Thank you note for inviting me to be a guest speaker

33 [f4r] #online - show me where the delicate stops

2024.05.16 05:37 spicycupidity 33 [f4r] #online - show me where the delicate stops

21+ ! !
please message me with more than "hi, how are you?" + do not chat message me, send me a DM! it's so much easier for me since i use the app on my phone.
just your local girlfriend stealing, alternative, bisexual here. 👋 but you know what? let's set that aside for now (your girlfriend is safe for the moment) because i'm looking for friends that are as good to me as i am to others, which is apparently *harder than it should be. i am a genuinely kind, loving person even if my face says otherwise. oops. i have a severe case of resting sad face, so sorry.
i'm smitten with people who are weird but not weird enough to make others uncomfy, or unable to enjoy the weirdness, ya know? i know you know. i like people who are into things that others mostly aren't: tarot, astrology, deep conversations, things like that. i might not actively be participating in said things but i like hearing the perspective of people who are! my friends always joke that i'm the person people say "i can fix her!" about but uh, i'm awesome. i don't need fixed. ✨i will admit though, i hesitate about people a lot because while i do want a best friend -- mine have scorned me, so i need someone patient with me and understanding of that, please. please. i adore social connections but i do come with a social battery and it needs refilled. me needing that time does not negate the connection i have built with you and am nurturing with you.
i will genuinely offer you diamonds in the form of friendship, just reciprocate it. i will offer you the safest, most non-judgement free zone you can imagine, you are always - always, safe with me. i just ask that you are a good, kind, compassionate friend to me. you can literally tell me anything in the world and if it isn't hurting anyone else, i will listen without judgment. i promise you. i'll also send you spotify songs that i really like, so hi. hello.
on to the fun tingz (and the stuff that will hopefully bring you in),
i'm watching my first ever anime, like ever and no we're not going to talk about my real first ever anime because it might've been a live action and it might've been death note and maybe i enjoyed it (holy crap, sueeeee me) but i have a few on my list to watch but i got pressured into this one, so far so good! let's talk about it, ask me which one it is! it's a pretty popular one lol. maybe you can guess it! either way, i'm also into horror shows/movies. i'm not really into the gory ones anymore, nor the emotional horror so i'll pass. my heart strings are saying noOoO thanks. i love watching movies with friends and even anthology shows like cabinet of curiosities, dark mirror, etc etc. i don't mind anything else! hit me up. i'll tell you some stuff i like(d)
currently, iiiiii am a graphic design major with a knack for not drawing. i mean, i guess i do like pixel art. if you can give me something small to draw in pixel art form, i will attempt it (if you give me something large, i'll send you doo doo in the mail) but honestly, i am still learning and trying new things everyday 💤 however, i'm in the process of changing majors to cybersecurity! which starts in June, so wish ya girl luck 💅
i am a gamer, so come game with me! i don't play league, my mental health is terrible enough, thank you. i also don't play wow, my attention span could never. i do, however, play valorant because i don't like myself that much. i got you there, didn't i? i play a few other things: CS, starting to get into overwatch 2 (please play this with me and if you ask me my rank, i'll cry), party animals, pummel party (can we please?) etc. i tend to hang out in valorant land though, i won't lie. i do not take it seriously and honestly, nor should you.. nerd.
i am ✨sPiCy✨so if that bothers you, i am sorry. i, again, am a genuinely kind person but i do have a snarkiness to me that is meant to be a slight "i love you" + dash of bully. ❤
submitted by spicycupidity to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:35 Personal_Title6519 UPDATE ON THE OH-GM STARKILLER BY BUBUK'S GARAGE!

Quick Update on the Open Hatch GM run! This run will be a limited run of 50 sets and now, we are currently reaching the 40 participants milestone with remaining 10 spots left. Therefore, the first invoice will be issued out soon and I will just leave the invoice open for a week or so. Hopefully, we can start the fabrication by end of May 2024.
I can't thank you guys enough. With that, as a token of appreciation, we have designed a custom stainless steel plaque in which will be inclusive with every pre-order. I also have revised the stand design to allow 3mm rods to be attach so that meditating scene diorama can be made. A sample has been ordered and will test it out when i receive it.
Other than that, a base chasis have also been designed tho I would need to test it further when the hilts are in my hand. The chasis features a secondary crystal chamber with OLED screen that would be visible from the open hatch reveal, 18350 battery, kill switch and 24mm speaker. Nonetheless, for those who wish to opt for install, please contact me. I will take note of it, and will discuss it further with you guys directly.
Last but not least, there are still few open spot for pre-order. Make sure dont miss it.
Sign up form:
So basically, thats it. Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries or just about anything.
submitted by Personal_Title6519 to LightsaberBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:32 SuzuranLily1 The Daily Check-In for Thursday, May 16th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!

We may be anonymous strangers on the internet, but we have one thing in common. We may be a world apart, but we're here together!
Welcome to the 24 hour pledge!
I'm pledging myself to not drinking today, and invite you to do the same.
Maybe you're new to /stopdrinking and have a hard time deciding what to do next. Maybe you're like me and feel you need a daily commitment or maybe you've been sober for a long time and want to inspire others.
It doesn't matter if you're still hung over from a three day bender or been sober for years, if you just woke up or have already completed a sober day. For the next 24 hours, lets not drink alcohol!
This pledge is a statement of intent. Today we don't set out trying not to drink, we make a conscious decision not to drink. It sounds simple, but all of us know it can be hard and sometimes impossible. The group can support and inspire us, yet only one person can decide if we drink today. Give that person the right mindset!
What happens if we can't keep to our pledge? We give up or try again. And since we're here in /stopdrinking, we're not ready to give up.
What this is: A simple thread where we commit to not drinking alcohol for the next 24 hours, posting to show others that they're not alone and making a pledge to ourselves. Anybody can join and participate at any time, you do not have to be a regular at /stopdrinking or have followed the pledges from the beginning.
What this isn't: A good place for a detailed introduction of yourself, directly seek advice or share lengthy stories. You'll get a more personal response in your own thread.
This post goes up at:
  • US - Night/Early Morning
  • Europe - Morning
  • Asia and Australia - Evening/Night
A link to the current Daily Check-In post can always be found near the top of the sidebar.
In "Courage" P!nk opines perfectly: "I'm walking uphill both ways it hurts, I bury my heart here in this dirt, I hope it's a seed I hope it works. Don't have to do this perfectly." Then she asks something we've all felt deep down inside when facing many big life changes: "Have I the courage to change today?"
I want to talk about pride vs being prideful today. A lot of "biblical scholars" love to talk about queer pride like being proud is a sin. There's a marked difference between the two. Being proud of who you are is a HUGE thing. It takes some serious cojones to flip the middle finger to the establishment and say "screw you I'm gonna be the best me ever!" I've been the recipient of hate for both my queer status and my sobriety even!
Being proud of my queerness and my sobriety to me isn't about being better than literally anyone, that is what the pride sin really is about. It is simply about being better than myself yesterday. Being proud of both those aspects of my life is because I was killing myself slowly with booze-fueled denial which was literally declining my health. I'm now fully present in my life, living every day as the woman I should have been living as my whole life, and so damn sober that even caffeine has an effect again!
I'm proud as hell of the things I've accomplished, but because I put in the work to get there. Over two years of being out of the closet and 14 months sober does not happen without a strong will or desire for change for the better. I took a huge leap of faith getting on HRT, I took almost equally as big of a leap getting sober. I had to go on blind faith that these things would work in my favor. The multitude of ways that my life has improved would take a year of DCIs to cover. I could literally write a book on the subject from the three volumes of journaling I've done to date.
Today I'm truly happy to feel healed from the breakup of my marriage enough to just miss the small aspects of it. It's more the feeling alone in bed at night than anything. But I'm living my life being the most alive, and I'm battling on my own...something I never did before. I'm happy to have all of this time out of the closet and sober. I'm happy to be alive and finding my purpose on this planet.
I also want to shout out u/nitram6119 for the glorious humanity check yesterday. I needed that more than words can even express, thanks friend! Thanks to all who gave support and uplift yesterday with my battles as well.
Tonight, Boston faces elimination again and I'll be watching with all my BostonBruins family in the GDT, who got to witness my rock bottom firsthand during a gameday thread in January 2022.
Question of the Day: What made you happy before getting sober that you discovered you love more now that you're sober. For me, it's watching hockey. NHL, PWHL, college, doesn't matter. Hockey is brutal and violent and a grind and I love watching the flow.
submitted by SuzuranLily1 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:31 restroomuser4 i feel like the least liked friend

anyone else feel like this? feeling like you’re the least liked friend, the unimportant friend, that none of your friends actually care about you. you find out information about social gatherings last and it doesn’t feel like your friends really want you there. i know we’re all adults and our spouses/partners/kids etc are the main priority and main focus and i don’t expect anyone to like hang out or talk to me every single day but idk.
i’m going to a wedding this weekend as a guest for my friend. her, along with 2 others, and myself had this friend group and i found out on accident that one of the friends is a bridesmaid and im not. i’m not super upset about it, because i live out of state, but i can’t help but wonder why no one told me? it’s almost like it felt like a secret. and now tonight, i asked my friends what hotel they’re staying in and they said they got an airbnb instead. and then my friend who’s getting married said “all the bridesmaids got an airbnb and you’re more than welcome to come hangout if you want to”. idk why but this hurt me. my friend said she thought she told me but i feel like that was just a pity lie. i want to talk to her about it but she’s getting married this weekend and i dont want to put all this stress on her. and at the same time it doesnt feel like she even cares that much about me so whats the point of bringing it up.
i might be overthinking this or feeling sorry for myself but idk. why am i never anyone’s favorite person? why is no one ever excited that im going to an event or being excited to invite me to an event? i try to remember that everyone has their own life and etc but im just so sick of feeling like the least liked friend. i just need some advice because this really bummed me out
submitted by restroomuser4 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:27 leahnch What do you think about Master of Computer Science program?

Hi guys, I'm considering doing Master of CS at USYD and there are still a few things holding me back so I thought I'd look for the public opinions out here, hoping to frame a better picture of what the learning environment is like. For starters, I have non-cognate backgrounds, this is my first formal attempt to learn C, R, SQL,... and the likes of networking, data structures, database management... I know some basic programming with Python and am refreshing my rusty math skills though. My intention is to specialize in data science (further going into ML/AI) but this is the only program I could enroll in with a BA degree. So here are my questions: 1. Looking through the program, I feel like it's pretty heavy on the networking & programming side, and the chances to escape into the world of ML/AI appear limited, even with the specialization counted in. For those who are pursuing the same path - do you think the networking and other foundational subjects worth your time? And how do you learn math and ML if not through the official curriculum? 2. The school doesn't offer an integrated internship subject like a few others, is it easy to get one during the 1st year summer? Any constraints for intl students you've seen? 3. Most of the courses have group work components, how's your peers' learning attitude? I'm hoping it's appropriate as this ain't no easy major to study 4. Any networking opportunities / job fairs for CS folks held on campus? 5. Are the professors good - as in do they seem passionate about their speciality, possess good pedagogical skills, and are open to inquiries after lectures? 6. For serious students out there, if you were to rate your efforts invested in the program overall, what would be the ratio of homework + textbook/slides studying + notes reviewing versus self research? Thanks a lot!!!
submitted by leahnch to usyd [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:26 NotAgainNOLA70119 BEWARE of Silver Lining Marketing!!

Disillusioned with the current job market? I get it, I really do. As if sifting through thousands of opportunities, writing a cover letters, going through 3 rounds of interviews, and all of the “homework assignments” isn’t enough? But we CAN’T forget to add a deep dive search into your potential employer’s background to the list because the amount of pyramid scheme/predatory companies out there is only increasing and they’re getting more and more sophisticated.
I’m have one intention; to prevent others from falling prey to the same predatory and morally corrupt situation that I found myself in. Thank god (or whomevewhatever is pulling the strings out there) for good friends with a knack for uncovering company's secrets or I would be working for a MLM right now. The company is called Silver Lining Marketing Inc. and they’re office is located in Gretna, LA (but operates in the greater New Orleans Area). They have an actual office, with employees and everything. They even make their employees wear business professional clothing so as to appear more legitimate. They have a functioning website, which once I actually read everything on their website, I realized that they aren’t really marketing the non-profits they fundraise for, but rather they are marketing job opportunities and personal growth within their company.
I applied to a job listing on indeed for an executive management position with Silver Lining Marketing Inc. with $75-100K compensation, which sounds great, right? You go through 3 rounds of interviews which end with an in-person interview with one of the “Team Leaders” and then their CEO. Everyone is SO nice and they do a great job of making the office feel “fun and supportive”. They don’t give you the job on the spot but rather wait at least a day or two to contact you after your final interview, so it appears as though this is a competitive and desirable position. Once you’re hired the switch flips and you’re finally made aware that you will not reach the executive manager position for about a year and this is how they get you!
First you will start out in an entry level “training” position for about a month where the pay is a measly $12/hr, but you get 20% of one-time donations and 1X monthly donations…which I don’t know how anyone sees any of that “bonus” money because they are still training and not “out in the field”. It was at this point that I asked what “out in the field” meant. I wrongfully assumed that in this position I would be doing event planning for galas, dinners, and any other kind of fundraising event…but man was I wrong! “Out in the field” actually translated to going to Walmart, CVS, various grocery stores, ect for 8 hours with a clipboard and harassing strangers for donations to various non-profits. Thats how they make their “bonuses” and I HIGHLY DOUBT that the people they coerced into donating their hard-earned money would still want to donate if they knew that approximately 40% of that donation would be going in to the pocket of a for-profit marketing firm. They have you wear clothing with the non-profit’s logo on it so that people think you work for the non-profit and they also tell you to never tell the donors that you take a (hefty) percentage of the money that they think is being donated in its entirety to the non-profit.
After about a month you move up to a leadership role. The leadership level is split in to 3 tiers; Jr. leader, Core leader, and Sr. leader. You’re still making $12/hr by the way, BUT WAIT, now you’ll get 20% of any one-time donations you 1.5X any monthly donations you receive. When you move to the Core leadership level you get a “growth bonus” which I was told is $200, hooray?? Upon reaching the Sr. leadership role you’re still at $12/hr but now you get 20% of one-time donations and 2X monthly donations. According to the employee I spoke to, new employees typically spend around 16-20 weeks in this role. At this point you are responsible for set up and break down of “events” in “the field”, your team of $12/hr cronies, and the money collected at the “events”. To move to the next tier, which is assistant manager, one must first indoctrinate 4 other people and at least 1 of those 4 people has to make it to a Sr. leadership role. This means you have to get at least 4 more suckers to work for 12/hr before you can be promoted, is this starting to sound familiar? In addition to your recruitment goals, you must also get at least 10K in one-time donations and 1K in monthly donations for 2 weeks in a row.
When you get to the third level you become assistant manager and you are STILL MAKING $12/hr, but don’t get your panties in a bunch because WOAH now you’re make 20% on one-time donations and 3X monthly donations. The assistant manager role typically last about 8-12 weeks and it is in this role that you learn the scripts and necessary brain-washing tools to start your very own MLM! The fourth and final level is executive manager and in this role you’re supposed to be making 75k-100k and be in charge of your own entire office of brainwashed underpaid employees and you get to rinse and repeat with all of the new hires.
These companies brainwash people in numerous ways. Every morning there is a meeting for an hour and half in which you stand up, yell mantras, clap, and get hyped up for a long day of skimming donations from various non-profit charities. They make sure everyone looks professional and has a “good attitude” to prevent people from getting spooked or god forbid thinking for themselves long enough to realize that they’re part of a pyramid scheme. How is this legal, you say!? Well, unfortunately it is legal but it absolutely should not be. See this particular company isn’t making you buy a product and then sell said product to make money, no no no, instead this company hides behind the good names of the charities that it “represents” while skimming money off the top of each donation. The Charities are getting donations they otherwise wouldn’t have so they're not motivated to do the necessary research in to the practices of the company that is paying them. I would also like to note that I don’t think that all of the people that currently work for or have worked for Silver Lining Marketing Inc. are terrible, morally corrupt, individuals because they at their core victims of this heinous system that judicial system has allowed to persist. This company targets kind-hearted individuals that want to help charities, individuals who typically don’t take a job just for the money. This allows them to guilt you in to working for an unlivable wage because, hey, you're making a difference and if you just work hard enough for a while then you’ll make lots of money and get to start your very own business!
I watched a youtube video on pyramid/MLM schemes called “The Slave Circle (Direct Marketing Devil Corp. Documentary)” and this video gave me the confidence I needed to tell the company that I would not work for them and why. I highly recommend watching the video if you think you might be falling prey to a company like Silver Lining Marketing Inc. Here’s the link;
Additionally, the Lula rich docuseries on amazon prime is worth a watch.
Lastly, I would like to say that if you or someone you know has been a victim of a fucked MLM like this, don’t turn to anger or vengeance. Don’t let this discourage you, these companies are so sophisticated and have scripted responses for every possible situation. They prey on good people and you are not a bad person if you fall for it, just don’t make that mistake again, learn from your errors, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post about your experience on reddit, glassdoor, and anywhere else you feel comfortable so that you can prevent others from falling victim to the same situation!!
I really hope this helps others and if anyone has any specific questions, let me know in the comments and I’ll try to check in every so often and answer them.
submitted by NotAgainNOLA70119 to Devilcorp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:21 yung_eggy CIN-3 and "stage 0 cancer"

