Is there papaya farm cheats

Harvest Moon

2010.09.06 02:29 jirachiex Harvest Moon

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2008.01.25 08:11 Open Source on Reddit

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2009.07.28 21:59 Outside: The free-to-play MMO, on reddit

> A subreddit for *Outside*, a free-to-play MMORPG with 8 billion+ active players. ---- *Currently NOT looking for other moderators* ---- > **Guide to good comments/submissions:** >1. Remember, *it's not a bug, it's a feature*. It's a lot more fun to explain something if it isn't written off as a bug. >2. There are no NPCs. Aside from animals, everybody is a "player". >3. The devs are lazy and rarely do much. The game is mostly balanced as it is according to them, th

2024.05.19 16:50 DragonHeartForever AITAH for trying to help someone with their pets?

Hi everyone, this may turn into a long post as I write this out and (admittedly) vent some frustrations I currently have (sorry in advance if that's not allowed).
To start off, between my SO and I we have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a bunny. Someone at work stated a family member of theirs couldn't hold on to their two cats, so they were looking to re-home them, or they be sent off to the shelter by the end of last week. I felt bad, as I wouldn't want to give up my animals if I was put in the position that this person is in (basically they moved, but due to certain life events they had to move in with their parents who said no to the cats). So I offered to hold on to them so they wouldn't end up in the shelter, and they would be returned to their owner once they find a place they can stay at that will allow them to have cats.
The issue at hand is that my GF really doesn't want them here, claiming they could have some issue like a disease or something, which to q degree is understandable, but I'm keeping them separated from our other animals for the time being (even though the owner has stated they are healthy and is trying to send paperwork). She stated she also feels disrespected (more on this further down) that I would go forward with this without her approval (I did mention a few times about the cats, so it wasn't completely out of the blue). As such, she is threatening to break up with me over this if they are not removed from the home (she's also threatened throwing them outside and making them street cats, which obviously isn't good).
I'm upset that I'm trying to be a good person but am being forced to not be allowed to do so (I figured since we already have 3 cats, what's 2 more for some time, considering cats are low effort in my opinion).
Now for some juicy details that you redditors may enjoy reading. As I've stated earlier, she feels disrespected that I would move forward with this decision, without talking to her more about it. I honestly didn't think it would be a big issue since we both love animals. Growing up, whenever I visit my home country, if there was an animal that needed to take care of, I'd end up giving away a good portion of my vacation looking after said animal. And if I couldn't look after it for some time for whatever reason, a portion of my mind was constantly preoccupied wondering if they were ok. For my gf, as an example, she guilt trip me into taking in a pet rat that we we unprepared to take in (this was the only reason why I was against it, as neither of us had the money to buy a proper enclosure), as she was concerned that someone would end up buying it as snake food. This obviously made me feel bad, and we ended up getting the rat (ended up passing away, so it's currently not in the picture). She's has also stated that she wanted chickens, which I also don't mind, as roosters crowing and hens clucking remind me of my grandparents' farm. I'm hesitant on that only because I'd need to put in the time, energy, and money into making an enclosure for them (can't just have them running around in the backyard). So you can see why I thought she wouldn't mind looking after 2 cats who we are indirectly ready to take in due to having our cats. I have my suspicions thay she's jealous/insecure about it being another female's cats, as she asked a question or two about the scenario that in my opinion didn't pertain to the cats directly (more on this layer)
The issue I have with her claiming she feels disrespected is I feel like I bend over backwards for her, while also letting her walk all over me, to the point where she claimed I have/had sex with my mom (she did not say this directly to me, she stated it to certain family members who have relayed it back to me) which such a thing has never occurred. She also believes I have done something to the our animals. The first time she stated that if she found out I ever did something to the animals, she'd find someplace to go and take all the animals and I'd never find her. Another time my dog was pooping, and she asked why his rectum looked like that (again, pretty much claiming I did something to my dog). The most recent claim she's made is I went out to walk my dog, and ended up talking to one of our "neighbors" (they live behind the house that's directly across the street from us) and I admittedly stayed for a very long time. She tried calling me, but my phone was on silent for some reason, and I ended up missing her call. She sent me a few messages, the first 2 claiming she was going to call the police and file a missing person report (understandable considering how long I've been gone, and the fact it was around 11 at night), but then the following messages claimed she hopes my dog doesn't come back raped, and the message after that asked if I was "getting fucked by Dan" (I don't even a Dan where we live). She's also claimed I did something to her dog, as she thought her puppy looked prolapsed during her period. So as you can see, there's been a lot of claims by her of me supposedly sodomizing the animals which I want to make clear has not happened.
To make matters worse, and possibly the cherry on top, she claims to have taken some photos that pertain to me that she claims she will post online if we ever break up so people know the real me (I won't get into too much detail, but it is of a sexual nature that luckily doesn't have me directly in it, but nonetheless wouldn't be a good thing to be put online if she goes through with it). I haven't seen these photos directly, but I'm going to assume the worse and believe they exist. I believe this falls under the category of blackmail, bit I'm not sure, as she hasn't used it as leverage to get me to buy her things or do things for her, etc.
I'll admit that I maybe haven't been her perfect boyfriend. I did try however I could, even going above my means to try to please her, which I am am now literally paying for (something I'm currently working on). I also will admit that I have spoken about her to my family members behind her back, although they claim that I'm not speaking ill of her if what she does/says is true (they have witnessed how she is first hand, so they know I'm not talking out my ass about certain things). Am I crazy/in the wrong to think "the audacity of the bitch" when she says she feels disrespected, when she has claimed all the things above?
For some chocolate drizzle: I had a surgery a few months back that I was healing from, and I was laying in the bath tub letting the shower head hit me, just trying to relax a bit, when she comes into the bath to rinse off her dirty feet almost right above my incision (it was basically an open wound with some glue over it).
This is all excluding the constant accusations I get from her about cheating on her. She wants access to my phone (I have somehow managed to stick to my giluns and not give it to her) and I have shown her my text messages a handful of times, and she never finds anything because, well, I'm not cheating on her. I'll admit that I have some sensitive information on my phone that I don't want her to have access to the primary one being bank accounts, and I don't want her seeing my degeneracy on reddit (thank you anonymous browsing lol)
That's it for now. Again, sorry for the long post that turned into a venting/advice session. I have the right of mind to either move into an apartment by myself for some time and letting her figure out what to with her animals and try to get away from this mess. Or better yet, let her be mad over the cats, and break up with me for wanting to help someone out, and potentially take her to the cleaners legally if she goes through with posting the photos about me. I don't want to take legal action against her and potentially ruin her future, as I understand she hasn't had the best life growing up, but I'm also tired of letting her get away with whatever she wants.
submitted by DragonHeartForever to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:03 nottoopoodle Am I [27F] delusional to stay in my long term boyfriend [33M] that has lacked passion since the beginning?

My relationship doesn't have passion. I [27f] have been dating my bf [34M] for almost three years, living together for 2.5 years. We are best friends and almost never argue. We can talk about anything and sort through any disagreement with time and conversation. I love him very dearly and I see a life with him being very happy--we want the same things, want to live in the same places have the same lifestyle with travel and kids. BUT I don't feel any passion anymore after years of being shutdown when bidding for sex.
I have always had a higher sex drive than him. My ideal amount of sex would be 1-2 times weekly & his is about 1-2 times monthly. We usually have an average of 1x per month. Part of this is due to crazy schedules, I work full time and am in school part time and I sometimes travel for work, and part is that every time I bid for sex, he's not in the mood. He says that sex (specifically ejaculation) makes him tired for the next few days--this being due to his age. I find that hard to believe, as I know of others his age with great libido, but everyone's bodies are different and I am not a man in my 30's, so what do I know?
He claims we only have sex when he is the one that initiates bc he claims I never initiate sex, but that is blatantly not true. I make very clear and pointed attempts to turn him on and he just laughs me off. I've stopped trying in the last 1.5 years and I'm just happy whenever he initiates. He has even asked me why I stopped trying and I told him bc he shuts me down. I offset this with solo masturbation whenever I'm feeling horny, which he is okay with and even suggested.
In the last year, we have had many conversations about this and we have been trying different sex toys and other things to work on the issue together. I don't feel it's working very well. I think I am putting in most of the effort (finding toys, reading books, trying things to be sexy for him). Sometimes I think he feels it's a me problem, not a him problem, therefore I should put in more effort, or he just doesn't care enough.
Honestly, when we do have sex at this point, I think of other people who have been good lovers in my past. I would never cheat on my partner, but my imagination is not at all loyal. I once had a sex dream while on an airplane about the person sitting next to me.
I love him so much and I don't want to lose my very best friend, but I'm afraid I will never be fully happy in the relationship despite the mountain of amazing qualities he has and our overall compatibility. I'm afraid he has some emotional blocks about sex due to a strict catholic upbringing in Mexico.
There is the added layer that I am bisexual but I have limited experiences with women. I would like to explore that more, but I was willing to put that on pause when I started dating my bf because of how fast and hard I fell for him. He's suggested threesomes could help, but I think that would stress me out because I'm a people pleaser and I would be too anxious worrying if everyone else was having a good time. I don't think he'd be willing to let me explore that on my own, but I haven't asked due to him having a bad reaction to a tentative question about open relationships early on.
I feel terrible because we've been planning our life together. I own our house but he puts a lot of effort into maintaining and doing house work. We get along with each other's families really well and he hangs out with my mom to help her on the farm whenever he can. He's older than me and I think the pressures of age & starting a family weigh on him heavily.
Is it normal to feel this way in a long term relationship? Is his age really to blame for the lack of libido? Or are we better off experiencing heartbreak now to find something better down the road? How do I bring this up again?
I am young(ish) and hot. I want to feel worshipped in the bedroom, not like I have to work for both of our pleasure.
tl;dr My [27F] bf [34M] of 3 years claims he's too old to be having sex more than 1-2x per month & I have a high sex drive. Should we keep trying to find ways to make our bedroom spicier or just move on despite our amazing comparability in literally every other area?
submitted by nottoopoodle to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 19, 2024

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Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
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submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:02 Awesome_Bronana War of the Monsters Advanced Techniques

I remember the first time I played War of the Monsters on the PS2 was when my dad brought home a copy of the game and played with me and my siblings. I grew up watching monster movies and instantly loved this game. It has been 20 years since I have first played this, I decided to write this guide in advanced tricks and techniques that I have developed from my experiences playing this game. I hope you enjoy this read and that It increases your appreciation of this hidden gem.
There are many guides online that cover combos, tactics, item placements, boss guides, level guides, cheats, etc. This is not one of those. This will cover more niche and advanced techniques that you can use to enhance your capability in your gameplay.
This guide will be written with the assumption that the control scheme is set at control 'B' which you can set in the pause screen during a game. (I think most people have it set at 'A') It shouldn't effect how these techniques function but something to keep in mind.
This is a work in progress and I will edit this thread as I come across new info and insights into the game.
Glossary: Movement Special Attacks Rage Utility Map Awareness Advanced Combat
The monsters in the game have varying movement speeds (running, climbing), jump heights, and flying speeds. However even with the slowest monster you can work around the lack of speed with enough practice utilizing the following methods and the environment to your advantage. Little is more scary than a slow monster like Agamo zooming around your foes mwahaha!
The Dashing Mechanic<<<
As listed in the instruction manual, this allows your monster to sprint at the cost of energy by double-tapping and holding the foward button until expended or pressing the ram button.
Launching<<< You can use the ram button to launch yourself off buildings, ramps, and rock formations to get extra height quickly (a mechanic that the mini game 'Big Shot' is soley based around).
This is particularly useful in maps like baytown where theres a lot of verticality in the environment.
Super Fast Flying<<< This ram mechanic is especially useful for flying monsters like Preytor and Raptros. Executing the dash-ram in conjunction with holding 'x' right after ramming while on the edge of a building or flat surface will result in a blisteringly fast flight speed that gives you better movement and height. Preytor is super fast with this method while Raptros has better airtime and control, though the speed difference is minor. Raptros is my prefrence due to the better airtime, control, and Projectile damage.
Firing projectiles while flying<<< Raptros and Preytor both have the ability to capitalize on their aerial advantage by firing projectiles mid glide. You can accomplish this by performing the glide holding X and while holding glide tap the □ button to fire. This takes energy though so maintaining altitude is key. the most effecient way to do this is to execute the dash>ram>fly combo to get extra speed, glide up over your opponent and lock-on to them to spin like a vulture firing down on your target.
Lock-On Steering<<< You may notice that while dashing, your ability to steer your monster is stiff. This technique will allow you to navigate around all those tight corners on a dime while dashing! This is more tricky to execute because it is depenent on where your opponents are located around you. This is indicated on the HUD as these numbered circles that show the health status of your opponents.
While sprinting using the dash, hold the lock-on button to force your monster to take a tight turn in the direction of the closest target. This is great for adjusting after missing your target.
For simply turning tight corners, simply tap the lock-on button instead while the opponents icons are on the side you want to turn.
There is a brief charge up before a dash, if you time your lock on just before the dash activates, you can pull up to a sharp 180 degree turn on your opponent if you missed the first dash-ram.
There is some wiggle room in the timing to play around with and practice your navigation using this technique.
Building Hopping<<< Every monster has different climbing speeds, some are fast like Kineniclops and Preytor, some are slow such as Agamo and Togera.
Building Hopping is the simple action of jumping while climbing a building. Repeating this cycle of (jump+grab+jump+grab+jump) will do two things:
  1. It will add more speed to slower monsters climbing
  2. It will reduce your contact to the building by about 80% and greatly reduce the chance of getting knocked down when an opponent is throwing projectiles.
Every monster has two special attacks at their disposal under two categories; Close range and Long range. This chapter will cover the expansive utility of both types.
Short Range Special<<< Despite the differences in the vibrant animations, all monsters share the short range special attack in common. The only difference between them as far as I can ascertain Is the the time it takes to start up the blast (Ultra V being almost instant and zorgulon Taking 1.5 seconds). The purposes most common is to give yourself space when surrounded or cornered, and to have a quick and strong offense to your opponent knocking them down. However there is more utility in this attack when you think of this as a defensive move.
Invincibility Frames<<< The short range special attack gives you about 2-3 seconds of invincibility frames meaning almost nothing can damage you aside from falling buildings. This is excellent as a defense against thrown objects, explosives, lightning, short and long range special attacks, and environmental hazards.
Long Range Special<<< Every monster has a unique long range special attack that has different effects and ranges. There is more nuance in how you can utilize these attacks, so I will cover each monsters long range special individually so you can make the most out of these attacks:
  1. Raptros' Fire Breath Raptros has a unique advantage in regards to how he uses this attack. He can activate it on the ground AND while mid-flight. Additionally, he can fire his projectiles while using his fire breath to squeeze in extra damage (There is a weird glitch where doing this turns the flame invisible, but the effect is still active). This also hinders opponents and catches them on fire.
  2. Togera's Atomic Breath Similar to 'Raptros's Fire Breath' Togera's Breath has similar range and hinders opponents. The difference is that it deals more damage. You can also fire his projectiles while using his breath for pretty nasty damage.
  3. Preytor's Flying Leeches Leechs not very damaging by itself, it is a decent threat if you can manage to chain up multiple specials around the map. (Ex. In Metro City there are multiple red orbs, 50% energy, around the buildings and streets where you can chain at least 3 leeches). There are two minor benefits from the leeches: A. It gives the opponent something else to target or focus on A.I. or human B. Can't be blocked unless intercepted by thrown object or shot projectile, or using a special attack, thus resulting in multiplying damage stacks if chained. You can also spread the leeches out by locking on different targets while sending them.
*This Special attack is really best used in situations where the opponent won't have time to stop all of the leaches (preferabally up close) followed up with your own projectiles or thrown objects or follow up advances.
  1. Congar's Sonic Roar Similar range to Raptros and Togera's Breaths, and Considerable damage and launches opponents far. It can reach through some buildings for full effect. You can also tilt congars head around to spread the roar around to get a wider spread. Opponent can block this attack or counter with a short range special.
  2. Robo-47's Atomic Missile The most immediately damaging special in the game by far. It also launches opponents far like congars roar. It is very versatile at close range and long range. You can choose to fire quickly or wait to lock on the target for a more likely hit. You can tilt his head down to shoot the ground for a damaging 'short range' blast. You can also cancel the missile by pressing the block button for later use. It cannot be blocked unless opponent uses short range special or dodges.
  3. Agamo's Head This special is unique in it can be used to farm for more energy considerably fast while weilding it, which in turn stocks you with an additional special when you are ready for the next head or short range attack. Creating an efficient cycle of banking more special attacks. It is damaging and knocks opponents down upon a confirmed hit. It also can be used as a bomb by pressing the long range special button a second time. This isnt great for throwing at enemies from a distance as an explosive, launching opponents. The head when thrown is also super bouncy and ricochets damaging buildings and knocking down opponents all the while gaining you energy.
  4. Magmo's Eruption This special launches a barrage of fireballs at an opponent and juggles them into the air with good damage followed up with some decent fall damage. This can be paired with a second erruption when chaining with a second special pickup on the map. You can tilt magmo's head up first before locking on an opponent to send the fireballs over obstacles and tyen lock on to your opponent have a better chance to reach them.
  5. Kineticlops's Lightning storm This is great for crowd control and anti-air with good range. The storm electricutes all nearby monsters in range and launches them upward. This is nice for discouraging flying enemies. You can also flick the lighting up and down for flavor just to show off but it won't do much damage.
*Its also nice using this special following a one-two combo of shocking an opponent with a power generator and throwing for a double shock.
  1. Zorgulon's UFO Swarm Arguably the weakest of the long range specials, but it is still is fun to use and can be used in creative ways. If you lock-on a target while executing this special (provided they are not behind cover) you will fire this device that hover above the target that calls in ufos to harrass the opponent. The damage is varied based on how many shots are managed by the ufos and when the device is destroyed. There is a charge on the device that when run out releases the ufos and ends the special. This can be shortened if you damage them in any way. Another use is to place them in an area of interest, such as locations with resources like health, energy, or powerups. It is more defensive and punishes opponents for going where you don't want them to go. You can also grab these ufos for a weapon to attack with, gaining more energy or even fire their lasers at the opponent. while not practical is fun.
  2. Ultra V's Grapple Cable This special does minor damage but can grab and pull an opponent across the map to you and stuns the enemy for a few seconds. This can be really nasty since it allows you options to set up a combo, launch them with a 360 kick, pull them into environmental hazards (bottomless pits, radioactive waste, powerlines, steam, tsunamis, falling buildings). It can be use up close for an easy stun or to take opponents away from reaching resources such as Health, Energy, or powerups. At long ranges it is best used at highground where line of sight is less blocked by obstacles. You can also send the grapple while holding any object for extra damage. The fan favorite method is to use explosives (gasoline truck, airplanes, fuel tanks) for an explosive combo! even if you miss with the grapple the impact of the explosive will hit the opponent if close enough. You can also use the grapple to damage buildings to knock opponents off the walls.
\\\\Rage Utility//////// Rage is an interesting mechanic that I think some people overlook as not that useful. It Is available once you collect enough energy that you energy bar flashes, and makes it so your following actions are more effiecient than standard usage. Instead of your energy being used up quickly it is unlimited until the rage runs out. I have not tested if Rage increases your damage output. I have focused this as more a tool for various tactics I came up with.
sprinting with rage<<< using the dash usually expends energy really fast. however with Rage, you can extend the time you can continue you sprint significantly. you can Also dash-ram infinitely until expended, which is scary when used in conjunction with the lock-on steering technique.
Firing projectiles with rage<<< Every monster has projectiles that have unique behaviors, have varying damage and cost. Every monster in general benefits from using rage to shoot more projectiles, the difference is in how you position yourself to shoot them effectively.
Flying monsters can use this to fire even more projectiles while in mid-flight without worrying about losing stamina, the unlimited energy also gives room to reposition the monster if more altitude is needed the damage is also decent from both of them.
Robots like Robo-47 and Ultra V have similar projectiles that pepper small damage but are very rapid. The faster you mash the □ button, the faster the firing rate. when using rage you can catch opponents with little cover and barrage them with a volley of lasers/bullets.
Kineniclops's projectile is unique that it is the slowest but has the most heat seeking property. You can shoot a lot with little cost and it deals decent damage especially if you can land multiple hits with them. with rage you can create an army of these lightning balls at some highground or running and jumping approaching them from different angles makes it hard for them to avoid the stacks in damage.
\\\\Map Awareness//////// This section will cover Map awareness and how to take advantage of the abundant resources in your game. knowing the layout of the map as well as intimately knowing the placement and respawn time of your resources will aid you so much in how you decide to approach the following setups we are about to cover here.
Resources<<< Resources are defined as anything on the map you can pick up that aids you (Health, Energy, Powerups, Items). The location of Health, Energy, and powerups on each map is static, though consistent and respawn after a period of time. Items However can both be static (pieces of a building, rocks, water towers) and dynamic (moving items like cars, helicopters, trains).
chaining resources<<< This is a series of actions that utilizes multiple resources for a desired outcome. (ex. gaining health/energy/damage).
For example, chaining a power transformer lightning bolt+throwing the transformer+radio tower spear impale+gasoline truck = a chain resulting in big damage to your opponent there are many combinations you can chain together with items its devistating when you know exactly when and where an item will be so you can in rapid succession throw items to juggle them from a distance.
chaining specials<<< For example, it is possible to set oneself up to use at least three specials in succesion easily in a map such as atomic island where the reactor in the center can recharge your special rapidly. Think of the possibilities with this alone, thats 3 to 4 flying leechs from preytor at once, 3-4 nuke missiles from robo- 47 and so on. Other maps have instances where if you have a special in stock you can position yourself next to another red orb or 50-100% energy and use a special of your choice and follow it up with an additional special that you subsequentally grab.
\\\\Advanced Combat//////// There are guides out there that cover the specific combos you can pull in sequence and I have a few quick tips to increase your combos, and increase your lethality.
Combo canceling<<< Each monster has varying speeds in execution and amount of hits they cam perform before they end with a launching strike. What I suggest when pursuing higher combos is to simply tap the block button before the launch. Speed is key here so results may vary. such as congar who is more combo focused with fast punches. You can unleash a lot of hits and tap the block button, the follow up with more hits. there is a chance that the opponent will have time to block so it takes practice.
submitted by Awesome_Bronana to WaroftheMonsters [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:24 SenlanZWH BLG vs T1 Hupu Rating and Comments

