Crow beading designs


2019.03.20 09:43 jesser_ BrawlConcepts

Concepts for Brawl Stars! This includes ideas that'll improve the state of the game! This includes: *New Gamemodes (such as; 1v1 gamemode, 5v5 gamemode, etc) *Balance Changes Wishlists (such as; buffing crow) *New Concepts (such as; achievements, club wars, etc) *Skin Designs/Remodels *Map Creations *Improvements to the Game (such as; better rewards for trophy roads)

2024.06.09 15:53 JOYOUS1232 Boat help

Boat help
Built this medieval fishing boat, just want some feedback regarding the shape of the vessel (will add stairs/slabs etc when the shape is finalised) and general looks (i plan to add some spruce into the lower half of the ship), this is my first time trying to build a boat so any improvements let me know so i can try to implement in this build or in future boat designs
Current design, probably 50% finished as ther is still sails, crows nest, captains cabin, detailing and rounding to do
(java 1.20.4)
submitted by JOYOUS1232 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:05 Scott-Whittaker HOTAC custom ship classes

HOTAC custom ship classes
Hi guys, I'd like to introduce you to a little project I've been working on. I've played HOTAC a few times now, and it's always a blast, but while Josh and Sean and many other people in the community have developed a great system, there are a couple of things that I feel have some room for development.
The main issue I wanted to address is the ship upgrades. You start in an X-Wing or Y-Wing and at I3 you can pay a few points to upgrade to an A-Wing, B-Wing or HWK-290. The most obvious issue there is that there are a few more ships available in the Rebel faction that could reasonably be added. And less obviously, the B-Wing seems more like a cross-grade than an upgrade, the A-Wing seems like a downgrade, and the HWK is in a totally different class altogether.
While I have heard other people in the community commonly allow just about any other ship to be flown, it feels a little odd to have ships like the T-70 (a strictly better X-Wing), E-Wing (a way better X-Wing) and so-on. Why would you fly an X-wing when strictly better options are available?

The goal

So my goal was to increase the variety of ships that can be flown, filling diverse roles, and being at a similar power level. Something like different character classes and subclasses in an RPG. I hope you enjoy them and consider using them in a campaign!
Fortunately for me, Jim Bob over at has made an excellent resource to make custom cards at which I used to make these cards.
Let's start with a quick one that's not a ship configuration:
One of the issues I've noted with my HOTAC plays is that the squad leader almost never uses the coordinate action granted by the Squad Leader card because player actions are so valuable that it's rarely worth sacrificing your own action to give one to another player. This updated version effectively turns it into a linked action which is much more likely to get used. This could have additional limitations placed on it, but the simplicity is nice and making it red limits abuse a little.

The default configurations

Now let's take a look at the new configuration for the default X-Wing T-65:
This card is a representation of the standard T-65 X-Wing in the new configuration format. One of the things I realised while working on this project is that since the card designer allows the action bar to be customised, it gives us the opportunity to bake in standard configurations and titles into the card, allowing you to do away with additional cards. Servomotor S-Foils is a flippable card that represents the S-Foil wings being open or closed, and when closed grants you a boost action and focus to red boost linked action at the cost of reducing your primary attack.
So this card allows us to effectively incorporate the results into a single rule and action bar on one card. It's not 100% exactly the same, but it's close enough, and is in the spirit of the simplifications made in the official Standard Loadout cards.
There is nothing special to note about the default BTL-A4 Y-Wing card, except to notice the upgrade bar at the bottom. This is a handy way to show what upgrades can be added to each ship. I intend to colour them in groupings by Initiative/Level, but these are mostly following the HOTAC standard of all the upgrades to the left of the first Talent being always available; the first Talent at I3, the next slot at I4, another Talent at I5 and a Talent and Modification slot at I6.

The upgrade configurations

All of these configurations are considered more or less equivalent in power level, so they all cost the same. They are worth more than 5 points, but 5 points is what HOTAC uses, so that's what I'm going with for now.
Let's look a the Y-Wings:
Y-Wing Corsair configuration card
Y-Wings are already start strong and really don't need much of a boost if any. You can play the whole campaign in a default Y-Wing and not feel like you're missing out. But the Rebel Alliance has many shady connections and scoundrels in its rogues gallery, so as you'll see there is a lot of Scummy representation in the fleet.
This is a very simple config that allows Scum faction upgrades and adds an Illicit slot.
Y-Wing Heavy Bomber configuration
While the Y-Wing is most often depicted as a slow heavy dogfighter, its main role is as a bomber and torpedo carrier capable of posing a threat to capital ships. This config makes the painful choice to lose that staple turret slot to load up on ordinance, adding an extra bomb and Torpedo slot.
Those torpedo slots can also be used as Missile slots, giving you access to any ordinance available. The now useless Rotate Turret action has been removed, and the Reload action is now white, and red Reloads are now linked actions.
Finally, if you're like me and do more damage to yourself with bombs than to the enemy, you've got 2 charges to spend to prevent damage from your own bomb or flying over an obstacle.
That's it for the Y-Wings. Let's take a look at the X-Wings!
X-Wing Partisan Renegade configuration
OK you probably saw this one coming from what I said about the Corsair Y-Wing. Like the Corsair, this simply adds an Illicit slot and the ability to equip Scum upgrades. Moving on!
X-Wing Endor Refit configuration
This one is inspired by the standard loadout X-Wings from the Battle over Endor scenario pack. The action bar and abilities come straight off those cards. The action bar is slightly better (gaining a Roll to red Focus linked action).
The Locked S-Foils does more or less the same thing as what I did with my reinterpretation of Servomotor S-Foils, even simpler in wording, but more of a nerf in practice since the deplete token affects ordinance, not just a primary attack, and will trigger after performing any boost, not just one performed in your action phase.
But it gains It's a Trap!, giving re-rolls for running with the pack. It also gains a Missile slot which is very nice.
X-Wing Prototype T-70 configuration
How do add a ship that is a strict upgrade of an existing ship without making the other versions redundant? In this case the answer is both to improve the other ships (as above) while lowering the new ship a little to the same level.
But not by much. This is a T-70 without the free shield and Tech slot. It gets the integrated config treatment, the T-70 dial, and Cannon slot. And because it's a "prototype", you can be justified using a T-65 or T-70 model as you prefer.
X-Wing Prototype E-Wing configuration
This one needed more of a compromise to balance. It gains the E-Wing dial and action bar, but keeps the X-Wing stat line. It gains the System slot, but not the Tech slot. Most importantly it loses the I3 Talent slot, making a long term ability sacrifice for that sweet dial and full action bar.
I didn't think the E-Wing's version of Experimental Scanners made sense in this prototype craft as printed, so I made it a 2-time use ability - which is actually better than the original's limitation of being unable to acquire locks at range 1 which is something you are likely to want to do with a linked lock off a reposition.
So it's kind of its own thing, not just a watered down E-Wing. And again, being a prototype, you are justified in using whatever model you prefer. In my case I'm not a fan of the E-Wing model, and prefer to use a 3D printed BSG Raptor that I've painted in various liveries.
B-Wing Endor Refit configuration card
This is another config pretty much lifted from the Battle over Endor pack. It only has a single Cannon slot, but gains a Missile and Device slot. It has the action bar from the Endor standard loadout B-WIngs, and the It's a Trap! ability that promotes running in packs.
B-Wing B6 Blade Wing Prototype
This is basically the default HOTAC B-Wing with the integrated configuration treatment for the ability and action bar. B6 Blade Wing Prototype is a title that in the standard game is currently only available to Hera in the B-WIng, and it adds a Gunner slot. So you get one with this configuration too!
A-Wing RZ-2 Prototype
The A-wing was the toughest configuration to develop. A-Wings are fast and agile, and get an extra Talent slot compared to other ships. By the time you get them to a fully upgraded I6 you can have 5 shields and a number of defensive abilities that makes up for their initial fragility. But the problem is keeping them alive until you get there. Talents, shields and levelling up are all very expensive, and if you get shot down those expensive upgrades can be lost.
In addition to the inherent fragility, the A-Wing doesn't have much firepower aside from a single missile slot, and not much in the way of slot variety aside from the Talents. All of which makes A-Wings a tough sell compared to some of the other ships.
To try and address the survivability issue, I added the Fast target ability which allows you to take a strain token to gain an evade token after executing a speed 3-5 manoeuvre. So you trade a defence dice for one attack for a guaranteed evade. If you don't need to spend it on the first defence roll you have it for later, and you or a teammate might have an ability to remove the strain token before you get attacked. You can use the ability while stressed, and still get your action.
It's not as good as the TIE Defender's Full throttle ability, but maybe it's good enough. Maybe I should just add that ability instead. Either way Jukeing A-Wings will likely be a thing.
As for Vectored Thrusters vs Vectored Cannons I say why not both? At first I was thinking to make them a double-sided config that you can flip in the system phase like S-Foils. Then I remembered I did away with those, and rewrote it so both abilities are always active and you can choose which to use by flipping a recurring charge.
I also gave them the Tech slot I took off the E-Wing. Is it enough? I don't know. Nobody wants to fly A-Wings around here. If you try it out, let me know!
HWK-290 Mouldy Crow configuration card
Talk about an embarrassment of riches. The HWK-290 has all the things. With the Mouldy Crow title it's basically an X-Wing that has an additional turret, an interesting action bar, a stop manoeuvre, and all the fun slots, including Crew. It's kind of a lot, and a bit too good comparatively.
So I figured since there should only be one Mouldy Crow, there really should be 2 viable HWK builds, one of which is Mouldy Crow which is more attack focussed, and another more support oriented one.
So Mouldy Crow first. The only tweaks here really are to remove one Modification slot, and replacing the System slot with a Gunner. Yes, I added a gunner. Since you're already taking Perceptive Copilot you might as well combo that with Bistan for a double tap.
OK as a nerf, that's a fail, but for fun, it's a win. Nobody is making you take the combo. You have options.
Moving on!
HWK-290 Smuggler's Refit config card
It's a Scummy HWK. Compared to Mouldy Crow, your Jam action becomes white, you lose the Gunner and gain a second Crew along with two Illicit slots. Not much else to say about this.
Here's another quick one:
Seems fine to add more or less as-is. Compared to the Y-Wing, it exchanges the turret for an extra attack die and rear arc. It gains a shield, but is a slightly bigger target. It has no Device or Illicit slots, but can equip Republic upgrades and pilot abilities. It's the only ship here that has access to Republic upgrades.
Sheathipede Support Shuttle configuration card
This is the ship I felt least confident about, next to the A-Wing. The HWK-290s are pretty great, but I wanted to add one more support option. The problem is that the U-Wing is a bit too much, and the Sheathipede and Attack Shuttle don't have much to offer with their standard slots and action bars.
The only way I could raise the ship to a similar level was to just keep the stat line and just make stuff up. It's intended to be a dedicated support ship, and because of it's smooth modern looking body I decided to give it a high-tech sub-theme.
The base concept I basically lifted from the Resistance Y-Wing in that it has a bunch of slots that can add actions to the action bar, and if you perform an action granted by an upgrade, you also get a linked white calculate. And the default action bar comes with Focus, Coordinate into Calculate, Jam into Calculate, and red Barrel Roll and Boost.
The upgrade slots include an Astromech, 2 Crew, 2 Tech and the standard 3 Mods and 3 Talents.
It seems decent enough, and not overpowered. It's certainly unique enough to make it a real consideration for players drawn to support ships. But I wonder if it will be looked down upon for being so far away from the standard version of the ship.
And now last, but certainly not least is maybe my crazy A-Wing alternative:
What's a harder sell than an A-Wing? How about an A-Wing with no shields that wants to joust?
Apart from the ability to equip Scum upgrades and pilot abilities this is pretty much just a vanilla Fang fighter with upgrade slots similar to the A-Wing. What really sets it apart though is the approach to survivability. Instead of adding in defensive abilities to help keep it alive, instead the focus is on making the consequences to being destroyed less costly, encouraging fearless engagement with the enemy like a true Mandalorian.
At first I was thinking to add an ability along the lines of "When you make an ejection roll, you may change one result to a blank". To thematically justify this, I was thinking that the pilot could be wearing a Mandalorian armoured flight suit, able to weather the vacuum of space until rescued.
And then I remembered the Mandalorian Super Commandos upgrade, which placed a little cardboard chit representing a team of Mandalorians that could move around the board and shoot things and generally get in the way. And I had my answer.
Here are the associated rules:
This remote can only be deployed when the pilot's ship is destroyed. An ejection roll is only performed if this remote is destroyed, or it is docked with another ship that gets destroyed.
To deploy, place using the 1 bank template out the front or rear guides of the destroyed ship.
When docked with another ship you may make this remote's attack from that ship's rear arc as a bonus attack.
So if the Fang gets destroyed, the pilot will deploy, and can slowly fly around the board making small attacks until it can grapple on to a friendly ship and escape.
And that's it so far. All of these cards are freshly designed and un-tested (we are going to use them in the campaign we just started). I'm sure there will be some tweaks here and there.
If you try them out let me know what you think. I'm interested in your thoughts and opinions regardless. It's been a ton of work, I hope you enjoy it.
Cheers, Scott
submitted by Scott-Whittaker to HotAC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 Kind_Battle_2362 [Baltic Aquascaphe] on the Beads of Rice bracelet.

