Northern internet security 2011

/r/Preppers/ - Better safe than sorry

2010.02.17 23:00 Aethelstan /r/Preppers/ - Better safe than sorry

Learning and sharing information to aid in emergency preparedness as it relates to both natural and man-made disasters. Discussion for those preparing to weather day-to-day disasters as well as catastrophic events. Insurance for tough times. Join the Discord Server at

2011.04.12 03:37 benzinonapoloni WACKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN

Unofficial subreddit for Germany's biggest metal festival. Spez ist nicht heavy metal.

2011.11.16 21:00 JrSysAdmin SOPA - Stop Online Purity Advocates

For the discussion of the Stop Online Piracy Act.

2024.05.19 08:21 idlechat [2024 Read-Along] Week 20, The Silmarillion - Quenta Silmarillion - Of Maeglin (Chapter 16)

[Eöl] shunned the Noldor, holding them to blame for the return to Morgoth, to trouble the quiet of Beleriand; but for the Dwarves he had more liking than any other of the Elvenfolk of old.
Welcome one and all again to the 2024 Read-Along and Discussion of The Silmarillion here on tolkienfans. For Week 20 (May 12-May 18), we will be exploring The Quenta Silmarillion (The History of the Silmarils) chapter 16, "Of Maeglin."

Aredhel, the daughter of Fingolfin, resided awhile in Nevrast with her brother Turgon, but later went with her people to dwell in the hidden city of Gondolin. However, she soon wearied of her hidden life in Gondolin and was permitted to set out purportedly to visit with Fingon in Hithlum with three lords of the household of Turgon. Upon reaching the Ford of Brithiach, she commanded her companions to instead turn south in the hope of passing through Doriath to eventually find the Sons of Fëanor, "her friends of old".
Upon arriving at the borders of Doriath, they were refused entry by King Thingol. And so Aredhel and her companions instead sought the dangerous route between the haunted valley of Ered Gorgoroth and the northern edge of Doriath. This passed through the land of Nan Dungortheb, where Aredhel was separated from her companions. They searched but could not find her, and barely escaping death themselves returned to Gondolin to share their tale, and there was great sorrow at the assumed fate of Aredhel.
But Aredhel, having lost her companions, continued on and eventually arrived in Himlad, where she was welcomed by the people of Celegorm and waited for his return. There for a while she was satisfied, but as the year lengthened, she took to riding further afield, seeking new and unknown paths and fields. By chance, she crossed into the forest of Nan Elmoth, where dwelt Eöl, who was named the Dark Elf. In earlier days, he was of the kin of Thingol, but he had left Doriath and fled to the shadows of Nan Elmoth. He loved not the Noldor, but learned from the Dwarves much skill of metalwork, and was often a guest to the halls of Nogrod and Belegost. He espied Aredhel from afar and desired her, and ensnared her in enchantments so she could not find the way out, but instead came deeper into Nan Elmoth. Being weary, she finally came to the halls of Eöl, and he welcomed her, and took her for his wife, and it was a long time before any of her kin heard rumour of her again.
Though at Eöl's command she was required to shun sunlight, it is not said that she was completely unwilling to their union, and in the darkness of Nan Elmoth was born their son, who, in her heart, she named Lómion, which means "Child of the Twilight" in Quenya. But Eöl gave him no name until he was twelve years old, at which time he named him Maeglin, that is "Sharp Glance".
As Maeglin grew to full maturity, he resembled, in face and form, one of the Noldor. But speaking few words, except in matters important to him, he resembled his father in mood and spirit. Often he went with Eöl to the cities of the Dwarves, and learned much from them, especially the craft of finding ores and metals in the mountains. Yet he loved his mother more and would often listen to her tales regarding the Noldor, and the valour of the House of Fingolfin, while Eöl was abroad.
In speaking of her kin to Maeglin, Aredhel desired to see them again, and these tales stirred also in Maeglin the desire to see the Noldor. But upon revealing his inner wishes to Eöl, his father became infuriated, and threatened to bind his son if he would associate with the Noldor. Maeglin became cold and silent, and no longer went abroad with Eöl, and Eöl mistrusted him. One midsummer, Eöl went away to a feast in Nogrod. During this time, the desire grew hot in the heart of Maeglin to leave Nan Elmoth and look upon his mother's people and to seek the city of Gondolin. Seeing this, Aredhel was glad and they departed, telling Eöl's servants they sought the sons of Fëanor.
However, Eöl returned earlier than anticipated and found his wife and son two days gone. He set out immediately in wrathful pursuit. On entering Himlad, Eöl was ambushed by the riders of Curufin, and was taken to their lord. Curufin mockingly asked Eöl what urgent matter brought him to his land, and Eöl told him that he wanted to join his wife and son on their visit to him. Upon learning from Curufin that they turned westward, travelling along the northern fence of Doriath, Eöl asked leave to discover their purpose. Curufin instead coldly bid him go back to Nan Elmoth.
Thus Eöl rode off in haste, full of shame and anger. He perceived that Aredhel and Maeglin were heading towards Gondolin and rode after them. As the two arrived at the Outer Gate of Gondolin, they were received joyfully and passed inside the Hidden Kingdom, where Turgon listened with wonder to the story of his sister, and gave Maeglin the highest honour in his realm. Eöl watched them from afar and followed them to the city, but was taken in by the Guard, and was brought before Turgon after claiming to be husband and father to Aredhel and Maeglin. Aredhel confirmed this and Turgon welcomed Eöl as his kinsman, giving him leave to stay in Gondolin. But Eöl insulted the King, and bid Maeglin to "leave the House of the slayers of his kin, or be accursed". Maeglin did not answer.
Turgon then set a choice before Eöl and Maeglin of either abiding in Gondolin, or dying in Gondolin. Eöl stood a long time in silence, before he abruptly took a spear from under his cloak and threw it at Maeglin, crying "the second choice I take, and for my son also! You shall not hold what is mine!" But Aredhel came between the spear and Maeglin, and was struck. Eöl was restrained, set in bonds and led away. However the tip of the spear was poisoned, and Aredhel died in the night. Eöl was brought before Turgon and no mercy was shown to him; he was led to the Caragdûr, a precipice upon the northern side of the city, to be cast down. Maeglin stood by in silence, and Eöl cried out "so you forsake your father and his kin, ill-gotten son! Here shall you fail of all your hopes and here may you yet die the same death as I". And he was cast over the cliff-edge. Thus ended Eöl, Dark Elf, of the shadows of Nan Elmoth.
Maeglin grew great in stature in Gondolin, and was high in the favour of Turgon. He rose to be mighty amongst the Princes of the Noldor, and was the greatest other than Turgon in the realm of Gondolin. And yet not all things went as he would have liked, though he did not reveal his heart. For from his first days in Gondolin, he loved Idril Celebrindal, his first cousin, and desired her, but without hope. For the Eldar did not wed with kin so close, and further, Idril loved him not at all. Maeglin's love turned to darkness, and he sought more to have his will in all matters, no matter the cost to him, if it might grant him more power.
And so it came to be that in Gondolin, at the height of all its bliss, majesty, and beauty, a dark seed of evil was sown in the heart of Maeglin.[1]
Of Maeglin at The Lord of the Rings Wiki: This chapter introduces Maeglin, and his father Eöl, and tells the history of Maeglin's life from his birth to his becoming a citizen of Gondolin. Also in this chapter is the death of Eöl.
Chapter discussion at Entmoot TolkienTrail.
Chapter discussion at The Barrow-Downs.
Questions for the week:
  1. Eöl is described as grim -- "his eyes could see deep into shadows and dark places." Does this just mean his eyes have adjusted to life in the dark, or is there also a hint of his being able to see beyond what is there, in a "foresight" or "farsighted" kind of way?
  2. Maeglin and Eöl argue because Eöl won't let him see his mother's kin which causes a major rift between the two. Why did Eöl object?
  3. What is significant of Maeglin's given name of Lomion, i.e. "Child of the Twilight" by his mother, Aredhel, but at age 12, Eöl named him Maeglin, i.e. "Sharp Glance".
  4. Why did Eöl have more liking for the Dwarves "than any other of the Elvenfolk of old."?
For drafts and history of this chapter see The War of the Jewels, "Part Three: The Wanderings of Húrin and other Writings not forming part of The Quenta Silmarillion", Chapter III, "Maeglin)", pp. 316-339.
For further history and analysis of this chapter, see Arda Reconstructed (by Douglas Charles Kane), p. 155.
Be sure to have your copy of The Atlas of Middle-earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad on hand as you go through this chapter.
Some Tolkien-related hangouts on YouTube (relevant to this week):
The Silmarillion Reader's Guide at Tea With Tolkien.
The Silmarillion Reader's Guide by askmiddlearth on Tumblr.
Quettaparma Quenyallo (QQ) - The most extensive list of Quenya words available on the internet, by Helge Fauskanger, 1999-2013.
Tolkien Collector's Guide - Guide to Tolkien's Letters
A (Hopefully) Light Guide to the Silmarillion — Or What I Wish I’d Known Before Reading It by u/Ok_Bullfrog_8491/
The Definitive Family Tree of the Tolkien Legendarium by u/PotterGandalf117
Wikipedia - The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
Announcement and Index: (Take 2) 2024 The Silmarillion and The Fall of Gondolin Read-Along
submitted by idlechat to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:19 J_U_D_G_E Xfinity Keeps deleting this post on their own forums.

