Interview answer guide

Leangains - for practitioners of Martin Berkhan's program

2011.01.28 11:10 hansolol Leangains - for practitioners of Martin Berkhan's program

LeanGains is a specific program based on Martin Berkhan's methodology of lifting heavy weights reverse pyramid style, focusing on protein as the main macro-nutrient, and intermittent fasting (IF). It is body recomposition - losing fat and gaining muscle/strength the most effective way.

2017.07.01 03:45 8B8B8B8B8 Binance

A place to interact with the community, and discuss all things crypto and Binance!

2016.05.03 00:32 tacobellscannon AskOuija: Get your answers one letter at a time

AskReddit, Ouija-style.

2024.05.15 03:24 poorgenzengineer what do you think about the cheating copilots hitting the market?

i've heard about ultracode ai and final round ai which are interview assistants that listen to questions and give you ai assisted answers. i'm sure there is more products hitting the market..
They have hefty price tags and I saw a post on blind from someone bragging that they used it to get offers.
Are candidates frequently using these?
I hate this but i remember in college people who cheat did get better grades and some students thought this was fair because the system was bogus anyway.
submitted by poorgenzengineer to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:23 bootymuncherz First AGPA Interview: Need Advice!

Hi all! I've just gotten an email to interview for an AGPA position for California State Parks. The interview process requires a half-hour written exam portion followed by a one-hour interview. Does anyone happen to know what both of these parts of the interview process will consist of? I really want this position and I want to be able to answer any questions as effectively as possible. Any advice on how to prepare?
submitted by bootymuncherz to CAStateWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:13 Tree_Of_Palm A (admittedly flawed) theory about the identity of Madame X, as well as an additional crack theory that I made while sleep deprived. (Spoilers for the entire game)

Ok this is gonna be a very long, rambling, and probably somewhat disorganized post, so please bear with me.
I'm sure other people have had this same idea as well, but I'm not subscribed to the rebornevo forums and I'm not very active on this subreddit either, so I don't know how frequently it's been discussed outside of the small number of times I've seen it on Twitter, which still was after I had the thought when I first played V12 years ago. Even if it is I still wanted to try and organize my thoughts about it and present all of the evidence that brought me to think this even without engaging much with the larger community.
To jump right into it, the theory that I've been subscribing to for a pretty long time and was very confident in (until realizing some flaws with it) is that Madame X is the incarnation of Nymiera from Maria(nette)'s now dead universe, which is likely the same universe that Clear, Kieran, and potentially the Thunder Warrior Tapu Koko are from. She was defeated by her universe's Indriad but somehow managed to escape with her life, albeit badly injured, and was effectively out of commission, which led to Indriad eventually being able to bring about Storm 9 which would eventually lead to the end the world. Nymiera then likely got help from either her world's Xara and Jean, or Clear and Kieran themselves to construct her suit and escape to the next universe.
There's quite a few reasons I have to think this. I feel like a ton of evidence from throughout the game supports the idea, and I've been making note of them for years at this point. This is gonna be a bit meandering, but it's really difficult to organize thoughts about a plot as complicated as Rejuv's even if you're focusing on only one character, so again please bear with me:
Essentially, the image I see with this is a Nymiera who became so disgusted at her own failures that she threw everything away, including her old identity, and and decided the best way to create a good world was to tear everything down and rebuild it herself, taking her belief in "The good of the many" to its furthest extreme and becoming a vengeful and bitter person in the process. She keeps "protecting" the Interceptor in hopes that their own quest will eventually guide them to resetting everything and destroying Karma for good.
However... in the process of thinking through this all over the last couple days, I realized several holes in this theory that I have to acknowledge, and keep it from really being an effective one.
First, if Nymiera is the avatar of Xerneas, then why is Madame X only ever seen using a Yveltal?
Second, the one aspect of Madame X's backstory story that she elected to reveal to us is about her mother. In her own words, "My "mother" was a weak individual who gave her life to protect me". Not only does Nymiera never hint at anything remotely similar this, but none of Adrest, Variya, or any of the files Adrest sends to Erin hint at anything even remotely close to this for Nymiera.
Third, which I think is the biggest issue: when we see Madame X's mask get broken by Sakitron at the pyramid, what little we see of her appearance doesn't exactly match up with Nymiera. What appears to be black hair could also just be a broken piece of her mask, her eyes are a bright red, and even though we barely see any skin, it visibly is not as dark as Nymiera's.
The first point is actually pretty easy to explain: the Yveltal is Indriad. Obviously we don't know how Indriad became a Yveltal, but there is precedent for shit like this happening and there's multiple hints towards it:
The other two though... I think more or less disprove the theory. Family-related trauma is already one of the game's biggest theme; if Nymiera had something related to her mother, it would have been made clear by this point. And there's just no way that I can think of to really justify the drastic difference in appearance between the two. I could simply handwave it and say "The differences in appearance are either a spriting error or a lighting thing with her helmet" and "We just haven't learned about Nymiera's mother yet", but both of those would just be copout answers to ignore.
I'm still confident that I'm onto something here and there is a connection between these two characters, instead I came up with a crackpot theory that nonetheless I think has a nonzero chance of being true, although its much less liekly .
Madame X isn't an alternate universe Nymiera. She's an alternate universe Nim.
Is it a stupid assertion? Yes. But hear me out, starting with some of the more minor points:
There's three main reasons I think there actually is something here though: Nim's physical appearance, Madame X's "mother", and the reason Madame X needs her suit despite it making her weaker.
First: Nim's physical appearance is extremely similar to Madame X's under her mask. As Lorna, we can see that her pupils have a red hue very similar to Madame X's. Looking at both Nim's sprites and her official art, her skin tone is lighter than Nymiera's but still darker then most of the rest of the cast, which also lines up with the broken mask. Finally, assuming Madame X actually has black hair and that's not just a broken part of her mask in the sprite, Nim's hair is the same color.
Second: When Madame X mentions her "Mother", its quoted, presumably for air quotes. While it could just be her disrespecting her "Mother", it feels far more significant than that, like its moreso implying that whoever she's talking about wasn't her mother in the traditional sense. Madame X also states that the difference between her "Mother"'s sacrifice and the player's mom's sacrifice is that the player's mom's didn't matter; thus indirectly implying that Madame X's mom's sacrifice was important even if she looks down upon her mom for it. Assuming that Nymiera shares some connection to Nim- be it that Nymiera created her, Nim is her reincarnation, or something else- it's not unreasonable to think that Nim, after overcoming her memory issues, could view Nymiera as something of a mother figure, especially considering that Nim took her name Nymiera's because she felt a connection.
Third: The suit. There's a very obvious reason that Nim would need a suit to suppress her own power: to keep herself from draining the life force of her subordinates and stop her own Storm from getting out of control. It's a leap, sure, but it would explain why she needs a suit that actively inhibits her.
Why would Nim be doing all of this, and how would she become such a cruel and vengeful person? We see something similar happen to our own Nim through Clear's manipulation through preying on her fears and insecurities. Assuming bad enough shit happened to her, I could absolutely see an alternate universe Nim who lacked the support of characters like Aelita, Melia, and the Player going down this path.
Is this theory accurate? Probably not, but it was really fun to think about. I never fucking know what's gonna happen with this game which is why it's so fun to speculate about the absolute mess of lore that it has.
Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this massive ramble, it was fun to write and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
submitted by Tree_Of_Palm to PokemonRejuvenation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:04 VeterinarianIll1917 Guide for Split 2!

