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2023.11.10 00:45 canadiatv Update on new pvp gear ( 2.6 million profit after 36 hours )

Last post

I made a video recently and made a post about the season 3 pvp gear. I went pretty hard into the market so here is some data from my experience


When the data was collected, i had 31 recipes. I bought 28 of those ( the 3 trinket recipes are from a vendor ) . I paid 1597550 gold for all 28 recipes for an average price of 57055 gold per recipe. I didn't shop too hard to get them. I went on the biggest pop realms ( tichondrius, illidan, area52. I'm on the america region ) to buy them quickly. As much as it is data from the first 36 hours, i didn't have all these recipes for the full 36 hours so keep that in mind.
Another interesting thing is i saw a lot of people mentioning recipe flipping. I did buy 2 amulet recipes for 50k and i resold both for 150k. So there is definitely potential there.

Sales , crafting cost and profit

I sold for 4934000 gold of items. I estimate the crafting cost at 740100 gold. I deducted the price of the recipes and the crafting cost of items to get a profit of 2596350 gold. Keep in mind the auction house cut has been included in these numbers.

Cross realm trading, competition and undercutting.

I posted my items on 7 different realms. 2 full pops, 1 high pop, 2 medium pop and 2 low pops. Funny enough, the top 3 performers we 1 full pop, 1 high pop and 1 medium pop.
Competition has been somewhat light for most items. Trinkets, rings, necks and cloak are extremely competitive. Competition today is getting wayyy more ferocious than it was last 2 days.
I got 80% of my sales in the evening. If you want to undercut these ( let's be real, you will have to now ), do it on evenings! Not a lot of stuff sells during the day.

Flipping potential

I talked a lot about awakened Ire. When i made the post about 10 days ago, Awakened Ire was at about 300-350g. It is now between 575 and 625g. You can see a huge change as well in infurious bolts, alloys, hides and scales. Looking ahead, i have enough mats to supply thousands of items and i'm really unsure for the future of all this.
Gathering in emerald dream seems to be garbage. Pretty sure you make a lot more gold from going back to Zaralek Cavern. If people don't go hard on farming awakened Ire, we could see the price go higher.

Overall thoughts

It was a disappointment to see all the 415-424 boe gear dropping extensively. No pve player should buy the pvp gear as the dropped gear is cheaper. That being said, i'm extremely happy with my sales. I will do another follow up in a week or 2 as i will keep doing this market for at least 2 weeks.
Here are some screenshots on my twitter from sales
I did all of the accounting on my twitch. You can check the vod by clicking on this blue text . The big mailbox opening starts at 11 minutes. The accounting starts at roughly the 3 hour mark.
If you have any questions, please let me know! Happy new patch goldmaking!
submitted by canadiatv to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2023.10.05 17:45 canadiatv Shadowlands mission table gold guide ( Video and/or text )

I made a video guide on the shadowlands mission table that you can see by clicking on this blue text
That being said, this will a text guide so you can choose your preferred format.

Main gold source

The main source of the gold comes from polished pet charms. You will get between 100 to 150 per week per table. With these, you can buy 60 different pets that can be sold on the auction house.
Link to everything you can buy with pet charms
You can also get items to level or upgrade the quality of your pets. Which means you could buy a lvl 1 pet for cheap and sell it for a lot more as the level 25 version. I use this method a lot and make lots of gold from this. The trick is to go for higher sale rate pets.
Link to the most used pets in battles that i use to see what pets sell the fastest
I will do a more in depth video on Polished pet charms soon as i make a ton of gold from those.

Raw gold opportunities

There is a weekly quest quest called "Replenish the reservoir" which asks you to get 1000 anima. If you are renown 80, this will give you 1600 raw gold every week. You don't need to get out of your covenant as you get anima from missions !
Another source of raw gold is paragon boxes. As you do reputation missions, you will eventually ( takes a long time if you only do missions ) get to exalted. Once exalted, every 10000 reputation will give you 3500 raw gold. So from this point, every 1000 reputation is basically 350 raw gold . These boxes also contain mounts, pets and toys if you are a collector !
For the gold missions, i wouldn't do those unless you already have tons of anima. This could be a way to dump your extra anima. I would suggest checking everything you can do with anima first before doing that !


The first "material" is veiled augment runes. These are slowly going down from time to time but for a very long time, i could sell them over 50 gold each ( currently about 30g on NA and 50g on EU ) and their sale rate is amazing. 90% of the time i post them, they sell. I get about 20 per week per table so this can end up becoming a lot of gold with many tables.
For crafting materials, herbs and zereth mortis are the best ( with the addon we’ll see later, you can select which type of material you want to send missions for ) . Be aware that these cost a lot of anima so make sure to manage your anima well before sending those ( more about managing anima later ) . They give about 70-150g of value per box roughly.


If you never played shadowlands, you'll need to get to renown 80 before being able to use this method. Here is a link to how to get there.
Once renown 80, you will also need the character that gets the table to be level 60. Your character with renown 80 will need to have 2000 gold as well.

How to set this up

This will be a more condensed way as it is in text format. More details are available in the video if you are struggling.
Get on your renown 80 character and purchase 4 broker mark of distinction in Oribos Here . Once bought, you can mail them to the character who wants the mission table.
You need to start the shadowlands questline to eventually get to choosing a covenant ( you can skip the maw and Zereth mortis intro with red text option ) . You then want to join all 4 covenants with the covenant you really want to join last.
While in each of the covenant, you will use a broker mark of distinction. This will get you 60 renown with the covenant, 2 mounts, 1 ensemble, 1000 anima and more importantly, 1 wisp of memory to level a companion. Once the items are in your bags ( this can lag ) , you switch covenant and repeat the process until you joined all of them. For easier missions, Night Fae seems to be the best covenant . You can then start the intro questline. Only do the "main" quests with the emblem on them. Don't do the side quests.
Once you have done your soulbind quest, you will now have a companion ( don't do the other soulbinds! ) . If you have more than 1 companion, you need to switch covenant . Use your 4 wisps of memory to get your companion to level 55 ( right-clicking a wisp will open the companion interface ) .Your troops will also be level 55. That's because your troops will be the average level of companions. So if you get your only companion to level 60, you’ll have max level troops. Next section will cover how to get from 55 to 60.


If you get to renown 76, you will get a total of 2 more wisps and that will be enough to get your companion and troops to level 60. Here are some of the best ways to get renown :
Once you get your 2 wisps, use them on your companion. Your companion and troops should now be level 60. You can now accept all the companions you desire including the ones from soulbinds.

Future tables

From then, you'll receive account bound tokens that gives experience to companions . You get these from missions. This will remove the need to get renown. Simply collect these tokens if you want more tables without farming renown to save a ton of time !


Mission report button plus will upgrade your dragonflight minimap button. You can select any of the mission tables from the past with it.
Tldr missions is a great addon for automating the process. In about 5-10 seconds, it will completed missions and send new ones. To know how it works, you can check the video at 8:45 .

Anima management

Sending missions costs anima. That being said, there is anima missions so if you don't send too many missions, you'll never have to farm anima. You can choose the type of missions you send with tldr. Make sure to send campaign missions as they will unlock better missions.


Hopefully this was helpful. If you have questions, don't hesitate to answer them here or on twitch where i do wow goldmaking.
I would truly enjoy some feedback as well. I’m trying to get better at making videos and if you find ways where i could improve, i would really like to hear it !
Happy goldmaking!
submitted by canadiatv to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2022.10.18 09:28 SamadanPlaysWoW Top Moments in 5 Years of Goldmaking

Hello fellow gold makers! This week marks the 250th Wowhead Economy blog! It all started with u/gumdrops for the first 100 and then I've had the honour of collating the economy news since then.
In those roughly 5 years of gold making there have been many moments that have been a delight and pleasure to be part of this wonderful community. I'd like to share some of mine and hope you will too and also what I'm looking forward to in Dragonflight.
The first Million. I think everyone remembers their own. It's such a significant point in the journey of gold making. I remember mine in Legion making mainly enchants and some Tailoring. The first million is always the hardest, but the lessons learned there prove you can do it again. With the flexibility of capitol, the second million always seems easier!
The Aromatic Fish Oil hotfix. I remember this particular moment early in BfA because I was streaming at the time. The news hit that it was no longer a vendor item, so we all rushed to the AH to buy any spares and reset the price on the fish. It was fun because it was the first time reacting to a "hot tip" and being in a position to understand the implications on the market.
Buying the Brutosaur. I think this one mount was responsible for many to get into the art of gold making. It was just the right amount of "hard to get, but achievable" goal that kept many of us focused. I truly enjoyed the challenge and how the community came together to share advice.
The Great Relic of the Past vender speculation. This was so much fun because this time, it was based on purely PTR guesswork. The Relics were a fantastic system in theory and had huge potential for the levelling/twink market. As it was, with the vendor shuffling possibilities ripe, speculation was high finding all the possible combinations to print gold. It was fun to see markets in retail react as people stockpiled and flipped.
The Combined Auction House. Now this is perhaps controversial as it also "killed" many professions as they stand. However, in my opinion it was the best move for the game. The convenience for the average player and enjoyment for all is far more important. There will always be ways to make gold, we just have to shift expectations. For me, it was incredibly cathartic emptying 5 guild banks of goods and seeing instant sales even if at a fraction of the previous price.
The Future. Now looking ahead to Dragonflight I'm incredibly excited for professions. Not really from a gold making perspective, but because its such a fun looking system full of goals and targets. I like the idea of building up each of my professions, getting better and better at crafting. I'm not going to rush to be first to market, I'm going to take my time, enjoy the expansion. The gold will be there, I'm sure there will be "hot tips" and plenty of speculation as we learn the nuances.
How about you? What have been your best moments in gold making so far and what are you looking forward to in Dragonflight?
Happy goldmaking!
submitted by SamadanPlaysWoW to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2022.10.15 19:05 NOHITJEROME 600 Gold per Day for Free Just by Doing Dailies

