Burst ovarian cyst

Endo: treatments, stories, support and research into Endometriosis

2010.12.23 21:08 theonusta Endo: treatments, stories, support and research into Endometriosis

This community aims to support all people affected by and interested in endometriosis. We pride ourselves on being a friendly, inclusive place, where patients and loved ones alike can discuss thoughts and concerns, ask questions, and share information. Please try to engage with others in an empathetic and supportive manner and remember that Endometriosis is an extremely varied disease and each patient has different circumstances, experiences and treatment options.

2009.07.16 21:53 HiFructoseCornFeces r/TwoXChromosomes: You are the community. You have all the power of the internet to mold it.

Welcome to TwoXChromosomes, a subreddit for both serious and silly content, and intended for women's perspectives. We are a welcoming subreddit and support the rights of all genders. Posts are moderated for respect, equanimity, grace, and relevance.

2011.05.25 04:04 Avalon81204 Taking the journey to parenthood together.

This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!

2024.05.15 16:24 lumpydomination Ruptured ovarian cyst?

A little background info. This was my first cycle on clomid. I had a follicle scan on CD 13 which was 3 weeks ago, no mention of cysts. Largest follicle was on my left side measuring 20 mm. I did ovulate and my day 21 progesterone came back at 47ng/ml. Fast forward to today, I woke up with a pressure feeling in my pelvis, I thought it might be urinary related. An hour later it migrated to my lower left side and I had a moment of intense pain that lasted a few minutes. The pain has been there ever since but not as intense. I’ll have moments of that intense pain every 30-60 minutes. Does this sound like a ruptured cyst?
submitted by lumpydomination to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:04 fallingraine85 Sudden Tachycardia

Hello all. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Approximately a month and a half ago, I started experiencing some concerning GI symptoms which were mainly attributed to stress at the time due to what I had going on... I definitely did have an increase in stress at that time. Ultrasounds were done which showed a complex ovarian cyst and a small, simple liver cyst. I cannot get in to my GI specialist until July 22nd. So at that time, a physician that I worked with said I probably had gastritis and silent GERD and recommended Nexium 20mg twice a day. I started that on 4/19. Within 4-5 days I noticed my heart rate becoming elevated considerably over what it typically is when I lift weights in the morning. For reference, I am a 38 year old female and I have routinely done work outs 5 days a week for the past ten years. My heart rate when weight lifting is typically 90's to MAYBE 110 at the highest. My heart rate was leaping into the 120's-130's. No chest pain. Just increased fatigue. Heart rhythm did not feel irregular (I am a nurse, so I can thankfully tell that when manually checking my pulse). I reached out to the physician who advised that I take the Nexium and he told me that he did not think the Nexium was causing my issues. So I continued to take it as he advised until completion on 05/03. Last week, I noticed my heart rate was elevated at 105 when I first got up from bed in the morning. Just standing at the sink and washing my face, it would be like 112. So I called and had a telehealth visit with my personal physician (who also had recommended I take "Prilosec or something for a little while"). I told her what was going on. She told me that "rapid heart rate is one of the more serious side effects of Nexium and it should have been discontinued when you noticed it." I was referred to a cardiologist but they are booked until 06/13. This week, my heart rate has been more normal in the mornings when I first get up (typically 80's) but when I exercise, my heart rate still spikes above my normal. This morning it jumped up to 137 but then when I stood still, it quickly dropped to 101. When I do my 3 mile walk in the afternoons/evenings, my heart rate is typically in the 90's. My resting heart rate is usually 60's-70's and has remained so throughout the day for the most part. It just seems elevated in the mornings, mainly, and in the evenings sometimes after a larger meal. I would think if the problem was the Nexium, it would certainly be out of my system by now. This is just all very odd and concerning to me. I am here to vent, request advice, and hopefully connect with someone else who can relate and perhaps help ease my anxiety while I wait a month for that cardiology appointment. I will say I received a clean bill of health in February, lab work was PERFECT, and I do not have any known health conditions outside of IBS and now possibly silent GERD I guess. I do not take medications outside of: 1. A multivitamin daily, 2. Align probiotic daily, 3. Enzymedica Digest Gold + ATPro, Maximum Strength twice a day before breakfast and dinner. 4. Natural Flow 4X Magnesium Supplement, Magnesium Taurate, Glycinate, Malate, Orotate Complex, Calm Sleep and Cramp Support Blend, No Mag Citrate or Oxide - two capsules with dinner. I started taking the Magnesium as a precaution because Nexium can deplete it over time.
Thank you again for your time.
submitted by fallingraine85 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 Pablarnadardar New and needing advice

Hey guys, so I'm new to this sub and am looking for some much needed advice on my sinus issues.
Back in January of this year, I caught a cold after being admitted to the ER for 12 hours for a ruptured ovarian cyst. I got sick the next day and treated it with DayQuil and it only lasted maybe a week. Since then, I've had a post nasal drip that will not resolve.
I've been to my primary care doctor twice and she told me to take Zyrtec and Flonase. Then I switched to Claritin and Nasacort. Then I went back to my doctor and she prescribed me 7 days of amoxicillin. None of this worked and my symptoms kept getting worse. She checked my chest for infection and there was none. She referred me to an ENT.
I lost the ability to sleep at night unless I was completely exhausted and began vomiting from coughing so much or excess mucus in my stomach. This also has prevented me from being active and doing things I love. It's also super embarrassing to have to explain to people that I'm not contagious or have covid even though my cough sounds horrible.
I went to an ENT and honestly thought he was a little dismissive because he wouldn't let me talk much, but he took a look at my sinuses with an endoscopy and he said there was some inflammation but nothing physically wrong with me. I was also allergy tested last summer for food and environmental allergens and the only thing I was allergic to was birch trees, which I don't live near any. Seasonal allergies have also never effected me before, but I have always been prone to post nasal drips growing up.
The ENT prescribed me 8 days of Prednisone and it actually really helped but around 48 hours after stopping my symptoms have returned. The ENT said to wait a month and then schedule a CT if I didn't improve but I'm doubtful anything would show up on that if the endoscopy was clear.
I keep my apartment humid and I have 3 humidifiers in my 1 bedroom home. I've tried saline nasal sprays and a avoiding caffeine, alcohol and dairy and nothing seems to improve my symptoms. I'm feeling stuck and a little hopeless so any advice or new things to try would be greatly appreciated!
Im not sure if I should consider switching my bc pill, trying a different med, getting a neti pot, or what ?
submitted by Pablarnadardar to nonallergicrhinitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:04 celestebcg My amazing Bi-Salp Experience at 25!

