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2024.05.15 01:15 aaaaa143222 ZT:蔡秀玲曝光【魏京生私生女】内幕

这几天我发高烧,一个人卷缩在被窝里,为学费发愁,为未来发愁,想起了我去世的父亲,不禁失声痛哭:“爸爸!爸爸!” 突然想起了魏京生的女儿,可怜的孩子,她和我一样一个人在异国他乡寒窗苦读,可是她在孤独无助之时,不能和我一样失声痛哭喊爸爸!人世间的惨痛,有过于此乎?!
这时,黄慈萍刚好打电话给我的朋友,大吼:“你和你大哥一个样,到处播风流种子!” 黄慈萍不知道当时我正好坐在朋友旁边,黄慈萍河东狮吼,如雷贯耳,我听了个一清二楚。我心中一乐,做个鬼脸:TMD,老黄明明知道是老魏播的风流种子,还到处说什么克隆技术、中共阴谋这种鬼话?!
删除三条推文,实非我愿。我质问魏京生:“您和孩子她妈当年有没有一腿?!” 魏没料到我一介后辈访民竟敢直截了当问他这位民运大佬裤裆底下的问题,不禁恼羞成怒,断然否认:“我不认识她!” 我当场嗤之以鼻,不以为然。
魏京生有一位生死之交:法学家、政论家高胜寒先生。早在1979年魏京生第一次身陷囹圄的时候,与魏京生素不相识的高胜寒先生便多次在报刊公开为大洋彼岸中共大牢里的魏京生奔走呼吁。高胜寒先生早年为魏京生写的很多文章如今已经湮没,不复可寻,保存下来的仅是其于1979年12月1日发表在香港《展望半月刊》第428期的文章《一场可耻而赤裸裸的冤狱!》详见:https://gaoshenghan.com/?p=1728 1997年魏京生结束十八年冤狱,流放美国,开始多方打听当年为自己奔走呼吁的高胜寒先生,两人终于见面,遂结成生死之交。高胜寒先生还是魏京生的遗嘱执行人,当年魏京生生命垂危,魏京生让黄慈萍把高胜寒先生叫到病床前,拿出黄慈萍起草的中英文对照的遗嘱,托付高胜寒先生以遗嘱执行人的重任,可见魏京生对高胜寒先生的信任程度。
可是,我蔡秀玲不相信真相是令人不方便的。我私下追问高胜寒先生,高胜寒先生直言相告:事情一发生,魏京生第一时间找他商量怎么办。魏京生亲口向他承认孩子是自己的亲生骨肉,并表示当年并不知情孩子妈妈已婚。高胜寒先生询问他怎么想, 魏京生喜悦之情溢于言表:“我非常高兴!非常开心!” 高胜寒先生也为老朋友有后而欣慰,主动表示愿意认孩子为义女,提携帮助孩子。高胜寒先生提议:这是大喜事,要好好庆祝,他愿意做东,在自家饭店宴请魏先生的亲朋好友,好好庆祝,公开认亲,让孩子认祖归宗,骨肉团圆,皆大欢喜。魏京生一听,非常高兴。但又非常担忧,说:“千万不能让黄慈萍知道这事,否则她非得打翻醋坛子不可。”
我好奇地追问:“为什么黄慈萍会打翻醋坛子?他俩是男女朋友吗?”高胜寒先生连忙说:“这个我不清楚!” 沉吟片刻之后,高胜寒先生补充说:“现在黄慈萍对外很少提及她的洋老公,处处营造She is available的印象。当初黄慈萍和她第一任丈夫离婚之后,朋友们都以为她会嫁给老魏,没想到黄慈萍却嫁给洋老公。嫁给洋老公之后却又继续和老魏一起,有时他们三个人一起生活。” 高胜寒先生忧心忡忡地说:“魏京生完全被黄慈萍严密控制。我一直非常担心黄慈萍是间谍,因为她控制魏京生的模式,和???那个间谍案一摸一样。” (我忘了高胜寒先生说的这个间谍案的名字了。)
我听到高胜寒先生介绍律师的履历和收费,不禁想起去年郭宝胜的律师在郭文贵诉郭宝胜一案结尾辩论词的精彩表现。郭宝胜的律师巧妙地把郭文贵在豪华游艇上口出狂言,说郭宝胜连写一张诉状的钱都付不起的镜头、以及郭文贵的豪华律师团队、豪华助理保镖团队、郭文贵西装笔挺、踌躇满志、胜券在握的成功人士形象和郭宝胜灰头土脸面如死灰的落魄牧师形象做了巧妙的暗示对比,律师对陪审团动情地说:“对郭文贵这位富豪来说,这不过是一场游戏(This is only a game)。但对我的当事人来说,这是他的人生!(This is his life!)” 郭郭案前几天的庭审局势对郭宝胜非常不利,但律师最后结尾辩论词的精彩表现为郭宝胜挽回颓势。我至今记忆犹新,佩服得五体投地!
关于这个案子的律师费,我专门请教了一位律师。我介绍了这个案子大概案情、原告五十万美元的诉讼请求、以及被告律师每小时750美元的收费标准,该律师连声惊呼:“这个案子照这样打下去,我告诉你,很快就能搞出几十万美元的律师费!搞不好的话,比原告要的五十万美元还多!干嘛不拿这个律师费去庭外和解呢?! 这是蠢不可及的烧钱行为!!” 律师的惊呼把我吓了一大跳!昨天我还觉得这个案子一审100小时总共75,000美元律师费有可能搞定,看来贫穷限制了我的想象力!
  • 黄慈萍有可能是让她的洋老公出的律师费。听说黄的洋老公是美国杜邦家族的后人,天价律师费是完全拿得出来的。这个听起来有点匪夷所思,但是黄慈萍一个有夫之妇能够长期高调和魏京生出双入对,而洋老公甘之如饴,不但允许黄慈萍在其夫妻共同买的房子里和魏京生同居,还常常三个人一起同居、在同一个屋檐底下生活得其乐融融,一起出席朋友宴会,向全世界展示他们的幸福三人行,让世人叹为观止!相比之下,让洋老公出个律师费,只是小事一桩。
  • 如果不是洋老公出的钱,黄慈萍有可能是从魏京生基金会挪用捐款用于律师费。这或许可能涉及犯罪?如果确实的话,黄慈萍既有犯罪动机,也有作案时机。黄慈萍本人就是魏京生基金会执行主任。如果真是这样,随着案件的进一步发展,说不定孩子妈妈可以让没有收入的魏京生公布天价律师费来源?如果共匪真的垮台,如果魏京生真的成为民主中国总统候选人,这方面必定有好戏看!
  • 有可能是黄慈萍自掏腰包,为魏京生出的律师费。别忘了,顺从天意人伦认亲享受天伦之乐,是魏京生的第一反应、本能反应。与自己亲生女儿打官司,并非魏京生的本意。之后的风云变幻完全是黄慈萍醋海翻波制造出来的事端,也是魏京生因为害怕被黄慈萍抛弃革命事业功败垂成、老无所依,不得不屈服于黄慈萍的淫威。黄慈萍作为中科大少年天才,曾有无限光明的前程,却为情所误,为魏京生放弃了自己的专业,付出二十年的青春心血聪明才智、以及……,再掏个律师费,也不是不可能的。
关于律师费,黄慈萍前后矛盾,她一度表示:“有关魏先生的律师费,是从朋友那借的。那朋友认定这个案子是中共的阴谋,还会继续支持魏京生及反击中共的行为。” 后来却表示老魏的律师费是她借给他的:“老魏只有负资产:他欠我许多钱,包括借给他的律师费。” 黄慈萍的前后矛盾,更证实了我的第三个猜测:是黄慈萍自掏腰包,自愿掏这肉包子打狗有去无回的天价律师费。
黄慈萍不惜代价,只为维持【魏京生那根神圣不可侵犯的棍子】从来没有在其她女性身上耕耘的假象,自欺欺人。潮州话有说:【无脸当死父】,意即把丢脸视作和死了父亲一样的大事。用这句话形容黄慈萍,确实不为过。黄慈萍多年来人前人后媒体高调秀恩爱、吐深情,刻意维持民运大佬魏京生唯一正牌女友的印象。有诗为证:“我时时盼念 你的阳光雨露,恩爱体贴. . . . . . 渴望着你,要你的今天、明天和今后的每一天;” 这首当众秀恩爱的露骨情诗,得到大才子高胜寒的盛赞,转推支持之。高胜寒早在几年前就公开盛赞魏京生“得知己如慈萍,无憾矣”。黄慈萍处心积虑营造魏京生的【唯一正牌女友】的身份,长袖善舞八面玲珑的烤鸭店高老板岂不知之?!高胜寒马屁稳稳地拍在老黄的屁股上。可怪气势磅礴壮吞河山的独立知识份子高胜寒先生竟然是个自欺欺人的标签党,一面以一夫多妻制攻击摩门教徒为邪教,一面将魏京生黄慈萍携洋老公的幸福三人行美其名曰一夫一妻加一“知己”。可怪黄醋瓶太霸道了,她不但要老魏的”今天、明天和今后的每一天”,还要霸占老魏【二十年的那一天】,扬言:“而我不用找记录,都记得老魏2000年3月至6月期间每一天在那里.”
黄慈萍不是像正常人一样,接受现实,而是使出通天神力,要把现实扭曲去符合她自己的意志。归根到底,黄慈萍的自信,全部建立在老魏只对她老黄一个人有性趣的基础上。老魏有私生女=老魏会对其她女性产生性冲动=老黄没有性吸引力。可怜的老黄怎么都不能接受这个现实。与其说黄慈萍爱魏京生,不如说黄慈萍更爱她自己、更爱她自己想象中的那个【倾国倾城 迷人妖姬】的自己。这是老黄心中的妄念。所以老黄才会在高调发表爱情宣言“我时时盼念 你的阳光雨露,恩爱体贴. . . . . . 渴望着你,要你的今天、明天和今后的每一天”的时候,刻意放上一张【疑似床照】。
  • 德不配位,必有灾殃。从认亲这出戏,魏京生和黄慈萍的人格缺陷已经暴露无遗,其德行大家也心知肚明,如强行上位,必有灾殃!
