Crochet ear warmers with attached flower

Frontier Fantasy - Chap 42

2024.06.09 16:00 BrodogIsMyName Frontier Fantasy - Chap 42

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WaveOfWire Edits :D
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Harrison’s vision was still foggy from waking up, several blinks failing to clear the tears from his drawn-out yawn. He just escaped the encompassing embrace of his four-armed guardian, leaving their shared bed for the bathroom, where he would have to say goodbye to his beard. If he was going to travel out of the settlement, a proper seal on his gas mask was a must.
It was a shame. The slow buildup of the hair over the last month or so was a representation of his growth in a way, building up alongside his experiences in this hellhole, be they life-threatening or informative. It was almost like wiping the slate clean, even if cutting some chin scruff didn’t really change anything at all—he’d never be able to forget anything he had seen here for as long as he lived.
And there was no telling how long that’d be.
The engineer sighed, splashing the lukewarm barracks water into his face from one of the many wall-attached sinks, allowing him to fully open his eyes and size up the damage done to his favorite black blood-and-sweat-stained t-shirt. It always stayed in good condition with washing and fabricator repairs, but somehow Shar’s talons always found a way to make small holes in it. She wasn’t trying to, but with the way she fully wrapped her arms around him, the tips of her sharp fingers sometimes ended up poking into the fabric and causing some cuts.
It was such a small issue that he never considered bringing it up to her. Plus, she’d probably do her whole guilty talon-tapping thing with puppy eyes and all… He shook his head, letting the stray beads of water on his face drip into the sink.
His palm ran across his beard while his other hand reached for the razor. There wasn’t any shaving cream or the like, but he’d make do. At least he had one of the proper tools for the job. He went into the task, the blade driving through his scruff, slopping off wide areas of his hair from jaw to chin for a few seconds before it was interrupted.
A short ‘woosh’ of the entrance caught his attention.
“Aww, you’re shavin’ it off?” Tracy commented dejectedly through a yawn, the lazy drawl reinforcing the fact that she just woke up. “Th’ beard was sorta growin’ on me.”
He eyed her through the mirror, his voice coming out in a dull tone. “Yeah. I feel the same.”
She squinted under the bright bathroom lights, rubbing an eye with her wrist as she walked up to the sink beside him and started her own morning routine. “Mmm… Womp womp. Why though?”
“Need it to get a gas mask seal,” he stated flatly, focusing on the task at hand.
The technician stopped momentarily, the gears turning in her head before she gave him a downcast frown. “You’re still set on going for the vehicle bay? You know we can just send some long-range drones out there, right?”
His short exhale echoed throughout the tiled room. The engineer closed his eyes, already mentally withdrawn from the conversation. They've had this discussion twice now. “It’s to be better prepared for any chemical, biological, or radiological surprises that might come up—not just for the excursion. Even more importantly, there’s no guarantee the module is in perfect shape. If I’m there in person, I’ll have the means to get through anything for those blueprints. Plus, it should only be four days, so the only issues we have are my beard and finding a way to protect the Malkrin from the radiation while we’re out.”
Tracy looked like she wanted to say something back, but bit her lip and cast her eyes down at the sink in front of her, twisting the knob before mumbling a quiet response. “I don’t think you need to protect them from radiation at all…”
She stared at him meekly, his dismissal of her worries having clearly dampened her mood. Guilt tugged at the back of his mind before her words further caught his interest. “I think they’re immune… or resistant or something. Radiation immunity is the whole reason they were sent here. You’ve added up the pieces together too, right?”
He stared down at her, running a hand through his hair with tired exasperation depressing his voice. “Tracy, I’ve been trying my hardest to just make it another day on this God-forsaken planet, not dig into their religion. So, no. I have not spent the time to add up the pieces. Enlighten me, please.”
“…S-Sorry. I just, you know, get a lot of time to think when working on drones, and Cera has been drawing all kinds of representations of these things.” Tracy paused, gesturing toward the engineer. “Okay, so you remember the whole backstory for why the Malkrin are on the mainland in the first place?”
“Pseudo-eugenics?” he commented dryly.
“Yeah.” She nodded, a sense of excitement leaking into her voice. “And what were the parameters of banishing someone?”
“Not getting sick from a rock.”
She eyed him feverishly, brows raised with a sudden zeal. “Aaaaand that rock represented the Sky Goddess’ wrath, which did what?”
“Uhhh…” He looked upward in thought, recalling his conversation with the paladin. “I think Shar mentioned nausea, vomiting, blisters, skin melting… off…” He froze, the pieces forming. “Wait, you don’t think…”
“I do. Those symptoms could mean a lot of things, but the anomaly field was the real kicker. You know that Shar just straight up didn’t have any lingering radiation effects or anything while you were nearly put… six feet under…” Her voice quieted momentarily, the speed of her speech outpacing her train of thought. “Sorry. Um… so, I was gonna say that she, uh, I mean the scanner mentioned she had damage from ‘alpha particles’ on her skin, but nothing else happened to her organs or anything.”
Harrison squinted at her for a moment, mouth slightly opened and prepared to give some alternative reasoning besides ‘immunity.’ Maybe her armor protected her from it? No… she didn’t even have full protection, radiation would have certainly gotten around her eyes or snout. What about her height? What if… No.
He didn’t just want to believe that somehow the Malkrin could just evade a force of nature, but he didn’t have any way of proving or disproving it on hand… Well, no humane way of testing it.
“I… guess?” the engineer grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Even then, they still need armor and gas masks. The worst part of the radiation isn’t even the ionizing part. It’s the trace elements that get into your lungs and decay there. So it doesn’t hurt to use some CBRN filters.”
“Fair… but it’s interesting, isn’t it?” Tracy beamed. “Like, what kind of evolutionary factors lead to radiation immunity? Why do only some of the Malkrin have it and others don’t?”
The only real cause of radiation he could think of would be a massive nuclear proliferation of some sort. Maybe the anomalies? He ran a hand through his hair, pushing the lingering thoughts away. “I wouldn’t know. You could always ask Sebas to bring up some papers about it or generate some theories when you get the chance.”
“I probably will at some point… Maybe while I’m working.” She poked him in the bicep. “You’re still helping me with the mule, right?”
He bobbed his head, loose beard hairs itching up his chin. “Sure am. Gimme a bit to shave and test the fifty-cal ammo, then I’ll be free to assist.”
“Kay Kay.” The tradeswoman smiled and returned to the sink, washing her face.
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“What the hell did you do to your shield?” a stunned Harrison asked the paladin, his face scrunching up in concern… and confusion.
Sharky proudly held up her once grungy orange shield with a smile, looking at its new… paint job? “Artificer Tracy has s—n to imbue my bulwark with the crest of the Sky Goddess herself! Observe the b—utiful wings that cover it!”
The engineer had just got back from setting up and overseeing the automated mule’s first excursion to the mine and back. It was a grueling task, requiring him to reset its pathing several times before it was able to make a round trip without input. Now, the maroon-skinned Malkrin in front of him had apparently gotten her massive aegis laser imprinted with crossing wings in the two hours or so he’d been gone. The areas between the black feather decals were colored with white and blue paints, contrasting with the new dark gray background.
A small weight was placed on his shoulder, Tracy’s forearm suddenly appearing atop it despite her being nearly a foot shorter than him. She beamed, staring up at him with all-too-proud eyes. “The scout regiment symbol looks good on it, right? Cera helped me with the laser engraving.”
“I…” His brows raised in perplexity. “The scout regiment?”
She shrugged, watching the paladin observe her shield from all sorts of different angles underneath the workshop’s light fixtures. “From an anime I used to watch. Men and women who were sent out to battle against massive titans for the greater good of the last settlement of humanity. Somewhat fitting, and fuckin’ awesome on her big-ass shield! Matches the bird’s wings on her armor too.”
He loudly sighed. “You wasted materials on imprinting wings on Shar’s shield? Really?”
“Hey!” Her brows furrowed into faux-annoyance, a smug grin betraying it. “It’s not a waste if you were never gonna use the paint we had on hand. Plus, we’ve got energy to spare with all the wind turbines and power cells you’ve been printing out.”
“Those paints probably could have been used for important designations… or something…” he grumbled.
“Doesn’t matter.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “Anyway, want me to put some scary teeth or something on that big ‘ol fist-sized muzzle break on your shotgun?”
“No?” he took an incredulous step away from her, letting her arm fall off his shoulder and to her side.
“It’s okay to admit you’re jealous of Shar’s awesome decals, bro,” Tracy teased, her smugness growing tenfold. “No need to get defensive.”
He groaned, figuring there wasn’t a point in staying to bicker with the tradeswoman, leaving the two vanity-focused females to their devices. He still had to figure out how to fabricate armor and gas masks for the Malkrin and himself.
“Hey! Where ya goin?” the technician called out, clearly disappointed that he hadn’t indulged in her taunts.
Short taps against the hard floor sounded out as she caught up to him. She leaned forward and curiously looked up at him as she walked, holding her hands behind the small of her back. “What kind? Can I help?”
“Just need to take some measurements and compare options. Right… Speaking of which.” He turned around and cupped his palms around his mouth. “Hey Shar! Get over here, I need your help!”
The addressed Malkrin perked up, snapping out of the small haze of admiring her new shield and happily making her way toward him. She stood at attention, her tail oscillating side to side. “What n—d do you have of me?”
“Just a quick task,” he briefed her, grabbing some measuring tape from his desk… that Tracy had decided was her new chair. He sighed and turned his attention back to the paladin. “Can I bother you to lean down for a few seconds while I take some measurements?”
“Of course. Pl—se, take your time.” She stepped forward and kneeled, her head brought down to his height. Her face wore that simple content look he was growing all too accustomed to by now—slightly vibrating frills, a little curl upward of her lips, and warmly glowing eyes.
He wasted no time getting to work, noting down the various distances around her jaws, snout, eyes, and ears, already piecing together how he could cobble together some gas mask designs to fit the dimensions. She sat there quietly, sometimes leaning into the accidental head scratches adorably. It contrasted heavily with the cold-sweat-inducing layers of razor-sharp teeth within her muzzle as he measured the angle her maw opened at, bringing an idle curiosity prodded his mind.
“Say, Shar, do your teeth grow back if they fall out?” he poked, absently observing the dozens of triangular bone protrusions in her mouth as he held the underside of her jaw.
“They do,” she confirmed, the way she was able to speak despite not moving her mouth still messing with his head. “Do y—rs not?”
“Nope. Only once.”
She attempted to tilt her head, but quickly returned it when it left the embrace of his palm. “Only once?”
He nodded. “Yeah, sometime a few years after birth. They’re replaced with the teeth I have now. Don’t get any new ones, so we gotta take care of ‘em.”
“Birth?” The Malkrin’s eyes widened. “You were not cr—ted as you are now?”
A shock of stress poured down his spine like a bucket of ice water, raising the hairs on his back. Fuck. How did he let that slip? He was supposed to have just appeared from the sky to her, right…? He was doing so well for so long in keeping that in. God, had he really gotten so comfortable with the paladin that he simply forgot what he was to her? His teeth clenched, a huff of air escaping his nostrils as he lightly shook his head. It was a bit too late to backtrack. It could be explained vaguely and brushed off, right?
“Yeah. I was born,” he affirmed flatly. His hand dropped away from Shar’s muzzle, her head falling an inch or two before she registered that she couldn’t keep leaning into his touch. “That’s it for measurements, so you’re free to leave.”
A frown carved through her small smile. “I… See… F—give me if I have brought up someth—g improper.”
His exhalation burned through his frustration at himself, his hand running through his hair to wash away the spike of anxiety. “You’re fine. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Th-Then I shall take my leave,” the massive alien stated softly.
He nodded, feeling a little regretful for pushing the kindhearted Malkrin away as he shuffled back to his desk. Tracy was still sitting atop it, giving him a disappointed reaction with low brows, forcing a pointed reaction from him. “What?”
The technician took a long inhale before shrugging. “Nothin’.”
The rolling chair squeaked lightly as he rested himself, his hands already going through the motions of opening the computer and the blueprint folders. There were plenty of tabs open of sensors and motor assemblies he hadn’t closed from the previous night. That wasn’t even mentioning the pile of notes he had on proper radio-protective methods, their corners bent from his frequent flipping through them.
“Soooo…” The short black-haired woman leaned forward from her perch atop the only clear part of his desk. “Can I help you with your ‘comparing options’ work, mister busyman?”
“Sure…” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, raising a brow. “How much do you know about armor?”
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“No way. The back support is a must, so you can have extra plating over your shoulders and chest.” Tracy pointed out from her seat beside Harrison’s, all but forcing him to pause his Malkrin gas mask designing to give her argument his full attention.
He calmly took his hands off the mouse and keyboard. “A back support needs leg assistants, which means I’ll need to have at least a fifteen pound battery pack somewhere. Those kinds of exosuits are either all in or not at all. You can go full armor and engine, or lightweight protection and simple limb support.”
“So you’re just gonna go out there with normal armor? Just run-of-the-mill plates and gear? Those fucking things would go through that shit like butter! I know we can’t make synthetic muscle yet, but at least consider wearing something a bit more. Please. Even Sharky has heavy armor!”
Harrison pinched the bridge of his nose, his brows furrowed. “Do I look like a several-hundred kilogram monster of pure muscle to you? I’m more than willing to put on a few extra kilos for protection, but I’m trying to weigh the pros and cons of putting on more armor rather than more equipment. I’d rather fifty pounds of magazines and ammo than fifty pounds of armor. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah yeah… You and your storage space…” she mumbled, swiping through a few more images on her data pad when a familiar Mars-pattern suit showed up, catching his eye.
“Hey, wait, pull that one up…”
She rotated the tablet for him to see a little better—despite already being shoulder-to-shoulder with him. “This one? What’s so special about it?”
He analyzed the few pieces of equipment on screen, noting the rusty-orange and tan color scheme, the old Martian-American flag attached to its breastplate, and the iconic quad-nod integrated helmet. “Holy shit,” he whispered. “That’s… We have that in our blueprints?”
She raised a brow, clearly confused. “Whaddya mean?”
“That’s an Orbital Drop Ranger’s standard kit,” he stated slowly, a simmering sense of awe bubbling up—why the hell was it in their blueprints folder? “It was used during the Sino-Venusian incursion of southern Mars. It still has the Old Earth American flag embedded into it, so you know it’s pre twenty-two-hundred C.E.”
“Oh shit… Pre-St.Loual’s construction? This is ancient, then, huh? Would it be any good?” She leaned in closer to him, eying the tablet further.
“Does it have the assembly view of the armored pieces?”
“Mmhmm.” She tapped a few icons, showing an isometric, exploded view of all the parts and their individual components.
It was a piece of history alright. The armor was produced just about the time when Mars was connecting their orbital stations and ground colonies to work in tandem, allowing for specialized forces to be trained in space and launched anywhere across the planet from drop pods in mere minutes, leading to common nickname of ‘Minutemen’ given to the troopers. The suits were expertly designed to withstand the harsh environments of Mars and give the soldiers the ability to engage with enemy combatants for several days before extraction, though the adept units usually completed their objectives within twenty-four hours of their landing.
The helmet was very angular and blended in with the expected rocky terrain of Mars, each component taking on a sloped frontal design with rectangular prisms flowing behind—radio, breathing apparatus, and vision modules all sharing a sleek, yet bulky look in their own right. It reminded him of some in-atmosphere ships, with the overhanging visor above the quad-nod viewport being the only non-aerodynamic pieces.
The chest and legs were a bit different, following the design of late twenty-second-century operators with tan lightweight rigs, and ammunition pouches alongside armored plates that ran from the shoulders to wrists in segments. There was a rusty-orange undersuit beneath it all for the purpose of keeping air in, which required some sturdy polymer structures to ensure it didn’t rip. Then, of course, there were the classic shock-absorbing leg supports. They weren’t too far off what Tracy was asking about earlier, but these ones didn’t provide any assistance in moving with any motors—just straight-up structural reinforcements.
Hell, the blueprints on screen even had the mag-grip gloves used to scale domes, buildings, and satellites alike. There was no doubt that the Orbital Drop Rangers had some of the coolest equipment on Mars, especially considering that it was the last to keep the ‘operator’ look… It was such a shame the government decided the orb-like helmets and rounded bubble armors were more effective.
“Hey, you know what?” he asked the technician, a shot of excitement in his voice. “This might actually work out as a suitable armor replacement.”
She perked up, her brows raised. “Oh? Actually?”
He shrugged, trying to play off the smirk plastered on his face. “Wouldn’t need a horrible amount of changes to work for our purposes. Just need to remove the oxygen converter on the back and put a gas mask replacement in the front portion of the helmet. Plus, we could probably get rid of the airtight aspect and just keep the undersuit for scratch protection. And, most importantly, it’s radio-protective.”
“Meets all your criteria, then?” She tapped through some UI interfaces, sending the armor assembly to Harrison’s monitor, which he accepted quickly.
“Sure does.” He readily clicked through the different parts and systems to differentiate what needed to be kept. “We have the resources for it, and all it needs is a layer of cadmium plus a few replacements. Definitely doesn’t need the heads-up display since there’s nothing for it to interact with either, so that’ll save on print time and materials too. Shame I cut up the beard… the Orbital Drop Rangers were allowed to have some cool ones.”
The tradeswoman scooted in even closer, practically resting her chin on his shoulder and watching him sift through the working parts. “Yeah, rest in peace, beard. Still, your armor situation is solved. What about the Malkrin?”
“I’ll be working on their gas masks, then I was thinking I’d use another one of your modeled armors for their protection since they’ve helped Shar a hell of a lot. Do you have any recommendations?”
“Mmmmm…” She looked up in thought, a smile forming along her cheeks. “You know, until we can make them any real power armor, I was thinking just some regular phobos-pattern armor. Could color ‘em based on their skin too.”
“Phobos-pattern armor?” he hummed to himself, clicking through the folder to find it. It was just as bulky as Shar’s armor, except it appeared a good bit smoother, with more rounded edges compared to her horns-and-spike-lined gauntlets and pauldrons. The blue suit Tracy was proposing didn’t have the four-armed protection compared to the chaos version, but it certainly had the same thickness of its metal plates. “Looks like it’d work pretty well. Does it have any electric components or anything?”
“No…” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Not so good with designing that stuff in the modeling program I did the WarHarberd stuff in. Could add in more sophisticated leg support or whatever if you gave me time, but for now it’s just maneuverable slabs of alloy.”
“I think that’s all we need for the time being.” He shrugged. “I just don’t want the others to be vulnerable to getting cut up by the little spider-crab grunts.”
“As long as it works for what we need, then.” Her elbow poked into his arm. “Here, how about I take care of that armor stuff while you finish up the gas masks? They need the extra arm slots too, yeah?”
“I’d actually appreciate that a lot.” He offered her a back-palm fist bump, to which she eagerly took, taking on a grin that he mirrored. “Thanks, Trace.”
“Don’t mention it. I wish work was always just doing my hobbies like this.”
\= = = = =
A grand pylon of metal construction taller than the mightiest female’s frills stood atop the beach. Blue-scaled surfaces extended near the foot of the tower, gathering the power of the sun itself. The lattice layering upon their sides hid the weaving wires and Goddess-blessed machinery. A staff the same as Shar’khee’s peeked from its top, the glass eye on its side given a wide view of the sandy environment it resided on, the defense it now provided becoming absolute. The aura it exuded as a creature of pure metal was awe-inspiring, its mere presence a showing of Harrison’s might and domain.
No abhorrent would dare step foot upon the meadow’s rolling hills, for such a mistake would ensure their immediate execution for encroaching upon his settlement—the ‘fifty-cal-e-bur’ bullet is not one to rend any beast with only simple injuries, especially with three hundred of them available at once.
The maroon-skinned paladin treaded up the hill, having completed her task of setting up the last turret. The craftsman, the juvenile, and the lumberjack had also assisted with its setup, pulling their weight in both mind and muscles to piece the components together. They completed a few others around the modules already, but this one was done without the star-sents’ oversight. The four Malkrin had practiced and learned enough to be entrusted with such.
The idea of Harrison having enough confidence in them sparked much conviction in the group, each of them more than eager to prove him right—none more so than Shar’khee herself, of course.
She finally returned to the workshop, the sun’s last rays pressing into the back of her head and frills as she crouched beneath the doorway, a small gnawing hunger for dinner digging within her stomach. The cacophony of machines soon reached her ears, the sounds of their efforts almost working in tandem with the strange melodic music playing from an unseen source above her.
Tracy was in her corner, working on new beings of metal as always. The bright lights above were turned off in favor of smaller, warmer emplacements atop her surrounding circle of desks. A hard worker, that star-sent was, though both of them were like that, the paladin supposed. Their kind was certainly intent on keeping their hands busy.
Shar’khee passed through the snakes of machines, finding her way to Harrison’s desk with an increasingly strong sway in her tail. He was working with a black object with light gray accents. It appeared to be partially flexible, yet firm in other places—notably, a large glass fixture on one side of it. There was very little she could make out about its purpose, but with the delicate touches he applied, it appeared to be quite important.
Her tongue clicked twice, garnering the attention of the Creator. He paused his work, swiveling his chair to face her and revealing a long blue-leaf jutting from his mouth. Her male appeared quite tired, but his voice did not show it.
“Oh, Shar, what’s up? Did y’all need any help with the last turret?”
She shook her head. “We do not n—d such, for it is completed. Would you care to join me for din—r? The rest of the settlem—t is enjoying their meals as of now. ”
He raised his brows before looking back at the myriad of notes, tools, and materials atop his cluttered desk. “Well, I’m kinda busy, but…” His jaw rolled around in contemplation. “Here. Let’s just test this thing real quick.”
Her head tilted. “What sh—l we be testing?”
“Your gas mask… er, well, a Malkrin gas mask. Kneel down real quick, I’ll run ya through putting it on.” He stepped off his chair and grabbed the equipment, uncomfortably rotating his shoulders. How long was he sitting on that chair? The male approached her and she did as requested. “I had the sewist help me with some of the design. Never considered you guys would ever wear hats.”
She nodded. “It is unh—lthy for one to have their frills touched by the sun for so long. Adequate shade is a must, and trees are not so p—valent along farm land.”
“Mmhmm. Shame this is just a mask… Alright, this might be a bit uncomfortable, but it’ll do the job.”
He stepped forward and slipped the black apparel onto her snout, pushing it over her face until it pressed against the sides of her head. A cool material rubbed against her skin, locking her into its embrace. It was encapsulating, surrounding her wholly.
Her breaths strengthened as she allowed the mask to cover her, a short shock of nervousness riding down her spine. She was only now registering how vulnerable she was, allowing him to possibly suffocate her… but she stayed put, keeping her four palms rested within her lap as he continued to apply the straps around her ears. She would allow it. She trusted him with her life. She would not falter.
The cords around the back of her head were tight, a few of which went along both sides of her frills, pushing up against their sides. He kept going, ensuring a ‘seal,’ but it was getting much too—
A lightning bolt of pain rolled throughout the top of her head, sending her reeling. It stung for the briefest of moments, but its effects rebounded through her entire body, short sparks pulsing from its origin. She felt nothing but its agonizing hold for several more moments as the rest of her body caught up.
When her eyes opened once more, she found herself on the floor and staring at the ceiling. The star-sent rushed to her side, appearing to ask many questions while looking over her head, but all she heard was a piercing ring and the gruff vocalization he made whenever he shared his intent. No words reached her mind, only the now faint phantom pains from where her frills met her skull. It put everything in a haze, her eyes barely settling on her dearest’s, despite how nauseous she had become.
His deft hands quickly worked to loosen the straps, practically ripping them off until his voice suddenly reached her, like breaching the surface of the water. His voice was deep, attempting to be calculating, yet despite his calmly created stoic demeanor… she could feel his panic, his sheer worry almost flooding her senses through practiced medical queries. She slowly sat up on the floor, holding herself with two arms while the other pair quelled the kneeling male, assuring him that she was alright with their weight resting atop his shoulders.
“I am well, dearest Harrison. Do not fret for me. The straps were simply too tight.”
His anxious breaths barely slowed, narrowly allowing for his exclamation. “Too tight? Shar, you practically blacked out!”
“Too tight upon my frills, I mean. There was a pain there for a few moments, but it has passed,” she returned calmly, softly kneading his stiff shoulders with the joints of her digits.
He exhaled sharply, matching her gaze with regret in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Shar. I should’ve known. I was just trying to see how…” He paused, resting his palm atop her forearm. “Nevermind. I just… Are you alright? Should I get you to the med bay for a quick scan?”
“I do not believe that to be necessary, no.”
His guard finally fell. “If… If you say so. Guess I have to redo the straps then. Definitely gotta make sure they’re not pressing on your frills like that.”
She smiled, appreciating his dedication. “Would you like my assistance?”
“As long as you don’t have anything else to do.” He shrugged, his shoulders barely moving upward against her massaging hands.
“There is no greater wish of mine than to be by your side,” she stated warmly.
He was frozen, the soft ministrations of his digits along her arm slowly stopping in contrast to the red flush growing from his cheeks to his ears. The crack of a smirk on his face finally with a short, heart-warming chuckle brought the statue back to life after a few moments. “You know… that’s probably the sweetest thing I’ve heard for years.”
Her brows raised in subtle surprise at his response. “It… was not intended to be such… However… you are more than welcome. You must understand by now that I am speaking only the truth.”
The two of them sat there in relative silence amongst the desks and machines; her half laying on the ground with her hands on his shoulder, and him on his knees by her side, a singular hand running up and down her comparatively large forearm. She felt… weak, in a way. A vibrating sensation rummaged through her stomach, attempting to pull her muscles and nerves astray.
It was warm, just like his palm, each motion of his hand sending lightning through her skin. The upward curl of her lips into her cheeks was suddenly an insurmountable force, incapable of being put down by a thousand females. There was a tear within her to either look away or… close the distance, and she suddenly found looking anywhere but his curious green eyes to be a waste of her time.
Her talons wrapped further around his shoulders and his back, ever so slightly bringing him into her embrace—
“A-HEM.” A voice cut the moment down to its knees. “The fuck happened here?” Tracy’s swift interjection caused the paladin to flinch backwards, allowing her to see that Harrison’s other hand had been hovering right beneath her snout. The female star-sent wore a furrowed brow and crossed arms, looking down at them. “I heard a crash and came over. Are you two alright?”
Harrison cleared his throat, ever-so-subtly scooting away from the paladin. “Uh, yeah. Shar fell because, um, I tied the gas mask a lil’ too tight.”
The artificer wore an expression that told of her disbelief. “She fell because of the gas mask?”
“It was something with her frills.” The male returned with a shrug, picking himself off the floor before offering the paladin a hand up.
She took it, despite not requiring it, and wiped off some loose dust from her pants. The three of them quickly returned to work soon after, with both her and the black-haired star-sent joining Harrison in his quest to produce the gas mask. She was much less… What did the Creator call it? Bubbly? Yes, that was it. She was much less bubbly than usual, sometimes sending a cold yet emotionless glare toward Shar’khee… Nevertheless, the two females offered input on the design and applied help where they could, eventually creating the final piece of equipment.
Tracy commented on its looks, apparently drawing inspiration from the Leviathan itself, as she believed it to be like that of a ‘Sea Dragon’s.’ The maw-covering portion held two cylindrical canisters on the adjacent sides, the bottom portion being capable of distention, so that the user’s mouth may open somewhat. Its motion created what the female star-sent believed to be ‘the coolest teeth design on a mask’ she’d ever seen with how the separation formed alternating triangles.
The monster-like appearance was furthered by her own frills and horns that peeked out from behind the mask. That was not even mentioning the see-through visor that formed a malicious glare of sharp brows. The paladin looked through a hand-held mirror, finding it difficult to disagree with the look. She could imagine the horror on a fisherwoman’s face as such a terrifying creature approached from the depths.
And yet, despite its nightmarish visage, it was apparel designed to save lives, not take them—much unlike the unassuming metal rods that spewed fire with a mere flick of a lever. Curious indeed. The star-sents were seemingly never out of surprises. They even spoke of grand robots and firearms larger than Shar’khee herself as possible future projects.
Only time could tell what machinations of alloy would be birthed from their hands.
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2024.06.09 15:39 Spare-Sundae-6153 Infected or healing?