hi I have an honest question for the sub. first of all, I'm glad to have found this community and be able to read others' experiences because they've educated me a lot.
for context, I haven't had a pap smear since pre-covid (currently 31, so when I was 27). normal results in the past, but this time it came back positive for HPV other abnormal results. went for a colposcopy which has confirmed I have CIN-2, CIN-2-3, and CIN-3 in multiple spots and I have a pre-op appointment for my LEEP next week.
I've done the research and read online and listened to everyone's stories; I'm aware most of these are a case by case basis. I'm just trying to gauge if my reactions are underwhelming or if I'm not worried enough? I've read some places that CIN-3 and having other precancerous cells that need to be removed is identified as "stage 0" cancer. it's not quite cancer, but concerning enough that I have to get something done before it turns into cancer.
I've been pretty calm and accepting of the situation at hand (the drama with my ex is more stressful than these test results -- spark notes: he was not supportive and blamed me for "infecting him" but that's a whole ass other mess of a post. guys are idiots). I told a few friends that I'm going to have to get LEEP done cause they found some precancerous cells that need to removed, and they've shown some support, but I almost feel like because it's not actual cancer, they're not taking the situation seriously as if I were to have cancer? (I've also admittedly been playing it down because I'm usually the type of person who doesn't like attention or want to have people worrying about me)
I'm not in anyway trying to dismiss anyone's feelings on this sub and I think what everyone is feeling is valid!
I guess I'm trying to figure out.. is this pretty serious?! should I be concerned more? more emotional? am I under-reacting? am I just still processing everything, so that's why I have a lack of emotional response right now? (I've cried more about my ex's hurtful response than my test results or even thinking there might be a hysterectomy in my future)
sorry for the jumbled rant. also the quotation marks around "stage 0 cancer" aren't meant to be patronizing, just trying to distinguish that some sites have recognized it as such while others don't acknowledge a stage 0.
anyway, thank you for reading this far 🙈 sending positive vibes to everyone!! 💓
submitted by yung_eggy to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:19 Investlyzee How to approach leaving after I hooked up with my roommate?

About 2 months ago, my roommate and I slept together a couple of times. He helped me out when I had a housing fall through, and it was incredible, like better than any porn I’ve seen, if I had a fantasy about this happening it was 100x this. I was excited to explore and experience sex or something more with him (once I moved out if he wanted that too.) When I finally spoke to him about it after a month, he expressed concerns about things moving too quickly and potentially ruining our living situation. I head him when he talks about other girls with our other roommate, he whispers but it really kills me, even though I know it’s different they aren’t his roommate, but hasn't made any moves since then, even though he's mentioned finding me attractive. I've given him space and haven't come off as clingy. I also don’t want to chase him, because in the beginning he very much was chasing me.
I have two ideas on how to approach this:
Reminding him I'll be moving out in 2 weeks, so if he's interested, we can explore things then before or after
Writing him a thank you note expressing gratitude for his help and the enjoyable experiences we had, and hinting at my interest in him. Which he already knows.
I’d love a guys perspective, this is the first time I’ve ever had this happen. I don’t really know how to proceed or if I should say anything.
submitted by Investlyzee to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:19 edgiscript [F4M] Mafia Dog - Part 3 of 7 [Working Out] [Listener Getting His Strength Back] [Rescue Of A Colleague] [Earning Respect]

Note: You've got questions? I've got answers: An Introduction To The Book That Is Me : ASMRScriptHaven (
Note: All my other stuff: Masterlist for edgiscript : ASMRScriptHaven (
Part 2: [FF4M] Mafia Dog - Part 2 of 7 [Listener Recovery - Physical Therapy] [Naming One Speaker Mommy] [Getting The Listener To Blush] [Naming Listener Puppy] : ASMRScriptHaven (
Note: I said in part 1 that I don't expect anyone to do this series. Partly because of the fact that there are 2 speakers throughout. But partly because of chapters like this with explosions or other non-conducive-to-ASMR sounds. If you decide to do this series, it might help to keep the sfx muffled by treating the explosion as being pretty far away.

Part 3

(General car sounds as Carissa is driving with Ronnie.)
Carissa: Ronnie, what’s the ETA on those new firearms?
Good. I want them prepped and ready by tomorrow morning. What about the ammunition?
Don’t worry about it. It’s only a small hiccup. I’ll get Kent to push it through channels. Fortunately, we haven’t had any dustups or problems in a while so we still have plenty on hand if something goes wrong, but I want everyone training on the new weapons ASAP, so we’ll use much of our ammo pretty quickly.
Yes, I said everyone.
Of course, not Puppy. You know what I meant.
What was that? Did you just say, “Yes, Mommy?”
Ok, Ronnie, right or left?
You heard me. Right or left? I want to know which testicle you’re ok with losing the next time you call me that.
That’s what I thought. There’s the gym where Jane is working out with Puppy. Just pull up next to Jane’s car.
(Car comes to a stop.)
Stay in the car.
(Car door opens then closes.)
Ronnie, what did I tell you?
I don’t care if you want to stretch your legs. I don’t feel like dealing with you hassling Puppy right now.
Fine, you can come in, but play nice.
(Carissa and Ronnie enter the gym. Possible general gymnasium sounds such as weight-lifting equipment being used.)
There they are, at one of the punching bags.
Jane: (From a short distance.) Puppy, look. It’s Mom.
Carissa: Hey there, guys. How goes the… WHOA!
Jane: (Amused.) Wow. That is quite the hug.
Carissa: (Laughs.) Yeah, Puppy. It has been a few days. I’ve missed you too. How have your workouts with Jane been coming?
That’s great to hear. You’re still my good boy, after all.
Jane: Puppy’s doing phenomenally. He’s already benching over two hundred.
Yeah, yeah, Ronnie, we all know how much you can lift.
Shut the hell up, Ronnie.
Well, maybe if we starved and beat you daily for six months, you wouldn’t be so…
Carissa: Jane! Stop.
Jane: Asshole.
Carissa: Jane! Let it go.
Ronnie, she’s right. Shut the hell up. Jane, I need to speak with you.
Jane: Can it wait? I was just about to run Puppy around the track to finish our session.
Carissa: It’s important. Puppy, I’m sorry. Do you mind circling the track on your own for a few minutes?
What? Ronnie? You’ll run with him?
(Seriously, as if she’s really telling him to behave.) Are you sure?
Well, it’s ok with me if it’s ok with Puppy.
Jane: Oh, Puppy would love that. Go ahead, boy. Go with Ronnie. Show him what you’ve got.
(Puppy and Ronnie walk away.)
Jane: Ok, Carissa, they’re gone. What’s up?
Carissa: Jane, how are you and Puppy doing?
Jane: Fantastic. He’s really come a long way. I think we just need to work on his endurance before…
Carissa: No, no, no, Jane. What I mean is how are you two doing… together? You and Puppy? Any… shall we say, interests there?
Jane: Carissa?
Carissa: Come on, Jane. Don’t “Carissa” me. I know you think he’s cute and I’ve seen the smiles he gives you as well. Have you two been… playing any one-on-one games.
Jane: I don’t think that’s any of your business.
Carissa: Typically, I’d agree. But come on, Jane, you understand the nature of our business and our organization. The longer he stays with us, the greater a liability he is.
Jane: Yeah, I know. But…
Carissa: No, buts. Kent wanted him gone already. Francine knows him and knows she can get what she wants out of him. The longer he’s with us, the more dangerous he is to us.
Jane: Damn, Carissa. I thought you had a heart.
Carissa: You know I love Puppy to death, but at some point we both know we’re going to have to let him go. Hanging on to him for too long puts him at risk too. You know that.
And the longer we keep him around the more difficult it will be on him when we do finally have to say goodbye. We need to set him up with someone or some people who will care for him and watch over him. We can still visit from time to time, but getting him away from us will protect the poor guy.
And… I couldn’t live with myself if he ever got hurt again.
Jane: Oh. Sorry for doubting you, Carissa. Boy, you really are his mom, aren’t you?
Carissa: It’s going to be tough to say goodbye, but I do want what’s best for Puppy.
Jane: Yeah, I know. But…
Carissa: But what? Jane? What are you thinking? What’s with that devilish look in your eye?
Jane: Carissa, what if Puppy stayed with us? For good. As a permanent member of our organization?
Carissa: Jane…
Jane: I know, I know, but hear me out. Everybody in the group loves him and he loves us. He’s loyal to a fault. You know as well as I do that he’d never betray us or give any of us up.
Carissa: If Francine got ahold of him again…
Jane: First of all, never gonna happen. We won’t let it happen. I won’t let it happen.
Second of all, in a worst-case scenario where it did, I honestly don’t think Puppy would give us up for anything.
Carissa: But you know what we do. Ok, let’s say I agree and he wouldn’t give us up. He’d still be dead or worse. We’d be putting him at risk if we kept him with us.
Jane: Yes, we would, but we’re all at risk. We chose to be here. What if Puppy chose too.
Carissa: You’ve already talked about this with him, haven’t you?
Jane: I’ve never given him any specifics. You know I would never do that, Carissa. But, yes, Puppy actually brought it up first. Carissa, he really wants to stay with us. He really does see you as his mom, and he loves you for that.
Carissa: And what does he see you as?
Jane: Oh… well… um…
Carissa: More importantly, how do you feel about him.
Jane: I… I don’t know. I mean, he is super cute, and he’s adorably sweet. And I admit it, I’ve always had a thing for the guy who needs help. I guess… yeah, I kind of like him. I mean, come on, what’s not to like? He’s just a super good guy.
Carissa: Jane, he’s damaged. Are you sure you’re not just feeling sorry for him.
Jane: Maybe, sure. But who’s not damaged? And I’m not saying I want to get married tomorrow. I’m just saying, that… yeah, maybe it is a relationship I want to consider.
Carissa: What about the physical aspect of what we do? We’d be asking a lot of Puppy.
Jane: Oh, my God, Carissa. He can more than handle it. Watch. I’ve been waiting for this.
Carissa: Watch what.
Jane: Look. Ronnie’s been jogging around the track with Puppy, but, as I knew he would, Ronnie’s been slowly picking up the pace. I knew Ronnie’s arrogance would get the better of him. He’s trying to show Puppy up. But watch.
Carissa: Puppy’s kicking his ass.
Jane: Right? And he’s not at a hundred percent yet. I’m telling you, once Puppy’s at full strength, he could…
(Interrupted by a small explosion and a crash nearby.)
Carissa: What the? Puppy? Ronnie? Damn it! I don’t see either of them in the smoke.
Jane: I think the explosion caused part of that wall to collapse. Puppy was ahead of it when it happened, but Ronnie… Oh my God. Ronnie is trapped underneath the rubble.
Carissa: The ceiling’s losing its integrity. Puppy, there you are. Come here. Get away from the wreckage.
Jane: Puppy! No! What are you doing? Don’t run towards it. The ceiling’s about to fall.
Carissa: Look. He’s lifting that piece of cement so Ronnie can get out.
(Sound of more crumbling.)
Carissa: Oh, thank God. They both made it out.
Puppy, come here. Let me hold you. Good boy. Yes, you’re my brave good boy. You saved Ronnie’s life. That was amazing.
Jane: Ronnie’s gonna be ok. Maybe a concussion, but no wounds I can see.
Carissa: Damn it. This has got to be Francine. It was a targeted attack. Only question is was she after Ronnie, or Puppy?
Jane: You think Puppy might have some information Francine’s afraid of?
Carissa: I don’t know, but it’s worth looking into.
Jane: I’m gonna get Ronnie back to Suzanne. You’ll be ok, Ronnie. Just got the wind knocked out of you.
What’s that?
Puppy, Ronnie… is saying thank you for saving his life.
Carissa: What’s that, Puppy?
Yes, you can go with them and make sure Ronnie’s ok. You be his guard dog. Ok?
Good boy, Puppy. Jane, you’ve got them both. I’ll stay here and make sure no one else was hurt. Maybe I can find out something more about the blast.
Jane: Stay safe, Carissa.
Carissa: You too. Now go.
Ok, bomb, talk to me. Show me what you’ve got.
Part 4 coming.
submitted by edgiscript to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:18 adhdbroughtmehere2 [AL] Can terms of change of custody request be updated prior to final hearing or during?