[Baltic Aquascaphe] on the Beads of Rice bracelet.
This is my first Baltic! It gives me that feeling that this watch will stay with me for a long time. Finally pulled the trigger and bought the beads of rice to compliment this watch fully in the summer heat. What's your favourite Baltic design? Thinking about getting the Dual Crown as well in the future. If anyone has that already, how's the feeling of the internal bezel action?
submitted by Kind_Battle_2362 to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:35 rsaachit Beading try after suggestions

Beading try after suggestions
Hi! Thanks everyone for helping me out yesterday. I've learned a lot and will be going to the market soon to get better supplies. Mum says miyuki like beads are available here so hope all goes well. Till then I thought I'd try the daisy chain on normal sewing thread and it worked well!
I used the needle technique since it seemed easier for that type thread. Also realised that the uneven beads lead to uneven and unpolished look in design. But it's still a great progress considering how bad it was yesterday.
Trying with normal thread
I've also tried makeshift loom method using the other plastic thread I'd posted and it didn't work well there either. It didn't loop well from one side and got the beads stuck at a distant from right side. Idk if that made sense lol. Probably too thick for the beads currently. Will try again once I get better beads.
Thanks a lot for your help everyone!
submitted by rsaachit to Beading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:07 ProdigyRiN Saw someone else put their concept for Moze, so I thought I'd try my own

Saw someone else put their concept for Moze, so I thought I'd try my own
Obviously very basic design with not much details, and clothes aren't even that similar to Luofu clothes, but I wanted to give a try anyways. I hope he does end up wearing a crow mask of some sort cause that would look sick.
submitted by ProdigyRiN to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:07 GhoulGriin Best Flipper Knives

Best Flipper Knives
Are you in search of a versatile and stylish knife that can be both practical and aesthetically pleasing? Look no further, as we've gathered the best Flipper Knives on the market for you. In this roundup, we'll explore the top options, discussing their features, materials, and performance, so you can make an informed decision and add one of these gems to your collection. Get ready to discover the perfect blend of style and functionality in our selection of Flipper Knives.