A lot of write posts about peoples experience with their Bi-Salp helped me prepare for mine so I thought I would post about my personal experience!!
So about three years ago, I got my copper IUD placed. I didn’t want to try any hormonal birth control because I tend to be hormone imbalanced, considering I got my period when I was nine years old and I already had ovarian cyst when I was 12 I didn’t want to add to the mix. For the first two years of me having it because my wedding ended up getting postponed due to Covid January 2023, I got married started my first year with the copper IUD being actually sexually active. I always loved my IUD because of the presence of no side effects. Other than the fact that my periods were terrible my periods would fluctuate from being seven days to eight days to 14 days to 20 days long. Throughout the month, I would always spot and have random cramping and then on the day cycle or the day leading up, I was already spotting a lot.. I would take 800 mg of ibuprofen every four hours for the entirety of my period because I could not Barrett all of this medication definitely affected my gut health. Towards the fall of last year, I felt like my cycles were getting a little lighter. Finally I thought I’m about to be three years with this may be it will be regulating a little more soon even with the copper had an extreme paranoia of anxiety, but I didn’t realize how extreme my anxiety is now that this risk of getting pregnant I felt was so prevalent, even though I had a obsess over people and I didn’t use any other form of birth control like condoms because I didn’t really like how it felt. I was always paranoid sitting on the toilet for hours waiting for everything to come out not doing anything for two weeks out of the month I include my period and then my ovulation week because that would also make me more paranoid. The last few months of a light cycle I got the worst cycles I had ever gotten they lasted about three weeks with giant clotting and in general I would always be having to wear. Diapers. I would wear a diaper with a pad on the inside of it and I would go through that every hour and a half so my blood loss was intense after my cycle I would get super lightheaded and the worst part is that I have always been chronically anemic my whole life I’m also vegetarian. I don’t eat meat.. It was a perfect storm. The anemia was being affected by the IUD blood loss and then I was diagnosed with heavy menstrual hemorrhaging. so in January, I decided to go to the doctor and see if there was any other options. Still, I knew that birth-control with hormones was not some thing I wanted. I was referred to a minimally, invasive, OB/GYN surgeon, and I asked about getting a Bi-Salp. he spoke to me about the whole process, and I was very excited that day we decided to take my IUD out, which thankfully was not as painful as the torturous insertion. His plan was let’s see how my natural cycle after. Take the IUD out if my bleeding regulates and I’m not losing as much blood. Would be a good option, but then it will be evident that the IUD is not the cause and that it’s a further issue and then they were considering doing a hysterectomy so that I would no longer get a cycle and I wouldn’t have to worry about my anemia by taking the IUD out sure enough my cycles got better two months and my cycles went from a two week. 22 Would be a good option, but then it will be evident that the IUD is not the cause and that it’s a further issue and then they were considering doing a hysterectomy so that I would no longer get a cycle and I wouldn’t have to worry about my anemia, but by taking the IUD out sure enough my cycles got better two months and my cycles went from a two week period to a 2 to 3 day. to 3 day period. Not even days after removing my copper IUD I felt so much relief. I felt a fullness disappear that I didn’t even realize was there in the first place and a lot of other things changed to my skin got clear and overall I felt less anxious. I believe that the copper in the IUD had been causing me some sort of copper toxicity. so after two months, I called the doctor and told him that my period had gotten better so I went back and we schedule the Bi-Salp. So I went two months without any birth control and stayed away from my husband. Lol, thankfully at the end of the two months I was able to get my surgery and a week before my surgery. I went to a regular visit with my OB and they did an ultrasound and they saw that they’re good possibly be a polyp on my uterus so when they went in to do my procedure, they also did a Oppie with to see if there was any polyps and remove the polyps that were there. They also found some cysts that they removed and I also had some endometriosis growing on my left tube and ovary thankfully they were able to remove! For the surgery and leading up to it, I stayed away away from any foods that would make me gassy and anything that would constipate me. I was drinking MiraLAX in my tea every night for the week leading up to the surgery.
Surgery day of: On the morning of the surgery, I was advised to not take my Vyvanse, which I use for anxiety and ADHD. So I skipped it and just drink water since I have been fasting since 10 PM the night before. When I arrive to the hospital, I was able to go to the bathroom thankfully and then started getting prepped for surgery. They obviously had me do a urine test and then got me set up with my IV where they would insure all of my meds this was very painful, but I sat and waited before I was feeling loopy. They gave me the anti-stress and anxiety medication before they administered the anesthesia and suddenly I was knocked out. All I remember is walking into the surgery room and thinking wow this is like Grey’s Anatomy and then knocking out next thing, I remember I wake up in the room and I am very groggy and out of it. Thankfully, the anesthesia did not cause nausea. The hardest part during this transition was getting me to pee because I kept wanting to fall asleep so badly but they kept telling me if I didn’t pee then I wouldn’t be able to go home to finally sleep so I was bloated and swollen And I finally peed the second time. After that, I was discharged and my family did a great job at trying to keep me awake while we drove home because I was asleep in the car that could get nauseous and throw up, which would hurt my belly from making those kind of movements. Thankfully, I got home and I knocked out on the couch. I woke up dazed and confused but feeling a lot better and refreshed. I felt good for about an hour and then the pain started, but not any sort of abdominal pain from the surgery itself. It was just the Thankfully, I got home and I knocked out on the couch. I woke up dazed and confused but feeling a lot better and refreshed. I felt good for about an hour and then the pain started, but not any sort of abdominal pain from the surgery itself. It was just the pain from the gas pain from the laparoscopic surgery. This pain was definitely intense and it progressed my worst day was the day after the surgery. But that same night after the surgery was difficult because I could not find any position where I was comfortable. I was taking Gas-X every two hours charcoal pills every two hours and ibuprofen and Tylenol alternated every four hours. They gave me OXY if I wanted to take it, but I never did because I didn’t wanna get constipated and I really didn’t feel any pain that the oxy could resolve pain medication does not resolve gas pain. First night I slept propped up with a lot of pillows around me holding my belly holding me from every position where I could put more weight to add pain to my body well, I didn’t really sleep that night, but I tried to sleep, but I rested upright on the couch and I was up maybe every hour going to pee and walking around because the best advice I could give is just walk as much as it hurts. Everything hurts with these gas pain so I feel better to be walking around in pain than to be sitting down, knowing that I’m not actually resolving any of the gases that is the only way the gases will escape your body. That was exhausting because I could not sleep as much as I wanted to. the day was extremely painful trapped in my ribs. It felt like someone had a split my ribs but again I had no tenderness or soreness in my abdomen no cramping anything like that. I complain the most and the most uncomfortable part of everything was just being very very bloated and not being able to suck in my stomach. I’m naturally a very thin person so having my stomach was frustrating because none of my clothes fit me comfortably. The bloating started from the top of my rib cage all the way down. But I kept up with charcoal pills and Gas-X, and I’m thinking the charcoal definitely help because I would notice a difference after taking that even more so than the Gas-X. I finally was able to go to the bathroom after the surgery and thankfully it was a smooth transition to going into the bathroom. I’m sure the MiraLAX helped because of that and I had hardly been eating because my stomach was so swollen and were so severe that even one bite of food in my stomach would make everything swell up even more and it it would hurt me. So those first few days I kept it very light. The second night after the surgery was another miserable night. I almost cried that night because I thought I was gonna lose my mind. I hadn’t slept or napped all day because the pain would prevent me from being able to rest in a comfortable position and then all night again, I did not sleep, those were the hardest 2 nights. The following day I saw a tiny bit of progress with the gas pain. But eventually, I think I got used to it by Saturday surgery having been Monday. I felt significantly better still very swollen but better. Sunday I left the house for the first time got ready put normal clothes on. The loosest clothes that I had. And that was nice to finally leave the house and try to do something normal, came back and was definitely exhausted and rested for the rest of the day by this point I was no longer taking any pain medication. Just the charcoal pills. By Monday I was feeling significantly better. I had gotten my cycle over the weekend and it was not a very painful cycle. Just a little bit of mild cramping and bleeding but nothing crazy on Wednesday. I had my follow up appointment a week and a half after surgery and I was cleared for all activity and just told to be careful with how heavy things are when I lift them to stay away from anything more than 30 pounds. I had sex for the first time in three months because of the fact that I had no birth control before my surgery for those two months when they had taken my IUD out. It was a little bit painful because my body had gotten used to sex and no penetration at all. Very quickly my bodygot used to it again. And I enjoyed it so much. I was scared to have an orgasm because I had heard online that some people complained of cramping after the orgasm, but I had no cramping at all only enjoyment. The fact that I was able to do everything I wanted without any anxiety that I would get pregnant without having to do anything to prevent that was liberating and it literally has improved my sex life incredibly and just the short amount of time today I am 2 1/2 weeks postop. And I feel great. My incisions are healing really well and I’m about to start using scar tape for the scars. I have barely any gases. My stomach is as flat as it normally is, and I’ve been feeling wonderful. The only thing I noticed after my surgery was a little bit of breaking out right after the surgery, but they said that that was normal since a lot of the drugs and medicine they put into your system for surgery is basically detoxing after you come out of surgery so it comes out of your body in different ways. I do not regret this surgery. It has completely changed my mindset towards life. I feel free finally. I’m sure my age has a lot to do with my recovery time and overall I’m a very sickly person for my age so I was expecting for this recovery to take me weeks to months, but I am feeling wonderful. I’m about to be the maid of honor for a wedding this Friday and I feel no restraint and dancing or anything of this sort. I’m grateful I didn’t get any soreness or pain in my abdomen after the surgery and that all I had to deal with was the severe gas pain. I know that is not everyone’s experience, but that was mine and I’m very happy with it. Just wanted to share some details on how everything went and hopefully this can be helpful to someone. Thankfully, my insurance covered most of the procedure and all I had to pay was $1,500. I have never been happier with a decision in my life.
submitted by celestebcg to sterilization [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:02 drchitra What are the most common types of gynecologist surgeries?

