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Tolkien Begginings: the antecedents of Peter Jackson's (and others) Middle-earth

2024.05.15 17:10 Chen_Geller Tolkien Begginings: the antecedents of Peter Jackson's (and others) Middle-earth

Tolkien Begginings: the antecedents of Peter Jackson's (and others) Middle-earth
I still sit sometimes and chuckle, thinking "When Ralph Bakshi started animating The Lord of the Rings in 1976, did he know what he was going to unleash on the world?" There was also the Rankin/Bass TV special, being developed concurrently, but its the Bakshi film that, in 1979, Peter Jackson saw, and this young Photoengraver would later direct six (!) live-action Tolkien films and, between himself and co-producer Philippa Boyens, are hard to work producing three more such films. Other adaptations since - namely, The Rings of Power (especially Season One) but also games from The Shadow of Mordor to Return to Moria - have at the very least taken cues from Jackson's films. All because a Kiwi photoengraver saw a cartoon....
But the relationship between these properties is not so clear-cut as it may seem. I ednumbered the similarities and dissimilarities between Jacksons' films and The Rings of Power elsewhere. Now I want to delve deeper into the similarities and dissimilarities between Jackson and previous adaptations of Tolkien.

The Rankin/Bass TV Specials

Side-by-side video comparisons between Jackson's films and the two Rankin/Bass TV Specials do not reveal any similarities that don't come from the fact that they're adapting the same books. This is an important point: Jackson is NOT trying to make some post-modern "collage" Hollywood film. He's only tipping his hat to those adaptations of Tolkien that he had seen growing up and that influenced him personally.1
Due to copyright, the Rankin/Bass specials probably didn't air in New Zealand at all, and although it seems Jackson got a hold of the Rankin/Bass The Hobbit before embarking on The Lord of the Rings, he had not seen their Return of the King, certainly before 1999, and neither he nor his close collaborators have made comments about either of the two Specials. By contrast, the (American!) showrunners of The Rings of Power had referenced the Rankin/Bass Specials, and seemingly tipped their hat to it in a set design for season two.2

The Ralph Bakshi film

As I said, Jackson went to see the Bakshi film. He had enjoyed some of Bakshi's previous film, including the Tolkien-esque Wizards, released the previous year, and went to see his latest. At the time he hadn't read the books, making Bakshi's film his first exposure to Tolkien, but he does admit he "heard the name" of the book beforehand. His biography suggests he saw it in late 1978, when it first premiered, but surely it would have arrived at New Zealand in early 1979.3
The connection between the two films had been played up, unsurprisingly, by Ralph Bakshi himself. A leonine, grandiose man, Bakshi is anything but a reliable narrator. His own suggestion that he hadn't actually seen the films - only trailers, he claims - sounds believable enough and certainy understandable.4 But, then, if he didn't watch them, it makes his critique of them as deriviative of his films all the more dubious, even without actually looking at the specifics of what he said:
Look at his Lothlorien. Look at my backgrounds of Lothlorien. Take a look! He had much more to see than I did, and if you don't think he lifted it over and over again, you're wrong. I mean, how did he design a knife in Lord of the Rings? How did he design a sword? How did he design the dwarf with his axe? How did he design the fur around him? Why did Peter Jackson put fur around the dwarf? Because I put fur around the dwarf! Why would the dwarf have fur naturally? You see, I could give you a billion little things. I wish I had a movie to look at.5
These are truly some confused claims, for the most part. The most credible part here is the Hobbits hiding under the branch from the Ringwraiths, a shot composition later to also be replicated in season one of the Rings of Power, and which we'll get to later.
Another claim of Bakshi's that cannot be dismissed out of hand is that, however big or small a debt Jackson owes to his film, he said that Jackson didn't publically acknowledge the influence and felt that it was only appropriate to have welcomed him to visit the set or something: by comparison, Jackson invited Rick Baker, who played King Kong in the 1978 version, to cameo in his King Kong.6
Jackson actually did mention the Bakshi filming in passing in the making-ofs. Then again, he entirely fails to mention the radio serial, either. Ultimately, Jackson possibly in cahoots with New Line Cinema, must have felt it unwise to point to a previous adaptation that had only achieved mixed success, at the outset of his own enterprise. He did talk more about the Bakshi film, and more fondly, in the director's commentary to The Fellowship of the Ring and in a couple of later interviews, which are significant gestures, but he clearly wasn't going to trumpet the influence Bakshi's film had on him off of every rooftop.7
In his 2006 biography, Jackson actually briefly reviews the Bakshi film:
I liked the early part – it had some quaint sequences in Hobbiton, a creepy encounter with the Black Rider on the road, and a few quite good battle scenes – but then, about half way through, the storytelling became very disjointed and disorientating and I really didn’t understand what was going on. However, what it did do was to make me want to read the book – if only to find out what happened!8
This is a complementary but admittedly mixed review, and Jackson had made similar comments since, calling it "brave and ambitious" but consistently decrying the hokum of the film's second half.9 Now, it is true that artists can be influenced by a work of art in spite of themselves, but lets see if we can try and quantify the influence.
From the outset, in the audio commentary, Jackson remarks that "our film stylistically is very different and the design is different," which is apposite: Bakshi swore a debt to Howard Pyle, which certainly leaves its mark of the gorgeous natural bakcdrops, but a source closer at hand (especially considering his follow-up fantasy film, Fire and Ice) is the most popular fantasy illustrator of his day, Frank Frazetta: Bakshi's Witch King is practically ripped from Frazetta's famous "Dark Rider" illustration.10
Jackson's approach, however, was steeped in a kind of romantic realism that by and large eschewed the heightened work of Frazetta, opening a yawning stylistic gulf between his film and Bakshi's on a general level. Bakshi's Hobbit-holes have overhanging roofs that give the impression of fairies living under mushrooms (which they in fact had in his previous film, Wizards) and the interiors of Bag End are earthen, more of a rabbit-hole than Jackson's English countryside villa. There are some similarities, like the Hobbits having similarly-clipped pants, but its hard to say costume designer Ngilla Dickson had Bakshi in mind for that look.
There's the basic structure of the narrative: both films leave some of the same plot beats out - Tom Bombadil, most notably - both intercut the Frodo and Aragorn storylines throughout (as per the appendices rather than the body of the text), and both open with a prologue. However, many of these are common-sense approaches that, if one were to put 100 screenwriters in a room, a good 90 of which would choose to pursue: in fact, Sir John Boorman's earlier Lord of the Rings script had likewise intercut the stories and redacted many of the same episodes as both Bakshi and Jackson, and similar approaches were taken in the 1958 Morton Zimmerman treatment. Certainly, in the case of the choice to pursue a prologue, a precedent closer at hand exists in the form in the 1981 radio serial, a point made all the stronger by the fact that when Jackson first concieved of and sketched the prologue, he hadn't seen Bakshi's film in 20 years.11
Bakshi did claim that New Line were screening his film repeatedly, but author Ian Nathan says that was never the case. Miramax did screen the film for Jackson in 1997, after he'd written the treatment. Jackson's treatment included Glorfindel and Erkenbrand, who in subsequent drafts are replaced by Arwen (Legolas in Bakshi's film) and Eomer, but still I find that it falls more into the realm of common-sense screenwriting decisions than anything that could be tied to Bakshi in a clear way, especially the latter which happens at the end of Bakshi film, a part of the film Jackson admits to have found incoherent.12
Rather, the place to look for similarities between the two projects is in the opening leg of The Fellowship of the Ring. Jackson actually, in the director's commentary, points out the shot of Odo Proudfoot calling "Proudfeet!" as a deliberate homage to Bakshi's shot, "which I thought was great." He doesn't acknowledge a couple - only a couple - of other shots that are quite similar: one is the evocative shot of the Ring tumbling over the rocks in Gollum's cave just before Bilbo finds it. Another still is an entire sequence of shots which misdirect us into thinking the Ringwraiths killed the Hobbits in their beds. Both are a little TOO similar to be waved away as coincidental.13
The Ringwraith shot is a more special case: It was nominally based off of a John Howe illustration, ostensibly of the Bakshi scene. But Jackson - who's quoted review of the Bakshi film mentions this scene - could hardly not notice the similarity to the Bakshi scene, especially since the scene doesn't at all play like this in the novel. What's more, the scene was first storyboared only shortly after Jackson say Bakshi's film for the second time, and shot not too long after that being that it was the first scene filmed. So its only fair to cite Bakshi as an influence on that shot.14
There are other bits and pieces: did Jackson have Bakshi in mind when he added a scene of Saruman rallying up the Uruk-hai before the siege of Helm's Deep? Its hard to say. An even more elusive case is made by Bakshi: "I'm glad Peter Jackson had a movie to look at—I never did. And certainly there's a lot to learn from watching any movie, both its mistakes and when it works." In other words, Bakshi here suggests his film influenced Jackson in terms of what NOT to do. To his credit, Jackson does remember that the design process for Treebeard was in part motivated by trying to divorce him from the Bakshi version, which both him and Dame Fran Walsh remember as being "like a walking carrot." But when we start getting into that level, it all becomes very tenuous. There were a lot of things about the fantasy genre in general - Conan the Barbarian and Willow are oft-cited by Jackson - that he tried to avoid.15
Ultimately, I have to judge that the similarities between the two versions amount to a handful of rather insignificant beats, all in the first hour of Fellowship of the Ring. To hyperbolically play up the similarities between the two projects is to give in to Bakshi's hyperbolic rhetoric.

Tolkien illustrations

Jackson's first and, at the time, only copy of The Lord of the Rings was a tie-in to the Bakshi film. This would mean he hadn't gotten into the world of Tolkien illustrations until developing his own films, when he suggests he went on a detail-exhaustive search for Tolkien art. He had seen Tolkien's own illustrations, but decided that they're "not very helpful in terms of the lighting and the mood."16
The most acclaimed illustrators of the previous era of Tolkien were Pauline Bayens (whose Minas Tirith is reproduced in the Rankin/Bass Return of the King) and the Brothers Hildebrandt, whose bestial Balrog presents a precursor both to Bakshi's but also to the Minotaur-like Balrog of John Howe.17
Howe was one of a trifecta of Tolkien illustrators, along with Ted Nasmith and Alan Lee, to enjoy great vogue at the time when Jackson was developing his films. Of the three, Lee is often deemed the most celebrated and certainly made the biggest impact on Jackson, whose next copy of the book was to be an Alan Lee illustrated edition. But he also noticed Howe through is work on Tolkien calendars, and later also purchased some originals of Ted Nasmith. All three were approached to participate in concept design for the films, although Nasmith sadly had to decline.18
In many places, Jackson precisely copied designs of Lee's and Howe's existing paintings, and in some places carbon copied their lighting and composition for shots, as well as grading the films (before the advent of the latest remaster) somewhat along the lines established in their paintings. But the majority of Lee and Howe's work for Jackson was in producing NEW concept art to his specifications, and so its wrong to look at Jackson's films as being a part of the Lee-Howe ouevure, as such.