OK - here it is - all of it.
Internet was perfectly fine until 4-5 months ago. I have a home-business (WFH in Tech, My own Company) - I have the highest plan $120 dollars/month. I live in Sunnyvale, CA.
My downloads go from 1200 mbps/45 Upload --- to 200 mbs and ZERO (yes zero) from 6 PM to 2 PM - on most days without fail, which has been happening consistently for over 3 months.
I've called Customer Service countless of times (take a wild guess what they do and say):
- Reset Modem, yada yada - like the internet isnt a crucial part of modern society and somehow we're all seniors (Im 42)
They have sent TWO techs to my home:
Then was referred to a man named "Too" - which gave me his phone number, told me they were "Re-wiring" my "Whole area" - and that it would take two days.
Its been 3 and a half weeks.
I cannot submit my work at night, download my software builds, work in general specially since software is constantly pinging the cloud to see if its "legal" these days, so I keep getting disconnected and since I have no internet, my software keeps saying to "SAVE" because the service keeps dropping out.
I want to be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR HERE --- I cannot Work, at all.
I've mentioned this to Xfinity a million times, this is why I have the higher package, and this is why I pay $120 dollars every month (and going up more every year - $15 this year more) I drop video-calls all the time, I'm starting to worry about my own Job security - thanks to the poor and declining service I get - and yet, I get no refund, and I get no resolution to my issue.
So change right?
Unfortunately, NO ONE has internet in my area, and Comcast/Xfinity has overbid all providers.

submitted by J_U_D_G_E to Comcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:55 Technical-Meeting679 30k rank. Review my priority order someone? Thanks

30k rank. Review my priority order someone? Thanks submitted by Technical-Meeting679 to Vit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:53 scidsg Principles of a Tip Line Platform: A research-based way to evaluate whistleblower systems

Principles of a Tip Line Platform: A research-based way to evaluate whistleblower systems
Article Cover Showing List of Principles and Names of Researchers
Thanks to the good work of academic researchers across the globe, we have a data-driven way to evaluate the quality of whistleblower software. The papers we’ve looked to for this article include:
The authors lists the characteristics of a whistleblower submission system. They include:
  1. Usability of the Software
  2. Authenticity of the Receiver
  3. Plausible Deniability of the Whistleblower
  4. Availability of the System
  5. Anonymity of the Whistleblower
  6. Confidentiality and Integrity of the Disclosures

1. Usability of the Software

Managed Service
Usability is the linchpin of any good software system. No matter what your value proposition is — the most private, secure, or whatever — if your targeted audience cannot use the software, no amount of engineering genius will make a difference. As researcher Joakim Uddholm puts it:
“The system must be usable for both whistleblowers and journalists. Whistleblowers must be able to use the system without the protection features getting too much in the way, and journalists must be able to use the system without it interfering too much with their work routines.”
A key differentiator for Hush Line is that we’re a managed service, meaning you don’t have to host core infrastructure, operate dedicated networks, or hire specialists to start using the service. All a user needs to do to have an anonymous tip line is register an account.
UI for Hush Line Registration page
By providing a centralized service, we significantly reduce the risk of user error, making the service more consistent, predictable, and trustworthy.

Email Delivery

Hush Line can deliver messages directly to your email inbox. Users may enter their preferred SMTP information from Gmail or Riseup, for example, and any message submitted to their tip line will be delivered to their email account. Enabling users to set it and forget it makes using Hush Line effortless and integrates into the systems they’re already using.
SMTP Hush Line Settings

Clearnet and Tor Addresses

Hush Line is also available on both Clearnet and Tor Onion addresses. This approach is critical for users where Tor might be blocked or having anonymizing software on their device could be incriminating, like in the case of Ola Bini in Ecuador.
Screenshot of Ola Bini’s tweet about his conviction.
Since Hush Line can be accessed over a Clearnet address with the default browser already on your phone, your fingerprint will be the same as everyone else who just bought a new phone.

Making PGP Easy

Before, using PGP meant adopting cumbersome workflows that even stumped journalists at the heart of the Snowden disclosures. Journalist Glenn Greenwald didn’t have PGP set up, and didn’t have the time to learn how to do it, resulting in Snowden not being able to securely contact him. Even Snowden forgot to send his PGP key to journalists when initially contacting them.
Inbox view with Mailvelope browser extension.
Hush Line attempts to solve this problem through our integration of Mailvelope, a powerful open-source browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that enables users to create keys, decrypt and encrypt message directly in their browser, and export their public PGP key. For tip line owners, once adding their PGP key to Hush Line, all messages are end-to-end encrypted by default and when a tip comes in, they can read it within the Hush Line app. For whistleblowers, this means they don’t need to do anything to send a secure, anonymous message.

