Bb curve 8230

Pittsburgh Pirates

2010.05.12 04:36 Logik Pittsburgh Pirates

Home of one of the oldest teams in Baseball the 5x World Champion Pittsburgh Pirates! Let's go Bucs!

2024.05.15 14:19 Dawson81702 Introducing the Realtime Weather Concept: Oil Storms

Introducing the Realtime Weather Concept: Oil Storms

Oil Storm Cycles

What are Oil Storm Cycles?
Not to be confused with Rainmaker's Oil Rain (Sorry, Misty!)
Due to the construction and pollution from the multitude of Cog buildings, the environment of Toontown is adversely affected, leading to altered weather patterns that cause Oil Storms to fall upon Toontown.

What do Oil Storms do?

Effects on Cogs:
  • Hydrates and lubricates Cogs, enhancing their power and productivity.
  • Increases Cog health and damage by 10%.
  • Boosts Cog battle join rates by 50%.*
Effects on Toons:
  • Toons remain unaffected due to their strong will and courage.

What's in it for Toons?

  • 3x Cog Promotion Merits.*
  • Extra Experience Point.*
  • 50% increased chance of obtaining rare Manager Stickers.
  • Potential use in Kudos Manager Boss battles (subject to Toontown team's discretion).

What does an Oil Storm look like?

  • Smog appears over Toontown playgrounds and streets.
  • Darkened skies, playgrounds, and streets, with oil falling from the clouds.
  • Similar to the rain effects from the Rainmaker manager battle and Toontown Rewritten's Bossbot HQ area, so this is already implemented in a way.
Concept Images:
Times are gloomy in Toontown Central..
Now Barnacle Boatyards looking more like a sea port!
Cheer up Toon, The storm will be over soon!
Really adds to the atmosphere, eh?
Wherever the Oil Storm is currently, a large cloud of smog would appear over that playground.
Alternative, with an icon along with the original dynamic cog invasion icon.
Attention all Toons! An Oil Storm is approaching!

How would Oil Storms work?

Implementation Method:
Allowing for dynamic control of the weather, an Oil Storm would be able to happen independently at specific playgrounds and districts at any time, For example: An Oil Storm could be at TTC, DDL, YOTT, BB, while the have none, while in another district it could be the opposite; no two playgrounds are bound to each other!
A way you could allow each playground to work independently is from the formula below.
  • Calculating Cog Building Impact
    • Every 15 minutes, the number of buildings in a playground is calculated to set a percentage value for Oil Storm likelihood.
    • This dynamic implementation is akin to how the Cog tier affects playground invasions in TTCC.
  • Logarithmic Curve Formula:
    • Formula: y = 1 - e^-z(x)
    • Variables:
      • x = Number of Cog Buildings in the playground.
      • y = Percentage chance (0 to 1) of starting an Oil Storm cycle (maximum 60% chance).
      • z = Variable controlling curve steepness (default -0.03).
      • e = Mathematical constant (approx. 2.71828).
  • Process:
    • Every 15 minutes, a number from 1 to 100 is rolled.
    • If the number is ≤ the percentage, Oil Storm occurs; if > the percentage, it doesn’t.
    • Toons in that playground receive a 5-minute warning via a Weather Forecast alert to evacuate or prepare for Oil Storm.
Real-World Test Data (at Midnight Toontown Time):
Anvil Acres and Geyser Gulch were the least populated districts without invasions, and High-Dive Hills was the most popular district with an invasion.
Playground Anvil Acres Geyser Gulch High-Dive Hills
Toontown Central 6 7 1
Barnacle Boatyard 20 20 19
Ye Olde Toontowne 18 18 17
Daffodil Gardens 18 18 17
Mezzo Melodyland 31 31 31
The Brrrgh 30 30 30
Acorn Acres 28 28 28
Drowsy Dreamland 29 30 30
Hmm, I noticed a very distinct pattern here... Anyways, putting these values into the Formula would give a
  • Calculated Maximum Values for Oil Storm Chance:
    • Toontown Central: 19%
    • Barnacle Boatyard: 45%
    • Ye Olde Toontowne: 42%
    • Daffodil Gardens: 42%
    • Mezzo Melodyland: 61%
    • The Brrrgh: 59%
    • Acorn Acres: 57%
    • Drowsy Dreamland: 59%
I think these values are fine as this is for the maximum building values that I encountered which would be rare during peak times, but the z variable can be altered to change the results of each district separately.

Combating Oil Storms

There should be a way that Toons can combat this Hour of Power.. Or Oil Rain.
Toon Strategy:
  • A Toon can combat an Oil Storm by taking over the Cog Buildings and decreasing the Cog Buildings in that playground, this in turn decreases the percentage chance that an Oil Rain cycle happens next cycle.


