What vitamin strengthens arteries

BioLean Reviews (URGENT Official Website Update 24) Fake Customer Risks Exposed!!

2024.04.30 19:36 Unlikely-Promise1529 BioLean Reviews (URGENT Official Website Update 24) Fake Customer Risks Exposed!!

Losing weight can be a tough task for most people, especially for individuals who struggle with a slow metabolism.
While taking medicines can surely speed up the pace at which one sheds off excess fat, they usually come with several side effects that can do more harm than good.
This is why most experts recommend checking out natural dietary supplements instead. Although there are tons of options available on the market, we didn’t find any of them “revolutionary” when it comes to boosting weight loss journeys. That is until we came across BioLean.
Most BioLean reviews online report that its pills can promote faster weight loss while strengthening other aspects of one’s overall well-being too.
Also called the 8-second water hack, BioLean aims to induce natural weight loss among both men and women.
Since we tried its formula and lost a decent amount of weight, we decided to share our experience.
In this article, we will check out what makes BioLean different from other options – including its benefits, cost, refund policy, and every other relevant aspect. Let us begin right away by diving right into its brief overview:
Supplement Name:
Supplement Form:
Supplement Category:
Dietary supplements
Supplement Description:
BioLean is a natural weight loss solution that can help flush obesogens from your body. This way, it may help you shed off excess weight within a few weeks and help you sculpt your dream body as well. According to BioLean reviews, it works equally well for both men and women.
Ingredients Used:
Bitter Orange Extract, Banaba, Ginseng, Apple Cider Vinegar, etc.
Side Effects:
Check out the reviews!
Main Highlights:
There is not much evidence available about the safety regulations followed while creating BioLean
Side Effects:
None reported as of yet
Up to 3 freebies are offered with eligible orders
60-day money-back guarantee
How To Purchase BioLean?
You can buy BioLean from its official website

Who Invented The BioLean Formula? Is It Suitable For All Adults?

The BioLean formula was crafted by a group of medical researchers who wanted to help people lose weight.
They understood the link between the rising cases of obesity and the constant consumption of processed food items, which is why they decided to create a natural solution that can help detox the body from within and help target its stubborn fat layers.
As we were researching the BioLean ingredients, we found most of them suitable for all adults. None of them pose harm to the overall well-being of healthy adults according to science, but we don’t recommend it to every adult out there either.
If you suffer from any uncommon allergies or take medicines due to any reason, it would be best to ask a doctor before taking BioLean.
This can help you prevent any potential side effects in the future. Other than that, women who are pregnant or lactating shouldn’t consume it either as BioLean doesn’t have any “pregnancy-safe” labels.
Click here to get all the details about BioLean >>>

How Does BioLean Work? Are There Any Side Effects?

According to the makers of BioLean, this weight loss supplement works by helping flush out all the obesogens from the body.
Whether you are suffering from high obesogen levels due to constant stress, consumption of processed food items, or any other reason – BioLean can help you deal with them all.
We found its working mechanism suitable for lowering the risks of developing stubborn fat layers as well as carrying out a full-body detox at the same time.
According to most BioLean reviews, it starts showing visible results of its weight loss mechanism within about a month.
Are There Any Side Effects Of BioLean?
Our team didn’t experience any adverse effects while consuming BioLean. Furthermore, there were no side effects reported by any of the BioLean reviews we came across online.
Hence, you can consume its natural formula without worrying about degrading your health as long as you don’t have any uncommon allergies.

What Are The Top Health Benefits Of BioLean?

BioLean not only uses a unique blend of 8 exotic ingredients to promote faster weight loss but also aims to strengthen the overall health of its users naturally.
We were able to enjoy several health benefits while consuming this supplement, so let us walk you through some of them below:
Better Artery Health
The main working formula of BioLean functions by helping dissolve the clogged fat from blood vessels. As a result, most people who consume this weight loss supplement daily often report that their artery health improved drastically ever since they started taking it in their BioLean reviews.
Our team experienced this benefit as well. We were impressed by its ingredient list as it contains components like resveratrol and ginger root that can help promote healthier blood pressure levels and heart health as well – thus improving artery health even more efficiently!
Healthier Blood Sugar Levels
Unhealthy blood sugar levels can often give rise to conditions like type 2 diabetes, and according to most medical researchers – it can lead to a lot of unwanted weight gain as well. We found BioLean suitable for combating such issues because its ingredients can promote healthier blood sugar levels naturally.
Most BioLean reviews online report that this supplement can also help reduce the symptoms of issues like diabetes if consumed every day for at least 6 months.
Improved Mental Health
Weight loss journeys can stress you out over time, which is why it is important to maintain your mental health as you eliminate the excess fat storage from your body.
This is why we liked BioLean – as its ingredients can help reduce cortisol production and stress quickly.
Our team found this weight loss supplement particularly useful for getting rid of stress-induced headaches. While researching its ingredients, we found that some of them induce a soothing effect on the brain – which explains why we felt so relaxed after taking BioLean.
Get your hands on BioLean and experience the benefits now!
submitted by Unlikely-Promise1529 to OxyBreathPro [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 13:21 BodyBoostColostrum What is Colostrum and How Does It Benefit Our Health?

Colostrum, often referred to as "nature's first food," is a nutrient-rich substance produced by mammals, including humans and cows, during the first few days after giving birth. It serves as the initial source of nutrition for newborns, providing essential nutrients, antibodies, and growth factors necessary for their growth and development. While colostrum is commonly associated with breastfeeding, bovine colostrum, derived from cows, has gained attention for its potential health benefits in humans.
So, what exactly is colostrum, and how does it benefit our health?
Nutrient-Rich Composition:
Colostrum is packed with a wide range of bioactive compounds, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, antibodies, growth factors, and immune cells. These nutrients are essential for supporting the newborn's immune system, promoting growth and development, and providing protection against infections and diseases.
Immune System Support:
One of the most significant benefits of colostrum supplement is its ability to support the immune system. Colostrum contains high concentrations of antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, which help passively transfer immunity from the mother to the newborn. These antibodies provide immediate protection against a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, helping to strengthen the newborn's immune defenses during the critical early days of life.
Growth and Development:
In addition to antibodies, colostrum is rich in growth factors like insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), and epidermal growth factor (EGF). These growth factors play crucial roles in promoting tissue growth, repair, and regeneration, supporting the development of organs, muscles, bones, and other tissues in newborns.
Digestive Health:
Colostrum contains bioactive compounds like lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, and lysozyme, which help support digestive health and protect against gastrointestinal infections. These compounds have antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, maintaining a healthy microbial balance and supporting optimal digestion and nutrient absorption.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties:
Certain components of colostrum, such as lactoferrin and proline-rich peptides (PRPs), possess anti-inflammatory properties that help modulate the body's immune response and reduce inflammation. This makes colostrum particularly beneficial for individuals with inflammatory conditions like arthritis, allergies, and autoimmune diseases, helping to alleviate symptoms and promote overall wellness.
In conclusion, colostrum is a remarkable substance with numerous health benefits. From supporting the immune system and promoting growth and development to enhancing digestive health and reducing inflammation, colostrum plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health and well-being. Incorporating colostrum into your daily routine may offer a natural and effective way to support your overall health and vitality.
submitted by BodyBoostColostrum to u/BodyBoostColostrum [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 20:13 fifi_edits Kefir vs. Yogurt: Benefits and Nutrition Facts

What is kefir?

Kefir is a nourishing fermented dairy product renowned for its rich diversity of probiotics. While typically made from cow's milk, kefir can also be crafted from various other mediums. Here are common types of milk used to make kefir:
Plain kefir has a distinct tangy flavor and a smooth, pleasant consistency reminiscent of drinkable yogurt. Kefir is a versatile beverage that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a milk substitute in various dishes, such as smoothies, salad dressing, probiotic ice cream, and even baking. Commercial kefir products are often available in several flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

How it’s made

Kefir is made by adding kefir grains to fresh milk. Kefir grains are active cultures of beneficial bacterial strains and yeasts that form grain-like structures. The microorganisms in kefir grains feed on the milk sugar lactose, producing lactic acid bacteria and carbon dioxide that transform milk into a fermented beverage.

Kefir nutrition facts

Here are the general nutrition facts for eight fluid ounces of unsweetened whole milk kefir.
In addition, kefir also contains several essential nutrients, including:

Health benefits of kefir

Cultured dairy products such as raw kefir are rich sources of beneficial bacteria. These probiotic microorganisms are critical in maintaining digestive processes, enhancing gut health, and promoting overall well-being. According to research published in Frontiers in Microbiology, the diverse probiotic content of milk kefir helps strengthen the gut microbiome, supporting the body's defenses against harmful bacteria and toxins.
Similarly, evidence published in Cureus linked kefir consumption to improved immune responses, reduced oxidative stress, and anti-cancer effects. Another study published in Foods found that drinking kefir proved to be extremely beneficial for individuals with metabolic syndrome. This condition is characterized by a series of coexisting health issues, including insulin resistance, high blood pressure, imbalanced cholesterol levels, and excess body fat.
The authors summarized that daily kefir consumption improved digestion, insulin resistance, and blood pressure and linked these benefits to kefir’s rich probiotic content.
What is yogurt?
Yogurt is another popular fermented milk product celebrated for its thick, creamy texture and slightly tangy flavor. Similarly to kefir, yogurt can be made from various kinds of milk, including cow, goat, sheep, and plant-based alternatives such as almond, coconut, and soy milk. There are many variations of yogurt, such as Greek yogurt, Bulgarian yogurt, and skyr, which are widely available in a range of different flavors.
How it’s made
Yogurt is made by fermenting milk with specific bacterial cultures, typically Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These bacteria convert the milk's lactose into lactic acid, which thickens the milk and gives it its unique flavor.
Yogurt nutrition facts
Here are the general nutrition facts for eight fluid ounces of unsweetened whole milk yogurt.
In addition, yogurt also contains several essential nutrients, including:

Health benefits of yogurt

Although yogurt contains considerably lower concentrations of beneficial bacteria, it can be a nutritious option if you choose the right type. While the probiotic benefits of yogurt are less diverse than kefir, regular consumption of raw or minimally pasteurized versions that contain live bacterial cultures can offer benefits for digestive and immune functions.
Additionally, yogurt is a good source of essential nutrients such as vitamins A, B2, and B12, as well as calcium and potassium. These vitamins and minerals are crucial for maintaining good vision, promoting bone health, and supporting immunity. "Yogurt feeds the existing microbes in the digestive tract, which help clean the colon by supporting the body's natural waste elimination processes," explains Dr. Berg.

Kefir vs. yogurt: which is better?

