Mage arcane cataclysm haste rating

Please don't force the Arcane Familiar on us

2024.05.16 07:42 Either-Show-44 Please don't force the Arcane Familiar on us

Although he's kinda cute, he's also an uninspired, whirly blob that adds nothing to Arcane mage rotation other than its subpar animation.
And that's fine at the moment because the current talent trees don't force us into it, even though it might be a slight DPS loss in some situations.
But in TWW? We kinda have to bite the bullet. They changed the pathing and buffed it some more, so every Arcane mage is going to run around with that cute, uninspired, whirly blob. Please Blizz... Not every class needs summons! And we all know how much looks matter (ingame, heh)... That thing, as much as most players probably don't mind, would considerably lessen the enjoyment I'd get out of Arcane mage for the entirety of the expansion. If I wanted to run around with a battle pet by my side I'd summon one from the pet tab!
submitted by Either-Show-44 to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:57 Sondeor A complaint about Crit items

Generally im ok with the new items and new maps and changes, because imo it feels refreshing and makes the game more fun since we dont just play the same game for 7 years for example.
As a Yasuo Yone Irelia lover, this patch really sucks and im gonna be completely honest here. Before the patch, when it first got leaked or anounced, i was sure that this wasnt the full list of items because there isnt a single AS+Crit+AD item anymore, and Yasuo/Yone has weak early games thats a known fact. People generally mix his 2 item power spike with early game but you are free to play as him, they are not "strong" early game.
Anyway as a years long Yasuo player im not here too argue if he is strong early or not with the people who i dont even know. My point is;
Now, we as Yasuo/Yone mains literally have no ideal Rune, No ideal itemization and fuck ideal, we literally dont have itemization.
And thats only because of bad item design. There are only 6 crit items, which none gives AS except PD, and guess what? PD doesnt give any AD.
So lets say you wanna rush IE as they said (lol, delusional workers ig), You have no "AS" TILL you fuckn finish that 3400 or whatever price item which btw has one of the costliest builds with its components. And fun part is this is the shittiest build you can do because now you spend 4500 (including boots) and you dont have AS, you dont have a complete Crit, basically you are shit.
So if i want to be relevant in lane somehow, there is only PD that gives AS and Crit. And guess what? Now you cant even fuckn kill the minions while every bruiser and mage one shots the whole wave, you will fight for your life with the minions to kill the wave lmao. Why is that you may ask? Simple because PD is shit for a first item, no AD at all. Like literally 0 AD. Lets assume you played incredible (this patch this is the only way to get some kills in early lane), based after that and spend all your gold on PD and Boots, congrats! When you go back to your lane, enemy AP will be stronger than you. They have fuckn unlimited options that gives them AH, AP, Mana, and hundreds of side abilities.
So technically i have to diff my lane AT LEAST 3000 gold or smt to actually feel that im ahead like wtf?
Oh lets talk about the other option(s) lol.
You can go Blade of the Ruined King and thats a good item right? Congrats now you need to wait till 30 minutes to have %100 crit unless you are giga snowballed WHICH IS NOT POSSIBLE BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE A FIRST ITEM FFS. We dont have a SECOND ITEM we dont have THIRD ITEM, we dont even have any other fuckn options which was already a problem with the old items and runes (Lethal tempo only option, items had at least a few options but it wasnt that wide as other champs like mages or bruisers for example).
Win rate for Yasuo Yone is below %50 and its not %48-49 or smt, some regions have %42, and except low elo, he doesnt even have smt like %48, Its just %42-44-45 or whatever. The champ is UNPLAYABLE, like literally you guys are free to try. Having a better match-up knowledge or having a better laning phase as a player doesnt even matter know because 0/4 Zoe will just come with her jungle and one shot you no matter what you do.
Im ok to champs being slightly strong or slightly weak but this is not about him being weak, this is something completely different. We cant build items, we cant chose a rune, We cant play our laning phase, like imagine an AA champ having hard times to clear the fuckn minion waves? Is this normal? Dont fuckn touch to Yasuo, he is fine. Just fix this stupid item problem, why do we have to pick specific and forced items? And before the patch as i said, it was already really limited but at least he was playable with that 2-3 paths of itemization.
Now we are forced to play the same way because any other way doesnt even makes sense and that ONLY WAY sucks hard, like really hard. Fix this as soon as you guys can but if i know my bois they will first buff Yasuo, then he will be fuckn too OP, then they will nerf or fix the items, and then because Yasuo became too OP, they will nerf the shit out of him like they did to other champs in the past and he will be unplayable again xd
submitted by Sondeor to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:21 Effendoor Fixing Limbo? A rework idea

Disclaimer: this is for fun and to get a discussion going about what a reworked limbo could look like. I'm also not claiming to speak as an authority on the character and welcome input!
After watching Brozime’s tierlist yesterday, the points he made about limbo got me thinking about him pretty intensely so I decided to just play with a rework idea and share it with y'all.
The “goal” of what I did was to make limbo less disruptive, while also preserving his identity and role as well as possible. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of him leaning more into the role of a support, as he does do support things, he is just VERY bad at it.
So here we go.
Passive: Dodging causes limbo to jump into the rift, clensing all status ailments and rendering him invulnerable and intangible. Being inside the rift generates 3 energy/second and 2 health /second.
Banish: Tap: banished enemies in a cone before him into the rift for a duration. Enemies in the rift are invisible have any status or debuffs durations paused, but continue to take damage.
Hold: fling enemies from the rift, ragdolling them and causing flung enemies take all remaining status damage at once.
Recall (Augment): Allies in the cone become invulnerable for 2s and any bleed out timers are stopped for the duration.
Riftwalker: Limbo tears into the fabric of reality, creating a portal to the rift and activating his Temporal gauge as his rifts begin siphoning time from nearby enemies. Allies who enter the portals range can use dodge to gain access to Limbo's passive while they are inside. Additionally temporal energy is siphoned from enemies within range, causing the gauge to charge faster. Limbo’s passive becomes more potent the higher the gauge percentage becomes. (Allies and enemies in the rift (including limbo) increase his gauge charge rate by 1%/second each.)
Mathmaster: Limbo pulls the full force of the rift into being, depleting his temporal gauge and giving all allies touched by the rift a buff to shield recharge, ammo Efficiency equal to his gauge % on activation, as well as reducing shield recharge delay and increasing Fire Rate by half as much.
Additional Probability (Augment): affected allies also increase Multi-shot by 30% of the charge (affected by power strength)
Temporal Detonation: pulls the temporal energy of all enemies within range, freezing them in place for the duration. Then the duration expires, the temporal energy explodes outward, and enemies are ragdolled away.
Temporal Cataclysm (Augment):all enemies in range take 50% of damage inflicted to any frozen enemies when the duration expires.
So, some quick notes. I am a casual player so these numbers might be scuffed as fuck. I welcome feedback and will update as compelling points are made (not that it matters, but itd be fun, right?). Also, limbos rift never, makes enemies intangible except for in his 1, which im envisioning acting like Grendel’s Feast. The enemies are removed from play entirely until the duration expires or the ability is recast. Limbo throwing people in and out of the rift, as well as rendering enemies invulnerable to your allies is a godawful pain point so I think It should be strictly voluntary for the former and be done away with entirely in the case of the latter.
So all told, this rework should make the rift a semi desirable place to be, stop mobs so theyre easier to murdeyoure safer, and also help with point defense without invalidating the entire mechanic.
submitted by Effendoor to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:20 tft_xilao 14.10 Guide: Lillia and Dragonlord Nine-Five Reign Supreme, Kai'Sa Finally Falls Off

14.10 Guide: Lillia and Dragonlord Nine-Five Reign Supreme, Kai'Sa Finally Falls Off
Feel free to check the video version of this post on Youtube. We will always provide ENG subs for players.
Remember to subscribe our Youtube Channel at:

I have obtained full authorization to repost from the author
  • ShouRenMaoMi who is Challenge Player and famous content creator on CN server

In this update, I have summarized the changes affecting comp rotations. Let's look at the comp tier list.
Sage Lillia has benefited from a nearly 10% buff to the Mythic trait, and Lillia's targeting mechanism optimization, jumping from T4 to T0 in strength rating. Once again, flexible players are leading the way!
With the efficiency of Ghostly spectre generation improved in this update, and the buff to many low-cost exclusive augmented units, the environment is increasingly favoring 2-cost reroll comps. Ghostly Zyra, Ghostly Senna, Ghostly Kindred, and other such comps will become more active.
Finally, benefiting from dual buffs to Wardens and Snipers, another Warden Ashe comp, different from the Invoker build, might attract players' interest.

Now, let's look at the comp blacklist.
The most affected is Bruiser Kai'Sa, with the late-game secondary damage dealer Xayah's base attack damage being heavily nerfed, and the increased threats to backline comps in the meta, this once powerful comp finally moves to the second tier. However, it is worth mentioning that due to the update's focus on win streaks, Fortune players might have more freedom in the early game, so the traditional Fortune Kai'Sa comp might still have a breath of life.
Ghostly Gnar's skill attack damage has been reduced by 20%, dimming its glory and making it a relic of the past alongside Kai'Sa.
Ethereal Blades may be affected by the resurgence of the Ghostly trait, potentially falling short of achieving three-star due to increased difficulty, so Ethereal Shen might indeed be a cautious "Shen."