Infected or healing?
I’m worried about my rook being infected. I have always had delayed swelling with my cartilage so I wasn’t surprised that yesterday, day 7, I felt more pain than usual. However last night when I went to clean it with saline, I found that it was oozing white fluid and there was a congealed soft scab that came off that was a greenish color.
I went down the rabbit hole of lymph fluid vs. pus. My ear is not any warmer than the other, it is definitely red and swollen, and it’s white fluid, not green or yellow. But I wasn’t sure about the fact of this congealing piece turning a greenish color.
The pictures are from this morning (looks wet because it’s after saline spray). You can see the fluid near the piercing hole and the cotton pad is the congealed soft “scab” for lack of a better word (I did not use the cotton pad for cleaning, I just rubbed it onto the cotton pad to see it better)
Before you say go to the doctor, I am afraid and very aware of antibiotic resistance, and from my understanding, piercings that are properly taken care of (I’ve healed 10 previous to this rook) are very rarely actually infected.
submitted by Spare-Sundae-6153 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:46 2D_Smile My honest review on the sennhiser IE 600s as a casual listener

I should start off by saying that this is my first actual pair of professional grade IEMS, so I don't really have anything to compare it to. Anyways, I've been using the IE 600s for about 3 days and I love them, the cold metal feels really nice in my ears, they are very small so you can pop them in your ears and forget about them, sound quality is very nice for a single driver, and it's overall a really good pair of earbuds. Although, what really drives me insane is that they don't use standard mmcx for the input on the iems. Meaning thay you have to buy an adapter just to use your own cable! I really did not like this considering I have some really nice cables lying around. Anyways, Should you save up 800 dollars for them? Ehhhh...Maybe. I do have to say you are definitely paying for the brand, which however doesn't invalidate their quality.
If you don't want to read all of that:
In conclusion, is this IEM good enough for the audiophile collection? Absolutely. If you are looking to buy a long lasting IEM to travel with and such, I recommend these. Again, this is my first actual pair, so I don't really have anything to compare it to
submitted by 2D_Smile to iems [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:43 BiasMushroom Destination; Wriss (A NoP Fic Ch 70) Part 19

