Automatic dog food dispenser

A retreat from the rest of Reddit

2014.05.11 06:41 LatrodectusVariolus A retreat from the rest of Reddit

A safe space for all *non men* to vent, share experiences, seek advice/support, and (respectfully) express beliefs. LBTQIA, disability, and POC -friendly! In order to be approved, you must have at least six months of posting history that demonstrates an ability to conduct respectful discussion.

2024.05.16 21:30 New-Wing-7444 Do I get a second cat?

I have a sweet, affectionate and playful 5 yr old gray Korat mix (a dust kitty, if you will), and I’m wondering if it’s too late to introduce another younger cat into the mix? For context: he has been the only animal in the house for 2 years, but prior to that he has lived with dogs and another cat. He also came from a shelter and a foster home where he presumably interacted with other animals then. He’s not crazy about dogs, but depending on the dog he is either avoidant or indifferent. When my old roommate Introduced a female kitten into the house (which already had the dog), the two took a few weeks to warm up and eventually got along so well. They would snuggle in bed and play/wrestle and it seemed like my boy would teach her the ropes of being a cat. My boy was about 3 at the time. It was cute, and I sometimes feel like he misses that. He is super playful like i mentioned, and I’m not home all the time to constantly stimulate him. He meows constantly if I don’t let him on our enclosed porch to birdwatch which I can’t always do when I’m not home for hours. I want to get another cat but I’m hesitant being that he seems to be comfortable being the only animal in certain ways (doesn’t have to inhale his food before someone else gets it)
Sorry this is so long! I guess I’m looking for some input or advice or success stories of introducing an adult cat to a younger kitty and if getting a male or female would be better. Thank you!! 🐈‍⬛
submitted by New-Wing-7444 to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:29 DevanHansen Reactions to this wedding menu

This is our dream menu for a summer wedding reception. The vibe is upscale, backyard, new American and will be served family style at a large banquet table. Our guest list is less than 60 and there are no food allergies or vegetarians/vegans. A few are sensitive to gluten and dairy, so those ingredients are slightly reduced. I’m a total foodie and have loved dreaming this up.
A hot dog truck will stop by at the end of the evening for a late night snack, too!
submitted by DevanHansen to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:20 speshyy My family has inquired at least 5 times if I’ve taken Ozempic to lose weight

Not to belittle anyone who has taken it and it worked for them. Great! But it completely diminishes all the work I’ve done when my parents continuously ask with loaded questions about “how” I’ve lost the weight. Asking my sister if I’ve taken ozempic. Constantly bringing it up into conversation. I’ve told them multiple times how I had to reduce calories, make food at home, take protein shakes etc but they just don’t want to believe it. I wasn’t obese my entire life. I gained weight after having kids and was only considered obese for about 4 years in my adult life. So it isn’t completely strange to see me going back to my original weight. How are you handling the ozempic craze and how nowadays if you lose weight it’s automatically labelled as ozempic?
submitted by speshyy to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:19 Fun-Student-8970 My Boyfriend M/35 hates shopping for gifts, I F/32 love gift giving. How do I ease this painful love language for him?

I [F32] love gift giving to others, but it isn't exactly my boyfriend's [M35] favorite because he seems to stress over the fact that he might get me the wrong thing, or that I may not like it. Mind you, I enjoy gift giving, but I could care less about receiving gifts (based on my childhood and growing up). But my partner insists on buying me gifts during the holidays (probably because of my childhood) He always does a great job, however he will spend weeks stressing over the fact that he has to go out to buy me the perfect things. So, I made a list of all of my favorite things, from simple to detailed answers. Shared them with him so now he knows what I like! Here is the list... I will tell you, not only did my boyfriend benefit from this list, but all of my best friends asked for this "manual" for the holidays, and I have asked them to reciprocate! So we all never miss on guessing if they are going to like the gift or not! Feel free to add/take off the list. But this will SAVE relationships if gift giving is stressful.
  1. Favorite fast food restaurant?
  2. Favorite ice cream flavor?
  3. Favorite chocolate candy?
  4. Favorite fruity candy?
  5. Favorite kind of sushi?
  6. Favorite Asian dish?
  7. Favorite Italian dish?
  8. Favorite food of all time?
  9. Favorite way to cook a steak?
  10. Favorite pasta dish?
  11. Favorite cookie?
  12. Favorite fast food French fries?
  13. Favorite cereal?
  14. Favorite breakfast food?
  15. Favorite pizza toppings?
  16. Favorite fruit?
  17. Favorite vegetable?
  18. Favorite salad?
  19. Favorite dessert?
  20. Favorite comfort food?
  21. Favorite way to eat bacon?
  22. Favorite pumpkin-flavored treat?
  23. Favorite dish at Thanksgiving?
  24. Favorite cake?
  25. Favorite ice cream sundae toppings?
  26. Favorite thing to cook?
  27. Favorite soda?
  28. Favorite cocktail?
  29. Favorite shot?
  30. Favorite alcoholic drink?
  31. Favorite drink at Starbucks?
  32. Favorite flavor coffee?
  33. Favorite country you want to visit?
  34. Favorite kind of vacation?
  35. Favorite car?
  36. Favorite way to travel?
  37. Favorite beach?
  38. Favorite vacation you’ve taken?
  39. Favorite non fictional place you’d want to visit?
  40. Favorite ride at a carnival?
  41. Favorite thing to do at the beach?
  42. Favorite theme park?
  43. Favorite thing about traveling?
  44. Favorite breed of dog?
  45. Favorite season?
  46. Favorite flower?
  47. Favorite animal at the zoo?
  48. Favorite reptile?
  49. Favorite animal?
  50. Favorite bird?
  51. Favorite thing in the sky?
  52. Favorite thing about a rainy day?
  53. Favorite sea creature?
  54. Favorite color rose?
  55. Favorite small mammal?
  56. Favorite big cat?
  57. Favorite thing about spring?
  58. Favorite wild animal you’d like as a pet?
  59. Favorite department store?
  60. Favorite place to shop?
  61. Favorite store in the mall?
  62. Favorite perfume/cologne?
  63. Favorite scent?
  64. Favorite hair color?
  65. Favorite makeup you can't live without?
  66. Favorite shoes?
  67. Favorite occasion to dress up for?
  68. Favorite hairstyle?
  69. Favorite outfit you have?
  70. Favorite soap scent?
  71. Favorite article of clothing?
  72. Favorite colors to wear?
  73. Favorite place for a piercing?
  74. Favorite piece of jewelry?
  75. Favorite gems?
  76. Favorite thing to wear to bed?
  77. Favorite extracurricular activity?
  78. Favorite day of the week?
  79. Favorite holiday?
  80. Favorite kind of house?
  81. Favorite car color?
  82. Favorite thing to do when you’re sick?
  83. Favorite place to meet up with friends?
  84. Favorite type of date?
  85. Favorite way to cheer you up?
  86. Favorite kind of gift to receive?
  87. Favorite crafty thing to make?
  88. Favorite way to relax?
  89. Favorite places for services?
submitted by Fun-Student-8970 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:18 Jambitiion Anyone able to meet me near galleria and donate a little bit of dog food or maybe buy a small bag of dog food for my dog or even flea meds?