The tier list for version 14.10
The T0 tier includes Sage Lillia, Dragonlord 9, and Fated Dryad. Fated Dryad is about to be hotfixed, so its strength post-hotfix is yet to be determined.
The T1 tier includes Ghostly Zyra, Ghostly Senna, Ghostly Kindred, and Warden Ashe. For Warden Ashe, I recommend that players above Master rank avoid it for obvious reasons.
In terms of point-farming strategies, heroes other than Ethereal Blades are basically must-picks: Legendary Hero, Lucky Paws, Drop Blossom, and Midnight Siphon. Their strategies have significantly changed since the initial patch and the "Special Strategies Compilation," so this video will showcase the updated quick-reference chart.

T0 Comp-Sage Lillia
See the image for the build. At 8 population, if Titan is not two-star, use Annie as the frontline in place of Janna. Lillia has a 50 mana bar, each round Oracle restores 5 mana, Shojin restores mana in 3 attacks, Blue Buff requires 4 attacks, so starting item is Shojin > Blue Buff.
Two-star Lillia + Morgana > Two-star Hwei + Azir. Do not easily switch AP items in the back row.

T0 Comp-Dragonlord 95
This is currently the strongest Dragonlord 9 comp. There are two paths to level 9:
  1. Normal transition, take 2 combat + 1 econ or 3 combat augments, at 8 population, raise a two-star 4-cost warrior carry (Kayn or Lee Sin), then go to level 9 and add Irelia, activate 4 Dragonlords.
  2. Win streak transition, take 2 or more econ augments, directly build physical items on Irelia, with front row items, fast level to 9, Lee Sin cleans up.
Level 8 drop: use Sage (Zyra, Riven, Galio), or Dragonlord (Rakan, Lee Sin, Diana, Janna) as platform, warrior position flex: Lee Sin/Kayn, front row flex: Galio/Annie/Ornn/Nautilus, mage flex: Morgana/Sylas.

T0 Comp-Fated Dryad
Please monitor this comp's performance on data sites after the upcoming hotfix patch. It is expected to nerf Dryad and Thresh's tankiness, and Ahri's Fated bonus AP values.
Popular Dragonlord Irelia and Sage Lillia in the meta pose a threat to the back row, causing traditional front-back row comps to need more healing, so it is recommended to build a Gunblade.

T1 Comp-Ghostly Zyra
A comp that can be rerolled or played conventionally. Angel picks red, Zyra best with Dragon's Claw and Nashor's Tooth, not Guinsoo. If you pick an econ augment, you need to slow roll at 6 population, around 4-3, get three-star Shen and Zyra. If you pick 3 combat augments, you can go to 8 with two-star Zyra, and then raise Morgana as secondary carry. This comp requires a lot of items because it has multiple carries to raise.

T1 Comp-Ghostly Senna
Exclusive only. Preferably no one else is playing Zyra, otherwise Shen can't reach three stars and strength drops by half. It's acceptable to roll to 0 gold at 3-2 and win throughout stage 3, but not acceptable to keep full interest at 3-2 with mixed results. This is a comp where pace > quality of completion. After late stage 4, it will struggle against everyone, so you need to pressure your opponents during the power spike.

T1 Comp-Ghostly Kindred
If after the hotfix fewer people are playing Syndra, then Kindred can be played. With Zyra, Senna in the meta, and some low-cost exclusive augments helping card pools, and with buffs to Ghostly trait and Kindred herself, this comp is very promising. Note it is also a pace comp, pay attention to its stage 3 strength, late game ceiling relies on Syndra.

T1 Comp-Warden Ashe
The meta requires main carry Ashe to have a Gunblade, must activate 4 Snipers, and with emblem, activate 6 Snipers. Its strength is average, maybe even a trap, but performs well in lower ranks, recommended for players below Master rank.

Special Comp-Legendary Hero
Slowly chase 3-star Garen > 3-star Sivir > 3-star Jax at level 5. Garen's ideal items: Gage + Dragon's Claw/Redemption + Titan/Archangel. Late game, add high-quality Wardens, at level 9, add Lissandra.
With three-star Garen fully equipped, you can win streak to level 9.

Special Comp-Lucky Paws
Play it only if you start with 3 or more copies. If you can't get three-star Kobuko at 2-7 with 4 population, then you can't quickly stabilize and accumulate gold to level 9. If rolling is smooth and three-star comes early, stages 3 and early stage 4 are strong periods. Use the economy from Lucky Paws to reach level 9, find Irelia as the main carry to complete the comp. Activate 8 Bruisers if you have the emblem, give Bruiser emblem to Annie.

Special Comp-Midnight Siphon
If there are few Yoricks, rely on two-star Yorick with full tank items for strength. Transition to level 9 with win streaks, and switch to Umbral 9. If there are many Yoricks, open 4 Behemoth and 2 Invokers at 6 population, chase for three-star Yorick, Janna, and Alune, then at level 8, activate 6 Behemoths.

Special Comp-Drop Blossom
If you have Heavenly or Mythic emblem, you can go for high Heavenly or high Mythic routes. Don't rush Bloodthirster on Neeko, in stage 3, one Archangel is enough, her self-healing is completely sufficient. Except for core items and utility items for the backline, extra items are not very useful, so be cautious in games with many items. If you are playing a high AP Zoe carry comp, you can take "Drop Blossom+" as a combat augment.

Me——Master player in EUW. Not with the most skillful play style but still trying to having fun:
submitted by tft_xilao to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:37 ExitLag League of Legends - Patch 14.10 Notes

Today marked update day in our beloved League of Legends!
Ranked queues have taken a breather – here's hoping your elo skyrocketed and you bagged that victorious skin in this early 2024 showdown. But enough about that, let's dive into the hot topic: update 14.10.
Eager for a quick recap of the key changes? Well, you've landed in the perfect spot. Join me for the scoop!
Kicking off with the true reason we play LoL: Skins!
Of course, some are bidding farewell to the shop as well, because hey, we can't have it all, can we?
Now, onto some game-changing items (or not):
And what about the client? Any changes there too? You bet!
Champion mastery is also getting a makeover, and it's for the better:
On top of all that, we've got some assassins getting buffs up in ARAM, plenty of balance tweaks in ARENA, bug fixes, updates to various item attributes. The Runetree saw several additions and removals, so it's worth a close read; this could impact your gameplay! There's so much more I could go on and on, but I'll spare you the novel for now.
Want to stay in the loop on everything? Just head over to the link:
So, which change got you the most excited? Did Riot hit the mark with this one?
submitted by ExitLag to u/ExitLag [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:36 ExitLag League of Legends - Patch 14.10 Notes

Today marked update day in our beloved League of Legends!
Ranked queues have taken a breather – here's hoping your elo skyrocketed and you bagged that victorious skin in this early 2024 showdown. But enough about that, let's dive into the hot topic: update 14.10.
Eager for a quick recap of the key changes? Well, you've landed in the perfect spot. Join me for the scoop!
Kicking off with the true reason we play LoL: Skins!
Of course, some are bidding farewell to the shop as well, because hey, we can't have it all, can we?
Now, onto some game-changing items (or not):
And what about the client? Any changes there too? You bet!
Champion mastery is also getting a makeover, and it's for the better:
On top of all that, we've got some assassins getting buffs up in ARAM, plenty of balance tweaks in ARENA, bug fixes, updates to various item attributes. The Runetree saw several additions and removals, so it's worth a close read; this could impact your gameplay! There's so much more I could go on and on, but I'll spare you the novel for now.
Want to stay in the loop on everything? Just head over to the link:
So, which change got you the most excited? Did Riot hit the mark with this one?
submitted by ExitLag to PlaywithExitLag [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:19 ian9921 Running first campaign in a while: Shadow of the Dragon Queen. How much info should I give my players?

So I haven't run a big campaign in a while, and with Shadow of the Dragon Queen in particular because it's an unfamiliar setting there are a lot of things I feel probably need to be explained, such as the Cataclysm, the Knights of Solamnia, the Mages of High Sorcery, and the whole deal with Istar so that the players understand the significance of those things when they become relevant to the plot, but there are other things that I think it might be fun to keep secret like the situation with the Draconians and the current status of the wider war, since in the book it's stated that the region doesn't yet know what's happening. And obviously there are some things that clearly depend on a history check, like the whole deal with Lord Soth.
This isn't the biggest deal, but I figured I may as well ask here to see if anyone who's run the campaign before has any good notes on how to balance this.
submitted by ian9921 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:18 TheNerdBeast What currently existing specs do you think could be remade as support specs?

edit: Its just a fun thought exercise, a "what if" don't take this so seriously as to think this is some sort of serious call for reworks or something.
I really like Augvoker and despite its controversy I think it was a neat idea that really mixes things up.
Then that got me thinking, especially with the classes with multiple dps specs or overlaping roles, what else could be remade as a support spec?
I think Disc Priest is a prime candidate, as it has always been doing this half and half thing of dps/healer for years, so why not remake it as a support spec and we'd finally have our dps light caster me and some others have always wanted? Rather than buffing it could give off-healing and shields to nearby party members while doing dps.
I could also see Arcane Mage as a support spec, they've been the utility spec in the past and with arcane power could buff nearby allies like the Augvoker.
Maybe even Sub Rogue sabotaging and debuffing enemies like spies and actual ninjas really would?
What existing specs could you see as support specs?
submitted by TheNerdBeast to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:10 aminalzoubi [store] CACHE sets and Immortals for trade + Weathers

