Tree center peices

Vacaville (Cowtown), CA

2012.04.08 08:43 pingish Vacaville (Cowtown), CA


2014.05.29 22:32 DoctorRoxxo City Of Etherium

A Minecraft City on Civcraft.

2021.05.11 00:24 Realrawr2020 OliveTreeBible

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2024.06.11 07:24 RoseBlack2222 Out Of The Apartment (Finale)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
The things I've seen, God damn. My morning today began with a cold splash of water to the face. I bolted upright, gasping to see Erickson standing in my room with some security.
“Good morning, Gus, I hope you slept well.”
I had especially since we'd spent the last few nights before then outside, but I chose not to comment on that.
“Where’s Drake?” I inquired.
“All in due time, my friend. I can assure you he is doing fine. Now, I'm sure you must be famished.”
Erickson snapped his fingers and someone stepped forward, extending what appeared to be a chocolate protein shake, an apple, a banana, and a strawberry multigrain bar. I stared at both hesitantly.
“Come, now, do you think I would go through all this trouble just to poison you here? I'm more creative than that.”
“What are you planning on doing with us then?”
All I received in return was a knowing smile. I took the food and then Erickson and the others left. The first bite I took broke the dam on my hunger. I scarfed down the rest of it, chasing it with the protein shake. As soon as I finished, the door opened again.
“Did you enjoy your breakfast?” Erickson asked.
“Yeah, it was alright, I guess.”
Erickson stared at me, smiling.
“Is something supposed to happen?” I asked after several moments of awkward silence.
His expression faltered and he turned to one of the guards.
“You did remember to drug his food, correct?”
“Yes sir, I made sure of it.”
“What pills did you use?”
The guard thought for a moment.
“The white flat round ones, sir.”
“You, idiot,” Erickson snapped, chastizing him, “those were the caffeine pills.”
He let out a sigh of annoyance.
“Knock him out again,” he ordered with a dismissive hand wave.
Once again, my face got acquainted with the butt of a rifle. This time I woke up in a dimly lit room. The first thing I noticed when my vision cleared was the reflection of flurocensent lights on the floor. The second was Drake picking himself up. He ran over, helping me up.
“Gus, are you okay?”
“I’ve been better. What about you?”
“They drugged me.”
“Same, except they gave me the wrong thing and then hit me in the face again.”
“Damn, that sucks, man.”
“It’s about to get worse,” Erickson interrupted from behind, making us jump.
We whirled around to find Erickson standing behind what we originally thought to be a mirror. In front of him was a control panel. With him was Schneider and the woman who looked like Hilary Clinton.
“Apologies for not bringing you here last night. This took more time to set up than we planned,”
“That’s it,” Drake said, raising his voice. “Why don’t you quit jerking us around?”
“Drake, such vulgar language, but if you insist. All questions shall be answered.”
He explained what happened to him following his arrest two years ago.
“To think, me the genius would have to spend half a year in that filthy penitentiary. They even took away my beloved.”
My empathy goes out to whoever had to share a cell with that man.
“How did you escape?” I asked.
“I can answer that,” Schneider replied. “You see, Erickson and I used to be college roommates.”
“Was he a fucking nut back then too?” Drake interrupted.
Erickson shot him a glare as Schneider went on, ignoring the interjection.
“Even back then, it was clear his intelligence far exceeded that of his peers which is why I’ve been funding his research. When I heard of his arrest, I came to visit him in prison. There, we set this all up and the first step was me becoming mayor of your town.”
“Wait, that doesn’t make any sense,” I said. “How did you know which town we were living in?”
“There’s a saying,” Erickson told me. “It’s not what you know. It’s who you know. I think that’s incorrect. The real saying should be it’s what and who you know. My web of connections runs deep.”
“That’s right,” Schneider said. “My father is a powerful man and it didn’t take long to track you down. After that, it was only a matter of time to put this all in motion, Where we are now was intended to work as a system of bunkers during the Cold War and we’ve expanded it.”
“Okay, well, what about her?” Drake asked, pointing to the woman who looked like Hilary Clinton.
There was a glint of greed in her eyes as her lips curved upward.
“My name is Karen McConnell and I'm the owner of your neighborhood,” she said, even sounding similar to Clinton.
“Hold the phone,” I said. “You're the one in charge of our apartment?”
“That's right.”
“Do you know how much shit we've had to deal with? Leaks from the fridge and dishwasher, the AC and heat not working, mold in the walls, and roaches everywhere.”
She appeared bored by my words and that further infuriated me.
“Where the Hell do you get off charging people that much for rent?” I screamed at her.
“Well, Erickson needs a lot of funds for his projects.”
“Excuse me?”
“Why do you think I kept raising the rent and never fixing anything?”
The implication of those words shocked us to our core.
“You mean you've been using our money to pay for this?” I said.
“And for what will happen to you next. Erickson here has promised the mayor and I that what we put in will be repaid tripled.”
“You are a special kind of bitch. You know that?” Drake told her.
Her grin increased.
“Tell me something I don't know. Now then, Erickson, if you would be so kind.”
“With pleasure.”
He pressed a button, resulting in the wall behind us rising. In its place was another window to a room akin to ours. Nobody in it noticed us, which made us infer that two-way glass was also being used for it. There were two people in the room, a man and who we guessed was his girlfriend or wife. A glass wall separated them that had a single door in the center.
“Erickson, what are you about to do?” I asked, not liking where this was going.
“Initially, I was going to have the reanimated rip you two apart. “
“Most people would call them zombies,” Drake said.
“Most people are morons. As I was saying, the more I thought about it, the more I realized such an end would be far too merciful for the likes of you. Before you is a preview of the torture two years in the making.”
Erickson hit a button. Green gas filled the area on the woman's side and we observed her beginning to convulse. The guy was pounding frantically against the glass and appeared to be shouting her name. Through the gas her silhouette was changing, becoming taller. Her arms were also growing, reaching disproportionate lengths compared to her body.
“It took us a while to perfect the formula,” Erickson explained. “The one used to contaminate the town’s water supply was a weaker version which is why it created less advanced variants of the reanimated such as the one you are seeing now.”
We could only watch in horrific disbelief at what transpired next. The gas cleared. The woman before was now a monstrosity with pale skin as if she had just crawled out of her own grave. It was falling off in some places and squirming in others. Her hair had faded to whisps and her hands ended in claws.
She stared at the man, sizing up her meal. He stared back with a terror-stricken grief. The door between them opened. The woman came through it. Her movements were unnerving.
Picture the way a gorilla moves except jittery. The guy backed away, shaking his head. The woman moved closer. He turned, dashing to the door that led out of the room in a futile escape attempt. Seeing how it was locked, though, he could only hit and claw at it.
She spun him around, yelling in his face before picking him up and throwing him to the floor. She pounced on him and what followed was like seeing someone get put through a human-sized garbage disposal. Flesh and bone were being shredded in seconds. All the while, the man’s mouth hung open in an agonized scream. To make it even more fucked up, she was only attacking below his neck.
If she started by ripping open his head, he’d at least have already been dead before what was happening to him. Instead, he was forced to watch the person he once knew eat him out, and not in the good way. She was scarfing down his organs faster than a snake in a hen house. Soon, the guy’s shrieks faded into dying gurgles. At last, he was granted some mercy when she brought his face to hers, almost as if they were about to kiss.
Then she chomped her teeth into his skull, exploding it in a burst of bones, blood, and grey matter. The woman was looking around wildly. I knew she couldn’t see us and yet it almost felt as if she was somehow sensing our presence. Her eyes contained a chilling awareness. Erickosn’s cackling cut through our stunned silence
“Now you understand what’s in store for you,” he said.
“What happened to him is going to happen to us?” I replied.
“No, Gus, not what happened to him, but what has happened to her. You see, to enact my original revenge plan I need those that are reliable and strong. These specimens are perfect for it, Not only are they physically capable, they’ll also be able to follow orders.”
“Wait, what do you mean by that?” Drake asked.
“Isn’t it obvious? The gas I used contains nanobots meant for rewiring the brain and making it susceptible to my directives. The mind, however, is still intact.”
“So that means….”
My voice trailed off as the statement settled over us like a blanket of ice.
“That’s right. You’ll be passengers in your own bodies as it tears apart the people you care about. Once you are changed, it will be a simple matter to keep you here and track them down. Then, well, let’s just what you witnessed mere moments ago will be child’s play in comparison.”
We looked back at the woman who now sat subdued with her arms wrapped around her knees in the red puddle that used to be her lover.
“You know, in a way, I must thank you,” Erickson told us. “If not for what happened at the hospital, none of this would have happened and I wouldn’t be any closer to completing my revenge.”
“You could thank us by letting us go,” Drake suggested.
“Yeah, and we promise not to tell anyone anything,” I added.
Erickson let out another sigh. This time it was the one of someone with their hands tied.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that, not after what you did to her.”
Erickson helped up the container with the severed head.
“Does that mean if we apologize we’ll be let go?” I asked.
He turned to the head, staring at a for a couple seconds. Drake and I exchanged a glance.
“Very well,” he answered.
“Yep, we’re sorry about that,” Drake said. “Really, we feel horrible about it.”
“We’d take it back if we could,” I told Erickson and the head. “We hope you’re doing better now.”
Erickson nodded thoughtfully.
“I must say, that was moving. What do you think, honey?”
As he was having another silent conversation, I wondered how Bill and Karen were keeping it together around him. My guess is if they didn’t, they’d end up in me and Drake’s position. He turned back to us.
“Good news, I am not going to kill you.”
It was as if someone threw us a life preserver…
“But I am still going to release the gas.”
With a grenade attached to it.
“You said you wouldn't kill us,” Drake yelled, accusingly.
“And I won't, but I never said anything about allowing you to live. Did I?”
He was about to hit the button that would fill our room with gas when suddenly the place shook.
“What in the world was that?” Bill demanded.
“Relax, it's probably nothing,” Erickson replied only for it to occur again. “Someone, bring up the outside cameras.”
“My God, they're at the entrances,” someone said.
“Erickson, what's the meaning of this?” Karen asked, now agitated
“Would everyone keep your heads on? I assure you it's under control. I made sure to install a failsafe in case of scenarios such as this.”
Erickson started hitting more buttons on the panel. One, in particular, made a distinct noise. He looked at the zombified woman in the other room who was still sitting up. He hit the same button once more. Again, nothing changed.
A bead of sweat trickled down his face. Things were not under control. Everyone was focusing on Erickson. He opened his mouth to say something and then shut it, repeating this action several times.
“Is there something you want to share with us?” Karen icily asked Erickson.
“Yes, I have thought up a brilliant new idea and that is for us to get the hell out of here.”
The ensuing panic was difficult to follow. People were fighting each other to get to the exit. The zombified woman bolted to her feet out of nowhere, lunging at the window, causing Me and Drake to yell in unison. Her fists were pounding at the glass.
“Does she know we're in here?” Drake asked in surprise.
“Even if she does, we should be alright,” I replied. “It's reinforced.”
A small crack in the center appeared.
Note to self: “Learn when to keep your Goddamn mouth shut”.
As she went on, shards were breaking away. We were like a fish in a pond with a hungry cat staring at us. Then somehow in the commotion on Erickson's side, a switch was hit that opened the door leading out of our room. We rushed to it as the woman punched through. I risked a look back. Her eyes made contact with mine.
It was the equivalent of blood in a shark-filled ocean. We ran out of the room, slamming the door behind us and locking it. We knew it wouldn't hold her long as we raced through the corridor. Erickson mentioned us being in a bunker so we needed to go up. We came to a pathway that split into three directions.
“Which way?” I asked.
Then we heard a rumbling which turned out to be a horde of zombies coming from the center and another coming from the right.
“Left it is,” I said.
We came to an elevator door and were frantically hitting the button to open it as the zombies were rapidly closing the gap.
“Open, you piece of shit,” Drake screamed.
Finally, the light above us came on and the door slid open. We nearly tripped over each other getting into it. Then Drake hit the button. The zombies reached the door right after it closed, making several dents in the metal.
“Oh, fuck, that was close,” I said, leaning against the wall to catch my breath. “This is insane. We don’t even have a plan to make it out of the woods if we even escape this place.”
“One thing at a time, man.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I think as long as we can get a pair of wheels, we’ll be good.”
Erickson's voice sounded over the intercom.
“Attention personnel, due to circumstances outside my control which means one of you incompetent buffoons messed up, I was forced to activate the self-destruct sequence. Please make your way to the nearest exit within ten minutes.”
“You have go to be fucking kidding me,” I said with exasperation.
When I finished saying this, there was a noise from below us. It sounded like something climbing. The zombie woman’s clawed hand burst through the floor. We screamed as we came to a stop. We didn’t even wait for the door to open fully.
We put our fingers in the crack, pushing it the rest of the way. The floor we ended up on contained numerous armed personnel who were surprised to see two escapees. They forgot about us when they saw what was on our tail. Someone yelled fire and we hit the floor right before bullets began flying. The good news was her attention was no longer on us.
The bad news is the guards didn’t stand a chance against her. She was tearing them apart left and right. All the while, we were crawling along the floor. At one point, someone landed in front of us, well, the lower half of them anyway. Seeing the car keys on their belt, we snatched them up.
Then we fished through their pockets, pulling out a key card. We also got some guns off the people who fell victim. Although, if what was happening was any indicator, they may as well have been paperweights. We were about to get out of dodge when we spotted a table that was stacked with briefcases. We didn't know what they contained.
However, seeing how important things are kept in briefcases we decided to grab some. At the very least, we could crack zombies across the face with them. We got out of there and into another hall.
“Where’s the damn exit?” I wondered aloud in frustration.
Drake was pointing to a sign labeled “Exit” with an arrow underneath it.
“Oh, I guess we should go that way.”
“How much time do we have left?” Drake asked as we were moving.
Checking my phone showed we only had four minutes left from Erickson's announcement. If the self-destruct was going to unfold how we thought, not only did we need to go outside, we also had to be a safe distance away. The Exit door was our light at the end of the tunnel. Bursting through it, we tasted fresh air. Drake hit the button on the keys and we heard a beep nearby.
The keys were to an SUV that we used to make our escape. We got in and sped away. Other vehicles were on the road with us. One of them had Erickson, Karen, and Bill as passengers. The SUV we were in had tinted windows.
That meant nobody could tell who was in it. That gave us the opportunity for a little payback. Drake signaled to me. We grabbed our guns and rolled down our windows. Drake hit the gas and as we were passing by, we shot out their tires and flipped them off.
I wish I could have taken a picture of their faces because they were priceless. After everything they put us through, that was like water at the finish of a marathon. We drove past them and on the path going to a main road. Then we watched what happened to them in the rearview. While their vehicle wasn't consumed by the explosion, the shock of it did send it upward.
“Holy shit,” I said, watching it fly through the air before falling into a lake.
The bumper stayed above the surface for a few seconds before sinking along with the rest of the car. We had to stop again, simply to process everything. Luckily, Erickson had the foresight to have a lot of the trees around the area removed to mitigate the risk of wildfire. That said, it was burning bright. In the flames, humanoid shapes were running around.
They didn't get far before collapsing. Whether they were human or zombie, I don't want to know. Without another word, we got back in the SUV and drove off. Down the road, it occurred to me to check what was in the briefcases. There was no combination on it so I undid the latches and lifted it.
What was inside of it made my heart stop. For once, I mean that in a good way.
“Drake,” I said, having to force out his name.
His reaction upon seeing what I had was to slam on the brakes. I nearly hit my head on the dashboard when he did, but I didn't care. We had two briefcases full of hundred-dollar bills. Presumably, Erickson would have used it to make a deal with someone. Too bad for them, it's ours now.
We didn't know how much money was in there, only that it was a lot.
“Okay, we need a plan,” Drake said. “We can't be carrying all of this around in a vehicle we don't even own.”
He was right. If a cop pulled us over, it would be hard to explain ourselves. I remembered something then. Patting myself, I realized I still had my keys. I showed them to him and he grinned. Then we made our way to Walmart where my car was still parked.
“Hang on,” I said after we got out.
“I figured, while we're here.”
I gestured to the store. Half an hour later, I was driving us along the highway with our new money buried under a pile of groceries. We drove about twelve hours before stopping at a hotel where we are currently. Drake was outside earlier, talking to his cousin. He cooked up some story about us being let go from our jobs and then our complex burning down.
His cousin told us he'd gladly take us in so long as we could pay for expenses. We don’t have any objections to that. As far as we can tell, it's better to keep our newfound wealth on the down low. We'll stay at Drake's cousin's place for a while and then get homes of our own. God damn, this week has been nuts.
Speaking of, I hope what happened to Erickson was enough to put him down for good. Maybe we should put changing our names on our to-do list on the off chance it isn't. Oh well, that's something we can take care of at a later time. For now, it's been a long day and I am exhausted. If I have to post here again about some other horse shit, it'll be too soon.
This is Gus saying, have a good one, everybody.
submitted by RoseBlack2222 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 07:03 JoeTaymer Email tree 19

