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2024.05.16 02:09 Top-Bid4576

🎰🎲✨ Obtenez 500 euros et 200 tours gratuits pour jouer à des jeux de casino en un seul clic ! ✨🎲🎰
Paris sportifs en ligne
Les paris sportifs en ligne sont devenus de plus en plus populaires ces dernières années, offrant aux amateurs de sport une nouvelle façon de suivre leurs équipes et joueurs préférés tout en ajoutant une dose d'excitation supplémentaire. Paris sportifs en ligne permettent aux parieurs de placer des mises sur une variété de sports, allant du football au tennis en passant par le basketball et bien plus encore.
Les plateformes de paris sportifs en ligne offrent une grande diversité d'événements sportifs sur lesquels parier, ainsi que des options de paris variées telles que les paris simples, combinés ou en direct. Les parieurs peuvent suivre en temps réel le déroulement des matchs et ajuster leurs paris en conséquence, ce qui ajoute un élément interactif à l'expérience de jeu.
Il est important pour les parieurs de choisir des sites de paris sportifs en ligne fiables et sécurisés, afin de protéger leurs données personnelles et financières. Ils devraient également se fixer un budget et parier de manière responsable, en évitant de tomber dans l'excès.
En conclusion, les paris sportifs en ligne offrent une manière amusante et interactive de soutenir ses équipes préférées tout en ayant la possibilité de remporter des gains. Il est essentiel de parier de manière responsable et de profiter de cette expérience de jeu de manière consciente.
Cotes et pronostics
Les cotes et les pronostics sont des éléments clés dans le monde des paris sportifs. Les cotes représentent la probabilité qu'un événement se produise lors d'une rencontre sportive, et les pronostics sont des prévisions sur le déroulement d'un match ou d'une compétition.
Les cotes sont généralement exprimées sous forme décimale, fractionnelle ou américaine. Elles permettent aux parieurs de connaître le potentiel gain en cas de mise victorieuse. Plus une cote est élevée, plus les bookmakers estiment que l'événement est improbable. Les pronostiqueurs analysent les performances passées, les statistiques et les facteurs influençant le déroulement d'une rencontre pour donner des conseils avisés aux parieurs.
Il est essentiel de comprendre les cotes et les pronostics avant de se lancer dans les paris sportifs. Il est recommandé de diversifier ses sources d'informations et de consulter plusieurs pronostiqueurs pour se faire une idée précise de l'événement à venir. La prudence et la modération sont de rigueur pour éviter les risques de pertes financières importantes.
En résumé, les cotes et les pronostics sont des outils indispensables pour les parieurs souhaitant optimiser leurs chances de gains. Une analyse minutieuse et une gestion efficace de son capital sont les clés d'une expérience de paris sportifs réussie. Il est important de parier de manière responsable et de ne jamais miser plus que ce que l'on peut se permettre de perdre.
Bonus de bienvenue
Les bonus de bienvenue sont des offres promotionnelles proposées par les sites de jeux en ligne, les plateformes de trading, les casinos en ligne et d'autres entreprises pour attirer de nouveaux clients. Ces bonus constituent un avantage supplémentaire offert aux utilisateurs lors de leur inscription ou premier dépôt.
Les bonus de bienvenue peuvent prendre différentes formes, telles que des bonus de dépôt, des tours gratuits, des crédits bonus, des remises en argent ou d'autres incitations spéciales. Ces offres sont souvent soumises à des conditions qui doivent être remplies avant de pouvoir retirer les gains associés.
Il est important pour les utilisateurs de lire attentivement les termes et conditions des bonus de bienvenue afin de comprendre les exigences de mise, les restrictions de jeu et les dates d'expiration éventuelles. En suivant ces règles, les joueurs peuvent optimiser l'utilisation de leur bonus et maximiser leurs chances de gagner.
Les bonus de bienvenue sont un moyen attrayant pour les entreprises de fidéliser leur clientèle et de créer une expérience positive pour les nouveaux utilisateurs. Cependant, il est essentiel de jouer de manière responsable et de ne pas être trop impulsif en raison de ces offres alléchantes.
Mises en direct
Les mises en direct sont une forme passionnante de divertissement en ligne qui permet aux joueurs de parier sur des événements en temps réel. Que ce soit lors de matchs de football, de courses de chevaux ou d'événements sportifs majeurs, les mises en direct offrent une expérience immersive et interactive aux parieurs.
Ce type de pari permet aux joueurs de suivre l'évolution d'un événement en direct et d'ajuster leurs mises en fonction des changements de situation. Cela ajoute un niveau d'excitation supplémentaire, car les parieurs peuvent réagir instantanément aux rebondissements de l'événement.
Les mises en direct offrent également une variété d'options de paris, allant des simples pronostics sur le résultat final aux paris plus complexes sur des éléments spécifiques de l'événement. Les cotes évoluent en temps réel en fonction des performances des participants, offrant aux parieurs la possibilité de maximiser leurs gains en prenant des décisions éclairées.
Pour profiter pleinement des mises en direct, il est essentiel de suivre attentivement l'événement, d'analyser les tendances et de prendre des décisions rapides. C'est un moyen idéal pour les amateurs de paris sportifs de vivre une expérience palpitante et de tester leurs connaissances et leur intuition en temps réel.
En conclusion, les mises en direct offrent une expérience de pari unique qui combine l'excitation du jeu en ligne avec l'authenticité et la dynamique des événements sportifs en direct. Que vous soyez un parieur occasionnel ou un passionné de sports, les mises en direct sont une option à ne pas manquer pour pimenter vos sessions de jeu en ligne.
Jeux de casino en ligne
Les jeux de casino en ligne sont devenus de plus en plus populaires ces dernières années. Accessibles à tout moment et depuis n'importe quel endroit, ces jeux offrent une expérience de jeu unique et divertissante pour les amateurs de sensations fortes.
Les casinos en ligne proposent une grande variété de jeux, allant des machines à sous aux jeux de table en passant par le vidéo poker. Chaque joueur peut trouver son jeu préféré et profiter d'innombrables heures de divertissement.
En plus de l'aspect ludique, les jeux de casino en ligne offrent également la possibilité de gagner de l'argent réel. Que ce soit en jouant à la roulette, au blackjack ou au poker, les joueurs ont la chance de remporter des gains conséquents et de vivre des moments palpitants.
Il est important de jouer de manière responsable et de se fixer des limites afin de profiter pleinement de l'expérience de jeu en ligne. De nombreux casinos proposent des outils permettant de contrôler ses dépenses et de s'assurer que le jeu reste un loisir agréable.
En résumé, les jeux de casino en ligne sont une excellente alternative pour les passionnés de jeux d'argent qui souhaitent profiter de l'excitation des casinos depuis chez eux. N'attendez plus pour tenter votre chance et découvrir l'univers fascinant des jeux de casino en ligne !
submitted by Top-Bid4576 to u/Top-Bid4576 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:05 SaleVivid7915 b.e.t.