Most prices are negotiable

for those who like picture like me:2019, 2020, 2020pt2, 2021, dead_reck, 2022, 2022pt2, 2023 ,2024
my steam account
add me so we can trade.need to be friends for 30 days. Steam rep
why trade with me ? i have a lot of giftables i want to sell and im not willing to risk my rep for a single trade. also check my steam profile for recent comments , those are people i traded cache sets with ,they all went first you can check their profile for my gifted items .
i always give discounts for people who buy 2 or more.

newest 2023 cache

Item Price
Snailfire (SnapFire) 20$
Brightfist (Marci) 20$
Dezun Viper (Dazzle) 5$
Primeval Abomination (Primal Beast) 5$
Astral Herald (Dawnbreaker) 5$
Spectral Shadow (Abaddon) 5$
Taur Rider (Alchemist) 5$
Crescent Huntress (Spectre) 5$
Tyrant of the Veil (Wraith King) 5$
Tomo'kan Footsoldier (Hoodwink) 5$
Darkwood Eulogy (Death Prophet) 2.5$
Sea Spirit (Kunkka) 5$
Triumph of the Imperatrix (Legion Commander) 5$
Beast of Thunder (Storm Spirit) 5$
Ancestral Heritage (Jakiro) 2.5$

Dead Reckoning Chest

item price
Dead Heat (lina) 10$
Spectral Hunter (antimage) 10$
Dying Light (dawnbreaker) 10$
Expired Gun (sniper) 10$
Death Adder (medusa) 10$
Soul Serpent (viper) 10$
Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache
set name hero price
Shadowleaf Insurgent hoodwink 15$
Chines of the Inquisitor faceless void 12$
Spoils of the Shadowveil Spectre 10$
Starlorn Adjudicator dawnbreaker 10$
Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt ursa 5$
Whippersnapper snap fire 7.5$
Scarlet Subversion riki 10$
Forgotten Station terror blade 5$
Champion of the Fire Lotus monkey king 5$
Hounds of Obsession chen 5$
Crimson Dawn pheonix 4$
Seadog's Stash clockwerk 4$
Deathstitch Shaman witch doctor 4$
Dirge Amplifier undying 4$
Blue Horizons marci 15$
Dark Behemoth primal beast 30$
Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache 2
set name hero price
Freeboot Fortunes ogre magi 4$
Darkbrew's Transgression alchemist 5$
Acrimonies of Obsession vengful spirit 7$
Withering Pain clinkz 4$
Sacred Chamber Guardian huskar 5$
Feasts of Forever nightstalker 5$
The Wilding Tiger brewmaster 5$
Dawn of a Darkness Foretold doom 5$
War Rig Eradicators techies 5$
Grand Suppressor silencer 7$
Transcendent Path oracle 5$
Cursed Cryptbreaker pudge 7$
Bird of Prey legion commander 10$
Darkfeather Factioneer phantom assassin 10$
Grudges of the Gallows Tree treant protector 12$
Brands of the Reaper anti mage 15$
Sublime Equilibrium void spirit 30$
Nemestice Collector's Cache 2021
set name hero price
Twilight Hex dark willow 20$
Litany of the Damned doom 25$
Astral Terminus enigma 20$
Caerulean Star enchantress 15$
Arcane Inverter gyrocopter 25$
Creed of the Skullhound lycan 30$
Desert Bloom nature's prophet 25$
Eyriebound Imperator skywrath mage 20$
Anthozoan Assault tiny 35$
Defender of the Brumal Crest winter wyvern 25$
Red Sands Marauder shadow shaman 35$
2019 cache sets
set name hero price
Echoes of the Everblack abaddon 20
The Arts of Mortal Deception enigma 10
Adornments of the Jade Emissary earth spirit 25
Poacher's Bane tide 15
Appetites of the Lizard King slark 20
Forbidden Medicine dazzle 15
Curse of the Creeping Vine undying 15
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan chen 10
Soul of the Brightshroud deathprophet 10
Pursuit of the Ember Demons husker 15
Riddle of the Hierophant oracle 10
Paean of the Ink Dragon grimstroke 10
Allure of the Faeshade Flower dark willow 20
Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt drow ranger 30
Defender of Ruin disruptor 15
gothic whisper phantom assassin 69
2020 cache sets
set name hero price
Origin of the Dark Oath night stalker 25
ravenous abyss underlord 20
abocalypse unbound ancient apparittion 10
beholden of the banished ones warlock 20
fury of the righteous storm distruptor 10
mindless slaughter pudge 15
heartless hunt bounty hunter 15
herald of the ember eye grimstroke 10
fissured flight jakiro 10
flashpoint proselyte husker 15
signs of the allfather nature's prophet 15
songs of starfall glen enchantress 5
Glory of the Elderflame lina 25
Lineage of the Stormlords juggernaut 25
Silent Slayer silencer 20
ancient inheritance tiny 25
forsworn legacy mars 35
Blaze of Oblivion phoenix 10
Beast of the Crimson Ring bristleback 15
Talons of the Endless Storm chaos knight 15
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler arc warden 30
Horror from the Deep tide hunter 20
Evolution of the Infinite enigma 10
Clearcut Cavalier timber saw 10
The King Of Thieves keeper of the light 10
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade rubick 10
Secrets of the Celestial skywrath mage 10
Blacksail Cannoneer sniper 10
Wrath of the Fallen doom 10
Crown of Calaphas shadowdemon 10
Master of the Searing Path ember spirit 25
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber templar assassin 20
Claszureme Incursion faceless void 55
Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache
item name hero price
Silverwurm Sacrifice dragon knight 30$
Scales Of The Shadow Walker phantom lancer 10$
Perception of the First Light dawnbreaker 10$
Apex Automated clockwerk 10$
Test of the basilisk lord Razor 15$
Secrets of the frost singularity Ancient Apparition 5$
Perils of the red banks Chen 5$
The chained scribe Grimstroke 5$
Widow of the undermount gloom Broodmother 10$
Forgotten fate Mars 5$
March of the crackerjack mage Rubick 10$
Stranger in the wandering isles Drow Ranger 35$
Cosmic concoctioneers Alchemist 10$
Days of the demons Axe 25$
Blightfall Abaddon 10$
Pyrexae polymorph perfected ogre magi 15$
Wrath of the celestial sentinel Chaos Knight 50$
old cache sets
set name hero price
Creeping Shadow phantom assassin around 90
Stormwrought Arbiter sven around 90
Submerged Hazard tinker around 90
Manta Marauder bat rider around 90

Weathers. buy 3 and get 4th for free

the lowest of them is the free one

weathers can be traded now!!

weather price
Ash 15$ 9$
Aurora 2$
Harvest 3$ 1$
Moonbeam 5$ 2.5$
Pestilence 3$ 1$
Rain 9$ 5$
Sirocco 3$ 1$
Spring 2$
Snow 5$ 2.5$
PS: even if you don't see an item in my inventory feel free to add me and ask about whatever item you're looking for
submitted by aminalzoubi to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:39 Peacock-Shah-III A Summary of President Philip F. La Follette's Second Term (1949-1953) Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

A Summary of President Philip F. La Follette's Second Term (1949-1953) Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

Philip Fox La Follette, 34th President of the United States.
Vice President: Michael A. Musmanno
Secretary of Peace: Douglas MacArthur (1951-1952 (interim)), Clarence Dill (1952-1953)
Secretary of State: Douglas MacArthur (1949-1951 (Department placed under Peace))
Secretary of War: Ralph Immell (1949-1951 (Department placed under Peace))
Secretary of the Navy: Francis P. Matthews (1949-1951 (Department placed under Peace))
Secretary of the Air Force: Charles Lindbergh (1949-1951 (Department placed under Peace))
Secretary of Production: Ralph Immell (1952-1953)
Secretary of the Treasury: Rexford Tugwell (1949-1951 (resigned to assume office as Governor of New York)), Harold Lord Varney (1951 (interim)), Ralph Immell (1951-1952 (department placed under Production))
Secretary of the Interior: Mildred H. McAfee (1949-1952 (department placed under Production))
Secretary of Energy: Floyd Dominy (1950-1952 (department placed under Production))
Secretary of Agriculture: Gerald Nye (1949-1952 (department placed under Production))
Secretary of Labor: George Meany (1949-1952 (department placed under Production))
Secretary of Science and Technology: Karl T. Compton (1949-1952 (department placed under Production))
Secretary of Prosperity: Francois Duvalier (1952-1953)
Attorney General: David Lilienthal (1949-1952 (department placed under Prosperity))
Secretary of Health: Francois Duvalier (1949-1952 (department placed under Prosperity))
Postmaster General: Gerald T. Boileau (1949-1952 (department placed under Prosperity))
Secretary of Education: Sara Gibson Blanding (1949-1952 (department placed under Prosperity)
President La Follette would announce a major reorganization of cabinet departments following his 1951 impeachment, uniting the Air Force, Navy, War, and State Departments into one grand “Department of Peace,” despite opposition from both military leadership and Secretary of State MacArthur, who would depart from the Administration at the commencement of 1952 and be replaced by Farmer-Labor doyen Clarence Dill. The President has framed the move as embodying the national seal of an eagle carrying both arrows and an olive branch, while promoting centralization to improve efficiency while avoiding involving the United States in entangling alliances, an effort that has led to the end of the effort to unite American allies on both sides of the Pacific into a mutual defense pact. First Lady Isen La Follette, personally notably introverted, has been brought before the public as the chief public campaigner for the Department of Peace.
With the centralization of foreign and military policy in full swing at the executive level despite the opposition of Congress, the spring of 1952 would see a second round of mass centralization, with longtime ally Ralph Immell appointed as the head of a new Department of Production, devised by Texas’s Lyndon B. Johnson, to supervise the old Treasury, Interior, Energy, Agriculture, Labor, and Science and Technology Departments, while Dr. Francois Duvalier has been appointed to lead the centralization of the Justice, Health, Education, and Post Office Departments into a united Department of Prosperity and Human Services, commonly referred to only by the former. As in the case of the Department of Peace, the former departments are slated to remain at a sub-cabinet level, and the efforts of opposition forces have successfully left the proposed integrations largely on paper for the time being.
On the level of sub-cabinet departments, the Bureau of Investigation has been merged with the Office of Strategic Services to form the National Security Agency (NSA), an intelligence agency combining the foreign and domestic. Meanwhile, an executive order would begin the National Aeronautics and Space Administration with former President Charles Lindbergh appointed as its first head, however, Lindbergh would soon be dismissed as a part of the executive’s compromise with congress’s impeachers, with businessman Howard Hughes taking his place.