I'm going to try to translate those top comment from Hupu for MSI, I might skip some of them as they are Chinese internet memes that I've no idea how to translate, and those comment related to Honor of Kings, a popular league like mobile game made by Tencent.
The rating is user poll generated, you can give a rating between 2 and 10, and average is used. A total of 725k people participated in this series' rating.
Hupu rating is an in APP feature so it doesn't really have a link, but here is the post match thread for the match, and on the top there is an link you can click on that get you to that page. link

MATCH 1: BLG vs. T1

Bilibili Gaming
Player Rating Top Comment
Bin Twisted Fate 9.8 This is our BLG's double marksman!
Xun Xin Zhao 8.3 Good tempo, but what give you the confidence to so steal blue by yourself?
Knight Taliyah 9.7 This game Trist kept getting fed kills, while you are the one controlling the tempo of the game, and give all the kill to your teammates, you are the true MVP of this game.
Elk Kalista 3.7 This game just treat Kalista like Tahm Kench.
ON Renata Glasc 9.6 "I didn't say you could go, did I?"
BigWei 5.5 Don't ban Nid against Gen.G but ban it against T1, are you drunk?
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus K'Sante 6.0 I often think what if Sang-hyeok brother is 10 years younger.
Oner Sejuani 3.8 Tarzan: I logged on.
Faker Tristana 2.8 Hey bro, maybe you should go tryout for the Old Guy Cup.
Gumayusi Senna 3.6 That herald in the baron pit, directly give BLG a way to go in, pure comedy.
Keria Nautilus 7.9 Looks a bit red from player cam.
kk0ma 3.4 Kenzhu: I'm going to keep picking Neeko next game.

MATCH 2: BLG vs. T1

Bilibili Gaming
Player Rating Top Comment
Bin K'Sante 8.9 So weird, you are the most in form, but bot lane is getting the highest priority.
Xun Wukong 3.5 You the only one pick Wukong this whole MSI, and last time you tried you got giga gapped, why pick it again, J4 and Xin would be so much better.
Knight Neeko 8.6 Not your fault, same like last series against Gen.G, bot feed a lot of kills and then blame you invisible.
Elk Varus 2.6 You were not human in any of the recent games.
ON Kalista 2.7 If you keep playing like this, I'm gonna go watch KPL.
BigWei 2.7 BigWei and rest of the coaching stuff come out and face the flame, why are you so focused on strong lanes, didn't you learn. Don't waste so many ban for mid, just tell left hand be more confident and pick a tempo champ, don't always think about laning. Pick some engage champ like Naut, Rell, Alistar, Camille for On, Xun could pick carry jungle like Nid or Kindred if there are engage already, else just pick J4, Sej, Maokai, Wukong. Bin watch out for Zeus last pick counter pick, don't be cocky, BLG fighting, please win this!
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus Camille 8.7 Using the T1 formula, if Zeus can carry, this game will be a stomp.
Oner Sejuani 8.7 You tempo is so good, so why are you kept picking Viego.
Faker Akali 7.1 Dude, what use do you have? I mean seriously, you are not really useful.
Gumayusi Draven 9.3 Why kept picking me Senna, am I weaker than them?
Keria Ashe 7.4 If you didn't ult the real Wukong, that last fight will turn out different.
kk0ma 6.8 No difference compared to Ham. (Laker coach.)

MATCH 3: BLG vs. T1

Bilibili Gaming
Player Rating Top Comment
Bin Twisted Fate 9.9 Fine red wine glitters in a jade chalice that glows in the night, next card will be a ace of heart. (The first part is a famous Chinese poem "葡萄美酒夜光杯", and the second part rhymes with that in Chinese.)
Xun Xin Zhao 9.2 That flash for flash at top was so critical, as a Yasuo main I felt the pain.
Knight Annie 9.8 Knight: Yagao, I don't know what to do. Yagao: ZhuoDing, maybe its time for Annie.
Elk Senna 9.5 WE.Jiumeng, UP.ELK, BLG.Husband is fighting for control of the body, husband is winning right now. (past name and nickname for Elk.)
ON Ornn 9.7 Gift a kill when fountain diving, champion at karma.
BigWei 7.7 Wow, did you just first pick Senna? (This was a 1 star rating comment, probably made right after the draft.)
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus Yasuo 2.5 Come duo with me, I'm silver, my username is weird top. (It is the name for a steamer 霸哥 that is known for been bad,farming under tower, and possibly using 3rd party software to cheat.)
Oner Nidalee 2.8 Oner: Nidalee, I don't know what to do now. Nidalee: What, who are you again?
Faker Zac 2.8 This Zac pick is like a summary of T1, once Faker dies, four turd pop out.
Gumayusi Kalista 2.8 So you are really an egg, either fried egg, or egg drop soup. (Those are dishes in China, and dish is called 菜, which also means bad when used in league.)
Keria Nautilus 2.9 OP
kk0ma 3.1 Kenzhu:Hmm, did you reuse your old password? 1557, such an easy password.

MATCH 4: BLG vs. T1

Bilibili Gaming
Player Rating Top Comment
Bin Twisted Fate 9.6 Tried your best.
Xun Vi 2.4 Fully responsible.
Knight Corki 7.2 When Chovy's Corki had an advantage, his teammate didn't decide to int.
Elk Varus 3.5 You finally got you condition under control, your jungler's is acting up again.
ON Nautilus 6.6 OK I guess, the support Naut is the only one that could face check.
BigWei 3.2 Xun's Vi, Elk's Varus, game is GG at BP.
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus K'Sante 8.0 Showmaker.jpg.
Oner Viego 8.5 Oner: Viego, I don't know what to do now. Viego: Who are you? Oner: I'm Zhao "JieJie" Li-Jie, don't turn around to look.
Faker Aurelion Sol 6.5 Head scratcher, inted at least 4 times.
Gumayusi Senna 8.3 Your ult is so clutch, so many key shields.
Keria Ornn 8.1 I upgrade based on age, Zeus sad :C.
kk0ma 6.0 Kenzhu: You still haven't change your password yet, I get to pick Senna and Asol again.

MATCH 5: BLG vs. T1

Bilibili Gaming
Player Rating Top Comment
Bin Camille 9.9 Best top in the world, LPL's pride, you deserves it!
Xun Xin Zhao 7.6 Your entire purpose this game is to facecheck.
Knight Neeko 9.7 Watching you whole game, you were laughing the whole game.
Elk Senna 9.3 I think I kinda get LCK's love for Senna now, and your Senna last year G5 against Gen.G, maybe Senna is actually good.
ON Ornn 9.8 Everyone is even before Letme.
BigWei 5.7 So dumb, I guess you've made enough money and want to retire, how did you BP like this?
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus K'Sante 2.8 Now you really became Bin's son.
Oner Viego 2.6 Viego: Wait, your are not Zhao "JieJie" Li-Jie, byebye.
Faker Taliyah 3.2 Faker, now its time to wake up from the sweet dream.
Gumayusi Varus 2.8 A kid came to T1, his Varus is flying. (A copy pasta for TheShy, original one is something like: A kid came to WE, his Riven is flying. It was an compliment, but in this case Guma's Varus was literality in the sky.)
Keria Nautilus 2.6 That flash hook clone is a bit cringe.
kk0ma 4.1 Password too hard, let me try other side's.
submitted by SenlanZWH to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:21 Globaltronx 🌟 Enter the Realm of Crestfallen: A Medieval Fantasy Survival Epic Created by a Neuroscientist & Devoted Gamer! ⚔️🛡️