I posted before in regards to the situation and based off of comments I am getting a bit worried if we made the right choice. I wanted to make another post to see if we screwed up and if we can fix it.
Short Version-
Child's mother has been neglectful for years, lost custody due to it. Regained custody when dad fell ill, but is still being neglectful. Dad is doing better now and has requested to change custody to sole custody. I am wondering if that was a mistake (as judges often side with the mothers) and if it would have been better to just request to keep it as Joint Custody with the residence being changed to the father. If so, is it even possible to do that now? Final hearing has been set for end of August (we had no other hearings prior to this). Can we mail a request to amend (or however it works) or do we just bring it up during the final hearing? Or is it not advisable at all?
Detailed Version-
Backstory: The mother lost custody of the daughter when she was 5 years old because she left her alone overnight with open alcohol and weed within the child's reach. Father gained temporary full custody during this time. She lived with him, myself and her little (half) sister. Two years passed by without the mother attempting to regain custody when the father suddenly fell ill. This allowed the mother an opportunity to request custody of the child citing that the father could not take care of her in his current situation. The father did not contest as he wanted to give his daughter a chance to be with her mother and give the mother another chance. The judge granted them joint custody of their daughter with the mother being the primary residence and dad having her on holidays. The judge put in the order that the mom cannot leave the child alone and that she must provide transportation for all visitations until father is well enough to drive. The mother lives in AL and father in FL. As a note, their situation has always been long distance.
Current situation: The daughter (now 9) has been with the mother since Jan 2023. The mother has been in contempt of two items on the court order. She has on several occasions been left alone overnight. Unfortunately we learned about most of these incidents after the fact and do not have proof other than the daughters word. We do have one proof of her being left home alone though since we found on her ipad a text that her mother sent stating she would be home later. She also has not been compliant in facilitating visits. The father being unable to drive has been left with the choice of not seeing his daughter at all or trying to find family/friends who would be willing to drive the 12 hour round trip. During Spring Break I had to make the full drive to ensure that we could see her. I was unable to return her however due to a flaring back injury. The mother stated she would get her on that Saturday but later changed her mind stating she had to work the weekend and couldnt get out of it. She said she would get her on Monday evening (the daughter was to go back to school on that Tuesday). We later discovered that instead of working she was on Twitch doing a 48 hour live stream for her gaming page. She then didn't arrive until Monday night turning Tuesday at 12:30am. She turned around and did a 6 hour drive to where the daughter had to go to school without any proper sleep.
We have also discovered during the last two holidays that the daughter is being neglected (to the point where she said she doesn't even want to live with her mom anymore and that she wants to live with us). The daughter told us she leaves her by herself and the mom is always in her room playing video games. She won't take the time to wash her clothes or her hair. She had the same hair style for two months when we saw her at Christmas. We got her hair done and when we saw her at Spring Break, again she had the same braids we gave her 3 months prior. We also discovered that the mom isn't getting her dinner and she has been left to fend for herself. Two video chat examples we saw the daughter getting cheez-its and french toast sticks for dinner. The father texted the mother expressing his concern and that he would like to discuss the issue but the mother shut it down saying it wasn't his business. Also her schooling is suffering because the mom is not doing homework with her or helping her study and instead is in her room playing video games. The daughter has also missed at least 15 days of school unexcused. This information was obtained from the school because the mother does not provide this information. He also had to go all the way to AL to the school to get this information because the school said they couldn't prove his identity over the phone. (not sure if that has to do with mother interference or school policy) She also has not taken her to any doctors or dentist. The last time that happened was when she lived with us before he fell ill. We recognized during spring break that her vision is off and were able to get her examined and found out she needed glasses! We got those ordered and mailed to her.
These are some of the main examples of the concerns that we have with the child being in her mothers custody (although there are many more examples). The father has filed for change of custody and asked for full/sole custody of his daughter. With this request he included details of what I mentioned above as well as the additional examples that were not mentioned here. It was 4 pages of concerns- overkill maybe? Not sure, but we thought it better to be safe than sorry. Unfortunately no funds to hire an attorney to have them confirm for us.
The judge has granted a final hearing on the matter in August. I would like to believe that the evidence above (as well as the other examples included in the request) would be enough to show a judge why the father should be granted custody. Also she would be back with me and her little sister again, so she would have a "mother's support" as well as a sibling. When she lived with us she was so happy and thriving and we never left her alone or neglected her health/hygiene or anything. Her grades were excellent and she never missed school.
But with all of that in mind..I am still concerned that the judge could deny the request for full custody. So I am wondering, would it be possible (and if possible, would it be advisable) to amend the request to stay as "joint custody" but with the father as the primary instead of the mother? Not sure if that can be done before the hearing or if we would mention it during the hearing. Of course the father would prefer full custody rather than joint. But I'm concerned that if we go that route that we would get shot down and we will regret not just requesting it to stay as Joint with change in residence. Not sure if I'm just worrying too much or if we really did screw up.
If you made it this far, thank you so much of your time. Looking forward to any feedback/suggestions. Thank you!
submitted by adhdbroughtmehere2 to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:16 ambellizzi Hello , help welcome!

Hello, friends! I apologize for the length of this post. I truly value any advice or guidance you can provide ❤️
I've come to the realization that my self-confidence and trust in myself are severely lacking, and I still have a lot of work to do in order to fully heal. The past four years have felt like a complete blur, and the social anxiety I have as a result of it all is a nightmare.
Timeline Synopsis: •2010: At 18, desperate for relief, I sought therapy and was immediately prescribed 3 different controlled substances and various antidepressants. •2010 - 2013, I found myself in my first relationship, lasting 3.5 years. However, due to our youth and lack of understanding on how to cultivate a healthy bond with ourselves and each other, the relationship eventually imploded, causing my life to shatter into pieces. The aftermath left me feeling lost and emotionally wounded for a long time. •2015: Traumatized when I discovered my Grandma dead at home. In an attempt to cope with the overwhelming grief, I resorted to abusing my medications; taking extra, then running out. This affected my work performance. My poor attendance and decreased productivity on top of that subsequently led to me being let go. In search of help, I checked myself into inpatient treatment. •2016: My ex reached out to me, seeking a friend to share his recent schizophrenia diagnosis. We rekindled our friendship for a short period, but tragically, he took his own life a few months later. •2019: I fell into the wrong social circle and engaged in extensive experimentation with any & all drugs, binge eating, and drinking. •2020, the mounting anxieties triggered by the pandemic caused me to have a severe nervous breakdown. This led to a brief hospitalization, during which I concentrated on detox and recovery. Upon discharge, I worked the 12-step program. • 2021: My mother suffered a heart attack, and immediately went the hospital. She had emergency surgery and was then Intubated and restrained for her safety afterwards. Luckily, I was able to visit her since I was vaccinated. •2022: Arriving back home to find my Guinea Pig motionless and silent in his enclosure evoked a profound sense of sorrow, intensifying the emotional trauma I had previously experienced discovering my grandma. •2023: I experienced a pretty serious seizure while at work. 911 was called and I was brought to the hospital via ambulance. •2024: In January, my Papa passed away suddenly. During the commemoration of his life, my mother unexpectedly fainted and was promptly transported to the hospital via ambulance. Thankfully, after a brief medical assessment, she was given a clean bill of health.
Since then, I've been taking antidepressants and non-narcotic anxiety medication, which have been helpful. I've also been working with a therapist, and I feel like I've made progress in improving my overall mental health. I've made a conscious decision to no longer "mask" my quirks or “tone down” my personality for the sake of my own comfort and healing. I take pride in embracing my uniqueness and being considered "weird." It adds a sense of fun to life. Additionally, I've started swimming, eating better, losing weight, taking vitamins and supplements, and regularly visiting the doctor and dentist.
In 2020, I started dating someone whom I'm still with and deeply love. We've known each other and been part of the same friend circle for 10 years, so I feel comfortable around him. However, there have been instances where he has said things that have deeply affected me and have almost given me a complex. It's important to note that I have been diagnosed with BPD, ADHD, anxiety, and depression, so please consider this when giving advice.
Here are a few examples of his comments: - I'm a very animated and loud person, partially due to my struggle with hearing people, especially him. Despite telling him numerous times to speak louder, he never does. - I'm also sassy and opinionated, which is part of my Italian heritage. - While we were at the gym, I was expressing how something made me feel, which was not inappropriate, and he told me to "calm down." This is something he has done many times in different situations. - He often tells me not to make a scene, lower my voice, stop yelling (even when I'm speaking at a normal volume to him), and not be dense. - I also feel like he always needs to be right, has to have the last word, and often mansplains things to me. This makes me feel stupid and immature.
Whenever I try to have meaningful conversations with him to understand his values, he accuses me of trying to argue. He frequently claims that I sound extremely condescending, rude, and hateful, even though that is never my intention. I'm genuinely just trying to express myself.
When I attempt to explain how I feel or why I act a certain way due to my neurodivergence, he dismisses it by saying that "everyone is a little bit autistic" or "everybody has ADHD." He even goes as far as claiming he has these conditions, without understanding any of my symptoms and complaining about the behaviors that result from them.
I would greatly appreciate any advice, tips, or insights you may have. Thank you for taking the time to read my entire message.”
submitted by ambellizzi to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:05 1nkoma Parents break my heart 2 days after marriage

I celebrated my Catholic marriage in my home country to mainly show gratitude to my parents. My wife's family and friends came from a different country and we had a great party.
Me and my wife felt so grateful for the sacrifices many friends did travelling to be part of the day. My brother did an amazing job organising and putting many logistic things together.
As a sign of appreciation me and my wife decided to take him out to dinner. As I informed this to my parents, they pushed and demand me that I should invite my sister.
My sister choose to offer me as a wedding gift, that her band would play for free on the church. We gladly accepted. However, my parents, specially my mother, is completely obsessed by her.
She had been telling me everyday to thank her, making all the wedding around the band, and now felt she had the right to demand that I would invite her to this dinner with my brother.
This is not a situation of today and it's causing me anger. My mother's obsession is confirmed by my own wife. We have a small daughter that probably feels something different from my mother and, seems to us, that does not fully trusts her.
After a short discussion, I will leave back to the country I live with a hole in my heart. I've accepted looking time ago that my parents called now my younger sister than me or my brother and have tried to move long time ago. Despite this, I continue to put effort and coming to my home country so that my baby meets her grandparents.
What do you suggest to demonstrate my mother how her obsession is affecting me and my wife? Am I doing something wrong here? Any suggestions?
submitted by 1nkoma to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:02 Silent-Detail4419 If you knew your adult child was being abused, you'd help them - wouldn't you...? Especially when you know that child is a DV survivor with PTSD