Opposition Representative Richard Nixon shakes hands with Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie during the Emperor's visit to the United States, where President La Follette would emphasize American support for non-communist anti-colonial movements.
Foreign Policy:
-President La Follette has found rare common ground with the opposition on matters of foreign policy towards the Soviet Union, echoing Arthur Vandenberg’s declaration that “politics ends at the water’s edge.” The Administration has secured funding for the rebuilding of Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, and Korea under social democratic anti-communist governments, with President La Follette describing the initiatives as building an “iron curtain” against communism.
-President La Follette’s term would see the death of two of the world’s premier foreign leaders: Marshall Philippe Petain of France and Chinese General Feng Yuxiang. President La Follette would visit Paris in 1951 for the funeral of Petain after nearly four decades in power, having hailed the French publicly as future allies in the battle with communism. Yet, already suspicious of the new government of Petain protege Charles De Gaulle after the leaking of America’s role in Smedley Butler’s assassination by Ambassador Gaston-Henry Haye, La Follette would find himself increasingly disenchanted with the French, with private reports indicating his horror at the mass deportation of Flemish, Germans, and Catalans into the French Congo from areas in Europe newly annexed into France.
-However, the President would nonetheless side with the French-supported Roman Legion rebelling against Greece in 1951, marking the creation of the Republic of the Pindus as the first state for the Aromanian people in world history. However, the new state has been accused of engaging in the ethnic cleansing of the Greek population.
-Meanwhile, touring China after the death of Feng Yuxiang, La Follette would become increasingly worried about the possible alignment of the nation towards the Soviet Union and controversially refuse to return the island of Taiwan to China until the election of a successor to Feng. With Communist leader Zhou Enlai rising in popularity and an election planned, American support would be thrown behind former warlord Yan Xishan, who would be selected President by the National Assembly in January of 1951 and promptly announce an indefinite delay on elections. Despite rising tensions with China’s Bolshevik-backed Communist Party, La Follette would sign a treaty of return in February of 1952 relinquishing Taiwan to Chinese control. However, after six decades of intense Japanization under colonial authorities, Taiwan has found itself culturally isolated from the rest of China, speaking almost entirely Japanese and Hokkien rather than Mandarin.
-A similar issue has emerged on the formerly Japanese territories of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Owing to their close location to the Soviet Union, La Follette has authorized it as the site of dozens of American nuclear tests throughout his term and refused to cede sovereignty, with China, Japan, and Russia all harboring alternate claims to the islands.
-The President has impounded funds from the 1950 and 1951 budgets passed by Congress to distribute for the reconstruction of American allies and occupied regions in the Third Pacific War, enacting the MacArthur Plan without the authorization of Congress and repeating to Chinese Premier Yan Xishan his famous remark that “vermin are infesting and polluting democratic organizations and the government itself.”
-Working with the Latin American and East Asian nations in the American sphere of influence in the aftermath of the Franco-British Conflict, the President has moved the United States into the new Parliament of Nations headquartered in Rome, sending New Hampshire Progressive Senator Robert P. Bass as the first United States Representative to the largely powerless global body intended to facilitate global cooperation. Notably, however, the La Follette Administration has resisted efforts to include communist-aligned nations into the fold despite the membership of many French-aligned authoritarian regimes and absolute monarchies such as the Ethiopian Empire or the Caliphate.
-1951 would see the formalization of the Treaty of San Diego, officially ending the United States occupation of Japan, and with it La Follette's rule by decree of the islands, while maintaining an American military presence on the island chain and transferring to American control the Ryukyu Islands, Iwo Jima, Samoa, and the Japanese stake in the Nicaraguan Canal shared with Argentina, where former Milford W. Howard associate Harold Lord Varney has been appointed as High Commissioner.
-President La Follette held a summit with Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, and Madagascar Prime Minister Joseph Raseta in 1951 to commemorate the longstanding American support for independent nations in Africa, hosting, among others, independence activists Seretse Khama of Botswana, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, and Hastings Banda of Nyasaland. Further, American jazz artist Andy Razaf has taken the throne as King of Madagascar following the lack of an heir apparent to deceased Queen Marie-Louise, however, unfamiliar with the island of his ancestors, the newly-crowned Andriamanantena I has been sidelined by Prime Minister Raseta.
-With rumors of Lazar Kaganovich planning Bolshevik expansion into Central Asia abounding, President La Follette and Secretary of Peace Dill would issue a joint statement in January of 1952 promising American opposition “by any means necessary” to “one more inch” of Bolshevik expansion, with Dill describing Kaganovich’s policy towards France and the United States as “trying to play both sides against the middle.