Gynecologists perform various surgical procedures to diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of gynecological conditions. Some of the most common types of gynecological surgeries include:
1. Hysterectomy : This surgical procedure involves the removal of the uterus. It may be performed for various reasons including uterine fibroids, endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, or certain types of cancer.
2. Oophorectomy : An oophorectomy is the surgical removal of one or both ovaries. It may be performed as part of a hysterectomy or as a standalone procedure to treat conditions such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or ovarian cancer.
3. Salpingectomy : This surgical procedure involves the removal of one or both fallopian tubes. It may be performed to treat conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, tubal ligation for permanent contraception, or to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
4. Myomectomy : A myomectomy is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids while preserving the uterus. It is often performed for women who wish to retain their fertility or who prefer not to undergo a hysterectomy.
5. Endometrial Ablation : Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the destruction or removal of the endometrial lining of the uterus. It is used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding in women who do not plan to have children in the future.
6. Cervical Conization : Also known as a cone biopsy, cervical conization involves the removal of a cone-shaped piece of tissue from the cervix. It may be performed to diagnose or treat cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer.
7. Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery : Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, or rectum, bulge into the vaginal canal due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Surgical procedures such as pelvic reconstructive surgery or vaginal mesh placement may be performed to repair the pelvic floor and support the organs.
8. Laparoscopic Surgery : Laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgery involves the use of small incisions and specialized instruments to perform surgical procedures such as hysterectomy, myomectomy, ovarian cystectomy, or treatment of endometriosis.
9. Tubal Ligation : Also known as "tying the tubes," tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for permanent contraception in women. It involves blocking, sealing, or cutting the fallopian tubes to prevent eggs from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus.
These are just a few examples of the many gynecological surgeries that may be performed by gynecologists to address various reproductive health issues. The specific type of surgery recommended will depend on the individual's condition, medical history, and treatment goals.
submitted by drchitra to u/drchitra [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:06 Ok-Raspberry2888 Inaccessible ovary - egg retrieval

Hello. I have low AMH (which may have been a result of a previous laparoscopy for ovarian cyst removal/endo).
I have since been diagnosed with a hydrosalpinx, as a result of a post op infection from the surgery. The infection has also caused adhesions and ultrasound is showing my left ovary is stuck to my bowel and may be inaccessible for egg retrieval.
My initial plan (before I found both about inaccessible ovary) was to do surgery after egg retrieval but now I’m wondering if I should do surgery first to make ovary accessible. However, I’m worried it will further impact my egg reserve.
Has anyone experienced anything similar / what did you do? Thank you!
submitted by Ok-Raspberry2888 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:32 manicmommy8 i might have another cyst

i get them pretty often but usually i don’t feel any symptoms, they just randomly show up in the ultrasounds and the doctor is like “you have another cyst.”
there was only one time where i actually experienced pain, and i only noticed it existed when it ruptured. my vision went weird, i felt dizzy and like i was going to pass out from the pain, and i felt like i was going to throw up.
my first one was 7.5 lbs when i was 14 years old, and i had to get immediate surgery to drain it and reconstruct. luckily i have not had one big like that ever again, but my surgeon said i was lucky it did not burst because i would have died.
well, my doctor thinks i have one again, and this time i actually am experiencing symptoms (which i did not ever experience before a rupture), and it’s very uncomfortable.
it feels like so much fullness in my uterus and when she poked in those areas… it hurt so bad. sometimes it hurts so bad i feel like vomiting when i’m anxious or stressed or on a bumpy road, and moving in general makes it more noticeable. my legs are shaky and i’m constantly tired because i just am in so much pain. even laying down is uncomfortable, too. i am just constantly uncomfortable.
i have an ultrasound for it on friday but i’m just so frustrated and sick of these cysts.
i want to be cyst free so bad and i have cried too much lately over potentially needing an internal ultrasound and also a repeat of when i was 14 with surgery, because it required a catheter and i have PTSD with my lower region being touched.
submitted by manicmommy8 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:05 No-Explorer-2668 Ovarian Cyst