The 1981 Radio Serial

A less touted influence on Jackson's film is the superlative 1981 BBC radio serial. Where Jackson hadn't reread the book nor revisited Bakshi's film between 1979 and 1997, he had spent much of the that time listening on-and-off to a tape of the radio serial, usually while working in his garage on special effects.19
The most obvious similarity is the casting of Sir Ian Holm, who had voiced Frodo in the radio serial, as Bilbo. Holm was apparently at the top of Jackson's casting wishlist, partially for this reason. A particularly striking moment occurs when Holm's Frodo quotes Bilbo's "Its a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door: you step on to the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to", a line again given to Holm - now as Bilbo - in voiceover at the same spot in Jackson's film.20
Again, many of the similar structural choices here are similar to Jackson, adding a prologue, contracting the early stages of Frodo's quest and intercutting the Aragorn and Frodo's stories throughout. Brian Sibley admits to have modelled his prologue on Bakshi's own, but Jackson is unlikely to have known it at the time, and when we start thinking in terms of second-hand influences we're again into very tenuous territory. Otherwise, the influence doesn't seem all too great, although Sibley remembers that Walsh, perhaps half-jokingly, told him "we stole your ending" in the way that they did the Grey Havens and then a quick segue to Sam's return home, basically along the lines of the book.21
A young, and already Tolkien-devotee, Sir Ian Holm recording Bilbo
Sibley had recruited his cast from the BBC's company of actors, which is also the troupe Bakshi turned to, meaning that Sibley ended-up with Bakshi's Boromir (Michael Graham Cox) and, notably, his Gollum (Peter Woodthorpe). In spite of Woodthorpe's evocative performance of Gollum's voice in both the Bakshi and Sibley versions, its influence on Andrew Serkis' performance of Gollum is nonexistent, as Serkis had developed the voice before having heard Woodthorpe rendition, having only read The Hobbit prior to being cast.22

Other fantasy films

Jackson had seen pretty much all the fantasy films of the 1980s, and while they were important in terms of establishing the genre, they hadn't left much of an impression on Jackson. The most succesful - George Lucas' Star Wars - was more space-fantasy, undoubtedly impressed Jackson but didn't much influence his films: to this day, he professes to not be a huge Star Wars fan, in spite of the amiacable manner he and Lucas took with each other in later years, and admits that he sees the influence of Lucas more "in what he did for the industry, not in terms of the actual films that he made."23
The first major high-fantasy film, Sir John Boorman's Excalibur, was a little closer to Jackson's heart, but isn't much of an influence on his films either. Its true that Jackson's films feature a lot of plate armour, but that's indebted primarily to John Howe's abiding love of late Medieval armour, and at any rate is quite different to the Enlightement-era suits of armour one finds in Boorman's film. Willow, produced by George Lucas, was a big shot to the arm of New Zealand's fledgling film industry, and like Star Wars is much indebted to The Hobbit, but left a bad impression on Jackson.24
The Clockmaker's Cottage in Sir Ridley Scott's Legend
Two exceptions are to be cited; Ray Harryhousen's stop-motion fantasy films from the 1950s were huge favourites of Jackson's, although their more Graeco-Roman subject matters were a genre apart from Jackson's films. He is also a big fan of Sir Ridley Scott, and while he joins the consensus of deriding William Hjortsberg notorious screenplay, had taken some cues from his Legend (1986): there's something of the Clockmaker's cottage in Rhosgobel, and Jackson referenced some of the features of Tim Curry's devilish "Lord of Darkness" for the Wargs sinewy faces.25

Other films

Jackson took influence from paintings of old battles and landscapes, but surely his biggest influences are other films: Zulu and Saving Private Ryan had been referenced for Helm's Deep, and there's a touch of Terrence Malick's The Thin Red Line, which Jackson had watched before principal photography, to the atmospheric shots that close the Fellowship prologue. Jackson admitted to rewatching mostly Scorsese films while shooting, and certainly the energy of his moving cameras find a closer kin in Scorsese's films than in anyone else's. There's something of David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia to Jackson's intention to make living, breathing people out of his fantasy characters.26
Surely the inspiration for the shot of Aragorn arriving at Helm's Deep
But there's one film that looms largest in Jackson's films, overshadowing any influence we're looked at so far: Mel Gibson's latest spectacular, Braveheart. Along with other films of this kind like Dances with Wolves and Rob Roy (Gladiator came too late to much influence Jackson's films) it is of crucial importance to the overall cinematic style of Jackson's films, having come out just as Jackson first started thinking of making an original fantasy film, and winning the academy award for Best Picture before any sustained work was done to develop The Lord of the Rings.27


  1. Matt Skuta, "The Hobbit Side-by-Side: Rankin/Bass ('77) & Peter Jackson ('12-'14)" and "Return of the King Side-by-Side: Rankin/Bass ('80) & Peter Jackson ('03)," YouTube, 15 February 2018.
  2. The Rankin/Bass Specials were only made exploiting a loophole in the publication of Tolkien's books that temporarily made them public domain States-side, but meant that their airing was limited to the US, and subsequent a legal agreement with the Tolkien Estate, Canada. Jackson says he hadn't seen their Return of the King in an interview from late 1998. Eric Vespe, “ 20 QUESTIONS WITH PETER JACKSON – PART 2 Ain’t It Cool News,” , 30 December 1998.
  3. Brian Sibley, Peter Jackson: A Filmmaker's Journey (London: Harper Collins, 2006), pp. 107-111.
  4. Kyle, ""Legends of Film: Ralph Bakshi," Nashville Public Library, 29 April 2013.
  5. Emru Townsend, "INTERVIEW: Ralph Bakshi", Frames Per Second, 2 July 2004.
  6. Ken P., "Interview with Ralph Bakshi," IGN, May 25, 2004. Broadway, Clifford Q., "The Bakshi Interview: Uncloaking a Legacy". The One Ring, 20 April 2015.
  7. Anonymous, "From Book to Script," and Peter Jackson et al, "Director's Commentary," both in Peter Jackson, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (New Line: 2002). Also Anonymous, "Peter Jackson interview". Explorations (Barnes & Noble, November 2001). Peter Jackson interview at the Egyptian Theater, 6 February 2004.
  8. Sibley, pp. 109 ff.
  9. Director's Commentary.
  10. Ned Raggett, "The Trouble With Ralph Bakshi’s The Lord Of The Rings & Other Tolkien Misadventures", The Quietus, 19 November 2018
  11. Ian Nathan, Everything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle-earth (London: HarperCollins, 2017), p. 138.
  12. Peter Jackson et al, The Lord of the Rings, quoted in Sibley, pp. 109, 704, 751.
  13. Director's Commentary.
  14. Celedor, "10 Things You Know About The LOTR Movies (That Aren’t True)," TheOneRing, 11 June 2013.
  15. "Interview with Ralph Bakshi."
  16. Sibley, p. 738-744. Exeter College, Oxford, "Sir Peter Jackson in conversation: Exeter College Oxford Eighth Century Lecture Series", YouTube, 30 July 2015.
  17. Howe admits to the influence of the Hildebrandts, and in turn his own bestial Balrog would influence those of Alan Lee and Ted Nasmith. This would be popularised by Jackson, and finally emulated by Rings of Power. John Howe, "First Thing's First," John-Howe, 6 January 2012.
  18. "Sir Peter Jackson in conversation", Sibley, 738-744. The One Ring, "Peter Jackson MISSED OUT! Talking Tolkien with Renowned Artist Ted Nasmith," YouTube, 11 July 2023.
  19. Nathan, p. 123, NB 1008.
  20. Nathan, p. 258.
  21. Nerd of the Rings, "Brian Sibley, writer, BBC's The Lord of the Rings (1981) - Interview," YouTube, 20 April 2021.
  22. Nathan, pp. 621 ff
  23. "Sir Peter Jackson in conversation"
  25. Ibid.
  26. Nathan, pp. 158, 393, 645.
  27. u/Chen_Geller, "How Masterpieces beget Masterpieces: Braveheart and The Lord of the Rings," Reddit, 23 June 2021.


Any notion that Jackson's films are derivative of previous Tolkien adaptations - namely, Bakshi's - are very much hyperbolic, and stem more from adopting an inflated rhetoric taken by the likes of Bakshi. As an adaptation, Jackson's works are based soley on Tolkien's books, and merely tip their hat occasionally to previous adaptations - and not all previous adaptations, either. Cinematically, they draw rather from other sources: less from other adaptations of Tolkien or other fantasy film (Tolkien-esque or not) and more from historical epics, both from the 1960s but also and especially from the time in which Jackson first started developing his films.
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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:52 LaReinaDeLaImprenta How can I (30F) get my husband (30M) to self reflect and to be dedicated to me instead of his parents?

Hello friends of reddit. My husband (30M) and I (30F) have been married for 6 months and it is not going as expected. In the beginning, he made it clear that due to his religious beliefs that he did not to have sex before marriage. I agreed as I had horrible judgement in men and was not looking to get taken for another ride again.
Background on him: He comes from an extremely religious family (Baptist). Worked his own business with the family since he graduated high school. He has also lived with his parents and has never lived on his own other than a year in his parents other home before his accident (he fell 27ft and had to relearn to walk). No drinking no smoking, only spend time with family and outdoor activities. Background on me: While I come from an abusive traumatic family I am currently 5 years therapy strong working on myself as it is my responsibility not my partners. I went to college and lived on my own until covid lay offs and I had to move back home with my father, which wasnt ideal. I work full time and have my own business; I am very motivated.
As time progressed he changed his mind and we ended up sleeping together. I asked for us to move in together for a lil while before we got married. My parents (divorced) were not okay with that but I did not care. He told me that we would need to sit down and discuss the idea of moving in together with his parents. I said; "Why would we need to ask permission we are 30?" and he said that we would have to in order to save face. I said "I am not comfortable with discussing this with your family as it is not their business." He said we were not to move in together until we do. I told him if he forced me to meet with his parents then I was going to tell his mother that we have already had sex so there was no reason not to move in together. He never set up the meeting. We never moved in together. He is very close to his parents in my opinion to the point it is unhealthy. I watch as his dad undermines, belittles, and ignores his mother with a smile and charming laugh on his face until she is in complete submission. She admitted to me that while she was clipping coupons for the family, he was out spending all the money on machines / equipment that they did not need. She has cried to me in front of my husband about how she still needs to voice her opinion even though it is never listen to or goes the way she suggests. That was a red flag to me.
My now husband of mine and I started to plan out life together. He told me that he owns his own business and has 60 acres of property and wanted to build a life there. He promised me that we were going to work together and build a home that we can make a guest house and eventually build a bigger home. He wants it to be similar to a Lowcountry plantation. I was all for it, finally excited that I had someone I could create a life with that we both wanted and deserved.
That is when things turned. He started to move forward on building a home for us without a permit nor engineer drawings. Before he started, I told him that made me very uncomfortable and I need security to know this home is done correctly since he will be out of town a lot and I will be left alone in a town I know no one. That made him insulted and said this is how his father and family did their home and he just moved forward on building it himself. I begged, cried, and pleaded with him to please let's get the water and septic out there first and work on a budget of plans / permits to break ground. That I was not comfortable living that way, my father was a GC and taught me a lot of what needs to be done for a home to be an asset. He waved me off, told me that my father was just a carpenter. I cried for months over it and almost moved the wedding back a year. His father was behind the scenes telling him and motivating him to continue to do whatever he wanted to do regardless of how I felt. He finally heard me after I threaten to postpone the wedding and stopped construction and told me he would get a permit on the home and drawings before he did anything else.
The closer the wedding got, the difficult it became. I gave him my pay stubs, W2, and showed my assets to him up front. I showed all of my cards and asked to see his in return. He said he would and he never did. When I asked him more than once he would get annoyed with me. I started to get suspicious. I felt as if he was hiding something. So I did my own investigation. It turns out that his father and him own the property together in a way that if one passes the other gets it and he only owns 20% of the business he claimed was his. I was stunned. Everything he told me was half truths. I brought it to his attention many times and he acted like he told me already. I told him I knew the truth and he said it wasn't a big deal and I am making something out of it that it isnt. If his father had more respect for his wife and for women, I would not be this concerned. His father throws trash on the ground and ignores rules and regulations while having a problem with authority at his own home. Now everything he doesnt want at his house is being thrown over to my husband's property (which is his too and he has a right to do what he wants). Being in that type of chaotic environment along with the sense of having someone stomp on my boundaries for me would be extremely triggering and something that I will not be able to do. He is already throwing trash and leaving debris and junk all over the property. I communicated my feelings and got met with resentment, anger, and denial from my husband. He told me that it was not going to be that way. He also called me controlling bc instead of spending 25,000 on permits / our home, he spend it on a brand new truck (he has two other trucks). I was so upset and said how could he spend that much money on a toy when he hasn't even provided a home for our family. He was texting his dad about the truck behind my back and he was motivated to do whatever he wanted to do regardless of what I thought bc I am "controlling".
I told him from day one that I am a career woman, that I am not going to be solely responsible for the household and I am not his mother and I will not pick up after him. I expect things to be 50/50 in finances and in house work until we figure out what works best for us. He said he agreed and was very happy with that. I then told him in order for me to feel comfortable moving out to his 60 acres of land, that it would need to be solely in his name and he would need to get a permit and engineer drawings. He told me as soon as we were married that he would move forward with that.
With all these red flags, I continued to move forward with the wedding as he promised me the world. He kept dragging his feet on the home construction and it was failing to be completed before our wedding. His dad was telling him to take his time it is not that big of a deal. 4 months before our wedding, his family and him expected me to live in an unpermited non CO having shed like house, with no power, water, septic, nor appliances, an empty shell, no sheetrock (his father made his mother live like that). In complete distress I begged my father to do a lease to own with one of his rental properties for me so that my husband and I would have a place to live after we got married since the home was in no condition to live in. My father begrudgingly agreed and then told me to not Marry him. I did always. My family ended up ruining the wedding for me and causing our special day to not be as special.
Fast forward a few months when it was time for us to pay our lease to own payment. He was late every month, got angry at me for asking for his part of the money, I asked him to help with the chores and he would get annoyed with me, he has not mowed the grass once (my father and I have). I can count on my hand the times hes raked the yard and done dishes. He makes double the amount of money I made but I am writing the checks for the bills. I am just asking for his portion and he told me that I am treating him like a roommate not like a husband / wife. I asked him to explain and he couldn't. I finally got fed up and told me to give me 4 checks signed so when he is out of town for work and I need to pay the bills I can. He handed me the checks and they had him and HIS MOTHER on the account. Admitted, I lost my cool. I was overwhelmed with the amount of involvement his parents had in his assets and life. He has made me feel like he has lied to me. I told him as long as my boundaries are disrespected and I have no say in our home and our life that I do not want anything to do with their property. He would get mad and say it was his and id remind him, no it is not. It belongs to him and his father. He said it is his home and he is going to build it the way he wanted.
A few weeks after that argument he completely distant himself from me. He was out till 8pm every night for weeks and I kept asking him where he was. All he said was "working". A few weeks later, I finally go out to the property to see a full blown house. Behind my back he was working on that home putting roofing, plumbing, tile, siding, everything! He told me we were going to work on this together. I was so upset, everything is half ass done. He let me pick out nothing. I called him on it and he denied it. Come to find out him and his father had been working on it behind my back. While I was struggling to pay our bills he was using his money to continue on building on the home without drawings, permits, engineering, nothing. He couldn't give me money for our house hold bills, but he could spend thousands and thousands on something he promised me he was not going to do. Then he proceeded to tell me what "we" were going to give his father a $2,000.00 fish finder for a present. I told him is he out of his mind we can not afford that (mind you he gave me nothing for my birthday though he did bake me a cake and it was sweet). I said you are going to spend that much money on a gift and you didnt even get your wife anything for her birthday? he said "you got an engagement ring, that was expensive enough" I said "so bc you gave me an engagement ring, that means you do not have to purchase anything else for me as a gift?" he just waved me away. I said you never discussed this transaction with me and you are saying "we" are getting it. He said "well when I said 'we' I meant me and my mother."
I just stared at him. He considers WE as him and his parents. Finally got him into marriage counseling and it does not seem to be helping. He has missed 4 sessions already bc he chose work over me. He is pulling away from me completely, no affection, no sex (I did not know he had an issue brushing his teeth so now I cringe in fear of getting dumpster breath anytime we are intimate). This was NOT like this during our dating time.
I feel like I am drowning and I have made a HUGE mistake. Typing this out makes me feel guilty for telling the truth and maybe I am being controlling and overbearing like his parents are saying? This is why I am coming to you people of reddit.
I feel like I am in a polyamorous relationship. I feel like I have escaped the control of my family only to end up in a place where I am controlled by another man that I am not even MARRIED TO. I feel like I am a ship with two anchors that are my parents, when I got married I thought he was going to help captain my ship, not be another anchor on my vessel to weigh me down. All my friends have noticed that I have changed and I am not my normal self.
How can I get my husband self reflect on how he is treating me and be dedicated to me and not his parents?
Am I out of line? is this weird? Am I expecting too much?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. I love my husband very much but I am stuck.
submitted by LaReinaDeLaImprenta to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:51 Various_Past_7135 What is the hokem of supporting a football team?