Isn't this just the Rainmaker Oil Rain mechanic?
In the sense that...
While similar, The Oil Storm cycle provides a dynamic weather system to Corporate Clash (or Toontown Rewritten) making the game more immersive, adds lore, and adds more opportunities for different strategies to come into play, perchance. YOU CAN'T JUST SAY PERCHANCE.
Could the game even handle a Dynamic Weather cycle?
I don't know, I'm not a developer or staff member, but what I do know is there are a lot of strong willed people out there that have had the strength and courage to uplift a long gone videogame to bring into the future for not only the people of the past to enjoy what once was, but for newcomers to join and participate in such a wonderful game!
I'm talking to you, TTR and CC staff! \)and smaller servers, no offence meant.\)
Plus, concerning lag and performance issues, If Oil Storm cycles were implemented into the game, it wouldn't come close to the Acorn Acres' Waterfall. (BURN!) (someone call an Ambulance Chaser!)
Wouldn't this just clutter the game more than it is needed?
Perhaps, but with the fine tuning of the Toontown developers this mechanic could become something great! You could even make this an event as a Spring event only!
Here are some reasons why Oil Storm cycles would benefit Toontown:
  • Enhances Gameplay Depth
    • Dynamic Challenges
      • Oil Storm introduces dynamic environmental challenges that keep gameplay fresh and engaging, preventing the experience from becoming monotonous and boring.
    • Strategic Planning
      • Players need to strategize and adapt to changing conditions, which adds a layer of depth and complexity to their gameplay decisions.
  • Offers Meaningful Rewards
    • Increased Incentives
      • The mechanic provides substantial rewards, such as 3x Cog Promotion Merits, extra Experience Points, and a higher chance of rare Manager Stickers, which incentivize players to engage with the new feature.
    • Optional Engagement
      • Toons have the choice to either face the Storm for rewards or avoid it, giving them control over their gameplay experience.
  • Integrates Seamlessly with Existing Mechanics
    • Familiar Visuals
      • The visual effects of Oil Storm are similar to existing weather effects in the game, ensuring consistency and familiarity for players.
    • Proven Mechanics
      • The implementation leverages existing game mechanics (e.g., particle effects from the Rainmaker manager battle), ensuring technical feasibility and reducing the risk of introducing bugs or performance issues.
  • Enhances Game Lore and Immersion
    • Narrative Depth
      • The Oil Storm mechanic ties into the game’s lore, explaining the environmental impact of Cog activities and enriching the game's narrative.
    • Immersive Experience
      • The changing weather conditions add to the immersive experience, making the game world feel more alive and responsive to in-game actions. This would be akin to when they first animated the street props when the silly meter was unveiled long ago.
  • Promotes Player Cooperation and Engagement
    • Community Goals
      • Encourages players to work together to reduce Cog buildings and prevent Oil Storms, fostering a sense of community and shared objectives.
    • New Task Lines
      • The Oil Storm cycle could add new Task lines to the game, increasing playability and rewards for Toons to achieve!
    • Active Participation
      • Keeps players engaged with continuous, time-sensitive goals, motivating them to log in and participate more frequently.
The addition of a weather cycle not only enhances gameplay and visuals, but also incentivizes the player into defeating more Cogs and buildings, enriching the game's lore and offering new challenges and rewards for players.
*Be aware that none of this concept is limited to itself, It is entirely up the the game developers to pick and choose what would be best for addition into the game!
And hey, this isn't limited to Corporate Clash, would anyone like a Space Toontown Server Race? Heheh. I hope I have been clear on my concept and have gotten your attention thus far. Feel free to comment your ideas below.
Thank you all, and have a Toontastic day!
~ Green Dawg
About me: My Toon name is Green Dawg and I've been playing Toontown since 2008. I also have a website I built myself for Toons that need help with cog promotions.
You can find it by searching "Green Dawgs Guide", Check it out!
TL;DR: This is just a big excuse to get real time weather cycles into the game.
TL;DR TL;DR: Rainmaker from Wish
submitted by Dawson81702 to Toontown [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:43 Tricky_Material_2639 Solo quiero hablar. No tengo a nadie

Soy una mujer de 32 años. Soy una mujer gorda de 32 años. Hago hincapié en gorda porque es básicamente todo lo que ha regido mi vida. Toda mi vida he escuchado frases como "si bajarás de peso fueras más bonita" "a las niñas gordas nadie las quiere" "si fueras delgada etc..." Eso lo tengo entendido, tengo entendido que por ser como soy no podré hacer muchas cosas con la que la mayoría de las chicas sueñan, ya descarte casarme, tener hijos, incluso enamorarme. Se que mientras siga siendo como soy nunca habrá alguien que me quiera porque admitámoslo la apariencia si importa, y aunque creo que movimiento como el body positivity o la gordofobia pueden ayudar a muchísimas chicas, yo no entraría en esos planes porque estoy 110% convencida de que nunca habrá nadie que me quiera.
Convencida de eso a principios de este año descargue Bumble y Tinder para encontrar alguien que quisiera algún encuentro casual, se que no puedo buscar amor pero pensé que al menos algo casual si podría ofrecer, al primero que contacte fue en BB, si terminamos en el acto pero llego a un punto donde yo sentí que lo estaba obligando, porque me quiso cancelar a último minuto y cuando terminamos simplemente se fue sin decir nada. Me sentí como una mierda. Los siguientes fueron de Tinder, con uno habíamos quedado en algo pero nunca se concreto y por una serie de circunstancias me termino llamando inmadura, egoísta y desconsiderada. Es más que evidente que no terminamos en nada, me hablo un par de veces pero no terminaba de adecuarme a su carácter así que lo deje.
Con el segundo tuve buena plática, habíamos hablado un par de días y creí que habíamos llegado a algo concreto pero el día que nos íbamos a ver, estando ya en el lugar me dejo plantada, después me bloqueo, entendí que me vio y que simplemente no le atraje lo suficiente. Solo para aclarar en todo momento les dije que yo no era delgada y ellos muy seguros me dijeron que no les gustaban así. Con el cuarto, quinto y sexto la historio fue casi la misma, un par de plática, un par de fotos, después el ghosteo. El sexto incluso quedo de vernos y a la mera hora ni siquiera estaba en la ciudad. Me continuo hablando pero ya ni siquiera le respondí.
Con el tercero la historia fue un poco diferente, hable con él por pura suerte. Ese día me sentía dolida por lo que me hizo el segundo y de alguna forma le terminé contando todo, hablamos, lloré e incluso estuvo confortándome un rato. Seguimos hablando y empezamos a tontear, el se ofreció e incluso quedamos en algo, pero el día que íbamos a quedar tuvo que trabajar hasta tarde, después de eso fueron una cantidad innumerable de veces que intentábamos quedar pero ninguno de los dos tenia tiempo o él tendía a desaparecer por varios días. La última vez que hablamos me dijo que me había extraño mucho, que había empezado a sentir cosas por mí y después de eso desapareció. Nunca había experimentado un curving.
El séptimo ni siquiera empezó como algo casual, solo quería un amigo. Yo le pregunte desde el principio que buscaba y él aclaro que solo amistad, pero tenía actitudes muy contradictorias para solo querer amistad. Llamarme linda, guapa, pequeña. Decirme que nunca le molesto o interrumpía cuando le hablaba, preguntarme sobre mis anteriores parejas, quedarse hasta las tantas de la madrugada hablando solo conmigo, o decirme que él me confortara y escuchara a la semana de hablar. No buscaba nada con él, solo amistad pero un día creí que me había bloqueado y me puse a llorar, pensé otra vez la volví a cagar, pero no fue así no me bloqueo, al final le pedí vernos en persona, hablamos y tal, pero desde ese momento sentí que la relación cambio, ya no me llama con apelativos cariñosos, ya no pasa incontables horas hablando conmigo, sus conversaciones se han vuelto más escuetas e incluso he sentido que se siente con la obligación de hablar conmigo. Además hace unos días descubrí cual es su gusto en chicas y obviamente es totalmente lo opuesto a mí, delgada, fit, pelo corto. Se que él quiere salvarme pero no saben como me duele la manera en que lo intenta. ¡No quiero que me salves! ¡Quiero que te vayas si me vas a estar ignorando! Creí haber encontrado a alguien pero no fue así y ahora estoy haciendo todo lo posible para que esa persona se vaya ¡pero no se va! No se va pero su indiferencia me duele. Me duele saber que esta intentando salvarme, me duele la forma en que está intentando salvarme. ¡Quiero llorar ahora! ¡Quiero que me abandone ahora! Se que eventualmente se irá, no quiero retrasar lo inevitable pero parece que él no lo comprende.
He estado teniendo pensamientos bastante oscuros estos últimos días, todos pensando en como lograr bajar de peso para que la gente me quiera. He escuchado de algunas sustancias que ayudan a eso, medicinas sin recetas, dietas insostenibles, ejercicios extremos. No quiero volver a vomitar en la regadera de mi casa. Ya me saltó suficientes comidas, ya fumó demasiado. Pero los pensamientos no se ven. Y es difícil porque no tengo a quien contárselos. Todos tienen problemas muchísimo más graves y no quiero llegar con los míos. No quiero ser el pecador que carga al padre con sus pecados.
Y por eso terminé aquí, en reddit con un texto increíblemente largo que no he llegado incluso a contar a mis amigos más cercanos. ¿Qué les voy a decir? Que me siento triste porque nadie se quiere coger una gorda, dude hasta yo lo entiendo. Pero cada día se me hace cada vez más difícil aparentar estar bien.
submitted by Tricky_Material_2639 to conversaciones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:51 therobstermf Curve 9330

