
Sumo replacement ? Got one: SoUp Software Update checker

2023.12.13 18:32 Frank-BKK Sumo replacement ? Got one: SoUp Software Update checker

=> <> Software Update Checker

Soup - Software Update Checker
After the demise of Sumo software updater I tried all the software updater I could get my hands on but they were mostly dismissal in one way or another.
I rely heavily on portable apps and apps not installed in win-default folders - did not find a single software that could really deal with that and has a decent recognition rate.
Therefore I decided to write my own software which is now ready for alpha deployment:

- Software Update checker

SoUp can scan for apps in any folder(s), on any drive and reads file version info directly from the found exe files.
SoUp can find any application on your PC with the exception of files that have zero version info in the executables.

SoUp Software Update Checker - How it works:
Open SoUp, go to Tools/Settings or right-click and select Settings from the pop-up menu.
On the settings page add the folders you want to scan, enter keywords for items you don't need and you are ready to scan your PC.
SoUp creates then a list of found Applications - you can now mark items to be skipped until a later time and exclude files for good.
(This needs to be done only once or after you installed a bunch of new software and is necessary to keep the results down - otherwise you will be swarmed with hundreds of system apps etc.)
Next check online for available updates - SoUp transmits only your exe filename and version - that's it, no IP logging, no credentials, no cookies etc., clean, simple and fast.
SoUp is a lightweight, portable, single exe (plus two SSL DLL's) - just unzip it into a folder and you are good to go.
SoUp is 100% community driven and relies on your collaboration - the more users the better and faster the results !
SoUp is definetly not for noobs but if you like to tinker with settings and know your filesystem you are welcome to check it out.
As this is a pure hobby project I use a free(ish) provider that limits access to 10.000 requests per day.
(If you check for 500 exe files that will be up to 1000 requests so the limit will be reached with a handful of daily users)
Of course, once the bugs are out and SoUp is ready to take off I will extend it accordingly.
Looking forward to your requests, feedback and comments.

If you are interested to beta test please drop me a message.

submitted by Frank-BKK to software [link] [comments]

2023.12.13 18:23 Frank-BKK Sumo replacement ? got one: Software Update checker

Sumo replacement ? got one: <SoUp> Software Update checker
Sumo Software Updater replacement ?


=> <> Software Update Checker

After the demise of Sumo software updater I tried all the software updaters I could get my hands on but they were mostly dismisal in one way or another.
I rely heavily on portable apps and apps not installed in win-default folders - did not find a single software that could really deal with that and has a decent recognization rate.
Therefore I decided to write my own software which is now ready for alpha deployment:
- Software Update checker
SoUp can scan for apps in any folder(s), on any drive and reads file version info directly from the found exe files.
SoUp can find any application on your PC with the exception of files that have zero version info included in the executable

SoUp Software Update Checker - How it works:

Open SoUp, go to Tools/Settings or right-click and select Settings from the pop-up menu.
On the settings page add the folders you want to scan, enter keywords for items you don't need and you are ready to scan your PC.
SoUp creates then a list of found Applications - you can now mark items to be skipped until a later time and exclude files for good.
(This needs to be done only once or after you installed a bunch of new software and is necessary to keep the results down - otherwise you will be swarmed with hundreds of system apps etc.)
Next check online for available updates - SoUp transmits only your exe filename and version - that's it, no IP logging, no credentials, no cookies etc., clean, simple and fast.
SoUp is a lightweight, portable, single windows 10 exe (plus two SSL DLL's) - just unzip it into a folder and you are good to go.
SoUp is 100% community driven and relies on your collaboration - the more users the better and faster the results !
SoUp is definetly not for noobs but if you like to tinker with settings and know your filesystem you are welcome to check it out.
As this is a pure hobby project I use a free(ish) provider that limits access to 10.000 requests per day.
(If you check for 500 exe files that will be up to 1000 requests so the limit will be reached with a handfull of daily users)
Of course, once the bugs are out and SoUp is ready to take off I will extend it accordingly.

Looking forward to your requests, feedback and comments.

If you are interested to beta test please drop me a message.

submitted by Frank-BKK to Test_My_Software [link] [comments]

2023.03.07 16:34 JohnRPolito "My primary reasons for quitting vaping are ..."

Together, let's build a list of reasons for wanting to stop vaping, that can be turned into a crave coping tool that newbies can print, carry with them, and read during challenges.
If still vaping, why do you want to quit? If already free, what motivated you to break free? And also be sure to share any unexpected benefits since quitting.
111 Reasons to Stop Vaping
  1. To hopefully live longer
  2. To end the weird pain in the center of my chest
  3. To diminish my risk of heart attack01315-8/fulltext)
  4. To end it being my plus-one, to stop being ashamed of it
  5. To reclaim my time
  6. For improved mental clarity
  7. To increase how long I can maintain focus
  8. To improve my mental headspace
  9. To reduce risks of oral lesions or hairy tongue
  10. To be able to go places and enjoy things without the monkey on my back
  11. To improve my running and fitness
  12. To end the headaches
  13. To improve the quality of my sleep
  14. To take back emotional and dopamine control from a USB stick
  15. To improve my circulation
  16. To increase my libido
  17. To avoid erectile dysfunction00429-3/fulltext)
  18. To be less irritable and short-tempered with the people I love
  19. To eliminate risk of accidental nicotine poisoning
  20. To stop wasting money
  21. To end premature wrinkling
  22. To stop propylene glycol from damaging lung airway cells
  23. To prevent glycerol from damaging my liver
  24. To diminish risk of heart disease
  25. To take better care of myself
  26. To feel better
  27. To start exercising again
  28. To be a better parent to my children
  29. To diminish anxiety
  30. To regain my original mental clarity
  31. To not rely on a battery 24/7
  32. To help heal my chronically upset tummy
  33. A former smoker, to eliminate additional harm
  34. To save money
  35. To lower my blood pressure
  36. To have warmer hands and feet
  37. To improve my lung capacity
  38. Because 638 juice flavoring chemicals pose respiratory health hazards
  39. To have more time with my children
  40. To experience greater mood stability
  41. To NEED nothing but food and water
  42. To save fuel by not having to drive home because I forgot my vape
  43. To improve my workout endurance
  44. To again be in tune with my body
  45. To stop thinking about vaping all the time
  46. To stop worrying about the long-term consequences
  47. To reduce risk of developing kinetic tremors
  48. To succeed and never need to quit again
  49. To improve the health of my skin
  50. To create a healthy environment for my newborn
  51. To stay healthy and alive for my children
  52. To keep my teeth and gums as healthy as I can
  53. To improve bone fracture healing and diminish bone disease progression
  54. To stop waking up in the middle of the night to vape
  55. To end the mini panic attacks when I couldn't find it
  56. To stop being a slave to it
  57. To regain control of my behavior
  58. To reduce my risk of developing inflammatory arthritis
  59. To allow my body to heal
  60. To increase the moisture in my mouth and throat
  61. To vastly improve my acne
  62. To make my sense of smell scarily better
  63. To end the metallic taste in my mouth
  64. To diminish risk of early onset of stroke (median age: 48)
  65. To reduce the number of "bathroom breaks" when eating out or at work
  66. To end the brain fog
  67. To end the constant need for water
  68. To be happier
  69. To diminish impulsivity
  70. To have more room in my pockets or purse
  71. To keep more hair longer
  72. To get rid of the residue on the inside of my windshield
  73. To stop feeling like a social outcast
  74. To end my neuro-chemical slavery
  75. To eliminate risk of battery fires or explosions
  76. To stop handing the neo-nicotine industry my money
  77. To end my mouth being chronically dry
  78. To diminish risk of developing chronic rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis
  79. To allow my body to feel strong again
  80. To diminish premature hair graying
  81. To allow me to become more social and less reclusive
  82. To stop getting winded so easily
  83. To end lingering chest tightness
  84. To stop working against dental treatment, facials and sunscreen
  85. To stop pretending that vaping isn't hurting me
  86. To stop messing up my throat and vocal cords
  87. To end use of a proven cancer promoter, nicotine
  88. Including the development of breast cancer
  89. My overall cancer risk is 2.2 times higher. That's unacceptable.
  90. To not be the last among my friends to stop vaping
  91. To stop inhaling dihydroxyacetone, the active ingredient in sunless tanners
  92. To get pregnant without damaging the fetus'/baby's brain and lungs
  93. So nicotine doesn't determine the shape of my unborn child's face
  94. Or cause them to be born with a congenital heart defect
  95. To become a father whose child is more important than that next fix
  96. To reduce the ecig carcinogen acrolein in my body up to 9-fold
  97. To improve my appetite
  98. To reduce my risk of visual impairment00473-6/fulltext)
  99. To end nausea and dizziness
  100. To hopefully end or at least improve my worsening depression
  101. To diminish risk of suicidal thoughts and attempts
  102. To end or improve my acid reflux
  103. To leave the house without a mad scramble to find the vape pen
  104. To stop living and being on edge
  105. To, at last, relax
  106. To concentrate again because I can't concentrate if I can't vape
  107. To breathe deeper and fuller
  108. To arrest my addiction to inhaling nature's most potent insecticide
  109. Because there is no legitimate reason to vape
  110. To be me again šŸ˜Ž
  111. While 61-62% of vapers dream of quitting, I'm about to make it happen!
  112. To be continued ...
submitted by JohnRPolito to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2023.01.01 02:52 JohnRPolito Looking to bolster your motivation to stop vaping?

