Blank map of mexico

D&D Maps

2017.01.26 21:23 hornbook1776 D&D Maps

A catalog for user created maps and links to maps by other artists suitable for use in any D&D campaign, adventure, or encounter.

2017.01.10 03:15 bman_7 Travel maps

Share maps showing where you have traveled.

2008.07.19 20:02 Tijuana

Welcome to Tijuana! Sister city to San Diego and over all borderland. This city is not as scary as the media might have you believe. Our community is small but the city is gigantic. There is much more to Tijuana than you can imagine.

2024.06.09 23:13 danny_fc X Attack Idea feedback??

X Attack Idea feedback??
Game Mode Name: X Attack
Objective: In X Attack , players compete to score the highest points by chaining together precision shots and skillful eliminations within a set time limit. Similar to Trick Attack from Tony Hawks Pro Skater, where players perform a series of skateboarding tricks to accumulate points, X Attack focuses on the player’s shooting accuracy and combo skills.
Gameplay Mechanics:
Time Limit: Each match lasts 15 minutes, during which players must try to score as many points as possible.
Time Set Score: A timed set score of or about 10 thousand to endgame
Scoring System: Points are awarded based on the difficulty of the shots, with headshots, moving targets, and long-distance eliminations scoring higher.
Combo Multiplier: Consecutive hits without missing a shot increase a combo multiplier, significantly boosting the score for each subsequent hit.
Special Targets: Occasionally, special targets with unique challenges appear on the map, offering a high reward but requiring exceptional skill to hit.
Power-Ups: Players can collect power-ups that temporarily enhance their abilities, such as increased fire rate, bullet penetration, or a temporary aim assist.
Endgame: When the time expires, the player with the highest score wins. In the event of a tie, a sudden death round ensues, where the first player to score a hit wins the match.

Kill Type Points Awarded Description

Proximity Mine Kills -100pts Triggered by enemy proximity.
Headshots kills -150pts Precision shot to the head.
Long Shots -150 Shots landed from a distance can be stacked with Headshot Kills pts
Point Blank Kills - 50pts Shots in close proximity
Body Shot Kills - 50pts Standard shot to the body.
Chain Kills - 200pts Multiple kills in quick succession.
*Chain Kills (2 or more kills within 2 seconds)150 + (75 × Chain Number) Note: The points for Combo Kills and Chain Kills increase with each additional kill in the sequence. For example, the second kill in a combo would be worth 100 + (50 × 2) = 200 points, the third would be 100 + (50 × 3) = 250 points, and so on.
This points system rewards precision and skill, encouraging players to aim for more challenging kills and to chain their actions for higher scores. Adjustments can be made to the points values to ensure balanced gameplay based on testing and player feedback.
Ability Kills- 50pts Kills contributed through ability
Passive trait kills - 50pts Kills contributed through passive traits
Ultra Kills - 300pts Kills coming from Ultras
Skilled Shots- 200pts Difficult shots like mid-air,
Environmental Kills - 150pts Using the games environment for kills
Melee Kills - 80pts Close combat kills.
Explosive Kills- 130pts Kills with grenades or other explosives.
Assist Kills - 60pts Contributing to a kill by an ally.
Stealth Kills175pts Kills while undetected by the enemy.
Combo Kills- 220pts Kills using a combination of skills/weapons.
Run the Chain- 300pts For achieving a kill chain beyond a quad kill.
Implementation Tips:
Balancing: Ensure that the scoring system is balanced so that no single type of shot is overwhelmingly advantageous.
Feedback: Provide immediate and clear feedback for successful shots, such as visual effects or satisfying sound cues, to enhance the player’s experience.
By incorporating these elements, you can create a fast-paced and competitive game mode that captures the essence of Trick Attack’s high-score chase in an FPS setting. X Attack would challenge players to be precise and quick, offering an exciting twist to the traditional FPS gameplay.
submitted by danny_fc to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:57 Jedizap Sometimes, Helldivers crumple like paper. Sometimes their immortal demigods. I just had one of those missions.

So this takes place on Vega Bay, so icy snow world, lots of open space. I'm scouting ahead of the group and spot a Jamming tower, so I wait for the group to catch up. Meanwhile, robot partols keep walking past. I'm using a rock as cover, but there's a mountain behind me which covers 270 degrees of escape. Suddenly like 3 patrols spot me and start shooting at me. I shoot back, but a lot of them are tougher types and more keep coming. My allies are close, but there's a literal army of robots surrounding me and getting closer. Soon they'll be close enough the rock won't provide cover anymore, so I jump out and make a break for it. 2 stims and a dream. I sprint, spam both stims, and somehow despite like 20 bots firing on me and like 7 times I should have died, I escape around the corner, regroup with the squad, and we clear things out. It helps that my armor had the like 50% chance to survive a lethal blow because I am CERTAIN it proced so many times in a row. So what happens next? Clear them out, attack the jamming tower. We fight through the defenses, I circle around and make it to the console. I shut it off and then drop the hellbomb. All good, right? Except I accidentally called the HB too close to the building and the activation console is literally inside the wall. Somehow I manage to touch it, but it sucks me into the wall. "Great" I say. "I'm stuck, make sure you come back for my samples". So I activate the hellbomb and it explodes, point blank. Somehow, I survive on like a quarter health and it even knocked me free of the wall. My only guess is the map shielded me from most of the damage of a literal point blank hellbomb. So now its time to escape, right? Only someone went down in their firefight and dropped their samples, but there's like 2 minutes left until destroyer leaves and a tank just pulled up. Fine, we agree to run, it isn't worth the samples. But as we start running, my greedy butt sees my 500kg just got off cooldown and turn around to drop it on the tank. Boom, its gone, but there is yet another small army of bots guarding the samples. A sane player would just turn and leave to save the samples they have, but I am clearly an immortal demigod with 2 more stims in my pocket (from a supply drop). Besides, we have like 1 minute, if I die they can drop me at evac. So of course, I go "Nah, I'd live" and charge in, grab the samples, all while being shot with enough sustained fire that should have killed me 3 times over even with all the stims flooding my blood, and run out. Now I'm escaping, but there is a small army blasting in my general direction and remember, large open spaces not much cover. So as I'm running what happens? A blizzard. The snow blinds them enough to escape, and I even manage to snag 2 more stims from the last slot of the supply drop. That was the last of it, I'm affraid. I did extract with the samples safely. But I just found it hilarious how I survived not one, not two, but 3 encounters where I should have died many times over but just didn't. Including facetanking a literal hellbomb, and that one was the least damage of any of them, it didn't even require me to proc the armor.
I'm curious if anyone else has funny stories of being immortal demigods, surviving the insanity that you should not have been able to live through. Just your own personal moment of "Nah, I'd live".
submitted by Jedizap to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 Ornery-Object-2643 Un-map a key

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew how to unmap a key without assigning it to another key. I just want to get rid of the Caps lock altogether. I was thinking about just assigning it to the shift key, but is there anyway to just make it a blank key? FYI i have the Advantage 360, not pro, so I will be using the SmartSet GUI to do the "Un-map." Thanks for the thoughts!
submitted by Ornery-Object-2643 to kinesisadvantage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:00 Macewido2x NEW fallout 76 trailer phone number.

NEW Fallout 76 trailer phone number
Hello all,
Obligatory mobile format apology
If you have not seen there is a new trailer for fallout 76 for the new season and map expansion. The new trailer is a "Vault-athon" and features the phone number 1-844-VAULT-LIFE without letters it is 1-844-82858-5433. When you call this number you are given aa message like you are calling the Vault-athon and are given options to learn more about Vault 76, The Skyline Valley(the new map expansion), If you qualify to be a Vault Dweller, to leave a message about how great vault life is, if you want to complain to hang up.
All of these options give a pre recorded message, except for leaving a message about how great vault life is. You can actually leave a message about how great vault life is. (a thought occurs that you may not actually be leaving a message they might just have the beep and blank noise so you can leave a message when I reality youre not. I spent like 5 min saying how great vault 108 is and how my friend Gary is gonna be a test for cloning. Rip me)
submitted by Macewido2x to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:58 Abe2201 Mexican American war scenario I made

submitted by Abe2201 to AgeOfCivilizations [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:57 Macewido2x NEW Fallout 76 trailer phone number

Hello all,
Obligatory mobile format apology
If you have not seen there is a new trailer for fallout 76 for the new season and map expansion. The new trailer is a "Vault-athon" and features the phone number 1-844-VAULT-LIFE without letters it is 1-844-82858-5433. When you call this number you are given aa message like you are calling the Vault-athon and are given options to learn more about Vault 76, The Skyline Valley(the new map expansion), If you qualify to be a Vault Dweller, to leave a message about how great vault life is, if you want to complain to hang up.
All of these options give a pre recorded message, except for leaving a message about how great vault life is. You can actually leave a message about how great vault life is. (a thought occurs that you may not actually be leaving a message they might just have the beep and blank noise so you can leave a message when I reality youre not. I spent like 5 min saying how great vault 108 is and how my friend Gary is gonna be a test for cloning. Rip me)
submitted by Macewido2x to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:42 Famous_Plant_486 Fantasy maps!

