Five dollar facial trick

[H] Games [W] Cornucopia, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, art of rally, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

2024.05.16 09:00 Mizzno [H] Games [W] Cornucopia, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, art of rally, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

N.B.: I'm mainly looking for the games listed in the title and at the bottom of the thread. Feel free to post other offers, but if I haven't responded to your comment(s) by my next posting, I likely wasn't able to find a trade that interested me.

For sale (for Steam Gift Cards or gifted Steam Wallet balance):

For trade:
*signifies that a game is tentatively up for trade, assuming I buy the bundle


IGS Rep Page:
submitted by Mizzno to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:10 Confident_Mango2830 five guys grilled cheese

five guys grilled cheese
i was influenced by trish to try a grilled cheese from five guys. honestly pretty good but not worth the 8 DOLLARS (???!!) in my opinion! it’s a hamburger bun turned inside out with cheese in the middle basically
submitted by Confident_Mango2830 to justtrishpodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:50 sahil_parakh30 [Store] Crownfall 2024/August 2023 Collectors/Diretide 2022/Aghanim's/Nemestice/TI10/TI9/TI8/TI7 Collector's Caches Sets

350+/1800$ Gift Trades in 6 years


Made a Google doc because the list is long

MY Trade Reputation



CACHE Price Increases as I stock out & Reservation is Compulsory

Want Paypal/Zelle/Venmo/GooglePay/PayTm worth the listed Amount or Items (1.2x - STEAM TAX). I will not go first. The link to add me :LINK to ADD ME

Crownfall Treasure Chest 1 & 2 (Buy 3+ More at 10% / 6+ More at 20% / 9+ More at 30% discount)

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Owly Bear (URSA) 1 35$ or Items Ultra Rare Treasure 2 Only ONE
Mocking Bird (Meepo) 4 20$ or Items Very Rare Treasure 1 None
Ravencloak (Drow Ranger) 2 40$ or Items Very Rare Treasure 2 Only Two
Whispering Wings (Silencer) 6 8$ or Items Rare Treasure 1 None
Crown of the Condor (Wraith King) 6 8.5$ or Items Rare Treasure 1 One Sold 5 Left
Thunderbird (Zeus) 5 7$ or Items Rare Treasure 2 None
Birdfeed Bandit (Hood Wink) 4 8$ or Items Rare Treasure 2 None
Blood Raven (Blood Seeker) 10 2.5$ or Items Treasure 1 None
Tines of the Pyrexae (Jakiro) 8 2.5$ or Items Treasure 1 None
Imperial Ember (Lina) 8 2.5$ or Items Treasure 1 None
Designs of Ancient Druud (Disruptor) 8 2.5$ or Items Treasure 1 None
Verdant Swarm (Nature Prophet) 8 2.5$ or Items Treasure 1 None
Phalanx of the Bronze Eagle (Legion Commander -LC) 8 2.5$ or Items Treasure 1 None
Raven of Ristul (Queen of Pain) 8 2.5$ or Items Treasure 1 None
Eyes in the Endless Dark (Shadow Shaman) 8 2.5$ or Items Treasure 1 None
Crystalline Crown (Ancient Apparition) 6 2.5$ or Items Treasure 2 None
Flight of the Gryphon Lord (Keeper of the Light) 6 2.5$ or Items Treasure 2 None
Lionheart (Omnikinght 6 2.5$ or Items Treasure 2 None
Song of the Sea Lotus (Naga Siren) 7 2.5$ or Items Treasure 2 None
Keeper of the Nether-Lens (Pugna) 6 2.5$ or Items Treasure 2 None
Twitcher (Timker) 7 2.5$ or Items Treasure 2 None
Highborn Heretic (Skywrath Mage 7 2.5$ or Items Treasure 2 None
Mischief of the Winter Moth (Puck) 6 2.5$ or Items Treasure 2 None

AUGUST 2023 Collectors Cache (Buy 3+ More at 10%/ 6+ More at 20%/ 9+ More at 30% discount)

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Snailfire (SnapFire) 2 25$ or Items Very Rare Cache Set None
Brightfist (Marci) 5 18$ or Items Rare Cache Set Three Sold One Reserved Last Left
Dezun Viper (Dazzle) 5 4$ or Items Cache Set One Sold One Reserved
Primeval Abomination (Primal Beast) 5 5.5$ or Items Cache Set Two Sold
Astral Herald (Dawnbreaker) 5 5.5$ or Items Cache Set Two Sold
Spectral Shadow (Abaddon) 5 3.5$ or Items Cache Set None
Taur Rider (Alchemist) 5 4$ or Items Cache Set One Sold
Crescent Huntress (Spectre) 5 4$ or Items Cache Set One Sold
Tyrant of the Veil (Wraith King) 5 5.5$ or Items Cache Set Two Sold
Tomo'kan Footsoldier (Hoodwink) 5 5$ or Items Cache Set One Sold
Darkwood Eulogy (Death Prophet) 5 3.5$ or Items Cache Set None
Sea Spirit (Kunkka) 5 4$ or Items Cache Set One Sold
Triumph of the Imperatrix (Legion Commander) 5 4$ or Items Cache Set None
Beast of Thunder (Storm Spirit) 5 5.5$ or Items Cache Set Two Sold
Ancestral Heritage (Jakiro) 5 4$ or Items Cache Set One Sold

Ultra Rare Immortals 2022

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Bloodfeather Finery (Queen of Pain) 1 15$ or Items Ultra Rare Immortal 2 LastLeft

Diretide Collectors Cache-2 2022

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Sublime Equilibrium (Void Spirit) 2 45$ or Items Very Rare Direteide Collectors Cache One Sold Last Left
Brands of the Reaper (Anti Mage) 5 $18 Rare Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Three Sold Last Two Reserved
Grudges of the Gallows Tree (Treant) 6 15$ or Items Rare Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Five Sold Last Left
War Rig Eradicators (Techies) 5 8$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Three Sold
Sacred Chamber Guardian (Huskar) 5 7$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Two Sold One Reserved
Acrimonies of Obsession (Vengeful Spirit) 5 7.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 One Sold
Freeboot Fortunes (Ogre Magi) 5 4.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 None
Withering Pain (Clinkz) 5 6$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Two Sold
Darkfeather Factioneer (Phantom Assassin) 5 8$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Three Sold
Feasts of Forever (Night Stalker) 5 5.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Two Sold
Cursed Cryptbreaker (Pudge) 5 5.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Two Sold
Dawn of Darkness Foretold (Doom) 5 10$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Three Sold
The Wilding Tiger (Brewmaster) 5 11$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Four Sold Last Left
Transcendent Path (Oracle) 5 7.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Two Sold
Darkbrew´s Transgression (Alchemist) 5 10$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Four Sold Last Left
Grand Suppressor (Silencer) 5 4.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 One Sold
Bird of Prey (Legion Commander) 5 7.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache 2 Three Sold

Diretide Collectors Cache 2022

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Blue Horizons(Marci) 4 16$ or Items Rare Direteide Collectors Cache Three Sold Last Left
Hounds of Obsession (Chen) 3 7.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache Two Sold Last Left
Seadog's Stash (Clockwerk) 3 6$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache One Sold
Starlorn Adjudicator (Dawn Breaker) 3 11$ Direteide Collectors Cache Two Sold Last Left
Chines of the Inquisitor (Faceless Void) 3 18.5$ Direteide Collectors Cache Two Sold Last Reserved
Crimson Dawn (Phoenix) 3 7$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache Two Sold Last Left
Forgotten Station (Terrorblade) 3 4.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache None
Dirge Amplifier (Undying) 3 5.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache One Sold
Champion of the Fire Lotus (Monkey King) 3 7.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache Two Sold Last Left
Deathstitch Shaman (Witch Doctor) 3 5.5$ or Items Direteide Collectors Cache One Sold

Aghanim's Continuum Cache 2021 / Ti-11

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Scales of the Shadow Walker (Phantom Lancer) 4 12$ or Items Aghanim Cache Three Sold Last Left
Test of the Basilisk Lord (Razor) 4 11.5$ or Items Aghanim Cache Three Sold Last Left
Secrets of the Frost Singularity (Ancient Apparation) 4 5$ or Items Aghanim Cache None
Perils of the Red Banks (Chen) 4 7$ or Items Aghanim Cache Two Sold Last Left
The Chained Scribe (Grimstroke) 4 8$ or Items Aghanim Cache One Sold One Reserved
Widow of the Undermount Gloom (Broodmother) 4 9.5$ or Items Aghanim Cache Three Sold Last Left
Forgotten Fate (Mars) 4 5$ or Items Aghanim Cache One Sold
March of the Crackerjack Mage (Rubick) 4 12$ or Items Aghanim Cache Three Sold Last Left
Cosmic Concoctioneers (Alchemist) 4 12$ or Items Aghanim Cache Two Sold
Blightfall (Abbadon) 4 8$ or Items Aghanim Cache Two Sold

Nemestice Cache 2021 / Ti-11

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Astral Terminus (Enigma) 3 12$ or Items Nemestice Cache 1 One Sold One Reserved Last Left
Caerulean Star (Enchantress) 3 9$ or Items Nemestice Cache 1 Two Sold Last Left

Collector's Cache 2020 / Ti-10

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber (TA/Templar Assassin) 3 15$ TI-10 Rare Cache 2 Two Sold Last Reserved
Talons of the Endless Storm (CK/Chaos Knight) 3 7.5$ or Items TI-10 Cache 2 One Sold
Carousel of the Mystic Masquerade (Rubick) 3 10$ or Items TI-10 Cache 2 Two Sold Last Left
Blacksail Cannoneer (Sniper) 3 7$ or Items TI-10 Cache 2 None
Blaze of Oblivion (Phoenix) 3 7$ or Items TI-10 Cache 2 None
Songs of Starfall Glen (Enchantress) 3 6$ or Items TI-10 Cache 1 None
Flashpoint Proselyte (Huskar) 3 13$ or Items TI-10 Cache 1 Two Sold Last Left
Fissured Flight (Jakiro) 3 12$ or Items TI-10 Cache 1 Two Sold Last Left
Mindless Slaughter (Pudge) 3 12$ or Items TI-10 Cache 1 Two Sold Last Reserved
Fury of Righteous Storm (Disruptor) 3 6$ or Items TI-10 Cache 1 None
Apocalypse Unbound (Ancient Apparation) 3 9$ or Items TI-10 Cache 1 Two Sold Last left

Collector's Cache 2019/ Ti-9

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Prized Acquisitions (Batrider) 4 7$ TI-9 Cache Set-2 Two Sold
The sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful (Drow Ranger) 4 12$ TI-9 Cache Set-2 Three Sold Last Reserved
Directive of the Sunbound(Clockwerk) 5 9$ TI-9 Cache Set-2 Four Sold Last Left
Distinguished Expeditionary (Tusk) 4 7$ TI-9 Cache Set-2 Two Sold
Automaton Antiquity (Broodmother) 5 9$ TI-9 Cache Set-2 Four Sold Last Left
Fury of the Bloodforge (Bloodseeker) 5 9$ TI-9 Cache Set-2 Three Sold
Tribal Pathways (Warlock) 5 8.5$ TI-9 Cache Set-2 Three Sold
Verdant Predator (Venomancer) 5 9$ TI-9 Cache Set-2 Three Sold
The Arts of Mortal Deception (Enigma) 3 9$ TI-9 Cache Set Two Sold Last Left
Poacher's Bane (Tidehunter) 3 8$ TI-9 Cache Set One Sold One Reserved Last Left
Riddle of the Hierophant (Oracle) 3 9$ or 3 Keys TI-9 Cache Set Two Sold Last Left

Collector's Cache 2018/ Ti-8

Item Quantity Price Type Reserved
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge (Underlord) 4 18$ TI-8 Rare Cache Set Three Sold Last Left
Pattern of the Silken Queen (Brood) 4 8$ TI-8 Cache Set Three Sold Last Left (DireTide 2022 Oracle Set Sold Successfully) (2021 Gyro, 2020 Huskar, AA, Warlock, Grim Sets Sold Successfully) (Diretide Cache 2 Doom & Venge Sold Successfuly) (2019 Brood Automation, 2021 Shadow Shaman & Enchantress Reserved - Full Payment Made Advance) (2023 Rare Marci and Dawn Cache Sold successfully) (2023 AM Ultra Rare, Hoodwink & Dawn Reserved - 14/70 Paid Advance) (2023 Spectre Cache & Mars Wings of Imperium Sold Successfully) (2022 LC Cache Set Sold Successfully) (2022 Phoneix Cache Sold Successfully) (2023 Jakiro and Dazzle Cache Sold Successfully) (2023 Rare Treant, 2021 Rare Ogre & PL Cache Sold Successfully) (2017 DP Cache Reserved Sold Successfully) (Techies 2022 Cache Sold Successfully) Timber Cache Sold Successfully) (Brewmaster and Oracle Cache Sold Successfully) (2023 - Wk, Primal, Storm, Alche, 2022 - LC, Techies, Alche Cache Sold Successfully) (2023 Kunka Cache Sold Successfully) (2023 Dawnbreaker Cache Sold Successfully) (2022 Brew Set Sold Successfully) (2023 Rare Marci Cache Sold Successfully) (2020 Shadow Demon Cache Sold Successfully) (2023 Rare Marci and Diretide 2022 Hoodwink Cache Sold Successfully) (2023 Dazzle and Aghanim Brood Cache Sold Successfully) (Diretide 2022 Rare Antimage, Huskar, 2021 Grimstroke, 2019 Drow, Chen & Tide, 2018 Axe & QOP Sold Successfully) (2023 Hoodwink Sold Successfully) (2023 WK Sold Successfully) (2023 Primal Beast and Brewmaster Cache Sold Successfully) (2023 Rare Marci Cache Reserved - 3.5/13.5 Paid Advance) (Crownfall Rare WK Cache Sold- Old Customer) (2020 Pudge Cache Reserved - Full Payment Made Advance) (2022 Faceless Void Cache Reserved - Full payment made advance) (2020 TA and 2021 Enigma Reserved - Full payment made advance) (2x 2022 Rare Antimage Cache Reserved - Full Payment made advance) (2019 Drow Ranger Cache Reserved - 25% paid advance)
Wall of Shame: (This clown added me and when I asked to reserve which I have clearly stated in my post backtracked on trade offer, has no idea how 30-day steam gifting works so beware) (The newest Clown in town, Asks to buy legacy items, agrees to pay my listed price then tells me 2 days later about not making the payment because he found these sets for only 2 Dollars each which is not possible. Beware and don't add this person)
submitted by sahil_parakh30 to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:38 jinsei1208 Just got my first EV!