Dailies in WOTLK print 600 gold every day with very little effort. You can complete the whole route in under 90 minutes consistently. The Cooking daily is particularly strong right now, 150+ gold per day in 2 minutes.
1) Fishing Daily (Marcia Chase - Pickup Location - change map floor to Dalaran)
2) Cooking Daily (Katherine Lee - Alliance, Awilo Lon'gomba - Horde Pickup Location - change map floor to Dalaran)
3) Do Overstock (Ricket - Pickup Location, Objective Location)
4) Hot and Cold (Fjorn's Anvil - Pickup Location, Objective Location)
5) Hodir’s Call (Hodir's Horn - Pickup Location, Objective Location)
6) Spy Hunter (Frostworg Denmother - Pickup Location, Objective Location)
7) Feeding Arngrim (Arngrim the Insatiable - Pickup Location, Objective Location)
8) A Viscous Cleaning (Hodir's Helm - Pickup Location, Objective Location)
9) How to Slay Your Dragon (Hodir's Spear - Pickup Location, Objective Location)
OPTIONAL That's Abominable (Thassarian - Alliance, Koltira Deathweaver - Horde Pickup location - Gunship is moving constantly, Objective Location)
OPTIONAL The Solution Solution / Volatility (Chief Engineer Boltwrench - Alliance, Chief Engineer Copperclaw - Horde) Pickup location - Gunship is moving constantly, Objective Location)
10) Retest Now (Chief Engineer Boltwrench - Alliance, Chief Engineer Copperclaw - Horde Pickup location - Gunship is moving constantly, Objective Location)
11) Drag and Drop (Thassarian - Alliance, Koltira Deathweaver - Horde Pickup location - Gunship is moving constantly, Objective Location)
12) Not a Bug (Thassarian - Alliance, Koltira Deathweaver - Horde Pickup location - Gunship is moving constantly, Objective Location)
13) Blood of the Chosen (Knight-Captain Drosche - Alliance, Warbringer Davos Rioht - Horde Pickup location - Gunship is moving constantly, Objective Location)
14) Slaves to Saronite (Absalan the Pious - Alliance, Brother Keltan - Horde Pickup location - Gunship is moving constantly, Objective Location)
15) Assault by Ground (Skybreaker Squad Leader - Alliance, Kor'kron Squad Leader, Horde Horde Pickup, Alliance Pickup, Objective Location)
16) Assault by Air (Ground Commander Koup - Alliance, Ground Commander Xutjja - Horde Horde Pickup, Alliance Pickup)
17) King of the Mountain (Frazzle Geargrinder - Alliance, Blast Thunderbomb - Horde Horde Pickup, Alliance Pickup)
18) HORDE: Keeping the Alliance Blind (Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar Pickup location - Gunship is moving constantly, Objective Location)
OR 18) ALLIANCE: Capture More Dispatches (High Captain Justin Bartlett Pickup location - Gunship is moving constantly, Objective Location)
19) Leave our Mark (Baron Sliver Pickup Location, Objective Location)
20) Shoot ‘Em Up (The Leaper Pickup Location, Objective Location)
21) Vile Like Fire (Vile Pickup Location, Objective Location)
22) From their corpses, Rise! (Setaal Darkmender Pickup Location, Objective Location)
23) No Fly Zone (Uzo Deathcaller Pickup Location, Objective Location)
24) Intelligence Gathering (Aurochs Grimbane Pickup Location, Objective Location)
25) Daily Heroic (Archmage Lan'dalock Pickup Location - change floor to Dalaran)
Want to watch the full daily goldmaking route with extra tips/tricks? Check it out here:
submitted by NOHITJEROME to classicwow [link] [comments]

2022.04.02 20:50 Jerikolol Shadowlands goldmaking journey: 200M profit in 16 months, with data!