🎰🎲✨ Obtenez 500 euros et 200 tours gratuits pour jouer à des jeux de casino en un seul clic ! ✨🎲🎰
Chaîne de télévision
Une chaîne de télévision est un média audiovisuel qui produit et diffuse des programmes télévisés pour le grand public. Ces programmes peuvent inclure des émissions d'information, des séries, des films, des documentaires, des émissions de divertissement, des émissions pour enfants, des émissions sportives, et bien d'autres. Les chaînes de télévision peuvent être diffusées gratuitement, financées par la publicité, ou être des chaînes payantes disponibles uniquement aux abonnés.
Il existe une multitude de chaînes de télévision qui ciblent différents publics et qui proposent une variété de contenus. Certaines chaînes sont généralistes et offrent une programmation diversifiée pour un large public, tandis que d'autres sont spécialisées dans un domaine spécifique comme la cuisine, la musique, le sport, l'actualité, ou encore les séries.
Les chaînes de télévision jouent un rôle important dans la société en informant, divertissant, éduquant et créant du lien social. Elles permettent de diffuser des événements en direct, des émissions culturelles, des débats politiques, des reportages journalistiques, et bien plus encore. Les téléspectateurs peuvent ainsi s'informer sur l'actualité nationale et internationale, découvrir de nouveaux talents, ou simplement se divertir après une journée de travail.
En somme, les chaînes de télévision font partie intégrante de nos vies et continuent d'évoluer avec l'avènement des plateformes de streaming en ligne. Elles restent un média incontournable pour de nombreux foyers à travers le monde.
Jeux d'argent
Les jeux d'argent ont toujours fasciné et attisé la curiosité des individus à travers les âges. Que ce soit les casinos traditionnels, les paris sportifs en ligne, les loteries ou les machines à sous, le monde des jeux d'argent offre une diversité de divertissements pour tous les goûts.
Cependant, il est important de garder à l'esprit que les jeux d'argent peuvent devenir une source de dépendance pour certaines personnes. Il est crucial de jouer de manière responsable et de connaître ses limites.
En France, les jeux d'argent sont strictement réglementés par l'État. Les casinos physiques et en ligne doivent respecter des normes strictes pour garantir la sécurité des joueurs et prévenir les risques liés à l'addiction au jeu.
Les jeux d'argent peuvent être un moyen de se divertir et de tenter sa chance, mais il est essentiel de ne pas perdre de vue l'aspect ludique et de ne pas basculer dans l'excès. Il est recommandé de se fixer un budget strict à ne pas dépasser et de ne jamais jouer sous l'emprise de l'alcool ou de substances intoxicantes.
En conclusion, les jeux d'argent sont une forme de divertissement populaire qui peut offrir des moments d'excitation et de plaisir, mais il est primordial de les aborder de manière responsable et raisonnée pour en profiter pleinement sans mettre en danger sa santé financière ou mentale.
Le divertissement est une composante essentielle de la vie moderne. Que ce soit en regardant un film, en assistant à un concert ou en jouant à des jeux vidéo, les possibilités de divertissement sont infinies. Le divertissement permet de s'évader du quotidien, de se détendre et de se divertir.
Les formes de divertissement sont variées et chacun peut trouver son bonheur en fonction de ses goûts et de ses préférences. Les cinéphiles pourront profiter des derniers blockbusters au cinéma, les mélomanes assister à des concerts ou des festivals de musique, et les passionnés de jeux vidéo se plonger dans des univers virtuels captivants.
Outre le divertissement passif, comme regarder un film ou un spectacle, il est également possible de s'adonner à des activités plus interactives. Les escape games, les parcs d'attractions ou les jeux en ligne permettent de vivre des expériences uniques et stimulantes.
Le divertissement joue un rôle important dans notre équilibre mental et émotionnel. En nous permettant de nous évader du stress et des préoccupations du quotidien, il contribue à notre bien-être et à notre bonheur.
En fin de compte, le divertissement est un moyen de s'amuser, de se divertir et de partager des moments agréables avec nos proches. Que ce soit seul, en famille ou entre amis, le divertissement est une source de joie et de plaisir qui enrichit notre quotidien.
Paris sportifs
Les paris sportifs sont une forme de jeu qui consiste à parier de l'argent sur le résultat d'événements sportifs. En France, les paris sportifs sont réglementés par l'Autorité de régulation des jeux en ligne (ARJEL) et sont devenus de plus en plus populaires ces dernières années.
Les parieurs peuvent miser sur une grande variété de sports tels que le football, le tennis, le basketball, etc. Ils peuvent parier sur le résultat final d'un match, le score à la mi-temps, le nombre de buts marqués, et bien d'autres options en fonction des plateformes de paris disponibles.
Il est important de souligner que les paris sportifs peuvent être une activité de loisir divertissante, mais il est essentiel de parier de manière responsable. Il est recommandé de ne jamais parier plus que ce que l'on peut se permettre de perdre et de ne pas laisser les émotions dicter les décisions de jeu.
Les paris sportifs offrent également la possibilité de suivre de près les événements sportifs et de vivre une expérience immersive et excitante. De plus, les plateformes de paris en ligne proposent souvent des promotions et des bonus attractifs pour les nouveaux joueurs.
En conclusion, les paris sportifs sont une activité populaire en France qui peut être pratiquée de manière responsable et divertissante. Il est essentiel de se tenir informé des règles et des réglementations en vigueur pour profiter pleinement de cette expérience de jeu.
Les actualités sont un aliment quotidien pour la plupart des gens, les tenant au courant des événements importants et des développements significatifs dans le monde. Que ce soit à la télévision, à la radio, dans les journaux ou en ligne, les actualités sont omniprésentes et essentielles pour rester informé.
Les actualités couvrent une grande variété de sujets, allant de la politique à l'économie en passant par la culture et le sport. Elles offrent un aperçu des événements locaux, nationaux et internationaux, permettant aux individus de comprendre le monde qui les entoure et de se forger une opinion éclairée.
En plus de fournir des informations factuelles, les actualités peuvent également susciter des débats, inspirer des changements et sensibiliser le public à des questions importantes. Elles jouent un rôle crucial dans la démocratie en permettant aux citoyens de rester informés et de participer activement au processus décisionnel.
Malgré les critiques concernant parfois la partialité ou la sensationnalisation de l'actualité, il est indéniable que les médias jouent un rôle essentiel dans la société d'aujourd'hui. En restant attentifs et critiques face aux informations qui leur sont présentées, les individus peuvent tirer le meilleur parti des actualités et rester bien informés sur les événements qui façonnent le monde.
submitted by SaleVivid7915 to u/SaleVivid7915 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:57 EpicGamer420lol Am I missing something?