Email tree 19
A new concept that I came up with called email trees. Essentially if someone would like to email me a photo of a tree I’ll do what I can in order to give you and opinion on how I might prune it myself. Or perhaps any issues that I can see with it.
As this is an experiment, I have no idea how well it will turn out. There are a number of severe limitations which I am faced with because I cannot see and interact with the tree in person, pictures are a bit 2D, reality is 3D. Obviously being there in person and being able to work on the tree would be best, hiring an Arborist to come to your property would always be the best option. Remember tree work is inherently dangerous, don’t try anything that is beyond your capability.
A pair of bypass pruners should be used for the smaller cuts\_1\_2?
A handsaw should be used for the larger cuts (I find very little use for loppers, they cause too much damage)
Your tree looks to be a cherry.
Cherry trees are inherently rather messy by default, as such most of the pruning will be small diameter pruning cuts of limbs that are heading the wrong direction. Generally limbs which are heading outward are desirable while limbs that face back toward the center of the tree will likely only cause problems in the future. I’ve illustrated this with blue arrows facing outward and the green arrows heading back to the center of the tree. While I’ve marked a number of branches which fit this description should you see a few that I may have missed you are welcome to snag those as well. One caveat would be that we are removing a decent portion of the canopy this year so we don’t want to go past 1/4 of the total canopy mass removed in a given year.
Starting at the base of the tree we see a grey circle surrounding some watersprouts, this is rather common for fruit trees and should be pruned back to the ground each year.
Above our grey circle we have our first red branch to be removed, this one specifically is only being pruned in an attempt to level out the canopy as the tree is skewed more heavily to the right side. The other red branches appear to be broken stubs and one rather long spindly branch which dives down below our level line (grey bar).
The orange marked limbs are ones which are heading toward the center of the canopy or otherwise heading in an unfavorable direction as was described above.
There are some different rules that apply to tree pruning when your pruning it for fruit production. Should this be your desired objective and with our second caveat, I’m no specialist in orchard pruning, the general concept is to keep the limbs of a tree at a lower level so that the fruit can be more easily harvested.
While we’ve marked enough limbs for removal on year one. If you wish to prune this tree for fruit production then I would, on year two, remove the light blue limb at the nearest branch union heading down from the blue dots. After waiting a year then you could remove the darker blue limb in the same manner. These two cuts should lower the height of the tree considerably and make picking a bit easier. It is worth noting that heavy pruning usually stunts fruit production and it takes the tree a year or two to recover before it starts fruiting again. If you are less concerned about the height of the tree it is fine to let it develop as is. The heavy pruning for fruit production will require more regular maintenance pruning as this will generate more sucker growth thorough the tree.
Reference guide
Pictured below is a tree which I pruned, both small cuts and large cuts are highlighted, this should serve as a guide for what your final cuts should look like. As a rule of thumb all cuts should be at approx. a 45 degree angle from the parent limb (reference the green arrow). You’ll want to avoid making cuts which leave behind a considerably smaller limb to replace the one which was removed as highlighted by the yellow limb which is about 1/3 the size of the green limb that it is replacing. the proper size for replacement would be 2/3 the size.
If the picture of the tree that you send in has a area circled in red- red being the color of removal. The picture below has an area circled in red, imagine that these are the limbs which are touching the house and therefore need to be removed. Since this area is circled in red we will select a branch starting at the tip and work our way inward as highlighted by the purple arrow. Of our two highlighted limbs you’ll note that you have 2 and 3 different options respectively on where you will choose to make a cut. If your uncertain, you should always start with the smaller cut as you can come back at a later time and make the larger cut later.
Picture #2
Here are some examples of a few more larger cuts that have been made at the proper angle.
Picture #3
submitted by JoeTaymer to Philippinetreeworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:03 leelowwdallas What's missing? Let me know in the comments