Hey all,
I've enjoyed reading people's goldmaking journeys so I thought I would share mine (with some data!) as I've reached a new milestone of 200M gold profit earned since the release of Shadowlands during November 2020. So 200M in 16months and 1 week.
As I have a lot to rant on about, I've split this post in 3 parts: first I'll go over in (perhaps too much) detail on how I made gold (yes its leggos), alongside my TSM graphs etc. In a part II, I've prepared a weekly profit graph to see what factors might impact goldmaking and if there are any lessons we can learn from the seasonality of goldmaking. Finally, in a last part I'll share some final thoughts in the form a FAQ.
If you want it short, skip part I and read the TL;DR onwards.
Part I - Making 0 to 200M gold
A. Servers:
I played on 2 realms: 90% of the time on my main full pop and the remainder on my medium pop. In 9.2 I've started on a 3rd realm (maybe 5% of my time).
B. Accounts:
I made my first 100M with 1 single account. That's right, I spent prolly dozens of hours looking at the shadowghast ingot and inks crafting bar. Still worth it. After that, for patch 9.2 I've bought (with EUR, not tokens) a second account, leveled up a character and started crafting on my new 3rd realm. In addition, I used the 2nd account to help cancel scan on my main full pop. After starting the 2nd account, I've earned another 100M.
C. TSM Graphs
Full pop (9.0, 9.1, 9.1.5, 9.2):
Medium pop (9.0,9.1, 9.2):
High pop (9.2):
D. What did I do?
All in all, of the 200M, probably, I would estimate that approximately 40% is from making legendaries, 20% from cross realm flipping, 20% from crafted gear,15% from mage-tower related sales, and the remainder from everything else (inscription, cooking, etc.).
I started 9.0 with 1 account and maybe a few 100k, being broke after having bought the brutosaur and some other mounts for my collection during BFA. During the first season I didn't really focus on goldmaking as I was still a casual in this regards, but rather on raiding/M+. As such, I've only done some basic things: for example rushing to level up inscription in order to start making trinkets. To no one's surprise the trinket market got saturated very quickly (a few days) and I dipped out since I didn't want to sit and cancel scan. After that, I leveled all the other professions to max in the first week, then I mainly farmed (skinning, maybe some herb/mining). I crafted some enchants but nothing too major. All in all i had amassed 4M during the first month and a half of SL. In terms of goldmaking expertise, I was not watching streams, YouTube guides, or checking the discords, but rather just doing what I knew had worked for me in BFA (inscription, enchanting and farming some skins).
However, fairly soon my server was eligible for free transfer as we had experienced long queues, and I decided to try it out: being on a full pop, I spend ALL my money (don't do this, was a huge risk) 3.5M+ gold to buy cheap goods (all trade goods, r3 and r4 leggos) and xfered 2 chars full of goods to 2 mediums pops, were I sold those same goods for 200-400% ROI. All in all, by January my main realm had maybe 200k left, but I had flipped to around 10M-15M on those other medium pops. And then disaster: in order to repatriate the gold from the "dead" medium pops to my home realm, I thought it would be smart to invest in TCG mounts that were for sale on the AH. I thought, not only would I be able to easily transfers chunks of millions of gold, but also maybe make 1M+ profit. Genius! Well in 16months, I'm still stuck with 2x X-51, 1x wooly white rhino 10+ great sea rays having sold a grand total of 0 copies. Oopsies! Lesson learned, 0.01 sell rate items, are NOT a great flip if you don't like spending year(s?) reposting them.
Unrelated to goldmaking, I was getting pissed/burned out by raiding and I quit wow in anger, until season 2. Leggos didn't seem great to me since ranks 1 to 3 were all at break even or a loss, and I assumed no one would pay extreme gold for a r4 when you couldn't even use them (I was very wrong). Not having checked streams (why?), I had no idea that during this time I had missed out on the first great Gold Rush of SL.
After stopping around late January, I was itching to get back to WoW for 9.2 and I even decided to prepare this time for goldmaking. Then plan, at the time still being that I'd sell of my rhinos and x-51s and laugh all the way to the bank. I'm unsure why, but I started checking youtube videos and saw how often people were talking about legendaries and how good they were at making gold. I was beginning to realize the extent of my mistake, and was determined correct this issue and join the "big boys" club.
Like most people, I started with JC, leveling rings and amulets in the circa 1-2 weeks before patch 9.1, paying indeed 200% MV materials and happily selling my crafts for -10k profit. Surely, now that I've heard it's worth doing from all these youtubers, I just need to have faith and keep trying to get to max rank, despite the losses, I told myself.
At the same time, I recalled a guildie from season 1, who had maxed out his venari reputation and made crafter's mark gear, who said he "made millions in a day selling rings". Quite jealous, I was determined to do the same thing for s2. So I settled on also leveling archivist rep on three characters: my main realm (all 4 profs) and my medium pop (JC and LW). This was finally the moment my luck had turned as this was actually crucial for goldmaking. In addition, the week before 9.1 I had an accident, injuring my head and leaving myself with a scar, so after being released from the hospital, I really, REALLY didn't want to leave my house anymore. Instead, doing archivist codex farming for 12+hrs a day for about 10 days seemed super appealing to me.
I missed out on some rep due to not understanding how good the shadowrealm was for rep, nor did I understand how important it was to camp the custom LFG tool in order to quickly get all rares killed. All in all, I ended up being able to make crafter's mark gear about 3-4 days later than the first guys. It was a (goldmaking) life changing experience however, as it was the first highly lucrative market I was in. Once I started crafting CM gear, I tentatively made 800k, still fumbling around making TSM groups and figuring out how often I wanted to cancel scan. At the same time, the profit for CM gear paid for leveling up several leggo recipes (BS, and some of LW). Money was flowing in for the first time, and I got hooked. I didn't raid, didn't do M+ but instead cancel scanned. The second week, I made 7M profit, then the third week another 10M profit.
It was also at this time of my first success that I finally understood the importance of watching streamers and youtubers for goldmaking tips. Indeed, spending so much time in front of the AH cancel scanning left me with loads of time to have a stream in the background, and I started to passively learn more and more about goldmaking, the community, and about were to find resources. At this stage, I felt quite confident, with a few goldcaps in profit made in a month, that I had indeed become a goblin.
After the first month or so of 9.2, gold had slowed down and I was no longer cancel scanning as intensely as before. I routinely posted maybe only a few times a day but focused on raiding and m+ again. However, by 9.1.5 I was burned out again and quit raiding. I wanted to stop WoW as well for a bit, but as 9.1.5 released the next day so I thought I'd stick around and try it out...
For some reason, which I cannot explain to this day, legendary sales popped off in a drastic measure. By that time, I had acquired all recipes on my full pop main realm, so this was the first patch I got to enjoy the profits thereof. And enjoy I did: 11.5M profit the first week, then stabilizing at 5-6M profit per week for the next month. At this point, I was cancel scanning all day and watching back to back goldmaking streamers to keep me entertained as I hammered my little fingers for 12-16hrs a day. I had finally realized what I missed out on during 9.0 and 9.1.
There really is no secret, there isn't a "smart" way to cancel scanning, there isn't a "smart recipe to craft", you do ALL the recipes and you cancel scan ALL day. Ideally 24hrs (if you're a machine), 16hrs for a nolifer, 8hrs for a hardcore, 1hrs for a casual etc. But the right answer is always "I should cancel scan one more time". It got extremely repetitive after about 5weeks, but it was the first time I was making so much money, I didn't want to stop. After years of people laughing saying boosting and multiboxing is the only "real" way to make gold in Wow, it was vindictive to be able to make so much with just crafting.
Around the 6th week, the mage tower released, but I was fully prepared, having consumed 100s of hours of YouTube videos, streams, monitored discords, I had every single recipe unlocked and crafted. And my preparation was reward to an insane degree: nearly 20M profit for the first week, 8M the second week.
It was at this stage that I hit 100M. Personally I felt I "won" the goldmaking game and there was no way in hell I could get more. Exhausted form nearly 6 weeks of continuous cancel scanning, having made 60M, I was satisfied I could end it here and stop. So I took another break....
At this point, I knew exactly what I was doing: I knew to come back before the announcement of 9.2 to buy some cheaper materials, I knew to stockpile a lot of key trade goods that had ran out during the 9.1.5 legendary bonanza, and thus I invested 20M in materials and korthite. In addition to some strategic server xfers ( bringing in 20M+profit total), I was in full autopilot mode: craft, restock, cancel scan. I knew what to do, how to do it, and how long I had to do it for.
I once again rushed for CM gear on 3 chars. This time I used the custom LFG tool to finish a full suite of all rares killed in about 2hrs per char. Furthermore, I started a second account and leveled JC rings/neck and some BS pieces, and it worked: 33M profit the second week (CM gear), 45M profit the third week (leggos), 6M+ weekly profit thereafter, and a second account with 17M profit, I quickly hit 100M profit in about 6 weeks played, bringing my grand total to 200M (and those goddamn X-51s and wooly rhino which should technically add another 10M or so).
TL;DR: rush for crafter's mark + get all leggo recipes, then cancel scan both for 16hrs a day for the first 5 weeks of each patch.

Part II - Data analysis
I've prepared a graph bar showing my total profit earned each week, which will allow us to determine some trends. Please note that I've only had data for some 3 patches, and It would ideally be great to have much more historical information. In addition, weekly profit is not an exact science, as well, sometimes even I do get tired and play some weeks more than others. However, for the most important weeks (1-6), usually the data is comparable for each patch (14hrs+ /day).
Please see the data below:

Both major patches, 9.1 and 9.2, had an average/low week 1, a great week 2, a peak at week 3 and then a 50% drop and stabilization thereafter for about a month. The only exception being 9.1.5. This is likely explained by the fact that major patches actually have no content on the first week, but serve instead as a WQ/rep farming tour, CM gear comes after, and the peak comes with legendaries. The only exception is 9.1.5, which didn't have timegating/ WQ content, and thus the week 3 peak occurred on day 1 of the patch. The 50% drop off is interesting as that is usually the weekly profit that I will stabilize at for the month.
Prediction: The season 4 peak will also be frontloaded as was the case for 9.1.5, and therefore week 1 will be the most important, followed by a 50% drop in profit.
New World release coincided 50% drop week-over-week, however, it may be the case that the previous week was simply abnormally high, unlike the previous 2 weeks. Indeed, the weekly profit was about 500k during that month save for the 1 week immediately preceding New World. FF14 release week actually even saw a 44% increase week-over-week. Both Lost Ark and Elden Ring released in the middle of a heavy stockpiling season for Wow (9.2 patch prep) and as such, they both coincided with huge weekly losses (-9M and -4.5M respectively), however that is not attributable to an effect of those games.
Prediction: Wow is sufficiently insular that you won't lose gold investing/stockpiling, even if some competing MMO will release.
During 9.1, the peak was followed by a 70% drop week-over-week. For 9.1.5, the initial week 1 legendary peak was followed by a 48% drop. The mage tower peak was followed by a 56% drop. Finally, the 9.2 peak was followed by a staggering 85% drop. This final drop off should probably be ignored as it followed one of the most profitable weeks of all time and is thus unlikely to be representative.
As such, the average drop off is between 50 - 70% week-over-week. This new weekly profit value is then held on average for about a month before dropping off even more. This is useful as it allows one to estimate how much to stockpile when buying cheap mats for the next week.
Prediction: once you have your peak sales volume, you know that the next week's quantity is about half of that and should restock materials accordingly. In the case of season 4, with a predicted week 1 peak, that means that weeks 2 -5 will be about half of the first week.
2M gold was lost due to the depreciation of pre-existing crafted legendary stock vis-a-vis of the new korthite prices, which dropped had dropped significantly. Others, of course, had lost much more, most famously dirtyirby.
Prediction: Blizzard can and will intervene to correct perceived market discrepancies. The forums were loud with complaints against expensive legendaries and thus Blizzard made them cheaper. This happened again in 9.2 with essentia, to a lesser extent. As such, only stockpile, pricey, high value commodities at your own risk.
Part III - FAQ
Q: How much do you cancel scan?
A: During the first 5 weeks of a patch, per day, I will do "light" (once every 1hr) cancel scanning for 6hrs a day, "significant" cancel scanning (once every 30mins) for 4hrs a day, and "heavy" cancel scanning (continuous, uninterrupted) for as long as I can last, usually 6-8hrs. I would play about 14-16hrs of Wow every day, for the first month and a half of the patch.
Q: Do you think that having the time to cancel scan all day should mean you should earn so much gold?
A: In my opinion, while I do agree in principle that there should be a correlation between effort put into an endeavor and reward, I consider that currently the negatives of cancel scanning, its ubiquitousness are too much and suffocate basically anyone who is not living for the AH. I will be the first to admit, that despite my great success, I would have preferred to make significantly less gold if it meant that I barely had to do cancel scanning. Cancel scanning is not a sign of intelligence, it is not a sign of talent nor ability, it is a simple and repetitive task that we've grown accustomed to doing because it is the best way of making gold.
Q: So you play wow literally all day, bruh do you have no life?
A: Yes. No kids, no family, no friends, no prospects, no nothing.
Q: How important is having multiple accounts for gold making?
A: Contrary to the popular opinion, I don't thing having multiple accounts is as important as many people make it out to be for goldmaking. I think most people will find great success with only 1 account, and indeed many would be quite content with making 100M made on just 1 account. I won't deny however, that a second account made reaching the second 100M a lot faster. I would reckon the second account increases your profit by 60-75%. Thereafter, there are severe diminishing returns for every account added, for most people. Unless it is purely passive (inscription, smelting ingots, making enchants etc), in which case you can theoretically create as many accounts as you think you can sell of goods/day.
Q: Favorite goldmaking experience in SL?
A: Collecting all the recipes for the mage tower. It was varied and fun, and encouraged me to farm reputations, get patterns and complete raids throughout the entirety of Wow's nearly 20 year history. It was an (accidental) example of a possible horizontal model for wow - and yes the associated gold was nice too!
Q: 10.0 profession wishes?
A: I really glad they've implemented the lessons of classic into retail for SL, letting professions be able to craft highly desirable BIS items (leggos) much in the same veins as profs in classic and tbc could. I wish to see this aspect be kept going forward, don't neuter professions making their high end crafts bop (like BFA!). It's OK if you make crafting overall less profitable, but don't swing the pendulum entirely in the other direction.
Q: Raiding and M+?
A: Yes, on my main I hit 2400 and KSM in august, finished 9.1 7/10M with good parses. For 9.2 I've rerolled, already did KSM and now climbing rio, 2600+. 8/11 HC. No boosts.
Q: Any other activity you like doing in wow?
A: Achievements are fun to me, before goldmaking I was really into it, having collected 34,400 achievement points. The goal is still to get them all eventually, maybe...
Q: Do you think you are unique and special for making money cancel scanning leggos?
A: No, everyone and their mum has done it this xpac. However it feels good to reminisce about everything I've done in the last 16 months, it's quite therapeutic, like writing a blogpost. After reaching a big milestone, I'm prolly heading off wow for a while again, so it's my way of saying goodbye to something that was big part of my life. And maybe someone else can also learn something from all this mess.
If anyone made it this far, thank you for reading my TED Talk <3
submitted by Jerikolol to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2022.02.17 15:20 Manthieus Shadowlands "Goldmakers" Cheat Sheet - Patch 9.2 Update