Salamo alaykoum, I am algerian which is an islamic country and want to ask about this,So i was raised loving a football team of my city it’s the Dean and has lot of historical significance (the first Islamic club in the country,i club that helped fighting against colonialism and also a club that stands with Palestine) the thing is that sometimes i spend lot of money on supporting the team either to make huge tifos like the one attached to the post or Pyroshows ,i used to think that doing that especially the pyroshows is the same as a painter buying paint to make art or someone buying balloons 🎈 for a birthday or celebration just on a different scale ,until one of my friends said that he believes that this is a waste of money,adding to that i spend some money to watch them in away days …..i do my best to not miss any prayer though……thank you guys
submitted by Various_Past_7135 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:28 Godzillafan125 Happy birthday Weiss from michael just caboose (art by powerful ad)

Happy birthday Weiss from michael just caboose (art by powerful ad)
Your present? A crippled bastard
submitted by Godzillafan125 to RWBY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:09 busukxuan University degree syllabus: Bachelor of IRyStocracy

Our Bachelor of IRyStocracy course offers the following modules.
Core modules (required)
IRyStocracy electives
IRyStocratic art electives
CultuRyS electives
The CultuRyS electives represent cultural studies particularly relevant for IRyStocrats, despite not being about IRyS themselves. They complement the other electives to form a well-rounded IRyStocratic education, and indeed serve to improve holistic understanding in the IRyStocratic modules. Do not be alarmed by the CULTxxx module codes, this is not a cult.
BaeRyS Module Cluster electives
The BaeRyS Module Cluster is a group of modules maintained in collaboration with the School of Baerathood, with the following modules:
FlaRyS Module Cluster electives
The FlaRyS Module Cluster is a group of modules maintained in collaboration with the School of Elfriendship, with the following modules:
Special electives with other schools
submitted by busukxuan to Hololive [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 HylyniXx There is no clipping in the 3D viewport, but there is in the rendering.

Hello everyone,
I've started recently to use Blender for posing and render 3D art. I've used this Tifa Lockhart model as my first one.
I modified her proportions, so her body is thicker and more athletic but the problem resides in that there is no clipping in the 3D viewport, but there is in the render.
Like I said before, I'm a noob, so I watched some videos here and there to avoid clipping in the outfit. In these videos, it was used weight paint but I didn't manage to solve it/use the tool correctly, hence I used sculpt mode, concretely the inflate tool.
It seemed solved but in the moment of rendering the scene, it is shown as I didn't use any of the previously used tools.
I attach how the model is seen in the 3D viewport, the rendered image and the output properties.
Output properties
Thanks for taking your time reading this, and I look forward to hear from all of you. ❤
P.S: If these aren't enough images, let me know so I can provide more, it is my first post on here, sorry if I did something wrong.
submitted by HylyniXx to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 WastelandViking Looking for "the one (camera bag) to rule them all"

I have a Sony a6400 Sony 70-350mm Sigma 56mm Will be getting a ultra wide, when i can decide on 1.
On top of that I also have a Ulanzi F38 travel tripod .
(Also invested in MOMAS Wayfarer ltd + EL-bike. Mentioning it as it might be a bit bumpy, where i use it)
Don't know if this matters, but I'm Almost 6ft6..
Looking for a backpack I can bring on excursions, wether it be through streets, up forested mountains or a country roads less travelled.
I'd love it if the bag could fit: Extra batteries/powerbank Ear buds/Sunglasses Hoodie or jacket Drikking bottle. Maybe a sandwich/snacks. Has a pouch for gps dongle and place for keys And other such niceties. Have easier access to camera than take off my bag completely.
Would also be cool if it can handle camera bag clip on my shoulder straps.
The more of these, the better.
Bags I've looked at: Ulanzi BP10 Hardshell (does not ship to my nordic country) Shimoda explore v2 35L /shimoda urban/Shimoda action.. Wandrd PRV...
BUT I am as clueless about this as a blind man would be as an art painting inspector...
So suggest anything you think would fit.
submitted by WastelandViking to backpacks [link] [comments]



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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:17 Brodator Solace Kills (Part 1)

Solace Kills (Part 1)