If you knew your adult child was being abused, you'd help them - wouldn't you...? Especially when you know that child is a DV survivor with PTSD
If you answered "yes" you're better than my parents. I don't know where to go for help anymore. Yesterday was my birthday and, no, I'm hardly in the first flush of youth anymore, but I'm not quite middle aged either. But why should my age matter when I am a human being, I am suffering and I need help...?
Please forgive me if this is muddled, I'm so weak from malnutrition now I can't think straight.
I have sent my parents - more accurately, my mother - several emails documenting the abuse I'm being subjected to in a 'supported' flat in Bristol. She hasn't responded to a single one.
I don't know why I was put here, I was never assessed under ether the Care Act nor the MCA. Most of the abuse is food-related; I have been informed that I am NOT ALLOWED to buy my own food, the only food I have is what staff deign to give me; I'm given one or two (rarely three) 'meals' a day, usually consisting of cheap deli meat dumped on a 20cm (~8") side plate, like this:
Standard plate size
This is what I was given for 'dinner' yesterday evening:
'Dinner' 15/05/2024
That was all I was given yesterday. That's pretty much the standard - open a packet, dump it on a plate. Sometimes they take what they'd put on a small plate and put it on a standard dinner plate spread out, to make it look more (they must think I'm fucking stupid). Sometimes I get cooked stuff, but it usually ends up in the bin because they can't cook; steak, bacon and mince are cremated, pork, chips and chicken almost raw. I have photos of every single 'meal' I've been given in an album on my iPad.
I'm so malnourished now that eating often causes me severe abdominal pain.
I've been here since November last year and I am now suffering from severe malnutrition.
I am now so malnourished I am struggling to breathe.
I am now so malnourished I have chest pain
I am now so malnourished I have abdominal pain (my abdomen is severely swollen and bloated)
I am now so malnourished I have global neuropathy and parasthesia
I am now so malnourished I am incontinent
I am now so malnourished I have poor bowel motility
I am now so malnourished I have severe vertigo (I have this constant feeling I’m going to just literally drop dead)
I am now so malnourished I am losing my sight
I am now so malnourished I struggle to speak
I am now so malnourished I struggle to stand
I am now so malnourished I struggle to remain awake
I am now so malnourished I have severe muscle weakness and pain
I am now so malnourished I am struggling with thermoregulation
I am now so malnourished I have severe brain fog
I am now so malnourished I am losing my hair, toe-and-fingernails
I am now so malnourished I am underweight (I don't know this for certain, of course, but a size 4 is now MASSIVE)
It also appears to have increased the severity of my tinnitus and hyperacusis (pathological hypersensitivity to noise).
They constantly creep around outside the flat front door and the creaking of the floorboards does my head it; it's almost 24/7, they don't stop at night - I constantly think someone's going to barge in.
Even on the nights when they’re not keeping me awake I’m too terrified to sleep in case I don’t wake up again.
They claim they “care” about me, but the Care Act only seems to apply when it suits them - it certainly doesn’t apply when it comes to food. How can you give anyone ‘meals’ like these in good conscience…?! How is this anything other than nutritional neglect…?!
Due to the Mental Capacity Act, I have no voice, nobody has to listen to me, and nobody is taking this seriously (adult safeguarding in both Bucks and Bristol refuse to believe that I’m being abused and neglected). My advocate won’t treat this as a life-threatening emergency situation and she’s “taking legal advice” (not heard from her for weeks). I spent a very long time compiling a report in Pages which I converted to a PDF and sent to her, she doesn’t even appear to have read it.
There's a 100dB alarm attached to the flat front door:
The door alarm and its sensor
I have removed several of these (they're cheap Chinese tat, you can get a pack of 10 for around ÂŁ12-ÂŁ14).
I don’t feel safe, there is ZERO respect for my human rights; there’s a lock on the flat door but, if I lock it, they just break in. If I tell them I don’t like them doing something (like creeping around outside the flat because the creaking of the floorboards doesn’t make me feel safe because I constantly think someone’s about to barge in - or to not give me chips (because they’re always undercooked; or mince, bacon and steak (because it’s always cremated)) they just ignore me, there’s no respect for my needs, wishes or feelings AT ALL!
I have been severely assaulted by staff many times; they will barge into the bedroom (often at least 4 or more) and if I attempt to stop them (they start searching the room, I have no idea what they’re looking for).
The other evening, around 20:00, 6 staff burst into the bedroom in full ‘riot gear’ (face masks, face shields, aprons and gloves), as you’d imagine I was TERRIFIED (I’d got my headphones on, so I didn’t hear them enter the flat).
Two of them grabbed me; I went into ‘auto-defence mode’ and tried to get them off me. I was pushed against the wall so violently I bashed my head; one of them grabbed my hair and squashed my face into the wall, with his full weight on the small of my back so I couldn’t breathe. The other twisted my arms behind my back, while the other four searched the room, like police on a drugs bust. I have no idea what they were looking for. When the other four had left, the two who were holding me threw me with full force onto the floor and I whacked my head against the bedside table.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been assaulted by staff, either (nor the second or the third…); I have been dragged into the living room and held on the floor, prone, with one or two of them sitting on my back so I’m unable lift my head.
“We don’t like having to do this, but you bring it on yourself; if you did exactly as you are being told, then we’d have no reason to hurt you…”
Everything is arranged to protect staff from me - there’s NOTHING to protect ME from staff. What threat am I…?! I’m severely malnourished and severely underweight. They KNOW I have PTSD (because I have told them many times) - if someone suddenly bursts into what’s supposed to be your home - what’s your reaction going to be…? Especially if you’re living with severe trauma.
Basically, they seem to think they can get away with the abuse because they can just claim they were “acting in self-defence” (which is laughable because I am severely weak and about 7 stone (44kg)).
I now feel old - older than I actually am - and I don’t think that I’m EVER going to have any semblance of a meaningful existence, I may as well be dead. I’m mainlining Kratom (in a vain attempt to deal with the pain (both physical and mental).
They have taken my phone, and damaged my iPad and MacBook Pro. I don’t have any access to medical care because I have been informed by staff that I wouldn’t be allowed to see a GP or paramedic in private. Staff gaslight me constantly and, due to the MCA, I’m essentially gagged, NOBODY is listening to me.
There’s been ZERO consideration given to my physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing, there’s ZERO empathy, everything is out of my control and I have been put in a situation where I am being so severely abused that I fear for my life.
I honestly think that nobody will believe how grave this situation is until I’m brought out of here in a body bag.
At no point was I ever assessed; at no point was I ever asked what help and support I thought I needed (NONE). All this has happened on assumption, on what is known in social psychology as fundamental attribution error (FAE). Fundamental attribution error is a cognitive bias where observers underemphasise situational and environmental factors for someone’s behaviour while overemphasising dispositional or personality factors. I have ended up in a - very literally - life-threatening situation, because the assumptions have been made that I CANNOT look after myself because I don’t know how to, rather than I can’t because I am suffering from severe trauma.
I need very, VERY, urgent help. Where can I go…? Is there anyone here who can help me access help, because I don't think I'm being listened to due to the MCA/DoLS.
I’ve basically been locked away, stripped of my human rights, abandoned and left to die…
(This has been cobbled together from stuff I'd already had written in Notes, so I apologise if it doesn't make sense, but my brain isn't working).
Is there anyone here with any knowledge and/or experience of this kind of situation..? Neither my social worker, nor my solicitor will listen to me, they'll only take instruction from the Court of Protection (the ironically named CoP, I don't feel protected, quite the opposite).
I don't mind DMs, but PLEASE only DM if you can offer me some kind of help/support (or know where I can go). This is basically nothing more than legal, state-sanctioned domestic abuse.
Finally, if there's a bettemore appropriate sub than here, I can post to, let me know that too...
Thank you
submitted by Silent-Detail4419 to MentalHealthUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:02 dragonflowerx Where to meet finance guys?

Where does one go to organically meet finance guys?
Aside from dating apps, that is. This is a serious question! Gotta prep for cuffing season way in advance.
Yesterday I went to Brookfield Place to get a take-out lunch. Lots of well-dressed young men who I presume to be in finance. There was a really cute gentleman who was getting his lunch at the same establishment as me. I think our eyes locked for a brief moment and I wanted to strike up a chat, but I also didn’t want to bother him during his lunch hour. Plus apparently it’s still a faux pas for women to approach men, even in 2024 🙃
I’m a lawyer and I’m tired of dating lawyers; I work long hours and rarely have time to organically meet someone outside of my office/industry. I’ve dated a couple guys in banking and investment but they were all from the apps. I’d prefer to tap into the source directly rather than being fed what shows up on my screen. I’m an extrovert and am much better at conversing in person anyway.
I am wondering if there are events where professionals of various industries are invited to mingle (I’ll bring my business cards and pretend that I’m “networking”…) so I can meet-cute a finance dude. I find myself clicking very well with them. Yes, I realize how self-serving this sounds. No, I am not ashamed.
Thank you in advance. 😊
submitted by dragonflowerx to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:59 realgoodp Not too sweet Bengali/South Asian desserts

I have a ton of Bengali friends that always invite me over for Eid at the end of Ramadan. I used to bring some traditional sweets/desserts I would buy at the supermarket but I would like to try making some and bringing it next time. I'm actually personally not a dessert person and when I do eat it, I prefer my dessert not too sweet (think a lot of East Asian desserts). What are some of your favorite desserts from Bengali cuisine that you feel aren't too sweet? Or what's a dessert that most likely can be easily modified to make less sweet but still taste good?
Thank you!
submitted by realgoodp to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:57 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 5/17 - Sun 5/19