Nature of Humanity Ch 70
Destination; Wriss Part 19
A Fanfic of u/SpacePaladin15’s work “The Nature of Predators.” Thank you for the story!
Excerpt from Morvim Charter Spy Crevan’s log, recovered from a Betterment facility on Wriss,
Journal Date: T.S.T. November 5th, 2136
Father believes that turning my notes into something more of a confessional might help deal with my night terrors without appearing weak in front of the crew. Last night’s were some of the worst I have ever had. It started out with how they all do. I wear the guise of a true red-blooded Auditor, and find some unwitting sap to feed to the Dominion’s growing paranoia and execute them. Their brains pour out of their head like water. Then the call comes in. A suspected defect harboring malformed Arxur and prey.
The home looks like every single one approved of by the Dominion. The muffled screams coming from the gagged and bagged barely even register. It takes me no time to find the trap door. Even less to pry it open and rip my own son out of his only shelter. Wriss damn me, I feel nothing, breaking his neck just like every other malformed I’ve found.
I hear scampering in the hole. I pull out Elva, Wiesera and don’t even blink as I throw them to the Dominion raiders accompanying me. The sounds of their screams mean nothing as I continue my search. Rivera, Caulnek, and Barmlin are hiding in a closet. I don’t even bother opening the door. Just fire my sidearm through it.
When I exit the house I pull the bags off and execute my father. Then the two I just roped into this. Followed shortly thereafter by Lesh and Mico. I save my wife for last. The Wriss-damned Prophet descendant himself praises me and tells me to kill the final traitor. I put the gun to my own temple and pull the trigger. I never have enough rounds for myself too.
I don’t feel better writing this down.
We have had a full shift rotation without any serious problems. Most likely the Venlil’s natural desire to be friendly with everyone in their herd is going to cause an issue with Lesh most likely and Mico and Ishviel as close seconds. I am hesitant to try and keep those two away as they at least try to be social, but Lesh is actively lashing out.
It started with the ‘movie’ night Caulnek had. Father and Hrallak happily watched the ‘for fun media’ and Ishviel tried his best, but human entertainment was lost on him. Lesh found the entire idea to be a waste of time and chose to remain alone until his bridge shift arose.
From there, Lesh refused to communicate with anything more complex than a grunt to his shift partner Hrallak. The girl has enough problems as is. We don’t need Lesh causing more stress for her. We may also have a problem with Rivera who is either pushing Lesh into having a meltdown or accept that the changes we are experiencing are, in fact, good. Whenever Lesh goes to have a meal the eccentric Venlil isn’t that far behind him.
Turns out those broad flat teeth actually do a good job of breaking bones to get to the marrow, which he isn’t interested in. So they have a sort of standoff mutual existence going on where Rivera gets Lesh’s bones and Lesh takes advantage of Rivera’s teeth in place of putting the effort in himself. I can’t tell if the stillness that comes over him is from holding back the rage of listening to that Venlil yap or if he actually enjoys the noise.
Hrallak has been getting trained by Dr. Wiesera, who has high hopes for her. I’ve not had a chance to speak to her about training more Doctors for the colony of runaways we are trying to make, but I should make that a priority. Better to plan for a future we don’t have than to outlive your plans.
Approximately [twelve days] to Wriss. No other events of note to add.
Memory transcription subject: Crevan, Morvim Charter Soldier
Date [standardized human time]: November 5th, 2136
Ugh. Today’s the day. No time to walk or even have something to eat. Lesh should be ending his shift and hopefully that will leave him tired enough to be reasonable. What a great way to start the day. Going into a disciplinary meeting with probably the strongest Arxur on the ship first thing after waking up. One that doesn’t have to fear what the dominion would do to him if he killed me.
He wasn’t difficult to find. He, of course, beelined straight for his room, “It’s a nice luxury, isn’t it? Not being packed into this glorified meat carrier with a hundred irritable Arxur. Walk with me.”
He hissed in frustration but turned as ordered. I wasn’t expecting a miracle. Just to get him to at least try and loosen up a bit, “You are in this for revenge. As far as I can tell, you are the only one of us in this for revenge. I have a proposition for you.”
His reply came forth like a saw trying to cut through metal, but the blade was on backwards, “Yes sir?”
I led him into the cattle pen that was turned into a makeshift freezer. The cold air seemed to affect us both equally, as we shivered a bit, “I’ve been thinking about the Dominion… the Federation… and whatever stupid alliance Humanity has managed to pull out of its ass…”
The pause I inserted into my preplanned speech allowed me enough time to judge his reaction on each of our enemies as well as to ponder on Humanity and where I was going with this. He hesitantly took the bait, “And what have you concluded.”
“The Federation can’t destroy the Dominion and the Dominion won’t be able to fight on two fronts. Humanity knows war. They’ve lived and breathed it for centuries, we’ve only fought a one-sided genocide. The Dominion and the Federation won’t be able to compete with humanity the second they get their feet under them. The bombing of Earth hasn’t slowed them. It’s lit a fire under their ass.”
I had a hunch that Lesh wasn’t some roided up raider. I could see the gears turning in his head, “With Isif protecting Earth… The Federation can’t finish the job and the Dominion won’t attack them to bring them in line… Humanity has already started producing Prey- Alien? FUCK it. Prey fighters that can actually fight and sit in the same room as us without shitting themselves to death…”
“They have to take out the Federation first. No doubts about it. But they aren’t going to let the Dominion just continue to eat Sapients. That is going to result in the Dominion doing the stupidest thing possible and attacking an Earth and its allies that have been gearing up for real war since the second the bombs started falling. Remember. The ONLY reason we took the cradle is because Isif sacrificed hundreds of ships in orbit. We didn’t take the ground. We only took space which they came back and took. Every engagement on the ground resulted in fifteen and a half dead raiders to every human.”
The carnage of that debacle brought a happy jilt to his body language, “So, the only way this will ever really end is with both the Federation and Dominion falling.”
“And with what I know of the humans, neither side will be allowed to go without punishment. That is assuming there's enough of them left over to be tried for their crimes.”
“I like that thought but why bring this up to me.”
“Because all that will be left of us will be this tiny colony when this is over. It will be the only thing Humanity can say is untainted enough to be worthy of not being baptized in holy antimatter. I need- No. We need people that can help lead us. The remnants of the Morvim Charter NEED you. Need your strength, your guile, your… sociableness and sense of justice. I am asking you to join us proper. To help us forge a path into the future. Fight not just for your justice but live to build a better world.”
I felt fear as rage rushed across his face, and hope as it softened. He huffed and spat and paced around the room. It felt like the punch he launched into the steel wall reverberated through the whole ship. The panel fell off as he pulled his fist from the dent he made. He didn’t ask for permission to leave as he stormed away. At least I’m alive… Going to put him down as a maybe.
Unfortunately, it would seem Caulnek and Rivera picked now as the perfect time to also talk to Lesh. Rivera was sort of bouncing on the spot as Lesh growled and thumped his tail angrily, “Lesh! Guess what I remembered I found back on earth!”
The well-built Venlil rolled his eyes and smacked Rivera on the back of the head, “Rivera stole a copy of a Human military strategy game. One famed for simulating actual human battles. It’s set from military conflicts from their first World War to the last war before their first contact. Ishviel was hoping for more insights on Human strategies, and we thought it would be something that would pique your interest. You are welcome to come or not. Just don’t bring that shitty attitude you’ve been carrying around. We are trying to enjoy these few days before landing in paradise.”
My jaw nearly hit the floor as what I could only describe as a Lesh gently lifted his tail in intrigue, “What is this… game?”
Caulnek scratched his chin for a moment before snapping, “It’s a squad-based attack vs defense game with one or two players. One person sets up their defense and the attacker has to go in blind and deal with it. It’s actually a pretty clever system and I have no doubt the owner is going to peel Rivera’s hide off when we get back to Earth.”
The kleptomaniac slowly realized what Caulnek said, “Yeah it’s pretty fuuuuuu- huh?! Wait! Do you really think Andrew would do that?!”
Caulnek turned and walked off as Lesh followed, “Hrm… It sounds like it might be an effective way to mentally prepare for our own assault.”
Rivera tucked his tail and practically begged for an answer, “Guys… seriously! Am I going to be in danger?! Guys!”
Caulnek whipped his tail excitedly, “At the worst it will be a nice distraction. The game only has Human units in it, but it actually has a stat editor. I think I can bypass its normal restrictions and program in stats similar to what we can expect our enemy to have, but let’s play the game first. Get a feel for the rules and see if it's even worth the effort.”
With Lesh calmed down I made the choice to give him a little more time before I decided to see what this game was. I made my way to the bridge. Oddly enough I walked past Mico sitting in an open closet on my way there, “Mico? What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be resting?”
The sleek Arxur didn’t turn to face me, “I am in a sense resting right now. The Humans call it meditation. I received a book on it. So far… I think it's forcing me to come to terms with some stuff.”
I leaned against the door frame, “Is it better than sleeping?”
There was a long bit of silence before Mico brought his paws to his face and messaged his eyes, “No. But… it’s not really a replacement for sleeping.” He picked up a nearby book and opened it, “Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit your emotional well-being and your overall health. You also can use it to relax and cope with stress by focusing on something that calms you. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace.” He set the book back down, “Basically, I think it will help me remain calm. Despite being in the least crowded ship I have ever been on… It feels more claustrophobic than ever. The Prey- our companions are… I have no other word to describe it but intense. It feels like my head is going to pop when I am in a room with them. This meditation is helping me I think. Since I started this before we left… It’s been easier.”
I rapped my knuckles on the door frame, “If it works get Lesh to do it too. The thug is going to blow a gasket if he can’t calm down soon.”
Mico let out a slight chuckle, “You don’t have to tell me that. I just got off a shift with him, and he wouldn’t shut up about bringing the prey and defectives along. I think he’s actually scared they are going to get hurt.”
I plodded off to let Mico resume his meditation. His words about Lesh weren’t exactly anything I didn’t know. That Arxur cares more than any other I’ve met. He’s been hurt before by that care.
The bridge door opened to reveal my father in his command chair with Elva lounging at the pilot’s seat. The latter of which tried and failed to perk her floppy ears up with concern, “Did something happen? Shouldn’t you be watching over the rest of them? Make sure no one… flips their shit?”
I scoffed, “Yeah… I don’t think those paranoia plans will be necessary. Lesh is acting out because he has grown attached to all of you. Us too. Mico is taking up ‘meditation’ to calm himself and better deal with everything. Hrallak is just happy to be free even if she ends up dead, and Ishviel… well, he’s already a runt. Caulnek and Rivera could easily take him, let alone together and even then, he seems to be happy that he doesn’t have to prove his strength to them to get respect. The lot of them can go unsupervised… for a bit.”
Elva leaned back in her chair and relaxed, “Good. Hopefully, this is a sign of things going smoothly. My guts have been in a knot since we left.”
Ivan barked out a laugh, “I think that's been the case for all of us. I’ve never liked returning to Wriss to begin with, but before I never had to worry about fighting the entire damned planet. This is… Terrifying.”
I nodded my head in understanding, “We are about to either do the dumbest thing ever or kickstart the end of the Dominion.”
Elva asked, “Is it true we aren’t saving the entirety of the Morvim Charter Remnants?”
My father sighed, “Yes. A lot of them have to remain behind to cover our escape. They also need to stay behind to fan the fires we leave. The Dominion is going to appear weak so it's the best recruiting drive they will ever have.”
Elva closed her eyes and leaned back, “Alright then. We get there. Secure a port. Plan our attack, take the ship and get the hell out of there… Far too much can go wrong with this.”
I couldn’t help but nod my head, “On the bright side at least you guys have a get out of jail free card. If we get caught… well, it’s not going to be but a few moments of extreme heat for us.”
My second in command let out a long exasperated sound, “Uuuwweeeeeegh… Can you leave now? I was having such a nice time sitting here bored out of my mind before you showed up. Go check up on the guys. See how Hrallak’s medical lessons are going or something.”
I bowed and left the bridge. The infirmary our ship had wasn’t quite suited to actually saving lives. At least that was the case before Humanity got their hands on it. Wiesera and Elva had been delighted to go through all the gadgets and gizmos the ‘Doctors Without Borders’ had given them. Apparently, mobile medical hospitals specialized for ease of movement and treatment in war torn areas is something of a specialty of theirs.
Sadly, as I entered the actual infirmary only a small fraction of the medical devices were even set up. Wiesera and Hrallak were standing over a table with a startling realistic headless torso of an Arxur laying on it with its chest pried open.
The Zurulian picked up a latex heart, “As you can see here, the Arxur heart is a three-chamber heart. This implies that the Arxur were at one point coldblooded, like other reptiles. I imagine given another few hundred generations we might see Arxur with four-chambered hearts.”
Hrallak twisted her head to the side confused, “Why would we get four-chambered hearts?”
“Efficiency. Four chambered hearts can keep deoxygenated blood from mixing with oxygenated blood. This way the only blood entering the lungs is completely ready to pick up Oxygen and all the blood going to muscles is carrying its maximum capacity for oxygen. As short sprint, ambush predators you don’t need a strong supply of oxygen to hit your target, but if the chase were to carry on, animals with four chambers can better supply oxygen to their muscles…”
Hrallak bobbed her head in understanding, “And maintain power for longer…”
“Actually, we are already seeing medical reports of Arxur with a harmless heart defect giving them four chambers.” To my surprise, both ladies didn’t jump at my sudden interjection. It seemed they noticed my arrival, “The Prophet-descendants were debating on scanning people’s hearts and purging those with the defects… until one of the descendants was found to have the defect too and now its ‘proof of superior genetics’ or some bullshit.”
The medic in training set a paw on her chest, “Makes sense. I wonder if I have it too.”
Wiesera looked at the latex heart in her hands, “It wouldn’t hurt to set up the portable echocardiogram. It wouldn’t hurt to make sure we know what biology everyone has… actually, Crevan. Let the Arxur crew know we are about to do some health check-ups on everyone. I want to know what everyone’s hearts look like in the event I have to fix them. Now Hrallak see here- Crevan! What are you waiting for! We do not have forever here! Move it!”
I bowed and headed for the Cafeteria. It would seem Wiesera is warming up to her role as lead medic.
Crevan seems to not being doing too hot… actually most of the crew is on edge. Lizard boi does his rounds and checks on the crew. It seems like everyone is settling in for the long ride to Wriss. Hopefully things go smoothly when they get there.
Welp! I got laid off! So I’m waiting a month to see if my job opens back up or if I am going to be working somewhere else. Now that sounds like I have time to write but my job actually kept my Autism/ADHD in check as the only thing I could do on break was write so hopefully I can keep up with my chapters and get Part 2 of the devil you know done. I almost had it done but I hated the whole chapter and have to rewrite it.
Special thanks to u/JulianSkies and u/callmefishy11 for proofreading! Seriously it felt like my eyes were melting out of my skull and your feedback was everything I needed!
Library of BiasMushroom contains every link for everything I have written! Check it out as some stuff related to Nature of Humanity may not appear on HFY! As well as my little side stories and Fanfics of other NoP fanfics!
The Nature of Humanity
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Destination; Wriss
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2024.06.09 14:33 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: June 2-8, 2024

The heat and the pressure are on—for our planet, and for one more World War.
Last Week in Collapse: June 2-8, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 128th newsletter. You can find the May 26-June edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
Bengaluru broke a 133-year rain record by almost 10mm last Sunday, with 111mm (4.37 inches) of rain falling in a single day. In Sri Lanka, some 24,000 people were displaced by recent flooding. A heat wave swept through the southwest United States and northern Mexico. Part of Niger already broke its June temperature record. Parts of New South Wales, Australia broke nighttime temperatures as well; so did the Philippines, and Vietnam. And a heat wave in Greece.
Atmospheric blocking” happens when regions of the atmosphere remain stationary for days or weeks, imposing similar weather on a region for a while. A study released in Nature Communications looked at Svalbard, which is warming faster than the Arctic, which is itself warming faster than most of the rest of the planet. The researchers claim that atmospheric blocking has resulted in warmer & wetter conditions in Svalbard, which is driving its ice loss. “The augmented blocking in the Ural and Scandinavian regions in the future combined with the projected declines in sea ice, and increases in sea surface temperatures and moisture availability, will likely increase the magnitude and frequency of exceptional rainfall incidents similar to the 2016 occurrence, posing further hazards to the population and ecosystems in Svalbard.”
A paywalled study in Nature Climate Change emphasizes “in the absence of a global tipping point there is no safety margin within which permafrost loss would be acceptable.” The summary states that permafrost melt does not have a worldwide tipping point, but rather several local temperature thresholds. Permafrost worldwide is expected to be all melted once global temperature gains hit 5 or 6 °C.
We are currently in the brief neutral period between El Niño and La Niña, expected to begin around August. Meteorologists expect temperatures in the eastern Pacific to decline for between 1 and 3 years—and for stronger Atlantic hurricanes. A 14-page report from the WMO forecasts a particularly wet summer for Central America.
Monsoon storms in Sri Lanka killed 14, mostly by falling trees, though others drowned or were covered by landslides. Texas saw “canteloupe-size hail” fall during a freak tornado; some think it is a record size for the region. Experts say some 23% of Africa’s land has been degraded, by five major factors: 1) invasive species, 2) climate change, including Drought and flooding, 3) resource extraction, 4) deforestation, and 5) pollution, including algal blooms. Poverty, population growth, and resource dependencies have aggravated the problem, says the article.
In Kashmir, a glacier Collapsed, sending three plunging into the ice, one of whom has still not been found. In the Philippines, a volcanic mud landslide swept into a village; volcano alerts were raised to 2 (on a 0-5 scale). Rising sea levels are displacing residents of one of Panama’s islands (pop: ~1,200); others will follow. Greece is gearing up for a fierce wildfire season ahead. And, in a moment of hopeful news, Sweden is banning bottom trawling in its “marine protected areas.”
In the EU, early polling appears to show a “greenlash,”, a backlash to the Green Alliance—and perhaps a loss of some 30% of their 72 current seats in the EU Parliament (705 total). Some blame the “moral superiority complex” of Greens, while others believe it is their lack of compromise on important issues. Farmer protests also damaged Green sentiment; now future sweeping climate reforms will probably have to wait years to get passed, since conservatives are expected to make gains. Most results will emerge within 24 hours of this post.
Worldwide, 39% of environmental journalists have faced threats due to their reporting—according to a 112-page report by the Earth Journalism Network. Most of the threats came to reporters writing about illegal extraction operations.
Roughly 20% of sealife near the surface is expected to face a “triple threat” of climate hazards: extreme heat, oxygen loss and acidification. Some of these species will die in place; others will be forced into progressively smaller living spaces. Most of the danger lies in the northern Pacific. The full study in AGU Advances has more.
The UN Secretary-General announced that we are on the “highway to climate hell.” And we aren’t wearing any seatbelts. The EU Copernicus Programme says last May was the hottest on record. This means the last 12 months were the hottest on record, with each consecutive month setting a new monthly record. Our planet is supposedly on the edge of 1.5 °C temperature increase, but some think we’ve already surpassed it.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released a 27-page report, “Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update 2024-2028,” predicting short-term temperatures exceeding the 1.5 °C mark.
“The global mean near-surface temperature for each year between 2024 and 2028 is predicted to be between 1.1°C and 1.9°C higher than the average over the years 1850-1900. It is likely (80% chance) that global mean near-surface temperature will exceed 1.5°C above the 1850-1900 average levels for at least one year between 2024 and 2028. It is about as likely as not (47%) that the five-year mean will exceed this threshold….Arctic warming over the next five extended winters (November to March), relative to the average of the 1991-2020 period, is predicted to be more than three times as large as the warming in global mean temperature. Predicted precipitation patterns for 2024, relative to the 1991-2020 average, suggest an increased chance of low rainfall over North-East Brazil and an increased chance of wet conditions in the African Sahel, consistent with the warmer-than-usual temperatures in the North Atlantic….
The Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy released its 2024 Environmental Policy Index, and the 204 pages illustrate the state of sustainability in 180 countries, according to 58 indicators. The document, full of useful graphics and accessible summaries, presents a world in escalating danger of global heating, pollution, and biodiversity loss. It is well worth skimming. These kinds of climate reports usually seem to me like, overall, much more time was spent making them than people spend reading them…
“Only five countries — Estonia, Finland, Greece, Timor-Leste, and the United Kingdom — cut their GHG emissions at the rate needed to reach zero by 2050….After climate change, biodiversity loss has emerged as the most serious and irreversible environmental crisis….As of 2022, aggregated GHG emissions were falling in 60 countries but still rising in 128…. Human activities, namely the combustion of fossil fuels, of which CO2 is an inevitable byproduct, have caused a nearly 50 percent of the increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution, with atmospheric concentration surpassing 426 parts per million in April 2024 — a level higher than at any point in human history….China, the United States, and India are pivotal, accounting for over half of global GHG emissions…China used more cement in two years (2020 and 2021) than the United States did in the entire twentieth century….Air pollution remains the most serious environmental threat to public health. Long-term exposure to fine particulate matter less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5) caused 7.8 million premature deaths in 2021, close to 12 percent of global deaths…” -selections from the first third of the report
Mexico saw its first human case of a bird flu strain, H5N2, in a dead man supposedly with no known previous exposure to animals. Two turkey farms got outbreaks in Minnesota, and Iowa’s first dairy farm reported bird flu as well. American health authorities expect H5N1 human cases to rise in the coming weeks. Bird flu was also found in San Francisco last week. Millions of human vaccine doses for bird flu are being prepared for the United States this summer.
Citigroup says the United States is already in a recession, though other institutions disagree. Nevertheless, junk bonds are becoming even more junky, and economists agree that the economy is at least slowing down. Credit card debt is reportedly rising, and the “personal savings rate” has dropped to pre-COVID levels. “America’s debt accumulation over the last seven years is akin to the costs of a world war,” says the article. Cuts to the Federal Reserve interest rate are coming, and the rise of tariffs is unlikely to stop soon. And Europe’s strongest economy, Germany, is not seeing a strong recovery from last year’s recession.
Thousands are starving in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, where Drought and school dropouts have also worsened. Investigators claim in a new report that both sides in the Tigray War committed grave war crimes and “acts of genocide” in the conflict, which ended (on paper, anyway) in November 2022; intercommunal violence continues at a lower intensity.
The American Heart Association released a report projecting the rates of heart illnesses by 2050, and they believe the rate of hypertension among adults will rise from about 51% in 2020 to 61% in 2060. Diabetes rates are expected to jump from about 16% in 2020 to almost 27% in 2050; and obesity rates will expand 17% to over 60%... A number of other heart conditions are expected to worsen as well, though at least high cholesterol rates are expected to decrease.
A 12-page report by Oil Change International says what we all know: most nations are failing to meet climate targets. “Some G7 countries are massively expanding fossil fuel production at home, while others are investing in more fossil fuel infrastructure abroad.” China is, far and away, adding more renewable energy capacity than any other nations on earth, supposedly adding “over 90% of all renewable capacity mentioned in NDCs {nationally determined contributions}” in the 2020s so far.
The U.S. FDA has unanimously recommended a new vaccine be developed to address the JN.1 COVID variant. Vaccine-manufacturers say that a new vaccine could arrive as early as mid-August. A 242-page prepublication report on the long-term dangers of Long COVID, with a view to planning future impacts on Social Security.
“Even individuals with a mild initial course of illness can develop Long COVID with severe health effects….Women are twice as likely as men to experience Long COVID….Long COVID can cause more than 200 symptoms and affects each person differently….There currently is no curative treatment for Long COVID itself. Management of the condition is based on current knowledge about treating the associated health effects and other sequelae….Long COVID symptoms generally improve over time, although preliminary studies suggest that recover can plateau 6-12 months after acute infection. Studies have shown that only 18-22 percent of those who have persistent symptoms at 5-6 months following infection have fully recovered by 1 year. Among those who do not improve, most remain stable, but some worsen.” -selections from the study summary
Germany reported African swine flu in some pigs in the northeast. Monkeypox cases remain in the United States, and at higher rates than last year, despite waning media coverage. And four strains of dengue fever, yes four, are still sweeping through Brazil with no end in sight.
A number of current & former employees at OpenAI are warning of the careless pursuit of dominance of the artificial intelligence arena—and the supposed 70% chance that AI could bring about “doom” for humanity. Some of the computer scientists believe that a general intelligence (AGI) could arrive as soon as 2027—a generation earlier than previous estimates of roughly 2050. "The world isn’t ready, and we aren’t ready," said one dissenting researcher.
The intervention into Haiti is almost ready to go, but gangsters in Haiti have escalated attacks against police in advance of the Kenya-led operation, set to begin in a week or two. “The gangs are just waiting for the Kenyans, they’re just cracking their knuckles and stretching out.…It’s going to be a battle if not a bloodbath of a war, because the gangs are ready,” said one ex-diplomat. A new PM has been installed, Garry Conille, a guy who previously served as PM for 4 about months in 2011-2012. Gangs vying for power control roughly 80% of Port-Au-Prince; will they remain fragmented upon the arrival of an outside coalition, or make an alliance of convenience to oppose police intervention?
Although New Caledonia’s state of emergency has ended, over $1B of damage has been wrought by rioters opposing an expansion of voting rights. Analysts say that the Pacific island’s abundant nickel reserves—essential for France’s renewable energy push—have seen their extraction obstructed by recent events. A curfew remains in place, and social cohesion has been seriously damaged by the protests and the central government’s reactions.
President Biden issued new orders restricting the flow of migrants and asylum-seekers at the Mexico border. At the U.S./Canada border, migrant arrivals have spiked 1000%+ in the last 3 years. Days before the EU election, Portugal instituted stronger controls over immigration. On the Poland/Belarus border, a Polish soldier died, after being stabbed by a migrant from Belarus.
Georgia’s controversial foreign agents bill has been signed into law despite strong protests from the masses. Some call the law a form of Russian hybrid warfare, though Russia contends that allowing foreign media funding functions as a kind of anti-Russian hybrid warfare on its own.
South Korea suspended a military agreement with North Korea over their waste balloons sent into the South. This will result in a more militarized border, outside the DMZ, in the coming months. President Putin is also planning a visit to Pyongyang, which has been long-supplying materiel to Russia for use in Ukraine. A border clash between Chinese and Indian forces took place in their contested mountains—using only sticks and stones.
Conditions in Gaza are said to be “beyond crisis levels” for the 1M+ people who have been displaced from Rafah, as the Israeli advance continues—despite calls from the ICJ to halt the operation. “The sounds, the smells, the everyday life, are horrific and apocalyptic,” said one observer. Killings in the West Bank have now exceeded 500 since October 7, and aid deliveries have sunk 65%+ since the Rafah offensive began. A strike on a school killed 45 people sheltering there, according to Gaza officials. In the coastal settlement of al-Mawasi, where many IDPs moved after the Rafah invasion began, toilets are so scarce that over 4,000 people share a single latrine.
The battlefield is expanding; in some ways, it has always been all-encompassing, and it’s only now that the world is re-learning it. Ukraine has sent soldiers to Syria to fight Wagner Group mercenaries operating in the failed state. Ukraine had earlier intervened in Sudan to combat Russian forces operating in the country. Ukraine also struck an air defense unit inside Russia for the first time, marking another escalation in the War. Russia struck Ukraine’s largest hydroelectric power plant in Dnipro, which is now in “critical condition.” Russia reportedly intends to restart the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant at some point, though international regulators argue that it would be unsafe to turn Europe’s largest nuclear facility online while War still rages around it. Half of Ukraine’s electrical generation has been taken offline. Although weapons are reaching Ukraine’s frontlines, they are not enough to change the tide of the War—and are still outnumbered by Russian soldiers & munitions. Ukraine is also crowd-sourcing 3D-printing drone parts to support their drone fleets—a key part of future modern warfare.
Russia also claims that French military instructors within Ukraine present a lawful military target for Russian forces—and an opportunity to start WWIII. But others believe the flashpoint may come from elsewhere—Taiwan, or the unfolding Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran conflict, which are intensifying on the Lebanon/Israel border. Russia is also taking over Niger’s uranium reserves, once held by a French corporation. And four Russian sea vessels will be visiting Cuba—but not carrying nuclear weapons.
Around Sudan’s capital, looters, checkpoints, and violence have been established. Several torture chambers have been discovered, and the smell of death hangs in the air of a few neighborhoods, contested by both sides. The number of displaced people is approaching 10M. Russia is supposedly playing both sides to its advantage. “All over Sudan, people are going hungry because they have lost everything, the economy has collapsed, and armed men frequently steal what little aid is available,” said one reporter. The insurgent RSF forces are said to not only be fighting for the future, but fighting over history as well. The National Museum has become a cemetery for RSF fighters. University archives have been burned. And ancient artifacts have been cleared out, sold to mysterious buyers, stashed away in unknown places, or simply destroyed… Other horror stories are still emerging; this article details some of the worst recent tales in the War.
One major NATO supplies provider claims that a decade of arms accumulation is coming, to replenish stockpiles given to Ukraine and in advance of a potential open War between China and whatever western nations decide to participate. China announced its intention to detain vessels moving into its alleged national waters near the Philippines—and presumably to sink those which resist. Ukraine used up six years’ worth of shoulder-fired missiles, like javelins, in just one year. The development of the F-35 will exceed $2T, although the U.S. military is planning on using it less than previously expected. NATO is also planning its rapid-transit troop corridors through Europe to the expected frontlines of a potential open War against Russia.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-It is a common refrain that the education system is a bellwether for Collapse. It is also a symbol—alongside our food system, plastic dependency, state militaries, and many other institutions—of how difficult it apparently is to change course. The institutional friction and incentives are burnt in. This detailed post on the (American) school system and the “metacrisis” and much more. Several thorough comments build on the OP’s thesis. Peek into teachers for a glimpse into our doomed future.
-People in southern California are evidently closing their eyes and ears to Collapse, if this weekly observation is to be believed. The author writes about their unfulfilled hope that humanity might turn the ship around during the COVID period, cognitive biases, the persistence of COVID denial, plastics, and the early burning sun.
-Society is closing in on a Doom-Awakening, says the comments on this post. Some disagree (see the above observation).
-Nothing works, and everything is breaking—say many terrific comments in this self-post about the lack of empathy, passion, quality products, and the atrocious job market.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, complaints, upvotes, hurricane advice, bird flu tips, cheap off-grid land, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to your (or someone else’s) email inbox every weekend. What did I forget this week?
submitted by LastWeekInCollapse to collapse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:23 kingmatcha How to cool down at night during summer with no AC and bad air quality outside?