Guide for Split 2!
I've been testing out some of the items on the PBE since the release and I was optimistic at first, but it appears that gp lost build diversity in items based on what's good and if you're going 100% crit. One parts are fixed as well if you haven't caught the news and will release next patch. My aim is to help you guys out in the next split. This is the first guide I've made for League, I welcome feedback and questions. I can provide more context if needed.
Inspiration: Changes look mostly fine, futures market will be missed though for early sheen purchases. Keystone: First strike should be an obvious choice for your keystone. 1st slot: Footwear is fine if you don't need to take boots early, otherwise cashback is going to be the default. They're both "meh" runes as the most gold you can gain from cashback is 204 on ie purchase. So try to back with a little extra gold to pick up a component with it. 2nd slot: BIS for 2nd slot is biscuits. The sustain from biscuits will allow you to play more agro in lane and you can take more trades. Timewarp's extra health on pots isn't nearly as valuable, just don't take this rune. Triple tonic is more niche. If you're used to this rune you can still take it, just play more conservatively with mana. 3rd slot: BIS for 3rd slot is cosmic. On a standard crit build you will have around 7 or 8 individual stats on items meaning we will not be able to make full use out of jack of all trades. Approach velocity has it's arguments as gp has good slows and likes to get into melee for a passive proc, but cosmic in general is better. Cosmic will wiggle in more sheen procs in your combos and the low cds on sums is strong for gp who is reliant on flash for an escape.
Precision: We have more options in precision next split, cutdown changes are big for us. Keystone: I haven't done enough testing with pta yet, but I don't think it's viable. Conq works only with a bruiser build, it could be our answer to tanks with the cutdown changes and our lack in lifesteal. Fleet's healing ate a nerf but it's k. Fleet is the default keystone in precision for now and overall gps safest rune to blind. 1st slot: Absorb life is hype! Synergizes perfectly with gp. The healing from this rune will be on par with fleet throughout the game. Take this rune if you're not concerned with mana. Presence of mind enables you to be more liberal with your q and w. Triumph is the worst of the 3. You won't be able to make frequent use of it throughout the game and we have better options for sustain. 2nd slot: Haste is the best. We build tri now, so we don't need the extra attack speed from alacrity. Blood line is viable, but it doesn't come online until after lane. Mostly an invisible rune. 3rd slot: I recommend last stand. You gain the most dmg amp with this rune and it's strong for early fights. Cut down would be better if it was enough to one shot squishy targets. Still useful early game to get an hp lead and zone the enemy toplaner off farm. Coup de grace has synergy with your r and collector.
Resolve: Resolve looks the same as last season, some notes on grasp though. Keystone: While I understand that I may lose some of you here, grasp isn't that bad and hasn't been that bad. I frequently run grasp, win lane, and win game with it. We lost corrupting pot, so it's a bit harder to stay in combat to charge it's proc. The dps is better now though as we get health on trinity. Furthermore, we don't have to worry about giant slayer passive anymore for our dps. You can build health again on gp freely. 1st slot: Demolish every time. You're only running this if you're going grasp though. If you're running resolve secondary, the other two slots have better options as gp excels at killing towers naturally. 2nd slot: Match up specific. Bone plating is better if you're hugging barrels throughout lane. If you're against someone who can proc it easily, take second wind. Rumble, and Teemo are good examples to take second wind. Darius and Riven are good examples to take boneplating. Keep in mind that the fleet page is strong into range. Sometimes better off just hitting them harder or out-sustaining, than trying to build defensively. Vayne is an example where fleet is better and ignore resolve completely. 3rd slot: Overgrowth is BIS. Revitalize doesn't do much for gp, not very noticeable. Unflinching is op into certain champions. I take unflinching into Riven, and Aatrox. Maybe Kennen, but I haven't played against to many Kennens in general.
Domination: Mostly a secondary page 1st slot: Taste of blood out-performs cheap shot and is easier to proc. You can only proc sudden impact on flash, don't take it. 3rd slot: The entire point of taking the domination page on ad gp is to snowball with treasure hunter and your already dummy strong gold gen. Really strong for smurfing, but isn't the safest option. Don't take this into hard match ups or if you're new to gp. Ultimate hunter is good for ap gp or macro play. I've used this style in tournaments where I get forced weakside and played passively through lane. Consider this style in a 5 man comp, not for solo q. It's not good for personally carrying the game.
Sorcery: Another secondary page 1st slot: If you're really struggling with gps mana pool early, mana flow band is the nail in the coffin for you. It's not the best option for gp, but can help with newer players. Obsolete with essence. 2nd slot: All 3 of these runes are useful. Combining legend haste with transcendence gives you 25 ability haste on your basic abilities when fully stacked. Transcendence is worth considering. Absolute focus is pretty straight forward, more ad on gp is never a bad thing. Combines well with gathering storm for a strong mid-late game. Celerity is weird rune to see on gp but you can run it. Celerity gives some extra help for spacing, enables you to sell boots in the late game, makes your passive ms and raise morale ms stronger. It's worth a try, but the other two options fit better into your builds. 3rd slot: Gathering storm is BIS. Scorch is better in the early game. If you can't build a lead with it, don't run it.
Shards: Go attack speed, adaptive force, flat health. The attack speed makes your lvl 1 cheese better, cs better and helps your early barrel output. The 10% attack speed is better earlier than legend alacrity (3-18%) in the precision tree. By the time you stack alacrity, you should already have trinity completed which gives you more than enough attack speed.
Possible Pages:
Generic Fleet page: This page gives you staying power in lane and can be utilized for going lethal in lane by poking them down while staying healthy. All in at around half hp. Use biscuits when you're oom or getting low on hp. They refill 8% of your missing health and mana. Try to get kills with this page
High Haste page: Less early all in power than the previous page for more haste and scaling. Has good staying power as well. Similar game plan as the first, but you can afford to play passive with this page if needed. Take pom for early mana sustain.
Grasp page: Similar to fleets playstyle, this page is very strong for shoving after you kill your laner. Gives you scaling hp throughout the game, making you harder to burst. Look for early all ins after poking a few times. Proc melee grasp with your passive when possible. Worthwhile page for splitting.
Generic First Strike page: Worse early game for a better mid/late game. You're playing to zone, poke, and scale with this page. Try not to get tagged first, as you lose both boneplating and first strike. If you proc first strike, it's safe to walk up and hit them with as much dmg as you can. Boneplating will soak up their dps as they retaliate. Try to use boneplating aggressively. Good into melee, terrible into range.
Hail Mary: You're either playing on a smurf account or are playing incredibly passive. You can climb on this page, but it's boring and risky. You're taking magical footwear as you gain free boots and you gain them sooner on kills. You should be looking to use r on your teammates plays to get boots faster and to proc treasure hunter. Otherwise you're farming. Poke when fs is up. You can take all ins once you've established a lead. This page is a gamble in low elo. If you get camped, you're screwed. If any of your teammates are inting before you get a lead, you're screwed. The gold gen on this page isn't enough to contend with the 10/1 Draven. You should look to get fed in lane if you can. These runes do not support early game trading well. When this page works out though, the enemy team will ff as you gain a massive lead for playing with your feet all game.
Items: What we've all been waiting for! Build order is highly dependent on what you need. Keep in mind that the new crit items give 25% crit. Cloak stacking isn't very good anymore and you're better off just finishing your items for this reason. Cull is still fine in passive lanes.
ASS: Shieldbow, Yun Tal Wildarrows. Shieldbow's lifesteal was removed. The shield on it is pathetic. This item doesn't do much for us anymore. Go resolve. Yun Tal Wildarrows is the new ad crit item that applies a dot on our crits. So first you need high crit chance to make good use out of this item. 2nd the dot has 35% total ad scaling on it. The damage on the dot is lacking for a singular proc. 3rd the dot doesn't proc on barrels. This item is only good if you can keep applying the dot and GP can't. It's better on yas, yone, and tryn.
1st slot: Trinity force is the best option in all builds besides full ap. No better option. I've tried going sheen into crit to see if it's a better spike, it's not. Go tri force next split 1st item. 2nd slot: Essence Reaver, Collector, LDMortal or Shojin. Essence Reaver is going to be best in slot 2nd for most builds. Your mana issues are solved with this item and the stats gp wants are all in this item. You're going collector 2nd if you can skip Essence Reaver. If you're fine on mana and haste, collector is better the sooner you get it. The lethality is better early game when champions are lower leveled and you don't make much use of the 25 gold on kills late game. Way better item for snowballing than Essence Reaver. LDR or Mortal reminder depending on if you need grievous. We go pen 2nd item into a tank top and tank jg. Overkill if there is only 1 tank. Shojin is better when you're behind and you're going to struggle getting your items. The haste, dmg amp, and health will make your dps consistent and will make you more survivable. Shojin sucks going 2nd as gp scales heavily with crit and this pushes back your spike. Again it's only good from behind. 3rd slot: Infinity Edge, LDMortal or Collector. Infinity Edge is best built as your 2nd crit item. IE is more valuable with more crit. Infinity Edge offers nothing, but it's ad when you don't crit. We build CollectoLDMortal here if you built shojin 2nd for the reasoning of Infinity edge. 4th slot: Collector, LDMortal, Essence Reaver or Infinity Edge Depends on what you've built already. If you skipped ER in the 2nd slot, you can build it again here. This is the last point in which you should get collector. 5th slot: LDMortal, Shojin. At this point you're deciding if you're going to sell boots or not. If you are, pick up shojin now. GP loves damage amp and it's going to be scarce for us next season. 6th slot: Navori. Navori gives attack speed, movement speed, and crit now. It's a viable option for selling boots and opening your build up to another non crit option other than trinity. Combined with your high haste from your other items and runes, you will have infinite barrels. Niche usage
Example builds:
Gp's Most Realistic Build Split 2: This is his strongest, most consistent build.
Scuffed the Early Game: Building Shojin early for it's constancy. Utilizing collector to yoink kills to get us back into the game.
Max Barrel Output: You're going this build in the advanced late game and you can afford to sacrifice ms for greater dmg and cooldowns. Sell boots for Navori. Collector and LDR are interchangeable depending on the enemy comp.
Snowball build: Similar to the first build, looking to pick up more kills early with collector.
Boots: Ionian's, Swifties, and Caps. Caps into all ad comps, ionian's and swifties are preference based.
Starting Items: Doran's blade is always good, Doran's shield into matchups you get poked. Longsword refillable is weak, but better if you're playing passively.
Conclusion: I'm curious to see if rito is going to look into gp this split. His item pool is actually looking smaller now. No more Bloodthirster, Shieldbow, or Navori for the most part. Welcome back Trinity though. The phage proc is nice.
submitted by VeterinarianIll1917 to gangplankmains [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:59 DCDMD91 Why would a DSO not hire you?