Good marrow and greetings people of the Realm! My name is Curtis Ashford and I am a game developer, father of 3 (soon to be 4), and Neuroscientist that publishes in Alzheimer's disease research. My background is in making cognitive tests that are used in medical research with a focus on reliability, precision, and accuracy of assessing brain function over time. I have been gaming my whole life, almost 40 years and my early favorites include Sierra's Kings Quest, The Prince of Persia, and Duke Nukem.
A Player Built Throne Room by: Patty Brown (great work!)
Player Built Tavern!! by: Sir Vibes the Positive, created last night!
Snap-able Castle Walls - Lots of Building Pieces by: Player Unknown
I am a huge fan of the early Diablo franchise 1 and 2, World of Warcraft, and survival games like Rust. I try to play almost every title I can get my hands on! Base building in survival games has a special place in my heart and I love the gathering of resources and making something that is functional and I can be proud of. That is what I am trying to capture with my game Crestfallen.
The Graveyard NOOB Starting Area is a Bloodbath, created by Bloodbath Studios :)
Blending my Alzheimer's research with game dev, cool Quest Item! - The Skull of Eternal Dementia... Terrifying
But what is Crestfallen?
Crestfallen: Medieval Survival is a place to be whatever you want; Role-play out medieval fantasies, explore the creations of our imagination, and have fun while playing alongside others in an ever evolving universe. I think multiplayer interactivity is such an amazing part of gaming, building and fighting others makes the game feel very special.
Want to try it out for free? Download the demo on steam here -
If you like it and want to join our multiplayer servers before launch and help us find bugs and add ideas to the discord you are more than welcome. If you like it I would really appreciate a Wishlist to help with my visibility as we approach Steams Next Fest where I will be streaming for 6 hours.
There are quests to explore, portals to venture into, factions of enemies to fight against, and people to make lasting memories with. You can form parties, guilds, and interact with each other with in game voice chat and be whatever you want to be.
The Map of IronGuard Summit
Choose a progression into magic, farming, or master the blade with a skill and stat point progression system to level up. As we grow out our team we look forward to expanding the maps, adding more magic, and more everything as we move along in our development. Some of my favorite parts of the game are fighting the harder knights and bowmen up at the Castle and attempting to overthrow the Evil King within and his (SPOILER).
Full Plate Armor - Tons of Crafting Stations and Craftables
I was inspired to make this game by a friend who I met in the Medieval Survival game Reign of Kings. We used to host The Kingdom of Camelot server together and as Keeper of Justice I would publicly execute cheaters with our community, great memories! Seeing the game not progress, but loving the core concepts of it, I took it upon myself to try to make a similar type of game with more interactive elements and PvE areas to explore with updated graphics in Unreal Engine 5.
Crystals of Cinder and Glacial Knowledge
Ever Unfolding Destiny:
Review our Living Roadmap - The Path of Ever-Unfolding Destiny
Growing up I loved to build with Legos, as a lot of kids do, and I was very fond of creating huge Castles and destroying them with my besieging armies. Castles and base building are so fun for me and it's very exciting how I have been able to get it to work online in a multiplayer setting where people can build huge Kingdoms together. By utilizing a snapping building system the options are endless for the Castle pieces we can add and the different tiered structures / workstations to build around the Castle.
HUGE Castle Walls
In addition we have been adding farming, cooking, and incredibly intricate crafting recipes to progress your character as you explore more difficult areas and fight more dangerous monsters. I plan to devote at least the next 10 years of my life to building this alongside my fledgling community that shares the passion for building, crafting, intertwined with the medieval genre.
How To Decorate A Castle
Time for a Bloodbath:
A Starting Boss to Avoid Spoilers Demon Lord Morgrate and his UBER rare glowing sword
In addition to building another major focus for me is on a new fighting system that feels realistic, bloody, and gruesome. I love the feeling we have created by researching medieval combat and using animations that are inspired from the medieval era. It still needs a bit more blood in my opinion but the squelches and screams really make a rewarding experience when in a fight against a bunch of enemies.
Another massive base build!
The fire magic feels great to wield but had to nerf our meteor storm as it was discouraging for players to have their bases wiped out so easily with fiery death. Siege weapons like ballista, catapult, and trebuchet are starting to work well, with the trebuchet being one of my personal favorites with how it turned out. My roadmap includes the addition of siege towers and battering rams in the near future.
To The Dungeons:
Any idea and all feedback is welcome, I really appreciate the criticism as it helps me learn and grow. Making this game involving the community is so important for me as it helps it grow in a positive non toxic direction. This was almost published by Snail Games USA, but I declined the offer based on their reviews and reputation of their CEO cheating in ARK.
The Keepers of Justice WILL Prevail!! - My Quest System Says So At Least
My strategy to help combat cheaters and toxicity is by hosting official whitelisted servers that are managed by something similar to DND Dungeon Masters! Having active admins that can manipulate world variables and help unfold the story of a server with different admin tools could make for some very interesting and innovative online multiplayer gameplay.
This has been a very hard 2 years for me, I have done 3 point studio lighting on thousands of our assets to make the icons beautiful, integrated some of the most amazing systems ever built, and have had the honor and blessing of receiving help from hundreds... maybe thousands of talented geniuses from all around the world. Ensuring everything works well, looks great, and sounds amazing has been a true scientific task and to see player build, craft, and create amazing things and enjoy their time humbles me and bring great joy to my heart.
This Tavern may look like a bar to you but to me its something indescribable, a collection of my favorite assets adjusted and fine tuned to be craftable, placeable, and functional... have a seat... all chairs and thrones are fully functional. It is my dream to create a massive fully intractable world and we are well on the way!
Past Work:
I made my first game Best in the West in Unity, a 10 man micro royale where you ride an old steam train into a wild west town and as the train whistle blows and the doors swing open it's a run and gun em down shoot em up cowboy style - free to play. Unity was not very fun for me and after switching to Unreal Engine I felt that I really got to focus on the game development and not the optimization of textures and culling properties.
So lets press on together and keep doing our best to bring people together through building, adventure, and making a GG (GOOD GAME NOOB!) with love. <3
Now that we made it possible to build in lakes - NEW DRAW BRIDGE COMING SOON SO EPIC!!
All the criticism on my steam page I have personally addressed and appreciate as it gives me a chance to listen and learn. The critical feedback has been very helpful to identify problems and brainstorm with players and strategize to fix things.
Official Crestfallen Logo
"Omnes Una Manet Nox."
The Dark Night Awaits Us All.
-King Burkheart The Keeper of Justice
Join our community in Discord and help us make the game better, all ideas and people are welcome -
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the moderator: RMouldoun for helping guide my path here including the people who rightfully flamed my first post.
Thank you to newagedne for helping me keep things professional and improve, I always appreciate the opportunity to learn.
submitted by Globaltronx to BaseBuildingGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 18, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
Community Guides
Cheat Sheets
Wiki Pages
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
Misc Questions
M1. Are macros and auto-clickers allowed?

Megathread Directory
Weekly Lounge Megathreads (for minor discussions, gacha pulls, etc.)
Weekly Friend Request Megathreads (for sharing friend IDs)
Technical Issues Megathread (for sharing any technical difficulties)
Previous Questions Megathreads (for any game-related questions)
Previous and Upcoming Subreddit Changes (rule updates, subreddit announcements)
Please note that the above codes are manually updated!
If you have any suggestions or would like to add anything to this post, please contact the moderation team!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:40 garyvdh The Witch of Fern Island - My Detailed Review

OK so after over 100 hours in this game here is my (third) heavily edited review. I actually love this game, the graphics are great, and the game mechanics are actually overall pretty good. I am highly tempted to give this game a favourable review because I really, really do love it, but it's let down by a few big points that in the end just cripple the game a bit too much and I feel it's only fair to let people know the truth. But, actually don't let that stop you from enjoying the game. I would STRONGLY encourage you to buy this game and enjoy it anyway. First of all, the PROS:
(1) This games is gorgeous and looks great, and runs great/ fairly fast on my system.
(2) The artwork is stunning, and the world building is top notch. You will fall in love with this world.
(3) The story line is well developed and you can see that a lot of love and time and heart has been poured into this. So kudos to the development team.
(4) Abrill is a lovable character and her look and feel is just top notch. Her outfits and gorgeous and she feels and plays well and will appeal to all gamers. You will not resent the fact that you are limited to only one character choice (You cannot customise your character, but later on you will be able to customise her clothing).
(5) The depth and layers of the game are intricate and well woven, and you can see that the team have done a lot of research and background legwork to bring a depth to this game that is actually not seen in a lot of games.
(6) I also have to single out the map for special mention as it is really fun to explore the map and this must have taken hours to develop. The map is it's own character in this game. Really, well done on the depth of detail here.
But now here are the CONS that are unfortunately letting the game down.
(1) Firstly, when it comes to farming, a major complaint is the mouse sensitivity in the farming mechanic (I'm not actually sure how much you can adjust that through the interface). When you're trying to lay down your farming rows, and then plant your seed, your cursor jumps all over the place making it infuriatingly difficult to actually do your farming preparation. The farming mechanic is very clunky and unfriendly compared to say a game like Coral Island (which makes farming a breeze).
(2) Secondly, the cat (your familiar) is part of the story line of the game, and is supposed to appear at pivotal parts of the game to continue the discussion and advance the story line for you. But he just never appears when and where he is supposed to, and you are constantly running all over the place looking for him and trying to trigger his appearance so that you can advance the story line to the next level. Maybe the devs can look into this but there should be a way to trigger his appearance so that you can move the story along. This is why I cannot at this stage recommend the game until this is fixed. NEVERTHELESS, I was able to continue playing the game, despite this.
(3) Thirdly, in addition to the above comments players should be aware that the game is pleasant but a frustrating continuous grind to actually get anywhere. It is one long slog to get the resources you need to achieve anything in this game. And that is a tediously slow process. You may enjoy that and call it a lazy or relaxing game, but most games would find that frustrating and boring. There should be enough reward along the way for you to achieve significant progress during the day or at least have some good in game guidance as to what you are supposed to be doing and where you are supposed to be going. Now that's all well and good if that was coming from the Cat familiar who is supposed to be guiding you, but as mentioned above he is nowhere to be found. There is also no in game prompt to look up the compendium or to go and research spells or how to use recipes, etc. I found myself having to use youtube videos or websites to get guidance how to play the game, and of that there is very little good guidance. It should not be necessary to go to outside sources to play the game. I ended up using the WeMod cheat for help with this game, but to be honest it doesn't actually help that much with this game. It doesn't get you much further.
(4) Fourthly, some of the characters do look a bit strange or weird, I'm not sure if they were going for non-white character appearance to make the game more inclusive, but it just comes across as very strange in appearance, almost freakish as if they are glitching. Weird colour scheme.
(5) Fifth, there is no voice acting in this game, and I feel that is unfortunately a major let down for a game this gorgeous. I understand that it keeps the costs down, and this game is already really cheap, but in the end it just lets the game down. This just comes down to personal preference. I guess I was spoiled by games like My Time at Sandrock.
(6) Sixth, is kind of an extension of the grind complaint but when it comes to finding certain resources you will just search and search and never find the resources that you are looking for (some of which are only available in certain seasons), some of which don't appear to be available AT ALL in the game yet. Also it appears that if you mine certain resources too often, the game actually starts rewarding you less. I noticed this with the Astra realm, and with the Mineral resources. If you go back to them too often, you do not get the good stuff any more.
(7) The game still crashes fairly often and that is quite irritating. The game only saves when you go to sleep at the end of each day and that might be a bit off-putting to some people. Unfortunately, when that happens you lose all your progress for the day. And that can sometimes be quite a significant amount. I don't understand why these farming/cozy games have this weird save mechanic that only saves every so often instead of just allowing you to save whenever you want, in my opinion, it's really stupid and nonsensical. I checked my graphics drivers and system updates, but no luck. I actually had to stop playing the game on one particular PC because it just crashed every single day on that particular PC.
So if you are willing to put up with all of the above frustrations, then by all means you will definitely enjoy this game. it's cheap enough, so yes go ahead and buy it! If you stick with it, it is a fun game and you will derive enjoyment from it. My final advice is this. Do NOT avoid this game despite all of the above. Definitely check it out, because the price alone on steam makes it worth it. For all you Cozy Gamers in this thread, I feel like you will be missing out if you avoid this game.
submitted by garyvdh to CozyGamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:40 Educational_Fold_391 Encountered my first cheater

I was playing killer earlier today because I hate myself and am grinding 100% achievements. I’m a survivor main and really don’t enjoy playing killer.
Anyway, I was working on achievements for getting hits using special abilities. I don’t normally like to “cheat” achievements by working with the opposing team, but the past several matches I played normally I was accused of tunneling, using broken perks/builds, etc. None of which I’m actually doing. I wasn’t even playing well because my goal was to get achievement progress rather than win. So basically I was not using M1 at all. I think I only won matches because survivors saw I was missing so many hits that they assumed I was new and didn’t bother to hide. Anyway, I decided to just farm my achievements with the survivors and in exchange, let everyone go. Most people were appreciative, and we had some fun, silly chases and everyone got BP.
Then I played a match as Bubba and was grinding chainsaw hits. It was obvious at 5 gen that I was farming. Everyone started meme-ing and having a good time. Except for a Dwight that every time I was about to hit him, he’d crouch and disappear, only to reappear at another random map location. If I managed a hit and downed him, he’d disappear before I could pick him up. He was also instantly healing himself. I tried to ignore him, but he kept flashlight clicking and cutting off other survivors in chase. What pissed me off most is that he felt the need to cheat in a game I was LETTING HIM WIN. Like I can understand the logic behind cheating if you’re just genuinely bad and can’t win otherwise. But there was no point to this beyond just ruining everyone else’s good time.
I finally managed to hook him during endgame. I had already downed a Meg and left her on the ground when Dwight ran by to try to catch the cheater. I was going to leave her slugged until he died on hook, but the timer was running out and I didn’t want to punish her for his cheating. So I took her to the gate and she wiggled off. Of course she ran back and unhooked him and they both escaped.
Unfortunately, my PC isn’t currently set up to be able to record, so I couldn’t send a clip in to behavior. I still reported, but we all know nothing will be done. People bitch no matter how you play, and even if you let them win they’re still dicks. It’s so disheartening.
submitted by Educational_Fold_391 to DeadByDaylightKillers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:52 CopperScum64 Secret Arcane Hunter (no? maybe? plz respond)