2. Authenticity of the Receiver

Verification System

Hush Line has a verification system for journalists, organizations, activists, or other public figures. Verified accounts receive a special badge on their message submission page so that people submitting messages know they’re contacting the right person. To be verified, users must submit proper information to prove their identity or approval to represent a company.
Submit Message page with a “Verified Account” badge.

Opt-In User Directory

Users may opt-in to a public directory where others can find their address. The default tab is prioritized to make it easy to find verified users. The directory is searchable, and a whistleblower can have confidence of the validity of an address.
Hush Line User Directory page

Account Reporting

The verification system and user directories are two ways to help ensure the authenticity of the receiver, but to help ensure the platform’s health, we enable users who have logged in to report spam or abuse accounts. We will address reported accounts immediately to determine the best next steps, whether deleting the account, sending a warning message, or other appropriate methods.

3. Plausible Deniability of the Whistleblower

No Downloads

Hush Line is accessible over a Clearnet address, so a user doesn’t have to download any new software to send an anonymous message. If someone wants to use a Tor-only tip line service on their mobile device, they must sign in to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. To download Tor Browser, you need to provide a valid email address or phone number and possibly payment information, all considered personally identifiable information. Now that you’ve downloaded new software on your phone, your “fingerprint” has become unique to who you are. If you only have Robinhood, Tor Browser, Mastodon, Chrome, and Slack on your phone, the likelihood of someone else having only those same apps becomes less likely. If you have even 50 apps, your fingerprint will be more associated with you, possibly entirely unique. The more unique your fingerprint is, the less realistic a plausible deniability claim is.

One-Way Messaging

Most people fail to report information because they fear retaliation and the significant risks of whistleblowing. Hush Line is a one-way messenger explicitly designed to protect the individual submitting the message. If the person submitting a message feels comfortable enough to leave a contact method, they may or can submit a message without any further involvement.

Account-Free for Whistleblowers

Someone submitting a message does not need to create an account to use the app. This crucial feature allows a whistleblower to reduce the trail of information they leave behind. No credentials can be found if you have no username or password to save. And since Hush Line requires no special software, a message can be submitted from any phone or computer, from a pubic library or internet cafe, for example.
Success message after sending a message without an account.

4. Availability of the System

Centralized Services

By providing a centralized service, Hush Line is more reliably available by only requiring a single system to be maintained and secured. Centralizing our services protects users by removing the responsibility of managing specialized infrastructure and following complex workflows, which, if done incorrectly, could have real-world implications.
Decentralized systems help with censorship resistance (and Hush Line can also be self-hosted), but when there are tens, hundreds, or thousands of separate instances all disconnected from each other, there is no way to ensure the quality of those systems. What other software is on the server? Is it updated? Are any ports open? Who currently has or has had access? What hardware are they using? It’s impossible and foolhardy to assume that everyone will follow best practices consistently.
An analogous example of the inherent risks of decentralization is from the Mastodon network — a decentralized version of Twitter where anyone can run an instance. The database for, a service tailored to anarchist users, was compromised. In 2023, the home of its admin was raided for an unrelated event, and the FBI seized an unencrypted database backup.
Snippet from the Kolektiva admin account’s post after the raid.

5. Anonymity of the Whistleblower

Leaking IP Addresses

To make Hush Line accessible to as many people as possible, the app is available on a publicly accessible URL, which is what you might expect from any web service. However, when using a Clearnet URL, leaking a user’s IP address is a real possibility.
To help defend against this, we scrub IP addresses from our access logs to minimize the risk of this happening when you use our app. To remove the possibility of IP leaks in high-threat scenarios, we deploy Hush Line as a Tor Onion service.

Tor Support

Tor is a network that anonymizes your internet browsing activity. It acts as a proxy by randomly routing your request through its network of relays, hiding who is making the request. Tor also has a feature called Onion Services. An Onion service makes a website or application accessible through a special .onion address that is only available through the Tor Browser.
Message submission onion site.
When using a regular browser like Chrome or Firefox, when you enter an address like the browser needs to know the server address for that URL. A long chain of services helps make it possible, from your ISP to DNS services, the server running the app, and more to make it possible to type something memorable like instead of remembering and entering Just as the browser needs to know the IP address of the target web server, your IP address is also necessary to know where to send the information.
Your IP address is essentially your customer ID for your internet service provider. All someone with the necessary authority needs to do is request the information of the owner of that IP, and your real identity is exposed.
Onion services defeat this kind of threat because they don’t operate using the same DNS and IP protocols. Tor Browser is connected to the Tor anonymizing network, and so are the Onion services that exist within it. When someone uses a .onion address, the request from the browser to the server and back never leaves the Tor network, completely sidestepping IP leakage.
To access Hush Line’s information site using our Onion address, enter `http://w25rxxn62dgix7qdbw4ot37m2y4ty7kxfrinspw4ce7jzse7pb6rhaqd.onion/\`, or to access the app’s Onion site, enter `http://ghj4vviaoccj4tj2r3ss52arbnchkfvs7uft4sgtrkuvdha5zjgo6yqd.onion\` in Tor Browser.

Timing Correlation

To know that two people are talking to each other, you don’t need to know the contents of their messages if you have enough metadata about the conversation. One such way to reveal important context about who might be talking to each other is to learn when the messages were sent. If there’s a flurry of activity from two accounts — one after the other, repeatedly, pausing at similar times, being active at similar times— someone analyzing the logs might assume those accounts are talking to each other.
To address this, we do not timestamp messages or relate accounts in any way. An attacker with access to the server cannot relate two messages on the platform, which is largely irrelevant as Hush Line is designed as a one-way messenger.

6. Confidentiality and Integrity of the Disclosures

Message Encryption

Hush Line uses PGP for message encryption, making the key owner the only one technically able to read the decrypted messages. Messages are end-to-end encrypted using OpenPGP.js, meaning our server will never see the decrypted contents.
Hush Line Inbox with an encrypted message.
We’re proactive about communicating with senders and receivers about the importance of the tip line owner adding their public PGP key, and we discourage sharing sensitive information if the receiver doesn’t encrypt their messages.
Unencrypted warning on a message submission page.


We use Let’s Encrypt for HTTPS certificates. When a site uses HTTPS, requests use the TLS protocol to encrypt data in transit from the browser to the server and back. This protects your activity from being monitored or tampered with while using the app.
For an attacker who can monitor network connections, instead of seeing which page you’re on or who you’re submitting a message to, the primary URL is only visible. So if a message submitter is on the recipient remains unobservable, and the only thing visible to a network snoop is


There are many tip-line solutions on the market, and it can be intimidating to choose the right one for you. We hope this article gives you a data-driven way to evaluate the software that fits your needs.