** BOTH FRI 5/17 AND SAT 5/18 *\*
Motorcycle Safety Foundation Ride Day New Mexico Motorcycle Safety Program, 3401 Pan American Fwy Take Your First Ride: Ride a motorcycle in 30 min or less for free. MOTO Intro provides the motorcycle, helmet, gloves, and coaching. Free Riding Skills Test: Take the challenge of an advanced MSF course! SKILL Check participants, bring your motorcycle and gear! Please wear over-the-ankle footwear, long pants and long sleeves
NiĂąos and TeeĂąos: Flamenco para todos Carlisle Gymnasium (Elizabeth Waters Center for Dance), UNM, 301 Yale Blvd. NE National Institute of Flamenco presents NiĂąos y TeeĂąos Flamencos in FUTUROS FLAMENCOS. Come see the high-energy flamenco of the National Institute of Flamenco's Student Companies. Don't miss this special showcase by talented youth in our community! (tickets)
** Fri 5/17 *\*
Fri 4:30 PM Bike to Wherever Day Canteen Brewhouse, 2381 Aztec Rd. NE Learn about exciting bike routes in Albuquerque and grab some cool giveaways to kickstart your cycling adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, there’s something for EVERYONE at our pop-up table! We'll have Canteen will be volunteering at a table from 6:30-9am and then again at 4:30-6:30am. Receive $1 off your beer if you arrive on your bike
Fri 5 PM Pistachio Cream Ale Release Tractor Brewing, ALL locations We're bringing back this seasonal favorite for American Craft Beer Week! Inspired by pistachios produced right here in New Mexico this brew is as smooth as silk and as tasty and a fresh roasted pistachio. This is a very limited one off for us, so come and get you a pint or growler while supplies last
Fri 5 – 7 PM May Babies Birthday Celebration Rio Bravo Brewing, 1912 2nd St. NW Starting at 5pm, the first 25 people with May birthdays to show Ryan proof of their birthday month will score a $5 Rio Bravo Brewing Gift Card...oh, and Beers are on special for birthday kids for just $5! But you spend your gift card however you want! Thanks to Cake Fetish...we'll have cupcakes for the May Birthday Kids (while supplies last) We'll have prizes JUST for the May Babies! We'll also have drawings for all you non-birthday folks too If you want to get their before us...All drinks are $1 Off for May Birthdays the whole day!
Fri 5:45 – 7:15 PM 22 Veterans Suicide Awareness WOD BFit505, 11500 Menaul Blvd. NE Each month, Team Bravo & Bfit505 team up to bring awareness to veteran suicide. Before our events, we will take a moment and talk about the issue. Then we will begin with our 22 reps WOD followed by a 2.2 mile ruck/walk/run. Afterwards, we will be going out to eat for social time with friends and family. This event is for all levels
Fri 6 PM Sandia Social - May Hangout Dawn Patrol Coffee Shop, 3619 Copper Ave NE We will be hanging out around the patio and inside starting at 6pm! Bring your friends and come hang out!
Fri 6 PM Pink Therapy, A Latin Dance Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Sobremesa, 3421 Coors Blvd. NW On The One and Pachanga Productions' "Salsa Therapy" night has made its mark in the Latin Dance community, now we are using the symbolism of "Therapy" under "Pink Therapy" but this time it is to fundraise in partnership with the Pink Warrior House Foundation in order to provide outreach and increase resources for those warriors battling against breast cancer. On The One and Pachanga productions will be involved in community outreach and utilizing our resources to help those in need. Cover charge is a SUGGESTED $20 donation (ALL PROCEEDS GO TO Pink Warrior House Foundation). Cocktail hour from 6-7 PM (purchases go to PWH on selected drinks). Dance lesson from 7-8 PM. Open dance floor 8-12 AM. Be aware of Media/News coverage. We need everyone's assistance with this, PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE, those warriors battling breast cancer need our help. Let's do our part. We are asking for the entire Latin dance community to come out and support. This will be one of many fundraisers that we do for organizations like PWH. Lets use our dance skills to help those in need!
Fri 6 – 8 PM May Flowers Stampin' Bingo (in person) Hip Stitch, 2320 Wisconsin St. NE Cost is $35 for 6 rounds of bingo, prizes, and make n' takes! Message for more info or to register
Fri 6 – 8:30 PM Los Domingueros Live El Vado, 2500 Central Ave SW Prepare for an unforgettable fusion of Latin dance beats and rock energy as Friday Night Live at El Vado proudly presents New Mexico's premier menudo-based band, Los Domingueros! Few bands can match the infectious joy and vibrant rhythms that they bring to the stage. A multi-talented group of musicians, they take listeners on a musical journey like no other. From the pulsating rhythms of salsa, bachata, and cumbia to the high-energy vibes of ska and reggae, sprinkled with a dash of punk and thrash, their eclectic repertoire promises an exhilarating experience for all. As always, treat your taste buds to a delightful selection of culinary delights from our diverse food pods. From savory stir-fries to tantalizing Latin flavors and heavenly desserts, there's something to satisfy every craving. And don't overlook the opportunity to quench your thirst with a crisp craft beer from Ponderosa Brewing Company, conveniently available at the El Vado Tap Room
Fri 6 – 10 PM Fork Cancer Gala FUSION ABQ, 700-708 1st St. NW The American Cancer Society is hosting Albuquerque's second #ForkCancerAbq fundraising event. VIP 6pm - 7pm. Gala 7pm - 10pm. Dress Code: Gala Attire. #ForkCancerNM is a foodie's dream, with local restaurants and bars bringing out their best to truly showcase the Taste of Albuquerque while raising money for the American Cancer Society's life-saving mission in New Mexico supporting Access to Care like patient transportation, patient lodging and 24/7 support. Along with life saving research and grants. With great opportunities to raise money, we will also have live entertainment! (tickets)
Fri 6:30 – 10 PM Community Movie Night South Valley Multipurpose Center, 2008 Larrazolo Rd. SW Feature of the night: In The Heights. Bring your dinner, blankets and chairs. Please no glass containers
Fri 7 PM Movie In The Park ABQ Food Park, 6901-B San Antonio Dr. NE ABQ Food Park is bringing back Movies In The Park, starting off the summer with a screening of The Sandlot. Arrive early to get your face painted by Local Locas Facepainting before settling in with your blankets, chairs, and appetite for a delightful evening at the park with loved ones. Indulge in delicious fare from our food trucks while enjoying this timeless film under the stars. Please do not bring outside food as we have a variety of food options at the park. Please support our local food vendors. Entry is free! Reserve your tickets
Fri 7 – 10 PM Emerald Ball Holiday Dance Studio, 5200 Eubank Blvd. NE, Ste D Celebrate the enchanting month of May by donning your finest emerald attire. Bring in the vibrant spring season by joining us in elegant semi-formal wear of rich verdant colors and dance the night away! A Foxtrot lesson will begin the evening at 7pm followed by open dancing. Call 505-508-4020 for more information. $30 non-members
Fri 8 PM – 2 AM Sucia EDC Gogo Takeover Sidewinders Bar and Grill, 4200 Central Ave SE Sucia Productions is bringing the Electric Sky to Sidewinders! No need to have EDC FOMO because Papa Sucia is ready to bring the party to you! Come join your Sucia Family for a Night of PLUR! Featuring the Sucia Gogos on multiple boxes and individual dances available in the Cabaret Room! Hosted by Papa Sucia and Sucia Gogo Madam Sativa Rico-Stratton. DJ Unzipped will be bringing the you the best EDM set for you to dance the night away!
Fri 9 PM – 1:30 AM Callaita Fridays Salt Yard West, 3700 Ellison Rd. NW DJ Soiree will be spinning under the stars in the Salt Yard, promising a night of electrifying Latin music. This 21+ event guarantees an atmosphere where you can fully embrace the rhythm without inhibition. Whether you're a die-hard fan of Reggaeton or simply seeking a night of unparalleled fun, "Callaita Fridays" is the place to be
Fri 10:30 PM – 12:15 AM FACELESS AFTER DARK - new meta horror starring Jenna Kanell of "Terrifier"! The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE All Seats $8. Check out the trailer. Dir. Raymond Wood - 2023 - 82m. Following her breakout success as the star of a killer clown horror flick, Bowie (Jenna Kanell, TERRIFIER) now finds herself struggling to capitalize on its success. But when she is suddenly held hostage by an unhinged fan posing as that same killer clown, horror becomes her reality as she fights to survive the night and escape before he completes his sinister plan to recreate the film's fatal plot (tickets)
** Sat 5/18 *\*
Sat 8 – 10 AM Planting Corn Seeds Lynn Garden, 176 Manierre Rd., Corrales We will be planting corn seeds; a new crop for Seed2Need this year!
Sat 8 – 10 AM Run for Mercy 5K Sagebrush Community Church, 6440 Coors Blvd. NW Join our team to run with us to support Mercy Multiplied, which exists to provide opportunities for all to experience God's unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power. Mercy offers free-of-charge Residential and Outpatient Counseling Programs, as well as Outreach Services that include workshops and trainings, our Keys to Freedom discipleship study, and Keys to Freedom Retreat (register)
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM Downtown Growers' Market Robinson Park, 810 Copper Ave NW Every Saturday from 8 am - NOON! This vibrant community event connects local farmers, growers, artisans, wellness makers, and hot food vendors with the local community from mid-April to early-November. Bring friends / family or come solo to enjoy fresh food made on sight, a variety of seasonal produce, unique arts and crafts, live music, and special programming all in the heart of downtown
Sat 8 AM – 2 PM Rio Rancho's Biggest Yard Sale Cabezon Park and Community Center, 2307 Cabezon Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho FREE Admission! Clean out your garage, spare bedroom, attic and shed. Come join us to sell all of those items that were collecting dust, find a treasure that you didn’t know you needed, and enjoy a day in the park! Vendor space $35 for a 15’ x 15’ space (Tables and chairs are not provided) Must register online, NO Drop-Ins Accepted. Please call the Cabezon Community Center at 505-892-4499 for more info
Sat 9 AM Send Haley to Spain Sand Volleyball Tournament Charlie’s Sandbox, 4335 Paseo del Norte NE All proceeds go to Haley and her trip to Spain in July! $20/per player. All Skill levels! Prizes for 1st & 2nd place. 4-6 players Coed with 1 female on team. Check in @ 8:30am. More info: Jillian (505) 322-7228, Haley (505) 331-4788, Charlie (505) 239-2461
Sat 9 AM Invisible Heroes Run Believers Center of Albuquerque, 320 Waterfall Dr. SE Join Runfit and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for the inaugural Invisible Heroes 5K Run/Walk. It is a community event being held to recognize the vital role that medical imaging professionals and radiation therapists play on the health care team and to introduce the public to these vital health care professionals. You are invited to run and walk to celebrate the important work done by invisible heroes. At packet pick-up, you will have an opportunity to tour the ASRT Museum and Archives. Age group, overall, and team awards, including a great t-shirt and finisher medals for all participants (register)
Sat 9 AM - 4 PM 16th Annual CTC Vintage Tractor & Car Show Corrales Recreation Center, 500 Jones Rd., Corrales Join us for a fun day in the Corrales Park. There will be music, food, hot rods, tractor, stationary engines and more. Proceeds Raised will benefit Corrales 4H and Historical Society. Free admission. $10 for show participants
Sat 10 AM – 12 PM Foraging for Fun(ds) Los Poblanos Open Space, 1800 Tierra Viva Pl. NW Join Rev. Ryan Tate on a foraging excursion! Rev. Tate, of the African American spiritual tradition and an IPL board member, wants to bring their loving knowledge of NM edibles and herbs to you. Discover the food right under your nose and how easy it is to enjoy! We’ll meet to explore and harvest native and edible plants. Enter the Open Space area from west bound Montano Boulevard. After foraging, we’ll gather to taste our harvest and other locally sourced treats. Sign up today to participate - space is limited. This is a fundraiser for our work for climate justice: Please give generously (Suggested minimum donation $10)
Sat 10 AM – 3 PM Homebrewer's Happy Hour Southwest Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria Blvd. NE Homebrewer's Happy Hour is the perfect chance for all homebrewers, wine makers, distillers, or anyone interested in learning, to connect with others, share a drink, and learn about a new subject each month! $1 off beers from 10am to 3pm. Presentation on monthly subject at 1pm with open forum to discuss after. Food truck on site for lunch! May 18th - Barley
Sat 10:30 – 11:30 AM Animal Tales with the ABQ BioPark Ernie Pyle Library, 900 Girard Blvd. SE Dive into the captivating world of animals with "Animal Tales" presented by the ABQ BioPark! Join us for a delightful reading session featuring an animal-themed book. Experience the magic as the BioPark brings along real animals and biofacts that connect to the story, giving kids an exciting opportunity to meet these creatures up close! Don't miss this engaging and educational adventure for young animal enthusiasts!
Sat 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM FolkMADS Third Saturday Family Dance Albuquerque Square Dance Center, 4915 Hawkins St. NE Dancing, song, and live music for kids of all ages. No experience needed to have fun! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children dance free, Adults $10
Sat 11 AM – 1 PM Annual Summer Kick-Off Event! Matheson Park Elementary, 10809 Lexington Ave NE Join us as we kick off the summer with fun, a food truck, face painting, dunk tank, and more! Bring your family and your pets for a Blessing of the Pets. There is no cost to attend and all are welcome!
Sat 11 AM – 3 PM Wine + Art Afternoons Gruet Winery, 8400 Pan American East Fwy NE Prism Arts presents a new public art and social series with a special one-day multi-artist event. Join us inside the Gruet Winery with a selection of fine art, prints, paintings, jewelry, and ceramics from local artists Vanessa Alvarado, Eric Romero, Margarita Paz-Pedro, & Aaron Richardson. Enjoy unique art, amazing fine, food, and a social environment with the artists and the public. *All art purchases receive a complimentary bottle of Gruet Wine*
Sat 11 AM – 3 PM Bernalillo Family Fun Festival! Calvary Church, 4001 Osuna Rd. NE Get connected to community and enjoy a Fun Family Day!
Sat 11:30 AM – 4 PM Imaginary Friends Fest Flix Brewhouse, 3200 La Orilla Rd. NW Let your imagination run wild! Join us in the lobby to celebrate the opening of IF! Enjoy photo ops, freebies, an in-theater giveaway, and activities for the whole family. All ages are welcome!
Sat 12 PM BBQ n' Crawl Supper Rock Park, 598 Monte Alto Pl. NE Mini Crawlers 505 and Duke City RC are throwing a BBQ and crawl sesh! All rigs welcome! Please mark going if you are, so we can get enough food!
Sat 12 PM May Brew Tour - Farewell Tour Rio Bravo Brewing, 1912 2nd St. NW This is the last NM Brew Ha-Ha Beer tour for the season. The 24-25 season will start in June 2025 so stay tuned for the season lineup release. Rio Bravo Brewing, Ponderosa Brewing, Bow & Arrow Brewing, Juno Brewery. At Rio Bravo, a DD will be selected, then we’ll head to the other breweries in the order listed. T-shirts, if ordered will be delivered. For safety, a breathalyzer is available, a DD will be established and a liability waiver will be signed by all participants. Safety is of utmost importance. We want everyone to enjoy their tour and arrive home safely
Sat 12 PM Drag Bingo & Brunch! All Ages Welcome! Sidewinders Bar and Grill, 4200 Central Ave SE Join us for a Drag Queen Bingo and Brunch benefitting The Albuquerque Roadrunner Tournament 2024 (coming up in September). Hosted by Priscilla Bouvier. Doors 12pm. Show 1pm. Bingo, Prizes, Giveaways, Raffles, Cocktails, Mocktails and Fun!
Sat 12 PM Empire's 9th Anniversary - FREE PLAY ALL DAY Empire Board Game Library, 3503 Central Ave NE It's Empire's 9th Anniversary celebration and you're invited! We've been here 9 years and it's all thanks to the support we get from you, so to show our appreciation, this Saturday's celebration is our gift to you: Come in and play for free all day! Every game is on sale all weekend! We're holding raffles over the course of the day to give away some great games! So come on down and let us thank you!
Sat 12 – 3 PM STOODIS!: An AIDS/LifeCycle Fundraising Event Soo Bak Seoul Bowl, 111 Hermosa Dr. SE Help Vanessa Bowen cross the finish line – the fundraising finish line, that is! Vanessa is on a mission to raise $3,500 to participate in the 2024 AIDS/LifeCycle, a 545-mile charity bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles from June 2nd to 8th, 2024. Join this special fundraising event and send-off party for an afternoon of entertainment, vendors, bike tune-ups, raffle, and food and drink specials. Come prepared to support our local vendors and find out how you can win our selected giveaways. AIDS/LifeCycle benefits, and is jointly produced by, San Francisco AIDS Foundation (Tax ID # 94-2927405) and Los Angeles LGBT Center (Tax ID # 95-3567895), each of which is a nonprofit, public benefit corporation recognized as tax exempt under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). Donations to AIDS/LifeCycle are deductible for income tax purposes, to the extent permitted by law. Vanessa Bowen (They/Them) is a Diné (Navajo) product designer and cyclist. Their work gravitates toward the intersection of design and social equity. Bowen is a former Outride Ambassador, current Chamois Butt’r and Kuat Racks Ambassador, founder of Get Native Kids on Bikes, and a supporter of AIDS/LifeCycle. If not creating in their studio in Albuquerque, they are training for a cycling event or community building for a just, equitable future (more info)
Sat 12 – 5 PM Day Camp - A Festival for Families Tin Can Alley, 6013 Signal Ave NE Day Camp is where adventure meets education, creativity, and community in a fair-like environment where a variety of youth development organizations are excited to share their programs. In partnership with Warehouse 505, and featuring organizations such as Explora, there will be workshops ands expos for kids to discover new passions across music, art, science, and more. Supporting Youth Security & Education, all dedicated funds raised will be going to New Mexico non-profit organizations
Sat 12 – 5 PM Monthly Pinball Tournament Sister, 407 Central Ave NW All skill levels and players welcome! 21+ Sign up starts at 12 pm; tournament play starts at 1 p.m. Entry fee is $5 + coin drop
Sat 1 – 5 PM United in Beer Collaboration Festival Ex Novo Brewing, 4895 Corrales Rd., Corrales United in Beer is a New Mexico statewide collaborative beer festival that benefits the Somos Unidos Foundation with 26 participating breweries, which were randomly partnered through a live draft and then together selected the beer style they would collaborate on. All beers will be showcased at the festival. Tickets are limited. Portions of ticket sales will donated to Somos Unidos Foundation, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to creating positive outcomes for New Mexicans through art, sport, community, and unity. This will be a 21+ Event. Food trucks will be on site. Included with ticket purchase is: Festival access, 8 drink tokens, and a United In Beer glass! We recommend bringing: Sunscreen, your friends, and good vibes
Sat 1 – 10 PM Boots In The Park Presents Thomas Rhett, Chris Young & Friends! Balloon Fiesta Park, 5000 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy Dust off your boots and get ready to holler, because Boots In The Park is making it's way to Albuquerque, y'all! Join us for a rootin', tootin', two-steppin' good time with none other than Thomas Rhett, Chris Young, Chris Janson, Kameron Marlowe, Dylan Schneider, Leaving Austin and beats by Luwiss Lux. We're talking about an evening filled to the brim with live tunes, finger-lickin' craft food, and the smoothest cocktails. We'll be kicking up dust with some good ol' line dancing and a whole heap more, as Balloon Fiesta Park is transformed into Albuquerque's best country music party! Past folks to grace the Boots In The Park stage are Carrie Underwood, Blake Shelton, Tim McGraw, Cody Johnson, Jon Pardi and a bunch of other country legends. But this day is gonna be one for the record books, a show that will leave y'all talking for years to come (tickets)
Sat 2 PM Annual Castro Concerto Competition Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 4407 Menaul Blvd. NE Join us to hear talented high school juniors compete for the privilege of performing with the Youth Symphony during the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program's 2024-2025 concert season! This event is free and open to the public. We also plan to stream this event live on Facebook for anyone not able to attend in person
Sat 2 PM "Greatest Moments" - a fundraising concert for Opera On Tap New Mexico Central United Methodist Church, 201 University Blvd. NE Join us for an afternoon of music to help raise money for Opera on Tap - New Mexico! Featuring some faculty and students of University of New Mexico, along with other local professionals, we have put a program together highlighting some of the show-stopping, beautiful moments of opera and musical theater! Suggested donation $10
Sat 2 – 7 PM Rawking: An Afternoon Metal + Art + Comedy Extravaganza Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Featured performers include Light Thief, Destroy to Recreate, Guvtika, Abandoned Saviors. outdoors on the patio with Four Bands, Comedians, Artists, Vendors. Produced by Metal World Radio. 21+. $10 at the door or presales online
Sat 3 – 8 PM Albuquerque Roller Derby presents: Sandia Slammers vs. Bosque Bruisers! Expo New Mexico - Manuel Lujan Jr Exhibit Complex, 300 San Pedro Dr. NE Albuquerque Roller Derby has gotten SO big we’ve split into two teams! Sandia Slammers & Bosque Bruisers! Get your tickets for our first Home Game of the 2024 season
Sat 3:45 – 5:45 PM AND 7 - 9 PM The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Flix Brewhouse, 3236 La Orilla Rd. NW Experience the Twilight saga's epic romance and thrilling fantasy BREAKING DAWN - PART 1 on the big screen! Bella and Edward, plus those they love, must deal with the chain of consequences brought on by a marriage, honeymoon, and the tumultuous birth of a child, which brings about unforeseen and shocking developments for Jacob Black (tickets)
Sat 4 – 8 PM Drink Local Downtown ABQ - May Step into the heart of Albuquerque with our thrilling, free monthly bar crawl event! Immerse yourself in the local charm as we celebrate community, culture, and creativity right in the heart of ABQ. In partnership with ABQCore Neighborhood Association, a locally organized and hosted event, we're bringing you a bar crawl experience like no other. This isn't just a crawl; it's a vibrant celebration of local businesses, a showcase of community talent, and a monthly escape into the unique flavors that make ABQ special
Sat 4 – 9 PM Summer Market ABQ Food Park, 6951 San Antonio Dr. NE Dive into the magic of summer evenings at ABQ Food Park with our captivating Summer Market! Join us for a delightful evening, where you can browse an enchanting array of offerings from local artisans and support our vibrant community businesses. Discover unique treasures crafted with love and passion by talented artisans, from handcrafted jewelry to exquisite home decor. Every purchase you make supports local creators and contributes to the thriving arts scene in our city
Sat 5 – 8 PM National Astronomy Day! Rainbow Park Observatory, 301 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho The Rio Rancho Astronomical Society will host National Astronomy Day at Rainbow Park Observatory. There will be food for a donation, family activities and safe solar viewing. Dr. Tony Hull will appeal at 7 pm about his work on the James Webb Space Telescope. He will also have some info on light pollution
Sat 5 – 11 PM Beer & Jazz on the Hill Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE We're bringing you a full night of brews and Jazz with the very talented Rona & Meli opening things up at 5pm and our house Jazz band Basilaris Trio closing things down at 8!
Sat 6 PM Bear Affair 4: Spanish Tapas Beer Pairing Dinner Boxing Bear Brewing, 8420 Firestone Ln. NE Join us on our patio for an ALMOST summer night paired with a variety of our seasonal beers, chef-crafted Spanish tapas, and flamenco. Featuring chef Christopher Midyette And the artist dance group Spanish Broom. Tickets are $65 per person and include a welcome beer, three course tapas style meal with beer pairings and entertainment for the evening
Sat 6 PM One Year Anniversary Celebration Urbanmama505 Kombucha, 1014 Central Ave SW, Ste A Celebrating one year of love, abundance, and sharing wellness. Right after Open Mic 4-6pm, we will be graced with a jazz concert by Davis Nelson-Hooker, an amazing local musician. Elixirs and small plates for purchase
Sat 6 – 9 PM Gone Country Saturdays with DJ Soiree Ponderosa Brewing, 1761 Bellamah Ave NW It's Gone Country Saturdays featuring the amazing DJ Soiree! Start your evening with free dance lessons at 5 pm, followed by family-friendly entertainment
Sat 7:30 – 9 PM Saturday Night Stand-Up Bosque Brewing Co - Nob Hill, 106 Girard Blvd. SE Live from ABQ, it’s… Saturday Night Stand-Up Hosted by Nax Davis! Every third Saturday of the month! Seating at 7:30 - Comedy at 8. Featured line-up of local comics includes: MEG FINN, BRYAN LAMBE, SARINA OCHOA, MARY BYRD, ROBERT EYSTER
Sat 8 PM – 1:15 AM Apparition Goth Night Historic El Rey Theater, 622 Central Ave SW A hauntingly dark, classic goth night featuring the Apparition team: DJ Ren, DJ Batboy, DJ Moonside. Doors at 8. $10 all night. 21+ Tickets at the door. Expect goth, darkwave, death rock, synthpop, dark post punk, ebm, dark dance, industrial, witch house, horror punk and more
Sat 8:30 PM – 1 AM SABOR Latin Night - SATURDAYS Bama's 1865, 6007 Osuna Rd. NE May 11th - SPECIAL GUEST DJ ITALIA! DJ Gabriel Goza & DJ Pedro will be serving you the saucy Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia, Merengue y Mas! Ample Parking, Safe Environment, Beautiful Venue, Good Food, Good Music, Good Vibes. 21+ / $10 cover
Sat 9 PM – 1 AM Cumbia + Rock en Espanol Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Grupo Super Verza with Ave. 69 and Lot Beat and DJ Tony. Baila! 21+, $15 at the door or online
** Sun 5/19 *\*
Sun 9 – 11 AM Elevated Roller Derby May Training Scrimmage Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista Dr. SE Officials' huddle 9:00AM. Captains' meeting at 9:20AM. First whistle 9:30AM. This is simply a black/white scrimmage. It will be used as an educational opportunity. NSO paperwork will be used as appropriate. You are encouraged to stretch your skills. Hospitality: This is a low/no production scrimmage, bring beverages and snacks for your own use. Bathrooms: The community center may not be open during the scrimmage. (That's the trade-off for a free space). You can stop at the nearby Starbucks before the event. Expectations: Skaters and Skating and Non-skating Officials are expected to follow all WFTDA Risk Management Guidelines. The venue is a designated alcohol, drug, and smoke-free space by the city of Albuquerque (sign up)
Sun 10 AM – 2 PM The Great Burque Bake On Rail Yards Market, 777 1st St. SW Get ready to whisk it all at the "Great Burque Bake-on," a special fundraiser for the non-profit Rail Yards Market: One dozen of Albuquerque's most talented bakers will dough head-to-head in a crusty competition for the ultimate bakery glory! Bakers brawl... You vote for the winners! This sugar-dusted showdown promises a blend of flour-fueled drama and buttery bravado, making it the yeast you can do to support your local confectionery champions. As these culinary wizards knead their way to the top, we guarantee you'll find their efforts both batter and sweeter than anything you've tasted before. Join us for a day of laughter, pastry, and a chance to see who rises as the crème de la crème of Burque's baking scene! 1) ORDER > Claim your Bake-on Box & exclusive market swag by ordering online May 10-16th, 2024. 2) LEARN > Follow our social media to learn about each contestant & their offering. 3) PICKUP > Grab your box of baked goodies & swag at the info booth Sunday May 19th. 4) ENJOY > Eat all the delectable goodies, savor the flavor, and read about all the contestants 5) VOTE >> Submit your votes online to choose the winners! (tickets) The Farmers' Market event is going down simultaneously with 175+ local vendors to explore, and is still FREE to enter and welcome to all. This funky fundraiser is going down during the FREE Rail Yards Farmers' Market. So you can peruse 150+ small businesses and enjoy the historic architecture while you enjoy your Great Burque Bake-on Box of goodies! All proceeds will benefit the Rail Yards Market. The Rail Yards market of Albuquerque is a certified 501(c)3 non-profit focused on building a resilient, sustainable, local economy where the surrounding historic communities thrive, all can participate, and everyone is enriched and inspired. Through food, art, education, and music, we invite the community together in an inclusive and festive atmosphere
Sun 11:30 AM The Addams Family Historic Lobo Theater, 3013 Central Ave NE THE HISTORIC LOBO THEATER is excited to bring The Addams Family to the big screen! Showing Starts at 11:30 am Tickets are ONLY $10 for General Admission $25 Brunch and a Movie Ticket $21 Brunch Only ticket
Sun 12:30 PM Annual Spring Tea Asbury UMC, 10000 Candelaria Rd. NE All are welcome to attend our Annual Spring Tea! This year's theme is "The Tapestries of Our Lives." Life can be like a tapestry; our quilt, with events, feelings, accomplishments, and even disappointments "stitched" in. Join us, for tea, while Cindy Kurey, AQS-certified quilted textiles appraiser, shares how quilting and her faith have helped her navigate life. She will also show her collection of antique, vintage, and modern quilts! There is no cost to attend, though RSVPs are required. Please call the church office 505-299-0643 or message us on Facebook to RSVP
submitted by its_whirlpool4 to ABQEvents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:57 appletechgeek Need Alternative's for AWUS036AC(H) In Europe due to unavailability,