Both kefir and yogurt can be a valuable addition to a balanced diet. However, they differ significantly in their flavor and nutrient profiles.The main difference between yogurt and kefir lies in the bacterial cultures that initiate fermentation.
Yogurt is usually made from a few specific strains of lactic acid bacteria. In contrast, kefir is made with kefir grains, which contain a more diverse mixture of bacteria and beneficial yeasts that offer enhanced probiotic benefits.
"In terms of probiotic content, kefir significantly outpaces yogurt with around 27 billion colony-forming units compared to yogurt's 3.6 billion," says Dr. Berg.
Kefir's lactose content is significantly lower compared to yogurt. This makes it a better choice for those requiring easily digested dairy, including babies, children, older people, and individuals with lactose intolerance.
Furthermore, most yogurt in supermarkets is packed with added sugar and artificial flavors that can negatively affect your health.
While some types of store-bought kefir can also include sugar, you won’t find it challenging to find sugar-free options of this fermented beverage.
Kefir has a predominantly sour taste, unlike yogurt, which is more creamy and slightly tangy. As a result, kefir and yogurt may be preferred for different recipes.
Plain yogurt may be ideal for smoothies, while kefir may be a better option for dishes that require a more tart note, such as salad dressings.
submitted by fifi_edits to DrEricBergDC [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 18:40 Vegetable-Yam-2871 BioLean Reviews: (Update 2024) Fake Customer Risks Exposed?

Losing weight can be a tough task for most people, especially for individuals who struggle with a slow metabolism.
While taking medicines can surely speed up the pace at which one sheds off excess fat, they usually come with several side effects that can do more harm than good.
This is why most experts recommend checking out natural dietary supplements instead. Although there are tons of options available on the market, we didn’t find any of them “revolutionary” when it comes to boosting weight loss journeys. That is until we came across BioLean.
Most BioLean reviews online report that its pills can promote faster weight loss while strengthening other aspects of one’s overall well-being too.
Also called the 8-second water hack, BioLean aims to induce natural weight loss among both men and women.
Since we tried its formula and lost a decent amount of weight, we decided to share our experience.
In this article, we will check out what makes BioLean different from other options – including its benefits, cost, refund policy, and every other relevant aspect. Let us begin right away by diving right into its brief overview:
Supplement Name:
Supplement Form:
Supplement Category:
Dietary supplements
Supplement Description:
BioLean is a natural weight loss solution that can help flush obesogens from your body. This way, it may help you shed off excess weight within a few weeks and help you sculpt your dream body as well. According to BioLean reviews, it works equally well for both men and women.
Ingredients Used:
Bitter Orange Extract, Banaba, Ginseng, Apple Cider Vinegar, etc.
Side Effects:
Check out the reviews!
Main Highlights:
There is not much evidence available about the safety regulations followed while creating BioLean
Side Effects:
None reported as of yet
Up to 3 freebies are offered with eligible orders
60-day money-back guarantee
How To Purchase BioLean?
You can buy BioLean from its official website

Who Invented The BioLean Formula? Is It Suitable For All Adults?

The BioLean formula was crafted by a group of medical researchers who wanted to help people lose weight.
They understood the link between the rising cases of obesity and the constant consumption of processed food items, which is why they decided to create a natural solution that can help detox the body from within and help target its stubborn fat layers.
As we were researching the BioLean ingredients, we found most of them suitable for all adults. None of them pose harm to the overall well-being of healthy adults according to science, but we don’t recommend it to every adult out there either.
If you suffer from any uncommon allergies or take medicines due to any reason, it would be best to ask a doctor before taking BioLean.
This can help you prevent any potential side effects in the future. Other than that, women who are pregnant or lactating shouldn’t consume it either as BioLean doesn’t have any “pregnancy-safe” labels.
Click here to get all the details about BioLean >>>

How Does BioLean Work? Are There Any Side Effects?

According to the makers of BioLean, this weight loss supplement works by helping flush out all the obesogens from the body.
Whether you are suffering from high obesogen levels due to constant stress, consumption of processed food items, or any other reason – BioLean can help you deal with them all.
We found its working mechanism suitable for lowering the risks of developing stubborn fat layers as well as carrying out a full-body detox at the same time.
According to most BioLean reviews, it starts showing visible results of its weight loss mechanism within about a month.
Are There Any Side Effects Of BioLean?
Our team didn’t experience any adverse effects while consuming BioLean. Furthermore, there were no side effects reported by any of the BioLean reviews we came across online.
Hence, you can consume its natural formula without worrying about degrading your health as long as you don’t have any uncommon allergies.

What Are The Top Health Benefits Of BioLean?

BioLean not only uses a unique blend of 8 exotic ingredients to promote faster weight loss but also aims to strengthen the overall health of its users naturally.
We were able to enjoy several health benefits while consuming this supplement, so let us walk you through some of them below:
Better Artery Health
The main working formula of BioLean functions by helping dissolve the clogged fat from blood vessels. As a result, most people who consume this weight loss supplement daily often report that their artery health improved drastically ever since they started taking it in their BioLean reviews.
Our team experienced this benefit as well. We were impressed by its ingredient list as it contains components like resveratrol and ginger root that can help promote healthier blood pressure levels and heart health as well – thus improving artery health even more efficiently!
Healthier Blood Sugar Levels
Unhealthy blood sugar levels can often give rise to conditions like type 2 diabetes, and according to most medical researchers – it can lead to a lot of unwanted weight gain as well. We found BioLean suitable for combating such issues because its ingredients can promote healthier blood sugar levels naturally.
Most BioLean reviews online report that this supplement can also help reduce the symptoms of issues like diabetes if consumed every day for at least 6 months.
Improved Mental Health
Weight loss journeys can stress you out over time, which is why it is important to maintain your mental health as you eliminate the excess fat storage from your body.
This is why we liked BioLean – as its ingredients can help reduce cortisol production and stress quickly.
Our team found this weight loss supplement particularly useful for getting rid of stress-induced headaches. While researching its ingredients, we found that some of them induce a soothing effect on the brain – which explains why we felt so relaxed after taking BioLean.

A Deep Dive Into The Natural Composition Of BioLean

BioLean harnesses the power of natural ingredients to support healthy weight management and overall well-being. Let’s take a closer look at the key components that make up this innovative formula:
Banaba Leaf
Banaba leaf, sourced from the Lagerstroemia speciosa tree, has a long history of use in Southeast Asia for its antidiabetic properties. Its main bioactive compound, corosolic acid, along with ellagitannins and gallotannins, contributes to its therapeutic effects, including antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant, and anti-obesity activities.
Corosolic acid functions by mimicking insulin’s action, enhancing glucose uptake into cells, and reducing hyperglycemia. It achieves this by promoting the translocation of glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) to cell membranes, facilitating glucose entry.
Additionally, corosolic acid inhibits alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase enzymes, slowing down starch and sucrose breakdown, thereby managing postprandial blood sugar spikes.
Bitter Orange
Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), a citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia, has a history of traditional use for various health-related purposes, including alleviating heartburn and nasal congestion.
P-synephrine in bitter orange works by stimulating beta-3 adrenergic receptors, promoting thermogenesis and lipolysis in adipose tissue. This can increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation, potentially aiding in weight loss.
Furthermore, bitter orange extracts have been studied in several clinical studies for their potential to enhance athletic performance by enhancing glycogenolysis and lipolysis. These processes mobilize energy stores, potentially improving exercise performance and endurance.
Resveratrol’s antioxidant properties are crucial in scavenging free radicals and enhancing the body’s antioxidant defenses, thereby reducing oxidative stress and preventing cellular damage. By activating the NRF2 pathway, resveratrol upregulates antioxidant enzymes, mitigating oxidative stress and protecting against diseases.
A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that participants who consumed resveratrol supplements experienced a significant decrease in visceral adipose tissue, commonly known as belly fat. Results showed that the resveratrol group had a 10% reduction in belly fat compared to the control group.
Ginger Root
Ginger root, or Zingiber officinale, features a thick, knobby rhizome—the plant’s underground stem. Its outer skin, ranging from brown to golden, is thin and easily abraded, revealing pale yellow flesh emitting a spicy aroma. Initially juicy and mild, mature rhizomes become hotter, fibrous, and drier.
Their distinctive fragrance and flavor come from volatile oils and phenolic compounds like zingerone, shogaol, gingerol, and gingeridione.
This ingredient’s carminative properties aid in relieving bloating, gas, and constipation by relaxing intestinal muscles and enhancing motility. By reducing spasms and facilitating regular bowel movements, ginger promotes digestive comfort and regularity.
A scientific study published in the Journal of Obesity Research demonstrated that ginger root can promote weight loss. The study found that participants who consumed ginger root extract experienced a 10% increase in metabolic rate compared to those who did not.
Additionally, those who incorporated ginger root into their diet lost an average of 3% more body fat over a 12-week period.
Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon bark is known for its delicate, papery consistency, which unfurls into several layers when rolled. It exhibits a light brown hue and possesses a finer, less compact, and more brittle texture, setting it apart from the denser, coarser texture of cassia bark (C. cassia). Unlike Ceylon cinnamon, cassia bark tends to be darker in color and forms a singular, tightly curled layer.
Cinnamon demonstrates antidiabetic potential by enhancing insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake in cells. Its antimicrobial effects, chiefly attributed to cinnamaldehyde, make cinnamon a potent natural remedy against bacterial and fungal infections by disrupting pathogen cell membranes.
Moreover, cinnamon bark exhibits promising anticancer activity by inducing cancer cell apoptosis and inhibiting angiogenesis, while its lipid-lowering effects contribute to cardiovascular health by modulating cholesterol levels.
In addition, cinnamon’s neuroprotective effects offer potential therapeutic benefits for neurological disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. By shielding neuronal cells from oxidative stress and reducing amyloid-beta plaque accumulation, cinnamon may help preserve cognitive function and neuronal integrity.
Place your order today by clicking here before stock runs out! >>>
submitted by Vegetable-Yam-2871 to OxyBreathPro [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 16:39 Middle-Lemon-9840 Natural Treatments for Heart Disease: A Comprehensive Guide AposBook

Natural Treatments for Heart Disease: A Comprehensive Guide AposBook

What is Heart Disease

Heart disease refers to a range of conditions that can cause disorders in the heart. Various conditions fall under the umbrella of heart disease, such as coronary artery disease, problems in the heart rhythm (arrhythmia), and heart deformities you’re born with (congenital heart defects), among others.
The term "heart disease" is often used interchangeably with the term cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) refers to conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels.
CVD is mostly associated with atherosclerosis, which is a build-up of plaque that consists mainly of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances.

This buildup narrows the arteries, making it harder for blood to flow through them. This can lead to the formation of blood clots, which block blood flow to the heart or brain, causing a heart attack or stroke.
Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States today. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that heart disease leads to 1 in 4 deaths in the United States each year. The prevalence of heart disease in the United States is due to people’s unhealthy lifestyles and poor dietary choices.