How do I know if it ruptured…I’m getting bad back pain and stomach pain only on my right side and slight nausea went to the ER about 5 days ago all they said was I had one and a uti gave me zofran and anti biotic…the zofran is barely working I feel nauseous. This is my first cyst and it’s really scaring me I don’t have insurance also 😕 I don’t have a fever just pain and nausea idk if that’s normal or a rupture. I have very bad ptsd from hospitals , especially things to do with the stomach scare me…my obgyn appointment is set for another 17 days…which is super scary I’ve been to the hospital once and I don’t have insurance so idk what to do. I just recovered from the stomach flu which is just making this worse so idk if the nausea is from the flu or the cyst my bf got the flu around when I did and he’s not nauseous.
submitted by No-Explorer-2668 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:43 No-Customer-9172 PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): Symptoms & Treatment

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): Symptoms & Treatment
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects people with ovaries during their reproductive years. It's characterized by a combination of symptoms, including irregular periods, excess androgen levels, and polycystic ovaries.
  1. Irregular periods: PCOS can cause infrequent, irregular, or prolonged menstrual cycles. Some individuals may experience heavy bleeding during menstruation.
  2. Excess androgen: Elevated levels of androgen hormones, such as testosterone, can lead to symptoms like acne, excess facial and body hair (hirsutism), and male-pattern baldness.
  3. Polycystic ovaries: The ovaries may become enlarged and contain numerous small fluid-filled sacs (follicles) which surround the eggs. Despite the name, not all individuals with PCOS have cysts.
  4. Weight gain: Many individuals with PCOS experience weight gain or have difficulty losing weight. This can exacerbate other symptoms and increase the risk of complications like diabetes and heart disease.
  5. Skin problems: In addition to acne, PCOS can cause skin tags, darkening of the skin (acanthosis nigricans), and patches of thickened, velvety skin (acrochordons).
  6. Infertility: PCOS is a common cause of infertility due to irregular ovulation or failure to ovulate.
  1. Lifestyle changes: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help manage PCOS symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and managing stress levels.
  2. Medications:
  • Birth control pills: Oral contraceptives can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce androgen levels, improving symptoms like acne and hirsutism.
  • Anti-androgen medications: Spironolactone or finasteride may be prescribed to reduce excess hair growth and acne.
  • Metformin: This medication is commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes but can also help improve insulin resistance and regulate menstrual cycles in individuals with PCOS.
  • Fertility medications: If fertility is a concern, medications such as clomiphene or letrozole may be prescribed to induce ovulation.
  1. Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be recommended to remove ovarian cysts or to perform ovarian drilling to stimulate ovulation.
  2. Psychological support: Living with PCOS can be challenging, so seeking support from healthcare providers, support groups, or therapists can be beneficial in managing the emotional impact of the condition.
It's important for individuals with PCOS to work closely with their healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific symptoms and needs. Early diagnosis and intervention can help prevent long-term complications and improve overall quality of life.
submitted by No-Customer-9172 to u/No-Customer-9172 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:31 kaileytomchek Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst

I was diagnosed with a 3.4cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst on my right ovary on March 29th (symptoms first showed up on March 21st). The PA who read my ultrasound results told me that she’s not worried about this cyst and that she thinks it’ll go away on its own. Since then, I’ve had 2 periods and I still “feel” the cyst (it’s still causing minor symptoms like occasional discomfort + slight pain in my pelvis/right ovary). I’m waiting on a phone call to schedule another ultrasound to see if it’s grown or not, and I’m scared. Can anyone share their experiences with their hemorrhagic cysts? Endometriosis-related cysts or PCOS cysts are different, so I’m hoping someone who has had a hemorrhagic cyst might have some insight? Did yours go away?
submitted by kaileytomchek to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:09 BroImFre3 Cramps week after period?

I believe I am having some hormone fluctuations after my period. I just wanted to ask and see if this is normal and if the cramps I’m getting with this is cysts bursting. I have this before but not in quite a while and along with cramps I am having sore breasts. (NOT PREGNANT TOOK TEST)
submitted by BroImFre3 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:53 idk9210 Introducing gluten back into diet?

I want to introduce gluten back into my diet but I don’t know how to start or if it’s a good idea / safe to?
I removed gluten from my diet completely in September 2023 due to health reasons. I was having a lot of issues like digestion issues, heart palpitations, bloating, swelling in the face, weight gain for no reason, missed periods, horrible anxiety with no trigger, mood issues, insomnia and extreme fatigue. We later found out that I had several uterine fibroids, an ovarian cyst and endometriosis.. all of which can cause most of those symptoms I listed.
Before I got a diagnosis on those, I removed gluten and dairy at the same time by recommendation of my cardiologist. (I wish I did more research before completely removing gluten) I know dairy was a huge issue when it came to stomach upset, so I won’t ever introduce dairy back. But, basically my cardiologist said that if my body doesn’t agree with gluten, digesting it can make my vagus nerve work harder, which can in turn cause palpitations.
Anyway, I don’t know that I really ever needed to actually remove gluten. But I do know that it’s supposedly beneficial to leave it out for my endo and fibroids, in hopes to decrease the growth.. apparently there’s no proven facts on this but idk.
I worry too that maybe it did benefit me to remove it in ways I don’t really notice and once I add it back it might undo everything.
The reason I want to add it back is basically, I’m tired of being restricted and just want to be normal again. I don’t plan to eat unhealthy I just don’t want to have to read labels, panic over cross contamination, not be able to just be free with eating. It’s caused a horrible relationship with food for me.
Has anyone who cut it out by choice, and introduced it again have any issues? (not asking about people who cut gluten out because of celiac disease or gluten intolerance, but more so people who made the choice to cut it out on the notion that it might benefit health problems, lifestyle, etc.) again, I don’t actually know if I have any intolerance to gluten or not, because my health problems from the fibroids, cyst, and endo can all cause the symptoms I ended up removing gluten for.
submitted by idk9210 to Gluten [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:41 Pale-Hunt-8944 suspected pcos (and/endo), advice wanted!