It’s new (mini) set time and time for warlock, druid or rogue to break the game again. This time, Druid got left behind.
While glare is the new big kid on the block, the deck is preying on a meta that had a 35% of renathal decks before the miniset, and as that number go down and to a new equilibrium, i expect the deck will stabilize around a reasonable power level (i wouldn’t mind crystallizer to get deleted though so we can finally play questless glare like our Lord intended). Meanwhile, the meta shifts around make for a lot of decks becoming suddendly playable. Handbuff paladin, more reach based aggro and ice block decks even with a worse wincon than warp since tech is very hard to play in a glare meta. So anyway, after tuning some glare lists (strictly questless) i started trying some other things. This is my first attempt at a deck that has a decent position in the new meta Secret Arcane Hunter, also known as Custom Warlock 2:
2 x Arcane Shot 2 x Costumed Singer 2 x Ricochet Shot 2 x Shimmer Shot 2 x Trinket Tracker 2 x Bargain Bin 2 x Hidden Meaning 2 x Mad Scientist 2 x Silvermoon Farstrider 2 x ZOMBEES!!! 2 x Celestial Shot 1 x Cloaked Huntress 1 x Halduron Brightwing 2 x Eversong Portal 1 x Rinling Rifle 1 x Beastalker Tavish 2 x Starstrung Bow
No code cause i can’t copy it atm (i’m on my work pc, for my lawyer, this is a joke). The idea behind the deck is pretty simple: Early game play some minions, get some secrets up, and then lategame finish with buffed reach + bow. This deck can work because of an ok glare matchup (especially the more aggro 30 versions) and because it farm one of the popular glare counters (sorc mage, at least until they play performers and then you cri ev3rytime ). Some card choiches explanation: The arcane package without conjuring arrow: i don’t think we need the extra draw in this format, especially turn 6+. You get your secrets pretty consistently between singer and scientist, and then your secrets draw your bows and extra cards. This package has two purposes: it is reach vs glare and slower decks, and it’s board control vs aggro. It’s in fact the only way you win the aggro matchup, by getting early farstriders/haldurons into portal/ricochet. The secret package: the secrets i’m playing here are imho by far the best 6 you can play. You can tell they’re good because it’s not a warcrime to spend mana on them. Turn 2 bees contest a lot of aggro plays, turn 2 meaning is often a 3 drop with charge, and turn 2 bin is swindle without the combo requirement (don’t play it on 2 though, always tempo king). 6 secrets, 2 Singers and 2 Scientist feel perfect as a package. It’s good enough to make your bow cheap later on, it doesn’t dilute ur draw with too many secrets early on and both the tutors are acceptable as tempo plays as well (revert singer cowards). Rinling Rifle: the third weapon to improve bin, as well to discount your bows and get additional utility. I’ve liked it quite a bit. Tavish: generally good against a lot of things, plus gives you secrets. No Product 9: this feels instinctively a tad too slow to me. On turn 5 you may have easily only triggered a single secret, more often two, and two secrets that your opponent know of plus a 4/4 doesn’t look like premium to me. It would be much more interesting in a reno shell, where you get to the lategame more consistently and as such this could be a huge bomb, but in an aggro shell? Doubt. I’d rather play a single Huntress over it as the three-drop slot is a thin.
The mulligan: In general always keep the 1 drops into a curve, don’t keep secrets or cards that cost 4+ (rare exception, being on coin and having triple secret/double secret and singer + huntress is prob a keep). Keep farstrider vs aggro and try to toss everything into arcane spells (trinker tracker also ok obviously) to clear their early boards. What does it work against: - Glare is ok. Good reach. This matchup get worse the higher you go up on ladder. Quad digit glare is free. Triple digit is favored. Double digit is even-ish. High legend is unfavored but who cares. - Slow-ish decks are mostly ok. - Combo mages and druids (there are some dorian combos around) are usually free with the secrets combined with the pressure. What it does not work against: - Aggro me dood. These matchup are about early arcane package (farstrider into ricochet/eversong) to prevent snowballing and then hopefully you can race them. You can’t really stabilize here, they’re bad and drifter is ur worst enemy. - Huhunter. They usually kill a bit faster than you do. This is bad-ish, not terrible. - Handbuff pally with lot of heal. Healing is cheat! Bad healing! Bad! Sit down!
I’ve climbed pretty consistently with this but again can’t check stats as i’m on the move and i play only on phone. It has been feeling good and it’s something a bit different than what i’ve been playing lately. Hope you guys don’t play hearthstone and go outside this weekend.
submitted by CopperScum64 to wildhearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:38 ravedeath1917 Kommunistisches Programm – National Revolution and Downfall of Cambodia (1980)
The Events after the Fall of Phnom Penh and the Programme of Khieu Samphan, the Peasantry and the Enablers of Capital
With the end of the Indochina war in 1975, not much remained of Cambodia’s economy either. More than half of the rice fields lay fallow, and the few industrial enterprises, the port facilities in Kampong Som, the railway lines and the bridges had been destroyed by US bombs. Although the figures are not unambiguous, their magnitude alone shows what heavy blood sacrifice imperialism also demanded of this people: In the five years of war, around 800,000 people were killed, more than 40,000 were maimed, almost 200,000 were wounded.
The constant flow of refugees inflated the capital from its original population of around 600,000 to over 3 million, meaning that by the end of the war almost half of the Khmer people were crammed into their metropolis. As is well known, the imperialist world press howled in horror and disgust when it learned of the forced exodus of this human aggregation. The US bombardment drove people from the countryside into the cities – the revolutionary nationalists had to force them back. Both actions were cruel and devastating for those affected, because both times they happened under terrible conditions, the first time under the imperialist hail of bombs and the coercion of its local police, the second time under the pressure of hunger and the state coercion of the newly installed revolutionary patriotic power. But for the imperialist propaganda machine there were no connections here. Of course, it only saw the terror of the Khmer Rouge, so supposedly of Communism. Here again was a wonderful opportunity to play out the bourgeois farce of humanism and love of one’s neighbour to the full. No mention of the mass murders in the imperialist war against the Southeast Asian peoples, no mention of the unspeakable destruction of these only weakly industrialised agrarian societies. These sacrifices were noticed at most when the insane war spending of the USA threatened to drag the entire imperialist West into the vortex of economic problems as a result of the currency crises caused by it. After all, to this day, these gentlemen are consistently proud of their efforts to preserve “freedom”.
Cambodia became the main object of these friends of mankind over the next few years. Here, indeed, all cherished values and conceptions were thrown overboard. A state without money, without postal services, without cars and motorbikes, without public transport, without telephones, television, books and the cities extinct. Only “communists” could have committed this crime; as is well known, they can be trusted with anything inhumane and in Cambodia they truly acted as the incarnation of “darkness” and “evil”. What was perpetrated before in the name of the heroes of “light” and “reason” – not a word about that, of course. It was a central organ of the imperialist offensive on the human intellect – Reader’s Digest – that first announced in 1977 that at least 1.2 million people had been murdered in the two years since the fall of Phnom Penh. Ever new figures were quickly added, which journalists claimed to have learned from the numerous refugees. It is not necessary to assume that all these reports were forgeries, because in fact the Khmer Rouge set an extremely radical course from the beginning, which certainly brought much horror, misery and also deaths. But today’s sated imperialists should perhaps sometimes look at the history books: What misery, what terror, what torment against the population is archived there – and that over centuries. The French Revolution also produced at least 100,000 deaths in the most important four years – and it did so with a machine specially designed for the purpose. It was not by chance that it was the steam engine and the guillotine that inaugurated the industrial age in a revolutionary way. But do the distinguished British gentlemen, who even then scoffed at these butchers in Paris, have fewer lives on their consciences? Those who still don’t know have to have it written on their cheat sheets all the time: The establishment of bourgeois rule has always been brutal and extremely bloody. The destruction of the traditional smallholder form of economy, the annihilation of small-scale trade and crafts always passed over those affected like a merciless steamroller. And under unspeakable tortures, the majority of these people who were expropriated without compensation were pressed into the factories and, if necessary, forced by brutal violence to slave as many hours of their day as possible for the lowest possible wages. All that was not so long ago. But it is always amusing how hastily today’s representatives of capital pretend that these are youthful sins of foreign predecessors. And this process of constant dressing for factory labour, of the destruction of both man and nature, continues both in depth and in breadth. It will only come to an end when this capitalist basis has been revolutionarily annihilated because of the contradictions it constantly produces.
However, if one wants to understand the “mysterious” processes in Cambodia, one has to be clear above all about the material and social conditions. A devastated country that was still largely worked by small peasants; a chaotically bloated capital city to which the majority of these same peasants had fled. The terror of the bombs had charged this population, once peaceful and living in the eternal grind of farm labour, with fear, but above all with unbridled rage and blind hatred. Hatred against the city in which they had to take refuge, anger against the American bombers which destroyed their existence, but particularly anger against their own corrupt aristocracy, the military as well as the city dwellers in general who sought to prolong their raison d’être by making a pact with imperialism. Now the old mixture of foreignness, subservient spirit and unease found its general discharge in a primal hatred of the rural population for their oppressors in the cities. A frenzy of revenge arose, which certainly accounted for most of the brutalities in the first year of liberation.
In order to understand this social side of this revolution in Cambodia, which gave it the ferocious expression of blood, revenge and chaos that one encounters in practically every revolution carried out mainly by peasants, one must always bear in mind the social structure already described. The strong urban-rural divide was not between agriculture and industry – the latter was practically non-existent – but it was the extreme contrast between agriculture and all the ominous trades that bourgeois statistics usually classify under the heading of “services”. Here, actually “unproductive” administration and trade – moreover, predominantly created and nourished in the service of imperialism – and “productive” agriculture faced each other. Of the “peace population” in Phnom Penh of about 600,000, this included about 200,000 Vietnamese and over 100,000 Chinese, out of a total of about 800,000. So the Cambodians did not even make up the majority of the population in their capital. Aristocracy and officials on one side, poor peasants on the other, too poor to make a living in the countryside, coming to the city because they hoped for a job, or later bombed into it. Cambodians were almost completely excluded from the trade and merchant sectors. These sectors were mainly in the hands of the Chinese and Vietnamese.
In this approaching whirlwind of social unrest on the part of the peasants, which is growing in strength, another social force tries for its survival. Young intellectuals, most of them educated in Paris, the educational centre of the former colonial ruler, want to break the corrupt tangle of local aristocracy and foreign power by force. Without any reservoir in the own ranks of the urban bourgeoisie, for the latter is practically non-existent and if it is, then hardly to be enthused for nationalist accumulation programmes with a more rigorous cut; without a proper bourgeois class, these petty-bourgeois radicals lead a practically hopeless struggle for change. Forced very soon into the rural underground by Sihanouk’s authoritarian regime, they try to implement their programme of industrialisation based on agriculture with the help of the only social class that counts – namely the rural population, the small peasants and farm workers.
One simply has to quote these illuminating passages of the Khmer Rouge’s “chief ideologist” at length, because after all the imperialist wailing, one probably does not think it possible that these “monsters” can think at all. (A Trotskyist group, persistent in its obtuseness, even opined that these “monsters” were the embodiment of… a return to feudalism!) One thing is immediately quite clear: these petty-bourgeois intellectuals, widely referred to as Marxists, communists, etc., are never ever in the tradition of the “German” Karl Marx, but of the German Friedrich List, who, under the slogan “Freedom is the goal, limitation is the necessity”, set his protectionist credo against the imperialist ideology of the free traders in the last century. The Khmer Rouge leaders are thus spiritual sons of the ancestors of today’s imperialists, those imperialists who now see in them the personified devil of communism, although they only wanted to be flesh of their flesh.
These views of Samphan and thus the leaders of the Khmer Rouge were also quoted at length because they are so popular today. In the face of the growing exploitation of the countries of the so-called Third World by Western imperialism, theories are emerging everywhere that vehemently propose the same position of “cutting off” the “underdeveloped” countries from the dominance of the world market ruled by Western capital as a panacea. And it is certainly no coincidence that one of the main representatives of these academic “revolutionaries”, the Egyptian Samir Amin, raves about the radicalism of the Khmer Rouge even after their expulsion and predicts a chain of new “Kampucheas” for the African future. Against the massive reality of the increasing internationalisation of capital and the growing global control of Western and increasingly Eastern imperialism, such “progressive” petty-bourgeois theorists place their faith in autarky, national accumulation and so-called autocentric development. Against the capitalist propaganda of progress and prosperity through freedom of trade and capital investment, which in reality in fact produces nothing but growing pauperisation and exploitation, the Good News on the other side says: Only if one can free oneself from imperialism at least for as long as it takes to be able to develop one’s productive forces independently, only then will one achieve prosperity and security for humanity.
In this respect, both sides represent only two sides of the same coin. Both claim to be able to achieve “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” within the framework of and through capitalism – as the forefather of these bourgeois tendencies, Adam Smith, already formulated this elementary lie of capital.
The utopians of capital have to acknowledge time and again that, contrary to their proclamations, the social antagonisms both within the “developed” and “underdeveloped” countries and between these countries are becoming increasingly acute. And while capitalism is pushing the development of the productive forces ever more sharply in order to satisfy its insatiable hunger for surplus value, it is precisely because of this highly productive technology that it is less and less able to transform the pauperised masses into active proletarians, i.e. to force them to the machines or into the office. While the imperialists, in their frenzied mania for surplus value, are at least throwing the whole world into growing unrest and undermining ancestral immobile relations ever more thoroughly, the heralds of an apparently radical autarky are causing nothing but confusion in the ranks of the pauperising masses. They talk of economic independence, stable economic cycles and adapted technology – all concepts that really bring out their illusionist anachronism.
And to see Cambodia of all places as a concrete approach or even an example for the feasibility of such utopias seems almost tragicomic in view of the results that are now available. But it is also a total misreading of the factual development under the Pol Pot government. Demonisation and idealisation of the Khmer Rouge have the same basis. They assume that the measures taken after the conquest of power in Cambodia were deliberate and planned. One side sees only the terror and coercive measures with which the leaders, supported by relatively small armed forces, tried to get a grip on a witch’s cauldron of panic and violence and to escape the total catastrophe of starvation – and the chaos that would ensue in turn. They see this terror and these coercive measures as completely detached from the economic and social emergency. The others confuse the factual state of extreme social backwardness in Cambodia and the emergency measures taken with an economic and social programme.
We have outlined the devastating situation in Cambodia shortly before the moment of liberation. However broad and deep the peasant unrest in the countryside may have been at the time, it must be remembered that a large proportion of these peasants stayed in the capital out of necessity during the main phase of the fighting. In any case, the Khmer Rouge, hardly more than 70,000 men anyway, fought for a long time mainly in the sparsely populated outskirts of Cambodia.
When the Khmer Rouge troops approached the capital in 1975 – likely with only about 20,000 men – it soon became clear that it was imperative to deal radically with this hopelessly bloated big head. Estimates vary, but it can be assumed that of the 7-8 million Cambodians, at least 2.5, but probably over 3 million were crammed into the capital (“peace population” as mentioned 600,000). With the severing of the umbilical cord to imperialism, Phnom Penh was up in the air as its former bridgehead. There was no possibility whatsoever to control or even feed this veritable hell of collaborators and starving refugee masses. The general shortage of rice had driven prices to dizzying heights: from 10 riel per kilo in December 1971 to 125 riel in December 1973 and on to 300 riel in early 1975, reaching a record 340 riel in mid-February. The retreat of the imperialists and the advance of the Khmer Rouge must have acted as a double signal: On the one hand, to storm against the hated parasites and the urbanites in general, on the other hand, to return to the countryside in chaos. The Khmer Rouge had to evacuate the city and channel the returning flow to avoid a total catastrophe. The fact that the displaced people left a wide trail of blood behind them on their way out of the city (for the time of the Khmer Rouge government, there is consistent talk of at least 1 million deaths) was unavoidable under the given conditions. It is significant that the majority of the massacres affected the urban population and certain national minorities: precisely intellectuals, military officers of the old Lon Nol regime, Sihanoukists, capitalists, merchants etc., and apart from the Cham (Muslims) almost exclusively the Vietnamese and Chinese minorities, whose social situation we have already pointed out.
Whether it was spontaneous peasant terror or executions organised by the Khmer Rouge, it was partly revolutionary violence against the supporters of the old regime, which as such does not speak against but for the Khmer Rouge, and partly pogroms, which the leaders at most accepted and tried to direct in the interests of the state monopoly on the use of force. But it is not so important whether the Khmer Rouge leaders had to accept or order these massacres. What is decisive is that they were forced by material development to eliminate or to have eliminated precisely those strata on which they wanted to rely. This, together with the evacuation of the cities, deprived them of any social support other than the peasantry. Thus they were at the mercy of this peasantry, which had to be disciplined for the actualisation of their “programme”. The conflict with it was therefore programmed for the time after the famine had been averted.
After the worst of the chaos had been overcome, it was attempted to use these structures, which had prevailed in a rather primitive way during the hunger phase, for one’s “industrialisation programme” by maintaining and further intensifying collectivisation. Necessity was to become a capitalist virtue. The complete lack of such “civilisational” achievements as the intercourse of money and commodities was supposed to make for an ideal, indeed classic, “truck system”, i.e. payment in kind alone. The peasants were forced into ever new production battles, because now surpluses were to be produced for export – i.e. for exchange with foreign means of production – which indeed happened and animated the leaders even further. The general command was under the iron slogan: “Work hard and try to achieve maximum results with a minimum of investment”, and the focus was on absolute labour effort.
Once a sufficient level of production had been restored, however, the whole construction was bound to collapse completely sooner rather than later. Anyone who has even a pale inkling of the travails of the infamous Stalinist collectivisation in Russia – and the Russian state was on an incomparably higher social level and had quite different means of power at its disposal – can easily imagine how the intellectual would-be enablers of capitalism in Cambodia, then practically hanging in the air, would have to perish in an orgy of violence – unless, with the help of a foreign power, they could get a grip on the chaos and create more stable conditions through a series of concessions to the peasantry. Most likely, however, they would be finished even then, like a man trying to hold on as long as possible to a wildly thrashing bull and then falling to the ground exhausted. In any case, the arena crowd was already eagerly awaiting the outcome of the tragedy.
Sovereignty, neutrality, non-alignment – this credo runs through all declarations as a complement to “autarky”. But already in the face of the first offensive by the Vietnamese, it must have slowly become clear to the Khmer Rouge leaders that these fine words could only have one meaning in our unpleasant world, namely to place themselves under the protection of the People’s Republic of China. In Pol Pot’s interview, which we have just quoted, a strange acronym appears: CPK. This means “Communist Party of Kampuchea”. And yet, to the boundless amazement of bourgeois commentators, the Khmer Rouge had never tried to dress up their declarations or their constitution with Marxist or pseudo-Marxist vocabulary – which is certainly very sympathetic to us. On the contrary, they have displayed an obvious and pedantic aversion to these concepts. Neither “vanguard of the proletariat” or “communist party” nor “proletarian internationalism”, neither “classless society” nor “dictatorship of the proletariat”, but also not “new democratic revolution”, “mass line”, “creation of a new man”, “peaceful coexistence” etc. etc. had ever been spoken of. If similar contents had to be expressed, they were paraphrased with other words. But this did not happen because the Pol Pot folks would have been particularly honest and wanted to do us Marxists a favour. This happened because in their dogged nationalism they wanted to distance themselves clearly from their neighbours Vietnam, but also China, who professed to be “socialist”. The national character of all these revolutions and states, the national character of their confrontations and of their whole politics is expressed even in the fact that the weakest link feels compelled by the instinct of self-preservation to dispense with the “Marxist” or “socialist” cloak for the capitalist programme! This is what “socialism in one country” has come to! And the adoption of the “Marxist” “vocabulary” here is a sign of the surrender of the so sacred national sovereignty. If, as already mentioned, no announcement had ever mentioned a party or revolutionary phases (there was always talk of a “revolutionary organisation” and even of “Angkor traditions”), Pol Pot told his astonished people and all those who wanted to know the following story on 27 September 1977: the CPK had already existed in Cambodia since 30 September 1960 and had achieved this miracle of a national-democratic revolution. He told it the day before he left for Beijing, on which, fighting a losing battle against the Vietnamese, he has been completely dependent ever since.
As a “plaything of foreign powers”, the nationalist intellectuals of Cambodia perished. The peasantry, largely decimated under the pressure of the imperialist frenzy and its consequences, as now under the pressure of Vietnam’s national expansion, is an example of the fate that capitalist society reserves for small and weak peoples in its emergence and development. To such peoples the proletariat alone would and will secure the right of self-determination, because unlike the bourgeoisie it does not seek national privileges but wants to abolish them, because unlike the bourgeoisie it can create voluntary union, because unlike the bourgeoisie it liberates itself not by exploiting others but by abolishing all exploitation.
submitted by ravedeath1917 to Marxism [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:01 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 17, 2024

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submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:36 ProjectCaffeinePills [osu!std and osu!mania] Ivaxa Possible Cheating and Multiaccounting

Ivaxa has been well known for his high BPM stream plays along with his obscene singletapping skills over the course of a few weeks at the time of writing. His most notable achievement is his S rank on Deceit [pishi’s Extra] +DT (Score) (Replay). However there is some unusual behavior that Ivaxa has that should be looked into. This thread will look into quite a few cases of these weird findings.
As of the current date, May 16th, 2024, we have collected enough information to submit our public review of Ivaxa’s activity. We are asking the osu! staff and other independent researchers to validate our information and proof-check every single aspect of it. If our findings would be proven to be incorrect and/or not substantial - that's completely fine. Our goal is not to just blindly accuse but to establish the truth.
This document contains currently collected information about Ivaxa, his scores, profiles, and potential connections to other “alt” accounts in the game. We, as an independent team, are trying to establish the legitimacy or lack thereof of said player.
As always, harassment of any of the people mentioned/involved in the report is inappropriate. Please be civil when partaking in the discussion.
Replays, and VODs can be found in a google drive at the end of the thread so you can investigate and see moments listed in the thread yourself.
But first, here's a few things to consider:
  1. Ivaxa’s mouse is a HyperX Pulsefire Haste 2, he allegedly plays on 800 DPI with a 0.62x sens multiplier on osu!. The only reason as to why it’s alleged is because of his recent streams, his sensitivity seems higher than it actually is.
  2. He plays with a Sayu O3C keypad that runs at 8000hz (Peripheral information can be found from Ivaxa’s Twitch channel.)
  3. He is able to singletap 191 BPM streams consistently.
  4. Ivaxa used to be a DT aim player, not much of a stream player until recently.
  5. The player does have skill, however he may be using some sort of outside assistance software-wise like aim assist or relax hacks.
  6. All replays in this thread were inspected using Circleguard.
  7. Most of the information down below was conducted in the empirical (perceived) sense, so take all of it with a grain of salt.

