The best resume for medical assistant

Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.

2009.10.18 21:53 davedavedavedavedave Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.


2009.03.19 18:01 p_W Reddit Resume - Get Your Resume Reviewed

A community where people can submit their resumes for anonymous feedback. General resume questions and discussions are welcomed as well.

2009.01.31 05:31 Social Media Marketing

SocialMediaMarketing is a place for SMM professionals to share industry-relevant information, discuss best practices, and provide constructive critique.

2024.05.14 23:28 failed_messiah The war on respawning

As a sub tier griefepirate I put out the call to other low life's to help the community.
After the next patch and the changes to respawning on tier 3 beds it looks like our favorite targets, medical gameplay enjoyers, are getting the royal CR shaft and a big part of their gameplay is getting the axe to promote the sale of the new nursa.
We can not allow CR to deprive us of the tantalizing gameplay we thrive on, hunting med ships down and murdering everyone within a 10km radius. This new mechanic represents a SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION in the fertile hunting grounds we once enjoyed and a slap in the face to the medical dudes we so love to hunt.
We can help.
The objective is simple, we quadrant off the planets and ruthlessly hunt down anyone hauling a nursa or flying a c8 rescue or cutty red. We go full on scorched earth, patrolling from poi to poi to disrupt the possibility of people respawning on their ships. Disrupt the respawn rate to tier 3 beds long enough and we deny the use of the new mechanic and who will these people call to save them? The medical rescue heros! Who for years have been creating their own gameplay loops and been there to pick us up when we tried to naked rush bunkers for a quick gear set.
They need our help and by God I'll grief every poi in the verse myself if it means saving their way of life.
The task is simple, every day when you get on spend 30 minutes patrolling the pois for medical beds and do what we do best, if we all do our part we can get the medical rescues back up and running in no time at all and restore the balance of things.
A wise man once said; "We choose to help the medical gameplay and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too"
Or something pretty close to that.
Get the word out and share this with all the gutter trash griefing pirates you know. We will fight and we will win.
Dread pirate FailedMessiah. Lost Spacer initiative
submitted by failed_messiah to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:28 juliet_porter Adulting: Help with work not even 60 days into a new role

Adulting: Help with work not even 60 days into a new role
Hi adulting fam,
I’m reaching out because I’ve started a new job in healthcare as a cosmetics manager. I’m working for a dermatology office that has now started their own cosmetics division.
My background is events,hospitality,film,management,customer service.
I’ve tossed around the idea of nursing school because I TRULY enjoy helping others, and have always been interested in skincare so when I saw the position open up it felt like a great fit because I could plan events for the company along with learning about skin,cosmetics, all while making a difference to make patients feel and look their best.
In starting I was told that I would need to step in as manager for the dermatology side while the office manager on that side goes out on maternity leave. I agreed not understanding the full scope of the work that would be placed upon me.
I have no medical background, I am trying to learn as quickly as I can about insurance, ordering, payroll, billing, check in/out, payments, prior authorizations, referrals on top of learning about cosmetics and executing tasks the doctor has given me. That could be creating a whole strategic plan with a SWOT analysis, SMART goals, community out reach for events, planning and executing our own events, communications with our marketing and social media team to create content for them to use on social media, ordering, learning about our products, using all new systems, creating charge codes, contacting our website development team to add things to the landing page, SEOs and much more.
I feel like I haven’t mastered any piece of it yet and still carry notes around to reference things everyday. I’m not settled in my office, my office is a small closet with a desk. I use my own computer which is now out of disk storage because of all the files and webpages. I’ve been told a computer was order now I was told today it’s coming.
Here’s where a big dilemma comes in to play:
The doctor has asked for mandatory training that all the medical assistants be cross trained and learn the receptionist position. We have had high turnover since I’ve been there(they fired one phone representative, three receptionists, one which they just brought back)
There’s one medical assistant who expressed they did not want to do it and was going to have an attitude (but they all said that because they were nervous and did great) when it was this persons week they came in with the poorest attitude, and said they told us they didn’t want to do it, forcing them to do something they don’t want to do and was going to continue with having a poor attitude.
Mind you this person has been friends with the office manager since they were 14. They are now in their 30’s.
On Monday of the training the MA was so rude to the office manager, Tuesday she continued to have the same poor demeanor and I even went to the front to help her at times and at the end of the shift we fist bumped and I said what are we coming with tomorrow? And they said a better attitude and smiled. This person has always acknowledged me and spoken to me up until I addressed the poor attitude on Wednesday. They were still complaining,said the training didn’t make sense and it was a whole back and forth. It escalated to the point where myself,the office manager and the doctor all had a meeting about her attitude how it was poor to the team (mostly me about the attitude) and she took offense to that because she said as long as the patients aren’t affected and she’s executing her job we are at that point not picking because we don’t like the way she’s treating management.
The office manager stepped in and said taking emotion out of it you are not executing the standards doctor would like such as sounding pleasant and proper phone etiquette. I apologized that she didn’t feel seen or heard and that she expressed frustration about training (for 5 days mind you) but that it was required and yes she should go home for her attitude and she disagreed so again the office manager stepped in and I think didn’t want her to go home because she knows her financial situation and stated again these are the things you need to do and I stayed silent and they went back and forth disagreeing and then the medical assistant kept saying so are you sending me home because she doesn’t like my attitude and at that point she wasn’t even listening to anything else so the other manager said fine then go home you’re not listening.
We had a management meeting that afternoon and it was said if she wasn’t her friend she would have been fired for the way she was speaking to her and myself but the doctor and other manager and myself agreed that if she could come in a with a better attitude the next day then we would move forward and let her decide her fate. She came in and basically won’t speak to me but speaks to everyone else.
The doctor requested she do another week of training at the receptionist desk this week until she gets the phone etiquette sounding pleasant. She was on fire, see attached convo between her and the office manager which the office manager shared with me. Again,this all seems to be “my fault” and I’m being ignored in the workplace.
I’m a very kind and sweet person I can say do not like confrontation , and have a servant leadership style where I want to help.
This week the office manager has asked all the employees to direct all questions to me so I can learn and they are all still going to her and she continues to redirect and sometimes they do and majority of the time they don’t.
I also planned a big event and the doctor completely scrapped it today to do something cheaper after she approved it andI’m back to square one with that and she said that money could be used for other things like the computers.
at the end of the day im a kind person and im feeling really unsettled and seeing how unorganized this establishment is but i dont want to quit without a job lined up.
the schedule goes out at late like 10pm on Sunday when we have to be at work at 6am Monday. every correspondence is through a text thread.
can you give me some advice ive been crying and upset about what to do and how im feeling . Thank you 🫶🏽🥹🙏🏾😭🩵
submitted by juliet_porter to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:26 rheckber Confused about medical benefits