1st FLOWTIVES (112): broccoliar (S1), Mohala (S1), Shqkster (S1), brinkwhy (S1), Mvte (S1), chimah (S1), Raying (S2), Chesspiece (S2), tastywill (S2), Cahnner (S2), Fxther (S2), downkey (S2), iWrekt (S2), Krbreb (S2), soakle (S3), PizzqWithAQ (S5), Cahnner (S5), Dylxnnnn (S5), jjsteeples (S5), ADinoPlayingMC (S5), Dcrpy (S5), Hendysaurus (S5), loyaltea (S5), DumbThiccNick (S5), Dizzying (S5), Merch (S5), AiroKun (S5), Vrehv (S7), pawnss (S7), heartparticles (S7), ranmari (S7), Dizzying (S7), _carn (S7), Deanuhc (S7), ToontownOnline (S7), FearThrows (S7), tonylmao (S7), benidk (S7), RohanSmashBro (S8), _Pm (S8), MannyDM (S8), Lunar_ (S8), flameorb (S8), Cloversss (S8), DumbThiccNick (S8), OCTAMAN (S8), _carn (S8), Krbreb (S8), PotatoPlayer_ (S8), Deanuhc (S8), ranmari (S8), Senkhi (S8), lapppp (S8), Zeesue (S9), Cocunut233 (S9), ArcticSeagull (S9), Charrlottie (S9), dylxnd (S9), St0rmplayz (S9), RohanSmashBro (S9), Dcrpy (S9), OCTAMAN (S10), iLoveBoris (S10), St0rmplayz (S10), ranmari (S13), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S14), PizzqWithAQ (S14), Dizzying (S14), Cocunut233 (S14), alcxz (S14), ToeKun (S14), _Fost_ (S14), NickPlaysGames15 (S14), AvyleZ (S14), xDiversity (S15), St0rmplayz (S15), Johatsu (S15), Colozi (S16), azoof (S16), Dizzying (S16), St0rmplayz (S16), Crayonix (S16), Hendysaurus (S17), PizzqWithAQ (S19), rodfather (S19), Broseph (S19), checog (S19), risn (S19), IMLpLay (S19), Cloversss (S19), Zoroh (S19), WALRUS_TIME (S20), Rameur (S20), xMisha (S20), Zoroh (S20), Dreamfall (S21), IdkKiller (S21), Crayonix (S21), AiroKun (S21), 5ize (S21)
2nd lapppp (104): void_hi (S7), ToontownOnline (S8), harkuaa (S8), kirkfr (S8), Emplacement (S8), apa37 (S8), PwincessVanessa (S8), ANJELLOH (S8), onstep (S8), Caceduopamso (S8), tonylmao (S8), Kaddyn (S10), XERNE5 (S11), skyzfy (S11), jake_hoe (S11), DripGodDavid (S11), benidk (S11), Emplacement (S11), Sigtash (S11), alcxz (S12), winterf (S12), Lative (S12), 5idekick (S12), PotatoPlayer_ (S12), bayweafs (S12), Krbreb (S13), Turqified (S13), MangoPlayz (S16), Fragggg (S16), Bulbexe (S17), kirkfr (S17), beaniepls (S17), Dredex (S17), Strikeroonie (S17), checog (S17), WoodFired (S18), DumbThiccNick (S19), Cacedoupamso (S19), luvictoire (S19), carterwarterbear (S19), Lach (S21), M0KEY (S21), soakle (S21), DJoee (S21), ArcticSeagull (S21), TheSheepMasters (S21), Stravilight (S21), Zopho_ (S21), kirkfr (S21), Haydcn (S21), lukevvs (S21), MisaSama (S21), unixn (S21), K_U_N_A_L (S22), Batusko (S22), Mapietrzak (S22), sgouche (S22), Supersun_ (S22), Retrofied (S22), derekast (S22), KennyTee (S22), lazys (S22), PLENT (S22), Vrehv (S23), sgouche (S23), St0rmplayz (S23), Haydcn (S23), brinkwhy (S23), DripGodDavid (S23), Cloversss (S23), FLOWTIVES (S23), downkey (S23), soakle (S23), ToeKun (S24), DEV0Y (S24), Colozi (S24), lapppp (S24), ranmari (S25), carterwarterbear (S25), willif (S25), AiroKun (S25), lapppp (S25), dontbow (S27), naseemXBT (S27), PotatoPlayer_ (S29), nug17 (S29), Kaismartypants (S29), remyyyyyy (S29), Glarza (S29), Stravilight (S29), Ginzburg (S29), CurdledDrip (S30), CHAINGE (S32), Kaismartypants (S32), derekast (S32), Batusko (S32), onstep (S32), Zoroh (S32), colbay (S32), xannydood (S33)
3rd Zoroh (101): Dredex (S4), Bulbexe (S4), maccwyatt (S6), jemjosh (S8), jjsteeples (S9), kirkfr (S9), carterwarterbear (S9), BottleSause (S9), Dargxn (S9), IdkKiller (S9), willif (S10), 5idekick (S10), Yist (S10), PotatoPlayer_ (S10), MangoPlayz (S10), Zeesue (S10), Flcnt (S10), remyyyyyy (S10), Crayonix (S10), Dredex (S10), brinniex (S10), Gleoss (S10), Greninja (S10), adrmf (S11), Slooshyy (S11), samdave (S11), apa37 (S12), DumbThiccNick (S12), Lynxo (S12), carterwarterbear (S12), RohanSmashBro (S12), Zebobo10 (S12), samdave (S12), samdave (S13), Stravilight (S13), MangoPlayz (S13), DEMUSS (S13), Dizzying (S13), _1mmortal_ (S13), RohanSmashBro (S13), BENJADDD (S13), AiroKun (S13), PoofessorP (S13), soakle (S13), willif (S13), Dewces (S13), brinkwhy (S13), downkey (S13), void_hi (S15), kendawg_g (S15), FLOWTIVES (S15), bayweafs (S15), ArcticSeagull (S15), Dcrpy (S16), DripGodDavid (S16), Krbreb (S16), IdkKiller (S16), harkuaa (S17), IMLpLay (S17), apa37 (S17), MisaSama (S17), Captinn (S17), Zoos (S18), DumbThiccNick (S18), AiroKun (S18), LZNAR (S18), Stravilight (S19), FrostBros (S19), DRI60 (S19), TOOOTH (S19), onstep (S19), skyzfy (S19), lapppp (S19), broccoliar (S21), Nikanod (S21), Captureee (S21), willif (S21), swishduck (S22), imFatLoveMe (S22), void_hi (S22), unixn (S22), checog (S22), Cloversss (S22), TOOOTH (S22), azoof (S26), lamzyk (S26), SPEEDYDIGS (S26), CurdledDrip (S26), ranmari (S26), RollRealQuick (S27), IdkKiller (S27), Geroot (S27), benidk (S27), sgouche (S28), Stravilight (S28), skyzfy (S28), L1GHT1NG (S28), HUQTER (S28), johnnytheching (S32), RaiN_DyNasty (S32)
4th adrmf (64): dummycute (S4), jjsteeples (S4), tastywill (S4), Flcnt (S4), Krbreb (S4), slxps (S4), maccwyatt (S4), PR0MOTE (S15), Sigtash (S15), FishManIsPotato (S15), notrhain (S15), QuacksL (S15), PizzqWithAQ (S15), broccoliar (S16), GhostLikesCakes (S16), Fratrus (S16), NotSugar (S16), enablin (S16), _carn (S16), FishManIsPotato (S16), LZNAR (S16), KELCOS (S16), Bulbexe (S19), Geroot (S22), benidk (S22), Iceisnice32 (S22), WoodFired (S22), dylxnd (S22), colbay (S22), Hecticity (S22), LUCRODIUM (S22), JayNonsense (S22), dray0 (S22), lasdarling (S22), Dizzying (S22), BENJADDD (S22), IZUR (S22), Dargxn (S23), lukevvs (S23), DumbThiccNick (S23), derekast (S24), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S24), hypcr (S24), Cloversss (S24), DripGodDavid (S24), MephisDomen (S24), Dredex (S24), Geroot (S25), dontbow (S25), Batusko (S27), Kaddyn (S27), broccoliar (S27), Charrlottie (S27), dahii (S27), FLOWTIVES (S28), DripGodDavid (S28), void_hi (S28), DJoee (S28), spittoon (S28), soakle (S28), Specularpotato (S28), nolanishot (S28), upraise (S28), sgouche (S29)
5th Gleoss (63): drewxd (S2), soakle (S2), upraise (S2), LUCRODIUM (S2), RAHILL (S6), Jeromesha (S6), skyzfy (S7), Slooshyy (S7), AvyleZ (S7), brinkwhy (S7), ZachConnor (S7), XERNE5 (S9), L1GHT1NG (S9), void_hi (S9), Flcnt (S9), ImChilly (S9), Cahnner (S9), PingBomb (S9), xtiger34 (S9), spittoon (S10), Cheetah_16 (S10), alcxz (S10), Deanuhc (S10), DragonGlory (S10), jake_hoe (S10), ToeKun (S10), FLOWTIVES (S10), T1mT0m (S10), Krbreb (S11), lapppp (S13), DripGodDavid (S13), solnyy (S13), Shqkster (S13), KELCOS (S13), Batusko (S16), Krxmble (S16), Lynxo (S18), SpaceFenix (S18), Strikeroonie (S18), IsoLights (S19), 2Pacoh (S19), Kaismartypants (S19), ghostblurr (S19), AiroKun (S19), swishduck (S19), Bornyo (S19), Senkhi (S19), LUCRODIUM (S19), zewgle (S20), Senkhi (S20), Ryfri (S23), Gleoss (S23), OhMatias (S24), checog (S24), Hecticity (S24), carterwarterbear (S24), CHAINGE (S24), cnner (S24), skyzfy (S24), onstep (S24), MangoPlayz (S25), BENJADDD (S26), Normoh (S29)
6th skyzfy (50): Switches (S3), FLOWTIVES (S13), 5ARx (S15), BENJADDD (S15), ywack (S15), upraise (S15), PRICINCT (S15), carterwarterbear (S15), IdkKiller (S15), IsoLights (S16), RohanSmashBro (S16), Supersun_ (S17), NexfoR (S18), PupperKun (S19), spellygod (S19), L1GHT1NG (S19), Scyles (S20), ShmeckleBoy (S20), TheShippFloats (S22), Xifto (S24), strategy (S24), Strikeroonie (S24), BruceTheNinja10 (S26), Stravilight (S26), DJoee (S26), volcxnow (S27), SSGSS4Goku (S27), Colozi (S27), dylns (S27), dahii (S28), winterf (S28), LUKAD0NCIC (S29), carterwarterbear (S29), bayweafs (S29), DripGodDavid (S29), Cloversss (S29), jasondoa (S29), zCent (S29), PupperKun (S29), vynil (S30), zewgle (S30), apa37 (S30), _carn (S30), lamzyk (S30), PupperKun (S30), Kaismartypants (S30), Dargxn (S31), dylxnd (S31), derekast (S31), onstep (S31)
7th carterwarterbear (44): Kaddyn (S9), PwincessVanessa (S9), devuls (S9), Cindergaming698 (S12), Deanuhc (S14), ceije (S14), BanMoon (S14), Zebobo10 (S14), Dargxn (S14), ArcticSeagull (S16), downkey (S16), kirkfr (S16), Kelldeo (S17), ArcticSeagull (S17), Bobbytheturtle (S17), claure (S18), PotatoPlayer_ (S19), HUQTER (S20), colbay (S20), Dizzying (S20), jacobcrafty (S21), AshRiolu100985 (S22), vynil (S22), dahii (S22), OblivionTU (S24), Captinn (S25), naseemXBT (S25), CHAINGE (S25), lazys (S26), winterf (S26), theTrapDoor (S26), GodlySteal (S26), brinkwhy (S26), nsi9 (S26), Cloversss (S27), sweatgod (S28), Cahmn (S30), Kaddyn (S31), NotChewi (S32), GodlySteal (S32), Crayonix (S32), ranmari (S32), carterwarterbear (S32), Crayonix (S33)
8th AiroKun (42): BraydenB11 (S5), Chesspiece (S5), tonylmao (S5), BreakfastBacon (S5), lapppp (S5), brinkwhy (S5), DJoee (S5), PizzqWithAQ (S7), m4ku (S7), upraise (S7), DripGodDavid (S7), OCTAMAN (S7), DragonGlory (S7), MangoPlayz (S7), MangoPlayz (S8), willif (S8), soakle (S10), InnerArtsTV (S10), broccoliar (S10), Bulbexe (S10), Zeesue (S12), BENJADDD (S12), YouCheated (S13), CoDrake (S13), Lynxo (S13), Crayonix (S13), skyzfy (S13), Goopling (S17), Cheetah_16 (S17), MangoPlayz (S17), Ryfri (S19), zCent (S19), QueenxPetty (S21), Valnius (S21), Kaismartypants (S21), Zoroh (S21), carterwarterbear (S21), harkuaa (S21), SAYNAR (S25), Kaismartypants (S25), Codwhy (S25), PotatoPlayer_ (S26)
9th spellygod (41): FLOWTIVES (S3), hypcr (S3), LeMystiic (S6), xNGHT (S6), PapaNugey (S7), mxcros (S9), drewxd (S15), hypcr (S15), enablin (S15), B0WUH (S15), _1mmortal_ (S16), Senkhi (S16), SmoothCombos (S16), ToeKun (S16), Toxischer (S16), Gott_aka_Leonard (S16), WoodFired (S16), xDiversity (S16), samdave (S16), lapppp (S18), LowkeyLoke (S18), cnner (S18), Kaismartypants (S20), PupperKun (S20), spittoon (S20), Gleoss (S20), carterwarterbear (S20), 4runnermaster (S20), Hrray (S21), MaxCringe (S21), brinkwhy (S21), lzmur (S21), Iceisnice32 (S21), WoodFired (S21), Lynxo (S21), LZNAR (S21), FLOWTIVES (S21), FLOWTIVES (S22), theTrapDoor (S22), lapppp (S22), T1mT0m (S33)
10th PizzqWithAQ (40): jjsteeples (S2), Scyles (S2), Kelldeo (S2), loyaltea (S2), kendawg_g (S2), hueske (S2), CallMeBqse (S2), jigsaws (S2), CTW (S2), TPolls (S5), Suzunexd (S6), Dreamfall (S6), kendawg_g (S6), BreakfastBacon (S6), Centrah (S7), StrengthDMN (S9), Emplacement (S9), KELCOS (S14), Dizzying (S15), Permm (S15), HeyItsJBug (S16), 2Pacoh (S16), carterwarterbear (S16), Lynxo (S16), skyzfy (S16), DJoee (S18), Haydcn (S18), XERNE5 (S18), choiceband (S28), Bov (S28), Zebobo10 (S28), SAYNAR (S28), LUCRODIUM (S28), Captureee (S28), spellygod (S29), azoof (S29), kendawg_g (S29), nolanishot (S29), _1mmortal_ (S29), Captureee (S29)
11th benidk (35): CallMeBqse (S4), BraydenB11 (S4), Vrehv (S4), DZYER (S5), onstep (S7), ImChilly (S7), zrtt (S7), xMisha (S7), Zeesue (S8), Zoroh (S8), Charrlottie (S8), _1mmortal_ (S9), solnyy (S12), Blendd (S17), MannyDM (S18), _pbo (S18), brinkwhy (S19), HalfLechuga (S22), lzmur (S22), Valnius (S23), xDiversity (S23), Supersun_ (S23), 5KYFALLS (S26), hdjr (S27), ToeKun (S27), Fcrm (S27), nikiforos (S28), dahii (S30), _1mmortal_ (S30), Haydcn (S30), ShmeckleBoy (S30), Permm (S30), Cloversss (S30), bayweafs (S33), Zeesue (S33)
12th samdave (34): kendawg_g (S3), CallMeBqse (S3), PotatoPlayer_ (S5), 5ize (S5), Senkhi (S5), Haydcn (S5), XERNE5 (S5), soakle (S7), Charrlottie (S7), PwincessVanessa (S7), Cahnner (S7), ghostblurr (S7), _1mmortal_ (S7), saltbag (S7), WoodFired (S7), HUQTER (S8), DumbThiccNick (S11), Turqified (S11), Lynxo (S11), CoDrake (S12), Crayonix (S12), Bornyo (S12), willif (S12), Goopling (S15), Fragggg (S15), L1GHT1NG (S15), jemjosh (S16), Drkrai (S16), Zoroh (S16), FLOWTIVES (S16), Kelldeo (S16), 5idekick (S17), Bornyo (S17), LUKAD0NCIC (S18)
13th LUCRODIUM (33): SergeantM (S2), colbay (S3), Sigtash (S3), Shqkster (S3), TPolls (S3), Lnarz (S3), XERNE5 (S3), MisaSama (S15), DanishDrill (S15), _Pm (S16), BackToAfrica (S16), LUCRODIUM (S18), xtiger34 (S19), hashtagmat (S20), brinkwhy (S20), Ginzburg (S20), Captureee (S20), marceloifhy (S21), Turqified (S23), upraise (S24), RiseGR (S24), 5HARPGOD (S26), void_hi (S27), Dyoza (S27), St0rmplayz (S28), Viatic_ (S28), adrmf (S28), TheRealHagrid (S32), BruceTheNinja10 (S32), jasondoa (S32), smurpes (S33), broccoliar (S33), jasondoa (S33)
14th Dargxn (31): PwincessVanessa (S1), soakle (S1), idklyn (S1), L1GHT1NG (S7), ANJELLOH (S9), downkey (S9), Bulbexe (S12), CoDrake (S14), ArcticSeagull (S14), downkey (S14), kirkfr (S14), MarcoThePh0enix (S15), brinniex (S16), iGotPlumbs (S17), BackToAfrica (S17), remyyyyyy (S17), xtiger34 (S17), 6irb (S18), JaeHasNoMaidens (S18), solnyy (S18), Zeesue (S18), Gleoss (S18), kirkfr (S18), benidk (S18), Glarza (S22), zCent (S22), upraise (S25), bayweafs (S25), PotatoPlayer_ (S31), swishduck (S33), Dyoza (S33)