I recently found an old blackberry curve 9330 and I was wondering what all I could do with it. I know I can’t do much due to BB shutting down, but is there anything at all that can be done with this thing? Any help is appreciated.
submitted by therobstermf to blackberry [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:27 KoalaMan-007 Bass clarinet was the most popular today at open house

I work as a woodwind teacher and we had an open house tonight and the kids could try the instruments.
Here are some statistics over what instruments they chose first. Many of them tried several instruments and hopefully some of them will sign up to learn.
Bassoon: 2 Soprano saxophone (curved): 6 Alto saxophone: 4 Tenor saxophone: 2 Baritone saxophone: 3 Clarinet Eb: 7 Clarinet Bb: 4 Bass clarinet: 8
This is the first time that the bass clarinet has so much success, and there is no special reason to explain it. Just some cool info to share!
submitted by KoalaMan-007 to Clarinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:34 Vast-Caregiver9781 Pivoting from Strat to something more quanty

Seeking some advice as I'm not sure what the best course of action is from my current position.
Background: maths degree from top UK target, joined a European BB in London straight after graduating. I do macro structuring (kind of between Sales & Trading) and approaching 4 years in this role. I think it's not for me long-term for various reasons (too Sales-y, stopped learning, mediocre pay)
I've applied for roles like new grad QT/HF trading on and off over the years and got pretty far in some instances (e.g. Optiver final round twice - think no culture fit), but didn't manage to convert. I feel it's getting harder given QT firms prefer to hire fresh grads and perhaps if I don't make a move now it'd definitely be too late next year (5 years in!)
I want to move into something more active/quantitative (not quite QR since my coding background isn't that strong), and it seems to me the main options from here (alongside pros/cons) are:
1. Pivot into sell-side trading
2. Pivot into buy-side trading
3. Quantitative Masters e.g. Stats
I'm not too sure about this one as while it certainly opens up lots of quant opportunities in general, I don't know if it really improves my chances at landing a QT role
I will of course continue applying to roles where possible but basically wondering if I should make a real attempt/investment at switching roles/pivoting. It might be the case that QT is not that realistic at this point given not many firms are willing to hire non-fresh grads in London
Curious to hear others' perspectives and any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Vast-Caregiver9781 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:26 ieatlargefrogs I have a predicament

Sorry in advance for the wall of text
I have never touched a saxophone in my life, as I play the Bb Clarinet. My band director has recruited me to play the Tenor Sax in his Jazz Band next year, and I have a few months to get to a level in which I will need to be able to play Jazz competently at a high school level. I already play the Clarinet at a rather advanced level, so while it will still be a bit of a curve, tone, articulation, embouchure and air support won’t be the biggest issue at play.
I won’t have my Tenor for a bit, so advice beforehand will be very helpful. Any reed/mouthpeice suggestions to look at would also be great, just keep in mind this is a relatively good group and I have to sound as such. Give me your best advice, and tricks, cause I’m gonna need it
submitted by ieatlargefrogs to saxophone [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:22 jray6738 Found cards

Found cards
Found these cards in a house i demoed. I am not a collector so I don't know much was wondering what they may be worth.
submitted by jray6738 to Tradingcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:37 JohannGoethe It behooves the state of my space-time existence 🚧 NOT to engage in dialogue with those who drop either the S-bomb 💣, the C-bomb 💣, or other DL red flag 🚩 terms