I’m sure I’ll get some humorous answers here as well but in all seriousness..I recently was job hunting and took a position with private office. I interviewed at both private and dso style offices and was given offers by all the private offices and none of the dso’s. The contrast was pretty stark so I’m curious to see if anyone has some answers.
submitted by DCDMD91 to Dentistry [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:46 Empty-Stress-7117 I-485 Interview Done but Status Unchanged Since November 2023 (i140 approved)

I-485 Interview Done but Status Unchanged Since November 2023 (i140 approved)
I'm reaching out for insights or similar experiences regarding my green card processing timeline and current status. Here’s a brief rundown:
  • I-140 Approval: June 8, 2023
  • I-485 Transfer: June 28, 2023, for further processing
  • Interview Scheduled Notification: November 15, 2023
  • Interview Date: February 8, 2024
Since the interview on February 8, the USCIS online status has not been updated and still reads "Case is Ready to Be Scheduled for An Interview" since November 15, 2023.
At the interview's conclusion, I received a notice stating: "Your case is being held for review. At this time, USCIS does not require any further information or documents from you... A final decision will be mailed once your case is complete."
On the interview, there was a concern raised about a 7-day period of unlawful status after my tourist visa expired. My attorney reassured that I am covered under INA 245(k), as I did not accrue more than 180 days of unlawful presence at the time of my I-140 and I-485 submissions. After the interview my lawyer sent all the supporting information regarding the eligibility of AOS to the interviewing officer.
  1. Has anyone been in a similar situation where your case status did not update online after the interview?
  2. What steps would you recommend if the status remains unchanged for an extended period?
  3. How long can it take to get an answer from the officer?
Any shared experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
submitted by Empty-Stress-7117 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:45 LSATMax The Logic of the MBE: Zoom Webinar

The Logic of the MBE: Zoom Webinar
Live Class Tomorrow: The Logic of the MBE The MBE is supposed to test law and application – and yet eliminating the wrong answers often relies on the SAME principles of logic and reasoning that were tested on the LSAT! Fortunately, we have Nate, a celebrated BarMax tutor who also teaches for LSATMax, to guide us through the maze. Join Nate and Celeste TOMORROW at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern as they give examples of "MBE Logic" so that YOU can learn how to eliminate wrong answers, and confidently choose the right answer, on MBE questions.
Zoom Link:
submitted by LSATMax to BarMax [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:36 majoroofboys A Guide on What to Do At College if You Want To Succeed


There was a post that was recently posted and it's been asked a ton: "How do I get a computer science related job after I graduate from KSU?". I thought I'd share this with everyone because I've been down this path and managed to make it on the other side. This will be a long explanation and hopefully, can serve as some sort of guide for students. That being said, things are subjective and this is not the holy grail of how to make it. You might find all, some or none of it useful. I encourage testimonials and whatnot in the comments. Can be applied to all majors but, this primary for technology-based majors since I am in tech field. YMMV

About Me

I've been around here for a while. I was a student not too long ago, studied computer science for my bachelors. After graduating, I work in FAANG and have worked in big tech for a while. No, I don't work at Amazon. I am a senior software engineer. I touch frontend & backend technologies. I participate in hiring frequently.

Starting Out

Over the years and while attending here, there's been a weird disconnect between students, goals and how to achieve them in tech. Goals can be anywhere from learning new technologies, getting internships to securing a full time job before or after you graduate. As much as I would love for there to be a path where you can do minimum effort and still succeed, there isn't. A lot of you seem to not realize that. Getting a degree in this field is not enough. Doing projects that show no passion / interests is not enough. Being stuck on tutorials for years is not enough.
This field is much like a sport. There are very few people that can just be great without any effort. You have to be consistent. Four years is not a lot of time. It goes by super fast. If you constantly push things back and you do not take the time to learn the fundamentals outside the classroom, you will not succeed in this field. This field is at a point where there's so many of you. Every post on LinkedIn and news articles said "hey, this field is a gold mine and you'll make six figures out the gate". For a time, maybe that was somewhat true. As of writing this, it's not. You're going against people who have: better schools, better experience, etc. You have to find a way to diversify yourself early. If you can't diversify, you're going to be in a tough place later down the road. Knowledge not something you can just consume in less than an hour and pass an interview. You have to know it well. If you don't, there's someone else who will.
There's an interesting connotation in life that you're either born super smart or an absolute idiot and that you have to be smart to do computer science / programming. There are people with raw IQ that can consume things like no one you've ever met but, that's such a rarity that there's no realistic use in using that as a data point. If you ever took the time to ask someone who you thought was really good at something, they would tell you something along the lines of: I love what I do and I spent a lot of time doing this. There are hours and hours of time people put into passions that you don't / will never see. Meaning that they can no-life this shit for days on end and still come back and do it some more. It doesn't mean that you can't succeed if don't do that but, computing / programming is a very boring field if you do not enjoy it. I would seriously contemplate why you're going through this. If you're doing it for money and only money, you're going to end up miserable. No amount of money can make you do something you hate. It'll wear you down both mentally and physically. If you're doing this because it's a mix of passion and money, you're like everyone else and you gave yourself a better shot. It's a mental thing. Don't climb uphill if you rather sit at the bottom. Don't complain if you're at the bottom and you rather be at the top. There's nothing wrong with that. But, don't do it. For what it's worth, I am not the smartest person. I graduated high school with a low GPA and took college seriously because I wanted to do more with my life. Plus, being on hourly forever sounds horrible imo. Use the opportunities that life has given to you and run with it. Run far, run smart and run in a direction that you can see yourself going long-term.
Additionally, college is what you make of it. Blaming professors or the program (while I do agree sometimes) is not a solution. Blaming professors that don't speak English is a cop out. If you work in tech, you'll be interacting with a lot of people from other countries. Suck it up. Work with it instead of against it. Professors and TAs can only teach you so much. Classes are meant to give you a taste of what it's like in that domain / space. It's not meant to fix all your issues and show you the way. That's for you to do on your own time. Take accountability of your own success, explore the internet (it's free) and lock in. Stop looking for opportunities to find you. Actively seek them out yourself.


Make connections with people. I cannot stress how important this is. Especially on the Marietta campus, there's a lot of you that go to class, stingers / food, run to class and immediately start gaming and think that when your classes are over, you're done for the day. That's a bad mindset. Make connections with people. Sit with random people at stingers or wherever. Have a conversation. Find a common interest. Don't harass men / women for a date while you're at it. Keep it cool. A lot of people say "there's nothing to do at KSU and there's no life on campus". That's not true at all. It's true if you choose to put your head in a box and refuse to look up. Join a club that interests you. Get close to the people in that club who actively attend and build a personal relationship. If there's no club with your interest, make a club. Fuck it, lead one. You can make one officially through KSU or add a discord server to the student hub and go from there. You'll meet some really cool like-minded people. Lots of my connections have come from randomly showing up to a club, getting out of my comfort zone and weirdly enjoying it.


Brush up on your interview skills. Technical and behavioral abilities matter. Culture fit matters. A lot of you seem to walk around with almost zero personal hygiene. Clean yourself up, practice talking to people and get places. There's been this stigma that culture fit doesn't matter as much as technical and if I have great technical abilities, they'll just accept me. I can tell you for an absolutely fact that I have thrown out / tossed out resumes from highly technical individuals that had zero people skills. If you can't communicate and clean up, you're more of a risk than someone who does all those things and has a bit less technical ability. I can teach someone how to code. I can't teach someone how to take a shower or brush their teeth. Know more than just Leetcode. Learn system design. Take a course / watch a video on Linux and bash. Do not be afraid of the command line interface. Understand how things work at a deeper level. Take feedback seriously. Do not argue with people. If you future manager / colleague tells you that you need to work on things, work on those things. There's nothing worse than a co-worker in denial.


