Birthday cake keyboard art

A Celebration of all things Nintendo!

2012.09.06 16:28 A Celebration of all things Nintendo!

Nintendo is one of the many subreddits that are currently private in protest of Reddit's upcoming changes to its API, and the behavior of its CEO.

2024.05.17 00:21 gyrobot A happy birthday for homeless Shiroko as a kind NPC stranger gives her a slice of cake (Art by @6576183ascii)

A happy birthday for homeless Shiroko as a kind NPC stranger gives her a slice of cake (Art by @6576183ascii) submitted by gyrobot to BlueArchive [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:13 tomjirinec New Icons for Cake Shops, Martial Arts Schools, Skate Parks and Mexican Cousine

submitted by tomjirinec to applemaps [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:11 durt_squirrel Ramblings of a Mad Explorer

Hi everyone!
I (31m) am still trying to figure it all out, I guess just like the rest of us, right? I went to a small east coast liberal arts college to be a writer. When I graduated in 2014, I had been through a variety of coursework and had felt that while I did want to write, I was focused more on "doing", then writing about it someday. I mostly focused on International Affairs and Anthropology spent some time abroad. I had difficulty getting a job after college and leaned into bouncing/security, then barbacking, then bartending, as a means to just get an income while I figured it out. I had a dream of working in intelligence. A decade passed and I had managed to build a successful reputation for myself both in bar management and brand work. During that decade, a lot of life happened. I had a deranged and tumultuous 7 year relationship with an abusive alcoholic bartender. I was offered a dream job after an arduous and competitive hiring process, only to have it rescinded for non-disclosed reasons days before my 30th birthday. Devastated by the job rejection after years of effort and work, I was feeling quite down. At this point I was bartending full time and just feeling completely lost. My long relationship ended in absolute pandemonium due to a total loss of my vehicle while she drove it inebriated. I evacuated myself from the relationship, as my safety was in question and I could no longer let myself be okay with what I was living. It was ugly and I lost most of my things and my pets.

I felt gutted and defeated. I hung my head in shame and retreated to the cavernous depths of the rickety dive bar I had been working at, not doing much other than working and sleeping. Most of my time was spent feeling sorry for myself in solitude or just wanting it all to end. I felt trapped, scared, and hopeless. I met another woman with whom I now have an amazing relationship. It felt as though she brought color back to my life and gave me the excitement and joy I deserved to feel; the stuff I needed to keep healing and push forward. I've been still learning how to love myself again and forgive myself for what I allowed to happen to me. The bar industry had been absolutely crushing; being surrounded by defeated lost souls, on both sides of the bar. It got to a point where I was just completely emotionally and physically drained during my time off that I had no ability to do anything other than rot. And the money hasn't been what it had been and I have been having a hard time staying afloat on my own.

A few months ago, at the strong encouragement of my girlfriend and family, and spending far too much time feeling like "John at the Bar" from the song "Piano Man," I left the bar industry for good. My father (also a former bartender), with whom I was more or less estranged from for several years due to longstanding family issues, offered to pay my rent if I left the bar ASAP and helped my brother launch his home remodeling business. I took the leap. I can't say they caught me; times are tough right now. The business is in it's startup phase and I am not in a position where I can take much income beyond minimum wage right now. Its quite brutal and I am questioning what the fuck I am even doing every day, but I push on. I am supplementing ends meet with some freelance work here and there doing some writing and working the bar at concert venues. I don't love my day to day, but I don't hate it as much as the bar. As much as certain things suck, my life is infinitely better. I feel confident that I will look back on these past few years and laugh.

So, here I am, still trying to figure it all out. I feel as though all of my interests are laid out in front of me: I love music. I am a bassist, an avid record collector, I spin Boogie/Funk/80's vinyl here and there at bars and parties for fun, and I constantly love exploring everything related to the world of music. I am constantly monitoring foreign conflicts and researching militant insurgencies; I love to keep up to date on everything open source within the intelligence world. In terms of jobs in this field, it may be sour grapes, but I am not sure if I could sleep at night if I worked in intel for my government. I love to make art; some of my other brothers and I collaborate on cartoons, screenplays, and sketches. I love designing a character and making an elaborate Halloween costume every year. I love to create wild, exciting, and vibrant worlds, taking mine and others imaginations into the real world. I love to explore the world, connect with other cultures, and SEE and EXPERIENCE all I can during my short time here. It feels almost as if there's a "perfect career for me" combining all of these interests just sitting on the tip of my tongue. Then there's part of me screaming "Just write on what you've done. Then go do more shit and write! Fuck publications, newspapers, and media corps. Just do your own thing and you'll figure it out!"