The Top 19 Best Flipper Knives

  1. Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Slock Master Folding Hunter Lockback Knife with Security Sheath and Extra Blades. - Stay sharp and efficient with the versatile Cold Steel Click'N'Cut Slock Master Knife, featuring a secure sheath for easy carrying and three durable replaceable blades making it the ultimate "utility" knife.
  2. Compact Fixed Blade Knife with Black Handle - Experience the outstanding performance of a compact, lightweight, yet durable Cold Steel 49LCKD SRK Fixed Blade, perfect for everyday use and ideal for those seeking a low-profile option in a secure Secure-Ex sheath.
  3. Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel - Experience the rugged durability and versatility of the Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife, a reliable companion for modern personnel in hard-use situations.
  4. Slim D2 Steel Drop Point Pocket Knife for Everyday Use - Experience the perfect blend of style, functionality, and durability with the Cobratec Medium FSX Otf Grey - a slim pocket knife that stands out with its 3" D2 steel drop point, dual-action OTF mechanism, and sleek aviation aluminum construction.
  5. Gerber SALTRx Controller Fillet Folding Knife - Polished 9Cr18MoV Blade and Rubber Overmold Handle, Black/Blue Grip and 13-inch Overall Length - Experience superior control and durability with the Gerber Controller Fillet Folding Knife, featuring an intuitive GuideFins, tactile HydroTread Grip, and SALTRx technology to withstand corrosion and wear.
  6. Handcrafted 420 Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Ziricote Wood Handle - Experience the perfect blend of form and function with the Fox Knives Nauta Slip-Joint 420 Stainless Ziricote Wood FX-230ZW, handcrafted in Italy and featuring a sleek sheepsfoot blade and a minimalist ziricote wood handle.
  7. Queen 30R Slim Trapper Flipper Knife - UK Friendly Carry - Experience the perfect blend of style and functionality with the Queen 30R Slim Trapper, a sleek flipper knife at an affordable price, featuring two stainless steel blades and a choice of attractive handles to elevate your everyday carry.
  8. Folding Flipper Knife with Red Bone Handle - Frost Folding Hunter offers a sleek folding knife boasting mirror-finish stainless steel clip and blades, paired with red pick bone handles and a nickel silver bolster, conveniently boxed for storage and presentation.
  9. Frost Razor Lockback Knife with Red Bone Handle - The Frost 17150RJB Razor Lockback Knife boasts a mirror finish stainless razor blade and a red jigged bone handle, offering a stylish and durable option for any outdoor enthusiast.
  10. Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife - High-Quality 8Cr13Mov Stainless Steel - An ultra-portable, durable, and stylish folding knife with 8Cr13MoV stainless steel clip and spey blades, packaged in sleek smooth bone handle, perfect for flipper knife enthusiasts.
  11. Durable Flip Button Lock Utility Knife with Seat Belt Cutter and Wire Stripper - Experience seamless convenience with the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife, combining a sharp blade, quick access, and easy blade replacement for versatile outdoor tasks.
  12. Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Green Bone Handle - Experience unparalleled cutting precision with the Frost 17150GSB Razor Lockback Knife, featuring a smooth green bone handle and a 2.5" mirror finish stainless razor blade.
  13. Affordable and Portable Secure-Ex Neck Sheath Knife - Hide Out by Cold Steel - A lightweight, sharp, and durable neck knife designed with a versatile handle and convenient sheath for ultimate security and comfort.
  14. Stylish and Durable Ranch Boss II Folding Knife with Faux Bone Handle - The Cold Steel 20NPM1 Ranch Boss II Folder is a durable folding knife with a 4.6-star rating, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts seeking reliable performance and versatility in a portable design.
  15. Versatile True Ball Bearing Flipper Knife - Experience versatility and convenience with the TRUE Ball Bearing Flipper Knife, a lightweight, ultra-sharp, stainless steel blade designed for indoor and outdoor tasks, and easily accessible with a deep carry pocket clip.
  16. Multi-Functional Folding Knife with Damascus Steel Blade and Survival Tools - The Albatross 7-in-1 Multifunctional Folding Knife is a versatile and reliable tool for outdoor enthusiasts, featuring a razor-sharp Damascus steel blade, as well as additional functions such as a flashlight, window breaker, and seatbelt cutter.
  17. Stainless Steel Snake Skin Flipper Knife - Frost OC108CSS Trapper Snake Skin: Flipper knife with a stylish snakeskin pattern handle and mirror finish stainless clip, perfect for fishermen on the Ocoee River.
  18. Traditional Folding Hunter Knife with Macassar Ebony Handle - Experience the timeless and durable design of the Buck Model 110 Folding Hunter Knife, making it the perfect addition to any outdoorsman's toolkit.
  19. Stylish Trapper Blue Flipper Knife with Blue Bone Handle - The Cold Steel FLTRPRB Trapper Blue offers a sleek, blue bone handle with mirror finish 8Cr13MoV stainless clip and spey blades, providing exceptional durability and performance.
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🔗Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Slock Master Folding Hunter Lockback Knife with Security Sheath and Extra Blades.
I've been using the Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Hunter Lockback Knife for a few months now, and I have to say, it's been a lifesaver. The knife's design is sleek and durable, with a sturdy Griv-Ex handle that provides a comfortable grip. The locking mechanism on the blade makes it incredibly secure and safe to use, even for the most demanding tasks.
I particularly love the ability to click and switch between blades with the push of a button. It's a game-changer when it comes to versatility, ensuring I'm always equipped for any job at hand. The sheath is also a great addition, providing a secure way to carry the knife and extra blades when needed.
That being said, there is one aspect I'd like to see improved: the handle's construction. While it provides a good grip, the finish is quite rough and not as premium as I would have hoped for. However, this minor critique does not deter me from fully recommending the Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Hunter Lockback Knife for both beginners and seasoned professionals alike.

🔗Compact Fixed Blade Knife with Black Handle
I recently got my hands on a Cold Steel SRK Compact fixed blade knife, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for those seeking a reliable and stylish companion while on outdoor adventures. The knife features a compact handle & blade made of Kray-Ex & SK5, measuring in at just 12.5 cm (5 inches). Weighing only 145 grams, it's remarkably lightweight and effortless to carry around.
One thing that struck me is the sturdy Secure-Ex sheath it comes with – it's a fantastic addition! However, I did notice a few minor drawbacks. Firstly, the blade edges seemed a bit too uneven for my liking. Secondly, I'm not a big fan of the flex hanger option, but that's just personal preference.
Overall, I believe that the Cold Steel SRK Compact is a fantastic choice for outdoor enthusiasts. It's light, easy to carry, and offers great performance. Just make sure to sharpen it properly and maintain it well to enjoy its full potential.

🔗Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel
The Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife has quickly become a favorite amongst those seeking a reliable and sturdy multi-purpose fixed blade. Crafted with CPM3-V steel, this knife boasts a robust design that's perfect for tackling the rigors of everyday life. The stonewashed finish adds an element of toughness, ensuring that this field knife is ready for even the harshest conditions.
Equipped with a full tang and integral steel pommel, the AK-47 Field Knife offers both functionality and durability. It also comes with a Secure-Ex sheath, providing the convenience of easy transportation. While this knife may not be ideal for all situations, those who value rugged reliability will appreciate its toughness and versatility.

🔗Slim D2 Steel Drop Point Pocket Knife for Everyday Use
I was initially impressed by the sleek look of the Cobratec Medium FSX Otf Grey 3" D2 Steel Drop Point. The 3.5 oz dual action otf, fully CNC machined out of aviation aluminum, made it light enough to carry in my pocket without any discomfort. The glass breaker and pocket clip were also handy features, perfect for any on-the-go emergency.
However, I noticed some rough edges on the knife, which made it uncomfortable to handle for quite a while. Additionally, the D2 steel drop point didn't seem to hold up as well as I would've hoped, especially when I needed to cut through thicker materials.
Despite its shortcomings, the Cobratec Medium FSX Otf Grey 3" D2 Steel Drop Point still managed to serve its purpose as a slim pocket knife. With a bit of adjustment and use, it might just become my go-to compact tool for everyday life.

🔗Gerber SALTRx Controller Fillet Folding Knife - Polished 9Cr18MoV Blade and Rubber Overmold Handle, Black/Blue Grip and 13-inch Overall Length
For the past few weeks, I've been using the Gerber Controller 6-inch Folding Fillet Knife, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer in my fishing adventures. The intuitive GuideFins and tactile HydroTread Grip offered the ultimate control of the knife, making those slippery conditions a non-issue. This handy companion was built with saltwater fishermen in mind, and its SALTRx protection exceeded my expectations, keeping the blade safe from corrosion, wear, and harsh environments.
But let's be real, no product is perfect. As much as I loved the ergonomic handle and impressive blade, the weight of the knife sometimes felt a bit heavy. Nonetheless, it didn't hinder my experience in the field.
Overall, the Gerber Controller 6-inch Folding Fillet Knife has become an essential tool in my fishing tackle bag, and I'm grateful for the company's commitment to creating high-quality, durable knives.

🔗Handcrafted 420 Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Ziricote Wood Handle
I recently fell in love with the Fox Knives Nauta Slip-Joint 420. This beauty is a sleek and stylish pocket knife that is perfect for daily use. The craftsmanship is simply impeccable, it's obvious that this baby was handcrafted in none other than Italy. The smooth operation of the slip-joint mechanism felt like handling a dream.
What stood out to me was the comfortable grip provided by the ziricote wood handle. Aesthetically, it added a touch of elegance, yet functionally, it provided a secure and comfortable grip. The stainless steel, on the other hand, made it robust and sturdy.
However, a downside was that the 4-inch blade length, while sufficient for most tasks, might come up a bit short for certain heavy-duty jobs. Overall, the Nauta Slip-Joint 420 from Fox Knives is a perfect blend of classic design and modern innovation. It definitely deserves a place in any knife enthusiast's collection.

🔗Queen 30R Slim Trapper Flipper Knife - UK Friendly Carry
The Queen 30R Slim Trapper, a timeless flipper knife, has become a staple in my pocket for the past few months. With its sleek red handle and brass pins, this penknife grabs attention from onlookers who appreciate its quality and craftsmanship. Its two stainless steel blades with a non-locking mechanism make it perfect for everyday use and ideal for UK-friendly carry.
While the knife is relatively small, it gets the job done, whether I need to open a package or cut through a string. However, it's not without its minor shortcomings—the penknife's slim design makes it easy to misplace in my bag, and occasional handling may reveal slight inconsistencies in its finish. Overall, the Queen 30R Slim Trapper has become a reliable and stylish part of my daily essentials.

🔗Folding Flipper Knife with Red Bone Handle
I recently had the chance to try out the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone, and I must say, it left quite an impression. This beauty is a sleek 3.75 inches (9.53cm) when closed, making it the perfect size for everyday carry. The mirror finish stainless clip and skinner blades add a touch of elegance that sets it apart from its counterparts.
The most unique feature of the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone has to be its red pick bone handle. It gives the knife a distinct, yet classic appeal. The nickel silver bolster(s) are a thoughtful addition to the design, adding a hint of luxury to the overall experience.
While using the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone, I noticed a couple of drawbacks as well. The size, while convenient, could make it a bit unwieldy for more demanding tasks. Additionally, some users might find the finish on the clip and blades to be prone to scratches over time.
Overall, I think the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone is a solid pick for anyone looking for an eye-catching, high-quality folding hunting knife. With its unique design and reliable performance, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Frost Razor Lockback Knife with Red Bone Handle
I recently stumbled upon the Frost 17150RJB Razor Lockback Knife with its unique red jigged bone handles. This compact, sleek knife easily fits into my pocket and has an impressive mirror finish stainless razor blade. However, the red jigged bone handle feels a bit too delicate for my liking.
Despite this minor drawback, it's been a trusty companion in my daily life, perfect for opening boxes or cutting fruit.