Section one: Replays

There are a few moments within Ivaxa’s recent replays that felt unusual or very strange; mostly unusual edge hits, but also weird UR bar behavior.
The Deceit +DT
There are a few things to mention about this score. The first is an unusual UR bar behavior from 91076 ms (~1 minute 31 seconds) to 93123 ms (~1 minute 33 seconds). The UR bar looks like this in the end. This type of UR bar behavior is often found in 125 hz keyboards with a map that has a BPM that is a multiple of 125 (125 BPM, 250 BPM, 375 BPM, etc.). However, Ivaxa doesn’t use a 125hz keyboard or keypad, he uses one that is rated at 8000hz. This is rather unusual since this type of UR is only found in this section of the map only. Also, if he were to play on a 125hz keyboard/keypad, the type of UR that was shown above would be all over the map since the Deceit with DT is mostly 375 BPM.
The second would be his aim, particularly at around 1885 combo, his cursor shakes at an abnormal magnitude from the rest of the map. This shake can be caused by nerves, tapping strain of the left hand, or a mix of both. But, Ivaxa’s alleged sensitivity is so low that the shake that has been shown in the replay is either really hard to do or impossible.
Gotta go Fast +DTSO
This score has one thing that is quite suspicious. at 47582 ms (~48 seconds) into the map, an awkward edge hit is found where he over-aimed and seemingly snapped back to the circle. This kind of edge hit is something that a normal osu! player wouldn’t be able to hit entirely, especially at the speed at which the map is being played at. Another edge hit can be found in the same map at 28852 ms (~29 seconds), where the cursor doesn’t naturally curve at the end, instead snapping to the edge of the circle. Both cases may allude to the usage of some sort of aim assist.
Metal Crusher +DT
There are two things to note about this score, the first is some unusual cursor movement at the ending section of the map. Ivaxa’s cursor slightly follows the slider at 59128 ms (~59 seconds), and another right after at 60400 ms (~one minute). Movement like this paired with the speed at which the map is being played at just seems unusual/suspicious.
There are also five edge hits within the map, four out of the five edge hits are at the very edge of a circle. The probability of hitting these types of edge hits is rather low, especially when there are four of them in one map.
Edge Hit #1:
Edge Hit #2:
Edge Hit #3:
Edge Hit #4:
Edge Hit #5:
Sendan Life +DTHD
There is something to be said about some of the 100’s that Ivaxa is hitting. More specifically some 100’s within a few of the maps that have been observed so far are very near the barrier of being a 300 hit regardless of whether the note is early or late (, The sayu is precise enough to actually hit these types of 100’s, however it feels like these have occurred too often, so much so that this play has half of the 100’s in the map has these “edge 100’s,” for a lack of a better term. There are also two 100’s (100 #1 and 100 #2) that have been hit at exactly the same lateness/timing.
100 #1:
100 #2:
100 #3:
100 #4:
100 #5:
100 #6:

Section Two: Twitch Streams

The two pieces of information down below are more focused on his single tapping skills, along with some weird/suspicious moments during his stream.
Stream title: #18 #2PL we back boys PL/ENG
At 15:37, Ivaxa is seen to be double tapping 270 bpm streams even though he S ranked the Deceit with DT around three days after said stream (390 BPM). At 49:15 mins of the same stream: he is seen to singletap 191 BPM streams, probably because he was warm when playing at his point.
Stream title: #17 #2PL Yomi yori 3 mod pass happening right now wtf,
On March 31st, 2024, on the VOD where he S ranked The Deceit +DT, at the end of the VOD at 2:58:42 Ivaxa is seen singletapping a 390 BPM burst. After which he paused the game and blamed Steam notifications. Despite the bottom half of his monitor being visible on stream through the webcam, where no steam notifications or pop-ups are visible, he then opened Steam to "change notifications settings.'' After allegedly changing the settings, his cursor trajectory on the visible parts of the monitor on stream tells us that he moved the mouse from the top most left corner, while usually Steam settings are located in a pop-up window at the center of the screen. Afterwards His stream allegedly "crashed."
To see the moment, play the following .mp4 file: 20240331 #17 #2PL Yomi yori 3 mod pass happening right now wtf Part 3 and go to the near end.
Stream title: #9 #2PL if i want to i'll farm req closed
On April 7th, 2024 Ivaxa showed on the osu! Game discord server that he is able to singletap 191 BPM (better picture of the graph), however six days later after the message, on his stream on April 13th, 2024 Ivaxa showed that he was able to singletap PoNo’s Yomi Yori 220 BPM streams at the end. This type of BPM jump in such a short amount of time can only be reasoned with by hardware abuse via rapid trigger. Either that, or some sort of relax hack that assists the player in tapping.

Section Three: Multiaccounting

There are many pieces of information that suspect that Ivaxa is multiaccounting, however there is currently no concrete evidence on whether or not he is indeed multiaccounting. Please keep this in mind when reading this section of the thread.
The Mulitiaccount & Play Count Graphs
Pipecat is the suspected multiaccount. First of all, both Pipecat and Ivaxa are placed 1st and 2nd on the osu!mania leaderboard in Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland (This is done by using osu! subdivide nations). Both play count graphs also seem to compensate for each other as of 2024, April 4th (the graph for Ivaxa has been warped in order to have a better visualization).
Time-pp Scatter Chart & Best Performances
The same thing happens with their Best Performance Time-pp Scatter Chart from ameobea/osu!track (Pipecat's Mania Chart and Ivaxa's Mania Chart non warped). Both graphs seem to compensate for each other, especially at around the month of March, as of 2024, April 5th (again, Ivaxa's chart has been warped for better visualization of score submissions).
Speaking of pp, both accounts have similar maps in their best performances list (Ivaxa is on the left, Pipecat on the right). If you want to see more, just check their mania profiles.
This may ask the reason as to why Ivaxa hasn’t played any vsrg (Vertical Scrolling Rhythm Game), and yet his performance in mania is abnormal for his time played. As seen from the play count graph from above, Ivaxa would’ve most likely played mania first on the Pipecat account, and then proceeded to play mania again on the other.
Names/Naming Scheme & Last Seen
Their naming scheme can also be taken into account as, Ivaxa’s name was inspired by Vaxei, and Pipecat was inspired by Whitecat.
It is also worth noting that Ivaxa and Pipecat’s Last Seen times are near each other, being more or less one hour apart from each other.

Section Four: Misc, additional “facts,” and Speculations

This section is dedicated to the additional miscellaneous information and our speculation formed from the data we discovered during the process of the investigation. These entries are not verbosely written due to us not finding enough evidence/information to make them included in the previous sections.
For ease of understanding the entry's level of absurdity, we marked them with color tags. The marking process for each entry was completely subjective so even the most absurd ones could be a potential aid for independent investigators/osu! staff as an additional lead where we “hit the wall.”
Fact: Could be used as a potential lead
Fact + Assumption: Not substantial enough to be included in previous sections/Assumption
Pure Speculation: Completely speculative fact/information
Fact: BayOfEvil (Ivaxa’s old username), does have an osu!report on it, although the report isn’t very helpful. One of the thread's replies includes a Discord recording with Ivaxa playing as “proof” of him being legit. This should be investigated further (
Fact: Ivaxa’s Mania score on Ne uchi +DT was set 22 days after his no-mod score.
Fact: In Pipecat's osu profile a discord server can be found (, upon searching "Ivaxa" the only two mentions of the name is from the user Pipecat (
Fact: Guitar to Kodou to Aoi Hoshi: Edge hit at the very edge at 202358 ms (~3 minutes 22 seconds) ( Similar to the edge hit on FUCK YOU.
Fact + Assumption: FUCK YOU: Very erratic cursor movement at 4485 ms (~4.5 seconds) ( combined with his sensitivity and the map’s speed, this is basically impossible. Also he's been under-aiming a lot in this map but that might just be me. There is also an edge hit at the very edge at 60301 ms (~1 min) (, which can be questioned.
Fact + Assumption: Gotta go Fast HDDTHR: The UR bar is acting the same way that was observed with the deceit score from above (Gotta go Fast:, Deceit: With both maps being 375 BPM with DT, Ivaxa may or may not have used the same method of cheating if he is.
Fact + Assumption: Stream title: #18 #2PL we back boys PL/ENG, at 15:37 mins, Ivaxa is seen to be double tapping 270 bpm streams even though he S ranked the Deceit with DT around three days after said stream (390 BPM).
Fact + Assumption: A Thread created by sampierat on twitter:
Pure Speculation: During a congregation, several people have noted/proposed that Ivaxa may or may not be using three keys in order to stream higher bpm’s, using a software that alternates the middle key (since he plays ring-index) between key 1 and key 2 to insure that nothing is suspicious with his tapping count.
Pure Speculation: We condone an anonymous survey inside the mania community, including some of the top players, regular 4k, 7k, and 8k players, and some tournament organizers. Most of the participants agree that Ivaxa’s progression and improvement curve is abnormal.
Pure Speculation: Stream title: #18 #2PL we back boys PL/ENG, within the first hour of the stream, Ivaxa is seen to have completely lost his aim (44:46 min), even though he nearly fc'd Brazil on Fiery's Extreme with HDHRDT ten days prior to the stream. Although this evidence may not be as substantial as the others because of retry spamming Brazil.
Pure Speculation: The earliest known screenshots of Ivaxa grinding The Deceit Pishi's Extra, was on 2023, December 22nd (,, He later achieved an S rank on 2024, March 31st. He would've grinded the map for the past 3 months, however his play count seems to not reflect the grind, only having 237 plays as of 2024, April 5th (
Pure Speculation: the hands, and tapping technique may be similar to Ivaxa.
Pure Speculation: Potential lead/connection between Ivaxa and Pipecat could be found via steam accounts.
Ivaxa’s has two steam accounts (Both Steam profiles were sent to aknzx at one point):
Pure Speculation: Additional platforms related to Pipecat:
Pure Speculation: Pipecat’s Windows username (from this video ) If it could be proven that Ivaxa’s real name is Krzys, it could be a potential lead (despite it being a very popular name in Poland).
Pure Speculation: Pipecat is recording videos on his Youtube channel using both a PC and a Laptop. The PC is running Windows 11, and the Laptop is running Windows 10. This Could be a potential lead.


Ivaxa’s single tapping speed is very abnormal, especially considering that he was able to stream 220 BPM in just six days, starting from 191 BPM, all singletapped. His aim on some maps feels weird, and some edge hits are questionable in terms of legitimacy. The incident on his stream on March 31st of this year also felt suspicious and weirdly timed, as if he was covering something up. And Pipecat’s graphs line up in such a way that it seemingly compensated for Ivaxa’s play count, and pp-scatter chart. From the information that was gathered about Ivaxa, there is a likelihood that the player is cheating, via aim assist, partial relax, or a mix of both.
It is suggested/encouraged that you look into this yourself.

Files and Documents

For Ivaxa stream mp4’s, each “part” is in one hour segments (because untwitch). So part 1 would be the first hour of a stream, part 2 would be the second hour of a stream, etc. There are some parts where it didn’t download the full hour, so be aware of that.
We’ve also included one of the “VOD analyzer” test result files, which includes cursor positions from an analyzed stream segment (#11 #2PL 1.3k pp achieved). It was a completely custom-coded solution that analyzed the video frame by frame but it wasn’t used during the investigation, so we are unsure about the accuracy of the cursor detection.
Input data:
Approximate osu! playfield area on a 1920x1080 monitor:
-Top left of playfield area: (384, 126) -Bottom right of playfield area: (1536, 990) 
Ivaxa's Approximate playfield area on stream:
-Top left of playfield area: (329, 120) -Bottom right of playfield area: (1283, 835) 
Analyzed segment:
Google Drive:
Streams Timeline
Date Stream Title VOD Links
March 20th 2024 we back boys
March 31st 2024 Yomi Yori 3 mod pass
March 31st 2024 1.3k pp achieved
April 1st 2024 play game and then deceit farming
April 9th 2024 Yomi Yori DT Farming Right now N/A
April 13th 2024 singletap practice N/A
submitted by ProjectCaffeinePills to osureport [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:18 SCHALAAY [Wild] Gnoll Pack Miracle Rogue - outscamming the warlocks

Hi, I'm sbergs, you may know me from such previous meta-destroying Gnoll decks as Mine Rogue. I have just under 15,000 Rogue wins, which makes me roughly 1/3 as good a player as JAlex. After not playing Wild all season, with the release of the mini-set I took Gnoll Miracle Rogue from Bronze all the way to #20 Legend, at about 68% WR. I had about 90% WR (30-3) against Questline Warlock - this deck completely farms that matchup.
[mods, i'll edit in exact WR stats when I'm able to get to my Firestone later]
overall WR: 68% (97-45) vs Warlocks : 91% (31-3)
Twisted Pack is an incredibly strong card in the Wild Format. I'd probably put it at the second strongest card in the miniset, behind Mass Production.
The cards it generates are, of course, garbage. Occasionally you'll get a super highroll, but most of the time you get a smattering of unplayable cards from Wild's 10 years of sets.
But the Pack has insane synergy with four Wild-exclusive cards - Secret Passage, Finley Sea Guide, Wildpaw Gnoll, and Obsidian Shard.
Secret Passage actually removes the discard tag from the temporary cards generated by Pack. This means if you play Pack into Passage, after the end of turn you permanently keep the cards.
Finley then lets you flip all your garbage burgle cards into cards from your deck. You can do this on the same turn, or you can preserve the cards with Passage and draw into Finley on a later turn.
This means an early Pack / Finley not only massively increases your handsize, but (including your opener) allows you to see roughly half of the cards in your deck within the first couple turns.
The Pack, of course, adds 5 non-Rogue cards to your hand - so it instantly sets the cost of Wildpaw Gnoll and Obsidian Shard to 0. This, coupled with the ability to see 50% of your deck, lets you drop Gnolls and equip the Shard on turn 1.
Gnolls don't necessarily carry the game on their own, but they're a huge help vs. aggro decks, and the chip damage can help contribute to your rapid kill using an Obsidian Shards buffed with up to 3 Harmonic Hip-Hops (using Shadow of Demise).
I initially tried the Velarok tempo decks similar to the ones that were played back when Shell Game was printed, and they're alright. However I don't think they fully leverage the Finley/Pack synergy.
Similarly I've seen builds using Toy Boat and Pirates, partially to take advantage of the Treasure Distributor opener. I think these are decent as well, but I think in both cases its resulting in a mulligan trap.
You're inclined to hold things like Velarok and 1-drop pirates in your opening hand - when really you should be hard mulliganing for Twisted Pack, Finley, and Secret Passage. The explosiveness of your opener is heavily dependent on finding Pack, along with an ability to preserve it and use it to dig into your deck.
I quickly found that playing a Miracle Build worked incredibly well with the new combo. The huge draw from Pack / Finley finding you cheap spells/draw lets you get Arcane Giants down incredibly early. Turn 2 if you're lucky, turn 3/4 regularly.
I can't say with complete certainty that its faster than the traditional Miracle Giants build, but its on par at least, and has the added benefit of Gnoll anti-aggro and Shard face pressure.
I'm not gonna write up a full guide on Miracle Rogue, I'm sure there are decent ones out there. I'll mainly look at the ways this deck differs, mostly in the first couple turns.
Why not...
edit: stats
submitted by SCHALAAY to CompetitiveHS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:55 mrbobbilly2 Is WGU a good option for people just starting their career?