Additional Research

Do you have any questions, comments, or feedback? Follow us on Mastodon at
Originally posted on Medium:
submitted by scidsg to HushLine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:49 RadioRavenRide Activity Shilling: What if Neoliberals contributed to Bridge-building?

It if my belief that the hardest liberal ideal to uphold is not property rights or free-markets but pluralism. This is because the instinct to demonize and distance oneself from one's enemies is overwhelmingly strong, driven by pride, fear, anger, and disgust. But we should stand against these impulses, for the very core of democracy relies on people and groups of different to engage and hash out a plan for the future. With that in mind, I would like to make a case that one of the most powerful and useful things a principles neoliberal can do is bridge build.

What is Bridge Building?

Bridge-building is not rigorously defined because it's pretty new, but it comes from very old human instincts: curiosity and a desire for authentic connection.
Curiosity is not just a desire for knowledge, but a desire to expand one's view of the world and a practice of being an ever-enthusiastic learner. Curiosity does not have to be about facts but also about new experiences and ways of thinking. To be curious about a person is not necessarily wanting to know their social security number, but how they came to where they are in life and how they see the world. Curiosity is not just touching grass, but appreciating the park's beauty. If I were not curious, I would likely have noped out of this subreddit based on the name alone. But because I was, I read the sidebar.
It is my belief that people have an innate desire to be heard, to be seen and respected. And although it is diminished as of late, people also have the capacity to truly connect to others on a deeper-than-superficial level. This is hard online, but much easier in the real world. This desire and capacity for connection can help people overcome great differences and sprout the seeds of a great friendship.
Based on these two principles, Bridge-Building is a movement to ease polarization by connecting people of different backgrounds and groups together to foster greater understanding. The goal is not to reduce disagreement, but to make it more productive.

Why should Neoliberals Aim to Bridge Build?

Yeah, why should we? If we know best, why should we listen to those chumps? After all, I already have a name for everyone to right and left of me: wrong.
For one, do we really know best about everything? In the Socratic Dialogue Meno, Socrates and the politician Meno discuss the nature of virtue. During a debate on whether virtue can be taught, Meno asks Socrates this:
And how will you enquire, Socrates, into that which you do not know? What will you put forth as the subject of enquiry? And if you find what you want, how will you ever know that this is the thing which you did not know?
Here in lies Meno's Paradox: how do you know if you need to learn? If you already have that knowledge, you do not need to look any longer. And if you don't, then you have no idea what you're searching for. Socrates uses the idea of inbuilt knowledge as his answer, but I have another one which may strike more directly to the interests of liberals: simply assume that your knowledge is incomplete, and seek a more complete picture. Given all the knowledge in the world out there and all the things have yet to be discovered, it is unlikely that you or any other person has the complete picture on even a single issue.
But even if we do not know everything, if there value in learning from those of different views of us? I say that there is, and I will use another famous parable, this time from Buddhism, to illustrate my point. In this story, a kind invites a group of blind men to experience something that they have never encountered before: an elephant. When each blind man has felt a part of the creature, the king asks them to describe what they are touching. The man touching the foot says that the thing is a pillar, the man touching the trunk says it is a plow, the man touching the tip of the tail says a brush, and so on. The blind men cannot agree on what they are all touching, and so start an ancient version of a flamewar which entertains the king. In this story, the elephant is "The Truth", if such a thing exists. Although we all come in contact with the truth and with reality, we each come at it at different angles, like how the blind men are touching different parts. This means that while our individual perspectives are incomplete, they can be put together as a much more complete picture. People who remember the "wisdom" of the crowds should also recognize the powerful insights that can come from non-experts, especially as a group. Neoliberals who aspire to be "evidence-based" should not just gather evidence from different sources, but learn about different ways of thinking from others, or else they would be like one blind man squeezing the elephant's gonads really hard and thinking he's touching a balloon.
Edit: Just realized another reason Another reason for bridge building has to do with pragmatism. Pragmatism is not simply being "less extreme", but meeting people where they are. But how can you do that if you don't know where they are? Polls can help, but some personal connection may help as well, given how unreliable polls can be.
Hoewver, there are a lot of people who will reply to this very post and say, "isn't it dangerous to engage with certain people? What about those who are too stupid and hateful to learn?". Firstly, you should never bridge build if you feel unsafe. However, feeling unsafe is not the same as feeling uncomfortable, and discomfort may help you shake out of old patterns. Secondly, the foremost goal of substantive discussion is not to teach but to learn: even if the other party is too stupid to learn, if you are able to listen and learn you will have gained from the conversation. This may not always work out, but I promise you that when it does the effect is magical.

How do you Bridge Build?

This is the hard part. I haven't fully figured it out myself, but I have some pointers:
  1. Be patient. People, especially people on the internet, are no the most eloquent speakers. Struggling to find the right words or having incorrect grammar and spelling should not be taken as signs of being dumb babies not worth talking to. Additionally, try not assume all of what people are based on snippets of information.
  2. Be polite. Avoiding infamatory remarks ("You can't even read a supply and demand graph") and ambiguous slogans ("From the river to the sea, drugs will be free!") and try to keep the focus on the issues instead of the other person (or what you assume of the other person).
3.Stand up for your beliefs. Common ground is only real if it is earned. Be upfront about what you believe and how you came to believe those things. Anything else would be a disservice to the other party.
  1. Follow your curiosity. Try to ask questions in good faith instead of as traps (although I admit I do this a lot). Who knows where the inquiry will go?
But if that's too hard or ambiguous, there's a lot of help out there. Here are some organizations and projects that specialize in bridge-building:
Braver Angels: They host workshops, debates, and other events for bridging divides. I also like their A Braver Way Podcast. They also happen to be associated with one American Purpose Magazine.
One Small Step by StoryCorps: If you sign up, they may match you with someone they think you will have a fruitful conversation with.
National Institue for Civil Discourse: Come on, one of the founding Co-Chairs was Bill Clinton, and a former board member was H.W. Bush.
There are many more, so feel free to search for yourself. So, why not try building some bridges? They're an important piece of infrastructure.
submitted by RadioRavenRide to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:47 Ok-Broccoli3582 What Are the Key Features to Look for in the Best Android Tablet in 2024?