I am a student at UH and I just really need some help right now. I’m newly homeless after getting out of a bad relationship. I have a cute little yorkie and she’s scratching non stop… I’m not in a position to help her, I have very little to my name😭😩 & I hate myself for it. 💔
submitted by Jambitiion to HoustonClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 Radiant-Ad-1227 Two dogs grand mal seizures

I realize this may not be the right place to post this, but figured the pet parents here would have the most experience with the topic of dog seizures and possible causes. Both of our dogs had grand mal seizures within 3 days of each other with no prior history of seizures. I’ll try to be thorough with things, but it will be long.
Dog #1 (Jupiter) Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, female, 101 pounds, 6 years old. Takes trazadone for anxiety and Proin for urinary incontinence.
Dog #2 (Selene) Border Collie, female, 46 pounds, 4 years old. History of elevated liver enzymes for unknown reasons and serotonin syndrome caused by trazadone.
They have both been OFF of flea/heartworm meds for several months because of the elevated liver enzymes. So we can rule that out as a cause.
We had an exterminator come to the house on Tuesday April 23rd. He used two products, one inside (permethrin based) and one outside (fipronil based). [ASPCA poison control and the manufacturer of these chemicals were consulted and both agree that these should not be connected to the seizures] They are never outside alone. They both try to eat grass sometimes. The area they use is just lawn and then rocks with some weeds growing in them.
5 days later (Sunday Apr 28) dog #1 starts wretching just before breakfast and that transitions into a grand mal seizure lasting approximately 2 minutes. Recovery was quick, maybe 10 minutes, was taken to emergency vet. Thyroid testing (normal), chest/abdomen X-rays (normal) and blood tests (normal except slight elevated bilirubin). Sent home on seizure watch.
3 days later (Wed May 1) dog #2 wakes up with our alarm, runs from couch to bedroom door and immediately goes into grand mal seizure that lasted 5 minutes. Urinated and defacated during seizure. We had cameras all over to keep an eye on the other dog at this point. Recovery was slower, she didn’t even try to stand up for 15 minutes. Went immediately to emergency vet. All bloodwork came back normal.
*At this point our vet is sure it’s got to be environmental. We throw out dog food, dog treats. Empty and thoroughly clean and sanitize water bowl. Wash all dog toys and their toy box. Mop all floors, clean all rugs, wash all walls. Moved and wiped down every piece of furniture. Power washed the foundation where pesticide was applied. We even washed the garage floor because that’s where they go in and out. We went back to making their food for them, so no more kibble after the seizures. We bought a totally different brand of treats too. I even crawled under the deck to make sure there weren’t rodent baits or anything under there. They only get RO water, which is the same water we drink.
May 7-Dog 1 goes for yearly vet exam and vaccines. No issues. Heart worm negative.
May 10-Dog 2 goes for yearly vet exam and vaccines. No issues. Heart worm negative.
Vet gave the “all clear” to put them back on heartworm/flea prevention after being off of it for several months. I decided to wait and make sure they were good before giving their preventatives because I know they all have a seizure risk and didn’t want to introduce more toxins to their systems.
Today, 18 days since first seizure, dog #1 starts wretching just before breakfast (same as before the first seizure) and it immediately transitions into another grand mal seizure. Lasting about 2 minutes, similar to the first seizure. She comes around after 5 minutes, drunk walks 10 feet and then vomits bile/foam. Call the vet immediately and vet has us pick up levetiracetem and start it right away. She goes back to the vet tomorrow for further testing—ekg and urinalysis.
We are wracking our brains trying to figure out what kind of environmental thing could be causing this. They don’t swim or go into any water sources. We do have farm fields around us, but the dogs don’t go there and haven’t been out during spraying or anything. They haven’t eaten anything strange outside. Previous owners of this house had cats and a dog. Our neighbors dog hasn’t had any problems (they also used the same exterminator on the same day we did). My dogs don’t really get into anything in the house, don’t chew. They have not had flea/heartworm preventative for the last 4 months (see above). The only thing I’ve found that the vet hasn’t brought up is toxoplasmosis. I do plan to have the water tested again (it was tested one year ago and water was fine, but slightly elevated nitrates, which is why we only give RO water)
We may never find an answer to what is causing this, but in the hopes that someone may have a lead for us, I’m asking for your help redditors.
If it helps we live in northern Indiana near-ish to Lake Michigan. We have lived in this house since last fall, it’s rural (we lived in city previously). There are stray cats, squirrels, lots of chipmunks, turkey and deer that are around all the time. House was built in the 90s so lead shouldn’t be a concern as far as the paint goes.
submitted by Radiant-Ad-1227 to EpilepsyDogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 zoikos 38M, Toronto/GTA - looking for comedic genius
Watch the above video, that's what I am looking for in a partner. No matter what, we laugh and enjoy the moment. I want a person who has similar style of humor and sees life with a lighter lens.
Here's what my onlyfans say- - male, 38, decently built, human - likes to make silly jokes to keep people smiling - rides motorcycles but doesn't know how to wheelie, but something tells me he doesn't care - can read, write, speak - must be educated with an MBA atleast, and something tells me he's an engineer by education as well - likes to hog, not a hog though - has a dog dad personality, some call him Jon Wick, only way to find out is to mess with his dog. Basically, he doesn't need to do anything, the dog takes care of himself - doesn't own a gun, no kids, no wife/wives, no parents, no doubt, no limit, no no - can hold a conversation, your purse, your dog, your bank details etc. - welcomes tips from his onlyfans ;) - is low maintenance, must be low standard human being - doesn't give a hoot about your caste, creed, color, religion, nationality, age, your mum, your paternal uncle, your day (😜) - can't believe he's 38, doesn't look or act like it. How the heck does he do long distance riding! - is raunchy and wild, but you need to bring it on - wears suits to work - you can't beat him at tennis or table tennis and if you did, may the non existent gods bless thy ass - enjoys photography, ofcourse for onlyfans - his contribution to cooking would be to preparation but has no active understanding of how food is made, ridiculous - on days when he cooks you a breakfast in bed, a butt pinch is how your need to show appreciation - can afford a good tip in a restaurant but appreciates it if people earn it
Here's what my dead mom might want, and I may or may not want the same, so tread carefully - please be funny and able to hold a conversation - please don't be a jerk, a gentleman my son is so be nice - doesn't care if you're the most beautiful person in the world but if you don't know how to use that pound of a brain he's a walker - be prepared to have a heart attack because of his silliness, I'm dead because of him! - enjoys range of conversation topics and appreciates anything goes by keep it all light - able to read between the lines of the onlyfans comments above - be around please - ex boyfriends are welcome as long as they are in another dimension
P.S- I don't hate kids, I just don't want my own or anyone elses to stop me from living my life how I want.
P.P.S - intimate shots of armpits upon request and tips on onlyfans
submitted by zoikos to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:12 _zurenarrh Tips to increase your…Well TIPS!