🔗Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife - High-Quality 8Cr13Mov Stainless Steel
I recently had the pleasure of using the Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer in my daily routine. This little beauty is the perfect size for any task - large enough to get the job done, but not too cumbersome to carry around.
The 8Cr13Mov stainless steel blade is durable and holds an edge well, while the yellow bone handle provides a comfortable grip. The overallweight of the knife is a meager 2.9 ounces, making it incredibly light and easy to toss in a pocket or bag.
As someone who values classic design, I appreciated the mirror finish on the blade and the smooth brown bone handle - it has a timeless look that I really enjoy. However, I do wish the knife was made in a different country, as it seems that Taiwan is the manufacturing location.
Despite this minor drawback, the Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife has become my go-to tool for various tasks around the house. It's a reliable and stylish addition to anyone's collection, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality pocket knife.

🔗Durable Flip Button Lock Utility Knife with Seat Belt Cutter and Wire Stripper
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife. As someone who relies on utility knives for various tasks, I was curious to see how it would hold up compared to the bigger name brands.
From the moment I opened the packaging, the aluminum blade and alloy steel handle felt solid and durable. The one-handed operation was really convenient, allowing me to quickly access the blade without any fuss. However, I did notice that changing the blade could be a bit tricky at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was quite simple.
One feature that I found particularly handy was the integrated wire cutter and seat belt cutter. It made it so much easier to cut through lines and cords, especially when I needed to make quick adjustments. The lock-up on the blade was also surprisingly sturdy - I appreciated that it didn't rattle or clank around when I was using it.
However, there were a couple of downsides. While the pocket clip was functional, it seemed a bit long and bulky compared to other utility knives I've used. Also, the handle could be a bit slippery at times, so I had to make sure I was holding it securely.
Overall, the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife proved to be a reliable and versatile tool in my daily life. While there were a few minor drawbacks, its durability, convenience, and competitive pricing made it a worthwhile addition to my collection.

🔗Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Green Bone Handle
I recently came across the Frost 17150GSB Razor Lockback Knife with its sleek green smooth bone handles. As a reviewer, I've always enjoyed knives that catch my eye with their unique designs, and this one definitely fits the bill. The 2.5-inch mirror finish stainless razor blade is not only sharp and durable, but it also gives this knife a distinct look that sets it apart from other knives on the market.
One small drawback for some users might be the locked-open handle. While it provides a secure closure, it also can make one-handed use and storage a bit more challenging. Regardless, the green smooth bone handles give this knife a sophisticated and elegant feel, making it a great addition to any knife enthusiast's collection. Overall, I'm pleased with this knife's performance and quality, and I believe it's a solid choice for anyone looking to add a unique and functional blade to their collection.

🔗Affordable and Portable Secure-Ex Neck Sheath Knife
The Cold Steel 49NDE Hide Out is a versatile neck knife that I've been using daily for a while now and it has never failed to impress. One of the features that stood out to me is its lightweight design, weighing only 1.9oz. It's perfect for those who want a discreet yet effective self-defense tool. The blade is made of Japanese Aus 8A Stainless Steel, giving it an impressive edge sharpness and durability. The double-edged blade is Scandi ground, ensuring a strong and sharp tip, which is especially useful when you need it most.
The Hide Out's handle is made of Kray-Ex, a weather-proof material that provides a great grip and security, even when your hands are wet. It's thin and flat, designed to give me a superior purchase on such a small, lightweight knife. The Secure-Ex sheath and bead chain lanyard make it easy to wear and carry around all day, while the knife itself remains concealed.
However, there are a few drawbacks I've noticed. The AUS 8 steel can rust if not properly maintained, especially if you're using it as a neck knife. The blade scratches easily, making it less visually appealing over time. The bead chain necklace is quite stiff and can sometimes catch on clothes or other objects, making it slightly uncomfortable. Despite these minor issues, I've found the Cold Steel 49NDE Hide Out to be a reliable and effective neck knife that's perfect for those who need a reliable self-defense tool.

🔗Stylish and Durable Ranch Boss II Folding Knife with Faux Bone Handle
If you fancy rugged adventures and need a reliable companion in the great outdoors, Cold Steel's Ranch Boss II Folder 4 in Blade with Stag Handle could be the perfect addition to your gear. This folding knife features a durable SK-5 Carbon Steel blade and a striking faux sawed bone handle, offering both style and substance.
One of the standout features of this knife is its thick, tapered blade that adds to its toughness, making it a great choice for hunting and hiking expeditions. The blade is razor sharp right out of the box, ensuring you'll be ready for any task at hand. The lock-up is secure, while the sheath is well made and includes a nice snap-on cover with thick leather.
However, one small downside could be the sheath, which some users have found a little loose, making it less secure when attached to their belts. But this shouldn't diminish the overall value of the knife, which has won praise for its solid construction, great design, and fantastic edge retention.
The Ranch Boss II Folder 4 in Blade with Stag Handle is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality, versatile folding knife that looks as good as it performs. With its rugged appeal and impeccable craftsmanship, this Cold Steel knife is sure to become a reliable companion on your next great adventure.

Buyer's Guide

Flipper knives are the must-have tools for any EDC enthusiast, adventure seeker, or survivalist. These versatile blades are designed for multi-tasking and are perfect for everyday use. Before you make a purchase, take a moment to consider these important features, considerations, and general advice about the product category.

1. Design and Construction

The design and construction of a flipper knife determine its overall functionality and durability. Look for a one-piece, solid construction with an ergonomic grip, ensuring comfort during extended use. The blade should be made from high-quality steel, offering excellent edge retention and rust resistance.
Additionally, consider the blade shape and size, as these factors will influence the knife's cutting capabilities. Popular flipper knife designs include clip point, droptip, and sheepsfoot, with blade lengths ranging from 3 to 7 inches.

2. Locking Mechanism
A reliable locking mechanism is essential for both safety and functionality. Look for a flipper knife with a secure lock-up, preventing accidental opening and ensuring the blade stays locked during use. Most high-quality flipper knives rely on the friction lock or the liner lock systems, both providing a smooth and secure action.

3. Weight and Portability

As with any EDC item, it is crucial to consider the weight and portability of a flipper knife. A lightweight, compact design allows easy carrying in pockets, backpacks, or other everyday carry gear. When shopping for a flipper knife, keep the balance between portability and functionality in mind.

4. Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care are essential for an optimal performance and longevity of a flipper knife. Always clean the blade after use and keep it dry to prevent rusting. Periodic sharpening with a suitable sharpening tool will ensure your blade remains sharp and efficient.

5. Budget

Before purchasing a flipper knife, set a reasonable budget to help narrow down your options. Flipper knives come in various price ranges, with some affordable options offering basic functionality and others targeting the high-end market, providing top-notch performance and durability.
Remember that investing in a higher quality flipper knife, though more expensive, can save you money in the long run by requiring fewer replacements and upgrades, as well as providing better performance and lasting protection.

6. Brand Reputation and Reviews

Do your research and read customer reviews to get a sense of the brand's reputation and product quality. A well-established brand with a history of delivering high-quality knives and customer satisfaction is more likely to provide a reliable and premium flipper knife. Keep in mind that customer opinions can be subjective, so look for patterns and consistent feedback to make an informed decision.

7. Purpose and Intended Use

Before selecting a flipper knife, consider the specific activities or tasks you plan to use it for. Will it primarily be for cutting rope or opening packages, or will it be more of a general utility tool? Understanding the knife's intended use will help you choose the appropriate size, blade shape, and general features tailored to your needs.

8. Handling and Comfort

As a flipper knife is designed for both practicality and convenience, it is essential that it is comfortable for you to handle and use. Ensure that the grip is comfortable, providing a secure and non-slip grip, even when wet or sweaty. Properly fitting your grip to your hand is crucial for safety and overall performance.

9. Additional Features
Some high-end flipper knives offer additional features such as a built-in bottle opener, lanyard, or even a glass breaker. While these features may not be essential, they can enhance the overall user experience and versatility of the knife. Consider your preferences and intended use when deciding whether to prioritize these additional features.

10. Warranty and Customer Support

A reliable warranty and customer support are essential factors when buying any product, including flipper knives. Ensure that the brand offers a reasonable warranty covering manufacturer defects and that they provide excellent customer support, addressing any concerns or issues that may arise.
By considering these important features, considerations, and general advice, you can make a well-informed decision when purchasing the perfect flipper knife to suit your needs and preferences.


What are flipper knives?

Flipper knives are a type of folding knife that features a unique, ergonomic handle design. The handle has a specific shape that allows the user to perform specific actions in a more comfortable and efficient way compared to other folding knives.

Why do people prefer flipper knives over other folding knives?