I unfortunately have no artistic talent, so making a map for my fantasy novel has been near impossible. I tried several times free handing it in Photoshop, following YouTube videos, and even trying to buy stock images of blank maps to fill in. Every one has been such a disaster (rightfully so) that I started searching for a graphic designer to make one for me.
However, I had two problems with that. The first being my initial quote was $1200 for a single two-page map (thanks, Reedsy!); my second being that I prefer complete creative control over my book, hence why I've gone the self-pub route.
And then I found Inkarnate a couple of days ago :') Which led me here, with this map I created using its software. Might I say I'm rather proud of it!
I just wanted to share this here in case anyone else is struggling to create/get their hands on a map for their own project. I hope this helps someone out there!
submitted by Famous_Plant_486 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:28 Talios_ The Mechanically Biological War. (Part 4: End.)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
"That... Would certainly be appreciated. She's just outside."
And so, the two aspects of Atrosa, Logos and Celia, exit the medbay and fix up Chaos Meld, bringing it into proper working condition.
Max: "Ready for another drive, honey?"
Rachnia: "As I'll ever be."
Celia approaches Talios after finishing the repairs of Chaos Meld.
"I went ahead and threw in a tune-up for the Mana-Thrusters, it should use a bit less mana for flight mode now."
"Alright, thank you."
Chaos Meld: "All systems repaired and operational. Ready for combat, Pilot."
Finally, Max and Rachnia re-enter their mech, Weaver Of Fates. As the two enter and connect, the same thing happens as before. The cables attached to Max turn gold. Though this time, Rachnia's do too. A purple spider web pattern spreads across both their cables.
"All systems operational. Driver sync at 200%. The Weaver of Fates is ready for Combat."
"To protect and preserve, to carve a path for others to walk on, to weave the fate for the future, we stand and fight. Eldritch one. You've made your last mistake."
A large sword appears in one of the weaver's hands. It's alot like the one the Apostate of Misfortune wields, a form of Max very view of have gazed upon.
The Titanic Abomination in the distance can be seen wrestling with Aoi's projection. It seems to be overpowering even for the the Oni, but she has managed to hold her own against it. Jean can be seen flying overhead, using layers of defensive spells to buff and empower her.
the beam of the Polyphemus aims straight for the beast's left eye, to try to distract it.
Cerne's silver swords are stuck in her own projection, like daggers in her back. Not out of hostility, but to enrage and empower.
Talios places a hand on Chaos Meld's ankle, and is warped into the cockpit.
"Switching to manual controls. Welcome back Pilot."
Chaos Meld pulls out it's greatsword, but it quickly changes into a different form. A war hammer.
《Mana-Drain Thrusters: 30%》
Immediately, Chaos Meld dashes in and attempts a powerful overhead strike on the abomination.
The blade of the Weaver Of Fates grows as the weaver takes hold if it with all four arms. A gigantic and ornate greatsword.
"To destroy those who wish for destruction, to end those who wish for annihilation. We turn their desired fates to their own selves. Face us, XYLFAPSAVEI, and die your final, fated death."
The thrusters on it's back and it's legs activate, burning white hot. It dashes forward at breakneck speeds, going for an upper cut to match Talios' strike.
The Titanic being Towers above everything, it's head nearly a full kilometer in the air. As Talios flies overhead and strikes down with the warhammer, it is effortlessly deflected by some kind of powerful energy field, and the same happens with the beam from the Polyphemus and the Weaver's attack. The exposed Brain sitting in the carved out skull psychically laughs, mockingly.
"You fools don't stand a chance before the power of a true God!"
Everyone experiences a flood of information entering their minds. it is a map of the beast, with a plan of attack.
Atrosa: "The thing has Shield Generators built into it's body that we're gonna have to take care of first. Your going to need to use your mechs to get inside, then fight your way on foot to the generators!"
"Talios, You use Chaos Meld and try to get under it's left flank, there is a hollow metal panel there you should be able to break open with your antimagic punch. Weaver, I want y'all to evade as best as possible while charging that cannon of yours, and wait until my signal that Talios has brought down the first generator. The second one is located in the right shoulder, but it's very heavily armored."
Talios: "Got it."
《Mana-Drain Thrusters: 60%》
Chaos Meld's speed increases massively. It begins flying around the abomination, trying to find an opening to the hollow panel.
"Ironsides, Wait for my signal, and when I give the order I want you to dump everything you have into this things Groin. Trust me on this."
The Weaver Of Fates armour plating shifts forward, as it stands guard before the Ironsides, ready to deflect attacks.
"Ready when you are."
Talios manages to fly around to it's left flank, Jean assisting Aoi in getting the abomination to lift it's arm, exposing a worn panel protected by a barrier.
Chaos Meld: "Target acquired."
Chaos Meld immediately dashes in with a superman punch on the worn panel, the anti-magic in the Chaos Meld being much more volatile. It causes black sparks to surge from the point of impact, all the mana in the vicinity being consumed by the sparks, essentially destroying the mana entirely.
The punch collapses the barriers and crashes through the panel, exposing a hallway leading down into the depths of the creature. The cockpit of Chaos Meld opens up, and Talios tosses a Chaos dagger into the exposed hallway, swapping positions with it.
Chaos Meld retreats back after it's pilot has safely entered the beast.
"Switching to automatic mode. Good luck Pilot."
The shipkeeper of the Ironsides, Ferra, has been preparing a shield disrupting shot amidst all this.
Ferra: "Awaiting command, Paragon of Preservation!"
The tunnels leads deep down into the chest of the mechanical eldritch horror, and opens into a large room with a massive glowing crystal. Around it, 3 mindflayer mages are focusing on some kind of ritual. They have not noticed Talios yet.
Talios summons his Chaos Blade, and another Chaos dagger into his free hand. Quiet as a mouse, he moves behind one mage... And immediately stabs his Chaos Blade into the throat of the mage. He tosses the Chaos Dagger at another of the mages, the dagger striking it's throat. Two down.
The final Mindflayer, in a panic, attempts to use a Mind Blast on Talios. But due to not having an actual brain... It is ineffective.
Talios charges the last one, shoulder checking it to the floor and proceeding to bash it's head into the floor once. Twice. Thrice. Fourice. Firice... What am I saying... Finally, he stops.
Atrosa: "Talios, hit that mana crystal with an anti-magic strike. Max, as soon at it shatters, fire your weapon into it's right shoulder!"
Talios walks over to the mana crystal. He widens his stance, placing his left hand fingers square on the center of the crystal. He takes a deep breath. Focuses...
《One Inch Death Punch》
He closes his fist, moving his whole body into the punch in an instant. The anti-magic freezes the mana in the crystal, while the punch itself could probably do some serious damage as well.
The jets of the Weaver Of Fates flare up, the armour shifts back, and they ready it's titanic greatsword to strike.
The attack greatly destabilizes the Mana crystal powering the first layer shields, causing it to shatter into thousands of pieces.
Atrosa: "Now Max, blast that thing with the shot you've been charging up and get ready to jump it!"
The railcannon fires straight into it's shoulder, weakening it significantly. The disruptor rune weakens surrounding materials, disabling magic caught in the blast.
The Weaver grapples onto the beast's side and runs upwards, reaching it's shoulder. A wound, large enough to fit the Weaver was made in the abominations shoulder, and after passing the fleshy, decayed exterior, they find themselves standing in a large room, and on the other side of a massive barrier lies a huge, spherical core of energy radiating a sickening divine light.
Atrosa: "Weaver, use a Godslayer rune on that divine core, that will render it mortal. Talios, you get back to Chaos Meld and get ready to scram. This is gonna get messy."
"Got it."
Talios sprints out of the hallway, leaping straight out of the abomination. Putting full faith in Chaos Meld to catch him as he falls...
And she delivers, soaring in and catching him mid-air, immediately warping him back into the cockpit.
"Welcome back Pilot."
"Charging up railcannon, rerouting power from all defensive systems."
"Firing Godslayer rune!"
The cannon fires at near point-blank range, smashing right through the barrier and into the divine core. This causes the mana with it to become unstable and explode outwards, leaving a massive hole in the eldritch corpse's chest. The Weaver is protected from the blast by a powerful barrier.
Atrosa: "Alright, Y'all get out too. Ironsides, Dump everything you got into that things crotch!"
The mortars, anti-material cannons, and artillery batteries all focus fire on it's groin, as the Railcannon is almost finished charging a godslayer itself. Aoi's Wargod projection moves out of the way to avoid getting hit, while Sarah fires her cannon in tandem with the others.
The barrage begins impacting the abominations groin, causing the structures holding it's legs together to collapse. Without a leg to stand on, it comes toppling down, landing forwards in the water. The massive tank containing the Elder Brain shatters on impact, and the seawater begins to cause it to shreak in pain.
Chaos Meld was flying around it when the abomination fell. Seeing the Elder Brain exposed, it grabs A.M.A.R from it's shoulder mount, firing 10 anti-magic artillery rounds into the brain. It only stopped because it had to reload.
Without the magic animating the Eldritch corpse, it begins to turn to stone, rapidly becoming overgrown with moss and sea life.
Talios sees the village below while flying, and notices the villagers trying to flag him down. He obliges, Chaos Meld descending down, gradually slowing its descent with the mana-drain thrusters. Once it lands, the thrusters power off entirely and it kneels, placing a hand on the ground. Talios is warped onto the hand.
A large man with skin the color of brass walks up to Talios. Judging from the draconic wings and tail, it's easy to tell that this must be the Half-Dragon chieftain.
"Thank you so much, great warriors! You have saved our village, and we are forever in your debt."
Talios: "...Just doing our job as the Crimson Paragons, chief."
A title with little meaning now. But it's all that comes to mind. Talios doesn't want to take all the credit...
The Weaver Of Fates arrive near the village, Max and Rachnia disembarking.
Max: "Good day, chieftain. I've heard much about you from Empress Aubade."
Rachnia looks like she only did a light exercise, instead of experiencing the same strain as before. Them being in sync seems to have done them both a lot of good.
The townspeople begin to gather around to thank their saviors, and the Chief, the Brass Half-Dragon Velzas, walks up to Max.
"I've heard good things about you, Maximillian. We've been appreciative for ARMADAs assistance for quite some time, and now we are truly in your debt."
Talios is busy being greeted and thanked by the villagers, when a large Lamia woman approaces him silently from behind, and picks him up into a huge hug. She gets a little carried away though, and accidentally squeezes him so hard that he can feel his body crumpling in from the pressure.
Talios visibly tenses up when he feels the Lamia grab him, but he quickly relaxes. He feels... Strange. An emotion unfamiliar to him.
With this action... A seed was planted in his mind. A seed that would quickly turn into something greater.
Max: "I'm surprised you all even remembered it's aid from ARMADA at all. Not exactly a catchy name, after all. Just glad to see you're all doing well."
Velzas: "Don't worry about the damages, it is nothing compared to the devastation that you have prevented. We've been acting as a sanctuary for dislocated demihumans such as ourselves for some time, and that does put us in indirect contect with ARMADA from time to time. You have been doing a service for our community that the world has always sorely lacked, and to call it gratitude would be a disservice."
Max: "I'll have a crew sent before noon tomorrow to assist with reconstruction efforts, chief Velzas."
And with that, the alien invasion had been stopped. All was well in Lantica once more. And Talios sat down on his chair in the tavern, having finished his retelling of this story.
"I'm never entertaining things like this again."
He will.
submitted by Talios_ to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:57 ElectronicDegree4380 Setting out on an adventure journey - Greece