15th xtiger34 (29): PapaNugey (S9), Zebobo10 (S9), NotChewi (S9), DumbThiccNick (S9), alcxz (S9), FLOWTIVES (S9), Charrlottie (S15), RohanSmashBro (S15), brinkwhy (S15), Gott_aka_Leonard (S15), saltbag (S15), Dizzying (S17), TOOOTH (S17), chrisrokay (S19), Hrray (S20), Squegi (S26), Gleoss (S26), _carn (S26), Zoroh (S26), carterwarterbear (S26), FishManIsPotato (S26), strategy (S30), lapppp (S30), sweatgod (S30), TheRealHagrid (S30), HeyItsJBug (S30), skyzfy (S30), theTrapDoor (S31), ScaryPumpkinFace (S31)
16th DJoee (28): saltbag (S5), Mohala (S5), Zeesue (S5), benidk (S6), _carn (S15), Normoh (S15), Jaceon02 (S16), QuacksL (S18), ethodog (S20), jasondoa (S21), DripGodDavid (S21), Scyles (S25), Dcrpy (S26), kendawg_g (S26), IZUR (S26), PupperKun (S26), SAYNAR (S26), Sk1wars (S28), L1GHT1NG (S29), Smothering (S29), Senkhi (S29), johnnytheching (S31), Stravilight (S31), CHAINGE (S31), FishManIsPotato (S33), FLOWTIVES (S33), RollRealQuick (S33), Permm (S33)
16th soakle (28): Stravilight (S1), Mohala (S4), InProper (S11), 5ize (S11), RatherRare (S11), PwincessVanessa (S11), Dargxn (S13), hypcr (S13), RollRealQuick (S18), St0rmplayz (S20), Jwillz (S21), LUKAD0NCIC (S23), fxlzy (S23), Ezehh (S23), Colozi (S23), onstep (S23), MisaSama (S23), xDiversity (S24), ToeKun (S25), hypcr (S25), sgouche (S25), SPEEDYDIGS (S25), winterf (S25), BruceTheNinja10 (S27), kirkfr (S28), naseemXBT (S28), spellygod (S31), Blufferfish2009 (S31)
18th checog (27): PizzqWithAQ (S9), Beastaxel (S9), tonylmao (S15), HUQTER (S15), Dargxn (S15), CallMeBqse (S15), 5HARPGOD (S15), hypcr (S16), Spongey (S16), Scyles (S17), FLOWTIVES (S17), Dreamfall (S17), Zeegul (S17), Vrehv (S17), Kaddyn (S17), brinkwhy (S17), WoodFired (S17), Dargxn (S17), DripGodDavid (S18), theTrapDoor (S18), PotatoPlayer_ (S18), RohanSmashBro (S18), hypcr (S18), MostLikelySam (S19), Stornette (S19), LUKAD0NCIC (S25), nolanishot (S27)
18th CipherKai (27): loyaltea (S4), Gleoss (S4), YellowAuraa (S4), brinniex (S6), Deanuhc (S6), void_hi (S6), Lynxo (S6), harrydagawd (S6), DumbThiccNick (S6), Lmoj (S7), ERHDude (S7), Zebobo10 (S7), dhaq (S9), SSGSS4Goku (S10), carterwarterbear (S10), onstep (S10), RollRealQuick (S10), AiroKun (S10), Turqified (S10), BENJADDD (S14), swishduck (S14), FearThrows (S14), Zopho_ (S24), Ryfri (S24), Ginzburg (S24), Kaismartypants (S24), zCent (S33)
18th Dizzying (27): xMisha (S5), Zoroh (S6), ArcticSeagull (S6), AdonisGaming (S6), DZYER (S6), NotChewi (S6), PwincessVanessa (S6), love_gem4164 (S6), FishManIsPotato (S7), love_gem4164 (S7), dzupgu (S16), Psykl0ne (S16), Arich (S20), DJoee (S20), TheSheepMasters (S20), checog (S20), bayweafs (S20), Stravilight (S20), jubatyson (S20), Colozi (S20), RollRealQuick (S20), saltbag (S21), TinchoPijaLarga (S21), RollRealQuick (S21), zCent (S21), lasdarling (S21), ilylazaro (S21)
18th PupperKun (27): ItsColinn (S17), xDiversity (S17), InProper (S17), samdave (S17), carterwarterbear (S17), Zoroh (S17), lapppp (S17), Luca_Kgaming (S20), DripGodDavid (S20), Fearx_ (S23), DJoee (S25), Krbreb (S25), violethearts (S25), Gott_aka_Leonard (S27), Kaismartypants (S27), zCent (S27), spittoon (S27), LUCRODIUM (S27), MisaSama (S28), brinkwhy (S28), Crayonix (S29), HalfLechuga (S29), RohanSmashBro (S29), bayweafs (S31), LUKAD0NCIC (S31), carterwarterbear (S31), strategy (S31)
22nd cnner (26): Deanuhc (S12), Creadyy (S12), Turqified (S14), L1GHT1NG (S14), DEV0Y (S14), SlicedOranges (S14), TheRealHagrid (S14), MisaSama (S14), solnyy (S14), carterwarterbear (S14), Bulbexe (S14), Awticon (S18), downkey (S18), adrmf (S18), toxiicbtw (S18), PizzqWithAQ (S18), luksxixBRBDL (S18), sleepingxd (S24), Severuu (S24), NotChewi (S24), Geroot (S24), Krbreb (S24), LUKAD0NCIC (S24), BENJADDD (S24), Dyoza (S25), T1mT0m (S25)
23rd _carn (24): OCTAMAN (S6), Dargxn (S8), Shqkster (S8), downkey (S11), Kaddyn (S11), _1mmortal_ (S12), Clemjo (S12), Cheetah_16 (S12), AvyleZ (S12), brinniex (S12), ToeKun (S12), suedemax (S15), Lynxo (S17), Cocunut233 (S17), Deadlyboom (S19), drewxd (S19), ranmari (S21), bayweafs (S21), onstep (S22), Evxn063 (S27), Ginzburg (S27), strategy (S29), HUQTER (S29), loyaltea (S29)
23rd LZNAR (24): GhostLikesCakes (S15), downkey (S15), risn (S16), Glarza (S16), winterf (S16), RollRealQuick (S16), Gleoss (S16), LUCRODIUM (S16), BackToAfrica (S18), zCent (S18), PwincessVanessa (S18), Bornyo (S20), Slooshyy (S20), NickPlaysGames15 (S20), TitaniumDino25 (S20), onstep (S21), Jaceon02 (S21), GodlySteal (S21), whoshaze (S21), DanishDrill (S21), TheShippFloats (S21), Dizzying (S21), Turqified (S22), skyzfy (S22)
23rd onstep (24): bmartxxx (S6), Kaddyn (S8), _1mmortal_ (S10), lapppp (S10), soakle (S18), Jaceon02 (S18), GhostLikesCakes (S19), PizzqWithAQ (S20), CurdledDrip (S20), jacobcrafty (S23), QuacksL (S24), RohanSmashBro (S24), alexnv (S24), CipherKai (S24), Kelawesome (S24), brinkwhy (S27), K0REDRAG0N (S27), HeyItsJBug (S27), stupidsylvia (S31), broccoliar (S31), downkey (S31), xtiger34 (S31), Char1zo (S32), LUKAD0NCIC (S32)
26th swishduck (22): nug17 (S18), EivLs (S18), Kaddyn (S19), broccoliar (S19), Dyoza (S19), winterf (S19), tonylmao (S19), TheSheepMasters (S22), SSGSS4Goku (S23), zCent (S23), Zaiki (S23), adrmf (S23), Gott_aka_Leonard (S23), ArcticSeagull (S24), bayweafs (S24), spxrkz_ (S27), Gotelin (S27), theTrapDoor (S27), Thimburrr (S27), SAYNAR (S27), willif (S33), DJoee (S33)
27th Captureee (21): TOOOTH (S20), DumbThiccNick (S25), Jwillz (S25), Char1zo (S25), PupperKun (S25), checog (S25), Greninja (S25), unixn (S27), JEREMIUH (S27), LLEANN (S28), Zopho_ (S28), Sigtash (S28), CurdledDrip (S28), Zoroh (S28), Shqkster (S29), Fcrm (S29), DJoee (S29), BruceTheNinja10 (S29), Colozi (S29), lapppp (S29), Gleoss (S29)
27th mxrwzndood (21): ToeKun (S6), Shot3m (S6), IdkKiller (S6), ranmari (S6), CipherKai (S6), Gleoss (S6), Valnius (S6), Dizzying (S6), AvyleZ (S6), DripGodDavid (S31), FroztiSnow (S31), willif (S31), Hecticity (S31), ranmari (S31), SAYNAR (S31), HeyItsJBug (S31), vynil (S31), JEREMIUH (S31), DJoee (S31), dahii (S31), lamzyk (S31)
27th tonylmao (21): adrmf (S5), TacoDab (S7), _Pm (S7), emi1iano (S7), Kelawesome (S7), Hendysaurus (S8), WoodFired (S8), DZYER (S8), Vrehv (S10), BushieHalf (S16), alcxz (S16), Zeesue (S16), Dreamfall (S16), ghostblurr (S18), colbay (S18), TOOOTH (S18), PupperKun (S18), xMisha (S18), rodfather (S18), Tunaisheree (S31), FearThrows (S32)
27th xMisha (21): WoodFired (S5), SSGSS4Goku (S6), risn (S6), HUQTER (S6), ItsColinn (S7), Shqkster (S9), Bofishkix (S9), SpaceFenix (S9), ItsColinn (S9), SSGSS4Goku (S11), skyzfy (S12), HalfLechuga (S12), downkey (S12), Shqkster (S14), risn (S17), Mafiat (S17), AvyleZ (S18), carterwarterbear (S18), skyzfy (S18), samdave (S18), MangoPlayz (S23)
31st brinkwhy (19): Pahm (S1), skyzfy (S3), _Gag (S3), Dredex (S3), HUQTER (S3), Zebobo10 (S13), St0rmplayz (S13), Haydcn (S16), GhostLikesCakes (S22), Slooshyy (S22), PupperKun (S22), KazyXD (S24), MisaSama (S24), LUKAD0NCIC (S26), onstep (S26), Crayonix (S26), Gleoss (S28), Kaddyn (S30), TheShippFloats (S30)
31st dahii (19): WALRUS_TIME (S8), QuacksL (S10), WALRUS_TIME (S10), skyzfy (S10), DEV0Y (S19), nsi9 (S21), Mvte (S21), colbay (S21), CurdledDrip (S24), soakle (S25), GodlySteal (S27), LUKAD0NCIC (S27), PotatoPlayer_ (S28), StrengthDMN (S31), Zeesue (S31), L1GHT1NG (S31), RollRealQuick (S31), PupperKun (S31), Cloversss (S33)
31st downkey (19): Cwrunch (S2), xPingWinMan (S2), XERNE5 (S2), DragonGlory (S8), Stornette (S10), L1GHT1NG (S12), apa37 (S13), kirkfr (S13), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S13), DripGodDavid (S14), lzmur (S15), Cloversss (S15), lzmur (S16), Slooshyy (S18), Pemmyy (S21), benidk (S23), hypcr (S23), shaundoman (S31), soakle (S31)
31st hypcr (19): TinchoPijoLarga (S11), Bornyo (S11), DeadlyFoxx (S11), Dredex (S11), urfake (S11), xDiversity (S11), JEDIMASTERKANYE (S11), xMisha (S11), Zoroh (S11), lapppp (S11), enablin (S11), Flcnt (S13), PotatoPlayer_ (S13), ToeKun (S15), ObeseProdigy (S15), Zoroh (S18), Dyoza (S18), urfake (S28), BENJADDD (S33)
31st sgouche (19): nug17 (S21), Valnius (S22), hypcr (S22), broccoliar (S22), strategy (S23), VurkeTTV (S24), Char1zo (S24), oMatty (S24), Bobbytheturtle (S24), FLOWTIVES (S25), Glarza (S25), skyzfy (S25), Slooshyy (S31), Zebobo10 (S31), zCent (S31), St0rmplayz (S31), dooko (S32), BENJADDD (S32), O1OO (S33)
36th DumbThiccNick (18): Futan (S3), MangoPlayz (S3), Mohala (S3), LUCRODIUM (S3), FLOWTIVES (S4), Scyles (S4), CipherKai (S4), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S4), Zoroh (S4), xHobo (S4), _Gag (S5), dummycute (S5), Lynxo (S5), Valnius (S5), apa37 (S6), Crayonix (S23), LUCRODIUM (S23), FearThrows (S23)
36th Strikeroonie (18): rawed (S4), upraise (S4), LUKAD0NCIC (S17), Stravilight (S17), azoof (S17), LZNAR (S17), CipherKai (S17), spellygod (S17), MannyDM (S17), ceije (S17), AiroKun (S17), Luca_Kgaming (S18), onstep (S18), chrisrokay (S18), _1mmortal_ (S22), Luca_Kgaming (S22), ItsColinn (S24), zCent (S24)
38th FishManIsPotato (17): Kaddyn (S7), 5idekick (S9), WoodFired (S11), QuacksL (S11), aarei (S11), DEV0Y (S15), StrengthDMN (S15), samdave (S15), BENJADDD (S16), Dargxn (S26), checog (S26), fyechris (S26), MichaelPlayMC (S26), MisaSama (S26), L1GHT1NG (S26), LUCRODIUM (S26), skyzfy (S26)
38th PotatoPlayer_ (17): brinniex (S8), brghts (S12), St0rmplayz (S12), Penley (S13), alcxz (S13), Dreamfall (S15), MisaSama (S18), BENJADDD (S19), Deanuhc (S21), JayNonsense (S21), DanishDrill (S22), ShmeckleBoy (S23), Qmos (S23), _carn (S32), zCent (S32), Erdql (S33), Glarza (S33)
38th Senkhi (17): IZUR (S1), mxcros (S4), StrengthDMN (S8), Zebobo10 (S8), IdkKiller (S8), downkey (S8), ToeKun (S9), violethearts (S9), WoodFired (S19), PLENT (S19), 5idekick (S19), MaxCringe (S19), Dcrpy (S20), Demomaker (S20), derekast (S23), AiroKun (S29), Slooshyy (S29)
41st Deanuhc (16): willif (S5), PwincessVanessa (S5), Lynor (S7), PolarTaco (S7), PapaNugey (S8), 5idekick (S8), benidk (S8), Crayonix (S8), Stravilight (S8), Bulbexe (S8), Stravilight (S10), Mohala (S12), Emplacement (S13), lapppp (S14), beaniepls (S14), Glarza (S14)
41st kirkfr (16): ArcticSeagull (S2), Gleoss (S2), DJoee (S6), L1GHT1NG (S6), FishManIsPotato (S12), BanMoon (S13), ReiBatsubami (S14), apa37 (S15), GodlySteal (S16), ranmari (S17), IdkKiller (S18), NotMyLights (S19), ToeKun (S19), lazys (S21), LUCRODIUM (S21), dontbow (S21)
43rd BENJADDD (15): Cheetah_16 (S13), PwincessVanessa (S13), Charrlottie (S13), ArcticSeagull (S13), PitSolitayrh (S15), lapppp (S15), willif (S15), swishduck (S15), kirkfr (S15), Captinn (S21), _carn (S21), brinkwhy (S22), winterf (S22), BuildingBard300 (S24), Kaismartypants (S33)
43rd LUKAD0NCIC (15): tonylmao (S20), Supersun_ (S20), vynil (S24), benidk (S24), 5KYFALLS (S24), Hecticity (S25), remyyyyyy (S25), dahii (S25), Stornette (S27), onstep (S29), tonylmao (S32), Flcnt (S33), LZNAR (S33), spellygod (S33), Gleoss (S33)
43rd Permm (15): HUQTER (S2), love_gem4164 (S2), risn (S2), Bofishkix (S2), Bulbexe (S2), FLOWTIVES (S2), StrengthDMN (S3), samdave (S3), Chesspiece (S3), LUCRODIUM (S15), risn (S15), beaniepls (S15), Supersun_ (S30), CipherKai (S33), Cahmn (S33)
43rd remyyyyyy (15): ranmari (S10), NickPlaysGames15 (S10), solnyy (S10), Charrlottie (S10), Lunar_ (S15), Saltnobi (S16), bayweafs (S17), winterf (S17), drewxd (S17), ghostblurr (S17), IdkKiller (S20), L1GHT1NG (S20), xPandaaz (S22), LUCRODIUM (S25), WoodFired (S27)
47th Greninja (14): HUQTER (S10), Jaceon02 (S10), flameorb (S10), XERNE5 (S10), dahii (S10), PwincessVanessa (S10), FearThrows (S10), Centrah (S10), brinkwhy (S10), InProper (S10), CipherKai (S10), BuildingBard300 (S25), HalfLechuga (S25), Kelawesome (S25)
47th RohanSmashBro (14): lapppp (S6), Krbreb (S12), ItzHooded (S12), Gleoss (S14), Vrehv (S16), harkuaa (S18), Dargxn (S18), HalfLechuga (S26), Normoh (S26), loyaltea (S27), GrassPiece (S29), K_U_N_A_L (S29), Luca_Kgaming (S29), Cloversss (S31)
47th upraise (14): xNGHT (S4), FearThrows (S6), demisux (S6), dylns (S7), B0WUH (S7), spittoon (S8), Ryanmoko (S9), Forrest235 (S9), Luca_Kgaming (S25), kendawg_g (S28), EivLs (S28), Fcrm (S28), Outname (S28), GrassPiece (S28)
47th willif (14): Smeshi (S12), RollRealQuick (S12), AiroKun (S12), YouCheated (S12), Nightshqdee (S12), cnner (S12), SSGSS4Goku (S12), checog (S12), Turqified (S16), rodfather (S17), HalfLechuga (S21), ArcticSeagull (S25), Fcrm (S32), harkuaa (S32)
47th winterf (14): Blarkslol (S13), NickPlaysGames15 (S13), xHobo (S14), Eindeutiger (S17), St0rmplayz (S17), Cacedoupamso (S17), GodlySteal (S17), Gott_aka_Leonard (S20), FishManIsPotato (S22), carterwarterbear (S22), jasondoa (S22), 5idekick (S28), WoodFired (S31), winterf (S31)
52nd CurdledDrip (13): InProper (S24), Kaismartypants (S28), PupperKun (S28), jasondoa (S28), carterwarterbear (S28), adrmf (S29), pm3crafte4 (S29), TheRealHagrid (S29), BuildingBard300 (S29), harkuaa (S31), lapppp (S31), RohanSmashBro (S31), Dizzying (S33)
52nd DripGodDavid (13): QuacksL (S13), Shqkster (S16), Deadlyboom (S18), GodlySteal (S19), xPandaaz (S20), samdave (S20), lapppp (S20), MisaSama (S20), Dyoza (S20), willif (S23), xtiger34 (S27), checog (S27), Valnius (S29)