I recently got 10% Service Connected for Tinnitus and not approved nor service connected for hearing loss. In reading the welcome letter and my benefit letters on it says I now have medical coverage? I signed up a few years ago for VA Health when they were doing COVID vaccines (but never got one there nor have I ever been treated at a VA facility.
The Proof of Minimal Essential Coverage Letter says:
Dear Mr. . . . :
I am pleased to confirm your enrollment in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system. Your enrollment satisfies the requirement to have health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act, which you may know as "ACA" or "health care law".
What This Means to You
You have access to comprehensive health care services at VA facilities anywhere in the country. You can use these services even if you have Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, or private health insurance coverage.
There are no enrollment fees, monthly premiums, or deductibles. However, you may have to pay VA small copayments for your health care or medications.
You do not have to take any action to renew your annual enrollment status. VA will notify you if anything changes in your enrollment.
You do not need to take additional steps to meet the health care law coverage standards.
The Welcome Pamphlet also talks about priority groups and 10% SC disability being Priority Group 3 and also says
What care and services does VA health care cover?
Each Veteran’s medical benefits package is unique. Yours will include care and services to help:
All Veterans receive coverage for most care and services, but only some will qualify for added benefits like dental care. The full list of your covered benefits depends on:
I always assumed any VA medical coverage would only cover things related to the specific disability and not to other health issues/items. Does this mean I can use the VA for other medical issues. Things like prescriptions and lab tests as well as emergency/urgent care? It also mentioned Auditory, possibly Dental and Vision coverage (heard varying things on vision). How does this work with Medicare or private insurance?
Thanks for any info!
submitted by rheckber to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:25 dalib12 Canadian Background Check

Hi all,
I have passed my initial phone screening, criticall, panel and now I'm on to the background check (Canada). They were very clear that I need the specific date I was hired, and a reference for the last 10 years for each job, and volunteering that I did.
I'm worrying as I cannot remember, nor have a reference for all of them. Some were only a few months as I did smaller jobs (we had a medically fragile child and I was often in the hospital with them, so I couldn't really ever commit to anything long term - but they have been medically stable for 2 years now, which is why I am finally applying), does that look poorly? I didn't even put them on my resume as I figured it wasn't monumental, but they said after the interview I need to mention every single thing I did.
How do you get dates for a decade ago? or references for that matter? Did you find the same struggles?
submitted by dalib12 to 911dispatchers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:25 TapCompetitive4871 Recently started medication and have a night out

Ok so i started elvanse 30mg last week on tuesday and i start on 50mg on saturday, i like to go quite hard when im out and am looking for some advice. I will be going out on the 25th so not this saturday but the following to celebrate finishing up college however i did not feel good at all when i had a small drink this past weekend. There is also a high chance i will be taking other stimulants while out.
So my options are to just patch this night out however i really dont want to or could i skip my dose on on friday and saturday and enjoy the night then resume on say the monday or will i completely fuck up my titration ?
Also would the elvanse be out my system by saturday if i skip my dose in the friday.
Am i clutching at straws here and should i just forgoe drinking etc for a while until i am used to my medication or can i make this allowance.
I know you guys cant give actual medical advice but if anyone has been in a similar situation and would care to share their experience i would greatly appreciate it :)
Also just to add the medication although was absolute shit on day 1 and did nothing it now seems to be having a good effect and i dont want to fuck it up lol
submitted by TapCompetitive4871 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:23 PhantomFuck [WRITE-UP]: Experience with Dream Body Clinic (DBC) in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Last Week

I am 29-year-old American male and I recently visited DBC last week to receive 300M mesenchymal stem cells administered via IV. I also received a NAD+ and Vitamin C infusion after the stem cells.
My liver and I are trying to become friends again.
For the sake of brevity, I will be keeping this write-up short and segmented into different categories for easy reading.
TRANPSORTATION: I arrived in Puerto Vallarta on Southwest Airlines and landed at PVR on Tuesday, May 07. When you land at PVR, collect your bags, and go through Customs you will be swarmed by local taxi cab drivers/companies trying to give you a ride. Ernesto from DBC was already in contact with me via WhatsApp and told me he would be at the Information Desk. Sure enough I found him, and he hailed a cab for me. Ernesto also provided me with a folder containing my transportation schedule and who my drivers would be. The drivers were nothing short of excellent and arrived at the all-inclusive I was staying at on time for days of treatment and transportation back to the airport.
BLOODWORK/PAYMENT: I was picked up at 8AM on Thursday, May 09 for my bloodwork and payment appointments. I received instructions not to take any pain medications or drink alcohol within 24 hours of my bloodwork and to fast eight hours beforehand. I arrived at the Clinic and was taken to the third floor where I underwent a typical triage exam by a nurse. My blood was taken (three vials), barcodes containing my information were attached, and I had to complete a sign-out form basically indicating that my blood would be taken for analysis. Next, I was led to the rooftop of the clinic where I was offered complimentary coffee/tea and snacks. I snapped some photos of the view and then completed my payment via credit card. The price for my treatment was $10,890 USD (exactly as advertised).
RESULTS/DOC CONSULTATION: I was picked up at 10AM on Friday, May 10 for treatment. I met with Dr. Liz for my bloodwork consultation where she went over five pages of bloodwork with me (extremely detailed). We also discussed what supplements I am currently taking, my medical history, and she explained that I should get repeat labs done in six to eight months to see how things have improved. My bloodwork was interesting because she made note that my TSH levels were high and she recommended that I see an endocrinologist when I got home (unbeknownst to me—add it to the payroll, I guess! Lol). I also received the Certificate of Analysis for the batch of stem cells that I would be receiving. The cells were prepared the day before and had a bioavailability of 99.80%. The sources of the MSCs were placenta and umbilical cord. She also explained that I might experience some tiredness or fatigue later in the day and that this was normal.
TREATMENT: I was asked if I needed to use the restroom and was then taken to the treatment area. The treatment area was very clean and sterile, exactly like something you would expect in a hospital in the United States. I sat in a reclining leather lounger that was quite comfortable. A blanket was also offered just in case I got cold. I met the nurse, Rebecca, who took my vitals and then prepared my IV site. Dr. Liz then came into the room and unsealed three vials of stem cells (each containing 100M). I asked if I could see the stem cells and she had no problem showing me the vials and the gelatinous looking goo inside them. She explained that what I was looking at was the colonies. She said the IV would take about two hours, the nurse came by with a QR code for the WIFI, and two hours later the cells were done. Josh, the owner, came into the treatment area for about an hour and sat in the lounger beside me. We had an interesting conversation and I came to learn his brother lives in the same city as I do. Dr. Liz came back with the supplements vials and administered those. This process took exactly 28 minutes. The nurse came back, removed the IV site, and applied a band-aid. My driver was waiting and took me back to my hotel.
POST TREATMENT: This is my third time getting stem cells via IV (first time at DBC), so this isn’t my first rodeo. I didn’t have any adverse reactions; however, I did get hit with a wave of substantial tiredness about five hours after treatment. I was getting ready for dinner and got so tired that I decided it was best that I lay down and rest for a bit. I had an hour and a half nap which fixed the problem. No other remarkable side effects. A driver picked me up on Sunday, May 12 and took me to PVR for departure.
All in all, it was a smooth and efficient treatment process. I can’t remark on treatment outcomes yet, but I will be sure to follow up later after my next set of labs. The one thing I will make note about is that the facility is multiple stories so if you have trouble with stairs, you might have a rough time. I had a complete hip replacement done last November and I would have had difficulty navigating the facility if I had gone a few months earlier.
As an aside, I stayed at Secrets Bahia Mita Surf & Spa Resort since I am a World of Hyatt member. Absolutely a first-class resort through and through. I also visited Sayulita, Mexico and did a RZR tour which was fun as hell. I treated my guest to Rhythms of the Night on Saturday evening and had a great experience too.
submitted by PhantomFuck to stemcells [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:23 throwRA_5312723 My parents (67M, 68F) is forcing me (25M) to leave my gf (25F) solely because of her medical condition. What should I do?