I write all of this, not necessarily asking for help finding a path (although, PLEASE any input is welcome), but just to share my experience to those who may be in the pits of confusion and hopelessness where I was very recently. Hopefully this can provide at least some solidarity and maybe a little bright flash of hope. I hope that those who are in similar places in their lives as me can read this and feel validated and more comfortable. Those of you who have made it out alive and thriving, hopefully this reminds you of your journey to where you are. And to all of those who failed, well...maybe this can help you feel willing to try it again. We only get this one shot at this, so why not give it our all?
I have no answers or solutions, just my own accounts of my raw experiences and the perspectives they have given me. I guess that's kind of the point of all of this though, right? We are all here to perceive and be perceived. We live in, witness, and are the spectacle! What an absurd, ghastly, and wonderful life we all live! Go live it and may be on the path you are searching for without even realizing it...

Good hunting and rock on everyone. I love you all.
submitted by durt_squirrel to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:56 Foodiethrowaway2773 I’m (25F) not sure what to do about my roommate’s (29F) birthday. Any advice?

So, last year I moved into a house with 3 girls. This main girl C kind of set the precedent that she cares A LOT about birthdays and celebrations - on her birthday she asked us to plan a bunch of things for her (a picnic, a beach day, decorating, cake, blah blah). I kind of did it cus I felt forced to. But it was so expensive, almost $200.
So, my birthday came around in January and she did the same thing. It was very sweet, but honestly I don’t even feel like we have that close of a relationship.
Well, she is moving out in 3 weeks with her boyfriend. I maybe see her like once or twice a month because she is always at his place. The issue is her birthday is next week… am I expected to do anything? I’d say we’re like casual friends, but I’ve barely talked to her in these last two weeks for example. I’m also assuming her bf will take care of her birthday this year so I’m not sure what the expectations are here. Any advice?
And honestly, if I’m being frank I don’t like her and feel like the last 6 months our relationship has completely gone downhill. Ever since she got a bf I’ve barely seen her and she barely talks to anyone anymore. There’s also lots of weird cliques going on in the house - like she’s a lot closer with one other girl and apparently they already went out for her bday last week without inviting me… stuff like that.
submitted by Foodiethrowaway2773 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:37 TeaAndCozy 🐇 Thoughts on Poesie's returning Wonderland scents (and details for the Cloud 9 collection too)

Hi folks, next week (Thursday, May 23 to be exact) is going to be an exciting day over at Poesie! It's the house's ninth birthday (happy birthday Poesie!!), and to celebrate they're releasing not one but two small perfume collections simultaneously.
First up is their "Cloud 9" birthday collection, with one returning single-note and four new perfumes:
(And while these will be for sale individually, we can apparently also get one or more of them as freebies with high-enough order totals - see HERE for the details of the promo.)

Secondly, they're bringing back three of their Wonderland collection. I've tried the whole collection before, so I thought it might be nice if I offered thoughts on the ones that will be returning, in case that's useful for anybody. I know several of these have been very much in demand recently, and I'm thrilled for all of our sakes that Poesie listened and is bringing them back for us.
Curiouser & Curiouser [Daisy chains, blades of grass and a rabbithole, a blue cotton frock, airy vanilla clouds] - Such a pretty one! It opens with vanilla cake, but then the other notes - the grass, the slight chamomile-ish floral (is that what daisy smells like? it's lovely!), and the faint cotton - start to come in too, creating a very multifaceted scent experience. Curiouser & Curiouser is an absolute staple of my springtime perfumes.
We're All Mad Here [Boysenberry, black peppercorn essential oil, swirls of vanilla buttercream frosting, soft fur musk, smoked tonka bean] - Sadly, this one didn't work for me. It smells musky, and darkly fruity like artificial cherry (but without any hint of almond; both almond and cherry notes can smell like each other, especially in marzipan notes), and with an undertone of that black pepper. Husband thinks it smells like Nyquil, and he's not altogether wrong, considering that dark, syrupy, artificial cherry. I'm sure the "smoked" part of the "smoked tonka bean" is part of what makes this feel too heavy for me, and while I don't get vanilla buttercream by itself - there's no sweetness beyond the fruitiness - it might be contributing to the heavy and slightly cloying feeling. The notes description doesn't include patchouli, but I almost think there might be some. If you like dark, fruity scents, this one is probably perfect for you.
White Rabbit [Fluffy white fur musk, kumquat marmalade, lacy carrot flower, a wisp of hay and sweet fennel] An unexpected hit, and another springtime staple for me! I was excited to try this one because it gave me an excuse to dress like a carrot (and I do mean that - the first time I tried this I wore a green dress and bright orange footless tights), but I wasn't really expecting to love it. But it's lovely! Very much like Curiouser & Curiouser with the same airy vanilla base, but instead of the grassy note, it has a cheerful citrus note. Both of these are so evocative of a perfect spring day.

