Cardizem la tabs 240 mg

My first legendary!

2024.05.19 04:22 josa-sama My first legendary!

My first legendary! submitted by josa-sama to COTWTheAngler [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:19 Sad_Confusion_5026 🍓🇨🇦

🍓🇨🇦 submitted by Sad_Confusion_5026 to canadasdranksippers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:27 BranCasablancas How do I get those spirits?

How do I get those spirits? submitted by BranCasablancas to GhostwireTokyo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:26 legorocks99 Few days ago I posted some custom hockey cards I made using HUT 21 designs. Here’s a second batch with some extra instructions since some of y’all wanted to know about the process

Few days ago I posted some custom hockey cards I made using HUT 21 designs. Here’s a second batch with some extra instructions since some of y’all wanted to know about the process
First step was to print the card faces and backs. I did this by creating an 8x10 canvas on Photoshop and importing the card images from NHL HUT Builder, making sure that the cards measured 2.5x3.5 inches, like normal trading cards do. I created backside images with stats and names in Photoshop too. I printed these full sheets by uploading them to Staples 8x10 printing service website for pickup.
Second step was to use spray adhesive to glue the fronts and backs to poster paper. This is the most challenging and time-consuming part, especially the waiting for the adhesive to dry. My adhesive says to wait 24 hours for permanent bonding between paper, photos, and other materials like that. I also put some cardboard and books on top of the cards and poster board overnight to let it dry better.
Third step was to use a paper cutter to slice all the excess, and voila! More custom trading cards.
submitted by legorocks99 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:55 heartbreakids Another missing game from Scamduel

Another missing game from Scamduel
As you can clearly see the inter Miami vs DC United game scheduled at 8:05 is missing and unable to be bet upon when I bet on it earlier in the day
submitted by heartbreakids to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:49 KookyFudge4448 i-Pill Contraceptive Pill Option in Chiang Mai (Urgent Please)

Hello everyone,
Indian here, I and my girlfriend are reaching Chiang Mai via Thai railways and got a bit cozy whilst the journey, can someone please share an over the counter available birth control pill similar to i-Pill that we have back in India.
Link to the pill that I have mentioned :
Ipill 1.5 MG Tablet is an emergency contraceptive. It is used in the prevention of pregnancy following unprotected sexual intercourse. It is also used in case of known or suspected contraceptive failure. It works by suppressing the release of ova (eggs) from the ovary (the female reproductive organ in which eggs are produced), thus preventing the fertilization of the egg with the sperm. Ipill 1.5 MG Tablet shows common side effects such as nausea, stomach pain, stomach upset, irregular periods, or breast soreness. These side effects usually subside with time. However, if they persist or worsen, consult your doctor for further assistance. Avoid driving vehicles or operating heavy machines while taking this medication, as it can cause dizziness, weakness, or tiredness. Ipill 1.5 MG Tablet can be taken with or without food. It should be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse as it may not be effective after the given time frame. Do not take the tablet on a regular basis. Ipill 1.5 MG Tablet is not recommended if you are allergic to it. It is not recommended if you have a known or suspected pregnancy, abnormal uterine bleeding, liver tumours, intracranial hypertension (increased pressure around the brain), thromboembolic condition (presence of blood clots in the veins), breast cancer, or liver conditions. Also, inform your doctor if you have other medical conditions and about your ongoing medications. Ipill 1.5 MG Tablet is not recommended during pregnancy. It can pass into breast milk in small amounts. Hence, consult your doctor before taking the medicine while breastfeeding.
So, where can I get one similar to this IN Chiang Mai pharmacies, request if anyone or doctors here could help ?
ขอบคุณล่วงหน้า (TIA) 🙏
submitted by KookyFudge4448 to Thailand [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:35 Hazemalez89 H: list W: offers

AA25250 AB
AA2515c GG
AA2515c UGL
AA50c25 Railway rifle
AA40pad25 Drill
AriE15rs 10mm SMG
BE Combat shotgun (2 star)
BE Pump shotgun (2 star)
BE .50 Cal MG (2 star)
B2590 LR
B25 Flamer (2 star)
B2550drwa UGL
B2590 Flamer
B40ws25 Ripper
F2515c AD
InsE15c Gatling gun
InsInerLucky AD
Jun2550bs Fixer
Med2515rs Flamer
MedE15c.50 Cal MG
TS2550bs LR
TS2515bvcc LR
TS2525 UGL
TS50c50drwa AB
QEMS Railway
Q2590 Railway
Q25 LMG (2 star)
Q2515c Pump shotgun
Q2525 Pipe revoler rifle
Q50vhc1A AD
Q50vhc250drwr PS
Q50c15r PS
Q50c15r Single action revolver
Q50c25 .50 Cal MG
Q50c25 Hunting rifle
V2590 GG
Ass/Strength/cavalier CE LA
Ass/Strength/FCWR Marine armor LA
Ass/AP/WWR Urban scout RA
Ass/AP/sentinel Marine armor RA
OE/AP/FCWR Sturdy robot LL
Uny/Endurance/AWR Marine armor RL
Uny/AP/JWR Sturdy raider RL
Forest asylum uniform
Winterman mask
About 1000 ll3
About 300 BW4
About 300 leaders
Alien blaster
Alien disintegrator
Hazmat suit - teal
UC calibrated shocks
Groll commando offers (AA, B, Q)
Rare apparel, also fas masks
Adds with weapons/apparel like LL3&leaders&small guns welcome. I'm willing to bundle as well if the offer is good enough.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Hazemalez89 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:30 lilbubs200 INPA question

INPA question
Finally got around to getting a KDCAN cable and getting the software downloaded for INPA. Was so much easier then I expected with “Mikes Easy BMW tools” download link. I’ve just got a couple questions;
Can I change this to English so I can actually read it?
Or is there a website I can look up these INPA codes that’ll tell me everything?
submitted by lilbubs200 to e39 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:24 bryanx34 Mike Tyson Biography in Spanish