Me (25M) and my gf (25F) has been together for more than 6 years. We survived long-distance relationship for the first 3 years and had a amazing relationship for the subsequent 3 years. She is my best friend, close confidant and we cannot imagine our lives without each other. We rarely ever argues and our personality complements each other, and our friends too always said we are a perfect couple. Essentially, she's the perfect one for me.
Initially, my parents loved her a lot too. They always showered her with gifts and really supported us being together. In fact, my parents had been nagging us to get married soon.
However, my gf is a carrier of BRCA-2 gene mutation, which means, she will be at a higher risk of getting breast cancer and ovarian cancer in the future.
I am well aware of her condition and am ready to support her and walk with her, as her future husband. We planned everything we needed to do: such as getting IVF done to prevent the gene from being passed down and her getting her breasts removed to prevent cancer from developing.
Unfortunately, I decided to tell my parents about my gf's gene mutation, hoping to get their understanding and support. However, they did not take it lightly. My mom threw a massive fit and demanded me to leave my girlfriend immediately. Essentially, they don't want my girlfriend to be "imperfect" and they don't want me to potentially suffer from taking care of my gf in the future such as bringing her to hospital appointments and stuff. They also said that the costs of IVF and her treatment can be too expensive (even though we have medical insurances already) and denied us together.
My girlfriend had been really heartbroken because of this but she's still willing to put up with my parents if it means us getting married and be together.
Today, my mom has placed an ultimatum on me: either leave my girlfriend or be disowned by them (I am their only son btw). I love my girlfriend too much and I can't imagine breaking up with her. I also do feel it is way too cruel to leave my girlfriend JUST because of her genetic predisposition to cancer.
So, I don't know what to do. Any advice will be appreciated!
TL,DR: my gf and I had a 6-year strong relationship together and my parents loved her. But my gf has a genetic mutation that places her at higher risk of getting cancer in the future. Now my parents is asking me to either leave her just because of her cancer risk or be disowned by family. What should I do?
submitted by throwRA_5312723 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:22 U41k88 Help! I completed my last year of my masters in 2015 and I have (more or less) ignored my student loans since then.

Hello studentloans,
I am trying to sort through my student loans for the first time in a significant time! I initially graduated back in 2011 with my BA and MST and started teaching right off the bat. I was not aware of income-driven repayment when I first started and so I opted to enroll in “extended graduated repayment”. I made payments up until around 2014. I ended up going back to school for an advanced certificate and applied for deferment. I started making payments after I graduated in the spring of 2015. Once Covid hit I elected to not make payments up until a few months ago when payments resumed. I currently have around 53,000 dollars in loans and I’m trying to sort out the best way to take advantage of loan forgiveness and zero out the loans. As I mentioned earlier, I was a public school teacher and I am currently a school administrator (both in title 1 schools if that matters) I am struggling making sense of everything and I have been trying to contact Mohela, Fedloans and other agencies like NYC DOE, but I find myself spending hours on the phone and not getting anywhere. I am wondering if anyone can please help me answer a few questions:
1.) Does any of my payments or time qualify towards PSLF 2.) IDR plans options are 150-200 more than what I currently pay a month…is that normal and are there other options I can explore that can reduce/maintain payments while also qualifying for loan forgiveness? 3.) what, if any, recommendations do you all have as to actions I should take for loan forgiveness?
Any help would be really appreciated!!!
submitted by U41k88 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:21 TrackingSystemDirect GPS Tracking Device For Rental Equipment?

GPS Tracking Device For Rental Equipment?

Struggling With Lost Rental Equipment? Solve It With Rental Equipment Trackers!

In the competitive rental equipment industry, effective asset management is crucial. GPS tracking devices have changed the way fleet managers monitor and track vehicles, heavy machinery, and nonpowered assets. However, one area where GPS trackers are now increasingly being used that people might not be familiar with is in the rental equipment industry. Businesses renting out vehicles, heavy equipment, or other assets are able to securely monitor and protect equipment through the use of real time GPS tracking. But what is a real time GPS rental equipment tracker, and how does the technology assist rental equipment businesses? In this article, we'll explore the best GPS trackers, their features, and the benefits of using them. From theft reduction to optimized maintenance schedules, we will tackle everything you need to know about rental equipment tracking devices.

Best GPS Tracker For Equipment 2024

Visit Website:
  • Keep your valuable assets safe from theft for less than $100!
  • No more complicated installations - battery-powered GPS devices!
  • Know where your trailers are with GPS tracking!
According to online reviews and industry experts, the best GPS tracker for rental equipment is the Konnect. The reason Konnect GPS is so popular among rental equipment companies is that the tracker is portable, waterproof, small, and has a surface magnet so it can easily be hidden on a piece of equipment without hassle. Another cool feature of the device is that it is a real time GPS tracker but service plans are month-to-month so rental equipment companies do not have lengthy contracts or commitments.