Memory note, on rules of dialogue engagement, about not wasting limited space-time existence with mentally backwards-walking🚶‍♀️➡️🧠 puerile hecklers from the audience.
Sheikh Mahmoud
Mental note
The following (12 May A69) is a mental 💭 wake-up note 📝 to self:
“If someone from the linguistics community, i.e. those lost in PIEland 🥧🏝️ beliefs or ShemLand pandering, e.g. as post-amassing monthly now in linguisticshumor (100K+ members), or Egyptology community, being confused by learned incorrect CartoPhonetics foundations, or whatever 20+ EAN-impacted communities, using the Sheikh Mahmoud technique, calls you ”schizo-typic” 💊, e.g. here, here (N[7]R, 2-4 May A69), this 18+ user (aka puerile) even deleting their entire reddit account, a few days later (a commonly seen anti-EAN phenomenon), after given a 7-day ban for fouling on red flag 🚩 DebateLinguistics (DL) discussion rules, a “schizo” babbler, e.g. here (V[8]V, 11 May A69), or “schizo-phrenichere (J[13]R, 31 Mar A69) AND posts, repeatedly, that I am “crazy” 🤪 here, here (J[13]R, 24 Apr A69), etc., these being the two main anti-EAN derogation mud 💩 slinging terms employed, in growing weekly or monthly derogations; all because I have begun (11 Feb A67/2022), since the Pandemic, to work on EAN theory (Swift, A17), evidenced by the LeidenI350 stanzas, which proves that all ABGD-based languages — the English, Latin, Greek, Sanskrit based languages most importantly, as explaining this combined group solves the famous Jones common “source language” problem:
Jones on the common source hypothesis:
“Sanskrit (संस्कृत), Greek (Έλληνε), Latin, Gothic, Celtic, and possibly old Persian, must have sprung from some 🗣️ common source?”
— William Jones (169A/1786), Asiatick Society of Bengal, Third Anniversary Discourse, Presidential address, Feb 2
The 🆕 common source being Abydos, Egypt (5700A/-3745), e.g. here, here, etc., the center of the new EgyptoIndoEuropean (EIE language family).
— words, Etymo, phonetics, and AlphabetOrigin, and alphabet “order”, derive directly from the 28 symbol LunarScript; which formed in the 500-year Sesostris (ΣΕΣΟΣΤΡΙΣ) [1285] empire, e.g. here, here, etc., world language domination window, between 3300A and 2800A, wherein the Egyptians impressed their language system on people, similar to how the Romans, during the Roman empire era, impressed Latin on people; which, in short, was imprinted, similar to a language coding computer program, onto the minds 🧠 of people, in the form of the 28 number-letter Osiris-themed ”Egyptian alphabet”, the first 14-letters: A to N, arranged in so-called: hoe 𓁃, 𓌹, 𓍁 [A], sow 𓁅, 𓂺 𓏥 (𐤄, E), reap 🌱𓌳 [M], and 150-day flood 💦 [N], yearly agricultural cycle, aka ”farming order” (Horner, A67); wherein a four layered social structure was encoded: farming, priests, warriors, government, gods, defined by laws, was encoded; spoken about, in geometric and cosmology terms, by Plato, Plutarch, Young, Swift, Gadalla, and Rehab; all derived from so-called “reduced” Egyptian GodGeometry and EgyptoLinguistics; a new number-coded language, formulated by Egyptian mathematicians, engineers, e.g. here, and cosmologists:
Psychoyos on engineered language invention hypothesis:
“It is strange how everybody wonders 💭 if it was possible❓for humble workers, Semite prisoners of war in fact [Gardiner, 39A], to have invented 💡alphabetic 🔠 writing ✍️? But no one should discuss the possibility of the invention alphabetic writing to have been the work of ⚙️ engineers, even though the myths seem to point in this direction? Maybe alpha, beta, gamma, delta ... represent 1, 2, 3, 4 ... in some 🗣️ language?”
— Dimitris Psychoyos (A50/2005), “The Forgotten Art of Isopsephy“ (pg. #)
originally described by the seven main Egyptian numerals, dating to the 5300A TombUJ number tags 🏷️, which attest letter-number H (8), as 𓐁 [Z15G], i.e. two palms 𓂪, and letter-number R (100), as the solar 🌞 ram head 𓍢 [Z1], and the 5700A Naqada I period black-rimed vase, which attest the proto letter-number I (10), as type: ∩, the Horus 𓅃 solar 🌞 falcon in the Hathor 𓁥 Milky Way 🌌 cow 🐮 yoke home 𓉡, aka letter omega Ω [800] presently; a 6K+ year old Egyptian cosmology star 🌟 story, recorded by 1,050+ HieroTypes; the oldest of which being letter-number H [8] or 𓐁 [Z15G], in the attested form: 𓏽 (𓂪) / 𓏽 (𓂪), found extant on the 20,000A Ishango math 🧮 bone 🦴, Congo, Africa; all of which predicates a steep 4-year or more learning curve, in order to understand what is going on:
New EAN member who has previously enjoyed read Fideler (A38):
“There’s a steep barrier to entry on this material in terms of time commitment and information processing ability.”
— O[19]0 (A69), “comment”, Hebrew Numerals, May 9
Subsequently, as I only have so many days of space-time existence left on this planet 🌍, the 3rd rock 🪨 from the sun 🌞, who the Egyptians referred to by the hiero-name: 𓀭 𓃀 𓅬 [A40-D58-G38] (here), to use to finish the scheduled 6-volume EAN book 📚 set, so I can get back to the HumanChemThermo (HCT) derivation and final scheduled target 🎯 HCT publication; it thus behooves me 🚧 not to engage in dialogue with those who drop either the S-bomb 💣, the C-bomb 💣, or other DL red flag 🚩 terms, as these types of people already have their mind “made up”, being pre-disposed to backwards non-open-mined thinking 🤔, their brain 🧠 anchored ⚓️ in accepted “standard” status quo, but logically incongruent, ideology and dogma; and no amount of arguing or discussion will convince them otherwise, as has been evidenced in the 1.5-year open window🪟of free-going discussion, in the early period of Reddit EAN; or to reply to people whose refutation is “LOL, you are not a scientist, and do not know peer review!”, a comment made while I was making this mental note.
It is better, as Planck said, to let the old generation die off, so that the new generation will allowed sunlight so to grow to the new view.”
— Libb Thims (A69), “mental note”, wake-up state, 9:35 PM CST, May 12
Mental note Follow-up #1
The following is the “reduced“ version of the former:
Do not 🚧 engage [DNE] with puerile minds.”
— Libb Thims (A69), ”mental note”, wake up state (sleep: 11-hours); thoughts on previous day wake up mental note, combined with V[4]S, in this post, who dropped the S-bomb 💣, to which I replied with pro-tip rule, at the Russian (language) sub, about the following letter L type switch from: ΛЛ, between my name in print as: Λибб Тимс, below my photo, versus this the Google translate name Либб Тимс (Libb Thims) or say Леонард Эйлер (Leonard Euler) also shown in the article, below his photo, spelled as Λеонард ЭйΛер in this A52 (2007) Russian article. It still boggles my mind how someone throw the S-bomb at someone for asking the simple question: “how: Λ → Л?”, 3:30PM CST May 13
Mental note Follow-up #2
”You are wasting my space-time.”
— Libb Thims (A69), truncated summary of previous, 2:23AM May 14
Pro tip!
A good rule of thumb to shut-down the conversation with the do-not-engage-with (DNEW) types of users, is just to paste the following, which links to this mental note page:
In other words, it should not be that difficult to have a coherent ABC conversation about the origin of ABC, or the new theory of the Egyptian origin of language 🗣️ , without recourse to a trip down the sewer 🕳️ drain, the city trash 🚮 dump, or to the happy default land of ad-hominem-ville?
submitted by JohannGoethe to LibbThims [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:45 Tankdome37 I decided to go with this one!!