tldr; I know I can probably finish WGU in less than a year based on the CLEP and Sofia exams and if my university's and associates credits will transfer, but would WGU be helpful for someone like me whos just starting their career, because it seems like the vast majority of people enrolled are already knees deep in their career and are just doing WGU in order to move up to a new position. I haven't found any posts related to people trying to get their first real job, all of the posts are from people who already made it into their careers and are doing WGU to get promoted into a better role.
My previous career was being a social media creator, I made it big on Youtube for a few years but it's not enough to pay the bills anymore, I usually don't mention what I previously did because it's seen as unprofessional and not taken seriously by people and it's not considered a real careejob by people I talk to even though it's what Ive been doing for the past 9 years... I plan on keeping my Youtube stuff as a side hobby now if I manage to get a tech job (there's another thing where employers will check your social medias, so leaving Youtube behind might have to be considered...)
So now I'm trying to get into tech jobs, I completed a coding bootcamp in 2022 and I'm actively working on a few coding portfolio projects but it seems like having a bachelors degree is a bare minimum to be taken seriously for entry level by employers nowadays and projects are just for talking points in interviews to show you have the skills for the job to keep the conversation with the interviewer going for more than 10 minutes (if you're lucky to have an interviewer who understands coding projects even)
My main concern is how helpful would WGU be (like their career services and student support) if I'm applying to entry level tech jobs just starting my career, or would I be better off finding a different way to get into tech like continuing to make personal coding projects to maybe make a business out of them/applying to WITCH company contractors like Accenture? (problem with WITCH companies is they also require a bachelors degree now)
So is WGU's positive outcomes mainly for people who already have professional work experience? What about people who are just starting their career? It seems like WGU is for people already in their industries working their way up and not people just starting out
Long Story:
I'm in a tough spot. I'm majoring in Information Systems and my current school I'm attending is called Grand Valley State University but I'm not having a good time because of their traditional 4 month semester like you have to be on pace with everyone else, I rather just get assignments done quicker or if I want to slow down and truly understand the material but if you were to ask to do that at my school they would imply you're being inconsiderate and rude...
Competency based learning is such a new and I guess revolutionary concept to them because the traditional way is all they have ever known. The fact that you can go on your own pace and not have to stick to a strict timeline schedule is a new concept to most of these schools, if you can't stick to the same schedule as everyone it must mean you're using Chatgpt your way through if you're able to go faster, or you're not understanding the material if your pace is behind everyone else
I graduated from an online community college (they do have 2 campuses, they just happen to have fully online majors) with a business technology management associates of science in 2021 but there's a major problem with my state university, I have 82 credits and they classified me as a Junior but I'm basically a freshman because all of those credits are free electives, my credits basically weren't accepted because they're from out of state even though they're all business/CS related. Annoying the registration department of my school didn't help, they were very firm on holding their "standards" claiming my community college credits aren't rigerous enough for the school how Ohio and Michigan has different standards...
Ohio colleges and unis are not compliant with Michigan transfer guidelines or something is pretty much what she said. Ohio schools are starting to do competency based learning, but Michigan is extremely hesitant in adapting, they're insistent on staying traditional "because we have different standards"
My university posted their stats on their demographics proving my suspicions, the non traditional above 22 year old students here are in the single digit percentage here. I'm a non traditional student, meaning I'm not my state university's usual student who just graduated high school and are under 22, I'm 25 I been out of college since 2021 I just recently came back last year, there's nothing I can relate to these kids and it feels awkward being around 18 year olds when I look like their age but if they were to somehow find out my actual age that would be even more awkward. There's that saying "you don't want to be the 25 year old whos still in school with kids".
I just don't fit in with this traditional teaching model, I excelled at online learning that my Ohio CC did but it seems like my local Michigan schools in general are doing away with online based learning and going back to a sit in a classroom setting because they're apparently paranoid with rampant cheating with ChatGPT and stuff so much that they're making everyone required to be in class and do everything on paper now. The only strength my school really has for me is the local connection to internships, that's pretty much it... All my friends graduated in 2021 so the socialization attraction of college left 3 years ago
The school is a 50 minute daily drive which is horrible, they do not offer convenient online classes, it's your typical brick and mortar sit in a classroom and listen to the lecture type school which has never worked out for me since like middle school. Then there are those professors who do flipped-classrooms where the professor does not teach, you and your classmates are teaching each other which is a horrible experience like how do you expect students to teach people stuff they don't know about and you get mad at us for teaching it the wrong way
My school also does not offer semester-round for certain classes, so theres certain mandatory classes you have to take but it's only offered once a year like only in the Fall or Winter of that year, no other semester offered, so if you miss out on that specific class at that very specific semester or if it becomes full and no one drops so you can't enroll, you'll have no way to take those classes, better luck next year. They expect to have 25k students enrolled this year (half of that will be in CS/IT/Data Science) when they do not have enough professors, resources and local internships to handle all of that, it's a small ass university in the middle of farms.
This caused my graduation timeline to actually be late 2026 or ealy 2027 and there's no way in hell I want to wait that long, I rather graduate as soon as possible and get to the money now instead of having to wait like almost 4 years to start my life.
I couldn't find a course transfer equivelancy page on WGU's website to show what specific classes will transfer from certain universities, does anyone have information about what credits can transfer without having to call WGU? (I don't want to get spam called by them) I've been spam called by SNHU from different people when I requested to see what credits might transfer. The wild thing is I checked my university's transfer equivelancy and they don't accept any CS credits from WGU, only basic business classes but as free electives mostly: GVSU Course Equivalencies
submitted by mrbobbilly2 to WGU [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:23 MedicalMarvel69 How do you give up without giving up?

I want to have children, I want to buy a home, I want to work my job, I want to live healthy, I want to not step on others to make all that happen. It is impossible at this day and age to do all of them, maybe not even half at the same time.
The water we drink is poisoned. Whether it's waste legally dumped from factories making untested chemicals, or from the pipes it flows through or from the containers we drink from, it doesn't seem like you can drink untainted water.
Our food is poisoned. Whether it's the untested chemicals put into it to make it last longer, taste better, become more addictive and become cheaper, or from the chemicals known to cause health issues, sprayed on it to keep bugs off. If we are talking about meat, factory farmed livestock is given plastic to eat, pumped with hormones to grow bigger and faster, and all that's without getting into the torture of their short lives in the dark with no room to move, living in their own excrement.
Our shelter costs more than ever in American history, not just to own, but to borrow. Broken homes are being sold for what more than half the population could afford to "buy." Buy is a loose word because over 3/4ths of Americans live Paycheck to paycheck. We don't have money to "buy" anything. We have to borrow money from institutions that have crashed our economy, in order to hopefully, eventually own one of these broken homes. If you borrow shelter (rent), you are at the mercy of your landlord, almost guaranteed to have the rent go up every year and lose your down payments when you move out. If you refuse to buy or borrow, wherever you stay is likely illegal and the country is working on making it a crime to sleep outside. You will be productive, whether is by "choice" or in prision.
Our environment is poisoned. The air you breathe, the water you swim in, the ground you grow crops in, is it safe? Have you gotten it tested? Sure there are "acceptable" levels of everything, but who is it acceptable to? The people living in it or the people polluting it? Can you go for a swim at your nearest beach without getting tar balls stuck to your clothing or your dogs fur from the multiple offshore oil rigs crowding the sunset view? I can't. Can you swim in the lake or pond nearest to you? I can't. Its prohibited and I cannot find a specific reason, but I'm sure it has something to do with the water cooling the Power plant located there. Somehow the fish have been cleared as acceptable to eat though. If you can't find somewhere to swim, you better find a way to cool down because this summer will be the hottest on record until next summer and so on. You sure you want to live in the hottest parts of the country right now? Will they be habitable in a few years? Will even the poisoned water be available to drink?
Our medical care is so expensive we either don't have it or are so afraid to use it for fear of bankruptcy. Insurance companies are constantly denying payment for basic medical needs and death causing events. Cancer will kill you and if it doesn't, the bill at the end will make you wish you died instead. If you wanted to try and pay for it yourself, the insurance industry has caused even just basic services to sky rocket in price, it's impossible. A 15 minute checkup is $400 out of pocket at the medical office nearest me. That does not include the blood work they send you to a different facility for, or any other xrays, medicine or general care you may need otherwise.
Our jobs are so level locked that if you've got no education, you'll make enough that the government will assist you with some needs like food. Your community has been trained to judge you for it, thinking you're cheating the system because you don't want to work, when in reality it's whichever corporation your working for, actively gaming the system so they can keep their labor costs as cheap as possible. If you've got some education, you're probably living to work. Yeah you only make what minimum wage SHOULD be, but if you work 80 hours every week,, you might be able to pull off a lower middle class life style. With some education, you might even be able to sneak into a 9-5 where you don't have to work as many hours, but you're still not making enough to meet every basic need. If you have higher education, you might be doing alright, or you might be unable to find a job, while stuck in nonexpiring, crippling debt. Maybe you're somewhere in between. And even if you've got a great job... is it safe? Did the shareholders make enough so that there won't be a massive round of layoffs this quarter? Did the right political candidate get elected so the field you work in isn't shut down until the opposite party gets back into power?
Not every American is in this position, there are lucky ones who come from enough money that they'll never know struggle, never know food/wateshelteHealthcare insecurity. But the one thing that is STILL unavoidable, the one thing EVERYONE must participate in is stepping on others to live day to day. Everyday, we interact with, see, touch, feel or use a product that was made with questionable labor, if not outright slave labor and human suffering. From the people mining the basic materials to create products, to the people working the factories that products are produced in, to your neighbor that works at the shipping facilities to get it to you, the whole line is corrupted and meant to squeeze the absolute most out of the workers operating everything. The threat of losing even more of your basic needs keeps you in line, if not threat of physical and emotional torture.
I am only smart enough to see the things that are wrong in the world and recognize that it is unsustainable, but I'm too dumb to solve any of it and convince others to help.
So how do we give up without giving up? How do we get rid of our morals and act like everything is fine? How do we continue on feeling good about the systems we have in place, knowing there is so much suffering involved? How do I make a concious decision to bring another human life into this world, to experience what Im experiencing, but for it to be so much worse by the time they can recognize it? It seems that there is no way to change everything and we are headed towards inevitable collapse, so how the hell do we enjoy the ride that's left? I see people do it everyday. Not doing it is pure depression and I am so exhausted from being depressed.
submitted by MedicalMarvel69 to doomer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:23 JConqistador Unified Necro Minions

There is a general consensus on main points of the uber-killer one shot kill blood golemancer (Army of the Dead, Shadowblight passive, Blood Golem), but not so much on a general build. There are a lot of variations out there by different content creators, I want to kind of discuss the pros and cons and gather my thoughts on how to shape a minion necro that can still kill uber bosses relatively quickly without hampering the ability to speedfarm gear or push pit levels.
I'm not going to get in to the nitty gritty details about exact paragon placement and such, but more a high level overview of different takes on the Minionmancer.



Attack Speed
According to the Mega Minion Guide, there are two buckets that can individually reach separate caps of 100%.
Cooldown Acceleration
We have a few reliable ways of cheating out lower cooldowns
Corpse Generation
When farming, corpses will be plentiful from random trash. When fighting bosses where are our corpses going to come from?
Vulnerable Application
Ultimate Skill
Key Passive
Support Skills
We have 2 skill slots left after Skeleton, Golem, Generator, and Ultimate. Maybe 3 if we decide to run without a generator.
Book of the Dead
2h vs 1h
Minions used to just take the weapon damage, so going big 2H scythe was the way to go. Now they also base their attack speed on the weapon speed so the DPS is equalized across all weapon types (verification needed)
Boards & Glyphs
The problem with Ubers & Uniques
Perhaps more than any other build, minion necros have a hard time working in all the aspects they want to take advantage of. Using a unique ring means you need to sacrifice a really nice damage or utility aspect like Plunging Darkness, Void, Blood Getter's, or Hulking. Using a unique helm, chest, or pants means losing out on a defensive or utility aspect like Shielding Storm, Void, Blood Getter's, or Hulking. You also cannot temper uniques nor do masterwork upgrades apply to the unique effect so we may lose on critical stats like extra life or ultimate cooldown reduction. Some items may fit in the build, but there will need to be sacrifices to use them.
Notable Uniques
Notable Ubers


With all that said, where does that leave us with regards to a general minionmancer?
submitted by JConqistador to D4Necromancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 16, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
Misc Questions
M1. Are macros and auto-clickers allowed?

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Please note that the above codes are manually updated!
If you have any suggestions or would like to add anything to this post, please contact the moderation team!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:50 Fine_Raise_8951 Used and Abused - The Reunion - Chapter 2

Beth and William came looking for me on the street. They bought me food and rented me a hotel room where I could shower. They supplied me with new clothes. They made me feel like a human again.
They explained that I would work for them on a farm Beth owned. When I inquired about Antonio, Beth got cold and warned me to mind my business.
As the three of us drove west with me in the backseat, Beth brought up the castration.
“Did it hurt?” She asked drawing a laugh from William.
“It did. It was awful.” I said.
“It was awful, Mistress.” William said correcting me.
It had been years since he ruined my life by cutting off my manhood. but still, he didn’t care. He was emotionless and only concerned that I knew my place.
I thought about demanding that he pull over so I could get out of the car. I’d go back to the city of hell, a safer place than with him but I didn’t because I was near Beth.
I studied the back of her head. She had her hair in a ponytail, I saw a few streaks of gray. She was human, she aged too. Of course, she still looked great and fit and tan as always. She knew how to take great care of herself.
“So Charlie, can you, you know. Can you jerk off or even have sex?” She asked giggling slightly.
I told her the truth. I could get an erection, but that was it. William laughed.
“I guess I won’t have to worry about the two of you cucking me!”
Beth laughed too.
“That’s ashame. I would love to cheat on you, William!” She said gently kissing the side of his face.
Beth then turned her head to face me. She looked so sexy in her sunglasses. Despite being ball-less, my dick grew.
“When we get home, I need to see you hard! I have to see what that looks like!” Beth said flashing her beautiful smile.
“Looks like someone is getting a blowy!” William said.
Beth laughed at his joke. She lifted her bare feet up and placed them on the dashboard. I don’t think she did it to draw my attention, It just seemed like something she liked to do while in the passenger seat. How I missed those feet. That little tiny dot on her big toe was still there. I noticed her nails were freshly polished too. Those feet, my foot fetish, the beginning of my downfall. From boyfriend, to husband, to slave to eunuch. It all started because I was more in love with her feet than I was with myself.
A sadist doesn’t always wish to dominate or hurt others. I think it’s about certain individuals. In Charlie’s case, I felt the overwhelming need to control him, to humiliate him. Yes, it had been years since I last saw him or even thought about him, but like a black widow, once I had him again, I felt the need to own him.
Willam certainly didn’t disuade me so before we arrived back at the farm, I was already laying down the ground rules. I was the master, William was too. Charlie would again be the servant. It was that or back to the streets for him.
The power made me horny. I could not wait until we returned home so I could give myself totally to William. I had a slave again, so William would have me.
We arrived at the farm, I was overwhelmed by its rural spaciousness, especially after spending the better part of the decade on the streets of New York.
Beth and William were trying to figure out what to do with me. William suggested I be treated as a guest for the time being at least, be given a guest room to sleep in, etc but Beth was unsure.
“He’s dirty and maybe even diseased. He should see a doctor first before we let him inside.”
“Charlie, you’ll need to sleep in the barn. I promise you it won’t be like it was with Tex on his farm, we won’t hurt you but it’s the best I can offer. Beth said.
Not looking to cause any problems, I fell to my knees and crawling behind them, I was led to my new home. Yes, it was a stable for a horse, covered in straw but it had a roof. That night, I slept like a baby.
submitted by Fine_Raise_8951 to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:56 Fire_anelc Ruining the fun for cheaters while having a great time.

