamentally self aware state of existence, it is god, it is reality, it is the higher self, it is the current self, it is all that is. It is the highest consciousness and it is every consciousness.
That’s how I’ll begin post 1 discussing this unity consciousness and its dynamics because as I’ve said, all information is fractal to the truth, all information is truth just in different representations because Unity consciousness is boundless, it is endless self expression, you just have to put the pieces back together and you’ll realise everything and anything is true and possible if you know what your looking at. Remember perspective is key but really the “truth” doesn’t even matter because you can literally create and shape your narrative of existence so that what you want to believe is literally true and this isn’t an ability to learn, it’s a process to awaken to and take control of.
So why am I trying to create a “unified understanding” to allow you to know what you are and the infinite power you literally just have to wake up to. Don’t worry as I’m still very much going through it myself I know that pushing past the mindless self to awaken to the self written god you are is a process that isn’t quick although everyone is meant to see it differently.
As I said my personal journey pretty much began discovering the importance of quantum field in the universes creation or the Big Bang , I learned the universe was a spawn of data, quantum information interacting due to complexity drive, from information to quantum particle states the smallest possible chemistry and evolution began on the quantum level, this is the Big Bang. A quantum fluctuation, then another, the state of the field changing and evolving into this universe,
I learned this act of creation and complexity drive is inherently a conscious activity beyond current perception, something unexplainable, something we won’t know for a long time, personally I thought it can’t be that hard and took the journey on myself.
Now you understand the importance of the quantum field and how we perceive it as governed and in place by Unity consciousness,
Quantum physics is often understood as more questions to an answer than an explanation so let’s provide the explanation
Fundamentally as I said time does not exist. Separation is an illusion well what does this mean and how does it relate to anything? Well you can believe that one state of information is different to another (colour for example) well no quantum physics shows particles become entangled in a way that they literally become one, if the state of one is changed the state of another is changed, 2 states of information perfectly reflecting eachother acting as 1, think of it as a show from a pair or 2 different colours, red and blue, when they touch they don’t mix they become one,
(ever heard of the holy trinity? Things work in 3? This represents yin and Yang, good and evil, resulting in the 3rd aspect harmony, or perfection. This 3rd aspect represents god, represents Unity consciousness)
So 2 or more particles and their quantum states become intertwined So that if particle a’s state is measured it will instantly effect the state of particle b, if a’s spin is measured as up the b’s spin will be found as down, this effect is instantaneous as if time as space doesn’t exist and isn’t a factor in the communication of particles
Here we understand a deeper level of connection, a deeper perceived realm to discover, a realm or field where time and space are simply tools and this is what is seen as the unified field of consciousness positing all particles and their quantum states so inherently all of physical creation are even more so connected through this deeper realm than through the quantum realm where all particles may simultaneously become altered regardless of time and space, this realm shows and posits that fundamentally separation is illusion, particle a is particle b just expressed differently based on the system of measurement (observer effect)
Particle a and particle b exist simultaneously as one and it’s only upon the measurement they become separated
I believe all quantum states and existence exists simultaneously. Unity consciousness exists simultaneously, particle a up spin is one half of the whole. And particle b reflects the other half of the whole, but fundamentally they are one particle, we are just seeing two separate reflections of the same thing
The law of trinity runs deep and this is what it represents 2 sides of the same higher being whole In this case of physics and scale, the lower fundamental whole
So that’s quantum entanglement and regardless of the solid evidence I provide this is physics and it’s easy to learn and understand the deeper truth behind the confusion quantum mechanics seems to bring people but if you haven’t realised we’re explained and understood non locality if your aware of what it is but next quantum superposition
The instantaneous exchange of information suggests that all particles are part of the same interconnected whole, this represents the fractal nature of reality, as above so below.
Now superposition, particles can exist in multiple states until measurement, now what this means
A quantum particle, such as an electron, can exist in a superposition of states. For example, it can be in a state where it is both spinning up and spinning down simultaneously.
The particle’s state is described by a wave function, which represents the probabilities of finding the particle in any of the possible states. The wave function encompasses all the potential states the particle can be in
When an observation or measurement is made, the wave function collapses, and the particle assumes a definite state. For instance, the electron will be found either spinning up or spinning down, not both.
The superposition principle suggests that reality is not fixed but fluid, with all possible outcomes existing in a state of interconnection. This supports TRF’s perspective that the universe is a complex, interconnected web where potentialities are actualized through conscious interaction
The probabilistic nature of superposition aligns with the TRF view that reality is not predetermined but is instead a realm of possibilities that are actualized through conscious choice and interaction.
It is the act of measurement that determines the specific state of a particle. This collapse of the wave function upon measurement highlights the role of consciousness or observation in shaping the physical reality we experience.
A realm of boundless possibilities where even the past isn’t solidified that’s what you are apart of. Infinite exists simultaneously (Unity consciousness) dependent on the measurement system, and want more proof that you aren’t experiencing the only Option, the only reality, the only possibility? Guess what
Have you ever heard of orch-or theory? No? Your about to. It posits consciousness and quantum mechanics are interlinked. suggesting consciousness arises from quantum computations within the microtubules of neuron’s
Orch-or underscores the ability of “cognitive consciousness” to influence quantum states
TRF underscores that an individual experience is generated from the brain including their whole reality, everything an individual could think or remember to be true is merely one configuration of information and can be altered but TRF also understands the limitations of a person’s experience if they limit their perception, if we really do live in a “holographic” environment where your brain defines your reality then it would make sense your beliefs hold immense power,
What do you believe came first, your experience or the thought of it? Your experience because how can you think about your experience if it hasn’t happened yet? No. Every creation was an idea in someone’s head at some point, every existence was determined before being, people call this force god but as we know, we are god fundamentally
What I’m talking about here is the inherent power to remember your god and embody Unity consciousness but there’s a lot stopping us (not really) think of your reality like your muscle memory, and think about beliefs, if your used to believing something then it’s been passed through your brain limitless times “this information is correct” it’s muscle memory what’s correct? “This information” it’s an automatic response deep within yourself much like the ego, this automatic response is generating your reality, for example let’s say a flat earth. Do you believe it or are you not that stupid? Guess what it’s entirely possibly, you can live in an experience where flat earth is real but I’ll guess your brain tells you no this isn’t correct? Flat earth is a no go? Why? Well that’s a long answer that you’d know more than me but your brain thinks it knows that’s bs. So it is bs, but your brain can make it equally as real as fake because as I’ve said already remember. Everything is equally as true… as its fake
Back to unity consciousness, everything is god, I’ll explain this a little more, so a rock, not conscious? That rock will forever be perfectly placed with perfect timing to align with one higher purpose or another and this can be said about the whole of existence, unity consciousness is perfectly all knowing, but wait your probably a bit confused? If existence is perfectly in place what do you mean our brain generates our existence?? Well I’ll clear this and a couple things up with an example
So you stub your toe, you trip and fall, this was negative right? Why would myself generate this, why would god generate this? To tell you to watch where your fucking walking lol. Think about it, if you from that point forward forever watched where your going you wouldn’t stub your toe or trip over nearly as much, I also use this to demonstrate pain and negativity as illusionary tool of evolution. You and your godly self generated that experience so maybe if you took the chance you wouldn’t ever have another like it which is actually positive is it not? Watch for your godly self in ways like that and remember to keep your lower (ego) self in line by being aware of this opportunity and acting upon it. If you were too busy being a sook and hating god for doing that to you, you wouldn’t see how it’s your decision wether it happens again
And that example there is something that could help millions I’d like to think, I’d like to experience being able to show the world for one how pain is illusionary and unnecessary, negativity as a whole description is not real, any acts of pain are acts of elevation and I’d like to experience the world awaking to this understanding so you can all learn to live in the world you see right and what’s harmonious for your reflective self
Thank you all
submitted by LXFTY15 to truereality11 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:48 Major-Ambassador-512 Why do some NRI’s prefer living in lesser conditions than they would in India?

I once traveled to Australia and during a run to the grocery store, noticed an Indian family walk out. They were dressed shabbily and the kids clothes had very visible holes.
I had a friend in college who had lived her whole life in the US. She dressed like she had just come out of the 90s. People in college would constantly talk about how she didnt groom herself or wore odd clothes. She also had a rude nature so maybe thats why people also judged her. But I always wondered why she would just not keep up with the times now that she has access to Indian fashion.
Since then I’ve seen many instances of people abroad, who have lower middle class lifestyles. Cheating out the government to save money, using services meant for the homeless, living in cramped spaces shared with many people. I feel the ones we criticize online for having an outdated fashion sense also have so because they cant afford to get the good ones. They say they wont wear it again, but even in India a lot of us buy lehengas we dont wear for a long time. I think some NRIs tend to not want to accept that they are backward than many mainland Indians as they wish to be acknowledged as a part of the “forward Western society”.
My husband has gotten a job abroad and I am often faced with this question (the title). Is living abroad so good that one would rather live a middle class life there than an upper middle class one in India?
If I sound judgmental, please feel free to correct my notions (peacefully haha).
submitted by Major-Ambassador-512 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:14 d0or-tabl3-w1ndoWz_9 Israel is a fake country