Destiny launches off the coast of Puerto Rico, inaugurating a new era in human history,
Domestic Policy:
-”Our attainments in space are a major element in the competition between the Soviet system and our own, they are part of the battle,” so would declare James E. Webb, Deputy Administrator of NASA, on October 4th, 1951, mere weeks after the failure of the impeachment of President La Follette, as he, former President Lindbergh, and gasping crowds of onlookers watched Destiny take flight, the first manmade satellite in human history to orbit the Earth. President La Follette would tout the achievement as the administration having begun the conquest of “the final frontier.”
-Working with Japanese scientists in the aftermath of the occupation, space policy has reached the fore as La Follette launches an aggressive series of follow-up satellites, beginning with Lewis and Clark and most recently including Stagecoach. However, rumors hold that the French have begun construction on their own site for space rocket launches.
-Staring down the barrel of Speaker Joseph McCarthy’s aggression and Senator Estes Kefauver’s investigation into the assassination of Smedley Butler, La Follette turned away from Congress in 1949 to fulfill his promise to “win the peace.” Acting first in April of 1949 shortly after the arrest of John L. Lewis, La Follette would issue Executive Orders 15092 and 15093, authorizing the building of an interstate highway system and national system of hydroelectric plants to be overseen by General Lucius D. Clay and the Army Corps of Engineers under the supervision of the Department of the Interior for the former and Department of Science and Technology for the latter, while authorizing the creation of a new Department of Energy, operating entirely on impounded funds and largely focusing on research on the utilization of nuclear energy.
-In the latter effort, the President has found the support of prominent opposition financier Lewis Strauss, who has nonetheless argued that the development of nuclear energy is hampered by New State bureaucratic centralization.
-Opposition politician Joseph Alioto has criticized the interstate highway system, pointing to the funding of La Follette’s campaign by the Firestone Tire Company and arguing that road dependent companies have colluded to impede the further expansion of rail infrastructure.
-Most controversially would be Executive Order 15097, issued in June of 1951 and seen as largely the brainchild of Secretary of the Treasury Rexford Tugwell, declaring the complete and total nationalization of the healthcare industry and authorizing the establishment of a National Healthcare Service (NHS) in the United States under the Department of Health. Although implementation has been plagued by legal challenges and billions in funding from healthcare providers to opposition candidates, the President has utilized impounded funds to subsidize healthcare for the elderly and impoverished.
-Executive Order 15102 in December of 1951 would establish under the Department of Labor an employers’ syndicate led by former General Electric CEO Gerald Swope called the Business Council, leading to denunciations from across Farmer-Labor despite the low participation in the attempted employers’ union.
-However, the 1946 executive orders declaring a national moratoria on the payment of mortgages and enacting wage and price controls were ended soon after the 1948 election.
-In the face of a rapidly growing economy, La Follette has worked with new Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Baruch to digress on the expansionist monetary policy that characterized his first term, with interest rates quadrupling to 15% in an effort that has successfully brought inflation from 13% to a mere 3% annually. Unemployment has fallen to 3.2% as the GDP as a whole has grown nearly 9% over La Follette’s second term, an economic boom fueled by mass exportation to Europe and newly decolonized nations elsewhere. While the President has continued to voice support for the nationalization of the Federal Reserve, the issue has remained on the backburner.
-An executive order in January of 1952 has set the new national minimum wage to $7.00 an hour from a previous $3.25, causing mass business outcry despite the President’s argument that the increase is necessary to guarantee a “living wage” after post-war inflation. The Department of Justice has been authorized to prosecute offenders, however, critics have argued that businesses aligned with the President’s political opposition have been unfairly targeted.
-Rufus B. von KleinSmid of the Un-American Activities Board, appointed by the President to monitor journalism for seditious content, would attempt to suppress the release of an account by actress Frances Farmer of her forced confinement to a mental institution in 1948, where she was sterilized under La Follette’s Executive Order 14768 from 1946, authorizing the mass sterilization of the mentally ill and those with “criminal tendencies.” Further investigations into the ramifications of the order have led to staggering revelations of up to 200,000 sterilizations performed annually since 1946, largely under duress, on Americans in prison and mental institutions as well as former criminals. The President has defended the policy while authorizing a Department of Justice investigation into abuses by low level doctors.
-The President would support the prosecution of a half dozen prison wardens accused of citing Executive Order 14767, establishing cooperatives for prisoners to work without pay on natural beautification projects, to turn prisoners into de facto slave laborers working 18 hour shifts as contract labor on farms. While the President has argued that the system itself has brought boons to the environment and American agriculture, critics have claimed that abuse remains widespread.
-While delaying and, in some cases, entirely pausing the implementation of his executive orders in the wake of the promises of moderation amidst the impeachment trial that rescued his presidency from the brink of collapse, fascist Blackshirts and radical Mormon Destroying Angels have become increasingly violent in the months since impeachment, with headlines telling tales of opposition presses raided and armed men watching poll stations. Another conspiracy theory has held that the death of Committee for the Preservation of the Republic chairman Thomas Schall in a motor accident over the winter of 1951 was the result of an intentional Blackshirt hit-and-run.
-While many have blamed the fiery speeches of Vice President Musmanno for encouraging Blackshirts, President La Follette and his brother in the Senate have fiercely denounced all violence on behalf of their movement, appealing to supporters for calm as they call for the speedy prosecution of the allegedly Blackshirt bombthrowers that took the life of elderly comedian Will Rogers. Nonetheless, fear of political violence has led to the cancellation of the 1952 Progressive-Federalist presidential primary in favor of a convention held in tandem with the Liberty League under the auspices of the Committee for the Preservation of the Republic.
-Meanwhile, Washington Senate candidate Marion Zioncheck would throw himself off a building while campaigning to succeed Clarence Dill. In a coma, Zioncheck’s supporters have accused the administration alternately of reigniting his documented mental health issues and being behind the attempted murder themselves.
-September 14, 1951, the height of Blackshirt violence in Philadelphia, St. Louis, and New York City, has been labeled the “Knight of the Long Knives” by opposition critic Styles Bridges. Vice President Musmanno has stood alone in the administration in defending the actions publicly despite condemnation from President La Follette that has carried into the authorization of NSA prosecutions of Blackshirt perpetrators. Representative Richard Nixon, the lead impeachment manager in the La Follette trial, has credited J. Edgar Hoover with the investigations rather than La Follette and accused the administration of only condoning them under pressure from his brother.
-”People of America, wake up!” The last words of House Minority Leader Eduardo Chibas, broadcast into a million homes seconds before his suicide on live radio, has fueled the creation of local opposition organizing groups calling themselves “Wide-Awakes” and aiming to bridge opposition interests against the La Follette Administration.
-The President has made a half a dozen speeches across the nation under the banner of his loyal National Progressives of America calling for the ratification of a 20th Amendment to shift to the president the powers of Congress, restricting the republic’s legislative branch to a mere veto power, while arguing that the need for a strong legislature would be replaced with a 21st Amendment establishing a process for national referendums. Although not passed by Congress, several state legislatures, including those of Alabama and Washington, have passed resolutions indicating a willingness to ratify the amendment.
-The President further floated the concept of reforming the legislature into a “Chamber of Corporations” balancing representatives from the General Trades Union and Business Council.
-With the arrest of CIO leaders John L. Lewis and Tony Boyle, leadership of the nation’s chief opposition union has fallen to Walter Reuther and Jimmy Hoffa, representing the left and right of the organization. With widespread prosecutions against members and supporters such as Fulgencio Batista, however, Reuther and Hoffa have found themselves fighting to prevent the CIO’s collapse. Nonetheless, the CIO would hold a 1950 celebration of the life of former Vice President Lena Morrow Lewis, with President Alf Landon hailing her role in the opposition and using the funeral as a means to rally anti-La Follette sentiment.
-Following a career in national politics spanning nearly seven decades, former President William Randolph Hearst would stop the presses for a final time on August 14th of 1951, passing away at the age of 88 in his castle in San Simeon, California. Having been alternately king and kingmaker in American politics for a half century, Hearst’s funeral would leave the streets around the Grace Cathedral full for blocks, with his son and heir William Randolph Hearst Jr. managing proceedings. Yet, in light of Hearst’s turn to the opposition and support for Fulgencio Batista, President La Follette would be notably absent from the funeral of the man who once coronated him the Farmer-Labor Party’s nominee for the presidency.
-President La Follette would push for the statehood of the territory of Tannenbaum, initially in a tandem effort with Territorial Representative Ernest Gruening’s push for Jewish colonization of the region as an alternative to the increasingly violent Palestine. However, with public sentiment against statehood riled up by Father Charles Coughlin in a campaign tinged by anti-semitism, Senator Henrik Shipstead would filibuster the statehood bill, prompting the Administration to declare a moratoria on statehood efforts and a reconsideration of whether statehood stands in line with national security interest.
-At the urging of singer turned Tennessee Governor Roy Acuff, a group of anti-La Follette Hollywood stars have formed The Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, including Jane Russell, Ronald Reagan, Zasu Pitts, Gloria Swanson, June Allyson, Pat Buttram, Orson Welles, and Shirley Temple.
-Senator John Horne Blackmore has proposed an additional tax on chain stores to encourage the development of small business, while he, former New York Governor Ezra Pound, and publisher James Laughlin have called for the revival of the American social credit movement.
-Alabama and Illinois have established themselves as the fastest growing states in the nation, demonstrating success in Single Taxer Paul Douglas’s new “Illinois Model” as well as the continued prosperity of Alabama in the wake of Milford W. Howard’s fascist “Alabama Model” that has inspired emulation globally.
-Farmer-Laborite Maine Senator Benjamin Bubar’s investigation of Hollywood has led to the firing or blacklisting of several dozen actors on charges of alleged homosexuality, with the Administration attempting to tie the issue to support for the President’s political opposition, citing the blacklisting of Greta Garbo and Tennessee Williams as precedent for the firing of longtime members of the foreign service on charges of possible homosexual activities.
-Notable inventions and scientific breakthroughs during President La Follette’s term include the discovery of DNA by scientist Rosalind Franklin; the hydrogen bomb, newly tested on the island of Sakhalin; the first successful kidney transplant; and a revolutionary new vaccine for polio invented by University of Alabama doctor Jonas Salk.

In John L. Lewis's stead, dynamic young Jimmy Hoffa has led the independent labor movement.
The Supreme Court:
-Justice Thomas C. O’Brien, appointed in 1939 as a part of President Lindbergh’s takeover of the court, would die in November of 1951 at the age of 64. With the Presidency still reeling from impeachment, La Follette would nominate Michigan Supreme Court Justice Evo DeConcini to the position. However, the hostile Senate would overwhelmingly refuse to confirm the appointment, with Progressive-Federalist Leader George Pritchard vowing to oppose any La Follette nominee. With neither side budging, the position has remained vacant.