Saw online casinos giving 10%-20% of spins back after betting a certain ammount in slots. Isn't this (statistically) guaranteed profit? I see this kind of bonus all the time, so I'm kind of sceptical.
Let's say the RTP of the machine is 95% and I have to bet 100$ total to get 15$ in free spins.
After spinning through 100$, I'll get 95$ back on average + 15$ in free spins. I should make around 10$ most of the time.
submitted by EpicGamer420lol to gambling [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:31 bawitback What are your favorite independent or demo releases?

I've been listening to Armani Death Machine 2003 demo, it's just as good as Cat. 5 and Geared. what are some of your fave demos or independent alums or EPs?
submitted by bawitback to NuMetalElite [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:03 Zealousideal-Sky-973 I discovered HugeWin Casino

HugeWin stands tall in the realm of online casinos, offering an immersive gaming experience coupled with the allure of massive jackpots. Let's delve into the captivating world of HugeWin and discover the array of games and the thrill of chasing jackpots.
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submitted by Zealousideal-Sky-973 to CryptoReleasesDaily [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:01 Omar_2004 I forgot the name of a manga i read a while ag

One day the mc wakes up to a slot machine in front him that gives him powers i think. At some point a teen female mafia boss bombed his apartment. And in another part of the manga the mc travels into the past when i think her parents died. I think she calls the mc "mister". Those are the details i remeber, would appreciate it if someone helps
submitted by Omar_2004 to manga [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:58 FickleSystem2350 pariez foot