10 Benefits Of GPS Tracking Rental Equipment

  1. Improved equipment management: GPS tracking devices enable rental businesses to monitor equipment usage and optimize rental management processes.
  2. Theft prevention: GPS trackers make it easy to track stolen equipment and quickly recover valuable assets.
  3. Real-time location tracking: Fleet managers can monitor and track the location of rental equipment in real-time, enhancing overall fleet tracking efficiency.
  4. Improved customer service: Rental tracking allows businesses to provide customers with accurate, real-time equipment availability, streamlining the renting process.
  5. Vehicle tracking: GPS vehicle trackers help fleet managers track and manage trucks, trailers, and other transport vehicles for rental equipment.
  6. Battery-powered options: Battery-powered GPS trackers allow easy monitoring of nonpowered assets, like heavy machinery and construction equipment.
  7. Comprehensive tracking platforms: GPS tracking systems integrate with equipment management software, providing a centralized platform for monitoring assets and equipment.
  8. Increased equipment utilization: By tracking equipment usage, businesses can identify underutilized assets and optimize their deployment.
  9. Enhanced maintenance schedules: GPS tracking solutions help rental companies implement preventive maintenance schedules based on equipment usage data.
  10. Unauthorized usage detection: Hidden GPS trackers notify rental managers about unauthorized equipment usage, promoting better rental management.
Everyday rental equipment businesses across the globe look for ways to mitigate the risk of theft and increase asset protection strategies. Whether a business is in the field of construction equipment rental and needs to safeguard a piece of heavy machinery or a stainless steel distributor who needs to monitor equipment to ensure freight is not stolen, real-time GPS tracking technology is proving to be the go-to solution.

Atlanta Business Transformed: A Real-World GPS Equipment Tracking Success Story

One construction company, Johnson Builders Ltd., located in Atlanta, Georgia, significantly benefited from implementing GPS rental equipment tracking in their daily operations. The firm, which relied on renting equipment such as trucks, heavy machinery, and trailers, needed a solution to reduce theft, improve asset management, and optimize equipment utilization. By adopting a comprehensive GPS tracking system for their rental equipment, they witnessed a remarkable transformation in their business processes.
According to a case study published by Advanced Tracking Technologies Inc., Johnson Builders Ltd. installed GPS trackers for equipment, vehicle tracking devices, and fleet dash cameras on their rented assets, such as a CAT excavatorand several Ford F-350 trucks. These powerful tracking tools provided realtime GPS tracking, enabling the company to monitor unauthorized usage and ensure that the rented equipment was being used efficiently.
In one instance, a rented truck was stolen from a construction site in the Buckhead neighborhood. The GPS tracking system allowed Johnson Builders Ltd. to quickly locate the vehicle and alert the authorities. The stolen truck was promptly recovered, preventing significant financial losses and potential delays in the project timeline.
The GPS tracking solution also helped Johnson Builders Ltd. establish preventive maintenance schedules for their rental equipment, ensuring optimal performance and reducing downtime. For example, the system alerted the company when a rented excavator was due for an oil change, enabling them to schedule maintenance at a convenient time and avoid unexpected equipment failure.
As a result, Johnson Builders Ltd. experienced increased equipment utilization, better rental management, and reduced theft. This real-world example highlights the numerous benefits of GPS rental equipment tracking and demonstrates how it can greatly enhance business operations, making it an essential investment for companies that rely on rented assets.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do GPS Equipment Trackers Improve Rental Equipment Management?

GPS equipment trackers, like asset trackers and powered asset devices, streamline rental equipment management by providing real-time location tracking, monitoring usage, and ensuring timely maintenance. With these systems in place, businesses can optimize equipment assets, prevent unauthorized use, and reduce theft, ultimately improving efficiency and saving costs.

What Types Of Rental Equipment Can Benefit From GPS Tracking?

A wide range of rental equipment can benefit from GPS tracking, including vehicles, trucks, recreational vehicles, trailers, and heavy machinery. GPS systems such as fleet tracking, GPS vehicle tracking, and GPS equipment tracking are versatile and can be applied to various types of equipment, ensuring effective management across numerous industries.

How Can A Battery-Powered Tracker Help Protect Rental Equipment?

Battery-powered trackers, like GPS asset trackers and equipment GPS trackers, help protect rental equipment by enabling real-time location tracking and monitoring. This allows businesses to keep an eye on their assets and act quickly in case of unauthorized usage or theft. Battery-powered devices also offer flexibility, as they don't require a direct power connection, making them suitable for various types of equipment.

What Features Should I Look For In Rental Equipment Tracking Devices?

When selecting a tracking device for rental equipment, look for features such as real-time GPS tracking, compatibility with tracking platforms and equipment management software, and user-friendly customer login interfaces. Additional features like dash cameras and fleet dash cameras can provide extra security and visibility, while compatibility with trailer and truck tracking systems is essential for businesses with large fleets.

Can GPS Tracking Help Improve Equipment Rental Customer Experience?

Absolutely! GPS tracking can significantly enhance the customer experience in equipment rental businesses. By providing accurate equipment location data, rental companies can ensure timely deliveries and pickups, while also offering customers personal tracking access. Additionally, GPS tracking helps prevent equipment theft and reduces downtime, resulting in a more reliable and efficient rental process for customers.
submitted by TrackingSystemDirect to GPStracking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:20 ElohimSelta Questions about Airgap and P-Trap

Questions about Airgap and P-Trap
First off, sorry about my lack of proper terminology, i’m not a plumber myself, only assisted ever.
At my work, we have a p-trap with an air gap. This was a new installation and has had issues with taking in any water at all. I spoke with some friends and the best i heard was that the funnel was level or lower than the output, so it probably doesnt have enough pressure to push water through. It cant even have a full second of water before its spitting up water on the floor.
Also, in the second picture, the pipe fell out from having water in it. From all i know, would PVC cement prevent that? Its only held together by hose clamps currently, but fell out.
All these together and there’s one other thing. This drain has cleaning agents running through it regularly, as its a dish sink at a restaurant, and when there was a leak, the plumbers sealed it with Window and Doo Caulk, which didnt last long.
My boss said they’re gonna just loosen the hose clamps, plop it back in the pipe, and retighten the clamps.(He also splained me by saying the p-trap was the air gap, which i’m confident was just incorrect)
I have two main questions. Are these good fixes? And is there any advice for how to handle this or any other problems we may experience?
submitted by ElohimSelta to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:20 nousdefions3_7 PTSD DBQ and the C&P (A question for the more knowledgeable in the community)

