Cute album name for boyfriend

Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

2011.09.14 22:59 geekgirlpartier Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

A subreddit for identifying a song/artist/album/genre, or locating a song/album in a legal way. May contain NSFW content. Please read the rules before posting. Thank you and good luck :)

2013.03.21 05:49 thebenolivas Fake Album Covers

Where the covers are made up & the music doesn't matter

2019.12.23 02:57 Jayayaje Gatekeeping turned cute

Gatekeeping turned into cute relationships! Relationships between people of all genders are allowed, not just yuri!

2024.05.15 01:18 Overall_Nectarine366 AITA for saying the day of my graduation ceremony was “my day”

I've never posted on Reddit before so apologies if this is too long. I just wanted to make sure I painted the full picture.
For background, I’ve (22f) had the same two best friends, who we’ll call G and K, since high school. The three of us have always struggled with severe mental illness our entire friendship, in fact we met at an adolescent mental health treatment center. Graduating high school was tremendously difficult for all of us given the circumstances, but we managed to do it anyway which is huge for us. G and K graduated high school in 2021 so they actually had ceremonies but I graduated in 2020 so I never had a real graduation before, which is why my college ceremony was so important to me.
G and I attend the same school however, she just transferred in this semester. She had a lot of credits from the last two colleges she attended so she only needed a few more classes to graduate which she’s taking this summer. There’s only one ceremony per year so if you’re finishing school in the summer, you still get to participate in the spring ceremony. I told G about this in January because I was excited that we’d be graduating together, and she explicitly said, “I don’t care about the ceremony,” then later said, “I care about your ceremony” (because I asked her if she would come to mine).
Yesterday was my commencement ceremony. I graduated with high honors, and as someone who skipped nearly all my classes in high school, had a 2.5 gpa, got a 1190 on my SATs, and attempted suicide, this was a HUGE deal for me. G also had similar struggles and would have graduated with high honors as well so this would have been a huge deal for her too. During the ceremony, G and K found out that G’s name was on the program because, as I said, she would have been a part of the ceremony if she chose to. When she texted me about it I jokingly said, “go throw on a cap and gown” and she said “no I told them(the school) I don’t want to.” Afterwards, G,K, and I met up and walked to our favorite restaurant to celebrate. As we were walking, G, once again, she didn't care about the ceremony and wouldn’t’ve walked, but kept talking about how she wished she got a cap and gown and the other grad memorabilia. I’d like to point out, for the past several weeks I have been talking about my graduation/my ceremony, while G said nothing about it until tonight when she saw her name on the program. I told her that I wish we would’ve graduated together. She said that during the ceremony she wanted to go and ask a staff member for one of those degree holders but said she couldn’t because K told her it was my day. G said she’d been receiving emails about graduation, ordering a cap and gown, etc., but she assumed they were “general emails” for the entire student body, so she never read them.
While we were sitting down, G talked about how much anxiety the ceremony gave her, that she'd had an anxiety attack about it all day, and that she almost didn’t come. Then she said that if she had work earlier that day, she wouldn’t’ve come. Like I said we all struggle with severe mental illness and I’ve also had times where my anxiety was that bad. So I was glad she came, but what she was saying made me sad because in my opinion she was essentially saying this was a giant inconvenience to her, which made me wish I just gave the ticket to someone else. We left the restaurant because they were really understaffed and it was taking a long time to order our food. We went to the next restaurant and on the way G was talking to K about how she wished K got her a graduation gift.
The next restaurant was also understaffed (no one’s fault, the whole world is understaffed) but we stayed anyway because we were all really hungry and tired and nothing else was open that late. The restaurant we were in was packed which made all of us anxious. K tried to get us to play a word game to pass the time and cut the tension and I suggested a different game. G said she hated that game and I begged her to play because I love it. I said, “please, it’s my day” and to that she snarkily said, “Seriously? You think because you walked across a stage it’s your day?” The vibe changed immediately so I just kept quiet and pulled out my phone. Then to change the subject she said that we should play a different game and asked me if I remembered a game our old teacher used to play. I genuinely did not remember so I said no but in the same snarky tone she used, then went back to looking down at my phone. It was silent for an uncomfortably long amount of time and then she finally said,“Don’t you think it’s my day too?” and I said nothing and kept looking down at my phone. No, I did not think the day of the ceremony she did not want to be a part of was about her. A few more silent moments rolled by and then she got up and left. Her boyfriend came to pick her up later.
The food came out and K and I were silent the entire meal and most of the drive back to my house. I told K that I feel like this is the last time we were all going to hang out because I was so upset. I tried to keep it in but I sobbed all the way home. I hate when people make me cry and I was just so upset that this was how one of the most important days of my life ended. G and I have gotten into a lot of fights over the six years we've been friends, but out of all the things that have happened between us this hurt so deeply. I was so excited for myself and she knew that. I’m trying to empathize with her anxiety and consider how she was feeling during that time and what feelings might have arisen after seeing her name on the program to try and explain/justify why she said what she said. But whenever I replay the scenario in my head, my heart hurts because I genuinely cannot believe she said something like that, and said it in the tone she did.
K texted me the next morning to apologize for not saying anything during the situation. I forgave them and said we should talk later in person, but I haven’t heard anything from G. I am genuinely confused if I did something wrong here. Obviously, I’d like an apology, but for some reason, I feel like I’m missing something here. Am I not considering her situation/feelings enough? I would’ve loved to celebrate G’s graduation, but just on a different date, considering she did not participate in the ceremony. The only reason we were together that day was because of my ceremony. K said that she could see how both sides felt, but that pissed me off because, to me, only one person is in the wrong here. I’d like to believe I’m right, but I tend to believe I'm right in every situation, which I know is not healthy, so that's why I’m posting this here.
submitted by Overall_Nectarine366 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:13 Ancient_Concern_7241 Suspected BPD in a loved one

I’m currently separated from my boyfriend of four years, he’s been extremely emotionally abusive lately, a completely different version of the man I met four years ago. I started looking into different things; I myself have Bipolar 1, depression, & panic disorder so I’m not new to the mental health world by any means. From my experience over the last half of our relationship, especially as of late (we separated about a month ago), he has been exhibiting every symptom of BPD but self-harm. So my question is this…
What made anyone with this disorder seek help, or how did a diagnosis come about?
I am trying desperately to get him to see a psychiatrist, but to no avail at this time. Unsurprisingly, he believes there is just nothing wrong with him. Maybe I am grasping at straws, but obviously everyone with BPD was diagnosed at some point and I’m trying so hard to figure out what kind of conversation I could have with him to give him a nudge to see if this is something that has a chance of being managed or if he has really turned into this person I can’t recognize. I have zero intention on informing him of my suspicion, I’m aware that’s a horrible idea.
Disclaimer: Obviously I’m not a doctor, but from what I’ve gathered from research, other people’s experiences, on top of his EXTREME childhood trauma, I believe my assessment is fair for the following reasons:
  1. He is convinced I am out to get him (has said this verbatim)
  2. He is by far the most impulsive person I have ever met (one week we couldn’t afford dog food, then he got paid and immediately bought a drumset that he has yet to touch, not to mention two months into our relationship he bought me a puppy, which I loved, but you get the point)
  3. His fear of abandonment is beyond comprehension (I would joke that he was the ‘woman’ in the relationship with his constant need for reassurance that I wasn’t going to leave him or cheat on him and that I still loved him, my family finds it very odd how often he calls me when I’m not with him for no particular reason).
  4. His anger can get out of control very quickly though it is usually internal and directed at himself, but has lately been projected onto me through screaming, name-calling, insults etc., which will suddenly vanish just for him to ask me to “come cuddle” after some time in separate rooms.
  5. One day he will believe he is king of the world, he’s overly confident, posting gym pictures etc. and then the next day he will lie around convinced that nobody likes him, that he’s a POS, hating himself.
submitted by Ancient_Concern_7241 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:13 SurprisePure7515 What should I do?