hello good day,
i wanted to purchase Two AWUS036AC(H) usb Wifi dongle's to experiment with attacking Dualband Wifi network's (both 2.4 and 5ghz at same time) and saw that these Alfa units were highly rated and succesfull by the community,
however it turns out they're no longer made/for sale at all for me in the Netherlands, and i've been unable to find a suitable replacement with the same capabilities around the same price per dongle of 50~ Euro's.
I want to experiment with De-authorizing both 2.4 and 5.0 ghz AP's/client's at the same time to prevent clients from hopping between the band's and keeping their connection, (also wiresharking/sniffing/de-authing while wiresharking Etc)
for example. Sonos speaker system's can use 2.4 and/or 5ghz i want to figure out what is going between the speaker's AP's whenever 1 or both Band's get's problem's, (this is my own test Location, i own these devices, no 3rd party will be affected by my testing)
according to my research using 2 seperate USB WLAN dongles would be the most reliable for atacking both band's at the same time, would this be correct?
what would be decent alternatives for the AWUS036AC(H) USB dongle's with similair or better capabilities for around the same price range of about 50Euro's per dongle in EU/NL?
small bonus question, would i need to purchase 2 or 4 of the APA-M25 Directional antenna's if i'm only using 1 band Per Dongle?since these dongle's have 2 antennas i would assume i'd need 2 per dongle, however since each dongle would only be using 1 of it's band's, it might not be quite needed.
the Directional antenna would allow me to roughly target specific Sonos speaker's that are scattered around the location and monitor their behaviour when part's of their mesh/network loses communication,
thank you in advance for your recommendations!
submitted by appletechgeek to Kalilinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:56 Sweet-Count2557 10 Tips for a Relaxing Maldives Resort Stay for Reluctant Travelers

10 Tips for a Relaxing Maldives Resort Stay for Reluctant Travelers
10 Tips for a Relaxing Maldives Resort Stay for Reluctant Travelers As we explore the realm of travel, it's intriguing to note that despite the allure of the Maldives' pristine beaches and luxurious resorts, many individuals may find themselves hesitant to embark on such a journey.However, with our ten expert tips crafted specifically for reluctant travelers, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide that transforms apprehension into anticipation.Let's uncover the secrets to a truly relaxing Maldives resort stay that caters to even the most hesitant of wanderers.Key TakeawaysPrioritize private villas and overwater accommodations for a secluded stay.Engage in beach activities and spa treatments to embrace relaxation.Opt for all-inclusive packages for worry-free luxury and convenience.Explore beyond the resort for unique experiences and hidden gems.Choosing the Right ResortWhen searching for the perfect Maldives resort for a relaxing getaway, it's crucial to prioritize factors like private villas, overwater accommodations, and exclusive amenities. A resort like Velassaru Maldives fits the bill, offering luxurious private villas where you can unwind in seclusion. These private villas provide the perfect sanctuary for a peaceful retreat, allowing you to enjoy the stunning views of the crystal-clear waters right from your doorstep. Additionally, resorts like JOALI BEING cater to the wellness-focused traveler, with integrated wellness programs and rejuvenating spa experiences that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.In terms of dining options, it's essential to choose a resort that offers diverse culinary experiences. Look for resorts that not only serve delicious and healthy dishes but also provide a wide range of options to cater to different tastes. Whether you're craving fresh seafood by the beach or a gourmet meal under the stars, a resort with diverse dining options like JOALI BEING will ensure that your taste buds are always satisfied.Moreover, when selecting a Maldives resort, safety should be a top priority. Ensure that the resort you choose emphasizes safety protocols such as social distancing and mask-wearing to provide you with a worry-free and relaxing experience. By considering these factors, you can make sure that your Maldives getaway is everything you dreamed of and more.Embracing Island TimeEmbracing the tranquil rhythm of island time in the Maldives allows for a seamless transition into a world where relaxation and serenity reign supreme. The Maldives, with its paradisiacal setting, invites visitors to unwind and let go of the stresses of everyday life. Here are a few ways to fully embrace the relaxed pace and tranquil atmosphere of the Maldives:Immersing Yourself in Leisurely Days: Take advantage of the unhurried pace by indulging in beach activities, such as snorkeling or simply lounging by the crystal-clear waters. These leisurely days are perfect for unwinding and enjoying the serene beauty of the Maldives.Savoring Spa Treatments: Treat yourself to a pampering session at one of the many luxurious spas in the Maldives. From relaxing massages to rejuvenating facials, these treatments will help you reach the pinnacle of relaxation amidst the island's tranquil surroundings.Enjoying Serene Moments in Nature: Whether it's watching a breathtaking sunset, strolling along the powdery white sand beaches, or listening to the gentle lull of the waves, savoring these serene moments in nature is an integral part of embracing island time in the Maldives.Opting for All-Inclusive PackagesOpting for all-inclusive packages in the Maldives ensures a hassle-free and indulgent experience, covering accommodation, meals, drinks, and activities for a truly relaxing getaway. These packages provide a sense of security and convenience, allowing guests to unwind and enjoy their stay without fretting about additional costs. Here is a breakdown of what you can typically expect from an all-inclusive package in the Maldives:InclusionsDetailsBenefitsAccommodationLuxurious overwater villas or beachfront bungalowsUninterrupted relaxation in a stunning settingMealsGourmet dining options with international cuisinesCulinary delights without worrying about the billDrinksUnlimited beverages, including alcoholic drinksEnjoy tropical cocktails by the beach without extra chargesActivitiesWater sports, snorkeling, sunset cruises, and moreExciting adventures to make the most of your stayThese packages offer a worry-free vacation where guests can focus on rejuvenation without the need to constantly make decisions or pay for extras. Indulge in unlimited food and beverages, explore the underwater wonders, or simply lounge by the pristine beaches – all included in your package. With everything taken care of, all you need to do is relax and soak in the beauty of the Maldives.Exploring Beyond the ResortVenture beyond the confines of your resort to discover the authentic charm and diverse experiences awaiting in the Maldives. Exploring beyond the resort opens up a world of opportunities to immerse yourself in the beauty and culture of this stunning destination.Local Islands: Explore local islands like Maafushi and Guraidhoo to get a taste of Maldivian culture and experience daily island life firsthand.Diving Experience: Visit the Maldives Victory wreck site for a unique diving experience that not only allows you to explore underwater wonders but also offers a glimpse into the country's rich history.Capital City: Take a day trip to Male, the capital city, to wander through markets, visit landmarks like the Grand Friday Mosque, and indulge in local cuisine for a true Maldivian experience.Whether you're into water sports, guided excursions, or simply seeking to uncover hidden gems, stepping beyond the resort boundaries will introduce you to a whole new side of the Maldives. Don't miss out on the chance to explore the vibrant marine life through activities like snorkeling, diving, and fishing, or to journey to uninhabited islands for a secluded beach experience and witness untouched natural beauty.Mindful Relaxation PracticesHow can we incorporate mindfulness practices to enhance relaxation during our stay at a Maldives resort?One way to promote relaxation is by engaging in deep breathing exercises. Find a quiet spot on the beach, close your eyes, and take slow, deep breaths to center yourself and let go of any tension.Another effective practice is meditation. Set aside some time each day to meditate, focusing on the present moment and letting go of any stressful thoughts.Additionally, participating in gentle yoga sessions on the beach can help you unwind and destress. The combination of the soothing ocean waves and the calming yoga poses can create a serene environment for relaxation.To further enhance your relaxation, indulge in the spa treatments offered at the resort. Treat yourself to massages, facials, or body scrubs to rejuvenate your mind and body. The therapeutic touch and calming ambiance of the spa can elevate your relaxation experience.Moreover, take leisurely walks along the pristine beaches or simply relax in a hammock while listening to the sound of the waves. Disconnecting from technology and immersing yourself in the natural beauty of the Maldives can help you truly unwind and recharge.Packing Light and SmartLet's streamline our relaxation experience by packing light and smart for our Maldives resort stay. When it comes to packing light, focusing on the essentials is key. Here are a few tips to ensure you're prepared without overpacking:Swimsuits: Given that you'll likely spend most of your time in the water or on the beach, packing a few swimsuits is a must. Opt for versatile pieces that you can mix and match for different looks.Sunscreen: Protecting your skin from the sun is crucial, especially in a tropical destination like the Maldives. Consider bringing reef-safe sunscreen to not only safeguard your skin but also the marine environment.Curly Hair Care: Embrace your natural curls during your stay and keep your hair routine simple. Pack the necessary products to manage and enhance your curls in the humid weather.Respecting Local CustomsRespecting local customs in the Maldives entails dressing modestly and being mindful of cultural norms to ensure a harmonious experience during your stay. It's important to cover your shoulders, chest, and knees when venturing outside resort islands to show respect for local customs. Avoiding public displays of affection is also crucial to adhere to cultural norms on local islands. Additionally, alcohol consumption is restricted to resort islands only, in compliance with Maldivian regulations.To have a pleasant and respectful stay, it's essential to understand and follow the local rules. By being aware of and respecting cultural sensitivities, you not only show respect but also demonstrate appreciation for the Maldivian way of life. Embracing these customs not only enhances your experience but also fosters positive interactions with locals and fellow travelers.Navigating Transportation HasslesNavigating transportation in the Maldives can be an exciting part of your journey, with seaplanes and boats commonly used to travel from Male to resort islands. Understanding the logistics of island transfers can help make your travel experience smoother and more enjoyable.Seaplanes and Boats: Seaplanes are a popular and picturesque mode of transportation from Male to resort islands. Boats are also commonly used for transfers, especially to islands closer to the capital.Transportation Costs: Seaplane costs typically range from $200 to $600 round trip, depending on the distance to the resort island. It's essential to factor in these costs when planning your trip budget.Resort Coordination: Coordinating with your resort for island transfers can simplify the transportation process. Many resorts offer package deals that include transportation from Male to the island, so be sure to inquire about these options when booking your stay.Navigating transportation in the Maldives may seem daunting at first, but with a bit of preparation and understanding of the available options, you can make the journey from Male to your resort island a seamless and enjoyable part of your overall travel experience.Enjoying Water ActivitiesExploring the stunning aquatic wonders of the Maldives adds a thrilling dimension to our resort stay. The crystal-clear waters beckon us to immerse ourselves in vibrant marine life through activities like snorkeling and diving. For a more leisurely experience, we can opt for kayaking and paddleboarding, allowing us to unwind while soaking in the picturesque views surrounding us. These serene moments on the water offer a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.If seeking a bit of adventure, windsurfing and parasailing provide an exhilarating twist during our time at the resort. Feeling the wind in our hair and the rush of excitement as we glide over the turquoise waters is sure to create lasting memories. On the other hand, a leisurely swim in the calm lagoons or simply lounging on the pristine white-sand beaches offer moments of pure relaxation and tranquility.As the day transitions into evening, indulging in sunset cruises or joining fishing excursions can provide a tranquil and memorable experience. Watching the sun dip below the horizon while gently cruising along the Maldivian waters is a perfect way to unwind and appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds us. Whether seeking relaxation or adventure, the water activities in the Maldives cater to all preferences, ensuring a truly unforgettable stay.Unwinding With Spa TreatmentsAfter a day of thrilling water activities, unwinding with spa treatments in the Maldives is the perfect way to rejuvenate and relax. Spa treatments in this luxurious destination offer a range of relaxing experiences, from massages to facials, all set in serene and tranquil surroundings. Specialized spa therapists are on hand to provide customized treatments tailored to individual needs and preferences, ensuring the ultimate relaxation experience. Many resorts in the Maldives boast world-class spas equipped with luxurious amenities such as hydrotherapy pools, sauna rooms, and private treatment rooms, adding an extra touch of indulgence to your wellness journey.Customized Treatments: Specialized spa therapists offer personalized treatments tailored to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring a truly relaxing experience.Luxurious Amenities: Enjoy the lavish facilities of Maldivian spas, including hydrotherapy pools, sauna rooms, and private treatment rooms, adding to the overall sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.Holistic Wellness: Indulge in signature spa rituals inspired by local traditions and ingredients, promoting holistic wellness and leaving you feeling refreshed and invigorated.Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of the ocean and gentle sea breeze that enhance the spa experience, creating a peaceful oasis for unwinding and de-stressing in the Maldives.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Do's and Don'ts in the Maldives?When visiting the Maldives, it's important to be mindful of beach etiquette, local customs, dress codes, and language barriers. Following these guidelines will help you navigate the cultural norms with ease.Remember to cover up appropriately, respect the designated beach areas, and avoid public displays of affection. By showing respect for the local customs and sensitivities, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience during your stay in the Maldives.Should You Stay at an All Inclusive in the Maldives?Why miss out on the convenience of an all-inclusive stay in the Maldives? With budget options, local cuisine, water activities, private villas, and sunset views all included, it's a stress-free way to unwind.We find that staying at an all-inclusive resort lets us relax and fully enjoy the beauty of the Maldives without worrying about extra costs.What Do I Need to Know Before Going to Maldives?Before going to the Maldives, we recommend packing essentials like sunscreen, light clothing, and swimwear. Respect cultural etiquette by dressing modestly on local islands.Try local cuisine like mas huni and hedhikaa for a true taste of Maldivian flavors.Transportation options include speedboats and seaplanes to hop between islands easily.Consider weather conditions for the best time to visit and enjoy your stay in this tropical paradise.Which Part of Maldives Is the Best to Stay?When choosing where to stay in the Maldives, the best part for a relaxing getaway is the South Male Atoll. This area offers beachfront villas, overwater bungalows, and private islands, perfect for secluded retreats.You can also enjoy local experiences like snorkeling in beautiful coral reefs. South Male Atoll is easily accessible from Male International Airport, making it a convenient choice for a tranquil and luxurious vacation.ConclusionAs we set sail from the tranquil shores of the Maldives, let's remember that just as the ocean ebbs and flows, so too does our need for relaxation and rejuvenation. By following these ten tips, we've unlocked the treasure trove of serenity that this paradise has to offer.May we carry the calmness of these crystal clear waters with us, wherever our journey may take us.Bon voyage!
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2024.05.16 04:55 CaptainChristopher02 My Floridian Arxur Daughter (Part 30: A Visit to the ER)