117 recent reasons to stop vaping e-cigarettes
  1. "Menthol has been shown to exacerbate elements of nicotine addiction in humans and rodents; however, the mechanisms mediating its effects are not fully understood." "These findings support the existence of genotype-specific mechanisms that may contribute to the variable effects of menthol in different populations." Akinola 2022
  2. "Adolescents and young people" ... "who used e-cigarettes had 1.5 times higher odds of reporting oral lesions." Alade 2022
  3. "Our work provides evidence of an association between neurobehavioral changes and altered hippocampal VGLUT1 and VGAT expression in mice exposed to e-cigarette vapors containing nicotine. Such exposure was also associated with altered neurobehaviors, which might affect neurodegenerative diseases." Alasmari 2022
  4. "Young adults involuntarily exposed to vapor from ENDS express elevated whole salivary cotinine and IL-1Ī² levels. Long-term exposure to ENDS vapor may potentially predispose vulnerable populations to oral and systemic inflammatory diseases." AlMubarak 2022
  5. "Nicotine enhances proliferation, angiogenesis and metastasis and inhibits apoptosis/autophagy in [non-small cell lung cancer] cells by activating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), especially the Ī±7 subunit, and its downstream signaling pathways ..." Alsharairi 2022
  6. "In utero nicotine exposure in pregnant rats showed deleterious impacts on fetus growth and weight, as well as placental size. These were accompanied by increased apoptosis within the placenta, as revealed by Bax gene upregulation." Alzuā€™bi 2022
  7. "Among cancer survivors in this study, 22.1% reported a history of clinical diagnosis of depression. Analysis showed 51.3% of current users ... and 19.1% of those who had never used e-cigarettes self-reported a history of clinical depression. In the multivariable analysis, the odds of self-reported clinical depression were significantly higher for survivors who were current users (OR = 2.85) ... compared to never e-cigarette users." Antwi 2022
  8. "Varying strengths of nicotine concentration were examined for toxicity on head and neck cells. The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) caused changes to cell size and shape and reduced cell viability and cell proliferation." Baniulyte 2022
  9. "Animal studies investigating the effect of gestational nicotine exposure on fetal lung development demonstrated abnormal lung growth; including abnormal airway branching and alveolar development. Consequently, offspring display altered pulmonary mechanics, including both increased respiratory rate and airway resistance. These findings mirror respiratory pathology observed in infants born to smoking mothers." Bednarczuk 2022
  10. "Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is a major byproduct of e-cigarette combustion and is the active ingredient in sunless tanning products. Mounting evidence points to its damaging effects on cellular functions." Belfleur 2022
  11. "The association of e-cigarette use with depressive symptoms strengthened significantly from 2019 to 2021." Cambron 2022
  12. "E-cig vapor, regardless of nicotine content, induced DNA damage in oral epithelial cells, along with a decrease in proliferation and cell viability. While the initial immune response is dampened in the presence of e-cig aerosols, under chronic conditions, e-cig aerosols have the capacity to induce an inflammatory response and COX2-mediated signaling, which could lead to cancer initiation." CƔtala-Valentƭn 2022
  13. "Despite emerging evidence linking obsessive-compulsive disorder and symptoms (OCS) and nicotine dependence (ND), this comorbidity has received little research." "Findings from this study lend support for the OCS-ND comorbidity in clinical and non-clinical populations and suggests that the OCS-ND link may be obscured when obsessive-compulsive phenomena is modeled as a dichotomous diagnostic variable versus as a dimensional construct." Chasson 2022
  14. "We found that the e-liquids may impair the development of rat ovarian follicles and reduce estrogen secretion through Hippo signaling pathway." Chen 2022
  15. "DNA adducts are central in the mechanism of carcinogenesis by genotoxic agents." "The median value of this DNA adduct in the e-cigarette users was 179 fmol/Āµmol dGuo ... while that for non-users was 21.0 fmol/Āµmol dGuo." "These results demonstrate for the first time that e-cigarette users have elevated levels of a carcinogen-DNA adduct in their oral cells." Cheng 2022
  16. "A total of 154,856 participants were included, of whom 5% were e-cigarette users, 31.4% were traditional smokers, and 63.6% were nonsmokers." "Our regression analysis showed that e-cigarette users have 2.2 times higher risk of having cancer compared to non-smokers." Chidharla 2022
  17. "In conclusion, nicotine has an extremely strong toxicological profile, as demonstrated by the drastic reduction of cell viability and the induction of morphological changes and nuclear alterations associated with cellular apoptosis." Chioran 2022
  18. "[W]e characterized the variability in mass concentration and particle size distribution associated with the aerosol generation of different devices and e-liquid compositions in an experimental setup. The findings of this study indicate a large inter-day variability in the experiments ..." Das 2022
  19. "Several cross-sectional, national, population-based studies on large groups of adolescents have been carried out showing an association between vape exposure and self-reported asthma diagnosis and/or respiratory symptoms in this age group." Di Cicco 2022
  20. "The unfavorable responses of sympathetic and arterial pressure to EC [electronic cigarette] smoking are similar to those elicited by TC [tobacco cigarette] in healthy habitual smokers." Dimitriadis 2022
  21. "Alterations in cardiovascular homeostasis, inflammation, and molecular changes following vaping exposure demonstrate vaping-related health concerns." Echeagaray 2022
  22. "We recently reported a mouse model of chronic electronic cigarette (e-cig) exposure-induced cardiovascular pathology, where long-term exposure to e-cig vape (ECV) induces cardiac abnormalities, impairment of endothelial function, and systemic hypertension. Here, we delineate the underlying mechanisms of ECV-induced vascular endothelial dysfunction (VED), a central trigger of cardiovascular disease." El-Mahdy 2022
  23. "The use of ENDS [Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems] seems to be associated with erectile dysfunction independent of age, cardiovascular disease, and other risk factors." El-Shahawy 202200429-3/fulltext)
  24. ā€œTriple-negative breast cancer is more aggressive than other breast cancer subtypes ..." ā€œWe ... detected that nicotine significantly reduced the increase in cell apoptosis induced by paclitaxel treatment. Moreover, the presence of nicotine reduced the efficacy of paclitaxel treatment administered in three cycles to MDA-MB-231 tumor cells.ā€ EspaƱol 2022
  25. "This is the first study, to our knowledge, to identify an association between recent secondhand exposure to e-cigarette emissions and mental health problems ..." Farrell 2022
  26. "E-cigarette use is increasing at an alarming rate, particularly among adolescents and young adults. This is concerning given the lack of research into the effects of nicotine vapor exposure on the brain and behavior. The present study describes a viable rodent model of human e-cigarette use and suggests that exposure to nicotine vapor produces short-term increases in impulsive choice." Flores 2022
  27. "A total of 71,940 women were included in our study. After adjusting for age, race, ethnicity, insurance, maternal education, prenatal care, physical abuse during pregnancy, and complications during pregnancy, the odds of unfavorable birth outcomes increase by 62% among women who reported e-cigarette use during pregnancy versus women who did not." Galbo 2022
  28. "Changes in blood pressure and arterial stiffness are similar after cigarette smoking and JUUL use. These changes may be associated with an increased cardiovascular risk compared with no product use." Gernun 2022
  29. "This study investigated the differential adverse effects of heating-associated by-products versus the intact components of EC aerosol to the lungs and heart of mice." "EC aerosol exposure induced pulmonary and systemic inflammation." "Heating-associated by-products contributed to RV hypertrophy and dysfunction." "EC aerosol exposure without heating the e-liquid induced pulmonary fibrosis." Getiye 202200079-7/fulltext)
  30. "Flavor chemicals contribute to the appeal and toxicity of tobacco products, including electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)." "A large library of 3012 unique flavor chemicals was compiled ..." "Computational analysis of the constructed flavor library flagged 638 chemicals with GHS classified respiratory health hazards, 1079 chemicals with at least one structural alert, and 2297 chemicals with substructural similarity to FDA's established and proposed list of HPHCs (Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents)." Goel 2022
  31. "After excluding missing data, there were 1,173,646 participants. The adjusted odds ratio of visual impairment in current e-cigarette users compared with never e-cigarette users was 1.34 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.20-1.48), and in former e-cigarette users was 1.14 (95% CI 1.06-1.22)." Golla 202200473-6/fulltext)
  32. "In the present study, the effects of maternal nicotine exposure (MNE) during pregnancy on fetal heart morphogenesis were studied." "In conclusion, MNE induces congenital heart defects and coronary artery malformation in mice." Greco 2022
  33. "4th generation e-cigarette users had significantly more bronchial epithelial cells in sputum, suggestive of airway injury." Hickman 2022
  34. "Comparing aorta segments from nicotine-treated mice relative to an equal number of control counterparts, stiffness in the circumferential direction was nearly twofold higher (377 kPa Ā± 165 kPa versus 191 kPa Ā± 65 kPa, n = 5, p = 0.03) at 50% strain." Ho 2022
  35. "In rodent models, nicotine administration nearly doubles the amount of opioids taken in intravenous self-administration paradigms." "In conclusion, acute nicotine administration in adult male rats significantly enhances compulsive-like responding for [synthetic opioid remifentanil] that persists despite contingent punishment of drug-directed responding." Honeycutt 2022
  36. "E-cigarette vendors started marketing synthetic cooling agents as additives that impart a cooling effect but lack a characteristic minty odor. Knowledge about content of synthetic coolants in US-marketed E-cigarette products and associated health risks is limited." "Synthetic cooling agents (WS-3/WS-23) were present in US-marketed E-cigarettes, at levels that may result in consumer exposures exceeding safety thresholds set by regulatory agencies." Jabba 2022
  37. "Suicide attempts were significantly higher among e-cigarette users compared to non-users. E-cigarette use was associated with depression, suicidal ideation and suicide attempt." Javed 2022
  38. "Tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) ... NNN and NNK are known carcinogens." "To understand the drivers behind the potential formation of TSNAs in electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) aerosols and e-liquids, model e-liquid systems were generated in the lab to demonstrate that nitrite can react with nicotine and minor alkaloids to form TSNAs in e-liquids." Jin 2022
  39. "[W]e assessed the mass of metals as a function of EC flavoring, nicotine concentration, device power, puff duration, and aging of the devices. The masses of Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Cu, and Zn were consistently high across all brands in the primary and secondhand aerosols, some of which were above the regulated maximum daily intake amount ..." Kapiamba 2022
  40. "E-cigarette vapers practiced exclusive nasal exhalation at far higher rates than did cigarette smokers (19.5% vs 4.9%)." "It is therefore plausible that ATP-specific [alternative tobacco product] consumer behaviors may foster unique upper respiratory health consequences that have not been observed in smokers." Karey 2022
  41. "Nicotine induces kinetic tremor, which resembles pharmacological features of essential tremors, via activating the inferior olive (IO) neurons." "The present study suggests that dopamine D3 and D1/5 receptors regulate the induction of nicotine tremor in an opposite way, D3 receptors facilitately and D1/5 receptors inhibitorily." Kato 2022
  42. "Some of the most concentrated and prevalent flavorants in e-liquids include trans-cinnamaldehyde, vanillin, and benzaldehyde. Aldehyde flavorants have been shown to react with PG and GL to form flavorant-PG and -GL acetals that have unique toxicity properties in e-liquids before aerosolization." Kerber 2022
  43. ā€œNicotine ā€¦ promotes angiogenesis, proliferation, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition while promoting growth and metastasis of tumors." "Nicotine contributes to the pathogenesis of a wide range of cancers including breast cancer through its carcinogens such as NNK and NNN." Khodabandeh 2022
  44. "Many electronic cigarette manufacturers have offered different types of 'high-end mods' that allow for controlled heating of the e-liquid. However, the controlled heating condition can drastically alter the inhaled aerosolsā€™ physical properties and chemical substances, causing potential health risks." Ko 2022
  45. "E-cigarette liquid (e-liquid) is mainly composed of propylene glycol (PG) and glycerol (Gly), and the aerosol generated by these devices primarily contains these two components." "PG damaged SAECs [small airway epithelial cells] more than Gly. In addition, COPD-SAECs were more susceptible to PG than SAECs without COPD. Usage of e-cigarettes may be harmful to the respiratory system, especially in patients with COPD." Komura 2022
  46. "Ruthenium-bispyridine (RuBi) complexes are photolyzed by biologically harmless visible light. In the present study, we show that RuBi-caged nicotine can be used as a source of free nicotine to induce proliferation of A549 nonsmall-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells by acting on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in these cells." Kravchuk 2022
  47. "Mice exposed to PG/VG, Apple, Cherry, and Wintergreen increased MMP2 levels. Our results revealed flavor- and sex-based e-cigarette effects in female mice exposed to cherry-flavored e-liquids and male mice exposed to tobacco-flavored e-liquids, namely, increased lung inflammation." Lamb 2022