I met a girl on a dating app about three weeks ago since then, we’ve gone on two dates and planned on seeing each other again in two days we hooked up on the first date, and on the second date we spent all day together she lives around 125 miles for me so every time I plan a date to see her we try to spend as much time together and on our last date we spent almost 20 hours together AND had a brief conversation about exclusivity, and we both agreed that we wouldn’t sleep with other people. With that being said, I had a feeling that she was still talking to other guys which was fine, so I continued to use dating apps, last night a girl matched with me that lives in her area and something about it seemed strange, so I un added her. This morning she continue texting me like nothing happened and then out of the blue asked me why I like playing games, when I asked her what does she mean by that she told me that I matched with one of her friends on a dating app I explain that yes I’m still using dating apps but I am not currently actively seeing anyone but her at first she seem to understand, and was a little upset and then straight up said that she can’t see us together going forward and started using past tense words about us. I felt like she was overreacting, since we barely have gotten to know each other but told her that if she truly feels this way, then I respect her decision. She thumbed down the message and left me on read but now I’m genuinely curious was I in the wrong we’ve only been talking for barely 3 weeks now and I feel like exclusivity in terms of cutting everyone off and stop using dating apps comes much later in the relationship and I find it hard to believe that I’m the only man she’s talking to you right now. Lastly, I’m in no way putting down her character but on our last date , she trauma dumped on me and told me that everyone in her life tends to leave and she named a lot of people that made me think it’s something genuinely wrong with her I get it you have one bad boyfriend or one bad friend, but it seems like everyone always seems to exit out of her life.. I was willing to work around the long commutes to see her on her but I feel like even if we recover from this she’s going to continue to find issues with me. I forgot to add that last week she went off on me because apparently I’m following too many girls and that made her upset.
submitted by SurprisePure7515 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:10 Top-Board-3513 pain.

g3 really took out neph x sunny memory route in 80 percent certain, sunny’s favor to neph is definitely gonna be for them to go back to the tomb of ariel which means she does not remember him 😔 and that would explain why he’s alone there with her, HOPEFULLY sunphis will have sailed or at least they somewhat want eachother and IM PRAYING for a kiss scene or SOME romance to happen before neph gets her memory back or sunny somehow gets his fate back without his true name or changing his aspect who knows maybe he becomes fates slave showing he truly can’t escape being a slave (lowk a w ending) i digress. SUNPHIS PLEASEEEE i can’t take my glorious king being this melancholy it’s rubbing off on me bro. g3 please please give me my romance have some cute moment where neph feels longing for him and i can’t wait for her to see my stupidly handsome king sunny(she couldn’t take her eyes off him when he was a master) imagine him now
submitted by Top-Board-3513 to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:08 lost-Sight8 I need help.

I need some advice.
So basically i had a crush on this girl called elise And I had a huge crush on her since P7 (for context I'm in s2 Almost s3 now) and I lost this crush and I had started to get to know my other classmate maisy And I had a crush on her but that's not my Problem currently Basically I developed feelings for a girl named brooke(Now my Girlfriend) And I'm slowly loosing theses feeling I have for her and gaining my old feelings for elise back And I feel horrible about the whole thing, it's like I can't stay loyal and love one person And what's worse is Brooke Is my first Girlfriend and I try to be a good boyfriend and I enjoy the time I spend around her but everyday I loose some feelings for her, I need help
submitted by lost-Sight8 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:05 7365660 Hauntology and Post Malone

I hate to use a term a meme word like “culture vulture” but watching the new music video for Post Malone and Morgan Wallen’s new song I Had Some Help, I struggle to find a more apt description. Being a decrepit, aging millennial, I remember Post Malone emerging on the scene with White Iverson. His cornrows and “grill” aesthetic already seemed dated at its debut. This was a signature look of the mid to late 2000s. Looking back, it seems too early in the cultural zeitgeist (I invite you to roll your eyes at the term “cultural zeitgeist”) to be parodied but what do I know? What is the angle, other than a “I am a wigger!”?
Hip hop is the last new form of art in music. I will not entertain EDM. It’s not that the genre is unable to create meaningful art. The medium has simply failed to strike the delicate balance of being culturally relevant and popular. This may seem reductive but see if your normie friends can name a Burial album.
Drunk, listening to Shaboozey’s “A Bar Song”, I have concluded that hip hop is in its death throes (before you ask, yes, because a black person is involved this is a hip hop song). With no new ground to till, popular artists like Post, Beyoncé and Lil durk have turned to country music. Why is country music seeing a resurgence? Hauntology. “I Had Some Help”references the idea of what country “is.” Trucks, ten gallon hats, American flag and a run down bar? This is not country, this is referencing country and the worst part is this is implied. This “reference” is not subtle, it is abject. Post Malone is the Valkyrie of western culture.
submitted by 7365660 to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:02 LavenderDustan Weird/inappropriate…or not?

Hey everyone,
I’ve been teaching for 4 years. This is my first year teaching my dream class: senior AP Lit and Comp🩷 My AP students have been an absolute dream. They are interested in the topics, and discussions are amazing. I’ve opened up about personal stories that led to monumental life lessons. We’ve gotten really close over the span of the year.
I got engaged in December, and my students literally screamed when I told them. The begged me to bring my fiance to prom to help me chaperone, and I obliged. They all said hi and were so happy to finally meet him. He makes up a lot of my stories, so they were happy to put a face to a name. For our last class, we are all going to play Mario games and chill. They know my fiance is really good at Super Smash Bros., and they have been begging me to bring him in on that final day so they can play him and hang out. I told my colleague about this, and she told me it was extremely weird and overstepping of me to bring him into my classroom. She said it’s weird that my students like my boyfriend enough to want to spend time with him on our last day of school. I am having a hard time seeing it. She’s known for being extremely jealous and self conscious of me sometimes, but on the other side she can be helpful and sensible. Can I get some insight from fellow teachers? Is this weird and inappropriate? Do I have blinders on here?
submitted by LavenderDustan to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:01 Kauaiishbino AIW? I [F/18] was talking to a guy [M/20] about how I felt about him friendzoning me after leading me on knowing I wanted a relationship. He blocked me because I screenshotted our message talking about it. If I am, is there anything I can do about it? How may he have possibly felt?