Material de atletismo Menu APRENDE DEPORTE Search for Tenemos un sitio web con más de 27.000 juegos. jugar juegos Uncategorized
Biografía y datos de Mike Tyson Photo of Bryan Cherer Bryan Cherer 3,691 7 minutes read Índice
Mike Tyson Michael Gerald Tyson nació el 30 de junio de 1966 en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Tyson fue un boxeador profesional estadounidense de los pesos pesados y se convirtió en el campeón más joven de los pesos pesados a la edad de 20 años.
Tyson pasó por momentos difíciles cuando era un adolescente problemático, y fue enviado a un reformatorio para cambiar su vida. Bobby Stewart, un trabajador social y apasionado del boxeo, reconoció el potencial de Tyson como boxeador y le empujó a seguir boxeando con el renombrado entrenador Cus D’Amato, que más tarde se convertiría en el tutor legal de Tyson. Durante su etapa como boxeador amateur, Tyson se hizo un nombre al competir en 27 combates y ganar 24 de ellos.
En 1985, Tyson decidió dedicarse al boxeo de forma profesional y comenzó a aumentar enormemente su carrera deportiva. Tyson continuó creciendo como boxeador y aprendió los estilos de boxeo de los peekaboo, lo que le convirtió en uno de los mejores atletas defensivos de la historia del boxeo.
Fecha de nacimiento: 30 de junio de 1966 (30-06-1966) Educación: Catskill Highschool Valor neto: 3 millones de dólares Ocupación: Boxeador Altura: 1,778 m (5′ 11″) Peso: 240 libras (108,862 kgs) Posición: Peso pesado Años en activo: 20 Victorias en su carrera: 50 Pérdidas en la carrera: 8 Apodos: Iron Mike Redes sociales
Carrera de boxeo Mike Tyson comenzó su carrera deportiva y su andadura en el mundo del boxeo a finales de la década de 1970. Tyson aprendió todos sus mejores y más defensivos movimientos de la mano del mundialmente conocido entrenador Cus D’Amato, que más tarde se convirtió en su tutor legal. Tyson tuvo un excelente desempeño durante su carrera como aficionado, con un récord general de 24-3. En 1985, Tyson decidió seguir el camino profesional del boxeo y comenzó a aprender nuevos estilos de boxeo. El estilo defensivo más famoso que utilizó Tyson fue el estilo de boxeo peekaboo, en el que las manos se acercan a las mejillas y se realiza un movimiento continuo de balanceo para evitar a cualquiera en el ring.
Tyson no tenía el aspecto típico de un boxeador de pesos pesados, ya que medía sólo 1,70 metros y pesaba apenas 218 libras, y era bastante más pequeño que sus oponentes. Sin embargo, Tyson utilizó estos “contratiempos” en su beneficio y consiguió convertirse en el campeón de los pesos pesados más joven de la historia en 1986.
Títulos y premios Cuando Tyson decidió dedicarse al boxeo profesionalmente, en 1985 se convirtió rápidamente en un nombre conocido en el mundo del boxeo. En 1986, Tyson derrotó a Trevor Berbick y se convirtió en el peso pesado más joven de la historia del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo. Más tarde, en 1987, Tyson derrotó a James Smith y adquirió el cinturón de la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo. Más adelante, en 1987, Tyson derrotó a Tony Tucker y ganó el cinturón de la Federación Internacional de Boxeo, convirtiéndose en el campeón de las tres organizaciones de boxeo.
A medida que la carrera de Tyson continuaba, se volvía más y más exitosa ganando 10 combates más para defender sus títulos de peso pesado. Más tarde, en 1996, Tyson recuperó dos de sus cinturones de campeón contra Frank Bruno y Bruce Seldon. Durante toda su carrera como boxeador profesional, Tyson ganó 50 combates y perdió 8, lo que supone un impresionante récord general. Tyson se retiró del boxeo en 2005, pero sigue dando que hablar en el mundo del boxeo actual.
Vida personal Mike Tyson nació en Brooklyn en 1966. Cuando Tyson tenía 13 años, ya había sido arrestado 38 veces y se vio envuelto en numerosas peleas. La vida de Tyson dio un giro cuando fue enviado a un reformatorio y conoció a Bobby Stweart, un trabajador social que le presentó al mundialmente famoso entrenador de boxeo Cus D’Amato. El resto fue historia para la carrera de boxeo de Tyson. Tyson estuvo casado con Robin Givens en 1988 hasta 1989. Después de que Tyson y Givens se divorciaran, se volvió a casar con Monica Turner en 1997 hasta 2003. Cuando Turner y Tyson se divorciaron, Tyson se volvió a casar con Lakiha Spicer en 2009 y ha estado casado con ella durante más de once años. Tyson tiene siete hijos en total, Miguel Leon Tyson, Mikey Lorna Tyson, Exodus Tyson, Rayna Tyson, Amir Tyson, Milan Tyson y Morocco Tyson.
Datos curiosos Tyson terminó su primer año como boxeador profesional con un récord de 15-0, y todas sus victorias fueron por nocaut Tyson terminó siendo el campeón de peso pesado más joven de la historia del boxeo a los 20 años de edad Tyson fue suplente del equipo olímpico de boxeo de Estados Unidos Tyson se convirtió en el campeón absoluto de los pesos pesados al ganar los tres títulos (AMB, CMB y FIB) Tyson cría palomas y se dedica a entrenarlas para las carreras Mike Tyson creó una serie de animación sobre un equipo de detectives dirigido por el propio Mike Tyson, al estilo de Scooby Doo Tyson publicó en 2017 unas memorias sobre su vida con el famoso entrenador y tutor legal Cus D’Amato Tyson ha salido recientemente de su retiro para pelear con Roy Jones Jr; la pelea está programada para el 12 de septiembre de 2020 en Los Ángeles. Tyson fue descalificado de un combate por morder la oreja de su rival y fue multado con 3 millones de dólares PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES ¿Cuál es la dieta de Mike Tyson como boxeador profesional?
La dieta de Mike Tyson consistía en consumir entre 3000 y 4000 calorías al día, centrándose principalmente en los carbohidratos y las proteínas para ganar masa muscular en lugar de grasa. Aunque esto puede parecer muchas calorías para una persona, la cantidad de calorías que Tyson quemaba durante un periodo de entrenamiento regular ciertamente lo compensa. El desayuno consiste en avena; el almuerzo y la cena serían pechugas de pollo con arroz.
¿Cuál es el valor neto de Mike Tyson?
El valor neto de Mike Tyson ha variado significativamente durante su tiempo como boxeador profesional. Por las ganancias totales de su carrera, Tyson debería haber tenido un valor neto global de 685 millones de dólares, y 300 millones de dólares sólo por las competiciones de boxeo. Aunque este ya no es el caso de Tyson porque gastó la mayor parte durante su vida. A partir de 2020 Tyson tiene un networth de 3 millones de dólares que sigue siendo una cantidad impresionante para el boxeador profesional.
¿Por qué el apodo de Mike Tyson es ‘Iron Mike’?
Mike Tyson es conocido por su intenso estilo de boxeo, lo que le ayudó a ganarse el apodo de “Iron Mike”. Este apodo también surgió por su comportamiento dentro y fuera del ring, Tyson es conocido por tener una personalidad extremadamente agresiva y el metal de su apodo representa definitivamente la dureza que Tyson aporta al ring. Tyson también recibe los apodos de “El hombre más malo del planeta” y “Kid Dynamite”, ambos nombres extremadamente intimidantes y duros.
¿Por qué Mike Tyson mordió a su oponente en la pelea?
Mike Tyson se enfrentaba a Evander Holyfield en la revancha para vengarse de la pérdida de su anterior combate en el ring. Sin embargo, durante la revancha, Tyson comenzó a perder rápidamente y no se vislumbraba ninguna esperanza de victoria por parte de Tyson. En general, durante el tercer asalto Holyfield sintió que estaba a punto de noquear a Tyson, así que en lugar de querer perder Tyson decidió morderlo para ser descalificado del combate.
submitted by bryanx34 to Aprendedeporte [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:20 Purple_Mushroom_783 [FS] - Los Angeles - $1 - High quality cherry shrimp, guppies, plants, 10 gallon planted low tech tank