Lately I’ve been getting some great tips and just wanted to share how I think I’ve managed to sway over some home owners. Following this has led to me having over 100 reviews ALL 5 star
Before the appointment
I schedule most of my routes starting at 7. So I’ll text at 6:30 letting them know I’ll be ready and on time
“Hey this is Carnell with ___window cleaning just letting you know I’ll be there 7 a.m sharp
This puts them at ease because most people are used to dealing with contractors who don’t show up on time or at all
Always show up 5 minutes early and text that you’re there. You won’t believe how many times I get thanks for being early because they expect you to show up hours late
During the appointment
ALWAYS send before and after photos of the work you’re doing after you finish the first few windows. No more then 1 hr into the work they should have a set of photos and a TikTok video or whatever you a use.
This shows multiple things
  1. You’re working and your work is noticeable and actionable
  2. Whenever your on your phone if they happen to see you could be taking photos or examining work. It’s less of a chance of them thinking you’re in there just to be on there
  3. Keeps them updated. You’re a stranger going inside and out of their property and house. They don’t know you. I find this takes some of the apprehension out of hiring a complete stranger
ALWAYS ask for a drink like water or Gatorade and even a bite to eat.
Remember you’re selling yourself not window cleaning 🫡
This makes you more personable more real, and at least here in Fl where the heat index is 100+ people feel helpful when you do this. Especially older people. It sounds odd to ask for food but 9/10 times the customer is actually DELIGHTED when I ask for a sandwich or some spaghetti tie
Always play with their animals. Whether it be a dog or cow or cat or baby pig 🐽always point out, play with, and ask if they have any treat you can give them
This moves MOUNTAINS
Post Clean
When you’re wrapping up always send your final before and after pictures. This could be from the roof or the back of the house or wherever.
I usually do this when I clean the screens at the end before I clean or before I put them back on the windows
Wrapping up goes with this after payment
“I’m going to send you a copy of your receipt to your phone and email. Can you also leave a 5 star review ⭐️ on Google and Facebook? It’s really important as it helps others find me and Google and Facebook take those reviews VERY seriously
Awards you send a copy of their receipt AND the link to both your Facebook and Google page.
I find that walking them through a Facebook review helps because older people often don’t know to go to “recommended” to leave a reviews. Don’t forget to thank them for the tip (if you got one)
Here’s my my text looks: “I sent you a copy of your receipt :)
If at possible could you leave me a 5 star review on Google and Facebook They take those reviews SUPER seriously and it would be a big help
Here is the direct link to my Google page
And you already have my Facebook! lol
To leave a Facebook review it’s called a “recommendation “
You go to where it says 33 reviews > and then click it > then it will ask if you recommend me
Thanks for the tip btw! 😊🙏🏽💯”
Do this and watch the $$$ roll in.
submitted by _zurenarrh to WindowCleaning [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:07 lushleah18x Lost My Best Friend Arlo to Stomach Cancer

Lost My Best Friend Arlo to Stomach Cancer
Hey everyone,
I’ve been lurking here for a while, and I love seeing all the adorable pitties you share. Sadly, I’m here with some bad news and didn’t know where else to let it off my chest.
I’m absolutely heartbroken to say that my sweet pitbull, Arlo, passed away recently. He was only 4 years old and had been battling stomach cancer for the last few months.
Arlo was the best dog ever. He loved running around the park, cuddling on the sofa, and just being my constant companion. I know we all feel this way about our pets, but he truly was the best dog ever.
It’s hard to pinpoint when it started. At first, we thought he was just being picky with his food. He began leaving meals untouched and laying around more than usual. He usually lounged a lot, but this felt different—like he didn’t have the energy to move. My parents and I assumed it was because he wasn’t eating, so we tried switching foods. As you can probably guess, it didn’t help much, so we decided to take him to the vet.
From the first vet visit to the diagnosis, it was a long process. Initially, they recommended different foods and medications, but after three visits, we got the diagnosis: stomach cancer. Apparently, it’s quite aggressive in dogs, and unfortunately, we didn’t catch it early enough. I keep wishing I’d seen the signs sooner and can’t help but blame myself for not noticing earlier. We tried everything—surgery, chemo—but it just wasn’t enough.
Despite being sick, Arlo never lost his spark. He tried so hard to stay happy and playful. Saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but at least he’s not in pain anymore.
I’m sharing this because I know you all understand how much our pets mean to us. Arlo was more than just a dog; he was my best friend. Please give your pets an extra hug for me tonight and cherish every moment with them.
Miss you so much, Arlo. You’ll always be in my heart.
submitted by lushleah18x to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:03 BippNasty541 Feeling bad about leaving a 8 week old black lab in a room while we are at work.

My wife and I just got our first dog. His name is Podrick AKA Pod. We got him from her friend who told us she found him in a trash can that same day. So we don't know for sure he is 8 weeks but that's about how old he looks. We got him his first vaccine shot, along with all his food, treats, toys, dog bed and a kennel. We want to get him kennel trained asap and then slowly let him work into sleeping just in a dog bed at night, but we want him to always be comfy with his kennel.
Our plan is to have him sleep in his kennel at night within arms reach so if he wakes up pouting one of us can just reach over and give him a little touch to calm him. We also are waking up once or twice to go pee in the night. It seemed to work well last night. Then at 5am we wake up, take him out to pee and give him breakfast. he maybe gets 10-20 mins to play while we get ready for work then we gotta go so for now we are putting him in a mostly empty room with his kennel, toys, and water but not locking him in the kennel yet. We will work up to that. We go to work for 4 hours then one of us goes to the house at lunch break and takes him out to pee and another 15 mins of attention and play. Then back in the room for another 4 hours until we are off. From there he will have many hours of play and get attention. Maybe not DIRECT attention the entire time, but he will basically go everywhere with us and we will take him on daily walks and throw around his toys and practice training.
Over time the goal is to just get him used to this schedule then gradual move his kennel away from the bed and hopefully by the age of two we can pull his bed out of his kennel and just let him sleep in the dog bed. Then we can keep his kennel anywhere in the house and he can just use it as his own little space and if we need to use it he is happy in it. Whether or not he stays in a kennel while at work depends on if we can trust him not to chew the house up. If he does, he will stay in a kennel while at work but not until he gets older.
So the biggest struggle with all of this is I'm not convinced the puppy isn't too young to be alone while we are at work. We cant afford a sitter so this is the best we can do. Am I feeling irrationally guilty? Will he be fine for 4 hours at a time? just need some reassurance this is a good plan. Or maybe it isn't?
submitted by BippNasty541 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:02 CleanLivingMD Serious question: Is there a way to control smart roof rats without using poison?