I just had things ended because a guy I was talking to finally told me today that he didn't want me and that I wasn't for him, but it ended up going way worse than I wanted.
Everything started with me reconnecting with him in Walmart. I knew him prior to this because we used to go to the same high school together but never really talked. I gave him my instagram and we were talking about our exes cause that is how we even knew each other. While I was texting him, he asked me for my number then we started texting on imessages. He would text me, send me pigeon games, and call me every now and then.
There was one day where he called me and he wanted to ask me sexual questions, I was cool with it cause we had been friends for 2 weeks and plus I don't really have anything to hide. I didn't think much about it while telling him and asking him stuff cause we were friends, he had started talking about how he wanted someone to be friends with benefits with that it wouldn't end up ruining the friendship and I told him I could never do that stuff cause I want to be in a relationship with those that I am sexual with, plus I get clingy with them cause I tend to actually like them.
At some point of talking, he even asked for me to send and I told him that I wanted to do all of that stuff when I get married because my last ex (the ex he knew about) had taken my virginity to get his ex (the guy i was talking to's ex) jealous. I don't know exactly what he said but he said something like "Well it would suck to wait for someone during the relationship just to realize that they aren't good at sex", which made me feel like I was waiting for no reason because after that ex, I never was sexually active with anyone (about 2-3 years counting). I ended up sending some old nudes because I thought it wouldn't matter anymore and that he was kind of cute. After that, the more we talked the more the sexual tension got heavy, he was talking about how he liked my body and how he wanted to fuck me, and I was eating it up cause he was making me feel pretty and wanted. He ended up jerking off to my picture when I let him take the time to (cause I really didn't want to do e-sex cause I've always felt unfulfilled doing it) and when he came back everything was fine.
After some days, we had gotten into this habit of me sending him nudes, taking them how he wanted them to look, with him complimenting me and jerking off to them, there was only one time where we did e-sex, everything else was sending. The sending nudes ended up making me feel how I did in my previous relationship which was like a whore, not an actual person, and like a porn magazine, so I talked to him about it and he told me to just tell him to stop when he does ask. Time passed some more and he would still asked so I talked to him again about it because everytime we would have a sweet moment he would ask me for nudes or say something sexual, but this time he was still entertaining the idea, I assume he was thinking I was playing hard to get, I really don't know, but this time I told him, "I don't think you'll get to the point of actually liking me" because during this time he made it seem like we were leaning into a relationship while I always said that I wanted a relationship, he had backed off when I said that but he replied saying "(my name) don't be like that". After that, the only time that we would be sexual was whenever I initiated it, which would be about once every 2-3 weeks.
During that I would treat him like a boyfriend, but he was still being plain towards me, (he even told me that he liked the way I treated him) the only time he would compliment me was when I dressed up, so I asked him about how he was rarely lovey dovey towards me and he told me that he needed more time to get to like me even more than he did cause he wanted to take things slow, I got salty and told him that sexting me and wanting me to send nudes wasn't take it slow, he didn't say anything about that but smirked and change the topic. Every now and then, I'd make slick comments about stuff that didn't make sense. We had gotten to a point where he told me that he wasn't going to be texting and calling as much because he wants to start his business up, which I had no problem with that, I told him that I would always be there for him and when needed me, if there was anything I could do to just let me know, and I even told him if he felt like he needed to not pursue a relationship right now that we could stop or cut ties for now. He agreed with him not pursuing a relationship, again stating that he wants to put all of his focus in the business, and that there was nothing wrong with me, just that he wanted to focus on himself. I told him that I didn't know if I was cool being just friends because I was actually trying to pursue a relationship with him and that if I figured out how I felt about it I would let him know so that things didn't get toxic between us.
6 days later (5/10/2024),
At night, I told him the way everything is right now is making me confused and overwhelmed because I didn't really understand what our status was, and it wasn't somewhere I wanted to be especially after sending him pictures of my body using a voice message. I also told him that I was regretting showing him my body cause of how I felt I was being used but didn't want to assume and was hoping that he just needed time, he replied the next day during the afternoon telling me that I was a good person just that he couldn't see a future with me, that he thought he made his want of being only friends clear, that we would go different directions if we did get together. I got confused about that part because everytime I would try and talk to him about us meeting up and how we would maintain the relationship, he would tell me that it was too soon to talk about it, so i got a bit mad and asked him how he came to that conclusion knowing that we didn't talk about it at all, how he knew my boundaries but didn't straight up tell me that he didn't want me so I could save my time, and how he didn't make anything clear cause I thought we were on pause for now and going to attempt to try again once the business started up. He then told me that I was trying to guilt him, to not be mad at him because he didn't want a relationship, that he didn't want me, that I wasn't for him, and to not get mad at him for something he couldn't control.
I told him that I wasn't meaning to guilt him (cause I wasn't, I was just being transparent and honest on how I felt) and that I wanted to call instead of texting cause i didn't like it, I felt more miscommunication was happening, he told me he didn't want to call because he didn't want me to call him an asshole and how my problems are his fault, I told him i never said it was his fault but he corrected me by reminding me i said it in the voice message i sent last night (I was really high when I made it, so i didn't remember much when I woke up), so i listened to it and I literally told him that it was half of his fault that I'm confused about our status and how I needed more stability from him, so I told him that just adding that I was also at fault to for not knocking him down when he first came at me. After that, I started screenshotting the messages for my notion journal to dissect more on how I feel about it to try to understand more on how i felt and to help me move on, but he gets PISSED, he texted me on imessage.
him: "yeah no, fuck your screenshots"
me: "why you don't even know what i'm going to do with them?"
him: "1 screenshot. Sure. 3??? Nahhh. You trynna catch me up. I one you and screenshots and I don't fuck with it. That drew the line for me. You right. We shouldn't talk."
THEN HE FUCKING BLOCKS ME ON EVERYTHING EVEN GETTING A MUTUAL FRIEND OF OURS TO BLOCK ME. So i start racing to talk to him because I didn't think it was a big ass deal, so i text him on discord and he's telling me to fuck off and blocks me. I kept finding ways to contact him trying to explain to him and apologizing that I'm keeping it to myself and that its nothing more but he tells me to fuck off even more to the point where he even threatens to report me. I gave up and I sent my last message to him telling him that he basically sucks, doesn't reciprocate any mercy I've given to him or treat me as if I mattered to him, how it was unfair how stubborn he was to not even try to understand how i felt, how i still, despite, the entirety of the situation, love him, and hopes his life goes well.
I do want to add that I understand constantly texting him and calling him about it was a bad move, I truly was just acting on my emotions instead of calming down then making a choice. I am obviously at fault for it
submitted by Kauaiishbino to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:01 sunmarsh DnB Countdown to EDC: Week 10/10 - Wilkinson

DnB Countdown to EDC: Week 10/10 - Wilkinson
I'm super late for this last one y'all, my b!!
Rewind: Richter [IVY] Fallen & MC Dino Nightstalker Koven Hedex Dimension Sub Focus Bou

Wilkinson / bassPOD

Wilkinson - London, UK
His debut LP 'Lasers Not Included' went to become a seminal album in the genre, and saw his global touring schedule take him from Glasto to Las Vegas & back again. He’s gone on to build a fierce live reputation with his live shows, selling out iconic Brixton Academy three times.
His second, album ‘Hypnotic’ became the most successful D&B album of the year, winning him an army of loyal supporters.
2020 saw Wilkinson team up with Sub Focus to release their ‘Portals’ album. The record charted at #1 on the OCC Dance Chart.
Over the years he's worked with Calvin Harris, The Prodigy, Chase & Status & Becky Hill to name a few.
2022 saw the release of his 4th LP ‘Cognition’, which has already become one of the most successful D&B albums of all time and includes two hit singles ‘Here For You’ w/ Becky Hill & ‘Used To This’ w/ Issey Cross.
Latest track: Wilkinson & NORTH - Balance (Official Visualiser)
Live sets: Wilkinson - Beats For Love 2023 Drum and Bass Rampage Open Air 2023 - Wilkinson
Biggest fans: (Spotify)
  1. London, GB - 285,797 listeners
  2. Birmingham, GB - 79,407 listeners
  3. Southwark, GB - 79,385 listeners
Bonus: EDC DnB Playlist courtesy of u/Sl0rk
submitted by sunmarsh to electricdaisycarnival [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:56 MisterGrillmaster First time adopting cats

Hey everybody!
I recently separates from my girlfriend and now I can finally adopt a cute cat like I always wanted! I know quite a lot about how to care for a cat because very close friends always had cats. Now I came across a listing of someone looking for a new home for their cats because the boyfriend has allergies and the new landlord doesn’t allow pets. The female cat is castrated but the male one isn’t. Both of them are vaccinated. The owner needs them out asap but my apartment is not ready for cats and I do not have any cat equipment. I do not know what to do and would like some advice, thanks :)
submitted by MisterGrillmaster to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:53 Ancient_Concern_7241 Suspected BPD

I’m currently separated from my boyfriend of four years, he’s been extremely emotionally abusive lately, a completely different version of the man I met four years ago. I started looking into different things; I myself have Bipolar 1, depression, & panic disorder so I’m not new to the mental health world by any means. From my experience over the last half of our relationship, especially as of late (we separated about a month ago), he has been exhibiting every symptom of BPD but self-harm. So my question is this…
What made anyone with this disorder seek help, or how did your diagnosis come about?
I am trying desperately to get him to see a psychiatrist, but to no avail at this time. Unsurprisingly, he believes there is nothing wrong with him. Maybe I am grasping at straws, but obviously everyone with BPD was diagnosed at some point and I’m trying so hard to figure out what kind of conversation I could have with him to give him a nudge to see if this is something that has a chance of being managed or if he has really turned into this person I can’t recognize. I have zero intention on informing him of my suspicion, I’m aware that’s a horrible idea.
Disclaimer: Obviously I’m not a doctor, but from what I’ve gathered from research, other people’s experiences, on top of his EXTREME childhood trauma, I believe my assessment is fair for the following reasons:
  1. He is convinced I am out to get him (has said this verbatim)
  2. He is by far the most impulsive person I have ever met (one week we couldn’t afford dog food, then he got paid and immediately bought a drumset that he has yet to touch, not to mention two months into our relationship he bought me a puppy, which I loved, but you get the point)
  3. His fear of abandonment is beyond comprehension (I would joke that he was the ‘woman’ in the relationship with his constant need for reassurance that I wasn’t going to leave him or cheat on him and that I still loved him, my family finds it very odd how often he calls me when I’m not with him for no particular reason).
  4. His anger can get out of control very quickly though it is usually internal and directed at himself, but has lately been projected onto me through screaming, name-calling, insults etc., which will suddenly vanish just for him to ask me to “come cuddle” after some time in separate rooms.
  5. One day he will believe he is king of the world, he’s overly confident, posting gym pictures etc. and then the next day he will lie around convinced that nobody likes him, that he’s a POS, hating himself.
submitted by Ancient_Concern_7241 to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:52 Double-Ho-7 A long look into the Knuckles Tracks in SA2