[FS] - Los Angeles - $1 - High quality cherry shrimp, guppies, plants, 10 gallon planted low tech tank
•shrimps 10 - $15 / 20 - $25 •guppies 2.50$ each •plants $varries •10 gallon low tech planted tank w/ shrimp colony (comes with heater and air pump) $best offer first 5 pictures are of the tank
Pm me for details and pictures!
submitted by Purple_Mushroom_783 to AquaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:49 SilverMarinus My extensive guide to Hanzo playstyle post-nerf

Losing the one shot is definitely disappointing, however I don't think the character is dead. I know there's been a lot of hopelessness in the Hanzo community, but my aim is to help you guys improve your game so you can still excel on Hanzo and feel like a GOAT. In this post I'm gonna talk about the general playstyle that works for me on Hanzo, and how to adapt your playstyle based on the enemy comp. And at the end I'll put a couple tips for improving your aim.
Hanzo still has some distinct advantages that he can leverage against his enemies. His wall climb is amazing for a medium range hero, considering most other heroes either can't access high ground, or need to commit cooldowns to get there. Storm arrows are an incredibly consistent kill tool at medium/close range. And having a leap every 4 seconds, combined with wall climb, gives you the ability to be just as slippery as you are deadly. And of course, sonic arrow lets your whole team have wall hacks 50% of the time, and on defense, lets you see the enemy comp before they even come out the doors, allowing you to plan your positioning accordingly.
The thing is, most people think that hanzo is a long range hero, but he's really not. The only time you want to be shooting enemies from long range is before the fight to do pressure, get ult charge, and potentially get a pick on any hero that's taken chip damage. It's not about being a goat and hitting long range headshots. It's about proper medium/ close range positioning and proper timing, to make your shots easy to hit.
The way I play Hanzo is as a medium range pressure hero with incredibly high dps. You don't want to hold long range sniper angles on your own, you want to be active in the fight from medium range and use your slippery mobility to take off angles and high ground at opportune moments. Getting kills at close range is incredibly consistent with Hanzo, you just can't expect to get a 5k with headshots only. You want to take an off angle to get a kill or two with storm arrows. Then as soon as the enemies turn to react, use your leap and wall climb to escape.
It sounds crazy but you want to play on a razor's edge of feeding to maximize your damage output. Push in close from an off angle near your tank to get easy headshots and storm arrow kills, but always be one leap away from safety... Whether that's a high ground to climb up to, or just leaping back into your team.
I've also had some success with full committing on a hard flank, but the key is timing. You want to get behind/to the side of the enemy backline shortly after the two tanks clash. When the enemy supports are tunnel visioned on helping the frontline, THATS when you pop around the corner and take your shots on the supports and burst them with storm arrows. Best case scenario, you kill the supports, then the DPS, then finish the tank in a perfectly executed pincer attack. Worst case scenario, you distracted the supports and made people turn to shoot you, while the enemy tank is left with no support in the frontline.
There are times where it's better to just spam from main, and I'd say that's usually when your tank has a distinct disadvantage against the enemy tank and both are fighting in the frontline. Keeping constant pressure on that tank can help sway the matchup into your tank's favor, or at least make space for them. But of course, killing squishies can still carry games.
The other time to stay in main with your team is when the enemy team has flankers/ dive heroes who can kill you if you are isolated. Generally in those matchups, I just try to focus on hitting shots on the threatening mobile heroes. They won't push you if they're half HP. In these cases, using yourself as bait can be very effective.
Let's say there's an enemy Genji, you should play slightly outside of his dash range while also being near your healers. He will want to dash at you, but he will fall just short of hitting you. Then you can pop your storm arrows, but don't shoot. He will instinctively deflect. Now, suddenly the Genji is in the middle of your team with no dash and no deflect, while you still have a full volley of storm arrows. Similar tips can be used against Dva and Winston as well.
Against Wrecking Ball, it depends. You don't wanna try to kill him, just force him out. If he rolls back to his team, keep putting out pressure. But if he chooses to escape BEHIND your team, try to hit him with a sonic arrow as he's leaving, then you can tell where he's going. It helps a lot.
Against Tracer and Sombra, Keeping tabs on their position is key. Sonic arrow is good to scout flanks. Plag near your team, but DONT PLAY BEHIND YOUR SUPPORTS. Play in front of them. The ideal scenario is that they target one of your supports, then you can turn and shoot them while they're tunnel visioned. Your burst damage is high enough to often kill them, or at least enough to force them to run away and reset. When you do force them away, try to estimate how much time you have before they come back, and use that time to apply pressure to the frontline.
But let's say you werent able to scout them, and don't know exactly where they are, but you know they're lurking somewhere. Take a shot at the frontline and then do a 180. Literally check the flank after every shot. Good flankers generally wait for you to be distracted by the frontline before they pounce. By shooting the enemy tank and doing a 180 turn, you can keep applying pressure while still being able to react to the flank at a moment's notice.
This last tip is SUPER risky but it works sometimes. Sometimes when I'm facing a Dive comp or lots of flankers that are rolling me, I will actually flank as Hanzo. I will hide in a concealed area behind the enemy team and then when I'm confident that the flankers are in my backline, I'll start attacking the enemy backline. The reason this works sometimes is because when you're facing flankers, they will be lurking around YOUR backline. But if you're lurking in THEIR backline, you're essentially on the complete opposite side of the map from them and they'll have no clue. This is a strategy that pro players called "trading backlines". If the enemy flankers are going to kill your backline anyway, you may as well target their backline too. After all, Dive comps don't usually peel for their own backline, they commit to killing yours. This works especially well when they're hard targeting you specifically. The last place a flanker expects to find you is in their own backline.
The name of the game is map control. A big mistake Hanzo players make is trying to ego duel hitscans from long range, banking on hitting long range shots to win. Straight up, don't do that. It's ok to aim for hitting one body shot to keep them in check or force them off their angle. Sonic arrow also helps deter them from peeking those angles. But the way you beat those long range heroes is getting up close and dumping storm arrows into their face. I will literally get close enough so that I could literally leap into their face and melee them to finish them if I wanted to. 3 storm arrows is 225 damage, to body shots or one headshot is 240, so getting leap-melee finishers is actually very useful. I KNOW it sounds crazy to play this close, but I urge you to challenge your beliefs about Hanzo. Your damage output is so high that you will beat pretty much every long range hero up close. Storm arrows are ridiculous. Though medium range storm arrows are fine if they're unaware of you or have cover to escape to.
Against Ashe, just remember that you have plenty of ways to delete Bob. Headshots while jiggle peeking from cover, or storm arrow headshots, or even using dragonstrike to melt him if he's near the enemy team.
And against widowmaker, use your sonic arrow to scout her specifically. If she's bad, she'll stay scoped in and let you line up headshots. If she's good, she'll hide for 5 seconds or take a new angle. This means you can push up while she's given up the angle.
Against poke comps, you know that you're always safe in cover, because they have no flankers. So as long as you're controlling the angles and bullying the enemy off of their angles, you will win over time by controlling all the space and winning the objective.
Brawl comps are generally slow and tanky, and usually only good at close range. And many of the brawl heroes have big hitboxes, making it easier to hit them from further away. Hanzo LOVES playing against slow brawl comps. With your mobility, you can bully them from angles where they can't even contest you. Even if you don't get kills, you can farm ult so fast that you can zone them off the objective with dragons and do tons of damage to their clumped up team. Just don't spend too much time focusing the tank, because if they have lots of healing you probably won't kill them. Though you can still pressure the tank to make them fall back to buy space for your team.
Rush comps are kind of a hybrid between dive and brawl, and so many of the tips for both will apply. You want to put out lots of pressure, and take off angles when you can. BUT!!! You need to rotate back to your team sooner than you normally would. You might think you're safe from a decent range on an off angle, but a Lucio speed amp or Junker Queen shout, Rein pin, or Moira fade can let them rush you down much faster than you'd expect. Don't get greedy on your off angles, and dont expect kills. Even just hitting a shot or two to bait out defensive cooldowns like Shout, Wraith form, etc can lower the enemy team's lethality and make them hesitant to rush. If a rush comp gets a numbers advantage, they can pretty much run your team down for free. So don't get greedy.
Also, the baiting tip works well with rush comp too. If you're playing near your team, you can be in the front just behind your tank and bait the enemy team to rush you, and then you can quickly leap away and climb to high ground. Now, you're on high ground above a ground-based comp that just wasted resources to push you. You simply need to watch your spacing and use your slippery movement to dodge the rush. Just remember to play in sight of your healers incase you do take some damage.
People HATE Hanzo to a degree that is completely irrational, and they will literally feed their brains out to try and kill you. You can use that to your advantage. He has the mobility and burst damage to slip out of arms reach and burst them down, making them even more tilted, making them feed harder.
A HUGE tip that I've barely heard anybody talk about it a really simple one: Don't focus your eyes on your crosshair, focus your eyes BELOW your crosshair. Essentially you just aim at head height but focus your eyes on the enemy's body. Because it's much easier for your eyes to track a moving body than a moving head. Once I started doing this I noticed an immediate difference.
My personal favorite way to warm up my aim is a custom workshop code for an improved practice range: AJERA
Before every session, I go to the area by the roaming bots, and press interact on the blue orb near the ledge. It will spawn a flying Pharah bot. Then I climb up to the various high grounds and practice shooting Pharah from different ranges. Its hard at first, but once I can hit shots on her semi consistently, then I know I'm ready to queue.
And for practicing close range consistency, the central area has an orb that spawns a Lucio bot who jumps around and wall rides within an enclosed area.
The custom practice range also has a blinking Tracer bot to practice on, which is nice.
The only thing it's missing in my opinion is a jumping Genji bot, but there are other custom codes that have those like VAXTA, which is also good.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope these tips are useful for you. I know a lot of people are choosing to boycott Hanzo, and I respect that. But for me, I want to keep playing him and prove that he can still carry.
Now get out there and make your enemies tilted. ;)
submitted by SilverMarinus to HanzoMain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:13 Cdn_citizen [WTS][ON][MARKHAM][Group Post/Reposted ] BONUS EVENT ACTIVE! AEGs, GBBRs, GBB Pistols, Parts, Accessories & More. Collectors' items and used items available. Open to reasonable offers. Additional details in post. Shipping or Pick Up available. Thanks for looking!