  48. "Diacetyl (DA) is an Ī±-diketone that is used to flavor microwave popcorn, coffee, and e-cigarettes." "In this study ... [t]ranscriptomic analysis demonstrated cilia dysregulation, an increase in hypoxia and sterile inflammation associated pathways, and decreased expression of interferon-stimulated genes after DA exposure." Langel 2022
  49. "There are sparse data on the specific effects of electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco in pregnancy." Layoun 2022
  50. "Taken together, this study shows that the glycerol contained in vaping liquids can affect the liver as well as the aspects of glucose and glycerol homeostasis." Lechasseur 2022
  51. "Nicotine, a psychoactive alkaloid found in tobacco, is associated with the development of gastric cancer." Li 2022
  52. Among 483,948 middle- and high-school students, the "median prevalence of ever E-cigarette use was 11.2% ... and current use was 7.5% .... Overall, E-cigarette use was associated with significantly higher odds of having asthma (pooled OR=1.31, 95% CI=1.22, 1.42) than nonuse, and both current use (OR=1.36, 95% CI=1.26, 1.48) and ever use (OR=1.20, 95% CI=1.12, 1.28) showed similar associations." Li 202200098-8/fulltext)
  53. "Nicotine, a major alkaloid found in tobacco, is a significant risk factor for gastric cancer." "In this study, we found that nicotine induces IL-8 expression via ROS/NF-ĪŗB and ROS/MAPK (Erk1/2, p38)/AP-1 axis in gastric cancer cells, thus stimulating endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis in the tumor microenvironment." Lian 2022
  54. "We found that e-cigarette aerosol contains certain harmful organic chemicals and metals documented to result in respiratory problems. Estimated respiratory cancer risks corresponding to chromium from both ENDS [electronic nicotine delivery systems] products and nickel from Air Bar (Watermelon Ice) were substantially above the conventionally acceptable risk." Lin 2022
  55. "In the population, 1,447 (17.4%) were reported to be binge drinkers. Significant factors associated with binge drinking in the final model included ... smoking/e-cigarette use (Cigarette user only aOR = 2.11 (1.69-2.65); E-cigarette user only aOR = 2.67 (1.62-3.17); dual cigarette and e-cigarette user = 3.43 (2.21-5.33)." Lines 2022
  56. "Taken together, our data demonstrate for the first time that flavored and nicotine-containing e-cigarettes induce endothelial dysfunction through excessive ROS production, resulting in decreased NO bioavailability, increased endothelial cell apoptosis, and impairment in angiogenesis and wound healing, especially under diabetic condition." Liu 2020
  57. "We report a case of three seizures provoked by e-cigarette use (vaping) within the time span of five years from youth to young adult." "Each seizure occurred within minutes of vaping, thereby suggesting a temporal association and a possible causal relationship between e-cigarettes and seizures." Liu-Zarzuela 2022
  58. "Despite the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes, their long-term health effects remain unknown." "Our stable isotope tracing experiments provide further evidence that thermal decomposition of vegetable glycerin in the e-cigarette solvent leads to generation of acrolein and glycidol. This suggests that the adverse health effects of e-cigarettes may be attributable in part to these reactive compounds formed through the process of aerosolizing nicotine." Lorkiewicz 2022
  59. "Vaping has been reported to cause acute epiglottitis, a life-threatening airway obstruction induced by direct epithelial injury and subsequent inflammatory reaction. Here, we show that we were able to recapitulate this phenomenon in vitro." Lungova 2022
  60. "Most vapers in the United Kingdom and the United States want to stop vaping (62% vs 61%) but US respondents plan to quit significantly sooner..." Machado 2022
  61. "The study found that higher depressive and anxiety symptoms and higher impulsivity were significantly associated with current cigarette and e-cigarette use. For example, one unit increases in depression, anxiety, and impulsivity were associated with 34%, 17%, and 38% increased odds of e-cigarette use versus non-use, respectively." Masaki 2022
  62. "Collectively, these findings indicate that paternal nicotine taking produces heritable sex-specific molecular changes that promote addiction-like phenotypes and memory impairments in male offspring." Maurer 2022
  63. "Finally, research using the preclinical models has demonstrated synergistic interactions between developmental nicotine exposure and repetitive mild traumatic brain injury that contribute to "worse" outcomes from the injury in individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder associated with developmental nicotine exposure." McCarthy 2022
  64. "Temporal influences of electronic cigarettes (Ecigs) on blood vessels are poorly understood." "These data show that exposure to cigarettes and Ecigs triggers a similar level/duration of cerebrovascular dysfunction after a single exposure." Mills 2022
  65. "In conclusion, the results of the present study suggested that nicotine exposure suppressed the proliferation and promoted the death of 16HBE cells ... These findings indicated that nicotine treatment induced pyroptosis in 16HBE cells, which may be associated with the progression of COPD." Mo 2022
  66. "Ethyl ester flavor additives are used in e-liquids to produce a citrus flavor. Although these compounds are considered safe as flavor additives, this only applies to oral consumption and not vaping operations, where they can decompose into potentially harmful compounds including carboxylic acids." Narimani 2022
  67. "Combined with previous evidence of lower e-cigarette use following the minimum legal age law, our findings indicate that youth e-cigarette use increases risks of mood and anxiety disorders." Nguyen 2022
  68. "Compared to control animals with no smoke exposure, there were significant decreases in the numbers of goblet cells within the ET [eustachian tube] mucosa of mice exposed to tobacco smoke and e-cigarette vapor." Nicholas 2022
  69. Osteoblasts are cells within bone that develop new bone. E-cigarette vapour "can significantly reduce osteoblast viability and impair osteoblast function." Nicholson 2022
  70. "This review identified six EVDS-induced [electronic vapor delivery systems] pulmonary implications warranting anesthetic consideration: alterations in pulmonary function tests, disrupted ventilation, impaired mucociliary clearance, tissue destruction, a disrupted immune response, and oxidative stress with DNA fragmentation." Novelli 2022
  71. "Our study demonstrates that disposable Puff ECs have high levels of cytotoxic chemicals." Omaiye 2022
  72. "[S]moking is a major cause of pulmonary disease due to pulmonary/lung inflammation." "Our data indicate that certain e-liquids induce an inflammatory response in our zebrafish model and that e-liquid exposure alone results in pro-inflammatory lung responses in our C57BL/6J model, data collected from lung staining and ELISA analysis, respectively, in the mouse." Onyenwoke 2022
  73. "[E]xposure to e-cig aerosols during pregnancy raises concern for maternal and fetal health." "Morphologic assessment of distal airspaces in neonatal lungs display an emphysematic phenotype. Respiratory mechanics of neonates display signs of increased respiratory workload, with increased resistance and decreased compliance. These data are novel and provide evidence that prenatal e-cig exposure may result in altered lung function or development of disease." Orzabal 202200064-0/fulltext)
  74. "Stroke was more prevalent among traditional smokers than among e-cigarette smokers. (6.75% vs. 1.09%)" "E-cigarette smokers had early onset of stroke in comparison with traditional smokers (median age: 48 vs. 59 years)." Patel 2022
  75. ā€œFrom the present study, it could be concluded that nicotine significantly induced rectal cancer in the mice model by modulating gut microflora and increasing COX-2 and prostaglandin E2 levels.ā€ Peng 2022
  76. "There is currently insufficient information available regarding the perioperative implications of electronic cigarettes ... These substances affect the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems, and can interact with multiple drugs, which can affect the anesthetic management." Pereira 2022
  77. "Our results indicate that nicotine exposure through breastfeeding leads to long-lasting behavioral effects and synaptic protein changes" Pereira-Junior 2022
  78. "In this study, we provide evidence that nicotine induces Nox5-mediated pro-calcific processes as novel mechanism of increased atherosclerotic calcification." Petsophonsakul 2022
  79. "This review aims to discuss the significant effect that E-cig use has on the BC [breast cancer] tumor microenvironment, which ultimately leads to enhanced tumor malignancy and metastasis ..." Pham 2022
  80. "This study demonstrates that e-cigs, at high-power setting, should be considered, contrary to popular belief, as hazardous products in terms of genotoxicity in mouse model." Platel 2022
  81. "Prenatal exposure to nicotine, tobacco's major addictive constituent, has been shown to reduce birth weight and increases apoptosis, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction in the postnatal pancreas." Raez-Villanueva 2022
  82. "A wide range of ENDS, including multiple types of e-cigarettes with and without nicotine, a heated tobacco product, and an ultrasonic vaping device devoid of heating coil, all impair FMD [arterial flow-mediated dilation] after a single vaping session comparably to combusted cigarettes." Rao 2022
  83. "The use of electronic cigarettes is documented to increase the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke." "Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) is a deadly stroke subtype, and tobacco use increases sICH risk." "Our data in the present study show that nicotine exposure increases hematoma expansion and neurological impairment post-sICH in both male and female rats." Rehni 2022
  84. "EC use is significantly associated with a high prevalence of CRS [chronic rhinosinusitis] and AR [allergic rhinitis] in the adult population. These results indicate that the use of ECs may increase the risk of upper airway disease." Rha 2022
  85. "Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSSC) is a common malignancy affecting 30,000 people in the United States each year. Our objective was to determine the impact of eCig and nicotine on gingival OSSC invasion and their secretion of pro-inflammatory molecules." "These results support the already established data showing that nicotine promotes oral carcinogenesis." Robin 2022
  86. "Nicotine, the most abundant smoke component, deposits on indoor surfaces during smoking and reacts with pollutants in the indoor environment to form a mix containing toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. More specifically, surface-bound nicotine reacts with nitrous acid (HONO), a common atmospheric species that is emitted from indoor combustion appliances and smoking, to produce tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) including NNA, NNK and NNN." Sarker 2022
  87. "Cases of intentional or accidental intoxication following ingestion of the refill solution are also a growing concern. Most of these cases were fatal and related to cardiac arrest and hypoxic brain injury." Sellner 2022
  88. "While e-cigarettes have the potential to promote smoking cessation, their real-world impact is uncertain. In this cohort, dual users were more likely to quit smoking than cigarette-only users, but the overall impact was small because most dual users returned to cigarette-only use." Shafie-Khorassani 2022
  89. Myocardial infarction (MI) is a heart attack. "Those using e-cigarettes have higher odds of suffering from an MI in comparison to not using e-cigarettes." Sharma A 202201315-8/fulltext)
  90. "Nicotine binding to nAChR promotes proliferation, migration, invasion, chemoresistance, radioresistance, and metastasis of oral cancer cells." "Since nAChRs dictate both addictive and carcinogenic effects of nicotine, it seems counterintuitive to designate nicotine just as an addictive agent devoid of any carcinogenicity." Sharma M 2022
  91. "The short and long-term health effects of JUUL electronic cigarette (e-Cig) are largely unknown and warrant extensive research." "We exposed male C57 mice to TS/JUUL vapor for 14 days." "Post-ischemic brain injury following tMCAO [transient middle cerebral artery occlusion] was significantly worsened by JUUL/TS pre-exposure." Sifat 2022
  92. Among 5,207 matched youth (school engagement, thrill-seeking, delinquency, peer & parent smoking, parental education), youth using e-cigarettes by age 14 were 2.7 times more likely to use cocaine by age 17 than nicotine naĆÆve youth (7.6% vs. 3.1%) Silva 2022
  93. "E-cigarette aerosols induced moderate cellular toxicity in bronchial epithelial cells." Sinha 2022
  94. "Coil-less ENDS offer the promise of delivering fewer toxicants due to the absence of heating coils, but initial studies show that these products exhibit similar toxicological profiles compared with JUULs." Strongin 2022
  95. "Our study showed differences in the analyzed personality traits between e-cigarette users and never smokers. The study group had significantly higher levels of neuroticism and lower levels of extraversion and conscientiousness than the control group." Suchanecka 2022
  96. "Nicotine dependence plays a vital role in an individual's anxiety and depression level. Higher the nicotine dependence, higher their anxiety and depression level." Sushanthi 2022
  97. "We propose that E-cig nicotine can be nitrosated in mouse and human cells becoming nitrosamines, thereby causing two carcinogenic effects, induction of DNA damage and inhibition of DNA repair, and that e-cigarette aerosol is carcinogenic in mice." Tang 2022
  98. "E-cig aerosols contain unique chemicals which alter the oral microbiome and promote dysbiosis in ways we are just beginning to investigate." "Yet there is little evidence of the effects of long-term use of e-cigs on oral health." Thomas 2022
  99. "The odds ratios of "inflammatory arthritis diseases were 1.31 and 1.55 among sole e-cigarette and dual users compared with never e-cigarette users, respectively." Tian 2022
  100. "Brain metastasis is the most common malignancy of the central nervous system, occurring in up to 50% of lung cancer patients with a median survival of less than a year and at a rate twice to ten times higher than that of primary neural neoplasms." "Here, we showed that nicotine skews neutrophil polarization within the pre-metastatic brain niche and promotes metastatic colonization of lung cancer cells by regulating their stemness and energy metabolism." Tyagi 2022
submitted by JohnRPolito to stopsmoking [link] [comments]