Fellow veterans, I titled the question as such because I am only now getting to understand the intricacies surrounding the VA Claims process (thanks, in large part, to many of you).
I have been seeing a mental health provider since 2018 for my PTSD condition. I put in for PTSD shortly after retiring but I did not follow through because - basically - I was upset with the world back then and did not want anyone to discuss my wartime experience with me. The second time around, I submitted the older PTSD DQB (pre-2022 version), VA was unable to make heads or tails of the DBQ because it translated so horribly via FAX (parts were unreadable). They reached out to the medical provider's office. By sheer coincidence, he was involved in an auto accident at the time and was laid up in a hospital for some time. Since they could not make positive contact, VA deferred-denied the claim. For full transparency, I should have been tracking on this as well. But, again, I was a horrible patient and I just did not give a f...k. Frankly, again, my PTSD had me angry at the world distrustful of the VA system.
Now for the question:
This time around, my mental health provider, with the help of two other PhDs in that facility, are pulling out all the stops to make my paperwork easy to understand and to ensure that VA has no reason to question their findings. The psychologist who has been treating me this time around conducted the questionnaire and filled out the "Review PTSD DBQ" (January 2022 version) in great detail. I already have the DBQ on-hand. Next week, they will also conduct the MMPI2 as well as two more hour long sessions to complete all of the treatment evidence that they feel may be required to submit the best claims evidence possible.
My question is: Would submitting this DBQ - and all the additional information we will include from the past six years of treatment - likely be all that is required for an adequate claim to be processed. Or, does VA make it a policy to have their own people create a DBQ post the mental health C&P exam? Essentially, would I also be going in for a mental health C&P after submitting my claim, to include the DBQ? If that is part of the process, I am happy to do so. I am just trying to figure out how this works. If the question is best answered by simply pointing me to a link, that will work as well.
I'd like to extend my humble and sincere thanks in advanced to any and all of you with answers to impart on behalf of this inquiry.
submitted by nousdefions3_7 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:13 MoneyMagnetQueenB The Dreaded Scale

In 2022, I knew I had gained weight. I just kept making excuses to myself about photos being the wrong angle, I wore the wrong outfit. I kept buying bigger stretchy clothes telling myself that my problem was just my clothes. I’m not obese. I’m not overweight. No, no, it’s not true. Well, I was just exhausted so I looked up a weight loss clinic that gave B12 shots. Yes, that was my problem. I’m not overweight. I just need B12. Afterall, my mom told me that she has to take them so that must be my problem. Never mind I can barely get up a flight of stairs without being out of breath. I’m just low on B12. I went in to talk to the nurse at the clinic and she suggested a medication along with the B12. I thought, well I will try it but I’m not overweight. She put me on the scale and I told her I didn’t want to know. She didn’t reveal it to me, gave me my shots and off I went. The next week, I had lost 6 pounds but I didn’t need to know my weight. I’m not overweight. I know it. After a few weeks of consistently marching myself in there to get my shots, I forgot to tell the nurse that I didn’t need to know my weight but wow, I had lost 13 pounds. As she is logging my weight, she says it out loud. I absolutely burst into tears. I was horrified. It was at that moment of tears, I faced my weight. I got in my car, immediately ordered a scale with a free weight loss tracking app and boom! I was on my way to over a 60 pound weight loss journey. I’m grateful for that day. The day I faced the truth. The day that made me cry. Here’s to you if you are struggling, don’t give up. Keep going. My best day was when I faced it.
submitted by MoneyMagnetQueenB to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:12 morishaone Top 10 Most Shocking Cybersecurity Breaches of the Last Decade

Cybersecurity has been a hot topic over the past decade, with numerous high-profile breaches making headlines worldwide. Today, I want to share a detailed analysis of the top 10 most shocking cybersecurity breaches of the last decade.
These incidents not only highlight the importance of robust security measures but also provide valuable lessons for individuals and organizations alike.
1. Yahoo Data Breach (2013-2014)
2. Equifax Data Breach (2017)
3. Marriott International (2018)
4. Target (2013)
5. Adobe (2013)
6. Anthem (2015)
7. Sony PlayStation Network (2011)
8. LinkedIn (2012)
9. JP Morgan Chase (2014)
10. Uber (2016)

Analysis and Lessons Learned

These breaches underscore the critical importance of cybersecurity vigilance and proactive measures. Here are some key takeaways:
  1. Regular Security Audits: Conduct frequent audits to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.
  2. Third-Party Security: Ensure third-party vendors adhere to robust security standards.
  3. Incident Response Plan: Develop and maintain a comprehensive incident response plan.
  4. User Awareness: Educate users about security best practices, such as strong passwords and recognizing phishing attempts.
  5. Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest to protect it from unauthorized access.
Chat with me on Linkedin
submitted by morishaone to Murari [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:07 EntombedJester Seeking Advice: Upgrading Powerwheel Toy for My Son

Hey folks,
I'm embarking on a project to upgrade my son's Powerwheel toy to give it a much-needed speed boost. Currently, it's painfully slow on its 6v system, and I'm looking to upgrade it to a 12v system for some added excitement.
I've found a helpful video demonstrating the mod in action, but I could use some guidance on the parts list and the process. Here's what I'm aiming for:
  1. Speed Enhancement: Transitioning from a 6v to a 12v system to increase speed.
  2. Battery Upgrade: Upgrading the battery for extended playtime.
  3. Safety: Ensuring that the modifications are safe for my son to use.
If anyone has experience with similar mods or can provide advice on the best parts to use, recommended tools, or any potential safety concerns to be aware of, I'd greatly appreciate your input.
Also, if you're interested, I have a video demonstrating the mod in action that I can share with those who are willing to help out.
Thanks a bunch for your assistance!
(The video in question LINK)
submitted by EntombedJester to PowerWheelsMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:06 NoIndication7284 we made a free tool to find any skateboarding item secondhand to spend less and reduce your carbon footprint ♻️ [class project]

we made a free tool to find any skateboarding item secondhand to spend less and reduce your carbon footprint ♻️ [class project]
Hi guys! My friend and I were frustrated by the high prices of mid-to-high-end fashion brands online
so for our climate tech class we created an AI fashion assistant called Encore for our class that links the best second-hand and cheaper alternatives for your favorite items even if it's sold out/not in your size 🍃
If you are interested in trying it out -
type what you're looking for, chat with it, and it searches through hundreds of resale/secondhand sites (like Grailed, Thredup, Vinted, Depop, etc.)
Our project aims to lessen the fashion industry's carbon footprint, which accounts for 3-8% of global CO2 emission. Thanks!
submitted by NoIndication7284 to skateboarding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:05 NoIndication7284 we made a free tool to find any Vans item secondhand to spend less and reduce your carbon footprint ♻️ [class project]

we made a free tool to find any Vans item secondhand to spend less and reduce your carbon footprint ♻️ [class project]
Hi guys! My friend and I were frustrated by the high prices of mid-to-high-end fashion brands online
so for our climate tech class we created an AI fashion assistant called Encore for our class that links the best second-hand and cheaper alternatives for your favorite items even if it's sold out/not in your size 🍃
If you are interested in trying it out -
type what you're looking for, chat with it, and it searches through hundreds of resale/secondhand sites (like Grailed, Thredup, Vinted, Depop, etc.)
Our project aims to lessen the fashion industry's carbon footprint, which accounts for 3-8% of global CO2 emission. Thanks!
submitted by NoIndication7284 to Vans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:04 EMS-MC Local medical billing organization looking for creative and hard working individuals!