As for internships and full time opportunities, there's a few classes at KSU that you really want to master: Data structures, Algorithm Analysis, Operating Systems and Discrete math. If you're in a major that doesn't have those classes, spend the extra money and take those classes. Do not take them online if you can afford to come in person. Take the hardest / best professors for those courses. Super important. Leetcode is quite literally, those classes merged together in a prompt-style format. If you do not understand those concepts, you will not make it in this field let alone pass an interview loop.
Data Structures - Varies. Rate my professor.
Algorithm Analysis - Varies. Rate my professor.
Operating Systems - Do not take Carla McManus if you want to learn the concepts fluently.
Discrete Math - Andy Wilson.
Having solid resume is super important. Many people who don't secure things and get automatically rejected, etc have horrible resumes. Spend the money (it's a lot) to get your resume professionally written. It's worth it. Invest in your long term career aspirations. Templates are cool but, they don't convey information well and come across as lazy. Don't put every achievement ever on there. I don't want to see a wall of text. No, I don't care if you're a Boy Scout. No, I don't care if you bussed tables in high school. You get the point. The rule of "only one page" is complete and total bullshit. If you have projects and prior work experience related to the role, list it down. Don't conserve space for the sake of keeping it one page. You're limiting yourself. I know the career center actively tells people on handshake to keep it to one page. They're wrong. I landed internships & full time roles consistently at big tech / FAANG for years with a 1.5 / 2 page resume. Do not lie on your resume. If you can't solve a leetcode hard consistently with the technology / language of choice, you don't know it well enough. I have interviewed a ton of students and people that list they know C or Python and can't write recursion or gives me a solution in O(N^2) or worse. Aim for O(N), use a hashmap / hash table when you can and do it in a language that doesn't make you fight the runtime / compiler. Trust me, we know when you're making shit up. If you don't know something say it and then, tell them to explain more. This way, you show that you have the capability to learn. Ask smart questions. Do not ask questions that have already been answered. Take notes.
On your resume, experience is only real experience if you get a W2. If you don't get a W2, you can't claim it as professional experience. A lot of background checks these days are drilling down on incorrect information. I have seen instances where people lie, get an offer, company finds out through a comprehensive background check and their offer is gone. Do not put the fate of your future income on a lie. I cannot stress this enough. A lot of students and people actively lie.
Secondly, the trick to getting a good internship is timing. A lot of you wait until Nov - Dec to find an internship and then, throw your hands up when no one responds. That's not a good mindset. Solid internships are recruiting in end of July to August. By September, the amount of open spots are extremely thin. Local companies tend to look for internships during this time. Internships are about luck after that. Reach out to people in your circle to increase your odds. A referral goes a long way. Prior experience through projects that are complex and unique go a long way. It's a numbers game. Don't aim for the highest thing ever without some sort of referral. You can still apply but, do not expect much from it. Start small and work your way up. It's extremely rare to go from KSU undergrad sophomore to Google. It takes a lot of outside work. If you happen to land the internship, make sure that you get recommendations at the end. Having real people who you worked with in a professional capacity that can vouch for you is huge. If you're in your junior year and you get an internship, make sure you try to secure a full time offer. Loop in your boss, mentor, etc. Make your expectations clear. Reach their expectations and beyond.
Thirdly, full time opportunities are rare and most new grads that get hired come from the previous year's intern pool. If you don't get converted, you have to make up that time searching for a job during your senior year. If you do get converted, keep looking because companies are flaky these days. Always have a Plan B & C. Never fully count on Plan A. If you don't have internships across four years, it's over for you. From a hiring manager perspective, it's an absolute red flag when we come across someone with a degree and no internships. That's effectively going against the point of college. You'll have to settle for crumbs and crawl your way up. Very few make it out of that hole. The bar is significantly higher. Especially, now.

Searching for an Opportunity

Do not wait until after you graduate to find a job. Jan - Early May are when most companies finalize budgets and hire. If you wait until after May, you'll might have to wait until after the Summer and possibly, October for hiring to pick up again. Proactivity is nothing but good for you. If you can't be proactive then, you won't succeed in this field. Referrals matter but, personal connections with the hiring manager / recruiter are much, much better. Work your way up. Don't discount an opportunity because it doesn't pay well. Get as much experience as you can and bounce around. Do not go into the gate thinking you're going to make $120K - $140K / yr out the gate. You're most-likely going to make $68K - $75K / yr depending on the location. Do not listen to LinkedIn posts that claim all this cool shit and how to do it. Trust me, it's bullshit. Don't pay attention to it. It's a brag-fest. It's a long road. Start walking on it early and you'll reach the other side when it matters most. Trust in it.
The reality of this economy is that highly experience people have been laid off. Those people are applying to entry level roles and those roles are being filled for cheap. In addition, watch out for fake postings and scam jobs. If you take a contract job, always keep looking. Avoid jobs that will providing "training" before you even start. Avoid jobs that are less than week old. You want things that are fresh. It's a numbers game. Apply for 300+ jobs every week until you get a response back. Don't be discouraged by employers who don't respond or ghost you. Keep at it. It's a mental game.


I think if you do these things, you'll end up at a great spot after four years. If you're just now coming across this and you've been slacking, use this an opportunity to wake the fuck up, light a fire under your ass and lock in. If you're still in denial after reading this post and you have yet to get anything, light a fire under your ass, come to terms with it and lock in.
If you're in it to do zero work, cheat on your classes, mess around for four years and somehow wing a high salary or a job in this field, good luck. You're fucked. You're so fucked, in-fact, that you'll be wondering "why me and why is it so hard" for a long ass time. Don't be that person.