What's missing? Let me know in the comments submitted by leelowwdallas to dadecounty [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 06:00 angryApple2054 Traveling to Cebu: My experience

Niabot kog mga 12:30 pm, ug nagtaxi ko padung SM City Cebu para mukuha ug work permit niya wala na diay sila didto. Nisakay na sad kog taxi padung city hall, ug niingon sa robinson's galleria diay kuhaon. Kahilakon na ko ug niingon kog basig wala didto naka almost 200 na baya kos taxi, sigurado lagi daw. Ug nibundak ang uwan.
Nagjeep na ko padung galleria, 10 ra ako gibayaran, barato lagi. Didto rajud diay. Ug si ate pretty, nindot kaaug lipstick pero cge lang cellphone, di gani mutan-aw ug mutubag pangutanon-on. Pero si ate sa tapad ok man. Ug nakakuha na ko work permit. Gamay lang ako gi declare na income kay wa pa baya ko work, 224 ang cedula.
Then nagpanotarize ko ug affidavit, kamahal ba, tag 300 man, tag 150 raman sa Leyte. Duha ka docs, 600 tanan ako gibayran. Ok nalang sad si young Atty. man pod nag edit ug nagprint sa document. Cute kaau iyang skirt. Naay surot ilang couch haha.
Next day, nagpa medical ko, ug wala man ko pahubua sa physical exam, yehey! Ug nikaon ko sa dool na kan-anan, naay buhok sa lato ug black insect sa kan-on, wa nako hudta.
Niadto kog metro gaisano ug nagshopping, salamat BNY, as a mubo person di na need putlan ang mga pants.
Ako fare, naay 25 but mostly tag 13 ra except katong sikad gikan pier 3 to pier 1, 30 ang gisukot sa ako. Ako giingnan kamahal ba ug sukot ug nasuko ko, unta ako nalang gi- let go.
Nipalit kog piyaya sa gawas tag 130 discounted 120 nalang, tag 120 rajud diay sa sulod sa terminal. Nikaon kog lugaw lami baya.
Overall impression: Helpful ang mga tawo, itudlo jud ang mga pwede nga sakyan ug kung unsa ang code number, pati ang sales ladies helpful sad, except rajud ato ni ate sa pagkuha sa working permit ug sa usa na staff didto sa diagnostic center pero masabot ra kay kapoy jud sila didto. I feel relatively safe sad magcellphone ug matan-aw sa maps sa kalsada.
The roads are wider and dili man pareho ka traffic sa manila although wala man gud klase so not sure unsa ka traffic kung tingklase. I will miss the trees in my province and motor riding. 😭
Question: Unsa mode sa inyong transpo? Is commuting reliable, talamban to IT park? Gusto unta ko mutry magbike to work. Or magmotor. Lisod ba pod ang parking sa IT park?
Mao ra to, mubalik ra ko, Cebu. Soon.
Edit: Ug delayed ang supercat, 12:30pm ang sched, 2pm na nakalarga. Note to self, mag Ocean Jet dapat.
submitted by angryApple2054 to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:53 Duke-Of-Madras Insights from my visit to the Chennai campus

Hi all , as many of you already know , i've already posted about my visit and many came up with questions to ask and thanks for that. This is the continuation of the previous post.
I'll come straight to the point about the campus. Although the size of the campus maybe small (approx 200 acres) the infrastructure is first class. It's vibrant and breezy but you'd have to get used to the Chennai heat. It's lush green throughout the campus with many trees. There's also many small stalls on the side of the pathways like icecream parlors and other snack shops. They also have an Apollo health center on campus for small treatable health issues , if it's serious then they'd admit you to one of the closest hospitals.
Another major observation i took was that most of the guards on campus spoke hindi , so northies shouldn't have a problem traversing through the campus.
Now coming to the hostels , i can only speak for the boys in this part , for the girls i'm pretty much sure it's all the same except it's more stricter and apparently the girls have an option of single room.
All the boys freshers this year will be allotted to the same block (Block C). It also seems there's no non ac rooms , only ac rooms. The rooms themselves were spacious , be it 2,4 or 6 (actually 6 membered room seemed to be a bit congested as the room was same as that of a 4 membered one except 6 membered ones had bunk beds and extra chairs and tables). Overall all the floors are clean and include all the utilities you'd want , like bathrooms , toilets , a place to wash and hang your clothes. There's everything included within the hostel blocks , like mess (veg , non veg , special) , recreational activities(badminton , carrom , table tennis , etc) and a gym (this is the free one , but mind you it has all the equipments you could think of , the paid one is in another block).
There's also a vending machine with snacks and a small fast food stall , from which you'd have to pay outside the mess fees.
Now coming to the strictness of it , yup it is strict , they told me that wardens here are ex military/police personnel , so you could imagine how strict it'd be and every 20 students would be assigned to a proctor who is an academic faculty , and would communicate with your parents about your academic performance.
Now about the faculty , I couldn't find a senior or a faculty at the time i had visited the campus , apparently arrear exams were going on and it was busy. But yeah the admin folk told all the professors had done their phd's in whatever department they are in and most of em are IIT graduates.
Next i'd gone to the admissions office , and hell , the answers to half the questions we asked were "we'll update you through your email that you had registered through" , they themselves were clueless about the dates , the TENTATIVE starting date is 22nd July but that too is not fully confirmed they say. 22nd July is the orientation date , but hostellers can come settle down a day before as they'd have to move stuff into their rooms (all the items like matresses , buckets , etc can be found within the campus and don't need to be bought anywhere else).
I'd asked about the schedule , fests , holidays , attendance and yup again the answer was "keep checking your email frequently" , but again these things wouldn't change even if we asked them now or if we ask em after we'd settled in the campus so it's fine ig.
And finally for the dude who was asking about sax sux , i did see a lot of secluded areas :O.
So this is it about the campus and everything related to it in brief , i know i couldn't cover most of the questions suggested by you guys in the previous post , but i hope this will help you get settled in. If anyone got a doubt , feel free to ask.
submitted by Duke-Of-Madras to Vit [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:27 tekster96 My small and unfinished alter.

My small and unfinished alter.
Here is my alter I am currently fleshing out, I have no statues of the gods I mainly worship yet( odin,Thor and freyr). But the objects on it are symbolic to my life style. Center stage is a homemade candle, below it is a roughly mjolnir looking stone that I added a wire handle to from fencing wire from my farm, as well as a braided necklace from the rope of feed bags. To the right is a few walnut sprigs, one of the main trees I have, as well as tall grass from my hay fields. To the left is a random hawk feather I found in said fields, as well as five chicken feathers from my own flock (naturally dropped, no chickens were harmed). Minus the statues, what else would you folks recommend I put on there. I haven't found a good offering plate or cup yet.
submitted by tekster96 to heathenry [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:18 Certified-Dork Deer nippee off the tops of the left side on the Montmorency tree should I nip off the right side tops? I'm going to cut out the center growth either next year or the year after so I'm not worried about the center right now

Deer nippee off the tops of the left side on the Montmorency tree should I nip off the right side tops? I'm going to cut out the center growth either next year or the year after so I'm not worried about the center right now
I just put this mulched perimeter up today I know the fence isn't tall enough and that's news newspaper underneath the mulch
submitted by Certified-Dork to BackyardOrchard [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:41 Hexargo_0 I, a rookie, made map concepts, it's messy but, it's better to not look at it closely. I tried.

I, a rookie, made map concepts, it's messy but, it's better to not look at it closely. I tried.
Map 1 Lore: Jonesy and Hope enter a secret underground bunker, peely stays behind to.... Ripen. They enter the bunker and find a human size version of The Titan, forging a ball of energy (wonder what that is). They intervene and attack him in the process and end up making more trouble as Titan enters the orb and makes the energy spread all around the island, changing the biomes and distorting the map. the energy starts to pulse around the island, then gather back in the center, turning into a mysterious orb, continuing to pulse.
Map 2 Lore: The Orb pulses energy once again, bringing two new biomes in the mix of this collision (no pun intended) of worlds.
Map 3 Lore: Yet again, the orb pulses and brings another biome, a volcano with a peculiar city inside it, and a jungle within Olympus. Jones and Hope continue to try and fix the mess they technically made.
Map 4 Lore: Peely angers Zeus and tries to escape, but he ends up in the underworld, Zeus continues to try and attack him, and just as he is about to eliminate Peely, the brainless banana uses a mirror to block the attack, it bounces off the mirror and hits the orb, pulsing it once again, bringing up on a wasteland.
Map 5 Lore: Jones and Hope do everything in their power to fix what they had done and what Peely has resumed, they eventually find someone named Maven. Maven helps them find a way to use the mysterious tree to manipulate the orb, it works, but not before another pulse of energy, after the pulse of energy, the orb disintegrates, leaving everything the way it is.
Map 6 Lore: The Orb may have disintegrated, but for some reason, the middle of the island implodes, a unknown biome spreads slightly, Jones and Hope go to investigate and find someone stuck in a odd unbreakable glass, Infinity. Meanwhile, an unknown operation takes place as some troopers make a stronghold, holding a few people in a prison. In other news, the volcano is now a friendly environment for the farmers and is now used as a advanced farming system.
Map 7 Lore: Fishstick encounters a circular portal in the medieval biome above the underworld, after tampering with some things, the paradigm flies out of the portal and crash lands above the stronghold, but it's not over yet as another person comes out, the herald, she explodes the portal, which sends an unexpected pulse of energy out, changing the map, then she manifests her plan to end this world, and maybe the next.
submitted by Hexargo_0 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 03:40 TheDeanosaurus Should I trim?

Yoshino cherry tree (not weeping), 3rd summer planted here. Last summer a section of the original trunk died off up high and I cut it away in case it was a disease. This year the rest of that main section (top center first pic) is going. It EXPLODED with growth on the back and lower front below the split shown in the second pic.
Third pic shows what’s left of that main section that leafed but didn’t add length this year.
My question is (might be moot since it’s about to be hotter than satan’s taint here in MO) should I go ahead and cut that section off and let it put resources into the new growth or just leave it and let it fall away naturally?
submitted by TheDeanosaurus to arborists [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:45 BlastBroFrenzyMan I got my first black boarder! (I can’t remember if the gold ones are rarer)

I got my first black boarder! (I can’t remember if the gold ones are rarer) submitted by BlastBroFrenzyMan to btd6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 02:18 RMN23 Back for another summer of hate 🤣

Back for another summer of hate 🤣 submitted by RMN23 to Golf_R [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:53 DepartureHonest7948 The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!