I'm in the market for a new Android tablet this year and wanted to get some advice on what key features I should be looking for. With so many options available, it's a bit overwhelming to decide which tablet would be the best fit. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what makes an Android tablet stand out in 2024.
Here are a few things I'm considering:
I would really appreciate any insights or experiences you could share that could help me make an informed decision.
submitted by Ok-Broccoli3582 to BuyItForMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:44 MegsGW Secure Site

Hello! I've been with SNHU since Jan and have loved it so far. I have had several issues getting on where I've needed to talk with help desk to get logged in.
I get an error that says "This site can't provide a secure connection" regardless of browser.
Clearing cache, restarting, all that. Tonight it's happened again after working fine for a few months. It wouldn't let me chat with IT for the same reason so I called. He had me lower the security level in my internet options from medium high to medium. That fixed it.
I asked him why I keep getting this message. Is it not a secure site? He said it was just the login screen that wasn't secure but the rest is.
That makes me a bit concerned for my login info.
Does anyone have anymore information on this? Is it really not secured? Is my login or personal info at risk?
submitted by MegsGW to SNHU [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:33 Redditpernya If K-pop groups sang to Kevin MacLeod's music

(Alt. title: Kevin MacLeod's music as K-pop groups)
Ah, the guy who literally invented the music for the Internet, Kevin MacLeod. He composed literally so many songs that you would hear back in the golden age of the Internet (prolly like, 2011-2016). Now I have been wondering this, I've seen some Twitter threads about giving "stuff" to members of a group, so why not I do the same with Kevin MacLeod's compositions to literally any K-pop group we can think of, from 1st to 5th gen (because I said so). We pick one song from MacLeod and give (or associate) it to only one group who you think suits the song you chose the best. It's like, a K-pop group representing an internet song (or the other way around?).
Oh, and since MacLeod composed like, 1.5K songs, I'm also counting sub-units and soloists (from a group or not).
Girls' Generation - Killing Time SHINee - Who Likes To Party VIXX - The Descent Orange Caramel - Jaunty Gumption AKMU - Fluffing a Duck GOT7 - Cut and Dry TWICE - Vivacity RIIZE - Cold Funk
Please, feel free to correct me on the ones that I already listed because there are literally a lot of Kevin MacLeod songs and a lot of K-pop groups.
To help, here a huge playlist containing Kevin MacLeod's works:
submitted by Redditpernya to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:19 Sensei_of_Knowledge Yesterday, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed a number of anti-Confederate bills passed by the Virginia legislature, including an attempt to remove the 120 year old tax exemptions from the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Thank you, Mr. Governor!

Yesterday, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed a number of anti-Confederate bills passed by the Virginia legislature, including an attempt to remove the 120 year old tax exemptions from the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Thank you, Mr. Governor! submitted by Sensei_of_Knowledge to SouthernLiberty [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:17 Ballzdeep420blazeit Navigating the Meme Coin Maze: A Guide to First Steps and Common Pitfalls

Navigating the Meme Coin Maze: A Guide to First Steps and Common Pitfalls
Welcome to the exciting world of crypto meme coins, where internet culture meets digital assets!
If you're new to the game, it can feel like navigating a maze with various twists and turns. In this guide, we'll explore the first steps to take when delving into meme coins and highlight some common pitfalls to avoid.
Remember, even in the world of memes, knowledge is power!
  1. Research, research, research! - Before investing in any meme coin, it's essential to conduct thorough research. Start by understanding the origins and purpose of the coin. Is it a playful nod to a popular meme or does it have a more serious goal? Knowing the backstory can help you gauge its potential longevity and community support.
  2. Understand the technology - Meme coins are built on blockchain technology, so it's helpful to have a basic understanding of how it works. While you don't need to be a blockchain expert, knowing the difference between proof-of-work and proof-of-stake can give you a better grasp of the coin's potential value and security.
  3. Evaluate the community - A strong and engaged community is often a driving force behind a meme coin's success. Look for active social media accounts, discussion forums, and regular updates from the development team. A vibrant community can help boost the coin's value and increase its chances of long-term success.
  4. Beware of scams - Unfortunately, the world of meme coins is not immune to scams and rug pulls. Be cautious of projects that promise unrealistic returns or have anonymous development teams. Always verify the legitimacy of a project before investing and never share your private keys or personal information.
  5. Diversify your portfolio - As with any investment, diversification is key. While it can be tempting to go all-in on a single meme coin, spreading your investments across multiple assets can help mitigate risk. Consider allocating a portion of your portfolio to established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as other promising projects outside the meme coin space.
  6. Keep an eye on market trends - Meme coins can be highly volatile, with prices sometimes skyrocketing or plummeting in a matter of hours. Stay informed about market trends and news that could impact the value of your investments. This will help you make more informed decisions and avoid potential losses.
  7. Don't invest more than you can afford to lose - Finally, remember that investing in meme coins (or any cryptocurrency) carries inherent risk. Only invest money you can afford to lose and never put your financial stability at risk. By following this simple rule, you'll be able to enjoy the wild ride of meme coins without the added stress of financial ruin.
Exploring the world of crypto meme coins can be an exhilarating and potentially profitable journey. By following these first steps and avoiding common pitfalls, you'll be well on your way to navigating the meme coin maze with confidence and humor.
Remember, the key to success in this space is a healthy dose of research, a dash of skepticism, and a sprinkle of humor to keep things light.
Happy investing!
submitted by Ballzdeep420blazeit to WallstreetWizzards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:15 reddit9655 guess which branch and campus will i get rank-44730

guess which branch and campus will i get rank-44730 submitted by reddit9655 to Vit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:10 CountryTechno 2 Bedroom + Private Bath for Rent in 3/2 House

Location: Southwest Austin by Southpark Meadows
Two rooms + Private Bath for 1 Roommate
About the House -
About Rooms:
About Me -
About You -
Application Fee: $49 (Processed through RentSpree)
Rent: $1,000 per month, $500 security deposit
Lease Term: 6 Months to start then 6 - 12 Months available
Bills: Split 2 way
Move In: Available Immediately
submitted by CountryTechno to AustinHousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:49 Faustoalves EUA temem que cabos submarinos sejam vulneráveis à espionagem de navios chineses

EUA temem que cabos submarinos sejam vulneráveis à espionagem de navios chineses
submitted by Faustoalves to InternetBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:31 qwas12357 Personality factors that predict BPD

The diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is predicated upon the notion that those who suffer from it have aspects of their personalities which are problematic, self-defeating and dysfunctional so, in the first instance, it is useful to explain what is meant by personality.
In fact, there are several theories which attempt to describe what personality is rather than one, definitive theory and one of the best-known theories is called the five-factor model of personality.
The 5 factor model of personality proposes that personality comprises 5 main factors/traits/characteristics, represented by the acronym OCEAN.
These 5 factors are shown and elucidated upon below :
Openness To Experience (inventive/curious versus consistent / cautious). Conscientiousness (efficient/organized versus easy-going / careless). Extraversion (outgoing/energetic versus solitary/reserved). Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate versus challenging/detached). Stability/Neuroticism (sensitive/nervous versus secure/confident).
Because, as already stated, a diagnosis of BPD is based on the idea that aspects of the diagnosed person's personality are disturbed we would expect there to be some relationship between this model of personality and the personalities of those suffering from BPD.
In relation to this, researchers have posed the question: to what degree can a diagnosis of BPD be predicted from a description of a person's personality based upon the 5-factor model?
One study (Distel et al., 2009) that sought to answer this question, involving over 10,000 participants in total, found that, in terms of the 5-factor model, the traits that best predicted BPD were :
High Neuroticism combined with Low Conscientiousness
Another study (Kendler et al., 2011) came up with similar results, finding that the three factors which correlated most highly with BPD were :
High Neuroticism Low Conscientiousness Low Agreeableness
A third study (Terr, 1991) found that individuals who had suffered significant childhood trauma (extremely common among BPD sufferers) scored more highly than controls on :
Neuroticism Openness to new experience.
Research carried out by Gutierrez et al. (2000) suggested that seven fundamental aspects of personality that, when they become disturbed, dysfunctional and maladaptive (e.g. due to childhood trauma), make up the foundations on which personality disorders may develop. (though, of course, to be diagnosed with any one particular personality disorder not all seven aspects of personality need to be functionally impaired. However, which of the seven aspects are impaired, and in which combinations, will contribute to the determination of the particular personality disorder).
Antagonism Compulsivity Detachment Disinhibition Negative affect Psychoticism Submissiveness
The above is of particular interest as there is a growing feeling within certain sectors of the medical profession that, rather than labelling people with potentially stigmatizing labels (such as borderline personality disorder) it may be better from a patient's point for the therapist to describe his/her difficulties with reference to the above seven personality aspects. This also has the benefit of providing the patient with specific personality traits and behaviours that s/he may benefit from working on and giving him/her greater insight into the source of his/her difficulties.
Studies suggest there is a genetic component that contributes to an individual's chances of developing BPD during adulthood. This, in turn, suggests (but does not prove) that certain behavioural aspects/traits of BPD may well have been adaptive for our ancestors (i.e. helped them to cope with their environment, to survive, and, ultimately, therefore, to reproduce in certain situations). Let's look at examples of why this may have been the case.
One aspect of personality pathology can be social avoidance e.g socially avoidant personality disorder and BPD (during phases of withdrawal) This trait could have helped our ancestors survive if they lived in an environment in which there existed many dangerous strangers.
Many individuals suffering from BPD are highly impulsive. If a person is impulsive, it means s/he tends to react very quickly to an array of stimuli. Thus, in environments in which danger could suddenly come out of nowhere (like being unexpectedly attacked by a predator), lighting fast reactions would help to increase the individual's chances of survival.
One main symptom of BPD is a propensity to fly into intense rages and become (usually verbally) aggressive. Again, for our ancestors, aggression helped them to survive and reproduce. Indeed, violence was necessary as there was no police force to protect people and food and resources could sometimes only be gained by the means of fighting. Even during the last century, anthropologists studied a tribe of very violent hunter-gatherers and found that those who had committed homicide lived longer and reproduced more than less violent members of the tribe.
It stands to reason that individuals who both inherit traits relevant to BPD AND grow up in a dysfunctional environment (constituting a ''double-whammy) are at especially increased risk of developing BPD compared to both those who inherit similar traits but experience a stable and loving childhood and those who do not inherit BPD-related traits but experience a traumatic and stressful childhood.
It follows, of course, that if a parent has BPD, the child is at significantly increased risk of developing BPD him/herself as s/he may both inherit predisposing personality traits and grow up in a harmful environment.
submitted by qwas12357 to BPDarticles [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:23 editorksqupl ESET Internet Security Promo Code for May 2024

Follow this link for ESET Internet Security Promo Code for May 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by editorksqupl to DiscountMaximal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:04 ElectronicNews1856 Dorms near UST 🥹🥹

🔔 LF: solo dorm near UST (preferably walking distance)
🔔 LF: solo dorm near UST (preferably walking distance)
TARGET MOVE IN DATE: late june to mid july
✔️ PREFERABLY: — budget friendly - much preferably included water, electricity, and wifi — air conditioned — provided bed and cabinets — own bathroom — kitchen — no curfew — visitors allowed — study area — provided internet connection — 24/7 security — laundry allowed — cooking allowed — long term
submitted by ElectronicNews1856 to Tomasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:02 Djdog12551 vWii won’t connect to internet

Hi does anybody know a way to connect to the vWii internet without having to use a hotspot? It’s driving me crazy because I can’t use the vWii internet for WiiLink services. I’m using WPA2 PSK (AES) security and im able to connect to Wii U perfectly fine but not vWii. Any help? Thx
submitted by Djdog12551 to wiiu [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:02 tilottamaa Introducing GPT360: Bridging Web2 and Web3 Like Never Before!

I’m excited to share something groundbreaking with you all: GPT360! 🚀
Imagine a platform that seamlessly integrates the dynamic world of Web3 with the expansive reach of Web2. That’s what GPT360 is all about! It’s designed as a superApp to offer an extensive suite of tools and features that cater to the diverse needs of Web3 project owners and enthusiasts alike.
Here's what makes GPT360 stand out:
Whether you're a developer, investor, or just curious about Web3, GPT360 has something for everyone. It’s time to step into the future of the internet. 🌐
submitted by tilottamaa to ICOCryptoInfo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:01 tilottamaa Discover GPT360: Your Ultimate Web3 SuperApp!

I'm thrilled to introduce you to GPT360, a pioneering platform that's taking the integration of Web2 and Web3 to new heights!
GPT360 is designed as a superApp, providing a wide array of tools and features tailored for Web3 project owners and enthusiasts. Here’s a glimpse of what GPT360 brings to the table:
GPT360 is more than just a tool; it’s a community-driven ecosystem aimed at pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with Web3 technology. Whether you’re deep into DeFi, exploring NFTs, or just getting started, GPT360 is here to help you navigate and thrive in the new internet era.
Dive in and explore the future with GPT360. Let’s chat about what excites you most about this platform!
submitted by tilottamaa to Crypto_Talkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:24 RustyTetanusShot15 I gotta get off this app man

I don't really like venting or talking about my problems but I have to ask, do you ever find yourself becoming more and more intolerant whenever you read things online? Cuz goddamn, I say some nasty shit when I scroll. Starting to think it's affecting me even though I maintain that "the Internet isn't real life".
If it's not black people getting shit on, it's men and if it isn't men, it's black people. Even though I'm a tad bit more secure in my race and gender and whatnot, I still find myself throwing my hands up and looking into an invisible camera with a puzzled face. To quote Jay-Z: "Ahhh, What did I do?"
Shit's kinda tiring and although it doesn't hurt now (it just pisses me off a lil), it hurt to know that I'm essentially a horrible monster in the eyes of society. Like I said, the net is not real life but I find myself just a little more cautious of how I am in public and around women. Like even if we're standing in line, I just hope that I don't look like a creep. Hell, the race discussion had me stewing on things that weren't worth my time.
Anyways, I know that I have a long way to go but I still find myself questioning it all and saying some horrid things to myself.
Thanks for listening.
submitted by RustyTetanusShot15 to malementalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:59 CrispySandwichMmm How/when to move to a larger city?