hello!! as the title suggests I believe I could have pcos (and/or endometriosis). to start with my period has always been somewhat regular up until december of 2023 (4 months ago). Recently, my cycles have been fluctuating from 21-37 days with extremely weird symptoms. for example, this period I still haven’t gotten but I am suffering from horrible cramps , and constant brown spotting (pregnancy test negative). Despite this I have always experienced horrible cramps. about 6-7 years ago I was on hormonal birth control and even then I had cramps that made me light headed and sweat from the pain. In 2021 I got a copper IUD which made my cramps worse, and I have since been put on a medication I have to take days before my suspected period to help with pain from cramps. When I get cramps, they are so debilitating all I can do is sit there, bend over and breathe through them. they make me insanely sweaty and dizzy from the pain.
Two main points I can remember is that one time I was not on my period or around ovulation, and I was getting such intense waves of pain that I thought my appendix burst. This ended up with me going to the ER, and since they couldn’t find anything except elevated white blood cells they suggested it could have been an ovarian cyst. The second one is I gained insulin resistance in 2020 and was put onto metformin - but they couldn’t find any metabolic reason that could have caused it. I have since stopped taking metformin and my insulin levels are normal.
I also get weird dark, long hairs on my neck and chin, my skin is always oily, and I feel it’s so difficult to lose weight around my stomach. Any advice on what you guys think could be going on would be so appreciated, and if any clarification is needed please let me know :)
submitted by Pale-Hunt-8944 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:34 Mother4Wildlings Super Concerned…

…okay, so after going through acute appendicitis and an emergency appendectomy while I had COVID in January of 2022, less than six months after giving birth to our youngest, I’m now nursing my husband in bed after he just got done vomiting pretty much everything he’s eaten today. He’s been suffering from increasingly worse abdominal pains for the last seven hours or so.
I’ve seen the man doubled over with gas pains (which is what he was originally thinking this was,) so I know his pain tolerance isn’t super high, but the locale of the pain he is suffering right now, plus the vomiting nearly 7 hours in, coupled with the fact that he does feel warm to the touch in the lower right quadrant of his abdomen and forehead (even though he is not complaining of pain on the right side yet, just a generalized central pain deep in his abdomen about 3 to 4 inches above his belly button,) is all, in truth, freaking me the fuck out. In five years I’ve never seen him like this.
Problem is, the ED nearest us would be lucky to have him triaged and tests ordered within a 6 to 8 hour window, I’m scheduled to work second shift tomorrow, I’ve already had to take a ton of time off due to literally every other emergency that could happen (I’m dealing with an ovarian cyst large enough to warrant surgery, I had to take an entire day to fix the tag on our only vehicle, the grapefruit on my ovary comes with a host of debilitating side effects that have me in and out of the office right now, and I’m literally six months into this new phase of my career. At the end of the day, I don’t care if it’s not a good look if I have to request PTO to take him in, but we don’t have anybody close enough to us to watch the baby and I don’t really feel that an emergency department is an appropriate setting for her right now, co-pay is through the roof…you get the idea.
So I guess I’m asking this: at the time of this post, it’s been about 30 minutes since he’s vomited, it was just the one instance so far, he says he doesn’t feel the ‘stabbing’ pain anymore, just pressure, but he’s snuggled up to me and is quite warm now, like bordering on feverish, and when I push on his abdomen, the warmth/pressure/deep pain behind and above his belly button (only when I push right now,) is just really worrying me. Enough to ask internet strangers if I should take him in. Might he have the beginning stages of appendicitis?
I tried calling the back of his insurance card several hours ago - they used to have a 24 hour nurse helpline where they would give limited medical advice, but it was better than nothing, however, this time I got a customer service rep, so I figured I would ask the fine citizens here on Reddit. Worth the trip? I’m down for a paid day off, not so down for subjecting my family to a nasty ED waiting room for 8-12 hours if it’s NOT appendicitis, SUPER down if it’s an emergency, which is what it feels like to me, even though he’s snoring in his happy place.
He wants to get some rest right now; it’s just after 11 PM my time and truthfully, I’m working a combination of first, second, and third shift(s) with a maximum of seven hour “breaks” in between and we’re all exhausted. Should I let him sleep a little and assess when he wakes, or should I not even take the chance?
IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR, THANK YOU, we appreciate your awesomeness and taking time from your day to help. ♥️🙏
EDIT: he just told me he’s still having little sharp stabbing pains here and there, though not nearly as frequently as before (I woke him up to move him to a more comfortable position, it’s been an hour now since he vomited.)
EDIT 2: he had a BM and left in the toilet for me to see if there was blood. No blood, and he said he felt immense relief, but just now (around 6:30am my time,) he mentioned a lingering pressure laying on his right side. Not chancing it, we’re going. Thank you for your encouraging and informative comments, this is what we love about Reddit.
submitted by Mother4Wildlings to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:50 Creative_Job_4370 few questions

so I just have a few questions for some people if it’s possible you can relate please chime in, so my pathology came back inclusive, teratoma vs a benign type of ovarian cyst tumor? I can’t find almost anything on it tbh, only a few cases.
But the only reason it was inconclusive is because it tested negative for GCINS which makes me think… is it burnt out? The doc thinks i’m more on the benign side now but I don’t want to assume so quickly. i’ve been misdiagnosed before because a doc likes to throw around words, i’m not too symptomatic just have pains here and there that drive me nuts but nothing crazy I still feel very normal.
My bloods 100% normal, my tumor was kinda small (1.2cm) no LVI no signs of spread in testis only thing now is my CT scan which is gonna get done soon with my doctor visit next week. Just very confused because I have been in a whirlwind of emotions for the past month. it’s hard to get clarity when docs still don’t even know what’s my condition. feel free to chime in if you can, I hope all is improving/going well with your treatments!
submitted by Creative_Job_4370 to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:20 lothloriengoldenwood now I want this one so bad. I think my job cause my m/c...