Cool Resources

Git -
Github (use this as your portfolio; web devs should make an actual clean website) -
Github Student Pack (tons of free resources) -
Linux Handbook - Linux Quickguide -
Lots of subreddits geared around linux and programming. Great resources to find.
Understand: Kernel Space vs. User Space, Memory Allocation / Deallocation, Bitwise Operations, Memory blocks, processes and threads, context switching
System Design Primer -
Understand: Monolith vs. Micro-services, Tradeoffs between different approaches, Vertical vs. Horizontal Scaling, Load Balancers, Buckets, Data lakes, CI / CD Pipelines, Data Clusters, Client-Server Architecture, Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Context: System design is like a giant puzzle that has many forms. Create a basic design. It won't be perfect. Mix-and-match different services and know why, how and tradeoffs between each approach.
Programming language is dependent on the role and what the company favors. Common ones are Java, C++, Python, C#, JavaScript / TypeScript and C. You can look at jobs that you would like to work someday, look at the requirements and use that as a basis on where to start learning. Things constantly change. Fundamentals build up on each other. Start small. Work your way up. Do not dream big. Dream realistic. Everyone is different.
submitted by majoroofboys to KSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:30 graywolt Total Flipped World Tour - Niagara Brawls
Cameron is back in the game in a 6-1-1 vote, and Scott and Anne Maria have gained immunity in a 7-5-2-1-1 vote.
Blaineley announces that Cameron has won the second chance challenge and is now back in the game. Cameron is incredulous, and Beardo, Ella, & Harold cheer for him, and Blaineley asks if she will get her money. Geoff laughs & says that they just barely went over time, which very much pisses off Blaineley, causing her to charge at Geoff. Security comes & captures her, and Geoff says that the next Aftermath will be at the secret finale location. As Blaineley is getting dragged away by security, Geoff signs off the episode, saying that he’ll see everyone next time.
Niagara Brawls
The episode opens with the Max clone scurrying around, playing with a sharp rock, and subsequently hiding when he sees the interns dragging the contestants to the cargo hold. The scene then cuts to a sleeping Max, who is having a dream about inventing things with Owen & Izzy. Scott, Sugar, & Topher then show up on hoverboards, destroying their work with lightning bolts. Max is thrown in the air, subsequently waking up & realizing that he and the other contestants have been thrown out of the plane.
Max promptly screams, waking everyone else up. While falling, two swan pedal boats are also falling with them. The contestants cling onto the boats as they fall and land in the water, making Anne Maria yell at Chris, as Staci shouts “Water!” This annoys Scott, but he & everyone else then see that they’re all heading toward a massive waterfall. Sugar laments about how she can’t win any more pageants when she dies, Dawn wishes her families good will, & Topher says that he fully doesn’t like Chris now. With Zoey though, she has turned into Commando Zoey, and uses her strength to throw Sugar into the other boat as an anchor, before furiously paddling both boats to safety. On the shore, Anne Maria compliments Zoey’s quick thinking & skills, and Scott is thinking. In the confessional, Scott says that Zoey must go ASAP, as she seems to be a big physical threat.
On shore, Chris reveals their location by telling the contestants that Niagara Falls is awesome, explaining that it is the jewel in Canada's crown and one of the top ten natural wonders in the world, also known for its fabulous casino, the place where they will head for the next part of the challenge, only to find themselves in the concert theater because all of them are underage. Topher asks if anyone will perform here, and Chris says that it’ll happen, as the last Aftermath episode has returned a contestant back to the game. Scott & Sugar are praying that it’s Sierra who returns, Max & Staci want Owen & Sadie respectively, and Chris then announces that it’s in fact Cameron who’s back in the game. Dawn is belated about this, and Cameron sings a song about Dawn & his friends, which is positively met.
Cameron asks Chris which team he’s on, and that he hopes it to be Team Amazon. Chris says that as of now it’s every man, woman, & Cameron for themselves, due to the teams being disbanded. Besides Scott, Sugar, & Topher, everyone is happy about this and is leering angrily at the villains. In the confessional, Sugar asks why everyone else is acting like they’re all friends, as this is Total Drama, not Total Friendship. With Zoey, she’s saying that she is excited at the chance of eliminating Scott or Sugar
Chris then announces that, since they are in the honeymoon capital of the world, they will be in pairs for "arranged marriages." The boys are placed in a giant casino machine, while the girls will pull the lever to see who their husband will be to team up for today's challenge and for Chris' own amusement, adding Bacon the bear in the slot machine, too.
Dawn pulls first, getting Scott, to which she slams the door on, crushing Scott’s arm. Dawn says that she’d prefer Bacon to Scott, making Chris give Bacon to Dawn. Sugar pulls next, getting Topher. Topher looks mostly indifferent to this, and Sugar suggests sabotaging everyone to gain victory, which Topher agrees with. Topher then asks what they should do with Scott, and Sugar says to treat him just like the others, as Sugar is in grave danger of being kicked if she loses.
Zoey pulls, hoping it’s not Scott, and gets Cameron. When Cameron sees this, he says that while he would rather have Dawn, Zoey is cool. Staci gets Max and they fist-bump, and this leaves Anne Maria with Scott, much to their dismay.
In part one of the challenge, the grooms must guide their blindfolded brides to a wedding dress while avoiding several obstacles in the first part of the competition, and if they don't get a dress, they can't move on to the next challenge. Topher tells Sugar not to worry about this, as he is amazing at this. Scott initially messes with Anne Maria, sending her into a pool of pudding, and Anne Maria says that he better stop it, unless he wants to be eliminated.
With Sugar & Topher, Sugar has found the first dress. Sugar suggests sabotaging the other teams, so they can automatically get immunity, which Topher agrees with. Staci & Max are trying to get to a dress, and Max is constantly changing his instructions, as Topher ais moving stuff around to confuse them. Cameron is guiding Zoey when Sugar steals his glasses, which causes him to accidentally send Zoey into a giant cake. Zoey groans at this and asks Cameron what happened. Cameron apologizes and says that it happened because Sugar stole his glasses, which Zoey forcibly takes back.
With Dawn & Bacon, the bear has successfully taken Dawn to the wedding dresses, clinching Dawn’s spot in the next challenge. Scott gets Anne Maria to the wedding dresses successfully, and so does Cameron with Zoey. As Chris says that the first challenge is over, Staci is able to get her wedding dress, annoying Topher & Sugar.
For the second part of the challenge, Chris explains that the grooms must hold their brides on a tightrope as they walk through Niagara Falls — which is packed with hungry sharks below because Chris thought they weren't quite unpleasant enough — and then they must successfully clear customs, saying that the first pair to do so wins invincibility. The mere idea of sharks is making Scott quiver, along with Max & Topher as well. As Sugar & Topher got to the dresses first, they get a head start. As they go by, Sugar trips Zoey for no apparent reason. Topher asks why, and Sugar says that she’s simply trying to get a rise out of Zoey.
Up next is Staci & Max, and the latter is staring at the falls below. Staci asks if he’s alright, and Max says that he feels psyched out by the challenge, as it seems really easy to fall to your death with one misstep. He then regains his breath and Staci starts to carry him on the rope.
Back with Topher & Sugar, Sugar tells Topher to hold on tight. Topher asks what this means, and Sugar slightly shakes the rope from side-to-side, making Staci & Max fall off. Cameron is bewildered by this, as they were just walking fine before. Zoey & Cameron get onto the tightrope next, speeding after the villains while being very wary of the looming threat of the falls.
Dawn & Bacon are next, with the Bear upright, carrying Dawn in her arms. Chris is surprised that anyone could actually find a grizzly bear that would be a good teammate. Bacon walks onto the tightrope, which causes a significant dip that nearly knocks off Scott, Sugar, Cameron, and Dawn. Zoey angrily asks who did this, and Cameron tells her to calm down, as it was just Dawn & the bear, which makes Zoey feel sheepish.
At the front, Sugar & Topher are discussing how they should sabotage everybody else once again when they reach customs. Chef starts to ask the duo some questions, and they are turned back when Chef asks them in which state is it illegal to have a donkey sleep in your bathtub after 7 P.M. Sugar said Texas, but the answer was Oklahoma.
Zoey & Cameron run into Sugar & Topher, and neither side is willing to move. In a bout of anger, Zoey violently shakes the rope, sending Dawn, the bear, Cameron, Topher, & Sugar into the falls. Zoey is mortified at what she has done, and dives in as well, looking for Cameron & Dawn. Scott & Anne Maria are the last ones standing, and carefully cross the rope to customs, where they answer all the questions correctly. Chef asks if they have anything else to say, and Anne Maria says that she’s just glad to be done with the challenge. The contestants in the water are now thankfully in a motorboat that is being driven by the interns, as Chris begrudgingly realizes that the contestants can't die.
Vote anyone sans Scott or Anne Maria, vote somebody for immunity, and feel free to come up with any plot points!
submitted by graywolt to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:29 sweater_on24 Interview day NYS DOCCS

I literally had my medical/agility/investigation interview for NYS DOCCS a couple days ago. Before I went I was so curious as to what to expect so here’s how the day went for those applying currently.
Remember the entire day you’re there is part of the interview. Make sure you follow all the instructions including what’s written on your paperwork. The staff is always watching. I made sure to say hi and thank you to everyone I met regardless of what their job duty was and I did it with a smile.
First, you do the medical (pee test, hearing, EKG, eye exam and blood test). Then you meet with a physician to go over your medical evaluation. Then you’ll do the agility test. The only “difficult” part of the job is the 3 min step test. As long as you don’t quit or stumble, they’ll pass you. Just don’t quit!!
After all that you’ll meet with your assigned investigator. They’ll go over your packet line for line making sure everything was filled out and answered appropriately. And that was it. They didn’t even ask any personality questions like why you want to be a CO or ask about any experiences in careers related to the job.
Once that’s done they discuss the process and say no news is good news. My investigator said the process takes about 3-6 months but I’ve been reading people are getting called within 2 weeks. So now it’s just a waiting game. Good luck to everyone!
submitted by sweater_on24 to OnTheBlock [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:21 Bubbly-Math-8290 Wafidin (expats jawazat) assistance

I am humbly requesting urgent assistance with a visit visa matter that has escalated to Wafidin (in kharj). I find it difficult to travel there and communication isn't easy, everyone only speaks Arabic. They never answer the phones. Is there anyone who can give me contact details or guide me the right direction?
submitted by Bubbly-Math-8290 to Riyadh [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:13 silentknite31 Is anyone else struggling to hire?

Partial rant but also serious question for IT support roles. I've interviewed about 60 people for a role that's "mid" tier support borderlineing Jr. Admin and for my whatever reason I can't get people to answer questions correctly, or I catch a few out right thinking it's OK to think of it as a open book interview and use notes/Google. If you have 3-5+ years of experience and bunch of certs why are you struggling to answer basic question of what is DHCP, DNS, hardware troubleshooting, troubleshooting internet connectivity etc... Has anyone else experienced this? Is that too much to ask from from someone nowadays? I personally don't think it is and also find it hard to believe these candidates can confidently state they're good at IT if they can't even grasp these basic.
submitted by silentknite31 to it [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:12 Andrew_Xio I fixed the timeline! let me know what your thoughts are!