CMM.World &
The Great Harvest is here. Christ's Mandate for Missions and CMMTheology build strong, organic relationships globally as we worship, grow and equip together. Like Joshua and Caleb and the Apostle Paul, we see with faith what He sees in each person (to help each reach fullness), group (many streams and backgrounds in unity) and nations (sheep vs. goat nations). Our passion is to love, connect, equip and send with the simplicity, fullness, and power of the Gospel.
The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence! Inbox
By CMM.World - November 10, 2022
Dear Mighty One,
I see the Lord's eye upon us we discover by revelation the 'new thing' He is doing in our lives and of those of us who, beyond the present darkness, gaze into His eyes. The 'tuning fork' of Yahweh is orchestrating the sons and daughters of our living God in growing holy remnant unity to withstand as we stand with Him fearlessly in the boldness of the faith of God in this hour. Egypt is behind us, and the covenantal promises and prophetic words we have received (1 Tim. 1:18) empower us by His Holy Spirit to advance in warfare, humbly growing in the spirit of wisdom and revelation.

Yesterday as I encouraged some friends, I said, 'stay in the blissful extravagance of His presence.' Today I saw in Psalm 34 His eyes are upon us in vs. 8 & 9 and v:15 about the 'uncompromisingly righteous.' We are to be holy as He is holy. That leaves no room for any more compromise or seeking to please man or the traditions of men, being free of the fear of man, the religious spirit, and any demonic activity. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Lord, help us understand by revelation to walk in all the authority we have been given by Jesus Christ.
Psalm 34:8-9 'O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him. O fear the Lord, you His saints [revere and worship Him]! For there is no want to those who truly revere and worship Him with godly fear.'
v. 15 'The eyes of the Lord are toward the [uncompromisingly] righteous and His ears are open to their cry.'
Chuck Pierce shared this amazing word from Penny Jackson that is right on for this season:
May YOUR November be full of Thanksgiving and Praise for you and yours as YOU enjoy The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!
Thank you for praying for CMM and all your fellow CMM Global Family worldwide. Pray for all the missionaries, schools, and students in CMM College of Theology in the US, Ecuador, Canada, Cuba, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Thailand.
Pray for the new wells and the living water and safe water recently drilled or soon to be drilled in Tanzania, India, Malawi, and Pakistan.
Pray for our upcoming Christmas gift campaigns to bless children and youth in many nations. Many of them are precious, beautiful children (orphans). As the Lord leads, pray about giving any amount to bless dear CMM children this Christmas.
Pray for each other, dear friends. We all know we each need prayers going up to Heaven for all those on the front lines. We each are on the front lines!
Please pray for me as I speak tomorrow online to a crusade with 8,000 expected to attend in Pakistan. In December, I will speak at conferences in Liberia and Kenya with fellow CMM Ordained ministers Robert Bimba (Liberia), Tom Omukhobero, and Daniel and Christine Oyoko (Kenya).
We are working on plans and trips for 2023. If you would like to have some of our awesome CMM family speakers for a conference in your area or would like to join or lead a missions trip, we would love to hook you up with dear friends in many nations.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Louis Blom of Judea Harvest as Associate Director of Missions at CMM. This strategic alliance multiplies the efforts and impact in building the Kingdom of our God, for His glory.

Many blessings and shalom from us all here at the home office and around the world.
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CMM is cross-denominational. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus and the completed work of Jesus Christ on the cross assures us of victory, through trials, as we are trained to rule and reign with the Father's heart and love of justice and mercy and walk humbly before Him.
CMM is a 501c3 founded in 1978. We also handle donor relations for approximately 500 missionaries globally, ordained ministers, as we enjoy the Lord in fellowship, offering Christian accredited degrees globally, church planting, healing, counseling, orphanages, and prayer centers, creative arts, prophetic, humanitarian aid and disaster relief, medical, stopping human trafficking, leadership training and creative incubators for entrepreneurs, disaster relief, and connecting destinies.
Call 704-225-3927 or email to learn more or to have one of our many CMM amointed, itinerant ministers speak at your church or group, in person or online.
submitted by DepartureHonest7948 to CMMworldMissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:41 imnota32yearoldwoman Can I get away with not fishing?

I'm on my first winter and every where I've seen it suggested to fish for money. I set myself up to where I'm making about 3-5K a day ony cheese and mayo. I fill my time up with mining and cutting trees to expand my farm. However I cannot stand the fishing minigame and it drives me up the wall. I play this game to relax so I don't really want to do something that stresses me out. So I'm wondering if I'm able to get away with not fishing. I don't really care about a perfect game or getting achievements but I would like to finish the community center at some point and I don't know if that affects it or anything further into the game
submitted by imnota32yearoldwoman to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:31 Topseki [REQUEST] [STEAM] [PC] Blade and Sorcery 19.99 USD

Hello everyone I've come to make a request for a game I've had my eyes on for a while.
What is Blade and Sorcery? Blade and Sorcery is a vr fantasy sword fighting game where you use the elements lightning, fire and gravity to battle enemy bandits, mages, archers and knights in various arenas as well as a procedural generated dungeon that you must battle your way through to make it to the end.
Key features of Blade and Sorcery: 1. Combat the game features great sword fighting combat as well as being able to use multiple spells to mix up the way you approach and defeat enemies. 2. Exploration the game isn't centered around climbing but with its challenging climbing mechanics it can make exploring the maps and climbing to high up points feel rewarding. 3. Updates and extra content throughout the years since it's release in late 2018 Blade and Sorcery has received a plethora of game changing updates including adding new maps, a procedural generated dungeon, new spells and a large new home area. 4. Mod Support Blade and Sorcery has recently received built in mod support to make installing and using player created content much easier and 100% done in game 5. The Story Soon Blade and Sorcery will be leaving early access and will add a long campaign where you learn the story of Blade and Sorcery while fighting large bosses, leveling up your skill tree to use more powerful and cooler magic and unlocking new weapons.
Why do I want it? I want Blade and Sorcery because I love vr sandbox games and the combat looks amazing and I'd love to experience the story once it comes out.
Why can't I just buy it? I'm currently unable to buy the game as I'm having trouble finding a job that can support me buying the things I need as well as a video game.
You can find the steam page for Blade and Sorcery: Here You can find my steam profile: Here
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day!
submitted by Topseki to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 01:15 Sarcastible Is my Lilac tree dying?

Upper Midwest. I planted this on Mother’s Day and all leaves were fresh and green. I have had my sprinklers on this zone running every couple hours up until midday every day, along with a lot of rain that we’ve had but it seems to just be wilting away. I dug the hole twice as wide, gently untangled the roots, and planted with fresh soil and put in a miracle gro fertilizing stake in the ground just above grade. The mulch is “volcano”ed so it’s quite thin at the center. What did I do wrong, or should this tree bounce back?
submitted by Sarcastible to arborists [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:48 Skarksarecool Replacing knotweed with natives

There is a park near my house with a massive stand of knotweed that is probably about 30ft in diameter. I’ve hollowed out the middle and the opening is hidden behind a pine tree. I want to slowly replace it with something and get some natives established in the center, so that the amount of time I have to look like I’m fucking with shit at the park is minimal when I do eventually remove the perimeter knotweed. If I don’t replace it, it will just keep coming back and I won’t be able to keep pulling it out with I move in a couple of years. Is it kosher, if I just go to the woods and dig up a handful of plants and then plant them here at the park? There are raspberries next to the clearings on some of the trails I’ve been on. I could even just take clippings and plant those in a month. Thoughts? Are there people I can call to get plants/seeds? I can’t really afford to pay money for this. Im in New England.
submitted by Skarksarecool to GuerillaForestry [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:35 clayvn Extremely Positive Experience I Had in 2018

Full Disclosure:
I posted about this before years ago, but have since removed the post because I embellished some details about where I was staying, as I was afraid of not being taken seriously.
I am not sure what sort of entity I encountered. I won't claim to know what it was, and I doubt I will ever truly understand what happened.
This was not sleep paralysis or a dream. I was fully conscious and awake when it happened, relaxed, and able to move around, speak, and see clearly. I've had sleep paralysis a few times before, but it's very rare for me and when I've had it I was completely unable to move and overwhelmed by panic and fear. I was sober at the time and I don't have a psychotic disorder or anything like that.
Location and Context:
This happened in the hills of Hollywood, CA in 2018. Specifically, I was staying at a medical detox center that was located in a normal two-story house in a nice, quiet neighborhood.
Before coming to this detox, I had been sober for 1-2 months off stimulants and alcohol. I was feeling pretty normal other than having a lot of anxiety and urges to use. I had been staying at a sober living during this time, and relapsed on a legal drug called Phenibut which is an unremarkable downer similar to Lyrica and Gabapentin. I took it for 2-3 days before staff caught on.
I wasn't going through withdrawal, but they had me stay at their detox due to liability and so they could monitor me, which is a common practice for places like this. I felt fine the next day after I slept off the drowsiness from the Phenibut high.
This encounter happened on the 7th or 8th day that I was there. I was sitting in bed reading in the room I was staying in. The overhead lights in the room were on and the door was closed. I heard a rustling sound and felt like there was someone in my room, so I put down my book.
By the door, I saw what at first looked like an old woman. I couldn't make out all of her features but she was probably about 5'2", hunched over, and wearing several long silver necklaces, and dangly earrings. She had messy jet-black hair covering her face, so I couldn't make out any facial features. She had grey somewhat wrinkly skin and long arms and fingers that went past her knees. She was wearing a white sleeveless floor-length dress with a scoop neck that showed the top of her chest. She was flat-chested with wide shoulders and bony collarbones and wrists. She carried a walking stick that looked like a twisted branch from a tree.
The way she moved was fluid and ethereal, but also somewhat robotic. She waddled towards me and her footsteps sounded like sticky bare feet on vinyl flooring. I wasn't scared of her at all. It looked like she was signing with her hands, similar to someone who gestures a lot while talking, and made labored sounding grunts as if she was frustratedly trying to communicate with me.
I moved to sit on the edge of the bed facing her. She held out a handwritten note to me that had most of the lines on it scratched out aggressively. I looked at it but didn't have much time to examine it, maybe less than a minute. I couldn't make out what it said, but it seemed like it had to do with my life or my past. It felt immediately very meaningful.
At that point I was in a trance like state. She stood beside me and essentially transmitted meaning into my mind telepathically. She told me that everything was going to be ok and that things would get better. I felt very safe and comforted. I didn't hear words in my head, just feelings of pure love and hope. I said "Okay", handed the note back to her, and turned away. I came out of the trance what felt like a few minutes later and the next thing I knew she was gone.
I went outside to smoke a cigarette, looked up at the night sky, and felt an incredible sense of peace and calmness overcome me. The feeling was better than anything I'd ever felt before. I didn't feel worried about the encounter because throughout it I never felt like I was in danger. She seemed like she was trying to protect me or watch over me. I imagine this is what unconditional love feels like. I felt truly relaxed and serene until I went to bed.
This experience sticks out to me and I think about it often. I've never experienced anything else like it. It was overwhelmingly positive, unexplainable and unexpected. Without going into too much detail, the previous few years before this happened were extremely difficult and dark for me, and it made me realize that it's possible to have hope again and that there is something else out there besides my own suffering.
submitted by clayvn to Humanoidencounters [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:34 HappyDadOfFourJesus TreeSize or Powershell script showing storage usage for Sharepoint sites?