We have had a roof rat infestation on and off for the last decade. In the past, I used contrac blox with good success. I've never really felt good about using these because we have snakes and owls in our neighborhood and I really want to avoid indirectly poisoning them too. I purchased kat sense covered traps and have killed 5 in the past few months, using dog food. The larger rats seem to know to stay away from these and I find myself needing to use poison again because the current population is out of control. I read that dried potatoes can be used because it will expand in their stomachs after they drink water and cause a stomach perforation. I'm unsure if this is BS or even effective but it's to the point where something needs to be done and the only reliable option is to go back to the blox. Any thoughts or other suggestions?
submitted by CleanLivingMD to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:57 DemandJealous252 Thank you everyone ❤️

Thank you everyone ❤️
Thank you everyone for being so kind! Meet Hip and Hop! My oldest named them and has taken on his role of taking care of them. Every morning and night he makes sure to get them food and hay. He also will randomly throughout the day get them new bowls of water. He also in the first picture insisted that they needed carrots 😂 The buns are definitely girls… but need to be spayed. So I’m already stressing about that because I love these little dorks so much 😭 and it stresses me out to have them go in for surgery. Even though I know it’s best for them. Unfortunately their hutch with a little run got delayed so they’ve had to make the cage work for a bit longer. They get plenty of time out! And they rule our house now 😂 I just cannot wait to get rid of the nasty old crate thing that should have never housed them. And we are only doing a hutch so that they have a space to feel completely safe and that is completely away from the dogs. The dogs leave them alone for the most part, but we want a place where they will feel safe. We also already messed up and gave them a dyed toy to chew on and it dyed her fur 😭 they also love my kids and will hop over to them as seen in the second picture 😭❤️ we still lock the dogs at night and put the girls in an enclosed space and we put that enclosure away during the day and let them run free.
Thank you again everyone for being so kind and sweet. We know they housing isn’t the best yet (dang shipping delays), but I promise we are giving these girls the best life possible.
submitted by DemandJealous252 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 HereToKillEuronymous Adopted dog fussy eater

Adopted dog fussy eater
Hope this is the right place for this type of question.
We adopted a sweet little 1 year old puggle yesterday, and I know he might just be getting used to his new surroundings, but he refuses to eat dog food. He will eat a treat out of my hand fine, but when it comes to actual meals, he's not having it.
I've tried wet food mixed with kibble, broccoli and a little natural, no added sugar peanut butter, but he just won't touch it.
He loves going on walks, is vetlry affectionate, albeit a little clingy (if my husband or I leave the room, he has to follow) and seems pretty happy, he just won't eat a meal. He does have a penchant for peanut butter on toast (I gave him a corner of mine and he devoured it) so I'm wondering if his diet was a bit crummy before we got him.
Any help is appreciated! I don't want my sweet baby going hungry.
submitted by HereToKillEuronymous to AdoptedDogsAreBest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 asgardianprincess420 Re: Petsuites Shawnee

Please don’t take your loved pets here. I took my two Havanese here for a 7 day stay.They normally stay at another location but they were on vacation during this time. At firstyou would think it was a great place.However it’s a complete horror show. We paid for a suite with a television and camera that you can monitor your pets 24/7. We brought our dogs kennel for them to feel more comfortable sleeping in.We asked the staff to feed them in the kennel, that has a divider, with the door closed then let them out after because there can be some food arguments. We also asked them to lay out potty pad that we provided bc our dogs are pad and outdoor trained.First night they were locked in their kennel no access to the potty, or water.Then second night locked out of the kennel without food and had to sleep on their potty pad. Third, locked back in. So we called from our international trip. Explaining again what we wanted bc typing it out was not good enough. We also saw one of our dogs wasn’t eating. We asked for them to put green beans in his food we provided.They told us they did. We noticed our dogs were brought in early one day from play both completely exhausted. Finally door was left open and had food. Kennel dirty. We pick the dogs up and they are acting so strange. Fatigued and when they get home one just begins snarfing food. He had lost three pounds while there. I unpack their bags and five days of food had not been give to him.They literally didn’t feed my 11 pound dog.They both had upper respiratory infections they were so sick. We did get a refund back but bc of the dogs illness we had to cancel our next trip that was memorial weekend.The people who look after your dogs there are young, they don’t care, clean, or take anything seriously.They sit on their phones during outdoor playtime when there is 35 dogs in a group. They lie to you.They never put green bean in my dogs food.I would advise against going to this facility. They almost killed one of my dogs.
submitted by asgardianprincess420 to shawnee [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:45 QuillAndTrowel Of Our Own Device

Bill Rogers locked the garage door, slid the hose into the driver’s side window, climbed into the back seat, laid down and shut his eyes. When he woke up, he was surrounded by clouds and a blue sky. A man, neither young nor old stood next to him. He wore a coat like an Afghan goat herder, Bill thought, maybe made of sheepskin, or cowhide—tough to say, as Bill was no expert in husbandry. The man was small where Bill was large. Bill was six-three and two hundred and fifty pounds. He had played tight-end in college and lorded his physical stature over small men all his life. He felt it gave him an advantage at contract negotiations. He always made sure to be sitting when the opposing lawyers walked in because his size was hidden. Then he would stand up from behind table—a great reveal, a physical imposition—in an effortless attempt to intimidate the other team. It was mostly an effective strategy. The man, nearly a foot shorter, and a petite lady’s-weight less was standing almost eye-level with Bill. He sheepishly looked at Bill and asked if he was happy now.

“I suppose so,” Bill answered, rather dazed and unaware of all that was happening. “Are you God?” asked Bill. The old man smiled knowingly and set his delicate hand on Bill’s shoulder. “What can I do to make you comfortable?” Bill attempted to stand up but the man’s hand held him in place without applying any extra force. “A scotch would be nice! Do they serve scotch in heaven?” he laughed. The man laughed and gave Bill a scotch.

“Let me tell you, God, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it! When do we go through the pearly gates?”

“I’m afraid you’ve seen too many Hollywood movies. That’s not how it works. Tell me, how was life on Earth?”

“Well, I guess you can tell by how I checked out it wasn’t great. But I am feeling better now. Sometimes you just need a good night’s sleep, I guess, right?”

“I guess so. You weren’t very happy down there. But that’s what I’m here for. You can fix it all now. Tell me, what went wrong in your life?”

“Wait, is this Purgatory then?”

He chuckled, “No. Don’t be silly. What went wrong down there?”

“I knew it—those nuns were all off. Well, for one, I worked too much. I spent 80, 90, 100 hours a week every week for years—hell, probably decades when you add it all up—in the office, chasing the ring, getting the promotion.” His thought broke and he looked at the man and said, “you know I cleared 950-k last year?” Sinking back into his thoughts, “but it wasn’t enough for her. She could give Cleopatra a run for her money. Man she could spend. I worked all the time, always on the road to a different client’s office, eating airport food, never exercising. Traded my health and youth for wealth, then she got to enjoy it. I ended up all alone in my big house, all by myself and my LonelyFans Platinum subscription. Look at me, I got so fat no pretty woman could stand to look at me. If I could do it again, I’d go back and just make 60k a year, keep my health, my good looks, and go to clubs every night and dance with beautiful women. I wasted so much.”