It was hard to believe that Link could ever really die. Link, the iconic hero of the Legend of Zelda series, is distinguished not just by his bravery but by his seemingly perpetual resilience, which stems from his possession of the Triforce of Courage. This sacred artifact, imbued with the essence of the goddess Farore, grants Link more than just bravery—it provides him with a supernatural safeguard against death. Throughout each of his adventures, whether he faces the dark magic of Ganon or the bewildering trials of alternate dimensions, the Triforce of Courage acts as a bastion of protection. It ensures that Link can withstand mortal dangers that would overwhelm others, allowing him to continue fighting and striving to restore balance to the realms he cherishes. This divine protection is a cornerstone of his character, symbolizing that as long as he bears the Triforce of Courage, Link will always rise to meet any challenge, undeterred by the specter of defeat or demise.
So with that understood, how do we explain the downfall timeline? Well I think I've got an answer.
The Triforce of Courage grants the bearer the courage to face overwhelming odds and protects them from losing their essence or being overwhelmed by external evils. In the Zelda series, this Triforce piece often manifests its power by aiding Link in overcoming supernatural threats and challenges that would otherwise be insurmountable.
After the events of Ocarina of Time, There are two separate timelines created, one with Link, and one without link. The timeline with Link is the child timeline, where young link returns to Kokiri Forest to seek out his friend Navi. What happens next is undetermined, until now...
Once there, Link gets lost, but not just lost, lost without a fairy. In the lore of Ocarina of Time, those who get lost in the Lost Woods without a fairy companion are said to become Skull Kids. However, Link, even after returning to his childhood and losing Navi, carries the Triforce of Courage. This artifact's essence not only embodies bravery but also fundamentally protects the wielder’s spirit from corruption and transformation. Essentially, the Triforce of Courage acts as a shield, preserving Link's identity and purpose against the transformative magic of the Lost Woods.
Link's venture into the Lost Woods, safeguarded by the Triforce of Courage, sets off a remarkable event. Instead of succumbing to the fate of becoming a Skull Kid—a common destiny for those who lose their way in this enchanted forest—the Triforce of Courage interacts with the mystical energies that saturate the woods. The Lost Woods are not only a mysterious and ancient place but also the location of the Kokiri's Emerald, a sacred stone left by the goddess Farore. Farore is known for her power to create realms, as seen in Skyward Sword.
This unique interaction between the protective power of the Triforce of Courage and the realm-creating magic associated with Farore' s Emerald generates a rift or portal. This portal leads to the creation of a new timeline: a fantasy timeline beginning in Termina, an alternate dimension that mirrors and distorts the realities of Hyrule. This pivotal moment marks the divergence from the known paths of Hyrule's history into new, uncharted territories.
(This fantasy timeline explains why their are are fantasy characters' in these particular Zelda games. Like Mario characters in Link's awakening or Din in the oracle games. These characters are fantasies.)
Why Termina?
Termina can be seen as a physical manifestation of a trial created by the Triforce of Courage for Link to overcome. This world, laden with impending doom, peculiar inhabitants, and twisted versions of Hyrule’s characters, is essentially a crucible designed to test Link’s bravery and resolve. The challenges within Termina are direct reflections of the inner fears and the courage needed to confront them, perfectly aligning with the purpose of the Triforce of Courage—to push its bearer beyond their limits in the face of true adversity.
Majora’s Mask, with its dark themes and existential threats, serves as the ultimate test of courage for Link. The Triforce’s influence ensures that Link not only survives the journey but is also given a chance to grow and understand the depths of courage. It guides him subtly, ensuring that he stays true to his quest of not only saving Termina but also finding his lost friend, Navi.
At the end of Majora's Mask, Link has successfully navigated the trials of Termina, proving his courage and fortitude. With his mission in Termina complete, and his attempts to find Navi (his fairy companion from Ocarina of Time) unresolved, Link departs from the unknown realm. As Link continues his wandering in search of Navi, the Triforce of Courage leads him to Hytopia, thus bringing us to the next game in the fantasy timeline, Triforce heroes.
After the events in Tri Force Heroes, where Link and his two duplicates successfully lift the curse on Princess Styla, the magical bond that linked the three Links dissipates. This could be explained by the Triforce of Courage, having fulfilled its purpose in Hytopia, leading Link to new challenges where his heroic virtues are needed. With Hytopia’s immediate crisis resolved, Link sets out to explore new lands, possibly still in search of his original quest to locate Navi or driven by a restlessness instilled by his continuous heroic callings as he is still unaware of the fantasy timeline that he’s in.
The Triforce of Courage, still with Link, guides him to new lands with emerging threats. This mystical artifact, sensing disturbances in the balance of good and evil in distant realms, might lead Link to Holodrum and Labrynna. These lands, unlike Hytopia, face dire existential threats that require not just courage but the ability to adapt to changing environments and timelines, which are central themes in Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages.
Link's Awakening occurs after Link’s heroic deeds in the Oracle series. In this narrative sequence, Link sets off on a personal journey to train and prepare for future threats. Still unaware that he's in a fantasy timeline. He travels by boat, seeking wisdom and strength to be better equipped as Hyrule’s guardian. This journey symbolizes a hero’s need to reflect and grow, a common theme in legends.
The central twist of Link’s Awakening is the realization that Koholint Island is a dream realm created by the Wind Fish. As Link gathers the instruments and prepares to awaken the Wind Fish, he faces a moral and existential dilemma: awakening the Wind Fish will erase the island and its inhabitants from existence. This challenge is a test of Link’s courage and wisdom, pushing him to understand the complexities of reality and illusion, a theme deeply embedded in his quest to overcome this fantasy timeline he’s created.
Upon awakening the Wind Fish, the island fades away, and Link finds himself adrift on the open sea on a piece of his shipwrecked boat. This conclusion represents a rebirth for Link, a literal and metaphorical awakening. He is left to reflect on the nature of his journey and the lessons learned about impermanence and the power of belief and dreams.
Unbeknownst to the people of Hyrule, Link has not died but has instead been transported to yet another dimension or time, continuing his adventures elsewhere or even struggling to find his way back to Hyrule. In this newly created timeline, however, his perceived death leads to the absence of a hero when Hyrule most needs one, resulting in the realm's downfall. The downfall timeline.


This version of the downfall timeline is rich with the fantasy and magic central to The Legend of Zelda series. It hinges on a magical misinterpretation: the sight of Link vanishing into a rift created by the clash between the Triforce of Courage and the ancient magics of the Lost Woods. This event, seen as his death, marks the tragic beginning of the downfall timeline, setting the stage for a darker chapter in Hyrule's history where the hero is believed lost forever.
submitted by Andrew_Xio to legendofzelda [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:12 saltedfish Can't send emails from my Outlook account

At wit's end here a little.
I've followed a few guides and tried to find an answer using the almighty Google, but nothing seems to be a definitive "this is the issue."
I'm at a loss to figure this out. My impression from what I've read is that this is an ongoing problem caused not in small part by Microsoft themselves fucking with things on their end to make it difficult to connect to their servers (I wonder why).
I'm on Thunderbird version 155.10.2 (64 bit), Windows 10. The most recent error I'm getting is
Sending of the message failed. An error occurred while sending mail: Outgoing server (SMTP) error. The server responded: * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready. 
followed by a string of random letters. Any help or guides or previous posts are greatly appreciated.
submitted by saltedfish to Thunderbird [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:12 Andrew_Xio I fixed the timeline! let me know what your thoughts are!