Hello folks! I got an idea today, hope you can help me with it.
I am currently living in Greece and I read about this Greek village that is so remote that the Ottomans literally labeled it as "blank" on their maps.
And that's when I thought about going on a trip to explore some of the most remote and isolated regions of this country. Can anyone please tell me what other places like this you know?
submitted by ElectronicDegree4380 to geography [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:46 Battlesmith707 Dispossessed Homebrew Archetypes: Warden Prince, Cogsmith, Ranger, Alms Matron

So, having created my Runesmith Archetype as well as a Khazalid Runework mechanic, I'm going to build four more archetypes, each representing an aspect of Duardin society. It is strongly encouraged that you check out my Runesmith archetype, because at least two of these archetypes start with runes.
First we have the Warden Prince - a frontline fighter who also has some room to dabble in leadership or diplomacy skills.
Then there's the Cogsmith - a character with high crafting who is primarily focused on ranged damage using black powder weaponry, but also gets bonuses when operating war machines or artillery.
After that is the Ranger - a versatile class that specializes in stealth and ranged combat, but also has the tools needed to be a decent frontline fighter in a pinch.
Lastly there is the Alms Matron. The Alms Matron is a name I pulled from a novel called Chronicles of the Wanderer. From what I gather they're basically the Priestesses of Valaya. The Alms Matron is primarily a support class who can use Miracles - I've taken a bunch of thematic miracles from Alarielle, Grimnir, and Grungni, and reflavoured them around Valaya. She also has access to a number of skills and talents that may serve the party outside of combat. I will note that her ability to use Miracles might not strictly be lore accurate, but at the same time - if Grimnir gets Miracles despite being dead, and Grungni gets Miracles despite being an absentee god, why can't Valaya?
All-in-all I feel like I've laid the groundwork to have a relatively balanced well-rounded party consisting of nothing but Dispossessed.
Warden Kings are the rulers of the Dispossessed Clans, and like most Kings, they require heirs. A Warden Prince is the son of a Warden King. From a young age they are trained to fight and to lead, with the expectation that their father shall not live forever. However only one of these children - the eldest son - can take their father's throne. Which then raises the question of what the remainder will do. Some serve the new King as generals and advisors, while others are married off to prominent figures within the clan, or to different clans entirely.
Others become Soulbound.
Many young Dispossessed Princes (and Princesses) who find themselves low in the line of succession leap at the chance to join a Binding. It is an opportunity to earn glory for themselves and their clan without forever remaining in the shadow of their older siblings, and it is also a respectable way to avoid being assigned an unwanted marriage. It also provides a chance to travel the Mortal Realms and potentially even explore the lost Karaks - many Soulbound Warden Princes dream of the day they can say they were the first to set foot in their clan's ancestral home in over five centuries.
A Warden Prince is a trained and well-equipped fighter, who due to the length of Duardin lifespans may already have decades of experience under their belt. Not only can they fight, but they can also lead - having been raised with the expectation that they will play a commanding role in either the court or the armies of their father or one of their brothers. It is possible that a Warden Prince may even have experience leading Throngs into battle. Beyond that, Warden Princes are also royalty, which may prove to be a boon when interacting with the aristocracy of other factions. Thus they are a welcome addition to any Binding of Order.
While travelling with the Binding, a Warden Prince may insist that they explore any lost Karaks they discover if it does not interfere with the Binding's other obligations. The Prince may wish to either scout them out for possible reclamation, or recover lost treasures. The Prince may appear enthusiastic about this at first, but once they finally walk the empty halls they may find themselves becoming depressed, melancholy, or even angry as they are struck by the full reality of their people's fall from glory.
  • Body: 4
  • Mind: 2
  • Soul: 2
Core Talent: Mountain Stance (Champions of Order - ignore the "Alarith Stoneguard" requirement.)
Talents (Choose 3)
  • Ancestral Grudge (Champions of Order)
  • Armour Expert (Champions of Order)
  • Bulwark
  • Crushing Blow
  • Diplomat
  • Duelist (Champions of Order)
  • Intimidating Manner
  • Lead The Way (Champions of Order)
  • Opportunist
  • Rending Blow
  • Shield Mastery
Core Skill: Weapon Skill
Skills (7 XP)
  • Athletics
  • Awareness
  • Determination
  • Dexterity
  • Fortitude
  • Guile
  • Intimidation
  • Intuition
  • Lore
  • Might
  • Reflexes
  • Weapon Skill
  • Choose Between: Warhammer and Shield, Battleaxe and Shield, Greataxe, or Greathammer.
  • Common Heavy Armour.
  • One Weapon Rune or Shield Rune (see my Runesmithing Class for more information.)
  • A map of one of the eight Mortal Realms, displaying all known Karaks within it (including yours) as well as the passages between them. The map is a copy of a more ancient work, dated during the height of the Khazalid Empire. It may have other landmarks on it as well (such as Realmgates) but it dates back to the Age of Myth and therefore may be unreliable. The map is neatly folded and stored in a well-crafted airtight case of wood and metal.
  • 50 Drops of Aqua Ghyranis.
The Ironweld Arsenal - the great union of Duardin and Human Engineering. As Engineers of the Ironweld Arsenal, Cogsmiths are vital to the Cities of Sigmar war machine. Working closely with their human counterparts, they design, build, maintain, and repair the machinery, vehicles, artillery, and firearms wielded by Sigmar's mortal armies.
It is perhaps little surprise then that many Cogsmiths are happy to become Soulbound. An extended lifespan and ample opportunity to test out their new inventions aside, they are also well-accustomed to working alongside and learning from other species. The Cogsmiths for their part bring a lot to the table - they are expert tinkerers, able to help repair and even improve the weapons of their Binding. They are well-versed in the operation of war machines and vehicles, able to coax more out of them than most. A Cogsmith is also a formidable combatant in their own right, having personally tested many of their own designs, and became a skilled marksman as a result.
  • Body: 2
  • Mind: 4
  • Soul: 1
Core Talent: Ironweld Engineer (see below)
Talents (Choose Three)
  • Ambidextrous
  • Combat Ready
  • Combat Repairs
  • Crack Shot (Champions of Order)
  • Creator (Champions of Order)
  • Forbidden Knowledge
  • Gunslinger
  • Incidential Incendiaries (Steam and Steel)
  • Point Blank Range
  • Quick Reload
  • Tinkerer (Steam and Steel)
  • Savvy
  • Scholar
Core Skill: Crafting
Skills (9XP)
  • Arcana
  • Awareness
  • Ballistic Skill
  • Crafting
  • Determination
  • Dexterity
  • Guile
  • Lore
  • Reflexes
  • Choose between: Rifle, or Blunderbuss, or two Repeater Pistols.
  • Choose between: Warhammer or Repeater Pistol.
  • Common Medium Armour.
  • Smith's Tools.
  • Engineering Plans and Schematics.
  • 50 Drops of Aqua Ghyranis
Ironweld Engineer
You are a certified member of the Ironweld Arsenal, one of the brightest minds of Duardin and Human Engineering. Whenever you are operating a war machine, a vehicle, or a weapon mounted on a vehicle, and you are required to make a Ballistics Skill Test, you may choose to either substitute your Crafting Skill, or double your Training in Ballistics Skill - whichever one is more likely to yield a better result.
In addition to this, as an Endeavour and with 50D worth of crafting materials you can spend one week tinkering with a handheld non-Aetheric firearm to improve it. This requires Smith's Tools and access to a Workshop. You can make three attempts at an Extended Mind (Crafting) Test with a DN of 5:8. If you succeed, you may apply one of the following upgrades:
  • Improved Sights: While firing this weapon, the wielder's accuracy increases by one step.
  • Longer Barrel: The firearm's range is extended by one zone. Incompatible with Double-Barrel.
  • Double-Barrel: The firearm now has a second barrel. When you make an attack with this weapon, you may either treat it as a dual-wielding attack and split your dice pool, or as a single attack that does extra damage (2 if the weapon is two-handed, 1 if it is one-handed.) Unfortunately, whatever weapon you apply this to also gains the Reload trait if it does not have it already. Incompatible with Longer Barrel.
  • Armour-Piercing: The firearm gains the Penetrating Trait.
  • Armour-Breaking: The firearm gains the Rend Trait.
Only two of these upgrades may be active on a weapon at a time. They are not permanent and can be changed.
When asked to describe the natural gifts of the Duardin, few would ever think to list stealth as one of them. But it is - if they put their mind to it. Rangers fulfill a vital niche in Duardin armies - that of scouts, skirmishers, infiltrators, and sharpshooters. In the days of the Khazalid Empire, it was the rangers who kept borders clear of Monsters, Greenskins, and Beastmen. It was the rangers who would not only warn settlements of incoming attack, but also harry and harass the foe by any means necessary while the Throngs were mustered. Even today, long after the Khazalid Empire's collapse, the Dispossessed Clans still have use for rangers. Indeed, it was the rangers who weathered the fall the easiest, for they were accustomed to wandering without a home.