Which of these Cloud 9 and Wonderland scents are most catching your eye? I adore chamomile so I think I'm most excited about that one - but I'm also so intrigued by the jasmine tea one! And if anyone has tried Cloud or any of the past perfumes that included that cotton candy single-note, could you offer us your thoughts about it? I've never tried it - how does it compare to other houses' cotton candy notes?
submitted by TeaAndCozy to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:51 juliunicorn314 Ghosts Survivor: Round 9 Double Elimination

Round 9 deadline: Friday 17th May, 9pm GMT

Heyyy peopleeee! Round 8 was another round where the results were really close, but we do have one episode which will be leaving us today.
Getting Out. Despite having never been close to elimination in previous rounds, Getting Out ended up with 3 votes, more than all other episodes. En Français was just behind with 2 votes, along with Last Resort.
So in Round 9, we will be having another

Double Elimination...

At least 2 episodes will definitely be eliminated at the end of this round. Will En Français be one of them? Or should it be something else? It's up to youuuuu.
Vote for the episode that you like *the least. The 2 episodes that gather the most votes will be eliminated with the **tied 25th place in this game. If 2 or 3 episodes tie with the most or second most votes, they will all be eliminated. If more than 3 episodes tie with the most or second most votes, any episodes which didn't tie will be eliminated, while the others will face a tiebreaker. Make sure you have watched all episodes before voting and don't vote more than once. (I don't think you can anyway)*


Round 8 results
Episodes Alive: (SPOILERS!!!)
S1E1 - Who Do You Think You Are?:
S1E2 - Gorilla War:
S1E3 - Happy Death Day:
S1E5 - Moonah Ston:
S2E3 - Redding Weddy:
S2E4 - The Thomas Thorne Affair:
S2E5 - Bump in the Night:
S2E6 - Perfect Day:
S2E7 - The Ghost of Christmas:
S3E1 - The Bone Plot:
S3E2 - A Lot to Take In:
S3E3 - The Woodworm Men:
S3E4 - I Love Lucy:
S3E5 - Something to Share?:
S3E6 - Part of the Family:
S4E2 - Speak as ye Choose:
S4E3 - The Hardest Word:
S4E4 - Gone Gone:
S4E6 - Not Again:
S4E7 - It's Behind You:
S5E1 - Fools:
S5E3 - Pineapple Day:
S5E4 - En Français:
S5E5 - Carpe Diem:
S5E6 - Last Resort:
Episodes which got out:*
34th place: S5E7 - A Christmas Gift
33rd place: S3E7- He Came!
32nd place: S2E1 - The Grey Lady
31st place: S2E2 - About Last Night
30th place: S4E5 - Poached Guests
29th place: S4E1 - Happy Holiday
28th place: S1E4 - Free Pass
27th place: S5E2 - Home
26th place: S1E6 - Getting Out
submitted by juliunicorn314 to GhostsBBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:49 NoConcentrate2698 WIBTA If I invite both my parents to my childs birthday?

I (29f) have a strained relationship with both my parents (50s m and f) since their divorce. For context the divorce was very messy and they stayed living together for some time before physically seperating due to finances. This caused a lot of discomfort as you can imagine! In order to recieve more money in the separation my mother wanted to take my father to court using us children. My father was not a great parent and was emotionally manipulative as my mother was too. The last time my parents were in the same room was my wedding 4 or so years ago. My mother has had anxiety since the divorce and has said she has had stomach issues (Diarrhea etc) while they were living together. My sons first birthday is coming up. For previous events eg Christmas etc we have had each parent arrive/depart at different times so they avoid eachother. However we had decided when my son was born that we weren't going to do that for events for him as it gave me lots of anxiety as a child (which i dont want my son to have to feel growing older) trying to keep everyone seperate and happy but now i am having second thoughts. My son is only awake for a few hours between his morning and afternoon nap so it would be difficult to divide up the time and i would also have to choose one parent for the cake cutting etc if i split the invitation.
submitted by NoConcentrate2698 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:48 ChefSupremo Birthday cake

Birthday cake submitted by ChefSupremo to ban_food [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:34 A_Weird_Gamer_Guy Sometimes it's really hard not becoming a "nice guy".