I decided to go with this one!! submitted by Tankdome37 to AboveGroundPools [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:04 FIGJAM17 TOTS: Ligue 1 & D1 Arkema (Benyahia and Minamino) Objectives

submitted by FIGJAM17 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 01:00 Son_of_Trogdor Black Bay Pro Rubber Straps

Any recommendations on rubber straps with curved ends? I've only found the Rubber B and I'm not paying $300 for a rubber strap.
I know there's cheaper options for the BB58, but my concern is that it won't look great since the BB Pro is a thicker case width.
submitted by Son_of_Trogdor to Tudor [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:00 idkwhattosaytho Looking On Forward: Twins Edition

So I've been away for around 2 weeks, and i expected you guys to hold down the fort while i was gone, and i come back to a 3-9 record?? I'm disappointed, but alas, while away i was doing some brainstorming and came up with a fun idea where i essentially look at the next series and break down the starters, who's hot etc. Seems like it could help for people that don't watch around baseball much, so I'm gonna give it a try and see how you guys like it.

Twins Probable Starters:

Joe Ryan (3.54ERA/2.45xERA/3.01FIP/3.10xFIP)
Ryan is a really good starter and a data darling, and was off to a fantastic start last year before being injured and never being the same post injury. He's had a solid year this year, and his peripherals point to being even better then he's been so far. Ryan is elite at getting strikeouts as well as limiting walks, and his 93 mph fastball with around average movement and spin from a lower release point is somehow one of the best fastballs in baseball, being one of the best pitches since 2022 by run value. Couldn't tell you exactly why. HIs arsenal Consists of mainly a 4 seamer and Split fingers to lefties with more sweepers to righties and the occasional harder slider and sinker to round up the pitches.
Notable Stats: 81st percentile K rate, 93rd percentile walk rate, 90th percentile xERA, 6th percentile breaking run value in 2023, 13th off-speed run value in 2023
TLDR: Ryan has an elite level fastball, and is fantastic at limiting walks and generating Ks, but he has really bad secondary offerings with a newer split finger leading the way. He's a great starter that is always a tough matchup.
Simeon Woods-Richardson (1.74ERA/3.72xERA/1.85FIP/3.68xFIP)
A former Jays prospect acquired in the Marcus Stroman trade then sent away in the Jose Berrios deal, its been a weird path to the big leagues for SWR. After a few inconsistent years in the minors, it seemed like he figured it our in 2022 with a sub 3 ERA as a 21 year old in AAA and AA and then one solid MLB start, but 2023 was rough. He had a FIP above 5 in AAA with his K rate dropping and his BB rate rising. 2024 wasn't going so well either for him, but since making the majors he's been fantastic. However, it doesn't look so sustainable, but a 1.74 ERA is elite, and he'll be an interesting watch. His pitch mix consists of mainly a four seamer, slider and change with the occasional curveball.
Notable Stats: 172 BA 207 SLG vs his slider (elite level slider thus far), 11th percentile whiff rate, 17th percentile hard hit rate, 54th percentile xERA
TLDR: SWR does a good job at limiting walks and getting strikeouts while allowing a relatively high amount of hard contact. He's has had some fantastic results in his small sample size this year, but his peripherals make them seem unsustainable,
Bailey Ober (4.42ERA/3.56xERA/3.76FIP/4.01xFIP)
Ober is a giant at 6'9 and makes the most of it with a 96th percentile extension, but has a weird arsenal. He's far from a hard thrower, with an average fastball velocity in the 22nd percentile, but he has had it play up in years past likely due to his big frame and extension. This year the fastball is getting crushed however, to the tune of a 372 BA with a 701 SLG. He's elite at limiting walks like most of this staff with a 80th percentile walk rate this year and a 93rd last year. He has 5 pitches in his arsenal with s four seamer, cutter, slider, and changeup leading the way and an occasional curve to round it out.
Notable Stats: -6 run value on his fastball, 96th percentile extension, 85th percentile chase rate, 13th percentile barrel rate
TLDR: Ober is a massive human and gives a weird look for hitters with his extension and 3/4 release point. He limits walks well but is homer prone and has a poor fastball. He's realistically a pretty average mid rotation innings eater type of starter.
Hitters to note: Ryan Jeffers (177 wRC+, 8 homers) Max Kepler (158 wRC+) total of 7 players with a wRC+ above 119 wRC+
SERIES TLDR: Were going to see one elite starter, one starter with god results but iffy peripherals, and a funky solid starter. The twins are the hottest team in baseball, winners of 15 of their last 17, and have some very good pitching and a good balanced offense, however their league wide stats don't point to them as one of the best teams in baseball, and the teams they've faced on the win streak have been the White sox twice, Angels, Red Sox and Mariners, The hope is to slow them down this series and regress some of their stats to the mean
submitted by idkwhattosaytho to Torontobluejays [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 05:48 wooloo4president Custom frame ATC and fork questions

I am working on a custom gravel/light trail/bikepacking bike. After lots of searching for bikes I'd like the emulate the look, feel or geo of, I found this Curve GMX+ and want to match most of the geo numbers. Both the frame and fork will be fully custom. I'd like to give myself the option of trying out a 100mm travel suspension fork at some point down the road, which will have closer to a 520mm axle to crown, as opposed to the 430mm atc on the Curve's fork. I know that if I just copy all of the Curve's geo numbers and then stick a longer atc fork on I will be messing up the geometry but I'm certain there is a way I can design with this in mind and keep relatively the same bb height, hta and sta. i just don't know what that change(s) is. Thanks for reading and helping with this project. I can't wait to show reddit the build when it's all said and done!
submitted by wooloo4president to Bikebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:18 StunningInitial3131 Vsr10 hopup issues