“Wow, thanks for being so honest, Bill. I’m glad you were honest, because now I can give you the chance to fix it. I am going to give you the opportunity to craft the life you always wanted, the life you dreamed of! This is your chance Bill, to do it right this time. You had a full life, you tried out things: some worked, some didn’t—that trip to Tokyo probably didn’t help your marriage, did it; but now that’s all behind, now you get to create the perfect one based on everything you learned. Now you get to play God to yourself. You will have the power to create any life you want: money, women, food, servants, power, glory, the revenge on everybody who did you wrong—anything.”

“Oh, Good Lord, heaven is even better than Mother Superior led on! I get to do that? Now?”

“Yes, I’m granting you this power. Total freedom to do what you want. You deserve it! You’ve earned it, Bill.”

“Ok, so what do I do? Just point and make something happen?”

“Sure,” he said with a chuckle, “everybody always wants to point at things like some Vegas magician. The entire creation was spoken into existence, but ever since Adam people want to point things into existence—whatever makes them happy, I guess. Anyway, you’ve got the power of the Lord, do it however you want!”

Bill pointed to a cloud in front of him and a new truck appeared before his eyes. “Holy moly, I can’t believe it’s real.” The sun reflecting off the chrome was just a big blur to Bill Rogers water-filled eyes. He had to squint to see that it had the turbodiesel engine he had imagined. “I’m not going to get carried away on the wealth. I learned my lesson there. It doesn’t buy happiness. I had eight digits in my savings account,” he looked to see if the man was listening, “and look at where that got me. No, just a simple life for me,” he pointed to a cloud and four-bed, three-bath house with in-law suite and three car garage next to a lush green lawn appeared. It fronted a cul-de-sac. “You can’t take it with you, right?” he laughed.

“Is that it, Bill? What else do you want?”

“Well, like I said, I want to be young and healthy.” His stomach disappeared into his abdominal muscles and the brown spots and wrinkles on his hands vanished into a smooth clear skin.

“And what are you going to do with your time? Go back to your old job?”

“Ohh, you got a good sense of humor, God!” The old man laughed along with Bill. “Like I said, I just want to live a normal life and go to the bars at night, talk to beautiful women. Dance with them, smile, laugh. Have fun, that’s all.”

“Your wish, is my command,” he said, and Bill asked if that is how it really worked, and the old man laughed: “no, but people really started to ask for it after Aladdin got big, so I started doing it.”

“You’re a real people-pleaser, aren’t you, God?”

The small man’s sheepish smile resurfaced and a faint pink tint rose up to his pale cheeks.

“That is it for now, enjoy your new life, Bill. I’ll be back to check on you after a while.”

“Thanks, God, you really are great.”

“Oh, wait, one more thing—I almost forgot. In your newly made, perfect, heavenly life— do you want your children here?”

Bill let out a huge laugh, “of course! How could I forget! Yes, of course, I want to see my children! Not every day—and don’t have the Queen of Sheba bring ‘em by either, if you know what I mean,” he nudged the old man with his elbow, almost knocking his small frame over, “but yes I always regretted not having more time with the kids.”

“Great, I’ll make that happen. I’ll be ba-a-a-a-a-ck,” he said as he turned around.

A door appeared out of nowhere and the old man glided over to it, with his sheepskin coat dragging behind him. The door opened and he walked through it. It began to close, but his coat got caught in the door, and he had to reach back and yank it through. As the coat flew up, Bill thought he saw the tip of a German Sheppard’s tail and wondered if the dog had been there all along, but soon didn’t care as he saw his new neighbor, a young blonde woman in yoga pants and high heels getting into her Mercedes coupe. He tried to get her attention, but she was focused on fixing her lipstick and hair in the mirror as she drove away.

Bill settled down into his new life, got comfortable in his small house and extended cab truck, and began going out to bars and clubs, just as he had imagined. Every night there was a bar to go to filled with beautiful women, and they all were happy to let him buy drinks and chat for a while. Sometimes he would invite one or two to dance and they’d agree, and then disappear with their friends. Other times he would meet a young woman in pub and talk to her; they’d laugh and joke and maybe she would give him her number and maybe not. But he never saw the same woman twice. If he called or texted a woman, she never responded. If he asked a woman if she’d like to go somewhere for coffee she always declined and said she had to get back home.

On the rare chance that a woman did sit down and talk with him, the conversation was always the same: polite introductions, niceties, some flirtatious exchanges. He tried to talk to the beautiful women about life, what they wanted, what mattered to them, but they all just said they liked to have fun to some degree or another.

After three weeks of going to the bars and trying to talk to women, Bill got tired of going out. He stayed at home for a week, then he tried to find his neighbor again. He saw her car in the drive and rang the doorbell, but nobody answered. He only ever saw her driving away.

After a couple slow weeks, he tried going out again, but it was the same routine: a few drinks, a few laughs, nothing to talk about and goodbye, never to be seen again. Bill sat in his truck in the garage and contemplated his after-life. He wiped a tear from his cheek and heard someone knocking on his front door. He let the old man in, and Bill sat down at the barstool.

“Can I take your coat?”

“No, I like to keep it on. I came by to see how you are doing?”

“This isn’t what I thought heaven would be like,” said Bill, hunched forward, hands between his legs, staring at the floor.”

“Heaven?” said the old man, looking up at Bill. “Where did you get that idea?”

“Who are you?”

The old man took off the sheepskin coat and Bill saw the gray and white fur all over his body. The gray tail dragged on the floor, and the old man’s face looked like the snout of a grey wolf.

“This is your own doing, Bill. You made the life you wanted. You’ve had two chances now. This one you are stuck with, forever. No escaping. No crying, no laying down in the back of your truck for eternal sleep. This is the eternal sleep.”

“This is hell.”

“Call it what you will.”

The wolf got down on all fours and walked to the door. “Can you let me out?”

Bill opened the door and the wolf ran outside, almost knocking over the two people walking up Bill’s sidewalk.

“What are you doing here,” he shouted at them.

“We came to see you!”

“No! Get away! Get out of here, go! Go!”

The woman was getting in her Mercedes and looked over to see what the ruckus was about, but then looked away before making eye contact.

“Dad, we missed you! So, we followed you here. The old man told us how to find you! He asked us what our perfect life would be, and we told him ‘we just want to be with our Dad.’”

Follow u/quillandtrowel for more at Medium & Twitter (links in bio!).
submitted by QuillAndTrowel to FictionWriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:44 Silent_Adhesiveness1 Need help. Adolescent fledgling not eating.