Looking for any suggestions! I have such a hard time sleeping when it’s in the mid 80 degrees in my room and I am not allowed to use the AC where I am living. I blast a fan on me but unfortunately it doesn’t do enough (I also have an ear injury so the noise irritates me a lot but I’m afraid of not being able to hear my work alarm if I wear earplugs). I’ve looked into portable air conditioning units but they seem to all need to attach to a window and I live in an area with bad pollution and bad pollen 🤦‍♀️ is there anything else I can try or am I doneso? I also keep getting heat rashes from sweating if anybody has suggestions for that as well!
submitted by kingmatcha to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:56 Flavivirai My first finished Project (kinda)

My first finished Project (kinda)
My first project were I have no more crocheting to do. Just have to dye the top magenta and have to attach a leaf to.
It is a hat I made for a friend as part of a LARP costume.
I frogged it 4-5 times, because it is my first time.e with increasing the stitch count and because the yarn behaved massively other as expected.
But it was worth it!
submitted by Flavivirai to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 lemonsaltwater Colin + Pen = Swans: A Deep Dive

Colin + Pen = Swans: A Deep Dive
A joint research effort of u/sc127 and u/lemonsaltwater
Throughout Seasons 2 and 3, swans are a recurring theme in Colin and Pen’s story, both in terms of explicit imagery/sound and allusions to swan behavior and stories. There are so many allusions that it is clear the showrunners, and Julia Quinn,* want us to make these associations, as every detail is intentional.
(\while neither of us have read the books, but based on character names, as well as references to the books on this sub, we can assume this. If you've read the books, please comment with more swan references! We do not present this as something hidden/new but rather for the fun of finding all of the references.)*
The biggest allusion to swans is how swans mate for life and form into bonding pairs quite young, well before mating age. Trumpeter swans bond as young as 20 months — but then wait several years and don’t mate until at least the age of 4-7. Colin and Pen meet at a young age and form a friendship but it then takes several years for it to become romantic.
Let’s plunge our beaks underwater and dive into how these associations play out for Colin and Pen individually and then as a couple.

Colin’s character as a swan

Colin has always been a swan, even if he didn’t lean into it. It shows up in a variety of character traits throughout the seasons.
Male swans are fiercely protective of their partners. We see Colin’s protectiveness over Pen show up multiple times. I did a longer post on the evolution of Colin's protectiveness a few weeks ago, but here are some scene highlights:
  • Ep 1x01: After Penelope beams at how happy she is to be wearing a pink dress, Cressida then spills her drink on her. Colin feels defensive of her, and rejects Cressida's bid to dance (big social no-no!) and dances with Penelope instead
  • Ep 2x07, 2x08 (Cousin Jack’s scam): He not only gets angry at Mondrich for insulting the Featherington family, but also at Cousin Jack for taking advantage of the Featherington women
  • Season 3 has multiple examples of Colin protecting Pen: after his dating help is revealed, balloon, protecting her from a mistake. It is notable that the few times we see Colin angry, they are all related to Pen’s feelings.
We'll likely see more of this in Part 2 (and various book spoilers indicate this as well).
Male swans are also one of the few species of waterfowl that take an active role in rearing children. Male swans will sit on the eggs and protect them, unlike other waterfowl. In Seasons 1 and 2, Colin is often seen playing with his younger siblings. We see the male swan’s interest in child rearing most obviously in 2x02 when Eloise recoils from Daphne’s baby and Colin swoops in to tenderly and lovingly hold him.
Swans are known for mating for life and for being dedicated partners, unlike other species of waterfowl. Colin “My Wife” Bridgerton, hello. But even before Season 3, we see this in Season 2 when Colin is the only one in the front row who appears happy at Anthony and Edwina’s wedding, and according to Luke, Colin is actually crying because he loves love so much. He delights in love.
Afterwards, Colin finds himself somewhat depressed and “searching for answers at the bottom of his flask” after their “bungled nuptials.” For someone who sees love as "the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning," to see an engagement broken off at that point is deeply distressing. (We'll return to Anthony's wedding later.)
His recurring appearance changes after his extended travels: Swans shed all of their feathers during their annual summer migration period. After his travels between S1 and S2, he returns with facial hair. After his travels between S2 and S3, he returns with new clothing.

Penelope: Duck => Swan

Penelope, meanwhile, needs to go through a transformation in order to become a swan.
(There are a lot of motifs used for Penelope throughout the show: butterflies, cake, etc, but here we’re going to focus on ducks and swans.)
Let’s start with her name. To get all Colin-season-2 for a moment, “Penelope” is believed to derive from the Ancient Greek word penelops, which means “duck.” In modern language, “pen” is the official name for a female swan. And her last name is Featherington.
Something that starts as a duck and becomes a swan… that sounds a lot like the HC Andersen short story The Ugly Duckling, which is about a duck who is cast aside by society for being ugly, only to later learn that the reason it looked different was because it was actually a swan.
While Colin and Pen are more likely to quote Byron than Danish fairy tales, the allusions to The Ugly Duckling are quite strong throughout Penelope’s character arc. (And indeed, fantasy plays a huge role in their worldviews.)
This is directly referenced in the book:
“I thought you believed in me," she said, "that you saw beyond the ugly duckling.”
For a brief refresher on The Ugly Duckling, let’s take Wikipedia’s summary and annotate it:
After a mother duck's eggs hatch, one of the ducklings takes longer to hatch and is bigger and perceived by the other animals as an ugly little creature. It suffers much verbal and physical abuse from its mother and siblings, and has an absent father.
Penelope is the youngest of three children. From the first episode, it is clear that her mother regards her as less desirable and less beautiful than her sisters. Her father is neglectful and largely absent. She is repeatedly subject to unkind comments and treatment by her mother and sisters. To take just one example, when suitors come over to meet Marina, and her mother closes courting hour, she says “Please feel free to bid farewell to Phillipa or Prudence, or even Penelope.” (Colin is the only one to take her up on this.)
Portia also insists that Penelope wear bright yellow dresses even though she herself prefers pink. Yellow is the color of baby ducks. Portia tends towards green, often in iridescent fabrics, which roughly maps to the coloring of several types of adult ducks (even females). (In the Ugly Duckling, the ugly duckling is gray rather than yellow like it’s siblings. However, they’ve taken a bit of artistic license here to reinforce the duck imagery.)
It wanders from the barnyard and lives with wild ducks and geese until hunters slaughter the flocks. It finds a home with an old woman, but her cat and hen tease and taunt him mercilessly, and once again he sets off alone.
We don’t have a direct literal correlation to the cats and hens, but we can interpret “leaving the barnyard” as Penelope being too early presented in society, and the “cats and hens” being the multitude of catty comments and “clucking hens” (judgmental, gossipy mothers) of society.
It’s also interesting how Cousin Jack is presented quite clearly as a hunter in Season 2, and the gun rack on the wall clearly makes Portia uncomfortable. There aren’t direct references to duck hunting, yet that was a common hobby. (We admittedly don’t know anything about rifles and can’t figure out if any of them he displays on the wall are specifically for duck hunting, but would love it if someone knew!) Cousin Jack, of course, nearly destroys their family.
The duckling sees a flock of migrating wild swans. It is delighted and excited but cannot join them because he is too young, ugly, and unable to fly. When winter arrives, a farmer finds and carries the freezing duckling home but he is frightened by the farmer's noisy children and flees the house. The duckling spends a miserable winter alone outdoors, mostly hiding in a cave on the lake that partly freezes over.
We can read this as being when Pen watches Colin leave for Greece, and when she looks at the happy Bridgerton household. She is also too young and immature to fervently declare her feelings as she states one should. Nicola plays her as immature (the little hop when she speaks, high voice), and she is trapped in her mother’s house.
The allusion of the migrating swans is also interesting as one could see all of the Bridgertons as swans who glide gracefully on the surface of society (“pretty Bridgertons”). While not all of the Bridgertons exhibit swan-like behavior, Violet and Edmund do (but more on that below). Note how in 3x02 Penelope says the place she feels the most comfortable is/was the Bridgerton Drawing Room at Sunday tea -- surrounded by the flock of swans.
We could be a bit literal with our interpretation here and say that Colin’s protection of Pen with the Ruby scam is equivalent to the farmer’s care, and then is scared off not by children but his own friends. But I think we can look at it more broadly to say that Penelope goes from thinking she will be cared for — as Colin says during their dance in 2x08 — but then feels cast aside.
She then spends a miserable summer alone, without Eloise or Colin.
The duckling, now having fully grown and matured, cannot endure a life of solitude and hardship anymore. It decides to throw himself at a flock of swans, feeling that it is better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of ugliness.
When we first meet her in 3x01, it is clear she has had an awful, lonely summer. She is shown in her old clothing -- notably more pink but still yellow, a sign of the impending transition -- and looking shy and hunched over.
But she resolves to fully break free of her family and marry. Her first dress is iridescent emerald green — the color of peacocks, which is likely the most direct motif given she hides behind a peacock in the garden, but it is also the color of adult mallards and several other duck species.
She throws herself into the fray at great personal risk rather than having to continue to live with her family of ducks that reject her. However, she is still awkward and unsure of herself. While she walks down the stairs with confidence, once she's on the floor, she isn't fully carrying herself with confidence, and sort of slides her feet along the floor in a slouchy manner. She then proceeds to bungle her conversation with the lords who approach her. In other words, she still sees herself as an ugly duckling -- or perhaps ugly duck since she's grown. But Colin is able to see beyond that and has the first glimmers of starting to notice her as something different than everyone else.
Part 2 speculation:
The Ugly Duckling is shocked when the swans welcome and accept it, only to realize by looking at his reflection in the water that it had been not a duckling but a swan all this time. The flock takes to the air, and it spreads its wings to take flight with the rest of its new family.
Penelope is shocked when Colin has feelings for her, and according to the trailer, is welcomed with open arms by Violet and the rest of the swan’s family (except Eloise, who does not exhibit swan-like behaviors herself, but that's a different topic). Given the focus on mirrors so far this season, perhaps this combined mirrougly duckling/swan theme will reappear. Penelope will then integrate herself into the Bridgerton family and identify more with them, rather than her family of birth. She thus gets both self-acceptance, a husband, a loving family, and freedom all at the same time.
Given the use of mirrors this season, I expect Colin will literally and figuratively help Penelope see herself in the mirror the way he sees her, in a parallel to what Colin says in S2 E2 about her letters:
Your letters were so encouraging. I thought, if Penelope can see me this way, then surely I can too.
A brief note on Penelope's clothing
We can see hints of this in her clothing. Over Season 3 Part 1, Penelope’s clothing changes from Featherington green to Bridgerton blue. Yet in the kiss scene and Colin’s dream, she’s wearing dresses that are such light blue/green that they almost appear to be white, and she doesn't seem to wear these dresses in other scenes. (The dream one is similar to the market scene, but the sleeve detailing is different -- it's much more feathery. Hmmm.) While white dresses can imply wedding, perhaps another thread to pull here is their swan-like whiteness. The moment when they kiss is the first time it occurs to him to see her romantically, and it is also the first time he sees her in a nearly-white dress. That she is in a feathery white dress in his dream reinforces the idea that, at least subconsciously, he has started to see her as a swan.
(Yet they aren't fully white — so there is still evolution to happen.)
Colin calling her Pen — "swan" — from the very beginning
And lastly, back to her nickname. The first time we ever see Colin talk to Penelope is in S1 E1 after Colin visits the Featherington house during courting hour for Marina, he refers to her as Pen. He refers to her again as Pen when they dance later in that episode. The viewer sees her transition from Penelope, a duck, and then becomes Pen, a swan. But Colin has always seen her as a swan, even if he didn’t realize it.
(We have not done a full analysis of the times he calls her Penelope vs the times he calls her Pen, nor of other people using her nickname.)