I'm autistic and I have a pretty hard time making friends.
A few weeks ago I started working in a new place, and I was really hoping to make some new friends. I did my absolute best, I was nothing but nice to everyone, I tried making jokes, I showed interest in people's hobbies. I even got a coworker cake for his birthday.
A week after I started working there, another guy joined as well. He has been mocking people constantly, talking about people behind their backs, making truly mean comments about people to their faces, disrespecting everyone, etc.
And yet, I keep finding out that while I almost never get invited when someone is making plans, and no one shows up when I invite people over, that guy is almost always invited.
I keep trying to remind myself that "nice guys finish last" is a toxic mindset. But now I completely understand where these people come from.
submitted by A_Weird_Gamer_Guy to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:25 garbagepersonified Bakery/baker making vintage style birthday cakes in Manchester

Bakery/baker making vintage style birthday cakes in Manchester
Hi everyone! I am going to be in Manchester on my birthday next month and I wanted to get a cake. I had really wanted a vintage style cake from The Palms Bakery but they just happen to be closed that week.
Does anybody know of any other bakeries or bakers who can make these kinds of cakes? Thank you!
(Pictures for reference)
submitted by garbagepersonified to manchester [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:06 cellischtli Moomin cake for my mums birthday

Moomin cake for my mums birthday
She likes the moomins so I thought she would appreciate. She fortunatelly did! Chocolat cake with chocolate ganache.
submitted by cellischtli to cakedecorating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:00 audrey_korne Chance me for fall 2025 (rising junior) @ Penn, Vandy, Cornell, etc.

I'm currently a rising sophomore at a mid-tier LAC. It's arguably the best college in the state, but I'm not challenged enough. I generally enjoy it, but I wish I had far more resources at my disposal, a better school spirit, and more inspiring/engaging professors with bigger class sizes. I also just generally dislike the aesthetics of the place and find myself constantly feeling isolated by its smallness + horrible weather. I was accepted to UMich and UWashington Honors in HS but couldn't afford to attend.
I'm intent on pursuing law school or at the very least grad school for sociology and/or political science. My current school has a good polisci dept., which is what I'm majoring in, but my heart really lies within sociology. The department here is just... barren, to say the very least.
HS and college GPA both 4.0 (valedictorian); 34 ACT (35 superscore); LGBTQ+, female, Arab and white, will be turning 21 in fall 2025; 7 AP's (small HS) with all 4's and 5's
Very talented essay-writer.
Major: polisci but will likely double in sociology or switch altogether; interested in family law and women's rights law
I have a very clear vision of what I would like to do, and my EC's reflect that. As a result of my personal experiences with various forms of abuse throughout my life, I am committed to pursuing systemic change when it comes to curtailing the effects of domestic abuse and violence especially as it pertains to families. I am incredibly passionate about women's rights as they pertain to the law and policy.
EC's (not gonna go too in detail to avoid doxxing; some of these are in-progress but will be done by the app deadline, will switch out different ones depending on school):
Resource referral / phone receptionist at women's DV shelteadvocacy nonprofit. Related to legal aid, family law, social work, mental health, and of course women's advocacy. Generally serves an underserved area of the city I live in.
Legal internship with NGO that specializes in serving DV survivors. Worked alongside current law school students to research protective orders across countless districts in order to seek a means of reform for them, hoping to help remove the barriers that exist between victims and safety. Also did research to help the org connect to ally groups/professionals in the field.
Founded SA prevention and awareness student organization for my current school campus following a string of incidents that shook the community. Held info sessions, spread awareness via poster campaigns, held fundraisers for shelters, advocated for campus security to incorporate more means of reporting SA, etc.
-- also may run an unplanned pregnancy kit drive. I did a similar one in HS for foster kid birthdays
Founded NGO - website containing a registrar of local vetted resources and plans of action for victims of DV; doubles as a list of organizations/shelters to donate to
Edited legal professor's book
Volunteered as tutor for creative writing support with underserved elementary-age students my entire freshman year
Worked at student tutoring center as an appointment coordinator my entire freshman year
Founded HS GSA chapter, successfully achieved LGBTQ+ history inclusion in school curricula in Deep South private Christian HS (!!!) during peak Don't Say Gay times
College radio DJ
College debate team member, competed at regional level (hopefully national this year! we usually go!)
Femme-inclusive, female-empowerment-oriented acapella group member (college)
College first-year orientation leader
College paper staff member with featured articles
Published in school journal for several polisci/soc oriented papers
Ran a ~40k+ member online hobby community for several years in HS across multiple websites.
Misc. other stuff: volunteering in HS, very talented in performance and visual arts (ie Scholastic award for art in HS and theater competition success), state-level English competition awards, Spanish proficiency, HS student gov't, very dedicated to personal fitness/exercise
Interested in: UPenn (I am VERY interested in their sociology concentrations), Vandy, Cornell, Brown (my former dream school......need aid tho RIP), Georgetown, Columbia, Dartmouth, NYU, Northwestern, Rice, UChicago, Tulane (legacy but I don't think they care)...
Suggest more if you'd like. I'm open to LAC's but I want to live in the city. My current LAC is in a city, but it's too small and bubble-y. I wanna break out of the bubble!!
I'll also apply to HYPSM just in case. I have connections to HYSP, Penn, and Tulane of varying degrees lol (from family to former classmates).
I don't have "impressive" EC's. I don't enjoy going out for big awards or competitions. Being a militant leader type on campus also irks me. I just do good work and things I enjoy. I try to be humble, so I often under-sell myself.
Thanks in advance!!
submitted by audrey_korne to TransferChanceMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:59 LauraSinCityCwgrl Just a reminder..