Just got my first EV!
My partner and I just bought our first EV. A 2020 Nissan Leaf. Got it for quite the steal and although we have only had it for 2 days we are in love. I have never felt something that runs so smooth and we are saving about 170 dollars a month from what we used to spend on gas. While not the greatest range for longer trips (we have ABRP for that) it is really doing wonders for our very small daily commutes. Love the technology package and the customization I can of the menus. My old vehicle was a small 2010 Hyudai ICE sedan so while for some people this is standard...this is quite the upgrade for me... as my 14 old car just had a cd player haha.
What impressed me with these new leafs... leaves...???... is how sharp the lines are. The old bubbly ones are cute and have their charm but I love how this one looks.
I am also impressed with the EV community as everyone no matter what they drive has been super friendly and helpful. I am sure there are elitists or those who scoff at my very basic package Leaf but again everyone has been awesome.
I am wondering if their is any EV etiquette or unwritten rules I should know about as an EV driver...
I always try to check in on plug share if it is a non network charging station to save people a trip or give and estimate on how long I'm going to be there. I also try to give people enough room if there are multiple chargers so they can get in and out and plug in their cars. Today a guy had his huge Ford plug in parked outside the lines diagonally in the stall.... really makes me wanna be careful and considerate of others.
I am also little nervous as somewhat aggressive massive lifted trucks are everywhere and anti ev sentiment is a little common in my area. Does anyone ever get harassed or cut off or get coal rolled on them. Has anyone tried to mess with your car while charging. Or are those incidents far and few between....
Any tips or tricks are also appreciated.
Excited to share and ask questions and discuss All things EV as I just begin my EV journey.
submitted by jinsei1208 to electricvehicles [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:50 10kMegatonKarmaBomb [H] Humble Leftovers dating back to 2022 [W] Paypal/Venmo

Hi all! That time again, need some helps affording things and stuffs. I got some old-ass games for y'all (and some not-so-old-ass games too)! If you're interested, please place your interest below in the comments before messaging me for offers ^-^
Jan 2022
Rebel Cops Farmer's Dynasty Between the Stars Retrowave Midnight Protocol
Feb 2022
Black Book Per Aspera Before We Leave Paradise Lost Everhood Calico
March 2022
Red Solstice 2: Survivors Nebuchadnezzar Evan's Remains
April 2022
Killsquad Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos Suzerian Chicken Police Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker
May 2022
Spellcaster University If Found... Genesis Noir Embr
June 2022
Phoenix Point Call of the Sea Gamedec Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
September 2022
The Dungeon of Nahelbeuk Forgive Me Father Crown Trick Industria
October 2022
Monster Train First Class Disciples: Liberation Maid of Sker Epic Chef Railroad Corporation
November 2022
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice Roboquest Eldest Souls Unmetal Raji: An Ancient Epic Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
December 2022
First Class Trouble Toem Where The Water Tastes Like Wine Super Magbot
January 2023
Encased Olliolli World - Rad Edition Grow: Song of the Evertree Conan Chop Chop Hokko Life The Serpent Rogue
February 2023
Thronebreaker Othercide Shady Part of Me Scourgebringer Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel Five Dates
March 2023
Edge of Eternity Hero's Hour Rogue Lords Demon Turf Golden Light Monster Crown
April 2023
Life Is Strange 2 Founder's Fortune
May 2023
Bendy and the Dark Revival Windjammers 2 Builder Simulator Behind the Frame The Invisible Hand
June 2023
Curse of the Dead Gods Honey I Joined a Cult Eternal Threads GRIME Turbo Golf Racing Meeple Station
July 2023
Yakuza 4 Remastered Roadwarden Kraken Academy!! Merchant of the Skies Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
August 2023
Road 96 Trek to Yomi Arcade Paradise SuchArt: Genius Artist Simulator Tin Can Hot Brass
September 2023
Deceive Inc. The Forgotten City Aces & Adventures Patch Quest Foretales Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus Autonauts vs PirateBots
October 2023
Rebel Inc: Escalation Spirit of the Island Lords and Villeins A Juggler's Tale Mr. Prepper
November 2023
Hardspace: Shipbreaker Friends vs Friends Prodeus The Legend of Tianding SCP: Secret Files Souldiers
December 2023
Midnight Fight Express Nobody Saves the World The Gunk The Pale Beyond Last Call BBS From Space
January 2024
Aragami 2 OTXO Roguebook The Red Lantern Hell Pie Twin Mirror
February 2024
Beacon Pines There is No Light: Enhanced Edition Children of Silentown Oaken Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
March 2024
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin – Ultimate Edition Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition Saints Row Citizen Sleeper Black Skylands Soulstice Afterimage Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
April 2024
Victoria 3 The Callisto Protocol HUMANKIND Definitive Edition Fashion Police Squad Terraformers Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Coromon The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
submitted by 10kMegatonKarmaBomb to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:20 Yaybicycles WE NEVER LEFT!!! - GameStop in 2024: Another meme-stock bubble or did apes never leave?

GameStop is back on the menu.
Shares of GME opened on Tuesday at $60.38, less than a month after trading around the $10-mark in mid April. Over the past two sessions, shares were up 141%. With a surge this dramatic, it’s hard not to be brought back to the heady days of GameStop in early 2021.
But 2021 was three years ago. We are no longer in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, inflation has gripped the American economy and life feels very different than it did back then. So before explaining away the 2024 surge in GameStop GME, -18.87% as a repeat performance of 2021, it’s important to note that the investment landscape is fundamentally different than it was back then, both for the general public and the most faithful GameStop investors.
Retail traders are not just sitting at home with little to do aside from trade stocks. The Federal government has not just air dropped trillions of stimulus money. Yes, we’re sure that we will hear more about meme stocks in the weeks to come, but not with the same fervor as 3 years ago,” said Nicholas Colas, Co-founder of market analysis group DataTrek Research.
Although GameStop fervor reached its peak in early 2021, it had been months in the making. Keith Gill, aka Roaring Kitty, had been posting about his bull theory for GameStop since the summer of 2020, and mentions of GME in the subreddit [REDACTED for automod but you know the sub ;)] started growing in the second half of 2020.
Part of the GameStop bull theory by Roaring Kitty in 2020 was that it was a potential short squeeze play. Short interest was over 100%, meaning that shares had been lent out, shorted and lent again until more shares had been shorted than the available number of shares. When the intense buying pressure for GME came in 2021, short sellers lost billions of dollars. As of May 9, short interest stood at only 24.1%—more than most other companies but not nearly as high as 2020 or 2021—so that same pressure isn’t there.
But as Colas mentions, other factors went into the memestock surge too. Over 10 million retail investors opened accounts in 2020, according to estimates. Collectively, retail investors accounted for around 19.5% of market activity in 2020. There was an appetite for trading that had taken hold of retail investors in 2020, and that helped set the scene for the memestock boom in the months to follow.
The 2024 GameStop bump hasn’t quite seen those levels of retail participation yet. The average retail share of GME turnover was roughly 7% for the past five trading days, according to Vanda Research, which is lower than it was in 2021. Vanda points out that quant and hedge funds are better positioned to take advantage of retail surges than they were in 2021, which is a key difference between now and then.
However, that’s not to say that retail investors have gone away. A key driver in GameStop’s explosion in 2021 was the buzz online, and since 2021 there have been online communities of retail investors solely dedicated to talking about GameStop. Subreddits like GME and SuperStonk have 398,000 and 950,000 members, respectively, and rank in the 1% of most subscribed to subreddits. There, talk about GameStop never stopped, and posts frequently get thousands of upvotes or end up on Reddit’s front page (all).
For further evidence of the influence that these online communities hold, just look at the DRS movement. GME’s most enthusiastic retail investors, self-dubbed “apes,” have coordinated efforts to directly register shares under their individual names instead of the names of their brokerages.
In today’s investment landscape, directly registering shares under an individual’s name is more often done by company insiders who own large portions of equity. But to the apes, DRS’ing GME is a sign of proud ownership. According to GameStop’s March 26 10-K filing, around 75.3 million shares have been directly registered, representing about 25% of the company’s shares outstanding.
Despite the stat that retail turnover registered roughly 7% in the past five trading days, *data shows that there have been a few recent episodes of elevated retail turnover in the past year, pre-dating this week’s boost *(see chart below).
Having this many retail investors waiting on the sidelines, primed to trade GME is something also fundamentally different from 2021. In 2024, GME already has the name brand recognition among retail traders, and many are willing to jump back in on the action—or maybe they never left.
submitted by Yaybicycles to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:16 No-Bottle3613 I want to buy a home laser engraving machine

I want to buy a home laser engraving machine, any good suggestions? About five hundred dollars or less, carve some wood and metal, no big machine required
submitted by No-Bottle3613 to Laserengraving [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:11 tristanfinn Bolerium Books – The San Francisco Bookstore Where the Revolution Ends up – By Lucy Schiller

There is great benefit, these days, in having a name unlike any other: you float to the top of Google searches. Bolerium Books, in San Francisco, knows this well, although it wasn’t a consideration when it first opened, in 1981. Bolerium’s co-owner, John Durham, runs through any number of explanations for the name, depending on whose leg he wants to pull and how hard. “It was an ancient road in Roman times,” he intoned recently, “large, funny, and sluggish,” while another co-owner, Alexander Akin, roundly mouthed, “Not true.” (The word is a Roman one for Land’s End, in Cornwall, England. The bookstore was once a bit closer to the ocean.) Fittingly, there is no other place like Bolerium, not on the Internet nor in the province of the real. Similes come steadily, none of which really seem to fit. Perhaps Durham’s is best. “We’re like a platypus,” he told me recently, “ugly as fuck and all sorts of parts.”.
This moment of serious American protest against Trump has led to one of Bolerium Books’ best sales years ever.Photograph by Thor Swift / NYT / Redux.
At last count, the store contained 67,385 single titles in stock. Estimates of the time that has elapsed since the last deep cleaning ranged from a jokey “twenty years ago” to a hemming “define ‘clean.’ ” “Nature abhors a vacuum,” Durham quickly noted. A store map gestures at the sheer amount of stuff, with sections labelled as “Reef of Flotsam” or “Onset of Confusion” (right by the entrance), or, in one cramped corner, “Hell.”
The semi-barbed humor protects something serious and deeply essential. Few people walk in (“the door is locked to keep out the unworthy,” Durham wrote in response to a negative Yelp review, though he made sure to mention the password, “swordfish”). Those who do manage to enter find, three floors above one of the Mission District’s busiest intersections, a vast and quiet space populated by seven staff members, thousands of books about and from social movements, densely packed rows of pamphlets and ephemera, and, in the adjacent storage room, great snowbanks of paper. These snowbanks, or “midden heaps,” as Durham calls them, are from attics, basements, personal archives, and libraries across the country. They have all been sold or donated to Bolerium. In them, evidence of the past is to be found, possibly reckoned with, and then, hopefully, sold.
From Bolerium’s snowbanks have come copies of On Our Backs (a lesbian erotic magazine put out in response to the anti-pornography publication Off Our Backs), century-old postcards of pacifist Doukhobors protesting in the nude, intricate Black Panther posters and handbills, an issue of Lumberjack (“with appendix on musical saw”), and the famous inter-commune Kaliflower newsletters from early-nineteen-seventies San Francisco. But with a staff so expert that they can translate a Mongolian treatise on traditional Oirat law using a handmade cheat sheet, classifications like “famous” and “obscure” begin to blur. So do “past” and “present.” Rather than a platypus, maybe the store is more like an estuary: the disparate holdings mingle, rolling in and out according to murky tides. (If you visit the Web site and browse the digital catalog by date, the tides begin to feel more explicable; one week, for example, carries a huge wave of Alan Watts-related material. The next week brings a crush of gay romance novels.) At Bolerium, for better and worse, you can wade around in what Durham calls “the primary source material for history.”
Here is an 1838 publication by the American Anti-Slavery Society and a brochure arguing for the Equal Rights Amendment. A pamphlet from a 1928 speech by Marcus Garvey sits not far from a publication on “incidents in the Life of Eugene V. Debs” written by his brother, Theodore (once, before an important speech, a piece of barbed wire tore “a great rent in [Debs’s] trousers . . . the flap of which hung down like the ear of a Missouri houn’ pup”). Among many other small, sheeny pins is a button from the 1990 AIDS Walk in San Francisco. Here are fliers that passed from hand to hand at protests, meant to convince, assuage, and inflame, and here’s a lump of coal from a miners’ strike in Alabama with tiny chicken-scratch wording: “never forget.” Notably, this year of serious American protest has been the store’s best sales year ever.
Not marked on the map is that other part of American history that has, this year and every other, raged—a section that Durham loosely calls “the White Problem” and keeps behind the locked door of a different room altogether. Accessible to scholars and those who know to ask, the spindly bookcases contain titles like “Gun Control Means People Control” and “Fluoridation & Truth Decay,” as well as several publications by the John Birch Society. “You can’t understand American history without understanding the far right,” Durham told me. “What it’s done, its justifications, its tropes and idiocies.”
It was to the deepest corner of the storeroom that the archivist Lisbet Tellefsen was drawn one afternoon. (Tellefsen visits Bolerium as a “treasure hunter,” and has amassed the largest collection of Angela Davis-related material in the world.) One time, she idly tugged out an issue of The Bayviewer, a magazine that once served the historic black neighborhood that James Baldwin characterized as “the San Francisco America pretends does not exist.”
The magazine fell open to a page bearing the face of Tellefsen’s father, whom she had not seen since she was two, in an advertisement for his Oldsmobile dealership. That led to an ongoing saga of tracking down half-siblings and cousins found on “There is so much history there,” Tellefsen told me. She visits Bolerium once a month, wary of buying back her own consigned material. “It’s so rich with connections. We have an understanding of history, but places like that hold so much.” Bolerium’s official motto, “Fighting Commodity Fetishism with Commodity Fetishism since 1981,” does not quite distill the feeling of holding some of these discoveries between your fingers, or explain the way that ephemera can work to vivify history, very often through its ordinariness. A bit of light browsing recently unearthed a flier from a class reunion of Florida’s first accredited African-American high school, as well as an Electrolux manual from 1933 listing Pope Pius XI as a famous customer.
But history is ongoing, and the present moment needs its collectors. During the Occupy Movement, the store paid a dollar for each flyer or poster that people brought in, then put together a sweeping collection for the British Library. Holdings from contemporary social movements are fairly small, since so much planning, discussing, and arguing takes place on Facebook and Twitter. “Occupy was the last one to have lots of leaflets,” Akin told me, somewhat sadly. Currently, he is collecting material from what he calls the “shock-and-disbelief period” following the 2016 Presidential election. Only from “marinating in the sauce of time” do these things begin to accrue both value and interest.
Recently, in one snowbank, Akin found a sketch done in creamy pastel of a basalt mountain and drifting clouds. Tiny guard towers dotted the background. It was a drawing of the view from Tule Lake Segregation Center, the largest of the incarceration camps that held Japanese-Americans during the Second World War, and the one which held those people deemed by the government to be “disloyal.” The artist was a man named Tomokazu, surname unknown, who resided for over thirty-five years in Plumas County, California, before being imprisoned at Tule Lake. The piece of paper sat among countless others all bearing dispatches of one kind or another from the past, which is not a foreign country, really, but a place hovering just under our present, and made of paper and ink, buttons, and voices.
submitted by tristanfinn to occupylosangeles [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:08 RudeandOffensive Pharmacy Guild Phucks Consumers once again