I rescued 4 hatchlings that fell from a nest at my job. They are European starlings. The nest was in a substation, so no way of returning them to the nest.
I feed all 4 with tweezers. I feed them high protein dog food soaked in water, wet cat food, and lately now that they're 18 day old fledglings, they're able to swallow the dry dog food. Not ready for seeds yet.
One of them is bigger, starting to mature and fly a bit. His beak is narrower as he has grown into it. He gapes as to beg for food, but when I give him food, he throws it with his beak. The only way he will eat is if I give him pieces so small that he accidentally throws it.
Advice? What's going on?
submitted by Silent_Adhesiveness1 to petbirds [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:42 QuillAndTrowel [MF] Of Our Own Device

Bill Rogers locked the garage door, slid the hose into the driver’s side window, climbed into the back seat, laid down and shut his eyes. When he woke up, he was surrounded by clouds and a blue sky. A man, neither young nor old stood next to him. He wore a coat like an Afghan goat herder, Bill thought, maybe made of sheepskin, or cowhide—tough to say, as Bill was no expert in husbandry. The man was small where Bill was large. Bill was six-three and two hundred and fifty pounds. He had played tight-end in college and lorded his physical stature over small men all his life. He felt it gave him an advantage at contract negotiations. He always made sure to be sitting when the opposing lawyers walked in because his size was hidden. Then he would stand up from behind table—a great reveal, a physical imposition—in an effortless attempt to intimidate the other team. It was mostly an effective strategy. The man, nearly a foot shorter, and a petite lady’s-weight less was standing almost eye-level with Bill. He sheepishly looked at Bill and asked if he was happy now.
“I suppose so,” Bill answered, rather dazed and unaware of all that was happening. “Are you God?” asked Bill. The old man smiled knowingly and set his delicate hand on Bill’s shoulder. “What can I do to make you comfortable?” Bill attempted to stand up but the man’s hand held him in place without applying any extra force. “A scotch would be nice! Do they serve scotch in heaven?” he laughed. The man laughed and gave Bill a scotch.
“Let me tell you, God, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it! When do we go through the pearly gates?”
“I’m afraid you’ve seen too many Hollywood movies. That’s not how it works. Tell me, how was life on Earth?”
“Well, I guess you can tell by how I checked out it wasn’t great. But I am feeling better now. Sometimes you just need a good night’s sleep, I guess, right?”
“I guess so. You weren’t very happy down there. But that’s what I’m here for. You can fix it all now. Tell me, what went wrong in your life?”
“Wait, is this Purgatory then?”
He chuckled, “No. Don’t be silly. What went wrong down there?”
“I knew it—those nuns were all off. Well, for one, I worked too much. I spent 80, 90, 100 hours a week every week for years—hell, probably decades when you add it all up—in the office, chasing the ring, getting the promotion.” His thought broke and he looked at the man and said, “you know I cleared 950-k last year?” Sinking back into his thoughts, “but it wasn’t enough for her. She could give Cleopatra a run for her money. Man she could spend. I worked all the time, always on the road to a different client’s office, eating airport food, never exercising. Traded my health and youth for wealth, then she got to enjoy it. I ended up all alone in my big house, all by myself and my LonelyFans Platinum subscription. Look at me, I got so fat no pretty woman could stand to look at me. If I could do it again, I’d go back and just make 60k a year, keep my health, my good looks, and go to clubs every night and dance with beautiful women. I wasted so much.”
“Wow, thanks for being so honest, Bill. I’m glad you were honest, because now I can give you the chance to fix it. I am going to give you the opportunity to craft the life you always wanted, the life you dreamed of! This is your chance Bill, to do it right this time. You had a full life, you tried out things: some worked, some didn’t—that trip to Tokyo probably didn’t help your marriage, did it; but now that’s all behind, now you get to create the perfect one based on everything you learned. Now you get to play God to yourself. You will have the power to create any life you want: money, women, food, servants, power, glory, the revenge on everybody who did you wrong—anything.”
“Oh, Good Lord, heaven is even better than Mother Superior led on! I get to do that? Now?”
“Yes, I’m granting you this power. Total freedom to do what you want. You deserve it! You’ve earned it, Bill.”
“Ok, so what do I do? Just point and make something happen?”
“Sure,” he said with a chuckle, “everybody always wants to point at things like some Vegas magician. The entire creation was spoken into existence, but ever since Adam people want to point things into existence—whatever makes them happy, I guess. Anyway, you’ve got the power of the Lord, do it however you want!”
Bill pointed to a cloud in front of him and a new truck appeared before his eyes. “Holy moly, I can’t believe it’s real.” The sun reflecting off the chrome was just a big blur to Bill Rogers water-filled eyes. He had to squint to see that it had the turbodiesel engine he had imagined. “I’m not going to get carried away on the wealth. I learned my lesson there. It doesn’t buy happiness. I had eight digits in my savings account,” he looked to see if the man was listening, “and look at where that got me. No, just a simple life for me,” he pointed to a cloud and four-bed, three-bath house with in-law suite and three car garage next to a lush green lawn appeared. It fronted a cul-de-sac. “You can’t take it with you, right?” he laughed.
“Is that it, Bill? What else do you want?”
“Well, like I said, I want to be young and healthy.” His stomach disappeared into his abdominal muscles and the brown spots and wrinkles on his hands vanished into a smooth clear skin.
“And what are you going to do with your time? Go back to your old job?”
“Ohh, you got a good sense of humor, God!” The old man laughed along with Bill. “Like I said, I just want to live a normal life and go to the bars at night, talk to beautiful women. Dance with them, smile, laugh. Have fun, that’s all.”
“Your wish, is my command,” he said, and Bill asked if that is how it really worked, and the old man laughed: “no, but people really started to ask for it after Aladdin got big, so I started doing it.”
“You’re a real people-pleaser, aren’t you, God?”
The small man’s sheepish smile resurfaced and a faint pink tint rose up to his pale cheeks.
“That is it for now, enjoy your new life, Bill. I’ll be back to check on you after a while.”
“Thanks, God, you really are great.”
“Oh, wait, one more thing—I almost forgot. In your newly made, perfect, heavenly life— do you want your children here?”
Bill let out a huge laugh, “of course! How could I forget! Yes, of course, I want to see my children! Not every day—and don’t have the Queen of Sheba bring ‘em by either, if you know what I mean,” he nudged the old man with his elbow, almost knocking his small frame over, “but yes I always regretted not having more time with the kids.”
“Great, I’ll make that happen. I’ll be ba-a-a-a-a-ck,” he said as he turned around.
A door appeared out of nowhere and the old man glided over to it, with his sheepskin coat dragging behind him. The door opened and he walked through it. It began to close, but his coat got caught in the door, and he had to reach back and yank it through. As the coat flew up, Bill thought he saw the tip of a German Sheppard’s tail and wondered if the dog had been there all along, but soon didn’t care as he saw his new neighbor, a young blonde woman in yoga pants and high heels getting into her Mercedes coupe. He tried to get her attention, but she was focused on fixing her lipstick and hair in the mirror as she drove away.
Bill settled down into his new life, got comfortable in his small house and extended cab truck, and began going out to bars and clubs, just as he had imagined. Every night there was a bar to go to filled with beautiful women, and they all were happy to let him buy drinks and chat for a while. Sometimes he would invite one or two to dance and they’d agree, and then disappear with their friends. Other times he would meet a young woman in pub and talk to her; they’d laugh and joke and maybe she would give him her number and maybe not. But he never saw the same woman twice. If he called or texted a woman, she never responded. If he asked a woman if she’d like to go somewhere for coffee she always declined and said she had to get back home.
On the rare chance that a woman did sit down and talk with him, the conversation was always the same: polite introductions, niceties, some flirtatious exchanges. He tried to talk to the beautiful women about life, what they wanted, what mattered to them, but they all just said they liked to have fun to some degree or another.
After three weeks of going to the bars and trying to talk to women, Bill got tired of going out. He stayed at home for a week, then he tried to find his neighbor again. He saw her car in the drive and rang the doorbell, but nobody answered. He only ever saw her driving away.
After a couple slow weeks, he tried going out again, but it was the same routine: a few drinks, a few laughs, nothing to talk about and goodbye, never to be seen again. Bill sat in his truck in the garage and contemplated his after-life. He wiped a tear from his cheek and heard someone knocking on his front door. He let the old man in, and Bill sat down at the barstool.
“Can I take your coat?”
“No, I like to keep it on. I came by to see how you are doing?”
“This isn’t what I thought heaven would be like,” said Bill, hunched forward, hands between his legs, staring at the floor.”
“Heaven?” said the old man, looking up at Bill. “Where did you get that idea?”
“Who are you?”
The old man took off the sheepskin coat and Bill saw the gray and white fur all over his body. The gray tail dragged on the floor, and the old man’s face looked like the snout of a grey wolf.
“This is your own doing, Bill. You made the life you wanted. You’ve had two chances now. This one you are stuck with, forever. No escaping. No crying, no laying down in the back of your truck for eternal sleep. This is the eternal sleep.”
“This is hell.”
“Call it what you will.”
The wolf got down on all fours and walked to the door. “Can you let me out?”
Bill opened the door and the wolf ran outside, almost knocking over the two people walking up Bill’s sidewalk.
“What are you doing here,” he shouted at them.
“We came to see you!”
“No! Get away! Get out of here, go! Go!”
The neighbor was getting into her Mercedes and looked over to see what the yelling was about, but then looked away before she could make eye contact.
“Dad, we missed you! So, we followed you here. The old man told us how to find you! He asked us what our perfect life would be, and we told him ‘we just want to be with our Dad.’”