Map of the world as of 1952.
World Events:
-After 9 years of prolonged conflict, the Franco-British War would conclude in August of 1950 with the Treaty of Amsterdam signed by Marshal Petain and British Prime Minister Oliver Baldwin, largely ceding French colonies to the British Empire, with the exception of the Congo, on the time table for independence, and Guiana and Algeria, incorporated directly into metropolitan France. Meanwhile, French dominion has been de facto recognized over most of Western Europe, with the west bank of the Rhine, Catalonia, Luxembourg, and Belgium directly incorporated into France while Germany has been divided into a series of puppet states.
-Although the Spanish Republic has survived, the French-influenced, Catholic monarchist CEDA led by José María Valiente Soriano has received significant funding in challenging Prime Minister Jose Ortega y Gasset, with a similar situation emerging in Italy following the democratization of the nation by former dictator Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, who has been succeeded by the pro-French Achille Lauro.
-Alongside the neutral Netherlands, Portugal has stood outside of the French bloc, as fascist leader Francisco Rolão Preto has held onto power while courting the support of both Bolshevik Russia and the United States, explicitly citing Milford W. Howard as his model for rule.
-In what the French government has labeled “le épuration de la frontière,” (the border purification), a forced exodus has occurred from newly annexed territories, driving millions from their communities and largely to French Africa, where the government has resettled hundreds of thousands each of Catalans, Germans, Greeks, Flemish Belgians, Italians, and the Occitan as French settlers claim their former homes.
-Meanwhile, the international process of decolonization has sped up rapidly, with a proposal by Choudhary Rahmat Ali being adopted by the British to partition the former Raj and form the states of India and Pakistan, alongside a Christian state in the far east.
-Mexican Prime Minister Manuel Gomez Morin has emerged as the primary center of power in the Empire after the crowning of 8 year old Maximiliano II as Emperor.
-Under the leadership of Prime Minister George Drew, the Progressive-Conservatives have won yet another Canadian election, yet the rise of the Social Credit Party in Quebec has driven them to status as the nation’s official opposition. Drew has hosted an Anglo-American Summit alongside President La Follette and Newfoundland Prime Minister Joey Smallwood.
-With Bolshevik Russia as the senior partner, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has been established as an alliance between Russia and its satellite states in Kazakhstan and the Caucasus.
-The Hashemite Caliphate has experienced increased unrest in both Palestine, where radical Jewish and Muslim militias have clashed, and the majority Christian regions of Mount Lebanon and newly annexed Nubia, where order has been nearly impossible to enforce.
-Following the death of Jorge Carlos Mariategui after two decades at the helm of Peru, Jorge del Prado Chavez has succeeded him, shifting the nation further towards Bolshevik Russia and ending all possibility of Peru entering a Pacific defense pact.
-The National Party’s oppressive regime of white rule in South Africa has been used as a model by a growing movement for a white minority government among the displaced, largely German white population in the French Congo, slated for independence within the decade.
-Social Democrat Mohammed Mossadegh has been elected President of the Republic of Iran, bringing the Georgist nation closer to Bolshevik Russia geopolitically as a counterweight to fiercely pro-British Caliph Abdullah and pro- French Turkish President Celâl Bayar.
-Greek dictator Konstantinos Logothetopoulos would be deposed in a 1952 revolution following the successful secession of the Aromanians, with communist Markos Vafeiadis leading a Provisional Democratic People’s Government with Bolshevik support. However, prominent author Nikos Kazantzakis has emerged at the fore of an anti-Vafeiadis protest movement for democratic socialism influenced by Georges Sorel.
-Adopted throughout the Habsburg Realm, Soviet Union, and among many Jews in Palestine and Europeans in the Congo, the Esperanto language has gained nearly 50,000,000 speakers and become the official language of diplomacy for the newly founded Republic of Korea.

Bolshevik Russia's \"Iron Lazar\" Kaganovich.
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2024.05.16 00:31 Pontacos I present to you, AP Naafiri!
But wait, Naafiri dont have a single thing scaling with AP? Let me explain!
Naafiris Q has (for my knowledge) the longest dot duration in the game on a basic ability. This means that it works great with items like Liandries and now the new item Blackfire Torch, you play more like a poke mage. You dont want to hit the Q twice, you just land it and let the bleed do it's thing. Every Q is a dot for 8 seconds, they also nerfed / changed seryldas a while ago so targets need to be under 50% hp for the slow to kick in, dont worry! Rylais works much better, Q = 30% slow for 6 seconds on hit. The long duration also makes Arcane comet launch twice from one Q later into the game.
Big question, is this actually viable and good? No, it's not good and you should probably play AD Naafiri instead. For normals or ARAM you can have some fun. I saw that Naafiri actually got a aram specific buff this patch so this would deal some more damage in there.
For the ones who cares to read further this will just be a rant over how i was dreaming of the perfect set up of items with new changes but my dreams came crashing down real soon after.
First off the new season would allow Naafiri to have both liandries and eclipse (eclipse proccs from just one Q when the dogs jump onto target). Of course they decided to get rid off Demonic embrace so my plans were ruined. Then i started messing around with the Ingenius hunter rune and realised that the new Ludens item proccs multiple times if you have the rune stacked, now they changed ludens again so that's not possible anymore. I also tried going support and get the AP %hp damage upgrade. Same thing applied here, the ingenius hunter rune made it possible to procc the support item twice from just one Q, i believe it dealt 4% max hp + 20% ap. ONE patch later they nerf the upgrade, both the damage and cooldown so it was no longer possible to procc twice. At this stage it doesn't really matter but they also removed ingenius hunter now so no more dreaming if new items come out.
In theory on a perfect game with all the right conditions. We could have Liandries, Demonic embrace, Eclipse, support item paired with either Rylais or void staff for more damage for a total of 38% max hp damage from one Q. Not counting rune damage, base damage or summoners or whatever. ( was counting with old liandries and the removed demonic embraces damage.) Obviously would deal less with armomr included but still.
submitted by Pontacos to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:15 Additional6669 How accurate are blitz after game rankings?

i’ve been getting flamed a lot in game since i’ve switched to playing enchanters. this has surprised me since i thought adcs hated mage supports which is what i used to play more of. i will say i suck, but so does everyone i play with at my elo. we are all making wild calls and mistakes all game.
the thing is is that when the game is over my blitz placement is usually pretty good. out of my last 15 games as supp only 3 was i in the bottom 3 of my team, and there were a few defeats where i was rated 2nd or 3rd. is this at all accurate? or is it just skewed to favor things that supports do like warding?
i usually use it as de tilt after people yell at me or blame the loss on me, but maybe i shouldn’t lol. i do review most games and i am aware of mistakes i am making so i know there are things that really could have been game changing but i feel like i see that for everyone in the games, and i just try my best to make note and not do it again if i can.
submitted by Additional6669 to supportlol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:11 asksaboutstuff It's time for rearm to work on neutral items

If there's one thing I know about the Dota community, it's that people love Tinker. Ever since the last few patches, Tinker has nearly disappeared from our pubs. Around the world, Dota players are crying out for the return of Tinker, and luckily for you all I'm here to propose the buffs that this hero needs!
I think most people would agree that Tinker has 3 boring spells and rearm (free BoT counts as part of the ult). And while the intro paragraph is obviously a joke, for those of us that do enjoy the hero, the entire fun aspect of it is how rearm allows Tinker to interact with items in a way that no other hero can. A different approach to one of the major progression systems in the game makes the hero very unique and enjoyable to play.
Neutral items have been in the game for a while now, and yet still none of them interact with rearm like normal items do. When they were first introduced I figured Valve didn't want to have to deal with rearm when balancing them, but years down the line it's time to address the interaction. To give a glance at how this would actually change the hero, I've gone through the list of current neutral items with active abilities and rated the impact of each item (and chosen some that would need to be banned from working with rearm a la BKB).
Tier 1
Arcane Ring: Starting off with a bang! making +75 mana a rearmable effect would be a significant buff for a hero with heavy mana issues. Given Tinker's current state I don't necessarily think it would be broken, but it would be by far the best t1 neutral for him and would introduce huge variance into Tinker games based on whether or not he gets a free mini soul ring at min 7. Verdict: not rearmable
Royal Jelly: It needs to build charges over time anyways, so rearming the active ability basically does nothing. Verdict: allowed
Seeds of Serenity: +10 hp regen is nice but not that crazy. I don't actually know if the regen from multiple seeds stacks but I doubt it. Assuming the regen from multiple casts doesn't stack. Verdict: allowed
Trusty Shovel: Is sitting in fountain rearming to dig for bounty runes worth it? I very much doubt it, but I do know that if it's an option I'm going to have "support" Tinkers on my team doing it. Verdict: not rearmable
Pig Pole: Why chain hex enemies when you can chain hex yourself? Funny, but obviously not useful. Verdict: allowed
Safety bubble: Based on the wording I don't think rearm would cause the shield to instantly replenish.
Tier 2
Bullwhip: A small slow / speed buff being rearmable isn't a big deal. Verdict: allowed
Light collector: Not very useful unless you're trying to impress a Timbersaw player. Verdict: allowed
Tier 3
Craggy Coat: Permanent +12 armor could actually be pretty strong considering that Tinker doesn't care about movespeed. Unfortunately Tinker also really doesn't want to be in the middle of things to make good use of it. Solid ability but not OP. Verdict: allowed
Defiant Shell: Tinker obviously doesn't get a lot of value from free right clicks, so not very useful. Verdict: allowed
Dandelion Amulet: Rearming a 300 magic dmg barrier on top of defense matrix is very strong. Add that to the item giving 300 mana and this would be a powerful option. I'm on the fence, but I think this one might be a little too OP for a tier 3 item. Verdict: not rearmable
Doubloon: I didn't even remember this thing had a cooldown without looking it up. Useless. Verdict: allowed
Ogre Seal Totem: Basically a force staff, which is nice to have but usually not bought on Tinker due to slot restrictions. This feels roughly equivalent to Dandelion Amulet to me. I think it's a little bit overtuned as a rearmable t3 item. Verdict: not rearmable
Tier 4
Martyr's Plate: Just in case the enemy team is doing a poor job focusing you, you can do it for them! Obviously awful. Verdict: allowed
Ninja Gear: Permanent smoke is really nice for finding safe farm on the map in the lategame. The stats are useless for Tinker, which I think prevents this from pushing into OP territory. Roughly the level of utility to expect out of neutral items at this stage. Verdict: allowed
Stormcrafter: The cooldown is already so low that rearming isn't a very big DPS increase, and it requires you to be close anyways. Verdict: allowed
Ascetic's Cap: The status resist stacked with defense matrix is quite strong. However, this is most important for when you first get jumped, which doesn't require rearm. Being able to reapply the bonus status resist during a fight is certainly nice, but I don't think it's OP. Verdict: allowed
Havoc Hammer: A 0 mana AoE nuke is really strong with rearm. On the other hand, it scales on str and has very small range. It's a great farming item, but by this point Tinker will have lvl 18 and shiva's already, so doesn't have issues clearing waves. The nuke is actually a good chunk of damage, even with Tinker's subpar strength values. The short range definitely brings it down since you will be close enough for enemies to stop your rearm, but I think the added damage is just too much. Verdict: not rearmable
Mind Breaker: Tinker doesn't right click. If you really want to perma-silence someone orchid (or just hex, obviously) works better. Verdict: allowed
Trickster's Cloak: Some nice utility given that it doesn't take up a slot, but rearmable invis is already in the game and not very strong. Verdict: allowed
Tier 5
Book of Shadows: Pseudo perma-disable for an enemy or permanent invuln for an ally. Chaining this on an ally just makes Tinker the target instead, and enemies can BKB or go invis between applications. Casting it on an enemy makes them untargetable, so you can't truly perma-disable someone with it since you can't recast until after the effect ends. Also worth noting that you can't go perma-invuln yourself since it silences, and the cooldown is already super short. Obviously strong but not crazy for a t5 item. Verdict: allowed
Force boots: Rearmable force staff was OP for a t3 item, but by t5 it's fine. Verdict: allowed
Magic lamp: no lol. Verdict: not rearmable
Pirate Hat: By 60+ minutes sitting in fountain rearming dig might actually be a good, safe way to farm when the map is dark. Good or not, sitting in fountain is boring and shouldn't be promoted. Verdict: not rearmable
Arcanist's Armor: I have to confess that in all my 60+ minute games I've never gotten a good feel for exactly how much this item is doing. On paper the active sounds insane with 100% uptime so I would say it's probably OP, but idk. Verdict: not rearmable
Book of the Dead: What's a level 3 Necronomicon? The units get replaced on recast, so you can't build an army of them. I honestly don't think this ability is too crazy, though back when necrobook existed it didn't work with rearm. The stats are good on Tinker too which makes is stronger, but I still don't think it's out of line. Verdict: allowed
Mirror Shield: This would make Tinker nearly untouchable against a lot of lineups. It's already one of his favorite endgame items without rearm. Verdict: not rearmable
Seer Stone: Maphacks time! The ability is super strong with rearm, obviously. The stats on this are also amazing for Tinker, which I think pushes it past acceptable strength. Verdict: not rearmable
Thanks for coming to my TED talk if you made it this far. Anyways, this is mostly a QoL change since most neutral items either don't have cooldowns or give abilities that don't interact well with rearm. Meaningful buffs would happen at the t4 and t5 items, but Tinker is not a great user of most of those to begin with.
submitted by asksaboutstuff to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:15 RookBreakdown Simplest ways to Win (Hard,default party) as each Faith?