Natural Treatments for Heart Disease

There are several natural solutions that can help treat and prevent cardiovascular disease naturally. These natural solutions can stop the development of the disease by addressing the main risk factors such as cholesterol levels and blood pressure, among other problems.
Meanwhile, some of these main natural solutions for heart disease include:
  1. Herbs: some herbs showed positive results in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. These herbs work on lowering lipid levels in the blood, preventing plaque accumulation, and providing anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Diets: a healthy diet can control the levels of cholesterol and fats in the blood vessels. Having a normal level of cholesterol in the blood prevents the accumulation of plaques inside the arteries. Some diets also are effective for lowering blood pressure, which damages the arteries and causes atherosclerosis.
  3. Nutritional supplements: some nutritional supplements such as Omega fatty acids, can help fight the accumulation of plaque inside the arteries. This might prevent the further development of atherosclerosis.
Click on natural treatments for heart disease to find a detailed list of all the natural solutions to treat heart disease, including various natural therapies, diet programs, alternative medicine, vitamins, supplements, herbal medicine, and home remedies. You can also go to www.aposbook.com to find all the natural treatments for any medical condition IN ONE CLICK.
submitted by Middle-Lemon-9840 to u/Middle-Lemon-9840 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 14:02 kidsorthopedic Understanding Bow Legs and Knock Knees: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Bow legs and knock knees are two common orthopedic conditions that affect the alignment of the legs, often leading to concerns about appearance and potential health issues. While both conditions involve deviations from the normal alignment of the legs, they differ in their presentation and underlying causes. In this article, we'll delve into what bow legs and knock knees are, their causes, symptoms, and available treatments.
What are Bow Legs and Knock Knees?
Bow Legs (Genu Varum): Bow legs refer to a condition where the legs curve outward at the knees while the ankles remain together when a person stands with their feet together. This creates a distinct gap between the knees even when the ankles touch.
Knock Knees (Genu Valgum): Knock knees, on the other hand, involve a condition where the knees angle inward and touch each other when a person stands with their feet together. This results in a wider-than-normal gap between the ankles.
Causes of Bow Legs and Knock Knees:
1. Developmental Factors: Both bow legs and knock knees can develop during childhood as part of a normal growth process. In infants, bow legs are often a natural result of being cramped in the womb, and they typically straighten out as the child begins to walk. Similarly, knock knees are common during the toddler years as children develop their walking skills, with the condition usually resolving by around age seven.
2. Rickets: Rickets is a condition caused by a deficiency in vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate, which can lead to soft and weak bones. In severe cases, rickets can cause bow legs as the weakened bones are unable to support the weight of the body properly.
3. Blount's Disease: Blount's disease is a growth disorder that affects the tibia, the larger of the two bones in the lower leg. It can cause the inner part of the tibia to stop growing, leading to bow legs, especially if left untreated.
4. Osteomalacia: Similar to rickets, osteomalacia is a condition characterized by softening of the bones, usually due to a deficiency in vitamin D. Bow legs can develop as a result of the weakened bones.
5. Genetic Factors: In some cases, bow legs and knock knees may be inherited, with certain genetic factors predisposing individuals to these conditions.
Symptoms of Bow Legs and Knock Knees:
1. Visible Leg Deformity: The most obvious symptom of bow legs and knock knees is the visible deviation from the normal alignment of the legs when standing.
2. Knee Pain: In some cases, individuals with bow legs or knock knees may experience pain around the knees, particularly during physical activities or prolonged standing.
3. Difficulty Walking: Severe cases of bow legs or knock knees can interfere with normal walking patterns, leading to difficulties in mobility.
4. Joint Stiffness: Bow legs and knock knees can sometimes be accompanied by joint stiffness, making it uncomfortable to move the legs freely.
Treatment Options for Bow Legs and Knock Knees:
1. Observation: In many cases, especially in young children, bow legs and knock knees may resolve on their own as the child grows and develops. Observation by a healthcare professional is often recommended to monitor the condition's progress.
2. Orthotic Devices: For individuals with mild to moderate bow legs or knock knees, orthotic devices such as shoe inserts or braces may help improve alignment and alleviate symptoms.
3. Physical Therapy: Physical therapy exercises focused on strengthening the muscles around the knees and improving overall leg alignment can be beneficial for individuals with bow legs or knock knees.
4. Surgery: In severe cases or when other treatment options have been ineffective, surgery may be recommended to correct the alignment of the legs. Surgical procedures for bow legs and knock knees typically involve adjusting the positioning of the bones to achieve a more normal alignment.
5. Management of Underlying Conditions: If bow legs or knock knees are caused by underlying conditions such as rickets or osteomalacia, treatment of the underlying condition is essential for addressing the leg deformity.
Bow legs and knock knees are common orthopedic conditions that can affect individuals of all ages, from infants to adults. While they may be a natural part of growth and development in some cases, they can also be caused by underlying medical conditions or genetic factors. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important for managing these conditions and preventing potential complications. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for bow legs and knock knees, individuals can take proactive steps to address these issues and maintain optimal leg health. If you or someone you know is concerned about bow legs or knock knees, consulting with a healthcare professional is the first step toward finding the most suitable treatment approach.
submitted by kidsorthopedic to u/kidsorthopedic [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:31 ginandgeralt I can't seem to gain weight no matter my caloric intake.

Hello! I'm "Ro". 29F, 5'7, 114lbs (170.2cm, 51.9kg).
Current Medical History: non-severe idiopathic gastroparesis, chronic abdominal pain with visceral hypersensitivity, chronic idiopathic constipation (bowel movements once every 10-16 days or longer), poorly controlled blood sugars, seizure disorder, trimmer, elevated prolactin levels (not pregnant or lactating), elevated liver numbers, benign mass next to heart, liver perfusion abnormality.
Past Medical History: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension with papilledema, Overweight, asthma, eczema.
Current Meds: Keppra (seizure prevention), pepcid, L. gasseri, hydroxyzine (for allergies/sleep), NJ tube w/ pump, docusate liquid, vitamin B complex, Vitamin D, Cod Liver Oil, Magnesium, Potassium, Biotin.
I've posted here before about other things so if you recognize some of this, hi again! Long story short: I began having post-prandial abdominal pain, early satiety, nausea, lightheadedness, extreme blood sugar fluctuations and seizures at around the same time. I was super fatigued and became very weak. My hair fell out in clumps so now I have bald spots. My appetite completely went away and my tolerance for solid foods disappeared over time. I was at the point where I could barely stomach 1 supplemental drink per day. I ended up losing over 70lbs in 6 months, then had an NJ tube placed to prevent further weightloss but ended up losing an additional 30-40lbs. At that time my caloric intake was about 1900 calories per day. Over the last 18 months I have increased my caloric intake to around 3000 calories per day, with no weight increases (give or take fluctuations of 1-3lbs around menstruation). Recently, a nutritionist suggested supplementing more calories with MCT oil or Olive Oil. I started with olive oil at 2-3 tablespoons per day for one week, then MCT oil at the same amount until I reached about 5 tablespoons per day. This brought my caloric intake up to around 3400+ calories per day for a month straight. Instead of gaining weight, I lost 10lbs this month.
None of my docs can figure out why or know what to test for. I'm already a medical mystery because my chronic abdominal pain doesn't respond to medication of any drug class or therapies and there is no visible damage there. Does anyone have a clue what my docs could test for?
Previous tests (negative): VGKC pathologies, NAFLD, gallbladdeliver function, porphyria, hepatitis array, sarcoidosis, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, biopsies of several lymph nodes, thyroid biopsy, duodenal biopsy, gastric biopsy, esophageal biopsy, amyloidosis, clear MRI, clear echocardiogram with bubble test, superior mesenteric artery syndrome, Lyme disease, lupus, rheumatological pathologies, mitochondrial diseases, periodic paralysis
I was very healthy prior to this; a vegetarian for nearly 15 years, ate whole, well rounded meals with macro management. Yes I was well over 200lbs, but I was training to be a competitive power lifter, moving hundreds of pounds 5x a week with yoga and cardio and still reaching PRs even after losing the first 20lbs.
I am currently in palliative care with the decision made to transition to hospice in 6 months. Just wondering if there's anything else I can do before then! Thanks in advance! 🤗
submitted by ginandgeralt to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:26 Ok-Celebration7305 What i did to recover up to 90% from PSSD, and i think could benefit everyone with this condition!

I am a 22-year-old who developed PSSD in 2020 after self-prescribing various anti-depression medications, including SSRIs, due to severe anxiety stemming from traumatic events. Initially, I didn't understand what was happening, but I later learned about PSSD.
In my journey to heal, I tried numerous supplements mentioned on the PSSD subreddit, without understanding their effects on my body. Unfortunately, none provided relief. Here's what I've tried chronologically, along with the percentage of improvement I felt:
  1. Started probiotics, kefir, and fermented foods: 30-40% improvement.
  2. Engaged in regular strength and HIIT training: 50-60%.
  3. Used whey protein.
  4. Increased intake of animal-based foods, salads, and healthy fats: 60-70%.
  5. Vitamin C supplement (1000mg).
  6. Vitamin B12 supplement (1000mcg).
  7. Liver detox supplementation.
  8. Vitamin D3+K2 supplementation: 80%.
  9. Improved posture through stretches and exercises.
  10. Royal jelly supplement.
  11. Currently taking an immune-strengthening supplement.
  12. Meditation and HRV (resonant) breathing: 90% healed.
Additionally, I'm prioritizing self-care with hygiene products, clothing, and planning for my future.
Tried but didn't work: - Ginkgo Biloba - Tongkat Ali
submitted by Ok-Celebration7305 to pssdhealing [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:05 percyjblack 8 Benefits of OMAD (One Meal a Day)

OMAD (one meal a day) is an intermittent fasting method allowing a one-hour eating window per day. It’s often used to achieve significant weight loss and can provide other health benefits, including improved digestion, energy, and mental clarity.
Let’s look at eight benefits of OMAD, learn how to get started, and discover the potential risks of intermittent fasting and reduced meal frequency.

What is OMAD?

One meal a day, widely known as OMAD, is a type of intermittent fasting that restricts calorie intake to one meal per day. Also known as the 23:1 method, OMAD involves 23 hours of fasting followed by a one-hour eating window.
When practicing OMAD, all of the daily calorie needs are consumed during the non-fasting hour, which helps trigger ketosis. This metabolic state pushes the body to burn fat instead of sugar as a fuel source.
Ketosis not only promotes fat burning and helps lose weight but also has profound health benefits beyond weight loss.
Watch the video below to learn more about the benefits of intermittent fasting and OMAD.
23 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting & One Meal A Day

8 benefits of eating only one meal a day

Besides losing weight, OMAD is associated with many potential health benefits, including improved digestion, enhanced moods, and stronger immune defenses.
Here’s an in-depth look at eight incredible benefits of eating only one meal daily.