I've been with my husband for almost 4 years, and we've been married for 6 months. We have our own house, with an extra bed room. We both work. Without my job I think we'd be okay, just things would be tighter. We could have a child but it's not on the top of our list. Or at least it wasn't. We've never tried. I'm on birth control. I had ovarian cysts most of my teenage years and now I have fibroids. I've been told that I can possibly get pregnant but it may be harder. But we've never tried, and it never happened. We've talked about the possibility of "maybe". This is why I never expected being pregnant. The clients at my job can be violent and after one physically attacked a couple months ago, injuring me severely in other ways. I'm still recovering from some of those other injuries. They cannot say for sure if this induced the miscarriage but deep in my heart I believe so. I began to bleed. I at first mistook it for a bad period or fibroids. After 2 home pregnancy tests, a trip to urgent care, the ER and a gynecologist I realized I had been pregnant. I should have realized the symptoms but never did. We should have had a child in October. I am 33. Suddenly I want THAT baby that should have been. The one I never knew about before it was gone but I've had an increasing wish to have another child....when before it was one of those things. Before this I was content to be a pet mom. Now I feel empty. I have a wish to quit my job and raise a baby, like to protect the baby that I feel never had a chance....but I also don't want to, because I can't so easily replace my first baby. I'm starting to despise my job. My husband doesn't like my job anymore. I think I'm only staying here because of the health insurance and my vacation time. I'm not sure how normal these feelings are...Physically it took a long time to recover from the miscarriage. I managed to have a natural one but I was anemic in the end. It's been rough. I feel crazy and don't know what to do. Also, deep down I'm terrified I'll never so easily get pregnant again. I didn't want this baby until it's gone and I'm losing my mind...
submitted by lothloriengoldenwood to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:16 SecretAd4884 11 weeks , ovarian cyst concern

Hello, I had my first ultrasound at 8 weeks and the doctor noticed a small cyst on my left. The doctor said we would schedule another ultrasound at 12 weeks to monitor the cyst . At about 9 weeks I had really bad pain on my left abdomen that lasted a couple hours. I called the nurse on call and she said it might be the cyst causing pain and if it gets worse to go to the er (I didn’t go to the er)
I am now 11 weeks and that pain is back . It’s been on and off all evening so I’m starting to get concerned that maybe it’s not getting smaller ? Anyone have any experience with this ? I have my appointment coming up soon but I need some peace of mind or should I go to the ER?
submitted by SecretAd4884 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:05 Signal_Marsupial_129 Hypoechoic lesion and swollen nodes

26F. About 4 years ago an US revealed a hypoechoic lesion in my R lumbar area measuring slightly greater than 1cm. The doctor i was seeing at the time didnt think any follow up was necessary. I had a CT that showed swollen mesenteric and pericecal lymph nodes about 5 months ago with an incidental note of the lesion. On the note it said "if patient doesnt have known cancer, follow up is recommended based on clinical findings " I was negative for 32 different viral/bacterial infections they checked for. I'm having my follow up scans this Friday due to increased pain in my R lumbahip as well as numbness in the same area, to see if the hypoechoic lesion has grown and if the nodes are still swollen. My question is, if the lymph nodes are still enlarged what would be the likely next course of action? My Dr mentioned surgery for the lesion if it has grown, I assume they would biopsy it at that point? Could these things be related? Hx: Anemia, complex ovarian cyst, prior cholecystectomy in 2017, chronic fatigue
submitted by Signal_Marsupial_129 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:05 Safe-Ad-3696 1WPO second surgery update