Greetings retro computer game fans! I've been a fan of tactical strategy games since I was a boy, unfortunately I'm still not especially strategic :(. For one, I tend to overthink things and end up with overly elaborate esoteric plans with way too many steps that can go wrong. So for the sake of straightforward efficacy I thought I'd give my thoughts on the simplest ways to beat Balkoth and compare notes with anyone who wants to discuss. Winning without cheating that is, cause with them the answer would always be use the 'zilla' cheat to throw endless dragons at Balkoth until he's dead!
Earth: War Lord, research Entangle ASAP and give enough experience to your Mage Tower to train Level 2 Magicians, so they have the 4 mana to cast Entangle without artifacts. Level up your Dwarf Lord ASAP and give as much experience to your Earth barracks as you can. Death has a lot of deadly spells (go figure lol) but no crowd control and Earth units aren't slowed by swamp. Massed leveled up dwarf infantry should be able to kill Balkoth so long as he immobilized by Entangle and thus unable to flee. The only major downside with this strategy is it leaves you with nothing that hard counters Dark Javelins, which do a ton of ranged damage. The only soft counter is using the Riders Earth cavalry to close distance faster with their quick combat speed.
Air: Thief Lord, research Headwind and mass Fairy Slingers. Level up your Fairy Slingers using your Thief Lord, for 2700 Experience they'll max out their Range Attack at 12 which means Aimed Missile will hit for 12*1.5=18 which can hurt even a max Level Balkoth. Headwind will prevent Balkoth from fleeing effectively and is much easier to both research and cast than Stun.
Life: Thief Lord, Mass leveled up Elven Archers can shoot down Balkoth and anything else he can reasonably get if you attack with some haste. Death lacks multi-target damage spells, which are the hardest counter to Elven Archers, so you'll find strength in numbers. Research Create Plains to generate meadow terrain that will slow down Death and there's no chance Balkoth will successfully flee.
Fire: Sorceress Lord, get your Mage Tower to Level 2 to produce Demons ASAP. Research Lava Flow to produce terrain that will slow down almost all your enemies, this is the closest thing to a movement control spell Fire magic offers. Research Frenzy, Immolation, and Flame Sword as these are all quick to research and can be combined for a massive 10+ Attack bonus if cast on the same unit. Demons have a lot of HP and 50% Death magic Resist so long as you can get them to attack Balkoth before he can get his one-hit-kill spell Lost Soul theres little chance he'll kill them with magic. Buffed Demons will do damage very quickly if you order them into melee and should have no problem against anything except perhaps massed Dark Javelins. If you're struggling with Javelins you can research Heat Shield to increase your Demon's already significant Missile Resist and Defense stats or simply kill them off with Fire's numerous damage spells. If you want to be even faster and more aggressive you could attack Balkoth with Fire Elementals from a Level 1 Tower, they have practically as much Attack as a Demon, but there's a good chance Balkoth will kill several of them with spells since the Elementals have 18 HP vs the Demon's 46.
Water: Priestess Lord, research Attack spells up to Freeze which should also give you Blood Lust and Quicksilver and Rust. Get Water Elementals to gank Balkoth when he unfreezes with the help of those stat spells too.
submitted by RookBreakdown to LoMSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:39 Existing-Flounder793 Bis ring

Hello! Why is Seal of Diurna's Chosen bis ring for frost mage? I have head enchant and crafted belt for fire dmg to proc and it barely deals 2mil overall in 350mil dmg in a m+. Wasn’t a ring with haste mastery better ?
submitted by Existing-Flounder793 to wownoob [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:23 ANewPrometheus Vecna buff suggestions. (8.0.0 PTB)

After watching a lot of content and playing him myself, a lot of people definitely feel that his power is too easy to counter and is a little too punishing to use.
So, I've come up with some suggestions to hopefully make his power better to use.
Flight Changes:
  1. Reduce the slowness at the end of the flight by 1 second. (It's slightly too long.)
  2. Increase flight duration by 1 second. (It feels slightly too short.)
Flight of the Damned Changes:
  1. Lower the height of the Skeletons to be undodgable through crouching. (His Skeletons are already hard enough to aim, and spread too far at a range to where it feels the Survivors generally have too many ways to counter it. They currently have the options of: Dodging, Crouching, and also just holding W since they take a bit too long to send out.)
  2. Decrease the rate at which the Skeletons spread. (The Skeletons spread a bit too quickly after they begin flight. It makes using this power at a range very difficult.)
Dispelling Sphere Changes:
  1. Increase the speed at which the Sphere moves to 4.8 m/s. (Currently, the Sphere moves a bit too slow. It moves slightly slower than 4.6 m/s, so this would allow the Sphere to go ahead of the Killer and show you where nearby Survivors are.)
  2. Increase the Sphere's size by 2 meters. (Currently, there is an addon in the game that allows you to do this already, however, the Sphere just feels too small at base, as well as it not feeling good enough with the addon, this would also decrease the chances of Survivors being inside of the Sphere and not getting detected, as that is an issue I've encountered when they're on the edge of the Sphere.)
Mage Hand Changes:
  1. Increase the time Mage Hand blocks a pallet by 4 seconds. (It is already 4 seconds long, which is just enough for Survivors to make a second lap around most tiles, and allow them to use the pallet anyway. This would increase the amount of time he blocks pallets 8 seconds, which is 4 seconds less than Hex: Blood Favor.)
  2. Decrease the Slowness while using Mage Hand. (Currently, you are slowed down too much while using Mage Hand. If you lift up a pallet with his ability, not only do you allow the Survivors to recycle the Pallet without bringing Any Means Necessary, but you also are slowed down while charging the power, which feels even more punishing to use.)
Now, some changes to the Magic Items I would give.
The Skyguard Changes:
  1. Add a limit of 32 meters of the Aura detection.
The Nightwatch Changes:
  1. Add a limit of 32 meters of the Aura detection.
The Archivist Changes:
  1. Add a limit of 32 meters of the Aura detection.
The Interloper Changes:
  1. Add a limit of 32 meters of the Aura detection. (I'm suggesting the limit of the aura detection range on all Magical Items since if used in a group setting, you can easily know where Vecna is at all times through the use of coordinated communication. Limiting the range would make it to where only people who are in an immediate vicinity gain use of the information, which could still be very helpful to counter his powers.)
  2. Remove the 7% Haste effect after Mage Hand is used. (This effect is just the final nail in the coffin for Mage Hand. Even though it only lasts for 3 seconds, Vecna is already significantly slowed down while using Mage Hand, so this just feels like overkill.)
There are no changes I'd suggest for the Hand of Vecna, or the Eye of Vecna. They are both balanced as they can only be used while Healthy, injure you after use, and also gives Vecna the ability to mori you.
The rest of these changes are just suggestions. I'm not saying ALL of them should be good to add. but most of them certainly would. The abilities I feel are in the most need of buffs are Mage Hand, Flight of the Damned, and The Interloper Magic Item. The Dispelling Sphere is mostly okay, but a couple slight changes would still be welcome, and wouldn't make it over-tuned at all since it has a long cooldown and only gives information. Fly is ALMOST perfect. It just feels a little bit more punishing to use than I feel it should be.
Please give me your thoughts in the comments. I'd love to hear any suggestions you have, or how you feel about limiting the aura-reading ability on the Magic Items.
submitted by ANewPrometheus to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:20 wonkyasf With the arcane mage changes on TWW alpha, will arcane still basically spam AE in AoE.