2022.01.02 01:46 BettaGirl Could this be from my BC?

So Iā€™m copying my previous post from other subreddits but my friend who is going to school for medical stuff mentioned how he thinks my BC contraceptive could be causing my issues. I began my current BC in the fall of 2018 but I was on a different BC before that for about 6-7 years. In December 2019 I had my gallbladder removed. Just for an idea of how long Iā€™ve been on it. But has anyone experienced symptoms like this from BC?
ā€œ27F, 5'6.25", 112 lbs, Native American and White.
(apologies in advance for the length of post)
Existing medical issues: Psoriasis (on scalp and has recently spread to torso and legs), calcified cyst on left ovary and right ovary has fibroids, enlarged liver, "potential" focal nodular hyperplasia and cavernous hemangioma on liver, mild hydrocephalus. Gallbladder removed in 2019 (full of stones and did not appear on HIDA scan-was considered "dead"). Contracted C.Diff infection from surgery in 2019 - but treated in 2020, 8 months after surgery.
Previous misdiagnoses- Celiac Disease/Gluten intolerant (Dec. 2018), and Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (Dec. 2020)
I use an ecig and use .6% nicotine in it.
Current medicine: Zofran and birth control (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets 3mg/0.02mg)
I'm at my wits end here. I have been sick since 2017. It has been a slow decline but each year it seems to be worse. I have had weight loss, but doctors don't seem concerned because it's not drastic. I was 141.2 lbs in 2018. By 2019, I had dropped down to 118lbs. I fought to maintain the 118lbs in 2020, but it did not work out well and I dropped to 114lbs earlier this year. Now I'm at 112lbs.
My GI specialist is unsure of what is causing not only my symptoms but also my liver enlargement due to the fact that there is no indication of fibrosis or cirrhosis and my liver blood tests come back normal. When the FNH and cavernous hemangioma were scanned in 2020 (noticed on ultrasound when I went in for my gallbladder in 2019) my liver was not enlarged. My upper endoscopy comes back normal (no inflammation or high acid, esophagus is fine) and my colonoscopy just shows hemorrhoids. My pancreas is fine. Gastric Emptying Study came back normal as well. My albumin levels are normal which my GI specialist told me this means I'm not malnourished so that makes my weight loss even more of a mystery. My GI specialist told me that whatever is going on is not a GI issue but is presenting itself as one.
I went for a brain MRI in August 2021 and it showed I have mild hydrocephalus, lumbar puncture came back with normal pressure. This has stumped not one, but two neurologists. Because the pressure is normal they don't want any surgery (which I am thankful for), but they are unsure if it would cause my symptoms. They are also unsure what caused the hydrocephalus as well since I do not have tumors, signs of strokes or hemorrhages, or meningitis. I also had a normal birth.
My GP is referring me to a cardiologist that I see on January 4th with hopes that I can get some answers. But IDK, I have kind of lost hope over the years as to getting an answer. Each visit becomes more disappointing because I end up without answers.
My symptoms are:
Recent comprehensive metabolic panel and complete blood count test came back normal. Thyroid blood tests came back normal as well.ā€
submitted by BettaGirl to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2022.01.01 22:42 BettaGirl Specialists are stumped