In the Sharepoint Admin Center, I can see how much storage a site is using, but I would like to drill down to the folder level to see how much storage certain folders are using. Is there an equivalent app to TreeSize or a Powershell script that could generate a report showing storage usage?
submitted by HappyDadOfFourJesus to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:47 heiney_luvr Staycation Results

Well, I did it. And I documented it(not very well! I should've taken some notes) in pictures. There is a lot to do around here and I had a great time. Took two troadtrips. One to Baton Rouge and the other to New Orleans, but I'm gonna consider that local for this post. So here it is. (Warning: Some photos are potato quality)
Note: I've been to the Vermilionville Museum and the Acadiana Cultural Center in the past so I didn't go on this trip. I definitely recommend it if you've never been.

Day 1

The morning started at Waffle House then off the The Nature Station. This was after the first storm we had a few weeks back. There are some uprooted trees here and there which are documented on the map.I went back this week and some are cut up. Next we headed to the Beaver Park to Vermillionville walkway. I had my canoe with me so I did a little fishing at the end opposite the dock at the Vermillionville pond. Caught a bunch of small but aggressive fish. That lead to me going home and having to change clothes because I was wet from sweating. From home I went to The Lafayette Science Museum. Had fun there and it was nice and cool, but one of the exhibits were closed which I stumbled into. I got a stern talking to. We ended up eating at Spoonbills. What a burger! Next we hit up The Mouton House. There are some crazy stairs there! Unfortunately we could roam the grounds as they had a crew working on grounded trees. Hillard museum was the next stop. We also went to the Acadiana Center for the Arts, but everything there had a price tag so no pics. We ended day one at Cypress Lake at the student union on UL campus.

Day 2

Went to Rip Van Winkle Gardens. This place is beautiful! There are peacocks that just roam around the place and they are addicted to the patrons in the outside cafe feed them. No pictures are allowed in Jefferson Mansion. But there are some doves I caught cooing outside. The trees that were there are quite astonishing. I'm glad I got there before the damage. Off to the next exit at Avery Island/Jungle Gardens. First we fished and crabbed on the dock. No bites but we did catch about a dozen of small crab and threw them back. We took the Jungle Gardens tour. The app that goes with it got confused several times. People give real money to that Buddha statue. When finished there we took the Tabasco plant tour. I tried the Scorpion sauce. My lips and mouth were tingling for 2 hours. Do not recommend.

Day 3

Zoosiana! They have some very interesting animals here. I got some dinosaur bird on video cawing. There is a spider monkey there that seems depressed. I caught a peacock full spread! And a parakeet of some sort that said "pretty bird" then whistled at us! And while we were walking out we caught some monkey howling! Our next stop was going to be the Longfellow Evangeline museum, but we were hungry. I didn't like any of the restaurants I saw in St Martinville so I detoured to Breaux Bridge and found this little restaurant I've never been to called Crazy About Crawfish and OMG that burger was great! There menu is very expansive. Yes this is a touristy type of place but they are representing the cajun culture in a great light. Look at all the people around the world that have been there. While we were there a majority of the people were not from here. Now down to the Longfellow Evangeline museum. There a good video on the house's history before the tour. The tour guide is very educated about it. I took a few pictures of the land but not of the house. Gorgeous trees and an outhouse. The grounds are pretty.

Day 4


Day 5

This day we headed to New Orleans. Our first stop was the Audubon Aquarium It is pretty. We did lunch at The Palace Cafe(no pics). We also went to the WWII Museum. No pics because it is just too somber. I planned poorly here. If you go, plan a whole day just for the museum. We only got to see 2/5 buildings. Lots of exhibits that take time to take in. Lots of videos.

Day 6

Baton Rouge! Our first stop was the Old Governor's Mansion.. Lots of history took place in this building. We went outside into the garden and got locked out! We had to call the place to come rescue us! The Old Capital Building was next. There is a lot of history on this tour. We got to see the Ghost of the Castle movie for free! It is more than a movie. It is more like an immersive multimedia experience. Our last stop was the BREC Zoo. This is a nice zoo. Lots of birds I don't remember the name of. There is whole area dedicated to Acadiana! Funny sign outside to keep people on the boardwalk. I was going to go see the Sing the River sculpture downtown, but the rain caught us just as were were leaving the Zoo.
Well, that's it. I went on a vacation inside my state with it mostly being in Acadiana. If someone asks you what there is to do around here, point them this way!
Edits: I humaned.
submitted by heiney_luvr to Acadiana [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:33 Tasty-Garbage129 Bi top slim fit white in shape male short in height weight 180 pounds red hair 5 ft 8 big cut nice looking thick cut cock 9 inches for any younger white slim curious boys etown KY who would like to meet me in etown wooded area to mess round be sure to have cut cock only be slim built be younger

Looking for a younger slim fit short I'm height with small round fi ass hairy hole is a big plus smooth ass an have at least a thick cut dick. An be a sissy like type I want my 9 inch thick cut long dick suck. Really steady an hard an stay heavy on it till I nut while I reach around an finger my lil bubble firm hairy asshole but I have a nice open area in the center of the woods by my place we can do it all there no one else has ever found this spot it 100 percent private no one even no how to get to this spot but it big open space in woods trees all around an a picnic table there perfect for me to lay back on as you stand an strattle my face while sucking I'll suck urs cut dick only skinnyust an white must be young a must be an cut thick dick a must small ass a must firm let etown KY only
submitted by Tasty-Garbage129 to etownbottomyoungneeed [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Hotels in Greensboro Nc