Chemist Warehouse will be stripped of its ability to give its customers $1 off their medicines, under an Albanese government policy to appease the influential Pharmacy Guild in tense negotiations over the next five years of pharmacy funding.
The measure will be part of the $3 billion deal the Albanese government has struck to placate the lobby group after incurring the wrath of community pharmacists over its 60-day prescription policy.
These bastards have got the discount gone and pushing more of their anti-competitive goals on us. This on top of trying to stop the 60 day prescriptions so they could charge us all more money.
We could have cheaper medicines if it wasn't for these a-holes.
submitted by RudeandOffensive to australian [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:04 Special_Ad_9525 Sephiroth nose

Sephiroth nose
So it's been 10 years since I cosplayed (16 was when I was into it and just now getting my spark back at the ripe age of 26) and am planning to do a sephiroth cosplay! But the thing is, I'm really out of touch with makeup and how to do cosplay makeup since it's been a long time. Does anyone have any makeup tips and tricks? What kind of foundation stuff would I need? I'll do my own research as well since it's very much avaliable on youtube but thought I would reach out and place myself within a cosplay community. So far, ive been playing around with the nose (will be getting better makeup, i literally used a shimmery eyeshadow pallete from the dollar store for this haha) and i plan to buy nose inserts to thin out/shape my strong asian nose lol. Thanks!
submitted by Special_Ad_9525 to cosplayers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:28 NotZiggy Five Dollar Baller 👑

submitted by NotZiggy to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:27 NotZiggy Five Dollar Baller 👑

submitted by NotZiggy to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:09 JainaCloudmoore First Month Detransitioning Thoughts

Hi there! I'm kind of new to this and looking for support. I've only been off of testosterone and publicly detransitioning for a month now. I'll write some of the backstory out and then my questions/concerns about my former transition and what to do next. I might ramble, my apologies. I have a lot to say, and I am definitely feeling emotional about it all. It's a big deal.
I'm (27F) woman and I was transitioning as an FTM for over 5 years. I have a bit of a complicated transition history that stretches back into my earlier teen years, but I medically transitioned in my 20s for that 5 years. I only went on testosterone and never got any procedures done. However, I passed fairly well when binding and with my facial/body hair growth. I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria but I'm not sure if that was correct or not. Honestly, I think I struggled more with body dysmorphia than anything gender-specific. I've had a very traumatic life (just saying that for context, I don't try to live my life in a victim mentality, my trauma has just influenced my decisions) and I went through puberty early so I was more aware of sticking out than someone in general would have. I genuinely did feel like I was transgender at parts of my life, but I don't think I would have identified that way if I had received better mental healthcare and guidance for how to accept and love and care for myself as the capable woman I am.
Overall, I think my transition was successful in a way because I accomplished a lot of life goals during the process and connected with myself. I finished undergrad, got into graduate school, worked hard in academia and in jobs, became a professional artist and writer and much more- all things that I never thought I was smart enough to do before transitioning. (I know, that sounds terrible :c ) Ultimately though, transitioning was leading me to an unhealthy place. I started to uncover a lot of traumas in therapy linked to bad male figures in my life and I started to piece together that perhaps I was trying to become the positive male figure that I never had before. Honestly, becoming that "man" did help, but the whole time it was just me. I'll never have a father, and I'll never get the peace and innocence I had before former abusive relationships, but I should have understood that my inner strength was inside of me as a woman the whole time. I didn't have to be a trans man to access that. I never experienced life as a single adult woman since I was always under negative male control, so this new phase of life is an entirely new world to me in a way. It's exciting, fresh, scary, and I am feeling so many things. I don't feel bitter about transitioning but I'm silently highly critical of my past situation and the way I regard other transitions I see IRL and online.
Towards the last two years of medically transitioning I started to experience really weird symptoms. There is a possibility that some of this is tied with long covid because I got seriously ill a couple of years ago, but I noticed symptoms become worse when dosage went higher and better when dosage was lower. Eventually, my doctor put me on what he called a "nonbinary level" which got my levels to somewhere around 99 when he said they should have been at 300. This was the point that I took medicine into MY own hands and told HIM that I wanted to be on that low dose because I felt better on it even though he wanted to increase it for some reason.
The symptoms I was having were heart palpitations, chest pains, muscle aches, loud joint cracking and pains, weakness and prone to injuries, vaginal dryness and pain, dizzy spells, and more probably that I can't think of. I have brought up these things to various doctors especially the last one and none of my "transgender healthcare professionals" seemed worried/interested enough to investigate what was going wrong other than give me blood tests or prescribe me a medicine that I wouldn't take. I felt like I had to handle my own treatment plan by becoming uncomfortably self-aware of my body situation and adjust my weight, supplements, and testosterone based on what would make me feel the least crappy. I felt abandoned by the medical field and I'm having to search for competent clinicians now who can see what's actually happening with my health. Thankfully most of the negative side effects have either subsided or lessened considerably but I don't know how much damage was actually done. I'm very grateful I still have my breasts and that my reproductive system is working a bit better, though I haven't gotten my period back yet.
Another frustration that helped me choose to detransition was understanding that the trans space is actually more dangerous than people want others to see it as. I hate saying that it's dangerous because I don't want to fearmonger ever, it's more of a logical observation. The amount of people that were predatory towards me when I was a trans man is shocking. I have trust issues already and I thought that presenting as male would protect me, but there were several who knew how to manipulate my insecurities and benefit from my vulnerability. A couple of months before I made the choice to detransition, I was a victim of a very violent SA from a "friend." I was hospitalized and injured for weeks if not months and it made me reconsider everything during the intensive therapy. My eyes opened to the reality of "chasers" who just wanted to feminize me, enact their kinks on me, and objectify/brutalize/humiliate me for my inherent womanhood. The people that claimed to love me as a trans man in theory, hated me as a woman in practice. It was horrific.
I'm so so so thankful that other detransitioners are being vocal about their experiences and reaching out even though it's a hard thing to do. I feel like I've been saved from a lifetime of extra pain and challenges that I was tricked into. My experience could have been much worse, and it was already not good.
While now I'm learning how to love myself more and navigate the world and processes of detransitioning, I'm also facing my mindset changing towards transitioning. At this point in time, I do personally believe that some transgender people do exist with gender dysphoria, but I think it is much rarer than the dominating narrative seems to suggest. I've started to hear more about AGPs and one of my friend groups almost all transitioned to become "trans women" but they don't seem to put in any effort to socialize or appear like women. They only tend to have sexual discussions and have started to seem very predatory and creepy towards me and others. One of them is convinced she has a period too. I have distanced myself from them because they have crossed my boundaries and I feel very threatened. But I feel like I can't confront them about the offensive gender issue because they'll think I'm transphobic when in reality, I feel like they're being misogynistic and hurtful.
Has anyone else experienced difficulties in healthcare/bad hormone side effects? Or what are your thoughts on dangers in the trans community? Do you have any tips on how to navigate the early stages of detransitioning? I just filed for my name change and am hoping to get laser removal soon! :)
Thank you so much for reading and any comments/advice. I appreciate it. I'm a little lost and nervous.
submitted by JainaCloudmoore to detrans [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:55 OtherwiseAd1900 How do you guys have $500+ splh???

Theres a few coworkers at my store that have $500+ plus SPLH and I’m like how?? I sit in the low 200s on a good week and I’ve been here for like 2-3 months. To clarify, I am not particularly passionate about actually making this billion dollar company even more money but I am genuinely curious how some of my coworkers have such high numbers from a psychology-ish standpoint? Like are you guys just super chariasmatic? Whats the special sauce??? I have tried talking to them about how they approach clients and shadowed a few of the really high performers and I picked up a few things but not an extra $300/hr worth of tips and tricks? Are they just putting their names down on every mobile or adding themselves to other peoples sales at cashwrap?? Dont mean to accuse someone of being dishonest but the numbers are insane to me and im so curious. Do people who work certain shifts or longer shifts like busier times have a better chance?? Like I’m genuinley wanting to know.
submitted by OtherwiseAd1900 to SephoraWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:53 BeNotAfraid505 Salvation

It seems like she’s feeling insecure again. I keep my eyes shut tight, preparing myself for the song and dance I had been through so many times before. The weight of the bed shifts under me as she crawls under the blankets. A cold limb flops over my torso, wrapping me in a frigid embrace. I resist the urge to flinch as the moist, squishy mass of flesh presses into my forehead, a tickling droplet of fluid slides down my face and over my tightly pursed lips. Not daring to move, I waited patiently for the words I knew must come. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, a muffled teary voice sounds in a desperate tone:
“Do you...”
The voice falters, emitting several low-pitched, labored gurgles before continuing:
“Love me?”
Without hesitation I respond, as gently as could be managed:
“Of course I love you. But it’s time to go back to sleep now, okay?”
The gurgling continues, higher pitched now, like an excited baby. After a few moments the squishy mass detaches itself from my forehead, and the weight in the bed shifts. The gentle smacking of feet against hardwood floor, and a door quietly closing across the house resound in the otherwise silent room. Sitting up on the edge of the bed, I rock gently back and forth with my head in between my legs, resisting the tears that are fighting to escape. I allow a few moments of this pointless self-pity before forcing myself to stand up.
I walk down the hallway to the bathroom, not allowing my eyes to stray to the door to what used to be my room. A look in the mirror reveals that my forehead has already started breaking out in small orange pustules, along with a small streak of them where the fluid had dripped down my face. At least it didn't get in my mouth this time. That isn’t a panic I would like to revisit. I retrieve the small bottle of vinegar from the medicine cabinet and apply it to a cotton ball, beginning the tedious task of treating my face. A harsher acid would probably do a better job, but I prefer to avoid the stinging even if the pustules disappear more slowly. It’s not like I need to look handsome for anyone. It’s unlikely she can even really see me.
Once my skin is sufficiently covered in the stuff, I grab a bucket and mop, and clean the wet footprints from the hallway, and from the living room where my bed is located. Most of the wood flooring throughout the house is already somewhat corroded, but I’d prefer to keep my home intact to the extent that I am able. Although it’s up to anyone’s guess what manner of hellscape the bedroom must look like. I hadn’t been in that room in a long time. That was her domain now, and there was no reason for me to enter. No reason to take that risk.
I light the small gas cooktop in the kitchen and get to work making food for the day. Canned food is surprisingly appetizing when there’s nothing to do but eat. It would taste better with some seasoning, but there was no point in going through that much effort. This food serves one purpose, and that’s to keep us from starving. I slide one plate under the crack between the floor and the bedroom door and sit down in the living room with the other plate in hand.
The book on the coffee table catches my eye as it does every morning. Sighing, I pick up the ratty collection of pages and flip to a random one. One of the few books on the “Great Plague” as they call it, that was ever published, or at least, the only one I could ever find. Titled “The End” by Jared Kramer, It was more of a fanatical opinion piece than a proper informative book, but Kramer at least provided a bit of information on the virus, how the transformation works, and what methods could be used to, in his words, “Cure” the afflicted. A shotgun was noted as the best medicine, with gasoline and matches being a close second. Near the middle of the book, the portion that was coincidentally staring back at me from the pages, it turned into a near unintelligible ranting on the philosophy of consciousness. Apparently, Kramer had only just begun to consider whether blowing the afflicted’s brains out was a morally reasonable decision. He had never come across as a particularly intelligent guy in his writings, and my assumption was that he was simply the only person who wrote fast enough to get a book published before the plague became a worldwide epidemic. Towards the end of the book, Kramer does a 180 and states repeatedly that “Accepting the transformation is the only road to salvation”.
“Salvation... as if”
My words perish in the empty air, a death rattle of frustrated skepticism.
I had never quite understood what that actually meant. Salvation would be something like deliverance from harm, harm being the only thing that the plague brought to the world. The book thuds as I carelessly toss it back on the table. It's obvious that the author was in the process of transforming as he wrote the final passages, but they never ceased to bother me. Perhaps I'm just fixating on those words as a way of keeping my mind occupied.
There’s really no reason to focus on such pointless things.
The following night my sleep was peaceful and uninterrupted. She usually shows up once a week, if not less frequently. After waking, the bathroom mirror reveals that the pustules ha subsided slightly, leaving my skin smooth, if not free of the noticeable blemishes. A subtle glint of light shines off of my head and my heart rate accelerates.
Surely not.
Surely it was a trick of the light.
I begin rifling through my matted hair furiously and there it is. A single, silver hair hanging in front of my forehead.
I guess this is it then.
She made sure I had sworn on everything under the sun. Her stupid goofy smile reflected in my memory.
“First grey hair and I’m outta here mister”
To think that a silly little joke between us had turned into this solemn responsibility. The steel of the revolver was cold in my palm. My eyes locked onto it, unsure of when it had made its way from the drawer of the coffee table into my hand, or for that matter, when I had entered the living room. The earth seemed to be rotating at impossible speeds. Everything was black except for the gun in my hand and the book on the coffee table. That goddamn book. One of the pages had begun to tear away from the others, no doubt a result of my less than careful treatment of the thing, and a single word seemed to assault my fragile psyche.
I get it now
My heartbeat slows marginally as the unravelling of this book that I’ve read so many times presented a welcome distraction. There had been nothing left for Kramer, or anyone else for that matter, in a world that was dying around them. His salvation was freedom from the great plague. His call to “accept” the transformation, was not the same as giving in to it. After all, hadn’t he expressed over and over again exactly how to “find release” as he called it, from the infection.
Kramer, unlike me, had accepted that there was no life in transformation, no being, no humanity, and no way back. His moral dilemma had come to a close, likely with a bullet in his brain.
A reluctant chuckle rose through my chest and escaped my throat. It didn’t sound like me. It was twisted, choked, and raspy. She had always known hadn’t she, that I would stay in this house with her. That’s why she had forced me to swear up and down on something as silly and inevitable as a grey hair, before locking herself in that room five years ago. Knowing her, it had all been for my own good, a way for her to look out for me even after she was long gone.
The creak of the door was like nails on a chalkboard. I laid my eyes for the first time in years on my wife, or at least, what was left of her. I had seen the afflicted before, but seeing her in this state brought a blockage to my throat that nothing could have prepared me for. Her head had been obscured by the typical growth, characteristic of the great plague, A mass wider than her torso which was completely wrapped around her head, the loose flesh sagging down onto her shoulders. Large orange boils were dotted across this mass, as well as glistening, concave pits, where those boils had burst and left scars. The thick external vein structure wrapped around it was partially translucent, providing a window to the tar-like substance flowing slowly throughout. The worst thing, however, the thing that forced my tears out of my eyes and onto the corroded floor, was her body. Her clothes had long since disintegrated, leaving a sight that was fundamentally identical to what I remembered, with one exception. The excess weight of the mass upon her shoulder had atrophied her spine, which had crumpled, leaving her torso contorted in a grotesque fashion, the flesh and muscle folding in upon itself in places.
I had let this happen. I had as good as desecrated my wife’s corpse by leaving her in this state, by convincing myself that a cure would be found for a plague that had long-since been eradicated by other means. I did this.
My hands move as though without instruction from my brain, raising the revolver to my eye-level, pointing at the place where my wife’s head was concealed amid that horrid mass of flesh.
Her head tilted upwards slightly, as if she was looking at me with eyes that had been long-since obscured. That muffled, teary voice sounded out from amidst the heap weighing on her shoulders. Despite myself hesitated for just a moment, savoring the shadow of a voice that I would never hear again.
“Do you love me?”
submitted by BeNotAfraid505 to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:48 BeNotAfraid505 Salvation