Howdy reddit goblins! The latest (and probably last) update to this spreadsheet is now finished.
Latest version of the sheet is pinned in my discord - Direct Link for my Reddit goblins -
Updates and New Features:
Due to this being a large overhawl update there is a video overview of what the sheet can do on my Youtube Channel -
Happy Goldmaking in 9.2 All!
submitted by Manthieus to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2022.02.10 21:36 NOHITJEROME My Favorite TBC Goldmaking Tips

The state of the TBC economy is in a very fascinating place. There are the "haves" and the "have-nots," which means that there are players with enough gold to outright buy anything they need, while there are also players with barely enough gold to pay for respecs. Prices are high for materials like Large Prismatic Shards and Primals. This means that if you can find ways to get out into the open world and farm mobs, you'll be able to make hundreds of gold per hour. Here are some of my current favorite goldmaking strategies:

Dungeons, passive income and new friendships

Dungeons are very profitable right now. Dungeons are extremely profitable currently as you are now able to turn 10 Badges of Justice into a Primal Nether. This means you can make stable profit just by running dungeons. You also will get plenty of Blues and even Epics, which can be disenchanted for massive gold. Large Prismatic Shards on our server are 30 gold each currently, so there's huge profit.
As a personal anecdote, I find dungeons to be one of the very best healer goldmaking methods. You will gain gold passively and make new friends while bypassing the typical "healer penalty" of having low damage for open world farming.

Open world farming, your path to riches

Hyperspawns are a form of dynamic spawns that exist in TBC where mobs quickly respawn if they are being killed at all of their spawn points. Basically, if you are sitting at one spot, the mobs killed at other locations will cause respawns at your location. These farms are amazing right now especially because of the brand new Darkmoon Furies Deck card drops, which can sell for hundreds of gold. On top of the typical 200 to 250 gold per hour, you are looking at random card drops, which can boost things up by another 100 or more gold per hour. Just make sure you have Enchanting to Disenchant Blues and Greens that you generate like candy.
Legion Hold in Shadowmoon Valley - this spot has a number of Hyperspawns. You'll be getting lots of Mark of Sargeras and Fel Armaments, as well as Netherweave Cloth. This farm is my go-to lately. One person I know generated over 2000 gold in 4 hours, but I typically get around 300 gold per hour. The big downside of this farm, as well as other Hyperspawns, is that most servers have multiple layers right now. If this farm is empty, you won't be making much gold per hour, since you'll have to move around constantly. Also, the patrolling Elite is very annoying and nearly unkillable solo, plus the runback is annoying.
Throne of Kil’jaeden in Hellfire Peninsula - this is a Primal Fire hotspot with great gold per hour and extremely fast spawns. Primal fires will rain down from the skies. Can kill the mobs nearby whenever the Fel Sparks aren’t up. Requires a flying mount, which makes this spot weirdly even better. Expect lots of fights over mob tags and occasional deaths, but the runback is extremely short.
Void Ridge in Hellfire Peninsula - this is a Primal Shadow spot that I learned about from the Nice guild. You can set up a hyperspawn at Void Ridge back where you quested in the low 60s. At peak hours, you can get 4 or 5 Voids popping out every 20 to 30 seconds and you can AoE farm them on a Warrior, Warlock, Mage, etc. Motes of Shadow drop like crazy here as well as Greens and Blues for DEing.
Kirin’Var Village in Netherstorm - great for farming Primal Mana, but crowded and for whatever reason, it feels like farming here pushes people together more, which leads to plenty of stolen tags. Ultimately, this farm doesn't make much sense if you have a Flying Mount, but it's sometimes nice to farm your own materials for gear and enchants.
Coilfang Cistern in Shadowmoon Valley - this is a great spot for farming Primal Water, but personally I found these mobs to be slow to kill and nobody was farming them, so there was no hyperspawn. Not really worth it compared to other farms.


Skettis and Ogri’la dailies are still OK passive gold, on top of the daily Heroic, which I consider to be 100% necessary, since Badges can be so easily converted into gold now. The PvP daily is also a must-do quest, since you can acquire near-BIS pieces with Honor and the PvP daily gives extra honor now. Netherwing dailies are extra free gold as well, though most of them require Epic Flying. (though not an Epic Mount itself)

Gold DKPs (GDKPs)

If you want to really make huge gold, take advantage of the players that are willing to pay for gear. There are plenty of Gold DKPS (raids where people pay gold for items) on every server. Gruul's and Magtheridon GDKPs can be quick and easy gold, but if you have the gear, doing SSC/TK GDKPs will be your best source of gold per hour. Black Temple and Hyjal GDKPs will generate you thousands of gold if you are willing to delay your BIS gear for a few weeks.

Trash Farming

Mount Hyjal and Black Temple trash farming are solid options for gold and catchup gear. I've personally made over 3000 gold in about 7 hours of trash farming Mount Hyjal, but prices are starting to drop. You'll generate Hearts of Darkness, which are used in Haste and Shadow Resistance gear. Meanwhile, Black Temple trash farming generates epic gems and BIS trash drops. Unfortunately, not many groups run BT trash farming, but it's productive and worth doing.


Completing all your unfinished quests at 70 can generate several thousand gold (~4000+), which is enough for Epic Flying or full BIS enchants and gems. This is also great for Wrath of the Lich King achievement collecting, since you'll need to complete these quests anyways for WOTLK. It's also great to quest with an alt acccount or friend at the same time to make things faster, since even at 70, certain quests are difficult if you are playing a solo healer.
submitted by NOHITJEROME to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2022.02.08 22:42 NOHITJEROME Why Enchanting Is the Best TBC Profession