Arcane mages looks really cool but just standing basically in melee spamming AE so much doesn’t look appealing to me. I don’t know arcane mage well enough to judge but with the changes they made to the tree along with the spellslinger hero talents, would that make it so you don’t have to spam AE in melee?
I’m not sure if that’s something arcane mages even like or not tbh.
submitted by wonkyasf to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:13 Taylor1308 [Void Knight Mace] Help me refine my suggestion

[Void Knight Mace] Help me refine my suggestion
Hey Scapers,
I've been brainstorming for fun, browsing community suggestions, and wanted help with refining one. This post isn't a suggestion post yet, I want help with refining it first. In OSRS's early days, the Void Mace dominated as the only staff for autocasting a God Spell (best PvM spell at the time iirc), but not anymore. Now with the magic rebalance it feels like a good time.
On 21 April 2021, Jagex decreased the Attack rate for maces from 5 to 4, but they didn't include the Void Knight Mace, which used to be slightly better than a rune mace, but not after. Now I never see anyone use the Void Mace ever. Void mace is supposed to be a hybrid weapon like how traditional mmorpgs treat maces/priests, a mage + melee hybrid weapon.
So why not introduce an Elite Void Mace? with a reasonable improvement? Currently, It's not viable alternative to Iban's blast for midgame for many, because of the blood runes cost of Claws of Guthix. People usually just stick with ibans for Barrows and then use a trident once they get it. What do you guys think would be an appropriate buff to it? Something worth considering is: if it's reduced to 4 ticks to be in-line with other maces, is it an issue for the Void Mace to be 4-tick for melee and 5-tick for spellcasting? Maybe it can stay 5-tick melee and the mage side is improved?
Possible changes:
  • Allowing it to be stored at POH with the rest of the Void Pieces
  • +15 magic attack bonus like other staffs instead of +8
  • Costs 80k to repair
Void Mace is an early-game weapon, but for the sake of balancing I used a max setup with piety and super combat pot. If you think a special attack might be helpful then please recommend one, pick one of the ones I thought of below, maybe refine it, etc. (It's a Guthix staff so maybe it can relate to how the Claws of Guthix spell lower the target's Defence, but it doesn't have to)
submitted by Taylor1308 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:53 throwaway271171 Tips for trauma anniversary

slight trigger warning toxic relationship My (27f) break up was pretty much a year ago. I am doing okay, not struggling too much but recently got a photo memory from a year ago on my phone & it triggered me to remember the last week of our relationship, which was fuelled with alcohol, fights and my last desperate attempt to make it work. My ex was also a very avid screameverbally aggressive during fights. Ever since that memory popped up, my sleep schedule hast changed from 8 peaceful hours per night to 5. I dream of him and I fighting, I am more easy to cry, I don’t have an appetite and have already lost some weight just in a couple of days. My heart rate is up, I get headaches & this incredible feeling of being stressed out for no reason.
I’m suspecting this is my body remembering the trauma, because I remember every single day and detail from the last week of our relationship. Down to my mother asking me if I was on drugs, because my panic attacks were so severe and him screaming at me for not wanting to eat chicken during a panic attack and not having myself under control. He wasn’t a bad guy, we just made each other into bad people.
Does anyone have experience with trauma anniversaries? I have read some stuff about them online, but I have never experienced this before so I don‘t know if this is what’s happening to me but I can’t find another reason I would feel this way (as my life is pretty okay right now). Does anyone have tips? I have already tried meditation & stuff but that doesn’t work, friends do distract me, but I can’t do my hobbies right now cause it just makes me worse.
I would appreciate some advise other than melatonin haha, since I already take that every night. :)
submitted by throwaway271171 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:10 HazNut Why is U.GG data so weird?

Was playing an ARAM as Yasuo earlier, hit up U.GG to get builds, runes etc.
For some reason it recommends going a skill order of Q W E, which apparently has about a 66.6% winrate across 15 matches. I get that this might be the sort of thing you see after a new patch, but when you go to the spells and abilities section and look at the skill order, for the same patch and all regions, it has 53 matches with a winrate of 45.28% and pick rate of 6.86%, which is lower than Q E W which has a winrate of 45.92% and pickrate of 91.85%...
Why is this seemingly incorrect data appearing on the main page for champions? Why would it recommend a skill order of Q W E even though the actual spells and abilities page shows it being worse in every way and why does it have different data?
Even the build paths have the same problems. it says to go for a Phatom Dancer build on the front page, but his Kraken Slayer build has a better winrate and pickrate??
I've always had problems looking at U.GG data, it randomly seems to flick between electrocute and arcane comet as Neeko's recommended runes in SR, despite the electrocute pickrate being so low that I'm not sure why it would be recommended...
submitted by HazNut to ARAM [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:43 psdviper Salary INTERNAL vs EXTERNAL

Been with this company for 5 years. I got promoted from Agent to Workforce. Salary from the time na agent ako is 18k then it went up to 22k as RTA.
Nakipag haggle pa ako para maging 25k.
I just found out na yung colleague ko na RTA hired externally, ang salary niya is 38k.
Same position. Same skillset, actually mas magaling pa ako since majority ng report niya need ko pa check and icorrect before ipresent sa clients.
Putaena feels lang. Gusto ko mag resign pero sobrang comfortable ko dito sa company na to kasi ang ganda ng benefits + WFH, onsite lang if may event or eatout ang team.
Question, ano success rate ko if ipapaalign ko sahod sa colleague ko? Else, hanap company nalang and hiring ba RTA sainyo? Haha
submitted by psdviper to BPOinPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:12 Book_Golem Help, there are too many 3rd Rank spells to choose from!

Hello, lovely people! Our party has just hit Level 5, which means that I need to pick out some new spells for my Wizard. My School is Universalist, and my Thesis is Staff Nexus (with GM permitted options to swap out the staff spells I picked at first level using Downtime). I've taken the Loremaster archetype with Free Archetype.
Our party consists of a Bard, Champion, Cleric, Magus, and Summoner. Lots of healing and moderate damage output leading to longer fights.
We're playing through the Abomination Vaults, so keep that in mind. I'd prefer to avoid spoilers, please, but if I'm considering something that's going to be less effective it would be nice to know. We've just completed (or are in the process of completing, we haven't opened the way down yet) the fourth level (Belcorra's Retreat), so I'm aware that there are a lot of Undead and other horrible monsters!
I'd appreciate any advice on spell selection, but particularly for the two new spells I get to pick up at 5th Level, which can now be 3rd Rank.
My current "standard" loadout is as follows:
Innate Cantrips:
1st Rank:
2nd Rank:
Staff (Staff Nexus Staff of Earth - I just wanted a cheap staff to get charges for Nexus spells)
Thus, on to picking Rank 3 spells for 5th Level.
An observation I made in our last major fight was that I need to improve my "boss fight suite". Currently that's pretty much Revealing Light, Laughing Fit, and Enfeeble (plus Briny Bolt if I keep that prepared). That is at least one spell targeting each save (and AC), but the effects are fairly light and none of them contribute damage to the mix.
I'd like to be able to contribute damage, but I feel that as a Wizard inflicting status ailments/buffs is more important (it's not like anyone else in the party is doing much of that). Doing both would be ideal! With that in mind, here's my shortlist of spells and my thoughts on them. I'd appreciate any insight into which of these might be particularly good (or bad) given our adventure and party makeup (and doubtless I've missed a few gems along the way too)!
Potential 3rd Rank picks:
Additionally, I'm tempted to pick up (via scrolls) the following with an eye to Heightening them to 3rd Rank. Honestly, I'll probably grab as many as possible, but it'd be cool to know if there are particular standouts among these options - I haven't really considered Heightened spells before.
Spells to Heighten to 3rd Rank:
And that's about it. My current thought process is that I'll take Cave Fangs and one of Agonizing Despair, Haste, and Slow. I do enjoy the idea of stacking detrimental conditions onto a target until it stops being able to do much of anything, but I'm not sure that's actually a viable playstyle given how effectively things make saves in Pathfinder.
Anyway. Thanks for reading this far, and my apologies for the wall of text - hopefully it was at least legible! Any thoughts you may have on spell selection (even if it's just "why would you take X when Y is just better?") would be very much appreciated!
submitted by Book_Golem to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]