27F, 5'6.25", 112 lbs, Native American and White.
(apologies in advance for the length of post)
Existing medical issues: Psoriasis (on scalp and has recently spread to torso and legs), calcified cyst on left ovary and right ovary has fibroids, enlarged liver, "potential" focal nodular hyperplasia and cavernous hemangioma on liver, mild hydrocephalus. Gallbladder removed in 2019 (full of stones and did not appear on HIDA scan-was considered "dead"). Contracted C.Diff infection from surgery in 2019 - but treated in 2020, 8 months after surgery.
Previous misdiagnoses- Celiac Disease/Gluten intolerant (Dec. 2018), and Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (Dec. 2020)
I use an ecig and use .6% nicotine in it.
Current medicine: Zofran and birth control (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets 3mg/0.02mg)
I'm at my wits end here. I have been sick since 2017. It has been a slow decline but each year it seems to be worse. I have had weight loss, but doctors don't seem concerned because it's not drastic. I was 141.2 lbs in 2018. By 2019, I had dropped down to 118lbs. I fought to maintain the 118lbs in 2020, but it did not work out well and I dropped to 114lbs earlier this year. Now I'm at 112lbs.
My GI specialist is unsure of what is causing not only my symptoms but also my liver enlargement due to the fact that there is no indication of fibrosis or cirrhosis and my liver blood tests come back normal. When the FNH and cavernous hemangioma were scanned in 2020 (noticed on ultrasound when I went in for my gallbladder in 2019) my liver was not enlarged. My upper endoscopy comes back normal (no inflammation or high acid, esophagus is fine) and my colonoscopy just shows hemorrhoids. My pancreas is fine. Gastric Emptying Study came back normal as well. My albumin levels are normal which my GI specialist told me this means I'm not malnourished so that makes my weight loss even more of a mystery. My GI specialist told me that whatever is going on is not a GI issue but is presenting itself as one.
I went for a brain MRI in August 2021 and it showed I have mild hydrocephalus, lumbar puncture came back with normal pressure. This has stumped not one, but two neurologists. Because the pressure is normal they don't want any surgery (which I am thankful for), but they are unsure if it would cause my symptoms. They are also unsure what caused the hydrocephalus as well since I do not have tumors, signs of strokes or hemorrhages, or meningitis. I also had a normal birth.
My GP is referring me to a cardiologist that I see on January 4th with hopes that I can get some answers. But IDK, I have kind of lost hope over the years as to getting an answer. Each visit becomes more disappointing because I end up without answers.
My symptoms are:
Recent comprehensive metabolic panel and complete blood count test came back normal. Thyroid blood tests came back normal as well.
submitted by BettaGirl to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2021.12.31 18:10 BettaGirl Desperate for answers to chronic illnesses