It seems like she’s feeling insecure again. I keep my eyes shut tight, preparing myself for the song and dance I had been through so many times before. The weight of the bed shifts under me as she crawls under the blankets. A cold limb flops over my torso, wrapping me in a frigid embrace. I resist the urge to flinch as the moist, squishy mass of flesh presses into my forehead, a tickling droplet of fluid slides down my face and over my tightly pursed lips. Not daring to move, I waited patiently for the words I knew must come. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, a muffled teary voice sounds in a desperate tone:
“Do you...”
The voice falters, emitting several low-pitched, labored gurgles before continuing:
“Love me?”
Without hesitation I respond, as gently as could be managed:
“Of course I love you. But it’s time to go back to sleep now, okay?”
The gurgling continues, higher pitched now, like an excited baby. After a few moments the squishy mass detaches itself from my forehead, and the weight in the bed shifts. The gentle smacking of feet against hardwood floor, and a door quietly closing across the house resound in the otherwise silent room. Sitting up on the edge of the bed, I rock gently back and forth with my head in between my legs, resisting the tears that are fighting to escape. I allow a few moments of this pointless self-pity before forcing myself to stand up.
I walk down the hallway to the bathroom, not allowing my eyes to stray to the door to what used to be my room. A look in the mirror reveals that my forehead has already started breaking out in small orange pustules, along with a small streak of them where the fluid had dripped down my face. At least it didn't get in my mouth this time. That isn’t a panic I would like to revisit. I retrieve the small bottle of vinegar from the medicine cabinet and apply it to a cotton ball, beginning the tedious task of treating my face. A harsher acid would probably do a better job, but I prefer to avoid the stinging even if the pustules disappear more slowly. It’s not like I need to look handsome for anyone. It’s unlikely she can even really see me.
Once my skin is sufficiently covered in the stuff, I grab a bucket and mop, and clean the wet footprints from the hallway, and from the living room where my bed is located. Most of the wood flooring throughout the house is already somewhat corroded, but I’d prefer to keep my home intact to the extent that I am able. Although it’s up to anyone’s guess what manner of hellscape the bedroom must look like. I hadn’t been in that room in a long time. That was her domain now, and there was no reason for me to enter. No reason to take that risk.
I light the small gas cooktop in the kitchen and get to work making food for the day. Canned food is surprisingly appetizing when there’s nothing to do but eat. It would taste better with some seasoning, but there was no point in going through that much effort. This food serves one purpose, and that’s to keep us from starving. I slide one plate under the crack between the floor and the bedroom door and sit down in the living room with the other plate in hand.
The book on the coffee table catches my eye as it does every morning. Sighing, I pick up the ratty collection of pages and flip to a random one. One of the few books on the “Great Plague” as they call it, that was ever published, or at least, the only one I could ever find. Titled “The End” by Jared Kramer, It was more of a fanatical opinion piece than a proper informative book, but Kramer at least provided a bit of information on the virus, how the transformation works, and what methods could be used to, in his words, “Cure” the afflicted. A shotgun was noted as the best medicine, with gasoline and matches being a close second. Near the middle of the book, the portion that was coincidentally staring back at me from the pages, it turned into a near unintelligible ranting on the philosophy of consciousness. Apparently, Kramer had only just begun to consider whether blowing the afflicted’s brains out was a morally reasonable decision. He had never come across as a particularly intelligent guy in his writings, and my assumption was that he was simply the only person who wrote fast enough to get a book published before the plague became a worldwide epidemic. Towards the end of the book, Kramer does a 180 and states repeatedly that “Accepting the transformation is the only road to salvation”.
“Salvation... as if”
My words perish in the empty air, a death rattle of frustrated skepticism.
I had never quite understood what that actually meant. Salvation would be something like deliverance from harm, harm being the only thing that the plague brought to the world. The book thuds as I carelessly toss it back on the table. It's obvious that the author was in the process of transforming as he wrote the final passages, but they never ceased to bother me. Perhaps I'm just fixating on those words as a way of keeping my mind occupied.
There’s really no reason to focus on such pointless things.
The following night my sleep was peaceful and uninterrupted. She usually shows up once a week, if not less frequently. After waking, the bathroom mirror reveals that the pustules ha subsided slightly, leaving my skin smooth, if not free of the noticeable blemishes. A subtle glint of light shines off of my head and my heart rate accelerates.
Surely not.
Surely it was a trick of the light.
I begin rifling through my matted hair furiously and there it is. A single, silver hair hanging in front of my forehead.
I guess this is it then.
She made sure I had sworn on everything under the sun. Her stupid goofy smile reflected in my memory.
“First grey hair and I’m outta here mister”
To think that a silly little joke between us had turned into this solemn responsibility. The steel of the revolver was cold in my palm. My eyes locked onto it, unsure of when it had made its way from the drawer of the coffee table into my hand, or for that matter, when I had entered the living room. The earth seemed to be rotating at impossible speeds. Everything was black except for the gun in my hand and the book on the coffee table. That goddamn book. One of the pages had begun to tear away from the others, no doubt a result of my less than careful treatment of the thing, and a single word seemed to assault my fragile psyche.
I get it now
My heartbeat slows marginally as the unravelling of this book that I’ve read so many times presented a welcome distraction. There had been nothing left for Kramer, or anyone else for that matter, in a world that was dying around them. His salvation was freedom from the great plague. His call to “accept” the transformation, was not the same as giving in to it. After all, hadn’t he expressed over and over again exactly how to “find release” as he called it, from the infection.
Kramer, unlike me, had accepted that there was no life in transformation, no being, no humanity, and no way back. His moral dilemma had come to a close, likely with a bullet in his brain.
A reluctant chuckle rose through my chest and escaped my throat. It didn’t sound like me. It was twisted, choked, and raspy. She had always known hadn’t she, that I would stay in this house with her. That’s why she had forced me to swear up and down on something as silly and inevitable as a grey hair, before locking herself in that room five years ago. Knowing her, it had all been for my own good, a way for her to look out for me even after she was long gone.
The creak of the door was like nails on a chalkboard. I laid my eyes for the first time in years on my wife, or at least, what was left of her. I had seen the afflicted before, but seeing her in this state brought a blockage to my throat that nothing could have prepared me for. Her head had been obscured by the typical growth, characteristic of the great plague, A mass wider than her torso which was completely wrapped around her head, the loose flesh sagging down onto her shoulders. Large orange boils were dotted across this mass, as well as glistening, concave pits, where those boils had burst and left scars. The thick external vein structure wrapped around it was partially translucent, providing a window to the tar-like substance flowing slowly throughout. The worst thing, however, the thing that forced my tears out of my eyes and onto the corroded floor, was her body. Her clothes had long since disintegrated, leaving a sight that was fundamentally identical to what I remembered, with one exception. The excess weight of the mass upon her shoulder had atrophied her spine, which had crumpled, leaving her torso contorted in a grotesque fashion, the flesh and muscle folding in upon itself in places.
I had let this happen. I had as good as desecrated my wife’s corpse by leaving her in this state, by convincing myself that a cure would be found for a plague that had long-since been eradicated by other means. I did this.
My hands move as though without instruction from my brain, raising the revolver to my eye-level, pointing at the place where my wife’s head was concealed amid that horrid mass of flesh.
Her head tilted upwards slightly, as if she was looking at me with eyes that had been long-since obscured. That muffled, teary voice sounded out from amidst the heap weighing on her shoulders. Despite myself hesitated for just a moment, savoring the shadow of a voice that I would never hear again.
“Do you love me?”
submitted by BeNotAfraid505 to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:37 sac_112 Debunking a few popular theories.

Debunking a few popular theories.
Starting to debunk 🔥 

FNaF 6

FNaF 6 is mostly assumed by people to take place in 2023 because of HRY223, saying it means Henry 2023, the thing is, they ignore the most important detail of that text.
HRY223 is actually not written that way, is "HRY223...", what's the difference?
In the first option that most people use to argue FNaF 6 2023, the text is complete, saying 2023 as a last part of the text.
In the true and second option, the text is incomplete, it's not showing it all, Scott knew that people said that FNaF 3 took place in 2023 when it wasn't the case, so, he wanted to do a little trolling putting "HRY223..." It does say Henry (date), but the date is incomplete, so it's more of:
HRY 2/23/???? or Henry Febrary 23rd of ????, since the last part is missing.
So, if the date is not 2023, then when is it?
Using Fazbear Frights as a part of games timeline, we have an answer, since, and as I have stated before:
In Fetch, Greg describes the Location of Freddy's as the same as the FNaF 1 Location (MCI Location), which we know, was turned Into Jeffs Pizza in ITP.
So Fetch is before 2020. (Since ITP happens in 2020)
Taking in mind this and how TMIR1280 happens around 2 to 3 years after FFPS and how Fetch is before 2020, then:
As Fetch is, at latest, in December 2019 / January 2020, then, TMIR1280 happens in 2019 or 2018, so FFPS happens in 2017 or 2016 (2 to 3 years before TMIR1280)
So, with this in mind, FNaF 6 happens in 2016 or 2017.
But some people argue that FNaF 3 happens in 2023, how do I explain that?
FNaF 3 doesn't happen in 2023, happens in 2015.

FNaF 3

First of all, the steam description.
Thirty years after Freddy Fazbear's Pizza closed it's doors, the events that took place there have become nothing more than a rumor and a childhood memory, but the owners of "Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction" are determined to revive the legend and make the experience as authentic as possible for patrons, going to great lengths to find anything that might have survived decades of neglect and ruin.
So, it mentions that it's 30 years after Freddy Fazbear's Pizza closed it's doors, which of the 3? Well, we can get to an easy answer with this.
the events that took place there have become nothing more than a rumor and a childhood memory
So, the location was actually opened for quite a long time (discarding the location of the 87), the FNaF 1 location is the same as the location of the MCI, so it could be rather 2015 or 2022/2023 (later explaining).
So, which of both is it? Well, the text directly stated right after it explains it.
but the owners of "Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction" are determined to revive the legend and make the experience as authentic as possible for patrons, going to great lengths to find anything that might have survived decades of neglect and ruin.
What does this tell us?
Well, reading the whole text, is clear that it's talking about 30 years after the location where the rumors and years of neglect and ruin started closed.
The FNaF 1 location didn't started the rumors and years of neglect and ruin.
It was the Missing Children Incident location!
Now, let's talk about the source code.
"five, nights, at, freddys, 30 years later, only one"
What does this actually mean?
let me begin separating the text, because it's not "five nights at freddy's 30 years later only one" it has punctuation marks, so, what do they mean? To me, they look more as a title.
30 years later
Only one
Let me begin clarifying the text.
As it is a title, there's the name of the franchise, then the title of the game == (Title) (Name)
So, the important thing here is the fact that it's named "30 years later, only one" what could this mean?
I interpret it more like- "After 30 years, there's only one" only one what? Only one animatronic as the description of the game says.
At first there were only empty shells, a hand, a hook, an old paper-plate doll, but then a remarkable discovery was made...
The attraction now has one animatronic.
So, it's talking about that 30 after something, there's now one animatronic in Fazbear Frights.
This doesn't reveal anything.

The Real Value and the Logbook

I don't think this needs an explination, but here it comes. (reused text from an old post)
In the page 79 there is a cupon named "Pizza Party Pack" which costs 16 dollars, and Michael writted there "for real value, see page 61", if you remember right, the page 61 is where we get the "I" in the "my name" code, but for now, let's ignore that, because doing the same math, "5+4 = 9" and multiplaying it with 3 we get 27, so the real value is 27, right? yes, but that's kinda weard, because if we use an inflation calculator (or just do the math by ourselfs) we get that in 2023 it would cost 33.74 dollars, but that's logical, Scott made this book in 2017, the real value needs to be updated to the "present" day, Scott isn't a magician, he can't know how will go the inflation in 2023 being on 2017, and doing the math with 2017 insetead of 2023 we get almost the exact number, but it can't be right, like i said in another post the only dates where FNaF 3 can take place are 2015 and 2023, and like we see right here, it can't be in 2023, but wait, we are doing this taking in mind that FNaF 1 takes place in 1993, if we say that FNaF 1 takes place in 1992 then in 2015 is 27.00$.
Also in the book there are several references to things that only appeared in 2015 the MacBook Silver, the dabbing (but used as a meme) and more, so, even with this conclusion, the only possible way to this to work is if FNaF 3 takes place in 2015…
But I've seen people against the real value, and let me explain why they are wrong!
Let me point out 2 main posts.
Let me debunk this properly.
Starting with...
Meta Logbook.
The fact that the logbook mentions the Springlocks doesn't even prove anything!
It just places it after Night 2 of FNaF 3.
The Phone Calls from FNaF 2 are never mentioned or even something at all on the Logbook, they know what happened in that local because of the rummors!
They knew about the Phone Calls from FNaF 1 because they were in that restaurant! and uh, Phone Guy kinda possessed the phone, if not, we wouldn't be literally getting PHONE CALLS on FNaF 1, since they are recordings, why ring the phone? That's because it's possessed by Phone Guy.
They could've just recorded those Phone Calls to make the logbook AFTER night 2.
Now, let's talk about th epost of Fantasctic-Bed3911.
FNaF 2 is NOT in summer, if we're gonna use the summer-job thing as confirmation, then FnaF 1 is in summer as the description of FNaF 1 states:
Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where kids and parents alike come for entertainment and food as far as the eye can see! The main attraction is Freddy Fazbear, of course; and his two friends. They are animatronic robots, programmed to please the crowds! The robots' behavior has become somewhat unpredictable at night however, and it was much cheaper to hire you as a security guard than to find a repairman.
So it's more of a legal thing or a way to say "short-time job".
So, FNaF 1 is indeed in 1992, and since the Logbook has multiple references of it being at the same time as FNaF 3 (since we literally see the office and for stuff mentioned before), the real value is showing us that FNaF 3 is in 2015.
Confirming 2 things.
  • FNaF 1 being in 1992
  • FNaF 3 being in 2015