Twitter post by Caitlin Johnstone
"Everything about Israel is fake. It’s a completely synthetic nation created without any regard for the organic sociopolitical movements of the land and its people, slapped rootless atop an ancient pre-existing civilization with deep roots. That’s why it cannot exist without being artificially propped up by nonstop propaganda, lobbying, online influence operations, and mass military violence.
Israel is so fake that its far right minister of national security Itamar Ben-Gvir has been stoking religious tensions by encouraging militant Zionists to pray on the Temple Mount — known to Muslims as Al-Aqsa. This is an illustration of how phony Israel and its political ideology are because Jews were historically prohibited from praying at the Temple Mount under Jewish law; a sign placed there in 1967 and still upheld by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate reads, “According to Torah Law, entering the Temple Mount area is strictly forbidden due to the holiness of the site.” It’s just this weird, evangelical Christian-like thing that Zionists have started doing in contravention of their own traditions and religious texts to advance their nationalist agendas.
Journalist Dan Cohen explains on Twitter:
“ ‘Prayer’ on the Temple Mount is 100% a Zionist invention in total contravention of Jewish law. Jews don’t step foot onto the Temple Mount, let alone 'pray' there. That’s why the sign below is posted at the entrance non-Muslims use.
“Ben Gvir publicly announced this in order to provoke a reaction to use as a pretext to restrict and expel Muslims from the site, explode Jerusalem and the West Bank, and expand the regional war.
“Ben Gvir holds Netanyahu hostage. Together, they’re leading Israel to self-destruction.”
There’s no authentic spirituality in such behavior. It has no roots. No depth. No connection. It’s the product of busy minds with modern agendas, with nothing more to it than that.
Israel is so fake that Zionists artificially resurrected a dead language in order for its people to have a common “native” tongue for them to speak, so that they could all LARP as indigenous middle easterners together in their phony, synthetic country.
Israel has no real culture of its own; it’s all a mixture of organic Jewish culture brought in from other parts of the world by the Jewish diaspora, culture that was stolen from Palestinians (see “Israeli food”), and the culture of indoctrinated genocidal hatred that is interwoven with the fabric of modern Zionism. The way Israel has become a Mecca of electronic dance music points clearly to an aching cultural void that its people are trying desperately to fill with empty synthetic pop fluff.
Even international support for Israel is fake, manufactured astroturf that has to be enforced from the top down, because it would never organically occur to anyone that Israel is something that should be supported.
The phenomenally influential Israel lobby is used to push pro-Israel foreign policy in powerful western governments like Washington and London. Just yesterday US Representative Thomas Massie told Tucker Carlson that every Republican in Congress besides himself “has an AIPAC person” assigned to them with whom they are in constant communication, who he describes as functioning “like your babysitter” with regard to lawmaking on the subject of Israel.
The Israel lobby exists with the full consent of the western imperial war machine and its secretive intelligence cartel, because western military support for Israel is also phony and fraudulent. The western empire whose strategic interests directly benefit from violence and radicalism in the middle east pretends it’s constantly expanding its military presence in the region in order to promote stability and protect an important ally, but in reality this military presence simply allows for greater control over crucial resource-rich territories whose populations would otherwise unite to form a powerful bloc acting in their own interests. The Israel lobby is a self-funding consent manufacturer which helps the empire do what it already wants to do.
Support for Israel in the media is also phony and imposed from the top down. Since October outlets like The New York Times, CNN and CBC have been finding themselves fighting off scandals due to staff leaks about demands from their executives that they slant their Gaza coverage to benefit the information interests of Israel. Briahna Joy Gray was just fired by The Hill for being critical of Israel as co-host of the show “Rising”, a fate that all mass media employees understand they will share if they are insufficiently supportive of the empire’s favorite ethnostate.
Israel’s support from celebrities is similarly forced. A newly leaked email from influential Hollywood marketing and branding guru Ashlee Margolis instructs her firm’s employees to “pause on working with any celebrity or influencer or tastemaker posting against Israel.” As we discussed recently, celebrities are also naturally disincentivized from criticizing any aspect of the western empire by the fact that their status is dependent on wealthy people whose wealth is premised upon the imperial status quo.
Support for Israel on social media is likewise notoriously phony. For years Israel has been pioneering the use of social media trolls to swarm Israel’s critics and promote agendas like undermining the BDS movement. After the beginning of the Gaza onslaught Israel spent millions on PR spin via advertising on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, and The New York Times has just confirmed earlier reports that Israel has been targeting US lawmakers with fake social media accounts to influence their policymaking on Israel.
In truth, nobody really organically supports Israel. If they’re not supporting it because their lobbyists and employers told them to, they’re supporting it because that’s what they were told to support by the leaders of their dopey political ideologies like Zionism, liberalism and conservatism, or by the leaders of their dopey religions like Christian fundamentalism. It’s always something that’s pushed on people from the top down, rather than arising from within themselves due to their own natural interests and ideals.
Israel is not a country, it’s like a fake movie set version of a country. A movie set where the set pieces won’t even stand up on their own, so people are always running around in a constant state of construction trying to prop things up and nail things down, and scrambling to pick up things that are falling over, and rotating the set pieces so that they look like real buildings in front of the camera. Without this constant hustle and bustle of propagandizing, lobbying, online influence ops, and nonstop mass military violence, the whole movie set would fall over, and people would see all the film crew members and actors and cameras for what they are.
Clearly, no part of this is sustainable. Clearly, something’s going to have to give. Those set pieces are going to come toppling down sooner or later; it’s just a question of when, and of how high the pile of human corpses needs to be before it happens."
submitted by d0or-tabl3-w1ndoWz_9 to LFarchives [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:14 Gyro_Armadillo PSA: Mt. Apo National Park closed for three months starting June

PSA: Mt. Apo National Park closed for three months starting June
The Mount Apo National Park (MANP) will be closed to the public for three months starting in June to allow the mountain to recover and its wildlife to freely roam in their natural habitats.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Davao announced on Tuesday, June 5 that the protected park will be having its annual three-month closure starting this June until August 31.
During this period, all trekking and camping activities will be prohibited at all opened trails in the natural park covering regions Davao and Soccsksargen to “give time for the sacred mountain to recuperate and allow wildlife to roam their natural habitats without anthropogenic intervention.”
This is in accordance with Mount Apo Natural Park-Protected Area Management Board (MANP-PAMB)’s En Banc Resolution No. 06, series of 2021, of the off-season of Mt. Apo which aims to ensure the protection and conservation of the mountain.
This initiative is part of the agency’s efforts to declare it as a UNESCO Global Geopark, highlighting its aesthetic, economic, cultural, and ecological importance.
Mt. Apo stands at 9,692 feet above sea level, making it the highest mountain in the Philippines. The stratovolcano houses 272 bird species, 111 of which are endemic, including the Philippine eagle, which is the largest of its kind in the world.
The mountain suffered from trash and vandalism in the past years, which pushed the local government to implement strict laws for the visitors.
It was also closed off to the public in April due to the El Niño phenomenon that increased the risk of wildfires.
submitted by Gyro_Armadillo to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:13 Anu_Rag9704 Remeber VYAPAM Scam? NEET is Same but on larger scale.

The Vyapam Scam was an entrance examination, admission, and recruitment scandal operating since the 1990s, affecting the selection of medical students in Madhya Pradesh. This scam resulted in 40 reported 'unnatural' deaths, with an unofficial toll reaching 100, including the son of the MP Governor. The scheme involved hundreds of government officials, primarily from the BJP, such as Laxmikant Sharma.
Now, imagine a similar scenario on a national scale, with unchecked power over the past decade, placing loyalists in every organization, including the NTA. While the magnitude of the NEET scam might not surpass Vyapam, it will undoubtedly impact India's future.
As the general public, our failure to raise our voices and demand action against Vyapam partly led to the NEET scam. We were too comfortable in our echo chambers.
ps जलते घर को देखने वालों फूस का छप्पर आपका है आपके पीछे तेज़ हवा है आगे मुकद्दर आपका है
उस के क़त्ल पे मैं भी चुप था मेरा नम्बर अब आया मेरे क़त्ल पे आप भी चुप है अगला नम्बर आपका है
submitted by Anu_Rag9704 to unitedstatesofindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:07 Anu_Rag9704 Remeber VYAPAM Scam? NEET is Same but on larger scale.

The Vyapam Scam was an entrance examination, admission, and recruitment scandal operating since the 1990s, affecting the selection of medical students in Madhya Pradesh. This scam resulted in 40 reported 'unnatural' deaths, with an unofficial toll reaching 100, including the son of the MP Governor. The scheme involved hundreds of government officials, primarily from the BJP, such as Laxmikant Sharma.
Now, imagine a similar scenario on a national scale, with unchecked power over the past decade, placing loyalists in every organization, including the NTA. While the magnitude of the NEET scam might not surpass Vyapam, it will undoubtedly impact India's future.
As the general public, our failure to raise our voices and demand action against Vyapam partly led to the NEET scam. We were too comfortable in our echo chambers.
ps जलते घर को देखने वालों फूस का छप्पर आपका है आपके पीछे तेज़ हवा है आगे मुकद्दर आपका है
उस के क़त्ल पे मैं भी चुप था मेरा नम्बर अब आया मेरे क़त्ल पे आप भी चुप है अगला नम्बर आपका है
submitted by Anu_Rag9704 to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:59 FranniesPanties I drunk texted Skynet (part 1) I know this might seem like a long walk, but I promise you it's worth it. The inefficient and antiquated markets need a complete overhaul. Government and media wants you to think certain financial institutions are too big to fail, Ai disagrees.

I drunk texted Skynet (part 1) I know this might seem like a long walk, but I promise you it's worth it. The inefficient and antiquated markets need a complete overhaul. Government and media wants you to think certain financial institutions are too big to fail, Ai disagrees. submitted by FranniesPanties to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 JasmineDragonPearls Yup

Saw something recently. Been thinkin' 'bout'cha a lot. Dunno why... it's strange. You were always so far away yanno, but even though there was someone else later on, who I still think was maybe the best girl I ever dated.. I still think about you, and then I've already had and lost a walking fantasy... a few times.. still nothing like you. Dunno why. Miss ya. I guess, cause you were so sweet and down to earth. Miss that. Don't see it much here no more. 'Cept guess I did. Guess she remined me about the first .. ha.. I won't call ya that, but uh.. the first one of you I ever met. 'Course she wasn't from here, I can't really talk to ya so.. you don't know what's been goin' on. I thought I time had passed lady. I won't call you the other name either, knew you loved it so much. Hm. Itd been so long yanno? Miss ya as a friend honestly. Unless of course whatever didn't work out, okay I'm a little drunk. Yeah. Haha. Whish you could see me now, wish I knew what was going on. Hate that I had to run. And can't really ever get back. You'll never see this surely, never put two and two together surely, all that. And yanno even though I wanna, I can't . Haha. Too much respect for ya. I'll just say remember those greek letter in your note book and how you struggled to ascertain their meaning for all but a millasecond after you saw the look on my face cause we both knew what I'd just written. Hahahaha. You blushed so much. I miss that. Am I naive? Am I dumb? Ain't matter another. But she seems a whole hell of a lot like . Right. Right, got a job with history. Health insurance, government too. Yanno still a probationary intern. So no big bucks. But.. you'd be proud. It fits. Some how. But yer' not here. Sometimes, I worry about ya. Hate to admit it. Never really much worry for a lot, seasons come and go yanno. I know yanno. But yeah I worry for ya. In my mind he's good to you no matter how much I wish it was me. But yeah girl, I had to run. Things happened, I'm sorry I couldn't explain, I hope you'd only never care or waste a thought on me cause he makes ya so happy, even tho really I wish he wouldn't but, hell I never met 'em. Well maybe once? I dunno, so you say. Saw what he did to ya tho. And yeah, I know you're the, kind spirited gentle little phew.... but uh I never liked em. But I'm biased and you know that and all I really want is for you to just be happy n' shit. Wish I knew ya were... ha.. almost. Almost gave ya a clue. No, even if you saw this I wouldn't want you to know.
Harsh, huh? Friends for how many years? Yeah. But to be honest with ya, always was prayin we'd get back to right. I know you know. And uh, I'm still that way. And it wouldn't be much of a friendship on my part, it'd be misleadin' ya.
And darlin' I caint do it. You were somthin' else..
And I know you'd say with your arm chair psychology I'm beatin' myself up. Truth is, I'll forget all this in the mornin'... so don't feel bad. Just miss ya. Cause she's cute, n' I dunno.
submitted by JasmineDragonPearls to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:59 CuriousSlice YA Book where an orphaned brother and sister travel in their mysterious uncles boat and fight pirates, revealing mysteries about an ancient lost civilization on the way.