Title says it all, this post is a deep dive into the Sonic Adventure 2 OST, specifically all the songs pertaining to Knuckles. This is for a few reasons that I’ll get into in a moment, but from what I’ve seen Knuckles’ and Rouge’s soundtracks tend to get overlooked or written off by fans (More so Knuckles’) unfairly so in my opinion.
This post will serve, not only to analyze the music itself, but also Knuckles’ characterization, as you’ll see the two are basically intrinsically linked.
Just a quick disclaimer, I’m not a musician nor am I that musically inclined, this isn’t an expert’s opinion or analysis, just a listener’s thoughts.
A bit of background of me before we start, I grew up around hip hop when I was young so I can really appreciate Knuckles’ soundtrack probably more so than a lot of other people.
Ever since I was a kid, Knuckles has always been my favorite character, I always found his complicated friendship and rivalry with Sonic to me a much more interesting dichotomy than Sonic and Shadow (I know, fight me).
That and I’ve always just adored his character (Before they forgot how to write him) he can be hot headed and stubborn like Sonic, but he’s got a bit of a Yin and Yang thing going on, with his Chill nature conflicting with his Quick and Explosive temper, as well as his questioning of his purpose in life and duty to the Master Emerald.
Anyway, enough context on myself, let’s strap in and get to the meat of this veeeeeery long post (My bad guys).


So for starters, I think it’s best we talk about the style and influences that are quite evident in Knuckles’ Music, that being Hip Hop/Rap, but it goes a bit further than that.
For some historical context, Sonic Adventure 2 came out in 2001, I’m not sure how many hip hop fans hang around the subreddit but by 2001 the Golden Age of Hip Hop had been firmly left behind. Biggie and Pac had been dead for a while, and the stars of yesteryear began to fizzle out as the young blood cropped up onto the scene.
The early 2000s Hip Hop scene was mainly dominated by the East Coast and the Dirty South, lots of stars of this generation of rap included 50 Cent, Ja Rule, Outkast, Ludacris, The Game, Three 6 Mafia and Xzibit, but you also had older legends like Nas and Snoop Dogg who were still culturally relevant.
This modern sound of hip hop differed greatly in sound to the early 90s, everything was a lot more clean and refined, samples were still used but weren’t as common as before and the West Coast sound that characterized the early 90s had been long gone.
It’s important to bring this up, because comparing SA2’s Hip Hop tracks to the climate it was released in, they sound almost out of place. Listening to Get Rich or Die Trying, or Stillmatic and then listening to SA3’s tracks you’d be convinced they were separated by many years.
The Tracks in SA2 are definitely rooted in early 90s hip hop, it’s very clear that those early Gangsta Rap albums like Straight Outta Compton and Black Sunday greatly influenced this part of the soundtrack. And you don’t have to take my word for it, go and listen to the instrumentals of songs like Express Yourself or Insane in the Brain and tell me that they’d sound out of place playing in one of Knuckles’ Stages.
Early 90s Hip Hop makes heavy use of sampling, primarily of the work of Black Artists of the past two decades, because of SA2K’s early 90s hip hop influences, it too has a lot of roots in 70s/80s Black music. Elements of Soul, Funk and Jazz are commonly heard in Knuckles’ Stages, think James Brown or Isaac Hayes.
So what Groups or Artists seem to inspire SA2K’s sound? Well the obvious choice is NWA, though specifically Straight Outta Compton, Elif4zaggin has a much different sound. However I don’t believe that’s entirely the case.
Whether it’s pure coincidence or intentional, Too Short (stylized as Too $hort) was a decently popular artist from Oakland, which is up in the Bay Area of NorCal which is the main inspiration for most of SA2’s urban environments.
Anyway, Too Short was actually quite a pioneer in Hip Hop as he formed the Dangerous Crew, a Hip Hop Band who played actual instruments instead of using samples, it’s because of this that I believe Too Short and the Dangerous Crew to be the main inspiration of SA2K’s sound whether intentional or not, not only are the two defined by their funky beats, but also their use of live instruments. I recommend listening to songs like The Ghetto, Sample The Funk and Just Another Day to get an idea of how his music influences SA2K.


Honestly I find this track to be an improvement over the original, it definitely leans a lot more into the R&B aspect over the rest of the soundtrack but it’s still distinctly hip hop with the record scratches, drums and Hunnid-P rapping over it.
Speaking of, let’s address the Elephant in the room briefly. I know Hunnid-P or Hunnid-Pacent isn’t everybody’s favorite person on this sub, either on the track or behind the scenes, and while his antics aren’t relevant to this post, I don’t necessarily agree that he’s as bad as people say he is on the mic. Is he the world’s greatest emcee? Absolutely not, but he does his job pretty well, he has good flow and a pretty good voice. I think people clown on his lyrics too much, I’m not saying he’s an Inspectah Deck level lyricist but I think the guy has dropped a few bombs and this OST has some gems, but we’ll get into this in a bit.
Getting back to the song, the content of the lyrics is basically Knuckles’ inner voice, this is basically the entire soundtrack, though Unknown From M.E. is more of a general character overview of Knuckles, its standard stuff now but at the time it was a pretty deep dive into the character of Knuckles’ in a decently subtle way.
Most of the song centers around Knuckles’ self imposed isolation on Angel Island, his duty to his people and the world to protect the Master Emerald, but also him yearning for something more and the inner conflict that stems from that.
This song actually has some underrated lines, some standout lyrics include:
“Clench my fists tight, become more redder - I don't wanna hurt her, my passion observed”
The last line is in obvious reference to Rouge and an interesting insight into Knuckles himself. He clearly doesn’t like violence and isn’t interested in hurting anybody, but his duty as a guardian and his quick temper often means he can get a bit too carried away as the line implies, good stuff.
“Been lonely all my life, does it matter? - Here for the mission, whoever want, it bring it”
Here we can clearly see Knuckles trying to reason with himself here, specifically after meeting Sonic and experiencing a life that isn’t just his duty. Here we see the Guardian side of him, he’s always been alone and it’s never been problem before, why should it be now? At least that’s what he tries to tell himself.
“Don't approve of him but gotta trust him - This alliance has a purpose - This partnership is only temporary”
I’ll get more into this when we get to Death Chamber, but these lines are obviously alluding to Sonic and the plot of the game. It’s clear that Knuckles still doesn’t completely like Sonic, however the key here is that he trusts him, he’s gotten to a point now where he knows Sonic is well meaning and their goals align. However, just like real people, he’s accepted the arrangement but he doesn’t have to like it, he still believes Sonic is brash, arrogant and takes far too many risks, it will take more than a few adventures for Knuckles to fully change his opinion on Sonic.
Hunnid-P and Marlon Saunders do a great job of bouncing off each other on this song, their voices and cadences clash with each other nicely almost like how Knuckles’ inner turmoil is split in two.
The beat is tantalizingly funky, for starters that bass line is smooth as butter and the song has a nice tempo, you get the occasional organ flourish and guitar riff that crescendo and just help to enhance the song even further. Overall a really solid track in my opinion, the content of the lyrics is interesting and the delivery is great, all over an extremely funky instrumental.