27F, 5'6.25", 112 lbs, Native American and White.
(apologies in advance for the length of post)
Existing medical issues: Psoriasis (on scalp and has recently spread to torso and legs), calcified cyst on left ovary and right ovary has fibroids, enlarged liver, "potential" focal nodular hyperplasia and cavernous hemangioma on liver, mild hydrocephalus. Gallbladder removed in 2019 (full of stones and did not appear on HIDA scan-was considered "dead"). Contracted C.Diff infection from surgery in 2019 - but treated in 2020, 8 months after surgery.
Previous misdiagnoses- Celiac Disease/Gluten intolerant (Dec. 2018), and Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (Dec. 2020)
I use an ecig and vape .6% nicotine.
Current medicine: Zofran and birth control (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets 3mg/0.02mg)
I'm at my wits end here. I have been sick since 2017. It has been a slow decline but each year it seems to be worse. I have had weight loss, but doctors don't seem concerned because it's not drastic. I was 141.2 lbs in 2018. By 2019, I had dropped down to 118lbs. I fought to maintain the 118lbs in 2020, but it did not work out well and I dropped to 114lbs earlier this year. Now I'm at 112lbs.
My GI specialist is unsure of what is causing not only my symptoms but also my liver enlargement due to the fact that there is no indication of fibrosis or cirrhosis and my liver blood tests come back normal. When the FNH and cavernous hemangioma were scanned in 2020 (noticed on ultrasound when I went in for my gallbladder in 2019) my liver was not enlarged. My upper endoscopy comes back normal (no inflammation or high acid, esophagus is fine) and my colonoscopy just shows hemorrhoids. My pancreas is fine. Gastric Emptying Study came back normal as well. My albumin levels are normal which my GI specialist told me this means I'm not malnourished so that makes my weight loss even more of a mystery. My GI specialist told me that whatever is going on is not a GI issue but is presenting itself as one.
I went for a brain MRI in August 2021 and it showed I have mild hydrocephalus, lumbar puncture came back with normal pressure. This has stumped not one, but two neurologists. Because the pressure is normal they don't want any surgery (which I am thankful for), but they are unsure if it would cause my symptoms. They are also unsure what caused the hydrocephalus as well since I do not have tumors, signs of strokes or hemorrhages, or meningitis. I also had a normal birth.
My GP is referring me to a cardiologist that I see on January 4th with hopes that I can get some answers. But IDK, I have kind of lost hope over the years as to getting an answer. Each visit becomes more disappointing because I end up without answers.
My symptoms are:
Recent comprehensive metabolic panel and complete blood count test came back normal.
submitted by BettaGirl to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2021.12.31 17:30 BettaGirl What is causing me to be sick? please help

27F, 5'6.25", 112 lbs, Native American and White.
(apologies in advance for the length of post)
Existing medical issues: Psoriasis (on scalp and has recently spread to torso and legs), calcified cyst on left ovary and right ovary has fibroids, enlarged liver, "potential" focal nodular hyperplasia and cavernous hemangioma on liver, mild hydrocephalus. Gallbladder removed in 2019 (full of stones and did not appear on HIDA scan-was considered "dead"). Contracted C.Diff infection from surgery in 2019 - but treated in 2020, 8 months after surgery.
Previous misdiagnoses- Celiac Disease/Gluten intolerant (Dec. 2018), and Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (Dec. 2020)
I use an ecig and vape .6% nicotine.
Current medicine: Zofran and birth control (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets 3mg/0.02mg)
I'm at my wits end here. I have been sick since 2017. It has been a slow decline but each year it seems to be worse. I have had weight loss, but doctors don't seem concerned because it's not drastic. I was 141.2 lbs in 2018. By 2019, I had dropped down to 118lbs. I fought to maintain the 118lbs in 2020, but it did not work out well and I dropped to 114lbs earlier this year. Now I'm at 112lbs.
My GI specialist is unsure of what is causing not only my symptoms but also my liver enlargement due to the fact that there is no indication of fibrosis or cirrhosis and my liver blood tests come back normal. When the FNH and cavernous hemangioma were scanned in 2020 (noticed on ultrasound when I went in for my gallbladder in 2019) my liver was not enlarged. My upper endoscopy comes back normal (no inflammation or high acid, esophagus is fine) and my colonoscopy just shows hemorrhoids. My pancreas is fine. Gastric Emptying Study came back normal as well. My albumin levels are normal which my GI specialist told me this means I'm not malnourished so that makes my weight loss even more of a mystery. My GI specialist told me that whatever is going on is not a GI issue but is presenting itself as one.
I went for a brain MRI in August 2021 and it showed I have mild hydrocephalus, lumbar puncture came back with normal pressure. This has stumped not one, but two neurologists. Because the pressure is normal they don't want any surgery (which I am thankful for), but they are unsure if it would cause my symptoms. They are also unsure what caused the hydrocephalus as well since I do not have tumors, signs of strokes or hemorrhages, or meningitis. I also had a normal birth.
My GP is referring me to a cardiologist that I see on January 4th with hopes that I can get some answers. But IDK, I have kind of lost hope over the years as to getting an answer. Each visit becomes more disappointing because I end up without answers.
My symptoms are:
Recent comprehensive metabolic panel and complete blood count test came back normal.
submitted by BettaGirl to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2021.11.22 21:32 JauneSiriusWhut All spots of Crawley, UK Pt1/2

Cool place with actually a lot of spots! And yes.. many, many BMW's. But I will promise, no more BMW's in Crawley! As I've posted all of them here ;)

B/D3 Sedan 2009
B3 Coupe 2009
B3 Cabriolet 2009
AMV8 Vantage
AMV8 Vantage
AMV8 Vantage
AMV12 Vantage!
DB9 2013
RS3 Sportback 2011
RS3 Sportback 2015
RS4 Avant B7
RS4 Cabriolet
Another RS4 Cabriolet! (or the same..)
RS5 Coupe 2011
RS6 Avant C7
Continental GT
Continental GT 2011
GTC 2011
1M Coupe!
Real nice E46 M3
Red M3 E90
M3 E90
M3 E92
M3 E92
M3 E92
M3 E92
M3 E92 in red
M3 E92 in Blue
M3 E93
M3 E93
M3 E93
M4 F82
M4 F82
M4 F82
M4 F82
M4 F82 in a cool color
2* white M4 F82
2* M4 F82 at the same house
M4 F83 Convertible
M4 F83 Convertible
2* M5 E60
M5 F10
Z4M Roadster
488 Spider, M3 F80 & RS4 Avant B8
submitted by JauneSiriusWhut to StreetviewCarSpotting [link] [comments]