**I hope this is okay to post here. If not, mods, please let me know and I’ll happily remove the post.**
Hi everyone!
I’m Austin, a recruiter with a local company called Wittman Enterprises. In short, we are a medical billing company that operates within the emergency medical services field (ambulatory and life flight services). Although Wittman is local to the Rancho Cordova area, we are part of a larger parent company that operates across the nation and is growing rapidly. Our organization does a lot of great work across the field, and the people I get to work with each day are truly wonderful, passionate people. The culture here is pretty fantastic, and I’m excited that I get to search for new fresh faces to bring on board!
I personally like this company because it feels like a “Goldilocks-zone”, as I like to call it… We have a great “small-town” vibe across our organization, where teams are close-knit, and people enjoy getting to know one another. But we also have opportunities for growth and development that are usually found only in larger organizations. It’s a pretty sweet place to work, in my opinion!

Right now, we’re looking to bring on talented people for a few different positions:
-Customer Service Representative (a call-center type customer service role)
-Support Services Specialist (similar to an administrative assistant type role)
-Cash Poster (an accounts payable/receivable type role)

If you’re looking for an in-office job and would be interested in checking us out, please shoot me a DM and I’d be happy to send you the application! I’ll refrain from posting our link here, but a quick Google search will provide you with our website and location if you’re curious to check it out.

Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Austin C.
submitted by EMS-MC to RanchoCordova [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:03 Illustrious_Yam5082 My Legacy Update 4.0 Part 1: Generation 4 is in college!

My Legacy Update 4.0 Part 1: Generation 4 is in college!
Nagard Oresha, my sims legacy university Greek house. Not sure what generation started this, lol. But here we are continuing it at generation 4. It's slowly been building up bigger and better each generation.
With our heiress Brie here being a popularity sim, there are plenty of friends to help build this Greek house up (even though temporarily until she moves out). The Greek house is a level 5 now, and she has plenty of pledges to help her clean, do assignments among other things.
Brie being a popularity sim means she wants to meet someone new and throw a party literally every single day. But this house is made for parties.
She also has a nice room upstairs with a snapdragon plant built by her mom Blu. It helps with mood, we should of brought more! Brie is a popularity sim but she has a nice balance as her secondary is knowledge. She hopes to one day reach the top of the medical career and become chief of staff. She is majoring in biology.
Being in a Greek house gives the sims the option to walk to campus and bring home a pizza. She is a little obsessed with it and I catch her trying to go out for a pizza often.
The first pizza she went for was still so fresh it was steaming. But she decided she needed more! We have to throw a party now; it only makes sense.
I tried inviting her parents over for a party to get together and let them visit their old college days. Garrett was Blu's professor here back at Sim State University. However, I quickly discovered that was a BAD idea when Garrett (a romance sim) started getting a little too comfortable with the college freshman. And Chase, a new pledge had the hots for Blu. We said goodbye to them and will just have to wait until we get back home. I don't want any cheating, especially when I cannot control them, they cannot be trusted.
I thought it would also be funny to invite the burglar that broke into their house when Brie was a toddler. It is literally her first memory in life and hated this guy for a long time. However, over the years their relationship increased naturally.
But she was still pretty upset about it. I thought it would have been hilarious if they had chemistry and he was the one she ended up with. But they have no chemistry. I also have the mod for story progression, it would be nice if it worked on the NPCs as well, this guy just gets to continue living without aging. Hmph.
I took Brie out and about around college campus, where she found this guy. She thought he was the bees' knees, lol. I thought his hair cut was pretty silly. His name is Corey, and they share 2 chemistry bolts together. I would really love a red headed sim!
They went out to eat, where he had made it known his attraction for another woman. And then they kept clashing on trying to figure out something to talk about. This is BRIE LEGACY, 4th generation heiress to the Legacy family. She only deserves the best.
Being a popularity sim, the phone rings nonstop. Do we like her new shades?
She also has these new shades, lol. Little Margaret Legacy aka mini Brie in the back there. Brie's little cousins are often over hanging around playing and eating pizza. I am sad though because once they all have babies I don't think the game will recognize second cousins and so on, and pretty soon they might start inbreeding, LOL.
Margaret is chilling with her endless supply of pizza, lol. We even have a counter dedicated for pizza that sits in the living room. We have a child, professor, Greek pledge, cow mascot fighting a cheerleader. This is one weird party but still a roof raiser none the less.
We also saw this cute red headed sim going for a job past the Greek house when I insisted Brie go and greet him. They also share 2 chemistry bolts.
His name is Weldon Lewis. Look at how handsome of a sim he is! And even though his turn off is brown hair, it doesn't stop these two from having hot chemistry.
And apparently, Corey was very upset about finding Brie cheat on him. I didn't think having a crush on someone was that big of a deal. And to be honest, a little psycho lol. If i saw my crush flirting with someone else, I definitely would not make a scene and go up to them and slap them.
It was a roof raiser party anyways, and Brie had her very first kiss with Weldon. They decided to go on a date as well.
Even though it was the next day, he decided to show up in his toga outfit lol. But he knows how to treat a lady and offered Brie a back massage. Now that's more like it.
They enjoyed a romantic candle lit dinner secluded in the corner of a fancy restaurant making picture taking quite difficult lol. But they get along fantastic, and I love how handsome he is lol so I believe we found her future spouse. We are only half way through college, so we will see you for part 2 update soon! Thanks for reading.
submitted by Illustrious_Yam5082 to sims2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:01 MortgageRich3613 [For Hire] WGU Help for Stat Math Course Online Reddit U.S History Algebra English Composition Biology Chemistry Accounting Psychology Sociology Statistics Precalculus PACA Politics Online Helper Reddit WGU Quiz Test Class Full Course Assignment Exam Homework taker reddit do my WGU Exam Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
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What are your Thoughts! Write in comments and ask for help if needed
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submitted by MortgageRich3613 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 Soninetz Softr vs Webflow: Making the Decision on Best Tool?