FNaF 1

As I explained 2 months ago.
FNaF 1 is in 1992, why..
MHMM (this is bassically the same text as the one of my old post)
We spent 6 hours a night in Freddy’s for 5 nights (30 hours) and we get paid 120$ a WEEK, so it’s 4$ a hour (less than the minimum wage of USA, 7.25$ per hour), when is the only year that 4 dollars an hour is legal (in USA)? In 1990 the minimum wage was 3.80$, in 1991 it was raised to 4.25, so it can’t be in 1991, but from there to 1996 the minimum wage was raised to 5 bucks, so it’s in 1990, right? NO! There’s something else.
So, in the camera 04b we see the MCI newspapers, which if you see them correctly and compare them with the newspapers that we see on the beginning of the game and REAL newspapers we know that these aren’t actually newspapers from the 80s, they don’t actually seem to be actual newspapers at all, they seem more like an article from a web page, like- a transcription of the news to digital, so, they were researched in the internet, or something similar.
We know that this is the current pizzeria since is stated to be after the MCI or “after the tragedy that took place there many years ago” which implies that this is also the same restaurant of where the MCI happened, so this makes me think that this is the memory of Mike, these are actual things that Mike researched on internet to know more about his job maybe?
Remember that Mike used a computer to search that, he used the internet, according to Wikipedia and this Quora question, the internet was opened to the public in 1991, so FNaF 1 cannot be in 1990. But that would bring a lot of problems, for example, in 1992 the minimum wage was of 4.55$, so it can’t be there, or at any point after 1991… UNLESS, Following what the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR says, if a person is under the age of 20 it can have the minimum wage but only 85%, but this expired in 1993, so, FNaF 1 is at any point from 1991 to 1993 and Mike is at maximum 20 years old.
It can be at any point in between those 3 years, so we don’t have a definitive answer for now… Or until FNaF 2…
So, FNaF 2 is directly a prequel of FNaF 1, since 2 takes place in 1987 and 1 is in 1991-1993. So, with the information that this game adds to the timeline, how can this help with FNaF 1?
Yeah i know what you might be thinking, “but how can this help?!?!”, pretty easy actually. FNaF 2 takes place in November of 1987, more specifically, 8th to 14th of November, November 8th is a SUNDAY. This shows us that the laboral week of Fazbear Entertainment is from Sunday to Thursday, but Jeremy and Fritz spent until Saturday.
So, FNaF 1 is in 1992. Finally, with this out of the way, i need to explain why does this can keep working on current timeline-
I know that there's still people saying that more recent information make clear that FNaF 1 is in 1993, but to that let me tell you something...
No it doesn't. like we can see thanks to TechnicalFNaF that in FNaF AR the "Faz-Facts" are NOT canon,, since the Illumix employee stated how they were written by Illumix and not Scott, and shouldn't be used for lore at all.
With that out of the way, let me talk about one of the MOST missinterpreted and missinformed fact of the franchise, in the FNaF Cook book, there's NO mention of 1993, Not in any page of the book, that's missinformation.
With that out of the way, let me tell you one of the most ignored pieces of information of the MOST LORE RELEVANT BOOK of this franchise...
Before going to it,, let me clarify something the Survival Logbook is indeed in FNaF 3, not in the nights, but AFTER the nights happen, how?
First of all, the Survival Logbook makes clear that it takes place on the week that Mike was there (also confirming that Mike was the Frightguard), we know this since the Logbooks night 2 to 5 title pages are in the FNaF 3 office, htat's obvious since we see how everything lines up perfectly, and the fact that we see foxy there makes clear too that Mike is Foxybully, so, upon that, the Logbook takes place in FNaF 3, but how?
The Logbook is directly a log to all the stuff that happened during your shift, bassicly it's literally a in-between nights thing, so it makes sense that Mike would have it and fill it with stuff in between the nights of FNaF 3...
In the page 79 there is a cupon named "Pizza Party Pack" which costs 16 dollars, and Michael writted there "for real value, see page 61", if you remember right, the page 61 is where we get the "I" in the "my name" code, but for now, let's ignore that, because doing the same math, "5+4 = 9" and multiplaying it with 3 we get 27, so the real value is 27, right? yes, but that's kinda weard, because if we use an inflation calculator (or just do the math by ourselfs) we get that in 2023 it would cost 33.74 dollars, but that's logical, Scott made this book in 2017, the real value needs to be updated to the "present" day, Scott isn't a magician, he can't know how will go the inflation in 2023 being on 2017, and doing the math with 2017 insetead of 2023 we get almost the exact number, but it can't be right, like i said in another post the only dates where FNaF 3 can take place are 2015 and 2023, and like we see right here, it can't be in 2023, but wait, we are doing this taking in mind that FNaF 1 takes place in 1993, if we say that FNaF 1 takes place in 1992 then in 2015 is 27.00$.
Also in the book there are several references to things that only appeared in 2015 the MacBook Silver, the dabbing (but used as a meme) and more, so, even with this conclusion, the only possible way to this to work is if FNaF 3 takes place in 2015…
So, the definitive answer is that FNaF 1 takes place in 1992, Mike is 20 years old when the game takes place at maximum and FNaF 3 takes place in 2015.
End of the debunks 
submitted by sac_112 to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:13 Authorrlee AITA for going full No Contact with my sister the same week as our grandmother’s funeral?

(I am SO sorry for the needed lengthy) Back Story & Context Leading To My Decision:
I (33F) have 1 sibling, “Sam” (38F). Although we share the same parents, our childhood & the way we were treated was incredibly different. Mainly because Sam had always been favored & treated far better than me. A fact that Sam refuses to acknowledge to this day.
Before & after my parents got married, it was agreed upon that they would not have children, until one day my mother “Susan” (66F) came up with the bright idea that if she gave her parents (“Norma & Gene”) a grand-baby they would finally love her. She went off the pill without telling my father, got pregnant, then had Sam. To no one’s surprise, Susan hated being a mom. So she would ship Sam across the country to Norma & Gene’s constantly, so much so, they saw her as THEIR child. And they showered her with love that Susan never even got a taste of. This led to Susan being aggressively jealous & resentful of her child.
Years later, my dad was tricked again into having me to “save their marriage.” They divorced when I was 3. All Sam ever knew from Susan was neglect, emotional & mental abuse from Susan, which only became worse when she could use “favoring” me as another way to hurt Sam. This was NOT a secret in my family, resulting in maltreatment towards me (either subconsciously or intentionally).
Abuse toward Sam turned physical. My father was given full custody of her when I was 8, and I was left with Susan for the next 2 years until she decided she wanted to move to San Francisco because she “deserved” a more glamorous life. I do not remember the years living with Susan, but recently one of my closest friends (of 25 years) said to me I practically lived at her house & she barely interacted with Susan throughout the entirety of our friendship.
To make up for Susan being an awful parent, Norma & Gene would dote on Sam & shell out a lot of $$$ to give her a very nice life (let me know if you want me to give a list of examples in an update), compare this to me when I barley received a kind word. They offered me money ONCE in my early 20’s to pay off my credit card debt I accrued in college as I had to pay all my own bills while working full time (I have been working since I was 15) and going to school full time. I am the only one in the family who worked in college, yet I am still the only one to graduate with honors. I accepted with the condition it would come out of my “inheritance.” I have never asked or been offered money since. I have paid for ALL my own bills since I left home @ 18 years old.
Despite the obvious disparities and constant hurt they put me through, I was an active member of the family who mainly kept her mouth shut. I attended family events unless I could not afford to go, I sent holiday gifts, called between 1-2x per month for an 1 hour+ phone call in which I most often bit my tongue unless it was to defend Sam as Norma did not agree with her parenting.
Something to note, in May 2021 my father had an accident that would lead to his passing in December 2021. The disagreements & Sam’s nastiness toward me after the accident and then his death further strained our relationship.
Fast forward to March 2023. An explosive incident at Susan’s home in front of me she screamed at my sister to the point of Sam sobbing in ear shot of her 3 young kids, husband, and my step father resulted in me cutting ties with Susan for good. To be fair, she screamed in my face “I don’t want a relationship with you” with Sam as a witness. I made the family aware of my decision, and everyone, including Norma agreed to respect my decision.
By August 2023, my physical health that had been on a rapid decline since 2019 including 18 out of 23 (78%) of my spinal discs deteriorating without a known cause had become unbearable to manage + time I had to take off because of migraines & doctor’s appointments, I had to quit my corporate desk job. I had enough money saved to tide me over for some time, but as any US adult in their 20’s & 30’s know, it’s been rough the past few years, add in physical disabilities & limited mobility + regular migraines, I was running low on money & needed help. So at the end of December, at the encouragement & insistence of my aunt Elizabeth (Susan’s sister) who I had become quite close with over the past few years, I went to Norma & Gene to ask for a LOAN. They had donated $25,000 to Sam’s place of worship on her behalf a few months prior, offered to buy Sam & her husband a house the year prior, paid for Elizabeth’s bills & expensive lifestyle for the last year when she was soul searching on what line of work she wanted to do next, this was after putting a down payment on Elizabeth’s new $470,000 condo + $70,000 of renovations it needed, not to mention the literal hundreds of thousands of dollars that they have given Susan over the years just to pay off her credit card debt (none of which is coming out of their inheritance might I add) she assured me they would absolutely loan their granddaughter with serious health issues money. Elizabeth would talk to them personally about it, just to seal the deal while Sam would help me find cheaper alternatives to my current necessities such as Medicaid.
I make the request, and to my surprise they are more than happy to help me with a loan. But one week later & their phone calls with Susan, they say by email they “love me but cannot continue to financially support my poor decisions.” I call Elizabeth who says, it was not in her best interest to talk to them about helping me as I am “worthless to this family and society while being disabled.” Then adds that she will not let her “mental health deteriorate just to emotionally support me.” I then immediately reach out to Sam who does not even have the guts to talk by phone only text, and says she called Susan to explain my circumstance but “wasn’t going to argue or pick a fight” to help me and that she is sorry that that she “can't show up for me the way I want her to because she needs to maintain her own mental health, relationships and boundaries.” She also threw in that I have “made up this narrative in my head” that they treat her & I different, that she is treated better.
That day I fully cut contact with Norma, Gene, and Elizabeth. I told them they will not be hearing from me again, and I will not be attending theirs or Susan’s funeral. And I stopped speaking with Sam for the time being. Ironically, what led us to speaking was last month (April 20224) I had begun working on an article about going No Contact with family members. I asked if I could discuss her childhood abuse in a few sentences as part of the article. She agreed and offered to give me quotes. I accepted then interviewed her. From there we began rebuilding our relationship.
Then last Wednesday, (May 8), Norma passes. I do not attend the funeral that happened on Friday, May 10. My two cousins who I have become very close with in the last 6 months understood why, and supported my decision. But even though I did not go, I continually checked in with them & Sam to ensure they were okay. Not once from Wednesday to yesterday (Tuesday) did Sam reply to a single message. As I am concerned about this, I reached out yesterday morning. She replied in the afternoon. I was incredibly hurt by her very lengthy message. Here are 2 excerpts that led me to full NC.
  1. “Your perspective on the situation was clear, you werent coming to be with the family and you arent grieving [Norma’s] death at least in the conventional sense. I had to be the one to answer from most of the family why you werent there, it was incredibly awkward and uncomfortable for me.”
  2. “Since late January/Early February things have already been really strained between us. I know that most that comes from my point of view and actions were really hurtful to you. I hate that I hurt you and Its been difficult for me to reconcile that I can't show up for you the way you want me to while also maintaining my own mental health, relationships and boundaries.”
She continually says that she cannot show up for me the way I need without affecting her mental health or crossing boundaries, and I am not someone that would ever want to hinder someone else’s life by my presence or cause inner turmoil by associating with me. I let her know this and said I will stop trying to cultivate a relationship and I will step away for good. I said it as kind as possible, taking an hour to craft a message that can only be seen as kind. I told her if she responds I will not be reading it.
I work very hard to stay positive as it’s just me to lean on. When there is something eating at me emotionally, it will drain my energy & have me spiral until it is resolved. I did not want to waste another week feeling hurt. But with that said, AITA for cutting ties at this time & not waiting?
submitted by Authorrlee to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:05 throwaway9000000000w I bullied someone until their breaking point