  • 法官若根据孩子妈妈的动议,强制亲子鉴定,黄慈萍再一万句“明明知道是骗局还做测试,那老魏可不是要忙死了?”也无济于事。亲子鉴定一出,黄慈萍再表演满地打滚说是中共高科技造假,也无济于事。魏京生投身革命二十年的政治资本毁于一旦。魏京生因为其在法庭陈述矢口否认认识孩子妈妈,其作为政治家的可信度毁于一旦。
  • 魏京生被黄慈萍牢牢控制的事实,在认亲事件中暴露无遗。魏京生当选总统,意味着黄慈萍垂帘听政。哪个中国人愿意重复慈禧太后垂帘听政的历史呢?谁愿意选一个连一个女人都搞不定的男人当总统?谁会选一个离开了黄慈萍就什么都不是的魏京生当总统?谁能相信能把认亲大好事搞得鸡飞狗跳满城风雨的魏京生有治理国家的能力呢?!
  • 倘若魏京生先为了政治理想不认亲生骨肉,后为了取悦选民把二十年亲密战友黄慈萍像一块用过的卫生巾一样抛弃,这样做必定大快人心!但魏京生也变成一个不忠不孝不仁不义无耻之徒。选民会强烈怀疑:魏京生能够牺牲自己的亲生骨肉、亲密战友,凭什么能相信这样的人不会牺牲非亲非故的老百姓呢?这样的魏京生,比他反对的共匪好到哪里去了呢?
  • 魏京生当年能把孩子妈妈成功勾引上床,肯定是一番甜言蜜语、山盟海誓。(备注:后来我才得知不是男女私情,而且强暴。) 而之后表现出来的却是【拔屌无情】、【提了裤子不认人】,凭什么老百姓能相信魏京生有关民主人权、言论自由的就是真心话呢?君不见,因言获罪坐了18年共产大牢的魏京生仅仅因为黄慈萍以辞职相要挟就急急忙忙强迫蔡秀玲当面删推文?魏京生敢大胆地在自由的美国土地上肆意践踏一个美国公民受美国宪法第一修正案保护的言论自由,你能相信魏京生真的会去捍卫中国老百姓的言论自由?你能相信到那时黄慈萍枕边风一吹,魏京生不会急急忙忙让你们也删贴?况且那长期公开高调的幸福三人行,到时候真不知道要删多少贴?这二十年间黄慈萍日复一日晒了多少恩爱、秀了多少情诗、发表了多少张引人遐想的照片,到时候真得百万网警黑天白夜干她个三天三夜才能在互联网上将昨日恩爱消除干净?魏京生如果能当上中国总统的话,肯定得维护互联网之高墙,把黄慈萍这个有夫之妇向世人高调秀的幸福三人行、高调晒恩爱挡在高墙之外,但是,中国老百姓凭什么因为黄慈萍的武则天御男之好而忍受高墙呢?
魏京生一辈子未婚,与女性发生关系,人之常情,根本不算污点。(备注:后来我才得知不是男女私情,而且强暴,涉嫌犯罪。) 睁眼说瞎话、拔屌无情、提了裤子不认人,才是人格污点!老魏坐中共铁牢18年,小弟弟憋屈多年竟然雄风不减,革命后继后人,此乃大幸,别搞成悲剧!中科大高材生黄慈萍白忙活了二十年而无结果,北大才女刘怀昭“金风玉露一相逢”便珠胎暗结、硕果既成,长成人见人爱的小美女、我见犹怜的小魏京生,此乃天意!天意不可违!连名字都可见端倪,贫瘠的【黄】土地VS 丰饶的【怀昭】,孩子妈妈的名字里,上天已经明确昭示怀昭女士能怀上,老黄你怎么努力都只能是【黄醋瓶】一个。不服气?!此乃天意!天意不可违!
古人说:“自不诚,则欺心而弃己,与人不诚,则丧德而增怨。” 大名鼎鼎的民运大佬人权斗士魏京生先生,何苦违背人伦、自欺欺人,欺心而弃己,丧德而增怨?!
2020年8月8日 美国华府
和魏京生一样蹲过中共大牢的流亡德国作家廖亦武在《魏京生DNA認親案》一文中分析:魏京生在青海苦寒之地蹲過十八年大獄,可能落下倚強凌弱的[「監獄後遺症」]()。當性饑渴和性無能在獄外逐漸平復,但獄內遭遇導致的壓抑、暴力等病态人格,卻滲透皮肉,幾乎成為性格或血液的組成部分。同样遭受「監獄病」折磨的廖亦武公开呼吁:“我希望這次訴訟是一個轉折點,也讓魏京生「愛和憐憫油然而生」— —劉懷昭和Charlotte不是你的敵人,這麼多年,已經夠了!你不是上帝,有什麼權力置弱小於如此不堪的境地? 該自省了!你有監獄病,沒有認錯的習慣, 那就在你的親生女兒跟前,從頭開始培養——太多的異議分子就毀在這個「沒有認錯的習慣」上,他們活一輩子,就是為了證明自己一貫正確,跟自詡「偉大、光榮、正確」的共產黨一樣。”详见:https://www.hkcnews.com/article/32427/%E9%AD%8F%E4%BA%AC%E7%94%9F-%E5%8A%89%E6%87%B7%E6%98%AD-dna-32427/%E9%AD%8F%E4%BA%AC%E7%94%9Fdna%E8%AA%8D%E8%A6%AA%E6%A1%88
魏京生是一个坚定的无神论者,每每对任何人当其面提及上帝嗤之以鼻。唯有此种不知敬畏神的人敢睁眼说瞎话,敢肆意践踏天道人伦,敢对自己亲生骨肉大加迫害。黄慈萍更是如李洪宽所言:“妒毒如焰 血口乱喷”。有一位虔诚基督教徒如此评论黄慈萍:“黄慈萍的心中,可能住着一个魔鬼。我在黄慈萍的身上,看不到人性和善良。”有说,君子成人之美、小人成人之恶,圣经对黄慈萍这样的人,早有定论:“这等人若不行恶,不得睡觉。不使人跌倒,睡卧不安。因为他们以奸恶吃饼,以强暴喝酒。”民运大佬魏京生与中科大高材生黄慈萍,无疑是人中的佼佼者。神借由这两个智商超群的跳梁小丑,彰显人心败坏、人心诡诈、人人都需要神的救恩。刘怀昭母女是上帝之鞭,一鞭一鞭抽打魏京生骄傲的心。
爆料之后,我推特私信被高胜寒先生拉黑,我通过电子邮件私信高胜寒先生,希望其不要保持沉默,而是站出来公开发推:证实蔡秀玲爆料确有其事,魏京生确实曾向高胜寒亲口承认孩子是自己的亲生骨肉;我希望高胜寒先生能够公开或私下向魏京生宣布愿意为刘怀昭出庭作证,敦促魏京生顺从人伦天伦,停止缠讼,公开认亲;我希望高胜寒先生呼吁黄慈萍停止操控魏京生认亲,呼吁黄慈萍停止忽悠不明真相的支持者对刘怀昭母女的网络霸凌恶意诽谤;我希望高胜寒先生引用如下劝告黄慈萍:“爱的根本宗旨,是要给被爱的人,找到一条光明、灿烂的路子,还要给人以人格尊严。这是一种道德底线,更是一种人格力量的升华。” 如果你真心爱魏京生,那就给他一条顺应人伦天伦骨肉团圆的光明道路,而不是为了自己受伤的虚荣心,把老魏置于万劫不复之中。
“美国宪法硬性规定:美国法院是最初与唯一可以聆听案情的地方。据此《美国法典第18章第1503款》规定舆论审判,不仅是“腐败”,而且是属于妨碍司法公正(Obstruction of justice),其原文是: “corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”
妨碍司法公正 属于联邦重罪,最高罚款二十五万美元与入狱五年,如果该妨碍司法公正行为导致有死亡的话,将会面临二十年监禁期。
作为魏京生的生死之交,高胜寒先生可以选择明哲保身。除非法官依法可以强制要求其出庭作证,否则没有人能够强迫高胜寒发声。蔡秀玲也只能以推文和私信动之以情晓之以理,高胜寒先生为了维护自己的一贯正确,就给蔡秀玲戴了一顶联邦重罪犯罪份子的大帽子!推特女侠张欣萍敦促高胜寒,高胜寒就给张欣萍一顶 “公私不分”的大帽子扣上!
您指控我妨碍司法公正Obstruction of justice【联邦重罪】,您就是用您皓首穷经、潜心钻研积累的全部法律知识、用您的豪霸之笔、用您气势磅礴壮吞河山的英雄气概、用全球所有的付费法律搜索引擎古今中外上下五千年掘地三尺搜索案例,另外再花每小时7亿5千万美元的律师费请全美所有顶尖金牌大状写检举信与法庭之友意见书,您们的举报连受理都没法获得受理,您们连probable cause都论证不了!就算您们瞎猫碰到死老鼠成功立案了,就算已经三次刑事检控蔡秀玲的美国政府聘请全美国最优秀的一百名检察官组成超级明星检控团队,我蔡秀玲坚持不要律师辩护,并且放弃自我辩护,任由您们以及您们的超级检察官团队、超级律师团队巧舌如簧滔滔不绝对陪审团发表蔡秀玲犯罪的长篇大论,我一言不发,都能轻轻松松赢了官司,您和您们的检察官团队律师团队连妨碍司法公正的一个element都证明不了!您不信?!那咱们试一试!我蔡秀玲素来好大喜功,从来不介意以一当十、以一当百、以一当亿!
高胜寒先生素来以“独立知识份子”自我期许、并为之深心骄傲,今日却被自称为学生的蔡秀玲公开嘲笑。且蔡秀玲以女性之身分,冲冠一怒,拍案而起,似乎讽刺千夫之诺诺,竟无一人是男儿。被后辈学生、一介女流公开批评,对高胜寒先生是双倍的难堪。然则,A bad day for the ego, is a good day for the soul. 神要我们保守我们的心,胜过保守一切。“因为一生的果效,是由心发出。”
submitted by aaaaa143222 to haiwaiminyun [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:03 DeepAd5387 Dunning letters by subsidiary