To start, I'm a regular player since launch but never never improved much beyond a certain point. Right now I sit with a 1.3 lifetime k/d, have been finishing the battlepasses and getting a good grip of each season but I'm always solo queue since none of my friends would even give another try to the game.
Understandable mostly because of the matchmaking and how hard it is to improve in beginning specially if I play with them. These last seasons have been harsh and now a days, the matches feel totally manipulated to either give advantages to certain squads to win the game while other lose, matching predators with players with worst than 1 K/d and even worst, the dubious aim and behaviour that makes me think how good their gaming chairs are.
NOW TO GET INTO THE POINT, usually the game puts me on European servers, where my experience playing is as described above. I recently tried to connect to other servers to see if things could be even worst like I see in Reddit or youtube. Tried New York. Saw for the first time someone using super aimbot blatantly and got shocked.
Decided to go deeper. Taiwan 2. Long wait in lobby, seems like there is only 2 or 3 games at the same time with low population. And with good internet, the game helps a lot with the low ping which you can get used to.
But the match it self? Oh boy. Your team will consist of 3 options 1 - boosters who are probably pumping an account.
2 - bots to be farmed, easily recognisable by their names. They will drop in line along the whole map so boosters can kill them easily and stay in place.
3 - people like me, super rare but important to recognize since all of them recognize the mission without me saying a word. Driven by pure fun and having a good time playing this game again, we all know what's the best possible win: ruin the day of these cheaters with raw skill.
If your team consists of number 1 option, then you can only start the diplomatic way by politely asking for their integrity as players. "Why do you do this? This is super boring to do. Why farm?" They don't expect any real players in their squads and the first thing they'll do is to ask to go along. Which I didn't. I will never want to do what these people are doing and avoid shooting the bots at all costs, UNLESS I can steal the kills of the booster teammate. Shooting exactly the same targets he aims at. And the best part is that while one account is being boosted, the other is just being a spotter. He pings a target that he finds and I can focus on stealing the kill at the best time.
If your team has number 2 or 3 options, then the game is simple: hunt the cheaters and have a jolly good apex time. Yes they will have cheats, aim bot, punch boosting, maybe wall hacking. But since they lack so much skill and are playing a total different game of doing a shores along the map, they turn into easy prey and get outplayed.
Basically I'm having fun hunting these guys and receiving messages on Xbox offering me 20 kills badges and to be friends. It's easy to bully the same cheaters by queueing at the same time but it's guaranteed cheater lobby anyways.
I will never use a badge acquired by farming bots and have been actively avoiding it so in these matches.
Sorry for the long post since I decided to be as informative as possible about my experience. I really hope more people can join these games not just to see the real state of the game but also to refresh some fun into the game. What makes me sad is that most of the cheaters in my squad were definitely European and soon they would go back to cheat in normal servers.
submitted by Fire_anelc to ApexConsole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:40 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.

[PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.


This took weeks of picking and testing mods
Played on PS5, should work on PS4
Order is stable, no crashes
New game on survival difficulty required
All 6 DLCs needed
No unbalanced cheat mods added
Very difficult but satisfying and immersive
Adding other mods will break stuff, ask in comments
Not tested on PS4 or PS4 Pro performance-wise


This modlist is for people enjoying difficult challenge, exploration, combat, managing settlements and a bit of building. No more bullet sponges, loot/enemy respawns and rambo playstyle!
In the beginning you are no one. You leave the vault weak, tired, with barely any gear. Avoid most encounters and quests at the start. Try to survive, build a safe spot and carefully explore. Be aware of your surroundings, use what you find.
Saving often in beds and making 'autosave drug' at the earliest possibility is a good idea (nearest chemistry workbench is at Abernathy Farm). Save menu is always on top of MISC category in Pip-Boy.
Discovering new places gives plenty of exp in the beginning, but quests are your main exp income.
Exploring safer areas like Sanctuary, Concord and smaller settlements first (avoiding powerful enemies) recommended. There might be a lot of combat in the background. Don't engage much, especially avoid supermutants, robots, turrets, bears - they are deadly even for high level, well developed characters. Raiders also hit hard, depending on their weapon and rank.
Weapon caliber makes huge damage difference. 10mm is pretty weak, but if you find rare .50cal rounds or some good explosives, you should eliminate tougher targets much more easily.
Investing in stats right after level 15 is a good idea. STR for carry weight, PER for accuracy, END for health, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak and speed, LCK for dmg and loot. Be sure of your choices. Watch out for 'revealing all map markers' and 'slow time when aiming' perks. Be sure you want and like them, there is no going back.
Deathclaw in the early minuteman quest is tough - try to use explosives to break his legs and some high caliber weapons to finish him off by shooting his face. Or maybe you'll get lucky and raiders will kill him. Or just simply avoid him until you get proper gear.
Don't waste ammo on zombies, use melee. Bullets are valuable. However zombies can grab and instantly kill you if your HP is very low, so watch out on low, early levels!
Aim for the head for much higher damage. Concentrating damage on arms or legs to rip them off is a good strategy too. Raider without arms wont do much to you except running around and alerting nearby enemies, that is.
Damage types are important. Ballistic damage is not efficient against turrets, melee against radroaches and so on. You need to figure out yourself whats best strategy.
Develop and protect your settlements, put walls to protect generators and other important structures. Repairing is costly. Gear up settlers. Scraping and cleaning settlements is a good early source of components.
Try to fully explore the map, kill enemies and do all quests. Most loot and enemies wont ever respawn so this is your chance to find new secrets in Commonwealth and clear the place.

========== CHANGES ==========

Combat, Enemies

  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, run in fear, use and pick up ammo & weapons, swap to backup gun and so on.
  • Headshots or weakspot hits do much higher damage than torso shots.
  • Gun caliber greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful and damage type matters.
  • Foes have special moves like biting and holding leg, wrestling moves, kicks. Dependent on enemy type and briefly stuns you.

Sound, Graphic

  • Sounds are less flat because of added reverb and other tweaks.
  • Very dark nights with wide, helpful flashlight.
  • Atmospheric lightning: beautiful light from lantern and fire sources, dusk, dawn, moon, plus bullets illuminate environment when flying around.
  • No dreadful, annoying, unimmersive: combat music, hearthbeat, sounds of generators, turrets, exp gain sound, most perk triggers and perk chart.

Crafting, Modifying

  • Making/disasembling ammo and also creating various shipments. Upgrading clothes, rings, glasses in different ways.
  • Legendary swapping, crafting legendary effects using technical documents. Some effects have been adjusted.
  • Added crafting of new, lower damage explosives, but they have unique effects for ease of use.


  • STR affects carry weight, PER accuracy, END is health, max AP, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak, walk and reload speed, LCK for small dmg boost, loot, critical hits outside VATS and while using it.
  • Leveling up does not give you health. You rely on stats, bonuses, gear.
  • Perks tree mostly changed, level 15 needed to start increasing Special base stats, level of around 100 to increase stat to 10. To get all perks you would need 300 levels, so new modified 'idiot savant' will help a lot.
  • Collecting magazines, bobbleheads, companion perks is now more helpful and recommended.
  • Some skills are changed, reordered, much more interesting and useful.
  • More perks are needed for crafting, especially science perk is required for most technology related stuff.
  • Lockpicking everything is available instantly from level one, but perks and AGI make it reasonably easier. Bobby pins are more rare.
  • Hacking is simplified to not do the repeating minigame. Now holotapes to reprogram and override terminals might be of use.

Settlements, Building

  • Expensive build costs of robot workbenches, turrets, big generators, so buying component shipments is justified.
  • You can hire guards for caps or risk settlers lives on the usual guard posts.
  • Can't harvest planted fruit and veg, you get your fair share in workbench instead.
  • Collecting resources by settlers changed. Bigger variety of settlers and they are now mortal.
  • More objects to build and decorate your bases.

Locations, Loot

  • Items like meds and ammo are harder to find and exist in appropriate containers.
  • New map markers and few minuteman towers as a small addition to explore.
  • Quick travel available, but only to settlements.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses drop legendaries. And many more...

Before you download:

  • Safe to remove/swap mods are listed below the modlist, just in case you don't like or want some of them. Rest needs to be kept for balance or glitch removal, but only in the CORRECT ORDER!
  • Remove all mods you currently have before downloading this mod list.
  • Read what to do after downloading mods.


  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4] - Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4.
  2. Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file.
  3. [PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom) - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file.
  4. Kane's Items Sorting (PS4) - Junk is sorted and some other things too.
  5. [PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents.
  6. Named NPC Protection [PS4] - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies.
  7. Tribals of Commonwealth - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness.
  8. Ghouls Of Commonwealth - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos.
  9. DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4] - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos.
  10. Longhorns Of The Commonwealth - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map.
  11. Gulpers Of The Commonwealth - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  12. Wolves Of The Commonwealth - Adds wolf spawn points to the map.
  13. More Behemoths In Commonwealth - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth.
  14. Behind Enemy Lines - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region.
  15. Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations.
  16. More Radstags - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests.
  17. Better Radstags - More agressive radstags.
  18. Not a Princess - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood.
  19. Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4] - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests.
  20. [PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu.
  21. Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 49 objects for building in settlements.
  22. Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags.
  23. Constructible Faction Guards - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction.
  24. [PS4] OCDecorator - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects.
  25. [PS4] OCDecorator DLC - Support for addons for the above mod.
  26. Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty.
  27. 1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4] - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically.
  28. [PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags - Adds animations to supermutant meat bags.
  29. Power Line Physics [PS4] - Swinging power lines in settlements.
  30. No Sneak Indicators - Completely removes all sneak indicators.
  31. [PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin.
  32. Vertibirds Unghosted - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism.
  33. [PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition) - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them.
  34. Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter.
  35. Fallout 76-Style Region Music - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks.
  36. Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4] - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options.
  37. Better Dialogue - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption.
  38. Esk QuietPerks [PS4] - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant.
  39. No Experience SFX - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources.
  40. [PS4] Dead Beat - Removes heart beat sound at low HP.
  41. Combat Music Remover - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you.
  42. Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4] - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker.
  43. UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth.
  44. [PS4] No More Fake Puddles - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7.
  45. No More Twigs - Removes stupid twigs sticking out of the ground.
  46. [PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps.
  47. [PS4] Dark Mode - Abandoned Settlements - Empty settlements don't have light sources.
  48. Vanilla Moon (4x) - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality.
  49. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4] - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night.
  50. Crafting Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor.
  51. Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while aiming.
  52. More Map Markers (PS4) - Adds some new markers on map.
  53. CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4 - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while aiming in VATS mode.
  54. VATS Third Person Only - As the name says, just changes in cameras used in VATS.
  55. [PS4] Payneful VATS - Better VATS cinematics, shows important hits and finishers a bit slower.
  56. Component Tagging Helper - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total.
  57. Grenade and Mine Pack - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives.
  58. Saving Survival Mode - Allows crafting misc items on chemistry workbench for anytime saving (3 standard autosave slots and 1 save shared/overwritten on all survival characters).
  59. Animations Be Gone - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary.
  60. Minuteman Watchtowers - Adds 8 minuteman watchtowers containing loot and/or guards.
  61. Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters.
  62. Clothes For Every Stats Wz - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave.
  63. Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4] - Small changes in how traps work and balance them.
  64. See-Through-Scopes [PS4] - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification.
  65. See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4] - As above but for 2 Nuka World guns.
  66. See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4] - As above but for 2 Far Harbor weapons.
  67. Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4] - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours.
  68. Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4 - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes.
  69. Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4) - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor.
  70. Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation) - DLC compatibility for IG.
  71. Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4) - Overwrites starting level to 1.
  72. Medium Settlement Raids PS4 - Makes enemy raids less ridicolous and balanced.
  73. Zombie Walkers (PS4) - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies.
  74. Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition - - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight.
  75. Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4] - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport.
  76. Realistic Insects Health [PS4] - Makes insects easier to kill and balanced.
  77. Full Load - Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot.
  78. Full Load - Rough Start Less Handouts - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111.
  79. Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature. - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs.
  80. Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk.
  81. Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4 - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying rings for special legendary effects.
  82. [PS4] STS - All-In-One - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects.
  83. (PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions.
  84. Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4 - Adds rank two of VANS perk - explorer. Uncovers map.
  85. Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4) - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS.
  86. Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4] - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away.
  87. Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4] - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit.
  88. Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4 - Moves attack spawns outside the settlements.
  89. Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4] - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits.
  90. [PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu if you have any.
  91. No Affinity Cooldown - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions.
  92. [PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120) - Increased experience required to level up.
  93. Increased EXP - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced.
  94. No Building Houses XP Gains PS4 - Building settlements don't provide experience.
  95. Pip-Boy Flashlight - Pipboy light is now a flashlight.
  96. PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light.
  97. [PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7 - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak.
  98. No Enemy Respawns - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed.
  99. Accelerated Fast Travel - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs.
  100. Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4] - Day and night lasts twice as long.

Additionally after downloading:

  • After installing the mod list, restart your PS4/PS5.
  • Dont add or remove mods mid playthrough.
  • Change game difficulty to survival in options.
  • Play on performance 60fps. Newly added mode visual 60fps is more laggy and has awfull VATS framerate.
  • If you want even more immersive settings, go to Settings, Gameplay and turn off quest markers or crosshair.
  • Go to Options, Sound and reduce ambience level by 5-8 clicks and reverb by 2-3.
  • Dont forget to change camera sensitivity (I play on max), next go to Options, Display and change hud color to blue or any other that makes sense (not red), lower transparency by 30% or more, set pip-boy colour to your preference (I use red pip-boy and minty hud to have the best compatibility with highlighting perks and scopes).

You can add/swap some mods if you want:

101... Immortal Cats - PS4 - Invincible cats, so you don't lose happiness increase when they die. Add after mod #83 \ 102... [PS4] STS - Extras - Living & Dead - Season Pass Version - You can get extra resources from scraping dead bodies in settlements. Watch out not to scrap someone alive. Place after mod #82. \ 103... Josephine Preset - Nice looking preset number 13 for female character creation. Change hair and other details if you want. Delete after leaving vault111 and saving (if you need mod list space that is). Add after mod #55. \ 104... Faster Positive Affinity For Companions - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Swap with mod #91 if you want more cheaty version. \ 105... Silent Main Menu - To mute main menu sound, find duplicate sound slider named 'Master sound' and move it all the way to the left. Add after mod #41. \ 106... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC - Quieter production lines. I ran out of space on mod list so this and next one are optional. Add after mod #34. \ 107... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #34. \ 108... [PS4] Simple Settlers (Immortal Edition) - Instead of #33, so generic settlers don't die during settlement attacks. \ 109... Reduced Rubble Etc. - Safely reduces density of unimportant objects by 50-75%. Add after #44 or swap with #45. \ 110... Vrexia's Magical Rings - Add after #57 only if you get poison/perception bug where your PER is shown as (-1). You can offset it by equiping multiple rings from this mod (created at chem bench). Didnt found a better way yet. \ 111... Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) - For a smaller, brighter flashlight swap #96 with #95 and replace #95 with this.

Remove, if you want:

Stock, ugly Pip-Boy color - #3 \ No tinkering with legendary effects - #5 \ No powerful groups wandering and attacking places - #15 \ Radstags to be less agressive - #17 \ Dont care about building - #20 #21 #22 \ Dont care about decorating settlements - #24 #25 \ Annoying wandering brahmins instead of dogs - #31 \ Cash register sounds when gaining exp - #39 \ Old vanilla dusk and dawn lighting - #49 \ Don't use VATS much - #53 #54 #55 \ Prefer old combat scopes - #64 #65 #66 \ Don't want uncover map perk and will never unlock it - #84 \ Don't have any weapon skins from Creation Club - #90 \ Faster leveling - #92 \ To gain building EXP - #94 \ Start with 7 extra SPECIAL points to distribute - #97 \ Loot and enemies respawn after time - #98 \ Fast travel to take time - #99 \ Days be vanilla length - #100

Known issues, bugs, glitches, exploits:

Some of those are present in vanilla game. I just mention every problem encountered during testing and not fully fixed. - Ground textures in and around sanctuary flicker black. FIX: Fixes itself. Possibly after short time or reload. - Creature cages cost too much in building menu. NO FIX: Did not found a safe and balanced fix yet, so cages are most likely out of reach, because cost is absurd. - Green chest containing flare gun and 10k flares after exiting vault 111. FIX: Mod dev forgot to delete it. Ignore it or if it bothers you much, remove mod #83, which I don't recommend doing. - Hubby secret basement in Sanctuary. NO FIX: Its up to you if you want to use its content. Just easier difficulty option, but not game breaking. - Hacking rank 4 seems useless or has wrong description. NO FIX: Needs proper check. - Wall turrets sometimes glitches and play sound on repeat. FIX: Re-enter the area or reload save. - Contact frag mines seems to have too low damage. FIX: Just dont craft them. Rest of new explosives should work fine even that it shows low damage values in description. - Perception low, constant (-1) PER in stats because of poison damage/resistance bug. FIX: Add mod #110 and equip perception rings. Dont delete the mod. Cant find safer solution for now. Rings dont take equipment slots. - Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male. NO FIX: Just 25% AP regen loss at high level. Not a big deal. - Bubblegum seems to unintentionally quench thirst a bit and kind vendors give it for free. NO FIX: Free candies. Its better to use them to slow down time. - Incorrect cost to build concrete foundations. FIX: Use mod #20 to add tons of foundations in newly added category Structures-Concrete. - OCDecorator replaces creation club menu. FIX: Items from CC are still available in other building categories. Ignore or delete mod #24 + #25 if you dont care about its function. - Few perk descriptions might be slightly incorrect or missing. NO FIX: Nothing important to worry about. - Three street lights, powered water pump, industrial purifier and subway light have incorrect build costs. NO FIX: These have wrong values, but items like clean sofa or tv are more expensive to build on purpose though. - Pip-boy light wont transfer from first to third person camera view. FIX: Turn flashlight off and on. - Water surface sometimes flash black when moving underwater. NO FIX: Its not very noticable and you don't dive much in FO4 anyway. - Can't use Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal, animation stops. FIX: There is a radroach behind the wall. Kill it by swinging melee, explosives or reenter area. - Flashlight in Vault111 has incorrect beam look/color. FIX: It will fix itself after mods load right after you leave Vault111, dont worry.
v1.00 - Initial version.