Follow u/quilandtrowel for more at Medium & Twitter. (links in bio)
submitted by QuillAndTrowel to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:41 Cactuar_1000 AITA for calling animal control?

Me (45f), my husband (41m), and kid (9f) adopted a dog last year. My daughter had been asking so we went to a shelter and found a great dog. This is the only pet that we have. She’s been with us for over a year now and we adore her. Three days ago, my husband randomly came home with a stray dog. My kid and I were in the back of our property walking our leashed dog (we don’t have a fence) while my husband was near the back of our house with the stray. I asked him to get it out of there as our dog was barking and trying to lunge at the stray. (We were probably 30 yards away or so). I got our dog back into the house safely and asked him what he was doing. He said he found it walking in the middle of the road near our house and thought it looked like it needed help. The dog did look a bit skinny. He gave it some water and a bit of food. The dog hung around my yard and didn’t leave. The next day, the dog was still there. I asked my husband what his intentions were as my dog is very reactive to it and does not seem to want to positively interact with it. He had to walk away to get the stray dog from my yard every time I needed to take my dog to go to the bathroom because she was still freaking out every time she saw it in our yard. The stray dog had no collar or tags. He took the stray to the vet to see if it had a microchip. It does, but the owner never called back and we were unable to speak to them. My husband then borrowed a crate from his brother to lock the dog up. We were then keeping the dog in my carport in the crate so it wasn’t running loose. I told him we can’t keep the dog indefinitely. He said that he wanted to find someone to take it or wait for the owner to respond. This morning, I took my dog out for her morning potty break while my husband took our daughter to school. The stray came running up to us (apparently it busted out) causing my dog to go ballistic. She pulled me off of my feet lunging at the dog. I’m laying on the ground trying desperately to hold on to the leash and pull her away. It took several minutes but I managed to get her back in the house. The other dog was still loose outside. My husband came home and I told him what happened. I told him the stray had to go. If he can’t contain it outside, it can’t stay while he finds it a home. He told me that I was overreacting. I told him he wasn’t there and didn’t see how bad it was. He refused to take it somewhere, so I called animal control to come pick the stray up. Now he is mad at me. AITA?
submitted by Cactuar_1000 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:34 Sweaty-Ninja-8849 Cat Acne & Whisker Sore

Need help with my baby Sage. She’s recently been struggling with Cat Acne and now this sore behind her whiskers on the left side of her face. How can I treat the acne and this new sore? She like to bunt literally everything and we have plastic dry food dispenser and a mix of metal and plastic bowls. We fed her from metal bowls and her acne got worse, it’s cleared up a bit since we switched to plastic non stick bowls. Any help is greatly appreciated!
submitted by Sweaty-Ninja-8849 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:34 Rosalye333 What’s the best way to get safe drinking water at home?

Hello, I recently moved into a new apartment. My old apartment had mold everywhere, it was in the water and in the floors. Towards the end it was so bad that I would wash fresh smelling vegetables and they would come out smelling like mold after being washed. The manager wouldn’t do anything about it and I couldn’t move out for a while because everything else was so expensive. Anyway I was drinking mainly bottled water and cooking with bottled water.
I know that bottled water is not healthy. I want to drink good water instead freaking out about the chemicals leeching into my water from the plastic.
I have a fridge with a water dispenser, it has to be fixed because it’s leaking right now so I haven’t used it much. How good is the refrigerator water filter system? Can I trust it?
Is there something that I can easily attach to my kitchen faucet that would filter the water? I have friends who have set up filtration systems in their homes, but this is an apartment so I can’t do anything too invasive.
I got a glass jug to try some of the filtered water at Whole Foods but it’s small and I feel like anything bigger will be too heavy to carry up to the 3rd floor.
submitted by Rosalye333 to HydroHomies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:31 Sweaty-Ninja-8849 Cat Acne & Whisker Sore

Need help with my baby Sage. She’s recently been struggling with Cat Acne and now this sore behind her whiskers on the left side of her face. How can I treat the acne and this new sore? She like to bunt literally everything and we have plastic dry food dispenser and a mix of metal and plastic bowls. We fed her from metal bowls and her acne got worse, it’s cleared up a bit since we switched to plastic non stick bowls. Any help is greatly appreciated!
submitted by Sweaty-Ninja-8849 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:30 Wild_Cellist9861 Gamers Break Away [GBA]