Backed by Community Request, our Spring event is live! Details here. Participation is optional.

For all the great traders out there, thank you!
Thank you to those that share our posts, you are true guardians of Airsoft!
This is a mega post from a group of 40+ airsoft collectors'/players'.
Reddit chat sucks so we've added an Alternate Contact on Discord: cdnciti
Only trade of interest is a Inokatsu MK46.
Guns will only be sold to adults.
'PD' means Pending Deal. Crossed off items are sold.
All negotiations are done prior to pickup.
Pick up available in Markham, Yorkdale, Fairview Mall(Toronto) or STC.
Traders must agree in writing to the price and payment method before meeting up.
For shipped items, if payment is not received within 24 hours the trade is off.
EMT for shipped items or cash for pick ups.
If you are not comfortable trading in person in a public parking lot with security cameras and plate scanners then shipping is recommended.
+SHIPPING $$ means shipping cost is not included in the price. All trades are final.
All rifles include shipping/delivery costs.

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Rpro Propane Adaptor FREE with any item pics
Valken NiMH Charger FREE with any item pics
Valken Echo Googles FREE with any item pics
Rpro Sight Protector FREE with $70+ pics
EF 0.20 Tracers FREE with $100+ pics
AI Gungas Kit FREE with $130+ pics
Valken Kilo Sling FREE with $150+ pics
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KWC PT99 FREE with $280+ pics
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Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers

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Brand Product Price Pictures
WE L85 $650 pics
- MSK $600 pics
- CQBR Kit2 $550 pics
- M416 Kit $950 pics
- M4 STRIKE $580 pics
- M4 MB DD 7" FDE $500 pics
- M4 SWS $680 pics
- M4 RIS kit $650 pics
- 416 $500 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #1 $740 pics
- 416 CQB PKG #2 $650 pics
- 416 CQB $600 pics
- CQBR KIT $650 pics
- PDWL BK $520 pics
- SCARL Kit $600 pics
- SCARL BK $540 pics
- - - -
KWA MP7 Kit $630 pics
KWC UZI $270 pics
GHK COLT M4RIS 14.5"(2019) $1100 pics
G&G SMC9 Kit $700 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM M9A1#2 $250 pics
- 5.1 $360 pics
- 5.1 Kit $500 pics
- P226E2 2mags $240 pics
- M&P9 $340 pics
- G17G3 $280 pics
- M9 Chrome $400 pics
- MEU $320 pics
- 1911 Series '70 $320 pics
- USP $420 pics
- USPC Kit $480 pics
- USPC Kit2 $400 pics
- 5-7 $350 pics
- xDm $230 pics
- PX4 $300 pics
- G17 w/2mags $400 pics
- G17 Custom DE $320 pics
- G17 w/2mags $300 pics
- M9A1 $350 pics
- M92F Military $280 pics
- XDM $190 pics
- - - -
WE MEU DT $250 pics
- F226 Kit $300 pics
- G17G4 Kit $300 pics
- G27 Kit $400 pics
- Luger Kit $300 pics
- PX4 DT Kit $350 pics
- G17 Kit2 $330 pics
- G17 Kit4 $300 pics
- G17 Kit $400 pics
- G18C Kit $400 pics
- G18C G4 $300 pics
- G18C $220 pics
- G19 Kit $370 pics
- G19 G4 $230 pics
- G23 Kit $360 pics
- G23 G4 BK $230 pics
- G26C ADV Tan $210 pics
- G33ADV Kit $300 pics
- G35 BK/GD $250 pics
- G35DT Kit $340 pics
- G17 Dual $360 pics
- Luger w/SIL $200 pics
- Luger SV $250 pics
- P38 SV $240 pics
- F228 Kit $290 pics
- F229R Kit2 $300 pics
- F229 $190 pics
- F226 DT $240 pics
- F229 Kit $320 pics
- F226 TAN $230 pics
- M902 $260 pics
- M9A1 w/SIL $250 pics
- M9 Navy TN/BK $200 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- MEU BK w/SIL $250 pics
- MEU SV Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER Kit $300 pics
- KIMBER $230 pics
- 1911DT Kit $320 pics
- M&P9 BK/GD Kit $350 pics
- M&P9DT $200 pics
- - - -
VFC M&P9T Kit $320 pics
- M&P9C $240 pics
- M&P9DT $250 pics
- M&P9 w/case $300 pics
- G17G4 Kit2 $330 pics
- G17G4 $250 pics
- G17G4 Kit $500 pics
- G17G4 w/DOCTER $300 pics
- G17G4 $300 pics
- G17G5 $300 pics
- PPQ M2 w/2mags $320 pics
- FNX45B $300 pics
- FNX45DT Kit $440 pics
- FNX45B Silenced $350 pics
- - - -
KJW P09UGSR Kit $430 pics
- KP06 2mags $230 pics
- 1911 Kit $300 pics
- KP07 Kit $400 pics
- G23 Kit $320 pics
- M9 CO2 $160 pics
- M9A1 Kit $300 pics
- M9 4mags $280 pics
- KP09 Kit $250 pics
- P09 BK $170 pics
- P09 Kit $320 pics
- P09 TAN $200 pics
- KP05 $190 pics
- KP05 Kit $260 pics
- SP01 UGSR $180 pics
- SP01 ACCU Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit $350 pics
- KP01 Kit2 $290 pics
- - - -
KWC MAKAROV $160 pics
- SW40 $130 pics
- 1911 TAC DT 2mags $180 pics
- 1911B $170 pics
- 1911 L.E. $200 pics
- 1911 w/3mags $220 pics
- 1911 $160 pics
- MEU $180 pics
- P08 $140 pics
- 24/7 $160 pics
- DEAGLE BK $130 pics
- DEAGLE SV $190 pics
- KCB89 $150 pics
- M712 $150 pics
- SW40 $120 pics
- M17 $180 pics
- PT99 $120 pics
- - - -
AW NE3002 $250 pics
- 5.1 Custom $280 pics
- HX1005 $200 pics
- HX1101 2mags $280 pics
- HX1102 $200 pics
- HX1105 $180 pics
- HX2003 Kit $320 pics
- NE2002 $230 pics
- HX2302 $250 pics
- HX2402 $250 pics
- HX2601 $290 pics
- VX0111 $250 pics
- - - -
EMG STI/ TTI JW3 $400 pics
- SAI 4.3 BK $260 pics
- SAI 5.1 SV $280 pics
- SAI BLU $300 pics
- SAI 5.1 BK $250 pics
- - - -
KSC Auto9 $340 pics
Marushin FN 5-7 $250 pics
KWA MK23 $320 pics
- USP MATCH $390 pics
- MK23 Kit $450 pics
- HK45 w/2mags $340 pics
G&G GTP9 TAN $210 pics
- GPM92 Kit $450 pics
Umarex SAA Antique $390 pics
AEGS (Collectors Pieces/Wall Hangers)
Brand Product Price Pictures
G&G AR15 SBR8 $630 pics
- M14 EBR-L $700 pics
- TR-418 $630 pics
- Wildhog 9" $330 pics
- SRL TAN $330 pics
- GC Predator BK $450 pics
- - - -
VFC HK416 $750 pics
- HK416 Kit $900 pics
- HK417 Kit $800 pics
- 416CQB Kit $600 pics
- HK416 Calibur $650 pics
- MK18 $630 pics
- VR16 RISII $630 pics
- SABER MOD1 Kit $600 pics
- Avalon Calibur DT Kit $780 pics
- Calibur CQC $440 pics
- AVALON Calibur CQC $560 pics
- Calibur Carbine Kit $500 pics
- VR16 Kit #2 $360 pics
- MK12 MOD1(SPR) $670 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit2 $460 pics
- Fighter MK2 Kit3 $500 pics
- VR16 Saber CQB $380 pics
- VR16 RIS $330 pics
- M4A1 $330 pics
- M4 SOPMOD $440 pics
- XCR-C Metal $400 pics
- SCAR-H CQC $600 pics
- SCAR-L $550 pics
- SCAR-L TAN $560 pics
- - - -
Krytac PDW FG Kit $600 pics
- SPR BK $300 pics
- Vector LE $1050 pics
- LVOA-S BK Kit $600 pics
- VECTOR BK Kit $1200 pics
- LVOA-C CG $600 pics
- LMG PDW $1100 pics
- PDW Kit $420 pics
- SPR-M FDE $620 pics
- Vector DT Kit $1100 pics
- LVOA SBR DT $500 pics
- SPR MK2 FG $550 pics
- PDW FDE Kit $580 pics
- SPPDW $500 pics
- TR47 $600 pics
- REC7 BK $630 pics
- LVOA-S BK PKG $600 pics
- LVOA-S FG $560 pics
- LVOA-S FDE $600 pics
- LMG-E $850 pics
- - - -
G&P Sentry DE $600 pics
- TMR 10" $450 pics
- Rapid Fire $600 pics
- Defender $580 pics
- M4 Ball Medium $400 pics
- QRF $480 pics
- MOE Carbine $570 pics
- - - -
ASG Scorpion Evo 3A1 $600 pics
- - - -
KWA SR10 Kit $520 pics
- KR12 $300 pics
- KM4 RIS $400 pics
- SR12 $500 pics
- SR10 $500 pics
- - - -
KA COLT MK18 $400 pics
- B.R.O. 15" $500 pics
- M7 $400 pics
- CAA M4 $400 pics
- - - -
ARES M4 DMR Kit $500 pics
- AM014 Kit $500 pics
- OCTAARMS KM03 $430 pics
- AM014 BK $420 pics
Magpul PTS PDR-C $1300 pics