Memory Transcript Subject: Carlos Jose Rodriguez, Mechanical Engineer, Florida Man
Date [Standardized Human Time]: December 29th, 2136
When Yalga passed out on the couch I sent a message to the family group chat making sure everyone knew of the situation.
I needed to get Yalga into the hospital, but I didn’t want to do it myself. Pyon also needed a sitter, so I was waiting for mom to come back so Salisek and I could focus on Yalga.
Me: Yalga burned herself on the heat pad. We’re taking her to the ER. Mom, could you come home to take care of Pyon.
Mom: WHAT DO YOU MEAN BURNED HERSELF?! We’re coming home!
Tarvik: On our way. We’ll help you take her.
I didn’t want to bother them, but I couldn’t complain. I needed help. While I waited for them to arrive I poured a cool glass of water for Yalga so she could hydrate herself when she gets up. I gently nudged her awake, which made her groan in discomfort as her eyes opened.
“Dad? What’s going on?” She asked weakly. Her voice was a little rough.
“I’m gonna take you to the doctor,” I answered bluntly. “I am aware, you don’t love doctors but these people can help you much better than me. I’ll be with you as much as I can, holding your hand. Can you be brave for me?”
My daughter nodded yes, so I got up and went upstairs to grab something we’re definitely gonna need. I also made sure Salisek got the news. She probably saw through the chat, but I needed to be sure.
I peeked into our room, or at least the room the girls were staying in together. “Honey?” I called the mother of my children. Salisek was cradling Pyon, trying to calm him down. Pyon was holding his teddy tight enough to cause some visible rips and tears. I need to ask mom to fix that later. “How is he?”
Pyon buried his face in Saliseks chest fur, and made some small whining sounds. “He’s scared. We heard Yalga scream and didn’t know what was going on. He soiled himself when he heard Yalga and has been crying for a while now. He only just stopped. He can sense I’m worried too.”
“You changed him right?”
“Yeah, although I didn’t think now was a good time for potty training. What are you getting?”
Salisek followed me to my mom’s room and watched me search around the closet. “Almost a decade ago, my dad was hit by a car. Something about the sensors being screwed up. He’s obviously fine now, but the car didn’t stop just in time so he broke a leg. Thank God that’s all he got. Anyway, he bought a wheelchair and kept it- Aha!”
I freed the simple contraption buried under a mountain of clothes dad considered put away and carried it downstairs.
“We’re gonna need this. It’s gonna be way easier to move Yalga.”
Salisek continued to cradle Pyon, rocking him back and forth, as she talked to me, “What do you need me to do?”
“Stay with Pyon.”
“We’re not arguing about this. I need you to stay-”
“Pardon me, could you repeat that!? Have you forgotten that despite that fact we aren’t married yet we both signed as the legal guardians of both Pyon AND Yalga. Or did you want to call your barber for help?”
Hearing Salisek use her angry voice when talking about anything other than Exterminator and Federation bigotry felt like a punch in the gut.I tried to defuse the situation. That worked about as well as it did when dad tried it.
“Hun, that’s not what I mea-”
“MY-” Salisek paused when she remembered she was still carrying Pyon who was looking at her as if she yelled at him. “Oh, I’m so sorry pup just…” She shifted Pyon's position so he could bury his face into her fur to distract her. She softened her voice, but made it stern as steel. “My daughter is in an incredible amount of pain. She is scared, she is tired. I will be there. Pyon will come with, so he can see his sister being taken care of. I. Will. Be. There. For. My. Daughter. Am I clear?”
I help up my hands in defeat. “Okay. We’ll leave as soon as the family gets here.”
Saliseks voice and posture softened. “Okay. Again this time. What can I do?”
Seeing how serious she was, I realized doing this on my own was a stupid idea from the start. “Pack some snacks. I’m not getting overcharged for crappy hospital junk. And while you’re in the kitchen please grab more water for Yalga. I gotta make sure the bandaging is on well and she’s okay.”
Salisek walked to the kitchen, still carrying Pyon. At times like these, I know I made the right decision marrying her.
“I love you sweetheart!” I called out.
“I love you too hun!” She called back.
I pulled the wheelchair out so Yalga could get in it. I could try and carry her, but unfortunately with her size and weight it would be better to transport her like this. Even if it’s a short distance.
“Daddy,” Yalga called.
“Are you and Mommy mad at each other?” She asked innocently. “Did I do something wrong? I heard Mom say my name.”
I knelt down to give my daughter an assuring kiss on her head. “No kiddo. We had a disagreement like all adults. It’s solved now. We still love each other.”
Despite her monotone voice, it couldn’t hide the tears building in her eyes. “Okay.”
I ignored it for the moment because she was probably gonna cry more in a moment. I opened the chair as much as it could go and gave the seat a nice solid pat.
“We’re gonna put you here, then we’re going to the Emergency Room.”
“Do I have to get up?”
“Yeah. You do. Grab my hand. We’ll go slow.”
Yalga held my hand and grasped it tight. I need to remember that she has a very strong grip. To keep her even I used my other hand to push her up from the other side so she didn’t have to do the work.
I’m so glad I go to the gym.
We slowly worked together to lift her up so she could sit straight.
“Ow, ow!”
“I know it hurts. Take your time.”
Once we got her up we had to get her into the chair. I thought about the best way to put her tail. Through the hole in the back? Would it just drag to the ground? Wait!
I went to the side of the couch where there was a thin blanket for me and Salisek when we slept here. If I can tie the blanket on the handles it can keep her tail up without squishing it. I just need to get her on first.
“Okay Princess. Let’s get up. Can you stand?”
“Y-Yeah. Um, Dad?”
Yalga awkwardly clutched her tail. “I need to use the bathroom.”
My eyes darted from the bathroom to the couch and back. “No better time to test the wheelchair.”
[Memory Transcript Time Skip: 40 Minutes]
Even though it was getting late the traffic was still a lot. Once Salisek was ready we both called our parents and they both said that traffic was heavy. With it being the last Saturday of the year, Florida residents and tourists alike were enjoying their day.
We decided to just meet at the ER. The blanket trick for Yalga’s tail worked well and it didn’t hurt too much for her to walk once she got up. However, sitting down hurt her a lot unless it was in the wheelchair. Her tail probably played a factor since it didn’t have a place to sit except on the side when dealing with regular chairs.
Once we got to the hospital I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t that packed. Because of increased tourism and parties things can get crowded this time of year. Thankfully that wasn’t the case today. I didn’t want my daughter waiting more than she had too.
When I opened the side door, Yalga was already half up just so she could get into a chair with room for her tail. I helped carry her down and rolled her through the hospital's parking lot.
Salisek was having a difficult time carrying Pyon. He was pretty nervous. “Mawmy, I don wan to gow en.”
I didn’t understand why Pyon was scared but Mawmy was able to calm him down. “It’s okay pup. This place is filled with very nice and smart people who can help your big sister.”
My daughter didn’t say much, instead she looked around the large hospital and took in all the architecture and bright lights at the front. The front and lobby areas were clean and comfortable which helped a little to ease the tensions of anyone going in with something they believe is serious.
I rolled Yalga straight to the front desk and we were greeted by the medical receptionist. “Hello, how may I help you?”
I smiled politely and spoke calmly, “Hello, I’m Carlos Rodriguez and this is my daughter Yalga. She was using a heating pad and unfortunately suffered some burns. I was able to patch her up a little, but the gels and methods we have are for humans so I want to make sure she can heal properly. I would also like a professional to look at other areas of concern dealing with her limbs and back.”
“Any pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, profuse bleeding?”
“Her back usually causes her pain and the burning made it worse.”
She gestured to my fiance and son, “Are those two with you?”
“The tall Venlil woman is Salisek, my fiance, and she’s holding our son Pyon. They came for emotional support and to assist with anything Yalga may need.”
“We’ll get you someone right away. Please wait in the lobby.”
“Thank you.”
I knew they probably wouldn’t rush us in since even though Yalga is in pain, there’s no direct threat to her life. The most they’d do is probably a tetanus shot. I suppose I’ll have to worry if Yalga reacts to needles. I’ll try to calm her down because I could tell Yalga was still tense. I rolled her to a seating area with a TV playing Tom and Jerry.
Peak Fiction
With all the stress Yalga was going through, there’s nothing like cartoon violence to ease the mood. What would also ease the mood is having the family visit which according to a message they just sent, they were already here just finding parking.
Soon everyone entered the hospital and after a quick chat with the receptionist, along with me flagging them down, they joined us in the lobby. Helen and Chalta ran to Yalga the quickest.
“Yalga, are you okay?!” Chalta asked. “We heard your back got hurt!”
Helen was about to tackle Yalga into a hug before I stopped her. “Helen, Yalga isn’t feeling well. Please be careful she’s in a lot of pain.” Helen was visibly worried but still gently gave Yalga a supportive hug.
“Get better soon please.”
Talice and Tarvik were surrounding Salisek, asking questions on how they could help.
“Mom, it’s fine, really.”
“No, it’s not fine. Your father and I are here to help so please be honest with us. We’ll help with anything you need. We’ll take Helen home soon but the moment you need anything we’ll be right there.”
“Why isn’t she seeing a doctor yet? What kind of place is this?!”
Mom went over to Salisek who was still holding Pyon. “I can take him sweetie, get some rest.”
Salisek cradled a stressed Pyon in her arms, “Do you wanna go with Grandma, little pup?”
Salisek gently handed Pyon over to my mother who instantly knew how to calm him down. Salisek fell into the chair next to me. She was pretty exhausted and it was getting late. The stress of everything is what really made her worry. Seeing your child in pain isn’t fun. My father put a hand on each of our shoulders.
“Is everything alright?” he asked.
I looked over to my daughter who was trying to watch the cartoon with her sisters but still had a hard time focusing because of the pain, as evident by her trying to adjust herself. I gave her a tap on her shoulder and mouthed “how are you feeling?”. I could only hear a little whisper, but it was enough to understand she was saying “It still hurts.”
Dad could overhear what we were trying to say and knelt down next to Yalga. “What would you like to do when we leave?”
“I’m a little hungry. Can we go eat later?”
“Of course, anything you want.”
I was grateful for my dad, that we remembered to comfort Yalga in all this. I was so new to everything, not to mention the speed at which everything was happening.
Where’s the doctor!
“Carlos Rodriguez,” She called just as my patience was wearing thin. “We’re ready to see you now.”
“Thank you. One moment.”
I quickly talked with my parents and in-laws about who is going home and who is staying. My mom offered to take Pyon home and to tuck him in, Salisek agreed. Talice decided to go with and made sure to bring Chalta and Helen back since they knew they might get bored or cause trouble. Tarvik and Dad were conversing for a bit about who should stay before settling on Dad since he’s more familiar with the hospital.
Salisek gave Pyon a strong nose nuzzle, “I’ll see you later, okay Pyon? Mommy will be home soon. Be good to grandma, okay?”
“Owkay Mawmy.”
“I love you.”
“I wuv yu tu.”
Helen and Chalta gave Yalga a big, but gentle, hug.
“Get better soon.”
“We’ll play lots of games together when you get back.”
Everyone quickly said their goodbyes so it was just me, Yalga, Salisek, and Dad. We followed the nurse to a room and were asked to wait until the doctor arrived. Yalga was really on edge.
“Dad, are you gonna tell Odin about me?”
“It hasn’t crossed our minds. Do you want us to call him so you can talk for a bit?”
“No thank you, I don’t want him to worry.” My daughter fidgeted with her claws in shame. She didn’t want Odin to see her hurt. The moment she’s okay, I’m planning a date for her and Odin. With chaperones of course. “Are the doctors here nice?” Yalga asked nervously.
“Of course they are, Princess. Just answer honestly and they’ll help you get better.”
They’ll help you get better… I hope.
[Memory Transcript Time Skip: 60 Minutes]
“So the spray will help heal and clean the burn so it doesn’t get sick?” Yalga asked curiously.
“That’s right,” Dr. Brown stated. “Soon we’ll give you a small shot to help protect against tetanus. It’s a very dangerous condition that can happen when you get a cut or burn. But you’re being very brave, I’ll see if we can get you a treat later. That is, if your parents are okay with it.”
“gasp Can I daddy?! Pleeeeeeease, I’ve been soooo good.”
I smiled brightly, “Of course you can.”
Dr. Brown was a huge blessing. The guy had been working with kids for a while and was great with Yalga. He was really good at relaxing her and explaining to her what was going on. He was honest and genuine. Salisek really liked him too, and even asked some questions herself. I also remembered him during my reckless years. He recognized me too.
“You’re daddy was quite the troublemaker back in his day.”
“Yup, when he was small he proudly came to me with a broken wrist.”
“Why would he be proud of that?”
“He got it trying to impress his crush.”
Seven-year-old me told you that in confidence.
I awkwardly looked at Salisek, but all she could do was stare and slowly smile while turning to my dad for more information.
“Do you happen to know the full story, dad?” Salisek teased.
“Well daughter, Carlos had a small crush on this girl named Jessica in the second grade and he tried to impress her by jumping off the swing set. He succeeded and flung himself so far into the air that when he landed on his wrist he needed a cast for months.”
“H-Hey! You laugh but it worked. She sat next to me at lunch and gave me her lunchables, that’s like… the pinnacle of love in second grade.”
I earned a laugh from everyone in the room, which almost made me forget that it was at my expense.
“Um, what is a lunchable?” Dr. Triva asked. She was a Zurulian working with Dr. Brown, trying to work with and understand the Arxur biology. While she was important in treating Yalga’s burn with her experience with Harchen Exterminators she would be even more important in trying to understand her condition as a whole. Zurulians have the best medical understanding compared to… pretty much everyone.
“It’s a children’s meal kit for both vegan and non-vegan foods, it’s popular for kids in school lunches.” Dr. Brown took his eyes off his colleague and gave me a sly look. “But let’s be honest, there was never any real meat in those things.”
Yalga’s interests also peaked. “Were they tasty?”
“Back in my day they were the best part of school. They were also a status symbol. Having the best lunchables meant you were the coolest kid.”
“What was the best one, Daddy?”
Of course it was pizza. It’s always pizza.
Pizza is God’s gift to the world.
Dr. Triva grabbed the syringe for the shot while Dr. Brown prepped the area. The sight of the needle made Yalga nervous.
“D-Daddy, do we have to…”
“Hey Princess, look at this.”
Yalga took her gaze off the needle and onto my phone where I showed her my favorite distraction.
[Behold Distraction]
“What is that?” Yalga asked. “I like the sounds.”
The legend Zach Choi, his legacy continued by his descendants, loved making short videos of him just cooking. This one was one of the rare ones that didn’t feature meat. Yalga was fully entranced into the process that she didn’t even react to the needle or the bandaid.
“Good job my beautiful pup!” Salisek cheered.
“Yeah… in a minute, mom.”
Dr. Brown chuckled, “I think I should start using those for nervous patients, right Dr. Triva?”
“Yeah… in a minute, Dr. Brown.”
I took my phone away before everyone forgot why they were here and we were ready to proceed. The doctors wanted to really get a look at Yalga and her condition. On the promise of peanut butter cookies and meat lovers pizza Yalga bravely went through all the X-Ray’s, bloodwork, medical history, and any other examinations they needed.
It took a while and she was starting to get frustrated with all the tests, but she persisted, and soon it was over. They allowed us to stay the night to monitor the burn area in case complications arose. So we all stayed in the hospital room, enjoying our time together as if it was a little adventure.
“Mommy look, the bed moves!”
“Pup, please don’t break it.”
Yalga went crazy when she saw how many buttons the hospital bed had, and needless to say, she was enjoying it. She kept Dad occupied with all her questions both about the hospital and about anything else her mind could think of. She was happy to be done with the tests.
“Grandpa, do you think they’ll let me see my bone pictures later?”
“Sure, but they need someone who is trained to look at them first and show them to the doctors.”
“There’s someone who knows how to look at pictures of bones?”
“Yup, they can see things we can because they’re bone smart. Do you wanna be a doctor when you grow up?”
“I dunno. Maybe I can be a doctor for bones, a bone doctor!”
It was nice seeing her happy, but Salisek and I were still worried about what they would find. What would it take to heal Yalga? Could they do it? I think so, but how long will it take? I don’t care about the financial cost, I care about the physical and mental toll it would take on Yalga. But would we have a choice?
I looked to my fiance who was rapidly tapping her foot onto the ground, impatiently waiting for the doctor to come back in and give us the news on Yalga’s condition.
“It can’t be that bad right?” she whispered. “With aid from the Zurualians they must have a way to easily fix Yalga’s condition. So what’s taking them so long?”
“They’re probably just double checking some things. I’m sure it’s nothing.” I could tell she was still stressed, so I held her hand and kissed her cheek. “Our daughter will be fine.”
Salisek tried to keep herself from crying for Yalga’s sake, but had the doctors not finally arrived she might’ve broken.
“Carlos, Salisek? You’re the parents correct?” Dr. Trivia asked. “I’ll just need to see you both very quickly to discuss some things.”
Finally ready for some answers we quickly got up, kissed our baby goodbye for now, and followed the Zurulian to a small room with Dr. Brown.
“Mr. Rodriguez and Mrs., do you prefer to be called Salisek or are you fine with adopting Mrs. Rodriguez?” The doctor politely asked.
“I’m fine with either, but I would like to get used to Mrs. Rodriguez.” I could feel her hand strengthen her grip in mine.
“Wonderful,” Dr. Brown took out a small folder that showed some of Yalga’s X-Rays, notes, and documents. “First things first, your daughter's burns should heal very soon.”
“Courtesy of Zurulian medicine and Harchen Exterminator Accidents.”
“Yes, thank you Dr. Triva. But of course this is not the only information you wanted to know about. The condition of your daughter is concerning. Not only because of the condition of her injuries, but also her condition that allows her body to grow at an exaggerated rate.”
Dr. Triva put the X-Ray slides on a projector for us to see. Seeing Yalga’s bones and how badly they were broken made my stomach turn, and my heart sink. I could hear Salisek’s gasp from how shocked she was.
It looked like a child had rearranged the right side of her body like a poorly constructed jigsaw puzzle. What made things worse was that the other side of her body looked nearly untouched meaning we could see all the damage her sperm donor did. I know how it felt to have broken a few bones as a kid. Her life would’ve been torture for me. I have know idea how she could live like that.
Why didn’t I take her here the moment we got home? How long has she been suffering like this?
“As you can see the limbs that didn’t grow as much were the ones that were injured the most. Trauma can be a factor in how limbs develop,” Dr. Triva explained. “You can see here how the bones didn’t heal correctly. Upon questioning your daughter it’s no question her back holds the most problems, but looking at her arms and legs it’s possible they’re also providing an incredible amount of discomfort and pain.”
Salisek wrapped her tail around my leg nervously. “So, what does this mean?”
“It means,” Dr. Brown continued. “That before we even think about her back we should address what’s going on in the rest of her body. If you look at her pelvic bone you can see it isn’t straight due to her walking on uneven legs for lord knows how long. So we think it would be best to first start realigning the bones as well as doing the appropriate extensions. My only concern is that her accelerated growth may cause complications, so she’ll need to visit here frequently.”
My fiance’s grip tightened as she looked deeper into the X-Rays, “I see. How long will it take for her to recover?”
“Several months, due to the severity of it. We can do the arms and legs separately, but that would be up to you. There’s a possibility it could take longer. We just can’t be certain with her growth, but we’ll have experts working round the clock on her case.”
“I-I see. But you can help her right?”
“We will do all within our power to make sure your daughter is healthy and lives a pain free life.
“Thank you… could you give us a moment. We would like to let our daughter know about it before we make arrangements.”
“Of course. Please let us know when you’re ready.”
We politely walked out of the room and turned around the corner away from where Yalga was.
“Honey?” I asked. “Is everything okay?”
I almost fell over when she pulled me in for a hug. I could barely hear her through her bleats and cry’s. “Look at what that monster did to her.”
First Previous
submitted by CaptainChristopher02 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:55 cori_na AITA - Is he tight or am I cheeky AF??