2020.10.20 04:16 Thinkvape_Official ThinkVape New AUXO DNA 250C 200W Mod

ThinkVape New AUXO DNA 250C 200W Mod submitted by Thinkvape_Official to u/Thinkvape_Official [link] [comments]

2018.10.27 22:21 darkDeluge Average Vaper [Review] - Smok Species V2 Kit

Hello ECR! Today I am reviewing for you the Smok Species V2 Kit! As a follow-up to the Alien, probably one of the most popular and hated devices to ever hit the market, Smok has released a V2 which they are calling the Species. Can this new breed survive, or is Ripley gonna kick it's ass all over again? Read below for my evaluation.
I have used the Species V2 Kit for 3 weeks now and feel I can give a fair assessment of its quality.
This device was sent to me from Smok for the purpose of a review.
Species Mod Specs
  • Dimensions: 82.1mm x 49mm x 30.6mm
  • Dual High-Amp 18650 Battery - Not Included
  • Wattage Output Range: 1-230W
  • Voltage Output Range: 0.5-8.2V
  • Min Atomizer Resistance: 0.06ohm
  • Temperature Range: 200-600F
  • Supports Ni200 Nickel, Titanium, and Stainless Steel Heating Elements
  • Preheat Functionality - Soft, Normal, Hard, Max
  • Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) Adjustments
  • Zinc Alloy Construction
  • Full-Color 1.45" OLED Touch Screen - New Interface
  • Screen-Lock Button - Simplify Operation
  • Firing Bar Mechanism
  • Bottom-Loaded Hinged Battery Door
  • Intelligent Atomizer Recognition
  • Puff Monitoring System
  • 10 Seconds Cut-Off/Short Circuit Protection/Over Heating Protection/Over Discharge Protection
  • MicroUSB Port - 1.8A Charging Current
  • 510 Connection
TFV8 Baby V2 Specs
  • 25.4mm Base Diameter
  • 30mm At Widest Point
  • 5mL Maximum Juice Capacity - Convex Glass Extension
  • Superior Stainless Steel Construction
  • Top-Fill Rotary Design - Lock Button Mechanism
  • Triple Adjustable Airflow
  • 810 Cobra Resin Ultra-Wide Drip Tip
  • Performance-Grade Baby V2 Coil System
    • 0.17ohm Baby V2 A1 Single Coil - rated for 90-140W
    • 0.2ohm Baby V2 A2 Dual Coil - rated for 50-80W
  • Antibacterial Medical Cotton
  • 16mm Wide Delrin Widebore Drip Tip
  • Gold-Plated 510 Connection
Current Color Options
  • Species 230W Box Mod
  • TFV8 Baby V2 Tank
  • 0.17ohm Baby V2 A1 Single Coil
  • 0.2ohm Baby V2 A2 Dual Coil
  • Spare glass
  • Extra o-rings
  • MicroUSB Cable
  • Instructional Manual
  • Battery Warning card
  • QA Certificate
  • 5 click firebar on
  • 5 click firebar and press Yes to turn off
  • 3 click firebar lock buttons
  • Hold Screen Lock button to Lock/Unlock screen
  • Press Screen Lock button to EnteExit Stealth mode
  • Touch-Screen controls to adjust Mode Settings/Puff Settings/Device Settings/Screen Settings
For Convenience, a full album has been posted, as well as individual pictures
Species V2 Mod
Another device from the manufacturer that everyone loves to hate, the Species V2 is here to scoop up some of the popularity gained by it's older brother. I know many people had issues with the first Alien, and there seemed to be some issues with QC for that device, but you can't deny that it was probably the most popular vaping device to date. While it slightly resembles the Alien, the Species V2 has a style all it's own and the performance to match it's new look. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's jump off this review and start at the best place possible: the top.
Top/510: The top of the Species V2, to me, resembles the shoulder line of a person, that's about the best way I think I can describe it. Where the neck would be is the centered 510. Around the 510 is a rectangular box with rounded corners that sticks out slightly from the contours of the chest line and shoulders. This give the Species V2 a nice platform to fit up to 30mm attys without any overhang. The 510 plate is a small, circular disk that's flush with the body of the device and houses a spring-loaded, gold-plated 510 pin.
Buttons: There are really only 2 buttons to speak of with this device: the fire bar and the screen lock button. The fire bar rests on one side of the device, the side where grip activation is better suited for right-handed vapers. Lefties are going to half to palm the screen if they want that same grip fire experience. I much prefer to grip-fire my devices that are designed as such without having to palm the screen, but I've gotten used to thumb-firing them, so it's not that horrible. Fire bar activation, while better towards the top of the bar, can be done a bit more than halfway down the button. The clickyness of it is fairly nice without being squishy and the resistance is nice and stiff, enough so to seemingly avoid accidental pocket firing. One slight issue is since both sides feel the same, it can be hard to distinguish which side the fire bar is located on if you're not familiar with the device.
The screen lock button is located on the front of the device directly under the screen. It is dual purpose, acting to send the device into/out of stealth mode with one press and locking/unlocking the screen with a long press. Clickyness is there and it activate very nicely.
Screen/Menu: The screen on the Species V2 is a colorful 1.45" touch display. Colors can be changed to suit your preferance and most functions are handled via the screen, except locking/unlocking the fire bar, which can be achieved by pressing the fire bar 3 times. To access the device menu you must unlock the screen and hit the menu button located in the top left corner of the screen. This opens up your settings menu and gives you control over your firing modes and parameters, your puffs settings, screen adjustments, and a generic settings menu where you can adjust your ohms, factory reset your device, and turn it off. The menu is quite easy to operate and very intuitive. My complaint here is that some of the options are quite small and the people with fat fingers like myself might have some issues pressing the desired options. While this did not plague me often, it happened enough to be slightly annoying. I also noticed that the touch screen does not do well with any sort of slight condensation or dirt on it and will start adjusting itself depending on where the dirt is located. The best option is to be sure your screen is free of any debris before trying to adjust things. Unlike some device screens, the one on the Species V2 seems quite resillient to scratches, which is great since you're going to be wiping it off often.
Battery Compartment: The battery compartment is located on the bottom of the device and is secured via a locking latch system. The latch release button has a very nice tolerance and the latch itself stays closed nice and securely. The latch is spring-loaded and is done so very well, with very minimal play. The battery compartment secures batteries in place very nicely without much wiggle room to cause any kind of battery rattle. It also has marked battery orientation located on inside of the latch door.
Size/Styling: Because of it's zinc alloy construction, the Species V2 comes with a bit of heft to it, especially after adding your dual 18650s to the device. It's not all bad though, as it really does feel like a solid device. The size is very nice for a dual 18650 device and I especially like the inward slant that it has as it moves towards the bottom. It's not the slimmest of devices either, but it's also far from being considered anywhere near large.
The styling of the device is quite to my liking, being comprised primarilly the main color with an accent box that runs around the entire device, from front, over the shoulders, and down the back. The back of the device has a scale pattern on it (I guess to go with the whole Species moniker) and has SPECIES name written towards the bottom. I think it would've look a lot cleaner without the pattern, but apparently, scales and honeycomb are all the rage these days for whatever reason.
Performance: Probably coming as a surprise to most, but not to me, is that the performance of the Species is mostly great. I've only used a few Smok devices during my time vaping (Treebox Plus and Smok Mag Baby), but considering how much hate Smok gets, I've been very pleased with the device. Power mode works well. Power deliver feel a bit weaker than most of my preferred devices, even in Max mode. This would have to be my biggest complaint. Max really feels like Normal and all the other settngs feel grosely underpowered. If you keep it on Max, though, you're good to go. Ramp-up time is really minimal and at this point pretty much all devices have got this nailed down. One great thing I want to mention here is a common issue that comes with quick firing devices. When you multi-click the fire babutton to enter your settings or turn off your device, it ends up firing the device with each click. This is just a side effect of having a device that fires so quickly. The cool thing that Smok has seemingly done is to program the device to recognize when you are clicking it multiple times and reset your firing of the device with each click. How are we just getting into this? Most devices have this issue, so it's nice to see that Smok have handled this well.
Moving on to TC. I was able to get really good performance from TC after adjusting a few settings. TCR values feel a bit weak, but once I was able to dial it in, it performed really well. Power delivery was nice and even and it tapered off without any jarring cutoffs or pulsiness. The Species also seems to have great dry-hit detection. I purposely vaped my RDA dry then took 10 long puffs without any sort of dry hit or burnt taste. Just great!
TFV8 Baby V2 Tank: Included in the Species V2 Kit is one of their latest tanks, the TFV8 Baby V2...wait, that can't be right. 4, 8, 12...8? Ohhh, V2. Gotcha, I guess. I'm not a naming expert and at this point the names of Smok tanks are starting to confuse me. Regardless, the Baby V2 is a top-filling adjustible airflow subohm tank that utilzes a new line of Smok mesh coils. Well, it seems like they have a few new lines of mesh coils. You got the Baby V2 and the Prince mesh coils. These coils are not compatible with one another's respective tanks and just really seem to add more confusion when it comes to identifying your appropriate coils. But I digress.
The Baby V2 has a fairly standard look to it when it comes to Smok tanks and utilizes pretty much what every Smok tank has over the past few iterations. Top fill with a swinging hinge latch and an unlock button, adjustible bottom airflow on a stopper, widebore drip tip. The driptip on the Baby V2 however is quite proprietary, sliding on to a double o-ring protrusion from the top of the tank. Not sure why they went this route instead of their typical dual o-ring 810 drip tip, but it definitely makes it harder to customize.
Performance of the coils is very nice. I primarilly used the Baby V2 A1 single mesh coil and really enjoyed the flavor out of this thing. I actually liked it a bit better than the Freemax Mesh Pro single coil mesh, getting more flavor out of it and decent longevity. I put roughly 60ml of ejuice through the coil and when I decided to switch, it didn't look much worse for wear. At that point flavor was a bit reduced, but I probably could've put much more juice through it without it being gross. All in all, the performance was very good
Final Thoughts
  • Fits 30mm attys without overhang
  • Spring-loaded, gold-plated 510
  • 510 threading is smooth
  • Can activate fire bar for most of its length
  • Fire bar clickiness
  • Stiff resistance on fire bar
  • Screen lock button is a great feature (although, really a must with a touchscreen device)
  • Large, colorful display
  • Menu is intuitive
  • Touch screen is responsive
  • Batter latch nice and secure
  • No battery rattle
  • Solid zinc alloy construction
  • Feels solid
  • Small size
  • Style is mostly appealing
  • Power Mode Performance (on Max)
  • Multi fire bar press recognition
  • TC performance
  • Baby V2 flavor
  • Can be initally hard to differentiate which side fire bar is on
  • Lefties have to palm the screen to grip fire
  • Some screen options to small for touch activation
  • Screen has to be constantly cleaned so it doesn't adjust on its own
  • A bit heavy
  • Would've like a plain back instead of of the scale pattern
  • Power mode settings very weak
  • Baby V2 longevity could be better
Regardless of the history that Smok has around here, I have to say, the Species V2 is quite the great device. It checks off a lot of my boxes. Great size, great feel, nice screen, great power and TC performance. As long as Smok can keep their QC up throughout the life of this device's manufacturing, they're going to have, yet again, one of the most popular devices on the market.
  • EightVape - $61.95
  • Ecig-City - $62.99
  • ElementVape - $64.95
  • VaporDNA - $64.99
  • Fasttech - $68.42
Thank you...
...for your attention ECR. I hope you all have a great rest of your week!
I want to give another shoutout to Smok for giving me the opportunity to provide this community with this review. If you want to check them out, you can follow them on their Facebook or Instagram pages.
I say this is an Average Vaper Review because I am coming at this from the perspective of someone who has been vaping for a while (8 years), but doesn't get too in-depth with the technical aspects of the products. I'm evaluating these products as to how well they work out the box, their ease of use, and whether or not they hold up over the course of use. I don't have the skill set to produce thorough testings of the electronics and I defer that to those better suited. This review is purely my experience using the items I received.
Link to a list of my Reviews.
Upcoming reviews
  • Wellon LUX
  • Vapefly Pixie RDA
  • Hava One
  • VooPoo Drag 2
  • GeekVape Aegis Mini Kit
  • Smok E-Priv Kit
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  • GeekVape Alpha Tank
  • Ijoy IVPC Pod Kit
  • Ijoy AI Pod
Also, if you want to keep up with me, you can follow me on Instagram.
submitted by darkDeluge to electronic_cigarette [link] [comments]