The guns below are used. They are tested for functionality and leaks.
GAS Rifles
Brand Product Price Pictures
WE 416 Kit $550 pics
- SCARL Kit $480 pics
- M4A1 RIS Kit $720 pics
- M4 LVOA w/4mags $560 pics
GAS Pistols(+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM+KWC G17+PT99 Kit $560 pics
- - - -
TM G17G3 Kit2 $300 pics
- G18C Kit $520 pics
- PX4 w/2 mags $330 pics
- P226E2 w/2 mags $250 pics
- G17G3 $280 pics
- G17G3 4mags $460 pics
- G17G3 Kit $420 pics
- - - -
WE G18C Kit $280 pics
- G17G3 Kit3 $350 pics
- G17G3 Kit2 $280 pics
- G17G3 Kit $380 pics
- 1911 BK Kit $300 pics
- MEU TAN kit $250 pics
- 1911 7mags $260 pics
- F229 Kit $250 pics
- xDm Kit $200 pics
- xDm Comp 2mags $230 pics
- - - -
VFC G17 Kit3 $250 pics
- FNX45BK $220 pics
- G19G3 Kit $270 pics
- G17G4 Kit2 $250 pics
- G17G4 Kit $340 pics
- G17G4 3mags $300 pics
- FNX45TAN $325 pics
- - - -
KJW 1911 OD w/2mags $160 pics
- M9 $150 pics
- M9 Elite $150 pics
- KP-01 $130 pics
- - - -
KWC M&P9 $140 pics
- PT99 3mags $150 pics
- PT99 w/2 lowers $160 pics
- 1911 4mags $200 pics
- 1911 4mags $180 pics
- 1911 2mags $100 pics
- M92 $130 pics
- M92 4mags #2 $200 pics
- M92 4mags $180 pics
- Luger $150 pics
- Deagle 4mags $200 pics
- Deagle Kit $270 pics
- M17 2mags #2 $150 pics
- M17 $130 pics
- M&P9 Kit $250 pics
- SW40 $100 pics
- - - -
AW HX1004 Kit $220 pics
- HX2502 Kit $350 pics
- HX1002 Kit $280 pics
- HX1004 kit $220 pics
- - - -
KWA HK45 $220 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac LVOA-C $330 pics
- LVOA-S Kit $550 pics
- LVOA-C FG Kit $520 pics
- CRB MK2 Kit $540 pics
- SPR MK2 DT Kit $450 pics
- SPR MK2 Kit $420 pics
- Vector PKG $950 pics
- GPR CC $500 pics
- LMG $750 pics
- - - -
G&P LMT Kit $300 pics
VFC VR16 TE1 Kit $420 pics
- XCR-C(Metal) Kit $380 pics
KA BRO 15" Kit $350 pics
- VIS CQB $360 pics
G&G SRL DST Kit $340 pics
ARES M4 15" KeyMod $290 pics
- OCTA ARMS KM15 Kit $320 pics
E&C EC106 $350 pics


Brand Product Price Pictures
AW Hicapa Mount $15 pics
GHK G5 Bolt $85 pics
- G5 Barrel+Hop up $60 pics
VFC G17G4 Lower $130 pics
- G17G4 Externals $150 pics
WE G17BBU $55 pics
- Apache Mag $30 pics
- M4 Lower $150 pics
- SCAR-L Barrel+Sight $45 pics
- G18C Parts $60 pics
- G17 Slide/Barrel $95 pics
- 1911 Silver Frame $50 pics
TM 5.1 Midframe $120 pics
- G17 BBU w/Nozzle $65 pics
- - - -
ASG Scorpion Internals $60 pics
- Scorpion GB $65 pics
G&G V2 GB $60 pics
- V2 GB#2 $50 pics
G&P V2 GB $65 pics
Krytac PDW Upper CG $100 pics
- PDW FG Upper $110 pics
- 5" Barrel $40 pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
AW 5.1 Lower $120 pics
TNT H.L.R. Bucking 60 $30 pics
SI AR Enhanced Grip $40 pics
DP GhostRing2(TMG17) $30 pics
SLR 2x VFC G17 EXT Baseplates $100 pics
G&P 870 Piston Set 150% $40 pics
SPEED 5.1 Comp Trigger Gold $40 pics
AIP G17 Spring Guide $22 pics
WE G17 Upper $100 pics
- G17 Lower $85 pics
- Apache Lower $220 pics
- G18C Slide $50 pics
- 5.1 Parts $40 pics
TM G17 BBU $50 pics
- G19G3 Internals+Slide $170 pics
Guarder TM G17 Barrel $65 pics
- TM 5.1 Nozzle $40 pics
9Ball M92F Sights $70 pics
- PX4 Sights $100 pics
- XDM Sights $90 pics
- 5.1 Sights $120 pics
- 5.1 Inner $50 pics
A1A G17RB1 Kit $330 pics
- SAI G19 Slide/Barrel $190 pics
- G17 Parts $45 pics
AM 1911 Hopup $110 pics
AM Edge BBU $65 pics
AM 5.1 Hammer and Searset $50 pics
AM .45ACP 5.1 Gold $170 pics
Cowcow TM Buckings $20 pics
- 5.1 Barrel BK $120 pics
- 5.1 Tornado SV $180 pics
- 4.3 Gold $125 pics
- - - -
Madbull 363mm Inner $35 pics
A1A M4 CNC Hopup $25 pics
Airtech PDW EXT $35 pics
G&P KAC AMBI Release $60 pics
- M4 Externals $300 pics
- STONER RAS $170 pics
Laylax Vector KeyMod(L) $220 pics
MadBull NSR 7" $110 pics
- MK18 RISII BK $165 pics
- Noveske 10A $120 pics
VFC VR16 Lower $150 pics
- VR16 Receiver Set $250 pics
- 14.5" Outer $70 pics
- HK416 Stock $65 pics
- V2 GB $100 pics
- 12" Quad Rail $100 pics
- QRS Stock $65 pics
G&G ETU 2.0 $75 pics
- GOSV3 Tan Stock $65 pics
Magpul Paraclip $30 pics
- Rail Light Mount $45 pics
Magpul PTS MOE Pistol FDE $40 pics
- RSA Mount $50 pics
- CTR Black $110 pics
KRYTAC Vector Rail $135 pics
- LVOA-C Rail $150 pics
- M4 Receiver Set $160 pics
- PDW Stock $120 pics
SHS 32:1 $25 pics
- 16:1 $40 pics
Prometheus 280mm Barrel $75 pics
- 155mm Vector Barrel $90 pics
G&P M170 Devil $65 pics
SIEGETEK Cyclone 14.09 Ratio $220 pics
- 10.78 GS $220 pics
BTC Chimera V3 $120 pics
- Chimera V2 $120 pics


Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Sight SIG ROMEO5 $270 pics
- Firefield 1x22 $100 pics
- VORTEX SPARCII $300 pics
- AIMSPORTS 2-7x32 $90 pics
- - 1x20mm T1 $80 pics
- - 4X ACOG $90 pics
- - 4x32 $55 pics
- LANCER 3-9x32 $65 pics
- NCSTAR 4x32 w/laser $110 pics
- - 4x32 $140 pics
- - 4x30 $50 pics
- G&P T2 Tan $90 pics
- Rpro XPS 2Z $100 pics
- Rpro T1 Dual Mount $75 pics
- Rpro LCO $95 pics
- Rpro ACOG 4x $150 pics
- Rpro 3x Barlow $70 pics
- Rpro MRO $80 pics
- Rpro Doctor $40 pics
- Rpro 552+3X Magnifier $150 pics
- Rpro Reflex w/Laser $50 pics
- Sniper ACOG 4x $110 pics
- - - -
Tracer Xcortech XT301 $90 pics
- - X3300W $150 pics
- G&G Midnight Hawk $90 pics
- - Battleowl $140 pics
-r Acetech Predator KAC $200 pics
- - LighterS $95 pics
- - - -
FlashHider 6mmProShop 16mm+ 14mm- $30 pics
- 6mmProShop 16mm+ Thread Pro $30 pics
- E&L AK74U $25 pics
- Madbull DNTC04 SV $35 pics
- - - -
Suppressor CYMA LaRue $65 pics
- Krytac HPS4G $100 pics
- 5KU KAC QD $85 pics
- - 556Mini $80 pics
- - MP7 $120 pics
- - 556RC $85 pics
- WE Makarov $35 pics
- Rpro SF 556 $100 pics
- G&G Pistol 14mm - $40 pics
- - SS100 $35 pics
- Krytac KRISS $65 pics
- G&P Zombie QD 14mm + $120 pics
- Madbull 7"KAC 14CCW $150 pics
- - Blackside $65 pics
- - SWR 6" $90 pics
- - 7" K.A.C. 14mm + $110 pics
- - Gemtech $65 pics
- - - -
Launcher G&P M203 Navy L $270 pics
- - M203 MIL $270 pics
- MBull XM203L OD $170 pics
- MBull XM203S BK $180 pics
- SPIKE'S HAVOC 12" $250 pics
- - - -
Light TM CQX Micro $100 pics
- Element M600P $50 pics
- - M600W $90 pics
- FMA PEQ15 Tan w/IR $60 pics
- Rpro X300U $140 pics
- Rpro X400 $150 pics
- Rpro M720V $140 pics
- Rpro SBAL-PL $110 pics
- G&P GP800 w/switch $180 pics
- G&P DBAL $320 pics
- - - -
Tool XCORTECH X3500 $110 pics
- ACETECH AC5000 Chrono $75 pics
- - - -
Grip Rpro SI Keymod $25 pics
- Rpro Red Keymod $30 pics
- SI Cobra $35 pics
- Rpro PK2 Metal AK $40 pics
- UTG Light $50 pics
- Rpro MVG $15 pics
Bipod ATLAS PSR $120 pics
- - - -
Mount CYMA M14 $30 pics
- Rpro MP5 $25 pics
Covers SI KeyMod FDE $15 pics
Type Brand Product Price Pictures
Grip Magpul PTS AFG2 $10 pics
Silencer Rpro Navy Seals $45 pics
- Rpro 7" KAC $60 pics
- WE Pistol $10 pics
Launcher ZOXNA Shower $50 pics
- HFC HG-138 $55 pics
- Madbull XM203L TAN $100 pics
Light Rpro M910 $70 pics
- OPSMEN FAST501 $40 pics
- Rpro M600W $55 pics
Sight TM Micro Pro $70 pics
Magazines (N)ew or (U)sed (+SHIPPING $$)
Brand Product Price Pictures
TM MEU(U) $45 pics
- 2xG17(U) $65 pics
- 2x5.1(U) $80 pics
- P226(U) $40 pics
- 1911A1#2(U) $40 pics
- 5.1(N) $45 pics
- M9(N) $50 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $65 pics
- 4.3 BK(U) $30 pics
- 4.3 SV(N) $40 pics
- USP-C(U) $35 pics
- USP(Leaky) $20 pics
- 1911A1(U) $40 pics
- PX4(U) $45 pics
- 5.1 EXT(U) $50 pics
- 2x4.3(U) $75 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- G17(U) $35 pics
- 2xG17(N) $55 Each pics
- 2xG19(N) $55 Each pics
- - - -
WE 4xMEU(N) $120 pics
- 4xG17(U) $110 pics
- 3xM4(U) $150 pics
- 2xG17(U)#3 $40 pics
- 5.1(U) $25 pics
- F226(N) $25 pics
- 3x1911(U) $50 pics
- SCARH(U) $65 pics
- 3xG17(U)#2 $80 pics
- 3xG17(U) $80 pics
- G17(N) $38 Each pics
- 2xG17(U) $55 pics
- G17 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 3xG26(N) $100 pics
- 3x5.1EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 5.1(N) $40 Each pics
- 2x5.1(U) $50 pics
- 2x5.1#2(U) $55 pics
- 2x5.1CO2 $42 Each pics
- 3x1911(U) $60 pics
- 5x1911A1(U) $140 pics
- 2xLuger(N) $35 Each pics
- M&P9(N) $35 pics
- P-Virus(N) $55 Each pics
- F226(N) $35 Each pics
- 3xM14(N) $70 Each pics
- 2xG39(N) $140 pics
- 2xP90(N) $70 Each pics
- SVD(N) $95 Each pics
- PMC(N) $85 pics
- - - -
VFC MP7(U) $40 pics
- MP7(U)#2 $65 pics
- M&P9(U) $35 pics
- G19(U) $40 pics
- 2xG17G5(N) $70 Each pics
- G17G4(N) $60 Each pics
- 2xFNX45T(N) $55 Each pics
- PPQ(U) $40 pics
- - - -
KJW KP01 CO2(U) $30 pics
- KP06(N) $40 pics
- KP09(U) $30 pics
- 2xKP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xP09(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xM4(U) $65 pics
- KP-01 Gas(N) $35 pics
- KC-02 Long(U) $40 pics
- 3xKP-05 Gas(N) $40 Each pics
- 2xKC02(U) $80 pics
- - - -
KWC 2x1911(U) $45 pics
- 2x1911 EXT(N) $60 Each pics
- 2xM17(U) $50 pics
- M17(N) $40 Each pics
- M92 EXT(U) $55 pics
- 1911 EXT(U) $30 pics
- M92(U) $25 pics
- - - -
AW 5.1 BK(N) $40 pics
- 5.1 BK(U) $30 pics
KWA 2xMP7(U) $120 pics
- HK45(U) $50 pics
- USP Match(U) $45 pics
- USP Match#2(U) $40 pics
G&G 2xGTP9(N) $45 Each pics
- SMC9(N) $80 Each pics
Marusen FN57(N) $50 Each pics
GHK Gmag(N) $115 pics
- - - -
AI 3xCyclone(U) $110 pics
- 3x40Mike(U) $200 pics
- Burst(U) $45 pics
- 2x40MIKE(U) $140 pics
- Cyclone Kit(U) $110 pics
- 40MIKE(U) LEAKY $50 pics
- Burst XL(U) $50 pics
- MasterMike(U) $75 pics
- - - -
Zparts 2xERAZ OG(N) $65 Each pics
KIMERA JR2(N) $50 pics
SHS 2x40mm(U) $70 pics
G&P 3x40mm Capped $160 pics
Madbull 2xM433(N) $100 pics
- 2xM381(U) $160 pics
- 2x922A1(N) $100 Each pics
Brand Product Price Pictures
Krytac 3xVector 40rd(N) $40 Each pics
Proarms 4xM4 Mids(N) $65 pics
VFC 3xQRS Mids(N) $95 pics
G&G 3xM4 Mids(N) $70 pics
- 3xTinted M4(N) $70 pics
- 2xG2H .308 Mids(N) $40 pics
- M4 Drum(N) $170 pics
- M4 Mids(N) $20 Each pics
CYMA 4xM4 Mids(U) $35 pics
- 3xM4(U) $20 pics
- AK Mids(N) $18 Each pics
- MP5 Mids $25 Each pics
- 3xP90 Mids(N) $30 Each pics
- 5xM4 Mids(N) $14 Each pics
Bluebox 4xM4(N) $60 pics
- M4 Black(N) $15 Each pics
- AK-47 Mids(N) $17 Each pics
Madbull 5xAWM Tan Mids(N) $95 pics
- 5xTROY Mids(N) $100 pics
Dytac 4xCamo M4 Mids(U) $50 pics
- 2xHEXMAG(U) $30 pics
JG 2xP90 300rds(N) $50 pics
Modify 2xXTC TAN(N) $45 pics
submitted by Cdn_citizen to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:21 whaaaaaat07 Help needed

Help needed
I added a Molly that isn’t doing well. I already added the liquor to stabilize ph. I also added spider wood -after boiling it- to my tank and some tablets in my substrate for my plants.
How do I bring hardiness down ?
submitted by whaaaaaat07 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 skindeeptattoo412 Finished this horror sleeve today. By me tonycashtattoos. Pittsburgh pa.