Softr vs Webflow: Making the Decision on Best Tool?
Did you know that 57% of website owners, especially small businesses, prefer using no-code platforms like Softr and Webflow for their online presence? Choosing between Softr and Webflow can be a tough decision, as both offer unique features and benefits. Softr is known for its simplicity and ease of use, while Webflow provides advanced customization options for more complex projects. Webflow in terms of pricing, design flexibility, integrations, and user experience to help you decide which platform best suits your needs.
Useful Links:
  1. Softr LifeTime Deal
  2. Softr Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider Your Needs: When choosing between Softr and Webflow for website creation, assess your specific requirements to determine which platform aligns better with your project goals.
  • Explore Softr's Advantages: Softr offers unique features like seamless database integration and user-friendly templates, making it a compelling choice for those prioritizing simplicity and functionality.
  • Detailed Comparison Matters: Dive into the Softr vs. Webflow comparison to understand the nuances in design capabilities, customization options, and pricing structures before making a decision.
  • Company Preferences Speak Volumes: Many companies, including web professionals, opt for Softr due to its intuitive interface, rapid development potential, and robust support, highlighting its suitability for various business needs and comprehensive web design.
  • Finalize with Confidence: Make an informed decision by weighing factors such as ease of use, scalability, and support to ensure that your chosen platform aligns with your long-term objectives.
  • Act on Insights: Utilize the information provided in the article to make a well-informed choice between Softr and Webflow, maximizing the benefits for your specific project requirements.

Choosing the Right No-Code Platform

Project Requirements

Before selecting between Softr and Webflow, assess your project needs meticulously. Identify whether you require advanced functionalities or a simpler interface.
Consider the complexity of your website or web app. Softr is more user-friendly for basic websites, while Webflow offers greater flexibility for intricate designs.
Say goodbye to complex coding – build apps effortlessly! 💡 Experience Softr with a free trial!
Evaluate the need for integrations and third-party tools. Webflow allows seamless integration with various services, enhancing the functionality of your website.

Technical Skills and Learning Curve

Assess your technical expertise when choosing a development platform. Softr is beginner-friendly, ideal for those new to website building.
Analyze the learning curve associated with each platform. While Softr simplifies the process with its intuitive interface, Webflow offers more customization options but requires a steeper learning curve.

Scalability and Customization Needs

Determine the scalability requirements of your project. Webflow provides more room for growth and customization compared to Softr's more straightforward approach.
Consider the level of customization needed for your website or web app. If you require extensive design control, Webflow offers advanced customization features that cater to web professionals' needs.

Unique Softr Features

Built-In Functionality

tr offers extensive customization with built-in authentication, payments, user groups, and permissions features. This simplifies the process for users without advanced design skills.

Real-Time Enhancements

Discover how Softr enables real-time search, filters, and plug-and-play memberships effortlessly. These capabilities enhance user experience and streamline site management.

SEO Optimization and Support

tr provides SEO optimization, free custom domains, fast hosting, and 24/7 customer support. These benefits cater to small businesses and individuals seeking a robust online presence.
Useful Links:
  1. Softr LifeTime Deal
  2. Softr Free Trial

Softr vs Webflow Comparison

Features Comparison

Softr, known for its comprehensive web design capabilities, offers a user-friendly platform suitable for various web-app building needs. In contrast, Webflow stands out as a powerful website builder with advanced design customization features.
tr excels in providing pre-built templates and blocks that simplify the web development process, making it ideal for beginners or those looking to create functional web applications quickly. On the other hand, Webflow offers extensive design control, allowing users to create highly customized websites with intricate details.

Learning Curve

Users appreciate Softr's intuitive interface that requires minimal learning effort, enabling them to start building web applications almost immediately. Conversely, Webflow demands a steeper learning curve due to its advanced functionalities and design options, requiring users to invest time in mastering the platform.

User Testimonials

Users praise Softr for its seamless user experience, speed in creating functional web apps, and flexibility in customizing designs without technical expertise. They highlight how Softr's drag-and-drop interface and ready-to-use elements enhance their productivity and creativity compared to other platforms.

Why Companies Prefer Softr

Ease of Use

Softr stands out for its simplicity and user-friendly interface, making it a top choice for companies seeking efficiency. With intuitive drag-and-drop features, even non-technical users can easily create professional websites.

Flexibility and Advanced Features

Companies opt for Softr due to its flexibility in customization options and a wide range of advanced features, such as dynamic content, member portals, and e-commerce functionalities. This versatility allows businesses to tailor their websites to specific needs.

Data-Driven Websites and Real-Time Functionalities

One key reason why companies prefer Softr is its ability to create data-driven websites that offer real-time updates and interactive elements. This feature enables businesses to provide dynamic content and engage with their audience effectively.

Seamless Integration with Stripe and SEO Optimization

Softr's integration with Stripe streamlines the payment process for companies, offering a secure and reliable transaction system. Its built-in SEO optimization tools help businesses improve their online visibility and reach a wider audience.

Making the Decision

Project Requirements

Softr is ideal for small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to quickly set up a website or web application without hiring a developer. On the other hand, Webflow offers more advanced customization options suitable for complex projects.

Technical Skills

For those with limited technical expertise, Softr provides an intuitive platform with pre-built templates and drag-and-drop functionality, making it easy to create a professional site within hours. In contrast, Webflow requires a steeper learning curve due to its more robust design capabilities.

Scalability and Customer Support

While both platforms offer scalability, Softr's focus on simplicity may limit its long-term growth potential for larger enterprises. However, their personalized customer support ensures that users receive timely assistance when needed. On the other hand, Webflow's extensive community forums and resources cater to users seeking in-depth technical guidance.

Advantages of Softr

  • Quick setup without the need for coding knowledge
  • Cost-effective solution for businesses looking to save time and money
  • User-friendly interface for seamless website creation

Closing Thoughts

In the realm of no-code platforms, choosing between Softr and Webflow can be a tough decision. You've seen how Softr's unique features, seamless interface, and user-friendly design set it apart. Companies are increasingly turning to Softr for its simplicity and effectiveness in creating stunning websites without the need for coding skills. As you weigh your options, consider your specific needs and the ease of use that Softr offers.
Making the decision between Softr and Webflow ultimately depends on your priorities and goals. Whether you prioritize intuitive design, quick implementation, or cost-effectiveness, your choice should align with what matters most to you. Take the time to explore both platforms further to ensure that your final decision resonates with your vision. Your website's success hinges on selecting the platform that best suits your requirements.
Revolutionize your workflows with custom apps, hassle-free! ⚙️ Test drive Softr free!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Softr a suitable option for beginners in the no-code space?

tr is an excellent choice for beginners due to its user-friendly interface and intuitive design features. You can quickly create websites and web apps without any coding knowledge, making it perfect for those new to the no-code world.