I have a fully built out BAR10 gspec and I just seem to have strange bb flight patterns. It flies straight for around 150 feet then curves right around 200 maybe a foot? The only thing I can think of is maybe bb weight? I'm currently using 40s. I have been debating switching to a 60° Mr hop as I love Rhop but hate doing it. I have perfect air seal and all the various things like that.
Parts list M150 with around 2 coils cutoff Maple leaf crazy jet 6.01 370mm Maple leaf 70° autobot bucking Foam filled suppressor hiding the extended barrel (I checked bbs are not hitting the foam) Tridos TDC hopup pro with stock TM hopup chamber
I know airsoft isn’t laser beams to 300yds I just feel like there has to be something I can fix
submitted by StunningInitial3131 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:02 tiredandirritatedd Console SoT and clunky gunplay

Hey all, I've been a pvp goblin for a few years on the game, however I tend to play for a few months, burn out, come back after another few months and repeat.
Anyway. I've recently began the hourglass grind and I love it, naval is so incredibly fun and the complexity added with breakable masts/wheel/anchor. However, when using BB or EoR as a controller player they feel.. wildly inconsistent and clunky like. There's an awkward delay between sprint/ADS/shoot with the BB, and if I double tap RT I can get off a BB shot straight from sprint.
Against mainly PC players i've noticed they can utilize BB and EoR a lot faster than I can. Is this a skill issue, is there a new meta i'm unaware of? By the time I ADS with BB i'm dead to their BB. It's by far the most frustrating aspect of HG for me at this moment. I understand fundamentals, positioning, but mechanically I feel very slow.
(also any pvp controller players have any solid response curve/sens settings?)
submitted by tiredandirritatedd to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:37 Naughty90s FD Terra, 7800X3D, 4080 ProArt Super

Hey! Looks like I won't be the first one building in a Terra. Like other people here, I think this is my first PC build in the last 20 years or so, feedback would be very much appreciated. I went through what feels like hundreds of builds, guides, videos and posts. But I mostly used laptops previously, so there's a bunch of questions.
My goal is to have a compact, good-looking, powerful, reliable and relatively quiet (gaming laptops didn't spoil me with fans being quiet) system which would last me a few years. It should be more or less easy to build and maintain. That's why I tried to choose components which are as popular as possible: there is more info on them in terms of building and troubleshooting. Don't plan any overclocking or other tinkering besides undervolting, turning on EXPO profile for memory (do I even say that right? guess that's what it's called for AMD) and adjusting fan curves. The main use is gaming on a 3440x1440 monitor - Battlefield, Destiny 2, TLoU, Ghost of Tsushima.
PCPartPicker Part List
What do you think about the components? Should I change anything to better achieve goals mentioned above? I only ordered the Terra so far.
MB: looks like there is no good AM5 ITX MB. I saw reports of some pretty nasty issues for all of them - MSI, Gigabyte, ASRock. Some say that Asus B650E-I can have posting issues with 4080. For some its BIOS is awful, for others it's brilliant. And it can have coil whine. But it seems to be popular.
RAM: Crucial Pro vs G.Skill - price is roughly the same, seems to be safer to go with G.Skill. But Crucial one seems to have those EXPO/XMP profiles both for Intel and AMD, while with G.Skill I need Flare ones for AMD, right? Also would rather go with low profile RAM in case I need to change the cooler, bigger RAM modules don't seem to provide any benefits.
PSU: once again, plan to go with Corsair because it's Platinum rated, extremely popular, that 12VHPWR cable can be bought directly from Corsair. Did I even pick a correct cable? Asus Loki seems to be nice as well though.
CPU cooler: IS55 seems to be the way to go. Plan to swap it's fan for a Noctua one and use the original one from IS55 as a case fan. Looks like it can be done.
Also I saw someone use Noctua A12x15 PWM as a case fan - what's the difference compared to a usual Noctua A12x15 PWM 55.44 CFM 120 mm Fan?
CPU contact frame: not sure but seems like it can do some good. At least it can help with thermal paste. Is there any risks to using it?
Lastly, did anyone use Cryosheets, PTM7950 Thermal Pads or something like that? I'm worried that Cryosheets are conductive: in case a piece rips off, it probably can short something. I guess. But the system stays cleaner with it. PTM7950 seem to be interesting too
submitted by Naughty90s to sffpc [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 05:55 j33perscreeperz funniest episodes

so i have a little list of my favorite (mostly) funny episodes of breaking bad and better call saul that i watch for comfort. i thought i would share the BB ones with context for the hell of it, since i have them written for when i cant remember why they’re funny lmfao. also wanna know what y’alls favorite funnies are. one and two are probably tied for me.
  1. a no rough stuff type of deal: walt and jesse stealing the barrel of methylmine with the pompom hats. ”this is all they had!” “if this is all they had you’re in the wrong place!” ; skyler pretending to go into labor in a dank storage room! when she returns the stolen tiara. ; barrel of methylmine rolling down the stairs. ”what part of slow it down don’t you understand?!” “it got away from me!!!” ; walt and jesse cook in jesse’s basement during the open house, “yo, you not seeing the basement, bitch!!! got it?!” ; walt peering thru the crack of the basement when the little girl sees him. 😨😐👨🏻‍🦲🤫🚪; jesse calls walt lex luther at the meet with tuco ; classic ”TIGHTIGHTIGHTCHEA!!! BLUE, YELLOW, PINK, WHATEVER MAN. JUS KEEP BRINGIN ME THAT!!!”
  2. four days out: fucking classic walt/jesse episode. ”you brought a *meth lab** to an airport?”* ; walt opens jesse’s bag full of funyuns. “…how are you even alive?” ; when jesse leaves keys in the ignition and puts out fire with the last of their water. “is it a congenital thing with you? did your mother drop you on your head as a *baby?!”* ; of course, “ahhh, wireee!! :)” “… copper.” ; “…a robot?” “a *BATTERY.”*
  3. better call saul: no explanation necessary. every moment, comedic gold lmfao.
  4. green light: ”suit myself? I’ll suit myself to his face!!!!“walt! what are you doing…?” “…i’m talking with ted :)” * hurls plant. * ; mike throwing walt in the cahim and saul listening to walt’s convo with skyler ; walt and saul wrestling ; “i caught my second wife screwing my stepdad, its a cruel world walt.” ; “‘OH BOOHOO I DONT WANNA COOK METH ANYMORE’ YOU’RE A CRYBABY, WHO NEEDS YOU?!” ; walt tries to come onto carmen and she curves his shit ; jesse drives off with walt’s box for his “indefinite sabbatical” on his car and walt chases it… as it proceeds to fall off. ; “EAT ME!” *“ANYTIME, LOSER!” ; saul spazzing out to jesse and saying walt has gone mass maniac on them. “i try to show you two your potential and what do i get?! *A BONE CONTUSION!*
  5. un caballo sin nombre: the entire fucking opening scene. “HELLFIRE RAINED UPON MY HOUSE, WHERE MY CHILDREN SLEEP, AND YOU WANNA GIVE ME A TICKET?! do you have the remotest INKLING 🤌🏻🤌🏻 of what that means?!” proceeds to get pepper sprayed. ; hanks awkward jokes at dinner ; walt jr calls skyler a bitch (love skyler but that shit is so funny). ; THE FUCKING ROOF PIZZA ; “I GOT YOUR RESTRAINING ORDER RIGHT HERE. RESTRAIN THIS!!!” grabs crotch. ; saul helps jesse buy his house back from his parents and they are appalled.
also, the fact that there are literally no funny episodes after season 3 is wild lmfao gus was such a buzzkill. shit just immediately got real dark real fast. love him tho.
edit: almost forgot about fly! walt falling off the fucking stairs had me wheezing ; “i thought there was an ebola leak or something!!!” ”what would a west african virus be doing in our lab…?” ; “you can’t order shit, alright adolf?” ; walt and jesse whacking each other with the metal makeshift swatter. ; “… this is a raisin.” ; the 71633763 tape traps they put up. “i hope we got enough…” ”i’m gonna go out on a limb and say, yeah.”
submitted by j33perscreeperz to breakingbad [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:02 Gloomy-Wedding9837 Oh great, now I'm a dungeon. 01/?