My fellow gamers, for too long has our community suffered the indignation of an intolerable culture that has denigrated, besmirched, exploited, and has outright demonized our culture of unique individuals with a genuine love of a hobby that they see as profitable and progressive. They have taken beloved IP’s (Intellectual Properties) and twisted them into their own personal ideological crusade of undermining and humiliating the core aspects of characters they deemed as “Toxic” or “White Supremacy”. Through the guise and protection of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity) & ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) they have used our influence in the entertainment industry to push their narratives and agendas that have stigmatized our culture with numerous anti-consumer practices that they call “being progressive”. But the truth of the matter is they were never really looking to be a part of our community, they simply wanted to use our community as a tool of activism and propaganda in the entertainment industry as it was extremely profitable, and they wanted inclusion in that division. Ever since GamerGate & Female Frequency, we have had to endure the incursion of forced ideologies, xenophobic behaviors and inferior overpriced products that have never been in our best interest and have been flat out disgraceful towards foreign media.
Before Gaming had become a major source of entertainment, we were often categorized as anti-social or societies rejects where because we found more enjoyment in playing fictional characters and not spending as much time out and about, we never fully assimilated in society (which is a good thing if you ask me). From 1998 to 2007, at the height of innovation, creativity and production, Gaming had reached a golden age in which it had revolutionized society. Hollywood Execs who had ruined the movie industry turned their attention to video games as a source of income since video games had outperformed movies in terms of profit. No one was concerned about gaming, much less diversity or inclusivity until it became profitable. This makes people like SBI look extremely disingenuous as they were not interested in gamers as a community with its own culture. They simply wanted to use it as another weapon in identity politics.
Microtransactions; the hidden enemy to gamer progress and inducer to mental laziness of our community. Microtransactions have been around for a long time; however, it has never been more potent and apparent than in recent years. It has aided in the dismantling and segregation of players on the ideology of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and has created another sub-culture of gamers who have no real drive to be better outside of how much money they put into the game. This has degraded our culture as well as we have become “fat” off transactional gaming but at the same time we have been “starved” of purposeful gaming where our achievements were our sustenance. I am not saying that microtransactions are bad, but when they are exploitative and predatorial like they have been and don’t give gamers room to grow, we become lethargic and unwilling to improve ourselves as gamers. Oversaturated microtransactional games are one of the many reasons why we have become complacent and unwilling to fight against the exploitative tactics used by big brand game companies such EA, Ubisoft, ActivisionBlizzard, NaughtyDog and so many other western business model companies. Western style games were not like this in the past, they had much more depth and actual effort put into them with the gamer in mind. This has not been the case for over a decade and our connection to western developers has been whittled down to just being transactional. That is one of the reasons why you see so many remasters and remakes in today’s gamer community. They have lost their willingness to improve as developers of games and simply accept corporate/share holder rules.
Game journalists also do not have any real integrity or purpose outside of being funded for their involvement in promoting IPG (Identity Political Games) in a positive light to the public whether it’s positively received or not. They are not interested in what we have to say, they all support the same agenda and that is why they are a dying breed. Within the next couple of years, they will be out of the job and more than likely they will not be able to stay in the industry giving how they have responded to past articles that have clearly been scripted on the premise of diversity and racism. Not only that, but most of them are also extremely hostile to the community as they stereotype and defame the individuals that are a part of the community they are supposed to serve. We have been mentally liberated from their lies and coercive tactics as we tend to laugh at their obvious attempt at virtue signaling while hiding their misdoings so that they can play the victim.
My gamer brothers & sisters, I would not suggest the following action that we must take now without good cause. I have weighed our options and the best option for us now is this…...CULTURAL SECESSION. Naturally this is a form of segregation where they would more than likely claim they are being segregated by the dominant culture of the gaming community but that is incorrect. For years now we have been the ones who are often marginalized and ostracized for the smaller portion of our community. And when we aren’t, we’re exploited for more funds so that these companies can stay in business only to subject us to low quality products that coincide with the “WOKE Agenda” that are often huge expenses to these big brands i.e. AAA/AAAA games that will eventually flop for its obvious forced diversity and bug infested product which will undoubtedly piss off the consumer to the point of wanting a refund. Losing copious amounts of capital and stock in the process, not to mention their reputation is permanently marred.
We must separate on every cultural level in terms of entertainment and ideology. We must reject everything from the west that promotes toxic western beliefs, practices, and exclusion from other cultures (i.e. Southeastern Countries such as Japan and Korea). Japan & Korea have been the targets of unjust discrimination from Western Developers, Western Journalists, Western Localizers (The Wokelizers) and Western Society Prejudice regarding their sense of aesthetics as Westerners hate the aesthetic sense of these countries. The reason why they resort to such base tactics isn’t just because it weaponizes the ideal female form but it’s also because they have deep-seated insecurities about their own looks so when they see attractive female characters, they use terms such as “unrealistic” or “hypersexualized” to establish the moral high ground. But the truth is, they want to feel superior to that which is ideal, so they insult and dehumanize this figure that portrays natural female beauty because they see it as an insult to their own social superiority in what they believe is a hierarchy of them being at the top of all other women. Because of this and so many contributing factors, their movies flop harder than the Fat Chocobo landing on a group of enemies and their games seismically fail just as much if not more. We must sever our connection to Western Developers, Publishers, and ALL Western-Centric Entertainment for they seek to mentally enslave us to their Xenophobic ideology.
Let’s define Western Culture and its traits. Western Culture/Society is composed of more than several different ideologies that work in unison with one another to facilitate dominance over multiple aspects of society. Business, Social, Political, Technological, and sometimes even Global Affairs are affected by these ideologies that portray a specific mindset of Western beliefs. What are those ideologies you ask?
Official Wiki GamerGate Page)

Asmongold Clips.



These traits are so nefarious and unconscionable that I have a hard time believing that anyone could harbor them. However, given the social, political, and economic climate that we are in, those in power who use their influence on controlling society most definitely possess these insidious traits. Everything that they do is all about control and since video games are the biggest market in the world, they want control over it and the communities built around it to accrue more wealth and to use that wealth to subjugate other cultures. Mainstream media is a tool as well as mainstream organizations and sites to help accomplish this goal.
The government recently announced its intentions towards what they believe is “GamerGate 2.0” and now even the ADL has made an official appearance, referring to gamers as “extremist’s”. We know EXACTLY what they are doing, and they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore because they don’t think we are aware of their motives. This is just a pretext for them to exert even more control and we know why, it’s because they want the influence we as a community have to must serve them. So here is what we do my fellow gamers-
“In light of recent events and years of mainstream stigma, we the members of the Global Gaming Community [GGC] must officially renounce ALL TIES to the corporate western video game market. We have been financially exploited through predatorial monetization schemes, pelted with numerous articles of disdain and intentional misrepresentation from game journalists, news outlets regarding us as dangerous individuals and, even subjected to inferior products not only riddled with bugs but also products meant to push political agendas. For the preservation of our community and its unique culture, apart from a few select game development studios we officially sever all connections to western owned video game companies & their mainstream affiliates. From this point onward, we will no longer support western corporate developers, journalists and publishers that do not coincide with the goals of our community.”
Naturally this is completely optional. If you are okay with the state of the gaming community as it is, feel free to ignore this. But if you wish for real change and a break away from oversaturated monetization in the games you play and the push for radical ideological reform, then you are in the right place. Lets sever these rotted miasmic ties once and for all so that our community can be preserved and made better for future gamers. If you agree with this, share it with whoever you think might be interested. The more gamers who get involved, the easier it will be for us to finally break free from mainstream game companies and their associates.
submitted by Wild_Cellist9861 to United_Gamer_Front [link] [comments]