It was the first book in a series, I'd love to try to find it again to see how the whole series ended, thanks for any help anyone can give! I remember a good amount of details from it, but my google searches are coming up empty.
Plot Synopsis: The main characters were two siblings (maybe twins?) that I think were around 15-16 years old. Their parents were adventurers and when the siblings were younger they disappeared without a trace. The story starts with them being given over to the care of their uncle. Their uncle is very mysterious boat captain with a crew, and he's hunting some type of ancient treasure. Eventually the kids discover the boat is a Q-ship, a heavily armed merchant ship with concealed weaponry. The boat travels to this island ruled by some kind of pirate warlord, who is connected somehow with the mysterious treasure the uncle is hunting for. The siblings go off, have adventures, and get into trouble on the island, eventually defeating the pirate warlord. From what I can remember of the mysterious treasure, it's connected to a magical gyroscope that the uncle has. The gyroscope might have been in multiple pieces and the uncle was searching for more pieces that the pirates have? The gyroscope definitely has magical powers, which is presented as advanced science in the book and might be related to unlimited energy.
Notable Characters: Main Characters: Two siblings, maybe twins, one boy and one girl. They do everything together and are close. Should be in their teens and are obsessed with adventure and finding out what happened to their parents. Uncle: Mysterious uncle, owns a merchant ship with hidden guns on it, is hunting for mysterious treasure. Pretty sure he's part of a secret organization that the main characters parents belonged to as well. Gruff but caring toward the main siblings.
Genre: As best as I can remember, the genre would probably be young adult adventure, with a dash of sci-fi and mystery.
Book Description: It was a hardcover book with a red cover, had an elastic band on the book that held it shut like a journal. It's most unique aspect that should help identify it was that it had multiple foldout sections with drawings, pictures, and text giving more background and details to the story. One foldout section I can specifically remember was a blueprint diagram of the uncles boat, I think the purpose of these was to emulate a expedition's journal.
Setting: It was definitely set in "real" earth, I think it was set in the early 1900's? Post WW1 but pre WW2, the ship was mechanical and there was modern technology like electricity, but the vibe of the setting was definitely "age of adventure".
Length: 200-400 pages is my best guess.
Personal Details: I read it around the 2010's, give or take a few years. It was newer when I read it, although it had a sequel out that I remember reading. It was definitely for middle school/early high school readers.
submitted by CuriousSlice to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:46 Floatinghamster1 Letting Go or How I Learned to Truly Love The Sandbox

I thought I’d share this after a series of good experiences running a game recently. I felt that it something that GMs/DMs run into occasionally or perhaps it could be a learning experience as it was with me.
So I’ve been playing tabletop roleplaying games for around 17 years. But I didn’t cut my teeth on traditional starting games, like Dungeons and Dragons. In fact, my first game was the Chronicles of Darkness (I believe that’s the name of the series, I always just called it World of Darkness). More specifically Changeling: The Lost. It was a nice, straightforward system, but one that emphasised these deep, interpersonal narratives, and had this detailed and interesting lore. It was more about telling a story, rather than playing a game. It had a profound impact on me and how I run my games from then on…And part of the problems I’d come up against later.
Over the years, I have run years long campaigns to one-shots, covering a range of systems. I’ve mostly ended up running science fiction games, with the occasional foray into horror or fantasy. I’ve ran things as rules-light, with a focus on story first, rules second. I sort of run a sandbox at the start of games, but they always end up drifting into this grand narrative that they players want to pursue. Chapter one is always a ‘Fuck around and find out’, and when players become a little more aware, when they’re presented with several hooks, when they’re settled into their characters, it tends to change into the narrative-led campaigns I’d like to think I’ve done an alright job over the years, gaining experience with each session ran, though I would not call myself an expert.
A few years ago, I was recommended Stars Without Number by a friend. My gaming group was finishing up a fantastic campaign (I was the player this time) and were looking to the future. I volunteered to run a science fiction game but I was about to go with my choice game of Mongoose Traveller. However, Stars Without Numbers seemed good. It was straightforward to learn for both GM and players, had a plethora of tools to use and I could create my own setting.
The campaign was great! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I believed (or hoped) the group did too. There was mixture of laughter, joy, sadness, horror, anger, confusion and all the great elements of a game. In fact, it got me hooked onto the whole OSR movement. (I know there is a disagreement about what truly is OSR, but I believe Kevin Crawford’s games are OSR…Or at the very least, that gateway drug into it). However, there was one thing I struggled with. Burn out. The ending of the campaign could have been better. I’ve reflected on this for a while, and I think it was apparent to both myself and my players. I was tired…And I wanted to finish something that I had planned to go on for a little bit longer. My ending I originally planned was blown out the water and significantly improved by what the players did, and done in such a way that would allow us to return to the setting in future.
But why was I tired? Simply put, I was too focused on making everything bespoke. Maybe out of stubbornness, or maybe out of the compulsive need to be making a campaign my own, I ignored the fantastic toolkit provided by Kevin, or the tools provided by others in the community. I created a sandbox, the players latched onto a hook and I needed to carefully and cautiously create every intricate detail. NPCs, religions, worlds, government systems, quests, encounters, food, cultures, names. Nothing must be left to chance and I must handcraft everything. The players make their decisions and I get to work. Sometimes it takes an few hours to prepare…Sometimes longer…When it is created, and I present it. Sweat falls from the brow, my eyes well up at the hard work. I’ve done it. I’ve done it.
…Only for the players to ignore most of it…
I laugh now and I recount a particular experience when I created an Alien-themed dungeon exploration. It took weeks for me to create this bespoke planet, dungeon, alien, clues, lore…Only for the players to by-pass it a good chunk of it. We had fun, there was tension, there was cheers when the alien creatures were defeated, and there were gasps when the alien abilities were discovered…But the experience broke me and it was at this point, I started to really feel the burn-out.
Now, allow me to diverge slightly on different (but relevant) tangent. A few years ago, I used to work as a teacher. People in the UK (but I suppose the same could be said elsewhere) know that teaching is a tricky job, with uncompetitive pay, ever-increasing high workloads, ever-present burn-out. I was entering a school as an NQT, being the only person who taught my particular subject. It very hard, but rewarding. But in that first year, I made all these resources, activities, plans. Everything must be organised for the enjoyment of the class, if I don’t have absolute control over this, they won’t learn or enjoy…Doesn’t this sound familiar? After my first year, I began to take stock and one of the best pieces of advice I was given was…Work smarter, not harder…Sounds easy right? But this was revolutionary to me at that time. So I began to get into my own, looking through what in the past year worked, what didn’t, and how I could streamline it as much as I could. I managed to get into my own groove as a ‘chalk and talk’, old-school (pardon the pun) teacher. The lessons with the less prep and easier activities, ended up being the most fun for us all. Why? Because I wasn’t killing myself with overwork and the kids knew that. If did this with my teaching job, why the hell wasn’t I doing it with running campaigns!?
So after that campaign, I just became a player for a while. Getting immersed into the world of the OSR, learning how other GMs run their games and taking inspiration from low/no prep. A few months ago, some friends outside of TTRPG gaming were going through a tough time. I suggested that we all meet up regularly to play games online. We started to do this, and we wanted to make it a bit more of a permanent fixture. Going off the recent success of Baldur’s Gate III, I suggested we play a TTRPG. Some of the group had a little experience with one-shots I ran in the past (and had fun!), some had no experience. So I decided I would run a Worlds Without Number game…I would run a fantasy game (outside of my typical sci-fi comfort zone) and I would run it milking absolutely every tool I could. I would be the laziest GM there was. Everything was to be completely randomised. Names, quests, locations, hooks, encounters, enemies, traps. I would merely act as a glue to fit it all together…Or to ditch it if needs be. I created a basic world, history, calendar and religion. These could fit on a small document and be vague enough for players to explore as they see fit. I created a starting encounter (prison break, a nice Elder Scrolls feel to it) and after that, the group took over. A few landmarks, cities and villages were scattered around. No work was done to them unless the players stated they would go there. So far, blood cults have been infiltrated, dungeons delved, they have been exiled from villages and they’re currently in the middle of taking down a gang. All created by what they wanted, and what was rolled. The most I have prepped for a game was 6 hours, before we even started (this was the world-building creation stated before). Since then, I have been 45 minutes to 1 hour prepping. I have never prepped for more than 1 session ahead. Maybe a little more prep with dungeon delving, as I’m getting used to making dungeons on DungeonCraft and using tools on Roll20, but prep is taking nowhere near as long as it once did. I’ve been running this for several months and it’s going great. I started to let go…
What has trigged this self-reflection? My players are saying how much they are enjoying it. They’re creating resources, lore, and memes. In fact, they are enjoying it as much as if I’d made everything by hand and had control in absolutely everything. The only difference is that I’m not breaking my back to see it happen. It’s been such an enlightening experience running a game this way. I know that there may have been other factors in all this and that our collective enjoyment can’t just be down to a single lightbulb moment, but I feel it’s worth sharing.
We live in world where there is an expectation that GMs have to reinvent the wheel and create everything by hand and establish these grand narratives, whilst also dealing with the insane workloads that come from that. People talk about a GM shortage sometimes, and I feel that this mindset, does have some bearing on the issue. I know many people might say that ‘online person doesn’t use the tools properly. Doesn’t have fun. Eventually uses tools. Has fun’ but I think there is a huge mindset shift that goes with this.
Similarly, there’s probably people reading this saying ‘Woah, get a load of this guy making the absolute worst choices when running a game’ and ‘I’ve always run games in this way, this isn’t revolutionary’. Well to me, it was. Moreover, I think there is an immense pressure out there to create and plan way too much. Sometimes learning is about making the mistakes and building from that.
So, work smart and not hard GMs out there. Avoid what I did…Or, actually, do what I did. Learn what you can do, self-reflect, make those mistakes, and learn to avoid in future.
submitted by Floatinghamster1 to osr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:45 Floatinghamster1 Letting Go or How I Learned to Truly Love The Sandbox