1. Promotes healthy digestion

Fasting for most of the day allows the digestive system to rest. This can help reduce gastrointestinal irritation and inflammation linked to food sensitivities, especially in those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other gastrointestinal disorders.
A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine investigated the effects of fasting therapy in IBS patients and summarized, “Fasting significantly improved symptoms such as abdominal pain-discomfort, abdominal distension, diarrhea, nausea, anxiety, and interference with life in general.”
The authors also concluded that fasting is a safe and effective therapeutic tool for those not responding to pharmaceutical IBS treatments.

2. Helps lower inflammation

Prolonged periods of fasting may have anti-inflammatory effects and support balanced immune responses.
Inflammation is a natural response to pathogenic microorganisms and helps eliminate viruses, bacteria, and fungi. However, unresolved inflammation can become chronic and is associated with various health problems, including arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular issues.
Research30850-5) published in Cell found that fasting reduces the release and potency of monocytes, a type of pro-inflammatory immune cell. This explains why OMAD can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being in individuals with chronic inflammatory health conditions.

3. Supports weight loss

OMAD enhances fat burning, which supports weight loss, even without significantly restricting calorie intake.
Evidence published in Frontiers in Physiology found that eating a single meal in the evening lowered total body weight and fat mass by more than double compared to eating three meals containing the same amount of calories.
Time-restricted eating also increases fat oxidation, a metabolic energy-making process utilizing stored body fat, in healthy adults.

4. May boosts moods

Research suggests that many mood disorders, including anxiety and depression, are associated with blood sugar problems.
A study published in Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics found that fluctuating blood sugar levels were linked to a higher risk of negative emotions and lower quality of life.
The study also suggests that elevated blood sugar levels, also known as hyperglycemia, induced feelings of anger, sadness, and anxiety in diabetic women.
OMAD involves prolonged fasting periods, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable and may explain why consuming only one meal per day can improve moods and emotional well-being.

5. Triggers autophagy and strengthens immunity

Intermittent fasting has been shown to induce autophagy, a survival mechanism in which the body destroys damaged cells and recycles functional parts for cellular repair.
Autophagy may help prevent diseases linked to poor cellular functions, including cancer and autoimmune conditions.
Autophagy also promotes xenophagy, a biochemical process that eliminates pathogenic microbes and lowers the risk of microbial infections.
“OMAD is a highly effective strategy to trigger autophagy and strengthens immune defenses against viruses, fungus, mold, and yeast infections,” explains Dr. Berg.

6. Boosts energy levels

OMAD fasting triggers ketosis, which has energy-boosting properties.
During ketosis, the body releases large amounts of ketones, a metabolic by-product of fat burning. Ketones are a highly effective fuel source, especially for heart, muscle, and brain cells, which explains why intermittent fasting, such as OMAD, can lead to increased energy and focus.

7. Lower risk of neurodegenerative diseases

Though more research is needed, there is evidence linking fasting to a lower risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
A study published in Nutrients found that prolonged fasting reduces brain damage, slows neurodegeneration, and improves cognition in animals.
This suggests that fasting may be beneficial to reduce the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.

8. Supports healthy skin

The effects of intermittent fasting on skin health have been thoroughly researched.
Fasting has been shown to slow skin aging and mitigate the effects of free radicals. These unstable molecules can damage skin cells and disrupt skin barrier function.
Free radicals also trigger oxidative stress, leading to various signs of aging, including wrinkles, dark spots, and sagging skin.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that fasting improves skin barrier function and reduces oxidative stress, promoting healthy-looking skin.

How to start OMAD

There are various ways to implement the OMAD eating pattern into your routine. However, it’s generally advised to gradually reduce meals to give your body time to adjust to prolonged fasting periods.
Abruptly reducing meal frequency from three to one can lead to unwanted side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, hunger, and cravings. This can make the transition into a successful OMAD schedule challenging.
Combining OMAD with a nutritious low-carb diet such as Healthy Keto® can enhance the health benefits of fasting and speed up metabolic adaptation to caloric restriction.
Limiting carbohydrate intake and obtaining the majority of calories from healthy fats maintains steady blood sugar levels. This helps keep the body in ketosis even when you break your 23-hour fast.
Those new to fasting may benefit from starting with two meals daily, slowly prolonging their fasting periods until they achieve a one-hour eating window. A 16:8 intermittent fast can be an excellent starting point to ease into an OMAD routine.
The optimal timing for OMAD meals varies based on individual schedules and preferences. However, many people opt to have their meal during dinner time. This allows for a fulfilling end to the day and makes it easier to share meals with family or friends.

Possible risks

Though research links OMAD to various health benefits and weight control, extreme fasting practices and calorie restriction can cause adverse effects in some people.
Limiting food intake to once daily can increase the risk of nutrient deficiencies, especially if OMAD is combined with a diet high in processed foods, refined carbs, and sugary foods.
These foods lack essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and fatty acids, increasing the risk of nutritional gaps and associated health issues.
Common symptoms of nutrient deficiencies on OMAD include night blindness, bleeding gums, depression, weakness, and fatigue.
However, those following a nutrient-dense, whole-food diet plan such as Healthy Keto can get most of their required vitamins and minerals in just one meal.
In addition, it’s recommended to incorporate high-quality dietary supplements containing vitamins and trace minerals to promote a healthy body and reduce the risk of deficiencies when practicing OMAD.
Athletes often have increased calorie and nutrient needs and can find it challenging to consume enough food in one meal to meet all nutritional requirements. Highly active individuals may discover that OMAD can’t sustain their activity level, resulting in reduced performance, fatigue, and excessive weight loss.
OMAD can lead to disordered eating in those with a history of binge eating or anorexia. In addition, some people experience extreme hunger and stress when following OMAD, which can lead to overeating at mealtime.
Intermittent fasting can trigger profound metabolic and hormonal changes. To minimize the risk of health issues, it’s crucial to discuss OMAD with a healthcare professional if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or are taking prescription medications.

Key takeaways

One meal a day (OMAD) is a fasting method that alternates between a 23-hour fasting period and a one-hour eating window.
Prolonged fasting periods have various health benefits, including weight loss, neuroprotective effects, improved digestion, and enhanced immune functions. In addition, OMAD may also have anti-aging effects and boost energy levels.
However, this fasting style can increase the risk of nutrient deficiencies if OMAD isn’t combined with a nutritious high-fat diet such as Healthy Keto.
submitted by percyjblack to DrEricBergDC [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:35 Financial-Article785 BioLean Reviews (URGENT Official Website ) Fake Customer Risks Exposed update 2024

Losing weight can be a tough task for most people, especially for individuals who struggle with a slow metabolism.
While taking medicines can surely speed up the pace at which one sheds off excess fat, they usually come with several side effects that can do more harm than good.
This is why most experts recommend checking out natural dietary supplements instead. Although there are tons of options available on the market, we didn’t find any of them “revolutionary” when it comes to boosting weight loss journeys. That is until we came across BioLean.
Most BioLean reviews online report that its pills can promote faster weight loss while strengthening other aspects of one’s overall well-being too.
Also called the 8-second water hack, BioLean aims to induce natural weight loss among both men and women.
Since we tried its formula and lost a decent amount of weight, we decided to share our experience.
In this article, we will check out what makes BioLean different from other options – including its benefits, cost, refund policy, and every other relevant aspect. Let us begin right away by diving right into its brief overview:
Supplement Name:
Supplement Form:
Supplement Category:
Dietary supplements
Supplement Description:
BioLean is a natural weight loss solution that can help flush obesogens from your body. This way, it may help you shed off excess weight within a few weeks and help you sculpt your dream body as well. According to BioLean reviews, it works equally well for both men and women.
Ingredients Used:
Bitter Orange Extract, Banaba, Ginseng, Apple Cider Vinegar, etc.
Side Effects:
Check out the reviews!
Main Highlights:
There is not much evidence available about the safety regulations followed while creating BioLean
Side Effects:
None reported as of yet
Up to 3 freebies are offered with eligible orders
60-day money-back guarantee
How To Purchase BioLean?
You can buy BioLean from its official website

Who Invented The BioLean Formula? Is It Suitable For All Adults?

The BioLean formula was crafted by a group of medical researchers who wanted to help people lose weight.
They understood the link between the rising cases of obesity and the constant consumption of processed food items, which is why they decided to create a natural solution that can help detox the body from within and help target its stubborn fat layers.
As we were researching the BioLean ingredients, we found most of them suitable for all adults. None of them pose harm to the overall well-being of healthy adults according to science, but we don’t recommend it to every adult out there either.
If you suffer from any uncommon allergies or take medicines due to any reason, it would be best to ask a doctor before taking BioLean.
This can help you prevent any potential side effects in the future. Other than that, women who are pregnant or lactating shouldn’t consume it either as BioLean doesn’t have any “pregnancy-safe” labels.
Click here to get all the details about BioLean >>>

How Does BioLean Work? Are There Any Side Effects?

According to the makers of BioLean, this weight loss supplement works by helping flush out all the obesogens from the body.
Whether you are suffering from high obesogen levels due to constant stress, consumption of processed food items, or any other reason – BioLean can help you deal with them all.
We found its working mechanism suitable for lowering the risks of developing stubborn fat layers as well as carrying out a full-body detox at the same time.
According to most BioLean reviews, it starts showing visible results of its weight loss mechanism within about a month.
Are There Any Side Effects Of BioLean?
Our team didn’t experience any adverse effects while consuming BioLean. Furthermore, there were no side effects reported by any of the BioLean reviews we came across online.
Hence, you can consume its natural formula without worrying about degrading your health as long as you don’t have any uncommon allergies.

What Are The Top Health Benefits Of BioLean?