Chapter One: Oh great, now I'm a dungeon.
I always loved flying. It was actually what killed me. But I digress. Let me tell you how this all started.
I was flying home at 17,000 feet in my brand new 2024 Cessna Turbo Skylane just enjoying the scenery with the auto-pilot flying the plane for me, when something big, metal, and fast, ripped through my Cessna. That's the last and only impression I got before everything went black and time stopped for me. I can only assume another aircraft slammed into my plane somehow, but my TCAS never alerted me to anything even remotely close to me.
So there I was. Dead. When this bright white light flashed into being all around me, and a woman's voice whispered in my ear "You have departed the mortal realm before your time. I will send you into another world to correct this error. You will become more than you ever thought you could".
I was about to ask what the voice meant, when darkness closed around me again. Darkness, except for a faint pinkish purple glow. I focused my attention on the glow and suddenly zoomed through the blackness until I was looking down on a small round stone about the size of a BB, glowing from an internal light. I had no idea what it was or why it would glow. Without warning, my 'body?' dove into the stone and my awareness expanded to take in the shallow cave I was in.
Wait? What? How... I... The cave was my body? WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the... How... I... ahhh shit. Have I been isikaid into being a what? A Dungeon? I could only think that perhaps some of those hfy dungeon core stories I loved so much, had influenced whatevewhoever decided to turn me into a fucking dungeon. I was not at all happy. Not in the least.
It took me a long time to stop cussing, but once I got that out of my system, I accepted I was fucked and would just have to muddle through as best I could. Now that I was thinking as rationally as I could considering my unusual circumstances, I took stock of my situation and surroundings. Yep.. I was in a shallow cave about 12 feet deep from the entrance. An entrance I suddenly took great interest in. If I was now a dungeon, that entrance was way too close to my what.... Core? Heart? Lets just go with core. It was too close. Wait.. did I have any minions? If so, where are they?
I look around and notice a couple jumping spiders, and what looks decidedly like cave crickets that instead of normal cricket mouth parts, had assassin bug mouth parts... were those my minions? One of the jumping spiders suddenly launched itself at a fly, grabbing it right off the wall, and I felt something trickle inside me. [Mana Obtained!] Mana? Yeah ok that makes sense. The spider killed the fly and I got something from it. Then I noticed a small beetle. Maybe twice the size of the fly, and before I could really think about it, a Cave Cricket launched itself off the wall and with that assassin bug mouth, speared the beetle and started eating it by sucking it's insides out. [Mana Obtained!] I got a tiny bit of mana for that as well. Hmmm.
Looking around I notice what looks like a spider egg sack hanging off of a root near the back wall up near the ceiling of my cave. I concentrate on it. I feel like I can make more spiders, make the spawner better, or make a spider that is stronger. I have enough mana to do 2 of those things, so I make the spawner better and in the corner of my eye I see words form. [SPIDER SPAWNER UPGRADED TO LEVEL TWO]. I stare at it for a moment, and then go ahead and choose to make a stronger spider. My eye immediately notices the new text [DESIGNATE SCION Y/N?] huh, that's new... ok fine.. I choose yes by mentally clicking it. As soon as I do I see a countdown timer appear above the spawner for 1 hour. Ok, that makes sense too. More powerful spider and a scion to boot, takes a bit more time, right, got it. Next I search for my Assassin Cricket spawner and locate it in a small pile of what looks like twigs and half rotted leaves. Hmmm not enough mana to do an upgrade and a scion... so I'll just do an upgrade first.
While I wait for my new spider scion to show up I watch as the first of the upgraded Assassin Crickets spawns, and it is truly a thing of nightmares. Imagine a cave cricket the size of your hand, with the mouth parts of an Assassin bug, that is covered in needle sharp spikes everywhere... yeah... I saw that and was glad I didn't have a human body because I'd have shit myself from fear. UGLY and SCARY doesn't even begin to describe that walking nightmare. However... it was death hopping. A mouse had wondered into my cave and made a dash for my core and that... thing... hopped across the floor and killed it before the mouse even knew it was dead. That mouse had zero chance against my nightmare bugzilla.
[Mana Obtained!]
At this point I realized that my core was just sitting there for anyone to grab, so I decided to try and command bugzilla to kind of push my core closer to the back wall. I concentrated on it and mentally described what I wanted it to do. I felt a small bit of mana leave me, and my bugzilla hopped over to my core, and... unfolded that Assassin bug mouth, and somehow grabbed my core and carried it to the back wall of the cave. Ok... scary, but doable. I will admit I shuddered some internally after it set me down. Oddly, it stood there facing towards the entrance of the cave, almost like it was guarding me. I felt a little bad about being afraid of it.
[Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!] [Mana Obtained!]
WTF? Holy hell! I just got invaded by a group of what I can only call ants, but they only had 4 legs instead of 6, and their mandibles were like the mandibles you would see on warrior ants. My spiders and assassin crickets killed them quickly, but I was starting to realize my core, on the ground, easily gotten to, was not ideal. But the mana I got was nice. I now had enough to spawn an Assassin Cricket scion! So I spent the mana and watched as a countdown timer appeared. Yep. One hour. Ok cool I can deal with that. Glancing to my spider spawner I still had 16 minutes left. Hmm what to do?
I know I have something that can at the very least be considered a notification HUD, so I wonder if I have an actual HUD I can use. So with that thought, I reach over mentally to the area the notifications showed up in, and a massive drop down menu suddenly appeared in my vision. Right. Great. My learning curve just turned into a cliff, and I have been tossed off it. Fuck My Life! With a sigh, I start clicking through it. None of it makes any real sense yet, but I do find a section on spawners, so clicking that, I look to see what it says...
Hmmm... I mentally highlight the word cricket and see if I can change the name of my crickets to Assassin Crickets and to my surprise, after the briefest of moments, the change takes hold and it now reads:
I'm happy with that little change, and by being able to change the names of creatures to something I am more comfortable with it lets me know the HUD is also malleable, at least in this small way anyway. It has also let me know that any creature that dies within my area of influence, can become a creature I can make a spawner for. THAT is different from what I remember from the stories... wait.. stories? I... Why can't I remember any of them? Why does even the concept of them feel faded...oh no... my memories of my life.. they are like fading dreams... dread fills my soul as I realize that ALL of my previous life is fading from my memory. This really sucks rancid dog ass.
submitted by Gloomy-Wedding9837 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:03 fathobo Build Check! CH160