I apologize for the bad writing and spelling errors in advance. I'm trying to write this quickly. Even if I have come to terms with it, I don't want to think about it for too long.
I, 22F, was not the best person in high school. In my sophomore and freshman year, I had a more refined 'sub-group' of friends. They were never my first choice, but I was their first choice. I didn't feel bad, however I now do. I would constantly choose my 'better' group of friends over them. However, I was still well-liked in the group. Spending time with them was fun, and I was relatively nice. Except to this one girl, who I will call 'Emma'.
Emma wasn't exactly conventionally attractive. She had decent features, but it didn't come together well at all. Her hair looked bad, and her style wasn't the prettiest. So, she was subject to getting made fun of. We all made fun of each other in the group, but even I could admit we were a bit ruthless when it came to Emma. Here is a list of some of the things we did:
Dump out her backpack when she did homework
Make fun of her love life
Poke her in the stomach
Take really bad pictures of her and post them online
Pretend the ground was shaking when she would walk by
Laugh at her when she ate
Push her when she was walking next to one of us (so another one of us could sit there)
Take her things (snacks, pens, homework assignments)
I know, it is bad. We did other things, but not things I am particularly proud of or want to share. Now, she would generally laugh along. However, towards late freshman and early sophmore year, she didn't laugh as much at our jokes. She would chuckle, but not like she laughed earlier. One friend in the group noticed she stopped bringing food to school, which could also be because of us. However, this didn't make us stop. If anything, it made it worse. Once, I had made the decision to host a hang-out at the skating rink. However, I decided not to invite Emma. I don't really even have a reason. But, sometime before the event, she found out. She said she didn't care, and that she didn't have any roller skates anyways. Looking back, she most likely did care.
In the last semester of sophomore year, Emma stopped doing almost anything. She wouldn't eat, barely drank, stopped doing schoolwork, stopped talking, and eventually stopped going to class. When we asked her about it, she just told us she was tired with the newfound stress the year gave her. We bought it. I remember exactly what I did after. It feels like I will never forget it, because it set off a spiral. About ten minutes after our conversation, the topic turned to Emma again. She had her head down, but started listening a few minutes after we started talking about her. I got up (we were sitting in the library, so we were all on the ground) and walked over to her. She smiled and started to say something, and before she could finish her sentence I bent down, lifted up her shirt slightly, and jiggled her stomach in front of everyone. We weren't the only ones in the room, mind you. Somewhere near ten or twenty people laughed. I dropped her shirt and pinched her cheeks. I told her something about eating a salad, and she shot me one of the most dejected glances I have ever seen. She muttered something about actually really liking salads, and I made yet another joke about how that couldn't possibly be true. I then told her, word for word, 'Next time you think about eating another chocolate bar, maybe try chewing some gum.' I remember being a bit upset that not as many people laughed, only a few people in our friend group. Emma nodded and went back to whatever she was doing.
Everything I described earlier, the not eating, drinking, etc., got much worse after that. She would go days without saying a word unless prompted, and yet we continued to make fun of her. No one was nearly as bad as me, though. A few weeks after this continuous behavior, we were once again in the library. We were passing a bag of chips along the library and had skipped over her. One person, 'Jess', the person who was probably the nicest to her, offered her some, but she said no. She closed her book and told us something about closing her eyes. She had been dozing on and off recently, so no one really minded. However, after an hour (and the bell had rung), Jess went to wake her up.
We were all waiting with our stuff for Jess to come back, but it took much longer than usual. After about five minutes, I decided to go check. My mind was already turning with jokes. (Was she sleeping a huge meal off? Was she hibernating?) But when I went over, Jess was just bent over examining her. I came over and shook her, but she did nothing. Jess told me she had already tried that, and that she wouldn't wake up no matter what she did. I shook Emma harder and poured some water on her (I'm not exactly sure which came first.) She still wouldn't wake up. After a few minutes of us both trying things (And other people who had came over from the group), we decided to give up and take her to the nurse, and she could deal with her. We were already late to our next class. One of the girls in our group and I picked her up, and she was honestly much lighter than I expected. Jess went ahead to the nurse to tell her we were coming since we would be a bit behind. We dropped her off and went back to our respective classes, and Jess stayed with Emma. From what Jess had told me, she had passed out from lack of food of some sorts. This is the action where I felt the worst (not even the stomach part): I continued to make jokes and make fun of her. (Of course SHE of all people passed out from hunger. Finally she's not eating for once. How can she be hungry, look at her!)
She wasn't even overweight. She was probably only a few pounds more than me, at least before she started practically starving herself. After she had come back to school (probably 2-4 weeks after the nurse thing), she couldn't even look at us. Any time someone talked to her, she would start to tear up (except for Jess, of course). I mostly ignored it until the end of the year. Of course, I felt bad, but I didn't think there was any point in trying to talk to her. And most of the group followed in my shoes. At the end of the year, Emma handed me a folded up sheet of paper. I made another stupid joke, once again (What, is this your McDonalds order? Or a confession letter?) She dodged the joke and told me to read it whenever I could, as long as it was after school, and to spread the message. I laughed and called it cliche, and then continued on with my day. But the letter was painful to read, and I didn't even accept it or really comprehend it until later on. This is a slightly paraphrased version, as it is in my room at my parents' house:
"Hey, Mia (me). I just want to talk to you about what happened this year. I don't blame you that much, but I don't want what you did to be repeated. Ever since last year you've been incredibly rude. I get that it was jokes, but I felt completely targetted. I was the only one in the group to be made fun of my physical appearance. I get it, I didn't look the best, so it kind of makes sense. But did it have to be a daily (if not hourly) thing? Sometime last year, it really got to me. I tried to ignore it, to joke along. But it really hit me hard. I'm made fun of a bit at home already, and I really liked school up until these years. It felt like a safe space, and it was ruined a bit by your constant bullying. I tried everything. I dieted, I worked out, I did it all. Eventually (and by your suggestion) I just slowly stopped eating. You probably noticed since you took my food all the time. I've been working on my self-confidence recently, and I noticed something. I'm average. I have average weight, average looks, an average life. Why should I be made fun of for that? The highest I've weighed is 130 pounds, early this year. I get it. It was a lot. But as I lost weight, why was I still made fun of? Left out? Honestly, my biggest hope is that you just don't ever repeat this. I don't want anyone else to go through this. I don't expect an apology either, because I won't be coming back to the school next year. Just please, don't do this again.
Your 'best friend',
That letter changed my life. I changed everything. I changed who I hung out with, what I said and did, and apologized to the people in that friend group. I never showed them that letter, mostly because I was embarrassed. Me, the cause of all of it, was embarrassed. I want to talk to her and fully apologize, but I don't have any contact with her. I am planning on contacting Jess soon, probably this weekend. I feel as though I have fully come to sense with my actions. And I think Jess would be proud to hear that. Personally, I hope Emma is glad to hear that I've gained weight since then. I want her to feel some sort of relief, even if she didn't directly cause it.
Edit: You can ask questions if you want. I am willing to answer anything. However, I wanted to clarify: I know it was mentioned a few times she wasn't as chubby as we made her out to be. So why make fun of her for her weight? She wasn't exactly blessed in the facial fat and stomach fat department, and we saw that as some sort of reason to laugh at her.
submitted by throwaway9000000000w to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:00 ZeroCentsMade He Walks in Eternity – 4th Doctor Character Retropsective

This post is part of a series of reviews. To see them all, click here.

Character Information


Seven seasons.
Seven season Tom Baker stuck around to play the Doctor. Seven seasons of one man having the lions' share of dialogue, screen time, and press coverage on Doctor Who. Seven seasons of the same face (well, more or less) in the opening titles. That's a lot to try and cover coherently. And because of how I write these posts after watching through the show in order, it makes it a bit difficult to think all the way back to where we began.
But I may as well make the effort so…where to begin? Well, starting back when Barry Letts was originally conceiving of the 4th Doctor, the first word that was written to describe the personality of the new Doctor was "eccentric". That's a word with a pretty broad definition, but with some specific connotations. When you think of "an eccentric", you're imagining a specific type of man, which Tom Baker immediately inhabits from the moment he steps in as the Doctor in Robot.
And it serves him well. From a plot sense, the 4th Doctor tends to come at problems from a rather unusual angle. Again, you can go back to Robot and see how he fights the titular robot, compared to the head-on way his predecessor would have done. And really, the whole concept of the Doctor as, not just a brilliant strategic thinker, or even a subtle manipulator like the 2nd Doctor could be, but as an unconventional thinker really originates with number four.
Similarly you can see a lot of the 4th Doctor's humor popping up in future incarnations. Tom Baker had a way of delivering sardonic lines like they were an inside joke between himself and the audience. While I don't think anyone else quite captures that, I still see a lot more of the 4th Doctor's kind of humor than earlier incarnations' popping up later on. But, at least early on, the humor always had an edge to it. Like the Doctor wasn't so much making jokes as he was making cynical observations in a jokey tone.
But the big innovation of the 4th Doctor era, as relates to the character of the lead, was the willingness of the writers to let the Doctor make mistakes. The most obvious example comes towards the end of the Hinchcliffe era, when we find out the Doctor accidentally gave a computer schizophrenia earlier in that incarnation, causing the events of The Face of Evil. But the Doctor occasionally slipping up, making sensible, but ultimately incorrect deductions or just choosing a poor tactic was all over the Hinchcliffe era. The earliest obvious example is probably choosing not to blow up the Dalek incubation chamber in Genesis of the Daleks, letting his desire to not make that choice override his more logical brain and trick him into believing that Gharman has Davros beat.
While it's not like the first three Doctors were never wrong. They were all, in their own way, quite frequently insensitive, but the show generally liked it's protagonist to be in the right, especially when it came to his deductions or strategies. After roughly the midpoint of Season 1, the Doctor had almost always never made a serious blunder. But by making the Doctor more fallible, the 4th Doctor era creates more tension. One of the reasons that building a horror era under Hinchcliffe works (despite my own personal tastes clashing with it) is that there is a greater sense of tension because the Doctor is allowed to make mistakes.
But not everything about the 4th Doctor is new. In particular in the early years he seems to have inherited the 3rd Doctor's general distaste for dealing with humans in authority. It's not as universal as the 3rd Doctor's general grumpiness towards anyone with a title, but it does stick out. At a few points, such as in The Seeds of Doom, the Doctor becomes some frustrated with the people he's working with he has to have Sarah Jane speak for him.
That only serves to accentuate a performance that feels decidedly inhuman, and in a good way. During the Hinchcliffe era, Tom Baker typically kept his performance energetic, yet understated. It kept him feeling unpredictable and more than a little unreliable. In Pyramids of Mars, Sarah Jane loses patience with the Doctor for a moment due to his seemingly callous behavior. It's of course then revealed that the Doctor does care, he's just focused on other things and bad at showing it. These ideas have been somewhat present in the Doctor's characterization for a while, but with the fourth Doctor they're taken up another level.
And it's worth pointing out that a lot of the time the "eccentric" characterization felt more like a mask than the real Doctor. Sometimes his frustrations would come out (for instance Planet of Evil) or his empathy would shine through in spite of himself (eg Pyramids of Mars) and it reveals that he's not quite as completely unlike us as he might like us to believe. The bravado, and the offhand remarks and the strange grins, they seem to all be there to mask fear, or affection or anger.
And then, everything changes. Not immediately of course, but during the Graham Williams era Tom Baker's performance becomes more…indulgent. It's not bad, but a lot of the subtlety of his earlier performances is lost in favor of going bigger and more over the top in many ways. Tom Baker's deep voice, already a notable feature of his performance from the beginning, starts being really emphasized. Again, we're not dealing with a performance that gets bad, just one that loses some its subtlety and edge. And in fairness, with the Williams era at the very least trying to play things a bit lighter, it makes sense that Baker's performance would get a bit broader.
But the result is that the performance also gets a bit lazier. I think at some point around Season 16, Tom Baker realized he didn't have to work hard to do a compelling performance as the Doctor. He was kind of already naturally doing it. This left Tom Baker time to focus on other things…but we'll get to that. During Season 17, there's a bit less slacking off, because he had less distractions. But then in his final season, Tom Baker is once again putting in less effort. And there's good reasons for that. His relationship with Lalla Ward was getting very messy. He was dealing with an illness during the filming of the E-Space trilogy. And he didn't like new co-star Matthew Waterhouse. Still Season 18 is where you get the sense that Baker's been in the role too long, although I do wonder if, without all the behind the scenes drama and the illness, that might not have been the case.
Of course it's not like Tom Baker was blameless for behind the scenes drama. In fact it's probably fair to say he caused a lot of it. Tom Baker was, from very early on, an incredibly difficult presence behind the scenes at on set. The first time I saw reference to it was during Terror of the Zygons, where Nicholas Courtney felt that Baker was abrasive and not taking criticism well. From that point on, Baker's attitude issues seemed to increase. Directors in particular often got the wrong end of the stick, first seen in Pyramids of Mars when Paddy Russell (herself the kind of creative person who always liked to get her own way) and Tom Baker clashed over the filming of a few scenes. And then there's what happened to Louise Jameson, who played Leela, where Baker just treated her very badly during their first season together. Eventually, Jameson stood up for herself and the two developed a functional working relationship during Season 15, but when Jameson still felt the need to warn her successor, Mary Tamm, about Baker.
But on the same note I do think it's important to acknowledge a few things. First of all, Tom Baker went from being a virtual unknown to being the star of a very popular science fiction series. That would have a tremendous effect on anybody. To hear Baker himself tell it, Doctor Who essentially became the central feature of his life while he was working on the show. A lot (in fact, I think all) of the stories of Baker being difficult revolve around his desire for more control over the show, and seen through that lens, it kind of makes sense why. For another thing, it's not like every single director or co-star had a difficult relationship with Baker. Elizabeth Sladen and Ian Marter got along with Baker perfectly well. Mary Tamm did stand up for herself from the beginning and never had any major issues with Baker. And of course there are several directors who managed to work with Baker without issue. Tom Baker was difficult to work with, yes, but far from impossible and anyone at the time would have told you that what he gave to the show was worth the trouble.
In the past for these posts I've always spent at least a little time talking about the Doctor's relationships with his companions. For the 4th Doctor, so this doesn't turn into a six paragraph section on companions, I'll just make a general observation here: the 4th Doctor frequently ended up in the role of tutor or mentor. It starts, of course, with Leela, and while the idea of the Doctor teaching Leela to be a more intellectual version of herself never played out to the extent some might have hoped, it's still a pretty consistent part of their relationship. And then the dynamic is flipped with Romana, who the Doctor has to teach to be more instinctive and intuitive. Actually the Romana and Leela comparison tells us a lot about the Doctor: he doesn't actually value one form of knowledge above the other. Leela needs to learn science and civilization because those are the gaps in her knowledge. Romana needs to learn intuition and practical abilities because those are the gaps in her knowledge, and the Doctor largely treats the job of teaching his companions these things the same way.
Towards the end of his tenure, the Doctor picks up one more student: Adric. What Adric needs to be taught is a bit different than the others. He's already an intellectual powerhouse – he's got a badge for mathematical excellence and everything. And he's not short of practical experience. What he lacks is a kind of empathy. Now Adric isn't entirely unempathetic, but he's a sullen teenager a lot of the time. Sometimes he just doesn't care very much for others. You can see the Doctor trying to get Adric to consider more clearly the consequences of his actions, or realize that, as intelligent as he is, there are just things he won't know.
Of course none of this applies to Sarah Jane or Harry (or K-9, but there's not much to talk about there). The Doctor's relationship with Harry was mostly just Harry ending up as the butt of the Doctor's jokes and Harry being confused. As for Sarah Jane, well that's another story. Honestly, I don't think this was necessarily explored as much as it could have been. The two seemed to have a weird relationship where they'd antagonize each other, only to come back together. At the end of Hand of Fear Sarah Jane makes a big scene of wanting to leave the TARDIS, only to protest when the Doctor actually throws her off, and it reads like, up to that point, that had just been part of their friendship. That Sarah Jane would blow off the steam from her adventures (like being mind controlled for the 17 millionth time) by complaining at the Doctor and declaring she'd leave, only to stick around in the end.
Which is, I guess, what you do when your traveling companion is as unpredictable and eccentric as the 4th Doctor. Tom Baker's iteration of the Doctor isn't my favorite, but it's undeniable he redefined the part, to the point that the 4th Doctor is this clear dividing point in how the character is written. As one final example, before the 4th Doctor era, a defining part of the Doctor's character was that he was a capital "S" Scientist. But in the 4th Doctor era, that fades. He's still a scientific genius, but the characterization shifts from Scientist to enthusiastic amateur who happens to know more than the professionals. And that idea of the Doctor, as a traveling dilettante who somehow is smarter than everything around him, while it's been there from very early on, really takes shape in this era.
Tom Baker's performance is entirely unique, his very particular voice, his odd, often out of place facial expressions that seem to indicate the opposite of what they should, and occasional outbursts that reveal the real Doctor, I don't think you can point at anyone else that's ever done it remotely like him. And I don't think anyone could. There were a lot of factors that led to 4th Doctor becoming the most popular and beloved Doctor of the classic era, possibly even of the show itself. The timing was right as the show expanded into new markets. The fact that the beginning of his time on the show coincided with a run of very popular stories can't have hurt. But Tom Baker was always the main reason the 4th Doctor worked.