Following up on on my latest post TLDR: had failed a hysterectomy in February and second surgery was successful.
34 y/o, high BMI, stage IV endo, suspected adeno, (not confirmed in biopsy)dense adhesions and scarring. Had my LAVH, robotic assisted on May 7th. I found a super compassionate doctor who reassured me and gave me hope after I lost it when my first surgery had to be aborted. Surgery went better than expected, with no complications. It took about 6 hours and took forever for me to wake up. I went home the day of the procedure, only took oxy twice and been managing pain with over the counter meds and gabapentin before bed. Hot water bottles and heating pads. Bloating is annoying, I am lonely and bored but I am happy to be done with it. I felt immediate relief, pain peaked on day 2 - gas pain is no joke. I wanted to thank this community for the advice and support provided, it has been crucial for my journey and I am grateful 💗
My hysterectomy was the culmination of more than 13 years of seeking relief from my discomforts that only worsened over time.
It started with anemia on the verge of blood transfusion that had no explanation other than hypermenorrhea. Each menstrual cycle became more tortuous with the passage of time, heavy bleeding, clots, leg cramps, lumbar pain and chronic fatigue.
I will have seen more than a dozen gynecologists and various doctors.
Blood studies, ultrasounds, resonances, endometrial biopsies, colonoscopy, contraceptives, hormonal IUD that ruined my mental health, I tried absolutely everything. I even went to the middle of the Amazon rainforest to seek relief in the medicine used by the Shipibo people.
I came out of many consultations crying, medical gaslighting and gordophobia were 98% of my experience.
They sent me to the psychiatrist because my pain seemed to have no other explanation than to be psychological.
Since I knew about endometriosis I KNEW that surely it was what happened to me, but finding a doctor who would take me seriously and believe me cost so much. It cost time, money, energy, tears, mental health, putting the body.
First they confirmed fibroids, then suspicion of adenomyosis (waiting confirmation of the biopsy), in February I was operated on for 3 hours without being able to remove my uterus due to the intensity of the adhesions and the advanced endometriosis (phase 4 that was confirmed in said failed surgery)
I had my second operation with a specialist and an interdisciplinary team of gynecologists, urologists and general surgeons.
They took out my uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes. The uterus was attached to the abdominal wall, bladder, intestines and basically everything around it. They drained cysts in the ovaries that I keep. I was cleaned of endometriosis of the sacrous ligaments and mainly of the bladder that was very compromised. They took adhesions from me and I'm sure I forget more.
I feel like I was born again and although this disease is chronic and has no cure, I already hope to see improvements and have a better quality of life, make up for lost time ❤️‍🩹 I can’t wait to see if I can ride a bike again.
Now slowly recovering and feeling very emotional and tired, otherwise happy and excited for my new healing era.
Will include surgery notes, biopsy report and pictures for the curious ones, Hope everyone is having a lovely pre surgery or recovery journey, it’s not easy, but we got this 💪 we are stronger and more resilient than we give ourselves credit for, we fight relentlessly and we show up for each other, our bodies are amazing and can do incredibly things. Sending lots of love your way, internet strangers ✨ 💗
Surgery notes:
Findings: Laparoscopy: Smooth diaphragmatic peritoneal surfaces and liver without gross lesion. No injury under site of injury at umbilicus and no umbilical adhesions. Intraabdominal adhesions in the right lower quadrant at the site of prior appendectomy, with bowel and omentum adherent to the right abdominal sidewall. Once this omentum and bowel was taken down, there was a divot with a small amount of fat seen in the RUQ. Dr. Kim evaluated this did not require intervention. Similarly, no clear indirect R inguinal hernia seen without bowel and omentum involved, so Dr. Kim similarly did not recommend intervention. Omentum, bladder adherent to the lower uterine segment anteriorly. Extensive pelvic adhesions and evidence of endometriosis. Thickening of the bladder peritoneum and tacked up to lower uterine segment. Fallopian tubes and ovaries adhered to pelvic side wall, with left hematosalpinx noted in the setting of tortuous left tube. R ovary with small ~1cm functional-appearing cyst. L ovary with hemorrhagic ~2-3cm cyst. Rectum free, no posterior adhesions but extensive serosal endometriosis between the uterosacral ligament and on R posterior serosa overlying R uterosacral. Due to the ICG and use of firefly technology, the course of the ureters were well visualized. Procedure Details: After discussion of risks, benefits and alternatives to the procedure, written consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the operating room. The patient was positioned in the dorsal lithotomy position in yellowfin stirrups with arms padded and tucked at her sides. An exam under anesthesia was performed with findings as noted above. Urology completed a cystoscopy (no endometriosis) and placed ureteral stents with ureteral indocyanine green dye placement. See their operative note for further details. The cervix was dilated with tonsil forceps. Paracervical block was placed. The Rumi uterine manipulator with medium Koh ring was secured to the cervix. A Foley catheter was placed to drain the bladder intraoperatively. A 0.8 cm incision was made at the umbilicus, kocher used to elevate the fascia, and a Veress needle was inserted. Intraperitoneal placement was confirmed. The abdomen was insufflated until an adequate dome was achieved. A 8 mm robotic port was placed and the robotic scope was inserted. Under direct visualization, 3 additional ports were placed, two 8 mm robotic ports to the right of the umbilicus and one 8 mm robotic port to the left of the umbilicus. The patient was placed on steep Trendelenburg and the bowels were swept into the upper abdomen. The Da Vinci robot was then docked in position. The filmy adhesions in the RUQ were taken down with combination of cautery and sharp technique. The omentum was taken down off of the uterine fundus with bipolar and monopolar cautery. The left fallopian tube was followed out to the fimbria. The salpingectomy was then performed, starting at the distal fimbriated end of the tube and sequentially coagulating and transecting the mesosalpinx adjacent to the fallopian tube and well away from the ovary. The fallopian tube was left attached at the cornua. The procedure was repeated on the contralateral side. Good hemostasis was noted. The bladder was noted to be densely scarred to the LUS/cervical junction. The junction was incised with monopolar cautery and the bladder was meticulous dissected off of the underlying uterus/cervix to the level of the KOH ring as marked cephlad traction was placed on the Rumi device. Due to the anterior compartment scarring, round ligaments were not clearly identified. The thickened tissue in this area was grasped, cauterized with bipolar and divided with monopolar. Both ureters were seen using firefly technology. The left utero-ovarian ligament was ligated with bipolar cautery and divided with monopolar. The same procedure was performed on the right side. Marked cephlad traction was applied to the KOH ring. The uterine vessels on either side were skeletonized and ligated with bipolar cautery. The remainder of the cardinal and parametrial attachments were ligated with bipolar and divided with monopolar. The vagina was opened over the Colpo device circumferentially. The fibrotic uterosacral ligaments with overlying endometriosis was incised below the implants and fibrosis, taking care to avoid the ureters. The endometriotic implants over the right uterosacral ligaments were excised. The uterus and fallopian tubes were then removed through the vagina. Given the extensive adhesions and fibrosis, this portion of the surgery took an additional 60 minutes longer than expected. After that, the vaginal occluder was placed into the vagina to maintain the pneumoperitoneum. Dr. Kim then came to assess the inguinal hernia. He deemed no intervention was necessary for the R inguinal hernia or the RUQ divot. The functional ovarian cyst in the R ovary was drained. The 2 cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst in the L ovary was felt to represent hemorrhagic corpus luteum. Two <1cm nodules on the R uterosacral were excised using cautery, taking care to avoid the right ureter. The vaginal cuff was closed using 0 V-lock in a running fashion in 2 layers . The area was irrigated, and hemostasis was evident. All instruments were then removed under direct visualization. The skin was closed with 4-0 Biosyn . Sterile dressings and Tegaderm were applied to all port sites. The ureteral stents were removed and inspected by urology and noted to be intact. A foley catheter was placed for routine voiding trial in PACU. Sponge and needle counts were correct times x2. The patient tolerated the procedure well and went to the recovery room in stable condition. There were no complications to the case.
Final Diagnosis A) Uterus, cervix, bilateral fallopian tubes, hysterectomy and salpingectomy: - Myometrium with leiomyoma. - Serosal/subserosal endometriosis. - Early secretory endometrium, negative for neoplasm. - Bilateral fallopian tubes and cervix negative for neoplasm. B) Peritoneum, right utero-sacral, biopsy: - Fibrotic squamous epithelium-lined tissue with scattered lymphocytic inflammation. - Negative for neoplasm and no definite endometriosis. Clinical Information Pre-op diagnosis: Adenomyosis [N80.03] Dysmenorrhea [N94.6] Menorrhagia with regular cycle [N92.0] Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female [N73.6]
Gross Description A. Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, other than neoplastic/prolapse. Received fresh labeled; 1)Uterus,cervix,bilateral tubes" is a uterus with attached bilateral fallopian tubes.. The uterus alone is 105 g, 9.5 cm cervix to fundus by 6.0 cm cornu to cornu by 5.0 cm anterior to posterior. The cervix is 3.3 cm long by 3.0 cm diameter with a 0.6 cm diameter os. The ectocervix has punctate areas of hemorrhage. The serosa has scant fibrous adhesions anteriorly and extensive cautery and disruption posteriorly. The endometrium is ragged, hemorrhagic, 0.1-0.4 cm thick. The myometrium is up to 2.6 cm thick and is mildly trabeculated with cysts up to 0.1 cm greatest dimension filled with hemorrhagic material, suggestive of adenomyosis. There is a 0.2 cm diameter intramural well-circumscribed nodule with a whorled cut surface. No areas of softening are identified. The right fallopian tube is slightly serpentine, congested, 5.3 cm long by 0.5-0.6 cm diameter and has attached hemorrhagic fimbria. The left tube is 5.0 cm long by 0.5-0.6 cm diameter, purple-tan with attached hemorrhagic fimbria. Representative sections are submitted: A1-anterior cervix A2-posterior cervix A3-anterior endomyometrium A4-A5-posterior endomyometrium with possible adenomyosis (A4 with leiomyoma) A6-right fallopian tube and entire fimbria A7-left fallopian tube tube, entire fimbria. (MUA) B. Soft tissue, OTHER. Received in formalin labeled, ; 2)right utero-sacral biopsy" are 2 tan red rubbery tissue fragments, 0.7 and 1.0 cm, that are entirely submitted in B1. (AA) Case Report Value Surgical Pathology Report Case: SU24-15696 Authorizing Provider: Chiang, Seine, MD Collected: 05/07/2024 03:42 PM Ordering Location: UWMC Main Operating Room Received: 05/07/2024 05:21 PM Pathologist: Garcia, Rochelle Lorraine, MD Specimens: A) - Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, other than neoplastic/prolapse, 1)Uterus,cervix,bilateral tubes B) - Soft tissue, OTHER, 2)right utero-sacral biopsy
Surgery pics
submitted by Safe-Ad-3696 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:14 The_Yarichin_Bitch PEM after physical therapy or did I just not get enough of anything today?