Some people prefer flipper knives over other folding knives because of their ergonomic design and better grip, which makes the use of the knife more comfortable and productive. Flipper knives also utilize a different opening mechanism, utilizing the large thumb hole or the flip tab instead of the traditional pull-back tab. This opens the knife more quickly and efficiently.

How does the opening mechanism of a flipper knife work?

The opening mechanism of a flipper knife typically involves using the large thumb hole or the flip tab on the knife. To open the knife, the user simply has to place their thumb on this hole or flip of the knife and quickly flick it downward. This movement applies force to the liner lock mechanism, opening the blade quickly and effectively.

Are flipper knives more durable than other folding knives?

Durability ultimately depends on the specific design and materials used in the creation of the knife. While some flipper knives may be more durable than other folding knives, it's essential to compare the materials and construction of each to evaluate their specific durability. In general, flipper knives have sturdy handles and robust mechanisms, making them potentially resilient options.

Do flipper knives have a specific locking method?

Yes, flipper knives typically use a liner lock for their locking mechanism. The liner lock is a simple and reliable locking system that includes a locking bar, or a section of the liner, that slides into a groove on the blade. When the blade is open, the liner lock stays in the closed position, allowing the flipper knife to be easily closed and opened. Once the knife is closed and locked, the user can confidently carry or use their flipper knife without worrying about it accidentally opening.

What are some popular brands of flipper knives?

Popular brands of flipper knives include Spyderco, Benchmade, CRKT, and Kershaw. Each of these brands offers a variety of flipper folding knives in different materials, sizes, and designs to appeal to a range of customers.

What are the pros and cons of owning a flipper knife?

  1. Pro:
Ergonomic, efficient handle design
  1. Pro:
Quick and easy opening mechanism
  1. Pro:
Sturdy handle and reliable locking mechanism
  1. Con:
Specialized, potentially more expensive than other folding knives
  1. Con:
Some users may not prefer the flipper design

What are the dimensions and weight of a typical flipper knife?

Dimensions and weight of a typical flipper knife vary depending on the brand and model. Overall length generally ranges between 7.5 inches and 10 inches, closed length is usually between 4 inches and 5.5 inches, and blade thickness is around 0.12 inches. As for the weight, a typical flipper knife weighs around 4 ounces to 6 ounces.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:49 Mush332 Final Shape Expansion Good, Story bad

First lets start with the good. For context im strictly a PvE player. Theres so much good about this expansion i want to express that the best I can. Prismatic is so much fun to play and i can only imagine it getting even better with the class items coming next week. The new location is so beautiful in the open “light” areas and also so creepy when you venture into the darkness infected areas. The rework to how public events work and eventually scale into a bigger event is really cool and enjoyable. The new pathfinder system is a breath of fresh air to the weekly pinnacle grind im not sure if its better than the old system but as of right now it new and feels good. The new UI redesign is so nice from the supers getting a more textured look to the buff and debuff changes. The new supers are really fun and didnt disappoint. I havent had much time to play with the new exotic weapons or armors but the time i have ive enjoyed it. As always the sound design, world and gameplay are amazing. The quality of the cinematic are really good and the acting was great.
Now for the bad and spoilers from this point on so if you havent played you are warned!
The story. The story was so uninspiring, boring and didnt explain anything. The majority of the story was “getting the band back together”. Tho it was good to see cayde reunited with zavalla, ikora and his interactions with crow. Once you got passed that it was a zavalla in his feels n then boom the final fight. They explained nothing about the witness, the traveler, and their origins truly in depth. It was just a passing mention about how the witness was “created”. This expansion should of been a deep dive into the traveler and instead it was a generic , safe story that really wasnt the big payoff it should of been after 10 years. Its supposed to be the end of the light and dark saga and i still so many questions about the traveler, the veil, the light and the darkness.
Id give the expansion excluding the story a 9.5/10
And the story id give a 3/10
submitted by Mush332 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:29 ForeverrememberGizmo Taking cups to the next level

Taking cups to the next level
Went to buy some plants today and saw this… I mean who needs a lid for fish known to jump???
submitted by ForeverrememberGizmo to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:05 UWalkLikeUrOnCrack Patricia Michaels' work is featured at the Peabody Essex Museum!

Patricia Michaels' work is featured at the Peabody Essex Museum! submitted by UWalkLikeUrOnCrack to ProjectRunway [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:59 Branded_Mango Lonesome Road at Low Level: the complete guide