I, 23F, went to university in Silicon Valley and earned a bunch of debt and a piece of paper, then couldnt get a job and now live with my mom. Now, I thought I'd be here for maybe a year until I saved money and found my own place, but its been 3 years and I'm still here. (timeline doesnt add up bcuz i dropped out and then finished school online later)
So I have this Bachelor's degree in 3d Modeling, but little did I know that the job market would be this saturated. The only job postings in this field want Senior level or managers with 5+ years of experience and 3+ shipped titles. I currently work as a waitress for $15/hr + tips ._. not too glamorous ik
i only have about $5k saved after all this time because I made poor decisions. I've recently gotten on meds that eliminated my depression like completely, and now I just really want to leave this tiny tiny town. My mother also is planning to have her bf move in and I dont want to be here as a bother to them. Only thing is, I've never actually moved into an apartment on my own before and dont know how it works (I stayed in college dorms). Do I need to secure a job before I get there? Or secure a place to live first? Do I wait until I get to a certain amount of money?
I was thinking somewhere in Oregon (or northern Cali) so I can drive there by car, MAYBE Washington? I just know that I am REALLY not a small town girl, it feels suffocating here. I dont mind being a minority in a 95% white town, I actually feel cool as shit 😎 I just cant handle how little there is to do here and lack of variety
I feel like I've wasted some prime years of my youth. How should I go about trying to move? And when?
submitted by CrispySandwichMmm to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:59 Gabe0212 [WTS] A whole lot of Gold, from 5 Gram Engelhard to a variety of 1/10 ounces, poured silver from Hayleybug, variety of junk silver, variety in governmental silver, lots of spot and under spot silver deals, and so much more!