Probably my favorite song out of all Knuckles’ Stages, this one is definitely the most Jazzy and parallels nicely with Rouge, but has a distinctly Knuckles Twist.
That Sax and Organ combo just cause an absolute eargasm and those drums form such a nice tempo that makes this track such easy listening. Honestly there’s not a whole lot going on with this track and that is not a bad thing at all. Its simplicity is probably its biggest strength and is quite noticeable compared to something like Unknown From M.E.
Some Lyrics I found particularly interesting are:
“I'm feelin her in mysterious ways - That's why I stay on point like every single day - I gotta protect this place, I do it for my race”
Yeah yeah I know everybody finds this line and the play doh line inappropriate and funny, I understand the latter but honestly I could never get the outcry over this one
“I’m feelin her in mysterious ways” honestly, in my opinion, it’s not what you think. I’ve never really seen it as a sexual line “I’m feelin you” is basically another way of saying I get you, it’s basically Knuckles saying he gets Rouge, but he doesn’t know why and that kinda bothers him.
The context matters here and the lines after do give my interpretation some weight. It’s basically Knuckles saying to himself “I get this girl and I kinda mess with her, but I gotta job to do” Knuckles is intrigued by Rouge, he’s never met anybody like her and he obviously has some feeling towards her, though because of his lack of interaction with others he struggles to understand these feelings and instead of addressing them, he tries to ignore them and remain true to his job as Guardian
“Who could'a did this, that snitch named Rouge! - When I catch her, I'ma get her with these tools”
More obvious than the last one, but it still shows that Knuckles, despite his various different feelings toward Rouge, knows he has a job to do and tries to center himself to stay committed
Honestly it’s hard to choose between this or Unknown From M.E. as my favorite Knuckles track but either way its up there and definitely something I can bop to on the regular


The one everybody knows and honestly I get it, it’s got that smooth piano/guitar I can’t really tell what it is but it definitely slaps. It has that distinct G-Funk whistle which pops up occasionally across SA2K that simulates that stereotypically ghostly sound nicely
It’s definitely in contention with Deeper for the most lowkey Knuckles track and that’s saying something.
Not much content lyrically, but I managed to find a few interesting lines:
“I ain’t gonna let it get to me, I’m just gon creep - Down in Pumpkin Hill I gots to find my lost piece”
Something we don’t actually see a lot from Knuckles, fear! Most of this song is about Knuckles’ fearlessness being tested, if you view this as Knuckles’ internal monologue (Which if you don’t at this point then I’ve been doing something wrong 😂) its less about the song telling us how tough Knuckles is, but Knuckles reassuring himself that he can do this.
He’s obviously trepidatious over being in Pumpkin Hill and he has to take a moment to center himself and reassure himself that “I’m Knuckles, I’m not afraid of anything” again this goes back to how Knuckles uses his job as Guardian and his duty to motivate himself and push forward through situations, regardless of his own fear.
“I’m hearing someone saying “You a chicken, don’t be scared!” - It had to be the wind, cause nobody wasn’t there”
Considering the haunted theming of this level, this very clearly (on the surface) seems to be Knuckles encountering a ghost taunting him, but I might present another angle.
This is just Knuckles’ inner thoughts again, though this time its doubt, he doesn’t believe he can find the pieces of the Master Emerald and he doesn’t think he can make it through Pumpkin Hill, yet he pushes through anyway. This one’s kinda far fetched but it’s a nice idea
I don’t adore this track as much as a lot of other people (ironically) but I can still Jive with it.


First of all, this track does a great job at just sounding watery, the filtered organ and the echoey bass just make it sound like cave ambience turned into music
Most of this track’s lyrics center around Knuckles’ yearning to be something more than just the Guardian of the Master Emerald and to be his own individual, these are:
“Makes you wanna sit back, enjoy the life - And do things you like doing, get to shine”
Knuckles, if it wasn’t for all the enemies and hazards, obviously enjoys being in Aquatic Mine, so much so that it brings his thoughts of a better life to the front of his mind.
This shows what Knuckles really wants, to be unburdened from the Master Emerald and to just be free to kick it wherever, in a way he’s jealous of the freedom Sonic has and wishes he wasn’t tied down to Angel Island.
“I stay Knuckled up, I’m in a deep cut”
Knuckles, despite his ideals of peace and relaxation is always ready to do what he believes is right, again this whole OST is basically Knuckles reconciling his wants and his duties.
Again Knuckles isn’t really equipped to deal with these feelings and instead of addressing them, he pushes them down and buries them under his duty and tries to keep himself busy, though once he gets to Aquatic Mine where he’s forced to slow down and explore methodically, he’s suddenly unable to distract himself from his true feelings.
“In a maze, and I don't know what to do Guaranteed though, imma find the Emeralds”
Again an obvious allusion to the labyrinthine Aquatic Mine on the surface, though I believe this too has a deeper meaning.
Knuckles is lost and confused emotionally, he’s confronted by these different feelings that conflict with everything he’s ever known. His thoughts on freedom and his feelings for Rouge which he doesn’t quite understand both conflict with his role as Guardian and he can’t reconcile them.
“I don’t know what to do” in a rare moment of vulnerability, Knuckles admits that he has no idea how to manage these feelings and he’s grappling with the monumental task of managing his panicked thoughts.
Then, just as you think Knuckles is gonna start making a breakthrough, what does he do? “Guaranteed though, imma find the Emeralds” That’s right, instead of finally addressing his swirling thoughts, he pushes them down and once again distracts himself with his duty.
Honestly, like Pumpkin Hill, I know it’s a reach but it tracks with what we know Knuckles’ character has been up to this point and it gives him insane depth and really humanizes him.
A funky beat, a nice flow from Hunnid P and some really humanizing characterization of Knuckles, Dive Into The Mellow is definitely a hidden gem of the OST.


Sooooooo chill, honestly this song is so calm and smooth, it’s so underrated on this soundtrack it really is another hidden gem like Dive Into the Mellow.
First off I absolutely adore the bass this track has, it sounds like it’s been bit compressed for a Gameboy and honestly I’m all here for it, gives it a nice techno Eggmany twist. The funky guitar and sax just enhances the mood, the song sounds almost echoey like you’re actually standing in a Death Chamber.
Lyrically this song is unique in that it’s basically just a long conversation between Sonic and Knuckles instead of Knuckles’ inner thoughts/monologue.
It’s an interesting dynamic where Sonic is actually the reasonable one, willing to put aside his and Knuckles’ differences aside for the greater good. Knuckles however is initially a bit more standoffish, but Sonic talks him into it by appealing to his guardian nature and calling him out on his stubbornness, basically forcing Knuckles to admit that Sonic is right and that they’ll be much better off working together.
Honestly not much to say, it’s pretty much all spelled out in the song, but interesting nonetheless. An understated and uniquely funky beat make this track stand out among the others nicely, definitely a great listen.


Finally, the last song. In my opinion, Space Trip Steps is probably the weakest track musically. That doesn’t make it bad, far from it, I just can’t groove with it as easily as the others
This song takes a lot more inspirations from G-Funk than the other tracks which does give it quite a unique sound amongst the soundtrack, it wouldn’t sound out of place on The Chronic or Regulate… G Funk Era. The wavy synths and sharp base with the fast tempo give it an almost garage feel too, definitely not a sound for everyone but I think it does a good job at sounding very ethereal and space like
As for lyrics, this seems to be a turning point for Knuckles as a loner:
“Took a shuttle to space and left from our homes At least we're with friends and I'm not all alone”
Knuckles is in a completely foreign environment and feels completely out of his depth, however he feels comforted by the fact that he’s surrounded by the people he’s finally started to call his Friends, the first time he’s admitted such.
He’s forced now to acknowledge that he can’t do everything by himself, and that asking for help from his friends doesn’t make him any less of a man, he finally accepts that he can trust outsiders, but he still has a ways to go.
“Bad thing was that the Emeralds spilled - Gotta search space, man, time to get ill”
Still, Knuckles is bound and almost blinded by his duty, forcing himself to abandon his friends to search for the Master Emerald pieces that were scattered in space.
It’s clear now that Knuckles isn’t too happy to leave his friends, but as we’ve come to know him, he does the typical Knuckles thing of pushing his feelings to the side in the face of doing what he believes is right. This just tells us Knuckles still has a lot to work on before he can really come to terms with who he is.
Again, a pretty unconventional track so it can be an awkward listen and definitely not my favorite on the list, but it does something unique which I can definitely give it props for, Hunnid P even has a completely different flow, dragging out his words like he’s getting further away, hammering home that space theme.