I thought I’d share this after a series of good experiences running a game recently. I felt that it something that GMs/DMs run into occasionally or perhaps it could be a learning experience as it was with me.
So I’ve been playing tabletop roleplaying games for around 17 years. But I didn’t cut my teeth on traditional starting games, like Dungeons and Dragons. In fact, my first game was the Chronicles of Darkness (I believe that’s the name of the series, I always just called it World of Darkness). More specifically Changeling: The Lost. It was a nice, straightforward system, but one that emphasised these deep, interpersonal narratives, and had this detailed and interesting lore. It was more about telling a story, rather than playing a game. It had a profound impact on me and how I run my games from then on…And part of the problems I’d come up against later.
Over the years, I have run years long campaigns to one-shots, covering a range of systems. I’ve mostly ended up running science fiction games, with the occasional foray into horror or fantasy. I’ve ran things as rules-light, with a focus on story first, rules second. I sort of run a sandbox at the start of games, but they always end up drifting into this grand narrative that they players want to pursue. Chapter one is always a ‘Fuck around and find out’, and when players become a little more aware, when they’re presented with several hooks, when they’re settled into their characters, it tends to change into the narrative-led campaigns I’d like to think I’ve done an alright job over the years, gaining experience with each session ran, though I would not call myself an expert.
A few years ago, I was recommended Stars Without Number by a friend. My gaming group was finishing up a fantastic campaign (I was the player this time) and were looking to the future. I volunteered to run a science fiction game but I was about to go with my choice game of Mongoose Traveller. However, Stars Without Numbers seemed good. It was straightforward to learn for both GM and players, had a plethora of tools to use and I could create my own setting.
The campaign was great! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I believed (or hoped) the group did too. There was mixture of laughter, joy, sadness, horror, anger, confusion and all the great elements of a game. In fact, it got me hooked onto the whole OSR movement. (I know there is a disagreement about what truly is OSR, but I believe Kevin Crawford’s games are OSR…Or at the very least, that gateway drug into it). However, there was one thing I struggled with. Burn out. The ending of the campaign could have been better. I’ve reflected on this for a while, and I think it was apparent to both myself and my players. I was tired…And I wanted to finish something that I had planned to go on for a little bit longer. My ending I originally planned was blown out the water and significantly improved by what the players did, and done in such a way that would allow us to return to the setting in future.
But why was I tired? Simply put, I was too focused on making everything bespoke. Maybe out of stubbornness, or maybe out of the compulsive need to be making a campaign my own, I ignored the fantastic toolkit provided by Kevin, or the tools provided by others in the community. I created a sandbox, the players latched onto a hook and I needed to carefully and cautiously create every intricate detail. NPCs, religions, worlds, government systems, quests, encounters, food, cultures, names. Nothing must be left to chance and I must handcraft everything. The players make their decisions and I get to work. Sometimes it takes an few hours to prepare…Sometimes longer…When it is created, and I present it. Sweat falls from the brow, my eyes well up at the hard work. I’ve done it. I’ve done it.
…Only for the players to ignore most of it…
I laugh now and I recount a particular experience when I created an Alien-themed dungeon exploration. It took weeks for me to create this bespoke planet, dungeon, alien, clues, lore…Only for the players to by-pass it a good chunk of it. We had fun, there was tension, there was cheers when the alien creatures were defeated, and there were gasps when the alien abilities were discovered…But the experience broke me and it was at this point, I started to really feel the burn-out.
Now, allow me to diverge slightly on different (but relevant) tangent. A few years ago, I used to work as a teacher. People in the UK (but I suppose the same could be said elsewhere) know that teaching is a tricky job, with uncompetitive pay, ever-increasing high workloads, ever-present burn-out. I was entering a school as an NQT, being the only person who taught my particular subject. It very hard, but rewarding. But in that first year, I made all these resources, activities, plans. Everything must be organised for the enjoyment of the class, if I don’t have absolute control over this, they won’t learn or enjoy…Doesn’t this sound familiar? After my first year, I began to take stock and one of the best pieces of advice I was given was…Work smarter, not harder…Sounds easy right? But this was revolutionary to me at that time. So I began to get into my own, looking through what in the past year worked, what didn’t, and how I could streamline it as much as I could. I managed to get into my own groove as a ‘chalk and talk’, old-school (pardon the pun) teacher. The lessons with the less prep and easier activities, ended up being the most fun for us all. Why? Because I wasn’t killing myself with overwork and the kids knew that. If did this with my teaching job, why the hell wasn’t I doing it with running campaigns!?
So after that campaign, I just became a player for a while. Getting immersed into the world of the OSR, learning how other GMs run their games and taking inspiration from low/no prep. A few months ago, some friends outside of TTRPG gaming were going through a tough time. I suggested that we all meet up regularly to play games online. We started to do this, and we wanted to make it a bit more of a permanent fixture. Going off the recent success of Baldur’s Gate III, I suggested we play a TTRPG. Some of the group had a little experience with one-shots I ran in the past (and had fun!), some had no experience. So I decided I would run a Worlds Without Number game…I would run a fantasy game (outside of my typical sci-fi comfort zone) and I would run it milking absolutely every tool I could. I would be the laziest GM there was. Everything was to be completely randomised. Names, quests, locations, hooks, encounters, enemies, traps. I would merely act as a glue to fit it all together…Or to ditch it if needs be. I created a basic world, history, calendar and religion. These could fit on a small document and be vague enough for players to explore as they see fit. I created a starting encounter (prison break, a nice Elder Scrolls feel to it) and after that, the group took over. A few landmarks, cities and villages were scattered around. No work was done to them unless the players stated they would go there. So far, blood cults have been infiltrated, dungeons delved, they have been exiled from villages and they’re currently in the middle of taking down a gang. All created by what they wanted, and what was rolled. The most I have prepped for a game was 6 hours, before we even started (this was the world-building creation stated before). Since then, I have been 45 minutes to 1 hour prepping. I have never prepped for more than 1 session ahead. Maybe a little more prep with dungeon delving, as I’m getting used to making dungeons on DungeonCraft and using tools on Roll20, but prep is taking nowhere near as long as it once did. I’ve been running this for several months and it’s going great. I started to let go…
What has trigged this self-reflection? My players are saying how much they are enjoying it. They’re creating resources, lore, and memes. In fact, they are enjoying it as much as if I’d made everything by hand and had control in absolutely everything. The only difference is that I’m not breaking my back to see it happen. It’s been such an enlightening experience running a game this way. I know that there may have been other factors in all this and that our collective enjoyment can’t just be down to a single lightbulb moment, but I feel it’s worth sharing.
We live in world where there is an expectation that GMs have to reinvent the wheel and create everything by hand and establish these grand narratives, whilst also dealing with the insane workloads that come from that. People talk about a GM shortage sometimes, and I feel that this mindset, does have some bearing on the issue. I know many people might say that ‘online person doesn’t use the tools properly. Doesn’t have fun. Eventually uses tools. Has fun’ but I think there is a huge mindset shift that goes with this.
Similarly, there’s probably people reading this saying ‘Woah, get a load of this guy making the absolute worst choices when running a game’ and ‘I’ve always run games in this way, this isn’t revolutionary’. Well to me, it was. Moreover, I think there is an immense pressure out there to create and plan way too much. Sometimes learning is about making the mistakes and building from that.
So, work smart and not hard GMs out there. Avoid what I did…Or, actually, do what I did. Learn what you can do, self-reflect, make those mistakes, and learn to avoid in future.
submitted by Floatinghamster1 to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:42 LawAcrobatic3995 (Warning, Long post) OC Stark Branches summaries for new Stark fic