BioLean not only uses a unique blend of 8 exotic ingredients to promote faster weight loss but also aims to strengthen the overall health of its users naturally.
We were able to enjoy several health benefits while consuming this supplement, so let us walk you through some of them below:
Better Artery Health
The main working formula of BioLean functions by helping dissolve the clogged fat from blood vessels. As a result, most people who consume this weight loss supplement daily often report that their artery health improved drastically ever since they started taking it in their BioLean reviews.
Our team experienced this benefit as well. We were impressed by its ingredient list as it contains components like resveratrol and ginger root that can help promote healthier blood pressure levels and heart health as well – thus improving artery health even more efficiently!
Healthier Blood Sugar Levels
Unhealthy blood sugar levels can often give rise to conditions like type 2 diabetes, and according to most medical researchers – it can lead to a lot of unwanted weight gain as well. We found BioLean suitable for combating such issues because its ingredients can promote healthier blood sugar levels naturally.
Most BioLean reviews online report that this supplement can also help reduce the symptoms of issues like diabetes if consumed every day for at least 6 months.
Improved Mental Health
Weight loss journeys can stress you out over time, which is why it is important to maintain your mental health as you eliminate the excess fat storage from your body.
This is why we liked BioLean – as its ingredients can help reduce cortisol production and stress quickly.
Our team found this weight loss supplement particularly useful for getting rid of stress-induced headaches. While researching its ingredients, we found that some of them induce a soothing effect on the brain – which explains why we felt so relaxed after taking BioLean.
Get your hands on BioLean and experience the benefits now!
submitted by Financial-Article785 to OxyBreathPro [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:25 Financial-Article785 Neotonics Reviews (Official Website WarninG!!) Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies Neo$49

What is Neotonics?
Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies are a unique and innovative supplement that promotes both healthy skin and a well-functioning digestive system. These gummies are packed with essential nutrients and ingredients that work together to provide numerous benefits for your overall well-being. In this guide, we will explore the key features, ingredients, and benefits of Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies, helping you understand how they can improve your skin and gut health.
🌈 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 😍 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 𝐍𝐨𝐰❗ 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞: ❤️👉 Neotonics 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 👈
Neotonics Reviews: Neotonics has average rating of 4.8/5 and majority of the users have positive feedback.
Click here to buy Neotonics from Neotonics Official Website and get 75% discount
What are the Neotonics Key Features?
Nutrient-rich formula: Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies are formulated with a blend of vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients that are essential for maintaining healthy skin and a strong digestive system.These gummies contain ingredients like collagen, biotin, zinc, and probiotics, which are known for their beneficial effects on skin health and gut function.Easy and convenient: Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies are designed to be easy to incorporate into your daily routine. They come in a delicious gummy form, making them a convenient and enjoyable way to support your skin and gut health. Simply take the recommended dosage daily to experience the benefits.
What are the Neotonics Ingredients?
Collagen: Collagen is a protein that plays a vital role in maintaining the elasticity and firmness of your skin. It also supports a healthy gut lining, promoting better digestion and nutrient absorption.Biotin: Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. It helps to strengthen the structure of your skin and improve its overall appearance.Zinc: Zinc is a mineral that supports the production of collagen and helps to regulate oil production in the skin. It also plays a crucial role in gut health by supporting the digestive system and promoting a healthy immune response.Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help to maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in your gut. They promote better digestion, reduce bloating, and support overall gut health.
What are the Neotonics Benefits?
Improved skin health: The combination of collagen, biotin, and zinc in Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies promotes the production of collagen, which helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin elasticity, and enhance overall skin health. These gummies also support the skin's natural barrier function, protecting it from environmental damage.Enhanced gut function: The probiotics in Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies help to restore and maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria. This can lead to improved digestion, reduced bloating, and better nutrient absorption. A healthy gut is also linked to a stronger immune system and improved overall well-being.Convenient and enjoyable: Taking Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies is a hassle-free way to support your skin and gut health. With their delicious taste and easy-to-take gummy form, incorporating them into your daily routine is both convenient and enjoyable.
Neotonics Conclusion:
Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies are an excellent choice for those looking to improve their skin health and support their digestive system. With a nutrient-rich formula, including collagen, biotin, zinc, and probiotics, these gummies provide numerous benefits for your overall well-being. By incorporating Neotonics Skin and Gut Gummies into your daily routine, you can enjoy healthier skin, improved gut function, and a boost in your overall vitality. Try them today and experience the difference for yourself!
Click here to buy Neotonics from Neotonics Official Website at Discounted Rate + FREE Shipping!
End of article.
submitted by Financial-Article785 to OxyBreathPro [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 11:14 Kande_Lelo Hind Legs Issue For Senior Doggos

Hello Doggos and their Moms and Dads, I have a senior GSD, his hind legs are quite weak (quite likely muscles). This disables him of freely movement, he is administered with B12 and Vitamins, along with joint strengthing tablets. Since, we don’t have much options in vet healthcare in here, I got to know swimming actually helps in strengthening muscles. What is/are you personal experience in the case, if any?
submitted by Kande_Lelo to IndianPets [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 00:06 720hours Proven Ways to Boost IQ?

A simple paradox I live in is this: I enjoy the feeling of being mentally exceptional, as it helps lend a hand to validation of being useful. Being useful in really any situation if a situation is defined by some problem that could use resolving. So my 131 IQ (I haven’t officially tested for Mensa for fear of missing the mark since I’m apparently right on the edge) make me feel good like most other people on this thread…
…but at the same time I claim to want other people around me to be smarter, too. And if that were the case, my IQ would be 100 since it isn’t an absolute test, it’s a relative one. Still, I’d love for society to benefit from the benefits I’ve enjoyed all my life without going through the pain of being slightly on the spectrum, social dissonance, no one understanding shit you say, etc.
Here’s some things I’ve found that help me out personally, and would love for you all to add what you’ve found to be helpful:
Most of you know most of what’s below, but a reminder is good every once in a while, and I’m just trying to build an archive for myself and others.
Also, especially in the diet section, none of these methods are full proof for increasing IQ directly, but if your IQ is a complex machine it upgrades some of the machine’s parts. Like if you have a AMD flagship Threadripper or Intel Xenon as a processor and RTX 4090 as your graphics card, but only have 8gb of RAM, this still could help you supplement your limiting factors, maybe boosting that RAM to 16 gigs, then 32 and whatever power of 2 is current, so to speak.
Super Obvious, Easy Stuff
  1. Water
  2. Books + Certain Podcasts
  3. Cardio + Strength Training
  4. Sudoku, Tetris, Chess, Portal 1 + 2, Scrabble-like Games
  5. Meditation
  6. Enough High Quality Sleep
Still Easy but not as Obvious
  1. Vitamin + Supplement Consumption (no prescription needed)
    1. Omega 3 (doubles also as a heart supplement)
    2. Ginkgo Biloba
    3. DMAE Factor
    4. Lithium
    5. L-Theanine
    6. Lion’s Mane
    7. Collagen
  2. Diet
    1. Blueberries
    2. Avocados
    3. Almonds
    4. Açaí berries
    5. Wild-Caught Salmon
    6. Certain Granola
    7. Green Tea
    8. Spinach
  3. Psychedelics
    1. I’m not even gonna explain this one, my message button works just fine, and do your own research. Specifically on psilocybin and its recorded neurogenesis effect. Or LSD and how it’s likely the very device you’re reading this on can be partially attributed to that one.
Now most of these up there are simple to do as far as doing the task goes, they just have to be done. They’re mainly for making your “personal computer” stronger with its specs. Now, we should start to look at clearing out hardware space and deleting viruses:
  1. Dopamine Detoxing
    1. Resetting the minds’ chemical reward system to crave doing hard + difficult things. This is not to be confused with challenges, which almost every human enjoys.
  2. Accessing the “Flow State”
    1. If you’ve never heard of this beautiful thing, I invite you to doo some research on it. It’s a scientifically-verified state of mind that puts us at our best. Clearing the conditions for this requires setting up your environment for the optimal, such as limiting social media and device notifications, clearing your environment up of clutter both figurative and physical, and setting aside time to accomplish the most important tasks that bring yourself purpose.
  3. Releasing hate
    1. Hate in the mind and the heart only wants to cause more destruction and complex problems, not solve complex problems (which is the only thing high IQ measures). Letting go of past things in a healthy way helps with creative problem-solving.
  4. Building neuroplasticity
    1. Doing new, challenging things helps prevent our minds from being stuck in a mind-rotting loop. Try some new things, not fearing the possible embarrassment or judgement. It’s your life, not the people who talk shit.
All right, slightly harder, but More-bang-for-your-buck for IQ increase.
  1. Get into Botany
    1. The metaphors that plant cultivation has to really anything you’re trying to do long term are numerous and immaculate. Plus, it teaches a great deal about all levels of science magnification, from sociology in the root system all the way up to mathematics in measuring nutrient supplements. (Side note, there’s a popular string of a science umbrella: Sociology, which is a subset of Psychology, which is a subset of Neuroscience, which is a subset of Biology, which is a subset of Chemistry, which is a subset of Physics, which is a subset of Mathematics, which is arguably a subset of Philosophy)
And learning about plants teaches about them all in subtle ways. Yes, plants have no exact nervous system, but their root system does almost identical things and plant communicate with each others all the time.
  1. Learning to Code
    1. Is not that hard. Really. Working for a software development company can definitely be hard, but learning how to code is not only quite doable, it works your brain out in an enjoyable way. Start with Python. Or only do Python, but it’ll be worth it no matter what field you’re in
  2. Learning an instrument, particularly stringed ones
    1. Learning any and all instruments are beneficial, just like the last bullet point and the next one, it taps into your intuition of thought.
  3. Learning a new language
    1. Already speak 2? Learn a third! Forcing your brain to think in order to communicate the simplest things can be rewarding. If you’re really up for the challenge of it, dive in to Japanese and learn the hiragana. The extra benefit is they’re some of the smartest people in the world and you get to access how they think the way they do.
  4. Learn to Sketch
    1. Most Humans, especially this day and age, learn best by visuals and hands-on learning. We combine the two with drawing, which, just like the last 3 things, is another form of communication. These 4 help you convey your message(s) to others better, and within your own mind.
  5. Pick up a martial art
    1. Especially the ever-more popular than ever Brazilian ju-jitsu, martial arts gives the mind-body connection a challenge and something to give real-time diagnostics of where your physical health is at, along with how well you can be present. We high-IQ people dwell in the future (anxiety) and the past (depression) too much instead of focusing on what’s in front of us to be done or enjoy. This helps.
  6. Dive deeper into mathematics
    1. Most of us know the principles of Calculus here, and if you don’t that’s alright, but we owe it to ourselves to strengthen our core strength even further. Logic and mathematics hold the core principles to unraveling this chaotic universe’s secrets as it already has, so channeling in this echoes to literally anything else. So many people have claimed algebra to be useless, but I use it even in everyday life.
The photo’s me in Vietnam, October last year.
If anyone has anything to add, I’m all ears:
submitted by 720hours to mensa [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 19:05 Historical-Clock2716 BioLean Reviews (URGENT Official Website Update 2024) Fake Customer Risks Exposed?