Enchanting is the must-have profession for almost everyone in Phase 3 of The Burning Crusade. With true best in slot enchants and excellent goldmaking potential, enchanting is the go-to Profession for right now.
Amazing Goldmaking in Dungeons
The longer TBC goes on, the less needed that Greens and Blues will be by average players. Disenchanting loot from dungeons and open world farms massively increases your gold per hour. If you’ve seen a recent uptick in “LFM, unneeded Blues/Greens reserved,” you are already familiar with how profitable dungeons can be. If you do dungeons at 70 you will be nearly guaranteed at least an item or two every run. High level blues are a great generator of Large Prismatic Shards, which are 30 gold each on Faerlina right now and prices seem to be very stable.
Combined with Badges of Justice being tradeable for Primal Nethers, you can make between 40-70 gold per dungeon run. Now, your TBC/WOTLK alts will be making you gold while you level and get reputation. Profitable dungeons are also great for the game because dungeons are social and you can find new players and forge relationships while making gold.
It’s important to note that although Greens and Blues are easier to get, the Enchants themselves will hold stable value, as people will constantly need to enchant their new Black Temple, Mount Hyjal, and Sunwell Plateau gear. It’s also worth noting that with the recent PvP changes, it’s easier to get PvP gear, which means that there will be more people needing enchants.
Best in Slot enchants
Serious PvPers know all about Ring Enchants, which are BIS for arenas. For healers, +20 Healing Power for each ring is a massive and very noticeable improvement. Spellcasters, such as Warlocks, will definitely want the +12 Spellpower per ring as well. Enchanted rings require Enchanting to use, so you are required to have Enchanting if you want true best in slot stats.
Enchants for Other Players
Enchants are always a solid source of semi-passive gold. Recipes are an investment and profit will be determined by how many enchants you do after purchasing a recipe. Enchanting tip profit generally spikes at the start of a phase, but with new gear constantly being generated, there is still plenty of gold to be made. One issue with Enchanting being the best current TBC profession is that practically everyone has the key enchants, such as Boar’s Speed and even Mongoose. One nice benefit of Enchanting is that you can Enchant fresh gear drops during Mount Hyjal and Black Temple if your guildies bring materials, which lets people use their new gear earlier. Keep in mind that the PvP Honor and Mark changes have made it significantly easier to get new PvP gear, so PvP enchants, such as +15 Resilience to Chest and Boar’s Speed are much more popular lately.
Auction House Profits
Using TradeSkillMaster to run a Disenchant Search every 30 minutes or so is a great idea. There are literally hundreds of profitable Greens and Blues on the Auction House at any given moment. High level Blues can be Disenchanted into Large Prismatic Shards and even lower level Greens turn into materials and dusts with good resale value.
Flips are wildly profitable right now because everyone is leveling Enchanting. If you look at a typical Enchanting guide and flip the most common materials, you can print gold right now. Flips like Lesser into Greater Planar Essences will always be a great choice. You can right click a Lesser or Greater Essence and switch it to Greater or Lesser. Enchanting materials do not have a list fee, so you can make bulk profit easily. Just remember the 5% Auction House fee on your sales.
Shuffles are always popular with Enchanting and there is still profit to be made. Combining Tailoring with Enchanting can generate excellent gold per hour, though the process is generally labor intensive. A good example would be crafting Runecloth Belts to Disenchant them for profit. Here is a useful sheet with some ideas by A Diary of a Guild Leader.
Enchanting is quickly becoming my favorite profession in TBC. It rewards players for actually playing the game, from running dungeons, open world farming, to using the Auction House, and helping out players with Enchants.
Are you Enchanting in TBC on your characters?
submitted by NOHITJEROME to classicwowtbc [link] [comments]

2021.11.19 17:44 Manthieus Early Stage Patch 9.2 Profession & Econony Changes

Breaking down all the datamined info for patch 9.2 exposes a few interesting changes.

New Materials
New Materials always bring a fresh feel to professions and goldmaking in general. New things to farm, unknow values and market prices and strong goldmaking oppertunities.
Cloth : Silken Protofiber
Leather: Protogenic Pelt
Ore: Progeinium Ore
Herb: First Flower
Meat: Protoflesh
Fish: Precursor Placoderm

New Crafters Mark's
Both Patch 9.0 and 9.1 had craftable upgrade gear for alts. Patch 9.2 is no different.
-- Crafters Mark IV - ilvl 237
-- Crafters Mark of the First Ones - ilvl 263 unique equip

Legendary Base Items
-- Rank 7. At first looks appears to be a similar system to rank 5/6. You learn how to make an optional reagent (Vestige of the Eternal) and use it to increase the base rank by +3.
A new Legendary Reagent, Progenitor Essentia, is needed to craft the Vestige of the Eternal. Consider this Korthite Crystal 2.0
No crafted Rank 8. Only 1 rank this time but item level for rank 7 is currently unknown.

New Optional Reagents
Each profession will now be making optional reagents for use when crafting gear.
Enchanting - Cosmic Protoweave - Taking damage has a chance to trigger the infused Cosmic energy, healing you for X
Engineering - Pure-Air Sail Extensions - Increase movement speed by 10% in Shadowlands zones.
Jewelcrafting - Devourer Essence Stone - Slaying Enemies increases your secondary stat by X, stacking up to 10.

Possible New Profession - Protoform Synthesis
This could either result in a new secondary profession or act like the Mechagon Crafting.
This is focused on crafting Pets and Mounts, and could be a MASSIVE gold maker.
Collect Schematics, collect reagents, craft pets and mounts. Early stages on this.

This is the overall of what we have uncovered so far. This was all streamed live on my Twitch channel. updates will be posted on
submitted by Manthieus to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2021.09.06 01:33 N3opop A small guide to all of you still farming rep with archivist codex, that might not have figured out the little tricks to spend as little time as possible for as much research as possible

I don't completely clear every single rare and chest, but I get around an average of 7-800 rep per day and it takes me about 30min.
Here are a few tips and how I go about my research farming.
  1. Only pick up research quests and mog quests(if that's something you're interested in). Usually 1-2 per day. The anima, gear and deaths advance rep quests are not worth it. You'll get plenty of deaths advance rep and anima from other sources.
  2. Use handynotes and silverdragon addons. Absolutely incredible how much they help with korthia rares and chests once you figure out how they work.
  3. Do a big lap either starting on the west side or east side, doesn't matter. Do the quests, daily chests and rares along the way.
  4. Silverdragon addon will announce if a portal is opened or a rare is spawning somwhere. Use the toy shardhide whistle to get there before it dies(it's a toy you've probably got if you've been in korthia for a while, most people have, but don't realise they do, if you don't have it, do a quick wowhead search, am pretty sure it's a 100% drop you get from picking up a moth, controlling a shardhide and knocking it down from a tree in the area where the shardhides are). Gives you 420% movement speed for 20sec, 5min cd.
  5. Always carry goblin gliders, they'll get you between certain places so much faster. I probably use 4-5 per day.
  6. Get the mount equipment that makes you immune to daze and dismount.
  7. If you haven't already, buy the upgrade from deaths advance that makes you able to see anima vessels. There are 3 weekly vessels inside the rift in the maw and usually a couple, 2-3 vessels, at every new assault in the maw(outside of rift) pick these up while you're doing the assault anyway.
  8. Picking up everything in the rift takes about 5min(10-15min if you also get the rare and weekly vessels in the maw). I always start my rift out on the "island" where a possible spawn of a chest is. The rare yorik that you can kill daily in the rift is also there. Apply to groups in lfg, or start your own. Usually always groups up and you run in hit it once and instantly get the kill. After that check chest spawn location on island, goblin glide across to where spectral chest is. Run north towards korthia hub, pick up the 2 chests in the east and north. Then go pick up the 3d chest where the wilderling rare is(I usually use the shardhide whistle somwhere between 2nd and 3d chest) . Goblin glide from here to the chest that spawns where zelnithop is(or whatever his name is) and take the last chest. All of this shouldn't take more than about 5min. Just make sure you run around the tangling mobs, they are the only things that might slow you down by rooting you. Bonus is if you are an engineer you can quickly go pick up the weekly vessels in the maw too, using wormhole to the maw (as it wont kick you out of the rift) which will net you about a total of 10min in the rift.
  9. Figure out which rares you will actually have the time to run to before they die, such as stygian destroyer, wild world cracker, wilderling and fleshingten. You can pretty much run across the entire map and still be there in time for the kill. (usually not worth it though if they are far away as they spawn very often, better kill them when they spawn close). While the two rares in the portals usually are dead within 20sec after its anounced the portal is open, but they don't spawn very often and usually give a lot of rep. So if you're close, hop on your shardhide whistle and get there quickly.
  10. Some treasures can only be found when a gormit is around. Always have your gormit out(bought from deaths advance vendor if Im not mistaken). I usually mark him and set him as focus target. That way I can see on the minimap where he's running off to if he finds something.
Anything more than this, spending more than 30min in korthia will mostly be idle afk time waiting for rares to spawn, which will barely net you 1-200 extra rep.
If someone else have any good tips and tricks please share them as well! There might still be things I haven't figured out yet.
Happy farming!
Edit* formatting
EDIT* A few more tips. Courtesy of u/arasitar
I can add more:
1) The most important principle in Korthia is tag, run, tag. This lets you tag 3 rares and get their loot, get 2 treasures and a quest tick in less than 5 minutes. Essential for efficient use of your time.
If you tag a rare with a combat ability, and then run out 40+ yards, you'll drop combat (but still keep your loot - it will show up later in your mail) which lets you mount up and go to another spot. No need to kill the rare, everyone else will do it for you.
Just don't force combat drop with something like an Invisibility - since you'll remove your tag. Otherwise jumping out or blinking out (even Hearthstoning out) keeps your tag.
2) Gunshoes - Legion consumable made by Engies (can be used by non-Engies) - 3 minute CD, 25s 200% extra move speed, works in Korthia (not the Maw), only used outside, cannot be used in combat but using it and then getting in combat won't break it - great complement to Silver Shardhide Whistle
Korthia is about being able to juggle different movespeed cooldowns to get to places fast. Anticipate when and where rares can spawn and use cooldowns accordingly like in a raid fight if you are a healer or DPS.
3) Learn the rares, their HP and how they spawn.
General rares have 15 minute timers, Rift rares that come out are on a rotation and in a 12-20 minute timer, TP in a rotation and 30-60 minute. When a rare dies, start a timer and when the timer is on the threshold, get close to the area. You don't need to camp it and waste time - no rare ever dies in less than 10s, if you keep in 15s range and do something like treasures or chests in the meantime, you'll be efficient.
Some rares die really fast and others die slow. Verayn is easily soloable and he goes down quick. So does Consumption. TPs die quick because 50 people have been waiting for 10+ minutes and want to get it over with quickly. Others take a bit more time. You'll figure out by experience and how long you have by the number of people, how long something has been up, HP values etc.
You can also direct your movement depending on overlaps. E.g. if I know Silent Soulstalker Rift rare is due in 5 minutes then I'll make my way close to Vault of Secrets / South Island, grab a Nest treasure, a purple mob or two, then grapple over around 3 minutes, get the Nest treasure on the island with the Mawsworm cachce, check on the Venthyr rare Gatecrasher, and be around Silent Soulstalker's spawn point. Rather than going to Vault of Secrets early and doing my treasures then, and coming back and not being able to do anything but camp.
4) Do have a instant combat ability (even a purge or kick) at an easy keybind to insta tag a mob from afar. A projectile attack takes a few seconds to register and you can miss a rare that way.
5) Hearthstone and Engie Wormhole are really good for insta teleporting back to home base. Set your Hearthstone to Keeper's Respite and use it liberally to get back.
Engies have an additional teleport with a Wormhole: Shadowlands - very useful. Keep your crafters and goldmakers on alts, while your main grabs Engie for its conveniences.
6) Malbog can be spawned without a bear tracker. Using HandyNotes or other addons you can see the path, follow it directly and for that 'session' (unless you zone out or log out) the meat will appear when the 15 minute general rare timer is up.
7) Wowhead is your friend. They usually have great info in the comments on each specific rare, especially tricks like the Malbog one. Search this and other forums for more info.
If I'm about to start my Korthia rotation, I run the path blind, get it 'unlocked' and even if the meat isn't up, I'll come back from time to time and activate it when the meat is up. Otherwise you can be waiting 30-60 minutes for a bear tracker.
submitted by N3opop to wow [link] [comments]