The life of a Ranger is that of a wanderer - spending weeks or even months traversing the wilds, and camping under the open stars. The only Duardin who would voluntarily seek out this life are either outcasts or free-spirits, independently-minded with a strong sense of wanderlust. It is a thankless job - their greatest deeds are committed far from any settlement or army, and therefore go unwitnessed. Most Duardin find their lifestyle and tactics disturbing, and thus, treat them with (usually unwaranted) suspicion.
It is little wonder then that a Ranger would be eager to become Soulbound. As a Soulbound, they are more likely to be working with people who have fewer qualms about their tactics, and may even appreciate their skillset. They can spend greater periods of time travelling, being deployed throughout the Mortal Realms in direct service to a higher power, with no obligation of a clan to return to. It is also possible that the Ranger may have a Criminal past they are attempting to escape from. Members of a Binding may also find a Ranger's company preferable to that of other Duardin, for Rangers tend to be less hidebound than most of their Dispossessed kin, while still retaining a strong sense of duty and integrity.
  • Body: 3
  • Mind: 3
  • Soul: 1
Core Talent: Hunter
Talents (Choose Four)
  • Alley Cat
  • Ambidextrous
  • Backstab
  • Combat Ready
  • Crack Shot (Champions of Order)
  • Criminal
  • Hit and Run
  • Iron Stomach
  • Loyal Companion
  • Observant
  • Orientation
  • Patient Strike
  • Point-Blank Range
  • Quick Reload
  • Sever
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Vanish
Core Skill: Ballistics Skill
Skills (9 XP)
  • Athletics
  • Awareness
  • Ballistics Skill
  • Beast Handling
  • Dexterity
  • Fortitude
  • Intuition
  • Nature
  • Reflexes
  • Stealth
  • Survival
  • Weapon Skill
  • Great Crossbow
  • Choose between: Greataxe or two Handaxes.
  • Common Light Armour
  • Ranger Cloak (see below)
  • Flask of Duardin Amberwhisky
  • Signalling Horn
  • 100 Drops of Aqua Ghyranis
Ranger Cloak
This hooded cloak is dyed to blend in with the environment. Choose one of the Terrain types listed in the Hunter Talent (it does not need to be the same one you picked as part of the Talent.) While adventuring in this terrain, you can double the dice you receive from Training in Stealth. As a week-long Endeavour you can spend 50D to change the dye.
Signalling Horn
A loud horn used to warn settlements of incoming attacks. You can blow the horn as an Action. It can be be heard by anyone within 500 feet, assuming there is nothing that might block the sound. If blown from high ground (such as a hill, tower, or mountain) or within a tunnel, the range can be extended at the GM's discretion. Any creature standing in the same zone as the horn when it is blown, including the hornblower, must pass either a Body (Reflexes) Test or a Mind (Fortitude) Test with a DN of 5:2. If they fail, they are deafened for one minute (ten turns.)
Little is known about the Alms Matrons - also known as the Priestesses of Valaya, Duardin Ancestor Goddess of Hearth and Home. The birth rate of Duardin females was already low to begin with, and most Dispossessed Clans are fiercely protective of their women as a result. Even more confounding is the worship of the dead goddess Valaya. Despite all this, Priestesses of Valaya are an integral part of Dispossessed society - primarily serving as healers and mediators. They wield immense influence over the internal politics of their clans, and all Dispossessed instinctively treat them with respect.
It is not impossible that, in less hidebound clans, Duardin of other genders may come to serve Valaya in the same capacity. But it would be regarded as unusual.
Valaya's fate remains a mystery. Some say she is dead, others say she is in hiding. Some say she died during the Great Betrayal, others say her death came long before that - possibly during the last days of the World-That-Was. Some say she will return, as the Fyreslayers believe Grimnir will, while others have given up any hope of this. In either case, it takes far more than the death of their God to make a Duardin abandon their faith.
Additional puzzlement comes in the fact that some Alms Matrons have been known to invoke Miracles of their goddess. Scholars can only speculate as to why this is - perhaps it is due to the power of their faith, or maybe Valaya does still exist in some form. Humans and Aelven scholars have also put forward the idea that perhaps Alarielle or Grungni are behind this.
It is exceedingly rare for an Alms Matron to become a Soulbound, primarily because it is difficult to convince a servant of Hearth and Home to leave both of those things behind. But it can happen, especially if there are other Duardin in the Binding or the Binding's goals align with the Clan's. Though not well-suited to direct combat, Alms Matrons can serve their Bindings in other useful ways - as healers, diplomats, scholars, and priests.
  • Body: 1
  • Mind: 3
  • Soul: 3
Core Talent: Blessed (Valaya - See Below)
Talents (Choose Four)
  • Any Miracle of Valaya.
  • Alchemist (Steam and Steel)
  • A Warm Meal
  • Acute Sense
  • Diplomat
  • Forbidden Knowledge
  • Observant
  • Scholar
  • Silver Tongue
  • Strong Soul
  • Caregiver (Champions of Order)
  • Compelling Music (Champions of Order)
  • Stirring Voice (Champions of Order)
  • Tactician
Core Skill: Devotion
Skills (9 XP)
  • Arcana
  • Awareness
  • Determination
  • Devotion
  • Dexterity
  • Entertain
  • Guile
  • Intuition
  • Lore
  • Medicine
  • Reflexes
  • Theology
  • Quarterstaff
  • Pistol
  • Common Light Armour
  • Two Consumable Runes
  • Holy Symbol of Valaya
  • 175D to either keep or spend on whatever adventuring gear you wish.
(Note: These Miracles are ultimately just reflavoured Miracles of Grungni, Grimnir, and Alarielle from the Core Rulebook and Champions of Order. I might homebrew actual Miracles of Valaya in the future, but for now you can use these as a stand-in.)
Hearth Queen's Balance
Target: 1
Range: Close
Duration: Instant
You can heal the wounds of another by taking on a portion of their suffering. A creature you touch can reduce the severity of one Wound. In exchange, you must take a Minor Wound or increase the severity of a Wound you already have.
Blessing of Valaya
Target: Zone
Range: Long
Duration: Permanent
You infuse the earth with the essence of life, causing plants in an area to grow and bloom. This can be used to bolster crops and revitalise a land tainted by Chaos. You can also choose to shape the growth into simple structures, such as growing winding roots and vines into a ladder or small bridge, or creating cover for you and your allies. In combat, these simple structures can form bridges between Zones, or can be used to give one Zone the Cover Trait
The plants and wildlife created by this Miracle are permanent but will decay naturally if left unattended in an inhospitable environment.
Wrath of the Hearthqueen
Cost: 1 Mettle
Target: Zone
Range: Medium
Duration: Sustained
You fill an area with uncomfortable searing heat, scalding and disorienting any who trespass there. Choose a Zone within Medium Range. That Zone gains the Difficult Terrain and Minor Hazard Traits. Additionally, creatures entering or starting their turn in the Zone must make a DN 6:1 Body (Might) Test or be Restrained until the start of their next turn. When you use this Miracle, you can choose to spend an additional Mettle to increase the Complexity of this Test by 1, to DN 6:2. On your turn, you can spend 1 Mettle as a Free Action to sustain this Miracle.
Heat of the Hearth
Target: Zone
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
A wave of heat washes over your zone, comforting your allies and scalding your foes. Make a 5:1 Soul (Devotion) test.
  • You and your allies within your zone recover one toughness per success.
  • Enemies within your zone suffer one damage per success.
You may spend a mettle to trigger both effets.
Find Strength in Her Absence
Target: 1
Range: Long
Duration: Sustained
Cost: 1 Mettle
Choose an allied target within long range. While the target has no allies in the same Zone, its Melee and Accuracy increase by two steps and it gains +2 Armour. If an ally enters the target’s Zone, this Miracle’s effect is suppressed until the ally leaves the Zone again. On your turn, you can spend 1 Mettle as a Free Action to sustain this Miracle.
Hearth Queen's Endurance
Target: Zone
Range: Self
Duration: Sustained
Make a DN 6:1 Soul (Devotion) Test. Whenever you or your allies within Short Range suffer Damage caused by fire or heat, reduce the Damage by 1 for each success. On your turn, you can spend 1 Mettle as a Free Action to sustain this Miracle.
Target: 1
Range: Close
Duration: Instant
Heat can be used as a tool of healing. Make a DN 4:1 Soul (Devotion) Test as you place a Holy Symbol of Valaya on a wounded ally. They recover Toughness equal to 1 plus the number of successes. When you use this Miracle, you can choose to spend a Mettle to add your Soul to the Toughness recovered.
Comforting Embers
Target: Allies within range
Range: Short
Duration: Sustained
Cost: 1 Mettle
You call forth a rain of glowing embers that fill your allies with warmth and encourage them to press on. When you use this Miracle, allies within range increase their Speed by one step and ignore Difficult Terrain until the beginning of your next turn, though they cannot Flee or Retreat until the Miracle ends. On your turn, you can spend 1 Mettle as a Free Action to sustain this Miracle.
submitted by Battlesmith707 to AgeOfSigmarRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:20 TheWingedBadger A beginners guide to fishing the Isle of Man