pariez foot
Types de paris sportifs
Les paris sportifs sont une forme de divertissement populaire qui permet aux amateurs de sport de mettre à l'épreuve leur connaissance et leur intuition en misant sur les résultats des événements sportifs. Il existe différents types de paris sportifs offerts par les bookmakers, adaptés aux préférences et aux différents niveaux d'expérience des parieurs.
Le type de pari le plus courant est le pari simple, où le parieur mise sur le résultat d'un seul événement sportif. Ce type de pari est simple et direct, idéal pour les débutants. Ensuite, il y a le pari combiné, où le parieur mise sur plusieurs événements sportifs et doit remporter tous les paris pour gagner. Ce type de pari offre des gains potentiellement plus élevés, mais comporte également un risque plus important.
Les parieurs plus expérimentés peuvent opter pour des paris plus complexes, tels que les paris systèmes ou les handicaps. Les paris systèmes offrent plus de flexibilité en permettant au parieur de combiner différents paris simples en un seul ticket, tandis que les handicaps sont basés sur des points d'avance ou de retard pour équilibrer les chances entre les équipes.
Enfin, les amateurs de sensations fortes peuvent se tourner vers les paris en direct, où les parieurs peuvent placer leurs mises en temps réel pendant le déroulement de l'événement sportif. Cette forme de parier apporte une dose d'adrénaline supplémentaire et demande une réactivité accrue de la part des parieurs.
Que vous soyez un parieur débutant ou expérimenté, il est essentiel de bien comprendre les différents types de paris sportifs disponibles pour choisir celui qui correspond le mieux à vos préférences et à votre niveau de confort. Bonne chance et pariez de manière responsable !
Cotes et probabilités de gains
Les cotes et les probabilités de gains sont des concepts essentiels à comprendre pour ceux qui s'adonnent aux jeux de hasard et aux paris. Les cotes représentent les chances de succès d'un événement et sont souvent exprimées sous forme de fractions, de décimales ou de pourcentages. Plus les cotes sont basses, plus les chances de gagner sont grandes, mais les gains potentiels sont moindres. À l'inverse, des cotes plus élevées indiquent des chances plus faibles de gagner, mais offrent des gains plus importants en cas de victoire.
Les probabilités de gains quant à elles expriment mathématiquement les chances de succès d'un joueur. Elles sont calculées en fonction du nombre de résultats possibles et du nombre de résultats favorables à la victoire. Comprendre les probabilités de gains permet aux joueurs de prendre des décisions éclairées lorsqu'ils placent des paris.
Il est important de noter que les cotes et les probabilités de gains ne garantissent en aucun cas le succès lors des jeux de hasard. Ils sont simplement des indicateurs permettant d'estimer les risques et les gains potentiels associés à une mise. Il est donc essentiel de jouer de manière responsable et de ne jamais parier plus que ce que l'on peut se permettre de perdre.
En conclusion, les cotes et les probabilités de gains sont des outils précieux pour évaluer les risques et les gains potentiels lors des jeux de hasard. En les comprenant correctement, les joueurs peuvent prendre des décisions plus éclairées et profiter pleinement de l'expérience de jeu tout en minimisant les pertes éventuelles.
Conseils de pronostics
Les conseils de pronostics sont essentiels pour ceux qui s'intéressent aux paris sportifs. Que vous soyez un débutant ou un parieur expérimenté, il est important de suivre quelques recommandations pour augmenter vos chances de succès.
Tout d'abord, il est crucial de faire des recherches approfondies avant de placer un pari. Analysez les statistiques des équipes ou des joueurs concernés, les performances récentes, l'historique des confrontations, les conditions météorologiques, les absences éventuelles, etc. Plus vous serez informé, plus vous serez en mesure de prendre des décisions éclairées.