So I had my first PT session today (swimming/recumbant, but just swimming today), and I went in low on water and salt since I was rushing to get in after missing an alarm :/ I also am changing my adhd meds and they are lower dose rn, as well as an ovarian cyst I'm looking into currently.
After the session, I'm struggling to drink enough to fix my mistake, things sorta taste wrong, and I'm generally lower for my BP while laying down. Not having the shortness of breath or joint pain so much rn at least, but most other symptoms I'm having.
I'm not sure if this is due to having done my first session and going too hard without my stockings (cuz I was swimming so couldn't wear those) or if this is more indicative of PEM? Usually when I get flaired up after pushing too hard it's either immediate like today or in 1-3 days. I'm just honestly not really sure if the first PT sessions are rough on you, if it's because ai just fucked up by going in less prepared for salt and water, or if I should be worried about something else I gotta mention to my doctor... I'm usually mildly symptomatic with my adhd meds and stockings so long as I stay up on salt and water. Without them I'm basically bed-ridden.
Anyone with experience with aquatic PT would be a huge help rn :) This may just be a bad mix of stuff happening all at once.
submitted by The_Yarichin_Bitch to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 BeautyQueenofPawnee Can anyone help decipher these ultrasound results please?

Since my last kids birth 2 years ago, I’ve had horrible long and heavy periods (bleeding through a super tampon in an hour). They’re very irregular and the cramps are sometimes as bad as early mid labor stage. I bloat like crazy and have pelvic pain getting up from the couch or trying to poop. I also bleed after sex and I’m so irrational and moody sometimes. I’m constantly fatigued.
Last may I went to my gyno because of these issues. They did a vaginal ultrasound and found a 6cm ovarian cyst on the side with my pain. They also said my ovaries were enlarged and twisted and to go to the ER if pain gets worse and to take birth control. I didn’t take the birth control because we’re trying for another baby. Since then I’ve randomly gained 15lbs and I’ve had the painful “flare ups” about 3 more cycles intermittently.
My last gynecologist shut down and I went to a new one. These are the vaginal ultrasound results. Doctor Google told me that these results indicate enlarged ovaries, PCOS and the heterogeneous myometrium indicates adenomyosis. My new gynecologist tells me everything looks just fine. (She did find a large cervical polyp that needs to be surgically removed because it was too high for her to reach in and pull out in the office. She said it’s up to me if I want to do the surgery). But I don’t FEEL fine at all. Can anyone help read these results please? They’re below:
Uterus: Visualized Uterus position: anteverted, anteflexed Myometrium: Heterogenous echo texture Cervix details: normal Uterus length 90 mm Uterus width 54 mm Uterus height 42 mm Endometrial thickness, total 6.5 mm Right Ovary :二二 Rt ovary: Visualized Rt ovary morphology: premenopausal polycystic Rt ovary D1 35 mm Rt ovary D2 26 mm Rt ovary D3 16 mm
Left Ovary Lt ovary: Visualized
Lt ovary morphology: premenopausal polycystic
Lt ovary D1 37 mm
Lt ovary D2 22 mm
Lt ovary D3 24 mm
Lt ovarian follicle(s): Follicles identified
Lt ovarian follicle D1 11.0 mm
Lt ovarian follicle D2 12.0 mm
Lt ovarian follicle D3 11.0 mm
Lt ovarian follicle mean 11.3 mm
Lt ovarian follicle vol 0.760 cm3
Cul de Sac Normal Impression


Heterogeneous myometrium. Endometrium appears normal. Polycystic appearance of ovaries. Ovarian cyst not seen on today's exam. No free fluid in the pelvis.
submitted by BeautyQueenofPawnee to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:42 ArchmagusOfRoo depression constant, help/support/advice?

36 y/o, 3 months post op. Got my hysto February 1st. I'll start with saying: this was VERY much planned! I've suffered from debilitating cramps, anemia, PMDD, ovarian cysts, my entire life. My period cramps were so painful I'd take 6 ibuprofen and struggle not to take more. I'd sometimes puke, sometimes wouldn't be able to keep any food down, would bleed so much I'd stand up and almost pass out, it was unreal. My PMDD was getting to the point where I was suicidal basically once a month. I also have ADHD, among other things. I have been trying to get everything removed since my early 20s. Finally found a doc who'd do it, plan was to just take it ALL out, ovaries included, since my hormones were so unpredictable, slap me on the patch and then I could finally move on with my life.
All did not go as planned. They took out everything except the left ovary, because while they were doing the surgery (TLH), they discovered it had literally become adhered to my pelvic sidewall and sigmoid, and SUPER close to the ureter. It wasn't safe to remove it. I woke up, thinking how happy I was that everything was finally gone, only to have the nurse tell me right away "oh they got it all out but don't worry they left the one ovary in". Cue me absolutely freaking out while like, just coming out of anesthesia.
Recovery time happened. Incisions healed well, internally seemed healed as well, been back to work for awhile now. But there's been...just so much fuckery with everything. I still have the one ovary, no IDEA what the hell it's doing. My "cycles" are just as unpredictable as ever, mental health wise, except now there's no way of "knowing" when they start/end. Instead of the PMDD, it's basically turned into a near-constant low-to-middling level of depression, self loathing, and negative thoughts pelting me at all times. I asked my doctor for a hormone panel, but the request was never sent.
I heard it takes a few months for the hormones to settle down but I don't know what to do. I can't keep living like this. I have mental illnesses I struggle with every single day normally (bipolar II, disabling ADHD, both c-PTSD and regular PTSD) and this was like...supposed to improve my quality of life. I went to get major surgery because I was finally taking it into my hands to improve my QoL! And while the extremely painful, horrible awful periods are gone (and lemme tell you, my period cramps were like...10000x more painful than the surgery and recovery! And my ibuprofen usage has DRASTICALLY gone down!), the PMDD remains, the one ovary remains doing whatever the hell it's doing, and my mental health has been constantly in the toilet. I'm at my damn wit's end. Has this happened to anyone else? What did any of y'all do?
(And why can NO ONE give me an answer as to why my left ovary is literally glued to my insides??)
submitted by ArchmagusOfRoo to hysterectomy [link] [comments]