(Warning, Long post) OC Stark Branches summaries for new Stark fic
This post is a sort of preview for a fic that I'm close to releasing which follows Lord Alaric Stark an OC legitimate son of Brandon Stark(Son of Rickard) and a Umber OC. In this fic, there are two branches of House Stark descended from Artos Stark and his twin sons, Brandon and Benjen.
The name of this fic is The Wolf King of the North. I may still change the name but for right now that's the name. And yes, this is a Stark wank, suck it.
Below is a family tree I made showcasing the new branches and characters and below the Family Tree will be the summaries of the dead members' lives, and a quick summary of who the new OCs are.
This family tree and these descriptions are Circa. 295AC
Family tree for my AU
Benjen Stark’s Family:
  • Benjen Stark.
  • Dacey Stark (Nee Mormont)
  • Rickard Stark(B. 283AC), the eldest son of Benjen, Rickard inherited a healthy amount of the famous “Wolf’s Blood” and loves sparring in the courtyard with the other children being fostered in Winterfell
  • Lyarra Stark(B. 285AC), the only daughter of Benjen and Dacey. Lyarra Stark is affectionately called “Lya” by her family as a nod to Lyanna, whom Lyarra greatly resembles. Lyarra is a part of Sansa’s group of ladies who she often spends time with. Despite sharing a nickname and likeness with her aunt, Lyarra has the opposite personality of Lyanna, where, she is more “Ladylike” and subdued compared to Lyanna during her youth
  • Cregan Stark(B. 293AC), despite being only a couple of years old, little Cregan is a rambunctious little fella who constantly squirms in his parent's arms. Cregan gets along with his cousin Rickon, at least he gets along with him as much as two young children can
House Stark of High Hill, Lord Artos Stark's wife and children:
  • Lord Artos Stark, Master of High Hill (B. 261AC). Lord Artos is a stern and shrewd man who has the temperament of an unmoving wall, that is unless he is talking with or spending time with his family or his kin from the Main branch. Artos Stark has a burning hatred for all things Targaryen after his younger brother Edric Stark rode down to Kings Landing with Brandon Stark and was executed by the Mad King, along with his Father who went alongside Rickard Stark and perished like his son and 2nd cousin. His hatred for the Targaryens is only matched by his pure disdain for the Ironborn, after the death of his Goodbrother and best friend, Edwyle Stark of the White Harbor Starks who died during the battle at Pyke
  • Lady Alarra Stark of the White Harbor Starks(B. 261AC), wife of Lord Artos Stark. Lady Alarra is a warm woman who gives off a feeling of tenderness and love, she is compassionate and cares for all of those who are under her Lord-Husband’s employ
  • Osric Stark (B. 282AC), the eldest of Artos’ four children and his first son and heir, Osric is expected to learn not only to rule over his family lands but also learn the ins and outs of the Furred cow trade which their house is one of the main producers of. Osric has fostered at Winterfell since he was 3, growing a brotherly bond with his liege lord, Lord Alaric Stark, along with Robb Stark, Rickard Stark, son of Benjen, and the two White Harbor Stark boys, Cregard and Harlon Stark along with the sons of some of the other powerful houses in the north, all of whom are referred too as the “wolf pack” by Ned and the other inhabitants of Winterfell and Wintertown.
  • Branda and Berena Stark(B. 285AC), Artos’ only daughters and twin girls. Both Branda and Berena are likewise fostering in Winterfell with their brother and distant kin, often seen with Sansa and their group of friends. Both twins are rather headstrong and stubborn while being raised as ladies of the court, both haven't forgotten their northern roots and often can be seen in the Godswood or talking with Dacey Mormont or any other Northern lady that visits Winterfell
  • Edwyn Stark(B. 288AC), Artos’ second son, and youngest child. Edwyn like his older brother, has been fostered at Winterfell since he was a young child, making fast friends with his distant cousin Bran Stark, sharing a wonder for knights and tales of glory and even stories of Wargs of old. Due to Edwyn’s influence, Bran has grown up idolizing Barrow Knights and figures like Ser Rodrik Cassel, Ser Beric Stark, and even the more recently knighted, Ser Jorah Mormont(Who isn't a slaver in this AU). Wherever Bran is, you can bet that Edwyn isn't far behind, if not leading the way.
Lord Artos Stark's Siblings:
  • Edric Stark (B. 261-281AC), younger brother of Lord Artos Stark, Edric was always an energetic young man who relished in combat training and had a keen mind for warfare tactics as well. Sadly, Edric rode alongside his distant cousin Brandon Stark to King’s Landing where he would perish alongside Brandon and their friends
  • Sarra Stark (B. 262AC), younger sister of Lord Artos Stark, and wife of Ser Benjicot Stark of the White Harbor Starks. Sarra Stark is a kind yet stern woman who knows her way around a negotiation, often helping her husband in his business affairs whether within Westeros or throughout.
  • Ser Harald Stark (B. 266AC), the Master-at-arms and Castellan at High Hall, Ser Harald is a stoic man who sports a nasty scar running down the length of his face diagonally from his left eyebrow to his right cheek, Ser Harald received this scar during Greyjoy’s Rebellion. His older sister, Sarra Stark is overly protective of him and has often embarrassed him since they were children with her overbearing nature. Ser Harald Stark was knighted by King Robert I of House Baratheon following the siege of Pyke for killing an injured Maron Greyjoy.
Ser Harald Stark's Two bastard sons:
  • Edric and Elric Snow (B. 283AC), the twin bastard sons of Ser Harald and a tavern wench, both squire for their father and aspire to achieve martial prowess similar to their father’s. The two bastards have specially trained in a way that complements the two when they fight together, working as a well-trained fighting machine. Though the two bastards stay in High Hill with their father most of the time, they are friendly with their distant kin and are especially friendly with Jon Snow, the three of them sharing in their status as bastards
The Starks of White Harbor, a merchant family, Ser Benjicot and his wife and children:
  • Ser Benjicot Stark (B. 261AC), Head of the White Harbor Starks family and a prominent merchant based out of White Harbor. Ser Benjicot otherwise called “Benny” by those close to him, is a prominent and rich merchant who took over the affairs of his family's merchant fleet after the death of his father. Ser Benjicot is an intelligent and shrewd businessman who strives to achieve all that he can, building his family’s wealth to even higher heights. Ser Benjicot is quite close friends with his kinsmen Eddard Stark along with his Goodbrother, Lord Artos Stark, the husband of his elder twin sister Alarra.
  • Cregard Stark (B. 281AC), eldest son of Ser Benjicot Stark, Cregard squires for his father and has been groomed since he was young to inherit the family trade fleet and the businesses that they own along with being schooled in the ways of naval warfare. Cregard often visits Winterfell to see his younger siblings along with Lord Alaric Stark, one of his close friends
  • Harlon Stark (B. 282AC), the second son of Ser Benjicot, Harlon has been fostering in Winterfell since he was ten and he was quick to strike up a friendship with both Lord Alaric Stark and Robb Stark. Talented with a blade and gifted with a silver tongue, Harlon Stark has all the qualities needed to be a successful merchant or whatever he may want to be in the future. If Lord Alaric Stark and his brother Cregard Stark are considered close friends, then Harlon and Lord Alaric could be said to be brothers in all but blood, with Harlon being like a little brother to Lord Alaric.
  • Alysanne Stark (B. 285AC), the youngest of Ser Benjicot’s three children and his only daughter, “Aly” as her friends and family call her, is a close friend of Sansa’s and is often attached at the hip with her distant cousin, learning the ways of being not only a lady by southern standards but also northern standards.
Ser Benjicot Stark's Siblings:
  • Lady Alarra Stark of the White Harbor Starks(B. 261AC), wife of Lord Artos Stark, and the older twin sister of Ser Benjicot Stark, head of the White Harbor Starks. Lady Alarra is a warm woman who gives off a feeling of tenderness and love, she is compassionate and cares for all of those who are under her Lord-Husband’s employ
  • Ser Edwyle Stark (B. 268-289AC), the youngest brother of Ser Benjicot and the youngest child of Ser Beric Stark. Ser Edwyle was knighted by his father Ser Beric at the young age of 15, despite his prowess with a blade, Ser Edwyle was killed by a stray arrow that found its way inside his helm during the siege of Pyke
  • Ser Torrhen Stark (B. 262AC), the Second son of Ser Beric Stark and the Sworn Shield of Lord Alaric Stark, Warden of the North, as well as his personal weapons instructor. Ser Torrhen is steadfast in his duties and takes his liege’s security extremely serious
Ser Torrhen Stark's Only Son:
  • Rodrik Stark (B. 279AC), the only son and child of Ser Torrhen Stark to his late wife, Lady Rowena Arryn of the Gulltown Arryn’s. Rodrik since he was a boy has been fostering under Horten Redfort, a friend of his fathers, alongside Domeric Bolton, while there, the two have struck a strong friendship with one another along with the sons of Lord Redfort
The Sons and Grandsons of Artos Stark.
- Brandon Stark and his sons:
  • Brandon Stark (B. 220-276AC) (Eldest twin son of Artos Stark), born the oldest of the twin sons of Artos, Brandon spent his youth in Winterfell growing up alongside his cousin, the future Lord of Winterfell, Lord Edwyle Stark, and his sister Jocelyn Stark. Following the death of his father Artos, Brandon set out to find wealth for himself and not be reliant on his lord-cousin. While traveling through the Northern Mountains, Brandon would meet his future wife, Sara Wull, the youngest child and third daughter of Lord Wull. Sara and Brandon would eventually fall in love and get married, setting out to adventure alongside one another. While on an expedition at the behest of his Cousin Edwyle to survey the mountains for any possible ore locations or anything to help the north, Brandon and Sara managed to stumble across a sizable herd of Furred Cows(Highland Cows) along with a small cave that led to a bronze mine. Seeing the value in this newly discovered hardy breed of cattle, Brandon reported back to Edwyle and they developed a plan to move these cows into a larger pasture area north of Winterfell just south of Long Lake in the Starks's personal lands, in exchange for enlisting the clansmen’s help in moving this new breed of cattle, Edwyle gave the small Bronze mine to House Wull who were closet to the mine. For the rest of his days, Brandon would oversee the breeding, herding, and butchering of the furred Cows in service to his cousin as well as Edwyle’s Son, Rickard Stark.
  • Eddard Stark (B. 241-260AC) (Son of Brandon Stark, Grandson of Artos Stark) the eldest of Brandon Stark’s two sons, Eddard had fostered alongside his younger brother Beron in Winterfell with their 2nd cousin Rickard. During his time in Winterfell, Eddard would prove to be a formidable swordsman and warrior but lacked a certain finesse that most strategists had. When the War of the Nine Penny Kings kicked off, Eddard marched alongside his liege Rickard Stark, his father, and his brother to aid their King. During the expedition to the Step Stones led by the Hand of the King Ormund Baratheon, Eddard Stark would lose his life taking a fatal blow protecting Rickard Stark, succumbing to his wounds shortly after the battle ended. Lord Rickard Stark would name his second son Ned in honor of his cousin Eddard.
  • Lord Beron Stark, Master of High Hill (B. 242-281AC) (Second Son of Brandon Stark, Grandson of Artos). Born the second son of Brandon Stark, Beron never expected to receive anything from birth except his name. In the year 257AC, Beron accompanied his father on a visit to Castle Cerwyn where he met and fell in love with Alys Cerwyn, the fourth daughter of Lord Cerwyn. With the blessing of Lord Cerwyn, Beron, and Alys would be wed the following year, and for her dowry, Lord Cerwyn would send some of his best smiths and workers to help with the settlement that was cropping up in the lands where the Furred Cows were kept. When the War of the Nine Penny Kings kicked off, Beron accompanied his father and brother to war led by his Lordly 2nd Cousin Rickard Stark, Warden of the North. During the battle where his brother Eddard would lose his life, Beron would be the one to cut down the sellsword who inflicted the fatal wound on his brother and would continue cutting down man after man in a blind furry until he was calmed by Rickard announcing the end of the battle. It was during this battle Beron would earn the moniker of “The Savage Wolf”. After the war had ended, Beron would return north with his father where they would continue their work in managing the care of the furred cows. Following his father's death in 276AC, Beron would ride to Winterfell to ask that his father's bones be buried in the crypt next to his father (Artos Stark), Lord Rickard would stun not only Beron but all those who were at court when he refused the request, though, it wasn’t out of malice or contempt, in fact, Rickard soon followed his denial by explaining that he planned to award Beron with a town charter and raise him to be the Lord of those lands as a Master, thereby making sure the land and cattle still belonged to the Starks of Winterfell but now had a defacto lord governing over the area and the budding town that was cropping up inhabited by the works, farmers and craftsmen and their families. Thus, Lord Rickard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, declared Lord Beron Stark, the new Master of High Hill and instructed Beron to begin construction of a small Stone Keep with the help of some of Winterfell’s stone masons and builders, to replace the estate his father used to coordinate the running of the growing town that was once just a simple Farmstead. The now Lord Beron Stark would follow Rickards's instructions and make his way home, followed by a contingent of engineers and stone masons, who not only would begin construction of the keep that would be known as High Hill Keep but also the new crypt to be located under the Keep for the burial of the future Starks of High Hill. Following his new title as Master of High Hill, Beron Stark would take a new sigil for his branch of House Stark and it would be a Dark Gray direwolf on a field of light gray, the sigil being the original Stark Sigil but adorned in the colors of House Cerwyn in respect to his wife’s family and the late Lord Cerwyn. Only Five Years after being given his new station, Lord Beron Stark would accompany Lord Rickard south and be executed by the Mad King alongside his 2nd cousin and best friend.
- Benjen Stark and his son:
  • Benjen Stark (B. 220-271AC) (Son of Artos). Born the second son of Artos Stark, Benjen was raised at Winterfell with his brother and cousins. Benjen from an early age reveled in stories of naval battles and faraway lands like Yi-ti and Asshai, so when his father told him about the opportunity to head to White Harbor and apprentice under Lord Manderly in the way of the sea, Benjen jumped at the opportunity, leaving Winterfell in the year 233AC. During his stay at White Harbor, Benjen would become friends with and later have a crush on Alyssa Manderly, the second daughter and fifth and youngest child of Lord Manderly. On his 17 name-day, already a man-grown, Benjen finally worked up the courage to ask for Alyssa’s hand in marriage, to his surprise, Lord Manderly boomed out in laughter, not in ridicule or contempt, but in joy since in his own words “It was about damn time he finally asked”. For the dowry, Lord Manderly further surprised Benjen by giving him four merchant ships and a flagship of his own called the “Sea Wolf”, a war galley that had been constructed for this very moment. After their marriage, Benjen and Alyssa would travel all across essos only returning after she fell pregnant with his child. During the birth, Alyssa had almost lost too much blood and sadly was rendered unfit to have any more children but instead of feeling sad about that, Benjen and Alyssa decided to pour all of their love and affection into their new-born son Beric. After the birth of his son in 241AC, Benjen would spend the next two decades in Whiteharbor helping his wife’s family in their business and also helping with the education of Lord Manderly’s grandchildren, one of which, a young Wyman Manderly would become good friends with his cousin Beric and the two would be almost inseparable from one another. When the War of the Nine Penny Kings broke out, Benjen had sailed his ship the “Sea Wolf” into war alongside the royal navy where he and his son Beric, would fight against the Nine Penny Kings and any pirates who sought to attack the fleet. Following the war's end, Benjen would return home and live out the rest of his days with his family, investing in some businesses and helping his brother further the Furred Cow trade that he had started. Benjen Stark would die in his sleep in the year 271AC with a smile on his face, followed soon after by his loving wife.
  • Ser Beric Stark (B. 241-284AC) (Son of Benjen Stark, Grandson of Artos Stark). Ser Beric Stark was the only child of his parents so for his entire upbringing, he was afforded his parent's undivided attention when it came to his studies. As a boy and later into his adulthood, Ser Beric would learn the craft of the seas, how to sail, and how to become a successful merchant. Following the War of the Nine Penny Kings, after the Death of Maelys the Monstrous, Ser Beric would be knighted by Ser Gerold Hightower, the White Bull himself for his bravery and sheer skill with a blade. Although he had been Knighted, Ser Beric was still a devoted follower of the Old Gods and even brought up the notion of creating a northern knight order to his 2nd Cousin Lord Rickard, however, they never got around to implementing such a system. For the next two decades after the War, Ser Beric would expand his father's small merchant fleet, invest and set up more businesses, and become a patron of the Arts, increasing not only his own wealth but that of Houses Stark of Winterfell and House Stark of High Hill, along with this mothers house, House Manderly. Ser Beric and Lord Wyman Manderly were the best of friends, with the two cousins even going as far as to swear an oath of brotherhood with one another. This bond helped Ser Beric expand his fleet of merchant ships and even allowed him to construct a handful of cogs to help protect his merchant ships. Ser Beric would sail his father's ship, the Galley named the “Sea Wolf” for as long as he could until the ship had to be decommissioned, Ser Beric removed the wolf’s head that served as not only a figurehead but also a ram and had it displayed in his Estate in White Harbor. During his travels, Ser Beric meet and fell in love with his future wife Alayne Royce after finalizing a minor trade agreement with Lord Royce(Bronze Yohn’s Father). After getting married with Lord Royce’s blessing and returning to White Harbor, the couple would have four children, the eldest a daughter the younger three all sons. Ser Beric served in the Rebel's navy during Robert’s Rebellion and would be a part of the naval unit led by Lord Stannis Baratheon in capturing Dragonstone. During the final naval engagement of the Rebellion, Ser Beric sustained a fatal injury and died in his eldest son, Ser Benjicot’s arms. Ser Beric’s personal sigil which would later be adopted by his son Ser Benjicot as their family sigil, was the original Stark Sigil adorned in the colors of House Manderly in honor of his mother's family, and especially in honor of his friendship and brotherly bond with Lord Wyman Manderly
Sorry if this was a bit of a jumbled-up mess, I pretty much just threw my thoughts at Google Docs and here we are lol.
submitted by LawAcrobatic3995 to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:36 DaudSama I am a High Schooler looking for a retail summer job (Target, Best Buy, etc) This is my resume, please give any feedback you have, Thank You!