Ensuite, fixez-vous un budget et respectez-le. Les paris peuvent être addictifs, il est donc important de ne pas risquer plus que ce que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre. Établissez une stratégie de gestion de votre capital pour éviter les mauvaises surprises.
De plus, diversifiez vos paris pour maximiser vos chances de gains. Ne misez pas toujours sur les mêmes équipes ou types de paris. Explorez différentes options et restez ouvert aux opportunités qui se présentent.
Enfin, gardez à l'esprit que les paris sportifs sont basés sur le hasard et qu'il est impossible de prédire avec certitude l'issue d'un match. Restez modéré dans vos attentes et ne misez pas de grosses sommes sur des paris risqués.
En suivant ces conseils de pronostics, vous pourrez profiter pleinement de l'excitation des paris sportifs tout en minimisant les risques financiers. Bonne chance et que la meilleure équipe gagne !
Plateformes de paris en ligne
Les plateformes de paris en ligne sont devenues de plus en plus populaires auprès des joueurs du monde entier. Ces plateformes offrent une variété de jeux de hasard, tels que les paris sportifs, les casinos en ligne, le poker et bien d'autres encore, accessibles directement depuis un ordinateur ou un appareil mobile.
Les parieurs peuvent trouver une multitude d'options de paris sur ces plateformes, avec des cotes attractives et des bonus alléchants pour attirer de nouveaux joueurs. Les paris sportifs sont parmi les jeux les plus populaires, permettant aux utilisateurs de placer des paris sur une grande variété de sports, des compétitions locales aux événements internationaux majeurs.
Les casinos en ligne offrent également une expérience de jeu immersive, avec une large sélection de jeux de table, de machines à sous et même de jeux en direct avec de vrais croupiers. Les amateurs de poker peuvent également trouver des tournois excitants et des parties en ligne contre d'autres joueurs du monde entier.
Il est essentiel pour les joueurs de choisir des plateformes de paris en ligne réputées et réglementées, offrant un environnement de jeu sécurisé et équitable. Il est recommandé de consulter les avis des autres joueurs et de vérifier les licences et certifications des plateformes avant de s'inscrire.
En conclusion, les plateformes de paris en ligne offrent une manière pratique et excitante de profiter de jeux de hasard variés depuis chez soi. Avec une offre diversifiée de jeux et de possibilités de gain, ces plateformes continueront certainement à attirer de nouveaux adeptes à l'avenir.
Gestion de bankroll
La gestion de bankroll est un concept essentiel pour tout joueur de casino ou de paris en ligne. Il s'agit de la gestion rigoureuse de votre budget de jeu afin de maximiser vos chances de gain et de limiter vos pertes. Une bonne gestion de bankroll vous permettra de jouer de manière responsable et durable, en évitant les risques de pertes imprévues qui pourraient compromettre votre expérience de jeu.
Il est crucial de fixer un budget de jeu avant de commencer à jouer et de s'y tenir. Cela implique de déterminer la somme d'argent que vous êtes prêt à dépenser pour vos sessions de jeu et de ne pas la dépasser, même en cas de pertes. En divisant votre budget en unités plus petites, vous pourrez mieux contrôler vos mises et éviter de tout perdre en une seule session.
Il est également important de choisir des jeux qui correspondent à votre budget et à votre niveau de confort. Ne misez pas plus que ce que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre et ne tentez pas de récupérer vos pertes en misant des sommes plus importantes. Restez discipliné et gardez à l'esprit que le jeu doit rester un divertissement, pas un moyen de gagner de l'argent facile.
En appliquant une gestion de bankroll efficace, vous pourrez profiter pleinement de vos sessions de jeu en ligne en minimisant les risques de pertes financières. Soyez prudent, responsable et profitez du divertissement offert par les jeux de casino en ligne en toute sérénité.
submitted by FickleSystem2350 to u/FickleSystem2350 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:52 Majestic-Signal1741 Prix exorbitants