How does Softr stand out from other no-code platforms?

tr offers unique features like database collections, user authentication, and custom JavaScript integrations. These functionalities empower users to build dynamic and interactive websites or web applications with ease, setting Softr apart from its competitors.

What are the key differences between Softr and Webflow?

While both platforms offer no-code website building capabilities, Softr focuses on simplicity and speed of development, ideal for projects that require swift execution. On the other hand, Webflow provides more advanced customization options suited for intricate design requirements.

Why do companies prefer using Softr over other no-code platforms?

Companies favor Softr for its rapid prototyping capabilities, efficient workflow automation tools, and seamless integration options. With Softr, businesses can quickly launch digital products, streamline processes, and scale their online presence effectively.

How can individuals make an informed decision between Softr and Webflow?

To decide between Softr and Webflow, consider your project requirements - choose Softr for quick MVPs or simple websites/applications; opt for Webflow for complex designs needing extensive customization. Evaluate factors like learning curve, scalability needs, and desired features to make the right choice.
Useful Links:
  1. Softr LifeTime Deal
  2. Softr Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:58 WebsterFilmSeries Webster Film Series: Jean-Luc Godard's CONTEMPT screening 5/16, 5/17, 5/19 at 7:30PM

Webster Film Series: Jean-Luc Godard's CONTEMPT screening 5/16, 5/17, 5/19 at 7:30PM
Hi, STL French film lovers! We have two exciting French films for you this week. The beloved Jean-Luc Godard's CONTEMPT in 4K restoration and Andrzej Źuławski's THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO LOVE (L’important c’est d’aimer)! CONTEMPT is arguably one of the most celebrated films in cinema, while Źuławski has been connecting with a new and largely young audience in the past couple of years on the heels of the restoration and rerelease of his 1981 classic Possession*.* Don't miss out on the opportunity to take in these two masterpieces this week!
Facebook: websterfilmseries
Instagram: wufilmseries
The Webster Film Series homepage
Sign up for our weekly eNewsletter to stay informed of our upcoming screenings!
Still from The Most Important Thing is to Love
Title: The Most Important Thing is to Love \ L’important c’est d’aimer (Andrzej Źuławski, 1975, France/Italy/West Germany, 109 minutes) For more info
Showtime: 5/14(Tue), 5/18(Sat) at 7:30PM
Box Office: Opens at 6:30PM
Polish director Andrzej Źuławski has been finding scores of new fans in recent years with the restoration and rerelease of his 1981 masterpiece Possession, but he has an impressive body of work that is ripe for rediscovery in total. Immediately preceding Possession is 1975’s The Most Important Thing is to Love (L’important c’est d’aimer), which he made in France after fleeing his native Poland when his prior film, 1972’s The Devil, had been banned there. Romy Schneider, who won a César for Best Actress for her work here, plays an actress with few options but to make softcore movies. A paparazzo named Servais (Fabio Testi) becomes obsessed with her and tries to launch a production of Shakespeare’s Richard III for her to co-star in. Alas, the proposed male lead of the production (Klaus Kinski) is a problem.
In French with English subtitles.
Location: Winifred Moore Auditorium, 470 E. Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119 (Webster U. campus parking in front of, and behind the Winifred Moore Auditorium is free to patrons during nights we are showing movies!)
Admission: $8 for General Admission, $7 for seniors(60+), Webster alumni & students from other school
Still from Contempt
Title: Contempt (Jean-Luc Godard, 1963, France/Italy, 103 minutes) For more info
Showtime: 5/16(Thur), 5/17(Fri), 5/19(Sun) at 7:30PM
Box Office: Opens at 6:30PM
New 4K restoration!
Taking place as a multinational team of artists try to wrestle Homer’s The Odyssey into a cinematic adaptation, and against the backdrop of Rome’s legendary Cinecittà studios (not to mention the Mediterranean Sea), Jean-Luc Godard’s Contempt (Le Mépris) looks at the dissolution of a marriage that results from behind-the-scenes struggles. The married couple are screenwriter Paul (Michel Piccoli) and his wife Camille (Brigitte Bardot, in what is surely the best role of her career), with complications coming in the form of brash American producer Prokosch (Jack Palance, Shane). With Fritz Lang playing himself as the director of The Odyssey (and Godard fleetingly popping up as his assistant), and adapted from Italian master Alberto Moravia’s 1954 novel, Contempt is one of the greatest films of 60s era Godard, which is one of the most studied and celebrated runs of films by a single director in cinematic history.
In French, English, Italian, and German with English subtitles.
Location: Winifred Moore Auditorium, 470 E. Lockwood Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119 (Webster U. campus parking in front of, and behind the Winifred Moore Auditorium is free to patrons during nights we are showing movies!)
Admission: $8 for General Admission, $7 for seniors(60+), Webster alumni & students from other school
submitted by WebsterFilmSeries to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:57 Momma_Kes Needing Advice and Encouragement

This is probably seen a lot on here, but everyone's story is different so I thought I'd give it a shot!
I'm 31, and since having my last child (she's about 18 months now) my periods have been severely heavy. Like changing a ultra tampon and overnight pad every 30 min. I tried getting an IUD but lucky me, my body rejected it and caused 6 months of more bleeding. Every day. For 6 months. I had it removed, and my doc and I discussed a medication to try, and I'm using Tranex Acid now.
It was supposed to make my bleeding lighter. It does not. I'm still suffering and I've discussed getting a hysterectomy with mg OB. She agreed, but we haven't had the full talk since she's in maternity leave until August. I love her, and would prefer to stick with her for surgery. But these periods are AWFUL.
My work is also telling me they'd prefer I wait until winter to do the surgery because it's a slower time for us. I get it. I have a highly physical job as well.
So I guess some things I wanna know
*How long is recovery? *Is it best to keep ovaries or not? *How can I prepare? Mentally and physically?
I'm so scared of having complications or having bad menopause symptoms after. But I can not keep living like this. I want to enjoy life with my family, but it's so hard when I'm in pain and bleeding so bad.
Thank you for any help or guidance.
submitted by Momma_Kes to hysterectomy [link] [comments]