Audio and visual swan references

So, Colin is always a swan, and Pen transitions from duck to swan. Several times throughout the seasons, we see direct and indirect nods to swans in terms of imagery, dialogue, and other scene elements when Colin and Pen are together.
It’s notable that, as far as we can tell, swans and swan noises largely only show up when Colin and Pen are together. (There is one exception, discussed in the next section.)
The most obvious is in 2x05:
COLIN: After all, everyone else is finding some purpose to their lives. Anthony is to be married. Benedict has his artistic pursuits. And, well, here I am... feeding the ducks. [Looks at a swan as he says this]
PENELOPE: I am sure the ducks are most grateful.
The implication being, of course, is that Colin does not realize he's not looking at a duck but at a swan. His feelings for her aren't romantic yet. But he is really looking at a swan — Pen. And that she, not the ducks, is grateful for his company and conversation.
Interestingly, quacking is heard in the background. It’s hard to say whether it’s ducks or swans — perhaps it’s intentionally ambiguous.
Singing swans = courting activities? Or a shift in feelings for Colin?
But let’s pull that thread a bit, as swans singing comes up several more times. Swan songs have historically had an association with death, yet “their sounds are more distinguishable during courting rituals and not correlated with death.” We could then interpret hearing swan songs as times that are courting-esque, or perhaps moments when Colin’s perspective on Penelope is starting to shift.
In 2x06, Penelope has a heated conversation with Eloise about Eloise’s feelings about Theo. Eloise asks her if she’s ever felt the torment of feelings for someone, and Penelope says she could only imagine it. She then looks over at Colin and swans are heard in the background.
A few moments later, when Penelope walks over to Colin for the “purpose” conversation, swans are again heard in the background. (Listen very closely as she walks over to him.)
In 3x01, when Colin and Penelope talk in the garden after the presentation, swans are heard in the background as Colin looks at her while she looks away. In this scene, Colin is wearing his beautiful embroidered vest, which features a duck near the collar. It also features a parrot. (Shout out to u/EverEarthling for this amazing deep dive on the vest!) Perhaps when Colin bought this vest in Paris, he still viewed Penelope as a duck, and himself as a parrot (i.e. one who parrots the behaviors of what society expects). Given this, we might not see this vest again, as gorgeous as it is.
While we might think these were coincidences because they happened to be near water, it seems unlikely, as there are a lot of garden/park/outdoor scenes where no swans are seen or heard.
In 303, at the end of the Willow scene, swans are heard in the background as Penelope leaves. Swans then re-appear the Hawkins Balloon Fair. There is a giant wicker statue of a swan, decked in lilacs and light pink roses, off to the side of the balloon. (Lilacs being the favorite flower of the Bridgertons and light pink being the Bridgerton color of first love.) While we don’t get an obvious camera angle of this, based on body positions, Penelope would have been looking at this swan statue the entire time while talking to Debling.
Their conversation is about birds, and despite literally staring at a giant bird statue, she struggles to come up with one, and instead names a sparrow.
Here's Nicola goofing around with said swan statue.
In 3x04, the Queen has dancing swans in her wig. And, this is the first time in the season when Colin and Penelope dance together.
We also have a small wink in terms of grass. Swans who have not yet begun mating, even if they are paired, will gather in flocks in fields of grass. Paired swans who are too young to mate will move throughout the flock socially yet still be paired — much like the environment of a ball. In 2x03, Colin mentions how he once spent meditating for hours on a single blade of grass, and in 3x03, when trying to impress Debling and looking directly at a swan, Penelope says how she likes grass.
(Perhaps we can also interpret this to mean that Eloise is not a swan: she says she’d rather watch grass grow than talk to other debutantes. But, again, that’s for another post on Eloise being different than her siblings.)
Interestingly, at these swan social gatherings, “some individuals will have several courtships with other members of the flock, whilst others, tend to stay away from densely populated parts of the herd and do their own thing.” Sounds like Colin and Pen!
From the book, there's a mention of a "swan song:" (credit to u/leadwithlovealways)

Colin + Pen = Swans

Let’s talk for a moment about the behaviors of bonded swan pairs and their mating behaviors, as there are a lot of parallels.
One important part of the beginning of the swan courting ritual is that both will drop their wings completely to their sides, and not puff themselves up at all. We can see this literally in terms of Colin and Pen in the carriage (both have their arms down at their sides), but also metaphorically: they are both at their most vulnerable, their least puffed-up, in the entire season.
When swans are bonded, they will press their chests together and bend their necks together and rest their foreheads against one another, forming a heart shape. In their first kiss, we see Colin rest his forehead against Penelope’s ever so slightly — somewhat tentatively, almost, and his chest is not pressed to hers. (It is in his dream, though.). We see the forehead-resting and chests pressed together more times in the carriage scene.
Mating dances
First, watch this video of swans doing a mating dance. (Or read, if you prefer.) Note how look away from each other and then back with intense eye contact.
They will stare at each other during the up and down motions of the necks and will sometimes raise both heads together at the same time to look at each other with sideways glances as they turn their heads from side to side.
Now, let's pivot back to Bridgerton -- and to another couple. In 2x05, Anthony and Kate’s pivotal dance when they can no longer ignore their feelings for one another resembles the courting dance of swans, with their arms interconnected and circling around another. While one could say that’s true of most dancing, this one is particularly striking, and perhaps it's when Anthony drops his rakishness or ability to think about others and starts to accept his committed, swan nature (though it takes him some time). You can also see echoes of the swan mating dance in how they pass one another side-by-side in Simon & Daphne's dance when they're truly in love, though the Kate/Anthony dance is much clearer.
The closest we’ve seen to Colin and Pen dance like this is 2x08, yet that dance is much more tentative than Kate and Anthony’s, and only bears a very faint resemblance to the swan mating dance. They make eye contact, but it is not intense or focused. Colin also refers to her as "Penelope", not "Pen," during that dance, and they barely touch. Distance is implied in multiple ways. But back to the topic of this post, one has to wonder whether we’ll see Colin and Pen dance in a way similar to a swan mating dance in Part 2.
Swan mating rituals
Now we're going to dive a bit deep in terms of parallels between swans and intimacy. Yes, this is completely fucking unhinged on an already unhinged post. I’m sorry if you will never be able to look at swans the same again.
  • Swans will keep intense eye contact during courting and mating. Yup, check.
  • While mating for most birds lasts only a few seconds, for swans it can be at least 20 minutes if not up to an hour. Seems fitting given the mentions of a 10-minute long intimacy scene in Episode 5!
  • Right before swans engage in the act, the male swan will drape his neck over the female swan’s. We seem to be getting hints of this in the trailer, with Colin standing behind her in the mirror.
  • We're going to skip over specifics of swan sex positions. That would simply be too unhinged.
  • Right after mating, swans stay close together and echo the head turning/tilting of the courting ritual. We get a glimpse of this after the carriage scene is interrupted, and one can hope this means we get lots of after-sex cuddling. If not, it’s totally in headcanon now.
  • After mating, swans will clean one another. We can see this in how Colin lovingly puts Pen’s dress and hair back in place before straightening his own clothes in the carriage scene.
  • Swans also tend to mate many more times than is necessary in order to fertilize eggs. Based on this, and based on what we’ve heard about Part 2, we’re probably going to see this parallel, too.
  • Male swans eagerly build a nest once they’ve decided to mate. This matches what we’ve heard about Colin quickly buying a house for him and Pen.
  • Swan couples that are new to a territory/nest usually don’t lay any eggs for the first year, so maybe they’ll wait a bit before having children. But that seems unlikely with these two given that birth control didn’t exist…

Looking forward

Given that swans mate for life, we can be guaranteed a happy ending here.
As the show goes on, one can predict that swans will represent the two of them in various ways, and that we might expect to see swan motifs in the decoration of their new home. (In the Part 2 trailer, in the wedding scene, the walls are decorated with a swan motif.)
In terms of children, swans keep their children close to them during their early life. We therefore might be able to predict that both Colin and Pen will likely be very attached to their children, and we will be unlikely to see them without their children once their children are in the picture. Even though Colin loves to travel, we could also predict he’ll quickly want to settle down and delight in being at home with their children, just like a swan.
Since male swans actively participate in child rearing, we also hope we’ll get to see lots of heart-warmingly adorable scenes of Colin bouncing their babies on his knees and taking care of them in future seasons. Maybe we’ll be lucky and even get a Regency-ified version of baby wearing with Colin wearing their baby wrapped around him with a shawl!

Bonus: Press tour Easter eggs!

In the Netflix India Bollywood/Bridgerton video, Luke wore a duck sweater. u/sc127's read on this:
Black Swan theory regarding Nicola's outfit: Do you think it's alluding to Colin and Pen getting married? In the eyes of the Ton, they would consider the Polin relationship as a Black Swan. It fits the criteria of being a surprise, having a major effect, and can be rationalized in hindsight.
Pink Ducks on Luke: I think the symbolism is more straight forward compared to Nicola's outfit. Pink is Pen's favorite color and it is the Bridgerton color of first love. Colin is in love with a duck named Pen :)
submitted by lemonsaltwater to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 teller_of_tall_tales Troublemakers: A field of Poppys

Go'mon stormed through the castle corridors. He'd sensed something slip beside him during his encounter with the vampire lord. It wasn't just that damned top hat with the thief's prints. No, it was more subtle than that, it was the sound of a gossamer chain rattling against cloth. He scanned every square inch of the hallways as he walked, slowly twirling the Warhammer in his off-hand as he calmly held the pistol muzzle-up towards the ceiling. He'd barely gotten a glimpse of what almost looked like mist as he stomped through the grand halls with paranoia-fueled, seething anger. Abruptly turning a corner he fired the revolver at what he thought was that pesky invisible parasite.
The shimmer shuddered and he switched to the visible spectrum to find out it was just a tapestry in front of a heating vent.
Go'mon let out an enraged scream, tearing the tapestry apart with his bare hands after casting his weapons aside in a fit of rage and impotence. The visage of Monarch D'vinn looking out from the top of a bombed-out hill in battered armor at the shattered remains of the once human-occupied city, being shredded like single-ply latrine paper by go'mon's molecularly edged cybernetic claws. Having spent his rage on the tapestry, he panted dramatically as his heart pounded in its cask. Turning around he let out another furious scream, howling madly as he scanned the hall with thermals. His Hammer and revolver had disappeared without a trace.
The sudden blare of a Klaxon made him pause as he adjusted his armor, forcing himself to calm down as he examined his molecularly edged claws. The main enemy was at the gates, he should go meet them.
Cassius' Heart pounded as he took shallow breaths, Go'mon's backplate inches from his own chest as he held onto the Hammer and Pistol for dear life. As the general strutted outside, Cassius moved in perfect synchronization, his left leg rising with the general's before being placed down in sync. He'd been practicing for weeks with the security droids at the mansion, practicing to keep inches from their backs without touching their metal carapace. Now he strutted behind perhaps the second most powerful being he knew like a silent specter. As Go'mon slammed through a door, breaking it into splinters, Cassius lifted his right leg and rotated out of the way just as Go'mon's tail would've brushed against his Calf, giving him away. As the General strutted out into the middle of the courtyard, Cassius used the various straps attached to his gambeson to affix the weapons to his waist before grabbing his Kama and weighted chain from a small pouch at his belt.
Cassius tossed the weighted end of the chain over the wall of the castle after a short run-up, wrapping the gossamer chain around his hands with each rapid step he took up the wall. Reaching the top, he unhooked the weight from the small bar he'd tossed it around quickly disentangling his hands from the chain. He groped the air on the outside of the wall until he touched the enchanted ladder the Top-Hats had left him. Sliding down the ladder, he spotted Drake sitting astride Barney in the middle of the street. The rest were nowhere to be seen but that indeed was part of the plan. Sprinting over, Cassius leaped onto Barney behind Drake and slipped Go'mon's revolver into the empty holster at his belt. Drawing out no reaction save for a few words from Drake, who didn't turn his head lest he give the gambit away.
"Good work Cassius, Fall back and get a gas mask on. We still don't know what's in those canisters because they inked out the labels."
Cassius slipped off of Barney's back and slipped into a nearby building before De-cloaking as he pressed himself against the wall next to a Warmonger who passed him a spare gas mask. He pulled it on and checked the seal before sitting against the wall as his legs jellied beneath him. His mouth was dryer than the scrubland as he accepted a Volunteer's canteen, drinking heavily through a port in the mask as he rode out the adrenaline crash. He glanced over to where their fighters had pried open a sewer access hatch and were dropping in, the smell of sewage souring the air. A few warmongers closest to the opening had comically attached wooden clothesline clips to their noses.
Caz lay atop the second-tallest building in Golgatha, trash and debris piled up around her for camouflage ash she drew a bead on the strutting Go'mon. Her god-given eyes were able to see the purple miasma that rose from him like mercury vapors. She didn't even turn her head as she softly asked.
The man with Heavy cybernetic augmentations pulled casually from a large pouch of grain alcohol, camera-lense eyes extending from his face as he chewed on a bullet thoughtfully. Slowly he stated.
"One thousand five hundred and sixty-seven meters, If you're keeping it under auto-ignition velocity, you should be able to hold it one mil above and..."
The sound of the bullet in his mouth getting chewed filled the air before he stated.
"Two mils right, wind fluctuates between us and the target, expect a half minute of angle deviation."
Caz adjusted her optic, bringing the point of aim directly onto her crosshairs. The man next to her had called himself "an Olympian" an old sect of bionically enhanced warriors from even before the betrayal wars. In the small amount of time she'd gotten to know the man, she'd found him palatable at the very least, soft-spoken with a touch of crazy, it was refreshing. She tried to ignore the artillery-sized rifle he laid behind, the barrel itself bigger around than a drainage pipe, a suppressor of equally massive size almost protruding over the edge of the building. She watched from the corner of his eye as he pulled the breech open to the side and selected a shell thicker and longer than her forearm with a fused tip. He rammed it into the gun with the same ease she loaded her flechettes with.
They both had different jobs despite sitting on the same roof. She'd take care of anything on two legs, and he'd handle anything that had an armored skin. From her vantage point, she watched as the Agri-bots moved into position, planting their artillery pieces against the ground in preparation to fire. They weren't using High explosives much to Remin and Destrier's chagrin, but with their attack plan, they couldn't risk collapsing the sewers. They were instead armed with a chemical weapon known as "CS Smoke" which would obscure visual sightlines for anyone with unaugmented vision. Lucky for her and the Olympian, that wouldn't be an issue with her clear-sight and his advanced optics. She slowly swiveled her focus onto Drake, keeping the center of the crosshair off him as she watched him.
Sitting astride Barney, Drake looked every bit the warrior he was. His dark helmet and armor were almost lost in the dark night. But the red shock of his Helm's mohawk could not be mistaken, glowing brightly against the darkness. As his palm came to rest on the pommel of his sword, she saw something entirely different for a moment.
A warrior in battered, rusty armor, the flesh falling from his bones as a pair of white lights gleamed behind the helmet. A skeletal hand held a rusty sword in its sheath, Its pale, emaciated steed's head hanging low, milky eyes soulless and empty.
But as soon as she saw it, the image faded and she swiveled her crosshairs onto the castle's inner courtyard. A small, dim red light blinked on the side of the Olympian's skull as the Geknosians organized into fighting lines. Hulking Geknosians in overbuilt power armor manned emplaced turrets and the looming Gas generators. A small feed from the Olympian's perspective overlaid itself on her scope before minimizing to one corner. She watched as his crosshair fell onto one of the two Gallicks. The horseshoe-shaped APCs presenting their bulk to the gate as a bulwark. Caz switched her aim to a heavily armored Geknosian, slowly dialing the small wheel on the forend of her rifle to half-power, just under auto-ignition velocity. The geknosian seemed to get uncomfortable as her crosshairs landed on his chest, fidgeting at the controls of their AA plasma Beam-cannon.
The moment the Agri-bots fired their artillery, she'd remove him from the gene pool and take that AA gun out of the fight so Destrier could get into position.
Destrier and Remin ran last-minute checks on the small fleet of two-wheeled land vehicles the Top Hats had called "Dirt bikes." The variable electric powerplant produced little to no noise, even now, powered on and ready to roll they didn't even humm. Stepping back, Destrier let the forearms of his power armor clamshell close as he retook the hand controls. Contrary to popular belief, the hands of power armor weren't at all like gloves. A handle with a pressure sensor for each finger was clasped in his hands, allowing him to manipulate the hands of the armor like his own. Destrier turned his head, helmet whirring on its bearing as he watched Remin mount one of the Dirtbikes, the black scimitar strapped to the suspension of the bike within arm's reach. The old man's Mongolian lamellar draped over either side of the bike like fabric, small metal plates clinking and clattering softly as he pulled his fabric-wrapped helmet back on. Destrier clomped over, hardly noticing the backpack with over two hundred rounds of 13x110 mm HEP.
Remin looked up with a grin and met Destrier's arm halfway in a forearm-gripping handshake, their metal hands clanking together as they slid their arms back into a grip around the base of each other's thumbs, then to a normal handshake before waggling their fingers at each other.
Destrier chuckled softly and looked up at the sky, night vision lenses making it appear stuffed to bursting with stars.
"What's on the black samurai's mind?"
Remin asked softly, head tilted back to also look at the stars between the rooftops.
"Well... I'm looking forward to the fighting to finally being over... Maybe I'll finally be able to settle down and invent something with Martha..."
Remin chuckled softly.
"A noble goal... I'd expect nothing less from you Destri... I'm actually hoping to catch a ride back to human-controlled space. I'm too old for this shit, I want to settle down and live out the last years of my life in peace..."
Destrier nodded in agreement, slowly turning his gaze back to the helicopter, blades slowly turning in preparation for takeoff.
"How old are you Remin? I don't think I ever asked."
The old man paused, thinking for a long time.
"Oh... I'd say I've made it past a century at this point. Got a cybernetic heart when I was a kid thanks to a car accident, Ol' things been keeping me going far past when I shoulda dropped."
Destrier nods and laughs softly.
"Damn, and I thought you were only in your fifties."
Remin laughed in agreeance, setting his hands on the handlebars.
"I don't blame ya, I feel like it. Especially now that my legs aren't filled with creaky arthritis."
Destrier sighed softly, gently punching the old man's shoulder as softly as he could in his power armor.
"See you on the other side old man... whether that be the living side or the dead one."
"Here's to hoping it's the former not the latter."
Destrier chuckled his agreement and boarded the helicopter, making the landing gear compress slightly as he put his weight on the flight deck. Unhooking the feed chain from the side of the backpack, he clipped it into the Ma-deuce's feed chute. It whirred as the heavy cartridges were funneled down the chain and into the gun with a click and a clatter.
Barney shifted from one leg to the other beneath Drake, Death's chosen reaching down and gently patting his neck fondly as he softly whispered.
"Just a moment longer boy... There's someone I need to talk to."
Drake closed his eyes, letting the Darkness envelop him for a moment before opening them again.
He looked at Death, who was casually swirling a glass of black bourbon thoughtfully.
"You said you wanted to talk to me right before the battle?"
Death nodded and slid the glass of black bourbon his way.
"I did, I want you to drink this before you go into battle."
Drake picked up the glass, inspecting the pitch-black, inky liquid curiously. Before sniffing it and coughing as his eyes water.
"No offense, But I think something died in your liquor bottle."
Death laughed jovially, pouring his own glass from a red crystal decanter.
"That's because this is made from the blood of my predecessor. I thought i might as well get it out of the way."
Drake suspiciously looked at the glass.
"Okay, what happens when I drink it?"
Death paused, slowly swirling his own glass of black bourbon pensively. Then, he slowly knocked his own back, eyes dilating wide before returning to normal.
"Well, It should allow you to control your power, bypassing the decades of training most need."
Drake gave Death a side eye, sniffing the foul drink one more time asking.
"What's the catch?"
Death frowned, then set his glass down.
"Considering that it's going to completely restructure your magical and circulatory pathways. It's going to hurt like nothing you've ever felt before. It also may or may not bind your guardians to your soul."
Drake's head snapped up.
"Guardians... you mean my parents?"
Death nodded softly.
"Guardians, souls that loved someone so much that they remained on after death to watch over them. Your parents loved you... loved you enough to stand by your side even in death... and before you give me some bullshit about this not being what your parents would want... Remember, they'll always be at your side until you die one way or another."
Drake slowly swirled the bourbon before nodding softly, bringing it to his lips, he downed it in a single gulp. It burned on its way down, the tingling feeling intensely spreading throughout his body and to his fingertips in a moment. His nerves burned, and his very being felt as though it was being scalded by burning hot water. But as he set the glass down on Death's desk, he smiled softly. There was a warmth to the pain, like a cold rag against a feverish forehead. The sting of a garlic poultice applied to a fresh whip-wound. It was the crack of his father's wooden sword against his knuckles during their sparring, the sweat that would drip into his eyes on long evenings working the fields. Drake opened his eyes slowly, no longer sitting in Death's office, but his own soulscape, looking at the long-neglected buildings halfway through construction. But he wasn't alone.
Drake smiled at his mother and father. His mother gave him a soft smile as she touched the scar across his face, the wound in his cheek where a gauss slug had torn it open, then, she took his hand to gently touch the scarred wound where Garravan's knife had pierced his hand. His father just sat cross-legged, drinking a stout mug of scrub tree tea with a proud smile on his face. drake looked between them before holding out his hands.
As his parents took them, they dissolved into motes of light that drifted into his chest. His veins burned, and his eyes and nose bled. His entire existence felt like a blistering inferno as the ground of his soulscape rumbled, small, red flowers the color of blood and the shape of gunshot wounds popping up from the ground. But even as the pain grew, and grew, and grew, He found himself simply laughing, grabbing what felt like an invisible pair of chains and pulling up on them as he stood.
The ground erupted in the middle of his soulscape, a massive, gnarled oak tree sprouting from the ground. Its sturdy trunk protecting a small patch of pink carnations interspersed with curly-petaled white Gardenias. Drake felt something form atop his head and reached up, feeling a thorny crown, he gently pulled it off, looking at the black-petaled roses fondly before returning it to his head. The thorny veins grew down from the crown, snaking their way deep into his flesh only to bloom into what felt like new muscles and tendons that weren't attached to his physical strength. Looking at his upturned palms, he curled his fingers, a steady, smokeless pale flame popping into existence in his palm with next to no effort.
As the pain subsided, Drake closed his eyes, relishing its departure before opening them to the shocked and concerned face of Death. Drake gave him a curious look and Death coughed softly as he composed himself before speaking.
"Look, I know I can hide pain well... But that smile you get when you're hurting is capital C Creepy."
Drake touched his grinning face with a soft laugh, wiping a trickle of blood from his nose.
"Well, guess I can add that to my achievements list, Creeping Death out with a smile."
They both chuckled softly at the joke before Death sighed softly.
"You should get back to them, they're almost ready."
Drake nodded and stood, stepping over to the door.
"Wish me luck."
"Good luck, my Champion. Give them hell."
Drake smiled softly and stepped out the door. When he opened his eyes, he was back in the real world, staring up at Go'mon who'd perched himself atop the castle wall, eyeing Drake hungrily.
Giving Go'mon his signature grin, He reached up and depressed a countersunk button on the side of his helmet.
"Hit 'em"
Drake stated, the sound of artillery rocking the city as Go'mon's hungry look quickly turned to rage. There was a loud, screeching whistle as the artillery shells streaked in, blanketing the area in stinging fog. Drake drew his sword, extending thorned vines of power into it as the blade ignited with pale flames. Barney snuffled excitedly and roared as Drake nudged him forward, the Dinosaur leaping over the wall in a single bound. The final battle for Golgatha had begun, after this, they would either be free...
Or they will have died free.
Part 112: will be linked here upon completion.
submitted by teller_of_tall_tales to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:07 DIYCapitan Looking for friends!