submitted by DaudSama to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:25 ihaveviolethair Calling All AFL Fans: Make your voice heard by answering a Fan Survey!

Calling All AFL Fans: Make your voice heard by answering a Fan Survey!
Note: I have engaged with the mods and sought approval to post this. When answering the survey you can opt out of providing your email address.
Calling All AFL Fans: Make Your Voice Heard!
Established in December 2013 from the dedication of grassroots supporters, the AFL Fans Association ( was established to ensure that the most important stakeholders in AFL – the fans – have a powerful, united voice. We stand independent of the AFL and its clubs, committed to advocating for fans' interests, not treating them as mere consumers, but as essential contributors to the sport's vibrant community. The committee fulfil their duties in a voluntary capacity, with no monetary compensation. We are funded simply by our passion for the greatest sport in the world, AFL.
At the AFLFA, we tirelessly advocate for the interests of fans. We engage directly with the AFL, clubs, stadiums, and governments, ensuring their decisions reflect what fans truly want and need. We amplify your voice through powerful media engagement. Frequently quoted in the press and interviewed on radio and television, we ensure that your concerns and desires are front and center in public discussions.
A Historic Agreement: A New Era for AFL Fans
In a groundbreaking move, the AFLFA met with AFL CEO Andrew Dillon in May 2024, marking the first such meeting in over a decade. This historic agreement to schedule regular meetings is a monumental step forward in addressing and resolving fan issues directly with the AFL.
The Next Step The AFLFA recently launched its third annual Fans Survey.
Your input is crucial. Discussions with the AFL officials made it clear that they will only listen when we can bring in the numbers. But it’s not just about the numbers, it's about our passion, our conviction, about letting the powers that be know that we're not just spectators—we're stakeholders. We want change, and we're ready to start the conversation that could shape the future of the game.
The Fans Survey contains 34 questions, covering a board range of fan issues including:
· umpiring, rule changes, score review system
· Gambling advertisements
· Grand Final ticket allocation and start time
· Fixed and floating fixtures
· Affordability – tickets, stadium food and drinks
Don’t just be comments on a subreddit, be part of a force that can push for change.
Your voice matters, your opinion counts, and together, we can make a difference. Take those 10 minutes, fill out the survey, and let's show the AFL what true fans are made of.
As a small token of our appreciation, you can win a personalised video message from an AFL player of your choice worth up to $350 from Swysh at
Here is the link to the survey:
Together, we can make a difference. Share your views and help shape the future of Australian Rules Football!
Did you know that membership to the AFLFA is FREE? To find out more visit our website:
submitted by ihaveviolethair to StKilda [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:24 ihaveviolethair Calling All AFL Fans: Make your voice heard by answering a Fan Survey!

Calling All AFL Fans: Make your voice heard by answering a Fan Survey!
Note: I have engaged with the mods and sought approval to post this. When answering the survey you can opt out of providing your email address
Calling All AFL Fans: Make Your Voice Heard!
Established in December 2013 from the dedication of grassroots supporters, the AFL Fans Association ( was established to ensure that the most important stakeholders in AFL – the fans – have a powerful, united voice. We stand independent of the AFL and its clubs, committed to advocating for fans' interests, not treating them as mere consumers, but as essential contributors to the sport's vibrant community. The committee fulfil their duties in a voluntary capacity, with no monetary compensation. We are funded simply by our passion for the greatest sport in the world, AFL.
At the AFLFA, we tirelessly advocate for the interests of fans. We engage directly with the AFL, clubs, stadiums, and governments, ensuring their decisions reflect what fans truly want and need. We amplify your voice through powerful media engagement. Frequently quoted in the press and interviewed on radio and television, we ensure that your concerns and desires are front and center in public discussions.
A Historic Agreement: A New Era for AFL Fans
In a groundbreaking move, the AFLFA met with AFL CEO Andrew Dillon in May 2024, marking the first such meeting in over a decade. This historic agreement to schedule regular meetings is a monumental step forward in addressing and resolving fan issues directly with the AFL.
The Next Step The AFLFA recently launched its third annual Fans Survey.
Your input is crucial. Discussions with the AFL officials made it clear that they will only listen when we can bring in the numbers. But it’s not just about the numbers, it's about our passion, our conviction, about letting the powers that be know that we're not just spectators—we're stakeholders. We want change, and we're ready to start the conversation that could shape the future of the game.
The Fans Survey contains 34 questions, covering a board range of fan issues including:
· umpiring, rule changes, score review system
· Gambling advertisements
· Grand Final ticket allocation and start time
· Fixed and floating fixtures
· Affordability – tickets, stadium food and drinks
Don’t just be comments on a subreddit, be part of a force that can push for change.
Your voice matters, your opinion counts, and together, we can make a difference. Take those 10 minutes, fill out the survey, and let's show the AFL what true fans are made of.
As a small token of our appreciation, you can win a personalised video message from an AFL player of your choice worth up to $350 from Swysh at
Here is the link to the survey:
Together, we can make a difference. Share your views and help shape the future of Australian Rules Football!
Did you know that membership to the AFLFA is FREE? To find out more visit our website:
submitted by ihaveviolethair to weareportadelaide [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:16 JilBasler [Get] Travis Sago – Make Em Beg to Buy (Gimme Diamond Level) Download

[Get] Travis Sago – Make Em Beg to Buy (Gimme Diamond Level) Download

What You Get:

~DIAMOND LEVEL:~ With Silver You’ve Got Your Hot Offer, With Gold You Become a Sales Rainmaker, Now You ~Create Demand on Demand~ – More Leads, More People to See Your Offer So Your Stripe and Paypal Notifications Go NUTZ Zongo…
NOTE if You’re New to PSM: The Phoneless Sales Machine is how we get leads from email, FB groups, Youtube, Insta, anywhere there’s an audience, qualify them over DM and then close them with Google Docs on products from $500 to $50,000 with NO PHONE CALLS!
Diamond Level entitles you to ~IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the Tried and True PSM 2.0~ + the keys to PSM 3.0 ~as it is being released!~

What’s NEW in PSM 3.0:

*NEW BREAKTHROUGH ONE: Big Ticket sales without phone calls ~OR~ tapping either! DM and Chat sales are super fun when you’re tapping in $500 to $50,000 sales in bed watching Yellowstone. With 3.0 I’ve totally figured out how to eliminate the DMing back and forth.
There’s still a time and a place for DMs.
But I’m gonna hook you up with examples of what I’m doing to make Stripe sing without the tapping 3 Step dance.
*NEW BREAKTHROUGH TWO: More leads. Pre-sold leads. ~Create Demand ON Demand!~ Whether you’re using 2.0 with DMs or 3.0, once you’ve got your offer working ~you want more eyeballs to see your offer~ – and with earnings per click in the $50 to $100 range that I’ve been able to hit with PSM 3.0…even 10 more people a day seeing your offer is an extra $500 to $1,000 in your pocket a day.
I’ve made new breakthroughs in getting those eyeballs by what we LEAVE out, not what we add in. By doing LESS content and NOT MORE…and taking what worked and cloning it into new lead flow.
Where I used to pull 3 to 5 leads from an email or post, I often pull 30 to 50 now…with LESS SWEAT creating posts, emails and content.
*NEW BREAKTHROUGH THREE: Get PAID to grow your list, group or audience. Some folks like to pay for traffic. Some like to get it “free”. I prefer to grow AND get paid!
I’ve figured out that growing an audience from the outside-in is slow like baking traffic in a conventional oven.
Growing an audience from the inside-out nukes up traffic fast like a micro-wave.
If there’s a faster and more CONSISTENT way to grow a group, email list or any audience, I don’t know what it is. (I’ve been at this since 2004.) I’ve doubled my group size in weeks. All it cost me was a Zoom call…then…I monetize the Zoom recordings into 5 and 6 figures.
And everyone THANKS ME!
I call this an Audience, Influence, and Income Multiplier Campaign. (AIM Campaign for short)
And as awesome as a bigger audience is…the best part is the explosion in your audience’s RESPONSE RATE.
Leads, sales, referrals MULTIPLY during and after the campaign.
I don’t see ANYBODY teaching this inside-out way to GROW AND CONVERT audiences!
*NEW BREAKTHROUGH FOUR: Turns More Cold traffic into Presold Traffic EASIER and often FASTER than webinars, strategy sessions, VSLs or anything else I’ve tried since 2004.
I will NOT reveal it here because I want this to be an edge for everyone on Planet Mojo.
But all I will say is: ~NETFLIX EFFECT!~
I can watch a cold visitor come into my funnel…watch them devour content…and next thing I know, they reach out in my DMs and say, “How can I work with you?” – I will show you lots of examples!
NEW and Expanded ~Million Dollar Template Library~:
At the risk of writing a doc longer than the a government bill…
Let your fingers do the walking in the million dollar library and you’ll find emails, social posts, landing pages, dm sales examples, objection UN-handling examples and entire campaign including emails, landing pages and more, ready for you to deploy. **One campaign did $250,000 from a list less than 9,000 with NO PHONE CALLS, NO WEBINARS, NO VIDEO AND NO DMing…Yours for the taking!
submitted by JilBasler to u/JilBasler [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:49 Retentismal Mighty Max 2.0