Losing weight can be a tough task for most people, especially for individuals who struggle with a slow metabolism.
While taking medicines can surely speed up the pace at which one sheds off excess fat, they usually come with several side effects that can do more harm than good.
This is why most experts recommend checking out natural dietary supplements instead. Although there are tons of options available on the market, we didn’t find any of them “revolutionary” when it comes to boosting weight loss journeys. That is until we came across BioLean.
Most BioLean reviews online report that its pills can promote faster weight loss while strengthening other aspects of one’s overall well-being too.
Also called the 8-second water hack, BioLean aims to induce natural weight loss among both men and women.
Since we tried its formula and lost a decent amount of weight, we decided to share our experience.
In this article, we will check out what makes BioLean different from other options – including its benefits, cost, refund policy, and every other relevant aspect. Let us begin right away by diving right into its brief overview:
Supplement Name:
Supplement Form:
Supplement Category:
Dietary supplements
Supplement Description:
BioLean is a natural weight loss solution that can help flush obesogens from your body. This way, it may help you shed off excess weight within a few weeks and help you sculpt your dream body as well. According to BioLean reviews, it works equally well for both men and women.
Ingredients Used:
Bitter Orange Extract, Banaba, Ginseng, Apple Cider Vinegar, etc.
Side Effects:
Check out the reviews!
Main Highlights:
There is not much evidence available about the safety regulations followed while creating BioLean
Side Effects:
None reported as of yet
Up to 3 freebies are offered with eligible orders
60-day money-back guarantee
How To Purchase BioLean?
You can buy BioLean from its official website

Who Invented The BioLean Formula? Is It Suitable For All Adults?

The BioLean formula was crafted by a group of medical researchers who wanted to help people lose weight.
They understood the link between the rising cases of obesity and the constant consumption of processed food items, which is why they decided to create a natural solution that can help detox the body from within and help target its stubborn fat layers.
As we were researching the BioLean ingredients, we found most of them suitable for all adults. None of them pose harm to the overall well-being of healthy adults according to science, but we don’t recommend it to every adult out there either.
If you suffer from any uncommon allergies or take medicines due to any reason, it would be best to ask a doctor before taking BioLean.
This can help you prevent any potential side effects in the future. Other than that, women who are pregnant or lactating shouldn’t consume it either as BioLean doesn’t have any “pregnancy-safe” labels.
Click here to get all the details about BioLean >>>

How Does BioLean Work? Are There Any Side Effects?

According to the makers of BioLean, this weight loss supplement works by helping flush out all the obesogens from the body.
Whether you are suffering from high obesogen levels due to constant stress, consumption of processed food items, or any other reason – BioLean can help you deal with them all.
We found its working mechanism suitable for lowering the risks of developing stubborn fat layers as well as carrying out a full-body detox at the same time
According to most BioLean reviews, it starts showing visible results of its weight loss mechanism within about a month.
Are There Any Side Effects Of BioLean?
Our team didn’t experience any adverse effects while consuming BioLean. Furthermore, there were no side effects reported by any of the BioLean reviews we came across online.
Hence, you can consume its natural formula without worrying about degrading your health as long as you don’t have any uncommon allergies.

What Are The Top Health Benefits Of BioLean?

BioLean not only uses a unique blend of 8 exotic ingredients to promote faster weight loss but also aims to strengthen the overall health of its users naturally.
We were able to enjoy several health benefits while consuming this supplement, so let us walk you through some of them below:
Better Artery Health
The main working formula of BioLean functions by helping dissolve the clogged fat from blood vessels. As a result, most people who consume this weight loss supplement daily often report that their artery health improved drastically ever since they started taking it in their BioLean reviews.
Our team experienced this benefit as well. We were impressed by its ingredient list as it contains components like resveratrol and ginger root that can help promote healthier blood pressure levels and heart health as well – thus improving artery health even more efficiently!
Healthier Blood Sugar Levels
Unhealthy blood sugar levels can often give rise to conditions like type 2 diabetes, and according to most medical researchers – it can lead to a lot of unwanted weight gain as well. We found BioLean suitable for combating such issues because its ingredients can promote healthier blood sugar levels naturally.
Most BioLean reviews online report that this supplement can also help reduce the symptoms of issues like diabetes if consumed every day for at least 6 months.
Improved Mental Health
Weight loss journeys can stress you out over time, which is why it is important to maintain your mental health as you eliminate the excess fat storage from your body.
This is why we liked BioLean – as its ingredients can help reduce cortisol production and stress quickly.
Our team found this weight loss supplement particularly useful for getting rid of stress-induced headaches. While researching its ingredients, we found that some of them induce a soothing effect on the brain – which explains why we felt so relaxed after taking BioLean.

A Deep Dive Into The Natural Composition Of BioLean

BioLean harnesses the power of natural ingredients to support healthy weight management and overall well-being. Let’s take a closer look at the key components that make up this innovative formula:
Banaba Leaf
Banaba leaf, sourced from the Lagerstroemia speciosa tree, has a long history of use in Southeast Asia for its antidiabetic properties. Its main bioactive compound, corosolic acid, along with ellagitannins and gallotannins, contributes to its therapeutic effects, including antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant, and anti-obesity activities.
Corosolic acid functions by mimicking insulin’s action, enhancing glucose uptake into cells, and reducing hyperglycemia. It achieves this by promoting the translocation of glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) to cell membranes, facilitating glucose entry.
Additionally, corosolic acid inhibits alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase enzymes, slowing down starch and sucrose breakdown, thereby managing postprandial blood sugar spikes.
Bitter Orange
Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), a citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia, has a history of traditional use for various health-related purposes, including alleviating heartburn and nasal congestion.
P-synephrine in bitter orange works by stimulating beta-3 adrenergic receptors, promoting thermogenesis and lipolysis in adipose tissue. This can increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation, potentially aiding in weight loss.
Furthermore, bitter orange extracts have been studied in several clinical studies for their potential to enhance athletic performance by enhancing glycogenolysis and lipolysis. These processes mobilize energy stores, potentially improving exercise performance and endurance.
Resveratrol’s antioxidant properties are crucial in scavenging free radicals and enhancing the body’s antioxidant defenses, thereby reducing oxidative stress and preventing cellular damage. By activating the NRF2 pathway, resveratrol upregulates antioxidant enzymes, mitigating oxidative stress and protecting against diseases.
A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that participants who consumed resveratrol supplements experienced a significant decrease in visceral adipose tissue, commonly known as belly fat. Results showed that the resveratrol group had a 10% reduction in belly fat compared to the control group.
Ginger Root
Ginger root, or Zingiber officinale, features a thick, knobby rhizome—the plant’s underground stem. Its outer skin, ranging from brown to golden, is thin and easily abraded, revealing pale yellow flesh emitting a spicy aroma. Initially juicy and mild, mature rhizomes become hotter, fibrous, and drier.
Their distinctive fragrance and flavor come from volatile oils and phenolic compounds like zingerone, shogaol, gingerol, and gingeridione.
This ingredient’s carminative properties aid in relieving bloating, gas, and constipation by relaxing intestinal muscles and enhancing motility. By reducing spasms and facilitating regular bowel movements, ginger promotes digestive comfort and regularity.
A scientific study published in the Journal of Obesity Research demonstrated that ginger root can promote weight loss. The study found that participants who consumed ginger root extract experienced a 10% increase in metabolic rate compared to those who did not.
Additionally, those who incorporated ginger root into their diet lost an average of 3% more body fat over a 12-week period.
Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon bark is known for its delicate, papery consistency, which unfurls into several layers when rolled. It exhibits a light brown hue and possesses a finer, less compact, and more brittle texture, setting it apart from the denser, coarser texture of cassia bark (C. cassia). Unlike Ceylon cinnamon, cassia bark tends to be darker in color and forms a singular, tightly curled layer.
Cinnamon demonstrates antidiabetic potential by enhancing insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake in cells. Its antimicrobial effects, chiefly attributed to cinnamaldehyde, make cinnamon a potent natural remedy against bacterial and fungal infections by disrupting pathogen cell membranes.
Moreover, cinnamon bark exhibits promising anticancer activity by inducing cancer cell apoptosis and inhibiting angiogenesis, while its lipid-lowering effects contribute to cardiovascular health by modulating cholesterol levels.
In addition, cinnamon’s neuroprotective effects offer potential therapeutic benefits for neurological disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. By shielding neuronal cells from oxidative stress and reducing amyloid-beta plaque accumulation, cinnamon may help preserve cognitive function and neuronal integrity.
Place your order today by clicking here before stock runs out! >>>
submitted by Historical-Clock2716 to OxyBreathPro [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 01:22 Minute-Cellist7945 disagreement with my professor on root cause and treatment set up for lc neuro-vascular-immune paradox

tldr: Even though docter and i disagree I dont want to throw away this opportunity because im severe bed bound and he is the only one left who cares and has cochones to treat me after 1.5y of ‘your blood looks fine people’ but he is a lyme docter first and me/cfs second and not up to date or open to debate long covid angle
so my question would be if its possible to combine dr suggestion intravenous antibiotics (doxy, flagyl and erythromycin ) and mine IVIG, plasma or corticosteroids like methyl prednisone or budesonide for auto immune encephalitis
like Is it safe/possible to supress and strengthen your immune system at the same time? or more like playing with fire?
or intravenous antibiotics and oral or liquid ear corticosteroids to stop the accute symptoms of auto immune encephalitis?
and if not possible together, which should i treat first or based on my symptoms, what should be priority?
5m long(er) read ————————————-
Even though docter and i disagree I dont want to throw away this opportunity because im severe bed bound and he is the only one left who cares and has cochones to treat me after 1.5 of your blood looks fine people but he is a lyme docter first and me/cfs second and not up to date or open to debate long covid
So he think my markers ( low CD38, low vegf) high tgfbeta high cd14 dysautonomia are lyme markers and cd14 surrogate markers for LPS dysbiose resulted in high gram negative bacteria like prevotela x 40 and thats why i have ME LC and dysautonomia and auto immune encephalitis and sibo
But my 1.5 y relentless research led me to believe other hypothese
-my low vegf and low cd38 points to hypoxia , chronic ischemia resulting in muscle weakness degeneration also seen in als and ms. Also seen in long covid. endothelian vascular damage? or dysautonomia ? sure Not lyme
-markers high tgfBeta with high th1-)th2 shift +4 dominance and high th17 is seen in long covid and full body auto immune systemic inflammatory out of control reaction like sclerodoma and allergies . makes it more difficult to clear virus bcz bad balanced immune reaction
-i recently started showing hypogammaglobulinemia which if remembered a common variable immune deficiency syndrome bcz of covid hijacking and exhausting my B/or tcells? again seen in Long covid and hiv not in lyme.
Sure lyme could be reactivated like babesia igg igmm shows but its not the root cause like professor wants me to believe
But Different opinions are not necessarily bad if we can unite and treat both at same time so if you still read and followed my add tired non native english sick brain itt comes all down to this question:
‘IS it safe/possibly to do intravenous antibiotics doxycycline flagyl erythromycin b12 glutathione and at the same time IVIG or plasma or Budesonide? or intravenous antibiotics and oral or liquid ear corticosteroids to stop the auto immune encephalitis?
and if not together, based on my symptoms ( auto immune encephalitis, common variable immune deficiency, immune exhaustion and dysfunction ) and ( persistence covid rna autoantibodies, reactivated bacteria)
Which should i address first?
im in a flare with mild confusion delirium tripping nausea hyperalert painsomnia not here feel-in myself so feel my eq judgment maybe off with important decision to make
so any down real down to earth summary’s , anecdotes or suggestions woud be highly appreciated
submitted by Minute-Cellist7945 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 21:59 Parking_Wolf_4159 [26M] Have had long-term neurological and physical issues for over 3 years that haven't fully resolved. I have a strong feeling of what the cause was/is but was never diagnosed and I was never given treatment for the what I felt was the specific cause of the issues. Any advice/input appreciated.