Best Hotels in Greensboro Nc
Best Hotels in Greensboro Nc Welcome to our guide on the best hotels in Greensboro, NC!We've scoured the city to bring you the crème de la crème of accommodations. Get ready to be pampered and spoiled with luxurious resorts, charming boutique hotels, and top-notch amenities.Whether you're here for business or pleasure, these hotels have it all – from state-of-the-art fitness studios to beautiful gardens and even bikes for rent.So sit back, relax, and let us show you the best hotels Greensboro has to offer.Key TakeawaysO. Henry Hotel, Proximity Hotel, and Grandover Resort & Conference Center are some of the best hotels in Greensboro, NC, offering a range of amenities and services.DoubleTree by Hilton Greensboro, Embassy Suites Greensboro Airport, and Greensboro Marriott Downtown are other notable hotels in the area with unique features such as multiple restaurants, family-friendly amenities, and a convenient downtown location.Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons and Drury Inn & Suites Greensboro are high-rise hotels that provide spacious rooms, cityscape views, and various amenities like swimming pools and breakfast options.Courtyard by Marriott Greensboro Airport, Homewood Suites by Hilton Greensboro Airport, and Hampton Inn & Suites Greensboro/Coliseum Area are great options for travelers looking for comfortable accommodations near the airport, with amenities like complimentary airport transportation, swimming pools, and soundproof rooms.Wingate By Wyndham Greensboro, The Biltmore Greensboro, and Burke Manor Inn & Pavilion offer unique experiences, including budget-friendly stays, boutique accommodations, and charming and intimate atmospheres, respectively.JH Adams Inn, Trademark Collection by Wyndham, and Double Oaks Bed and Breakfast are other notable hotels in Greensboro, each offering its own distinct features like banquet facilities, magnificent restaurants, sophisticated decor, and engaging programs and events.The recently opened Drury Inn & Suites Greensboro and Hyatt Place Greensboro/Downtown provide modern amenities and convenient locations near shopping, dining, and major highways.The hotels in Greensboro, NC are conveniently located near Piedmont Triad International Airport, shopping malls, parks, recreational areas, and a variety of dining options.Amenities and services commonly offered by these hotels include complimentary airport transportation, parking, high-speed wifi, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, fitness centers, and on-site restaurants.O. Henry HotelWe've heard that the O. Henry Hotel is a 4-star hotel with an old-time ambiance and offers amenities such as a state-of-the-art fitness studio and a beautiful garden. The O. Henry Hotel isn't just a place to stay; it's an experience that transports you back in time while providing all the modern comforts you need.The hotel's history and architecture add to its charm and appeal. The building itself is a stunning example of classical revival architecture, with its grand columns and intricate detailing. Inside, you'll find elegant furnishings and decor that evoke a sense of nostalgia and elegance.When it comes to local attractions and activities, the O. Henry Hotel is ideally situated. Just a short distance away, you'll find the Greensboro Science Center, a family-friendly attraction that offers interactive exhibits and a zoo. If you're in the mood for shopping, the nearby Friendly Center Mall is a must-visit destination with a wide variety of stores and restaurants. For nature lovers, the Tanger Family Bicentennial Garden is a peaceful oasis with beautifully manicured gardens and walking trails.With its rich history, stunning architecture, and convenient location near local attractions, the O. Henry Hotel is the perfect choice for those seeking a safe and enjoyable stay in Greensboro. Whether you're visiting for business or leisure, this hotel offers a unique experience that will make your trip truly memorable.Proximity HotelLet's explore the eco-friendly features and grande banquet facilities of the Proximity Hotel. Situated in Greensboro, North Carolina, this boutique hotel is renowned for its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The Proximity Hotel has implemented numerous eco-friendly practices to ensure a safe and green experience for its guests.One of the standout features of the Proximity Hotel is its eco-friendly practices. From the moment you step foot inside, you'll notice the hotel's dedication to sustainability. The building itself is LEED Platinum certified, making it one of the greenest hotels in the country. Solar panels, energy-efficient lighting, and a geothermal heating and cooling system are just a few examples of the hotel's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.When it comes to dining options, the Proximity Hotel offers a truly unique experience. The Print Works Bistro, located on-site, serves up delicious farm-to-fork cuisine with an emphasis on locally sourced ingredients. The restaurant's elegant atmosphere and attentive service create a memorable dining experience, while the diverse menu caters to a variety of dietary preferences and restrictions.In addition to its eco-friendly practices and unique dining options, the Proximity Hotel also boasts grande banquet facilities. Whether you're planning a corporate event, wedding reception, or social gathering, the hotel's spacious and well-appointed banquet rooms can accommodate your needs. The experienced event staff will ensure that every detail is taken care of, allowing you to relax and enjoy your special occasion.Grandover Resort & Conference CenterGrandover Resort & Conference Center is a sprawling 1,500-acre hotel located in Greensboro, NC.With its two 18-hole championship golf courses and a spectacular spa offering various treatments, it's a haven for golf enthusiasts and those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation.The resort also boasts spacious rooms with luxurious amenities and breathtaking views, making it an ideal destination for both leisure and business travelers.Golf Courses and SpaThere are two 18-hole championship golf courses and a spectacular spa available at the Grandover Resort & Conference Center. The golf courses at Grandover are known to be some of the best in Greensboro, offering challenging holes and stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or a beginner, you'll find enjoyment and excitement on these courses.After a day on the greens, you can indulge in top spa treatments at the Grandover spa. From relaxing massages to rejuvenating facials, the spa offers a wide range of treatments to pamper and revitalize your body and mind.Safety is a top priority at Grandover, ensuring that guests can enjoy their golf and spa experiences with peace of mind.Room Amenities and ViewsWe were pleasantly surprised by the breathtaking views and luxurious amenities in the rooms at Grandover Resort & Conference Center.The rooms offered stunning vistas of the surrounding landscapes, including the lush green fairways of the two championship golf courses.The spacious and well-appointed rooms were designed with comfort and relaxation in mind, featuring plush bedding, elegant furnishings, and modern technology.The resort also offered a wide range of amenities and services to ensure a memorable stay, such as complimentary airport pick-up and drop-off services, high-speed wifi, and indoor and outdoor swimming pools.In addition to the hotel's offerings, there were plenty of nearby attractions to explore, including shopping malls, parks, and a variety of dining options.Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or an adventure-filled getaway, Grandover Resort & Conference Center has it all.Banquet Facilities and EventsThe banquet facilities at Grandover Resort & Conference Center are perfect for hosting a variety of events, from weddings to corporate conferences. Located in Greensboro, North Carolina, Grandover Resort offers stunning wedding venues and spacious corporate event spaces that cater to your specific needs.For couples looking for a dream wedding venue in Greensboro, Grandover Resort offers picturesque settings for both indoor and outdoor ceremonies. The elegant ballrooms provide a sophisticated backdrop for your special day, while the beautiful gardens and golf courses offer a romantic outdoor setting.When it comes to corporate events, Grandover Resort has state-of-the-art conference rooms and meeting spaces that can accommodate large gatherings or intimate business meetings. The professional staff is dedicated to ensuring the success of your event, providing the necessary amenities and services to make it a seamless experience.Whether you're planning a wedding or a corporate event, Grandover Resort & Conference Center is the ideal choice for your venue in Greensboro. With its exceptional facilities and commitment to safety, you can trust that your event will be a memorable and secure occasion.DoubleTree by Hilton GreensboroLocated in Greensboro, DoubleTree by Hilton Greensboro offers multiple restaurants serving international cuisine, making it a great choice for travelers looking for a diverse dining experience. At DoubleTree, you can indulge in a variety of flavors from around the world without even leaving the hotel.Here are a few reasons why DoubleTree by Hilton Greensboro is the perfect destination for food lovers:Extensive Menu: The hotel boasts a wide selection of dining options, catering to various tastes and preferences. Whether you're in the mood for Asian fusion, Mediterranean dishes, or classic American fare, you'll find it all at DoubleTree's restaurants.Fresh Ingredients: The chefs at DoubleTree take pride in using the freshest ingredients to create their culinary masterpieces. From locally sourced produce to premium cuts of meat, every dish is crafted with care and attention to detail.Exceptional Service: The staff at DoubleTree is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable dining experience for all guests. With rigorous sanitation practices and attentive service, you can dine with peace of mind.With its diverse dining options and commitment to safety, DoubleTree by Hilton Greensboro is the perfect choice for travelers seeking a delightful culinary adventure.Now, let's explore another hotel in Greensboro that offers a convenient location for airport travelers - Embassy Suites Greensboro Airport.Embassy Suites Greensboro AirportAt Embassy Suites Greensboro Airport, we can enjoy a relaxing swim in the swimming pool after a long day of traveling. Our hotel is known for its family-friendly amenities and eco-friendly practices, making it a safe and sustainable choice for your stay in Greensboro, NC.When it comes to family-friendly amenities, we've you covered. Our all-suite hotel offers spacious accommodations that are perfect for families of all sizes. Each suite includes a separate living area and bedroom, providing plenty of space for everyone to relax and unwind. We also have a casual restaurant with a kids menu, ensuring that even the pickiest eaters will find something they love.In addition to our family-friendly amenities, we're committed to eco-friendly practices. We strive to reduce our carbon footprint by implementing energy-saving measures throughout the hotel, such as energy-efficient lighting and appliances. We also offer recycling bins in common areas, making it easy for guests to participate in our sustainability efforts.At Embassy Suites Greensboro Airport, we prioritize your safety and comfort. Whether you're traveling with your family or on a business trip, our hotel offers everything you need for a pleasant stay. From our relaxing swimming pool to our commitment to eco-friendly practices, we're dedicated to providing a safe and sustainable experience for all of our guests.Greensboro Marriott DowntownWe should consider staying at Greensboro Marriott Downtown for our next trip to Greensboro, as it offers a convenient location in downtown and a range of amenities and services.Convenient location in downtown GreensboroClose proximity to local attractions and activitiesRange of amenities and servicesThe Greensboro Marriott Downtown is situated in the heart of downtown, making it a perfect choice for those who want to explore the city's vibrant atmosphere. With its central location, guests can easily access local attractions and activities, such as museums, theaters, and art galleries.The hotel itself offers a range of amenities and services to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay. From the moment you arrive, you'll be greeted by friendly staff who are dedicated to your safety and satisfaction. The hotel features high-speed wifi, making it easy to stay connected during your visit.For those looking to relax and unwind, the hotel offers both indoor and outdoor swimming pools, as well as a fitness center where you can maintain your exercise routine. Additionally, the on-site restaurant provides a variety of dining options, ensuring that there's something for everyone's taste.Overall, the Greensboro Marriott Downtown is a great choice for travelers who want a convenient location, easy access to local attractions, and a range of amenities and services. So why not consider staying here for your next trip to Greensboro?Sheraton Greensboro at Four SeasonsLet's explore the amenities and services offered at Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons, where guests can enjoy a variety of breakfast options and swimming pools.The Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons is a high-rise hotel with 28 stories, offering a stunning view of the cityscape. From the moment you step into the lobby, you'll be greeted with warm hospitality and a sense of safety.One of the highlights of staying at Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons is the breakfast options available. Whether you prefer a hearty American breakfast, a healthy continental spread, or a delicious buffet, there's something to satisfy every palate. Wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and indulge in a delectable breakfast before starting your day.After a satisfying breakfast, take a dip in one of the hotel's swimming pools. Whether you prefer an indoor pool for a relaxing swim or an outdoor pool for some fun in the sun, Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons has you covered. Enjoy a refreshing swim while taking in the picturesque cityscape views.At Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons, your safety is a top priority. The hotel ensures a secure and comfortable stay with its stringent safety measures. From 24-hour security to well-maintained facilities, you can have peace of mind throughout your stay.Experience the finest amenities, delicious breakfast options, and breathtaking cityscape views at Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons. Book your stay now and enjoy a memorable and safe hotel experience.Frequently Asked QuestionsIs There a Shuttle Service Available From the O. Henry Hotel to the Piedmont Triad International Airport?Yes, there's a shuttle service available from the O. Henry Hotel to the Piedmont Triad International Airport. The hotel offers complimentary airport pick-up and drop-off services for the convenience of its guests.This transportation option ensures a hassle-free journey to and from the airport, providing a safe and reliable means of travel. You can rely on the O. Henry Hotel's shuttle service to make your trip to the airport seamless and stress-free.Are There Any On-Site Dining Options at the Proximity Hotel?Yes, the Proximity Hotel does offer on-site dining options. It's known for its exceptional dining experiences.The hotel features a restaurant called Print Works Bistro, which offers farm-to-fork cuisine made with locally sourced ingredients. The restaurant has a vibrant atmosphere and a diverse menu that caters to various dietary preferences.From brunch to dinner, guests can enjoy delicious meals and beverages in a stylish setting.When it comes to dining options in Greensboro, NC, the Proximity Hotel is definitely one of the best choices.Does the Grandover Resort & Conference Center Offer Any Spa Packages or Treatments?Yes, the Grandover Resort & Conference Center offers a variety of spa packages and treatments. Treat yourself to a luxurious experience with their selection of massages, facials, body wraps, and more.Indulge in the ultimate relaxation with their signature spa packages, which include a combination of treatments tailored to your needs. Whether you're seeking rejuvenation or pure bliss, the Grandover Resort spa has something for everyone.Pamper yourself and unwind in the tranquil oasis of their spa.What Are the Dining Options Available at the Doubletree by Hilton Greensboro?At the DoubleTree by Hilton Greensboro, you'll find a variety of dining options to satisfy your cravings. From international cuisine to local favorites, our multiple restaurants offer a wide range of delicious dishes.Indulge in a mouthwatering meal at our onsite restaurants, where you can enjoy a safe and satisfying dining experience.When it comes to finding the best restaurants in Greensboro, NC, look no further than the DoubleTree by Hilton Greensboro.Does the Embassy Suites Greensboro Airport Provide Any Transportation Services to Nearby Attractions or Shopping Malls?Yes, the Embassy Suites Greensboro Airport does provide transportation services to nearby attractions and shopping malls. This is a great convenience for guests who want to explore the area or do some shopping.The hotel offers shuttle services that can take you to popular attractions and shopping malls in the vicinity. This ensures that you can easily access these places without having to worry about transportation and navigate unfamiliar roads.It's a safe and convenient option for guests staying at the Embassy Suites Greensboro Airport.ConclusionIn conclusion, Greensboro, NC offers a wide range of top-notch hotels to suit every traveler's needs. With luxurious resorts, eco-friendly options, and amenities like fitness studios and golf courses, there's something for everyone.One interesting statistic is that Greensboro is home to over 90 parks and gardens, providing plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities for visitors.So, whether you're here for business or pleasure, you'll find the perfect hotel to make your stay in Greensboro unforgettable.
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2024.06.10 21:56 Castiel613 Balance Druid in The War Within: Suggestions regarding the Class & Spec Tree