52nd L1GHT1NG (13): Stravilight (S5), AdonisGaming (S5), DanishDrill (S9), Greatwarrior_ (S12), strategy (S26), Luca_Kgaming (S27), fyechris (S27), GhostLikesCakes (S28), benidk (S28), adrmf (S31), willif (S32), ilylazaro (S33), IsoLights (S33)
52nd spittoon (13): Chqllenged (S20), TheShippFloats (S20), Dredex (S20), Zopho_ (S20), benidk (S21), HUQTER (S21), adrmf (S25), DJoee (S27), SPEEDYDIGS (S27), L1GHT1NG (S27), skyzfy (S27), Glarza (S28), azoof (S28)
52nd WoodFired (13): DZYER (S7), Nightshqdee (S8), skyzfy (S14), TOOOTH (S16), Riolu100895 (S17), xMisha (S17), _carn (S17), xMisha (S19), Erdql (S20), NotMyLights (S20), theTrapDoor (S21), FLOWTIVES (S24), swishduck (S24)
57th Cahnner (12): MangoPlayz (S1), Fierys (S1), Dargxn (S1), FLOWTIVES (S1), Sigtash (S2), BikBoy (S2), kirkfr (S5), TinchoPijaLarga (S7), Mohala (S7), Kelawesome (S9), MangoPlayz (S9), checog (S9)
57th Zebobo10 (12): Shqkster (S6), Beastaxel (S6), alcxz (S7), WoodFired (S12), derekast (S12), _carn (S12), xMisha (S12), Jwillz (S20), marceloifhy (S20), PotatoPlayer_ (S20), theTrapDoor (S20), FLOWTIVES (S20)
59th 5idekick (11): B0WUH (S8), Shot3m (S9), Greatwarrior_ (S9), Gleoss (S12), SlicedOranges (S16), RohanSmashBro (S17), zCent (S17), Gott_aka_Leonard (S17), alcxz (S24), Senkhi (S24), Crayonix (S24)
59th 5ize (11): RAHILL (S5), imFatLoveMe (S11), Cwrunch (S11), Crayonix (S11), smiinoo (S21), remyyyyyy (S21), Loushus (S21), chrisrokay (S21), flameh (S21), AshRiolu100985 (S21), Severuu (S32)
59th Bulbexe (11): brinniex (S7), K0REDRAG0N (S8), L1GHT1NG (S8), Lynxo (S8), Mohala (S8), zCent (S14), ywack (S14), St0rmplayz (S14), Cloversss (S14), FLOWTIVES (S14), willif (S17)
59th Cirex (11): Loushus (S19), Blendd (S19), MannyDM (S19), Ginzburg (S19), soakle (S19), AvyleZ (S19), adrmf (S19), RollRealQuick (S19), CoDrake (S19), Colozi (S19), Gleoss (S19)
59th colbay (11): BraydenB11 (S3), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S3), mxcros (S3), Lynxo (S4), winterf (S18), ilylazaro (S20), nug17 (S20), brinkwhy (S25), RohanSmashBro (S25), spittoon (S25), oMatty (S32)
59th Dredex (11): risn (S3), Krbreb (S10), ToeKun (S17), Kaismartypants (S17), UbiquityHD (S20), HalfLechuga (S20), spxrkz_ (S24), _carn (S24), nolanishot (S24), soakle (S24), luvictoire (S24)
59th Glarza (11): ranmari (S14), ObeseProdigy (S16), onstep (S16), whoshaze (S19), remyyyyyy (S19), MangoPlayz (S19), Spongey (S19), kirkfr (S19), strategy (S25), carterwarterbear (S30), LLEANN (S33)
59th KELCOS (11): bayweafs (S13), winterf (S13), brinniex (S13), RollRealQuick (S13), TheRealHagrid (S13), FearThrows (S13), BruceTheNinja10 (S16), DJoee (S16), rodfather (S16), Hendysaurus (S16), lapppp (S16)
59th Krbreb (11): YellowAuraa (S2), kirkfr (S2), brinkwhy (S2), Lnarz (S2), MangoPlayz (S2), PizzqWithAQ (S2), SergeantM (S4), PwincessVanessa (S4), Lynxo (S10), benidk (S12), Luca_Kgaming (S16)
59th lamzyk (11): WoodFired (S26), vynil (S26), Glarza (S30), benidk (S30), harkuaa (S30), nsket (S31), GrassPiece (S31), nolanishot (S31), MisaSama (S31), Spongey (S31), skyzfy (S31)
59th MisaSama (11): Mvte (S20), DumbThiccNick (S21), Slooshyy (S23), xMisha (S23), Char1zo (S23), PupperKun (S23), jasondoa (S31), CHAINGE (S33), hypcr (S33), TheShippFloats (S33), FearThrows (S33)
70th AvyleZ (10): Emplacement (S4), Zebobo10 (S6), jjsteeples (S6), kirkfr (S6), m4ku (S6), loyaltea (S6), xMisha (S6), flameorb (S7), IdkKiller (S14), xMisha (S14)
70th Cloversss (10): dylns (S6), Crayonix (S14), Hendysaurus (S15), GodlySteal (S15), solnyy (S19), Luca_Kgaming (S23), GodlySteal (S23), BloodBlack (S24), bayweafs (S30), flameh (S33)
70th HUQTER (10): N0CTURNAL (S2), samdave (S2), Mohala (S6), Cloversss (S6), brinkwhy (S6), CoDrake (S20), hypcr (S28), theTrapDoor (S29), Supersun_ (S32), void_hi (S32)
70th retrys (10): vynil (S21), Senkhi (S21), NickPlaysGames15 (S21), solnyy (S22), lukevvs (S22), Abyr (S22), Qmos (S22), Gott_aka_Leonard (S22), cnner (S22), kirkfr (S22)
70th risn (10): PolarTaco (S3), Haydcn (S4), hypcr (S5), WoodFired (S6), Hendysaurus (S6), harkuaa (S6), Hendysaurus (S7), 5idekick (S15), Zopho_ (S17), alcxz (S19)
70th Spongey (10): ranmari (S16), DanishDrill (S16), Gott_aka_Leonard (S19), Retrofied (S27), SPEEDYDIGS (S31), _carn (S31), Crayonix (S31), Zoroh (S31), Char1zo (S33), 2Pacoh (S33)
76th Colozi (9): willif (S20), Lach (S20), Rameur (S23), jaranato (S23), CommanderK22_ (S23), jasondoa (S27), remyyyyyy (S27), Supersun_ (S27), Shm3e (S29)
76th DanishDrill (9): saltbag (S8), ItsColinn (S8), Ryfri (S8), skyzfy (S8), TOOOTH (S15), realCUYT (S15), benidk (S15), apa37 (S16), UbiquityHD (S16)
76th GrassPiece (9): JEREMIUH (S28), Normoh (S28), salic (S28), MichaelPlayMC (S30), theTrapDoor (S30), PotatoPlayer_ (S30), CHAINGE (S30), xtiger34 (S30), benidk (S31)
76th ItsColinn (9): harkuaa (S7), Greatwarrior_ (S8), DRI60 (S9), harkuaa (S9), CallMeBqse (S17), naseemXBT (S24), Flcnt (S24), brinkwhy (S24), sgouche (S24)
76th IZUR (9): Linkelf0rz (S22), ToeKun (S22), Zoroh (S22), Dargxn (S22), vegis (S26), DripGodDavid (S26), benidk (S26), AiroKun (S26), lapppp (S27)
76th Kelawesome (9): spellygod (S7), Valnius (S7), Fragggg (S7), lapppp (S7), AcidViper (S16), Blendd (S16), benidk (S16), ReiBatsubami (S16), LUCRODIUM (S24)
76th loyaltea (9): RAHILL (S2), maccwyatt (S5), AvyleZ (S5), Greatwarrior_ (S5), TinchoPijaLarga (S6), Greatwarrior_ (S6), Bulbexe (S9), DRI60 (S27), derekast (S29)
76th Stravilight (9): AiroKun (S7), Dcrpy (S8), dhaq (S8), Dcrpy (S12), pm3crafte4 (S20), ADinoPlayingMC (S23), TheRealHagrid (S26), ArcticSeagull (S28), Charrlottie (S28)
76th Vrehv (9): ranmari (S3), Greatwarrior_ (S4), spellygod (S4), XERNE5 (S4), IdkKiller (S4), HUQTER (S4), K0REDRAG0N (S10), KELCOS (S10), Gleoss (S17)
85th Bornyo (8): ceije (S12), Shqkster (S12), Cloversss (S12), lapppp (S12), swishduck (S16), BottleSause (S17), QueenxPetty (S17), Hecticity (S19)
85th chimah (8): Zcin (S1), ranmari (S1), ranmari (S4), TPolls (S4), IsoLights (S4), Sigtash (S4), brinkwhy (S4), benidk (S4)
85th Crayonix (8): TPolls (S8), xMisha (S10), Stravilight (S12), ItsColinn (S12), remyyyyyy (S18), swishduck (S18), Colozi (S18), tonylmao (S18)
85th dylns (8): maccwyatt (S2), soakle (S6), Vrehv (S6), heartparticles (S6), zFate (S6), Emplacement (S6), Merch (S6), onstep (S6)
85th FearThrows (8): DJoee (S7), Greatwarrior_ (S7), benidk (S10), remyyyyyy (S14), Cahnner (S14), bayweafs (S14), CipherKai (S14), Shqkster (S32)
85th iLoveBoris (8): ArcticSeagull (S10), ranmari (S11), CodeJoshua (S11), _1mmortal_ (S11), St0rmplayz (S11), soakle (S11), Jewala (S11), marceloifhy (S11)
85th kendawg_g (8): checog (S2), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S2), remyyyyyy (S26), Kahooter (S27), strategy (S27), sweatgod (S27), Shqkster (S27), swishduck (S27)
85th nolanishot (8): PotatoPlayer_ (S27), sgouche (S27), RqDix (S28), Centrios (S29), Fcrm (S31), Kaismartypants (S31), brinkwhy (S31), Dizzying (S31)
85th ranmari (8): Dcrpy (S21), HUQTER (S24), Zebobo10 (S26), HUQTER (S26), BuildingBard300 (S26), Kahooter (S26), Shqkster (S31), 5ize (S32)
85th solnyy (8): Clemjo (S10), ixHazexi (S13), DRI60 (S13), BloodBlack (S14), XERNE5 (S14), choiceband (S18), brinkwhy (S18), Haydcn (S19)
95th BruceTheNinja10 (7): willif (S16), choiceband (S26), Luca_Kgaming (S26), Dredex (S27), maccwyatt (S29), AshRiolu100985 (S33), Batusko (S33)
95th jasondoa (7): Colozi (S22), alcxz (S31), Luca_Kgaming (S32), BuildingBard300 (S32), HUQTER (S33), benidk (S33), lapppp (S33)
95th jubatyson (7): LZNAR (S20), winterf (S20), sgouche (S21), Zebobo10 (S22), Hpark03 (S22), VurkeTTV (S22), FroztiSnowman (S22)
95th Kaddyn (7): Harvyz (S7), XERNE5 (S17), Shqkster (S17), broccoliar (S30), ScaryPumpkinFace (S33), Codwhy (S33), OhMatias (S33)
95th Kelldeo (7): HeyItsJBug (S2), Bulbexe (S15), Goopling (S16), 5ARx (S16), zCent (S16), Kelawesome (S16), checog (S16)
95th Lynxo (7): flameorb (S6), _carn (S6), DRI60 (S10), ToontownOnline (S12), NickPlaysGames15 (S12), spellygod (S15), brinkwhy (S16)
95th maccwyatt (7): dylns (S2), Bofishkix (S4), soakle (S4), AvyleZ (S4), DumbThiccNick (S4), chimah (S4), HalfLechuga (S9)
95th marceloifhy (7): toggleuhc (S5), Emplacement (S5), apa37 (S11), ToeKun (S11), brinniex (S11), Captinn (S20), _1mmortal_ (S20)
95th Merch (7): Deanuhc (S5), Bulbexe (S5), IsoLights (S5), samdave (S5), Zoroh (S15), xtiger34 (S15), remyyyyyy (S15)
95th Mohala (7): drewxd (S1), brinkwhy (S3), HeyItsJBug (S3), IdkKiller (S3), brinniex (S5), CipherKai (S7), Clegi (S8)
95th Raying (7): oceun (S3), kendawg_g (S11), Centrah (S11), FishManIsPotato (S11), lzmur (S11), _carn (S11), hypcr (S11)
95th SAYNAR (7): theTrapDoor (S25), Supersun_ (S28), onstep (S28), BuildingBard300 (S33), PotatoPlayer_ (S33), Haydcn (S33), carterwarterbear (S33)
95th Scyles (7): PwincessVanessa (S2), Gleeming (S4), colbay (S4), Lynor (S4), Chesspiece (S4), kirkfr (S7), CoDrake (S17)
95th SpaceFenix (7): Evzenitable (S3), drewxd (S3), xDiversity (S9), spellygod (S9), ERHDude (S9), jjsteeples (S13), Deanuhc (S13)
95th St0rmplayz (7): Shqkster (S7), Sigtash (S8), brinkwhy (S9), imFatLoveMe (S9), 5idekick (S16), GodlySteal (S22), HalfLechuga (S31)
95th theTrapDoor (7): benidk (S20), GodlySteal (S20), Zopho_ (S22), colbay (S23), CHAINGE (S26), Fcrm (S26), RohanSmashBro (S30)
95th xDiversity (7): XERNE5 (S16), beaniepls (S16), Loushus (S17), lzmur (S17), theTrapDoor (S23), 5idekick (S24), FLOWTIVES (S26)
95th XERNE5 (7): Shqkster (S2), TinchoPijaLarga (S4), AiroKun (S9), adrmf (S9), MangoPlayz (S14), Zoroh (S14), Slooshyy (S17)
113th CHAINGE (6): MisaSama (S25), BuildingBard300 (S30), Shqkster (S30), ToeKun (S30), BuildingBard300 (S31), CurdledDrip (S31)
113th Fcrm (6): Blendd (S26), dwgn (S28), brinkwhy (S29), Ryfri (S29), checog (S29), _1mmortal_ (S33)
113th Ginzburg (6): DeadpoolUHC (S20), WoodFired (S20), Aybel (S20), benidk (S25), spellygod (S25), _carn (S29)
113th lzmur (6): brinkwhy (S11), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S11), Krxmble (S11), Luca_Kgaming (S17), broccoliar (S17), zewgle (S22)
113th nsi9 (6): Doe (S20), JEREMIUH (S26), St0rmplayz (S26), Demomaker (S26), xROSEQ (S26), RohanSmashBro (S26)
113th strategy (6): PupperKun (S24), dahii (S24), ranmari (S24), xtiger34 (S24), WoodFired (S24), sgouche (S30)
113th Turqified (6): samdave (S10), HalfLechuga (S10), GriddyTC (S10), DripGodDavid (S10), tonylmao (S10), downkey (S10)
113th zCent (6): PotatoPlayer_ (S21), spittoon (S21), remyyyyyy (S22), ethodog (S23), SAYNAR (S29), CurdledDrip (S29)
121st alcxz (5): upraise (S9), maccwyatt (S9), Vrehv (S12), Nuclearsugar (S16), AhSh1t (S16)
121st Batusko (5): AshRiolu100985 (S24), AdonisGaming (S24), upraise (S27), LUKAD0NCIC (S33), MisaSama (S33)
121st Blendd (5): PotatoPlayer_ (S16), SSGSS4Goku (S17), MainAgate5 (S20), remyyyyyy (S20), flameh (S20)
121st derekast (5): nug17 (S22), m4ku (S22), LZNAR (S22), FLOWTIVES (S29), sgouche (S32)
121st Dyoza (5): RohanSmashBro (S27), Captureee (S27), sgouche (S33), Shqkster (S33), Dargxn (S33)
121st enablin (5): RohanSmashBro (S11), iLoveBoris (S11), TheSlimeBrother (S15), Broseph (S16), remyyyyyy (S16)
121st FrostBros (5): spittoon (S19), dahii (S19), K0REDRAG0N (S19), adrmf (S21), skyzfy (S21)
121st GodlySteal (5): rnaa (S16), DripGodDavid (S19), PLENT (S20), skyzfy (S20), L1GHT1NG (S32)
121st harrydagawd (5): Stravilight (S6), skyzfy (S6), St0rmplayz (S6), MangoPlayz (S6), FLOWTIVES (S6)
121st Haydcn (5): risn (S5), HyperOutHere (S21), jubatyson (S21), zCent (S30), Spongey (S33)
121st IdkKiller (5): Bulbexe (S6), Glockey_ (S9), Crayonix (S15), IdkKiller (S19), Zopho_ (S32)
121st IsoLights (5): IdkKiller (S5), MangoPlayz (S5), L1GHT1NG (S5), xxezrabxxx (S16), Luca_Kgaming (S33)
121st LLEANN (5): Blendd (S20), LUKAD0NCIC (S20), onstep (S20), _carn (S28), Supersun_ (S33)
121st naseemXBT (5): MCBR (S24), Gleoss (S25), Crayonix (S27), Slooshyy (S27), Zoroh (S27)
121st rodfather (5): AiroKun (S16), Lunar_ (S16), CrowJRC (S16), bestlegitww (S18), _1mmortal_ (S18)
121st saltbag (5): spellygod (S5), jemjosh (S7), Cloversss (S7), toggleuhc (S7), Slooshyy (S19)
121st StrengthDMN (5): Normoh (S27), alexnv (S27), Spongey (S27), IZUR (S27), PupperKun (S27)
121st Supersun_ (5): L1GHT1NG (S22), St0rmplayz (S22), PotatoPlayer_ (S23), BuildingBard300 (S27), _pbo (S30)
121st YouCheated (5): IvanDIGGA (S12), ranmari (S12), CipherKai (S12), Dizzying (S12), ploonyUwU (S28)
121st zewgle (5): _Pm (S15), mxcros (S15), DJoee (S15), Kelldeo (S15), Cacedoupamso (S30)
121st Zopho_ (5): samdave (S7), Xifto (S22), PotatoPlayer_ (S32), soakle (S32), loyaltea (S32)
Rest in Part 2
submitted by Brodator to SeaPickled [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:05 Same-Corner-9279 Houston's Hot Trend: Planning the Perfect spa party in Houston