I randomly got very sick a few years ago. I am not sure of the cause, but I believe it may have been COVID, which I believe unfortunately spurred on a pretty severe autoimmune reaction. It came on very sudden, first with brain fog, then a dull pressure headache, and then muscle twitching, what felt like a fever, neuropathy on the left side of my body (It began in my face and went downwards, used to affect both sides but only the left side now), ear ringing, throbbing headaches, upper body burning pain, dizziness, memory issues, neck stiffness, sinus inflammation that caused watery mucus, and other issues. I remember one day about a month into my issues, I had an extreme warmness in my face and nearly constant ear ringing on and off. It was the strangest thing.
I was able to see a PCP about a month into my issues. My PCP did not seem to consider my issues of an urgent nature, even with sudden neuropathy, memory loss, dizziness, etc. I had a CT scan of my brain 3 months after initial illness which showed mild volume loss and possible encephalomalacia.
It took me a year to finally see a neurologist for it due to waiting times. The first one I saw was dismissive and told me to wait and see if I got better (I didn't). The second one I saw, and am still seeing, didn't even see me personally the first time, and had his nurse look at me instead, and did nothing for my issues save for trying a very small dosage of Gabapentin for a few months, which I stopped taking due to it not doing anything for me. The third one I saw for a second opinion of the second one told me "I don't know what's causing your symptoms" and just left it at that. I saw a rheumatologist in 2022 who also didn't do anything for my neuropathy, just more blood work testing.
I complained to doctors/specialists about chronic body inflammation feelings, such as intense upper body burning, head pressure, dizziness/vertigo, memory issues, neuropathy, etc. and they have never ordered a spinal tap to see if there was something in the CSF causing the chronic feeling. I have had brain MRIs that showed possible idiopathic intracranial hypertension with mild CSF buildup in the optic nerve and a partially empty sella turcica, but again, no spinal tap was ordered because my eye exam by a neuro-ophthalmologist was clean and showed no swelling. My brain MRIs also showed volume loss possibly caused by encephalomalacia, again, no spinal tap done.
I've had blood work for lupus and celiac that was negative, and an ANA rating that was barely positive. Normal rheumatoid factor and negative for Sjogren's as well. I just checked and I believe I am negative for vasculitis as well, Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody test was negative looking back at my testing in 2022. I also had a sinus CT scan a year into my issues that showed mild sinusitis. I am not diabetic but I was pre-diabetic when this began. Glucose testing has been normal, cholesterol is fine, lipids are fine. B12 is normal, but vitamin D is low.
It has been over 3 years now and I still have neuropathy in certain parts of the left side of my body (mainly my face and genitals, I'm male and was born male) and again, nothing was done for me regarding a spinal tap, which is the only test outside of a PET scan that I haven't done which could be helpful for me as far as I know. I saw that third neurologist for a second opinion, and all he did was say maybe to get a spinal tap if I have chronic headaches, but other than that, like I said, he said outright he didn't know what was causing my symptoms.
I cannot work with how I feel, and it feels like neurologists and doctors in general left me to rot and deal with the chronic issues on my own, and now I'm going to be stuck with long-term, permanent issues such as nerve damage in my face and genitals because no doctor cares. I have ED and anorgasmia now along with the neuropathy that affects my genital area. It's just on the left side for some reason. It used to be tingling/burning on the left side of my genital area and face and now is reduced sensitivity issues. In 2021 I had a very sharp pain on the left side of my penis when I touched the right side of it, it was very scary and made me believe the nerve may have died, but that went away with very slow improvement, but that side is still not back to normal.
I still sometimes have dizziness and headaches, for instance, if I'm in a car and I watch the cars speed by us at an intersection, I'll feel sort of dizzy. It's not as bad as it was, but it's still not normal to feel like that, and no doctor has done anything for that or suggested it.
Am I wrong to think a spinal tap should have been ordered? Is there any reason they didn't, even after I asked? 0 out of the 3 neurologists I've seen in the past three years or so recommended one, so I did try getting second and even third opinions. The first neurologist genuinely just brushed me off, he didn't even order any testing. Just sent me on my way without a follow up appointment after saying to "wait it out".
What testing would be reasonable for a doctor to order that I haven't had done yet? Are there any tests/treatments they should have done? Would putting me on corticosteroids early on have helped reduce the neuropathy? Should they have tried medications like Prednisone or something, something to calm the inflammatory issues? How long can you take those for? How is it people with long-term issues like Lupus deal with the effects of drugs like that? Can't you get diabetes from long-term usage of treatments like corticosteroids/immunosuppressants? Is it common for them to try it for assumed COVID patients dealing with neuropathy, which I believe is what happened to me?
I live in America and am on my state's Medicaid. I recently switched PCPs (my previous one was condescending and didn't seem interested in my issues) and the new PCP referred me to a new neurologist I'm going to see later this year, but it just feels at this point all they can do is assess the damage and not fix it due to it being so long since I got sick and my issues never really totally fixing itself.
I had an MRA of my head last month that was clean thankfully, so I didn't have a stroke or some sort of blood vessel damage in my arteries. I saw a neurosurgeon a few weeks ago that I last saw in 2021 who still believes my cerebral atrophy (which I'm guessing is the volume loss likely caused by encephalomalacia) is abnormal for my age (mid-20s).
The only real "testing" I have left that my neurologist has ordered is neuropsychological testing which will be a few hours. I am 90% positive that my issues are from something, likely a virus, causing severe chronic inflammation all over my body including my head. I was never in the past 3 years given anything to treat that inflammation.
TL;DR: Got very sick years ago, told doctors of body weakness and pain, what felt like inflammation in my body, nerve damage, memory issues, etc. was not given any real treatment for what was still occurring in my body, which seemed to be chronic severe inflammation going on.
Please feel free to ask questions, and apologies for the length of my post.
submitted by Parking_Wolf_4159 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 20:29 anehon 9 years old injury (2015)

9 years old injury (2015)
A little context about myself, I am a 28 years old male who used to play a lot of football/running/walker when I he younger, and sometimes my knees used to pop when I bend them without pain, but then sometime around 2015 it popped and then locked with major pain. The first doctor I went to gave me some de-swelling gel and some vitamin shot to my backside, but I did not improve, the second doctor taught me some DIY knee trainings, but I did not improve, then sometime in 2017 or 2018 I had an MRI and it just said I have ‘slight effusion’, with that info I decided to go to a physiotherapist and spent a month or two with her; she worked on strengthening my knee and I did actually improve and the pain decreased a lot. Now fast forward to 2024, I participated in corporate sports games where I played in some 2-3 football matches, but after the games and for the next month or two, my other knee(the good one) had some pain. I decided enough is enough and went to see a new doctor in Dubai where I just moved a year ago. The MRI showed a small cut or injury but the dr was skeptic and thought the lateral meniscus is hypermobile, he said that the best thing to do next is to have a surgery today (April 26th) and see for himself up close what is happening. Turns out I have a big meniscus tear, and it actually took 5 stitches. I’m looking at a rehab process of about 6 months, I’m in good spirits and really looking forward to start the physiotherapy process. Wish me well!
submitted by anehon to MeniscusInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:53 WittyEvaluator How to Beef Up Your Manhood: A Non-Surgical Guide to Increasing Penis Girth 🍆

Hey, folks! 👋 Ever wondered if you could turn your slim jim into a more substantial salami? Well, you're not alone on that quest! Let's dive into some non-surgical ways to potentially beef up your buddy down south.
First off, let's get real—size isn’t everything. But if you’re looking to add some girth for your own confidence, here’s the scoop based on loads of reading and chatting with experts. Remember, I'm not a doctor, but I've done my homework!

Exercise the Right Way

Eat Smart

Supplement Wisely

Lifestyle Tweaks

Consult the Pros

Be Realistic

And there you have it! Your guide to girth without going under the knife. Remember, your worth isn't measured in inches, and confidence often trumps dimension. So, stay healthy, stay informed, and as always, keep it classy, not brassy! 🎩
Feel free to chime in with your experiences or hit me up with questions. Here’s to making informed and healthy choices! Cheers, guys! 🍻
submitted by WittyEvaluator to RedditRealTalk [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 08:47 healthmedicinet Health Daily News April 25 2024

DAY: APRIL 25 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 20:52 Suitable_Ferret_4836 CereBrozen Reviews – The Latest Customer Results Reported!

Ever wondered how your ears work like magic to catch all those sounds around you? It’s pretty amazing, right? Well, what if you get special something that can help your ears become even better at their job? Cerebrozen is a supplement that can give your ears a super boost! In this Cerebrozen review, we’re going to dig into how Cerebrozen works, so you understand why it’s so awesome for your ears.
Whether you love music, nature, or just enjoy peace and quiet, Cerebrozen is here to make your hearing experience even better. So, let’s dive in and find out how Cerebrozen can make your ears super happy!
Formulation: Liquid solution
Primary Ingredients: GABA, Vinpocetin, Lion’s Mane powder, Alpha-GPC, Ginkgo Biloba, CoQ10, Lemon Extract, Magnesium Citrate
Bottle Contents: 60 ml
Recommended Intake: 2 ml daily
Guarantee: A 60-day return policy
Cost: Prices begin at $69 per bottle (Official Website)