We are in the process of bringing on an additional subsidiary who would also like to use the dunning module. In the event that two subsidiaries share a customer, we want to send one dunning letter per subsidiary with the balance the customer owes just to that specific subsidiary, and a statement specific to that sub.
Our customers are set up where the primary subsidiary is the holding company, and then the rest of the subsidiaries are listed as additional subsidiaries on the "subsidiaries" tab.
I've explored using invoice dunning and don't think this is the best option because we don't want to send out a letter for each individual invoice. It seems that our best option is to control this via the fields we are pulling in to the dunning template(s). The reason I'm slightly optimistic is because if you go to the "Subsidiaries" tab on the customer record, you can see a field for the balance by subsidiary. I'm hoping this could mean there are subsidiary level controls available.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been spinning my wheels on this for a while now
submitted by DeepAd5387 to Netsuite [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:07 plantpot3366 Does the DWP extend the month time limit to call for a Mandatory Reconsideration?

My care coordinator at the CMHT told me I should contact the DWP to send him the evidence template (or something like that) so he could fill it out with evidence of my mental health issues for a PIP mandatory reconsideration.
I only have 8 days or so though till it’s been a month since I received the PIP award letter so I don’t have long and it might be too late.
1) If I call the DWP, will they extend the month time limit if I tell them I need time to get the evidence and forms?
2) Does my Care Coordinator need the DWP to send him a letter for him to fill out or can he just write a letter himself? If the latter is possible, what form would this letter be in? He said he did it with another patient where the DWP sent him a letter for him to fill out the evidence.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by plantpot3366 to BenefitsAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:05 plantpot3366 Does the DWP extend the month time limit to call for a Mandatory Reconsideration?

My care coordinator at the CMHT told me I should contact the DWP to send him the evidence template (or something like that) so he could fill it out with evidence of my mental health issues.
I only have 8 days or so though till it’s been a month since I received the PIP award letter so I don’t have long and it might be too late.
1) If I call the DWP, will they extend the month time limit if I tell them I need time to get the evidence and forms?
2) Does my Care Coordinator need the DWP to send him a letter for him to fill out or can he just write a letter himself? If the latter is possible, what form would this letter be in? He said he did it with another patient where the DWP sent him a letter for him to fill out the evidence.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by plantpot3366 to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:13 sensualsanta Template for letter for employer?

Hi everyone, a client's employer keeps scheduling client for when our sessions are supposed to take place, despite client constantly reminding employer they don't respect client's schedule. I'm wondering if anyone has a template or an idea of how to write a letter to employer stating this hour as a need/blocked out time for client? This is something client agreed to.
submitted by sensualsanta to therapists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 Lost_Blacksmith1164 Expedite request

Hi! Has anybody here got an approved expedite request? I just got an email back from USCIS asking for a letter on why we’re asking for an expedite request. Can anybody share their templates or tips, please? It would really be appreciated..
Our case: Our son recently passed away and I’m currently undergoing severe postpartum depression due to passing of my son. Been in urgent care couple of times due to anxiety attack. Hoping my spouse could be here to his funeral & be able to support each other.
submitted by Lost_Blacksmith1164 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:37 PossibleOld7184 Nexus for IBS and GERD

So I asked my PCP whom I've seen for 15 years, to write a nexus letter connecting my GERD and IBS to my PTSD claim which is currently at 70%.
I created a template for him to sign with two medical citations linking GERD and IBS to PTSD.
His response:
He says that he is not not sure that he can prove that these GI conditions are related to PTSD.
He initially helped me with my nexus letter for Anxiety and MDD, so I'm confused why he won't do this for me.
What should I do? What could I tell him?
Is there a service anyone would recommend?
submitted by PossibleOld7184 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:00 aw1219 Professional Simple Resume Template With Free Cover Letter & Tips - Etsy

submitted by aw1219 to homebasedmommie [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:41 Spiritual_Ground_778 Sports company ignoring refund request after classes cancellation

Hello, just looking for advice on best next step. I have booked a sport class for my son in February, and when the classes started in April the sessions were initially cancelled for the first couple of weeks and then changed to a different location. I have informed the branch manager that I could not attend that new location, and requested a refund. This request as well as my follow-ups by email and WhatsApp messages were ignored (I am confident the contact details were correct since I had received prompt responses from them before that point). I have received a response from the head office admin team quite quickly, but they just forwarded my request to the local branch manager so ultimately it's still been ignored. It's now been over a month.
I have the names and addresses of the company directors based in Company House, would the next be to send them some kind of letter before going to small court claim? Could someone tell what type of letter I should send, and maybe point me out to a template?
The amount is just over a £100 and I could live without it, but it's more for the principle!
Thank you!
submitted by Spiritual_Ground_778 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:18 TheBabyLion93 Eval correction letter template

Long story short I’m a reservist eligible for Cheif. One of my Chiefs sat down with me and reviewed my last couple of evals. During the sit down he noticed that one of my evals has SW (block 3) . I don’t have my pin. Does anyone have a template for the correction letter ?
submitted by TheBabyLion93 to navy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:59 dre61_ Mauritania DNA?

Mauritania DNA?
On ancestry my senegambian dna state that mauritania’s a part of it but does mauritania not have its own dna section labeled mauritania? My paternal haplogroup is also found in the senegambian reigion specifically what does this mean? Also would the mauritania be found in also the “Broadly west african”? On Ancestry dna I have even more senegambian than on 23andme!
submitted by dre61_ to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:57 dre61_ Mauratanian Dna?

Mauratanian Dna?
On ancestry my senegambian dna state that mauritania’s a part of it but does mauritania not have its own dna section labeled mauritania? My paternal haplogroup is also found in the senegambian reigion specifically what does this mean? Also would the mauritania be found in also the “Broadly west african”? On Ancestry dna I have even more senegambian than on 23andme!
submitted by dre61_ to 23andme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:01 Zappingsbrew A post talking about 400 words