I think I really need some help about whether or not I have been the asshole here. I invited a friend to accompany me to a charity ball last weekend. He happily accepted and drove around 1 and 1/2 hours to get to my house. It was a ball that was being thrown for my boyfriend's charity so we were guests at it and on our best behaviour. During the night we were talking about bidding in the auction and also buying bricks for the new building that the charity was putting up. My friend said he was happy to buy his brick for ÂŁ50 and he also bid in the auction and accidentally won something that he didn't really want for ÂŁ80. I agreed to buy the thing for ÂŁ80 off him because it was closer to where I lived. Therefore, I'd spent ÂŁ80 more than I meant to It's worth noting that I also paid for his ticket for ÂŁ50 which he knew about. When the charity people came to take his money for the brick I said hey... Why don't you buy two bricks? He initially refused and I joked come on dude. I've bought something from the auction from you. It's already less than you planned to spend and also less than the dinner ticket. It's also worth noting that I did this in front of two beautiful 18-year-old girls (he is over 50). He immediately got incredibly upset at me and said that he did not expect to be spoken to like that and left the ball and drove all the way home. I found it very unusual because we often joke around like that and that wasn't an unusual thing to say to each other. We joke around and make fun of each other. But I really think that I hit a sensitive spot for him. I'm now struggling to apologise because I'm not sure what happened and I'm not sure that I was wrong so guys help me out. AITA??
submitted by cori_na to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:49 Unicorn_Warrior1248 I’ve caught up on and thought I’d share some thoughts

This little list started as things I wanted to bring up to my husband when he gets home from a trip. But then it turned into things I wanted to bring up for people who might care a little more 😂
Zack’s comment about Janet being a mean girl and hides it really well. lol yeah right welcome to the conversation buddy
Michelle saying she wanted Jesse to come back a different person. Girl no you just want a different person.
The “cheers to Kristin not being here!” …these are adults.
“I should have reached out to Zack sooner”….Janet wasn’t even the one who told Zack he wasn’t invited. I’ve been in a similar situation with a friend and not getting invited on the trip, not a baby moon, but I get it. I did however get invited to watch the animals for them last minute 😑
The short hand therapy notes!
Brittney and Jax have turned into such a toxic couple it’s really sad. But I’m sure we’ve all seen this coming.
Jesse clearly isn’t high off his trip anymore.
Next week got me like 🍿🙂
submitted by Unicorn_Warrior1248 to TheValleyTVShow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:40 tirzbeau Week-In Review: SlimDown Rx

Week-In Review: SlimDown Rx
Alright it’s going on my second week with SlimDown Rx and I’m frequently asked about the medication so far so here’s a rundown of FAQ.
  • Any side effects? None thankfully.
  • Are you losing weight? Yes.
  • How much? I’ve lost about 6lbs that week.
  • Is it effective? Yes, it has the same active ingredient as branded and other compounds. It’s just as effective as the rest..just cheaper! Yay!
  • How long have you been using the meds? This is my second soon to be third week.
  • Did you grow a third arm? Sadly no.
  • Am I being compensated? Sadly no.
PRICE INCREASE ?!?!? THEY’RE SCAM?!?! Yes, SlimDown Rx has increased their prices. When I made my original review a week ago, SlimDown was still a relatively small company but then there was a surge of new customers. In order to efficiently supply their demand, new doctors were hired which is what led to a $20+ price increase. Along with their new staff members, I read upgraded shipping to be a new feature that contributed to their price increase as well. I can understand the disappointment, but I can also understand that they’re still a growing company. On a good note, if you made an appointment prior to 05/26/24 their original prices will be honored for your order.
  • Packaging? Can I see a photo? Sure. It should be at the top, but I’m old I forget how this works.
  • Is that styrofoam? Yes, it’s for protection.
  • What’s in that green bag? Syringes and alcohol pads.
  • Um, what’s that blue bottle? Your vial is placed in there. (I love it)
Feel free to ask me any other questions about the tirzepatide or packaging.
submitted by tirzbeau to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]