And that’s it, if you made it this far through my long winded ramblings, then I’m extremely impressed 😂 I tried to trim the fat as best I could but I ended up getting a bit too attached to most of what I wrote
Honestly I feel like these songs have been unfairly painted as the silly crappy Knuckles rap songs with bad lyrics that are only good because of their instrumentals, and I just can’t agree with that.
I feel like in a lot of ways these songs do a much better job of characterizing Knuckles than SA1 or SA2, I really wish we got see more of his inner turmoil and him butting heads with Sonic in the game itself.
I think it’s a sad thought that for a long time, Knuckles has been a shadow of his former self (Har har) and has just been relegated to the token meathead that’s about as one dimensional as a square. Frontiers is definitely a step in the right direction and I’m excited to see what the new writing team can cook up with for his character.
But what are your thoughts though? Do you agree? Disagree? Did I manage to change your mind or have you always felt this way? Maybe you have a different take or something else to add? I’d love to hear it.
submitted by Double-Ho-7 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:49 AntonParco I'm a fangirl too and I made a tattoo

I'm a fangirl too and I made a tattoo
i,i played an important part in my life and I wanted to honor it with my first ever tattoo. I don't think this one illustration relates to a particular song on the album, or at least it can be spotted in the promoting videos of the album as a whole, although it's also on the back cover of the CD, next to Hey, Ma, which is coincidentally a favourite of mine. I modified it slightly, namely removing the genitalia because I wanted to keep my arm family-friendly, as well as my world androgynous ✨
Anyway, I’m so happy with how it turned out! And shoutout to Eric Timothy Carlson for creating such suitable and tattooable visuals for Bon Iver's music 💌
submitted by AntonParco to boniver [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:48 HoneyEmbarrassed6839 I need advice

I (24F) have been in a relationship with my (25M) since I was 16. I apologize for how all over the place this is. I just need help.
We’ve grown up together. I love this man with all my heart. I feel as if he’s my person, but he doesn’t feel the same. He tells me he loves me, but his actions haven’t always said the same.
To set the stage, it was like any other high school relationship. You believe you’re gonna end up married and pregnant a year after you graduate. It’s not the case. Honestly the red flag should have been when he laughed in my face when I told him I loved him for the first time. We were 3 months into dating and spending every day together. We got a place together on my 20th birthday. Everything was perfect in my eyes. We were own our own, sex life was up, and it was all ours. No rules or parents. It wasn’t until 8ish months later I discovered he was sexting my friend. I did the worse thing possible and cheated too. Everything went to shit. He moved out, we fought, all that. Well, we ended up back together after a few months apart. He moved back in and everything was fine. Here I am 2 years later after all this happened and I’m doubting if coming back was a good decision. My whole family hates him. My friends hate him. Every single person I know that has met him, hates him. He doesn’t put in the effort to be around the people important to me. He never attends a single family event of mine. Absolutely nothing. Not even my birthday party. We no longer live in the house that’s in my name. Everything is his. We had a conversation a couple weeks ago about how we have to live our lives for us and I broke down crying because it sounded like he didn’t want me in his. He told me I was overreacting and he’d buy a ring in two years time. He refuses to get married. He refuses to have kids before he’s in his 30s. I try to make him see my point but he fails to see why it bothers me so much. I’ve always wanted a happy family. We both make decent money. There’s no reason why we couldn’t support a child. I’m afraid his fear of commitment is because he’s still sleeping with someone behind my back, but I have no proof. It’s eating me alive. I can’t get his phone to check messages or when I do there’s only two conversations left. It makes me feel like he’s deleting the truth so I don’t see. I attend everything of his family’s. I treat his sister like my own. I feel trapped down. Everything is his and I will have nothing but my car and clothes. My mom said I can move in with her, but after being on your own, how do you go back to that? Am I overreacting? I’m not asking to get married tomorrow, but we’ve been together so long that boyfriend and girlfriend sounds fucking stupid to my ears. I wanted a future with him, but what happens if we do have a kid? Will he allow the kid to see my family or is he going to fight me? What do I do?
It’s not like we’re fighting either. I just want more. I feel guilty for wanting more. We still get alone. We’re still loving towards each other. He has no idea what’s going through my head since that conversation. I’m lost.
submitted by HoneyEmbarrassed6839 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 BrooklynNotNY The etymology of a nickname.

I figured this might fit here.
I just found out that my boyfriend’s family nickname is Junebug which is a nickname I’ve heard about so that’s not that unusual. The history is the fun part. So the name is because he was born in June(1995) and apparently he is the first person on his mom’s side of the family to have been born in June since like the early 1910s. Why they were even keeping track of this? Who knows but it was a big deal when my boyfriend was born. There was a big party and everything. What’s funny is that he wasn’t even due for another 4 weeks. There are several family members who came close and were born on the last day of May and first day of July though. And there has yet to be another baby born in June on my boyfriend’s mom’s side of the family since he was born either.
I guess we’ll have to wait and see if him, his younger siblings, or cousins will break the seal again when/if they have children.
submitted by BrooklynNotNY to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:43 IndependenceSalty83 I’m (23F) scared to end things after 6yrs with my BF (25M)

TLDR: Im scared to make the jump of ending things. I love him but I don’t think I’m in love with him anymore. Im scared it’s the wrong decision. Im scared to start over. Im worried financially. Im worried about our pets.
If you can do math I’m sure you can see that my boyfriend and I started dating pretty young, if anything I’d say he is my first love. I thought he was my true love. Backstory: We moved in together after about 7mo of dating (with roommates) then a few months later just the two of us. Things were great, we were working on our careers and got two dogs. It felt like we had a little family and happy life. Fast forward three years: we go on a trip with his family. His dad flips his shit on us about finances in an airport but is primarily yelling at me because my partner was being submissive and not questioning or trying to discuss this with his dad. His dad also brought our relationship into his yelling, saying things like I don’t make my BF happy, he doesn’t support our relationship. It was really shocking and “random” for me to see this display. It honestly sent me into a depression to be broken down like that publicly, with no warning, by my boyfriend’s dad and him not even sticking up for me or our relationship. My bf telling me the entire trip home and at home that that’s how his dad is, that he’s sorry, and he doesn’t know why his dad said those things. That he’s happy with me. Three months later I catch him texting other girls talking about meeting up. I already had a girls trip planned coming up and told him I needed time to sort through all of this given that I feel like I was dealt blow after blow. I came back from the trip and we talked about it more, I asked numerous times if there’s something I’m not doing right or if I do truly make him unhappy. He denies, says that he doesn’t know why he reached out to other women and that it was a stupid mistake that will never happen again. Of course for awhile I was on edge and wary but I loved him and wanted to make this work. A few more months later I was trying to find a tattoo artist he follows and showed me on instagram. But instead I found him following a lot of explicit female pages. I told him that this made me uncomfortable especially given our recent issues and set a boundary to not continue following/looking at these women. For the past year I feel as though things have been good and my trust is back for him. Here’s the but: 1) I don’t feel like I enjoy his conversation anymore or it’s gotten less. I feel like I have to initiate every conversation, find things to talk about. 2) I feel like I almost have to mom him or be his parent. Having to help him file his taxes, figure out his car insurance, his doctors appointments, cleaning etc. 3) He’s not romantic. We’ve had numerous conversations about how I want to surprise occasionally, I want him to do something romantic for me. I’ve quite literally almost begged him to. He always says he’ll try harder and he’s sorry. I know everyone has different love languages giving and receiving but I feel as though we’ve both communicated ours and it’s feeling one sided. Some anniversaries or valentines we took it easy and just did a cute dinner together. Some I planned trips for us. One year I did a surprise beach trip. For our 5yr anniversary I did a spa resort since neither of us had gone and well it’s our big 5 year anniversary! I don’t want to degrade him and say he’s never done anything for me but I just don’t feel like we’re on the same level. We just got back from a week long trip to the PNW we’ve been wanting to do for years. He didn’t put any effort into planning so I made the entire itinerary including finding where to eat at during the trip. I feel like this trip really snapped for me. Our 6yr anniversary is next month and I almost want to just not bother and see what he does, if anything. I know I shouldn’t expect things but I thought he was going to propose during our 5yr anniversary because he occasionally would ask what kind of wedding rings I liked. When he didn’t, I thought maybe he was waiting for a romantic trip like the PNW since we always talk about where we would and wouldn’t want to be proposed at. He didn’t. I know it sound silly to expect a ring when I’m sitting here questioning staying with him. Because I’m usually a logically person and clearly a planner and mentally made a pros and cons list.. and the reasons I kept coming back to for not leaving him is 1) we have long history together 2) I love him and I don’t want to hurt him 3) the stress of having to decide moving out and furniture 4) we have two dogs together 5) financially 6) I’m scared to start over.
submitted by IndependenceSalty83 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:38 West-Advertising7128 Group Chat