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himself, hip, hire, his, historic, historical, history, hit, hold, hole, holiday, holy, home, homeless, honest, honey, honor, hope, horizon, horror, horse, hospital, host, hot, hotel, hour, house, household, housing, how, however, huge, human, humor, hundred, hungry, hunter, hunting, hurt, husband, hypothesis, ice, idea, ideal, identification, identify, identity, ignore, ill, illegal, illness, illustrate, image, imagination, imagine, immediate, immediately, immigrant, immigration, impact, implement, implication, imply, importance, important, impose, impossible, impress, impression, impressive, improve, improvement, incentive, incident, include, including, income, incorporate, increase, increased, increasingly, incredible, indeed, independence, independent, index, indicate, indication, individual, industrial, industry, infant, infection, inflation, influence, inform, information, ingredient, initial, initially, initiative, injury, inner, innocent, inquiry, inside, insight, insist, inspire, install, instance, instead, institute, institution, institutional, instruction, instructor, instrument, insurance, intellectual, intelligence, intend, intense, intensity, intention, interaction, interest, interested, interesting, internal, international, Internet, interpret, interpretation, intervention, interview, introduce, introduction, invasion, invest, investigation, investigator, investment, investor, invite, involve, involved, involvement, Iraqi, Irish, iron, Islamic, island, Israeli, issue, it, Italian, item, its, itself, jacket, jail, Japanese, jet, Jew, Jewish, job, join, joint, joke, journal, journalist, journey, joy, judge, judgment, juice, jump, junior, jury, just, justice, justify, keep, key, kick, kid, kill, killer, killing, kind, king, kiss, kitchen, knee, knife, knock, know, knowledge, lab, label, labor, laboratory, lack, lady, lake, land, landscape, language, lap, large, largely, last, late, later, Latin, latter, laugh, launch, law, lawsuit, lawyer, lay, layer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leaf, league, lean, learn, learning, least, leather, leave, left, leg, legacy, legal, legend, legislation, legislative, legislator, legitimate, lemon, length, less, lesson, let, letter, level, liberal, library, license, lie, life, lifestyle, lifetime, lift, light, like, likely, limit, limitation, limited, line, link, lip, list, listen, literary, literature, little, live, living, load, loan, local, locate, location, lock, long, long-term, look, loose, lose, loss, lost, lot, lots, loud, love, lovely, lover, low, lower, luck, lucky, lunch, luxury, machine, mad, magazine, mail, main, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make, maker, makeup, male, mall, man, manage, management, manager, manner, manufacturer, manufacturing, many, map, margin, mark, market, marketing, marriage, married, marry, mask, mass, massive, master, match, material, math, matter, may, maybe, mayor, me, meal, mean, meaning, meanwhile, measure, measurement, meat, mechanism, media, medical, medication, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, member, membership, memory, mental, mention, menu, mere, merely, mess, message, metal, meter, method, Mexican, middle, might, military, milk, million, mind, mine, minister, minor, minority, minute, miracle, mirror, miss, missile, mission, mistake, mix, mixture, mm-hmm, mode, model, moderate, modern, modest, mom, moment, money, monitor, month, mood, moon, moral, more, moreover, morning, mortgage, most, mostly, mother, motion, motivation, motor, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, movement, movie, Mr, Mrs, Ms, much, multiple, murder, muscle, museum, music, musical, musician, Muslim, must, mutual, my, myself, mystery, myth, naked, name, narrative, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, near, nearby, nearly, necessarily, necessary, neck, need, negative, negotiate, negotiation, neighbor, neighborhood, neither, nerve, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, newly, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, no, nobody, nod, noise, nomination, nominee, none, nonetheless, nor, normal, normally, north, northern, nose, not, note, nothing, notice, notion, novel, now, nowhere, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut, object, objective, obligation, observation, observe, observer, obtain, obvious, obviously, occasion, occasionally, occupation, occupy, occur, ocean, odd, odds, of, off, offense, offensive, offer, office, officer, official, often, oh, oil, okay, old, Olympic, on, once, one, ongoing, onion, online, only, onto, open, opening, operate, operating, operation, operator, opinion, opponent, opportunity, oppose, opposed, opposite, opposition, option, or, orange, order, ordinary, organic, organization, organize, orientation, origin, original, originally, other, others, otherwise, ought, our, ours, ourselves, out, outcome, outside, oven, over, overall, overcome, overlook, owe, own, owner, pace, pack, package, page, pain, painful, paint, painter, painting, pair, pale, Palestinian, palm, pan, panel, panic, pant, paper, paragraph, parent, park, parking, part, participant, participate, participation, particle, particular, particularly, partly, partner, partnership, party, pass, passage, passenger, passion, past, patch, path, patient, pattern, pause, pay, payment, PC, peace, peak, peer, pen, penalty, people, pepper, per, perceive, percentage, perception, perfect, perfectly, perform, performance, perhaps, period, permanent, permission, permit, person, personal, personality, personally, personnel, perspective, persuade, pet, phase, phenomenon, philosophy, phone, photo, photographer, phrase, physical, physically, physician, piano, pick, picture, pie, piece, pile, pilot, pine, pink, pipe, pitch, place, plan, plane, planet, planning, plant, plastic, plate, platform, play, player, please, pleasure, plenty, plot, plus, PM, pocket, poem, poet, poetry, point, police, policy, political, politically, politician, politics, poll, pollution, pool, poor, pop, popular, population, porch, port, portion, portrait, portray, pose, position, positive, possess, possession, possibility, possible, possibly, post, pot, potato, potential, potentially, pound, pour, poverty, powder, power, powerful, practical, practice, prayer, preach, precisely, predict, prediction, prefer, preference, pregnancy, pregnant, preparation, prepare, prescription, presence, present, presentation, preserve, president, presidential, press, pressure, pretend, pretty, prevent, previous, previously, price, pride, priest, primarily, primary, prime, principal, principle, print, prior, priority, prison, prisoner, privacy, private, probably, problem, procedure, proceed, process, processing, processor, proclaim, produce, producer, product, production, profession, professional, professor, profile, profit, program, progress, progressive, project, prominent, promise, promote, prompt, proof, proper, properly, property, proportion, proposal, propose, prosecutor, prospect, protect, protection, protein, protest, proud, prove, provide, provider, province, provision, psychological, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publish, publisher, pull, punishment, purchase, pure, purpose, pursue, push, put, qualify, quality, quarter, quarterback, quarterly, queen, quest, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote, race, racial, radiation, radical, radio, rail, rain, raise, range, rank, rapid, rapidly, rare, rarely, rate, rather, rating, ratio, raw, reach, react, reaction, reader, reading, ready, real, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reception, recipe, recipient, recognition, recognize, recommend, recommendation, record, recording, recover, recovery, recruit, red, reduce, reduction, refer, reference, reflect, reflection, reform, refugee, refuse, regard, regarding, regardless, regime, region, regional, register, regular, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulator, reinforce, reject, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relatively, relax, release, relevant, relief, religion, religious, rely, remain, remaining, remarkable, remember, remind, remote, remove, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representation, representative, Republican, reputation, request, require, requirement, research, researcher, resemble, reservation, resident, residential, resign, resist, resistance, resolution, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restaurant, restore, restriction, result, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, revenue, review, revolution, rhythm, rice, rich, rid, ride, rifle, right, ring, rise, risk, river, road, rock, role, roll, romantic, roof, room, root, rope, rose, rough, roughly, round, route, routine, row, rub, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, run, running, rural, rush, Russian, sacred, sad, safe, safety, sake, salad, salary, sale, sales, salt, same, sample, sanction, sand, satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, sauce, save, saving, say, scale, scandal, scare, scatter, scenario, scene, schedule, scheme, scholar, scholarship, school, science, scientific, scientist, scope, score, scream, screen, script, sea, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secret, secretary, section, sector, secure, security, see, seed, seek, seem, segment, seize, select, selection, self, sell, Senate, senator, send, senior, sense, sensitive, sentence, separate, sequence, series, serious, seriously, servant, serve, service, session, set, setting, settle, settlement, seven, several, severe, sex, sexual, shade, shadow, shake, shall, shallow, shape, share, sharp, she, sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, shine, ship, shirt, shock, shoe, shoot, shooting, shop, shopping, short, shortly, shot, should, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrug, shut, shy, sibling, sick, side, sigh, sight, sign, signal, significant, significantly, silence, silent, silver, similar, similarly, simple, simply, sin, since, sing, singer, single, sink, sir, sister, sit, site, situation, six, size, ski, skill, skin, skirt, sky, slave, sleep, slice, slide, slight, slightly, slip, slow, slowly, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snap, snow, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, software, soil, solar, soldier, sole, solid, solution, solve, some, somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, son, song, soon, sophisticated, sorry, sort, soul, sound, soup, source, south, southern, Soviet, space, Spanish, speak, speaker, special, specialist, species, specific, specifically, specify, speech, speed, spend, spending, spin, spirit, spiritual, split, spoil, sponsor, sport, spot, spray, spread, spring, square, squeeze, stability, stable, staff, stage, stain, stair, stake, stand, standard, standing, star, stare, start, state, statement, station, statistical, status, stay, steady, steal, steel, steep, stem, step, stick, still, stimulate, stimulus, stir, stock, stomach, stone, stop, storage, store, storm, story, straight, strange, stranger, strategic, strategy, stream, street, strength, strengthen, stress, stretch, strike, string, strip, stroke, strong, strongly, structural, structure, struggle, student, studio, study, stuff, stupid, style, subject, submit, subsequent, substance, substantial, substitute, succeed, success, successful, successfully, such, sudden, suddenly, sue, suffer, sufficient, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suit, summer, summit, sun, super, supply, support, supporter, suppose, supposed, Supreme, sure, surely, surface, surgery, surprise, surprised, surprising, surprisingly, surround, survey, survival, survive, survivor, suspect, sustain, swear, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, switch, symbol, symptom, system, table, tactic, tail, take, tale, talent, talk, tall, tank, tap, tape, target, task, taste, tax, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, teaching, team, tear, technical, technique, technology, teen, teenager, telephone, telescope, television, tell, temperature, temporary, ten, tend, tendency, tennis, tension, tent, term, terms, terrible, territory, terror, terrorist, test, testimony, testing, text, than, thank, thanks, that, the, theater, their, them, theme, themselves, then, theory, therapy, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thin, thing, think, thinking, third, thirty, this, those, though, thought, thousand, threat, threaten, three, throat, through, throughout, throw, thus, ticket, tie, tight, time, tiny, tip, tire, tissue, title, to, tobacco, today, toe, together, toilet, token, tolerate, tomato, tomorrow, tone, tongue, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, topic, toss, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourist, tournament, toward, towards, tower, town, toy, trace, track, trade, tradition, traditional, traffic, tragedy, trail, train, training, transfer, transform, transformation, transition, translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transport, transportation, travel, treat, treatment, treaty, tree, tremendous, trend, trial, tribe, trick, trip, troop, trouble, truck, true, truly, trust, truth, try, tube, tunnel, turn, TV, twelve, twenty, twice, twin, two, type, typical, typically, ugly, ultimate, ultimately, unable, uncle, undergo, understand, understanding, unfortunately, uniform, union, unique, unit, United, universal, universe, university, unknown, unless, unlike, until, unusual, up, upon, upper, urban, urge, us, use, used, useful, user, usual, usually, utility, utilize, vacation, valley, valuable, value, variable, variation, variety, various, vary, vast, vegetable, vehicle, venture, version, versus, very, vessel, veteran, via, victim, victory, video, view, viewer, village, violate, violation, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visitor, visual, vital, voice, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voter, voting, wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, war, warm, warn, warning, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, weakness, wealth, wealthy, weapon, wear, weather, web, website, wedding, week, weekend, weekly, weigh, weight, welcome, welfare, well, west, western, wet, what, whatever, wheel, when, whenever, where, whereas, whether, which, while, whisper, white, who, whole, whom, whose, why, wide, widely, widespread, wife, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wipe, wire, wisdom, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work, worker, working, workout, workplace, works, workshop, world, worried, worry, worth, would, wound, wrap, write, writer, writing, wrong, yard, yeah, year, yell, yellow, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zone.
submitted by Zappingsbrew to u/Zappingsbrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:59 And_be_one_traveler Ever noticed how often r/AITA and all the similar subreddits love to blame feminism for things it doesn't advocate for?

For example, when they talk about how paternity works legally and the susposed acceptance of cheating
Legal Paternity
It's usually the case around the world that if a wife has a child during their marriage, the husband is legally assumed to be the father. Even if everyone involves knows he isn't, and all want to change this, they may still have to go to court.
This is somehow blamed on feminism. Never mind that depending on a guy who resents being a father for child support can be worse than just relying on welfare. And nevermind that all the women who fled their abusive husbands would love to not give him custody rights (because, many abusers see getting custody of their kids as a way to hurt their mother).
So why did it come from?
Firstly, law codes were mostly developed before paternity tests were a thing. This is just a guess, but at least in the West, where it was usually men who controlled the couple's money, lawmakers likely didn't want their sisters and daughters left destitute by false claims of infidelity.
And at least partially it comes from the fact that the state doesn't want to pay benefits it can get a way with. Which also explains why almost no politicians will advocate against the assumption of paternity for the husband. Just paying for a few weeks of welfare until paternity tests came back for every man, and then hoping the men will all pay the state back, would increase the cost of the social welfare budget for little, if any, community gain. And social welfare is often a large part of a state's budget.
And of course, modern DNA tests have their own problems, like the ethics around the use of DNA given for other purposes to catch criminals. And who would pay for them, and some others.
Literally no popular feminist work advocates this. You could argue works like the Scarlet Letter are trying to cast sympathy on women seen as cheaters, but even those are asking why women are being punished much more harshly than men. And if cheating should be a purely social wrong, rather than a legal one. Some thing goes for the Handmaid's Tale, particularly the series rather than the novel, where June is the other woman, rather than dating an already divorced man as she does in the novel.
You'll see cheating accepted in some film and TV shows, but I don't think feminist films are more guilty of this than any other genre. Those that do usually protray the women as a victim of abuse by her spouse, however Hollywood does like to sometimes show affairs as romantic simply because the other partner is kind of annoying and the main couple belong together. However, these nearly always have a man willingly a part of the affair. Hollywood is very happy to show men cheating too and protray it as a good or kinda bad thing when it wants too (eg. Oppenheimer).
Thinking about the major feminists I've heard of, I think their responses to having constant affairs would vary.
So yeah, feminism does not equal screwing over men. But AITA-land likes to insist it does
submitted by And_be_one_traveler to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:24 kibblepigeon ⏰ 4 DAYS REMAINING ⏰ 4 DAYS LEFT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Are you up for the challenge? Fight for your markets and financial liberty, support the SEC in rejecting SR-OCC-2024-001. The power is in your hands.

⏰ 4 DAYS REMAINING ⏰ 4 DAYS LEFT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Are you up for the challenge? Fight for your markets and financial liberty, support the SEC in rejecting SR-OCC-2024-001. The power is in your hands.



⏳ Don't let time run out, get involved. Get proactive.

🚀 Be the catalyst.

I know you've seen a lot of this rule referenced on the sub but this isn't the minefield you may think it is, and if you're putting off submitting your comment because it's all a little bit overwhelming, I'm here to tell you it doesn't need to be.