I will preface this long winded anecdote with this. I reached out to Dee Dee after her live to see if she wanted to have a conversation, she said, FU.
Dee Dee and I mutually flirted with one another. illy was always in our calls when it happened. Illy is a very good person and gets shocked easily, so the flirting always made her turn red. Things were said on both of our parts that might make people blush, but it was always mutual and honestly made us laugh.
Did I ask Dee Dee if she liked me, one time? Yes, because she was flirting with me. Did she say no? Yes, and I let it go. She has often times in our 3 way FaceTimes, asked me to come cuddle with her. We mutually discussed that if we ever met, we might go “there” if you know, you know, but that was it. I never had a thing for Dee Dee. It was fun to flirt but I think in all our times talking face to face, we only talked privately a couple times and there was no flirting going on.
I stopped talking to Dee Dee because she had stopped talking and I heard she had been telling people she stopped talking to “us” because she was tired of being the only one to reach out. I have proof of the contrary. I have many many texts where myself or myself and illy reached out to her daily asking how her Mother was, long after her Mother was out of the hospital. I sent her a cheese cake for her birthday, I participated in the act of love for the homeless.
To hear that she stepped away from lack of communication on my part or illy and my part, is ludicrous. I believe she stepped away because I simply said these words to her in a 3 way call. I like Christine, I think she’s a good person. as Dee Dee was talking about their friendship being over. She got cold and distant from that point on. I then heard she told people that I was being “vile” with flirting. If I remember correctly, it was she who mentioned pulling her hair and taking her from behind and that was said in front of illy and we laughed. That’s for context only BTW.
As far as mocking her spirituality, Dee Dee has always professed her love for God, I just found her character to be questionable, and realized she had been manipulating situations, not her ability to have a relationship with God. As far as her relationship with Christine or any of this money business, I have no knowledge personally. She’s never “purposefully” asked me for anything.
submitted by LauraSinCityCwgrl to lesbiantiktok_gossip [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:34 joshk21 What to do for my birthday

My birthday is next week. I took the week of work to use up some pto but I have basically no plans. I was going to make myself a cake but that won’t take more than a couple hours. Looking for suggestions to keep myself occupied through the days
submitted by joshk21 to LivingAlone [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:26 No_Grapefruit7950 Burnout Recovery Advice