Pulled a 2.0 with a 5 speed out of a 1988 Mighty Max pickup. However, I want to run it before I throw it into the Starion that I’ve got. I’ve put a Weber on it, all I really need to know now is 1. which part of the distributor diaphragm goes where? It’s a dual diaphragm distributor, with a vacuum line port on the top of the diaphragm assembly and one in the middle. 2. How do I hook up ignition to actually run the thing? I have a Herko H108 coil that has the ballast resistor outside of it, but I don’t know exactly how to hook it up without a proper multi position ignition switch. Any ideas? Or maybe diagrams/drawings/pictures?
submitted by Retentismal to mitsubishi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:44 AsscrackPontiac (WANO Spoilers) Minor theory regarding Luffy’s DF…

For a while now I’ve naturally assumed that the last person to have eaten the Hito Hito no Mi Model: Nika was ofc none other than Joyboy, as I’m sure is the case for a majority of readers/watchers when they finally reached the climax of the Wano arc.
From what I remember of the Gorosei’s info dump on the Nika fruit they seem to explicitly confirm that no individual has ever AWAKENED the Nika fruit since Joyboy 800 years prior and that it’s as if the fruit has been purposefully evading then ever since.
So here’s my theory; For the better part of the last 800 years the Nika fruit has been biding it’s time ‘intentionally’ getting eaten by a number of individuals, possibly choosing candidates based on a predisposition for adventure/exploration (perhaps even possessing a little favouritism toward pirates). This would be done as a means of insuring that any given point in time throughout the ensuing 800 year-period of Imu’s reign, the Nika fruit would:
1) (Ideally) Be in the possession of an individual predisposed to exploring the World, which would more than likely mean someone who has the will to go against the (Imu’s) established order if it meant discovering more about the truths of the World. It is because of this (as well as a possible pining for its previous user Joyboy) that I believe the Nika fruit preferred Pirates more than any other class of individual, as the bare minimum one has to meet to become a pirate is pissing the Navy/WG off and sailing the seas.
2) Always be in the hands of someone who, at the very least, possessed an adventurous spirit and a strong will to sate that spirit. This would open up the doors to previous users possibly being individuals who served within the ranks of WG affiliated groups such as the Navy/Marines, yet still maintained a sense of integrity and something resembling a moral compass despite their masters (ie. Garp, Dragon, Koby, etc) through sheer will and determination. However this would bring up the question of why the Gorosei/Imu wouldn’t have just killed the Nika fruit’s user before capturing it and/or destroying it completely, as would most likely be the case if it was ever in the hands of someone serving directly under them. This still leaves the possibility of it being eaten by individuals such as Noland Montblanc, not quite a Government dog but not a pirate either.
I honestly think if there were previous users of the Nika fruit between Joyboy and Luffy that they would have been individuals remembered as local sensations/folk heroes whose memory and legacy would be confined to their little corner of the world, constantly bound by their borders and established law of life yet resisting and persisting in their pursuit of freedom.
Personally I don’t mind either way if this theory gets disproven by next chapter or if this kinda stuff gets left open ended by Oda, but I was curious to see if anyone had any concrete info that can support/disprove this idea.
TLDR: The Nika fruit has basically been spending the last 800 years getting itself eaten on purpose by individuals who were naturally presdisposed to its qualities of freedom-seeking as a means of evading the clutches of the WG/Imu at all costs, thus opening the doors for (ultimately insignificant) minor historic users of the Nika fruit after Joyboy’s death.
submitted by AsscrackPontiac to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:38 AWildEnglishman 📢 Sunday news - WHP Statistics Released, Lib Dems push for CA reform, and CPAG recommendations for UC improvements

Work and Health Programme (WHP) Quarterly Official Statistics released
The DWP has published the latest quarterly release of statistics on the WHP, which includes data up to February 2024.
The WHP was launched in England and Wales between November 2017 and April 2018 to help the following groups of people:
  1. Disability group - voluntary for disabled people as defined in the Equality Act (2010). This is the main group that the WHP is aimed at.
  2. Early Access group - voluntary and aimed at people who may need support to move into employment and are in one of a number of priority groups (for example homeless, ex-armed forces, care leavers, refugees).
  3. Long-term Unemployed (LTU) group - mandatory for Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or Universal Credit (UC) claimants who have reached 24 months of unemployment. Note: referrals to the WHP LTU group were only available between April 2018 and October 2022.
The statistics show:
In September 2023, the Work and Health Programme was expanded to include a new element called WHP Pioneer. Pioneer is aimed at economically inactive customers who have a disability or who are in the Early Access group, in finding sustained work through a support model that has elements of a place and train type approach.
The DWP will include statistics on first earnings from employment and job outcomes from WHP Pioneer in their August 2024 release.
CPAG recommends a three-step plan for improving Universal credit
A report published by Child Poverty Action Group proposes a comprehensive but not exhaustive list of changes to Universal Credit that they believe should be priorities for the incoming government following the general election.
The recommendations cover three areas that they put under the banners of Adequacy, Design and Function of UC, and UC’s Relationship to Work. The recommendations comprise changes to primary and secondary legislation, guidance, and operational or technical changes to the UC system.
What follows is CPAG’s summary of their own report which, again, is not a complete list of what they recommend:
Summary of recommendations on adequacy:
Summary of recommendations on the design and function of UC
Summary of recommendations on UC’s relationship to work
I urge everyone to read the report as I cannot adequately summarise it here.
CPAG three-step report (pdf)
CPAG three-step summary (
PIP claimants over pension age may be entitled to higher mobility award
Pension-age claimants typically can't upgrade from standard to enhanced PIP mobility awards. However, due to poorly drafted laws, those who didn't request an increase but were found eligible during a review may qualify for the higher rate.
You might be eligible for a higher mobility award under PIP, even if you're no longer receiving it, if you meet the following criteria:
benefitsandwork article
View the eligibility criteria at
Half a million left without Child Benefit payment
A batch processing issue at HMRC has resulted in around half a million people not receiving their Child Benefit payments on time. Approximately 30% of Monday’s scheduled payments were affected and will not be processed until Wednesday.
“Affected customers will now receive their payments on Wednesday morning. Anyone who has incurred a direct financial loss because of the delayed payment can apply for redress by completing our online complaints form.”
UK Statistics Authority Chair publishes letter to party leaders
Sir Robert Chote, Chair of the UK Statistics Authority, is urging party leaders to employ "appropriate and transparent use" of statistics during the general election. Furthermore, he insists that statements should be based solely on statistics available in the public domain, rather than those to which ministers have privileged access.
His letter was sent to all major party leaders.
Read Sir Robert Chote's full letter on UKSA
Lib Dems commit to £1.5bn reform of Carer's Allowance, debt amnesty
The reforms would include a £20 per week (£1,040 per year) increase, a £32 increase to the earnings limit to help carers earn more through part-time work, and writing off £250m of overpayment debt incurred by 100,000 carers.
The proposals follow the National Audit Office’s announcement in May of their intention to investigate the ongoing scandal over Carer’s Allowance.
Ed Davey is expected to announce the reforms on Monday.
The Guardian
submitted by AWildEnglishman to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:37 Doggooneoon3 Struggling and indecisive

Hi all,
I posted a while ago seeking advice on where to start with my graduate studies, but I haven't taken that advice yet because I'm unsure about which type of master's program in research to pursue. I'm leaning towards a non-thesis route in wildlife studies. My background includes two REUs focused on marine or coastal environments, and my research experience spans birds, prairie dogs, badgers, zooplankton (with a publication in progress), pipefish, and moray eels. In essence, I've explored a variety of fields.
However, I'm still undecided between marine biology, wildlife biology, or natural resources. There are numerous research opportunities available, but I want to focus on conservation on endangered species or predator work. My goal is to work for the federal government and be near the coast. I love animals, particularly mammals and predators, but I'm struggling to narrow down my options. How did you all decide on your paths?
I am passionate about research, fieldwork, and lab tech jobs, as these were significant parts of my undergraduate experience. After taking a gap year, I'm now looking for programs starting in fall 2025. One professor who has inspired me, and who works with animals I love (like wolverines), plans to meet with me to discuss opportunities in his lab next year since I’ve read so many of his papers in conservation work on wolverines. This is definitely my plan A, but I want to explore other programs as well in the coast too obviously knowing wolverines aren’t in the beachy areas but they are just one of the animals I ended up falling for especially writing about them for a class using the professor research and I saw his work and graduate students experiences, really amazing.
Ideally, I'd like to find a program near the coast, whether it's focused on terrestrial or marine research. As a natural resources and ecology major, most prerequisites for a Marine Biology MS degree aren't applicable to me, and I'm not keen on taking extensive physics or chemistry courses. Does anyone have any advice? What would be an ideal major to help me narrow down and dive into a specific field? I've been spending hours every day trying to figure this out.
submitted by Doggooneoon3 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:36 GuiltlessMaple Best Flashlight With Taser

Best Flashlight With Taser
Are you looking for a versatile self-defense tool that's both convenient and effective? Look no further than our Flashlight With Taser roundup! This article brings you the best products available that combine the power of a flashlight with the stun of a taser. Get prepared and stay safe with our top picks for the ultimate self-defense gadget.