Have fun!

submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to Fallout4modsps4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:57 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5/PS4] List of 100+ mods with correct LOAD ORDER - Difficult and satisfying survival challenge.


This took weeks of picking and testing mods
Played on PS5, should work on PS4
Order is stable, no crashes
New game on survival difficulty required
All 6 DLCs needed
No unbalanced cheat mods added
Very difficult but satisfying and immersive
Adding other mods will break stuff, ask in comments
Not tested on PS4 or PS4 Pro performance-wise


This modlist is for people enjoying difficult challenge, exploration, combat, managing settlements and a bit of building. No more bullet sponges, loot/enemy respawns and rambo playstyle!
In the beginning you are no one. You leave the vault weak, tired, with barely any gear. Avoid most encounters and quests at the start. Try to survive, build a safe spot and carefully explore. Be aware of your surroundings, use what you find.
Saving often in beds and making 'autosave drug' at the earliest possibility is a good idea (nearest chemistry workbench is at Abernathy Farm). Save menu is always on top of MISC category in Pip-Boy.
Discovering new places gives plenty of exp in the beginning, but quests are your main exp income.
Exploring safer areas like Sanctuary, Concord and smaller settlements first (avoiding powerful enemies) recommended. There might be a lot of combat in the background. Don't engage much, especially avoid supermutants, robots, turrets, bears - they are deadly even for high level, well developed characters. Raiders also hit hard, depending on their weapon and rank.
Weapon caliber makes huge damage difference. 10mm is pretty weak, but if you find rare .50cal rounds or some good explosives, you should eliminate tougher targets much more easily.
Investing in stats right after level 15 is a good idea. STR for carry weight, PER for accuracy, END for health, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak and speed, LCK for dmg and loot. Be sure of your choices. Watch out for 'revealing all map markers' and 'slow time when aiming' perks. Be sure you want and like them, there is no going back.
Deathclaw in the early minuteman quest is tough - try to use explosives to break his legs and some high caliber weapons to finish him off by shooting his face. Or maybe you'll get lucky and raiders will kill him. Or just simply avoid him until you get proper gear.
Don't waste ammo on zombies, use melee. Bullets are valuable. However zombies can grab and instantly kill you if your HP is very low, so watch out on low, early levels!
Aim for the head for much higher damage. Concentrating damage on arms or legs to rip them off is a good strategy too. Raider without arms wont do much to you except running around and alerting nearby enemies, that is.
Damage types are important. Ballistic damage is not efficient against turrets, melee against radroaches and so on. You need to figure out yourself whats best strategy.
Develop and protect your settlements, put walls to protect generators and other important structures. Repairing is costly. Gear up settlers. Scraping and cleaning settlements is a good early source of components.
Try to fully explore the map, kill enemies and do all quests. Most loot and enemies wont ever respawn so this is your chance to find new secrets in Commonwealth and clear the place.

========== CHANGES ==========

Combat, Enemies

  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, run in fear, use and pick up ammo & weapons, swap to backup gun and so on.
  • Headshots or weakspot hits do much higher damage than torso shots.
  • Gun caliber greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful and damage type matters.
  • Foes have special moves like biting and holding leg, wrestling moves, kicks. Dependent on enemy type and briefly stuns you.

Sound, Graphic

  • Sounds are less flat because of added reverb and other tweaks.
  • Very dark nights with wide, helpful flashlight.
  • Atmospheric lightning: beautiful light from lantern and fire sources, dusk, dawn, moon, plus bullets illuminate environment when flying around.
  • No dreadful, annoying, unimmersive: combat music, hearthbeat, sounds of generators, turrets, exp gain sound, most perk triggers and perk chart.

Crafting, Modifying

  • Making/disasembling ammo and also creating various shipments. Upgrading clothes, rings, glasses in different ways.
  • Legendary swapping, crafting legendary effects using technical documents. Some effects have been adjusted.
  • Added crafting of new, lower damage explosives, but they have unique effects for ease of use.


  • STR affects carry weight, PER accuracy, END is health, max AP, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak, walk and reload speed, LCK for small dmg boost, loot, critical hits outside VATS and while using it.
  • Leveling up does not give you health. You rely on stats, bonuses, gear.
  • Perks tree mostly changed, level 15 needed to start increasing Special base stats, level of around 100 to increase stat to 10. To get all perks you would need 300 levels, so new modified 'idiot savant' will help a lot.
  • Collecting magazines, bobbleheads, companion perks is now more helpful and recommended.
  • Some skills are changed, reordered, much more interesting and useful.
  • More perks are needed for crafting, especially science perk is required for most technology related stuff.
  • Lockpicking everything is available instantly from level one, but perks and AGI make it reasonably easier. Bobby pins are more rare.
  • Hacking is simplified to not do the repeating minigame. Now holotapes to reprogram and override terminals might be of use.

Settlements, Building

  • Expensive build costs of robot workbenches, turrets, big generators, so buying component shipments is justified.
  • You can hire guards for caps or risk settlers lives on the usual guard posts.
  • Can't harvest planted fruit and veg, you get your fair share in workbench instead.
  • Collecting resources by settlers changed. Bigger variety of settlers and they are now mortal.
  • More objects to build and decorate your bases.

Locations, Loot

  • Items like meds and ammo are harder to find and exist in appropriate containers.
  • New map markers and few minuteman towers as a small addition to explore.
  • Quick travel available, but only to settlements.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses drop legendaries. And many more...

Before you download:

  • Safe to remove/swap mods are listed below the modlist, just in case you don't like or want some of them. Rest needs to be kept for balance or glitch removal, but only in the CORRECT ORDER!
  • Remove all mods you currently have before downloading this mod list.
  • Read what to do after downloading mods.


  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4] - Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4.
  2. Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file.
  3. [PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom) - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file.
  4. Kane's Items Sorting (PS4) - Junk is sorted and some other things too.
  5. [PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents.
  6. Named NPC Protection [PS4] - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies.
  7. Tribals of Commonwealth - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness.
  8. Ghouls Of Commonwealth - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos.
  9. DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4] - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos.
  10. Longhorns Of The Commonwealth - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map.
  11. Gulpers Of The Commonwealth - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  12. Wolves Of The Commonwealth - Adds wolf spawn points to the map.
  13. More Behemoths In Commonwealth - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth.
  14. Behind Enemy Lines - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region.
  15. Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations.
  16. More Radstags - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests.
  17. Better Radstags - More agressive radstags.
  18. Not a Princess - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood.
  19. Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4] - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests.
  20. [PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu.
  21. Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 49 objects for building in settlements.
  22. Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags.
  23. Constructible Faction Guards - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction.
  24. [PS4] OCDecorator - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects.
  25. [PS4] OCDecorator DLC - Support for addons for the above mod.
  26. Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty.
  27. 1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4] - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically.
  28. [PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags - Adds animations to supermutant meat bags.
  29. Power Line Physics [PS4] - Swinging power lines in settlements.
  30. No Sneak Indicators - Completely removes all sneak indicators.
  31. [PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin.
  32. Vertibirds Unghosted - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism.
  33. [PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition) - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them.
  34. Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter.
  35. Fallout 76-Style Region Music - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks.
  36. Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4] - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options.
  37. Better Dialogue - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption.
  38. Esk QuietPerks [PS4] - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant.
  39. No Experience SFX - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources.
  40. [PS4] Dead Beat - Removes heart beat sound at low HP.
  41. Combat Music Remover - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you.
  42. Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4] - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker.
  43. UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth.
  44. [PS4] No More Fake Puddles - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7.
  45. No More Twigs - Removes stupid twigs sticking out of the ground.
  46. [PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps.
  47. [PS4] Dark Mode - Abandoned Settlements - Empty settlements don't have light sources.
  48. Vanilla Moon (4x) - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality.
  49. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4] - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night.
  50. Crafting Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor.
  51. Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while aiming.
  52. More Map Markers (PS4) - Adds some new markers on map.
  53. CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4 - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while aiming in VATS mode.
  54. VATS Third Person Only - As the name says, just changes in cameras used in VATS.
  55. [PS4] Payneful VATS - Better VATS cinematics, shows important hits and finishers a bit slower.
  56. Component Tagging Helper - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total.
  57. Grenade and Mine Pack - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives.
  58. Saving Survival Mode - Allows crafting misc items on chemistry workbench for anytime saving (3 standard autosave slots and 1 save shared/overwritten on all survival characters).
  59. Animations Be Gone - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary.
  60. Minuteman Watchtowers - Adds 8 minuteman watchtowers containing loot and/or guards.
  61. Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters.
  62. Clothes For Every Stats Wz - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave.
  63. Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4] - Small changes in how traps work and balance them.
  64. See-Through-Scopes [PS4] - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification.
  65. See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4] - As above but for 2 Nuka World guns.
  66. See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4] - As above but for 2 Far Harbor weapons.
  67. Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4] - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours.
  68. Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4 - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes.
  69. Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4) - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor.
  70. Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation) - DLC compatibility for IG.
  71. Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4) - Overwrites starting level to 1.
  72. Medium Settlement Raids PS4 - Makes enemy raids less ridicolous and balanced.
  73. Zombie Walkers (PS4) - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies.
  74. Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition - - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight.
  75. Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4] - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport.
  76. Realistic Insects Health [PS4] - Makes insects easier to kill and balanced.
  77. Full Load - Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot.
  78. Full Load - Rough Start Less Handouts - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111.
  79. Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature. - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs.
  80. Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk.
  81. Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4 - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying rings for special legendary effects.
  82. [PS4] STS - All-In-One - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects.
  83. (PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions.
  84. Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4 - Adds rank two of VANS perk - explorer. Uncovers map.
  85. Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4) - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS.
  86. Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4] - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away.
  87. Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4] - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit.
  88. Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4 - Moves attack spawns outside the settlements.
  89. Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4] - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits.
  90. [PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu if you have any.
  91. No Affinity Cooldown - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions.
  92. [PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120) - Increased experience required to level up.
  93. Increased EXP - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced.
  94. No Building Houses XP Gains PS4 - Building settlements don't provide experience.
  95. Pip-Boy Flashlight - Pipboy light is now a flashlight.
  96. PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light.
  97. [PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7 - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak.
  98. No Enemy Respawns - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed.
  99. Accelerated Fast Travel - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs.
  100. Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4] - Day and night lasts twice as long.

Additionally after downloading:

  • After installing the mod list, restart your PS4/PS5.
  • Dont add or remove mods mid playthrough.
  • Change game difficulty to survival in options.
  • Play on performance 60fps. Newly added mode visual 60fps is more laggy and has awfull VATS framerate.
  • If you want even more immersive settings, go to Settings, Gameplay and turn off quest markers or crosshair.
  • Go to Options, Sound and reduce ambience level by 5-8 clicks and reverb by 2-3.
  • Dont forget to change camera sensitivity (I play on max), next go to Options, Display and change hud color to blue or any other that makes sense (not red), lower transparency by 30% or more, set pip-boy colour to your preference (I use red pip-boy and minty hud to have the best compatibility with highlighting perks and scopes).

You can add/swap some mods if you want:

101... Immortal Cats - PS4 - Invincible cats, so you don't lose happiness increase when they die. Add after mod #83 \ 102... [PS4] STS - Extras - Living & Dead - Season Pass Version - You can get extra resources from scraping dead bodies in settlements. Watch out not to scrap someone alive. Place after mod #82. \ 103... Josephine Preset - Nice looking preset number 13 for female character creation. Change hair and other details if you want. Delete after leaving vault111 and saving (if you need mod list space that is). Add after mod #55. \ 104... Faster Positive Affinity For Companions - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Swap with mod #91 if you want more cheaty version. \ 105... Silent Main Menu - To mute main menu sound, find duplicate sound slider named 'Master sound' and move it all the way to the left. Add after mod #41. \ 106... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC - Quieter production lines. I ran out of space on mod list so this and next one are optional. Add after mod #34. \ 107... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #34. \ 108... [PS4] Simple Settlers (Immortal Edition) - Instead of #33, so generic settlers don't die during settlement attacks. \ 109... Reduced Rubble Etc. - Safely reduces density of unimportant objects by 50-75%. Add after #44 or swap with #45. \ 110... Vrexia's Magical Rings - Add after #57 only if you get poison/perception bug where your PER is shown as (-1). You can offset it by equiping multiple rings from this mod (created at chem bench). Didnt found a better way yet. \ 111... Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) - For a smaller, brighter flashlight swap #96 with #95 and replace #95 with this.

Remove, if you want:

Stock, ugly Pip-Boy color - #3 \ No tinkering with legendary effects - #5 \ No powerful groups wandering and attacking places - #15 \ Radstags to be less agressive - #17 \ Dont care about building - #20 #21 #22 \ Dont care about decorating settlements - #24 #25 \ Annoying wandering brahmins instead of dogs - #31 \ Cash register sounds when gaining exp - #39 \ Old vanilla dusk and dawn lighting - #49 \ Don't use VATS much - #53 #54 #55 \ Prefer old combat scopes - #64 #65 #66 \ Don't want uncover map perk and will never unlock it - #84 \ Don't have any weapon skins from Creation Club - #90 \ Faster leveling - #92 \ To gain building EXP - #94 \ Start with 7 extra SPECIAL points to distribute - #97 \ Loot and enemies respawn after time - #98 \ Fast travel to take time - #99 \ Days be vanilla length - #100

Known issues, bugs, glitches, exploits:

Some of those are present in vanilla game. I just mention every problem encountered during testing and not fully fixed. - Ground textures in and around sanctuary flicker black. FIX: Fixes itself. Possibly after short time or reload. - Creature cages cost too much in building menu. NO FIX: Did not found a safe and balanced fix yet, so cages are most likely out of reach, because cost is absurd. - Green chest containing flare gun and 10k flares after exiting vault 111. FIX: Mod dev forgot to delete it. Ignore it or if it bothers you much, remove mod #83, which I don't recommend doing. - Hubby secret basement in Sanctuary. NO FIX: Its up to you if you want to use its content. Just easier difficulty option, but not game breaking. - Hacking rank 4 seems useless or has wrong description. NO FIX: Needs proper check. - Wall turrets sometimes glitches and play sound on repeat. FIX: Re-enter the area or reload save. - Contact frag mines seems to have too low damage. FIX: Just dont craft them. Rest of new explosives should work fine even that it shows low damage values in description. - Perception low, constant (-1) PER in stats because of poison damage/resistance bug. FIX: Add mod #110 and equip perception rings. Dont delete the mod. Cant find safer solution for now. Rings dont take equipment slots. - Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male. NO FIX: Just 25% AP regen loss at high level. Not a big deal. - Bubblegum seems to unintentionally quench thirst a bit and kind vendors give it for free. NO FIX: Free candies. Its better to use them to slow down time. - Incorrect cost to build concrete foundations. FIX: Use mod #20 to add tons of foundations in newly added category Structures-Concrete. - OCDecorator replaces creation club menu. FIX: Items from CC are still available in other building categories. Ignore or delete mod #24 + #25 if you dont care about its function. - Few perk descriptions might be slightly incorrect or missing. NO FIX: Nothing important to worry about. - Three street lights, powered water pump, industrial purifier and subway light have incorrect build costs. NO FIX: These have wrong values, but items like clean sofa or tv are more expensive to build on purpose though. - Pip-boy light wont transfer from first to third person camera view. FIX: Turn flashlight off and on. - Water surface sometimes flash black when moving underwater. NO FIX: Its not very noticable and you don't dive much in FO4 anyway. - Can't use Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal, animation stops. FIX: There is a radroach behind the wall. Kill it by swinging melee, explosives or reenter area. - Flashlight in Vault111 has incorrect beam look/color. FIX: It will fix itself after mods load right after you leave Vault111, dont worry.
v1.00 - Initial version.

Have fun!

submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to FO4mods [link] [comments]