TLDR: looking for advice for 'deep recovery' from autistic burnout, venting/rambling a bit about my situation
Sorry for the long post, my life hasn't been great the last few years and I'm hoping that if I describe it in detail then someone might have some advice for where to go next, or be able to tell me if I'm missing something obvious. I've bolded the bits where I'm asking for advice.
I (24F) am not officially diagnosed with aspergers or anything autism related, but am recovering from what I suspect is autistic burnout. I had symptoms of moderate to severe CFS last summeautumn but am slowly recovering from it without any major crashes. When I read the description of autistic burnout I identified with it completely. The loss of skills and extremely reduced tolerance to stimulus on top of the fatigue is something I have really struggled to describe or explain to people (not helped by the loss of skills i.e. barely being able to put a sentence together to speak to someone). I've read Strong Female Character and Aspergirls, and am currently reading Unmasking Autism. I haven't completely self-diagnosed yet, but I am researching it and think it's a strong possibility. The first half of Aspergirls describes my childhood pretty well. I was often called a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Unmasking Autism states that the creator of this term has said that the people she was talking about have since been diagnosed with ASD. Even if I am not Autistic, I often find Autistic people more relatable and easier to understand that non-Autistic people and find their advice for rest, sensory issues etc helpful to me. I am not looking for a diagnosis or diagnostic advice.
I currently feel like I'm starting my life over again, and I'd really appreciate advice on how to build a sustainable life when I have a lower tolerance for stimulus and find communicating more tiring than many people.
Context/life story: I'm from the UK. I have a degree in maths, was feeling burnt out and was going to take a gap year before doing a masters, but the pandemic happened and I moved back into my childhood bedroom. I couldn't face being stuck there again with no 'escape plan' so one afternoon I (impusively) signed up for a masters at a not so great uni and didn't do well academically. At the time I was considering a PhD and going into pure maths research. I don't have the grades to get funding for this. By the end of the masters my boyfriend had broken up with me and I'd lost touch with all my friends. The only person I 'spoke' to was my mother and even she'd say this was pretty one sided. In my dissertation presentation on zoom, I read a pre-written script and answered 'I don't know' to all the questions because I hadn't spoken to anyone in months and couldn't hold a conversation with the cashier in the supermarket about the weather let alone one with an academic about advanced maths. I scraped a pass.
After this was over (October 2021), I really felt like I needed a break. I decided I was going to have 2022 'off'. I was going to rest, get a job that didn't use my brain, move to a city so I wasn't so isolated (I live in Wales) and recover and rebuild before figuring out what I wanted to do next. I couldn't figure out how to move to a city without getting a professional job. I asked some family for advice but they didn't know either. I didn't know how to get any job near the town where I live. It's very cliquey, I don't know anyone who's got a job through a formal application process, it's always through a family or friend connection, and I'd lost touch with everyone by this point, my mother doesn't have any contacts and the rest of my family lives in another country. I get filtered out of formal applications because I'm overqualified and bad at lying. Spring 2022 I got sick of it and applied for about 5 software dev jobs. I got one basically without being interviewed. In hindsight that was the first red flag.
I moved to a city 5 hours away. I won't go into the details of the job but it wasn't great. I discovered they had a vrey high turnover for a small company. The new hires previous to me had lasted weeks, one only lasted days, before going on stress leave. I did 10 months. I signed a rental agreement for a year and was too exhausted to search for another job to pay for it. It was full time in the office because I was a junior. I had one friend who lived 3 hours away and every time we met up it was me driving to them, and my sibling needed a lot of help with uni and job stuff so I drove the 5 hours back home most other weekends. I did too much, but I didn't know how to not do too much. Within a few months of each other, my dog died, my grandad died and it was the 10 year anniversary of my dads death. I never had a bad performance review and I quit due to 'personal reasons'. The final straw for me was when I noticed in the office I was physically shaking from exhaustion when I reached for my mouse or keyboard. I think I must have been running on adrenaline or something because it was 2 months before I properly crashed. In this time I moved my stuff back to my childhood bedroom, and that is where I am now. July last year was when I crashed and thought I had CFS etc.
I would say I'm mostly recovered from the physical fatigue. I walk 10k+ steps a day and this helps me mentally. I know I should do more restorative yoga, I see this more like stretchy meditation than exercise and it also helps mentally. I used to enjoy powerlifting and I've tried a few times recently but I think I need to take that super slowly because I get carried away and it wipes me out for a few days after. Skills-wise, I am able to read books again, albeit books I've read before or childrens books. I sometimes have 'high energy' days when I'll read more non-fiction and try to plan my recovery. I am not up for doing technical computer stuff. Things I used to know still go completely over my head. Sensory-wise, I struggle having the big light on for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. I try to reduce screen time. I barely watch tv. I've deleted most social media so I only check instagram once or twice a week on my laptop, and I go on reddit or youtube if I'm looking for something in particular. I try not to listen to too much music otherwise the brain fog gets worse, but that's hard becuase it's one of the few things I feel connects me with the outside world at the moment. When family come round and there are group conversations, I cannot follow anything that's going on and it may as well be white noise. I haven't been in a public space for a while, so I don't know how I am with the background noise. I've reconnected with school friends and am going out for dinner soon, so I'll find out then. I will also find out how I hold up in conversation.
In the next few weeks I plan on looking for part time work. Any advice on suitable jobs would be welcome. I also start a compassion focused therapy group next week, after going to the doctors about this in october of last year *sigh*. I plan on working part time and living at home while figuring out what I want from a career and how to build a life. I wish I could just move to London but it's so expensive.
I see pure maths as closer to the arts than the sciences, and also enjoy fiction books (esp fantasy) and music. I played classical piano and violin/viola as a child to a reasonably high standard. I have no interest in computers really, it was just a job thats related to my degree and that I was good at. As a child I wanted to be a writer or a musician, but as a teen I prioritised moving out of my hometown and told myself that was something I didn't need to study and could work on in my free time. I had a 'maths brain' so it was easy enough to coast this path while I was grieving. I have learnt that the first things I let slide when I am stressed or busy, are the things I am interested in. Then it's chores, then my physical health. I have no idea when to stop or when to say no people. Not because I want them to like me, simply because saying no doesn't occur to me until after I've done it. I also don't notice when I am stressed or doing too much. I have gotten better at that the last few months.
In future, I think I need to prioritise my interests more than I have. I think I tried to 'fix' the stress from the things I 'had' to do with exercise and being very physically healthy. I think the solution is to prioritise working on my interests and passions. The thing I've found most helpful is keeping a diary. I started this last July. I'm now writing music and learning how to produce using Ableton. It's going very slowly but it's going. I've found creating things is better for me mentally than consuming them, even if I'm doing that using a screen. I am interested in the links between maths and music (group theory, geometry, topology etc), and plan to read more about this when I'm able. It would be a dream come true if I could somehow work self-employed doing this one day. I can't imagine working full time in an office again. It exhausts me too much to be able to do anything in my free time. I don't know how demanding it would be to work remotely full-time. I'm lucky I can live with family and work part-time for the forseeable future. There is no rush. I am 24.
Any advice on building a career your interested in, moving to a new city, managing stress and having healthy relationships would be very welcome. Or anything else you think it would be useful to hear.
submitted by No_Grapefruit7950 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:25 Qasinqueue Lowcountry bakery suggestions needed