I fixed the timeline! let me know what your thoughts are!
It was hard to believe that Link could ever really die. Link, the iconic hero of the Legend of Zelda series, is distinguished not just by his bravery but by his seemingly perpetual resilience, which stems from his possession of the Triforce of Courage. This sacred artifact, imbued with the essence of the goddess Farore, grants Link more than just bravery—it provides him with a supernatural safeguard against death. Throughout each of his adventures, whether he faces the dark magic of Ganon or the bewildering trials of alternate dimensions, the Triforce of Courage acts as a bastion of protection. It ensures that Link can withstand mortal dangers that would overwhelm others, allowing him to continue fighting and striving to restore balance to the realms he cherishes. This divine protection is a cornerstone of his character, symbolizing that as long as he bears the Triforce of Courage, Link will always rise to meet any challenge, undeterred by the specter of defeat or demise.
So with that understood, how do we explain the downfall timeline? Well I think I've got an answer.
The Triforce of Courage grants the bearer the courage to face overwhelming odds and protects them from losing their essence or being overwhelmed by external evils. In the Zelda series, this Triforce piece often manifests its power by aiding Link in overcoming supernatural threats and challenges that would otherwise be insurmountable.
After the events of Ocarina of Time, There are two separate timelines created, one with Link, and one without link. The timeline with Link is the child timeline, where young link returns to Kokiri Forest to seek out his friend Navi. What happens next is undetermined, until now...
Once there, Link gets lost, but not just lost, lost without a fairy. In the lore of Ocarina of Time, those who get lost in the Lost Woods without a fairy companion are said to become Skull Kids. However, Link, even after returning to his childhood and losing Navi, carries the Triforce of Courage. This artifact's essence not only embodies bravery but also fundamentally protects the wielder’s spirit from corruption and transformation. Essentially, the Triforce of Courage acts as a shield, preserving Link's identity and purpose against the transformative magic of the Lost Woods.
Link's venture into the Lost Woods, safeguarded by the Triforce of Courage, sets off a remarkable event. Instead of succumbing to the fate of becoming a Skull Kid—a common destiny for those who lose their way in this enchanted forest—the Triforce of Courage interacts with the mystical energies that saturate the woods. The Lost Woods are not only a mysterious and ancient place but also the location of the Kokiri's Emerald, a sacred stone left by the goddess Farore. Farore is known for her power to create realms, as seen in Skyward Sword.
This unique interaction between the protective power of the Triforce of Courage and the realm-creating magic associated with Farore' s Emerald generates a rift or portal. This portal leads to the creation of a new timeline: a fantasy timeline beginning in Termina, an alternate dimension that mirrors and distorts the realities of Hyrule. This pivotal moment marks the divergence from the known paths of Hyrule's history into new, uncharted territories.
(This fantasy timeline explains why their are are fantasy characters' in these particular Zelda games. Like Mario characters in Link's awakening or Din in the oracle games. These characters are fantasies.)
Why Termina?
Termina can be seen as a physical manifestation of a trial created by the Triforce of Courage for Link to overcome. This world, laden with impending doom, peculiar inhabitants, and twisted versions of Hyrule’s characters, is essentially a crucible designed to test Link’s bravery and resolve. The challenges within Termina are direct reflections of the inner fears and the courage needed to confront them, perfectly aligning with the purpose of the Triforce of Courage—to push its bearer beyond their limits in the face of true adversity.
Majora’s Mask, with its dark themes and existential threats, serves as the ultimate test of courage for Link. The Triforce’s influence ensures that Link not only survives the journey but is also given a chance to grow and understand the depths of courage. It guides him subtly, ensuring that he stays true to his quest of not only saving Termina but also finding his lost friend, Navi.
At the end of Majora's Mask, Link has successfully navigated the trials of Termina, proving his courage and fortitude. With his mission in Termina complete, and his attempts to find Navi (his fairy companion from Ocarina of Time) unresolved, Link departs from the unknown realm. As Link continues his wandering in search of Navi, the Triforce of Courage leads him to Hytopia, thus bringing us to the next game in the fantasy timeline, Triforce heroes.
After the events in Tri Force Heroes, where Link and his two duplicates successfully lift the curse on Princess Styla, the magical bond that linked the three Links dissipates. This could be explained by the Triforce of Courage, having fulfilled its purpose in Hytopia, leading Link to new challenges where his heroic virtues are needed. With Hytopia’s immediate crisis resolved, Link sets out to explore new lands, possibly still in search of his original quest to locate Navi or driven by a restlessness instilled by his continuous heroic callings as he is still unaware of the fantasy timeline that he’s in.
The Triforce of Courage, still with Link, guides him to new lands with emerging threats. This mystical artifact, sensing disturbances in the balance of good and evil in distant realms, might lead Link to Holodrum and Labrynna. These lands, unlike Hytopia, face dire existential threats that require not just courage but the ability to adapt to changing environments and timelines, which are central themes in Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages.
Link's Awakening occurs after Link’s heroic deeds in the Oracle series. In this narrative sequence, Link sets off on a personal journey to train and prepare for future threats. Still unaware that he's in a fantasy timeline. He travels by boat, seeking wisdom and strength to be better equipped as Hyrule’s guardian. This journey symbolizes a hero’s need to reflect and grow, a common theme in legends.
The central twist of Link’s Awakening is the realization that Koholint Island is a dream realm created by the Wind Fish. As Link gathers the instruments and prepares to awaken the Wind Fish, he faces a moral and existential dilemma: awakening the Wind Fish will erase the island and its inhabitants from existence. This challenge is a test of Link’s courage and wisdom, pushing him to understand the complexities of reality and illusion, a theme deeply embedded in his quest to overcome this fantasy timeline he’s created.
Upon awakening the Wind Fish, the island fades away, and Link finds himself adrift on the open sea on a piece of his shipwrecked boat. This conclusion represents a rebirth for Link, a literal and metaphorical awakening. He is left to reflect on the nature of his journey and the lessons learned about impermanence and the power of belief and dreams.
Unbeknownst to the people of Hyrule, Link has not died but has instead been transported to yet another dimension or time, continuing his adventures elsewhere or even struggling to find his way back to Hyrule. In this newly created timeline, however, his perceived death leads to the absence of a hero when Hyrule most needs one, resulting in the realm's downfall. The downfall timeline.


This version of the downfall timeline is rich with the fantasy and magic central to The Legend of Zelda series. It hinges on a magical misinterpretation: the sight of Link vanishing into a rift created by the clash between the Triforce of Courage and the ancient magics of the Lost Woods. This event, seen as his death, marks the tragic beginning of the downfall timeline, setting the stage for a darker chapter in Hyrule's history where the hero is believed lost forever.
submitted by Andrew_Xio to legendofzelda [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:11 Jeshy123 My Mom is Kicking Me Out Next Week

So for some context, my mom is currently under a lot of stress. She is going through a divorce, fixing up her house, her job as a nurse has her with little to no free time. She casually let me know about a month ago that she wants me out and she is replacing me with my little sister. I have court papers saying my little sister cant live with me until she is 18, but I have changed and I believe that mess has been taken care of within the family.
Currently I have about $1k, car, and 2 of my friends are willing to take me in. I have been putting in job applications like a madman and i have been on probably 5 interviews within the past few weeks to no avail. How can I navigate this situation the best? I can afford the rent but in order to be stable I would need a job. My only other options are military, see if I can pull some strings and get into a trade school, and if all else fails then i have a fresh start button by moving states and living with my blood sister.
I will answer any questions and provide details on anything related to the situation.
submitted by Jeshy123 to almosthomeless [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:06 Jeshy123 My Mom is Kicking Me Out Next Week

So for some context, my mom is currently under a lot of stress. She is going through a divorce, fixing up her house, her job as a nurse has her with little to no free time. She casually let me know about a month ago that she wants me out and she is replacing me with my little sister. I have court papers saying my little sister cant live with me until she is 18, but I have changed and I believe that mess has been taken care of within the family.
Currently I have about $1k, car, and 2 of my friends are willing to take me in. I have been putting in job applications like a madman and i have been on probably 5 interviews within the past few weeks to no avail. How can I navigate this situation the best? I can afford the rent but in order to be stable I would need a job. My only other options are military, see if I can pull some strings and get into a trade school, and if all else fails then i have a fresh start button by moving states and living with my blood sister.
I will answer any questions and provide details on anything related to the situation.
submitted by Jeshy123 to homeless [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 AutoModerator NEW PLAYERS POST HERE! - Questions and INFORMATION thread - May 15, 2024


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  • How do I use this subreddit?
If you're new here, make sure to read through the above. Secondly, any simple questions should be confined to this weekly announcement post. If you've found a bug or a new strategy, or wondering what type of playthrough to try, you should make a separate post about those.
  • Flairs? What are those?
There are two types of flairs: user flairs (which are currently customizable) and post flairs. If you make a post, make sure you're flairing it appropriately for others. There are some exclusive flairs you cannot pick but should be on the lookout for, such as:
Changelog - these posts have very informative posts regarding changes.
Fixed - these posts generally have a solution to a bug or problem.
Lastly, if you flair a post [Help Wanted] and someone answered satisfactorily, make sure to re-flair it with [Solved] so others can find the solution instead of looking through tons of posts.
  • Bright Nights? Wasn't that just a mod?
Bright Nights was originally a fork but turned into a supported pseudo-mod. It has now been restarted as a separate fork from Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead with a significantly different vision. On the surface, DDA and BN may appear the same but the gameplay will be starkly different with DDA focusing on realism and simulationist, with BN focusing on rogue-like gameplay and heavier sci-fi influences.
  • I think the subreddit should have ... or The subreddit should change ...
Great! The modteam is always looking for feedback, please make a post about your purposed change or idea and let the community decide through voting and debate. If it's something that is a bit more sensitive, please send it through modmail.
submitted by AutoModerator to cataclysmbn [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 AutoModerator NEW PLAYERS COME HERE! - Weekly Questions and Information thread - May 15, 2024


Stable - Gaiman (Recommended)

Android, Linux, OS X, Windows

Experimental (Not recommended)

Automated Installation

Catapult Game Launcher (3rd party, pretty convenient, more details in the link)
CDDA Game Launcher (3rd party, pretty convenient, more details in the link)

Manual Installation

Android, Linux, OS X, Windows

Compiling Guide

Controls (not up to date, controls for mobile can vary)

Helpful Guides

Featured Let's Players

Individuals that are currently known for playing C:DDA. List is subject to change (maintain active and current streamers), send modmail if you'd like to be added.
Player(s) Twitch YouTube
Vormithrax Link Link
TheMurderUnicorn Link Link
TheCritsyBear Link Link
RyconRoleplays None Link
Orange01gaming None Link
nonsonogiucas None Link
GrandpuhTy Link Link


Individuals that used to play C:DDA but have gone on hiatus or stopped streaming. These are mentioned here as requested by the community for being noteworthy.
Player(s) Twitch YouTube
flakaby Link None
Pr0manTwitch Link None
CromulentArcher None Link

Semi-Multiplayer - is hosted by r7st and allows for semi-multiplayer ASCII version of Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. It can be a bit confusing to get started so make sure you check out the Instructions page for more details and join that Discord to communicate while playing. Any issues need to be expressed on WatchCDDA's Discord, not the subreddit - any troubleshooting posts will be removed.