Take what I have to say with a pinch of salt, I'm new to fishing and I've recently started fishing with lures after moving to the Isle of Man so I wanted to share my perspective from a total beginner.
My only fishing experience is carp and course fishing with my dad 17+ years ago, so I'm self/YouTube teaching myself everything from scratch from gear to knots to finding spots.
Started with a Leeda telescopic spinning rod that I actually found in the shed when we bought our house, the cheapest Shimano reel I could find (size 4000 Catana and fx) some 20/30lb braid, 20lb fluorocarbon leader and some multipacks of different types of spinners and lures. Upgraded the rod as it literally fell to bits after half a dozen sessions. Now I'm using an Ugly Stik GX2 10" 20-80G and a cheap shakespeare predator telescopic to run traces with. Bought a kayak last year and have just got a 4" ugly stik kayak rod so when the weather gets better I'll be giving that a try as well.
I live in Foxdale and work South, so for now my adventures are keeping me Peel/Douglas and south but I'll venture north eventually.
I like to pack light and keep the gear in the back of the car at nearly all times for quick sessions whenever I can. Rod and reel, lures, knife, pliers bucket, Go.
Thought I'd share some of my learning experiences and thoughts from the last few months where I've caught a few dozen Pollock and Mackerel, and a few Wrasse.
Port Erin Breakwater
Callig and Mackerel Galore, my most common fishing spot with about a 70% success rate, close to work and I can usually get 45mins solid fishing on my lunch break. Good size mackerel from early May onwards, Callig/Pollock as well in all shapes and sizes. Fished now at nearly all states of tide and I'd say it fishes slightly better at low tide however don't be dissuaded from having a go anytime.
Seaward of the breakwater for me seems slightly less productive and far snaggier however it seems the more popular side for most folks. I've only caught a couple of times this side and it seems like the 45° out from the breakwater is significantly less snaggy than the rest of it, you just need to grab a spot right on the corner.
My preference is the internal side, go down the steps as far as the tide allows and cast towards the Bouys or as far alongside the breakwater as you can. Tried all sorts of retrieves I usually end up with a steady draw and a few twitches and the fish are closer in than you'd think, several occasions I've seen a Callig come up out of the kelp and rocks to strike the lure more or less at my feet
Looks to me to be an ideal spot for Wrasse and I commonly hear tell of Conger in the remnants of the Old Breakwater. These will have to wait for a time in the future when I've gotten myself a bit of weedless/float fishing tackle.
As you walk down the concrete to the steps over the chain on the right hand side there looks to be a deeper gully between the harbour wall and the remains of a second smaller jetty extending out in the same direction as the steps (you can just see this on Google maps as a darker shadow, see attached photo) looks to me to be a prime place to float fish but it's THICK with kelp and sea grasses in the bottom so I wouldn't recommend spinning lures in here, it'd get very expensive on tackle.
Port Erin Jetty
Only fished here once, first cast, bad snag, lost lure. I didn't have anymore leader or swivels with me so I gave up. Going off that brief experience it might not be the best for spinning lures, I'll try again with Weedless/Float fishing tackle in the near future, part of this pier gets covered by the tide so beware. A good cast with a heavier lure could probably get to the foot of the lifeboat station or towards the Raglan Pier.
Port St Mary Breakwater
Heard lots of hype about this one and it's only a hundred yards from work, tried half a dozen times and blanked every time. Inside the wall, off the end, over the back, high tide, low tide, mid tide, slow tide. Nothing. The only birds in the area are gulls and they never seem to work the water for food, very very rarely see any baitfish/sand eels or Seals in the harbour. To me the waters in PSM bay feel dead, others may disagree but I'm on the waterfront for work Monday to Friday and this has been my experience.
I've been for a chat with people I've seen casting from the breakwater and they always seem to be blanking and have tales of the golden days of PSM fishing that seem a distant memory from when the scallop factories dumped the shells over the side. Perhaps it's me, maybe it's not a lure spot, or I might have just been unlucky. Due to its convenient location I shall persevere and I'm sure I'll eventually pull one out.
I'll be going here soon to try freelining and dropshotting, a few people locally have recommended trying this here with the little green crabs or some rag worm so when I've a few hours I'll be down and I'll update.
Port St Mary Inner breakwater protects the bit of the harbour that goes dry at low tide, I've tried twice here casting out in an arc into the inner and main harbour and not even had a knock. Special mention for the inner harbour as a place to collect bait at low tide, lovely easy to dig sand riddled with ragworm piles. Fella from work has claimed to have seen half a dozen Mullet in this inner harbour (Mid May) and we've checked a few times since but he's the only one to have seen them.
Port St Mary Rocks
So I tried this place on a whim one afternoon, drove past the breakwater and the Anchor Memorial and there's a little car park, follow the path and steps down and the rocks are easily accessible at all states of tide.
I got here 2 hours before high tide climbed out on the rocks as far out as I could get and had a quick spin, 32g blue and silver spinner. Water was a lot shallower than I thought it would be so I was more or less dragging the lures across the rocks close in. Never the less within a half a dozen casts 2 beautiful Ballan Wrasse hit the lure. Had the cut the session short unfortunately because I was on the skive from work but I'm definitely going to revisit this spot, had a couple people say it's unusual to snag Wrasse on a lure so maybe it was a fluke.
There's some deep spots of water here between outcroppings of rock and I think certain spots have potential especially at low tide when you can walk a fair distance out. Lots of crab and lobster pot bouys around here in the deep spots so it's probably a rocky mess on the bottom, float fishing, jigs or rotten bottom rigs for the deeper stuff I'd say.
Fleshwick Bay
Beautiful spot down here, remote and silent. Peaceful. Unless you're a mountain goat this is a strictly hightide +/-2hrs spot, park up follow the path to the right up and down onto the flattish rock that sticks out. Mind how you go. The high point looks like it could be slippy and it's a super narrow game trail.
Lovely crystal clear water when it's calm and plenty of baitfish in the kelp, cast tight up against the rocks or out into the centre and you shouldn't struggle to pull out Callig, Mackerel or Coalies.
Looks an ideal spot to fish from a small boat/kayak and that's something I'll definitely be doing in the summer.
Peel Breakwater
The "famous" Peel Breakwater, recommended by everyone and their dog for beginner anglers... However... Seems like the golden days are long gone.
The local fish factories have been banned from tipping their offal off of peel head, for better or worse I couldn't say. The pristine waters and white sands of Fenella Beach are a byproduct of the tonnes of king and queen scallop shells dumped off the back and in the past have apparently been an amazing food source for droves of fish. Fish stocks lead to Seals, of which Peel hosts plenty. The lack of food dumps and plethora of seals seem to have affected the stocks and nowadays people seem to blank more often than they catch here.
I've tried a rake of times here now and never caught, one memorable trip out saw ~18 fellow anglers off the back wall and off the end, a drove of feathers and lures flying out for 3+ hours and I saw a grand total of 2 mackerel pulled out.
Maybe in the summer it'll come a little better here but only time will tell, might be a good spot for freelining I'll give it a shot when I've figured it out.
Peel Castle Rear Rocks
Tried here recently, had a few hours to sneak out but the tide and weather was against me and I blanked.
Lots of movement in the water, loads of oxygenation around the rocks. LOTS of deep water and gullys in and around these rocks, pick your spot and away you go. I've got much higher hopes for catching back here than I do from the nearby breakwater despite it being a much quieter spot.
Might be better suited for LRF gear but I'm going to persevere with the spinning rig I'll update when I land something here.
Just the one session here so far, nice evening out wife and one of the dogs had a good wander around while I tried to sniff out a few marks. We were a few hours before high tide so I stumbled over the shoreline hoping to get out onto the rock 'tail' didn't have any waders on however so. I just got out as far as I could on the shore.
Didn't have anything from this spot and I couldn't seem to cast far enough to get past the thick weed close in, I could see a bunch of diving ducks working a bit further out so I still had hope. I retreated up the hill towards the cafe and down the 'path' next to the bench, not quite mountain goat territory but be careful if the ground isn't dry it's a long slide or fall onto very unforgiving pointy rock. Following this trail you can get down and much further out than the beach, plenty of likely looking marks if you wanted to follow the rocks around further.
Nice flat point to stand and cast and really sheltered from the elements for a rougher weather session down at the bottom. Very deep water right at your feet, if I'd had a second rod with me I'd have dropped a 2/3 hook flapper rig, I grabbed a handful of sand and pebbles off the beach and it had 20+ different types of sea snail/shelled invertebrate shells in it, any sort of limpet/snail/crab would be ideal bait here as it's naturally rich with them and they are easy to snag off the rocks anyway.
Alas I only had my spinning rod and a couple of lures with me and with the wife and puppy getting impatient I wouldn't have had time to wait anyway. 10 mins later I managed to land a nice sized Callig, nice fight on it with the deep water at my feet, they do love to dive.
Marks yet to try;
Port Erin Bradda Rocks
potentially mountain goat territory so it might be better attempted from the kayak but it's been mentioned by a few locals. Supposedly larger Callig than the breakwater on the opposite side and some Conger regularly pulled out.
The Sound
Heard good things about a couple of marks down there. Just waiting for a good day where I've nothing planned and I can get away for a good session.
Langness, Fort Island
Walked the dogs round here plenty of times and seems like it'd be good it high tide, lots of rocks and deep water. I'll need to learn to set up a rotten bottom rig for here looks like it's be expensive on lures. The very protected bay seems like an ideal place to launch the kayak for a session.
Scarlet Point
Came down for an explore at low tide a few weeks back, the exposed rocks were a dream for limpet and crab collecting for bait, when the tides in this shallow spot would be great for Wrasse and Conger to my inexperienced eyes. The "Stack" looks a good place for float and jig deep water fishing and I've heard good things about callid and Coalies here.
Battery Pier Douglas
Been for a walk down and had a chat to a couple anglers here, saw a couple bull huss come out and heard tales of mackerel and Callig
Port Soderick
Looks likely for some rock marks and a trip or 2 on the kayak
Kirk Micheal, Ballaugh beaches
Heard of Bass coming out on these beaches, my next challenge I hope. Going to do some research into lures and techniques and hopefully catch a bass this year. When I'm properly equipped I'm planning on walking a few miles up and down here and just fish my way up and down to scout out some spots.
Point of Ayre
Looks a good spot for Bass, Callig, Mackerel the usual. Probably hindered by the giant colony of seals that reside here but probably a great walk out casting as you go.
I've seen a fishing competition on the north beach but they seemed to use baitcasters and gear I don't yet have. High tide from the 2 lighthouses at the entrance to the inner harbour will probably give results. Mullet spotted in inner harbour. Kayak to the legs of the Queens Pier might be a worthwhile trip
Lots of likely looking rocky marks around here, only walked round once so I need to properly explore.
I've never really looked around Laxey beach with an eye to fishing, very pebbly beach with a huge tidal movements, enough depth to cast from the beach at high tide but it's a very popular beach for people and dogs swimming. There looks to be a path over the hill to the less accessible outer lighthouse and looks like some nice deep water with some structure over the outside wall.
Few marks in and around the harbour that are mentioned in the other guide, the lighthouse extends out into what looks like some real nice deep water.
As I said, I'm new to all this and I've struggled to find advice/guidance outside of locals telling lies about fish they haven't caught and vague posts online. I'm hoping this could be helpful to any new starters and I'll be returning to update as I do a bit more.
Any help/advice/guidance for a new starter would be appreciated, thanks all and tight lines.
submitted by TheWingedBadger to IsleofMan [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:18 Spoileralertmynameis Analysing Thematic Imagery of Season 3 Episode 3