2018.01.29 03:24 Apexified First Order: Vendor Price Comparison

This is a price comparison for if you were to buy only what you needed to get started with 20 of the top recommended flavors, VG, PG, Nic and bottles. A scale is ā€œoptionalā€ but highly recommended. At the time of putting this together the LB-501 is $32.95 but the price fluctuates and Iā€™ve seen it as low as $22.86. A cheaper options is the Smart Weight scale which also measures up to 500g @ 0.01g resolution and is currently $13.99 (it doesnā€™t include calibration weights or the ability to plug it into the wall like the LB-501) Volume measuring supplies are available at most of the vendors but the price will vary depending on how many and what type of syringes you get.
While the top 20 flavors are useful, I would recommend picking your flavors based on recipes that fit the profiles you like and are also highly rated. I only chose the top 20 flavors to keep the comparison as uniform as possible.
For the 2 (US) vendors that donā€™t have nicotine available I added VapersTek nic because it is IMHO the best quality for the price and their shipping is (AFAIK) the lowest available when buying a 120ml ā€œSample sizeā€
Bull City Flavors -- Best in class, best selection and almost unanimously lauded for their excellent customer support. They also have a large variety of flavor packs created by mixers in the DIY community.
Volume measuring supplies are available on their site. Payment Options: Paypal, Credit Card
EcigExpress -- Excellent selection of concentrates and one-shots all wrapped up in a terribly slow and cumbersome site. They also have a couple exclusive brands that make great flavors (Jungle Flavors & Flavor Express) Volume measuring supplies are available on their site. Payment Options: Credit Card
Nicotine River -- A one stop shop like ECX but with lower prices on most of their selections and also like ECX they have a couple flavor companies exclusively sold on their site (Purilum and Flavor Revolution)
Volume measuring supplies are available on their site. Payment Options: Credit Card
Gremlin DIY -- Best customer service IMHO and great selection with a lot of companies flavors available in 5ml bottles, making them a great way to try a large variety of flavors at a small price. But their lack of bottles, nicotine, and measuring supplies make them a poor choice for a one stop shop.
Payment Options: Paypal, Credit Card
Wizard Labs -- Large selection, great prices and yes, theyā€™ve taken care of their security problems. Volume measuring supplies are available on their site.
Payment Options: Credit Card, Bank Transfer or Paypal when not purchasing nicotine
Liquid Nicotine Wholesalers -- Mixed reviews of their nicotine and their selection of flavors is lacking. Only 12 of the top 20 are available from them, which isnā€™t terrible, but some pretty useful brands are missing.
Volume measuring supplies are available on their site. Payment Options: Credit Card
And for the Canadians...
The Broke Vaper -- I see them recommended a lot here and they are a verified vendor, which basically means you might be able to page them here (maybe)
Volume measuring supplies are available on their site. Payment Options: Credit Card
DIY-Ejuice -- Also a verified vendor and possibly the largest selection of flavors in Canada but Iā€™m not 100% sure because this post is getting long and Iā€™m too lazy to research.
Volume measuring supplies are available on their site. Payment Options: Credit Card
Chefs Flavours -- Massive selection of concentrates in the top 100 flavors and an even bigger variety of concentrates youā€™ve probably never heard of but want to try. They also have more one shots than any other vendor.
Volume measuring supplies are available on their site. Payment Options: Credit Card
A link to the google doc version
submitted by Apexified to DIY_eJuice [link] [comments]

2017.03.09 00:23 InvestorsHangout 48 New Penny Stock Analysis Videos 03-08-2017

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