Prix exorbitants
Bonjour bonsoir, Je suis un mec français (en France) de 25 ans. J'avais tinder depuis quelques mois en platinum et j'ai enlevé le renouvellement automatique de l'abonnement qui me coûtait 30.99€ par mois.
J'ai été choisi pour tinder select VIP machin à 500e par mois que je n'ai bien évidemment pas choisi.
Mon abonnement s'est terminé sans notification ni rien et maintenant le platinum coûte 54.99 (tinder + et gold ont largement augmentés aussi)
J'ai contacté le support, que du blabla Jamais je ne paierai ce prix là pour tinder, autant aller à Amsterdam.
Que s'est il passé ? Merci les gars et les filles Bonne journée / soirée
submitted by Majestic-Signal1741 to TinderFrance [link] [comments]

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Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to NYCjobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:45 rmxttmgg [for hire][fullremote] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to remotepython [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:45 rmxttmgg [for hire][fullremote] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to PythonJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:45 rmxttmgg [for hire][remote] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to remotejs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to remotework [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire][remote] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to javascriptjobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to WebDeveloperJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to techjobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to chicagojobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to B2BForHire [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to houstonjobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:44 rmxttmgg [for hire] 2024 Q2-Q3: Is active and available for hire! Front-end/Back-end Development

For Hire PHP/Python/JavaScript Developer. Front-end/Back-end Development full remote (14+ years freelance exp)

Welcoming Projects of All Sizes
Accelerated Development: Opt for my beast-mode development service, perfect for MVPs and projects needing a quick turnaround. With timelines ranging from 28 to 56 days, I’ll ensure your product is test-group ready in just 1-2 weeks.
Long-Term Engagement: Ready to support your projects with consistent productivity for months or years.
Exceptional Rates Without Compromising Quality: Benefit from rates that are up to 2x lower than other counterparts, without any sacrifice in the quality of output. I make premium development services more accessible to you.
Reserved for Genuine Business: To ensure dedicated focus and quality, I reserve my schedule for genuine engagements. This includes high-value, long-term projects, or interesting mid-tier projects.
Effortless for Clients: I aim to eliminate any additional effort on your part.
Project Interests: While I'm open to a wide range of projects, I have a keen interest in:
  • AI & Generative Technologies
  • Automation & Web Scraping
  • API Integration & Development
  • eCommerce Solutions (WITH ACTUAL ROI)
  • Custom Social Media Platforms & Communities
  • Website Cloning & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced PHP/WordPress Development
  • Data-Driven Applications
  • Mobile App Development
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Web & 2D Games

Contact Me Directly for Offers/Tasks:

Please email me at []( with any compelling projects (my response is guaranteed). I prioritize email communication and will not be monitoring comments or chat on Reddit. This helps me maintain focus and ensures I can respond to serious inquiries promptly. Upon receiving your email, I will quickly confirm my availability and discuss next steps. (more info below, keep reading)
No small “fix issue” offers, I prefer trouble-shooting for long-term clients only.
If you're considering hiring remotely, it's best to avoid overly complicated formalities. Simplifying the process can be more beneficial for both end.
Core Development Services:
  • Web & App Development: Expertise in PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/jQuery, NodeJS, ReactJS, CSS for mobile-responsive designs.
  • Full Stack Development: Skilled in both back-end and front-end, ensuring seamless, full-cycle project execution.
  • E-Commerce Solutions: Custom online stores with vendor management, shipping, subscriptions, and integrated payments (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  • Dynamic Websites & CMS: Bespoke content management for text, images, and videos.
  • Interactive & Social Media Applications: Development of chat, streaming, and social platforms for engaging user experiences.
  • Data-Driven Interfaces: Creation of map, table, calendar, and data pages for insightful information presentation.

(progress and demo driven approach, no hassle, super smooth transactions, easy to work with!)

Specialized Technical Services:
  • AI & Automation: Advanced implementation of machine learning and AI for automation and smart scripts/servers.
  • API Integration: Fluent in integrating diverse APIs for enhanced functionality and interoperability.
  • Security & Quality Assurance: Commitment to rigorous testing, including penetration tests and code audits, to ensure top-tier security and quality.
(I'm prepared to pick up where the previous developer left off, reorganizing the entire project to not only enhance the overall experience but also to deliver tangible results that will help advance your goals.)
Innovative & Niche Projects:
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency: Secure and forward-thinking development in blockchain and crypto projects.
  • Interactive & Game-Based Web Solutions: Custom development for game sites, hobby platforms, and interactive dashboards.
  • Adult, NSFW, and Sensitive Content: Experienced in handling projects of all content types with utmost privacy and professionalism.
  • Application Cloning: Tailored cloning of existing applications to meet specific business needs.
Discord, and Telegram services
Technical Adaptation & Support:
  • Migration & Conversion Services: Expertise in converting or migrating PHP apps to various platforms or updating to the latest versions with a modern stack.
  • Continuous Improvement: Offering unlimited revisions for perfection, adaptability to changes, and comprehensive post-launch support.
  • Diverse Technology Stack: Proficient with PHP, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and more to accommodate a broad spectrum of tech requirements.
Engagement & Commitment:
  • Problem Solving: Dedicated to identifying and implementing the best solutions to challenges.
  • Precision & Adaptability: Ensuring projects meet exact specifications with meticulous attention to detail and design.
  • Comprehensive Service: From conception to deployment, offering end-to-end services for long-term success.
Rates: Starting at $15-20 per hour, payable in USD/GBP/EUCAD/AUD/NZD etc, BTC/ETH/USDT. Payment methods: Cryptocurrency(preferred), or Wise, Paypal. many other options to accept payments.
Open to negotiation. Higher payments are appreciated but not mandatory. I prioritize projects that genuinely interest me.
For Serious Inquiries: Portfolio and previous work available to legitimate buyers. Please email me at []( I prefer to discuss projects via email and chat.
Exclusive Content: Access to my personal site, private demos, prototypes, and live sites is reserved for committed clients only.
Working Hours: Available 7 days a week. Task lists typically finalized within 1-3 days, depending on current workload. FLEXIBLE TIMEZONE
Adaptability: Open to any project changes, ensuring flexibility throughout our collaboration.
Dedicated Focus: Once a project is entrusted to me, it receives my undivided attention, allowing you to focus on other critical areas with peace of mind.
Guarantee: Avoid the frustration of unfulfilled promises from developers. With me, you're assured dedication, focus, and delivery as expected.
Contact me (more options), Proof, Transactions, Feedback
Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services for free as I have financial obligations to meet. The compensation I am requesting is both fair and necessary.
As a freelancer, I do not receive health insurance or similar benefits; my earnings are directly tied to my workload/output. Please consider this before offering a lower compensation, or realistically assess whether your budget can support the project you envision.
I am more than willing to go the extra mile for projects or clients that offer a rewarding experience, especially for those projects in which I have a high level of interest. (your service provider eventually go MIA because of change in interests)
submitted by rmxttmgg to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]