I already made the first post regarding episode 1 and 2, here are the links, if you are interested:
Same note as before: I do not claim all of these thoughts as originals of mine, I am not taking credit for noticing what others already noticed, and feel free to credit those who were first in comments. Also feel free to comment what you see and I do not! Or challenge me or mine.
I shall do my best to deliver analysis of the fourth episode before part 2 drops.
General imagery of the season so far (feel free to skip if you read the last post or posts):
The main thematic imagery of this season is reflection; how characters are perceived by others and how they deal with those perceptions. It ties to both leads, who were given roles by society which they must fight from time to time, and how society’s perception of them changes and controls them. Mirror imagery was important throughout the previous season not only for Pen and Colin, however in this season in particular, mirror imagery appears very often, and I expected it to continue (ehem ehem).
Tied closely to reflection imagery, we see the dichotomy of light and shadows. This dichotomy is alluded to by titles of 3 episodes of the whole season; and through this dichotomy, social roles and expectations are established. Colin is in the light, showered by compliments from members of the Ton, while Pen is forced to be in the shadows. She uses the shadows as LW to her advantage, while Colin uses his power within the light to his advantage.
The general idea is that Pen needs to decide whether she wants to stay in the shadows, which might be easier, or whether she is willing to take a risk by stepping into the light. Other characters are also haunted by their reflections. I shall dive into it in each episode.
Episode 3: Forces of Nature
While the second episode heavilly relied on the dichotomy of the day and the night to showcase masculine and feminine power, the third episode features dichotomy of nature and humanity. I have very briefly touched upon it in previous analysis regarding the promenade, when Pen asks whether she can learn to flirt through books and the moment was juxtaposed with the nature behind our leads.
It is not a new dichotomy for the show. We can for example remember the ending of episode 6 from previous season ("Animals require no contracts or dowries. The hen and a rooster make no vows. Leave it to people to complicate matters with their ceremonies and their cakes.").
The nature represents the attraction and longing, while the humanity represents either obstacles in following our desires, or simply a rationale to be "sensible" instead. Lady Whistledown acknowledges that people can somewhat triumph ("Humankind has accomplished extraordinary feats in its attempt to compete against nature."), but the episodes concludes that not only will the nature win in the end, the battle does not even include the nature, but the people who fight themselves. Basically concluding that there are no winners.
"All of man's greatest inventions are nothing more than a distraction from which is most natural to us. Our instincts. The innate animal impulse that is inside even the most sophisticated of us. For all is said and done, our nature will always win out."
Both Penelope and Colin fail to fight their own feelings in this episode.
While the natural forces refer to inner desires, we might focus on the literal natural forces which symbolize them: the Featherington garden (aka the place of crime), and the fire; the most featured in this episode, though, is the wind. The natural force which ensured the first meeting of our leads and (at least according to the books and trailer for part 2), caused Penelope to fall for Colin, as he (literally) fell from his horse.
I shall get to it more later. Let's go again scene by scene.
Third episode begins with Colin's dream. Dreams are of course heavilly linked with both Colin, Pen and their desires. Ironically, Colin's dream represents his waking up Marina alluded to in the last season ("You are a boy, caught up in his own fantasies... You need to wake up, Colin!").
While Penelope stopped dreaming and gave up on her "fantasy" after Colin's comment in the end of season 2 ("I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington, not in your wildest fantasies."), Colin is awaken at the same place, in a cheeky way, by his dream.
The Featherington garden represents crucial moments of their relationship so far. Firstly, it was the place where he broke her heart by his statement, and sparked her intention to marry. Secondly, of course, it was the place where they came to their agreement, with her agreeing to move from him by accepting his help, while he put himself in a vulnerable position to face feelings he did not acknowledge before. Thirdly, it is the place where he was forced to face his feelings VERY directly by agreeing to kiss her.
Colin's subcontious wants to "repair" the moment. It is cheeky for Colin to apologize for the late hour, which might have been appropriate for their last meeting, as well.
Fans have had a lot of fun dissecting Colin's psyche, as Colin's dream features basically every cliché of a raunchy romance novel, which is, of course, very intentional. The first shot features the fire burning, symbolizing Colin's realized feelings. The fog might either allude to the mystery whether Colin's love is requited, or to form a "protection from the gazes of others".
This episode offers a lot storytelling through clothing with Colin especially, and I shall dive to each of his looks. Generally speaking, Colin trades vulnerability for his armor repeatedly in the first half of the episode, culminating in his Innovations Ball look, which I find the most vulnerable.
Colin in his dream is dressed similarly as he was in the end of episode 2, however, his neck is now bare, alluding to his vulnerability. Pen's neckline is lower, her loose hair as well as the fit of the gown make it seem like she is in her nightgown. Still, it is very respectable look for a wet dream, likely to showcase and hammer that Colin did not found vulnerability anew, not sexual desire.
I find it interesting that the shot does not start with Colin walking into the frame, who is the one dreaming, but with Penelope. Perhaps the intention was to try to mess with fans and give them the impression it is Pen who dreams. Colin does not get confirmation of her feelings until he admits his. Again, Colin is the vulnerable this time, not Penelope. The scene focuses much more on her pleasure than his, either to again fool the audience, or again, to sell the difference.
As Colin wakes up, we get more visual clues in the globe and the map, likely alluding to his travelling experience, which are connected to his sexuality. The other is, of course, that his blanket is yellow, a color tied to Pen (resembling the shal Violet has in the portrait, again to sell the paraller of the couples, even before Violet states it to the audience at the end of this episode). He looks to the window, which might allude to him trying to find her, as she lives accross the street, which he likely did for the first time in last episode, or trying to find the light, representing a) his social role as a popular charming rake, and b) his masculine power.
Gregory's injury might thematically tie to multiple things. Gregory was established as a cupid, who pierces Colin's heart, and who now can't do so, meaning that Colin is trapped. Gregory can also represent Colin himself as he can't even properly eat with his injury, which was something Colin also mentioned of not being able to do so. We know that Gregory falls injures the hand before he has a chance to see the balloon, which might foreshadow the ending of the episode, when Colin tries to find the answer, only to not get it and be hurt.
Colin comes to the drawing room in a brown vest. The color of the vest reminds me of his pirate coat, and I wonder whether it is basically his "casual armor", the one he wears around his family now, not wanting them to know of his feelings. It is also worth pointing out that when Colin walks in, he goes to his brothers who sit seperately from the sisters and the mother, almost to shocase Colin's tendency to trying to follow male squad, even the toxic one.
Our dearest prophetess Hyacinth strikes again by mentioning Penelope. It is worth noting that while Colin is distressed, he still realizes that he likely hurt Eloise by commenting on Lady Whistledown finding about their ordeal, and seems to attempt to follow her to make sure she is fine. Colin can't refer to Penelope as his or as a friend, so he opts to refers to her as the acquaintance of the whole family and sips the tea this time. Colin's drinking is a recurring gag this season, showcasing his growing attraction towards Pen.
From the Queen's and Agatha's meeting, we get an interesting gag of the male suitors being thrown. Penelope fell for Colin when he fell from the horse, which is rather cheeky to remember when the one falling this time is Debling.
Penelope leaves her room just in time for her to a) be reminded of the importance of producing an heir, b) be reminded of her reasons she intended to find a husband, hearing her sisters. I believe that it is Eloise's comment that sparks Pen's hope to find a husband once again, as she gets her blessing. Penelope knew she couldn't stay away for long, but to keep her column, not because she gained hope.
It is quite reasonable that Penelope chose to promenade after week in her room. We are left to wonder why Colin choose to do so and if he was perhaps trying to see her. However, from his expression, I do believe that he was surprised to see her. Colin is the one who follows Pen this episode, showcasing the change in the dynamic. Penelope often followed him instead in the previous episode.
Penelope's styling seems very childish, with her ribbons, hair to the side and pinkish and lilac tone of her dress, perhaps a visual way for her to distance herself from the ordeal and that kiss. Colin is wearing the style akin to previous seasons, with his armor being left home. They are children once again. The willow the meet under might symbolize innocence, protection, childhood, as it somewhat shields them from the Ton. The long distance show might allude to them suddenly feeling a gap between themselves, or perhaps a need to keep their distance after the whole ordeal.
It is cheeky that Penelope relies on her double identity when asked for a reasoning. She might have just as easily pointed out the Ton itself, instead, she uses Lady Whistledown she disparaged in the last episode. Just as Colin refered to the Pen in regards to all Bridgertons, Penelope refers to her and his family regarding the embarassment. Pen thanking Colin for his kindness is of course very funny paraller to her comment about his cruelty in episode 1; a comment which might have hurt him the same.
Debling starts the episode as the hunted "prey", not only as Cressida (and later Pen) is after him, but by himself, as he wants to find a hiding place. However, Debling of course changes into the "predator" later.
Stowell House in general does not seem particularly inviting. It either displays mirrors or the "prey" on the walls, signalling Pen's entrapment. Penelope does not hide even in her corner, where she is found by the toxic buddies.
Penelope assures her mother that Ton will likely be distracted by the new scandal. Portia of course does not know that it is Penelope herself who is Lady Whistledown, and who might have a chance to publish such a scandal, but only if Pen leaves her hideout. Pen later offers social contagion as a joke, which might be a fun way of alluding to her double identity, as she holds a bit of power regarding social assesment.
Mirror imagery is quite cheeky regarding our leads and Debling. Pen's back is seen in mirror behind her, which might signal that she is currently social outcast, still uncomfortable after the incident, or visual signal of Pen hiding her identity.
With Colin's arrival, it is Pen who looks at him first, just when he looks at Eloise. Colin notices and continues to look, while Pen looks away and hides as a "prey". Colin turns away and we see a glimpse of him in the mirror. Pen fell first, but he fell harder. Colin flees the mirror, as he will continue to do so in this episode, following her.
Debling does not mind the mirror at all (something he seems to share with Agatha and Benedict) and as Pen becomes more comfortable, the mirror seems to dissapear from the shot. It is worth pointing out that both Colin and Debling have waistcoats with yellow ornaments, alluding to both of them being interested in Pen.
Colin is accompanied by the candles both when Eloise mentions Penelope, as well as when he is "assessing his pupil", alluding to his growing love. I do not think it was unintentional to have Alice mention his "kindheartedness", after Penelope thanks him for his "kindness". Not only do both mention the possibility of a different suitor, they also use similar language when speaking of Colin's role in it, rubbing the idea deeper.
Even more cheeky is that Alice does not refer to Penelope by name, only as a pupil, while Colin comments on it as "gossip" finding their home. Colin refers to Whistledown when asked about Penelope; while Pen is, of course, both subject of the gossip as well as its source as lady Whistledown.
Eloise'a and Cressida's scene alludes to Eloise walking to the crossroads and choosing a path she might regret. Eloise does not help Cressida much, but it is enough for her to easily win over Pen at first.
Finally, we get likely the most in face reference of the episode: Hawkins Balloon, with its blue and yellow stripes. It likely symbolizes our leads, with Colin seeing the balloon (aka embracing the opportunity of them becoming a couple), while Pen ignores it in favour of Debling.
Colin arrives in his armor, aka with his pirate coat firmly on. But his defence crumble rather quickly. He follows Penelope immedietely. At first, he follows her instruction to focus on sweets, but more and more into the scene, he just begins to look at Pen, the only exception is when Pen compliments Debling, as he feels a need to hide his feelings.
Colin loses his battle while seeing Pen eating the cake. The cake symbolized sex even back in 102, when Pen asks Marina how did she become pregnant. What is striking, though, that the next time Colin is shown on screen, he took off his coat and seems to finish Penelope's cake. Colin lets his armor down, just before his heroic moment.
The balloon is representation of a human attempt to "triumph" over the nature, to "conquer the wind". Funnily, as Colin with the help of his squad protects the balloon and wins over the wind, he loses his own battle against it internally, as the wind represents his desire for Penelope. Colin finds courage and allows himself to be vulnerable (by leaving the pirate coat, his armor, behind in the arms of one of his toxic buddies), only for him to find Penelope in Debling's embrace. Eloise and Cressida's remarks might be quite cruel foreshadowing for the later events. "It is good thing no one was injured." "Who says I wasn't?"
The distress of Colin at Innovations Ball is implied with his darker waistcoat, bare neck and him adjusting his jacket. Colin attempts his best to smile for Eloise, but it is a rather unsuccesful attempt. If I dare say, Colin seems like he is attending funeral. His question whether a man can be pensive is rather interesting, not only as it is pun on Penelope's name, but as Colin asks basically if he can be himself.
Penelope and Portia ignore the lamp, the sorce of fire and light, which I would argue, represents the love between Pen and Colin.
Benedict refers to Francesca as "his shield" from the debutantes, and we see Benedict succeeding in fleeing the debutantes with the sister by his side. Eloise, on the other hand, leaves Colin to them, leaving him "unprotected". This is hammered with Violet, who without the children by her side, becomes the target of Marcus. It is no wonder Francesca finds her man when she is allowed to return to her familiar shadows, with fireplace representing love, passion and desire once again. Benedict, too, fails to "battle the nature", as he finds himself in the embrace of his newest partner, after he meets her at the staircase, with her looking down on him.
As the debutantes ask Colin if he is as heroic on the dancefloor, Colin moves his head instead of answering, while we get the shot of Pen holding her own dancecard. It is quite clear. Colin is losing his chance.
While Penelope's and Cressida's race is for comedic effect, it showcases that a lot of times, women fight over guys they might even want, just because they fear someone else will snatch them. While Cressida is pressured to be married, no one points out that she almost married Jack last season, someone who turned out to be a schemer. Daphne won her own "race", only to end up with Simon. Cressida fails to gain Colin's attention in season 1 and 2 mostly due to her treatment of Penelope and Daphne.
Penelope finds herself on the crossroads between Colin and Debling. She chooses to look at Colin, showcasing to the audience that Pen is romantic at heart. While Colin answers the question of debutantes, he is in fact encouraging himself, but as he can't help but look at her, she takes it as his confirmation of wishing her good luck as a mentor. Just as Pen unknowingly let Colin down in willow scene with her words, Colin just done the same. Cheekily, Debling asks whether Pen has trouble with the balloon, while she answers "not at present". As she gave up on Colin in that instance.
Penelope herself pretends to love nature to secure herself a naturalist, ignoring her own desire to be with Colin. Ironically, she secures the naturalist by openly stating she does not really care about nature, when she cares about what nature represents in this episode. Debling giving Pen lemonade ties narratively to Pen leaving the lemonade at the table during the Full-Moon ball, as well as her leaving it at drawing scene with Colin.
I believe that Debling caught on Colin's feelings at this instant. The reason I believe so is that Pen's dance card was still blank and Pen gave Colin time to react. Debling did not ask Penelope for dance beforehand, and she hoped that Colin would speak... which is something Colin might have realized once Penelope gives Debling his hand and dance card is visible to him.
submitted by Spoileralertmynameis to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:15 nospamboz Nokia 6300 4G Google Maps problem?