2021.04.30 07:45 DirtyIrby PTR Updated to Build 38314 - Here Are Some New Recipes/Updates

In case you have not heard, today a new build was pushed to the PTR. Below are some notes on what I found in relation to goldmaking:
Crafter's Mark of the Chained Isle (
Previously called Prestigious Crafters Mark, this has been updated to increase the ilevel to 230. It is still received from the same quest I reported last week. It does not appear that this is obtainable in the PTR yet. Crafters Mark III now gives 200 ilevel.
Optional Legendary Crafting Reagent Slot Unavailable (
Last week I reported that there was a possible placeholder for an optional legendary crafting reagent. This week, the slot is no longer available, meaning I could not open the UI where I spotted the placeholder last week. After completing the new 9.1 campaign quests tonight, I still did not gain access to any of these legendary reagents.
Korthium Is Obtainable from a Daily (
This was already datamined, but this is the first time I've seen it appear as a quest reward from a daily, and I was happy to see my first one in my bags ( Unsure if it will be obtainable from other methods in the future. If it is only dailies, I would speculate that this commodity will be extremely expensive due to scarcity.
Korthium is Tradeable on the Auction House (
Makes sense due to not being soulbound, but just had to see it with my own eyes to believe. This material will be key for making the highest rank of base legendaries - being able to trade it will have a big impact on the economy.
New Crafting Recipes
As far as I can tell, these are new to this build:
Enchanting- Anima-ted Leash (
Tailoring - Shrouded Hand Towel (
If you would like to see a video of my playthrough of the PTR tonight, you can check out this VOD:
submitted by DirtyIrby to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2021.04.22 05:04 DirtyIrby PTR Updated to Build 38394 - Only Minor Updates for Goldmaking

This afternoon Blizzard updated the PTR to build 38394. This brought additional quests and some tweaks. As far as I could tell, there were no major updates for 9.1 goldmaking. Below are some of the minor details I noticed while testing this evening.
Progenian Fragments - renamed Korthium (WIP). This item is required to make the new legendary optional crafting reagent that allows us to access the new highest rank of legendaries. However, it was still nowhere to be found. In this week's questline, we enter the Vault of Secrets. The tooltip for Korthium says that it is used in upgrading the Vault of Secrets, so hopefully we are getting close.
Prestigious Crafters Mark (upgrades item to ilvl 200). There is a quest available that rewards this recipe. The quest requires you to collect 250 items from around Korthia. However, I could not find the items or get any to drop. I'm guessing it is not yet functional, but at least we know how we will get the recipe.
Runecarving. Without giving any storyline spoilers, it seems obvious that legendaries will still be made at the Runecarver, another sign that there is no significant revamp to the legendary crafting system (aside from the new legendary optional crafting reagent). The only thing that seems to be different is...
Mega Soul Ash - renamed Soul Cinders. Wowhead datamined that this will come from the most dangerous layers of Torghast. I'm guessing this will be soul ash specific to upgrading to the 9.1 ilevel legendaries.
An additional Legendary Optional Crafting Reagent? There seems to be a placeholder in the menu for optional crafting reagents for another item besides Vestige of Origins. Perhaps this would match what wowhead datamined about 2 additional ranks....maybe there is an optional crafting reagent for each rank? We will see what becomes of this placeholder.
Flying. Flying was a quest reward for getting to the end of a major event in the storyline. It seems it will be timegated by just a week when 9.1 drops, so barring no changes, we will know when to expect flying to start affecting the economy.
If you'd like to see a playthrough of this week's PTR quests while I talk some goldmaking and all the new details above, you can check out my playthrough from this evening:
submitted by DirtyIrby to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2021.02.06 16:50 razzah88 Made my first milly.

Hey! First passed the 1m mark about 10 mins ago, after starting in December with nothing but a maxxed profession and a dream!
This sub helped loads, however I think I will be retiring from goldmaking for now.
Thanks for all the help and support, this sub is awesome!
submitted by razzah88 to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2021.01.12 12:17 HMHuntah Hit my first goal this ID, try to achieve my next
Hello everyone,
i want to share kind of another success story.
Small background: I started playing the game again in BFA, hadn't in mind dipping into goldmaking though. Maximum back then were around 400k from some BoE drops in raids. Before starting SL, I set myself the goal to make some gold, back then 1-2 million, which seemed a huge amount to me before starting, because my initial starting capital were around 140k.
Well, after leveling 2 chars to level 60, i started to casually upgrade a few professions including leatherworking, skinning, herbalsim and inscription. Last one, I had in mind, because someone back in BFA told me that the darkmoon trinkets will always be a huge seller in the beginning. At first place, I just did the regular skinning farms until I had around 500k, which were a big achievement although it wasn't actually quite difficult due to how easy it was to make gold with it.
Started to invest in the first darkmoon decks after that and could make a bit of profit out of it, but the huge amount of competition and notorious cancelscan wars were very annoying.
Though, pretty soon afterwards a find myself already hit the 1 million mark and the gold went further up. With the first week of legendarys, I tried the missive market and well, for weeks it was just amazing how easy it was to print gold with it. At this time i also did my first "golbin move", if someone would call it like this. All missives went up from 2000k initial price to 4.5k-5k apart from the crit ones which were still at 2k each. So I decided to flipp them and sold all of them on wednesday for a huge profit. Was very nervous, because I didnt do anything like that before, but worked out pretty well.
In the next few days and weeks, I started flipping BoEs for some profit before a decided to dive into the legedary market. I read many posts about that the train is gone and the party here is over, but the prices on my realmpool seemed pretty decent for me. So I initially started to go for one, then two, up to now five cloth leggos Rank4, the necklace rank4 and in this week I levelled three plate-leggos rank4. Especially the cloth ones so far are a huge success whith around 2 million real profit, which I usually reinvested instantly in other legendarys. Thats the plateau at the 4 million mark there. with these I could achieve a real milestone with the 5 million liquid gold, which made me want more, in particular being able to buy the Bruto in the BMAH, as soon as it shows up.

Sorry about the long post, wanted to share the small success story of mine, I know ofc that these numbers are a joke in comparison to other goblins in here.
submitted by HMHuntah to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2020.12.12 18:06 ModestMillions Complete Shadowlands Tailoring Gold Guide + Grim Veiled Rank Spreadsheet!!