Balance Druid in The War Within: Suggestions regarding the Class & Spec Tree
Hi there,
after having given feedback throughout Dragonflight regarding the state of the Druid and Balance talent trees, I found the time to compile some custom designs, powered by
For context, I'm a Moonkin player in WR 500-600 guild with Cutting Edge achievements since Antorus, with the exception of Eternal Palace (Azshara PTSD).
Please note that numbers are just placeholders, this is more of a concept & design piece.

The Druid Class Tree

I looked back to previous iterations of Druid talents up with to try and tackle the problem the Druid Class Tree is facing, incorporating 4 very distinct styles into one talent tree.
Where I landed is a return to Affinities to provide the baseline spells for each spec, with followup nodes providing the passive benefits previously being granted by the Affinity itself up until Shadowlands.
Utility every Druid should have, namely Stampeding Roar, Wild Charge (or a returned Soulshape as choice node) and Innervate is located at the top of the tree for easy access.
I also came up with a reimagination of Symbiosis to replace Heart of the Wild, as shifting into an offspec form such as Cat or Moonkin Form for extended periods of time is almost exclusively tied to Restoration gameplay. The new Symbiosis is inspired by the Kyrian Covenant Ability "Kindred Spirits" and binds yourself to an ally to grant them and you passive benefits.
Without further ado, here is the Druid Class Tree with all it's nodes:
Talent Tree Manager:

Row 1 (granted automatically):

Instant 1 min cooldown
Your skin becomes as tough as bark, reducing all damage you take by 20% and preventing damage from delaying your spellcasts. Lasts 8 sec. Usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared, or asleep, and in all shapeshift forms.

Row 2 (granted automatically based on specialization):

Feral Affinity:
Grants access to the following abilities: Thrash, Rake, Rip and Maim
Guardian Affinity:
Grants access to the following abilities: Thrash, Ironfur, Maul and Frenzied Regeneration
Restoration Affinity:
Grants access to the following abilities: Rejuvenation, Swiftmend and Wild Growth
Balance Affinity:
Grants access to the following abilities: Starfire, Starsurge, Sunfire and Moonkin Form

Row 3:

Feline Swiftness:
Increases your movement speed by 10%.
Skull Bash:
Bash the target's skull, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec. Does not shift you into Cat Form if you are in Bear Form.
Thick Hide:
Reduces all damage taken by 4%.
Natural Recovery:
Healing taken increased by 4%.
Remove Corruption:
Nullifies corrupting effects on the friendly target, removing all Curse and Poison effects.
Astral Influence:
Increases the range of all of your spells by 5 yards.

Row 4:

Stampeding Roar:
Shift into Bear Form and let loose a wild roar, increasing the movement speed of all friendly players within 15 yards by 40% for 8 sec.
Choice Node ->Wild Charge / Soulshape:
Wild Charge: Fly to a nearby ally's position.
Soulshape: Turn into your Soulshape, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape once to teleport again.
Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area.
2 minute cooldown.
Infuse a friendly healer with energy, allowing them to cast spells without spending mana for 10 sec.

Row 5:

Well-Honed Instincts (2-pointer):
When you fall below 40% health, you cast Frenzied Regeneration, up to once every 120/60 sec.
Choice Node -> Restless Herd / Rushing Pack:
Restless Herd: Stampeding Roar's cooldown is reduced by 60 sec.
Rushing Pack: Stampeding Roar's range is increased by 15 yards and it now grants 60% movement speed.
Soothes the target, dispelling all enrage effects. 8 sec. cooldown.
Tosses the enemy target into the air, disorienting them but making them invulnerable for up to 6 sec. Only one target can be affected by your Cyclone at a time.
Forces the enemy target to sleep for up to 40 sec. Any damage will awaken the target. Only one target can be forced to hibernate at a time. Only works on Beasts and Dragonkin.
Prolonged Innervation:
Innervate now lasts 2 seconds longer.
Touch of the Moon (2-pointer):
When you take more than 10% of your health in damage, you have a 25%/50% chance to cast a Regrowth on yourself. Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec.

Row 6:

Instantly heals you for 30% of maximum health. Usable in all shapeshift forms. 2 min cooldown.
Soothing Spirits:
Soothe now also dispells all enrage effects within 20 yards of the target, but has a cooldown of 45 seconds.
Ancient Protection:
Barkskin's duration is increased by 4 sec.
Lethargic Awakening:
After waking up from Hibernate, the target's movement speed is reduced by 50% for 5 seconds.
Blasts targets within 15 yards in front of you with a violent Typhoon, knocking them back and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Usable in all shapeshift forms. 30 sec. cooldown.

Row 7:

Tireless Pursuit:
For 3 sec after leaving Cat Form or Travel Form, you retain up to 40% movement speed.
Rapid Regeneration:
Reduces Renewal's cooldown by 30 sec.
Instincts of the Claw:
Increases Critical Strike chance and Versatility by 0.5/1%.
Born Anew:
Rebirth grants the target 50% movement speed for 8 seconds, and Well Fed, increasing their primary stat by (Food Buff) for 1 hour.
Lore of the Grove:
Increases Haste and Mastery by 0.5/1%.
Choice Node -> Gale Winds / Incessant Tempest:
Gale Winds: Increases Typhoon's radius by 20% and its range by 5 yds.
Incessant Tempest: Reduces the cooldown of Typhoon by 10 sec.
Casting Regrowth increases your movement speed and healing received by 8% for 6 sec.

Row 8:

Choice Node -> Incapacitating Roar / Mighty Bash:
Incapacitating Roar:
Shift into Bear Form and invoke the spirit of Ursol to let loose a deafening roar, incapacitating all enemies within 10 yards for 3 sec. Damage will cancel the effect.
Mighty Bash:
Invokes the spirit of Ursoc to stun the target for 4 sec. Usable in all shapeshift forms.
Matted Fur:
When you use Barkskin or Survival Instincts, absorb [250 / 100 * 1.25 * Attack power * (1 + Versatility)] damage for 8 sec.
Fluid Form:
Shred, Rake and Skull Bash can be used in any form and shift you into Cat Form.
Mangle and Frenzied Regeneration can be used in any form and shift you into Bear Form.
Wrath and Starfire shift you into Moonkin Form, if known.
Verdant Heart:
Frenzied Regeneration and Barkskin increase all healing received by 20%.
Choice Node -> Mass Entanglement / Ursol's Vortex:
Mass Entanglement:
Roots the target and all enemies within 15 yards in place for 30 sec. Damage may interrupt the effect. Usable in all shapeshift forms.
Ursol's Vortex:
Conjures a vortex of wind for 10 sec at the destination, reducing the movement speed of all enemies within 8 yards by 50%. The first time an enemy attempts to leave the vortex, winds will pull that enemy back to its center. Usable in all shapeshift forms.

Row 9:

Ursoc's Might:
Targets hit by Incapacitating Roar have their casting speed reduced by 30% for 4 secs.
Mighty Bash's cooldown is reduced by 15 sec.
Primal Fury:
When you critically strike with an attack that generates a combo point, you gain an additional combo point. Damage over time cannot trigger this effect.
Mangle critical strike damage increased by 20%.
Tiger Dash:
Dash now has a 45 second cooldown and increases your movement speed by 200%, reducing gradually over 5 sec.
Form a bond with an ally, granting them the effect of your specializations passive while you gain a tertiary stat based on their role.
Ally Bonuses:
Feral: Feline Swiftness
Guardian: Thick Hide
Restoration: Natural Recovery
Balance: Astral Influence
Druid Bonuses:
Tank: 2% Avoidance
Healer: 2% Leech
DPS: 2% Speed
Survival Instincs and Barkskin reduce damage taken by an additional 10%.
Starlight Conduit:
Wrath, Starsurge, and Starfire damage increased by 5%.
Starsurge's cooldown is reduced by 4 sec and its mana cost is reduced by 50%.
Rejuvenation duration increased by 3 seconds.
Aessina's Blessing:
Targets hit by Mass Entanglement deal 20% less damage for 4 sec.
Ursol's Vortex can pull enemies back to it's center for a second time.