Hi all! In a bit of a bind and am looking for a baker or bakery that can make a mocha birthday cake for this weekend. Charleston, Summerville areas, if possible. Thank you!!!
submitted by Qasinqueue to southcarolina [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:21 ExcitementOk3578 CatDog Cake for my Daughter

CatDog Cake for my Daughter
I haven’t shared anything on Reddit in a while since my stuff seems to find its way on fondant hate groups.
I showed my daughter CatDog a few months ago, and she insisted on that theme for her 5th birthday party.
CatDog is made of vanilla cake layered in a salted caramel sauce and salted caramel Swiss meringue buttercream.
The cupcake is funfetti cake with classic buttercream
The only Rice Krispies portion is Cat’s jaw. All else is cake. The shell of the cupcake liner is made from chocolate. Even though I’m not 100% satisfied with it, she loved it. I admit as a 90s baby, I wish I’d had a cake like this as a kid.
submitted by ExcitementOk3578 to 90s [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:11 Business_Standard548 Help finding contact info for Yunnan Sourcing tea wrapper artist

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to find an email address or something similar to contact an artist named Patrick Huynh, who created a piece of art for the Yunnan Sourcing year of the rat design contest back in 2019/2020.
I want to get it tattooed, but not without asking permission and compensating him. Yunnan Sourcing can’t give out any personal info, which is completely fair, but I can’t seem to find the guy.
Thought I’d try my luck here and see if anyone can point me in the right direction. I’d appreciate any info or search tips you might have.
submitted by Business_Standard548 to tea [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:10 RiskedCredit Ex husband wants his girlfriend and her children at my daughter’s birthday party… how to reply

Need some advice and perspective on how to handle this.
There was back and forth about organizing my eldest daughters birthday party because my ex husband wanted to organize it after I had already told him it was organized and I planned/organized and paid for the younger two children’s parties held in end of Feb and beginning of April.
Last week he agreed to go with my plans. This week I get a message to say our daughter (12) has asked for his girlfriend and her children to attend the birthday party. The party is at an art studio and she had asked for only her class to attend, specifically telling me she didn’t want her own younger siblings to attend. My ex husband then proceeds to say our daughter told him ‘she is concerned that mom does not know them.’ followed by ‘I can appreciate that it can be difficult for you that they will attend but can you please add them to the list of attendees.’
Its not difficult for me to be around this woman or her children. It’s awkward because my ex husband hasn’t introduced her to me. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to not want this woman I don’t know at my daughter’s birthday party that I’m hosting and paying for when my daughter has said she doesn’t want her own siblings to attend?!? I have moved on post divorce and I want to be able to enjoy my children on my weekends. There will be about 7 children from my daughters class at the party, it’s a drop off event and I am taking them for ice cream afterwards as my daughter asked for that instead of a cake.
This is the background.
Our marriage ended 2 years ago, separation happened in Feb 2023, he met his girlfriend in July 2023. He met her children in October 2023 and wanted to introduce our children in November 2023. He and I were in coparent therapy at the time and the therapist said absolutely do not introduce the children to your girlfriend. Coparent therapy broke down when he was caught recording our sessions, he lied about not agreeing to things which I then showed he had agreed to and no progress was being made. In this coparenting therapy process it became very clear it was toxic, emotionally violent and the therapist advised it was best we parent as separately as possible.
Come mid Feb 2024, he messaged me to say ‘I would like you to know the children met ‘the girlfriend’ at the park. This was the first time they have met.’ Total lie. She met them via FaceTime in December and he made sure she spoke with the children each week they were with him. My children told me this. Four weeks later he introduced the children to her children. I was not told of this by him but the children. I decided to say nothing to my ex husband because it’s none of my business for as long as our children are ok.
April 2024 my ex husband shows up to our daughter’s soccer game (school based team playing outside of school) with his girlfriend and her two boys. It’s awkward because I have my daughter go over to say hi and return to ask why I don’t introduce myself. Well, it’s my weekend with my children. I don’t appreciate my ex husband thinking it’s ok to show up on my weekend with his girlfriend and kids and then manipulate my daughter to ask me why I don’t walk over and introduce myself. Daughter is 12 and I don’t know a 12 year old who would say ‘why don’t you introduce yourself’ on their own. At the last soccer game of the season, two weeks ago, I showed up, expecting to see the girlfriend so I could introduce myself, and she wasn’t there. The following day my daughter told me they slept overnight at the girlfriend’s house. As a parent with 50/50 custody I was shocked he hadn’t told me ahead of time providing me with the address of where the children would be overnight.
The whole thing is one big circus which I really don’t want to be part of. Any sane parent would wait a year before introducing a new partner. They would also set up an opportunity for me to meet the person they are dating before introducing them to the children. I have been perfectly pleasant about his girlfriend with the children when truthfully I think the pair of them are behaving atrociously with zero regard for the welfare of the children involved and my ex husbands behavior towards me is incredibly controlling and abusive. I later found out from other parents that his girlfriend has only shown up on my weekends. My heart breaks for my daughter because she is being used by him to create the opportunity for her father to justify asking me to invite his girlfriend and her two children when he isn’t paying for it nor hosting the party. Our daughter of course doesn’t know this.
Reading this, I want to minimize the drama from him in my life and my children’s. Not sure how to best achieve that.
submitted by RiskedCredit to coparenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:58 Smeeizme Going to college soon, need a laptop that can handle my hobbies & education