I put this under AITA because i dont really know what to put it under. So i had three best friends, lets call them Regina (my aunt), Gretchen (ex best friend), and Karen(childhood ex bestie). They all had known each other and were decent with one another which was great, we started to hang out together and talk on the phone together, finally felt like i had a girl friend group. December rolls around and me and my fiance wanted to go to see Bert Kriesher, it was already planned out, tickets bought, etc. I was so excited to go i told everybody about it in the beginning of November. Well about two weeks after I told everybody about it i find out the Regina is having “Friendsgiving” and has invited all of the girls. It happens to be on the same night we are going to see Bert, that is completely fine with me, i told them that we can’t make it and we can do something before Christmas (early Christmas) if they would like. All said yes and everything was good, we did early Christmas with Regina and Gretchen lived two hours away so it was hard to connect. Fast forward to early Christmas with Karen a week later and she was acting kinda weird during the entire time, was responding with short responses, wasnt really all the chatty and i just thought she was having a tough day. Asked her what was wrong she said nothing. Well two days later i get a message from Karens Fiancé saying that the people who i think are my friends arent my friends, curious i asked what he meant and he responded with i have screenshots and sends me almost a whole album of screenshots of all three of them talking shit in a group chat named Shit talk and then changed it to Grinch Talk, about me and my relationship, my recovery, how i parent, how i look, my health and more, but what really pissed me off the most is they decided to add my son(2yo) into it, so after receiving the screenshots i decided to make a group chat on snapchat and called it why are you talking shit, no-one responded to the group chat and messaged me individually. Karen called me crying saying the did it because they were concerned about me. Regina texted me saying i was making all of my health issues up and i just wanted attention when i in fact have medical records to prove otherwise (i have POTS, Seizures, stomach issues, and more). And Gretchen blamed it on karen and Regina saying she just wanted best for me. I blocked all of them on snap which Karen took personal and blocked me on everything after getting mad at me for blocking her on snap because i needed a break from seeing them all over my social media. Afterwards i cut Regina and Gretchen off and have completely cut them out of mine and my childs life. Some part of my feel guilty for my son because he was besties with Karens son, but i choose our peace over that drama anyday. Rant over✌🏼
submitted by West-Advertising7128 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:38 Yashim0to Update: Would you ask out a guy you don’t know?

Original Post
So I did it, sort of. I messaged the friend about “him” and actually got a response. It turns out that #1 “he” is actually ftm (not a problem, perfectly fine) and #2 they have a girlfriend (again perfectly fine).
So I wouldn’t completely consider this a loss, but it definitely isn’t a win. I asked and got a friendly response, apologized for assuming pronouns (because I refered to them as him in the original message.)
Now of course this is still a semi-loss as AcquiredBoyfriend = False. However I did basically ask someone out for the first time!
submitted by Yashim0to to GayBroTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:31 DaddyGremlin007 [ MI, US ] used, abused and now seemingly extorted

So this is gonna be a long one. My ex and I legally divorced many years ago, finally, after she got pregnant with another man's kid. Someone who she had been dating for 2 months. It was a rough marriage, but also one I dragged out, badly not wanting to put our children through a divorce. I had a hard time letting her go, as she was my first relationship. I had a full-time job that required extensive commitment and required much of my time. Luckily, my job was flexible, and I was able to watch my kids while my then-wife would run off for weeks at a time, going to parties, doing drugs and, unbeknownst to me, having intimate relationships with other men and women. I realize how this sounds, but she was pretty open about drugs and partying, making it seem like a life crisis. And here's the kicker: she told everyone that we were in an "open relationship", a term I was too nieve to have heard of, and which her friends took at face value. It made her friends less likely to talk to me, thinking I was some weirdo. She was literally often times gone for WEEKS at a time. And when she's come back, she'd clear out the bank account. When we separated, it was because she left me and our two kids to move in with her "new boyfriend", which lasted for a few months. Long enough to be considered abandonment. Then it was move, move, move, until she got together with her new boyfriend, who knocked her up. I tried to give her a fair custody deal, in part because I was stupid, and in part because I was led to believe that, as the mother, she had a huge advantage with custody over me. For years and years, my ex-wife moved from place to place, taking advantage of me and badmouting me and screwing with me at every possible oppertunity. A few years back, there was an incident where she was convicted of abusing our children, leaving many physical markings on our son, who was 5 at the time. In exchange for her completing anger management and parenting classes, I didn't press for full custody. Now, years later, she started telling my son that she didn't commit the abuse, and that she didn't deserve to be on the child abuse registry. She moved in with her sister in November, then got kicked out in January. It was around that time that my son confided in me that, 1.) His mom didnt deserve to be on the child abuse registry, as she "didnt do it", and that 2.) I was the one who caused our relationship to go south, by avoiding my parental responsibilities, going out and partying, yadda yadda. Basically all the shit she did to me. In fact, I was trying to make money and be a full-time dad for our two kids, while she ran off and did these things to me. We are now in a place of her trying to go after full custody, and her trying to poison and twist the minds of our children. This has gotten much worse since she was ordered to pay $200~some~odd a month for child support, because the Court has a requirement that someone pay when the kids are on state assistance. The amount was significantly less because the Court had to impute my income. Since June of 2023, when I got diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease that goes after my brain, I have had $0 in income. It's a hard disease to diagnose, but Ive gotten several second opinions, had eight MRIs, and all the experts agree: I have multiple sclerosis. My income was imputed at over $9,000 a month, while U survive off the generosity of my family. The only drama I have with them is related to how I used to defend my ex wife and let her walk all over everyone. Previously, I supported my family through hard work, bringing in, maximum, around $1500 to $2500 a month, but have struggled to get back to the point where I can work. Disability is no help, they just keep denying me. They don't want to hear about a 29-year-old with ongoing massivr fatigue problems. The Court tells me I need to be on Disability to have my income adjusted. I think my ex-wife is drugging one or both of my kids, possibly through second-hand cannabis use, but am legitimately scared to make such a claim. Every time someone has made a claim against her, it's come back to royally bite them in the ass, somehow. Meanwhile, she refuses to hold down a job, despite having a perfect-working immune system and seemingly unlikited energy, and now that she's been ordered to pay child support, the parental alienation has increased 10-fold, with my kids coming home three out of four weekends (her timr) needing to be "reset". They cuss and swear at me, as their mom has "no rules". I'm at a loss, what do you do in this sort of situation? I do have an attorney, who told me he doesn't think she'll ever be able to get 50/50, but I still worry about this, to the level of it effecting friendships and relationships with my family. I seriously have people that hate me because I put up with her. And I try, so hard, to be a good dad,, and to be always fair and not to crap-talk this woman. And with a few nasty lies, their mother seems to just uproot and wash away everything I've done, like it was nothing. It's just so defeating. They're six and ten, and I got on the most stable drug I possibly could, and have been working with physical therapy trying to get back with it. The drug I'm on doesn't make flu or covid more severe or risky, specifically because my favorite little human petri dishes are very likely to bring something home.I have no history with drugs or alcohol, or any criminal record. My name certainly isn't on the abuse registry, and I havent had an issue with CPS since I was married. I cannot tell you how many times I went out of my way, on my own dime, to provide two-way transportation to foster the relationship between these kids and their mother, believing it was best for them. I thought, maybe, eventually, she'd grow up and be a mom. For a while, I believed she was. All the while, I gave her money for food, a few times for rent, new car parts, installed by me, appliances hauled and paid for and installed, by me, trying to just help her out. All this only to find out years later that despite her not having these kids hardly at all, she was claiming that they lived with her full-time to get more assistance, and even today, she is the same crap-talking liar I had only previously seen glimpses of. After my son told me what his mother had said, I requested a copy of the previous abuse record from CPS, and come to find out, not only did she refuse the free parenting and anger management classes she was offered, even though we agreed she would take them, but she also tried to say that I left the markings on the children when CPS investigated, amongst other games. Our youngest corroborated the story perfectly to the CPS investigator at the time, according to the report, which concretely confirmed the details. After their mother refused classes, CPS ended up adding her name to the naughty list of child abusers. I strongly no longer believe that her having custody time at all is best for the children. What would you do, or have you done in a similar situation? What pitfalls do I need to avoid or not see coming? Additionally, how do you go about secretly drug testing your 10-year-old? Is there a more obvious answer? I am currently custodial, at about 80/20, with many times where she didnt take them during her time, but I fear what's in store for these kids in the coming months, when we transition to the usual 50/50 during the summer. Thanks for reading, and in advance for any advice!!
submitted by DaddyGremlin007 to Custody [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:28 Fuersty [TOMT] [Vinyl] Sepia toned "old country" style gatefold album, band on front, dead people hanging from trees on rear cover.