Hey everyone !!! So just put together my complete (so far) gold guide for tailoring in shadowlands!! I focus on the the items that will have good sale rates and good profits. And I also put together a spread sheet!! It has all the Grim-Veiled tailoring item all you need to do is save a copy of the spreadsheet and then edit it to your servers prices for materials and what the different ranks are selling for! Once you update that I will show you which ranks are a loss and which are profit and how much!! Hopefully this helps everyone out!!
Grim-Veiled Spreadsheet:
So let’s talks out the best items selling currently what you should be working on and what you can expect for leveling your legendaries ranks.
  1. So of course BAGS!! With shrouded cloth prices tanking these are a consistent seller . Most profit is in the 30 slot bags currently because of the shrouded cloth prices. With enchanted silk price jump due to legendaries being in high demand most servers are a loss on the 32 slot lightless pouch. Just check your server and watch when the hype dies down and start making and posting the 32 slot bags once it’s ok for your server.
  2. 151 Base Shadowlace gear!! This is a great quick seller . These sell super super fast right now because everyone is trying to fill gaps in gear and gear Alts. Profits are slim but sales are fast so just check your prices.
  3. 168 gear with rank 2 crafters mark!! Ok so if you take anything away from this pay attention here!! GRIND YOUR VENARI MAW REP DAILY!! If your some of the first on your server to hit cordial then you will have the ability to make the base 151 gear into 168 gear!! On my server these items are selling for 9-20k or more each and climbing since mythic release!
  4. Pink party hat!! This is a small flip item but with the investment it’s great pocket change. Currently I’m selling 2-3 a day easy crafts cost around 30g to make and sell consistently for 80-150g. Check out the video I have the farming location in there to get the pink party hat pattern. Burning extracts and Animated plagues in maldraxxus are the best!! Got my pattern in around 6 min farming.
  5. And finally Grim Veiled items!! So use the spreadsheet above!! All you need to do is make a copy for yourself. And edit the cost of materials to your server . Then put your servers sale price of each rank. It will calculate your servers profit per craft for each rank. But keep in mind on almost ALL SERVERS TAKE A LOSS ON LEVELING RANK 1!!! It’s your initial investment. After that most start seeing steep profits !! Rank 4 crafts are selling ridiculously fast right now!!
Hopefully this helps everyone out!! Enjoy the video and the spreadsheet!! And Happy Goldmaking!!
submitted by ModestMillions to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2020.11.14 21:38 Lazy-goldmaker The Lazy Goldmaker's Shadowlands Profession spreadsheet

Hey guys,
Many people may have wondered if I would be making new profession spreadsheets for SL and of course I have. The 0.9 version is now ready and available for both Google Sheets and Excel.
Excel: Google:
You can always find updated links on my website as well:
Current functionality:
I have implemented all the recipes for tradeable items based on their current beta implementation. The spreadsheet contains the crafting cost for all 4 ranks of legendary items, you can swap by simply writing a different number in the rank column for the relevant recipe.
Pricing data is sourced from the TSM API as usual so you only have to enter your realm and API key and click a button and then you are good to go. For the google sheet you will have to give the script the necessary permissions on your first run.
Missing functionality:
I currently do not have a method for finding the correct profitability of higher rank base legendary items and gear crafted using crafter's marks. It depends on how these items are actually distinguished in the TSM API, hopefully I'll be able to get that done during launch week, before it starts mattering a bit later down the line.
Enjoy the sheet, and good luck with Shadowlands goldmaking!
submitted by Lazy-goldmaker to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2020.09.19 15:00 Randompunkt [SHL] Hockeylördag - Season opener in virus times

Welcome back to my weekly SHL thread that I've been running more or less every Saturday for 4? years.
We'll start off with a short preview of all the teams since it's the season opener and then we'll list the games. Later in the season top scorers and standings will be added but there's no reason for that yet.
Brynäs: Had a rough season last year and missed the playoffs. Switched coach to a harder style coach. Peter Andersson, formerly of Malmö. Lets see if it pays off. The roster itself is also mighty upgraded with players coming home to Sweden (K. Berglund, Bertilsson, Nyberg) and upgrades from other teams (Patrik Berglund, Victor Andrén). Still expecting them around 10th. But depending on how quickly they adapt to the new system they can finish literally anywhere in the standings.
Djurgården: Injuries and not wanting to spend on players because of COVID (risk of running out of money), Djurgården has lost a lot of players and barely signed any. They are also combatting a lot of injuries as mentioned, so expect us to see lots of youngsters and juniors in the line-up. It's not necessarily going to go bad, but it's risky putting all the eggs in the junior basket. I expect them to have a hard time this season. But who knows, maybe Holtz will go off and score 70 points or something. For now look for them in the lower regions of the standings.
Frölunda: The favourite who fell out of the top 6 last year, still won the CHL and have strengthened their team with a lot of interesting players like NHL-prospects Norlinder and Sellgren and a returning star forward in Jan Mursak. Ryan Lasch is gone which is the big question mark. But expect Frölunda to fight for the gold this year, they have a title to defend after all, with last years season not finishing like normal and no champion crowned.
Färjestad: Was strong last year, they are even better this year, on paper. See them as the clear favourite going in with star D Jesse Virtanen returning and a lot of young guns signing while the managed to retain the players the wanted, even in these times. If they perform as expected look for them glued to the top of the standings.
HV71: The most improved team, from an already very solid position. They got some great players coming in like Wedin, Forsberg and Kokkonen. They managed to retain what they wanted and secure a loan for Lias Andersson. HV should challenge for the gold this year, anything else would be seen as a failure. PS. they've got some great prospects to keep an eye on, Nybeck and Andrae seem to get a full season this year.
Leksand: Saved by the bell (COVID) with relegation playoffs cancelled. Leave nothing to chance this year and have spent more money than anyone else trying to make sure the chance they got to stay isn't wasted. Got a great first line with Cehlárik, Hrivík and Camper. The rest of the team still need some work. Should be able to avoid relegation play, but it won't be easy. Look for them next to Djurgården and Brynäs and in the bottom 5.
Linköping: After a few rough years it seems to be a turning point for Linköping. Robertsson's system seem to have started to produce results at the end of last season and this year they've strengthened the roster so much that they should be able to challenge for playoffs. If they don't, then the future is grim since they've been stuck in purgatory for a while now and money is starting to become a problem.
Luleå: Was easily the best last year and look equally strong this year if not for one thing, they lost Lassinantti to the KHL. With their starting goalie gone they'll have to trust veteran Rautio who back-upped last year and superstar prospect Jesper Wallstedt to provide the same security. Should contend for the win this year and join Färjestad and HV with the glue at the top.
Malmö: No money, lost their headcoach, will lose their best player come NHL-start. Yeah this is looking grim from the outside. Improved their D with Lauridsen brothers and still have top 3 goalie in the league in Alsenfelt so it's not all doom. But I expect them to be battling to avoid relegation, with a thin roster lacking star power, while also having to adapt to a new system.
Oskarshamn: Was worst last year (as expected), will probably be worst this year. Retained their spot in the league thanks to relegation playoffs being cancelled. But they do look interesting even if they on paper aren't strong enough to challenge anyone else. New young coach, lots of misfits and prospects from all over Europe. Cheap and expected to be relegated but still exciting.
Rögle: Last years surprise team, seems to have retained a solid foundation but they did lose their 2 best players in Curran and Brithén. Signed Canadian junior Raphaël Lavoie which seemed exciting, but they seem to have voided his contract today (with a clause). Interesting team, solid foundation but some question marks and now this breaking a contract on the day of the opener. Should be solid, have decent goaltending and strong forwards. But there's question marks on how they've replaced their lost stars. Should make the playoffs anyway though.
Skellefteå: Always good as long as their veteran duo of Möller and Lindström produce. Nothing says they won't continue that this year. Added the record breaking top scorer from the Allsvenskan and retained most of their team while having a great academy full of prospects that can challenge for spots. Should be equal or better than last year. Only weird thing is having three shared head coaches instead of one with the main responsibilities. We'll see how that works out for them.
Växjö: Coming off their worst season since promotion to SHL has meant seeing fan favourites like Shinnimin leave to make space for new players. Goldmakers from 2018 Joel Persson and Robert Rosén are back, they've got a whole Finndefense signed and spiced the team up with American junior star Jack Drury coming over. Should finish top 6 or it's a failure for them. But with all the question marks it's hard to expect more than a top 10 finish. Can land literally anywhere in the standings and that's a sentiment shared by mostly everyone.
Örebro: Finally looking like a challenger for top positions, they've built their strongest roster ever after coming off a solid season. Borna Rendulic and Nick Ebert are joining and so is Jhonas Enroth. Should finish in the playoff spots comfortably after finally turning it around last year after a few mediocre years.
A lot of games got postponed because of a decision by the government to raise the minimum attendance allowed so while waiting for conformation on that teams decided to re-schedule in hope of getting more income from the games. Hence why half the teams aren't playing.
Today's games:
Game Score Time*
Leksand - Skellefteå 4-5 (OT) 15:15
Frölunda - HV71 3-0 15:15
Luleå - Färjestad 4-2 18:00
Rögle - Linköping 6-4 18:00
*Time listed in CET
I'll try to keep this consistent for every week, but there's always one or two misses per season because of other commitments. For now tune into a new and exciting SHL season with all the unpredictability that comes with it.
submitted by Randompunkt to hockey [link] [comments]

2020.06.09 01:09 RaziarEdge Goblin Haters (via Wowhead comment)