I work at keeping my Nokia 6300 4G working with Google Assistant, which I use mostly for voice-activated texting, so I ignore the notices to update my system (KaiOS 2.5.4 build 11.00.,17.01), which pop up each time I connect to the internet. I know that updating will disable Assistant.
Recently I've been unable to activate the Google Maps app on my 6300 - I just get a blank white screen. The Maps app on my My Flip 2 (2.5.4) and 2780 (3.1) both work, a couple of seconds of white screen before loading the app interface.
On the 6300 I can access Maps through the browser, but it lacks "Voice Search", and the regular "Search" cannot use voice input. That makes me think that the app is somehow stuck on the white screen because my Google Assistant is working, as if Google isn't expecting it on the 6300. (Voice search is available on the MyFlip2 and 2780.)
Is anyone else's 6300 experiencing this issue? Thanks.
submitted by nospamboz to KaiOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:22 ThePickleHawk It’s Beautiful

It’s Beautiful submitted by ThePickleHawk to Connecticut [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:54 Railgun_Misaka Pavol Rypal, an investigative journalist, wrote articles about organized crime. In 2008, he disappeared and never contacted anyone again.

Slovakia has multiple cases of murders or disappearances of investigative journalists, and this is one of them that isn't that heavily covered in Slovak media, so I decided to cover this case first.

A Dangerous Job

Pavol Rypal, 39 years old, was an investigative journalist known for exposing the operations of the Slovak mafia. He shed light on crime-related cases and the underworld in Plus 7 Days, Reporters of STV, Krimi SK, and Palba on TV Markiza. Pavol assisted many people who were wrongfully harmed by the state.
"Pavol Rypal was one of the journalists who tackled the most dangerous issues, such as organized crime in the state. Informing about the methods of serious crimes, large sums of money being siphoned, and sophisticated underworld transactions is treacherous terrain for a journalist and often proves inconvenient for many involved parties," says security analyst Juraj Zabojnik.

Last Cases He Worked on Before Disappearance

According to findings by Startitup reporters, just before his disappearance, Pavol was working on a large project involving hundreds of missing people whose cases remained unresolved.
Among the cases on Pavol's list was the disappearance of Katarina Hrozanyova, an ordinary woman, mother of two children, and an official of Slovenska sporitelna (the largest commercial bank in Slovakia). Her mysterious disappearance caught the attention of several journalists at the time.
Members of two rival gangs discussed the tragic fate of this ordinary woman. According to their testimonies, the Takac family, along with the Sator family, were involved in the kidnapping and brutal murder of 37-year-old Katarina. In 2005, an unknown man was supposed to pay a million crowns to the mafia for her liquidation.
The most feared killer from the Sator clan, Zsolt Nagy, known as Conty, allegedly marked the spot in the outskirts of the village of Blazov where he buried Katarina's body. However, her remains have never been found.

The Disappearance

Pavol disappeared on April 22, 2008, from a rented apartment on Rezedova Street in Bratislava, and no one knows where or why. The day before, he tended to work matters, arranged other meetings, and was last seen in Bratislava by the owner of the apartment. Yet, he remains unfound, and he has not contacted his family. Various theories about his disappearance exist, but evidence is lacking.
However, he did not vanish without explanation: he left a handwritten note for his girlfriend, instructing her to take the cats and dispose of his belongings. "I'm sorry, but I saw no other way out," the message read. "Disappearing is not easy; it's mentally taxing." There must be a serious reason behind it. "You have to sever lifelong ties with your closest family," said psychologist Anton Heretik, who also knew him personally, after his disappearance.
According to the police, he took 30,000 Slovak crowns in cash, a laptop and a camera with him.

Clues About Murder

In 2018, Plus Media reported information from his friend and colleague, Peter Nota. Peter received information about the location where Pavol's body was supposedly buried, apparently in Zazriva village, in the middle of a forest. Over the next two weeks, two more witnesses contacted him, confirming the same location. According to them, there are at least two to three other bodies buried in the area. One of them allegedly belongs to journalist Pavol Rypal, missing for more than a decade.
"Physical harm to him was mentioned by a witness for the first time half a year ago. Then a second witness from Germany spoke, followed by Jana Teleki. Later, I also received several anonymous messages, but I didn't pay them much attention," says Peter Nota.
According to his information, the main reason for Pavol's liquidation were promissory notes, either from TV Markiza or from Ducky. Peter believes that Pavol's body will be found concreted in a well in Zazriva.
"If journalist Pavol Rypal's body was buried in this location, it would definitely confirm that both cases involving promissory notes are connected and have the same owners. According to my information, in both cases, they were BIANKA promissory notes, and the signatures were either forged, even in Ducky's promissory notes, or they were signed later than claimed," Peter reveals.
Ducky's promissory notes were signed by Jan Ducky, director of the Slovak Gas Industry (SPP). Their consideration was supposed to be "services of a commercial and financial nature," which never materialized. The promissory notes were not registered in the accounting of the SPP and therefore it is not known to this day for what amount all the promissory notes were issued, but there is talk of several billion crowns. Some promissory notes could be blank even without specifying the amount. Ducky was found shot dead on January 11, 1999.
In the case of TV Markiza promissory notes, while the controversial Marian Kocner was in the limelight, he engaged in legal battles for significant sums. One such case involved the promissory notes. In mid-June 2016, the mafioso's company sued Pavel Rusko and Markiza TV for the payment of four promissory notes totaling 69 million euros. He claimed that they were issued years ago as part of a settlement over television with his former company, Gamatex. On February 27, 2020, the Specialized Criminal Court convicted Kocner and Rusko of forgery and sentenced them to 19 years in prison.
"In my opinion, the state knew who killed him, just like they did in Daniel Tupy's case," his colleague Peter Nota once wrote on social media.
He also said that he knows who killed him and that the person who ordered it is still alive, while the killer is dead.