Hi everyone, doing my very first sffpc build and I'm super excited! I fell in the love with the CH160 as it's practical and cheap. I do plan on using this to take to my girlfriend's house who also games and as well as lan parties with friends.
Just wanted some feedback on the build and make sure it all looks good. I am planning on replacing the terrible Mediatek WiFi card with the Intel AX210.
I do have a few questions, in regards to the Arctic P12 fans I am purchasing.
  1. The rear fan on this case, am I able to daisy chain it to the CPU cooler so they can run in tandem based on a fan curve?
  2. If I cannot daisy chain them, then I would just connect the rear fan to the CPU Fan 2 header and set the fan speed to the CPU fan?
  3. Lastly, this board comes with 1 chassis fan header and two RGB headers. I plan to take the remaining two Arctic fans and daisy chain them together to the chassis fan, but my question is can all 3 RGB connectors be daisy chained so they follow the same lighting pattern, or do I need the rear fan on it's own RGB header?
Thank you all for the help! Super excited to get this going!
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor $358.99 @ Newegg
CPU Cooler Deepcool ASSASSIN IV 79.1 CFM CPU Cooler $99.99 @ Amazon
Motherboard ASRock B650I Lightning Wifi Mini ITX AM5 Motherboard $199.99 @ Amazon
Memory G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory $104.99 @ Amazon
Storage Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive $169.99 @ Amazon
Video Card Asus ProArt OC GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER 16 GB Video Card $1129.98 @ Newegg
Case Deepcool CH160 Mini ITX Desktop Case $76.98 @ Newegg
Power Supply Corsair SF1000L 1000 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular SFX Power Supply $139.99 @ Newegg
Operating System Microsoft Windows 11 Home OEM - DVD 64-bit $119.99 @ Amazon
Case Fan ARCTIC P12 PST A-RGB 0dB 48.8 CFM 120 mm Fans 3-Pack $42.99 @ Amazon
Custom REKONG WiFi 6E BT5.2 AX210NGW Dual-Band 160MHz M.2 2230 WiFi Card Wireless 802.11ax 2x2 MU-MIMO AX210 3000Mbps NGFF Network Card Better AX200NGW Card for PC Laptops Only Support Windows 10,64 $23.99 @ Amazon
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $2467.87
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-06 11:54 EDT-0400
submitted by fathobo to sffpc [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 15:00 Unable-Whereas9264 Rate Ace/DH

Rate Ace/DH
Ohtani is a tank in the box, and on the mound.
submitted by Unable-Whereas9264 to Baseball9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:59 Gear4Vegito Off-Day Boredom: Blue Jays Starting Pitching Prospects - March/April Update. Too Many Injuries...

Thought I would do a little bit of a write up on the starting pitching prospects in the system. Was planning on doing one on the hitters as well but most of the standout performances have come from BargeMartinez who everyone is aware of by now and there have been a lot of slow starts throughout the system. Relievers will be excluded as most have only had like 5 IP of a sample size at this point.
This will also be a lot shorter than it would normally be cause the Jays have had some terrible fortune in the health of their pitching prospects...Between MLB Pipeline, Baseball America & Fangraphs the Blue Jays have 10 SP Prospects to start the year that make at least one of those lists...6 of them are currently on the IL.
Injured List:
  1. LHP Ricky Tiedemann (21) AAA: 8.0 IP: Elbow Nerve Inflammation (7-Day IL)
  2. LHP Brandon Barriera (20) A: 1.1 IP: Elbow Surgery (Out-For-Season: 60-Day IL)
  3. LHP Kendry Rojas (21) A+: 5.2 IP: Unknown Throwing Arm Injury (7-Day IL)
  4. RHP Landen Maroudis (19) A: 10.2 IP: Unknown Throwing Arm Injury (7-Day IL)
  5. RHP Dahian Santos (21) A+: 0.0 IP: Forearm/Elbow Injury (60-Day IL)
  6. RHP Nolan Perry (20) A: 0.0 IP: Elbow Injury (60-Day IL)
Bonus Injury: RHP Lazaro Estrada (24) A: 4.2 IP: Unknown Injury (7-Day IL)
Now to more positive things...The remaining ranked and healthy pitching prospects include from the start of season Top 10:
Other Interesting Pitching Prospects To Watch:
Others to Pay Attention To:
RHP Grant Rogers pitches today for Dunedin and RHP Chad Dallas pitches today for Buffalo so hopefully I didn't jinx either of them.
submitted by Gear4Vegito to Torontobluejays [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 11:16 itsNizart I only write by hand for exams nowadays.

I only write by hand for exams nowadays.
I intentionally tried to optimise my handwriting for speed, back when i still wrote by hand. (Also english is not my first language, so the words don’t have much muscle memory to back them up.)
submitted by itsNizart to Handwriting [link] [comments]