Houston offers something for everyone, and that includes the art of relaxation! A spa party in Houston is a unique way to celebrate birthdays, bachelorette parties, or simply enjoy a pampering afternoon with friends. But what exactly can you expect when planning a best spa party in Houston? Let's dive into what this experience entails and how to make your spa party unforgettable in Houston.
What to Expect at a spa party services in Houston
Variety of Venues: Houston boasts a range of options for your spa party in Houston. Choose from luxurious spas offering private party rooms, mobile spa services that bring the pampering to your doorstep, or even salons specializing in parties with dedicated areas for your group.
Treatment Options: Depending on the venue, your spa party in Houston can offer a variety of treatments. Expect options like facials, massages (Swedish, deep tissue, etc.), manicures and pedicures, and even hairstyling services. Some spas may include additional amenities like steam rooms, saunas, or whirlpools for ultimate relaxation.
Customization: Many spas in Houston allow customization for your spa party in Houston. You can choose a specific theme (tropical paradise, zen garden), select treatments to suit your group's preferences, and even arrange for refreshments or light snacks to be served during the party.
Relaxation and Socialization: A spa party in Houston is the perfect blend of relaxation and socialization. Enjoy quality time with friends and family while being pampered by skilled professionals. It's a unique way to bond and create lasting memories.
Planning Tips for Your spa party in Houston
Set a Budget: Spa parties can vary in cost depending on the venue, treatments chosen, and number of guests. Establish a budget early on to narrow down your options and ensure everyone can participate.
Choose Your Date and Time: Weekends tend to be more booked, so consider a weekday afternoon or evening for better availability. Book your party in advance, especially if you have a large group.
Communicate with Guests: Send invites with clear details about the location, time, and treatment options available. Allow guests to communicate any allergies or preferences in advance.
Embrace the Fun! A spa party in Houston is a celebratory occasion. Come prepared to relax, laugh, and enjoy quality time with loved ones. Let the professionals take care of the pampering while you soak in the experience.
Houston offers a vibrant spa scene, making a spa party a trendy and fun way to celebrate or simply relax. By following these tips, you can plan the perfect spa party in Houston that leaves everyone feeling rejuvenated and connected.