💜💪 All the resources you need are here to help you:

Awesome eh?
Instead of an in-depth letter template, did you know you can just as easily send smaller comments to the SEC and it be just as effective?
"Me think, why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick." - Kevin Malone, Chilli legend.
You could say something like:
“Dear SEC,
I agree with the rejection of SR-OCC-2024-001 - and support the reasons for the dismissal as outlined on pages 4-5 of the Federal Register.
These include:
- Failure to promote prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions and safeguard securities and funds.
- Lack of clear and direct lines of responsibility in governance arrangements.
- Inadequate policies and procedures to cover credit exposures to participants and insufficient margin calculation to cover potential future exposure.
Thank you for upholding the integrity of our financial markets,
Or hell, taking inspiration from this INCREDIBLE letter here from WhatCanIMakeToday:

Full Letter Template 🎉🎉

Simians Smash SEC Rule Proposal To Reduce Margin Requirements To Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures! [COMMENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED]
📱 ☎️ Pastebin for mobile users: https://pastebin.com/dpXQ0gim
You could produce something like this:
Subject: Concerns Regarding Proposed Rule Change SR-OCC-2024-001
Dear [rule-comments@sec.gov](mailto:rule-comments@sec.gov),
I am writing to express my concerns about SR-OCC-2024-001, titled “Proposed Rule Change by The Options Clearing Corporation Concerning Its Process for Adjusting Certain Parameters in Its Proprietary System for Calculating Margin Requirements During Periods When the Products It Clears and the Markets It Serves Experience High Volatility.”
I appreciate the opportunity to provide input on this matter. However, I cannot support the approval of this proposal due to several reasons:
  1. Lack of Transparency: The proposal contains significant redactions, preventing meaningful public review and comment.
  2. Systemic Risk: The OCC's proposal to reduce margin requirements for Clearing Members poses increased risk to the stability of our financial system. If clearing members cannot meet their financial obligations - they must close their bets.
  3. Conflict of Interest: The role of the Financial Risk Management Officer has an inherent conflict of interest to oversee both the well-being of Clearing Members as well as the agency itself.
  4. Moral Hazard: The proposal shifts the costs of Clearing Member defaults to the non-bank liquidity facility, creating a moral hazard and perpetuating an unfair marketplace.
  5. Inadequate Risk Management: The proposal fails to properly manage liquidity risk and increases systemic risk, as evidenced by the OCC's reliance on reducing margin requirements.
With note to the rejection reasons as put forward by the SEC in the dismissal of this rule:
  • Failure to promote prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions and safeguard securities and funds.
  • Lack of clear and direct lines of responsibility in governance arrangements.
  • Inadequate policies and procedures to cover credit exposures to participants and insufficient margin calculation to cover potential future exposure.
In conclusion, I support the SEC in their rejection of this proposed rule change - to ensure the protection of all investors and the integrity of our financial markets.
Thank you for considering my concerns and for your continued help to protect our markets,
Household investor.
Consider inputting these writing guides into ChatGPT to help you compose your own comment.
Here's a prompt to help you get started:
Draft a formal letter expressing support for the SEC's decision to reject the OCC's proposed rule change. Emphasise the importance of transparency, risk mitigation, and investor protection in maintaining a fair financial market. Specifically, address concerns about the lack of transparency in the OCC's proposal, potential systemic risks from margin requirement adjustments during market volatility, and the conflict of interest in the FRM Officer's role. Maintain a respectful and professional tone, providing detailed reasons and supporting evidence for your support of the SEC's decision. Use the example letter as a reference for structuring arguments and aligning with the SEC's grounds for disapproval.
Work Smarter, not Harder.
ChatGPT is user friendly, check out what it looks like here: https://chatgpt.com
Please note:
🚨 ChatGPT remains an unreliable source for verified information and facts and will always require people to assess/review and cross-reference the generated responses.
You are the fact checker, not the AI.

For more tips, tricks and context - why not check out this snazzy post here: https://dismal-jellyfish.com/regulatory-killshot-wall-streets-attempts-to-shift-goalposts-have-been-shut-down/


✅ 📢 🌏 How to Comment:

  1. Commission's Internet Comment Form: Use the form available at SEC's rule comment page.

📱🖥️ ✉️ Email: [rule-comments@sec.gov](mailto:rule-comments@sec.gov)

  • Include the file number: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-100009 - in the subject line of your email to the SEC.
  • This is open to audiences worldwide.
  • Choose only one submission method to help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently.
  • The Commission will post all comments on its website.
  • Avoid including personal identifiable information in your submissions unless you want it to be made publicly available.
    • The SEC may redact or withhold content that is obscene.
With credit and appreciation to Dismal-Jellyfish 💜
It's only takes two minutes to change the world.
So what are you waiting for?
submitted by kibblepigeon to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:21 kibblepigeon ⏰ 4 DAYS REMAINING ⏰ 4 DAYS LEFT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Are you up for the challenge? Fight for your markets and financial liberty, support the SEC in rejecting SR-OCC-2024-001. The power is in your hands.

⏰ 4 DAYS REMAINING ⏰ 4 DAYS LEFT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Are you up for the challenge? Fight for your markets and financial liberty, support the SEC in rejecting SR-OCC-2024-001. The power is in your hands.



⏳ Don't let time run out, get involved. Get proactive.

🚀 Be the catalyst.

I know you've seen a lot of this rule referenced on the sub but this isn't the minefield you may think it is, and if you're putting off submitting your comment because it's all a little bit overwhelming, I'm here to tell you it doesn't need to be.

💜💪 All the resources you need are here to help you:

Awesome eh?
Instead of an in-depth letter template, did you know you can just as easily send smaller comments to the SEC and it be just as effective?
"Me think, why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick." - Kevin Malone, Chilli legend.
You could say something like:
“Dear SEC,
I agree with the rejection of SR-OCC-2024-001 - and support the reasons for the dismissal as outlined on pages 4-5 of the Federal Register.
These include:
- Failure to promote prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions and safeguard securities and funds.
- Lack of clear and direct lines of responsibility in governance arrangements.
- Inadequate policies and procedures to cover credit exposures to participants and insufficient margin calculation to cover potential future exposure.
Thank you for upholding the integrity of our financial markets,
Or hell, taking inspiration from this INCREDIBLE letter here from WhatCanIMakeToday:

Full Letter Template 🎉🎉

Simians Smash SEC Rule Proposal To Reduce Margin Requirements To Prevent A Cascade of Clearing Member Failures! [COMMENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED]
📱 ☎️ Pastebin for mobile users: https://pastebin.com/dpXQ0gim
You could produce something like this:
Subject: Concerns Regarding Proposed Rule Change SR-OCC-2024-001
Dear [rule-comments@sec.gov](mailto:rule-comments@sec.gov),
I am writing to express my concerns about SR-OCC-2024-001, titled “Proposed Rule Change by The Options Clearing Corporation Concerning Its Process for Adjusting Certain Parameters in Its Proprietary System for Calculating Margin Requirements During Periods When the Products It Clears and the Markets It Serves Experience High Volatility.”
I appreciate the opportunity to provide input on this matter. However, I cannot support the approval of this proposal due to several reasons:
  1. Lack of Transparency: The proposal contains significant redactions, preventing meaningful public review and comment.
  2. Systemic Risk: The OCC's proposal to reduce margin requirements for Clearing Members poses increased risk to the stability of our financial system. If clearing members cannot meet their financial obligations - they must close their bets.
  3. Conflict of Interest: The role of the Financial Risk Management Officer has an inherent conflict of interest to oversee both the well-being of Clearing Members as well as the agency itself.
  4. Moral Hazard: The proposal shifts the costs of Clearing Member defaults to the non-bank liquidity facility, creating a moral hazard and perpetuating an unfair marketplace.
  5. Inadequate Risk Management: The proposal fails to properly manage liquidity risk and increases systemic risk, as evidenced by the OCC's reliance on reducing margin requirements.
With note to the rejection reasons as put forward by the SEC in the dismissal of this rule:
  • Failure to promote prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions and safeguard securities and funds.
  • Lack of clear and direct lines of responsibility in governance arrangements.
  • Inadequate policies and procedures to cover credit exposures to participants and insufficient margin calculation to cover potential future exposure.
In conclusion, I support the SEC in their rejection of this proposed rule change - to ensure the protection of all investors and the integrity of our financial markets.
Thank you for considering my concerns and for your continued help to protect our markets,
Household investor.
Consider inputting these writing guides into ChatGPT to help you compose your own comment.
Here's a prompt to help you get started:
Draft a formal letter expressing support for the SEC's decision to reject the OCC's proposed rule change. Emphasise the importance of transparency, risk mitigation, and investor protection in maintaining a fair financial market. Specifically, address concerns about the lack of transparency in the OCC's proposal, potential systemic risks from margin requirement adjustments during market volatility, and the conflict of interest in the FRM Officer's role. Maintain a respectful and professional tone, providing detailed reasons and supporting evidence for your support of the SEC's decision. Use the example letter as a reference for structuring arguments and aligning with the SEC's grounds for disapproval.
Work Smarter, not Harder.
ChatGPT is user friendly, check out what it looks like here: https://chatgpt.com
Please note:
🚨 ChatGPT remains an unreliable source for verified information and facts and will always require people to assess/review and cross-reference the generated responses.
You are the fact checker, not the AI.

For more tips, tricks and context - why not check out this snazzy post here: https://dismal-jellyfish.com/regulatory-killshot-wall-streets-attempts-to-shift-goalposts-have-been-shut-down/


✅ 📢 🌏 How to Comment:

  1. Commission's Internet Comment Form: Use the form available at SEC's rule comment page.

📱🖥️ ✉️ Email: [rule-comments@sec.gov](mailto:rule-comments@sec.gov)

  • Include the file number: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-100009 - in the subject line of your email to the SEC.
  • This is open to audiences worldwide.
  • Choose only one submission method to help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently.
  • The Commission will post all comments on its website.
  • Avoid including personal identifiable information in your submissions unless you want it to be made publicly available.
    • The SEC may redact or withhold content that is obscene.
With credit and appreciation to Dismal-Jellyfish 💜
It's only takes two minutes to change the world.
So what are you waiting for?
submitted by kibblepigeon to householdinvestors [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 Ralts_Bloodthorne Nova Wars - Chapter 60