If you're new here, make sure to read through the above. Secondly, any simple questions should be confined to this weekly announcement post. If you've found a bug or a new strategy, or wondering what type of playthrough to try, you should make a separate post about those.
There are two types of flairs: user flairs (which are currently customizable) and post flairs. If you make a post, make sure you're flairing it appropriately for others. There are some exclusive flairs you cannot pick but should be on the lookout for, such as:
Changelog - these posts have very informative posts regarding changes.
Fixed - these posts generally have a solution to a bug or problem.
Lastly, if you flair a post [Help Wanted] and someone answered satisfactorily, make sure to re-flair it with [Solved] so others can find the solution instead of looking through tons of posts.
Antivirus products are known to detect the launcher as a threat and block its execution or delete the launcher. The reason for this is uncertain, but most likely due to a launcher component, PyInstaller, that is commonly flagged as a threat by antivirus software. A sufficient workaround is to add the launcher binary to your antivirus' whitelist, or to select the action to trust this binary when detected. More information can be found from the launcher's FAQ on Github.
If you are paranoid, you can always inspect the source code yourself and build the launcher from the source code. However, you are still likely to get false positives.
If you think the UI isn't set up correctly, make sure to press } to access the UI Settings panel. You will be given a choice of several different styles, with "Labels" being the recommended setting for new players and "Classic" for veteran players.
Great! The modteam is always looking for feedback, please make a post about your purposed change or idea and let the community decide through voting and debate. If it's something that is a bit more sensitive, please send it through modmail.
submitted by AutoModerator to cataclysmdda [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 AutoModerator Weekly General Questions Megathread

Welcome to the General Questions Megathread! Use this thread to ask away any burning questions you have about Food Fantasy!
Please be patient and give a reasonable amount of time for people to answer your question. If your question hasn't been answered, avoid making a new post to ask.

Useful Links/Guides!

General Food Fantasy Guides:
Account/Game Issues:
submitted by AutoModerator to FoodFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:51 ConcernedParent28804 My daughter & Red Hawk Academy

Hi All,
I just wrote a very lengthy post on my life as a parent of a "troubled" daughter. She is 16 and has been diagnosed with autism, anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder, and borderline personality disorder. She has been in three different programs. Currently, she is at Red Hawk Academy in Littlefield, Arizona. She has been at the school for the past six months.
On my own, without any request by Red Hawk Academy , I have decided to address and dispel any accusations and/or allegations directed at Red Hawk Academy ("RHA").
RHA is located in Littlefield, Arizona and the owners of the school are Valerie and Sonny. Valerie, Sonny, and all of the staff at RHA are honest, caring, and true to their words.
Before I address the outrageous and false accusations regarding RHA, I would like to point out that these posts/conversations are usually written by individuals who: (1) never had a daughter who attended RHA or (2) disgruntled, upset, and emotionally charged kids who may or may not have attended RHA.
That being said, when reading any negative post (including accusations and allegations) about RHA, or any therapeutic program, you should always think about who is writing the post. I have noticed that parents who have actually sent their kids to therapeutic boarding schools have long posts where they take the time to explain how they ended up sending their kids to one of these programs.
I have nothing to gain in writing this post. I am writing this post because I have a daughter with many psychological and behavioral problems. I am writing this post because sending her to RHA was the best decision I could have made for her and our family.
The following are accusations/allegations about RHA are without merit and completely ridiculous:
  1. There is no information on individual staff members: FALSE - you can go to the RHA website ( and you will find information on each staff member. If you click on a staff member's name, you can read a bio on that person.
  2. " My brother told me my niece can't get calls or mail": FALSE - we speak to our daughter every week. She also writes us letters that are scanned and sent via email. The family can send letters via email or regular mail. I know she receives the letters because she sends a written response or we discuss the letter on a video call. Every Wednesday, the girls receive all correspondence from their family members. In regards to the calls - the calls are all video calls. We get to talk to our daughter every week. There are two types of calls which occur every other week: (i) hour-long zoom family session with our daughter and Valerie (who has a master's in social work); (ii) 15-minute video call with our daughter on Google Meet. On the weeks where we do not have a family session with our daughter, we still meet for an hour with Valerie. As a parent, you may worry that every other week, you are only able to talk to your daughter for 15-minutes. I believe there are many reasons for the call schedule: (1) an hour-long family session every week is tough on our daughter (and I believe most kids); (2) it is nice to have a therapy session without our daughter, so we can work on our family and learn how to best support our daughter; and (3) parents are a distraction - when we have the family sessions, at times, we witness an angry, defiant, and resentful daughter. Both our family and our daughter need time apart to heal and self-reflect on the process.
  3. "The owner (Sonny) gets his feet rubbed by the girls": FALSE - our daughter has never reported any inappropriate conduct by Sonny or any staff member. While you may think that my daughter (and the others) can't truthfully report what is going on at the facility, what you may not know, is that I visit my daughter every three months. I went to visit her in April and she stayed in a hotel room with us for three nights. If there was something going on at the school she would have told us.
  4. " They (therapeutic boarding schools) are all unregulated and abusive": FALSE - all facilities are regulated at the state level or county level. As for the "abusive" comment, I can only speak as to the programs my daughter has attended. All three of the programs were not abusive. In our family, we have agreed to a safe word, which is a word our kids will use if ever in danger. My daughter has done everything in her power to get expelled from these programs and she has not once used the safe word. She knows the seriousness of using the safe word and knows that it should be used only if she truly is in danger (or being abused). Also, if you think about it logically, RHA would not allow families to take their kids away from the facility for days at a time if there was any abuse occurring at the school. In addition, some people may believe that consequences equates to abuse. My daughter's behavior is driven by her borderline personality disorder, and consequences are needed to curb that behavior. I have spoken with psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists and all have agreed that consistent consequences are the way to handle borderline personality disorders. The consequences are RHA are: (i) NOT abusive, (ii) reasonable, and (iii) sufficiently address the bad behavior.
  5. " Sonny had them doing chores outside of the facility": FALSE - The girls can work outside of the building (located on school property) once they reach a certain goal. My daughter looks forward to working outside with Sonny and she gets to make some money in the process. I can't imagine any parent getting upset because his/her daughter is working. My daughter (and many other daughters) need to learn how to work, follow instructions, and follow-through with a project. My daughter had a great time painting a structure and it helped her understand the value of hard work. One of the staff members sent me a photo of my daughter after she finished the painting and she had a great big smile and paint all over her. Bottom-line, I want my daughter to be proud of her accomplishments, whether it be weed picking, painting, or other outdoor tasks.
  6. It is dangerous to give guardianship to RHA: FALSE - I admit that I was scared when I was asked to sign a document giving temporary guardianship to RHA. But then, once again, I thought about it logically. My daughter lives in another state and I need to someone to have the legal right to make choices/decisions on daughter's behalf. I will not risk the health and well-being of my daughter due to my own ungrounded fear in allowing temporary guardianship. More importantly, I truly trust RHA staff and know that they have the well-being of my daughter in mind when making decisions.
  7. "It’s usually the parents that are the problem and that’s the reality of it. So maybe check urself too or try family therapy or try to understand ur kid better": FALSE - If there is anything you take from this post is that not all families are the problem. Yes, some parents may be the problem, but not in my case. My daughter grew up in a loving environment where she was well taken care of. The family dynamic was healthy and we, as parents, offered emotional support, encouragement, love, kindness, and respect. My husband and I wanted to provide my daughter with the best life possible. My daughter, with no choice in the matter, has a chemical imbalance in her brain. I do not fault my daughter for this imbalance, but I do hold her accountable for her actions. She is consciously making decision that have put her life at risk.
I have not covered all negative posts, but addressed some of the posts that stood out to me.
Her is my message to you - I love my daughter unconditionally. Above all else, I want her to be happy and healthy. It was a difficult decision to send her away, and there are many days that I am sad she is not living with us. Sometimes I wish she could come home. But, then I remind myself why she is at RHA. She is there because she needs help, help that we could not provide her. She was breaking the family and in the process destroying herself. My greatest act of love was to send her to a program where she can get the help she needs.
The only program that has been successful for our family is RHA. RHA offers a safe and caring environment. The staff listen to us and guide us to making the best decisions for our family and our daughter. RHA offers encouragement and support to our daughter. It is hard to think about where my daughter would be if we did not seek help for her last year.
Words of wisdom, when you call a program or visit a program, pay attention to your gut instinct. Ask for the telephone numbers of parents who have had a daughter in the program. Not all therapeutic boarding schools are bad and abusive. Talk to the head of the school/program and make sure you feel heard and understood by that person. The first time I called Valerie, I had a really good feeling. She had a positive attitude and answered each and every question I asked. She was not evasive and she was forthright with her responses. Sometimes, you need to take a leap of faith, and that leap led me to RHA.
For parents of daughters who struggle, remember that you are not alone and there are options for you and your daughter. Every so often, I see glimpses of my sweet daughter, and I hope that for you!
Wish you all the best!
submitted by ConcernedParent28804 to u/ConcernedParent28804 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:49 MadicalRadical Background check

So I applied to Wegmans, made it through the inperson interview process and physical/ drug test. But, their offer of employment was rescinded because of the question; have you been convicted of a misdemeanor in the past 10 years? I answered no. But I had one 16 years ago and it showed up on the background check. I answered truthfully. If it asked “have you ever had a misdemeanor?” I would have said yes. Anyway, I still have a desire to work for Wegman’s as I just love the store and do almost all of my shopping there. Should I try to appeal it somehow?
submitted by MadicalRadical to wegmans [link] [comments]