The entirety of this came from a single reply comment from wowheadin regards to the weekly economy recap post there, and was written by GOBLIN. I am surprised by this attitude by non-goblin players. Do you think that most non-goblins feel the same as OC?:
OC said: The more i read and learn about it, the more i get disgusted by the people who do it.
GOBLIN said: Hi, let me answer you to your comments. I made over 2 Brutos over the expansion length and seeing what other goblins are doing, I would say that I am under the average in goldmaking.
OC said: Artificially pushing the prices up just so they get off from it and can buy a mount. Meanwhile whole Guilds struggle to have everyone supplied with Flask/Pot/Food. Ruining the playing experience of hundreds of players for the enjoyment of a small few.
GOBLIN said: "Artificially pushing up the prices" there is only price floor marked by the vendor price. There isnt any upper price bound, the price is decided for what the people are willing to buy and sell. The flipping situation comes when crafters and other people supplying are willing to sell under the craft price or there has been an huge influx of items due to weekend, or they want to sell quickly and post the items with a very low value. People who are vigilant to the market flows can leverage this via flipping or shuffling.
On the other hand, you mentioned Flask/Pot/Food. Let me say that the Alchemy situation is because Blizzard decided in 8.2 that every Pot and Flask will require Zin'Anthid which is only found in Nazjatar, even going into 8.3. Zin'Anthid is the most demanded good in the game right now with very high volume and the main income of Multiboxers.
However there has been a downgoing trend for the prices of Potions (and many other items), as the people wrap up their progress raiding and prepare the alters for Shadowlands. Just check Theunderminejournal for Alchemy items. I sincerely cannot believe that your guild is struggling right now in this deflated market. You can even be smart with your Flasks and wait for Silas proc in order to craft Flasks/Cauldrons for the raid. A single 20x Cauldron proc can provide flasks for more than 2 weeks. Also, there is a similar situation for Foods where Feasts are available for the whole raid and can be translated into a Guild effort, even so, Crit food is very cheap if you desperately need a secondary stat boost.
Unless you are raid logging, then, you can expect your expenses to make a dent into your gold since you arent producing any.
OC said: Yes now at the end of a xpac this sounds off, but with Shadowlands around the corner you think these kind of players will not do it at the start of the expansion? Of course they will and they will do it hard, because thats the best phase to bled out the players of the gold they have gathered by the side while doing wqs and dailys at the end of BfA.
GOBLIN said: These persons extensively search and study the Professions during the Alpha/Beta period and try to anticipate what the market will look like at launch. At least, I do and I find it very gratifying. Darkmoon cards printed money at the start of BfA and probably will do so in Shadowlands. For people "like us" who like make gold, new patches and expansions launches are exciting like for other players are. I am even planning my alts and my professions already and will level them during the prepatch to have a net of professions so I can cover many markets at the same time.
OC said: It's so easy to get Gold with doing some old Raids and Dungeons. But as usual the Human being is greedy and egoistical.
"Who cares that others have a bad playing experience when i push the price of herbs and usables up? I wanna make Gold."
GOBLIN said: It was easier to make gold passively in WoD and Legion and here we are, with multimillion mounts and the passive flows of gold fading away.
I would like to know who these players complaining about raid costs are. There was a big uproar at the start of BfA due to the Anchor Weed scarcity but it has been patched over. As I previously covered, if you are smart you can greatly reduce the consumables cost. Silas proc is a 170% multiplier to flasks/pots crafting, your guild can organize to craft cauldrons and there are very cheap alternatives to feasts if you dont want to farm them.
OC said: People who do this are one of the Reasons why the Boost Spam has taken such a Spike and the Chat is basically flooded with it.
GOBLIN said: Crisis drives innovation. If there is a need to make gold quickly (getting the Bruto before Shadowlands) and less ways to generate this gold passively, people will get more creative, desperate and aggressive to gain it. Mass undercutting, selling boosts, etc... are just symptoms of the economy gold design.
Blame Blizzard, not the goblins.
(EDIT: stripped out names to protect the innocent)
submitted by RaziarEdge to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2020.05.24 20:35 DrizzlingRose I made a Goldmaking guide on how i make gold with alts and Garrisons - Drizzling Rose

Heya everyone!
My name is Sarah Softpaw, better known as Drizzling Rose in the gold making community, and by popular request I have made this guide to show how I make gold in WoW.
here is the link:
SamadanPlaysWoW also takes a look at it in this weeks WowHead weekly Goldmaking :
I don't use reddit, so if you have questions for me then please send them over on twitter @ DrizzlingRose
submitted by DrizzlingRose to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2020.05.20 13:49 ModestMillions Essential Gold Making Addons

Hey everyone so I have had alot of people ask me about gold making specific addons that I like and use so here is my beginners guide to gold making addons. These are addons that will make your life as a gold maker sooo much easier! Alot of these are well known in the community but maybe some are overlooked. Enjoy!
Video Guide :

Essential Gold Making Addons:
  1. Tradeskillmaster (TSM)- TSM can do more than most gold makers will ever use it for
  2. The Undermine Journal- The undermine journal is a great reference for pricing
  3. All the things- All the things is amazing for goblins for seeing areas to farm certain things as well as which transmog items have only 1 unique appearance.
  4. Auto Loot Plus- Auto loot plus streamlines your loot bags and reduces lag while farming
  5. Buy Em All- Essential for buying from vendor. Allows you to buy stacks over 200 with 1 click
  6. Dejunk- Instantly sells items in bags that are selected without clicking
  7. Macro Tool Kit- Best addon for anyone making macros for farming
  8. Worth IT- Amazing addon from Dala . I use this alot when switching servers to instantly check farm viability
Gathering Specific Addons:
  1. GatherMate 2- if you have herb/ore and dont have this please stop and get it now! It marks nodes on your mini map and allows you to collect route information
  2. Routes- Old school but great when paired with GM2 and farmhud. Puts routes on your minimap that you can customize
  3. Farmhud- puts a headup display in the center of your screen
Farming Specific Addons:
  1. Loot Appraiser- this addon truly gets alot of hate but if you get tsm and set the pricing correctly for the farm your doing this is great to check the GPH or potential GPH of any farm your testing
  2. Handy Notes- Puts markers and locations from alot of different items, chests, dungeons, raids etc
  3. Kill tracker- This is a must if your testing farming locations yourself. So you can see how many mobs per hour your killing and try to improve. More mobs mo GOLD!!
Trade Addons:
  1. WIM- This is great for trade chat selling. Like i said in my last video I trade chat sell bags alot atm to double dip and sell my stockpiles faster. This gives every whisper you get its own little messenger window so you wont miss any.
  2. Bagon- And this is simply a bag addon that just opens all your bags in one screen and makes it all pretty.

Alot of these addons are well known in the gold making community but I have also seen alot of people not have some of these.
Hope you all enjoy, if you don't have some of these addons then get them!! They make your gold making routines very easy. Happy Goldmaking !!
submitted by ModestMillions to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2020.03.02 23:31 gaucerdaniel Need helpful tips for getting out of 100k

Hi i've been at the goldmaking more a few weeks now but have trouble breaking the 100k mark. I have made that much before but I normally put that money straight into something else for flipping on the AH. so obviously i'm doing something wrong. some things i do are check the Underminejournal for deals and buy them if they have a substantial profit and there is only 1 or 2 of them. I sold a xmog i got for 90g for 10000g. that was the most luck ive had so far. I also farm some on my skinner to get some raw mats for selling and bracer shuffling. I have most professions mastered but its hard to make gold on them as the mats are more expensive or they just dont sell. I have tools of the trade. Im just lost honestly. I do the WQ and farm prismatic pearls for benthic gear for DE. I just dont enjoy farming raids for raw gold. but depends if there is a goal. If a farm has a good drop i dont mind farming. Any help would be appreciated or let me know what i am doing wrong because whether or not i get the mount i do enjoy making gold and being a goblin.
submitted by gaucerdaniel to woweconomy [link] [comments]

2019.12.10 11:37 Grimdruid Am I on the right track?

Hi, I was wondering if someone could check over my daily routine/gold making strats and let me know if I'm on track for making the 4 mill I need for the brutosaur.
Starting Gold: Just over a million, made early in the year by farming herbs.
Server: High pop oceanic with slight alliance bias. Server favours raiding items and mats and doesn't seem to care about collectors items (mounts, pets, transmog) as much and those items can take a very long time to sell. I am on Horde.
The market has stagnated due to raiders taking a break and as such I have not been selling items but instead hoarding them to sell when the new patch drops
My goldmaking characters: Herb/Miner Druid TailoEnchanter Priest SkinneLWer Hunter Blacksmith Pally
I am not doing alchemy as raw herbs are almost always more profitiable
My daily schedule: Do all world quests that reward gear items on my priest and disenchant (except trinkets which I scrap for guaranteed obliterate. Do emissary to get rep to unlock rank 3 Enchanting recipes Do Nazjatar Wqs on priest for Unshackled rep to get rank 3 enchanting. Disenchant Benthics. Farm 200 Zin'athid and 50 anchorweed on druid, send to auction house character to store. Picking up ore I find along the way.
Other things I am doing (just not every day): Tailoring shuffle – 2x4 farming to get lots of cloth, making bracers and DEing the blues. Scrapping the greens for obliterum. Running AV on alts (I have well over 50) to get marks of honor so I can buy the 400 ilvl gear recipes in 8.3. My Tailor, Lwer and Blacksmith all have large amounts of cloth, skins and ore ready to make the new items as well as obliterum Fishing in Naz'jatar (although I hate this and can only do it in small increments)
Plan: When 8.3 comes out, sell herbs, enchants as well at 400 ilvl crafted gear to make a profit.
Your thoughts/comments/suggestions will be much appreciated.
submitted by Grimdruid to woweconomy [link] [comments]