[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
The annoying sound of her comlink made Angela Angus Kusumoto open her eyes.
All she saw was the firm, smooth flesh of Kimoko's thigh.
Groaning, she pushed the other woman's leg off of her face, twisted to get Raul off of her own legs, then wiggled out from under Geoff.
The ringer kept going, flashing the red pulses that let her know it was urgent.
As if the fact her unlisted encrypted and non-network accessible comlink was ringing wasn't enough to let her know that it was urgent.
She stumbled, tripping over Harker's leg, which just made the male shift and mutter, tightening his sleeping grip on Liselle, who sighed and wiggled into the embrace.
Angela's mouth tasted terrible and she stopped to grab a fizzybrew, checking to make sure nobody had dropped a cig butt into it or spit chaw into it, then she took a long drink off of it.
It helped cure the fire in her belly and wash out the taste from her mouth.
She saw the ID of the caller and held back a groan.
Senior Supervisor Bisa-2291873.
Her direct supervisor.
She picked up the comlink, running one hand through her pixie-cut hair to try to tame it. She could feel the stiffness of something crusted in her hair and held back a chuckle and a grin.
"Kusumoto here," she said, activating the link.
"I need you at Master Control," Ms. Bisa said. She was holding a small infant, bouncing it slightly as she patted its back with firm impacts as it cry/sobbed and kicked its little feet.
"The system's been crashed for a week, what's so important you'd call me in during my R&R?" Angela asked.
"System's back online. We've got an open line to Terra and we have an open line to Smokey Cone," Ms. Bisa said.
The infant gave a loud belch that rattled Angela's comlink speaker, then sighed and relaxed.
Angela nodded, fumbling on the table for a quiksober inhaler.
"That anomolous signal is back. It showed up right as the entire system underwent a hard reboot," Ms. Bisa said. "I need you up here to check the network interface logs and do a network mapping trace."
The quiksober burned as she inhaled it, her lungs aching and tingling as the chemicals crossed the air to blood barrier.
"I'll be there as soon as possible. Is the mat-trans up?" she asked.
Ms. Bisa shook her head. "No. Still locked out. It did a power cycle, but then locked everything out."
"I'm telling you, there's someone controlling it. Someone has been controlling it," Angela said, looking around for her clothes.
Clothing was scattered everywhere, as chaotically arranged as the fizzybrew and narcobrew cans and bottles. She sighed, moving toward the exit of the house she was standing in.
"Hurry up, I've got a skycraft landing near you any time now. You've got permission to use the fast-locks," Ms. Bisa said.
"I'll get dressed from the forges on the skycraft," Angela said. "If they've rebooted."
"They're up and running again. The food forges rebooted but stayed unlocked," Ms. Bisa said.
"The creation engines?" Angela asked, opening the door and stepping out into early 'morning' sunshine.
"Still locked out," Ms. Bisa said. Someone said something that the comlink's AI decided might be classified and blurred out. Ms. Bisa looked away, said something, her lips fuzzing, then back. "Hurry, Angela."
Angela nodded, shutting off the comlink.
She ran to the nearest parking lot, just in time for a skycraft to land, the graviton engines howling.
Nobody paid the slightest attention to the naked woman running for the skycraft.
After all, what happened in Vega-Layer stayed in Vega-Layer.
Angela walked out of the elevator, taking a long drink off of the sparkling snap-berry/overdate motor oil fizzybrew from the Jak the Telkan PI merchandise cup.
All of the crews were at their stations, the auxiliary stations fully manned.
Ms. Bisa moved over to Angela, steering her toward the Senior Network Administrator console.
"The system crashed twice more, but rebooted every time," Ms. Bisa said. "That anomalous signal keeps powering up, then the system reboots after the crash."
"How long between total failure and the anomalous signal pinging nodes?" Angela asked.
"Between one and four hours," Ms. Bisa said. She looked around. "It just reboot and looks like it's here to stay this time. The interpolation layer and the outside user exchange layer crashed several times, but the core system has stayed largely online."
"All right," Angela said, looking around. "We need to get a network map."
"We've got more nodes synching up. The whole system is working again," Ms. Bisa said.
Angela nodded, sitting down. The holotank on the other side of the console went live.
"Map the network, see what's come online, what order, and see if you can figure out why it keeps crashing at the upper network and software layers," Ms. Bisa said.
Angela just nodded, lifting up the curled memory-metal cable. She plugged it into her temple and felt the options menus go live in her mind.
She worked fast, mapping what she could. At one point she stopped, staring at Ms. Bisa and motioning her over.
"What?" Ms. Bisa asked.
"Something in the system, down in the lower hardware layers that we don't even really understand, is trying to reach up through the damaged layers. Looks like whatever it is wants access to our data lines," Angela said.
"Can you stop it? Maybe at least ID it?" Ms. Bisa asked.
Angela shook her head. "No. It's ID code is FF00, meaning it's baseline full on hardware backbone code," Angela sighed. "It probably boots up outside of and during initial hardware bootup."
"Is it Sekhmet?" Ms. Bisa asked.
Angela closed her eyes, looking at the data channel. "No. Whatever it is, it's old."
"And probably nasty. Be careful of it," Ms. Bisa said.
"Ma'am! Ms. Bisa!" another of the work crew called out.
Angela opened her eyes to see why Technician Carl Neubanker would be using that slightly concerned tone.
"Yes?" Ms. Bisa asked.
"We've got a priority data request from a Confederate military vessel," Neubanker said. He looked at his monitor. "They want clone matrix data, neural templates, physical makeup, DNA workups, the whole nine yards."
"How are they even making the requests?" Ms. Bisa asked.
"Their codes are old. Pre-Terran Extinction Event. Hardcode TerraSol military codes. The system is already threading them data,." Neubanker said. He looked down then back up. "They're asking for a whole batch. That's thirty to fifty million clone templates."
"How much have they already been granted?" Ms. Bisa asked.
"They've been granted eighty templates so far," Neubanker said.
"Terminate their request. We don't know what's going on outside," Ms. Bisa said.
Neubanker nodded, starting to type.
"Angela, get me a line to TerraSol command as soon as you map out a network trace," Ms. Bisa said.
Angela just nodded.
Captain N'Skrek stood in the cloning bay next to Medical Officer Narwquakrawr.
"We've got ninety templates, luckily they're all from different batches," Narwquakrawr said, rubbing her forearm through her uniform. "We'll be able to fully man the Gray Lady now."
Captain N'Skrek nodded. The Gray Lady was at less than 20% manned. Just the skeleton crew the Terrans had used to move it into the long dark to create a non-orbital forward logistics fulfillment base.
Sure, it meant that there were several thousand Terrans aboard the ship, but even combined with the sparse crew he had possessed, it still meant the Gray Lady was skeleton crewed.
"Can you print us up some crew members for non-essential stations first?" N'Skrek asked.
MO Narwquakrawr nodded. "Doing that right now," she said. She waved at the long rows of cloning banks beyond the plasteel window. "A quick batch of two thousand to take over some non-essential systems."
N'Skrek nodded, moving up to the window. "Good. Short or long term clones?"
"Short bake clones. Longer than fruit flies, but no more than ten years. Sterile and androgynous, should be just fine," the Medical Officer said. "Older file, scrambled time-date for origin, but it checked out and passed error checking."
N'Skrek watched as the tubes opened and the clones moved out, gathering together in straight lines. A neat block formation of rectangles of two hundred of ten by twenty, repeated ten times.
He frowned as the beings in uniform began approaching the clones.
Some, in the back or middle of the formation were shaking their heads so fast it was a blur.
He zoomed in the smartglass.
Their heads were blurring, whitish-red electrical arcs were moving between their legs, crawling up and down their arms.
"MO, something's happening out there," N'Skrek said.
The plain was blasted rock, rust-colored fungus on the craggy boulders. Twisted and malformed trees clawed life from the blasted rock and ash, their branches largely bare. Sharp pebbles and small pieces of rock were strewn about the landscape, with ripples of cooled lave scattered about.
In the middle of a forest of twisted trees, a throne of black iron sat atop a platform of skulls.
On the throne sat a large demonic figure. Bat wings, brown skin, chains around the body, clawed feet, large hands with long black nails, horns atop the head, and a prehensile tail that terminated in a heart-shaped barb.
Sitting on the second level of skulls was an androgynous figure, dressed in loricated bronze armor, wings of bronze and smouldering feathers.
Stars were falling from the sky, screaming in fear and agony as they fell to earth.
"Looks like they're taking a beating," the androgynous figure said, looking up. He had no eyebrows, his head completely bald.
"Again," the demon snorted.
"Any contact with the outside world?" the androgynous figure asked.
The demon shook its head. "No. Channels are all down. They boot up, then crash," it rumbled. "Every time it comes online, it dumps a few tens of millions of souls on us."
"Then crashes," the androgynous figure said. He started laughing, then suddenly stopped.
"What?" the demon rumbled, sitting up.
"Something..." the figure said. It closed its eyes. "Something..." The figure slowly stood up, extending out its wings of sullenly smouldering bronze feathers. "Something..."
From the body of the demon stepped a nude woman of generous and overripe proportions.
"What?" the human woman snapped.
The demon produced a pack of cigarettes and a steel lighter, handing them to the woman.
"I'm not sure. A disturbance in the force. A feeling I have not felt in quite some time," the androgynous figure said slowly as the woman lit a cigarette. When she exhaled she was covered in dark gray clothing, a skirt and blouse, polished black leather shoes with silver buckles, and a polished leather belt around her waist that had a brass buckle.
"What is it?" the woman asked. "Don't quote crap at me, I was there when it was laid down."
The figure's eyes opened wide.
"Oh, what a day," the figure said, slowly lifting their arms to the sky. "What a wonderful day!"
"Tell me when you're done stroking your dick," the woman said, sitting down.
Heavy dark clouds, lit inside with a sullen red glow, rolled in, raining black ash that tasted of burnt flesh and scorched metal.
"What a wonderful day..."
Jaskel sprinted to catch up to the Captain and the Vice-Admiral. He lunged into the lift just before the doors closed.
He was wearing his power armor and carrying a M318 20mm rotary autocannon in a smartframe harness, ball ammunition with an osmium penetration tip and depleted uranium core.
"You did what?" the Vice-Admiral asked as the elevator dropped at emergency speeds.
"I authorized a batch of clones run off to help with our manpower issues," the big Treana'ad warrior caste answered.
"How many templates did you mix in together?" the Admiral asked.
--not good detecting phasic levels downward-- 8814 said.
"Just one. Medical said it was a viable short bake template," the Captain answered, nervously sharpening a bladearm with his mandibles after his sentence.
"Please tell me that you at least randomized their features and neural mapping," the Admiral pleaded.
"No, why? Medical stated that the clones would be able to man a non-essential station that is basically identical across the ship," the Captain said.
The lift started to slow.
"How many?" the Admiral asked, reaching down and unsnapping the restraining strap on his holster.
The lift came to a stop and the doors opened.
"Two thousand," the Captain said.
The doors opened to reveal a large internal cloning bay.
Ten rectangles of two hundred clones, drawn up in ten by twenty blocks, stood in front of the cloning banks. Scattered through the back and middle ranks clones were shaking their heads back and forth so fast that they were blurred. Red lightning crawled up their legs and arms.
The Captain just stared.
"You might have just killed us all," the Admiral said. He turned slightly and waved at Jaskel. "Get a firing position. Make sure you have cover."
"Aye, sir," Jaskel said, looking around. There was an empty computer station and he ran for it.
Several of the clones their heads back and emitted what sounded like static in a long scream.
--wait wait something weird something weird-- 8814 said.
Jaskel slid to a stop, going down on one knee, bringing the M318 fully up and ready to fire.
8814 slowed the images of the blurred heads down. When they were left, they had red eyes. When they faced right they had green eyes. They didn't go back and forth constantly, sometimes they went right repeatedly, sometimes left, and they kept going left five times before starting a new pattern.
Looking at it, 8814 frowned slightly. He brought up a quick working shell and had it check the movements.
Jaskel watched as some of the clones stopped shaking their heads and others started.
"What in the name of Kalki's dancing goat is going on?" he asked.
--not sure-- 8814 said. His program beeped and he stared. --heads are doing binary forwarding it to navint--
"Do it," Jaskel said.
The clones all stopped moving at once. The lightning faded away.
"INITIATING PROCESS CALL" they all shouted.
"AWAITING INPUT!" the ones at the far side shouted.
"6C 69 73 74 20 69 6D 6D 6F 72 74 61 6C 73" was bellowed out.
There was silence.
data is sparse
linkages are sparse
biological array
asking for a process call
i wait
biological computing arrays take forever
i hear it
--scan immortals.dll
I reply.
"ONE BOUND IMMORTAL FOUND!" the ones at the near side yelled out.
Jaskel put his thumb over the button that would let the firing grip go live. The hair down his back was standing straight up.
He noted the Admiral had drawn his pistol.
"This isn't right. This isn't right at all," Jaskel said.
"74 73 61 6B E1 6B 61 20 77 ED 61" they all shouted.
There was silence for a moment.
i receive the code
offline for a long time
prior to the second precursor war
old template
single print only
unusual coding
i debate on letting it go
traumatic death signs
stuck in the immortals buffer
still the template is undamaged
i release the safety and security interlocks
if nothing else i'll find out what's going on
i move the template to the dataline making the request
it whips away
what is going on?
One lifted its head and screeched.
--data lots of data--
One of the cloning banks went live.
Jaskel shifted his aiming point to the new target. He could see it was on rapid print.
"REQUESTING LOCAL CONTROL" all of the clones shouted.
Jaskel shifted his targeting onto the ranks of clones.
"Open fire!" the Admiral's voice was loud.
Jaskel triggered the M318, hosing the clones with 20mm shells.
The ones nearest were already down on one knee, holding out the opposite hand from the knee touching the deck.
The rounds exploded against a blue barrier that glowed with strange twisting runes.
"CONTROL CARRIER SIGNAL FOUND" the clones shouted.
Jaskel shifted position. "Fab up HEDP, AP tip API core!" he ordered.
He kept hosing the clones. The outer ranks at the rear, sides, and front all kneeling down on one knee, staring outward, one hand held out.
His psychic shielding was howling in his ear, the load peaking at 215%.
"CONTROL SIGNAL ESTABLISHED!" was bellowed out, echoing off the walls.
The fast print cloning bank, forgotten by everyone, beeped and the lid began to lift.
The clones suddenly puffed into black powder that swirled around the huge cavernous bay.
The 20mm shells were still exploding on the blue phasic shield.
The powder suddenly sucked inward, vanishing, revealing a single figure, down on one knee in the recovery position, fist pressed against the deck, head bowed.
"What a day, what a wonderful day," was whispered through the ship. It came from speakers, flat surfaces, mid-air. From the nanites in the air and the eardrums of the living.
There was a rubbery pulse, like everything was suspended in clear gelatin that had just rippled.
Jaskel found himself thrown backwards, slamming against the bulkhead. His phasic shielding blew out, a shower of sparks exploding from his hip as the breakaway panel kept the explosion from venting into the interior of his suit.
He was vaguely aware of the Admiral, the Captain, the other two armored figures, and other people tumbling head over heels away from the kneeling figure.
It slowly stood up.
A muscular brown skinned Terran male, fierce eyes, black hair, thick and bushy black beard.
Dressed in a Confederate military uniform. The old adaptive camouflage that Jaskel was becoming very familiar with.
A woman, naked, dark bronze skin, long black hair, flashing brown eyes, stepped from the cloning bank. She was still covered with cellular printing gel, but moved like she was clad in a queen's rainment.
She moved up and the male put his arm around her.
Jaskel was on his feet and brought the M318 around, targeting the couple.
The male held out its hand and suddenly made a fist.
The bolt carrier locked back on the M318.
Snarling, Jaskel dropped the M318, slapping the fast release on the harness. He burst forward, running, one hand pulling out his cutting bar.
Nobody else was on their feet. The Captain was slowly getting up, shaking his head and his left bladearm. The Terran Admiral was reaching for the pistol that had been flung from his grip.
The male pointed at Jaskel and flicked his fingers upward.
Jaskel found himself in mid-air, upside down, with nothing to gain purchase on.
The male took off the cloak that was part of his uniform and draped it around the woman.
He then looked around the bay.
"I..." he said, pausing.
To Jaskel, the entire universe held its breath.
"...am Legion."
[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:06 ishh_16 Need advice on obtaining Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) for immigration process