I came across an album this past weekend I wish I had bought, the album cover was so unusual.
The name of the band (and the album, I presume, since it only had the two words) was something like "Preston Marshall" but that isn't it exactly. It was filed right before or after the Pure Prairie League in the bins, which was the band I was actually looking for.
The album cover felt fairly new, it must have been from the late 70's or 80's I presume.
The front cover had 5 or so band members standing in a fog in a pretty country/rural environment in a sepia/kinda black and white tone. Kind of ominous looking. When you flip the cover over you see it's a continuation of the front cover and there are actually 2 dead men hanging from trees behind the band. (I guess I'm presuming it's the band on the cover, but I think it's a reasonable guess.)
The interior of the gatefold had the lyrics to all of the songs printed out (in a semi fancy font in red type, if I remember correctly).
Oh and it was only $8... so I'm assuming it's not a super duper collectible or anything.
submitted by Fuersty to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:28 hachiro-dushi Animal names that could work for humans?

I'd just found out about an animal called saola and I thought the name would be really cute for a girl. Do you know other animal names that work for humans, or at least names that could work if they weren't animals?
submitted by hachiro-dushi to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:27 Kauaiishbino AITAH? I [F/18] was talking to a guy [M/20] about how I felt about him friendzoning me after leading me on knowing I wanted a relationship. He blocked me because I screenshotted our message talking about it. If I am, is there anything I can do about it? How may he have possibly felt?

I just had things ended because a guy I was talking to finally told me today that he didn't want me and that I wasn't for him, but it ended up going way worse than I wanted.
Everything started with me reconnecting with him in Walmart. I knew him prior to this because we used to go to the same high school together but never really talked. I gave him my instagram and we were talking about our exes cause that is how we even knew each other. While I was texting him, he asked me for my number then we started texting on imessages. He would text me, send me pigeon games, and call me every now and then.
There was one day where he called me and he wanted to ask me sexual questions, I was cool with it cause we had been friends for 2 weeks and plus I don't really have anything to hide. I didn't think much about it while telling him and asking him stuff cause we were friends, he had started talking about how he wanted someone to be friends with benefits with that it wouldn't end up ruining the friendship and I told him I could never do that stuff cause I want to be in a relationship with those that I am sexual with, plus I get clingy with them cause I tend to actually like them.
At some point of talking, he even asked for me to send and I told him that I wanted to do all of that stuff when I get married because my last ex (the ex he knew about) had taken my virginity to get his ex (the guy i was talking to's ex) jealous. I don't know exactly what he said but he said something like "Well it would suck to wait for someone during the relationship just to realize that they aren't good at sex", which made me feel like I was waiting for no reason because after that ex, I never was sexually active with anyone (about 2-3 years counting). I ended up sending some old nudes because I thought it wouldn't matter anymore and that he was kind of cute. After that, the more we talked the more the sexual tension got heavy, he was talking about how he liked my body and how he wanted to fuck me, and I was eating it up cause he was making me feel pretty and wanted. He ended up jerking off to my picture when I let him take the time to (cause I really didn't want to do e-sex cause I've always felt unfulfilled doing it) and when he came back everything was fine.
After some days, we had gotten into this habit of me sending him nudes, taking them how he wanted them to look, with him complimenting me and jerking off to them, there was only one time where we did e-sex, everything else was sending. The sending nudes ended up making me feel how I did in my previous relationship which was like a whore, not an actual person, and like a porn magazine, so I talked to him about it and he told me to just tell him to stop when he does ask. Time passed some more and he would still asked so I talked to him again about it because everytime we would have a sweet moment he would ask me for nudes or say something sexual, but this time he was still entertaining the idea, I assume he was thinking I was playing hard to get, I really don't know, but this time I told him, "I don't think you'll get to the point of actually liking me" because during this time he made it seem like we were leaning into a relationship while I always said that I wanted a relationship, he had backed off when I said that but he replied saying "(my name) don't be like that". After that, the only time that we would be sexual was whenever I initiated it, which would be about once every 2-3 weeks.
During that I would treat him like a boyfriend, but he was still being plain towards me, (he even told me that he liked the way I treated him) the only time he would compliment me was when I dressed up, so I asked him about how he was rarely lovey dovey towards me and he told me that he needed more time to get to like me even more than he did cause he wanted to take things slow, I got salty and told him that sexting me and wanting me to send nudes wasn't take it slow, he didn't say anything about that but smirked and change the topic. Every now and then, I'd make slick comments about stuff that didn't make sense. We had gotten to a point where he told me that he wasn't going to be texting and calling as much because he wants to start his business up, which I had no problem with that, I told him that I would always be there for him and when needed me, if there was anything I could do to just let me know, and I even told him if he felt like he needed to not pursue a relationship right now that we could stop or cut ties for now. He agreed with him not pursuing a relationship, again stating that he wants to put all of his focus in the business, and that there was nothing wrong with me, just that he wanted to focus on himself. I told him that I didn't know if I was cool being just friends because I was actually trying to pursue a relationship with him and that if I figured out how I felt about it I would let him know so that things didn't get toxic between us.
6 days later (5/10/2024),
At night, I told him the way everything is right now is making me confused and overwhelmed because I didn't really understand what our status was, and it wasn't somewhere I wanted to be especially after sending him pictures of my body using a voice message. I also told him that I was regretting showing him my body cause of how I felt I was being used but didn't want to assume and was hoping that he just needed time, he replied the next day during the afternoon telling me that I was a good person just that he couldn't see a future with me, that he thought he made his want of being only friends clear, that we would go different directions if we did get together. I got confused about that part because everytime I would try and talk to him about us meeting up and how we would maintain the relationship, he would tell me that it was too soon to talk about it, so i got a bit mad and asked him how he came to that conclusion knowing that we didn't talk about it at all, how he knew my boundaries but didn't straight up tell me that he didn't want me so I could save my time, and how he didn't make anything clear cause I thought we were on pause for now and going to attempt to try again once the business started up. He then told me that I was trying to guilt him, to not be mad at him because he didn't want a relationship, that he didn't want me, that I wasn't for him, and to not get mad at him for something he couldn't control.
I told him that I wasn't meaning to guilt him (cause I wasn't, I was just being transparent and honest on how I felt) and that I wanted to call instead of texting cause i didn't like it, I felt more miscommunication was happening, he told me he didn't want to call because he didn't want me to call him an asshole and how my problems are his fault, I told him i never said it was his fault but he corrected me by reminding me i said it in the voice message i sent last night (I was really high when I made it, so i didn't remember much when I woke up), so i listened to it and I literally told him that it was half of his fault that I'm confused about our status and how I needed more stability from him, so I told him that just adding that I was also at fault to for not knocking him down when he first came at me. After that, I started screenshotting the messages for my notion journal to dissect more on how I feel about it to try to understand more on how i felt and to help me move on, but he gets PISSED, he texted me on imessage.
him: "yeah no, fuck your screenshots"
me: "why you don't even know what i'm going to do with them?"
him: "1 screenshot. Sure. 3??? Nahhh. You trynna catch me up. I one you and screenshots and I don't fuck with it. That drew the line for me. You right. We shouldn't talk."
THEN HE FUCKING BLOCKS ME ON EVERYTHING EVEN GETTING A MUTUAL FRIEND OF OURS TO BLOCK ME. So i start racing to talk to him because I didn't think it was a big ass deal, so i text him on discord and he's telling me to fuck off and blocks me. I kept finding ways to contact him trying to explain to him and apologizing that I'm keeping it to myself and that its nothing more but he tells me to fuck off even more to the point where he even threatens to report me. I gave up and I sent my last message to him telling him that he basically sucks, doesn't reciprocate any mercy I've given to him or treat me as if I mattered to him, how it was unfair how stubborn he was to not even try to understand how i felt, how i still, despite, the entirety of the situation, love him, and hopes his life goes well.
I do want to add that I understand constantly texting him and calling him about it was a bad move, I truly was just acting on my emotions instead of calming down then making a choice.
submitted by Kauaiishbino to AITAH [link] [comments]