10 Key Stories

10 key stories for the character, listed in chronological order
Robot: Tom Baker's first story as the Doctor does a remarkably good job setting up how the 4th Doctor is going to operate going forwards. Though perhaps lacking in the subtleties that the 4th Doctor would develop through the rest of the Huinchcliffe era, Baker's oddly captivating performance is there right from the word go. He's a bit goofy from the regeneration, but nonetheless finds himself having a quiet moment at the end of the story with Sarah Jane.
Genesis of the Daleks: The Doctor is sent back in time to avert the creation of the Daleks and he…just…can't…do it. That scene of the Doctor holding two wires next to each other, unable to touch them together and just win is probably Tom Baker's first genuinely great performance as the Doctor. His relief at seemingly being relieved of that responsibility as palpable. And his final scene as he Harry and Sarah Jane travel back to the Nerva with the Time Ring, offering up one last bit of hope in spite of how badly things seem to have gone firmly establishes the optimistic nature of the character first introduced earlier in Ark in Space.
Pyramids of Mars: The Doctor's sometimes seemingly callous nature is revealed to be more of a mask than the reality of the character. He's got more serious things on his mind than the death of one man…but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for the death of that man.
The Deadly Assassin: The Doctor is on his own for the first time in this incarnation, and finds himself battling against his old enemy the Master. Caught up in Gallifreyan politics the Doctor suddenly feels small on the backdrop of greater schemes. Though he does still manage to sort of get himself elected as president which I'm sure will have no effect in the future…
The Face of Evil: The Doctor is forced to confront a serious error he made a long time ago. What he did to Xoannon, a computer developing sentience, and the way that that mistake ended up hurting the people of the planet he's landed has far reaching consequences which he's forced to help undo. He also makes a new friend…sort of accidentally.
Horror of Fang Rock: And things were going so well with Leela. While the primary confrontation with a Rutan is engaging, for my purposes here, what I'm interested in is the relationship between Leela and the Doctor. It starts out well, with the two working as a great team. And then Leela takes things too far, drawing the ire of the Doctor in a way that we hadn't necessarily seen before. It doesn't ultimately go anywhere, but it's very telling as moment all the same.
The Invasion of Time: The Doctor decides he'd like to be president. It's a ruse, or course, because the Doctor would never actually want to be president, but seeing him play the villain for a few episodes is quite intriguing. The story has some major issues, but seeing the Doctor play a bit more of the strategist and playing a bit more of a long game in this story is still fun.
The Ribos Operation: After Leela's departure, the Doctor finds himself with a new and completely different kind of companion to take under his wing. Having to show Romana that she can't always trust someone because they have an "honest face", beginning to show her to think more practically, this all shows a different kind of teachestudent relationship from the one we saw with Leela. Also the respectful yet frustrated way he deals with the White Guardian is fun.
Shada: Kind of odd to to include a story that was never actually completed as a "key" story here, but I think this has the best representation of the Doctor during this era. More relaxed, and largely just out having fun with his best friend Romana, the Doctor during this story still shows his sense of duty when Chronotis has messed up. His odd musing at the end of the story about what future people might think of him is a nice capstone to the era.
Logopolis: So much is going on in this one. This story has the perfect blend of all of the various ways in which the 4th Doctor has been characterized throughout his tenure. Teaching Adric about new kinds of science and responsibility, taking aboard Tegan and Nyssa in spite of difficulties, but still having a go at all three of them at one point. And then there's his alliance with the Master at the end, which proves his downfall. There's even a bit of that fallibility coming through when he mistakes the Master's initial goals.


  1. City of Death (10/10)
  2. The Brain of Morbius (10/10)
  3. Horror of Fang Rock (9/10)
  4. Genesis of the Daleks (9/10)
  5. The Face of Evil (8/10)
  6. State of Decay (8/10)
  7. The Robots of Death (8/10)
  8. The Ribos Operation (8/10)
  9. Warriors' Gate (8/10)
  10. The Pirate Planet (8/10)
  11. Terror of the Zygons (7/10)
  12. The Leisure Hive
  13. The Stones of Blood (7/10)
  14. The Ark in Space (7/10)
  15. Shada (7/10)
  16. Image of the Fendahl (7/10)
  17. Underworld (7/10)
  18. The Keeper of Traken (7/10)
  19. Logopolis (7/10)
  20. The Seeds of Doom (7/10)
  21. Full Circle (7/10)
  22. The Talons of Weng-Chiang (6/10)
  23. The Hand of Fear (6/10)
  24. The Sontaran Experiment (6/10)
  25. The Sun Makers (6/10)
  26. Destiny of the Daleks (6/10)
  27. The Androids of Tara (6/10)
  28. The Deadly Assassin (5/10)
  29. Pyramids of Mars (5/10)
  30. Robot (5/10)
  31. The Sun Makers (5/10)
  32. Nightmare of Eden (5/10)
  33. The Masque of Mandragora (4/10)
  34. Planet of Evil (4/10)
  35. The Creature from the Pit (4/10)
  36. The Armageddon Factor (3/10)
  37. The Power of Kroll (3/10)
  38. Revenge of the Cybermen (3/10)
  39. The Android Invasion (3/10)
  40. The Invisible Enemy (2/10)
  41. The Horns of Nimon (2/10)
  42. Meglos (1/10)
Forty-two stories is a lot. I'm not even sure how I feel about this ranking. Of course, as is well documented by this point I'm not a horror guy so a lot of Hinchcliffe-era horror stuff ranks a lot lower than you might have expected if you aren't following along with this review series. Beyond that though, there's just a lot of variety of stories. The ranking naturally has a lot of uncertainty to it. Am I really confident that Shada the unfinished story belongs exactly one slot below The Ark in Space from all the way back in Season 12, which I haven't watched since I reviewed it? Obviously not. And there's a ton of other stuff like that. But this is probably as accurate to my preferences a ranking as will ever exist.
Doctor Era Rankings
These are based on weighted averages that take into account the length of each story. Take this ranking with a grain of salt however. No average can properly reflect a full era's quality and nuance, and the scores for each story are, ultimately, highly subjective and a bit arbitrary.
  1. 3rd Doctor Era (6.8/10)
  2. 2nd Doctor Era (6.5/10)
  3. 4th Doctor Era (6.0/10)
  4. 1st Doctor Era (6.0/10)
A lot of you may be surprised at the relatively low rating that the 4th Doctor era gets. First of all, it's worth noting that a 6/10 is by no means a bad rating. Any individual story I rate a 6/10 is a story that, while noticeably flawed, I still enjoyed. As an average for an entire era, especially one that lasts 7 seasons through three (technically four) different producers, that's not bad. But of course what's dragging the rating down is that the Hinchcliffe era just isn't to my taste and the Williams era, while more to my liking in theory, in practice never lives up to its potential.
Next Time: Well there's a new Doctor in town and he's feeling out of sorts. Let's bring him to a nice medieval castle where the rooms keep repeating. That should make him feel better.
submitted by ZeroCentsMade to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:59 City_Index It’s time to reassess the US dollar outlook. May 16, 2024

It’s time to reassess the US dollar outlook. May 16, 2024
With US economic data delivering negative surprises at rates not seen over a year, with signs disinflationary forces are growing, it’s time for a rethink on the outlook for the US dollar. The era of selling rips rather than buying dips may be upon us.
By : David Scutt, Market Analyst
  • US economic data is surprising to the downside at rates not seen in over a year
  • Markets have less than two full Fed rate cuts priced in 2024, well below levels seen only a couple of months ago
  • US two-year note futures have broken a key level, indicating market concerns over rates remaining higher for longer may have passed
  • The US dollar index looks vulnerable to downside, closing below its 50-day moving average for the first time since March

Deciphering the US dollar signal though ample noise

Last week, I discussed the challenge of dealing with rampant noise in markets, making it difficult for even seasoned traders to decipher what signals should be listened to and what should be ignored. With so many opinions and so much information to digest, it can cloud your thinking. Even worse, it can reinforce underlying biases, making traders want to fight the tape rather than going with the flow. On that front, I’m as guilty as anyone at times. As such, sometimes, you need a noise eliminator.
When it comes to what I use to eliminate the noise, I nominated US two-year Treasury note futures as the perfect market instrument, combining combined fundamental and technical market views in one of the most highly liquid contracts globally to deliver a clean signal on how I should play the US dollar.

US short-end rates suggest higher for longer fears have passed

Following a session bursting at the seams with major economic data from the United States, headlined by consumer price inflation and retail sales reports for April, my noise eliminator has generated a signal that now may be the time to ditch the strong dollar narrative markets have been running with for much of the year.
Source: Refinitiv
For the first time since late November, US two-year note futures successfully broke and closed above 101*24, an important technical level it has done plenty of work either side of for several years. It also managed to slice through the 50 and 200-day moving averages, closing above both for the first time since March. The price action was in stark contrast to that earlier this month when soft non-farm payrolls and ISM services reports saw futures break through through this zone only to reverse right back through it. This time, the move stuck.
If you think back to late November, it was when the risk rally in markets really kicked off, resulting in substantial US dollar weakness. By breaking through this key level again, it suggests the latest higher-for-longer rates scare may have run its course, at least based on what traders thinking collectively.
Given the important relative interest rate differentials play in FX markets, this is important. Especially when you look at how the US dollar index fared on Wednesday following the move in US two-year note futures.
Click the website link below to get our Guide to central banks and interest rates in Q2 2024.

DXY hammered to multi-month lows, breaking key moving average

As my colleague Matt Simpson pointed out in his morning note, the US dollar index (DXY) suffered its largest decline of 2024, falling to the lowest level in five weeks. Not only that, the DXY sliced through its 50-day moving average like a hot knife thorough butter, closing below it for the first time in a couple of months.
The DXY was already looking unconvincing on the charts, putting in a double top before breaking the uptrend it had been sitting in since early March. With price momentum to the downside and fuel from curtailed Fed rate cut expectations at or nearing exhaustion point, the path of least resistance appears lower.

Selling dollar rips rather than buying dips, until the signal changes
Source: Refinitiv
Even as US economic data surprises threaten to slide to more than two-year lows, according to Cit’s closely watched measure, markets still have less than two full rate cuts price for the Fed this year. There is still plenty of room for markets to add to rate cut bets, a scenario that could easily see the DXY mirror its performance in late 2023 when it tumbled from above 107 to below 101.
As long as US two-year Treasury not futures trade above what should now be horizontal support at 101*24, my approach will be to sell dollar rips rather than buy the dips.
-- Written by David Scutt
Follow David on Twitter @scutty
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submitted by City_Index to Forexstrategy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:39 Glittering_Jicama_95 Step 2 of opening Defichain to outside investors