Witness Testimony

"He said his name was Pavol Rypal, a journalist. He was stressed and disheveled," the witness conveyed to Peter Nota. The journalist allegedly recounted his entire story to him, omitting names. "He kept talking about how he had uncovered a case and they wanted to kill him. He said he returned to Bratislava because he had been spotted in southern Slovakia," the witness says. He supposedly traveled to the capital city on foot. He only had a laptop with him, which contained an exclusive story.
According to the witness, Pavol Rypal managed to unravel a major case involving the mafia, connections with politicians, and the procurement of information. "He kept repeating that they wanted to kill him," the witness recalls. Rypal allegedly told the witness that the people who wanted to kill him knew where he was and that if he didn't manage to escape abroad, they would execute him. According to the witness, he also complained that he worked on topics, but no one wanted to publish them, and that he had information no one else possessed.
"He claimed that we live in a time when the state knows that someone wants to kill you, but does nothing about it. He wasn't afraid of the mafia; he was afraid of the state," reads the blog. According to the witness, Rypal was supposed to leave the establishment between five and six in the morning. No one has seen him since.

State Concealment?

According to Peter Nota, there are individuals who possess comprehensive knowledge about this case. The archive regarding Pavol is allegedly located abroad. It's possible, colloquially speaking, that foreign intelligence services are involved. Peter says that certain foreign entities have meticulously tracked the behavior of Slovak politicians and oligarchs over the past 20 years. They've even mapped out the connections between the underworld and political leaders. In Slovakia, it's feasible to arrange for someone's demise. The famous quote of Pavol Paska (former speaker of parliament for the SMER-SD party) rings true: 'Win the elections and you can do anything.' This includes orchestrating kidnappings, murders, and theft...
Despite this, it's worth noting that the SMER-SD party has been in power for four election cycles, and they continue to hold power even now. Sadly, in the election polls, the populist, pro-Russian party still ranks first.

Family Convinced Pavol Was Murdered

Iveta Uhliarikova, Pavol's sister, also spoke about her brother at the launch of the book Slovak Mafia on the Aktuality portal. According to her, his family worried about him due to his work, and he was certainly in danger. Once, he was supposed to run home because a red light appeared on his shirt.
The family no longer believes that Pavol is alive. But they would like to find his body and bury him.
In 2018, his sister Iveta wrote on Facebook that she had learned the most terrible news: her brother had been murdered. She expressed her grief and revealed the fears that had haunted her and her family. Iveta's post reflected her struggle to remain strong while grappling with the devastating truth. She stated unequivocally that her brother, investigative journalist Pavol Rypal, was no longer alive, and she firmly believed that he had been murdered."
According to TASR, the search for Pavol is ongoing.
submitted by Railgun_Misaka to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:14 Howsmyheadshot USMNT is too internationalized; the USWNT is the way forward to growth

I think Landon Donovan is correct. All players should just play in the US. There should be a few exceptions though. Playing limited or even a lot of minutes abroad (Jedi) isn't beneficial. Neither does it really build the sport in the US when the most talented are abroad.
  1. Where were your feet when you were 18? If in France, stay in the French league, do not change leagues. You can come back and play in MLS though.
2 .For players playing outside USA, they only get call ups if their team is currently #1-4, in their 1st Division or 2nd. This applies mostly to the most competitive countries. [England being EPL and Championship, other 2nd division can be considered if similar in competitiveness.]
  1. (Optional) Only strikers are allowed to be called up from outside the MLS. Still must be #1-4 team. Prior to going abroad they must win the Golden Boot for MLS as top goal scorer.
One way to see if this strategy would work is to follow the USWNT. They only have 2 abroad and one was talented enough (Lindsey Horan) to start her career with PSG at 18.
They have a top manager who is foreign with many previous achievements. All while the English and Spanish Women’s leagues are increasingly the most competitive. I wonder if the USWNT can place #1-4 in every international competition? If my theory works, they should.
I used to think players playing internationally was great. I’d watch their games and see them played 15 minutes. They’d start on Bayern Munich and never play, years later they would be on another team or two but not much would come out of it but a higher valuation (someone making money off their trades).
The USMNT is leaking talent off. Even if a player plays abroad, they should only be called if they are on the #1-4 teams in their competitive leagues. And it doesn’t have to take 20 years of watching the cycles, these generations, coaches etc. All you have to do is watch the USWNT until the next Womens World Cup to see if this works.

Consider the Evidence:
#1. Athletic Bilbao (La Liga, Spain)
Athletic Bilbao is a football club that only allows players born in the Basque Country or who learned their football skills at a Basque club to play for them12. The policy was adopted in 1912, just 14 years after the club was formed2. The policy stems from nationalism and a desire to preserve Basque culture and identity3. The policy has led to the success of the club and the development of young players3. However, there has been criticism of the lack of diversity in the team, leading to proposals to relax the policy for children and grandchildren of Basque people
The total area that the Basque Country map covers is approximately 8,000 square miles, making it the 4th smallest autonomous region in Spain.
*Athletico Bilbao have never been regulated in history.
#2: Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Mens National Team
-All players play ONLY in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
-Al Hilal won the FIFA Club World Cup / MLS did not win the FIFA Club World Cup
-The KSA Men’s National Team previously had Hervé Renard (France) as their coach during the most recent World Cup.
-Renard has previously been the manager of Zambia national team, with whom he won the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations; he also won the competition in 2015 with the Ivory Coast, becoming the first coach to win two Africa Cup of Nations with different teams. In addition, he coached Morocco at the 2018 World Cup. From 2019 to 2023 he was manager of Saudi Arabia.
-He is currently the manager of the French Women’s Team.
-For coaching the Saudi Mens National Team he was paid £1.1 million ($1.4 million)
***GREG BERHALTER MAKES>>>>$1,391,136
-A bold and brilliant Saudi Arabia pulled off one of the biggest shocks in World Cup history as they came from behind to stun two-time winners Argentina in a fantastic Group C opener in Lusail. Ranked 51st in the world.
-Current coach of KSA: Roberto Mancini (Italy); salary €25 million ($27 million)
-His record is lengthy as well as coaching the Italian national team.
-All players play ONLY in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

3: Chivas-Liga/MX:

Club Deportivo Guadalajara,[2] nicknamed Chivas ("Goats"), is a Mexican professional football club based in the Guadalajara metropolitan area, Jalisco, Mexico. The team competes in the Liga MX, the top tier of Mexican football.
**You need to have a Mexican Passport to play for Chivas.
Guadalajara is one of the ten founding members of the Primera División (Liga MX) and is one of seven teams that have never been relegated.[3]

4: England- The Three Lions , Mens National Team

-Excluding Harry Kane, none of the Three Lions play outside of England.
-Here is an interesting article on minutes played in top leagues versus results in International competitions. It also reveals Southgate's concern over his national team.
submitted by Howsmyheadshot to ussoccer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:48 kurloz94 Fallout Mexico. What songs would be playing in the radio?

Fallout Mexico. What songs would be playing in the radio?
Since Todd Confirmed that Fallout is only in America, you gotta realize Mexico was part of the U.S. when the bombs dropped, having said that, what artists/music would be playing in the radio if Fallout Mexico actually happens?
submitted by kurloz94 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:45 minecreep4 The State of Connecticut in a universe where it kept all of its claims in history

The State of Connecticut in a universe where it kept all of its claims in history submitted by minecreep4 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:21 pokemonmaster1027 PGSharp loading issue? (no map, avatar)

I'm not sure if this is a pgsharp issue or a device issue - I logged into pgsharp but the map doesn't load at all, it's just blank land; no PokéStops, no Gyms, nothing. I can't see my avatar on the map either, therefore I can't walk around anywhere. Also if I click on my avatar (to edit wardrobe) nothing happens and it doesn't load. But I don't think it's any kind of ban because I'm still able to access my friend list and send/open gifts, and I still see a few Pokémon & can catch them when I use an incense, and I can also battle Team Rocket balloons. I saw another post similar to this a couple days ago, but was wondering if anyone had the same issue and how I can resolve it? I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling pgsharp and this did not make a difference.
submitted by pokemonmaster1027 to PGSharp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:00 BevoBot [6/9/2024] Sunday's Free Talk Thread

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2024.06.09 04:14 ItTakesABookshelf Stanford 10 Math Question - 7th grade/Advanced 1

My child asked if there will be input/output mapping diagrams or linear functions on the 7th grade end of year exam. We use the Stanford exam. 7th grade spring would be Advanced 1 level. She’s curious, and I’d love to give her an answer, but I’m coming up blank. I can’t seem to figure this out without buying a prep book. Does anyone know? Thanks.
submitted by ItTakesABookshelf to homeschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:00 Outrageous-Loss9447 Arizona Hood / Gang Map (2024)

Arizona Hood / Gang Map (2024)
In the largest city of the state of Arizona resides a number of Phoenix gangs, gangs like Bloods and Crips, and Hispanic gangs like WBP/Doble Gang, Phoeniquera, and many more. These gangs are located in the Phoenix hoods of the city’s South Side, West Side, and small sections of the East Side in neighborhoods like Maryvale, Garfield, and South Mountain Village.
Scrolling through the map get a chance to view some of Phoenix’s most reputable hoods, history of the many Mexican/Hispanic and black communities of Phoenix, sections of the city’s most notorious Phoenix gangs, and much more. A city with over 1.5 million people, and growing, is largely predominantly white and Hispanic. The city’s black community is not truly existing as there are black Phoenix hoods scattered throughout the South Side and sections of the West Side, primarily in the city’s Maryvale neighborhood. The Hispanic population dominates the South Side and West Side, while also having a small portion of Glendale and Phoenix’s East Side and North Side.
Phoenix gangs date back as far as the early 1900s, but today’s modern day gangs began to form during the 1970s and 1980s, with some having history dating to the 1960s. Bloods and Crips migrated from California around the late 1980s and 1990s, if not mistaken. Even though Hispanic gangs began during the 1960s, most created their presence in the streets during the 1970s and 1980s, gangs like the WBP, also known as the Doble Gang and several others are among the first Mexican gangs in the city.
As mentioned the black community, which accounts for about 7% of the city’s population, is somewhat nonexistence, even though there are small black neighborhoods, but mostly on the South Side and scattered throughout Maryvale. While blacks have been in the region since the 1800s, with many experiencing racism throughout the 1900s, the black population has slowly grown over the years, especially as Arizona has become a transplant community of out-of-towners relocating to the Valley from places like California and dozens of cities in the Midwest.
Despite being near the border of Mexico, the Hispanic population began growing between the 1920s and 1950s. Like blacks, Hispanics did face discrimination, but eventually there numbers grew to becoming almost the predominant group in Phoenix. Today, the Hispanic population is mostly on the West Side and the South Side.
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