Proof Picture
Howdy! Before getting into todays sale, I want to briefly address the ongoing security concerns with the current scam.
  1. I will never disclose my password to anyone.
  2. Not only does my reddit account have 2FA, all my emails associated have 2FA. In general, every account I possess, has 2FA.
  3. I will never accept Crypto for any reason.
  4. And lastly, just take precaution. Always ask for proof pictures, check the Ban List, middlemen are worth every penny for the protection it provides to both parties.
Now for todays sale, finally back for another sale. Most groups have a picture with all the items together to better organize my post. I apologize for the lengthy post.
Buy with Confidence! Every applicable item is Sigma Verified!
Prices are based on Kitco Ask.
Gold (Items in this lot)
Pending 10 Gram Gold Bar Koi Fish Imperfect - $776 SPOT
5 Gram Gold PAMP Lakshmi - $650
5 Gram Gold PAMP in Assay - $395 Each (6 available)
5 Gram Gold Engelhard #1 - $465
5 Gram Gold Engelhard #2 (Small Copper Spot) - $460
Pending 2.5 Gram Gold PAMP in Assay (Protective film is off) - $202
2.5 Gram Gold Credit Suisse in Assay - $215
2020 1/4 OZ Gold Australia Marlin - $610
Pending 1984 1/10 Oz Gold Krugerrand - $250
Pending 1988 1/10 Oz Proof American Gold Eagle (Coin in capsule only) - $270
2020 1/10 Oz Gold Canada Bald Eagle Sealed - $251 Each (7 available)
2014 1/10 Oz Proof American Gold Eagle NGC PF 70 Ultra Cameo Angela M. Buchanan SIgned - $350
2018 1/10 Oz Proof American Gold Eagle NGC PF 70 Ultra Cameo John M. Mercanti Signed - $350
1989 1/4 Gold Panda in Black Onyx,14K Gold Bezel at Below MELT - $719 (1/4 Oz Gold Panda. Bezel is about 3.3 Grams of 14k Gold)(Melt is around $752)
1985 1/20 Oz Gold Panda - $129 Each (15 available)
1993 Australian Nugget (Kangaroo) 1/20 Oz Gold - $128
2023 1/20 Oz Gold Year of the Rabbit - $150
1990 1/20 Oz Gold Kangaroo - $126
Pending Mexico Dos Pesos Gold - $129
1911 $5 Gold Indian - $615
Geiger Club Set (1 Gram Gold and 1/2 Oz Silver) Set Number 234 - $145
World's Smallest Gold Coins, Statue of Liberty (.5 Grams of 14k Gold) - $37
World's Smallest Gold Coins, Krugerrand toned (.5 Grams of 14k Gold) - $37 Each (2 available)
World's Smallest Gold Coins, Abraham Lincoln (.5 Grams of 14k Gold) - $37
Pending World's Smallest Gold Coins, Rembrandt van Rijn (.5 Grams of 14k Gold) - $37
Pending .10 Gram Gold KaratPay - $15 Each (11 available)
Bullion Silver (Items in this lot)
Silver Dragon Laser Engraved .999 Fine (898 Grams) (Unmarked but Sigma Tested) #1 Under Spot! - $880 ($30.50/Ozt)
Silver Dragon Laser Engraved .999 Fine (981 Grams) (Unmarked but Sigma Tested) #2 Under Spot! - $961 ($30.50/Ozt)
4 Ozt Silver Gilded Round in Capsule - $122 (SPOT)
5 Oz Silver Alexander the Great - $156 Each (Below Spot!) (8 available)(Some have had their plastic broken)
22 Troy Ounce Ironman Silver Helmet by Pit Bullion Bellow Melt - $682 ($31/Ozt)(Below Spot)
2018 5 Oz Proof Libertad (Capsule is scruffy) - $235
2 Oz Silver Privateer High Relief "The Captain" - $68
Pending 2009 5 Oz BU Silver Libertad - $195
Generic Silver Pours (Unmarked but Sigma Tested) Below Spot at $30.50/Ozt - $96.25 for the 3.16 Ozt one and $102 for the 3.345 Ozt one.
Poured Silver (Items in this lot)
5 Ozt Hayleybug Silver Puck - $165
3.92 Ozt Silver Gun Pour - $$119.50 ($30/Ozt)(Under Spot)
Wild Pig 2 Ozt Silver Octopus - $68
Hayleybug 1 Ozt Silver Pour Design #1 - $36
Hayleybug 1 Ozt Silver Pour Design #2 - $36
Hayleybug 1 Ozt Silver Pour Design #3 - $36
Hayleybug 1/2 Oz Silver Pour - $18
Government/Sovereign Minted Silver Rounds (Items in this lot)
2022 1 Oz Libertad in Fabulous 15 Holder (Milky) - $35 Each (3 available)
Pending 2016 1 Oz Silver Kookaburra Monkey Privy - $33
Pending 2022 1 Ozt Silver Phoenix (Cracked Capsule) - $32
Pending 1986 Proof Silver Eagle Capsule and Velvet Case only - $52
2019 1 Oz Proof Krugerrand - $44 (Milky)
All Pending Proof Silver Eagles all with Box and COA - $49 Each
Years available (1) 2001, (2) 2002, (2) 2003, (2) 2004, (1) 2005, (1) 2006, (1) 2014
2021 1 Oz Silver Swan - $33
2012 1 OZ Year of the Dragon (minor toning) - $48
2020 1 OZ Australia 1 Dollar - $32
2001 Silver Eagle "9/11" Colorized - $31.50
Silver Bars (Items in this lot)
1 Oz Silver Shitters Full - $44
2022 3 Oz 40th Anniversary Libertad Bar - $225 (2 Oz Silver Bar with a 1 Oz Libertad inside)
10 Gram Silver Geiger in Assay - $17 Each (2 available)
1 Oz PAMP "Am Yisrael Chai!" - $95
5 Gram Geiger Silver in Assay - $11
Fractional Silver
All Pending 1 Gram Silver MPM Fish - $1.50 Each (70 available)
1/10 Silver Medjugorje Queen of Peace - $3.50 Each (69 available)
1 Gram Silver - $1.50 Each (500 available)
1/10 Oz Silver Morgan Rounds (Milky) - $3.50 Each (3 avaialble)
1 Oz Silver Rounds (Items in this lot)
Pending Worlds Wildlife "The Bear" 1 Oz - $32
1 Oz Silver Vikings in Capsule - $31.50 Each (1 available)
2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon with Black Rhodium Plating Coin - $55
1 Oz Generics - $31 Each (9 available)(Under Spot)
2 Pending 1 Oz Engelhard Rounds - $33 Each (5 available)
1 Oz New Aztec Calendar Design #1 - $32 Each (6 available)
1 Oz New Aztec Calendar Design #2 - $32 Each (10 available)
2022 Liberty 1 Oz (Norfed Type)(Milky) - $32.50 Each (7 available)
1 Oz Silver John Wick Round - $31.50
Pending 1 Oz African Wildlife "The Giraffe" Proof - $32 (Minor Milk)
1 Oz Silver "Connect #6" - $32
90% Silver (Items in this lot)
1999-2020 Silver Proof Quarter Sets - $695 about $25 Per FV (22 individual lenses, 111 silver proof quarters. Includes 1999-2009 Statehood and US Territories, 2010-2020 America the Beautiful. (2019/2020 quarters are .999 fine and 1999-2018 are .90 fine)
90% Silver Proof Quarters in Lenses (Some toned) - $29 Each Lens (8 available)
$3 FV Lot of 90% Silver - $70 for the Lot
90% Silver Proof Dimes (Slight Milk) - $2.30 Each (4 available)
90% Silver Roosevelt Dimes - $2.15 Each ($20 FV available)(Slightly under melt)
90% Silver Proof Quarters (Slight Milk) - $5.75 Each (3 available)
.999 2022 Silver Proof Quarters - $9 Each (2 available)
90% Silver Proof Kennedy (Slight Milk) - $11.50 Each (2 available)
90% Silver Kennedy Half Dollars - $11.37 Each (10 available)
40% Silver Kennedy Half Dollars Under Melt - $4.25 Each (24 available)
3 Pending Peace Dollars - $25.50 Each (6 available)
Pending Peace Dollar Key Chain - $27
1934 S Peace Dollar #1 - $29
1934 S Peace Dollar #2 - $29
Pending 1926 S Peace Dollar - $29
Pending 1904 O Morgan Silver Dollar - $33
1991 USO 90% Silver Dollar Proof with Box and COA (Slight Milk) - $24 Each (2 available)
2001 US Capital Silver Dollar Proof with Box and COA - $24
1995 Civil War Battlefield Silver Dollar and Clad Half Dollar - $26
1991 Mount Rushmore 90% Silver Dollar and Clad Half Dollar (Milky) - $24
1990 Prestige Proof Set - $27
1999 Silver Proof Set With Box and COA (Slight Milk) - $44 Each (2 avaialble)
1962 Proof Set (Some are loose) - $22
Slabs (Items in this lot)
1986-2005 Proof Silver Eagle Set (20 Coins/Slabs) All Graded by NGC as PF 69 Ultra Cameo! - $1,325 for set, includes NGC Slab Box.
2018 Australia 1 Oz Kookaburra Dog Privy PCGS MS 70 - $69
2021 S PCGS MS 70 Silver Eagle - $44
2021 PCGS MS 70 Silver Eagle (Last Production) - $44
2006 W Proof Silver Eagle NGC PF 69 Imperfect - $54
2023 Dragons of the World 1 Oz Egyptian Dragon NGC MS 70 Antiqued - $110 (Thick Slab)
2021 The Red Flag Fleet Ching Shih NGC MS 70 - $50
2019 South Korea Silver Proof Medal NGC PF 70 Ultra Cameo - $78 (Minor Milk on reverse)
2018 W Silver Eagle NGC MS 70 Mercanti - $
1995 1 Oz American Silver Eagle MS 69 ANACS - $37
2011 Great Britain S5PND Olympics Countdown NGC PF 69 Ultra Cameo - $39
1986 S Proof Silver Eagle PCGS PR 69 DCAM - $75
1 Oz Copper Will Myers - $2
5 Ozt WildPig Copper Poured Bar - $14 Each
2.21 Ozt WildPig Copper Poured Bar - $10 Each
WildPig Copper Fossil Round - $8.5 Each (4 available)(Weights Range from 45-49 Grams Each)
WildPig Copper Frankenstein Round - $6 Each (7 available)(Weights Range from 24-29 Grams Each)
1 Oz Copper Bar - $1.50
Random Items (Last 4 are NSFW)(Items in this lot)
2022 1 Gram Platinum Panda in OGP - $77
1 Gram PAMP Platinum - $42
Sterling Silver, "The Virgin of the Rocks" Gold Gilded - $61 (Melt, 65.60 Grams)
2 Oz Silver Revolver - $195
Pending 2 Oz Silver Doggaebi - $74
Pending 2 Oz Silver Doggaebi (Cracked Capsule) - $68
Pending 2 Oz Silver Michelangelo's Eyes - $75
Both Pending 2 Oz Silver South Korea Shield of St Michael - $88 Each (2 available)
Sterling Silver - Wild Pig Pours Modern Solid Cuff Bracelet - 77.7 Grams - $85 (Melt is around $72)
Lockermint 1 Oz Holiday Wenches Colorized Sealed - $85
Lockermint 1 Oz Locker Wenches - $
CMG Mint 1/10 Oz Silver Bar "Happy Birthday" NSFW - $10 Each (3 available)
St Louis Mint 1/10 Oz Silver Bar "Jasmine" NSFW - $10 Each (3 available)
Shipping ranges from $5-$6.50 for Ground Advantage. Heavier packages can ship ground advantage or Priority Mail for $9. Insurance can be added upon buyer request. I pack securely with bubble wrap and other packing materials. Packages go out within two days, Monday through Sunday. It usually takes 1-2 days for USPS to scan packages.
Priority Mail Express/UPS are also available.
I accept PPFF, Venmo, Cash App and Zelle to a certain extent.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. And as always, I try my best to be competitive on prices. Thats the point of buying from the community. So if any of my prices are off, please let me know.
Best, Gabe
submitted by Gabe0212 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]