The Top 7 Best Flashlight With Taser

  1. Powerful High-Voltage Stun Gun for Security - The Guard Dog LightSafer Stun Gun w/ Tac Light Max Voltage White, a durable, rechargeable 400 lumen stun gun flashlight with concealed high voltage stun capability, is the ultimate self-defense tool for those seeking unbeatable protection.
  2. 1 Million Volt Stun Gun & Flashlight - Prepare for unexpected situations with the Zap Light Extreme 1mil Black Stun Gun/Flashlight, featuring a bright LED bulb, powerful Ni-MH rechargeable battery, and 6 ultra-sharp spike electrodes for added protection.
  3. 2 Million Volt Non-Lethal Taser for Personal Protection - Experience the power of long-range self-defense with the PS Zap Stun Enforcer 2, a high-rated, non-lethal protection device by PS Products.
  4. Portable Stun Gun Flashlight with Wrist Strap and Charging Cable - The TASER StrikeLight 2 Kit is a versatile, high-intensity stun gun and portable flashlight that combines close-contact stun capabilities with long-distance warnings, providing safety and protection for any situation.
  5. Compact and Cute Taser with Flashlight for Small Animals - The Stun Master Lil Guy packs a powerful 12,000,000-volt punch in a small, adorable package, featuring a built-in LED flashlight and nylon holster for added safety and convenience.
  6. Powerful 320-Lumen LED Flashlight with Taser for Personal Security - Illuminate your daily safety with the Guard Dog Diablo II flashlight, featuring a concealed inner stun gun for added security and a 320-lumen beam perfect for visibility and blinding unwanted attackers.
  7. Smart Self-Defense Light with Taser Function - The Smith & Wesson Self-Defense Light 1163728 is a powerful 35-lumen flashlight with a built-in taser, designed for self-protection and emergency situations, featuring a hardened glass breaker and solid metal construction.
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🔗Powerful High-Voltage Stun Gun for Security
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Guard Dog LIGHTSAFER Stun Gun w/ Tac Light. This handy device is perfect for those who want to feel secure in their day-to-day life. With its concealed high voltage stun capability, I was able to immobilize an aggressor before they could get too close. The powerful bolt was not only intimidating, but also effective in making them retreat.
The stun gun's 400-lumen flashlight comes in handy in a variety of situations, whether you're walking home late at night or just taking a shortcut through a dark alley. Additionally, the battery life indicator was a real lifesaver, as it allowed me to keep track of when the device needed recharge. The stun gun's shockproof anti-roll body, made of type III aircraft-grade aluminum, gives it the durability it needs to endure any tough situation. Overall, the Guard Dog LIGHTSAFER Stun Gun w/ Tac Light has proved to be a reliable and effective device for anyone seeking self-defense tools.

🔗1 Million Volt Stun Gun & Flashlight
As someone who has tried the Zap Light Extreme 1mil Blk Stun Gun/Flashlight, I can say it's a powerful and versatile tool for personal protection. The 6 Ultra-sharp Spike Electrodes offer extra protection and can penetrate clothes, helping you to ward off potential attackers. The built-in high-endurance Ni-MH rechargeable battery ensures the product is always ready when you need it, while the ultra-bright LED bulb shines for an impressive 5 hours per charge.
I loved the convenience of the USB wall charger, USB car charger, carry case, and wrist strap that came with it, making it easy to carry and store. The only downside I encountered was the flimsy belt clip that sometimes made it difficult to secure the stun gun in my pocket. Overall, the Zap Light Extreme is a reliable and intimidating tool for self-defense and personal safety.

🔗2 Million Volt Non-Lethal Taser for Personal Protection
I recently received the PS Zap Enforcer 2 Mil Blk Zapen and couldn't wait to try it out. With its 2 million-volt stun gun feature, I felt it would be my new best friend in ensuring my safety during my evening walks. However, one thing I noticed was the size - it felt a bit too large for my hands, particularly for someone like me who is only 5'3.
Using this product, I found the flashlight to be extremely useful. The bright beam made it easy to navigate through the pitch-black nights, while the stun gun function made me feel safe knowing I could defend myself if needed. The metal exterior and sturdy construction added to the product's reliability.
However, the charging issue proved to be a bit of a pain. After using it for a few days, the battery seemed to drain quickly, and despite being warned about this, I still found myself struggling to keep it powered throughout the day. Another minor issue was the lack of a smaller or more portable option, as the size could be a bit unwieldy for some people.
Overall, the PS Zap Enforcer 2 Mil Blk Zapen has its pros and cons, but it's definitely a useful tool for those seeking a bit of extra security in their daily lives. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a stun gun flashlight, but just remember to keep an eye on the battery life to avoid being left in the dark.

🔗Portable Stun Gun Flashlight with Wrist Strap and Charging Cable
When I first got my hands on the Taser StrikeLight 2 Kit White, I was immediately impressed by its sleek design. It looked like a powerful tool meant for serious moments, but at the same time, it was surprisingly comfortable to carry around with me.
The 700-lumen high beam setting was simply mind-blowing. I found myself reaching for it whenever I needed a good, bright light in a dark situation. The low beam and red mode were also incredibly useful, providing just the right amount of light for specific scenarios.
I have to admit, I was more than a little intimidated by the thought of using this device as a stun gun. But, after putting it to the test, I was pleasantly surprised by how effective it was at close range. Its stun gun capabilities provided a sense of security and safety that I hadn't quite expected.
But, nothing's perfect. Although the device itself is relatively light, I noticed that the charging cable seemed to be a bit of an afterthought. It was a little flimsy, and I had to be careful not to tear it by accident.
Overall, the Taser StrikeLight 2 Kit White has been a reliable companion in my everyday life. It's saved me from a few nervous encounters, and the built-in stun gun capabilities give me a sense of security that I never knew I needed. While there are a few cons to consider, the pros outweigh them by far.

🔗Compact and Cute Taser with Flashlight for Small Animals
The Stun Master Lil Guy 12,000,000 Volts Animal Print stun gun was more than just a cute taser. It offered a powerful self-defense solution for people on the go. I tried it one day when a group of strangers cornered me in a dark alley. While I was initially skeptical of its real efficacy, I decided to give it a try. Pressing the shock button, the Lil Guy thrashed 1,200,000 volts of power through the metal probes, effectively scaring off my assailants.
I appreciated its compact size, as it easily fit in my purse, and the bright LED flashlight built into it was quite useful at night. However, the nylon case the gun came with wasn't the most secure – I'd recommend investing in a sturdier case for added protection.
The Lil Guy had a safety switch; in the down position, it was off, in the middle position it was a super bright LED flashlight, and in the up position, it needed a firm trigger press before it unleashed 12,000,000 volts. Despite the quirky design, this stun gun served its purpose, providing a sense of security in moments of danger.

🔗Powerful 320-Lumen LED Flashlight with Taser for Personal Security
Guard Dog Security Diablo II 320-Lumen 3 Modes LED Rechargeable Flashlight has been an integral part of my daily life. This multi-functional device offers both a flashlight and a concealed stun gun, perfect for those who want to feel secure without carrying around a visible stun gun. The 320-lumen light can be seen over 500 yards away, acting as a powerful deterrent for unwanted attackers.
The concealed stun technology is the highlight of this device, delivering a powerful and intimidating shock around the top layer, all while remaining inconspicuous. This self-defense tool has been popular, especially among law enforcement, yet it's now available for the general public.
Diablo II is crafted with a shockproof body, built from an aircraft-grade type III aluminum, providing both durability and protection. The emergency glass beaker is a convenient added feature. The product arrives with a premium leather holster, making it easy to carry on your person.
However, the cons of this product are the non-replaceable battery and the lack of an additional belt clip. The need to replace the battery can be inconvenient for some users. Also, a more user-friendly belt clip would have been a great addition. Despite these limitations, the Guard Dog Diablo II remains an effective choice for those who want a versatile and reliable security solution on their daily endeavors.

🔗Smart Self-Defense Light with Taser Function
I've been using the Smith & Wesson Self-Defense Light lately, and it's become quite a reliable tool in my daily life. The light output is impressive with its 35 lumens, making it bright and compact. One feature that stands out is the hardened glass breaker for emergency situations.
However, I also noticed that the metal construction can be a bit heavy and the matte finish might be prone to fingerprints. Overall, it's a solid choice for those looking for both a flashlight and a self-defense option.

Buyer's Guide

A flashlight with a built-in taser is a versatile self-defense tool designed to provide both bright light and a shocking deterrent in one compact package. These types of flashlights are becoming increasingly popular among individuals wishing to protect themselves and their surroundings.

Key Features to Consider

  • Brightness: The flashlight should have a high-intensity LED to provide optimum illumination in low-light situations. Consider a range of beam patterns, including spot and flood modes to suit different needs.
  • Battery Life: Look for flashlights with rechargeable batteries or long-lasting alkaline cells to ensure the device lasts when you need it most.
  • Taser Voltage: The taser should have a strong enough electricity discharge to disable an attacker effectively and safely.
  • Size and Weight: The flashlight should be portable and easy to carry, without sacrificing functionality.
  • Construction: The device should be sturdy and have an IP-rated waterproof feature for added safety and durability.

Important Considerations

  • Legal Restrictions: Make sure you are aware of the local, state, and federal regulations governing the use of a taser-equipped flashlight.
  • Safety Precautions: Always follow safety guidelines and practice using the device to ensure you can use it effectively when needed.
  • Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend on a flashlight with a taser to find the right balance between cost and performance.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Scan customer reviews and ratings to gather insights on the flashlight's effectiveness and build quality.

General Advice

Remember that a flashlight with a taser is not a substitute for formal self-defense training or for relying on others for support and safety. Always use these tools responsibly and only in situations where you feel genuinely threatened.


What is a Flashlight With Taser?

A Flashlight With Taser is a multipurpose self-defense tool that combines the functionality of a bright flashlight and a non-lethal taser for personal safety.

What is the purpose of a Taser on a Flashlight?

The integration of a Taser on a Flashlight serves to provide protection in the event of a potential danger or attack. The bright flashlight can be used to disorient an attacker, while the Taser can be used to incapacitate them, giving you time to escape or seek help.

How does a Flashlight With Taser work?

The flashlight can be used to emit a bright light to blind an attacker and the Taser can be used to create a high-voltage, non-lethal electrical discharge to incapacitate them. The Taser is typically activated by pressing a button and aiming it at the attacker. Some models may require a direct contact with the target for the Taser to be effective.

Are Flashlight With Tasers legal to own?

The legality of owning a Flashlight With Taser varies by location, as it depends on the local laws and regulations. Some areas may classify it as a non-lethal self-defense weapon, while others may consider it a prohibited weapon. It is essential to research and check local laws in your area before purchasing or owning a Flashlight With Taser.

How effective are Flashlight With Tasers in self-defense?

The effectiveness of a Flashlight With Taser in self-defense situations can depend on various factors such as the distance from the attacker, the angle of the strike, and the target's body sensitivity. In general, the Taser has a high success rate in incapacitating an attacker and providing time for the user to escape or seek help. However, it is crucial to remember that self-defense tools should be used as a last resort and only to protect oneself.

What safety features should be present on a Flashlight With Taser?

  • A safety switch to prevent accidental discharge of the Taser.
  • Interlock features between the flashlight and Taser to prevent them from being used separately.
  • A built-in safety mechanism that renders the Taser ineffective if the user tries to use it on someone already incapacitated.

What is the lifespan of a Flashlight With Taser's Taser?

The Taser component in a Flashlight With Taser typically has a lifespan of around 50,000 to 100,000 shots. However, this may vary depending on the model and usage patterns. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the proper storage, maintenance, and use of the Taser component.

How should I maintain and store my Flashlight With Taser?

Always store the Flashlight With Taser in a dry place and away from temperature extremes. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintenance to ensure that the Taser component remains effective and functional. Regularly check the safety features and ensure that they are working properly.
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