One thing i've found that most people do is tackle The Divide last, which does make sense in a narrative standpoint. However, if you're making a build that wants certain Divide items, but hold it off until you're much higher level, then there's no need to do this since Lonesome Road is actually designed to have a steady and surprisingly forgiving progression of gear and handy items that can be used to complete it like a mini-playthrough of a different, contained game. One thing that a lot of people find disappointing about a lot of the Divide's gear is that they come in with either better or build-centered things, so they ignore the very unsubtle number of convenient gear placements meant to be used for various areas.
For reference, this still works on Very Hard + Hardcore mode. You'll probably grab a couple of levels before entering just by virtue of there being some things to do in the Mojave on the way, so you'll likely be heading in at lvl 3-4 at the earliest, which is still doable albeit the first section in particular will be a bit iffy.
First off, upon entering you'll notice the very underwhelming Arc Welder. As terrible as this weapon is in the grand scheme of NV's kickass arsenal, its sole reason for existence is to allow for you to easily use EMP damage vs the Sentry Bots in the Missile Base Bunker. The main issue however is that Sentry Bots are bastards who spam missiles, so you usually have to sneak and wait for them to turn around, then kite their backs. Or at least, the first 2.
Once you reach the door that leads to Hopeville, where 2 Sentry Bots and a ring of laser turrets will gank you, you can make use of some presents left behind by General Retslaf, which includes 2 plasma mines, a pulse grenade, and a bad condition plasma rifle behind his de-activated personal sentry bots. The code to get these is in an Average locked desk on the way, which shouldn't be any problem because leveling up Lockpick ASAP is always a good idea. Don't forget to pick up the Bowie Knives from the various dead Marked Men (you can also use their armor if you have nothing better at this point). Don't forget the unmissable upgrade for Ed-E.
Before allowing Ed-E to open the door of death, place the mines there and back up. Depending on how clumped they end up during the entry, both Sentry Bots should be either very heavily damaged, 1 dead, or both dead if you got supremely lucky. Don't fight them if they survived until they start shooting at Ed-E (due to being immortal even on Hardcore because of literal plot armor), then jump out and Arc Weld them as Ed-E acts as your tiny floating aggro tank. If they weren't damaged enough, you can use your Pulse Grenade to finish them off or save it for the laser turrets to blast most of them in one go. Nearby will be a room that should give you US Army Combat Armor as a sweet reward for your troubles, and you're going to need it to not immediately get your sphincter turned inside-out at what comes next.
After Ulysses introduces himself and gives you sweet, sweet endgame-oriented quest completion exp to level up, get that Bowie Knife ready and get ready to sell that crap Arc Welder. The Marked Men are level scaled, but even in at their weakest they have mid-lategame weapons that are beastly for and against low levels, such as Marksman Carbines, Shishkebabs, Blades of the West, Trail Carbines, tri-beam laser files,12.7mm SMGs, etc. Exploit VATS to jump the nearest one for his weapon, then go into the Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters. Pray that you either grabbed a good gun drop from your first Marked Man victim, that your Bowie Knife's cripples will stunlock long enough, or that one of your incoming enemies will be wielding a crappy Arc Welder because you need to kill 2 Marked Men here. Depending on what weapons they have, you may need several attempts or none. The important thing is that this place has a Commissary and Auto Doc, which you're going to now exploit the crap out of. Also there's another ED-E upgrade here. It's also useful to have Atomic Cocktails on hand to deal with the Tri-Beam Laser wielding Marked Men since otherwise they'll kill you in seconds.
Sell any Marked Men armor and Arc Welders since they have very high caps value despite being garbage, and use your several thousand or may over ten thousand caps (once the Commissary reaches 200ish caps, exit the interface and re-engage for a full 6k cap restock) to buy stimpacks, chems, gear repairs, and ammo for whichever weapons you've obtained (or just ask Ed-E to repair a powerful melee weapon). Since all the Marked Men weapons are really kickass, that means now it's your turn to kick their asses in revenge. Take it slow because their weapons can still whoop your ass. Also use magazines to try to get Ed-E's check for obtaining Satchel charges. You don't need them persay, but the ones it can give you can help out a ton for an incoming portion of the DLC. In a table is also the passcode for the armory, which will give you some very good and likely very needed upgrades to your current kit.
For every fight you take major damage in (so basically every single fight), go back to the Auto-Doc to conserve on healing resources. Alternatively, you can at any time just go back to the Mojave, book it to the Gun Runners, and use your quickly obtained caps wealth to buy and/or mod a powerful gun and extra ammo. However, the Marked Men gear will likely be much better, just in bad condition and their gear will give you more than enough caps to just Commissary respair them so this is mostly for ammo.
Use the armory passcode to get access to a lot more ammo, and especially a nice stockpile of rockets. If you have high Lockpick and/or magazines, you can pick a Very Hard locked locker to get a set of free Riot Gear. Fight your way to the Laser Detonator on a rooftop but don't pick it up until you're ready. And by that, i mean pick up the Red Glare (there are 2, 1 from a Marked Man and 1 laying there, use one to repair the other or sell one for a bunch more caps), and have it ready. The moment you pick up the detonator, several Marked Men will spawn in so use your rooftop positioning to rain rockets on them.
Afterwards, upon reaching the wreckage wall with the warhead that will spawn in Blister and his group, don't blow it up just yet. Like before, hop up the left wall leading to this warhead to get a high ground position, then detonate the warhead with Red Glare immediately brought back out to fight Blister...whose a joke that you'll blow up because he has a looooong way to run with his Flamer to be able to attack you. Instead, the Marked Men behind him will be the real threat as you'll need to counter-snipe with the Red Glare after clowning on Blister and taking his knockoff Lanius hat.
After that is the first Tunneler section...where you have 2 options: either spam the generous number of Flashbangs provided to haul ass past the Tunnelers...or use said Flashbangs to exploit the fear state to kill the Tunnelers while they're not fighting back. The second option is obviously way riskier, but they do provide a lot of exp and Cave Fungus to make Healing Poultices if you're leveling Survival. Either way, the convenient Flashbangs are your saving grace here.
After Ulysses' next glorified exp reward in the form of words, you'll now face Beast. Depending on what weapons you've accrued, Beast can either be a complete joke or a painful roadblock. If you've gotten a Blade of the West (and perhaps enough levels for Finesse via fighting more than the bare minimum number of Marked Men and Tunnelers), the built-in knockdown on crits can more or less cheese every single other major Marked Man boss by just knockdown stunlocking them to death. If you want to use guns, then prepare to face his Shoulder Mounted Machinegun plus another Marked Man whose his cannibalism buddy or something. Either way, kill Beast and take his Lanius knockoff helm to then get your next restock since on the Truck is another Commissary. But that's not the real prize: that's the MANY mine boxes of Satchel mines just laying around the truck.
Use the Laser Detonator on the next warhead to insta-kill the next 2 Marked Men around it (don't forget to loot them), then climb up The Crow's Nest (watch out for 2 satchels, keep an eye on the flooring), where you'll get another armor upgrade in the Advanced Riot Gear as well as a good number of meds and a Sniper Rifle. All of these are useless for the next part, which is the Deathclaw Highway of Pants-Soiling.
Or, it would be if you didn't just conveniently get a bunch of instant-exploding giga-mines. Not only that, but the first 2 Deathclaws are hanging out next to a warhead which you can detonate at any range (even on the Crow's Nest), which will severely damage them without aggroing on you if you're far enough away. Just setting 2 satchels somewhat distant from each other then shooting the near-dead Deathclaws should lure them into the satchels, each dying to 1 satchel thanks to the warhead doing most of the work. For each upcoming Deathclaw, set a trap of 3-4 satchels which should very heavily damage and/or cripple both their legs which makes them easy pickings to finish off. If you were able to unlock Ed-E's satchel creation check, you should have more than enough when combined with Beast's convenient stash of them. I would not recommend risking the trailer of jumpscare Deathclaw Ambush for its huge special ammo stash unless you have enough Satchels to just set them up on top of the trailer to kill the ambushing Deathclaw on its scripted landing. You don't have enough if you haven't passed Ed-E's check, since you'll need them for the rest of the Deathclaws on the highway.
After the highway, don't bother taking the rightmost path because it just has Tunnelers and no loot, plus more Deathclaws will spawn on the highway and follow you to just kill you, but rather hug the rightmost side of the main road. You'll notice by watching the road itself that there are A LOT of satchel mines...which will kill you or almost do so instantly because these things detonate stupidly fast so just shoot them unless you are giga-practiced in pinpoint satchel disarming timing. Up next is Bonesaw who is either pants-shittingly terrifying with his chainsaw or a joke (either lure him into satchels, knockdown stunlock him with Blade of the West, or try to shoot him down with whatever you've got), and the SMMG is nice here for taking care of his goons. You can also just sneak and ignore Bonesaw if you don't care for his Lanius knockoff hat (but it's the most accurate one...) to reach the big shiny nuke lever for more quest completion exp, and a conveniently placed Industrial Hand.
Go into the railway of Tunnelers and use either the Industrial Hand or whatever else you've got to beat them down (Blade of the West is great for stunlocking these as well). Surviving this will get you to Sunstone Tower Roof, which is probably the most cheesable section of this.
Use the Laser Detonator on the warhead below to blow up 2-3 Marked Men, then use the Red Glare for long range counter sniping the 2 Marked Men on the nearby lopsided building. And watch out for a few more satchel mines. At this point, you should now be sufficiently geared and leveled to just play the rest of the DLC as normal, so there's not much else to elaborate on other than emphasizing the importance of grabbing the rest of Ed-E's easily found upgrades. The Elite Riot Gear is also here too for your final armor upgrade.
The only pointer after this as you'll now play normally with your endgame-tier gear is that once you reach the outside of Ulysses' Temple, just sit around and wait for the 2 Deathclaws to eventually wander into the Marked Mens' sight to then fight them. If you're lucky, they might even kill Blade for you with the final Lanius knockoff hat to collect, but at the minimum they'll clear out most of the Marked Men on the low ground. After that, deal with Ulysses how you want but the ultimate lazy cheese way is to talk him down via having all of Ed-E's upgrades then just let him and his infinite healing eyebots kill the incoming Marked Men hoard while you watch and just loot them for easy endgame weapons.
If you want to maximize content and long-term rewards, leave Ed-E in his pod and nuke everyone, since you came here at such low level you likely haven't received the NCR's or Legion's pardons so you can now annihilate Benny with DLC giga-gear to then be forgiven, now with access to Long-15 and Dry Wells to fight Royez and Gaius respectively if you want. Also the Lonesome Road perk is amazing for no-companion solo play.
And that's how you complete Lonesome Road at low level. Why the hell would you do this, you ask? Mainly, to rush certain pieces of gear exclusive to here very early and surprisingly without being as hard as you might think (Bitter Drink recipe, Advanced Riot Gear for explosive builds, Ulysses' Duster for Light Touch crit spam builds, Ed-E upgrades for resources and convenience, early access to the Armor of the 87th Tribe and Scorched Sierra power armor, etc) as well as a free Intense Training SPECIAL boost early for completing it. There's really no point in collecting strong gear if there's little to nothing left to use it against, so it's nice to get Lonesome's Road's stuff waaaaay before that point, even using it in other DLCs. It's funny wearing Gaius' armor while fighting the White Legs for maximum irony.
I also did this to put some more attention to the devs' design of gear progression which seems to have been made to allow for low-mid level completion purposes. A lot of thought came into providing players lacking in strong gear the means to bypass every single part of the DLC with a pretty cool progression of gear and tools to support the leveling experience, but the general consensus seems to have ignored this due to most choosing to do Lonesome Road as the finale or close to the end of their playthroughs. A lot of LR's exclusive weapons are generally considered subpar, but that's likely due to being designed as tools to fight Marked Men specifically rather than more bulkier, armored enemies. Either way, hopefully some of you decide to do this just to experience what it's like since needing to use a lot of convenient resources rather than ignoring or hoarding them makes this method a lot more fun than you'd expect after the "oh god please die quickly before insta-killing me" phase of the first few Marked Men.
submitted by Branded_Mango to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:00 dubiousbutterfly Incredibly elaborate OOAK custom made Disney Mulan doll by artist Fallconary615

Incredibly elaborate OOAK custom made Disney Mulan doll by artist Fallconary615 submitted by dubiousbutterfly to DollsOfAsia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:38 riraven Challenge: Build an All-Star Album

I thought this would be a fun and challenging twist on picking favorite songs (Apologies if it has been done before). The thought is that you need to build an album with your favorite tracks. So you have to pick your favorite Track 1 song , Track 2 song, etc. (and only 1 song can be picked per track).
The extra challenge is that, like some all-star games, you HAVE to include at least one song from each album (excluding live or EP albums). Sacrifices will need to be made! Like a designated hitter, you can include one second song from a track number, or a song off a live album or EP) Good Luck.
  1. Fake Empire (Boxer)
  2. Day I Die (Sleep Well Beast)
  3. New Order T-shirt (First Two Pages of Frankenstein)
  4. The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness (Sleep Well Beast)
  5. Murder Me Rachel (Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers)
  6. Bloodbuzz Ohio (High Violet)
  7. Space Invader (Laugh Track)
  8. Hornets (Laugh Track)
  9. Carin at the Liquor Store (Sleep Well Beast)
  10. Theory of the Crows (The National)
  11. Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks
  12. Pink Rabbits (Trouble Will Find Me)
  13. Mr. November (Alligator)
  14. Rylan (I am Easy to Find)
  15. Extra; About Today (Cherry Tree)
submitted by riraven to TheNational [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:16 BreeBriMUA Beaded Purse found while packing