28, queer, nonbinary, from NY I like reading, writing, making playlists, creating art, crocheting, playing video games and building stuff! Big into social justice and trending topics, so if you want someone to dissect the world with, I’m all ears! Looking for friends to talk to as my hobbies aren’t very social most of the time lol
No pressure to be besties right away, but looking for people who like to chat at odd hours as I’m always on a weird sleep schedule lol
submitted by DIYCapitan to lookingforfriendship [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:37 elladilemma420 The Secret Garden

Maggi stumbled upon a hidden garden deep within the academy's grounds. The garden was filled with rare and exotic flowers, and in the center stood an enormous tree. As she approached the tree, she heard a soft whispering in her ear. It was the spirit of the tree, who revealed to her the secrets of the ancient swordsmen.
submitted by elladilemma420 to maggislife [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:10 Glittering-Pool109 Frog llama and Beartaur

Frog llama and Beartaur
So, I saw u/Lupevs last post (I think it was their last one anyway. also, I have no idea how to tag people) and was inspired. However the closest I had to a treefrog torso, a giraffe body, and dragon wings, were a webkinz frog (that got impromtu surgery), the last webkinz llama body I had on hand, and some handsewn wings. Each wing is 3 layers, made using scrap fabric for the tops (my little brother had gotten some fabric sample booklets a few years back, and he let me have them, which is why all the wing 'tops' are the same type of fabric), and an old sheet for the bottoms. I also made my own wing template, originally by tracing the wing off a different plushie, and then altering the shape slightly, and then scaling down (sorta. It was a lot of sketching, erasing, and re-sketching). I also hand-embroidered the lines on each wing, with a color that matched, as closely as possible, one of the other wing colors.
Beartaur is made using a random bear that I really liked the texture of, but other than that the bear was meh, and the entirety (minus the head) of a webkinz chow chow dog. Then he's got some zodiac charms draped across his chest, that I think i got from Michaels ages ago. And the crocheted thing on his back, that I meant to kinda resemble the blanket under a horse's saddle, is actually a "mask-saver" that my mom made. It was meant for her facemask, so the elastic that would go around her ears, actually looped over the buttons, so that her ears weren't so sore by the end of the day. However, since she got laid off for being to caring to patients (she worked in a pharmacy, and would take a extra minute or two to ask how each person was doing, or see if they needed help), I got the mask holder to use how I wanted. (also, there's so much more the the story about her job, but i'm not gonna go into it here.) Back to Beartaur. I had the idea to make him into a celelstial wizard/magician. I tend to jump between projects though, so he's been put on hold for now.
submitted by Glittering-Pool109 to WeirdFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:59 AshKetchupppp Tips for tuning samples in renoise instruments using spectrum analysis

Tips for tuning samples in renoise instruments using spectrum analysis
Hi all,
I've been using Renoise for a couple months and have quite enjoyed it thus far. I've tried to avoid paying for things I may or may not use, like VSTs or sample packs, so I ended up looking on for rips of 90s sample CDs with variable success. Some CDs are crap and others are great. In particular, I am trying to make Renoise instruments out of some of the Bass samples from Best Service Gigapack 1 + 2, (which have some excellent piano and key samples too).
Not all of the samples have note names in the filename, so you have to figure out the root note for each sample yourself, doesn't take too long (if you get it right first time). My method is to use SPAN, which is a spectrum analyzer VST, and look for the lowest peak. However I am not sure if this is correct as I get inconsistencies when playing notes that move between samples on the keyzones e.g. I move from E to F, which crosses a keyzone boundary, and both notes sound the same, telling me the root note is wrong.
If this happens I try to play it by ear and play the same note with a Square or Sine in Vital, but this is rather difficult depending on the type of wave you pick.
Now, I could just make the sounds myself, however I am not great at Sound Design and figured I would try to get better at actually making some music before I have to think about sound synthesis. Doesn't feel like there's much point in making sounds if I can't construct a song anyways.
Anyways, does anyone else follow a similar method? I've attached a screencap of a frequency spectrum from one of the bass notes, I was using the lowest peak there, but there's also other peaks in a similar decibel range so I'm not sure which to use.
Any help is much appreciated :)
I would have picked the lowest one there, which looks like F0
submitted by AshKetchupppp to renoise [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:28 cats_smuggler Help Me Decide: Sennheiser Accentum Plus vs Sony Ultra Wear vs Soundcore Q45 vs Sony 910N

I’m currently undecided between these four headphones: Sennheiser Accentum Plus, Sony Ultra Wear, Soundcore Q45, and Sony 910N. Here’s a bit of background on my previous experiences:
I’ve used three main headphones in the past: Soundcore Q20, Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT, and Sony XB950, along with one non-branded pair. Out of these, the Sony XB950 was my favorite. It might be nostalgia, but the sound quality was heavenly for me. Although it was wired and I broke the hinge more than ten times, I kept repairing it until it finally gave out. Unfortunately, that line has been discontinued.
I then tried a non-branded pair, which broke down within a month. After that, I moved on to the Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT. The sound quality was a monumental improvement, even better than the XB950, but for some inexplicable reason, I still preferred the Sonys. Next, I used the Soundcore Q20. While it was my first experience with ANC, everything about it was mediocre—the sound quality was just alright, but the build quality was horrible. The battery degraded by 60% within a year, and now I use it with several tapes attached to keep it functional.
A little about me: I’m a gamer who primarily enjoys single-player story-based games. I also listen to a lot of music, with alt rock, emo, orchestral, and R&B being my favorite genres. I love watching musicals too. My ears are between small and medium in size. I wouldn’t call myself an audiophile, as I don’t fully understand terms like mids, trebles, and highs, but sound quality and separation do matter to me. I use audio wearables for at least 4 to 6 hours a day. Currently, I’m using the Soundcore Q20 and OnePlus neckband (for the gym or when I’m working at my store). I want something that is very pleasing to hear, with a slight preference for a bassy sound.
TL;DR: Please help me choose between Sennheiser Accentum Plus, Sony Ultra Wear, Soundcore Q45, and Sony 910
submitted by cats_smuggler to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:24 cats_smuggler Sony ult wear vs Sennheiser accentum plus vs soundcore Q45 vs Sony 910

I’m currently undecided between these four headphones: Sennheiser Accentum Plus, Sony Ultra Wear, Soundcore Q45, and Sony 910N. Here’s a bit of background on my previous experiences:
I’ve used three main headphones in the past: Soundcore Q20, Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT, and Sony XB950, along with one non-branded pair. Out of these, the Sony XB950 was my favorite. It might be nostalgia, but the sound quality was heavenly for me. Although it was wired and I broke the hinge more than ten times, I kept repairing it until it finally gave out. Unfortunately, that line has been discontinued.
I then tried a non-branded pair, which broke down within a month. After that, I moved on to the Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT. The sound quality was a monumental improvement, even better than the XB950, but for some inexplicable reason, I still preferred the Sonys. Next, I used the Soundcore Q20. While it was my first experience with ANC, everything about it was mediocre—the sound quality was just alright, but the build quality was horrible. The battery degraded by 60% within a year, and now I use it with several tapes attached to keep it functional.
A little about me: I’m a gamer who primarily enjoys single-player story-based games. I also listen to a lot of music, with alt rock, emo, orchestral, and R&B being my favorite genres. I love watching musicals too. My ears are between small and medium in size. I wouldn’t call myself an audiophile, as I don’t fully understand terms like mids, trebles, and highs, but sound quality and separation do matter to me. I use audio wearables for at least 4 to 6 hours a day. Currently, I’m using the Soundcore Q20 and OnePlus neckband (for the gym or when I’m working at my store). I want something that is very pleasing to hear, with a slight preference for a bassy sound.
TL;DR: Please help me choose between Sennheiser Accentum Plus, Sony Ultra Wear, Soundcore Q45, and Sony 910N.
submitted by cats_smuggler to SonyHeadphones [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:20 cats_smuggler Sennheiser accentum plus vs Sony ult wear vs soundcore Q45 vs Sony 910n

I’m currently undecided between these four headphones: Sennheiser Accentum Plus, Sony Ultra Wear, Soundcore Q45, and Sony 910N. Here’s a bit of background on my previous experiences:
I’ve used three main headphones in the past: Soundcore Q20, Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT, and Sony XB950, along with one non-branded pair. Out of these, the Sony XB950 was my favorite. It might be nostalgia, but the sound quality was heavenly for me. Although it was wired and I broke the hinge more than ten times, I kept repairing it until it finally gave out. Unfortunately, that line has been discontinued.
I then tried a non-branded pair, which broke down within a month. After that, I moved on to the Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT. The sound quality was a monumental improvement, even better than the XB950, but for some inexplicable reason, I still preferred the Sonys. Next, I used the Soundcore Q20. While it was my first experience with ANC, everything about it was mediocre—the sound quality was just alright, but the build quality was horrible. The battery degraded by 60% within a year, and now I use it with several tapes attached to keep it functional.
A little about me: I’m a gamer who primarily enjoys single-player story-based games. I also listen to a lot of music, with alt rock, emo, orchestral, and R&B being my favorite genres. I love watching musicals too. My ears are between small and medium in size. I wouldn’t call myself an audiophile, as I don’t fully understand terms like mids, trebles, and highs, but sound quality and separation do matter to me. I use audio wearables for at least 4 to 6 hours a day. Currently, I’m using the Soundcore Q20 and OnePlus neckband (for the gym or when I’m working at my store). I want something that is very pleasing to hear, with a slight preference for a bassy sound.
TL;DR: Please help me choose between Sennheiser Accentum Plus, Sony Ultra Wear, Soundcore Q45, and Sony 910N.
submitted by cats_smuggler to sennheiser [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 Expensive_Drink_1786 Question for uncircumcised men with an implant.

Hey Guys, when I was able to get an erection I was definitely a grower (to 6”) not a shower. My flaccid penis in warmer months would be nice to look at but in colder months it is mainly just foreskin. I know this might seem trivial and agree a dick able to get an erection should trump anything else. But my question is for those who are not circumcised and have some extra foreskin, does the implant mean your flaccid penis will be longer? Is it comfortable?
I hear a lot about dog ear and the discomfort.. does giving yourself a few pumps get rid of the discomfort and if you are constantly walking around with a couple of pumps does this mean the expected life of the implant is shorter?
submitted by Expensive_Drink_1786 to penileimplants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:47 skrawbry How did the petals get there?