Finished this horror sleeve today. By me tonycashtattoos. Pittsburgh pa. submitted by skindeeptattoo412 to tattoos [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:12 SleepingAndy The game feels solved even at the lowest levels

I calibrated 7500 premier after playing the game off and on for 10 years.
It used to be the case that in silver 2-3 (equivalent to around this rating in premier now I believe,) people would barely use grenades at all, would buy silly guns all the time, had awful sensitivities, didn't know any angles, had no idea how to peak correctly, barely knew the map layout, etc. It used to feel like you were literally playing a different game at silver vs gold nova vs mg. Totally different playstyle, skill, technique, everything.
Now, even down in 7500 which is near the absolute bottom of the leaderboard, everyone does full site executes, there is at least 10 nades thrown on every site execute, everyone jiggle peaks, everyone pre-aims angles, everyone knows the set smokes, everyone uses flashes, everyone uses mollys, almost everyone knows map callouts, almost everyone uses the good normal guns like ak/m4 and they know the spray patterns pretty well too. I get jiggle peak instant headshot constantly.
To me this level of sweaty memorization would be traditionally reserved for maybe the top 5-10% sweatiest hardcores in the playerbase, a la the kind of guy who measures frame data in street fighter. It's viscerally repulsive to see it this common in the bottom 10% too. The fact that you would need to be in the bottom 1-2% of the game just to play oldschool style counterstrike where people just wander around shooting at eachother, something is so disgusting about that.
Anyone else?
submitted by SleepingAndy to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:57 alien102471 This is driving me crazy - yamaha mg10xu

I use to connect my dual pc setup using yamaha mg10xu, I tried GOXLR but meh. I tried to set up the yamaha again however I run into one very frustrating issue.
Here is how I use to connect things and it worked: Channel 1 - XLR mic Channel 2-4 - none Channel 5/6 - Gaming PC Channel 7/8 Streaming PC The "USB" channel - I use to use it for discord - 2x Line MG-XU FX Send - send the gaming sound back to streaming PC
This time however my audio from channel 7/8 (streaming pc) is feeding directly into the Line MG-XU (recording tab in sound settings) and ppl on discord can hear the other PC. Can someone explain what I am doing wrong? The usb feature was used to feed mic and get discord output audio, now it's messed up.
I need help as I have no more hair to pull from my head.
submitted by alien102471 to audio [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:47 shitty-witty [Omega Speedmaster] Playing hooky for birthday

[Omega Speedmaster] Playing hooky for birthday
A day late. Big birthday for me and was able to snag this personal favorite (size of case is more my speed). My partner convinced my two best friends to fly in to surprise me for my birthday and we ripped a quick round in the morning.
After getting into watches with the finding of my late grandfather’s thin-o-matic, I really got into speedmasters, and was about to pull the trigger on a used professional at local dealer. This popped up on watchexhange and was more chewable of a price and was with boxes, manual and all cards.
I love the look of this on my wrist and really it suits my wardrobe, and I have used it to time my team for drills and fitness. I can very easily see myself letting this watch stay aa my feature piece.
submitted by shitty-witty to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:32 kvpop Ebay seller (Please Rewind) $12 off $60+

This seller has a lot of 4K steelbooks (and non 4K movies) in stock (
Links courtesy of psychobabbler27 from previous post:
Please Rewind Store
Some Highlights (Prices before discount)
$15.50 sale:
The Muppets Take Manhattan 4K
Adaptation 4K
Bad Boys For Life 4K
Labyrinth 4K
Dark Crystal 4K
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer 4K
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood 4K
Hook 4K
The Way We Were 4K
Bullet Train 4K
65 4K
The Woman King 4K
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile 4K
Groundhog Day 4K Steelbook - $17.55
Fright Night 4K Steelbook- $19.49
Black Hawk Down 4K Steelbook - $22.99 (new w/ Dolby Vision)
The Guns of the Navarone 4K Steelbook - $22.99
Godzilla (1998) 25th Anniversary 4K Steelbook - $22.99
Spider-Man No Way Home 4K Steelbook - $22.99
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse 4K Steelbook - $30.79 (former BB Exclusive / Out of Print)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 4K Steelbook - $19.49
Air Force One 4K Steelbook - $19.49
Insidious 4K Steelbook - $22.99
Sicario: Day of the Soldado 4K Steelbook - $21.44
Matilda 4K Steelbook - $22.99
The Last Dragon 4K Steelbook - $25.29
Ghostbusters 2-Film 4K Collection - $33.00
Zombieland 4K Steelbook - $19.49
Zombieland: Double Tap 4K Steelbook - $19.49
Bram Stoker's Dracula 4K Steelbook - $23.39
Gattaca 4K Steelbook - $21.44
The Raid: Redemption 4K Steelbook - $27.59
Paprika 4K Steelbook - $27.59
You can also use this coupon multiple times; just limit each order to around $60 (so around 3 or 4 items). Was able to pick up 4K steelbooks for around $16 + tax each
submitted by kvpop to 4KBlurayDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:19 whaaaaaat07 Help. I need to balance my tank

Help. I need to balance my tank
I got a Molly last night and she isn’t doing well today. Decided to do a water test. I added some liquid to balance the oh, but how do I bring hardiness down?
I also added some spider wood today. I prepared it by boiling it. My water has plants and I added some tablets at the bottom of the substrate last night.
submitted by whaaaaaat07 to freshwateraquarium [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:33 Daddy_Alias Had a trip planned, got injured and now OP is sad.

Had a trip planned, got injured and now OP is sad.
So I had a solo bike trip to shimla this month, was supposed to go on 20th, now on 20th I'm gonna go through a surgery, how cool is that? I broke my ligament while playing badminton. I just feel so damn sad and disappointed. This trip held emotional importance to me.
submitted by Daddy_Alias to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:16 ConsciousCourse7440 When the “best” thing happens

When the “best” thing happens
It froze and we lost everything thanks
submitted by ConsciousCourse7440 to MWZombies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:50 Uaerol Yaris Cross 2023 ou MG ZS Thermique ?

Suite à une recherche d'un véhicule depuis de long mois, nos recherches avec ma femme nous ont mené à deux choix finaux : la Yaris Cross et la MG ZS Thermique.
Bien que l'aspect prix soit très avantageux en faveur de la MG (20k vs 28k/24k en ce moment), nous hésitons beaucoup notamment sur la fiabilité de la MG qui n'a pas fait ses preuves contrairement à Toyota qui n'a rien à prouver.
C'est pour cela que je vous sollicite pour nous aiguiller. La majorité des trajets sera pour du maison-travail en banlieue parisienne et Paris même ainsi que pour des longs trajets vacances de temps en temps.
Quel est votre avis ?
submitted by Uaerol to voiture [link] [comments]