It was gifted to my mother a few years ago by a woman that played bingo at the VFW my mom volunteers at.
I’m not sure who the designer is or where it could have come from. There are no identifying tags. It’s fully beaded.
The square black thing in the picture is a little mirror, I don’t know if it came with the purse or if it was left by the last person who owned it.
submitted by BreeBriMUA to whatsthisworth [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:41 Sweet-Count2557 10 Best Maldives Overwater Bungalows for Luxury Escapes

10 Best Maldives Overwater Bungalows for Luxury Escapes
10 Best Maldives Overwater Bungalows for Luxury Escapes As we navigate the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives, the overwater bungalows stand as beacons of luxury and tranquility, each promising a unique escape from the ordinary.But which of these exclusive retreats truly offers the pinnacle of opulence and comfort? Let's uncover the hidden gems that cater to the most discerning travelers, providing a combination of exquisite design, impeccable service, and unparalleled natural beauty.Join us on this journey to discover the unforgettable experiences that await in the world's top overwater bungalows in the Maldives.Key TakeawaysLuxurious overwater villas with pools and eco-friendly designsUnique experiences like stargazing observatories and underwater diningCommitment to sustainability through coral regeneration and eco-friendly initiativesExceptional service with personalized butler service, exclusive experiences, and attention to detailGili LankanfushiNestled in the serene waters of the Maldives, Gili Lankanfushi beckons travelers with its luxurious overwater villas and commitment to sustainability. The resort boasts 45 villas, some featuring pools and multiple bedrooms, renowned for their stellar service and secluded Crusoe Residences. Gili Lankanfushi is a haven for those seeking a blend of luxury and environmental consciousness. The thatched-roof designs of the villas not only provide an exquisite aesthetic but also underline the resort's eco-friendly ethos.One of the standout features of Gili Lankanfushi is its dedication to serving the best vegan food in the Maldives. Guests can indulge in a culinary experience that not only delights the taste buds but also aligns with ethical dietary choices. Moreover, the resort actively participates in coral regeneration programs, showcasing a deep commitment to preserving the marine ecosystem that surrounds it.With a strong focus on sustainability, Gili Lankanfushi implements various eco-friendly practices, offering guests not just a luxurious stay but also a chance to contribute positively to the environment. The resort provides a serene atmosphere where visitors can unwind, knowing that their holiday aligns with principles of responsible tourism. Gili Lankanfushi truly epitomizes the perfect union of opulence and ecological mindfulness.St Regis Maldives VommuliGili Lankanfushi's commitment to sustainability and luxurious overwater villas seamlessly transitions to the modern elegance of St. Regis Maldives Vommuli, where 44 sleekly designed overwater villas await discerning travelers. The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli is an exclusive resort located in the North Male Atoll, offering a secluded and upscale experience for those seeking a luxury escape.The bathrooms at St. Regis Maldives Vommuli are adorned with slick marble, adding a touch of sophistication to the contemporary design.In contrast, the bedrooms boast bright, Scandi-style timber, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere within the overwater villas.Guests can expect a minimalist design aesthetic throughout the resort, perfect for those who appreciate elegance and simplicity in their surroundings.The tropical ambiance at St. Regis Maldives Vommuli is enhanced by beaded room dividers and sea foam green decor, immersing visitors in a serene and calming environment.With its sleek design, stunning location, and luxurious amenities, St. Regis Maldives Vommuli promises an unforgettable and indulgent escape for travelers looking to experience the height of overwater villa living.Anantara KihavahWith its exceptional TripAdvisor rating of 4.8 and recent recognition as a 2023 Travelers Choice Best of the Best, Anantara Kihavah in the Maldives stands out as a premier destination for those seeking a luxurious and picturesque escape. Nestled in a UNESCO Reserve, this resort offers uninterrupted Indian Ocean views that create a stunning backdrop for a truly indulgent getaway.Anantara Kihavah goes above and beyond to provide guests with unique experiences. The overwater observatory allows visitors to stargaze and marvel at the night sky, while the underwater restaurant offers a one-of-a-kind dining experience surrounded by marine life. For those looking to stay active during their stay, the private gym is equipped with top-of-the-line facilities. To unwind and relax, the spa suite provides a range of luxurious treatments to pamper guests.The blend of luxury and nature at Anantara Kihavah creates a harmonious retreat where guests can immerse themselves in the beauty of the Maldives. Whether enjoying the exclusive amenities, exploring the marine wonders of the UNESCO Reserve, or simply basking in the serenity of the surroundings, Anantara Kihavah sets the stage for a truly unforgettable escape.Soneva JaniLet's now explore the captivating allure of Soneva Jani, a luxurious retreat in the Maldives offering sustainable Water Retreats and unique all-inclusive experiences. Soneva Jani boasts 51 Water Retreats meticulously crafted with sustainable whitewashed wood, providing a blend of luxury and eco-consciousness. Divided into Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, the resort offers an all-inclusive experience at Chapter 2, ensuring guests have everything they desire at their fingertips.Iconic overwater villas with retractable ceilings that allow you to stargaze from the comfort of your plush bed.Rates at Soneva Jani start at $2,340++ per night, offering a premium experience for those seeking the pinnacle of luxury.Initiatives at Soneva Jani include upcycling and the ambitious goal of achieving carbon-neutral status, showcasing a commitment to sustainability.Indulge in a unique cinematic experience at the floating cinema, where you can enjoy a movie under the twinkling Maldivian night sky.Immerse yourself in the lap of luxury at Soneva Jani, where every detail is meticulously curated to ensure a truly unforgettable stay.Waldorf Astoria MaldivesNestled within the captivating beauty of the Maldives, Waldorf Astoria Maldives Ithaafushi beckons with its 55 overwater villas and two standalone Stella Maris villas, offering an elegant escape like no other. The overwater villas at Waldorf Astoria Maldives are a luxurious haven, with elegant interiors featuring glass-bottomed closet floors that provide mesmerizing views of the crystal-clear waters below. Outdoor spaces are equally enticing, boasting infinity pools that blend seamlessly with the ocean horizon and overwater hammocks perfect for lounging in the sun.One of the unique experiences at Waldorf Astoria Maldives is the opportunity to engage in coral nursery activities with the resort's marine biologist. Guests can participate in conservation efforts and learn about the delicate marine ecosystem of the Maldives firsthand. Accessible by luxury yacht, the large five-star resort ensures a grand and opulent arrival, setting the tone for a truly luxurious stay.For those seeking a lavish retreat in the Maldives, Waldorf Astoria Maldives Ithaafushi offers a combination of stunning overwater villas, exclusive Stella Maris villas, and a range of luxurious amenities that make it a prime choice for a high-end escape.JOALI MaldivesLocated in the Raa Atoll and accessible by a 40-minute seaplane journey from Male, JOALI Maldives offers a luxurious escape with its unique blend of art, wellness, and personalized service. The resort's three-bedroom Ocean Residence stands out with its outdoor rain showers and private spa rooms, providing a lavish sanctuary for guests. The exclusive Jadugar (butler) service at JOALI Maldives ensures that every guest receives tailored assistance and attention throughout their stay.Artistic Haven: Immerse yourself in a world where art meets luxury, with JOALI Maldives' innovative design and curated art installations.Wellness Oasis: Indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments and wellness activities set against the backdrop of the serene Raa Atoll.Family-Friendly: From engaging kids' activities to spacious accommodations, JOALI Maldives caters to families looking for a luxurious yet welcoming retreat.Nature's Embrace: Explore the natural beauty of the Maldives while enjoying the comforts of a resort that prioritizes sustainability and environmental harmony.Luxury Redefined: For luxury seekers and discerning travelers, JOALI Maldives sets a new standard with its attention to detail, exquisite amenities, and unparalleled service.With a commitment to providing a holistic and unforgettable experience, JOALI Maldives is a haven for art enthusiasts, luxury seekers, wellness enthusiasts, and families seeking a refined tropical escape.Jumeirah Maldives Olhahali IslandImmerse yourself in the epitome of luxury and sophistication at Jumeirah Maldives Olhahali Island, where impressive overwater villas and impeccable service redefine the essence of a lavish escape. These overwater villas, ranging from one to three bedrooms, boast stylish decor and spacious layouts that set the stage for a truly indulgent retreat. One of the standout features of each villa is the rooftop terrace, offering a perfect setting for private BBQ dinners under the starlit Maldivian sky or cozy movie screenings with breathtaking ocean views as your backdrop.Located on Olhahali Island, Jumeirah Maldives Olhahali Island provides guests with a secluded and luxurious escape surrounded by the mesmerizing beauty of the ocean. The high-end amenities, coupled with exceptional service and beautiful design, make this resort a top choice for those seeking upscale experiences in the Maldives. Whether you're unwinding in the elegantly designed interiors of the villas or savoring the panoramic views from your private terrace, every moment at Jumeirah Maldives Olhahali Island is crafted to ensure a truly unforgettable stay. Indulge in the luxury escapes you deserve at this exquisite destination in the Maldives.Vakkaru MaldivesEmbark on a luxurious escape to Vakkaru Maldives, a pristine sanctuary nestled within the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of Baa Atoll. Here, the crystal-clear waters and white sandy beaches create a perfect backdrop for a truly indulgent retreat.Overwater Spa: Imagine being pampered in a serene overwater spa, surrounded by the calming sounds of the ocean, and gentle sea breezes.Personalized Butler Service: Experience the epitome of luxury with personalized butler service, ensuring that every need is met with impeccable attention to detail.Exclusive Experiences: Dive into the azure waters to swim alongside majestic whale sharks and graceful manta rays, creating unforgettable memories of encounters with these remarkable creatures.Luxury Accommodation: Stay in the exquisite Vakkaru Overwater Residence, where every comfort is meticulously curated, from plush furnishings to exceptional culinary offerings.Overwater Amenities: Delight in unique overwater amenities such as a bar and gym, providing guests with exclusive experiences that blend relaxation and recreation seamlessly.Vakkaru Maldives offers a harmonious blend of luxury, adventure, and natural beauty, making it an idyllic destination for those seeking a world-class escape in the heart of the Maldives.The NautilusNestled near Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives, The Nautilus offers discerning travelers a unique overwater bungalow experience with stunning ocean views and luxurious amenities. The Nautilus stands out for its private infinity pool, where guests can immerse themselves in the crystal-clear waters of the Indian Ocean while enjoying unparalleled privacy. This exclusive resort provides personalized butler service, ensuring that every guest's needs are met promptly and with care.One of the highlights of staying at The Nautilus is the opportunity to swim with whale sharks and manta rays in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve surrounding the resort. This experience allows guests to connect with the rich marine life that inhabits the waters of the Maldives, creating unforgettable memories of their time at this exceptional destination. The villas at The Nautilus feature a unique glass bottom floor, allowing guests to observe the underwater world without leaving the comfort of their luxurious accommodations.Accessible via a 30-minute seaplane transfer from Male, The Nautilus offers a secluded retreat away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With its exceptional service, attention to detail, and array of luxurious amenities, The Nautilus sets the standard for luxury overwater bungalow resorts in the Maldives.OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHIDiscover the allure of OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI, a luxurious all-inclusive resort in the Maldives' South Male Atoll, just a swift 20-minute speedboat ride away from Male. This exclusive retreat offers a blend of luxury and adventure, ensuring a memorable stay for all guests.Spacious Accommodations: Immerse yourself in the boho-chic interiors of the seven Two Bedroom Private Ocean Reserves, each equipped with infinity pools, water slides, and split-level living spaces.Private Pools: Relax in style with your own private pool overlooking the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives, providing the ultimate in tranquility and relaxation.5-Star Service: Experience top-notch service that caters to your every need, ensuring a seamless and luxurious escape from the moment you arrive.Adventure Activities: From snorkeling to sunset cruises, OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI offers a wide range of exciting activities for guests seeking a touch of adventure during their stay.Unique Experience: Unlike traditional honeymoon-centric resorts, OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI prides itself on providing a unique and inclusive experience suitable for all types of travelers, making it a standout destination in the Maldives.Indulge in the lavish amenities, embrace thrilling adventures, and bask in the unparalleled beauty of the Maldives at OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the Best Over the Water Bungalow in Maldives?When it comes to the best overwater bungalow in the Maldives, we've found a private retreat that offers stunning sunset views, perfect for a romantic getaway.This luxurious accommodation boasts top-notch amenities, like overwater dining and an overwater spa. The crystal clear waters surrounding this spot create a serene setting for exclusive experiences and underwater adventures.It's the ultimate destination for a truly unforgettable escape in the Maldives.How Much Does It Cost to Stay in an Overwater Bungalow in Maldives?We found that the average prices for overwater bungalows in the Maldives vary, with exclusive resorts like The Ritz-Carlton and Kudadoo charging between $1,700 to $3,000 per night.It's essential to consider hidden fees, peak season rates, and all-inclusive packages when budgeting for this luxury experience.Booking tips can help secure special promotions and unique experiences, ensuring a memorable stay in these overwater paradises.Is Water Villa in Maldives Worth It?Yes, a water villa in the Maldives is definitely worth it. From luxury amenities and private pools to stunning sunset views and ocean access, it offers the ultimate romantic getaway.These exclusive retreats provide gourmet dining, spa treatments, and water sports in a secluded paradise.The experience of staying in a water villa in the Maldives is unparalleled, ensuring a once-in-a-lifetime vacation filled with luxury, comfort, and breathtaking tropical beauty.Which Maldives Island Is the Most Secluded?When seeking a private retreat in the Maldives, our top pick for the most secluded island is Velaa Private Island. This undisturbed paradise offers a remote sanctuary, a secluded hideaway where you can truly escape the crowds.It's a hidden gem, a tranquil island that promises peaceful seclusion. Velaa's exclusivity, attention to detail, and commitment to sustainability make it the perfect isolated haven for those craving a quiet escape.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Maldives overwater bungalows offer a luxurious escape like no other. With stunning accommodations like Gili Lankanfushi and Soneva Jani, travelers are treated to unparalleled comfort and indulgence.But the real question is, which of these incredible resorts will you choose for your next tropical getaway? Let the crystal-clear waters and white sandy beaches of the Maldives beckon you for a truly unforgettable experience.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:14 Key_Opportunity_7082 Sparkly floral set