This happened about a year ago and the mystery has plagued me since so I thought I would share here. I'm not sure if it is inherently paranormal so bear with me.
My roommate brought a couple vases of flowers home one day, I can't remember where from. They had lilies in them and we have 4 cats in the house so he ended up tossing them. Him and my fiancé each kept one rose from the bouquets, and stuck them in the freezer to preserve them a little longer. The roses shriveled up after a bit, and they eventually threw those away, too. There were no more flowers in the house.
The garbage bag containing the roses was, of course, taken out and collected on trash day. We had one more trash day before this incident occurred.
My roommate got in the shower one evening. Our second roommate was in his bed, I was in mine, and my fiancé was at his desk on his computer. 2 of our cats were on our bed sleeping with us, my roommate's cat was sleeping in his bed, and our 3rd cat was somewhere else in the house. Our TV was on a low volume, and there was no other sound in the house. The roommate that was in the shower gets out, goes to his room, and sees something incredibly perplexing and honestly creepy.
Scattered on his chair and in the floor were dried up, yellow petals, the same ones from the roses they threw out. We have absolutely no explanation for how they got there. Considering they were thrown away, long gone, the house was silent save for our TV, and he was only in the shower for about 15 minutes. The only thing unaccounted for at the time was my 3rd cat.
If it matters, there have been other creepy things that have happened in our house over the 3 years we've lived here. My roommate has heard loud noises out of one ear when on his computer with his headset on. I've felt my hair being pulled when lying in bed. Our deadbolt has locked itself from the inside when nobody was home and we didn't lock it before we left. Most of these experiences could be explained by our cats (logically), but often things don't feel quite "right" when they happen, you know? I'm sure there are more that I can't think of right now. If it matters, we live in the easternmost part of Kentucky deep in Appalachia.
Does anyone have ideas for how the petals could've gotten there, or where they may have come from? I've been curious about it ever since it happened. I know this may not count as being paranormal, so if you read this far I hope it was worth your time! Thank you friends :)
submitted by skrawbry to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:04 tehemari Is it wrong of me to expect flowers from my bf?

We’ve been together for 9 months now and i’ve never gotten flowers, he’s gotten me other things before (i am very grateful for them ofc) but never flowers. i even asked him for flowers and he always says they’re too expensive or i have to wait but he doesn’t have to get me anything expensive n he knows that, he could just pick some for me and id be happy.
although, he doesn’t have a job yet he’s been trying to get one but he gets an allowance of $35 dollars a week and i know he can get flowers with that so unemployment isn’t the issue here, ive seen flowers that cost less than that at walmart and other places, i even pointed out a sale on roses to him, a bouquet for $20 and nothing..
and if you’re gonna suggest i get him flowers i technically did, i got him a spider man bouquet but the flowers were crocheted so i think that counts but idk
I understand it’s not really that big of a deal it’s just he knows how badly i want flowers and since he’s able to get me other gifts at times why can’t he get flowers, yk? he knows it would make me super happy so why not i just don’t understand. And js i don’t expect gifts from him he doesn’t have to get me things but bc he does anyways i would just like to get some flowers some time
submitted by tehemari to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:54 Count-Daring243 Best Flexible Drill Bit Extensions

Best Flexible Drill Bit Extensions
Are you tired of having limited access to tight spaces when drilling? Look no further! Our article on Flexible Drill Bit Extensions delves into the world of versatile tools designed to help you reach those hard-to-access areas with ease. From extended reach to improved maneuverability, discover how these extensions can maximize your drilling experience and make your projects more efficient than ever before. Let us help you find the perfect solution for your needs!

The Top 5 Best Flexible Drill Bit Extensions

  1. Flexible 1/4" Hex Shank Impact Drill Bit Extensions - Get the job done with ease using the Guyuyii 2 PC Flexible Drill Bit Extension, perfect for reaching tight spaces and compatible with a variety of tools.
  2. Flexible Screwdriver Drill Bit Extender for Tight Spaces - Discover the versatile Qshi 22pcs Flexible Screwdriver Set that easily reaches tight and narrow spaces for improved hardware maintenance and repair, perfect for computer chassis, electrical cabinets, and furniture.
  3. Flexible Screwdriver Bit Extender - Say goodbye to tight spaces with the versatile 11.8-inch Flexible Extension Screwdriver Bit Holder, boasting a sturdy carbon steel and plastic build, compatibility with various drills and screwdrivers, and a 4.5 rating from satisfied users.
  4. 30 Flexible Drill Bit Extension for Multiple Sized Screwdriver Bits - Tondiamo's 30-Flexible Drill Bit Extension features a comprehensive set of rotatable joint swivels, socket adapters, and screwdriver bits for increased work efficiency, perfect for home, warehouse, and repair shop use.
  5. Flexible Hand drill Set with Multiple Attachments - Experience versatility and precision with this 32pcs Flexible Drill Bit Extensions Kit including bendable, rotating, and adjustable attachments suitable for various power tools and projects.
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🔗Flexible 1/4" Hex Shank Impact Drill Bit Extensions
I recently got the opportunity to try out the Guyuyii 2 PC Flexible Drill Bit Extension for my DIY projects, and I must say I've been pleasantly surprised by the level of convenience it offers. The magnetic hex soft flexible shaft extension for drill is a game-changer when it comes to reaching those hard-to-reach spaces. With its compatibility with various tools including screwdrivers and torque drills, I've been able to put it to good use in many situations.
One aspect I really appreciated was how easy and comfortable it was to use. The wide rotation range provided by the inner shaft ensures stability during use, while the flexible silver sleeve protects your hand from potential damage. This has helped me work on several tight spots with ease, whether I was working on electrical cabinets or installing furniture.
The flexibility of the drill bit extension is another highlight for me. It's great for reaching those small gaps and corners when working on computer cases or appliances. Plus, it's super versatile - compatible with screwdrivers, torque drills, and more. No project feels too big or small with this tool in my toolkit!
However, I did notice that the extension isn't quite as long as I would've liked. At 11.8 inches at its longest, there were moments where I could've used just a little bit more length. Also, while the silver color is nice, it might not be everyone's cup of tea aesthetically speaking.
In conclusion, this Guyuyii 2 PC Flexible Drill Bit Extension has been a reliable addition to my toolbox. Its flexibility, compatibility with various tools, and sturdy construction make it a go-to choice for reaching those tough spots. If you're on the lookout for a dependable flexible drill bit extension, this one is definitely worth considering!

🔗Flexible Screwdriver Drill Bit Extender for Tight Spaces
I recently got my hands on the Qshi Flexible Screwdriver Drill Bit Extension Set and let me tell you, it was a game-changer! It came in handy for tight spots where my regular screwdriver just couldn't reach. The unique twistable design allowed me to twist and turn it into tight spaces and confined areas. It's versatile as it can be used with small wrenches, cordless screwdrivers, low-speed DC hand drills, pneumatic screwdrivers, torque drills, and electric screwdrivers.
One of the best things about this set is the polished finish. It gives a nice touch to the overall look and makes it easy to clean. However, I would have appreciated more pieces. The 22 in the set are okay, but for someone like myself who works on a lot of projects, having a few extra pieces would definitely be beneficial.
In conclusion, I'm very happy with the Qshi Flexible Screwdriver Drill Bit Extension Set. The unique twistable design along with its compatibility with a variety of tools makes it a must-have addition for any DIYer or someone who works with screwdrivers on a regular basis. While more pieces would be great, I think the ones provided are enough for beginners.

🔗Flexible Screwdriver Bit Extender
As someone who frequently dabbles in DIY projects, I've always struggled with getting my power drill into those tight, hard-to-reach spaces. It's not until I came across this versatile, flexible extension screwdriver bit holder that I found a solution to my problem.
Made from durable carbon steel and plastic, this extension shaft can twist and turn at will - perfect for those tricky nooks and crannies. Its compatibility with a variety of drills ensures it's an indispensable tool for any DIY enthusiast - not to mention its applicability in repairing everything from computer electronics to electrical appliances.
On the downside, it doesn't come with any accompanying instructions, which might be an issue for first-time users. But overall, I've had an excellent experience with this versatile extension screwdriver bit holder, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to others.

🔗30 Flexible Drill Bit Extension for Multiple Sized Screwdriver Bits
I recently came across the Tondiamo Flexible Drill Bit Extension, and it's been a game-changer in my home improvement projects. The set includes a variety of bits, swivels, and adapters that have made my work so much easier and more efficient.
One feature that really stands out is the flexibility of the extension. It can be bent and twisted at different angles, allowing me to reach tough-to-access areas with ease. Another highlight is its broad utilization. I've used it for light drilling, screw driving, and even with hand screwdrivers.
However, there's a small drawback. Due to the flexibility, it might not be as sturdy as fixed extensions for heavy-duty tasks. But for everyday home projects, this set definitely delivers.
In conclusion, the Tondiamo Flexible Drill Bit Extension has made my home improvement tasks a breeze. Its flexibility and wide range of uses make it a perfect addition to any toolbox. Plus, its compact size and light weight make it easy to carry and store. If you're looking for a versatile drill bit extension set, the Tondiamo is definitely worth considering.

🔗Flexible Hand drill Set with Multiple Attachments
I've been using the 32-piece Flexible Drill Bit Extension Set in my daily projects, and I must say, it has significantly improved my efficiency. The heavy-duty chrome vanadium steel drill bits are incredibly durable and can handle the toughest tasks. The bendable extension allows me to reach tight spaces with ease, while the 105-degree right-angle attachment ensures that I can drill into hard-to-reach areas.
One of the standout features for me has been the multifunctional socket set, which allows me to switch between various tasks seamlessly. The 360-degree rotatable bit is a game-changer, as it evenly distributes power onto a greater surface area, making it perfect for drilling into narrow spaces. Additionally, the quick-release magnetic drill extension pieces are a lifesaver when it comes to changing bits quickly.
However, there's one downside to this kit – the individual pieces can be quite small and delicate. I've found that if I'm not careful, I can easily misplace them. That being said, the versatility and efficiency this set provides more than make up for the minor inconvenience.
All in all, I would highly recommend the 32-piece Flexible Drill Bit Extension Set to anyone looking to enhance their drilling capabilities and streamline their home or work projects.

Buyer's Guide


What is a flexible drill bit extension?

A flexible drill bit extension is a tool that attaches to a power drill, allowing you to extend the reach and angle of the drill bit for better accessibility and precision when drilling holes in hard-to-reach areas or awkward angles. The extension is designed with a flexible shaft, which bends as needed, making it easier to navigate tight spaces or drill at an awkward angle.

Why would someone need a flexible drill bit extension?
A flexible drill bit extension can be useful in various situations where precision and flexibility are required. For instance, it can help you drill holes in tight spaces or corners within a room or through walls. It can also be used to access areas that are difficult to reach with a regular drill bit extension, such as beneath a sink or inside a cabinet.

What are the key features to look for in a flexible drill bit extension?

  • Flexibility - Check if the extension can bend easily without losing tension or causing damage to the drill or extension.
  • Length - Consider the extension's length, as longer extensions allow for deeper hole drilling and better access to hard-to-reach areas.
  • Compatibility - Make sure the extension is compatible with your drill or power tool.
  • Quality and Durability - Look for an extension made from high-quality materials that can withstand wear and tear and provide long-lasting service.

How do I use a flexible drill bit extension safely?

  • Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from flying debris.
  • Ensure the extension is securely attached to the drill.
  • Hold the drill steadily and apply consistent pressure while drilling.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid drilling near power cables or plumbing pipes to prevent any damage.

Can I use a regular drill bit with a flexible extension?

Yes, you can use a regular drill bit with a flexible extension, as the extension is designed to accept standard drill bits. However, always check the compatibility of the extension with your particular drill bit to ensure proper fit and function.

How do I clean and maintain a flexible drill bit extension?

  • Periodically inspect the extension for wear or damage and replace it if necessary.
  • Clean the extension after each use by wiping it down with a cloth or brush to remove debris and sawdust.
  • Apply a small amount of lubricant to the extension's flexible shaft to keep it functioning smoothly and to prevent rust and corrosion.

Will a flexible drill bit extension work with all power drills?

While most flexible drill bit extensions are designed to be compatible with a wide range of power drills, it's essential to check the manufacturer's specifications and recommended compatibility list to ensure that the extension is suitable for your particular drill model.

Are there any safety precautions to follow when using a flexible drill bit extension?

  • Always wear protective eyewear and possibly ear protection.
  • Make sure the drill is unplugged when not in use or during maintenance.
  • Store the extension and drill in a safe, secure location, away from children and pets.
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2024.06.09 08:30 Count-Daring243 Best Flashlight Stun Gun

Best Flashlight Stun Gun
Welcome to our roundup of the Flashlight Stun Gun, a versatile and practical safety device designed to keep you protected in any situation. In this article, we'll showcase some of the top-rated stun guns with built-in flashlights, sharing their features, benefits, and how they can help you stay safe and secure. Whether you're looking for a reliable self-defense tool or a multi-functional light source, we've got you covered. Buckle up as we dive into the world of the Flashlight Stun Gun and explore the best options available on the market.

The Top 19 Best Flashlight Stun Gun

  1. Powerful High-Voltage Stun Gun for Security - The Guard Dog LightSafer Stun Gun w/ Tac Light Max Voltage White, a durable, rechargeable 400 lumen stun gun flashlight with concealed high voltage stun capability, is the ultimate self-defense tool for those seeking unbeatable protection.
  2. Portable LED Stun Flashlight with Ergonomic Grip and Lithium Battery - Experience powerful self-defense with the PS Zap Stun Stick, featuring a stun gun, flashlight, and an ergonomic grip for ultimate protection on the go!
  3. Compact, Powerful Stun Gun for Self-Defense - Defend yourself with confidence and style using the Blingsting - Stunning Gun: a compact, powerful, and reliable self-defense tool for women, students, nurses, and drivers, with a wristlet strap and three lithium-ion batteries included.
  4. High-Intensity 50,000 Volt Taser Strikelight 2 Kit with Flashlight and Wrist Strap - The Taser StrikeLight 2 Kit Black is a versatile and powerful personal safety device that combines the brightness of an 80-lumen flashlight with the stopping power of a stun gun, ensuring ultimate security and protection across various situations.
  5. Tasers for Self Defense with Built-In Charger and Flashlight - Stay safe and secure with the MultiGuard, a discreet and powerful stun gun alarm that comes with a built-in charger and flashlight for added convenience.
  6. Zap Hike N' Strike: Secure LED Flashlight and Stun Gun Hiking Staff - Be prepared for any hiking adventure with the Zap Hike N' Strike, a multi-functional self-defense staff featuring a powerful stun gun, bright LED flashlight, and a comfortable, non-slip grip for ultimate safety and visibility.
  7. Taser X2 Professional Series: Compact, Long-Range, Contact Stun Device for Home Protection - Strengthen your home and personal protection with Taser X2 Professional Series, featuring a long-range class 3a laser, powerful LED flashlight, 15-foot safety range, immediate back-up shot, and contact stun for added security.
  8. Long Range Taser for Self Defense and Security - The Guard Dog Knightro Knightro BTSGGDK8000 is a sturdy, impact-resistant stun gun designed with concealed inner stun technology, offering a long-range taser and a powerful 300 lumen flashlight for safety and self-defense.
  9. 2 Million Volt Non-Lethal Taser for Personal Protection - Experience the power of long-range self-defense with the PS Zap Stun Enforcer 2, a high-rated, non-lethal protection device by PS Products.
  10. Ultra-Bright LED Flashlight Walking Cane with Shocking Zap Defense - Stay safe and protected while walking with this powerful Taser Stick Walking Cane, featuring a 1 million volt shock and bright LED flashlight.
  11. Secure Pistol-Grip Taser with LED Light - Zapgun 950,000 Volts: A non-lethal personal protection device with a secure pistol-grip shape, 60 lumen LED light, and a non-slip molded grip - an essential accessory for your safety.
  12. Maximum Strength Tactical Stun Gun with Flashlight & Holster - Empower your safety with Sabre's 2.517 UC Stun Gun, boasting a 2.51 uC charge, 130 lumen LED flashlight, and discreet storage options for reliable protection.
  13. Portable Stun Gun Flashlight with Wrist Strap and Charging Cable - The TASER StrikeLight 2 Kit is a versatile, high-intensity stun gun and portable flashlight that combines close-contact stun capabilities with long-distance warnings, providing safety and protection for any situation.
  14. Powerful Rose Gold Stun Gun by PS Products - The PS Products Zap Edge Stun Gun offers a powerful 950,000-volt charge with a Rose Gold Finish, providing an effective long-range defense option for safety-conscious individuals.
  15. Concealed Stun Gun, Metal Baton, and Flashlight for Personal Self-Defense - The Guard Dog Titan Metal Baton combines a powerful stun gun, flashlight, and nightstick in one tough aluminum alloy body, perfect for home security, personal safety, or emergency situations.
  16. Powerful 950,000 Volt Taser for Self Defense - Experience the power of PS Products' 950,000 volt Zap Blast Knuckle, a reliable and potent non-lethal self-defense taser perfect for those seeking high-voltage protection.
  17. Compact and Cute Taser with Flashlight for Small Animals - The Stun Master Lil Guy packs a powerful 12,000,000-volt punch in a small, adorable package, featuring a built-in LED flashlight and nylon holster for added safety and convenience.
  18. Zap Light Mini: Ultra Bright LED Stun Gun with USB Charging and Nylon Case for Self Defense - Stay safe and shining with the PS Products ZAPLM Zap Light Mini, a pocket-sized stun gun equipped with an ultra-bright LED bulb, rechargeable battery, and versatile accessories like a USB charging cord, wrist strap, and nylon case.
  19. Powerful 320-Lumen LED Flashlight with Taser for Personal Security - Illuminate your daily safety with the Guard Dog Diablo II flashlight, featuring a concealed inner stun gun for added security and a 320-lumen beam perfect for visibility and blinding unwanted attackers.
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🔗Powerful High-Voltage Stun Gun for Security
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Guard Dog LIGHTSAFER Stun Gun w/ Tac Light. This handy device is perfect for those who want to feel secure in their day-to-day life. With its concealed high voltage stun capability, I was able to immobilize an aggressor before they could get too close. The powerful bolt was not only intimidating, but also effective in making them retreat.
The stun gun's 400-lumen flashlight comes in handy in a variety of situations, whether you're walking home late at night or just taking a shortcut through a dark alley. Additionally, the battery life indicator was a real lifesaver, as it allowed me to keep track of when the device needed recharge. The stun gun's shockproof anti-roll body, made of type III aircraft-grade aluminum, gives it the durability it needs to endure any tough situation. Overall, the Guard Dog LIGHTSAFER Stun Gun w/ Tac Light has proved to be a reliable and effective device for anyone seeking self-defense tools.