Row 10:

Predatory Instincts:
Party members attacking a target suffering from one of your damage over time effects gain 2% Leech for 5 seconds.
Perfect Symbiosis:
Symbiosis now grants your chosen ally the following effects if you have the corresponding affinity:
Feral: Increases movement speed by 5%.
Guardian: Reduces damage taken by 2%.
Restoration: Healing taken increased by 2%.
Balance: Increases the range of all of their spells by 3 yards.
Nature's Vigil:
Balance, Feral, Guardian
For 15 sec, all single-target damage also heals a nearby friendly target for 20% of the damage done
For 15 sec, all single-target healing also damages a nearby enemy target for 20% of the healing done

The Balance Tree

For the Balance Tree, I set myself similar goals to the ones Blizzard stated in their first feedback post:
- ease some of the constraints on their rotation
- open up a greater variety of builds and play styles
- tune their balance and resource generation
This includes moving the Solar Beam and the 50 Astral power at the start of combat from Nature's Balance to baseline, the return of Stellar Drift as a choice node with Aetherial Kindling, as the lack of movement options is especially notable in Raids where you often don't need Aetherial Kindling or the globals spent to reapply DoTs are outweighed by the new freedom of movement of this redesigned Stellar Drift.
Stellar Flare had some tweaks to make it a more appealing option in Single Target or low target count fights.
I tied Denizen of the Dream spawns into Starlord to incentivize playing Starlord correctly, going to 3 stacks as soon as possible at the start of an Eclipse. There is also Crit Scaling in regards to Goldrinn, similar to Winwalker Haste Scaling as well as a few returning set bonuses.
Convoke the Spirits' Wrath, Starsurge and Full Moon casts prioritize your current target as a way of funneling into a specific priority target or add.
Lastly, to break up the monotony in the rotation of Balance Druid, I tried to do something very different with Umbral Embrace, having it proc the opposite filler Wrath => Starfire and Starfire => Wrath with the opposite Eclipse bonuses, similar to Legion and Battle for Azeroth Empowerments.
So, here is my proposed tree:
Talent Tree Manager:

Row 1:

Casting 2 Starfire empowers Wrath for 15 sec. Casting 2 Wrath empowers Starfire for 15 sec.
Eclipse (Solar)
Nature spells deal 15% additional damage and Wrath damage is increased by 40%.
Eclipse (Lunar)
Arcane spells deal 15% additional damage and the damage Starfire deals to nearby enemies is increased by 30%.

Row 2:

Shooting Stars:
Moonfire and Sunfire damage over time has a chance to call down a falling star, dealing (20.5% of Spell power) Astral damage and generating 2 Astral Power.
Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing [9 * (11.4% of Spell power)] Astral damage over 8 sec. Multiple uses of this ability may overlap.

Row 3:

Scythe of the Heavens:
Increased the critical strike chance of your Starsurge by 10%.
Twin Moons:
Moonfire deals 10% increased damage and also hits another nearby enemy within 15 yds of the target.
Umbral Intensity:
Solar Eclipse increases the damage of Wrath by an additional 20%.
Lunar Eclipse increases Starfire's damage by 20% and the damage it deals to nearby enemies by an additional 15%.
Choice Node -> Aetherial Kindling / Stellar Drift:
Aetherial Kindling:
Casting Starfall extends the duration of active Moonfires and Sunfires by 4 sec, up to 28 sec.
Stellar Drift:
Starfall deals 20% additional damage.
Casting Starfall grants you Stellar Drift for 6 seconds, which allows you to cast while moving while it is active.
Stellar Drift can only be granted every 30 seconds.

Row 4:

During the first 6 sec of every Eclipse, Shooting Stars fall 200% more often.
Force of Nature:
Summons a stand of 3 Treants for 10 sec which immediately taunt and attack enemies in the targeted area. Generates 20 Astral Power.
Nature's Grace:
When Eclipse ends or when you enter combat, enter a Dreamstate, reducing the cast time of your next 2 Starfires or Wraths by 40% and increasing their damage by 50%.

Row 5:

Wild Mushroom:
Grow a magical mushroom at the target enemy's location. After 1 sec, the mushroom detonates, dealing (164% of Spell power) Nature damage and then an additional (90.5% of Spell power) Nature damage over 10 sec. Affected targets are slowed by 50%. Generates up to 16 Astral Power based on targets hit.
Astral Smolder:
Your Starfire and Wrath damage has a 45% chance to cause the target to languish for an additional 40% of your spell's damage over 6 sec.
Stellar Flare:
Burns the target for (14% of Spell power) Astral damage, and then an additional (117.6% of Spell power) damage over 24 sec. If dispelled, causes (210% of Spell power) damage to the dispeller and blasts them upwards.
Applying Stellar Flare to a target refreshes Moonfire and Sunfire to their maximum duration.
Blessing of the Grove:
Your Force of Nature Treants generate 20 more Astral Power.
Gathering Stardust:
Starsurge and Starfall increase the damage of your next Wrath or Starfire cast during an Eclipse by 15%, stacking up to 3 times.
Dreamstate now applies to your next 4 Starfires or Wraths.
Owlkin Rage:
Shooting Stars now have a chance to grant you Owlkin Frenzy, making your next Wrath or Starfire instant cast.
After consuming Owlkin Frenzy, your damage is increased by 5% for 8 seconds.

Row 6:

Waning Twilight:
When you have 3 periodic effects from your spells on a target, your damage and healing on them are increased by 6%.
Celestial Alignment:
Celestial bodies align, maintaining both Eclipses and granting 10% haste for 15 sec.
Umbral Embrace:
Wrath has a 20% chance to cause your next Starfire cast during an Eclipse to become Astral.
Starfire has a 20% chance to cause your next Wrath cast during an Eclipse to become Astral.
Astral Wrath benefits from Lunar Eclipse bonuses and Astral Starfire benefits from Solar Eclipse bonuses.

Row 7:

Dead of Night:
Having more than 3 periodic effects on a target increases Waning Twilights damage and healing bonus to 10%.
Stellar Amplification:
Starsurge increases the damage the target takes from your periodic effects and Shooting Stars by 12% for 5 sec. Reapplying this effect extends its duration, up to 20 sec.
Soul of the Forest:
Solar Eclipse increases Wrath's Astral Power generation by 60% and Lunar Eclipse increases Starfire's Astral Power generation by 20% for each target hit beyond the first, up to 60%.
Choice Node -> Orbital Strike / Greater Alignment:
Orbital Strike:
Celestial Alignment blasts all enemies in a targeted area for (200% of Spell power) Astral damage and applies Stellar Flare to them.
Reduces the cooldown of [Incarnation: Chosen of Elune / Celestial Alignment] by 60 sec.
Greater Alignment:
[Incarnation: Chosen of Elune / Celestial Alignment] lasts 40% longer.
During [Incarnation: Chosen of Elune / Celestial Alignment], Solar Eclipse increases Nature damage done by an additional 5% and Lunar Eclipse increases Arcane damage done by an additional 5%.
Astral Communion:
Increases maximum Astral Power by 20. Entering Eclipse grants 15 Astral Power.
Umbral Inspiration:
Consuming Umbral Embrace increases the damage of your Moonfire, Sunfire, Stellar Flare, Shooting Stars, and Starfall by 20% for 5 sec.
Astral Magnification:
The chance for Umbral Embrace to trigger is increased to 30%.

Row 8:

Starsurge and Starfall grant you 2% Haste for 15 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. Gaining a stack does not refresh the duration.
Crashing Stars:
Shooting Stars has a 20% chance to instead call down a Crashing Star, dealing (76.5% of Spell power) Astral damage to the target and generating 5 Astral Power.
Choice Node -> Incarnation: Chosen of Elune / Convoke the Spirits
Incarnation: Chosen of Elune:
An improved Moonkin Form that grants both Eclipses, any learned Celestial Alignment bonuses, and 10% critical strike chance. Lasts 20 sec. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Moonkin Form for its duration.
Convoke the Spirits:
Call upon the spirits for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec, favoring your current shapeshift form and your current target.
Choice Node -> Fury of Elune / New Moon
Fury of Elune:
Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the enemy, dealing up to [8 * 2 * (14.9% of Spell power)] Astral damage over 8 sec within its area. Damage reduced on secondary targets. Generates 40 Astral Power over its duration.
New Moon:
Deals (200% of Spell power) Astral damage to the target and empowers New Moon to become Half Moon. Generates 10 Astral Power.
Power of Goldrinn:
Starsurge has a chance to summon the Spirit of Goldrinn, which immediately deals (85.2% of Spell power) Astral damage to the target.

Row 9:

Increases the critical strike chance of Shooting Stars by 10%.
Shooting Star critical strikes leave behind a Star Fragment, dealing (50% of Spell power) Astral damage over 4 seconds.
Denizen of the Dream:
Reaching 3 stacks of Starlord summons a Faerie Dragon to assist you in battle for 10 seconds.
Cosmic Rapidity:
Your Moonfire, Sunfire, and Stellar Flare deal damage 20% faster.
Elune's Guidance:
Incarnation: Chosen of Elune
Reduces the Astral Power cost of Starsurge by 8, and the Astral Power cost of Starfall by 10.
Convoke the Spirits
Cooldown is reduced by 50% and its duration and number of spells cast is reduced by 25%. Convoke the Spirits has an increased chance to use an exceptional spell or ability.
Radiant Moonlight:
New Moon, Half Moon, and Full Moon deal 25% increased damage. Full Moon becomes Full Moon once more before resetting to New Moon.
Fury of Elune deals 50% increased damage and its cooldown is reduced by 15 sec.
Howling Moon:
When Starsurge critically strikes it automatically spawns a Spirit of Goldrinn.
Touch of the Cosmos:
When you enter Eclipse, your next Starsurge or Starfall costs 20 less Astral Power and deals 30% increased damage.

Row 10:

Star Cluster:
Starlord can now stack up to 4 times and grants an additional 0.5% Haste per stack.
Choice Node -> Orbit Breaker / Sundered Firmament:
Orbit Breaker:
Every 30th Shooting Star calls down a Full Moon at 60% effectiveness upon its target.
Sundered Firmament:
Every other Eclipse creates a Fury of Elune at 20% effectiveness that follows your current target for 8 sec.
Choice Node -> Star Weaver / Harmony of the Heavens:
Star Weaver:
Starsurge has a 20% chance to make Starfall free. Starfall has a 40% chance to make Starsurge free.
Harmony of the Heavens:
Starsurge or Starfall increase your current Eclipse's Arcane or Nature damage bonus by an additional 1%, up to 5%.
Collapsing Star:
Full Moon and Fury of Elune call down a collapsing star that last 15 sec. Enemies that come into contact with a star cause it to burst, dealing Astral damage to nearby enemies. Generates 10 Astral Power.
The Druid and their allies may pick up stars, causing them to orbit around them.
Balance of All Things:
Entering Eclipse increases your critical strike chance with Arcane or Nature spells by 20%, decreasing by 2% every 1 sec.


So yeah, that's it. Took me a lot of time and some braincells, and I like doing that kind of design work, even if nothing comes of it.
Let me know what you think if you're interested and shoutout to our fellow Hunters & Shamans, hope you guys get a good rework :D
Best regards
submitted by Castiel613 to wow [link] [comments]