Sparkly floral set
The items that I used : - rose and purple pigment (any pigmented eyes shadows palette or gradient pigment palette ref #1 on shein) - nude gel polish (aimeili 022) - nail stickers SW-T026 - silver caviar beads - 1mm crystal rhinestones - sparkly clear gel polish (URSugar ref. URN099)
Glossy top coat for the finition.
Next design will be a pedi to match this set 😘
submitted by Key_Opportunity_7082 to NailIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:11 Key_Opportunity_7082 Sparkly floral set

Sparkly floral set
The items that I used : - rose and purple pigment (any pigmented eyes shadows palette or gradient pigment palette ref #1 on shein) - nude gel polish (aimeili 022) - nail stickers SW-T026 - silver caviar beads - 1mm crystal rhinestones - sparkly clear gel polish (URSugar ref. URN099)
Glossy top coat for the finition.
Next design will be a pedi to match this set 😘
submitted by Key_Opportunity_7082 to Nails [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:10 Key_Opportunity_7082 Sparkly foral set

Sparkly foral set
The items that I used : - rose and purple pigment (any pigmented eyes shadows palette or gradient pigment palette ref #1 on shein) - nude gel polish (aimeili 022) - nail stickers SW-T026 - silver caviar beads - 1mm crystal rhinestones - sparkly clear gel polish (URSugar ref. URN099)
Glossy top coat for the finition.
Next design will be a pedi to match this set 😘
submitted by Key_Opportunity_7082 to naildesigndlm [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:09 Key_Opportunity_7082 Sparkly floral set

Sparkly floral set
The items that I used : - rose and purple pigment (any pigmented eyes shadows palette or gradient pigment palette ref #1 on shein) - nude gel polish (aimeili 022) - nail stickers SW-T026 - silver caviar beads - 1mm crystal rhinestones - sparkly clear gel polish (URSugar ref. URN099)
Glossy top coat for the finition.
Next design will be a pedi to match this set 😘
submitted by Key_Opportunity_7082 to NailArt [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:08 Key_Opportunity_7082 Sparkly floral set

Sparkly floral set
The items that I used : - rose and purple pigment (any pigmented eyes shadows palette or gradient pigment palette ref #1 on shein) - nude gel polish (aimeili 022) - nail stickers SW-T026 - silver caviar beads - 1mm crystal rhinestones - sparkly clear gel polish (URSugar ref. URN099)
Glossy top coat for the finition.
Next design will be a pedi to match this set 😘
submitted by Key_Opportunity_7082 to nail_art [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:07 Key_Opportunity_7082 Sparkly floral set

Sparkly floral set
The items that I used : - rose and purple pigment (any pigmented eyes shadows palette or gradient pigment palette ref #1 on shein) - nude gel polish (aimeili 022) - nail stickers SW-T026 - silver caviar beads - 1mm crystal rhinestones - sparkly clear gel polish (URSugar ref. URN099)
Glossy top coat for the finition.
Next design will be a pedi to match this set 😘
submitted by Key_Opportunity_7082 to GuysAnGalsNails [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:05 Key_Opportunity_7082 Sparkly floral set

Sparkly floral set
The items that I used : - rose and purple pigment (any pigmented eyes shadows palette or gradient pigment palette ref #1 on shein) - nude gel polish (aimeili 022) - nail stickers SW-T026 - silver caviar beads - 1mm crystal rhinestones - sparkly clear gel polish (URSugar ref. URN099)
Glossy top coat for the finition.
Next design will be a pedi to match this set 😘
submitted by Key_Opportunity_7082 to DIYnails [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:25 POEticJones A Design I Made With Perler Beads Yesterday.

A Design I Made With Perler Beads Yesterday.
I made this yesterday morning. My cat sat with me the entire time I was making it too.
submitted by POEticJones to Pride_and_Positivity [link] [comments]