submitted by Same-Corner-9279 to u/Same-Corner-9279 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:01 SoPeachy_7997 Today's Birthday from Animal Crossing: New Horizons - May 15, 2024

Today's Birthday from Animal Crossing: New Horizons - May 15, 2024 submitted by SoPeachy_7997 to PeachyCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:55 BoatBookingIndia01 The Ultimate Guide to Yacht Parties in Mumbai for Couples

Are you looking to spice up your date nights with something extravagant and unforgettable? Look no further than the vibrant city of Mumbai, where the shimmering Arabian Sea sets the perfect backdrop for a romantic yacht party. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking a unique experience with your significant other, indulging in a yacht party in Mumbai promises to be an experience of a lifetime.
Why Choose a Yacht Party in Mumbai for Couples?
Mumbai, known as the "City of Dreams," offers an array of entertainment options, but a yacht party stands out as a luxurious and intimate affair for couples. Imagine cruising along the coastline, savoring delectable cuisine, and dancing under the stars with your loved one – it's a dream come true for any couple seeking romance and adventure.
What to Expect from a Yacht Party in Mumbai?
From the moment you step aboard, you'll be immersed in luxury and sophistication. Yachts in Mumbai are equipped with state-of-the-art amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all guests. Picture plush seating areas, elegant dining spaces, and spacious decks where you can take in panoramic views of the city skyline and the vast expanse of the Arabian Sea.
The highlight of any yacht party is undoubtedly the delicious cuisine served on board. Whether you prefer gourmet delicacies or local favorites, Mumbai's yacht charters offer a diverse range of dining options to tantalize your taste buds. Sip on champagne as you savor fresh seafood, exotic fruits, and decadent desserts prepared by skilled chefs – it's a culinary journey like no other.
As the sun sets over the horizon, the real magic begins. Yacht parties in Mumbai come alive with music, entertainment, and dancing under the stars. Groove to the beats of live bands or DJs as you sway to the rhythm of the ocean waves. Whether you prefer a lively party atmosphere or a more intimate setting, there's something for every couple to enjoy.
Tips for Planning the Perfect Yacht Party in Mumbai:
  1. Book in Advance: Yacht charters in Mumbai can fill up quickly, especially during peak seasons. To avoid disappointment, make sure to book your party well in advance to secure your preferred date and time.
  2. Customize Your Experience: Whether you're celebrating a birthday or anniversary or just want to treat your partner to a special evening, many yacht charter companies in Mumbai offer customizable packages to suit your preferences.
  3. Dress to Impress: Yacht parties are an opportunity to dress your best and make a statement. Opt for elegant attire that's both stylish and comfortable, ensuring you look and feel your best throughout the evening.
  4. Capture the Moment: Don't forget to bring along your camera or smartphone to capture the magical moments shared with your partner during the yacht party. From stunning sunsets to romantic dances, these memories are sure to last a lifetime.
Experience the Magic of a Yacht Party in Mumbai for Couples:
Ready to embark on an unforgettable journey with your significant other? Book your yacht party in Mumbai today and create memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you're a local resident or visiting the city for the first time, the allure of Mumbai's coastline, combined with the luxury of a private yacht, promises an experience like no other.
Contact us now to book your dream yacht party in Mumbai, and let us help you create memories that you'll cherish forever.
submitted by BoatBookingIndia01 to u/BoatBookingIndia01 [link] [comments]



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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:03 Spleed [PC][Late 2000s/Early 2010s][3D medieval fantasy game where in the first level you play as a warrior in a siege or battlefield fighting orcs or goblins]

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Probably RPG or Hack and Slash
Estimated year of release: Mid or Late 2000s
Graphics/art style: 3D "realistic" graphics with either a Third Person Perspective camera or maybe isometric?
Notable characters: In the first level I remember you play as a knight/warrior in a battlefield fighting goblins or orcs. In the other levels there was a wizard and also a rangearcher lady all in the same party as the warrior
Notable gameplay mechanics: Can't remember but it was definitely NOT turn-based and you would have a party composed of the aforementioned characters after the first level
Other details: I remember 3 levels: A siege or battlefield where there are catapults, trebuchets and cages where you fight these goblins/orcs. Another is in a forest or area with a lot of greenery in which at the end you had to gather your party in an area but the problem with this level was that most of the time a member of your party would clip through the ground and get stuck which makes completing the level impossible. The last level I remember was a cave with crystals of varying sizes where you might or might not fight spiders?
submitted by Spleed to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]



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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:22 always_raining7 References to Matty Healy in Willow Music Video

Here are some things I noticed in the Willow music video that seem to reference Matty. Some of them will seem really delusional but I’m just having fun.
The main thing I noticed are the parallels with The 1975’s ‘The Birthday Party’ (TBP) music video. I want to point out that I DON’T think ‘TBP’ is lyrically about Taylor. Just that Taylor’s Willow music video references ‘TBP’ video. Keep in mind, the concept of both music video’s is that they’re searching for their “fated lover”.
  1. When Taylor’s looking at her reflection in the pond and see’s her lover’s reflection, he reaches out to her. The ‘reaching out’ seems to be a common metaphor they use in their art to reference each other. It reminds me of when Matty reached out to Taylor while serenading her with ‘Falling for you’. They also both do this a lot on stage, Taylor most recently during her performance of Fortnight, and Matty during About you.
  2. Taylor then dives into the pond which takes her somewhere else. In ‘TBP’ Matty also falls into a pond that looks very similar to the one in Willow (except that it’s in a digital detox centre so also very different lol). It also takes him somewhere else.
  3. Taylor arrives in a rectangular glass box, a potential reference to The 1975’s box symbol.
  4. Her lover then arrives wearing suspenders and a hat, the same thing her lover in the IKYWT music video wore. Matty has worn suspenders numerous times (which is an odd thing for a man in the 21st century to wear). He’s worn them in both photo shoots and in social settings. (I think IKYWT is also about Matty because I think they've known each other for longer than the public was told).
  5. Taylor then escapes her glass box through a portal. Matty also goes down a portal in TBP. “Deep portal, time travel, all the love we unravel”.
  6. Just before Taylor arrives back at the folklore cabin to discover her lover, there is a scene of her following the golden thread, walking towards the moon. In TBP, at the very end, Matty is dancing towards the moon. He eventually ends up finding his lover and they sit together in a tree. “Please picture me in the trees**”.** Taylor ends up finding her lover too and they walk out into the trees!!
It just surely can’t be a coincidence!!
submitted by always_raining7 to taylorandmatty [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:00 TheHarunate My birthday arts for Sora since 2021 to 2024. Happy Birthday SORA!

My birthday arts for Sora since 2021 to 2024. Happy Birthday SORA! submitted by TheHarunate to Hololive [link] [comments]



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2024.05.15 12:27 GoCustom Artists you amaze me

Artists you amaze me
After 5 years in retail hell I landed a big boy job and my girlfriend decided to make me some wall art for my new office, Hades was the first game I bought on the NSW almost 4 years ago and I recently got her playing too. This is the second game piece she’s made me the first being master chief that I received as a birthday present and I just want to say to all the artists out there, you guys are amazing with what you can do, never stop.
submitted by GoCustom to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]