Roughly $2,000 (I also know someone who can get me a hefty discount, so feel free to go a bit above); United States
Good (not creaky or too loose) keyboard, reliable, good amount of normal USB and USB-C ports
submitted by Smeeizme to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:51 succubusted4 $1200 budget on first build

**What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.*\*
Playing games and creating 3D art. I'm planning on playing minecraft with mods and/or shaders and using programs like zBrush, adobe substance painter, adobe substance designer, adobe substance stager, blender, maya, and Unreal Engine
**What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?*\*
$1200 USD
**When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.*\*
Within the next 2 weeks
**What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc\)*\*
I need everything besides a mouse, keyboard, and OS to be included.
**Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?*\*
Minnesota, US. I do not have access to a microcenter location
**If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.*\*
**Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?*\*
This is my first build so I'm not sure. I think it would be nice to be able to do overclocking in the future, but its not a requirement for me :)
**Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)*\*
No specific features required
**Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?*\*
I would prefer a microATX or mid-tower and for the components to be mostly black. Some LED lighting and a window would be cool as well
**Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?*\*
No thank you :)
submitted by succubusted4 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:49 nabuhabu Great Chocolate Cake

A couple of years ago I landed on the perfect chocolate cake recipe - great flavor, light, easy to make. (Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Melissa Clark there’s a non paywall recipe here, it’s fantastic This was an enormous, runaway hit with my family. They raved and raved about it.
Sift powdered sugar on top or a simple cream cheese frosting (mix 1 stick butter, 1 stick cream cheese, splash of vanilla, 1 C powdered sugar until smooth) and you’re done. You’ll have the greatest simple cake for any occasion. Birthdays, sick days, friends visiting. Whatever. Made one this week for the day after Mother’s Day as a “We Think You’re Amazing Every Day” after-work surprise. Too easy. Instant hero, you’re welcome.
You can stop here, enjoy the cake!
So I’ve had this cake on lock for about two years. I’ve tested it against the fabled “Duncan Hines mix + 1 extra egg + homemade icing” hack - it destroys that cardboard tasting abomination. I’ve subbed in coconut oil in a pinch - worked fine. I’ve layered it once into a massive Great British Baking Show fantasia - still a hit.
I made this cake too much. I was so preoccupied with whether or not I could that I didn’t stop to think if I should. There was a month when I made it 4-5 times. Cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
My family asked me to stop, lol. Too much of a good thing. It wasn’t special anymore. So I put in on pause and just brought it back this week. This magical cake, which was such a hit, got CRITICIZED! The icing, it’s been decided, is just not working. Too rich for some, not quite the right flavor for others. Could be better.
So I’m researching buttercream frosting with lemon/orange zest flavorings. I’ll rise to the challenge and probably for Father’s Day bring out the upgraded version. But there’s a lesson here about familiarity and tastes that change over time. How the magical eventually becomes the mundane. And, maybe, about how your family can nudge you to be slightly better than before, even if you assumed you’re totally killing it in whatever task it is.
A younger me would have been upset at the change, but you know what? I love this cake and I’m determined to bring it back to its glorious status for all of us. I can’t force anyone to like it, but I can try to meet the interests of the people I make it for. They’re worth the effort and so is the cake.
submitted by nabuhabu to StayAtHomeDaddit [link] [comments]