🔗Portable LED Stun Flashlight with Ergonomic Grip and Lithium Battery
From my personal experience, the PS Zap Stun Stick, or as I like to call it, the "pink powerhouse, " has become an essential part of my daily routine. As a fitness enthusiast, the soft rubber coating and non-slip molded grip were a game-changer for those long walks and late-night runs. The stun gun color, combined with the two ultra-bright LED bulbs, adds an extra layer of safety without compromising style.
The included lithium CR2 batteries, wrist strap, and belt case ensure convenience wherever I go. However, it's not all rainbows and sunshine with this powerful little device. After experiencing moderate to severe pain from a stun gun in the past, I can tell you the Zap Stick delivers a powerful punch. The arching sound is quite loud too, making it even more intimidating for potential attackers.
While some users found the built-in holster lacking in grip, I was pleasantly surprised by how sturdy it was. The tough rubber coating and finger grooves offer an excellent grip, even when I'm feeling a bit sweaty during my runs. And let's not forget the bonus feature: a bright flashlight for those dark encounters.
Now, a word of caution: this product might not be for everyone. Some users have reported it not being as powerful as advertised or having issues with the shipping process. It's essential to check if the device is allowed in your state before purchasing. But overall, for me, the Zap Stick has become an invaluable part of my daily self-defense routine.

🔗Compact, Powerful Stun Gun for Self-Defense
As a daily commuter, I found the Blingsting Stunning Gun to be a reliable companion. Its compact size fits comfortably in my bag, always at the ready when I need it most. The powerful high-voltage charge delivered by the gun is as effective as a police taser, providing an immediate disabling pain to bring down an attacker. However, the stun gun also has a safety feature, with an on/off switch to prevent accidental misfires.
The product's other features stood out as well, with a wristlet strap and three lithium-ion batteries included for convenience. And let's not forget, the gun's sparks and sounds make it clear that you are trying to defend yourself if needed. Overall, the Blingsting Stunning Gun is a gift of peace of mind for women, college students, nurses, and UbeLyft drivers.

🔗High-Intensity 50,000 Volt Taser Strikelight 2 Kit with Flashlight and Wrist Strap
The Strikelight 2 Kit from Taser International is a unique blend of safety and security. I was impressed by its combination of an 80-lumen flashlight and a stun gun within the same device. This makes it convenient for those who want to carry a personal defense tool without needing to separate light from stun features. With two separate activation buttons, it's easy to switch between the two modes without any accidental discharges.
What stood out to me is the quality of the materials used for the device. Its lightweight anodized finished aluminum and high-strength polymer front lens holder make it sturdy and reliable. Additionally, the anti-roll design ensures that the stun flashlight is easy to use.
The Strikelight 2 Kit comes with a rechargeable battery that lasts for up to 5 hours of continuous light or 100 5-second stun discharges when fully charged. I appreciated the inclusion of a wrist strap, which made it easier for me to carry the device.
While the Taser Strikelight 2 Kit is a powerful personal protection tool, it does require a bit of recharge time, which may seem inconvenient to some users. However, the versatility of the device and the combination of its features make it a valuable addition for those seeking personal safety.

🔗Tasers for Self Defense with Built-In Charger and Flashlight
I've never felt safer than when I carry the 80,000,000 Volt Zebra Multiguard in my pocket. This self-defense tool is sleek and easily concealed, but don't be fooled by its unassuming size. With its cutting-edge micro-technology, it packs quite a punch.
One of the stand-out features is the super-loud siren, which is great for drawing attention to any dangerous situation and potentially defusing it before it escalates. And let's not forget the blinding 120 Lumens LED flashlight—perfectly timed to blind an attacker while you make your escape.
The rubberized coating provides a secure grip, and you can easily carry it in your hand or pocket for convenience. The included built-in charger is a must-have feature, ensuring you're always ready for action. Lastly, the heavy-duty nylon belt loop holster keeps your Multiguard safe and secure when not in use.
While the Zebra Multiguard packs a powerful punch, it does have some drawbacks. The electrifying stun feature can be a bit too intense for some users, so it might be worth considering how well you can handle it. Overall, though, it's a solid choice for those seeking personal protection and safety on the go.

🔗Zap Hike N' Strike: Secure LED Flashlight and Stun Gun Hiking Staff
As a frequent hiker, I've always been on the lookout for ways to stay safe in the great outdoors, especially when it comes to potential encounters with wildlife. When I stumbled upon the Hike 'n Strike, I was intrigued by the concept of a stun gun and flashlight all in one.
Upon receiving the product, I was impressed by the weight, which felt substantial yet manageable. The bright orange shaft made me more visible in the woods, and the removable reflective yellow band added an extra touch of safety. The rubber handle felt comfortable to grip, and the adjustable shaft allowed for a perfect fit for a variety of hikers.
One of the most noteworthy features of the Hike 'n Strike was the placement of the button for the stun gun. Located almost two feet away from the prongs, I found it easier to activate and aim the stun gun without accidentally shocking myself. It's a design that sets this product apart from other stun guns on the market, which often place the button too close to the prongs.
However, there were a few downsides to the Hike 'n Strike. Firstly, the included batteries do not last long. With frequent use of the flashlight and stun gun, the batteries drain quickly, and I found myself needing to replace them more frequently than I would have liked. It would have been convenient if the product came with a rechargeable option.
Secondly, the rubber cover for the prongs tends to come loose and is easily detachable. I've lost one already and have had to replace it with electrical tape. I would have preferred if the company provided a stronger solution for keeping the cover securely attached.
Overall, the Hike 'n Strike has impressed me with its unique design and emphasis on safety and security during hikes. Despite the drawbacks, I would recommend this product to fellow hikers who value their safety and desire a device that serves multiple purposes.

🔗Taser X2 Professional Series: Compact, Long-Range, Contact Stun Device for Home Protection
When I first heard about the Taser X2 Professional Series, I was intrigued by its ability to provide immediate back-up. As someone who values safety, this device stood out to me as a game-changer.
The first feature that caught my attention was the Neuro-muscular Incapacitation (nmi) technology. It was truly amazing how it temporarily overrode an attacker's central nervous system, limiting their muscular control for 5 seconds. This feature really gave me the confidence I needed during those close encounters.
The laser targeting paired with the powerful LED flashlight was also a highlight. The targets were hard to miss, even in low-light situations. The 15-foot safety range was perfect for ensuring ample space to make a safe escape.
One drawback I experienced was the weight of the device. It wasn't heavy enough to weigh you down, but it was a noticeable difference compared to other personal protection devices I've used.
In conclusion, the Taser X2 Professional Series has become an essential part of my home security and daily life. Its advanced technology, durability, and ease of use make it a must-have for anyone looking to strengthen their personal protection plans.

🔗Long Range Taser for Self Defense and Security
The Guard Dog Knightro stun gun is an impressive piece of self-defense equipment that I've been putting to the test in my daily life. Not only is it built like a tank, but it's also incredibly powerful and capable of stunning potential attackers. The Type III aluminum alloy construction and reinforced body can withstand a variety of impacts, making it a reliable tool for any situation.
One of the most striking features of the Knightro is the concealed inner stun technology. This allows for a seamless integration of the stun gun and flashlight, making it more discreet and versatile for everyday carry or security purposes. The built-in tactical flashlight is another impressive aspect, offering three light settings including high, low, and emergency flashing strobe.
While overall the product has been an excellent addition to my self-defense arsenal, it does have a few drawbacks. The stun gun has quite a loud and imposing discharge, which may startle bystanders. Additionally, the switch between the flashlight and stun gun can be a bit cumbersome and somewhat difficult to operate in a high-stress situation.
Overall, the Guard Dog Knightro stun gun is a powerful and reliable tool for anyone looking to enhance their personal safety. It's built to withstand even the toughest conditions, and the seamless integration of the stun gun and tactical flashlight is a great feature. My only concern would be with the switch between the light and stun gun, which can be a bit tricky to operate in a panic.

🔗2 Million Volt Non-Lethal Taser for Personal Protection
I recently received the PS Zap Enforcer 2 Mil Blk Zapen and couldn't wait to try it out. With its 2 million-volt stun gun feature, I felt it would be my new best friend in ensuring my safety during my evening walks. However, one thing I noticed was the size - it felt a bit too large for my hands, particularly for someone like me who is only 5'3.
Using this product, I found the flashlight to be extremely useful. The bright beam made it easy to navigate through the pitch-black nights, while the stun gun function made me feel safe knowing I could defend myself if needed. The metal exterior and sturdy construction added to the product's reliability.
However, the charging issue proved to be a bit of a pain. After using it for a few days, the battery seemed to drain quickly, and despite being warned about this, I still found myself struggling to keep it powered throughout the day. Another minor issue was the lack of a smaller or more portable option, as the size could be a bit unwieldy for some people.
Overall, the PS Zap Enforcer 2 Mil Blk Zapen has its pros and cons, but it's definitely a useful tool for those seeking a bit of extra security in their daily lives. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a stun gun flashlight, but just remember to keep an eye on the battery life to avoid being left in the dark.

🔗Ultra-Bright LED Flashlight Walking Cane with Shocking Zap Defense
I recently came across the Zap Stun Walking Cane, which has proven to be a handy device for those who require additional support while walking. I've used it for a few weeks now, and I must say, this all-in-one stun walking cane has earned a prominent position in my daily routine.
The ultrabright LED flashlight is a game-changer, especially for those who find themselves walking in poorly lit areas. The built-in stun function adds an additional layer of security, which I appreciate, but also comes with its share of responsibilities. It's essential to be well-informed about its usage and have a solid understanding of its power, so you can use it only when necessary.
The cane itself is sturdy and well-constructed, and it accommodates users of varying heights comfortably. Its ability to defend from a safe distance makes it a smart choice for those who prioritize personal safety. However, some users might find the design a bit overwhelming, as it might draw attention from others.
Overall, the Zap Stun Walking Cane has made a significant impact on my safety and convenience. Its blend of functionality and style warrants its high rating. That said, I do wish for some clearer safety guidelines and perhaps more instruction on maintaining its battery life to ensure it continues to serve its purpose effectively.

🔗Secure Pistol-Grip Taser with LED Light
The Zapgun by PS Products packs a mighty punch of 950,000 volts in a compact package. After living with it for a while, the first thing that comes to mind is its secure pistol-grip shape - perfect for your hand, even in the dark. The 60 lumen LED light really shines through and, let's face it, sometimes a bright light is all you need to ward off intruders.
One of the features that stands out for me is its non-slip molded grip. It's a simple design but it keeps accidental discharges to a minimum. Of course, living with it also means facing its drawbacks. For one, it's made in China and that might be a concern for some buyers. Also, the size of the product can be a bit unwieldy, especially when you need to carry it around.
But overall, the PS Products Zapgun gets my seal of approval. It feels good, it works well, and it's a powerful self-defense tool that fits neatly under your belt. The loud zap noise definitely gives others a reason to think twice before messing with you. Now, if only they could make it smaller and lighter. I can't help but wonder how useful it would be if we had a cute version of this taser - think floppy ears and a wagging tail!

🔗Maximum Strength Tactical Stun Gun with Flashlight & Holster
The Sabre 2.517 UC Tactical Stun Gun with Flashlight has been a helpful addition to my self-defense arsenal. The stun gun's maximum strength of 2.51 uC ensures that it packs a powerful punch, giving me the confidence I need when I'm out and about. The 130-lumen LED flashlight is a great feature, helping me disorient anyone who might be threatening me from a distance. The fact that it has a rechargeable battery is an added perk, and I appreciate how the charging cord is included in the package.
However, there have been a few minor drawbacks. Firstly, the holster that comes with the stun gun doesn't seem to be as well-made as the rest of the product. I had to resew the stitching on the belt loop strap after it broke only a few days after putting it on. Secondly, the charging light only worked the first time I plugged it in. Since then, I have no idea if it's actually charging or not, which is a bit concerning.
Overall, I would say that the Sabre 2.517 UC Tactical Stun Gun with Flashlight is a reliable and powerful self-defense tool that I'm glad to have by my side. Despite the minor issues I've encountered, it has proven to be a valuable addition to my daily life.

🔗Portable Stun Gun Flashlight with Wrist Strap and Charging Cable
When I first got my hands on the Taser StrikeLight 2 Kit White, I was immediately impressed by its sleek design. It looked like a powerful tool meant for serious moments, but at the same time, it was surprisingly comfortable to carry around with me.
The 700-lumen high beam setting was simply mind-blowing. I found myself reaching for it whenever I needed a good, bright light in a dark situation. The low beam and red mode were also incredibly useful, providing just the right amount of light for specific scenarios.
I have to admit, I was more than a little intimidated by the thought of using this device as a stun gun. But, after putting it to the test, I was pleasantly surprised by how effective it was at close range. Its stun gun capabilities provided a sense of security and safety that I hadn't quite expected.
But, nothing's perfect. Although the device itself is relatively light, I noticed that the charging cable seemed to be a bit of an afterthought. It was a little flimsy, and I had to be careful not to tear it by accident.
Overall, the Taser StrikeLight 2 Kit White has been a reliable companion in my everyday life. It's saved me from a few nervous encounters, and the built-in stun gun capabilities give me a sense of security that I never knew I needed. While there are a few cons to consider, the pros outweigh them by far.

🔗Powerful Rose Gold Stun Gun by PS Products
Recently, I had the chance to test out the PS Products Zap Edge, a sleek and stylish stun gun with a rose gold finish. This powerful device is capable of delivering a whopping 950,000 volts, making it an impressive choice for those seeking protection.
One thing that caught my attention was the USB rechargeable feature, which makes it incredibly convenient and eco-friendly. The compact design also made it easy to carry around, ensuring I always had it on hand when needed.
However, it's important to note that this product may be restricted in certain regions, so be sure to check before purchasing.
Overall, the PS Products Zap Edge stun gun impressed me with its powerful build and user-friendly features. But remember, it's always crucial to use such devices responsibly and only as a last resort for personal safety.

Buyer's Guide


Are flashlight stun guns legal to own and use?

The legality of flashlight stun guns varies by location. Some states and countries allow the ownership and use of stun guns, while others prohibit them. It is essential to check your local laws and regulations before purchasing or using a flashlight stun gun. We recommend consulting a local law enforcement agency or attorney for specific legal advice.

How do flashlight stun guns work?
Flashlight stun guns work by emitting an electric shock when the user activates a button, triggering two metal prongs within the flashlight. When the prongs come into contact with the target, they deliver a powerful electric jolt, causing temporary muscle paralysis and disabling the individual briefly. The flashlight component is used to provide illumination and help locate the target in low-light situations.

Are flashlight stun guns effective in self-defense?

Flashlight stun guns can be effective in self-defense situations, as they can incapacitate an attacker and provide a temporary deterrent. However, their effectiveness may depend on factors such as the individual's physical condition, the strength of the stun gun, and the target's resistance or ability to withstand the shock. In any self-defense scenario, the best course of action is to avoid confrontation whenever possible. If necessary, use the stun gun as a last resort to protect oneself.

How long does it take for a flashlight stun gun to recharge?

The recharge time for a flashlight stun gun varies depending on the specific model and the battery type. Generally, rechargeable flashlight stun guns require between 2-4 hours to fully recharge, while disposable battery-powered models cannot be recharged once the power source is depleted.

What additional features do flashlight stun guns offer?

  • Adjustable brightness settings for the flashlight
  • LED lights or lasers for visibility
  • Safety features such as a locking mechanism to prevent accidental discharge
  • Built-in alarms or sirens to deter potential threats

How should I maintain and care for my flashlight stun gun?

To ensure the proper function and safety of your flashlight stun gun, follow these maintenance and care tips:
  1. Store the stun gun in a cool, dry place to prevent corrosion and battery drain
  2. periodically inspect the device for damage or wear
  3. Clean the flashlight and prongs regularly
  4. Always handle the stun gun with caution, ensuring the safety lock is engaged when not in use
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2024.06.09 08:27 Less-Investigator102 Projector screen question -- acoustic transparency alternatives

Projector screen question -- acoustic transparency alternatives
Need help in picking a projector screen -- specifically, how necessary would it be to get an acoustically transparent screen?
Room layout photo attached. We have high vaulted ceilings. The screen (I'm thinking 135" / 140" diagonal given a seating distance of ~12.5 ft from screen) will be hung from a roof rafter that is about 8.5' high. The projector (BenQ TK860i) will be on the wall between the two windows at the back. All windows will have blackout blinds.
  1. The key question I have is: how necessary do you think it is to get an acoustically transparent screen? There will be a (large) distance of 6 ft between the front speakers and the screen in front of it. Does that give sound enough room to pass by? What if I mount the front / central speaker a bit lower than ear level, to give the sound an unobstructed path below the screen? Also note that due to the layout, the central speaker won't be bang central behind the screen and it'll be 6 ft behind -- will any of this (off center, large distance) cause any additional issues?
  2. Any recommendations for a tab-tensioned screen? Due to the layout I can't unfortunately go with a fixed screen.
  3. Less important: I know this is a personal preference, but I was thinking a 150" screen may be a bit too much given a 12.5 ft seating distance (right on the cusp of whats comfortable?). I was thinking 135" / 140" instead -- thoughts? Or am I overthinking this and 150" is the way to go.
Thank you for reading and helping out. I've learnt a lot from this sub-reddit already!
submitted by Less-Investigator102 to hometheater [link] [comments]