With the withdrawal of Jellyverse, the DFI price experienced a significant setback, as it encompasses not just a single project but essentially an entire ecosystem. The arguments may have upset some, but they are undeniable: low liquidity, a committed but already heavily invested community, inconsistent addressing of past mistakes through constantly changing manipulation attempts, and the departure of interested investors due to the manipulated ecosystem.
Now, further projects are deciding not to launch on the Defimetachain because many community members are focused on one point (re-pegging the DUSD), deterring new investors from getting involved. Even projects that have come to the Defimetachain are shutting down because the small Defichain bubble is not large enough to operate profitably!
This needs to be countered: consistently and uncompromisingly!
Many influential opinion makers in the community once propagated a supposedly safe speculation by exchanging the base currency of the Defichain, DFI, into the struggling DUSD, promising high profits upon re-pegging to the dollar. Unfortunately, these overly optimistic assumptions turned into the exact opposite: the DUSD continued to fall, and due to the manipulations,
DFI also suffered, as the blockchain, despite its technical advantages of UTXO and EVM in one block, was not attractive anymore for crypto investors. The disruptions around the leadership disputes at the Cake Group, whose customers hold about two-thirds of the masternodes, then gave the DFI the final blow on its way to an all-time lows.
It does not help us if we could bring the prices in DUSD pools to one dollar if no one is willing to buy DUSD and the liquidity in the pools is less than 10 percent of the DUSD supply. When one wants to sell, the price inevitably collapses again, as there are currently only 2.6 million exchange values (exit liquidity) for all dTokens + DUSD – that's less than $0.02. It's not about these numbers, because whether it’s 20 or 50 percent more or less, it doesn't matter.
The most important point is that no one buys DFI anymore because we are perceived by investors not as an innovative blockchain with unique features but as a small group of sectarians tinkering with DUSD problems.
With the recently quasi-approved Special-DFIP "A constructive way to reduce the DEX fee," the first small step towards reducing restrictive fees with a short-term change has been taken. However, these small changes do not solve the real problem: the desperate clinging to manipulations to avoid admitting one's mistakes.
The DFIP "Free Market – Remove Discount and Stabilisation Fee" picks up there and takes the first significant step towards restoring an unmanipulated market. The problem is that many owners of DUSD do not have the overall welfare of the Defichain in mind but only the value of their own holdings and therefore only want to approve single-point corrections that do not have significant impacts. To see Defichain flourish again, we need buyers and projects from the crypto sector because the Defighter community does not have the financial means or, with the current focus, is not willing to invest larger sums.
Therefore, we should lift all non-market-compliant regulations and manipulations while supporting new projects on the Defimetachain.
Unfortunately, the Special-DFIP was not 100% goal-oriented in this regard, as the additional DEX fee for stablecoin pairs was reduced, and the rewards for the DUSD-DFI pool were lowered to 5 percent, but at the same time, the manipulations were extended with the reintroduction of the Buy-and-Burn bot.
Smart money loves free, unmanipulated markets, and as long as we continue to manipulate and trick around to compensate for past mistakes (or try to), we will not attract new investors. We must have the courage to return consistently to the free market. The impacts are not predictable in the short term, and the many unfulfilled assumptions of influencers in the past should teach us that the critics' forecasts of this approach are likely to be wrong again.
However, it is certain that markets are always right and all systems that try to influence the market have collapsed sooner or later.
On the other hand, a small – but certainly not representative – survey on X (Twitter) shows that almost 15% of participants only hold DUSD, and about 20% hold more DUSD than DFI. However, one must assume that their entry prices are not at one dollar but mostly between $0.10 and $0.50, as the entire speculation only made sense at such prices. Can it now be the task of the ecosystem to provide these speculators with their profits? Hardly... So, it cannot be about making this failed speculation successful with the community's financial resources!
The complete return to free markets includes the following steps:
1) Complete removal of the DEX stabilization fee and the dynamic stabilization fee so that prices in all DUSD pools are determined exclusively by supply and demand again.
2) Removal of the Buy-and-Burn bots.
3) Abolition of negative interest rates, as they are economically pointless and only aim to manipulate the market through financial incentives.
4) Valuation of DUSD in loans based on current market prices (DUSD-dUSDT pool, as USDT has the most trading pairs in the crypto sector).
5) Prohibition of using DUSD as collateral for DUSD loans (actually unnecessary if there are no negative interest rates anymore, but as a clarification that non-market and economically pointless manipulations are no longer wanted).
6) No transition periods, as these only enable manipulations.
Points 1-5 cannot be changed or "mitigated" by compromises, as one either returns to a free market or not! There is no "half-free" or "less manipulated" – of course, even free markets can be influenced with larger sums – and I hope that external investors with large sums come to the Defichain to try to manipulate prices...
Additionally, there are optional measures that can be discussed and modified:
A) DFI-Airdrop 1 to DUSD holders
On the other hand, it should not be overlooked that the Defichain ecosystem has not only invested DFI in Buy-Burn bots but also received DFI through the repayment of DUSD loans and burned 61.1 million DFI. Therefore, it seems fair to deduct the DFI expenditures for DUSD purchases from this amount and "reactivate" the balance and distribute it to DUSD owners to compensate for any negative impacts of returning to free markets. This is essentially cost-neutral. Excluded from this airdrop are DUSD as collateral in "looped vaults," as these only represent a leverage on DUSD and this cannot be rewarded for reasons of fairness.
B) DFI-Airdrop 2 to DUSD burners
Once measures 1-6 have been implemented and a fair market price for DUSD has been established after about 10 days, the option should be created to burn excess DUSD in the system instead of just selling it through the DEX. This ensures that the market price of DUSD rises again with increasing interest in DEX trading or DUSD-based products, offsetting temporary losses. The blockchain should provide reactivated DFI for this purpose. Those who burn their DUSD instead of selling it through the DEX could be granted a premium on the market price, for example, 10 or 20 percent. This option should, however, only be possible within a short time window of about 10 days and only if and as long as the newly established market price is at least 20 percent below the last USDT-DUSD price. Unlike a Buy-and-Burn bot, DFI is not given away at manipulated market prices below value but a previously determined market price represents the fair relation to solve the problem of excess DUSD created at that time without giving speculators an advantage.
C) Reduction of all DUSD exit pool pair block rewards
The reduction of block rewards for the DFI-DUSD pool was a first good step in the right direction. In my opinion, all block rewards for DFI-DUSD, DUSD-USDT, DUSD-USDC, and DUSD-EUROC should be set to zero. Although the goal should be to move towards "real yield" in the long term, it could be considered to use the saved rewards to increase the attractiveness of the dTokens system by promoting liquidity – however, this would disadvantage Defimetachain DEXes. On the other hand, other DMC projects like Javsphere with the Booster benefit from a more attractive native dToken system. Likewise, an increase in crypto token pools like dBTC-DFI or dETH-DFI is conceivable.
D) Increasing the attractiveness/liquidity on DMC DEXes
To facilitate the listing of new projects on Defimetachain exchanges like Vanillaswap and provide sufficient trading liquidity, the community fund could provide part of the complementary DFI to the project token for projects that have already realized at least one product with 100 users on the Defimetachain. This ties up liquidity but also generates income from trading fees.
E) DUSD Airdrop for new wallets with a minimum DFI balance The DUSD acquired by the community could be used for a promotion by granting an airdrop in DUSD to new wallets with at least 1,000 DFI, allowing them to test the native DEX with the dToken system. This would likely increase the demand for DFI, as only new wallets with a minimum balance would benefit from the airdrop. To ensure that this is not exploited, only new wallets that have received DFI through a transfer from a bridge or CEX should receive allocations.
Mit dem Rückzug von Jellyverse erlebte der DFI-Kurs einen extremen Rückschlag, da es nicht nur ein einzelnes Projekt sondern eigentlich ein ganzes Ökosystem umfasst. Die Argumente mögen den ein oder anderen verärgert haben, sind aber nicht von der Hand zu weisen: Geringe Liquidität, engagierte aber bereits stark investierte Community, inkonsequente Aufarbeitung früherer Fehler durch ständig wechselnde Manipulationsversuche, Abkehr interessierter Investoren aufgrund des manipulierten Ökosystems.
Nun entscheiden aber weitere Projekte nicht auf der Defimetachain zu launchen, da der Fokus vieler Community-Mitglieder nur auf einen Punkt (Repeg des DUSD) gerichtet ist und dadurch neue Investoren von einem Engagement abgeschreckt werden. Sogar Projekte, die auf die Defimetachain gekommen sind, stellen ihren Betrieb ein, weil die kleine Defichain-Bubble nicht ausreichend groß genug ist, um profitabel zu arbeiten!
Da muss gegengesteuert werden: konsequent und kompromisslos!
Von vielen einflußreichen Meinungsmachern in der Community wurde seinerzeit eine Spekulation mit angeblich sicherem Ausgang propagiert, indem die Basiswährung der Defichain DFI in den ins Straucheln geratenen DUSD getauscht werden könne und so bei Wiedererreichen des Dollar-Pegs hohe Gewinne realisiert werden könnten.
Die viel zu optimistischen Annahmen verkehrten sich leider ins genaue Gegenteil: der DUSD sank weiter und durch die Manipulationen geriet auch der DFI in Mitleidenschaft, da die Blockchain trotz ihrer technischen Vorzüge mit UTXO und EVM in einem Block für Kryptoinvestoren nicht attraktiv genug war. Die Irritationen um die Führungsquerelen bei der Cake Group, deren Kunden rund zwei Drittel der Masternodes halten, gab dem DFI dann „den Rest“ auf dem Weg zum Allzeittief.
Es hilft uns nichts, wenn wir die Kurse in DUSD-Pools auf einen Dollar bringen könnten, wenn niemand bereit ist, DUSD zu kaufen und die Liquidität in den Pools weniger als 10 Prozent des DUSD-Bestands ausmacht. Denn wenn man dann verkaufen will, bricht der Kurs zwangsläufig wieder ein, denn auf alle dToken+DUSD kommen aktuell nur 2,6 Millionen Eintauschwerte (Exit-Liquidität) – das sind weniger als 0,02 Dollar. Es geht aber nicht um diese Zahlen, denn ob es 20 oder 50 Prozent mehr oder weniger sind, spielt keine Rolle.
Der wichtigste Punkt ist nämlich, das niemand mehr DFI kauft, weil wir von Investoren nicht als innovative Blockchain mit Alleinstellungsmerkmalen wahrgenommen werden, sondern als eine kleine Gruppe von Sektierern, die an der Beseitigung von DUSD-Problemen herumdoktern.
Mit dem soeben – quasi - verabschiedeten Special-DFIP „A constructive way to reduce the DEX fee“ ist der erste kleine Schritt zum Abbau restriktiver Gebühren mit einer kurzfristigen Änderung vollzogen worden. Doch diese kleinen Veränderungen lösen das wahre Problem nicht: das krampfhafte Festhalten an Manipulationen um die eigenen Fehler nicht eingestehen zu müssen.
Das DFIP „Free Market – Remove Discount and Stabilisation Fee“ schließt dort an und vollzieht den ersten nennenswerten Schritt zur Wiederherstellung eines unbeeinflussten Marktes. Das Problem dabei ist, dass viele Eigner von DUSD nicht das Gesamtwohl der Defichain sondern nur den Wert ihres Eigenbestandes im Blick haben und daher immer nur Einzelpunktkorrekturen zustimmen möchten, die keinesfalls deutliche Auswirkungen haben. Um die Defichain aber wieder aufblühen zu sehen, brauchen wir Käufer und Projekte aus dem Kryptobereich, da die Defighter-Community nicht über die finanziellen Mittel verfügt bzw. beim aktuellen Fokus nicht bereit ist, größere Summen zu investieren.
Wir sollten daher alle nicht marktkonformen Regelungen und Manipulationen aufheben und zugleich neue Projekte auf der Defimetachain unterstützen.
Leider war das Special-DFIP in dieser Hinsicht nicht 100% zielführend, da zwar die Zusatz-DEX-Gebühr für die Stablecoinpaare reduziert und die Rewards für den DUSD-DFI-Pool auf 5 Prozent abgesenkt wurde, aber gleichzeitig mit Wiedereinführung des Buy-and-Burn-Bots die Manipulationen erweitert wurden. Smartes Geld liebt aber freie, unmanipulierte Märkte und solange wir weiter manipulieren und herumtricksen um frühere Fehler zu kompensieren (bzw. es versuchen), werden wir keine neuen Investoren bekommen. Wir müssen den Mut aufbringen, konsequent zum freien Markt zurückzukehren. Die Auswirkungen sind dabei kurzfristig nicht prognostizierbar und die vielen nicht eingetroffenen Annahmen der Influenz-er in der Vergangenheit sollten uns lehren, dass auch die Prognosen der Kritiker dieses Ansatzes voraussichtlich wieder falsch sind.
Was allerdings feststeht ist die Tatsache, das Märkte immer Recht haben und alle Systeme, die den Markt beeinflussen wollen, über kurz oder lang zusammengebrochen sind.
Auf der anderen Seite zeigt eine kleine – aber sicher nicht repräsentative – Umfrage auf X (Twitter), das fast 15 % der Teilnehmer nur DUSD halten und rund 20 Prozent mehr DUSD als DFI halten. Man muss allerdings davon ausgehen, dass deren Einstandspreise nicht bei einem Dollar sondern überwiegend zwischen 10 und 50 Cent liegen, da die ganze Spekulation nur bei solchen Preisen Sinn gemacht hat. Kann es nun Aufgabe des Ökosystems sein, diesen Spekulanten ihre Gewinne zu bescheren? Kaum... Es kann also nicht darum gehen, mit Finanzmitteln der Allgemeinheit diese gescheiterte Spekulation doch noch erfolgreich zu machen!
Die vollständige Rückkehr zu freien Märkten umfasst folgende Schritte:
1) Vollständige Aufhebung der DEX-Stabilisationsfee und der dynamischen Stabilisationsgebühr, so dass sich die Preise in allen DUSD-Pools wieder ausschließlich nach Angebot und Nachfrage richten.
2) Aufhebung der Buy-and-Burn -Bots
3) Aufhebung von Negativ-Zinsen, da diese ökonomisch sinnfrei sind und lediglich durch finanzielle Anreize den Markt manipulieren wollen
4) Bewertung der DUSD in Krediten nach aktuellen Marktpreisen (DUSD-dUSDT-Pool, da USDT im Krypto-Bereich die meisten Handelspaare stellt)
5) Verbot von DUSD als Kollateral für DUSD-Kredite (eigentlich unnötig, wenn es keine negativen Zinsen mehr gibt, aber als Klarstellung, dass marktfremde und ökonomisch sinnfreie Manipulationen nicht mehr gewollt sind)
6) Keine Übergangsfristen, da diese lediglich Manipulationen ermöglichen
Die Punkte 1-5 können nicht durch „Kompromisse“ geändert oder „abgemildert“ werden, da man entweder zu einem freien Markt zurückkehrt oder eben nicht!
Es gibt kein „halbfrei“ oder „weniger manipuliert“ - natürlich können auch freie Märkte mit größeren Summen beeinflusst werden – und ich hoffe das externe Investoren mit hohen Summen auf die Defichain kommen um dort zu versuchen, Kurse zu manipulieren...
Daneben gibt es aber auch optionale Maßnahmen, die diskutiert und modifiziert werden können:
A) DFI-Airdrop 1 an DUSD-Halter Auf der anderen Seite darf auch nicht verkannt werden, dass das Defichain-Ökosystem bisher nicht nur in Buy-Burn-Bots DFI investiert hat, sondern seinerzeit auch DFI durch die Rückzahlung von DUSD-Krediten erhalten und 61,1 Mio DFI geburnt hat. Es erscheint daher fair, wenn die DFI-Aufwendungen für DUSD-Käufe von diesem Betrag abgezogen werden und der Saldo „reaktiviert“ wird und an die DUSD-Eigentümer ausgeschüttet wird um etwaige negative Auswirkungen der Rückkehr zu freien Märkten zu kompensieren. Dies ist im Grunde kostenneutral. Ausgeschlossen von diesem Airdrop sind DUSD als Kollateral in „Looped vaults“, da diese nur einen Hebel auf DUSD darstellen und dieser aus Gerechtigkeitsgründen nicht honoriert werden kann.
B) DFI-Airdrop 2 an DUSD-Burner Wenn sich nach Realisierung der Maßnahmen 1-6 nach etwa 10 Tagen ein fairer Marktpreis für DUSD gebildet hat, sollte die Möglichkeit geschaffen werden, überschüssige DUSD im System zu burnen anstatt über die DEX nur zu verkaufen. Damit wird bei ansteigendem Interesse für DEX-Trading oder DUSD-basierte Produkte sichergestellt, dass der Marktpreis des DUSD wieder ansteigt und temporäre Verluste ausgeglichen werden. Von der Blockchain müssten für diesen Zweck reaktivierte DFI zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Man könnte für diejenigen, die ihre DUSD burnen anstatt über die DEX zu verkaufen, einen Aufschlag auf den Markpreis von zum Beispiel 10 oder 20 Prozent gewähren. Diese Option sollte allerdings nur in einem kurzen Zeitfenster von rund 10 Tagen möglich sein und auch nur dann wenn und solange der neu gebildete Marktpreis mindestens 20 Prozent unter dem letzten USDT-DUSD-Preis liegt. Im Gegensatz zu einem Buy-and-Burn-Bot werden hier keine DFI zu marktmanipulierten Preisen unter Wert weggegeben, sondern ein vorher ermittelter Marktpreis stellt die faire Relation dar um das seinerzeit geschaffene Problem der überschüssigen DUSD zu lösen ohne Spekulanten einen Vorteil zu gewähren.
C) Reduzierung aller DUSD-Exit-Poolpaar-Blockrewards Die Reduzierung der Blockrewards für den DFI-DUSD-Pool war ein erster guter Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Meines Erachtens sollten aber alle Blockrewards für DUSD-DFI, DUSD-USDT, DUSD-USDC und DUSD-EUROC auf Null gesetzt werden. Auch wenn das Ziel langfristig die Hinwendung zu ausschließlich „real yield“ sein sollte, kann darüber nachgedacht werden, die so eingesparten Rewards zu nutzen, um die Attraktivität des d-Tokens-Systems durch Förderung der Liquidität zu erhöhen – dagegen spricht allerdings, dass dies eine Benachteiligung der Defimetachain-DEXes bedeuten würde. Auf der anderen Seite profitieren andere DMC-Projekte wie z.B. Javsphere mit dem Booster von einem attraktiveren nativen dToken-System. Ebenso wäre eine Erhöhung von Kryptotoken-Pools wie dBTC-DFI oder dETH-DFI vorstellbar.
D) Steigerung der Attraktivität/Liquidität auf DMC-DEXes Um neuen Projekten ein Listing auf Defimetachain-Börsen wie Vanillaswap zu erleichtern und ausreichend Handelsliquidität zur Verfügung zu stellen, könnte der Community-Fund für Projekte, die bereits mindestens ein Produkt mit 100 Nutzern auf der Defimetachain realisiert haben, einen Teil der komplementären DFI zum Projekttoken zur Verfügung stellen. Dies bindet zwar Liquidität, verschafft aber auch Einnahmen aus Handelsgebühren.
E) DUSD-Airdrop für neue Wallets mit DFI-Mindestbestand Die von der Community erworbenen DUSD könnten für eine Promotion genutzt werden, in dem neue Wallets mit mindestens 1000 DFI einen Airdrop in DUSD erhalten, um die native DEX mit dem dToken-System testen zu können. Das erhöht vermutlich die Nachfrage nach DFI, da ja nur neue Wallets mit Mindestbestand in den Genuss des Airdrops kommen. Um sicherzustellen, dass dies nicht ausgenutzt wird, sollten nur neue Wallets Zuteilungen bekommen, die durch einen Transfer von einer Bridge oder CEX DFI erhalten haben.
submitted by Glittering_Jicama_95 to defiblockchain [link] [comments]