How Cerebrozen Works: Unraveling the Magic Behind Enhanced Hearing

1. Understanding the Ear: A Marvel of Biological Engineering
Let’s start with the basics – how does your ear actually work? Well, it’s like a tiny, intricate machine designed to capture and process sound waves.
Outer Ear: The journey begins with the outer ear, where sound waves enter through the ear canal.
Middle Ear: Next stop, the middle ear, where the sound waves cause tiny bones to vibrate.
Inner Ear: Finally, these vibrations are transformed into electrical signals by the inner ear’s cochlea, sending messages to the brain.
Now that we’ve got the blueprint, let’s see how Cerebrozen steps into the picture.
2. Boosting Blood Flow: Fueling Your Ear’s Engine
Think of blood flow as the fuel for your ear’s engine. When blood flow is optimized, it ensures that all the parts of your ear receive the nutrients and oxygen they need to function at their best.
Microcirculation Support: Cerebrozen contains special ingredients that help support microcirculation, ensuring that blood flows smoothly through even the tiniest blood vessels in your ears.
Enhanced Oxygenation: By promoting better blood flow, Cerebrozen helps ensure that your inner ear receives an ample supply of oxygen, vital for maintaining healthy hearing.
3. Protecting Against Free Radicals: Shielding Your Ears from Harm
Just like superheroes need shields to protect themselves from harm, your ears need protection too – especially from free radicals, those pesky molecules that can damage cells and impair hearing.
Antioxidant Defense: Cerebrozen is packed with antioxidants, like vitamins and minerals, that neutralize free radicals and protect your ears from oxidative stress.
Cellular Support: By safeguarding the delicate cells in your inner ear, Cerebrozen helps maintain their integrity and function, keeping your hearing sharp and clear.
See for yourself why Cerebrozen is so popular >>>
4. Nurturing Nerves: Keeping Communication Lines Clear
Communication is key, even within your own body! Your ears rely on a network of nerves to send signals to your brain, allowing you to interpret and respond to sounds.
Neurotransmitter Support: Cerebrozen contains ingredients that support the production and function of neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that facilitate communication between nerve cells.
Nerve Protection: By nourishing and protecting the nerves in your inner ear, Cerebrozen helps ensure that signals are transmitted effectively, preserving your ability to hear and understand sounds.
5. Supporting Synapses: Strengthening Connections for Clarity
Imagine your brain as a busy switchboard, with synapses acting as the connections that relay information from one neuron to another. To maintain clear hearing, these connections need to stay strong and efficient.
Synaptic Maintenance: Cerebrozen provides nutrients that support the maintenance and repair of synapses, ensuring that signals are transmitted quickly and accurately.
Enhanced Brain Function: By promoting optimal synaptic function, Cerebrozen not only improves hearing but also supports overall brain health, sharpening cognitive abilities like memory and focus.
6. Amplifying Acoustic Processing: Fine-Tuning Your Ear’s Reception
Just like a skilled musician adjusts the settings on their instrument for optimal performance, Cerebrozen fine-tunes your ear’s reception, allowing you to hear with greater clarity and precision.
Sound Processing Enhancement: Cerebrozen contains ingredients that help optimize the processing of sound signals within the inner ear, allowing you to distinguish between different frequencies and volumes more effectively.
Noise Reduction: By improving the ear’s ability to filter out background noise, Cerebrozen enhances your listening experience, making it easier to focus on the sounds that matter most.
In short, Cerebrozen works its magic by improving blood flow, protecting against damage, supporting nerve function, strengthening synaptic connections, and fine-tuning acoustic processing. With its holistic approach to hearing health, Cerebrozen offers a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to optimize their auditory experience. The following section of this Cerebrozen review will highlight the ingredients present in Cerebrozen to explain how they support its functional mechanisms.
Buy Cerebrozen today and start enjoying the benefits!
submitted by Suitable_Ferret_4836 to OxyBreathPro [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 20:51 stacefacekilla Missing brain arteries?

I'm a chronically ill 38 years old, white female. I’m 5’5” and 150lbs. I have HSD (and a ton of multi-systemic issues from the hypermobility), L5-S1 spinal fusion for spondylolisthesis, chronic migraine, myofascial pain syndrome, ADHD, MDD and GAD, as well as other various ailments. Former smoker (quit in my late 20’s) and regular medical marijuana user (mainly edibles) since I don’t want to take opioids (mother was an addict). Current meds are: B-12/B-9 (methylated); Cymbalta 60mg; Prilosec otc; Zyrtec otc; Famotidine otc; Wellbutrin XL 150mg; Vyvanse 30mg; vitamin D 5000iu 3 x a week; Guanfacine 1mg; Valacyclovir 1g; Ajovy injectable monthly; Nurtec ODT as needed for migraine; Valium as needed for anxiety.
Years ago I had a brain MRI/MRA done with and without contrast for chronic migraine issues. In the findings it says: congenitally absent posterior communicating arteries. I did a lot of research about this on reputable sources via Google Scholar and from what I read it can increase my risk of ischemic stroke, severe migraines, cognitive issues, etc.
No one mentioned anything about this to me after I had the imaging but should I be seeing a neurologist regularly and having imaging on a regular basis?
What are the inherent risks with missing this part of the circle of Willis?
Here are the full findings from the report: The distal internal carotid arteries and carotid siphons are of normal course and caliber. The anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries are of normal course and caliber without aneurysm, stenosis or vascular malformation. The posterior communicating arteries are congenitally absent. The distal vertebral arteries are symmetric bilaterally. The basilar artery is of normal course and caliber.
I know this is a long one so thanks for your help!
submitted by stacefacekilla to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 20:44 Suitable_Ferret_4836 BioLean Reviews (URGENT Official Website Update 2024) Fake Customer Risks Exposed!

Losing weight can be a tough task for most people, especially for individuals who struggle with a slow metabolism.
While taking medicines can surely speed up the pace at which one sheds off excess fat, they usually come with several side effects that can do more harm than good.
This is why most experts recommend checking out natural dietary supplements instead. Although there are tons of options available on the market, we didn’t find any of them “revolutionary” when it comes to boosting weight loss journeys. That is until we came across BioLean.
Most BioLean reviews online report that its pills can promote faster weight loss while strengthening other aspects of one’s overall well-being too.
Also called the 8-second water hack, BioLean aims to induce natural weight loss among both men and women.
Since we tried its formula and lost a decent amount of weight, we decided to share our experience.
In this article, we will check out what makes BioLean different from other options – including its benefits, cost, refund policy, and every other relevant aspect. Let us begin right away by diving right into its brief overview:
Supplement Name:
Supplement Form:
Supplement Category:
Dietary supplements
Supplement Description:
BioLean is a natural weight loss solution that can help flush obesogens from your body. This way, it may help you shed off excess weight within a few weeks and help you sculpt your dream body as well. According to BioLean reviews, it works equally well for both men and women.
Ingredients Used:
Bitter Orange Extract, Banaba, Ginseng, Apple Cider Vinegar, etc.
Side Effects:
Check out the reviews!
Main Highlights:
There is not much evidence available about the safety regulations followed while creating BioLean
Side Effects:
None reported as of yet
Up to 3 freebies are offered with eligible orders
60-day money-back guarantee
How To Purchase BioLean?
You can buy BioLean from its official website

Who Invented The BioLean Formula? Is It Suitable For All Adults?

The BioLean formula was crafted by a group of medical researchers who wanted to help people lose weight.
They understood the link between the rising cases of obesity and the constant consumption of processed food items, which is why they decided to create a natural solution that can help detox the body from within and help target its stubborn fat layers.
As we were researching the BioLean ingredients, we found most of them suitable for all adults. None of them pose harm to the overall well-being of healthy adults according to science, but we don’t recommend it to every adult out there either.
If you suffer from any uncommon allergies or take medicines due to any reason, it would be best to ask a doctor before taking BioLean.
This can help you prevent any potential side effects in the future. Other than that, women who are pregnant or lactating shouldn’t consume it either as BioLean doesn’t have any “pregnancy-safe” labels.
Click here to get all the details about BioLean >>>

How Does BioLean Work? Are There Any Side Effects?

According to the makers of BioLean, this weight loss supplement works by helping flush out all the obesogens from the body.
Whether you are suffering from high obesogen levels due to constant stress, consumption of processed food items, or any other reason – BioLean can help you deal with them all.
We found its working mechanism suitable for lowering the risks of developing stubborn fat layers as well as carrying out a full-body detox at the same time.
According to most BioLean reviews, it starts showing visible results of its weight loss mechanism within about a month.
Are There Any Side Effects Of BioLean?
Our team didn’t experience any adverse effects while consuming BioLean. Furthermore, there were no side effects reported by any of the BioLean reviews we came across online.
Hence, you can consume its natural formula without worrying about degrading your health as long as you don’t have any uncommon allergies.

What Are The Top Health Benefits Of BioLean?

BioLean not only uses a unique blend of 8 exotic ingredients to promote faster weight loss but also aims to strengthen the overall health of its users naturally.
We were able to enjoy several health benefits while consuming this supplement, so let us walk you through some of them below:
Better Artery Health
The main working formula of BioLean functions by helping dissolve the clogged fat from blood vessels. As a result, most people who consume this weight loss supplement daily often report that their artery health improved drastically ever since they started taking it in their BioLean reviews.
Our team experienced this benefit as well. We were impressed by its ingredient list as it contains components like resveratrol and ginger root that can help promote healthier blood pressure levels and heart health as well – thus improving artery health even more efficiently!
Healthier Blood Sugar Levels
Unhealthy blood sugar levels can often give rise to conditions like type 2 diabetes, and according to most medical researchers – it can lead to a lot of unwanted weight gain as well. We found BioLean suitable for combating such issues because its ingredients can promote healthier blood sugar levels naturally.
Most BioLean reviews online report that this supplement can also help reduce the symptoms of issues like diabetes if consumed every day for at least 6 months.
Improved Mental Health
Weight loss journeys can stress you out over time, which is why it is important to maintain your mental health as you eliminate the excess fat storage from your body.
This is why we liked BioLean – as its ingredients can help reduce cortisol production and stress quickly.
Our team found this weight loss supplement particularly useful for getting rid of stress-induced headaches. While researching its ingredients, we found that some of them induce a soothing effect on the brain – which explains why we felt so relaxed after taking BioLean.

A Deep Dive Into The Natural Composition Of BioLean

BioLean harnesses the power of natural ingredients to support healthy weight management and overall well-being. Let’s take a closer look at the key components that make up this innovative formula:
Banaba Leaf
Banaba leaf, sourced from the Lagerstroemia speciosa tree, has a long history of use in Southeast Asia for its antidiabetic properties. Its main bioactive compound, corosolic acid, along with ellagitannins and gallotannins, contributes to its therapeutic effects, including antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant, and anti-obesity activities.
Corosolic acid functions by mimicking insulin’s action, enhancing glucose uptake into cells, and reducing hyperglycemia. It achieves this by promoting the translocation of glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) to cell membranes, facilitating glucose entry.
Additionally, corosolic acid inhibits alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase enzymes, slowing down starch and sucrose breakdown, thereby managing postprandial blood sugar spikes.
Bitter Orange
Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), a citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia, has a history of traditional use for various health-related purposes, including alleviating heartburn and nasal congestion.
P-synephrine in bitter orange works by stimulating beta-3 adrenergic receptors, promoting thermogenesis and lipolysis in adipose tissue. This can increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation, potentially aiding in weight loss.
Furthermore, bitter orange extracts have been studied in several clinical studies for their potential to enhance athletic performance by enhancing glycogenolysis and lipolysis. These processes mobilize energy stores, potentially improving exercise performance and endurance.
BioLean Is On Sale Now For A Limited Time!
submitted by Suitable_Ferret_4836 to OxyBreathPro [link] [comments]