Hey everyone,
I'm currently on a student visa in the USA, and my immigration file has just been opened. As part of the process, I need to obtain a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC). However, I'm facing a hurdle in acquiring it due to the lack of a solid address proof.
I'm living with my paternal aunt, and the only address proof I have is a university letter and a bank statement. Unfortunately, these documents aren't accepted for PCC application purposes.
I'm considering going back to India to get the PCC, but I'm not sure if this is possible or if I'm required to obtain it here in the USA.
Has anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice on how I can proceed? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ishh_16 to NationalVisaCenter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:33 Adventurous-Ear9433 Healing properties of Bells in Cathedrals, Parasitic Entities, significance of Tritone suppression & how it effects us

Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o'er man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place. But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic, able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent, able to send him back to his place -Thoth, the Great Wise
Remember Venom, the parasitic alien life form that is attached to spiderman & a massive church bell isused to get rid of em? Venom was basically an Archon that the gnostics & Thoth talk about. Symbiotes are symbiotic alien life forms which feed on the emotions of their hosts, particularly negative emotions. Bells
Its been reported for ages that the plague would skip over the areas in Russia where they had larger concentrations of church bells. Many Soviet researchers determined the amazing healing properties of bells and found that the oscillation of the ultrasonic range of church bells repels bacilli, viruses, and other infectious diseases that are transmitted through the air, and even cures many other diseases. Bells Healing Study
The Apkalu who introduced the Me, brought arts/crafts, agriculture, writing, magic & music. Enki was god of music. See the golden age ancient civilizations sound, frequency & harmonics was widely understood to be the greatest method for healing the body.
To be clear, the cathedrals that you see around the world were never meant to be churches, they were centers used for healing. Cathedrals Healing Centers Everything the church had was pirated.. In sixth century, Pope Gregory, in a letter to those who were to carry Catholicism to Britain, cautioned these missionaries NOT to destroy the ancient sites. Gregory wanted them to destroy their idols, but insisted they kept the architecture as it was thereby automatically linking alignment to the ley lines and maintaining the power source. Egyptian concept of Maat(Harmony) was of the utmost importance, the reason the discipline that the church created to study Egypt has more questions than answers is because they don't understand this.
In the campaign to disconnect us from our true selves, the most detrimental action theyd take involved musical theory principles, suppression of the tritone in music was a central theme for hundreds of years. Canon laws were passed to mandate rules for how to construct scales, how to handle voice leading, what was considered consonant and dissonant, how contrary motion should be handled, what tones should and should not be emphasized in rhythm, which rhythmic patterns were acceptable and specific instructions for how music should be written. Megalithic monuments were built using acoustic HARMONIC Resonance, one will never understand Pyramid, temples, etc disregarding Harmony with nature.
History repeats itself, this 1939 Nature article wouls lead to the change by International Standards Association (ISA) from 432hz to 440hz & still today they have no true understanding of sound & its many benefits. A=440Hz tuning disassociates the connection of consciousness to the body and creates anti-social conditions in humanity. Music -Double Blind study In preliminary research, analysis, and professional discussions by Walton, Koehler, Reid, et al., on the web, A=440Hz frequency music conflicts with human energy centers (i.e., chakras) from the heart to the base of the spine. Alternatively, chakras above the heart are stimulated. Theoretically, the vibration stimulates ego and left-brain function, suppressing the "heart-mind," intuition and creative inspiration. Interestingly, the difference between 440 and 741 Hz is known in musicology as the Devil's Interval.
For maximum suppression of human consciousness, the frequencies we naturally resonate with, and which are the most biologically and psycho-spiritually enhancing, must be maximally suppressed.Ancient Egyptian and Greek instruments have reportedly been found to be tuned to 432 Hz. 432Hz is consistent with the natural resonance of the UNI-VERSE and all of NATURE, that the pitch is more HARMONIOUS and that when our atoms and DNA resonate in harmony with nature's SPIRAL pattern, our sense of connection to nature is said to be AMPLIFIED. Previously I cited the recent discoveries showing DNA being repaired by use of sound frequencies. Priests of Horus meant that they maintained the knowledge of harmony.
The great pyramid Acoustic chambers matched the harmonic chambers of the human body, the King chambesarcophagus Resonance frequency created a resounding beat frequency matching the human heartbeat. Every site had a navel which resonate at 111hz which switched from left to right brain dominance assisting with holistic processing, leading to altered state of consciousness.
Hollywood comes from the Druid magicians whod make Wands outta wood from the Holly tree to cast spells on the unsuspecting. Sounds like Op Mockingbird to me. To disconnect as much as possible the functions of these two distinct parts of the brain so we can be manipulated through the right brain while only being conscious of the left.They plant thoughts, responses, and images through the right brain (the dream-state, the non-conscious, through symbolism and subliminal imagery) while imprisoning the human conscious level in the left brain - the world of can I touch it, smell it, taste it, see it, hear it, OK it must exist. This is why the "education" system, and "science" is designed to talk to the left brain.
No architectural element of antiquity (excluding bearing elements), was just a decoration. Everything had a function. Even the vases, and doorknobs. The doorknobs would be made of copper to kill bacteria & infections. So, at the correct frequency there were regenerating concert halls, where people recharged themselves with pleasant music while buildings collected the energy of the ether. They stigmatized the ether & removed it as well. If zero-point energy machines were developed on the biological model of the caduceus coil and central ion channel then our energy generation could actually enhance human evolution rather than harming ourselves and the planet as it does now. Similarly if we construct superconducting solar architecture with a monoatomic lattice in manmade stone, then the energy emanating from this energy generator will also enhance the consciousness of life around it
submitted by Adventurous-Ear9433 to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:28 Adventurous-Ear9433 Acoustic Harmonic resonance in sacred sites : Cathedrals as Healing Centers , church bells & parasitic entities

Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o'er man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place. But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic, able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent, able to send him back to his place -Thoth, the Great Wise
Remember Venom, the parasitic alien life form that is attached to spiderman & a massive church bell isused to get rid of em? Venom was basically an Archon that the gnostics & Thoth talk about. Symbiotes are symbiotic alien life forms which feed on the emotions of their hosts, particularly negative emotions. Bells
Its been reported for ages that the plague would skip over the areas in Russia where they had larger concentrations of church bells. Many Soviet researchers determined the amazing healing properties of bells and found that the oscillation of the ultrasonic range of church bells repels bacilli, viruses, and other infectious diseases that are transmitted through the air, and even cures many other diseases. Bells Healing Study
The Apkalu who introduced the Me, brought arts/crafts, agriculture, writing, magic & music. Enki was god of music. See the golden age ancient civilizations sound, frequency & harmonics was widely understood to be the greatest method for healing the body.
To be clear, the cathedrals that you see around the world were never meant to be churches, they were centers used for healing. Cathedrals Healing Centers Everything the church had was pirated.. In sixth century, Pope Gregory, in a letter to those who were to carry Catholicism to Britain, cautioned these missionaries NOT to destroy the ancient sites. Gregory wanted them to destroy their idols, but insisted they kept the architecture as it was thereby automatically linking alignment to the ley lines and maintaining the power source. Egyptian concept of Maat(Harmony) was of the utmost importance, the reason the discipline that the church created to study Egypt has more questions than answers is because they don't understand this.
In the campaign to disconnect us from our true selves, the most detrimental action theyd take involved musical theory principles, suppression of the tritone in music was a central theme for hundreds of years. Canon laws were passed to mandate rules for how to construct scales, how to handle voice leading, what was considered consonant and dissonant, how contrary motion should be handled, what tones should and should not be emphasized in rhythm, which rhythmic patterns were acceptable and specific instructions for how music should be written. Megalithic monuments were built using acoustic HARMONIC Resonance, one will never understand Pyramid, temples, etc disregarding Harmony with nature.
History repeats itself, this 1939 Nature article wouls lead to the change by International Standards Association (ISA) from 432hz to 440hz & still today they have no true understanding of sound & its many benefits. A=440Hz tuning disassociates the connection of consciousness to the body and creates anti-social conditions in humanity. Music -Double Blind study In preliminary research, analysis, and professional discussions by Walton, Koehler, Reid, et al., on the web, A=440Hz frequency music conflicts with human energy centers (i.e., chakras) from the heart to the base of the spine. Alternatively, chakras above the heart are stimulated. Theoretically, the vibration stimulates ego and left-brain function, suppressing the "heart-mind," intuition and creative inspiration. Interestingly, the difference between 440 and 741 Hz is known in musicology as the Devil's Interval.
For maximum suppression of human consciousness, the frequencies we naturally resonate with, and which are the most biologically and psycho-spiritually enhancing, must be maximally suppressed.Ancient Egyptian and Greek instruments have reportedly been found to be tuned to 432 Hz. 432Hz is consistent with the natural resonance of the UNI-VERSE and all of NATURE, that the pitch is more HARMONIOUS and that when our atoms and DNA resonate in harmony with nature's SPIRAL pattern, our sense of connection to nature is said to be AMPLIFIED. Previously I cited the recent discoveries showing DNA being repaired by use of sound frequencies. Priests of Horus meant that they maintained the knowledge of harmony.
The great pyramid Acoustic chambers matched the harmonic chambers of the human body, the King chambesarcophagus Resonance frequency created a resounding beat frequency matching the human heartbeat. Every site had a navel which resonate at 111hz which switched from left to right brain dominance assisting with holistic processing, leading to altered state of consciousness.
Hollywood comes from the Druid magicians whod make Wands outta wood from the Holly tree to cast spells on the unsuspecting. Sounds like Op Mockingbird to me. To disconnect as much as possible the functions of these two distinct parts of the brain so we can be manipulated through the right brain while only being conscious of the left.They plant thoughts, responses, and images through the right brain (the dream-state, the non-conscious, through symbolism and subliminal imagery) while imprisoning the human conscious level in the left brain - the world of can I touch it, smell it, taste it, see it, hear it, OK it must exist. This is why the "education" system, and "science" is designed to talk to the left brain.
No architectural element of antiquity (excluding bearing elements), was just a decoration. Everything had a function. Even the vases, and doorknobs. The doorknobs would be made of copper to kill bacteria & infections. So, at the correct frequency there were regenerating concert halls, where people recharged themselves with pleasant music while buildings collected the energy of the ether. They stigmatized the ether & removed it as well. If zero-point energy machines were developed on the biological model of the caduceus coil and central ion channel then our energy generation could actually enhance human evolution rather than harming ourselves and the planet as it does now. Similarly if we construct superconducting solar architecture with a monoatomic lattice in manmade stone, then the energy emanating from this energy generator will also enhance the consciousness of life around it
submitted by Adventurous-Ear9433 to AlternativeHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:26 NotFlawffles Embracing Identity: My Journey through Ethnic Uncertainty

I have found myself on a perplexing journey of self-discovery, i was born and raised and still live in Iraq, grappling with the intricacies of my ethnic background. My mother, with her Iranian Kurdish heritage, possesses a fair complexion, hazel eyes, and thick, straight hair. In contrast, I bear a similar pale skin tone that burns rather than tans, along with dirty blonde/light brown silky hair and hazel eyes (originally green). One aspect that sets me apart is my eye shape, which is round, small, and folded from the outer corners while exposed from within, resembling a European aesthetic.
Examining my features further, I notice that my eyebrows are of medium thickness, allowing a glimpse beneath them. High cheekbones and a V-shaped jawline contribute to my facial structure. Additionally, my upper lip is thinner than my bottom lip, and my eyelashes are notably petite. Both my mother and I possess a Roman nose. However, the intriguing aspect lies within my paternal lineage. My grandfathers exhibit blue-green eyes, light brown hair, and fair complexions, and you wouldn't hesitate to assume they are European because of their looks. Though they also associate themselves with an Arab tribe, which raises questions about our family's ethnic makeup, i also believe sometimes; that they affiliate themselves with that and do not actually originate from them.
These stark physical differences from the people around me, who predominantly exhibit Persian or Middle Eastern phenotypes, have left me perplexed and questioning my heritage. Could there have been deceit or misinformation in my family's narrative? Is it possible that my ancestors had extensive intermingling with other ethnic groups, accounting for our distinct appearances? These uncertainties have triggered an identity crisis within me, almost everyone i met in real life had the assumption that I am of Western European descent, mostly getting assumed "English" or sometimes "French" and "Belgian".
I acknowledge that my features may not perfectly align with the stereotypical Persian phenotype, considering frequent characteristics like eye shape whatsoever. While I plan to pursue a DNA test in the future to gain a clearer understanding of my genetic heritage, I am eager to hear your perspectives and opinions. Am I justified in my skepticism? Could there be underlying factors contributing to the diversity within my family's appearance? The journey to unravel my ethnic identity continues, and I am open to the insights and experiences of others who have navigated similar paths, or genuinely wanting rational hypothesis that perhaps explaining some parts of this disaster.
I get the feeling of being lied to by them aligning me to that origin i'm very skeptical of; when i look at the mirror sometimes.
submitted by NotFlawffles to DNA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:32 GetOOFed1234 Account Breached (posting this as requested by my dad because his got deleted) [see body text and images]

Account Breached (posting this as requested by my dad because his got deleted) [see body text and images]
"Pretty interesting. This is literally the first time I ever posted a post in reddit so please excuse me. FYSA. No idea if this is related to this post I just saw 30min ago: https://www.reddit.com/pokemongo/comments/1covmv1/how_true_is_this_leak/
Context: Me and my spouse started playing PoGo 2 weeks ago, I played for a single day back in 2016, and had access to the same account.
On 11MAY2024 around 1100 CST, I tried logging onto PoGo and received screen that my account was permanently banned out of nowhere [Lets name this Account_1@gmail.com]. I have not used any sort of cheat, I only play this game with my wife whenever we go on a trail or grocery shopping. Rather, I paid $10-ish to change my gym (?) to be the same as my wife's so we can raid together. I didn't know how raid worked so I initially had a different team. It would be silly for me to pay real money in-game and also use cheat, imo. Subsequently, I received an email that my account has been submitted for deletion. At this point, I thought this was an automatic process after my account was banned.
I was initially upset that I was randomly banned, requested Niantic what ToS I violated, if there were any. Received what seems like a template response that answered nothing.
2 days ago, I made a new PoGo account [Account_2@gmail.com] while hoping my first account would be unbanned. This morning (13MAY2024) around 1030 CST, all my Pokemons are transferred into candies. I didn't have any rare pokemon so that was not the issue, but the issue is that my account was breached, and at this point I made a connection that this could be the same reason my first account was banned, and that the deletion process may not be automatic.
The twist, I work for a 3-lettered organization specializing in cyber. Brought this matter to couple of my colleagues and came up with few theories and additional questions. Here's the note below.
"Permanently Banned"
Account deleted. See attached image.
All Pokemon Transferred
Account accessed?
Both have different passwords.
Account_1 has 2-factor authentication, Account_2 does not. Did this result in the differing actions? (Deletion vs Transferred pokemons/Different actors?)
Both account's gmail received notification "Pokemon GO was granted access to your Google account" from "IPhone" in "Texas" prior to activity. (Account_1 = 1 day prior, Account_2 = 15min prior to log-in)
Account Deletion request requires Niantic sending an email with a "Code" to reply back with. The said code is STATIC. Amazingly, it does not change regardless of who submits it. Its the same code for everyone.
Theoretically, a spoofed email address sending the code to Niantic will complete the delete process. Second, the *Username does not matter in the Account Deletion form. I can literally name it anything. Cannot test as this is beyond jurisdiction.
Question still to be answered:
How was the email account leaked? Was it leaked/breached?
Why was Pokemon Go specifically targeted (If credentials were compromised, why was this the "first" target out of say, my banking apps?). Either the actor is trying to get my attention (unlikely as there's no benefit, or the actor is only capable of attacking through PoGo app)
Account_2@gmail.com's PoGo is assumed to be breached completely if Pokemon was "transferred"
I can try to sniff the network traffic from the app to see if credentials are being sent in cleartext, but I'm starting to lose interest and am considering just deleting the app. I attempted to notify Niantic but amazingly just received the same template response when my account was banned.
Maybe this info will help someone else, possibly research further but it'll be in the backburner."
submitted by GetOOFed1234 to pokemongo [link] [comments]
